#victor vale x you
a-great-tragedy · 8 days
Listen, you can’t be partners in crime and also be just “Best Friends”cause there is nothing more gay then planning murder
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clockworkbee · 10 months
No thoughts, head empty, just Victor “honey, I rose up from the dead, I do it all the time” Vale on my mind.
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macaulaytwins · 2 years
diversity win! your best friend turned arch nemesis who wants to kill you but is also the only person in the world who has ever seen you is asexual!
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fluentmoviequoter · 7 months
Pairing: Victor Vale x reader
Summary: Eli finds an EO that can travel into people's dreams and decides to pay you, the one person Victor Vale cares about, a visit.
Word Count: 5.3k+ words (I'm on a roll with long fics that no one is reading lol)
Warnings: spoilers for Vicious by V.E. Schwab, canon-typical violence, description of fights and injuries, Eli touches the reader w/o consent (not sexually), angst, fluff, time skips, Victor calls reader 'sweetheart.' There are two points that I left open-ended if anyone is interested in another part. I think that's all!
A/N: Here is my first Victor Vale x reader fic! He is likely OOC, but I would like to keep writing for him and try to capture his character better if anyone has any requests! Please let me know what you think!!
Masterlist Directory | Victor Vale Masterlist | Request Info (OPEN)
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Yesterday Morning - Merit
“No, no, no! Stop. Please. Don’t shoot me; I’ll do whatever you want,” the EO begged, a gun pointed at his forehead. “I can do something. Tell me what to do and I’ll do it.”
Eli inhales deeply, dropping the gun to point to his chest. “Fine. What can you do? Twenty seconds or less.”
“I can travel to dreams,” he rushes out. “Like, if you fall asleep and have a dream I can come into your dream and do stuff.”
“How would that help me?” Eli growls, raising the gun to his neck. 
“What I do in the dream affects the dreamer.”
“Meaning if I say something, hurt someone… kill someone, it really happens. They remember, they have the wound, they don’t wake up.”
Eli weighs his options as the gun stays steady on the shaking EO. 
“And I think I could take someone into the dreams with me.”
Eli smiles and drops the gun to his side. “Now that is promising. You’ll do anything, you said? Excellent.”
10 Years Ago - Lockland
Victor Vale doesn’t have friends. He does have you, though. Every Tuesday, you meet in the library and spend the afternoon together, when you can, you get lunch together, and despite his determination not to, he cares about you. 
“You’re leaving again?” Eli asks as Victor heads toward the door. 
“Yep, that’s the joy of a standing date, Eli,” Victor explains sarcastically, “it’s always standing.”
“Where are you going?”
“To get dinner. Why?”
“I’m hungry.”
Victor stops with his hand on the doorknob, sighing as he invites Eli to come with him. He knows he’ll regret it, but it’s too late. 
“Hey, Vic!” you greet, standing from your seat to hug him before he sits down. 
Victor hugs you a little tighter than usual but pulls back quickly. “This is my roommate, Eli,” he introduced you.
Victor clearly doesn’t want to share one of you, and you assume he’s likely closer to his roommate than you. Eli extends his hand to shake yours, and when he raises your hand to kiss your knuckles, you have an overwhelming urge to run as far as you can from Eli. 
“Nice to meet you,” you say, awkwardly smiling as you pull your hand back. 
“So, how do you two know each other?” Eli asks, sitting beside you in Victor’s usual spot. 
Victor sighs and sits across from you, ignorant of Eli’s hand resting too comfortably on your thigh. You squirm in your seat, trying to make room between you, but Eli stays too close. 
“We just crossed paths one day,” you answer with a shrug. 
You glance toward Eli and suppress a shiver at the look in his eyes. It’s like there’s nothing behind them, like his attitude and humanity are part of a mask covering a monster underneath. His hand moves on your thigh, and you can no longer resist the original urge to never see Eli Cardale again. 
“I just remembered that I have a test tomorrow and I need to go study. I’m gonna go,” you say, standing from your seat. 
“Good luck. See you around,” Eli responds, his practiced smile nearly blinding you. 
“Maybe,” you whisper as you walk behind Victor, heading quickly toward the door. 
“I’ll walk you out,” Victor says as he stands and walks to your side. Once Eli is out of earshot, he asks, “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” you say, trying to convince yourself as well as Victor. 
“Sorry about him. We still on for Tuesday?”
“Always. Don’t bring Eli, though?”
“Didn’t want to today. See you then.”
Last Night - Esquire Hotel
The hotel room has been quiet since Victor and Mitch left. Staring at the ceiling, you embrace the silence and avoid falling asleep.
“What did you do while Victor was in prison?” Sydney asks quietly from the neighboring bed. 
“I just lived a normal life,” you answer. “Finished my degree, got a job. I stayed in touch with him though; we wrote letters after he got out of solitary.”
“When did you join him and Mitch, then?”
“I knew he was going to break out. Happened to be in the neighborhood at the time and fought my way back into his life. It was easier than I thought it would be.”
Sydney took a few quiet breaths before asking, “Do you love him?”
You smile at the ceiling as you confess, “Yeah, I do, Sydney. I know we’ll never be more, but I love him regardless.”
“I think he loves you too,” Sydney whispers before falling asleep. 
You hope she’s right, although you’re content to have Victor anyway you can, as long as you have him. When Sydney’s breaths even out and grow quiet, you slip out of the bed and walk to the couch in the living area. 
You haven’t told anyone that you’re not sleeping. When the nightmares started, sleep seemed like a privilege rather than a necessity. No one knows about the repetitive dreams where Eli kills you. The nightmare has been the same for weeks, but every night you have it, it gets harder to wake up. Looking out the window, you wonder where Victor is and if he’s okay. 
“You okay?” Mitch asks as he walks inside, followed by a silent Victor. 
“Yeah. Everything go well?” You ask, turning toward them on the couch. 
“As well as it could. Goodnight.” Mitch walks down the hall, and your eyes meet Victor’s. 
“What’s going on?” Victor asks as he sits beside you, his arm resting across your shoulders as you lean into his side. 
“Nothing,” you lie. “Just couldn’t sleep not knowing if you’re safe.”
“Thanks for staying with Sydney.”
“It’s not a problem. She’s great.”
Victor grumbles like he doesn’t quite agree with you, and smiles as you elbow him. 
“Go get some sleep,” he whispers before standing. “Goodnight, sweetheart.”
“Goodnight, Vic,” you respond, your heart racing at the pet name, no matter how many times he has used it. 
As Victor disappears down the hallway, it begins to rain, and the fight against sleep becomes impossible to win. 
Last Night - Merit
“Distance doesn’t matter?” Eli confirms. “Perfect. Because I don’t know where she is.”
“But you know who she is, right? Her name?”
“Of course I know her name. I have a feeling I know who she’s with, too.”
“Okay. Then let’s try this. What’s her name? And, any chance you have an idea what she’d be dreaming about?”
Eli smirks as he says your name. “And if I had to bet, she’s dreaming of Victor Vale.”
One Week Ago - Outside Merit
You haven’t slept in three days. The nightmares have become more violent, and waking up gets more difficult every time you close your eyes. Eli not only kills you, but now he hurts you first and threatens the people closest to you. Victor is always the first to be mentioned. You know it’s just a nightmare and more than that, you know you should tell someone. But Victor is too focused, Sydney would get far too upset, and Mitch would tell Victor, so you’re keeping it to yourself. Someone will die before you tell Victor: Eli or you.
Last Night - Merit
“It depends,” the EO answers slowly. “If she has a very good memory of what he looks like, yeah. But if not…”
“She knows what he looks like. We’ll be lucky if she’s not dreaming about him now,” Eli assures.
“So, you want to go in first. Then you want me to come in, disguised as her memories of…”
“Victor Vale, yes.”
“Say someone will stop you when you’re ready for me,” the EO says before gripping Eli’s shoulder and causing everything to grow dark.
“You got it,” Eli answers.
Eli blinks and suddenly finds himself in a dark room, a body strapped to an exam table as the person fights against the restraints. He gets close enough to see who it is and smiles, glad he decided not to kill this EO.
“If it isn’t Victor’s little friend,” he taunts as he walks further into the room.
You try to move away from him, but the straps hold your ankles and wrists firmly. Eli steps to the table, looming over you.
“I never understood why you went for Victor. I mean, I was right there.” You flinch as he rips a piece of tape from your mouth and demands, “Let’s hear it, what made Victor better than me?”
“For one he’s not a psychopathic serial killer with a god-complex,” you snap at him.
“Shh.” He brushes your hair out of your face as he shushes you and says, “Those rumors are so hurtful.”
“Rumors?! You tried to kill-”
His grip falls to your neck as you try to move again. “Silly,” he breathes lowly, “you can’t leave me this time.”
His hand leaves your neck as he runs his fingertips across your face, then down your shoulders and arms. He stops at your wrists and traces the straps holding you.
“I always thought you’d be able to come to your senses and see that I’m better. See that you should be with me. Victor is incapable of love; you’ll never get back what you’re giving him.”
“And you are capable of love? You’re crazy, Eli,” you counter.
“I am capable of more than you know,” he answers darkly. He looks at the wall and smiles as he looks back into your eyes to ask, “What do you think your friends would think if they saw us together?”
“I hope they’d kill us both,” you mumble.
“That can be arranged. Care to take us somewhere new?” Eli asks, smiling as the setting changes.
“You didn’t kill him,” you say. “You’re using him.”
“Oh, I planned to kill him,” Eli promises, faux sadness on his face. “But he made a counter-offer I couldn’t refuse.”
“What’s his power?”
“I’ll take this as confirmation Victor figured out my deal with the Merit Police Department.”
He looks to the side, and you turn your head to follow, gasping as you see Sydney asleep in the bed beside you. You don’t feel awake, but if he’s actually in your dream, he may be in hers too. To protect Sydney and Victor, you may have to play along with Eli’s delusions.
“Hey, I’m right here,” Eli says, framing your face with his hands as he directs your eyes back to his. “Your friends deserve to meet the guy worthy of your time, right? Then let’s give them a show,” he says as he traces his thumb over your lips.
He pushes you down against the bed and sits atop your thighs so you can’t get up. His hands hold your shoulders down as he smiles at you.
“I’ve dreamed of being with you since we met,” he admits.
“And killing me?”
He cocks his head and nods as he says, “That too. Anyone who can get close to Victor Vale has got to be a monster. I’m helping you, baby.”
“And who made it your job to kill monsters?”
Eli pulls a knife from his pocket, twirling it before pushing your shoulder down again, the blade flat between your skin and his.
“I’m going to make sure everyone knows that you are mine,” he growls, moving the knife off your shoulder. “Where should we start carving?”
You see Sydney move in your peripheral vision and hope she doesn’t wake up or join this dream. The knife is in the palm of your hand as you look back at Eli.
“Let everything you touch know whose you are,” Eli calls as he carves something into your palm. 
You bite your tongue to stop yourself from yelling. Eli’s knife drags up your arm, tiny dots of blood rising to the surface as he goes. As he moves it across your collarbones, he applies more pressure, leaving a long streak of blood.
“Maybe one above your heart?” he asks, balancing the tip of his knife against your shirt, directly over your heart. “Actually, we’ll save that for last.”
He moves the knife over the length of your torso, watching the blade rather than you.
“Eli,” you say through the pain.
“Yes, baby?” he responds, giving you his full attention. He drops the knife onto the bed beside you as he looks at your face.
“Can you take me someplace else? Where there’s no evidence of Victor?” you ask, trying to play into his delusion to get him away from Sydney and Victor.
“Where?” he asks, tilting his head.
“What about Lockland, where we met?”
“Where you met Victor?” he asks, his eyes darkening.
“No, no, I want to go back to where I met you.”
“Victor was there that day.”
“Then let’s find a place to make our own,” you say.
Eli leans forward, kissing you roughly as you cross your fingers that no one walks in. You kiss him back, trying to distract him as you move one leg out from underneath him. As he pulls back, he bites your lip harshly, adding to the amount of blood on your body.
“We’re not going to Lockland. We can find another place to be ours,” he says, swiping his thumb across your bloody lip.
He looks up suddenly, seemingly noticing that you are not alone in the room. “Clever girl,” he says, smirking down at you. “We’re not leaving now.”
Eli raises the knife and plunges it into your side. You yelp as it punctures your skin, then bite your tongue. Tears leak from your eyes, but you remain silent as you watch Sydney roll over. 
“Go back to sleep, Syd,” you beg, whispering under your breath.
“You’re much prettier when you’re bloody,” Eli praises as he traces your face with his finger.
“You won’t get away with this, Eli.”
“You mean I won’t get away with killing you either?” Eli asks, playing dumb. “Who will stop me?”
“You know who.”
“Me?” Victor asks as he pushes the door open and walks in.
“Vic,” you sigh, relieved that this nightmare is finally ending.
Victor approaches the bed and looks at you over Eli’s shoulder. “What did you do?” he asks.
“Made her prettier,” Eli answers with a shrug.
Eli holds your shoulders down as he stands. When you remain still, watching Victor, Eli releases his grip on you and steps back. Victor leans over and looks into your eyes.
“Thank you,” you whisper.
“No problem. You are missing a few things, though. Eli was never as thorough as he should have been.”
“Victor? What are you doing?”
He picks up the knife and holds your shoulder, just as Eli had, before saying, “Finishing the art.”
“Victor, please,” you beg, tears streaming down your face.
“You’re pretty when you cry.”
“Please don’t do this.”
Victor doesn’t respond before the knife presses into your thigh, and you scream.
Last Night - Esquire Hotel
“Please wake up!” Sydney yells, shaking you, her current roommate and best friend.
She takes a few steps back, breathing heavily, and turns on the lamp. As the light turns on, Sydney notices blood on the sheets and starts to panic. The only time she’s woken Victor up, she was met with pain, but that doesn’t matter now. She runs to Victor’s room, crying as she enters.
“Victor,” she calls as she steps inside.
He sits up quickly, his pale brows furrowing as he sees Sydney breathing shallowly and crying. He jumps out of the bed and rushes to stand in front of her, holding her shoulders as he bends over to look into her eyes.
“What happened?” he asks.
“She- she-” Sydney stutters, unsure what to say. She’s covered in blood and not waking up? She looks… gone?
Victor immediately knows who Sydney is referring to: you. 
“Wake up Mitch,” Victor demands as he walks into the hallway. “And stay with him!”
Victor rushes into the bedroom you are sharing with Sydney, the blood immediately catching his attention. He gently pulls the blanket and the sheets down, noticing the number of wounds littering your body: your side, your leg, across your collarbones, and down one arm. As he checks the wounds, more begin to appear.
“Sweetheart, you have to wake up for me,” he says gently, raising a hand to your neck to check your pulse. Your heart rate is elevated but steady. When he feels you move under his hand, he whispers, “C’mon, wake up. Come back to me.”
Footsteps sound as someone walks down the hall, and Victor turns to see Mitch standing in the doorway, with Sydney peeking out from behind him. No new wounds were appearing, which could be good or bad, but Victor was more concerned with waking you up and stopping the bleeding.
“Get her out of here, Mitch,” Victor says as he looks back to you.
Mitch ushers Sydney back into the hallway, holding her as she cries.
“Sweetheart, don’t do this to me,” Victor whispers, fighting his own tears.
You move, and Victor’s head jerks to look at your face.
Last Night - Merit
“That was… exhilarating!” Eli cheers before collapsing on the couch, not even looking at the EO’s still body.
“Are you going to do something about him?” Serena asks, gesturing to the unconscious man in the chair across from her.
“As soon as he comes back,” Eli answers, pulling his gun from his pocket and laying it on the table.
“How’d it go?”
“Excellent. Should’ve seen her face when ‘Vic’ walked in.”
“Is he going to kill her?”
“Absolutely not. She needs to be there to watch Victor’s reckoning,” Eli answers.
The EO gasps as his eyes open, raising a hand to his racing heart as he says, “She fought me. She kicked me out of her mind because she knew I wasn’t him.” He looks at Eli and asks, “What didn’t you tell me?”
Serena flinches as the gun discharges the bullet, effectively silencing the rambling EO. Eli stares at the bloody wall behind him.
“I don’t know. Maybe our dear Victor Vale did his own experiments on her,” Eli finally answers.
“Or there’s more to her relationship with him and this guy messed up, so she knew it wasn’t real,” Serena offers. Eli rolls his eyes, and Serena demands, “Think about it.”
Last Night - Esquire Hotel
“It’s okay,” Victor soothes, pushing your hair out of your face, “we’re done for now.”
“Why are you doing this?” you ask through your tears.
“Because we have to, baby.”
Victor would never call you baby, and as you look at him, you realize you’re still asleep. You begin fighting to wake up, forcing yourself to open your eyes. The room around you grows darker and then disappears.
You blink, and you’re back in the room at the Esquire Hotel. Victor is kneeling beside the bed, staring at you, and Sydney’s bed is empty. You hear sobbing echoing in the hallway but don’t take your eyes off Victor as you move backward, away from Victor, tensing in pain.
“Are you okay?” he asks.
“Please,” you beg, allowing your eyes to close.
“Sweetheart,” Victor whispers.
You open your eyes and find his, noticing the tears on his waterline as he lays his hand on your bed, palm up.
“Vic?” you ask, unsure and uneasy.
“Yeah, I’m right here, sweetheart.”
You lunge forward, off the bed, and wrap your arms around his neck. You don’t care that you’re getting blood all over him, and he doesn’t seem to either as he wraps his arms around you and leans back.
“We need to stop the bleeding,” he says quietly in your ear as he brushes your hair back.
“Just one more minute?” you ask into his shoulder.
He nods against you and looks toward the door before dropping his forehead to your shoulder. It doesn’t seem like much time passes before he sits up and gently pushes you back.
“Can you sit back so I can look at you?” he asks gently, keeping a hand on the uninjured side of your waist as you lean back against the bed.
“Where’s Sydney?” you ask as he lifts your shirt to see the knife wound.
“In the other room with Mitch.”
“Is she upset?”
“Yeah. She came and got me.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize. Other than the obvious pain you’re in, are you okay?” Victor asks.
“You’re numbing the pain,” you tell him with a small smile. “I’m as okay as I can be.”
You tell him about the dreams as he cleans and bandages your wounds. When you explain that this one was different and that a version of him was there, he clenches his jaw and stops touching you. 
“You’re the reason I woke up, Vic. Thanks for always calling me sweetheart,” you say, running your fingertips along his forearms, showing him you’re not scared of him.
As Victor helps you stand after finishing the last bandage, Sydney rushes into the room and hugs you, mindful of your injuries. While you assure her that you are okay, your hand begins to throb despite Victor’s numbing. You shake the hand and try to ignore the sensation, but you keep thinking about the feeling of Eli’s blade. When Mitch and Sydney go back to sleep, and Victor is busy improving one of his parents’ books, you peel the bandage back and see that there isn’t a mark on your hand.
Midnight - Falcon Price Project
Detective Stell takes Eli into custody while Victor hides in the shadows, watching. Mitch, Sydney, Dol, and Dominic left to find a safe place to wait before meeting everyone else. Somehow, all of the planning, all of the deaths, and all of the crazy plans worked out, and everyone made it out alive.
On your way to meet at the predetermined point, you pretend to be a distressed passerby and tell the police things about Eli that no random citizen should know. No one seems inclined to question how you learned this information. Serena is gone, and they’re willing to listen. As you answer a question, Eli is escorted past you and smiles when he locks eyes with you.
“You will be mine,” he growls.
Your hand suddenly begins bleeding at the sound of his voice, and you shove it into your pocket, escaping the construction lot and finding Mitch and Sydney. While you wait for Victor, you grip the inner lining of your jacket in a poor attempt to stop the bleeding.
“Everyone alright?” Victor asks as he approaches, the keys to a stolen SUV hanging from his fingers.
“Yeah,” you answer, along with Sydney, Mitch, and Dominic.
“Let’s go, then.”
As you step toward the sidewalk, Victor wraps his hand around your exposed wrist and pulls you into his chest. His arm wraps around your back as he looks down at you and asks, “Are you really okay?”
“I am. Are you?”
“I’m fine. Eli will get what’s coming to him.”
He moves his hand down your arm, freezing when he feels warm liquid pooling in your pocket. Looking into your eyes, he pulls your hand from your pocket.
“When did this happen?” he asks, ripping part of your jacket and wrapping it around your palm.
“It just started bleeding a few minutes ago, when Eli said something to me. But he cut it in the nightmare last night,” you answer.
“Vic, we need to go,” Mitch calls from the driver’s seat.
“Syd, get in the backseat,” Victor says as he helps you into the middle row and sits beside you.
The ride is silent as Mitch drives to a safe house Victor remembers from his time at Lockland. He checked the property records, and it was still abandoned, the perfect place to lay low. When Mitch parks in front of the old house, Victor pulls you out of the car before Mitch turns the ignition off. He finds a bedroom with an en suite and places your hand under the cold water as he digs around in the cabinets for a first aid kit.
“It’s an E, isn’t it?” you ask, looking at Victor. 
He doesn’t answer, wrapping your hand before pulling you into his chest and hugging you again. You cry in his arms before he leads you to the bed and pulls you to sit with him.
“It’s okay, sweetheart,” he says, rubbing your back. “I won’t let him hurt you again. I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t apologize,” you sniffle, looking down at your lap. “He- in the dream he said everything I touch will know I’m his. Then tonight he said I’d be his.”
Victor raises your chin with his finger, looking into your eyes as he says, “You’re not his. You’re not anyone’s. That’s your choice.”
“Thank you. For everything.”
“Vic,” Mitch says, standing in the doorway. “Sorry to interrupt. We’re short a bed.”
“You guys take what we have; we’ll figure something out,” Victor responds.
Mitch nods, and you send him a small smile as he walks out.
“I’ll go sleep on the couch,” you offer, standing up.
Victor doesn’t let you get up, his hands grabbing your waist and pulling you closer to him as he says, “Stay here.”
“You don’t have to.”
“Sweetheart, stay here.”
After - Somewhere Safe
The following morning, you wake up in Victor’s arms, the scent of waffles filling the room.
“Morning,” Victor says behind you.
“Good morning.”
As you exit the room to help Mitch with breakfast, Sydney waits in the hallway.
“Can I talk to you?” she asks quietly.
You nod and follow her down the hall, sitting on the bed in her temporary room as she closes the door.
“What do you want to talk about, Syd?” you ask as she joins you on the bed.
“My nightmares stopped,” she tells you.
“That’s good.”
“Have you- are you okay?”
“I’m fine.” You smile and take one of her hands as you answer. “I was having nightmares too and something really weird happened with that one; Eli was actually in the dream, somehow. But my nightmares are gone now, too.”
“That night when you were dreaming, I tried to wake you up and you weren’t responding. Then I saw the blood and I was so scared,” she rambles, tears building in her eyes.
She hugs you, crying into your shoulder as you hold her, rubbing comforting circles on her back.
“I’m not going anywhere, Syd, I promise.”
You look up and see Victor standing in the hallway. You nod, telling him she’s okay, and he walks away.
“Can you do something with me today? Something normal,” Sydney asks as she pulls back.
“Name it.”
“Make cookies?”
You smile as you say, “Of course.”
Victor and Mitch leave to tie up loose ends, so you spend the afternoon with Sydney. You bake cookies, make hot chocolate, and watch cheesy movies. She seems like a new person at the end of the day, hugging you goodnight and walking down the hall as you finish the dishes.
After you put the last dish away, you walk back to the living room to sleep on the couch. 
You don’t notice Victor standing in the doorway until he asks, “What are you doing?”
You jump, ignoring his smile. You answer, “Sleeping on the couch.”
“No. Let’s go,” Victor says before turning and walking away.
You follow him into the bathroom, sitting on the counter and watching his face as he peels the bandage off your hand. He tells you it looks better before replacing the dressing with a new one. Your eyes stray to your palm while he works, the clear ‘E’ a permanent reminder. You sniff as you suppress a sob, tired of crying and feeling weak.
“Sweetheart?” Victor asks, halting his movements as he looks into your eyes.
“It’s always going to be there, Vic. I can’t get away from him. Since the day I met Eli, he’s been…” you trail off as you remember everything you kept from Vic: Eli’s unwelcome touches, his constant advances, and how scarred you are (inside and out) from the nightmares.
“What did he do?” Victor asks quietly. You shake your head, so Victor raises your hand, half-bandaged, to his lips, gently kissing your knuckles as he says, “You’re not tied to him. You’re better than him, and you’re strong enough to overcome this; all of it.”
“Do you remember that day I met him in the cafeteria?”
“Yeah. You had the good sense to get out of there.”
“He touched me. Sat way too close and put his hand on my leg.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Victor asks, his thumb rubbing circles on the back of your hand.
“I thought he was your friend and didn’t want to ruin that. Every time I saw him after that he asked me out or made an advance of some kind. I didn’t know how to bring it up.”
“I didn’t know. I’m sorry.”
“You couldn’t have known, Vic. It’s fine. I dealt with it the best I could. At least now I know why he did it.”
“Why?” Victor asks, stepping closer as he moves his hand to your waist.
“He thought I was yours. He couldn’t stand the thought of you having something to care about, to care for you. He can’t care about or love anyone, so he didn’t want to either.”
“He thought I cared about you, so he tried to take you for himself to get you away from me? I didn’t know he had that kind of… anything,” Victor repeats before saying something under his breath and squeezing your waist gently.
You look at him with furrowed brows, silently asking what he said.
He sighs before whispering, “He was right.”
“You did care about me?”
“Do care. More than care. You’re the only thing I’ve ever loved.”
You smile at him before leaning forward and kissing him, your hands raising to his jaw as his arms wrap further around your waist, pulling you closer. You pull back to catch your breath, and Victor returns his attention to your hand.
“I can take the physical pain, no problem. But all I can do for the other pain is be here for you.”
You flinch away from him as your hand begins throbbing again. Victor turns the dial in his head, but your face stays pinched in pain. Pulling your hand back, you remove the bandage and look at your hand before looking up at Victor. You slip your wrist and show him the clear skin across your palm.
“I didn’t know you could do that,” you say.
“I can’t. Something else must have happened.”
“The EO?”
“Eli wouldn’t have kept him alive this long.”
You nod as you look back at your hand, curling and uncurling your fingers with no pain. Victor smiles before lifting you from the counter, setting you on your feet, and directing you to the bed. He kisses you once more before you go to sleep.
When you wake up before Victor, you walk out onto the balcony and enjoy the quiet morning, hopefully, the first of many. A warm chest presses against your back, and you lean against him, Victor’s arms circling your waist as he rests his chin on your shoulder.
“Morning, sweetheart,” he greets, kissing your neck.
“Good morning,” you respond, turning in his arms to properly kiss him.
You pull back when the door opens, and someone gasps, your eyes meeting Sydney's as she asks, “When did this happen?!”
“Last night,” Victor grumbles. “Do you mind?”
You lightly slap his arm, and his eyes stay on yours as he apologizes. 
“About time!” Sydney cheers as she walks back inside, Dol following.
Mitch walks by the door and smiles as he agrees with Sydney, looking at you to say, “I told you.”
“Told you what?” Victor asks.
“He said you care about me,” you answer.
“I said you were in love with each other!” Mitch yells from inside.
You smile at Victor as you confirm, “I’ve been in love with you since Lockland.”
“I’ve been in love with you since I laid eyes on you,” Victor responds.
He kisses you again, and you feel complete, even if your situation is viciously weird.
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cherrymf15 · 1 year
My thoughts on Vicious by V.E Schwab which has left me broken and suffering
Don't read if you don't want spoilers. Also, I haven't read Vengeful yet so I'd appreciate no spoilers, please!
Sydney is a bean and I love her even though she's not as innocent as she looks
Mitch, I love you with all my heart and I will buy you all of the chocolate milk that you want
Victor my asexual baby I love you, you sick twisted bitch
Eli my favourite murderer I love you as well, you sick twisted bitch
I started reading fanfic for this book less than 100 pages in
Victor and Eli's relationship and it falling apart fucking killed me
They're so obsessed with each other and it's toxic but I still desperately want them to be together
"Victor Vale was not a fucking sidekick" FUCKING GET IT VICTOR
Them being in the same hotel the entire time took me the fuck out
All the scenarios where they could have just seen each other in the hotel and not been able to do shit cause there were other fucking people
Serena is a bit of a bitch and I kinda hate her more than Eli even though I know Eli is FUCKED UP
The pacing was brilliant, and the fucking worldbuilding was fantastic
Victor and Eli hate each other so much, but to this day no one has known them as well as they knew each other and it kills me that they are now ready to MURDER on fucking sight
They finally found their equal when they met, after years of trauma and looking out for only themselves, and then they both became scared of the vulnerability and weakness of being known that they end up betraying each other
If Victor had just trusted Eli with his life, as Eli had trusted Victor with his none of it would've happened
If Victor had just waited, or not tried to keep up with Eli none of his would have happened
EVERYONE HERE NEEDS THERAPY. The most mentally stable one is fucking Mitch who believes he is cursed
Victor's little found family of strays kills me
LOVE stabbing our totally PLATONIC best friend up against a wall while stabbing him cause that totally doesn't give off any gay vibes
I haven't even gotten to the ending yet but in short the entire thing fucking killed me and I love them and how twisted they are and weak they are for each other but again ready to murder on sight
just the gay vibes people
In conclusion, I am FUCKING DISTRAUGHT at the fact I don't have Vengeful yet. I am broken, in tears and pain and I want to re-read immediately and pick up on things I didn't notice before and just THE VIBES PEOPLE THE VIBES.
I have no one to rant at either which makes the pain worse
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leupagus · 2 months
I firmly believe Stannis is the Westerosi equivalent of the dad who hates cats, doesn't want to get a cat, makes a big deal about not liking the cat, and ends up being the cat's absolute favorite (except instead of a cat it's a huge fuckoff direwolf with boundary issues)
The door to the workroom opened and Ghost bounded inside, snuffling at Stannis's hands. Lady Stark, following behind, narrowed her eyes at him as she closed the door.
"You fed him something recently, didn't you?" she said. Ghost, finding nothing, gave a disapproving huff and flopped down by the fireplace.
He had, but that was besides the point. "What are the Knights of the Vale doing here?"
"Just don't give him chicken, we had a terrible problem with the henhouses when they were puppies," she said absently, and circled round to sit at her chair on the far side of the work table. "I brought them here for you."
Stannis, still standing, paused. "For me?"
"Yes, for you. I can't bend the knee, Your Grace. Not yet. But I'm not entirely useless."
"Of all the adjectives I've thought to describe you with, 'useless' has never been one of them."
She smiled at that and looked down at the papers strewn across the table. "Littlefinger — Lord Baelish," she corrected, "had plans for the North. Marrying my Aunt Lysa and becoming Lord Protector of the Vale wasn't enough for him; he wanted more."
"How much more?" Stannis asked as he took his seat again. He was already well able to guess the answer.
"Everything," she answered, a distant look in her eye that Stannis did not like. "He wanted to marry me off to the Boltons. I think the plan was for you you to come sweeping down from the Wall and either take Winterfell or kill out enough of the Bolton forces to weaken them. At which point Littlefinger could come riding to my rescue with the Knights of the Vale. He'd have a ward at the Vale who looked to him for approval, and a new Lady of Winterfell who'd be grateful to him for saving her from monsters twice over." She nodded at his moue of distaste. "Yes, well, he always did consider me one of his cyvasse pieces, to be moved around the board as needed."
Stannis had avoided Baelish at King's Landing, insofar as he could while both of them served on Robert's Small Council. But he well remembered how Baelish spoke of women, how effortlessly he used them and used them up. What damage had he inflicted on a young, friendless girl while he'd had her in his custody? No wonder Lady Stark had fled from him at the first chance of escape.
If that's what had truly happened. The story from the Riverlands was that Baelish had been killed by his own men, and there was no reason to doubt it — such a treacherous man would have succumbed to treachery sooner or later. But Lady Stark had proven herself capable of surprising things, these past months.
It didn't bear thinking of too closely. He cleared his throat. "The Vale, the North — if Baelish wanted the Iron Throne, he'd have needed more than two kingdoms at his command."
"The Riverlands probably would have been next," said Lady Stark with a frown. She pawed through the papers and pulled out a book. "I've been going through the maester accounts, such as they are, from the time my father left Winterfell until now," she said, flipping through it. "There are gaps, obviously, but Maester Wolkan's been keeping remarkably faithful records. Including copies of every raven scroll." She passed the book over to him, tapping at a particular passage. "This was sent to Roose Bolton from the Twins, only a few days before we began the siege."
"'The Blackfish traitor has stolen Riverrun from us. In the name of fellowship among the new Lord Paramounts and the victors over House Stark, we ask for your aid in catching this damned fish and roasting him on a spit.'" Stannis set the book back on the table with the peculiar urge to wipe his hands clean. "Walder Frey was always a craven. Wanting everyone else to fight his battles for him."
"He didn't even have the courage to murder my brother himself," said Lady Stark, taking back the book and closing it with a snap. "Though I've been told it was his son who murdered my mother. A great warrior family, clearly. Plus he doesn't know it's 'Lords Paramount' and not 'Lord Paramounts.'"
Stannis had seen flares of temper from Lady Stark before (on any number of occasions), but the icy rage in her voice gave him pause. Not for the first time, he considered how very merciful she had been with him, in the end. A man responsible for his own brother's murder, when she herself had lost her brother to the very basest of treachery — what might she have done to him, if he'd been anyone other than the rightful king?
Even as he wondered, he knew that his titles had not been what had stayed her hand in judgement. The Starks had never been particularly pragmatic, mostly to disastrous ends, and for all her intelligence Sansa seemed to have inherited a fair helping of the Tully pig-headedness on top of the Stark romanticism. King Stannis would have had no better luck against her judgement than Lord Stannis or Ser Stannis or even Goodman Stannis; it had been for some other reason she had spared him. He wondered when the bill would come due, and if it would ever be in his capacity to pay it.
Lady Stark had continued on. "I haven't found any record of a message sent back to the Twins, but I doubt the Boltons sent one. Lord Bolton were never much for rousing himself for anyone else's interests, even before he betrayed my family. I sent a raven to House Mallister of Seaguard; he sided with Robb during the war, and the Mallisters have always been loyal to House Tully." This time she handed over a scroll, flattened out but still curling slightly at each end.
It was only a bit longer than Walder Frey's, and about as useful. Blackfish holds fast; they have supplies within to last two years or more, and the siege set by the Freys will not last half a season. Brynden has not called the banners of the Riverlands, for Lord Tully is still hostage to the Freys. But if Lady Stark should call, Mallister will answer.
"'If Lady Stark should call,'" he repeated wryly.
"Lord Mallister bounced my mother on his knee when she was a babe, Your Grace," she said, equally wry. "All the oaths of fealty in the world can't replace the bonds of family and friendship between the northern Houses, even those not in the North itself."
"So I am beginning to understand," he said, handing the scroll back. "So the Twins are undefended at present."
"Most likely — Lord Frey is still there, but the bulk of his army will be at Riverrun." She leaned forward. "I've spoken with Lord Royce; he swears to me that Lord Arryn will bend the knee if you lead the Knights of the Vale and your own army and take the Twins. From there, you'll be able to break the Frey's siege at Riverrun — you'll have both the Vale and the Riverlands in a matter of months."
It was a fine strategy, but Stannis couldn't help but feel vaguely offended by it. "Do you mean to tell me that because you refuse to bend the knee, or promise any of your own army to my cause, you've delivered the Knights of the Vale and a promise of House Arryn's fealty as a...consolation prize?"
Lady Stark shrugged. "I suppose so," she admitted. "But a prize, nonetheless. I've only known Lord Royce since I was a guest at the Eyrie, but he seems an honorable man."
"He's an able commander, which is more to the point," Stannis contradicted absently, frowning down at the desk as he mulled it over. Two thousand men was no very great sum — but the Knights of the Vale were one of the best cavalry forces in the kingdoms, for all that they rarely strayed outside their mountains. With the Knights, Stannis's army could divide and take each half of the Twins in a pincer. It would be over nearly before it began.
"Of course, how foolish of me to consider such petty things as honor," grumbled Lady Stark.
Stannis ignored that. "Which leaves the Iron Islands to deal with. Has Lord Greyjoy sent any word?" Even the honorific stuck in his craw. Balon Greyjoy, the only other "king" to survive the war. Stannis had regretted the man's existence ever since the Greyjoy Rebellion.
Lady Stark shook her head. "Nothing. We've beaten back the last of the Ironborn holdouts, but I doubt they'll begrudge us that. My father always said the iron price never spent well. And they rightly blame the Boltons for whatever might have happened to Theon."
Which was still a mystery, so far as Stannis could tell. Theon Greyjoy had not been found among the dead at Winterfell, nor at the Dreadfort. If he'd escaped, there'd been no sightings reported. "No doubt you'll wish to execute him yourself, if he's found, but it would be better—"
"Execute Theon?" she said, her brow furrowing. "I — no. I don't wish that."
He leaned back in his seat. "You surprise me, my lady. I wouldn't have thought you squeamish after all this time." Perhaps that was his answer: she'd spared himself and Lady Brienne not out of principle but cowardice. In a way, it might be a relief: or at least it would be easier to understand.
She looked away. "Father did always say that whoever passes the sentence should swing the sword."
"That's not an answer. Your kindness does you credit, my lady, but if you show too much your people won't fear you. Which means they won't follow you, when the time comes." He'd said the same thing to her brother, more than a year ago when they'd argued over the fate of the wildlings and the drawbacks of mercy. The Lord Commander hadn't heeded the advice; was it a Stark family failing?
It must be, for Lady Stark sighed in frustration and said, "I don't want to be feared, Your Grace. And though you've failed to notice, I'm in no need of anyone following me anywhere. I'm staying—" She broke off and shook her head. "This always happens," she muttered, an odd smile tugging at her mouth.
He frowned. "What always happens?"
"This," she said, gesturing vaguely at the distance between them. "We can't go five minutes without arguing about something."
"That's not true." She sighed again and he reconsidered. "Perhaps if you didn't contradict everything I said."
"Perhaps if you had sisters, growing up," she countered. "My mother always said Arya and I were more trouble than all five of the boys put together." Her expression darkened and Stannis followed her thoughts — Theon had been one of those five boys. Raised alongside the rest of them, within these very walls.
"I thought you would want him dead," he admitted. "More than anyone else in the North."
She got to her feet and went over to the window, resting her arms on the sill as she looked out onto the courtyard. Stannis rose and joined her: down below were a dozen carts piled high with hay. All around them men and women were busy unloading the bales and stacking them up in a corner, where more workers took them away in a brisk line deeper into the Keep. Each cart was in the courtyard only a few minutes; when it was empty, the driver mounted up again and drove slowly out through the great gates, replaced by another cart yet more heavily laden. Supplies from the Northern Houses, to lay in for the oncoming winter.
"I don't want Theon dead," said Lady Stark after a long while observing in silence. He glanced over to her, but she was still looking down at the carts. "I don't want anyone dead, Stannis — there's been so much death. And more coming, if what Jon told you about the White Walkers is true."
She'd never called him by his name before; indeed she didn't seem aware she'd done it. "I believed him," he replied. "I still do. Your brother didn't seem the sort to make up stories."
"He always was honest to a fault," she said, turning to look at him at last. Her blue eyes were bright — tears, unshed. "I wish he'd come with you."
So did he, he realized. Not for his skill in battle or his perception or bravery: but only so his sister would not look so devastated at his loss. "He took an oath to the Night's Watch," he said, cursing at himself for his clumsy words even as he did so.
"I know that," she huffed. "Five minutes without arguing, is that really so difficult?"
"Evidently," he conceded, and she laughed. A watery sound, and she pressed the heels of her hand to her eyes quickly as she turned back toward the table, but laughter nonetheless.
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Next up is the Villain Protagonists Tournament. So long as the protagonist is, was or becomes a villain, they count here.
Submit a Villain Protagonist, along with where they come from and (if you want) propaganda through ask or submit a post.
Submissions will be closing on the 16th of June.
Top 4 submissions are the ones I submitted myself.
Submissions in bold have propaganda, submissions not in bold do not have propaganda. Whether they do or do not have some already, you are still free to submit some.
Ellen: The Witch's House/The Diary of Ellen
Light Yagami: Death Note
Roxie Hart: Chicago
Alex Wake: Beyond Eden
Yato: Noragami
Koro-sensei: Assassination Classroom
Bucky Barnes: Avengers
Xeno Wingfield: Doctor Stone
Victor Vale: Vicious
Barry Lyndon: Barry Lyndon
Fighter D: Go Go Loser Ranger
Medea: Euripedes Medea
Taylor Hebert: Worm
Scourge: Warrior Cats
Tigerstar: Warrior Cats
Megamind: Megamind
Setsuna Higashi: Fresh Precure
Invader Zim: Invader Zim
Valkyrie Cain: Skulduggery Pleasant
William James Moriarty: Moriarty the Patriot
GoodTimesWithScar: Secret Life.
Shen Yuan/Shen Qingqiu: Scum Villain's Self Saving System
Nimona: Nimona
Ballister Blackheart: Nimona
Artemis Fowl: The Fowl Adventures
Vegeta: Dragon Ball Z
Hiei: Yu Yu Hakusho
Gru: Despicable Me
Dr. Horrible: Dr. Horrible's Sing-along Blog
Wu Zetian: Iron Widow
Magneto: X-Men
Catherine Foundling: A Practical Guide to Evil.
Nick: Anna and the Apocalypse
Elphaba Thropp: Wicked
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agerefandom · 1 month
Other Fandoms
fandoms in red are fandoms that I don't know personally, but I've done art or moodboards for them! fandoms in purple are ones that I have moderate familiarity with, but I can't write every character. The rest are ones that I just haven't made as much content for.
Ace Attorney regressor!apollo edit regressor!edgeworth with cg!gumshoe moodboard
The Addams Family caregiver!morticia moodboard
All For The Game regressor!kevin and cg!andrew moodboard
Avatar: The Last Airbender Flourishing in Sunlight: post-canon fic with cg!Zuko and regressor!Katara gaang agere art regressor!sokka moodboard
Barbie Movie regressor!ken moodboard
The Boy regressor!brahms headcanons
Castlevania (Netflix) regressors!trevor and alucard moodboards/headcanons
Check Please regressor!jack headcanons (ask game)  regressor!bitty art
Coraline regressor!wybie moodboard
Corpse Bride regressor!victor van dort moodboard regressor!emily art
Criminal Minds season one gang regression headcanons regressor!spencer and cg!derek art
Danganronpa regressor!toko, chihiro, and yasuhiro edits bunny regressor!mikan tsumiki moodboard regressor!chihiro moodboard caregiver!sakura moodboard regressor!ishimaru moodboard w themes of cg!mondo
DC Content regressor!harley quinn moodboard (comics) regressor!oswald moodboard (gotham) regressor!joker moodbard (telltale series) regressor!flash moodboard (cw)
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Once Upon A Midnight Dreary: fanfiction with regressor!henry jekyll
Frankenstein  regressor!victor frankenstein headcanons regressor!adam (the monster) headcanons
Ghibli Movies  big sister kiki headcanons  agere edit of haru (the cat returns)
Heathers agere!JD art regressor!veronica art regressor!heather macnamara moodboard
Hadestown caregiver!hades headcanons regressor!eurydice moodboard
Hunger Games caregiver!katniss moodboard
Interview With The Vampire To Have, To Hold, To Drink: fanfiction with cg!louis and regressor!lestat regressor!lestat moodboard
It caregiver!pennywise headcanons
Labyrinth  caregiver!jareth and regressor!reader
Little Shop of Horrors Skid Row Blues: fanfiction with orin walking in on regressor!seymour regressor!orin headcanons
Lore Olympus regressor!hades and cg!hecate moodboard
The Magic School Bus caregiver!ms.frizzle headcanons
Maze Runner regressor!minho moodboard regressor!newt moodboard
Les Miserables Calling You Home: fanfiction with regressor!Enjolras and caregiver!Grantaire
The Muppets regressor!beaker moodboard
My Little Pony cg!starlight glimmer moodboard regressor!sunset shimmer art/edits
The Mysterious Benedict Society regressor!kate moodboard regressor!nicholas benedict moodboard/headcanons
Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812  Natasha is Young: fanfiction about regressor!Natasha and cg!Helene
Night At The Museum caregiver!Jedediah and Octavius art
The Owl House regressor!willow moodboard regressors!ed and em moodboard
Raven Cycle headcanons (gansey, ronan, noah, adam, and blue)  regressor!noah moodboard
Rick and Morty regressor!morty headcanons
Rocky Horror Picture Show regressor!rocky moodboard
Sandman regressor!desire headcanons thoughts on regressor!dream regressor!dream moodboard
Sherlock regressor!sherlock and cg!john headcanons cg!john watson moodboard
Smile For Me regressor!boris habit moodboard regressor!boris habit edit regressor!habit with cg!kamal art more regressor!habit art
Star Trek regressor!jim and caregivers!bones and spock headcanons regressor!jim moodboard w themes of cg!bones regressor!jim and cg!sam moodboard(strange new worlds) regressor!jim and cg!spock art
Stranger Things regressor!eleven headcanons
The Untamed regressor!lan zhan moodboard regressor!wei ying moodboards
V for Vendetta caregiver!V headcanons cg!v moodboard
Welcome To Night Vale regressor!cecil and cg!carlos headcanons cg!carlos moodboard cg!cecil moodboard
Wicked regressors!elphaba and glinda headcanons
World’s End regressor!gary king headcanons
X-Files regressor!Dana and Fox headcanons
Youtubers  regressor!dan howell headcanons cg!markiplier moodboard
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darling-i-read-it · 1 year
Victor Vale x fem!reader
Word Count: 1.7k 
Warnings: technically kidnapping ig lol 
Author’s Note: i hope you enjoy love <33 i had some fun banter with this one <3 
Requested: by anon, Hi. I saw u had a victor vale fic so will you be willing to write another? Possibly Victor Vale x FemReader. Eli is a killer at this point and is trying to kill the reader but Victor is trying to find her first. He also has a crush on her and tries to get her to come with him but she refuses so he kidnaps her for safety (not yandere just panic). Later he explains why he did so and she's fine with it. She joins the little family and he begins to love her more. Idk about the end Tysm! ily writing!
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator
(not my gif)
You remembered college fondly. You remembered the late nights with a bitter distaste in your mouth. You remembered the way Eli’s eyes looked when he had been studying nonstop for a week. You remembered Victor’s coffee order and test day sweatpants. You remembered the shitty dinners and you remembered the feeling of dying when it was inflicted on you by your friends. You remembered what it felt like to wake up again, like the breath inside you was so new it stung. 
You remembered the look in Victor’s eyes when he told you he had killed Angie. You remembered the last time you saw Eli before he lost whatever emotion he had. If the three of you hadn’t been drowning in the idea of a life between deaths then you wouldn’t have been stuck like you were now. You would have had a normal college experience. You would’ve been able to stay friends with the guys. 
You could’ve lost touch after college but remembered your friendship fondly, just like everyone else. 
Instead you were stuck with this torment. The powers you gained from your death were considered lethal to Eliot Cardale. Now you were stuck with trying to escape him until someone caught him. 
Victor looked across the crowded street. He was sitting down at a small round table by himself, nursing a cold cup of coffee. He recognized the color of your hair even from far away. He hadn’t seen you since the day he had been arrested. You and Eli had scampered your separate ways the second you realized of each other's intentions. Victor couldn’t blame you. 
He blamed Eli enough for the both of you. 
You were gently picking up some fruit from the local vendors. You had on a large pair of Jackie O sunglasses that you seemed to believe was hiding your identity. Victor would recognize the purse of your lips anywhere. He used to adore you in a way that a college boy could. From arms distance so he never messed things up with you. He used to think you would marry Eli one day. He never thought he would be chasing after you quite like this. 
You turned your head his way and he stood up. There was no use trying to hide it now. He stood up swiftly, sticking his hands in his coat pockets. Your eyes searched, as though you were looking for him specifically. Your eyes eventually landed on him as he made his way towards you. The surprise on your face was priceless. Your face eased into a startled expression as you held the fruit to your chest. 
But you didn’t move. You waited until he reached you. You hadn’t seen Victor in years. There were lines on his face you didn’t recognize. His hair had grown and he had a slight look of death about him. Underneath it, he remained the same Victor. You could tell by his eyes. 
“Victor Vale,” you breathed. He smiled slyly, almost a smirk. 
“In the flesh.” 
“The very pale flesh. You look like a ghost Victor.” 
“Did I spook you?”
“Frankly? Yes.” You gently put the fruit down in the basket you had found it. You removed your sunglasses, folding them up and holding them in your hands. “I would say it’s a surprise to run into you but I imagine you were looking for me.” 
“Don’t let it go to your head.” 
“What do you want Victor?” Now that he could see your eyes, unshaded by the sunglasses, he was struck with a heartstring he had long forgotten. A feeling tingled in his fingers. Schoolboy crush. 
“Eli is looking for you,” he stated simply. 
“I’m evading him quite well I think.” 
“Not well enough. I found you.” 
“Well I’ve never hidden from you Victor.” You smiled gently and gestured to the sidewalk. He followed you as you began to stroll. He kept a step behind you, allowing you to lead the way. “You still haven’t explained what you’re here for.”
“You need to come with me.” 
“I’m alright, thank you.”
“Eli will find you and when he does, he’ll kill you.” It was a promise, not a warning. You both knew what Eli was capable of. “We’re safer together.” You shook your head a bit. 
“I hear he’s looking more aggressively for you. I don’t think I’m on his radar.” “You never left his radar. Or mine for that matter.”
“I can’t tell if that was a compliment.” 
“Don’t make me beg.” 
“I’ve always liked a man on his knees.” You glanced up at him as you walked. He had a much too serious look on his face. “Victor. You can’t just waltz into my life again and expect me to leave with you.” 
“I can.” You stopped walking. There was a silence between the two of you. “Do you remember what it feels like to have my power used on you?” 
“I could ask you the same thing.” There was a tension between the two of you. It wasn’t nearly loving enough. You could feel the hostility. He needed you on his side and he was about ready to do anything to do it. 
“You can’t go to him,” he whispered. His voice was quiet in the wind of people around the two of you. It felt intimate. 
“I don’t plan to.” 
You were going to speak again when you suddenly began to feel faint. You blinked a couple of times, mouth still open as you searched to regan the muscles to use it. You stumbled forward. He grabbed you, clutching your arms. You fell asleep in his arms.
You woke up to a warm blanket being placed around you. Your eyes refused to open for a moment. You were engulfed in a warm blackness. It was peaceful for a few moments. Then your eyes opened and you remembered the panic you felt before you were asleep. 
You were in some sort of hotel room. There was a blonde girl at the edge of your bed that you didn’t notice and a dog at her side. Your breathing grew heavy. You had a feeling this girl had neared death, just as you had. 
“She’s awake,” the girl said. Her voice was quaint. It seemed like you were in some sort of hotel room. You gripped the blankets around you tightly as a tall man you didn’t recognize walked into the room from the adjoined one. Behind him was Victor. 
“Victor? What the fu-”
“I’m sorry. I knew you wouldn’t come with, no matter how hard I tried to convince you.” 
“I told you not to knock her out,” the little girl said. 
“Sydney, not the time.” The girl, Sydney, looked positively pleased with herself. “Can I speak to her alone?” he questioned. Sydney and the tall man slowly left the room, her dog following at her footsteps. Your breathing hadn’t evened down. You were still heaving. 
“I panicked,” he admitted. “Don’t make me say it again.” He looked slightly embarrassed which gave you more power in the situation. You pursed your lips and let go of the blanket on top of you. Your knuckles had turned white. He could tell your guard was still up and he couldn’t blame you. He had kidnapped you, for lack of a better word. 
“I can take care of myself.” 
“Maybe I can’t,” he said, snarkily. 
“You can’t just kidnap girls you had a crush on in college Victor.” 
“Who says I had a crush on you?” “Eli.”
“He’s a murderer. You can’t believe a word he says.” Despite the odds, you smiled a bit. You had missed Victor. Though you had things you had to return to, you understood why he had knocked you out. You weren’t likely to forgive that bit anytime soon but you could at least make an attempt to figure out your situation. 
“He’s looking for you. I’m in more danger here than I was out there.” 
“I can’t fight him alone. I need allies against him.” 
“Am I just an ally to you Victor Vale?’
“At the least an ally.”
“At the most?”
“Don’t make me say it.” You looked at him through your lashes. 
“Still the same Victor then.” You sat up all the way. “Who were they?”
“Friends.” He smirked. 
“You know I don’t have friends. Not since Eli.” 
“How dare I assume.” You would likely fight him about this whole ordeal when you had the strength to. For now you knew you had entered a war you had been fighting since it was conceived. It was foolish to run away from it. 
Victor gently grabbed your hand. Without even thinking, he took away what little pains you had left. Not as a kindness but as an instinct.
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plagues-coffin · 1 year
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Let's find out who's more popular in VALE. I need to know.
Disclaimer: images from official idv art, link to a post about their official perfumes here.
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victorluvsalice · 2 months
AU Thursday: Smiler's Otherland -- Outfits!
Time to cover what Smiler's wearing during all these adventures in Alice's Wonderland, Victor's Otherland, and their own Otherland! My attitude toward their various outfits can be summed up thusly --
*coughs* Uh, yes -- got rather a lot to get through here! ^^; And I fully admit that I am struggling to come up with an outfit for every domain and situation -- as indicated above, it's a lot of fucking outfits! Especially when you remember that I also have to do outfits for Alice and Victor for Smiler's domains... *facepalm* Anyway, here's what I have settled on for the time being:
Smiler's Outfits:
Smiler's Own Otherland --
Smile Always: The equivalent of Alice's "Classic" blue dress, this is what Smiler wears in their own Smile Street domain, as well as any domain in Alice's Wonderland or Victor's Otherland that doesn't prompt a unique outfit (such as the Vale of Tears or the Living Dead Forest). It's a yellow-and-black-striped suit (think the variant Beetlejuice suit (courtesy of @the-crypt-o-club) my Smiler Van Liddelton Sim sometimes wears in their vampiric dark form -- actually, don't think that, let me just show you:
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Cripes, remember when Smiler used to live in Britechester? This is a blast from the past...)
Anyway, yes -- yellow-and-black-striped suit jacket and pants like the above; black waistcoat with decorative yellow stitching; a yellow-black-and-white spiral tie (picture one of the eyes of The Smiler logo overlaid on a tie); white shirt; and black shoes with yellow laces. They are basically the exit tunnel from The Smiler coaster in human form. :p Oh, yeah, and if their eyes don't naturally glow bright yellow, they do now! Which holds true for all of their Wonderland outfits.
Neurological Reprogram: The outfit for their X-Sector domain, based off of Dr. Gladwell's outfit from the Smiler Takeover "Fear Test!" Gladwell's outfit, for reference, is a white labcoat that buttons up in the front (in a kind of wrap-around style, though it doesn't go very far around), a white shirt, a black-and-white-striped tie, black pants, black shoes, and yellow glasses. Smiler's outfit is very similar in make, but is a little more colorful, as is their wont -- a yellow wrap-around labcoat; a white shirt; a yellow-and-black-striped tie; black-and-white-striped pants; black shoes; and yellow spiral goggles. Gotta lean into that yellow!
Let Me Entertain You: The outfit for their Musical Mayhem domain, based off Felix E. Lated's outfit from the Celebration Stage! Felix's outfit, for reference, is a glittery yellow jacket, a yellow shirt, a black-and-white-striped bow tie, black pants, and white shoes. Once again, Smiler's outfit is similar in make, but has a bit more color and a few more patterns -- a slightly longer glittery yellow coat (going down to about the top of Smiler's thighs) covered in sequined black and white spirals; a yellow shirt; a rainbow-striped bow tie; black pants with white stripes; and white shoes with yellow laces. Because they gotta stand out on that stage. :p
Ministry: The outfit for their Sanctuary domain, which in this case doesn't have a specific inspiration (though it is supposed to have Kelman vibes, at least) -- a pale gray suit jacket and pants; a white shirt; a slightly darker gray waistcoat; a white tie with the Sanctuary Logo stitched on it in black; and black shoes. Basically, this outfit is meant to be completely clinical and colorless, which Smiler absolutely hates. But well, this is the suit that goes with the domain where all their fears and anxieties live, so why should it be something Smiler LIKES?
Alice's Wonderland --
Splashdown: Smiler's Deluded Depths outfit! This is an old-timey bathing costume like the one Victor wears, only Smiler's top is more like a tank top, and their shorts are shorter, as they're more comfortable showing more skin. The suit has alternating black, white, and yellow stripes, with the yellow stripes glowing. And instead of Victor's seaweed tie and waistcoat, they have a straw boater hat dyed black with a yellow hatband, attached to them with a black chin strap -- so it can be worn on their head or left to float slightly behind their neck. Nice and summery for the waters of Wonderland!
Fifty-Two Pickup: Smiler's Queensland outfit -- and for those of you who remember the first "Sharp-Dressed Victor" post and are like "wait, isn't that the name of Victor's Queensland outfit?" -- well, Smiler's stealing the name because I feel it suits them better. XD (I'm trying to come up with a new name for Victor's outfit -- "Aces Wild" sounds good...) Anyway, it's a dark purple suit jacket and pants; a white shirt; a dark yellow waistcoat with decorative purple stitching; a white tie with the card suits embroidered on it in red and black stitching; and black shoes with purple laces. Figured this one would be a good one to lean into the purple with, given that "royal purple" is a thing.
Advocate: Smiler's Dollhouse outfit! The inspiration behind this one are the various costumes the actual ride employees wear, because I figured it wouldn't be hard to put a more "kiddie" spin on those. As such, the outfit consists of yellow overalls over a black-and-white-striped shirt; black-and-white-striped high socks; and purple shoes just for fun. Very bright, and something I could see a young Smiler wearing under the right circumstances.
Hysterical: Smiler's "Hysteria Mode" outfit! Yes, they get access to Hysteria Mode, though in their case they're not so much bloody as they are glitchy -- the inspiration for this suit is the static and glitches that show up in the various Marmaliser videos and the Smiler Shop TV. We have a white suit speckled all over with lots of little multicolored squares (black, gray, yellow, red, green, and blue) that are meant to look like pixel-y static, with larger concentrations on the left shoulder and right leg; a matching white waistcoat with more squares sprinkled across it; a white shirt; and black shoes. Their eyes also become full black-white-yellow spirals, like in The Smiler logo, with yellow "blood" leaking down their cheeks, and their grin stretches PAINFULLLY wide across their face. Their weapons all end up splattered with yellow and purple "blood" as well -- and as indicated in the Weapons post, this is the only time any of them do direct damage, instead of just stunning enemies or turning them over to Smiler's side. Basically, Smiler is Laughing Mad when they're in this state -- best to give them their space!
Victor's Otherland --
Paintbrush Person -- Smiler's Sketchbook World outfit! Which, as you might imagine, is inspired by a paintbrush. XD Look, Victor's suit for this world is inspired by his sketchbook, while Alice's dress is inspired by the pencil she favors for sketching -- I had to keep to the theme! (And yes, after realizing I called Victor's suit "Paperman," I decided Alice's dress had to be "Pencil Girl," and thus...) Though I partly chose a paintbrush because it was an easy way to get some yellow tones into the outfit -- gotta keep on theme there too. Anyway, this is a suit with a golden jacket and waistcoat (to represent the metal "ferrule" that holds the bristles); a black shirt with a pinstripe pattern (for the bristles themselves); a tie that's all multicolored splotches like paint splatter; black pants patterned with grey swirls to suggest wood grain (for the actual handle); and black shoes.
Still In Progress --
Hatter's Domain: This is one of the outfits I've been struggling with, since -- well, as seen above, Smiler already has a "tech domain" outfit for their own Otherland, and I wanted to make this one distinct. The best option I've come up with so far is to base it off of the magician from Meet The Ministry, since that's guy's black outfit with the long black coat actually matches Alice's Steamdress and Victor's Steamsuit aesthetically the most. (Though I imagine Smiler's will have yellow worked into it -- maybe a yellow shirt or waistcoat?). I also don't know what I'm going to call it -- feels like it should be Steam-something, but... *shrug*
The Mysterious East: I have no idea what I'm going to do with this one -- I guess by necessity it would have to look like Victor's jacket and pants, and I could probably do purple silk with yellow, black, and white patterns, but I don't know what those patterns would be and how to make their version more unique. Hmmm...
The Butterfly Jungle: I almost know what I want to do with this one -- I want it to be based off Sir Algernon (or possibly Sir Algenon, I've seen both spellings), the explorer character who's become a kind of mascot for Alton Towers, and call the outfit "Sir Algie." I'm just having a little trouble pulling it all together -- especially since there's two distinct looks to work with. The Sir A animatronic on the airship in the Alton Towers hotel sports a classic flight cap with a propeller on it and a pilot's brown jacket with a fuzzy collar; while the Sir A performer is a much more classic steampunky gentleman, with a long brown coat, a waistcoat, and a fancy top hat (along with long flowing curly locks). I really like the propeller flight cap for Smiler, and the waistcoat -- I KIND OF want the jacket as well, but I worry that it'll be too hot for the Jungle. Just something I need to think about more.
The Magic Tower: I really don't know what this one will look like yet, I just know that purple and yellow swirls are a MUST. Though, thinking about it, I always have them as having a love for chemistry, so maybe something that makes people think "alchemist?" Hmmmm...
Orchestralia: Another outfit where the problem is "they have their own musical domain and thus their own musical domain outfit, so how do I make this one distinct from that?" Looking at Victor and Alice's stuff, I went with "stripes and musical notes" as a key theme for both -- maybe Smiler has something similar, only their stripes and notes are at an angle or otherwise a bit wonky? And their version would definitely have to be more colorful... Pondering continues!
Victor And Alice's Outfits:
Updates To Previous Outfits --
Beloved(s): Okay, so -- you know how I've been calling Victor's blue suit that matches Alice's dress "Classic" or "Alice Classic?" Well, I had a brainwave a little while ago, and decided that it should instead be "Beloved" to reflect the fact that he's dressing like his beloved. :) And thus, when he's in a situation where he's with Alice AND Smiler, the suit changes to "Beloveds," and gains elements to reflect both of them! Basically what I was thinking is that the suit jacket and pants stay Alice blue, and the shirt white, but Victor now has a yellow waistcoat, yellow socks, and a tie that has a smoky yellow-and-purple swirl pattern on it. And their tie clip is now a silver A and a golden S joined together. All of it reflecting just how much he loves both of them. <3
Smiler's Otherland --
Joytide: Alice's X-Sector dress, based on the outfit the Agent Joytide actors wore in the Fear Test! Because if Smiler's got the Gladwell look going on... It's sort of like the Dollhouse dress when it comes to the basic fit, but the top is black leather with big yellow buttons, while the skirt is yellow and black plaid patches that don't really line up with each other. Her boots also get yellow laces, and her eye shadow turns yellow, natch.
Agent: Victor's X-Sector suit, based on the outfits of the wandering Ministry agents during the Takeover! It's a nice simple black suit with a bright yellow shirt; a black-and-white-striped tie; a spiral-patterned yellow and black waistcoat; yellow socks; and black shoes. Oh, and sunglasses if appropriate. :p I thought the look suited him well.
Get Corrected: Alice's Sanctuary dress, based off -- well. Based off the straitjacket "dress" she gets in the Rutledge section of Alice: Madness Returns, because Sanctuary is a horrible asylum along those same lines! Though, at least in THIS dress, Alice has her arms free if she needs to fight... The outfit itself is a drab, off-white, sleeveless gown with a limp skirt hanging down just below her knees, and a bunch of black leather belts around the bodice, secured in the back, with the Sanctuary logo stitched above her right breast in black. Her signature omega is tied around her neck with a fraying string. Oh, and no boots -- much like in the Rutledge hallucination, she has to go barefoot. I'm sure she's thrilled. :p
Cedars: Victor's Sanctuary suit, based off the outfits of the male patients in Alice's Rutledge hallucination! And also the kind of stuff Miles Cedars was wearing during his time as Kelman's patient in the Smile Always series, hence the name. It's a dull gray t-shirt top with the Sanctuary logo stitched over the right side of his chest, and matching dull gray drawstring pants that don't QUITE reach his ankles. And yes, again, no shoes for the "patient." Someone get these people some socks at least, I'm sure those floors are cold.
Still In Progress --
Musical Mayhem: The only thing I know right now about Victor and Alice's outfits for this domain is that they'll have to be glittery to match Smiler's. I suspect Alice will be in something blue and white, but I'm not sure exactly what the dress will look like yet...and Victor's suit is a complete mystery. I'll come up with something, I'm sure, but I need to think about it some more.
Whew -- yeah, it is a lot, isn't it? And I haven't even finished all the domains yet...or done Smiler versions of the A:MR DLC dresses. *thunks head against desk* Basically, expect an update to this post at some point in the future, once I've puzzled a few more things out.
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idv-sunsxin3 · 2 years
->Identity V Masterlist~*
Aesop Carl {Embalmer}
Selectively mute! S/O
Andrew Kreiss {Grave keeper}
Accidentally scaring S/O during an argument
Desolate Sand with S/O who sacrifices their safety for him
Child! Y/N
Antonio Paganini {Violinist}
Rivaling with his mini self for S/O’s attention
S/O who loves combing and braiding his hair
Edgar Valden {Painter}
With Tsundere! S/O
Golden Ratio HCs
Emile {Patient}
Head problems HCs {ft. S/O}
Sleeping with S/O
Relationship HCs
Slowly falls in love with S/O {who is not Ada}
Joseph Desaulner {Photographer}
Moonlight Gentleman HCs
S/O who treats his mini self as their child
Male! S/O from the future {2021}
Domestic Relationship HCs
Luca Balsa {"Prisoner"}
“L” (Police & Mafia AU/Police! Luca x Mafia! reader)
Lucky {Lucky Guy}
Naib Subedar {Mercenary}
“Without You” (Naib x Male Nurse! Reader)
Sleeping with S/O
Man in Red HCs + scenario
Norton Campbell {Prospector}
With S/O whose love language is gift giving
Father Figure Headcanons
Orpheus {Novelist}
Victor Grantz {Postman}
“Your Flesh and Scent” (Ghoul AU/Embrace! Victor x reader)
Jingle Bells Relationship HCs
Finding out his crush never opens his letters
Wu Chang {Xie Bi'an(White Guard)/Fan Wujiu(Black Guard)}
S/O with dizzy spells
S/O with similar personality traits as them
Ambivert! Male Hunter! S/O
Insomniac! S/O
Kind, Selfless! S/O
Groups {Separately or Together}
S/O who sleeps a lot when they’re stressed {Man in Red! Naib & Joseph}
S/O who likes to tell stories about space {Luca & Joseph}
S/O who loves them very much {Poly!VALE}
S/O who is very affectionate {Victor, Edgar, Aesop, Eli, Luca}
S/O who loves kissing their freckles {Lucky & Mike}
S/O who loves dressing in kogal {Aesop & Norton}
S/O who calls them by weird nicknames {Antonio, Joseph, & Wu Chang}
Little Prince! S/O {Wu Chang & Joseph}
Adopting a child {VALE/together}
Jealousy HCs {Ada & Emile}
Jealousy HCs {Eli & Victor}
Relationship HCs {Aesop & Andrew}
Holding back their short S/O from getting into a fight {Mike, Norton, & Victor}
Rivaling with their mini selfs for their S/O’s attention {Mary & Joseph}
Android HCs {VALE}
Man in Red! Naib & Embrace! Victor with Princess! Y/N From Another Kingdom
Embrace! Victor, Exorcist! Aesop, & Narcissus! Edgar with S/O {part 1, part 2}
Their mini-selfs attacking them {Michiko & Mary ft. Platonic! Y/N}
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sitp-recs · 2 years
helloo i am in need of an angsty fic with a happy ending and was hoping youd help me? i was thinking like a evilish snape where he uses crucio on harry during a detention and draco finds out. It would be a great help! thanks x
Hello hello! Unfortunately I don’t know of any stories like that because I usually read post-Hogwarts fics. Maybe my followers can help? In any case here are some of my favorite “angst with a happy ending”. I tried to cover different tropes and lengths, hope they work for you!
Kissed by @potteresque-ire (2015, M, 12k)
Draco Malfoy was attacked by a rogue Dementor on the night of his Azkaban release. He self-exiled to Muggle London and opened a late-night chocolate shop called Kissed.
Between Myth and Man by @slytherco (2020, E, 16k)
Draco, lost and a little broken, navigates post-war reality convinced that people like him should not be allowed to make their own choices. To solve the problem of his self-sabotaging tendencies, he starts taking a few drops of Veritaserum every morning.
Vortex by @xanthippe74 (2020, T, 20k)
Who would want a soulmate who was a schoolyard bully, a Death Eater, and a convicted felon? Certainly not Harry Potter. And Draco is determined to take this secret to the grave.
Vale Sanare by RurouniHime (2011, M, 23k)
Draco’s world gains a new component just when he thought he’d sorted everything out.
Stain of Silence by brummell (2013, E, 28k)
After the war, Draco serves out his sentence in Harry Potter's house.
On One's Knees by pir8fancier (2008, E, 34k)
The war is over and to the victors go the spoils. If you are triggered by infidelity, this is not the fic for you.
As Souls From Bodies Steal by Femme (2012, E, 41k)
Hope may be found in the oddest of places, even in the bleakness of winter.
Kept in Cages by @sweet-s0rr0w (2022, E, 76k)
Deep in the heart of the Ministry lies the Beast Division: a hidden room where ancient beasts roam, and winged creatures soar, and grumpy giant ferrets eat all your biscuits unless you keep them well hidden. Draco Malfoy would know – he’s been working there for five years now, after all.
Super Rich Kids by @thusspoketrish (2020, E, 81k)
Draco Malfoy has become disillusioned by the glitz and glamour of the scandalous lives of the Post-Second Wizarding War Pureblood Elite. Enter: one existential crisis, one group of thieving cynical friends, and several terrible, terrible decisions.
Yours is the Earth (Hold On, Hold On) by chickenlivesinpumpkin (2014, E, 127k)
After a serious accident in the Forbidden Forest, Draco's personality begins to undergo subtle changes. At first, Harry credits this to a new enthusiasm for life. But as the days pass and Draco's behavior becomes more and more mysterious, Harry begins to suspect that something bigger--and darker--is at work.
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fluentmoviequoter · 6 months
I had an idea (scary, I know) for a multi-part series with Victor Vale!
Basically, reader works in law enforcement (I’m thinking FBI but I know there’s some debate as to whether or not the books take place in the US) and is ordered to eliminate EOs. She goes against her orders, but her partner gets suspicious about her intentions and eventually sees her with Sydney and/or Victor. I have a lot of ideas about what happens next but don’t want to spoil anything in case I write it.
So my first question is: Would anyone be interested in reading this?
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sylusheart · 3 months
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hi there <3 welcome to my blog! :3 i write for shits and giggles and i post all of my works on ao3, you can find the link to my acc here.
but i also post some of my one-shots here on tumblr too (i only post the ones that are 'one part' long directly on tumblr - sometimes i tend to write one-shots that end up getting split into two/three parts because it becomes too long or i just do it for easier access to specific bits of the story) ♡
in my masterlist below you can find the direct links to my fics; if the fic is uploaded on tumblr (meaning if it's a one-shot) the link will take you to the tumblr post for it first but the ao3 link will still be accessible and shown on that page if you'd like to read it on there instead!┊ ˚➶ 。˚ ☁️
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this is my one and only blog because i'm not too used to the idea of having multiple blogs idk that sorta overwhelms me atm lmao (i'm not so familliar with tumblr but hopefully overtime i'll get more comfier on here and how things work...) but usually all my posts are just devil may cry :D though i tend to write/shitpost abt other stuff too such as call of duty, final fantasy vii/xv, resident evil, k-pop, love and deepspace + more! but yeah that's basically me summed up :p
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here's a masterlist of my current works and wips for ao3! i've included a key at the bottom of this section with a detailed explanation on the labels i attach to my titles :3
-------˖⁺. ༶ ❤︎ ⋆˙⊹ 𐦍 ˖⁺. ༶ ❤︎ ⋆˙⊹-------
devil may cry
╰┈➤ ❝ serenity (on-going) vergil x fem!reader ❞
╰┈➤ ❝ cowboy like me (2 part one-shot) dante x fem!reader ❞ WIP
╰┈➤ ❝ made for me (one-shot) nico x fem!reader ❞ WIP
╰┈➤ ❝ heavy chain (one-shot) vergil x fem!reader ❞ WIP
╰┈➤ ❝ awakened (on-going) vergil x fem!reader ❞ WIP
love and deepspace
╰┈➤ ❝ candles for caleb (one-shot) caleb x fem!reader ❞ WIP
╰┈➤ ❝ mile high club (one-shot) xavier x fem!reader ❞ WIP
call of duty
╰┈➤ ❝ king of it all (one-shot) könig x fem!reader ❞
╰┈➤ ❝ barracks bunny (2 part one-shot) ghost x fem!reader ❞ WIP
╰┈➤ ❝ a little jealousy (one-shot) shownu x fem!reader ❞
╰┈➤ ❝ heartstopper (one-shot) nayeon x fem!reader ❞ WIP
resident evil
╰┈➤ ❝ revival (one-shot) wesker x fem!reader ❞ WIP
╰┈➤ ❝ cabin fever (one-shot) leon kennedy x ashley graham ❞ WIP
vicious/villains duology
╰┈➤ ❝ elevating desires (one-shot) victor vale x eli ever ❞
star wars
╰┈➤ ❝ restless nights (discontinued) anakin x fem!reader ❞
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ key:
(on-going): this means it’s a fic that has depth to it, in other words: a long fic! it's something i'm continously writing and it has a thick enough plot to divide into multiple chapters. i try to update as regularly as i can. you can subscribe to the fic on ao3 so you'll get email updates whenever i post!
(discontinued): this means it's a long fic that i've abandonned and won't ever be going back to. this can be due to multiple reasons but i don't tend to drop my fics if i have a good story lying underneath them, so if you do see a discontinued fic on my page it probably wasn't something i was willing to remaster/extend on in the first place.
(completed): this means it's a long fic that has multiple chapters and has been edited a couple of times but probabably not edited to perfection. you won't have to wait for me to update as the entire story is available.
(one-shot): a quick fic that is only one chapter long, these are usually unedited and raw - they're just undeveloped quick bursts of ideas i try to write down asap, but i don't usually stretch them out into full-blown fics.
(2/3 part one-shot): i aim to make my one-shot fics just one chapter long but sometimes they get a little lengthy; it just feels wiser to just seperate the whole thing into a few parts. i never go over 3 parts, because if i do i would classify that as one of my 'long fics'.
(editing): if one of my fics has 'editing' beside the title that probably means i'm primarily focusing on updating that particular fic and i won't be working on other fics for the time being until i have completed editing, i usually go into an editing phase after every 10 chapters i upload on that specific fic, meaning i don't re-edit my one-shots no matter how many parts they are - my one-shots are always going to be raw first drafts and will most likely have mistakes.
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i'm open for requests, if you'd like me to drop some headcannons or if you want to ask me if i could write up any possible fic ideas i will be more than happy to consider your suggestions! just drop me a dm or ask me anonymously <3
anyway thanks for reading this far, i'm super excited to make more works and share them with everyone :3 kudos and comments are so very appreciated (they motivate me fr) and in general i just love interacting with others so please don't hesitate to!
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normanbateswife · 2 years
Victor Vale x fem!reader x Eli Cardale
Warnings: pain, you technically die and some vague descriptions of that, eli cuts himself on purpose a few times
When you died, you got sort of a cheap power. Victor would get pain. He would feel every single cell in his body individually as it withered away. Eli would get a sort of invincibility. His very skin becoming able to regenerate and recount what had once been untouched. 
When you died, all you could think about was how you were leaving Eli and Victor. 
You were leaving them alone, by themselves. Who knew what would happen then? 
You had been doing this test before any of you knew how you got your powers in the first place. If you had known beforehand you wouldn’t have had your last thoughts be; What will happen to Eli and Victor?
When you woke up your head hurt. You felt weak, sure, from the whole dying thing. But you had a headache. That was entirely separate feeling from you being weak. It was like you were feeling it outside of your body. 
Eli stood at the edge of the room, watching you carefully. 
“Do you feel anything?”
“I feel like I need an aspirin,” you whispered. “God my head hurts. I didn’t drink any water today,” you said, rubbing your temples. You stood up and Eli walked over to you in two strides. He grabbed your forearm, holding you up. 
“Where did Victor go?” you asked quietly. 
“He’s right outside,” he explained but his eyes were still scanning you for signs of distress. You took deep breaths, rubbing your forehead as though it alone would alleviate the pain. 
“He left?”
“He took a step out.” Eli still had your forearm in his grasp. “You’re sure you don’t feel any different?” You shook your head a bit and looked up at him. 
“I don’t think so. I think…I think I’m normal. Just had a near death experience.”
“You were dead. Very dead. Medically dead.” 
“Good to know my immune system is better than yours and Vics.” 
“That’s not..that’s not what that means,” he said quietly, shaking his head. You opened up the door to the bathroom where Victor stood, fingers pinched to the bridge of his nose. He stood straight when he saw you come out. 
“You’re alright,” he said evenly. He had the same look in his eyes as Eli. He was looking to find something out of place, something that wouldn’t exactly line up with his perception of you. He was clearly disappointed when he found nothing, his shoulders dropping. 
“She died,” Eli said, standing beside you. You nodded. 
“Just didn’t get a cool power,” you muttered quietly. 
“Do you have an aspirin in your packet of tools Eli? God my head is killing me,” Victor muttered, pushing past the two of you. He was caught up in his own thoughts, his own worries and his own powers. 
“Mine too,” you said. “Think that’s the dying thing though. You gonna run some more tests Cardale or can I sleep this off?”
“I just wanna double check that you're stabilized before you leave. Maybe it’s better if you stay here.” 
“Not a bad idea,” Victor said, rummaging through Eli’s things in the bathroom. “If you flatline we definitely want you around so we can be charged for the murder.” You rolled your eyes. 
“You guys don’t mind?” 
“I’d prefer it,” Eli said. 
“You can take my bed,” Victor said. He sounded better now that he had finally found what he was looking for. “I think I’m gonna do some homework anyway.” You rubbed your head and nodded. 
“Thank you. Both of you.” 
You woke up the next morning with a striking sudden pain on your finger. 
“I can tell you’re healing Eli, you don’t need to keep showing off,” Victor was murmuring. They were in the same room as you, fairly close, but his voice was low enough not to wake you. You raised your hand, trying to find the source of the prick. 
“I didn’t mean to,” Eli said. “I’m just trying to make a sandwich.”
“With a very sharp knife,” Victor commented. 
“It still hurts,” Eli countered. “I wouldn’t do it if I couldn’t help it.” You raised your head a bit to see the outlines of the two men. Their presence made you comforted and the sudden pain had subsided, as had your headache. You were feeling better than ever truly. If this was the effect death had on you, you should’ve died sooner. 
“Morning sleepy head. You missed your 9am,” Victor said. “We didn’t wanna wake you though. FIgured death was a good excuse for skipping.” 
“You should’ve woken me. I feel fine. Thought I got a bee sting for a second there though. Maybe some of my body parts are still coming back,” you joked. Eli snorted a bit and Victor hoisted himself up onto the counter. 
“Have you seen Eli’s fun little party trick yet? He just cut himself making a sandwich. How convenient he keeps doing it.” 
“You’re just jealous you didn’t get anything,” Eli said evenly. “Or should I stab you, just to be sure?” You rolled your eyes. 
“Oh now you gotta show her,” Victor said. “Come on. Slice something open.” Eli didn’t look like he exactly wanted to but now he was on the spot. He grabbed the knife that was on the table and brandished it for a moment. 
“A paper cut. That’s it.” 
“Well lemme get up hold on,” you said, laughing. You were kind of excited. You had never seen Eli regenerate, you had only heard the story. You moved so you stood between them. 
Eli took a deep breath and swiftly sliced his index finger open a bit. 
You and him winced at the same time, an unexpected sting coming for your own index finger. You didn’t even get to see his skin reheal because you had raised your own. 
“What? That bee come back for seconds?” Victor asked. 
“No,” you muttered. “Just felt like I got a paper cut.” 
It couldn’t have been more obvious. You and Eli both had your fingers out, showing them for different reasons. Inadvertently for the same reason. 
There were a couple moments of silence as pieces fit together in everyone's heads, separately. Eli cleared his throat and then broke his own promise and cut himself again, this time on his arm. You winced, grabbing yours. Same place, even the same arm. 
“Oh shit,” Victor muttered. “What, your power is to feel other people's pain?” 
“I don’t…I don’t know,” you said, slightly disappointed. That wasn’t exactly a defensive power. “Eli hit Victor.” 
Eli didn’t even hesitate a moment and gave his friend a firm hit on the shoulder. Victor grabbed his arm and gave you both a look. You had felt it. 
“I can’t feel the impact but I can feel the sting. Like Eli hit me.” 
“Fascinating,” Eli muttered. “Do you think it’s whoever you're closest to?” 
“Then I wouldn’t feel Victor's pain.” 
He nodded a bit. 
“Would it be awful of us to hit whoever comes down the hallway?” you asked quietly. Victor was already leaving the room. Thankfully it wasn’t someone you knew but it seemed to be someone Eli did. He waved, flashing that charming smile and then gave him a firm, uncharacteristic, high five. You felt that sting in your hand. Victor slapped the boys back as though he was seeing an old chum. 
That was interesting. 
Nothing to that. 
Eli was eyeing you and you gently shook your head. 
After very quick goodbyes you rushed back into their room.
“So what? It’s not other people?”
“Maybe it’s just friends?” you suggested. 
“Well if my theory is correct,” Eli started, “it would be the last thing you thought of before you died.”
“What theory?” you asked. 
“I’ll explain it later. Just…what was the last thing you thought? The thing that got you through to surviving.” You shrugged. 
“My thoughts were kind of jumbled in the moment honestly. I remember wanting to live and not wanting to leave you two dolts behind. I remember thinking about you guys.” 
Eli leaned back on the back of his feet. 
“You can feel us,” he concluded. Victor was quiet a moment. 
“I wonder if you can feel everything, from whatever distance,” Victor murmured. “If it’s just us.” 
“That’s a lot of variables to be tested,” Eli said. “But it’s…it’s kind of sweet.” You rolled your eyes. 
“It was just instinct. Plus, it’s not a very good power. Unless one of you decides to go off and lose your mind or something, I won’t even need to know what you’re feeling.”
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