#was still pretty tough having to do all them curves...!
skycowboys · 1 year
Hey!!! You made a "how to draw wings" sheet, but— how on Earth do you draw horse!?!? The bane of every artists existence
Yeahhh horses are hard. They have lots of little nuances on top of complex anatomy and weird ass shapes (literally and figuratively). Drawing them requires lots and lots of practice. And this is like...entire art book levels of subject matter but here are a few tricks that I've picked up over time -
Key body shapes - shoulder, barrel, hip
I won't go too far into this one because Ken Hultgren does a much better job in his book The Art of Animal Drawing. But TL;DR - a horse's body has three main masses - the shoulder, the barrel, and the hip. Each one is tricky to draw on it's own since they're all weird shapes, but it's helpful to me to break a horse body down into simpler terms.
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Key muscle masses
When I draw horses, I like to emphasis curves vs straights. Horses have that built in naturally as their body is often either "pure muscle" or "pure bone". There's some really nice details at the intersections of body parts, like at the front elbow and behind the ears along the neck (aka the "poll") where there's highly definable muscle groups that can help with visual clarity.
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Fun fact, young horses grow hip-first. The horse in the photo above is 8 years old. That same horse at 4 years is below. Cracks me up how much taller his hip was at the time.
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Ok so the muscles on the front legs combined with the shoulder mass is a fave combo of mine. The shoulder mass itself is something that I've found that is particularly horse-ish. For me, it's a pretty big visual signifier - almost more important than the neck. You can show a lot of tension/action in the body with the shoulder depending how you simplify it. Horses use their shoulders A LOT (too much if you ask any dressage rider or reiner), so emphasizing the shoulder can make a horse more expressive.
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Legs. Oh heavens, the legs.
Yeah ok so again, Hultgren goes into fantastic detail on legs and hooves (I still follow how he simplifies hooves to this day my gosh that guy is a genius), but I often break them down like this for quick sketching. Are horse's legs realistically this emphasized? No, but I like the visual language; believable but expressive. This can apply to any size/shape from arabians to drafts.
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And finally...
A few head details -
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Overall horses have SO many variables. The fun part about that is that they're highly customizable and able to be endlessly stylized. The tough part is that they're hard to draw strictly because of all of the little things to keep track of to make sure the horse reads as "horse".
And so because third time's the charm, Ken Hultgren's Art of Animal Drawing really is one of the best I've seen for breaking down, simplifying, and applying horse anatomy to active drawings.
But most of all, the more you draw horses the easier they'll be.
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peterthepark · 2 years
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𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭
pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader x eddie munson
tags: mmf threesome, oral sex, rough sex, unprotected sex, piv, anal, double penetration, dirty talk, dom!eddie, dom!steve, sub!reader, best friends with benefits, mentions of virginity, hair-pulling, breeding kink, throatfucking, squirting, praise and degradation, everyone is horny
summary: back home from school, you recount about your time away in college with steve and eddie, leading to a sexual proposition that you never would’ve expected.
notes: pure filth, forgive me if it is hard to visualize positions… threesomes are very messy and crazy to write! feedback and reblogs appreciated :)
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There’s a veering shift in the way they look at you. Maybe it’s because you’ve been gone for so long, so out of the loop, nothing but a modulated grainy voice on the other end of a call line, or a lingering scent in the back of their closets — jasmine, soap, the smell of girl and all things sweet, a tang of Eddie’s favorite green bud. 
You want to believe it’s because they’ve missed you, they always do, but it’s different. 
The way they each hug you, toned arms locked tightly around your waist, dragging and dragging upwards until it’s slung over your shoulder possessively and Steve’s perfectly-curved nose is in the tangles of your hair.
Ours. Ours. Ours.
You may have been gone for almost a year, but you’re still their girl.
“Look at you, dressin’ all tough and shit now!” Eddie grins proudly, tugging the hem of your skull shirt towards him as he tenderly presses your head to his chest. You nearly stumble on your boots, nothing but a shy smile ghosting the curl of your upper lip as he runs his thumb along your brow bone and you inhale him in with fluttering lashes. “You copying me? Stealing my style, sweetheart?”
Sweetheart. His gorgeous best friend. Wiser, older now, prettier — well, you’ve always been pretty, but now, you’ve really grown into your features. 
A year, it’s only been a fucking year and yet you still look this good. Better. Knocking the wind out of him, just to breathe it back between his lips.
“You should be flattered,” You shake your head at him, clasping a hand over his shoulder as you gaze over at Steve with admirable regard. There’s emphasis on every word that falls from your taunting smirk as he steps up your front porch. “You should be flattered I chose your clothes over Harrington’s preppy mom-jeans and—“
Then you’re being crushed, wedged between two warm bodies and clashing scents of woodiness and lavender as Steve wraps himself around you. 
“You’re talking mad shit about me now, Y/N? All this time, thought I was your favorite — hey, I know that face — I am certain I was your favorite. I was before this one,” He ruffles Eddie’s hair roughly, beaming at either of you. “Came along and practically hypnotized you with his — his rings and his music and his…”
“Shut up and just say you missed me already.” You pull Steve closer to you, his face burying itself in the crook of your neck as Eddie rests his chin on the top of your scalp. It’s a chorus of can’t believe you’re back, crazy you left us in the first place, you’re here, we’re gonna spend so much time together. You can only smile, feeling their love spill out of their respective cups and into yours as you pull them into the house. “Saps.”
Your childhood bedroom of pinks and blues and whites feels exceptionally, jarringly smaller. 
Steve and Eddie take up so much space — long legs and big socked feet, sharp jaws and curious eyes as you sit out on the fluffy beige carpet, sifting through the contents of your suitcase as you tell them stories about wild parties, about classes, about your messy roommates and about professors who didn’t know how to teach.
‘Listen, I loved Chicago, but I’ll always love Hawkins.’
‘Hello? The only reason you like Hawkins is because of us.’
‘Still you and your ego, Harrington.’
You don’t tell them about the boys, about the crushes and what kind of antics you got up to in the absence of them. Of them, their protectiveness, their touch, gentle and fleeting and borderline blurring the lines of friendship. 
There was an ache for Steve and Eddie — far from platonic, short of romantic, closer to a sexual awakening than anything. The nights where you called, feeling the baritone of their deep snappy voices over the phone as they fought over for a turn, that dreaded dial tone when the line had gone dead and you were left with an emptiness, a twisting heat in your stomach as you replayed their words over and over again before you slept: Miss you. Come home, pretty girl.
You can’t help but wonder what they got up to while you spent nights in the dorms tossing and turning to the thought of either of them. There’s only so many ways you can quietly lull yourself to a blissful sleep in a shared room.
“Mmm, what do we have here?” Eddie breaks up the childish bantering between you and Steve with a curious tone, waving a flimsy stack of polaroids between his forefinger and middle. 
No. No. Absolutely not. Not fucking now.
“Okay, Eddie. Maybe not…” Your laugh is frantic and near-alarmed, hands already reaching out for him until he’s gently swatting you away. “… not that one. Hey, no.”
“Cold case, hard evidence of little Y/N’s college escapades?” He quirks a beady brow, tongue wiggling against his front teeth as he winks at Steve and rambles on in amusement. “Do you… do you hear that? Oh, oh! Eddie, pssst, pssst, Eddie… look at me!”
“Give it back, asswipe.”
“Is Y/N guilty or…” He cards through the pictures, lines dimpling around his pursed lips as a wicked grin starts to split his face in half. “Innocent?”
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. 
Stupid. You should have taken this into account, boys and their lack of respect for privacy, your boys and their habit of sticking their noses where they aren’t fucking supposed to. Eddie and his big greedy mouth, yapping and yapping until he’s dragged good ol’ Steve into his influential mess — you’re trapped between the two brunettes, pleading to Ozzy that they save you from the embarrassment and just move on with their lives.
It’s the worst picture out of the stack. So much for “it’s all about preserving the memory, you know, you’re only young once.” 
Memory or not, it was supposed to be for your eyes only. 
Not Steve’s. Not Eddie’s. 
They stare at a blurry photo of you, very topless and covered in bruising hickies, your smile split into a hearty laugh as a green lime dangles from between your teeth and Some Blond Guy licks up a trail of salt off of the horizon of your pretty tummy. 
“Oh, my god.” Steve gapes. “Dude. Body shots?”
“Don’t guys us, who is this rat-faced son of a bitch that’s practically making out with your stomach?” Eddie’s brows furrow, jealousy dripping from his tone. He’s trying to lead with the playful card, but it’s difficult — difficult when he’s looking at a picture of a guy (who looks like he’s fucking named Brad) basically violating you.
“He’s… a friend. Just a friend.”
Steves laughs unconvinced, “Ah, friend. Guys and girls… they can’t be friends.”
“You’re friends with Robin.” You frown.
“Robin’s gay, you idiot.” Eddie flicks the back of your head.
“Okay, right! Fine! She’s an exception, though.” You scoff. This conversation is unbelievable. “Well, us then? We’re friends.”
Friends. It’s a weird word. People say the l-bomb is horrible, but the f-bomb — friend, not fuck — is absolutely petrifying, numbing, fear-inducing. 
It hangs heavily over your heads like something you’re not supposed to say, like forbidden fruit, Adam, Eve, and the serpent. Because the meaning of friends has always been a little strange for the three of you. What are friends? 
What are we - what are we - what are we?
You are not friends, you are more, something unreachable, unconventional, something only you and they can understand, you are—
“Best friends.” Eddie corrects, glancing up at you. He pins you with his eyes, even as you suddenly avert your attention down to the pack of Marlboros in your lap like it could serve as a scapegoat, your fingers drumming anxiously against the weathered box. “You know what, I get it. I do. I really do, Y/N. A pretty girl — a woman, like you, has primal urges. And when you’re in college…”
“Eddie… I’m not thirteen.”
“Where sometimes mediocre, average fucking bozos like this Brad-looking fellow come along… bless his heart for even trying, by the way...”
You groan outwardly, fingers fumbling to pinch a cig between your quivering lips. Your voice comes out muffled, sharp and blunt like the end of a knife. “His name is Matt, okay?”
Steve winces, glancing over at Eddie who responds to with a shrug. “Okay, well, Matt is just as bad.” 
“Can you guys, like, chill out? Your name is literally Steve.” You avoid their questioning glares, an orange shadow coating the lower half of your jaw. “I just got back and you’re already hounding me.”
A harsh sizzle cuts through the atmosphere as you raise your Bic lighter to your mouth.
You’re defensive. Sensitive. 
They hate it. It’s not like you.
“So, what then?” Eddie continues, unable to drop the subject. He wants to pry. He needs to. It’s you. It’s you, so he has to know every detail, even if it leaves you fuming, nostrils flaring at his persistence. “Is he… the college boyfriend? College sweetheart? How about fratboy, porno fantasy? Hot TA that gives your exams a pass every time? You’ve always been ass at math, can’t even tell a full gram from half so I wouldn’t technically be surprised.”
God. Insufferable. But you still thrum under his stare, his pupils imbedding themselves into your skin as you suck your cheeks in and inhale. 
Eddie wonders if you remember, if there’s some part of you that thinks back on your graduation night, the way he touched you in that diner, a hand spread over your thigh, your head on his shoulder as Steve rambled about how boring his version of graduation was.
Eddie wonders if you remember the way you inhaled him inside Steve’s garage, knees sinking into the shitty abandoned couch beside the washing machine as you eagerly sucked him off. You were on cloud nine, adrenaline coursing through your veins from the thought of college-college-college, but also when will you ever get to do this again? Do this with someone as perfect and rare as Eddie?
‘Do they have boys like you in college?’
You can still picture the glimmer of his smile. ‘God, I hope not. What a bad influence they would be.’
‘I think I turned out pretty okay so far.’
His rings stuck in your hair, his head thrown back against the furniture, your mouth and the lewd, filthy squelch of his cock burying itself in your throat while you waited for Steve to come back after he had forgotten his wallet at the diner.
‘This doesn’t change anything’, you had told him. ‘We’re always gonna be best friends.’
‘I know, sweetheart. Just needed something to take the edge off, didn’t you? Bet you’ve been working so hard on getting that scholarship, smart girl.’
He fingered you under the graduation gown afterwards.
Fuck. “I didn’t — it was nothing. He was nothing. Trust me. Just… I mean, a quick fuck, s’all, I didn’t even…” You chuckle nervously, girlish and unsure and very vulnerable. “… okay, he was fun, but like, I didn’t even cum so… so it doesn’t count. He doesn’t count.”
“You fucked Brad?”
“Matt.” You cringe. 
Steve’s voice nearly booms. “You fucked Matt?” 
“It’s college!” You cough out, choking on the contents of your cigarette. “People fuck other people all the time.”
“Weren’t you a virgin?” 
You were a virgin. Technically. But you were also a virgin when Eddie spread you open on that couch, moaning as he told you how proud he was of you for working so hard. 
You were also a virgin when Steve made out with you in the back of a movie theater, where he’d left a gnarly hickey on your left boob for everyone to see — including Eddie, who didn’t even bat an eyelash because he knew, he fucking knew that Steve boyishly wanted you in the same way he did the summer after you graduated, and he supposes that’s why there’s always been an unspoken understanding between the three of you.
‘If you make a sound, we’re gone. Kicked out. Won’t get to finish this awful movie,’ Steve said. ‘You want that?’
Breathless. Eager. Drowsily drunk on your affection.
His lips against your neck, your pulse point, a nibble to your jaw, a hungry tug on your earring. Fucking hell. How soft he was, how gentle, how he touched you with such a special regard and how some sick, jealous part of you thought — were you like this with Nancy? Was it ever like this was Nancy? Part of you wanted to moan. Croak out his name. Make a sound, any sound, so you could get kicked out and have him all to yourself.
You were a virgin when Eddie let you practice a handjob on him in the living room of his uncle’s trailer. You were a virgin when Steve ate you out in his car after finding out you were leaving for Chicago. 
You were a virgin. 
“I was, but I’m… do you even count that? He didn’t even… he could barely stick it in me at first, Steve, Eds.” 
The air feels angry. Tense. It’s suffocating, how they share that look, how they casually train their gazes back on you like you’ve killed someone. “What was he like?”
“Come again?” 
Your eyes nearly bulge out of your skull as Eddie steals the cig from your lips, taking a drag before he repeats himself — slower, syllables laced with a darker want. 
“I said, what was he like? In bed? You said he could barely stick it in you, so I doubt he was any fucking good.”
“Did he kiss you?” Steve follows on, nodding at Eddie to pass him the Marlboro. It’s so fucking intimate. His lips on the patch where Eddie’s had been, to which, in turn, where yours was. There’s smoke everywhere, even as he speaks, it somehow hits you coldly right on the mouth. “Was he a good kisser?”
Only then do you realize how physically close you are to both of them. You’re stuck, sandwiched between their thighs, their knees knocking against yours as you try to compose yourself. “It wasn’t… it wasn’t awful but it wasn’t good, either. Too much tongue. Too much — not enough… not enough teeth, I guess. You know how I…” 
Oh, they know, alright.
You don’t even flinch as Steve leans over and passes the cig back to Eddie. It’s a dance, a fucking taunt as you clench your jaw and curl into yourself under their presence. The longer-haired brunette tosses the dirty polaroid aside, speaking accusingly through a lazy drag. 
“Thought you wanted to save it for someone special, sweetheart.”
“I did.”
“No judgement there. Lay it on us, what changed then?”
You shrug, blinking rapidly. “Just wanted to get it over with.” They don’t believe you. It’s clear as day on their faces, the crease between their eyes, the side-twitch of Eddie’s lips and Steve’s nerved running of hands through his hair. “If you wanna call bullshit…”
“Bullshit.” These fuckers. Steve eggs you further, “A real reason, come on, Y/N.”
“Look, you’re gonna make fun of me.”
“Which we always do. Just spill it.”
You can’t hide anything from them. Not them. Not Steve, who’s practically had his handsome face between your legs for hours and not Eddie who’s basically bent you over the hood of his van so he could spread you open with his fingers. 
Not your best friends, who you’ve wanted in an insatiable way all your life, even when you had went away, it was always them — just the thought of them — that made you dizzy in all the right headspaces, the callousness of their fingers, their constant gonna-take-care-of-you aura and that implicit agreement between you and the two of them that I’m yours, m’your girl, always going to be.
“I just always thought I’d… lose it to one of you guys, and — I mean, you guys weren’t there and so I just figured I’d be more… fuck, I dunno, desirable? Yeah, just… desirable if I lost it before I came back since you already have so m-much, like, experience and...” You mumble rapidly, losing your tongue amongst your word-vomit of an explanation as you clamber onto your knees and try to stand up. Hot, embarrassed tears blur the cones of your vision. “It’s stupid, really! Like, it doesn’t even matter to me anymore because i-it was such a disappointing experience. Let’s just drop this, okay?”
This has to be a dream. A prank. A delusion. Maybe you’re still in Chicago, blacked-out after a party. Drank too much? Took the wrong weed? Shit, maybe Eddie is right — you don’t know half a gram from a full one.
And before you can shakily rise to two feet, your elbow is tugged back forcefully. Pain shoots up your arm, and you nearly yelp when your ass collides onto your springy twin mattress. 
“Uh-uh, you are not getting yourself out of this so easily. If it was oh-so disappointing, tell us what he did wrong and we’ll… we’ll… we can be your fix-it. Think of us as a rebound for, like, the guy you totally should not have fucked. Again, no judgement. Just saying a girl like you should have high standards.”
You should not be turned on right now.
Eddie looks sincere and so pleadingly desperate for an answer that you feel the yearning in his stare. It’s graduation night all over again. The stir of your belly, the squeeze he gives your thigh as he sits beside you, your glance of disbelief at Steve and his return of that hooded-gaze that turns you completely boneless as he joins the two of you on the bed.
“And you meet that standard?” You scoff, a snort following.
His brows rise up his forehead. You’re testing him. “I can meet any standard, sweetheart.” 
“And you swear you guys can do better than Matt?”
“You already know we can do better than Matt.” Steve laughs, almost as if you had just said something completely stupid. 
Eddie’s fingers trail up your knee, a ghost of a touch. He’s barely even pressing into your skin, but you feel him — his warmth, just inches away, gliding over the little goosebumps on your body, caressing the shaky ball of your knee. 
“You know, we talked ‘bout you. Had our own bonding moment, me and Harrington. Jus’ talked about how we’d take you out once you got back, treat you like a real princess after being so studious, talked about how… hm...” He chuckles, pausing to glance up at you while you lose yourself in his beady smile. This fucker. This absolute fucker. “Talked about how generous you are when it comes to friends. Thinkin’ we didn’t know you were practically playing pornstar with the both of us. Doin’ shit behind our backs like you’re a genius.”
Both of us. 
Both. You want them both, and suddenly, you don’t feel bad for being unbelievably horny, a fucking mess. 
“Nu-uh. It was smart. You gotta make do with what you have. I’ll give you that.”
Steve whispers, thumbing at the corners of your lip. “Hey. No need to be embarrassed. S’alright that big brain of yours can’t think right now. You just wanna feel good. That whole thing with Matt must’ve been so disappointing.”
Eddie puts out his cigarette on the polaroid, smirking when he cups a large hand around your chin, thumb and pointer finger pressing into your hollow cheeks before he’s tenderly pulling your head to look at him. 
There is too much heat. It’s stuffy, and warm, and you can’t really breathe. There’s grimy sweat in the crooks your elbows, the duvet is getting stuck to your skin and you can’t really sit still in the itchy fabric of your sweats because it’s fucking boiling. It’s boiling and you can’t think and you don’t know what the hell is happening, and you want air — not this swirling humidity that wafts under your knees, between your thighs…
“You’re awfully quiet.”
“I’m thinking.”
“Yeah?” His hand dips down your jaw, fingers wrapping around the small girth of your throat. A gentle squeeze. Experimental. Your breath hitches, a stuttering exhale as he tries again, harder, then he’s withdrawing and soothing the roughened area. “Care to share with the class? Unless, it’s inappropriate… then, you might just wanna,” He chuckles, tilting your head back. “… whisper it.”
If this is a black-out, you hope you wake up with a gnarly hangover. 
“If that offer still stands, if you guys wanna be my… my rebound or— or fix-it, or whatever the fuck...” This is messy. This is wrong. This is… this isn’t what friends do… but at this point, can you even call yourselves friends? “I’m down to do it.”
“You sure? I mean, you were just a virgin and…”
You snap. “Well, that never stopped either of you before, did it?”
He lunges at you.
Your mouth finds Eddie in the tangle of limbs and bodies. You run your fingers through his unruly hair, feeling yourself relax into the sudden notion as he tilts his chin to slot his lips over yours. It’s brazen, an open letter of lust from you to him saying I want this. I want you to kiss me back. I want this so bad, you don’t even know. 
It’s a burning ember of feverish desire as he parts himself open and open, tongues slowly rolling against each other until a moan slips out of you. “You like this? Don’t think it’s weird or anything?”
“Tell me to stop — fuck — and I’ll stop.”
You can feel Steve pressing against your back, the pads of his fingers digging themselves into your flesh, marking the spots where Eddie’s lips can’t reach as the metalhead dips into your collarbone and sucks. Hard. He leaves you purple and aching, your neck craned as the lighter-haired brunette dips your head back and gazes down at you.
“Christ, she likes that.”
You sigh in bliss, slowly unraveling at the seams. 
And oh, your whole body fucking stutters when Eddie dips his hand between your legs, causing you to lurch for Steve’s mouth in order to stifle the whiny gasp of surprise knocked out of you. His palm envelops your jaw. He’s warm. Wet. Lids moony and lips silky with an indiscernible impatience you can’t recognize. 
More. Give me more of you. 
You jolt as Eddie’s hands carefully push the fabric of your shirt up, his nose nudging against the valley of your breasts before he’s cupping you in a lazy grasp. He mouths at your nipples and he savors it. He thanks you. He thanks you with a twist to one of the hardened buds, soothing the area with his tongue before his teeth climb up the front of your neck and he makes you whimper. 
“Fuck, I love how whiny you get.” He hums. “Sensitive little thing, aren’t you? S’just my favorite part about you, Y/N. I’m sure Harrington agrees, seeing as… I’m not the only guy you do this kind of shit with.”
A bite. A bruise. An apologetic kiss even though he’s far from sorry. He’s calling you a slut without even saying it.
And while Eddie traverses his way up to your mouth, Steve dips down to nurse a path all over your back. Your shirt gets lost along the carpet somewhere, your shoulders bare and waiting as he takes your flesh between smiling lips and leaves a glistening trail of wet, open-mouthed pecks on your flexing muscles.
Then Eddie… oh, Eddie, the dirty-minded fucker.
Eddie gives you another hungry kiss, only this time it’s like you haven’t kissed in years. He kisses you like he doesn’t already have you yearning and yearning for more. He bites your bottom lip, drawing a raspy gasp from the back of your throat. His nose smashes against your cheek as he moans into you, the taste of cigarettes lingering on your tongue. 
“You’re so pretty. You’re so pretty, baby…” Steve ruts against your tailbone, collecting your hair into a careful fist and tugging until you’re pulled away from your deepening kiss. “You must’ve been so empty back there, aching. I can’t imagine how awful you must’ve felt, Y/N. Were any of those guys even any good to you?”
“No. Not even close — not like you.”
“Mm, shame.”
You don’t take your stare off of Steve at all, scared that if you looked away, scared that even one second would take this away from you. He kisses the sides of your socked feet, grazing his lips over your ankles and clothed calves until you shudder at the close proximity to your core.
Anticipation is coursing through your veins. Your chest is heaving, eyes wide like a baby owl. There’s an unmistakable throb that you recognize between your thighs. Burning you from the inside. Burning you at the stake. Burning you until you’re nothing but ash and a brandished vessel of blooming hickies. 
Fucking fuck.
“You hear that? Harrington’s right, bet Matt didn’t even eat you out if he couldn’t even get his cock in.” Eddie grits out unfiltered while you part your legs for Steve, inviting him. You exhale sharply — nuzzling your face into the crook of the metalhead’s neck as he wraps you in his arms. He can feel the soft, warm puffs of breath against his jaw as Steve finally tugs your sweats down. “Your pussy’s tight, Y/N.” A kiss to your belly. A suckle to where your pelvis meets your hip. A brush of tongue against your clothed clit until you jolt upright. “But not that tight.”
You melt. You fucking burst. You don’t fucking know anymore, but either way, it’s a new area of bliss. Eddie can quite literally feel you go rigid in his grasp, sliding deeper and deeper against him until he has no choice but to tuck you under the nook of his elbow and hold you close. 
You’re burning, hand clenching around Eddie’s bicep as Steve drags the squishy tip of his nose between your folds through the cotton fabric. 
“Pretty cunts like yours deserve to be treasured.” 
“Please, Steve…” His brown eyes flicker up to you attentively, pressing open-mouthed kisses to your mound as your hips impatiently stir against the bed. “Fuck — just… just take me right now. Please. Eddie, tell him, please.”
“Oh, sweetheart…” Eddie purrs, palming at your tits teasingly. He blows cool air into your face, brushing away your bangs as his lips hug the shell of your ear. “Thought all your begging would be so much better given what Harrington’s told me. Unless he’s a liar? You wouldn’t call him a liar, would you? Beg Steve to give it to you. Beg him the way you would if it was me down there.”
“I can’t.”
“Can’t or won’t?”
They are filthy in the fucking head. They have already stripped you of your pride. You may as well just follow. You may as well turn yourself in, play along with them and this fantasy that may or may not be real. Oh, but it has to be real. It has to, when you can feel Steve’s fingers dip past the decorative bow of your panties, shimmying and shimmying until you’re bare and open for him.
You squeeze around nothingness. 
“You wanna stop?” Steve runs his palm up your stomach, fingers splayed so unbelievably wide and long across your skin. It makes you lightheaded, a fixation on his smooth digits and reddened knuckles in contrast to his rose-pink complexion. “We can stop right here, whatever you want, whatever feels comfortable, baby.”
He’s being nice. It should make you feel warm inside, giddy even, that given the circumstances, he still regards you in a way that makes you feel nothing short of safe. Comfortable. But that sick, wronged part of you — the side you happen to share with your two best friends — wants him to drop the gentleman act. 
Take me, take me like you have all those times before.
Why hold back now?
“I don’t wanna stop.”
Eddie leans over and nips at the tip of your ear. His deep whisper leaves you tingling, almost trembling at how bad you need them in you, on you, just here. “Then beg.” 
“I…” You whimper, cheeks growing hot as you feel their eyes study you. “Steve, I just… please? Please, I don’t…” 
“You know what? Maybe we shouldn’t.”
“No! No, please fucking touch me.” You gasp shakily, biting your pride back and digging your nails into your calves before you’re spreading your legs farther to satisfy him, entice him. “Please touch me. I need it, need you s-so bad. Steve, please?”
He hums. You aren’t sure if it’s a sound of approval or one of uncertainty, but either way, your pathetic manner of begging does the trick. For now. 
And you’re thankful that you’re home alone because the moan that’s ripped right out of your throat is almost animalistic, maybe even concerning, when Steve dips his face between your thighs and finally puts his mouth on your throbbing sex. Your head lolls back into Eddie’s neck, his fingers coming to stroke the strained vein in the column throat as you arch against him and rut against an unmistakable, very-acute pressure on your tailbone.
He’s hard. 
Meanwhile, Steve is gently swiping his tongue over your folds, suckling at your clit before he’s dipping the muscle in and out of your fluttering hole. 
“That’s it, Harrington.” A deep chuckle erupts from Eddie, his breaths growing deeper with each moan that leaves his companion. “Go to town on her.”
You’re basically panting for air, pulled under as Steve drags a heavy palm down your outer thigh, slapping where it rounds into the shape of your ass. It stings harshly, a burning bloom of irritation before he does it again and it stings even more. 
But, fuck, does it feel good.
Steve’s nose presses against your bundle of nerves as he stretches his tongue into you. His expression is pulled into a concentrated scowl, knitted brows and muffled moans while he decides to stroke the pad of his finger against your entrance and gapes at what he discovers.
“You’re so fucking wet right now… Christ.” Agonizingly slow, Steve pushes a digit inside your cunt, curling it so that it hits that spongy desperate part of you that makes you croon and twitch in Eddie’s arms. You nearly gush at the sensation.
“There we go, princess. Mmm, fuck, you take good care of my girl, don’t you, Harrington?” 
Eddie is exceptionally fucked and twisted in the head. You think it’s a power play, him enjoying his one-up, best foot forward against Steve because he had you first. My girl. My girl. It’s warranted, valid — wrong in all the right ways — but he’s not lying, because Eddie took the initial bullet that was his desire for you. 
“Play nice, Munson. Sharing is caring.”
“Then stop messin’ with her like she’s a plate of mush.”
Quite frankly, you feel like a plate of mush.
It stirs him, competitively pushes the brunette to go harder and before you know it, his fingers are squelching down there. It’s wet, erotically messy, probably would’ve been gross to any other guy but it’s Steve and Eddie, your best friends who happened to be fucking perverts with a soft spot for you, so who cares? 
Eddie does not mean to claim you. Especially claiming ownership over someone who, obviously, isn’t his if there’s easily another man inside you. But Eddie knows your body, he knows no other body like yours because it didn’t just stop at graduation night. 
Maybe Harrington hasn’t caught on, but you’ve always been Eddie’s first love in all the ways that count. It’s truly unfair.
It’s even more unfair knowing that you’ll always favor Steve over him. 
But it’s okay. The bed’s big enough for three.
Your hand grips Steve roughly by the wrist, forcing his hand down the drenched seam of your cunt even more. 
“T-there… right there, just… want it hard, and — and fast… don’t need you to be gentle.”
“She’s blushing, Eddie.”
You blubber, eyebrows creasing with confusion as your voice gets caught in your throat and you rasp brokenly in immediate defense, “I don’t blush.”
Steve laughs. Loud. Shocked. Eyes-wide and mocking as he repeats your words under his breath and smirks up at Eddie. I don’t blush.
At this point, you’re just annoyed. “Oh, well, not you, honey.” You yelp in surprise as Steve scissors his thick fingers knuckle-deep, coating his skin in creamy arousal. “I was talking about your pussy.”
Instinctively, your smaller hand darts out to grab Eddie’s thigh, but instead, you’re met with something very hard, very much not his knee nor his leg — but his cock. The silky feeling of it in your hand turns you flustered. His red, heavy balls spill out from the waistband of his haphazardly-tugged boxers pooling below his taut hips. 
The barbed-wire tattoo that wraps across his thigh taunts you, the faded bat wings on his abdomen just waiting to be tasted. You salivate at the thought of… fuck, nevermind. You can’t even think straight.
It’s nothing you haven’t seen before, but in the context of all this, it’s a sight that unhinges your jaw and causes you to try to squeeze your legs together — Steve feels the change in pressure around his head, how your thighs press harder against either ear, clenching and clenching till he has no choice but to lap at your cunt till you let go.
“F-Fuck, Steve… I’m… fuck, your mouth, it’s…” 
A shared moan from Eddie and yourself cuts your blubbering short as you give his long shaft an experimental tug, running your thumb over his shiny slit till he’s hissing at you.
“Jus’ like that, Y/N.” Eddie groans, a hand coming to stroke the back of your head till he’s grasping the nape of your neck and making you watch yourself stroke his cock. “Shit, sweetheart… see what you — you do to me? God, fuckin’… you fucking slut. Christ… fuck, your hand just feels so… oh, baby.”
His chin tilts back, eyes rolling into his skull as you crudely lick the palm of your hand and reach for his balls, coating him in a glistening film that has you drooling beneath the surface. “Let me make you feel good, please?”
“Yeah? That what you want?” He grits out, sighing as you drag your tongue along the ink on his pelvis.
“Since you begged so nicely,” Eddie hums, leaning back on his elbows as your tiny fist instantly reaches for his heavy cock. He nods at it, dropping his look from your clouded eyes to where his cock rests against his lower stomach. “It’s all yours. Go crazy. You know how I fucking like it.”
Messy. Loud. Disgusting.
Fingers covered in saliva as you pump him in your grasp, massaging the sensitive ridge under his tip with each upward stroke. A squeeze to his shaft everytime Steve pumps his fingers out of you and rubs your clit just the way you need him to. Eddie’s hands wander over your hips, gripping you flush against him until you’re leaning over to take his cock into your mouth.
Stuffed full of Steve’s fingers and stuffed full of Eddie’s dick. What a predicament.
“Shittt…” Eddie hisses as you take him, lips suctioning around the aching head of his dick before you’re dragging your tongue down the velvety, wet base of him. He shudders visibly once again. “Jesus fucking Christ, baby. You’re g-goddamn divine.”
You try to suck him in deeper when Steve adds another finger, his tongue lapping at your needy clit as Eddie instinctively pushes on the back of your head and shoves you further down his cock. He holds you there, mewling at the way saliva and cum dribble down his ruddy shaft, pooling around his balls. 
You gag disgustingly loud, retaliating with a heavy swat to his arm before you realize your own orgasm is approaching hard and fast once he finally lets off and gives you air.
“Fuck. Fuck. Steve, b-babe… I’m — oh, shit… m’gonna cum if you keep…”
“If I keep doing this?”
You sob into Eddie’s neck as Steve scissors his fingers in and out of you, the naughty squelch of your cunt overpowering the white noise of your childhood bedroom. It’s lewd, how your knuckles glisten with Eddie’s thick pre-cum, Steve’s fingers serving as a direct mirror to that when you find release and gush around him.
“Fuck, Y/N! That’s hot. That’s really fucking hot. Shit, I just made you squirt.” He exhales shakily, a shy laugh falling at the end of his ramblings. “Always wanted to do that. S’just so sexy when you do it — fuck — I wanna watch you do it again.”
Steve’s cock throbs intensely beneath you as you christen his mouth with your arousal, his jaw wet and chin shiny as he languidly moves his mouth side to side against your clit.
“O-Oh, god… s’too… m’too sensitive, I… Steve…”
Like a starving man, his strong hands keep you pinned down when he wraps them around your hips, feeling for your ass and spreading you wide while you soak his face. 
“Whose cock do you want inside you first, sweetheart?” Eddie rasps, his free hand resting over yours as he drags it up your ribs, the swell of your breasts, brushing over your hardened nipples before he brings it back down to your stomach. Stroking and stroking, teasing you as your other best friend peppers the insides of your thighs with gentle kisses. “Thinking about how tight you probably are right now, even if Steve fucked you open with his fingers, I bet that little cunt of yours is still just as tight as that night in the garage, yeah? Yeah, it is.” He chuckles, drawing hearts on your hip bone. “Are you gonna let me fuck it? In front of Harrington? Let him watch me stick my cock inside it for the first time? Let him watch the way your eyes just… droop all sleepy and fucked-out when I cum in you?”
Steve laughs, smiling to himself as he wipes the slick from his mouth, collecting it with the pad of his fingers before he’s wiggling the digits in front of Eddie’s mouth.
“Taste her,” He says without shame, eyes moony and half-lidded as Eddie slowly wraps his lips around them. Eyes locked on Steve’s, he fucking moans at the flavor of you. “Sweet, isn’t she?”
He releases him with a pop, grinning like a Cheshire cat. 
“Oh, she’s the sweetest.” He drawls, tongue darting out to lick the space between Steve’s fingers. “You wanna watch me fuck her now, Harrington? Promise you can stick it in her pussy later.” Eddie’s hand cups your jaw, lolling your head back against his shoulder so he can smirk down at you. His doe-eyes swirl with some sick form of tenderness, and the crude denotation of his next words almost fly right over your head when his gaze flickers back up to Steve. “As long as I get her ass.”
A gasp rips out of you when Eddie pulls you up by your underarms, your tender cheek falling against the mattress while Steve lingers at the foot of the bed, arm propped up against the post — where he stands now fully nude. 
Your eyes shamelessly rake over his length, admiring the groomed bush of hair around his base, his athletic frame, the girth of his arms. He pumps his cock in front of you, your attention fully directed to him as Eddie undresses himself behind you.
“Staring is rude, y’know.” Steve quips, breathless as he runs his thumb over his meaty tip with a cocky grin. He nods down at his prick, the shaft darker than the rest of him. “You think you can take it, babe?”
“I… I think so. It’s — you’re just so…”
“Perfect.” You gulp out, palm coming up from the mattress to reach for him. “You’re just perfect, Stevie.”
And you swear that Steve blushes. His cheeks tinge pink, freckles prominent on the bridge of his nose as a faint smile lingers across his pillowy lips. But before you can even let your nails excitedly skim across his abdomen, Eddie yanks you back by your hips, ass arched up into the air as he pries your legs apart with his knee.
The action takes you by surprise, your neck twisting to look helplessly over your shoulder up at Eddie. “What are you—“
He leans over you, caging your body with his. You gag when he shoves his fingers past your lips, clutching at his wrist while Steve’s darkened eyes meet his. “Spit.”
Fuck. Okay.
Maybe you really should’ve been patient and lost your virginity to one of them when you got back.
Eddie pulls away; strings of saliva connect to his palm, to which he uses as makeshift lube for his ruddy cock. You study the way he languidly spreads the thick glob up and down his dick, the filthy wet squelch of it causing heat to pool into your belly. 
You jolt when you feel his fingers skim over your entrance. “E-Eds…”
The aftershocks of your previous orgasm still linger, evident due to the tremble of your thighs and the deep furrow in your brow as you take a moment to brace yourself.
“Sensitive, sweetheart?” Eddie’s curious voice crackles, the tip of his finger dragging along the backsides of your thighs, tracing the curve of your ass. “S’okay, Y/N. I’ll go slow. At first.” He quips, sincerity and amusement dripping from his tone all at once. His mouth dips down, kissing the planes of your shoulders, your spine, the dip of your tailbone. “Don’t get in your head about it. I’m gonna take care of you.” Eddie whispers, taking his cock into his fist and running the tip along your cunt. You choke on a moan, feeling him slowly split you open. “I a-always take care of you, don’t I? Fuck. Fuck. Shit, you’re — Y/N, baby, you’re already… already squeezin’ me, fuck. S’okay. Fuck. It’s okay. K-Keep clenching my dick like that and this’ll be over so… fast.”
You make a move to look at him, but Steve’s hand finds your jaw, pulling your gaze back. “Eyes on me. Tell me how it feels.”
“It’s…” You clutch at the sheets, syllables lost on your tongue as you mewl scandalously. “I can feel his cock s-stretching me out. M’just… just so wet for him.” You sob as Eddie bottoms out, his balls grazing against your clit. His lips meet the crook of your shoulder as he stills inside you. “So wet for it. Please. Please. Fuck, I need… need more. Need, oh, to m-move.” The sheets wrinkle beneath you as Eddie’s hips roll back, his cock slamming into you in deep, agonizing thrusts. “Oh, yes… yes, just like that…”
“Christ, Harrington.” Eddie lets out a grunt, thrusting in and out of you. He watches the way your folds grip around him, asshole puckering as he thumbs at it. “She’s… Jesus Christ, she feels amazing. You hear that? Shit, that’s just her pussy. Makin’ all those wet sounds like a goddamn – fuck – like she’s a little cocksleeve. Fuck yes, but you’re the real thing, a-aren’t you, sweetheart? God, I could jus’ live in your pretty cunt.” He rambles, a harsh spank landing on either of your ass cheeks. 
“Fuck, Eddie!”
“I love this pretty pussy. Fuck. I fucking love it — so good. M-Mindblowingly good. Jus’ got me m-melting inside you. Fuck, Y/N. How am I ever supposed to go without this cunt? S’fucking dream, that’s it. You’re a fucking dream.”
Steve’s head falls against the intricate bedpost, face scrunched up into pleasure and agony just watching Eddie spear his cock into you. You fall further into the mattress, sweat beading off of your brow as you take in the sight of Steve’s cock dripping with pre-cum. His balls hang heavily between his thick thighs, his abs rippling under the orange glow of your lampshade.
Each stroke leaves Eddie’s creamy shaft glistening and wet, your arousal sticking to his skin and the bush of hair at the base of him as he fucks you deeply. A fist tangled in your hair, the other glued to your shoulder, his mouth pulled into a lewd ‘O’ that mirrors Steve’s handsome expression of bliss.
You whimper, eyes welling up with tears, “I’m gonna… oh, fuck, baby… m’gonna c-cum.”
“Yeah? Gonna cum on this cock?” Eddie snarls, hips quickly snapping into you. “Shit, shit, shit. Fuck, I can feel you tensing up for me. Yes, cum on it, sweetheart. S’okay, you can cum for us. Do it, Y/N.”
“So good. So — I’m cumming!”
Your whole body goes boneless against the longer-haired brunette, his arm generously scooping you up from under so that he can pull you flush against his chest. Your tits heave with every tremble of your thighs. Your cunt convulses around Eddie’s shaft, milking him as he keeps your hips firmly planted in place against his skin.
“Oh, honey. Yeah, that’s it.” Steve coos with a sweet chuckle, reaching over to cradle your face in his hands. “Came a little hard, huh? You did so well. Look at you, still so fucking hot.” He chuckles, brushing the hair away from your face and kissing your forehead. “Atta girl. Cumming on her best friend’s cock.” His thumbs prod at your bottom lip. “Who woulda thought?”
“Christ, Steve. She’s even — even tighter.” 
“Yeah? Think it’ll fit?” Steve pouts, pumping himself as Eddie pulls out of you. 
“Mmm, maybe. Maybe not. Can always butter you up some more, Y/N. Make sure there’s enough room for Harrington.” He snickers, “I call him big boy for a reason.”
You can only whine, too fucked-out from your orgasm to even properly respond. 
Fuck. Really, that’s the only word on your mind right now.
“Hey, you with us?” 
“Just…” You laugh, cut off by your own wince. “Fucking hell, just gimme a sec.”
Steve raises a brow at his friend, studying the way you roll back onto the bed, back arched against the sheets as you stretch your arms over your head and look dreamily up at him. “That good, huh?” You nod, biting your lip as he crawls onto the bed, “You think I can do better?”
A boost of confidence surges through you, the words leaving your lips airily and teasingly. 
“Dunno. How about you show me, King Steve?”
“You’re gonna absolutely kill me, you know that?” The freckled brunette whispers, mouthing up your thighs before he’s rolling you on top of him, tucking your hair behind your ears as Eddie comes to kneel behind you, kissing the nape of your neck. “Calling me King Steve like it doesn’t turn you on when you say it,” He chuckles, rubbing up your thighs. “You rode Brad’s cock?”
“No. And his name… is Matt,” You grin, splaying your palms over his chest. “Play nice, tiger.”
“This is nice.” You guide him into your entrance, moaning as you sink down past his tip, the head of him catching on the swell of your clit. Steve’s head falls back against the bed, plump lips parting with a sigh as you take him to the hilt. “God, but this cunt is even nicer — shit, Munson, you weren’t lying.”
“Fuck, Steve. It’s… fuck, fuck, fuck. Oh, my god.” His thick cock spreads your folds open, the pink tint of his cock turning slick with your cum as you shakily pull yourself up and down his length. “Feels so good. Oh, your — please…”
Eddie’s arm wraps around your hips, his finger coming to circle your clit while his free hand spreads your ass apart, his dick nudging against your tight hole. “Do you trust me?”
Your jaw lolls back against Eddie’s shoulder, eyes fluttering in pleasure as Steve meets your thrusts. “Y-Yes, please. Just — fuck, need both of you. Need it inside m-me. Put it in, Eds. Please, put it in.” You beg tearily, resting your hand against his taut stomach.
“I’ll go slow.” He whispers, kissing your cheek before taking a hold of your neck. “So slow, you won’t even know I’m here. Jus’ focus on the way Harrington breeds that cunt, yeah? Guy fucking loves that shit. You tell me to stop — you tell either of us to stop and we will, understand?”
“I understand.”
“Good girl. You have lube for me?”
Your jaw falls open as Eddie slips a finger into your ass, the ring of muscle sucking the digit deeper and deeper inside as you fuck yourself on Steve. 
“In my — my luggage.”
“Tsk tsk, naughty.”
You lose yourself in the tangle of limbs and shifting of blankets, your knees knocking against the mattress as Eddie finds his way back to the pair of you.
“Can’t believe you — you’re riding me right now. Holy shit, you look so… so beautiful.” Steve gasps out between wet strokes, worshipping your body with an open mouth, “Do you know how long I’ve been wanting this? Wanting to be inside you? Oh, and I get this pussy all to myself? 
“I’ve always — fuck — always wanted to know how big you are. How it feels to be… to be filled up with my two favorite people in the world — oh, harder.” You growl, feeling a cool liquid squirt down your skin. The lube is warm, slippery as Eddie drenches everything in it, the sloppy squelch of his fingers working into your ass are enough to make your face heat up and hide in Steve’s shoulder. “Harder.”
“You really want this?” Eddie rasps, scissoring them in and out. “You think your virgin ass can take me? I think you need more time, baby. Gotta ease you into it.”
You reach around you to grasp his cock in your hand, panting against him while Steve continues to fuck the slick channel of your cunt. It’s devastating, how he hits every part of you, the crude squelch of it all, how Eddie grips and grips at your ass till you’re basically laying over Steve’s chest.
“I want it.”
“Breathe, then.”
It feels like hours before Eddie really does anything, just the cruel fingering of your ass accompanied by the pounding of Steve’s cock into you. Then eventually, there’s the sliminess of the lube, the glistening of two well-endowed ruddy cocks, happy trails and velvet skin slowly being swallowed by your cunt and ass.
The first few moments of Eddie’s tantalizing press of his cock against your puckering hole is enough to have you jolting forward in Steve’s arms, a comforting shush lulling you to a calm as the boys kiss down your body — worshipping you, soothing you, enticing you. 
“Oh, my god!”
It’s… it’s too fucking much. The titillating burn of it. The building pressure. You feel like you’re being pulled under and under, endlessly being filled up by him until he’s drawing his hips back and pushing into you all over again.
“Relax, Y/N. You gotta relax, or I can’t — fuck, I won’t be able to take care of you.” Eddie kisses along the slope of your shoulder, his inked thighs entangling with Steve’s bare ones as he leans over your backside. “Okay?”
You nod and exhale sharply, letting yourself become mush between Steve and Eddie’s bodies as he drives into you from behind, using your ass the same way he had used your sopping cunt. Their cocks drive into you, bone mashing against bone, skin slapping against skin, warmth oozing out of you until you feel like you’re on fire. 
“Does it feel good, honey?” Steve grunts from beneath you. The look on his face nearly makes you cum — hair tousled, eyes half shut as he groans deeply. His aching arms ripple, holding you against his chest as Eddie sloppily ruts into you from behind. “You want us to go faster? Make you squirt over both of our cocks? Fuck, taking it in the ass makes you so tight.”
You lose yourself in Eddie’s kisses, the way he drags his lips across your jaw and down your bruised neck, the way Steve sits up to toy with the peak of your breasts, his tongue swiping over the sensitive nubs. 
Numb. Boneless. You can’t think.
“Think she’s gonna cum, Harrington. Just look at her.”
Steve cooes, flicking his finger over your swollen clit. 
“You gonna cum, princess?” You gasp loudly as Eddie draws his hand across your ass, spanking you brutally until your face is buried in Steve’s collarbones. “Fuck, Eddie’s right… this cunt is — fuck — such a dream. Shit, you’re close. Think I’m gonna cum, t-too. M’gonna fill y-you up, Y/N. Fuck...”
“Yeah? Gonna breed my pussy?”
“Oh, that nasty mouth.”
“I want you to cum inside, Steve.”
“Fuck!” His warm seed fills you up quickly, shooting right against your walls as his hips snap into you over and over again. Relentless. Unforgiving. Your cunt fluttering and leaking with his own spill as Steve just fucking stares and watches you become one with him. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck, princess. It’s — oh, you’re… m-milking me. Oh, shit. Shit!”
They’re both balls deep inside you and yet all you can think about is how you’re one-hundred percent never walking again after all of this is over. 
Your own brain melts before you can even get a word out, turning you into a broken record of strangled moans and incoherent begging. 
Princess, you like it when Eddie fucks your ass, don’t you?
Just wait till you give Harrington a turn. 
You’re gorgeous like this, letting us stretch your little holes out just ‘cause we’re best friends — god — you dirty, wet girl. I’m never getting enough.
So pretty. So fucking p-pretty.
You cum instantly, your orgasm sneaking up on you from behind and swallowing you whole. Your release has you convulsing shamelessly in the boys’ arms, your mouth claimed by each of theirs as you switch between Steve and Eddie, then Steve again, and Eddie once more until your body refuses to recognize whose skin is whose and who tastes like what. 
“Christ,” Eddie grits out. “Christ, your cunt is — you’re strangling my cock, baby. Baby. Oh, fuck, baby.”
Everything comes in a rush. Words lose their meaning, their formation and elegance (if you could even call dirty talk elegant) as Eddie’s ramblings get strung together and Steve’s hands roughly find solace on your thighs. The warm bloom in your ass almost makes you cum again, and you moan wantonly as Eddie jerks and vibrates against you. 
You wince when they pull out at nearly the same time — almost as if they had coordinated it — and you wince when you feel their spend trickle down your thighs. 
Your cunt clenches around nothingness as you sputter with their cum, your asshole puckering against Eddie’s face while he watches you gape between his hands. You whine when his finger prods at you, a hiss leaving your lips when he eats the cum from both of your holes.
Then, he slurps. Loud.
Definitely going to hell.
“Fuck.” You let out a breathy chuckle, pressing the heels of your hands into your eyes to stop seeing the fucking stars that keep pulsing in your vision. 
Unable to support yourself, you lazily collapse between the lanky bodies of Steve and Eddie, long limbs tangling with yours.
Steve kisses your temple, nuzzling his face under your chin. “Better than Brad?”
Silly boy.
You laugh again, harder this time, almost forgetting how sore your lower muscles are when Steve presses the curve of your nose against your neck and Eddie casually slings an arm over your stomach like he hadn’t just fucked your ass. “Better than Brad.”
“Thought his name was Matt.” Eddie huffs, tracing the blossoming hickey on your hip.
You glance at either of them, bringing your hands up to stroke their flushed cheeks before you’re giving them a gentle peck on the buttons of their noses. “I could give less of a fuck about Matt.”
“Can we please go get dinner now? You know, to celebrate my return and everything.”
Steve and Eddie collectively groan, burying themselves closer against you with sleepy eyes and sweaty skin.
“Just a little longer.”
Theirs. Theirs. Theirs.
And it’s then — between your best friends’ naked and warm bodies, freckled skin and D&D-themed tattoos, soft long hair and thick romantic curls, moles and scars, the sun on your left and the moon on your right, the lingering kiss to your shoulder and the swirling fingers on your thigh — that you realize that maybe, they missed you more than you missed them. 
And that maybe, you’re okay with this strange, insatiable dynamic of friendship. If you can even call it that.
After all, what are best friends for?
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imagine--if · 7 months
hey! i hope your doing well, i would love to see anything fluffy for mike (headcanons, blurbs, whatever you feel like suits it most!) - he deserves the whole world and sm more to me 😭
A/N: I get youuuu, hope you enjoy 😁 started off with the relationship hcs but let me know if you wanna see anything more specific!!
Warnings: FNAF movie spoilers, mentions of violence
⋆✮ Dating Mike Schmidt Includes: ✮⋆
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➳ Mike's been through a hell of a lot ever since his little brother got kidnapped, so I'm seeing major protectiveness and sometimes even clinginess involved from him when you end up dating because 😭 guy's been through stuff and he's not letting anyone else he's close to get hurt
➳ To be honest, at first he's pretty closed-off with people, vulnerable with a tough exterior, so if you meet him in some scenario where you're tied up with the Freddy's murders and job, he'll try to be distant and professional and all... ending up failing 🙃
➳ Eventually you start. talking more about personal things, hobbies your lives, and he'll mention his sister Abby and having to take the job because he needs the money and is in the middle of the custody situation with his sister. He's got a lot going on and the trauma of what happened all those years ago still wringing at his guilt, so being able to talk with someone who doesn't judge in a relaxed place is a nice change for him having to be on guard all the time.
➳ When Mike befriends you, which is what happens first, he's got your back. If you need someone to vent to or hang out with or whatever, he'll do whatever he can to help, and when it comes to you being in a sticky situation or someone trying to hurt you or play you, he always seems to realise and is in no way afraid of confrontation to get them to back off.
➳ Like if William tries sizing you up a bit... and Mike gets annoyed with that cool, defensive glare as he asks if he needs anything (I've got to make an imagine of this nowwww). I think Mike would only realise that he's actually jealous if you teased about it, or if he really loses his temper with someone that's not leaving you alone or something. Then it really nags at him and makes him think about actually liking you as more than a friend, and then that initial reluctance because everyone he gets close to seems to have something bad happen to them, like it's a curse. At the end of the day, he just wants you to be safe.
➳ It would take something big for Mike to confess to you, unless you take the first step (aka Abby begging you to tell him you like him too because she's getting bored of him not concentrating on what she's talking to him about or the conversation somehow curving to you and the stuff you're into). Maybe you're attacked at Freddy's and you're all in on the crisis together when Mike stands firmly in front of you when William reveals himself, or he shoves you out the way so you won't get hurt, ultimately jumping in front of the threat without a worry of him getting hit instead. It's then that he realises how much he needs you in his life, how he needs you alive because you add some joy to it that he hasn't felt in all these years, a change from the darkness that his head's stuck in.
➳ It all comes out of him in a rush as he looks you up and down with wild eyes and a firm grip, asking if you're alright and saying in a rush that "you're one of the most important people in the world to me, and I don't know what I'd do if you got hurt... I- I couldn't live with myself, okay?!"
➳ Okayyy Mike, just kiss them 😏
➳ After you fight Afton together and get Vanessa looked after, you can finally breathe and properly start dating, which includes that familiar protectiveness and slight clinginess... and also being best friends with his little sister, which you 100% would be. You'd spend time drawing or chatting or playing random games while Mike was out working, eliminating the need for a babysitter because you're the perfect fit and get along with her great. And when he is home, you do a lot of stuff together, like a mini family, and there's finally that security and stability in that life she needed.
➳ I feel like Abby would find it hilarious to tell you all the sappy things Mike says about you on the rare occasions where you're not around, ending in Mike's cheeks flushing beet red and him picking her up and whirling her around playfully until she's in fits of laughter. "I heard Mike say that he found another reason to keep going when he realised he was in love wi- hey!!"
➳ Mike would be a bit clingy, again because of what happened with Garret; Mike being distracted for one moment and then blaming himself for the rest of his life because it was that moment where his brother was taken and killed. So if you are out, on a date or just around, this guy will not leave your side. He's the kind of person to text you again and again if you don't respond to the first message, and it's kind of cute how much he worries, but then he doesn't need to, and every now and then he'll need your reassurance that you guys are safe and that you won't leave him, which stills ends with him burying his face in your neck for a long tight hug for a while.
➳ Whether you're watching a movie with him and Abby, or you're out on a date or sleeping or whatever, Mike will always have some contact with you if you've told him you're okay with it: fingers linked under the table, pressed into his side while you're watching TV (with an affectionate forehead kiss every five minutes 🥺) or being half crushed to death while you're trying to sleep when he rolls onto you and traps you under his leg... good luck if you need to go to the bathroom. Chances are he'll end up trailing after you with mumbled protests.
➳ That protectiveness always kicks in when someone looks at you for too long, or in a way that he doesn't like the look of, or if you're obviously uncomfortable with. If you're quick, you can just convince him to walk away and you two go somewhere else, because Mike will end up getting annoyed and giving the guy a line to get him to make them go away. If he's not careful, he might end up getting in a fight again, but he'll really try not to when you tell him off for it and promise him that things are okay and you're not going anywhere.
➳ You and Abby are basically Mike's world, after all that's happened, there are only really two people left that he truly cares for and would do anything for. Once you're in a relationship with him, he'll do everything he can to make sure you're safe and won't have to go through anything he had to. If ever you're upset, he'll listen for hours with no judgement and major support, whatever mood you're in somehow rubbing off on him. Mike will admit his feelings in a rush, and when he does, he's not afraid to tell you that he loves you whenever you need to hear it, or whenever he wants to say it and wants you to be reminded. It's something that you can never doubt.
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moonjxsung · 6 months
Your opinion on who in StrayKids likes a bit more, Butt, Boobs or thighs and why. You can make it smutty as well 😉
If you have already can you link it? 😅
Have a good day! 🥰🧡
Is this something anyone else thinks about as much as I do? I feel like I’m constantly going back and forth between my answers 🚶‍♀️ANYWAYS….
Chan: ass & boobs. Specifically likes when you ride him and he can either grip your thighs or grab your ass….. looooves when you wear short skirts he can just flip up for a quick fuck. And I KNOW I say it all the time….. but it’s like ten times more intensified with his daddy kink. Literally gripping your ass for dear life while you’re riding him and he’s forcing you to call him daddy. Also cums super fast if you wrap your legs around his crotch while you’re on top. Likes the idea of your cum dripping out of him onto your thighs and making a mess.
Minho: a little harder to read, but I want to say he’s an ass guy… he’s just not super obvious about it. He smacks everyone’s ass in a joking way but he won’t do it to you very much only because he doesn’t want you to think he’s being disrespectful. But when it comes to getting intimate, he loves taking you against a wall or a table and putting it in from behind. Loves intertwining his hands with yours and fucking you hard. And he’ll graze his hands along your ass and keep them there until he cums inside of you. Loves it to feel super primal but still respectful and gets turned on knowing you’re turned on.
Changbin: a traditional man… definitely boobs. He’s such a little shit constantly staring at your boobs while you’re talking and you have to remind him where your eyes are. But when it comes to intimacy he loves holding them while you’re riding him. Loves to watch them bounce and maybe take a video or two for his own personal use. Also very partial to lacy lingerie that’s practically see through so he can still get a good glimpse of your nipples & every curve. More casually he also won’t hesitate to get you in bed lying on top of him with your back faced to him and his hands on your boobs massaging them. Watches tv like that, uses his phone like that… just his favorite stress relievers.
Hyunjin: another tough one… gonna say boobs and thighs for him. Hyunjin gets super turned on any time you sit in his lap and literally winces at the feeling of your thighs grazing over his cock while you’re in just underwear or a short skirt. He really likes gripping your thighs and massaging them while you sit in his lap and then trailing up with his hands to where he can finger fuck you. But when you’re riding him, he gets veryyy subby and wants your nipples in his mouth like every waking second of it. Gets super whimpery and drools all over your boobs and sucks them like his life depends on it. Also very partial to leaving hickies on both your thighs and boobs. Just likes marking up his favorite places and making you all sore for him even if you’re just making out.
Jisung: thighs and ass!!!! Specifically when you ride his face! I feel like we’re all in mutual agreement that Jisung goes feral for you riding his face and just really loves to make you squirt on his pretty little face and clean you up like a starved animal. Loves the feeling of your thighs trembling over his tongue while he grips onto them for dear life. He also goes crazy to see you wearing long socks or hosiery and he wants your thighs on his face like instantly. And he’s crazy for your ass too in the most annoyingly cute way. Constantly squeezing, slapping, you name it and he’s doing it. Purposely passes by you and brushes his crotch against it and then likes to play all innocent like he wasn’t trying to cop a feel.
Felix: personality boobs. Someone submitted something yesterday about how Felix would looove having his face buried in your chest and I stand by this 10000%! He’s less sexual about it when he’s doing it regularly, just loves kissing them and massaging them with his skilled hands whenever he gets a chance. And he’s super polite about asking you to flash him or send a picture when he’s turned on. But when you guys are intimate, he’s allll over them with his tongue. I mean sucking, biting and licking them like they belong to him. Loves groaning with your nipples in his mouth while he fucks you and whispering about how much he loves them in his sexy deep voice. Of course after it’s done he’s back to gentle massages and randomly pulling up your shirt to kiss them. But he’s crazy for them either way.
Seungmin: ass guy for sure. But he’s not shy about it. Snacks your ass when you walk by, grips your ass when you bend over and won’t hesitate to ask to fuck you doggy style. He loves when you just wear one of his t-shirts and bend over and all he can see is your ass in your lacy panties. Will crack some joke about how you make it such easy access for him but you’re also not going to decline his proposal when he’s offering to fuck you roughly from behind. Also loves when you sit on his lap peppering his face in kisses and he can keep his hands on your ass. Such a sexy sight when he wears some expensive watch and gives you a little squeeze here and there, literally makes you horny all over again. Daddy Seungmin agenda perhaps…
Jeongin: hear me out on this one….. all 3. He’s just super into body worship and any one of the 3 get him turned on. You want to ride his face? He’s hard at the feeling of your thighs in his big hands. Doggy style? He loves to spank you with his big hands. Cowgirl?? Hands and tongue all over your boobs. Showers you in compliments about any one of the three because you guys have such high sex drives and every part of each other is a turn-on. And when you’re not intimate, he’s just the most loving boyfriend about it too because he’ll shower you with compliments anyway. Randomly tells you your thighs look good in a pair of old jeans, or that your boobs look particularly flattering in that shirt. Just worships every inch of you.
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emilvr · 6 months
┆ ° ♡ • ➵ ✩ ◛ ° boyfriend spencer !
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oh lord have mercy this man is sooooo ( ∩ˇωˇ∩)♡all my boyfie spencer thoughts in one place.. <3 this man deserves a happy ending and if cm won’t give it to him i certainly will!! click the link 4 a surprise … & also send me ur spencer reid thoughts before i collapse!!
warnings: just swearing/slight suggestive tones (like smooches..) and gender neutral reader i think !!
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spencer, at least— according to derek, is a tough nut to crack. he doesn’t trust easily at all, and the fruits of your labour may not actually show until years down the line. but if there’s one thing about him you could never doubt, is his loyalty to not just you, but his entire team. especially when he tells you, “i’ll do anything you need me to. always.” and the earnest tone he whispers it in, his brown eyes flickering up to meet your [e/c] ones. the soft, glowing warmth of the love of a thousand lifetimes burns bright in his irises and you will find that you simply don’t care how long you have to wait for him to allow you to hold his heart in your hands.
he may not say i love you in the traditional sense; but it is as clear as the turning shades of the leaves in autumn. it’s clear in how he wants to know everything about you: the things you deem mundane and unimportant, the things that make you embarrassed and the things that make you avoid his eyes as you grin childishly. it’s clear in the way he remembers everything, which isn’t all that surprising given:
“did you know i actually have an eidetic memory and an iq of—“
“187. yes i know, spence. what a smart cookie!”
(in response, he flushes always when you coo the words ‘smart cookie’, although in the same breath he will stare at your face and whisper ‘angel’ in your ear like you’ve been sent down from the heavens just for him.)
he treats you like you’re made of delicate rose petals, and a touch that is too forceful will cause you to wither away. his lips graze your cheek gently in a kiss, his fingertips softly pet the top of your head and slowly follow the curve of your cheeks to the slope of your nose. and when you giggle and go “that tickles,” he’ll only grin in response and nestle his nose into the crown of your head and hum knowingly.
although, most infuriatingly, he will not make the first move. now, doesn’t mean he won’t drive you absolutely insane with soft smiles and eyes full of love and want. he puts all of shakespeare’s sonnets to shame, truly. he keeps it up until you break and march over to his apartment with wobbling lips and twinkling irises (and emily’s encouraging “go get ur mans!!!! GET HIM!!!!” text on your phone. her, jj and penelope are the worst enablers ever.) and even then, he stands still (like the whole world has come to a standstill, really) and waits for you to utter the words. he waits, quietly and patiently. his attention is on you.
“it’s okay. you can say it.”
“you’re torturing me here.”
“am i?”
“‘am i?’ i will pretend you never said that, smarty pants. you infuriate me.”
“ooh, big words.”
“hey! i can talk fancy too!”
“mhm, i’m sure you can angel.”
“not fair. i love you, by the way. more like adore you. or any other word you can think of.”
“i can think of a few.”
in the before, he may tease you when you put a hand on his shoulder or trace the outline of his knuckles; but don’t let the teasing trick you. spencer is atrocious. a mess, even— without you. when you get pulled into a case three days before him, he spends the three days with absolutely zero sleep. and when jj and emily (knowingly, grand masterminds!) ask him if he’s doing okay, he just barely grumbles out a: “i can’t sleep without them anymore. feels cold. not right.” jj awe’s at him and clutches her hands close to her chest, whilst emily barks out a laugh and goes “oooh he wants them baaaaad!”
the grumpiest thirty-something year old man you know, by the way. smug as shit, too. lays with you in bed, head on your stomach as you call him pretty.
“but am i the prettiest?”
“oh, absolutely, my love. there is not a man in the land prettier than thou!”
“ … -__- can you ever give me a normal reply.”
“hehe.. absolutely not.”
henry knows all about you. against his will. someone save this boy he knows your birth date and time of birth down to the hour. knows your big three against his will. (despite the fact that spencer says astrology “isn’t scientifically accurate” … my when i’m in a big ass loser contest and my opponent is in-love spencer walter reid….) spencer puts henry to bed and starts rambling:
“the other day, [y/n] and i were in the kitchen and it suddenly hits me how effortlessly beautiful they are, i mean seriously, i feel sick th—“
“uncle spence. please. i want to go to sleep. i’m gonna call mama.”
“not your mom. please.”
(he tells jj and will when they get back from their date. you wake up to 23 text messages from jj saying “marry this nerd please henry can’t do this anymore!!!”)
also may i propose: classical music lover spencer, rock music lover emily, pop music lover jj and [y/n]. spencer absolutely gives you shit for your music taste and jj threatens him by saying she’ll marry you before he does. he goes pale at the thought. goes even paler when jj starts calling you “her darling baby” … your whole relationship is tug of war between jj, emily and spencer. spencer won’t try tug of war with derek like ok whatever you say handsome!!!
also, there have been many times spencer has woken up in the morning and reached his hand out to stroke your cheek and give you a kiss, when halfway he opens one eye and sees either jj or emily sleeping behind you. he’s the third wheel. in his own relationship.
and it’s all great until you give emily or jj too much attention and he starts sulking at home like… bitch you are in your thirties. and then you have to kiss all over his face and jokingly (or not???) call him your ‘pookie’… he sticks his tongue out and goes ‘bleurgh!!!!!” but we all know he loves it. silly scorpio man is fooling no one.
also read: candid photos of him where he always looks good ??? and when you mutter “you make me sick.” he takes it seriously and you spend the next week buying him his favourite donuts and kissing him until his cheeks go pink. most dramatic man ever!!! now does he pretend to be upset so you kiss him all the time… who knows.
he also places his forehead on yours when he gets overwhelmed and can’t calm down. and starts giggling when you go “helllooooooo!!” but in like, the way where your voice hits several octaves. a very, very giggly boy around you. and he also always has cold hands, and goes “oh no sweetie looks like i have to hold your hands!” (emily makes a gagging sound)
but truly, he is the softest man /ever/. when you two lay in bed at night and he leans down to kiss you, he goes so slowly that his eyelashes brush against yours and your chest starts to throb with how fast your heart is beating. he leans forward slowly and the kiss he presses to your lips is so soft that you squeeze your eyes closed because looking at him sends you into cardiac arrest. doesn’t kiss you much in public, but the way he looks at you makes up for it. eyes crinkled in the corner, brown irises reflecting your beauty as if you’ve been blessed by aphrodite herself. his chest lifts and trembles slightly, index finger twitching with the need to hold yours <3 (emily catches him in the act and she grins, then goes ‘booooo’ and cackles how he’s ‘whipped’ — which makes derek’s head snap up.)
also he absolutely calls you bunny and pretty like no one say a word to me… bunny is the cutest term of endearment ever im gonna throw up and throw myself down the damn stairs!!!
&&— marriage is absolutely in the cards for you two. he looks down at you, chin tilted, and he can’t imagine a future where he doesn’t watch you style your hair every morning or watch you grumble over a stain that won’t come out of one of his cardigans. (“spence, baby, you got anymore sweaters that need washed? i’m putting a woollens wash on!” and he blushed a soft fuchsia and has to resist the urge to cradle your face in his palms.)
although he has faced many tragedies and painful memories in his life, you’re his solace. the pain of his father leaving, his mother’s illness, prison, his drug addiction— you provide him with the normalcy and soft, angelic happiness that makes him smile until his cheeks hurt.
spencer (look at the absolute beauty i pulled by being an autistic nerd) walter reid <3
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ddejavvu · 1 year
okay din djarin request! what about din being reader’s first kiss? with shy-ish reader maybe? he acts tough but I just know he’s a huge softie for shy!r
Technically, it might be a little unfair to sneak up on Din after his shower. Your feet graze slowly, carefully, over dirt and rocks, planting themselves in areas that will cut up the soles of your shoes the least. Then they hit tile, and you know you're approaching the showers. It's hard navigating with your eyes closed, but you'd rather ram into a wall than compromise Din's way of life.
Fortunately for you, you don't ram into a wall. You hear the sound of water being rung from a cloth, then a dry towel grating through Din's hair. God, you wonder, what color is his hair? What does it look like? Is it long? Is it short? Is it-
"Y/N?" You hear, Din's voice much less tinny without the helmet on. It's still deep, rough, though, and it sends a shiver up your spine. You startle, and you nearly drop your hands from over your eyes, but you catch yourself.
"You can't be here," Din scolds, already scrambling for his helmet, "I- You can't see me, not like this."
"My eyes are covered," You promise, and you hear him still, then shift, probably turning to face you.
"Did you need something?" Din asks, slightly less tense this time. It's still there, and you wish you could see the accompanying look on his face. Is it stern? Is it curious? Is it pretty? You bet it's pretty.
"I.." Now that you're here, you don't know what to say. You take a deep breath, pressing your hands further over your eyes, "I like you, Din."
He's silent; deathly so.
"And- I think you like me, too," Now you're glad you can't see his face, and you try to hide more of yours like you'll simply disappear, "And if I'm right... I want you to kiss me."
There's more silence, and you blabber to fill it: "I've never been kissed before. And I want you to do it, I- I want you to be my first."
"But if you don't want to," You feel pathetic now, shoulders sagging, lips trembling ever so slightly, "I guess I'll-"
"Stop." You hear, Din's voice suddenly inches away from you. You gasp, and your breath holds stiff in your chest.
A hand slides over your own, gentle in pressure but rough in texture. Din's hand keeps your hands pressed to your eyes, and his other comes to ghost against the underside of your chin.
It's better than you could have ever imagined. He tilts your chin up, soft and sweet, and his lips press against you hesitantly. You've never seen Din as anything but confident and stony, now you're sure if you opened your eyes and tore your hands away from your face you'd see a loverboy staring back at you. His lips are soft, but there's a mustache prickling against your skin. His kiss is such a sweet juxtaposition from his sleek armor, the beskar plating that you've dozed off against countless times since meeting and travelling with the Mandalorian.
He barely puts pressure there, he gives you just a taste. All he does is lock your lips, and hold it there. It lets you soak him in, and you hope he can feel the giddy adoration that you're pumping into the embrace.
Then, just as gently as he'd kissed you, he breaks away.
Cold air rushes to hit your lips, a chilling contrast from Din's warm, soft ones. He's still lingering by your face, you feel his breath on your skin, but he lets his hand slowly fall away from your own.
"Don't open your eyes," He warns, voice impossibly soothing and husky, "I want you to put my helmet on."
"Okay," You stammer, pressing your hands more flush to your face as his footsteps recede. Then you hear the scrape of metal on stone, and he pulls at your hands with a bare one of his own.
"Keep your eyes closed," He reminds you, "You need both hands."
"Okay," You nod, letting him peel your hands away from your eyes, though you keep them squeezed tightly shut.
"Feel it?" He asks, slipping his helmet between your hands. You nod, fingers tracing the curves you've only explored with your eyes before now.
"Reach up," He tells you, pushing your elbow. You do as you're told, and he takes hold of your forearms to guide the helmet over his head.
Lowering it feels like hell. You feel like he's slipping away from you, like whatever connection you'd had will disappear with his lips. But his hands stay on your arms even after you secure the helmet on his head, and he takes your face in his hands.
Gently he thumbs at your eyelids, voice once more filtered through his helmet, "You can open your eyes now."
A familiar sleek design greets you when your eyes open, albeit a blurry one from how hard you'd been squeezing them shut. Your eyes linger on the horizontal stripe, where you know his eyes are beneath the helmet, wishing you could gaze into them and see his soul through them.
All you can do is lean forwards again, pressing a soft kiss to the cold beskar, where his cheek would be. He keeps his hands on your face, but he lets you pucker your lips against his helmet, and you hope that he's blushing beneath the metal armor.
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lieslab · 4 months
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꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎ ꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎ ꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎
Pairing: og8 X gn reader
Genre: Comfort/hurt
Word Count: 5.9K
A/N: Shout out to all the baddies who struggle with hyper-independence. A request was made for it and here you go. There's a bit of angst in some parts. There are some with trigger warnings, but this is mostly light-hearted. Enjoy <3
_ _ _
Being independent was something you prided yourself on. It was the one trait you had that nobody could take away from you. Things could be hard sometimes, but you knew that you’d always be able to find the inner strength within yourself to overcome any obstacle brought your way. 
It was no different when you decided to order an upgraded dresser for your bedroom. The instructions were included and you had good music playing in the background. Step-by-step, you managed to figure it out. Everything was going great until you somehow screwed up a step. 
“Do you need some help with that?” Chan asked. He dipped his head around the corner of the room. Your back was facing him as he stepped further in. “I’m pretty good at building things.” 
“No thank you, I’ve got it.”  You picked up a screw and began to try to place it into a hole. Using your fingers, you twisted it inside until it fit. 
“Okay, but you know you can always ask for help, right?” 
“I know.” 
A small chuckle fell from him. He watched you struggle with the screw for a few more moments. He opened his mouth wanting to help, but then shut it again. He spun around and walked out deciding to let you to your own devices. 
After about an hour, your victorious laugh came from your room. You let out an excited cheer and stood up eager to show off your handy building skills to Chan. You were about to turn around to go get him when you stepped back with your hands on your hips. 
Your head tilted to the side and a frown fell on your face. Something about the dresser didn’t look right. Your music still faintly played in the background. You were excited about finishing it, but now it looked wrong. 
Chan’s footsteps padded along the carpet as he headed towards you. “Hey, did you get it done?” He grinned and stepped into the room expecting to see a perfectly pieced together wooden dresser equipped with drawers and knobs. 
It only took one look at the dresser before he busted into a fit of giggles. He dropped to his knees with a hand on his stomach. His neck curved down and his chin fell to his chest. 
“What’s so funny?” You huffed with your hands on your hips. 
“Where are the knobs?” 
“Oh!” Your face lit up with realization. “That explains why it looks so strange. They’re on there, but…” 
“What did you do?” 
“I put the front of the drawers on backwards. The knobs are hooked onto them, but they’re turned around and facing the inside of the dresser. Geez, no wonder it looks a little dumb.” 
“No, it doesn’t look dumb, it’s just um unique?” Chan grinned. 
“You’re not helping the situation.” 
He laughed again, “how about I help you fix it?” 
“But I-” 
“I promise it won’t hurt to let me help you out. It’ll be easier and we can fix it quicker. You unscrew one side and I’ll unscrew the other. A super quick fix, I promise.” 
Begrudgingly you finally agreed and within another fifteen minutes, you were fully finished. You plopped back on your butt and sighed. The brass knobs were now facing out, so you were able to open the drawers. 
“I think it looks so much better,” you commented. 
“You’re right.” 
“It could have been worse.” 
“I hope you don’t become a furniture builder.”  Chan leaned forward and gently flicked the tip of your nose with a shy grin. “Imagine if you were building a door and put the lock on the outside of the door instead of the inside.”  He bursted into another round of giggles. 
_ _ _
TW: Mentions of a car wreck and shock.
At the end of your workday, you drove straight to the JYP building to pick up Minho. The two of you had plans to go get dinner at a nice restaurant in the area. At the end of a tough week, it was a great way for both of you to relax and wind down. 
When you stepped into the JYP building with wide eyes and shaking hands, Minho knew there was something wrong instantly. He pulled away from his conversation with Felix and walked over to you with a frown. You didn’t even have to say anything. 
“What’s wrong?” He glanced over you up and down with pinched eyebrows. In the distance, even Felix looked concerned. 
Your skin was two shades paler and you looked like you had seen a ghost. Not wanting to cause any concern, you shrugged. “Nothing, why?” 
“You seem dazed or something. Are you running a fever?” The back of his hand went up and pressed against your forehead before you could object. The warmth of it was nice, but you pulled away. 
“I’m alright, it’s just been a rough day. Are you ready to go? I know I’m a little later than I planned to be. I didn’t mean to get caught up in traffic.” 
“It’s not a big deal.” 
He leaned over his shoulder and said something to Felix. You weren’t really paying attention to his words. You waved at Felix before you turned around and headed to the door. The familiar footsteps of Minho sounded behind you. 
“Are you sure you’re alright?” 
You continued heading to the spot your car was in. Minho fell into a casual conversation about something that happened in dance practice earlier. You hummed softly and continued walking until there was a gasp from behind you. 
You turned around to find Minho with big eyes and a dropped jaw. He was staring at your car. The back half of it was crushed. The back bench of  seats in your vehicle were nearly obliviated. Metal was crunched and twisted together. 
“What the hell happened? When did this happen? Your car was fine yesterday!” 
“I got into a fender bender on the way here.” 
“A fender bender?” Minho roared. He rushed towards you in a panic.“Are you injured? Did you go to the hospital?” 
“I don’t need to go, I’m fine. I don’t need to go if I’m not injured. Don’t worry, the car is still driveable.” 
“No, no, no, no, no, nope.” He bent down and gently grabbed your wrists. “You’re not driving and we’re not going to the restaurant. Did you, at least, get checked over by paramedics?” Worry filled his dewy eyes. 
“No, I didn’t need to. I’m alright, I promise. Let’s just go get something to eat, it’s not a big deal.”  
“No wonder you look so out of it.” He reached up and pressed two fingers against the side of your neck to feel your pulse. “You’re in a state of shock. Your heart is pounding like crazy probably from all the adrenaline.”  
“Please don’t make it a big deal.” 
“This is a big deal. You could be injured and you have no idea. Your brain is in shock right now. If you’re in pain, your brain is protecting you from feeling it. We need to get you to the hospital before it wears off.” 
You frowned, feeling annoyed. The last thing you wanted to do was ruin your dinner plans. The idea of sitting in a hospital for the rest of the evening wasn’t ideal either. “But I’m okay,” you tried to insist again. 
“Don’t make me pick you up and haul you to the nearest hospital. I will fling you over my shoulder and pin you there. For your safety, you are going to the hospital. This isn’t a simple request, it’s a demand.” 
“Do you have to be so bossy?” 
“This is regarding your safety, so yes. Come on,” he tugged you towards the building. “I’m going to have one of the guys drive us there. Don’t worry, I’ll be with you the whole time.” 
_ _ _
“My sweet pookie wookie bear, where are you?” Changbin called out once he arrived through the front door. His loud voice carried throughout the room and met you directly in the kitchen. 
The sudden loud sound sent another wave of pain radiating through your head. With half-closed eyes, your hands shook while trying to cut up potatoes. You pushed the knife down further until your grip slipped. 
The potato rolled off the cutting board and hit the ground with a soft thud. Changbin’s head perked up at the noise. He grinned and rushed to the kitchen eager to greet you after a long day in the recording studio. 
You promised you’d make him dinner. He was happy to enjoy your cooking and your food, but he was even happier to see you. After all, you were the love of his life. 
“Hi, baby! You lo- oh?” He frowned, taking in your drooped head. “What’s wrong? Are you hurt? Are you sad?” He opened his arms and walked towards you. 
“I’m fine,”  you mumbled. You were the opposite of fine. Every muscle sat saturated with an unbearable ache. Your voice was somewhat hoarse and your throat was on fire. The unnatural amount of sweat dripping from your forehead wasn’t helping either. 
His biceps wrapped around you in a bear hug. “Oh, you poor thing. You’re not fine, you look far from it.” He bent down and pressed his lips to the center of the forehead. 
That quick kiss was just supposed to be an act of affection. However, the warmth radiating from your forehead told Changbin a different story. He pulled away with a frown. “Baby, you’re burning up.” 
“I’m fine,” you repeated. “I just need a moment before I start cooking. I promised that I’d make yo-” 
“Nope,” he tugged you closer, “you’re not making anything besides dreams. Let’s go get you into bed. I can get you some medicine and you can take a cruise to dreamland.” 
You weakly tried to pull away, but his grip was tight around your waist. He chuckled full of amusement. “Where do you think you’re going?” 
“I have to make you dinner.” 
“You don’t have to make me dinner. We can reschedule our dinner plans. It’s not a big deal and your health is important.” 
A frown fell upon your face, “but you wanted my special potato dish. I need to do this for you. I don’t wanna let you down.”  
“And my cravings can wait. You’re not going to let me down at all! What happens if you cut off a finger while trying to chop potatoes? Not only is that unsanitary, but then it’ll lead to a hospital trip. I know how much you hate hospitals.” 
“What if I made you dinner and then I went to bed?” 
“Mmmh, no.” He reached down and picked you up bridal style. “Let’s head towards bed and get some shut-eye. This isn’t the end of the world. Besides, I’m feeling a little sleepy myself.” 
Exhausted, you let your head fall against his chest. A soft sigh came out as you let yourself relax in his arms. You shut your eyes while he carried you feeling feverish. 
“There you go, I’ve got you, sweetums.” 
“Don’t pretend like you don’t like my pet names. Despite what you say, I’m not dumb. I can see how happy they make you. You can’t hide that twinkling in your eyes.” 
_ _ _
TW: Blood.  
Painting was the perfect way to relax. Indigos and cobalt blue, mauves and maroon, flamingo pinks and sunshine yellow. Hyunjin took his time painting his canvas in his own little world. The soft music in the background only added to the ambiance. 
He hummed beneath his breath and sent a swatch of lilac across the canvas. The light pitter-pattering of quick brush strokes filled the air. Caught in a flow state, nothing could pull his attention away from his art. 
At least, it was like that until there was the unmistakable sound of glass shattering in the distance. His head snapped to his door and he frowned. When there wasn’t any noise following that, he dropped his brush and got up to investigate. 
The unnerving sound of silence created a concoction of fear and anxiety. You had been staying with him recently in his dorm and the two of you were the only ones home. He pulled open his bedroom door and called your name. 
In the kitchen, you cursed beneath your breath with your hips supported by a side counter. Blood dripped from the bottom of your foot and painted the tile floor ruby. Your glass cup had shattered into hundreds of tiny shards. 
“Are you okay?” Hyunjin’s voice pulled you from your thoughts. 
Your head jerked up to meet his worried eyes. He took a step closer and you quickly put out a hand. “Don’t! Don’t come in here, there’s glass everywhere!” 
He glanced down and stayed between the section separating the living room from the kitchen. “Is it in your foot?” 
“Yeah, but don’t worry. I can get it out, just stay there.” The bottom of your foot ached from the large shard. You ignored it and carefully tugged your foot up. You kept your balance on one foot by using the back counter for support. 
“Let me get the broom and I-” 
“I’ve got it. I don’t want you to get injured. Besides, it’s my mess anyway. You just stay there and I’ll get this out of my foot and clean it up.” 
Craning your neck, your body stiffened. The shard sticking out of your foot was pretty large. The sight of it in there dripping with blood made your stomach churn. You forced yourself to swallow a mouthful of your vomit. 
When you started to pale and your body tilted, Hyunjin ignored your warning. He went around the glass and rushed towards you. Too dazed to pull away, you let him grab you. His hands found your hips and he lightly squeezed them. 
“Can you jump with one foot?” 
“Just trust me, I need you to jump.” 
You obliged and jumped. The moment you did, Hyunjin used your momentum and helped lift you onto the counter. He gently grabbed your ankle to look at the wound. His face twisted with disgust. “That looks like it hurts.” 
“I can get it,” you pathetically objected. 
He shook his head, “you’re going to let me help you. I know you like your independence, but we need this to clot, so it stops bleeding. You’re not going to help it by walking around it. Just stay here and rest. I’ll go get the stuff to clean it and pull the glass out.” 
“I don’t need your help,” you mumbled. 
“You either let me help you or I call 3racha and I force them to pin you down while I remove the glass, clean it, and bandage it.” 
You huffed with displeasure, but didn’t fight it. He chuckled, reached forward, and rubbed a hand along the top of your head a few times. You scowled with annoyance. You hated it when people did things for you and Hyunjin’s teasing only made it worse. 
“Cheer up, buttercup.” He booped your nose with a laugh. “Just stay here and I’ll be back.” 
While he was gone, you glanced down at your foot. Blood was still dripping from it. The sticky substance ran down the underside of your foot and kept dripping from your heel onto the floor. Another queasy feeling pulsed through your body. You shut your eyes and sucked in a deep breath. 
As much as you hated to admit it, it was better for Hyunjin to help you. At least, if you ended up fainting, he’d be there to make sure you were okay. That was far better than the alternative of fainting and gaining a head injury too. 
_ _ _
“Can you just let me tr-” 
“But I-” 
“You are being suc-” 
“You are going to end up hurting yourself,” Han stared at you with round eyes filled with worry. “You don’t need to be lifting such heavy boxes by yourself. I told you I can help you and I can have the guys co-” 
“I don’t need them or you,” you insisted. You bent down and scooped up another cardboard box full of stuff. “I’m perfectly capable of doing this by myself.” 
“You should bend your knees more and engage them instead of your back.” 
“Pft, don’t tell me how to lift.” 
Han sighed and lifted his hands and backed up. After agreeing to move from your apartment into his, you had to pack all your stuff and move it. Packing it all up was simple, but moving it was another story. You were on the second floor of your complex and, with your fierce determination, you refused to let anyone help you. 
With an ego and your pride outweighing your sense of safety, you ignored the constant strain you were putting on your back and your fucked up lifting form. Every time Han had attempted to offer a little help, you brushed it off. You were convinced that you didn’t need help, even if it took you double the amount of trips down to your car. 
“Are you dumb?” Han got out as you placed one box on top of another. “You’re already straining your back way too much, you’re seriously going to hurt yourself!” 
“I’m not going to hurt myself for the millionth time. Can you stop worrying so much? I’ll be fine.” You lined your legs up and dropped down to grab the bottom box and lift it up. Gritting your teeth together, you lifted your body. 
Instead of focusing on pushing yourself back up with your knees, you lifted yourself up via your waist. With a proud grin, you beamed at Han. “See? I told you I was fi-” The sharp stabbing pain in your lower back proved otherwise. 
Caught off guard, you dropped the boxes and your knees buckled. You hit the ground hard and caught yourself from face planting by pushing your hands against the boxes. Han rushed forward and plopped down at your side. 
“I told you! Are you okay?” His hands went to your waist. “What hurts? What did you do?” 
“My back,” you mumbled. Your hand slipped back and brushed along the small of your back. You winced and reached back with your other hand to massage it. 
“Shit,” Han whispered, “do you need a doctor or something?” 
“No! It’s really not that bad,” you attempted to push yourself up, “I-” You instantly winced and went back to resting on your knees. Your hands pressed into the soft skin of your back. Defeatedly, your head dropped to your chest. 
“Can I touch it?” Han asked. 
You hesitated before you pulled your hands away from your back. He shifted closer and let his fingers trail along your spine. He slipped his hands down and gently pressed along your back. His breath was warm on your neck. “What hurts?” 
When his fingers moved lower, you winced. He frowned and shifted his hands. His thumbs lightly pressed against a back muscle and massaged it. “Maybe you just pulled a muscle?” He offered. 
“It hurts.” 
“I know it does. I’ve pulled muscles before while dancing. Come on, let’s get you an epsom salt bath. If it still hurts after that, maybe you should consider the doctor or a chiropractor. This is why I was worried about you lifting boxes.” 
He got up, held his hands out to you, and grabbed your forearms. He helped you stand and started to lead you to the bathroom at a slow pace. “I know you like doing things on your own and proving that you're strong. You don’t have to lift heavy things to prove your strength.” 
“I know you, I know how strong you are. Physically, emotionally, and mentally; I already know. Next time, please let me help you.” 
You finally nodded and accepted it. A faint apology fell from your lips. Han chuckled and shook his head. “It’s alright. You can be strong and you can be brave, but you’re allowed to be vulnerable too.” 
_ _ _
TW: Implied depression and anxiety.
You loved letting Felix help you with mundane tasks. You liked watching his eyes sparkle and disappear into crescents as he grinned when you let him help you bake something. You liked it when he got clingy and wrapped his arms around your waist from behind. He buried his head into the crook of your neck to inhale your scent. 
You liked the way he got excited when he talked about his travel adventures. You loved listening and watching him talk with his hands. You liked the way he walked with you down the sidewalk and kept himself between you and the road as if he was protecting you. 
You liked how he clung to you like a koala every night and wrapped his limbs around yours. He nuzzled his head into your chest and fell asleep with your arms wrapped around his waist and his ear pressed against your heart. He always drifted to sleep to the sound of your breathing. 
Likewise, he liked the way you’d sometimes make him breakfast without asking. He liked that you knew the drinks he liked and sometimes you’d spontaneously show up to the studio with one for him. He liked your sweet kisses and your touch. You made him feel safe and wanted. You made him feel loved in ways that other people couldn’t. 
However, you had one downfall. One fatal flaw that continuously destroyed you. The one single trait you had that you couldn’t shake. When it came to showing your emotions, you struggled with it. Specifically, your more negative emotions. 
You never let yourself be emotionally vulnerable with Felix the way he was around you. You knew he’d never judge you for your feelings. He’d never tell you how you should or shouldn’t feel. He wouldn’t shred your feelings like other people had done before, but you still couldn’t trust him. 
You were terrified that once you’d get comfortable enough, the relationship would fall apart. Your emotions were like tsunami waves and hurricane winds mixed together. They knocked you to the ground and then you drowned in them; your anger, your sadness, your fears, your anxieties. 
You held those emotions deep inside of you until you snapped. Emotional independence seemed like something you should have been proud of. You dealt with your inner demons on your own, but even the strongest people have days when they feel weak. 
For weeks your emotions built up and this morning, they crumbled. You laid with your head in your crossed arms slung over the bar counter. Planted in your chair, you wanted nothing more than to go back to bed. The thought of continuing the day with mundane tasks made you want to wreck the apartment and then burst into tears. 
You should have been eating breakfast, but instead you were trying to lasso in your emotions once again. In the silence with your eyes squeezed shut, you struggled with the fall out of everything. Too trapped in your own head, you didn’t even hear Felix approach you. 
“Hey,” he spoke softly. His hands went to your back. “Are you alright?”  He gently rubbed his hands along the curve of your spine. 
You sniffled and pulled yourself up, “I’m fine.” 
“You don’t have to lie to me, I know you’re not.” He reached over and pulled you into his arms. Still sitting in your chair, you let your head rest into his chest. “You don’t have to be perfect around me, you know? Whatever you’re struggling with, I can handle it.” 
“I know, but I don’t want to ruin your morning or add to your stress.” 
“You’re not going to hurt me by telling me what’s wrong. Honestly, I worry more about you when you don’t tell me what’s wrong. How am I supposed to help you when I don’t know how?” 
You shrugged your shoulders and stayed quiet thinking about his words. He reached up and stroked the back of your hair. Your arms slipped around his waist. He stayed like that for a while until you pulled away. 
“I feel like I’m burnt out,” you finally got out. “Everything feels so overwhelming. Work is stressful and my mental health hasn’t been the best.” You avoided Felix’s eyes. 
He stared at you and nodded, taking in your words. He reached out and gently pushed your hair from your eyes. “Well, I have the day off and so do you. You wanna have a mental health day? We don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to. We could just stay here cuddling and watching movies.” 
“Really?” Your eyes finally met his. 
He smiled, “of course. Whatever you want to do, I’ve got your back. If you want to go out somewhere, we can do that too.” 
“Thank you.” 
“I should be thanking you actually,” he leaned forward and kissed your cheek. “Thank you for trusting me enough to open up. I know it’s difficult for you, but I’m proud of you.” 
Your cheeks flushed red and you buried your head back into his chest. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around you. After kissing the top of your head, a soft sigh left his body. His chin rested on the top of your head. In his arms, nothing could go wrong. 
_ _ _
TW: Angst.
“Do you purposefully live your life pushing everyone away?” 
“Huh?” You glanced up from your bowl of soup. The two of you were eating lunch at your apartment. 
“You refuse to let anyone help you do anything.” 
“That’s no-” 
“Last week you refused to let me wash dishes or do laundry. A few days before that, you were sick and refused to let me take care of you. People want to help you, but you continuously push them away. It’s like you want to die alone.” 
The words were like a knife sinking into the middle of your heart. You frowned and your eyes went down to the wooden table. Your soup didn’t taste nearly as good anymore. You attempted to swallow the lump in your throat. 
“Is that your plan?” Seungmin pressed. “Do you want to die alone? Do you even want to be with me? I’m right in front of you and you still continue to push me away. It’s like I’m not here. I could scream at you and you’d still act like I’m a ghost.” 
He knew you liked being independent, but lately it annoyed him. You were always so insistent that you were fine and you could do everything. Even when the weight of the world was on your shoulders, you gritted your teeth, bent your knees, and pretended it was fine. 
“What do I have to do to get you to trust me?” He slouched back in his chair defeated. “I’ve tried to show you. I’ve bought you things you like. I’ve constantly reassured you. When is this relationship going to become about us instead of just you? I don’t know how we’re supposed to continue this when you refuse to communicate with me.” 
You stayed silent. Tears began to prickle in your eyes. Your biggest fear was happening before your very eyes and it was entirely your fault. You refused to let Seungmin break the wall of bricks you built around yourself. 
“What more do you want from me?” Seungmin got out. “We can’t continue this relationship unless you attempt to make it work. I can’t continue to be with you and watch you try to do everything by yourself. The mundane things, the cooking, the cleaning, your feelings, and your emotions; why won’t you let me help you with them? I want to help you.” 
Your bottom lip quivered and you sniffled. “I’m scared,” you admitted. “I’m terrified that if I start to rely on you, if I trust you too much, you’re just going to leave. I don’t want to be left alone again.” 
The word made Seungmin’s heart drop to his stomach. He sucked in a deep breath and closed his eyes. “I’m sorry,” he finally got out. “I didn’t mean to upset you, but if I’m being honest, it hurts me when you’re constantly like this.” 
“I want to show you that I’m here for you. I want to have you trust me more. How can I do that when you won’t even let me wash our dishes? You won’t even let me fold my own clothes. They’re simple tasks and they won’t kill me.” 
“I’m sorry,” your voice shook. “I didn’t mean to hurt you, I just-” Tears filled your eyes. “I’m so used to doing things by myself including house chores. When I was younger, it was expected and if I didn’t do them, I’d get yelled at. Things have been ingrained in me and I don’t know how to get rid of them.” 
“I don’t know how to stop being like this. I don’t know how to not be overbearing and too controlling. When I’m not in charge, when I can’t do things, it makes me spiral. I worry that something will go wrong.” 
Seungmin stayed quiet listening to you. He pushed vegetables and meat through the sodium filled broth in his bowl. When you finished, he glanced up again. 
“Can we start small? Can you come home once a week and really truly tell me how you feel? Will you let me, at least, help you wash dishes and cook meals occasionally?” 
“I guess I can probably do that.” 
“Thank you.” 
“But I really am sorry,” your eyes met his. “I didn’t realize my hyper-independence was hurting you so much. I’ll make an effort to try and change things. I don’t want to lose you.” 
“I don’t want to lose you either, babe. Have you tasted this soup? This is better than Lee Know’s stuff.” 
“Don’t tell him that!” 
“Too late. I already texted him and he says you're banned from cooking for the other members. If you can sway my opinion, you can probably sway the others too.” 
_ _ _
You didn’t mind the winter weather, at least, until your car broke down. You weren’t looking forward to working on Saturday when it was supposed to be one of your days off. Begrudgingly, you got up like usual and headed into work. 
You were halfway home when your car began to sputter and die on a back road. The road was a shortcut and shaved off five minutes of usual traffic on the main roads. It was something you always relished until today. 
It was an annoyance, but you could make do. Jeongin was at home waiting for your arrival. You reached down to pull your phone from the bag you always took to work. You grumbled and dug your hand inside searching for it. 
When you couldn’t find it, you dumped the bag out onto the seat beside you. To your horror, you realized that you didn’t have it with you. You dug your hands into your pockets. You got out of the car and made sure it wasn’t beneath you in the seat. You nearly ransacked the front of the car searching until you realized you must have forgotten it back at work. 
And the best part? You left your giant winter coat at home. You threw on a simple zip up hoodie this morning and called it good enough. It never crossed your mind that the car could break down. 
You sat for what felt like minutes waiting for someone to drive by. You planned on flagging them down and asking them for a phone. You had Jeongin’s phone number memorized, so all you had to do was type it in and call him to come pick you up. 
The warmth in your car began to fade the longer you waited. Your arms folded across your torso attempting to stay warm. You sat and sat and sat some more. All that you could hear was your soft breathing and the thump of your heartbeat. 
Realizing that you’d have to walk, you sighed and got out of the car. You took out the bag you used for work that contained your wallet and laptop. You threw the car keys in a section after locking the car. Sticking to the correct side of the road, you began to walk. 
The more you walked, the colder you got. There weren’t any sidewalks and the roads were a mixture of snow and ice. It took you twenty-five minutes to get home by car. You were halfway there, but with the horrible road conditions, who knew how long it’d really take you. 
Back in your apartment, Jeongin was caught up watching YouTube videos on the living room TV. After quite a while, he sat up and glanced over at the analog clock across the way. Realizing that it was later than the time you normally got home, by nearly forty-five minutes, he frowned. 
He pushed himself off the velvet couch and began to head over to the front door. He opened the front door to peer outside and see if you were parked out front. Besides his car, the driveway was empty. 
“Where are you?” He mumbled as he pulled out his phone to text you. He paced while he waited for your response. Five minutes later, he called, starting to panic, but you never picked up. 
Ten minutes later, feeling like a human popsicle, you attempted to open the front door. Your fingers seemed to be frozen solid and you could barely bend them. Your teeth clicked and chattered together. You fumbled desperately trying to get into the warmth. 
Hearing the commotion, Jeongin hurried over and opened the door. He barely caught you in time before you hit the ground. Your whole body was freezing cold. You shivered non-stop. 
“Woah, what happened? Why are you so cold? Where’s your car?” He tugged you inside and shut the door. 
The truth was that by the time you spotted a car, you were nearly home. The idea of asking someone to use their phone felt silly at that point. You were too stubborn to ask for assistance, so you struggled the rest of the way home and decided to freeze instead. 
All you could get out was a soft whimper. He wrapped his arms around you. “You poor thing, why didn’t you call me? I would have come and got you. You didn’t have to walk. Did you walk all the way home?” 
“Broke down,” you got out, “lost phone.” 
“And your propper coat?” 
“Left it here.” 
“You’re going to catch a cold or the flu or something.” He bent down and began untying your shoes. “You should have stopped someone. You better not develop hypothermia and die. Are you frost-bit anywhere?” 
You managed to shake your head. 
“Well, at least, you have all your limbs. You know you can ask for help, right? Multiple people would have helped you. Oh my god.” His eyes were full of worry. 
“I’m sorry.” 
“It’s alright, come on.” He tugged you towards him. “Let’s get you snuggled into bed and I’ll make you hot chocolate. After that, I’ll warm you up.” 
“Thank you.” 
“Don’t thank me yet, you could still die. If you die, your ghost will never hear the end of it.” He bent down and slung you over his shoulder. “Do you hear me? Your ghost will never know a single day of peace.” 
| ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ | ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ | ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ |
Taglist: @s3ungmins
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14thcommander · 1 year
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☆. cw: fingering, praise, dirty talk, canon, soft!hange.
You can feel Hange’s presence all over you. 
Their fingers run through your body like they’ve done a thousand times prior: with passion, ecstasy. Hange has never half-assed anything in life, and loving you wouldn’t be any different. 
“That’s it,” They purr, voice soft and breath warm against your face. “open those pretty legs for me.”
And you do – how could you not? With chocolate eyes looking into your soul, pleading for your love, and simultaneously thanking you for your own very existence. With only a fireplace – outside of your tent – illuminating the both of you, Hange looks even more ethereal and intense. You know that look, dripping from their eyes.
Your legs spread, obeying their command. Tongues of fire lick your body, as if the Earth has opened itself, a witness to you and your lover. Clammy hands, curious fingers: Hange traces their digits over your clothed heat, smiling at the way you buck your hips towards their touch.
“Easy, I’m gonna give you what you want.” They whisper, with their plump lips against yours. Hange tastes of whiskey and pride – the taste of victory, on the tip of their tongue. Your love is the proof of that, a celebratory act after a tough battle, although there isn’t a time in which your love making isn’t intense and passionate. 
With teeth and tongue, Hange kisses you once more. A single digit finds its way towards your entrance, gathering your juices. You moan, and they swallow your sounds. Your fingers gently rake your lover's head, gently caressing through their messy brown hair. 
“More, please.” You beg, voice barely above a whisper, as you gently hook a leg around their waist. 
Two fingers move in and out of your cunt, curving gently against your gummy walls. Waves of pleasure travel through your body, and Hange is all you can feel: their scent – pine and something else you can’t quite figure –, their touch – hot and soft, heavy and gentle – and their voice. 
“Anything for you.” They mumble, against your – now puffy, from all the kissing and biting – lips. 
Your ears burn at their words, at their praise. There’s something so enticing about being at their mercy, and having them take care of you like this. Their fingers move faster, more precisely now. Your own fingers find their way towards your lover’s messy nest of hair, gently pulling on it – and earning a low moan in return. 
It was an exquisite type of cat and mouse game, and you loved every second of it. 
“‘M close.” You confess, and it comes out more like a warning. 
“That’s it.” Hange mumbles, their free hand gently grabbing your jaw, forcing your face into a pouty expression. “Look at me when you come, say my name sweetheart, I know you can do it.”
The bubble of warmth that was once growing in your lower abdomen finally explodes, as a white hot feeling travels through your every nerve – it feels like your body is short circuiting, going into sensory overload. Still, your partner has yet to cease their movements.
“Give me one more, yeah?”
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chatterbox-73 · 9 months
not sure if U take requests but could u do present mic or an aizawa fic?
.Sugar Daddy.
.Radio Sugar.
Hizashi Yamada x fem!Reader
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This story is a smut story, I’ll more characters x reader one shots in the future and if you want to see a character please let me know.
You must be 18 years or older to read this...
Part two: Price of consoling (Shota Aizawa)
A/N: I was required to write about Mic or Aizawa, honestly had the hardest time choosing so will most likely post an Aizawa one-shot in the foreseeable future… though I also don’t want to jinx myself😁.
Summary/inspiration/prompt: you find yourself at a bar using your last few yen before meeting a stranger who teaches you a few very important lessons.
Word count: 1.4k
CW: NSFW and adult content, semi-public sex, oral (m!receiving and implied f!receiving), inexperienced reader, drinking.
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You were at university getting your major in music and performing arts, your parents hadn’t approved of your decision to study music and so they completely cut you off. You hadn’t spoken to or seen them in years and it was hard getting by at first that was until you met and got extremely close to a very popular pro hero, who also happened to be a teacher at a top hero academy and a host of a late night radio talk show.
You had been having no luck with any jobs, as all the places hiring wanted some oddly specific quirks for the jobs, some wanted strength based quirks while others wanted speed based quirks, both of which weren’t so fortunate to have. Instead you had a mutation quirk, you didn’t think it was ‘unsightly’, you actually believe yourself to be quite beautiful however you had been called ‘unsightly’ more times in this week alone then you had in your entire life; your quirk wasn’t even that bad.
Your quirk, ‘Four Eyes’ your childhood friend so cruelly named it gave you an extra set of eyes, your extra set of eyes were usually a cool gray but would change colours depending on your emotions. So all in all it wasn’t a weird or out of the ordinary type of quirk, but people still didn’t want to work with someone who had a mutation.
You found yourself at a bar drinking your last few hundred yen, your head laid against the bar counter and you watched the amber coloured liquid swirl around the cup, “now why’s a pretty lady, alone in a place like this?” Your eyes followed where the voice came from, to fine a blonde man with red eyes and a moustache. “Cheap beer and quiet… oh and of course mutant friendly… and you are?” you sat up and took a large swig of the beer almost finishing it all in one shot, he smiled at you and rested his elbows on the bar table, “Yamada… tough time, huh?” He throw his name in as it held no importance and made no attempt to hide that he looked at your breasts, you rolled your eyes and crossed your arms under your breasts to pushed them up. If some guy was going to hit on you, you were going to take full advantage of it… “yeah… so it should be easy for you to understand I don’t do this for free” you hummed, as if you knew what you were doing, but in actuality you had no clue. You’d seen plenty of movies and read copious amounts of books with scenarios like this but you had never sold yourself for money, you weren’t even very versed in the ‘act’ itself, but maybe you’d get lucky and he’ll take charge. Yamada lent in and whispered to you, his eyes still focused on your plump breasts “go to the bathroom and I’ll meet you there” he lightly kissed your neck and sat up straight, you got up and walked to the bathroom waiting for the man.
You sat on your feet looking directly at his hard member, it wasn’t massive but still large, it was covered in thick pulsing veins and curved to the side, his balls hung low and were mostly hairless despite the nicely trimmed dense dark blond carpet of pubes that surrounded his cock, in all honesty the sight was delicious, you felt a ache in your abdomen and throat, a dampness settled in your panties as a dryness sat in your mouth. Yamada grabbed the base of his cock and tapped it against your cheek before wiping his tip along your lips before using his other hand to tilt your head back and open your mouth, “suck it baby” he demanded and slide is tip over your tongue, you rested your hands flat on your thighs and began suckling on his tip, you continued this until he clicked his tongue and crossed his arms over his chest, “get up” he said and barely looked down at you, you stood and before you could anything he bet you to it. “You don’t do this often” Yamada said as he looked at you, his eyes cold and dark, you shook your head and went to apologise but was interrupted again, “tell me when I’ve got the number right” he held up a hand all five fingers up, before he put down his thumb, only leaving up four fingers, you watched his hand and he watched you. Yamada dropped another finger and then another, to this you blinked and looked to the ground, the man looked at his hand… two, how measly and pathetic, he thought. “And out of these two times, did you give a blowjob” he asked and your eyes stayed on the ground, he hummed and wrapped an arms around your waist pulling you into his chest, his other hand tangled onto your hair “don’t worry, I’ll teach you, sweetness” he chuckled as forced a kiss on your mouth, you gasped as he pressed his hips into yours and pushed his tongue into your mouth, you grabbed his shirt and whined before he pulled away from you and pushed you back onto your knees.
You panted and gasped as your heart raced, you looked up at him waiting for instructions, “grab the base with one hand” you followed the instruction, your hand wrapped around his tip and slowly slid down to the base making contact with Yamada’s rough carpet, he smirked and nodded “good girl, now gently cup my balls with your other hand” he said, your hand lightly cupped his sack, it was strange they were warm, heavy and strangely smooth, the man hissed slightly at the warmth of your hand, “now hurry up and start sucking… but don’t only suck, kiss and lick too” he eyed you as you took his tip into your mouth and sucked it, before you swirled your tongue around it and slowly slipped it out of your mouth, you continued to repeat this same action until you gained more confidence and with your new found confidence you took him deeper, you bobbed your head and light rubbed his ball, Yamada leaned his head back groaning and tangling a hand into your hair.
It was euphoric, his taste, his scent and his sound, he was enjoying your mouth wholly, Yamada wasn’t far from finished and somehow you could tell, you gently squeezed his sack and took him all the way in, it was uncomfortable and made you feel as though you’d vomited at any moment but the feeling of his body tense and the taste of his hot seed… your eyes rolled back and you hand disappeared under the waistband of your pants, you moaned allowing your fingers to explore your wetness, the man stiffened and pulled you off his member, pulling you to your feet.
Your body pressed to his, your fingers still occupied with your cunt, “that was sloppy…” Yamada hummed pulling your hand from your pants, “you came… didn’t you” you whined and glared at the man before your resentment quickly turned to shock as he took your dirty fingers into his mouth sucking them clean, Yamada chuckled lifting you onto the bathroom counter before yanking your pants off and disappearing between your thighs.
You looked at your very full bank account it had only been two hours since you allowed that strange to fuck you on the bathroom counter and now you stood at the ATM looking down at all the extra digits that weren’t there before, one single transaction from a Hizashi Yamada and you’re richer than you’d been in your entire life, all you had to do was have some sloppy mediocre sex with him, suddenly a thought crossed your mind; ‘if I get better at that and do everything he wants… I’d be living comfortably for the rest of my life’ you smile and draw out some money, just enough to get dinner and rent a couple of adult films… for studying of course…
That was three years ago, now you live in a high class apartment and wear the finest clothes and jewellery, everything and anything you want, only for the price of your body. However there’s one thing you weren’t prepared for was Yamada introducing you to his friend, A friend he explained has recently broken up with his girlfriend and needs some consoling… at the right price of course… to which you couldn’t refuse.
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More from the ‘Sugar Daddy’ series:
Masterlist (coming soon)
Previous - Satoru Gojo: ‘Not’ only you.
Next - Shota Aizawa: Price of consoling.
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writerpeach · 1 year
'Cause Baby, You're a Firework
Twice Dahyun x !mreader
word count - 2.5k
read on AO3
A/N: Wanted to put out a little short fic to end out the year, so finished this up in a few hours. Thanks for continuing to follow me and read my works even if I don't put out as much anymore. Happy New Year's 💞
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“Enjoying the view?” 
It would be tough not to, but which view exactly you preferred—the starry night sky or the devilish curves of Kim Dahyun’s body? That would be impossible to answer. 
“Do you even have to ask? There’s nothing better.” 
Almost midnight, and half a bottle of champagne left. Or half yet to indulge, depending on who you asked. The bubbly beverage made the night better, and put you even more at ease, but it made Dahyun—glow even more than usual, her squishy cheeks almost the same flushed red as her sexy dress. 
“You’re just saying that,” she said, and leaned back against the hotel windowsill. Being this high up meant the view was second to none, overlooking the busy city below, the twinkling lights mimicking the stars above. The city’s skyline was gorgeous for sure, every high-rise building competing for attention, but it just couldn’t compare to the beautiful woman in front of you.
“Would I do such a thing?” you asked, as you sipped from your champagne flute. Kim Dahyun was one in a million—her subtle red lipstick, the light eye makeup that accentuated her pretty eyes, the soft, silky strands of her raven locks, it all formed the pieces that put together the perfect woman. A simple glance would never be enough, so you concentrated your entire attention on her.
“You’re staring.” 
And how could you not when Dahyun looked like that? 
“Is that a crime?” you asked, smirking before taking another sip, and closed the distance between your bodies. 
“Yes. Your punishment will be to kiss me.” Dahyun wrapped her hands around your neck to draw you close enough to smell her fragrant perfume. 
“Well, then consider me guilty, Miss Kim.” Following those words, you kissed her delicate neck, and left no inch untouched until you met her soft lips, tasting the sweet champagne from them. The alcohol was just like Dahyun—intoxicating and addicting, an exquisite flavor you never wanted to forget. You kept your lips glued to hers, savoring the taste that lingered while your hands snaked from her tiny waist to her delicious plump ass and gave it a firm squeeze. 
Dahyun giggled, and those eyes exchanged an all familiar lustful glance when her smile grew more mischievous. You squeezed her ass again and kneaded those soft, squishy cheeks, keeping your hands full. “It’s almost midnight. You know what that means…” 
“Time for some fireworks?” Dahyun replied. After biting her lower lip, that gorgeous smile transformed into a smirk, and her hands wandered your body. 
“As much as I love this dress on you, Dahyun—I think you’ll look way better without it.” 
“I couldn’t agree more.” Dahyun took one last sip of her champagne, placed it on the windowsill next to her, then began unzipping her dress. Gravity did the rest as it piled on the floor underneath and revealed her voluptuous body with the sexiest set of lacy black lingerie that contrasted with her beautiful pale skin. Her breasts were full and round, blessed with a tight tummy and insanely wide hips that you couldn’t wait to get your hands on. 
“You’re still wearing too many clothes, Miss Kim,” you said, while your eyes roamed and got lost in her amazing curves. 
With her sultry gaze locked on yours, Dahyun reached behind her back and tossed her bra away, freeing her sizable breasts. Now you were definitely staring—but she didn’t mind, and only encouraged it. 
So, while Dahyun began peeling down her panties from her hips and down those incredible, toned legs, 
you stared intently at her perfect, mouthwatering breasts and pretty pale pink nipples that you had feasted on a numerous amount of times before. 
“Better?” Dahyun asked when her panties hit the floor, and placed hands on her heavenly hips, proudly showing herself off. Her naked body looked flawless, every inch of bare flesh immaculate, with her freshly shaved cunt already dripping with arousal. 
Before you could give her body the attention it deserved, Dahyun reached forward to grab the collar of your shirt, and unbuttoned the first button. “Now it’s your turn.” 
Fair enough, especially when just the sight of seeing Dahyun naked made your pants tighten uncomfortably. So, without further hesitation, you unbuttoned the rest of your shirt, unzipped your pants, and stepped out of everything, the discarded pile of clothes becoming a mountain of unneeded fabric.  
“That’s what I like to see,” Dahyun replied as you stood inches apart, satisfied now that you were equally naked as she was. You gawked at each other's nude bodies, memorizing every inch, and felt up Dahyun’s hourglass figure with greedy fingers and lips, nibbling, licking, and sucking when necessary wherever you pleased. 
You glanced at your watch—it read 11:43. Plenty of time. You grinned and kissed her again, using more tongue, pulling her closer with a rough grip on her waist. Dahyun matched your aggressiveness, returning equal intensity, and deepened the kiss while she ran her fingers through your hair, almost tugging on it.
The intense lip lock stopped as you tore yourself away for air and latched on to her pretty nipples. Teasing them with your tongue until they hardened, you suckled hard, then tugged on them and made Dahyun moan. 
But unfortunately, you couldn’t spend as much time playing with her breasts as you wanted. 
“God, Dahyun—” you didn’t have the brainpower to finish your thought, but she knew what you wanted—what you needed. 
“Fireworks won’t be the only thing exploding,” Dahyun said as she dropped to her knees, with the beautiful night sky as the perfect backdrop. 
Dahyun didn’t waste time either. Now that she had your full attention, she pumped your shaft until you were rock hard and throbbing, which admittedly took no time at all. After a few teasing licks to wet your shaft, her hungry lips parted, and you entered the unforgettable warmth of her mouth. 
That blissful feeling of silky soft lips wrapped around your cock never got old, nor did the initial pleasure that spiked, and you could never brace yourself enough for it. 
With a sense of urgency, Dahyun sucked you off using the full repertoire of techniques she had stored, immediately taking you in the back of her throat for several seconds before pulling back while the saliva left behind glistened in the moonlight that shone through the large windows. Her cold hands found a place to rest on your bare thighs while she bobbed her head, slurping every last inch like her life depended on it, with a cockiness to it that was almost as satisfying to hear as to watch. 
“Dahyun, fuck—you’re too damn good at that.” The look in her eyes spoke when she couldn’t, as if to say I know, while she sucked and sucked with newfound vigor. Every frantic bob came in rapid succession, swallowing your shaft up from base to tip effortlessly, and left a trail of warm saliva that covered your cock. Again, it was hard to determine which view you liked better—the trail of lights and stars behind, or the unforgettable sight of Dahyun naked on her knees, sucking the soul out of you. 
You wished there was more time to savor Dahyun’s lips on your cock, but time was running out. So for another minute or two, she kept demonstrating her deepthroating prowess, not leaving your balls without receiving attention until it was time to move on. 
“How do you want me to fuck you?” you asked while you helped her rise up to her feet. Dahyun wiped her chin, and kept your cock nice and hard, but she didn’t need long to think. She always knew what she wanted. 
“I wanna see the fireworks when you cum inside me.” 
You exchanged huge smiles, then Dahyun turned around and bent over, with her palms gripping the wooden windowsill. Even though there wasn't much time left, you couldn’t help but admire Dahyun’s beautiful smooth back, that huge heart-shaped ass, and of course her gorgeous pink pussy that you were about to make yours. 
The shared anticipation couldn’t peak any higher when you lined up your shaft with Dahyun’s wet pussy and rubbed your swollen tip between her folds to gauge how much arousal had formed.
One deep breath, then you entered Dahyun’s cunt, and filled her with every inch of your throbbing shaft. You savored the intense warmth that enveloped your cock, the messy slick that coated your cock, and the impossible tightness that squeezed like a vice before you grabbed Dahyun’s wide hips—the best set of hips you ever had the pleasure to grab. 
There wasn’t any point in buildup—not when you both had the same uncontrollable desires, so you pounded into Dahyun from the start, fueled by the intense grip her pussy made that had no intention of letting you go. 
“Fuck, fuck, that’s so good!” Dahyun moaned. You could see the faint reflection of her blissed out features in the window pane that only made you quicken the pace. 
Now you had the definite answer—nothing compared to this view. Nothing could compare to the way Dahyun’s tight ass rippled hypnotically when your hips slammed against those pale buttcheeks, and nothing compared to the cries of pleasure that escaped her mouth. The only thing that could improve the moment would be a pretty little buttplug snug inside her tight little asshole—but you never bothered to bring toys with you, so your thumb pressed deep inside the puckered hole would have to suffice. 
Her moans deepened as a result of both tight holes being filled, but your other hand needed something to do and slapped her ass in time with your forceful plunges, switching between left and right until that delicious bare flesh matched the shade of the discarded expensive dress forgotten on the floor. 
It was almost time—not just for the new year, but for a different set of fireworks. After another glance in the reflection, you saw the lustful look in Dahyun’s eyes while you pounded her, and knew it wasn’t enough. So you slapped her ass harder and rammed into her wet cunt faster, just to hear those pretty moans turn louder and louder. 
For a moment, you wondered if anyone down below could watch you mercilessly fuck Dahyun. After all, anyone who knew where to look could see the window of the luxury suite you were in and get a taste of the action. You could hear crowds cheering in anticipation, but it was like they were cheering you on, urging you to fuck Dahyun harder. Without any wasted momentum, you pressed her tight body up against the window until her pale breasts mashed against the cold glass pane and plunged balls deep inside. 
You weren't sure how long you could keep up this pace, but the deadline to midnight was soon approaching. The smack of hot flesh on hot flesh, along with the smacks on Dahyun’s backside left a beautiful shade of red left satisfying enough, so you gave Dahyun’s sore, tender cheeks a break and returned your hands to her delicious hips, clutching with a grip harsh enough to bruise in the morning. 
The rhythmic clap of Dahyun’s cheeks grew by the second, and increased with the crowds outside the window, yet she remained focused on the pleasure. On occasion, Dahyun shut her eyes, but kept her mouth parted, breathing fast while her body tensed up for the inevitable. 
“Please…please don’t stop,” Dahyun pleaded, her palms flat on the window panes, smacking her hips back against your own sweaty body. You wouldn't dare, and you stepped up your efforts to drive Dahyun insane with each thrust that hit at the right angle, filling her warm tight hole in a way that only you could, the wet squelch of her cunt the best encouragement to keep going. 
Dahyun didn’t need to say a word—you could tell by the way her moans had almost turned into screams, and how her slick walls fluttered with more desperation marked that she was close. You intensified your thrusts, even as your own orgasm threatened to take over, until the tension hit its highest peak, until a loud shriek of delight escaped her lips, until her tight pussy became even tighter and squeezed the life out of your cock when Dahyun came harder than imaginable. 
Keeping Dahyun upright was no easy task while the tidal wave of climax took over her body, with violent trembles her thighs made as her juices covered every inch of your impaling shaft. But you fucked Dahyun through every pleasurable moment, until the harsh squeeze of her cunt demanded you follow in her footsteps, and you had no reason not to comply. 
Less than a minute left, but you wouldn’t need the full sixty seconds. You’d savor as much as you could, knowing that after the clock struck twelve, there would be a need to fuck a second load into Dahyun’s tight cunt. You felt the familiar tightness in your balls, the constant twitches your cock made, the heavy breathing while you held onto her sweaty body, waiting for your own climax to strike just like midnight. 
Just a little longer. Just a few more satisfying pumps and you’d have the best orgasm of your life. But you could say that about every time you had the privilege to finish inside Kim Dahyun. 
That strong grip on Dahyun’s hips never faltered when your cock made repeated plunges into the warm depths of her addicting pussy. Pounding carelessly into her wet heat, she somehow became wetter with every thrust, pushing you closer and closer to that delicate point of no return.
With your final thrusts, you groaned loudly and buried yourself into Dahyun’s warm cunt. When the fireworks started, you exploded simultaneously, and the sky became a colorful array of light as you emptied your thick seed, coating her constricting walls. Fireworks shot across the sky just like you shot semen into Dahyun’s insides, spurts erupting in time with sparks flying every second. 
After you fucked your load deep inside Dahyun, your orgasm finished, but the bright fireworks didn’t. You leaned forward and kissed the side of her neck, resting inside for a moment before you pulled out to watch your load drip out of her pussy—an even better view than what was going on outside your window. Dahyun collapsed against the window, panting, gasping for air, but still with a smile on her face while your cum leaked down those creamy thighs. 
“It’s beautiful,” Dahyun murmured as she reached back to stroke your thick, pulsating cock, not letting a drop go to waste. 
“Happy New Year,” you said with staggered breaths, and leaned your head on Dahyun’s shoulder. 
“Happy New Year, my love,” she responded, in an equally tired voice, then dipped two fingers inside her messy cunt, to gather up remnants of your load before sucking them clean. “Wanna fuck me for the first time this year?” 
Even out of breath, you only had one answer. “Of course.” 
A sly grin spread across Dahyun’s seductive lips while she headed towards the bedroom. You followed behind and watched her sway those sinful hips with your cum still dripping down her thighs.
There would be no better way to break in the new year than to fuck Dahyun again in a huge bed while fireworks lit up the night sky.
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onlyseokmins · 11 months
Thinking abt solo pornstar!mingyu and the pretty director of adult videos who's his favorite to shoot with...
You always get the best angles of him but you're constantly saying it really doesn't have much to do with you doing anything above your normal job duties - he's literally just perfect.
"Look at how your big, chunky hands make your weeping dick look even bigger and chunkier. That's all you."
But ofc he insists it's truly thanks to your talents with a toothy grin.
He really is perfect though, you're just working with the art given to you... chiseled muscles, defined abs, sharp jawline, thick thighs, bulging biceps, veined forearms, long dark hair, and a perfect fucking cock - curved, girthy, and long in all the best ways. He's even got a sweet personality outside of whatever dirty character you'll assign to him.
"Am I doing things right? Being good enough for you?"
Oh yes, he is.
Zooming in on his cock all the time is insanely torturous. Adjusting the camera in all directions to get the most appealing view (which is hard to decided when there are so many) and directing the movements as he basically eye-fucks you while fisting that nice dick of his at the rhythms you're dictating.
You keep things professional bc that's what you are and you have many clients, actors, and sponsors... In fact, you're well respected in the porn community and frankly, you're not going to ruin that reputation with a momentary fling between one of your best stars. A crown you wear that, while burdensome, was earned through years of hard work, bad and good experiences, tough lessons, unsavory people, and long hours upon hours.
However, that all changes the night you come home to your boyfriend - after he visited you earlier on set with a different actor - stroking his cock to mingyu's latest video. His steamy glasses reflect the glaring shot of mingyu's beautiful cock and the fleshlight nearly falling apart with how hard his strong fingers squeeze around it.
Your shared bedroom is filled with the slick sounds of wonwoo's pants and the sinful moans coming from his huge speaker set-up. Thanks to the insane amount of lube you'd instructed mingyu to use while he bullies his way inside of the slippery toy, it's messy, wet, and loud. His whimpers and grunts echo and echo while all you can do is just re-envision his abs flexing and jaw clenched. Seeing them in real-life is different to the image on your partner's computer screen.
That moment goes back when you were wondering if behind those lust-filled eyes, mingyu was thinking of you and what your pussy might feel like. Knowing you were probably soaking your panties watching his hips thrust at erratic speeds but unable to do anything about it.
Luckily, wonwoo is always more than happy to assist you like the sweet, caring man that he is. His older audio streams were still popular, framed as the "cool-headed man" that had incredible stamina and could edge himself for hours on end. Yet, he crumbles beneath you, especially when you ride his tense thighs enthusiastically and then bounce on his cock even more enthusiastic whenever you're all riled up after an intense day of (mostly) well-endowed, cock filming.
And he knows you need to use him more than ever on days with mingyu. And his eyes sparkle at the tentative suggestion you make. Your boyfriend is no stranger to the adult videos you create, it's not unusual for him to watch and/or masturbate... you're just that good at your job - you weren't lying to mingyu.
Yet this is the first time he's show interest in the actor themselves starring in your camera lenses and not the premise alone. So, of course he's down to invite mingyu to bed... And even more obviously... the man in question himself is more than eager to agree.
Yeah, maybe one day it's no surprise when they suggest a scandalous script of a director fucking themselves on two pornstars and their cunt-destroying cocks... And who better to star in it than you, mingyu, and wonwoo?
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sxgarworld · 11 months
sight for sore eyes - y. itadori
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Order contains: In which Yuji is your husband, and he’s a firefighter. He comes home from a long day of work and needily fucks you after missing you for so long.
With a side of: couch sex, oral (fem receiving), squirting, soft dom yuji, cowgirl, breeding kink, biting
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He sighs as he comes home from a long day of work, throwing his shoes off as he slinks through the front door. You see him, still slightly dirty with soot or something of the sort on his face and arms. He’s out of uniform, so he’s in a tight, white shirt and cargo pants. Your eyes linger on the way his shirt seems to outline every single muscle and dip and curve in his body, sweaty and clinging on him.
“Missed you, pretty girl,” he smiles brightly, almost seeming to perk up as he looks at you. He goes over and kisses you softly on the top of your head, as your arms find their way around his back. He stands there for a moment, just smelling the scent of your shampoo and conditioner, which has a warm scent like coconut and oatmeal.
“God you smell so good I can’t get enough of you,” he says, kissing down your forehead, to your cheek, and then to your lips. Soon he’s grabbing your wrists, pulling you to the couch as he leans over you and kisses you desperately.
“Someone missed me…” you tease, giggling as he kisses you. He chuckles softly, holding your waist down against the couch. He nods, mumbling about how hard his days are without you. How every time he leaves the house he has to fight the urge to run right back home to you. Especially when his job gets hard, when everything’s tough, all he can think about is coming home to you.
He’s begging now. “Please sweetcheeks, I- I need you so bad. Please, just lemme take you, yea? Here and now?” he begged. You nodded softly, letting him do what he needed to. He slowly sunk to his knees, between your thighs. Your knees draped across his shoulders as he pushed the panties under your dress to the side, his breath hot as he pulled you closer. Now the insides of your thighs were pressed against his ears, as he softly kissed your sloppy pussy.
“Yeah? Haven’t even touched you and you’re so wet…” he noted, his tongue plunging inside of you. The sudden sensation of the muscle inside of your pussy made your spine jolt, causing you to grip the couch cushions. He then started to kiss at your clit, licking it up and down. As he circled your clit with his tongue, he sunk two of his large fingers inside of you. They curled up, trying to hit a spot deep inside of you. His fingers slowly pumped in and out, his tongue switching from licking your precum up and your clit.
Soon he grabbed your thighs, pushing you against the cushions harder as he aggressively lapped at your cunt, your clit pulsating from his tongue. He looked up at you, his eyebrows furrowing as he gave you a needy glance. Then he closed his eyes, as he felt you start to jerk. You soon came on his face, squirting slightly as he kept licking you through your high.
“Fuck that’s a good girl, cmon.” He’s struggling, ripping his pants off desperately. His cock practically flings out of his boxers as he pulls them down, precum already dripping from his soft brown head. He whimpered just at the feeling of his dick slapping against his stomach as he sat on the couch. He lifted you up, sitting you on his lap. Your ass softly wrapped around his cock, teasing the fact that if he moved you a bit more, he could shove it in your ass.
“Please I- I need it pumpkin. You gotta let me have it,” he begged, looking up at you as his large hands squeezed your hips. “Please, I’ll make you feel so good, so good, just let me cum inside you? This once?”
The idea made you freeze. Cum inside you? Was he saying he wanted kids? I mean, the two of you had been married for about a year or so now. It wouldn’t be weird if he did want kids. And the idea of him cumming inside of you was just too alluring. You couldn’t turn him down, his desperation and huge cock against your ass were too tempting.
“Yea, yea fine. I’ll let you,” you whispered breathily, adjusting your cunt over his cock. He let out a moan that sounded like he was thanking you. He grabbed your hips, slamming himself into you with little to no warning. The feeling made you grab onto him, nails digging into your back. The pain, the pleasure of that sharp feeling in his back made him let out such gutural, needy whimper that it made the butterflies in your stomach erupt.
“P-please don’t stop… haah~ god you’re so fuckin wet- please!” he whined, panting as he guided you up and down on him, his eyes focused on yours. He leaned into you closely, nipping at your skin. His teeth bit at your collarbone and neck. It was like he was gripping onto you for dear life with his teeth. He pumped into you, until it started to get sloppier and sloppier, his head now pressed against your tits as he let you ride him. You could tell he was tired, his grip on you loosened as he let you take control. But his needy eyes stayed on you, focused on you, belonged to you.
Soon he gave out, cumming inside of you. He kept you down on him, making sure it reached the deepest parts of you, his cock keeping it inside of you. Every last spurt inside your cunt, almost ensuring that you’d be having his baby. It was his last step to tying you down, putting a baby in you. He was yours, and you were his.
“I- fuck…” he mumbled tiredly, pulling you into a hug, “I love ya, pretty girl. Yknow that?”
You knew.
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wannab-urs · 1 year
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Appropriate Reactions
Summary: Ezra is stranded without a ship and has nothing to offer you in return for a ride off The Green... So you make a deal.
WC: 1.6k
Content/Warnings: Butt stuff :) oh and just like... warning for the way Ezra talks. Excessive use of lines from the movie.
I am excited to present the next installment of the Peg that Middle Aged Man Campaign 2023. My dear friends @atinylittlepain (who made the graphic!), @beskarandblasters, @serenaxpedro, @jksprincess10, @cutesyscreenname and I are all writing a series of pegging fics for you lovely freaks. And we all have at least one out already! We'll be posting a masterlist next week, but for now, you can find them under the tag #peg that middle aged man campaign 2023.
Thanks to @str84pedro for the edit/commentary <3
Ezra Masterlist | Main Masterlist | AO3 | Kofi
The Green is a terrifying place to mine for Aurelac, being one of the rougher and less regulated prospecting destinations. As such, you don’t make a habit of talking to strangers here. Get in, get the shit, get out. That’s how you’ve always done it. 
This time is different though. This time you found a man sitting on a log, helmet-covered head pressed into his hands. You tried to retreat quietly, hoping he wouldn’t notice you. It’s never a good idea to get caught out here alone. People got desperate. 
Before you could safely make it back into the cover of the forest, the man looked up and locked eyes with you. You pulled your thrower on him, taking several steps back. The man threw his hands in the air and said, “Easy there, stranger. I do not intend to cause you any harm.” 
He spoke with an odd cadence, some fringe-planet accent coloring his dialogue. It was oddly disarming, causing you to drop your weapon a tad. 
“And why would I believe you?” 
“I happen to be without a ship and therefore have no reason to dispossess you of your trophy case,” the man shot back, hands still above his head. 
This shocked you, as being without a ship on The Green pretty much guaranteed you were not long for this world. His air filter would give out sooner or later and the dust would choke him to death. You may be tough, maybe even cold, but you’re not evil. You couldn’t leave him there. 
You holstered your thrower and took a few steps toward the man. “I can give you a lift, but I won’t do it for free. What can you offer me?” 
The man had slowly lowered his hands to gesture at himself. “Your offer is indeed generous, and I would be more than happy to sign and seal save for one glaring slip… I have naught to my name but this suit and my body.”
You considered him for a moment. It was a little hard to get a good look under the bubble of his helmet, but from what you could see, he was handsome. He had dark hair and golden skin. A mustache framed his plush lips and a scruffy beard covered his jaw. His nose was prominent and curved, which you’ve always liked on a man. Fuck it, he’s hot. “Your body will do.”
He had shrugged and stood up, striding over to shake your hand. “Name’s Ezra.” 
On the walk back to your ship, you’d introduced yourself and asked for the story of how he came to be without a ship on this gods forsaken moon. It was a sorry tale and made you more than a little wary about his motivations, but he was so damn charming you couldn’t help but trust him. 
Now, sitting in the captain’s chair of your ship and taking in the sight of Ezra out of his suit, you’re glad you decided to trust him. The man is gorgeous, sitting sprawled out against the wall. He’s all broad shoulders and thick thighs wrapped in a black and tan flight suit. His close cropped hair has a little blonde patch at the front and his eyes are a deep chocolate brown. 
“Would I be too forward in asking how you intend to proceed, little bird?” Ezra drawls. 
“Not at all. How experienced are you, exactly?” You doubt very much that he’s a blushing virgin, based on looks and age alone. 
“I myself have frequently indulged, and I have not often found regret,” he throws a wink at you, the corner of his mouth quirking into a self-satisfied smirk. He knows he’s hot, damn him. But you intend to throw him for a loop. 
“I’m not sure you’ve indulged in this particular technique… If you want a ride on my ship, you’ll have to let me take you, pretty boy,” you stare him down, smugness settling into your features as you take in his shocked expression.
 “I… um. I have not had that particular pleasure… you do not appear to have an apparatus with which to accomplish the task at hand.” He gestures at you, clearly wondering if you’re hiding a dick under your flight suit. 
“I’m full of surprises.” You stand and make your way to a small wardrobe by your bed, digging around in your stash to find what you’re looking for. You shut the door, triumphantly holding your strap out for Ezra. 
The harness is made from a similar material to your flight suit. Already slotted into the ring is a long flesh colored phallus made from a soft but firm material mined on your home planet. 
“Now this is somethin’ I have never seen… in all my time in The Green.” Ezra looks fascinated by your contraption, not a hint of nervousness in his big brown eyes. 
“So what’ll it be, Ez? Deal or no deal?”  
Ezra is truly beautiful. His golden skin shimmers with sweat as you pump two fingers in and out of him, lightly stroking his pretty cock. He’s laid back on your bed, thighs spread to accommodate you, a pillow under his hips to grant you easier access. “Feel good, babe?” 
“Kinda nice… tingly,” Ezra chokes out, throwing his head back onto the bed dramatically. He’s extremely vocal, talking himself through the new sensation and whimpering when you curl your fingers into the sensitive spot inside him. 
You lower your head and gently suck the tip of his cock into your mouth, skimming your lips over the smooth skin and taking in the earthy taste of his precum. Ezra whines and jerks his hips, trying to push himself deeper in your mouth, but you follow the motion. You just know his begging will be glorious and you’re determined to draw it out of him. 
You dip your tongue into his slit at the same time you add a finger inside him. Ezra’s whole body goes taut for a moment, his head snapping up off the bed, before he relaxes into your touch. “You’re so responsive, Ez. Good boy.” 
“I greatly… appreciate the compliment… little bird.” Ezra grits through his teeth. “I would also greatly…” he breaks off with a moan as you press the pads of your fingers into his prostate again. “... appreciate getting… a move on.” 
You decide you’ve teased him enough for now, sitting back on your heels and slicking up your fake cock. You grip the backs of Ezra’s thighs and push his legs toward his chest, admiring the way he’s so pliant for you. You settle the tip against his hole and push in just a bit. “Good?”
“No harm done yet,” Ezra says breathlessly. You rub your hands up and down his thighs soothingly and push in slowly. Ezra sucks in a breath and blows it out quickly a few times and you giggle at him. 
“Ezra, sweetheart, you alright?” 
He shifts his hips, seating himself fully on your toy with a slightly pained groan. “You don’t have to be so gentle with me, little bird. I will not shatter.” 
You take this as your cue to fuck him stupid. You wonder if you can render him speechless. Leaning forward slightly and readjusting your grip on his thighs, you pull out of him and thrust back in to the hilt twice. 
“Slow… slow down a beat there, little bird.” Ezra’s hands flutter over his own chest and up into his hair, like he doesn’t know where to settle them. 
You slowly circle your hips, rubbing against the spot inside him you know will get him back on board. Ezra tugs at his own hair and babbles a string of praise at the sensation. “There ya go baby. I’m gonna make you feel good, okay?”
You lean forward, planting your hands on either side of his head and slot your thighs under his. You thrust slowly in and out of him, drawing a circle with your hips each time. His body chases your movements like he doesn’t want you to pull away at all, hands sliding up around your waist and pulling you into him. 
“Fuck, little bird, you are a miracle.” He gazes up at you in awe, as if you just told him you know where the Queen’s Lair is and you’re going to take him there. His lips part and his head digs into the sheets as he arches his hips up to you. You reach between your bodies, wrapping your fingers around his length and begin stroking him in time with your thrusts. 
“Are you going to come for me, pretty boy?” You whisper before sucking his earlobe into your mouth. He whimpers and arches further into your body, hips shifting to meet every thrust.
“Please! Don’t stop birdie, I’m near- nearing my rel- release.” You stifle a giggle at his phrasing and speed up your hand on his cock. You feel his body jerking beneath you and pull back to watch his face as he cums. 
His eyes are shut tight, brow pinched in the middle, and little moans and whimpers fall from his parted lips. You lean forward and suck his plush bottom lip between your teeth, grazing it lightly before kissing him fully. 
You feel the hot spurts of his cum cover your fingers as he breaks the kiss, throwing his head back and groaning deep and loud. His fingertips dig into the flesh of your back, pulling you down on top of him. 
He lays there, panting into your shoulder for a minute before he turns his head and whispers in your ear. 
“Actions like these foment the threat of appropriate reactions.”
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palestporn · 1 year
Your moirail likes to touch you.
It's another symptom of his damage, really, all the pitiful, cracked bullshit about him wrapped up in the needy, hungry way he strokes your hair or your horns or takes daring, glancing reach-arounds to brush a hand over your back. Trolls are tough as chitin and claws, and you don't give a shit about your aberrant mutant blood, you're a troll through and through.
You shouldn't like to be touched. You don't.
But Gamzee does. And you, for some godforsaken reason, are infected with some kind of disease that makes you tolerate him.
It's cold tonight, and you can tell as soon as you wake up because Gamzee's curled around you like a grub, face buried in the back of your neck and hands rubbing absently up and down your belly. You have the slime set pretty warm, but not warm enough, apparently. When you move to get untangled, Gamzee grumbles and groans and reels you in even harder, nuzzling behind your ear.
You're a troll, you don't care about being touched. But you also can't get away. So you settle, and grumpily let him pet sleepily at your face, your chest, your neck. The slight, rough scrape of the pads on his palms and then the prickling, controlled threat of his claws.
You don't need to be touched. You don't need anybody for anything. A troll is an island. A troll doesn't give a shit. A troll doesn't get frustrated and irritable if they have to go a few weeks without their moirail touching them, so you don't. You don't.
You don't realize you're purring until he starts purring too. The tips of his claws trail across the curve of your thoracic cage, prickle and knead at you like you're some kind of wriggler comfort object, and you try to choke down the rusty rumble in your thorax and can't make it happen.
Gamzee mumbles, "Best friend, beats every miracle on the sand, sea and sky how sweet you turn for me touching you," and curls around you a little tighter, bites harmlessly at the side of your neck and the nape, where the hair trails off down your posture column. For a second all of his claws and his fangs press just hard enough to catch you still, breath hitching--then his palms smooth past the place his claws pricked at you, and he nuzzles his bare cheek against the mark of his teeth, and you're purring even louder, melting into warm, stupid shivers.
You understand what he actually said a second later, and are immediately, breathlessly indignant.
"I'm, you, fuck you," you retort, which is far from your best work, but in your defense your moirail is a soft embarrassment of a troll and he won't stop touching you, bundling you up into the curve of his freakishly long body, petting the line of one of your thighs, kneading a tense muscle there, going back to rubbing the place your purr hums at the base of your thoracic cage. "I'm humoring you, dipshit, because apparently you fucked up too many cartwheels when you were a wriggler and sloshed most of your panmatter out of your ears."
Gamzee gives a rattling, huffing chirr of amusement, melting into an actual laugh when you growl at him. "If you say so, brother," he says, soothed amiable, and nips at the back of your neck again, where he's definitely going to leave a really obvious mark for all of your chucklefuck hatefriends to hoot about.
"You're embarrassing both of us."
"Aww, motherfucker, that right?"
"You're-- It's not a-- What do you fucking think I am, some kind of--of touch-dependent mammal, huddling in its shitty brood-den with all its wriggling, hairless birth-pupas--"
Gamzee's snickering at you again. "I bet mammals don't purr so nice, best friend."
"Fuck you," you say again, with feeling, and twist half-heartedly at his grip again. He clicks his fangs, a disappointed little noise, and just holds you tighter, tight enough it aches just a little. Tight like it doesn't matter what you are or what you want, or what you don't want to want. He's not letting you go.
You don't like it. You don't, you don't, you don't. A good troll wouldn't. You don't.
He's mumbling some kind of highblood benediction into your hair, some nightmarish honking thing about being anointed in the wicked elixir and the stardust in your eyes. But his claws come to your face, a huge, cool frond wrapped all the way around to cup your cheek, and when his thumbclaw rests on your lip it's just heavy enough to shut you the fuck up, just light enough you know he's not going to hurt you. Just threatening enough to send a thrilling pale shiver through your palms and down your spine, and safe like you can only be like this.
"Little motherfucker gets so fucking hungry for it when he's lonely," Gamzee murmurs, and presses a little harder when you try to open your mouth to argue. "Nah-ah-ah, best friend, shoosh. Shhhh. You're so motherfucking warm, and look at you all soft all over, like clouds or some shit... Lemme all get my feel on. Get a good motherfucking grab-around at you going."
You bite his finger in revenge, a whole lot gentler than you could considering how tough highblood skin is. He laughs at you and then moves all in a rush, pins you into a tight little ball with your arms at your sides and your knees to your chest and dunks you in the sopor, bringing you up growling and squirming.
"What the fuck was that for?!"
"Shooshing," he says, and pats your face again with a stupid-sounding splap-splap noise. "Rowdy little motherfucker's gotta chill the fuck down. And hey, check it out."
His hands find both of your horns, and he combs the sopor through your hair with delicate clawtips and then rubs the sopor at the roots of your horns, right where thin skin gives way to the slight velvet at the bases.
The cool pressure feels completely different combined with the humming, numb-sensitive tingle of sopor, and you're immediately rendered hopelessly, humiliatingly compliant. You melt like a frozen beverage block at high noon in the desert. You make a noise you would murder any of your enemies or friends for hearing. You croon like a pupa who just discovered cotton candy. You'll fucking savage him if he stops.
"...'S real motherfucking sweet how you like it," he says again, peacefully, and this time you feel way too damn good to make yourself argue.
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bomberqueen17 · 3 days
sewing other things
OK so. I have talked about the Loftus Bralette so much on here that one could be forgiven for chuckling gently when i said I should sew other things. But I do actually have several other projects I've been wanting to work on. And i have actually cut some of them out.
Also when I was last at the farm my niece brought me some of her t-shirts and said "I really like this one can we cut it apart and re-sew it bigger so I can still wear it", and I remembered that her BFF's mom, who works at the farm twice a week doing the books and managing store inventory, owns a serger she didn't know how to thread, so I texted her to ask if I could borrow it and indeed she had accidentally unthreaded it and there was a stuck lever and needed me to fix it anyway, and maybe I mentioned that on here but I did actually make my niece a couple of tunics while I was last at the farm. Including hand-sewing a whole bunch of details on the last one while the family was driving on a road trip one weekend.
So I brought all that stuff home with me and was hoping to get to work on it this week. All I've sewn has been the bralettes but I still have today. We'll see what I can get done.
I measured Farmkid and she's ten years old so her shape isn't the same as that of an adult woman, but she's five feet two and like 130 lbs, and some of her measurements put her in a women's size 12. So. She expressed interest in a garment I wear frequently, a Studio Tunic from Sew Liberated. I printed off the pattern in a size 12 and have assembled it, but I'm stuck deciding what fabric to use for her. I should decide that today. She's ten, her favorite color is ostensibly yellow but she mostly wears pinks and purples, she's a grubby kid who wipes her hands on her shirt and always winds up with stains on the belly of her shirt still, and she wants this tunic I think largely so she can cram her tablet into the pocket and go climb trees while listening to audiobooks on speaker. So I want a bright color but not too pale, and I want a tough fabric but not unbreathable, and I'm just. Deciding, still.
Probably what I should do is use some undyed fabric I own, and then bring my supplies and let her tie-dye it. I have a couple other things I could tie-dye, or will by then. That would be a fun bonding activity. I don't know if I'll have time to do it this trip though. So maybe I'll postpone the project and ask her for help once she's on summer break. (Good luck catching her, kids these days have so many summer camps.) As a bonus I bet I could loop her BFF and BFF's Mom in on the tie-dyeing, they're both into that shit.
Hell we could do ice-dyeing, the farm has a 1000-lb ice machine that is very frequently turned on (weekly for the market, biweekly for chicken processing-- there could be ice available at pretty much any time lol).
So anyway. I know she wants me to make a tunic out of a trio of large-print cat shirts she's outgrown, and she wants to wear it for her 5th grade moving up day ceremony, and I looked at it while I was home but I haven't done it yet. I need to get my shit together.
What I might do is print off a size 12 version of the t-shirt pattern I own, it's just that it's designed for busty women because I'm a busty woman, and she's Not, yet (oh, she will be. soon. but not yet.) so I have to kind of. Well, I own a pattern for a swing tunic that's close to what she wants actually. Oh, I should just print that one off. (The joy of the Cashmerette Club subscription patterns is that you get all the sizes, 0-30, and I've now made a couple of them for smaller friends, because like. I mean I own the pattern! PDF patterns are so great because you can reprint them in the smaller size instead of trying to trace it off. I never ever got the hang of tissue paper patterns.)
Yeah here this one, the Wexford Top/Dress, would be easy enough to kind of carve out the bust curve a little and make it fit a kid, because it's not meant to be that fitted. I'll just sort of use that as a general guideline and then make the cut-out-and-patchworked t-shirts fit into that approximate silhouette. The way I made the other tunics for her, I just used a shirt whose neck and shoulders still mostly fit her. But these cat shirts she's thoroughly outgrown, so making a new neck/shoulder area would be best.
Orrrrrr.... I could use one of the zillion old t-shirts of mine that I've saved to cut up. The neck/shoulders of a fully adult-sized garment are no longer too big for her. That's easier.
I also have a bunch of garments I want to make for myself, as I don't seem to buy clothes much anymore (I can't bring myself to pay $40 for a dress off the clearance rack that won't fit me and will mostly be polyester and won't be that interesting and will pill the first time I wash it). The Club's latest pattern is a skort/shorts/skirt dealie, and I need more shorts all the time-- I've largely given up on underpants and just wear boxer-briefs or anti-chafe shorts and I just don't see the point now of wearing a pair of panties and then shorts over the top under my skirt. Like. Just wear the shorts! So being able to choose the materials and print and look of that would be pretty great. And the Cashmerette one is inseam-less, like my favorite anti-chafe shorts are.
So I have cut out a pair of just the shorts in a clearance cotton mesh from Dharmatrading, and I even have the correct elastic for the waistband, so that kind of rules. I will sew those up as soon as I get a chance. I would like to make several skorts as well, probably from synthetic ponte or something, but my ideal would be to get some decent merino/nylon jersey and do a few from that. You never see merino skorts but I would wear the shit out of those.
I also have a lovely underpants pattern from the Club from ages ago, and while I rarely wear underpants of that style anymore, I would like having some cute matchy ones to go with the bralettes. Also, I have a shitton of foldover elastic, and I suspect I could use foldover elastic in some of the bralettes I want to make, so I want to get proficient in its use, and there are directions for applying it in the underpants directions, and it seems like a good way to practice. So I cut a muslin of those from the same cotton mesh as the shorts, and just have to sew the pieces together.
I also want to make myself more pretty dresses, and I have parts of a new Studio Tunic for myself already cut out, but not the rest.
And I recently made myself the button-up shirt from the Club, I know I posted about it on here. And I wanted to immediately make myself several more, and I got out some fabric and prepared it and cut out one pattern piece and then ran out of time. So yesterday I finally cut out the rest of the shirt from this fabric, a print from Mood covered in tiny dinosaurs. So I have that all ready to go in a plastic baggie too, just waiting for me to have time to sit and sew it. (Once I do that, I would really like to make myself a dress version of it from the cool green not-quite-seersucker I got from that remnant bolt at Promenade Fabrics in New Orleans.)
AND. i also have resolved to make my BFF, the one in Rochester who I lived with for a bit in the pandemic, with the little kids-- MM-- I am going to make her a sloper, before I see her next weekend, or maybe while I see her next weekend if i don't get to it in time argh, and I am going to at least try that on her and figure out approximately what shape she is so that I can put together a master pattern for her to make herself dresses from. I took her measurements ages ago, and she's a 14CD bust, a 16 waist, and an 8 hip in Cashmerette's sizing, and so I think just making a sloper with those sizes all graded together will be a huge start. And then we can mildly tweak the fit for her frame, and-- the thing is, she's always buying custom dresses on Etsy because what she wants is very specific and not usually available in stores, and then the dresses come and don't fit her so she has to get them tailored, and then they were just made of cheap quilting cotton from Joann's so they wear out after she washes them a few times, and she's had to add on pockets anyway because they didn't have them.
So I just feel like if I could get her a paper master pattern that fit her... heck i could even just make her dresses if *I* had the pattern. It would be easier and more efficient. I could do the basic construction and then turn over the pockets and embellishments to her, which is what she does anyway. So that's my goal there, and we'll see if I can reach it.
Anyway. If only I didn't have to work at all and could just sew all the time. I am not the first person to say this, LOL.
I have a lot of irons in the fire but at the moment am trapped under a cat so those irons are not going anywhere.
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twistmusings · 1 year
If requests are open, could i maybe request the third years with an s/o who teasingly and playfully avoids thier kisses and hugs (or just affection in general)?
Btw i dont mind at all waiting a while, you take as much time as needed 💖
How do the third years react to a partner who avoids their affection to tease them?
CW: Angst (Cater, relatively mild), talk of consent and boundaries (Leona, Vil), not all of them react well.
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Trey Clover
Trey is generally pretty good natured about teasing so he handles it pretty well. There might be a very brief moment of panic where he thinks that he has crossed their boundaries at first, but once he realizes they're just playing with them everything is kosher.
He will tease back, for sure. He's the sort of person who will play into their hand when they playfully refuse his affections. A "if you don't want me to hug or kiss you, then there's no more hugs and kisses for you" sort of deal, which he will keep up until one of them cracks.
Trey also fights dirty. He will absolutely without sweets and other baked treats from them if they refuse his affections. He was going to give them a little kiss on the forehead and let them know that the pastries were done, but if they don't want to know then they simply won't know, will they?
Cater Diamond
Cater feels very differently about it outwardly versus inwardly. Outwardly, he will simply pout if they deny him. Especially if they deny affection multiple times in a row. Physical touch is his number one love language so even if it is a joke to them, it's not one he really finds all that funny.
In his mind, even if he's not always capable of being the typical chipper Cater around them, he feels like he can at least convey that he likes them and is thinking about them with a quick kiss or hug. Conversely, given how much he likes physical affection as well, it still feels like a rejection.
The problem with that is that Cater isn't going to tell them that. He's a very tough egg to crack when it comes to his innermost thoughts and feelings, which means he tends to not communicate his own needs and feelings particularly well. He's not used to having long-term, stable relationships in his life, and there's a very large learning curve for him. It will probably take him a long, long while before he would open up to them about that by himself.
Leona Kingscholar
Leona takes consent very seriously, so joke or not, if they refuse to kiss him or to hug him, that's the end of the story. He won't try again without explicitly asking.
He's not really frustrated by it-- in fact he's really doesn't react at all. A 'no' is a 'no' even if it's not verbal, so even if it's just them moving away from him or giving him any sign that they don't want to be kissed or hugged, he's going to respect that.
Now, while they might be doing it playfully, he still doesn't play along with the game. Honestly, he might not even realize they're playing a game with him unless they tell him simply because of how fast he is to drop the matter without asking questions.
Rook Hunt
Rook is probably mildly annoyed by it, but wouldn't want them to know that.
So long as they would be okay with it, he would more than likely start a game of his own in response. If they're going to turn their head away from his kisses and affection, he will simply make his kisses less predictable. They can't dodge something if they don't see it coming.
Vil Schoenheit
Vil is... less than amused. He's not mad, perse, but he is a bit frustrated that they would dodge his kisses when he's just trying to express affection for them if they're not genuinely upset.
It's not that he doesn't know how to have fun with his relationship, but he really dislikes this particular game. Similarly to how I described it in Cater's part, it's still a rejection. Vil might not take it to heart quite so much, and he will be quite vocal about not liking it.
It's simple: even if they are playing, he's going to take them turning away seriously. He doesn't like the idea of them trying to make saying "no" a form of play because he needs to know there's no room for there to be grey area there.
Idia Shroud
Idia's heart drops whenever it happens. It's not a great feeling because his brain automatically connects them trying to pull away from him with them being upset with him.
Once he realizes they're just playing around, he gets... well, kind of grumpy about it. He's not great at handling emotions regarding romance, and the fact that his anxiety spiked over nothing puts him into a bad mood.
Needless to say, he's not really a big fan of them doing it. It doesn't stop being jarring or upsetting for him.
Malleus Draconia
Malleus pouts, for sure, but he does know it's a joke. It doesn't quite stop his mood from getting a little stormy when they give him a hard time when he's trying to simp be affectionate.
Not one to be beaten, though, Malleus will find his own way of getting back at them. Fae are tricksters by nature, so he's no stranger to playing pranks. He will likely either a) start pulling away from their kisses as well until they apologize or start asking him to kiss them again or b) simply start phasing away from them when they lean in to touch him. He has an advantage, after all, he can teleport.
He eventually warms up to it a bit, but only after he feels fully satisfied that he can dish it out just as well as he can take it.
Lilia Vanrouge
Lilia recognizes their game immediately after they do it the first time. He shrugs it off in the moment, but don't underestimate him, he's just taking his time to step back and consider his options.
If you open the door to playing around to Lilia, he will take the chance to play... in fact he will slam the door wide open, and it can be very hard to close it considering Lilia is a proud man and a fae with a reputation to uphold as being head mischievous lad in charge.
He definitely leverages his ability to float and tip upside down to his advantage. When they deny him a kiss, he lets it drop for a while before he drops down upside down from a doorway and plants a kiss on their forehead.
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