#what would I even do without her 😔💕
the-oblivious-writer · 6 months
Comfort Crowd
Core Four x Fem!Reader | Sam Carpenter x Fem!Reader
One-Shot: Social Media Au, No GF Au
Summary: Just you, the core four, and a few other scream characters being chaotic
Warning(s): Swearing, "kys" being thrown around (once & jokingly ofc), no gf au, best friend's older sister & age gap (sam is 25/26 & r is 19)
Notes: First time doing a social media au thing for a fic soo if you have any feedback lemme know. Hope you enjoy, this was honestly fun to make
3/7 for Seven Days Of Christmas
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liked by chadtheman_meeks, ambers_notafreeman, and 8,563 others
mindythegreat: can’t take these bitches anywhere @y/n @justalilguy
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chadtheman_meeks: I just know your asses are freezing 💀
>justalilguy: SHE THREW ME ASS FIRST
>justalilguy: LIESS
>justalilguy: GASLIGHTER
chadtheman_meeks: now they're at it in the replies 😭
>ambers_notafreeman: LMAO
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liked by justalilguy, chadtheman_meeks, and 4,127 others
y/n: we studying tf outa this exam 😤
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chadtheman_meeks: you spent the first 20 mins deciding on what playlist to use and then another 10 flirting with the librarian
>y/n: and you spent the first half hour giggling with liv on face time 🤨
mindythegreat: chad knows how to read??
>chadtheman_meeks: fuck you.
justalilguy: I see you've started without me 😒
samcarpenter1997: @justalilguy This is the study session you slept through?
>justalilguy: sam?? since when did you have insta?
>samcarpenter1997: Mindy helped me set up an account
y/n: @justalilguy why have you never told me that your older sister is so breath taking? that's breaking girl code 😔
>justalilguy: no. just no. stay away from her.
>y/n: I was just making an observation? btw can I come over?
>justalilguy: NO.
>y/n: so in 30 mins work? great! tell sammy I won't be long
>justalilguy: YOU DID NOT JUST-
chadtheman_meeks: @justalilguy it's a canon event.
>not_ethanlandry: she hit on my sister too
>justwes: and mine
>livvy: mine too
>ambers_notafreeman: same.
>justalilguy: @y/n you have a fucking problem
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liked by ambers_notafreeman, mindythegreat, and 8,752 others
y/n: bro's too stubborn to admit she needs help reaching the top shelf
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ambers_notafreeman: lmao she's so short not even tip-toeing would help her reach
>mindythegreat: rip amber
>livvy: was nice knowing you ames
>justalilguy: oh? well if I'm so short then ig I can't kiss you
>ambers_notafreeman: I didn't mean it in a bad way bby 😢
>justalilguy: there's a good way? please. enlighten me.
ambers_notafreeman: @y/n wat do I do.
>y/n: hm? oh, sry, I was too busy laughing at your ass being in the doghouse for the 3rd time this week 💀
>ambers_notafreeman: kys.
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liked by y/n, mindythegreat, and 6,732 others
samcarpenter1997: (sam? putting a caption? funny.)
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y/n: KSHFSKH I mean- Gorgeous as always 💕
>samcarpenter1997: Thank you! 🙂
>justalilguy: GTFO OF HER COMMENTS as for you @samcarpenter1997 wtf was that???
>samcarpenter1997: Your friend gave me a compliment. I literally just said thank you.
>justalilguy: since when do you actually reply to comments?? second of all, THE EXCLAMATION MARK AND EMOJI??? Sam. for you, that's basically jamming your tongue down her throat
>samcarpenter1997: I was just being polite, you're really overthinking this
>y/n: yeah, @justalilguy just listen to the drop dead gorgeous woman
>samcarpenter1997: @y/n Talking about yourself?
>y/n: oh!! 🤭
>justalilguy: I've died and this is hell.
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liked by samcarpenter1997, justwes, and 9,892 others
y/n: me and my fav drummer boy @juswes are back at it again
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justwes: anything for my favorite guitarist 😊
>y/n: ❤️
chadtheman_meeks: I better be the first to hear it!
>y/n: was there any doubt??
samcarpenter1997: That guitar looks good on you
>y/n: bet you'd suit me better
>samcarpenter1997: We could test that theory
>y/n: oh, how I'd love to
>justalilguy: what. the. actual. fuck.
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liked by ambers_notafreeman, chadtheman_meeks, and 8,968 others
mindythegreat: LMAOO guess what she just walked in on
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chadtheman_meeks: I KNEW IT I KNEW IT
ambers_notafreeman: @justalilguy I just got your text, I'm so sorry babe 😭
not_ethanlandry: I don't get it?
>justwest: same
>chadtheman_meeks: y/n and sam were making out and Tara saw them...
>justwes: OH...y/n's gonna be annoying asf now right?
>chadtheman_meeks: 100%
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liked by samcarpenter1997, nik, and 6,432 others
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justalilguy: this is my new waking nightmare.
>chadtheman_meeks: I tried to warn you
>ambers_notafreeman: you should see the look on her face rn
nik: aww, you guys are so cute together 🥰
>y/n: thank you anika<33
not_ethanlandry: you said you weren't looking for a relationship?
>y/n: with you. I wasn't looking for a relationship with you
>not_ethanlandry: noted
mindythegreat: @ambers_notafreeman pay up
>ambers_notafreeman: @y/n you couldn't have waited another week before posting how down bad you are??
>y/n: the heart wants what the heart wants
samcarpenter1997: 🖤
>y/n: 🤍
>samcarpenter1997: Are you coming over later?
>y/n: ofc I am 😉
>samcarpenter1997: Then I'll see you later, beautiful
>y/n: skhfkhfksh see you 🥰
mindythegreat: @justalilguy weren't you just telling me you think they look good together?
>justalilguy: MINDY
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liked by justalilguy, ambers_notafreeman, and 8,997 others
chadtheman_meeks: @y/n was supposed to put them in for 10 minutes...she put them in for 30 😐
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justalilguy: @y/n how tf do you mess that up
>y/n: I don't appreciate being attacked rn
>justalilguy: hm?
>y/n: ...I wanted them a extra crispy
>justalilguy: you're such a dumbass sometimes 💀
>y/n: actually I'm just a girl
ambers_notafreeman: @y/n aren't you always saying how you'd be a housewife for the right woman and shit
>y/n: that still stands!!
>ambers_notafreeman: how do you expect to do that when you can't even bake cookies??
>y/n: wow. I wasn't expecting such sexism from you- chad maybe but you? it's the betrayal for me 😦
>ambers_notafreeman: idk how I tolerate you
>chadtheman_meeks: um hello???
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liked by justalilguy, samcarpenter1997, and 9,896 others
y/n: Merry christler🎄❄️
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A/N: Tara and R in a nutshell (poor chad getting caught in the middle)
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portgasdwrld · 11 months
Hii!! I came across ur page and ur writings are so good and nicely written!!(*^^*) so I was wondering if I could request like a scenario of ASL (+any character of ur choice!) accidentally finding/stumbling upon the readers diary and inside the reader wrote their true romantic feelings about ____ (character) and they (!character) felt the same way about the reader and the rest could be up to u!! Please and thank uu in advance :]
Pretty much just fluff! (๑>◡<๑) Anyway, I hope you have an amazing day/afternoon/night!!^^
Hi lovely 💕, thank you so much. I’m happy y’all enjoy my writing ! I would love to do that but I’m still not that familiar with Sabo so I can only write about Ace and Luffy 😔🫶🏻I hope you still like it nonetheless 🍃the idea is so cute btw 🤍
📂Op men + stumbling on your diary
Featuring: Luffy, Ace
Warning: None, vomiting fluff
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Luffy was always dense about things such as love. He knew what it was and he believed he loved a lot of people in his life like his family and his friends, but he wasn’t one to think farther about it as such as a relationship. He loved a lot of things in life such as adventures and being true to himself.
He didn’t know that you admired him a lot for that. You thought he was such an amazing person. The way he would turn a situation to his advantage with his mental & physical strength, was inspiring you to do the same, to never let a fight end without absolutely giving your all. He gave you the courage you were lacking at critical times and that made you admire him even more as your captain.
On his part, Luffy do notice your fond smile when you walk up to him at the end of a day on the Sunny and simply stare at him. He would jokingly ask you what was making you happy, but you would shook your head telling him it was nothing. Staring off at the sea with eyes glittering at the thoughts of new adventures waiting for you next to Luffy.
It was feelings you wanted to tell him. Too nervous, you filled the empty pages of your diary with emotions that couldn’t find their way out of your lips. You wrote how much you admired him but slowly that admiration turned into a crush. When you realized, you couldn’t shake away the rush of anxiety that took over your every nerves.
You? Thinking you had a chance with the person you knew was going to be the future King of pirates?
A severe frown on your face, you read again and again, and over and over the pages you wrote about him. Your eyes widened and with shaky hands, your pen fell from your grip. You let out a shaky breath as your head fell into the palms of your hands in despair.
What were you going to do, it was the the first question to pop into your mind.
You had to forget about them. You couldn’t be in love with your captain. You quickly closed the diary and threw it behind a pile of clothes and books. As you looked at the now hidden diary one last time, your teared up.
You took your distance with Luffy ever since that day. He noticed and he asked you if you were okay. If you were sick, if you were hungry? But you let him know you were fine and walked away. Luffy could feel the atmosphere between you two wasn’t the same and he hated it.
One day, Nami had sent him to look for her book in your room. He grumbled that he didn’t want to but after a beating from the redhead, he walked into your room. He searched in your room but fell instead on a purple book with « Diary » written in bright yellow on the cover.
He grinned mischievously because he knew what were those. When he was a kid he was definitely noisy and would read diaries of anyone who had the bad luck of leaving it next to him. He laughed as he jumped into your bed and started to read it. He quickly went through the pages not truly taking his time to read it, but his eyes caught a page that have been ripped but tapped back into the book.
His eyes grew big as he read your true feelings for him. He was shocked because he never knew you felt like that about him. He couldn’t help but also notice the way his heartbeat picked up from the indirect confession.
He closed the book and ran to you, screaming your name across the ship. He finally found you in Sanji’s kitchen helping him with the dishes.
He yelled at you. Assimilating the information he just said you stared at him blankly completely confused. The plate that was in your hand fell on the floor. You blushed and furrowed your eyebrows.
-Wha-What are you talking about !! I don’t like you !!
He screamed again overly excited when he rubbed your diary in your face. You grabbed the familiar book and looked at him with a mix of fear and anger. You took a big breath and looked at him with confidence.
You yelled back with tears at the corner of your eyes. He looked taking back but his faded smile was now replaced with his infamous warm grin.
-What are you talking about? Worth? What’s that all about, if you like me and I do too, it’s just natural for us to start dating.
You asked in a little voice with your diary held tightly on your chest. You couldn’t truly believe him, it felt too good to be true.
-If you two could please leave your romantic drama out of the kitchen, I have to serve the food.
You heard Sanji softly say while picking up the broken plate from the floor and making sure you weren’t hurt.
Sanji scolded him as he pushed him away from the boiling pots.
You whisper. He looked back at you and stretched his arm and pulled you against him. He hugged you tightly.
-Now, you don’t have a reason to be distant from me.
You had sent Ace to search for your notebook that was lying on top of your desk. He couldn’t miss it and you were too busy right now to get it, so he accepted. The notebook mentioned a lot of interesting information about the next island y’all were about to visit, that you gained from the citizens of the last island. Ace was curious so you told him to grab it in your room while you finish your task.
Ace looked around but saw a bunch of books on top of your desk. He sighed confused at what to do now because he had no clue which one was the right one. He sat on the chair and started to go through each of the books at the research of your precious notes.
With a bored expression he looked through them until he stumbled on one that was at the bottom of one pile. It was a crimson read notebook with Diary written on it. He didn’t thought much of it, thinking it was probably a diary keeping up with your journey on the sea, which it was but there was a little twist. Curious he started to read quickly through the pages and a faint smile curved his lips at the mention of your family and the friends you made on the sea. He started to wonder if you possible talked about him somewhere.
His stomach clenched in nervousness. He started to think that maybe he was invading your personal space and maybe it was better to let your thoughts about him unknown. What if it was something bad that could completely ruin your friendship with him, but maybe he should know if there was. He was stuck in a dilemma. He sighed as he looked up at the ceiling wondering what to do.
Fuck it, it was too tempting.
You two have been quite flirty and had even shared a drunk kiss but he didn’t count it because he doesn’t even think you remember. He always had feeling for you, the moment he saw you. So now it was maybe his chance to see if you felt the same or maybe not.
-Alright let’s see~
He started to read from the moment you mentioned being a member of the Whitebeards and how it felt. He smiled when you mentioned thinking Marco looked funny with his pineapple hair and how giant WB was. Little things that you thought, but still felt worth writing down. Then his eyes fell on his name. His heartbeat quickly picked up, now nervous. You wrote about one guy grabbing your attention.
“Then, this guy named Ace, I think, walked up to me to present himself. I never met someone as charming as he is or maybe I did, but my heart never reacted the way it did with anyone else. I felt like I was about to faint, he probably noticed the way I started to blush. Quite embarrassing..He has the cutest freckles and wear this unique hat all the time. He’s funny and everyone seems to very like him on the ship. I hope we could eventually get closer and I could get to know him more.”
He couldn’t help but grin at your short description of him and how it felt meeting him. He did remember that day, how nice it was to welcome a new member on the ship. Especially, someone that made him feel some type of way that few did. It was a little bit funny to him to see you write that and now seeing how close you two got. You were inseparable.
He continued reading the pages at the research of something more. He knew curiosity killed the cat, but he was ready to risk it in that moment. Then he found it, his eyes widened and a smirk covered his face.
So you did remember.
“I can’t believe this. I can’t tell this to no one so I might as well write it here. Ace and I kissed. We were both drunk, but I can clearly remember this happening. How am I supposed to face him now, I’m truly panicking. The best thing is probably acting like nothing happened. He will simply think I was too drunk to remember. God I need to watch how much I drink. I wish our first kiss didn’t happen like that though… wished it was more intimate”
-What are you doing ?
You asked lowkey annoyed as you opened your door.
What was taking him so long honestly? That’s what you thought before you decided to help him out and walk back to your room. When you walked in, you saw him sat on your chair with a familiar book in his head.
His eyes widened in shock and his face quickly got red as he roughly closed your book and pushed it with the others.
-Don’t tell me, you said as panic ran through your system. You walked quickly to your desk and saw your Diary not too far from Ace. You grabbed it and held it tightly to your chest as you glared at him in embarrassment and anger. You blushed as your mind started to wonder what did he possibly read.
-I’m sorry, I know I shouldn’t have invaded your privacy when you trusted me in your room and-
He started explaining while standing up.
-What did you read?
You sternly asked cutting him to go straight to the point. You couldn’t make him unread the pages of your journal anyway. You were mad if you were to be honest with yourself, but you were also nervous wondering if he read too much and how it could affect y’all relation.
-I…I was at the part where you talked about the time we kissed when we were drunk.
He admitted as he scratched the back of his wavy black hair. You sighed and walked to your bed were you sat defeated. So he knew how you felt about him. He stared at you with guilt.
-Then you know how I feel about you ?
His eyebrows furrowed and he looked at you a bit confused but nodded at your question. You rubbed your eyes with your hand as the other one was still holding your journal closely. You looked up at him and smiled accepting your situation.
-I like you, Ace.
You admitted while slightly looking away too embarrassed. You stared back at him to watch his reaction and the man in front of you simply grinned. A smirk creeping on his lips, he walked towards and took your free hand in his weirdly rough but soft hand. He pulled you up, standing now at few inches of you.
-You said you would’ve wished our first kiss to be different right ?
You smiled back and hummed as you looked at his dark eyes. He was even prettier up-close.
-Then let me fix this.
He whispered before pressing his slightly chapped lips against yours. You smiled before kissing him back, letting your lips fold into his. You threw your book on your bed as your arms found their way around his neck where you brought him closer to you. Ace pulled back a little to catch his breath, he felt that his heart was about to explode.
-I like you too, y/n.
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yandere-arts · 10 months
Have you seen the incident of the girl who took a picture with the help of a knife on social media? How would Ghoat.Konig.Alex.Graves. Soap.And Roach (if you're writing for him) react if they accidentally saw us doing this? (Note, we're not dating them) and I'll even send you the makeup photo with the knife I'm talking about. (this is a headcanons request) have a nice daaayyy 🥰
(For female reader)
A/N: thank you so much for your patience sweetheart! Sorry it took so long to get these 😔 I appreciate the request — it was quite interesting to write 💕 for future ref, I don’t write for Roach or Alex Keller (unless you meant Alejandro 😭 ) since I don’t really know much about them 😅 I also decided to do these in yandere! versions as we discussed and some are post-kidnapping bc I had no ideas for pre
TW: yandere stuff, punishment, torture, cursing, stuff that makes the reader cry, assorted BS, König is horny asf but yk me too 😭 — you know the drill :), DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT
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Oh, sweetheart. He’s probably THE WORSF GUY TO DO THIS WITH.
I mean, you probably picked up the knife with intentions other than doing your makeup. Even if this is after his year of endless torture just to « train » you, and you’re completely loyal to him (meaning Stockholm Syndrome has already set in), he’s still going to be furious. He’ll definitely think you were trying to leave him.
He likely went looking for you once he realize you weren’t in the bedroom or the living room, and of course he didn’t want to be late to the « date » (in his mind, at least) that would change both of your lives eternally, but when he saw that hunting knife, HIS hunting knife, pressed dangerously close to his favorite part of your face, he forgot about the little velvet box in his pocket.
Ghost probably acted without thinking and snatched the knife away from you instantly, pressing your body into the cold glass of the bathroom mirror. He’ll hold your offending wrist, a grim look in his eyes.
And all the while, you’ll plead and ask, « why? »
His eyes will snap up, a new fire blazing because of your words. « Why would you ever use a knife to do your makeup? Are you crazy, darling? Need to be retaught how to act normally?» (You probably do after everything he’s done to you 😭)
Overall, a very terrible experience. Likely the worst, and he’ll definitely retrain you as a result of this incident. You lost your proposal and « honeymoon bliss » privileges, and now you’re under this vigilant, cold gaze 25/8. It’s for the best, after all, as he doesn’t want his darling s/o hurt.
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Two simultaneous thoughts. #1: Oh, how lovely, my little Maus is doing her makeup even though she’s so beautiful! #2: What is that in her hand.
And after he « gently » grabs your waist (darkening already present bruises), he demands to know why his knife is in your little hands. He’s angry. He’s furious. And he’s delusional.
König cares far too much for his darling and certainly believes that they are some sort of goddess or angel descended from the heavens. He simultaneously feels that they are too precious and beautiful for this world, but losing them would result in a bloodbath, no matter whose fault it is.
König will be sitting you down after this to talk about why you shouldn’t lay your hands on his filthy weaponry and why you should just keep yourself within his embrace, tucked away from all of reality. (He does the latter speech at least once a day anyway.) He may also express his dissatisfaction more… intimately later. (He likes the way you were gripping the handle of HIS knife.) It depends on if you’ve tried to escape recently or not or if this incident is just another slip-up in a series of unfortunate events (from his perspective.)
Oh, and don’t worry, with this man’s wealth, you’ll probably have some neat tool from Sephora to help with straight eyeliner in a day or two.
So not the worst experience, but still pretty bad and will result in an irritated König (though some of you probably think that’s a good thing…)
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(Yes, I did make his emoji American Apple Pie, and yes, I do think it’s funny asf. Leave me alone.)
 « Watcha got there, doll? Seems a little much for a little lady like you to handle. Here, lemme help, » Dumbledore he said calmly.
Of course, he’s no happy camper when he sees that knife in your hands, but are any of them???
Graves would be one of the most calm of the COD boys in this situation. He’s upset, that’s for sure, and you can feel his pine aftershave burning your nostrils as he snatches the blade away. His tone is neutral but the tightness in his neck and jaw give away his anger. Tread lightly.
This would probably serve as another example to him of why you were so fragile and needed to be locked away in the first place. If he hasn’t taken you already, it’ll happen soon.
Graves would have a very strict ideology of « I’m the only one who can hurt her, and that’s final. » He doesn’t even want you to have control over yourself. He’s so possessive that he doesn’t even want you to be controlled by anyone other than him. (Which also means cutting ties with your friends/family, getting fired suddenly from work, and him always breathing down your neck (sometimes literally.))
You’ll see repercussions for this, but he’ll still go light on you. Don’t forget that he’s a hardened solider, though, so his definition of light might be completely different from any civilian’s.
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Probably has the best reaction out of all of them. He won’t be very happy, but he’ll still find the situation a bit funny.
He stands there completely in shock and in awe and a bit frightened of you, but it still brings a chuckle out. Soap will make you think that it’s all a game and you’re just the silliest girlie on the planet until you put that knife down to do mascara and suddenly it and every other sharp object in the house is gone.
I think Soap would be a more laid-back yandere, so he’ll only react poorly if you act poorly (meaning you present a threat to yourself or him.) He’s very lenient though, and once or twice let his guard down for longer than usual. But the minute you do something stupid, he’s internally panicking and scolding you and himself.
Don’t give this poor guy any more problems, please.
Like the others, he’ll have a chat with you. He’s lost a good number of important people in his life and certainly doesn’t to lose another, so if you truly care about him, you’ll listen. That’s his reasoning.
But if you value your freedom and sanity, maybe it’s best to not look a wooden horse in its mouth and allow for an incident like this to happen again. Soap is soft and bubbly around you until he’s harsh and rough.
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jazzyblusnowflake · 2 months
OMG hi…I really like your art and was wondering if you wanna be mutuals??????????? Also tell me about your MD ships :3c
honey we are dating- .....okay yknow what- HI PRETTY & TALENTED LADY- yess i will absolutely love toooo 🙈💕💕💕💕💕
also lets see uhhh okay this is an excuse for me to just... expload-
keep in mind not every ship is meant for all of you so dont badger me about stuff that ISNT CANON or YOU DONT SHIP. contrary to whatever you believe, when somone posts about THEIR ships, nobody wants to hear about you NOT shipping it on THAT EXACT post.
hang in there, this gon be a long one >:p
First off we are starting strong with Nuzi- Biscuitbites obviously thats a given- these two just have too much to be said about why and how they make eachother the best version of eachother, whether they ever became canon or not- they fit like puzzle pieces- they lessen eachothers negative traits by being their for eachother.
next is Vuzi- Violentviolet, they are my favorite kind of enemies to lovers 😔 but its also tragic smh. kinda pissed off at how V always does something good in Uzis favor only when she is LITERALLY PASSED OUT- either in the camp ep on the bus or in Alices lab. like damn ofFUCKINGcourse Uzi wouldnt know she cares about her 😭😭😭
envuzi- Violentbitingbiscuits, i love these goobers with all my heart- they deserve the best 😔💕💕💕💕
envy - [does this poor ship just NOT have an exclusive FINDABLE tag name??? im calling them GoldenMemories...], i like to think that if they were in the manor still, and nothing bad had ever happened, these two would be comforting eachother in the healthiest way possible. V needs someone like N and N is just adorable like that uwu
Next we have JxTessa/Jessa- [calling them Fancyblades cuz why not-] J deserves some closure for the shit shes gone through smhhh 😔, its a tragic yuri of J loving and wanting something she probably already accepted she couldnt have, and even then she gotta deal with Ns ass being the favorite one regardless of how hard she tries to be perfect... sighhh i wanna imagine them in a future where Tessa was spared as the only human and J could save her 😭😭😭😭 Tessa might have loved doing mechanical stuff or wore black to hide grease/oil stains on her clothes from her parents and wore gloves to hide her oily stained hands- i want her to have a scene of wiring drones back to life and saving them and saying something like "hey there, you made it! dont worry, ill take care of you, youre my friend now :3" or something //dies//, also before anyone says it- even if Tessa was a teen in the flashbacks- romance is not exclusive to ADULTS, teens can love eachother without having sexual stuff involved. no she was not their MOTHER figure, she was their FRIEND who liked to fix robots for herself to not be alone in a house where her own parents literally chain her up as punishment. i dont even know why im arguing about this, people headcanon or make aus about characters NOT being dead all the time and if Tessa was alive for as long as J thought she was, Tessa would have been a perfectly fine adult either way. so counting this, yes shes canonically considered an adult when Cyn tries to imitate an adult humans body 🙄 makes as much sense as everything else i guess-
next ones i got is NorixYeva/Neva- Solverlilies- i just think theyre neat 😭😭😭 and once again, like everything else in this franchise- they are tragic yuris 😔 damn liam im finding a pattern over here 🤨 anyway, i like to think they either got closer in the lab experimentations or were already close when they were working as WDs in the campsite area for the humans. obviously canonically they were probably straight or just not into eachother romantically- [Nori either u have the worst taste men or Khan just fucking lost it after you died-] but also on the other handddd.... they have 2 hands and they are robots, i want them to kiss like two barbie dolls and im gonna make them do just that-
DollxLizzy/Dizzy- Bloodypink, wost fucking ship names ever, i cant find shit on them with these tags and it makes me angry >:/ at this point 2/3s of my ships are just tragic yuris smh, Doll did not deserve any of the things handed to her, even if she went about doing some things the wrong way i wish Lizzy didnt just abandon her- but then again, Doll did kinda abuse Lizzys trust and Lizzy got scared of being close to a serial murderer so.... morality calls this a draw? 😭 im crying... i wish someone was there to help Doll... sigh... i like to think Lizzy would have waited for Doll to just come back at some point... oh well, thats why AUs exist :"3 //sobs in the corner//
DollxUzi/Dollzi- Bloodybats, this ship is so underrated to me... they could have been... so much more. but why weren't they? did Yeva abandon ever getting close to Uzi when she was a kid after Nori died? did Uzi and Doll just never play around together as kids when their mothers were so close? were they ever close and something went wrong as they grew older? at worst they could have been like sisters together, and at best maybe more than friends. i just dont know what happened here, like Yeva could have tried to keep an eye on Uzi, maybe Uzi could have found Dolls powers so cool before having them too- i dont know theres literally tons of possibilities- but if Doll deserved to be saved or cared for by anyone, at least one of them should have been Uzi... sigh.
ThadxV- Killingblonde, yall this is... the cutest shit... ever???? like from here on out we kinda go into the more or less crackship territory but these two are adorable- Dumbass yet wholesome jock boy that just wants to keep his queen happy 😔👌👌👌 He and Uzi would have so much to talk about on "crushing on literal murder bots that stabbed and almost ate us" its literally love at first stab smhhh 😫💕
ThadxSam- Smokyjock ???? for some fucking reason??? i dont know what my brain did here man- i just like the trope of someone getting under Thads skin- like pair up the healthy sports loving gym boy with the lazy but wholesome dumbass that does drugs or is always just sleep deprived and Thad is always trying to just... take care of his ass and make him take care of himself but he just WONT SMHHH-
okay some more or less crack ships down here:
ThadxN: it speaks for itself. its too adorable and youll go blind from the light of wholesomeness-
ThadxNxUzi: Uzi will die here from the overwhelming wholesomeness... oh bonus if its just a 4s polycule of ThadxNxUzixV i mean i know im pushing my luck but.... random crackships go brr- V and Uzi will complain but love their dumbass golden puppy partners-
ThadxUzi: i think they could have been close and Thad caring about her as a childhood friend turned crush sounds just too cute for me 😔
LizzyxUzi: another random ass rivals to lovers or some shit idk what this is, Lizzy would pay Uzi to kiss the fuck out of her i dont make the rules-
ThadxLizzy: in some cases where they are NOT headcanoned as siblings or cousins, i think they have a good energy of wholesome jock bf and girly queen cheerleader lol, Thad is just a good bf eitherway-
DollxUzixLizzy: the gals would not leave a single second of silence for the small gremlin i swear to God- [Uzi is gay as FUCK for her gfs, absolute girloser unit with her gorgeous but crazy gfs]
okay for the end i have some characters that arent ships but i wish they could have become closer as friends or work out their issues...
J and N- too much abuse and toxicity here, i wish they could talk together more and see they have a lot of things in common- maybe a full line of dialogue from J without threatning N in every sense of the manner would be nice for a change =_=
Doll and V- again, a bit morally ambiguous to ship a character with the murderer of your family, esp when said murderer hasnt expressed regret lmao, but i wish they could at least be friends... Dolls disdain for the murder drones pushed her to end up the way she did. maybe if she didnt do it alone she would have been alive by now. so i like to think what would have happened if she and V could have made up- not necessarily Doll forgiving her- but at least having the space to grow and understand why they did they things that happened.
Cyn and literally ANYONE- i want the solver to be SEPARATE from Cyn- i wish Cyn would have still existed somewhere down there and was savable- i wish this poor child AI had a happy ending to her by connecting with the others as ACTUAL siblings... goddamnit 😔
aaaand thats it for this fine ass day 🫡 yall are welcome to ask about any of these- boy the tags are gonna be.... a lot.
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cerise-on-top · 6 months
pookie 🥹🥹🥹
your writing 🥹🥹
is so 💗💖💝💕💞💓
I love it so much 😔
could I get gaz hcs with a reader who pretyy insecure around how they look around him?? Constantly fixing their appearance and overall just wanting to look their best for him 😢
Shrimp, thank you so much for your kind words, it's incredible to hear such praise from a writer as great as you 🥹 And of course you can, you can get just about anything if you ask for it!! I was so happy when I read your request today! Was really looking forward to writing it! I'm sorry if I went a bit overboard with those HCs, I just love Gaz so dearly I couldn't help myself, I needed to get this out of my system, every single thought needed to be put to paper for Gaz because he is among my favorites! Need a man like him to buy me ice cream!! Either way, thank you for your request, sorry for rambling, and I hope these are alright!
Gaz with an Insecure!S/O
It would start out with something small: Straightening your shirt and pulling it down when your stomach was showing, patting down your hair to make sure stray strands wouldn’t ruin your looks, maybe even putting a hand before your mouth whenever you were smiling. Sure, Gaz noticed that, but at the time he thought those were just small quirks of yours, nothing to worry about. Some small mannerisms that ultimately won’t mean too much. But what was once you fixing your appearance just a little bit, turned into something much bigger. Sucking in your stomach until it pained you to do so, keeping your back straight until it felt like you were about to topple over, bearing a faux smile even as your muscles begged you to stop. Although Gaz will have asked you a few times to relax by then, his gut feeling telling him that something might be up, it was, ultimately, no use.
If you’re on the chubbier side and you decided to lose weight for him in the only way you knew how, by starving yourself, if you put on layers upon layers of make-up, effectively suffocating your skin underneath, never taking it off, or maybe you think you’re not strong enough for him and thus you’d hit the gym, taking on weights that are far beyond what you should lift, then Gaz will try to intervene immediately. At first he’ll be gentle about it, telling you that you’re perfect as you are, give you a tender and loving kiss along with it, hoping it would help. You’re so beautiful, you’re so soft inside and out, letting him rest his weary head on your stomach, you’re so gorgeous when you leave the shower, body still damp without without the only thing that would make you, as you always thought, pretty, you’re so strong, easily capable of lifting him or the heavy grocery bags with no problem. But whatever you do, don’t overdo it, please. He’ll assure you how much he loves you, how drop dead gorgeous and perfect you are in every way, more often than he used to, but the dreadful feeling that it won’t be enough still lingers.
If you’re okay with it, he’s more than happy to hug you just a bit longer, give you just a few more kisses, praise your looks just a few times more per day. As soon as your behavior turns destructive, though, that’s when he’ll pull you aside and have a heartfelt talk with you. Although he hates making something that clearly bothers you this much about him, he will tell you that it breaks his heart how you’re destroying yourself just so you could appeal to him physically. He fell in love with you not only for your looks, he fell in love with you because of your personality as well. No one could ever make his heart flutter the way you could, no one’s presence could ever soothe and excite him at the same time as yours. Regardless of what you look like, you appeal to him. To him it doesn’t matter if you’re tiny or twice his size, thin or thick, muscular or frail. Marilyn Monroe could show up at his doorstep and he’d shove her aside just so he could spend just a few more seconds with you. Gaz is usually a gentleman when it comes to you, but please don’t be too upset with him when he’s being a bit more stern than usual. He tries his best to be kind and caring, but under extreme circumstances he might be a bit more forceful on accident. He doesn’t mean any harm by it, really, but he’s just that worried about you. You’re the last person he wants to lose. Although something he wants even less is for you to lose yourself. It’s flattering you’d be willing to change yourself for him, if it’s something that would make you a happier person, then he’ll do what he can to support you, but in this case he’ll try to get you to stop.
He knows it takes time to be content with yourself, especially if you think your value lies in the validation of someone else, but he’s patient. You need to vent about your insecurities? He’ll listen to you before making sure to tear down each and every single one of your bad thoughts. Your hair is tousled? This guy will start taking a bag with him, filled with all kinds of goodies to help you. And that includes a hairbrush. He can and will brush your hair, gently taking it in his hands, combing out any and all knots. Sucking in your stomach? He’ll get you to stop. If telling you so verbally works, he’ll settle for that. Otherwise he’ll try to get you all relaxed, making you forget about it. However, he might playfight with you as well if you’re up for it so you have something else to focus on. Point is: Whatever it is you need, he’ll do it. Communicate it with him, he’s willing to try out many things. You didn’t like it when he did this, but it felt great when he did that? There’s really no shame in telling him what you prefer, quite the opposite, he’s happy when you do it. That way he knows what works and what doesn’t. And if you’re ever at a point where you can simply walk up to him and ask him to tell you how pretty you look in that new sweater, how strong you are for lifting that crate, how you just wanna be told that you’re so gorgeous and or handsome today, he’ll do it without any judgment. Granted, you likely don’t need to ask him to do so, he’ll do anything he can to hype you up, but the option is there.
Gaz will, simply put, do whatever it takes to make you realize that you’re the most aesthetically pleasing person on the planet. It’s nice to know someone else thinks you’re pretty, but it’s more effective to know such a thing yourself. As long as he can help you reach that goal he’s happy with himself. He looks forward to those days where you walk up to him and tell him how a peacock is jealous whenever you walk by. He’ll build up your confidence and watch it prosper with your own care over time.
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mysilaan · 28 days
Hellow, hope everything's good! I'm here to request some hcs for my boy, Thomas. 😎
I noticed something cute about him in these two episodes, and I wondered if you could write about it.
So, whenever he shows something of his interest or something he created (aka his coffee machine app/the VR set) to the Newcete, he looks so proud of himself and full of enthusiasm to share something he likes with her, it's just-- so cute!!! I imagine him having the proudest, stupidest smile on his face when she likes it as well. And they're bonding slowly, and it's just fills my soul with so much happiness! (i'm a slave for slow burns, can't help it)
Thank you! 💕😊
Hello Anon :) It has been tough for me recently but it’s getting better, thank you!
Now that’s a very good headcanon request… I’ve noticed it too and I found it very endearing⭐
(And yeah slow burns supremacy 😔)
You were having one of those comfortable sleeps where nothing in the world could get you out of bed, and you were having a pretty nice dream on top of that. Your eyes slowly opened, and you were hit with the feeling of forgetting something. Had your alarm already rung this morning? Your eyes flashed open and you took your phone on your nightstand to check the time. 08:53 am.  You were so doomed.  You leapt out of bed and grabbed the first pair of jeans and top you could find. Snatching your keys, you dashed out of the house without even grabbing a snack. Once at the bus stop, you took a look at when the next bus was passing by. “Five minutes… It should be fine.” You muttered to yourself. But the bus was late and you ended up waiting for ten long minutes…
Arriving at the building, you glanced at your phone screen: you were almost an hour late… You knew that Devon wouldn’t mind much, it wasn’t in your habits and he knew that. You searched your pockets and bag to find your badge but it seems to be nowhere to be found. “No, don't tell me…” Yes, you forgot it. You let out a frustrated noise while looking for the doorbell of the open space. But before you could do anything, a loud motor sound made you turn towards its source. Someone on a motorcycle had parked just in front of the building. Did this person work here? You were curious about their identity. You got your answer when the person removed their helmet-and it was none other than…“Thomas?!” His name slipped out of your mouth in a mix of surprise and confusion.  He tilted his head towards you with a raised eyebrow and you unconsciously moved towards him. “Weren’t you supposed to start at 8:30 this morning?” You were caught red handed. “Well… Hello to you too. I overslept.” He just nodded and turned his back to you to grab his stuff. “I didn’t know you were riding a motorbike.” “You never asked.” Of course he would say that. When he turned back towards you, ready to head inside, he seemed surprised to see you observing his motorcycle with such fascination. “That’s a pretty one. How long have you been riding it?” you asked. Were you seriously asking about his bike? He never thought it was something you were interested in. “I'd say about three years… It’s not my first one though.” “That’s so cool! The speed might be crazy on this one.” When you raised your gaze on his face; you noticed he was smiling, he almost seemed proud. That’s something you noticed before: his usual serious expression vanished when he talked about something he liked. It made you smile involuntarily. “It is. What’s great about this one is its tires-” You cut him mid-sentence without thinking. “Yeah, I heard they’re pretty light for this kind of motorcycle.” He looked at you, completely incredulous. “Did I say something wrong…?” “No… Do you ride one yourself?” You laughed. “I wish! But no, I’m just interested. My father was a MotoGP fan; looks like he passed on his passion to me.” “Wait, really?” “Yeah! You don’t believe me?” you teased. “No! It’s just that not many people are interested in it.” “Well… You found a comrade!” He simply nodded, smiling, his head full of things he’d like to talk to you about motorcycles, but reality interrupted. “We should go now, you’re already really late.” You gasped. How could you forget? You walked beside him, and he used his badge to get the both of you inside.
You had to stop by Devon’s office to apologize for being late. He, of course, accepted your apologies, but made it clear that he wouldn’t tolerate it if it became a habit-and that was only fair… Returning to your desk, which was just in front of Thomas’, the ginger-haired boy raised his head to catch your attention. “Is something the matter?” you asked. “No… I just wanted to know, since you seemed really interested… Would you like a motorcycle ride one day?” You thought your ears were playing tricks on you. “You mean… On your bike? With you…?” “Who else?” Now you were the one surprised. But you couldn’t refuse such an offer. “I’d be delighted!” Thomas nodded at your answer. “I don’t have a second helmet with me, but I can bring that tomorrow… If you want.” “Of course! Let me treat you with dinner as a thank you then.” “If you really want to.” You smiled while sitting back on your chair, satisfied. You couldn’t help but steal a glance at your colleague who seemed pretty content too. You were already imagining it-a ride on this amazing motorcycle (maybe not at full speed, for obvious reasons), the wind all around you, a delicious dinner… And Thomas’ company. You almost slapped your face when you realized what you were thinking about. You quickly started working, not allowing your thoughts to drift any further. You couldn’t wait for tomorrow evening…
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marluvvs · 1 year
I love your works so much, don’t listen to the haters🙄 Anyways can u possibly do a Joel Goldberg angst type of thing??? Like where joel and the reader breaks up and than he kind of stalks her???💕💕💕
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a/n: Thank you so much for your kind words and support, I honestly didn’t know what to write so it might be sloppy 😔
Y/N's heart pounded in their chest as they stared at the glass cage in Joe's basement. They couldn't believe what they were seeing - it looked like something out of a horror movie.
"What is this?" Y/N asked, their voice barely above a whisper.
Joe's expression darkened. "It's nothing, Y/N. Just... something I built a long time ago. It's not important."
Y/N shook their head. "No, Joe, this is important. What is it for? Why is it here?"
Joe hesitated, looking down at his feet. "I built it to... to keep someone safe."
"Keep someone safe?" Y/N repeated, their voice rising. "Joe, this is a cage. You can't keep someone safe in a cage. Who did you put in here?"
Joe's jaw tightened. "It doesn't matter, Y/N. It's over now. I haven't used it in years."
Y/N's eyes widened. "Years? Joe, how long have you had this thing?"
Joe didn't answer, and Y/N knew the answer before he even spoke.
"Since before I met you," he said finally.
Y/N felt sick to their stomach. "You... you put someone in here before you met me?"
Joe nodded slowly. "Yes. But it was a long time ago, Y/N. I didn't know what else to do. I was trying to help them."
"By locking them up?" Y/N exclaimed, their voice rising in anger. "That's not help, Joe. That's abuse."
Joe looked at Y/N, his eyes pleading. "Please, Y/N. I know it's not right. But I need you to understand. I did it out of love.”
Y/N suddenly wakes up, not remembering that she fell asleep in the first place.
"You... you locked me in the glass cage?" Y/N asked, their voice trembling.
Joe looked away, his expression pained. "I didn't mean to scare you, Y/N. I just... I don't know. I felt like I needed to keep you safe."
"By locking me up like a prisoner?" Y/N exclaimed. "Joe, that's not safe. That's not normal. I can't believe you would do something like that."
"I know, I know," Joe said, his voice cracking. "I'm sorry. I just... I don't want to lose you. I can't imagine my life without you."
Y/N shook their head in disbelief. "I can't stay with you, Joe. Not after this. I don't feel safe around you anymore."
Joe's eyes filled with tears. "Please, Y/N, don't go. I'll do anything. I'll give you money, I'll tell you where to go. Just please, don't tell anyone about the cage. I couldn't bear it if people found out."
Y/N hesitated, torn between their love for Joe and their fear of what he was capable of. Finally, they shook their head. "I have to go, Joe. I'm sorry."
Joe nodded, tears streaming down his face. He handed Y/N an envelope full of cash and a piece of paper with an address on it. "Go there. It's a safe place. You'll be okay."
Y/N took the money and the address, feeling numb. "Goodbye, Joe."
Joe choked back a sob. "Goodbye, Y/N. I'll always love you."
You were torn. Part of you wanted to believe Joe and give him another chance, but another part of you was terrified of what he was capable of.
As you walked away, you could feel Joe's eyes on your back, and a part of you wondered if you were making a mistake by leaving him behind.
a/n: also I don’t know what happened to the gif
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reashot · 1 year
For @notmaplemable feat. Wolf Faunus Ruby.
Vet Visit
Curled up in her own bed and under her blanket while sipping a cup of hot cocoa. Ruby Rose let out a content sigh while wagging her fluffy tail...
Ruby: Ahhh.... This is the life. All snugged up inside my bed watching anime in my scroll while drinking hot cocoa. And with the air conditioner in full blast. Nothing could ruin this moment for me. Absolutely nothing. 😁
Yang: Hey Sis! It's time for your daily check up with the vet.
Ruby: Ruh-roh. It's time for me to make my exit.
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Ruby after hearing the word she dreaded the most. Decided to escape through her window. But when she opens the window and sticks her neck out. Her neck is suddenly grabbed by a catcher pole from seemingly out off nowhere.
Summer: I knew you would try to escape from here. Oh Ruby, try to at least be more creative with your escape attempt. 😔
Ruby: Mom please don't sent me to the Vet. I'm not even sick. 😷
Summer: No can do Ruby. You know that an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. 😌
Yang: Hey mom, did you catch her?
Summer: I got her. Tell Tai to warm up the engine. We are going to the Vet. 😇
Ruby: No! Please save me sis! 😵
Yang: I'm sorry Rubs. But remember it's for your own good. Now be a good girl and please get into the pet carrier.
Ruby: What. No! It's embarrassing to be seen in that. 😠
Summer: If you didn't try to escape every time we go into the vet then we won't have to resort to this sort of method everytime. 😑
Ruby: *sniffs* Okay... I will be a good girl. So please don't put me in there. 😢
Summer: *Release Ruby* Good girl. Now go to the Car and wait for us. ☺
Defeated Ruby slowly leaves her room in and get into the family's car. Along the way she didn't say anything even when she finally arrive at the hospital.
Ruby: Please dad don't let me go inside. I promise I'll be good from now on. *cute puppy wolf eyes* 🥺
Tai: *visible pain* I'm sorry Ruby but a routine check up is important. We don't want you to get sick, okay.
Summer: That's right dear. We only wants the best for Ruby. 😉
Yang: Oh I'm so gonna share this video with everyone.
Ruby: I hate you Yang. 👿
Announcer: Ruby Rose the vet will see you now.
Tai: That's us Ruby c'mon.
Ruby: No! I won't go in! 😫
Yang: C'mon Rubes just go inside you're embarrassing us.
Ruby: Good! Because I refuse to go in without a fight. 😩
Tai: C'mon Ruby please get inside. I'll buy you ice cream after this.
Ruby: No! I will not go in. Not even for choco strawberry double scoop sundae. 😤
Summer: Young lady if you don't go in there right now. I will erase all your save game data from your scroll. 😐
Yang: Wow mom. Overkill much?
Ruby: You monster! You wouldn't dare! 😨
Summer: Try me. 😈
Ruby: Hhhh..... Fine! You win. You monster. 😭
Tai: Uhh that's great honey. But can we go meet the vet, now?
The entire family then all go in together with Ruby. To make sure she didn't try to escape. Again.
Nurse: Rose-Xiao Long family I'm afraid that the usual veterinarian will not be attending.
Ruby: Yes! We can go back home now. 😆
Nurse: Fortunately we have someone on standby. But I have to tell you that he is rather young.
Ruby: (Oh no just my luck... And I bet him being young just mean being slightly younger than my dad. 😏)
Jaune: Hi my name is Jaune Arc. I'll be the one doing the checking for... Miss Ruby Rose I presume.
Ruby: (hubba, hubba. He can play doctor with me anytime.)
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Jaune: So I received Ruby's file from her last visit. She a half-wolf faunus, in her early teen and have no record of sickness the last time she's in.
Summer: Yes as you can see my little Ruby is the perfect picture of health. And we would like to keep that way this time too. 😊
Ruby: (he's so dreamy) 🫠💕💕💕💕
Tai: *feeling concerned that her daughter might have feeling for the blonde teenager*
Jaune: Excellent then let us proceed. Now miss Ruby can you take off your clothes?
Ruby: As you command. Master. 😋 *proceeds to strips everything*
Tai: Ruby!?
Jaune: *hides his face* Just the outer top please and you can keep your undershirt on!
Ruby: Oh phoey... 😟
Tai bottles up his emotion seeing her baby daughter obviously smitten with the boy. And seeing him touching her body under the excuse of checking her condition does not help with it one bit.
Jaune: Well everything seems to be okay. There's nothing to worry about.
Ruby: *moan~* (Yes touch me more pls 🥴) *wags tail*
Tai: Good then just write us the bill and we will be on our way. C'mon Ruby let's go!
Yang: You heard the man sis.
Ruby: But, but I could be sick. In fact I think I have one of those virus that are in the news lately. *cough* *cough* I think I might have to stay a bit longer. 🤢
Tai: Nice try Ruby but the vet just said you're fine.
Jaune: Well... We can have her stay overnight if we're still not sure. And don't worry the insurance also cover this.
Ruby: Staying Overnight? But Mr. Arc we just met. 😍
Jaune: Please just call me Jaune. I mean we're around the same age after all.
Summer: Ohhh look our little girl is in love. Maybe we should let her stay the night. Who knows maybe that Jaune boy will mate with Ruby and gives us bunch of cubs. ❤
Tai: Summer!
Yang: Mom!
Jaune: Mrs. Rose!
Ruby: Me! 😝
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lyrakanefanatic · 5 months
Songs that I think would fit phone girl and graysons relationship pt. 2!!
dancing with our hands tied by taylor swift: I remember a mutual saying this in the comments of my last “songs i think would fit PG and graysons relationship” post but I can’t remember who, I think it was @reminiscentreader but I’m rlly not sure sorry 😭😭
“I, I loved you in secret” I imagine that they would keep their “situation” (i have a good feeling they will like kiss or something like that but then the next day will pretend like nothing happened or something pushes them apart?? Idk it’s a trilogy so jlb can’t give them a relationship right away) a secret from the hawthornes and the other contestants for a while when they do become official, but nash catches on first
“first sight, yeah, we love without reason” it was technically love at first sight bc gray kind of had feelings for PG when she first called him, when usually it wasn’t love at first sight for his past relationships (which is how u know they’re gonna be endgame 😍)
“My, my love had been frozen, deep blue, but you painted me golden.” basically how his past relationships had left him heartbroken and “blue” but when he met phone girl he really started to fall for her which “painted him golden���
“I, I loved you in spite of, deep fears that the world would divide us” grayson afraid of something tearing him and PG apart and almost expecting something to happen, or just expecting himself to drive her out like he did with his past relationships (😭😭)
“I’m a mess, but I’m the mess that you wanted” grayson literally says (when he’s describing his “girlfriend” to Gigi in the brothers hawthorne) that his supposed girlfriend, “wasn’t perfect, and when im with her, I don’t have to be either.” so this is very fitting LOL
fallen star by the neighborhood: yes, im only putting this one here bc I saw an edit that @herondalesbooklover posted and I liked the audio, so whatever sue me 😔
“I’ll keep you far away from me, like a star” Graysons habit of driving the people he loves out, and I can see him distancing himself away from PG bc he’s scared of falling in love again 💔
“Hard not to fall for you, I gave you all my heart” again, its Grayson trying (and failing) to not fall for phone girl, even though he knows she has his heart and always will 💗💗😜
“Further apart, the closer, the closer, the closer that we are” he’ll try not to get close to her, but he can’t keep himself away for too long and I have a feeling he’ll find himself getting attached and unable to block her out like he usually does with the people he loves
“You’re in my dna, I can’t keep away no matter how hard I try” like I said with ⬆️ one, he’ll try to keep her away but no matter how hard he tries, he will always find himself coming back to her (😭😭💗💗)
“I’m on a one way train and it’s far away, but you’re still on my mind” grayson will always run back to her every. single. time. just because of how much he loves her 💕😭
i can see you by taylor swift: this song is kinda averyjameson too but whatever i feel like it’d be fitting for PG and grayson too
“You brush past me in the hallway, and you don’t think, I, I, I can see you, do you?” I don’t rlly have a reason behind this line but “you brush past me in the hallway” would fit the kind of “professional” setting they have going on 😍
“I’ve been watching you for ages, and I spend my time trying not to feel it.” Okay PG hasnt really been “watching” him for ages but she has been kind of calling him and checking up on him, (for the riddle lmao) plus I feel like she’d try to deny the fact that she likes gray bc of her fathers death being somewhat related to the hawthornes
“But what would you do if I went to touch you now? What would you do if they never found us out? What would you do if we never made a sound?” Again, i feel like they’d keep their “relationship” a secret from everybody else until they become official
“And we kept everything professional, but somethings changed, something I, I like” Graysons probably gonna be a “helper” in the games so I feel like he’d try to keep a professional air with PG at first until he starts to develop feelings (not like he already didnt have feelings for her when she just called him LOL)
“They keep watchful eyes on us, so it’s best that we move fast and keep quiet” Okay but just think about how many people are on that island (there’s probably some maids, bodyguards, the hawthornes, and ofc the contestants) and then having to keep ur relationship a secret with all those people around 😭😭 but anyways once people start to kind of catch on, they’ll definitely pay closer attention to PG and gray just to see if the rumours are true
“I could see you in your suit and your necktie” suit. necktie. literally couldn’t have been anymore obvious 💀💀
“Passed me a note saying, ‘meet me tonight’” to discuss clues for the game or to do other things.. 😜
“Then we kiss, and you know I won’t ever tell, yeah” again, it’s just them keeping their relationship a secret from the other contestants + hawthornes
gorgeous by taylor swift: I haven’t listened to this song in a while but I did a few days ago and just realized how much it sounds like PG and gray omg 🫢
“You should take it as a compliment that I got drunk and made fun of the way you talk” probably just her mocking how “self obsessed” he sounds and also how he just expects to get what he wants and just the phrase “the world bent to the will of grayson hawthorne” 💀
“You should think about the consequence of your magnetic field being a little too strong” this man does have a strong magnetic field, bc tell me why every girl he’s ever talked to likes him? 💀😭 (including phone girl 🤭)
“You’re so cool, it makes me hate you so much” this is so phone girl towards grayson omg.
“Whiskey on ice, sunset and vine, you’ve ruined my life, by not being mine” his family did kind of ruin her life, but add a romantic twist 😍
“You’re so gorgeous, I can’t say anything to your face, cause look at your face” grayson definitely is gorgeous, and I know phone girl found him attractive too 🫢 (who wouldn’t)
“And I’m so furious at you for making me feel this way” ofc she’d be mad she has a crush on him, his grandfather was probably the reason her dad died 😭
“But what can I say? You’re gorgeous” 🤭.
“You should take it as a compliment that I’m talking to everyone here but you” probably PG trying to avoid grayson for a bit after she realizes she likes him
“And you should think about the consequence of you touching my hand in a darkened room” maybe at an event, or that masquerade ball, graysons hand brushes against PG or he holds it while dancing and she gets butterfliesss 🤭🤭💗
“If you’ve got a girlfriend I’m jealous of her, but if you’re single that’s honestly worse” I feel like she would be jealous of his “girlfriend”, eve, but would also be like “what. 😧” when he says he’s single bc HOW??!
“Ocean blue eyes looking in mine, I feel like I might sink and drown and die” ik shes crushing hard on those ocean orbs of his 🤭
“There’s nothing I hate more than what I can’t have” she “can’t have” him bc Tobias was apparently behind her fathers death, which is why she tries to deny she likes him
“You are so gorgeous it makes me so mad” her being mad she likes him 💀
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assassinnumber9 · 11 months
What do you think about today's chapter! Any hot takes?
Ooh! An ask! Thank you for the submission!
I absolutely loved today's chapter! It was really interesting to see the different views from Wheeler and Nightfall and to get a look into how emotions can give you the edge sometimes, even when they are out of control. I do question why exactly Wheeler is helping anyone though with his "don't trust anyone" views - unless he's perhaps solely looking for a war. I would really like to know his overall goal here, because if he keeps himself from trusting anyone and/or getting attached there's really no reason to be risking your life for your country as a spy. Being a soldier would make more sense.
And while we are aware that WISE also teaches this to their employees, it seems like Wheeler is much more strict with his emotions than even Twilight.
I would also like to mention that we now know for a fact that some normal physics do exist in the SxF universe, speaking that Nightfall's overexertion of strength is having a massive effect on her body - which also means that Yor is actually and semi literally just built different that she can kick cars and hit tennis balls fast enough to break the sound barrier without breaking a sweat, let alone a bone.
Overall, today's chapter was excellent!
Also, Chloe is cute. She shouldn't be that cute. New ship for Yuri as well.
My only hot take is that I'm still not a huge fan of Fiona even though she was super cool this chapter. I wish we had seen even a smidge of Twilight's (unconscious) thoughts, which we may see in the future. I just want my TwiYor moments 😔 But perhaps, we'll see Twilight call for Yor when he first wakes up.
Those are my thoughts anyway! Thanks again for the ask! 💕
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supercutszns · 4 months
Hello hola bonjour olá 💕✨ something came to mind…!
Sally and Poseidon fell in love 5-7 years before Percy and had Reader, but for fear of Zeus and Hades finding out, he rarely saw her. Years later they meet again and he explains what happened. They stay together and well... Percy happens, leaving Poseidon no choice but to leave completely. Sally married Gabe, but he wouldn't be able to cover up their smell with two poseidon children, leaving her no choice but to send her daughter to camp, even though she was very young. And that's when, years later, PERCY goes to camp (their mother “dies” and all), Luke introduces him to his girlfriend!reader, one of the oldest campers, but not claimed… They have a conection (strong brothers), bur they don't know each other bc Percy never knew he had a sister and the reader didn't know the name of her unborn brother. On the day Percy is claimed at the Capture The Flag, maybe she ends being too and everyone be like “wtf?????????” This leaves her in a state of shock and very sad/upset, because well... She's been ignored her whole life, right... And Luke being the most cute and best boyfriend at the final, but that’s about the poseidon brothers lmao
Sorry, I had to get that out of me and it reminded me of your story about “Luke x Poseidon! reader”, where she is claimed along with Percy and I don't know, I felt like I wanted to share this long monologue here 🫶😔
I know there are a lot of holes, I thought about it for like 5 minutes while I was washing the dishes. Sorry, not sorry 🤭✨
AHH THIS IS SO CUTE my little posally heart would not have been able to handle this at 13. like him already having one kid with sally and coming back anyways…UGH
i’m a sucker for sibling angst luke introducing percy to his girlfriend and them feeling an instant connection without knowing why. luke remarking their eyes are similar. reader not realizing her mother is technically dead. then getting claimed together at the same time and they’re flabbergasted and confused reader does not know what to do with herself. she’s freaking out because where did she ACTUALLY come from?? spiralling bad until luke brings her back and is just like “maybe you should just talk to him”
so she does and they piece together an approximation of their history because they think they’re full siblings but how can they be sure when they can no longer ask their mother? thankfully when sally’s returned to them she’s in tears when she realizes percy has found his older sister and takes her back in instantly <33 this story would’ve made me bawl my eyes out
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Hello~~ I really enjoy your work and wanted to let you know that!!💖💕
I saw your open requests for lookism and wanted to request something so would it be alright for me to request some HCs or a little fic of Johans time in Big Deal (though I think he was only there for a very short time 😔)
(I’m a huge Johan x Lua shipper but I’m not sure whether you feel comfortable with the ship so without romantic interactions between them would be fine too🥹 tho if there were some romantic interactions that would be even better hskwkqj )
Once again tysm for posting all these fics! They always bring a big smile onto my face 😭💕
Awww thank you so much you're so sweet! Really this means a lot to me 🥰 You really know how to butter someone up before asking for something eh? Thanks for the ask :) here's a little Johan x Lua!
Johan Seong (x Lua Im): Making new friends
From Johan's perspective. You meet a strange girl
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You sit there pitifully with Eden for company after being rejected from Big Deal.
Yes you might have been give some money and advice to steal shoes, but a life of petty crime isn't what you hoped for. Joining Big Deal was supposed to be your lifeline. How long is the cash going to last until you really had to start beating people up for their shoes?
As you continue to wallow and think about what to do next, a girl steps into your line of sight.
You ignore her but she remains unmoving and instead waits patiently for your acknowledgement.
Ugh isn't she going to go away?
You scrub at your tear-stained face, annoyed at this disturbance and stranger interrupting your thoughts. "What do you want?"
"Can I stroke him?" she points in your direction, bouncing on her toes excitedly.
"No!" Who knew what sort of weirdos this street attracted, you couldn't let just anyone touch your best friend. You hug Eden possessively to your chest.
The girl starts to laugh, "I meant you. Your hair looks kinda funny."
You frown at her as your hands reach up to tug at your hair. Your mother had cut it. With her struggling sight, you knew that she didn't do a good job, but she always tried. It was a thing she always did for you and it made her happy. You didn't ask for this stupid girl's opinion.
"Go away!" You turn from her and give her a rude gesture instead.
"Jeez, I wasn't trying to be rude."
At your lack of response, she continues "I just meant that it's fluffy... like your dog's tail," she bends down for a closer inspection, "it's pretty cute actually."
"Oh..." Before you could even respond to that, she suddenly straightens back up.
"Hey! Wanna share some ricecakes? My granny said they're really good here!"
Ricecakes do sound good, your stomach growls at the thought. But nothing in life comes for free.
"...Really? What do you want?"
She points directly at Eden this time, "Can I stroke him?"
You think about it for a moment, you didn't have anything to lose. "Fine. You're definitely going to pay right?"
"Of course!" she tuts at you, irritated that you even needed to ask. Nonetheless, she crouches down to fuss Eden, giving him some belly rubs which he eagerly accepts. You watch them both fondly, maybe she can't be all that bad if Eden likes her.
After what feels like an eternity, she finally dusts herself off and wipes the excess fur on her jeans before reaching out to drag you along.
"My granny says I'm always collecting strays and troublemakers," she flashes a grin at you, "So what's both your names?"
"Erm, this is Eden and I'm... Johan."
"I'm Lua! Thanks for letting me play with Eden," she gives you another smile and this time you feel yourself blush.
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hawaiianpizzaenjoyer · 4 months
Duuuuuuude please make a Peggy gcse headcanon list that sounds so fun!! If you decide to do it too I'd love to be tagged in it!
so, without further ado...
!! also i know that different schools have different systems for GCSEs, but im just gonna go with what mine did :) !!
We all know Peggy had to do Maths, both of the Englishes and triple Science, but i feel like she wouldve LOVED English Lit the most. She would've definitely been one of those kids who were like best mates with their English teacher fruity behaviour?. She was also definitely one of the student librarians for her school's library.
For language, I am a firm believer that Peggy did German and Latin. She probably would've picked German because Michael did (the classic familial language gcse sitch), but i also feel like she would've really liked classics in year 7 and 8 (grades 6 and 7 i think) and decided to stick with it for GCSE. I also think she didn't like French at ALL.
"Why in gods name do I have to memorise the gender of a chair?? Who decided that bloody rubbish??"
(shes so real though ngl, genders are the bane of my existence)
Like language, Peggy was probably a double humanities student. She probably did History and Geography, and her favourite topics in each would've been the Tudors for history (she would avidly defend Anne Boleyn and Katherine Howard in lessons) and the human side for Geography!! She probably looked at NY as a case study for overpopulation and rapid-rate industrialisation and rolled her eyes, muttering about what sort of madman would willingly stay in a city like that.
Lastly, her practical subject. This was a tie for me between PE and Product Design, but I realised I know nothing about GCSE PE (core pe girlies unite), so I'll go with PD for now.
Peggy definitely put her heart and soul into her NEA (non-examination assessment, basically coursework) for Product Design. By the first week, she probably had like a billion sketches done up and had started looking at materials. I feel like her mother didn't like Peggy doing a "man's subject", until Peggy built her a birdhouse that looks like their house and all was forgiven. She definitely met all her NEA deadlines on time, too. Like, she was an academic WEAPON. Even her teacher was scared of her when she was using the saws and that.
In terms of overall results, she was definitely one of those people who got all 9's (grade A**), and would probably've cried if she got an 8 (I would be too scared to tell her my results ong 😔)
In terms of A-Levels, I'd have to think about that one ngl, so if this post does well, I might do an pt2!!
@captainsophiestark thank you sm for the ask and giving me motivation to actually write this out and post it 😭🙏
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jinkicake · 2 years
Sigh as it’s kazuha’s belated birthday I have let him take up residence in my head😔 so he’s rotting my brain. I absolutely adore how unhinged he is like he can be all flowery and softboy but he likes surprises so he just flips between his 12 personality traits so when you think you know him he says uno reverse and makes you think he’s a stranger again. Like he gives true switch behavior bc he FR doesn’t care he just wants to feel good and make his partner feel good, like he’s all about getting lost in the passion. Loves to see his lovers face contort in pleasure and tears gather at the corners of their eyes that are pleading him to touch them, and on the flip side teasing them unfairly so they will top him just as hard😔💕 like he’s an undercover brat so he pretends to follow instructions but with a smirk on his face that makes you feel your not really who’s in control here so you gotta break him. Definitely into drunk sex and that summer event proves it he’s a handsy drunk. Feel like he’s good at hiding how tipsy he is so when your head gets fuzzy he’s leaning in to tell you how good you look. Bc he’s a soft looking boy I imagine people are taken by surprise but he’s been traveling and w Beido no less so he’s SEEN some stuff. Will be calm and steady when coming onto people so they can back out anytime but also bc he wants you to say it. He really gives “ I said what I said vibes” so he will look you straight in the eye all bored while enjoying the weather and Be like
“ I can only imagine how cute you would look underneath me. Unless you’d rather be on top? You don’t have to be so gentle with me. You can hurt me if you’d like. After all, I don’t break very easily”
Like i would like to volunteer my throat for this man if he needs to blow off steam😮‍💨 like he is very upfront with his feelings and needs, he is down for anything you want to try and FR probably has more experience than you. Want to try bondage? Well he just so happens to have studied shibari for a while 😊 how convenient. I can feel his stare across the room like my god dude people are out here??? Walk up and wraps his around around you and you like oh normal conversation! NOPE without even FLINCHING kazuha is just casually talking about how deep he wants to be inside you like he’s talking about the weather. While his patience is not thin he does have buttons you can press to get him to “discipline” you🥰 like oh no he wants this to REALLY teach you a lesson so he’s gunna rail you behind some boxes like the crew aren’t just out of earshot. Won’t even attempt to cover you mouth, like nah you can be quiet yourself 🥴 if anyone comes over they definitely know not to unless they want to see you get filled up by him:// listening to the wind for footsteps >>> on the flip side my patience IS very thin so he definitely works my nerves and when it’s like “ I’m gunna fuck you up chill out” he will just give you this smug ass look that’s like “please do💕” so ig I have no choice🙄😒 likes to be restrained or told he can’t touch bc he will beg for permission. Literally a slut I will not debate will be under you w his hair down and clothes just open like an unwrapped present. Literally the type of little shit to make you cockwarm him at like dinner surrounded by everyone and they’re like “awww he wants to be close to you how cute” Beidou is starring right at you right in the eyes as kazuha gives a sudden thrust and she’s struggling not to laugh( they can share me respectfully 😔 captain gets to have everything on their ship) imma bite him. Also bc I saw this comic where the shogun has him tied up and is like “🙄 your friend was better” so I can put aside my deep dislike for her so that she can tease me infront of kazuha as he is unable to get free as he watches helplessly “look at you. i’ve only started using my fingers and you’re already shakin, humans are very intresting” AYO ACTUALLY BC THE PUPPET IS MEAN EI CAN BE THERE 💕 she’s nicer😔🙏🏿
happy late birthday dear kazuha LOL ~~~
on his birthday i literally thought about you and the scenario of beidou pegging him LMFAOOOOOOOOO i hope he enjoys that bc i know i certainly would.
we all saw how aggressive he was in fighting raiden (the puppet?, i dont fucking remember LMAO) so yeah he's both sweet sub and sweet dom,,,, mmm yeah! also HEAVYYYY ON THE DRUNK SEX,,,,, YEAHHHHHH we know how he gets out of it in two seconds like come on he'll be on you in two sips with his hands roaming up and down your sides,, he'd be so needy!!!! your in-depth analysis of switch!kazuha is one i can get behind! also heavy on the bondage hed do that
i feel like kazuha would fuck you in front of everyone on the ship also.... as a punishment.... i dunnooooooo,,, i dunoo would he be into that?!
YOU DONT LIKE THE SHOGUN EITHERRRR???? damn this is like the first person ive found to dislike her besides ME... dont get me wrong shes hot but i have my reasons but also..... mean puppet, i kinda dont hate it? ei also pisses me off but not as much LOL fine id fuck the puppet there i said it
kazuha would CRY REAL TEARS if the puppet was pleasuring you and he could do nothing about it like i feel like he'd rage lose his mind and go fucking psycho-.... that actually sounds like a good idea.... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm maybe it just sounds like a good idea since i like the psychos?
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arknights-imagines · 2 years
What’s your opinion on Silverash & Gnosis?
Hi there anon 💕!! Ty for your ask~
As for your question aaa 🤔!! I do hope you don't mind if I ramble a little sbsjs, I enjoy talking about Operators v v much 👉👈...! (Please take caution as I'll be mentioning some minor spoilers from both of their Operator Files and from the story of the 'Break the Ice' event 😯!!)
I'll talk about my thoughts towards SilverAsh first!
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(Summer-Pirate SilverAsh says 'hello' to everyone and to you anon!)
SilverAsh is one of my most favourite Operators and he has been for quite a long time svshs!! I love using him in-game and writing for him here on the blog v v much 🥰!
Firstly, I like his design lots aaa; mostly because of the refined-type of attire he wears and his fluffy snow leopard ears and tail 🥺~ Along with that, his EN voice is awesome and I feel it sounds just like his original JP voice omg, his EN voice actor did him lots of justice ✨!!!
Secondly, his skill set is v v cool and I feel that he's super versatile sbsjs 👍!!!
He can be left on his own to defend when equipped with his second skill, or he can output lots of burst damage with his third skill! Along with that, I feel that his 'Eagle Eyes' talent that removes the invisibility of certain enemies is super useful 🤔✨!
I've had my SilverAsh for a long time now and I've invested lots of LMD and resources into him with no regrets, I like to bring him along on Operators often!!
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(Here he is aaa! I'm also thinking about putting resources towards the Mastery for his second skill hmm 🤔)
Thirdly, as for his story and character, I find him to be an interesting person that's not as cold-hearted as he may seem svshs!!
The general perception of SilverAsh by those around him is that he's v shrewd, constantly has hidden motive, and is v v prideful perhaps so much so that it's not-so-good 🤔
However, I've always believed that he's able to be a compassionate person! I feel that, considering that he unfortunately had to mature v fast following the death of his parents, he simply had to become a more hardened person 🤔
This means SilverAsh grew up to become v v strong-willed and never lets anything cause him to falter, even when others are expecting him to collapse; however this also caused him to lose his faith in love or warmth svshs 😔 As he states in one of his voicelines, he believes:
"Compassion saves no one on the battlefield."
But even so, it's clear he cares for others if you take a closer look! He shows some warmth towards the Doctor and to those close to him from Kjerag 👉👈 It's just that it's v likely he dislikes being seen as vulnerable so he has troubles when conveying his care 😭 One of Cliffheart's voicelines regarding her brother communicates this rather perfectly:
"My brother sent Matterhorn to look after me, didn't he…? Ugh, why can't he just come out and tell me what he's thinking? It drives me mad."
And also sbsjs, I do want to add in a small SilverAsh relationship headcanon considering that my blog is for x reader content after all lolol ✨!
So fourthly, I feel that SilverAsh would definitely be the kind of person who spoils his s/o a lot 😭💞!!! If you express wanting something, he'll get it for you without a second thought - even if you'd only made the slightest mention about it lololsbjs!!
Okay sgshs, I'll talk about what I think about Gnosis next!
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(Gnosis says 'hello' to everyone and to you anon, however he hopes this won't take too much time away from his researching work lolol 😭)
I happen to like Gnosis lots as well sbsjs 👍!! I was v v hyped for the 'Break the Ice' event and had saved up for him! Fortunately, he came home to me with no issue aaa 🥳!!! I haven't got any requests for him yet, however I am hoping to receive some that interest me so I can have the chance to write for him sbsjs sometime 👉👈
Firstly, I like his design svshs 🤔! It's quite simple and perhaps not-so ostentatious, but I think that suits him! And I like the red bits in his hair lots svshs ✨ His EN voice also suits him well and I happen to prefer it over his JP voice aaa...!
(I'm also super hyped for his skin to release to the EN server aaa, he looks v v cool in it ✨😮!!!)
Secondly, I think his skills are super fun aaa!! I love his ability to apply Cold and Freeze to enemies as I think it's v v cool ❄️!!! Maybe his damage output is not as much as other Operators, but I still think his damage amounts and his crowd-control capabilities are super awesome aaa 🥳👍!!
I haven't had my Gnosis for too long, however I've already gladly put a good amount of LMD and resources into him sbsjs ✨ I take him along on Operators often, sometimes in the place of a Caster Operator 🤔!
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(Here's my Gnosis sbsjs!! I finally got his trust level to 200% recently which I'm v happy about 🥳~)
Thirdly, in regards to his story and character, though he seems to be generally viewed as a bit of a ill-mannered jerk, I actually feel that he's a rather tragic and sad character svshs 😔
When he was v young, Gnosis and his family were forced to leave their home nation and were treated awful by the people of Kjerag because they accused of being the ones behind the deaths of SilverAsh's parents sbjss so Gnosis unfortunately had a not-so-good childhood to say the least 😔...
And even now, as he's older, most of Kjerag rejects him angrily and there isn't much of a place for him in his own home nation 😭
Considering so, I feel it's v v understandable that Gnosis has become to be extremely apathetic towards just about everything, only caring for his research sbsjs 🤔
He doesn't have even the slightest interest at all in compassion, relationships with others, or such; his voicelines v clearly show his uncaring attitude towards most things:
"SilverAsh's sisters? Yes, I've met them several times... Hm...? What more do you want me to say? I know nothing about those frolicsome, ever-changing creatures, and I certainly am not interested in them."
"The best way you can earn my trust is by showing me your true academic strengths, and it seems you've already realized as much, Doctor. I am not like SilverAsh. I am not interested in deeper emotional exchanges."
"Much like SilverAsh's, your endeavors require the help of countless supporters. However, the more supporters you have, the more you have to worry about. Since you cannot disregard them, you should avoid getting entangled. That is my one and only piece of advice for you, Doctor."
This all makes me rather sad aaa 😭 Unlike SilverAsh, I feel that Gnosis has much less of capacity for warmth because he has never been able to trust or find safe comfort in anyone, so now he shuts his heart away from anything and anyone v v firmly 😔...he simply finds it easier to care about nothing outside the progress of his research sbsjs
But sgshs 😶 before I get too sad I want to mention the small relationship headcanon I thought of for him 👉👈!!!
Fourthly, I imagine that Gnosis would remember everything about what his s/o likes and dislikes svshsv 💕 then, when the time comes for gifts or dates, he'll apply what he's taken note of to ensure whatever he's giving to you is perfect~
As for the relationship between SilverAsh and Gnosis 🤔
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They were childhood friends 🥺!! I feel that, even if both of them are much colder than they were when they were children, they're still close friends svshs! They seem to understand one another acutely and have a certain respect for eachother!!
SilverAsh cares for his friend, but again svshs SilverAsh has a funny way of showing people that he cares lololsjks 😭😶 Though it may not seem like it, he's looking out for Gnosis when he sends him to Rhodes Island! It's clear to SilverAsh that: at Rhodes Island Gnosis won't experience the harsh and angry treatment of the people of Kjerag, and Rhodes Island's advanced technology and such will assist him in better progressing his research, which SilverAsh knows is Gnosis' highest priority svshs 🤔!!
And as for Gnosis, SilverAsh seems to be the only thing outside his research that he's willing to dedicate his time and his effort to! I feel that this is because SilverAsh never once blamed the death of his parents on Gnosis and even said that he would've forgiven him had he been responsible...! Along with that, SilverAsh is one of the few people to not abandon Gnosis 😭 So I feel that Gnosis holds SilverAsh as maybe one of his only friends 🤔
I definitely feel that SilverAsh and Gnosis would need similar s/o's: someone who can make them believe in warmth and compassion once again, someone who they can allow themselves to be vulnerable around aaa 😭👉👈
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(They both need someone to warm their hearts if you will lolololsjsks 😭💕)
Anywho sgshs!!! Please excuse me, I feel like I may have rambled lots there omg 😶😭...!
I always get rather excited when given the chance to talk on how I feel about certain Operators 👉👈!!! I hope you guys don't mind svshsb
Ty for your ask again anon, and the opportunity to talk about two Operators I like lots 🥰!!! Everyone is most certainly welcome to send in asks regarding my thoughts on certain Operators ✨! I do tend to ramble when I answer asks like these aaa but I enjoy answering them v v much (as I of course love Arknights and its characters lots svshs) 🥺💕!!
Anon, I hope you'll stick around and please have a great day 🌸!!!
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The official art of chibi SilverAsh and chibi Gnosis is from the Arknights weibo HERE!! 👍
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hyunjinspark · 10 months
No a cause now i can’t wait for y/n to start living her life in Seoul and making out with other boys so hyunjin would get so jealousss that’s what he deserves honestly at this point 😭
Just the way he reacted when she told him her and Yongbok kissed AND because she was with Jeonghan i n the elevator scene omgggg he’s so selfish I can’t ( we still love him but his choices are really questionable these last few chapters + I really like seeing him jealous so please continue jade 🤭)
Btw I love all these new characters Jeonghan and Minnie fit so well in this story I can’t wait to see more of their friendship in the next chapters. And omg the plot twist with Kairi imagine if they became officially friends omg I love where this is going !!
But I just would love to see that arc when y/n is just trying to forget Hyunjin because omg I get that she’s in love but she’s destroying her life thinking constantly about him. But I think the last conversation in this chapter will help her trying to officially move on (even tho we all know they both can’t forget about each other but it’s cute seeing them try 🤫). So I think we need that y/n bad bitch era and Hyunjin jealous and redemption era because my boy deserves it to be honest get your shit together Hyunjin 😔
On the other side tho I feel like I can never fully hate him in this story… He’s really selfish but at the same time we don’t know what he’s going though and it must be really tough for him but he should stop playing with y/n’s feelings like that.
Im really curious about Hyunjin’s future in this story , we all know at the end they are gonna get together but will he start making big choices for his career then ? Would he completely quit the idol life and his band mates and officially becoming a painter with a quiet life ? Or will his company will start to get less strict and let them date ? And what would the public think of it ? Ahhhh so many questions I can’t wait to see the evolution of the story 🥹
Honestly the angst is so great jade I can’t wait for what you’re gonna do with these last few chapters Im so excited thank you for you amazing work always🥹🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
youre so right. even though we may want to see hyun hurt/jealous, he’s already going through a lot :(( his choices and actions have been questionable … thank you for liking the new characters ! that conversation with hyun will definitely help yn to try to move on, since shes been holding on to him all this time, without any definite conclusion. now she knows :(
your questions about his future are so interesting…and im excited to unravel the rest of this story. not much is left, we’re in the last stretch !
thank you for sending me your lovely thoughts 💭💕
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