#were have we seen that vail before?
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And in the pond the full moon and its namesake reflected their light and Moon looked up at the night sky for the first time after a centuries long slumber.
A small automaton au snippet from Sun and Moons past
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milswrites · 3 months
We can't be friends
Cassian X Reader
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Summary: Cassian had been distant. While he was still physically present around you, it was easy to see his mind was elsewhere. When you learn of the reason why this rift has appeared between you, you must make the difficult decision to step away from the man you once loved.
Warnings: Angsttttt
Notes: We've had our Rhysand breakup angst, it’s now time for Cassian's!!! Anyone else had Ariana Grande’s new album on their mind like 24/7? Stole the name from her song lol.
Cassian’s mind was wandering again. You could see it. Able to tell that he wasn’t mentally present by his blank expression and misty absent-minded gaze. His usually bright hazel eyes bore a dull film, as if someone had draped a cloudy vail over them.
You needn’t ask him what he was thinking of. Who he was thinking of. It had been clear enough to you that his thoughts had been occupied by the eldest Acheron sister from the moment he had met her in the mortal realm.
He would deny it of course, every time you brought the topic up with him he would spit some venomous comment about her poor attitude and the lack of love she held for her younger sister.
But you needn’t be a seer to observe what was going on here. It was as through fate that you had been cruelly blessed with the ability to see the golden thread which tied him to the woman.
Whether Nesta was oblivious to the bond or was just opting to ignore it you did not know. But you were sure Cassian knew. In fact you had never been more positive of anything in your life.
What you couldn’t understand was why would Cassian go about his life as though the bond wasn’t there? Why, at the end of each night, would he come back to your chambers to warm your bed?
The male continuing to crawl into your sheets after a long days work, whispering sweet nothings into your ears as he cradled you to sleep, acting as though nothing was different. As though you couldn’t feel the grating presence of the bond.
Most nights you stayed awake as the man slept beside you. Your miserable eyes trailing along the length of the golden cord, following the string as it wound its way out of your room. No doubt if you followed it’s path you would end up right outside the door of Nesta’s flat.
So why was Cassian still drifting you along even though he had met his mate? And how much longer would you have to wait before the inevitable occurred?
These thoughts had plagued your mind for the past few weeks. Eating away at you as they slowly stole your happiness. Instead, an odd feeling of guilt wracked your body. The evil whisper of your conscience telling you that you were the third-wheel. The one thing stopping Cassian from being with his mate. That you should do the noble thing and end your relationship. That it was what he would want.
You defensively hiss back at your demons whenever they took a hold of your mind, reassuring yourself that Cassian loved you. That he still chose to warm your bed every night. Silently hoping that the only reason he hadn’t told you about the bond was because he didn’t want to worry you. That he didn’t want you to question the unwavering affection he held for you.
And yet you always found yourself back here.
In the company of the male whose mind was in another place. With another person. Finding yourself once more having a one sided conversation with yourself. Cassian only occasionally offering up a small grunt of acknowledgement.
His glazed eyes which stayed locked on your form, no doubt imagining a different view. A picture of the woman he was dreaming about. A woman that wasn’t you.
It began to feel like there was a ghost in your relationship. Only you couldn’t figure out whether it was you or Cassian.
Cassian who had become a shell of the man he had once been around you.
Or you, who now struggled to be both heard and seen by the man you had devoted the last three centuries of your life to.
The once overwhelming surge of radiating joy had dimmed. A candle, struggling to stay alight as it consumed the last dregs of fuel from the wick. The flame between the two of you now fading into a dull flicker.
Your heart no longer skipped a beat whenever you saw the male. Instead it weighed heavy in your chest, as if clamped by a strong metal hand, choking the last remnants of happiness from your soul, flooding your body with a terrible sense of dread.
This wasn’t the way you wanted to live.
You knew that much. You were smart enough to know that you didn’t want to be the second option. The afterthought, even though you had known the male longer, had loved him for longer.
Therefore you knew what had to be done. Yet after sharing three hundred joyous years with the male you couldn’t be blamed for struggling to find the strength to do it.
But you could feel it now. The strength seeping into your body, fighting to share the room alongside your agony and grief. Mourning your relationship before it has even come to a close.
It was hard to ignore the way your hands had begun to shake. Nor the drying of your throat as you blurted out the words before you could stop yourself and cowardly continue on with the relationship which had began to drain you of the last of your happiness.
“We need to talk.”
The words came out thick and heavy. The change in the tone of your voice from your monotonous dialogue to this statement being enough to capture Cassian’s attention. The absent clouds drifting from his eyes until your determined ones were met with his hazel orbs.
“I thought we were talking?”
The male gulped as he spoke, clearly feeling the unsettling aura which filled the room. All your years together being enough for Cassian to know the gravity of what you were about to say.
“Why are you still here Cas? With me?”
“W-what?” He stuttered in answer, your eyes searching his as you tried to distinguish whether he knew what it was you were talking about. Fear building in your chest at the realisation you were going to have to say it yourself before this conversation led to nothing.
“Nesta, Cassian. The bond.”
He didn’t know. All this time he had been unaware of your silent heartbreak. You saw the truth of it in the way his face dropped, the extinguishing of the spark in his eyes.
“How long?” He gulped, guilt crossing his expression as he forced the words out. His cheeks flushing in shame that he hadn’t been the one to tell you.
“Weeks? Months? Long enough to question why you’re still with me.”
Cassian didn’t know what to say. He started at you with a crushing remorse, the glint of love in his eyes doing nothing to reduce your pain.
“I’m not a fool Cas,” you smiled sadly at your own unfortunate situation, his name catching in your throat as you reached your hand forwards to lay atop of his, “you want to be with her, I know that.”
A pained look flashed across his face, his eyes burning with self-hatred failing to meet yours in his regret. You allowed him the time for his emotions to settle, sitting in silence as you continued to grip his hand.
Eventually, once his flood of shame subsided, Cassian found the words to speak, “All I’ve ever known is you. All I’ve ever loved. I’ve never known anything else.”
“I know Cas” you flinched at the earnesty which laced his words. Cassian had never given you any reason to believe he didn’t love you. Even now, when his heart was calling to another, you still felt the outpouring of love from his soul.
“It’s not fair,” he grit through his teeth angrily, “you’ve done nothing wrong. It’s me. I’m the one who can’t control my feelings, my thoughts which dream of another. You don’t deserve this.”
“I don’t” you said simply. Your face remaining blank as tears began to fall down the males cheeks. You have had months to cry about your lost love, there would be no more tears shed by you. Not now, not when your well had run dry.
“We can still be friends though right? You’ve been in my life for so long I can’t imagine it without you” he choked the words out as if he wasn’t the one who had already ended things between you. He never had to say the words to you, his actions and his heart did all the talking for him.
“No Cas,” you shake your head solemnly, “we can’t be friends.”
The male looked to you in shock, his eyes blowing wide as he took in the force of your words. What this would mean for the two of you, for your future together. Or lack thereof.
“It’s not fair Cas,” you reason, giving his hands a gentle squeeze, emotions still holding firm in the face of adversity, “not to me and not to Nesta. We both know what needs to be done. We both have for a while.”
“But I love you” he fights your calm demeanour, his watery eyes staring into yours with an intensity, begging you to take back the words you were saying.
“We can’t go back to being us Cas, it’s too late for that. The damage has been done,” you lift your free hand to settle against his cheek, thumb wiping away the downpour of tears, “but with Nesta, with your mate, you have a chance. You should go for it. Follow your heart.”
“I’ll never forget you” he stubbornly argues, adamant that he can have everything he wants. Nesta by his side and you in his life. His love blinding him, allowing his selfish wishes to be spoken aloud.
“I think for both our sakes forgetting each other may be our best option baby.”
You couldn’t help it, the silver tear which escaped your eye, betraying the cold emotions you were trying to display on the outside, your thumb still caressing his cheeks as your eyes flittered across his face. Taking in everything that was Cassian for what would be the last time.
“That’s what I’m going to do,” you cried, “I’m sorry Cas but it’s the only way. I have to forget.”
It was the acceptance that was the hardest part of all. The admission that while you weren’t Cassian’s once in a lifetime, he was yours. And it was your love for him that would allow you to let him go. Your will for him to be happy, outweighing the pain of seeing him in another woman’s arms.
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cattonicdragon · 1 year
Could we have a tooth fairy Easter bunny Jack frost and platonic north and sandy with a reader that represents Halloween(reader looks like a mix between a crow and scarecrow) that's scared that there holiday is on the decline and has become a little depressed because of it. Thank and love your stuff ::::)
Guardians《seperate》 x Halloween guardian reader who's holiday is being forgotten
Guys in back,again(probally gonna disappear again lol)
In fr trying to catch up this time.
Anyways I ty for the request!:3
Angst,fluff,hurt with comfort,readers sad :(
has not been proofread, A/N at the end
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Tooth fairy
Its early October,you know what that means, its Halloween time
The time where the vail between the spiritual world and the living is the thinnest
You and tooth usually celebrate together,she does get more work during hallowing because of all the candy but she spends the most of her time with you
She helps you hang up the decorations and spread the Halloween feels
However you havnt done that yet,not only that but you dont have that much time left you only have a month
Once tooth realizes that somethings wrong she'll immidatly do ask the other guardians if they had seen you or if they had heard something from you,the results all come back the same,you were seemingly no where
She decided to check the globe,that could have a clue right?
That's when she noticed there were many less lights then usual,and that when it started to line up..
People were forgetting about you.
The last time you had spoke before going radio silent you had mentioned that it wasnt even October and people were advertising Christmas things
She had realised that you had probally hid yourself away becuase of this
When she does eventually find you shes understandable very worried for you.
After she gets a thorough explanation she'll waste no time in helping you with preparations
However first off,she has to get you in the Halloween mood,as your current one is rather sour,and we cant have that!
She cheers you up by bringing you around and showing you places that are getting ready for Halloween
She brings you to see a small shop that has cobwebs,spiders,skeletons,ghosts the whole lot,she smiles as she sees a small one form on your lips
She then brings you to stores as parents and kids are choosing out pumpkins,baskets,sweets and costumes
When a smile finally Grace's your lips she hugs you tightly and tugs with her to get more decorations up and around
She understands what it feels like to be forgotten and she dosnt want that to happen to you
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Bunnymund/Easter bunny
Hes used to people neglecting his holidays for others
But hes surprised when there seems to be lesser lights on the globe
Things line up really quickly in his head as the cogs start working
He dosnt waste a second,immediately searching for you in fear you've disappeared
Once he finds you he tries to calm you down reassuring you that aslong as hes there he wont let you disappear
He even decorates Easter island with some Halloween decorations
He gives you Halloween styled eggs as a way to cheer you up
He will decorate pumpkins with you aswell
since halloween takes place in fall he might take you to forests where the leaves have turned orange and are starting to fall
he will help you decorate places and even though hes not the biggest sweet tooth,with a big oof bribery im sure he'll try a sweet oor two
he'll constantly be there and comforting you
easter isnt all ways widley celebrated so hes probally had a fear of fading aswell
he wont ever say it but due to the fact that your holidays is overlooked in favour for christmas,he holds a small grudge
he knows its not norths fault but hes just salty
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Jack frost
Honestly hes kind of tone deaf
hes very happy go lucky and isnt used or very good at adapting to change
id like to think that he was quite close to you even before becoming a guardian,because halloween is in the colder months of the year
it might take another guardian to point out your abscents or off behaviour
however just because hes abit tone deaf dosnt mean hes not smart
once its been pointed out to him hes going on a man hunt for you
altough he wasnt in an entirely similar situation,he still knows what its like to feel isolated,scared and alone,and as his S/o he dosnt want yuo feeling the same
once locating you the first thing he'll do is make sure your not fading away
if you are then he will moost likely panic
he will eventually calm himself down,realising that panicing wont help it at all
his first priorety is to make sure that your ok
mentally and physically
afterwards he takes you to do things to take it off your mind
some of his favorite things to do are skating and carving pumpkins,if your not good at either he'll help you
he loves decorating everywhere with fun decorations
his favorite halloween decore are those door bells that grab youor finger or smth(i hate those things with a passion,so i can imagine him loving them)
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north/santa claus
if anyones going to find out the fastest,itts north
he has to keep a keen eye on the months and probally realise that its your holliday
his first reaction is to celebrate your holiday with you,he feels alot like a father figure to you and as such he feels he needs to celebrate your holiday with you
though the smile on his face dosnt stay long as he finds that many stores,instead of having halloween decoration.have christmas things
thats not right.
at first he thinks it might just be the store,and so he checks others
thats until he becomes aware that its most stores
why are they all decroated with christmas decore,they should be deced out with sceletons and pumpkins
not snowmen and gingerbreadmen
after coming to this realisation he checks the globe before visiting you#
he gets quite anxxious once checking the globe
hes quick to find and omfort you,hes quite furious people are neglecting your holiday for his.christmas is still months away!
after calming you down he will go ALL OUT on halloween decorations,the north pole dosnt even look like what it once was,white robes with dark circles are hanging around the celeing,skeletons have been placed everywhere in different positions,fake spiders and fake spider webs have been thrown enywhere they can.
all the elves and yeti's take a day off,to decorate pumpkins.
he'll probaly also reach out to the other guardians,inviting them all over so you can all celebrate together.<3
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sandy is very intune with the going oon in the world,aswell as being extremly intuitive
hes probally seen this coming though he didnt think itd be to such an extent where it'd cause you distress
after feeling a particullary cold gust of autaum wind its clear something is wrong
after checking the globe it seems that his hypthesis had become reality
he wasnt very surprised since he had a nagging feeling it'd happen,apart of him thinks that he might have just been denieing that you had the possibility to fade,that he was in denial
either way he had to push his own thoughts away as he had more importtant things to do,such as comforting you and restoring your holiday to its former glory,or at least try to.
after locating you hes quick to alert you of his precents though he may not be the best at calming you down since,he cant really speak.
hes most likely to put you to sleep and give you good dreams whilst brainstorming ideas to help your current dilema
once your awake and calm,he'll try his best to relay his ideas and help you
cutting pumpkins is a must
he will try his best to make candy with you
if you ever need some comfort just say the word and hes hugging you and trying his best to comfort you
he makes sure you have good dreams for days
he promises that he'll try his best to help you
he'll be dammed if he ever didnt go through with that promise to you.
the other guardians will most likely notice both of your distress and end up helpping,either that or sandy asks them directly.
hope this is ok,i havnt writeen in a while,btw this was written with a keyboard and i cant be botherd to proof read it rn and just wanted to post it so here you go!,but in all seriosuness i will be working on my other requests,thank you all for being pateint with me<<33
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heavenlyakin · 10 months
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WC: 3.3k
Warnings: Some jjk spoilers (jjk 0), fem reader, established relationship, use of “darling”, fingering (f. receiving), penetrative sex, then lots of angst. 
A/n: I hope you enjoy my first time writing my beloved Suguru. Also, a huge huge huge thanks to @shankedxspanked for beta reading this for me. I love you endlessly bestie <3 As always, reblogs are greatly appreciated
The sun warms your body, despite the chilly wind in the meadow. He’s usually late, so arriving early can be an annoyance, but the first sunny day of spring is exactly what you’ve been waiting for to spend a day out with Suguru. It’s not that you’re impatient with him, you just expect a certain level of respect. 
“Darling,” the sweet sound of Suguru’s voice makes your eyes flutter open. He’s blocking the sun from glaring down on you, illuminated from behind. “Thought you were asleep.” 
“I was trying to. You interrupted a very important daydream,” you tell him as you sit up and he takes his place to your left. 
He situates himself cross-legged and then pulls you into his lap, his arms holding you close against him. You nuzzle your face against him, taking in the scent of clove and pine. His robes feel soft against your skin, making you wonder if he feels too warm in the spring sun. 
“Tell me about this daydream, my darling girl.” He presses a kiss to the top of your forehead, just at your hairline. 
“Sorry, daydreams are meant for the dreamer.” You tell him, taking his larger hand in yours and pressing your lips to his knuckles one at a time. “And you’re not a dreamer.” 
He laughs, shaking his head. “I think you’ve forgotten exactly who I am.” 
You smile, looking up and taking in the amused look on his face. “That might be true. You’ve kept yourself so busy with work, I’ve barely seen you in the last few weeks.” 
His smile turns to a frown. Annoyance is clear in his expression. “I’m creating-” 
“The world in which we should live.” You finish the sentence for him, leaning back against his chest so you’re no longer looking at him. 
“Don’t be mad at me,” he whispers. “I’m doing this for us.” 
“Just eat the lunch I made you.” You snap, pointing at the picnic basket you ordered online last week just for today. 
“Darling,” he coos, but it feels more like a scolding. “We’ve been over this before.” He tilts your chin to look at him. 
His eyes are always so intense, but there’s a softness that wasn’t there before. You furrow your brows, unwilling to give in to him over this. While you have understood the place Suguru is coming from, the circumstances are becoming harder and harder to accept. 
“Make it up to me then,” you say, trying your best to hold back a smile. 
“I could set a vail and really make it up to you,” he squeezes your thigh with his free hand and your face heats up. 
“Oh?” You barely get the word out before he’s leaning down, still holding your chin in place while he kisses you. 
His lips are slow, the softness of them feeling like heaven on your lips. The taste of him is infatuating, overwhelming your senses and making you forget about anything that doesn’t have to do with him. His tongue swipes across your bottom lip before his teeth graze the delicate skin. 
You gasp as he bites down on your lip, his arms turning your body so you’re facing him. You oblige, straddling him and taking his face in your hands. Pieces of his hair get caught between your hands and his cheeks, tugging at them as you pull his face up to meet yours. He groans against your mouth at the feeling, making your knees shake. His hands grip your sides, squeezing you softly but pushing you down against him. 
Through his robes you can feel him, his cock prodding at you through his clothing. Dropping your hands from his face, you reach for his robes, untying what you can with his help and revealing his chest. He pulls away from you, pressing his finger to your lips and shushing the whine you started. 
"Emerge from the darkness, blacker than darkness. Purify that which is impure.” He chants the words and you watch as the curtain falls around you both, circling you in the meadow. “Next time, I want you to set it.” 
You laugh and roll your eyes. Like that’ll happen. Suguru knows the limits to your curse techniques, something you’ve always found yourself feeling insecure about when you’re around him. He’s had to save you more times than you’d like to remember and it’s always been a shameful secret you’ve kept to yourself. 
“Thinking about something other than me?” He asks, drawing your attention back to him. 
“Sorry,” you mumble, dragging your right hand down his chest and to the abs that spread across his stomach. “Can you forgive me?” 
“There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you, darling.” He tells you, a smirk on his pretty lips. “Now stop playing around with me and take that slutty little dress off for me.” 
You smile, but part of you is wondering if the dress is actually slutty. It’s just a normal pink sundress, but when you look down at yourself you see it pushed up around your waist and the straps falling off your shoulders. So maybe he has a point. You slip the dress off and toss it over near the picnic basket. 
Suguru leans forward, grabbing your breasts with both hands. “Much better,” he kisses the skin of your breasts pulling on your bra and freeing them. 
As his lips wrap around your right nipple you moan, his tongue swirling around and teasing you. He pulls you closer, reaching around you and unlatching your bra. It falls down your arms and Suguru tosses it to the side. You roll your hips, teasing him through his pants, earning a quiet groan from him. He mumbles something that sounds like “again” and you oblige. He switches to your other breast, giving your nipple the same attention as the last. 
“Sugu-“ you start to whine. 
“Shhh,” he hushes you as he unlatches from your breast. “Just enjoy the time we have together.” 
It’s so unlike him to want to be slow with you. The last few times you’ve been together it’s only been minutes before he’s tearing your clothes off of you and taking you in whatever position is convenient for where you are. Your eyes well up as you smile and nod. He kisses your cheeks and you wrap your arms around his broad shoulders. 
He grabs your waist and spins you so you’re back against the picnic blanket and he’s hovering over you. “It’s such a waste to keep wearing these,” he tells you as he fools with the waistband of your panties. 
“I can’t go commando everywhere, babe,” you scold him and he laughs. 
“You should when you’re meeting me.” He says matter of factly before tearing them off of you. 
 “You also don’t need to tear them every time. They do slide on and off just fine.” You laugh as he drops the torn fabric onto the grass behind him. 
He shrugs, leaning down and kissing you again. His hand slides between your bodies as his fingers begin to tease your folds while his tongue floods your mouth. You savor the taste of him, slowly kissing him back and only taking breaths when absolutely necessary. 
His fingers finally land on your clit and slowly circle it, making you moan into his mouth. He slowly drags his fingers closer to your entrance. You whimper as you feel two of his fingers push into you, sending shivers down your spine. Your hands go for his back, your nails biting into his skin. He spreads his fingers, stretching you out as you moan. 
“Please,” you whimper. 
“You want my cock already?” He whispers, deadly calm. “I haven’t even tasted you yet, darling.” 
“I’ve missed you too much,” you beg, not concerned with foreplay, just needing him in you; him filling you up and you wrapping around him. “Just need you now.” 
He chuckles, pushing himself back up onto his knees. He uses one hand to push his hair back away from his face, his bicep flexing with the sun behind him. Everything about him is damn near ethereal, you realize. His movements are precise but fluid like he’s never lacked confidence for a moment. 
He slips his pants down his thighs, his boxers going with them. You’re always in awe of his figure, hardened and scarred from years of training and fighting. He hovers back over you, kissing your collarbone and neck as he lines himself up with you. You gasp as he slides into you, his cock stretching you out. 
“Suguru,” you whine, pulling his face to yours and kissing him softly as he begins to thrust slowly inside of you.
You can’t remember the last time you were intimate with Suguru. It’s been weeks. He’s been so busy you’ve only had chances to see him in a professional manner when given missions or to bring him lunch at the temple.  Your eyes well up and you feel the shame entering your body quicker than he did. 
Why are you crying? This is ridiculous. Your inner monologue berates you. 
“Darling,” Suguru coos, taking your face in his hand and stilling his movements inside of you. “Does it hurt?” 
“No, oh no.” You shake your head and blink the tears away. “I’ve just missed your touch.” 
He smiles, that genuine smile that’s soft and full of the Suguru only you and a few others have seen. 
The sky is clear, so clear you swear if you tried hard enough you’d be able to see the stars that exist just outside the expanse of the earth’s sky. It makes you want to laugh, considering your whole world exists here beside you, and none of what you see matters beyond him. 
You turn your head to look at Suguru, taking in his beautiful features. His eyes are closed, his cheeks still pink from the flush of your activities. Your breathing has finally settled and you’re just laying on the soft blanket, Suguru quietly laying beside you. 
“I forgot something,” you tell him, remembering the whole reason you planned this picnic, besides having him all to yourself for an afternoon. 
He sits up as you do, and you grab your pink sundress, pulling it back over your head. After, you grab the picnic basket, noticing that Suguru has begun to dress again, standing on the corner of the picnic blanket to tie his robes. He’s not paying you attention so it gives you time to sort the food out and spread it out. You find the small wrapped present in the bottom of the basket, hiding it behind you so Suguru doesn’t see it. 
“This looks divine,” he tells you as he sits on the blanket beside you. The spread of food is impressive, especially considering you’re not one to cook a whole lot. But today felt special so you made almost everything you know how to make to share with him. 
“Thank you,” you smile, your fingers fiddling with the present behind you. You wanted to wait until after you both ate to give him the gift, but you can’t now. “I have something for you.” 
He puts down the bowl of rice he’d begun to pick at. “A present?” A smirk on his face makes you smile. 
You bring it out from behind your back, presenting it to him. “It’s not much, but I wanted you to have a piece of me with you.” 
He smiles, opening the wrapped present and the small box it’s in. He holds up the silver chain necklace, tilting his head to look at the black charm dangling in the air from it. 
“It’s a replica of your cursed spirits, the orbs anyways.” You explain as he takes the orb into his hand. “I also imbued it with my own cursed energy to strengthen it so it won’t fall apart and it’ll be easy to locate if lost.” 
“I’d never lose this,” he tells you, his voice soft. He looks at you with those beautiful dark eyes, making your heart flutter. He leans closer to you, his fingers tilting your chin up towards him as he kisses you. “Thank you.” 
It’s funny how days turn to weeks and weeks turn to months. You haven’t so much as heard Suguru’s voice in a week, and you haven’t seen him since the day at the meadow. He’s texted… a few times. Mostly half-assed apologies that aren’t anything more than excuses. You’ve not responded to any of them, probably prompting the others to be sent. If he wants to hear from you he knows where you are. 
He’s busy, and it’s important that he focuses on his work. You should be focusing more on yours, to be quite honest. You’ve only located a handful of high-ranking curses in the last two months and haven’t bothered to report them to Suguru. 
Is it spiteful? Absolutely. 
Do you care? No. 
Reporting them would mean you’d have to go report to him and you decided the night after the meadow that you wanted him to try more. If he wants this to work then he needs to put work into it. Suguru could rest a little. This work is going to kill him if he doesn’t. 
A knock at the door drags your attention away from the reality show you’ve been mindlessly watching. Tossing the blanket off your legs, you slip on your fuzzy slippers and walk slowly to the door. As you open it, you sense who it is. 
“Darling,” Suguru greets you, leaning on the door frame. He’s in business clothes, something you’ve never seen before. The tight-fitting navy blue button-up really shows his arms and the white slacks continue to show off his toned body. 
“Hey,” you turn away, walking back into your living room to allow him in. 
“Just hey?” Annoyance is clear in his tone. 
“Hi Suguru,” you smile, knowing it will annoy him. 
“I thought you’d be happy to see me.” He says, his voice sounding a bit pouty. You wonder if that’s on purpose. 
“What do I owe the pleasure? I haven't seen you in nearly three months Suguru.” You sit on the couch, moving the blanket out of the way to the back of the couch so Suguru can sit if he wants. He doesn’t. 
He sighs, rubbing the back of his neck with his right hand. “I’ve been busy.” 
“I know,” you huff, leaving back against the couch and looking up at the ceiling. “I just think you should make time for me.” 
Your voice comes out weak, and you want to cry. There’s no reason to want to cry or have your voice shaking like it is. He might think you’re too weak if he picks up on it. 
“Darling,” he coos, sitting next to you and taking your hands in his. “I am truly sorry for neglecting you. I promise after October, things can be normal for us.” 
“October?” You frown, that’s still months away. It’s just turning to summer. “That’s so long.” 
He tilts your face up to his. “It won’t feel that way. I’ll be around more, I promise.” 
He leans in to kiss you and you pull away. “Suguru, don’t.” 
He looks bewildered by this and you frown. “You’re just trying to distract me. You’re not even wearing the necklace I gave you. Did you think I wouldn’t notice?” 
“I just took it off today.” 
“Like I believe that.” You scoff and move from the couch to head toward the kitchen. Once you’re at the fridge you pull out a bottle of chilled wine. “I can’t expect you to wear it I suppose.” 
He stands across from you on the other side of the counter. He frowns as he watches you down your first glass of wine and pours another.  
“I had an important meeting today so I couldn’t wear it. I needed to look like this.” He gestures to his clothes and you roll your eyes. “Don’t be like this,” he walks around the counter and takes the wine glass from your hand. 
He leans down, kissing your cool lips and pulling you towards him with his strong arms. 
“Suguru,” you whimper, his touch intoxicating. 
“Forgive me, please,” he asks as he kisses down your neck, sucking and biting every other kiss. 
You realize he’s doing it again, distracting you with the allure of sex like that day in the meadow and a few moments ago on the couch. 
“Please stop,” you whine pulling away from him. “You’re continuing to distract from our issues.” 
He leans back against the counter, his knuckles white from gripping it so tightly. “Why can’t you just understand that I can’t be here for you every day?” 
“I don’t need to see you every day but more than once every three months would be nice!” You yell, unable to control your temper. He stares at you. You’ve never reacted this way to him. “I’m sorry,” you retract immediately. 
“No, no, I needed to hear that.” He sighs and lets go of the counter. “If you can make it to October, I promise you things will be better. I swear on my life.” 
You nod, not saying anything other than, “October then.” 
You see Suguru exactly four times from summer to October, but you let it go. After the month ends he’s sworn to you he’ll be more present. He’s even been wearing the necklace you gave him each time you’ve been together. While things with him aren’t perfect they’re manageable for now. With each day, you grow more and more excited. 
However, you know that with the plan for Halloween, things could be difficult in the immediate aftermath. Suguru has ordered you to be nowhere near the attack. Part of you wants to disobey, but the other part knows you need much more training with Suguru before you feel confident enough to go against any of the sorcerers.  
As the day nears, you stop looking for cursed spirits and focus your energy on ignoring the fact that he’s putting himself in danger. He’s kept a lot of the details secretive to avoid leaks, the only people who know anything are the ones participating, and of course what he’s divulged to those at Jujutsu High in Tokyo. 
That you didn’t understand, but his interest in that boy with the strong curse lingering around him has seemed to set him off into a tangent. You can’t even remember his name, you’ve blocked it out of your memory hoping nothing bad will happen to any of them. Your heart is still soft and while you know things could be better for everyone, you just wish the means were different. 
November 1st comes quicker than you expected, but you haven’t heard from anyone. It’s been unsettlingly quiet on all fronts. The morning passes by and you can’t even stomach a cup of coffee, anxiously awaiting to hear from Suguru. By noon, you assume he’s not coming by today so you decide it’s better to go find out information. 
You get dressed, dawning something comfortable but warm for the chilly days ahead. As you open your door, you’re frozen in place. A man with stark white hair and sunglasses is standing at your door, his hand raised as if he was about to knock. 
“Oh!” You exclaim. “I’m sorry,” 
“I believe this is yours. I’m sorry.” He hands you the necklace you gave Suguru. 
You stare up at him, a confused look on your face. Before you can form words to ask why he has it, he’s gone in the blink of an eye.
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rain-in-the-clouds · 5 months
After Dark
Tattoo Artist Choso x Artist Reader modern au
Chapter 5: You're Somebody Else
Warnings: Angst (none)
Word count: 6000+
Yuji, Sukuna and Megumi had gotten home a bit later, it was quiet during the ride back to the house, but there was a lingering feeling in the air; a suspicion or doubt, filling the three's minds. It wasn’t till the next day- when Yuta arrived- that they all copped to the feeling. 
Megumi was in the kitchen, while the twins lazed about their living room. Yuta could feel the tension the second he walked in the door. He matched it with confusion. “Alright.” His voice cut through the thin silence, “What is this…vibe?” He didn’t sound confident in his nomenclature, but his question was. Neither of the two answers him. He could hear small sounds of movement coming from the kitchen, and decided he’d find answers there. He found Megumi hovering over a hot plate making rolled eggs. Megumi noticed his cousin drifting from the doorway to the island. 
“You’re here early. What’s up?” Megumi, similar to the twins, could read his friend with great ease. But in this instant he wasn’t sure. Yuta sat at the island, letting out a huff as he sat.
“What’s wrong with them?” He asked plainly while gesturing with his head towards the living room. Yuta watched his friend finish up his doings, knowing he was both thinking and ignoring at the same time. The younger was at the sink, back turned to Yuta. “Something happen after we left?” It was a guess, he admittedly wasn’t paying much attention the night before, happily distracted in a conversation with Maki. But he didn’t have to guess hard. Megumi stilled a moment, he thought about it- though unnecessary- remembering with complete ease what he’d noticed and what the twins were both feeling. 
Megumi joins Yuta at the island, considering how to word both his observations, but without an opinion. “Depends on what that something is.” Megumi was being vague, but he wasn’t sure himself. Yuta gave him a lazed but pointed expression, one Megumi recognized. “Look,” Megumi’s voice was louder then he liked, he took a breath before he continued. “I think they’re starting to see it too.” Yuta’s eyes went a little wide at that. It’d been months at this point, he’d began to assume the two were ignoring it intentionally. 
Yuta looked over his shoulder at the door, wondering if they were on the other side listening; but he also thought it was time for the vail to be lifted. "About time." Yuta wasn't hiding his slight annoyance, his voice a little louder than normal. Megumi furrowed his brows, his grip on the counter tightened; but a moment later he let out a breath. He sank a bit, his shoulders sinking down.
"I know. But-" Megumi cut his thoughts short. Letting his meaning hang there. Yuta didn't need explaining, but he turned away towards the door. 
"Why?" Yuta was being more curt about the situation. "Look I do get it. We've known them for how long? But when are they gonna get a clue? Or at least talk to her or Choso. Because you know they haven't." Yuta was tired, he or Megumi had ever seen the three like this. It wasn't a secret that Choso was reserved, but not with the twins. They always seemed like a package deal. But the two cousins noticed it that first night. How they clung to her, every word uttered almost like a secret pact between thieves. Like when they are together a trance is put on them, one the twins seem addicted too. Megumi wondered if Choso was also falling.
Megumi thought more closely on Y/n and her role in this situation. For some time Megumi had had a feeling about her. He noticed that when no one else was looking, she seemed so sad. It reminded him of the twins. He knew there was a connection there, but couldn't connect those dots. But the twins looked the exact same when he first met them. 
It was their first year of high school. Megumi, his sister Tsubaki and their Dad, were touring the campus a day before orientation. Megumi and Tsubaki picked their school two years prior and were excited to see the place. The three were in the courtyard when their Dad was pulled away by the principal. 
The two wondered, finding a spot beneath an old tree. Tsubaki pulled out a book and began to read. Megumi just watched the empty school grounds. That's when he saw them. 
The twin boys, with bright strawberry hair, sitting together at a picnic table; huddled over their phones. They were sitting together, but separate; like they were saving the seat between them. They were clearly dower, their body language saying as much. Megumi was curious about them, he was about to ask Tsubaki what she thought, but was halted by their Dad shouting for them. 
"Megumi, Tsubaki!" He yelled, he could easily see them, but for some reason- one lost on Megumi- he called for them anyways.
Megumi saw the twins' reaction before he saw his Dad. They'd both- in unison- snapped their heads up, both their expressions also matching. His observations were stopped by Tsubaki tugging on his coat. Once standing he saw the source of the twins' confusion. Megumi and Tsubaki's Dad were walking alongside another slightly older man. Megumi assumed he was the mystery twin's father, they looked similar too each other to be otherwise. His hair was a darker shade of strawberry, he wore glasses, and was a bit paler than his two sons. And he was caught in a rousing conversation with his own Dad.
"Sukuna, Yuji." The twins assumed father called the two. His voice is much quieter, and a bit deeper than his own Dad. But there was something comforting about how he held himself, it reminded Megumi of his uncle.
The twins meandered to rejoin their father. Megumi and Tsubaki were already a few feet ahead of them. One of them- his eyes were colder- kept glaring at them. Megumi was further confused. "Hey goobers." Megumi’s Dad greeted them, in his normal unusual way. Tsubaki laughed at the teasing names. Megumi had to stop himself from scoffing. "I want to introduce you to my new acquaintance." Megumi was doubtful of his Dad's swave behavior, but he was too curious for his own good. "Megumi, Tsubaki, this is Jin Itadori." He paused just a moment, seeing the twins join the group by their fathers side. "And his sons." He concluded, all too proud of himself.
The twins in question looked at him and his sister with cold disinterest. They said nothing, but they didn't have too. Megumi saw their tired withdrawal, their eyes had dark circles, they were pale too; ghosts of themselves.
Jin let out a soft hum. "Hello Megumi, Tsubaki," He warmly greeted them, though more formally then the siblings were used too. "It's a pleasure to meet you." He stepped back and behind the sulking twins. "These are my sons. This is Yuji," He introduced first by placing a firm but comforting hand on Yuji's shoulder. "And this is Sukuna." He did the same for Sukuna, both boys seemed to relax some. 
They were absolutely identical. But they did make themselves distinguishable. Yuji wore his short hair down, parting just a little bit down the middle. Whereas Sukuna wore his slightly longer hair, spiked up, showing more of his face off. Their eye colors are different too, both had pierced ears, but Sukuna more so than Yuji. 'From a distance you couldn't tell them apart.' Megumi thought to himself. But still he was curious about them.
Come to find out their story that brought them to that city and that school would lead him to look upon memory for answers about current issues. Megumi and Yuta were still stuck.
— —
"What if they do know?" Megumi suddenly asked, cutting through the silence the two had been sitting in.
Yuta squinted, his mouth in a slight smirk, "Are you sure about that?" He answered with a question of his own. Megumi shook his head. 
"I don't think that matters. But, I do think they're ignoring it." He surmised, finally joining Yuta at the bar side of the island. 
"Has Yuji said anything to you?" Yuta had rolled his head to look at his younger. Megumi shook his head, Yuta shrugged. "Maybe you’re right. But is this," He gestured towards the living room, "Really best for anyone?" 
"No, I don't really think it is. But I think we've," Megumi gestured between him and Yuta, "Have already passed that point." Megumi sighed, slumping down a little further, Yuta wasn't long from joining him. "Saying anything now will definitely cause more harm than help. They gotta' deal with this on their own." He concluded, however, he agreed with Yuta, it had been dragging on for too long. Yuta was about to say something, but he and Megumi were stopped by one of the twins phones ringing, followed by Megumi’s own.
— — —
Y/n had slept peacefully, wrapped up in the security and comfort of Choso. She didn't dream that night, too tired to. Choso wasn't far off, despite Y/n’s bed being just a bit too small for him; he slept like a log. Their limbs tangled together, they looked like a caricature of young love. 
Morning came slowly for the two, quickly passing by. The sun was up, melting the top layers of snow, warming the ground and those who had to be up at the early hours. 
The apartment had grown cold in the night, Y/n never having adjusted the thermostat or timer; there was a definite chill to the air. Choso woke first, his feet had been sticking out and when the cold bit at him, he curled up under the blanket. But it was too late, he'd already begun to wake up and no amount of stubbornness would let him fall back to sleep. He breathed deep and slow, feeling the rise and fall of his own chest. Slowly he blinked his eyes open, he was laying on his back, legs pulled up, knotted together with Y/n's. 
One arm was tucked under his head and the other was under Y/n. She was facing away, curled in on herself. With his eyes glued to her, he hastefully pulled his arm out; she only moved slightly. Settling under her blanket once more, he exhaled a breath of relief, then started to slither the rest of the way out of bed. He didn't stop till his legs hit the floor and he was sitting beside the short bed. Again Y/n didn't move, Choso got to his feet, thankfully the floor was quiet. Quickly he grabbed his pants, slipped in and out of the bathroom, before finally leaving the bedroom. He shut the door behind him, near tiptoeing down the hall till he was fully away from her room. 
It was late morning, he decided it was best for a slow start to the day. He begun by brewing coffee, it took some time, but it gave him a chance to slip on his hoodie and dropping his shoes by the balcony. Very similarly to Y/n, Choso stood on the small balcony with a mug and cigarette in hand.
The air was frigid, biting at him, but he didn't notice it, lost in the simple but beautiful sight that sprawled out before him. The city seemed so incredibly different from what he'd seen before, despite the fact he grew up here. "Maybe it's just today." He said to himself, his tone a little woeful, but his eyes were lit in a hopeful light. He was out there for a bit, until his face and hands were red. He came back in with a gust of wind, near shivering, he quickly discarded his hoodie again, while also warming the kotatsu. 
It was some 15 minutes before he was back to being warm. Choso decided to continue with a thought he'd had earlier, he went back to the kitchen and threw on the same pink apron before grabbing several containers of leftovers from the fridge. Eating to make as little mess as possible he opted to use one container for reheating and two plates. It took him 20 minutes, once that was done he set up the kotatsu with the thrown together breakfast. 
Choso was in the middle of finishing up, making fresh coffee for the two of them, when a thought struck him. It dawned on him then that all of this wasn't weird. He scanned the small apartment, from the kitchen to the hallway and back, stopping at the living room. All of it felt strangely normal. 'Okay.' he thought, though he also suddenly felt more awake. He went through the motions in a slight haze, stuck in an analytical state. He couldn't get over how comfortable this all felt, he was pulled from his daze by the small patterning sounds from Y/n's room. He quickly finished up, discarding the apron, realizing that he wasn't wearing a shirt, he started to throw his pullover back on. Choso knew how this could look, but he stopped half way, the garment loosely hanging around his neck, his purple eyes settling on the kotatsu. 'Why am I worried?' He questioned, he was about to take the pullover off, when Y/n walked in. 
Y/n woke up alone, a little distraught, but it was quickly stomped out; she could hear Choso moving about, muffled some but clear enough to her. She scooted to the side Choso slept on and listened a little closer. She couldn't figure out what he was doing, really all she could hear were his soft footfall. There was a slight rhythm to them, it was soothing in a way. It pulled her into waking up, as well as the alluring smell of coffee. The apartment was the warmest it'd been in weeks, and she was glad for it. However, though she vividly remembered the prior night, she forgot she was still naked. She grabbed a shirt from the floor and clean underwear from her dresser. 
Y/n was out her door and heading for the living room when she realized she was wearing Choso's shirt. For a split second she thought about changing; but it was big, comfortable, and smelled like him. It was like his embrace. She forgot about it and kept going. She wasn't fully in the living room when the sight of Choso stopped her in her tracks. He was standing in the middle of her living room, shirtless except for the pullover hanging from his neck. 
Their various states of undress had Y/n doubling over in laughter, Choso's dumbstruck expression wasn't helping the matter either. 
    "Are- Everything okay?" Choso asked, his smile returning, he was fighting his own growing laughter. "What's so funny?" He asked also, jokingly scanning around the room, near spinning around. He quickly finished throwing his pullover in, Y/n couldn't answer, only able to wave a hand while clutching her sides. 
"It's nothing." She said through a breathy laugh, near gasping to stop herself. "Just how silly we look." It was the best explanation she could give while still recovering. She saw the kotatsu and the set up Choso did for them, without question she sat in her added spot eyes sparkling with excitement and gratitude. "Wow Cho. This is great!" Y/n's cheeks were still a touch red, and small tears still in her eyes, Choso smiled wide at her. He joined her at the opposite spot, he was proud of himself for making Y/n happy. 
"It's no problem. Figured it's another way to pay back your hospitality." His sweet genuine words warmed Y/n's chest, but the coy smile he wore had her blush deepen. 
Y/n chuckled it off. "But who says you have to pay me back?" She punctuated her question by sipping off her coffee. Choso wasn't sure what to say. Y/n squinted at him through flirtatious lashes. "Who says you haven't already?" She asked, her tone dripping into that lustrous one she used the past night. Choso's eyes went a little wide at that, the faintest blush tinted his ears, but he welcomed it. Both able to relax in each other's company without worry. 
"If that's the case, I wouldn't mind paying you again." He raised his brows at Y/n, half flirting, half joking, but he got his reward; her addicting laughter. 
The two twiddled the rest of the morning away until midafternoon. They cleaned- what little needed to be done- mostly the two talked, exchanging flowery pleasantries. Both in their own way, were still ignoring the important conversation. Both of them could feel it, it scratched and gnawed at the back of their minds. In truth, one was waiting for the other and vice-versa. 
The two had come to a pause in their rambunctious conversations, that thought trying to shift to the front of their minds, but the lower vibrations and charming ring of Y/n's cell stopped any opportunity. It was still on the couch from the night prior, Y/n grabbed it up while still on the floor, but she shot up when she read the caller ID. 
"I gotta take this." She excused herself, Choso nodded in response, opting to step out to the balcony. But he caught the beginning of Y/n's call, "Hey Mom," was all he heard but it had him thinking to himself. Choso slipped his shoes on and slid out to the balcony. He was out there for a bit, feeling the warm sun and cold air, he was about to turn around when his own phone started to buzz in his pocket. He was equally surprised to see his own mother calling him. 
— — —
Yuji and Sukuna were lounging around their living room, both sulking, both for different and similar reasons. Both had openly ignored Megumi when they'd wandered out to the living room, as well as his offer for breakfast, it wasn't surprising that they also ignored Yuta. Sukuna was on a recliner, laying across the arms, essentially pretending to be on his phone, even he wasn't sure what he was doing. Yuji was sprawled out over the couch, just staring at the ceiling. Both were matching in calm quiet contemplation, eyes hollow and expressions blank. 
It wasn't until they heard Megumi raise his voice that they perked up. Knowing how soft spoken he is had them sitting up and leaning towards the kitchen. Needless however, after that it was near silence. The two shared a quizzical look, Sukuna was ready to outright eavesdrop, but Yuji urged him not to. The entire exchange happened through facial expressions, mostly eyebrows. However, whatever Megumi and Yuta were doing fell to the waist-side as Yuji's phone rang loudly on the coffee table. 
Both boys perked up, Yuji grabbing and answering the call without hesitation, not even looking to see who it was. "Hello?" The greeting came out as a question. Sukuna couldn't help the eye roll and almost facepalm. He moved to sit with Yuji on the couch, able to closely listen in on the conversation. An all too recognizable laugh greeted him back. 
"Hello Yuji. Glad I could surprise you." The pink haired twins could hear the smile in their dad's voice. "Is your brother with you?" He asked, though somewhat vaguely. 
Yuji had to stop himself from nodding in response. "Sukuna is yeah, pretty sure Choso's at home." He responded with the same half sarcastic humor. Yuji didn't need a clue as to why their dad asked, he tapped the screen then sat the phone between them. "You're on speaker now." He informed, now their dad's chuckle could be heard openly in the room. 
"Hey dad, what's up?" Sukuna questioned immediately, sending a shock of worry through Yuji. 
"Is something wrong?" His worry was clear, but it was dissuaded by their dad. 
"No, nothing like that. Good news rather. We're having guests, and I was hoping you'd two would come home for the occasion." Their dad sounded in high spirits, but the two could also hear other sounds around their father. Yuji and Sukuna shared a look, both had a suspension but neither voiced it. 
"What's the occasion Dad?" Sukuna voiced his question. The panic that had  been welling up inside them began to slowly disparate. 
“Well, after Y/n arrived, your Mom and I got talking and we thought it would be a good idea to invite her family out.” Their Dad took a pause, both catching his train of thought as well in the hopes to allo the twins to process before he continued on, however it wasn’t enough time. “It’s been so long since we’ve all been together, and after everything they’ve gone through…” Jin was trailing off, purposefully, unsure how his sons would initially react. Although the silence that greeted him over the phone had the elder Itadori glancing around his own empty living room. 
The twins were still sat on their couch, both eyeing the phone as if their father’s head would pop though it. But when the silence presisted Yuji spoke up. “What do you mean Dad?” Sukuna stayed silent, but the furrowing of his brows and soft glare at the phone speaks to him having the same question. Another beat followed, the three could feel the palpable tension in the air. It was then did a realization dawn on Jin. The twins didn’t know. 
Sukuna’s voice broke the silence, ragged and strained. “Dad, did something happen?” Few and far between does Sukuna show panic, but it was clear as the blue sky. Yuji felt the sudden rush of the same panic, the urge to blot ran though both of them. Their Dad’s continued silence did nothing to quell that feeling. 
—- —- —- 
Choso’s call was quick, he’d just seen his parents not too long ago, but the call was different. His mother who was usually one to be composed and soft spoken, was boisterous and rushed. She was energetic however. Choso entered the small apartment with a soft smile, excited to extend the invitation. However he was surprised to find Y/n pacing the small living space, her phone clutched tight in fits, pressed against her head. Choso stopped abruptly and quietly closed the door behind him, simply watching, unsure of how or if he should interject. Y/n gave a quick glance to Choso, too fast for him to read before she was back power walking her small apartment. 
Choso couldn’t hear what was begin said to Y/n, he could barely hear what Y/n was saying, despite her stressed expression. Little things slipped through however. “Yeah- I can be there for pickup.” “Okay. Yeah. Ten o’clock. Yep. Okay. Bye Mom.” Y/n finished the call with a deep hearted sigh, nearly pooling into her small couch, all of her energy abruptly spent. She harshly rubbed the flat of her palms against her face, groaning as she went. Choso was hesitant at first, but that disappeared when Y/n faced him, her eyes were red and slightly puffy. He hadn’t seen her crying but he didn’t need to question any further, he was with her on the couch the instant he realized. 
He was worried, but kept it in, though his eyes always gave him away, the sweet and comforting smile and gentle touches were all Y/n needed to ground herself. But it could only do so much, she was still stiff as a board. Choso wrapped an arm around her shoulders, softly rubbing her back. She curled into him, the moment he touched her she pressed her face into his chest, curling her legs until she was in his lap fully. Choso didn’t object, holding her securely to him. They stayed like that for a while as Y/n slowly regained some composure, her shoulders finally dropping some. 
“Do you wanna talk about it?” Choso’s words came out just above a whisper, his own face gently pressed into her hair. He was holding her more loosely now, one hand ligridly stroking her leg, the other lazily combing her hair. It took a moment, but Y/n turned her head so she was tucked under his chin. 
“I- I’m not sure.” She paused, though Choso couldn’t see her expression, he assumed she was back in thought. “It’s complicated.” Was the easiest answer she could muster. Choso couldn’t stop the faint single chuckle that left him, if Y/n hadn’t been pressed against his chest she might’ve not heard it. But the response had her pulling back some until they were face to face. She wasn’t upset, but very curious. “What’s that about?” Choso on the other hand was only so perplexed, mostly taken back by himself. 
At first he was stumped, not positive on how to put his own thoughts into words. “Ah- well.” He stumbled, his words getting clogged together. “We’re kinda complicated, ya’ know? Like with everything.” With his hand he gestured between them to the air, near exaggerating; his expression however did not match his words and motions. He was as bewildered as Y/n was. More so when she giggled in response. 
“I gotta give ya that one.” She said with her soft smile slowly returning. Choso couldn’t help the little satisfied smirk, though he didn’t do it intentionally. However, Y/n fell back into that melancholy rut soon after. Choso brushed her hair back soothingly, it only did so much to comfort her. Y/n tucked herself back under Choso’s chin, content in his hold. He didn’t punch the subject, but his mind did wonder to an earlier query, ‘Were the calls connected?’ Choso wasn’t one to believe in coincidence, suspicious of the timing, he made a mental note of the occurrence. 
They sat in silence a bit longer, Y/n was much calmer now,finding simple comfort in the moment, the way Choso had embraced her, how he never questioned her reaction or emotions, just let her be. Her breathing had gone even as she fiddled with the loose fabric of Choso’s hoodie. It was almost a shock when she began again. 
“It’s more than complicated.” She started first, still against Choso, she could hear the soft beating of his heart there. “I made a choice years ago, and now I’m facing the consequences of that choice.” Her words felt foreboding, a heaviness that started in the pit of her heart. Choso listened intently, waiting in earnest to hear all that Y/n had to say. 
When she didn’t continue, he held her a little closer and whispered to her, “You’re not gonna face them alone.” He was a s genuine as he’d ever been, presenting his heart to her in the only way he knows. Y/n took a deep breath, sinking into him more as she exhaled. She shook her head in response first, as much as the embrace would allow before pulling away again. 
“It’s not as simple as that.” Y/n looked more dejected than before. “I messed up. And I don’t think there’s away though this without losing more people.” Y/n was getting more heated with each word, her face contorting in pain she first experienced years ago. Her heart was starting to pound in her chest, her cheeks and eyes going red, tears threatening to spill once more. This scared Choso, he’d seen this before, this burden carried by a broken heart. It hurt him, to see such despair rise up in someone he cares for. His first instinct was to clasp his hands around Y/n’s cheeks and pull her face against his own until they were forehead to forehead.  
“Hey hey hey. It’s okay. You don’t gotta hold back with me. I’m here and I will listen.” His words along with his gestures caused tears to spill, but tears that needed to fall. Choso pulled her back into a hug, stroking her hair and rubbing her back. Y/n cried into his shoulder, heavy sobs leaving her in waves, but it didn’t last long, and when it was over she felt a wash of relief. Finally she got out of his lap, standing first to stretch before sinking to the floor in front of the couch. It didn’t take long for Choso to move so both of his legs were on either side of Y/n, hesitantly he bang to message her scalp, she melted into his touch; unable to remember the last time someone touched her head in this way. 
Y/n enjoyed Choso’s gentle ministrations, nearly losing herself in the feeling and comfort. “I’ve been lying to the boys for eight years.” Her words cut through the air like a hot knife, shocking Choso enough that he stuttered his motions, pausing only for a moment, but long enough that Y/n knew he wasn’t prepared for it. “It started small, innocent even. But before I knew it years had passed and it felt like there was no turning back.” Choso was needlessly leaning in, having stopped rubbing her head in place for braiding her hair, anything to keep his hands busy. Y/n paused a moment, really thinking about how she got here and how to put it into words. “Our families were always close. My Dad and your Dad were childhood friends, all the way through collage. I’ve always banked on the idea that Jin helped my parents get together.” A small chuckle left her at the thought. “When the boys lost their mom, it really hurt. I felt like I couldn’t do anything to help. It felt like I was never gonna see the two the same again. And yet one day they started smiling again, laughing at bad jokes, singing dumb songs with me. Somehow it got better.” Y/n had to take a deep inhale, the memories crashing against her in thundering waves. “When they moved it felt so similar, and I felt so lost. Honestly I don’t know when I started to unwind again. But I know if I didn’t have my Mom and Dad I wouldn’t have been able to get through it.” As she spoke she wore a bitter smile that stabed Choso in the heart. “Then in high school my Dad got sick. He was a sickly person, always tiptoeing around bed rest. But it was bad, and it happened so fast.” Her words began to jumble and stutter, more tears rolled from her eyes. “In less than two weeks he’d gotten so sick and then he was gone and there was nothing I could do about it.” Sadness and anger spilled out with her words, a flurry of emotions oozing from her. “It happened so fast that not once did I call the boys, not once did I reach out. And by the time he was gone it felt too late. When they called me, I couldn’t bring myself to say anything, I could barely contain myself. I was so angry and hurt, I felt so alone, and hearing their voices just made it worse.” She was fighting back so much as she spoke, Choso begging the only thing grounding her in the present. “I blamed them, got so mad that they weren’t there. That’s when I started to push away, started only talking once a month. There were so many times I wanted to just blurt it out, but I could never bring myself to do it.” Y/n dropped her shoulders with the release of her breath. “It’s partly why it took Yuji so long to convince me to come here. And for awhile it was like we were kids again, with a few new people.” She smiled at that, thankful for the people the boys have in their life. “But I can only ignore things for so long. I just thought I had more time.” Y/n was defeated, at a loss again. 
It was silent again as he took everything in, the information not only shocked him, but it made many things make sense. He’d stopped his fidgeting while Y/n spoke, his hands resting on his legs, but he was still restless. Slowly he placed his arms around Y/n, hugging her from behind, his face pressed into the crook of her neck. “I’m so sorry.” The words left him before he could think, small tears left him against his will. They sat there longer then expected, the two comforting each other. Y/n was thankful that she finally got to speak her thoughts, allow the emotions their right. Choso lifted his head a bit so his chin rested on her shoulder, slightly leaning his head against her’s. “Did you ever suspect that they know and just aren’t saying anything?” Choso internally cursed himself for playing devil’s advocate, it being his first instinct concerning his family. 
Y/n slightly shook her head. “No. But I do have doubts. I know for fact my Mom told your Dad. I just, it makes no sense to me why he wouldn’t have told the boys.” She had always seen her doubts as reasonable, considering she’d distance herself from them. “And it’s not like them to hold back what’s on their minds.” Choso hummed in agreement.
“You’re not wrong. Your mom probably told my Dad what was going on. He’s not one to betray trust.” This hit Y/n hard, in all her grief she never considered the idea that she was being left to her own devices. Her silence spoke too much. “And from my own observations, they don’t know, but they know something’s up and it’s been bugging the fuck outta them.” Choso made a face Y/n didn’t see, but she felt the scrunching of his muscles. “I would know because they would vent to me, but I never thought it was something this serious.” Y/n pulled away then to face him, her expression that of disbelief and a vague sense of betrayal. 
“They talked about it?” Her voice was low and weary, but she was more angry than anything. Choso sat up but his eye’s remained downcast. 
“Yeah.” He nodded with his reply, thinking more about the handful of times the twins came to him, the oddity of their behavior, the sense of emotional peril. “I’d always assumed the problem was different every time. There was no indication they were about this. But it was always so strange, so out of character that-“ He cut himself off, not really sure why he thought what he did, the feeling of failure began to sink in. “I didn’t know how to help them.” His words carried so much weight, a burden he’d been carrying. But he was better than self pity, mentally swiping those thoughts to the side for another time. 
Y/n sighed, downtrodden, she felt that hollowness she thought she’d mended. But the stitching could only last so long.”They never said anything to me, but maybe that’s because I’d been ignoring a lot for a long time.” Each  word she spoke felt like a punch to the gut. Choso, like all those times the twins came to him for help; he didn’t know what to do. 
He voiced the first thought that came to mind, “What do you want to do?” His eyes held all his pleading and worry, the deep feeling of caring. His looked at her like she should of been on a pedestal long ago, a part of her was unfortunate with that look, but from Choso, if was different; Y/n felt like she could be vulnerable under his gaze. The question took her out for a moment, a million and one thoughts rushed through her mind, no clear answer. 
“I don’t want to be here right now and I’m not ready to talk to anyone yet.” She felt selfish, like she was asking herself into debt. But she was locked in a state that was perilizing. “I don’t want to run, but I can’t face both of them when I’m like this. I need just a little bit more time.” Y/n rationalized her thought process, though Choso didn’t question what could be running through her head; instead he listened. He nodded in the affirmative before standing from the couch and moving down the hallway to her room. It left her a bit befuddled, watching him silently move until he was out of sight. Her curiosity had her near laying on the floor to see what he was doing. She didn’t see much, he only passed by the door once; he was holding her small duffel bag that had been on the closet floor. For a second she thought about calling to him, but he was back before she could, holding the now full duffel bag. Choso sat the bag by the door on his way to the kitchen, packing the rest of the leftovers up in plastic wear and into an old shopping bag. When he was done Y/n realized what he was doing. 
“Where are we going?” She asked, now certain that is what Choso was prepping for, but she hadn’t a clue as to where they could go. 
Choso sat on the floor with Y/n, he looked more sure of himself then, but he still nervously rubbed at the back of his neck. “I thought we could go to my place,” the idea tickled the back of Y/n’s mind, but Choso didn’t seem so confident in the idea. “But it’s not exactly off the radar.” He admitted, though Y/n knew this already, she was still up for it as a possibility. “We do have a cabin but it’s further out of the way then it’s worth. Maybe a hotel?” He was running through the best options he could muster, at that idea Y/n cringed, he responded with a quizzical look. 
She shook her head, “I don’t like- that sounds expensive.” She was genuinely in distress over the thought. Choso back stepped, but only a bit, the idea itself sounded nice for the both of them, and he wasn’t against spoiling the people he cares for. 
“It’s not too bad, and we can always split the cost fairly. I think it would be a good change of pace.” Choso was adamant in his words, it carried to Y/n easily, she didn’t have to mull the thought over for long, agreeing the change of scenery, even one so small, would be helpful for clearing the mind. Y/n agreed, wanting the separation from everything. She was quick to change clothes, tossing the ones she was wearing into her hamper, gladly forgetting about it and few other chores for a day or two. In no time the two were in Choso’s car, first stopping at his apartment before heading to their chosen hotel. 
He’d lead her in though the shop, which was conveniently empty for the next few days, allowing Y/n a chance to look around. It was immaculate, the walls were white and sparsely decorated, except for one corner of the room. The space was decorated from top to bottom, from art to sculptures, past designs, all of it different but it all fit together. In her gawking she spotted a small name plate mounted on the small desk it read; Sukuna R. I. Giving the room a small sweep she wasn’t surprised to find his area more visual and bombastic. But she was halted by Choso descending from the staircase. Y/n didn’t hesitate to join him, wanting to be on the road more than she was curious. Before the two know it they were back in the car and heading to the hotel. 
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13a07s · 5 days
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My Everything #2
(Shoyo Hinata)
[Artwork is not mine! Credit to seranlynx]
Requested by: @l1l14i
Word Count: 3,275
Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
Cyber bullying (?)
Slight fighting
Weed (Fun fact, as of 2023 weed is still illegal in Japan but we're going to ignore that)
I looked at the comments. I know Akaashi told me not to, but I did anyway, and it was the dumbest thing I could have done. Since looking, my eyes have been constantly scrolling over the thousands of comments.
     They look so cute!
     She's so lucky! I would kill to have @Hinata._.Shoyo on me like that!
     Do you think this is the mystery girlfriend?
     No wonder #21 never shuts up about her. I wouldn't either!
      Omg, there's a new hottest OTP in the volleyball world. @Bokuto.Koutaro and @Akaashi_Keiji better watch out
     Despite all the good comments praising the glimpse of our relationship, all the compliments thirsting over Shoyo and me, even the upright vail sexual things people wish to do to one or both of us, all I can focus on is the bad comments.
     Ew, that's the mystery girlfriend? I excepted... better
     She's chubby, for an athlete's girlfriend
     No wonder @Hinata._.Shoyo is so dedicated to his sport. If I had to go home to that I'd drown myself in volleyball too
     Gold digger if I've ever seen one
     @MSBY_Black_Jackal maybe get #21's eyes checked??? That is nowhere near the hottest woman alive. Even from the glanced photo, I can see a million needed improvements.
     What the hell is up with her hair???
     My hand jumps up to my head, tugging on my towel hat so it comes unraveling. Right after, my fingers run through my hair, working out some of the wet knots I haven't paid attention to since getting out of the shower. Shoyo likes my hair... I think. He likes it, right?
I haven't talked to Shoyo about the post yet. We were alone long enough for him to drop his bags before he and a few other Jackals went down to the hotel gym for their workout sessions. With me being alone in the room it's given me plenty of time to check the comments, unpack, check the comments, shave, check the comments, shower, and check the comments.
Since he was in such a rush to meet up with the team, he left his phone behind. That has given me time to ponder going on his phone and scrolling through what he's been tagged in that I haven't seen yet. I know the password, it's my birthday, and it's not like Shoyo would care. It still feels wrong doing it without asking, even if I know he doesn't mind.
     The girls' - and Akaashi's - group chat has been dinging every ten minutes or so. They've all been telling me to not look or reply to any of the comments, asking what room we're in so someone can sit with me until the boys get back, telling me I'm beautiful, that Shoyo loves me more than anything in this world.
     I've been ignoring their texts - and the occasional call - as much as I can, barely sparing them a glance. I know Shoyo loves me, that he thinks I'm beautiful. I also know he's a man and that he finds other girls beautiful too.
     I've looked at the profiles of some of the commenters, mostly the ones commenting on my weight or openly slutting themselves out to my boyfriend. A lot of them have been supermodel pretty. Supermodel skinny too. I keep trying to remind myself that those photos aren't natural. That they are photoshopped or filtered. That my photo with Shoyo hasn't been touched up. It was snapped and posted.
The hotel door beeps the click of the door opening following the approved key swipe. "Ya, ya, I'll ask the Mrs. I'll let you know. Ya, see you soon," Shoyo rambles to one of his teammates, slowly sliding his way into the room. "Hey baby," he greets, tone instantly softening and his face relaxing at the sight of me.
     "Hi," I snip back, casting my eyes to my phone again, rolling over a comment made of a line of throw-up emojis and the words 'His humbleness isn't the only thing he took from the Karasuno dirt fields'. Maybe I'm reading into it but I'm pretty sure they're trying to call me hick without actually saying it.
Shoyo shifts his body weight, eyes glancing around the room before they're set on me again. "So, Atsumu and some of the other guys and gals are going down to the bar around seven. He invited us to join... you want to go?"
Concern flickers across his face, quickly drowned out by a smile. "Alright," Shoyo answers, shrugging his shoulders before making his way toward me. "A night in with you and a movie sounds good too," he tries, kicking his shoes off before crawling onto the bed.
I spare him a glance before fixating on the post again. 'How the hell did THAT bag @Hinata._.Shoyo???' rolls across the screen, adding another drop of emotion to the puddle collecting in my chest.
"You're my everything," Shoyo coos, nuzzling his nose against my neck, the tips of his hair tickling my skin. "You know that, right?" He asks, pressing a gentle kiss to my jaw.
"Do you?" He asks again, arching up so he can lock his sight with my eyes, his nose brushing against mine. "You've been... I don't know. Not you since we've gotten here. Bokuto said Akaashi is worried about you," he slowly pushes out, his fingertips on my thigh, toying with the end of the towel I'm still wrapped in.
"I'm fine, Shoyo," I mutter, moving my legs away from him. When his hand grips me tighter instead of falling off, I push it off myself.
Sadness flickers in his soft eyes for a moment, quickly replaced with concern. "Is this about the picture of us?" Shoyo asks, using his grip on my leg to pull me back to him. He snatches my phone from me, glancing at it for a moment before throwing it on the bed.
     "You know about it?" I ask, a bit dumbfounded. There's no way he knows about it. There's no way he knows about it and hasn't told me about it let alone talked to me about it. I haven't talked to him about it because I haven't had the chance to yet. Not because I just haven't.
     "Of course I do. I've known about it since, I don't know, less than five minutes after it was posted. I was tagged in it and I've gotten a new mention in the comments every ten seconds."
     I sit frozen, staring at my confused boyfriend. He's an idiot, right? Like, legally an idiot. He has to be. "What the fuck, Shoyo?" I mutter, my words coming out slow but heavily.
     "I didn't want you to worry about it. I figured - "
     "You figured what? If you didn't say anything about it I wouldn't find out about it?"
     Sho stays quiet for a few moments, a loose smile on his lips as his eyes wander across my face. "I figured sooner or later the public was going to get a picture of us. You look sexy as hell in the one they got, so why freak out about it?"
     "Have you not read the comments?"
     "I have," he hums, head tumbling downward so his lips can crash against my bare shoulders. "'Damn number twenty-one is lucky'. 'If that's the type of girlfriend volleyball players have, sign me up'. 'No wonder Hinata never shuts up about her'. 'Shit man, if my girlfriend looked like that I'd praise her with every breath I had to offer'. 'If I had a girl like that, I'd make her my everything too'," he quotes, little kisses being littered across any bare inch of skin he can get to.
     "Those aren't the comments I'm talking about," I whisper, quickly losing hold of my anger, on my sadness.
     "Baby," he whispers in my ear, nuzzling the side of my face as his hands rub my thighs, his tight grip closing on my flesh every few seconds. "You are my everything, do you know what that means? It means to me you're perfect. I love your hair, I love how it catches the sun, I love how it feels, how it smells, how it looks."
     "I love your curves, I love the dips and twists and every inch of your body. You could be a hundred pounds heavier or a hundred pounds lighter and I'd still love the shape of you."
     Shoyo's kisses fall toward my neck. He nudges at my chin until I tip my head backward, giving him more space to run his lips over. "I love every birthmark, every scar, every inch of your skin. I love your smile, your eyes, your soul, your laugh. Every second possible I spend thinking of you. Thinking of this gorgeous body, of your loving personality."
     His praises are dripping with his admiration of me, drips that fall into the puddle in my chest, slowly but surely eating away at all the negativity that's been building up. "If you ever left me, if you ever decided we were done, that would be it for me. I would never be with another person again. I'd simply play volleyball until I couldn't anymore and then spend the rest of my days wallowing in Rio, waiting for you to want me again."
     "You're my everything, baby. You've been my everything since the first day I saw you since my eyes fell on the pissy girl with braids in her hair that tried fighting the frappuccino machine because it wouldn't work. You are my everything. You know that. I make sure you know that, and if you don't, I need you to tell me you don't. Tell me you don't feel like my everything if that's what's happening. Tell me so I can remind you, so I can fix it, do you understand?"
     "Ya, I understand," I murmur, my mind foggy from the mix of Shoyo's praises and the feeling of his lips leaving my skin on fire.
     "Good," he whispers against my jaw, a line of kisses leading up to the delicate kiss laid on my lips. "You are my everything, baby. Without you, I'm not even sure I can breathe. I am lucky to have you in my life, and I am thankful for every day I wake up next to you."
     My eyes sting with the threat of tears, a threat that's fulfilled quickly. "Oh, baby," Shoyo coos, kisses instant back in action to brush away the water leaking from my eyes. "Don't cry. I hate seeing you cry."
     Giggles slowly spill out, mixing with my tears as I replay the last line of his love speech. "Sho? What the hell are you going to put in your vows that could top that?"
     "I'll just reuse it," he teases, his laughter easily mixing with mine. "Now, drinks with the gals and the guys?"
     "Drinks with the gals and the guys," I agree, stealing another kiss from him.
Shoyo's arm is around my shoulders, keeping me pressed close to him as he coats my hair in kisses. With every ding of a passing floor, my heart seems to beat faster. I'm always nervous going out in public with my boyfriend, but with the recent shining light of the public on me, I'm more nervous than usual. Pair that with the fact I'm sure every hotel in Shizuoka is swimming with fans and you have a disaster waiting to happen.
     I don't like the attention or the million cameras or the public in general, which is why Sho usually goes to these things alone and I show up the day of the game. At least for away games. Home games are easier to deal with. But, he begged me to come with him this time so I gave in. That was a dumb decision.
"You're fine, baby. Paparazzi and such aren't allowed on private property. Fans are all we'll have to deal with and most of the time they're too star-struck to notice much. You'll slip into the bar as easy as usual." Blind optimism at its finest, but I can't help but hope that he's right.
     When the final ding comes, Shoyo tugs my hood up for me, helping to hide some of myself. His arm falls too, his fingers instantly finding mine and sliding themselves in place. My heart races with the sound of the elevator doors opening, my stomach turning in tone with the two noises.
     Instantly, a million clicks and cellphone flashes go off, the crowd of fans yelling his last name, asking a million questions. Some are simple questions asking for photos or about the game tomorrow, others are centered toward the recent photo of us. Shoyo simply smiles, stepping forward to block me from the crowd as he answers some of the simpler questions.
     Slowly, he leads me out of the elevator, trying his best to inch around the crowd toward the bar. Within seconds, Bokuto appears situating himself next to Shoyo and in front of me too. "Hey, hey, hey. Don't forget Hinata isn't the only spiker on the team," the bigger man booms, glancing behind himself to send me a smile.
     The two beefy men in front of me continue the slow and stretched-out walk to the bar, the three of us shuffling like penguins to get to the entrance. Sadly, the bar has an open construct; no door, just an open wall with a velvet 'fence' to close it off for the Jackals to use tonight.
     "Hey," Akaashi greets, nodding at the worker to unclip the makeshift gate.
     "Hey," I greet back, stepping through before glancing at Shoyo. Bokuto and him are still taking pictures and answering questions, only two or three steps away from me. "I don't like coming to these things."
     Akaashi shrugs, watching our goofballs with me. "It's a lot at first but over time you get used to it. Just don't do anything stupid, like have dry sex in a car," he teases, a soft grin on his face as he spares me a glance. "And you'll be fine."
     "Ya, that was pretty dumb of us."
     That gets a laugh out of him, and a bigger smile. "If it makes you feel any better, Kotaro's and my first 'scandal' happened because someone got a photo of me helping him button his shirt as we left a restaurant bathroom. He spilled red wine on his shirt so I helped him clean it but of course, the media turned it into us having a quickie." That does help, a lot more than I thought it would.
     "Shit happens. Scandals happen or get fabricated. There's no point hiding in the dark forever because that just leaves more for the imagination. The hard part is done. The world has proof of you. Hot ass proof." That makes me giggle, a few soft chuckles leaving Akaashi as well. "Hey, even the coach's wife said she'd leave him for you."
     "She did not," I manage to get out, more laughter mixing with my words.
     "She did too, which you would know if you answered any of our texts."
     "I was busy wallowing in sadness and self-pity."
     Akaashi shrugs again, his grin falling from his face, his usual resting bitch face back on. "That happens too. Half the world will love you and the other half will hate you regardless of what you say or what photos they get of you. Just got to roll with it."
     "Did you smoke a blunt before coming down here?" All the partners of the players have different ways of dealing with the stress of publicity they and their player have. Some smoke, some use weed like Akaashi, and some just enjoy their partner's hefty wallets and use retail as a means to cope. I'm not sure what I'm going to use to cope yet, but at the moment a few hits of what Akaashi is on sounds like a nice and quick way to chill out.
     "I had an edible. I don't have anymore so you're going to have to be sober or drink."
     "Drinking it is then," I mutter, letting my eyes scan over the growing group of Jackals paying attention to their fans right outside the bar.
     Akaashi and I stand inside the entrance, still blocked from the fans' view by the team members. If this is how people act at the hotel, the gym is going to be insane tomorrow.
"Alright, alright, I promised my everything a drink so I got to go guys. I hope to see you all tomorrow," Shoyo's voice rises above the chaos, the ginger starting to back up from the crowd. Being cut off only makes the crowd louder, the rest of the members quickly follow to avoid the uproar.
As soon as he's through the cloth fence, Shoyo's arms are around me, burying me into himself as he drags me further into the bar. My head pops out from his arms when I'm no longer forced into movement. "There's my everything," he coos, pecking my lips as he loosens his hold.
We - and the rest of the team - are tucked away in the furthest and darkest corner of the bar, safe away from the crowd still at the entrance. Greetings are thrown around, a few "you two looked sexy in your picture" mixed in. Everyone answered with a "damn right" by Sho.
Shoyo's hands are on me at all times, even as we sit with everyone else. Hand on my thigh, in my hair, toying with my fingers, anyway he can touch me he does. "You're beautiful," he whispers, his hand jumping up to push my hood off.
     "Thank you," I answer, taking his hand in mine before resting it in my lap. He's antsy, like always, but more so than usual since he's still worked up from my meltdown. Having his hands wandering over my body isn't going to help much with our scandal.
His movements stall for a moment, his brain ticking at what to do before his soft touches are replaced with butterfly kisses. My cheeks heat up more with every kiss he litters my skin with. "Honey, we're with people," I murmur, trying to shrug him off.
"So?" He whines, shaking his hand out of mine so he can wrap his arms around my waist, pulling both me and the chair closer to him. "You're my everything. With so many people around, so many people having proof you exist, I want to remind everyone that you are my everything. Always have been, always will be."
     "Gross," one of the older members tease, fake gagging until his wife smacks him upside the head, paired with a whispered lecture and an ear pull.
     Shoyo giggles, nuzzling my head until I turn it enough for him to kiss me. Slowly I let myself give into the gentle kiss, letting my adoring boyfriend melt away all the stress of the day. "My beautiful, perfect everything," he sighs, pecking my lips once more before pulling away from me. "Anyway, we should get a round of shots to drink to our future victory over EJP."
     The team cheers at the offer, one of the members flagging down a server to take the order. A smile plays on Shoyo's face, his hand enveloping mine again to raise it, kisses being peppered across my knuckles. It's hard to believe just an hour ago I was convinced I was nothing to him. Even in moments where his focus is on the team, on volleyball, I'm still at the forefront of his mind. I'm still his everything.
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icdrawings · 9 months
Corpse puppet au
By @sketchquill
Chapter 4
Gold's pov
The party was getting crazy. The dancing, singing, and the loud music, it got crowded fast. I kept bumping into people while trying to get to the table "sorry, sorry,oh sorry" I kept apologizing. I kept going until I was accidentally shoved and was caught by someone, I looked up to see that it was the blue dog "nice to see you again groovy person you good, you seem a bit out of it" he said as he helped me stand up "oh I'm so sorry, sir" I apologize and looked down in shame "woah chill down, accident happen and sir, HA! Just Barnaby baby is fine" he said be for taking his hat off to bow down in a joking way "hehe, thank you Barnaby for catching me" I said "any time, oh you hair it becoming undone, probably from all the dance huh" he pointed out "what!?" I said as I chucked my hair and it was, my silver hair clip was missing "oh, dear" I grabbed my hair to keep it pulled back "I'm so sorry to ask but where is the exit" I asked since I couldn't see where the exit was "right over there" he pointed "take a breather, you look like you need it" he said "thank you" I said as I tried to rush out unknown to me that I dropped something important
Wally's pov
I was trying to get to the table hoping to see my love to give them the gift I got them but no, only Barnaby "hey there little buddy" he said "hello Barnaby, have you seen my beloved" I asked "them? Oh yeah they headed towards the town, the poor thing looked like they needed some air" he said a bit worried"oh, thank you Barnaby I'll be off then" "wait!" He said holding me back "they dropped this" he handed me a hair clip that looked like a beetle "thank you again" I said as I rushed off after them and made it into town
"Darling, where are you?" I looked around for my beloved after we got separated during the dance
"If you ask me, I think your date-friend is a bit too quiet" the worm called Home said suspiciously "they're not my date-friend they're my partner" I corrected Home as I showed off my ring "I'll keep an eye out for them" Home said before popping out my eye that I caught right on time
"Darling?" I looked around "there they go, there they go,! They're-they're getting away!" Home cried as I saw something white go past the skeleton horse statue. I put back in my eye as I rush to follow
After a while I lost track of them until a shop owner pointed me toward their direction "thank you" I said before following "dear, where are you?" I called out near some coffins until I saw a spider "hello there miss widow how are you?" I asked her "oh I'm doing just wonderful! This person wearing a wedding dress complimented my weds now I'm inspired to make a new one" she said "oh how lovely by any chance you saw where they were going" I asked "yeah they went a little more that way" she nudged her head as i thanked her and walking off
"Dearest, darling" I shouted before seeing another corpse weeping "excuse me sir have you seen my partner" I asked "the breather?" He asked as I nodded "yeah they went that way, they're a nice one, they helped me when my head fell off" he said as I walked away. With all the compliments my partner was getting I feel even more in love 'they're just so sweet, the sweetest!' that thought made me more excited to find them as I skipped off until I stopped at a ledge seeing them walk up the stairs
I rushed up the stair to them sitting down on the bench with their veil off trying to fix their hair "hello dear" I said quietly giving off my presence softly as they lifted their head up "oh, hello" they said shyly "isn't the view beautiful? It takes my breath away, well, it would if I had any" I said jokingly as I saw them giggle before looking at the view "isn't it romantic?" I said placing the present down and sat next to them being careful of their vail "why keep your hair up?" I asked as they kept struggling to keep their hair back "my aunt wants me to look perfect and that my hair was a distraction..." They said sadly "but I would like to see! I'm sure you look wonderful" I said curious "but... but it'll look improper" they said "it looks like it hurts from how tight it is" I finally blurted out stunning them "I-i... okay" they finally agreed letting it flow out as it naturally curled "oh my!" I said placing my hand over my mouth from shock "I guess my aunt was right, it is bad" they said with a sadden smile "OH! no,no,no, your hair is, oh gosh, wait give me a sec-" I grabbed their vail and placed it on them "there... wait one more thing" I said as I grabbed out the beetle and clipped it in "there the gold beetle really compliments you" I said "oh, gosh I didn't realize that I dropped it" they touched the clip in disbelief "yup, you look wonderful" I said seeing them blush a bit
"I-I'm sorry for what had happened to you and for everything but I must get home soon" they said looking down again "but this is your home" I said trying to convince them "but I don't even know your name and you don't even know mine" they said instantly "well that's a great way to start a marriage" Home said in my head "shh, shut up" I said realizing I said that out loud look at them as they gave me a wide eye stare, I giggled out of embarrassment "it's Wally Darling" I answered "Wally" they said 'gosh I feel like if my heart could beat it would burst' "now what is your name darling" I said "oh... It's Gold... Gold Treasure" they answered 'even their name is unique' I snapped out of my thoughts realizing I forgot some thing as I grabbed the gift
Gold's pov
"it's a wedding present" Wally said giving me the present topped with a bow, the box was light but something was moving and clanking inside. I was shaking, wondering what was in it "thank you" I said to Wally when he lifted the lid showing a skeletal cat as it jump out as I dropped the box. It landed on my lap looking up at me I then looked at it's pink collar, checking out their name tag I realized who it was "Rascal" it meowed "RASCAL!" I cheered as Rascal rubbed his head on my face "my cat, Rascal" I was happy to see my childhood friend again
Rascal walked off my lap to Wally's as he pat him causing Rascal to purr "oh, what a cutie" Wally said "even without fur he is still so cute" I said remembering the yellow and green fur Rascal used to have "aunt never liked Rascal, she never approved any thing" I said "do you think she would approve of me?" Wally asked "it's lucky that you won't have to meet her but..." I stumbled off "maybe you should meet papa... since we are... well married I do think you should meet him 'and it gives me the chance to talk to a friend' ... we should go see them" I said "oh, what a fantastic idea! Where are they buried?" Wally asked excitedly making me realize that my biological parents were buried back at my old town and that papa lived in the living world as I tried to think of a response Wally could seem to read me "what? What is it?" He asked "well... they are not here, at least..." I stopped from continuing "where are they?" He asked as I pointed up to let him know "oh, they're still alive" he said "I'm afraid so" I answered
It was until Rascal meowed at Wally getting his attention "what is it Rascal?" Wally asked my cat as Rascal meowed again "oh, no, we couldn't possibly" Wally said only to be cut off by Rascal's meow "oh, well, if you put it like that" Wally said
"What did he say?" I asked Wally
"Frank Frankly"
"Frank Frankly... are you there" Wally shouted as he took me through an ancient looking library with books and papers scattered everywhere "hello, is anyone home... hello?" Wally kept searching for Frank 'i know that name, I've heard it before but where?" I thought to myself before nearly tripping over a book. I didn't want to step on any books or paper that might be important so I start to pick up a few and placed them on a stack when some crows start to fly past me making me close my eye for a second, when I opened them I saw another corpse with grey skin, black hair, purple suit, glasses, and his left arm and side rib cage had decayed.
"There you are!" Wally exclaimed cheerfully running to Frank "oh, my dear boy, there 'you' are" Frank said annoyed as I looked at him knowing I've seen him somewhere "I've brought my partner, Gold" Wally said happily showing me off to Frank who took a look at me shocked before spinning his head around really fast "WHAT!PARTNER!" He said before stopping his head with his hands before taking a closer look at me "and you're alive! how are you here?" He said as he grabbed my face to inspect it "this is remarkable!" He said as I looked at him 'wait now I remember' "um exhausted me Mr. Frank but is Frankly your surname by chance?" I questioned when he let go of my face "yes... it is, how did you know that?" He asked looking at me suspiciously "so you are Eddie's husband! Your Frank Dear!" I said excited "wait! My husband, how is he? is he okay!?" Frank said as he grabbed my shoulder a bit rough "um Frank be careful of them, they're fragile" Wally said worried "Eddie is alright, he's been my best friend for my whole life, he would always tell me stories about you and him" I said as Frank hands loosen their grip letting me take them off my shoulders before gently holding them both in my hands "how much you made him happy and how much he missed you, he loved you so much Mr. Dear" I said when Frank gave me a sad smile when I released his hands "thank you" he said before turning to Wally "now what do you need" he asked Wally
"We need to go up, upstairs? To visit the land of the living" Wally explained "land of the living? Oh, my dear boy" Frank said looking down pinching his nose "please Frank" Wally begged "now, why go up there, when people are dying to get down here" Frank said sarcastically "please Mr. Dear it would mean so much to us" I said making him soften a bit "I don't know, it's just not natural" he replied
"Please, Frank surely there must be something you can do" Wally begged again before Frank gave in "okay fine, let me see what I can do, where did I put that book? I left it somewhere" he began looking everywhere for a certain book "left it here somewhere" Frank started to through books around looking while me and Wally catched them and placed them on different bookshelf "oh! There's the one!" Frank held a large maroon book before coming back to us and started to search though it "ah there's the one, I have it, a Ukrainian haunting spell, just the thing for these quick trips" Frank explained "so glad you thought of this" Wally joyfully whispered as I nodded
"Now, then where were we?" Frank asked
"The Ukrainian haunting spell" Wally replied
"Ah, here we have it, ready?" Frank asked as we both nodded "just remember, when you want to come back say 'hopscotch'" he explained
"Hopscotch?" Wally asked
"Yes, and Gold" he looked at me "yes?" I asked "please call me Frank and tell Eddie... I love him too" he said giving me a smile as he cracked an egg on me taking us back into the living realm
??? pov
I was working on one of my projects when Poppy came I'm "oh hello Poppy what brings you by?" I asked "oh dearie I have such news, Wally has finally gotten married" she said with excitement "really? Wally finally got married?" I was shocked no I have never really talked with the others only customers that come in but Poppy along with Sally have been my top costumers and close friends, letting me know all the gossip that's happening around so I know who Wally was and how he dies even if I've never met him "thats wonderful who are they?" I asked "you won't believe this but they're a breather!" She said shocking me "a breather!?, wow that's new" I said focusing on my project "yes dearie and looking at them reminded me of something" she said "what was it?" I asked trying to get the stitches straight "they wore what sounded like the wedding dress you made dearie" she exclaimed
I stood up straight 'my dress!?' "what did it look like?!" I said frantic but trying to stay calm "oh, it was white, light blue ribbon around the waist, it has sleeve with pearls on top along with the top part of the dress, they were beautiful" she said joyously I quickly turned to her to ask her something serious "did they have a white choker with ruffles and a blue gem?" I asked "but of course" she said as I realized what this meant 'no one knows about the chokers, no one knows except... damn it! those two of course they stoop that low!' I slapped my head "oh dearie are you alright" Poppy asked "yes... I am" I said trying to go back to my work "no you aren't dear, something is up in that head of yours" Poppy said as she walked closer to me "they're your younger sibling, the one you were forced to leave behind isn't it" Poppy placed her wing on my shoulder as I stopped working placing the needle down "where are they?" I asked wanting to reunite with them "from what Sally told me, the couple left to the living realm" Poppy said as we walked towards the shop's door "oh... hey Poppy" I said "yes dearie?" She said "please let me know if they come back please, I would love to see them again, more then anything" I said giving Poppy a hugs
"Of course... Jewel" and with that she was gone
Chapter 5
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solartape · 2 years
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Soft winds blow a certain boy's flowing vail as he picks up a few flowers. "Kuni" "Yes?" he says as he gets up to face you "Ah it's you" he softly smiles at you as he giggles "Here" he hands you a few of the flowers "Let me teach you how to make a flower crown"
A soft wind seeps through the entrance of the huge arena as you search through the rubble of robot parts, you heard a soft cough from a distant and see him laying in between the robot's broken hand with missing fingers "Kuni" "Don't call me that" he spats at you slowly trying to get up but he falters, you catch him in your arms, you gently lay him on the ground still holding him "Let me go [Nickname]- I mean-" you softly giggle "No it's alright, I see you still remember it" he looks away, hiding his face from you. You hug him tightly catching him off guard, before he could say anything you cut him off "I feel that you are scared Kuni I-" you sigh holding back tears, you haven't seen him in years and all of a sudden you heard was defeated in a battle by the Traveler "I shouldn't have left" your eyes teared up as you felt his arms slowly wrapping itself around you "I...[Name]" you tightly pull him in again surprising him "Don't say anything, I already know how you feel" few words were being said but your heart ached for him, he has lost people dear to him and now being nothing but a broken puppet once more without the huge mech. For the first time in a while he felt cared about, your arms wrapped around him felt warm and tight, two things he hated for so long felt nice again. He lays his head on your shoulder feeling so many emotions, you know that he hates the idea of emotion right now but in the moment you knew that deep in his heart he still has feelings for you.
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ok so i need to lose nahida 50/50 for him please. also for context we are like one of the people he kinda betrayed because we left him before he could confess to you years ago but you didnt really have a choice cause you were similar to kazuha a fugitive for having a vision.
Art creds: blackhuajia
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[ taglist : @minyoungieee @artemfication @mayasshitposts @melodyyamino @racoonlvr ]
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fallinallincurls · 1 year
tell me you want it a thousand miles away from the day that we started
i’m so excited to share this one! this is my fic for @antoineroussel‘s winter fic exchange 2k23 and it’s for @hockeylvr59 !! i hope you love this so much! it’s my first time really writing an oc and it was fun stepping out of my comfort zone to try something new. as always, shoutout to the very best @tonyspep​ who listened to me ramble about ideas and is just amazing.
summary: evelyn and cale were perfect, until their relationship couldn’t stand the distance of him moving to colorado. now, years later, cale runs into the girl who still holds his heart after she goes through a bad breakup and is hoping for a second chance. one that evelyn is more than happy to give him.
playlist- still by niall horan, love of my life by harry styles, always been you by shawn mendes, i’m in love with you by the 1975
hope you enjoy!! feedback is always appreciated! xx
word count: 5.6k
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“No way in hell am I going skiing. What if I break my leg or something? Who’s going to explain that to Bedsy?”
“Nathan, there’s this thing called fun. You should try it sometime.” EJ chirps back, clapping a hand on Nate’s shoulder as the Canadian rolls his eyes.
“Just don’t break your leg, Nate. Simple as that. We’re doing this in the spirit of team bonding! It’s a team holiday trip.” Gabe says in response with a genuine smile on his perfect face.
“Yay! Team bonding!” Newy exclaims, a little over the top which makes several of them laugh including Cale.
“Can we get hot chocolate after?” JT chimes in, voice serious but hopeful like that’s the only thing that can convince him to get on the slope. 
“Sure. Hot chocolate after. Now let’s go!” 
Nate shuffles forward, grumbling to himself and the sight makes Cale chuckle. He’s not the biggest fan of skiing either, but he always enjoys any time he can spend with the guys. No matter what activity it includes.
This time, it just happens to be skiing at a resort in Vail. Gabe decided a team retreat would be a fun idea leading up to the holidays and you can’t say no to the captain.
So here Cale is, awkwardly standing in the lobby dressed in his ski gear and surrounded by his teammates who all have mixed reactions to what’s about to happen.
He’s just about to ask Nate if he even knows how to ski, because if not they might actually have to think up a reason to give Bedsy just in case, when a flash of bright red hair catches his eye near the entrance of the lodge. 
At first, Cale thinks it’s the resident ginger of the team. But JT is ahead of him, being jostled around by Newy and Bo, so it can’t be him. Why does he care anyway? 
But then, as he looks back to hopefully get another glimpse, he realizes why he cares. He realizes why the splash of red captured his attention in the first place. Because it was that exact red hair he used to see every day, run his fingers through and adored so much. Cale is frozen in place, gaze locked on the girl he still loves with his entire being. The one who got away.
Before he can think or see the confused look on Nate’s face, he’s leaving the group behind and trudging across the lobby towards the familiar red hair. He’s nervous, really nervous, but he hasn’t seen her in a few years now. And if he misses this opportunity, he wouldn’t ever forgive himself. 
“Evelyn.” Cale doesn’t even recognize his own voice. He gently taps her on the shoulder and all the wind is knocked out of his lungs. Maybe it’s the time apart or Cale’s simply forgotten how gorgeous she is, but when she looks at him, he swears she is the most beautiful person he’s ever seen.
“Cale?” She asks in shock, brows furrowing for a moment before a beaming smile blossoms across her lips. “Cale! Ohmygosh, how are you? It’s been so long.” Evelyn gives him a quick hug and suddenly, Cale is thinking about how he’s going to have to thank Landy for this silly idea.
“It’s nice to see you.” 
“You too! I didn’t know you skied. A new hobby?” Evelyn teases. It’s like nothing ever happened, no time has passed. But Cale knows that’s too good to be true. 
“No, no. A team bonding trip.” Cale explains, nodding towards the door where the team left moments ago. “I’m not very good anyway.” He can feel his cheeks heating up with blush, the familiar pink becoming apparent in mere seconds. 
“Oh, please. I’ve seen you skate and know you’ve got balance and coordination like no one else.” 
“Uh, well, thanks.” He murmurs shyly, rubbing the back of his neck. Cale knows the inevitable end of conversation is coming. Where she tells him how great it’s been to see him and she disappears from his life again. His mind is whirring to find something to say just to keep her talking, to keep her in front of him. 
He isn’t quick enough.
“It’s been nice seeing you, Cale. And I’d love to catch up more, but I have to go. Have fun on the slopes and tell everyone hi for me!” Evelyn says cheerfully, giving him the smile that he still loves before he gives his own goodbye and she’s gone.
“Dude, who’s the redhead?” Nate’s voice snaps Cale back to the present. Of course, Nate stayed behind and saw all of that. “And why do you look like you’ve seen a ghost? You’re not gonna get a girl looking that terrified.”
“Geez, thanks.” Cale mutters, turning to face Nate who’s wearing a look of concern mixed with curiosity.
“Who’s the redhead?” He asks again. Nate is nothing but relentless, Cale should know this by now, and he’s going to have to explain in order for the topic to be dropped.
“Her name is Evelyn. We dated for awhile back when I was at UMass and we tried to keep it going long distance when I came here, but it didn’t work out.”
“But you’re still in love with her.” It’s not a question, but a statement.
Damn it. Why couldn’t EJ have seen the whole interaction? He would’ve just teased Cale about having a thing for gingers. Or even Gabe who would’ve given him some kind of pep talk. But no, Nate had to be the witness and he’s so observant that nothing can be hidden from him.
“Yeah, I’m still in love with her.” Cale admits, voice full of defeat and longing.
“Then why didn’t you just make your move?” The question falls from Nate’s lips with a tone of incredulously and Cale sighs. There’s so much more than them just being exes.
“She just got out of a long term relationship. They were together for a year and half or something like that. Mom told me. I can’t just jump in there like she’s okay and the last thing I want is to be a rebound.” 
But Cale can’t help but wonder what exactly Evelyn is doing here. Last he heard, she had graduated from UMass and returned home to Calgary where she got her first big job and her own apartment. Plus, she had told Cale himself when they were trying to make long distance work that she couldn’t see herself living in Colorado. Yet she’s here.
Does she live here now? Or maybe she’s just visiting. That’s more realistic. But who would she be coming to see? She doesn’t know anyone in the entire state of Colorado besides him. At least that Cale knows of.
“Cale?” Nate’s voice is soft, but snaps the defenseman back to the present. 
“I think you should talk to her. You never know what could come of it. And you still love her! Doesn’t matter what happened in the past, I think she needs you more than you realize right now, especially coming out of a relationship like that.” 
“Thanks, Gabe.” Cale says pointedly, giving Nate a look that’s supposed to be mean but he doubts it comes across the way he intends. Nate’s smile gives that away. “When did you become so wise and captain-like?”
“Just-” Nate starts, putting a hand on Cale’s shoulder shaking his head at the chirps before continuing. “Think about it. Okay?”
That’s easy, but Cale doesn’t say that out loud. All he’s going to be doing until he sees her again is thinking. Thinking about her.
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Cale gets answers to all but one question when he calls his mom the next day. He barely gets through saying hello before the news bursts out.
“Mom, you’ll never guess who I saw yesterday.” 
“Who?” Laura asks with curiosity.
“Evelyn. Eve, like my Eve.” The nickname rolls off his tongue naturally. Cale’s the only one who ever got to call her Eve and saying it now feels so right. Like there’s still a chance she could be his Eve again. Not Evelyn like she is for everyone else. Eve.
“Oh, honey. Did you really?” 
“Yeah, we’re on this mini team retreat right now, Gabe’s idea, and I saw her in the lobby before we went skiing.” He explains, taking a deep breath. “Did you know she would be in Colorado?”
It’s a loaded question, Cale knows that, but he has to know. He’s known Evelyn pretty much his whole life and even after they broke up, their families still stayed in touch. He just needed to know more about why he saw her in the last place he ever would’ve expected.
“Um, not exactly.” 
“I didn’t know, Cale! Her mom said that after the breakup, Eve decided she needed a fresh start and left Calgary. That’s the last I heard. But apparently she landed in Colorado if you saw her.” 
Cale is silent for a moment, absorbing everything Laura just said. Nate’s words from the other day become clear again and he knows what he’s going to do next. 
“I know it might be out of nowhere, but I think she could use a friend, Cale. She’s taking this really hard and I can’t imagine how scary it might be also being somewhere completely new too. If you see her again, ask if she wants to get a coffee or something simple. You know how she loves the wintertime and that might be tainted now with everything going on.” Laura says softly and Cale knows she’s right. In fact, that’s almost exactly what he’s thinking. 
“Okay, you’re right. Thanks, Mom.” Cale replies before they exchange the usual love you’s and see you soon’s. He lets out a sigh of relief and leans back against the couch. It might not have been the answers he was looking for, but now he at least knows what he has to do. 
And if there’s any chance of getting back together, even just the tiniest little sliver of hope, Cale has to know. But first and foremost, he has to be the friend that Eve needs more than ever.
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Not even a week into the new year, Cale finds himself back at the ski lodge where the team was during the holidays for Gabe’s grand idea. He has no idea if he’ll see Eve here again, like maybe the run-in was some twist of fate and only destined to happen once, but he has to try. As he’s running through all the options of what to say to her, Cale spots the familiar flash of red hair and his heart starts to race.
Now or never.
He walks up to the front desk in the lobby where Eve is talking to someone on the opposite side, her sweet smile on full display. Before Cale can even say anything, she senses someone next to her and turns to offer a kind look but then realizes who it is.
“Cale! How crazy is this?” Eve says, her voice full of happiness. She guides him away from the front desk, thanking the employee she was just talking to and that’s when Cale seemingly loses control of his tongue.
“Eve, hi. It’s really great to see you again.”
“You too. Do you come here often? I didn’t think you’d have a lot of time to take up skiing or anything else with how busy your schedule is with hockey.” She asks, her big brown eyes holding Cale’s gaze.
“I- uh, no, I don’t. I was hoping to see you again actually.”
“Yeah,” Cale starts, unsure of how to phrase what he wants to say, but Eve is looking at him so fondly and he can’t put a single thought together. “Look, I heard about what happened and I’m really sorry things ended that way. You don’t deserve that and even after all this time, I still care about you. A lot. Plus, you’re new to Colorado so I wanted to let you know I’m here for you and would be happy to show you my favorite places around here or maybe do some of the things we used to do together to cheer you up. It’s up to you.” He trails off, hoping she doesn’t notice how nervous he is. 
Eve doesn’t say anything for a moment and Cale worries he already messed this up. He’s ready to face the rejection and continue on with his life as if this never happened, until Eve’s smooth voice cuts through his thoughts. 
“You’re just as sweet as you were at UMass. Nothing’s changed.” She whispers, her cheeks becoming a deep color of pink. Cale swears he’s never seen anyone so adorable. Her beaming smile is directed at Cale for the first time in years and he doesn’t want that to change. “I would love that. Whether it’s seeing your favorite places or doing what used to be our favorite things. Sounds perfect to me.”
“Yeah?” Cale asks, trying to mask any shock in his voice. 
“Yeah. So when do we start?” 
“What about right now?” He giggles as Eve nods with excitement. It feels a lot like the old days when they would spend any possible moment together, laughing and sharing kisses without a care in the world. That kind of happiness is one Cale wants back and hopes Eve feels the same way too. 
“Okay, then let’s go, Makar. We’ve got quite a lot to catch up on.” 
And just like that a new routine is born. Every waking moment the two of them have is spent together. They start with seeing Cale’s favorite places around Denver, spanning between the variety of tourist attractions and the little hidden gems of the city. 
Slowly, but surely, Evelyn opens up about the breakup and it physically pains Cale to see her hurting over some stupid guy who just lost the best thing that would ever happen to him. He offers nothing but his support and kind words because despite the feelings he might have for her, he still cares about her more than anything.
An unspoken list of things they used to do together, especially during the winter time, is put together. Driving around to see the Christmas lights while drinking hot chocolate, making cinnamon rolls, playing crib, a spontaneous snowball fight and so much more. The more time spent together, the more it feels as if they’re back at UMass and completely in love.
Cale doesn’t push. If all he gets is Eve as a close friend, he’ll take it. She’s back in his life and he couldn’t ask for anything more. 
But with each passing day and activity done together, Eve remembers exactly why she fell in love with Cale in the first place. And it’s more obvious than ever that her feelings for him never fully disappeared. Her heart seems to be healing because of him and although she can’t admit she wants to give them another try just yet, there is something she’s ready for that Cale hasn’t mentioned once since they saw each other again at the lodge.
“Hey Cale?” She asks softly, looking up at him across the table. The cafe isn’t that busy during this time of day and Eve learned quickly this place has the best breakfast so this morning her and Cale decided to grab a bite before he had to go to morning skate. This used to be a regular occurrence for them back in college. Getting up early, sharing breakfast together while giggling over everything and then going their separate ways until Cale was back from practice. Eve starts to feel a weird sense of deja vu, but pushes through. 
“Hm?” Cale hums in response, taking a sip of his coffee before meeting her gaze. He looks so adorable in the early morning light that she can’t stand it. Cheeks rosy as always, wearing a warm knitted sweater and his hair is just the perfect kind of messy, sticking up in all different directions.
“How’s the team doing? Do you like playing here?” The questions tumble off her lips innocently, but shock Cale for a moment. 
“You- sorry, you want to talk about hockey?” Cale shakes his head in disbelief, blue eyes searching Eve’s face for any sign of worrying emotions.
In the last few weeks, there hasn’t been a single mention of the sport Cale plays despite the two of them planning around his practice, game and travel schedule. Eve hasn’t addressed it yet because in the end, hockey is what took him away from her, it’s what broke their relationship when it couldn’t have been better. But now, realizing she’s falling in love with him again, Eve knows talking about hockey isn’t going to ruin anything.
In fact, now, she can’t wait to hear about Cale’s career here in Colorado. 
“Yeah, I do. If this,” Eve gestures between the two of them, “is going to work, I can’t be scared of something that we had no control over in the past even if it’s the thing that separated us. Plus, it’s such a big part of your life so I want to know everything, Mr. Norris and Conn Smythe Trophy winner.” 
Cale laughs, that beautiful smile overtaking his face and pure joy radiating off of him. “Well someone has been keeping up, huh?” 
“Please, it’s hard not to when everyone back home couldn’t stop talking about you during the playoffs and then your day with the Cup…”
Without any hesitation, Cale jumps right into telling her about everything hockey related since he got to Denver. Joining the team during the playoffs, winning the Calder, all the fun and not so happy moments with the guys over the years, how he’s trained in the offseason and of course, the biggest moment of all, winning the Cup last season.
Cale’s in the middle of telling a funny story about Nate, one of thousands, when he catches a glimpse of the time on Eve’s phone. 9:15.
“Oh shit. Eve, I’ve got to go. Morning skate.” He says quickly, kissing her cheek and making sure the check is paid for. “I’m sorry, I totally lost track of time. You’ll hear the rest of the story later I promise.”
“It’s all good, Cale. Have fun at practice! I’ll see you later, okay?” Eve says, her voice soft and Cale feels his heart swell. “And thank you for telling me about hockey again. I’m so proud of everything you’ve accomplished.”
“Anytime, Eve. And thank you.” With that, he offers her the kindest smile before heading out to the rink.
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Cale is late. Well, not technically since morning skate doesn’t start until ten, but by his standards he’s late. He already missed the usual routine of getting ready with Nate and catching up with Devon. And the worse part is, he doesn’t have a single clue about how he’s going to explain this to the guys who will definitely be asking him what happened.
But Cale knows he isn’t good at lying and at the same time, there’s no way the team can know what he’s up to. Even if it’s making him way happier than usual.
Which of course, EJ notices right away as he’s hustling into the locker room.
“Look who decided to show up! Nice of you to join us, Caler.”
“Sorry,” Cale mumbles in response, heading right to his stall to get ready for practice. But he feels his cheeks heat up and knows it’s a dead giveaway.
“What took you so long? You’re usually here with this maniac way earlier than need be.” EJ pushes, gesturing to Nate for a moment before all his attention focuses on Cale. A beat of silence lasts too long and somehow EJ knows exactly what’s going on.
“It’s a girl, isn’t it?”
“EJ,” Nate warns, ready to step in since he knows Cale has been talking to Eve again, but everyone knows EJ is mostly all talk. The chances of him overstepping is slim to none. It’s just fun and games. Except Cale’s lack of response and rosier than usual cheeks say everything he doesn’t put into words.
“I just got coffee and breakfast with a friend. We’ve been catching up lately after not seeing each other for a while.” Not a lie. That’s partially true and he hopes it’s enough to convince the team to lose interest.
“With a girl!” EJ says with a laugh, clapping him on the shoulder. “They grow up so fast, don’t they?”
And just like that, everyone moves on. Almost everyone. While the rest of the team filters out of the locker room to hit the ice, Nate gently taps Cale with his stick and gives him that same knowing look that he did a few weeks ago.
“How’s it going? With… ya know?”
Cale kind of wishes the floor will swallow him, but he knows Nate is being nice. He’s just not used to talking about his love life with any of the guys because there hasn’t been much of a love life to talk about.
“Really well actually. Nothing’s happened and neither of us are pushing, but it’s been great just spending time together again. I miss that, you know? It’s great to have her back.” Cale explains, cheeks becoming pink with blush as he talks. Nate offers a genuine smile in response and bumps his shoulder.
“That’s good. You deserve her. So I’m rooting for you.”
“Thanks, Nate. Means a lot.” He shrugs softly, trying not to let his thoughts wander.
“Just an idea though, maybe see if she wants to come to a game. She might like seeing you play.” Nate says out of nowhere and Cale just nods, unable to think of a proper response. They walk out to the rink together and the moment Cale takes the ice, all his worries fall away.
But beneath it all, Cale can’t help but think about how Eve has just started asking about hockey again. And he’d be lying if the idea of her in his jersey, cheering him on in the stands and waiting to greet him afterwards didn’t make his heart race.
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This is crazy and Evelyn knows it. She hasn’t seen Cale play since college when she would sit with her friends and the other girlfriends in a much smaller rink. He might not like her being at a game even if that sounds far fetched. Yet, here she is right against the glass on the Avs side of the ice at Ball Arena.
The sign she’s clutching in her hands is another reminder of how insane this whole idea is. Although it will help her blend in among the other fans who have brought their own homemade signs as well. But it’s too late to back out now, and if there’s one thing Eve is sure of, it’s how she feels about Cale.
So she waits at the glass in anticipation of seeing the team skate out for warmups. The same giddiness that used to run through her veins when she attended the games on campus returns and realizes she’s missed this feeling without even knowing it. Sure, she’s watched the Avs games at home from the comfort of her couch, but this is a whole different experience that she is happy to have back.
The only person that knows she’s here right now is Nate. He's the only one who knows more than he should about her and Cale, which she didn’t think was ideal until she came up with this bright idea. Nate only encouraged her and even helped organize all the details to ensure everything about the surprise goes according to plan.
That also means he’s the only one who won’t have an outrageous reaction to her sign.
Eve snaps out of her thoughts as the lights begin to come up, illuminating the ice in the usual brightness that she has grown accustomed to. Her eyes focus on the tunnel next to the bench while pressing the sign against the glass. She has no idea if Cale will even see it, but everything in her is hoping he does and if not, one of his teammates points it out to him. He’s followed in Nate’s footsteps of being zeroed in during warmups and the fan interaction falls to the wayside in terms of importance. 
Tonight will be different. 
The team skates out onto the ice and cheers erupt from the crowd. An instant smile spreads across Eve’s lips when the familiar number eight steps onto the rink, immediately skating around effortlessly. As the guys settle into their usual warm up routines, Eve keeps an eye on Cale as if she could look anywhere else. Nate skates by and taps his stick against the glass, a beaming grin of his on display.
“He’s going to flip out.” Nate says, shaking his head and tapping a fist bump against the glass. Eve does the same with a giggle before he skates off to continue with drills. 
It’s then when she spots JT and Mikko whispering to each other opposite of where she’s standing. Mikko’s got that mischievous look in his gaze as the ginger next to him can’t stop smiling. They’ve noticed the sign and Eve feels her nerves spike. It’s only a matter of time before they bring it to Cale’s attention.
“Hey, Caler! Why didn’t you tell us you finally invited your girl to a game?” JT calls out, giving Cale a playful bump to the shoulder.
“What?” Cale responds, looking up from his stick handling in confusion. “I didn’t invite anyone.”
“Well, that sure looks like Evelyn to me.” 
“JT, don’t be- ohmygod. It is Evelyn.”
As an unbelievable amount of shock rolls through him, Cale can’t help but beam in her direction. He would recognize her fiery hair color and beautiful smile anywhere. She’s here at one of his games. She’s really here. He’s been waiting to have this back for so long. His eyes never move away from her even if he can hear JT and Mikko chuckling nearby.
Despite the happiness coursing through his veins as he slowly skates over, he tries to take in every detail of this moment. Eve is wearing what she called her “lucky jersey” from Cale’s time at UMass. Seeing her in the familiar maroon and silver jersey with the number 16 on the sleeves and a simple A on the chest makes Cae’s heart soar. His last name is on the back of that jersey and even better, she’s kept it after all this time even if it’s been years since she saw him play in Massachusetts. Cale doesn’t even have enough time to process all this when he realizes what is written on the sign she’s pressing against the glass.
“Even in burgundy and blue, my heart still belongs to you #8!”
All the air in his lungs is stolen away and everything else seems to fall away except for Eve. Not only is she here at a game, but her sign holds the confession that Cale has been wondering about since they ran into each other again.
She still loves him. He doesn’t know if her feelings ever went away or she fell in love again, but Cale can’t believe this is happening. After all this time, her heart still belongs to him just like his belongs to her.
“Hi,” he murmurs, pressing his hand against the glass when he comes face to face with Eve. She waves in response and the smile he gets in return rivals the sun. He pulls a puck over and flips it up onto his stick before tossing it over the glass. The moment she catches it, looking up with the most hopeful expression on her face, Cale takes the leap of faith. “I love you so much.”
Evelyn doesn’t think she can smile any bigger and swears her heart might explode with pure joy. This beautiful, sweet, amazing boy just said the three words she’s been waiting to hear since the day things ended. Cale loves her. Nothing else in the world matters more than that.
“I love you too.”
Cale taps the glass a few more times before ever so slowly skating away. His cheeks are pink with blush and the smile on his lips won’t be going away anytime soon. Eve gives him a wave, holding the puck to her chest where her heart is racing. With his mind on his girl, Cale returns to the usual warmups and knows this game is a must win more than it was before.
Because of Eve.
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The Avs win 4-1 and Eve doesn’t think she’s ever had this much fun before. All of Cale’s games at UMass were an experience, but that doesn’t even come close to how happy and excited she is when the buzzer sounds and the boys spill onto the ice for hugs and celebration.
Cale scored two goals and had a three point night which isn’t unusual for him, but he seemed to be playing on a whole other level. She is beyond proud of him for making it to the biggest stage in hockey and it’s no surprise that he’s thriving because he’s just that good.
“Evelyn, do you want to come with us to the tunnel? We wait for the guys down there after the game, if you want to see Cale.” Mel asks softly as the rest of the wives and girlfriends start filtering out of the suite.
“Oh, yeah, I’d love that. You’re sure it’s okay?” Eve responds, trying not to let any sign of nerves seep through her words.
“Of course it is. You’re part of the family now! We all see how that boy looks at you. It’s only a matter of time before he makes it official.” Mel chuckles sweetly, looping her arm through Eve’s to show her the way through the arena. Eve feels a tiny smile creep onto her lips after what her new friend just said, but the giddiness running through her about seeing Cale so soon takes precedence.
In no time, the small group is waiting outside the locker room and Eve can’t seem to stand still. Anxious thoughts run through her mind. How does she greet Cale after their mutual confessions during warmups? What if he didn’t mean it? Where do they go from here?
Before she can get lost in the whirlwind of anxiety and what if’s, the door to the locker room opens and the guys start to filter out. She says hi and congratulates each of them on the win, including Nate who tells her Cale will be out in a few before bumping her shoulder playfully and giving her a knowing look.
And just like Nate said, Cale is the next player to exit the locker room. His bright blue eyes are searching the area like he’s looking for someone specific. Then he sees her.
“Eve!” Cale calls out, hurrying over with open arms to scoop her up in the tightest embrace. She can’t help the giggles that escape when her feet leave the floor for a quick moment as Cale spins her around.
“Hey bubs, you played so well! I missed seeing you out there. And I already knew it, but you’re one hell of a player.” Eve says, cupping his rosy cheeks in her hands as they maintain eye contact. The close proximity is enough to make her dizzy, but the look on Cale’s face steals her breath away.
“Thank you. It was a big surprise seeing you out there, but I’m so happy you came.” 
“Me too.”
Everyone is probably watching the moment as it’s happening, but Cale doesn’t care. His girl is in his arms and there’s a tension in the air that he needs to get rid of which means he has to ask the thing he’s been wondering since he saw her during warmups with the sign that changed everything. 
“Also noticed your creative spark for making signs hasn’t disappeared either.” Cale hints, a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips.
“It wasn’t my best work, but I couldn’t wait to tell you something so important.” Eve giggles, hands sliding up to lock behind Cale’s neck. “And it’s still true.”
“I know,” Cale mumbles under his breath, just loud enough for her to hear. “And I meant what I said. I love you more than anything, Evelyn. I never stopped. Not when I left for Colorado or when we decided to end things. Not even when I found out you had moved on. It’s always been you and I don’t plan on letting what we have slip away again.”
Tears begin to spring up as Eve listens to Cale speak and she can’t even begin to find words to properly express her emotions. Instead, she closes the space between them with a long awaited kiss that’s soft and gentle, but full of love. Cale pulls her impossibly closer and feels her smile against his lips. Time seems to stop and neither of them can believe how lucky they are.
“You’re it for me, Cale. I love you so much. Even if it’s a thousand miles away from where we started, I want this. I want you. There’s never been anything I’ve been more sure of in my life.” Eve says quietly, pressing her forehead against his for a brief moment before the team, who has been watching the whole moment, erupts in cheers. “Ohmygod.” She whispers, hiding her face in Cale’s chest.
“Finally!” EJ yells, shaking some of the guys in excitement.
“You might want to give Gabe a really big thank you for that stupid team bonding trip. None of this would’ve even happened if we weren’t dragged there.” Nate laughs, taking in both Cale and Eve who are glowing with nothing but pure happiness. 
And years down the line, if Gabe gets the first invite to their wedding at that very same ski lodge, no one has to know.
tagging some friends/mutuals who might be interested!
@tonyspep @starshine-hockey-girl @kailyn-writes @happer08 @rosesvioletshardy @sorryjustafangirl @laurenairay @miracleonice87 @hockeyunits @stroopwaffle8 @musiclove-12 @eightmakar @ilyasorokinn @barzysreputation @breezymichelle99 @comphyjost @comphy-and-cozy @jostystyles @ya-pucking-nerd @fallen-froots @beauvibaby @idontgiveaflyinggrayson69 @boqvistsbabe @antoineroussel @tpwkstiles @hockeylvr59 @2manytabsopen @senditcolton @equallyshaw @lam-ila @nateslehky​
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messinwitheddie · 6 months
Since Red died, did Purple keep any of his belongings? Wore any of his cloths or armor?
What was he like at the funeral? Did any other Irken feel his pain or was Purple the only one mourning?
Yeet "Oooh... The Tallest really isn't fond of answering questions about late Red's death. I'll answer any questions as best I can.
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"My tallest mourned late Red longer and harder than I have ever seen any drone mourn another drone. They knew each other since smeethood. They were linked in spirit, not just in their title. I think it was brave and sweet how openly Tallest Purple grieved, but he worries the empire might see his grief as a weakness.
Tallest funerals are never recorded or broadcasted on live stream. I remember watching the news segment announcing Late Red's passing. Tallest Purple looked like a shell of himself when he addressed the empire. His wardrobe staff told me he was inconsolable at Red's funeral. He could barely keep it together long enough to carry Red into the Colossus's right hand and read his rites before lighting his body aflame. They told me his grieving screams echoed clear across no drone's land... Poor tallest Purple.
Usually when a tallest passes the empire goes into lockdown until a tallest is measured. There is a period of recognition and manditory honorable mourning by the empire, but because late Red and Tallest Purple ruled as one unit, there was no lock down. Purple just took over the full title and us shorter drones were instructed to carry on as normal.
I think that really distressed Purple that the empire didn't seem to mourn his loss as he did. I'm sure SOMEONE besides Tallest Purple must have been devastated when late Red passed.
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To be fair, my generation have only been alive long enough to salute late Red and Tallest Purple. Most of the empire is still nostalgic about late Miyuki, which is understandable. She's a hero of mine too. Late Red didn't rule long enough for the general public to be deeply invested in his passing. He's convinced no one will mourn him when he passes. I, personally, imprinted on Purple as a smeet, so I take comfort in knowing he's still with us. I would be devastated if we lost Purple, even if he doesn't believe me.
Purple wore his funerary robes for YEARS after Red's passing. He was still wearing his white robes and vail when he hired me as his coordinator. He snapped out of that eventually, but went through a fase where EVERYONE on the massive had to wear late Red's shade of red. I was even instructed to wear contacts to alter my eye color for his first century jubilee. Luckily he moved past that too.
Late Red's formal robes are on display at the Tallests' memorial museum on the massive, but Tallest Purple has kept all of late Red's other robes in his chambers. He kept nearly all of late Red's possessions, including the puppets he crafted, his old battle ballad choir helmet from his cadet days and even the bag from the last box of donuts he ate.
I made another silk doll of Red in formal robes for Tallest Purple. He talks to it regularly. It's a little strange, but whatever brings him confort.
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Threw in some old posts on the subject. Again, couldn't find the exact post I was thinking of In reference to this ask ^^; This reminds me; I never really touched on the side plot, but frylady Soo-Garr was actually in love with tallest Red; which was her biggest motivation to try to become the next frylord of the Massive's grand mess hall.
I REALLY wish I knew how to find my tumblr archive. I forget half the crap I come up with. ><
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cursedvibes · 10 months
What are your theories on Uraume and their relationships/background with Sukuna and Kenjaku?
Hmm, there are a lot and not all of them entirely coherent, but I'll try. The reveal of their Heian appearance changed a lot of my theories and so did the correction in Vol 23 that the meeting with the country leaders happened in September and not February. I guess that makes more sense with the video footage, but 2 months to meet with various presidents, sell them the existence of sorcerers and then convince them to invade Japan seems a bit short. I assume Kenjaku had already contact with some of those people, since those officials from China invited them and Cyrus Vail seems to have known Kenjaku too, but still a tight schedule for such a major event. In regards to Uraume that kinda overthrows my theory that they were already around and with Kenjaku before the curse family showed up. Well, it doesn't cancel it out, but it's also not proof anymore.
Uraume isn't a reincarnated sorcerer intended to take part in the Culling Game (not their main purpose anyway even if they eventually join), they are tied to Sukuna and his resurrection, so I wouldn't be too surprised if they were already around when Kenjaku created his vessel/Yuuji. Or even if they don't go back that far, I think they would already be around shortly before Yuuji eats the first finger to witness Sukuna's resurgence from the beginning. Even if they have already been around for a year or more, I think they did not have as much close contact with Kenjaku as right now or they would already be much more exasperated with them when we first meet them (tbf their really cunty attitude only shows up when Kenjaku is interrupting their quality Sukuna time). I'm not entirely sure if Uraume made a binding vow with Kenjaku and got turned into a cursed object like Sukuna or if they found some other method like ice to bring them through the ages. For now I'm assuming it was a binding vow with Kenjaku, but I wouldn't be surprised if that wasn't the case.
Now as for their Heian appearance, we got confirmation that they weren't always a monk/nun. They might have started wearing those robes shortly before Sukuna's death, since the clothes Sukuna's mummy wears and Uraume's in current times are from the same buddhist school. However, it could also be that Tengen gave Sukuna those clothes post-mortem, which also suggest some kind of involvement of Uraume in that process. The other thing is the shaved hair and lack of pink splotch on the back of their head. I've seen some say that they gained that mark as a reference to their death, but I think they had it before and just shaved it off for some reason. Their name references plums and it would be strange if there was nothing about their appearance that suggested a connection. Their eyes I guess, but that doesn't seem that obvious to me. So if they had that spot from the beginning, it must symbolize something they initially rejected, but then embraced before their death or afterwards. It can't just be Sukuna, it must be something else. Could reference a change in their relationship, but I'm not sure.
I also often see the theory that Uraume was a servant (to Sugawara no Michizane for example) and was freed by Sukuna. I don't agree with that. Aside from Sukuna, they don't act subservient to anyone, quite the opposite. They are very prideful and look down on almost everyone around them. To gain their respect, you have to be powerful/useful and have a personal connection to them. Personal connection because they absolutely hate Gojo despite him being very powerful. They don't just bow down to anyone. If Kenjaku wasn't useful to reuniting them with Sukuna and keeping Sukuna alive and if Kenjaku themselves wasn't so annoyingly competend, they couldn't give two fucks about them.
Uraume doesn't give off the impression of someone used to living in servitude. If so, then only to one particular person and not the people around them. They might have served Sugawara at some point, since he was also a powerful sorcerer, but then they must be quite a bit older than Sukuna, since Sugawara lived until 903 and I assume Sukuna was born after the year 1000. I think Sukuna and Uraume are around the same age though. So unless Uraume hung out with the vengeful spirit Sugawara no Michizane (not entirely impossible) I don't think this works out. I'm entirely open to changing my mind though when Gege finally gives us more details about when what happened. The Heian era was quite long and "1000 years" is also very vague...
As for how Sukuna and Uraume met, I think it wasn't just Uraume begging to follow him because he's powerful, there must be something more personal there because Sukuna almost sees them as equal and allowed only them to stay with him. That's unusually trusting of him. They have a skill he needs but that can't be all, since Sukuna sees them as more than a necessity or tool. I also wouldn't be surprised if it was Sukuna who approached them first, drawn to them by the delicious smell of cooked human meat.
As for Kenjaku, I think they also only got to know them when they approached Sukuna about the binding vow. Kenjaku likely had to go through Uraume first before they were even allowed to talk to Sukuna. While Uraume might find their personality a bit grating at times, it is clear that they know what they're doing and are far more experienced than Sukuna and Uraume combined, so unfortunately associating with them is unavoidable, even if they have to take Kenjaku talking a lot of shit about both of them in the process.
I think those were all my thoughts about Uraume and their past/relationships. Since we don't know a lot about the Heian people yet it's all very tentative, but that makes me even more excited for when we finally find out more.
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piffany666 · 6 months
The spawn of the stars
Space pirate au
(If Arkov had siblings)
Chapter 2: the pick up
There had been many times during Yargwin's role of captain where the crew had simultaneously asked "WHAT!?"
But Yargwin still had never gotten used to it.
The caller exclaimed.
"Lry set a course for the dwarf planet their ship is on"
Yargwin's tone seemed more sturn than usual.
Lry told himself that It was most likely due to the....less than unsavoury comments that the caller had been subjecting his paradise to.
"Y-yes captain"
"See you soon~"
The caller hung up on them.
Arkov sighed as she placed her head in her hands.
She then walked over to where Yargwin was standing.
"Yargwin, I love you but why do you say things?"
He chuckled softly at this.
He loved how blunt she always was.
"Look, it doesn't take a genius to see that you and your....sibling don't get along, but you deserve to know what's in your file and you mum's will"
This made Arkov stop and think for a moment.
She had never considered that there might be more to what this hybrid body of her's could do and everyone just kinda assumed that the will was lost, so begrudgingly,
Arkov prepared herself to introduce her....family to her new found friends.
She went back to sit with Kalomos while she waited for the Hercules to land.
It soon became apparent to Arkov that everyone wanted an explanation, but no one was speaking up about it.
Until kalomos finally broke the ice.
"Soooo.....that's you're sibling?...you...have siblings...?"
Arkov sighed. This was going to be a long trip.
"Yes, more specifically, that was my brother, Oedipus"
"I didn't even know you HAD a brother"
"Well actually I have two"
This shocked Kalomos even further.
Arkov continued.
"Two brothers and one sister, you'll most likely meet them all when we go down there to help them, I'll introduce you"
This did excite Kalomos, but he had a feeling that he was about to step into some sensitive territory.
But the curiosity of him and the crew was becoming to much to bare.
"You....dont seem to get along that well"
He tried again, now taking a much more direct approach.
"Is that why you've never mentioned them before?"
Before Arkov was given the chance to answer, an announcement came through the speakers.
It was Lry.
"We've arrived, may Arkov and Yargwin prepare leave the ship".
A few minutes prior with Yargwin and Lry:
Lry was following Yargwin, almost frantically, asking him the age old question,
"Are you sure this is a good idea captain?"
Yargwin, keeping his gase forward but still responded.
"Arkov deserves to have the information they're keeping from her, Lry, and besides,
I didn't appreciate the way he was treating her back there..."
In all honesty, Yargwin didn't know where he was going, he just needed to do something productive with the anger brewing up inside him.
They where supposedly her family, her sibling, why would they!-
He stopped his train of thought and took a deep breath.
Lry was going to press on but he could see that this was going to be one of those situations where there was no changing his mind.
The truth was that Lry knows pretty much everything that needs to be known about Dr Sosha's experiments.
Needless to say, he will carry out this 'rescue' with caution.
Once he had left Yargwin to his own divises, he began to communicate his brother, Vail.
"Im sorry Yargwin, I know these people are important to your paradise, but this is for the best..."
Back with Arkov on the Dwarf planet:
Yargwin and Arkov were the only ones to leave the ship to retrieve the hybrids.
Lry had initially planned on going but he had told Yargwin he had "somthing important to attend to"
The ship had definitely seen better days.
Arkov approached the ship and as she did, the ruble began to move.
The rustling got louder and louder.
Yargwin stepped closer to Arkov and that's when he burst from the recharge.
Oedipus was a tall and fairly lanky man with deep blue, long hair.
On top of that hair was a pair of long, ram-like horns.
Much like Arkov's but where Arkov's curved backwards, his went upwards.
He wore a leather trench coat, with no shirt and puffy, black pants.
Exept one pant leg was longer than the other, with the shorter one revealing a cybernetic leg.
It took a little longer for Yargwin to notice the tail...
He looked exhausted.
Despite this, he still addressed Arkov with the same casual tone he did back on the call they had at the ship.
"What's up Arkov?"
She was slightly taken aback by this question but that was only due to the fact that he looked terrible after bursting through the broken ship.
"I-im fine...?"
He smiled.
"Well of course you are, you didn't just crawl through a shit tone of metal and rubble!"
Arkov huffed.
"Yeah well you owe me one now"
"Well, technically I owe your captain since HE'S the one who agreed to help us~"
That smile had turned into a shit-eating grin.
Arkov tried her hardestto protray a scowl.
"Oh by the way Abadon is currently getting crushed by the wing of the ship so maybe you wanna go help him"
As he said this, he brushed himself off from the damage the recharge had caused to his jacket and pants.
"Abaddons here!?"
Before he could give an answer, she went sprinting in the general direction of where Oedipus had gestured to.
After moving some metal to one side, she could see her aforementioned brother, Abadon.
He was scratching and hissing desperately at the ground.
His legs where underneath the wing of the dismembered ship.
Arkov had tried to show as much visual worry as she could but then she remembered that the struggle to express emotions was something her and her brother shared.
She jumped down and began to pull on his arms.
He repeatedly said "Ow" In a fairly monotone voice however as she pulled, he got louder and louder each time.
After a couple seconds of this, Arkov sensed somone standing beside her, it was Yargwin.
He began lifting up the metal wing that had him trapped
Eventually giving him enough room to get out.
Once he was free, Arkov moved him into a position that made it easier to pick him up and put him on her back.
She turned to Yargwin as Oedipus approached the group.
"Thank you"
Yargwin smiled softly.
Abadon rested his head on top of Arkov's and began to address Oedipus.
"You prick, why didn't you help me?"
He sounded exhausted, but the anger made its way through his voice, which Arkov found a little alarming, he was never really one to show any emotion with his voice, let alone anger.
He must have been stuck for a while, that or he's in a lot of pain, thought Arkov.
Upon seeing all three hybrids together, Yargwin was beginning to see the resemblance.
Oedipus looked offended, but it didn't take a genius to see he was overselling it.
"Hey I was being crushed Too! Not everything's about you, Aby"
Yargwin began to wonder if he treated all his siblings like this and not just Arkov.
Abadon huffed and nestled his head into Arkov's hair.
She began to make her way back to the ship.
Yargwin followed on.
Once he was beside Arkov, he began talking to Abadon
"Let's get you into medical"
Arkov could feel her brothers breath in her hair as he sighed before replying to him.
"That would be nice"
Before they made their way onto the ship, Arkov stopped suddenly as if somthing had shocked her.
"Wait! Where's Electra?"
Oedipus scoffed.
"Please, you really think she'd let me live after crashing her ship? Besides if she was here don't you think SHE would have been the one to send the distress call? Nah she's back on shornatis"
Arkov sighed, Yargwin couldn't tell if it was out of relief or out of exhaustion.
In any case, once that mystery was cleared up, at least for Arkov, they continued retreating to the safety of the ship.
As they did so, Oedipus saw something out of the corner of his unnervingly sharp eye
Arkov and Yargwin were holding hands.
While alters have their unique powers, hybrids have a number of tricks up their sleeves, however luckily for everyone present, mind reading wasn't one of them, because if it was, about a 3rd of this group would be able to clearly hear Oedipus scream
"Oh F*K NO!"
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imherebabycakes · 2 years
Can You Do A Vampire Mikey x F!Reader But In Bayverse And With Prompts And Can You Do A Lemon 🍋 For It Too
142. “Bite me.” 132. “Argue all you want we both know you belong to me.” 5. “MINE.” 89. Mating season 151. “Do you know how a turtle takes his mate?” 96. Making out 58. Turtle bedroom 123. “Don’t hold back.” and Turning Into A Vampire
oh you ain’t know? ….turtles bite!
Bayverse tmnt
🧛‍♂️ 🐢 🧡
this is my first ask, and i honestly hope, i did well.
let me set the scene:
in this world its 2022 , mutants are normal but its rare to see them everyday, some people have accepted them and well…. you know the rest.
a few months Ago you were celebrating a friends halloween birthday party in her penthouse apartment in upstate new York, you went dressed up as a sexy vampires, You were basically in lingerie you had fake fang teeth, wearing a black & burnt orange corset with orange lace boy shorts  black thigh high stockings,strippa heels,with a lace dark orange vail .the party was lit, there was drinking games, stripping games,dance contest starting every 5 minutes. people were really letting loose. you knew your drinking limit, but that night you knew you went a little over bord but you were still very aware of everything that was going on around you,so to sober up you set down on a nearby couch and drank two water bottles. something was telling you to look up so you did & right across the dim lit room, you saw him,A mutant turtle man, One of the 4 brothers that saved New York back in 2016 from aliens. you heard about them but never seen them up close before. man was he handsome. looking back on it you couldn’t remember what his costume was but it might’ve been a police swat team or ninja of sorts . but you honestly didn’t care because his look was so different & those damn baby blue eyes captured you, no literally it’s like as soon as you locked eyes with him without thinking your legs started moving by themselves ,before you knew it he had you wrapped in his arms. BIG MISTAKE
}}}}}}} Y/N get your sexy ass in here!!, you can clean them dishes later, i need you now. y/n is so beautiful, loving, caring. but tonights the night she’ll find out that besides me being a turtle im also a vampire, i was bit by a mutant vampire 2 years ago.
}}}}}}}}} I stopped what I was doing and slowly walk into his room, sometimes I forget that he’s not fully human, his body is godlike,im talking Hercules or Poseidon.  then reality sets in and I remember that he is a mutant, and true to his animal side his turtle room was dark,and humid, starting down his winding steps that were made of mahogany wood, his roomed smelled sweet like citrus fruit, the walls were covered with lush green vines , flowers & jagged rocks that had water trickling down them which led into a beautiful small pond that had a few koi fish in it. on the walls he had Beautiful paintings & sketches that hung, the floors were of marble and leading to his bed there was plush black shag carpet . turning my attention to the turtle man we lock eyes, but something seems different, his eyes seem darker, and so does the room or is it just the atmosphere.
}}}}}}}}} there’s my girl, come hop on my lap with your pretty slef, so i can kiss those lushly plump lips that i love so much.
}}}}}}}}} doin as told, i got on his lap and we start to Makeout heavily. man could he kiss, he had every inch of my body on fire, he grabbed my ass, breasts, and neck, its like once he gets started i cant get enough of him. then out of nowhere he abruptly pins me on my back and takes a huge sniff of the air,& says MINE
}}}}}} her ass, & breasts plump and ready for devouring, taking in the air around me, i could smell that she was ready, her arousal had me seeing colors so to speak, Y/n my love, i say kissing her neck,,,, yes mickey? …..do you know how a turtle takes his mate?…. umm no… no i dont mikey? well your about to find out,i say cooing in her ear, because its mating season
}}}}}}} while mickey was kissing on my neck he started talking about some mating season about turtles, then it hit me…. he wants to have sex! all we’ve ever done was kiss or dry hump. man this was kinda sudden or was it?…. is time slipping away from me that fast. No mikey, i say as i tried to push him away, im not ready… well at least thats what my mind’s telling me but my body craves you some how. why?
}}}}}}}} my love please stop fighting this,Argue all you want we both know you belong to me. you crave me because you love me, this is supposed to be, i make you do nothing you dont wanna do. not being able to hold back on my animalistic instincts any longer, i bite into her neck hard enough to penetrate but gentle enough where I don’t hurt her, taking in her sweet nectar of blood i go numb. stopping to look into her eyes i ask can i continue… y/n?…. umm i guess so mikey, No Y/n! i need a yes or no answer!!! it’s important, i need permission……. okay damn you dont have to yell….y-yes you..m-may continue mikey……good girl cuz thats all i needed.
}}}}}}} before I could say anything else , Mikey bit me, he fucking bit me, immediately my body filled with pain then like a light switch i felt pleasure and it actually felt good, everything heightened, my eyesight smell & touch,but why? why did i now feel so amazing, then mikey latched off my neck and ripped off my shirt and pants, and striped me of my underwear too,i was now in my birthday suit, mikey cupped my face so gently and kissed me so sweetly, and said “ im going to fuck you now” . we made love for hours it seemed. he ate, licked and fucked every hole i had, which left me weak but satisfied.
}} }}}kissing this beautiful lady before me,i couldn’t believe all we had just did in the last few hours, she was all mine & i hers.i stop and just bask before her , but in the back of my mind i know i need to let her know she’s no longer just human,and she needs to eat or she’ll die. y/n my love, do you feel any different?
well, now that you’ve mention it, it’s like all my senses are heightened and I’m feeling weak & strong at the same time, I crave something but I don’t know what it is. ”you crave blood y/n” , what the hell are you talking about Mikey? im human why would i crave blood?  because you’re not just human anymore y/n you’re now a vampire, well Vampires. “wait what!!,, how? i mean when?…Ouch! i just bit my lip!! why are my teeth so sharp!!! ,….this isn’t making any sense…. i cant be a vampire because then that would mean…wait.. w-wait….i-it was you! this whole damn time!!! your the reason!!! thats why i’ve been in a trance like state, not knowing if its night or day ….. fuck you mikey!!!! fuck, fuck, fuck!!!… you turned me into this?!!!! yes y/n but i didn’t make you do anything my love please understand. deep down you must’ve wanted me just the same or it wouldn’t have worked. well at least thats how the rules go… & i’m not just a turtle Im part vampire, I was a bit a while ago now this is my life. i never craved anyone until you. but we’ll have a deeper conversation later because you need to eat.
this is all honestly too much, I’ve been willingly unwillingly turned into a vampire. and im naked, what is to become of me now? I feel weak really weak. im hungry. i need to eat.
Y/n ….your going to have to drink my blood.
what! no are you insane. i’m hungry but I’m not that hungry.
y/n you will die if you dont.
yes, once a vampire bites you, you need to bite them back or bite another person. or you’ll parish
come on y/n Bite me,
man hell nah, im not giving into my vampire desires
baby cakes you’ll die!!, please this is the only way, i promise everything will be okay
looking into mikey eyes, though pissed off i know he’s telling the truth somehow. well how and where do you want my to do it? this is all new to me man.
come, sit on my lap and just go for it, mikey idk about this im nervous, “its okay” you wont hurt me at all… hmmm,,, okay… “sniff” wait whats that smell? its amazing!!! “its blood y/n. now do it, bite!
}}}}}} sitting on his lap, i spread my legs across him , and arch my neck opposite his, welp no going back,, mmmm his blood smells amazing, i cant take it anymore!!!! i bit down and hard,,,, aaagh!!! thats it baby cakes DONT HOLD BACK!!! take whats yours become what you truly are deep inside!!!!
}}}}}} drinking his worm delicious blood, my life flashed before my eyes, i seen past present and future, i seen the wonders of the world and the worst, tears prickling out my eyes, i latch off, then it all went black
}}}}}} angel cakes??…. wake up… y/n please..wake up baby
hmp…..mikey…. wha-what happened to me!
i had a weird …..dream
i dreamt, you turned me into a vampire, and we had some amazing sex. and that i bit & drank your blood
it wasn’t a dream angel face….we are vampires now and are bound together for life,
woah, so all of that was true it really happened!… im no longer just human?
yes y/n are you mad at me?
honestly, not anymore everything that i use to want & be is no longer i crave you, and we’ve you only had regular sex, now i gotta fuck you, vampire style
thats my girl
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1whimsicalgal · 11 days
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Shooting Daniel Pearl’s Infamous Dolly Shot (From Pam’s POV) Or How I Got Lucky In Spite Of Myself.
When I came on the set that morning in Quick Hill, Texas, our make-up artist Dottie was repairing my make-up. I looked out of the corner of my left eye, over at the swing where I knew I was supposed to sit for our next scene of Pam approaching the house. Perplexed, I noticed Daniel Pearl, our cinematographer, lying down on his stomach, hunched over his camera, UNDER the swing, and exactly where I was soon to park my posterior. I noticed Danny wasn’t moving. He was settled in. I asked Dottie as she was powdering my face, “Hey, Dottie, what’s Daniel doing under the swing?” She mumbled something similar to “Idunno…”, and quickly walked away.
They told me they were ready and where I was to sit. Huh?? No way. Yes, the stories are true. I freaked out, 😱 Pam and Tobe began to argue, me refusing to do the shot. Meanwhile, and totally Unbeknownst to me, this was immediately following a giant argument he’d just had with the money dudes, the investors, who didn’t want him to do this new shot that Daniel had come up with the night before, at all. They were ranting at him, telling him that they HAD to stick to the storyboard. .. or else (btw, dpearldp tells that delicious story on his IG - link below). Well, I had No Clue what it was either. I was protecting my cheeks… if you read me. Chewing on his cigar stub, and none too happy with his troublesome actress playing ‘Pam’, Tobe had had enough and said, “Aw, goddamnit, Teri, we’re gonna shoot all around it!!!” Hmmmm, I’m thinkin’, ‘shoot-all-around-it’? Just what the hell does that mean? Anyway, I shut up and sat down, however, remaining highly, highly suspicious. I later learned that everyone, except me, was in on the tracking shot.
All I could think of was my mother 😲 O.M.G. (who was unsupportive at best of my chosen career) and my Aunt Gerry, who were both super-duper religious. I could literally picture them coming unglued when they saw it. Before it was released a year later, I dreaded watching myself on screen and THAT scene, having never seen dailies, I was haunted by the thought of watching it.
When it was released in October ’74, I was living in Dallas and drove with a friend to see it at a Saturday matinee in Tomball, TX, along with 300 screaming kids. When the scene started, my eyes were covered 🫣 I watched through my fingers, scared to death, and NOT of Leatherface. There, up on the screen, in CinemaScope and vivid Technicolor, were my cheeks in those red shorts… O.M.G. 🥶🥵
They certainly did "shoot all around it"!!! The irony of all my worry, neither one of them ever saw it. 😂
That scene has been taught in directing classes across the world for decades, and the 1974 film is held in the film archives of MoMA, The Smithsonian, and The Academy /Oscars.org.
MoMA recently announced a weeklong celebration the 50th anniversary of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre August 8-14, when members of the film’s creative team will join to discuss The Texas Chainsaw Massacre’s production and legacy.
How fortunate we are.
As many of you know, I didn’t come out of anonymity as 'Pam for ’35 years, till March 2008, when, Bill ‘Kirk’ Vail and I both first appeared at a humongous Cherryhill, NJ, Monster-Mania Convention.
Cut to 2008 when my sweet Aunt Gerry was in her 90's, I went to visit her in Arkansas at her apartment in Peachtree Village for a few days, and I told her, "Aunt Gerry, did you know I'm famous?" She said, "You are??" I said, "I certainly am." 😎 I got out my Mac, opened it to FB and showed her the shot above. She giggled and smiled. She loved it! We enjoyed a really good laugh together.💞😂
Tobe and Kim had apparently seen my picture in the Austin American Statesman for a play I was doing with Frank Sutton (Gomer Pyle's Sargent) at @Mary Moody Northern Theater. My eyes were closed in the picture.😂 They had called the theater and our director, Ed Mangum, gave me the message when I came in for rehearsals. I was to return their call.
WHO KNEW??? Certainly, none of us!
🎥 Follow our amazing cinematographer, Daniel Pearl, for his post & POV on filming this scene, at dpearldp's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CvtejukgJIP/ as well as many more great stories from his 50-year career. Daniel's website: danielpearldp.com/
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maknaesketches · 9 months
aaaa i never post on here but oops here i am! a quick intro abt me- hewwo! i'm jisung! a small story writer (sometimes) and fanart maker! i'm into de, kpop, anime, kamen rider and super sentai! the styles of stories i write are mostly romance ones! and today i got a romance one for ya!
yes yes normally ppl try to make character × reader ones; and i would try to as well but for this particular one i had used my oc because i wanted to write a oneshot for her and my boi tim drake! ik i'm prolly not the best at writing but i try my best!
anyway enjoy this short info abt my oc b4 we start!
Name: Elizabeth "Liz/Lizzy" Vail
Hero Name: Pyrite (not mentioned
Age: 15 (takes place prior to the start of YJ season 3)
Parents: Nick Vail/Spark (deceased) and Lexi Vail (deceased Oliver Queen/Green Arrow (adopted father) and Dinah Lance (adopted mother)
Love Interest: Tim Drake/Robin
Powers: Fire and Crystal
TW!!: death, mentions of killing, mental abuse, gore, self doubt, anxiety, and depression. let me know if i missed any!
Word Count: 5959
Plot: 10 years ago a supervillain by the name of Arid would kill two superheroes, he sets out to kill their child as well, but before he can he gets locked away in Belle Reve. 10 years later he escapes prison and teams up with the Joker in hopes of finding now 15 year old Elizabeth Vail, the last known Vail in existence. Meanwhile, Elizabeth is a “powerless” girl who thinks she can’t do anything right and has been experiencing nightmares for the past few months, only for them to be true. Can Elizabeth manage to find herself and save everyone form Arid or will Arid have his way and kill Elizabeth? Only reading it will reveal the answer!
Haze covered the ground as moonlight shone down onto the lonely streets of Gotham, under the light laid a body on the ground with blood seeping around it. Darkness swallowed the moon with eerie clouds as a male wearing a clown mask would lick blood off a knife he held and howl with laughter.
Waking up in a puddle of sweat on the other side of Gotham, a young female no older than 15 would breathe heavily as she looked around for something to cling onto, though too late because her palms were bleeding due to them being clenched for so long and hard. She would get up, going into the bathroom, looking at herself in the mirror; her yellow eyes had bags under them while her hands were bruised. Sighing softly she would sit on the closed toilet and wrap them with gauze that was sitting out, assumingly from her parents who forgot to put it away. “That stupid dream again… Elizabeth Vail what’s wrong with you…”
“… You don’t think it’s a dream huh?” A female with blonde hair would ask a female that had green skin and red-brown hair. The two stood in the Watchtower alongside the green one’s lover.
“I don’t believe it is, from the sounds of it happening so frequently it could be a warning.” The green skinned female would say as she ran her fingers through her short hair. “If she will let me look through her brain I can probably get a better idea.”
“You know that’s not right, M’gann, she isn’t the type of person to let someone sort through her memories.” A male wearing a skin tight black tee shirt with the superman logo on it would say with a slight annoyance seeping through his voice. The green female— M’gann would roll her eyes as she heard the Zeta Tube announce a few members' arrivals into the tower. Nightwing— Richard would enter followed by Eclipse— Ava, Batman— Bruce, Robin— Tim, Green Arrow— Oliver, and Elizabeth would enter, talking amongst themselves.
“I never knew you could throw a punch like that, if I hadn’t dodged that would’ve hurt.” Green Arrow huffed a chuckle as he ruffled Elizabeth’s hair, “babe, you should’ve seen her in action, she was amazing, Liz took down two villains by herself today.” The arrow user said as he would walk over to Black Canary— Dinah, the first female, holding her hand as he looked at the bat family and his daughter. Superman— Clark followed by Helix— Amelie would quickly follow, the two talking amongst themselves when entering before noticing everyone else, making them open up more.
“How was your mission, Ba—“ Superman’s words would be cut short as Helix placed a hand on his chest, signaling him not to speak.
Black Canary would watch her adopted daughter, she would be holding onto Robin’s shoulder, steading herself from falling it seemed. “Lizzy, what’s wrong…?” The bird heroine would ask as she watched the child let go of her friend's shoulder, before stumbling, almost falling if it wasn’t for Robin grabbing onto her again, pulling her against him.
“Elizabeth?” He asked as he slowly moved into a sitting position on the ground, letting her sit in his lap.
“I-I’ll go get some ice!” M’gann said as she ran off, Superboy— Conner/M’gann’s boyfriend would rest a hand on Elizabeth’s forehead, sighing,
“She’s warm, but she seems fin—“
“Guys, give her some space, crowding around her like this is making it impossible for her to speak.” Eclipse would sigh as everyone would scoot backward. Elizabeth would sigh softly, thanking Eclipse before looking at the room.
“I just… I haven’t slept well, I think it’s because of the dreams I keep having.” Elizabeth said as she would stand up, with Robin holding onto her still, worried almost.
“What dreams?” Superboy asked.
Elizabeth would clench her fist as she looked down, sighing. “It’s been happening for like a month now, there are nights when it’s just this guy holding a balloon repeating the words ‘I will find you.’; and then there are nights where he is actually killing people… I see the reports on the news about a mysterious killer out on the loose and they look the same as the one in my dreams… recently when he just stands there his words are now ‘I’m closer now, you will die soon!’ a-and behind him there is a wall with the word die on it written in blood…” Her eyes would shake slightly as she felt her hand shake. “I-I don’t know who this person is or why they’re after me…” She would whimper softly. Robin would grab her shaking hand and rub it soothingly.
“Whoever this guy is, he will be turned in.” Robin would say as Batman went to the computer, he would sigh in a complaining way.
“This is the guy?” He asked as Elizabeth confirmed it, Batman and Superman’s eyes would sharpen on their faces. “Arid. He worked alongside the Joker for years before he abandoned the Joker and murdered two superheroes before getting locked up in Belle Reve… 10 years ago. It seems someone paid his sentence fee and now he’s free from jail… out to kill you.”
“Killl me? Why me?” Elizabeth asked.
“Because… your parents were the two superheroes he murdered the night he was arrested.” Green Arrow sighed as he looked at the young female. “Ember and Spark; respectively the fire warrior and the crystal warrior; Your father, Nick Vail/Ember was a firefighter in his human life, but as a hero, he was one of the best, meanwhile your mother, Lexi Vail/Spark was a meteorologist in her human life; They fought side by side, they ended up having you even before they got married, when you were just born, they wed one another… and when you were just 5… they were slaughtered on their anniversary night… me and Dinah were watching you that night while your parents were out… but they never came to get you, then the worst happened… and after that, we kept you, the league wiped all existence of Ember and Spark, not wanting to relive the trauma from that night.”
Elizabeth would look down as she would lift her hand, trying to summon any bit of power she contained, though nothing came out. Helix would watch in silence letting her face fall, worried for Elizabeth. Robin would take her hand in his as he peeled his mask off, “Let’s go out for a bit, get some fresh air, you need it.” He would say as he dragged her off to the Zeta Tube. Black Canary sighed and turned away from everyone, her eyes shaking as she looked down clenching her fists.
Walking through the streets of a carnival, music playing softly as lights flashed to the music, Elizabeth walked alongside Tim, the two of them holding hands still, smiling like the goofs they are. “Tim…” Elizabeth’s gentle voice asked as she looked at him. Tim noticed her facial features drop, saddened.
“Liz..? What’s wrong?” He asked as the two stopped walking, facing his school friend. Elizabeth felt her face sink more into sadness as tears began to well up in her yellow eyes. Tim’s blue ones widened as he pulled her into a calming embrace letting the girl cry.
“I-I don’t want to be the worthless, weak, unpowerful daughter of heroes…” Elizabeth would say through her tears as she buried her face against his neck trying to calm herself. Tim’s face would blush gently as he looked around, sighing softly.
“Liz, you’re not worthless or weak.” Tim said as he rubbed soft circles on her back, a gentle smile crossing his lips as he loosened up some, calming himself. He felt the girl calm down after a moment, though they stayed in the position, smiling softly against each other’s hold. “You’ve trained every second you can with us, you also literally took down two— not one but TWO— supervillains today even without powers.”
Elizabeth would finally bring herself away from Tim’s hold and remove the sunglasses the boy wore, placing them on his head. “Thanks, Tim.” She said finally bringing a smile to her cheeks. Tim would blush gently before placing a hand on her head, ruffling her hair gently. After playing games and chatting all night, the two finally decided to head home. Tim would keep his hands fiddling with a fidget toy to keep his mind sane while Elizabeth fiddled with the zipper on the boy’s jacket, smiling like a goofball as she wore it. A sudden eerie vibe set the two back some as they glanced at one another. “C’mon… let’s hurry back…” Elizabeth said as Tim pocketed the fidget toy, taking Elizabeth’s hand.
The sound of something falling made Tim quickly pull Elizabeth against his body as a metal sign fell next to them. “Run!” Tim yelled as he held her hand, running in front while she ran behind him. They suddenly came to a stop at a cliff making the young bat boy’s eyes widen as he looked around. “Shit…”
“Glad to see you again, my boy.” A maniacal laugh would pierce the two heroes' ears. Tim would make a mix between a weak/angered face as he saw the white faced, green haired villain appear right before his eyes. Tim turned to Elizabeth and quickly placed his grappling hook in her hands.
“Get out of here, quick, go find Batman and tell him he’s back.” Tim said quickly as he pulled his mask from his pocket and placed it on the girl's face. “No questions— just go!” Elizabeth watched as the boy turned back around getting into a fighting stance holding some batarangs. “I won’t let you take me again!” He yelled at the Joker, his face turning enraged.
The Joker would laugh and point his gun at the two, “Bang~” Tim watched as a golden bullet flew past his eyes, watching the bullet graze Elizabeth before she fell backwards off the cliff.
Waking up after who knows how long, Elizaberh would slowly open her yellow eyes, blinking slowly as she sat up, flinching. “Oh thank god you’re okay Lizzy…” Black Canary would breathe out as she would hold her daughter’s hand.
“We were so worried when we found you on the ground unconscious with a bullet wound.” Green Arrow said. They were in the batcave…? But why? Nightwing stood to the side looking at the computer with Oracle and Eclipse while Batman was standing with his kids. Superman and Helix were leaning against the wall near Elizabeth’s bed, smiling softly as she awoke.
“Tim…?” She would softly ask, looking around. Green Arrow and Black Canary would both tense and look at one another.
“He… isn’t here.” Green Arrow said as he took his mask off, placing it on his daughter’s bed. “Liz… you fell off a cliff with his grappling hook and mask clenched in your hand… Tiim wasn’t anywhere.” Elizabeth would look to the side table and feel her eyes widen. They filled up with tears as she took the mask into her fingers feeling the fabric. He was gone… Frustration took over her feelings before they froze in a matter of seconds seeing the computer screen change to a video from the Joker and Arid.
“Ah~ Batman; good to see ya.” The Joker’s mincing laugh would pierce everyone’s ears, “I got something here that you may want~” The Joker would step back and reveal a bloody Tim. “If I don’t see you, hand over the girl to Arid… Then the boy dies.” The Joker would say as he walked over to Tim, throwing him onto the ground. “Guys don’t do it I—“ Tim’s words were cut short by blood trickling from his lips, clearly in pain. “6PM, at the Gotham Park, not a minute late or the boy dies, JUST Batman, the girl and Nightwing.”
As the video ended, Green Arrow would hold Black Canary close to him, Nightwing was shaking with anger while Eclipse tried to calm him, Batman had an enraged look on his face and Elizabeth, she was in pure shock, hands shaking as she felt like screaming, throwing up and crying all at once. “I’m going.” Elizabeth said standing up, she ignored the pain as she clenched the grappling hook in her hand before walking over to all of Batman’s supplies grabbing Tim’s utility belt, placing it on.
Eclipse would grab her shoulders and make her face her, “Elizabeth, calm down. You’re not just going to rush in there.” She said, Elizabeth shook her head and showed her the time. 530.
“I have 30 minutes to be there to save Tim before he dies! Eclipse, I can’t let that happen.” Elizabeth would push Eclipse off her shoulders before putting the belt on.
“Elizabeth, you HAVE to stop.” Helix would say walking in front of her. “If you go, there’s a chance it could be trapped, Nightwing and Batman can’t always protect you.” She would state the obvious.
“You don’t think I can beat them?” Elizabeth asked, cocking an eyebrow.
“Honestly? No. I don’t think you can, two supervillains that have been around for who knows how long want you dead and you think— as powerless as you are right now— that you can beat them?” Helix would scoff and hold her hands into the air, “You're so wrong.”
“Helix—“ Superman said as he sighed, walking up, placing a hand on her shoulder, pulling her back. “You gotta stop.” He said rubbing his temple, “—looks Liz, what Helix is trying to say is that she doesn’t want you getting hurt, none of us do.”
Elizabeth would look to the metal ceiling of the batcave, tears welling up in her eyes, “I know it's risky, but I can't bear the thought of losing him too. I have to face the Joker and that stupid villain, for my parents and for us. I can't let fear stop me from trying to save him… Tim has been there for me countless times, it’s time I do the same for him.”
Superman would gently wipe away Elizabeth's tears and sighed again, “I understand your determination, Elizabeth. We'll do everything we can to help you save Tim and keep you safe. Just promise me you'll be careful.” Elizabeth would nod softly and look at Batman and Nightwing, both slightly on edge, but also ready to go.
“Let’s do this…”
Standing in the blocked off park, Batman and Nightwing both stood in front of Elizabeth, determination and anger firing in their eyes. Standing across the way was The Joker and Arid, as promised, with Tim on the ground, dried blood covering his body. “Oh Tim…” Elizabeth whispered as the bat boy rolled over, making eye contact with them.
“L-liz…?” He uttered, shocked to see her.
The Joker would look at the clock and smirk softly, “Time’s up, Batman, hand the girl over or my partner here will kill him… and I’m pretty sure you don’t want him to die, not like your last Robin.” Batman and Nightwing’s faces turned darker than normal, both of them seeming to hold every urge to not fight. Elizabeth looked down, stepping past the two elder bat boys, walking in between both groups. Arid would also step forward holding. his hand out to her,
“Come here, Vail.” Hearing the commotion from Nightwing and Tim to stop, she closed her eyes and gave her hand to Arid, who pulled her roughly to him, laughing. “Finally! The last Vail is mine!!!” He would look to the Joker, “Let the bat boy go, we have what we want.”
“Elizabeth!” Batman would yell, the Joker sighed and threw Tim down.
“I can’t believe I agreed to this…” The Joker would grumble walking to Arid’s side, “lets go.”
“Wait—“ Arid looked at Elizabeth and cocked an eyebrow, “—let me say goodbye first… please…” She whispered, her eyes pleading. Arid would look to the side and loosen his grip, letting go.
Elizabeth bolted to Tim and helped him stand, her arms wrapping around his waist, tears welling in her eyes again, “Tim… you’re… you’re okay… you’re okay…” She whispered, hiccuping as she hyperventilated slightly, her hand running along his cheek and back. Tim flinched, but smiled hugging her back.
“Liz… I’m okay… you didn’t have to do this though, I would’ve been fine… now you’re going instead of me…” Tim would rub her cheek, moving a tear. Elizabeth would think for a moment and take off his jacket, confusing Tim, even more when she placed his jacket in his hands before backing up, next to Arid, “L-liz—“ His eyes would widen, shaking as he tried to reach out for her. Elizabeth would look down, clenching her eyes as the Joker kicked Tim back, Nightwing and Batman both caught the boy,
“Shit— ELIZABETH!” Nightwing yelled, watching the three disappear.
Looking at the unnaturally fancy room Elizabeth kept her arms close to her body as she looked around, posters and famous paintings everywhere. “Making yourself at home?” Arid asked, walking around her, he was a slender dude with slicked back black hair, a black & red eye while the other was white & green, his skin was tan and he had a black handlebar mustache.
“W-why haven’t you killed me yet…” Elizabeth asked softly.
Arid would laugh and circle the wine he carried in his cup, he would lift it above her head and pour the wine over the girl's body making her yelp at the cold feeling rushing over her body, the room getting significantly colder on top of that. “Because, Miss Vail~ I’m going to enjoy killing you, I had to give you parents a quick death, but you? I can torture you to death… I think today… Let's start with some… mental pain.” He would laugh as he left the room. Elizabeth slid to the ground as she shivered, tears staining her cheeks as she noticed the room becoming foggy, memory gas. Her eyes would widen as she tried to hold her breath, scared. The gas would fog her mind, and everything else as she felt herself struggling to breath, she looked towards a window feeling her tears well in her eyes before everything went black.
“Elizabeth, what do you think you’re doing!” The high pitched scream coming from Helix who looked horrified, confused, she would look down to see Superman, struggling to breathe, he had a stab wounds to the heart, choking on something as well. Helix would shove Elizabeth aside and bend down, “Clark? Clark!” Helix cried out as she shook the dying hero. “Clark, c-come on wake up… CLARK!” Elizabeth shook her head and stepped back, shaking. She would bump into a chest turning around quickly, Batman. He looked at Elizabeth and swung at her, the female dodged quickly, heavily breathing, scared.
“How dare you kill him!” He screamed as he swung again. Elizabeth dodged before getting hammered in the back by a tomahawk, followed by a bo staff sending her flying into the black void, struggling to stand. Once she managed to get to her feet she saw Tim.
“T-tim!” She whimpered standing up, grasping his shoulders. “I-I didn’t do it! I didn’t kill him!” She would cry, shaking him. Tim would shove her off of him and back up, joining a dashing male’s side, holding his hand.
“You didn’t just do that… you destroyed everything, you destroyed our home, your parents, us, all of it, thrown away because of you.” He grumbled.
“Hey hey…” The dashing male would say, rubbing his hand, “Let’s go Tim, she’s not worth your time.” He said, walking into the void, leaving Elizabeth alone.
The scene would whirl around to her standing in front of her parents in her dad’s house, yelling coming from both of them… but it was all directed at her. The house was badly destroyed on the inside, burns and blood everywhere as spit flew from her raging father and high pitched shouting from her mother. Tears just fell as she held her head, covering her ears crying. Nothing was right. It didn’t make sense. Nothing made sense.
The scene would change again, with her back in the void, staring into the darkness for miles and miles. All she did was scream, that’s all she could do, scream. She didn’t kill Superman. She didn’t ruin things with Tim. She didn’t do anything to make her parents mad. So what happened!
“Elizabeth…?” Fear struck the girl as she turned around slowly, gentle glowing figures who she couldn’t really make out were standing in front of her now. “I know things seem tough… but you will get through it… just hold on a little longer, my little flame you’re doing so good…” A masculine voice spoke, he glowed a reddish-orange color.
“I’m so proud of you baby, you’ve become an amazing hero even with your dormant powers.” A feminine voice spoke, she glowed a pinkish-purple color. Elizabeth stretched her hand out to them with a sad smile on her face, the figures floated back though, “It’s not time.. Not yet, Lizzy.” The female mumbled sadly before they both vanished with a poof.
Awakening in a puddle of sweat, Elizabeth looked around the place, locked in the lonely room still. She had purple marks on her arms, seemingly from herself. “Did you enjoy that?” Arid asked over the speakers in the room. Elizabeth just shook her head, soft whimpers escaped still.
Stepping into the Batcave after cleaning up, Tim kept his hands on the bo staff, a familiar comforting feeling taking control of him. “It’s good to be home…” He said as he shrunk his staff placing it into a strap on his back.
“Good to see that you’re awake.” Ava would say.
“It really is, Alfred, said you didn’t have as many injuries as we anticipated.” Richard would say and smile softly, rubbing the current Robin’s head. “Bruce isn’t happy that you sacrificed yourself though.” Richard said, making a face.
“It’s better than letting him get Liz…” Tim quickly said as he looked down, “I was abused by the Joker… but I was never his target…” Tim felt tears sting his eyes, “I overheard him talking to this guy, Arid, he killed Liz’s parents and is also after her life… but instead of the quick death, he is going to torture her..” He would clench his fist and punch the wall next to him, it made Ava and Richard jump in shock at his reaction.
“He’s gonna torture her…?” Dinah would ask in shock as she overheard the conversation, her eyes shook as she sunk onto the ground, crying, overwhelmed by emotions.
Oliver would rest a hand on his fiance’s shoulder and let his mind run quickly with every idea springing through his brain. “Did he take her to the place you were held at?”
Bruce would enter the room and shake his head, “Arid is a lot smarter than that, there is no way he would take her there.” Bruce would go to the computer and start searching things up.
“Dad, let me.” Ava said as she would join his side, she bent down next to him and started searching, quicker than him. Richard would watch, smiling softly at his girlfriend's behavior to her father.
As the bat dad and daughter worked Tim sighed and turned to everyone, “Arid mentioned that he used to be a hero.. Dr. Medical I believe he said that he used to love Spark, who is her mom.. He worked on a team with Spark and Ember, until Ember fell in love with Spark and they ended up getting married, it left Arid fuming… he ended up killing Spark when he was trying to kill Ember instead… then… he became mad knowing Elizabeth was still alive, since her hair color and skin tone match her father while her eyes match her mother… all he sees is her father and that's why he wants to kill her.” Tim would sigh softly, running a hand through his hair. He would look at the belt that sat in his hand and sighed, “We’re going to get her back, I can promise that.”
A few days would pass by and Elizabeth could hardly stay awake, her pink tee shirt torn, her shoes burned as well as her pants. She would look down at the dried blood along her legs making her unable to stand as she eyed the bruises and burns. Everything hurt as she laid there with a hand over her yellow eyes, tears unable to fall due to over crying. She would close her eyes feeling the room get even colder, her body shivering. Parts of her body turned purple with the coldness. “I’m really going to die here… huh…” She whispered as she felt the overwhelming sensation of death awaiting her. “I failed everyone… Helix was right… there is no way I could’ve won… I’m not strong enough to take care of myself, I haven’t trained for as long as anyone else… Dad tried to train me, Zatanna and Eclipse did as well… Helix tried too but none of it worked.” Elizabeth would lift her hand off her eyes and stare at the unfriendly looking hand. “I guess I’ll get to meet my parents… sooner than I thought…” Closing her eyes, she finally accepted her defeat. She would feel herself go…
Waking up in the oh-so-familiar black void, Elizabeth looked down at her clothes, a simple whitish-green dress with her long light brown hair tied with a pink bow. Her yellow eyes would blink at the surrounding empty void. Elizabeth's heart skips a beat once she turned around and saw two familiar faces in front of her. Confusion and disbelief wash over her as she realizes that these strangers from earlier “I-i know you guys!” She gasped out.
The one glowing orange-red would chuckle and shake his head, “Are you sure you remember us? I don’t think you do.”
“You didn’t even recognize her at first!” The one glowing pink would scold the orange-red one and sighed, hissing in annoyance. Elizabeth would hesitate, unsure of how to react, but a glimmer of recognition flickers in her eyes. Slowly, the pieces start to come together, and a mix of emotions floods her. It's a bittersweet moment, filled with shock, curiosity, and a longing to know more about these people who share her blood.
“Mom… Dad… no way… W-wait this means… I’m dead OMG!” Elizabeth would gasp out as she held her face, hyperventilating. The purple-pink one would quickly grab Elizabeth’s hands and pull them off her face, blowing on her face trying to calm her down.
“Hey hey— no no no, you need to calm down… Elizabeth— look at me!” The purple-pink one— Lexi Vail/Spark would say. The orange-red one— Nick Vail/Ember would sigh and rub Elizabeth’s head.
“Lizzy, you’re not dead… not yet anyway, look… we’re here to help you.” Nick said as he backed up and crossed his arms, smirking. “This is going to hurt… maybe.” He said and tilted his head, chuckling gently before filling it with flaming fire. Lexi rolled her eyes at her husband before holding her hand out with freezing crystals. “Take our hands… come on little one.” He said gently. Elizabeth looked down at their hands and shakingly grabbed both of them, her eyes widened as she suddenly screamed feeling power raging through her body, purple-pink and orange-red energy flung through her body, glowing. Everything hurt as the girl fell to her knees feeling her body absorb the energy.
After a few moments, Elizabeth would open her eyes, both of them glowing the theme colors of her parents. “Wha… What is this overwhelming… power…” She whispered as she stood up; the left side of her body flooding with the cold beauty of the crystal powers while the right side of her body surging with the hot gracefulness of the fire powers. “I…I feel so alive!” She yelled out as she shot powers into the void, jumping in surprise. “Oh my gosh! I just did that!” She gasped before looking at her parents who smirked in admiration at their daughter.
“Now… Liz hun, you’re going back to the living side…” Lexi said as she rubbed her daughter’s cheek before holding her husband’s hand; the parents opening a white void behind them. “Go home Liz, please… you’re not meant to be dead.”
Elizabeth looked at her parents confused. “Won’t.. won’t you two be gone then…?” She whispered as her dad pushed her toward the white void.
“We will… but we are apart of you now, we awoke your powers… at the cost of our lives… well what is left of us anyway.” Nick laughed before he bent down and kissed his daughter’s forehead. Lexi would do the same thing. “Go on.” He mumbled as he gently pushed her forward. Elizabeth smiled at her parents before mumbling a thank you before going into the white void.
Awakening in the pitch black, freezing room. Elizabeth would sit up, in the torn clothes making her sigh. She questioned if the dream she had was even real, but she felt better, more alive… She would look down and watched her right hand flare up, making her yelp softly, “It’s real!” She gasped. She looked around and stood up slowly as she rolled her arms, warming up her body. She would smirk and hold her hand to the wall and watched it catch fire. A snicker would escape her lips before watching the room start burning. She would laugh and throw her head back, her eyes glowing the colors of her powers.
“Woah— a massive fire just broke out at the old abandoned manor…” Helix said in shock as she scrolled through the news on her phone. Superman made a face and leaned over the former villain's shoulder.
“The fire is pink— how can a fire be pink?” Superman asked, making a confused face.
Richard would take the phone and look at the article, “No signs of any gas lines or oil around there… the only way to start something—“
“Police and Firefighters say nobody can get inside… that fire is over 500 degrees…” Ava added.
Tim would look down, sighing in annoyance. “Guys we HAVE to find Elizabeth, this fire isn’t any of our business.” He said, making a face.
“Tim, we’re trying… let's try to deal with this fire, it may lead us to something.” Bruce said, “Superman, Helix, Green Arrow, Nightwing and Robin, go. Oracle, Canary, Eclipse and I will keep searching.”
“But Bru—“ Tim would receive a glare from Bruce making him go quiet. “Fine… let’s just get this over with…” He grumbled.
The team would arrive on to the scene, Superman and Helix taking to the sky, “Robin… something isn’t right… yes this fire is hot but… there’s someone standing inside of it.” Superman would utter to the bat boy who looked confused.
Squinting his eyes in the pink flames he made out a figure in the flames. A white and pink hair ribbon fell infront of his face fragily making his eyes widen as he quickly rushed forward. “ROBIN!” Nightwing would yell as he tried to grab the panicking 16 year old.
“No… no no no…” Robin would yell as he ran. Helix and Superman would fly to try to grab the boy, but before they could the fire made a path open up. Helix would quickly pull Superman back, holding onto him. Robin would rush into the pathway making him confused when he came to a stop infront of a female. Her hair was down all the way as her clothes were ripped and tattered. Tears stung the young boy’s eyes. “Lizzy…” He gasped out as the fire closed behind him, leaving the two unharmed.
Elizabeth turned her head back to see the cleaner up bat boy prior from the other day. “Tim…” She whispered in awe as the girl would stop the fire on her hands before looking him up and down. Overwhelmed with emotion, she would step back, scared. Robin would take a step forward and grab her hand.
“It’s me.. in the flesh.” He whispered as he placed her hand over his heart. “I’m alive… and this beating heart proves it.” Robin would pull her into a hug as Elizabeth’s eyes filled with tears, Robin would tighten the hug as the two slid onto the ground, the fire around them disappearing.
“Robin!” Nightwing called out again as he made his way over to the two followed by everyone else that was there. A smile fell onto the blue bird's face, “Lizzy… you’re okay…” He spoke as Helix quickly flew down, followed by Superman who held Helix in his arms as the girl would feel her body shake.
“S-something… isn’t right…” Helix mumbled as she laid in Superman’s arms. The muscular hero would notice a stone on the ground making him hold Helix closer.
“Because this place is surrounded with Yalex energy… it’s hurtful to you.” Superman said as he looked at everyone. “C’mon; we saved Elizabeth, now we need to go, before things get worse.” He said as he flew back, trying to save the weakened girl in his arms. Everyone else would retreat back, Robin holding onto Elizabeth. A swoosh sound would be heard resulting in Elizabeth quickly turning around, throwing up a massive crystal, blocking the attack.
“Have fun getting through Obsidian.” Elizabeth smirked softly before screaming was heard on the other side, the crystal breaking.
“You— You stupid girl get back here!!!” Arid yelled as he ran at Elizabeth. Robin and her made eye contact, ready to fight. An arrow pierced Arid in the stomach before it was followed by 3 more arrows.
“Hurt my daughter again… and I won’t miss your heart next time.” Green Arrow growled as he lowered his bow. Elizabeth turned to her adopted father and bolted into his arms, “I missed you so much baby…” Green Arrow whispered as he picked up his daughter into a tight hug.
Once he released her, Elizabeth rushed to Nightwing and hugged him. “I’m glad you’re back kiddo… Tim hasn’t slept well these few days.” He said and patted her head.
“Who says Tim sleeps even when I am here?” Elizabeth commented; the two sharing a small laugh before the younger turned to Helix and Superman, walking over to them. “Helix… Superman… I’m… I’m sorry… for acting the way I did and not upholding my promise. I thought I could beat Arid, and save Tim without any issues… but look at the mess I caused.”
Helix would lean down and gently pull Elizabeth into a hug. “I’m not mad… I was just worried… me and Clark may not be your parents, or adopted parents, but we both see you like a daughter we don’t have…” Helix would rub her cheek and smile softly. “I’m glad you’re okay.” Superman would nod in agreement as he watched Helix stand back up and join his open arms.
Elizabeth would feel arms wrap around her back making her flinch but lean into his hold. She smiled, not even needing to turn around, knowing who the back hug was from. She would rub his cheek and smile softly, feeling her tears fall freely again. The painful memories of the feeling of death… now to this moment of standing here around the people she loved, it was all so much. She would turn around in the bat boy’s arms and hold his cheeks. “Tim…” Just with the whisper of his name, nothing else and nothing more, the masked boy melted as he leaned in and did what he should’ve done along ago, kiss her.
(drawings are mine btw!!)
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mikaelsonwife4life · 4 months
Monster High: The Rise of the Phoenix
The full moon shone down on an abandoned factory, glinting off of partially broken glass. Smoke and ash lingered in the air, piles of it laying across the dirty factory floor. It was this building that Headmistress Equestria Bloodgood, Lord Dracula Dracul, and Victor Frankenstein encountered as they searched for a young monster. They knew what they were looking for but not who. A phoenix was the rarest being to walk the earth due to only one being able to be alive at once. 
A flash of red dashed across Headmistress Bloodgood’s peripheral vision and she whirled around, her silver eyes searching the darkness for the flash of color she’d seen. 
“Ve are looking for the Voenix,” Lord Dracul spoke, his thick Transylvanian accent altering the pronunciation of some of his words. 
“Don’t just say that,” Victor grumbled at his friend, “She won’t come out if she thinks we’re just looking for ‘the Phoenix’,” the simulcranium admonished. 
“Be quiet, both of you,” Headmistress Bloodgood snapped, glaring at her two friends, silently questioning if she shouldn’t have brought Phantom and Viveka along instead, “My name is Equestria Bloodgood. I run a school called Monster High.” 
“Monster High?” the trio looked up, shocked at what they saw. She was young, thirteen or fourteen, with golden tan skin and red-orange symbols across her limbs. Her eyes were fiery, red and orange and yellow blended into one. Her nails gripped the beam she was perched on, the inch long talon-like nails puncturing the wood. She was dressed simply, in jeans and a red to yellow ombre blouse that trailed, not unlike the tail feathers of birds. Her shoes were stilettos, red and scuffed with age and use. She wore a simple black leather jacket, also appearing to be heavily used. 
“That’s right,” Headmistress Bloodgood nodded, stifling her shock at the visibly half-human girl, “Monster High is a school built for monsters kinds. Not only that, we welcome monsters of all kinds.”
“That’s all good and well,” the Phoenix girl drawled, eyes narrowing, “When you speak of all monsters. What about half humans?”
“Vumans vave never attended Vonster High,” Lord Dracul spoke up, his searing red eyes staring up at the young girl, whose blood red lips curled into a mocking smile. 
“Untrue,” Victor spoke up, his rough voice seeming even rougher against the smooth baritone of Lord Dracul, graceful alto of Headmistress Bloodgood, and the Phoenix’s song-like soprano, “Father attended Monster High as a Normie.”
“It vas a vailed attempt,” Lord Dracul snapped, his fangs flashing as he glared at his old friend. 
“Dracula! Victor!” Headmistress Bloodgood snapped, narrowing her eyes at the two men, “That is enough. If you two can’t stop arguing, wait outside.” The two men grumbled but after a particularly harsh glare from the Headmistress, they sulked out into the cool night. 
“Between you and me,” Headmistress Bloodgood continued, silver eyes flashing back up to the monster, “Several half-human monsters attend Monster High already. Part of the special program I put together about seven years ago in hopes of creating a positive relationship between humans and monsters.”
“And the other monsters don’t care?” the Phoenix asked, her sunrise eyes narrowed suspiciously. 
“For the most part, the other monsters aren’t aware,” Headmistress Bloodgood told her, “It would be your choice on whether or not the other monsters are aware of your heritage.” 
The Phoenix narrowed her eyes before she jumped from the rafters, a set of fire-like wings expanding from her back and slowing her descent. 
“The name’s Pyria Nix,” the girl told her, holding out a tan hand, “Consider it a pleasure.”
Headmistress Bloodgood smiled and shook the young girl’s hand, “Welcome to Monster High, Pyria.”
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