#was that a grey ace joke...maybe
cursedchildofchaos · 1 year
I want my polls now dammit
*Tumblr staff member brings out a stripper pole and starts to dance*
Goodness graceness! This is not what I wanted! Get away from me!
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an-honest-puck · 1 year
list of my fave ball players in chronological order of when I suddenly became inexplicably fascinated with them
JESS MCCREADY, LUPE GARCIA, AND ESTI GONZALEZ every single fictional Rockford Peach in the TV series 'A League of Their Own' + Max Chapman
Shohei Ohtani
Aaron Judge
Trea Turner
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gothgamergaara · 2 years
As a brand new grey ace it is absolutely bonkers how ingrained it was in my mind that any conversation I had w a person (where dating was the intention) needed to be sexualized in order for them to desire me . Which literally feeds into my gender fuck because I’m constantly trying to be desirable and the only way I know how is to sexualize the parts of me that feel incongruent with who I am. And then I would be like why do I feel wrong
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youremyonlyhope · 1 year
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allastoredeer · 3 months
Hello, don't mind me, I just need to vent for a second.
First off, I just wanna say, as an aroace person on the ace-spectrum, feel free to ship Alastor all you want. Ship him with anyone. Have fun with it. Sex repulsed. Non-sex repulsed. Grey-ace. Demisexual. Pure unadulterated smut. Whatever, have at it. I love that shit.
Just please do it without infantilizing ace-aro people.
The amount of art, fics, and takes I've come across that's so patronizing to Alastor and his sexuality. Thing's like Alastor venting to Rosie about his feelings for a character with the caption "Alastor feeling love for the first time." Or Alastor wanting to have sex with a character and having feelings about that, and someone commenting "That's called a boner, sweetheart. That means you like them 🤭"
Like??? Like do ya'll not see how patronizing that sounds? Being ace-aro doesn't mean you don't know your own body. It doesn't mean you don't understand the functions of your body.
It doesn't mean you've never experienced intense emotions. It doesn't mean you've never experienced love before.
And, look, I know these are meant to be jokes. I know. People are joking. I laughed at the first few I came across, too. It's not meant to be harmful or condescending; no one means it that way. But there's been so much with such...bad takes recently, and I don't know about any other ace-spec people (I don't speak for all ace-specs. Hell, there are probably other ace-spec's who don't mind, enjoy it, or are making content like it themselves. I just speak for myself) but GOD it's getting uncomfortable.
Alastor is in his late 30's-early 40's in human years. That is the established age range we have for him. Do you really think that he'd go that long without ever experiencing "love?" He went through puberty just like everyone else, do you think he doesn't understand his own body???
Being asexual, or sex-repulsed, or touch-repulsed doesn't mean you automatically don't explore these parts of yourself. It doesn't mean he's never, once in his life, touched his own dick, or pussy, or whatever genitalia you're giving him. He can still very well be a "virgin" (which in and of itself is a social construct) while also knowing his body and confidently handling any "sexual needs" he has.
Do you really think he doesn't know what a boner is? That in all the years he's been alive and dead (on Earth and in Hell), he wouldn't have experienced these things once? (And you know what? Maybe he hasn't! Perhaps there are ace's out there like that! But you're telling me he doesn't KNOW what that is??? Really???)
Ah, no, it's all because he just hasn't found the right person yet, right? It's not until Lucifer/Angel Dust/Vox, whoever found him, and they gave him these feelings, and oh no, poor Bambi is feeling twitterpated and horny for the first time, isn't that romantic!
Honestly, not really. It just sounds like the same, stupid shit ace-aro people hear from family, friends, and acquaintances about their sexuality. You know, the tried and true: "Oh, you just haven't found the right person yet. You'll want all that eventually, you'll see😊"
Do you not see how frustrating that is?
Look, I am all down for Alastor exploring parts of himself. I want him to navigate different relationships, feel them out, figure out what kind of relationship he wants and what he's okay and not okay with doing. But there are ways to do that without treating him like a little UwU silly baby boy who doesn't know his own body, or his own emotions, or his own relationships with other characters. Like he needs someone to teach him about himself.
How about instead, he finds someone he feels comfortable exploring these elements with? Instead of them "teaching" him how to fuck, or masturbate, or whatever the hell you want to call it, they're giving him the room and safe-space to explore it at his own pace??!!
It comes across as someone who isn't on the ace-spectrum "teaching" an ace-spec character about their own sexuality which puts such a gross taste in my mouth. Or, at least, that's how it comes across to me.
And the thing is, I know people aren't going to stop. I know they're going to keep infantilizing Alastor and his aro-ace identity, and I wasn't originally going to make this post, because you can't control what people do in fandom.
So this is mostly just a post to say: HEY! Hello! Ace-aro person here! I hope you all are having fun and I love that you're exploring Alastor's asexual/aromantic identity! Especially those who may not be in the ace-spectrum themselves, as you're learning about us and our experiences! That's awesome! Can we just do that while also treating Alastor like the adult he is? Can we do that without being infantilizing and patronizing about his sexual identity? Please?"
That's all I really wanted to say. I just needed to get this off my chest instead of letting it fester. This isn't an attack on anyone, this is just the perspective of an Alastor multi-shipper who loves exploring his relationships with other characters (sexually and non-sexually) and deep-diving into the dynamics of the show.
Thanks for reading.
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celestialprincesse · 3 months
Mustang 🌵🏜️
The morning after dinner with Simon, you sit patiently on your porch swing, a chipped mug of coffee clutched in one hand, a pen knife balanced between the fingers of the other. Fortunately, the mornings aren't yet sweltering enough to wake covered in sweat and kick off the thin sheet from your bed. The sun still rises languorously over the horizon, and you wake with it.
Simon Riley is surprisingly pleasant, and you begrudgingly admit to yourself that Marlene had been right, perhaps you do need to get out more, meet new people, get over it. Perhaps you like him because he's like you. He's quiet, peaceful on the surface, undoubtedly roiling underneath. It's impossible to miss when you know the feeling so well. Tyres crunching on gravel snap you from your reverie, the black truck, some shiny new ford pulling in your driveway, cab doors swinging open to let its driver out.
"Nice." An appreciative eyebrow is raised in the direction of the truck, amusement barely hidden at its cleanliness. You struggle to imagine him spending meticulous hours cleaning the vehicle - when you do picture Simon Riley shirtless and suntanned, working meticulously to rid the truck of dust and dirt, you internally chastise yourself before walking down the rickety porch steps to greet him. "You left your pot." His gruff accent feels so odd to you still, so out of place whilst still being so somehow pleasant, sending shivers down your spine. "Shit. So I did." The enamel of your Dutch Oven is cool against your hands, chilled from the AC in his car. Still not used to the warmth, you suppose.
"You want a drink?" You hum as you wordlessly make your way back up the porch steps, Ness nipping at your heels as you usher Simon and the collie into your cozy kitchen, quick to shut the screen door behind you. "I got sweet tea, coffee, lemonade." "You got earl grey?" "Do I look like the type to have earl grey?" "Black coffee then, please."
Ness seems to like him. Good judge of character, you think. You hope. Maybe she likes him because of how similar he is to you, and you can't help but appreciate the newcomer as he pets the bicoloured ears of your pet. Your place is exactly how he pictured it'd be, cozy in a lived in sort of way, knickknacks scattered across the countertops and shelves and the occasional picture of what he can only assume is you as a kid strewn haphazardly. The coffee maker whirs quietly to life as you busy yourself with retrieving a plate of biscuits from the fridge, chucked in there to avoid the occasional fly that managed to get through the screen in the rushed moments where you failed to close it all the way.
"Biscuit?" "Just coffee is fine." "Your loss." You quip back, putting the plate back in its rightful place, by which time the coffee has brewed and you pour Simon a chipped mug full. "So, the fastback." Simon manages a little awkwardly, dwarfing your mug between his palms. "Ah, the elephant in my garage." The crappy joke makes you actually cringe, eyelid twitching as you angle your head back to the door, making your way to the garage, in which you pull the cover from the red painted mustang with an awkwardly executed flourish.
Upon assessing the car, Simon grunts out a quiet "Shit", turning to you with an almost concerned look. "You pay for this?" It seems weirdly as though he's mad, like anyone who charged you for this useless hunk of metal and rubber had committed some kind of sin, like they'd kicked a puppy or shunned god away. "No. No, guy said if I could fix it up it was mine." "Good. Cause it's worth fucking naught."
Simon spends the morning tinkering with the car. Pushes it out of the garage with pure brute strength so that he can look at it properly, says he'll fix your garage light whilst he's at it. When he appears at the kitchen door like a lost dog, cautious to shut the screen door, he can't help but appreciate the way you turn to face him, leaning the swell of your hip against the countertop. "The biscuit offer still open?" "You're fixing my shitty car and you already looked at my garage light. At this point I owe you more than just biscuits." You chuff.
The veteran can't help himself but to ogle your ass as you bend in front of your fridge to retrieve the biscuit plate, along with a jug of sweet tea and two chilled glasses.
"Prepared." "Ah, figured you'd get thirsty at some point."
There's something pleasant about the quiet of it all. Reminds him why he moved out here in the first place. The quiet nicker of horses and the sight of a beautiful woman making him lunch after spending hours out in the unforgiving heat. It makes him feel weirdly grateful, something he hasn't felt in a while. He's at your side as you rustle up some other food, something more substantial for a man of his size who's just spent four hours in the steadily boiling heat. He likes the way you don't flinch when a tentative arm slips around your waist to grab the glasses you'd set out on the counter, moving them to the table before returning to press his shoulder against yours.
"Need me to do anythin' else?" "Just stand there and be hot." Slips out before you can stop yourself, and your hand flies to cover your mouth, all whilst he stands, massive arms crossed against his chest with a smug. "Yes, Ma'am."
Today felt like such a good day to write these two I promise I didn't forget about them!! I love them!! They're my emotionally wounded babies!!!
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angllqvr · 4 months
“you smoke?”
word count: 828
paring: mechanic!abby x reader, quick lil drabble inspired by this
warnings: smoking, no outbreak!au not proofread
a/n: posting fanfics on the main blog might be a thing now?? woah, okay i hope this is decent bc i don’t write fluff 😭🙏 enjoy mwah
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abby huffed as she pushed herself out from underneath the car she’d been working on, wiping her forehead off as it was covered in sweat. the oil of the car staining her already light grey tank top as she used her left hand to fan herself off. “fuck, it gets hot down there.” she chuckled to herself before grabbing a rag from the floor and gently dabbing it over her face.
she caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of her eye, she wanted to call out but before she even could say anything you had walked into sight. “hey, i just thought you could use a drink. looks like hard work.” you flash her a smile before holding out a bottle of water in front of her.
“i could douse myself in this right about now,” she chuckles. “you really do come in clutch sometime’s don’t you?” that evokes a smile from you as you let an airy laugh past your lips. “i suppose i do. i’m glad you aren’t opposed.” you flash a smile at her as she twists open the bottle cap and chugs the entire thing in .2 basically seconds.
“you look really pretty under there, ya know? when you’re working. you get so, like… immersed. it’s cute.” abby raises an eyebrow at you. “it’s my job, i have to focus.” she laughed— she genuinely let out a laugh. maybe at how stupid your comment was, but a laugh nonetheless. abby fucking anderson laughed at your “joke.” she found you amusing, which felt almost unbelievable.
she leaned against the car she was previously working, eyeing you up and down. the way your shorts clung to your hips so nicely, your shirt being just the right amount of tight. you looked so pretty.
you give her a smile, eyeing her yourself. particularly her muscles, how sweaty she was and how they looked so good like that. her toned arms nearly gleaming in the sunlight. the sun itself wrapping it’s way around her body outlining her silhouette. you felt your face getting hotter as you stared.
“you okay? you’ve been staring?” abby states as you quickly snap out of it and get absolutely embarrassed. “oh! i um… i just thought you looked good.” you muttered, trying to save yourself from embarrassment.
“a-anyways… uh, how was the water?” ‘what the fuck?’ you mentally cursed yourself because who the hell would bring up water… as a conversation starter…? oh god. she literally thinks you’re a loser, she’s probably holding back an entire laughing fit.. why’d you say that?
abby digs around in her pocket before pulling out a pack of marlboro reds, flipping the lid open and taking out a cigarette before placing it in her mouth and digging around in her pockets for a lighter. “shit, i forgot my lighter. you got one?” you nod, walking over next to her as you took the lighter out and flicked it on, holding it to the cigarette gently placed between her lips.
she slumps down onto the ground, looking up at you- almost as if she wanted you to sit down with her. you got the memo and smiled softly as you sat next to her. “you smoke?” you shake your head. “no, thanks though.” she nods.
she leaned her head on the top bumper looking up at the sky before she takes a long drag of her cig. her eyes glance over to you, a small smile forming on her lips which was only visible to herself.
you look over at her, scanning her face. your eyes going from her eyes to her lips. she has oil and grease stained on her face, you noted. you bring your thumb up to her cheek to wipe it off smiling at her. she doesn’t say anything, instead taking another inhale of her cigarette while staring back at you.
“you’re pretty.” you mutter under your breath, thumb still glued to her cheek as you gently wiped away all the greese stained on random parts of her face.
she chuckles, putting her cigarette out on the ground before flicking it in a completely other direction. her entire attention now focused on you. “you’re staring again.” she remarks, you rolling your eyes at the blatantly obvious observation. thanks abby.
“i’m well aware, but so are you.” before you know it she’s leaning in closer towards you, you feel your heart skip a beat, her hands going to cup your jaw as she pressed her lips against yours. you smile into her lips, wrapping your arms around her broad shoulders. you could taste the former smoke coming off her, it made you shutter. you just ignored it.
she breaks the kiss a few seconds later, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear. you smile and away from her before letting out a soft chuckle. “you wanna go for coffee after this?” abby questions, you nod eagerly.
“i’d love too.” “good.”
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elsweetheart · 1 year
saw rin @coeurify write some roommate!abby so i decided to write some too cos i’m feeling #inspired
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slutty!roommate!abby short fic / drabble below the cut 💋 minors dni & don’t ask for part 2
It’s not like you were dating. Just living together — roommates, that’s all it was. A shabby and cozy little apartment, tucked away in a nice enough area. There’d be a new problem each week— AC busted, closet door swinging off, flickering light bulb, and you were lucky enough to live with a 6ft blonde walking talking ‘Don’t call the plumber / electrician / whatever, I got it’ machine. Things worked out pretty well.
The two of you were close. Almost too close. Your friendship bordered on simmering sexual tension whilst always keeping it just respectful and distanced enough for neither of you to make a move. You liked to think she enjoyed it, keeping you just out of reach like this. She knew you wanted her, but where was the fun in giving in?
Abby got around. It was no rumour that she had a history of being the community strap, and whilst her crazy days had died off a little — you’d still be awoken once or twice a fortnight to the sound of a new girl with the same shrill moan, headboard thumping against the wall. All you could do was sulk, snuggle down further into your bed covers and will yourself to sleep with your stomach twisting in jealousy at the thought of Abby curled next to someone else for the night.
The two of you liked to have ‘bonding night’, you know — watch a movie, drink wine, eat snacks, sometimes a face mask would make an appearance. Abby had insisted on these nights when you’d first moved in together, so that the two of you could get to know eachother, and since then it had become a tradition every Friday night that the neither of you would miss for the world. Infact, it became such an important tradition that plans were often rescheduled around it, dates postponed, ubers cancelled. Just you, your good friend Abby, and a bottle of something pink and tangy.
“See, I’d let you pick the movie we watch more often but… everytime you do the movie sucks.” She was muffled by the popcorn stuffed into her cheek like a squirrel whilst she scrolled with the remote for an appropriate choice. Abby had real audacity to look this good tonight. She was spread out on the couch, greeny-grey tshirt so tight it was ridiculous, hair down and a little damp from her shower, black sweatpants on (and fuzzy socks, not relevant to her hotness but you couldn’t not mention them.) It took you a second to reply as you pulled your legs beneath you from your curled up position on the chair, subconsciously tucking yourself smaller.
“They don’t suck. You don’t give them a chance! You just talk over it the whole time and ramble about how bad it is.” You shrug defensively, not seeing the way her eyes flickered over to you and lingered with an adoring smile at the way your forehead scrunched and lips pushed forward in an irritable pout. She looked away when you glanced.
“Maybe they don’t suck but they’re always the same. Always a rom com with bad jokes and like 10 minute sex scenes. Is that why you like ‘em, perv?” She nudges you with her spread knee, jostling you which makes your eyes widen slightly — face prickly and hot.
“You think I only watch movies for the sex scenes? Get your mind out of the gutter.” You snicker, fingernails picking at the blanket because, no — it’s not the reason, but she didn’t have to bring that up.
“Hey, I’m not the one picking dirty movies.” Her voice drags in that flirty and sarcastic way that makes your thighs press together. She always did this. It was your thing, you could say. She winds you up, takes the conversation down a sexual route and you just sit there and take it, always scared to make a move. You just couldn’t bring yourself to, what if she was just making fun of you? You live together, if you misread things there was potential for some major awkwardness.
“If I wanted to watch something dirty I’d just… look at porn or something.” You try and combat her teasing, but it comes out stuttery and awkward and you still can’t look at it. Her smirk deepens, intrigue washing over her. You hear her put the remote down and the scrolling on screen halts as she gives you her full attention. Busying yourself to buy more time, you reach forward and take your wine glass — taking a long sip.
“What, ‘you telling me you don’t watch porn now?”
You turn a little, giving her a look. One that read as ‘you’re not seriously asking me that.’
“Do you?”
“I don’t have to. I have sex.”
You scoff, turning your body toward her now with a finger pointed ready to defend yourself.
“I have sex.”
“Oh yeah?” You hate the way she’s smiling and tilting her head.
“It’s just… been a while.”
She sighs casually, leaning back into her seat.
“Same, to be honest.”
“I literally heard some girl screaming your name like two weeks ago.” Your eyes are practically touching your brain from how hard they roll and she laughs cheekily with her tongue pinched between her teeth, a cute roll forming beneath her chin from the position of her head. Your stomach flips.
“Exactly, two weeks ago. I’m trying not to do that so much anymore. Sleep around. Gonna delete the dating apps.” She clarifies, a look of dignity in her expression as she announces this making you narrow your eyes sceptically.
“And why is this? Who is this new and improved Abby?”
Now it’s her turn to roll her eyes. “I dunno. Just don’t think I should anymore. Think I’d rather be having meaningful sex with one person now. You know, the type where you press your foreheads together and tell her you love her when you make her cum and stuff.” She just says it so casually, like it doesn’t make your stomach bottom out into your cunt at the thought of being that one person, whilst simultaneously making your heart stammer at the idea of the person being someone else.
“Y—yeah. Me too I suppose. That’s why I’m just waiting.”
You feel that your response is put together and mature enough for the conversation to come to a natural end so that you can continue bickering over what movie to watch before you embarrass yourself, but she stares at you anyway — contemplative and analytical.
“You’ve been waiting a while, huh?” Abby talks softer, sympathetic and her fingers that were resting along the back of the couch reach a little further and stroke your shoulder briefly. You can’t tell if it’s kind or patronising. Because of this you purse your lips with a shrug.
“Yeah. Haven’t had sex since my ex-girlfriend was still around so that’s…”
“A year and half.” She raises her brows and you mirror her, surprised at how fast she knew the answer. “You’d just broken up when you moved in here.”
“Oh… yeah, that’s right. I suppose that is a long time.”
She breathes out her nose, long and thoughtful before turning her body back to the TV. You do too, because you think it’s over — but the conversation is never quite over until Abby says so.
“Well, if you ever need your fix you know where my door is. You deserve to feel good too.”
She’s kidding, right?
Like, that’s not a serious offer. It can’t be. Because if it were you’d be on her bed sprawled out with two thick fingers up your cunt and not here on the couch getting wine drunk and horny. Your eyelashes are kissing your brow at how wide your stretch your eyes for a moment as you stare ahead, saying nothing. What do you say? How do you seize this glorious potential opportunity without coming across as totally desperate and ruining things? She is kidding, she has to be.
You open your mouth, maybe just to let out a meek ‘really?’ for some clarification, but she speaks again — totally ripped from the moment. “Why do I keep getting recommended only Lindsey Lohan movies? That’s you on my Netflix account right? I swear, I’ll change my password.” She chuckles, like she didn’t just offer to pity fuck you, and you weren’t just considering take her up on it. You shake yourself free of the moment and you don’t talk about it again.
Abby really did stop sleeping around, and you knew that from the lack of moans waking you up in the night. You could have been imagining things, but she’d gotten flirtier too. Wearing tighter fit clothes around her muscles, making sure to always squeeze behind you in the kitchen with her hands on your hips, chest practically to your back with a low ‘scuse me, sorry’ in your ear as she slips by, the lot of it. You felt you were running up the AC, constantly trying to fan yourself off after she worked you up. It was two fridays since she made the offer, and you decided now was the time you’d act on it. You poured yourself a glass of pink wine and waited on the couch, getting in a few gulps before she arrived for confidence.
You drank the whole glass, and she still hadn’t arrived home. Abby had never missed a ‘bonding night’ since moving in, and now she wasn’t showing up at all? No text, no apology, just total absence. You couldn’t help but feel embarrassed and pissed off, drinking half the bottle before curling into the couch and falling asleep.
You awoke to the sound of giggles and jangling keys, and your bleary eyes cracked open — flickering to the clock on the wall ticking quietly. 2:54AM. You were about to lift your head, sit up on the couch and call out for Abby, questioning where she’d been, why she missed bonding night. You were halted by the sound of two voices, only one belonging to your roommate.
“Shh, gotta be quiet or you’re gonna wake my roommate, baby. Rooms this way.” Abby, and the tottering sound of high heels behind her. You felt sick. Why did you feel so sick?
You close your eyes again when Abby’s bedroom door clicks shut, feeling your lashes grow damp as you pull a cushion over your head — trying to block the inevitable moans and will yourself back to sleep. This wasn’t the first time Abby had come home late after hanging out with friends and found you sleeping on the couch having wanted to hang out, but you’d usually atleast receive her hushed apologies as she lifts you and carries you bridal style to your own room where she’d leave you as you mutter a goodnight half awake to her. She’d never missed bonding night though, because that was off limits.
The next three days you avoided her. You felt more stupid the longer time passed, because you actually didn’t have much reason to be angry. Yes, she missed your Friday tradition but life happens, right? You were certain if it were you she’d be totally fine with it. But it would never be you, because you’d never miss it. It was a vicious thought cycle.
When you’d ignored her on the way out your door for work, she’d put it down to you not hearing her or maybe being in too much of a rush. When you’d come home, you’d spent the evening in your room, only emerging into the kitchen to heat up some noodles before retreating. She figured you were tired. When you’d shrugged her off the next day when she brought home your favourite type of chocolate — she knew something had to be up. She couldn’t work out if it was her, or you were just going through it at first, but when you’d snapped at her on day three — it became crystal clear.
“Can you stop fucking using my towel?” You emerge in the kitchen, and honestly — for the first second before she registers the anger, Abby is just relieved to hear your voice. She turns around from the counter slowly, sucking some salad dressing off her finger from her lunch she was preparing. You looked adorable — still damp, oversized pyjama t-shirt and sleep shorts, comical cartoony oversized slippers on your feet. Despite your appearance, your expression was as serious as ever, brow pinched in stress.
“Sorry.” She shrugs simply, because you’ve never had a problem with her borrowing your towel in all the time you’d lived together.
“Like, can I just come home and not have you all in my stuff?” You huff, going to walk away but she frowns, following you like a big buff lost puppy.
“Hey, hey? What is this? It’s just a towel.” She nearly whines, because why are you being like this? Your usual sweet soft self has gone grainy and abrasive on her and she didn’t like it. You were shutting her out.
“Whatever Abby, I’m just telling you.” You back down a little now, taking a few steps and she gently takes your arm in her large hand. She’s always gentle, aware of how much stronger she is than you.
“You’ve been off lately, you wanna talk about it? You know I’m here for you, right?”
You don’t look at her.
“Yeah, here for me and every other damn girl that walks through your door. Let me go.”
You don’t mean to say it, because God is it telling — you want the ground to swallow you up whole and you scrunch your face in embarrassment as you walk away, shoulders tense and face all hot. You were not this jealous, petty person. She missed your tradition, it was her fault.
Abby gave you your space for the rest of the day, and by evening you’d wound down — anger subsiding as you plonked down on the couch and curled up sulkily, just feeling humiliated and sad. You missed her.
You stared ahead when you heard her bedroom door click open, heavy slow footsteps approaching the living room along the smooth wooden floor. You don’t look, but you can see her standing there at the side, looking at you sadly, henley top and braid adorned.
Her voice is smooth and low and warm like hot chocolate and you want to bathe in it. You pull the blanket over your thighs tighter over you.
It was truly an honest mistake on Abby’s part. She’d woken up filled with regret (and a steaming hang over) beside the girl with lilac-y platinum hair, stretching and muttering out a ‘Happy friday’ to break the tension. The girl cracked open an eye with a tired smile and rasped “It’s Saturday, sleepyhead.” making Abby’s heart drop after a beat. Friday’s. They were your days. She was sure you wouldn’t mind missing one out though, you were always kind and gracious like that. The whole bonding night was Abby’s idea after all, it probably wasn’t all that important to you, right? She reassured herself before politely kicking out her bed-mate.
Abby slowly sits down on the couch beside you, and the weight in the room shifts like it always did when she’d join you. She held such a presence that the air would feel thicker and warmer the closer she got, almost to the point where it could be stifling. “I’m sorry I missed bonding night. Manny dragged me out to get drunk and I swear, I thought it was a Thursday—”
You cut her off, which surprised her.
“I thought you were done with bringing girls home.”
She’s silenced for a few seconds, staring at your profile. You’re beautiful even when you’re mad.
“Why does it matter?” It’s soft, like a whisper because she doesn’t want it to come off as defensive or rude like it potentially could do. She genuinely wants to know. Why were you so mad about it?
You were all tense and huffy when you reply and it makes Abby’s heart clench, just wanting to squeeze you.
“Because… because don’t offer something to someone if you don’t mean it. I’m not… I thought we… ugh, whatever. I’m not having this conversation.” You made a mental note to jump back online after this conversation and search for somewhere new to live.
Abby thinks back, and it doesn’t take her long to land on the thought of her telling you she’d be more than happy to take care of you if you needed some relief. Her shoulders relaxed in realisation and brow untensed, and she reached out to stroke a thumb along your arm, body twisted to you.
“Okay, I understand.” She soothes and you want to tear up, maybe in embarrassment or maybe from her tone of voice making you feel small and cared for. You attempt to hold off and fight the feeling. “I thought you weren’t interested. Thought I’d made it weird so I just figured… if I bring someone home things could be normal again. I dunno, it doesn’t make sense now I say it out loud.” She sighs, shaking her head with her eyes closed and brows raised at her own stupidity. You glance at her, shy and still hot-faced and look down at your lap. “Just tell me how you feel. I think… I want what you want. Just need to hear it, sweetheart.”
She can’t make you say it, not after the embarrassment you’ve already faced. So, you settle on another complaint to tell your story. “You don’t know how hard it is… being so pent up and just hearing you… hearing them get to enjoy… you. I wanna feel like that.” You feel pathetic, but your stomach curls anyway at the feeling of her coarse hand sliding up your arm and shoulder to cup the back of your neck, aiding you in looking at her.
“Yeah? I’m sorry. I think you just feel… left out.” She cooes and you preen into her touch, shifting in your seat a little. You say nothing, just let out a little air from your nose. She shuffles closer to you, bringing her warmth. “You forgive me yet? You want me to help you forgive me?” Her other hand fiddles with the blanket on your lap for permission to slide it away, and she’s so close now that you can sigh and lean your head on her strong shoulder, nodding silently. She pulls away the pink fluffy cover up and rests a hand on your bare thigh.
“You know I’d never miss bonding night. ‘D never neglect you on purpose. You’re still my number one, yeah?” She strokes the skin upwards, constantly craning her head down to look at you, watchful of your expression. “I didn’t know you wanted this, sweet girl. I would have taken care of you like you need ages ago if I knew.”
She drops a kiss to your temple and you shudder, your own arm wrapping around her strong bicep to cling to it as your thighs fall open wider. “Yeah? Can I?” She’s quiet and gentle, and you whimper when she cups your hot cunt through flimsy pyjama shorts.
She rubs a sloppy circle over the material and you whine, the sound of wetness already present from your quantity, filling the quiet room. She’d barely touched you, and you were already soaked — it was astounding. “God, you are pent up aren’t you? I’m sorry.” She chuckles in a sympathetic way, free hand coming to smooth down your furrowed brow. Abby stares you down when she slips your thin shorts to the side, fingers slipping and sliding through your drenched folds to circle your clit making you moan softly. “I know.” She hums, eyes on your lips. “You want a kiss? Will that help?”
You can’t talk, so you just nod and she brings you in whilst she languidly rubs your clit, gently sucking on your bottom lip and pressing pecks to it before finally rolling her tongue over yours. With this, she’s pressing a middle finger against your hole and easing it inside, curling up to press against your tight upper wall. You cry out a little against her mouth and she shushes you. “There you go, so fucking tight huh? S’been that long?” She grinds the ball of her hand against your clit and you hump against it, the waistband of your shorts hugging her wrist as the shape of her hand moves up and down.
“Just—needed this.” You struggle, your warm breath heating her lips making her lick over them.
“I know. Gotta use your words next time, let me know yeah? If you said the word I wouldn’t have been sleeping around.” She presses a kiss to the centre of your forehead, lips lingering there as you let out a string of moans and embarrassed pants at the sound of your own wetness against her finger. She slides in another, stretching you.
“Not gonna last long. S’been too long.” You cry and she nods, free hand sliding beneath your lower back when you arch it off the couch.
“I know. S’okay baby.”
When you cum, Abby presses her forehead to yours.
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yea-baiyi · 1 year
xie lian really is living the ultimate grey-ace fantasy though, because imagine you’ve gone 800 years not being attracted to anyone and you’ve been totally fine keeping a vow of abstinence you have no obligation to keep —
and then one day you run into this guy and your brain goes “he’d be a great husband” and suddenly you’re thinking about how he’s so tall and fixating on his hairline and his bone structure and wow his hands are so big, sure wouldn’t wanna be choked by him, and you’re a huge embarrassing mess around him. but turns out he is equally as embarrassing towards you and you end up liking him a lot and you guys flirt and joke around when you’re together and it’s great except you have massive walls up because of all of your centuries of trauma —
and THEN you find out that this guy has known you nearly your whole life, was actually the person beside you at all your lowest points, someone who has already been tested and come out fighting. he’s not nice and he’s seen some shit but he has literally crawled his way out from hell and proven himself to be good, and most of all already proven that he will stand with you and be by your side in every way that matters. all that before you guys even started dating, before you guys even MET in this lifetime. just the perfect alignment of a) attractiveness, b) compatibility, c) resilience as a life partner — and he came over and started talking to YOU.
maybe it’s just me but i’m chewing on the walls????
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aleenuhs · 2 months
Her Carhartt’s (Modern Sadie Adler x Fem!Reader)
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Note: this idea came to me due to a friend of mine calling me a Carhartt warrior a few days back, what can I say? I love dressing like a lil blue collar worker.
Sypnosis: Sadie loves Carhartt, the jeans, the beanies, jackets and everything else. You, on the other hand, you don't really wear anything of the brand, expect for their beanies. You steal a hoodie, adorned with wear and tear, it was hers for sure. When Sadie comes back into your guys' shared room, she stands shocked.
tags: established relationship, fluff, smut, aftercare
word count: 1.5k
warnings: fluff, smut w/aftercare, Sadie calls reader “girl” and other pet names, fingering (r!receiving), cuddling and kissing (all that stuff), Sadie gets a bit determined, lmk if more.
proofread? sorta..
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Where you and Sadie lived, it often got cold, but Sadie kept the windows open in the house, sometimes even leaving the AC on during the night. Meanwhile, you shivered, teeth chattering and all. But you didn't mention a word of it to Sadie, as it wasn't that horrible, maybe you were overreacting.
Oh, but one day, it got cold, you turned on the heater while Sadie was away in the kitchen, then sat down on the couch, curled up watching your favorite movie. You refused to dress in more warm clothing as it would worsen things, you'd get way to hot and uncomfortable for your liking. So you resorted to trying to make your apartment warm.
Sadie walked out of the kitchen, using her hand as a fan.
"It's hot in here, Jesus." She walks over to the thermostat and turns it down to 50 degrees, previously 75, then walking away into the bathroom before you could mutter a single word and tell her to turn it back up.
You sigh. Your girlfriend was somehow always hot all the time, never cold, she just ran hot.
Upon turning off the TV, you stand up from your place on the couch and walk over to you and Sadies shared room. In a search for something to keep you warm, you sift through Sadies side of the closet, finding a jacket that you knew would keep you warm, her Carhartt hoodie in grey, little rips and tears, some discolored parts of the jacket, but that was what made it perfect. You slip it over your shirt, then Sadie comes out of the bathroom. Her head was tilted down, looking at her phone, then eventually she looks up to see you in the closet.
"And what're you doin' in my side of the closet, girl?" Sadie saw you putting the hanger back on the rack, and you let on a small smile, turning your body toward her.
"Just warming myself up," you reply back.
"You're cold?" She pauses, after seeing that you were wearing her hoodie. "Oh?"
"Hm?" You questioned, wondering why she suddenly had paused. Sadie knew you liked to wear her stuff, sometimes, and it was mostly her shirts, but never that jacket. Sadie let on a small chuckle.
"You're wearin' my work hoodie, honey."
"Oh I know," You smiled and smiled back.
"Looks good on you, maybe you should keep it, gives me an excuse to go buy a new one, for myself.” She joked and sat down on the bed, crossing her leg over the other.
“I’m good. I know you like this one, Sadie.”
“Speaking of that, I was fixing to buy a new one anyway.” She sees you let a huff of air out.
“That’s what you’re gonna spend like, half of your paycheck on, babe?” You said, and she was already scrolling through the Carhartt site. “Guess so.” You replied to yourself. You sit down next to her as she laid there scrolling through the website, she was focused on looking to buy something new, you let out a little whine, asking for attention.
“C’mere.” She hears you, when you lay down she brings you closer. Sadie sucks in a breath and puts her head back down near your neck and bites a little, making a shock go down your spine. She steadies you when she feels you writhe against her. “Look s’cute in my hoodie..”
You let on a small laugh and a smile picks at the corners of your lips and then you go in to kiss her, snuggling even closer to her body. “I love you,” you say as she peppers kisses to your neck. Your heartbeat quickening.
“I love you too honey.” She keeps going and all you could do was smile, your hands resting on her head, playing with her braid. She sucks a little, which you could imagine would leave a hickey on your collarbone. Sadie and you hadn’t had much time together since the start of her new job in construction. Her calloused hands ran up under the hoodie, feeling over your bare skin, rubbing your waist. “My girl.”
You can feel the rush in your stomach, there was no returning now, things could only go up from here. The familiar feeling of Sadies hair against your skin, and her lips kissing yours. It was never a foreign feeling.
Sadie starts to grab you more aggressively, bringing her hands up to your shoulders, forcing your back to be faced down on the bed, she straddles you, your frame pinned to the bed, her on top of you, a sensation of heat radiating from Sadie. Both of your lips connect in a heavy haste of love. “Sadie,” you pull back from her, out of breath already. Sadie doesn’t respond she was very into you. You repeated breathily, "Sadie?"
“Mm?” She mumbled, placing kisses all over your face and neck.
“Sadie it’s getting hot—” the words tumble out of your mouth, Sadie grumbled lowly and raised her head from you and took off the hoodie. Throwing it to the side of the bed and then taking off your shirt, leaving you in a bra. The cool air hitting you, quickly cooling you down.
She leaves a few hickeys on your chest.
Grasping at Sadie’s tank top, you fumbled with your hands to take it off her body. “I need you.” Sadie said sounding desperate and sexually frustrated, she took off your bottoms, another article of clothing on the floor, discarded from both you and Sadie's bodies. Her hand reaches down to the heat that was pooling between your thighs and you swear to god you flinched, not because you were scared but because of how gentle she was with it, hence the slight rush in actions that she was exhibiting beforehand.
She needed me? How horrible was her work week? You thought, the desperation was visible, no it was right there in her actions.
Your skin started to heat up, you could feel the blush rushing to your cheeks. At first, Sadie rubs your clit through your panties, her thumb slowly circling the wetness that collected in your panties from just Sadie kissing you, and teasing you.
Sadie moves to lay down beside you, fixing herself, her hand moves back down to your abdomen, then stoping at the hem of your panties, taking them off. Your eyes were just watching the blondes every move, then flicking back up to her eyes. You felt so much smaller than her, she always took control and you did not complain at all.
She slips a finger into your wetness, a moan almost slipped from your mouth, but you caught it and bit your lip while looking at her, your hand gripping at her arm and Sadie smiles at you, watching your face and the way you held back your whimpers.
"Don't hide those pretty noises now, girl." She says and you listen. And in one movement she buried a finger into your cunt, pumping it ever so slightly, as if to tease you, like she always loved to do.
"Christ. Sadie.." You felt so good, your fingers trembled as they held onto her.
"S'worked up already, aren't you?" She said playfully, and all you could do was nod. She added another finger, stretching you out. A hint of pain rushed through you but it was quickly replaced with the feeling of pleasure running through your nerves. Your fingernails dug into her arm muscles, Sadie laughs. A moan finally escapes your lips and Sadie swears her ears were blessed. "Good girl," she drags the last syllable of the word, her voice raspy, a predatory gleam flashes through her eyes. She rests her head under your jaw, watching her fingers disappear and reappear each time she thrusted her fingers in you.
The sounds of the wetness between your thighs only seemed to get louder, and Sadie enjoyed it. She removed her head from under your jaw and placed her lips on yours, your little efforts paused for the moment as she lazily kissed you.
You could feel yourself getting there, to that point that you could hardly reach all by yourself when Sadie wasn't there to help you release, to make you feel alright. You chased your high.
Your thighs came together, but Sadie pulled away and used her hand to keep them open, "Nope-- keep 'em like this sweetie."
"But.." You retired, ending your sentence right as it started.
"But what honey?" She playfully chides.
She continued, and finally, you reached that point. Your sweet juices spilled out, Sadie smiles again. "Come for me, jus' like that. My oh my..”
She watches as you hide your face in her neck and your body shakes against her. Her hand comes to her own mouth and licks the juices off her fingers, groaning a sweet hum at the taste. "All this for me? Such a good girl for me."
When you finally come down, you look Sadie in the eyes through your lashes, half lidded and your breath still shaky.
"How was that?" Sadie pulls away, revealing your face.
"That felt... really good, Sadie." You spoke.
"Im glad. Let me take care of you." She gets up, leaving you there resting on the bed, she walks to the kitchen, grabbing a glass and filling it with water, she comes back into the room. "Drink up, lemme run ya a bath now." She went into the bathroom and turned on the warm water for you.
You rubbed your thighs together, an ache between them even after she finished with you. You could hear the water running, she comes back into the room. "Thank you Sadie, is there- anything I could do for you?" You ask and she giggled, shaking her head.
"I need to make sure you're okay." She helps you up and takes you to the bathroom, you wait for the water to fill the bath tub in front of you. She places a kiss to your head, "I love you, 'kay?"
"I love you too, so much." You smile proudly at her.
a/n if u enjoyed that please feel free to req more!
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 2 years
daisy, chapter seven
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A/N: it will probably be a little bit before I finish the next chapter because that one is crazy...
summary: “could this maybe help cheer you up?”
warnings: private school!reader, perv!steve, smut, kissing, size kink, dirty talk, public sex (locker room), handjob, blowjob, spit kink
word count: 1550
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
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Walking down the hallway, you saw the last few team members stroll out of the locker room. Your boyfriend not being among them persuaded you to creak the door open and poked your head in. Spotting him at an instant, seemingly the last one still in the changing room, he stuffed a blue towel into his duffle bag and zipped it up.
“Hey,” you announced your presence softly, not sure how he was feeling after what a fiasco that basketball game had been. 
“Hey ace,” he flashed you an exhausted yet content smile, “I’ll be ready to go in just a minute.”
Taking one last look over your shoulder at the now deserted school, you gently swung the door close, stepped up towards Steve and without giving a warning, pulled him down for a kiss. 
Lowering yourself back down from your tiptoes, you saw him blink in surprise and then practically purred, “hello…”
“Hi,” you caught his hand and weaved your fingers with his own. Still not sure if he was just putting on a brave face, you asked, “are you okay?”
“Me? Oh, yeah, I’m fine, tired, but fine,” he said, actually sounding genuine, “the team hasn’t won any championships in many many years, so it’s not really a huge surprise that we lost yet again,” holding both of your hands in his, he slumped back against the locker and exhaled, “I kinda just wanna get home.”
Somehow still not completely convinced, you checked once more, “are you sure you’re okay?”
Your abundant concern made him smile, as he squinted his eyes at you and said, “if you give me another kiss, maybe…”
Lowering himself a bit more to make the job easier for you, you raised your chin up and brushed your lips against his again, quickly causing his smile to fade away into just blissful relaxation. 
When his tongue inevitably poked past your lips and danced across your own, it didn’t take long for you to recall the plan you had dreamt up as you watched the game turn south from the stands. 
“You know,” you breathed, long ago having been twirled around by him so that it was your back that was pressed against the cool locker, “I’m really happy that you’re not all broken up about this,”  you let your eyes close a second as his lips went on a whirling path down your neck, “because if you were then I would have to do all of these things to cheer you up…”
Picking up on your innuendo, he stopped kissing your neck at once and came up to be face to face with you, stating abruptly, “I am actually so sad.”
“Yeah?” you smiled, running your fingers through his still-damp locks.
“Heartbroken,” he said dramatically, “there is this unbearable pain in my chest,” he thumped his closed fist over his left peck a few times. 
“Oh no, poor you,” a giggle bubbled out of you.
“Yeah,” his smile never waving, “I think I might cry in a little bit.”
“Oh no,” you ran your hands down his body, “we don’t want that,” reaching his grey sweatpants, you twirled the string around your finger and gave it a small tug, “could this maybe help cheer you up?” you cupped his rapidly growing bulge through the fabric. 
Breath getting caught in his throat, he shrugged, “maybe, I don’t know, I think we’ll just have to try and find out,” keeping the joke going even now as your hand disappeared down the front of his pants.
As soon as your small fingers wrapped around his girth, you felt him grab the sides of your face and kiss you hard. He let out a soft groan as you suddenly detached your lips from his and started to glide down the locker and land on the cold tile floor at his feet. His eyelids flickered as you settled yourself on your knees and hook a finger in his waistband to help free him. 
“Hey,” you smiled up at him as his heavy length sprung free, “you know I love you, right?”
Poking out your tongue, you gently swiped it over the head, the corners of your lips still upturned in bliss. 
“Y-yeah you do, wow,” his jaw hung low, and a palm fell to stroke your hair. 
Well aware of how this was kind of uncharted waters for you, he quickly picked up on your hesitation to do too much in fear of it being wrong, that he stepped in and plucked your hand off his cock, turning the palm up to your lips, “spit,” he commanded, completely enamoured by your every move. 
After doing as he asked, he then returns your palm to his throbbing length, wrapping his own around yours just to get you started. After gaining a bit of confidence and feeling him relax and let you take the lead, his fingers fell from yours, making the stark contrast of your own small hand behind his seem that much bigger. 
To compensate, you reached up and wrapped your other hand around his girth as well, jerking him at the same steady pace he had shown you. 
Letting out a small chuckle, he commented, “your hands are so small, ace. You want me to help you?”
“No,” you nearly swatted away the fingers he lowered half as a joke, “I can do it.”
Turning your head a bit, you still looked up at him as you placed a handful of sloppy kisses along his dick, tracing your tongue over the veins that mapped his length. 
“Yeah you can,” and then when you found yourself at his tip once more, lapping up the beads of precum, you felt his hips instinctually twitch, attempting to gain entrance to the warmth of your mouth. 
Not truly comprehending what a mouthful he was, you only parted your lips a bit at first, but it didn’t take very long before your lips were stretched around his fat head and his fingers were rooted in your hair, maybe for support, maybe to be a shield between your skull and the locker, or maybe he was simply at the brink of taking over himself and pushing your head down even further, till your nose was pressed against his fuzz and you couldn’t even think about breathing. 
Quickly hitting the back of your throat, you instinctually pulled off and choked out a tiny cough before blinking away the growing tears and determinedly filling your mouth up once more. 
“There you go, ace,” he encouraged, though your enthusiastic efforts never led you past his swollen tip, you tried your best to even it out with what little attention your small hands could give him. “You can do it,” you felt one of his thumbs swipe a tear from your cheek before returning to the back of your head, “just a little deeper,” he gently pushed you down till you gaged, sending you reeling back to try and recover quickly. 
You wanted to reach up and wipe your eyes, clear your vision so you could better see Steve’s breathtakingly pleasure-filled expression as he stood there towering over you, but you were covered in spit, your hands, your lips, no doubt dripping down your chin. 
“Jesus christ, you’re so hot, ace.”
Your whole body was tingling as your mind just kinda shut off, trying time and time again to take him down, even though your untrained throat wouldn’t grant him entrance.
When you felt like you had gotten into a good rhythm, slobbering all over his tip and working the rest of him in your hands, making him moan like mother fucker, he suddenly plucked you off his cock, lifting you up towards him, and just as you were gasping for air, completely drunk on him, he amplified the feeling by bending down and ruthlessly spitting in your mouth, quickly lowering your head once again so he could feed you’re his girth.
“Fuck, just keep your mouth open, just like that,” he briefly tapped the tip against your presenting tongue before repeatedly feeding you his dick, then withdrawing it completely only to buck his hips forward again, giving you as much as you could take, fucking your face and making you feel like you were made out of jelly.  
“That’s it, ace. Just relax for me,” you heard as your hands slid down his thighs, clawing at the fabric and painting it with saliva, “that’s a good girl.”
Entirely taking over the operation now that he was so painstakingly close to the edge, he panted, “stick out your tongue baby,” and furiously jerked his cock off right before your very eyes, “let me see it,” your tongue lazily peeked out from the smile he somehow always conjured. 
“Fuck,” he groaned, not holding his moans back nor caring if any of the remaining souls on the premises would hear, as hot white ropes spewed out and added to the mess of your face. 
Both of you heaving for breaths, you heard the clank of the locker as Steve’s forearm slumped against it, lazily grinning down at you as he admired his masterpiece, swiping up the various stray stripes only to smudge the against your swollen lips, “shit, ace…”
“Did it work? Are you happy now?”
“Yeah, ace, it worked.”
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© 2022 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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fite-club · 5 months
The piss poor definitions of everything in the ace community lead to basically 90% of the world being able to identify as asexual. Asexuality is defined by deviance from the norm, but no one fucking knows what the norm is. If you have less sexual attraction than an 'allo' person, you're grey sexual. How much sexual attraction does an allo person have? Uhh no one knows. It's literally unquantifiable. There's no actual definition for 'allosexual' other than 'normal' or 'average' but then those words are never defined. So you just have to guess what the norm is based on the 3 people you're close enough with to talk about this philosophical stuff about attraction and hypersexualized media where everyone is fucking everyone because it makes for a good sitcom. It's genuinely impossible and that's why so many in the ace community are so confused about where they fall and so insecure about their identity because they're all just guessing.
And god, the label hopping. People find out they actually experience sexual attraction and the ace community does their best to keep them from going away, shoving microlabel after microlabel at them so they never think that maybe they're a dreaded allosexual after all.
one more thing. The ace community is so focused on separating itself from the rest of the world that they make everything more difficult for themselves. They do stuff to deliberately stand out, make awkward jokes about being too enlightened for sex (..while having regular sex half the time), make up weird relationship constructs and get upset that no one wants to be in them. They psych themselves out over feeling attraction and start acting extremely weird because tHatS wHaT tHe aLlOs dO. Plus the extremely unattractive ways they describe why they have sex and then they get upset that no one wants to date them because they say they see their partner as a flesh sex toy. Girl just be normal. Describe yourself as a low libido person and youll be fine i prommy.
that's what i meant by the ace community imploding by being too inclusive, they lost the plot as soon as the split attraction model entered the picture. the experiences of someone who is an "asexual" as in "aroace" as in "someone who wants platonic partnership only" are unique and are shared amongst other people of the same identity. when you open that up, though, suddenly there aren't those shared experiences, and those labels don't convey the same thing. there's no good reason why someone who wants sex would label themselves as asexual, just like there's no good reason why someone who wants sex with someone of the same gender would label themselves as straight. that kind of prescriptive "gatekeeping" is seen as evil by inclusionists but to exclusionists it's just basic reality. if a straight couple identifies as "demisexual", what makes their experiences different from a straight allosexual couple? the fact that neither of them were sexually attracted to each other at first really does not affect the material reality of their lives, to everyone else on earth they are a straight couple that has sex. but if you acknowledge that, you have to acknowledge that those people have privilege and are not lgbt, which ace inclusionists stubbornly refuse to do.
and yeah the worst part is all the teens who get stuck in an echo chamber of "aspec" people, their perception of how others experience attraction and relationships get so warped. like your classmates being awkward after you tell them "i have no interest in sex" isn't because they think you're messed up for being ace, it's because they didn't ask and most likely do not care. you may struggle with your own insecurities about being lonely but you can't just project them as if the norm is that being single is weird
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httyddragonfox · 3 months
Proof of Sexuality
I've noticed something quite recently (I know, I'm an idiot), but to display someone's sexuality, you usually need some form of proof.
Let us look at two liberal displays of the LGBTQA+: Hellaverse and The Owl House.
To display that Luz was bisexual she displayed interest in both boys and girls, Eda talked about ex-boyfriends and has an old flame in a trans/non-binary person. Other than that we have word of god for the unclear stuff.
In Hellaverse (Hazbin hotel and Helluva boss) we have Moxxie who is married to a woman and has an ex-boyfriend, Blitz is interested in both Moxxie and Millie, having sexual relationships with a man, a childhood guy friend he had a crush on, and an ex-girlfriend. Someone in Hazbin declared Alastor as Ace and he has no interest in sexual relations, and Charlie is a relationship with Vaggie as well as the fact she has an ex-boyfriend.
Why haven't I mentioned Amity and Angeldust, it's because they're freaking obvious. The proof of homosexuals is just not showing interest in the other gender.
When it comes to hetero or homo-sexuals, the identity can be seen very early: Straight is pretty normal and Homosexuals only get crushes on their gender.
When it comes to all the other sexualities that identity gets identified in the teenage and early adult years. Here are a few personal examples:
Asexuality is a distinct lack of proof of striaghtness: For me, it was not understanding the whole sexual feelings thing, and then realizing normal people actually have that. That I discovered in early university.
For Bi-sexuality or Pan-sexuality (very similar) you need proof of liking the other gender or more than one: My friend discovered she was Bi after high-school. I asked her how she knew (She was dating a man who she eventually married, she dated boys in the past), technically I asked her if she was attracted to any girls. She said she found one girl attractive, so I took her word for it.
A classmate I knew of complained on how she wasn't allowed to be gay, but she ended up having a baby and dating guys. I think maybe she didn't know bi was a thing.
As for my grey romanticism: I've had only a few (three) genuine crushes in my life whilst my sister had enough crushes to count with two hands.
In fiction: homosexuals are obvious (only interest in one gender), bisexuals need proof (attraction or exes), other than that you're straight.
Asexuals are hard to label, usually it requires Word of God. Lillith is Aroace, because she never gets a partner and Dana said so, but without Word of God, we don't know she's ace, she might just be married to her work. Alastor is AroAce according to Word of God. Before episode seven of Hazbin Hotel that's all we had, and his distinct lack of sexual interest. That didn't stop the shippers who said, "he might not like sex, but romance isn't off the table." Those who didn't hear word of god must be thinking, "He might not like sex, but he'll do it with the one he loves." In episode seven, Rosie specifically calls him an "Ace in the hole," joking about a relationship with Charlie. So that would mean that sex and romance are off the table, but "she just said ace, not Aro." Word of God, you can't stop the shippers.
Another Word of God instance is Hunter and Willow's sexulaities ("Hunter is Bi and Willow is Pan"). Hunter has only liked one person in his life, and that's Willow, we don't have proof on screen that he had interest in other genders. Willow ever only showed interest in Hunter in the show (Maybe Luz, that's up for debate). People are upset that there is no proof of their Word of God sexualities in the show, because it looks like a straight ship and Dana's placating. Meanwhile, some people are happy with the LGBTQA ship that looks straight because those exist. Others wish to ship their homo ships, others wish to ship Lunter (even though when they met she already had interest in Amity), and other people complain that Huntlow is forced together just to have a straight ship and pair the spares and all their other complaints.
Without the proof of Hunter and Willow liking other genders, they might as well be straight, and that makes people upset. Fanfic writers try to remedy this by writing instances where they realize they like more than one gender, but that just goes to show...
In order to identify as this sexuality, you need the proof of liking what they dictate, or people won't believe the claims.
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pieroulette · 10 months
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WARNING ↪ gym sex (at hybe gym lmfao), dom!kei, sub!reader, established relationship, pet names, u calling kei as daddy, dry humping, choking, oral sex (f and m receiving), breeding kink, size training/kink, saliva play, profanity. and more u see.. 🙈
WORD COUNT ↪1.6K (the full fic are estimated to be over 10-12k lmfao PLS)
AUTHOR'S NOTE ↪ not proofread, so some minor errors and grammatical errors.. i'm just trying to get back to my momentum of posting on Tumblr again. BUT IM CRINGING ALOT HELP I CANT STOP GAGGING LMFAO-
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The cool breeze of the night sky as you passed through the convenience store shot a severe chill down your spine, despite having a thick hoodie over your pyjamas. Now that you think of it, it is a bad move. Brushing the tip of your thumb across the shelf as you picked one of Kei's favourite ready-made coffee drinks, you recalled the way he called you an hour ago.
His voice dripped in a heavy tone of honey, almost like a melodic hymn of desperation as he enunciate every syllable of your name. As if he was begging for you to come as fast as you can, and when you expressed your initial concern over his odd request, he brushes it off as being exhausted by his current workout routine.
A night workout routine, he repeated.
After exiting out of the automatic door screen, your peripheral vision caught on the remnants of illusionary dusts in the form of a human, and the stray cats scattering beside the over filled trash can, and the serene moonlit sky brought about a good amount of anxiety in you. It is after all, the after dark. Where the world switches off to an underworld vibe, pulling of its black velvet cloaks with indifference that it had hidden beneath the entire sunlit day.
Screw you, Kei.
After dark was when people ripped apart their moral ethics, goodie traits, and humane characteristics—revealing their innate desires they had been keeping to their core.
Not an answer did you receive as you pushed open the black velvet door, only the cool breeze of the AC and it's audible sound surrounding the gym greeted your ears. You assumed that Kei must have left.
Your head turned to the owner of the voice you knew so well, a lazy smile pulled up on your cheeks as you met those dark grey orbs laced with affectionate words all over it.
"Hey, Kei." Giving the ice cold can coffee to him as you approached him, "Quite cruel of you to call me at 2am, seriously."
With no hesitation, he pulled you into his embrace, leaning in closer as he buried his face in your neck, sniffing in your scent which immediately engulfed his exhausted soul in a safe amount of euphoria and craze. "I miss you, though. Don't I have the right to call my girlfriend anymore?"
"At least look at the time." You pouted as you pulled away, squinting your eyes in a playful manner. "Everyone's sleeping right now, and you're the only one pulling up a goddamn Greek god workout routine."
An audible giggle squeezed its way out of Kei's mouth, his doe eyes crinkling into crescents. "Greek god, eh? I'm a Greek god to you then?" His finger dusted off the rosy hues on the tip of your nose, cooing at your childlikeness.
"Well, maybe." You shrugged, sitting yourself leisurely on one of the gym's chairs, swaying your feet up and down. It didn't go past your eyes how Kei leaned against the pull-up machine, a loud pop emitting from his thumbs in the process of opening the can, his plump lips lapping against the edge as he slurped it down his throat—where his Adam's apples protrude in a sensual motion, one that sent havoc into your mind.
Breaking your fixated gaze onto somewhere else, you cleared your throat in attempts to take off your not so holy thoughts in a brief moment. Mentally slapping yourself on the inside, but oh well, scoring a boyfriend like Kei ain't a damn joke.
"How was work?" His melodic voice flows into your ears again.
"Tiring, but it's okay. It's my job anyway, got to have enough fat money to buy what I want. Heh." Dusting off the tips of your two fingers, mimicking the action of counting money before the boy causes his gorgeous lip to let out another audible giggle.
"I love how you're independent, it's damn cool to even think of it.. but you see, why don't you depend on me?"
"Depend on me." Kei repeated with doe eyes wholly fixated on your form, "It's just a suggestion, but I would really adore having to take care of you all by my own, every little thing."
Well chosen string of words got your already tangled heart in an even tighter knot, "I could take care of myself, though. I don't need a sugar daddy yet." You stuck your tongue out in a mischievous manner, that alone had him shaking his head with a round of giggles. "But that's sweet of you, Kei."
"No, but." Pair of sneakers approach you with every low rise and down of steps, his palms having the remnants of water beads as he puts down the ice can on the machine's flat edge.
Halting his step before you with his towering height, the light above the ceiling illuminated the top of his ash strands all while casting a matte shadow on his features—giving him a somewhat eerie look, yet his orbs held so much more in it that it had you unconsciously gripping your finger on the edge.
His long finger and thumb brushes your cheek in a circular pattern, and then down to your neck. "I want to take care of you. I've been thinking since much, much long time ago. I want to look after you, care for you in every way possible. It just hurts to see you punching yourself in the chest whenever your shitty boss ruined your day."
Touched by his words, "Work days are pretty much like that, Kei. Having a shitty boss is an unfortunate bonus, that is."
Your sentences comes to a halt as you notice the way his orbs lingered on your lips, the sensation of his index finger ghostly rubbed your lower lip had your heart skipping a thump, yet you hold on to your firm character—arching the corner of your lip in a mischievous smirk. "Does my lips look that pretty for you, Mr. Kei?"
"Mr. Kei?" His plump lips pursed in a giggle, "I'd like your lips on mine, if that's okay for you, Mrs. Koga."
Enthusiasm filled your chest, and you were sure he did as well the way he confirmed your given permission through your lit up blaze eyes. His index finger on your lips found its way on the back of your neck, splayed tight. His other hand spreaded against your hips, pulling you closer to his body as he sealed your lips in his wet cavern.
Kissing Kei always felt like the first time for you. It didn't go past your notice how his warm cheeks pulled up even higher as you let him in through your tongue, tasting each other to the point of maniacal craze. Your eyelashes fluttered up to reveal your curious orbs, taking a brief glance at the wall clock behind Kei's obscured ruffled ash hair.
1:07 A.M. — The after dark where suppressed desires begin to reveal themselves, manifesting into low seductive whispers and sneaky touches.
"Scrap the sugar part," Kei's breath ghost against your ear, sending a round of butterflies in your stomach. Your eyes lingered on his swollen red lips enunciating each word in a clear hushed tone, yet sensual rhythm. "Your daddy can take care of you right here, right now."
"Now where do you want daddy to touch you?" Kei lapped his wet cavern across your neck, a slight moan left your lips at the bold gesture.
"Please what, babygirl? You have to tell daddy where exactly he should touch you."
"I-inside me, daddy." Lust fogged your mind, yet the sight of the gym machines pushed the logical part in the surface, physically manifesting to your hands stopping Kei's ones. "We aren't going to do it here, r-right?"
You enunciate the question in confirmation, you need him inside you right now but you dead ass wouldn't want to get caught in the act and possibly ruin his career. But the way Kei's lust filled orbs lazily darted to look at behind him, it seems like he had no intention of bringing your intimacy behind an appropriate place.
"Where's the thrill then, baby?" Kei whispered, "Look it's 1am right now, I doubt someone's going to come in. But well, it would be good either way cuz' someone can see how I'll take you all to myself."
That was enough to rule your mind into overdrive, giving in to Kei and embarking in this bold dangerous act. The thrill, the suspense of getting caught, his large hands spreading all over your skin, his lips nipping onto your bare skin; everything fuels into your brazen mode.
This wild desires of exhibitionism; his greatest will to flaunt you and show to everyone that you belong to him. Kei had always been a dominant man, oozing uncontrollably from his aura ever since you first laid your eyes on him, there was no doubt. Your suspicions were further confirmed by his utmost dedication in perfecting his craft or whatever it is he deemed to be of great importance.
And one of them was romance, which immediately rooted back to you. The apple in his eyes, which he oh so desire to devour more than it takes and how he greatly detests anyone who dared to lay their hands on you.
He turns you around, your back hitting his chest and before your mind could process anything—wet slick tongue lapped across your neck down to your exposed shoulder, his fingers pulling the material each centimetre. Yet you couldn't focus on anything but on his tongue doing it's magical wonders on your skin, sending electrifying sensation into your veins and cells.
"K-kei—" his other hand flattened deep inside your shirt, stroking circular patterns on your tummy and into your navel.
"Shh, lemme take care of you." He whispered, and you didn't fail to sense his growing smirk. "Now where do we begin?"
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bloggingboutburgers · 11 months
I am myself figuring out if I am a grey aroace, almost maybe 95% figured (I know weird).
So anyway what I wanted to tell , when I was a kid I had religion classes and in one of the textbooks it was mentioned " Everything human revolves around sex" I was "WHAT? " , sure might be, but fully 100%? I don't think so. But then I asked my elders and they nodded yes, I went 'eww' and they laughed and said u will figure it out, but hey, jokes on you I am in my early 20s I still haven't, even after whatever the experience u guys are talking about.
Sure I might be still figuring stuff but this was hilariously remark on a religion so focused on purity and their texts have everything revolves around sex part
ghfjkglfd SORRY I'VE LEFT YOUR ASK SIT IN MY ASKS FOR FOREVER- BUT HONESTLY yeah I agree, it's pretty hilarious.
Monotheistic religion can be... Weird, when it comes to sex, imo. Not having sex seems to be seen as either a punishment, a test of mental strength, or a sign that you're devoting your life entirely to God, because that's the only alternative there can be, ever. And when you're married in a God-approved way, then by all means you MUST have all the sex, so you can pop out many more religious babies that'll keep the circle going.
At no point does any of this consider that people may just not wanna have sex because... They just don't wanna. Being on the ace spectrum and being a puritan are two extremely, extremely different things and it's pretty insulting to compare the two.
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bnhabeans · 1 year
Class 1a pride headcanons let's gooooo 🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
Going by seat order bc I'm autistic and it makes good sense
Also no mineta bc I don't know what to do with him
1. Aoyama 🌟🩶
Nonbinary and aspec. They aren't sure if they have a definitive gender one way or another but if anyone asks they just say "sparkling of course!! ✨️" as for sexuality/romantic attraction they are asexual and still questioning their romantic alignment. Honestly they would be happy going through life with maybe some qpps and not really thinking too much about it
2. Mina 👽🩷
Bi as hell babey!! Everyone is gorgeous in their own way!! Mina falls in love so fast and with so many people she's just like. Everyone deserves love and if she's gotta be the one to give it then so be it.
3. Tsu 🐸💚
Distinguished lesbian. Not afraid to tell the other 1a girls what makes them attractive. Tsu loves complimenting ppl and feels very proud of herself whenever the other girls get flustered bc she knows it means she's made their entire day.
4. Iida ⏩️💙
Bisexual and doesn't know what to do about it. Has many panicked conversations with Tensei over finding people attractive and feeling very weird about it bc they all live together and also puberty hormones hit him like a truck about a month or so after meeting everyone.
5. Ochako 🌌🩷
Pansexual. Very proud of it. Often seen very loudly validating her classmates identities and making sure that any potential homophobes and transphobes know that they will be punted into the stratosphere if they so much as breathe wrong in the general direction of anyone ochako cares about
6. Ojiro 🐒🤎
Token cishet. Great ally tho.
7. Kaminari ⚡️💛
Nonbinary and bisexual. Pronouns vary by the day. Often jokes that they've never made a decision in their entire life because of this. When they go pro there ends up being an official line of Chargebolt merch that has the slogan "gender? I don't even know'er!" On it.
8. Kirishima 💪❤️
Bisexual but kind of oblivious to it. Equates attraction to admiring someone for being "manly." It is discovered at some point during his years at UA that his personal definition of manly just encompasses all the traits that he finds attractive in a person plus other traits he admires but isn't necessarily into. This makes for a very confusing journey of self-discovery.
9. Kouda 🐇🤍
Grey ace. Questions his gender sometimes but is not overly concerned with what gender is the right one. More interested in solid friendships than dating too and so he ends up with qpps as his most meaningful relationships
10. Sato 🍫💛
Stereotypical cake loving aro ace. He doesn't care what everyone else is doing, he's busy perfecting his ganache.
11. Shouji 🤝🩵
On the ace spectrum but still figuring out exactly where. He has body image issues due to trauma and that kind of effects his views on attraction and romance.
12. Jirou 🎵💜
She thinks she's bi but she's still figuring it all out. Honestly anyone that can vibe to music with her could catch her eye, and she especially likes people that have slightly odd tastes such as listening to classical music or pre-quirk pop*
*(this is based on the headcanon that bnha takes place a couple hundred years into the future. Pre-quirk pop would just be the pop of the 80s up to about now in her view)
13. Sero 🩹🩶
(I couldn't find a tape emoji so bandaid it is)
Pansexual. He and ochako get along very well bc not only do they share an identity in this way, they also both feel like they're parenting their respective neurodivergent friend groups lol.
14. Tokoyami 🐦‍⬛🖤
Homoromantic ace. Sometimes does Bird Things to show his affection like bringing gifts and trinkets to ppl he is interested in or like nesting with their stuff. He finds these urges embarrassing but everyone else thinks it's cute and adores him for it.
15. Todoroki ❄️🔥❤️🤍
Gay gay homosexual gay. Has absolutely no idea how romance or crushes or teenage hormones or anything is supposed to work so he just does not realize that it isn't normal to daydream about cuddling his male classmates. Ochako gently explains the concept of a crush to him after he mentions something about this offhand and it blows his fucking mind.
16. Hagakure 🌫🤍
Bisexual and a very proud member of the Loving Women Club. Has a huuuuggeee crush on Mirko (which like, same girl).
17. Bakugou 💥🧡
Gay. Has a very specific taste in men but he won't tell anyone what it is because like three people on the entire planet fit the criteria (in his mind anyway) and he does not want anyone figuring out who he might be into because he sees it as weakness. Even after he goes to therapy he describes his type as "certain dumbasses who have issues and can't take a single fucking hint" so.
18. Deku 🐰💚
Bisexual disaster and everyone around him knows it. Has like 3 crises a day over finding random classmates attractive and overthinks everything there is to overthink in the situation. Luckily for him everyone knows what he's like and how his brain works and they find it endearing (even if certain classmates won't say it out loud)
19. Yaomomo ⚛️❤️
Lesbian. Momo recognizes that all the girls around her are so pretty and talented and it's a win for her bc they have such a culture of uplifting each other so she's constantly getting compliments from very pretty girls. She's living her best life as the president of the loving UA women club.
Bonus: shinso!!! 🐱💜
Shinso uses the Queer umbrella label. He has a preference for men but is generally attracted to any gender. When he transfers into class A the first two weeks are like a constant crisis bc he's like. Getting attention from all these attractive and talented people??? And they like him for who he is??? Paralyzing.
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