#villain/villain prompt
ilovecherries2 · 2 years
prompt 11
A: "What are you doing here? Come to kidnap me? You're annoying."
B:"Apparently you give the best hugs."
A:"Huh? Oh, yeah, why?" [and then:] "Wait, do you want one?"
[B embarrassed] "No."
[A hugs them anyway]
Either A or B could be the villain or hero.
Maybe A is supposedly the villain but it turns out they are the "good guy"?
What if they are both villains?
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nerdpoe · 21 days
Tim Drake, as Robin, allowed himself to get captured by Art Thieves to find out where they were hawking their goods. He was not expecting to be sold as one of the items, or for roughly half of the villains in attendance to his auction to lose their fucking minds at the sight of him.
Turned out, they had a soft spot for him because of how often he saved their asses back when Bruce was going off the deep end.
So when they saw Robin, tied up and beat up and being auctioned off like a thing to a room full of people who were more likely to keep the kid as some sort of fucked up pet, they lost it.
The building is destroyed. Priceless art ground into the dirt with nary a care. Catwoman herself ripped a priceless, thought to be lost Van Gogh for the sake of stabbing one of the auctioneers in the leg with the frame they had it in.
By the time Batman arrives, Robin is actively trying to talk everyone down from killing the thieves. Trying.
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dclovesdanny · 24 days
DcxDp prompts
Danny Fenton, a new student at Gotham University, is 100% going to be a villain. Everyone knows it. The teachers, the students, even the dean knew that Fenton was destined to become a terrifying rogue. They all also were going to delay it as much as possible.
No one ever picked on Fenton, and any bullied kid quickly learned to flock to him, and he’d protect them. The teachers and RAs learned to turn a blind eye to the explosions from the student labs, and anytime Fenton had trouble in class, his friends quickly helped him understand so he wouldn’t get upset.(teachers debated on just marking everything correct, but they didn’t know if that would offend him more)
Everyone knew Fenton was a tragedy away from becoming the next Gotham Rogue, and given how he managed to build a rocket launcher for paint ball with half an hour, no one wanted to know what he would do with real anger behind him.
Danny loved his new school! Everyone was really nice to him. His friends were always willing to help him when he needed it, and always hyped him up. The teachers were always nice to him, and no one bothered him when he was inventing. The best part was no one bullied him! He loved Gotham.
His only concern was why his classmates got so pale when he talked about the local villains.
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charlietheepicwriter7 · 3 months
Danny: If you took all your DNA, straightened it out, and put it end to end, it would stretch to Jupiter and back ten times over. You are neither small nor insignificant; just very well folded Damian: He’s a fool, but this makes me feel better, so i tolerate the fool.
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ghostbsuter · 1 month
Very much inspired by this !!
Phantasm crashed into the side of a building, the rest of his team- the TeenTitans- stayed back. They were otherwise occupied, with the rest of the H.I.V.E. five attacking them.
They'd gotten a new member, one with a similar, nearly identical power set of their own new member.
Phantasm and Phantom, two mirror look alikes, they went absolutely feral whenever one was in sight. It was driving Robin mad, Beast Boy had joked about cloning but after they started to actually consider that option.
"Well, well, well." Phantom mocks, glowing green to Phantasm's red.
"Shut. The fuck. Up." Phantasm charges again, throwing the other into windows with a growl.
They kept bickering, hitting and injuring each other, until—
"Stop being so annoying!" Phantasm shouts, baring his fangs. Phantom, in return, stuck his tongue out.
"You're just jealous I got the Villain role!!"
At this point, their respective teams had called a draw and watched them fighting.
"You're a lousy villain!"
"I'm having the time of my life beating the shit out of you actually."
"I'm calling jazz."
At that, Phantom starts glaring. "I thought we agreed on not bringing this up to our sister?"
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stars-obsession-pit · 15 days
It turns out that if Danny switches from his ghost form to his human form while holding onto another ghost, he can bring them along for the transformation, forcing them into a physical form.
For some ghosts, this is horrible. But for others, though, it’s a prize of immeasurable valuable. And unfortunately for Danny, word spreads quickly throughout the Ghost Zone of this ability.
And thus begins the illustrious adventure of Danny the necromancer.
…running away from the restless dead that are trying to force him to revive them.
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greenglowinspooks · 7 months
The way that I’m brainrotting over a DCxDP crossover with a Danny who’s a vengeful villain rn
Like, let’s just say that the GiW finally get into contact with the JL. They need help neutralizing a threat, you see, and they’re on their last limb trying to keep civilians safe.
They have video evidence! They have studies to back their claims! The JL have to help them!
Unfortunately, the JL believe them. They join a fight against Danny, and defeat him due to being far more experienced than he is. Danny is locked away and experimented on by the GiW.
That would CHANGE a person. Your heroes turning against you and seeing you as a monster, being experimented on for who knows how long, not knowing if your friends and family are safe.
Danny gets out due to a simple mistake on the GiW’s part; having Blüdhaven as part of their transport route.
Of course the trucks were attacked, they’re government property!
So now, whoever decided to raid the government transport trucks (the Penguin or something) has a ton of experimental weapons with no idea how they work, and a heavily traumatized teenager.
Danny knows how they work. Danny can be useful! They won’t throw him out if he’s useful! And so, now Danny is working for the Penguin, altering the ectoplasm weapons to make them work on humans.
It’s a good deal for both parties. Danny gets to neurotically imprint on the Penguin like a small baby animal, and the Penguin gets a brilliant mind who will stop at nothing to achieve his goals.
But eventually, Danny finds out what happened to his family in his absence.
Jazz is in Arkham. Not as a psychologist, but as a “patient.” Apparently, she snapped and completely destroyed the house, leveled a few blocks of Amity Park, and conducted organized attacks on government bases (mostly GiW) for months.
Sam and Tucker helped her, eventually splitting once Jazz was captured. Sam travels to areas of extreme pollution, completely overgrowing them with her plant powers. Currently she’s in the Amazon rainforest, engaging in an ongoing feud with logging companies. Sam is winning.
Tucker faked his death, and Danny has no idea where he is. He only knows that the death wasn’t real because of a code that the three of them made together, just in case.
Ellie’s trapped in the Infinite Realms. Danny had a failsafe in place so that if she was ever cornered by the GiW, she would be sent to her haunt in the GZ. However, with the portal destroyed, she can’t come back. Danny just hopes she’s okay.
His parents are now top GiW scientists. They’re traveling the country giving speeches. They’re working on a battery powered by ectoplasm, but apparently started “having difficulties” around the same time that Danny escaped.
None of it is fair. None of it is right.
The Justice League destroyed his life, the lives of his friends, and they’re doing as good as ever. The GiW is respected, and his parents are happily working away for them.
Danny takes up some of his more experimental weapons and breaks Jazz out of Arkham. She’s a little different now, colder and more quiet, but she still loves him all the same. It’s an unimaginable comfort to him to see his sister again.
He can’t use his powers anymore. He’s so used to associating them with pain that even transforming into his ghost form is enough to take him down for hours.
However, he understands ectoplasm more than anyone else in the world. He knows how to use it in virtually everything; how it can become a weapon, how it can be used as a supplemental ingredient in poisons and nerve agents, how it can twist and distort the mind if applied correctly.
He doesn’t care what happens to him. He’s going to take down the GiW, and destroy the lives of the JL members who helped lock him away, just as they did to him.
No matter the cost.
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zylev-blog · 1 month
Villain Fenton au 3
Danny is the son of the two biggest supervillains in the world. He has weekly get togethers with the legion of doom, and those villains came to every single one of his birthday parties growing up.
Needless to say, Danny has no friends his own age. To remedy this, he creates a persona: James Nightingale: normal high schooler.
Now, his parents and extended villain family all know this. How could they not? He learned all his tricks from them, after all. But they let him have his fun. After all, every villain needed a secret identity.
But now Danny has a new problem. He’s pretty sure that Lex’s clone son, Kon-El, has a secret identity and goes to his school. He can’t prove it, but he’s positive that the teen boy is the same. Conner Kent is an oddity, but he speaks with the same tone of voice as Lex, and has his smile and eye color. But he has those dorky glasses that Danny’s pretty sure he doesn’t need.
Danny’s first goal to being a normal teenager is to befriend Conner Kent.
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creweemmaeec11 · 1 month
Reverse Tropes
Soulmates - Your soulmate is destined to be your greatest rival in life.
Amnesia - Instead of losing memories, they start getting memories that aren't theirs.
Forced Marriage - Forced Divorce.
Captured Prince - They think they've captured the prince of the opposing kingdom, but they've actually just captured a normal, random civilian.
Chosen one Prophesy - There is a prophecy about *someone* saving the world, but it doesn't actually say who...
Born with Special Marks - It's actually a mark that tells a person what they *won't* be good at.
True Loves Kiss - True Hates Kiss, good luck convincing someone who truly hates you to kiss you.
Love at First Sight - Hate at First Sight.
Rags to Riches - Riches to Rags
Found Family - You need to find your actual, related family.
Misunderstood Villain - Misunderstood hero. They are trying to be evil, why does everyone like them!?
It Was All a Dream - They thought it was a dream, but it turned out to all be real.
Secret Identity - The secret Identity is the one everyone knows, somehow, everyone has forgotten your normal identity...
Villain Defeated by Friendship - Villain defeated by hatred.
Bad Boy & Good Girl - Good boy and bad girl.
Stalking/Obsessive Love - Avoiding the person they like to try and ignore their feelings.
Monster x Hunter - Hunter x Hunter, both thinking the other is a monster, or Monster x Monster, both thinking the other is a hunter.
Hero Gets Framed - The wrong villain gets framed.
Yandere - but it's two going after each other.
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puppetmaster13u · 2 months
Prompt in Memes 5
Once more, have a prompt entirely in memes because I'm too lazy to properly write one right now lol.
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When Danny enters the Fenton portal for the very first time, he still trips and shocks himself but at the same time damages the inside of the portal enough that it can’t sustain itself past the point of changing Danny’s molecules.
The electricity and damage done to both Danny and the portal isn’t something Danny, Sam, and Tucker can cover up and his parents find out immediately. They’re more concerned about their son then the portal (they have the blueprints for the portal and can rebuild it later but can’t replace their son if something happened to him) and go through a lot of things emotions regarding the existence of ghost human hybrids.
Danny’s new biology could easily be passed as meta human traits. Unfortunately President Lex Luther had just recently passed laws against meta humans. Meaning they can’t risk people find out about Danny’s new powers, at all. The Fentons decide that Danny should live with one of Maddie or Jacks relatives off grid until he can control his new abilities better.
luckily Jacks sister, Martha, and her husband have experience with a super powered child and after their son moved to the city could probably use a hand on their farm. All Jack needed to do was call.
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nerdpoe · 2 months
Danny, due to his biology of being half dead, can eat very questionable things and not die. He decides to start a youtube channel with this.
He buys obvious shitty supplements online, clear and obvious scams, and takes them as directed for a month.
Then he reports what they did to him, and sends the samples to get tested. He's gotten more than a few scammers arrested by providing solid evidence that they used hazardous materials to make their product.
He gets away with this by claiming to have the power of abnormal metabolism, or an "iron stomach", so toxins aren't as likely to hurt him.
One of his viewers sends him an unmarked bottle of pills, saying that if he doesn't take the entire bottle on a livestream, they'll blow up a city.
Danny does his livestream, and goes out of his way to use the entire bottle of pills in extravagant recipes. By the end of it he's created a five course meal, all with the pills cooked/melted in, and it's become a mukbang.
The villain who sent it is watching the livestream pissed off, because they didn't specify how to take the pills, so this technically counts. The heroes they have trapped are losing their minds with concern.
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dclovesdanny · 22 days
DcxDp prompt
Danny is an inventor for hire for supervillains.
Let’s back up.
Danny needed a job that allowed anonymity (you decide if bad reveal or GIW being little shits). He had just moved out from Mom, and was doing his best to avoid asking his parents for help.
Then he remembered that his parents had talked about how back in college, they had their inventions whenever they were in tight spots financially. So he gets to work.
Tucker help him with the online aspect of cloaking actually, and after a while, he has a steady business building more and more devices. He doesn’t know who his customers are, but he doesn’t really care at the minute. He’s having fun inventing! Not really paying attention to things like eating, or sleeping, or who’s getting him the money.
Batman has been trying to figure out why almost all leaks super villains have been much more destructive weapons the only one who isn’t getting any new weapons is the Joker, who is getting increasingly upset.(When Tucker created the program, he made sure that the Joker would be blocked.)
He asked Jason to try and find out how everyone’s getting more powerful weapons.
Jason finally managed to track the inventor down, and is surprised to find a malnourished, more feral version of Tim slumped over workbench, working on a new version of Mr. Freeze’s gun.
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It was easy to lure the newest Titan away from the rest, back the boy into a corner. He was the weakest link, the newest hero, the easiest to manipulate-
Then, the ghost child transformed, glowing rings passing over his body to reveal a familiar black-haired boy. "Uncle Slade, what the fuck are you doing?"
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ghostbsuter · 7 months
"Mr. Fenton, please explain to me again, why are you here?"
Danny leans forward with keen eyes, downright murderous. "My godfather who owns VladCo. Hates Wayne enterprise and hopes to surpass them in this years competition, so I took it upon myself to make sure you're winning, Mr. Wayne."
Mr. Wayne massages his forehead with a sigh.
"What are your motivations?"
"To see that man realise I helped bring his doom, to know that I am the reason he's going down. Maybe some tears too?"
(This was, of course, only after the proper interview where Danny had revealed his connection to VladCo.)
(Bruce was going to hire the boy anyway, but now? Now he will make sure danny doesn't turn into a villain either.)
(If danny saw Mr. Wayne put his file into the 'suspect villain' folder from the reflection of the glass behind him. He simply shrugs and deals with it later. Really, he should have expected that.)
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