#tw; monsterfucking
happybird16 · 1 month
Not to be a monsterfucker on main but i'm catching up on the Dungeon Meshi manga and why is The Winged Lion kinda?!?!?
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deunmiu-dessie · 2 months
ⅴ▬ ⁽ 𝑜𝓇𝒸 ⁾
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𝓌𝑜𝓇𝒹 𝒸𝑜𝓊𝓃𝓉 ♡︎ : ₅˖₇ₖ ˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡
𝓌𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈 ♡︎ : mdni----- unedited, NSFW,  explicit content, teratophilia, orc/royalty!human, rough sex, unprotected sex, creampie, overstimulation, breeding, spit kink, sloppy kisses, size difference, somnophilia, slight voyeurism, orcish, reader loses all forms of etiquette and just babbles-- stupidly, belly bulge. ₍⑅ᐢ..ᐢ₎
𝓈𝓊𝓂𝓂𝒶𝓇𝓎 ♡︎: as royalty it's your duty to marry and provide heirs for the kingdom, however, your parents have a different plan for you.
꒰m!orc ₊⊹ afab!reader꒱
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 𝐹or as long as you can remember, you have been allured by the forbidden. Whenever your parents commanded you to abstain from a certain act or sternly prohibited you from engaging in another, it ignited a fervor within your being. And inevitably, you succumbed to its allure.
Your relationship with your parents was not a harmonious one. From the time you were but a child, they made it abundantly clear that you were not conceived out of their love for one another, but rather out of an obligation to the throne. To them, you were an inconvenience, a mere hindrance that they longed to be rid of. Thus, you existed in a perpetual state of unease, forever uncertain of their next move.
The castle bustled with activity this week, the number of knights seemed to have multiplied, and your encounters with your parents grew scarce. Your daily meals together became non-existent- not that you were complaining. Instead, during supper, they scorned and mocked you—drawing comparisons to your elder cousin who had recently become betrothed to a Duke. You were aware that they would arrange a marriage for you; it was inevitable, but you hoped it would be to someone who would eventually cherish you as you would them.
Verily, this day seemed naught but a replica of the day prior—a day draped in melancholy. The heavens were adorned with clouds of a somber ashy hue, obscuring the radiant sun in its entirety, and permitting but a scant ray of light to penetrate. You lay sprawled on your bed; the clamor from beyond your door kept you from getting any sleep, so you opt to lay there, eyes shut and breathing even.
The two hefty thuds at your door jolt you awake, your eyes snapping to the entrance. A servant girl stood there, her gaze piercing, and her upper lip curled in a sneer. "The King and Queen request your presence for a meal in the dining chamber."
You release a heavy sigh and nod. "Yes, I shall join them shortly, Nadia." she scoffs and closes the door with a soft thud. Rubbing the remnants of sleep from your eyes, you rose from your bed, slipping into your shoes with a sense of resignation. Hastily, you arranged your disheveled hair and adjusted your attire in the mirror, preparing yourself for the impending encounter. Finally, summoning your resolve, you embarked on the descent towards the dining hall.
 Your stomach churns uncomfortably as you motion towards the knights, fingers twisting nervously as they swing open the heavy oak doors. Stepping into the chamber, you swiftly bow and linger there for a moment, awaiting permission to be seated. "Hail to the Sun and Moon of the realm." Your sire grunts and gestures for you to take a seat; you release a shaky breath and settle across from your mother, who pays you no mind.
Within the dining hall, a profound stillness prevails, accompanied solely by the gentle clatter of utensils upon porcelain plates. You dare to disrupt the silence, your heart constricting within your breast, burdened by your uneasiness. " Pray tell, have I heard true? Have the demons breached the borders, causing mayhem? Is that why the ranks of the noble knights have swelled in recent days?"
The older man looks up from his meal, steely eyes on your face. "I did not deem you astute enough to discern matters of such nature, but aye, it is true. The Orcs shall breach the barrier if we do not do something. The knights from Tvatian shall not grace us with their presence for a week's time, yet our defenses wane with each passing moment."
The sound of your mother's throat being cleared reverberates through the air, abruptly drawing your eyes towards her. "You shall soon attain the age of twenty, my dear. Do you have any intentions of entering into wedlock?" Her voice possesses a cloying sweetness, signifying her ulterior motives; she is forever scheming. As you carefully place your knife and fork on the table, you grant her your undivided focus. "Aye, mother," you reply, your words tinged with a touch of uncertainty.
With a disapproving click of her tongue, she gracefully lifted her goblet to her lips, attempting to conceal the mischievous grin that flickered across her features. "Verily, a little bird has whispered in my ear that Orcs take pleasure in having humans as mere playthings, using them as harlots and passing them amongst themselves. How dreadful."
 Your hands clench beneath the table, and you struggle to suppress the bile that threatens to rise. Your heart thumps sporadically in your chest, almost painfully. What is she implying? "Pray tell, what is the essence of your words?"
"The royal family's expectations are not to be taken lightly, my child. If you persist in shirking your responsibilities by avoiding marriage and offspring, alternative measures must be considered. You shall be delivered to the head Orc at the border; mayhap that will pacify them until the Tavatian knights arrive." Your father had spoken this time, causing you to swiftly turn your gaze towards him. Tears welled up in your eyes, and a soft laughter escaped your lips. "Pray, father, assure me that you jest."
The answer lies within his silence. Your hands collide with the table, your head sways vehemently from side to side. "Nay, nay! You shall not subject me to this. What offense have I caused thee? I have obeyed all your commands unquestioningly, and you are planning to— Nay, I shall not proceed."
As the succulent salmon dances on her fork, your mother's laughter fills the air, resonating with a warmth that belies the gravity of her words. "My dear child, you find yourself bereft of options. You shall be deemed a traitor to the noble lineage and condemned to perish before your very birthday." A lump lodges itself in your throat, and tears stream down your face, as you rue the moment you stepped out of your room. "For what reason do you bear such animosity towards me?"
"Escort her back to her chamber; she's giving me indigestion," your mother states with a grimace.  The knights pause briefly, uncertain of how to guide you away. Dismissing them with a wave of your hand, you rise from your chair and exit the chamber, tears clouding your sight. The journey back is unsettling, with the maids gossiping and gesturing, their disdain evident on their faces, and their disapproving gazes following you.
The door is forcefully slammed shut behind you, and with great urgency, your feet carry you to your bed, where you collapse with a heavy sigh. Almost immediately, your pillow becomes saturated with the tears that pour forth, and you huddle into yourself, simply becoming smaller. 
  Indeed, you knew this would occur eventually, but you hadn't thought you would be handed over to some hideous monster who would likely slay you upon arrival. Violent sobs wrack your body, shaking you to the core, while your nose runs uncontrollably, the pillow muffles a scream of agony.
After half an hour had passed, you lay there, sleep welcoming you with warm arms. The answer to this puzzle would reveal itself upon your awakening.
Woken by the sound of shuffling, faint whispers, and delicate clinks, you remain motionless, filled with trepidation, and unwilling to stir from your position. You quickly clench your eyes shut upon hearing the intruder approach. As much as you desired to confront them, you were also intrigued to uncover their intentions within your room.
"Seize her limbs; we must transport her to the dungeon." In an instant, your heart falters, trembling fiercely, and for a moment, your breath is held captive. As your eyes snap open, the ceiling of your chamber looms above you. Swiftly, you strike at the person nearest to you, expressing gratitude to the gods as you hear their curse.
Emerging hastily from the confines of your bed, you sprint towards the exit, a shrill cry escaping your lips as a hand clutches your ankle. You descend abruptly, your chin colliding with the cold marble beneath, silently expressing gratitude for the prudent act of placing your tongue against the roof of your mouth in the final moments.
   Swiftly flipping over, you kick frantically, tears streaming down your face as your legs are forcefully spread apart, and the assailant inserts themselves between your thighs, seizing hold of your arms.
Your vision blurs as a heavy slap is brought across your face. The brief respite from your struggle grants the assailants the opportunity to lay a cloth upon your nostrils. Your eyes flutter shut, darkness casting a shadow upon your vision. The feel of your body being lifted is the only thing you remember.
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Within the confines of the cell, you find yourself in a state of contemplation, your head gently leaning against the cold metal bars. The sharp sound of heels striking the ground causes you to straighten up. The passage of time remains elusive, yet the atmosphere hints at the arrival of a new day, shrouded in the quiet of dawn.
Your mother's face came into view, causing you to sneer in disdain as you buried your head in your knees, refusing to meet her gaze. The very sound of her voice sent shivers down your spine, igniting a mixture of anger and sorrow within you. She callously auctioned you off, displaying a complete lack of concern for your well-being.
"I reckoned it would be preferable for you to don your best attire, but it would be futile. A watchman shall be present shortly to guide you to the border, make no disturbance, do you understand? 'Twould be unsightly if you do."
You ignore her, but deep down, you are filled with dread to venture towards the border. You longed to weep and plead with her to refrain from sending you, but it would only wound your pride. Instead, she smiles and draws nigh unto the prison bars. "When we emerge victorious in this war, and if you are still breathing, I shall dispatch you to a brothel. I couldn't possibly have such a defiled child. Revel in your sojourn there, my dear."
The clatter-clack of her footwear slowly vanishing into the distance brings forth a torrent of tears. Why must this befall you? What sin have you committed to warrant such treatment? The jingle-jangle of keys catches your attention; the guard stands before you with a look of pity. "Your majesty, the time has arrived."
You nod in a pitiful manner and rise from the ground, using your soiled hands to dry your tears, leaving traces of dirt on your cheeks. As you draw near to the guard,  he pulls down his sleeve and tenderly wipes your cheeks with a sympathetic smile. You bow softly in gratitude and proceed to walk with him to the carriage.
He assists you inside and closes the door; a click prompts you to peer through the tiny gap. A lock secures the door; as you lock eyes with the guard, he merely sighs and shakes his head. "The Queen has requested this. I beg your pardon, Your Majesty." 
  You remain silent, leaning back in the seat and staring blankly at the castle. You see your father standing at his office window, observing. You avoid his gaze, curling up in the seat. Then, as the carriage sets in motion, your heart swells, and tears flow.
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The carriage's abrupt jolt awakens you from your nap; the sun is just beginning to descend, signaling the end of a day filled with endless riding. The only noise is the steady trot of the horses and the occasional whisper of the soldiers. Have you arrived already? You swallow nervously and flinch as the door is forcefully opened. "We have arrived, your highness."
You nod and sit up, clasping his hand to disembark from the carriage. Your eyes swiftly survey the surroundings. Despite the tales, the border seemed relatively serene. You couldn't hear anything from beyond the wall. At length, a throat is cleared,  causing you to look up, and the guard beckons you along. You hesitate for only a moment before fortifying your resolve and walking forward.
After much anticipation, the distant voices grow more distinct. "Captain, 'tis here! Shall we unseal the gates?" The clamor of the ponderous wheels turning and ascending is loud in your ears. The gate opens enough to allow your passage beneath. They weren't wasting time at all. The guard places a hand on your lower back and pushes you forward gently. "The Orc General has agreed to receive you; he's on the other side waiting."
You suppress the lump in your throat and proceed, every gaze fixed upon you. The wall loomed thick and intimidating,  and you couldn't shake off the fear of it collapsing on you as you reached the other side. However, as you eventually crossed over, your gaze locked with his.
Standing tall at a minimum of 9 feet, he possessed a powerful build adorned with thick muscles, and hair decorating his chest. Dark brown hair cascaded down to his waist woven into an intricate braid, contrasting against his pear-colored complexion and a thick beard enveloped his jaw. Scars crisscrossed his body, enhancing his rugged charm.  Despite his blunt tusks, one of which was slightly chipped, there was no denying the outrageous attractiveness of this Orc.
As he takes a step forward, an instinctual reflex compels you to retreat, a shiver of trepidation coursing through your being. Your legs, heavy as if forged from lead, refuse to heed your desperate plea for escape. A subtle chuckle escapes his lips, the corners curling upwards in a smug grin. "Time is not a luxury I possess, little human," he mocks, his voice dripping with impatience. 
  You part your lips to utter a response, but only silence greets your futile attempt. The resounding thud of the closing wall seals your grim destiny, causing your weakened knees to buckle beneath you, surrendering to the tender embrace of the grassy ground. With a deep sigh, he strides towards you, casting a towering shadow over your slumped figure, a chilling reminder of his overpowering presence.
With utmost ease, he effortlessly lifts you, as if you were as light as a feather. Your body tenses in his embrace, a mixture of vulnerability and anticipation. The tears well up, threatening to spill over. Surprisingly, his touch is tender, his hands delicately traversing your legs and back. Summoning your courage, you manage to muster a question, your voice trembling slightly. 
  "Might I inquire about your name?"  Despite your hesitant speech, he pays no mind, his voice resonating with a deep timber that sends a surge of desire coursing through your veins. A flush of warmth spreads across your face, compelling you to avert your gaze and focus on your lap. "I am Loran, the General of the Mammoth Clan."
Silence envelops the air for a fleeting moment before your voice breaks through once more. "My name is (Name)" He acknowledges your introduction with a subtle hum, and together, you navigate through the labyrinthine paths until you arrive at a large tent. With utmost care, he settles you upon a sumptuous bed adorned with furs, then proceeds to position himself near a table, obscuring its contents from your prying eyes. 
  A knot tightens in your throat as you summon the courage to voice your deepest fear. "Might you have intentions of devouring me?" you whisper, recoiling at the childlike vulnerability that tinges on your words.
His laughter causes a flutter in your chest; every aspect of him leaves your insides twisted. At last, he ceases his actions and pivots to meet your gaze, his arms folded. You had to physically remind yourself to avert your eyes from his well-defined muscles. "Would you like me to?" His voice carries a teasing lilt, yet his words hint at something more intimate.
You shake your head in denial and draw your knees closer to your body. He was nothing like the figure you had imagined; you were convinced that your life would have ended by now. Your gaze wanders aimlessly as you delve into your own musings. Unbeknownst to you, he crouches down before you. The calloused tips of his fingers grazing your chin send a shiver down your spine. Your eyes meet his, and you find yourself holding your breath.
"The hour grows late; retire for the night. "
 You offer a silent nod, watching him leave the tent. Following his guidance, you settle back onto the furs. After the tumultuous events of the day, slumber swiftly envelops you, embracing the plush comfort of the bedding.
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The warmth seeping into your skin prompts you to wriggle out of the furs. The weight of an arm flung over your stomach arrests you, dread settling in your heart and coiling around it like a vice. Though yesterday's events come rushing back to you and you relax, your tense body melting into Loran's embrace.  
  Despite the circumstances that brought you here, he had shown nothing but kindness, even playfulness - he didin't really make you uneasy, and it seemed as though a burden had been lifted from your shoulders.
In the realm of uncertainty, his actions remained capricious, yet amidst this unpredictability, a newfound liberation enveloped your being, you were free. Loran, with an irresistible allure, draws you nearer, your bodies melding as your front meets his. You place your hands on his chest and gently create distance, huffing as he cuddles closer.
After struggling a bit more, you come to a stop and seize the opportunity to examine him closely. Withdrawing your hand from his chest, you gently place it on his cheek, relishing its velvety texture. Loran possessed a striking appearance. Tracing your fingers along his lips, the sensation of his tusks lightly brushing against your fingertips captivates you once more. Their smoothness leaves you mesmerized. The rounded tips are gentle and harmless; they would not cause any discomfort if you were to share a kiss.
 Blushing with embarrassment, your cheeks turn a rosy hue, and for a fleeting moment, you seek solace by burying your face into his chest. Raising your gaze once more, you cautiously wave your hand before his face, ensuring his continued slumber. With no signs of movement and a steady rhythm of breath, a sigh of relief escapes your lips. 
  Gradually, you shift your position, ascending along his form, while your heart flutters nervously within your chest. With a mixture of fascination and unease, you lean closer, drawn to an inexplicable magnetism emanating from him. His lips, so alluring, entice you irresistibly.
 Placing your hand on his cheek, you lean in with deliberate slowness, capturing his lips with yours. The sensation of his tusks grazing your skin sends a rush of pleasure up your spine. With closed eyes, you deepen the kiss, savoring the unexpected softness of his lips. His taste is intoxicating, akin to a forbidden elixir. You have always been drawn to forbidden pleasures.
With a hint of reluctance, you retreat, allowing your eyes to slowly unveil the world around you. A startled gasp escapes your lips as your gaze meets Loran's. Despite your endeavors to break free from his embrace, his arms encase you like unyielding steel, entrapping you. Loran's chuckle resonates with a profound and drowsy timbre, while his hand ascends to firmly grasp your chin. "Do not flee from me, Sma ni." ( little one )
His lips are on yours, gentle and governing. His other hand gripping your waist and quickly lifting you onto his chest. The sensation of his thick and moist tongue overpowering your mouth elicits a fervent moan from deep within you, while your thighs instinctively clasp around his stomach. As his hands glide up your top, the pads of his fingers diligently work out the tension in your soft skin. Gradually, they find their way to your hips, expertly guiding them to grind against his abdomen.
With a soft whine escaping your mouth, you break the connection of his kiss, and your tongue lazily protrudes, leaving a trail of warm saliva on your chin. A primal growl resonates from deep within his chest, causing your thoughts to blur. Your hands instinctively find their way to his chest, the rough hair gently tickling your palms. The pressure on your hips eases, and his hand tightly grasps your hair, enabling him to sit up and halt the rhythmic grind of your hips.
A soft whimper escapes your lips as the throbbing sensation between your thighs intensifies.  Loran's lips trail along the curve of your throat, delicately nibbling at your tender skin, while his tongue glides with ease. Suddenly, a tearing sound startles you and a rush of cool air caresses your newly bared legs. The remnants of your shredded trousers gracefully descend to the floor, leaving you vulnerable and exposed.
Upon the velvety fur, Loran tenderly positions you, his voracious eyes meticulously exploring the expanse of your body. In a swift motion, he removes the sole obstruction that conceals your body, leaving you vulnerable to his cravings. You clench your thighs, your pussy pulsating with emptiness. This man was sinful; he looked so delectable, his lips shimmering with the remnants of your passionate kisses, and his complexion adorned with a captivating flush.
He lets out a deep groan, settling himself amidst your thighs, the ache in your legs a mere whisper compared to the intensity of his touch, tongue dancing over your nipples, nipping and tugging. Loran's hand travels up your body, his thick fingers entering your warm, wet mouth. You suppress a gag and suck on them shyly, tears welling up in your eyes. As his fingers delve deeper into your throat, you grasp his wrist firmly, your hips grinding against his thick bulge.
Loran pulls his fingers from your mouth, watching the rivulets of saliva drip down his digits. Leaving a glistening trail of moisture along your body, Loran delicately caresses his fingers through the soft curls of hair on your pussy, teasing you with the soft touch of his fingertips. With deliberate precision, he gradually eases one digit into the confines of your snug entrance stretching you. You pull your fleshy bottom lip into your mouth, teeth digging painfully. Your lashes flutter, exposing the whites of your eyes as they roll back in blissful surrender, eyebrows arching. Your mewls are soft and pleading. "Mmph! L-Loran. Please "
Your voice is a siren's call to him, as you whimper and plead for him. His desire to possess you completely, to fuck you full of his cum, to have you swollen with his young, consumes him. The mere thought of it almost brings him to the brink of release. Granting mercy upon your adorable, fucked out face, he finally sinks his finger into your cunt, relishing the exquisite tightness that embraces him, while your delicate hands clutch his braid and tug.
  With his other hand, he gently cups your cheeks between his large, powerful fingers, causing your lips to pucker. His mouth descends upon yours, messy and dominating, leaving a trail of mingled saliva that pools down your flushed cheeks. He chuckles as your eyes wander elsewhere, glazed and hazy with pleasure as he eases a single finger inside you.
A high-pitched sound escapes your lips as he expertly probes a sensitive spot deep within you, causing your hips to tremble and your inner walls to clench around his fingers. Leaning closer, his warm breath brushes against your ear, sending a shiver down your spine. "Ayh lat naka ve cum, sma shara? " His mother tongue is foreign to you, but it sounds absolutely erotic, especially while he's stroking your drooling pussy skillfully. You shudder fervently, emitting mewls and whimpers, as the squelching noises of his thrusts fill the confined space of the tent. “I—uhn~ w-wait p-please, Lor…” You babble nonsensically. ( are you going to cum, little human? )
 Loran, in a teasing mood, complies with your dumb prattling, and moves away from you, fingers slipping out with an erotic pop. A soft whimper escapes your lips, your lower lip jutting out in a pout as tears well up in your eyes from the empty feeling in your pussy, your eyes widen at seeing him suck on his dampened fingers. “N-no, why’d you stop!” 
 With a chuckle, the Orc leans in to press a tender kiss on your flushed cheeks, his warm breath sending shivers down your spine. "I simply did as you asked, Faushnu," he whispers. Pulling back slightly, he studies your expression - your eyebrows furrowed, lips parted, and your chest rising and falling rapidly. "I did not mean for this," you whimper, grinding your hips against his growing bulge. “M-more. Give me more.” You give him a stern glare, that only turns him on more, his little hostage was so demanding. ( baby ) "Of course, Your Highness," he says, his tone dripping with playful mockery. Loran's large hands firmly grasp your waist, swiftly maneuvering you onto your stomach. With a gentle yet commanding motion, he elevates your hips, causing your face to be buried in the soft furs beneath you. The sensation is almost agonizing as your back arches, eliciting a sharp squeal from your lips. A glob of warm saliva unexpectedly lands on your moistened pussy, causing an involuntary clenching reaction. "What are yo--?" 
  Before you can finish, the sudden roughness of his tongue against your throbbing cunt has you seeing stars. His feral growls reverberate through the air, as his tongue delves and ravishes you with an insatiable fervor. Reduced to a whimpering wreck, tears of rapturous delight cascade down your flushed face.  Desperate to regain control, you weakly press your small hand against the crown of his head, attempting to halt the relentless onslaught. "No more, please, m'gunna cum. Want to cum for you," you manage to slur amidst incoherent babbling, your words a contradictory mix. 
Loran, enraptured by your musings, fingers your pussy once again, effortlessly finding that spongey nerve inside of you and deftly curling his thick finger into it, time and again. A torrent of scorching pleasure engulfs your entire being, as you succumb to an intense climax, your trembling thighs embracing his head while your pussy flutters around his finger.
" Loran! "You slur, thighs still convulsing as the feel of Loran's hands on the fat of your hips seems multiplied, your mind filled with goo. The rustle of fabric falling to the ground barely registers before his thick cock presses into your pussy, hands guiding your hips onto him. Warmth trickles onto your pulsing cunt, his saliva lubing where you connect. You clench around him, emitting obscene moans. 
   He delves deeper, your snugness yielding to his thick, heavy cock. You swear you can feel every pulsating vein, every ridge of him inside of you. You whimper and whine when he fucks half of his big cock into your tiny little hole, and you thrash and let out small mewls of pleasure. "Mmph, Lor--!! it won't fit!" you whimper amidst sobs. 
"Hm?" He utters, his voice a low hum, as he observes with rapt attention as you stretch around his green, monstrous cock. The pressure within your abdomen steadily intensifies, inch by inch, until Loran thrusts in the last couple of inches, his large balls flush against your engorged clit. You're already fucked stupid, pupils blown, and moans strewing from your lips. The Orc takes hold of your hand, guiding it towards your stomach, allowing you to feel the undeniable presence of his shaft protruding from your belly. "Do you feel me? Feel my cock in your insides, my little human?"
With a forceful motion, he retreats, then thrusts forcefully into you, his grip tightening on your hair as he pulls.  A fervent moan escapes your lips, as the resounding collision of his hips against your ass fills the air, the only thing you can hear. The wet squelching of your arousal intermingles with his precum, cascading onto the opulent furs beneath you. His name becomes a sacred mantra, slipping from your tongue like a fervent prayer. "S'good, m'gunna cum, let me cum, please, please."
With a gentle caress, Loran's hand ascends your stomach, pinching your sensitive nipples. You mewl, back arching as you clench and pulse around his thick length, cumming harder than before, a wave of darkness gently tinting your vision. A low, guttural moan reverberates from deep within you, harmonizing with Loran's unyielding thrusts. “That's a good fuckin’ girl.”
The Orc's hand comes down on your ass, observing the quivering flesh. Your violated hole trembles around Loran's thick length, and he snickers, his hips stuttering. "You're mine. Hm? Do you understand, pet?" His thrusts became more profound, faster, not giving you rest, groaning as you nod quickly, whimpering.
You turn your gaze towards him, his fingers constricting in your tresses. "Loran, want you to cum inside me, please." Your feeble arms emerge from beneath your form, delicate hands reaching to spread your pussy wider. "You will, right?"
 Your wanton plea hurls the massive Orc over the brink. Loran's hips slam into yours once more as his scorching cum coats your walls; the copious amount of it had you cumming once more. Loran continues to pump his seed into you, his cock still hard and balls full of cum. He longed to see you swollen with his offspring; he wouldn't stop until he knew you were trapped with him.
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You are not permitted to rest until the early morning, curled against his chest with his seed leaking from your stretched opening. Your body is tender, marked with bruises on your neck and chest. Loran places his large hand on your cheek; although he is running late for the meeting, he decides to allow you more time to sleep.
He lifts you gently, thankful that he has cleaned you up and changed the bedding. You snuggle into his warmth, almost convincing him to delay for another hour. "My zemar, it's time to wake up. We must rise before the sun sets." (my heart)
Stirring in his arms, your eyelashes flutter before you slowly open your bleary eyes. Attempting to close them once more, his hearty chuckle resonates, partially rousing you. Placing you gently on the bed, he drapes one of his shirts over you, guiding your arms through the sleeves. Loran picks you up again, cradling you as he carries you out of the tent, shielding your eyes from the glaring sun. The short walk to the other side of the campsite goes unnoticed by you.
He arrives promptly, his raven perched gracefully on its stand. A soft whistle escapes his lips, a signal for the bird to gather the troops. Loran takes his place at the head of the table, positioning you to face him, your legs wrapped around his waist. With spit on his fingers, he traces circles around your cunt, pleased that it had returned to its original state, tight and warm. After lubricating your entrance, he spits on his palm and wraps his member in a firm grip, ensuring that it's slick. 
  Loran aligns himself with your little hole and eases inside, emitting a deep groan at the vice grip; you let out a sleepy moan, tightening around him. His large hands grip the fat of your hips, guiding you down the rest of his thick length. He pulls his shirt over your ass, concealing where his cock is nestled inside of you.
He has to stop himself from fucking you on the table in front of all his tribe members. Once he had you in the perfect position, his soldiers began to file into the room. He couldn't help but notice how your warm, tight hole was becoming slick. Unbeknownst to you, his thick cock was already buried deep within you.
The meeting unfolds seamlessly. With nightfall as their ally, they conspire to dismantle the impenetrable walls of the Kingdom on the morrow. A sacred covenant governs The Mammoth Clan, dictating that the fairer sex and the innocent offspring shall be spared from any affliction. Thus, the innocent shall be granted mercy and protection.
Awakening towards the end, your pussy pulsating and enveloping something thick and long. A twitching motion stirs inside you, nudging your G-spot. A soft moan escapes your lips as you hide your face in his neck. Loran dismisses it as your mere awakening, soothingly caressing your back. Only a fool would miss the evidence of your arousal - the glistening juices trickling down your bare thighs and the hint of green meeting a clenching hole
" Dismissed. "
The orcs file out of the room, speaking amongst each other. Loran's gaze descends upon your petite frame, concealed beneath his garments. He looks feral. Once the auditory commotion subsides, you cautiously lift your head, locking eyes with his penetrating stare.
"Loran, please."
The Orc emits a deep snarl, his lips forcefully meeting yours as he firmly grasps the flesh of your hips, hoisting you off his slick member. Swiftly, he plunges you back down, thrusting into you with fervor, fucking you onto him. You're moaning mess, the spit from your sloppy kiss sliding down your chin and eyes rolling to the back of your head. The sound of wet slapping resonates loudly within the confines of the tent. With a gasp for air, you disengage from him, your hands finding solace on his broad shoulders.
 A particular thrust causes the swollen, mushroom-shaped tip of his cock to abuse your g-spot and your moan is shrill. You climax, your body trembling around him, leaving a creamy, ivory ring at the base of his cock. Stars burst in your vision as you weakly press your lips against his throat, whimpering as he continues to thrust into you, your sensitive and throbbing core tender. " Lor-.. no more.. s’too.. much!" you sputter, sloppily pressing your lips to his and sucking on his large tongue. 
Despite the roughness of his hips snapping into yours, he caresses your sides softly and pulls away from your kiss, licking his lips. "Be a good pet, hm? Let me use my pussy, can you do that for me? " You nod hesitantly, and he smiles, sending your stomach to unfurl languidly. "S'my good girl." You bury your face in his neck with a whimper, but when your blunt little teeth sink into his collarbone it pushes him over the edge; and he stands up with you still bouncing on his cock, thrusting so deeply that you hiss. Ropes of cum paint your pulsing walls, filling you up.
Loran's shallow thrusts ensure not a single drop is wasted as you envelop him in your embrace, closing your eyes and inhaling deeply.
Mayhap, the circumstance of being dispatched to this place was not as grievous as first imagined...
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silkjade · 6 months
⤀ synopsis: neuvillette has always been the gentlest of lovers—and so tonight you ask him not to hold back ⤀ cw: afab!reader, unprotected + rough sex, size kink, praise, overstimulation, breeding + creampie, marking, monsterfucking (dragon cock), cervix fucking, multiple orgasms, dumbification, mentions of mates, lil bit of dom!neuvi (??) but he is still sweet — mdni || ꒰ 8.4k wc ꒱ a/n: leviathan fic for leviathan neuv ( i’m not talking abt his constellation ) rbs + feedback are always vry much appreciated ♡
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“Well? What do you think?” You come home, twirling before him in a gown, different than the one you had left in. The short hem at the front lifts mischievously, teasing just a peek of what lies underneath, while the longer, flouncing layers of skirts behind you, wrap flirtatiously around your legs. Neuvillette feels his throat run dry.
“Navia and Clorinde thought it was high time I changed my look, and you know I can’t ever say no to Chioriya Boutique.” 
While he’s spent the better part of the night reviewing court documents in the parlor, you have been out with Navia and Clorinde, who he thinks have perhaps plotted to kill him. ‘Girls’ night,’ you had called it.
Draped in a vivid palette of the finest fabrics, decorated interchangeably with delicate metalwork and dainty ribbons, the blush on his pale skin is ever-present as he rakes his eyes up and down your body. The dark, patterned stockings, squeezing your thighs just enough, so that supple flesh spills obscenely over the top, the tight, whale-boned embrace of your corset, accentuating the curves of your waist, and pushing upwards the swell of your breasts…
A coy smile graces your features when you catch how his throat bobs in his silence. Giggling, you lean down, tracing the tip of your finger up the contours of his neck, skimming the gentle curve beneath his chin until you’ve tilted his gaze to yours. “Hydro dragon, hydro dragon, got nothing to say?”
How can he even think, much less find the right words to say, when the familiar scent of your perfume fills his head with indecent, lascivious thoughts? Everything about you is intoxicating, almost insidiously attractive, so would it suffice to say that he’d much rather see your pretty, new dress abandoned somewhere on the floor? 
That first pulse of arousal translates into the first twitch of his cock, and oh how he wishes to kiss away your teasing little grin, but his lust-driven eyes are drawn to the miniscule movements of your bodice sleeve, predatory as he watches how it begins to shift, ever so slowly, off your shoulders. 
“If you don’t like it, then perhaps…” You loosely roll your shoulder, letting the sleeve slide right off. “…you’d like to help me undress?”
That, he will gladly do. His hands fly to your waist, dragging you down into a straddle over his hips. 
“Temptress,” he murmurs into the skin of your neck, distracting you with a featherlight kiss as his nimble fingers waste no time in undoing the delicate clasps of your bodice, leaving the heavy outer garment to tumble off your shoulders, abandoned in a pile at your waist. 
Cool air licks at the now exposed skin, though it’s nothing compared to the warmth of his lips as he slots his mouth against yours, gently coaxing you open with a subtle swipe of his tongue. Your eyes flutter shut in honeyed complacence, allowing Neuvillette to kiss you slow and sweet; impassioned, ardent, each kiss an oath of love and longing and lust. 
Desire blooms like romaritime flowers upon water, and you just know the tension underneath his placid exterior, is ready to burst. It’s prevalent in the way his muscles grow taut, tense beneath your every touch, fighting to hold himself back as your legs squeeze around his hips. Demonstrated, again, by how he pulls apart your corset, impatient and haphazard as he unlaces each cross, before tossing it to the ground, forgotten. And of course, only you can attest to the searing sensations of his escalating kisses—gentle wisps, once faint and docile, now wanton and heated with depravity. 
You can already feel it in your chest, in your bones, in the wetness that’s begun to form between your legs; maybe it’s the anticipation, but despite the layers of clothing you’ve already shed, you find it even harder now to breathe, especially as he holds you so close, body pressed against yours, while he traces the bare curve of your neck with his lips. 
For one with such a carefully crafted visage of elegance and poise, Neuvillette becomes sloppier as his restraint fades and lust seeps through the cracks. Something about you drives him wild, draws out the more carnal side of him that he so desperately seeks to hide away from you, who he could never even dream of hurting. 
But perhaps he’s spent too much time amongst humans. Or perhaps he understands their nature more than he had initially believed, for he makes the most human mistake of all in letting his control slip—enough that his fangs graze upon your sensitive skin, sending a shiver that reaches all the way down to your core, eliciting a moan so mellifluous, he cannot help but utter a sigh of strained content as the undeniably sweet sound reaches his ears.
“If we don’t stop now, I’m afraid I won’t be able to hold back,” he mutters, tongue laving over the spot in apology. It doesn’t help that you voluntarily crane your neck, offering him even more access in your heated bliss. His fingers dig into your waist in a silent plea to still your rolling hips. 
“So don’t,” you breathe. “Don’t hold back tonight.” Desperate to have him closer, you arch into him, the loose material of his shirt firmly clasped in your hands, deepening the kiss with a quick tug, a silent request for him to let go, but he immediately halts his movements, pulling away in hesitance. 
Oh Neuvillette. Your sweet Neuvillette, who in spite of his stern exterior, is the gentlest of lovers—always so tender with you and steadfast in placing your pleasure before his. You know of his draconic origins, know that he holds back in fear of hurting you, but for all the times he’s pleased you to the fullest extent, you only wish to do the same for him.
Your hand reaches to cup his face and he leans into your familiar touch, steely eyes soft. “It’s okay, I trust you.”
It’s already difficult denying you anything on a normal basis, so how can he, now that you sit, straddled over him, determination colored in your bright eyes, and with nothing but flimsy cloth left between the two of you. His eyes linger at your chest, the scooping neckline of your lace slip doing nothing to hide the smooth crests of your collarbones, begging to be marked. 
Neuvillette sucks in a breath, and attempts to swallow his doubts, before exhaling. He can no longer ignore the tightness in his groin, and to you, it’s clear that the obvious erection poking from beneath his trousers, speaks much louder than the uncertainty storming in his eyes. Perhaps he just needs one more push…
Your fingers come to curve around the sharp lines of his jaw, unwavering as you tilt his head up into your gaze. “Don’t worry about me, I can take it.”
His heart threatens to leap out of his chest in a flash of excitement, gratitude, desire; it’s far from the first time you’ve lain together, but to choose to bear such vulnerability before him, to surrender yourself to a full-fledged dragon… He glides his hands over the round slopes of your shoulders, easily sliding off the straps of your slip as he goes. The silk garment collapses down your torso, piling atop your forgotten dress. 
“If that is truly what you wish…” He presses an openmouthed kiss to the bare skin between your breasts, and the warmth of his breath runs a chill even colder than the night air. His whispers hide a growl, and despite the blush apparent at the tips of his pointed ears, his hold on your waist tightens. One hand slides down to grasp at your rear, and you can feel him smile against your lips, the rattle of a faint chuckle rippling in his throat before your breath hitches as he picks you up in his arms, and carries you off to the bedroom. 
He sets you by your shared bed, tearing off his now wrinkled shirt, while you wriggle out of whatever’s left of your dress, until both sets of clothing are discarded somewhere on the floor, and you’re finally left in only your panties and your stockings.
Immediately, his hands find your waist, roaming up and down over your curves as he smothers you in hungry kisses, herding you along until the backs of your knees hit the edge of your shared bed. This Neuvillette nips at your bottom lip, not asking for, but demanding entrance into your mouth, and you have no choice but to let him in, what with the way he makes you whine as he sneaks his hands down to knead the globe of your ass, before lowering you onto the bed. 
The tingling sensations bloom in your stomach, buzzing with excitement while you ready yourself to surrender completely—pliant to his will, whatever it may be. Arousal swallows you like the sea and he has yet to even really touch you. Impatient, your hand wanders, though not far down enough before you’re caught in his grasp. 
“Patience…” he mutters, pinning your wrist beside your head, broad shoulders caging you in between him and the sheets. His other hand follows the natural lines of your body, tracing along the edges until he stops to fondle one of your breasts. 
It’s impossible to relax your speeding heart at this side of Neuvillette: less reserved in his touches, more candid in his wants. The untreated heat in your body makes sure to touch on every part of you, running like water through your veins, until you’re sure your dripping cunt is pulsing with a heart of its own. Unable to stand the ache any longer, you wriggle beneath him—rolling your hips and squirming until your knee unwittingly brushes against his crotch, eliciting a choked grunt from him, only slightly muffled by the fact that his teeth have dug their way into your exposed flesh. 
He immediately pulls away at the sound of your surprised yelp, eyes darting to and fro across your features in frantic search for even the smallest semblance of discomfort, completely missing the way your entire body had seemed to arch into his touch. His eyes finally settle at the light indentations now displayed upon your once unblemished skin.
“Forgive me,” he begins, “I should have been more careful.” Neuvillette is ever the gentleman, but his voice is clearly strained in a poor attempt at fighting back his instincts—instincts that demand a dragon to mark what is his. 
“There’s nothing to forgive.” A soft smile graces your lips as your hand reaches to cradle his face, curling around his jaw in hushed reassurance. It’s so easy to read the thoughts that plague him so. “It felt good, I promise.”
True to your word, his heightened senses easily pick up on the scent of pure arousal that drifts from between your legs, swirling in the air, and lulling him into a state he’s kept buried for so long, he’s unsure of whether he’d be able to hold himself back even if he wanted to. He admires your bravery for daring to poke at the slumbering beast; bravery he knows stems from a place of passion, but how can he release such inhibitions upon a mere human? So physically… fragile. 
“I meant what I said: I can take it. And I know you won’t hurt me so…” Your fingers clasp around his shoulders, pulling your lover down just far enough to whisper, low and sultry, in his pointed ear.
“Don’t you dare look down on me, o’ hydro dragon sovereign..” 
You lurch forward, manicured nails drawing light lines down his bare back, and he meets you halfway in a long, drawn out kiss. A quiet growl rumbles from deep within his throat, clearly aroused by the way you had drawled out his full title. He nips at your bottom lip, dragging out a single, short gasp before leaving to trail wet kisses down the column of your throat, never stopping until his lips hover over the very spot where he had previously made his mark. 
He doesn’t even have to touch you, just his presence, tangled with your own anticipatory excitement, invites a shudder so deep, you can feel it in your bones. The sharp edge of his fangs scrape along that still-sensitive patch of skin, lightly, as if testing the waters, though this time, he makes sure to take note of the quiver in your pretty little mewls. 
Slowly, he bites down again and a moan slips past your lips, forced out from the very depths of your chest as your fingers fly to tangle in his moonridden tresses. His hot breath seeps past the barrier of your skin, leaving every nerve privy to his effect, and combined with the building pressure, you’re left open for the stream of soft whimpers that leave the perfect ‘o’ of your parted lips. As he sinks his teeth deeper, you squeeze your eyes shut in the midst of all the pleasure.
“Do it again,” you gasp, “felt good… ”
And oh, he has absolutely every intention to, what with the way you’re putty underneath him. However, he must do something about how distracting your hands are when you tug at his hair: hard enough for him to groan with an ache so wanton, it sends tremors echoing down until his trousers feel far, far too tight. 
Neuvillette is neither here nor there when he alternates between kissing and sucking and biting at your tender flesh—anywhere is fair game when you’ve relinquished yourself to him like this. With how attentive his lips are along your body, you hardly even care for the absence of his hand when he reaches around to untie the ribbon in his hair… at least not until it’s too late and you're left bemused by the uncharacteristic display of boldness; after all, it’s all you can do when your wrists are suddenly so tightly bound overhead.
You whine as he wraps his lips around one of your nipples, suckling and swirling his tongue, while he ravishes the other between his fingers. Heat surges through you and the aching desperation congregating in your belly begins to boil; you’ve never felt so sensitive, never been more pervasive to his touch.
Inside. You need him inside of you. But with your hands currently incapacitated, you’ve no other choice except to buck into him, beckoning him with your hips in the hopes of redirecting his attention to where you throb. 
“Inside. Please. I need you. Need you inside.” 
He hums in acknowledgement of your wishes, tugging at the hardened bud with his teeth, successfully wringing another shaky cry from your throat, before he finally pulls at the delicate lace of your panties, and guides them down the length of your legs. You easily kick them off, but in his observation, his piercing gaze catches every thrum of your muscles as they tense underneath the hand that finally trails between your thighs. He drags his lithe fingers between your folds, coating them in your slick, while his thumb rubs your clit in slow, but firm, circles. 
“My apologies for the wait.” Neuvillette kisses you right above your heart, where his acute hearing easily picks up how it palpitates as he dips his fingers into your velvet walls. “Allow me to make amends, my love.”
With the way your cunt gushes so copiously, it’s easy for him to slide all the way down to the last knuckle. He flicks his wrist, pumping fast and hard, scissoring you open before slipping in a third digit, drawing out mewl after pathetic mewl, as you fail to pull yourself together. The bedsheets twist beneath your incessant movements: simultaneously squirming not only from the initial stretch, but also to feel him deeper.
The discomfort is all too familiar, but with just the curl of his fingers, it washes away into unadulterated pleasure, just as it always does. But with your arms tethered, leaving you open and powerless, everything—every touch, every twist, every curl—feels tenfold.
Plus, no one would even believe you if you were to say that the chief justice had such a playful side in the bedroom; his fingers have explored your insides far too many times for him to just miss the little spot that he definitely knows by muscle memory. Whining, you buck your hips, senselessly grinding into his hand, hoping he’d get the message, hoping he’d quell your heat right at the source. 
But something dangerous and wild and primordial shines in the blue-violet glow of his eyes. For all the times you’ve made love together, he’s never seen you like this: so desperate, so needy for him. He pinches a nipple, hard, before locking your jolting hips down; a show of strength to remind you of your place. 
“Please, more.” Your voice rises in congruence with how you struggle against your ribbon-bound wrists. His fingers tease the spot again, this time with more force, and he watches as you keen and clench around him—helpless and at his mercy. 
With a curl, his fingers crook inside your silken walls, pistoning in and out, fast and hard. Arousal continues to build, turning the low squelches into distinct suctions. Every nerve in your body is ignited, seared by the heat as he laps at the overflowing wetness that seeps out of your entrance. A satisfied purr sounds in his throat, and the vibrations dare your hips to buck in spite of the iron grip that holds you down.  
It thrills him to see you steadily fall apart like this, coming so undone before him, dissolving under the weight of your pleasure. It’s just as you had wanted. More. So you can take it, can’t you? You can take more? 
Neuvillette slots your throbbing clit into his mouth, hot tongue relentlessly striking the swollen nub with viscous lashes, while his fingers continue to bully your insides with no intention of slowing down. Sucking harder, fucking faster—you keen at the added stimulation, back arching clean off the bed in blinding pleasure, unable to do anything more than let out jagged sobs as you cum.
Your entire body grows taut as he sees you through the end of this high, before finally drawing out with one last sleight of his hand, so that his fingertips might graze along the velvet top of your walls, bidding farewell with another shudder-inducing wave of euphoria. He exits his soiled digits, clearly pleased as he inspects the amount of slick that coats his elegant hand. 
“You’re absolutely divine.” He hums whilst licking up the side of his wrist, so as not to waste a single drop of your liquid pleasure. It’s intoxicating how exquisite you are, more decadent than even the most pristine of waters. “Perhaps you’d like a taste?”
His offer is rhetorical at best, as he answers for you, already slipping his slender fingers into your open mouth, tangling them with your tongue, until the first bits of drool begin to dribble from your lips. 
He unties your wrists, releasing them from the ribbon’s hold; time and experience have proven that you’ll need something to grasp onto. In a haste, Neuvillette discards what remains of his clothes, and his cock springs forward in all its glory: long and thick, pale tip leaking and thrumming with desire. 
“You’re absolutely sure… ?” he mumbles, voice trailing off, almost embarrassed. He can no longer control the way his hips twitch in excitement, begging to bury his cock into your warmth, but for his gentle heart’s sake, he needs to hear you say it again.
You laugh out a soft ‘yes’ but just for good measure, you rake your nails down his chest, applying just enough pressure to tickle his nerves. “Use me,” you goad. “Come on. Be wicked, my dragon.” 
Neuvillette exhales, chuckling softly at humanity's arrogance. Wicked dragon. If that was what you wanted... “I wonder if you’d still say the same after I’ve finished with you.”
He pins you back down in one fell move, and aligns himself to your entrance, stopping after inserting only the tip. A delicate whimper leaves your lips as you wince at that familiarly sweet stretch, but you and your little cunt are both so eager to please—the continued arousal you churn out, weeping nonstop, and already clenching around just his cockhead. You wriggle into him, trying to fuck yourself deeper on his fat cock as you adjust to his size. 
Reaching up, you pull him into a seemingly reassuring kiss, hands smoothing over the framing pieces of his hair, before curving around his jaw. His lips follow yours, but as you pull away and the short pieces of his hair fall back into place, you notice how his slitted reptilian pupils are dilated almost round. 
“You wish for me not to hold back,” his voice comes in a low growl as he inches further into your cunt, “so please show me how resilient you are.”
It’s all the warning you receive before he slides the rest of his length to the hilt, burying himself in your creamy insides. A shattered sob tears through the room, and your arms fly around his neck in a desperate attempt to anchor yourself, but it only pulls him closer as he leans more of his weight into you, pressing down and reinforcing the heavy plow of his merciless hips. 
Taking him all at once like this burns like wildfire. Pain from the sudden, rough stretch spreads hot and fast, the small embers bursting into a blaze of arousal as pleasure breezes through just as quickly—like air infinitely adding to an already devouring flame. 
“You’re taking me so well,” he praises, turning his head to reward a small kiss to your cheek. Your hole gushes, rushing to quell the heat, and the added lubrication helps you settle into his pace. Still, the dual sensations wash over you like the tide. It pulls you under, drowns you and consumes you with absolute ecstasy.
And just when you think you’ve grown accustomed, Neuvillette lifts your hips, aiming for the spot he knows will drag out the most wonderfully broken cries from your throat. Your nails dig into his back, and he groans at the vice grip as you clamp down around his cock. With each powerful thrust, he buries himself balls deep with a force that has your tits bouncing along to his rhythm, letting the wanton sound of your sobs ring throughout the room, loud enough to almost drown out the lewd noise of skin slapping upon skin. 
The coil in your belly is wound so tight that you’re sure it won’t be long until it collapses into itself. That it won’t be long until you yourself are about to implode, like a star ready to burst. 
“I’m going… going to…” Between the ragged breaths and the overwhelming sensations of ecstasy, you can’t even find it in yourself to think straight.
Neuvillette hums, his liquid smooth voice doing nothing to hide his amusement. “You’d do well not to break so soon.”
He thumbs your clit, drawing tight circles, ignoring the way you convulse beneath him. As your back arches, he drags the flat of his teeth from the edges of your collarbones, down through the valley between your breasts. 
Your entire body quivers, legs jolting by reflex to the intensity of your orgasm, vision blurring white as your lover continues to pound relentlessly through your high. There’s a layer of fuzziness over your mind that leaves you feeling as if you’re floating atop calm waters, but the fingers still thrumming on your abused nub are quick to drag you back into the salaciously dangerous depths of your own pleasure. 
A string of pitched whines follow in the aftermath, but the pretty noises you make has him throbbing even from within your tight hole. You ask him not to hold back, yet here you are before him, so small and pitiful, already writhing from the intensity—and he hasn’t even cum yet. 
Tears threaten to fall from your eyes, your body struggling for a break from the stimulation, but Neuvillette finds it quite adorable, in the way that a predator might toy with its prey. He slows his thrusts, but reaches deeper with every roll of his hips, each languid stroke hitting the exact spot that fills your sight with stars. 
The lascivious sounds of your soaked cunt perfectly swallowing his cock, followed by the slap of his heavy balls on your ass—he’s mesmerized by the way he disappears and reappears, and disappears again inside of you. His heart skips, and he bucks, breaking his rhythm. You undo him like no other, and it spurs him on that he too, seems to have the same effect on you. The way your pussy holds on to him so tightly, the helpless cries of his name amidst your hiccuped whimpering… 
He lets out a small chuckle, breath hot and ragged in your ear as he sucks at the inch of skin below. “Surely you can give me another,” he murmurs, the low grumble of his voice reverberating all the way down, until you can feel the vibrations in the hollows of your collarbone. 
Your eyes flutter, desperately blinking away the wetness that has begun to gather at your lash line. Sweet Neuvillette, your Neuvillette who reveres you more than he ought to and touches you like you’re made of glass. Even through the numbing haze, you know that for him, you’d give anything. 
A long, stuttered moan breaks out from between your lips. As if biding his time, he drags the entirety of his cock along your walls, the large vein that wraps around the length gliding along just right, that your back arches and your knees bend. It’s not that he means to move so tortuously slow, but you squeeze him to such an extent that in spite of his aching need to cum, he cannot help but try and savor the delicious way your walls are gripping for dear life. 
Neuvillette pulls out with the sticky squish of your slick. His throbbing cock, long and flushed, glistens with the sheen of your juices. In the emptiness, you think that perhaps he’s taken pity on you and your now overly sensitive cunt, but that just isn’t fair. Not to him, nor you and your once again looming orgasm.
“You haven’t even cum yet,” you gasp, trying to argue through baited breath. The whole point of this was so that he could feel just as good as he always made sure you did. So why would he—
“I know.” 
You can feel him as he lifts you, flipping you over like you’re nothing more than a doll, and manhandles you onto all fours. Limbs weak, mind frazzled, you’re barely able to hold yourself up, so when he realigns himself at your entrance and slams back through your folds with just as much power as before, you quite literally fall apart. 
“Too much?” The low chuckle in your ear is dangerously taunting, wickedly amused and with no sign of its usual sweetness. You’re able to muster a pitiful whine, but the way your entire body trembles tells him everything he needs to know, as he reangles you mid-thrust.
“I believe you said you could take it.” With a particularly powerful snap of his hips, your arms buckle, and you collapse onto the mattress. The intensity continues to send you jolting forward, but his reaffirmed grip on your waist holds your hips in place.
Nothing deters him as he ruts into you, hitting deep new angles that have your fingers grasping at the sheets while your cunt grasps onto his cock. With every slap of his skin against yours, his tip threatens to kiss your cervix, the aftershocks rippling through you until they’re released as broken sobs, muffled into the bed. 
How unfortunate that such noises, so very sweet to his ears, would be hidden from the world. Tangling his fingers along your scalp, Neuvillette tugs at your hair, lifting your head back so as to hear the pretty melody you sing when your cries ring around the room. Good. Just as the whole of Fontaine should recognize a dragon’s mark on your skin, they too should hear it’s he who pleasures your body so.
Little bits of drool trickle out of your open mouth, your eyes rolling back as he keeps up the brutal pace. Everything feels too overwhelming, yet so tantalizingly good, that your back curves and you’re creaming around him again. 
Electricity shoots through your veins, your lungs desperately racing to catch up with the rapid beat of your heart. The stars painted across your vision drop down to your stomach, exploding with an intensity that rattles you to your core. It’s a flood with no remorse—taking and leaving nothing in return, easily washing away any and all thoughts, until you’re left mewling the name of the only one who could ever give you such a sweet taste of heaven. 
But Neuvillette continues to thrust into you, and as he, too, nears his peak, his tireless strokes finally melt into something a little more forgiving. Just a little. The long drag of his cock slides so smoothly against your slick walls, gentle enough to fool your delirious mind into loosening your grip around him. 
What trickery from the wicked dragon who slams his hips forward with enough force so that your body jostles with every push and pull as he hits all the right spots again and again. Trapped under the weight of his body, all you can do is feel: the heat of the room smothering all your senses, the fervorous thrusts pushing you to your very limit—all you can do is feel and take it as he kisses the spongy head of your cervix, leaving you without a semblance of sanity, blabbering indiscernible nothings that beg to milk him dry.       
“Want more,” you keen, voice as broken as the crystalline tears that roll down your cheeks and melt into the pillows. “Inside. Wan’ it inside.”
Neuvillette laughs, low and airy, strained as his grip tightens, fingertips digging into your hips hard enough that it’d be sure to leave bruises come the morrow. “Is that what you want?”
“Please, please I–” You stop to let out something between a pant and a moan. “Want you to, h-hah, cum inside, wan’ your cum inside me.” Your walls clamp down even harder, as if attempting to trap his cock deep inside you forever, as if you weren’t already tight enough around him. 
White fills his vision, and white fills your womb as Neuvillette cums to the knowledge that you love this. He takes in the sight of you, his precious treasure, now reduced to the likes of a common whore: legs quivering, ass in the air, cunt filled to the brim and leaking from where the two of you merge. All for him. By his doing. 
Such splendor automatically evokes the instinct to claim you in a way far beyond that of human understanding… but you’ve already let him indulge more than enough tonight; he couldn’t possibly ask for more. 
You whimper when you feel him stir again inside you, careful as he brushes past your too-sensitive folds, but even such simple movements hazard to relight the flicker of arousal once again. Every ridge and vein, drawn out so agonizingly slow, sends an inadvertent shiver down your spine until he finally pulls out with a squelch.  
There’s no hope in tearing those sharp, reptilian eyes away from your puffy cunt, abused and messy and leaking with your combined fluids. Neuvillette sucks in a breath, trying to suppress his urges as much as he’s trying to swallow down the desire quickly boiling over in his belly again. Cumming inside you—no, breeding you—was a privilege. For dragons such as he, it’s a ritual reserved only for mates, and given the difference in your physiology, he had never allowed himself to do so—at least not until now, that is. 
In his defense, you had begged for it, and how could he ever deny the very one whom he has entrusted his heart to—especially when you were so beautifully fucked out and unraveled on his cock like that. And perhaps he’s lived among humans long enough to forgive this indulgence as a paradigm of fleeting desire, though nothing of what he feels for you could ever be considered fleeting. 
He parts your folds with two slender fingers, giving himself a better view as his cum now seeps out with suent access. You whine again when you feel him drag his digits down the sides of your pussy lips, catching the overflow before it can fall onto the sheets, and stuffing it right back into your little hole. No point in stopping now, if he’s already committed his sin.
From your half-lidded gaze, you manage to steal a glance at your lover, and judging from the erection that still stands stiff as a rod, he has yet to be satiated. In the attempt to break through the shadow of delirium, you lift your head, shifting your weight back onto your elbows, and forcing your battered body to turn just the slightest bit over. 
“You’re still hard,” you note through staggered breath, “We can go again if you want.”
Neuvillette looks down as if he hasn’t already been feeling the near painful arousal throbbing in his groin. Of course he’s still hard—how could he not be; you’re so complacent before him, offering yourself to him like that. But perhaps he is too soft-hearted, for he only lets out a reassuring hum as he leans forward to place a gentle kiss on your forehead. 
“You were beyond perfect tonight,” he murmurs. “It… might not be pleasurable for you if I continue anymore. I can finish myself.” 
Lovestruck, you shake your head. “I can take it r’member?” Your large eyes, red-rimmed and dreamy, plead for him to use you—use you to his own content, use you so that he’d feel just as good as he always makes you feel. You nibble at your bottom lip, bashful. “You can even use your other form if you'd like...” 
Your words catch him off guard, and he immediately stills in a half-hearted attempt to collect himself as another wave of pure, unadulterated desire pulses through his entire being. Neuvillette swallows hard before letting out a slow, shaky breath. His cock twitches and his muscles tense beneath the creamy skin that now seems to gleam with a soft shine, revealing scattered patches of effervescent cerulean scales. You affect him more than you could possibly know, revitalizing such carnal urges that ignore his will and allow his body to react so enthusiastically.
“You’re sure…?” His normally polished tone is husked in a defiant strain. Despite the way his pupils are blown wide and wild with lust, conflict still swims in the shallows of his expression, made clear by the way his voice rasps as he desperately claws to retain even a semblance of his composure. 
The tips of your fingers trace the blue streaks that protrude from the crown of his silver head, now hardened into twin ribbons of ivory; his horns, delicate but strong, glow a luminescent azure—so warm and inviting in its radiance… You grasp them tight, pulling him down with you, as you fall back into the bed, his lips pressed against yours. Of course you’re sure. He’d never hurt you, your Neuvillette would never ever hurt you.
“Devious…” he whispers between kisses, your tongue and teeth clashing in a waltz of their own, as his body drapes over yours. 
It’s not the first time you’ve seen him in this form, crossed somewhere between a human and a dragon, as beautiful as he is powerful. But it’s certainly the first time you’ve ever attempted to take him like this. He’s bigger in this form—you can already feel it as he grinds up between your legs. Longer. Thicker. Ribbed and embossed with the same pearlescent blue scales. Beautifully intimidating, just like the dragon sovereign himself. 
And as you continue to marvel, he lets his cock rest across your lower stomach, sizing you up. His fervor shines through in the way he’s already leaking a mess of sticky precum atop the smooth skin of your belly. A satisfied hum vibrates in his throat, clearly enthused. 
“This is how deep I’ll be,” he muses, almost apologetic of the incoming stretch you’d have to endure. “I’m beginning to wonder if I can even fit inside you.” 
Would it be wicked of him to admit, even to himself, that he enjoys the way you wriggle and cry just taking him in his human form? And yet… he’s forced to steady his breathing in a poor attempt at grounding himself—a task near impossible as you roll your hips up, ardently shaking your head no, outright ignoring the last out he offers.
“I will… make it fit.” They’re the last words you manage to wrangle out before being overtaken by the need to be full and filled. There’s no reason you should be so terribly, terribly hollow, when he’s right there. Neuvillette chokes back a laugh; your unyielding determination sends blood rushing to his erection, desperate to feel your velvet walls crowd around him again.
Finally relenting, he teases your entrance—running his cock up and down your slit, spreading your wetness, before slapping your clit with the tip—reminding you just how sensitive you still are. Gasping, you jerk away from the stimulation that once again taunts your nerves. Your hole, however, clenches around nothing, eager to please. 
But perhaps you’ve greatly underestimated just how big he is, because he barely makes it past the threshold of your folds, before the pleasure pain of the stretch begins to take over. That, and the overstimulation from your previous orgasms, already have you instinctively trying to snap your legs shut, but the firm hold on your thighs forbid you from doing so.
“Ha-ah N-neuvi—” A twisted sense of pride swells in his chest at the way you can hardly speak as your breath hitches and your lungs desperately search for air. “’s too big,” you sob.
He gives you a momentary reprieve to adjust, while his hand snakes down to run sloppy circles over your clit.
“More?” he whispers. 
It takes you a minute to respond, but he waits until finally your voice shakes with the violence of each hiccupped sob. “More.. please…”
A baritone hum sounds in his throat as he pulls forward, pressing wet kisses to your jaw in a quiet reassurance, effectively sliding a couple inches deeper, as he does so. “You can take it, my love. You’re so pretty like this.”
Your arms wrap around his neck, your hold eliciting a long, low groan from the dragon. Wherever you squirm, he follows, pressing more of his weight onto you, burying more of his cock into you. Each ridged inch that slides past your folds, seems to push the thoughts right out of your head, letting them dissipate into thin air until you’re left mindlessly moaning sweet praises to his name. 
Desperate to accommodate the unfamiliar enormity of his dragon cock, your walls ripple and tense around him, back arching into him, wanting to feel ever closer to the love of your life, determined to push your cunt to its limit for him. For your Neuvillette. 
Neuvillette. Neuvillette. Neuvillete. He’s all you can think about; him and his monster cock that seems to split you so deliciously open. It’s wave after wave of heat that sets your insides ablaze, soothed by the waters of arousal that have you begging for more, and restarting the cycle until he finally bottoms out, and you feel as if you’ve been electrified. You squeeze your eyes shut, but with the way his bulbous tip prods at your cervix, your mind goes blank, and the tears fall regardless. 
“There…” you pant, eyes glassy from the euphoria of feeling so incredibly full. “’s all in.”
“Yes,” he praises, softly. “Look at you, so nice and tight for me.” 
He wipes the salt from your cheeks, distracting you with a delicate kiss. His fangs are more prominent in this form; you can feel them as he grins against your lips, whilst whispering breathy nothings that tell of how good you are for him, how perfect, how he should be so lucky to have you like this, to have you as his. 
When your body eases enough, he pulls away, though the subtle shift of his cock still drags a pitched whine out from your lips. If he’s to be honest, he cannot tear his gaze from where the two of you are joined. It’s mesmerizing, hypnotic, to see how he splits you open, to feel how you mold into the shape of him, to imagine just how much your little cunt had to stretch so that he might rest comfortably inside.
Though, comfortable might be an overstatement due to the way your muscles tense and release so tightly around him, clamoring for more of his attention.  Eyes darkening with lust, Neuvillette smooths a hand over your abdomen, cerulean scales cold upon your skin.
“Can you feel me right…” He draws a clawed finger delicately across the skin of your belly, where his cock rests parallel underneath. “Here…”
He leaves more than just a faint line of red where his talon rakes. Yes, you want to say. You can feel the faint prickle of his claw on your skin, you can feel how the sharpness sends a shiver ringing through your body, and of course you can feel how he’s sheathed his dragon cock right into the very depths of your cunt, deeper than anyone’s ever been, deeper than he’s ever been… But the only sounds that spill through your lips are another stream of broken sobs, fever touched by how close you are to cumming just from being filled.
“Go on, darling. Cum for me.” He can feel you pulsing around him, clenching and unclenching in search of sweet release, yet he makes no additional moves to help you, leaving you to your own devices.
At this point, you can no longer tell if you’re making things better or worse, as every little movement knocks you into reaction—like dominoes toppling over until every piece of you has been unraveled. You writhe atop the soiled sheets for any sort of friction, but it’s too much when his tip knocks against the entrance to your womb. So you shift away, letting the ridges on his shaft graze against your syruped walls, inciting another wave of need. The scales continue to tip between ‘too much’ and ‘more’, until you finally work yourself into a delirious orgasm, on nothing but his cock inside you and your own incessant squirming. 
As you continue to ride out your high, Neuvillete finally begins to move, tearing himself away from your fluttering vice grip with a tremulous moan, because fuck you’re still so tight around him, still so warm and wet even after cumming for what? The fourth time tonight? Pressure lands heavy over your frame as he begins to rock into you, folding you in half as he does. 
He fucks you slow and even, stretching you out even more with every new stroke. Your mouth drops open in a silent scream as this new position affords him the privilege to reach impossibly deeper. Despite his shallow thrusts, each drag of his cock still blooms an ache from all the hidden spots that he has no choice but to touch, though it’s quick to pass, as pleasure continues to coil in your belly. 
It’s so much all at once. You can’t take it, it’s too much. But the soul-shattering euphoria of being so utterly full, is unparalleled. You want more, you need more.   
“My pearl,” he whispers, though his voice is gruff, “my heart… I want to hear you.” 
And so you oblige him, wailing something broken and pitched and strangled, at the sudden snap of his hips, at the way he bumps into your cervix and seems to rattle your organs about. 
“F-fuck,” you cry, without thinking. Not that you can anyway, when the push-pull tide of his thrusts raises you to new heights of delirium. “H-ah god, fuck Neu–”
Another sharp, jutting thrust cuts you off as the dragon above you snarls, clearly agitated by your crass choice of words. “There are no gods to help you here.” Not in Fontaine where he rules, and certainly not here in his home.
There’s a feral wildness that shines in his bright vishap eyes, and his possessive streak flares—dragons have no natural inclination to share after all. It’s clear in the way his pace changes: faster, harsher, more ragged—a ferocity befitting of an elemental dragon ruler. But titles aside, he’s still your Neuvillette, and every move he makes is still laced with a tenderness, so as not to break you more than he already has. 
“Tell me you’re mine,” he commands, dragging his tongue up the length of your throat.
“Yours. ‘m yours, Neuvillette.”
In and out, in and out. His long strokes guide the ridges of his cock back and forth through your tender muscles, leaving you to mumble mindless nonsense as you convulse and keen beneath him. Whatever pain you had felt earlier has long chipped away into undeniable pleasure as you near the precipice of yet another orgasm. Eyes glazed over in all consuming ecstasy, all you know to do is to chase your lust, and so your hips grind back, rolling together like waves in a storm. 
Amidst the flagrant wet sounds of your rabid fucking, you cum again, lashes fluttering as your eyes roll, muscles tight as they tremble from such rapture—so lovely, so beautiful. Your siren call of pretty cries spill from your lips, intermingled with weak babbles of his name. You’re so breathtaking like this in your post-climax haze: fucked out and cloudy-eyed, panting into the cool air as his slowed thrusts still rack up an aftershock of shudders.
Neuvillette bows his head, once again trailing wet kisses across your collarbones, before pausing to hover his lips right over the juncture of your neck and shoulder, his warm breath a familiar spot of comfort in this maddening pleasure. Perhaps it’s some sort of sixth sense unique to only the most attuned of lovers, ones whose souls seem to harmonize in perfect resonance, but there’s hesitance in the way he suckles at the spot, fangs ghosting over your tender skin.
“S’okay… you can do it.” Your soft, dreamy sighs of approval are accompanied by the languid tilt of your neck, jeopardizing more of your delicate skin to the dangers of his teeth. “You can mark me… w’nna be your mate…”
Choking back a moan, Neuvillette pistons thrice more into your cunt—pulling out until just his tip remains, and then plunging back into your gooey insides, sending you into another round of dizzying convulsions. His own orgasm follows, seeing stars as he places an amorous bite to the crook of your neck using only the flat of his teeth. 
With how deep he’s buried, ribbons of his cum shoot right into your womb, spilling out into every cavity, and painting your interior white. Warmth blossoms from the inside out. Your heart is full, mumbling happy nothings of ‘mates’ in between sniffles, while a creamy ring forms around the base of his cock, thick liquid oozing from where he ends and you begin. His own chest rises and falls in jagged patterns, but his only want is to seek your lips, to drink in your mewls, and exchange sweet kisses, so that your soul and his, may meld together as they dance in the shape of your breaths intertwined.
He strokes your hair, planting easy kisses all around as he unplugs himself, letting loose the flood of cum that seeps out of your hole, but you whine at the loss, wanting nothing more than to be ever close to your newly consummated mate. Neuvillette only nuzzles into your neck, deep purrs of content reverberating from his chest as he lazily rubs his scent all over you. Meanwhile, a quick swish of his sapphire tail up the sticky underside of your thigh, teases another pulse from your cunt, and by reflex, you push out another dollop of white. 
A small tap tap to his shoulder distracts him from his scenting, and he looks up with a tilt to his head and a small furrow to his brow, his normally sharp eyes full of earnest concern, relaxing only once he finishes reading through the bleary, dulcet tones of adoration that glow in your half-lidded eyes. You poorly suppress your little giggles—although he often disagrees, your lover really can be quite adorable. 
Fontaine’s Iudex Neuvillette is elegant, poised, and meticulously polished… but here in the quiet night hours, in the privacy of your hearth, your Neuvillette is unruly-haired and damp-skinned from satiating the beastly desires of his still tender heart. You reach out a tired arm, first brushing back the pieces of hair that cling to his skin, then wrapping your palm around to cup his face. 
“Was I a good mate?” Your hand slips down from his cheek to play with the tips of his silvery hair. “W’nna be the best for you.”
“You already are the best for me.” His hand, no longer clawed nor scaled, brings yours back up for a kiss to your knuckles. “The only one for me.” 
He rolls off of you, sweeping you into his embrace, as he carries you off to the bathroom. Your head rests heavily against his chest, but your happy hums and quiet murmurs of ‘good,’ tell him that you have not drifted off into slumber just yet.  
“You truly are a wonder,” he breathes, dipping his head to place a soft kiss to your forehead. “And it would be my honor to have you as my mate… but not tonight.”
His instincts had urged him to do it, to permanently claim you as his, and mark you as a dragon would, but his heart vehemently disagrees. The most sacred bond known to his kind is an ultimatum in your relationship, and it is one he refuses to be the sole architect of, so perhaps the two of you can revisit this conversation again once you’re more clear-headed; his answer would remain the same anyways.
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a/n2: writing this took years off my life, but i hope you enjoyed it nonetheless ! as always, thank u sm for reading, and reblogs + feedback are very much appreciated ♡
a/n3: here is a little visual of how i imagine the dress at the beginning to look like, but of course you can always imagine it however you like since i’ve purposely left it rather vague : )
© silkjade — do not steal, plagiarize, translate or repost any content onto any other platform
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fangfic · 7 days
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silken-moonlight · 23 days
Omegaverse test meets horny werewolf bf
Hear me out. Imagine there is an incredibly accurate test to see which role you would have, a test for humans. Just for fun. But it's incredibly accurate, guessing right many werewolves in their position.
So, you get sent the link to that test by your friends, and you take it. It's 223 questions and takes a lot of time. Your werewolf boyfriend gets bored of the game he plays and asks what you're doing. You tell him you're taking a test to find out which werewolf you are. He chuckles until you explain a little about it. But when you curse, "Oh, come on!" he snickers, waiting for you to tell him your result. When you tell him you're supposedly a submissive omega, he gets silent. You look at him and there is something primal in his eyes.
Before you can react he is on you, the mention of your result makes him feral with need. In a matter of mere minutes he has you in a mating press, you moan and tremble under his roughness. You love it, hes never been so rough with you. He fucks you in a punishing pace, rubbing you clit so fast and hard you yelped. Holding onto him for dear life.
"You want to be an omega, hm?" He growls. "Then you gonna my bitch." He groans. He never degrades you during sex, but it made you clench around his dick. You nodded and pleaded to fuck you harder. "You gonna take my knot like a good bitch then." He whispers and you feel something swell against your pussy. He fucks his not into you, you cum from that alone. When his knot is finally inside you, he cums.
Your combined juices drip onto the couch as he places many little kisses on your face. You smile. If you had known he would be so turned on by that you would have done that sooner....
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lilaccmilk · 2 months
tw: somnophilia, stalking (kind of)
Let’s talk about the monster under your bed. The monster who waits for nightfall because that is the only time he can roam around undetected. In the morning, he’s tried that, you felt paranoid, you thought he was a ghost.
He can’t have his favourite human scared of him now can he? You are the only human that doesn’t need to be afraid. He wants to hold you, touch you, love you, fuck you. He hears all your gasps in the middle of the night as your hands are between your legs.
He desperately wishes it was him drawing out these sounds from you. He desperately wants to taste that liquid sugar leaking out from your body. Sometimes he does. When you’re sound asleep, dreaming about something he crafted just so you sleep peacefully.
He devours you, but still it’s not enough. He wants to touch your soul too. But only when you consent. You’d feel so much sweeter when you’d consent.
But till then, he’ll wait patiently—watching, observing, wanting. He’s nothing if not patient.
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cosmicstarlatte · 11 months
sweet shy monster who didn't think he had a chance with you, a human, but decides to try to court you anyway even as his peers laughed 🥺
sweet shy monster bf in heat, pumping another full load of his thick cum into your tiny body while his peers seethe with jealousy 🥰
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rs-hawk · 5 months
Going INSANE thinking about this post by @curiousmons :
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So here we go!!
Your Centaur Boyfriend being embarrassed when he explains he’s never cum before because he can’t reach “down there”. You’re stunned and ask why he hasn’t told you before. You tell him you’d have at least given him a handjob before now so he could get some release! He sheepishly tells you that he almost didn’t tell you at all because he’s worried he won’t last long and he doesn’t want to disappoint you.
After a soft heart to heart session, you explain that even if he doesn’t last long, at least you’ll be doing it together so it’ll be wonderful. The kissing starts off slow and soft with him stooping down and you on your tiptoes. Then him pulling off your shirt, and you eagerly finishing undressing yourself when he hesitates. He eases you onto your back on the soft (but itchy, not that you’d tell him) hay he made into a bed for you. His front legs are tucked under him as he goes back to kissing you, pumping his fingers in and out of you slowly.
Despite never having been with anyone before, he knows that his massive cock would hurt you if you’re not prepped, which is another reason you two had waited for so long. Now you could easily take his fingers, and you were already soaking wet for him. His cock is so hard that he’s already leaking precum and it’s almost painful. He wants to be inside of you so badly.
“Please,” you whisper, breaking the kiss to look up at him.
He bites his lip before nodding slightly. He stands back up and you adjust, pushing yourself into doggy style so it’s easier for him to push into you. You have to help guide him a bit since you have to be so far under him, but as soon as the tip of his cock is pushed inside of you, he starts going crazy.
He jerks his hips towards you, nearly impaling you with his massive cock in one thrust. You yelp, not expecting that sudden and deep of a movement, but you don’t pull away.
“I’m sorry baby. You feel so good. I’m sorry,” he groans as he continues to slam in and out of you, driving you into the floor.
His cock slams deep inside of you, stretching you out in the most delicious way. He bullies your cervix in a way you never thought possible, his hot and slick precum already coating your womb. You whimper, trying to find something to hold onto. When you start to squirm, he uses his front hooves to keep you in place, setting them lightly on you, of course not his full weight, just so he can continue to cram himself into you.
Once he’s close, his thrusting becomes more sporadic. He thrusts roughly and sloppily, almost pulling out in his haste to push back inside of you. You can feel him throbbing and pulsing inside of you, every thick inch of that cock stretching you out even more as he already was.
“You’re so good baby. So tight. So wet,” he whines, picking up the pace even more.
“Keep going,” is all you can manage to get out between the rough assaults on your body.
He complies until he crams himself as deeply as he can inside of you, pumping you full of hot, thick ropes of cum. You can feel it filling you, extending your stomach and spilling out onto your thighs and the floor under you even as he’s still deep inside of you.
His front legs tremble before he buckles them, pulling them off of you so he can support himself on them. You can hear his deep breathing and panting as he recovers, his cock still throbbing inside of you.
“That was amazing baby,” you sigh, almost dreamily, before you try to wiggle out from under him.
However, he’s already rutting into you, grinding his hips against yours with his cock still buried inside of you. “Just one more baby. Please please let me do it just one more time.”
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his-tamine · 3 months
“Oh, you’re a monsterfucker? Do you consider yourself to be undesirable by human standards and want to find someone who is the same way so you can both choose to love each other anyways? 🤓”
I told you that I want a really really big werewolf to rearrange my guts what are you yapping about
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nobelisha · 11 months
thinking abt ghost dick again
waking up to something filling me. It’s sizeable, but nothing I can’t deal with. Putting my hands to my cunt, trying to figure out whats going on and feeling, but not seeing something inside me. Slowly it starts to move until its pounding me into the bed, but when i reach down to rub my cunt, a hand cracks against my face and stops its movement inside of me. I wait for it to start up again, but it doesn’t so I get ready for work.
In the shower, the something inside me grows a little bigger, as hands begin groping my chest, leaving me moaning for more. I reach down to rub my cunt, but once again a hand cracks against my face and the hands leave my tits alone, leaving me with a slightly bigger dick inside me. I groan at the frustration but finish getting ready for work.
At work, I’m talking to a coworker when the something gets bigger again. I excuse myself to my cubicle just as a feel something sliding into my asshole. Both somethings began pumping in and out of me, leaving me to rock my hips against my chair. Reaching to rub my cunt, desperate to cum, but I’m slapped again and the pounding stops. Tears well in my eyes, but I keep rocking trying to get more stimulation, but something slides over my clit and I don’t feel anything anymore.
At home, I strip and the pounding begins right away. I fall to the floor face down, ass up, drooling as I’m pounded so good. I know now not to touch, so instead I beg. Beg for more, harder and faster and to please let me cum.
I’m nudged to the couch arm and my legs are spread over each side. The pounding resumes, harder than before. There’s something expanding inside of my ass and cunt and I began rutting against the couch arm. I move my hips back and forth, chasing my pleasure when hands grope around my tits pulling and squeezing and pinching. Moaning and begging, when I feel my release building up, the pounding speeds up and hands slap at my body. My ass, my cunt, my tits and face jiggle with the force of each slap. A hard slap to the face is what sends me over, and i cum long and hard
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getodrools · 3 months
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“You have two faces… two sets of eyes and arms– you even have two mouths…” Your eyes look him up and down, “So… is there anything else that comes in twos?” And all his wander unduly.
You hadn't expected it to be the truth. Just a silly question — which led to you being fucked silly.
“I'd think one would be enough for something so frail like you.” Working his maws, his teeth hurt as he sucked at your skin; feeling the rough lap of his muscle tickle at your throbbing pulse when he found a good area to latch onto.
Almost like wet leather, but nothing compared to his other hot, slimy mouth; feeling all teeth and no tender lips play at your belly when he'd press his weight onto you — suffocating as he even licks up the small bump protruding at your skin. The bulge enough was foreign, and his other mouth would play with it to tease the mess out of you… Tingles and waves of shock punches the tears out of you each time the king did, crying out in twisted bliss...
Latching yourself harder; wailing hands and nails claw a red trail in their wake down his back, as if etching a fine line to loot – down the engross of his spine twisting above you, and to the crack of his ass. Like sculpted marble, or a safe haven – either or, you didn't expect such sharp pains between the sweet heat of your legs and rock-hard thumps against your pelvis to be such pure ecstasy. A type of bliss you'd foam at the mouth, searching for mercy only for Ryōmen to dig deep into your little hole to keep you there.
Keeping you steady to take him whole — to take all of him, Sukuna holds your waist with a pair of working hands as the other almost pops your head off your shoulders; forcing you to watch how he stretches you with those two fat cocks you so wondered about.
Pumping with haste, vigor, and a sort of nuisance. He was enjoying how a pitiful being is scraping so hard to find a breather, even for something you asked for… almost admiring how your body barely takes him and it makes him scoff.
Amused was the word.
Stretching you to the hilt, Sukuna was worming up into spaces you never dreamed of being punched at. All heavy, followed with a loud clap at the barrel of his hips, each one tingling your thighs. Feeling the warmth of his cock — cocks, two heavy meat poles that throb in pure chaisty jackhammer in gummy walls.
“Why ask such stupid questions, when you are not ready for the answers.” That wasn't a question for you. He dawned on the brains of humans being so curious, yet incapable of the consequences.
Stupid, stupid thing you are. But how fun.
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happybird16 · 1 year
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•Chapter Nine•
Naga!Levi Ackerman/Fem!Reader
Summary: Growing up, the forest's edge always darkened the far corner of your small village. The giant, twisted branches overhead rendered the forest floor a terrifying, pitch black. You shouldn't be here. There's creatures here, dangerous ones.
Overall warnings: Past references to child abuse, blood, scars, gore, mystery, eventual sex, inhuman genitalia (Levi is a snake man), horror vibes.
Chapter warnings: NSFW!!!, Sex, inhuman genitalia, oral sex (fem!receiving), tongue-fucking, creampie, monsterfucking, tail-fucking, loss of virginity.
Chapter length: 14.2k
Ao3 Link
The most special of shoutouts to my beloved friend and beta @theferricfox!!!! Also, credit to @the-milk-anon for the snake banner!!
Note: *Evil laughter*
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It becomes increasingly challenging to focus on anything other than the man with whom you've formed such a strong affectionate bond. The world around you fades into the background as your attention remains fixated on him and nothing else. In his company, time seems to slip away, and the moments shared together become the center of your universe. With Levi's lips working urgently into yours, little else matters.
It feels like you're a teenager again, caught up in a whirlwind of hormones and an overwhelming, frantic, needy heat. The intensity of your desire is all-consuming, as if your senses are increasingly heightened by every touch and every glance. You love the way he holds you. It's cautious and gentle, yet lingering with an unbridled strength. Even with the length of him wrapped completely around you, the shuddering clasp doesn't feel the least bit smothering. Before, he was touchy for the sake of warmth and maybe more than a small amount of fondness, but now it's as if pulling away from you would pain him. You understand the feeling.
Levi's lips press hard into yours, displaying an endless and heated fervor. The sharp points of his fangs cautiously graze your bottom lip, eliciting a loud gasp from you. Your fingers scramble on his shoulders, swiftly moving to cup the back of his head and intensify the kiss. In response, he moans and sucks hard on your bottom lip, causing his fangs to dig painfully into your swollen skin. The sharp tang of iron floods your senses, but his tongue swiftly emerges to soothe the wound, healing it in the blink of an eye.
He rests heavily on top of you, exerting an all-consuming weight that presses your back into the soft bedding beneath. The sheer warmth and weight of his body render you borderline delirious. Each desperate groan he releases resonates loudly through your head, filling you with an escalating and desperate heat. Pulling away, your lips smack wetly, and a long string of saliva stretches taut between you. "You're getting good at this," you pant, your chest heaving.
Licking his lips, his intense gaze ignites a fire within you, fueling the heat that builds between your thighs. Smirking down at you, his nostrils flare with curiosity. His tail, wrapped around your lower half, spasms and tightens around your hips. "Are you fishing for a compliment?" he teases.
"Maybe," you playfully pout. "I'd like to think I've been a good teacher."
"I'm a quick learner," Levi responds with a huff. Without delay, he closes the distance between you, pressing his lips forcefully against yours, his tongue softly caressing the sensitive underside of your own. Letting out a soft moan, you close your eyes, succumbing to the sensation.
As you dig your nails into the scruff of his undercut, Levi emits a throaty groan, relishing in the gentle pain. Seizing the opportunity, you explore his mouth with delicate laps of your own. Despite his razor-sharp teeth, the rest of his mouth feels velvety and warm. Yielding to your attentions, his jaw eagerly moves in sync with yours. A soft moan fills the space between you, accompanied by his urgent fingers digging into your shoulders.
By now, you have become intimately acquainted with what makes Levi tick. You know every tender spot that causes him to tremble, and how to skillfully swirl your tongue to elicit delightful groans. He enjoys it when you take control of the kiss, sucking firmly on his bottom lip and pressing into his mouth. The underside of his tongue proves to be particularly sensitive, and urgently lapping at it earns you a quivering gasp.
"F-fuck," he curses, groaning your name in a long, breathy rasp. His hips rhythmically move between your thighs, circling against your own in a way that elicits a moan from you.
"Shit," you curse in agreement. That's new. Your thighs tremble as you roll your hips back into his. The sensation leaves you soaked with desire. Levi shudders above you, pressing his forehead against the hollow of your neck. His hips jolt uncontrollably against yours, rubbing against your center in a way that makes you pulse with anticipation. "Levi!" you gasp, unable to contain your pleasure.
Teeth scrape against your neck, causing a sharp and shallow pain that propels your hips forward once more. A warm wetness trails along the hollow of your throat as Levi sucks at the skin above your racing pulse. His hips roll into yours relentlessly, devoid of thought or restraint. With each movement, his tail wrapped around your hips spasms, forcefully pulling you into his thrusts.
"Fuck," you curse, your head rolling back as you gasp for air. Levi's lips work fervently at your neck, alternating between sucking hard and grazing the skin with his sharp fangs, before soothing the spot with the fiery relief of his tongue. As your fingers glide down the length of his back, his muscles quiver and ripple beneath your touch. "M-more," you plead, yearning for increased friction, desperately seeking a bulge to grind against. Grasping his hips, you attempt to angle him so that the seam of your trousers can stimulate your clit.
"There... there... yesssssss," you hiss, feeling the rough friction that still manages to catch your clit just right with each swirl of his hips. With your legs wrapped around his waist, you eagerly meet every frantic jolt of his hips, their strength causing you to bounce. Gripping his hair, you plead incoherently, "Levi. Kiss... I want to kiss..."
Suddenly, Levi freezes above you. He withdraws from your neck, his face displaying surprise and vulnerability in his eyes. Clearly, something has caught him off guard, casting a momentary shadow of uncertainty over his expression. Sensing the shift in the atmosphere, you instinctively reach out, placing a hand on his shoulder in concern. Levi's chest heaves, his nose flaring as his tongue briefly tastes the air. Rising onto his forearms, he flops over onto his back beside you. "S-sorry," he apologizes, his voice rough and shaken.
It feels like it's the first time in forever that part of him isn't touching you. Even the segment of his tail that was wrapped around your waist has pulled away, coiling up not too far from you. The absence leaves you with a sense of loss, and the lack of scales against your skin creates an uncomfortable ache in your chest. "A-are you okay?" you inquire softly.
Beside you, Levi covers his face with his hands. His chest heaves, and it appears that he's struggling more than usual to catch his breath. "Y-yeah, sorry," he stammers, his voice revealing a vulnerability that contrasts with his typically composed demeanor. It's evident that he's grappling with a surge of emotions, his apology carrying a weight that suggests a deeper internal struggle. Licking his lips, he gazes up at the rocky ceiling above. "I... I'm fine."
The dazed and shaken expression on his face deepens your concern, twisting your stomach with unease. Although he has withdrawn before to regain composure, this instance appears more severe. "Was it too much?" you inquire, searching for an understanding of his reaction.
He nods, swallowing heavily. "I-" he hesitates, struggling to articulate his thoughts. Uncovering his face, his heated gaze shifts from your thighs to your face. "I can smell you."
"O-oh," you squeak, feeling a wave of embarrassment sweep over you, causing you to clench your thighs together. Despite the lingering ache from the loss of stimulation, you push it aside. Shuffling nervously, you cautiously meet his gaze. A mixture of anticipation and trepidation swirls within you, creating a flutter of nervous excitement in your stomach. "I- I kind of suspected you could. Is... is that a bad thing?"
"No," Levi responds hurriedly. His nose flares once more, his features darkening subtly with desire and frustration. "It just makes me feel like I might lose control. This... this is new for me. I don't want to push you."
"You're not pushing me," you assure him earnestly, reaching across the space between you to pat his shoulder reassuringly. "I'm in a similar place, honestly. I understand feeling overwhelmed."
"I don't know what I'm doing," Levi grumbles unhappily, his bottom lip protruding in a cute, frustrated pout.
"Neither do I," you reply with a nonchalant shrug. Gesturing vaguely toward his hips, you add, "I'm not even sure how this will work."
Crossing his hands over his stomach, Levi's fingers fidget together in a nervous display, reflecting a blend of anxiety and anticipation. He swallows heavily, his face flushing as his mouth opens and closes several times. "It's possible," he finally says, his voice surprisingly steady.
"It wouldn't matter to me even if it wasn't," you assure him earnestly. Upon hearing your words, some of the tension in his face eases, and a subtle sense of relief shines in his eyes. "I like you. I enjoy our conversations and simply being in your presence. I don't need anything more. This... this doesn't have to change things too much."
Levi's eyes flutter closed, and he lets out a loud sigh. With each breath, the tension in his shoulders melts away. When his eyes reopen, they exude a newfound sense of calm and determination. "I just need to calm down," he explains softly. Rolling onto his side, he reaches across the space between you to pull you close once more. He kisses you gently before playfully bumping his forehead against yours. "Let's talk. Something happier this time, remember?"
"We did get a little distracted," you note with an amused hum. Beneath your palm, you can still feel Levi's heart racing. Tilting your head, you catch a glimpse of the entrance from the corner of your eye. The rugged stone opening reveals a narrow view of the bright blue skies adorned with soft, fluffy white clouds drifting lazily across the horizon. "When did the storm end?"
"It petered off last night," Levi snorts, his fingers drumming an unfamiliar pattern along your spine. His eyes twinkle with a soft gray hue as he chuckles at your momentary lack of attention.
"Doesn't look like much snow actually stuck to the ground," you observe. Although it's difficult to discern through the entrance, you can make out patches of the small meadow's dark green grass peeking through the fresh snow. "And the storm only lasted a few hours. That's a good sign."
Levi hums curiously in response, his fingers idly playing with the edge of your shirt. Judging by the sky, it must be somewhere around midday. The two of you have spent more than an entire day engrossed in kissing and napping, cherishing each other's presence. The book Metal and Glass lies untouched behind you, and you have no intention of opening it again.
"What's your village like?" you ask, your curiosity piqued. Having never left your hometown, it's challenging for you to imagine anything beyond its familiar landscape. The same old farmhouses, plain and weathered with decaying wood, always populate your mind's eye. Longing for change, you eagerly seek to imagine something different in their place. "You've described the area before, but I can't quite visualize it."
Levi points over his shoulder towards the back wall of the cave, using his thumb as a guide. "If you follow the river up the mountain, you'll come across a large circular meadow nestled between two peaks of The Spine. That's where my den is, utilizing the natural barrier of the mountain to shield us from the outside world."
You still find it challenging to envision. Sensing your confusion, Levi continues his explanation. "Imagine a vast open field enclosed by towering walls. The only openings are where the river descends from the highest peak of The Spine and where it flows out of the lower section of the meadow."
You hum in response, your mind's eye gradually painting the picture of a distant white-capped mountain rising high into the sky, casting a shadow over the lush green canopy of The Maw. "I could always see that peak from my bedroom window," you share, reminiscing. "When I was little, I used to trace its shape on the glass. The tip was always so pristine white, sometimes blending in with the clouds... It's amazing to think that you were right there all along."
Levi nods in agreement, a contemplative expression on his face. “I could see your village too, from up above. The view is obstructed from my den, but whenever I was out hunting WildOnes, I could see it in the distance.” He pauses, tilting his head slightly. “Did you know that each of the nine mountains in The Spine has its own name?”
“Nine mountains?” you inquire, surprised. From afar, you could only glimpse the snowy peaks of the smaller mountains as they stretched across the horizon. On clearer days, the jagged rocky ridges and deep valleys would come into view. “I could only see three of them.”
Levi responds with a knowing smile. “The Maw is much larger than it seems. My den is situated between the northernmost peaks, Prime and Skull. According to legend, the entire ridge is said to be the skeletal remains of an ancient colossal snake. My den rests in the hollow cavity where its brain would be. It’s all nonsensical mythology, but some of my den-mates are quite fond of the concept.
Raising your eyebrows, you balk at his explanation, “So we're at the base of Prime?”
Levi nods. “Barely. This cave is at the very bottom of Prime. I'm not sure if it even counts as being on the mountainside. Fuck if I remember half of the other names, but the rest of the winding peaks make up the snake's body, hence The Spine.”
“Sounds like we have quite the climb ahead of us,” you note worriedly. The journey here left you sore enough and it's not like you've gotten a lot of exercise in the last few weeks. You haven't even bothered putting on your boots in days. Already you begin to mourn for your poor feet.
Levi chuckles, a low rumble in his chest. “Don’t worry, we won’t be climbing all the way to the top. Just a bit further up Prime’s slope, there’s a narrow path that leads to my den. It’s not as treacherous as it may sound. I’ve taken that route countless times. If we stick close to the river the incline isn't too bad,” Levi assures you with a confident tone. “The gap between the mountains shouldn't be too much of a problem.”
You nod, trying to picture a big enclosed meadow. The only thing that comes to mind is the hardened grey stone of a dam, rammed straight against rolling hills of lush green grass. “I'm guessing the mountain walls keep you safe from the WildOnes?”
Levi nods, “It makes us difficult for humans to find, too. There's a few other small villages in The Maw. We occasionally trade with them, but we don't always get along. The mountain protects us from those squabbles as well.”
“Other villages?” You gasp excitedly, practically bouncing in place. “There are other villages?”
Levi nods, a hint of amusement in his eyes. “Yes, there are other villages scattered throughout The Maw. Most are sort of remote and isolated. They aren't nearly as eclectic as my den. They vary in size and composition. Some are predominantly inhabited by Naga like my den, while others are home to different magical creatures. Each village has its own unique culture and traditions.”
Your excitement grows, and you can’t help but imagine the diverse communities hidden within the vast expanse of The Maw. “I would love to visit those villages someday. It must be fascinating to see the different magical beings and their ways of life.” He'd mentioned before that his den consists of more than just Naga. What kinds of magical creatures could the other den-mates be?
Levi’s smirk widens. “Oh, I’m sure you’d find them interesting. The Maw is full of surprises. But be warned, not all villages are as welcoming as mine. Some prefer to keep to themselves, while others have a wary outlook on outsiders.”
With your mind whirling at the possibilities, you try to craft a vivid image of a little village based on what Levi has described. In your imagination, you see a picturesque landscape, with a rolling hill adorned by charming little brown houses. Each house exudes a cozy warmth, with smoke playfully spiraling out of their chimneys, hinting at the comforting presence of crackling fires within. The rushing stream carves its way through the heart of the village, its clear waters reflecting the sunlight and providing a soothing soundtrack as it babbles along. Behind the image of the serene little village, majestic mountain peaks loom high ahead, their stony ridges winding to surround the peaceful vista like a formidable guardian. Only ever having seen the peaks from a distance, you can't imagine how massive Prime and Skull must be up close.
Shit. You quickly scrap the image realizing that you'd accidentally filled the scene with farm houses, complete with sprawling fields and barns. “You mentioned fishing.. Do you have any farms? Wheat, cattle, stuff like that?”
“No,” he shakes his head, “Most of us can only really eat meat, so we don't really have a use for crops. And we can't really take care of any animals for three months out of the year. Miche, one of our hunters, keeps some rabbits and breeds them for food, but he always has to release a bunch of them come late fall.”
You frown. Everyone Levi’s mentioned seems to have some designated job to help out the den. “I want to contribute, once I get settled. I’m not sure where I’ll fit in.”
Levi reassures you, saying, “You don’t have to worry about that. After everything you’ve been through, you can just relax and spend time in the library if that’s what you want. A few of my den-mates spend most of their time there.”
“I appreciate that,” you reply, “but I think I’ll go crazy if I don’t move around every once in a while.” The idea of combing through the wide range of new and interesting information in the library is appealing, but your attention span can only stay still for so long. “I know you’ll be out and about dealing with WildOnes. I’ll figure out something to do.”
Levi pauses, his eyes slowly scanning your face as he assesses something in your features. After a moment, he nods, evidently satisfied with what he sees. "If that's what you want," he says. "You're strong and smart. I'm sure someone could use your help if you ask around."
Shifting slightly, Levi leans in and plants a quick kiss on your cheek. It's incredible how quickly he's become comfortable with these small, sweet gestures. Each one sends a wave of excitement through your heart, making it flutter in your chest. "The houses here are probably different from what you're used to," he remarks.
"Bigger, I imagine," you smirk, glancing at the curled expanse of his tail. The thicker part is pressed flat against your back, ensuring that Levi can hold you close. You enjoy it when he does this, enveloping you as if you were a precious treasure to be protected.
Levi admits shyly, "I'm actually on the smaller end of my kind. But yes, most of the buildings will probably seem spacious to you. They're also closer together compared to what I saw in your village. It's a tight-knit community, although my place is on the outer edge, near the river. Some of my den-mates can be... loud."
You interject with a playful tone, "I bet there aren't any multiple stories. I can't imagine it's easy for you to navigate stairs."
Levi huffs, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "I'll take your word for it," he replies, shrugging indifferently. "I'll have to remember to get a chair for you. I purposely don't have one to keep Hange from coming around too often," he explains with a heavy sigh. "But I guess that plan won't work. I bet that menace will never leave us alone."
The casual inference of "us" causes your heart to throb with a mix of excitement and uncertainty. The word lingers in the air, heavy with significance.
Wide-eyed, Levi begins speaking hurriedly, his words tumbling out with a touch of nervousness. "You— we can still have a house built for you, but—" He pauses, visibly grappling with his thoughts, his fingers digging into your hip in a worried manner.
You quickly intervene, soothing him with an eager smile and a reassuring voice. "No, no," you say, "I don't think that will be necessary if you're okay with me moving in. I like the idea." Your words carry a hint of excitement as you express your desire. "I don't think I could bear being away from you at this point."
He smiles softly, a small and gentle upward curve of his lips that matches the ache in your heart. The sight brings you comfort and reassurance. As he speaks, his thumb works a fond circle into your hip, a tender gesture that fills you with warmth. “I feel the same way,” he says, his voice carrying a softness that resonates deep within you.
Yet, a lingering worry persists within you, buried deep in your chest. It’s a thought you’ve been trying to push aside for days, but now it demands your attention. “Do… Do you think they’ll like me?” you ask, vulnerability evident in your voice. “Your friends?” The concern about being accepted by the important people in Levi’s life has been gnawing at you, cultivating a growing sense of unease.
His response comes immediately, a firm and certain affirmation that washes away your worries. “Yes,” he says with conviction, as if he doesn’t even question the thought for a moment. The assurance in his voice brings comfort to your anxious heart. His fingers fiddle soothingly along the back of your head, gently petting your hair, a tender gesture that helps to ease your concerns. “They’ll love you,” he assures, his words carrying warmth and sincerity.
“How can you be so sure?” you ask fretfully. Waving a hand towards his chest then yours, you continue, “And what- what about us? This has to be different..”
Shushing you softly, Levi pats your arm reassuringly. “Listen,” he starts, “Humans and Naga used to coexist at one point. It was a -fuck what's the word- symbiotic relationship. We'd protect you during the warmer months and you'd protect us during the cold months. This-” he mimics your gesture with the flick of a wrist “-this isn't something completely unheard of.”
It feels as if something in your brain has fallen loose, leaving your mind in a state of awe and disbelief. In just a handful of sentences, a profound shift has occurred, shaking the foundation of your reality and stirring a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. It’s as if the world has shifted on its axis, leaving you reeling and breathless. “How do you know this?” you ask, voice carrying a mix of curiosity and wonder.
“Erwin has talked about it more than a few times,” Levi explains with a noncommittal shrug. “He has a bunch of old books from back then, so many that they don't even fit on his bookshelves anymore. He somehow keeps finding more, making a huge fucking mess with the stacks balanced everywhere around his house. Remember, he’s tried to convince me that we should reach out to human villages. He likes to point towards those as proof that things could work out well.”
Based on your previous interactions, you can guess at the answer, but you ask anyway, “Then…what happened?”
His lips thin into a grim line as he speaks, his words laced with a sense of bitterness and disappointment. “Exactly what you’d expect,” he says, his tone weighted with dread. “Erwin always fails to acknowledge how the story ends, focusing on the more idyllic portion of the tale. Humans eventually learned about the luck our scales could bring them. Things changed immediately. Their greedy natures became apparent in the blink of an eye. The filthy fuckers they-” Pausing, Levi hisses softly under his breath, letting loose a soft curse. “The Naga were thrown in cages, mistreated and farmed. Only some managed to escape into The Maw.”
“Better to run into danger than be tortured in captivity,” you hum knowingly. The choice between facing the perils of the unknown and enduring the torment must've been difficult. You hadn't even been able to contemplate taking that leap, the option had been thrust upon you.
“Exactly. You understand,” he agrees with a solemn nod. “The Maw was even wilder back then, teeming with gigantic Wild beasts around every corner, but they went into the darkness willingly. I don't blame them.”
“Me either,” you respond. “So my ancestors were cruel to yours…”
“Don't you dare apologize,” Levi chides softly in response, knowingly watching your lip quiver. His thumb comes up, smoothing across your bottom lip. “It was hundreds of years ago and has nothing to do with you. You're special. Kind. They were all monstrous pieces of shit, including the ones who kept me in chains.”
“Still…” you warble sadly. Your thoughts are interrupted by a high chirp. The sound is singular and high pitched, quickly followed by a distant echo. Coming from behind you, something small crunches the snow near the cave’s entrance. It's a familiar sound, the rustle of feathers and the flapping of tiny wings. More high pitched twitters follow. “Are those birds chirping?”
Head rising, Levi’s head tilts curiously towards the opening. “Sounds like it,” he confirms.
“This is the first that I've heard them,” you start, excited by the noisy trills promising of brighter days ahead. “It must mean spring is starting soon.”
Levi flops his head back down onto the bedding, emitting a soft hum. He avoids meeting your gaze, instead, his fingers fiddle with the neckline of your shirt absentmindedly. "Is there anything else you want to know?" he asks, his voice hushed with a hint of vulnerability.
"Why do you always do that?" you ask, your frustration evident in the glare you shoot him. "Lately, every time I've mentioned spring, you get quiet or change the subject. What's going on?"
Levi's mouth opens and closes several times, his throat bobbing with heavy swallows. His shoulders stiffen beneath your hands, turning as rigid as stone. “There-” He struggles to meet your gaze as he speaks, his voice filled with a mix of hesitation and anxiety. "There's something I've been meaning to tell you... about spring."
The way his eyes are pinched tight only intensifies the anxiety suddenly surging through you. It looks like dread. “L-Levi..?”
Levi speaks hurriedly, his words stumbling over each other. "I... I usually spend the first few weeks of spring here. I can guide you to the den and then head back. Or... if there's not enough time, you could go by yourself."
He completely ignores you, continuing forward at a rapid fire pace. “You remember how to get to the river, right? It's just to the west, then you follow that north up the mountain.”
“-What are you talking about-”
“This early in the season, Connie will probably on guard-”
“Levi!” You stop him mid-word, grabbing his chin to force his gaze to meet yours. “The fuck are you talking about? What happens in spring?”
"It-" Levi's voice catches in his throat, his hesitation palpable. He swallows, as if his throat is constricted. The rest of his sentence comes out in a hushed, guarded tone. "It's mating season."
Fingers twisting nervously into the fabric of your shoulders, he continues, “I can already feel it coming. That's why- I don't want to push you. This is new and-”
"I'm not opposed," you interrupt, your voice carrying a high-pitched squeak. A mix of embarrassment and excitement flushes your face, and a jittery thrill courses through your limbs. "I... I don't want to leave you all alone here."
He shudders, his gaze avoiding yours as he struggles to find the right words. "Y-you don't understand. It's different. If... if you're here, I'll lose control. I'm afraid that I won't be able to stop myself."
Frowning, you press him further, "So your plan is to send me off on my own into The Maw, and you just stay here alone? What will you do?"
He grunts, puffing out a heavy sigh. “Same thing I've always done. Fuck my own hand until it hurts,” he waves off your shocked gasp. “I’m used to enduring it alone. It's fine.”
“Enduring…” The vivid image makes your stomach clench, arousal flaring between your thighs. “You don't have to.. I-”
Tongue flicking out, his gaze darkens with a simmering heat. Leaning forward, that darkness bores into you like a dangerous, enticing threat. With a blink, some of the heat falls away, worry surging forward. “You don't understand. If- if we fuck during my heat I won't be able to stop myself. I'll mark you. This- this will be permanent.”
Something in your chest stills as you process his words. "Permanent?" you repeat, your voice barely a whisper.
Your pulse quickens, matching the intensity of his gaze in the flickering firelight. His fangs glisten, a testament to his true nature. Levi's voice is low and husky as he explains the implications of a mating bond, his nails grazing the sensitive skin of your neck. "There wouldn't be any turning back," he murmurs, his voice filled with a mix of longing and vulnerability. “I wouldn't be able to stop myself from claiming you.”
A surge of emotions fills your chest, making it hard to find your voice. "Levi," you manage to whisper, your voice laced with both curiosity and a hint of fear. "Is that something you want?"
His expression flickers with a mix of uncertainty and raw desire. "Yeah, I... yeah," he stammers, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "I've never felt this way before. It's overwhelming, but it's what I want."
Levi's words hang heavy in the air, his desire and uncertainty intertwining in his expression. Your heart races, the weight of his emotions echoing within you. Gently, you speak his name, your voice filled with a blend of tenderness and yearning. "Levi," you murmur, your fingers caressing his cheek, tracing a gentle line along his cheekbone. The realization hits you like a wave crashing against the shore—you love him. But instead of uttering those three words, you convey your commitment in a different way. "If it's what you truly want," you say softly, "I'm willing to take that leap with you." Cupping his face in your hands, you convey your decision clearly. "I'll stay."
His eyes widen in surprise, unable to believe what he's hearing. "What- you- you want that?" he stammers, his voice filled with a mixture of shock and hope.
You meet his gaze with unwavering certainty. "Yes," you reply firmly. "I want to be with you."
Levi's eyes scan your face, searching for any trace of doubt or hesitation. His mouth opens, but before he can speak, you interject. "Yes," you reiterate, emphasizing your decision. "I'm sure."
A wave of tension releases from Levi's shoulders, and his spirit seems to soar free. Relief washes over his face, radiating like the first rays of dawn after a long and stormy night. You can't help but smile, leaning forward to place a tender kiss on his lips.
"How long do we have?" you inquire, curiosity tinged with eagerness.
Levi's chin bobs forward as he returns your kiss. "Soon," he murmurs, his voice filled with anticipation. "It'll be soon. A week. Maybe even a handful of days." The promise lingers in the air, fueling your excitement for the future.
A sudden surge of anxiety twists your gut like a metal vice. A handful of days... In only a handful of days, you'll be... You've never really thought too much about sex, and your continuing virginity doesn't really rank high in terms of things that actually mattered. Still, it's daunting to realize that there's now a solid time frame until it'll be gone. Until... Your eyes instinctively dart downward, quickly appraising the smooth dark grey scales below his stomach, before bouncing back up to his face.
Seeing your concern, his forehead bumps into yours. He frowns, softly cupping the back of your head. “Are you sure about this? I might be rough. Heats are normally quite.. frantic. I don't think it'll be a nice first time.”
Nervously, you begin, your fingers fiddling anxiously at his shoulders. "I-I've heard that first times can be sort of painful... Could we... would you be opposed if we explored a bit first?" You pause, gesturing vaguely towards his lap. "I'm not sure how you work."
Levi huffs, rolling his eyes, his cheeks turning a bright and rosy pink. The color deepens, spreading to the tips of his ears like glowing coals. His eyes briefly glance down to your thighs, and his tongue peeks out with a short flick. "I... I don't really know how you work either," he admits, his voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and uncertainty.
Laughing softly, you nudge his nose with your own, urging him to kiss you. The playful touch fills the air with anticipation, a gentle spark igniting between you. His eyes meet yours, reflecting a mix of desire and affection. In that tender moment, the world fades away, leaving only the two of you connected by an unspoken understanding. Time stands still, fingers press into your scalp, and soft lips meet yours.
A blazing inferno ignites, passion filling the atmosphere with an electric charge. He sighs into you, lapping softly into your mouth with an urgent heat. Just the hot slide of his tongue is enough to have you moaning, all of your senses narrowing in on nothing but him. The intensity consumes you, melting away any inhibitions and flooding your senses with a wave of desire. Every touch, every breath, fuels the raging flames filling your blood, leaving you with an undeniable yearning for more.
“Levi,” you groan into his mouth, lips not even breaking away from him. Somehow, you've ended up on your back. Levi hovering over you, one forearm pressed to the bedding beside your head, the other hand softly cupping the base of your skull. It's like he's been let loose, suddenly wild with a need he's been holding back for too long. He's everywhere, both skin and scales wrapped tight around you. “Fuck.. Levi.”
Moaning your name, he shifts to tug urgently at your top. Even in desperation, the touch is gentle. The sharp points of his claws pull up the bottom hem, only barely grazing your skin. “Can I explore you?”
Gasping, your fingers scramble across the smooth porcelain of his back. “N-not that i'm opposed but w-where's this coming from?” His hips jolt roughly into yours, cutting off the thought and sending your mind spiraling into buzzing arousal.
“Want you,” he breathes with a hot gust of air. Lapping at the pulse of your throat, sharp teeth graze your skin in a short delicious pain. Rolling his hips, he shifts so that the seam of your pants perfectly catches your clit. “Your scent has been driving me insane.”
It's harder and harder to think with every roll of his hips. The grip he has on your hips tightens, pulling you to match his steady thrusts. His fingers wander beneath your shirt, teasingly dragging along the small of your back. Sharp teeth graze your earlobe followed by a hot gust of air and a heated whisper, “Can I?
“Yes,” you moan. “Take it off.”
The next thing you know your upper half is bare. Pulling away to sit upright, Levi's intense gaze lingers on your bare skin, darkened with a mix of desire and reverence. The weight of his stare feels like a gentle caress, making your heart race in anticipation of what is to come. The intensity in his eyes speaks volumes, conveying a profound appreciation for the vulnerable moment shared between you. It's as if time stands still, his throat bobbing in anticipation.
Trembling fingers drag curiously up your torso. Grey eyes locked with yours, another heavy swallow follows as his nails slowly skim up along your skin, towards your bare breasts. “Soft,” he says breathlessly. “You're so soft.”
He looks astonished, jaw dropping with a shuddered gasp. Cupping your right breast, the way he holds you is almost devout. His thumb skims a cautious circle around the tightened peak, making you moan openly.
Surging forward, Levi’s lips crash into yours with revived intensity. Heated, the lip lock has lost all finesse, quickly growing sloppy as his hips reestablish their rolling thrusts. He drinks in all of your little noises, filling your throat with his own eager groans of excitement.
For what seems like an eternity, Levi slides his tongue against yours with an intense, heated fervor. Too soon, he abandons the kiss, lowering his head to bathe the column of your neck in sloppy wet kisses. Trailing further down, the occasional sharp sting of teeth makes you gasp, head falling back onto the bedding. He takes the opening greedily, sucking little marks into your exposed throat with a pleaser moan.
Lowering his head, Levi's breath washes over your chest in a hot gust, causing goosebumps to rise along your skin. The warmth and proximity of his breath sends a shiver down your spine, heightening your senses and igniting a delicious anticipation within you. He kisses you, each touch soft and quick, starting with your collarbone. Then, with an irresistible magnetism, he moves a bit lower, planting another delicate kiss. The rhythm continues in an endless staccato, creating a symphony of sensations that sends shivers of pleasure cascading through your body. Each kiss is a tantalizing tease, building a crescendo of desire that leaves you yearning for more.
The next kiss lands right at the center of your chest, his lips pulling teasingly at the skin there with a long wet suck. His heated gaze remains locked with yours, unyielding and intense, as if trying to convey a thousand unspoken desires. It's thrilling, filling you with a rush of exhilaration and burning anticipation.
Resting the side of his head heavily on your belly, he gazes up at you with pure heated adoration. The pink of his tongue peaks out, lapping softly at the underside of your right breast. You jolt, “Ahh, Levi!”
“Your skin tastes so good,” he tells you in an awed breath, swirling his tongue higher and higher along the peak. Sucking at the rounded curve of your right breast, his teeth leave a small mark in their wake. “I could bathe every inch of you with my tongue.”
"It's just sweat," you pant, your fingers threading into his hair as you try to pull him upward for another kiss. The intensity of the moment, coupled with the heat between you, has beads of perspiration forming on your skin.
“It's you,” he breathes into your skin, his words tinged with a mixture of awe and reverence. The heat of his gaze, intense and unwavering, is fixed upon your face, causing your mind to spiral and your thoughts to stumble and falter before they can fully form. “I don't think I'll ever get tired of you. Your taste. Your voice. Your smell. Your heat. Everything.”
His words are dizzying. Tugging harder at his hair, you beg mindlessly, “Kiss..kiss..” Resisting your pull, his tongue swirls a slow circle around your nipple. Pure sensation floods through you and suddenly you can't tell up from down. It's as if reality narrows, the hot press of his tongue becoming the entirety of your world. Keening loudly, you immediately switch to thoughtlessly pulling his head closer to your breast. “More, Levi. More!”
"So sensitive," he murmurs against your nipple, the warmth of his breath sending shivers down your spine. His lips graze your skin with wet, featherlight kisses, tracing a path of tantalizing sensations just around the hardened peak. After what feels like an eon, his lips enclose around the hardened bud, tugging urgently at the sensitive skin with a satisfied hum.
"God, fuck!" you gasp, your head falling back. You're forced to pinch your eyes tightly shut as a sharp surge of pleasure and pressure shoots through you. Every nerve ending tingles with the intensity of the sensation, overwhelming your senses and leaving you breathless. It's so much. “Good! Shit, Levi,” you cry nonsensically, “Don't stop!”
Digging your nails into his scalp, the pain only urges him to suck harder, his forked tongue swirling quick circles into the bud. Pulling away with a wet smack, you whine airily in protest of the loss. The sudden shock of cool air against your heated skin has you aching. Levi's thumb quickly comes up to the abandoned bud, working warm and dizzying circles into the oversensitive peak. Delirious, you chant, “Ah- aaah! Levi. Too much! It's too much!” The touch is almost overwhelming, sending a jolt of conflicting sensations through your body. You're torn between wanting to squirm closer, seeking more of the pleasure it brings, or pulling away, overwhelmed by the intensity.
Your hips jolt uncontrollably, bumping hard into his abdomen. He grunts in response and in an instant the thinnest portion of his tail comes up to encircle your waist with a surprising strength. It holds you in place, anchoring you to him with a firm grip that prevents your hips from continuing their thoughtless churn. His scales are smooth and cool, a distinct contrast to the warmth of his skin and the heat of his gaze. Shivering from the extra layer of sensation, your fingers skirt across the smooth scales.
You can’t help but voice your need, the urgency in your voice evident. “Levi… I… I need…” you trail off, your voice filled with longing.
“Soon,” he responds, his voice laced with heated desire. The word hangs in the air, fueling the intensity between you, promising that your desires will soon be fulfilled. His gaze locks onto yours, burning with a dark and primal promise. “I'm still exploring.”
Turning his head, he treats your left breast with the same amount of care as he did the right. Slow and patients, he matches the same pace as before, starting out by sucking at the fatty underside of your chest. The process unfolds achingly slowly, every moment drawing out the anticipation as his lips slowly move up. Levi’s darkened eyes remain locked onto your flushed face the entire time, you can feel the heat of it burning into you even as your eyes fall closed. “Shit,” you gasp, trembling in his grip. This time, he sucks at your nipple with a fevered pressure, his thumb working dizzying circles into the abandoned bud. Sharp teeth graze the peak, resulting in a deep shudder that sends your back ramrod straight.
It feels as though every nerve in your body has been struck with lightning, igniting a fire that races through your veins with a fevered intensity. Every lap of his tongue echoes straight through you, burning all the nerve endings straight from your torso to your thighs, making your clit throb in a painful need. Desperate for friction, all you can do is squirm in his grasp, your hands clutching onto his head as you pull him closer, craving more of the electrifying sensations he’s stirring within you.
Humming in satisfaction, every little noise he makes vibrates through your skin. The sound is hungry and desperate. Every heated exhale and muffled moan that escapes from his lips fuels the fire within you. Abandoning your chest with a soft pop, Levi looks down at you, his dark eyes drinking in your flushed face with a potent mix of satisfaction and burgeoning lust.
Repeating his actions before, Levi's lips leave a trail of soft and quick kisses as they continue their adventure downward. One after the next, they trace a winding path across your stomach, igniting a fluttering sensation within you. The intimate attention causes your abdomen to clench in anticipation, a mix of nerves and desire intertwining. Tugging hesitantly at the band of your pants, he asks, “This next?”
“Please,” you beg, already wiggling your hips up to help remove the garment. You're so wet, you can feel the slickness leaking along your upper thighs. You don't think you've ever been so aroused in your life, not that you've had a lot of free time to explore.
Soon enough, you're completely naked beneath his gaze. Levi pauses, his gaze fixed on you, his expression filled with curiosity and perhaps a hint of surprise. His piercing eyes bore into yours, as if searching for something beyond your words. The flickering flames cast an eerie glow on his scales, accentuating the enigmatic aura that surrounds him. His thumb shifts, working curiously into the meat of your inner thigh.
You’ve never felt so bare. His eyes flicker from your face to between your thighs, his face contorting with a perplexed expression, as if he’s trying to decipher something. His tongue flicks out, tasting the air around your simmering heat. Dark grey orbs drag slowly along your folds, the sharp points of his nails digging into your skin in a surge of anxiety. Mouth dropping open, his chest heaves with an unsteady breath.
Beneath his curious gaze, a surge of nerves flares to life, electrifying your every fiber. Squirming in his grasp, you involuntarily clench your thighs together. Anxiety surges through your heart with a frantic beat, its rhythm matching the racing thoughts in your mind.
Seeing your nerves, Levi's fingers work soothing circles into your thigh, his touch offering a comforting reassurance. His gaze flicks up to assess your face, his eyes heavy with intensity as they drink in your anxious features. With genuine concern, he speaks softly, "We can stop if you want."
The softness in his expression causes your heart to skip a beat, a rush of affection and tenderness flooding your senses. With sincerity, you assure him, "No," your voice filled with earnestness, "I want this." Your chest surges with relief, catching anxiety lingering in his own features. “I want more. Please?”
He smiles at you softly, his eyes reflecting warmth and understanding. Without hesitation, he leans forward, closing the distance between you, and presses a quick, gentle kiss to your lips. Levi's gaze lingers on your body, specifically the cleft between your thighs, a mix of curiosity and fascination evident in his eyes. "You have hair here too," he notes, his voice filled with genuine awe.
“Y-yeah,” you stutter, heart thudding as you watch his fingers prod curiously at your folds. His heated gaze dances back and forth between your soaked center and your flushed face, nose flaring. The touch is inquisitive, delicate and gentle, his fingers tracing the strands with a careful curiosity.
Using his finger and thumb, he spreads you wide, the petals of your labia falling apart with a sticky wetness. The curiosity in his gaze bleeds into open hunger. “So wet,” he coos, sliding a finger through the slickness in a dizzying wave of sensation. You jolt thoughtlessly, pressing into the teasing touch. Eyes burning with lust, he locks his gaze with yours, emanating an overwhelming heat. He watches your jaw drop with burning anticipation, his eyes fixed on your reaction, as his fingers prod into the wet heat of your folds. In a heated voice, he asks, "Is all this for me?"
His tone is filled with a mixture of disbelief and desire, as if he can hardly believe that the extent of your arousal is because of him. You bob your head nonsensically in response, hips jolting uncontrollably. Words fail you in this moment, but your actions speak volumes, confirming that yes, all of this is indeed for him.
His touch is too soft, too gentle and both too low and too high. The pads of his fingers are slowly dragging along the spread petals of your labia, a dizzying tease that makes your hips wiggle against the tight clasp he has wrapped around your waist. Whining loudly, you throw your head back, churning your hips thoughtlessly in an attempt to move the touch upwards. Tugging at his right bicep with desperate strength, his name leaves your lips in a needy plea, the sound laced with desire and urgency. “L-Levi, up- higher- touch me higher!”
"What do I do?" he asks, his eyes wavering up and down your body. Licking his lips, the swell of his throat bobs in a heavy swallow. His voice carries a mix of uncertainty and anticipation. "Show me," he pleads, his desire evident in both his words and the way he looks at you. He's eager to learn and explore, ready to follow your lead and fulfill your desires.
Swallowing heavily, your fingers skim down, trailing along the soaked petals of your labia. Gathering some slickness, you shudder beneath his heated gaze. “Here,” you rasp, swirling a smooth circle into your clit. “Little circles, like this.” Watching you with eager anticipation, his fingers tighten their grip on the meat of your thigh.
Impossibly, the intensity in his gaze grows, his eyes locking onto your movement with unwavering focus. It's as if nothing else exists. The weight of his gaze sends shivers down your spine, surging the liquid heat filling your veins. It's a potent mix of curiosity, longing, and a hint of vulnerability, all encapsulated in the depths of his captivating eyes. The ache within you intensifies. Every fiber of your being yearns for his touch, for the connection that promises to unravel the depths of your desires. Your voice trembles with need as you plead, “T-touch me. Levi, please! It’s not enough…”
“I will. Don't worry, I will,” he says, voice filled with determination. Bringing his hand up to his face, Levi brings the sharp talon of one of his claws between his teeth. The pointed tip presses against his teeth, and he applies pressure, his fangs sinking into the hard surface. With a firm bite, he snaps off the pointed end, spitting it out into the distance. The process repeats as he bites off the tips of his other claws, determined to remove all the sharp tips on his right hand.
“Wha- what are you doing?” you ask, your voice filled with a mixture of surprise and confusion, as you try to make sense of his actions.
Once Levi finishes biting off the sharp tips of his claws, he takes a moment to examine his fingertips. His gaze lingers on the now blunted claws, their appearance resembling human nails with rough rounded edges. As he looks at them, he offers an explanation, “Don’t want to hurt you.”
"Oh," you breathe, your voice catching in your throat. The sight of his dulled claws evokes a mixture of gratitude and tenderness within you. It's a sweet, thoughtful, and considerate act, one that resonates deeply in your heart, causing it to throb with affection and appreciation.
Just as you'd shown him, his fingers quickly slide along your cleft to gather some slickness, before carefully prodding at the swollen bud throbbing above. His heated gaze bounces between watching his fingers work and observing your features as they twist with pleasure. “Like this?” he asks, voice uncertain.
The combination of uncertainty and desire in his voice sends a shiver down your spine. You nod eagerly, encouraging him to continue, your voice laced with anticipation as you affirm, "Yes, just like that. Don't stop."
Two of his fingers work a quick tempo into your clit, moving in tight and fast circles in a way that leaves you clenching. As you gasp and quiver, his tail tightens its grip around you, ensuring your hips remain still as his touch sends waves of pleasure coursing through your body. Nails digging into his shoulders, you suddenly feel empty. “I can feel you throbbing,” he notes excitedly. Sliding his fingers down to gather more slickness, the rapid pace shifts to match the hot pulse of your clit.
“Fuck,” you manage, blinking hazily. You've played with yourself plenty of times before, both out of a healthy mix of boredom and curiosity, but nothing your own fingers did could ever measure up to this. Chest heaving, you pant his name in an urgent plea, “Levi -it's ah- Levi!”
"Yeah," he breathes, his voice oozing with an excessive sense of satisfaction and composure. While your mind seems to unravel at the seams, his voice remains steady and deep, with just the faintest quiver. "What do you need?"
“Inside,” you urge him breathlessly with a desperate jolt of your hips. Digging your nails into his shoulders, you tug at him urgently. “Put them inside.”
Stopping the attention at your clit, he prods the pad of his finger along the rim of your entrance. The tip barely presses in, a dizzying teasing pressure just past the ring of muscle. Licking his lips nervously, his voice trembles as he speaks, “Here?”
“Yeah, yeah,” you nod, chest heaving with exertion and anticipation. The atmosphere between you is so oppressively hot and sticky that it's challenging to catch your breath. Seeking stability and leverage, you curl your toes behind his back. Your digits make contact with the slick coolness of the scales at the base of his spine, sending a shiver of excitement down your spine. Using the contact, you lift your hips, urging him forward with a needy whine, “Levi, please!”
“Shit,” he gasps, watching the digit disappear into you with stunned awe. His jaw falls slack, revealing a mix of surprise and disbelief as his finger wiggles curiously in your depths. “You feel so-” It's as if the ground beneath him has crumbled, leaving him momentarily speechless. Slowly, he regains his composure and steadies himself, pulling back before pushing in again. Then again, filling you with a slow and steady rhythm.
Overwhelmed by the sensation, your head lulls back into the bedding’s soft embrace. Eyes fluttering closed, you can still feel the burning intensity of his gaze on your skin. You can almost feel the weight of his eyes as they traverse your face, tracing every contour and line with an intense, eager heat. “Levi,” you moan loudly, peeling your eyes open to meet his fevered gaze. Your hips jolt, fighting against his grip to meet every thrust in short, abated swirls. “s’ not enough,” you manage to tell him, tongue heavy and voice slurred. You quiver, clenching down around as the digit works a curious circle into the over sensitive skin. “More! Gimme one more!”
“You're so tight,” he breathes, voice filled with awe. Speaking to himself, you can barely hear the words in your daze. They're hushed and quiet compared to the loud roaring in your ears. “Will I even fit?”
Dazed, you only process his finger pulling away, leaving you empty and aching. Nodding nonsensically, you beg, “Please please please! Need it! Need more!”
Eager to appease, a second digit quickly joins, twisting into you in an urgent rhythm. It's a bit of a stretch, but the pressure is delicious in a way that makes your toes curl. You're so slick that each ingress is an easy, gentle slide, filling the air with a filthy wet squelching that makes your ears ring and your heart hammer a thunderous beat.
His fingers twist deliciously inside you with every stroke, the pads pressing curiously into your gummy walls. He’s clearly searching for something, jabbing and curling his fingers. Through your shuddered vision, you watch him carefully assess your face, his brows furrowed in a mix of curiosity and uncertainty. Despite the blurred edges of your vision, you can still perceive the intent behind his gaze. “Where-,” he asks, his voice brimming with genuine curiosity and a palpable eagerness, “How… how do I?”
The mix of excitement and anticipation evident in his tone sends a shiver down your spine. “Curl them-” you instruct him breathlessly, reveling in the earnest heat flooding his face. You haven't even touched him, and yet his skin is flushed bright pink. Even portions of his chest are spotty and flushed with excitement. “Curl them upwards like- ah shit!”
Your words are cut short as he immediately follows instruction, quirking the digits up just right to leave you gasping for air. “There,” he notes gleefully, satisfaction evident as he observes the dazed look on your face. Wrapped loosely around his waist, your thighs spasm from the surge of sensation. His left hand digs excitedly into the fat of your thigh, incensed by the breathy moan that escapes your lips. Bearing down on you, his fingers jab repeatedly into the sensitive spot in an unrelenting fervor. “Is that good?”
“Y-yeah,” you manage to utter, your voice trembling with a mix of overwhelming emotions. The intensity of the moment leaves you momentarily speechless, struggling to find the right words to express the whirlwind of sensations coursing through your body. “L-Levi,” you squeal, voice cracking in excitement. The overwhelming intensity of the moment engulfs you, causing you to pinch your eyes tight as your vision blurs. As your eyes close, the darkness behind your eyelids transforms into a swirling vortex of vivid colors and shapes, creating a mesmerizing kaleidoscope. The external world fades away, its presence diminished as your senses become hyper-focused on the sheer ecstasy pulsating through your body. Desperate for something to ground yourself, one hand instinctively claws into the bedding behind your head. Shifting his hand, his thumb rises to work quick circles into your clit. “Aah- fuck- y-you're good at this.”
You can’t see him, but from the tone of his voice, there’s a distinct smirk underlying his words. “Told you I’m a quick learner,” he replies, his voice carrying a sense of playful satisfaction.
“Shit,” you curse dazedly, barely managing to peel your eyes open to look at Levi. Throbbing rhythmically around him, the knot building in your stomach pulls taut, twisting tighter and tighter with every thrust. A surging tidal wave of pleasure lingers tantalizingly at the edges of your senses, its presence buzzing around the back of your skull. It looms just on the edge of your consciousness, an intoxicating mixture of sharp pleasure and desire. The intensity of it builds with every thrust of his fingers and every heated grunt that escapes his lips. Watching him through wet lashes, the heated intensity of his gaze only sends your mind spiraling further towards the edge. It seems poised to crash over you at any moment. “L-Levi! I’m close!”
His eyes widen in response to your words, the pink of his tongue peaking out to taste the air. You’re so slick, the scent must be drowning his senses completely. “Not yet,” he says with a deep, shuddering breath. His fingers twist, pressing hard into the sensitive patch of tissue before going still. “You can't come yet.
The sudden lack of stimulation makes you whine, your hips wiggling in his grasp in a sorrowful attempt to get some more. Everything inside you aches, the surge of overwhelming pleasure fading with painful disappointment. With your head lolling back against the bedding, you express your dissatisfaction with a whine, “Why?”
Humming mysteriously in response, his fingers slide from your fluttering grasp. The sudden emptiness only worsens your ache. Raising the digits to his face, the pink of his tongue peaks out once again, licking a long trail along the soaked digits from base to tip. His eyes flutter closed and his chest heaves with a long, pleasured shudder. He sucks eagerly at the digits with an intensity that makes your breath catch. Groaning at the taste, he explains, “I've been dying to taste you.”
Shuffling downwards in a rippling display of onyx scales, he pulls your thighs to rest over his shoulders, holding you in place with a soft and steady grasp. Resting the side of his head against the plush skin, he presses a quick kiss to the crease of your inner thigh. “Ohh look at that,” he breathes in a soft coo, staring down at your soaking pussy with open hunger. His eyes are such a mesmerizing shade of dark and stormy grey that you can barely see the sharp slits of his pupils. Eyes widening with an unmistakable expression of lust, his mouth drops open in sheer awe. “I can see you clenching,” he breathes excitedly, his breath bathing your over sensitive cunt with heat.
A tremor builds, starting right between your shoulder blades and coursing through your entire being. You find yourself clenching uncontrollably in response to his words, right beneath his watching gaze. Goosebumps surge up your spine, causing your back to instinctively straighten. As you wiggle within his grasp, the small of your back arches, lifting slightly from the bedding below. It seems impossible, but even more heat surges into your face. Even your ears feel flushed and warm.
His tongue peaks out, the forked edge bathing your inner thigh with a warm and wet heat. The touch is teasing, slowly and gradually lapping at the skin of your inner thighs, soaking in the taste of your skin with pleased little hums. He's teasing himself, you realize, slowly working his way towards the slick heat of your cunt.
You gasp, hips canting uselessly as one long lick traces between your folds from bottom to top. “Fuck,” he groans, fingers tightening into the meat of your thighs. His grasp on you shifts, pulling you impossibly closer with an intense strength. Eyes pinched closed, he groans openly into your pussy. “You taste so fucking good. Just like I thought you would.”
Repeating the process, he laps urgently along the length of your folds, every hot slide stopping just short of your clit. “Levi,” you whine. “Ah- fuck, Levi!” Instinctively, you reach down and fist your hands into his hair.
“Mhmm,” he moans deliriously, circling the tip of his tongue around your entrance to lap at the slickness that's gushing out. “There's so much. I want all of it. I want to taste you forever.”
You clench, gushing even more. With pleasure burning a dizzying haze through your brain, it's difficult to keep your eyes open, but you fight to keep them locked into his face.
The forked tip slides up to wind dizzying circles into your clit. You moan helplessly as latches himself onto your clit, sucking on it gently and flicking it with his tongue. Lips tightening around the bud, he suckles it with a heavy groan. The strong pressure has you gasping, your stomach clenching in tight little shudders. Between your thighs, Levi's face contorts into an open display of pleasure, his brows knitting tightly together as his jaw works urgently against you. Every eager groan he releases is dizzying, vibrating through your skin and echoing into your very soul.
Working his way back down with several long laps along the spread folds of your labia, the tip of his tongue works smooth circles along the rim of your entrance. The appendage presses in, lapping softly at your gummy walls. His pointer and index fingers rise to work quick circles in your clit. His tongue may be thin, but it's long, filling you with a wet, writhing heat.
His nose huffs a pleased, warm gust of air where it's mashed against the crease of your thigh. It's like he's kissing your entrance, his lips working urgently and pleased little groans rumbling through his chest as his tongue pumps deep. It's so slick and wet, his broken groans vibrating through you beside a loud filthy squelch. Impossibly, the wet muscle twists just right, curving into the sensitive patch of skin along your front wall.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck-” you gasp thoughtlessly, sheer overwhelming pleasure forcing your bred to lull back and your eyes to pinch closed. Groaning into you, the slick pumping increases to a rapid fire pace, sliding past your g-spot with every thrust. The familiar coil builds back at the base of your stomach with an alarming speed. “L-Lee -I- I’m gunna-”
“I can feel it,” he says in a fevered tone, barely pulling away to speak. His fingers swirl hard, rounded circles into your clit, making you squirm and whimper. He coos softly, blowing a gentle puff of air onto the swollen bud. “You’re fluttering so softly. Come for me, right around my tongue.”
The slithering mass quickly fills you again, thrusting into you with a burning heat. A squeal escapes you, accompanied by a ringing sensation in your ears, while the knot in your stomach tightens painfully. Your thighs tremble, and with a desperate strength, your fingers dig into the soft pelt beneath you, clawing at it. Chanting his name in between heavy breaths, it becomes the sole word that occupies your pleasure-soaked mind. You come, pure white flooding into the darkness behind your eyes. A flood of warmth gushes from your core, which he eagerly laps up with a pleased groan, his diligent attention sharpening your peak and dragging it on for what seems like an eternity.
As awareness gradually returns, it is accompanied by the urgent press of his lips against yours. The sensation pulls you back into the present moment. Meeting the messy lip lock, your own taste fills your senses, rich and musty against your tongue. He emits an eager hum, filling your mouth with the warm rush of his breath. “You make such beautiful noises…” he begins with a shaky breath, “cute little whines and gasps. I want to hear more.”
Leaning flat above you, every breath makes your stomachs brush. His eyes are so hot, filled with a burning intensity that resurges the heat fading from between your thighs. In the flickering firelight, the entire lower half of his face glistens, moist and shiny, casting an alluring glow.
"W-what about you?" you stutter, summoning the courage to slide your hand down his abdomen, feeling the spasming flesh beneath your touch. As your fingers graze the boundary where alabaster skin transitions into tiny onyx scales, you venture into uncharted territory. The act fills your throat with a surge of anxiety, causing you to swallow heavily.
Your attention is drawn to a damp spot along his lap, where his dark scales gleam in the flickering light. As your fingertips glide over the smooth scales, they encounter a warm slickness. “Did I do that?” you inquire, a mix of curiosity and uncertainty lacing your words.
His muscles quiver beneath your touch, and he shakes his head in response. "No," he murmurs. "That's why I wanted to stop earlier."
Sitting up with his back against the wall, he gently guides you to sit on his lap. Looking up at you with a mix of nervousness and desire, his throat visibly bobs with anticipation. An arm wraps around the small of your back, providing a comforting and secure embrace, radiating warmth. His mouth repeatedly opens and closes, as if attempting to form words that never quite make it past his lips. His expression reveals a struggle to articulate his thoughts, leaving his words perpetually aborted.
“Is it my turn to explore?” you ask coyly, sliding your hand across his chest. Tracing the shuddering muscles of his abs with one hand, your other circles your thumb teasingly around the pink bud of his left nipple. He gasps, squirming into the touch.
“F-fuck,” he moans, breath escaping is a sharp gasp as you pinch the sensitive skin. Leaning forward, you lap a hot circle around the right bud, reveling in the shaky breath that shakes his form. His free hand closes around your upper arm in a desperate, frantic clasp.
“And you called me sensitive…” you hum teasingly, closing your lips around the bud. Sucking softly, the taste of his skin floods your senses, rich and masculine with a hint of salty sweat. He groans loudly above you, tugging on your arm with dazed desperation. His scent fills your nose, enveloping your senses with a distinctive blend of earthy musk, delicate notes of pine and sandalwood, and a lingering touch of comforting warm vanilla.
Your name escapes his lips in a low hush, his head lulling bonelessly back against the stone wall. Beneath you, his hips churn up between your spread thighs. More wetness surges, the scales beneath you becoming warm and slick. Your fingers slide curiously into the clear sticky mess, gathering it on the tips of your fingers. “Is- is this cum?” you ask, drinking in the embarrassed heat flushing high on his cheek bones.
“Not exactly,” he corrects you softly, peaking his tongue out to wet his lips. “It- It's more like yours.”
“How- how do-” you start hesitantly, staring down at the soaked scales between your thighs.
Taking your hand in his, guides your fingers along the scales right below his abdomen. “There,” he breathes, hips jolting up into the touch. “There's a slit, right there-” with a light pressure, he guides your fingers along a thin gap between his scales. The skin there is swollen and grey, leaking a thick trail of slick as it quivers beneath your touch.
“Here?” you breathe, heart hammering. Dipping your finger in, you watch as his eyes shutter closed. The little hole spasms frantically beneath your finger tip, practically gushing as you press the digit in, just to the first joint.
“Y-yeah,” he gasps, explaining unevenly. “There- there's a ring of muscles there, keeping my cock tucked away.”
Something soft and slick lurches beneath your fingertip. “You're holding it in?”
“Y-yeah,” he manages in a wheeze. His explanation escapes him in a rush, “It- it's different. I didn't want you to-”
“Show me,” you insist, looking hungry down at the wet little slit. Using your pointer finger and thumb, you spread the lips of it wide, revealing a rounded grey pucker that throbs beneath your heated gaze.
Hips bucking uncontrollably, a loud whine escapes his lips. Suddenly, there's a rippling spasm in the muscles of his abdomen and his cock slips out with a filthy slick sound. It slaps hard into his abdomen, leaving an oozing trail of slick across the pale skin, making it glisten tantalizingly in the firelight.
“You're so pretty,” you note in a mesmerized tone. It's a struggle not to call him cute. His cock is deep grey in tone and thick, so much so that it's a struggle to wrap your fingers around the base of him. The blunt head is equally thick, and as you stroke him softly the rounded flare of his tip peeks out from his foreskin with a more human-like tone. A deep, aching purplish red meets your gaze, the pinhole at the tip throbbing white that oozes down along the flare of the head and joins the slick coating the length.
"Don't—" he stammers, a deep blush spreading from his cheeks to the tips of his ears. You can tell just from the way his fingers grip your thighs that he desperately wants to hide his face in embarrassment. "Don't call it that!" he protests.
“But it is,” you insist earnestly. You've never even seen a grown man’s dick before, much less touched one, but you know the truth in your heart. Stroking him down to the base, the oozing tip makes your mouth water.
The sight of him surges you with a renewed wave of heat. A sudden, agonizing ache fills the emptiness within you, intensifying the feeling of longing and yearning. All around you the coiled length of his tail spasms in pleasure, mirroring the tight quivering along his abs. His hips jolt in short abated thrusts, thoughtlessly meeting each of your rapid strokes. “T-tighter,” he gasps, shuddering as your thumb swipes curiously at the tip.
Instead, you scoot upward on your knees, slotting the length of him between your folds. “Fuck you’re so wet,” you gasp. Even with his cock out, the slit around the base of him is still oozing slick.
"It's messy," he utters nonsensically.
Rubbing back and forth the length of him, both of his hands quickly lock around your hips, pulling you to help the dizzying slide. Leaning forward, his lips catch yours in a shallow, heated kiss that sends your senses spiraling. A series of breathy kisses trace a path down the side of your neck, each one sending shivers of pleasure through your body. Eventually, he buries his face in the crook of your neck, his hot tongue lapping softly at your pulse.
Rolling your hips, you watch in awe as the needy purple of his tip peaks out from your folds with every thrust. You're still puffy and sensitive from earlier, the stimulation already has the back of your head buzzing with pleasure. It gets messier and slicker between you, the rolling thrusts of your hips slide his cock between your folds- back, then forward- stimulating your clit with the head each time you fuck it along the length of your pussy.
“Ahh- shit,” he whines, jerkily beneath you. “Y-you're going to kill me. I'm not going to last...”
Slowing down, one swirling thrust makes the flare of his head catch breathtakingly along your entrance. An overwhelming surge of desire floods your senses, engulfing you in an intense craving. Your core aches with a relentless need, leaving you breathless. Tentatively, you ask, "Can we...?"
"Yes," he breathes the word against the sensitive skin of your neck, the sharp brush of his fangs adding a tantalizing sensation. His hips jolt in anticipation, and he pulls his head back from your neck, meeting your gaze with eyes filled with intense desire. "Please," he pleads, his voice filled with longing and need.
Worry fills your voice as you start, stumbling over your words. "Y-you mentioned... about mating season-"
He interrupts you, his tone reassuring yet determined. "My heat hasn't started yet. I can't bond out of season. I won't knot you." Beneath the words is a clear underlying implication of yet. Eyes dancing between your face and your thighs, he stutters, “I-if it's what you want, we can.”
“I want to,” you affirm determinedly, pressing a quick kiss to his lips. As always, the sharp points of his fangs dig into your bottom lip, sending a thrilling shiver down your spine.
You can feel him smile against your lips. Wrapping a hand around himself with a soft clasp, he strokes it with several quick jerks. Wetness oozes from the tip, shiny and white. Pressing the head into your fluttering hole, his jaw falls open. “Oh,” he breathes, chest surging inward as if all the air has been punched from his lungs. The steady grip on your hip becomes shaky, his fingers trembling.
With a shaky breath, you lower yourself carefully onto him. The width of his tip spreads you wider than anything ever before. Your pussy is still stretched from his previous attention, but this stretch is so much more. Straining down, the fat tip presses past your ring of muscle with a soft pop.
“Shit,” Levi gasps, muscles twitching violently. The grip around your hips tightens. He looks down to where he's disappearing inside you with awe. “This- this doesn't hurt you?”
“It stings,” you admit tightly. His face twists, so you rush to sooth his concern. “Just a bit. It's already fading, don't worry.”
Taking a breath, you sink further onto his cock with several abated thrusts. With slick glistening all over your pussy and thighs and more still bubbling up from his base, the combined arousal makes the last thick portion of his base slip easily inside of you. “Shit,” you hiss, “You're so fucking deep.” It feels like you can taste him in the back of your throat.
Levi's eyes shift between you, fixated on the captivating sight before him. He appears mesmerized, unable to tear his gaze away. "Don't move until you're ready," he murmurs, his voice laced with a mix of tender concern and rough heat.
You sit as still as possible, willing your body to quickly adjust to the new sensations. The sheer awe on his face mesmerizes you, prompting you to ask, “How does it feel to you?”
“Tight. Hot. Wet. Shit,” he gawps open mouthed, throbbing hard inside of you. Judging by the tension in his body and the slight tremor in his muscles, he's struggling to remain composed. “I don't ever want to leave. You're so fucking soft.” His heated praise makes you clench involuntarily around him, causing his hips to jolt up despite his will. “Fuck! Don't do that,” he chastises you with a soft curse.
You let out a soft, understanding chuckle. The laughter causes the muscles inside you flutter involuntarily, tightening around the hot length stretching your walls. Face twisting, his hips jolt again. “Can't exactly control it,” you explain with a gentle smile.
You can tell that he’s struggling to hold still, his fingers tightening painfully into the skin at your hips. Clearly trying to distract himself, his eyes roam along your face, gauging your features. He asks, “W-what does it feel like to you?”
“It's a lot. I'm so full,” you start, voice trembling. You didn't think it'd feel so different. His cock is scorching hot inside you, throbbing with a burning heat. You think you can even feel the tip leaking. It's startling to realize that the most intimate and sensitive part of him has slipped within the most intimate and sensitive part of you. “I- I didn't realize it'd be so much. I can feel you twitching.” The burn around your entrance is starting to fade, pleasure beginning to throb deep within. “I think I can move now.”
In a long breath, he instructs you with a plea in his voice, "Slow... I don't think I'm going to last."
Knees pressing into the bedding, you raise your hips, allowing most of him to slip free from your grasp. Canting your hips forward, you drop back down with a groan. “Shit, Levi,” you gasp, repeating the movement. “F-fuck it's so good.”
It's perfect. The angle has his head dragging softly across your g-spot with every downward thrust. Thighs quivering, you work to set a rapid pace bouncing up and down on his cock.
“F-Fuck! Soft… you’re so soft!” he praises deliriously, his long tongue lapping along the pulse of your throat. “So fucking tight… It feels like you’re sucking me in.”
His fingers find your clit, working quick circles into the puffy bud. Every time you throb, a deep groan rumbles through his chest. As he gazes down at the shimmering slick mess where your bodies meet, his eyes burn with a dark and intense heat. “Look at that! You’re taking me so well,” he utters with a mix of awe and desire.
Following his gaze, you watch the inhumanly dark grey skin of his cock disappear between your folds again and again. The pool of slick around his base has become a frothing foaming mess, a sight that makes your mouth suddenly feel dry. The whirlwind of pleasure creates a kaleidoscope of dizzying colors within your mind, overwhelming your senses. The knot in your stomach tightens abruptly, causing a sharp, welcome pain.
As you bounce up and down, your knees creak in protest, straining against the movement. "L-Levi," you whine, your fingers instinctively gripping into the spasming flesh of his abdomen. "It's not enough. I... I can't..." Your words trail off, unable to articulate the yearning and desire for more that consumes you.
Groaning your name with a fevered heat, his hips work up into yours with a thoughtless, fevered tempo. The thinnest portion of his tail curls around your hips, aiding in pulling you harder down onto him, intensifying the connection. “Fuck… I can’t wait to mark you as mine,” he utters with a mixture of longing and possessiveness. “Fuck-fuck-fuck-” he chants nonsensically, features twisting tight in a way that almost looks like pain. Suddenly, his hips jerk up hard before stilling. His eyes roll back, a long shudder wracking his frame. A wet hot heat fills your pussy, so much that it leaks from around him as he continues to fill you with short, abated thrusts, pooling between your thighs in a large sticky mess.
Almost immediately, his erection fades, sliding out from you to tuck back within his slit. Dazed and lost in the depths of his peak, his eyes remain distant and foggy for several minutes. However, with a blink, awareness gradually filters back in, and his gaze fixates on the visible signs of your exertion—your heaving chest and trembling thighs. A worried frown appears on his face as he hesitantly gestures vaguely between your thighs.
"Y-you didn't..." he starts, his voice quiet and embarrassed.
"It's fine," you interject, leaning forward to plant a quick kiss on the tip of his nose. You appreciate how dazed and flushed he looks, finding it endearing. "I already did once, remember?" you remind him.
He stops, looking down at his hands with a deep scowl. The claws on his right hand have already grown back, curving upward in long sharp points. Grumbling unhappily, he sighs, working a soothing circling into the still quivering meat of your thigh.
Suddenly, a noticeable shift occurs in his gaze, and you observe the return of a fiery heat in his charcoal grey orbs. It's evident that gears are turning in his mind as he contemplates something. The tip of his tail rises, winding its way up the length of your left leg. As it draws closer, it tantalizingly skims the still-wet crease of your thigh, sending shivers of anticipation through your body.
"I have an idea," he declares, his voice taking on a dark and ominous tone. The combination of his intense gaze, the suggestive touch of his tail, and his cryptic words stirs a mixture of curiosity and excitement within you, leaving you eager to discover what he has in store.
"Y-yeah?" you squeak, your voice betraying a mix of anticipation and nervousness. Your eyes remain fixated on his midnight-toned scales as they coil tightly around your left thigh. The tip dips in between your thighs, gathering slickness before pressing into your hole. The blunt tip is wide, a bit girthier than the head of his cock had been. It presses into you, the tip just barely sliding past the rim of your still aching pussy. “Fuck, Levi! Oh my god!”
“To much?” he asks, watching your face for any signs of upset. The dexterous limb fills you with a series of slow, heavy thrusts, quickly reigniting the heat that had only just begun fading.
“No- It's- Don't stop!” you gasp, churning your hips. It's so wide, the portion at which he stops feeding it into you has to be more than four of your fingers combined. The sensation is exhilarating as his scales brush against the soft, delicate walls. They're rough, yet smooth, all the little groves dragging against your insides with every measured thrust. Fingers scrambling up to dig your nails into his biceps, you beg, “F-faster! Faster, please!”
Smirking, he immediately follows your plea, filling you with quick, equally hard thrusts that wrack your frame. With every one, the rough texture curves inward, sliding deliciously against the sensitive patch of skin along your front wall. “You like that?” he asks, “I can feel you throbbing. Are you going to come around me?”
Dazed, you can almost imagine that it's still his cock that's filling you so urgently. Nodding bonelessly, all you can do is gasp and hold on. “Yeah- I'm- Levi i'm-”
Your words abruptly cease as a blinding white light engulfs your vision anew. A scream escapes your lips, but it is drowned out by the deafening roar echoing in your ears. Your muscles convulse uncontrollably, as if all the air is forcefully expelled from your lungs in one breath. The knot in your stomach tightens, far surpassing its previous intensity, and you reach an unimaginable climax. Your pussy pulses, throbbing heavily around the thrusting length in a new, overwhelming wave of pleasure. In a long, breathless wheeze, his name escapes your lips. Then, overwhelmed by the sheer pleasure, darkness descends upon you.
When you regain consciousness, you find yourself lying on your side, nestled against Levi's chest. He holds you tightly, whispering soothingly into your hair. His tail envelops you completely, providing a secure and comforting embrace. Levi's gentle touch grazes through your hair, lightly caressing the back of your head with a sharp hint of his claws.
As you regain your composure, your breathing gradually steadies, yet your heart continues to race, its rapid beat echoing in your ears. In contrast, Levi's heartbeat beneath your ear remains calm and steady, lulling you into a sense of tranquility. Overwhelmed by exhaustion, your own heart begins to synchronize with his rhythm, and your eyelids grow heavy. Eventually, you succumb to sleep, surrendering to the peaceful embrace.
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anantaru · 3 months
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cw. dragoncock, size kink, fem! reader
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dragon zhongli who has to fuck you with his fat tip before he can even do anything more than that, your jaw hanging open as he shifts your lower half towards him— his trembling breath on your skin weeping, his nocturnal and safe cradle rounding up this dance of tension as your eyes turn into heart.
it's everywhere, zhongli was everywhere, invading your senses and penetrating your nostrils with his gracious, galvanizing scent— not to mention how sweat and all kinds of fluids were now pooling stickily onto your belly, thighs and cunt. you moan salaciously at the further stretch, sensing a heart beat on your warm sex as zhongli gives you another inch, not failing to see you absolutely loving it with that clouded grin on your lips.
his tip slides deeper and the copious amount of cum surely aided him in that, fueling an additional stretch on you while zhongli stays like that for a while, in you, forcing you to feel his large length push into your walls— the man knows he cannot let you indulge too much though, you'll either get a little greedy or it'll end up being a bit too much for your sweet, little cunt to bear, especially with the way he'd pinch and nudge against the swollen regions inside you with thrilling pressure.
zhongli was massive and a part of him feared that he'd be too much.
your hips roll up to meet his small thrusts, which were pitiful grinds if anything as zhongli looks at how your pussy was swallowing him suggestively, feeling entirely wanton as the sensations cascaded through him with a heady lust that transcended every expectation inside of his heart.
you know that if his fat cock hurts you, he will stop immediately and resort back in fucking you with his thick tip, because of course, zhongli wants you go enjoy it, there was nothing else he wanted more.
he always tells you to take your time until you're used to his shape, his size and his pace— used to his sensual movements which served as an invitation to your body spasming beneath his dominating one.
someone with such experience which zhongli harbored, wasn’t necessarily shy in his doings, not at all, in fact— he's blunt, experienced when he grabs your hips to him and pull his steadily hardening cock against the tight opening of your hole a bit more.
now, halfway through, you show him how obediently your walls throb around him when he fucks you, when he feeds your cunt with his aching erection until it's settled in a position you're pleased in and your legs get all sore, pushing you to a place of pleasure and harmony like anything you had known before.
it felt like it belonged here, just as it felt like you couldn't possibly move your hips anymore by how full you were of him— and his draconic instincts emerge as his eyes glow of divinity and lust, his shaft pushing into every bit of space your hole could offer.
dropping your head back into the pillows, you feel a knot forming in your stomach until it started to scratch and throb in you, yet the sensation of being overcrowded by his cock made it difficult to decide if it was your orgasm building up or if zhongli had already invaded the literal guts of you.
his thick, oozy cum was making the friction nearly unbearable to ignore as it turns you more sensitive— aside from the fact that his seed was impossibly hot, almost as if it was trying to burn through your walls when all it did was turn you needier. it has your body covered in his filth, and your voice was too broken with moans and gasps to form words as you mewl into his mouth with every touch and thrust.
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©2024 anantaru do not repost, copy, translate, modify, claim as your own
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amisunderstoodgoddess · 4 months
Hunt - final
(part one here)
Summary: He kidnapped you. He believes you are his mate. Can you find some kind of peace with the monster who took you away from everything you know?
Rated: M (EXPLICIT +18)
Author's note: If you haven't read the first part, I STRONGLY advise you to do it so you can better understand the story. Anyway, thank you for everyone's patience for this second part. It was a busy few months, but I finally managed to finish it.
I apologize especially for not responding to the comments, I really haven't had the time lately. But I appreciate each and every one of them, thank you so much for that babes!!
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A gentle, icy breeze passes by you and you feel yourself shiver. A smell reminiscent of antiseptics and sterilized products fills your nostrils and, as you begin to become more aware of your surroundings, you feel the smooth, cold and hard surface beneath you. You try to open your eyes, but your eyelids are so heavy; your entire body feels heavy, weighing over a ton as you try and fail to move.
You can hear a soft, clean hum in the background, like new, well-oiled machines at work, but when you finally open your eyes, you see nothing but a blur of white just above your body, an uncomfortable glow of almost blinding light. You grunt and blink a few times, trying to move again and managing to dig your fingers into the smooth surface beneath you.
It's then that the memories come rushing back.
Your heart pounds with the memories and you try to stand up with a surge of vigor that wasn't there before, but your body simply won't obey.
How long have you been blacked out? Are you still on Earth? Or had that alien really taken you to space? Why can't you move?
When a deep rumble fills the air, your hair stands on end all over your body. Slowly, the blinding blur of white light is eclipsed by the outline of a giant looming above you with a cold, impassive metal mask. Your heart jumps in your chest and you immediately want to cry. Whether from the effect of sedation or the sheer wave of terror that wracks your body, all you can do is whimper a “please” before your mind wanders into darkness again.
The next time you wake up, you are no longer lying on the cold stretcher. Instead, there's a subtle smell of wet earth filling your nostrils, as well as the pleasant feeling of soft fur wrapping your body. You're warm, cozy really, even if you still feel heavy and very disoriented.
You try to move and, with some effort, you manage to remove your arm from the furs that wrap around it. You struggle to open your eyes, blinking away the confusing fog in your mind, and see an infinite amount of furs around you. You squint your eyes and slowly sit up. Your head is spinning, your neck is tight and sore, and you reach for where the alien had injected whatever infernal compound to knock you out like that. Your skin hurts like an old bruise, but there's nothing more to it than that. You can barely find the tiny needle prick.
It's dark wherever you are, except for soft yellow lighting coming from a corner of the room, and you inspect the furs you're wrapped in. The hairs are of medium length but dense, effectively warming without being irritating to the skin; the furs were clearly expertly carved. You had been kidnapped and imprisoned by a skilled hunter and it was obvious. With a little deeper perception you blush and shiver when you feel the soft furs are in direct contact with your skin. Your skin very bare.
The air hisses with every breath you take now, but the new burn of tears helps clear your vision. Looking around as the room comes into focus, turning to look at whatever it was you were lying on. And if you thought you would be able to see something even slightly recognizable, you were sadly mistaken.
Nothing is familiar.
You are lying in what appears to be a giant nest. It's a kind of huge platform, a few inches above the ground, lined with fluffy, cozy fur.
The environment is a little dark, preventing you from really being able to discern the details, but the walls seem to be made of some kind of dark metal and, in one of them, where there is a focus of yellowish light, you can make out the shape of a pressurized door - the bathroom maybe?
Sitting up a little better, you twist the soft fur between your fingers, a way of trying to distract yourself. Your eyes darting around the corners of the room, mapping everything you could see. That's when you see the two glowing eyes peering at you from across the room, in the shadows. Two orange flames fixed on you for God knows how long. You take a deep breath as you throw yourself back, heart racing in your chest.
Crawling through the nest of furs, you try to scream, but no sound can escape your lips. You try to stand and still keep the covering around your body, but you can only kneel on the bed, fumbling with the furs, your heart in your ears, and you're about to get out of the strange nest any way you can when someone grabs your arm and stops you. The giant alien stands before you now, silhouetted dark against the yellowish light behind him — but his eyes appear luminous as they look at you.
He's standing on the floor and you're kneeling on the tall bed made for creatures larger than you, and yet he towers like a mountain over your small body. You can barely breathe; the creature's huge, deadly clawed hand wraps around your arm like it's just a fragile twig, and for a second you think this is it – this is the moment you would lose your life. But the alien, now without his mask, just looks at you and lets out a low, guttural growl from between his scary jaws. After a few moments that feel like an eternity, he effortlessly pulls you closer to him.
“I-I,” you sigh as you try to stay in the same position. You try to fight him, but he doesn't even seem to notice your efforts. "Please please!" You don't know what exactly you are begging for. But you're not stupid, the unfamiliarity around you could only mean that he had actually kidnapped you. You're on his ship. And if you're on an alien's ship, outside of Earth, completely defenseless and alone, it's because there's no way out.
The creature throws you onto the furs and gives you an icy glowering look before crouching on the ground next to your body, all the while looking at you.
You struggle to breathe. He pulled and pushed you as if you weighed absolutely nothing, showing incontrovertible evidence that he would have no problem dominating you.
He watches you intensely as he has since the first time, tilting his head slightly with obvious curiosity, his dreadlocks falling as they follow the movement. The way he sits is so human, so familiar; his arms rest on his knees, his muscular shoulders are comfortably angled and his legs are bent and wide apart. Although he appears almost relaxed, his gaze is penetrating and dangerous.
You make yourself small - which already seems obvious with the way he towers over you even though he's crouched on the ground - alarmed at what might be stirring in the large creature's mind. You had been chosen by him — at least that's what he told you. A mate. Would he force you? Had he been waiting for this moment since the first time he saw you in the lab? And why did that thought make you feel strangely flushed?
He, on the other hand, doesn't seem prepared for an attack. He just sits there, watching you like you're the most interesting thing he's ever seen.
You wrap your arms around your knees while keeping the furs around your shoulders to hide your body. Running would be fruitless, you know that, and you'd rather not trigger anything primal in the Predator, like acting like prey. It would be the worst move, actually. Instead, you bury your face in your arms and wait.
The alien is silent as night, and for a moment you hear nothing but your own ragged breathing and the soft hum of the ship. When you look shyly from beneath your lashes at him again, he’s still watching you. There's a disturbing intensity in his eyes that makes you beyond nervous, but there's no malice there. Not that you can tell. It's just some kind of undeniable dominance, like he knows you're so far beneath him, that he could do literally anything to you without worrying about your resistance to it. And yet he is there, still waiting.
The…creature, doesn’t blink as he slightly parts his jaws and his head tilts towards you, curiously. "Are you afraid?"
Once again you are startled to hear his translated voice resonating right inside your ear, in the walls of your skull. A low sound. A coarse sound. A curious growl that grazed your bones as if the sky itself was growling at you.
“H-uh.” You're not sure if 'afraid' is a strong enough definition for what you're feeling. Looking at the dark, burly figure that seemingly can't get enough of watching you from the dark recesses of his room fills you with a kind of nervous, suffocating anxiety that makes it difficult for you to breathe. You almost wonder if you're about to pass out. “I…I wouldn’t say afraid.” You lie through your teeth and then, for lack of anything else to say and because you're desperate to understand exactly what the hell you're doing here, you say, "Do you have a name?"
The predator tilts his body a little more towards you. You lean back nervously, because this isn't what you wanted to happen, but he moves slowly and cautiously and pauses just the tiniest distance from you. “Doh’kein.”
He waits, as if waiting for you to say something, announce yourself, say anything.
"Do...D-Dou...kai?" You repeat with difficulty, trying hard to at least try to please this creature and stay on his good side.
He snorts between his jaws and something in the way his broad shoulders vibrate and his flaming eyes shine tells you the sound is something like laughter, fun and guttural; and you imagined the joy of a mountain.
"Doh'kein." He repeats, slower this time, looking expectantly at you.
"Huh - Doh'kein?" You try one more time.
The alien in front of you purrs in approval when you repeat his name almost perfectly, leaning down and burying his face in the crook of your neck. You startle and scream, trying to pull away, but a large hand wraps around your arm and holds you still. His deadly jaws slide along your skin and you arch your neck just to avoid being hooked by one of those things, but unfortunately he takes your gesture as an invitation to continue.
"Y-You've never spoken before. In the lab."
You stutter, trying to start a talk to keep him distracted from what seemed like the end goal of all this.
“That wouldn’t be logical,” he mutters. Against all logic, you exhale shakily as you feel one of his sharp fangs slide gently past your ear, pressing what could be a kiss to the shell. "It's not like all of their primitive ears could understand me if I tried."
The baritone of his voice murmured so close to your ear sends shivers down your spine and you find yourself clenching your thighs. Doh'kein braces himself with both arms in the nest, on either side of your hips, eclipsing your small body with his until he is all there is - until he is all you see.
You argue futilely in an attempt to maintain self-control - his and yours: “W-we could have talked sooner.”
“We could. But then other oomans would know this part of me,” he answers clearly. "Do you wish this had happened?"
You are extremely embarrassed by the immediate ‘no’ that almost rolls off the tip of your tongue. Despite all your fears, you find yourself almost jealous when you imagine this alien being like this with other people. You bite your lip and let your silence answer for you. There is no doubt that this is a disservice to your team and the research being carried out – you seek truths and yet the truth is that you are secretly happy that this is yours and yours alone.
Even if you have difficulty accepting it.
Doh'kein snorts. He brings his broad forehead to your smaller one and your knees reflexively part to make room for him as he settles between them, still kneeling on the floor. The shine in his eyes dimmed. Reminds you of a pyre after the fire has burned for hours at a time; the glowing ash left to cool overnight.
“If I hadn't participated and let them do the tests on me, you wouldn't have paid attention,” he continues. You shiver when he places a hand on your thigh, the grip is careful but it makes you shiver nonetheless. The size of his body forces your legs wider around his waist, to the point where your joints hurt. But he doesn't move, he just waits while the gears in your head turn.
“You...” you gasp as it hits you. “You could have left whenever you wanted.”
He slowly studies you at your words and tilts his head, motioning for you to continue. There is an unshakable composure about him that makes you uneasy. You get the feeling he knows your thoughts before you express them.
“You stayed and cooperated with the research. Even when…even when some of those people treated you like an animal. You could be anywhere but there. You could have stopped that at any time. But you waited."
Doh'kein once again snaps his jaws and snorts his equivalent of a laugh. The sound soon turned into a buzzing noise. He places a large hand on top of your head and leans back into your space, uncomfortably close, as if he wants to impress the answer inside you. “That was exactly where I was supposed to be at that moment. You are my mate."
That word, again.
Silence stretches after that and your skin crawls under the intense scrutiny, a fixed, unforgiving gaze on you. Your mouth is dry, your heart is racing with proximity, your hands, slightly sweaty with tension, are curled into tight fists in the fur around your body. It's not the place or time for it, but slowly you feel the fear turn to...intrigue, despite yourself.
Your captor doesn't seem like the talkative type, but every word that leaves his alien mouth seems to be charged with the purest electricity. That, combined with the intensity of his gaze, was making you tense and coerced — like a little rabbit caught in some trap. And yet, some kind of curiosity was forming in the back of your mind.
You had never experienced anything like it. No one had ever looked at you like that. Bright orange orbs on a completely inhuman face exuding a sense of devotion and hunger that you were unaware of until this moment. It's disturbing and frightening at its majority essence - it's also curiously flattering on the other hand.
A silent chirp pulls you from your thoughts. He must sense your latent anxiety, because the alien pushes you gently (much more gently than you'd imagine for someone his size) against the nest of soft fur and you sink down with a shuddering sigh and a racing heart. His scent envelops you; rain, earth and tall grass.
“Doh’kein,” you falter. “W-why do you keep calling me that? How can you be sure I'm the one you want as a mate? I'm just a human."
You only mention the issue of the difference between species, your overloaded brain can barely think about the challenges of the physical logistics of the act.
“I see that,” he states dryly, as if the fact that you put yourself down irritates him. “But you are mine, little ooman. My mate. And that's not open for debate."
As he covers your body like a mountain of solid muscle, you press the soft fur over you to hide as much of your modesty as possible. Doh'kein doesn't seem to like this very much. Without the slightest warning, the tip of his thumb slides across your knuckles - still stubbornly attached to the covering of fur - and your mouth goes slack at the difference in textures of his scaly skin on your soft flesh. He places one knee on the nest of furs and leans above you, lowering his head so his dreads fall around both of you and obscure his hungry expression. You feel the ghost of his long, sharp claws prickling your skin as his dexterous fingers explore the details of your comically small hand, swirling tantalizing patterns in your own hidden blood beneath before intertwining your fingers with his and freeing your nails sunk into the blanket of furs.
His touch is deliberately gentle as he guides your hands splayed above your head, but his gaze tells another story; firm, fixed and heavy in his message - a warning. It awakens the most basic survival instinct rooted in your genetic code, it raises the hair on your body, it accelerates your heart, it leaves your lips dry with fear.
And it makes the heat spread between your legs.
There is no logical explanation for this reaction of your body. But in the end, it doesn't matter. For whatever had been, or whatever might have been, was completely ripped from your mind at the very moment you heard the thunderous sound resonate in his broad chest.
That purr again.
A rhythmic trembling that seems to rise from the depths of him and take root directly in your very being. So mesmerizing and effective that it makes you forget the dangers of those deadly jaws when he brings his face closer to yours, sliding his long fangs across the softness of your cheeks. You part your lips in an attempt to breathe better, you ball your hands into tight fists on the furs - obediently keeping them where he left them.
As if that wasn't disturbing enough, something different catches you seconds later. Not a hand, not anything tangible, but something entirely invisible.
The invisible thread of a scent.
The scent curls around you before you even knew it was there, without any chance to stop it, to escape its grasp. And suddenly you're tangled; tangled up because of him, this strange alien, even though he does nothing but keep his giant hands splayed in the fur around your body to support his own weight - which, of course, would be more than capable of easily crushing you if he didn't do it, looking at you with a focused and intense gaze. At the same time, you are captive to his warm musk, in a way that only someone like you, so disastrously unlucky, could have been. And before you know it, you're looking at him, not in surprise or disbelief, but in a spellbound trance. Trapped by a breath of rain-damp wood, of a sweetness like slippery stone and the flames of a bonfire on a cloudy day. It's welcoming, it's inviting.
It's impossible to contain the way your eyelids immediately become lethargic and your senses clouded at the first sign of his musk permeating the air. The creature's scent is as overpowering as the first time; it invades your nostrils, thick and heavy, unable to ignore it.
Suddenly you can't speak.
The smell makes you feel a rush of intense, unreal attraction. By an alien. Your hands twitch above your head, and you bite your trembling lower lip. As you do, you watch with hooded gaze the way Doh'kein's sun-colored eyes trace your actions.
“You feel it too, don't you?” he asks in a throaty sound, doing his best to break through the confusing haze of your thoughts.
You can't answer. You don't know the answer. You think you might be whining.
The predator also hears your embarrassing whine, of course. His head tilts slightly and the small thorns on his heavy eyebrows fall darkly over his eyes. You watch as his slick, plum-colored tongue comes out of his strange mouth, stretching beyond what any tongue should be able to, until it leaves a warm, wide trail of saliva on your cheek. And although you shouldn't really enjoy it, you found that you couldn't help but sigh in pleasure at the animalistic act and squirm beneath him.
What's happening to me? You think through the immensity of confusing static in your mind.
You're not squirming to get away.
The subtle but restless movement of your hips has nothing to do with it, really.
You don't run away when he reaches out with a giant hand to cup your chin, guiding your eyes closer to his in a trance that seems endless. To force your gaze on his primal possession. Though his spectral touch penetrated you; leaving a shiver behind him that tickled your chin and cheek in an effervescent shudder.
He doesn't need to force you into anything. His presence is magnetic to you, and yet you can't tear yourself away from his enormous intensity. You can't help hold his gaze. And you see his brow furrowed above you, sink into those serious eyes that map your every expression closely, ignore the danger of his deadly fangs so close to your face.
You stay silent as you watch him. Hostage of unsaid things. Of things without explanation. You just accept it when your skin tingles with a million little feathers of anticipation, with an urgency to be touched that becomes more and more overwhelming the longer he stays near you.
In a pull that was nothing short of urgent, he pushes away the fur that was on your body. You cry out, a little startled by the sudden action, shivering when his jaws buries itself in your hair to breathe, hot and heavy against the back of your neck. Then, resting a large, clawed hand on your shoulder blades, he begins to descend your body, each growling breath coming faster as he descends.
Doh'kein growls and the sound comes from somewhere deep in his body, untamed and wild and eager. Inhaling you deeply, as if he was smelling fine wine. That burgundy tongue appears again, sliding down your neck. You feel his hand on your waist trail down the soft expanse of your belly. You shudder at his demanding touch, your body responding naturally to his touch. Electricity sizzles through your veins. He pulls you towards him, sharp claws running down your back and around your side to caress the lower curve of your breast. The subtle scratch of his claws only adding intensity to the sensations.
Your chest tightens and your face feels hot. Maybe it's the fear, the confusion that goes through your mind or it's all the fault of that addictive scent emanating from him, but your body pulses. Every bit of you feels so alive that it practically vibrates with energy. What if this was all a hallucination? What if you were at home, lying in your comfortable bed, lost in an intense dream rich in details? Maybe-
Wild claws graze the skin on the sides of your breasts, leaving goosebumps and tearing a cry from your lips.
You had never felt like this, like your belly was warm and lit, full of fireflies.
What is this, anyway?
You look up with misty eyes, finding intense swirling golden pools. As mesmerizing as before. Warm breath blowing across your flushed cheeks. Spice and heat filling your nose.
It's like looking at the sun; the blinding rays of light so powerful, burning their pattern into your eyes.
You snap back to reality and immediately notice your two hands gripping his broad obsidian shoulders, the muscles beneath the scaly surface so powerful you can practically feel the raw strength of them beneath your fingers. You had advanced towards him until your nipples were brushing dangerously against his very, very muscular chest. Your core vibrating with a pulse you wanted so badly to ignore. You blush and pull your hand back, but you can't pull it away completely as his arms cage your body.
He pulls you by your hair and pushes you deeper into the warm furs of the nest, pressing his body against you like he knows you're silently yearning. He’s solid, huge. Terrifying. You tremble in his grip and let out a cry of surprise when he thrusts his hips against you. The hard, thing writhes with every pulse, precariously restrained by that Tarzan loincloth around his wide hips, pressing into your belly like it's trying to find a home in the soft hollow below your ribs. Even without actually feeling it skin to skin, the pure sensation of the heavy member against your belly leaves no place for doubt about its size. Not that it's a surprise, considering the alien's corporeal mass - but the very solid, very long weight of his penis against you like this is still capable of eliciting a loud gasp from your throat.
Your reaction seems to amuse the giant, who grunts and snaps something between his jaws in your mouth that you're sure sounds a lot like laughter, grinding against you until the air is forced from your lungs and the only thing you can think deliriously is that it will kill you; that he's about to rip your insides out and maybe even scalp you, considering the firm grip he still has on your hair, the way his claws rake your scalp.
Two things become clear to you then:
1) you are not as scared as you should be about such possibilities.
2) the time for patience and gentle touches has obviously come to an end.
His eyes slowly - very slowly - leave your face and slide in an intimate caress up your bare torso, lingering on your pert breasts, and he widens his jaws in an elongated trill. You don't need a translation to know he's satisfied. He's hungry, orange orbs overflowing with an obvious need that he makes no bones about keeping hidden.
But, unlike the course of action you expected, Doh'kein steps away and steps out of the nest, standing back on his feet. Surprised, you sit up and just look at him, cheeks flushed and hair disheveled from the previous rough treatment.
The giant alien in front of you waits a few seconds until he is absolutely sure he has your full attention. And then, in an unexpected gesture, he rolls his powerful shoulders a few times, lifting his body and adjusting his posture until he's at his fullest (which makes him even more intimidating, if that's possible), emitting a sound that you I hadn't heard it until now. It looked like a puff from a big bear, but longer and stronger, more proud. It's almost like a growl, but not as aggressive as the ones you've heard from him before. The whole thing confuses you, but only for a moment. You part your lips in surprise when you quickly understand his intention.
It's some kind of mating dance. An assertion of dominance and a call to mate. Just like an alpha male would do.
The sound continues rolling between his jaws and echoing between the walls of the room in his ship, crackling like the other sounds coming from him, but more thunderous. He rolls his shoulders once again, clenching his fists and showing how strong he is. You really didn't need a reminder of the fact. But you can't deny that the soft yellow ambient light dancing across his broad torso, showing off his rippling muscles as he purposely moves in such a way as to highlight them, is absolutely breathtaking - in a way that frightens you a little; he is clearly showing you that he will be a good mate.
His eyes as hot as flames are fixed on you with a gaze that burns mercilessly through you. His jaws flare once more, he bares his inner fangs in a growl, and the bangs and clicks grow louder. The sound vibrates through you, and his scent fills the chamber even more. Despite the undeniable fear, your heart races in response, your belly churns, and the slick between your legs betrays you once again as your pussy pulses to be filled.
It's then that you notice the bulge that was poking you a few minutes ago. You can't look away, and in the middle of his seductive vocalization, he lets out another laugh. His sharp claws undo the knots and clasps that keep the loincloth secured around his hips, and you swallow hard, bringing your knees closer to your chest. He lets the fabric fall to the floor, and your mouth falls open as the alien's cock immediately rises against his belly.
It was a monster in its own right, just as you imagined - and yet...no, it's nothing like you imagined. Long and sturdy. Ridges resembling little barbs line the entire length of the underside of the biggest penis you've ever laid eyes on in your fucking life. The color doesn't differ much from the rest of him - the same shade of gray that spreads across his torso and belly also extends along his massive length, up to a bulbous head that gradually changes to an almost purplish color, an imposing scrotum hanging below. Prominent veins cover the shaft and make his penis look even scarier. The entire length, but especially the head, glistening with what appears to be some kind of natural lubrication, alarmingly highlighting those sharp-looking bulges on the underside of his penis. The mere idea of him taking you with that thing makes you visibly shake with anxiety.
“Y/n.” Your name in his growling voice makes you snap out of the daze you were in and you look into his eyes, scared and pathetically excited, blushing at the nothing short of smug expression on his inhuman face. There is no denying that his tactics are having an effect on you. You know he knows you would submit to him like pitiful prey.
Regardless of your newly awakened desires, the powerful claim in his courtship ritual and his intimidating girth, to say the least, frighten you and, instinctively, you try to step back as he places one knee on the furs again. Doh'kein, however, is faster and all you can do is whimper helplessly as he grabs your ankle and stops your escape. The ends of his dreadlocks slide down the softness of your bare torso as he mounts you once more, caging your small body beneath him.
A deep, low rumble escapes him and you catch a glimpse of that long tongue once again as he tilts his head suggestively.
He's smelling your excitement. You know he is.
His huge hands wrap around your thighs with comical ease as he spreads your legs wide apart, exposing you to him without an ounce of reserve. You hide your face in your hands and sob an embarrassed cry as Doh'kein tastes your scent in the air, feels your heat and wetness on his reptilian tongue without even needing to touch you. You bite your lip and swallow a moan, feeling embarrassment burn through every pore, as well as arousal.
“Y/n,” he repeats, and you try and fail to hide the tremor in your body at the sound of his voice vibrating the walls of your mind. You will never get used to it. Doh'kein spreads your legs further apart, exposing you even more to him, and then he presses that word, as if he wants to imprint it into your flesh through pure repetition. "Mate".
A hand holding your thigh releases it and slides down. Your breath catches as he runs over your inner thigh, dragging his claws across your soft skin with the intimacy and experience a years-old lover would have, before reaching your core to cup your intimacy. You gasp and jump out of bed and his hand tightens, grabs you. Pussy, pubic bone, all together, all right there, in Doh'kein's abnormally large palm.
He looks between your legs. Really look.
Orange pools absorbing like osmosis the image of your little pussy caged between his ridiculously thick and long fingers. He doesn't move. He doesn't speak. He just stands there, holding your most intimate part as if it were a fragile toy. It's not the first time you've been intimate with someone, although it is, in fact, the first time with someone...less than human. But even so, you've never been looked at with so much desire and possession. The attention makes you move timidly to try and cover yourself, but Doh'kein clearly doesn't like it as he abruptly lifts his face to you and growls an unspoken threat - once again grabbing your wrists with his free hand and pinning them above your head. You whimper and squirm against his hold, but you're no match for the creature's brute strength.
Doh'kein presses a considerable amount of force against the nest, a firm and unquestionable warning, before slowly releasing them. When you don't move in retaliation, he purrs in satisfaction and focuses once again on your intimacy. He looks at the place with hungry curiosity before gently twitching his fingers, giving you an experimental squeeze that encompassed absolutely every outer area of your pussy and more.
You whimper and Doh'kein's gaze is drawn to yours. He watches your face intently for a reaction as he slowly drags his thumb over the sensitive, needy bud that is currently your clit, and your breath hitches when you bite your lip - you don't know if it was a conscious movement or just a exploratory attempt, but the action electrifies your body with a pure jolt of pleasure. His dreads jiggle and his jaws twitch as he purrs with delight, and unexpectedly, he leans toward your neglected breast, letting that plum-colored tongue lather your nipple with his heated saliva, wrapping the forked muscle around it.
His rough tongue wraps around your sensitive bud once, twice, three times, making you shudder and gasp as his rumbling purrs vibrate through his chest in response. You squirm in his nest, your head thrashing as he bounces between each breast, sliding that tongue over every inch of your sensitive skin, the scratch of his sharp jaws scraping your soft flesh only fueling the fire that roars loudly inside you. His thumb slides once again across your clit (gliding easily with all the wetness you're shamefully producing) in a slow, deliberate circle that makes you sure the action is purposeful.
Slowly, Doh'kein retracts his tongue back into his sharp-toothed mouth, hearing you moan louder with each slow turn of his thumb, shaky mewls escaping your lips and you blush as you notice how arrogant he sounds with irrefutable certainty that you're enjoying this.
The alien seems strangely familiar with human anatomy and carefully caresses the edge of your canal before rupturing it with an intimidating finger. You cry and immediately tighten your pussy around his finger, fighting against the girth that, alone, is bigger than anything you've taken inside you recently. But Doh'kein is not discouraged. He pushes his finger inside you, sinking it deep with the confidence of a man with a purpose. His claw scraped almost uncomfortably against your inner walls, sending small, sharp flashes of pain through you with each movement, but even that was tiny when compared to the magnitude of pleasure you felt.
The place fills with the sound of your breathless pants, your fragile mewls and the sound of your pussy being fucked by that finger.
The predator grunts deeply as he explores you, thrusting his finger in and out of you in slow but deep movements, and when he feels satisfied with one, he begins to insert another.
“N-no!” You gasp and instinctively grab his wrist to try stop him. Your eyes are teary and you look at him while shaking your head. “Please, I c-can't, I can't take another-”
His face turns, slowly. The frown is almost cruel as he looks at your small fingers gripping his wrist, then looks straight into your eyes. You let go of his arm as if you had burned your hand.
"Yes you can." That's all he says, looking into your eyes. That's all he thinks you need to hear, apparently. His thumb poking your clit one more time to make you jump from the sensation. You sob, lost between the intense waves of pleasure and panic, and the giant clicks his jaw before returning with his exploration.
You cry out at the burning sensation of pain as he pushes in his other finger, stretching you further than you've ever been stretched before. The sharp pain quickly mixes (mercifully) with your excessive excitement as the creature quickens his pace.
"That's better. Good girl, just relax,” he praises you. His thumb keeps rotating and tapping against your clit, effectively distracting you from the pain, his fingers reaching deep, and his claws lightly scratching your insides. The mortifying sounds of your abundant wetness echo louder and louder between the walls of the room, along with your sobs, screams and moans. "That's it, little ooman. Come on, cum for me." Doh'kein mumbles into your eardrums through the translator, leaning up until his dreadlocks are falling like a curtain around your face, hiding you from the rest of the world.
A hand sinks into the softness of the nest, right next to your face, long claws digging hard into the furs, to the point where you hear them tearing — a form of restraint, maybe? You can't think about it too much, though. Heat pools in your belly abruptly, your vagina tightens with burning pain; your insides aching with pleasure and your chest tightening before everything explodes in a devastating orgasm. You scream, your pussy clenching around his invading fingers, and you close your eyes so tight you see stars shining in the darkness of your eyelids.
You can't breathe; you really try to breathe through it, but nothing comes, there's just your lips parted in a silent scream - your body too tense, too tense, as the orgasm washes over you with the force of a tidal wave. Your pussy cries, flooding his hand and sucking him at the same time. Goosebumps run through your body, muscles twitch, sweat slightly erupts from your pores, and when you finally come down, your body feels indulgent and soft. When he pulls his fingers out of you with a wet snap, you gape, hating the void he's left.
He's an alien, you repeat weakly in the confusing haze of your mind, a creature that coerced you and took you away from your planet without your permission. What you are experiencing are just pleasure hormones. Nothing more or less than a hormonal combination of serotonin, endorphins, dopamine and oxytocin. They are truly responsible for the feeling of well-being, reduced stress and the relaxation that seems to wash over your body at the moment. Doh'kein is not a god, he is not a god. No matter how much your body disagrees with that right now.
Doh'kein purrs as he slowly strokes the aching, swollen flesh of your sex; he opens you with his wide fingers, slowly and gently, grunting in contentment as he sees how your little hole continues to contract sporadically. He moves his fingers over your sensitive clit and teases it before returning to your folds.
It's just pleasure hormones, you repeat over and over again as you feel his digits probing every inch of your abused pussy, as if he can't get enough of touching you. You still whimper with every breath and can barely lift your arms, much less fight against him as he takes his time inspecting your hole and all the wetness that gushes from there. Your body was still affected on some level by the sedative he had given you earlier and, now, by the powerful orgasm that brutally ripped through your insides. All you want is to snuggle into those soft furs and sleep.
Doh'kein, however, would not allow this.
You mewl a little when he grabs you by the waist and turns you onto your stomach in one fluid movement. You feel like putty; choosing to just give in and let him mold you however he wants - even if, miraculously, you had some strength to fight him, it's obvious that you wouldn't be able to. He adjusts you on your knees, spreading your legs wide as he does so. The explicit position embarrasses you, but you do nothing but gasp as your face is buried in the bed and your ass lifted into the air.
He positions himself behind you. His large body shadowing yours, his hand sliding almost reverently down the sharp curve of your spine until he cups a plump globe of your buttock between his fingers in a firm grip. You blush and bite your lip as you feel a hot, heavy, wet shaft fall into the crack of your ass. He gently slides there a few times, grinding against you as he continues squeezing your flesh, lifting and lowering your ass by the length of his cock.
"I've wanted you every moment since I found you. Every day smelling you, but not being able to act, was torture. Being patient has never been more difficult for me than in those days." He confides in that baritone voice, threading his other hand into the strands of your hair, gently digging his claws into your scalp and pulling to force you to arch your back more. You groan at the sensation, your hips beginning to mimic the movements of his, sliding your ass cheeks onto his dick yourself. "But the wait was worth it. It's time for me to fill you, it's time for me to finally make you mine. My mate." He finishes whispering in your brain, the little chip in your skin working quickly to translate the growled words and clicks of his jaws. His words, his smell, his movements...everything is pushing you into another spiral of pleasure.
Too weak to object, you just shiver as the extraterrestrial creature aligns his monstrous cock with your newly stretched pussy, his fat tip coated with that natural lubricant poking at your wet entrance. He firmly grips your hips and, with one determined thrust, sits inside you.
That's it.
There is no slow entry or split stretch.
He just pushes and goes in.
You scream.
It's very big. You feel like you're being torn apart, split in two, stabbed from the inside, and you desperately grab the fur beneath you to crawl away from the burning pain, but Doh'kein's grip on your hip keeps you in a steel prison. Maybe he thought about it and decided that it would be easier if he came in at once instead of prolonging the torture - and maybe later, when you had a clear head and thought about it, you agree that this was actually the best choice. But all you know now is pain. You scream as he leaves; each little barb protruding from the underside of his menacing cock abusing your inner walls, vibrating your overstimulated clit and sending stabs of pain throughout your entire being. When he plunges into you again, he goes even deeper, slamming hard against your cervix, bruising it.
Tears flood your eyes instantly and you sob into the fur, clutching the covers so tightly that your knuckles ache and turn white. Your body shakes with pain and shock, and you can feel you soaking the furs with your tears and saliva as you cry, softly begging him to stop.
Surprisingly, upon hearing your whimpers, he stays still for a moment, buried deep inside you. Desperately trying to accommodate him, your walls contract repeatedly and grip his shaft, and beneath the blinding pain, there is a surprisingly pleasurable sensation of being completely filled, completely stretched. Full of him.
The predator is grumbling behind your back. Elongated grunts and sporadic snorts. Like a poorly restrained animal. The grip of his fingers on your hip is painful and you can feel the tips of his claws bruising your skin. You'd have marks after this, you think. Bloody cuts and purple bruises as the price for getting involved with something (someone) your human body should theoretically be incapable of handling. If you survived, of course.
"You're so...tight, pauk, I never imagined...paya, your h'dui'se is addictive-" Your translator seems to have some difficulty with some of his words and you blink, confused, but at the same time overwhelmed with all these sensations. By God, he looks positively wrecked - barely clinging to the limits of self-control.
And then, apparently having resigned himself to the fact that he was going to lose this battle, Doh'kein thrusts again, his balls slapping against your wetness and your clit. At that moment, you knew that the devastating and unreal pleasure you felt was, most likely, the result of your brain; like a desperate attempt to deal with the pain of this unnatural mating – because honestly, nothing should feel this painfully good.
“You look so good, my little human.” Growling, he pressed his claws into your skin a little tighter and this time you were absolutely sure there was a cut and blood. “Don’t fight me.”
“Ooh, God,” you whimper as his cock continues to defy the limits of your human capacity. It’s too big, too weird, and you can literally feel how your walls try to reject it.
Doh'kein flattens a giant hand across your back, pressing your body further against the nest of soft fur. “Easy now, mate. You can take me." He pushes deeper. “You see? I'm completely inside you. You feel me? Do you feel like my cock gives you no choice? It shouldn't be there, should it? Oh no, it shouldn't. It's wrong, isn't it? But isn’t it just as good?”
God. He suddenly becomes talkative, the small chip implanted in your skin working quickly to translate the rude words that clack through his jaws.
“Y-yeah,” you cry, though. Because, yes, it's good in fact.
“And it's about to feel even better." He grabs you by the hips and pushes you hard. He fucks you repeatedly, and it's painful, very painful, but it only fuels you pleasure. Another thrust, and this time he forces a broken moan from your depths. Your wetness soaks his waist, your pussy clenches around him with torturous eagerness, and the predator on your back sets a relentless pace. You gasp a strangled mewl and shake, clutching the furs beside your head for dear life, trying to keep yourself as stable as possible with each brutal jolt of his body against yours. There is no romance or soft touches from a gentle lover. He's fucking you. Claiming your body in an undeniable act of animalistic possession. A true predator in heat.
There is no mercy. He abuses you with his monstrous strength, with his unparalleled stamina, and takes everything from you – your dignity, your free will, and any future hope of finding a human who can match him; in the vague and foolish hope in the possibility that you would return to Earth. His claws dig into your hips, every breath he takes is a cruel growl, and you express out loud your pain and your pleasure in equal measure.
Each little pliable barb at the base of his penis rubs fiercely and repeatedly against your tight inner walls, reaching spots inside you you didn't even know existed. Despite the tension and pain, the warmth grows and blooms like a beautiful flower in your womb again. You mewl and whine, feeling the building release tighten in your core; you needed little to fall off that precipice of ecstasy again. But Doh'kein grunts deeply, calms the fierce thrusts in your pussy and slowly pulls out of your body.
“N-no, wait, please-” you breathe desperately, pushing your hips back to maintain contact with him. Desperation taking over your body as the tendrils of ecstasy slip like sand through your fingers.
The creature deeply rumbles what you know to be a laugh (a laugh at your expense, much to your embarrassment) and parts your ass cheeks, exposing your wet, swollen folds, the cruel pulsing of your pussy around nothing. You don't know why he stopped - since he's obviously been craving this even more than you, but he's taking his sweet time now, widening your hole and digging those claws into your skin possessively - and you feel an embarrassing need of screaming at the top of your lungs for him to just go back to fucking you in that ridiculously comfortable nest.
"Do you like that, pet..." He growls and it's a statement, not a question. He knows you like it. Your body is making it obvious. You blush and try to pull yourself up onto your shaking elbows, but Doh'kein is faster. In an almost savage movement, he wraps his long fingers around the back of your neck and pushes your head down, making you scream with your cheek pressed firmly against the furs of the nest.
He places his other hand next to your head and lowers himself until he is hovering a few centimeters from your body; big, wide, powerful. You can feel his alien jaws ruffling the strands of your hair, you can feel the strange tubes of his dreadlocks tickling your back, and you can especially feel the possessive, territorial way in which he holds you still as he press you by the back of your neck. There's not much you can do but give in, soften your body against his grip and submit to this creature that is obviously countless times stronger than you.
His broad chest pushes against your back as he makes the rumbling, crackling sound again, a more aggressive (though definitely satisfied) purr, and your nostrils are filled with his earthy scent. It fills the back of your throat, your lungs, your mind, your body, and makes you ache even more for him. You let out a breathless moan and writhe on the bed, pressing the fur tightly between your fingers and begging for him as you arch your spine and displays your intimacy to him. Your pussy cries, desperately searching for the cock that dominated you just moments ago.
"My name." Your body is a trembling, pulsing line of nerves and you barely hear the command whispered in your ear. Everything in your line of vision (already hampered by the way your hair is wildly loose) is blurry and confused and you try to swim out of the sea of pleasure you're drowning in, in the smell of earth and rain and an undeniably masculine musk that is threatening to dull your senses once again.
"Say my name."
Your eyes widen and you almost choke on the word before it finally escapes your lips.
He smiles, huffs his strange laugh into your hair, pushing that scary member between your ass cheeks to reward you - sliding it up and down once, just teasing your pussy every now and then until you're squirming.
Only then does he say. "Beg."
His claws are ghosts of danger on the sensitive skin of your throat, in spots that could quickly and easily end your life. And you know he could, without any effort, hurt you and draw blood - just as he did the battered flesh of your hips. But he doesn't. And that alone, the control and dominance that exude from the male behind you, makes your head spin and your pussy tighten until it hurts.
“Please…please – I just, I need this, please…” You mumble, only half coherent.
He held your ass firmly, spreading you wide, before pressing his swollen tip against your entrance. You choke and bite your lip, but even all the need and heat coursing through your veins isn't enough to drown out the scream that explodes from you as he plunges back into your pussy with a roar. The stretch takes you to the limit you were teetering on just moments ago and your body falls apart, happy to seize the opportunity it had been denied before. You tighten around him, holding him with all your might; your whole body twitching, but Doh'kein doesn't seem to care as he pounds into you with relentless thrusts, grunts rising from within him like thunder sounding in the sky. You scream again, your vision blurs and your torturous pleasure echoes wildly between the walls of the room on this alien ship. Your hard nipples rub against the fur of the bed as they grind incessantly to his strong thrusts, and the monstrous cock continues to rearrange your insides; the ridges of his length torment you, drive you crazy, and prolong your release until you're nothing but a wet, quivering mess.
He leans over you again; and you cry as you feel the wetness of his growling saliva run down your exposed shoulder, hot and slick, the black tubes moving like a curtain around both of you, and he grips the back of your neck tighter as he begins to pound into you violently - frantically.
He is an animal and there is no other definition that fits what is happening.
You make a sound like a sob. There are tears on your face, hot and salty against your skin. You can no longer tell where you begins and ends, only that you are fused with Doh'kein. His hips on your ass, his cock on your cervix, which he abuses with each brutal thrust. You can't say who you are or remember why you're here, but you can tell he's close.
“I need to breed you,” he growls into the side of your face, pressing you into the nest almost angrily, “I don’t know if it’s possible, but I can’t think of anything other than filling and breeding you for the rest of my life – I need this – I need to try, right now, every day–”
“I want it, I want – I want it,” you babble incoherently through the saliva that’s pooled in your mouth, all sense of self-preservation going out the window as your senses are dulled, “I want you to breed me, I want it, please!" The fact that probably nothing could be generated from an alien/human union seemed to be irrelevant to both.
You just accept it all, happy to be used as he fucks and bites you with those strange jaws and desperately chases his own release.
Doh'kein growls and hits you one last time. His cock grows and swells and feels like it definitely shouldn't fit, like there shouldn't be enough place inside you to accommodate it - but you moan, pussy stretching like it was made to envelop him, and then he's basically locked inside you. You float, only vaguely aware of him pressing you into the nest as he collapses some of his colossal weight onto you, because all you can think about is his roars, the hot cum filling you in thick bursts, plugged inside you by his inhuman cock. He grinds his hips into your ass, pushing his cum deeper and deeper, but the amount is so great that it inevitably escapes where your bodies are joined.
You feel soft and fuzzy, stuck in that satisfied, complacent head space. You writhe with aftershocks and warm goosebumps that bubble up your entire body, from your scalp to your toes. Even though every inch of your body hurts and you know there are cuts and bruises on your flesh, you've never felt as full as you do in this moment.
Time passes between deep, panting breaths and consciousness returns in fragments; first, the intense, aching pulse between your legs, where Doh'kein is lodged deep inside you. Secondly, his weight on your back is practically knocking the air out of your lungs. Third, you are sweaty and sticky and bleeding in places.
You shift instinctively, trying to lift one leg, and he growls at you. His cock tugs at your insides in a way that isn't pleasant and you freeze at the sharp stab of pain. Your body finally feeling the effects of the extraterrestrial union. You moan at the sensation, but it comes out more as a wheeze since your lungs can't fully expand under his weight. “Y-you're crushing me, Doh'kein. I need to breathe, please-”
This catches the attention of the giant behind you and he rolls to the side, the feeling of his cock slipping out and letting more of that sticky fluid escape from your used pussy draws a low mewl from your throat. You have two seconds to inflate your chest for oxygen before he's turning your body and climbing on top of you once again. You blink like an owl as you find yourself face to face with the predator once again. The orange orbs are fixed on yours as he supports his weight on his hands beside your head, long ropes of defined muscles run up his forearms and into his broad shoulders, giving him an intimidating appearance. Not that the four jaws on his alien face weren't enough for that, of course.
You're proud that you don't jump when he touches your face with those sharp clawed fingers, holding your chin and turning your face from side to side.
“I, huh-” you begin, confused when he does nothing but inspect your face inch by inch in complete silence. Now that the frenzy and excitement were subsiding, a different kind of embarrassment washes over you as he lets go of your face and shifts his attention to your breasts and stomach. He ignores you when you stutter a shy question as you feel him groping your breasts and your waist, too rough fingers caressing as gently as he can the bloody welts where his claws have scratched you. He doesn't apologize or show any kind of regret, nothing about his alien facial expression changes when he looks up at you with his ember eyes again. But he continues massaging your flesh in gentle strokes, tilting his head towards you and moving his jaws once. And you know that's the biggest apology you'll ever get from him.
He seems pleased with whatever look is on your face at the moment, because soon you can hear that purring sound once again. A sound that, added to the extreme tiredness that plagues your body, makes you want to close your eyes and sleep. But Doh'kein has other plans. Without any effort, he wraps his arms around your body and pulls you into his lap as he stands, taking you both to what you assume is the bedroom's bathroom.
He doesn't stop his purring as he walks and you're grateful for that, the sound is calm and light and makes you forget about the many problems you obviously need to face. You wouldn't waste energy on that at the moment, though. It wasn't something that was worth or would make any difference, to be honest. Apparently you are bonded to this creature, destined to be his mate or whatever. You are no longer on Earth and cannot even match your strengths and abilities with this creature. Fighting it would be futile.
You look down and touch your belly, marked by some bruises from his powerful grip, and wonder if the union had any success. If not, he might want to try again, just like he says. The thought curls warm and shaky at the bottom of your spine and you feel your face heat up as you discover that you would welcome more attempts.
You look at him from under your eyelashes as he enters the bathroom, leading you both to a huge bathtub - although, to you, the thing looks more like a swimming pool. As you watch him, you notice that the predator's face is as rough and scary as it always was, but when his beautiful orange eyes lower and look at you with such devotion and possession, it's impossible to control the tremor in your body. On some level he is under your command too, you realize. He has been since the beginning, when he allowed himself to be captured and imprisoned just to chase your scent - the scent of his mate. Just the thought of it sends a thrill through you.
You feel his hands on your buttocks as he adjusts your body against his scaly skin, his other hand pressing a few buttons to make the tub fill. A shiver runs down your spine. He shows no sign of straining as he holds you, just keeps you steady and perched on his shoulder as much as you can with your dreadlocks falling loosely around his head. You feel his muscles flex beneath you.
Clutching you to his body, his release still leaking between your thighs, Doh'kein carefully steps into the tub and sits down, arranging you on his lap. You keep your head on his shoulder, feeling his rough hands squeezing your waist and hips, the hot water enveloping your muscles in the best way possible. He squeezes your flesh almost gently, sliding his fingertips instead of his claws. He's massaging your bruises again, you notice. With a tired sigh, you settle your head in the crook of his neck and you can swear his purr stutters for a second.
"Rest, little ooman. We have a long way to go." He grunts glumly and enigmatically, but you just hum some answer, already feeling your eyelids heavy and mind lethargic.
The last thing you think, still hearing his purring and his strange attempt at aftercare is that, with some effort, you could adapt to this new life.
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l1tw1ck · 5 months
stumbling into a cave coincidentally on the day the local beast is in heat...
top male reader x bottom male monster
cw: size difference, first time bottoming, breeding kink
The beast's saliva drips down onto your body in globs, it's strong hands holding you down onto the cool cave floor. It ruts against you, frotting against your cock desperately. Obviously this beast thinks it's going to fuck and breed you but you don't have any intentions of letting that happen. You've dealt with monsters before, ones bigger and stronger than this one. You can overpower it easily and you'll do just that.
The beast whimpers as your positions are reversed, his world being opened up to a new perspective as he soon finds out he doesn't have to be the one on top. He howls in pleasure as your fingers skillfully stretch open his ass. It's just your fingers inside him and he's already losing it. To think it was blind to such pleasure all this time, it makes it so much more eager to take your cock. He's so much bigger than you, he could crush you at any moment and yet here he is. Completely subdued. At your mercy and begging for more. Turns out that this big, scary, and powerful monster is really just a slut.
A great beast like this should never be in a position like this, with it's legs high in the air and it's monstrous cock flopping uselessly against it's stomach, but there's no way it can bother to uphold that principle now. Not when your cock is making him feel so fucking good. He should be ashamed for letting such a small human do this but he's not. How could he when you're giving him so much pleasure? Maybe it's the elders who are wrong, clearly this monster was meant to be bred like the good little whore he is.
He won't get pregnant but he's more than happy to be fucked like he will
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silken-moonlight · 16 days
I love imperial style novels, now lets add fantasy ans smutt so we get this tiny cute idea:
Vampire emperor and you are his newest concubine. The other concubines are mean, are absolutly annoyed with a new addition to the Harem. Also you are so sweet and kind, don't worry, they say, they'll change you.
But you gain the attention of the vampire emperor when you go off on a fellow concubine for being insufferable to a young maid. To your misfortune its the emporers favourite concubine.
He tells you to follow him, taking you through the castle. You think he will punish you, but...suddenly you are in his bedroom. He seals the door.
"Sit on the bed" he tells you. You obey. He sits down across from the bed and watches you.
He spits commands: "Undress." "Lay back" "Eyes on me"
Then he tells you to touch yourself. You are embaressed but turned on. You touch yourself, he guides you how to, where to tease and to pinch. He edges you through your own hands until he finally lets you cum.
This becomes a routine, every second day he orders you into his bedroom, making you touch yourself. Sometimes, there are toys laid out for your or lingerie. Often these days there is a blindfold you have to wear, sometimes you have to tie your legs apart. You are his personal entertainment. He never speaks more than those commands.
You crave more, you want to be taken, you need something inside you. Something real.
You never speak more to him, only moaning, not even begging. So afraid that you'll destroy this all.
But one night he has teased you for hours, not letting you cum, you cry out of need to cum. You want to come, you really really need to actually. So your lips part and you let out a whiny:"Please...I need you."
"Fucking finally." He growls and is on you in a second. His cock suddenly in your leaking cunt and his fangs buried in your neck.
You will not be able to walk tomorrow, not that you really care right now.
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