#we're still chugging along
cloud-somersault · 2 months
Hey, how are you doing? I hope you’re alright. 💕 I’ve been reading your status updates on Constellations and the Epilogue, and I just wanted to let you know that I think you’re amazing. Your writing is incredible and I love it. Your stories are so well thought out and the characters are ✨on point✨, and the plot is complex and detailed and aaahhh! It has me hooked! 🤩
And I understand how it hurts when you put so much effort and love into a story, only to post it and not see others be anywhere near as excited or invested as you are. I know how discouraging it can be. And it may be a little silly, but I do want to apologize for not commenting lately—life took some difficult turns for me healthwise around the end of last year and I haven’t been able to catch up! I’m still on Chapter 4 of Constellations! 😭 BUT Chapter 5 is open on my phone, and I am READY to read it as soon as I have the time (and mental energy, but that’s a whole ‘nother issue 😩). Don’t worry that your writing isn’t enough, or be discouraged if some readers don’t catch hints while others are figuring it all out seemingly too easily. Everybody reads and comprehends stuff differently, and it’s not a sign that your writing is bad if they don’t catch it! Honestly, I’m pretty bad at catching hints the first time I read a story unless they’re pretty darn obvious. I don’t usually notice subtle hints until the second, or third, or even seventh read-through, haha! (on the bright side, rereading stories and rewatching TV shows is always fun!) 😅
I guess what I really wanted to say is… don’t give up hope. Don’t lose your love and enthusiasm for your works, or feel like they aren’t worth writing because others don’t seem interested in them. At the heart of it all… at the end of the day… write because you love to. Because it makes you happy. And know that it doesn’t have to be “perfect”—the main goal should be that you enjoy it. That’s something I’m trying to teach myself, too. 💕
Thank you for taking the time to write this message and send it. I appreciate you're very kind words 💕I'm doing okay, I just had to take a step back for a bit from socials and stuff. I'm gonna keep that up for a while.
Please don't apologize for not commenting or taking your time reading. Your health always comes first, and I'm sorry if I came off as childish or needy, that wasn't my intention. Two things just happened that set me off and the timing of it was incredibly poor 😓
Please take your time reading; none of it is going anywhere, and don't feel obligated to leave comments either. i'm realizing that, even if chapters are short or long, finding the time to finish things is difficult, and everyone lives different lives. And I'm sorry about all the spoilers on this blog, I'll tag that better from now on.
But I really do think I got confused or disjointed in my perceptions; everyone here knows so much because i've been asked questions and given answers and people have interacted, so people following me here have more context than the average ao3 user. But I've kinda been expecting everyone to be on the same page, which will never be true.
I'm also the same way where it takes me a while to pick up on hints. I actually changed my writing style to prevent this. I got tired of reading books in college where you had to dive into every little thing. the hints and clues weren't obvious to me. I decided then that, when I wrote, I wanted things to be bold, obvious, but beautiful. I didn't want to make readers feel like they're missing something. I wanted them to trust that every answer, every clue would be answered in time. I made that promise to myself a decade ago, and being reminded of how different people interpret things just...made me remember.
I take writing really seriously, probably too seriously, but I've been doing it for so long and I love doing it. I want to be good at it. When it feels like I've gone back on that promise to myself, I get frustrated. I think of ways I could've fixed things. But I also remember that those books and those writing styles just weren't for me. I wasn't the target audience.
Sorry to go off on a tangent, but I wanted to explain why I got upset. I still love Constellations and I'm posting it on ao3 out of convenience, really. It's easier to reference and search there in one "Entire Work" than to have 5 documents open. The fact that others can see and read and have fun is a bonus. But I'm committed to telling this story, and I'm gonna finish with a bang.
Thank you, I won't forget why I'm doing this and that my thoughts/feelings come first! 😤I hope your health concerns are taken care of soon. Take it easy, and thanks again! 💕
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brightdeadthing · 9 months
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dissociation 6 - (part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 5)
anne sexton / clive barker / frances bacon / olivia laing / haruki murakami / darling josephine /  mary oliver  / erica jong
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gerec · 1 year
Hello @gerec ! 😬 wishing you and your loved ones a very happy 2023! 🥂
I would also like to take this opportunity for your lovely works, fic recs and everything you do for the cherik fandom! 😬
Darling Jacky thank you and a Happy New Year to you and yours!!!
So happy to spend time with you and so many other lovely friends new and old but an extra special shoutout to fandom vets like you helping to keep the spotlight shining bright on our favorite pairing :D :D :D
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calemakar · 1 year
thoughts on the new captaincy?
it's definitely not the decision i would've made, i think it's weird if last year they considered making him captain and then some important ppl in the org shot the idea down, not sure what is different now
and we see kreid taking all the heat for the poor performances of the team .. i really don't see him leading the team on or off the ice at this point seauxxxx .
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samandcolbyownme · 6 months
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Summary: Anon request - "omg wait. request idea for sam and colby as ghostface smut :0 like billy loomis and stu macher OG ghostface"
Warnings: This one shot will contain smut and gore. There will be talk of death, murder, suicide, and blood, along with forceful acts such as choking, gagging, hair pulling, stabbing, and other malicious acts. The smut parts of this will contain, semi forceful actions, unprotected sex, fingering, hair pulling, choking, knife play, oral (both), double penetration, dirty talk, and f i l t h
Side note: Italics are when Sam and/or Colby are in ghostface mode.
If you haven’t read part one, I suggest doing so.
╔═══━━━─── • ───━━━═══╗
Back at the house, you walk the girls inside and take them over to the couch, "Do you need anything?" You look at them as you lay a blanket over Noel's shoulders.
"Water, please." Sophie says lowly and you nod, walking over to the kitchen. Colby comes down the steps and comes over, leaning on the counter, "They doing okay?"
You shrug, grabbing two waters, "I mean.. as good as they can be I guess?" You look down and back up, "I don't understand what's happening to our town."
Sam rubs your back, "They'll figure it out."
"Another body was found late this evening, sources say that twenty four year old Henry Rolland was found floating inside of the pool owned by the mother whose daughter was killed two nights ago now. Sources also say that the cause of death was multiple stab wounds and a throat laceration."
"You guys don't need to watch that." You walk over, switching the tv off, "Here." They take the waters from your hands, cracking them and chugging them almost instantly.
"I can't believe he's gone." Noel whimpers and lays on the couch, grabbing the pillow to sob into it, "Henry."
You kneel down, laying a hand on her back, "Hey.." you brush her hair with your hand and her whole body trembles.
You couldn't fathom how much pain she was in. You didn't even want to try and put Sam or Colby into that because you wanted to puke just thinking about one of them leaving you.
"I can't even imagine the pain you're feeling, but it's all valid and you take as long as you need. I'll be right here." You look at Sophie, "for both of you."
Sam and Colby watch you comfort your friends, taking in just how important you really are.
"I'm so sorry I bailed on you." Noel says quietly, "if I-I would have ju-"
"No. Don't do that. This isn't your fault? Okay?" You lean down, resting your head on hers, "This isn't your fault." You reach over, grabbing Sophie's hand, "This isn't anyone's fault."
You look over at Sam and Colby who smile at you. You give them a small smile, mouthing an, "I love you."
They blow you a kiss and mouth it back before going upstairs to give you guys space to talk and grieve.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
About a month later, everything started to get better. No one has died, Noel and Sophie are slowly started to get out more and more.
Everything was slowly returning to how it, almost, was before.
"Morning." Sam rolls over and kisses your head. Colby does the same, "Good morning."
"What time is it?" You roll over onto your back and Sam laughs slightly, "It's five thirty. We're going on a run."
"Can I come?" Your words surprised them, even you, "Did I really just ask that?"
"You did. And you can, if you think you can keep up." Sam winks down at you and gets out of bed. Colby following him out so he can go get dressed.
You sit up, slowly starting to hate yourself for asking.
You walk over, brushing your hair as you grab a loose crop top and shorts. You throw them on, along with a sports bra and socks, making your way to get your running sneakers that you haven't worn in months.
"Don't you look cute." Sam says leaning against the door frame, "I haven't seen you wear those in months." You laugh with him and nod, "I was just thinking that. I'm surprised they still fit good honestly."
"Ready whenever you guys are." Colby peaks his head in, watching as you put your hair into a ponytail, "Wow."
"It's just running clothes guys." You turn to them and smirk, "But I know what you mean, you guys look good when you work out, too."
They smirk as you walk by them, going down to fill your water bottle, "So.." you chew on your lip and listen to them walk over to you.
"So?" Colby asks leaning down to look at you, "Whatcha thinkin' about?"
You look up at them, "Noel and Sophie want to throw a party, a Halloween party.."
They shrug, "Okay?" Sam asks, "Do you want to go?"
You shrug yourself, "I do, but I don't." You sigh, "I think it would be good to drink and just let go for a little bit, but at the same time.. I feel like it's too soon for them?" You shake your head and screw the lid onto your water bottle, "I don't know.. maybe not.."
"You think about it, then let us know. We'll be with you through everything." Sam runs his hand down your back, "Now let's get going before it's too late."
On your run, you kinda jogged behind them, listening to the music that is coming from your headphones. You zoned out, thinking about the deaths of the people you once called your friends.
Why would someone kill them?
Did they have secrets the wrong people knew?
You stumble back as your body slams into Colby's, "Shit." You look up at him, "Sorry I wasn't paying attention."
"Are you okay?" He looks down at you and you sigh, "I forgot how much thinking you can do on a run."
Sam nods, "That's why I like to run." He takes a sip of his water, "Whatcha thinkin, about? That party?"
"All of it. Why this happened. Who could have possibly done it.. just.. all of it." You say with a sigh, "I'm just.. confused."
"We all are, but it's been a month. You'd think that they would have struck again?" Colby says as you walks over to the one bench in the park. You nod, "Yeah, you would think. I'm just surprised that they don't have anything. Like they're just turning to cold cases."
"Who ever it is.. they're good.. and that makes it even scarier, honestly." Sam sits next to you, smirking at Colby as you look at the ground, "Honestly."
"Maybe they skipped town?" Colby suggests, "I don't think we can leave in fear for the rest of our lives."
"I didn't want to say anything last night, but I'm pretty sure Henry was cheating on Noel with Sophie. I hate to say this, but the way she was acting over Henry just.." you shake your head, "..didn't sit right. It was weird."
Sam nods, "I thought that, too."
A police car slowly rolls past, breaking, then reversing to stop in front of you, Sam, and Colby.
"Fucking hell does he want." Sam mumbles lowly and you sigh, lowering your voice, "Just act nice. Don't do anything dumb."
"What are we doing out here so early?" Dave says getting out of the car and looking around, "Since when do you run? Your dad always said you hated running."
You shrug, "I guess I just learned to like it."
Dave nods, looking over at Colby, "You always stare at police like that?"
"Only one who won't let my girlfriend alone." Colby says and you nudge him. Dave chuckles, "I'm just doing my part, making sure there's still no funny business happening around here."
"Well there's not." Sam says, "We just took a break from running."
"Where's your car?" Dave looks around, "Or did you run here from your house?"
"It's in the parking lot with the other runners cars." Sam tilts his head, "What are you getting at?"
Dave holds his hand up, "I'm not getting at anything, Golbach. Relax."
You feel Sam tense up against your hand and you roll your eyes, "If it's alright, we'd like to get bac-"
"Actually. I'm going to need you guys to head back there, I need to do a quick search. Just need to check the trunk, you know. Routine cop stuff." Dave turns around and Sam stands up, "Why do you need to search my car?"
"Is there any specific reason?" Colby stands up, which makes you stand up, "Just let them look."
"Shouldn't have anything to worry about, that is if you're not hiding anything." Dave smirks, "I'll see you back there." He gets in before any of you can say another word and Sam grumbles, "We need to talk about why that guy is so fucking weird, y/n."
You luckily pushed off that conversation, but now it was time.
"He never actually did anything to me, but when I was younger, he was like the weird uncle that you never felt comfortable around. He would always want me to sit next to him, never wanted me to date. He hated that I was friends with you guy, and I think he hates it even more now, since we're, I'm assuming more than just friends." You smile at them slightly with a laugh, "It was just so weird."
"Why didn't you ever tell anyone? His job for the most?" Colby shakes his head, "He touches you and I swear to god."
You smile and shake your head, "I don't think he ever will, honestly. I think you guys intimidate him so he does things, police wise, because he knows you won't put up a fight and risk getting in trouble, again."
You make your way back to the car, Dave waiting against his cruiser for you, "There you are."
Sam unlocks the car, popping the trunk open, "We have our equipment back there for our videos, so just because careful."
"Yeah, I'll try. Just stand over there for me, hands where I can see them." You rest your hands down by your side, along with Sam and Colby.
Dave looks over the car, checking the cracks and pockets before making biscuits way to the trunk.
They take each of your hands into theirs, getting ready to protect you in case things go south. They're pretty good about hiding the equipment used for other things.
They're not stupid enough to keep it in the car.
"That camera is expensive, man. Don't just-" Colby sighs as Dave drops the camera onto the floor of the trunk, "Oops." He smirks and Colby squeezes your hand.
"Did you find what you were looking for?" Sam asks running his hand over his face, "We'd like to get back home now."
"No, no. I guess you guys are good to go." Dave walks back to his car, leaving all the doors to your car open, "As I said before, just trying to keep you safe."
"I can do that myself." You walk to the car, picking up the camera that he dropped and running your finger over the cracked Lense cover, "Asshole."
"What'd ya say?" He opens his door and you look over at him, "I said have a good day." You force a smile and roll your eyes as you look back down.
He drives off, slowly, stopping at another vehicle and doing the same thing to them as he did to you guys, but obviously nicer.
"I'm sorry. I'll buy you ano-"
Sam cuts you off, "Don't worry about that. I'm just glad he didn't run his mouth too bad. Colby was ready to kill him."
That was an understatement.
"As.." you close your eyes and open them, smirking. ".. hot as that sounds.. there's no need to kill anyone for me."
Colby smirks, "you think that's hot?"
You laugh, cheeks turning red, "Get in the car." You get in, biting your lip as you think of how bad Sam and Colby killing for you would turn you on.
They get in and you lean forward, "Would you ever kill for me?"
They both look at you, "If it absolutely came down to it. I think we would." Colby winks at you and you feel a chill run down your spine, "Shit."
"That turn you on or something?" Sam bites his lip, slowly smirking as you nod, "Mhm. Maybe a little bit." He sighs and turns around, nudging Colby with his elbow, "I'll drop you guys off then I'll go get food."
Your eyes scan over Colby as you think about the image of him killing for you, Sam, too.
You chew on your lip, looking back and forth between them, "Can I be honest?"
"Always." Sam glances back at you in the mirror and you smirk, "I didn't feel any remorse for them."
They found that hot.
"That's okay. Everyone feels things differently." Colby turns, "If I'm being honest, I'm glad they're dead." His words fuel you, "Sam, do you have to leave right away?"
He chuckles, "I'll join when I get back." He turns his head, motioning with his finger for you to lean forward. You lean up, and he grips your chin, turning your head to kiss you, "I promise. Now go show Colby a good time."
You smile and laugh as you get out of the car and walk up to the door. You unlock it and turn around to see Colby getting out of the car. He walks up, wrapping his arm around your waist and pulls you inside.
Sam's smile disappeared as soon as the door shut.
Anger fueled his body, he wanted Dave dead, but he wasn't a cop killer.
His mission, to find out a way to get rid of Dave without having to gut him like a fish.
Colby pulls you to him, lifting you up and setting you down on the counter, "You are the best thing.." he kisses down your neck, "That's ever happened to me."
Your hands drag down his chest, "The best thing for me." You moan out as he bites your neck, "Colby."
"Say my name, baby. As many times as you want." He nips your ear as he pulls your shirt slowly up your body.
Sam parks along the sidewalk, getting out and he just so happens to notice the police cruiser parked two cars a head of him.
A smirk toys with his lips as he walks into the shop, thinking about bringing an end to Dave's life, making sure he doesn't mess with you anymore.
"Colby.. " you whimper out as his fingers work their way in and out of you. His hand is pressed flat to the counter next to you and his lips are attached to the skin of your neck.
"Come on, baby. Cum for me." He hums lowly, "You have no idea the things I'd do for you." He leans back, looking into your eyes, "The things Sam would do."
You pull him into you, crashing your lips into his as you cum.
Sam walks around the isles, looking up and down, listening in on the conversation Dave is having with another officer.
"I'm telling you, Stevens. Those boys are trouble." Dave says shaking his head and Stevens laughs, "Dave. Come on. They're fucking young kids who hunt ghosts. The worse thing they've done is trespassed and that was when they were in Florida."
Dave sighs, looking around and Sam ducks down.
Colby pulls out of the knives from the block on the counter, bringing it over and dragging it down your chest, "If this is too much, we ca-"
You grab his hand, pulling the knife up to press gently against your neck, "I've always wanted to do knife play."
"You were fucking made for me." Colby crashes his lips into yours, keeping the knife gently on your skin, "fucking perfect."
You lean back to take your sports bra off, tossing it onto the floor and Colby instantly has the top of the knife on your skin, dragging it down between your boobs, "Beg for me."
"I just have an off feeling about them, Stevens." Dave huffs, "I promised her dad on his fucking death bed I would make sure nothing happens to her. Hell.." he chuckles slightly, "it took me watching a video on YouTube and looking up her right name on social medias to know she was okay and where she was."
Sam makes a face and moves to another isle quickly and quietly.
"I can see why she wanted to get away, you're a weird dude, Tyler's." Stevens laughs and sighs, "They're good kids, trust me. They've never been in trouble with us before, so you need to just drop it."
"Nah, there's something going on with them. There's no way she's doing that willingly. Something about that Brock kid is off."
Sam stands up, grabbing a two bags of chips and your favorite candy on your way up to the register, waking right by the two officers who shut straight up.
"Sam. How's it going?" Stevens asks, "Back fully healed?"
"Please, please." You whimper, pulling Colby into you, "Colby.. I need you."
"Need me to what baby?" The knife drags across your thighs, making your breathing shutter.
"I need you to fuck me."
"Say it louder." Colby presses the tip of the knife into your skin, watching as it leaves a light red mark as he drags it down, "No one will hear you scream."
"Yeah, yeah. Bach is all healed. I've been running every morning, training for a marathon here in the next few months." Sam pays and grabs his bag, "I'm just picking up stuff for my girlfriend."
"Where is she?" Dave asks and Sam stares at him, "At home with Colby." He smirks slightly before nodding to Stevens, "See you later."
Colby slides you down off the counter, spinning you around to bend you over it. He slides your shorts down, letting them fall before he slides the knife down the back of your thigh as he drops down slowly.
"Fuck, fuck. Colby!" You cry out, "Fuck me. I need you."
He presses the knife in, a sharp pinch of your skin being cut open makes you moan, "Fuck." Colby runs his thumb over the small cut, "You like that?"
You nod, looking down at him, "So fucking much."
"Would have never thought." He stands up, moving to gently drag it down your spine.
Sam gets in the car, letting out a sigh as he starts the car, driving off as Dave walks out of the store. He drives two blocks over, stopping at the flower shop, and lo and behold, Dave follows him, thinking he's slick.
Sam lets out a laugh as he picks up the bundle of flowers, paying and slipping out as Dave moves out of sight for a moment.
Sam makes it to the car with him noticing before Dave gets to the door of the flower shop. He watches as Sam drives off, turning right at the stop sign to go pick up lunch for everyone at the house.
Colby has his hand on his your throat, squeezing hard as his cock pushes deep into you, groaning out as the knife presses into your back.
Your moans are muffled, choked as you try your best to be loud for him. Your nails dig at the marbled countertop, scratching as you clench around him, "F-fuck." You squeak out, "Shi-"
He drops the knife on the counter, gripping your shoulders as so he can pull you up slightly, "Fuck." You gasp out.
He wraps an arm around your waist and brings the knife up to your throat. You tilt your head, "Colby." You moan loudly as you push your hips back into him, "F-fuck."
He pushes the knife against your neck with more pressure and moans in your ear, "You have the best pussy, I'm honored to share it with Sam."
"You own me." You turn your head slightly, wincing as the blade accidentally cuts you. Colby drops the knife away from you, immediately looking at how bad it is.
"It can wait." You grab his hand, pushing it against your neck to choke you. He groans with a smirk, "Incredible." He moans lowly as he pushes his cock all the way into you.
Sam's mind is going ten miles a minute.
His car probably has a dash cam, so jumping him while getting pulled over is out of question, and he's a cop, so his house probably has cameras.
Sam even thinks about getting you to message him, meet you to talk about the case, give him new info, but he doesn't want to drag you into it.
Unless you wanted to.
He shakes his head, "No, Sam." He tells himself and rolls his eyes as the flashing blue and red lights fill his mirrors.
"Of. Fucking. Course."
"Tell me where you want me to cum." Colby grips your chin, turning your head as he rests his forehead against your temple, "Fuck.."
"In my pussy." You whimper out, "Cum in me."
"You're such a slut. I love it." Colby groans, "I fucking love it."
"Samuel Golbach."  Dave says as Sam puts down the window with a sigh, "What do you want?"
Dave chuckles, "Relax, Sam. I just wanted to let you know that you have a tail light out."
Sam leans forward, looking back as Dave walks to the back of his car, "I don't ha-"
Dave breaks the red plastic, causing the light to go out, "Might want to get that fixed."
Sam goes to get out of the car, "You mother fu-"
"Ah, ah, ah.." Dave wags his finger at Sam, "I could get you for assault on a police officer, but I won't because you're going to stay in there and let me drive away first."
Colby pulls you into him, thrusting his cock as deep as it can go before he cums, moaning lowly into your ear, "Fuck, baby."
You're panting as Colby gently lets go, "I didn't hurt you too bad did I?" You shake your head, resting your elbows on the counter as you turn your head slightly, "No, no. I'm okay."
His eyes scan over the cut on your neck, biting his lip as his eyes move over the dried blood smear, "Let's get you cleaned up."
Sam sits there, watching as Dave drives in front of him and does a U-turn, stopping right next to his window. He rolls his down, looking at Sam, "You hurt her, and your life will be over."
"Is that a threat?" Sam raises his eyebrows, scoffing with a laugh, "Don't threaten me."
Dave shrugs, lifting his hand off the door, "Then consider it a promise."
Sam watches as Dave drives off, letting out a loud, "Fuck you." Sam puts the car in drive and continues driving home, thoughts about getting rid of Dave in overdrive.
"I didn't know you liked knife play." Colby chuckles as he wipes the dried blood from your neck, dropping down to wipe the dried line from the back of your leg, "You're full of surprises aren't you?"
You look down at him, biting your lip as you shrug, "I didn't know I liked it either." You turn your head towards the mirror, running your fingers over the tiny cut, "I was just surprised myself."
You hear the door open and slam shut, looking at Colby as you hear Sam yelling to himself, "Fucking asshole."
Colby tosses the washcloth on the counter, grabbing your hand as he leads you downstairs, "Sam, what's going on?"
Sam turns around, smiling when he sees you. "You know we'd never hurt you right?"
"I know that. What happened?" You walk over to him and he glances up at Colby, "Officer bodyguard.." Sam rolls his eyes, "Pulled me over on the way back home, busted out my taillight."
"He did what?" You lean back and look at him, "He can't just.. why did he do that?"
Sam clenches his jaw, "He pulled me over, walked up, said, hey you have a taillight out, and when I went to tell him that I know I didn't, he smashed it out."
"What the fuck? Why is he coming af-" you gasp, "what if it's him? The killer..wh-what if it's him?" Your heart starts racing and Sam shrugs, focusing on your neck, "Whoa, hey. What happened here?"
He turns your head with your chin, inspecting the small cut, "Colby?" He looks up and Colby smirks, "We, uh.. well, she likes knife play."
Sam's face softens and raises an eyebrow as he smirks, "Dirty girl."
"That's what I said." Colby chuckles and you can feel your cheek heating up, a slight red blush laying over top, "Yeah, yeah."
"Oh I um." Sam turns you towards the counter with the food and flowers, "I figured you needed a little pick me up, so I stopped and got you these."
You walk over, leaning in and closing your eyes as you smell the flowers, "Sam, these are perfect."
"Wasn't all my idea." Sam nods towards Colby and you look over at him, "When did you guys talk about this?"
Colby shrugs, "You'd be surprised what you miss sometimes."
"Yeah I guess this last few weeks I've been kinda out of it." You brush your fingers over the soft petals, "Thank you. Both of you."
"Anything to keep our girl happy." Sam walks up, kissing your head, "Oh, Colby. I have something I want to show you." He turns to you, "Go pick a movie, get comfy, we'll be back down in a second. I have a new merch idea and I want to make sure it's perfect before you see it."
"Ooh. Alright." You smile and grab the bags, walking over to the couch, settling in as they disappear upstairs.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
Two weeks later.
"Are you sure you want to have this party?" You ask looking up at Noel and Sophie, "I'm all for it, I'm just asking for the sake of you guys.. I know it's bee-"
"We're having this party." Noel nods, "Henry.. would have wanted us to."
"The killer hasn't shows any kind of sign that he's still around, so I think we'll be good." Sophie goes back to looking at her list, "We need balloons, cupcakes, alcohol and the most important thing, our costumes."
"That is like the most important thing, how did I forget that?" Noel gasps, "What are you going to be?"
You laugh slightly, "Oh god, I didn't even think of that."
After a few seconds of looking at each other, Noel and Sophie lean in, "What .. are you to Sam and Colby exactly?"
Your head snaps up, "We're friends."
Noel rolls her eyes, "Please. Friends don't look at friends the way they look at you."
You shrug, "I've known them since we were kids, they're the only ones who really stood up for me."
"So you're attached to them because they're nice to you?" Sophie leans back, "Just spill it, y/n. You know we won't say anything."
You didn't believe that, "We're just friends. I have my own room, they have their own rooms. It works out." You continue the just friends argument, "it just works."
"Do you.. you know, do it with either one of them?" Noel shrugs, "Or both."
You shake your head, anger building up inside of you, "No, Noel. Now just.. let it go."
"That's a shame, Colby is pretty fucking hot." Sophie giggles as she looks at Noel and you clench your jaw, "You know what, I'm not doing this. I thought it was party planning, not twenty fucking questions about who I may or may not be fucking."
You get up and they both tell you to sit.
"Okay. Okay. Gosh, sorry. I didn't know that was a touchy subject." Noel sighs, "No more Sam and Colby talk. Only party talk."
You nod, "So costumes. Are we doing a trio thing or what?"
"I'm going as Barbie, Eli is going to be Ken." Sophie says, "You and Noel can be the other Barbie's?"
You shrug, "I don't know, I'll have to go to the store later today."
"Well you better get to it. The party is in three days." Noel raises her eyebrows, "Actually. We can go now."
You let out a sigh, just wanted to get home to Sam and Colby. You really didn't want to have this party. You felt off about it. Wasn't so much a bad off feeling, but you still couldn't explain it.
"It's almost like he's obsessed with her, Colby." Sam sighs as he paces, "I have this genuine hatred for him."
Colby nods, "So do I.. but that's a cop dude."  He sighs, "I want Eli gone first."
After arriving to the Halloween store, you make your way inside and of course they go straight to the slutty costumes.
You bit your lip, thinking about what Sam and Colby would really love to see you in. You thought about going as an angel or a devil, but that is such a Halloween classic, you wanted something different.
"And xander." Sam mumbles, "They were both there that night. In the room." He hits a water bottle off of the counter with a groan, "Fuck."
You make your way to the prop section, eyes scanning over the fake knives and other weapons, and you can't help but picture Colby pressing the knife to your throat.
You thought that was the hottest thing ever and you thought about buying one just so you didn't actually get cut, but where's the fun in that?
"I think we should have the party here." Colby suggests and Sam sighs, "what? And bring all the attention to us? Thats exactly what officer fuckface wants. You know he'll show up."
"Found it!" Sophie says making you jump, "The last one." She holds up the brightly colored, Skating Barbie costume, "I would have been pissed if they didn't have one."
Colby lets Sam rant before he gets up and walks over to him, "I have a plan, Sam. Trust me."
You laugh slightly, "Yeah, I can see why." She frowns at you, "Why aren't you in this? You always love Halloween."
You shrug, "I'm excited, but I guess I'm also just a bit scared, like what if this is what the killer is waiting for? Stupid people to throw a stupid party."
You look down, "I don't know."
She grabs your wrist, "You just need to focus on having fun. The killer hasn't killed. There's been no sign of him. I think we'll be fine."
"What do you think?" Noel holds up a very revealing nun costume, staring at you and Sophie, "Well?"
"I like it. Maybe you'll find yourself a preacher." Sophie winks and walks away. You laugh slightly, "I like it."
"Did you find something yet?" She asks and you shake your head, "Nope." She grabs your arm, "Come on. We'll find the perfect one for you."
After a walking circles around the Halloween store, you finally make it home.
You walk through the door, smiling at them as you set your bags on the counter, "Hey." You could tell something was up, "you guys alright?"
They both smile at you and Colby walks up to you, kissing your head, "Yeah. What's in the bags?"
You smirk slightly, "My options for this party."
"Costumes?" Sam's brow twitches up, "Let's see 'em."
You laugh slightly as you take out the packages containing costumes you know won't last through the night, "They're just cheap ones because I don't really feel like doing this, honestly."
"You mean to tell me.. you don't want to dress up as.." Sam walks up, tuning the costumes towards him, "Tinkerbell, cowgirl Barbie, or cat woman?"
You bite your lip, "I had a vision for cat woman actually." You admit as Colby leans down next to you, "Oh yeah, do tell."
You smirk and look over at him, "fishnets.. knee high boots... a whip." You look to Sam and he tilts his head, "Definitely cat woman."
"I second that one. Screw the other two." Colby brings the costume to him, "Oh yeah. Hands down this one."
You look up at him, thinking about what Sophie said, "so, when I was at lunch, planning this stupid thing, Sophie.. um.." you laugh, "Oh god I can't even say it."
"What did she do?" Colby lays a hand on your back.
"She didn't do anything, it's more of.. what she said actually." You sigh, shaking your head, "She said you were hot, but there's more to it."
"Did they ask what we were?" Colby asks tilting his head and you nod, "Yeah, I said we were friends, but I didn't really go into detail about anything. They asked if we've fucked and when I said no, that's when she said her comment about.." you change your voice, "That's a shame, that Colby is hot."
They both laugh and Colby leans in, "You are the only one I'll want, ever."
You believed him, "Maybe that's why I wanted to rip her head off."
"Jealous, are we?" Colby whispers looking from your eyes to your lips, while Sam stands back watching.
You shake your head, "Only wanted to protect what was mine, I guess." You smirk and look at Sam who nods, "I get what you mean, fully."
"Oh, hey. Don't forget, we won't be here tomorrow night. We have that investigation to do." Colby glances at Sam.
"Oh the old church one?" You ask ripping open the packaging to your costume.
"Yep. The church with the pastor or whatever that was known to sacrifice women. I've heard nothing but bad things about that place. So." Sam smirks, "I'm excited."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
Two days before Halloween.
"Wanna play a game?" Sam says, voice changer close to his lips.
"Who is this?" The girl asks looking out her window. Sam ducks behind some trees, "Doesn't matter who this is, I want to know if you want to play a game."
"No, thanks. Call someone else."
"Hang up on me and you'll die just like your friends." Sam threatens and she slowly puts the phone back to her ear, "What the fuck did you just say?"
"You heard me. I don't need to repeat myself."
She doesn't say anything and Sam chuckles, "Are you home alone?"
She hesitates at first, "No. I'm not."
"Are you sure about that?" Sam tsks his tongue, "I don't like when people lie to me."
"I-I'm not.. I'm not lying." She stumbles over her words, choosing to hold her ground, "I have my friends here with me."
Sam knew that was a lie because Colby was in the closet of her room.
"Who is this? I'm calling th-"
"You call the cops and your death wish will be granted. Got that?" Sam waits a few moments, "I need you to tell me you understand."
"I understand." She whispers, "Please don't.. don't hurt me." She gets choked up, "I'll do anything."
"Go to your desk and sit down." He moves so he can see into her window from afar, "Good. Now get out a pen and a piece of paper."
"Why do I need to do that?"
"It wouldn't be much of a surprise if I told you the reason now, would it?" Sam chuckles, "Now.. I want you to write what I say."
"Fine." She shakily presses her pen to the paper, "What do you want me to write."
"I'm so sorry. Henry dying was just too much for me."
"I'm no-"
"Write it."
She starts to cry, shakily writing the words Sam tells her to.
"He was everything I had." Sam continues and she writes, sniffling into the phone, "Wh-why.. are you doing this?"
"Hiding my constant fear got the best of me so I decided to give myself peace."
"What is this?" She gasps, tears falling onto the page, "I don't understand."
"I'm sorry to those I've hurt." Sam still telling her what to write, "But I needed to do this."
Sam listens to her cry into the phone, "P-please I-I'll do any-thing..pl-please."
"Now write your name."
"Oh my god.." she starts freaking out, "O-oh my.. what- why are you doing this?"
"Because you deserve it. You're such a shitty fucking person. A pathetic excuse of a friend." Sam scoffs, "You deserve to be burning along side of Nina, Levi, and Henry." Sam looks up as Colby comes out of the closet, throwing a rope around her neck, strangling her.
Sam hears her muffled screams on the phone and smirks as he listens to her die, "Fuck you."
He hangs up, heading back through the woods towards the church. Colby catches up, taking off his mask, "Another one bites the dust."
Early that morning, Sam and Colby arrive home to find you sitting on the couch, "What are you doing up so early?" Sam asks as he tosses the duffle bag behind the island of the kitchen.
You look over, "Couldn't really sleep, so I decided to come down and watch some tv. How was the church?"
Colby shakes his head, "It as a rough one, honestly. Here. I'll show you the footage." Colby walks over, distracting you so Sam can take the bag upstairs.
"If you watch.. right here.." Colby pauses the video and uses his pinky to point, "..you'll see a figure move at the bottom of the steps." Colby presses play and you gasp, "Holy shit."
He doesn't care about the video, he's focused on you. After a kill, it's like they need to celebrate with you.
"Yeah, it was crazy. Sam was scratched, two across his back."
"Is he okay?" You ask turning towards Colby. He nods, "Oh yeah, he's a tough guy. You know him." You smirk, "I know. I've witness him get pushed down the stairs by a spirit and he took it like a champ."
"Are you talking about me?" Sam asks walking down the steps. You nod, "Maybe. Now turn around." He sighs, looking at Colby, "You told her?"
He shrugs, "She was going to see it one way or another."
Sam sighs, smirking as he turns around, "Have at it." He lifts his shirt up and you gasp, eyes wide, "Sam. Oh my god." You walk over, his body tensing at the cool touch of your fingers, "I'll be fine, babe."
You look up at him as he turns around, "I promise."
You smile and close your eyes as he leans down to kiss you, "If you say so."
"Hey Sam." Colby says as he clicks through the footage, "Did you delete any of our footage?" Sam walks over, shaking his head, "No. why?"
"Not all of it's here." Colby looks up at him, a shocked expression taking over, "We're going to have to make a video explaining before hand that we don't have all of it."
"Let's just do it now, get it out of the way." Sam runs a hand through his hair, "Fuck, the beginning of that was the best part, too."
"I'm sorry, guys." You sit down between them and Colby snaps his fingers, "Didn't the owner of the church say that they've had video footage deleted too?"
"Yeah, yeah. He did. They were doing a tour and had over two hours worth of footage and when they went to upload it, they only had like forty five minutes of it or something."
But they already knew this. That's why tonight was the perfect night to take out their next target. If the police show up for them, they have stuff to cover their asses.
After a few hours of sitting with them, editing their video together, your phone rings, "Hello?"
Sophie is on the other end of the line, "Morning sunshine, have you heard from Noel at all?"
"Not since yesterday." You stand up and walk over to the window, "Why what's up?"
"We were supposed to go pick up the balloons today after getting coffee and she was a no show." Sophie sighs, "I don't know, she's probably sleeping in. I know she was up late last night adding rhinestones to her costume."
"That's weird, but she also is one to sleep through alarms so I wouldn't think much of it. I'll give her a call after I get off the phone with you."
"It goes straight to voicemail, but If you do find a way to talk to her, tell her I'm pissed."
You laugh, "Will do."
You hang up and call Noel, which goes straight to voicemail, "Hmm."
"What's up, babe?" Colby leans back in his chair as he stretches his arms over his head. You shake your head, "Oh, nothing. Just that Noel was to meet Sophie for coffee and stuff but she didn't show. Her phone is going straight to voicemail so she probably just let it die."
"Is that normal?" Colby turns towards you and you walk back over to the bed, "I guess so. Her phone is always needing charged."
"Hey, Colby." Sam says walking into the room, "Figured out our costumes."
Colby tilts his chin up, "Yeah?"
Sam nods, "Ghostbusters."
You laugh, "Oh my god. That's perfect, Sam."
Colby agrees, "I was actually thinking the same thing."
There's banging on your front door, loud, fast banging.
"Who is that?" Sam turns around, "Are we expecting anyone?" You shake your head, "No, not that I know of." You make your way down stairs and open the door to find Sophie, she looks like she's been crying.
"That selfish fucking bitch." Sophie says as she walks in, sniffling, "That stupid fu-" her voice cracks and she sighs, "Fuck."
"Slow down. Who's a selfish bitch?" You shut the door and walk over to her. She looks up at you slowly, "Noel killed herself."
"Whoa, what?!" You're taken aback by her words, surprised that Noel would do something, "Are you serious?"
"No, y/n. I made the whole fucking thing up." Her hands slap her thighs, "Yes, y/n. I'm serious." You stand there silently, glancing at Sam and Colby who are standing on the steps, "Sorry."
Sophie looks at you, "Why do you seem like you don't care?"
"I'm in fucking shock, Sophie. I didn't ever think she would do this. How do you expect me to act?" You shrug and cross your arms, "Plus, you guys were a lot closer than her and I were."
"What does that have to do with anything? She was still your fucking friend." She shakes her head slightly, looking at you wide eyed, "Was she not?"
"Yeah, I guess whatever." You roll your eyes, "I'm sorry I can't cry on command or feel like I need to. I don't know what you want me to say, really."
Sophie lets out a laugh, "Fuck." She wipes her face, "Sorry. I just.."
"No I get it." You look down at the floor and Sophie sighs, "So do you want to get the balloons and coffee with me?"
"You still want to have this damn thing? After everything?" You look at her confused and she nods, reaching to grab your hands, "Noel would have wanted us to."
You look around the room, unsure of what to say and Sophie sighs, "Well I'm going to get the balloons and then I'm going to let everyone know." She walks towards the door, "I'm having this party with or without you."
"Have it here." Colby says walking down the steps, "We have the space, no neighbors. It'll be perfect."
Sophie bites her lip, smiling up at Colby, "Really?"
He nods and you speak before he does, "Colby, I do-"
"Oh my god, y/n. Let the man speak, please." Sophie glares over at you and tilts her head before looking back at Colby, "Anyway, as you were saying."
If looks could kill, Sophie would be dead and you would be responsible.
Both sam and Colby picked up on it, which was enough confirmation for them.
"I'll be fine, y/n. I promise." Colby winks at you and you for some reason feel okay with it. Maybe it was the love and trust you had for him and Sam, but doesn't matter, as long as they'll be there.
You know they'd never let anything happen to you.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
Sam and Colby have been finding out a way to get rid of Dave, or as Sam calls him, officer fuckface, and with consistent thinking and delicate planning, they finally had a plan set in place.
"Don't you look cute." You say walking into their room, looking them both dressed in their costumes. Sam bites his lip, "You look so hot."
Colby turns and his jaw drops slightly, "The fishnets really pull it together." He walks over, hand lightly dragging over the cheap leather material, "You look perfect."
You look up at him, sliding your eye mask down from the top of your head, "I have never wanted to fuck a cat before, but that has changed. Right now."
Sam chuckles and walks up, "Stay close tonight. Wanna make sure no one touches our girl."
"Yeah, wouldn't want a fight to break out or anything." Sam pecks your cheek, "Now go see if everything is up to your standards."
"So you mean cancel the party?" You joke and they tilt their heads at you, "Y/n. Just try and have fun." Sam says, "Please. For us?"
"As long as you promise to lock our bedroom doors, I don't want random people in here." You motion to the room and they nod.
"You got it, babe." Colby winks and you smile as you walk down the steps, looking over your Halloween filled house, "It looks like a Halloween goblin threw up in here."
"How are you so sure that that's where they'll go?" Sam asks shutting the bedroom door. Colby sighs, "You have to trust me on this, okay.",
You walk over to Sophie and she laughs, "Right. I love it." She looks over at you, "And you would too if you would just loosen up. Here." She pours both of you a shot and hands it to you, clinking the little shot glass together before taking hers.
"I really don't want to be stabbed either, but as long as you don't go too deep, we'll be fine." Colby stands back up, "We're doing this for her."
Sam smirks slightly as the thought of you creeps back into his mind, "For her."
You hesitate at first, sighing as she looks at you, "Fine." You take your shot, cringing at the burn, "Fuck."
She laughs, "Oh. People are here! Wait until you see Eli."
You raise your eyebrows, taking another shot, "can't wait."
A few hours into the party and you feel pretty good.
You're dancing and singing to the music like the last two months didn't happen. You felt like things were back to normal, until you seen Sophie walk up to Colby.
You look over at Eli who is talking to another girl, smiling and nodding along.
You knew what Sophie was doing and you weren't having it. As you set your cup down to walk over, you feel hands on your waist and you're pulled back, "Don't worry about her. She isn't a problem."
"She's using Colby to get back at Eli. That's a problem." You try to fight Sam's grip, but he tightens it, "Hey. Eyes on me."
You turn around, listening to him like you always do. Your eyes meet his and you can't help but smile, "Do you guys love me? Like really, really love me?"
Sam smiles at your drunken question and he leans in, "You have no idea the lengths we'd go through for you and only you."
You grip the collar of his costume, "I really like the sound of that."
"You're the only person I'd share with Colby. You genuinely have no idea how much you mean to us. You're all we want." Sam runs his lips against your cheek, "I promise you that we really, really love you."
You smile, nodding at his words, "I believe you."
"As you should babe. Now look." He spins you around to see Sophie stomping away from Colby, an angry look on her face as she makes her way back to Eli, yelling at him.
Colby glances over, smirking over at you and you bite your lip.
The thought of having them both was slowly taking over and the urge to ditch the party was strong.
Sam moves your body with his, moving hair from your shoulder so he can kiss your neck. You tilt your head, closing your eyes as you move with him, turning to face him as you wrap your arms around his neck.
Once another song plays, Colby comes up behind you, taking over so Sam can go get a drink.
Colby gives Sam a look and Sam notices Eli and Xander slip out the back door, looking around to make sure no one noticed.
With majorly perfect timing, Sophie stumbles up to you, "I need you. Sorry." She rolls her eyes at Colby and drags you away.
You look back, giving them a sorry look and they shake their heads, motioning you to go, and that's when they snap into action.
Sophie pulls you upstairs, trying to go into your room, but the doors are locked so she kicks it.
Sam and Colby don't waste another second. They leave quickly to go to their hidden items. They throw on their long black cloaks, slip on their gloves and mask on, "Ready?" Sam asks looking over at Colby.
Colby nods, "Let's end this."
"Whoa. Hey. Hey. Calm down." You step towards her and she turns, "Calm down? You're telling me to calm down when my boyfriend is down there talking to other girls? Humiliating me?" She huffs, "God, can you just humor me for fucking once?"
Xander and Eli are standing out behind the medium sized shed that you guys haven't touched since you moved in.
They're laughing and joking, talking about who they're taking home and what not.
Sam motions for Colby to go on the other side so he can take Xander.
"Eli was only talking to Dina, and she's dating someone, Soph. I don't think it was anything serious. You're drunk so your emotions are all over the place." You walk towards her and watch as she slides down the wall, "I just feel like we're falling apart."
Sam walks up, quickly covering Eli's mouth and stabbing him repeatedly in the back, Colby doing the same thing to Xander.
They keep their hands pressed to their mouths until they're both on the ground looking up at ghostly masks staring down at them.
"f-fuck. You." Eli manages to choke out before he takes his final breath. Sam looks over at Colby who twists the knife in Xander's chest before pulling it out, "Fuck you."
You sit down next to her, "I'm sure him being accused of killing everyone would do-"
"I'm not talking about him." She looks over at you, "I'm talking about us."
You nod, "I know what you mean." You look down, "Ever since high school and Nina had her glow up, she took you with but left me out and I-"
"She was jealous of you."
They go back into the woods, ducking down to figure out the next step, "do we just go back into the party or."
Colby shakes his head, "We need to go up, grab the mask and extra cloak thing, we're going to need it when officer fuckface arrives."
"Fuck, I forgot about him." Sam sighs, "Okay. Let's just.. climb in through your window."
"What?" You ask looking up at Sophie with a slight laugh, "I doubt that."
Sophie shakes her head, "No, she was. She was jealous of how easy going you were. Especially with how you didn't let anything bother you much, I mean he'll. I can't really blame her. You're the only one who kept a straight head with everyone around us dying." She looks over at you, "I'm jealous of that too."
You laugh and shake your head, "It's all the trauma."
"You were raised right. Your dad did a good job." She smiles then makes a face, "I mean, his choice in who to look after you wasn't that great, but at the same time, it's the thought that matters."
You smile and pull her in, "I love you."
She lays her hands on your arms, "I love you." She pulls away and stands up, "Now come on. I hear the DJ is about to play our song."
"Let me go to the bathroom first, I'll meet you downstairs." You look up at her and she nods, "Okay."
"I'm caught." Colby says to Sam as he tries to pull himself through the window.
Sam leans around to look, "Hang on.. wait. Don't just-"
Colby ends up falling face first into the room, knocking stuff on his desk over.
She walks down the steps and you stand up to go to the bathroom. You stop when you hear a few thuds come from Colby's room.
"Wipe off your knife, Sam." I don't want blood on my carpet."
Sam laughs quietly, "You are such a fucking woman, you know that?"
They bicker back and forth, not even realizing that you're about to catch them in full glory of being the killers.
Pissed that people are in there, you walk to the bathroom, reaching up to grab the key from above the mirror. You walk over to Colby's door, as quietly as possibly, sliding the key into the lock and quickly push the door open.
"What the fuck ate yo-" You freeze in fear when you see two men in black robes wearing white ghost looking mask, "..doing in here?"
They bring knives up, using their glove covered hands to swipe away the red coloring on the blade, "What the fuck."
You go to turn but one of them grabs you, pulling you back in. Their hand instantly goes over your mouth to keep you from screaming.
The other shuts and locks the door and you're very confused when you hear Sam's voice coming from behind the mask.
"Hmm." Your eyes go wide and Sam pulls the mask off, a slightly scared look on his face, "Don't. Don't do it."
You pull Colby's hand away, "Do what?! Freak out because there was what I thought, two random masked men in the room with knives?!" You whisper yell and look behind you as Colby takes his mask off.
You look between them, "Did.. you, wait, wait what.. is this some sort of.. Halloween prank... I- what's going on here?"
"She's going to freak out." Colby says looking at Sam.
Sam nods, "Uh huh."
"Freak out about what? What are you-"
Then it clicks.
Your mouth opens and you point between them, slowly backing up, "No.." you gasp quietly, "Did you.. were you.. are you.." you stop when your back hits the wall, "Sam.." your voice is quiet and you look at Colby, "Colby.."
"Don't.. freak out." Sam holds his hands out, walking towards you, "Let us explain."
You couldn't lie, watching them do the synchronized knife swipe, to clean off what you could only assume was blood, was the hottest thing you'd ever witnessed.
You stand there, staring at them as you nod your head a few times. You weren't scared. You were more interested in hearing the reasoning behind it.
You didn't understand anything, really.
Colby stands next to Sam, not even bothering to hide his smirk. When Sam goes to speak you hold your hand up, "Question."
"Yes?" Sam raises his eyebrows as he smirks at you. You try to wrap your head around everything, figuring out what to even ask, "Um.. so.. was it you guys?"
"Was it us what?" Colby asks shrugging.
You roll your eyes, "You know what."
"Yes." Sam looks over at Colby then back to you, "Do you want to know why?" You nod your head instantly, "Yes."
"Because of what they did to you." Colby says, "At Xander's party. The one you went to with Sophie."
"You know about that?" Your voice is quiet, shy almost.
"You told us." Sam says walking over to you, "The night we were at home, making that answer or drink video.. you told us off camera right before you went to bed."
You feel embarrassed. Disgusted with yourself.
"I'm sorry.." you whisper and tears well up in your eyes, "I didn't.. I didn't mean for you-"
"That's the thing though baby." Sam cups your cheeks, "You didn't ask us to. We did it for you."
The rush of them killing for you takes over and you pull Sam into kiss him, "You really do love me."
Sam chuckles against your lips, "I told you."
Colby clears his throat, "Corey just texted. Officer fuckface is on his way here."
"Wait.. wait.. Corey is in this too?" You shake your head trying to wrap your mind around it.
"Only for lookout. We'll explain everything later, right now we have to finish the job." Colby looks down at his mask, "We're getting rid of officer fuckface for you."
You bite your lip, your heart thumping hard in your chest, "Are you going to kill him?"
Colby walks up to you, "No. just going to frame him for all of this." He kisses your lips and leans back, "Can you keep this a secret?"
"As long as you promise not to kill me, Mr. Ghostface, because I want to be in the sequel." You smile, biting your lip as he smirks, "we'd never do that."
He turns to Sam, "Let's go."
"Wait. Are you guys going to get hurt?" You walk over to them and Sam sighs, "Just act frantic when you see us next."
You nod, watching them disappear out the window before leaving the room, locking it behind you.
"There you are!" Sophie says causing you to jump. You let out a laugh, "Yeah, so sorry. Sam needed my help with his costume."
"You guys have the weirdest friendship, but that's okay. I'm too drunk to care, now come on." She links her arm with yours and drags you downstairs.
The boys duck down, waiting for Dave to come where they can grab him. He sneaks around the side of the house, peeking into the windows.
He gets back to below the deck area and they jump out, both tackling him.
You felt like you could throw up, and it really wasn't the alcohol. You just walked in to the biggest secret of your life and you can't tell anyone.
It also turned you on. Seeing them do the knife swipe, and taking off their masks, you could have had sex with them right then and there, masks on or off.
"Get.. off.. of - fuck." Dave lands a punch to Colby, knocking his mask to the side. Colby shakes his head, fixing it so it's straight and punches him hard.
Knocking him out completely and that's when Corey runs up, freezing at the scene.
"Stay back. Don't touch him or anything around here." Sam warns and Corey nods, watching in slight horror, but he'd die for his best friends too, so he was on their side instantly.
They drag Dave over to where the bodies are, dressing him in the extra cloak and making sure to use his hands to finger print up the mask and knife.
They thought long and hard about the process of this.
"Now you're going to have to stab me, Colby." Sam looks up and Corey freaks out, "What the fuck. No Sam."
"Fuck." You sigh and Sophie looks at you, "You say something?" You laugh, acting more drunk than you are, you're almost sober now, "I need another drink."
"I have to, Corey. Okay. Just if he wakes up, hit him with this." Colby points to a broken cinder block, "Please."
Sam stands up, "Let me give you a few good punches, the one he gave you isn't enough."
Corey stands there, eyes moving back and forth from the three bodies on the ground and Sam and Colby absolutely kicking the shit out of each other.
You walk over to the counter, pouring yourself some plain soda, your eyes staying on the back door.
"Okay. Now just cut my side then I'll stab you." Colby takes a deep breath, "you have to do it hard enough to slice through this costume."
Sam lays a hand on his shoulder, "I love you, brother." Colby nods, laughing slightly, "I love you, brother."
Soon after Sophie walks up to you, Sam comes barreling through the door, screaming as his costume is soaked in blood.
Your eyes go wide, "Oh my god. Oh my god. Call nine one one." You race over to Sam, sitting him down on the floor as everyone gets their phones out to call, "Sam. Sam." You lay your hands on his cheeks, "Sam, baby. Stay with me."
Colby takes the stuff worn by him and Sam and discards it in the safe place in the woods.
As he limps back, he sees Cory standing over Dave and he drops the cinder block as Colby walks up, "Did he wake up?"
"Yeah, he tried to get up but I fucking cracked him in the back of the head." Corey wraps his arm around Colby and slowly walks him towards the house.
"Thank you." Colby whispers and Corey nods, "We're never going to talk about this. Ever."
You turn, screaming, "Someone get me towels!"
Sophie comes running over, arms filled with towels and she falls down next to you, "What the fuck?" She looks over him, ripping over his costume to reveal that he was stabbed in the abdomen.
Sam's eyes stay on yours, "y/n."
With tear filled eyes you look into his as you hold pressure on his stomach, "Stay with me Sam. I'm right here." You look up, "Where's Colby?"
"Let's just wait here.. give it a few minutes." Colby looks at Corey, "You need to let me lay one on you. You can't go in there looking like you weren't involved."
Corey sighs, "Don't fucking kill me."
Colby smirks and moves back, "Ready?"
Corey nods and Colby swings, connecting his fist to Corey's cheek bone and he bites down on his hand, muffling his yell, "Fuck."
"H-he was.. taking.. down the.. killer.. I don't.." Sam coughs and you rest your head against his, "It's okay. It's okay."
After waiting at the bottom of the steps for a little, Corey helps Colby up each step, still slightly dazed from Colby's punch.
Someone walks out, immediately helping Corey get Colby inside.
"Are the cops coming?" Sophie screams out, "Fucking hell."
"I found Colby." Corey says dragging him in with someone else, "Xander and Eli are dead."
Sophie stands up, "What the fuck did you just say?"
"Sophie." You groan as you take over holding pressure on Sam's wound, "You still with me?" You look at Sam and his breathing is quickened, "I'm.. always.. with you.."
"Corey set him down here. Is stabbed, too?" You motion for him to be set down next to Sam, "Colbs. Hey. Hey, you with us?"
"Fucker gashed my side.." he groans, "Busted up my face." Colby laughs slightly which quickly turns into wince, "He killed Xander and Eli was still breathing but.. I don't think... he made it.. I tried.."
"Cops are here!"
Everyone makes a path and officer Stevens comes rushing in, immediately calling for medical, "Y/n. Hey, tell me what happened."
You wipe your tears on the sleeve of your costume, keeping your hands on Sam, "I-I don't know." You start to sob, "Please help them."
He nods and lays a hand on your shoulder, "Not much longer, okay? Can you tell me what happened?"
"I-I was getting a drink.." you look down at Sam who's staring up at you, still breathing quickly, "And Sam came rushing in, all bloody and screaming." You hang your head down and shake your head.
"There two more out there, dead.. and we knocked the killer out, officer." Corey looks up at him and Stevens snaps his head, "Did you just- he's out there?"
Corey nods, "I went out, now I'm not going to lie, I went out to smoke weed eith them, and that's when I found Colby fighting with this guy in a black cape thing with a weird ass mask on. He had a knife and was swiping it at Colby. I freaked out, came up behind him and hit him on the head with a cinder block so he might be dead too honestly."
"Oh fuck, okay. Well good job, son." Stevens looks at Colby, "Are you hurt? I mean other than your face, are you stabbed?"
Colby groans, "He sliced my side up pretty good." Corey fixed his hands to keep pressure on his side, causing him to wince, "Fuck."
"It looks like this nightmare is over." He stands up, making his way past a screaming and crying Sophie who's being help back by two other people.
You look at Sam, "You're going to be okay." You run your hand over his blonde hair, painting it red, "Fuck, sorry."
"S'ok-ay." He rests his head back against the wall and closes his eyes.
"Sam. Sam. No no no no." You tap his cheek and he opens his eyes, "You gotta stay with me. You can't do that. Okay. Do you hear me? I need you to stay alive. Fight for me."
He nods slowly, "I lo-love y-you."
You lean in, gently kissing his lips, "I love you. I love you so so much. Please don't die on me."
You look over your shoulder seeing two gurneys being wheeled in, "Ma'am, watch out." You stand up, moving backwards as other people lay their hands on you. Your eyes don't leave Sam as they work on him.
Colby's eyes are on you and you look at him. He gives you a quick wink and you shake your head, "You're going to be okay. I'll go to the hospital, I'll be there."
They wheel Sam out, then get Colby and take him out behind him..
"Do you need medical attention?" You shake your head, "No. no I'm okay." You walk over to Sophie, "I'm so sorry."
"It was Dave." She sobs, "Dave killed every one." She falls into you and you cry, "It's over. It's over Soph." She sobs, "Eli.. no." You slowly go down to the floor as she clings to you, sobbing.
"I'm so sorry. I'm so so so sorry." You stare at the wall, darkness creeping into you, you weren't sorry. Eli and Xander, well, they got their karma.
"Come on. We need to go to the hospital."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
"This isn't going to be easy to hear, Ms. Y/l/n." Officer Stevens says sitting down infront of you.
Your mind instantly goes to Sam not making it. They took you from the hospital while Sam was in surgery, it wasn't major but it was still absolutely terrifying for you.
Colby on the other hand wasn't up talking, all he needed was a handful of stitches in both his face and side, but he's a tough guy, so he'll make it.
"Is Sam okay?" You ask leaning forward.
"Oh yeah, yeah. We just got word that he's out and being moved to recovery." Officer Stevens says, "So he's fine, but that's not why we brought you here."
You nod, nervously shaking your leg, "Okay."
"We found.. evidence.. a lot of evidence that you were Dave Tylers main target." He looks at you and you freeze, "What?"
"In his home, when my team searched it, we found multiple, and I mean pictures from when you were born all the way up until two days ago when you were at the Halloween store on Foster." He pauses and takes a deep breath, "There was also a detailed plan, to which I can only assume, was for kidnapping you."
You cover your face, "Oh my god."
Stevens continues, "He also had pictures of Sam, Colby, Nina, Levi, Noel, Henry, Sophie, Xander, Eli, and a few others that I'm sure he would have killed if it wasn't for what happened last night."
You could feel the vomit in your stomach working your way up so you run to the trash can, barely making it.
Stevens gets up, opening the door, "Can I get some water please? Thank you." He walks over, holding your hair back for you as you cough, "Oh my god."
"I know, I know. Just get it out." He rubs your back, "Are you alright?" You stand up, laughing slightly, "I-I guess. I mean how does one really react to hearing something like that?"
You wipe your mouth on the sleeve of your sweatshirt, your costume still underneath, "He.." you look up at Stevens, "I never liked being around him. That's why i moved.. to get away from him. He was everywhere I went I just.." tears well up in your eyes, "My dad trusted him."
Stevens nods, "I can only imagine the pain you feel right now. I just want to apologize for myself, personally. The day that Sam showed up at the store I was in with Dave.." he sighs, "He was bad mouthing Sam and Colby.. I defended them but I feel like I could have done more."
You shake your head, "Officer Stevens, you stood up for them and for me, that means a lot. You had no idea he was actually behind some plan to-" you lay your hand over your mouth, closing your eyes as tears fall down your cheeks.
Another officer brings in a water, handing it to Stevens who then hands it to you, "Here, sweetheart."
You take the water, "Thank you." You sniffle as you crack it open, washing out the puke taste, "I just.. I didn't ever think he would have done something like this."
Stevens nods, "Now, we are going to have to charge Sam, Colby, and Corey with possession of weed, but other than that, I hope that you all can move past this."
"Can I ask a question, and by all means you can tell me to get bent, but.." you look at him, "Did he admit to it? The murders?"
Stevens sighs, "Between you and me, he's saying that it was Sam and Colby, but I don't believe him. All the evidence points directly to him and honestly.." Stevens chuckles, "I told him that I don't think two YouTubers could pull off something this advanced, and I stand by that."
You laugh slightly, "That's ridiculous."
He nods, "That's exactly what I said." He shakes his head, "Do you have any more questions for?"
Noel pops into your head, "Did Noel actually kill herself?"
"Unfortunately, we can only really prove that her death was a suicide. There was no foul play detected."
You hold your breath, closing your eyes as you imagine her taking her own life, "That just.. isn't like her.."
"I'm sorry if that isn't what you wanted to hear." Stevens reaches over and lays a hand on yours, "If you need anything. And I mean anything at all, just let us know. We're so sorry we couldn't have stopped him sooner."
You nod, sniffling, "Can I just get a ride back to the hospital, I'd like to see Sam as soon as I can."
He nods, "Of course. I'll take you over myself."
He stands up and walks over to the door, you grab your water, shoving it in your hoodie pocket along with your hands and you follow him out to his squad car.
He opens the door for you and you slide in, buckling up as he walks around to get in.
"You good?" You look at him through the cage and nod, "Yep. Thank you."
He nods and takes you back to the hospital where you practically race through to get to Sam's room. You stop, seeing Sam and Colby in their beds next to each other.
"There she is." Sam's voice is raspy but being asleep for so long, "My little lifesaver."
You walk over, sitting on his bed, "You scared me." You run your hand through his hair and he closes his eyes.
"How did the questioning go?" Colby asks and you look over at him. Sam tilts his head up, "You went to the station?"
You nod, "Yeah, they had information for me and.." you laugh slightly, "I threw up over it."
"You.. wait, what did they say?" Colby tries to lean forward but groans.
You move to the chair in between them, "Well for ones you guys and Corey are getting a weed charge which is stupid in my opinion but that's not why I threw up."
You take a deep breath, cringing at the thought, "I guess Dave, as what officer Stevens said, had a shrine for me."
"A shrine?" Sam asks furrowing his brows, "What the fuck?"
You nod, "Yeah, I guess he had baby pictures of me and then ones of me at the Halloween store the other day."
"Sick fuck." Colby groans, "Why would he-"
"Oh just wait." You cut him off, "He also had pictures of Nina and Levi, Sophie and Eli, Noel and Henry, all of us, and a detailed plan to kidnap me basically. He said if it wasn't for what happened last night, there would probably be more bodies today."
"That's honestly so crazy to hear." Sam groans as he shifts around slightly, "I'm just glad you're okay."
"Me? I'm glad you guys are okay. You could have died fighting him off the way you did." A smirk plays with your lips and they both smile.
"We were just trying to protect our girl, I knew how much of a fuckface he was." Sam shakes his head, "He's lucky I didn't kill him right then and there."
You smile and lean over, "You just need to worry about getting better so I can thank my boys properly." You wink and lean back just as the nurse comes in to check on them.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
A few weeks go by of the boys recovering, and luckily they didn't suffer any major damages so they were back to their normal selves in no time.
You peak into the room, "How you doing?"
Sam turns around and smiles, "I'm alright, how are you?"
You nod, "I'm alright. I have a surprise for you." He raises his eyebrows, "Oh yeah?" You nod, "Yeah. Close your eyes."
Sam complies and you step in, wearing the cat woman costume that they never got to take off of you like you wanted them to.
Colby follows behind you, holding both him and Sam's ghostface masks in his hand.
Sam opens his eyes and he looks from you to Colby, What the hell is this."
You walk over and gently drag the prop whip over his chest, "Just thought I'd thank you guys for putting your lives on the line for me." You lean down, gently pressing kisses along his neck.
"What's with those?" He asks pointing to Colby and you smile, "You guys looked so hot in those, I figured you could wear them while treating me like a helpless victim."
You've peaked Sam's interest, "Have we unlocked a new kink?" He turns his chair to you, "That's not surprising."
You smirk and sit on his lap, "You don't have to wear it the whole time, just until I rip it off of you."
"What did you say to me that night?" Colby walks up, handing Sam his mask, "Something about killing you?"
You smirk and look up at Colby, "I said, please don't kill me Mr. Ghostface. I wanna be in the sequel."
Colby smirks and looks at Sam.
"Alright." He taps your leg, "Go lay on the bed."
You get up, skipping to the bed quickly and laying on your stomach as you face them. Sam takes his mask from Colby and turn towards you.
You bite your lip, watching in awe at how in sync they really are. Without telling each other, they slip their masks on and walk over to you.
Sam stands infront of you, Colby moves to the other side, sliding his hands up and down your legs. You roll onto your back, "You wanna play psycho killer?"
Sam nods slowly, staring down at you as he smirks behind his mask.
You lick your lips, moving to to sit up on your knees, then resting back on your calves as you look at Colby, "Can I be the helpless victim?"
Colby nods slowly, smirking behind his mask.
Your voice is whiney as you pretend to beg, pulling Sam down infront of you, "Please don't kill me, Mr. Ghostface.." you pull Colby down next to Sam, "I wanna be in the sequel."
Colby chuckles and pushes you to lay back. You move your legs out and Colby pulls out a knife, two actually, and hands one to Sam.
Your heart skips a beat and you gasp as you feel the cool metal rest on your fishnet covered legs, "Are you going to hurt me?" You ask in that fake whimper tone, "I'd really like it if you did."
Colby's hand moves to your throat and squeezes. You let out a whimper and smile slowly up at him, "Harder."
His grip tightens and you let out a squeaked moan.
Sam takes his knife and cuts open your fishnets, one strand at a time. A shiver of excitement goes through your body each time the knife grazes your skin.
He gets to the crotch part of your costume, slicing through it with ease, exposing your bare pussy underneath.
Colby lets go, leaning back as he watches Sam slice up the costume, revealing your bare breasts.
Sam drags the knife down the center of your body, in between your boobs, and down your stomach. He presses the side of the blade against your clit and you gasp, "Fuck."
Sam's voice is low, "Such a bad, bad girl."
You nod, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth, "uh huh."
"I think she deserves punishing." Sam looks over at Colby and he looks to Sam, "definitely."
They get up, taking their masks off to they can slip off their shirts.
You don't even have to tell them to put their masks back on, they just do it and go back to you. They move you so you're laying vertically on the bed. Your head is hanging off the bed and Sam works to undo his belt.
Colby's hand move to spread your legs and his fingers rub up and down your soaked and needy cunt.
You let out a moan as Colby sinks two fingers in, curling them as he drags the tip of the knife gently up your leg.
"F-fuck." You arch your back, squeezing his fingers, "Yes, yes yes."
Sam frees his cock and reaches down with his hand to tilt your head back. You comply and open your mouth, trying to relax for what was to come, but it was hard when Colby's fingers were pumping in and out of you.
"So close." You gasp, "Fuck, fuck."
Sam rubs the head of his against your tongue before sliding it in, moaning out lowly behind the mask, "Fuck."
You clench around Colby's fingers, moans muffled by Sam's cock.
Colby taps the knife against your clit, causing your legs to tense up each time. Your eyes roll back and your back lifts up off of the bed.
Sam pulls his cock out, letting you breathe and you moan loudly as you squeeze your thighs shut on Colby's arm, "fuck fuck fuck."
You relax your thighs and Sam brings his hands to knead your boobs and play with your nipples. Colby pulls his hand away, slipping his hand under his mask to taste you in his fingers.
He groans and rips his mask off, dropping down to press his mouth to your pussy, slipping his tongue in and gasp out, quickly followed by a moan, "F-Fuck."
You lay a hand on his hand but Sam takes it away, pinning it to the bed as he reinserts his cock into your mouth, pushing as far in as he can.
He thrusts his hips and you wrap your lips around the tip each time he pulls out.
Sam pulls his cock out dropping down to get face to face with you. You stare up at him, fighting to keep your eyes open as Colby devours you.
"Enjoy it, baby." Sam says lowly, "You look so fucking beautiful."
You reach up, taking the mask off of him and dropping it beside him. He smirks at you, "Does that feel good?" Sam picks up the knife and drags it up your arm to your shoulder.
You nod, whimpering out a quiet, "Yes."
"Louder." Sam commands as he presses the knife to your throat. Colby pins your hips down as he can tell you're getting closer again.
"Yes." You moan out loudly, "fuck, yes!"
"That a girl, let Colby know how good of a job he's doing." Sam leans down, kissing you as he drags the flat side against your neck.
He pulls away, standing up and moving to the end of the bed so he can watch Colby have his way with you.
Colby digs his fingers into you and you throw your legs over his shoulders, digging your heels into his back, "fuck fuck fuck." You say quickly as you look over at Sam.
He's standing there, arms crossed, moving the knife between his fingers as his eyes move up and down your body.
Colby groans against you, and your eyes roll back, orgasm taking control.
You tangle your fingers in his hair, screaming out as he continues to eat you out.
"C-col-colbs." You gasp out as your body twitches, "Fuck." He crawls up your body, attaching his lips to yours.
You make out as he rolls you over so you're straddling him. You sit up to find Sam behind you, his hand gently rests on your neck, "How bad do you want us?"
"So bad." You whimper out as you turn your head slightly, "So, so bad baby."
Colby sits up, placing his hands on your hips as he kisses your chest, "You're not scared of us?"
You look down at him and smile, "Not one bit."
"Why's that?" Colby tilts his head, "Why aren't you scared?"
You look at Colby and turn to look at Sam, "Because you killed for me."
"And we'd do it again." Sam turns your head and kisses you deeply. He runs the knife up your back and you shiver, "I like that."
"Us killing for you or the knife, baby?" Sam whispers and you smirk, "Both."
"Speaking of both.." Colby turns your head down to him, "How would you feel about taking us both?"
Sam leans in, kissing your neck, "At the same time."
You nod quickly, moaning as they kiss over your skin, leaving little bite marks all over.
"Lay down for me baby." Colby moves you off of him and you lay down, watching as they both strip away their pants and boxers.
Colby smirks as he grabs the mask, slipping it back on and pulls you towards him. He rubs the tip of his cock against you, "Beg."
You move your hips, but Colby pins them down and Sam lays next to you, whispering, "Not gunna work, baby. Beg like he said." He drags the knife under your boobs, biting his lip as he watches you.
Your breath hitches, "please.. please."
Colby shakes his head, "Louder."
You gasp as he slips the head of his cock in and stops, "Fuck, Colby please. Please!" You arch your back, moaning louder, "Please!"
He pushes his cock in, causing you to go almost silent. You gasp out quietly, "Fuck."
Sam leans in, taking your nipple into his mouth. He hums against your skin as his tongue flicks your nipple.
Your hand goes to Sam's hair, gently pulling as Colby thrusts slow and deep. You look up at him, keeping your eyes on the mask until they trail down his bare chest.
"Fuck." You whimper, "So fucking good."
Colby grips your thighs, picking up his speed which makes your eyes roll back, "Fuck, fuck. Yes! Yes!"
Sam kisses up to your lips, swallowing each of your moans with ease, "I need to be in you so fucking bad." He gets up and walks around to Colby.
Colby stops and pulls out, he takes his mask off and lays down next to you, "C'mere babe."
His hands find their place on your hips, guiding you as you sink back down into his cock, your moans mixing with his.
"Bend over." Sam pushes you forward so your face to face with Colby. You can feel Sam spit and rub his thumb over your ass.
You gasp as you feel him slip his thumb in, stretching you out a little.
"Relax, sweetheart." Sam lays a hand on your lower back as he pulls his thumb out and slips two fingers in,  spreading them slightly, "Does that feel good?"
You nod quickly, "yes, yes fuck yes."
Colby lays a hand on your cheek, biting his lip as he stares up at you, "such a good girl."
You smile and flutter your eyes close as Sam pulls his fingers out, "Please." You grip the sheets by Colby's head, trying to stay relaxed as Sam spits more and rubs his cock against you.
"Eyes on me baby." Colby rubs your cheek gently, "you're going to look so fucking hot taking both of us."
You smile slightly as you look at him, biting down on your lip hard as Sam starts to push in.
You whimper slightly, pain mixing with the pleasure, "Fuck, fuck, oh fuck."
"Doing so fucking good, baby." Sam rubs your hip as he slowly thrusts in and out, "Fuck.. fuck.." Sam groans and tilts his head back, "You feel so fucking good."
Your head drops down onto Colby's shoulder, "Fuck, Colby. I need you to m-move."
Colby grips your hips and thrusts upward, matching the speed of Sam's.
You entered a whole new world of pleasure. Your head was spinning, "F-fuck." You lift your head up to plant your lips onto Colby's.
Sam groans, "you're gonna make me cum." He slows down his thrusts, "Fuck."
You whimper against Colby's lips, "You both make me feel so, so good."
Colby bites his lip, "I've been holding it off. I wanted to cum as soon as I put my cock in you."
"Cum with us, baby." Sam brings a hand down, slapping it against your ass cheek, "Hold it." You clenched around both of them, "F-fuck."
You wanted to cum so bad, the double pleasure makes your body feel weak.
Sam slowly starts to thrust, along with Colby, building up speed. Sam reaches up, grabbing a fistful of your hair and you moan, "S-Sam."
Colby lays there, watching your face twist with pleasure, "Sam. She's not going to be able to hold it much longer."
"Fuck, me either." Sam groans and picks up the pace, railing into you, same as Colby.
You scream out into the crook of Colby's neck, "Fuck, fuck, yes!"
"Almost there baby. Being such a good girl." Colby moans, "Just a little bit.. longer." He groans and tilts his head back, fingertips digging into your hips beside Sam's, "Fuck, you're incredible."
You can't hold it any longer. Your body shakes as you cum, clenching around both of their cocks at the same time. You were spinning again, unable to make words, just a constant string of whimpers and loud moans.
Colby was next to cum, Sam directly after.
You moaned loudly as you felt them both fill you completely, their moans mixing with yours as they come down.
"Shit." Sam sighs and rubs your lower back. Colby brushes hair from your face and kisses your cheek, rubbing your hips with his hands, "You okay?" He asks quietly and you nod, "Mhm."
Sam bites his lip, trying to pull out as quick as possible without hurting you. You whimper as he slips out, and bite your lip as you lift yourself off of Colby.
You lay next to him as Sam goes and starts the shower.
"Can you tell me about how you did it?"
Colby looks at you surprised, at first, but then he smirks, "If you really wanna know, yeah."
You nod and Sam comes back into the room. He looks at you and Colby, "What?" Colby chuckles and nods towards you, "She want to know."
Sam bites his lip and smirks, nodding towards the door, "Let's go then."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated!
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1980sactionfigures · 5 months
Hello everyone and Happy Thanksgiving to those celebrating. I'm so sorry to bother you all, but I have a holiday announcement and a plea for help. Four months after losing my job of 16 years, I am still unemployed and struggling to make rent and pay bills. Just rent and my "big 5" bills (Electricity, phone, computer, car insurance) are $1600 at the beginning of the month, and I've only managed to get about half of that selling what I can on eBay. I hate asking this again, but for those of you who have the ability, if you could possibly considering helping me, you will have my eternal gratitude. I can't afford food or much-needed medications and we're going into winter. Thank you for any help, even a reblog.
With that said, I've decided to celebrate this time of the year on here - starting today through Christmas, I'll be queuing up a huge amount of figures I've posted from over the years, so instead of the usual 1-per-day new figure system I usually keep, you'll see a couple of dozen of those wonderful toys of yesteryear every day that might have passed you by the first time I posted them. I'll go back to a regular schedule after the holidays. Thank you all again, thank you for keeping this dumb little blog chugging along through some pretty rough times, and thank you for being you
-- Madison
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moremousewrites · 2 months
Make it Count
Pairing: Astarion/ Tav (fem)
Tags: semi-public sex, oral sex, alcohol, penis in vagina sex, caught in the act
Word count: 1,258
Summary: After a greuling day of pointless adventuring, Tav just wanted to go back to the Elfsong and rest. Her companions invited her to a night on the town but Astarion has a better idea
The party dragged themselves into the Elfsong Tavern. You had spent the whole day running around Baldur's Gate killing ghosts, rounding up living corpses, and finding jars of preserved mummy parts. And to wrap the misadventure up, you were rewarded for your efforts with a portrait (that you had to sit still for hours to pose for) and the damned painter handed you a painting of… Gale.
You handed Gale the painting and left the artist's house before you sent him to the feuge plane for wasting your time. 
So it was a relief to you when you finally slumped into a booth at the tavern, relaxing after a day of nonstop fighting and investigating. 
Astarion squeezed into the booth next to you, pressing his thigh against yours. Even in your exhausted state, it sent electricity through you.
You weren't paying attention to a word that was being shared amongst your group. You focused on your ale and the Astarion's thigh.
Eventually you noticed everyone was awaiting an answer from you. 
“Oh, pardon?” You asked, lifting your head from your arms.
Shadowheart rolled her eyes but gave you a smile. “We wanted to know what you're going to do about the clown parts. They're starting to smell” she generously repeated for you. 
“Nothing” you sighed, dropping your head back on the table.
“Nothing?” Shadowheart questioned. 
“Yes, nothing. Feed them to the owlbear. It's not worth our time and I've never cared for clowns” you said before chugging your ale.
Astarion placed his hand on top of your thigh, causing you to jolt slightly. 
Ever since your night in the graveyard, Astarion had been especially affectionate with you. His touch was welcome after the day you had. He started drawing circles with thumb, massaging your thigh. You listened as Shadowheart and Gale deliberated on plans for the night.
Astarion's hand shifted inward. You tried not to react and draw attention. Pleased by your restraint, he moved his hand closer to your core.
“Tav, do you think you'll come?” Gale asked you, shaking you out of your concentration. 
Shocked by the question and scared you'd been caught, you sat up quickly. “Excuse me?” You asked, guilt filling your words.
Gale raised a brow at your panic. “To Sundries? We're going to get some artifacts appraised” he said as if he had already told you. 
“I think we're going to turn in for the night. Clearly our dear companion needs rest after today's grueling adventure. And I need my beauty rest as well” he spoke for you, pressing a firm finger against your clit. You could only nod in agreement. 
Gale and Shadowheart shrugged but didn't question you further. 
The two of you made your way upstairs trying not to look too eager. You felt a second wave of energy in anticipation for whatever Astarion was planning. Entering the floor your party occupied you noticed it was completely empty for a change. Even the pets were gone, Halsin must have been taking them for a walk.
“Oh how perfect. An opportunity to be alone with you my sweet. I won't waste it” Astarion pushed you onto the nearest bed as quickly as he could. You wanted to play along with him, or even add some witty banter, but you were so exhausted you just let him lead.
“I'll take good care of you, darling. Trust me” he said, removing your shoes and pants with haste. 
“I trust you” you yawned. 
Astarion pulled you to the edge of the bed. He kneeled before you. “Do try to stay awake. I'd hate for some dream figure to take all the credit for my hard work” he said before licking a flat tongue up your cunt and pausing to flick your clit. 
You arched your back at the sensation. Astarion threw your thighs over his shoulders, pulling your hips into his face while he lavished your awakened clit.
“Please, I need you” you begged, trying to get relief.
Astarion looked up at you through your legs and gave you a sinister grin. “My love, you have me. What more could you need?” He asked, breath hot on you.
Your body convulsed with the absence of his tongue. He was punishing you for your greediness and demanding you beg. Seeing how you were openly receiving cunilingis in the shared living space of all your companions, this was not the fucking time.
You weighed your options: snap at him and get a more degrading, more time consuming punishment, or play along and get rewarded. The latter then.
“Please, Astarion. I need your cock. I need you to make me cum” you appealed to his ego. It worked just barely. 
“Not your best but I suppose I can let it slide given your fatigue” he sighed out. Astarion unhooked your legs and stood up. He unlaced his pants and removed his weeping cock from them.
You wanted to taste him, badly. Instead, Astarion positioned you so you were sitting up, your butt was on the edge of the bed and he held your legs.
“I really do need you to fuck me, now” you smiled at him. Astarion kissed you and lined himself with your hole, soaking now from his licks.
He pressed into you, allowing you a moment to adjust but unrestrained himself in acknowledgement of the lack of time or cover. Astarion generally liked to love you right or not at all. But you would argue his imperfect, sloppy, messy sex was just as right as anything else. You loved him and everything he was.
His hips thrusted into yours in a stuttered pace. He was vigorous but not brutal. Feeling his cock quickly slam into you from your position was driving you to climax. You could feel the sparks of pleasure moving throughout your body. 
Astarion's quiet moans of frustration he'd let slip were the telltale sign that he was just as close as you. He reached between you to press on your lower stomach just how you like and…
“One moment Shadowheart I have to retrieve something from my wares!” Fuck.
You panicked. Pushing Astarion off of you, you threw the covers of whomever's bed you were just fucking in this was. Astarion fumbled with his ties. Of course he did.
“I almost forgot my crooked wand! That would've been foolish of me” Gale bounded into the room making his way over to the chest at the foot of the bed you were currently occupying. 
He noted Astarion who was turning his back to him. And you, sweaty and very much not asleep in his bed. “Were you two fucking just now?” He asked. 
You stared at him blankly. You couldn't think of a way out of this. “Yes Gale, we were fucking. I'm sorry about your bed” you said, earnestly. 
Gale took his wand from his chest and nodded to you. “Alright then. Have a good night, Tav” he said then made his way back downstairs. 
You turned and looked at Astarion who was trying (and failing) to contain a devious smirk.
“You knew this was his bed” you glared at him.
“Of course. Though it seems we're doing him a favour more than anything. He won't be washing these sheets for a long time” he joked. 
You threw a pillow at him and he dodged, uncannily. 
“Oh lighten up. Now that the word is out, we've secured this place for at least ten more minutes” he teased, removing the blanket that hid you from him.
“Then we better make it count”
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n30nwrites · 28 days
Shake (Shifter! TF141 x Male! Reader)
Chapter 5
Good Doggy Masterlist
Warnings - Being Drunk, Lighting a fire, Glitter
Beta Reader: @letmelickyoureyeballs i appreciate you so much.
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You walked Soap and Gaz  to his house, convinced that he would follow you into yours if you didn't. You were greeted by Ghost. He opened the door on your first step onto the porch. "Get in." He tells both Soap and Gaz. "Price needs to talk to you." He looks at Gaz specifically.
"Tell your Alpha to control his pack." You say, "I've been with Soap for 6 hours."
"Tell him yourself."
You nodded, still looking at his mask. You didn't like looking at his eyes, it made your body feel strange. Ghost could be considered attractive, build-wise. He was wearing a black tank top and sweatpants. He had a multitude of scars covering his body, and a large burn covering the left side. His chest was large, distractingly so.
“Why do you have glitter on you?” 
"...," You look down at your chest, it was a strange thing, to glow again. Or more like shimmer, but it did remind you of your old self, just a smidge. "Bye."
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So why did you have glitter?
It was near the end of your shift, you had done your side work, cutting up the fruits needed and stocking everything. The club was slowing down, people still being here was a slight surprise, but you guessed it was just that type of town.
Sad drunks, desperate for something, an adventure.
Soap was still with you, which you were surprised about. You thought he would leave a few hours ago, but he just sat in the corner, staring at you.
It was creepy.
"Bartender, another Whiskey Sour!" She's pretty, she has stars drawn on her face along with small hearts, bold makeup, and a small dress. Body glitter everywhere, which made you recall when Maya thought to do that one night.
Since that night, glitter has been banned from your house.
"The bar has been closed down Ma'am." You tell her, making her water. She seemed out of it, enough for you to look around for someone, a friend that could've brought her here. "Drink this."
She drinks it quickly, like it's a shot almost. "Give me another." She coos, "tastes so good."
"Where are your friends?"
"They left." She moaned, "I love this song."
No music was playing.
"We're closing. It's time for you to get an Uber."
"I'll walk." She slurs her words, confident in herself as she chugs down another water. "You're much cuter than the other bartender."
You rub the bridge of your nose, adjusting the sunglasses you had on your face slightly. You felt sad for the pretty girl, her name could be Amanda or Mila.
Really you were just pulling these names out of your ass from actresses you can remember.
She stumbles a bit. Her purse slips off her shoulder and crashes to the floor. She doesn't even seem to register it, nor does she seem to be there herself. 
You clock out, and go around the counter. Soap seems to notice as he follows behind. You pick up the purse and she looks up, her eyes unfocused. You grab her wallet and find her license. "Alright Sierra, you seem to live around here so let's get you home.”
“You sure you’re not gonna kidnap me?” She leans on you, stumbling to the side and you grab her. All you can think about is that this glitter is going to stay forever.
“Not the plan.” Soap seems to glare at this girl, “Pull up the directions for her house.” You hand him the ID, watching as he gets on his phone reluctantly. 
“She’s 5 minutes fae 'ere” He says, tucking his phone back in his pocket before grabbing her purse and putting her ID in. “Are we taking your car or mine?”
“You’re joining me?” You ask, not surprised at the idea, just surprised he had the balls to ask. 
“Of course, gotta make sure you’re safe.”
“Protective doggy…” You tease slightly, “I was just gonna carry her, I don’t have a car.” Soap gives you a confused look, he could’ve sworn you were at the driver side of a Jeep when you first arrived, he didn’t fully understand it but he knew that if he had asked, you wouldn’t have given him the truth.
“Put her in the back.”
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You realize you had to make a decision, and you were tired so that decision wasn’t the brightest one.
Which is probably why you were most comfortable standing naked outside in your backyard, with all your clothes in a barrel that was on fire. You were staring at it, the embers reminded you of home, but it wasn’t warm enough. The fire was inviting in a way, but if you kept staring you knew that your father would attempt to contact you, and you didn’t want to deal with that right now. So you turned away and grabbed the hose, turning on the cold water and rinsing yourself off, scrubbing with an unused cleaning sponge as your skin turned a darker shade from how hard you were scrubbing.
Anything to not bring glitter into the house.
Good thing the back door was unlocked.
You woke up at 1 p.m. still naked from the morning. You didn’t have an alarm clock, just trusted yourself to wake up before your shift. You shuffle out and grab some boxers from the floor, pulling them up and washing your face before brushing your teeth.
It was your breakfast time. 
Walking out of your bedroom, your dog greets you. He laid right outside your door, the only reason he wasn’t in your bedroom that night was because he was lying with Maya and you didn’t want to wake her up. 
He stood up immediately and you bent down to pet her, she smiled, which some have described as a murderous smile but that’s just cause shes all fangs. You stand back up and she follows after.
You can hear noises in the living room, voices that make you wary until you hear Maya’s. You trust she can handle herself. She was top of her class after all.
That is until you see who’s in your living room.
“Well, I could’ve put more clothes on.”
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yeoosaangg · 6 months
Half of My Heart || Kinktober - Day 24
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pairing ▸ jeong jaehyun × f!reader
now playing ▸ half of my heart - josh makazo
⤷ ❝know you still have things to say. it's different since i broke us apart.❞
genre ▸ non-idol au, jock!jaehyun, exes to lovers, smut
warnings ▸ period sex, praise, fingering, marking, car sex, mentions of blood (obviously)
You go to the skate park late at night to think.
It helps when you've got a lot on your mind and need to unwind, but you couldn't do that tonight.
A bunch of frat boys came together to throw a party, one you were invited to. It may not be your usual night out, but at least it was different.
Now alcohol can be your escape from a broken heart.
Kevin: Hey, you made it!
Y/n: I'm usually here skating on a regular night.
Kevin: Saved you a seat, right here
You roll your eyes as he pats his lap. You look around and see that there truly was no more space to sit and just take his offer.
Y/n: So, did I miss anything?
Kevin: Nah. Just a few guys on the football team having a chugging contest.
Y/n: Mmm, boring.
Kevin: It was.
You scan the park just to have something to do, but it proves to be a mistake when you spot your ex-boyfriend making out with one of the cheerleaders.
That hurts.
Kevin: Where'd your mind go just now?
Y/n: Saw Jaehyun playing tonsil hockey with captain preppy.
Kevin: Brutal. Need me to kick his ass?
Y/n: Nah. He'd squash you like a bug and I happen to love my best friend.
Kevin: I hate when you're right.
You guys laugh and you get up to grab a closed bottle of beer. When you come back, Kevin notices your ex staring at you two.
Kevin: He's looking.
Y/n: Don't care.
Kevin: He looks like he wants to kill me.
You roll your eyes and position yourself so you're straddling Kevin. He doesn't react, just holds your exposed hips so you don't fall back.
Y/n: You think from this angle it'll look like we're kissing?
Kevin: Yeah, why?
You put your thumb on his lips before kissing your nail, pressing your forehead against his. Kevin wraps his arm around you to make it look like he's pulling you in deeper.
You pull away and smile at him, a silent thank you for going along with your plan.
Kevin: He's coming over here.
Y/n: Don't lie to me, Moon.
So much for not caring.
Kevin: Just turn around.
You do and feel your heart drop as he strides over to you.
Y/n: Shit, gotta go.
Kevin: Have fun, bestie! Use protection!
You flip him off and hurriedly make your way towards the parking lot. Maybe you'll get home quicker if you run.
Jaehyun: Y/n! Wait up!
Why does he sound like he's right behind you?
You make a noise of surprise when he grabs your arm and turns you to face him.
Y/n: Oh, hey.
Jaehyun: Hey. Did you not hear me?
Y/n: Nope, sorry.
Jaehyun: Can we talk?
Y/n: I don't think that's a good idea.
Jaehyun: Please? I swear I'll leave you alone after, if that's what you want.
You sigh.
He was using those stupid eyes of his. The ones where they get all soft and kind.
He still knows how to make you weak.
Y/n: Fine.
He smiles and guides you to his car with a hand on the small of your back. You feel his warm fingers curl around your waist, almost like he's afraid you'll run.
You curse yourself for wearing a crop top.
He opens the passenger door and you reluctantly get in.
There was an awkward silence when he gets in, locking the car doors. It was only for privacy reasons.
Jaehyun: I hate how we left things.
Y/n: How you left things.
He takes a deep breath and nods.
Jaehyun: I never wanted to hurt you.
Y/n: But you did.
He broke things off two months ago because he "needed to be with someone that matches his popularity", hence the bimbo he was making out with.
Jaehyun: It's just- I got lost in the glory of being the quarterback, that I became a different person. I let go of the one person who means the most to me because of it.
Stupid excuse.
Y/n: I get it, Jae. I'm not popular enough for you. I'm not drop-dead gorgeous enough for your new friends. But you didn't have to insult me when you broke things off. That was just cruel on your part.
He understands that.
He messed up so bad and it cost him the love of his life.
Jaehyun: You're the most beautiful woman I've ever met. That is a fact no one will ever get to prove wrong. My heart will always belong to you.
He still has feelings for you?
Jaehyun: If you can give me another chance, I swear I'll do right by you.
Y/n: Don't you have a girlfriend?
Jaehyun: No.
Y/n: Then why were you making out with the head cheerleader? Thought she was your arm candy.
Jaehyun: I never made it official with her. Just let her kiss me in public, but nothing other than that.
Jaehyun: What about you? Are you and Kevin Moon dating?
Y/n: Nah, I was just feeling petty. Kiss was fake; he'd launch me off of him if it was real.
Jaehyun: Now that sounds like him.
You both laugh, comfortable silence surrounding the once tense atmosphere.
It feels warm and familiar.
Jaehyun: Can I- Can I kiss you?
You nod, leaning in to meet his lips halfway.
You climb over and straddle his lap while he puts his seat all the way back. His hands roam your entire body, tongue exploring your mouth all over again.
You feel him getting ready to slide his hand into the waistband of your panties when you stop him.
Jaehyun: What's wrong?
Y/n: Nothing, I just remembered something.
Jaehyun: What is it?
You feel embarrassed to say this out loud. You're hot and bothered, but can't do anything about it because-
Y/n: I'm on my period.
He begins to laugh and kiss the skin underneath your jaw.
Y/n: It's not funny!
Jaehyun: It's kinda funny, baby.
You whine, hiding your face in his chest.
He wraps his arms around you and kisses the crown of your head.
Jaehyun: It's funny because you think a little blood's gonna stop me from fucking you.
You yelp when his hand slips inside your panties and his middle finger circles your clit. You moan very loudly from not having been touched since he left you.
Jaehyun: Careful, baby. Wouldn't want anyone to hear your pretty sounds.
Y/n: Don't give a fuck.
You kiss him as his fingers get covered in a mix of your arousal and blood. Your pad gets scrunched the more his knuckles disappear in your cunt.
You sit up and take your top off, revealing you perky tits.
Jaehyun: No bra? What if you accidentally flashed everyone at the party?
Y/n: It is what it is.
He chuckles, helping you steady yourself as you get completely naked.
He lowers his jeans down enough so his cock springs free. He was hard and leaking, just how you like him.
You align yourself with his tip and slam down on his cock. He moans as you bounce without adjusting.
You were too horny and impatient to give a fuck about anything right now.
Y/n: Hated seeing you with that stupid, blonde airhead. Wanted to beat her ass everytime she passed me on campus.
Jaehyun: Aww, you didn't like how close she was to me? Then fucking mark me so she knows who I belong to.
You don't even have to be told twice. Your mouth litters multiple red hickeys all over his neck and chest.
God, he bruises so easily, it makes you needier.
You look so ruined already, but he wants to break you. Have you reduced to a drooling and whimpering mutt for him like he always does.
But not tonight.
Tonight is about getting you back and doing everything he can to show you he means what he says. He's going to love you despite what others say.
You're worth it.
He gasps when your teeth scratch against his jugular, lightly sucking on the skin there.
Y/n: I'm gonna cum.
He watches you bounce on his cock, tits matching the rhythm as you squirt all over him - you probably got blood all over him, too.
You get tired, so he slams his hips into you as the top of your ass hits the bottom of the steering wheel. Lucky it wasn't the horn, right?
Y/n: Want more. Please give me more.
Jaehyun: Such a good girl. Always taking what I give you and begging for more, not satisfied until everyone at this fucking party can see how thoroughly mine you are.
You scream as the tip of his cock hits your g-spot. It was a delicious repetitive motion that has you shaking in your ex-boyfriend's arms.
You press your chest against his, mouth attacking his neck as you meet his thrusts.
He tries to pull you off his neck by your hair, but you growl at him - mouth leaving him for only a moment to push his hand off before devouring him again.
His hands leaves bruises on your hips at how hot that was of you. Being on your period makes you even hornier than a bitch in heat.
Jaehyun: You’re my little whore, aren’t you?
You growl again, biting on his shoulder before nodding to his question.
Y/n: Only yours.
He picks up his pace, causing you to grip onto the handle above your head to steady yourself. His cock rams into you so rough, you're drooling and whimpering - just like he wanted.
Both of you cum at the same time, not caring who hears you anymore. You just care about each other.
You bury your face in his neck trying to catch your breath. He leans back and massages your body to help soothe the shaking.
Y/n: I've missed you a lot.
He smiles, kissing your temple.
Jaehyun: Please give me another chance, Y/n. I can give you everything you need and want. Just give me one month and I swear I'll embed myself so far in you, you won't be able to breathe without me.
You giggle, resting your chin on his chest.
Y/n: Okay. But only one chance. If you blow it, you'll never see me again.
Jaehyun: Thank you, baby. I promise I'll treat you right.
He shifts a little and you whine. His cock was still inside you.
Y/n: Can we leave to get cleaned up? Cum mixed with blood isn't a pretty sight.
He laughs with his entire chest, kissing your lips with a huge grin.
Jaehyun: 'Course we can.
a/n: get me away from pinterest prompts. this ain't good for my sanity. thanks for reading ‹𝟹
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olderthannetfic · 1 month
Okay I NEED to know what the current most popular slash ships are, being on tumblr just feels like slash fandom is dying out, and I'd like to look up some ships because even if I don't like them, following other slash shippers feels so much nicer than seeing people bash them all the time.
On AO3, the m/m category is a tag like any other.
That means you can go directly to that tag and look at the sidebar, either in general or filtered for the past year. (No need to rely on those faulty ship stats.)
Broadly, the really massive juggernauts are still going, chugging along on fanon long after their canons have ended or gone to shit. A bunch of fandoms that younger people like are huge. And a lot of older people who used to only be into Western fandoms fell for The Untamed a few years ago and are now into lots of other danmei and BL fandoms. Thai dramas seem to be really heating up lately.
Here's the sidebar in general:
Castiel/Dean Winchester (108832)
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (68896)
Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter (66461)
Sherlock Holmes/John Watson (66324)
James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers (60107)
Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens) (51611)
Steve Rogers/Tony Stark (44020)
Sirius Black/Remus Lupin (42921)
Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson (42063)
filtering those out:
Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku (39754)
Lan Zhan | Lan Wangji/Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian (37086)
Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung | V (36739)
Keith/Lance (Voltron) (32031)
Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester (30843)
Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood (29711)
Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin) (29591)
Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter (28681)
Jeon Jungkook/Park Jimin (28574)
Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs) (28260)
Or filtered for updating in the past year:
Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens) (14878)
Sirius Black/Remus Lupin (12640)
Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson (10617)
Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs) (10353)
Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku (8964)
Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter (8391)
Alhaitham/Kaveh (Genshin Impact) (8284)
Regulus Black/James Potter (7721)
filtering those out:
John "Soap" MacTavish/Simon "Ghost" Riley (6879)
Castiel/Dean Winchester (6751)
Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet (6723)
Getou Suguru/Gojo Satoru (6253)
Lan Zhan | Lan Wangji/Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian (6245)
Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV) (6228)
Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor (5725)
Han Jisung | Han/Lee Minho | Lee Know (5632)
Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung | V (5201)
Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter (4199)
In general, I would look at things with canon gay and/or at big anime, c-drama, and kpop RPF fandoms.
And block dickheads liberally when you see them in the tags on tumblr.
If you want to hang out with oldschool people, you could always come to Escapade con. We should be having an online one some time in the summer. There's also a discord. We're currently doing a group watch of Mysterious Lotus Casebook among other things.
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carionto · 7 months
Aliens are floored by tardigrades
Life is pretty resilient. It has to be, especially if the rest of the Galaxy thinks we're from a Deathworld. In comparison then, if their planets are not as demanding, would life there ever be under enough pressure to survive to go to the extreme lengths that some Earth creatures do? I think one of the most profound things aliens might learn from Earth and Humanity is just how powerful life itself can be.
That itself could shake their understanding of themselves - a billion year old civilization could never even conceive of a thing we accept as simple fact, ushering a revolution in thinking not seen in eons.
The Galactic Coalition scientists are busying themselves with obtaining, analyzing, categorizing, and integrating the libraries of information Humanity has brought with them as they incorporate into the greater space faring matrix of civilizations.
A good grasp of Physics, though lacking in certain fields for now; unmatched Engineering doctrines, they really do think of everything, although, perhaps, better to say - they really do attempt everything, then take notes and improve for the next attempt.
Chemistry is another fine addition to the collective knowledge base, a disproportionate part of the catalogue is comprised entirely of explosive reagents and combinations - always good to know more about what NOT to do.
And Biology. Oh boy. What a chaotic but beautiful but also disturbing mess. Life on most planets has a long period of just chugging along, surviving as best it can, until eventually something has the bright idea to evolve the ability to have bright ideas. Then in almost no time at all (on a cosmic scale) a dominant intelligence emerges and civilization alongside it, and in the blink of an eye it finds itself exploring the stars.
A similar pattern happened on Earth, but interrupted alarmingly often by utter catastrophes. Humans call them Mass Extinctions. It is exceedingly rare to find life that can talk about its own extinction events. Kind of deflates the term a bit. Life on planets as inhospitable (by Galactic norms) as Earth tends to be found only as fossils, and almost always on the microscopic level - very rarely do they get the chance to form more complex and advanced lifeforms before the planet with its harsh conditions and scarce resources kills it just as randomly as it spawned it.
We were incredibly saddened to learn from the Humans that the biodiversity of Earth had dwindled by roughly 85% since they accidentally created that giant hole on their planet, and that it had already been on a steady decline before then. Even so, when they revealed there were still 2.4 million species alive on Earth was a shockingly high number. Most are on the brink of extinction, yes, but the fact remains that Earth is easily one of the most biodiverse planets in the Galaxy.
Then we started looking at each individual species and learned about the Tardigrade.
It is literally the toughest creature ever discovered, and it's not even close. At least, so far, we haven't looked at absolutely everything Earth has or had yet.
It can just... basically turn itself off and then back on again when the outside becomes livable again - Cryptobiosis, or suspending their metabolism, something we considered only possible through artificial means. And the levels of various extreme they can endure and still be alive would just be utterly ridiculous if they didn't give us samples to confirm for ourselves.
Then we came across the term Extremophile and just decided to take a day off.
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emocxnteddie · 6 months
!-! Emo Love !-!
Couple/Ship; Johnnie Guilbert x Male!Reader[He/Him Pronouns]
Genre; Angst-ish & Fluff-ish.
WARNINGS; Swearing, Smoking, Alcohol, Talk of Violence, Secret relationship. {Let Me Know If More Is Needed}
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Johnnie sat on the rooftop of a building in L.A, he was smoking a joint as he waited for his boyfriend to arrive. He had been seeing a guy for the past few months, but none knew of their relationship, it was for the best.
Soon the noises of jumping were heard and Johnnie saw his boyfriend holding a bag of items he'd brought. "Hey there, emo," M/N said with a grin and Johnnie chuckled.
Then Johnnie noticed the bruises on M/N along with a bloody nose. "Holy fuck, where did you get all those bruises from!?" Johnnie said in a worried tone, M/N just rolled his eyes and sat down next to the black-haired man.
"Some punks who tried to mess with me," M/N said in a calm tone as he took out two bottles of tequila. Johnnie sighed and handed M/N the joint which M/N gladly took. "Dumbfuck," Johnnie muttered and took a chug from one of the tequila bottles.
M/N took a puff from the joint and leaned his head against Johnnie's shoulder. "You're the one dating me so does that make you dumbfucker?" M/N joked and Johnnie laughed. "I suppose so."
Johnnie looked at the sun setting and took another chug from the tequila. As much as he wanted to tell everyone about his new found love, he also liked having a secret lover. "Something on your mind?" M/N asked and took a chug from his own tequila.
"Just that I find this moment pleasant," Johnnie said in a low tone as he kept taking chugs from the tequila bottle. He knew that this relationship wasn't ideal but it was still sweet in a way. They always had their meetups on the roof, smoking & drinking.
"Alright, whatever you say, emo." M/N hummed and watched the sunset. It was a beautiful sight, the sun going down and making an orange-red tint in the sky when it went down. It was certainly a sight to behold. The dark blue tone setting as the moon slowly rises along the sun setting.
"I wonder if we're lovers in a different universe, or maybe we're just fuck buddies in a different universe," M/N said with a chuckle and Johnnie nodded. "I'd like to think we are lovers in another universe though being fuck buddies doesn't seem so bad." Johnnie hummed and M/N laughed.
The two boys kept drinking, smoking and laughing. Admiring the way the L.A city looked during this time of day. It was beautiful. The tall buildings colorful lights and the various music from the clubs. It felt like a movie. Two lovers on a roof together.
"Thanks for being here for me, M/N." "Don't thank me, I love you, emo." "I love you too."
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wosoluver · 10 days
To undo a mistake
Part 14/17 - previous - next
Lena x Bayern Player!reader
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"And we're home." - Lena said as she closed the front door. When she turned, you had already thrown yourself over the couch.
"Let's get ready for bed yeah?"- she said trying to get you up.
"I don't want to get up."
"Don't be a big baby, I'm not sober enough to carry you." - she said kneeling down in front of you, as she took your heels off.
"Fine." - You practically beelined to your bedroom. And she followed behind.
You washed your face and brushed your teeth, before exiting the bathroom.
"I have a brand new spare toothbrush, I keep in-" You immediately stopped once you saw her dressing in a pair of pijamas, of hers she had left in your house long ago.
"Thought you had sent me back everything." - She said with a little smile.
"I forgot I had those."
"Really? Because they seem to have been recently washed." - She said teasing you.
You only rolled your eyes, not wanting to give her the satisfaction of a confirmation.
That was one of your favorite pjs, and you had wore it all this time.
You quickly undressed as you put on a shirt and shorts, and then went to lay down. And behind you, Lena was sitting in your bed admiring the woman that you are with that stupid smile once again.
"I left you a toothbrush in there, if you please want to brush your teeth."
"Is that a request or a command?"
"Both?" - she agreed as she disappeared from view.
You were almost asleep when she came back. Giving you a kiss on the forehead and trying to walk away.
"Where are you going?"
"To the couch?"
"You can't sleep on the couch. That's horrible for your back." - you said it quietly as you patted the spot next to you, with your eyes still closed. "No cuddling though."
She didn't even try to change your mind, at this point she was so tired she would pass out anywhere.
You thought that was a great decision. Until the next morning.
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You had woken up with arm around you. And you could feel Lena's tranquil breaths on your neck, that brought you goosebumps.
You didn't know if you should stay and not wake her or stand up and get some sense into your brain along with an aspirin and a glass of water. You had decided on second option.
You got out the best you could without waking her. Which wasn't so hard, since unlike you, she was a heavy sleeper.
Walking into the kitchen, you decided on making breakfast, and being a Sunday meant having a not so healthy breakfast. Comfort food during a hangover was always the best.
You were setting up the table and finishing coffee when you saw her coming through the hallway, with a pouty face, that wasn't much like her. At least not when she was with you.
"Good morning."
"Good morning, why are you moody?"
"My head hurts like hell. I don't remember drinking enough, to get this hangover."
"Here." - You put the aspirin in front of her, a long with a coffee mug.
She took in the set table in front of her. You aways did these on the weekends. Truth is you had lost that habit after the break up. But you wanted to thank her for taking care of you the night before. Also you had missed these.
"Did I cause too much trouble last night?"
"You don't remember anything?"
"Only 'till the chugging competition."
"After that we danced and then left 'cause your feet was hurting. We got home, cleaned up and went to sleep. And before you say anything, you ordered me to sleep in your bed."
"Yeah had a feeling I did. Sorry. But the couch is horrible!"
"It's fine, your couch is comfortable though, I've slept there couple nights, when we had a fight."
"It was not a couple of nights! It was only once."
And it was true, you had never had many disagreements. That made her call that day, all those months ago, all the more shocking.
"True. And it didn't even last the whole night, I gave up at like three in the morning."
You both laughed, going down memory lane.
"So, what are you doing today?"
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Fun fact I actually love to set up tables for breakfast / afternoon tea, like the 22 year old grandma I am.
Next chapter soon! 🩷
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kitsuvil · 8 days
— out of the box? 【picturesque/ayato smau】
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— THIS CHAPTER WAS REALLY FUN i really enjoyed showing more of how everyone else interacts and sneaking in some heikazu and yoiyaka content <3 so sorry for dropping the last chapter and dipping i actually went to the er shortly after and spent a few days in the hospital with a ruptured appendix sobs i did the author thing,, im still healing up and probably need surgery soon but for now we're back!! chugging along slowly, sorry for the long author note!
— taglist; @griseoo @fangygf @calamitygutz @driftwoodmanor @meigalaxy @kyon-cherri @xiaossocksniffer @quacking-simp @kaitfae @imgayandshesanime @lxry-chxn @ni-ki-ismyluv @cante-lope @kookiibun @kamisatoyato @astolary @dontmindtheevie @sn1perz @0range-juiceee @h3xi2g0n3 @eutopiastar
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be11atrixthestrange · 2 months
Bathroom Light
It's been two years since I've written anything, but I heard the song Bathroom Light by Mt. Joy, and this story wrote itself. Rated M for Ron's thoughts. <3
Find me a lane to drive through
In a Halloween costume
I'm an astronaut without you
As usual, the Three Broomsticks was bursting with Hogwarts students on a Saturday night. Echoes of conversations bounced off the walls, cluttering Ron’s mind like a cloud of wrackspurts,  which made it even harder than usual to focus on his date. Lavender had been chatting about a new beauty charm she learned from Parvati. Or was it from Witch Weekly? Honestly, Ron didn’t know, but apparently it had something to do with volumizing curls. Maybe. 
Ron stared into his half empty butterbeer. Although he was tempted to chug the rest of it, he just knew that if someone in particular saw him gulping it down like a river troll, she’d disapprove. He shouldn’t care what that someone in particular would think, as they weren’t even on speaking terms, but for some reason he still did. 
“Are you listening to me?” 
Ron’s skin prickled at her question, and his fingers clenched around his glass of butterbeer. “Yes, of course I’m listening,” he lied. 
“Then what did I just say?” asked Lavender, one eyebrow raised. 
“Something about beauty charms…”
Lavender’s eyes narrowed.
“Beauty charms that you don’t even need.”
Ron’s shoulders relaxed when Lavender’s face softened into a grin. “Aww. You’re sweet.”
He smiled back at her and took in her features. She wore a different color lipstick than usual for their date, and it had taken Ron by surprise when he first saw her. Lavender had seemed hurt by his reaction. He tried to assure her that he didn’t think of her lipstick color as good or bad, but apparently that was the wrong thing to say. 
Truth be told, he didn’t actually know what Lavender looked like without all the effort, but he knew better than to mention that. She took great pride in her appearance and wanted validation — that Ron could understand. Some guys equated makeup and beauty charms with deceit, and Ron really didn’t want to be one of those guys. But was it wrong to want to know what your girlfriend really looked like? 
And honestly, he’d love to go on a date that had the potential of ruining someone’s perfectly curated hair. Lavender wouldn’t even watch one of his Quidditch games if it was raining for fear of ruining her appearance. Even though that would mean so much more to him than finding a never-before-seen shade of lip balm just for him. He couldn’t shake the image of someone else sitting in the stands at a particularly stormy Quidditch game, her curls soaked down to heavy waves that stuck to her face, completely unbothered by the fact that she looked like she’d nearly drowned in the great lake.
As if reality read his mind, those same curls caught his eye, bouncing along the edge of the pub toward the loo. His eyes immediately followed Hermione until the light of the bathroom hallway illuminated her. Who was she here with? Harry or Ginny? Neither had mentioned anything about going to Hogsmeade tonight, and the thought made his stomach feel as heavy as a bezoar. Was she on a date? 
The persistent thought, the one that he was usually pretty good at keeping at bay flooded into his mind like a dam had broken. What would happen if he followed her?
We're twisting our way to the back of the bar
Yeah, locking the door, falling into the stall…
Maybe she would respond positively. Those canaries meant something. No one would attack a person for kissing someone else if they only held platonic feelings. Ron definitely wasn’t wrong about that. It was possible that she’d welcome a grand gesture from him. 
Was following her into a bathroom stall in a crowded pup a grand gesture? It surely wasn’t on the same level as hiring a string quartet or writing a romantic poem. But if memories of a rogue mountain troll served him correctly, it wouldn’t be the first time their relationship changed in a bathroom.
Suppose he got up, followed her, and she invited him in. Then what?
That would never happen. But it didn’t hurt to imagine, right? 
Stripping you down to your jewelry
You're breaking the rules just for me
What a life under big stars and a good woman in charge
Got me falling in, got me falling in hard.
Would she want him to kiss her the way he kissed Lavender in the common room that first time? Because honestly, he probably couldn’t. It would be so different.
If he kissed Hermione in that bathroom there would be no hesitation. His mind wouldn’t freeze and turn on autopilot without a moment’s thought about the fallout of his actions. He’d kiss her not in spite of the consequences, but because of them. Could a kiss ruin their friendship? 
So be it, ruin the friendship. Sometimes things needed to burn down to grow back stronger. 
It wouldn’t just be a kiss. If the scars on his arms meant anything, she had passion. Sure, that manifested poorly sometimes, but it wouldn’t in that bathroom. He could just imagine her tugging at his shirt while he plucked at the buttons on her blouse, pieces of clothing hitting the floor one by one, until all she was left wearing was that perfume he got her back in fifth year. 
He’d run his fingers through her perfectly voluminous curls that needed no beauty charms, and maybe she’d bite down on his lip as her bare legs wrapped around his waist. His fingers would dig into the skin of her thighs, and she’d groan her approval, which would have a similar effect to setting Ron on fire. 
Something Ron loved about Hermione was her relationship with rules. She knew the ins and outs of every rule in the book, so when it came time to break them, she was the one to ask. She could get away with anything without risking her perfect reputation, especially for someone she cared about. Setting a professor’s robes on fire? Check. Blackmailing and transfiguring a nefarious journalist? Check. Jinxing the D.A. sign up sheet? Check. That one time she snuck a flask of firewhiskey on a prefect round, and they skipped patrol to drink in an empty classroom? Check. Harry didn’t even believe Ron when he told him about that last one, and honestly, Ron preferred it that way. It made it seem special. 
If breaking rules was Ron’s love language, Hermione was fluent, and she only spoke it for him. 
So even though he was on a date with someone else, and maybe she was too, it wasn’t difficult to imagine her fully letting him in under the dim bathroom light. He’d prop her up on the sink; she’d tug on his front zipper and slip him out of his trousers. And despite the fact that they were in a dingy stall in the bathroom of an overcrowded pub, he’d do to her what he’d only ever imagined in his dreams. Fuck the consequences.
Shag her best friend in the bar bathroom? She definitely would. Check. 
So, come on, baby, let's do this right
I think I like falling in love in the bar bathroom light
I won't question it, I won't mess with it, if it's there go grab it
Tell your friends you love who they are
“Ron, are you okay?”
Lavender sat with her elbows on the table, head cocked to the side, a look of concern on her face. 
“Yeah. Why?” he asked, trying his best to hide the resentment creeping up from the fact that she yanked him from the most beautiful daydream. 
“You seem distracted.”
Ron immediately felt heavy with guilt. What was wrong with him? He was here with a gorgeous woman, and couldn’t control the trajectory of his fantasies. 
“I’m sorry. Just tired,” he lied. In fact, he was more energized than ever. “Can we go back?”
“Yeah,” said Lavender, with a brief flash of disappointment on her face. “Want to finish your beer first?”
Ron glanced at his butterbeer, still half empty. Hermione obviously wasn’t looking, so he put the glass to his lips and chugged it. 
“Let’s go,” he said. The pair stood up to leave, and Lavender reached for his hand. Who was he to think of makeup and beauty charms as deceit when he was the one imagining shagging someone else in the bathroom?
Yet, on the way out the door, it took everything he had to avoid stealing one more glance toward the bathroom at the back of the bar. 
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i'm proud of you | n.r.
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x GN!Reader
Summary: Natasha comforting the Reader through their anxiety & self-doubt. please do heed the warnings! this does contain some self-harm, though I don't think it's graphic <3
Warnings: mention & description of self-harm (hands under too-hot water) and anxiety
Word Count: 455
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(not my gif)
It had been a long day, helping Nat and Yelena with their current assignments. You were good at your job, you did your part. But the sisters were professionals and sometimes your insecurities crept up, an itch clawing at the back of your skull.
You sighed as you aggressively rolled your neck and shoulders, trying to dispel the shivering feeling. Some part of you knew that you were being too hard on yourself, but on days like this your irrational side would take over.
As you were putting together dinner for yourself and the widows and washing your hands, you let the water run. It was much too hot, you knew that; but it was settling your mind.
"Hey soldier."
You jump at Natasha's playful voice behind you, quickly shutting off the water and shaking the drops from your now aching and reddened hands.
"Hey! Yeah, sorry, I uh-,” you laugh a bit awkwardly as you try to gather yourself. “The food's almost ready. Sorry, I guess I got distracted. Just a few things left-"
"Woah, I'm not here to rush you," she cuts you off with a kind but teasing grin, though it wavers just a touch as she glances down at your hands. You turn towards the cupboards as the anxiety rises in your chest. Don’t ask, please don’t ask-
"You did really well today," she continues, interrupting your anxious thoughs and leaning against the counter easily. You let out a breath as you move to get the dishes from the cupboard. "I'm proud of you."
The plates clang a bit too loudly on the counter and you take a breath, thankful your back is to her. You force a laugh.
"I'm just blundering along," you brush off the praise, incapable of accepting it.
Natasha laughs a bit and moves around so she can look at you.
"We're all blundering along, we learn through mistakes. But you're doing really well, you know I don't just say that to hear myself talk, right? I genuinely think you're doing a really good job." 
She holds your gaze for a few seconds, the eye contact somehow both comforting and intimidating. Her voice is soft when she speaks again.
"Do you need anything?"
You shut your eyes for a second.
"Not at the moment," you answer honestly, matching her tone and smiling a bit when you look at her again.
She's quiet for a few more seconds, but ultimately nods. Her voice is back to a lighthearted teasing as she grabs a few cooking utensils. 
"Okay. Then let me help you finish this before Yelena gets impatient and just chugs the hot sauce." 
You laugh as she bumps your shoulders together and helps you finish the dinner.
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AN: i hope this is okay! i try to keep my self-harm related fics kind of vague in the hope that they won't be triggering while still being comforting. let me know if you have any suggestions, or send requests if you like! ♡
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