#un x two fanfic
lazyjellyfish300 · 3 months
Mom and Dad Are Fighting On Valentine's Day 💌
Miguel O'Hara x Fem wife reader
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Synopsis: same universe as Mom and Dad Are Fighting On Christmas. You and Miguel are married with three kids: Gabi(his), Marcus(yours), and Anthony(you two had him together). He falls back into his workaholic patterns and you two have a big fight that nearly ruins your big Valentine's Day plans. Word count 5.2k
Sequel-Mother's Day ending blurb
A/N: My last piece for my Valentine's Day special! I just love this man so much lol. Enjoy! Here's the first one I posted for V Day (this fic is completely unrelated to this one)
It was February 1st and one of the first nights you and your husband actually went to bed at the same time in weeks.
"Let's make a baby this Valentine's Day..." Miguel whispered as his large hand snaked under your arm to cup your breast. Your eyes fluttered, your phone slipped onto the ground, the spicy fanfic you were reading temporarily forgotten. You rolled your hips forward at his touch and panted softly.
"Hmmm....? ¿Quieres un otro niño conmigo, mi amor? (You want another child with me, my love?) He started laying hungry kisses on your neck, his breathing becoming more heavy and hot against your ear, which made you bite your lip. "We can have someone watch the kids...I'll take the day after off so we can have all night and everything..."
"Honey... the baby would be born in November?"
"Mhmmm..." Miguel was too busy caressing your now erect nipples and moving a hand to your crotch to really focus on your conversation.
"They'd be a Scorpio."
Miguel pulls back with an amused look on his face
"Baby...be serious. That's what you're worried about?"
You shrug. "I mean..."
Miguel scoffed and grabbed your breasts again. "I don't care when they're born...just want another little one running around...has your cute nose and everything..." His lips graze upwards on your neck until they come to rest on your jaw. "¿Qué dices?" (What do you say) he murmurs against your skin.
Your mind rushes with all kinds of thoughts. Anthony was quickly approaching his third birthday. You and Miguel had discussed adding just one more O'Hara to the family multiple times. It seemed like good timing. You missed the tender joy and even the sleep deprivation that a little baby brought with them.
You and Miguel had occasional quarrels over dividing housework here and there, but when it came to caring for the kids he was such a hands on father (when he wasn't going through one of his workaholic phases), that you didn't mind the extra labor a newborn demanded.
When people (rudely) asked you if you were done having kids, you couldn't give a firm no. One more child seemed like the perfect way to complete the family you and him built together. You were ready.
You look up at your husband, that irritatingly sexy smirk on his face as he gazes back down at you.
"Buy me dinner first?" You smirk back.
Miguel lets out a hearty chuckle, "I can handle that...I am a gentleman after all. Wouldn't want my pretty little wife thinking I have any ulterior motives..."
He leans down and you release more giggles as he blazes another trail of kisses between your breasts and down your stomach.
"You're impossible, O'Hara..."
The next morning, you two start your usual routine. You throw on your signature leggings and hoodie since you have three kids to wrangle, along with the morning carpool.
Miguel is rolling up his sleeves on his sweater as he leans over to plant a kiss on Gabi's and Marcus's heads as they scarf down their Fruit Loops cereal. He has to chase down little Anthony for a minute, and Anthony squeals as Miguel plants a goodbye kiss on his small chubby cheeks that are smeared with banana puree.
"Bye, baby..." Miguel gives your booty what he thought was a discreet love squeeze along with a peck on the lips, much to Gabi's chagrin.
Miguel grins and opens the door to the garage.
"Mmm- don't forget! Gabi has her book report presentation at 2 pm today!" You call after him.
Shit... Miguel remembers. That's going to be a tough one to squeeze in his already stuffed schedule. "Okay, I'll see what I can do!"
You groan silently to yourself. You knew him well enough to know there was a 99% chance he wasn't coming based on that response alone. You plaster on a fake smile and try to shrug off your worry for the kids' sake. "Alright munchkins, the magic school express is leaving for school, pronto!"
After dropping off Gabi, Marcus and two of the neighbors' kids at school, you drop Anthony off at your mother's for some quality time while you catch up on housework. Or at least some of the housework because you end up showering and taking a 3 hour nap. The demands of the past week finally caught up to you. You groggily shut off the alarm on your phone. The clock said noon.
You text your husband, "Are you going to make it to Gabi's presentation?"
No answer.
But, that was typical. Miguel could get quite busy at HQ and not respond for hours. Still, you kept your hopes up that this time he'd make an honest effort to be there to support Gabi.
After lunch, you go back to your mother's and visit for a bit, then you and little Anthony head over to the school for Gabi's presentation promptly at 2 pm.
Gabi breaks out into a smile when she sees you and her baby brother enter the classroom. "Sissyyy!" Anthony babbles, waving his chunky arm.
Gabi runs to the back of the class and picks up little Anthony to give him a squeeze hello, he giggles furiously, kicking his dangling feet as she spins him around. You give both kids a warm smile then take Anthony in your lap as Gabi walks to the front of the classroom.
She hesitates for a moment and her eyes dart from you and Anthony to the door, as though she was expecting someone else to walk through. You get a sinking feeling in your gut when you realize she's looking for her papa. Her face falls a little bit when the door remains closed and the class goes silent, waiting for her to begin. You look at Gabi and give her an encouraging nod, not letting any of the disappointment you're feeling make itself known on your face.
Gabi takes a deep breath and starts to give her book report presentation. You hug Anthony a little closer to your chest as you both sit and watch, silently vowing to "accidentally" forget to cook Miguel dinner tonight.
Unfortunately, that night you didn't even get the opportunity to bitch him out because he came home some time around 3 am the next morning only to have to roll out of bed 3 hours later to beat the morning rush hour.
All of the excitement and positive momentum you thought you and Miguel were building after his suggestion to spend Valentine's Day together starts to chip away, day after day. He comes home in the wee hours of the night, missing dinner, homework, and bedtime. The kids seem to notice. Marcus snaps at you as you struggle to help him with his science homework. "Daddy knows how to do this stuff! I want him to help me, not you!"
You try to act like that comment didn't sting and answer in a calm but shaky voice. "Daddy's at work. I'm doing my best to help you and I need you to speak to me in a kinder tone, please."
Marcus grunts in frustration, stomping upstairs and slamming his door.
And, to make things worse, he begins picking more fights with Gabi than usual. Doors get slammed and toys get thrown as early as 8 am when a dispute arises over who gets to pick which cartoon is playing on the TV.
In the evenings, you have to scream at the top of your lungs and separate them after they start kicking each other under the table while little Anthony wails because he hates what's being served for dinner. The night ends with everyone in tears and all three kids eventually sleeping in your bed because they're too upset to stay in their rooms.
Miguel winds up on the couch or doesn't even come home at all, leaving you with an uneasy feeling in your stomach with a painful side of resentment.
On Valentine's Day, you wake up and look over. Gabi, Marcus, and Anthony are all in a pile lying against each other on Miguel's side of the bed. It's 5 am. You slide out of bed, taking care not to disrupt your sleeping babies.
You walk quietly downstairs, a storm brewing in your chest, a seething monologue you plan to unleash on your careless husband asleep on the couch again. You had his favorite bourbon, new cologne, his favorite snacks, and some new socks that you were going to set out for him to wake up to. He could forget about all of that now. He didn't even bother to get you anything, or even climb into bed with all of you at least when he got home.
You were preparing to hold his feet to the fire and ask where the hell he's been, if he's remembered he even has a family, and, if his sorry ass doesn't start coming home at a reasonable time or even issue a nearly two weeks overdue apology to Gabi for letting her down, that he can scrap your Valentine's Day plans, cancel the hotel, and you'll return all his gifts back to the store. Things haven't been this bad since Christmas when you nearly got divorced.
But, he's not there. The couch is bare. He spent another complete day and night at work. Didn't even come home so he could be there for you on fucking Valentine's Day. At this point, you just feel like crying. Frustration reached its boiling point and threatens to bubble over. You check your phone, the last text you sent to him was last night at 5 pm.
"Making dinner. Marcus is struggling with his science homework again and got upset with me. Will you please come home at a reasonable time tonight so you can talk to him about it? Are we still on for tomorrow and letting my mom watch the kids?"
The message was opened and read at 7:45 pm with no response. You walk outside onto your porch and call him, pacing back and forth restlessly as the phone rings.
Miguel walks through a portal back into his office at HQ, Felicia Hardy and Ben Reilly in tow. Felicia and Ben are bantering back and forth as Miguel notices an incoming call from you. Miguel's eyes are bloodshot, not having had a blink of sleep in nearly 18 hours
"Someone's in troubleee," Felicia teases. Miguel tries to brush off the comment as he nervously answers and utters a loud "FUCK!" when he realizes what today is.
Deep down, Miguel knew he had been getting worse lately. Diving head first into his work, so adamant on protecting the multiverse that he made himself blind to your needs and the needs of his children, seemingly a purposeful self-sabatoge. It was something you both unpacked early on in your relationship for you to eventually discover he had a form of depression.
A lot of it could be traced back to all those times where he was a boy who grew up way too fast as he shielded Gabriel from the obvious abuse his step dad inflicted on their family. He would take his responsibilities almost a little too seriously, always needing to be the solution to every problem, even if it meant setting himself on fire, and to the detriment of anyone close to him.
You two also battled over the age old argument the majority of married couples faced: the disproportionate division of visible and invisible labor. This was no doubt something that was ingrained in both of you growing up as a pattern that you two were fighting to try and break: the woman handles everything related to the home and kids, the permanent project manager of the family with little to no emotional assistance from the man. Meanwhile , the man works full time and makes such a healthy living that he can sustain her and multiple kids on it at once. The only domestic tasks he should be concerned with are the lawn and any random repairs around the house.
You were very supportive of his mental health of course, but it was times like these where you just needed him home, needed to feel like you didn't have to weather this storm on your own. A very distinct part of the vows you made to each other on your wedding day.
Sometimes you found yourself crying at night or when a love song came on, asking yourself if marriage was really this hard, or if love and the ideas of it that got planted in your head from an early age were just things of fiction. Something you clearly weren't meant to experience. Hell, none of the women on your side of the family did. Your grandma had a shitty marriage but stayed, your mom and dad divorced, and your aunt couldn't make any of her three marriages work.
You hear Miguel answer and you exhale with relief. "Did you get my text?..."
Miguel pinched the bridge of his nose and nodded, "Yeah...Happy Valentine's Day... Lo siento, mi alma..."
(I'm sorry, my soul)
You cross your arms, his greeting and weak apology completely going over your head. "So, where the hell have you been? What have you been up to? I've said maybe 10 words to you in the past nearly two weeks. I've been doing this all by myself..." Your voice thickens and you begin to cry at last, "If you're hurting again you need to tell me..."
Miguel starts to interrupt you but you bulldoze over him, not letting him put out the fire that was lit underneath you. "I need you home. The kids need you home. I am not celebrating Valentine's Day with you in a hotel room tonight if you do not come home at a reasonable time this afternoon to see the kids before we need to drop them off at my mom's."
At that point, Ben makes Felicia giggle loudly in the background. The tone is flirtatious and breathy. The sound is awfully incriminating as it comes through on the other line. Miguel shoots a frantic, pissed off look in their direction.
Your heart does a death drop from your chest to your stomach as you hear it. The deep seated insecurity that always hung in the very back of your mind that liked to make unwelcome appearances, usually at the worst of times in your marriage. An unpleasant symptom of having a husband who was exceedingly physically attractive to practically anyone who laid eyes on him.
The fear he would eventually tire of you and leave you high and dry for someone else. Someone prettier. Someone younger. Someone who wasn't bogged down by responsibilities. Someone who hadn't shown him the worst of who they could be. Someone whose personality was more contagious than yours. Someone more intelligent and successful. Someone who was everything you weren't.
"Who the hell is that...?" you ask through clenched teeth.
Miguel's hand comes up, covering nearly his entire face as he weakly tries to defend himself. "That was....Felicia..."
Felicia. Of fucking course. Here we go again...You hadn't worried about her since the last argument you two had over Christmas when Miguel foolishly decided to throw it in your face that she was more pleasant to be around as a mindless way to hurt you in that moment.
The tiniest seed of insecurity planted that would cause you to spiral with overthinking whenever her name was mentioned, even when you knew she really had a thing for Ben and Miguel put in work to reassure you of the fact that you were still the sole apple of his eye. Miguel had probably just reset whatever progress you two made since then ten steps backwards.
He frantically tries to save himself on the phone but you're already checking out as we speak. "But Ben's here too! Ben's here, too! Babe! We were on Earth-5129, we've been stuck on missions that take all day. Their Sinister Six has been causing all sorts of problems. I'm not alone with anyone, baby, I swear to God. I just got carried away with work-"
"Oh, oh you got carried away alright..." Your tears are hot and salty streaks on your cheeks. "The kids and I will be staying at my mom's. Have fun on your little mission."
"Baby don't hang up I swear to God-..."
You hang up and set your phone down on the ground, crouching down so your head is in your hands and you're squatting in a near fetal position, not moving much except your shoulders gently shaking, causing you to try and rock in a soothing motion as you sob uncontrollably.
You cry and cry. You cry for yourself. You cry at the fact that you feel like a single married mother. You cry because you're frustrated you're not good enough at math to help Marcus with his homework. You cry at the memory of Gabi's disappointed, sad face when she had to give her presentation without her favorite person there to watch. You cry about your body and how you haven't felt beautiful lately, that unkind, irrational thought that perhaps if you were prettier, then Miguel would pay more attention.
You cry about not having enough time in the day to do the things you want to do and how motherhood literally has no breaks to just let you breathe. You cry about Miguel and how this marriage at times feels harder than it should be, wondering what happened to the man you married and just wanting him back.
After several minutes, you just sit and stare at the slightly overcast morning, the cold slowly announcing its presence, your emotions and stress had rendered you insensitive to its chill for most of the time you were out there. You tug your fingers into the sleeves of your pajamas and waddle back inside, pausing at the main floor bathroom. You make sure there is no evidence of tears before you get your kids ready for another day, determined to at least make their Valentine's Day magical even if yours was already off to a shit start. Emotions can wait, motherhood doesn't stop.
Later that night, Gabi and Marcus are passed out in the guest bedroom at your mom's, sugar high worn off once again, and little Anthony is snoozing peacefully in your mom's lap. She quietly rocks him in the recliner in her living room, her nose buried in a book.
She hears Miguel enter quietly, and she looks up. Disapproval obvious in her expression as she bookmarks her spot.
You didn't tell her you and Miguel were fighting, but she knows her daughter well enough to know something was wrong, and he was the cause.
Miguel greets her in a hushed tone so as to not wake Anthony. "Thank you for watching the kids tonight..."
Your mom acknowledges with a curt nod of her head. Miguel sits down. Before he can speak, your mom interrupts. "She's at the hotel..." She pauses, letting Miguel absorb the information. "She wouldn't tell me the truth, but I know my daughter well enough to know she's hurt."
Miguel takes a deep breath, running his fingers through his hair. "Yeah... I messed up big time."
Your mom continues, "All the kids are asleep. If I were you, I'd go fix it..." She takes a deep breath of her own, Anthony stirs a little. "I love you like a son, Miguel. But, I'm gonna say this nicely: you work too much. One day, before you know it, these sweet kids are gonna be all grown up, and you and your wife won't even know what to talk about anymore because you never made your marriage a priority."
Miguel nods slowly, taking in her words.
"Don't become strangers in your marriage like I did." Your mom says, looking sincerely into Miguel's eyes. It clicks for Miguel at last, and he knows what he needs to do. He just prays that you'll even let him get close enough to let you hear him out.
Miguel gives your mom a warm smile of appreciation and a stroke to Anthony's hair before he ventures out into the February air, off to go win your heart back once again.
You're curled up in the king sized bed in the executive suite of one of the fanciest hotels nearby. You and Miguel stayed there the night before you eloped, and it was your first time staying there since. You would have cancelled the room altogether, but it was too late by the time Miguel messed up, so you figured you'd enjoy it, even if you had to do it alone, dammit. If you were going to cry, then at least you'd be doing it while wearing the hotel's fancy bathrobe on the top floor with chocolate covered strawberries and champagne.
You popped one in your mouth to try and distract from your tears that threatened to leak once again as you watched Letters to Juliet on the flat screen TV. You sniffed loudly, and there was a loud booming knock at the door.
You stayed right where you were, having a hunch it was your husband crawling back, biting another chocolate covered strawberry, this time chasing it with a longer sip of champagne.
The knocks get louder and you mutter a "shit" when you hear Miguel start calling your name, his fist relentless against the heavy oak door. You get up cautiously, creeping towards the knocking.
"Abre la puerta, cariño, por favor!!!" (Open the door, dear, please!) Miguel yells. "Stop doing this shit baby, I'M YOUR HUSBAND! TALK TO ME!"
The neighbors across the hall open up their door and start chastising him. Something about "keep it down people are trying to sleep", "this is the first night we've had away in MONTHS", "take your relationship problems outside", to which Miguel loudly hisses it's none of their goddamn business.
You open the door, yank your disheveled, tall ass husband into your room, and slam it in the face of the Karens. Problem solved. You huff and turn around, making your way back to your champagne throne, not saying a word.
Miguel makes a loud sigh, trying to settle from 100 back to 0. "Sweetheart, I'm sorry..." His brown locks are unkempt, a little bit of stubble peppers his chin. His crimson eyes are surrounded by little bloodshot lines. In his hands he has a slightly wilted bouquet of pink roses, one of the last bundles they had available at the grocery store, and in the other, a little pack of caramel Ghirdadellis being held by a tiny stuffed gray hippo.
You take the stuffed animal from Miguel with a neutral expression on your face. "He can stay," you wiggle the hippo in your hand. "But you can't. "
Miguel groans. "Baby, NOTHING happened. I swear on our children."
You raise an eyebrow at the bold statement. "On our children?"
Miguel sits on the edge of the bed, pulling at the hem of your bathrobe. "If I'm lying, let God Himself strike me down where I stand."
"You're sitting," you murmur, unable to resist. Miguel gives an exhausted gasp of laughter.
"You know what I mean..." He says, trying to steer the conversation back on target. "I would NEVER do that to you in a million years. I was an ass, I know. I've been taking too much time at work and I neglected you. I neglected the kids..." He sighs and leans into your chest. You silently wrap your hands around his head, pressing him into you.
Miguel closes his eyes, taking a deep smell of your scent. All of his stress seemingly being tugged out of his head with every moment he stays squished against your heart. He tries to explain, "Ben and Felicia were laughing, that's what you heard on the phone..."
You take a steady intake of breath. "Miguel..."
"Te lo prometo...." (I promise you) He says earnestly, looking up into your eyes from where he's still sitting on the edge of the bed. "Te lo prometo" (I promise you) he repeats for emphasis this time, his voice reducing to a whisper, crimson eyes wide as though his pupils could pull you in and make you see the truth.
"You don't need to explain yourself..." You say, bringing your hands to cup his face. His eyes fluttered closed and he leans into them. When he reopens them, a thin layer of tears is evident.
When Miguel cries, you can't help but cry also. You press your tongue against the back of your teeth, and go back to playing with his hair instead to hold them at bay. "How'd we get like this, baby?..."
That sentence utterly breaks his heart because he's all too aware of his role he's played in being a strain on your marriage by now. This was unlike you two. He's unable to speak but a million thoughts sprint through his head. Life happened. We stopped making each other the priority. Yes, the kids' needs would ultimately trump everything else while they were still very young, but when was it going to be your time again? Instead of going back to the way things were, you'd have to get to know each other again.
Meeting yourselves again as the new people you evolved into, reunited over those tender words you promised each other on wrinkled paper you stole from a printer in a cramped city office building nearly 5 years ago. Your lovely face bore a jittery smile underneath your department store veil, Miguel's expression tender as though he could power a city from the affection on his face alone.
Now, on this late Valentine's Day night , he beckons you to sit next to him, which you do. He lays you backwards, following you and propping himself on his elbow. The shift causes one tear to escape, creeping into your hair. You sniffle, and Miguel looks at you with concern. "Life got in the way again...it's not your fault. It's mine..." He admits shamefully.
You stare at the ceiling, more tears trickling into your hair before you look at Miguel. "Why'd you marry me?"
Miguel gives you a soft smile and answers in a hushed tone. "I decided one day that I didn't want to be without you." He pauses and his smile disappears momentarily, then creeps back up again. "Do you still wanna be without me right now?"
You shake your head. "No...I was mad. But that doesn't mean I really want you to go. I've just missed you, baby... *sigh*.....can we end the night together?"
Miguel's expression liquefies, "Course we can...and tomorrow too, right?" He scoops you even closer. We'll take our time, maybe get breakfast at that diner you love? Take you shopping?...I got a lot to make up for," he chuckles.
You hum, bringing your fingertips against his broad back. "Yes please." You let yourself drown in his hug for several moments, then you say, "We really need to stop fighting and making up on all the major holidays. Hallmark is going to catch wind of it and make a film adaptation, just watch."
Miguel beams, a light snicker from his chest vibrates against your body. "Haha...you're right, baby. Can't keep letting them get away with it..." His hand moves to grip your ass. "I'll wait til St. Patrick's Day to act up instead..."
"Babe. No."
"I'm kidding!"
"No, just, no," you shake your head, trying to wiggle out of his grasp but he holds you firmly down, both hands moving under your robe.
"You're right, my apologies, Mrs...." he croons.
"O'Hara. That's Mrs. O'Hara to you." You prod the tip of his nose.
Miguel kisses the sides of your neck, his lips still contain the tiniest bit of chill from the outside. You sigh into it, your sweet sounds of surrender tickling his ears, evolving into a wave of warmth that covers every inch of him, making him tremble for what's happening next.
"Mrs.... O'Hara..." At the sound of his name, he slides two fingers into your pussy. Your lips fall open at the intrusion, a whine bouncing off the walls.
"Shh...." Miguel soothes, his fingers start moving in a circular pattern.
"Fffuck...," your back arches, encouraging him to go deeper. You've reached the point where you're completely vulnerable. Falling apart to your husband's sweet thick fingers.
Miguel kisses the top of your breasts, still coaxing the walls of your pussy. "There she is..."
"I love you so much..." you whine, almost desperate.
His eyes are completely intoxicated by the utter desire leaking out of your body and into his hand. "I love you, sweetheart..." his voice barely above a whisper, as though any noise that escaped him threatened to rip you out of the haze of pleasure you both were currently drowning in.
You lift your chin, capturing his lips in yours. Soft and wet, they move seamlessly as they had nearly thousands of times before. A familiar song and dance you two engaged in, yet seemed to take you to a place that felt brand new each time you did.
"Make love to me..." your murmur buzzes softly against his lips, leaving his breath hanging hot and heavy.
Miguel answers by making his kisses a little harder. Lingering for a second longer, his tongue weaving a little deeper, leaving yours burning for more contact. A steady stream that turned into a faucet. Every bit of you yearns for him. This man you loved so much. And he yearns for the same in return. He'd happily give into you any time.
He praises you as you take his cock. Your eyes closing momentarily to accommodate his size. He traces your lips, letting the bottom one drag down just a little, leaving an opening for his thumb. You suck it greedily, the callouses of his thumb massaging against the ridges of your tongue. You moan as you taste his skin, earning a low grunt from him in return.
"Mi luz(My light).....so, so gorgeous..."
The corners of your lips curve into a smirk as you continue, but you release it when Miguel begins thrusting harder.
"Shit...." Your head presses back against the pillows and Miguel leans closer to you, his soft breaths fanning you, his fingers combing over your hairline as he holds you in place.
"Swear your pussy drives me insane no matter how many times we've fucked..." Miguel groans in a low voice.
You wind your thighs tighter around him, your body on the verge of overstimulation. "Cum in me ... remember? Wanna give you another baby..."
Miguel lets out a moan louder in volume than any of the previous ones. "¿En serio, amor?" (Seriously, love?)
Your bodies intertwined in a knot of passion as he fills you completely with his cum. You hold him tight, intimate moments like these that only the two people occupying the bed would remember. The raw, dirty memory of the night you hopefully conceived your last child with him.
He stays buried inside you, not ready to separate just yet. Letting the afterglow of the passion wash over you both for several more moments.
Soon after, you're enjoying the steam of the shower as you and Miguel take turns washing another, the smacks of your lips together echoing off the tile leading to a wet slap as your hand comes up to steady yourself against the wall as Miguel dives between your thighs once again.
"Happy Valentine's Day, Mrs. O'Hara..."
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pitchsidestories · 6 days
can't stop this feeling II Alessia Russo x Reader
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masterlist I word count: 2954 I previous fanfic I
a/n: hi, the oneshot is based off the ask to write for Alessia, we hope you guys like this one, it's on the longer side, so get cozy.
Vick Hope looked expectantly at the two players who formed The Tooney & Russo Show together. The question she read out loud only a couple of seconds ago, was weighing heavy on the Arsenal forward.
They were playing a quick-fire question round of who’s more likely for the new episode and the moderator asked them:” Who’s more likely to kiss a girl?”
“Alessia, she just did last night!”, Ella yelled enthusiastically.
“Tooney!”, Alessia gasped.
Shooting an innocent smile in her best friend’s direction the Manchester United footballer defended herself:” What? You just told me.”
“Yes, but that was just a kiss between teammates.”, the Blonde explained, her cheeks turning slightly pinks as she spoke.
“You never kissed me.”, Ella reminded her with a cheeky grin.
“Yes, because you’re my best friend. I’d never kiss-.”, Alessia licked the lips nervously.
“Your friends? Liar.”, the midfielder clicked her tongue reprovingly.
The remark of the fellow footballer made the blonde blush even harder:” Can we change the topic please? This is ridiculous. It was fun and meant nothing.”
“Sure, so who’s more likely to get into a bar fight?”, sensing the change of the mood in the room Vick Hope switched the discussion to something more light-hearted.
“Definitely Tonney.”, Alessia laughed.
“True, I can’t deny that.”, Ella responded, shrugging her shoulders in a nonchalantly manner.
Last night, when the kiss which the podcast had hinted at, happened the Arsenal team has been out in the bars, celebrating the end of the season. The temperature been up letting everyone know that summer was around the corner.
“No, drinks for, y/n.”, Lia told her teammates at the table seriously. The room was nicely lit, with modern art on the walls and a lot of plants as decorative elements.
“Wally, I’m 23 and not longer 16 anymore.”, you scowled at her.
“Still, the rules are the rules.”, the Swiss woman declared, she didn’t seem to be impressed by your throw in.
Clearing her throat, Katie offered you grinning:” You can take a sip from my drink.”
“Thanks, Katie.”, you replied happily.
“Katie!”, Kim scolded the Irish player.
“She turned 23 this month, you guys need to calm down!”, she scoffed.
“Listen, I’ll order a drink now!”, Leah announced as she banged on the table, to underline the seriousness of her decision.
“Lee, I love you. Thank you!”, you sighed gratefully.
“Excuse me? I thought you loved me more.”, Alessia interjected, her pretty lips formed to a pout.
“Did you buy me a drink?”, you rose an eyebrow at her, but couldn’t help to giggle because of her silly facial expression.
“No?“, Alessia replied truthfully.
Your teammate shrugged: “Fine then. I still love you.“
“Love you too. But not as much as Leah.“, you replied when the blonde defender reappeared next to you with a drink in hand.
You carefully took the glass from her: “Thanks, Lee.“
“You’re welcome.“, she laughed, holding up her own glass so you could clink your glass to hers.
You both took a sip of your drink and you had to admit, Arsenals vice captain had a surprisingly good taste in alcohol.
Lia playfully hit her best friend on the arm: “Leah, you’re breaking the rules!“
“The rules aren’t for her anymore.“, she replied decisively.
You nodded enthusiastically: “Exactly!“
The Swiss midfielder shook her head in faux shock: “Unbelievable.“
You suddenly felt an arm snake around your shoulders. When you looked over, your eyes met Beths. She leaned her head on her shoulder, obviously not on her first drink anymore and said: “You’ll always be our baby, y/n. No matter how old you get.“
“Oh yes.“, Lia agreed.
You shook Beth off and grimaced at your older teammates: “Ugh, you’re horrible.“
Between some gasps and a few protests, Kim only looked at you with an unimpressed expression: “No, we know you love us.“
You were about to respond that maybe they should have their alcohol consumption supervised instead because none of them seemed sober at the moment when Alessia grabbed your wrist. Your attention immediately shifted to her.
“Want to go get some fresh air?“, she asked, her blue eyes twinkling.
“Yes, please.“, you nodded, happy to escape your teammates for a moment.
A smile appeared on your friends lips as she pulled you along: “Come on then. Maybe they have calmed down until then.“
You both stepped outside into Londons night air. It was chilly and you wrapped the arm not holding your drink around yourself. “Let’s hope so. It’s just so annoying when they’re babying me like I’m still that academy youngster who joined them seven years ago…“
You sighed quietly. You were still grateful for these women. They were welcoming and supportive when you first joined Arsenals senior squad. By now you even considered most of them your family. But they still seemed to ignore that you had changed since then.
“Maybe they still want to believe that.“, Alessia grinned, bumping her shoulder against yours.
“Maybe it makes them feel less old.“, the striker suggested while taking your drink from you and having a sip.
You let out a laugh: “I guess that could be true.“
While she was busy enjoying your drink, you used the opportunity to reapply your lipgloss. As you followed the contour of your lips with the applicator, you realized that Alessias eyes were following your movements.
You frowned at her: “What?“
“That’s a pretty gloss.”, the blonde muttered under her breath.
Her visible nervousness amused you.
“I could put some gloss on your lips if you’d want to?”, you offered her, smiling innocently.
“Sure.”, Alessia nodded as she kept focussing on your lips. They are so kissable, the forward thought to herself while you applied the gloss on to her.
Stepping a bit away from her, you noted:” It looks great on you.”
“It’s true.”, you replied but before you could add anything more your teammates lips were on yours, you exchanged short and sweet kisses.
In between those Alessia stated with a huge grin on her face: “And very kissable.”
“Oh, do you think so, Russo?”, you gave her a challenging look.
“Yes.”, she declared laughing.
“Too bad you’re only for the boys you’re a pretty solid kisser.”, you sighed dramatically. Despite the joking, it did hurt you saying this out loud. You couldn’t dwell on it for too long as Alessia showered you in more kisses to stop you from talking.
“I can still kiss you anyway.”, the forward claimed confidently. The two of you have been too oblivious to your surroundings, so you didn’t see your teammates turning up behind you, who have started to worry what took you two so long.  
“Oi, Lessi kissed y/n!”, Katie yelled.
“Katie.”, Caitlin scolded her girlfriend.
“Wait, what !?”, Beth gasped, the shock has been written all over her face.
“Relax, girls, it was just a kiss.”, Alessia tried to soothe them with her response.
“It’s never just a kiss.”, Beth answered in a serious tone.
“Well for us it’s, right y/n?”, the younger forward asked you.
“Uhm, yeah sure.”, you mumbled, you could feel the rest of your team could sense that you were lying.
The Irish woman was clearly ready to reply something sharp, but Caitlin stopped her. “Don’t say anything right now, Katie.”
“I think I’ll be going home now.”, you decided quietly.  
“Already?”, Lia questioned surprised.
When she saw you nodding the Swiss woman continued: “I can bring you home.”
“Oh, you don’t need to.”, you told her.
“I was about to leave anyway.”, Lia shrugged.
“Okay, fine.”, you gave in, after you said your goodbyes to everyone, the older midfielder and you were on your way home by foot.
While you were walking Lia was absently smiling at her phone. Normally the Swiss woman wasn’t clued to her device this much, she would have pointed out the beauty of the gardens you both were passing on the way or talking about whatever crossed her mind.
“Are you texting Mariona again?”, you teased her smirking.
“Again?”, the midfielder repeated, biting her lip guiltily.
“Oh, please, you know what I’m talking about, you playfully rolled your eyes at her before adding more earnestly, I’m happy for you, Lia, you deserve it.”
“Thanks, I’m just surprised, I haven’t told anyone yet.”, Lia confessed.
You shrugged, biting back a smirk: “Yes but you know we all have eyes and access to Instagram, right?“
“It wasn’t even obvious!“, the midfielder protested, throwing her hands up in defeat.
“Doesn’t matter we all know.“
“I guess you do.“, she sighed.
You raised your eyebrow: “See?“
“Yes. But Lessi…“, Lia suddenly changed the topic.
You could feel your heart skip a beat but pretended to remain unfazed: “What about her?“
Your teammate studied your face for a moment. “What was that about?“
“I don’t know…“ There were a million thoughts in your head, a million explanations but the reality was that you had no idea why this had happened. You were thinking about blaming it on the alcohol but you knew Lia would not buy it.
Seemingly unsatisfied with your answer, the Swiss midfielder followed up with another question: “Was it just a kiss like she said?“
You knew where she was going but you decided to act dumb: “I mean… you know Lessi. She’s just very affectionate.“
Your indifference seemed to bother Lia. She stopped right on the pavement. “But kissing is a different level of affection.“
“Yeah…“, you admitted slowly, your gaze trained on the tips of your shoes as you paused by her side.
Lia let out a sigh of understanding and when you looked back up at her, her eyes were full of empathy. “You wanted it to be more than that, right?“
“I did.“ Your voice was hoarse and quieter than you expected. You cleared your throat.
“Oh, y/n.“
Before you could protest, Lia had pulled you into a tight hug.
For the first few seconds, the embrace felt soothing and comforting but then you shook your head, signalling your teammate to let go.
“But it’s okay. I know this will never happen with her.“, you said, once Lia took a step back.
The older player whipped out her phone again and started typing: “Let me text the others.“
“Wait, what?“
“They should talk to her.“, she explained quickly.
“Oh, that’s probably useless…“
With a stern face, Lia looked directly into your eyes: “No. I know you think this is probably not a big deal. But it is. It is hard enough being a queer woman, this should not be one of the things we should have to worry about as well.“
“What do you mean?“ The fierceness in her voice almost left you speechless.
“Being randomly kissed by a straight girl. I’m sure Lessi didn’t mean it like that but… she should know.“
“She should know what it means…“, you whispered. The kisses from earlier in the evening replayed in your mind and only then did you realize that Lia was right. Alessia was the one who had initiated this.
“The others will talk to her.“, Lia plainly said before gently pulling you along.
You immediately fell into step with her as she walked you to your flat. She only left when you assured her that you would be okay.
Crawling into your bed in the quiet of your home, you hoped that sleep would come quickly.
On the next day Leah was the first to approach her teammate, opening the conversation in her earnest England captain tone: “Lessi, can we talk?”
“Sure.”, Alessia mumbled a bit nervous due to the stern expression on the older blonde’s face.
“About last night.”, the defender continued, getting straight to the heart of what was about to be discussed.
“Is this about a kiss?”, she bit her lip in front of the older woman.
“Yes., Leah confirmed her fear before adding, Lia texted me that y/n wasn’t happy.”
“Of course, she wasn’t as a queer girl getting kissed by a straight one.”, Beth joined their talk shrugging.  
“That’s not what I..”, Alessia interjected with a helpless look on her face.
Clearing her throat to draw back the attention on her Leah asked the younger forward:” Why did you kiss her?”
At this point Alessia felt like she was being cross-examined by her friends.
“I just like..her so much.”, the blonde tried to explain her feelings for you in front of your teammates stammering.
“Like Lotte and Tooney?”, Beth questioned.
“ I thought so. But they never looked so..”
“Kissable?”, the England captain ended the sentence for her.
“Yes.”, Alessia nodded, licking her lips anxiously.
“Does she make you feel things like you did with boys before?”, the oldest of the players threw in.
“No, I’m not into girls.”, the younger forward shook her head.
More softly than before Leah responded:” Maybe not into girls but into her.”
“Into her?”, Alessia ran through her open hair to calm down her nerves, but she had to admit that this gesture didn’t help at all in this situation where their questions stirred something inside her for which she wouldn’t have simple answer.
“I don’t even know what that means.”, the half Italian pointed out.
“Alessia.”, Beth tried to soothe her.
“I mean I’ve only been with men before.”, she reminded them and more important herself.
“Doesn’t mean it always has to be that way you know?”, Leah told her gently.
“But..”, Alessia begun.
“You don’t have to give yourself a label if that’s what’s concerning you.”, the defender emphasized.
“Thanks, girls.”, she whispered already deep into her own thoughts.
“Do you want to hear my humble opinion on this.”, Vivianne tuned in, turning up next to her girlfriend’s side.
 “Of course.”, Alessia said.
The Dutch woman looked deep into her eyes while talking solemnly:” Nothing of this matters. Who you dated before, how you label yourself. But if you want to keep kissing her, don’t deny yourself that. Otherwise, you should apologize to her.”
“Well, said Vivi.”, Beth said padding the shoulder of the taller player.
“You girls are the sweetest, but I don’t know.”, the younger Blonde forward answered genuinely.
“You don’t have to know yet.. just trust your feelings.”, Leah reassured her.
Alessia nodded slowly: “I think I should talk to her.“
“That sounds like a good idea.“, Vivianne agreed, giving her teammate a gentle pat on the shoulder.
You were on your way to leave the pitch when Alessia stopped you right after training.
“Oh hey, Less.“, you said casually, trying to move past her.
“Hey. Can we talk?“
You had dreaded this question but still nodded cautiously: “Yes.“
You took a deep breath, preparing yourself to get hurt.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have kissed you, that was wrong.“, Alessia apologized sincerely.
Trying to avoid her bright blue eyes, you looked straight over her shoulder: “To be fair, I kissed you back which… wasn’t right of me either considering you only kiss boys.“
“Don’t. I initiated it. I don’t know what had gotten into me.“
You finally looked at her, searching for any sign you could find. “So you really think it was just a mistake, huh?“
The striker frowned: “I didn’t say that.“
You were surprised by the defensiveness in her voice. “True.“
For a second, Alessia just stood there, studying you. Nervously, she ran a hand through her hair. “I’m just really damn confused about what happened.“
You immediately believed her. You knew the desperate expression in her eyes too well from yourself: “Trust me, I’m confused too.“
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to confuse you.“
In this moment, you wanted nothing more than to put your lips on hers to stop her from apologizing.
“I just don’t want you like a best friend, Less…“, you said, your jaw set defiantly.
“I never felt about anyone this way…“
“And I never felt like this about a teammate.“
There was silence between the two of you. Both scared to make the wrong move.
Alessias voice was light as a feather as she whispered: “Do you think this could be something?“
“I do.“
It felt like your heart was somersaulting in your chest.
Your best friend took your hand in hers, her face softening even more: “But you’ll have to be patient with me. I’m new to all of this.“
You let out a soft chuckle: “I mean your kisses were the opposite of patience.“
She playfully hit you on your arm: “If you don’t shut up, I’ll have to kiss you again!“
“Try it.“, you challenged her but quickly added with more seriousness: “But I promise we can take it slow.“
“I promise.“
“Come here.“, Alessia said, pulling you in for a gentle but long-lasting kiss.
You broke apart as Katie yelled from somewhere: “Guys, I think the kids will be alright!“
As you looked up, you saw your teammates standing at the gate of the Arsenal grounds, watching you.
Lia winked at you before turning to Katie: “I think we have to admit that they’re not children anymore.“
“Told you so, Wally!“, Leah joined in.
Kim Little grimaced: “Ugh, young love is so disgusting.“
“Oh, Kimmy, we know you love them.“, Beth grinned at the small Scot.
You looked at Alessia with raised eyebrows: “I think it’s time for us to leave, Lessi.“
“I agree.“
Maybe this was just the trial stage but the way Alessias hand fitted so perfectly in yours, told you this was going to last.
You were almost out of earshot but you could still hear the smile in Kims voice: “Such a pretty couple.“
“We knew you thought that!“, Leahs voice shouted.
You bit back a smile. What would you do without those girls?
pictures are from pinterest.
448 notes · View notes
swordsandholly · 1 month
Steel Magnolia
Part 1
Simon “Ghost” Riley x fem!plus size!reader
No use of y/n
Rating: Mature/MDNI
Word Count: 2.1k
Author’s Note: I just recently got back into fandom spaces and reading fanfic again and looooove the uptick in fat Y/N characters. Ofc as a big girl myself I wanted to try my hand at writing one too.
Hopefully I’ll post this on AO3 soon. Whenever I get my invite so I can make an acc.
“Oh! Darlin’, did ya see those boys next door?” Mrs. Duprey gasps as you swipe the last of her Bubble Bath OPI polish across her fingers.
“Next door?” You cock an eyebrow. “No one’s been next door since Adam and Eve.”
“I saw them on the way in!” She grins, the corners of her eyes wrinkling pleasantly. “Strappin’ young men - y’should talk t’ ‘em.”
You roll your eyes. “I’m sure I will sooner or later, ma’am.”
“You’ve been single too long.” The nosey old bat contributes. As much as you love her she truly cannot leave well enough alone.
“And I’m perfectly content as such.” You give her your warmest smile.
The trailer home across from you has remained empty for as long as you can remember. It’s well kept - sometimes you see random gardeners mowing or going in an out with tool bags - but no one lives there permanently. You’d think in a beach town it would at least belong to some snowbirds. A timeshare, maybe. It’s none of those things, though. Just a well-maintained, perfectly empty husk.
There’s a metaphor in there somewhere, probably.
Sure enough, as you walk Mrs. Duprey out of your little single wide trailer, you spot a black SUV parked out front of the neighboring double wide. One that is definitely *not* a repair man or worker’s vehicle. She coos at you to make sure to talk to them before waddling off to her own car. She really shouldn’t be driving at her age. You wonder briefly - futilly- if she’d sell you her car in exchange for rides.
You suppose she’s right - even if it is for the wrong reasons. You’re not particularly interested in flirting with the new neighbors. After all, don’t fuck where you eat is a saying for a reason, but it wouldn’t exactly be neighborly to not introduce yourself. Especially with all the people coming and going from your home for your nail tech services. The old Yankee’s catty-cornered from you still believe that you're a drug dealer. At least they only come down for a couple months of the year.
Despite your staunch decision not to flirt, you still find yourself adjusting your clothes. Maybe the sports bra as a top is a bit much…
Fuck it. If they live here now they’ll see you in worse.
You fix your lipstick and throw on your platform sandals. The ones that clip-clop as you walk. Maybe it will help announce your presence.
The screen door wraps quietly as you knock. You take two steps back on the front, wooden porch so as not to come off too aggressively. As the seconds tick by you debate on knocking again. Maybe they’re out. Or busy. They did just move in today, most likely. Maybe you should-
The door creaks slightly as it opens. A very, painfully handsome man pushes the screen door until it clicks in place. “Afternoon, lassie.”
You blink stupidly as he crosses his strong arms and leans on the doorframe. His eyes are a striking shade of blue - somehow both sharp and soft. His dark hair is shaped into a slightly grown-out, un-styled mohawk. It fits him oddly enough.
“I, uh,” you take a deep breath. Christ you need to get laid if just *looking* at a hot guy has you this off kilter. “I live across the way. Just wanted t’ say welcome t’ tha neighborhood.”
That lopsided smile on his face grows into a grin. You don’t miss the way his eyes catch on your chest. “Aye? Nice tae meet ye. Names John MacTavish. M’friends call me Johnny.”
He gives your hand an extra little squeeze after shaking it. That accent might as well have you on the floor. You continue to blink dumbly, watching the at the scar on his chin stretches as he speaks.
Christ almighty, you’re pathetic.
“Nice to meet’ya.” You give him a warm smile, tilting your head to the side slightly. “Ya’ll here for vacation? We don’t get many Europeans ‘round here.”
He chuckles. It’s low and rumbling and would probably feel wonderful with your ear pressed to his chest. “Little bit o’ business, little bit o’ pleasure. This an’ tha’.”
“Hello, there.” Another man pops up from behind Johnny suddenly. Fucking hell, he’s gorgeous too. Older, for sure, with a uniquely cut beard that would probably look rather silly on anyone less handsome. At it stands, he manages to make it appear dignified.
“Ah, jus’ about tae call fer ye, Cap. This is our neighbor.” Johnny gestures toward you.
“John Price.” The man steps forward to shake your hand. It’s firm and professional and thank god your grandad made you practice a good handshake as a kid or you’d be painfully embarrassed.
“Are all UK men named John or is this just some sorta cult?” You blurt, unable to stop yourself from snickering at them.
Older John chuckles at you fondly, his facial hair giving him a pleasant U-shaped smile. “Be easier to remember that way, wouldn’t it? No, we’re with two others. Kyle and Simon. They’re out at the moment.”
“Kyle and Simon.” You repeat, nodding. Johnny, John, Kyle, Simon. “Are y’all in town long?”
“Indefinitely.” Is all Price gives you. It’s a tone that even someone as dense as you can recognize as ‘don’t ask more.’
You clap your hands together and smile a little wider, ready to make your exit. “Well, I’m not here t’be a bother, just wanted t’ welcome ya and, uh, let y’know that I have a lot of people over throughout the day - I’m a nail tech. They shouldn’t bother ya but y’know.”
“Ye can come bother us anytime, bonnie.” The Scot hits you with that grin again and your face suddenly feels far too hot.
A loud, whining screech sounds off from down the road. You check your watch. Holy shit, three-thirty already. You begin to back off the porch. “Ah, nice t’ meet ya again! See ya ’round!”
As you jog down the little dirt road of the trailer park another black car passes you. It’s smaller, a sedan. You make very brief eye contact with a blonde wearing a surgical mask and another man with the sharpest golden eyes you’ve ever seen - even through the tint of the window.
*Kyle and Simon,* you think.
You make a mental note to greet them at some point and continue down the street. The school bus slowly stops at the entrance and you take up your spot in the small crowd of parents. IT’s a shabby old bus - chipping paint and break pads that sounds like they’re about ready to snap. It’s all they’re willing to send out to your little section of the city, though.
Shelby meanders over in your direction, her usual Camel Crush lit up in one hand and the other teasing her already well-lifted hair. “Afternoon. Saw there was some new folks across from ya.”
“Hm?” You keep your eyes on the bus. “Ah, yeah. Just vacationers, I think.”
“Lookers, though.” She chuckles.
“They’re from the UK.” You offer.
“No shit!” Shelby stamps out her cigarette as the bus doors open. “Accent and all?”
“Yep.” You grin.
Shelby tsks and fiddles with her hair again. “I best go over an’ make myself known, then.”
“There’s an older fella with a neat beard. Think you’d like ‘em.” You snicker.
She hums. “I’ll bring a pie.”
The children practically burst out of the bus doors, as always. Ready to be home and shuck off their backpacks to their respective adult. Shelby’s son almost knocks her over, offering a little “Good afternoon, ma’am!” to you before heading off with his mother.
You nod to him, shoving a hand in your pocket as you wait for yours. She’s always the last. Always caught up in a book or something and doesn’t realize it’s time to get off of the bus. Sure enough, the driver has to call back to her before the little girl comes dashing out. She jumps off of the bus steps, despite being told time and time again not to, and kicks a rock on her way toward you.
You bow low for her. “Welcome home, Lady Sophie.”
She giggles, dark curls bouncing as she skips over. “Ni-ni!”
You take her bag from her. The thing really does dwarf the poor six year old. Her hand slips into yours easily. Soft and round and somehow always so much warmer than yours.
“My nail color chipped!” She announces, holding up her ring finger on the opposite hand.
“Oh! Now we can’t have that. I’ll fix it tonight.” You smile, waving at old Mr.Chester as the two of you pass.
“Well now!” He calls. “How blessed am I to see two such lovely ladies!”
You both giggle, continuing on your way. He’s a good landlord - spotted you more than a few times when Sophie was a baby and you couldn’t work consistently. Honestly, as you look around, the little community that he’s managed to build in this shitty corner of the world should be praised. Housing just enough snowbirds to cover his property costs while keeping rent low for the full time locals. Maybe you could convince Natalie at the paper to run a little story on it or something.
As you pull up to your own home, the blonde man is outside leaning on the front of their double wide. Seeing him standing at full height makes your blood run cold. The man is built like a damn barn - tall and wide. Beyond solid. *Brick shithouse*. It’s a bit weird that he’s covered in clothing head to toe but whatever. Weirder things have happened before. The mask still covers his face, you wonder if he had taken it off before you came up or just flipped it up to smoke.
“Sophie, head on in. I’ll catch up.” You push her toward the door. She scampers in, the screen door slamming behind her as you march up to the brick shithouse of a man in front of you.
“Which are ya? Kyle or Simon?” You smile, holding out your hand to shake.
Dark eyes rake over you, stopping briefly on your hand, before moving back to meet yours. He stomps out the half smoked cigarette. “Simon.”
You let your hand drop. Bit rude, this one. “Nice t meetcha.”
The other man pops his head out of the trailer. Kyle, you assume. “Oh. Hello.”
“Hi.” You smile as warmly as you can, giving your name. “I’m assumin’ yer Kyle.”
“Yeah.” He chuckles. “I’m guessing you’re the neighbor Price mentioned.”
You nod, about to speak again but Simon shoves past you, marching his way up the steps. “Let’s go.” He grunts, pushing the other man back into the trailer despite his protests.
You wrinkle your nose at him. What an asshole.
“Who’s tha’?” Sophie asks over the back of the old, worn couch as you let the trailer door slam behind you.
“New neighbors.” You say simply, glancing out the window. “Don’t go over there without me, yeah?”
“Okay!” She agrees, sitting back on the couch and bouncing, beginning her usual post school chant. “Bluey! Bluey! Bluey!”
You drop her backpack down beside the small coffee table. “After yer homework.”
“Nooo!” She pouts.
“Then no Bluey.”
Sophie pouts harder but crawls down in front of the coffee table and pulls out her little work sheets. At least the school doesn’t over run them too terribly with homework toward the end of the year. You glance at the calendar. Wednesday, May 22nd. Damn, she really only has about a week left. Though, you’d be lying if you said you weren��t looking forward to this summer break with her. She’s old enough now that you can take her places like the arcade without having to wait on her so much. You’ll actually be able to play some of the two-player games.
Plus, this year, you actually have a little more pocket change to make it fun.
You turn to look out the window once more at the new neighbors. Their curtains remain closed, cars neatly parked out front. The door opens slowly, the hot Scot and rude blonde wander to the Sedan. Simon’s shoulders shake at something Johnny said - you think he’s laughing but its hard to tell with that mask. Johnny’s head turns, blue eyes meeting yours through the shitty glass windows of your trailer. You squeak and duck to sit next to Sophie, praying that he didn’t catch you staring.
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carpbread0 · 9 months
NPC Life is the best
(Genshin impact x gn reader - sagau)
(second person pov)
Prologue —> part.1
If you were to be honest to yourself instead of being delusional,
you’d say your life is quite average.
throughout your years of living, it has all almost become a blur. You were born, you were raised with loving parents, you got average grades, you graduated, and you got a good job.
Your pay was quite good, it kept you alive and enough to even spend more than normal on yourself. You’ve even had a few partners to your own surprise. Even though your single now but on good term with your exes, you can’t help but find that your life has always been awfully un eventful.
well at least you have a few games to keep you company! Genshin Impact has been one that you’ve been on the rage about for ages. While your friends and family don’t seem to care for the game, you don’t mind. It’s fun exploring the areas, looking at the immaculate graphics, fighting new mobs and bosses, and especially wishing for your favorite characters!
you’ve recently even gotten into a few fanfics of the fantasy game yourself. Most fanfics that you read tend to fall in the Sagau category. It’s such an interesting topic no? Being tossed into a world filled with characters you adore only to be chased down and hunted. Well that is if you land in the imposter au. But, nonetheless, you cherish the game that has spruced up your life just a tiny bit~
that was until you were tossed into the game yourself
‘oh god’
‘am I gonna die’
‘holy shit’
‘what the hell is going on right now’
a flash of white blinds your eyes as they slowly adjust to the bright surroundings after being torn from your peaceful sleep.
you couldn’t help but mumble as you finally grow accustomed to your surroundings. As you glance around you find yourself looking at the vast view of mondstat from Starsnatch Cliff. The wind was crisp and the Cecilia flowers let out a gentle sweet smell that filled your nostrils as you began to stand up.
‘I can’t tell of this a blessing or a curse..’
your thoughts scrambled in your head as you let the breeze brush through your hair. The cloths that you wore when you were still cozily asleep on your bed were now gone and replaced with a simple white button up with the top three buttons being popped off, a light cape tied to the loops on the side of your button up that has large cuts on the side for your arms and falls down to your thighs, a pair of loose and some what airy trousers, and comfortable shoes. As you look at your cloths you find yourself holding a small beat up book with your name engraved into it.
How strange..
you open the book to find a small note in it.
Your journey has started
Please note that the characters you encounter will not recognize you as your ( THE CREATOR) appearance is considered anonymous. While they may not recognize you, those gifted with visions WILL notice your “strange” comforting aura.
your goal is to simply live
As *their* beloved CREATOR or as a simple kind citizen of teyvat. This is your choice
so chose wisely
might as well explore and see the world
Signed your beloved C.
As you finish reading the first two pages of your special little book, you look up into the clear sky
might as well start trekking to the city of freedom
Carp bread- brain poop
403 notes · View notes
grimoireofhayley · 6 months
Of Friends and Horror
Stu Macher x Fem!Reader x Billy Loomis
Word Count: 1.6k
WARNINGS: Graphic content, Smut (MINORS DNI), Language, Talks of SA, Cheating, Obsessiveness, Gore, 18+ Content, Stalking, Possessiveness, Dirty talk, Religion talk, Suppressed Mental Health problems (I.e., reader has some issues that she isn't aware of)
Taglist: @ev3ningrain @nerdytif @fanfic-enjoyer123 @darkenwolfie @juda-the-simp  @colsons-baker @junnniiieee07  @ok-boke @ren-ni @katie-tibo @bruce-yamada @kenma-izhu @cookielovesbook-akie @elevenpurple @hyunlix-world @mavix @halleest
A/n: Oh-my-god, I am so sorry for the major delay! Trust me, I was in the middle of writing the chapter the same day I said I would post it, but being a mom is super-duper busy and they will always come first and I completely forgot to post the chapter, but here it is FINALLY.. My twins are now 3 so they’re acting like teenagers, but toddler form; super bossy, extremely demanding, always and I MEAN always keeping me on my feet. Plus, I had to re-write it as I didn’t like how the first attempt at chapter 14 sounded 😮‍💨 Anyways, I barely have time to write, but when I can, I hope you all enjoy it. I hope this chapter is up to your liking! More chapters are still on the way, A LOT MORE. Keep in mind, the Billy scene in previous chapters and this scene is my first time writing smut/smut related things… 😓😓😓 Lastly, Thank You ALL so much for getting me to 405 followers! I’m in disbelief 🫢💜
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OF&H Masterlist
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Chapter 14
Gulping, you shakily took the phone off the counter, hanging it up and unplugged it from the wall, making sure no calls would come through anymore that night for her sake.
Looking over, you saw Sidney gripping at her brown hair, pulling it in every direction, her jaw clenched, yet, her teeth chattering; she wanted to scream, shout and cry, but couldn’t. Her pale features now a rouge from both exhaustion and terror. Her sanity seemed to slip away bit-by-bit each time Ghostface would call; preying on her, taunting her, humiliating her.
“What, what!?” Dewey came running from his room, waving a gun around in his white t-shirt and blue and white striped boxers.
Tatum tsk-ed at her brother’s tardiness, pushing passed him to follow Sidney.
You rubbed the nape of your neck, placing your other hand on Dewey’s shoulder, “Next time.. maybe be a little quicker.” You laughed, half-heartedly, trying to make light of the situation, seeing how confused Dewey seemed to be.
“(Y/n) (L/n) and Sidney Prescott who were both…”
Before the news reporter finished his sentence, Dewey shut the tv off, pulling a chair out from the kitchen table, sitting down.
“Billy was released.”
Your ears perked at the sound, relief washing over.
Sidney’s eyes lit up, but she still clearly had her doubts.
“His cellular bill was clean. He didn’t make those calls..” Dewey stated, grabbing a carton of milk before pouring some of it into his coffee. “We’re checkin’ every cellular account in the county.” Dewey finished, taking a long gulp of his un-sweetened drink before continuing. “(Y/n), Sidney..” He eyed both of you, “Any calls made to you two or Casey Becker are being cross-referenced, it’s going to take some time, but we’ll find him.”
Tatum nudged you and smiled at Sidney.
Dewey pulled into the school lot with ease, parallel parking at the curb.
He got out and opened the door for you and Sidney.
You smiled at him, thanking him quietly, and he tilted his hat at you as Sidney got out next.
However, your smile quickly faded, seeing a reporter running towards your side; most likely to ambush both you and Sidney about what happened.
“(Y/n) how does it feel to know the murderer is lusting after you and nearly butchering your friends? Do you know who the killer is, are you a part of his twisted game?” A red head asked, shoving a mic at you, accusing you of being his partner-in-crime.
You scoffed, irritated, but somehow calm, honoured that she knows the killer wants you.
“What about you, Sidney? How does it feel to be almost brutally killed?”
Sidney bit her lip, already wanting to cry.
Dewey stepped in front, shoving the reporter away.
“Hey, leave them alone!” He shouted, towering over the petite woman.
She stumbled back, but wasn’t giving up.
“People want to know. They have a right to know!”
You, Tatum and Sidney bolted, getting away from all the interrogations this woman was sure to have up her sleeves.
You were pressed against a locker; your mid back arched causing your torso to move forward; and your arms folded, pushing your breasts together, making them pop out.
“This is a mistake, I shouldn’t be here…” Sidney huffed, grabbing her books and slamming her locker door shut.
You sighed, plopping a sucker in your mouth; twirling the red treat around your tongue, pursing your lips tightly around it and without meaning to, your eyes landed on Stu who was already watching you.
You blushed and he smirked, liking how you looked with your mouth full.
“I want you to meet me right here after class, okay, Sid?” Tatum spoke and Sidney nodded.
“Hey, Stu, I haven’t seen Billy around… is he really pissed?”
Stu tore his gaze from you, looking at Sidney.
“Oh, you mean after you branded him the Candyman?”
You shoved Stu slightly, giving him a glare.
He winced, “No, his heart’s broken—“
Suddenly a scream was heard and the four of you looked into the direction it came from, spotting a student running down the hall dressed as Ghostface.
You blushed again, seeing the full cloaked figure and that ghostly-white mask again.
‘Fuck, that’s hot.’ You smirked slightly, turning your head to the side, trying to subtly check out the student who’s dressed up like the murderer, you let out a quiet “Mmph” squeezing your thighs together.
Unbeknownst to you, Stu heard your moan, and knew exactly what you were doing with your thighs. Luckily, the others did not, but he is so glad that he did. He can smell the hormones leaking off of you; they were practically oozing with want for the cloaked-killer.
He bit his lip, trying to contain his excitement.
“Why are they doing this?” Sidney spoke, watching the student run away.
Stu, glanced at you, “Are you kidding me? Look at this place, it’s like Christmas!” He laughed, a devious smirk prying at his lips as the comment was directed at you. You were his Christmas, knowing the woman he wants is full blown horny for him, for Ghostface.
Tatum huffed, hitting him with the lollipop you had given her prior, “Stupidity leak.”
“Hey!” Stu shrieked, immediately looking at his girlfriend, while the school bell blared, signalling the start of class and students were quick to get going.
Sidney ran down the hall, upset at Stu’s comment and Tatum ran after her. You sighed, looking down, picking up your bag in the process. You went to go wave ‘bye’ to Stu, but he vanished.
“Huh?” You mumbled out loud, seeing how he was gone and so was every other student that was there nearly two minutes ago. “That’s my cue…”
Tapping your fingers against your hip, you hummed to the tune of ‘Your Dead’ by Norma Tanega.
You stopped in front of the janitors closest to reach for your Walkman that was in your bag, wanting to blare the song in your ears, hoping that actually listening to the catchy tune would make it stop repeating itself inside your head.
Though, the universe had other plans…
You felt the door swing open, hitting you, knocking you out of the way, making you drop your only source of music.
Soon after, a hand covered your mouth and an arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you into the closet.
A scream hitched in your throat as the unknown figure flicked the light on, revealing who the culprit was…Stu.
“Stu, what the actual fuck was that for!?” You narrowed your eyes, clenching your fist, ready to punch him out of fear.
He laughed, but soon afterwards told you to be quiet, locking the door behind him as he stepped forward.
“Shh, I don’t want anyone to hear us.” He whisper-yelled, getting closer to you, placing both hands on either side of your arms.
He was a good two-to-three feet taller than you.
“I saw you, you know…” He bit his lip again, rolling the flesh with his teeth, gripping your arms tighter.
You looked up at him, confused, not sure what he meant, however, a part of you knew where this might be going.
“The way your face went red, how you rubbed your thighs together..” He taunted, poking your nose, “Let’s not forget that sweet-little moan you let out when you saw that student…” He leaned into the crease of your collarbone, nipping at the skin, the coolness of his lips penetrating your warmth.
Your face was hot with yearn, but also embarrassment. “The student who was dressed as the Woodsboro slasher…” He grinned, feeling you shiver at his touch.
“W-what—“ You began, trying to act like you didn’t know what he was talking about; ashamed that you were caught. You were quickly silenced by Stu pressing his lips against yours, his bulge pushing up against your side.
His fingers danced across your arms to the string of your grey tank top, ripping it from your body with force as the sound of the thin material shredding lingered in your ears. Fortunately for Stu, you didn’t have a bra on…
Your breasts jiggled from the impact, bouncing in place which caused a small guttural growl to emit from Stu’s throat.
Stu immediately grabbed your boob in his right hand, rubbing his thumb across the perky bud, while his other hand gripped at your bare side, his fingers digging into your ribs.
He narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at the finger prints you already had bruised into your skin. They almost lined up with his own marks, but his were slightly bigger. Stu only quirked a brow, continuing to fondle your breast, not wanting to ruin the moment by asking.
Stu trembled at the thought of someone else having you, but he was sure to find out who and kill him.
“M-mm..” You let out a breathy moan, making Stu lose track of his thoughts,“But T-Tatum—“ you stuttered, holding back another sound as he slid his hand into your shorts, rubbing your clit through the silk of your panties.
He hooked his finger under the band, pulling you even closer, his forehead pressing up against your own.
“Shut up and kiss me.”
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flusteredtuna · 4 months
Carmen Berzzato“The Bear” x !fem! reader
Contains: ( 18+ Mature Only ) praise, first kiss, head, and x-men movie.
Words: 2k+
Summary: Carmen, a good friend, shows up unexpectedly at your door late at night. Tipsy. And things obviously take a turn as he sobers up and you learn the true nature of his visit. ( no under the influence… do not fret )
I used a scene from Netflix’s series ‘Good Girls’ season 4 episode 6, as a main plot point and used the begging dialogue. I won’t name the scene as to not spoil the show ( it’s not a big plot point and the fanfic does not spoil it either. ) you can watch the clip here.
This was written for a friend 💕 ( and i had to repost due to an error ) This is also the second fan-fiction I have ever completed, so enjoy.
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It’s a relaxing Saturday evening in your quaint charming little apartment on the third floor. Warm lighting, antique cabinet, quilted blanket covering your lap, and a warm homemade mug of Earl Grey tea in your hand as you read your book.
knock. knock. KNOCK.
A heavy and lazy hand knocks on your landlord’s special white front door. It’s 10 p.m., who could be knocking on the door? You un-tuck yourself from your spot on the couch and with tea in hand, you head toward the door and open it.
It’s Carmen. You’ve been friends for about a year now, friends with feelings for half that time. You met through a mutual friend, one who works at his restaurant. The relationship between you two is close and has only gotten closer with having the same friend group. But even with the tension in the room during every group hangout, he’s never made a move. And neither have you. Maybe it’s because of his girlfriend. Who didn’t show up to game nights.
And yet here he is, making an unexpected visit to your apartment.
“This isn’t my house,” he says. He smells of beer and is definitely not sober. Both his arms hold his body up as he leans in your doorframe.
“Hey yourself…” your face is twisted with confusion. Carmy never came over, at least not by himself. “Are you…tipsy? Fried? any other word for not sober?” You try to figure him out enough to make him go away before it turns into something else.
He chuckles a bit, “Just a bit buzzed”.
“Why are you in my doorway, Carmen?” You lean against the open door.
“I was at the bar, with friends. Karaoke bar.” He huffs as he finishes his sentence which seems hard to get out of his mouth.
“I don’t even know who to feel sorry for there” you respond. A look of worry mixed in with your confusion.
You stare at each other for what feels like the longest five seconds of your life. His mouth hung open a little.
“I can’t be with her anymore” You wince at his words and your heart drops to your toes. Did he just say that? Has he told her?
“You should go home,” trying to prevent something from progressing.
“I don’t want to go home” he quickly responds
“Then you should go somewhere else” You grab the door leaning away, ready to close it on him. Although you don’t want to, you know you should.
“Can I uh- just please come in?” Starting to close the door he pushes back a bit “No, Carmy. Please trust me, just go home.” He places a firm hand on the door and abruptly says, “I think I’m gonna crap myself.”
You stop and look at him. It’s unbelievable that this is what made you stop. You swing the door open and do the same with your other arm, gesturing to him to enter. He walks in, and heads for the bathroom.
Setting your tea down you sit on the couch waiting for him to come back, you try to think of anything else other than the fact that Carmen is in your home. Possibly with the intention of cheating on his girlfriend with you. Attempting to stare at the patchy rug to find some sort of escape. The goal now was to just make sure he didn’t do anything crass.
He walks out of the bathroom and immediately slumps himself on the floor against the couch right next to you. “I wouldn’t go in there for at least 30 minutes.”
Raising your brows and giggling, “Feeling any better?”
Carmen doesn’t even look at you, he just looks straight on. “Not really.” He rubs his hands together.
“I broke up with Sarah.” He says quietly. Yet another string of words that makes your heart drop.
“Oh, I’m sorry.” You try to be reassuring but you’re not sure how to be in this situation. “Do you want to talk about it?” Carmen looks at you, his eyes glossy from his buzz.
“Nah.” You tilt your head at him and then look over at the TV, catching the slight reflection of your two figures lounging on the comfy yellow couch. “Do you want to watch something?”
Carmen’s nods face towards the black screen of the TV, and you reach for the remote to turn something on. “X-men?” you suggest as he gets up and sits on the other end of the couch. One person’s width away from you.
“X-Men it is.” He slurs his words a bit as he gestures to the TV with a hand and flops it back down in his lap. Turning on the movie, you make yourself comfortable by shifting your legs to bend and your feet resting on the middle cushion, pulling the blanket over you. Even with him sitting glued to the arm of the other end, you both are still somehow too close.
As the movie passes, the tension stands. Seeing each other glancing out of the corner of their eyes now and then doesn’t help. Finally, Carmey opens up a bit and starts to comment on the movie, “You know, I don’t know why they cast Evan Peters for this when he plays that other guy in that Wanda show. Fuckin’ stupid.” He sounds more like himself now, which eases the tension, making this situation a little more comfortable.
“Yeah I think there’s a theory about that,” You both continue to talk throughout the movie, he seems to sober up. It’s nice hanging out with him like this. Although the circumstances aren’t 100% preferred, you don’t seem to mind it anymore.
The movie ended with you both laughing at a conversation completely unrelated. Whatever it was it was something way more entertaining to both of you. So long of a conversation that the credits end. You both look over to the screen again. A prompt asking “How would you rate this film?”.
“Well, I guess it ended.” You chuckle a bit but look over at him, seemingly back in his head again. Maybe you shouldn’t have said that.
Now sitting up against the arm of the couch and crossing your legs, you feel like you should say something.
“You know the best wa-“ he interrupts you “I broke up with her so I could see you.”
Your eyes meet as he looks over to you, now sitting up a bit more. “Carmy I-“ interrupting you again “Y/N, I don’t want you to feel guilty or anything. I know this is a lot,” he puts a hand to his temple and starts to get a little more passionate in his speech. Almost defensive. “Shit. I just couldn’t see you without leaving and not feel fuckin’ guilty!” His hand gestures around as he speaks, like he’s in the kitchen talking to his staff.
“Carmen!” You try to steer the conversation away from him getting louder, “Why would you feel guilty?” You know the answer to that.
He rests a hand on his lap and his other on his temple again. Releasing a deep exhale, he looks at you. “Maybe I wanted to uh-,” he hesitates for a moment to look you up and down. “Feel something…else.”
You can feel the flush rushing to your cheeks so quickly after he says this. With wide eyes and raised brows, you try to pull out your best response, “Feel what? Pressed about…Marvel casting?”
He chuckles and moves a smidge towards you, putting a bent leg up on the couch, “No no no. no. Jesus. That, that’s ridiculous.” You smile a bit at his amusement, “Then what is it, Carmy?”
Rubbing his face and letting out another huff, he sounds like he’s holding back. And you aren’t sure if you want him to keep it bottled or release it.
Continuing to look at you with starry eyes, he rests an arm on the back of the couch. “Fuck. Look. I don’t want to be too forward and I definitely don’t want to make you uncomfortable,” You press your lips together in anticipation of what he’s about to say, “It’s something that I’ve felt for a while and I’ve been fucking ignoring it.” He pauses again and takes another huff, taking a look at the door. “I should just go.”
As he gets up you grab his wrist, stopping him dead in his tracks. “Carmy,” his eyes soften as he looks at you, “you don’t need to leave.”
As you let go of his wrist he sits next to you, closer. “It’s kind of obvious.” You chuckle a bit through your words. It is obvious. You’ve noticed this tension for a while now, he’s only just confirming it.
“What is? That I like you?” His tone is almost defensive like he was caught. A smile creeps on your face, “I mean…Marcus has noticed it too.” He raises his brows, surprised. “He said the tension is thicker than his dark chocolate mousse.” Carmen laughs at this, and so do you. It’s a sweet moment.
He pushes his hair back from falling more in his face, “I uh, I’m sorry I showed up like this.”
“If you mean showing up drunk at my door to use my bathroom and then sobering up while watching X-men with me…” You make it sound like a bigger deal than it is just to tease him.
“No yea, shit. I’m sorry I-”
“Then it’s more than fine.” Laughing again, like you are the only two people in the world. You both exchange a smile looking deeper into each other’s eyes.
“You’ve always had a nice laugh.” He says putting his arm back on the couch, and leaning in a bit.
“You do too.” It all feels like a dream. The fact that he’s here, making a move on you.
He brushes a strand of hair out of your face, so effortlessly, that you wish you could stay in that moment forever.
You look away for a moment, clearly a bit flustered, “Are you sure you aren’t still tipsy?” turning back you notice he’s gotten a little closer.
“I’m positive I’m sober.” He chuckles again.
You start to lean in a bit, not realizing that you have until your noses are about five inches apart from one another. His hand was still near your face, resting on the back of the couch beside you.
Looking at your lips he begins to say, “I uh. Just-”. He doesn’t even finish his thought. He’s too distracted by his lips on yours.
It was a soft kiss, one you’ve been waiting for, for the longest time. Pulling back you find his hand on your cheek caressing it. “You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to do that.” He says, with a breath of relief that the hard part was over.
Jaw dropped, you look at his mouth again. He catches this and charges at you for another kiss, this time more intense. You hold both of his cheeks in hopes of him staying put. He almost hovers over you as you both continue to make out.
Soft and quiet moans escape your mouth as he reaches down one of his hands to feel the sides of your arms. Then tracing back up to your cheek. He pulls back. Your lips burn with sensation.
“Carmen,” the words escape your mouth through heavy breathing, “are you sure this is okay.”
He puts a hand to your chin, “Yes.” he kisses your cheek. “I wanna take care of you.” Your brain swarms with ideas of what he could mean.
You smile in approval while taking his free hand and putting it to your breast. He smirks as he follows his hand and where it landed. “Then take care of me.”
With a firm squeeze, he touches you through your shirt, while he moves his face towards your neck and kisses it. He takes his time reaching under your shirt to explore you with more satisfaction.
Caressing your nipple with his pointer and his thumb, already making you weak. And he watches as your face curls in pleasure.
Carmen then lifts your shirt to sit just above your breasts and kisses the center, making his way over the hill of your other breast and biting the peak. It makes you gasp. He puts a hand under the curve of your other breast and messages it.
Your soft moans only make him want you more.
He moves away for a moment, and you open your eyes to watch him, “wha- what is it.” He smirks and lifts the blanket you’re under, just enough to reach his arm in to place a hand on the side of your thigh. Scooting closer he leans over you now slouched on the couch.
Suddenly you’re kissing again, passionately. He feels your thigh up and down gripping it, then moving to the inside. Parting your legs he reaches a hand up from the bottom of your shorts, under your panties to grab your hip. Like it’s his. Then firmly and slowly sliding it back out.
“Take… them off.” You whisper through kisses. Pulling away he smiles and looks at your drowsy eyes. Without saying anything he lifts the blanket further and now using both his hands he tugs on your waistband, taking away the sleep boxers you had been wearing.
Touching you again in that spot that’s so sensitive, he teases you. Denying the pleasure of having the fabric between you and his fingers, out of the way. Your moans continue, still soft, as he caresses you further. The intensity builds as your lips meet again.
Backing away, he lifts the blanket once more, but now going in head first. Your heart drops, you know exactly what he has in mind.
With his head between your thighs he kisses your soft spot, and then taking both his hands on either side of your drawers, he pulls them off revealing you.
Carmen uses his fingers to carefully open you up like a flower, kissing the bud. He’s so gentle that you do feel like you’re being taken care of.
But then you suddenly feel another sensation. His tongue is on you. Swirling around. It makes you moan louder as your back arches. Ribs reaching for the sky. You grab onto the couch to try and ground yourself, but it doesn’t help much.
“You’re so wet for me.” He feasts upon you and now takes two of his fingers and plays with your entrance, spreading your wetness around like butter on a hot skillet. His free arm is wrapped around your thigh, holding on tight to keep you steady.
As he tastes you more and more. The finest dish. You lift your end of the blanket with the small strength you have and watch his head back away from your clit to look at you as he puts two fingers inside you. He starts to push them in and out of you and you throw your head back moaning in absolute hot delight.
“Look at me.” His demand is so dominating. Again, sounding like he’s in the kitchen.
“Make me.” You say through a heavy moan. He pulls his fingers out making you gasp grabbing your chin and pulling your face down to meet his eyes. “Yes, Chef”. He chuckles a bit, letting you get away with that one. You knew he might be thinking about that during his next shift.
You watch as he goes back down, shoving his fingers back inside. Gripping the couch once again louder moans escape your mouth. Picking up his pace you can feel him hitting your walls in the best way. “Fuck, Carmy…” You manage to moan out.
The closer you get the more you surrender to his pace as it gets faster. Your body clenches around him, making it tighter and tighter for him. “Cum for me.”
You nod your head rapidly as you’re too stimulated by the pleasure. Your back arches even further and you become stiff in your position as he hits the spot so perfectly. This is what you’ve been waiting for. The peak of your gratification inches closer and closer.
Finally…you gasp in ecstasy, his fingers still inside you pounding. “That’s it.” He whispers moving away from eating you out, to just using his fingers. Watching you as you finish on them.
Carmen pulls his fingers out slowly, watching your overstimulated body heave heavy breaths. He scoots your legs to the side to lie beside you on the couch. Between catching up with your lungs you manage to speak. “Carmen, you…” You take a clarifying breath as he props himself up on his arm, looking at you as he lays beside you. “You’re really good at that.”
He chuckles, “Of course I am, I eat for a living.” He tucks your hair away behind your ear, and you both take a moment to be present as your tummy buzzes with butterflies.
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Tiny humans - Dr James Wilson x peds!reader
description: House gets to meet Wilson's new girlfriend for the first time when his case takes him into his worst nightmare...peds. House is in for a shock at the ball of sunshine who has his best friend on a string.
authors note: my first post for this series I want to do of oneshots and my first fanfic post on tumblr ever...enjoy!!! Btw i'm taking a lot of inspo from Arizona Robbins from Greys anatomy
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House limped down the hallway followed by an exasperated Wilson who was concerned at his friends eager step, seeing as he was on his way to see a patient. How un-house-like.
"This is peds remember, these aren't normal patients. They don't lie, they don't have ulterior motives, they're just...kids." Wilson halted his friends shoulder and turned him towards his concerned face.
"So, wait until they've had a sip of beer before berating their existence?" House mockingly tilted his head in faux concern. Wilson's mouth opened but all that left was a sigh.
After confirming that his friend was no longer going to halt the inevitable, he continued on with a new fervour in his limp. But Wilson didn't stop there and sped to catch up with the surprising amount of ground his friend had covered.
"You see she loves these kids almost...almost like they're her own. She's smart and is excellent at what she does but she doesn't care about that." Wilson paused and looked back into his mind, picturing the moment he first saw her in a child's room, a plastic tiara on her head and an empty teacup perfectly clasped between her fingers.
"She cares about the kids."
"Wow. I'm touched." House grasps his chest and wipes away a non-existant tear. "Do you know how easy being a paediatrician is. They can't lie until they grow teeth and after that they're stupid enough to reveal to us when their parents lie. There's a reason it's 'daddy touches my special place' and not 'daddy gets aroused by children.'"
"That's it I'm making the rule. No pedaphile jokes."
"But the jokes literally in the name...peds"
"Who lets you around children?"
"Who lets me around people? Haha, I got you there!" He jabs a finger into Wilson's chest. Wilson rolls his eyes and holds out his arm to prevent his morose friend entering the land of happiness. Well as happy as a bunch of sick kids can be.
"Well let me appeal to your true nature." Wilson sighs. "I like this girl and she likes me. Please don't ruin it?"
"How could I say no to those puppy dog eyes. Fine! But only in the name of your libido, at least until I finish my soul-searching and realise my true calling is your bed."
Whilst House finishes his thought, they are spotted by a woman in pink scrubs, absent of any colour of coat. She briskly walks towards the two.
"Dr Wilson, Dr House. My name is..."
"I don't remember nurses names, it's nothing personal, I rarely remember anyones."
Wilson coughs and shoves his friends shoulder to direct him towards your burning gaze.
"As I was saying, my name is DOCTOR y/l/n. Pleasure to meet you."
Despite the gaze, her smile remains cheerful and she extends her hand for House to shake. Reluctantly, he eventually offers it and it is taken in a firm and bouncy handshake.
"James has told me so much about you, to be honest I'm surprised our paths have not crossed sooner. Regardless, today I am so happy to welcome you both to peds. The most magical place on earth."
Whilst listening to her, House took stock of the woman in front of him. Her pink scrubs seemed to be the dullest thing about her. Her hair was collected in a ponytail that swished its way down between her shoulder blades. Her pockets were lined with memories of her past. A pink glitter pen given to her from a girl who was continually brought in for asthma, a ball of yarn from a boy who had loved knitting, a yellow sticker saying great job, a blue glitter one saying 'you go girl'. There was a pencil with a yellow smiley face rubber and another that seemed to contain many colours. I guess that just made it all the more fun. House smirked when he saw a pocket protector. Not too dissimilar to the one that lined the pocket of the smitten brunette next to him.
"Gentlemen, this is peds. This is the place of the tiny humans. They like glitter, they play games, they see us as magicians. They believe we are the magical healers who can cure them. So that's how we present ourselves to them. The tiny humans may be tiny but they are strong. Stronger than most. Their bodies fight because they know they have so much life left to live and we try our hardest to give them as much life left as we possibly can."
As the girl speaks, absolutely in awe of her job and the lives it saves. She fails to notice the adoring gaze of the one she calls hers. The brunette looks to her as if she hung the stars and the moon and even though he could hear House's eyes rolling into the back of his skull, he couldn't bring himself to look or care. Not when she was in his line of sight.
"So you will not be stubborn, you will not be blunt or sarcastic. As far as I'm concerned, today you are the two newest editions to the circus. So play the part and follow my lead."
She picks up her files which were each coordinated by colour and glitter. House smirked at this. She turns to push open the door to the unit but falters.
She turns back to face the two men.
"The owners of the tiny humans can be quite volatile. You've been warned. Enjoy!" Her look of warning is quickly replaced by a mask of pure joy.
House softly giggles.
"I like her. Will we soon be hearing the pitter patter of tiny 'Wilson' humans?"
Wilson didn’t even hear his friends comment and instead chose to follow his beauty, like a moth to a flame.
House shrugs.
"Men, never thinking with the right head." As he eyes the glitter residue that adorns Wilson’s sleeve.
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avengersassemble123 · 5 months
The (un)expected Thanksgiving
Pairing: Ran Haitani x fem!reader
Since Im going through my Haitani brothers brainrot, especially Ran Haitani, here's a fic for all the Haitani lovers like me HAHA.
Age ranges of the characters are majorly in 20s. Ran is 24, while you and Rindou are 23.
PS: this is a female reader based fanfic. Majorly a crackfic
Inspired from the series 'THE BIG BANG THEORY' (7x09) The thanksgiving Decoupling.
"I dont get it. Why am i being bullied here?"
"Just because i said so"
"Thats bullshit."
"Ran, be nice."
You three were preparing for the thanksgiving party at the Haitani brothers' place, since they insisted that they were the best and better party throwers than anyone in the whole of Toman, leading you to prepping up the food, you forcefully making Ran's lazy ass help you, while Rindou played a video game after helping to clean the house.
Currently the argument was being held between the brothers on Ran warning Rindou on beating him up if Ran's fell asleep and was disturbed by the others in the party, leading to the younger sibling defend himself back and you scolding your boyfriend on bullying his younger brother.
"Now i know how the Korean slaves felt in Japan..."
You gave him a deadpan offended look, eyebrow raised and staring at him, as he was sat like a grumpy cat busy playing his game. Your boyfriend snorted, making you kick his feet to shut him up.
"Are you seriously comparing you two's sibling fight to one of the greatest Japanese Korean tragedies?" You asked.
"Yes." Rindou grunted, shrugging his shoulders as if its the most obvious thing in the world, making you roll your eyes.
"Im surprised you guys even know that considering you two's level of education" you retorted, making offended gasps come out from the two brothers, "Hey watch your mouth, Im the eldest here. You dont back answer me. Ill kick your ass." Ran threatened playfully as he twirled a knife and pointed towards you jokingly, making you give him a 'sure' look.
"Rindou, ignore your brother, you know you can spend a nice thanksgiving anywhere, I spent one in Roppongi anyway, before i was dating Ran." you said, as you walked towards the living room couch.
"You did?" Ran asked, following me with a opened desert cup.
"Yea, back when i was dating my ex Kenji. It was really fun, we visited casinos, cheesy wedding chapels, roamed around malls, got drunk and explored the night life, and also almost landed up in a strip club, which was of course surprising as hell." you chuckled, unknown towards Ran being taken aback midway eating his desert, looking at Rindou, who had confused eyes darting towards his brother's, his attention completely off the game, as the brothers' exchanged confused glances between each other.
"Wait you went to chapel?" Ran asked. "Yea." you chuckled, as you continued to apply spread on my sandwich. "Why?" He continued.
"We had one of those silly fake wedding haha" you chuckled, thinking of it as a funny memory, while Ran's eyes squinted at you, visibly taken aback, as Rindou now removed the headphones from his ears and onto his shoulders, glancing between you two and seeing the interaction in confusion. "(NAME)," Ran started, now his desert kept on his lap, as squinted his eyes at her, "You know those are real, right?"
"Huh no they're not." you scoffed, assuming he was joking, as you continued to giggle and eat your sandwich.
"Baby...Rindou and I have been ruling Roppongi since we were 13...we know it inside out...Trust me, they are real." Ran responded, as now slowly set down his unfinished desert.
You slowed your chewing, your eyes blanking out, seeing that your boyfriend was indeed serious unlike his usual demeanour, as despair and nervousness slowly filled inside your body, "No..they're not" Your voice slightly quivered, as you looked at Rindou for backup, but instead was returned with the same confused nervous look as Ran's.
"Yea they are." Ran responded.
"He's right, they're real." Rindou confirmed.
You sat there nervous, as you started fidgeting with your sandwich, "B-But it didnt seem real..." You muttered, your voice whimpering, as you looked at both of them, as if trying to convince them and even yourself. You three exchanged glances between each other, but majorly you looking at Ran as he looked at you, this time his eyes widened and his mouth slightly agape.
"Son of a bitch" you both cursed under your breaths.
It was almost time for your friends to arrive, as you guys were busy doing last minute preparations.
"I cant fucking believe you're married to that idiot." Ran muttered, as he aggressively continued to set up the tables with loud thuds.
You sighed as you were busy setting up the pillows and cushions of the living room sofa, "Would you stop it? we just did it as a goof."
"Goof or not, you two are actually married. you need to get this taken care of, or Ill handle it myself." Ran gritted, as he put down the nachos bowl with a 'thud'.
"I will. Why are you making it such a big deal?" you gritted as you finished dusting off the couches and bean bag.
"Oh i have a reason," Rindou spoke out as he was casually setting up the DJ system, "It could be because you said yes to marrying Kenji, but made Ran chase you till the end of the Earth as you showered him with resounding 'no's and making one of the kings' of Roppongi's ego hurt." Rindou didnt look up, as he was amused by the situation and the argument happening between you two, making him snort mentally at the kind of problem it is.
You and Ran both glared at Rindou, as he hummed and tested out his new tracks.
You sighed as you now stood in the middle of the living room frustrated, your hands placed at your hips. "So how do i undo this?"
"Im hoping you can get an annulment cuz it never happened." Ran replied.
"Great. Well what do i have to do?"
"Ran looked into his phone, searching for solutions when he spoke up, "It says here that you can get an annulment, if any of the following conditions are met. 1. Were you unable to consummate the marriage? Hah you? Next." Ran mocked, as you rolled your eyes and glared at him. "Is there any case of fraud, bigamy, want of understanding-"
"Want of understanding? What does that even mean?" you asked before being interrupted by the younger brother.
"Ding ding ding we have a winner" Ran cheered, mocking you, making you roll your eyes for the third time in the span of few hours, rubbing your eyes in frustration at the nonsense.
Soon your friends of Toman started coming in, as you guys greeted them as everyone started settling in and started mingling and partying.
You were talking with Shion and Mochi, "Hey thanks for coming in. Here's the bottle you wanted to taste." you replied with a bland and strained tone, making the two question.
"Whats with you?" Mochi asked, when Ran appeared and answered immediately, "Oh she's just mad at me because she just found out that she was married to her ex." Ran replied with a strained forced smile, looking at you the whole time, his hands inside his pockets.
"Really that dumbass you used to date? Tha-ts hysterical" Shion started laughing at the end midsentence, making you glare at him. "I cant believe i felt bad for opening this earlier." I said, before snatching the bottle from Mochi's hands and walking away. Mochi glared at Shion as the latter pursed his lips, "Congratulations you played yourself." "Shut up."
Soon enough the party started, along with everyone starting to realise the tension between you and Ran, as you told everyone not to worry about it Rindou coughing in the background.
Hinata, Takemichi, Draken, Emma, Mikey, Baji and Kazutora were hanging out in the kitchen going through the food stuff, when Senju barged out of nowhere, "Guys you wont believe what i just heard."
"What?" Hinata asked. "Im pretty sure she has some random bullshit to spout out" Baji joked, giving a high five to Mikey and Draken, as Senju rolled her eyes, giving him the middle finger.
"First off, fuck you Baji. Second off, did you guys know that (NAME) was married to her ex Kenji two years ago?"
"WHAT?" Everyone in the kitchen exclaimed, as they turned their heads towards a smug Senju, some of the people's mouth full mid bite (Mikey and his dorayaki). "Yea. thats the reason why we were uncomfortable with the tension between (NAME) and Ran."
Yuzuha came running in, before spotting Senju and visibly deflating, "You told everyone here already didnt you?"
As you were sitting with the girls that is Emma, Hinata, Senju and Yuzuha, talking about the situation as they had confronted you about it, when Ran came out of his bedroom, walking towards you, reading into his phone, "Ok ive readied the annulment papers, all that needs to be done is for you and that dumbass to sign it. Understood?"
"Oh and do it soon as possible will ya?"
"I fucking get it Ran, can you stop bothering me about this?" you gritted as you stood up and started walking towards his room.
"How the hell am i bothering you, when im just trying to get your ass out of this stupid mess?" Ran gritted back, as he stared at your back.
"How am i the bad guy? She's the one who married someone else. Im the victim." Ran ranted, as Rindou, Sanzu, Izana, Kakucho and Mochi sat on the couches drinking and watching the game on the TV"
"Sounds like Kenji's the victim. You're sleeping with his wife." Sanzu retorted making the other men snort. "Okay i see what your problem is...Can i weigh in here?" Izana asked, making Ran shrug. "Im trying to watch the game here, shut up."Izana retorted with a blank face before turning towards the TV, making the others finally burst out in laughter, as the braided male rolled his eyes in annoyance.
Just the you entered, walking towards your boyfriend, "Well, you'd be happy to know that i just spoke with Kenji, and he's willing to sign the papers." Ran nodded, making his way towards to you, both of you peeking in your phone together. "He's on his way here now." You said, making Ran look up at you with an incredulous look, "Wait, you invited him here?" Ran asked, slightly raising his tone.
"Im getting ready to weigh in here again." Izana called out, not turning his eyes off the TV, making Ran roll his eyes, before pulling you towards a quieter corner.
You both were at a quieter corner near the kitchen, arguing,
"I just don't understand why you had to invite him here today??"
"Because you wouldnt shut up about it. and when I called him, he had nothing to do so I just thought-"
"Hey guys" Kokonoi spoke up from behind the kitchen counter, "We're kind of talking here."
"Oh sorry we'll keep it down." you said apologetically, again turning towards Ran, but being interrupted again, "Oh no no, speak up."
Ran and you looked at him confused, before looking at Inui, Kisaki and Hanma behind him, the three males waving at you. "We are kinda bit further from you two's talking range, and we dont wanna miss anything." Kokonoi shrugged, making your mouth agape, squinting at their audacity before looking at Ran, who had an annoyed look.
"Well get ready to invite one more, because she invited Kenji over here right now." Ran said, before a loud 'WHAT' was heard.
Mitsuya slapped Peh's mouth shut, while Pah turned him around, alongside Mikey, Draken, Baji, Kazutora, who were pretending to look into some other directions, whistling some random notes and observing the surroundings.
After Half an hour, when the doorbell rang, every single person scrambled, waiting for the next moments of what was about to come.
"Well, here are the papers, you just gotta sign in here." Ran said, as he put forth the papers across the table, as you and Kenji stood across each other.
"Sorry I made you come over here on a holiday" you apologised, as you stood patiently at your side.
"Its alright." Kenji said, "I didnt have anything going on, plus, (NAME) told me we were married, and thanksgiving is the time to be with family." Kenji said with a wide tooth smile. If looks could kill, Kenji wouldve been tortured to death by the way Ran glared at him, while you blankly looked at your dumb ex. "Yea okay great, Can we just get this over with?" You said, as you took the pen and signed the papers.
"Great, by a few days, this marriage will be over, and you both can go seperate ways." Ran said, as you held the pen towards Kenji to sign it, "Here."
Kenji hummed before speaking up, "I dont know if i wanna sign these papers."
Everone 'oooed', as you both ignored the voices. You glared at Kenji with a 'are you serious look' while Ran had red in his eyes, "Why not?" Ran said, his voice raising, restraining himself to not beat the shit out of him.
"Because i think splitting up would be rough on the kids." Kenji said, making you two look at him with dumbfounded looks. "
"We don't have any kids" You say, "Are you sure, cuz you didnt know we were married until this morning." Kenji said, making Ran look towards you, smacking his lips and squinting his eyes, giving you the 'he's got a point' look, making you roll your eyes.
"Okay Kenji, you know neither of us thought this was real, i mean we were married by an anime character impersonater."
"Of course it was an Anime character impersonater. we could never afford a real one."
You looked at him with your eyes squinted and dumbfounded look, while Ran rubbed his hand over his face, "You married him instead of me? Yeah good call." Ran said, taking the pen from your hands and pointing it towards Kenji , "Sign the damn papers."
"Hang on" You said, pointing your hand towards Ran, "You know you've been a jerk about this all day. You always do this. Whenever i mess something up, you're right there to make me feel worse about it."
"That is not true." Ran argued.
"You know we couldve waited till Monday, signed the papers, and this wouldve all been over."
"You're the one who invited him here."
"Oh there we go again. Just another mistake you're throwing at my face."
"Not cool bro." Kenji said, poking Ran's shoulder with the pen, as Ran squinted at him annoyed and irritated. "Im starting to think you're not the guy i want dating my wife."
You held Ran's one hand back, not to let him physically strangle Kenji in front of the others.
Ran took a deep breath, before speaking up, "Yea, well she's not gonna be your wife for long."
"Oh no are you dying?"
Ran looked at the ceiling, while you closed your eyes in frustration, still holding Ran's one hand to calm him down.
"Im about to. Sign the damn papers." you said.
Kenji signed the papers as he happily said, "You know what they say, Happy wife..Happy life." He put the pen down on the table as he grinned and looked towards you both, while Ran gave him a sideye, his both hands on the table, while you took a deep breath.
Soon the party ended, as everyone bid goodbyes. Finally only you, Ran and Rindou were left. Rindou went to his room, while you and Ran sat beside each other on the couch, watching TV, and eating ice cream.
You sighed, as you slid an arm underneath his, "Hey, i'm sorry about today. And i promise that the next time i get married, it wont be a joke. It'll be for love. Or money." i said nodding my head, before giving him kisses on his cheeks and his lips before resting my head on his shoulders, as Ran snorted on your words. He then moved his hands to wrap around you, as he then retorted, "Its a win win for me, since i qualify for both", making you chuckle, as you both continued to cuddle and watch TV and eating the tub of ice cream.
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anifever · 7 days
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Ponyboy Curtis Blurbs ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
Ponyboy Curtis x Reader (fem kinda implied)
୨୧ : Blurbs/hc’s about Ponyboy and being in a relationship with him
A/N : Idek what this is and it’s short but I love him. Also the first ‘fanfic’ I’ve ever posted so bare with me…
˖⁺‧₊˚ 💌 ˚₊‧⁺˖
୨ He ABSOLUTELY writes you love letters/poetry and slips in in your locker
୨ Was probably too embarrassed the first few times & just kept them to himself, but you found them one day and brought it up to him and he’s done it ever since
୨ Laying together on his and Soda’s bed, your head in his lap while he reads to you
୨ Cuddling and one of the boys barging in (he proceeds to get DOGGED ON by the guys and Darry makes you leave the door cracked)
୨ Johnny was the first to find out about his feelings for you. He ended up telling Soda, but then it got out to the entire gang
୨ He was teased about it constantly- mainly by Steve, Two, and Dallas
୨ Study dates 🤭🤭
୨ Old couples always gushing about ‘young love’ when you’re out in public together
୨ Him constantly insisting on walking you home and to/from anywhere in general
୨ It’s kinda canon he gets flustered easily so him getting sososo embarrassed whenever you compliment or kiss him/simply be affectionate
୨ Him using your initial as a variable for math classes ?)28/82&2&:&
୨ Very expected, but always watching the sunset together
୨ Tries so hard to be tuff in front of the gang but he always melts when it comes to you
୨ Keeping a heart locket with a pic of you and him in it
୨ In turn, he has a pic of you in his wallet
୨ Always going to the drive-in together then debriefing the movies after
୨ Going to a school dance together and him being all bushy and nervous- the guys obviously teasing you again but also being sweet
୨ ^^^ Darry yapping about “no funny business”
୨ Cheering him on from the sidelines during track meets
୨ Comforting him after he has an argument with Darry
୨ Along with that, he probably smarts off to Darry when your name is brought up. If Darry says you’re a ‘distraction,’ Pony will be having none of that
୨ Getting caught under a mistletoe during Christmas at the Curtis house and him malfunctioning + getting teased by the boys (ONCE AGAIN)
୨ Hanging out with him and Johnny and kissing him on the cheek before getting up to use the bathroom or something, and him giving Johnny a lil’ sly smirk with bright red cheeks once you walk away
୨ Constantly trying to get him to quit smoking; it’s hard but he’s at least down from 2 packs a day because of you
୨ Fussing whenever he comes back from a rumble, but never hesitating to help fix him up even if he might grumble about ‘being fine’
୨ Passing notes to each other during classes
୨ Two-Bit yelling stupid shit like “use protection” when you go ANYWHERE by yourselves, even if you’ll just be gone a split second
୨ Speaking of going places yourselves, Darry’s extremely hesitant/strict about it for multiple reasons
୨ Probably has ‘the talk’ with you guys and you’re both extremely uncomfortable- sitting there like 🧍🧍‍♀️
୨ Him giving you book recommendations, vice versa
୨ He’s the type of person to prefer holding pinkies- at least in public or until you guys are around Soc’s and he gets protective
୨ If this is all during the events of The Outsiders- you going to the church with Dallas and telling him & Johnny off for being idiots but also being extremely worried
୨ Making him keep his hair un-greased more often so you can play with it
୨ Overall, sososo much teasing from the rest of the guys LMAO
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lizzyk137 · 1 year
I'll Be There for You - A Spencer Reid Fanfic (Spencer Reid X Reader)
Description: You and Spencer had become friends since he moved into your building. Slowly you fell for him only for him to find someone else. Warnings: Mentions of- death, depression. Angst and jealousy.
Part Two! Want to read more, visit my Masterlist!
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That's what you thought every time you saw your next-door neighbor. Pure perfection.
You knew who he was exactly. A FBI agent, part of the BAU, one of the greatest minds on the planet and he was your next-door neighbor.
He had just moved in a few months ago and ever since then, you'd catch yourself looking through your windows to see him walking off the bus and then running to the door to hear him walk up the stairs, only to open your door just as he was fumbling with his keys to do some mysterious tasks just so you could talk to him.
The first time you ever saw him was when he was unloading his stuff out of a moving van with a few friends, who you've come to know were his co-workers and practically his family. You were pulling up on your bike after a quick morning ride, to see the most gorgeous man turn to look at you as you braked the closer you got.
"Hello!" A cheerful blonde called out as you locked your bike near the entrance of your apartment building.
"Hi!" You had said quietly, suddenly getting nervous as four people, including the supermodel of a man, turned to look at you. You felt like they were looking you all over, analyzing you, which you had come to find out that they naturally do to everyone since it's their job.
"I'm Penelope! This is my friend Spencer; he's moving into the building!" The blonde said with the biggest smile plastered on her face. She was bubbly and confident which made you nervous since you were neither of those things.
"I'm Y/n, I live in 13B. It's nice to meet you." You briefly made eye contact with Spencer's sunglasses covered eyes before looking back down at your hands nervously.
"Did you know in most cultures 13 is considered an unlucky number and the bringer of bad luck? Most buildings skip the 13th floor entirely and most places don't number a house or apartment as the number 13 since it could bring bad luck to the area?" Spencer stated, looking at you.
"Um, I did know that actually. 13 is one of my favourite numbers and I also own a black cat too. So hopefully you don't have to be my neighbor." You chuckled trying to make a joke. The others laughed but Spencer just stood there looking at you.
"Actually, my apartment is number 11, and with how the building is organized with odd numbers on the left and even numbers on the right, I am more than likely your neighbor. Plus, I also don't believe in superstitions since there is no scientific proof that they harbor any bad luck."
You nodded. "Oh... well, um did you guys need any help with your stuff?" You motioned with your head to the van filled with boxes labeled books. "There is a service elevator just on the other side of the building that we can use to bring in the larger stuff."
"Thanks, that would be a big help." A handsome-looking gentleman said. "The name's Morgan." He said winking at you.
A dark-haired woman shook her head at Morgan, then said, "Why don't we pull out what we can and do an assembly line to the apartment then we can use the elevator for the larger furniture?"
"Sounds good!" Penelope said and everyone broke away from the huddle to start pulling boxes out.
After that day, the apartment next to yours was quiet. The front door never opened or closed, and you worried that your new neighbor was dead. Worried after the fifth day of not hearing anything you knocked on the door to no reply.
You had called your landlord and asked him if the next door was vacant since you were certain that no living soul was in there. He said Spencer was still renting and gave you his number to call.
You sent out a text two days later, hoping that he wasn't dead next door.
'Hi, this is Y/N from unlucky apartment 13. I just wanted to make sure you were okay since there's been no noise for the past week. I hope my bad luck didn't reach you!'
You tried keeping it light and friendly, hoping that your worrying didn't lead to the real thing happening.
You received a reply a day later to your surprise and relief.
'Hi, unlucky number thirteen. No, the bad luck has not caught up with me. I've been away on a case and have yet to be home. Thanks for checking up on me!'
You chuckled at the message and from then on you and Spencer exchanged texts every hour cracking small jokes.
It wasn't until you heard the keys jingle outside the door a few days later that you bolted out of your window seat and opened the door to find an exhausted Spencer trying to unlock his door.
He was so tired he didn't even realize you had been standing there watching him struggle for a few minutes until you cleared your throat making him jump, dropping his keys in the process.
You reached down to pick them up, and your hair flipped out of your face giving him the best view to see your beautiful smile light up your face as you handed him his keys back. He cleared his throat, hoping his face wasn't red even though it felt like it was burning. "Thanks." He mumbled and opened the door quickly only for it to open a foot.
Inside you could see boxes piled up blocking any sort of passage through.
Spencer tried to shimmy his way in but eventually had to put his back to the door, bracing himself as he pushed it open with his body.
"Did you want any help unpacking?" You ask chuckling as the maze of boxes piled up.
Spencer tilted his head to look at you then let out a tired breath. "Honestly, I'd love that, but I'm exhausted. I haven't slept in the past couple of days. If the offer still stands in the next couple of days, I'll take you up on it." He put on a small smile for you to show he appreciated your offer.
You nodded lightly, "Let me know when you're all set, I'd be more than glad to set a few hours aside to help you!"
And he did let you know a few days later. You heard a soft knock on the door and could hear him pace back and forth for a second while you pulled a blanket over your thin tank top and short shorts.
"Spencer?" You said surprised as you pulled open the door to reveal a very nervous man.
He wiped his hands on his pants and cleared his throat. "Does the offer still stand to help unpack? I tried unpacking myself and it is not going that well." His voice was barely a whisper at the end, and you ended up laughing a bit at how nervous he was.
He gulped at the sight of you laughing at what he said, hoping he didn't seem inadequate at something so simple as packing.
"I told you the offer would still stand so there is no need to be nervous, plus packing always goes better when you do it with someone. " You chuckled and closed your apartment door behind him.
He didn't move from where he was, so you ended up knocking into him a little bit. "Whoops, sorry!" You said trying to take a step back but there was nowhere to go with how close Spencer was to you.
He just continued to stare at you and then cleared his throat taking a step back. He headed back to his apartment as you followed behind in your fuzzy slippers. He opened the door as much as he could and held it open for you to shimmy inside. Your chest moving as you nudged your way inside made his face instantly heat up and his eyes go wide as he tore his eyes away from your thin top.
'Get it together Spencer. She's helping you out, it's not time to check her out.' He thought to himself shaking his head as the image flashed back into his head.
"So where do you want to start?" Your voice rang out to him, making the thought of your chest disappear.
"Um," his voice cracked a bit as he tried to control it, "I think we should start in the kitchen since it has the most breakable stuff."
He led the way to the kitchen and you both started tearing through boxes and pulling out items, asking him where he would want things to which he was clueless on what would go better where so he left it up to you. In fact, he left every part of his house up to you on how it should be arranged. He just followed your orders and moved items to where they needed to go, his face turning bright red when you'd catch him staring at you making you blush slightly.
After that, Spencer and you became close friends and frequented each other's apartments often for movie night, to play games, to talk or just to read each other's massive collection of books. After a while, you both had a key to each other's house and you'd often find Spencer in your reading corner, which you had put a special chair just for him in, and he would find you making something delicious in his kitchen as you sang along to some k-pop song off-key.
You both grew to be best friends, closer than he and JJ were, and he'd often take you to team functions as his plus one. You were slowly falling in love with the tall nerdy genius, and you thought he felt the same way until one day he mentioned a girl that he was talking to.
Movie nights turned into Maeve nights. Nightly walks were only to phone booths where you would sit outside on the curb waiting for Spencer to be done, and weekly bookstore trips were only to look for a book Maeve suggested in her nightly phone calls.
Soon everything you once did together started going away and Spencer wasn't the same guy you first fell for.
You'd make him dinners for when he'd come back home from cases only for none of it to be touched. Books you bought that you knew he was waiting to be released would be left untouched and piling up on the table by the door.
The team would fill you in and let you know he was okay at least once a week since you never saw or heard from him anymore.
Sure, you were happy that Spencer found someone, it broke your heart that it wasn't you, but you were still happy for your friend. But soon, Spencer didn't want your company as he used to want it. Everything slowly was crumbling, and you were left in the dark from him.
It lasted for ten months before it all stopped. No noise, no movement, not even a breath was heard in the apartment next to yours. The team would come by, and he wouldn't open up his door to any of them.
Maeve died and Spencer was broken.
It lasted like that for months. You tried not to linger by his door on your way to and from work. You tried not to care too deeply for someone that dropped you months ago. You tried your hardest not to think about Spencer Reid. And it almost worked.
You were putting on your heels for a night out with the girls. In the last few months, the girls of the BAU team became super close even with Emily flying in every so often to meet up. Penelope had suggested a girl's night out with dinner, drinking and dancing. The three D's as she liked to call it. And for someone lucky they got the fourth D at the end of the night, and in PG terms she called it dessert.
Looking into the mirror, you looked back at yourself checking every part of your outfit over. A tight, sparkly black over the shoulder sleeved mini dress with black strappy heels. You had gone all out on your makeup, something one of your friends from college taught you how to do to get extra money on the weekends, and you had curled your hair in loose waves.
You sighed, fidgeting with the hem of your dress, a bit uncomfortable with how much skin was showing. You had been slowly building your confidence up the last few months you spent with Spencer since he showed you that it was okay to be you and that you didn't have to hide it, and you were trying to keep building confidence up even though he wasn't there anymore.
Your phone buzzed and you saw that it was Penelope messaging you that they were there. Grabbing your bag and stuffing your phone inside you headed out and stopped to look at Spencer's door, littered with baskets of self-care stuff and dead flowers. You missed him, but the door was a reflection of what he wanted, to close everyone out and drown out the world.
Dinner went by in a flash, full of laughter and drinks, and you were headed to the club when Penelope shrieked besides you.
"You okay, hun?" You asked chuckling at the girl next to you that was practically hyperventilating.
Instead of giving you an answer she just waved her phone around until JJ grabbed it and looked at what was pulled up. "Wow..." JJ mumbled. She showed you and Emily what seemed to be a picture. Emily blew it up and there all the guys from the BAU including Will were lined up on the wall dressed up in suits with stern expressions on their face.
"Daddy Morgan is looking so fine." Penelope whispered causing you to laugh loudly.
"Oh my god, is that Spencer?" Emily gasped.
All four of you leaned closer in to look at the line up of men. Morgan, Rossi, Hotch, Will and Spencer. Morgan had his best smolder on, Rossi did not look pleased to be there, Hotch looked tired, Will stood there like a deer in headlights and Spencer looked so tired that it broke your heart a little.
"I know, I know I said it was a girl's night but the boys were getting Spencer out of the house and at least out doing normal human things so I said they could tag along. Please don't be mad." Giving you her best pleading look.
"I think it's a good idea to get Spencer out of the house. Y/N is that okay with you?" JJ asked you concerned. She could see you tense up after Penelope said she invited them.
Nodding your head as a reply you looked back at the picture on Penelope's phone staring a hole into Spencer's digital self until you had to see the real thing.
You made it through the club's line quicker than expected, all thanks to Emily flirting with the female bouncer, and you headed inside, music blaring, to find the table the guys reserved for you. Emily could see you fidgeting with your bag, so she pulled you over to the bar and ordered a round of shots. "Liquid courage." She said as she handed you a glass. You ended up downing five shots and one mixed drink until Emily pulled you over to the table to drop your bags off to dance.
"Damn, princess, you are looking good." Morgan whistled to you, winking as you shrugged playfully.
"I see you girls are dressed up nicely, did we interrupt girls' night?" Rossi asked, taking a sip of his drink.
"Kind of, but we can still pull in our catch." Emily winked as she replied back.
Your eyed slowly drifted around the table as everyone engaged in conversations with each other until your eyes landed on Spencer who was staring at you with his jaw locked. You stared at each other for a few minutes before you felt a light touch on your shoulder. Looking up, you saw a handsome man smiling down at you.
"Hi, Y/N, right? I'm Jesse, we met at the bookstore last week."
"Oh, hi!" The table growing silent as they eyed the newcomer at the table, and you knew they were unintentionally profiling him. You could feel Spencer's eyes drilled into your back.
"I just saw you and was hoping it was you. I wanted to thank you for that book recommendation for my class! Surprisingly the sixth graders enjoyed it."
"I'm so glad to hear that! I read it to my class not too long ago and they loved it!"
Jesse nodded and looked up at the table. "Oh, I'm being rude. I'll leave ya be to your friends!"
"No, no! That's okay!" Penelope practically screamed out. "Y/N was looking for someone to dance with, if you want to dance." You swerved in your seat to give her a death glare before politely smiling back up at Jesse.
Jesse chuckled, "Um, if you want to dance, I'd like to accompany you." He extended his hand out and you gently took it letting him lead you to the dance floor.
Spencer scoffed, as he watched you two walked away. Rossi eyed him and shook his head. "What?" He asked the older man. "The guy was obviously into her. He was practically eyeing her body the entire time. And the excuse of coming over here to thank her for recommending a book! Lame."
"I never thought I'd hear Reid use the word lame before." Morgan muttered to Hotch.
"I thought the guy was nice. I see him come into the station to help out with the toy drives and I hear he helps out at all the shelters around town." Will commented causing Spencer to roll he eyes.
The table grew silent for a few minutes and the girls went off the dance, Will in tow, and Reid was left with three men who knew him the best looking at him.
Spencer took a sip of his water, trying not to let on that he was suddenly uncomfortable with all three men staring at him.
"I think we have a jealous Reid." Rossi finally said, breaking the silence.
Hotch laughed, "I think you're right. Maybe you should just tell her you like her."
Spencer shook his head confused and took another sip of his drink. "I just got out a relationship, which did not end well. How could I suddenly be jealous of her? She just met the guy for a second time."
All three men laughed at Spencer's remarks making him more puzzled at what they were saying.
Morgan cleared his throat, "No, not jealous of her in that way. Jealous of the guy she's with. As soon as she walked in you have been eyeing her, and when Jesse showed up you got mad at her for giving her attention to another guy. Even now your eyes have been following her around." Morgan explained.
"And don't say it's for her safety. She's quite safe surrounded by two fully trained agents and one police officer." Rossi chimed in.
"You like her, just tell her that." Hotch spoke up next, "What you had with Maeve was meaningful and real, but it was also mostly through a phone and there was so many secrets she kept from you. You should be with someone that you don't have to hide from. Someone that can be your best friend when you need it and is always there for you."
Spencer just nodded and turned his gaze towards you, watching as you drunkenly swayed your body to the music.
"Maybe I will, but I also don't know what to feel, and she means too much to me to use to figure out my own feelings." He starred at you as you laughed and danced. He was happy you were having fun, but he always wished his arms were wrapped around you as you both danced the night away.
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kakushino · 8 months
The Fanboy
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Tumblr writer fanboy! Tomioka Giyuu x isekai! fem! Reader
He was not ready.
Tags: fluff, Giyuu being a silly fanboy, suggestive (1 filth mention), minor KNY spoilers from manga, isekai Word count: 1,1k
AN: The blog mentioned is purely fictional. Reader is Giyuu's blorbo uwu
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Giyuu was used to being disliked by his coworkers. He kept to himself and didn’t attend any of the group events, the only one who liked him was the janitor, Urokodaki-san. Urokodaki Sakonji and Giyuu shared many lunches together, in silence or talking - it didn’t matter. 
It was thanks to those lunches that Giyuu found out their shared passion - Kimetsu no Yaiba manga. The mangaka was a mystery, working under an alias, and the series was nearly finished, the infinity castle arc coming to an end. He was excited to read the last volume - an extra long one - which was rumored to feature his favorite character, [Name].
Oh [Name]... he’d been treated with an entire volume about her background and daily duties as a kakushi before the last arc, though she’d appeared in glimpses throughout the series. He had an embarrassing memory of spilling his admiration to Urokodaki-san at one time - years ago - but it was fate, for the volume about her came out three months afterwards. 
It was also fate that he discovered tumblr not long after. He’d been scrolling through [Name]’s wiki page when something caught his eye - a trivia about her that he hadn’t noticed. Of course he had to try to find the truth on the deep dark web. Instead, he found a treasure trove full of fanfictions of characters from Kimetsu no Yaiba being shipped with readers. 
Giyuu devoured the total number of three fanfictions about [Name] that evening. Only three… because there weren’t any more. It wasn’t right… She should have been appreciated more. Sure, she was not a fighter, but she was a part of crucial infrastructure, often taking on unpleasant roles to support the protagonists of the series - the demon slayers. Perhaps it reminded him of himself and Urokodaki, but the fact stood he absolutely adored [Name], and she deserved more love.
So he would give her that love.
That was two years ago. 
Now, he had a blog of his own, blue-depresso, which he centered around his fav - he had posted various moodboards and headcanons he had about her at the start, but soon moved onto writing ‘x reader’ fanfictions of his own. It was a challenge to put his hidden artistic bone to work, but it was worth it. At times, Giyuu felt like a cult leader, his following quickly growing once he started to post those fanfics.
The few filthy fics he posted had him going long into the night, thinking how [Name] would feel under his hands, how he would take care of all her needs, and fuck her senseless. 
Giyuu kept the blog and his dirty thoughts far away from Urokodaki-san.
He didn’t want the old man to know just how much of a loser he was.
The last volume came out on one (un)remarkable Friday. Giyuu had pre-ordered it, making him excited to rush to the designated pick-up manga store.
The end of the school day could not come soon enough. He raced through his duties, the usual neat stacks of sport equipment haphazard piles when he locked the equipment room; his rush made him leave the school before Kyojuro, who was usually one of the first teachers to leave due to Friday sales at his favorite bakery. The blonde sent him a bewildered look as Giyuu passed him at the gates.
Once home, he put the sacred item (the manga) on the table gently before he yanked his tracksuit off, quickly getting into shower. He wanted to get comfortable before he read it.
Less than ten minutes later, he was ready.
…he wasn’t ready.
But he needed to read it! He had to know what would happen to his [Name]! (And to the protagonists as well-)
Okay, okay, no. Giyuu took a deep breath and opened the book.
He had to put it down halfway through. His dearest [Name]... died. She’d driven a car at the main antagonist to stop him from moving, and she died in the line of duty. Her death was honorable, and she would have wanted that.
Why did he feel so empty then?
Before he knew it, he’d opened the tumblr app on his phone and started typing.
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blue-depresso She isn’t dead. She is not dead. #kny spoilers #kny spoiler #[Name] #what the fuck is this @ G.K.???? 
blue-depresso This just did not happen. I refuse to accept this. #kny spoilers #kny spoiler #[Name] #dying rn #[Name] is alive
blue-depresso Someone give me G.K.’s location rq because I’m ready to fight #kny spoilers #kny spoiler #[Name] #fight me G.K.
blue-depresso Okay but maybe it wasn’t her in the car. Hear me out, maybe she jumped out before the car got destroyed??? #kny spoilers #kny spoiler #[Name] #[Name] is alive
blue-depresso What is even the point of living on if she isn’t alive? What is the point??? #kny spoilers #kny spoiler #[Name] #im crying #send help
blue-depresso Okay but in my heart, she lives on. You bet your asses I will write that [Name] lives AU once I’m done devouring this volume #kny spoilers #kny spoiler #[Name] #I won’t abandon my girl in her time of need #she’s my wife #she will live
blue-depresso I’m okay (I’m not). I need to finish this manga.  #kny spoilers #kny spoiler #[Name] #ran out of tissues #i need a drink
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Wiping the one tear that left his eye - the tissue tag an exaggeration of the truth, though his throat did get clogged up - he got to reading the rest of the story. 
It felt like he was afloat. What was he gonna do with himself now? His mind wandered to the singular bottle of beer in the fridge his sister gave him - some fancy brand he couldn’t care less about, as he wasn’t a drinker. His body acted before his brain caught up and he drank it, the bitterness a companion to the one in his heart. 
He would write that ‘[Name] lives AU’ tomorrow. Today, he had to bury himself in comfort. There was a fluffy blanket he received from his sister last birthday. Perhaps he should give her a call. It wasn’t that late yet.
In the end he’d fallen asleep on his futon, the blankets under him and his phone laying next to his face. His face flushed, realizing his sister must have talked him to sleep. He would have to make it up to her later.
Giyuu rolled over on his other side to check the time on his clock hanging on the wall, but came face-to-face with a woman instead. 
What the fu-
He scrambled back, trying to create distance from this stranger. Who was it? What was she doing in his flat? What was-?!
Hold on a moment…
His mind ran circles, trying to rationalize what he was seeing. I couldn’t be, could it? But how? This had to be a prank…
The woman stirred, kakushi mask shifting a little. Then, her eyes opened, and it was confirmed.
It was [Name].
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dividers made by the amazing @benkeibear
AN: Will this be an one-shot series? IDK but it was fun to write hehe
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neidermayers-mindd · 1 month
⚠ CONTENT WARNING — overall smut. Degradation, degradation kink, handjob, public sex, unprotected sex (don't be silly, wrap your willy!), p in v, finishing inside, hatefucking, reader is AFAB fem identifying, the kink isn't talked of at first but it gets better. MDNI 18+.
Author's note: Saw a disappointingly low amount of Jonathan Davis fanfics on-line. I do understand why there might not be that many and it's honestly respectable. I love JD, he's such a goof. Don't we all love him, though?
You dare kiss me with that mouth? — Jonathan Davis (KoЯn) x fem!Reader (SMUT)
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The first time you heard Jonathan do it, you were backstage — KoЯn was opening for some famous band you've strangely never heard of, and the man now in front of you was stressed enough to make you ask if he needed any help with calming down.
Jonathan is a sexual man by nature — so, you found yourself wanting to feel him close to you while you were giving him a handjob, with his most eager consent. There you were, sitting as close to him as you possibly could, on his lap with your legs spread so you could prop yourself better, while your hand worked up and down his pulsating length.
Your lips were most often pressed against each other, the man moaning into your mouth as you went harder or faster, and making a sound each time something in your rhythm changed — he had to get his release, after all. You knew he was close, because his head was thrown back, and the grip on your waist was more than enough to leave bruises later, something you learned with experience.
You swore you could hear Jon mutter something through his moans and whispers, but paid no mind — it's a good reaction to pleasure, after all. Your ears, no matter how destroyed they were from years' worth of loud concerts and a life of pure sin, could eventually catch up when he did keep on speaking, almost slurring his words out as you felt him twitch in your hand.
"Fuckin'.. yeah, slut, keep movin' your hand.." Jonathan panted out, in his own trance, his hand going over yours to finish himself off with your help. "Hyeah— couldn't bear lettin' me onstage without some of this cock, ah— fuckin' whore—" He grits his teeth as to not let out any loud noise, feeling the warmth of his hand and his pulsating cock as he came thick ropes of cum on your shirt.
Did he just call you a slut?
You didn't care about the shirt, it was Jon's anyway.
And you didn't care that he came, no matter how bad that sounds.
Your eyes were slightly widened in shock, only being able to sit still as Jon smiled goofily, a wonderful haze of happiness washing over him post-nut. The shock quickly dissipated as you thought to yourself that Jon would never devaluate you.
You couldn't help but not feel insulted. Rather, you felt yourself twitch in your panties at his degrading words.
Jon didn't even seem to notice what he said, and your lack of reaction didn't give him any insight. If you were truly hurt or offended, he would have known and apologised, as the last thing Jonathan would ever do was to hurt you. He thanked you sweetly for calming him down, planting a kiss on your forehead and lips, took off his own shirt (as if he'd wear it onstage anyway) so you'd have something un-came on to wear, and off he went, leaving you both confused and aroused.
The next time Jon did it was after a fight you both had. The motive was rather stupid and unconventional — yet you had a bad day at your shitty cashier job, and the man now ramming himself into your cunt like he wants to split you into two wasn't doing all that well, either.
One thing led to another and you were pretty sure this could be classified as the meanest hate fucking one could hear of — your body was covered in hickeys, especially the soft flesh on your neck, and make-up wouldn't be enough to avoid getting weird looks from people, not that you cared, anyway.
You were pressed into the mattress of your bed, legs spread apart and held over your head as Jonathan snapped his hips against you, balls slapping right under your cunt and on your ass as he kept hitting against your G-spot each and every time. The dim light of the room only made you see his dreads moving with his head as he leaned down to see you eye-to-eye, his expression still enraged and face flushed with arousal.
"Was it worth messin' round, Y/N?" Jon growled out, his hands holding onto your hips as he kept drilling into your sore cunt. "Huh? Was this worth pissin' me off, gettin' fucked, dirty fuckin' bitch?" His dark eyes were fixated upon your expression, slightly closing as he let out a moan, feeling you clench around him right when he called you that.
He seemed both shocked and amused, not stopping from slamming inside you as he felt himself getting closer to his orgasm, leaning in fully so he could press his lips against yours, tongue going in your mouth and hands now squeezing on your tits.
"You like it, huh—" Jon asked in a slightly curious voice, the tinge of anger from earlier dissipating with his impeding orgasm— "goddamn slut. I— if you want to get f-fuh—" his hips sputtered, his sloppy pace getting worse, "ffffhucked this good.. aah, Y/N, you should've— mmnh—"
You're pretty sure he got lost in his words as Jon comes right when you do, both of you moaning as you milked him of his seed. You can feel his dreads tickle your chest as his head falls on top, legs shaking as much as yours as he fills you up.
Jonathan pulls out, a small, playful "tsk" coming from his lips and a comforting smile on his face as he grabs a nearby towel and wipes the both of you of his cum, and tosses it on the floor, on the same day you got your damn carpets cleaned. But that didn't matter, now.
Jon fell right next to you, the mattress shifting under him, and he turns around to face you, cupping your face. "'m sorry for earlier.. was it too much?" He asks, genuine concern in his voice. Your lips curl into a sweet smile, contrasting your fucked out look, and you shake your head. "I shouldn't have taken my anger out on you, Jon. I, too, am sorry", you reply, your hands playing with his hair, noticing the way his eyebrow piercings shine the tiniest bit from the moonlight outside your window.
Silence ensues, the two of you unwinding after a long day. Then, Jonathan breaks the ice— he wants to reassure what he felt a few minutes ago, "You.. uh, you.. tell me if I went overboard with the name callin', but am I dreaming,"
Jesus, is it this hot in here, or are your cheeks just heating up from the embarrassment?
" - or did you actually.. like me calling you a bitch?" He reiterates, seeing the look on your face, "You're not. No, Y/N, you're not a bitch, I- I got a bit too lost in the m-moment and—"
A pair of hands cup his cheeks as soon as you heard the overcoming guilt in his tone of voice — like Jon, the last thing you wanted to hear is that he's hurt.
"I liked it", you spoke out, your tone still a bit unsure, as you have never done thus before; meek but determined. His eyes light up and meet yours, mouthing an 'oh?' before smirking as to himself. He playfully attacks you with kisses all over your sweaty face, and you try to push him off, but fail miserably.
"Joooon", you whine out, your hands attempting to get a hold of him, "we're both sweaty—", as if that would stop him.
The next day, you talked it out with him. One beautiful thing about your relationship with Jonathan is that you could talk to him about the actual relationship. Even if he had a harder time expressing himself, and making music was a way better alternative to do so, he listened, made sure the both of you were comfy with it, and dove deep into the whole degradation niche.
He wouldn't like it on himself — but Jon made sure to tease you with it, and make sure you're okay after. The man, although seemingly ferocious, was a yay-sized bear and the sweetest at heart. That's what you loved about him.
You were sure that you were soaking wet even when he cussed out random people on the street, as you had Pavloved yourself into this situation. But at least you knew that you felt safe exploring this new thing with Jonathan, even if it meant asking him to fuck you silly in the nearest public bathroom after he'd call people endearingly insulting names.
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doromoni · 9 months
Hunting Affections
Charles Leclerc x photographer! reader
Max Verstappen x photographer! reader
Part 5.
fanfic + smau fic
y/n faceclaim : Hwang Eunbi
warning : swearing , manipulation, stalking , violence
<previous next>
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Summary; Love is but a concept — just connections of neurons that take part in the brain … and yet, why is it the most painful when one falls alone?
Loving someone who doesn’t love you back , until you can’t no more. Maybe then they’ll actually know what they’ve lost.
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Relentless and persistent are two different adjectives that are often mistakenly interchanged . Persistence is defined as continuing firmly in a course of action despite difficulty , while being relentless means to do something and refuse to give up, even if what they are doing is unpleasant or cruel.
You are nothing but the latter, your actions are derived from cruel and revolting motivations— you have deluded yourself into thinking that your actions are for the goodness of others.
Everything was quiet , the only noise was the crashing waves of the Monegasque sea. The quietness and the soft waves have brought me peace and calmness , yet at this point in time it only added to the anxiousness that bubbled at the depths of my stomach … because there laid in the distance, the screen of my phone violently glowing luminescent , as your instagram post displayed on my feed . The memories that used to hunt my sleep every night came crashing in yet again, the times where I then cried endlessly thinking what was wrong with me, if I lacked something, or If I was never enough.
Do you find happiness in my suffering? why must you always find ways to make my life miserable.
The palms of my hands grew restless, hearing the pounding of my heart in my eardrums. Shit… I’m starting to spiral again, everything was turning foggy ,my vision starting to blur as my breath was starting to catch up on me making me choke on the tears that streamed down my face. The bedroom had started to feel like its enclosing in it self.
Just then, the piercing sound of a phone ringtone filled the air.
“Liebling , I just saw what the bastard posted . Are you alright, Love? Do you need company? Should I go back there?” Oh Max , how can I be so lucky with you? You didn’t even doubt my innocence.
“M-Max..” I said struggling to speak.
“Y/N?? What happened? Are you alright??“ His voice sounded so worried and panicked, is it wrong that I find it soothing?
“It almost happened again, love … I started to spiral” I managed to choke out , running my hand through my hair ; feeling it still damp from the shower I took before.
“Verdammt noch mal! I’m gonna kill that bastard! Wait for me , Liebling. Im coming over. Give me 10 minutes”
“Mhm , thank you Max . Please know that I really do love you…” Fear started to envelop my heart at the thought of Max leaving me because of all this mess.
“I never doubted your love, Liebling… not one bit. I love you more. I’ll be there quickly. Call me if your you need anything else. Bye for now dear”
And the line went dead and the air was again filled with silence. Thoughts have again started to fill my head , but this time it was of rage and my body shook , seething in anger.
Then cutting through the silence, came the sound of my doorbell. It couldn’t be Max , I already gave him a key to the apartment. Slowly walking towards the front door and looking through the camera … there stood at the other side of my door, the root of my problem. Charles Leclerc.
“Please open the door,Y/N” that voice used to bring me joy and giddy anticipation , now it only brought un believable amounts of contempt and disgust.
His knocks where endless, just as I had said , he is relentless. Finally having enough from him, I swung the door open ; revealing the angelic face that brought me hell.
“The fucking nerve you have to show your face to me, Leclerc . “ I spat with venom laced in every word , as my blood started to boil over at the sight of him.
He started to walk forward and reaching out his hand , intending to hold mine. Yet before he could even lay a finger — a stood back , with a piercing glare permanently set on my face.
“Don’t you fucking touch me!” Charles could only recoil , how does it feel to finally be at that end of the stick , huh?
“Y/N please , let’s talk . Babe I- Look, i’m sorry for being a shitty boyfri-“ As his words started to spill out , I could only scoff at the absurdity of him.
“I’m not your babe , and before you even start, I never was your girlfriend . You’re focusing on your career, remember?! We we’re never together. You just fucking played me the left me whenever you liked. Oh you were shitty alright, but you were never my boyfriend! ”
“You don’t mean that . Remember all the things we’ve done together, the trips and all the family dinners. Y/N … babe , I miss having you and getting to hold you in my arms at our special spot. Y/N , please , I love you and I know you still love me “
“YOU DON’T GET TO SAY THAT AFTER EVERYTHING YOU’VE PUT ME THROUGH ! IM ALREADY FUCKING HAPPY! “ I shouted as my throat burned and my eyes started to tear up from anger and frustration.
“You’re so fucking cruel. Yes! I did love you then! But what did you do with it huh?! You fucking cheated on me and took me for granted.You embarrassed me in-front of everyone! You made me fucking doubt everything about myself , you fucking bastard! I’m already content without you in my life. Charles, please just leave me alone. Let me go, I’m very happy with Max… I love him. Please , I beg of you , don’t ruin this for me” Tears are now streaming down my cheeks .
As I said those words, the warmth and affection in his eyes drained as it was replaced with vexation and contempt. His face turned blank , and all to quickly his lips were pulled into a smirk.
“We both know that you’re just using him to get to me. Really , y/n? Max? my childhood enemy? Couldn’t you think of a better way to make me jealous? A bit pathetic, but I’ll let it go. I’m already here, break up with the loser already.” The smugness and arrogance of his words drew out the worst in me as my hand flew directly at his cheek , slapping him with all the aggression and hatred I had for the driver.
“FUCK YOU , CHARLES! HOW ARROGANT CAN YOU GET?! SELFISH PRAT! IM FUCKING OVER YOU! YOU HAVE NO FUCKING RIGHT TO SAY WHAT MAX AND I HAVE — YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT LOVE IS YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE! I-i, just leave . I have nothing more to say to you.GO! LEAVE!!” My throat now burned even further as i wiped the tears off my face with my hand.
“I’ll go for now Y/N . But , I will not stop. you are mine Y/n l/n. YOU.ARE.MINE.” His words were ringing in my ears as he drove off the distance. Fresh tears now spilling over as my body was wrecked into uncontrollable sobs. My knees buckling beneath me making me fall to the floor — not bothering to stand up as I stared emptily at the floor.
Not long after , I felt the familiar warmth that I could only get from the embrace of the person I loved.
“Liebling?! Why are you on the floor? my Schatz , what happened?” Max’s voice brought peace and stability to my anxiety. I drew myself even closer to his embrace.
“Charles… he came here, Max . He said that he won’t stop until I go back to him. Max… I’m scared”
I looked up to see fury written over his face, feeling his hold on me tighten.
“Max , please don’t leave me. Please…” I begged, clutching his torso even more . Feeling his fingers running through my hair , He said“Don’t be scared, my Schatz . I love you and I promise not to leave you. Don’t be scared, I’m here” the softness in his voice and the, revealed the exhaustion in my body as I had started to lose consciousness… but not until I heard him say
“You’ll pay for everything, Leclerc… everything” and all turned into nothing.
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Formula 1 Ferrari Driver Charles Leclerc seen leaving the apartment of Red Bull Senior Director Y/N L/N.
Article by : Mary Hankson
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Formula 1 driver , Charles Leclerc was spotted leaving the Korean born photographer Y/N L/N’s apartment at 4 am in the morning, just a few hours after his cryptic instagram post with the caption “originally mine , I refuse to give up”.
Sources had said that the visit of the Ferrari driver had occurred right after the birthday celebration of the Red Bull Design Director, in which the Monegasque was said not to be invited, this, and possibly for more reasons , was not taken well by the driver— as Charles was seen storming out of the apartment with a fuming snarl on his face as he drove off in his Ferrari Pista.
Even before such event, fans are already puzzled with Charles and Y/N’ behavior. Their once warm treatment of each other have quickly turned sour once Y/N left the Italian team to pursue a career with Sky Sports . The air between the driver and photographer had been in tension since then— with L/N opting to associate with The English , Australian, and Dutch formula 1 drivers while Leclerc had been with the Alpine driver and best friend Pierre Gasly. What had exactly happened to create such thick tension among the two?
Could the mysterious woman in the Monegasque’s post be about L/N? The two have already been romantically linked together in past — as Y/N L/Y had been spotted with the driver and his family in several occasions looking quite familiar with each other. Yet nothing was confirmed by either Leclerc or L/N.
Y/N L/N is currently in a romantic relationship with the reigning WDC champion, Max Verstappen. The length of the relationship is relatively new , yet it cannot be argued that both are not embarrassed to share their passion for each other — whether cameras are present or not.
Nevertheless, Leclerc and L/N are longer acquainted and have spent great amounts of time together during the period of internship of the korean photographer in Ferrari . The hearsay between the Charles Leclerc and Y/N L/N also cannot be dismissed entirely — for fans have speculated that the two haven’t establish a relationship before due to Ferrari’s no colleague fraternization clause. The argument with Leclerc and L/N’s relationship rumors are once again put into light with the recent developments — but with Max Verstappen in the scene, things get even more complicated.
Tension continues to rise among the parties involved. Will such tension be left off the track or will we see the Verstappen and Leclerc rivalry stronger than ever? And will the new relationship of Y/N L/N and Max Verstappen survive such issues so early on the relationship?
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Liked by y/n_stills., user1, user2 , and 156,425 others
F1wags Even amidst rumors between Y/N L/N and Charles Leclerc , Max and Y/N are looking to be stronger and even happier together!
The new couple was seen to be going out for breakfast , hours after the article of Charles Leclerc leaving the home of Y/N at 4 am at the morning. At the looks of it, Max is more protective and even more doting on the Red Bull director/photographer, as was reported by fans that the dutch driver’s arms are never away from Y/N. By the looks of things, Max and Y/N is staying longer.
But what is the meaning of the instagram post of Charles? We could only hope for an explanation from the Ferrari Driver. Because Red Bull wag y/n is here to stay!
user1 y/n is collecting drivers like infinity stones … cannot blame her tho, if I looked that pretty I would too.
user2 It hasn’t been a week since y/n has been an official wag but she’s already the star.
user3 Lmao, chaos follows her tbh
user4 @user3 she is chaos , chaos is her.
user5 All hail Y/N , queen of the Wags
user6 When we eat the rich , y/n is exempted.
user7 what is Charles doing? explain yourself sir?? drop a statement or something… I refuse to let go of Soft Max.
user8 @user7 why should charles do it? Why couldn’t y/n explain herself?
user7 are you fr @user8 was it y/n who posted , was it y/n who went to his apartment? No, I think the f not.
user9 ikr? Like wth is he doing? Y/N is already happily taken by Max … bruhhh
user9 I don’t doubt y/n’s loyalty to Max at all. They make each other so happy. Why the hell would she drop that for a driver as red flagged as his team color. And did y’all listen to the song she made for him? shiz got me crying blood.
liked by y/n_stills.
user9 oh hi mother @y/n_stills.
user10 oof y/n is here dropping the shade along with the tea.
user11 Hi there mother of all mothers @y/n_stills.
y/n_stills. Hi children~
user12 Max really does love y/n , they’re out for breakfast when Max is usually very early at the ring even when its media Thursday .
user13 Man is whipped.
user14 pls y/n never let this man go.
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Liked by y/n_stills, maxvertappen1, landonorris, and 1,672,916 others
redbullracing Welcome to the family @y/n_stills! 🎉
interview will be posted after the race 🤭
y/n_stills. Thank you so much 🤍 So excited to work with the team ! But remember our negotiations @redbullracing, unlimited snack… else im walking out 😬.
maxverstappen1 ahh already the boss, I see.
y/n_stills. Oh shush , you love it when I’m bossy. 🙄
maxverstappen1 that I do😘
danielricciardo ugh you two are gross , get a room
landonorris HR will be hearing a lot of you 2
redbullracing @landonorris ,you said it .
maxverstappen1 Stoked to work with you , colleague!
y/n_stills. Ew, Emilian stop! Cringing over here 😫
maxverstappen1 noted, you’re the boss 🫡
oscarpiastri Congratulations y/n!! give them hell, mom🧡
y/n_stills. Thank you little papaya 🤍, Still, I’m always rooting for you!
arthur_leclerc @oscarpiastri stop hogging y/n!
olliebearman @y/n_stills. Give us attention too :((
y/n_stills. I’ll think about it @olliebearman 😜
carlossainz55 Good luck niña, I will always be supporting you and your journey! Always.
y/n_stills. thank you chili 🥺
carlossainz55 I’m always your friend first and a driver second, niña . remember that.
liked by y/n_stills.
scuderiaferrari good luck on your journey @y/n_stills.!
y/n_stills. Thanks! You’re still my favorite team to beef with @scuderiaferrari ❤️
user1 bruh the grid is causing chaos in the redbullracing comment section HAHAHAHHA
user2 ikr? HAHAHAHAH
user3 my popcorn is ready!
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“Max are you really ok if I hung out with Arthur?”
We were currently in his car on our way to the circuit for media day.
“Yeah , I’m ok with it. He’s a good kid” I stared at him in both awe and disbelief
“Liebling, what’s the stare for?” He chuckled as he focused on driving, a hand on my thigh ; his fingers drumming to the beat of cruel summer that played on the radio.
“He is, but he’s also the brother of my ex!” I said exasperated.
“I trust you completely, Liebling” He replied gently squeezing my thigh. Affection uncontrollably rushed over me.
“I love you, Max Emilian Verstappen.Do you know that?”
“Yes , I do Schatz , and I love you more” A smile both on our faces as the circuit came closer.
“Oh! How bout you go with me?” I excitedly tapped his hand at the amazing idea I had… which didn’t look as amazing to the dutch, as his face held confusion
“What? Why?”
“Come on I want you there! I’ll invite oscar and ollie~ its time you to spend time with your sons”
“Woah woah, last I remember we only have Oscar.” He joked , and there and then the car was filled with our laughter — forgetting all the drama that surrounded us.
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Liked by maxverstappen1, redbullracing, danielricciardo, and 2,836,817 others
y/n_stills. A Red Bull Wag , through and through. Ironically, I’m already tired ,nobody warned me this shiz is hard 🙄. I blame @maxverstappen1 .
maxverstappen1 I’m sorry i forgot to brief you, my bad liebling.
y/n_stills. Be thankful that I love you.
landonorris aren’t you supposed to be working @y/n_stills?
y/n_stills. It’s called tactical marketing, kinder. Know your terminology gosh.
landonorris is that what you call it? hmm sure
georgerussell63 isn’t today your first official day as a wag?
y/n_stills. and what is your point russell george?
georgerussell63 nothing, nothing ~ 😁
lilymhe Girl! See you later , I missed you >:((
y/n_stills. Babe , we literally saw each other yesterday.
lilymhe Yeah? And?
y/n_stills. quoting russell george , nothing, nothing ~ 😁
user1 BRO Y/N IS SO PRETTY! I saw her and Max walking to the Red Bull motorhome , she was glowing! I swear I saw an angel
user2 RIGHT?! She’s literally blooming , how can someone be so pretty >:((
user3 she’s also so nice! They were walking when I asked for a picture with Max , y/n offered to take the picture. I swear I melted when she smiled at me.
user4 y/n suites the blue and red 😏
user5 indeed, she found her colors >:)) , the plain red was getting boring.
“Liebling, I need to go. Im scheduled for the press conference” I looked up from my laptop setting my eyes to the dutch driver as he walked towards were I was.
“Mhm , I know~ who do you think put you there?” I smiled mischievously up at him as he towered over my side.
“You vixen~ you do realize who’s also up there right?” A grin played at his lips , where I only shrugged
“Gotta keep you on your toes, champion”
“If i punch the bastard’s face will that be alright?” Max replied as he tucked my hair to my ears, a hand gently holding my chin
“I mean, bad publicity is still publicity, you are the expert at it , my love” I joked lovingly , a grin now present on my face.
“Aren’t you cheeky, Schatz~” his grip on my chin slightly tightened as he bent down and captured my lips in his. Angling my face to deepen the kiss , as Max’s other hand found it way to the back of my neck, holding me still. Before the kiss grew too heated, I pulled away knowing that he cannot be late because of me.
“Nu uh, mister~ you have a media event to get to. “ Max groaned , as I tried to fix his hair that I had somehow ruined.
“Off you go, my love~ good luck and play nice. I love you~” I said as I pulled him out of my office and pushed him out the door
“Yeah, yeah~ love you more” He said walking away, not before stealing another kiss.
“See you later Schatz~” He yelled at the distance. the people outside my office only chuckled and shake their heads— seeing their number 1 driver act petulantly.
“Welcome back lads! Its been quite a long month of summer vacation, i might say! And welcome everyone, today we have here with us a mixture of driver experiences in the grid. We have Lewis Hamilton , Max Verstappen, Oscar Piastri , Charles Leclerc and Daniel Ricciardo here with us today~ our two Aussies are here!”
“ And speaking of Aussies, let’s start of with our youngest driver on the grid! Oscar, how was your experience in the half of your first season in formula 1 and how are you handling the effects of your collision with Sainz during the Spa race?”
“The First half of the season is not easy, I cannot lie, specially at the start of the season, but recently the car has been a great drive and We are really looking forward for this week’s race. Uhm… uh, mentally speaking , I am alright, a bit down but I’m eager to get back into the car and race.
“Are there people you look towards for comfort or advice when facing circumstances like this? — you were captured hugging a woman after your retirement last race and if we have it correct it was Red Bull’s current Designs Director , Y/N L/N, is that true?”
The young driver was suddenly flustered taken aback by the question. Max drew an assuring pat on the back to the Australian driver, making sure that it wasn’t shown on camera.
“Yes, that was Y/N. She went to our garage and made sure that I was ok and assured me that mistakes happen and that I should’t hold it against myself”
“Well aren’t you two close” Leclerc suddenly butted in , all eyes suddenly went to him— some with disguised annoyance.
But without missing a beat Oscar replied
“We are! Y/N is very caring and very supportive towards me. She is also very mother like — we have this running joke with Max here, that they are my parents and I’m their son”
“Correction, adopted son” Max joked lifting the mood.
“While on that note, Max! I assume that the rumors are true? That you are indeed dating your team’s Design Director, Y/N L/N ? “
“Yes, I am in a relationship with Y/N”
“Would you care to elaborate on that, Max?”
“ Isn’t that question a bit too personal? Shouldn’t we talk about racing?” Charles again interrupted before anybody could say a word
“No, it’s alright. I’ll gladly talk about Y/N given the chance. Well we were friends first, then along the road I came to like her and thank the heavens she liked me back. Then we made things official this summer break, oh! we also adopted oscar here during the break. So lots of milestones for me this summer break.” Chuckles filled the conference room as Max finished speaking
“Thank you for that Max , uh let’s move on to Charles! You are also busy with your summer break! Would you like to enlighten us on that?”
“No, not really … Im here to race, that’s all. I don’t have time to waste on meaningless pursuits” He replied dryly
Max’s hands balled into firsts , on Charle’s insinuation when he said meaningless pursuits.
“Oh, well alright! Moving on to Lewis”
The tension was thick in the air as 2 drivers continued to giving each other subtle glares all throughout the conference .
The conference rest of the conference went off without an issue. That was until the end where everyone was backstage when the tension broke loose and anger exploded
“WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM LECLERC?!” Max came storming towards the Ferrari driver —driving a hard punches on the jaw of the Ferrari driver, then forcefully clutching the collar of his shirt as blood spilled out of the Monegasque’s lips
“GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME DICKHEAD!” Charles shouted as he struggled to get max’s grip off him.
Daniel and Oscar quickly came to separate the two drivers apart. Holding each of them back.
“guys , please stop it! there are cameras outside that door” Daniel tried to calm both the drivers down, as Max tried to get away from his grip and land another strike at Leclerc.
“Get this through your head, Leclerc. I will do my everything to keep y/n and the championship title away from you. As long as I am here you will never taste the victory of being number 1 again. I swear that on my life. You’ve hurt y/n, prepare to fucking suffer”
successfully removing Daniel’s grip, Max then stormed out the room, leaving the three drivers in shock.
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rosie-zia · 10 months
Luca Kaneshiro x Reader
A/n: After being on hiatus for eight months, I decided to go back and write stories again. This fanfic is an inspiration from Luca Kaneshiro's cover of "Honeymoon Un, Deux, Trois." This is a very long one so I hope you enjoy! :^) Word count: 2.3k+
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Luca Kaneshiro was famously known as the evil mafia boss around the city and in the streets. Most people fear Luca because of the stories they have heard about his crime syndicate, but only a few knew he was like every other married man with a wife behind the closed doors of his manor. His beloved spouse was none other than you, Y/n Kaneshiro.
Luca didn’t see himself getting married so soon; however, it all changed when his father laid eyes upon you. You were known as the daughter of an elite mafia boss hailing from another country. Naturally, Luca’s father thought it was a good opportunity to create a strong alliance between two powerful organizations. Thus, a pact was formed and an arranged marriage took place. Despite you and Luca being against this whole ordeal, you two had no other choice but to go through it, and the rest was history.  In the beginning of your marriage, it was awkward as you two tried to adjust in spite of the pressure since you and Luca perceived marriage only as business and not as love. If needed, both of you would do your best to present yourselves as husband and wife in front of other mafias at every gathering and every meeting. When you and Luca fully adapted in the ways of matrimonial life, you two ended up catching feelings but were just too scared to tell the other. 
Luca saw you as nothing but a simple woman who has been involved with the dark side of the law, but his eyes were slowly opened and realized there was more to you. He highly thinks of you as a sweet lovely lady with kindness and beauty unlike any other. Your simplicity and grace immediately caught his attention that made him fall for you so hard that he feels he lost his breath every time he sees your bright smile. The blonde man doesn’t know how to express his love, so he only does it in which way he knows best: giving you materialistic things.  Ever since you married Luca, he often showered you with luxurious gifts that filled your entire room. From small trinkets, expensive clothing, and everything in between. As the recipient of his gifts, you were slightly overwhelmed how your husband provides you such an extravagant lifestyle. It felt like a one-sided marriage for you, so you did your best to be an obedient wife that takes care of the house and his needs while also involving yourself in the mafia business. Even though your marriage with Luca was mostly a smooth sailing, there had been some disputes that happened between you two. Lately, you have gotten yourselves in a heated argument with Luca, and it has been bugging you ever since.
*Flashback*  “Luca, please let me know if you are in a bad condition from your missions. Don't try and hide it from me.” You and Luca are in the bathroom as you tried to tend his wounds carefully with bandages and ointments. He just returned home from another mission and unfortunately got hurt. The blonde man tried to ignore the pain and hide it from you but failed to do so as you caught him red-handed from the moment he stepped into the house.  “You don’t have to worry about me, Y/n. I’ll be fine.”  “But you are hurt right now, Luca. I worry about you sometimes… you should not let yourself get hurt like this.”  Every night, you mostly worry about him whenever he takes dangerous missions in the Kaneshiro mafia to the point you would always pray he will come back safe and sound. Although you sounded genuinely concerned about him, something about it irritated Luca into thinking you didn’t trust him enough to do his work “I said I’ll be fine, Y/n. Geez, you’re making me sound like I’m just a kid. You have no idea on what it is like to be in my position. Just mind your business will you?”  This led you two to argue for thirty minutes straight until he had enough and walked out. He may have looked irritated but deep inside, he felt like he hurt you. He ended up realizing that you were just looking out for him, but it was too late to take everything back. In that moment, he knew he had to make things right before it was too late.
After thinking about the events that happened that night, you were immediately snapped back to reality as one of Luca's men laid a ball gown with other fancy accessories that complimented the dress. "Greetings, Mrs. Kaneshiro. I was given an order from the boss to deliver his present to you. He wants to be present for the ball this evening. It will start in a few hours, and Mr. Kaneshiro will be escorting you to the party."
His bodyguard bowed down in respect and walked out the room to leave you alone to prepare for the ballroom party that will be hosted by Luca himself. You have no idea what is the special occasion celebrated in this event, but you assumed it was just a simple gathering to get more influential connections in the mafia.
You don't feel like going to that party, but Luca's small lion cub, Augustus, helps you raise up your spirits as he lets out small growls.
"You're so lucky that you don't have to attend a party with so many people. I wish I could just stay with you in bed."
You gently pet Augustus in which he gives out one of his toothy smiles. You knew very well that not showing up at the party is clearly not an option. Not wasting anymore time, you started your makeup routine to look good for the party. You're just hoping for the best that you will survive at the end of the day.
You and Luca arrived at the ballroom before the event started as you two waited for the guests to arrive and made sure everything was in order. As always, you two will put up a face as a married couple in front of all the mafias who will be attending this gathering. One by one, you both greeted all of the guests with a smile on your faces while linking arms with each other. It may look like you and Luca are the perfect married couple and yet you both still did not resolve the argument that happened yesterday. You sighed to yourself and let Luca properly welcome the guests in his honor. When all of the guests had arrived, Luca clinked his glass to get everyone's attention. "Good evening, dear friends and loved ones, and thank you for attending tonight's ball here in my manor. I just want to celebrate a very special occasion that is very important to me. I do hope you all enjoy this night. May the party commence!"
As Luca finished his speech, all of the mafias and other guests talked away and enjoyed the party in their own ways. The gathering felt lively under the bright lights of the chandeliers in the ballroom. With the lively aura in the party, you're still confused on the special event Luca failed to specifically mention. You stayed beside Luca as he conversed with other mafia bosses until you felt like you're out of place. You excused yourself from Luca, and went somewhere else to get a breather and away from the crowd. The party was still going, and Luca can't help but steal glances once in a while to see how you are doing. He sees you by the balcony being alone by yourself with a glass of champagne in your hand. Luca knew how you can't deal with handling big crowds like this, but something about you was different from the way you look. He may be oblivious to most things but his thoughts went back to yesterday's fight, and he takes the blame for not considering your feelings.
After hours of dancing and drinking among the guests, the guests waved goodbye to you two and went to their respective homes. Finally, all of the guests have left, and you went back inside to close the lights in the ballroom and call it a night. The grand mechanized clock chimes to let you know it was quarter to midnight, giving you the signal to close the ballroom doors. Before you even got the chance to do so, you heard the orchestra on your left begin to play their instruments, producing an enchanting-like melody. You were about to stop them but you caught something from the corner of your eyes. Lo and behold, it was your husband by the grand staircase in all of his glory.
The heels of his shoes clicked as he made his way towards you. Something about him right now feels different than he usually carries himself. His lavender eyes seem more gentle, his outfit exactly matches the gold accents of your dress, and his overall appearance was much more dazzling compared to what he looked like during the party earlier.
Luca bowed slightly and brought the back of your hand against his lips to give it a small kiss which made you a bit flustered by the gesture. He uttered a few words that made you caught in a trance from how his voice dripped like honey.
"My dearest and beloved wife, shall we dance?"
---------------------------------------- Now playing: Honeymoon Un, Deux, Trois - Luca Kaneshiro Cover ----------------------------------------
Before you can properly process his words, Luca gently grabs you by the waist and sways you along with the music, taking the lead between you two. You let his fingers entwine with yours, and his hand fitted perfectly, letting your bodies become one. Under the dim lights in the ballroom, his features radiated perfectly, capturing the essence of the mafia boss before you. He also starts to sing along with the instrumental playing in the background in a foreign language you've never heard him speak before.
You may not understand most of the words he's singing, but you felt addicted to his voice like he was casting you under a deep spell you cannot ever break free from. It felt like a fairytale as he pulls you in twists and turns, also letting you have your way in the waltz of love. Every step you both took, you both were in sync with the song he's singing.
Never in your dreams he would act genuinely romantic towards you. This was the side of Luca you thought you would never witness, and here you are dancing with your husband in this empty ballroom. The moonlight illuminates the golden hues of the marble tiles beneath you two which makes it the perfect night for lovers exactly like you and Luca.
As he finishes up his song, he romantically dips you, and then pulls you back up. You wished it lasted longer, but you redirected your attention to Luca once more when you felt his fingers caress your hair to the side of your face.
"Y/n, I just want to apologize for last night. I'm sorry for being a jerk and not considering your feelings. I should have let you know that I took dangerous missions like these in the mafia. Could you forgive me?"
He says as he looks at you directly with tears in his eyes that are threatening to spill in a moment. With a sigh, you managed to forgive him.
"Alright, I forgive you, Luca. If you're hurt, please let me tend to your wounds after your mission, is that clear?
"Yes, I promise, Y/n..."
You both laugh while basking in each other's presence. It didn't take long before your laughter became silence... and silence became awkwardness. You knew you had to do something, so after debating with yourself, you decided to break the silence between you two.
"T-thank you for the lovely dance this evening. I still don't get why you hosted a party without any special occasion."
Up until now, you still don't know what the celebration was all about, to which Luca only replied with a smile on his face.
"It's our first wedding anniversary, Y/n. I thought I could celebrate it with you."
Hearing Luca's response made you so embarrassed and flushed that you forgot it has been one year ever since you married Luca. Now it was your turn to apologize to him.
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry, Luca. I didn't know it was today. I have completely forgot about it, I-"
Your husband just chuckled and placed a finger on your lips, shushing you and stopping you from rambling such nonsense.
"It's alright. I know you don't see our marriage in a romantic sense but I wanted to tell you that I love you. I'm glad that I have you as my lovely wife."
He then proceeds to cup your face with his hand and pulls you by the waist with his other arm as he plants a chaste kiss on your lips. When you two pulled away, you ended up confessing how much you love him as well.
"I love you too, Luca. I'm also glad that I married you. You will always have my heart."
At that moment, you felt your hearts have become one. From this day forward, the marriage you have with Luca has gotten stronger from just business to pure and unadulterated love. Feeling so many positive emotions all at once, you just held him close to you just savoring this moment.
"Shall we dance the night away one more time, my lady?"
"Yes, Luca, we shall."
The grand clock chimed once more, telling you both it has struck midnight, but you just stayed there with the prince of your dreams without a care in the world and living the fairytale you truly deserve.
A/n: Thank you so much for reading this fanfic, and yes, I do Luxiem fanfics and possibly other Nijisanji members. I'm trying to explore and write more characters. If you liked this one, I might probably write more in the future, but it might take a while since I'm busy with school and other things. If you wish to chat me and give me some ideas for future fanfics like this, I would gladly accept them. See you in the next fanfic! ^^ - Rosie Zia
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chl-owo-e · 1 year
(Daryl Dixon X Reader)
-They first gotten to Alexandria-
Daryl going down on the Reader of the first time in a bed since the prison :(
this would be the first time in a while that they had been so close to each other since the fall of the Prison.And since then you and Daryl had been separated. You had Judith when you ran from the burning building that you once called home. You had left the baby with Carol and Tyreese when you had found them and went off to find Daryl. Yeah you felt bad doing that to them, but your red neck man is more important.
Terminus was when you disappeared again, Carol had thought you died and never brought you up to Daryl. It wasn’t till the two of them went looking for Beth that she said a word about you. Daryl had already knew that your disappearance was taking a toll on him, he felt heartbroken when he didn’t see you anywhere with the group.
But it all changed when he bumped into Noah and spoke of Beth and you. Daryl had a new found sense of clarity, he needed to find you at whatever cost. When he saw you standing there un harmed except a few bruises relief took over his body.
Now he wants to show you everything, everything you mean to him, every single emotion he wants to make you feel. He never felt so at peace before, in between your legs giving you the most pleasure you want (even tho hes just doing this for him). His mouth is buried and his lower face is soaked with your juices.
Daryl just lazily makes out with your pussy leaving nothing un touched. Your legs would clench around his head every now and then giving him a good squeeze but Daryl would never get tired of that feeling. Everything feels so heavenly, your lower half being so sensitive it hurts yet it feels so good.
Daryl would spend hours like this, having you scream his name out even while some of the group is home. Him especially has no shame when he wants to show off who is woman is even tho hes more of a “Im your man ill do whatever you want me to.” type of guy
A/N; Thinking about using part of this in my fanfic, but other than that i just wanted to write this down. (Even tho its prolly bad)
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can we stay here forever?
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pairing: unspecified Pedro Pascal character (pick your favorite) x fem!reader (no name or physical description other than reader has boobs, have fun babes)
rating: M (just to be safe)
word count: 663
warnings: none? i think? just two people disgustingly in love (but lmk if i missed any and i'll add it here!!!)
a/n: this is my submission for @iamasaddie's moodboard writing challenege! i haven't written any fanfic since 2019 and i'd mostly decided to just give it up entirely but moodboards are my weakness and i just had to jump in. this is my first for the PPCU sooo please be nice, i'm a lil rusty (also 100% not proofed) 😅
It wasn’t until you met him that you realized just how…dull your life was.
Maybe dull isn’t the right word. There’s nothing wrong with predictability, stability, routine. You liked knowing what to expect day in and day out. Sure, sometimes you’d feel a need for more, this crack in your domestic facade. But something or someone would always come along to fill it, even if only for a moment. You were content.
But now? Watching the way his bare chest rises and falls. His mess of curls splayed out on the pillow beside you. The late morning sun spilling through sheer white curtains to highlight the curves of his arms, his nose, the tiny patches of skin peeking through his beard that you so love to press your lips to any chance you get.
Dull is replaced by familiar. Warm.
Days like this are a rare luxury and deeply treasured whenever they come along. Phones off, no need for alarms or scam phone calls about your car’s extended warranty. Only waking when your bodies physically can’t withstand the unconsciousness separating you any longer. The warmth of his arms around you contrasting with the chill in the room, sending static up and down your spine.
When you do finally rise from the tangled web of sheets binding the two of you together, there’s no rush. It’s a comfortable silence filled with jeans zipping, shoelaces tapping the floorboards, car keys jingling as he opens the passenger door for you.
He’s just as mesmerized as you. The way your eyes glow when the sun flashes across at just the right angle. The wind from the open window teasing your hair. Your laugh ringing out over the noise of the dirt road to nowhere. He turns off the truck in the shade of a tree and helps you out, never letting go of your hand as he guides you away. Thick fingers encompassing thin.
You finally find the perfect spot to rest and watch the sun disappear below the tree line and assume your positions from that morning. His bicep shielding your head from the hard ground, you just lay there on the grass discussing anything and everything that floats into your minds. Eventually, you notice he’s been quiet for a while. You peek over to see his eyes shut, lips slightly parted and drinking in slow, deep breaths.
“Is it your bedtime already?” you tease. He breaks out his signature boyish smile and chuckles from deep in his chest. Laughing along, you gently dip the tip of your finger into the dimple that appears on his left cheek before tracing up to the creases by his eyes. He turns into your touch, catching your hand and bringing it down to his lips, the soft hair accenting them tickling your palm. He gently rolls over you, gazing up in awe at his backlit silhouette and your knees drift open to allow him room to settle, blanketing you with his full weight. His focus is locked on you as his fingers caress your hip where your shirt has exposed the skin.
Your eyes drift shut as he kisses his way up your torso, your top riding up further and further as he progresses. He earns a hearty belly laugh when instead of pushing the soft cotton up above your breasts, he simply dives his head under it, nipping at your delicate skin and trailing his tongue down the valley between before ghosting his lips over your collarbone, your neck, your ear. Restrained by the fabric bunched around the back of his neck and your shoulders, unable to pull away, you finally pull him down to you. His arms wedge under you, pulling you flush to his chest. Together, you drown in each other’s touch, sound, taste, smell, willing time to just stop so you can stay here forever.
Most people call it “wasting the day away” except you, because time spent with him is never a waste.
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