#we drove a minute down the road and the world ended
orangedogsquad · 2 months
Help, kidnapping in progress!!
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trying-harder-then-u · 6 months
Johnny's Daddy
Johnny has been my friend since forever, and while we grew apart in High school, we would always make sure to comfort each other through all the tough times. He helped me with my breakup, and I helped him when he lost his job.
Johnny was always on the smaller side; Puberty Hit never really got to him, and while he never got the muscles he wanted, he eventually became quite happy with his body and my numerous numerous offers to wing man him and help him get a girl were always turned down.
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Earlier today, my phone pinged while I was at work. Johnny had messaged me:
"Hey man, could you come to my place after work?"
"Sure? What do you need?"
"I'll explain when you get here."
Me and Johnny had always been open and clear without ever really needing to talk outside of texts, so I thought this must be something big if he wanted to talk about it at his place, so after work finished up, I got in my car and drove to his apartment in the city. After a good 50 minutes of driving through the winding roads, I finally arrived.
As I opened the door, he came and hugged me. "How was the drive?" "Nothing special, just some traffic jams and that stuff," I responded. For the first few hours, we just hung out talking about life and playing games before I finally asked why he wanted me here: "Well, I wanted to tell you I was gay." he blushed as he said it, "Damn man, thanks for telling me; I'm glad you trusted me enough to tell me, do you want to go to a gay bar or  something?"He shook his head at my question: "You don't understand; I've been trying to get a boyfriend for awhile now, but it never works out, and I wanted to ask you if...." "I'm sorry, man," I interjected. "I love you like a brother, but I don't feel the same way about you." "Okay, sorry, I hope we can still be friends," Both of us laughed awkwardly at the incident, but decided to hang out some more. At about 6, we were both getting hungry, so he ordered a pizza, and he got up to grab us a drink. I heard what sounded like pills rattling in the kitchen before he returned with some beers, caps removed. "Thanks, man," I said as he handed me one. Taking a sip, I thought it tasted funny, but I just shrugged it off as the pizzas had just arrived and i was starving.
As we ate and played video games, it became latter and latter, and the beers piled up, each tasting stranger, then the last. At some point, my mind started to became fuzzy. "Ugh, I don't feel good," i said. "You don't look good either. Maybe you should just sleep here for the  night."Johnny commented, Too tired to argue, I ended up on his couch and fell asleep quickly as he went back to the room. "You'll be fine; I bet you feel like a new man tomorrow morning," he called as he closed the door.
That night, as I shuddered in my sleep, my body began to change, moving around as my stature grew, stretching from 5 feet 8 to 6,2. My flab melted away as my skin tightened around new abs that began to push out one by one, and calves became strengthened along with arm muscles. My round face gained structure as a square jaw and clear skin gave my face a new, more attractive look. But it wasn't just my body changing; my dreams began to shift; thoughts that I used to have about women became directed towards Johnny; as I dreamed of dominating and using him, the apartments that we each had eventually became one, just as my place had his boyfriend cemented, and soon I was picturing him submitting to me every night. As these dreams peaked, I felt my dick pulse, lines of cum shooting out as my rock-hard cock lengthened, growing longer and longer inside my underwear from it's normal 4 inches to a monstrous 9, and my boxers turning to briefs as they were soaked in my semen. The transformation was over, and my new place in the world was confirmed.
The next morning, Johnny smirked as he walked in to be greeted by me staring at him in nothing but my briefs. "I have a job for you, boy; I need some services," I commanded, His dick jumped up, and his body shuddered as he moved towards me. All memories of my past life disappeared as he wrapped his lips around my dick; all that mattered was teaching my boyfriend his place.
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brienneoftarth1989 · 3 months
I’ll love you in secret
Larissa Weems x fem reader
Summary: it’s been 5 years since you and Larissa broke up on good terms. You return to the school to find that she is now married and all you felt when you were near her was your heart breaking.
Warnings: hurt, angst, break up
Requests open
How has it already been 5 years since you left Nevermore and 5 years since your relationship ended with Larissa. That was the hardest decision you ever made but it was something that had to be done.
You were going to be travelling around the world for the next 5 years expanding on your studies and the both of you knew that it wasn’t fair to continue a relationship that would be long distant over the course of the 5 years.
So you decided that it would be better to end things and it gave you both freedom if you chose it. However the end of the relationship killed you and you knew deep down that you couldn’t even think about seeing anyone else.
So for the past 5 years you haven’t flirted or slept with anyone because deep down you knew your heart still belonged to Larissa. The two of you did decide that depending on each other's situation when you returned that you could maybe pick up with your relationship.
Part of you remained hopeful but part of you didn’t. It wouldn’t be fair for Larissa to wait for you but part of you hoped that she did.
You were currently on the plane back to Jericho and you couldn’t be more excited. You emailed the school a couple of weeks ago to expect your return. You were promised your job back as soon as you returned which was great as you could get straight back to working.
It also meant you got to see Larissa sooner as well. You were happily chilling on the plane when one of the air hostesses came round with your food. You had just ordered a cheese and ham croissant with a coke.
It wasn’t a lot but it was enough to fill you up. You happily ate your food while listening to Evermore which played through your headphones. When you had finished you opened the blind to your window and just watched as you passed through the clouds.
It was so peaceful but the only thing you could think about was your excitement to see Larissa. After a couple more hours you were finally on your descent down to the ground. It wasn’t long until you felt the wheels of the plane hit the tarmac and you found yourself getting off the plane.
You went straight to collect your luggage before heading through customs and security. Thankfully you got through both with no hassle at all. With yourself now sorted out you headed straight to the taxi rank to go and find an available taxi to take you to Jericho.
It took you about 10 minutes as everyone was doing the same thing as you before you eventually found a free taxi. “How much to Jericho?” You asked the driver.
“$60” they stated. It was a little overpriced but you were tired and just wanted to head home. “Alright I will take that. Let me just put the luggage in the trunk” you said as you placed everything in the back of the car.
With that all sorted you then got into the back seat of the car before the driver drove to the address that you gave him. Thankfully it was only about a 45 minute drive to your apartment in the middle of Jericho and you couldn’t wait to get home and jump into bed.
It wasn’t long before you started to recognise the roads leading into Jericho. You drove past Nevermore School and you couldn’t help but smile at the thought that Larissa was there. You sighed happily before the driver pulled up outside your apartment.
“Here we are Miss,” they said to you. “Thank you” you said to them as you paid them for the journey before grabbing your stuff out of the trunk of the car. You thanked the driver again before they drove off. You headed into your apartment and just couldn’t wait to relax.
You grabbed your keys before letting yourself in. Not much had changed at all and believe it or not you could still smell Larissa in your apartment. You turned the lights on before placing your bags on the floor.
You walked around your apartment familiarising yourself with your home. When you got to your bedroom you realised that Larissa still had some clothes in your wardrobe which she must have forgotten and that’s when you saw the photo on the bedside table.
It was a picture of you and Larissa kissing at the end of the Rave’N one year. You could remember that day like it was yesterday. You picked up the photo before just staring at it and smiling. You then looked at the wardrobe wondering what to do with Larissa’s clothes.
Would she want them back? You hoped that maybe she would want to be back in a relationship and that it would be worth keeping. However part of you also knew that was wishful thinking. So you did what felt right in the moment.
You took her clothes out of the wardrobe before folding them up and placing them in a bag which you would give to her next time you saw her. It hurt you because you still loved her but you didn’t know what her situation was just yet.
You would have to wait a couple weeks when you would see her again at Nevermore. With the clothes now folded away you decided that you would have a shower and head to bed and that was exactly what you did. You were shattered from your trip home and a good night's sleep in your own bed was what you needed.
Over the next couple of weeks you spent your time sorting out your apartment. You unpacked all your clothes from your trip and really sorted out your apartment trying to get rid of everything that reminded you of Larissa, as much as that broke your heart.
You didn’t bin it but you just couldn’t have it on display in your apartment. Once that was all sorted you started getting your lesson plans ready for the new term. Those couple of weeks went by really quickly and your excitement and nerves grew as the days got closer and closer.
Before you knew, it was the first day of term and you just couldn’t wait for the day to start. You got yourself out of bed before taking yourself to the bathroom to get ready for the day. You showered before doing your hair and getting yourself dressed.
You got yourself into a nice floral dress before putting on some clear tights and a nice jacket. You then grabbed your bags before heading to your car. You loaded everything into the back before getting in the car and heading to Nevermore.
You connected your phone and The Very First Night came on so you just jammed away as you continued on your short journey to school. When you arrived you parked your car in one of the staff parking spots before grabbing your belongings and heading inside.
You headed straight to your classroom. As you walked the halls you admired everything in the corridors. It really hadn’t changed at all. As you made your way through the school to your classroom you walked past Larissa’s office.
You stopped briefly to see that her name was still on the door meaning she still worked here. You thought about knocking to have a chat with her but you knew that it would maybe be too much for first thing in the morning. If the two of you were going to catch up then maybe it should be on Larissa’s terms.
With that decision made you continued to make your way to your classroom. When you arrived there were some differences however most of the things had stayed exactly the same.
You placed your stuff on your desk as you sorted out some stuff in the classroom. It wasn’t urgent but part of you just wanted to sort it out now otherwise it was going to bug you. Once that was all sorted all you had to do was wait for your classes to arrive which didn’t take long.
The day went by relatively quickly and part of you was hoping that you would bump into Larissa but that didn’t seem to happen. She was probably busy and that was understandable. Did she even know you were back though? She must know.
As the day went on though there still wasn’t much sign of her and you hadn’t even had an email from her yet. So when the school day finally ended you finished some paperwork before grabbing your stuff and heading off home. However when you passed Larissa’s office once again you stopped.
Before you knew what you were doing you were knocking on the door awaiting a response from the other side of the door. “Come in” you heard her British accent call from the other side. You opened the door and let yourself into the office.
“Ahh y/n! Long time no see. How has the last 5 years been and how has today been?” Larissa asked as she pointed to one of the chairs in front of her telling you to sit down. You placed yourself in one of the chairs as you put your stuff next to you.
“Today has been incredible. It feels so nice being back at Nevermore. I truly have missed this place. As for the last five years it has been amazing. I finally was able to expand on my education which I needed and the time out there was just so fun” she smiled as you looked at her.
It felt like nothing had changed between the two of you. “So is there anything new with your Larissa. I can see you are still principal of Nevermore” you asked her. “Well I did spend the first year and a bit just focusing on the school but I did meet someone” she smiled at you which made your heart sink.
“Ooo Yh. What is their name?” You asked, trying to seem interested. “Her name is Jenni, we actually got married a couple of months ago” she smiled at you as you tried to not let this uncomfortable feeling escape your body.
“Aww that’s so exciting. I’m so happy for your Larissa” you smiled at her. “And is there a lucky lady in your life y/n?” She smiled waiting for you to tell her your answer. “Umm no. I didn’t really have time to date while I was away as I was always travelling. But I’m sure I’ve got plenty of time now” you smiled as your heart broke even more.
Larissa could tell this was a bit of a sore subject considering your past together and that she is now married and you had clearly stayed single on the off chance. “Anyway I’m gonna head home. We need to have a proper catch up” you smiled trying your best to pretend like nothing was wrong.
“Yes we definitely do. Have a good evening y/n. See you tomorrow” she smiled as you stood up and left her office. As soon as the door closed you ran straight to your car as you tried your best not to cry. However as soon as you entered the car all you could feel was tears streaming down your face.
How could you have been so stupid to think after 5 years that she would have stayed single to be with you. It wasn’t fair to make her do that and it was delusional of yourself to think that she would. How were you going to get through work now knowing that things are probably going to be awkward?
So that evening you went home and ate crappy food while watching your favourite tv show. You had to get these emotions out now otherwise it was just going to eat you up inside. Over the next few weeks you had found things were getting a bit better with Larissa. You no longer felt like crying every time you saw her, which was a start.
However when you thought you were at a good point it all seemed to change again. You had decided to go to the Weathervane on a random Saturday morning to grab yourself a coffee and something to eat. You had always seen the cafe but had yet to venture there.
When you arrived you were in your own little world and headed straight to the counter to order your coffee and food. You decided on a caramel latte and a bacon sandwich with a danish pastry on the side. When your food and coffee was ready you grabbed your tray before turning around to find yourself a table.
That’s when your heart sank. There sat Larissa and who you assumed to be her wife by the way they were acting together. You couldn’t deal with this today so you quickly headed to the other side of the cafe to eat and drink in peace hoping that Larissa hadn’t seen you were here.
However as you were wrapping up on your meal you saw that Larissa and her wife were walking over to you. They were definitely walking to you as the exit was the complete opposite way. “Hey y/n” Larissa smiled at you.
“Oh hi Larissa. Wasn’t expecting to see you here. How are you” you smiled at her and then at her wife. “Oh yeah we come here most Saturdays. This is my wife Jenni” she smiled as she introduced her wife to you.
You smiled at Jenni while making a mental note not to come here on a Saturday. “It’s nice to meet you Jenni” you smiled trying not to let your emotions get the better of you. “How do you know Larissa?” She smiled at you. Clearly she was jealous. Did you tell her the truth or what she wanted to hear?
“Oh I work with Larissa. I’ve just come back from studying abroad for the last 5 years but me and Larissa were pretty close before I left” you smiled at her before looking at Larissa. Well it was the truth.
“Well enjoy the rest of your day y/n. I will see you Monday” Larissa said before turning around and leaving. Maybe that was the wrong thing to say. “It was nice meeting you! And see you Monday Larissa” you called back but you were greeted by silence.
After that day you found you and Larissa drifted more and more apart and you had a feeling Jenni was behind that but there wasn’t a lot you could do. The only thing you could do was love Larissa in secret.
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lucy90712 · 4 months
First kiss- Carlos Alcaraz
"Do you use tongue on a first kiss?" Asks the interviewer 
Most people would fully expect Carlos to say no including me but no his inability to lie kicked in again. He simply nodded his head and smiled while his cheeks went a bit pink but I think mine were worse I imagine I looked like a tomato. 
Carlos brought me to this interview as I had just made it out to Australia after missing the first few matches due to work and he wanted to spend time with me. I was expecting a normal interview with a few basic questions as I've been with him to plenty of interviews like that but this one was a little different from the start as it felt more like a little game show or quiz show thing. It was nice to have something a little different and I was enjoying it until that question and answer came up. All of the crew shot me a glance as when we arrived Carlos introduced me as his girlfriend now I'm really wishing he didn't. I know exactly what they were all thinking they were wondering if Carlos did that when we had our first kiss and that's what everyone is going to wonder when this interview comes out. 
The story of our first date and first kiss was bound to come out one day but I was hoping that would be further down the road and that people would think it's a cute story but now this interview will be in the back of everyone's mind. It is a cute story though. 
Most people never get to experience going on a first date with someone even remotely famous let alone a famous tennis player who is very much well known across the country and the world. Somehow I've found myself in that exact situation who knew looking like an idiot on a tennis court could end with a date with a professional player who somehow found your awful attempt at tennis endearing. 
I feel like I should be nervous but for some reason I'm not. I just don't have any expectations I never thought I'd be in this situation so if  things don't go well then my life hasn't really changed I've just been on another bad first date. It's only if things go well that things will change which is definitely a problem for future me which is why I'm not really that bothered right now. As much as I'm not nervous I do want to make a good impression as Carlos was really nice and he's incredibly attractive. In my mind to make a good impression and not just seem like any random girl I had to make sure I dressed up and made myself look nice. I did some stalking before today so I know that Carlos could probably have any girl he wanted definitely someone prettier than me so I want to look my best and hope my personality makes up for the rest. 
Carlos said he would pick me up from my apartment at 8 and exactly as the clock turned 8 I got a text and the buzzer to my apartment went off. I made my way downstairs at lightning speed not wanting to keep him waiting too long which was exhausting but as soon as I saw Carlos' face and his bright smile running down 5 flights of stairs felt worth it. He greeted me with a hug and we made our way out to his car where he opened the passenger side door for me before getting in himself. When we planned this date he simply asked me my favourite type of food and if I have any allergies and that was it so I assume we are going to a restaurant but other than that I don't have a clue what we are doing. He drove us out of the busy city centre and into a smaller more rural town which I had never been to before. We drove for a few more minutes before he pulled into a parking space outside this small, quaint looking restaurant. It wasn't somewhere that I'd have ever found myself but I'm excited to try it out. 
Being a wonderful gentleman Carlos opened my door for me and offered his hand to help me get out which I didn't need but I wasn't going to miss out on the chance to hold his hand. He kept hold of my hand as we walked into the restaurant and were shown to our table, he only let go to pull out my chair for me and take my jacket. He was being so lovely which I'm not going to say I didn't expect as I'm sure his parents raised him right but you never know how someone with such a big following is going to act I mean I've had a run in with a footballer who was the rudest person I've ever met. Carlos is different though he's been nothing but kind since we met and clearly he hasn't let his success get to his head. 
We both ordered our food and got to talking properly for the first time since our brief interaction when we met. I really thought we'd have nothing in common as our lives are nothing alike but we actually had so many common interests and our lives growing up weren't as dissimilar as I thought they would be. We ate our food which was so delicious but we both just wanted to keep talking. I've never wanted a first date to keep going as much as I do with this one I think I've finally found my person and when I least expect to as well. 
After dinner Carlos drove me home and this time he came up to my apartment with me as he wanted to make sure I got in safely. While he was there I gave him a quick tour of my apartment before the time came that we had to say goodbye to each other. As we were saying goodbye there so much built up tension we were both looking into each others eyes and then at one another's lips. Carlos took the initiative and leant in finally attaching our lips, the kiss was amazing feeling his lips against mine everything felt right in the world. He took me by surprise when he added his tongue to the kiss I wasn't complaining but I didn't expect him to be so forward on the first date or with our first kiss. When he pulled away he pecked my lips before saying goodbye with a smirk on his face and me with the biggest smile on mine. 
I was so distracted reliving my first date with Carlos that I had zoned out of the rest of the interview. I only came back into reality when I felt a kiss be pressed to my cheek by none other than the guy I was thinking about who has made the best boyfriend. He smiled at me and helped me up from the chair I was sat on before giving me a proper kiss which also garnered a look from everyone else in the room which made me blush.
“Are you ok?” Carlos asked 
“I’m fine just next time you do an interview maybe don’t tell everyone that you use tongue on the first kiss or at least not when I’m in the room it attracts attention” I said 
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to embarrass you” he apologised sincerely 
“Its ok I’ll forget about it in a few hours but don’t you dare go telling anyone about the first time we had sex or I will kill you” I smile walking off to the car ready to go back to the hotel
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silentglassbreak · 4 months
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Noah Sebastian x OFC
That last chapter was…oof. Tough to write for sure.
I’m so fucking sorry my loves, but this one’s not much better. We’ve gotta hit the hard parts eventually. Bear with me guys, just remember, I’m a sucker for a happy ending.
Warnings: Alcohol abuse, overall abuse, mild violence (ie. bar fights), smut, swearing, and altogether just a lot of fuckery.
+It goes without saying. This is a work of fiction. My words are mine. Plagiarism is a crime.
Taglist: @flowery-mess @lma1986
Part 9 - The Worst In Me
My body was jostling in the passenger’s seat of Laura’s Corolla. I was numb, my entire body like a block of ice. I stared out the windshield, not seeing anything. Not the road, the headlights, the sky. All I could see was rain. Rain pounding the windshield. Odd, I didn’t see storm clouds earlier?
Who cares?
Laura was silent, but tears were slowly slipping down her cheeks. She cried for me. For my torn dress strap. The bruises on my neck and chest. The bite mark on my shoulder that I didn’t even realize I had until she touched it. The slight tear in my panties.
Laura cried for me. I was done crying.
I wasn’t feeling anything. I wasn’t thinking.
I was simply breathing, my hands paperweights in my lap, waiting to be home.
Will, Laura’s husband, drove my truck behind us. I knew that, but I didn’t care. My phone was vibrating under my leg every few minutes, probably texts, I didn’t care.
We pulled into my driveway, but I didn’t move. Laura came around my side and opened the door.
“C’mon, love.” Her voice was cracked and broken. I couldn’t tell if it was rage or sorrow.
I averted my eyes to finally look at her properly, seeing the eyeliner trailing down her cheeks from her tears, her face red as a radish. In any other circumstance, it would almost be funny.
I stepped out of the vehicle, my legs sore from the struggle. Her husband, without a word, climbed into her car and drove away. I didn’t know what arrangement they made, but it wasn’t my concern.
“Angel, come!” She called for him as soon as the door opened. His nose buried in my side the moment he saw me. He was upset, whining and yipping, not understanding. Good. I’m glad dogs don’t understand. I’m glad he couldn’t understand what just happened to me.
“Where do you want to go, babe? Bed?”
I shook my head slowly. My voice came out in a croak. “Shower.”
She bit her lip. “Are you sure? We can go to the hospital. They might be able to-“
My head snapped to look at her, my expression sharp. “No.”
She stilled, her back straightening. “Okay.” It was soft, I almost couldn’t hear.
My feet began to move, but I didn’t feel the world around me. I could hear Laura’s footfall behind me, following me.
When we reached the bathroom, I avoided the mirror, turning with my back to it. She expertly walked behind me, unzipping the back of my useless dress, and pulled it down. She then scurried to the shower, turning it on and testing the water temperature. I slid my underwear off and unclipped my bra. There was an ache in my shoulder when I reached my arm back to unclasp the back, where his teeth had dug into my muscle.
I winced, but felt very little emotion toward it.
I stepped under the spray, Laura closing the curtain.
“I’m going to wait right here for you, okay?”
I sighed. “Actually, can you let Angel out, and check my phone? Just make sure nothing urgent came in, and shut it off.”
I heard her shuffle out of the bathroom, leaving me to close my eyes under the water, letting it wash the feel of his hands on my skin away.
“Babes?” Her voice came back in. “Noah’s called five times. Should I call him back?”
I shrugged. “I guess.”
“Do you…” She trailed off. “Do you want me to tell him?”
“I don’t fucking care.”
My response probably startled her, but somewhere I must still be angry with him. I didn’t even realize it before the words left my mouth.
She left again, and I closed my eyes. I needed to face this. I knew, from experience, that locking it away wasn’t going to help. It wouldn’t resolve it. I needed to confront the emotions now, or it would explode on me later.
I loosened my fists that had been hanging at my side, letting the ache throb into my hands, up my arms, and let the pain take over.
Like a semi-truck, I was hit with the physical repercussions of the day all at once. My neck ached so badly, feeling like it had been crushed and was fighting to hold my head up. My throat burned, a harsh dryness that I couldn't swallow past causing it to feel raw. My shoulder had a sharp, fiery pain that radiated out, down my arm and into my back. My legs were sore, feeling weak and shaky. My jaw felt strained and bruised.
Mostly, however, my head fucking hurt. I couldn't get past the throbbing behind my eyes, feeling like they could fall out while what was left of my brain melted straight out of the sockets.
My chest began heaving, my breathing now becoming uneven, and I could feel the panic rising like a thermometer threatening to crack. I reached my uninjured arm up to grip the wall of the shower, but as soon as my fingers touched the cold tile, like a bomb, the anxiety exploded inside me, causing me to let out a harsh screech.
My knees buckled, and I fell to the floor of the shower with a hard thump. I felt the water on my face, and I was suffocating. I couldn't breathe, my skin feeling too tight. Without thought, I began pawing and ripping at the skin on my legs, needing some kind of relief. My loud whimpering echoed off the walls of the shower, becoming more and more frantic as the seconds passed. I saw the red lines forming on my thighs where I was scratching at my flesh.
My logical mind knew I needed to stop, but I had no control anymore. The sheer terror had taken over.
"Oh my God, Noah I have to go! Just get here quickly, please!" I heard Laura's shoes tapping the floor, running toward the shower. "Leena!"
The shower curtain was ripped open, and the burst of cold air that hit me only caused me to panic further, making me back into the corner of the tub.
"Oh, no, no Leena! Babe, it's okay." Laura stepped into the tub, her hands grabbing at my wrists to make me stop clawing at myself. "Hey! Hey! It's okay! Leena, you're safe!"
"No! No! Don't touch me! Please, stop!" My vision was grey, not seeing anything around me anymore. The water had stopped running over me, and I was getting colder.
I thrashed back at her, her arms coming to circle around my shoulders. "Leena, honey, it's okay. I've got you."
I couldn't find the strength to fight against her, my body forcing me to give out as my vision started fading. I closed my eyes, the tears free flowing down onto my face.
"Please, please, please." I repeated over and over, not knowing what else to say. I just wanted this to be a nightmare. A horrible, awful fucking nightmare.
"Shh, I know. I know. I've got you Lee. You're safe."
I opened my eyes, the room silent, sunlight streaming through my curtains and illuminating the wall I stared at. I could feel a heavy presence behind me, and I craned my head over to see Laura sleeping next to me. Angel took up his usual spot on the bed.
I rolled back over, regretting ever moving, as that only brought the physical pain back. My neck felt broken, my windpipe flat. I knew it wasn't, but it may as well be. I had almost wished it was, so I wouldn't have to feel this.
I vaguely remembered Laura getting me out of the shower, dressing me, attempting to get me to eat the now stale PopTart sitting on my bedside table, successfully convincing me to drink water, and putting something on the television before it all went black. I must have fallen asleep, but I didn't remember. Sleep was easier. At least, there, it wasn't real. I let my eyes fall closed, deciding I would just let that be my reality for a while.
I woke up to hushed voices, one of them obviously Laura's, coming from the hallway. I didn't open my eyes right away, the headache slowly creeping back in.
"She's been asleep for about eighteen hours."
"Has she moved at all?"
Noah. He was here. He shouldn't be. He should be driving to Oregon right now. He plays a show in Portland tomorrow.
"Not since the shower. I can't get her to eat yet, but I'm assuming her throat is pretty fucked."
"What the fuck did he do to her?" Noah's voice was a little louder now, and I heard Laura shush him harshly.
"Noah..." I heard her sigh. "I need you to prepare yourself. It's bad."
Well, that was news to me. I hadn't bothered to look at my reflection since it happened. What I looked like was truly the least of my worries at the present moment.
I heard a hard sigh from Noah. "Okay." And then came the footsteps. I still had yet to open my eyes, now nearly too nervous to face him. Evidently I looked like shit, and that wasn't exactly how I wanted to see him after three weeks.
His footsteps stopped abruptly when he neared the bed, and I heard a sharp breath get sucked in. He must have saw me.
I felt a weight sink the edge of the bed near my legs, and a hand softly reach up to touch my arm. "Baby?"
"Be careful of her right shoulder." He couldn't see the bite mark under the long sleeves of my sweatshirt. Laura gave him fair warning.
"Leena? Babe?"
Slowly, I cracked my eyes open, and there he was. My guy. My Noah. All anger I felt toward him melted, everything was gone. I just felt an overwhelming sense of relief. His eyes were red, obviously tired and maybe even tear-stained. His hair was greasier than normal, he hadn't showered in at least a day. His t-shirt was wrinkled, he looked much less held together than I was used to. If I had to guess, he ran straight from wherever he was to the airport as soon as Laura told him what happened.
Sitting up slowly, I felt my lip begin to tremble, fresh, heavy tear drops welling in my eyes. "Noah?"
His gaze dropped to my neck, my jaw, and I could see how a look of panic flashed over his face.
"Oh, baby. Oh God." I saw the moisture fill his eyes and he pulled me into a tight hug, my body folding into him. I could feel him shaking, obviously crying. "Jesus Christ, I'm so fucking sorry. I'm so fucking sorry."
I sobbed, not holding back the tears. "Noah, oh my God, I missed you so much."
His chin rested on the top of my head, hand rubbing up and down my back as my fingers gripped his shirt so tight, I worried it may rip. "I'm here baby. I'm not going anywhere."
After about fifteen minutes of crying, and just holding each other, we finally broke apart. He had helped me out of bed and to the bathroom. I used the toilet and then stopped at the sink, meaning to wash my hands, but glancing at myself in the mirror. After I had been standing for a while, just taking in what I saw, I heard a soft tap on the door.
"Babe?" Noah peeked his head in, noticing I was just staring into the mirror. My eyes looked dead, a deep blue hue underneath. My jaw had a deep purple, shadowy bruise that extended from the left corner of my mouth to the edge of my jawbone. Where my sweater hung off my shoulder, I could see the edge of the blackened bite mark, the edged red and angry. My neck, however, was something else entirely.
Navy blue bruises lined either side of my throat in a clear, finger-like shape, the edges a sickening yellowish green color. The sides of my neck near my jawline were visibly swollen.
I couldn't believe it. That wasn't me. Not anymore. I wasn't this person anymore.
Noah's tall frame stood behind me, one hand hovering gently over my arm, silently asking permission to touch me. I leaned back, letting my body press against his. His arms came up to gently wrap me in a hug from behind, his face falling into the space between my neck and shoulder.
"Never again." His voice was a hard whisper. "He'll never touch you again, my love."
I just closed my eyes, trying not to feel the pounding in my skull. I sighed, grabbing his hands in mine, and interlocking our fingers.
"I should've listened to you." His eyes opened, and looked into mine via the reflection of the mirror.
"What do you mean?" He looked thoroughly confused.
"You told me I shouldn't have spent so much time with him." I inhaled a hard breath. My voice was still so fucked. "I shouldn't have. I knew he was a creep. I should've known."
He spun me around, catching my eyes in a hard stare. "Listen to me, okay?"
I just stared at him, eyes wide. "You will not blame yourself, whatsoever, for this. Is that clear?"
I shrugged. "Noah-"
He cut me off. "No. I don't care. You had no way to know the guy was a fucking rapist."
"He didn't rape me." I responded quickly, wanting to be abundantly clear.
"He would have." He shook his head. "If you hadn't gotten away, he would have."
I dropped my gaze to my feet then, humiliated. I felt his finger come up under my chin, lifting my face to look at him again.
"And fuck what I said before. I was being a jackass."
This made me smirk ever so slightly. "Fuck yeah, you were."
He gave me a playful grin. "You get to bust my chops for that whenever you want. Especially if it gets a smile out of you."
I leaned my forehead into his chest and groaned. "My head hurts so bad."
"Did you hit it?"
I sighed loudly. "I don't think so, but I also didn't know the asshole took a bite out of me, either."
I felt him twitch. He was so angry, and was holding it back so masterfully. More and more I was convincing myself that his God awful attitude the other night was truly a one-off. My Noah was here, not that douchebag he was being before.
"Are you sure you don't want to go to the hospital?"
"They'll make me file a report."
He pressed his lips to the top of my head. "Is that so bad?"
I wrapped my arms around him, squeezing him tightly. "I'll lose my job, Noah."
"And we'll sue the company to high Hell." He pulled me away to give me a hard look. "Leena, he doesn't get to get away with this."
Two days had passed, and Noah hadn't let me out of his line of sight once (aside from when he or I used the bathroom). He took me to his house, so he could grab clothes and a few things before coming back with me and setting up camp at my house. He said the guys had taken care of the shows in Vancouver, Seattle, Sacramento, and LA, leaving him five more days until their show in Las Vegas.
He had made a comment that I would be coming with him for the last few shows on the tour, but I hadn't figured out how to tell him that I didn't want to. I didn't want to be alone, but how do I face the guys after this? They had heard what happened to me, minus the more gruesome details, and the thought of their sad, sympathetic expressions made me nauseas. It was mortifying.
The bruise on my face had turned yellow, healing the best out of all of my injuries. The neck bruises were now a heinous greenish purple color, but my throat and voice had begun to recover, which was a plus. My shoulder was by far the worst, the contusions from his teeth rising off of the skin and giving a welt-like effect while the muscle was still a nasty black and blue hue. It still hurt like hell as well.
We were sitting on the couch, legs tangled together, eyes glued to the movie playing on the TV, the latest Scream movie holding our full attention. The bowl of popcorn was strategically placed between our sides, and we both picked at it without looking.
I heard my phone ringing on the counter, and I sighed, figuring it was likely Laura, checking on me again. I was appreciative, and would have no issues with her hovering so badly, but the movie was just getting good. Noah hit pause on the remote, and I stood up to grab the call before I missed it.
When I saw the number on my Caller ID, I raised a brow. It was a number I didn't recognize.
"Who is it?" I looked over at Noah, who was walking toward the hallway, likely to use the bathroom.
"Not sure."
I swiped the call open, holding the phone up to my ear. "Hello?"
The voice that came through made my blood run cold.
"Hello, Mileena?" The deep, yet upbeat, voice had me frozen in place. "It's Lex."
"Y-Yes...?" I stammered, trying not to let my emotions through my voice. "Can I help you?"
I brought my thumbnail into my mouth, chewing on it instinctively.
"We haven't heard from you," My breathing stopped. "since the party."
I stayed silent. He knew. His tone, his choice of words. He knew. He had to.
"I've been, uhm..." I struggled. What do I say?
"Yeah, uh," I turned my head, seeing Noah had not returned yet. "s-something like that."
"Well, as fate may have it, Sam has been out sick this week too." The mention of his name made my stomach twist painfully. I padded over to my dining room table, pulling out a chair and sitting down in haste, nearly falling off in the process.
"Has he?" I did my best to sound casual, but I knew I was failing.
"Now, I think you and I both know that he didn't happen to end up with a broken nose from any old illness." I broke his fucking nose? Good for me, honestly. "And I guess what I need to know is, do I need to be prepared?"
This confused me. "I'm sorry?"
"Will I be receiving any, let's just say, unfavorable news? From Sam? Or maybe the LAPD?" I couldn't respond. The wind had been knocked clean out of me. "Because I'll tell you, having the type of publicity that would cause is sure to be a tough look for Kline to manage, especially in the face of the merge."
Is he fucking serious. "You want me to keep quiet?"
"I want you to do what's best for you, for your wellbeing, and for your job." There it was. Right fucking there.
"And what about Sam's job? Hm? What kind of phone call will he be getting?"
"Ah, he's been spoken to." That was it. End of sentence.
"Spoken to?!" I stood up now, the chair falling behind me. I heard Noah's footsteps coming down the hall. "That's it?! That's all the bastard gets?! After what he fucking did!?"
"Mileena, you sound exhausted." I stood, mouth hanging open, breathing completely halted. "Take the rest of the week, and then give me a call. We can hash out when you can come back in, and how you'll be compensated for the inconvenience."
"Inconvenience?! That's what you're calling this?!"
"Have a good evening, Mileena."
And the line went dead. My phone fell out of my hand, landing hard on the table.
Noah was pacing back and forth on the porch, and I was leaned back in the chair, cigarette pinched between my fingers. Noah was surprisingly unfazed by my smoking, accepting one for himself and lighting it without hesitation.
Glad we got past that easily.
"Those fucking assholes! We're going to fucking report this. And sue those sons of bitches until we own the whole god damn company!"
I blew the smoke out of my lips, squinting at him. "We are?"
He looked at me in disbelief. "Of course! They don't get to just do this, Leena. They're covering it up by bribing you with money, they didn't even reprimand the fucker, and they're threatening you!"
I sighed heavily. "So I quit. Move on. Go on tour with you," I tapped the tip of my cigarette in the ashtray. "or become a vagrant. Whatever works."
My words were laxed, and I could tell that irritated him. I wasn't doing it intentionally.
"As much as I am on board with you coming on tour with me, and leaving that piece of shit company, that doesn't mean there shouldn't be consequences." He took a long pull from his cigarette before butting it out in the ashtray.
"Noah, can't we just put it behind us? Let's just go out on tour, enjoy the holidays, maybe go on a vacation. Remember? Like we talked about?" He stopped in front of me, clear frustration on his face.
"Why don't you want him to have consequences?"
I rolled my eyes at that. "Of course I want that, Noah. But I've been roughed up enough by a man to know that it never works out like that." He just raised his brows at me.
I sighed, putting my smoke out and leaning my head back on my chair. "I tried to get my ex put away for everything. A couple of times, actually." I winced at the memory. "I was the drunk girl, who was ten years younger than him, and didn't have witnesses."
I tossed my hands in the air. "I don't think I have to spell out for you how well that went for me."
He shook his head. "Babe, this is different. You've got bruises, ripped clothes, PTSD for fuck's sake!"
I shuddered. "Okay, and he could claim it wasn't him. Or that I asked for it. That I like it rough." I stood up in front of him. "Trust me, they'll say anything, and it'll still be more believable than my story."
The look on his face told me he believed I was absolutely insane.
"He's going to do it to someone else." I stopped then, my heart pounding in my chest. That was the fact I hadn't considered.
"Well," I began walking past him toward the house. "let's hope you're wrong."
Noah decided to brood for at least six hours after our talk before he finally softened enough to finish the movie, and fall asleep with me on the couch. I woke up to him lifting me, carrying me into bed and crawling in behind me. His arm draped over my waist, and I backed into him comfortably.
His arm tightened around me, and I began fading back into the deep, sleepy haze. Just before I was completely unconscious, I swore I heard him speak.
"I'll make sure he never hurts you again, Leena."
The following morning, I awoke to an empty bed, and a note on my bedside table.
'If you wake up before I get back, I had to run to an appointment. I'll be back before ya know it. Love you. -Noah S.'
I quirked a brow. He didn't mention a doctor's appointment, or anything to do with tour or the band? Maybe it was last minute?
I grabbed my phone, dialing his number.
He answered on the second ring. "Hey, baby."
"Hey, where did you go?"
He sighed. "I've just got to take care of some stuff today. Tour stuff."
"What do you mean?" I sat up in bed and stretched. "I thought you said Nick was handling everything?"
"He is. It's not something he can help with though." He chuckled on the other end, a dark sound. "There are some things I've got to do myself."
Something inside me was screaming that something was wrong. There was a light music playing in the background of his phone, and I couldn't place it.
"Where are you?"
"Why are you at Target?"
He laughed again. "Don't worry about it babe, just get some rest. I'll be back later this afternoon."
I checked the time on my watch. It was 11AM. What the hell was he doing?
"Noah, are you lying to me?" But the line had ended. He was gone.
I tried to call him back, but his phone went straight to voicemail. He had shut his phone off.
What the fuck was going on?
I had spent the next three hours trying to convince myself that he was fine, everything was okay, and I was overreacting. Once I had failed that argument, I jumped in my truck and drove to his house. Swiping myself in with the gate key he had given me months ago, I saw his truck was nowhere to be found. I did, however, come across Nick walking through the yard toward his own truck.
He caught sight of me and waved. There it was, that sad, sympathetic smile. "Hey Leena!"
He bound up to me and wrapped me in a warm hug. "Hey Nick. Is Noah here?"
His puzzled look answered me before he spoke. "No, I thought he was at your place?" He brushed a piece of long dark hair behind his ear, and crossed his arms over his chest.
"Mm, no. His phone's off. He told me he had some tour stuff to take care of? Said he was at Target? Sound familiar?"
Nick was staring at me like I had grown a second head. "No, I have no clue. We don't have anything going on until we have to head to Vegas day after tomorrow."
I shrugged. "I'm just grabbing something out of the truck, you want to come wait inside for him?"
I nodded, following him back into the house and taking a seat on the couch. I pulled out my phone and texted him again.
Me: Noah, I'm at your place. Where the hell are you? Nick doesn't know what 'tour stuff' you're referring to. Call me.
I sat there, chatting with Nick casually, trying like hell to calm my nerves.
"I feel really bad that you guys had to cancel those shows. I wish Noah would have just gone back. I would've been fine."
Nick only shook his head in response. "No way, dude. We'll reschedule them. Besides, it was better he was with you."
The look on his face was unreadable. "Well, it was nice to have him with me. It helped, a lot."
Nick looked down, something crossing his features that I was struggling to place. "Leena...look," He looked up to meet my eyes, looking...guilty, almost? "there's something you should know."
"Okay?" I returned his gaze, now overly curious.
"Noah's asked me not to say anything, but..." I could see him battling with himself, and I was getting impatient and increasingly anxious.
"Nick, no offense, but spit it out, dude."
He opened his mouth, but my phone started ringing, startling us both. I was disappointed to not hear it be Noah's ringtone, but I checked the screen, seeing yet another unsaved number.
I rolled my eyes. "Give me just a sec, okay?"
He nodded, standing from the couch, and walking toward the kitchen.
I swiped the call open. "Hello?"
"This a collect call from the Orange County Detention Center." All the air rushed out of my lungs as the robotic voice spoke. "You are receiving a call from," His voice came through, loud and clear. "Noah Sebastian." I nearly dropped my phone.
"Do you accept the charges?"
Nick's truck parked hastily in front of the building, and I tore out of the passenger door, nearly sprinting to the entrance. Nick kept up with me, holding the door open as we walked in. We passed the metal detectors and security, pacing to the front desk.
"We're here to see an," I paused, still unable to quite comprehend what was happening. "inmate?"
The officer behind the desk looked up at me, and huffed loudly. "Name?"
"Noah Sebastian." Nick spoke up from behind me.
The man typed something into his computer, and nodded. "He's in holding. He managed to see the judge before she left for the day, and she granted bail. Do you plan to post that?"
I was in shock, and Nick gently pushed next to me so he could address the officer. "How much is bail?"
"Five thousand." I stepped to the side while I watched Nick pull his wallet out.
"Can I pay with credit?"
"Mhm." He took Nick's card and began typing again. "He'll have a court date on October 23rd, 8AM. Papers will come in the mail."
He then looked up to the both of us. "If I were you, I'd tell him to get a decent lawyer."
Nick and I glanced back and forth, and he cleared his throat.
"Could you, uh," Nick was shifting uncomfortably. "can we know the charges?"
"Assault and battery." He said it so casually, as if he was telling us what day of the week it was. I deadpanned.
"Who did he assault?!" Nick's voice was at least four octaves higher, now.
"Can't release victim info, son. Come with him to court if you want to know more."
My mouth was hanging open, staring at the officer.
"Now, we'll just need some time to get him processed out. Might take a while. He's pretty far gone."
"Far gone? Did he get beaten badly? Does he need medical attention?"
The man was standing then, paper receipt being handed to Nick, but he looked right at me over his metal-rimmed glasses.
"Darlin, he did the beating. His hands are pretty roughed up, might need an X-ray, but I mean he's going to be hard to wake up. He's drunk as a damn skunk."
My heart sunk. This wasn't happening. This wasn't fucking happening.
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Falling In Love Forever
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Pairing || TFATWS!Bucky x Female!Reader
Summary || Bucky takes you on an magical getaway where he expresses his undying love for you like never before.
Word Count || 2K
Contents & Warnings || Fluff, Mild Smut — 18+ Only, Minors DNI, implied sex, tooth-rotting fluff.
Authors Note || This is for my lovely and bestest @jadedvibes Falling In Love writing challenge <3 I’m so in love and proud of this fic (but also a little nervous to share). Thank you Jade for hosting such a wonderful challenge!
Disclaimer || English is not my first language so I apologise for any mistakes or misunderstandings!
TFATWS!Bucky Masterlist
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“Please, babe, can't you just give a tiny little hint to where you're taking me?”
He averted his eyes from the dark and deserted road that you'd been driving on for the past hour or so and onto you for a few moments—a sweet and mischievous smile displayed on his face. You tried to give him your best and innocent puppy-dog eyes, hoping your soft expression would entice him to reveal some of the secrets about your getaway that he's been teasing you with all week, but he wouldn't budge.
“Hey,” he took your hand and laced his fingers with yours, laying a sweet kiss on the back of it, “you know I always want to tell you everything no matter what, but this is the one exception where I won't. I want this to be a surprise for you, doll.”
Although you wanted nothing more than to prod him with questions about where you were going, you didn't want him to get upset in any way due to your impatience and possibly spoil the surprise he's been so excited about. So you held your tongue, trusting that all your pondering would be worth it in the end.
“Ok, Bucky,” you gave him an accepting squeeze of your hand, “I trust you.”
The car went silent; only the soft melody of the radio filled the comfortable silence as you continued driving on, hands still interlocked together.
A couple more minutes passed before Bucky turned off from the main road and onto a dirt one that led far into the woods. You kept on going for a few more minutes until you started to see lights in the distance slowly approaching as you drove closer.
And there it was, the surprise—the most charming and cozy log cabin. The autumn trees surrounding it were decorated with twinkling lights, creating a sheltered bubble shielding you from the dark and thick forest around.
“Ok, here it is,” Bucky announced as he stopped the car.
“Oh, Bucky,” you muttered in a soft exhale. Your eyes sparkled just like the twinkling lights did as you looked upon the beautiful cabin where you would be spending your weekend alone—you and your most favourite and loved person in the whole world, Bucky.
You got out of the car, as did Bucky. And you stood outside in the chilling weather for a moment, taking it all in. You were in awe at the warmth and love that radiated from the cabin, letting it engulf you while your lover stood by your side and pulled you closer to his safe embrace.
“I hope I didn't exaggerate the surprise. I know it's not anything big and fancy, but I just wanted to take you somewhere cozy and secluded, all to myself.” You heard the smirk in his tone but also a hint of insecurity that you may not like where he's taken you, which you found quite offensive because you wanted nothing more than this right here.
“Babe, it's beautiful,” you leaned your head on his shoulder, “I don't want anything more than you. I don't care where we go. As long as I have you, it's absolutely perfect.”
He blushed a bright pink as he looked down at his shoes, kicking the dirt and feeling his heart warm up with pure love.
“Y-you want to go inside?”
“Yes! What are we waiting for? Let's go.”
Bucky took your bags from the car before unlocking the door to the cabin, letting you enter first. You were surprised to find the space lit and warm as you thought it would be freezing cold.
“The owners were here an hour ago to get the place heated up for us.”
“That was nice of them,” you mumbled as you started taking off your coat, but Bucky stopped you.
“Keep it on. There’s lots out the back to show and explore.”
“Alright then,” you smiled before bundling yourself up again.
“Have a look around. I'll just put our things upstairs.”
While Bucky went upstairs to put your bags away, you explored the downstairs. The kitchen was well equipt with a full fridge of groceries and snacks, a table to sit and eat at, a lounge area to chill and read, and the most impressive and crucial part of the cabin, the beautiful stone fireplace, with a snug little space of fluffy rugs and comfortable pillows in front of it.
You stood and admired it, already fantasising about all the uses you and Bucky would have for such an intimate area—relaxing, reading, napping, having sex. Lots of nasty sex and lovemaking.
A pair of strong arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you out of the daydream and making you tense up for a split second before relaxing and leaning into the familiar embrace of your boyfriend, laying your arms on top of his. His lips skimmed the sensitive skin of your neck, making you purr in approval of the delicate touch before he laid a sweet kiss behind your ear, making a wave of shivers flow down your spine and arms.
“What are you thinking about, doll?” He murmured—a smirk of knowing what was on your mind evident in his deep tone.
“Just thinking about everything we will do by the fireplace.”
“Mhm, like what?” He voiced in a teasing and sensual manner.
“I-I think it's best I just show you.”
“You can show me everything later, baby, but first,” he turned you around and took your hand in his. His smirk was replaced with an innocent and sweet smile, “I want to show you the outside first.”
You didn't know why he was so insistent on showing you the outside, but you let him lead the way out the back.
The backyard of the log cabin was as beautiful as the front but even more so. The same twinkling lights adorned the autumn trees and lit up their vibrant colours. The slow drops of the leaves every now and then created a picture-perfect scenery.
There was a giant hot tub to the side, a seating area to enjoy a wonderful breakfast or late dinner out in the beautiful nature, and a stone pathway that led to a sunken firepit where you and Bucky could snuggle up in the evening to tell stories and roast s'mores.
The pathway continued further out into the darkness. In the distance, you noticed a lake. The moonlight reflected onto the quiet water.
It was all so absolutely breathtaking. Now you understood why Bucky wanted to show you the back—all the possibilities for you and him to have the most magical and fun weekend together.
All of a sudden, the start of “Can't Help Falling In Love” by Elvis Presley started playing through speakers you weren't able to locate. Turning around to your boyfriend with a puzzled expression on your face, which softened up when you found him with an adorable grin on his, and his flesh hand stretched out, wanting you to take it.
“What's this, Bucky?”
“Can't I just dance with my wonderful girlfriend in this most magical setting?”
The scenery, the falling leaves, the music, your boyfriend requesting a dance? It was all so corny and cliche, but it was the most perfect it ever could be—everything you ever wanted.
Your face beamed brightly when you took his hand in yours. Unexpectedly, he spun you around, making you giggle in sweet approval before he pulled you flush into his warm embrace, holding you tight and snug into him while his forehead rested on yours, noses brushing one another.
As you swayed together, Bucky hummed along to the words of the love song. His piercing eyes gazed deep into yours: nothing but love and adoration swimming in those perfect blues of his.
Take my hand
Take my whole life, too
For I can't help
Falling In Love with you
You pressed your ear into his chest while he rested his head on yours. You felt so whole and adored as he sang these loving words to you. Even through Bucky's thick clothing, you could still hear his heart beating in a steady rhythm of love and life for you.
You stood for a while, swaying side to side, holding each other so close and basking in your safe bubble of warmth and love.
You started listening to the words and styles of the songs in the playlist Bucky had put on and noticed similarities between them—they were all about Falling In Love.
He hummed in response.
“Why are all the songs about falling in love? Are you not in love with me?”
“What?” He took your face in his hands, making you look at him. He bore a confused expression on his face, eyebrows furrowed at your ridiculous question.
“Of course, I'm in love with you, silly girl.”
“So what's with the songs? What's with the falling in love?”
It was probably a silly question to ask since you and Bucky had been together now for three years, and he had expressed his love for you countless times, but you were just so curious about the choice of songs.
He inhaled and exhaled deeply, caressing your cold cheeks while he looked deep in thought. Like he was collecting his words on what to say to you. You hugged him tighter while leaning your chin on his chest and displaying an encouraging smile on your face, wanting to hear his explanation to you.
“The way I think a lot of people perceive love is that you first fall in love with someone, and then over time, you are in love with them after you've gotten to know the person and created a bond. But with you, my doll, I fall in love every single day. Every single moment I just fall so madly and deeply in love with you. But I'm also so crazy in love with you. And I didn't think those two feelings and emotions could be experienced simultaneously. But I do; whenever I'm with you, I experience nothing but those feelings, baby. I'm going to fall in love with you forever but also be in love with you forever.”
You were nothing but speechless as tears polled in your eyes about his expression of love for you. You felt loved, cherished, important and protected by his declaration. And although you had your own words to express your love for him, you knew they could never compare to Buckys.
“I love you so, so much, Bucky. I know it's not near as magnificent as your words, but I just-”
He cut you off by kindly shushing you and leaning his forehead on yours as he held your cheeks. You placed your hands on top of his.
“All I ever need to hear from you are those three words and nothing else, doll.” He leaned in closer, lips brushing your own as you both held big smiles on your faces. “Please, say it again.”
“I love you, Bucky.”
“I love you too.”
He pressed his lips to yours—laying a long and sweet kiss on them, sealing his undying love for you.
Like this, you stood for a while—kissing, hugging and loving on each other before you both pulled away.
The big smiles you had held on your faces were replaced with playful smirks as the sweet love between one another blossomed into lustful love.
“Now, how about I take you inside and show you my need and love for you for hours on end that words can never express, babydoll?”
Bucky palmed your ass tightly while he tugged on his bottom lip. Those perfect blues of his dark with desire now—sex and lust all on his mind.
“Please do, baby, and don’t hold back one bit in loving and fucking all of me.”
“I will love and fuck you till the end of time, my doll; that’s a forever promise.”
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Thank you for reading 🖤 Feedback through a comment is highly appreciated! Or let me know through an anonymous ask if that feels more comfortable. As well as a reblog to share my work with other people!
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msmcnevertweet · 11 months
GHOULBOYS - Where ghosts are real, or not I guess.
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GHOULBOYS is a one-shot horror/comedy TTRPG for 3 players. It's about amateur paranormal investigators hunting for ghosts in supposedly haunted locales, interpreting evidence and bullshitting with their friends. I made this one! I love ghost things! Let's talk about them! But first...
Will we finally answer the question... are ghosts real?
Inspired by shows and games like Ghost Files, Buzzfeed Unsolved: Supernatural, Phasmophobia and Most Haunted, you'll play as one of three classes:
The BELIEVER, trying to uncover evidence that the paranormal is real, and detail the nature of the supposed haunting.
The SCEPTIC, who believes that everything has a reasonable explanation, and the idea of ghosts is kinda funny. 
The PRODUCER, who’s recording this whole thing, and looking out for what the other two might miss.
It's a GMless game where you and your two friends fuck around in abandoned buildings with spirit boxes, motion sensors, and turn the gain up on your microphone incredibly loudly to hear what might, maybe have someone saying half a word.
If that sounds cool, it's $5 until the end of the month!
My friends it is time to peer closely at a blurry photo
(Potential) Spoilers for: Ghostwatch and The Blair Witch Project.
Bro bro bro did you see that bro BRO
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When I was a teen posessed by the grim specter of an idea known as "Thinking I was a guy", I used to get very stoned and sit in cars with my friends and drive around at night. Being stoned with The Lads was a good way of pretending I wasn't possessed, I guess.
One time we drove to a supposedly haunted stretch of road; the story was that a woman who lived nearby had gone out onto the road late at night and been hit by a car and killed. If you drove along that road at the time of her death, you might see her, wearing the nightgown she died in.
After about an hour of driving up and down the road, we were about to give up. The driver swung into a driveway to turn the car around, and out of the pitch blackness, I saw it. White, twisted, grasping. It was just a flash, but I know what I saw. I screamed, my friends screamed, the tires of the car screamed as they span griplessly on the tarmac for that endless split second before it pulled away.
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Yes of course it was a fucking tree. But for at least 5 minutes, we all believed I'd seen her. As plain as day, a dead woman in a nightgown had grasped at me on the other side of the windscreen through the darkness. The real fear lasted seconds. The adrenaline lasted a few minutes. The laughs lasted for a while afterwards.
I don't believe in ghosts. But the idea of them has the power to make us conjure them. We stare at the fuzzy frozen frame of video and think we can see a form, a face. We listen to the overpowering static hum of a shotgun mic pointed into a hallway and swear we hear a voice. We peer into the darkness, and our brains connect the dots we've decided are there. We want to be scared, especially when we can laugh about it afterwards.
It's just the Pipes
If you know the Orson Welles' War of the Worlds radio broadcast, Ghostwatch pulls a similar trick. It's 1992, you've sat down to watch a live TV show doing a "scientific investigation" into a haunted suburban home with Big Name TV News Guy Michael Parkinson, Big Name TV "Robot Wars" Guy Craig Charles, and a bunch of other Big Name TV people I don't really know.
The house is supposedly possessed by a malevolent evil spirit who the homeowners kids call Pipes. They hear banging noises at night, their mom tells them "It's just the pipes." Watch along at home, phone in using the number on your screens with your ghost stories, and you know, just in case you maybe see anything on the footage that we might miss.
It's staged, of course, and staged incredibly. It's very fucking creepy. Kitchy, mundane 90's TV gives way slowly to creeping dread that never seems to stop creeping, eventually arriving at a terminus of full on Blair Witch surrealness. It drew so many complaints from people whose children were turned to traumatised wrecks that it was banned from being broadcast for 10 years.
Probably because the newscaster they saw on TV every day turned, in the course of about half an hour, from this
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To this
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There's not really many clips on youtube but trust me, it's good. It's slow. Give it a chance, you should watch it.
Josh? Is that you down there?
There's so many jokes about The Blair Witch Project, but that's not because it's bad. I mean, it IS kind of bad, and that's the point. Heather, Josh and Mike are just amateur film makers making a documentary on a shoestring budget, about the mystery of the Blair Witch, the details of which matter little to what happens next. The jokes are attempts by people trying to break the hold the film has on them. But it holds on tight.
It works so well because it's so sparse. The minimal, natural sets, the handheld footage, the we're-not-even-really-acting-I'm-actually-kinda-just-creeped-out performances. The characters talk like convincingly kinda shitty people, deal with getting lost like real people, argue like convincingly scared people. It explains nothing about the greater mystery, cares not for any attempt to make sense of what's going on, all it wants to do is slowly drag you to it's stark, screaming conclusion.
Like many successful horror films, it got a bunch of sequels which I've not seen, and don't care to. It doesn't need them.
Ok but what about real ghosts
There's something about a weird dollar store Trent Reznor and his bros crawling around a tourist spot that makes Ghost Adventures so fun to watch. Trant Reznot is out here shouting at ghosts with his whole chest like "I HEARD YOU DON'T LIKE BIG LIGHTS SHINING IN YOUR FACE HUH", and it's great. When the often questionable "activity" occurs, it's rarely actually spooky in any way, but the deadly serious way with which they describe the mote of light (read: dust particle) moving across the footage that it's endearing.
These shows (Most Haunted, 28 Days Haunted, et al) tend towards having a pseudo "intellectual" angle. Ghost Adventures doesn't care, it's listening to Tool in it's car outside the high school, passing you a joint and saying "Isn't it fucked up that people die, but like, aren't gone, man?" I can't tell if it doesn't take itself too seriously, or if it just doesn't really know how to be serious, but it's good.
Hey there demons, it's me... ya boi
I watched so much god damn Buzzfeed Unsolved through Covid. I watched it until the early hours of the morning, until I'd successfully creeped myself out to the point where I had to run from the living room to the bedroom in the dark to avoid the Texarkana Phantom Killer that my brain had successfully materialised just behind the back of my head.
Somehow Buzzfeed Unsolved Supernatural - it's sister show focused on.. well, supernatural stuff, and it's successor Ghost Files manages to be both scary, whilst also simultaneously very stupid and funny.
Both Shane and Ryan are always ready to be scared, but they're also both ready to laugh. They have a very endearing camaraderie too, like two kids in class trying to get the each other told off by the teacher, and despite the semi serious presentation, unlike Ghost Adventures they're not precious about trying to make sure you're scared. It invites you laugh and be afraid in equal measure, and it feels natural, especially in the early episodes. If Ryan is freaking out about the Waverly Hills Hospital body chute, it's because.. well.. watch the video? I would absolutely not go down there.
This tension between laughing and screaming drives the show. The balance between spooky-funny and spooky-scary is a delicate one. Ryan and Shane are great at knowing when to tip that balance, one way or the other.
It's easily the single biggest influence on Ghoulboys (I mean, of course it is?) because of this. When playing, you're always caught in this in-between moment that the Ghoulboys themselves do so well. Waiting for something to fall over, the spirit box to speak, the SLS scanner to show a fleeting figure. Whether it's scary or silly, your brain is waiting for it, ready to draw the shapes of ghosts we want to see.
Thank you for coming to my Ghost TED Talk
Man ghost stuff is so good, real or fake. I just wanted to make a funny game that occasionally made you raise your eyebrows and look at each other like "Oh, shit..." and had lots of stupid ghost hunting equipment, and I think it worked out. Thanks for reading.
Again, if you want to check out Ghoulboys, it's $5 until the end of the month. Take a look! There's a video of me and some friends playing it!
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lu-vin-it · 1 year
Destiny After The End of the World
── ⋅⋅⋅ ────꒰ ୨ ♡ ୧ ꒱───────
Part 2
Summary: When you meet your soulmate, you don’t expect it to be at the end of the world.
Pairings: Daryl Dixon X Reader
Pronouns used: None Mentioned
Word Count: 2,521
Warnings: None
Set In: Between S3 and S4.
A/N: Thank you to my bbg, @srystix for proofreading!
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When the dead started walking, you were on an annual camping trip with your dad. You didn’t hear about the infection until a week afterwards when you saw a walker feasting on a deer. You backed up quietly from it and ran to get your Father, who shot it a few times before hitting its head and it fell down. You guys decided at that point that you should probably go home to check on your Mom. You found her dead in the living room.
Your Dad was heartbroken. Him and your Mother were soulmates and so he quite literally was missing a part of his soul now. It took you all night to tear him away from her. You didn’t really want to leave her either, but the town was crowded with walkers and you knew it was only a matter of time before they invaded your home.
You had no clue where to go, so you and your Father just got into his truck and drove. You were on the road for almost a year before somehow ending up in Georgia. You were hiding in a tree while your Father was below you, starting a fire. This was what all your nights looked like.
“See anything?” Your Father called out.
“No. There's no movement in the trees. You?”
“Nah. Fires ready, why don’t you come on down for a while? Let’s cook this rabbit!” He rubbed his hands together with a big grin. Your Dad always loved rabbits, he would go hunting for days at a time just to bring home one for your Mom to cook for him.
“Alright, give me a few minutes, I’m gonna do another look around.” He nodded and gave you a thumbs up. You looked around with your binoculars, making sure to look every way. This time, your eyes landed on something. You could hardly see it but it looked to be a corner of a building. You looked at it for a few more seconds before you decided that that's what it had to be.“Dad, I think there’s something a few miles that way.”
“What is it?”
“I’m not sure. Some building. We should check it out tomorrow.” You let your binoculars hang on your neck and made sure your rifle was secure before climbing down the tree.
“We’ll check it out first thing. But first let’s start feasting!” You giggled at your Dad.
That night, you stayed up on watch while your Dad got some much needed sleep. You figured it was best that he got more sleep, since he was in his late fifties and you were in your late twenties, and he got tired out easier.
When the sun started rising, you started packing everything up before waking your Dad. Then the two of you made your way to the building you saw.
When you were close enough, you realized it was a prison, and that it was surrounded by walkers, but after a few seconds of staring, you pointed out a woman and a man walking within the fences surrounding the prison. You and your Father quietly circled the fence until you found the gate. Unfortunately, that too was surrounded by walkers, so you and your Father climbed the tree closest to the gate and waited.
You waited for about a day in the tree until you saw two men approach the gate. Someone from the inside was distracting the walkers. You threw a twig at the men making them look up. They looked at you in confusion as you woke your Dad up. You looked back at the men and mouthed “Help”. They glanced at each other before one of them nodded and you and your Father climbed down and followed them into the prison yard. A woman with short brown hair and another man who wore a hat closed the gate behind you.
“Thank you, you don’t know how much this means to us. Oh!” Your Father swings his backpack around and goes through it before pulling out a bag of rabbit meat, it was what you guys hadn’t eaten last night. “It’s rabbit— my favorite! My son/child/daughter’s too!” He smiled warmly at the group. You push your Father’s arm down as the men stare at the two of you as if you were crazy.
“What’re your names?” The man with the beard asked.
“Y/N, this is my Dad, Steven.” You extend your hand for him to shake, and he does so cautiously. “Please excuse his eagerness, we haven’t seen another person in a long time.”
“You been out there alone?” The lady asked. You nod.
“We were out camping when all this happened, didn’t know for a week.” Your Father chimed in, his expression suddenly going dark as he remembered finding your Mother dead.
“How many walkers have you killed?” You and your Dad glance at each other.
“We’ve both killed more than we can count.” You crossed your arms, distrusting this place.
“How many people have you killed?” You raise your eyebrows in shock.
“None? Like I said, we haven’t seen anyone in a long time.” You put your hand on your gun.
“If we let you stay, you have to give up your weapons.” The man with the beard says. You open your mouth but before you can say anything your attention is stolen.
“Dad!” You look over and see a young boy, maybe 12, running towards you. The man with the beard leans down as the boy crashes into him with a hug.
“Hey buddy!” He smiled and kissed the boy’s head.
“Who are they?”
“I’m Steven, this is my daughter/son/child, Y/N.” You wave and smile at the young boy.
“Are they gonna stay here?” The man looks at you expectantly.
“Uh.. can I talk to my Dad about it for a minute?” They nod and walk away to give you space. They were still close by so you turned around. “What do you want to do?”
“They seem like nice people.” Your Dad says with a smile. Always the optimist.
“Yeah but.. I dunno.. it could be a trap.”
“Well.. if it is, at least we’ll be together. If it isn’t, and I don’t think it is, then we’ll be safe! And around people! Maybe you’ll meet your soulmate here!” He grinned. You couldn’t help but to smile back, your Father’s smiles were contagious. He was right though, about everything. You would be together, and maybe you would meet the person who had your name engraved in their neck. You put your hand up to the name on yours. ‘Daryl Dixon’.
“Alright.” You take out your gun and put the safety on. “We free to leave if we don’t think we fit in much?” You ask the group as you turn around. The man with the beard smiles.
“Yeah. Daryl, will you take their guns? I’ll take them to an empty cell.” Your heart jumped when you heard the name Daryl. The other man who let you into the gate nods and takes your guns before walking off. “That was Daryl. I’m Rick. This is Maggie and Glenn.”
“It’s great to meet you! I can’t thank you enough for taking us in.” Rick shakes his head.
“No thanks necessary. C’mon, I’ll show you where you can sleep.”
That night your Father slept soundly in a cell. You, however, felt claustrophobic in them. So you tossed and turned until you finally went outside of the cell with your blanket and curled up on the ground where you slept all night.
“Y/N?” You jumped up and ran to your Father. He was looking around your cell for you and you felt a little stupid, it was a reflex for you to immediately assume there was danger.
“I couldn’t sleep in there. Felt too claustrophobic. I slept in the hall.” You cracked your neck.
“Oh okay, I was worried for a second.” He gives you a hug.
“How’d you sleep out there?”
“Okay. Better than out in the woods.” You shrug.
“Well that’s good.”
“What about y-“
“Good morning!” You look over to see a woman with short hair in the doorway to your cell. She’s smiling sweetly. “I’m Carol. Rick mentioned we had some new arrivals!” You nod.
“Yeah we were lucky enough to come across this place a couple of days ago.” Your Father said with the same amount of friendliness. “I’m Steven, this is my son/child/daughter, Y/N.”
“It’s great to meet you too. If you wanna, I’m headed to the cafeteria, I’ll get you guys some food and introduce you to some people.” You bit your lip.
“Dad, why don’t you go ahead? I’m gonna stay here.” He nods.
“Alright, stay safe honey.” He presses a kiss to your head and then walks out with Carol. You grab your knife from your bag and put it in your pocket before leaving the cell too and walking to the courtyard. You looked around for a moment before your eyes landed on Daryl who was killing walkers through the fence. You approached him and started killing walkers with him, wordlessly.
You went on like that for about 30 minutes, until a young girl, maybe 18, approached the two of you.
“Hi! I’m Beth.” You pulled your knife out of the walker's head and wiped it on your pants.
“It’s nice to meet you. I met your Dad a few minutes ago.. he said we were close in age.” She waves at Daryl. You furrowed your brows.
“You can’t be more than 18..” You said while you shook your head.
“I’m 17.” You laughed.
“I’m 28. My Dad tends to forget that I age.” She seemed a little bit disappointed at that.
“Oh. Well my Dad, Hershel, he has medical experience and they want him to check you over for bites.”
“What the hell for? If I was infected I’d shoot myself.” You put your knife in your pocket. “Show me the way I ‘spose.”
“Bye Daryl.” Beth waved at the man once again. He grunts. The walk is silent for a few seconds. “Have you met your soulmate yet?” You shake your head.
“No. Maybe. I don’t know yet.”
“What’s your soulmate’s name?” You show her the name on your neck and she gasps.
“Oh my god! Daryl’s your soulmate!”
“Then I met my soulmate.” You say nonchalantly.
“Does he know?” You raised an eyebrow.
“I just found out I highly doubt he already knows.”
“Wow, I can’t believe that! God really is wonderful.” You hold back a snort. You guys finally arrive at the infirmary and Beth leaves you there with an old man, Hershel.
“I don’t see any bites or scratches.” You nod.
“Like I said, I’m clean.”
“Have you told Daryl?” You stare at him for a second, you could definitely tell that Beth was his daughter.
“No, I found out on the way in here. Beth told me.” He nods.
“Will you send your Father in?”
“Uh.. sure.” With that you leave and stalk down the halls, it seemed like you were walking for a while, and it occurred to you that you have no clue where you were or where the cafeteria was. “Shit.” You mutter as you realize you ended up back in the infirmary.
“Y/N? Where’s your Dad?” Hershel asked, confused. You noticed Rick and Daryl in the room too, along with Beth who held a baby.
“It occurred to me I’ve got no clue where the cafeteria is.” You quietly respond. Rick glances at Daryl who was avoiding your gaze.
“Daryl, why don’t you show her the way?” Beth suggested with a grin and a giggle. The brunette man glared at her and opened his mouth to respond but was interrupted by Rick.
“I think that’s a great idea! Go on!” Daryl glared at Rick too but then walked towards you. You nodded at the three before walking besides Daryl.
“I’m assumin’ they told you about the name I have on my neck?” You asked, staring at the ground as you walked.
“Ain’t that somethin’? Didn’t think I would meet you after the dead rose.” You chuckled, shaking your head.
“I thought the same. It’s not really the type of environment you’d wanna meet your person in.” He said, his voice was rough, but nice. You nodded.
“Amen to that.” You mumbled.
“I saw you sleeping in the hall last night.” You glanced at him to find he was staring at you.
“I didn’t feel comfortable sleepin’ in a cage surrounded by a bunch o’ people who could kill me at any moment.”
“So you slept outside of a cage surrounded by people who could kill you at any moment.” You stopped and crossed your arms.
“I don’t need to explain myself to you. Fate be damned.”
“I didn’t mean anythin’ by it.. I don’t sleep in a cell either.” He avoided your eyes.
“So then you understand.” You raised your eyebrows at him. He nodded. “Good. Now c’mon, let’s not leave Hershel waitin’.” You both started walking again. “How long you been with these people?”
“Some of ‘em I’ve been with since the start. Carol, Carl, Glenn. Rest of ‘em we either found or they found us.” He shrugged.
“Well hold on, I thought Carl was Rick’s son?”
“He is, Carl’s Mom thought Rick was dead. Fucker came back from a run with Glenn and some others a month after everythin’ started. He was in a coma.” You nod.
“Wow. That musta been shockin’ to wake up to.” He grunts. “I’ve been with my Dad the entire time. It’s just been him and I up until now.”
“How’d you find the prison anyway?”
“Three days ago my Dad and I were campin’ for the night. I was takin’ watch up in a tree and saw the edge of it. We walked over here and hid in that tree you found us in for a day.”
“Yeah. Damn.”
The rest of the walk to the cafeteria is silent. Daryl walked you all the way to the table where your Father sat with a group, Carol being apart of them, they were all laughing and talking together.
“Dad, ‘man named Hershel wants to look ya over, make sure you ain’t bit or scratched.” He nodded and stood up.
“Okay! It was nice talking to you all.” He waved at the group who all chorused with goodbyes.
“You remember the way alright? I gotta take watch.” Daryl asked as you exited the cafeteria.
“Yeah, stay safe. I’ll talk to you later.” You gave him a small smile.
“Yeah, you too.” He walked past you with a small wave.
“What was his name again?” Your Dad asked, staring at Daryl as he walked away.
“Daryl.. Dixon.” Your Dad turned to you with wide eyes. “He’s my soulmate.” You bit your lip and smiled. Your Dad’s face broke out in a grin.
“That’s amazing! I told you this place was gonna be great!”
“Yes, you did.” You rolled your eyes. “C’mon let’s go.”
“You know what? It’s just like I always say: Destiny’s always there, Y/N, even after the end of the world!”
── ⋅⋅⋅ ────꒰ ୨ ♡ ୧ ꒱───────
Part 2
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hellfiresmaster · 1 year
If you’re taking requests - would be fantastic to see a one bed, motel stranded vibe where fem reader and Eddie accidentally walk in on each other masturbating at different instances and then decide to play together. Tension building!
Also, some titty fucking wouldn’t be out of place
Feelings Mutual
Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Summary: You've been managing Corroded Coffin for a little over six months when you finally land them a gig a couple of hours away. But the journey there takes an interesting turn when the van breaks down and you're left stranded in a motel with none other than Eddie Munson >:)
Warnings: smut, oral sex (m receiving), mutual pining, they're actually idiots in love, mutual masturbation, voyeurism, titty fucking, praise kink if you squint, we let eddie cum where ever he wants <3
Word Count: 1.8K
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The setting sun cast an orangey hue across the afternoon sky. Golden rays of sunlight lit up the scene and illuminated the van as you drove across the state and down the desolated highway. You were sitting on the far end of the front seat of Eddie's van staring at the desert and bland scenery out the window as he tapped away to a Metallica song blaring the speakers. You didn't know how it came to this. But when you mentioned the colossal opportunity that presented itself for Corroded Coffin to play for a representative of one of the most lucrative metal record labels in the country, the band scrambled last-minute travel plans together to Indianapolis, and somehow you and Eddie had no other choice but to make the trip together. 
You have been managing the band for a little over six months, a job description that only consisted of being front row for their shows at The Hideout and passing the time on Hellfire nights which turned out to be your favorite part of the week. It came with little to no pay grade, but you wouldn't trade it for the world. The day he asked you to manage his band after coming across you at several of their shows and seeing your enthusiasm for the music, you beamed at the opportunity; you had feelings for Eddie for as long as you could remember. Admiring him from afar had always been your norm, but you'd take any chance to be closer to him, even if he never really showed signs of feeling the same way.
Eddie continued tapping away in an attempt to drown out his own thoughts with the piercing music, but it was useless. You were practically pressed up against the window and sitting as far away as possible from him. Still, even in this proximity, his breathing felt uneasy, and he couldn't stop himself from fidgeting the entire time. He should be used to it by now; after pining silently after since high school, you always had this effect on him. Soothing him while also setting every nerve in his body on high alert, he couldn't get enough. He struggled to keep his eyes on the road and off of you; the warm arrays of the sun reflected off your eyes in the most captivating way; he wondered if you knew how beautiful you were. Eddie would tell you every second of every day if he could. A sound erupted from the van's hood, breaking him away from the turmoil in his head as you slightly jolted from your seat beside him.
"What was that?" You said as Eddie carefully pulled over to the side of the road and stepped out to assess the van before coming back around.
"It's not good. Looks like we're gonna have to crash at the next motel for the night and look for a mechanic in the morning." You nodded, trying not to let your frustration show. Not only did you have to endure this trip alone with Eddie, but now this was just torture. 
You came across a small motel off the nearest exit and pulled in as Eddie went to the front desk to get everything sorted out. You sat quietly inside the van for what seemed like forever until he returned, opening your door and motioning you outside. "Good news is we have somewhere to crash, and they even got us a mechanic to pass by early in the morning." He paused momentarily, glancing down towards the keys jingling in his hand before continuing. "Bad news is they only got one room, and it's uh one bed, so I guess you're stuck with me, sweetheart." Eddie forced a chuckle, a feeble attempt at teasing you, but his nerves bled through as he cleared his throat.
"One bed?" That part rang in your ears, and the disdain was evident in your voice and made Eddie slightly wince. Guess the torture continued after all. You were already losing your shit over having to be in a car with him; now, you had to spend the night in a room alone on one bed. Great. "Whatever, it's fine."
"Yeah, I'll, uh, I'll get the bags." Eddie's tone was scarcely discouraged while he quickly gathered your bags and followed you inside the room. The room was retro and simple. A clunky chipped-away wooden nightstand with a golden lamp sat on one side of the queen bed covered in a worn-out floral bedspread and a bland dust-covered desk in the far right corner. Eddie set your bag on the bed while slinging his to the other and flopping down dramatically on the mattress, making the springs creak under his weight. "You hungry?" 
"Sure, I could eat."
"I'm gonna head to the gas station for some smokes. Honeybun and pretzels or?" Your heart warmed at the fact that he recalled your go-to snack; you flashed him a smile without realizing it and nodded.
Eddie quickly leaped out of bed and grabbed his wallet to flee the room. You settled back into the pillows and unwound a little as soon as the door slammed shut. You'd been going stir-crazy in the van being so close to Eddie, observing how his knuckles flexed under the glare of his rings or how the stretched-out collar of his tank top showed glimpses of his toned chest every time he leaned over to change the song. You had to stop yourself from clenching your thighs together whenever he got close to you, and the scent of weed and musk engulfed you the best way. Either way, you had to get this tension out somehow before Eddie returned. Your hand slithered down your stomach as your thoughts were trained on Eddie. You figured if you were going to be troubled all night, you might as well make it a little easier for yourself.
After some time and gathering everything, Eddie made his way back to the room, deciding to take a quick smoke before going back inside. A faint light bled through the various curtains in the long hallway, and soft moans echoed from somewhere inside. Eddie was sure it was coming from another room until he approached your door, but it wasn't. It was coming from you. A slant in the corner of the curtain gave him a look inside while going undetected. You were splayed out on the bed, one hand moving inside your underwear and the other kneading your tit. Your eyes were squeezed shut, and that's when he heard it. "Eddie." His name falling from your perfect lips. You were touching yourself while thinking about him. Eddie almost hunched over, choking back a moan; he could practically feel the blood rushing to his already painfully hard dick. His hand instinctively ran over his jeans, attempting to ease the pressure beneath the denim, but it was no use. He needed you, and he could tell you needed him too. Before he could talk himself out of it, Eddie put the cigarette out, turned the door handle, cautiously walked inside, and approached the bed as quietly as possible without startling you.
You didn't notice Eddie's presence until he practically stood beside you and took your wrist in his hand before you could withdraw it fully from your shorts. His eyes darkened as they scanned your body, taking in the way your t-shirt bunched up above your tits, no bra underneath to cover them, and a wet patch already staining your underwear. 
"Don't stop on my account, sweetheart." Eddie's voice was low and stern and dripping with lust. Your glance fell to the prominent strain in his jeans as he sat beside you. You continued to draw circles along your clit, drawing out your pleasure, imagining how his hands would feel, how his fingers would fill you up better than yours ever could.
Eddie couldn't take it anymore, and before he even realized it, he was unbuttoning himself and sliding his jeans and boxers down until his cock sprang free. Your movements slightly halted when you caught a glimpse of him, hooded eyes watching your every move, sweat beading on his forehead, ring-adorned hands sliding along his leaking shaft as muffled moans escaped him. You abandoned your own movements to grip his cock, absent-mindedly moving to sit between his legs and lick a stripe along the underside of his cock; the salty tang of the precum coating your tongue had you moaning against him. 
"I’ve wanted this for so long. God, you’re so beautiful.” You reveled in Eddie's admittance. Knowing he wanted you the same way you wanted him all this time lit a fire within you. His breath hitched when he felt you take him all at once until he was pushing against the back of your throat, your nose brushing against the dark patch of hair at the base, your hands massaging his balls lightly. You'd never felt so full and so empty all at once. Drool dribbled down his length and coated your mouth and chin as your cunt clenched on nothing every time you slid him down your throat. Eddie writhed underneath you, trying his best to ground himself. The warmth of your throat constricting around him every time had him bucking into your mouth, the knot in his core tightening further with every thrust. 
"Just wanna make you feel good, Eds." He practically whimpered when he felt you pull away from him, looking down at you, ready to take the reigns and taste you like he so desperately needed before he realized what you were doing. Shock spread across his face when you removed your shirt and placed his aching cock between your tits, and began moving up and down at a languid pace.
”Mph, just like that baby. Feels so good.” You groaned at the nickname, looking up at him with doe eyes, urging him to use you for his own pleasure. Eddie instinctually adjusts himself to hold your tits together for you and begins rolling his hips as you let spit dribble down his cock. "You're so fucking good for me. Letting me fuck you like this." Eddie's words were split in between a string of moans and wails. His thrusts quickly grew frantic, chasing his release. 
It wasn't long before Eddie's hips stuttered, your name falling from his lips while releasing a guttural moan. Spurts of warm release painted your chest and chin, some landing on his belly and inside your mouth as he continued to fuck your tits through his high. You didn't pull away until his cock was spent, taking some of his spend from your chest onto your fingers and licking them clean with a smile. Eddie observed you briefly before pulling you into a bruising kiss, his cum damp between your bodies, but you didn't care. 
"Your turn." A devilish smirk spread across his face as he turned you over and hovered above you, laving at your neck and tits. "Gotta return the favor, sweetheart."
Tag List: @roanniom @millenialcatlady @wetwilliam02 @pillowpascal @wickedmystery @hellfire1986baby @sweet-beliefs @courtneymaisy (please let me know if you would like to removed at any time)
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clumsiestgiantess · 19 days
The Other-world Universe MerMay AU is here! It ended up getting so long I split it into two parts, so enjoy part one today and part two tomorrow!
(Original story here)
On the last day before spring break, all of the ecology classes were going on a trip to the beach only a half-hour out from the school.  Everyone was supposed to bring their own buckets, towels, and shovels if we wanted them, since our college didn't want to waste money on getting every single person supplies.  I'd brought everything I thought I might want: a large bucket, a shovel and sifter, and sunscreen. 
Once I stepped into class — scouting out the seat beside one of my friends — I gasped at the towel in his hands, smacking a palm over my forehead.  "Aww no.  I forgot to bring a towel!  I’m going to be stuck with sand all over me!”  Thankfully, I was friends with one of the best people ever.  Ivan chuckled, “Alexis, that’s like the first thing you bring to a beach.”  I grumbled and he dug through his things, pulling up another towel.  “Don’t worry, I brought a backup one.”
The room was nothing but a chaotic ruckus of voices and antics until the beep of a loudspeaker came on overhead, and everything came to a halt.  It seemed redundant, but once we got to class, we were immediately dismissed to the charter buses.  In no longer than 15 minutes, we were back in different seats.  I made my case for the window seat, and Ivan agreed only if he could have it on the way back.
Ivan and I talked throughout the trip, but during the last stretch we gazed impatiently out the window, scanning the horizon for signs of the ocean.  At last, a kid closer to the front called out that he'd seen water, and soon I could catch glimpses of it as well.  White foamy waves rippled just between the branches of trees lining the road.
Once everyone was unloaded from the buses, we found our teachers and took a quick headcount before they let us loose.  We were supposed to be learning about the intertidal ecosystem and whatnot, but everyone knew it was really just a fun activity before school was out for the next week.
Everyone found their friends and wandered the beach in droves.  There were a lot more shells and interesting trinkets lying around thanks to the small storm that had blown in the day before.  The trip had almost been canceled because of it.  I’d barely reached the sand before spying a neat spiral-looking shell I wanted to scoop up. The legs of a small hermit crab were tucked away inside. I let it down and stared at the little critter in fascination as it slowly inched back out of its home and scuttled away.
After a while, Ivan convinced me to actually look up from the ground.  We busied ourselves by looking for wildlife to document, as that was the whole reason we'd come out here, though most people just set themselves up to tan or started games.  I took multiple pictures of pelicans flying in ‘V’ shapes up above, any the little sand pipers rushing across the beach between breaks in the tide. Ivan waded into the water to sift for creatures beneath the sand. Both of us chased scuttling crabs up and down the sand, flipping them into our buckets with my shovel. All in all a tiring, but successful, trip.
Neither of us even noticed how far up the beach we'd strayed from the group until we were cut off by an outlet of water that pooled into the ocean from a stream.  “Should we go through or turn around?” Ivan asked. “Remember we have to walk the same distance back, too.”  I shrugged, but before I could offer my opinion, I noticed movement from the corner of my eye.
After chasing crabs, I was so used to things dashing around that the movement wouldn’t have surprised me.  However, the thing was much slower, so I paused to examine it.  A piece of fishing net slid down the sand by something moving inside it, dragging bit by bit towards the water.  “Hey Ivan!” I called, “I think something’s stuck over here!”  Using a shovel, I bent down and flipped the netting over.
Shock brought my thoughts to a sudden halt as I gawked at the creature I’d found — only startled into movement once Ivan arrived.  The bottom half of the creature looked like a fish — a bit dried out, but a fish nonetheless.  The top half, though…  The top half was what took me so long to comprehend.  The torso of something very human took up the top portion of the creature.  It froze the moment I got close, and both Ivan and I stared at it for a solid two minutes before he slowly bent down, grabbed a wave-weathered stick, and nudged it over.  Instantly, the creature sprung to life, flailing around in the net.
I flinched back, "Ivan, why did you poke it?"  "I- I thought it might be a toy."  True, the half-fish creature was only about the size of one, but still.  With all the wild thrashing, it had only tangled itself up more and more.  Suddenly, it slowed dramatically, uttering a human-like wheezing noise as it desperately dragged itself towards the ocean.  "Water!" I realized, "It needs water!"  I dumped out everything in my bucket and ran for the ocean.  
Scooping up a bunch of seawater, I came racing back.  Ivan gripped both sides of the net and hoisted it up, which only prompted more thrashing and wheezing from the creature before he lowered it into the bucket I put down.  We waited in anticipation as the creature sank to the bottom, covered by netting.  The surface of the water stilled, and we exchanged worried glances.
Moments later, the human-ish half of the creature burst to the surface, climbing over the edge of the bucket and using its tail to propel itself forward.  "Wait, wait!  Just stay in there!" Ivan yelped, quickly shoving it back in.  "I'm going to try to untangle it," he told me once it had fallen back inside, "Then we'll know for sure."  "Know what?" I asked, still slightly in shock.  "Then we'll know for sure if we've just lost our minds because we're dehydrated, or if we actually.. caught a mermaid."
"Aren't mermaids supposed to be human-sized though?" I asked as he hesitantly stuck his hands into the bucket.  "Yeah, I guess so.  Maybe we found something else."  He fished out the mystery creature, which thrashed in his grip.  Ivan would've dropped it had it not been for all the netting around it to hold on to. He unwound the tangle of cord bit by bit as the creature thrashed less and less.  
Near the end of the bundled material, his face flushed bright red and he practically threw the creature into the bucket, sending up a splash.  "What was that for!?" I asked angrily.  "It.. She..  Sh- She's a bit too human for me," he replied, ducking his face away from the bucket.  "What does that-?  Oh."  I realized halfway through my question that he'd changed the creature from an 'it' to a 'she'.  
Carefully, I reached in the bucket and held up the strange being, now more visible without so much rope around it.  She looked like a tiny human from the waist up, and she wasn't wearing a single thing.  Her hazel skin was a sharp contrast to the shimmering scales that took form below her.  They were much more of a match with her silvery-green eyes, which were wide in terror.  Little gills pulsed on either side of her chest as her breath grew ragged.  
"Oh," I repeated, lighter this time.  Gently, I lowered her into the water for a moment, letting her breathe before I took her back out.  The last pieces of netting were wound more tightly around her, and she struggled when I pulled at her skin to try and get it off.  Ivan glanced back over at me.  "I- Is she alright?"  "I can't get the last netting off; it's too tight.  Do you have your pocketknife with you?"  "I never go anywhere without it."  He slid it open and handed it to me, glancing nervously down at the creature in my hand.  "Just don't cut her by accident," he warned.  I nodded and held her steady.  
However, as the blade neared the being, she let out a shriek and thrashed in my hand, slipping out of my grip and onto the sand.  She dragged herself away from me as I worriedly reached for her.  "Wait!  Please!  Please don't!"  My and Ivan’s mouths simultaneously dropped open in shock.  She'd spoken.  Her accent was thick and foreign, but she was clearly speaking English nonetheless.  
The tiny creature curled itself into a ball, breaths shuddering with tears.  I tried my best to be gentle as I hoisted her up, trying to get her into water, but she still shrieked like I'd attacked her.  The being thrashed more strongly than she had before, causing me to drop her over the bucket instead of lowering her back in.  I cringed as her scream turned to bubbles while she slid beneath the water.
"H- How did she just talk?” Ivan stuttered, “I mean, I get that she looks human, but how does she know English?"  I shook my head, "I have no idea, but I still have to get her untangled."  "Well, now that we know she understands, maybe we could try explaining to her why you have a knife?"  Nodding, I reached in to take her out, but the little creature kept dodging my grasp.  It took me almost a full minute to catch her she was so fast.  
Again, she thrashed as she was lifted out of the water.  "Little.. creature?  I- If you stop wriggling, I'd like to explain what I'm doing.  I'm just trying to help you."  "By what?  Gutting me alive with that blade?" she retorted hotly, though she paused in her attempt to free herself.  "I'm just trying to cut the netting off you."  The creature glanced up at Ivan, "And him?"  I blinked, "What about him?"  "What does he want with me?"  "We both just want to free you," Ivan told her, scooting a bit closer.
Her gaze slid back and forth between the two of us, then she coughed.  I lowered her back in the water again, but she scrambled out of it, hoisting her human half over the edge of the bucket with heaving breaths. "Normally I would tell both of you to go drag yourselves back to whatever nasty hunk of rock you came from, but.." she pulled at the netting around her and flinched as it grew a bit tighter around her torso.  "This.. This really hurts."  
Ivan and I glanced nervously at eachother.  "So, will you let me help you?"  The creature gave a very slight nod and I scooped her up again.  She held still as the knife slid beside her skin.  With a slight twist, I slit the thin rope holding the netting together and it slipped off her onto the beach.  I sucked in a sharp breath of air.  Her chest was wracked with criss-crossed slices where the netting had cut into her skin.  The gills on her right side were crushed so badly that they wouldn't even open all the way.  I gently lowered her down, but she cried out in agony and reflexively clung to my fingers so I would take her back up.  The sting of salt in her fresh wounds must've been unbearable.
"Oh muck that hurts!" she cried, her grip on me tightening as I lifted her back out.  “You don’t have freshwater by any chance, do you?”  Ivan gawked, “Don’t you need saltwater, though?”  The creature vehemently shook her head, “I came from up there,” she gasped, pointing to the stream’s outlet, “When I got caught in this net, I was dragged downstream to the ocean.  I- I just want to get back!”
I glanced down the beach, “There’s a water station by the buses...”  “I’ll be back!” Ivan called, dashing away down the sand while I stayed behind with the creature.  The little being started coughing, but when I reached down to put her back in the water, she curled away from it.  “No!  Human, I told you that hurts!”  “But you’re suffocating.”  She wheezed, lying flat across the palms of my hands.  “I- I can breathe air for a little longer.  My human-ish half can deal with it.”  I nodded, keeping her out of the saltwater.  However, I could feel the sides of her chest heaving against my palm — cuts beginning to bleed.
“So human,” the creature began, trying to take my gaze off of her wounds.  “Now that you’ve freed me, what are you going to do?”  “My name is Alexis,” I offered, “and my friend’s name is Ivan.”  “Alright, fine.  My name’s Eria.  What about my question?  What are you going to do with me?”  I hesitated, “I.. don’t really know.  Should I put you back in the river?  Would you be able to make it back upstream or will you just get tossed into the ocean again?” I asked, gesturing to the water behind me.
Eria was silent for a while.  “I’m.. I already know I’m going to die — from the moment I got caught in that net.  Being human you must think that’s awful, but that’s just how it goes for other creatures.”  I held her a bit higher, scrutinizing her worriedly.  “But there has to be a way to save you!  Surely you know a way to heal yourself!”  The creature only shook her head.  “I’d have to get back to my home, where I store medicines.  I.. don’t even know how far away home is, and I’d bleed to death.. or get eaten.. trying to make it back.”  
Seconds later, Ivan came dashing back up the beach, a few water bottles in hand.  “I’m back!” he panted, “I’ll go pour this out.”  Taking the bucket, he dumped it a little ways past me and began emptying the bottles into the empty container.  Soon, it was filled with new water.  I lowered the creature back to the surface of the bucket and she slid slowly back in, taking a small test-swim around the edge.  “It tastes funny, but otherwise it’s fine.  Th- Thank you.  For all the horror stories about your kind, you don’t seem all that bad.”  “We said we were only here to help,” Ivan told her.  “I know.  Do you think I actually believed you?”  
I explained Eria’s dilemma to Ivan, and he looked her over thoughtfully.  “Maybe we can somehow sneak her on the bus?  And then try to heal her up back home?”  He sighed, “No, she can’t live in a bucket.”  “I have an empty fish tank at home,” I told him, “But how would we get her onto the bus without anyone noticing?”  We argued back and forth over what we could do to sneak her away before she leaped up to sit on the edge of the bucket and cleared her throat.  
“Maybe you should ask the being you captured what she thinks about all this,” the creature suggested.  “For instance, do I really want to be dragged inland to who knows where and stuffed into a little box that I can’t escape from?  I already feel claustrophobic in here...  I knew it!” she exclaimed suddenly, “You do want to capture me!”  Both of us backtracked, swearing left and right that her accusations weren’t our intention.  There was a long pause as we all thought of a way to keep her safe.  Finally, she sighed loudly.  “Alright, fine.  There is a way for me to sneak with you.  I was hoping you would leave me alone once you figured I was a lost cause, but for some reason you seem to care much more than I thought you would.”
Turning in the bucket, she scanned the beach.  “I need an animal that isn’t human.. something small,” the creature said without lifting her gaze from the sand.  Ivan and I glanced confusedly at eachother.  “Why?”  She turned back to us with a tired look, as if we were stupid for not knowing.  “I’m a satyrian.  We can drink the blood of other creatures and obtain their likeness, but only from the waist down.”  “So you’re a shapeshifting mermaid?”  The satyrian gave him a bewildered look.  “I have no idea what you just called me, but if it was anything awful, I will find out.”  
“Why can’t you drink human blood?” Ivan asked.  “Not that I’m offering it; I’m just curious.”  She huffed and turned her attention back to the beach.  “If I take a human form, don’t you think someone will notice there’s a whole extra person on board?”  Oh.  “It’s not that I can’t; it’s just not-  Aha!  There!”  Leaning almost entirely out of the bucket, Eria pointed out a tiny crab scuttling beneath a piece of driftwood.  “Go get that one!”
Ivan ran over and scooped it up.  It was so small he wasn’t worried about being hurt.  The thing’s pincers were only a centimeter or so long.  He held it out to Eria and she snatched it from him, dragging it down into the water.  The bucket became murky with clouds of red blood while Ivan and I looked on nervously.  A while later, the crab scurried out, completely unharmed.  We kept waiting for Eria to resurface, but she didn’t.  
My gaze began to wander in worried thought, and that’s when I noticed the tiny crab.  Its forelimbs waved wildly in the air the moment I noticed it.  Suddenly, I put two and two together.  “Eria?” I asked, hesitantly offering the minuscule creature my hand.  It had to be her.  It scuttled up immediately instead of rushing away.  Ivan gasped as I held up the little being in my palm — her hands cupped around her mouth to yell to us.  However, it was nearly impossible to understand what she was saying.  “I- I think that one was a bit too small,” Ivan said, watching Eria in awe.  “Get your bucket,” I told him, “Find one that we caught that’ll be small enough to hide, but big enough that we can actually hear her.”
While he went off to do that, I gently lifted Eria closer to my face, squinting to try to see her better.  She was hunkered down in the center of my palm, arms protectively tucked over her head.  “It’s alright,” I told her quietly, “Ivan’s working to get you a bigger form right now.”  “How do we keep it from hurting her?” Ivan asked once he found a worthy crab.  “Put it on the ground and distract it with a stick or something,” I offered.  
He did as I said and I lowered Eria to the ground.  She hopped off and stood there hesitantly for a moment before jumping on top of it and clambering to a break in its armored exoskeleton.  The moment she got to it, she flung herself off and away and I scooped it back up with a shovel before it could turn on her.  Slowly, Eria’s form changed — skin rippling larger and larger — hardening in snapping sounds until she was the length of my palm.  “Oh thank goodness!  You were right in saying that form was too small.  I think I got a bit too excited when I saw it.”
“So you‘ll come with us then?” I asked.  “As long as I get a bigger creature to drink from when we get there,” she panted.  Her scratches were wider now, blood slowly oozing from them.  “What happened to you?” Ivan asked, gesturing to them.  He tried to be subtle in doing so, not particularly wanting to scrutinize her bare torso for very long.  Eria delicately brushed a hand over her wounds.  “You aren’t supposed to morph when you’re hurt.  Especially not twice.  I had to, though.  There was no way I’d survive in my completely aquatic form, and I was absolutely not going to sit through the torture of being in that tiny one.”
I dumped out the bucket of water as Ivan took up the rest of our things, packing the empty bottles into the now empty bucket.  Once we were set to head back, we turned and watched Eria, scuttling over the ground towards us.  “This is so confusing!” she huffed, “My legs work better walking sideways than they do walking forwards!”  “Would you like to ride with me?” I offered, kneeling down so I was a bit closer to her height.  Eria scrutinized me for a moment, then nodded curtly.
She clambered onto my hand, little pointed legs digging into my skin.  I held her in the open for a bit while we walked down the beach, but as we neared the first group of people, I gently slid her into my pocket to hide.  Soon, everyone clambered back into their seats on the bus.  Ivan let me have the one by the window on the way back again; that way I could keep further away from the other people near the aisle.  I absentmindedly stared at nothing the whole trip, thinking through how to deal with our new companion.  Something wet brushed my skin when I shifted, startling from my thoughts.  Glancing down to my pocket, I gasped.  The fabric was soaked with dark red.  Cautiously I lifted up the opening.  Eria lay there, breathing hard.  
“Oh my god!  Are-  Do you think you can last until we get off the bus?”  I felt her shudder, “I.. don’t know.  How much longer?”  Glancing out the window, I realized that we weren’t very far away.  “About ten more minutes.”  Eria nodded, “I can make it.”  The second I got off the bus, I walked as quickly as I dared to class, grabbed my bag, and excused myself to the bathroom, towel in hand.  I didn’t even have time to explain what was going on to Ivan, but I knew he’d cover for me.
Locking a bathroom stall, I reached into my bloodstained pocket and carefully placed Eria on top of a covered toilet.  Then I got to work.  I hacked into my towel with a pair of scissors until I had small strips of cloth.  Kneeling down, I cautiously reached for Eria.  She gasped, clutching the now fully-bleeding gashes across her stomach.
“P- Please, if you’re going to save me with some human healing magic, do it soon,” she begged.  Gently, I bent down and brought her close, wrapping the clean material tightly around her.  “Tell me if it’s too tight, alright?  It has to be a bit snug to stop you from bleeding., but make sure you can still breathe properly..”  Eria nodded, letting me do my work.  Hesitantly, she tested it out after I finished.  “Well…  I’m not dead yet.”  “Once I get you home, I can find some proper bandages and medication that should stop you from bleeding.  Will you be alright until then?”
She checked herself over another time, then nodded slowly.  “It’ll be soon, right?”  “I’ll head straight there.”  Eria awkwardly stumbled over to me, grumbling about having too many limbs.  I gently slid her into my other pocket — the one that wasn’t soaked through with blood — and headed for my car.  I kept my bag by my side to cover the dark red mess, but still kept a quicker pace to avoid anyone spotting it.  
On the way home, Eria hesitantly peered over the edge of my pocket.  “Where are we?” she asked me confusedly, “Is this another human-moving machine?”  My brows furrowed, “You mean a car?”  “I.. don’t know.”  I glanced down at her, but she shied away from my gaze.  “You.. don’t get around much, do you?”  She shrugged — her shoulders bumping my side.  “No.  I never really wanted to leave my home, and I certainly didn’t want to live around humans.  Humans are confusing.”  “Am I confusing?”  Eria nodded, “Very much so, yes.”
At home at last, I dropped everything at the door and took Eria straight to the bathroom sink, where I pulled out a bin of medical supplies.  “Alright, my roommate doesn’t take ecology, so she won’t be here for a few hours.  That should be plenty of time to patch you up.”  “More humans?” Eria grumbled, “How am I supposed to take a bigger form with another human around?”  
Gently, I undid the being’s makeshift bandages.  She whimpered slightly, inhaling a sharp breath.  Her cuts had stopped bleeding so harshly, but they were still slowly seeping blood.  “Can you.. heal it?” Eria asked me quietly.  I nodded, taking an older washcloth and wetting it before reaching carefully for her.  Eria’s eyes widened in fright, but she didn’t pull away.  My free hand gently cupped her back as I wiped away the blood across her stomach and chest.  As serious as the situation was, I still couldn’t help but blush as I cleaned her off.  Her chest was.. so exposed.
Afterwards, I gave her some medication to rub on her cuts — deciding it would be best for her to do things herself.  She was so small I didn’t want to risk hurting her.  As I brought her body closer so I could wrap it in bandages, I finally got a good look at her face.  A scar dashed across one of her eyelids, and I found myself wondering how she’d gotten it.  Eria refused to hold my gaze for a bit, but slowly turned to stare at me in awe.  Her tiny wide eyes flickered between the features of my face — taking everything in.  “You-  You’re so different than I thought you’d be,” she mused quietly.  Her tiny hand alighted on my finger as I wrapped a bandage around her torso.  I froze when we touched; her hand was barely larger than my nail.
“Thank you.  Genuinely.  I.. I wouldn’t have survived if it weren’t for your kindness.”  Taking my hand off her back, I slid her tiny palms between my fingers.  “You’re welcome.”  Eria offered me a small smile, revealing two long fang-like incisors.  I blinked surprisedly at them, and Eria covered her mouth with her free hand.  “Oh!  I- I’m sorry I thought that’s how humans show others they’re happy,” she told me, ducking her head.  “It is!” I assured her, releasing her hands and finishing her bandages.  “I just hadn’t noticed your fangs.  It makes for an.. umm.. impressive smile.”  
With Eria all patched up, I took another good look at her.  “So, now that you have this form,” I began, gesturing to her multiple hard-shelled legs, “Do you need to be in water?” Her gills were gone, but crabs are still sea creatures, so I had to be sure. Eria looked down at herself as a few of her pointed legs lifted into the air for her to examine.  “I.. have no idea.  I’ve been completely aquatic almost my whole life.  I feel fine, but it’s a bit confusing with this many limbs.”  “And slightly uncanny,” I added.  “You think?” she asked — clawed legs making little tap-taping noises on the countertop as she looked herself over.  “I’ll just deal with it.  It shouldn’t be very long until I heal up.”
Cupping her in my hands, I brought her over to my room and let her set herself up on my desk just as I heard the door open.  “Alexis!” my roommate, Paisley, called.  “Are you ready to go?”  I gasped, then quickly yelled back to her that I was ready.  I was anything but.  “I'm so sorry,” I told Eria quietly as I quickly slipped on a different pair of pants that weren’t bloodstained, “I forgot about the party she’s dragging me to.  Do you think you’ll be alright here by yourself?”  Eria nodded, “I’ll just be building a home here; I’ll be fine.”  I thanked her for understanding, and left.
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rosygaze · 2 years
rings and promises
pairing: vampire!eddie munson x female!reader
synopsis: in march of ‘86, you lost the love of your life to the upside down. when you have to go back a year later, you find out he might not truly be lost. 
warnings: vampire!eddie, angst, major character death, guns, the upside down, talks of marriage, this is a sad one y’all but it has a happy ending
word count: 6.3k+
gif by @yellenabelova​
Tumblr media
The sunset glow seeped through the windows of the RV, casting everything in a warm, orange haze. The motorhome shook and rumbled as Steve drove back into Hawkins. The reality of what you were about to do settled in and everyone sat in somber silence as if the Grim Reaper himself was looming over your shoulders.
Max, Lucas, Erica, and yourself all held metal lanterns that were going to help you track that bastard, Vecna, while the rest of the group was decked out in battle gear. Complete with spears, shields, axes, and guns. 
It was a crazy idea. When the plan was laid out, a part of you wanted to run and hide but you knew you were the only chance Hawkins would have of surviving this psychopath. Everyone had their part to play and you were supposed to stick to it. If everything went right, all of you would make it out alive and put an end to this horrible nightmare. Nancy was so confident about the plan but you couldn’t ignore the weird feeling in your gut. 
Steve announced that you were about ten minutes away from the Creel house and your fingers fidgeted around the metal handle. Breaths quick and heart pounding, you were terrified. You closed your eyes and tried to calm yourself down. 
A cold sensation on the back of your hand made you jump and open your eyes. You looked down and saw the ringed hand curl around yours. You turned your hand and entwined your fingers together, slipping into each other with ease from years of practice. Glancing up, you saw your boyfriend’s worried eyes peering down at you. 
“You okay?” Eddie Munson asked. His question almost made you laugh. If anything, you should be checking in on him. This week was horrible for him. Being accused of murder, hiding from the cops, and now getting ready to fight an evil wizard. Yet, here Eddie was, ever the gentleman and checking in on you. 
“I’m okay.” You said quietly. He squeezed your hand tight. 
“After we kill this son of a bitch, what if we go on a trip together? Just the two of us. We’ll take my van and go somewhere nice for the rest of spring break.” Eddie proposed. Even with everything going on, he was able to pull that charming smile that attracted you to him in the first place. 
“That would be nice.” You fiddled with the ring on his index finger. “We’ll make a new mix for it and everything.” 
“We’ll call it ‘The Lovers’ Guide to the Open Road’.” Eddie put his free hand out in the air as if he were showing you the eighth wonder of the world. You giggled. 
“That’s so cheesy.”
“Maybe but it did make you laugh, though.” He smirked down at you. Even with his attempts to distract you, you couldn’t help the nerves. Eddie must’ve seen the change in your expression so he furrowed his brows. “Tell me what’s on your mind, pretty girl.” 
You bit your lip, hesitating for a second. “Why do I have a horrible feeling about all this, Eds?” Voice only a whisper so that the others couldn’t hear you.  
“We’re gonna be fine, sweetheart. We’re gonna kick Vecna’s ass and we’re gonna win, just like my campaign. Trust me.” Eddie moved his arm around you, taking your joined hands with him, and pulled you close to him. You leaned your head on his shoulder, enjoying the little bit of peace he gave you just with his proximity. 
“How are you so calm right now?” 
“Oh, I’m not. I’m freaking out inside.” You laughed at his honesty. 
“I’m scared.” You confessed. 
“Me too but we’re gonna get through this. I know it.” Eddie rubbed your arm comfortingly and kissed the top of your head, lips lingering and eyes closing. He kept his lips pressed against your head. Your presence was keeping him calm too. 
“I wish I could go with you. See your concert.” Eddie’s part of the plan was insane. Summoning demobats with a guitar solo? Not once had you ever thought that you would hear those words strung together in one sentence. You’d kill to see that in person. 
“Don’t worry. I’ll recreate it for you after.” You hummed and continued to play with his rings. The two of you stayed in the same position until Steve pulled up in front of the Creel house. The kids stood up from their seats. Nancy and Robin came up to hug Max while Dustin and Lucas shook hands. You knew you had to go but you didn’t wanna leave Eddie. 
“Is it too late for me to change teams?” You asked. 
“I think so.” He sighed and removed his arm from you so he could help pull you up. “We’ve got this.”
You nodded. “Be careful in there. You come back to me, okay?”
“I will. I promise.” Eddie took in your features, committing them to memory before he pulled off one of his rings and grasped your left hand. He slipped the metal band on your ring finger. You gave him a questioning look. “For after?”
He didn’t need to say anything else. You knew exactly what he meant by this. A little courthouse ceremony with just your friends. The domestic life in a small apartment outside of this godforsaken town. Tears sprung to your eyes at the idea of your life together and Eddie cupped your cheeks. He made you look at him, into those deep brown eyes of his that made you fall in love every time. You nodded, enthusiastically. “I love you, Eds.” Your throat was tight.
“I love you. So much.” He breathed and kissed you deeply, pouring all his love for you into it. Eddie held back his tears. He let himself indulge for a couple more seconds before he pulled away. You pressed your forehead against his. Then you heard Max call your name. Turning, you saw the girl’s grave expression. 
“Time to go.” She said. You gave her a curt nod before turning back to Eddie. 
“I’ll see you later, okay?” Eddie told you and you nodded in response, not trusting your voice to speak. He pressed one last kiss to your forehead. Hands still joined together, you turned to climb out of the RV. Eddie only let go of you at the very last second. You took one last look at all your friends and gave a sad smile to your boyfriend before you shut the metal door. 
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The steady sounds from Max’s heart monitor filled the small, sterile room. Lucas was camped out on the chair right beside her bed while you and Erica sat on the bench by the window. She leaned her head on your shoulder and napped quietly. All three of you were exhausted by the events of the previous night. 
The plan had gone to shit. 
It started well enough. Vecna had put Max under his spell and it was time to move. You and Erica gave Nancy, Steve, and Robin the signal to go to the next phase. You swore you could even hear the strums of Eddie’s guitar in the distance. Then out of nowhere, Jason’s car came barreling down the street and everything got messed up. 
One of the stupid jocks had attacked you and Erica while Jason went into the house to confront Lucas. “That was for Eddie.” You said when you finally managed to knock the jock out with a hard punch to the face. The two of you ran to the house only to find the door locked. Inside, you could hear Lucas calling for Max and panic overcame your body. 
“On the count of three, we’ll run and push against the door, okay?” You stepped back a couple of feet to give you a running start. Erica followed your lead. “One, two, three!”
The two of you ran as fast as you could and used your shoulders to push against the door. Luckily, it swung open with the force of both your bodies against it. The sight that greeted you was the stuff of nightmares. Max’s broken body lay in Lucas’ arms. Her limbs were bent in unnatural angles. In the blue light of the lanterns, you could see the blood dripping from her eyes. You were frozen in your spot. She looked dead.
“Help!” Lucas cried out. That snapped you out of your shock. You snapped out of it and reached around for the walkie-talkie you wore around your body, trying different channels to see if anybody could come to your rescue. 
Then the ground shook. You pulled Erica close and dragged the two of you under the door frame as you watched the ground open. When the shaking stopped, you helped Lucas carry Max out of the house. Jason’s car was still in the driveway and in the panic, he’d left the keys in the ignition. Carefully, you set Max in the backseat and Lucas held her tight. She was alive but barely. You had to move. Once everyone was strapped in, you drove to the hospital, ignoring how your once quiet hometown was now up in flames. 
After a whole night of surgery, the doctors told you it was a miracle that Max survived. Unfortunately, she had fallen into a coma and they weren’t sure when or if she was going to wake up. When they wheeled Max in, you had to hold back from crying when you saw how frail she looked. Guilt racked your body. If only you’d stayed with her and Lucas, maybe you could’ve helped him fight off Jason. Maybe you could’ve stopped him from stepping on her walkman. Maybe you could’ve stopped this. 
The emotions were bubbling in your chest again, overwhelming you. The only thing grounding you was being able to feel Eddie’s ring on your hand. Your thoughts were cut off by a knock on the door. Carefully, you slipped from under Erica’s head and made sure to lay her sideways on the bench. You opened the door and gasped when you saw Dustin, Steve, Nancy, and Robin. Immediately, you pulled all of them into a big group hug. 
“Are you guys okay?” You asked but didn’t get a response. They looked behind you and saw Max in her bed. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t save her.” 
“It’s not your fault.” Robin put a hand on your shoulder. Lucas stood up from Max’s side and hugged them as well. 
“We hurt Vecna pretty good but then his body suddenly disappeared. We don’t know where he went.” Steve said, patting Lucas’ back. 
You nodded then realized something was wrong. A person was missing, your person. Your long-haired boyfriend was nowhere to be seen. Sparing a glance at your friends, you saw that they all had melancholic expressions as they looked at you. That horrible gut feeling from the RV was back.
“W-where’s Eddie?” You stuttered. You watched Steve, Nancy, Robin, and Dustin look at each other, mainly focusing on the youngest of the quartet. There was something off about Dustin. His eyes were red-rimmed and he had a deep frown on his face which was unusual. “Dustin?” 
At your call, he looked at you with watery eyes. He opened his mouth to say something but choked up and the tears fell down his face. Your stomach lurched. There was a ringing in your ears and you barely registered Nancy and Steve trying to get you to take a seat but you shrugged them off. 
“No! Tell me what happened! Where is Eddie?” The volume of your voice woke up Erica and made Dustin flinch. 
“T-the demobats. They were everywhere and they got into the trailer.” Dustin started. “Eddie… He stayed back to distract them. I begged him to come back through the gate but he wouldn’t listen. There were just so many and he…” Dustin closed his eyes. Steve grasped his shoulder for support. Please. Please don’t say it. You thought. “He didn’t make it.” 
An unbearable ache was building in your chest. Your jaw dropped and you heaved, feeling like you were about to throw up. This can’t be happening. It can’t. Eddie was going to come in here any second and gather you in a hug like he always did. He had to.
“He could’ve easily climbed out with me. He could’ve saved himself but he chose to fight. He saved me. He saved us.” Dustin could barely get the words out. The ring on your finger felt like it was burning. Rough fabric brushed against your hands and Eddie’s denim vest came into view. You gripped it tightly with shaking hands. The last of your resilience crumbled and you burst out into sobs. “He wanted me to let you know that he’s sorry and that he loves you. Eddie loved you so much. And I’m so, so sorry that I couldn’t help him.” 
Dustin’s voice finally cracked and he turned to cry into Steve’s shoulder. For a few moments, the only thing you could hear in the room was Dustin’s crying and Max’s machine. 
“He was supposed to graduate in a couple of months.” You spoke up finally, clutching the vest to you. Nancy was rubbing your arm in an attempt to comfort you. She whispered words of consolation to you. “W-we were gonna go on a trip after this. We had plans! Nance, we had plans.” 
Only then did they notice the ring on your finger. Eddie’s promise to you of a future together. Their hearts broke. “I’m sorry. It’s going to be okay. Just let it out.” Nancy told you. 
“He promised.”  You sounded broken. Defeated. “He promised me that he’d come back.”
Your knees buckled, finally giving out under you. Panicked hands grabbed at you and softened your fall. You could barely breathe and you could taste your salty tears. Then there were hands on your shoulders. Looking up, you saw that Dustin had kneeled in front of you, equally broken. Eddie meant so much to the two of you. You both paused for a second then hugged each other tightly and cried together. 
Eventually, the rest of your friends enveloped the two of you in a hug. The echoes of your heartbroken wailing were going to haunt them for the rest of their lives. 
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Hawkins, Indiana had become hell on Earth. 
The Upside Down began seeping into the real world shortly after the earthquake. Spores floated through the once fresh air of your hometown and the military evacuated what was left of the town to the next city over. There they expected you to just keep on living as if nothing ever happened.
You tried to do that, to move on. It’s what Eddie would’ve wanted. But how could you when he haunted your mind every single day? 
A year after the earthquakes, a knock came on your door and you knew something was up. Your friends stood on the other side of the door which wasn’t unusual since they often checked on you. You thought they didn’t want a repeat of what happened to Max. What tripped you off was the serious expressions that mirrored the ones they had that fateful day in March of ‘86. 
They told you they had a plan to end all of this once and for all. It was another insane plan but at this point, you learned that weird shit was gonna happen for the rest of your life. Maybe if you joined them, you could stop them from happening. So you agreed. 
You found yourself in between Nancy and Robin in the big van that Chief Hopper was driving back into Hawkins. The familiarity of this situation was making your body shake with fear. At least the last time you were in a car that was hurtling towards possible death, you had Eddie by your side. You closed your eyes when the overwhelming emotions made your eyes watery. 
“We’re here,” Hopper announced. Outside the windows were the dilapidated remains of Forest Hills Trailer Park. 
Hopper and Steve stepped out of the car first, scoping the area if it was safe to come out. Two knocks came on the door and the rest of the group filed out. In front of you was the old Munson trailer. The last time you were here was when you helped Wayne Munson clear out what was left after the gates opened up and destroyed half of the trailer park. 
You gripped the barrel of the sawed-off shotgun that Nancy had fashioned for you. Flashes of Eddie’s smile as he greeted you from the very steps you were climbing now flitted across your mind. You stepped over the pile of rubble and entered the trailer. You bit your lip and looked around. 
The kitchen counter was split in half. You remembered sitting on Eddie’s lap with his denim vest on the counter while you helped him sew new patches to it. Every time the sharp needle pricked your skin, he kissed your fingers. Cooing at you and yelling expletives at the darned metal thing that was hurting his girl. When you finished, he thanked you with a million kisses and put the vest on. The very same vest that you wore over your jacket now. 
To your left was the only part of the home that wasn’t destroyed by the gate. Eddie’s room. The door was open and if you ignored your circumstances, you could picture yourself going into his room and finding him on his bed. Maybe he’d have his guitar on his lap or his nose in a book. It didn’t matter because the second he saw you through the doorway, he’d drop whatever it was and open his arms for you. 
This place used to be filled with love and happiness but now it reminded you of everything you’d lost. 
A single tear fell down your cheek. 
When your name was called, you brushed the tear away and faced the group again. There were those sympathetic smiles again. “You ready?” Steve asked you. 
“Yeah.” You said way too fast. The glowing red gate to the Upside Down had moved from the ceiling of the trailer to the ground. Everyone looked at you worriedly but said nothing. Circling around the gate; Hopper, Steve, Nancy, Robin, Eleven, Dustin, and you all stared down at the gate. 
Hopper didn’t hesitate to drop himself into the hole carefully, disappearing from view.  “Everyone come on in!” The chief’s voice made you all jump in surprise.
Steve led the charge and easily crawled through the gate, followed by Nancy and Robin. You handed your shotgun to Robin and bent down to push yourself through the hole. Steve’s hand came into view and you took it to help you through. The two teens came in last and then all of you were in the Upside Down. 
It was your first time being in this damned dimension and your jaw dropped at how it was an exact copy of Hawkins. Red lightning flashed in the distance and thunder growled. You followed Chief Hopper’s lead as you trekked further into the town and closer to the Creel house. Lagging behind the group, you fell into step with Dustin. You glanced at your young friend and saw the unease in his body. It must be hard for him to be back here. 
“You doing alright?” 
Dustin looked at you and it made your heart pang, seeing how much he’d changed over the year. His once perpetually, happy eyes had lost their sparkle. “I should be asking you that.” 
You waved him off. “I wasn’t here when…you know…” Trailing off, you felt your throat constrict. Do not cry. This is about Dustin. “If it ever gets too much, just tell me okay? I’ll take you back. No judgment.” 
He gave you just the hint of a smile. “Thanks.”
The group entered the woods. The thick trees combined with the dark atmosphere made it hard to see clearly. An unsettling vibe was in the air and it wasn’t just the threat of demo-whatevers lurking. No, it was different. You could feel someone watching you. The back of your head tingled and goosebumps appear on the back of your neck. 
Then, out of the corner of your eye, you saw something fast move to your left. You drew your gun in the direction but saw nothing. Squinting, you swore you saw something in the trees. Something that looked human. 
“What is it?” Nancy asked you. Everyone had stopped and brought their respective weapons up. 
“I thought I saw something.” You said quietly. 
“I saw it too.” El said. You looked at her and you both had matching worried expressions. After a few seconds of monitoring your surroundings and it looked like there was nothing. Whatever you saw had just disappeared. 
“Alright, let’s keep moving. Stick to the plan,” Hopper announced and kept walking further into the woods. Reluctantly, you followed. The feeling of being watched still lingered. 
You continued walking for a few minutes, hoping that your fearless leader hadn’t gotten you lost. In the dark, you had to focus extra hard to make sure you weren’t stepping on any vines that would alert Vecna of your location. Of course the one second you take your eyes off the ground, that’s when you slipped on something. Dustin was able to grab your arm and stop you from falling. 
“Thanks, Dusty.”
“No problem.”
You looked at what caused you to trip and your brows knit together. Crouching down, you took a closer look. It didn’t look like a vine nor a puddle of whatever goo covered this place. It looked like… 
A sharp gasp came from you and you picked up the offending item from the ground. A black bandana with skulls and crosses. 
The very same one Eddie was wearing the last time you saw him. 
Wide-eyed, you looked at Dustin. He told you that they left Eddie in the trailer park when they figured that it would be impossible to get him through the gate again. In the stress of being in the Upside Down, you realized that you didn’t see anything when you walked past that very area. Not that you wanted to see what would’ve been left of Eddie but something should’ve been there. 
So, how did this get over here?
The realistic explanation would be that some demonic creature had dragged his body here and it fell off but something in your gut told you that wasn’t right. Could he be…
“There!” Robin yelled. She put her flashlight up to illuminate the figure but it stood firmly about 50 feet away from the group. The light couldn’t reach fully reach it. The only thing you could see was the pair of glowing red orbs floating where its face should be. Bringing your gun up to your chest, you prepared to fight. 
“Dustin, stay behind me.” You whispered to him. 
The figure just stood there, unmoving. You felt a weird sense of familiarity with the creature in the dark and you couldn’t put a finger on it. From what you could see, the silhouette had a big head and a small body. It didn’t look anything like the demogorgon. You tried to regulate your breathing, to calm your shaking hands. 
Then the creature moved abruptly and Hopper fired shots at it but it swerved easily. Your eyes went wide. All the creatures you encountered before were fast but not as fast as this. When it got close to Steve, he swung his bat of nails at it but it easily knocked the bat out of his hands. Nancy aimed and shot the creature right in the middle of its chest but the bullets deflected easily. 
“How did that happen?” Dustin asked. 
Now that it was closer, you could see it more clearly now. What you thought was a big head, was actually a mane of fur. Or hair? Again, it moved quickly, and suddenly, it was right behind you. You pushed Dustin behind you then there was nothing in between you and this monster. 
You were about to pull the trigger on the gun but Robin’s flashlight shined on it, giving you your first good glimpse of it. It was as if someone threw a bucket of cold water all over you when you caught a glimpse of a familiar logo on its chest — the Hellfire Club. You lowered your gun as your jaw dropped. The light traveled up its chest and the creature lifted its head. You finally saw its face.
Eddie Munson stood in front of you again. He almost looked exactly like he did when you last saw him. Leather jacket, tactical vest. It’s like he was plucked straight out of your memories. Except his shirt was tattered and dried blood stained the white fabric. He looked deathly pale even in the blue hues of this alternate dimension. Blood dripped from the sides of his mouth and his eyes… His eyes weren’t the warm chocolate brown you loved so much. Instead, they were bright red and looked straight at you. Hot tears streamed down your face. 
“Eddie?” You gasped. Eddie tilted his head at your voice but didn’t respond. 
“Oh my god,” Dustin exclaimed. 
“How is he alive?” Steve said. 
Your brain was running a million miles a second. “Eddie?” You tried again. 
Tentatively, you took a step forward. Eddie snarled. Then you noticed the pointy canines that weren’t there before. Before you could get a closer look, he lunged at you. You heard everyone scream and you closed your eyes, bracing yourself for the impact that never came. You opened your eyes and saw that Eddie was frozen in place. He struggled against an invisible force. Beside you, Eleven had her right hand in the air, holding him in place. She squeezed her hand and Eddie let out a choked sound. “Stop! Please, El. Don’t hurt him!” 
“He will kill you.” She told you.
“He won’t. He won’t hurt me.” You begged. El loosened her grip but still kept him restrained.
“Kid, you better get away from him. That’s not the same guy anymore.” Hopper told you, his gun still cocked and aimed for your boyfriend’s chest. 
“No! That’s still him.” You weren’t being rational. You knew that but the chance to get the love of your life back was standing right in front of you and you weren’t going to throw that away. When you turned back to him, Eddie wasn’t struggling as much. “I don’t know if you can understand me or even hear me but I know this isn’t you. Whatever happened… whatever’s making you act this way… I know you can fight it.” 
He didn’t react to your words. He simply stared at you with those red eyes. 
“You’re Eddie Munson. You grew up in Hawkins, Indiana. You love Dungeons and Dragons and metal music and fantasy books. You’re passionate and smart and the kindest person I’ve ever known.” He started shaking in El’s grip. Behind you, you could hear El’s struggling grunts. Your friends tried to stop you again but you simply put a hand up to stop them. You were going to get through to him even if it was the last thing you did. 
“Do you remember how we met?” Silence. “We were 8 and we were in the playground. Some kid pushed me over to get to the swings and I banged up my knees real bad. You saw me on the ground crying with bloody knees and you immediately helped me. You even used your shirt to wipe the blood. I remember you just kept talking to me and asking me all these random questions. And I was so confused that I didn’t even feel the sting when you brushed away the gravel. After that day, we were inseparable.”
Eddie had calmed down as you talked, no longer resisting El’s hold. He breathed deeply and the red light in his eyes dimmed ever so slightly. You tried again to take a step towards him. This time he let you get close. 
“You’re my best friend and the person I love the most. Losing you was the worst thing that ever happened to me so please, please. I know you’re in there, Eds. Come back to me?” You put a hand on his cheek. His skin was impossibly cold and you fought the urge to flinch. “I love you. I always have and I always will.” You whispered.
Eddie let out a breath and closed his eyes. He nuzzled into your touch. You put your other hand on his neck and tangled your fingers in his matted hair, just like you used to do. When he opened his eyes, you were greeted with those familiar brown eyes that you thought you’d never see again. A sob escaped your mouth. 
He mumbled your name. “Are you really here?” Those big, expressive eyes searched yours, looking for reality in the illusions that plagued his mind. Eleven let go of Eddie when she felt that he wasn’t going to attack anymore.
“I’m here.” Your voice cracked. “I’m right here.” 
“Christ, I missed you.” Eddie pulled you to him and you threw your arms around him. You sobbed into his shoulder. You couldn’t believe this was happening. If this was another cruel dream, you hoped you would never wake up again. 
“I lost you.” You choked out. Eddie’s arms were tight around your waist. His strength caught you off guard. Eddie had always been strong but this was different. 
“I know.” Eddie buried his face in your hair. You smelled sweeter than he remembered. 
“You promised you would come back and you left me. You jerk.” You punched his arm lightly. 
“I know. I’m sorry.” He kissed the side of your head. 
“H-how are you alive?” You managed to ask when your sobs subsided. You pushed him back ever so slightly so you could look at him. 
“I don’t know.” Eddie shook his head. He looked behind you. You turned and saw Dustin’s watery eyes. Stepping aside, you let him tackle Eddie in a hug. You could hear Dustin’s sobs. “Hey, buddy.” Eddie rubbed Dustin’s head affectionately as the boy cried in his chest. In the dark, you could see the tear tracks that slipped down his cheeks. 
“That was really cool what you did but also really stupid,” Dustin said once he let go of Eddie. 
“Yeah, dying to a swarm of bats. Pretty metal if I have to say so myself.” 
“So, you remember dying?” You asked him. 
“I do. The last thing I remember was seeing Dustin then everything went dark.” Eddie reached for your hand and, for the first time in a year, your fingers slipped into each other easily. As if no time had passed. “Then I heard a voice, telling me to wake up. It said I needed to join him. To serve him.” 
“Vecna.” Nancy spoke up. The fear in her eyes was clear as she was the only one who had experienced his visions. Eddie nodded at the older Wheeler. 
“I woke up alone and I was okay. I mean, physically. The bites were gone but I knew something was different about me. I felt so thirsty. Like if I didn’t get something to drink, I’d claw my throat out. Then I saw these.” Eddie bared his teeth and you saw the fangs again.
“Like a vampire?” Robin asked.
“I’ve read enough books in my life to know what fangs and an insatiable thirst meant.” Eddie glanced at you hesitantly. He was worried about how you would react to this new development but you simply moved even closer to him, gripped his arm, and held his hand tighter. 
“A vampire? Are you serious?” Steve asked, still not believing that he was actually here and not some group Vecna-hallucination.
“As a heart attack, Harrington.” Steve rolled his eyes at the man. Yeah, that’s Eddie. 
“What else happened, Eds?” You pushed for more answers. 
“He got in my head. I felt stuck in there and I couldn’t get out. He… made me do things. Horrible things. A-and I could see what I was doing but I had no control over myself.” Eddie’s jaw clenched. His tone was angry but you could see the shame in his eyes. “Until now. You pulled me out of his trance. You saved me.” Eddie put his cold hands on your face. 
“Like Kas!” Dustin practically shouted. 
“Who?” Steve threw his hands in the air, frustrated and confused by the lack of answers.
“Kas the Bloody Handed. Vecna’s lieutenant. Dude, you’re literally a DnD character!” Dustin bounced excitedly. “He betrayed Vecna and killed him. It’s prophesized. You’re the key to killing him!”
“And how do we know you’re not gonna turn Dracula on us again?” Chief Hopper who had been very quiet throughout the reunion finally spoke, voice gruff and eyes hard. He knew Eddie Munson. Of course, he did. He booked him multiple times for driving over the limit and he wasn’t sure he trusted the kid. Especially now that he had just tried to kill everyone just minutes ago.
“We don’t. I don’t even know if I’m fully out of this. But I want to help.” Eddie was determined to make things right. He couldn’t stop himself when Vecna had him take out those army men patrolling Hawkins but he could do something now. 
“If he was making you do things, would you know what he’s up to?” Nancy’s mind was whirring with ideas. 
“I do.” 
“And can you help us take him down?” Hopper asked.
Eddie’s face hardened. Then he smirked. A hint of the old Eddie coming to the surface. “With pleasure.” 
Chief Hopper looked at Eddie for a beat and put his gun down finally. “Alright, let’s go.” 
Your friends all gave Eddie a hug and followed Hopper’s lead. The two of you lagged behind the rest of the group. Eddie wanted a moment alone with you. 
“Hi, sweetheart.” He said, softly. You almost cried again hearing his old nickname for you. 
“Hi, Eds.” Your hands were entwined together. You were slowly getting used to the feel of his cold skin against yours. 
“I wanted to talk to you.” Eddie had a serious expression on his face. 
“What is it?” Tilting your head, your brows knitted together.
“You know that I’m not…myself anymore, right?” Eddie looked at the ground. “As Hopper said, we don’t know if or when he’ll take back control and I will never forgive myself if I end up hurting you.” He tried to pull his hands away from yours but you held on tight. 
“If it happens again, then I’ll pull you out of it. I did it once and I can do it again.”
“B-but what if this is what I am now? A monster.” Eddie almost shouted but his voice cracked towards the end.
Your heart broke when you saw the broken look in his eyes. Moving your hands to his neck, you made sure he was looking into your eyes as you said the next words. “Edward Munson, you listen to me. I don’t know what Vecna made you do but it isn’t you. You weren’t in control. I know you better than anyone. You are not a monster, Eddie. Far from it.” 
His eyes softened and a tear fell down his cheek. Eddie put his forehead against yours. “You’re too good for me.” 
“I hate when you say that. Do you even know how much you mean to me?” Your thumb brushed away his tear.
“I think your speech earlier gave me a clue.” Eddie took your hand in his and gently touched the ring on your finger. He ran his thumb over the metal. “You kept it?” Eddie’s voice cracked. 
“I never took it off from the day you gave it to me.” You confessed and Eddie kissed your knuckle tenderly. “I’m yours, Eddie.” 
He pinched your waist, playfully. “Even if I’m part of the undead now?” 
“Even then.” A big smile spread on your face. An equally big smile tugged on his lips and those fangs came into view again. You eagerly tugged him down and crashed your lips against his. Eddie sighed into the kiss and made a whining sound. He cupped your jaw and pulled you impossibly close. 
You were still wrapping your head around the fact that you had Eddie back. The fact that you could kiss him again, be able to hold him in your arms. For some reason, you were lucky enough to get a second chance and you couldn’t be more grateful. Eddie’s lips moved against yours. He parted slightly to slip his tongue into your mouth but one of his teeth poked the tender skin of your lip. You yelped.
“What happened? Did I hurt you?” Eddie fawned over you. His thumbs brushed under your lips. 
“No, no! You just poked me.” You were breathless after the kiss. 
“Can’t even kiss my girlfriend without hurting her.” He mumbled.  
“Hey, I’m okay. You didn’t hurt me.” You pushed his chin up so he’d look at you again. “We’ll get through this together, Eds. I promise.” You kissed him again, sweetly and softly. Just what he needed after being stuck in this terrible situation. 
When he pulled away, he hugged you tight. You pressed your cheek against his chest, slightly missing the steady beat of his heart. You rubbed your hands on his back. “I love you, too. I never got to say it back.” Eddie said. 
You closed your eyes and let yourself forget about Vecna, the Upside Down, and vampires. 
You had your Eddie back. 
And you were going to be okay. 
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kireijae · 1 year
n.jm 23:25
summary: in which you're literally me and this is how i feel but i write a fanfic so jaemin can fix it:)
genre: angst, fluff, f2l, happy ending
a/n: hello surprise!!!! i JUST wrote this in like 30 minutes so please be kind! it was very healing i think mkay bye let me know if you enjoyed it!
jaemin was taken out of his scheduled (midnight) daydreaming by the chime of his phone. normally he wouldn't bother to answer, or even check the notification, but he glanced over.
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he saw your name and unlocked his phone immediately.
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jaemin enjoyed the fact that he knew you so well. he knew how you texted and what it meant. he knew your favourite restaurants and your favourite orders at each of them. he knew you better than you knew yourself. he knew you the way you knew him.
and so, he knew you'd been taking strain with your flatmate getting a boyfriend. it was a strange, new feeling to you. you were so happy for her. jimin deserved the world and had finally, finally found someone willing to give it to her. but, when would it be your turn? you'd longed for love for so long. you'd worked on yourself and felt truly ready for a partner to share your life with.
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jaemin was not, in fact, out the door. not yet, anyway. he tugged on his shoes and a hoodie first– and grabbed one for you. he didn't like you driving when you were sad. you listened to sad songs and cried while driving, not the best for the whole being-able-to-see part of driving.
your apartment was only 10 minutes from jaemin's and those 10 minutes were spent on the phone with you.
"should i gather snacks?"
"yes. duh? of course, it's us," he answered, eyes locked on the road.
"oh my– we have ben and jerry's!" you squealed, and he could hear your little happy jumps.
jaemin smiled, "what flavour?"
"cookie dough!"
"fuck yes," he cheered.
"oh yeah, do you guys ha–"
"do you need coffee–"
said at the same time.
"that's what i was going to ask for," jaemin said, elated at your likemindedness.
"i know you," you beamed, and he could hear a smug tone in your voice.
you'd long ago accepted your connection with jaemin as fact. something not to be questioned or even surprised at anymore. your friendship ran deep, it was to be expected really.
but, selfishly, jaemin wanted more. he wanted to give you everything you wanted. he wanted to hold you in sorrow and in pleasure. he wanted to tease you like he does now, but be able to make up for it with a kiss and an 'i love you' that means something different than it does now. but he never said anything. he didn't want you to lose your closest companion.he didn't want to be that guy. you would never see him the same, he would never again be the person you needed.
"i'm outside."
"okay, on my way down."
you came out of the building soon enough, an overnight bag over your shoulder. and a shirt nowhere near adequate enough for the cold outside. jaemin scoffed and grabbed the spare hoodie. he jogged over to meet you at the door, taking your bag and plopping the hoodie over your form simply. he left the sleeves at your sides, leaving you in the fabric with your arms at your sides.
you pulled a face at his quick work, but shoved your arms into the sleeves anyway.
"i know you," he quoted cheekily and walked over to his car.
you childishly blew a raspberry at him, standing like a child in oversized hand-me-down clothes.
you got in the passenger seat and he drove you back to his place. you were crying by the end of the trip, taylor swift once again being the artist you chose to play in the car drive over.
you were laughing now though, with tear stained cheeks standing in the entryway to jaemin's apartment.
"this is ridiculous," you announced through your giggles.
"what is?" he asked, leading you to his room and putting your bag down on a chair.
"me. this situation," you said, "i just made myself cry to songs i can't even relate to. i'm a mess."
"a wonderful mess," jaemin corrects quickly.
"but a mess nonetheless," you countered.
"you need to stop listening to taylor swift," he said, "you're rhyming."
"you're right," you chuckle, settling onto the bed where jaemin had just situated himself. "i'm just so lonely."
jaemin could feel your need to talk, so he waited.
"do you think i deserve love?" you asked, eyes shining still.
he was baffled, "of course you do."
"i mean– do you think i might just be one of those people who never find a partner but are still happy and content with life alone?" you asked, "because i'm waiting for either of those scenarios but neither has happened and i'm starting to think neither will."
"i think the right person is out there," he said, he would tell you to wait, be patient, but he knows it won't help. especially when he knew he could end your wondering and pain right then, if you felt the same.
"i hope so," you wiped a stray tear from your cheek.
"you'll find your soulmate," he added, putting his arm around you, "you still believe in those, right?" he recalled a conversation over the phone about how your belief in the theory was dwindling.
"i do," you said, leaning into his chest, "i decided i have to or i'll go crazy. but, i'll stop believing if you don't find your soulmate."
he frowned and shook his head lightly in surprise. "what? why?"
"you're too great to not have someone out there waiting for you," you said simply, eyes wondering around the room you've been in hundreds of times.
jaemin felt his soul ache a bit more at that. the fact that you had no clue how close you were to someone who would give you anything you asked for at the drop of a hat. "i think someone's out there dying to love you the way you need."
you huffed, "and i'm dying to find them."
the boy's heart started beating faster than ever. he had the courage– or the momentary lapse in judgement– to do it.
"y/n," his voice didn't waver the way he thought it would.
"hmm?" you craned your neck to look up at him for the first time that night.
"i've been dying to do something for a while now," he confessed.
"what is it?" your face flickered with what in hindsight can be recognised as hope.
"can i kiss you?"
tears fell again, "please."
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dino-fart · 1 year
The Bargain | Chapter 6: To Scale A Mountain
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Pairing: Namor x Female Reader
Genre: Action, Adventure, Romance
Summary: To say you had a complicated relationship history was an understatement. Your ex was well...Not of this world? Yet he seemed to always find his way to you. One day he shows up with his new girlfriend asking for your help. You promise to assist if he never shows his face again. What is it he needs you for? And what are you all going to find when deep diving into the Atlantic Ocean?
Summary | Preview | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 |  Chapter 12 (End) | Sequel
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“Land sweet land!” You shouted as you stepped onto the shore. The three of you had been traveling by sea for so long that you needed a break from it. You stepped further onto the shore and took a few minutes to stand there to bask in the sunlight. You were freezing from the cool breeze of the ocean. 
“Is the sea that bad?” A playful voice said behind you. 
You turned around to see Namor smiling at you. “I’m not built for the sea like you are.” You teased back. 
“You can be if you’d like.” 
“Careful, your highness, I’m a lot to handle.” 
Namor grinned at your words. 
“So where do we go now?” You turned to Atlas. 
“Lake Llanganuco. I took Sypha there through the underground water passages.” Atlas pointed.
“Let’s get into town and get a map of the mountain then we can find a ride to the mountain.” You nodded and led the way into town.
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It was a struggle trying to head to one of the stores quickly when you were walking with two shirtless muscular men. All eyes were on the three of you and you couldn’t help but feel nervous. You sighed in relief when you found a shop selling ponchos and bought three of them. You wore a green and yellow poncho and got Namor a white and a brown one and Atlas a blue and black one. 
“Is this necessary?” Namor raised a brow. 
“Yes, because half the town is ready to get on their knees and bow to you and offer their daughters.” You smirked. 
Namor let out a chuckle and put the poncho on. Atlas thanked you and put one on as well. 
“Alright, let’s find a ride.” You turned around to look toward the other shops and saw a booth that read ‘Tour Guide’. You headed over there and spoke to the man about Mt. Huascaran. You walked back over to the two men and a red off-road jeep drove up to you. “Our chariot is here!” You smirked and got in the back seat. Atlas sat in the passenger seat and Namor sat next to you. “Have you ever been in a car?” You asked Namor. 
“Long time ago...It’s not something I’m used to.” He said a little nervous. 
You gently moved your hand over to his and held it in yours. “I’ve got you.” 
Namor smiled at you softly and laced his fingers through yours. “Thank you.” 
The car began to head down the road and Atlas couldn’t help but glare at the two of you through the rearview mirror. During the trip, Namor squeezed your hand tightly whenever the road got bumpy. You found it adorable that a strong and cool-headed king of the sea was holding onto you like you were his lifeline.
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It took a few hours and you finally arrived at the base of the mountain. You thanked the man and he gave you the map of the mountain. The driver left and now it was just the three of you. “So...Atlas, you and Namor find your way to the underwater passages while I climb or find a horse to ride the trail.” You took out your sickles and tied a rope to each end as an anchor. 
“Are you sure? I do not want to leave you alone. How will we know if you need help?” Namor said. 
“I’ll be okay Namor, we’ll meet at the lake, it should take me at least 8 hours to get up there based on this map.” You pointed at the trail line on the map. 
Namor was reluctant but nodded. He rested his hand on your shoulder, “Be safe.” 
You smiled and blushed meeting his gaze. “I will.” 
Namor followed Atlas to find the water passages. You watched them walk away and headed up the trail to find a horse owner and you rented a black-maned horse. You mounted the horse and headed toward the trail. Thank goodness that it was a tourist trail so the path was pretty clear. You enjoyed the peaceful nature and your thought dwelled on your relationship with Namor. 
He was strong but sweet, he was careful to take of you and it was heartwarming. You remembered that you felt that way when you first met Atlas. 
But Namor wasn’t Atlas...You hoped. 
You were snapped out of your thoughts as you could see the lake sign. You urged your horse to gallop faster and made your way to the lake.
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Night fell and you made it and dismounted the horse. You gasped at the beauty of the lake and the moon’s reflection in the water. The beautiful turquoise waters, the glorious view of the mountains, and the snow-capped peaks. You walked over to the shore and sat down to gaze at the view. Your horse trotted over to the shore and drank some water. 
You smiled at the animal and leaned over to stroke its beautiful mane. The horse’s head jerked up and its ears pointed up at a sound. You turned around to see Namor and Atlas walking out of the water and toward you. They had removed their ponchos a while back.
“I see you have made it in one piece and with a friend.” Namor smiled at the creature and slowly approached it. The horse nuzzled its’ head on Namor’s head when he petted it. Atlas smiled at you and you just nodded. You weren’t sure how friendly you wanted to be with him. Things were still...Fresh. 
“Let’s make camp here for the night and then start searching for the scepter in the morning.” You suggested. 
“That sounds like a plan.” Atlas nodded. 
You got a fire started and the three of you sat around the fire. Atlas had come back with some apples he found from the trees and offered you one. You took it gently and held it in your hands. Atlas fed your horse a few and handed the last one to Namor. 
“I am not hungry. You should take it, you need your strength, researcher.” Namor offered it to you. 
You smiled at him and took it happily. 
Atlas glared at you. “She’s fine. She can handle a lot more than you know.” Atlas snapped. You turned your head to him and furrowed your brows. Namor raised a brow at the blonde man. “And she has a name.” Atlas continued. 
“Atlas, stop acting like a child.” You warned. 
“I’m not acting like a child, he’s treating you like a fool, like you’re weak.” Namor was silent, he sat up straight, shoulders back and eyes focused on Atlas. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you? Leave him alone and leave me alone, I’m not your girlfriend anymore, remember?” You hissed. 
“I know but I just don’t want him to manipulate you!” Atlas stood up. 
You stood up as well and stood in front of Namor. “I think you need to cool off.” 
Atlas' eyes burned with anger and stormed off. You rolled your eyes and walked back over to your spot across from Namor. “Sorry...” You said softly. 
“There is no need to apologize...Are you alright?” Namor gave you a gentle gaze. 
You nodded and sighed softly. “I need to lie down...” You yawned. You said goodnight to Namor and laid down on the sand. Your poncho served as a blanket and you curled up by the fire and closed your eyes. Namor watched you sleep and couldn’t help but admire your peaceful state. 
He felt a strong attraction to you, you had such a way of presenting yourself. You were headstrong, brilliant, calculated, and beautiful. He felt his heart flutter as he recalled when he kissed you. He hoped after finding the scepter he could persuade you to stay with him in Talokan.
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The sun’s rays awoke you and you opened your eyes. You sat up and stretched your arms. “Good morning.” Namor smirked. 
“Morning, are we ready to go?” You slowly stood up and stretched again. 
“Not wasting time?” He chuckled. 
“Not one bit.” 
Namor nodded and the two of you turned when you saw Atlas walking over. 
“I remember the path to where I last saw the scepter. We need to go straight across to the center of the valley between the mountains and the lake. Then we need to go underwater to the passage that will lead us to the ice caverns. That’s where we’ll find the scepter.” Atlas said walking over to the shoreline. 
You nodded and took off your poncho. You set it by your horse and the three of you dove into the water. 
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Namor stayed with you and guided you on your underwater journey. The two of you would stop every now and then so you can get some air. He held your hand as the two of you swam to your destination. Atlas headed over to an underwater opening and surfaced. You followed right behind him and surfaced the water. 
You gasped seeing the shimmering ice around you. It was a beautiful sight and hopefully not a dangerous one. Atlas stood by the edge of the pond you were in and leaned over to offer his hand to you. “Now look who’s treating me like I’m fragile.” You teased and didn’t take his hand. You gripped the edge and hoisted yourself up and out of the water. 
Namor shot up from the water and landed a few feet from the two of you. You got up and Namor walked over to you. “Where now, Atlantean?” Namor said to Atlas. 
Atlas walked past the two of you and headed down a path, “This way.” 
Namor and you walked side by side and you turned on your flashlight. 
“Here we go...” You said under your breath, chills going up your spine. You hoped the scepter was close, something about the cavern seemed...Dangerous beyond nature...
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Author’s Note: Sorry this took so long babes! Work has been killing me and fighting off an illness blegh :( Thank you for your patience!! 
Dividers By: @firefly-graphics​​
Tagging: @bontensbabygirl​, @deputy-videogamer, @anthonyedwinstark, @fangirlingbookworm1, @theyluvremi, @bbylime, @redcrayonsforwanda, @sidefanficaccounttohidemyshame, @missbeverlyhills, @bluskyy30, @sonadowloverf-blog, @spctorstrnge, @justanotherfanhere, @britty443, @lilithskywalker, @tzurue, @lego0city123, @livingdeadgirl7, @bl6o6dy, @didneyworld13, @bookfrog247, @thicc101q, @angel-bi666, @witchxlove, @omgsuperstarg, @andy-wandy, @queenotaku23, @maripositanoctruna, @ursecondbirthmom, @jupiterclipse, @pauline-s12, @spookymicrowave, @darkfairymoon​, @gemini5991, @littleficreccs, @3am-at-a-party, @hotdoglamp, @supernaturallover2002, @natchayaphorn, @sixthgun98, @xwackk, @strvbelities, @internetmultifandomfangirl, @yawny0-0, @girlmythlegend, @lotsoffandomsandsoftpeeps, @ameliabs-world, @dvaine-mercy, @sadslasher13, @jylanlove12, @boxbraidboo, @secretpostts, @fefa-la-printcessa, @queenofangrymoths, @artaxerxesthegreat, @sammisregrets, @imlikefrhungry, @namorwife, @22carolina08, @batfam-sitcom, @ohantonia, @agustdpeach, @ethereal-athalia, @spicydonut25, @historygeekqueen, @em-asian, @stitchattacks, @agustdeeyaa, @sadbutradbarnes, @mynameisbaby9, @thebluehare, @fandom-lover-4, @delsinhunter​, @im-a-slut-for-fluff, @asarcasticcaffeinatedslytherin​, @theslytherinwriter, @kirrasrkive, @deliciousfestsalad, @violet-19999​, @ameliachastain​​, @raeluvsbloodline​, @namor-is-the-way​​​​
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missmouse25 · 2 years
Friends Don't - Pierre Gasly
Based off the song Friends Don't by Maddie and Tae
gender neutral first person pov // 965 words // not quite friends, not quite lovers // this was very self indulgent i'll tell you that much
Friends don’t call you in the middle of the night, couldn’t even tell you why, they just felt like saying hi –
The phone screen lit up with Pierre’s name and I didn’t hesitate to answer. He would probably be on his way to the airport by now, if he wasn’t staying the night at his hotel.
“Hello, love.” Pierre sounded sleepy and there was no noise around him. Hotel it was.
“Pierre, isn’t it the middle of the night in Australia?”
I looked out of the window to see the sun only just beginning to set over France.
“It doesn’t matter. I’m not tired.”
I could hear him laugh quietly.
“Is everything ok, Pierre? Do you need something?”
“No, just felt like saying hi to you.”
In my mind I could imagine the smug look that would be on his face; the cocky smile.
“In the middle of the night?”
“You’re always on my mind, love.”
If only he knew what his words did to me. Who was I kidding, he knew exactly what and that’s why he did it.
“You raced well today. Now go to sleep. You can see me in your dreams if you want to.”
“I’m counting on it, love.”
~ Friends don’t stand around playing with their keys, finding reasons not to leave, trying to hide the chemistry –
We walked slowly to the front door. It had been a great evening out with everyone but I wanted some time just with Pierre.
“When are you off again?”
“We fly out in two days.”
I knew it would be soon but it still hurt to hear. Reluctantly, I pulled my house keys out, pretending to look for the right one.
I looked at Pierre, meeting his blue eyes. Gently, he took the keys away and started his own search, taking significantly longer than I had.
“Will I see you before I go?” He asked.
“If you have time for me.”
“I always have time for you, love.”
He watched as my face flushed pink in the dim light before unlocking the front door for me.
“Oh, Pierre, your jacket!” I stated to remove it from my shoulders.
But no sooner was I pulling it off, Pierre was putting it back on me.
“Keep it. For now, at least.”
He made sure it sat snuggly before brushing his thumb over my cheek.
“You can give it back to me when I get back from Hungary.”
I just nodded as he pushed open the front door and stepped aside to let me go in.
“I’ll see you soon, love.”
~ Drive a little too slow, take the long way home, get a little too close –
Music softly spilled out of the speakers, playing one of my favourite songs. He always did though when I drove with him.
“Pierre, where exactly are we going?”
“If you wait five minutes more, love, you’ll see.”
With the sunglasses and the smile, he looked so arrogant. It was an act, of course, but he loved to use it to tease me.
I rolled my eyes and let him have his way.
Eventually, Pierre pulled off the road, into one of the tourists look-out points. Together we climbed out and peered off the edge of the hill. The sky was beautifully clear and we could see almost to the other end of the city.
“Wow…” I breathed out.
“It’s quite a sight, isn’t it, love?”
Pierre stood with his chest against my back and his arms over my shoulders; I felt his nose nuzzle against my ear.
‘God, what I wouldn’t give for him to kiss me right now.’
For a while, we stayed there drinking in the moment. I hoped it would be imprinted on my heart forever.
“You’re so annoying.”
I said it, but I didn’t really mean it.
“Are we taking the long route home?”
Pierre kept his eyes on the road, following the turns and curves with ease.
“Yes, it’s an adventure.” He turned the volume of the music down. “Plus, you get to spend more time with me.”
“The world does not revolve around you, Mr Gasly.”
I watched the corners of his mouth turn up.
“It doesn’t? That’s news to me.”
I shook my head in dismay.
“Don’t ever change, Pierre.”
“How can I? I’ll always have you to keep me in check.”
“Yes, you will.”
~ Cause we do, but friends don’t –
“Love, why aren’t you dating anyone?”
The simple question was like a hammer to the chest.
“I would if someone asked me.”
Pierre leant forward on the couch, resting his elbows on his knees.
“And what if I asked you?”
‘What am I meant to say to that, Pierre?’
“Theoretically, love.”
“Theoretically… I’d say yes.”
He gazed over at me as I sat next to him, his blue eyes looking straight through me.
“Pierre, do I really need to answer that?”
“Humour me.”
With I sigh, I relented and lowered my eyes before answering.
“Well, I already feel safe with you. I’ve opened my heart to you in the past and you’ve never hurt me. I know you’d be a good partner because… because you’re already a good friend to me.”
He took a moment to ponder what I’d said.
“Is that what we are? Just friends?” He wasn’t upset, he was just wanted answers.
“I’m not sure. Just friends don’t act like we do, Pierre.” I told him truthfully.
“No, they don’t.”
If there was ever a time to take a chance, it was now.
I moved closer, took his face in my hands and kissed him. It was like taking a breath after being underwater.
Slowly, I pulled away to see Pierre smiling.
“No, friends don’t do that.”
“But we do, love.”
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godandmonsters1996 · 1 year
Every night when Regina falls asleep she sees a door with Emma's name on it, she opens it and sees Emma's life, from the moment she is left on the side of the road, she becomes her imaginary friend.
Until one day Henry brings Emma to Regina's house.
AU - Regina is forced to see the price Emma paid for her curse. SwanQueen.
Chapter 1
She could feel it, victory. The smoke swirled around her. Castle bricks fell from the walls that kept her captive for years. She could hear Snow's cries of pain and sorrow and it was music to her ears.
“This is my happy ending,” she growled at the stupid girl who held her bleeding husband in her arms, as she tried to shield him with no success.
Finally, finally she could be free; she had finally won, she had control, she had it all.
The smoke grew heavier and heavier until she couldn’t see anything anymore and all she could hear was the collapsing world around her, her blood was rushing with adrenaline and then, there was nothing.
She woke up on the most comfortable mattress she ever felt. It took her a few minutes to remember her curse; once she had, she did she quickly got up from the heaven of her bed and checked herself in the mirror. Her hair was shorter, her clothes were different-she wasn’t sure how she felt about all of those changes but there was one thing she needed to check first.
She walked down the street with the clothes she took from her closet-which was filled with this world’s most expensive brands.
She could see the wolf girl dress in a short skirt as she fought with her granny. She could see all kinds of people act as if nothing change, as if this was their everyday life. It wasn’t until she bumped into none other than Snow (no this was not Snow this was Mary Margret) that she finally realized she won. The girl apologized profusely and then ran for her life. This is my happy ending.
Later that day she fell asleep on the couch with a cider she made from the apple tree she brought with her. It was a recipe she perfected in the enchanted forest while she was exiled from Snow’s kingdom.
She walked down the long corridor. Everything was white: the walls, the doors, even her dress. She tried to open a few doors but they were all locked. It didn’t feel like a dream, it felt too real. For once, she could feel her breathing and her pulse rise with every step, and moreover, she never dreamed; she either fell into blackness or she was haunted by memories.
She kept walking and walking until suddenly, a door appeared out of nowhere. “Emma” the gold letters shone against the white door. She took a deep breath and reached for the handle, it clicked and Regina walked to the other side.
It was dark (that was the first thing she noticed) everything was dark, and then she could see lights speed against her eyes; she walked closer and a loud beep told her she was on a highway. A car drove so fast it almost hit her and Regina moved away just in time. It was when she was on the side that she heard it-a baby’s cry.
She looked around as she tried to reach for the source and then she saw a little boy holding a baby in his arms. “It’s alright Emma,” the boy whispered to the girl. “We are going to be alright.”
Since that time, whenever she fell asleep she found herself in that corridor in front of that door. The few times she walked inside she could see that green-eyed baby; she could see her sent into a family with that young boy with her. She learned his name was August and that he was very protective of the girl. She also found that she liked that about him.
She also saw the baby smiling at her; though anyone else acted as if she hadn’t existed. She couldn’t tell if the baby actually saw her or it was just Regina’s wish she did.
Whatever the answer was, two things were clear: 1) Regina was unable to touch anything in this weird dream world (whenever she tried to sooth the girl with gentle touches she found out her hands touched nothing but air) it made her confused. If this was indeed a part of the course she couldn’t understand the meaning of this. 2) She felt connected to the young girl (her heart never warmed up so quickly to anyone) but when she looked into those forest green eyes she wanted nothing more than to protect the girl and keep her safe from whatever destiny she was chosen for.
That feeling scared her; and that was the reason she didn’t open the door anymore-or at least tried not to. Whoever this Emma was, she was related to her curse and Regina was not risking anything after finally getting her happy ending.
It was two months later when it happened: the brunette started to get tired of living the same day over and over again. The brunette was clean from the room for a week now, the longer she’d ever succeeded, as she fought the temptation of green eyes and toothless smiles.
But that night she walked in. Maybe out of curiosity, maybe out of boredom and maybe it was actually because she missed the girl too damn much.
She forced herself to fall asleep; she closed her eyes and thinking about the baby who literally stole her dreams.
She felt her whole body relax and then she was right in the middle of a small dark room.
Emma was crying her eyes out while the voices screamed outside the bedroom.
“You stole the drugs from me!” a man’s voice screamed and a sound of shattered glass came from outside the door.
“I can return it,” the woman sounded terrified and Emma kept on screaming. Regina walked toward the terrified baby; her face was red and covered in tears.
“Shhh,” Regina soothed the girl and moved closer to the crib.
“GET OUT!” the woman screamed at the man and Emma’s whole body shook with tears when she heard the yelling get louder and louder.
“Hey,” Regina whispered to the girl and moved to pick her up even though she knew her hands would come back empty. She was surprised when she felt the soft and warm body of the girl against her palm. She felt a wave of magic the second their skins touched each other; the baby eyes were clouded with purple smoke-Regina’s magic. It made no sense, this world doesn’t have magic in it.
The baby on her side immediately calmed when the brunette hugged her close, as she let her wet face rest against her shoulder. “It’s going to be ok Emma,” she repeated the boy’s promise from that night and Emma ragged breath started to calm down.
'Is it going to be ok?' she asked herself. She clearly was connected with the girl, and somehow her magic was connected to the girl too. It’s like her magic marked the baby in some way-the way her eyes glowed with it; she could even smell apples on the baby’s short blonde hair.
“Bang!” A gunshot sounded from outside the bedroom and cut Regina’s line of thought off. Regina ran to hide with the baby inside a small closet; she tried to calm the baby’s cries and prayed for whoever was willing to listen that Emma would be alright.
She didn’t know how it happened (she wasn’t sure which one of them did it) but as the closet door burst open, revealing a very drunk, angry man with a gun. A gust of magic surrounded both of them and they were suddenly at a police station.
Two cops who came outside for a break found them, the woman crouched down to pick Emma up; she completely ignored Regina’s orders to give the baby back to
“Who does this?” the lady officer asked the bearded man. He shrugged in response before he called for someone over his walkie. “Who leaves their baby outside like this, it’s freezing,” she continued. Regina tried to take Emma back, only to realize that whatever ability she had to touch the girl before was gone and she was back to being so utterly useless.
Regina life was always complicated. She lived a double life before-with Daniel and her mother, with Rumple and the king. But she always, always knew it was temporary: one life always meant to rise above, to be her happily ever after.
But it wasn’t like that for this, she had two completely separate lives: she had her happy ending life and the dream world; which started to feel less and less like a dream.
Emma was almost one year old. Ever since that accident Regina hasn’t been able to touch her again and no other magical activity occurred. Whatever happened that night was a one-time thing.
Emma was living with the same foster family since that night-it seemed to be a good one. The mother was at home with her while the father only came back late at night.
The mother called her a Swan (a nickname the brunette couldn’t possibly understand) the toddler was anything but graceful as a swan-she was a complete klutz. A thing Regina couldn’t help but smile at whenever she thought of the little girl.
Emma seemed to wait up for her every night, whenever the brunette showed up at her room Emma’s green orbs were wide open. She smiled at her and mumbled, “Gigi, gigi.” The brunette just smiled back and talked with the toddler; she would tell the baby stories about a land far, far away.
When she heard one night that Nicole planned on adopting Emma she couldn’t help but feel a sharp pain in her stomach. She didn’t know why it hurt so much. Emma deserved to be loved, and she clearly couldn’t give that to her. She wasn’t sure this whole place wasn’t just a side effect from the curse; she wasn’t even able to touch the baby girl, how could she give her a life, any kind of life?
She avoided the door for a while, only getting in very late at night to make sure Emma was okay. She sat beside the crib on the floor as she looked at the rise and fall of the baby’s belly. She let go of the dream she let herself get too attached to.
Three months later when she got into the room she found Emma in a house full of kids. She didn’t understand where the hell Nicole was. Emma was screaming her lungs out-clearly starving. Some stupid kids were rocking her hideous stroller. Which she realized wasn’t Emma’s stroller. Emma’s stroller was pink and new, it was clean and smelled like Emma’s vanilla scent. This stroller was old and dusty; it seemed like it was once blue, but now it was brownish and disgusting. Emma only screamed louder with every rock and Regina quickly moved toward her. The moment Emma’s green orbs met with her tender chocolate ones she calmed. The baby reached her hands to her, as she begged to be lifted up to her protector and Regina’s heart broke when she realized how useless she was to that innocent beautiful girl.
She started humming a familiar tune, she couldn’t exactly remember when she heard it before, but Emma’s lips twitched up at the sound and suddenly the baby had graced her with a full grin. She could see the three new teeth in her mouth and Regina couldn’t help but smile at her too.
“Emma,” an old lady called. She held a bottle with formula in it and she came to lift the baby out of the stroller.
She saw Emma’s smiling face and sighed. “Such a beautiful baby you are,” she whispered as she cradled her. “Such a shame you don’t have a home.”
Regina’s body went cold. How could this happen? Has Emma been abandoned again? didn’t Nicole adopt her?
She spent the next day searching for any kind of information she could find on the blonde baby. She found that Emma was indeed real-she was living in a group home in Boston. She was indeed adopted by Nicole but then was sent back due to unexpected circumstances. She found nothing about Emma’s birth parents; all the internet could tell her was what she already knew-Emma was found on the side of the road with a little boy, no blood connection between them. So how did the boy know Emma?
She decided it didn’t matter; she already made a decision. She needed to adopt that girl; she wanted Emma here with her, she didn’t care how she was connected to the curse right now. But how could she adopt Emma if she couldn’t leave town?
It seemed like a very cruel joke; it seemed like her happy ending was just outside of reach now, just outside the town line.
“I need your help,” she said as she walked inside Gold’s shop.
“Madam Mayor,” he greeted her and Regina sneered at him in response. He can pretend all he wanted, she knew he remembered.
“I want to adopt a baby.”
“How can I help you with that, dearie?” he asked with a fake surprised look and it sent shivers all through the brunette’s body. If there was one person Regina knew very well it was Rumple. And right now it scared her beyond everything that he knew about Emma.
“I know you can manage that,” she grit her teeth and clenched her fist, forcing herself to calm down. “I want you to get me Emma.”
“Sorry dearie,” he smiled at her. “That is the one thing no one can do.”
“What do you mean?”
“Every magic comes with a price.”
“Emma is paying your price, dearie,” for a moment she could've sworn she saw Rumple and not Gold. She could've sworn she saw his skin glitter and his hair curl, she could have sworn she heard him giggle maniacally at her.
Emma was paying her price, what the hell does that mean?
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yubellia · 6 months
Reborn as Lila Rossi: The Fox and the Caterpillar (Chapter one)
Hi Hi Hi! This took longer than I thought. I am back from my vacation and can use my laptop again. The teaser came from my phone. I just wanted to push that idea into the world. However, let's begin.
(think think think)
"bla bla bla"
Lucia had a pretty shitty day. Her stepfather would divorce her mother. And to make it worse, they were also both fired from her job. Her dad really wanted to get rid of them. Was there a reason for that? No. Just the fact, that he did not want them anymore. Lucia just came from a big office building in her new hometown. She reported herself as jobles and got the paperwork to get money for her rent and all the important stuff.
She sat down on a bench after she realised that her bus would come in about 10 minutes. she did not even care that it is november and that the bench is cold like ice. Her pale hand pushed her brown and slightly curly hair from her face. (Ok. let's see. It's the end of the year. Pretty much no one is looking to fill positions, unles we talk about cleaning toilets and I am a 19 year old woman, fresh from college and little to no savings. To make it worse, I also can't rely on my mother. She lives in another town and also got fired.) Lucia stood up and took a few steps. "Can this get any worse?" Almost like it listened to her prayers, the bus she was waiting for drove up to her. Way to fast. Not that much of a surprise really. She herself almost slipped on the road this morning. Everything felt like it was slowed down but Lucia could not move. The bus could not stop in time and hit her.
Everything was dark. It felt like one of these dreams. You are close to waking up but you can‘t. Until your alarm finally sets you free. And that’s what happened.
An annoying ringing filled the room and Lucia opened her blurry eyes. She instantly found the phone and turned the alarm off. After she took a moment to stretch and wake up fully, she thought that she must be still dreaming. This room was not hers. There were masks hanging on the wall, next to her was a poster of a place in…. Italy? Maybe? And in another corner was a mirror with lamps and a desk with makeup.
„What the hell is….?“ she could not finish this sentence as she heard the voice of a woman calling…. Her? „Lila?! Are you up? Get ready! You don‘t want to be late for school right?“ that was not her name. But this name in combination with this room made a ton of sense. She rushed out of the bed in a panic and over to the mirror. „Yes… mom! I am up! Don’t worry!“ she looked at herself or rather the person she was supposed to be. There in the mirror was the face of Lila Rossi. One of the villains from this show called „miraculous“. Green eyes looked shocked into the mirror as ‚her mother‘ spoke again. „Ok good! I will be late tonight. There is food in the fridge and some lunch money on the table. Love you dear!“ the next thing she heard was a closing door. Lucia or now Lila looked at her phone to check the time. More than an hour left. Enough time to collect her thoughts. „ok. Relax! This has to be a mistake right? The last thing k remember is getting hit by a bus. And than….. nothing. So this has to be a coma dream or something. Worst case scenario would be, that this is my afterlife. A new chance as a villain that is supposed to fail. Great.“
She started to pick out some clothes and got dressed while she kept thinking. „Relax Lucia. This is not too bad! I mean, I know what is supposed to happen. I can make it better! Tell better lies! I don‘t have to fail. And besides, what’s the worst that could happen? If I really died, I can do whatever I want. And if not, then I will wake up sooner or later.“
By the time she was done getting dressed, she endet up in front of the mirror again and locked at herself. An idea formed in her head. „Ok I have to check this.“ Stepping closer to the mirror, she checked her eyes first. Only to find, that there are green contact lenses in them. „This girl slept with contact lenses…. Insane. Ok. The hair next.“ she carefully and slowly grabbed her hair and pulled at the bangs. They moved and the rest with it. „Aha! So it really was always a wig. That explains why she did not like sports very much. At least that’s what I found about her.“ inspecting her makeup further, she found the usual stuff like foundation and concealer. However, she also found fake tanning drops to mix into the daily skin care. This caught Lucia off guard. Before she could put too much thought into it though, her phone rang again, telling her that she should go to school. She fixed her wig, put the contact lenses back in and grabbed her bag before she left the house. Luckily she kind of knew where she had to go.
It did not take her too long to find her school. However, finding the teachers lounge where Miss Bustier would meet me, would be more difficult. (I hope I can handle this. My schooldays have been over for a while. Not to mention my puberty days… oh god please have mercy.)
She knew she found the right place when she saw a young lady with orange-red hair and a mostly white outfit, talking Marinette Dupain-Cheng. (Ok. Here we go. Lila could not know that but her biggest mistake was to make an enemy of Marinette. They say ‚keep your friends close and your enemies closer. So here goes nothing!)
She approached them slowly, trying to appear a bit unsure. „Miss Bustier?“ Both the teacher and Marinette turned around. Miss bustier‘s face brightened as she saw Lila. „Ah! Lila Rossi! Good morning. We just talked about you.“ she continued as Lila stepped closer. „This is Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Our class representative.“ She looked friendly as she greeted Marinette. „Hello Marinette. It’s nice to meet you.“ Miss Bustier took both of them with her to class. Lila tried to remember the way while Marinette talked. „It’s nice to meet you too Lila. Welcome to our school and our class. If you need anything, don‘t hesitate to ask ok? Talking about questions, may I ask if you are allergic to anything? I prepare cake and stuff for everyone’s birthdays.“ Lila thought for a moment. „No. nothing that I know of. I’m good.“ They reached the classroom and Marinette sat down while Lila stood next to Miss Bustier‘s desk. She took the moment to look around. She vaguely remembered everyone’s name. Not too bad. She is supposed to be new anyway.
„Alright everyone! Sit down! As you can see, we have a new student starting today. Why don‘t you introduce yourself?“
Looking back at her new class and putting her smile back on, Lila cleared her throat. „Good morning. My name is Lila Rossi. I pretty much just arrived in Paris. Originally I come from Florenz in Italy. It’s nice to meet all of you.“ After introducing herself, Miss Bustier told me her to sit next to Nathaniel.
During her introduction, she saw how Chloé rolled her eyes and smirked. She had a feeling that this meant trouble. But she made a good first impression on Marinette and that was important. After all, only Marinette was a real threat here.
Class was more or less boring. She was able to keep up with most of what Miss Bustier was saying. When she had the chance, she thought about what to do. (I just have to keep it simple. My mother works for the embassy and therefore had to move a lot. Sometimes. In rare cases. I managed to see someone important but I did not get too close. One or two charity events. Not bragging too much. Keep it plausible. As plausible as possible at least. Now, how do I get my hands on a miraculous? I could stay close to Marinette and hope that she gives me one. However, Lila appears at the end of season 1. it will take a while for Marinette to become the new guardian. Also, even if she decides to give me one, she will take it back. That’s not good. So….oh! That’s it!)
The rest of the day remains boring. It should be the day when Adrien finds the book about the miraculous from his father. She needs to get her hands on that. During the longer lunch break, she tries to approach Marinette and the group.
„Hi everyone! Marinette? You told me to ask if I need anything. I think I should copy some notes to catch up with you in some classes. Especially history. Could you or someone else here help me?“ Marinette started to take out some notes but Adrien interrupted her. „I could help you. I wanted to study in the library anyway. You can copy my notes if you want.“ Marinette gets her panicked look hearing that. I look at her and smile, trying to assure her that it is ok. „Sure. That would be very nice. Thank you. I promise I won‘t bother you for too long. I take some notes, need a little nudge in history and that’s that.“
Adrien leaves soon after that. I tell him that I follow soon. Before that however, I need to talk to Marinette. „Don‘t worry Marinette. I really just need some notes. I don‘t want anything from Adrien.“ Marinette looks shocked but Alya puts her arm around Marinettes shoulder. „It really must be obvious when Lila can see you crush despite only being here for a day.“ Marinette started to blush but before she could say something, Miss Bustier approached us. „Excuse me, Marinette? Alya? I don’t want to bother you outside of school or during breaks but could you help me please?“
Marinette did not really want to. She wanted to tell me something, stop me from spending time with Adrien or even follow us. She wanted to do something and I knew that.
I met Adrien in the library. We sat down and I start to take notes. Of course I noticed that Adrien did not have a history book but the one about the miraculous. I am very lucky that the events still take place as they should. I try to listen for noises to make sure Marinette is not here. After a while I speak up.
„Hey…. That doesn’t look like a school book.“ Adrien reacted normal for someone who got caught doing something forbidden. But he tried to hide it. „Oh! Yeah well, ok. Yeah, this book has nothing to do with school. But I can‘t read it at home so….“ I just nodded and looked at the book. "This looks a lot like these heroes. Ladybug and Chat Noir." Adrien just nodded and did not stop me when i pulled the book over. I did notice how he smiled when i mentioned Ladybug. „Oh? Someone has a crush?“ Now he was really blushing. „Oh! Well…. She is just amazing…“
I flipped a few pages before I started talking again. „It must be a very tough job. I just heard a few things from my mom before we moved here. She really must be strong. They both must be strong if they can handle stuff like that every day.“ The alarm of Adrien’s phone started before he could answer anything. He jumped up and frantically started to pack his stuff. He also pulled the book about the miraculous over to his bag. I took a quick Look around but I couldn’t see tikki or Marinette. I stoped Adrien by pushing a few books of the table. While we both started to clean up, I pushed his book out of view.
He didn‘t notice it while he hurried out of the library and I did not ask him for a second meeting. I just thanked him for helping me before he left. After he was gone, I also left after putting the book into my own bag. (Sorry Adrien. But I really need this more than you. Also, your father should not have this.)
After I left the library, I kept my eyes open for Marinette. I had to make sure, she did not see how I took the book. After 10 minutes or so, I found her with Alya. I stayed out of sight and just listened. Marinette panicked because I could have flirted with Adrien but Alya seemed optimistic that I would not do that, while knowing how Marinette felt. It really sounded like they only talked about harmless stuff. If only Marinette knew. I am 19 for crying out loud. Yeah I have the body of a 14 to 15 year old teenager right now but still! Nope! Never! After convincing myself that Marinette didn‘t spy on me and didn‘t know about the book, I went home. There, I took out the book and started to take pictures with my phone. (Better be save than sorry.) after that, I took the time to actually look through my phone. I found notes about a room down close to the sewers. I also found tones of notes about lies and people I did not know. Knowing Lila though, they are probably people from her past. Good to know, that she wrote down the important stuff.
After taking and saving the pictures I took, I descided to get it over with.
Alright! Here it is! It is done! I hope you liked it. I try to hurry and write the next chapter. I apologize for any spelling or grammar errors. If I don‘t finish the next chapter before christmas, I hope you have a great time!
See you soon!
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