#we should hang this up in a childrens hospital
woso-dreamzzz · 2 months
Injured X
Alexia Putellas x Child!Reader
Jenni Hermoso x Child!Reader
Summary: You go back to ballet
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Alexia doesn't know whether to be proud or horrified.
You've not even been out of the hospital for three days before she receives a text from Jenni saying that you're going back to ballet - by your own accord.
Alexia has been invited too and she fusses in front of the mirror, tugging at her outfit as she stares.
There's an extra training session tonight, taking penalties, and while Alexia would usually attend, she finds herself staring in her mirror as she contemplates putting her hair up or leaving it loose.
Olga leans by the door, Jaume on her hip. "You are seeing Bambi," She chides," Not going to a business meeting. A suit is not needed."
Alexia tugs at her blazer sleeve. Her slacks aren't buttoned up quite yet and her shirt isn't as crisp as it could be. "Are you sure?"
"Comfortable, Ale," Olga says," A t-shirt and some trackies. Jeans if you must but it's just a ballet class. You're not meeting investors. Change."
Alexia huffs but does as she's told, swapping her slacks for some Barcelona-issued tracksuit bottoms along with her white button-down for a plain t-shirt. Her blazer is taken from her in favour of a lightweight jacket and she's pushed out of the door in her trainers before she can contemplate other shoe options.
She's early for your ballet practice and she can hear you before you and Jenni even turn the corner.
You're talking animatedly to her, your little hand tight in hers as she looks down at you. Jenni's smiling at you, a big beaming smile that falls like a lance through Alexia's chest as she watches Jenni hang off your every word.
You stop in front of her, eyes wide as you shuffle a little closer like you're wary of her. "Hi, Mami."
Alexia smiles. "Hi, Bambi."
You very slowly shuffle even closer, looking like you're going to bolt back to the safety Jenni offers you before your little arms are wrapped around Alexia's legs in a hug.
Alexia's hand very gently runs through your unbound hair as you peer up at her with those same wide eyes.
"Come on, Bambi," Jenni calls and you immediately scamper back to her side," You've still got to change your shoes and gets your hair done. Inside, come on."
Jenni holds the door open for you and you hurry in, finding a place at a bench already crammed with parents and children as you begin to pull off your shoes.
"How is she?" Alexia asks.
"Sleepy," Jenni answers," Still a little emotional. She cried when I told her she should take another day off from ballet so here we are." She rummages around in the bag on her back. "Bambi, feet please."
You place one foot on Jenni's bent knee as she slips on your ballet flat before swapping to do the other. "When I'm eleven or twelve," You tell Mami," I can wear fancy pointe shoes and go up to tippy-toe!"
"Only if you keep practising," Jenni reminds you as she moves around the back to scrape your hair into a bun. Her hand skims your upper back and you flinch and Jenni notices instantly, freezing her movements until you fully relax again.
She doesn't touch your back again as she makes sure all of your hair is tied back in a bun.
"Alright," She says and you twist around to face her, turning your back on Mami as Ma-Jenni cups your face," What's the most important thing?"
"Having fun."
"That's right. Have fun. Turn on your listening ears and try your hardest."
You nod.
"And if you feel sleepy or tired you tell the teacher right away and they'll come and get me, understand?"
The door to the studio opens as students come out and your group goes in. You move with the crowd before stopping and turning around again.
You run back to Jenni, giving her a big hug before being released. You make an aborted movement to go again but stop yourself. In a few light steps, you're standing in front of Alexia.
"I'm going in now, Mami," You say," Bye-bye."
"I'm not going anywhere, Bambi," Alexia says," I'll be right here with Jenni when you come out."
You frown, head tilted to the side in confusion. "Why? Today's always penalty practice. You always go to penalty practice."
"Well, today, I'm at ballet practice. I'm staying here."
You look up at her, trying to puzzle out if she's lying to you and Alexia takes the chance to very carefully pull you into a hug. You're tense and rigid for a moment before you're fully relaxed against her, bringing your own arms up for a hug of your own.
You pull away and Alexia lets you, even though she desperately wants to keep you with her. So, she settles on walking you to the door.
Jenni's there too, talking with your teacher.
"-Just out of hospital. She might be a little woozy today or tired. I'm just outside if she needs a break or something."
You slip into the studio and get lost in the crowd of other kids as Alexia takes a seat on the bench with Jenni and the other parents. It's a little awkward.
Jenni knows everyone, greeting people casually and answering their small talk while Alexia awkwardly sits there.
Usually, she uses the time you're in ballet to run a few errands before going into an extra training session. Usually, she'd already be in the car and gone, picking up the dry cleaning from the fancy place down the street or getting the groceries done even though she could get them delivered.
It's odd to be sitting here.
Sitting here with her ex, staring through the glass walls to watch your session.
It's clear to Alexia that some of these kids are just here to have fun. They're here because their parents signed them up for this. But not you.
Even now, at such a young age, Alexia can recognise her laser focus in you, from the way you very slightly change your positioning or how you're always staring at your teacher, not letting your eyes stray through the windows to where you know Alexia and Jenni are sitting.
Your only focus is on your ballet and Alexia can imagine a grown up version of you in her head, with a proper outfit and pointe shoes and hair in a bun you've done yourself. She can imagine you on a stage with a full orchestra accompanying your dancing.
Alexia blinks and that image of you is gone.
It's just the you now and the way a tiny sliver of your tongue sticks out as you shift your foot further outwards.
"She's so talented," One of the other mothers says to Jenni, who beams.
The praise goes straight to Jenni's chest like this woman has personally complimented her. Your talent is obvious even at this age and Jenni knows under the right guidance, you're going to be great.
Her heart swells with pride as she watches you.
Your teacher has to adjust everyone's positioning but not yours.
You're a little prodigy and Jenni's so proud of you.
You're still a little tired, still have a sore throat from the tube that had been stuck down it but you're powering through it. Jenni would have preferred you staying home with her but you had been adamant.
You've gotten that from Alexia.
Jenni's never seen that level of focus on anyone who wasn't a Putellas. She's even seen it on Alba on occasion. Putellas girls grab what they want and they don't let it go.
Jenni sneaks a glance at Alexia, whose eyes haven't strayed from your dancing.
She knows that if Alexia wants to keep you, if Alexia doesn't want to let Jenni raise you then she won't get you - even if she's the right choice. Even if Jenni puts everything into raising you, if Alexia wants to keep you then Jenni will never get you.
Even if Jenni begs and begs, Putellas girls don't let go of what they want.
If Alexia decides that she can give you a better life, if she clings and clings and clings then you'll never be in Jenni's arms again and she doesn't know if she can cope with that.
Her only hope is that Eli can talk sense into Alexia, that Eli can see that Jenni is the best choice for you, the best choice to support and shape you into who you're going to be as an adult.
They sit in silence for most of your session, only exchanging a few words before you're released to them.
You're panting from exertion and you look so drained. You raise your hands up when you get close to them and Alexia's the quickest one.
She picks you up and settles you on her hip with ease. It's been a long time since you've been so comfortable with that. You're not completely comfortable just yet but you relax more and more until you're like you used to be.
Jenni trails after the two of you.
"How was dance, Bambi?" She asks and you peak over Alexia's shoulder to beam at her.
"Good! Fun!"
"That's excellent!" Jenni says," Do your feet hurt?"
You give her a cheeky smile and nod. "Mama gives me foot massages when they hurt!" You say to Mami.
"That's-" Alexia gets cut off by a loud, familiar voice from across the street.
"No way!" The voice says," Is that my favourite ballerina? It looks like it is!"
"Mapi!" You kick a little bit for Alexia to put you down and she begins to lower you to the ground but Jenni plucks you straight from her.
Alexia's in a little bit of awe at the way Jenni so easily swaps your ballet pumps for your trainers with one hand. She does it so easily and so naturally that it leaves Alexia wondering if she'd practised this or if it came automatically.
Once your outside shoes are on, Jenni releases you.
Thankfully, Mapi (and Ingrid) have already crossed the street so you can get to them without getting hit by a car.
"Hi, Mapi!" You chirp as Mapi reaches around to untie your hair from its bun, leaving it to fall loose down your back.
"What?" Ingrid chuckles," No hi for me?"
You suddenly turn shy, rubbing the tip of your shoe in the ground as you refuse to make eye contact, cheeks going bright red. "Hi, Ingrid." You shuffle into her arms and Jenni laughs, patting Mapi on the back.
"Better watch out," Jenni says," Or Bambi might steal your girlfriend."
Mapi rolls her eyes. "Only if she's into women years older than her."
"Well, by the looks of her crush, she might."
Jenni's clearly teasing but it still sends a bolt of lightning down Alexia's spine. She can't imagine you finding a partner one day. She can't imagine what you would look for in a partner.
Someone your age, Alexia reckons. Maybe someone you met through ballet. Maybe someone that has no association with football. Probably someone from Barcelona.
She's not really sure she can imagine you with someone. She can imagine you on stage. She can imagine you dancing professionally. She can't imagine you dating anyone.
She can't imagine you dating someone and moving away. She can't imagine you moving away as an adult. She can't imagine you moving away now.
She knows that if she lets you go with Jenni then you're going to Mexico. She knows that you're leaving Spain.
Alexia also knows that she's a Putellas. She knows that a Putellas doesn't just roll over and take the punches. She knows that if she wants something (if she wants to keep you with her) then she'll have to hold it tightly and not let it go (let you go) no matter what someone else thinks or says.
You're a Putellas too.
You're not a Hermoso - at least not legally.
You have Alexia's hyper focus. You have Alexia's genes too.
That has to count for something.
You came from Alexia. You grew in Alexia's womb. Alexia endured hours of labour to have you.
That has to count for something, right?
Blood rushes through Alexia's ears as she looks down at you, at how shy you still look while you stare at Ingrid, the tips of your ears turning pink just like Alexia's do when she's feeling shy.
Jenni's time in Spain is running out every day but for everything of herself she can see in you, Alexia can still aspects of Jenni in you. From the way you giggle and the way you smile and the way you hug.
Everything that used to be Alexia, is slowly changing into Jenni and you seem none the wiser.
"Bambi," Alexia calls and you turn to look at her.
You seem a little confused at being spoken to so suddenly but you're still smiling. It doesn't dim in the slightest.
"We goin' home now, Mami?"
Jenni freezes, whatever she's been saying to Mapi stops in her throat. You haven't called Alexia's house 'home' since Jenni's been with you. You've only called Alba's place 'home'.
Jenni doesn't know what that means. She doesn't know if you mean Alexia's place or Alba's. She doesn't know if you know which one you mean either.
She hates that stupid smug look on Alexia's face.
A look that Alexia doesn't even know she's wearing. She beams from ear to ear at your words. She wants desperately to say yes, to bring you back into the little family that you're a firm part of, to bring you back home to your room full of trains.
But she keeps herself calm.
She knows that she can't just sweep you away like that.
She needs to remain calm.
"Not right now, Bambi," She says," Listen me and Jenni need to go and see your Abuela. Do you want to spend the rest of your day with Mapi and Ingrid?"
You look at Ingrid, cheeks still bright red as you nod. "Yes, please, Mami."
Jenni takes the reins after that, giving Mapi orders on how to look after you and how in an hour or so you have your midday nap and to make sure that you have somewhere soft and warm to rest your head. She lays off orders that even Alexia hasn't thought of like how you should have a glass of water with a hint of lemon because it always wakes you up after naptime and how they shouldn't touch you because you're a light sleeper and you really need the rest after your hospital stay.
You curl into Jenni's arms as she says goodbye to you. You go all limp and boneless and somewhere along the way, your little fist latches on the front of Alexia's shirt, pulling her into the hug too. Just like it was in the Before.
With Mapi rolling her eyes and Ingrid promising to take the best care of you, Alexia and Jenni are at Eli's house within the hour.
Alba is there too, an ever-present figure of disapproval as she leans against the doorframe. Everyone already knows Alba's vote on this matter.
Her position has never swayed and Alexia can't look her in the eyes.
Alba wants her sister out of your life. Permanently if she could help it but at least as your main caregiver if she couldn't get permanently.
She has never been swayed. She has never thought any different. She doesn't care if she has to fly to Mexico to see you. She doesn't care if you never step foot in Spain again.
Alba thinks that's a better alternative than having you with Alexia.
Jenni's position is clear too. She won't say it out loud but everyone knows her position. She wants you. She wants you like she needs air to breathe. She wants you with every cell in her body and she doesn't think Alexia and Olga's home is right for you. It's alright for you but it's not perfect and Jenni thinks she can make you the perfect home.
Alexia's vote is cast in her own favour too. She's acknowledged what she's done. She's fixing it. She's changing how she lives her life so it can be better suited to you and your schedule. She's proving to everyone that she can still be a mother to you. She's showing that she loves you just as much as she loves Jaume. She's making a family for herself, a family that you deserve to be a part of.
But everyone knows where the decision truly lies.
It lies with the woman sitting at the head of the table.
She is not a Putellas. She does not cling to what she wants and refuses to let it go.
Eli is a Segura. She looks at both sides. She weighs up have-beens and could-bes and makes her decisions on that. If she thinks something would do better out of her grip then she will let it go. She will let it thrive and grow away from her even if it means never seeing it again.
She looks at her daughter and then to the woman that could have been her daughter-in-law.
The debates had been going back and forth for hours now, words bouncing off the walls of her house as she sat there.
Alexia made her case.
Jennie made her case.
Alba threw in her own opinions.
Then, Eli spoke.
She spoke for a long while and everyone hung on her every word.
"I cannot force you to do what you do not want to, Ale," Eli says at the end," She is your daughter. You have all the rights to her. Her future is in your hands right now-"
"Mama!" Alba cuts in," You can't be serious?! We all know what Alexia will choose! You cannot let her do this!"
"I cannot force your sister to do anything," Eli says," She is an adult and she holds all of Bambi's rights. None of us can force her to do anything." Her eyes flick back to her eldest. "But think about this carefully, Alexia. Do not make this decision with your heart. Make it with your head. Do what is best for Bambi."
Eli's words come back to Alexia a few days later at the park.
You and Jenni have met her, Olga and Jaume there.
Jaume is now strong enough to hold his own head up and crawl around, exploring the world with his hands and mouth.
He sits on the grass with Olga settled on the picnic blanket. He's crawling around, playing on the slight incline and Olga lets him, keeping half an eye on him and the other on her book.
You and Jenni are in the playground, playing on the slide. You're getting stronger and stronger every day. Your throat and voice are no longer scratchy and you've been given the all-clear from the doctor.
You're holding the new train that Jenni got you to celebrate getting out of the hospital. The usual train store has closed down now but Jenni managed to find another one. It ended up just you and her. You weren't sure that you wanted Mami to come with you. You turn your head a little to look at her.
Alexia sits on a bench, equal distance away from both you and Jaume, able to swivel her head around to see both of you.
Jaume tries to stick a flower in his mouth that Olga promptly confiscates.
You erupt into a fit of giggles as Jenni tickles your tummy.
Jaume tugs his shoes off.
You duck under the climbing frame.
Jaume babbles and claps.
You shriek with laughter when Jenni catches up to you.
Then the bubble bursts and all of the convincing Alexia has done to herself bursts. Every time she tells herself that she can make this work. Every time she tells herself that the decision she has made is the right one.
It's all ruined now.
Jaume tumbles down the incline. It's not a far fall for an adult but it's enough to shock a scream and tears from him. Olga's by his side instantly.
You fall off the slide. You land as a little heap on the ground and it's not a far fall either but you still cry as Jenni picks you up.
Both of you are hysterical, sobbing your eyes out and looking close to a breakdown.
Alexia stands.
She looks between both situations and emotions she's never felt before surge through her system.
Jaume, her little football player.
You, her little ballerina.
Alexia must have glanced between you both countless time in the two seconds it takes her to react.
Her feet move on their own accord, carrying her towards one of her children.
The decision she previously made has changed. Alexia knows that nothing will be the same anymore.
The decision, this time, is permanent.
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breadbrobin · 5 months
luke castellan x reader — percy jackson and the olympians
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[child of apollo reader, should be gender neutral]
i tried to write a summary but it sucked so: reader is a child of apollo and luke is always hanging around the infirmary with a new injury. you hate it (do you really?)
(this got so out of hand but im so obsessed with luke castellan rn it’s not even funny. like. help.)
warning: like one or two swear words, mentions of injuries and illness, fluff i think
word count: 1.2k
you’d never been a fan of luke castellan. you knew it, he knew it—hell, everyone at camp knew it.
but a little unfriendliness never stopped him.
children of apollo were meant to be warm and kind all the time, but you’d rather die before being happy-go-lucky all the time like your siblings. you’d rather do your job: healing the campers who injured themselves throughout the days at camp. you’d also rather those campers not include luke castellan for once, but not all wishes can come true.
scarcely a day could pass by without luke coming into the infirmary, or coming up to you elsewhere in camp if you weren’t there, with a minor injury that he insisted needed healing immediately.
“i just don’t think i can continue kayaking with a sprained ankle, y/n.”
“what if it was your knees you skinned? wouldn’t you want to get them healed so you could get back to arts and crafts?”
“if my cut finger isn’t healed as soon as possible i’ll have to sit capture the flag out tomorrow! yes, i know it’s a paper cut. that’s not the point!”
he really was ridiculous.
either way, you had to heal him, technically. at your heart, you were a good person. on the surface, you wanted to punch him. give him something to really cry about.
“y/n, your boyfriend’s here again.” one of your sisters, cassidy, called out to you as you checked the stock of bandaids.
you rolled your eyes, not even bothering to correct her. “what this time?”
“i just have the worst headache, doc. it’s killing me.” luke said dramatically, holding his forehead. the small grin on his face didn’t support his statement at all.
you turned around, eyes wide and face serious, but trying not to smirk. “oh no, you might have meningitis! if it’s the worst headache of your life, we should get to you a hospital so they can do a spinal tap and run some tests.”
the grin on his face faltered as you pulled him to a seat. “uh—“
“lie down. don’t move. i’m going to get chiron.”
he gripped your arm. “no, wait, i think—“
“you’ll be fine?” you turned around with raised brows. “yeah, thought so. drink some water, castellan.”
“what? you won’t be able to do sword fighting practise with a headache? big deal.”
“you need to stop coming in here every time you get bored. we’re not an entertainment space.”
“but, i really do have a headache. like. a migraine.”
you stopped and turned back around, dropping the bandages you had been organising. “oh. shit, i’m sorry. hold on.”
cursing yourself internally, you rushed off to get nectar to hopefully help, along with some painkillers and a bottle of chilled water. when you came back, luke was lying on the bed, eyes closed.
“you okay, soldier?” you patted his shoulder gently.
he cracked one eye open and nodded. “kind of.”
you gently pulled him to sit up. “come on. gotta get some meds in you. eat any food today? drink enough water?”
he shook his head as he sipped the nectar, his eyes squinted. “got busy.”
you shot him a disapproving look and he smiled guiltily. “you need to eat or you’ll die. do you want to die?”
he looked up at you with furrowed brows. “you don’t have a very good bedside manner, you know?”
“then why do you keep coming back here?” you went back to organising bandages, busying your hands.
“i like my doctors prettier than they are kind, honestly.”
you froze your movements and looked over at him. luke was smiling slightly. your cheeks weren’t turning red, you told yourself. they weren’t allowed to. “whatever,” you finally said. “take your meds, drink all of that water—sip it, don’t chug—then get some sleep, alright?”
he nodded, taking a sip of the water. “yes, doc. got it.”
you nodded at him firmly and walked off once he’d taken the painkillers, hoping he couldn’t see right through you.
luke hadn’t been to the infirmary in a week, and you were genuinely starting to get concerned.
every free moment you got, you were staring at the door, or out the window, waiting for him to come in with some stupid injury and even more stupid excuse. but he didn’t.
after watching you pace for the seventh time in one morning, cassidy groaned. “just go find him.”
“i’m sure he’s fine.” you said, wringing your hands. “i mean, he’s probably just busy.”
“just go. you’re stressing me out. i can’t get anything done with you filling the room with your nervous energy. go find your boyfriend.”
“luke’s not my boyfriend.”
“i never said who it was.”
“well, it was pretty obvious—“
“just go!” she threw a bandage at your head, effectively forcing you out the door.
you didn’t even know where he was.
camp was huge, so it took you around twenty minutes to find him, he sun glaring into your eyes and likely burning your cheeks. regardless, you were on a mission. finally, you spotted him in the arena. of course.
you watched for a while until he noticed you, standing in the shade with your eyes squinted in the sun and your arms crossed over your chest. he grinned and jogged over.
“hey, doc. what brings you here?” he asked, sheathing his sword.
your eyes followed the precise movement. “why haven’t you been to the infirmary?”
he shrugged. “i haven’t been injured.”
“didn’t stop you before.”
there was a silence.
then he smiled again. “did you miss me?”
your cheeks burned. “no!” you cleared your through awkwardly. “i just… i get… bored. and you… keep the monotony away.”
“you missed me.”
“i did not miss you.”
he leaned closer, rocking back and forth on his feet. “you missed me.”
you glared up at him, but couldn’t fight the tiny smile that forced itself on your lips. you shook your head, pressing your lips together tightly. “nope. didn’t miss you.”
“well,” he shrugged. “guess i don’t need to tell you that i did actually just hurt my hand while training, huh?”
you frowned. “are you aware that consuming as much nectar and ambrosia as you seem to want to will cause you to burn to a crisp?”
“i don’t need godly food if i have you as my doctor.” he smiled cheekily, clenching his fist then wincing. “seriously, though. it hurts.”
“aw, poor baby.” you pouted, leaning forward and placing your hand on his and trying to feel if there was any injury present.
before you could do anything, his fingers had interlocked with yours and he was stepping closer to you.
you looked up at him, heart pounding and cheeks burning. “what are you—“
“i don’t know what we can do for a date around here, but i’d love to take you on one, doc.” he said, his voice uncharacteristically soft.
you froze, heart fluttering. butterflies danced in your stomach. you found yourself nodding before you could stop yourself, smiling. “okay. yeah. take me on a date, soldier.”
“yeah?” he smiled, squeezing your hand. “great! i’ve been trying to work up the guts to ask you for weeks now. also, can i kiss you?”
“i’ve been trying to pretend i didn’t want you to ask me for weeks.” you said, stepping slightly closer to him. “also… yes.”
his free hand cupped your cheek and his lips pressed to yours, soft and sweet.
you wondered why you ever said you didn’t like him.
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reminiscingtonight · 3 months
neighbor, drunk, puppy
Alexia Putellas
Just A Doorstep Away (Alexia Putellas x Reader)
[WOSO Masterlist]
Alexia wakes up to something wet. 
Cringing, she jerks back. Only to let out a groan at the nausea that sets in at the sudden motion. 
The blonde lifts two hands to rub at her face. 
God, she’s hungover. A little too hungover. Guess that’s what she gets for going out with the team after winning another trophy.
After her 5th shot things started to get a bit hazy. All Alexia remembered was Ingrid shoving both her and Mapi into a taxi at some point, the Norwegian mumbling something about babysitting children.
Before Alexia can continue to piece together how her night ended, another wet dollop lands roughly against the back of her arm.
Grunting, Alexia slides one of her hands away so she can open an eye.
What she sees has Alexia letting out a frightened yelp, ignoring her nausea to scoot backwards on the bed.
There’s a dog, a very big dog, staring at her with big doe eyes next to the side of her bed. 
Almost as if it’s just realized Alexia’s finally awake, the dog lets out a loud bark. It’s tongue hangs out afterwards, the dog looking happy to have some company.
Alexia can feel her heart beating at a thousand miles per hour. 
Unless she made a purchase or dropped by a shelter sometime between going to the bar and waking up, there is no reason there should be a dog staring back at her like she’s a plate of meat. 
Now, Alexia isn’t a dog hater. She had Nala for quite a long time, of course. But the fact lies therein that Nala was a small, lap dog. Her precious little ball of fur.
This dog? Well it’s at least five times larger than Nala was, definitely larger than any type of dog Alexia would ever be comfortable owning.
“Buen perrito,” she whispers nervously.
The dog simply cocks a head at her before letting out another happy bark.
What happens next Alexia can only describe it as a mini stare-off, the footballer not daring to move and her four-legged alarm clock seemingly more than happy to stare right back at her.
Eventually, when it seems clear that the pup wouldn’t get another reaction out of Alexia, it turns on its heels, slowly trotting out of the room.
Sighing out in relief, Alexia rolls back onto her back. 
With her head pounding like a jackhammer, Alexia decides she’ll just have to deal with her uninvited guest at a later date. Forget giant, unexplainable dogs, Alexia’s got to go find some pain medicine and--
It isn’t until Alexia’s properly taking in her surroundings that she realizes that she is not in her bedroom like she originally thought. 
“Oh no.”
When Alexia finally musters up the courage to leave the room she’s in, she’s met with the aroma of something stomach-grumbling inducing and a woman standing in front of the stove.
Without turning around, you hum out a greeting.
“Er… good morning?” Alexia hesitantly replies back.
When you finally turn around to greet her, Alexia can feel all of her breath leave her lungs. 
Alexia’s a pretty simple woman who has eyes. And what she sees has her wishing she could remember more about how her night ended.
You gesture towards the counter and Alexia sits without a second thought. Mere seconds later you slide a plate towards her, filled with eggs, bacon, and toast.
The dog from earlier comes back around, headbutting Alexia’s leg as if to ask for some food.
“No es tuyo,” you scold, shooing away your dog. “Sorry, Maria begs for food from everyone.”
Alexia’s mouth twitches without meaning to. Mapi’s going to throw a fit when Alexia tells her about this hot stranger with a dog that shares her name later.
Speaking of explaining this to her friends later…
Alexia nervously scratches at her neck. “Thank you for the hospitality and breakfast but… did we do something last night? I think I drank too much.”
You snort. “I think that would be an understatement.”
Alexia can’t stop her hackles from rising defensively. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
She shakes her head, ignoring the way her vision seems to shake at the motion. “Actually, sorry, do I even know you?”
“Nope. But I know you.” You seem to cringe the second the words come out of your mouth. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to make that sound so creepy. I’m 4B.”
When Alexia gives you a blank look you roll your eyes. 
“I live down the hall from you.”
This time Alexia frowns. Out of the scenarios she made up, neighbor was not one of them. “Not to be rude but why the hell did I wake up here if I live down the hall?”
You shrug, digging into your own plate of breakfast. Alexia pretends not to notice when you slip your dog a piece of bacon despite chastising her earlier. 
“Drunk you seemed to think that my place was yours. I could barely get you into the guest room, let alone drag you back home.”
Alexia flushes at your words. She drops her face into her hands in embarrassment. “Sorry.”
You laugh, a light sound that has Alexia’s heart skipping a beat. “It’s fine. I’ve been meaning to introduce myself to you for weeks. You just helped me get over my nervous phase. It’s hard to find someone scary when you’ve seen them trip over their own feet.”
Alexia lets out another groan of embarrassment, but this time there’s an amused smile on her lips.
You might be neighbors, but she can find herself getting used to this.
And the way you brush fingers on her way out the door an hour later tells her that you might want that too.
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charismaofobedience · 2 months
ranking the milgram characters by how they'd hold babies if their bouquets were actual babies
Solid and overall perfect stance. If we ignore the slightly bunched back, she's perfectly holding both the lower part of the baby and the upper part by giving legs and back/head support, protecting them and having a solid hold on the kid in a way there's no chance the baby would fall unless she's really distracted. Congrats mappi
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Thank god this young lady has no kids! Overall Yuno's hold is very solid. She isn't giving full protection on the upper part of the body but by her hold the baby would be fully resting upon her own body in a way they'd only fall if they make some parkour to roll out of her grasp and fall into his back. Contrary to mappi she's not shielding the baby so they'll probably see amazing things like jackalope and the walls of milgram and the other prisoners.
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This is the baby hold of a man who just saw their children being born and is now holding them for the first time. You can see he knows the basics like holding the legs and resting their body into your arms but there's way too little protection in their back when compared to yuno who can give the baby uppies so they don't fall. Shidous isn't as much of a "hold" as much as it is a "there's a baby resting in my arms" and that's okay!
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Not a parent hold as much as it is an uncle hold! They're not exactly holding the baby properly but they're probably keeping support to the kid by holding them by the legs and making them rest the upper body against his own which again quite dangerous but it's okay because this dude isn't the parent as much as he is those uncle's that would give insanely annoying toys as gifts for the children to annoy their parents
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he's literally just grasping the kid by their back as if they're a sack of oranges this is great. Either that or the kid is just hanging to him by grasping his shirt and fighting for it's life as he holds their back against him. Bad hold but not horrible I wouldn't trust him with a child but it's okay. Almost passable grade.
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This guy is holding this baby as if they're a potato sack. As if he'll just hit someone up with this baby. The baby is at least FULLY leaning into the shoulders as we can see so it means they won't immediately fall and someone can save them but the way he's grasping the baby's legs is worrisome. That's a potential trip to the hospital. Do not trust fuuta kajiyama with your babies he will turn them into gamers
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Why are you hiding the poor baby from its parents. this kid is probably keeling over to the front and will soon fall into his head but for now they're safe because they're at least leaning upwards. This is probably some workout because holding a baby like this would be painful as shit the shoulders would be sore. Bee/10
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We can excuse Haruka because if I was in his shoes I too would probably hold a kid by doing the i had to do it to em pose. Upside down. This kid will immediately fall into his head and get some good injuries the moment his hold on their legs slips and the baby falls. Haruka Sakurai can play with babies but both should be on the floor, do not let him pick them up.
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Like harukas but with one hand. Somehow more dangerous because as we can see this baby is actively attempting to walk away and is therefore not only more likely to slip because of that, but because Kotoko is holding them with one hand only. this baby will fall directly into their mouth and start crying for hours on end because kotoko couldn't even give the kid both of her hands to hold them.
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 2 months
hey ari, i’m truly having an awful night. there’s a free pass for anything that involves someone being protective against a shitty guardian/parental figure. i wish jason todd would’ve kicked my dads ass tonight.
Lee took to Alfred much more warmly, peppering him with little boy questions about dinosaurs and oddly enough... piccolos? Which made the butler wonder if there was not a single neurotypical person in the entire family.
Adorable. He was enchanted. All dimples and curls. He'd carried Alfred a mug of tea managing to only spill half of it on the floor for the boxer and the wolf hound. And to get under your feet nearly causing you to fall twice- managing to get exiled to play outside with his dog.
It was a lovely afternoon. Watching Jason be so... soft. So helplessly in love with his wife and his children. Excited to be a new father. He enjoyed doting on his wife and fussing over his kids. He was comfortable in the vintage kitchen and the narrow halls. He liked the routine. Coming home to something stable.
When you started stretching your back in your kitchen chair, Jason smiled a little, "C'mon, let's get you on the couch."
"I'm fine, I just needed to-"
"Let's please not have to take you back to the hospital," Jason coaxed, helping you to your feet. "I'll tell Lee he needs to run in sight of the bay window every so often."
You snort and let him help you, grateful that he's strong enough to catch you if you need him to. It's comforting. He's comforting. Between his bulk beside you and Boris behind you. By the time he has you on the sofa you already feel better. At least until your phone rang.
Jason frowned. He could tell from the look on your face who it was and he got Alfred seated listening with half an ear. Your biological father wanted money. Again. Either to have it put on his books or your sisters.
It hardly mattered. The divorce happened. Battle lines got drawn. You chose mom Mandy chose dad. Now you raised Mandy's kids and got "everything handed to you" as far as she could tell. Never mind trusts and adoptions. Or love. Or duty.
He gave Alfred a meaningful look and took a deep breath. Your biological dad and your sister were both banned. They both had no contact orders. And the second they upset you he'd be hanging up.
Your voice cracked. And tears fell.
And gently but firmly Jason plucked the phone from your hand, "If you're that fucking worried about Mandy's books use store brand instead of name brand for your meth and cut costs. Figure it out. Call here again and I'll report you to your PO." But before he could reply he hung up.
"Shh," he soothed, "don't cry baby girl."
"God I hate it."
"I know," he hummed, wrapping his arms around you. "But you're doing good. Just breathe." He broke off and wiped your face, kissing your forehead, "I can't get you a shot but I can get the baby a snack," he teased, "what do they want?"
"Milk chocolate sea salt caramel truffles," you tell him.
He grinned and kissed your nose before standing up, "Alfred, did you feel up to going to the store with me or do you want to stay and keep Y/N company?"
"Well obviously," Alfred said sipping a fresh cup of tea, "I'm going to stay here and be nosey."
"Ky it is," Jason said, "I'll take a kid and a grocery list... then maybe we won't come home with half the cereal aisle."
"We hope," you tell him smiling.
"Shh," Jason said. "Be nice to me and I'll buy more than one bag of truffles."
"You should probably do that anyway," Alfred observed. "For practical reasons."
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sempersirens · 8 months
my love, mine all mine
pairing: joel miller x f!reader
content/warnings: 18+ mdni. no outbreak!au. hurt/comfort. infertility. hospitals. alcohol.
author's note: hello my lovelies. i am so happy to be back posting - i missed you all a great deal. please forgive that this is a bit of a self-indulgent personal one, and i just want to take the time to say that womanhood is not intrinsically linked to the ability to have a child. we are so much more than that.
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You'd always hated hospitals. Hated waiting. Hated the sterility lingering in the air. Everything was so unsettlingly white. The fluorescent lighting should expose at least a speck of dust somewhere, on some forgotten surface. But somehow, it never did.
The names called forth never seemed to be yours. Joel would've been in agony if he were here. Confined to the little plastic chair, time rolling on, on, on with no end in sight. You were almost thankful he had to be on-site today, leaving you to fend off the passing of time alone.
But you'd grown tired of being strong.
Strong for yourself, strong for you both. You craved the warmth of his rough palm, desperate to intertwine your fingers in his and replace the fluorescence with the nothingness of your eyelids.
You wanted to take. Take, take, take. Take every ounce of strength he could give you. But he wasn't here, and that had to be okay because Joel was hurting too.
You'd been lucky enough to have never known grief. Never felt its empty sting in the middle of the day, in the queue for lunch or on the drive home from work. But can you grieve something your fingers never touched? Something that had only ever been a far-off thought, that had maybe never even existed inside of you.
Was it a reflection on you?
On your capability as a mother, a woman?
Had nature deemed you unworthy since birth?
Were the worms and the flies laughing at you each time you'd uttered the words when I have children one day?
After the seemingly psychological torture of waiting, the appointment was over in minutes. It's not the news we were hoping for. The doctor had said. If you and your partner need support going forward...
The brochures she had slid across the table fell to your feet as you mindlessly drove yourself home, relying solely on muscle memory to bring you to the embrace of your front door.
There were no tears left. Everything inside of you was empty; barren. You threw your keys into the dish and softly closed the door behind you. The stillness of the house was suffocating.
Your shoulders dropped and muscles relaxed at the sight of the photograph of you, Sarah, and Ellie hanging on the wall opposite the front door. Sarah had lovingly adorned the picture with the words Joel's girls glued on in cut-out letters from your old Vogue magazines.
You loved Sarah and Ellie as your own; it would've killed you should Joel think otherwise. They were as much your baby girls as they were his, despite having not been babies for the better part of five years.
But you saw the depravity in Joel's eyes each time he edged further inside of you. The need, the want, for a creation of your own. And there was something almost feral inside of you, too. A part of you that only Joel had managed to tease out and bring into the ugly light of day. You wanted to watch yourself swell and grow with the proof of his love. You craved the shrill of a new beginning illuminated under fluorescent lights that you would gratefully embrace if it meant you could fall in love at first sight with a life you had created with Joel.
Even though Joel could hardly bend down to tie his shoes without hissing through his teeth these days, you knew none of that would matter if it was a product of your adoration for one another he was one day scooping up in his arms.
Although the two of you had been trying your hand at a sober October, you haphazardly fished around the kitchen drawer for a corkscrew, plunging it into a cheap bottle of red.
As you took your first sip, the sound of a key turning in the door made your stomach flip.
"In here." You called, tapping your nails on the body of the glass.
He filled the doorframe effortlessly. After all this time, he still managed to give you butterflies, leaving you squirming against the counter like you hadn't been victim of those brown eyes for almost a decade.
"Take it we're not celebrating?" He said, nodding toward the glass in your hand.
"Define celebrating. At least I won't need a fucking IUD anymore." You tipped your glass in the air and took a gulp. "An inhospitable environment."
"What's that?" His eyebrows furrowed together as he made his way closer to you.
"That's what the leaflet the doctor gave me says. I've got all the right pieces, my body just won't fucking do the one thing it's meant to do."
"Don't say that, sweetheart. You know it ain't like that..."
"Well, what is it like, Joel? What's left of me to love? How can you look at me and be satisfied that I'm the one you love? Everything about me is so fucking difficult. I want to be perfect for you. I want to give you everything you deserve, and it kills me that I can't. Because you've given me more than I deserve."
And then all at once, the tears came. He caught you in his arms before you buckled under the weight of your pain, holding you upright as you soaked his work t-shirt with your sobs. He smelt of asphalt and fresh October air.
"That what you really think?" He asked, murmuring into your hair while his fingers traced circles on your back. "Think you're difficult to love? Loving you has been the easiest damn decision I ever made."
"Then why weren't you there today? I needed you."
Smoothing down your hair, he pulled himself back so that you were facing one another. His eyes were red and glassy.
"I'm a coward, sweetheart." You scrunched your face in response, watching as a sad smile spread across his face. "I ain't as strong as you are."
"What's that supposed to mean?" You couldn't help the bite in your tone.
"Was scared to hear the truth. Would've felt so final comin' from the doctor."
Blood rushed to your head.
"So what, because my womb's the issue you let me go alone? Is this my penance or something?" You scoffed, pushing him away from you.
Joel called your name as you stormed up the stairs, wiping away your tears with your sleeve.
"You have children, Joel. There will be biological remnants of you living on in this world after you're worm food. I love those girls, and in every possible way, they are mine as much as they are yours. But I'm never going to have what you do; the privilege of looking into someone's eyes and seeing everyone who came before me. So don't give me that self-pitying bullshit disguised as admiration for my bravery." You sniffed, wanting to sound stronger but crumbling with each word.
Turning to lock yourself in the bathroom, his large hand wrapped around your arm. An old man may he be, Joel always managed to chase you down in moments you wanted to be as far away from him as possible.
Any attempt to shrug him off was pointless, and the warmth of his skin that you had craved all day radiating through your sleeve could've melted you there and then. You knew you were both scared and showing it in stupid, different ways, but you were adamant on holding your own for just a while longer.
"We're gonna get through this, baby. I ain't got the answers right now, and you know I sure as hell don't know what to say at the best of times. All I know is that I love you, and I'm so sorry for letting my fear get the better of me."
Your head found refuge in the crook of his shoulder once more, and you let the warmth of his body engulf you.
Truly, there was nothing he could say. You weren't even sure what you needed him to say.
That night, you could feel the fear dancing with grief between your bodies as you held one another in the dark. Joel may have been a father before, but neither of you had experienced this. And you knew it would be okay.
As long as you could feel his arm draped across your chest in the darkness of the night, you knew it would be okay.
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revetahwsstuff · 6 months
Johnny Cage
With a (bottom) Male S/O who is basically similar to Nicole Watterson but reversed. Pt.2
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M/N watched as his 3 children kept chanting that weird name, now he wasn’t familiar with anyone with that kind of name unless they were talking about Kakashi Hatake which the name “Ninja mime” fits him.
To M/N, he looks like any old-rich- white-dude so why are his kids are so fond of him suddenly? “Woah there little children! Don’t make a scene out of me.” Johnny Cage said with a snarky grin making M/N stoic expression turn firm a little.
“Come on kids, let’s not disturb the gentlemen.” M/N voice had a bit of sweetness mix with irritation as he began to push the cart full of food but it seems like his children didn’t want to leave.
“Aww, but dad. Look this may sound surprising to you but could we at least hang in the store for a couple of hours?” C/N one said, “This is like the only one time we actually might be grateful towards you if you do.” C/N three said
“Couple of hours? No, we have to get home early, cook dinner, go to sleep and take you kids to school.” M/N rebuttal and his three children pouted before looking up at Johnny with adorable-dejected-looking-faces.
“Looks like we can’t know each other yet Ninja-Mime.” C/N two with sadness. Johnny looked down with a half-smile. Looking up at their father who was beginning to walk away. Johnny crouched at their height “How about I..go to your house?”
“You can do that?!” C/N one question with excitement and Johnny just gave them a playful wink.
“Children!!” M/N yelled, the 3 kids jumped at their fathers voice and scurried away from Johnny to their father who was already 6 feet away from them from the aisle.
Around 5, at home. Biyu was out of the house again to work dead-paying job meaning the children own the house now to do whatever they want.
“He should be here any minute now.”
“You sure? Someone like him has way too much on his hands” C/N two replied to C/N one. The two youngsters head downstairs and stood in front of the door, C/N one was tapping their shoes on the wooden floor impatiently before the doorbell was heard. The children immediately yanked the door open and had nervous smiles on their faces with Johnny cage looking down at them with wide eyes when seeing their nervous expression.
“You kids okay? I know I’m a celebrity and all but- you guys don’t seem like-“
“Oh no! We do want you here! Come! Come in.” C/N two nudged their small hand out for Johnny to come inside. The two looked up with creepy smiles but they were just shy and nervous since a big star came inside their little home. Johnny entered their small house, it was homey but very clustered as their were toys on the floor, and colored pencils laying around with papers drawn. A fish tank sitting on a dresser and kitchen just a few steps away.
The children began to pick up and tidy the living room up a little for their special guest and they did it pretty fast, C/N puts a towel where they accidentally spilled orange juice on the cushion and led Johnny where to sit which he oblige. “So this is where you guys sleep, not particularly my taste but for a normal family such as you guys.” Johnny looked around before he heard something moving and he adverted his eyes to see the three kids of M/N just staring at them. “Do you want anything sir? We got water, Thai tea or orange juice?”C/N one question with a nervous smile
“No need for the hospitality kids, just call me Johnny.” He interjected, “ok! Johnny?! How was your day?! What did you ate?!” M/N children energy were high! Johnny could understand where M/N stoic personality came from (If M/N came back and spot Johnny with his children it would drop his energy already.)
“I haven’t really ate anything today, but I did snuck out during a meeting for a movie just to see you kids.” Johnny replied, “awh, we were that important even we just met..well I know you..but you don’t know me-“ C/N one continued before C/N two smack them on the head for their sibling to not reveal the stalkings they did on Johnny’ daily life.
“So kids..do you guys have any games to play?” Johnny cage asked as he leaned back in the small couch, his legs had to be out stretched on the floor since he was tall.
“We can play (Your favorite game) on the PS5!” C/N one suggests and C/N two opens a cabinet under the TV to reveal the many games they had before picking the game C/N said they could play. The kids brought out their controllers and tossed one to Johnny who caught it in ease. The three began to play the game on the TV, making loud noises in the process making the toddler in the house awake
“CAN YOU GUYS BE QUIET?!” C/N three shouts from the nursery room, the older kids and Johnny quickly shut their mouth but later snickered in response. The three continued to play the PS5 until the clock strikes at 7pm. The sounds of keys rattling against the door heard before opening-
“What are you kids doing?!”
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imraespace · 4 months
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Around an hour later, you finally left the hospital, promising Tsumiki to visit her more often. You know that Megumi will be there ans you promised yourself not to get back into his life but sometimes you need to think of yourself.
Instead of heading straight back home, you took the opportunity to give yourself a tour around the park. You haven't been here in so long.
In your field of vision, everything had changed, you didn't even recognize your school, what makes the park any different?
As soon as your shoes hit the grass, your phone began to rang.
It was your aunt.
"Where are you? Did you run away.."
You smiled at her voice.
"Yeah I did. I'm at the park near the hospital."
You heard her laugh over the phone.
"Alright I'm heading there to get you."
And then the call ended.
But, a pair of eyes landed on you as you stood near the entrance of the park, holding your phone in hand.
Nobara turned over to Yuji as they both stared at each other.
"What is she doing here?" Yuji asked.
"Well for starters dumbass it's a public park!" Nobara half yell.
Megumi stared at his friends for a while then finally joined them.
"Are you both okay.." He mumbled, which scared the hell out of the duo.
"Of course! Why wouldn't we?" Yuji smiled at his friend.
Gojo, having no clue what is happening entered the conversation.
"Hey isn't that-"
"NO I mean no.. let's go on that morning run yeah?" Yuji suggested as he began running.
They all followed behind him, running away from you.
You on the other hand, was walking around the park, happily enjoying the view of other families enjoying each other company and pets running.
You had no clue that Megumi was here.
But then, a hand has suddenly wake you up from your daydream land.
You turned around and saw.. your friends?
"What are you guys doing here..?" You asked.
"Well for starters this is a public park." Maki answered back.
"And we barely had time to hang out this week so why not today?" Yuuta said.
"Don't ask how we find you here!" Inumaki said as he dragged you towards some ice cream stand.
How did they find you? Yuji and Nobara duh.
Maki and Yuuta thought it was dumb but they came anyways.
"What's your favorite flavor?" Inumaki asked.
"I don't really have one." You answered.
He stared at you... for a while then smiled.
"Okay I'm ordering cookie n cream for you!" He said as he walked up to the stall.
Stood between Yuuta and Maki, you began looking around for your aunt, to inform her that you're now with your friends.
"What are you looking for?" Yuuta asked.
"Aunt Shoko, I told her that I'm at the park because I was alone, but now I'm with you guys so.." You mumbled.
The mentioned of your aunt name made Maki look at you then at Yuuta.
Inumaki finally came back with the ice cream.
"Here!" He said, handing you your ice cream.
You took the ice cream, thanked him and began walking around.
"Where are you going?" Inumaki asked.
"She's just like a child.." He mumbled.
"You should be the last one talking about 'Just like a child'.." Maki said, earning a glare from Inumaki.
They all followed behind you as you walked around, ice cream in hand.
Then you finally spot your aunt! Talking to Gojo?
"He's here as well?" You asked yourself.
You walked up to the adults to greet your aunt.
While the trio behind was now sprinting towards you, Nobara and Yuji didn't realize that you were walking up towards them, and you didn't make them out.
"Aunt Shoko why didn't you inform me that you had arrived?" The sound of your voice took her out of her conversation with Gojo.
"Because this fool found me first and pulled me into a conversation." She said, pointing towards the man.
The man, on the other hand had a shocked look on his face.
"YUJI I WAS RIGHT. Y/N IS HERE!" Gojo alerted the children.
They all whipped their heads in his direction and finally saw you and the now panting trio behind you.
Megumi, of course wasn't happy but is he going to express his feelings when your aunt is here? No.. He just grumbled under his breath as everyone finally met up with you.
"DANG I didn't even make her out right Nobara??!" He laughed.
And Nobara laughed as well.
Megumi rubbed his forehead.
"Of course they knew." He mumbled.
TAGLIST: @deezy12299 @polarbvnny @bxrryvie @mentallyunstablemanlover @baku-boneless @evinvevin @zhochikennugget @hhoonsbaby @k1y0yo @frumira @nylories @jayathelostdragon @ashfrommyfire @br66klynbaby @luvkvni @we-loveebony @ire-exe @pompompuriina @vivi-loves-penguins @starszns @iluv-ace @fuyuzemi @samutoru @rzcnlb @r0ckst4rjk @nyxlai @widnejdjhshusja (OPEN)
(if not tagged, your profile didn't show up. sadly☹️)
note: I like cookies n cream. and also cotton candy ice cream.
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Birthday Kissies - James Wilson x peds!reader
description - a spanner is thrown into the works of the special birthday James has been planning for y/n for months. A spanner which happens to be a fever of 109.
word count - 1.9k
requested - yes
authors note - I'm literally living my dreams through these fanfictions! I know its not ambiguous but a lot of the little specifics I mention are stuff I'd love for someone to do on my birthday that I used so I could come up with a good visual. Please do let me know if I can make my writings more accessible to people in anyway!
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Wilson giddily skipped through the hospital. He’d been on the edge of his seat all day. Tomorrow was the most important day in his calendar. January 4th, his loves birthday.
The hospital was still adorned in Christmas decorations, but this didn’t faze him. In his mind, December 25th was inferior in comparison to the magnificence of her birthday. He remembered the first birthday they’d shared together which happened to be his.
She’d woken him up with homemade pancakes, but they weren’t as delicious as the many kisses shed pecked onto his face. He didn’t hear anything she’d said as he looked on at the beauty who was practically straddling him wearing a plastic tiara and placing a birthday crown on his own head. But that may have also been caused by the party horn she’d woken him up with. Despite her being a doctor, she hadn’t thought through the ramifications of a party horn placed directly against someone’s ear. She’d happily thrown at him all his presents which had been carefully wrapped and decorated with ribbons and bows. All the gifts had a specific theme of blue and white with ‘doctor’ inspired wrapping paper. It was clearly meant for a child but her giddy face when she proudly showed them off won him over. His favourite gift had been an original film poster of ‘Dead Poets Society’.
“I remember you saying how much that film meant to you. I also already bought a frame for it so we can hang it up in your office tomorrow. If you want to.” She exclaimed whilst bouncing on the bed.
“Birthdays are important.” She’d said as they lay intertwined with their matching crowns, scoffing down the pancakes. “On that day, I can show the most important people in my life how much I love them.” She grabbed his cheeks and squished them together.
“Did your birthdays look half as good as this when you were a kid.” She faltered.
“Not really. No one should ever feel like that on their special day, so I try to make sure no one ever does.”
He’d collected the last card from her patients. The first thing he’d thought of as a gift for her was to ask all the children under her care to make something for her special day. There were a lot of cards, all decorated with glitter and ribbons. He’d specifically told Sadie she could make y/n a birthday crown. Sadie had been here for three years on and off and had a special relationship with y/n. It was only fitting she should get the honour of making the crown. It seemed to Wilson that as soon as you mentioned the name y/n y/l/n, children, parents, and doctors would come flooding, offering their help in any capacity. Every patients room he had gone into he was given two things: a handmade card from the kids and a beautifully wrapped present from the parents. Wilson smiled at this; no other doctor was as loved as she was, not even himself.
He was making his way back to his office, his elaborate plan was coming together. He sat down at his desk and went over the checklist he’d made for her surprise. 5 bouquets of pink roses, 3 bouquets of yellow tulips, chocolates, and macaroons from a patisserie in Paris they had visited on their anniversary, and about 100 pink and white balloons he was going to fill their apartment with. He’d already gone out shopping early this morning to get the ingredients to make her favourite meal and dessert. The icing on the cake, as it were, was the three layered chocolate cake decorated in white chocolate frosting, adorned with chocolate dipped strawberries. He’d had it ordered especially months ago and it was arriving tomorrow morning. After making sure everything was ordered and in place he relaxed into his chair. Closing his laptop, he picked up the shopping bag at his feet. He pulled out the stuffed pink bear he’d made for her, adorned in its little doctors outfit. Looking at it now, he felt silly. Surely, she’d be wanting jewellery or something like that. He’d thought it was cute at the time but now he felt embarrassed at his choice of gift.
The door to his office was ripped open. This caused Wilson to scramble to hide the bear back in the bag. House limped in.
“Please tell me you have actually bought y/n/n a present. You are not going to ruin her special day.”
“No, I have not.”
“I will give you the money, will you please jus—”
“I think you have more important things to worry about. Room 203.”
The two stood on the precipice of the room and watched the sniffling, whimpering, and writhing frame of y/n. She sloshed about on the bed, kicking away her blankets like a petulant child.
“Ah the true test of true love, a bad case of the flu. Enjoy lover boy.” House patted Wilson on the back and made to leave.
“Wait, what are you doing?”
“Getting as far away as possible. She can insult me enough when she’s in perfect health, I don’t want to see how severe it gets with a temperature of 109.” House quickly sprinted down the corridor as fast as his cane could take him. Wilson rolled his eyes at his friends fear of his utter sweetheart. This wasn’t his first rodeo with a sick y/n. All she wanted was love and attention. He was always happy to help.
The patient noticed the tall frame of her boyfriend in the door. She turned over towards him, bunching up her blankets into her body.
“Jamsey. I’m sick.”
“I know, darling.” He made his way over, giggling at the innocent tone of her voice. She squished herself further into the bed to make room for him to join her. “But we’re gonna get you better okay.” He placed his arm around her, and she cuddled into his side.
“But what about my patients.”
“Hey, none of that now. My main priority is you.” He smiled softly at how her eyes couldn’t even stay open till the end of the sentence. Her body was fighting so hard to stay awake, but it needed to stop. Even without the flu she’d been overworking herself recently. Her body needed the rest.
“I’m just sad you’re going to be feeling like this on your birthday.” Her eyes still hadn’t opened but her body had involuntarily snuggled into his side more, making their embrace tighter.
“As long as you’re with me, it’ll be perfect.” She slurred as sleep overtook her. “You are going to stay right?” her last thought before she was dragged further into her snooze.
He planted a gentle kiss on the crown of her head. “I’m not going anywhere.”
*the next morning*
Wilson knocked on room 203. Y/n was now sat up and tucking into the tea and toast she’d been given for breakfast. Despite how much her eyes lit up when they landed on James, her face still looked sunken.
“Good morning baby, how are you feeling?”
“A bit better.” She’d softly uttered as he made his way over to her. She attempted to straighten out her messy hair and wipe away the sleep from her eyes. She fixed her gown, not wanting him to see her as any less than perfect. But the joke was on her as he already saw her as the most beautiful girl in the world.
“I felt so guilty in our bed, leaving you here alone.” He had begged her to let him stay the night with her, even setting up a faux bed in the form of four hospital chairs and a pillow. But she had ordered him to go home and sleep in a proper bed, threatening him with no sex for a month. It was bad enough he would have had a bad back from the chairs, but he had already worked a 10 hour shift that day, she knew he deserved a good night’s sleep.
“Well, you’re here now, and I’m so happy.” She softly kissed his cheek with her arms wrapped around his neck. He turned in her arms, aiming for her lips but she stopped him with her hand.
“Nooooo, I’m sick.” He shrugged away her hand and leant in.
“We’ll be sick together then.” Their lips locked. They each tried to suck out the others soul and their tongues clashed for dominance with y/n eventually relenting. The 12 hours between when James had left last night and now had been excruciating for the pair.
They eventually came apart for air. “I nearly forgot.”
He left her room and returned with a trolley filled with delicately wrapped pink gifts, each one adorned with a massive white ribbon. The trolley was also covered with pink and white balloons tied to each handle. She squealed at this display, practically jumping up and down on the bed, having to be calmed down by James who soothed her cheers with a kiss to the cheek.
“Happy birthday, baby.”
“This is amazing, James. Thank you!” she grabbed the sides of his face to bring him down into a passionate kiss, whilst continuing to utter how much she loves him.
He sat with her on her bed as she thumbed through all the cards from her patients. Each one received a sunny smile and some even elicited a few tears. She proudly wore the crown from Sadie which she compared to something off of a fashion show. All 29 of the gifts were eagerly ripped open. In between each one, she scolded him for buying her too much, but this juxtaposed how furiously she tore into each new gift. He had to remind her that a lot were from colleagues and parents, which warmed her heart.
They reached the end, and she was surrounded by wrapping paper and ribbon.
“There is one more.” He pulled out the bear, hidden at the bottom of the trolley. He began fidgeting with it in his lap, suddenly feeling small in the face of all the previous gifts. “It’s silly but I thought it was cute and I thought you might like it and--”
“YOU GOT ME A TEDDY BEAR!” she threw her arms around him at breakneck pace. When she pulled back, she carefully took the bear from his arms and squeezed it into her chest. She turned it around and giggled at the doctors outfit it was dressed in. “I love it so much! It’s just like the one on your shelf!”
He shuffled so he was sat behind her and took her into his arms. They both gazed down lovingly at the bear. “She’s gonna be our baby. I’ll be her mummy and you can be her daddy and she’s gonna come to work with mummy every day.” She clasped the bear against her chest once again. Wilson sighed at the mess around her hospital room. He began to collect a few fallen pieces of wrapping paper preparing to throw them away. His eyes glanced towards the closed door and saw a pink envelope partially stuck under the door. He picked it up and saw ‘Mrs Wilson’ scribbled across the front. He smiled knowing the one person who called y/n that.
“One more. From House.” He handed her over the envelope. She opened it up and audibly gasped.
“What is it?”
“HE GOT US A SKIING TRIP!” James’ ears were covered in seconds to prevent his ears from being permanently damaged, once again. As she went on and on about the trip which had all been paid for by House, he joined her on the bed and gradually encouraged her to lie down with him, knowing how much her body needed the rest. He gathered her up in his arms and let her tire herself out so she could then slump into his arms and drift off to sleep.
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ghulehunknown · 5 months
Mountain x AFAB Reader
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Summary: You and Mountain take a break from your duties to have a little fun in his room.
CW/Tags: sex toy use, tail fucking, masturbation, unprotected sex (P in V and anal), double penetration
Word Count: 2.4K
“You bought how many toys, Mounty?”
“Um, just a few.”
“It looks like a lot.”
“Yes, well - Santa came early.” You stared blankly at him as he shrugged. “I didn’t know what to get so I just got the ones that I dunno, looked the best and had good reviews?”
You rolled your eyes at him. “Well I guess you get to choose which one you want.”
“Ah, okay. Well this one here also goes up my ass. Which might be kinda nice. Um okay, these two vibrate, but one has a remote…” He flicked his eyes up to yours. “Uhh. And one of those extends down to my taint, I think? Oh, that’s the one Copia suggested. But it should feel nice for you too, you know, if we - yeah. This one is just a silicone dildo. Oh, and this one goes over my balls.”
“The vibrating ones sound nice,” you said, nodding.
“I can’t choose. What if I just…I dunno, use them all?”
“All of them?” you asked incredulously. “Think you can handle that?”
“I guess it’s time for me to be a ho ho ho,” he remarked with a small smile. You couldn’t help but laugh at his silly joke. He never failed to put a smile on your face. You supposed that was why he was your favorite.
You looked back on the events from the days prior that led you into his bedroom for this very exchange. You were making Secret Satan cards for the children’s hospital in the library, making out with each other in between cards, desperately trying not to make any noise while the other Siblings were working or studying - and failing, miserably. He caressed your body with his tail, completely taking you by surprise.
You had made a one-off comment, without even thinking. “Damn, you fuck with that thing too?”
“Yeah actually I do,” he replied, his face stoic but eyes twinkling.
“Hm, I’d like to see that,” you said - again, what were you thinking? This was insane. Plus, he was one of Cardinal Copia’s head ghouls…you really couldn’t afford to distract him. But the holidays were here, which meant the band was getting a lengthy and much needed break. So maybe this was your chance at giving into your desires.
You finished up the cards, stacking them neatly in a pile. You were supposed to be helping the Siblings decorate and Mountain was supposed to meet the other ghouls in the mess hall before Mass. But…you had more important matters to attend to. You had agreed, since this would be your first time with a ghoul and adding a tail in the mix, that he should try a new experience too.
You walked together down the hallway towards the Ghoul dormitories, arms linked as you people watched. There were multiple Siblings hanging up garlands and lights along the corridors and you even spotted Papa Terzo terrorizing some young Sisters of Sin.
“Jingle Balls, suck my balls, make my chimney rise. Oh what fun it is to cum on my amore’s thighs,” he sang, draping tinsel around one’s neck and dangling some mistletoe in another’s face.
“…and I heard Satan’s hells bells on the rooftop, I swear it, I did!” you heard Nihil say to Imperator who merely said “Of course, Papa,” as she led him down the hall towards the chapel.
Finally, you made your way past the hustle and bustle of the busy Ministry hallways to the Ghoul dorms. As one of the top Clergy member’s head ghouls, Mountain actually had his own room. But he shared a wall with Swiss and Dew on either side, who would tease him relentlessly if they heard any goings on in the night.
So you opted for the middle of the evening, when everyone was likely to be at Mass. And here you were, your very first dick appointment with a ghoul.
You both kneeled in front of each other in his bed, and leaned into kiss one another, his arms holding onto yours and his tail wrapping around your thigh.
Fuck, maybe being with a ghoul would be better…it was almost like being held by three hands.
The tail was surprisingly soft, not sharp at the end even though the arrowhead tip looked pointy. It approached you just as softly as Mountain wanted, and you knew he could be just as rough as he wanted to be too.
You ran your hands through his hair, his short dark locks tickling your fingertips. His kiss was passionate, deep. His lips were soft and inviting.
He gingerly moved his tail up your legs, in between them, and slowly slipped the tip between your labia. You inhaled sharply as the fleshy bit met your sensitive bud, pressing on it almost like a button.
“Fuck!” you exclaimed.
He paused, pulling his tail sway slightly. “You okay?” he said, holding your face in his hands.
“Yeah, I - yeah, no - god, it’s just so…fuck, it feels amazing. Please, do it again.”
“My pleasure.” He re-entered, maneuvering around your folds and finding your slick pooled near your entrance. He poked around, gathering your arousal and sliding it around, back up to your clit and focusing there. “You’re so wet already. Good girl,” he purred. His cock twitched against your leg, bobbing up and down as he slowly grinded against you.
“Should we put a cock ring on you?” you whispered breathlessly, smiling as you nodded towards the bedside table.
Carefully, you helped him put the vibrating ring on. He spread lube on it and his whole member while you warmed some up in your hands and spread it along his perineum.
“Mmm,” he moaned quietly at your touch, closing his eyes.
You clicked the toy to its lowest vibration setting.
“Oh, god! Shit, they weren’t kidding! Ahhh. This is, oh fuck, wow!” His hand flew to his cock, which was bobbing up and down involuntarily.
“And that’s just the first setting. I’m guessing the other toys are a no-go?” you asked, hovering over him still, straddling his thigh.
He let out a sound that didn’t sound too convincing. “Yeeeeah…? Um, this is fine. Actually -” He clicked the vibrator off and handed you the remote for it. “When it looks like I need it.”
“I’ll tease you with it,” you said, trailing your hand along his balls and up his shaft.
“You better not,” he said, biting at your nose and missing as you pulled your head back in time. “All right. First time getting tail fucked. Ready?”
You rolled your eyes and pretended to punch him in the chest. “Yes, I’m ready.” How much different could it be, really? “I’m more concerned for you. You’ve never used a cock ring before, let alone a vibe,” you said, widening your eyes.
“We’ll be okay,” he said. Something in the soothing way he spoke, ugh you could just melt into him.
He leaned back against the headboard, his arm bent behind his head to prop himself up. “Ahhh,” he uttered, hissing, guiding his hand over yours stroking his cock. “Sssoo good.”
He looked you in the eyes as he touched himself, bringing his tail in between your legs again, pushing past your folds this time and going straight for your wet core.
You leaned back, propping yourself up with your hands behind you, moaning as he entered you, tossing your head back as your neck went slack. You straddled his waist, almost like you were scissoring.
You watched his tail slide in and out of you repeatedly, moving in a wave-like pattern with a dexterity that a finger or a cock couldn’t provide.
Your body relaxed and you slid onto your back, staring at the ceiling. Finally, the tip of his tail found your g-spot, and as you shuddered against his legs and let out a guttural sound you didn’t even know you could make, he made an “ah-ha!” sound and you could feel him add more pressure to your spot. All the muscles in his tail flexed, going tap tap tap along your walls. You clenched around him.
“Fuck, you’re so responsive,” he said, letting out an amused chuckle. “You’re fun.”
You shook yourself out of a trance-like state, almost entirely forgetting he was there. You forgot he was watching you like you were his own little porno, touching himself to the vision of you before him.
You leaned against his leg, resting your head by his knee. You lazily tickled along his thighs, in between his legs, caressing him, and looking into his eyes as you kissed his inner thigh. You shifted more on your back, arching it, resting one leg on his shoulder so his tail could go deeper inside you. He held onto your ankle by his shoulder, kissing it.
His tail flicked in and out of you, making your eyes roll to the back of your head. He slipped out of you and up to your clit, massaging it with the tip.
“Oh fuck!” you exclaimed. He tapped it against you in rapid succession - taptaptaptaptaptap - fucking hell! It had to be the musician in him, the quick and agile reflexes. He rubbed the upper part of his tail against your length, before flicking the arrowhead against your clit repeatedly. “Mounty, I’m going to cum! Fuck!!”
He held onto your leg, caressing it, while stroking himself with his other hand. He picked one motion and stuck with it - a firm, but gentle massage on your clit with his tailtip.
Your whole body quivered, your orgasm spilling over. You moaned and clutched onto his leg, biting into his skin to muffle the utterly pathetic moans you know would be coming out of your mouth.
“Ow, shit!” he exclaimed but you could barely hear him.
You bucked your hips against his tail to ride out the last smaller waves of your climax, before settling down again. He retracted his tail from between your legs, and you were left staring at the ceiling for a moment before hearing your name being called over and over again.
“Mmm?” you muttered. “Oh, sorry for biting you.”
He laughed. “It’s okay. I’m just glad you were enjoying yourself.”
You nodded feebly, feeling a little pathetic, but utterly blissed out.
“Think you have one more round in you?”
“Mmm,” you mumbled, not even giving an answer.
He patted the mattress beside him. “C’mere.” He pulled you back up to your knees, which were trembling, between his legs. He held your chin in his hand and whispered, “You wanna know what it’s really like to get fucked?” You nodded in his palm. “Good girl.”
You straddled his waist, hovering over his still erect cock.
“Did you want to use protection?” he asked, leaning over to his drawer to reach inside for some condoms. You shook your head. “You sure?”
You nodded and said, “Yes. Please Mountain, please just fuck me.”
He handed you the ring vibrator remote, but spoke before fully relinquishing it to you. “You hold great power in your hands. Use it well.”
Fucking nerd. You laughed at his corny ass joke and nodded, saying, “Yes sir,” in a fake serious voice.
He leaned over for the lube bottle and spread some all over his hands, covering his tail with it then circling your asshole, getting it nice and wet. You draped your arms over his shoulders as he took your waist in his hands, guiding you over his cock, lining it up with your entrance, then sinking you down onto his lap.
Fuck, he felt so good. It was incredible. And very different from the tail. His cock was firmer, building a different kind of pressure but every bit as pleasurable. You both moaned as you sank slowly on him. You moved your hips up and down, already so tired from before, and starting to falter.
His tail wrapped around your ass before teasing and prodding around it, finally slipping in. The feeling, while out of this world, was incredibly overwhelming. You fell down on his cock with zero grace, shuddering and breathing loudly, moaning every few breaths.
“Mmm!” he groaned, grimacing. He said your name through gritted teeth.
“Oh fuck I’m sorry,” you said.
“It’s okay, it takes a lot more than your beautiful ass to hurt me,” he said with a smile, kissing your lips sweetly while giving your rear a smack. “Mm? Everything okay?”
“I can’t, Mounty, I’m sorry. I can’t do it.”
With zero hesitation, he removed his tail from your rear end and started to pull himself out of your entrance.
“No, no, fuck, please that feels so good. I just can’t, my legs are fucking jello. I need you to fuck me.”
“I can do that,” he said warmly. He picked you up, his strong hands grasping your waist as he slammed you up and down on his cock. He pummeled into you from below. “Just relax, I got this.”
“Ahhh, fuck!” you wailed, his tail entering your ass once more, this time without teasing the invitation but instead thrusting in with more force. You let your body slack against his, letting him do all the work.
“Remember your very important job?” he said, eyeing the remote that fell out of your hand.
You nodded, tears in your eyes from the intense sensations ripping through your body. You clicked the button, feeling the buzz of the ring on his cock rub against your clit everytime you fell back down on him. You bared down, grinding against the ring and rubbing yourself along his pubic bone. You clicked the next button, heightening the sensation for you both.
“Oh god - I’m not gonna last,” he grunted. “I’m going to cum. Is it okay if I finish inside you?”
You nodded. “Yes,” you said breathlessly.
“You sure? Last chance before I blow.”
“Stop being so polite and just fucking cum inside me!” you shouted.
“Christ, okay!” He groaned as he continued to fuck into you, jerking his hips forward as he shot warm semen inside you, spilling out. He stopped, still holding onto you, burying his face in your chest, breathing heavily. You sat on his cock, the buzz of the cock ring now sitting against your clit. From that and his tail still prodding away at your ass, you came again just a few seconds after him.
“See,” you began, breathing hard and climbing up to him. “When you asked if I wanted to know what it’s really like to get fucked, I swear I thought you were going to use your drumsticks.”
“The thought crossed my mind. So how was it? Any different? Just as good…better?”
“Yeah…like a really wiggly dick,” you answered truthfully.
He laughed boisterously at you. “I always appreciate your candor.”
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eirian · 3 months
so me and eden talked about it and ive decided to take a sort of internet break with her, just for a week or so. i hate hate hate being so dependent on the internet (particularly social media) for both entertainment and socialization and i feel like being online so much and relying on it for SO LONG (since i was maybe 11?) has really been detrimental to my mental health. and since ive made rent for this month i feel like now is a good time to just step away for a bit.
i still unfortunately rely on the internet for my livelihood--i HAVE to take commissions in order to make rent, provide food, etc, so i wont stop posting art or taking commissions! i'll just be less social i guess. i wont make any posts or reblog anything, i'll just be posting art and contacting ppl abt commissions.
i want to spend more time with my wife. i want to go outside more. i want to hang out with irl people more (i literally have no irl friends). i want to go to meetups. i want to disconnect from the internet so bad i HATE relying on it as much as i do. i mean this so unironically i want to touch grass again
im ngl. i also talked w eden about possibly starting up an irl small business for my art--something along the lines of basically being a caricature artist again, but this time self employed. i'd have my own brand and go to parties and draw people, and volunteer at the local children's hospital sometimes too and draw the hospitalized kids. im honestly just trying to think of ANY job that would help me ease up on being so reliant on social media for income, if possible, that would still be fun for me and not absolutely kill my mental health like my previous irl jobs did. dont get me wrong i love drawing yalls ocs! but i cant charge as much as i should be b/c i dont have enough of a following/demand, so i have to take a lot of commissions before im able to make a decent living. it sucks.
if i could charge more to where i only had to take maybe 3 commissions a month in order to make rent, thatd be ideal. id still love to do commissions for a living! i love drawing your blorbos and i honestly dislike the idea of going back to caricature art--its not my passion by a longshot and its very stressful to do live art so quickly. but im just trying to think of anything to help at this point u_u i cant get on ssi b/c then we wouldnt be able to use my bank account for income and we'd basically have No Money To Do Anything Freely Anymore. so i gotta just. stick with what im doing. IDEALLY id be able to take commissions and post art while not being necessarily Active on social media anymore, but idk how to make that work just yet or if thats even a thing i could do..
anyway. TL;DR im going to take a semi-break from social media/the internet for about a week, but i'll still post art + take commissions + accept messages from close friends on discord. i want to HEAL, man
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bonebabbles · 11 months
Jagged Peak sucks too
And I'll say it actually. Gray Wing's anger is completely fucking justified. This has nothing to do with Jagged Peak's disability, this is because he's completely irresponsible with the well being of children
This isn't the first time he lost track of the kittens when he was in charge of them, either. Last time this happened they had to mount a rescue mission.
We see Sparrow Fur get painted a lovely shade of red in her own blood because she ran off on her Father Quest, mauled by One Eye in her goal to reconnect to her mother's domestic abuser, while Gray Wing trusted his brother with ONE JOB to make sure they didn't do something ridiculous
Gray doesn't know that Sparrow looks like a Children's Hospital right now, but he does know she's missing. And he learns where she is from OWL EYES
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It gets worse. Gray Wing calls him over FURIOUS and Jagged Peak plays stupid
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Jagged Peak started to look uncomfortable :(((((((((( "im sowwy i thought it would be okey :( after all the wifebeater is HER FATHER, gray wing, guy who was mates with turtle tail and is the only paternal figure the kittens have ever known. i thought you wouldnt be a little bitch about it because she's big enough that a fox could eat her in two bites instead of one."
THESE KITTENS WERE BORN IN SUMMER. IT IS CURRENTLY AUTUMN. THEY ARE, AT MOST, 6 MONTHS OLD. That is assuming that they were born at the start of summer and this is the end of autumn.
Most likely scenario is that we are looking at 4-month-old kittens, and Jagged Peak said it was FINE for Sparrow Fur to run off on her own into the Oh So Dangerous Woods
How many stupid pills is a lethal dose?
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You do not, under ANY circumstances, "GOTTA ADMIT HE WAS RIGHT"
EVERY time I believe that this arc has scraped the BOTTOM of the barrel, I hear the sickening crackle of wood and peak over the rim to watch them scooping out splinters.
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"all three of them wanted to train with the man who got their mom killed, gray wing. so i let your 10 year old run off into the woods. 10 is old enough to make their own choices gray wing. come on man. c'maaaaan"
Then he starts gushing about how HE is going to be a dad, because that's just fucking GREAT, Jagged Peak. You've really proven how responsible you are and how much you can totally be trusted with children.
RE: This has NOTHING to do with Jagged Peak's disability. None of that is a factor into LETTING CHILDREN RUN OFF INTO THE WILDERNESS UNSUPERVISED
But then The News reaches the Moor cats. Sparrow Fur has been mauled and she is hanging on for dear life. What a turn of events!! No one could have seen this coming!!!!!! Gray Wing rips into Jagged Peak.
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All THREE of you suck. NONE of you are okay people. You are all BLIGHTS on my eyeballs and I wish all three of you fell into a meat grinder at the end of this series
Gray Wing downplaying Clear Sky's role in everyone's pain and torment. AGAIN
Clear Sky "ohhh I feel dreadful :(" good. die.
Jagged Peak: "im sorry b-b-b-b-b-BUT your daughter was INSISTENT, so, you have to forgive me for letting her run into the woods alone--"
Before you go ahead, go on back up. Read that again. Sparrow Fur was put in danger because of Jagged Peak's STUPID choice, and he can't even FULLY take responsibility for it. "I AM sorry, I should have checked with you................................ BUT."
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Always, ALWAYS in this series, a character who is angry is treated as JUST AS BAD as the person who hurt them and mustered up a shitty apology.
You expect me to take Gray Wing FINALLY expressing anger towards the shitty people in his life as a bad thing?? You think I'm supposed to see this as an expression of ableism???? TWICE now Jagged Peak has let children wander off, they have been KIDNAPPED in the past, and now Gray Wing is faced with losing ANOTHER family member. All because of Jagged Peak being an irresponsible manbaby who couldn't say no to an "insistent" child
His leg had NOTHING to do with this. Jagged Peak is the same reckless kid that charged out of the mountains and forced Gray Wing to follow him to prevent him from becoming eagle food, not thinking about anyone else besides himself, but this time he isn't a kid anymore. He's an expectant father.
Fuck, I'll bet you that it's why he let Sparrow Fur run off into the woods alone in the first place. "I did it and turned out fine!" When he's always had GRAY WING behind him to save his ass
Is this harsh? Yes.
Is it deserved? ALSO YES. Jagged Peak should take this shit to heart and THINK about what it means to be a parent before his children come into the world and have to deal with having HIM for a father
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I hate that the only time this arc ever lets Gray Wing fucking unload onto someone, it has to go and try to make it a big shameful thing that he's NOT being a total doormat. He's RIGHT.
Jagged Peak needs his wife to jump in and stand up for him because he can't face the fact that his stupid, careless decision put Sparrow Fur in danger and his brother, NOTORIOUSLY A PUSHOVER, is rightfully losing his shit with him
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Jagged Peak, I hope it felt just as good to smack your brother as it did to call Bumble a fat slob before you stood by and watched her get dragged back to her domestic abuser. The same one you let a kitten run to. I hope your paw falls off.
But before it does, I hope you learn to take responsibility for your actions. Loser ass.
And before someone tries to clown at me about "Oh but Gray Wing was legitimately ableist to Jagged Peak in the past so actually it's not okay that he's yelling at him even though he's totally right!" Do you mean the time he prevented him from running towards a forest fire, the same one that also permanently disabled and ends up killing Gray Wing himself via complications, that everyone could only barely escape from with a lot of jumping? Or do you mean when he told him to defend the camp instead of joining in on the First Battle Murder Party, when Clear Sky was indiscriminately slaughtering people?
Or do you mean when Clear Sky was insulting him in public by calling him useless and Gray Wing was out here trying to insist that he IS useful? Which is its OWN bucket of problematic worms, but no, NEVER in a way that was meant to insult Jagged Peak for his ability or lack thereof.
This is completely new. He has NEVER snapped at Jagged Peak like this.
In fact I even point out in the link above that Jagged Peak shouldn't have to "justify" his existence. His life has value (even though he treated Bumble like hers didn't). That doesn't mean he can't face criticism for what he just allowed to happen to Gray Wing's adopted child. That doesn't mean he'll make a good dad if he doesn't smarten up. That doesn't mean Gray Wing shouldn't be fucking pissed at him.
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Shove off, Holly. Shove off, get lost, play in traffic, suck an egg. You should take out your pain on the person who is responsible for sending a child to an unsafe camp with her mother's abuser where she got mauled, actually. That's completely fucking reasonable.
Disclaimer: This is not a Gray Wing defense post. All three brothers are terrible. Clear Sky remains the absolute worst. Jagged Peak is the "least" bad but he's still fucking awful.
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eliiasjames · 3 months
I heard the call Hind made asking for help before she was murdered
I saw Sidra's little body hanging from the wall, her legs blown off
I saw the picture Motaz never wanted to share, the lifeless child covered in rubble and blood, their scalp hanging off
I saw the uncensored video of the decomposing NICU babies left behind in the hospital when Israel refused to let them be taken somewhere safe
I heard the audio of Aaron Bushnell as he burned alive, screaming Free Palestine with his last words
I saw the video of the headless child
I saw the videos of mothers cradling their children, saying their last goodbyes
I saw the video of the father holding the remains of his children in grocery bags because it was all he could find of them
I saw the video of Reem, of her little lifeless body cradled in her grandfather's arms as he kissed her face, stroked her hair, the soul of his soul
I have seen it all. I don't look away. They can't, so I can't.
How much more do we have to see, how much more do THEY have to suffer, before anything is done? The US recently vetoed a ceasefire again, AGAIN, they sat down, they looked over the evidence, the carnage and the death toll and the trauma, and they VETOED a ceasefire
When will enough be enough?? Palestinians have been under attack for DECADES, they've never known peace, but it has progressed now to a genocide, a full-blown goal to completely wipe them out. Israel has backed them into a corner, they've chased them from their homes to Rafah, and are now demanding they either go into Egypt or be wiped out
When do our "leaders" decide that things have gone too far? When another innocent life is taken? When another couple hundred babies are blown to bits, when they're so unrecognizable that their own parents are having to identify them by their names written on their bodies? When parents don't even have full bodies to bury? When all they have is bits and pieces of their CHILDREN??
Because I saw it was too much on October 7th. When I saw those first videos, those first pictures, when the first dead child I've ever seen came up on my feed, so, so small, wrapped in white, cradled in the arms of a mother or a father who never should've had to say goodbye, that is when I saw it was too much, that it went too far, that enough was enough
And yet?
Our government is doing nothing. Our government is FUNDING the genocide of an entire population of innocent men, women, and children
We have people who are going to the extreme for the rights Palestinians should already have..Aaron Bushnell, the woman in Atlanta..they set themselves on fire, on FIRE, because we aren't being listened to. We have people setting themselves on fire in the hopes their voices will be heard and this fucking genocide will be over
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yourlocaltrashcan657 · 4 months
Mental Hospital AU! Yandere! Attack on Titan x Female Reader. Prologue.
“Cmon Y/N! We’re going to be late for our first day at this shitty job!” Ymir said fixing her uniform.
”Ymir! That’s 50 cents in the jar.” Krista exclaimed quickly turning back to fix her makeup.
”Fine.” Ymir said only to quickly shout. “Oi! Sasha stop eating all of the food!”
”Lets go now. I’m all ready.” Y/N said grabbing her bag and slipping on her shoes.
The four girls have been friends since they were young so it was no surprise when they all moved in together at an apartment and got the same job.
Whilst walking to your new workplace Krista talked about how we should be careful about this workplace due to the accidents and how we should carry around pepper spray just in case.
That soon led to Ymir laughing and saying how Sasha would just drink it all. The four of them giggled before finally reaching the workplace.
It had a faint smell of cherry which was different from the last time you came which was to give your resume and to do an interview in which you all succeeded.
Y/N led them to a room in which they signed in and got their land yards to open locked doors around the hospital.
“We have 10 minutes to spare.. let’s just stay here like everyone else.” Krista said as she sat down on a chair.
“Which ward did you guys get?” Ymir asked as she plopped down onto the couch in the lounge room. “I got ward 6 and it’s all the way on the other side of this crappy building!”
”I think there’s a reason you got an easy ward, Ymir..” Y/N said, earning a scoff from the freckled woman.
”Yeah Ward 6 is for slightly unstable people.. I got ward 4 and I think that’s for children who need help..” Krista said before sulking at the thought of children being in a mental hospital.
”I got Ward 3! I’ll be able to see Krista every now and then so it won’t be that bad.” Sasha said making Ymir groan in annoyance.
”I got Ward 1.” Y/N said bluntly making the whole room go quiet. “What?”
”Y/N, Ward 1 is where all the crazy shi- I mean uh stuff happens.” Ymir said. “Before we applied for this crazy job, so many doctors have died just by taking care of one patient in Ward 1”
”Ymir! Stop scaring us like that!” Krista said.
”It’s true! I’ve heard that one of the guys in there is so crazy that he just stares at you and you’ll want to die!” Sasha exclaimed scared.
”Sasha! S-stop it!” Krista exclaimed. “Y/N if you ever need to swap Wards I think you can ask the boss or some higher up.”
”I’ll be alright.. I think I got placed there due to my grades and experience.” Y/N explained with a smile.
”I heard only experts work in Ward 1 so good luck with those people.” Ymir said. 
“That must be the bell for us to start working.. see you later Y/N.” Sasha said before waving goodbye and walking off with Ymir and Krista who also did the same.
I made my go Ward 1 only to be greeted by a tall, blue eyed man and a and goggled, brunette woman.
”You must be Y/N?” The tall man asked reaching out to shake her hand. “We are in charge of Ward 1.”
”Yes. I’m working in Ward 1, it’s a pleasure to meet you” Y/N said shaking his hand.
”I’m Erwin Smith and this Hange Zoe. I’ll be accompanying you for today to see how it goes.” Erwin said smiling.
”If you ever need me I’ll be in my office, pretty gal.” Hange said before smirking and walking off.
”Let’s begin, shall we?” Erwin said.
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shelbgrey · 2 years
🎃💉Grey's Anatomy Halloween Special💉🎃
“This Is Halloween”
Paring: Derek Shepherd x reader, read x multiple characters
Summary: you and Derek go to a Halloween fest with your friends from the hospital. It's all fun and games till someone gets hurt.
Warnings: horror, some gore, not edited.
Greys MasterList.
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Halloween is upon us and the hospital loves to make sure we don't forget it. I'm definitely not complaining, I love everything gore and spooky. Dispite our busy schedules we like to at least take a minute to appreciate this time of the year.
If you work on the Peds floor like me and Alex you learn quickly that this floor loves Halloween. This gives the kids something to smile about and do during their stay.
Dispite his protest me and Arizona got Alex to dress up for the kids. Our trio Decided to dress up as super heros which the kids loved. Alex was carrying around a captain America shield and entertaining the kids while I was dressed up like Hawkeye and Arizona dressed up as a female Thor.
“what's up Cap?” I teased as Alex came over to the nurse's station with a scowl. “shut up”
Me and Arizona laughed as he sat his shield down only for a kid to snatch it and run off. Alex who was secretly enjoying it playfully yelled 'hey!' and ran after the giggling kid.
“I love Halloween” I smiled putting a sucker in my mouth. Arizona nodding agreaing as she grabbed a chart and walked off. I sighed happily and set down my fake bow and arrow. Before a could go anywhere a all too familiar voice spoke behind me.
“trick or treat” a small voice said. I smiled and saw Derek carring our son Who was Dressed up like Chucky. I smiled lovingly at my two boys as took out five year old out of his arms.
“what happened to the Harry Potter costume” I laughed remembering our son was indeed Harry Potter early this morning. Derek smiled like he didn't know what I was talking about.
“he said he wanted to be scary so while you were in surgery I took him to the Halloween store” I rolled my eyes and set him down so he could say hi to Arizona and Sofia.
Derek gave me a cheeky smiled as he placed his hands on my hips and pulled me closer to his body. “have I told you how much I love this costume on you?” he asked kissing my neck. I chuckled and pulled him away.
“children are present... Many of them” he slightly laughed and kissed me on the cheek. He leaned up against the nurse's station next to me and snatched a piece a candy from a bowl that was on the station.
“so I think Meredith and Ameila are planning something for tonight” Derek said breaking off a piece of his kit-Kat and hanging it to me.
“should we be worried?” he chuckled crumbling the wrapper and putting it in his pocket. “I know just as much as you do, I'm just the messenger”
“what about Dean?” I asked as our son ran up to us. “Bailey said she'd watch him”
“momma look” Dean said cutting our conversation short. Dean smiled and held up a little toy sugar skull that glew in the dark. As he played with it Derek came up behind him and fake jumped scared him. Dean giggled as Derek tickled him. Derek laughed to then looked back to To me.
“I'll take him to Bailey, say bye to mommy” Derek said. Dean waved his fake knife with a smile. “bye-bye mommy” I waved good bye then set off to fine our friends.
“Hell fest has finally arrived!” the report smiled on the TV.
I walked up to the nurse's Station Meredith, Amilea, Callie and Mark were at. “What are you guys watching?” I asked as Jackson and April joined our group.
“shh” mark said not taking his eyes off the TV.
The TV showed Seattle's annual Halloween fest. The place was called Hell fest and it was full of haunted houses and different actors who jump out and scare you.
“but unfortunately the haunted attraction has caused some controversy, with the realistic sets based on actual serial killers and true events. Is it distasteful or just plane Halloween fun?” the report continues.
The fest's advertisements was full of gore and slasher themed custumes. Amilea stared in amazement. “dudes we have to go”
Christina rolled her eyes. “it's just a bunch of cheep rides and haunted houses that aren't even scary. It's a waist of time”
“oh come on yang grow a pair” Mark said acusing her of just being scared. April who wasn't into it all shook her head terrified but she was ignored.
“those places are awesome actually” I added as Derek joined us. He kissed the side of my head and leaned against the nurse's station next to me.
“But the haunted attraction is based on actual events…isn’t that a little bit inconsiderate to the families of the victims?” April asked.
“What, you don't want to be chased around by Ted Bundy?” Mark joked as he fake stabbed Derek with a pen Derek chuckled and pushed him away from me and him as scrolled through my phone looking up the place. I smirked and tapped Merideth’s shoulder.
“Dude we have to go! This place is known to be haunted!” I said Meredith bugged her eyes out in surprise looking at the article. “Awsome”
“yes!” Amilea said looking over our shoulders. Derek just shook his head and smiled at the trio.
April sighed and garbed a chart. “I'm gonna check on my patient” I sighed and looked at April with a depressing look. “Fine we won't go”
Amilea made a fake evil laugh and followed April. “I guess I'll go with... So you don't get murdered by an escaped psyc patient” aprli slugged her in the shoulder as the two disappeared in the hallway.
I then looked at jackson. “And you guys can stay here all along… with the nerves parents and kids who ate too much candy” Jackson sighed and looked at the direction that April went.
Not a second later April’s screams erupted through the halls then a cash sound followed along with Amilea's cackles. The group looked over to where the sound came from with confused looks. April came racing in shaking while Owen followed, rubbing his head while Amilea was with him cackling.
“What happened to you?” I asked, chuckling.
Owen turned to April. “You hit me in the head with an empty bed pan” April whipped back around. “Well you snuck up on me in a dark closet, what do you expect?”
Amilea wrapped her arm on April's shoulder taking a breath from laughing. “Aw, come on Kepner, it's Halloween everyone's entitled to a good scare”
“So are we going or what?” Mark asked. “Going where?” Owen asked.
“Hell fest, you in?” I asked my best friend. Before Owen could answer Merdith butted in.
“We're going, we're just trying to get these two sissies to go,” Merdith said, pointing to Jackson and April. The couple quickly got defensive. “We never said that,” Jackson said, using his hands while talking, probably trying to get his point a crossed.
“Come on Avery it'll be fun” Amilea said. Jackson soon gave in with a smile. He nodded making everyone cheer.
“Hunt you in?” Mark asked. He smiled and nodded. “sounds like fun, sure”
“Callie?” I asked turning to here. She nodded with a big smile. “dude, I've been in for a while.”
After transportation planning and a few added ons(Alex and jo then Merdith convinced Hayes to come with us)we left for the Halloween fest.
“we made it!” Amilea cheered as the the both of raced in leaving the group behind.
“wait up guys! We still need tickets!” Derek shouted making us sighed and walk back.
The line was long but thankful we were towards the front. “lot of weirdos” Christina mumbled. A guy in a clown costume that was behind her in line tried to scare her. It didn't work and Christina made sure he knew.
“boo, so scary” she said sarcastically and moved over next to Merdith and Hayes.
We all finally got in with our VIP passes and the place was a sight to see to say the least. Before we set off Jackson came up next Mark with a creeped out expression.
“Avery we just got here, what's the problem?” Mark asked. He looked around a shivered.
“please say the ticket guy licked his lips at all of you and not just me?” April scrunched her noise up and Mark started laughing. Jackson never got his answer do to all of us setting off to explore the place.
I looked over to Derek who just took my hand. He looked around slightly board but still trying to look like he was having fun. “this really isn't your thing, is it?” I asked him.
He stopped and smiled. “it's your thing and I'm just happy to spend time with you” he was about to lean down and give me a kiss but a scar actor in clown costume scared us. I jumped into Derek arms and he laughed.
“okay, that was fun” he laughed. I giggled and pulled him along to catch up with the other.
“haunted house?” Callie asked. We all agreed making our way in. Merdith and Hayes went in first cleaning to each other. The first guy that popped out was mad doctor making Amilea jump into Owen's arms in fear.
She pushed him away like nothing happened. “and... That's just insulting” she said pointing at the doctor.
Strob lights and blood surrounded us as we walked into a canbilist farm themed room. The place was based off. The text chain saw mascara movies obviously.
“ew, that looks so real” April said looking at a dummy that was gutted to piece. I looked at it and decided to screw with April.
“that's probably pig intestines, it's what they used in Day of the dead” I said pointing at the dummy. Jackson wrapped his arm around April and looked at me disgust. “how do you know that?”
“same reason I know that I know they used corn syrup for pigs blood in Carrie” I shrugged and derek wrapped his arm around my waist.
Next we walked into a pitch black room. “okay... Something is gonna pop out” Jo mumbled clinging to Alex. “hello?” she yelled.
“they aren't gonna respond” Alex said as he looked around.
Strob light suddenly turned on and a Dr. Satan like man came charging at us with a doctors too from hell. Jo screamed and ran for it while Merdith laughed.
The final room was a back room full of maquines with wolf masks. “one of you are real” Mark mumbled. He successfully made it to the other side without getting scared which made April feel confident to walk through. As she went one of them moved and grabbed her scream bloody murder.
She ran out with Jackson and the rest of us chacing her.
“that was so badass!” Amilea cheered as we made it out to the end.
After that we hit the cheeply made games. Owen and I went up agint each other while Derek and Mark went to a Dart booth. Surprisingly I won and I wasn't gonna let Owen forget it. “yes! Suck on that!” he laughed and gave me the win.
“here you go” Derek said from behind me. I turned around to find my boyfriend Holding a little Teddy bear he won. I smiled and thanked him with a quick peck on the cheek.
Amilea, Christina, and Meredith then came back with giant preziles. “What did we miss?”
“y/n whipped Hunt in a Shooting game” Hayes laughed. “yes, that's my girl!” Amilea said high-fiving me.
“we should go to that IT experience thingy, I saw it when I was getting drinks” Callie said coming up next to me and handing me a drink.
Derek's eyes bugged out in fear from behind me. Amilea noticed and chuckled. No one knew of his fear so we all agreed while Derek reluctantly agreed.
“God, I hate clowns” Derek mumbled. I stopped and grabbed his hand. “We don't have to go in if you don't want to” he shook his head and pulled me along.
“no, you love this movie let's go” I rolled my eyes and tired to stop him but no dice.
We all went to the entrance which had the three doors from the movie. Scary, very scary, and not Scary at all
“not Scary at all right?” April asked walking towards it. I shrugged when she stopped and looked at me for confoation.
“I think we should divide and Concer” Mark said opening the door that said Scary. Callie, Joe, and Alex followed. April went through the not Scary at all door with Jackson and Owen. Hayes walked to the last door that said Very scary and opened it for Merdith. “ladies first” he said. Derek nodded and pushed his little sister forward.
“yup, ladies first” Amilea scoffed and pulled me along. “chickens”
Derek garbed my hand as we walked through a room full of glowing mirrors. It was the same set up from the second film. The light flashed on and off giving it an eary feeling.
As we walked by a Pennywise actor jumped out and pounded on the window. “holy shit!” Derek said grabbing on to me.
“Awsome” Amilea said as she watched Pennywise run around.
We rounded a corner and ended up in the clown room from the first movie. “oh you got be fucking kidding me” Derek mumbled as he watched every single clown making sure one of them wasn't gonna move. All the clown Dolls then started to shake and their eyes glew as we walked pasted.
The next hallway was built to look like a sewer. It lead us to the last room which was covered in blood like Beverly's bathroom. It didn't have any jump scares and it was thast Room.
As we exited we saw everyone was waiting. “that was kinda disappointing” Mark said as we continued to walk around. “yeah I expected a bit more fear” Callie said.
Are walk was cut short as a guy with a chainsaw started chacing another guy. The pray triped and few and the actor fell and the saw went right threw the arm of the fake victim. The guy screamed in pain but at first it looked like an act but april was the first to realize it wasn't.
“guys... That's real”
“oh... Crap” Christina said as Owen and Mark went to help the guy. Owen tried to stop the bleeding while Mark picked up the arm from the pavement.
“We're all doctor, we'll help” April said as she call 911. The dude screamed in pain while the guy who cut the arm off ran away.
The part of the park that we were at got shut down so the paramedics could get through. Mark and Owen who were covered in blood left with them.
“well that killed the mood” Merdith said as we continued to walk after everyone was evacuated from the crim scene. “not really” Amilea said.
“you guys wanna head to the hospital? See what happens to the guy?” Callie asked.
As we walked a guy that was clearly high cackled as he called out his friend's name. He bummed into Callie in the process which didn't set well for her. She chaced after him and I quickly followed making sure she wasn't gonna fight anyone.
Before call could say anything the guy held up a knife to his friend and smile. “hey dude I found one of those retractable knives” me and Callie gasped as the the dude stabed his friend in the head and the knife didn't retract. Whatever drugs these dudes were on must of numbed the pain because they were giggling like idiots.
“I'm beginning to believe this place is haunted” Callie said.
After bringing the two high friends with Cookies(no, I'm not joking) to the ER the dude with the knife in his head sat on a bed waiting for a head CT.
“we need to figure out of to get the scan without removing the Knife, that thing is probably keeping him from bleeding out” Derek told Amilea.
“I don't even think they know where they are” she said looking at the patient and his friend. Both clearly on something. “and while your at it get a drug test” Amilea said walking towards the CT room.
“hey how's the Leatherface victum?” I asked as Owen passed me. He signed and took his scrub cap off. “he ain't getting his arm back and that guy-”
Owen was cut off by one of the druggies that started shouting out to Derek and Amilea. “Dr. Shepherds! I don't know what the big deal is.. All you got do is pull it out” he yanked the knife out of his friend's head.
I bugged my eyes out as Amilea and derek raced to him as the guy passed out.
“happy freaking Halloween” Owen sighed as he left to check in the patient.
I sighed and left to scrub in with Derek and Amilea. After a ten hour surgery we got the bleeding to stop and the surgery was successful. The three of us walked into the scrub room to get cleaned up.
“well Halloween is officially over” Amilea said looking at her watch.
“November 1st, it's day of the dead” I smiled drying my hands off. Derek chuckled and gave me a side hug. “don't get any ideas”
I shrugged. “I was thinking we could just go home and cuddle but...”
Amilea smiled. “you guys are adorable... It makes me sick” Derek flipped her the bird while giving me a kiss.
“thanks for going tonight, I know it's not your thing” I said wrapping my arms around his neck. He smiled and placed his hands on my waist. “I hade a lot of fun tonight actually”
“good, I love you” I said.
“I love you too”
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wow-imaginethat · 2 years
HC: Dating Carlisle Cullen
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A/N: WOW I've been dead awhile LOL have another request! I'm sorry in advice, this ones a bit long and I kinda went a little haywire with it
Requested by Anonymous: "Carlisle cullen x reader dating headcanons"
Word Count: 1346
Alice was constantly hinting that you and Carlisle would soon fall in love
Carlisle would simply laugh, he couldn’t love you, that’s absurd
Unless it wasn’t
You, on the other hand, were unequivocally obsessed
You could barely keep your hands to yourself anytime you had to rush to the hospital because of a minor incident involving you and a pair of scissors, nothing too nasty but it seemed to happen more than enough
Hell even the front nurses knew you like the back of their hand
“What did you get into this time?” they would always ask, a slight blush falling on your cheeks everytime and you simply shrugging
Maybe you did this on purpose, so you could see him, you’d never admit to it though
And Carlisle would never admit that he liked seeing you stick around his office with a tight bandage wrapped around the tip of your finger, a small smile on your face and an almost awkward laugh glittering your features
He was hooked the moment you stepped into his office with a bouquet of flowers, the pretty blue wildflowers that seem to paint the dull horizon with serotonin
“Thank you,” you’d mumble, always afraid to look him into his eyes for too long, “I know I’m a klutz”
He never had anyone bring him flowers before, he was in shock to say the least
Carlisle kept them, hanging them upside down in his house causing them to practically mummify, their beauty now becoming immortal
He couldn’t ask you out, absolutely not
His children may be susceptible to bringing in humans and allowing them to stay, eventually turning them in the name of love but not him
He couldn’t see you go through that pain of losing the ones you loved, not ever, especially not for his own selfishness 
So, you did it yourself
Going to his office late one evening, with rain pouring heavy down the side of the building
You caught him off guard to say the least
“I think we should go on a date” you’d start, feigning confidence
Carlisle knew he didn’t have a heart beat but in that moment, his chest felt like a thousand horses were sprinting at their highest capacity with no sign of stopping
“I’m sorry, I don’t think I have the time” he’d reply with a sad smile
He wasn’t technically lying
“Then let’s go,” his rejection meaning nothing to you, you could easily see the temptation in his eyes
He wanted to go on a date with you, and that thrilled you to no ends
“Right now?”
“Right now”
You practically yanked him by his hand, pushing him out the hospital doors and outside in the cold rain
He, of course, felt no difference, other than his hair and clothing were now drenched
“Can I ask thee for a dance?” You’d ask in a faux british accent, a smile dancing across your lips with a hand outstretched in his direction
“You’re going to catch a cold” Carlisle would warn, but he enjoyed the interaction
He didn’t want it to end
“I’ve always wanted to dance in the rain. Just once?” you’d push, knowing he could never say no to anyone
Little did you know, he could say no, but just not to you
He’d sigh and wrap his hands around your waist, you grappling your arms together to meet at his neck
It felt like a dream, you and Carlisle, swaying in the rain, with nothing but the sound of the rain being your rhythm
He knew he couldn’t leave you now, you reeled him in and marked him as yours without even knowing
You did end up catching a cold
Carlisle tentatively agreed to go out on a real date with you several days later, after having turmoil after emotional turmoil
He took you to a fancy restaurant, just outside Forks
Your conversation was electrified, you felt as if you had known him your entire existence and you knew that you couldn’t lead a happy life without him by your side
You didn’t believe in soul mates, but in that moment, he gave some strong evidence
He hadn’t felt so at ease in centuries
He wanted nothing more than to bring you into his world and share the rest of eternity with him
But he couldn’t, he would not allow himself to
So, he kept you out of the loop
Yes, you two ended up dating and having many many more fancy dates at restaurants too uptight for either of your liking but something felt… off
He would call you every night as soon as you laid in bed to sleep and would rope you into a conversation lasting long past your threshold of ‘good amount of hours to not feel like shit in the morning’
He would come almost as soon as you knocked your foot too good on a sharp edge, or scraped your knuckle across a fairly new slab of concrete when trying to get yourself up from a small fall
Carlisle was perfect
He seemed to know your schedule like the back of his hand, without ever asking you for it
He seemed to know your schedule like the back of his hand, even when it changed
You couldn’t help the feeling of uneasiness that washed over you every time you thought about it too hard
So, you did the only logical thing you could think about doing: asking him
He seemed extremely tense when you began your interrogation, but you knew that was just a sign that he was soon to crack
And crack he did
Carlisle practically opened the floodgates of vampire history, leaving you in shock and anxiety as he unloaded every detail of his abilities
He figured you’d leave him after that, and he was prepared
But you didn’t
After the initial shock of the first conversation, your anxiousness soon became fascination
You would ask him anything and everything you could think of
“Can you smell colors?” “No”
“What about me? How far can you smell me?” “I don’t know”
“Do you like being a vampire?” “I don’t know how to answer that”
“Are you always hungry?” “Yes and no”
“Do you want to eat me?” “Right now? Yes”
You almost died in a fit of laughter at that one
Soon, you were practically the queen of vampiric knowledge but you were wanting more
You were wanting experience
Another hard conversation fell in between you two, leaving no space for anything other than the topic at hand
Carlisle would hastily argue, telling you that you would not like to live a life like him
But you did, more than that, you wanted to live a life with him
That one hit like a wall of bricks
He went to Alice’s aid after that conversation, begging her for reassurance that you would be happy if he turned you
She said she didn’t know, she couldn’t see you in her visions yet
But she did see that she saw him, with a constant smile on his face and eyes so bright that you would never suspect that he was anything other than alive
“I have a feeling you two are fated” she would say after every conversation, slowly chipping away at his defense every time
Then, he caved
For months this conversation felt at a standstill, with no end in sight
You had tried to forget about it, tried to move on and be happy with him as he is now, as you are now
“Okay,” he’d sigh “I’ll turn you”
It was hefty thrill when you heard those words
You immediately wrapped yourself around him and thanked him feverishly
You couldn’t contain your excitement, and he almost couldn’t either
He wanted to be selfish, just this once
After your turn, your relationship felt more alive than ever
You were experimenting with your newfound abilities by the side of the love of your life
You were endlessly happy, and so was he
Carlisle was just excited that you couldn’t accidentally hurt yourself anymore
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