#vampire edward munson
eddiesbirdie · 2 years
In the Name of Love- Chapter One
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Chapter ONE
Pairing: Vampire Eddie Munson X Fem!Henderson Hunter Reader
Word Count: 1.7+
Summary: Someone is back from the dead.
Sorry for the grammar and spelling mistakes in advance.
The sun rays from above were shining through the covered leaves and branches. The sound of crunching branches underneath a bare foot is followed by a sole filthy white Reebok sneaker echoing throughout the empty corpse. A sole person leaning their weight against the trunks as they struggle to walk without wobbling within the safety of the dark shades from sunlight. 
With one hand shielding his eyes, giving a sort of protection from the bright sun rays shining coming from above. The silver rings on their fingers reflect off the sun whenever they pass an area. There wasn’t any sort of shade. The black-tangled mess of curls containing leaves and sticks sticking out of black-knotted hair. The male clothes are covered in dry blood and dirt with gaping holes from what seems to have been torn off. 
His fingernails were long and sharp leaving claw marks against the mark against the trunks. The fingernails were in the shape of a triangle with a sharp pointed edge. The tip of the sharp nail was in the darkest shade of black. Black veins were bulging out from his skin throughout his whole body. His stomach was rumbling softly, and his throat and mouth felt like sandpaper each time he attempted to gulp down saliva to feel some sort of relief. It was an awful itch that he couldn’t scratch. 
As he unconsciously follows the delicious scent while stumbling over the branches sticking out of the ground while using the trees to support his weight. The sound of laughter, and chattering echoes through the area where students of a variety of ages come out of the tall building. Some were rushing to their cars as others casually walked to their cars engaging in their own conversations. 
The sound of plumping hearts and blood running underneath their veins. The once doe-lost brown eyes were fainting into bright crimson with the pupil changing shape; turning into a vertical slit at the sight. Droplets of saliva were dropping onto the bushes' leaves as his mouth was wide open letting saliva escape from his lips. The rumble of his stomach was becoming more apparent of the hunger he had. He could feel his throat tightening as his eyes bounced to different targets trying to hit his victim. He cautiously starts coming out from behind tall bushes and crouching down hiding beside the parked vehicles. 
His eyes stare into the student body population as he waits for one of them to come close enough to grab him while making a small noise of clashing teeth as if he was shivering. The fangs slowly came out from his pink gums as he licked his chapped lips. His eyes were focused on a red-haired girl with a cast that carried a faint smell of something that made him drool even more. The young girl was being accompanied by a teenage boy who was carrying her backpack. They were coming closer as he was preparing himself to pounce on two kids. 
It was the sound of a soft bell that was usually heard on cat collars that made him pause in his tracks from pouncing on them. A familiar sound of a jingle. 
“Max! Lucas!”
The voice makes his brain try to progress to why it sounded familiar to him. His crimson eyes land on the teenage boy with the white cap before following behind the boy to see a taller figure, specifically on their wrist. You were waving your hand on catching the teenager's attention with each movement causing the bracelet to let out a rhythm. It was a bracelet with a silver chain holding a ruby red guitar pick with a lucky bell. 
A core memory flashes through his mind bringing strong throbbing pain to his head. 
You had your eyes closed with your palms reached out open in front of you waiting patiently for the surprising present. You were sitting at the back of his van where you were gonna enjoy the sunset at the top of the hill where you can see all of Hawkins in the distance. A place where the two of you were ever disrupted, which has become a secret place for the two of you to hang out. 
The young male with dark brown curls digs into his pocket, pulling out a bracelet with an ornament that is shaped like a lucky bell. It made a sound of soft jingle causing a smile to spread through your lips. 
“Is that a bell?” You asked with a tilt of your head to the side, restringing your hearing on trying to figure out the present. 
Once you feel the weight on your hands, slowly open your eyes to immediately look down to be in awe.  A chain is attached to a piece of black leather. It was similar to the one; he was wearing on his wrist. The ornaments that were hanging onto the silver chain were an old used guitar pick from the details of clear usage. It was the color red next to it was a small white colored lucky bell. You run your hand against the leather to see it was a clear indicator that it was handmade rather than purchased from the store. 
Meanwhile, the young man was pacing back and forth munching on his hair out of nervousness. He knows you deserve so much more than he can give you. He couldn’t help but become a bit self-conscious. He was snapped out of his thoughts when he felt someone grab onto his wrist and slowly pull him towards you. 
Once you drag him to be in front of you between your legs and softly call him out. “Hey, look at me.” He looks at you with his soft unfiltered brown eyes that you adore, showing you completely how he is feeling. 
You cup his cheeks into your palms and caress them with your thumb. “Sorry for stressing you out, Eddie. I just got sidetracked by how cute it is.” 
He was looking at your eyes to see if there was any dishonesty, but instead found complete adoration, and honestly. No hint of deception. 
“Really.” He timidly mumbles, feeling like you deserve so much better over a handmade bracelet. It would have been better quality. You press your lips against his forehead, snapping out of his thoughts once more. He closed his eyes, enjoying the sensation and the love from you. 
“I prefer this handmade bracelet over anything from the store. It is more sentimental.” You pressed another kiss to his nose and another one on his lips making him break out in a shy smile. He could feel his heart swollen by your words and genuine happiness. 
“You are such a sappy person, Henderson.” Eddie opens his eyes, placing his hands beside you while maintaining eye contact with you. 
“I have been told, Munson.“ You couldn’t help but break out into a smile seeing his mischievous grin spreading through his lips. He leans forward—
He falls back, letting out a soft gasp when he is snapped back to reality and out of the trance he was in. The realization lands on him at the previous thought; he wanted to hurt him even worse, killing Lucas and Max. They weren’t strangers. These are people, he knew. 
He takes one more glance at you with the young teenagers around you as memories are rushing through his mind. He forces himself to turn his back and sprint into the woods. Everything was moving rapidly by him and barely avoided hitting the trees. The pounding throb in his head increases, causing him to his head and unconsciously dig his claws into his skin because the pulsing pain against his skin was too much. The severe throbbing in his head was becoming stronger and stronger. 
The flashes of people he learned to care about, including the good and bad memories were hitting him as if he was hit with a ton of bricks falling onto his head. Through the memories, he was learning who he is as a person. 
He didn’t stop running through the woods till he trips over a vine on his foot causing him to fall down a hill. Straight away rolling down the hill feeling every stick and rock scratching into his skin. He crashes into a small river, his tattered, filthy clothes sucking up the water, causing them to be damp touching his filthy skin.
He was pushing himself up from the water with droplets landing on the surface for him to catch sight of his reflection; completely speechless. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. He raises his hand to touch his fangs to his cheeks to change his attention. Tears start running down his cheeks at the sight of his hands. The long claws are perfect to rip into flesh, matching with fangs from his gums. The bulging black veins popping out spread out all of his body seeing as he lifted his shirt to see the veins there. 
The bat bites where they are supposed to be on his body were no longer there as if they never existed. There wasn’t a gaping hole where his chest was pierced into, clearly remembering the pain along the faces of his friends' panic. The awful pain sensation. 
 A sob breaks out from his mouth progressing, what he looks like now, looking more like a monster than his normal self. He didn’t look human even, which is terrifying him even more.
His shoulders slowly start shaking and the sensation of his throat closing up as if someone was choking him. He falls onto his back, starting gasping in an attempt to breathe normally. It caused him to start freaking out and clawing at his throat deeply as his vision was becoming disfigured. He could feel his heartbeat pounding into his eardrums and everything felt so hot. 
Everything was spinning around him as the tree whirled around him mocking him. A reminder that he was truly alone. Everyone thinks he is dead. He died in front of his friends. 
The memories of his death along with the awful feeling of the pain. He was reliving his death. 
The upside down, the bats, the black vines, red dark sky. 
It was overwhelming for him. 
Edward “Eddie” Muson has become the monster now, just like everyone says he is. 
To Be Continued.....
Thoughts/Reactions/Predications are welcome
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thatonequeeraunt · 2 years
He's got that traumatic backstory, complicated relationships, and gorgeous hair triple threat.
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shares-a-vest · 11 months
I know that an Edward Cullen-type version of Vampire!Eddie probably isn't an original thought but, bear with me on this nonsense...
Eddie knows he came back different after waking up in the Upside Down alone. As he made his way back to Hawkins-proper, he noticed his senses were heightened. He had a thirst he couldn't quench when he broke into Steve's house and drank some of his beer from the refrigerator in the garage.
In fact, it made him sick.
Then when Steve caught him, taking a swing with a baseball bat covered in nails, he realised he could read the boy's mind. At the time, Steve was scared... Then relieved... Then thinking all about when they had parted ways to enact Operation Death to Vecna...
So Eddie stopped listening at that point. It seemed private and probably not the most pressing matter anyway because he was most certainly very much alive again. But not... Sort of...
It couldn't be vampirism, could it? He had been chomped up by bats. But he had read enough stories, including the one and only Dracula a time or two. And, if his whole Spring Break had taught him anything, any beast of fantasy and fiction was possible, right?
Though he is still pretty miffed that dragons don't appear to be real...
He finds himself arguing with Steve in his plaid-encrusted bedroom the following morning, curtains drawn. Steve wants to call in the cavalry (aka, Dustin) to talk through his "symptoms" and confirm his suspicions.
"Harrington," he says sternly, "I'm telling you, I'm totally a vampire."
He wants to stomp his foot he's so frustrated with the flustered boy before him. Flustered (okay, annoyed) from arguing about what the hell has happened to him as they stand in the middle of the bedroom, a beam of sunlight dividing them as it streams in through a gap in the curtains.
"Fine," Eddie says as he rolls up the sleeve of his tattered Hellfire shirt, "I'll prove it."
He braces himself, balling up his fist as he sticks his hand in the beam of light.
"Wait stop!" Steve yells and lunges forward.
But nothing happens.
Well, not nothing.
His skin isn't burning to a crisp, nor has he spontaneously combusted.
He is still intact in Steve's ugly bedroom.
But his arm is fucking sparkling like it is made of goddamn diamonds.
"Whoa," Steve says, stumbling upright. He stares at Eddie's skin, mesmerised with his mouth agape as he whispers, "Pretty."
"Are you fucking kidding me?" Eddie huffs.
He retracts his arm and stares at his alabaster skin before shoving it into the sunlight again.
And again with the fucking sparkling!
"No!" Okay, now he stomps his foot.
He retreats once more, this time backing all the way to Steve's desk where he slumps onto the chair.
"This is so fucking lame," he pouts, crossing his arms.
"Eddie," Steve beams, striding towards him, "This is great, dude. If you are a... vampire..." he momentarily makes a face, "You can go in the sun! Your life barely has to change. Although I don't know what we are going to do about the fresh meat situation. Does your uncle know how to hunt? Because I've only been once when I was eight with my dad and I - "
Eddie cuts him off with a loud groan as he hangs his head in his hands.
Trust him to become the most pathetic kind of vampire.
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muertawrites · 2 years
vampire!eddie coming home still in his bat form and too exhausted to shift back so instead he just curls up in the crook of your neck and falls asleep there with his little wings wrapped around you
you wake up in the morning with a full size eddie snoring on top of you
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taylorkawaii · 2 years
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Vampire Eddie😩❤️‍🔥 I swear I’m in love with this man🥰💝
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harrywavycurly · 9 months
Serious question: if Eddie Munson was a vampire would you want him to be like Edward Cullen? Like so in love with you he doesn’t want to cause you any sort of pain no matter how minuscule. Or would you want him to be like one of the vamps from Lost Boys? Wild and reckless because you know what he is and you know he loves you so you just have to either accept it or move on.
My answer just in case you didn’t already know:
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cherubsfool · 2 years
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The darkest side of Eddie "The Bloody Handed" Munson | more eddie (x) (x)
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joshkiszkachaos · 2 years
Pairing: Vampire Eddie Munson x Female Reader
Summary: Your watching Twilight with Eddie
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"This is such bullshit." He laughs at the tv from across the couch.
"What is?" You question raising an eyebrow looking between him and the screen.
"Vampires don't sparkle in the sun, I mean it hurts us but we don't sparkle." He admits casually.
"Oh." You say grabbing your drink from the side table.
"Movies and tv shows always over fantasize vampires." He says.
"How so?" You wonder taking a sip.
"Well for starters, we don't sleep in coffins. It's not the eighteen hundreds." He huff's.
"The only reason we don't like garlic is because are senses are heightened causing us to react more intensely to things. It's kind of like how a cat or dog reacts to loud noises, they hear it louder than it usually would be for humans."
"Also we can't read minds or tell the future."
"How about crosses and wooden stakes?" You ask curiously.
"Yeah, I guess crosses are the only one they got right about us. It has alot to do with our history and religious stuff like that."
"And, Wooden stakes would kill anyone. You from blood loss and me from well, existence." He says looking over at you and grabbing some popcorn from the bowl between you.
"I see." You said looking off into the distance thinking.
"Why planning on killing me babe?" He jokes.
"No." You mumble shifting your position on the couch now looking at the screen.
He notices your sudden drop in mood and holds out his hand to you, you look over and take it as he lowers his head and looks at you through his eyelashes.
"I'll never put you in a position to do so, you know I love you right? I could never hurt you." He reminds you trying to calm your nervousness. You nodd and smile over at him still not sure about the idea that if he got any closer, he'd be able to hold himself back from biting you.
"That's my girl." He grins and continues watching the movie now holding your hand trying to comfort you.
A/N: No, this is not the plus size stories I told you guys I'd be posting. I only came up with this idea while watching Fright Night today. Enjoy :)
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maarigolds · 1 year
Tumblr babygirls of 2022
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October (two for one halloween special)
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December (yes, again, because this time he's covered in even more blood and dirt)
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(please add your own babygirls, the more the merrier)
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bloodwrittenballad · 2 years
no thoughts just vampire!eddie slowly dragging his fangs against your neck before biting you gently 😩
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eddiesbirdie · 2 years
In the Name of Love
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(TEASER) Vampire!Eddie Munson x Fem!Henderson Reader
Supernatural Creatures AU
Sorry for the grammar mistakes in advance.
"No way in hell. We can't tell her, who knows how she is gonna react." Steve is entirely against the idea of telling the well-trained hunter in the friend group about the current state of her boyfriend. Robin nods in agreement with Steve, before blurting out the brutal truth.
"She will immediately think he is behind the murders. She will stake his heart without a second thought." Robin makes the stabbing motion causing the male in question to lower his head in defeat.
Eddie was wearing a baseball helmet with a faceguard as a precaution being around living beings with blood running through their pulsing veins. He has primarily been drinking from wild animals to fight against his hunger.
~~Coming Soon ~~
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Werewolf Steddie au excerpt since this is taking longer to write than I expected
He wasn’t human anymore. He was a fucking werewolf. Under any other circumstances, this might be cool. If Dustin ever learned about this, he’d probably geek the hell out. But all Steve could think about was the fact that he’d been mauled, almost killed, then woke up as something else. Something not even human anymore.
“The good news is that you aren’t alone, Steve,” Eddie said seriously, sitting down. Steve did the same, then looked up questioningly at the fucking vampire sitting across from him.
Seriously, what the fuck. He went from Robin dragging him on a camping trip to being a werewolf and talking to a vampire while eating cheesy bacon omelettes.
“I’m sure you probably won’t want to talk any of the wolves in Hawkins, I know most of them and they’re all dickheads, but there’s more strange creatures in this town than you’d think,” Eddie began, taking a large bite out of his omelette and gesturing for Steve to do the same.
“Now… I’m only telling you this because I know for a fact that they’d both want you to know. I usually don’t go around spewing my friends' secrets!” Eddie assured, “but, uh. A couple of your friends aren’t entirely human. Namely, Buckley and Wheeler. The one you dated, not the kid.”
Steve froze, fork in his mouth. “WHA-?” He choked out, coughing when he inhaled some eggs. “Rob and Nance? Seriously?”
“Yep. Those two are very much not human. Or, Buckley is very much not human. Nancy is kind of human. She’s a witch, Buckley… some kind of fairy thing. She won’t tell me what exactly.”
“How… how the hell. Three of you? And I somehow never noticed?” Steve was, frankly, flabbergasted. All three of the friends he had that were the same age as him were just not even human. Wait…
“Wait, are you even 19?” Steve asked, squinting his eyes like that would help him be able to tell the vampire’s age.
“Wh- yes, Steve. If I was some ancient vampire, do you really think I’d be a three time senior in High School?” Eddie scoffed. And, Steve admitted, that was kind of a stupid question. What ancient vampire would even stay around High School idiots at all, let alone for two years longer than necessary?
“I’m a born vampire, and I am 100% just a dude who sucks at school.”
Steve, unwittingly, was staring at Eddie’s mouth as he talked now. Not… for any weird reasons. Or, okay, maybe mildly weird, but that’s because this whole situation was weird and he just really, really wanted to see Eddie’s fangs. Like, vampires had fangs, right? That was their whole thing. Fangs and blood drinking. He caught glimpses of the tips of the vampire’s fangs as he spoke, but no clear look.
Eddie seemed to catch onto his staring and smirked. He took a bite of his omelette, and definitely very intentionally flashed his fangs. And boy, were they weird looking. They completely took the place of a human’s canine teeth, and were probably twice as long.
“Dude, how has no one ever noticed your fuckin teeth?” Steve asked.
“I can hide ‘em. Like, partially retract them so they just seem a bit sharp, not sharp and unnaturally long,” he demonstrated by opening his mouth wide and retracting them right in front of Steve, who’s mouth formed an O shape in surprise. “Also, Harrington, maybe we should go over your soon to be wolfy stuff, instead of my vampiness?”
“Right. Right, yeah, you’re right. Sorry, this is just all reality weird, very overwhelming, and would be pretty unbelievable if I hadn’t, y’know, seen you take on a fucking bipedal wolf and hardly break a sweat. My brain is still kind of… catching up.”
(Currently 6k words finished. Originally I planned 10k words, but I have no idea anymore, probably gonna be longer) (also was originally planned to be done yesterday but instead I read fanfic all day)
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manic-eddie · 2 years
modern au!eddie would definitely wear these‼️
a little blurb about Eddie wearing these👇🏻 *a little suggestive but nothing too nsfw*
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like you would be sitting in bed reading a book while is in the shower then he finally comes out of the bathroom but instead of seeing him in his plaid pajama pants and raggedy Metallica shirt that he would normally wear to bed, he is wearing those briefs. he literally struts out of the bathroom like he’s some Victoria’s Secret model and is walking down a runway, he literally puts on a whole show and when he finally gets to the bed he points down to the *ahem* area that says ‘bite me’ and says “you know what to do babe;)”
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074kira · 2 years
UGHH i hate how this turned out but i still wanna share it :,,) anyways kas!eddie but instead he’s just a regular vampire pinning down a vampire hunter steve
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muertawrites · 2 years
vampire!eddie hissing dramatically when you open the blinds in the morning
and you telling him "stop it. we both know sunlight doesn't actually bother you, you just hate getting up."
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undersilverlake · 2 years
I need vampire!Eddie fics
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