happybird16 · 1 year
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•Chapter Nine•
Naga!Levi Ackerman/Fem!Reader
Summary: Growing up, the forest's edge always darkened the far corner of your small village. The giant, twisted branches overhead rendered the forest floor a terrifying, pitch black. You shouldn't be here. There's creatures here, dangerous ones.
Overall warnings: Past references to child abuse, blood, scars, gore, mystery, eventual sex, inhuman genitalia (Levi is a snake man), horror vibes.
Chapter warnings: NSFW!!!, Sex, inhuman genitalia, oral sex (fem!receiving), tongue-fucking, creampie, monsterfucking, tail-fucking, loss of virginity.
Chapter length: 14.2k
Ao3 Link
The most special of shoutouts to my beloved friend and beta @theferricfox!!!! Also, credit to @the-milk-anon for the snake banner!!
Note: *Evil laughter*
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It becomes increasingly challenging to focus on anything other than the man with whom you've formed such a strong affectionate bond. The world around you fades into the background as your attention remains fixated on him and nothing else. In his company, time seems to slip away, and the moments shared together become the center of your universe. With Levi's lips working urgently into yours, little else matters.
It feels like you're a teenager again, caught up in a whirlwind of hormones and an overwhelming, frantic, needy heat. The intensity of your desire is all-consuming, as if your senses are increasingly heightened by every touch and every glance. You love the way he holds you. It's cautious and gentle, yet lingering with an unbridled strength. Even with the length of him wrapped completely around you, the shuddering clasp doesn't feel the least bit smothering. Before, he was touchy for the sake of warmth and maybe more than a small amount of fondness, but now it's as if pulling away from you would pain him. You understand the feeling.
Levi's lips press hard into yours, displaying an endless and heated fervor. The sharp points of his fangs cautiously graze your bottom lip, eliciting a loud gasp from you. Your fingers scramble on his shoulders, swiftly moving to cup the back of his head and intensify the kiss. In response, he moans and sucks hard on your bottom lip, causing his fangs to dig painfully into your swollen skin. The sharp tang of iron floods your senses, but his tongue swiftly emerges to soothe the wound, healing it in the blink of an eye.
He rests heavily on top of you, exerting an all-consuming weight that presses your back into the soft bedding beneath. The sheer warmth and weight of his body render you borderline delirious. Each desperate groan he releases resonates loudly through your head, filling you with an escalating and desperate heat. Pulling away, your lips smack wetly, and a long string of saliva stretches taut between you. "You're getting good at this," you pant, your chest heaving.
Licking his lips, his intense gaze ignites a fire within you, fueling the heat that builds between your thighs. Smirking down at you, his nostrils flare with curiosity. His tail, wrapped around your lower half, spasms and tightens around your hips. "Are you fishing for a compliment?" he teases.
"Maybe," you playfully pout. "I'd like to think I've been a good teacher."
"I'm a quick learner," Levi responds with a huff. Without delay, he closes the distance between you, pressing his lips forcefully against yours, his tongue softly caressing the sensitive underside of your own. Letting out a soft moan, you close your eyes, succumbing to the sensation.
As you dig your nails into the scruff of his undercut, Levi emits a throaty groan, relishing in the gentle pain. Seizing the opportunity, you explore his mouth with delicate laps of your own. Despite his razor-sharp teeth, the rest of his mouth feels velvety and warm. Yielding to your attentions, his jaw eagerly moves in sync with yours. A soft moan fills the space between you, accompanied by his urgent fingers digging into your shoulders.
By now, you have become intimately acquainted with what makes Levi tick. You know every tender spot that causes him to tremble, and how to skillfully swirl your tongue to elicit delightful groans. He enjoys it when you take control of the kiss, sucking firmly on his bottom lip and pressing into his mouth. The underside of his tongue proves to be particularly sensitive, and urgently lapping at it earns you a quivering gasp.
"F-fuck," he curses, groaning your name in a long, breathy rasp. His hips rhythmically move between your thighs, circling against your own in a way that elicits a moan from you.
"Shit," you curse in agreement. That's new. Your thighs tremble as you roll your hips back into his. The sensation leaves you soaked with desire. Levi shudders above you, pressing his forehead against the hollow of your neck. His hips jolt uncontrollably against yours, rubbing against your center in a way that makes you pulse with anticipation. "Levi!" you gasp, unable to contain your pleasure.
Teeth scrape against your neck, causing a sharp and shallow pain that propels your hips forward once more. A warm wetness trails along the hollow of your throat as Levi sucks at the skin above your racing pulse. His hips roll into yours relentlessly, devoid of thought or restraint. With each movement, his tail wrapped around your hips spasms, forcefully pulling you into his thrusts.
"Fuck," you curse, your head rolling back as you gasp for air. Levi's lips work fervently at your neck, alternating between sucking hard and grazing the skin with his sharp fangs, before soothing the spot with the fiery relief of his tongue. As your fingers glide down the length of his back, his muscles quiver and ripple beneath your touch. "M-more," you plead, yearning for increased friction, desperately seeking a bulge to grind against. Grasping his hips, you attempt to angle him so that the seam of your trousers can stimulate your clit.
"There... there... yesssssss," you hiss, feeling the rough friction that still manages to catch your clit just right with each swirl of his hips. With your legs wrapped around his waist, you eagerly meet every frantic jolt of his hips, their strength causing you to bounce. Gripping his hair, you plead incoherently, "Levi. Kiss... I want to kiss..."
Suddenly, Levi freezes above you. He withdraws from your neck, his face displaying surprise and vulnerability in his eyes. Clearly, something has caught him off guard, casting a momentary shadow of uncertainty over his expression. Sensing the shift in the atmosphere, you instinctively reach out, placing a hand on his shoulder in concern. Levi's chest heaves, his nose flaring as his tongue briefly tastes the air. Rising onto his forearms, he flops over onto his back beside you. "S-sorry," he apologizes, his voice rough and shaken.
It feels like it's the first time in forever that part of him isn't touching you. Even the segment of his tail that was wrapped around your waist has pulled away, coiling up not too far from you. The absence leaves you with a sense of loss, and the lack of scales against your skin creates an uncomfortable ache in your chest. "A-are you okay?" you inquire softly.
Beside you, Levi covers his face with his hands. His chest heaves, and it appears that he's struggling more than usual to catch his breath. "Y-yeah, sorry," he stammers, his voice revealing a vulnerability that contrasts with his typically composed demeanor. It's evident that he's grappling with a surge of emotions, his apology carrying a weight that suggests a deeper internal struggle. Licking his lips, he gazes up at the rocky ceiling above. "I... I'm fine."
The dazed and shaken expression on his face deepens your concern, twisting your stomach with unease. Although he has withdrawn before to regain composure, this instance appears more severe. "Was it too much?" you inquire, searching for an understanding of his reaction.
He nods, swallowing heavily. "I-" he hesitates, struggling to articulate his thoughts. Uncovering his face, his heated gaze shifts from your thighs to your face. "I can smell you."
"O-oh," you squeak, feeling a wave of embarrassment sweep over you, causing you to clench your thighs together. Despite the lingering ache from the loss of stimulation, you push it aside. Shuffling nervously, you cautiously meet his gaze. A mixture of anticipation and trepidation swirls within you, creating a flutter of nervous excitement in your stomach. "I- I kind of suspected you could. Is... is that a bad thing?"
"No," Levi responds hurriedly. His nose flares once more, his features darkening subtly with desire and frustration. "It just makes me feel like I might lose control. This... this is new for me. I don't want to push you."
"You're not pushing me," you assure him earnestly, reaching across the space between you to pat his shoulder reassuringly. "I'm in a similar place, honestly. I understand feeling overwhelmed."
"I don't know what I'm doing," Levi grumbles unhappily, his bottom lip protruding in a cute, frustrated pout.
"Neither do I," you reply with a nonchalant shrug. Gesturing vaguely toward his hips, you add, "I'm not even sure how this will work."
Crossing his hands over his stomach, Levi's fingers fidget together in a nervous display, reflecting a blend of anxiety and anticipation. He swallows heavily, his face flushing as his mouth opens and closes several times. "It's possible," he finally says, his voice surprisingly steady.
"It wouldn't matter to me even if it wasn't," you assure him earnestly. Upon hearing your words, some of the tension in his face eases, and a subtle sense of relief shines in his eyes. "I like you. I enjoy our conversations and simply being in your presence. I don't need anything more. This... this doesn't have to change things too much."
Levi's eyes flutter closed, and he lets out a loud sigh. With each breath, the tension in his shoulders melts away. When his eyes reopen, they exude a newfound sense of calm and determination. "I just need to calm down," he explains softly. Rolling onto his side, he reaches across the space between you to pull you close once more. He kisses you gently before playfully bumping his forehead against yours. "Let's talk. Something happier this time, remember?"
"We did get a little distracted," you note with an amused hum. Beneath your palm, you can still feel Levi's heart racing. Tilting your head, you catch a glimpse of the entrance from the corner of your eye. The rugged stone opening reveals a narrow view of the bright blue skies adorned with soft, fluffy white clouds drifting lazily across the horizon. "When did the storm end?"
"It petered off last night," Levi snorts, his fingers drumming an unfamiliar pattern along your spine. His eyes twinkle with a soft gray hue as he chuckles at your momentary lack of attention.
"Doesn't look like much snow actually stuck to the ground," you observe. Although it's difficult to discern through the entrance, you can make out patches of the small meadow's dark green grass peeking through the fresh snow. "And the storm only lasted a few hours. That's a good sign."
Levi hums curiously in response, his fingers idly playing with the edge of your shirt. Judging by the sky, it must be somewhere around midday. The two of you have spent more than an entire day engrossed in kissing and napping, cherishing each other's presence. The book Metal and Glass lies untouched behind you, and you have no intention of opening it again.
"What's your village like?" you ask, your curiosity piqued. Having never left your hometown, it's challenging for you to imagine anything beyond its familiar landscape. The same old farmhouses, plain and weathered with decaying wood, always populate your mind's eye. Longing for change, you eagerly seek to imagine something different in their place. "You've described the area before, but I can't quite visualize it."
Levi points over his shoulder towards the back wall of the cave, using his thumb as a guide. "If you follow the river up the mountain, you'll come across a large circular meadow nestled between two peaks of The Spine. That's where my den is, utilizing the natural barrier of the mountain to shield us from the outside world."
You still find it challenging to envision. Sensing your confusion, Levi continues his explanation. "Imagine a vast open field enclosed by towering walls. The only openings are where the river descends from the highest peak of The Spine and where it flows out of the lower section of the meadow."
You hum in response, your mind's eye gradually painting the picture of a distant white-capped mountain rising high into the sky, casting a shadow over the lush green canopy of The Maw. "I could always see that peak from my bedroom window," you share, reminiscing. "When I was little, I used to trace its shape on the glass. The tip was always so pristine white, sometimes blending in with the clouds... It's amazing to think that you were right there all along."
Levi nods in agreement, a contemplative expression on his face. “I could see your village too, from up above. The view is obstructed from my den, but whenever I was out hunting WildOnes, I could see it in the distance.” He pauses, tilting his head slightly. “Did you know that each of the nine mountains in The Spine has its own name?”
“Nine mountains?” you inquire, surprised. From afar, you could only glimpse the snowy peaks of the smaller mountains as they stretched across the horizon. On clearer days, the jagged rocky ridges and deep valleys would come into view. “I could only see three of them.”
Levi responds with a knowing smile. “The Maw is much larger than it seems. My den is situated between the northernmost peaks, Prime and Skull. According to legend, the entire ridge is said to be the skeletal remains of an ancient colossal snake. My den rests in the hollow cavity where its brain would be. It’s all nonsensical mythology, but some of my den-mates are quite fond of the concept.
Raising your eyebrows, you balk at his explanation, “So we're at the base of Prime?”
Levi nods. “Barely. This cave is at the very bottom of Prime. I'm not sure if it even counts as being on the mountainside. Fuck if I remember half of the other names, but the rest of the winding peaks make up the snake's body, hence The Spine.”
“Sounds like we have quite the climb ahead of us,” you note worriedly. The journey here left you sore enough and it's not like you've gotten a lot of exercise in the last few weeks. You haven't even bothered putting on your boots in days. Already you begin to mourn for your poor feet.
Levi chuckles, a low rumble in his chest. “Don’t worry, we won’t be climbing all the way to the top. Just a bit further up Prime’s slope, there’s a narrow path that leads to my den. It’s not as treacherous as it may sound. I’ve taken that route countless times. If we stick close to the river the incline isn't too bad,” Levi assures you with a confident tone. “The gap between the mountains shouldn't be too much of a problem.”
You nod, trying to picture a big enclosed meadow. The only thing that comes to mind is the hardened grey stone of a dam, rammed straight against rolling hills of lush green grass. “I'm guessing the mountain walls keep you safe from the WildOnes?”
Levi nods, “It makes us difficult for humans to find, too. There's a few other small villages in The Maw. We occasionally trade with them, but we don't always get along. The mountain protects us from those squabbles as well.”
“Other villages?” You gasp excitedly, practically bouncing in place. “There are other villages?”
Levi nods, a hint of amusement in his eyes. “Yes, there are other villages scattered throughout The Maw. Most are sort of remote and isolated. They aren't nearly as eclectic as my den. They vary in size and composition. Some are predominantly inhabited by Naga like my den, while others are home to different magical creatures. Each village has its own unique culture and traditions.”
Your excitement grows, and you can’t help but imagine the diverse communities hidden within the vast expanse of The Maw. “I would love to visit those villages someday. It must be fascinating to see the different magical beings and their ways of life.” He'd mentioned before that his den consists of more than just Naga. What kinds of magical creatures could the other den-mates be?
Levi’s smirk widens. “Oh, I’m sure you’d find them interesting. The Maw is full of surprises. But be warned, not all villages are as welcoming as mine. Some prefer to keep to themselves, while others have a wary outlook on outsiders.”
With your mind whirling at the possibilities, you try to craft a vivid image of a little village based on what Levi has described. In your imagination, you see a picturesque landscape, with a rolling hill adorned by charming little brown houses. Each house exudes a cozy warmth, with smoke playfully spiraling out of their chimneys, hinting at the comforting presence of crackling fires within. The rushing stream carves its way through the heart of the village, its clear waters reflecting the sunlight and providing a soothing soundtrack as it babbles along. Behind the image of the serene little village, majestic mountain peaks loom high ahead, their stony ridges winding to surround the peaceful vista like a formidable guardian. Only ever having seen the peaks from a distance, you can't imagine how massive Prime and Skull must be up close.
Shit. You quickly scrap the image realizing that you'd accidentally filled the scene with farm houses, complete with sprawling fields and barns. “You mentioned fishing.. Do you have any farms? Wheat, cattle, stuff like that?”
“No,” he shakes his head, “Most of us can only really eat meat, so we don't really have a use for crops. And we can't really take care of any animals for three months out of the year. Miche, one of our hunters, keeps some rabbits and breeds them for food, but he always has to release a bunch of them come late fall.”
You frown. Everyone Levi’s mentioned seems to have some designated job to help out the den. “I want to contribute, once I get settled. I’m not sure where I’ll fit in.”
Levi reassures you, saying, “You don’t have to worry about that. After everything you’ve been through, you can just relax and spend time in the library if that’s what you want. A few of my den-mates spend most of their time there.”
“I appreciate that,” you reply, “but I think I’ll go crazy if I don’t move around every once in a while.” The idea of combing through the wide range of new and interesting information in the library is appealing, but your attention span can only stay still for so long. “I know you’ll be out and about dealing with WildOnes. I’ll figure out something to do.”
Levi pauses, his eyes slowly scanning your face as he assesses something in your features. After a moment, he nods, evidently satisfied with what he sees. "If that's what you want," he says. "You're strong and smart. I'm sure someone could use your help if you ask around."
Shifting slightly, Levi leans in and plants a quick kiss on your cheek. It's incredible how quickly he's become comfortable with these small, sweet gestures. Each one sends a wave of excitement through your heart, making it flutter in your chest. "The houses here are probably different from what you're used to," he remarks.
"Bigger, I imagine," you smirk, glancing at the curled expanse of his tail. The thicker part is pressed flat against your back, ensuring that Levi can hold you close. You enjoy it when he does this, enveloping you as if you were a precious treasure to be protected.
Levi admits shyly, "I'm actually on the smaller end of my kind. But yes, most of the buildings will probably seem spacious to you. They're also closer together compared to what I saw in your village. It's a tight-knit community, although my place is on the outer edge, near the river. Some of my den-mates can be... loud."
You interject with a playful tone, "I bet there aren't any multiple stories. I can't imagine it's easy for you to navigate stairs."
Levi huffs, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "I'll take your word for it," he replies, shrugging indifferently. "I'll have to remember to get a chair for you. I purposely don't have one to keep Hange from coming around too often," he explains with a heavy sigh. "But I guess that plan won't work. I bet that menace will never leave us alone."
The casual inference of "us" causes your heart to throb with a mix of excitement and uncertainty. The word lingers in the air, heavy with significance.
Wide-eyed, Levi begins speaking hurriedly, his words tumbling out with a touch of nervousness. "You— we can still have a house built for you, but—" He pauses, visibly grappling with his thoughts, his fingers digging into your hip in a worried manner.
You quickly intervene, soothing him with an eager smile and a reassuring voice. "No, no," you say, "I don't think that will be necessary if you're okay with me moving in. I like the idea." Your words carry a hint of excitement as you express your desire. "I don't think I could bear being away from you at this point."
He smiles softly, a small and gentle upward curve of his lips that matches the ache in your heart. The sight brings you comfort and reassurance. As he speaks, his thumb works a fond circle into your hip, a tender gesture that fills you with warmth. “I feel the same way,” he says, his voice carrying a softness that resonates deep within you.
Yet, a lingering worry persists within you, buried deep in your chest. It’s a thought you’ve been trying to push aside for days, but now it demands your attention. “Do… Do you think they’ll like me?” you ask, vulnerability evident in your voice. “Your friends?” The concern about being accepted by the important people in Levi’s life has been gnawing at you, cultivating a growing sense of unease.
His response comes immediately, a firm and certain affirmation that washes away your worries. “Yes,” he says with conviction, as if he doesn’t even question the thought for a moment. The assurance in his voice brings comfort to your anxious heart. His fingers fiddle soothingly along the back of your head, gently petting your hair, a tender gesture that helps to ease your concerns. “They’ll love you,” he assures, his words carrying warmth and sincerity.
“How can you be so sure?” you ask fretfully. Waving a hand towards his chest then yours, you continue, “And what- what about us? This has to be different..”
Shushing you softly, Levi pats your arm reassuringly. “Listen,” he starts, “Humans and Naga used to coexist at one point. It was a -fuck what's the word- symbiotic relationship. We'd protect you during the warmer months and you'd protect us during the cold months. This-” he mimics your gesture with the flick of a wrist “-this isn't something completely unheard of.”
It feels as if something in your brain has fallen loose, leaving your mind in a state of awe and disbelief. In just a handful of sentences, a profound shift has occurred, shaking the foundation of your reality and stirring a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. It’s as if the world has shifted on its axis, leaving you reeling and breathless. “How do you know this?” you ask, voice carrying a mix of curiosity and wonder.
“Erwin has talked about it more than a few times,” Levi explains with a noncommittal shrug. “He has a bunch of old books from back then, so many that they don't even fit on his bookshelves anymore. He somehow keeps finding more, making a huge fucking mess with the stacks balanced everywhere around his house. Remember, he’s tried to convince me that we should reach out to human villages. He likes to point towards those as proof that things could work out well.”
Based on your previous interactions, you can guess at the answer, but you ask anyway, “Then…what happened?”
His lips thin into a grim line as he speaks, his words laced with a sense of bitterness and disappointment. “Exactly what you’d expect,” he says, his tone weighted with dread. “Erwin always fails to acknowledge how the story ends, focusing on the more idyllic portion of the tale. Humans eventually learned about the luck our scales could bring them. Things changed immediately. Their greedy natures became apparent in the blink of an eye. The filthy fuckers they-” Pausing, Levi hisses softly under his breath, letting loose a soft curse. “The Naga were thrown in cages, mistreated and farmed. Only some managed to escape into The Maw.”
“Better to run into danger than be tortured in captivity,” you hum knowingly. The choice between facing the perils of the unknown and enduring the torment must've been difficult. You hadn't even been able to contemplate taking that leap, the option had been thrust upon you.
“Exactly. You understand,” he agrees with a solemn nod. “The Maw was even wilder back then, teeming with gigantic Wild beasts around every corner, but they went into the darkness willingly. I don't blame them.”
“Me either,” you respond. “So my ancestors were cruel to yours…”
“Don't you dare apologize,” Levi chides softly in response, knowingly watching your lip quiver. His thumb comes up, smoothing across your bottom lip. “It was hundreds of years ago and has nothing to do with you. You're special. Kind. They were all monstrous pieces of shit, including the ones who kept me in chains.”
“Still…” you warble sadly. Your thoughts are interrupted by a high chirp. The sound is singular and high pitched, quickly followed by a distant echo. Coming from behind you, something small crunches the snow near the cave’s entrance. It's a familiar sound, the rustle of feathers and the flapping of tiny wings. More high pitched twitters follow. “Are those birds chirping?”
Head rising, Levi’s head tilts curiously towards the opening. “Sounds like it,” he confirms.
“This is the first that I've heard them,” you start, excited by the noisy trills promising of brighter days ahead. “It must mean spring is starting soon.”
Levi flops his head back down onto the bedding, emitting a soft hum. He avoids meeting your gaze, instead, his fingers fiddle with the neckline of your shirt absentmindedly. "Is there anything else you want to know?" he asks, his voice hushed with a hint of vulnerability.
"Why do you always do that?" you ask, your frustration evident in the glare you shoot him. "Lately, every time I've mentioned spring, you get quiet or change the subject. What's going on?"
Levi's mouth opens and closes several times, his throat bobbing with heavy swallows. His shoulders stiffen beneath your hands, turning as rigid as stone. “There-” He struggles to meet your gaze as he speaks, his voice filled with a mix of hesitation and anxiety. "There's something I've been meaning to tell you... about spring."
The way his eyes are pinched tight only intensifies the anxiety suddenly surging through you. It looks like dread. “L-Levi..?”
Levi speaks hurriedly, his words stumbling over each other. "I... I usually spend the first few weeks of spring here. I can guide you to the den and then head back. Or... if there's not enough time, you could go by yourself."
He completely ignores you, continuing forward at a rapid fire pace. “You remember how to get to the river, right? It's just to the west, then you follow that north up the mountain.”
“-What are you talking about-”
“This early in the season, Connie will probably on guard-”
“Levi!” You stop him mid-word, grabbing his chin to force his gaze to meet yours. “The fuck are you talking about? What happens in spring?”
"It-" Levi's voice catches in his throat, his hesitation palpable. He swallows, as if his throat is constricted. The rest of his sentence comes out in a hushed, guarded tone. "It's mating season."
Fingers twisting nervously into the fabric of your shoulders, he continues, “I can already feel it coming. That's why- I don't want to push you. This is new and-”
"I'm not opposed," you interrupt, your voice carrying a high-pitched squeak. A mix of embarrassment and excitement flushes your face, and a jittery thrill courses through your limbs. "I... I don't want to leave you all alone here."
He shudders, his gaze avoiding yours as he struggles to find the right words. "Y-you don't understand. It's different. If... if you're here, I'll lose control. I'm afraid that I won't be able to stop myself."
Frowning, you press him further, "So your plan is to send me off on my own into The Maw, and you just stay here alone? What will you do?"
He grunts, puffing out a heavy sigh. “Same thing I've always done. Fuck my own hand until it hurts,” he waves off your shocked gasp. “I’m used to enduring it alone. It's fine.”
“Enduring…” The vivid image makes your stomach clench, arousal flaring between your thighs. “You don't have to.. I-”
Tongue flicking out, his gaze darkens with a simmering heat. Leaning forward, that darkness bores into you like a dangerous, enticing threat. With a blink, some of the heat falls away, worry surging forward. “You don't understand. If- if we fuck during my heat I won't be able to stop myself. I'll mark you. This- this will be permanent.”
Something in your chest stills as you process his words. "Permanent?" you repeat, your voice barely a whisper.
Your pulse quickens, matching the intensity of his gaze in the flickering firelight. His fangs glisten, a testament to his true nature. Levi's voice is low and husky as he explains the implications of a mating bond, his nails grazing the sensitive skin of your neck. "There wouldn't be any turning back," he murmurs, his voice filled with a mix of longing and vulnerability. “I wouldn't be able to stop myself from claiming you.”
A surge of emotions fills your chest, making it hard to find your voice. "Levi," you manage to whisper, your voice laced with both curiosity and a hint of fear. "Is that something you want?"
His expression flickers with a mix of uncertainty and raw desire. "Yeah, I... yeah," he stammers, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "I've never felt this way before. It's overwhelming, but it's what I want."
Levi's words hang heavy in the air, his desire and uncertainty intertwining in his expression. Your heart races, the weight of his emotions echoing within you. Gently, you speak his name, your voice filled with a blend of tenderness and yearning. "Levi," you murmur, your fingers caressing his cheek, tracing a gentle line along his cheekbone. The realization hits you like a wave crashing against the shore—you love him. But instead of uttering those three words, you convey your commitment in a different way. "If it's what you truly want," you say softly, "I'm willing to take that leap with you." Cupping his face in your hands, you convey your decision clearly. "I'll stay."
His eyes widen in surprise, unable to believe what he's hearing. "What- you- you want that?" he stammers, his voice filled with a mixture of shock and hope.
You meet his gaze with unwavering certainty. "Yes," you reply firmly. "I want to be with you."
Levi's eyes scan your face, searching for any trace of doubt or hesitation. His mouth opens, but before he can speak, you interject. "Yes," you reiterate, emphasizing your decision. "I'm sure."
A wave of tension releases from Levi's shoulders, and his spirit seems to soar free. Relief washes over his face, radiating like the first rays of dawn after a long and stormy night. You can't help but smile, leaning forward to place a tender kiss on his lips.
"How long do we have?" you inquire, curiosity tinged with eagerness.
Levi's chin bobs forward as he returns your kiss. "Soon," he murmurs, his voice filled with anticipation. "It'll be soon. A week. Maybe even a handful of days." The promise lingers in the air, fueling your excitement for the future.
A sudden surge of anxiety twists your gut like a metal vice. A handful of days... In only a handful of days, you'll be... You've never really thought too much about sex, and your continuing virginity doesn't really rank high in terms of things that actually mattered. Still, it's daunting to realize that there's now a solid time frame until it'll be gone. Until... Your eyes instinctively dart downward, quickly appraising the smooth dark grey scales below his stomach, before bouncing back up to his face.
Seeing your concern, his forehead bumps into yours. He frowns, softly cupping the back of your head. “Are you sure about this? I might be rough. Heats are normally quite.. frantic. I don't think it'll be a nice first time.”
Nervously, you begin, your fingers fiddling anxiously at his shoulders. "I-I've heard that first times can be sort of painful... Could we... would you be opposed if we explored a bit first?" You pause, gesturing vaguely towards his lap. "I'm not sure how you work."
Levi huffs, rolling his eyes, his cheeks turning a bright and rosy pink. The color deepens, spreading to the tips of his ears like glowing coals. His eyes briefly glance down to your thighs, and his tongue peeks out with a short flick. "I... I don't really know how you work either," he admits, his voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and uncertainty.
Laughing softly, you nudge his nose with your own, urging him to kiss you. The playful touch fills the air with anticipation, a gentle spark igniting between you. His eyes meet yours, reflecting a mix of desire and affection. In that tender moment, the world fades away, leaving only the two of you connected by an unspoken understanding. Time stands still, fingers press into your scalp, and soft lips meet yours.
A blazing inferno ignites, passion filling the atmosphere with an electric charge. He sighs into you, lapping softly into your mouth with an urgent heat. Just the hot slide of his tongue is enough to have you moaning, all of your senses narrowing in on nothing but him. The intensity consumes you, melting away any inhibitions and flooding your senses with a wave of desire. Every touch, every breath, fuels the raging flames filling your blood, leaving you with an undeniable yearning for more.
“Levi,” you groan into his mouth, lips not even breaking away from him. Somehow, you've ended up on your back. Levi hovering over you, one forearm pressed to the bedding beside your head, the other hand softly cupping the base of your skull. It's like he's been let loose, suddenly wild with a need he's been holding back for too long. He's everywhere, both skin and scales wrapped tight around you. “Fuck.. Levi.”
Moaning your name, he shifts to tug urgently at your top. Even in desperation, the touch is gentle. The sharp points of his claws pull up the bottom hem, only barely grazing your skin. “Can I explore you?”
Gasping, your fingers scramble across the smooth porcelain of his back. “N-not that i'm opposed but w-where's this coming from?” His hips jolt roughly into yours, cutting off the thought and sending your mind spiraling into buzzing arousal.
“Want you,” he breathes with a hot gust of air. Lapping at the pulse of your throat, sharp teeth graze your skin in a short delicious pain. Rolling his hips, he shifts so that the seam of your pants perfectly catches your clit. “Your scent has been driving me insane.”
It's harder and harder to think with every roll of his hips. The grip he has on your hips tightens, pulling you to match his steady thrusts. His fingers wander beneath your shirt, teasingly dragging along the small of your back. Sharp teeth graze your earlobe followed by a hot gust of air and a heated whisper, “Can I?
“Yes,” you moan. “Take it off.”
The next thing you know your upper half is bare. Pulling away to sit upright, Levi's intense gaze lingers on your bare skin, darkened with a mix of desire and reverence. The weight of his stare feels like a gentle caress, making your heart race in anticipation of what is to come. The intensity in his eyes speaks volumes, conveying a profound appreciation for the vulnerable moment shared between you. It's as if time stands still, his throat bobbing in anticipation.
Trembling fingers drag curiously up your torso. Grey eyes locked with yours, another heavy swallow follows as his nails slowly skim up along your skin, towards your bare breasts. “Soft,” he says breathlessly. “You're so soft.”
He looks astonished, jaw dropping with a shuddered gasp. Cupping your right breast, the way he holds you is almost devout. His thumb skims a cautious circle around the tightened peak, making you moan openly.
Surging forward, Levi’s lips crash into yours with revived intensity. Heated, the lip lock has lost all finesse, quickly growing sloppy as his hips reestablish their rolling thrusts. He drinks in all of your little noises, filling your throat with his own eager groans of excitement.
For what seems like an eternity, Levi slides his tongue against yours with an intense, heated fervor. Too soon, he abandons the kiss, lowering his head to bathe the column of your neck in sloppy wet kisses. Trailing further down, the occasional sharp sting of teeth makes you gasp, head falling back onto the bedding. He takes the opening greedily, sucking little marks into your exposed throat with a pleaser moan.
Lowering his head, Levi's breath washes over your chest in a hot gust, causing goosebumps to rise along your skin. The warmth and proximity of his breath sends a shiver down your spine, heightening your senses and igniting a delicious anticipation within you. He kisses you, each touch soft and quick, starting with your collarbone. Then, with an irresistible magnetism, he moves a bit lower, planting another delicate kiss. The rhythm continues in an endless staccato, creating a symphony of sensations that sends shivers of pleasure cascading through your body. Each kiss is a tantalizing tease, building a crescendo of desire that leaves you yearning for more.
The next kiss lands right at the center of your chest, his lips pulling teasingly at the skin there with a long wet suck. His heated gaze remains locked with yours, unyielding and intense, as if trying to convey a thousand unspoken desires. It's thrilling, filling you with a rush of exhilaration and burning anticipation.
Resting the side of his head heavily on your belly, he gazes up at you with pure heated adoration. The pink of his tongue peaks out, lapping softly at the underside of your right breast. You jolt, “Ahh, Levi!”
“Your skin tastes so good,” he tells you in an awed breath, swirling his tongue higher and higher along the peak. Sucking at the rounded curve of your right breast, his teeth leave a small mark in their wake. “I could bathe every inch of you with my tongue.”
"It's just sweat," you pant, your fingers threading into his hair as you try to pull him upward for another kiss. The intensity of the moment, coupled with the heat between you, has beads of perspiration forming on your skin.
“It's you,” he breathes into your skin, his words tinged with a mixture of awe and reverence. The heat of his gaze, intense and unwavering, is fixed upon your face, causing your mind to spiral and your thoughts to stumble and falter before they can fully form. “I don't think I'll ever get tired of you. Your taste. Your voice. Your smell. Your heat. Everything.”
His words are dizzying. Tugging harder at his hair, you beg mindlessly, “Kiss..kiss..” Resisting your pull, his tongue swirls a slow circle around your nipple. Pure sensation floods through you and suddenly you can't tell up from down. It's as if reality narrows, the hot press of his tongue becoming the entirety of your world. Keening loudly, you immediately switch to thoughtlessly pulling his head closer to your breast. “More, Levi. More!”
"So sensitive," he murmurs against your nipple, the warmth of his breath sending shivers down your spine. His lips graze your skin with wet, featherlight kisses, tracing a path of tantalizing sensations just around the hardened peak. After what feels like an eon, his lips enclose around the hardened bud, tugging urgently at the sensitive skin with a satisfied hum.
"God, fuck!" you gasp, your head falling back. You're forced to pinch your eyes tightly shut as a sharp surge of pleasure and pressure shoots through you. Every nerve ending tingles with the intensity of the sensation, overwhelming your senses and leaving you breathless. It's so much. “Good! Shit, Levi,” you cry nonsensically, “Don't stop!”
Digging your nails into his scalp, the pain only urges him to suck harder, his forked tongue swirling quick circles into the bud. Pulling away with a wet smack, you whine airily in protest of the loss. The sudden shock of cool air against your heated skin has you aching. Levi's thumb quickly comes up to the abandoned bud, working warm and dizzying circles into the oversensitive peak. Delirious, you chant, “Ah- aaah! Levi. Too much! It's too much!” The touch is almost overwhelming, sending a jolt of conflicting sensations through your body. You're torn between wanting to squirm closer, seeking more of the pleasure it brings, or pulling away, overwhelmed by the intensity.
Your hips jolt uncontrollably, bumping hard into his abdomen. He grunts in response and in an instant the thinnest portion of his tail comes up to encircle your waist with a surprising strength. It holds you in place, anchoring you to him with a firm grip that prevents your hips from continuing their thoughtless churn. His scales are smooth and cool, a distinct contrast to the warmth of his skin and the heat of his gaze. Shivering from the extra layer of sensation, your fingers skirt across the smooth scales.
You can’t help but voice your need, the urgency in your voice evident. “Levi… I… I need…” you trail off, your voice filled with longing.
“Soon,” he responds, his voice laced with heated desire. The word hangs in the air, fueling the intensity between you, promising that your desires will soon be fulfilled. His gaze locks onto yours, burning with a dark and primal promise. “I'm still exploring.”
Turning his head, he treats your left breast with the same amount of care as he did the right. Slow and patients, he matches the same pace as before, starting out by sucking at the fatty underside of your chest. The process unfolds achingly slowly, every moment drawing out the anticipation as his lips slowly move up. Levi’s darkened eyes remain locked onto your flushed face the entire time, you can feel the heat of it burning into you even as your eyes fall closed. “Shit,” you gasp, trembling in his grip. This time, he sucks at your nipple with a fevered pressure, his thumb working dizzying circles into the abandoned bud. Sharp teeth graze the peak, resulting in a deep shudder that sends your back ramrod straight.
It feels as though every nerve in your body has been struck with lightning, igniting a fire that races through your veins with a fevered intensity. Every lap of his tongue echoes straight through you, burning all the nerve endings straight from your torso to your thighs, making your clit throb in a painful need. Desperate for friction, all you can do is squirm in his grasp, your hands clutching onto his head as you pull him closer, craving more of the electrifying sensations he’s stirring within you.
Humming in satisfaction, every little noise he makes vibrates through your skin. The sound is hungry and desperate. Every heated exhale and muffled moan that escapes from his lips fuels the fire within you. Abandoning your chest with a soft pop, Levi looks down at you, his dark eyes drinking in your flushed face with a potent mix of satisfaction and burgeoning lust.
Repeating his actions before, Levi's lips leave a trail of soft and quick kisses as they continue their adventure downward. One after the next, they trace a winding path across your stomach, igniting a fluttering sensation within you. The intimate attention causes your abdomen to clench in anticipation, a mix of nerves and desire intertwining. Tugging hesitantly at the band of your pants, he asks, “This next?”
“Please,” you beg, already wiggling your hips up to help remove the garment. You're so wet, you can feel the slickness leaking along your upper thighs. You don't think you've ever been so aroused in your life, not that you've had a lot of free time to explore.
Soon enough, you're completely naked beneath his gaze. Levi pauses, his gaze fixed on you, his expression filled with curiosity and perhaps a hint of surprise. His piercing eyes bore into yours, as if searching for something beyond your words. The flickering flames cast an eerie glow on his scales, accentuating the enigmatic aura that surrounds him. His thumb shifts, working curiously into the meat of your inner thigh.
You’ve never felt so bare. His eyes flicker from your face to between your thighs, his face contorting with a perplexed expression, as if he’s trying to decipher something. His tongue flicks out, tasting the air around your simmering heat. Dark grey orbs drag slowly along your folds, the sharp points of his nails digging into your skin in a surge of anxiety. Mouth dropping open, his chest heaves with an unsteady breath.
Beneath his curious gaze, a surge of nerves flares to life, electrifying your every fiber. Squirming in his grasp, you involuntarily clench your thighs together. Anxiety surges through your heart with a frantic beat, its rhythm matching the racing thoughts in your mind.
Seeing your nerves, Levi's fingers work soothing circles into your thigh, his touch offering a comforting reassurance. His gaze flicks up to assess your face, his eyes heavy with intensity as they drink in your anxious features. With genuine concern, he speaks softly, "We can stop if you want."
The softness in his expression causes your heart to skip a beat, a rush of affection and tenderness flooding your senses. With sincerity, you assure him, "No," your voice filled with earnestness, "I want this." Your chest surges with relief, catching anxiety lingering in his own features. “I want more. Please?”
He smiles at you softly, his eyes reflecting warmth and understanding. Without hesitation, he leans forward, closing the distance between you, and presses a quick, gentle kiss to your lips. Levi's gaze lingers on your body, specifically the cleft between your thighs, a mix of curiosity and fascination evident in his eyes. "You have hair here too," he notes, his voice filled with genuine awe.
“Y-yeah,” you stutter, heart thudding as you watch his fingers prod curiously at your folds. His heated gaze dances back and forth between your soaked center and your flushed face, nose flaring. The touch is inquisitive, delicate and gentle, his fingers tracing the strands with a careful curiosity.
Using his finger and thumb, he spreads you wide, the petals of your labia falling apart with a sticky wetness. The curiosity in his gaze bleeds into open hunger. “So wet,” he coos, sliding a finger through the slickness in a dizzying wave of sensation. You jolt thoughtlessly, pressing into the teasing touch. Eyes burning with lust, he locks his gaze with yours, emanating an overwhelming heat. He watches your jaw drop with burning anticipation, his eyes fixed on your reaction, as his fingers prod into the wet heat of your folds. In a heated voice, he asks, "Is all this for me?"
His tone is filled with a mixture of disbelief and desire, as if he can hardly believe that the extent of your arousal is because of him. You bob your head nonsensically in response, hips jolting uncontrollably. Words fail you in this moment, but your actions speak volumes, confirming that yes, all of this is indeed for him.
His touch is too soft, too gentle and both too low and too high. The pads of his fingers are slowly dragging along the spread petals of your labia, a dizzying tease that makes your hips wiggle against the tight clasp he has wrapped around your waist. Whining loudly, you throw your head back, churning your hips thoughtlessly in an attempt to move the touch upwards. Tugging at his right bicep with desperate strength, his name leaves your lips in a needy plea, the sound laced with desire and urgency. “L-Levi, up- higher- touch me higher!”
"What do I do?" he asks, his eyes wavering up and down your body. Licking his lips, the swell of his throat bobs in a heavy swallow. His voice carries a mix of uncertainty and anticipation. "Show me," he pleads, his desire evident in both his words and the way he looks at you. He's eager to learn and explore, ready to follow your lead and fulfill your desires.
Swallowing heavily, your fingers skim down, trailing along the soaked petals of your labia. Gathering some slickness, you shudder beneath his heated gaze. “Here,” you rasp, swirling a smooth circle into your clit. “Little circles, like this.” Watching you with eager anticipation, his fingers tighten their grip on the meat of your thigh.
Impossibly, the intensity in his gaze grows, his eyes locking onto your movement with unwavering focus. It's as if nothing else exists. The weight of his gaze sends shivers down your spine, surging the liquid heat filling your veins. It's a potent mix of curiosity, longing, and a hint of vulnerability, all encapsulated in the depths of his captivating eyes. The ache within you intensifies. Every fiber of your being yearns for his touch, for the connection that promises to unravel the depths of your desires. Your voice trembles with need as you plead, “T-touch me. Levi, please! It’s not enough…”
“I will. Don't worry, I will,” he says, voice filled with determination. Bringing his hand up to his face, Levi brings the sharp talon of one of his claws between his teeth. The pointed tip presses against his teeth, and he applies pressure, his fangs sinking into the hard surface. With a firm bite, he snaps off the pointed end, spitting it out into the distance. The process repeats as he bites off the tips of his other claws, determined to remove all the sharp tips on his right hand.
“Wha- what are you doing?” you ask, your voice filled with a mixture of surprise and confusion, as you try to make sense of his actions.
Once Levi finishes biting off the sharp tips of his claws, he takes a moment to examine his fingertips. His gaze lingers on the now blunted claws, their appearance resembling human nails with rough rounded edges. As he looks at them, he offers an explanation, “Don’t want to hurt you.”
"Oh," you breathe, your voice catching in your throat. The sight of his dulled claws evokes a mixture of gratitude and tenderness within you. It's a sweet, thoughtful, and considerate act, one that resonates deeply in your heart, causing it to throb with affection and appreciation.
Just as you'd shown him, his fingers quickly slide along your cleft to gather some slickness, before carefully prodding at the swollen bud throbbing above. His heated gaze bounces between watching his fingers work and observing your features as they twist with pleasure. “Like this?” he asks, voice uncertain.
The combination of uncertainty and desire in his voice sends a shiver down your spine. You nod eagerly, encouraging him to continue, your voice laced with anticipation as you affirm, "Yes, just like that. Don't stop."
Two of his fingers work a quick tempo into your clit, moving in tight and fast circles in a way that leaves you clenching. As you gasp and quiver, his tail tightens its grip around you, ensuring your hips remain still as his touch sends waves of pleasure coursing through your body. Nails digging into his shoulders, you suddenly feel empty. “I can feel you throbbing,” he notes excitedly. Sliding his fingers down to gather more slickness, the rapid pace shifts to match the hot pulse of your clit.
“Fuck,” you manage, blinking hazily. You've played with yourself plenty of times before, both out of a healthy mix of boredom and curiosity, but nothing your own fingers did could ever measure up to this. Chest heaving, you pant his name in an urgent plea, “Levi -it's ah- Levi!”
"Yeah," he breathes, his voice oozing with an excessive sense of satisfaction and composure. While your mind seems to unravel at the seams, his voice remains steady and deep, with just the faintest quiver. "What do you need?"
“Inside,” you urge him breathlessly with a desperate jolt of your hips. Digging your nails into his shoulders, you tug at him urgently. “Put them inside.”
Stopping the attention at your clit, he prods the pad of his finger along the rim of your entrance. The tip barely presses in, a dizzying teasing pressure just past the ring of muscle. Licking his lips nervously, his voice trembles as he speaks, “Here?”
“Yeah, yeah,” you nod, chest heaving with exertion and anticipation. The atmosphere between you is so oppressively hot and sticky that it's challenging to catch your breath. Seeking stability and leverage, you curl your toes behind his back. Your digits make contact with the slick coolness of the scales at the base of his spine, sending a shiver of excitement down your spine. Using the contact, you lift your hips, urging him forward with a needy whine, “Levi, please!”
“Shit,” he gasps, watching the digit disappear into you with stunned awe. His jaw falls slack, revealing a mix of surprise and disbelief as his finger wiggles curiously in your depths. “You feel so-” It's as if the ground beneath him has crumbled, leaving him momentarily speechless. Slowly, he regains his composure and steadies himself, pulling back before pushing in again. Then again, filling you with a slow and steady rhythm.
Overwhelmed by the sensation, your head lulls back into the bedding’s soft embrace. Eyes fluttering closed, you can still feel the burning intensity of his gaze on your skin. You can almost feel the weight of his eyes as they traverse your face, tracing every contour and line with an intense, eager heat. “Levi,” you moan loudly, peeling your eyes open to meet his fevered gaze. Your hips jolt, fighting against his grip to meet every thrust in short, abated swirls. “s’ not enough,” you manage to tell him, tongue heavy and voice slurred. You quiver, clenching down around as the digit works a curious circle into the over sensitive skin. “More! Gimme one more!”
“You're so tight,” he breathes, voice filled with awe. Speaking to himself, you can barely hear the words in your daze. They're hushed and quiet compared to the loud roaring in your ears. “Will I even fit?”
Dazed, you only process his finger pulling away, leaving you empty and aching. Nodding nonsensically, you beg, “Please please please! Need it! Need more!”
Eager to appease, a second digit quickly joins, twisting into you in an urgent rhythm. It's a bit of a stretch, but the pressure is delicious in a way that makes your toes curl. You're so slick that each ingress is an easy, gentle slide, filling the air with a filthy wet squelching that makes your ears ring and your heart hammer a thunderous beat.
His fingers twist deliciously inside you with every stroke, the pads pressing curiously into your gummy walls. He’s clearly searching for something, jabbing and curling his fingers. Through your shuddered vision, you watch him carefully assess your face, his brows furrowed in a mix of curiosity and uncertainty. Despite the blurred edges of your vision, you can still perceive the intent behind his gaze. “Where-,” he asks, his voice brimming with genuine curiosity and a palpable eagerness, “How… how do I?”
The mix of excitement and anticipation evident in his tone sends a shiver down your spine. “Curl them-” you instruct him breathlessly, reveling in the earnest heat flooding his face. You haven't even touched him, and yet his skin is flushed bright pink. Even portions of his chest are spotty and flushed with excitement. “Curl them upwards like- ah shit!”
Your words are cut short as he immediately follows instruction, quirking the digits up just right to leave you gasping for air. “There,” he notes gleefully, satisfaction evident as he observes the dazed look on your face. Wrapped loosely around his waist, your thighs spasm from the surge of sensation. His left hand digs excitedly into the fat of your thigh, incensed by the breathy moan that escapes your lips. Bearing down on you, his fingers jab repeatedly into the sensitive spot in an unrelenting fervor. “Is that good?”
“Y-yeah,” you manage to utter, your voice trembling with a mix of overwhelming emotions. The intensity of the moment leaves you momentarily speechless, struggling to find the right words to express the whirlwind of sensations coursing through your body. “L-Levi,” you squeal, voice cracking in excitement. The overwhelming intensity of the moment engulfs you, causing you to pinch your eyes tight as your vision blurs. As your eyes close, the darkness behind your eyelids transforms into a swirling vortex of vivid colors and shapes, creating a mesmerizing kaleidoscope. The external world fades away, its presence diminished as your senses become hyper-focused on the sheer ecstasy pulsating through your body. Desperate for something to ground yourself, one hand instinctively claws into the bedding behind your head. Shifting his hand, his thumb rises to work quick circles into your clit. “Aah- fuck- y-you're good at this.”
You can’t see him, but from the tone of his voice, there’s a distinct smirk underlying his words. “Told you I’m a quick learner,” he replies, his voice carrying a sense of playful satisfaction.
“Shit,” you curse dazedly, barely managing to peel your eyes open to look at Levi. Throbbing rhythmically around him, the knot building in your stomach pulls taut, twisting tighter and tighter with every thrust. A surging tidal wave of pleasure lingers tantalizingly at the edges of your senses, its presence buzzing around the back of your skull. It looms just on the edge of your consciousness, an intoxicating mixture of sharp pleasure and desire. The intensity of it builds with every thrust of his fingers and every heated grunt that escapes his lips. Watching him through wet lashes, the heated intensity of his gaze only sends your mind spiraling further towards the edge. It seems poised to crash over you at any moment. “L-Levi! I’m close!”
His eyes widen in response to your words, the pink of his tongue peaking out to taste the air. You’re so slick, the scent must be drowning his senses completely. “Not yet,” he says with a deep, shuddering breath. His fingers twist, pressing hard into the sensitive patch of tissue before going still. “You can't come yet.
The sudden lack of stimulation makes you whine, your hips wiggling in his grasp in a sorrowful attempt to get some more. Everything inside you aches, the surge of overwhelming pleasure fading with painful disappointment. With your head lolling back against the bedding, you express your dissatisfaction with a whine, “Why?”
Humming mysteriously in response, his fingers slide from your fluttering grasp. The sudden emptiness only worsens your ache. Raising the digits to his face, the pink of his tongue peaks out once again, licking a long trail along the soaked digits from base to tip. His eyes flutter closed and his chest heaves with a long, pleasured shudder. He sucks eagerly at the digits with an intensity that makes your breath catch. Groaning at the taste, he explains, “I've been dying to taste you.”
Shuffling downwards in a rippling display of onyx scales, he pulls your thighs to rest over his shoulders, holding you in place with a soft and steady grasp. Resting the side of his head against the plush skin, he presses a quick kiss to the crease of your inner thigh. “Ohh look at that,” he breathes in a soft coo, staring down at your soaking pussy with open hunger. His eyes are such a mesmerizing shade of dark and stormy grey that you can barely see the sharp slits of his pupils. Eyes widening with an unmistakable expression of lust, his mouth drops open in sheer awe. “I can see you clenching,” he breathes excitedly, his breath bathing your over sensitive cunt with heat.
A tremor builds, starting right between your shoulder blades and coursing through your entire being. You find yourself clenching uncontrollably in response to his words, right beneath his watching gaze. Goosebumps surge up your spine, causing your back to instinctively straighten. As you wiggle within his grasp, the small of your back arches, lifting slightly from the bedding below. It seems impossible, but even more heat surges into your face. Even your ears feel flushed and warm.
His tongue peaks out, the forked edge bathing your inner thigh with a warm and wet heat. The touch is teasing, slowly and gradually lapping at the skin of your inner thighs, soaking in the taste of your skin with pleased little hums. He's teasing himself, you realize, slowly working his way towards the slick heat of your cunt.
You gasp, hips canting uselessly as one long lick traces between your folds from bottom to top. “Fuck,” he groans, fingers tightening into the meat of your thighs. His grasp on you shifts, pulling you impossibly closer with an intense strength. Eyes pinched closed, he groans openly into your pussy. “You taste so fucking good. Just like I thought you would.”
Repeating the process, he laps urgently along the length of your folds, every hot slide stopping just short of your clit. “Levi,” you whine. “Ah- fuck, Levi!” Instinctively, you reach down and fist your hands into his hair.
“Mhmm,” he moans deliriously, circling the tip of his tongue around your entrance to lap at the slickness that's gushing out. “There's so much. I want all of it. I want to taste you forever.”
You clench, gushing even more. With pleasure burning a dizzying haze through your brain, it's difficult to keep your eyes open, but you fight to keep them locked into his face.
The forked tip slides up to wind dizzying circles into your clit. You moan helplessly as latches himself onto your clit, sucking on it gently and flicking it with his tongue. Lips tightening around the bud, he suckles it with a heavy groan. The strong pressure has you gasping, your stomach clenching in tight little shudders. Between your thighs, Levi's face contorts into an open display of pleasure, his brows knitting tightly together as his jaw works urgently against you. Every eager groan he releases is dizzying, vibrating through your skin and echoing into your very soul.
Working his way back down with several long laps along the spread folds of your labia, the tip of his tongue works smooth circles along the rim of your entrance. The appendage presses in, lapping softly at your gummy walls. His pointer and index fingers rise to work quick circles in your clit. His tongue may be thin, but it's long, filling you with a wet, writhing heat.
His nose huffs a pleased, warm gust of air where it's mashed against the crease of your thigh. It's like he's kissing your entrance, his lips working urgently and pleased little groans rumbling through his chest as his tongue pumps deep. It's so slick and wet, his broken groans vibrating through you beside a loud filthy squelch. Impossibly, the wet muscle twists just right, curving into the sensitive patch of skin along your front wall.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck-” you gasp thoughtlessly, sheer overwhelming pleasure forcing your bred to lull back and your eyes to pinch closed. Groaning into you, the slick pumping increases to a rapid fire pace, sliding past your g-spot with every thrust. The familiar coil builds back at the base of your stomach with an alarming speed. “L-Lee -I- I’m gunna-”
“I can feel it,” he says in a fevered tone, barely pulling away to speak. His fingers swirl hard, rounded circles into your clit, making you squirm and whimper. He coos softly, blowing a gentle puff of air onto the swollen bud. “You’re fluttering so softly. Come for me, right around my tongue.”
The slithering mass quickly fills you again, thrusting into you with a burning heat. A squeal escapes you, accompanied by a ringing sensation in your ears, while the knot in your stomach tightens painfully. Your thighs tremble, and with a desperate strength, your fingers dig into the soft pelt beneath you, clawing at it. Chanting his name in between heavy breaths, it becomes the sole word that occupies your pleasure-soaked mind. You come, pure white flooding into the darkness behind your eyes. A flood of warmth gushes from your core, which he eagerly laps up with a pleased groan, his diligent attention sharpening your peak and dragging it on for what seems like an eternity.
As awareness gradually returns, it is accompanied by the urgent press of his lips against yours. The sensation pulls you back into the present moment. Meeting the messy lip lock, your own taste fills your senses, rich and musty against your tongue. He emits an eager hum, filling your mouth with the warm rush of his breath. “You make such beautiful noises…” he begins with a shaky breath, “cute little whines and gasps. I want to hear more.”
Leaning flat above you, every breath makes your stomachs brush. His eyes are so hot, filled with a burning intensity that resurges the heat fading from between your thighs. In the flickering firelight, the entire lower half of his face glistens, moist and shiny, casting an alluring glow.
"W-what about you?" you stutter, summoning the courage to slide your hand down his abdomen, feeling the spasming flesh beneath your touch. As your fingers graze the boundary where alabaster skin transitions into tiny onyx scales, you venture into uncharted territory. The act fills your throat with a surge of anxiety, causing you to swallow heavily.
Your attention is drawn to a damp spot along his lap, where his dark scales gleam in the flickering light. As your fingertips glide over the smooth scales, they encounter a warm slickness. “Did I do that?” you inquire, a mix of curiosity and uncertainty lacing your words.
His muscles quiver beneath your touch, and he shakes his head in response. "No," he murmurs. "That's why I wanted to stop earlier."
Sitting up with his back against the wall, he gently guides you to sit on his lap. Looking up at you with a mix of nervousness and desire, his throat visibly bobs with anticipation. An arm wraps around the small of your back, providing a comforting and secure embrace, radiating warmth. His mouth repeatedly opens and closes, as if attempting to form words that never quite make it past his lips. His expression reveals a struggle to articulate his thoughts, leaving his words perpetually aborted.
“Is it my turn to explore?” you ask coyly, sliding your hand across his chest. Tracing the shuddering muscles of his abs with one hand, your other circles your thumb teasingly around the pink bud of his left nipple. He gasps, squirming into the touch.
“F-fuck,” he moans, breath escaping is a sharp gasp as you pinch the sensitive skin. Leaning forward, you lap a hot circle around the right bud, reveling in the shaky breath that shakes his form. His free hand closes around your upper arm in a desperate, frantic clasp.
“And you called me sensitive…” you hum teasingly, closing your lips around the bud. Sucking softly, the taste of his skin floods your senses, rich and masculine with a hint of salty sweat. He groans loudly above you, tugging on your arm with dazed desperation. His scent fills your nose, enveloping your senses with a distinctive blend of earthy musk, delicate notes of pine and sandalwood, and a lingering touch of comforting warm vanilla.
Your name escapes his lips in a low hush, his head lulling bonelessly back against the stone wall. Beneath you, his hips churn up between your spread thighs. More wetness surges, the scales beneath you becoming warm and slick. Your fingers slide curiously into the clear sticky mess, gathering it on the tips of your fingers. “Is- is this cum?” you ask, drinking in the embarrassed heat flushing high on his cheek bones.
“Not exactly,” he corrects you softly, peaking his tongue out to wet his lips. “It- It's more like yours.”
“How- how do-” you start hesitantly, staring down at the soaked scales between your thighs.
Taking your hand in his, guides your fingers along the scales right below his abdomen. “There,” he breathes, hips jolting up into the touch. “There's a slit, right there-” with a light pressure, he guides your fingers along a thin gap between his scales. The skin there is swollen and grey, leaking a thick trail of slick as it quivers beneath your touch.
“Here?” you breathe, heart hammering. Dipping your finger in, you watch as his eyes shutter closed. The little hole spasms frantically beneath your finger tip, practically gushing as you press the digit in, just to the first joint.
“Y-yeah,” he gasps, explaining unevenly. “There- there's a ring of muscles there, keeping my cock tucked away.”
Something soft and slick lurches beneath your fingertip. “You're holding it in?”
“Y-yeah,” he manages in a wheeze. His explanation escapes him in a rush, “It- it's different. I didn't want you to-”
“Show me,” you insist, looking hungry down at the wet little slit. Using your pointer finger and thumb, you spread the lips of it wide, revealing a rounded grey pucker that throbs beneath your heated gaze.
Hips bucking uncontrollably, a loud whine escapes his lips. Suddenly, there's a rippling spasm in the muscles of his abdomen and his cock slips out with a filthy slick sound. It slaps hard into his abdomen, leaving an oozing trail of slick across the pale skin, making it glisten tantalizingly in the firelight.
“You're so pretty,” you note in a mesmerized tone. It's a struggle not to call him cute. His cock is deep grey in tone and thick, so much so that it's a struggle to wrap your fingers around the base of him. The blunt head is equally thick, and as you stroke him softly the rounded flare of his tip peeks out from his foreskin with a more human-like tone. A deep, aching purplish red meets your gaze, the pinhole at the tip throbbing white that oozes down along the flare of the head and joins the slick coating the length.
"Don't—" he stammers, a deep blush spreading from his cheeks to the tips of his ears. You can tell just from the way his fingers grip your thighs that he desperately wants to hide his face in embarrassment. "Don't call it that!" he protests.
“But it is,” you insist earnestly. You've never even seen a grown man’s dick before, much less touched one, but you know the truth in your heart. Stroking him down to the base, the oozing tip makes your mouth water.
The sight of him surges you with a renewed wave of heat. A sudden, agonizing ache fills the emptiness within you, intensifying the feeling of longing and yearning. All around you the coiled length of his tail spasms in pleasure, mirroring the tight quivering along his abs. His hips jolt in short abated thrusts, thoughtlessly meeting each of your rapid strokes. “T-tighter,” he gasps, shuddering as your thumb swipes curiously at the tip.
Instead, you scoot upward on your knees, slotting the length of him between your folds. “Fuck you’re so wet,” you gasp. Even with his cock out, the slit around the base of him is still oozing slick.
"It's messy," he utters nonsensically.
Rubbing back and forth the length of him, both of his hands quickly lock around your hips, pulling you to help the dizzying slide. Leaning forward, his lips catch yours in a shallow, heated kiss that sends your senses spiraling. A series of breathy kisses trace a path down the side of your neck, each one sending shivers of pleasure through your body. Eventually, he buries his face in the crook of your neck, his hot tongue lapping softly at your pulse.
Rolling your hips, you watch in awe as the needy purple of his tip peaks out from your folds with every thrust. You're still puffy and sensitive from earlier, the stimulation already has the back of your head buzzing with pleasure. It gets messier and slicker between you, the rolling thrusts of your hips slide his cock between your folds- back, then forward- stimulating your clit with the head each time you fuck it along the length of your pussy.
“Ahh- shit,” he whines, jerkily beneath you. “Y-you're going to kill me. I'm not going to last...”
Slowing down, one swirling thrust makes the flare of his head catch breathtakingly along your entrance. An overwhelming surge of desire floods your senses, engulfing you in an intense craving. Your core aches with a relentless need, leaving you breathless. Tentatively, you ask, "Can we...?"
"Yes," he breathes the word against the sensitive skin of your neck, the sharp brush of his fangs adding a tantalizing sensation. His hips jolt in anticipation, and he pulls his head back from your neck, meeting your gaze with eyes filled with intense desire. "Please," he pleads, his voice filled with longing and need.
Worry fills your voice as you start, stumbling over your words. "Y-you mentioned... about mating season-"
He interrupts you, his tone reassuring yet determined. "My heat hasn't started yet. I can't bond out of season. I won't knot you." Beneath the words is a clear underlying implication of yet. Eyes dancing between your face and your thighs, he stutters, “I-if it's what you want, we can.”
“I want to,” you affirm determinedly, pressing a quick kiss to his lips. As always, the sharp points of his fangs dig into your bottom lip, sending a thrilling shiver down your spine.
You can feel him smile against your lips. Wrapping a hand around himself with a soft clasp, he strokes it with several quick jerks. Wetness oozes from the tip, shiny and white. Pressing the head into your fluttering hole, his jaw falls open. “Oh,” he breathes, chest surging inward as if all the air has been punched from his lungs. The steady grip on your hip becomes shaky, his fingers trembling.
With a shaky breath, you lower yourself carefully onto him. The width of his tip spreads you wider than anything ever before. Your pussy is still stretched from his previous attention, but this stretch is so much more. Straining down, the fat tip presses past your ring of muscle with a soft pop.
“Shit,” Levi gasps, muscles twitching violently. The grip around your hips tightens. He looks down to where he's disappearing inside you with awe. “This- this doesn't hurt you?”
“It stings,” you admit tightly. His face twists, so you rush to sooth his concern. “Just a bit. It's already fading, don't worry.”
Taking a breath, you sink further onto his cock with several abated thrusts. With slick glistening all over your pussy and thighs and more still bubbling up from his base, the combined arousal makes the last thick portion of his base slip easily inside of you. “Shit,” you hiss, “You're so fucking deep.” It feels like you can taste him in the back of your throat.
Levi's eyes shift between you, fixated on the captivating sight before him. He appears mesmerized, unable to tear his gaze away. "Don't move until you're ready," he murmurs, his voice laced with a mix of tender concern and rough heat.
You sit as still as possible, willing your body to quickly adjust to the new sensations. The sheer awe on his face mesmerizes you, prompting you to ask, “How does it feel to you?”
“Tight. Hot. Wet. Shit,” he gawps open mouthed, throbbing hard inside of you. Judging by the tension in his body and the slight tremor in his muscles, he's struggling to remain composed. “I don't ever want to leave. You're so fucking soft.” His heated praise makes you clench involuntarily around him, causing his hips to jolt up despite his will. “Fuck! Don't do that,” he chastises you with a soft curse.
You let out a soft, understanding chuckle. The laughter causes the muscles inside you flutter involuntarily, tightening around the hot length stretching your walls. Face twisting, his hips jolt again. “Can't exactly control it,” you explain with a gentle smile.
You can tell that he’s struggling to hold still, his fingers tightening painfully into the skin at your hips. Clearly trying to distract himself, his eyes roam along your face, gauging your features. He asks, “W-what does it feel like to you?”
“It's a lot. I'm so full,” you start, voice trembling. You didn't think it'd feel so different. His cock is scorching hot inside you, throbbing with a burning heat. You think you can even feel the tip leaking. It's startling to realize that the most intimate and sensitive part of him has slipped within the most intimate and sensitive part of you. “I- I didn't realize it'd be so much. I can feel you twitching.” The burn around your entrance is starting to fade, pleasure beginning to throb deep within. “I think I can move now.”
In a long breath, he instructs you with a plea in his voice, "Slow... I don't think I'm going to last."
Knees pressing into the bedding, you raise your hips, allowing most of him to slip free from your grasp. Canting your hips forward, you drop back down with a groan. “Shit, Levi,” you gasp, repeating the movement. “F-fuck it's so good.”
It's perfect. The angle has his head dragging softly across your g-spot with every downward thrust. Thighs quivering, you work to set a rapid pace bouncing up and down on his cock.
“F-Fuck! Soft… you’re so soft!” he praises deliriously, his long tongue lapping along the pulse of your throat. “So fucking tight… It feels like you’re sucking me in.”
His fingers find your clit, working quick circles into the puffy bud. Every time you throb, a deep groan rumbles through his chest. As he gazes down at the shimmering slick mess where your bodies meet, his eyes burn with a dark and intense heat. “Look at that! You’re taking me so well,” he utters with a mix of awe and desire.
Following his gaze, you watch the inhumanly dark grey skin of his cock disappear between your folds again and again. The pool of slick around his base has become a frothing foaming mess, a sight that makes your mouth suddenly feel dry. The whirlwind of pleasure creates a kaleidoscope of dizzying colors within your mind, overwhelming your senses. The knot in your stomach tightens abruptly, causing a sharp, welcome pain.
As you bounce up and down, your knees creak in protest, straining against the movement. "L-Levi," you whine, your fingers instinctively gripping into the spasming flesh of his abdomen. "It's not enough. I... I can't..." Your words trail off, unable to articulate the yearning and desire for more that consumes you.
Groaning your name with a fevered heat, his hips work up into yours with a thoughtless, fevered tempo. The thinnest portion of his tail curls around your hips, aiding in pulling you harder down onto him, intensifying the connection. “Fuck… I can’t wait to mark you as mine,” he utters with a mixture of longing and possessiveness. “Fuck-fuck-fuck-” he chants nonsensically, features twisting tight in a way that almost looks like pain. Suddenly, his hips jerk up hard before stilling. His eyes roll back, a long shudder wracking his frame. A wet hot heat fills your pussy, so much that it leaks from around him as he continues to fill you with short, abated thrusts, pooling between your thighs in a large sticky mess.
Almost immediately, his erection fades, sliding out from you to tuck back within his slit. Dazed and lost in the depths of his peak, his eyes remain distant and foggy for several minutes. However, with a blink, awareness gradually filters back in, and his gaze fixates on the visible signs of your exertion—your heaving chest and trembling thighs. A worried frown appears on his face as he hesitantly gestures vaguely between your thighs.
"Y-you didn't..." he starts, his voice quiet and embarrassed.
"It's fine," you interject, leaning forward to plant a quick kiss on the tip of his nose. You appreciate how dazed and flushed he looks, finding it endearing. "I already did once, remember?" you remind him.
He stops, looking down at his hands with a deep scowl. The claws on his right hand have already grown back, curving upward in long sharp points. Grumbling unhappily, he sighs, working a soothing circling into the still quivering meat of your thigh.
Suddenly, a noticeable shift occurs in his gaze, and you observe the return of a fiery heat in his charcoal grey orbs. It's evident that gears are turning in his mind as he contemplates something. The tip of his tail rises, winding its way up the length of your left leg. As it draws closer, it tantalizingly skims the still-wet crease of your thigh, sending shivers of anticipation through your body.
"I have an idea," he declares, his voice taking on a dark and ominous tone. The combination of his intense gaze, the suggestive touch of his tail, and his cryptic words stirs a mixture of curiosity and excitement within you, leaving you eager to discover what he has in store.
"Y-yeah?" you squeak, your voice betraying a mix of anticipation and nervousness. Your eyes remain fixated on his midnight-toned scales as they coil tightly around your left thigh. The tip dips in between your thighs, gathering slickness before pressing into your hole. The blunt tip is wide, a bit girthier than the head of his cock had been. It presses into you, the tip just barely sliding past the rim of your still aching pussy. “Fuck, Levi! Oh my god!”
“To much?” he asks, watching your face for any signs of upset. The dexterous limb fills you with a series of slow, heavy thrusts, quickly reigniting the heat that had only just begun fading.
“No- It's- Don't stop!” you gasp, churning your hips. It's so wide, the portion at which he stops feeding it into you has to be more than four of your fingers combined. The sensation is exhilarating as his scales brush against the soft, delicate walls. They're rough, yet smooth, all the little groves dragging against your insides with every measured thrust. Fingers scrambling up to dig your nails into his biceps, you beg, “F-faster! Faster, please!”
Smirking, he immediately follows your plea, filling you with quick, equally hard thrusts that wrack your frame. With every one, the rough texture curves inward, sliding deliciously against the sensitive patch of skin along your front wall. “You like that?” he asks, “I can feel you throbbing. Are you going to come around me?”
Dazed, you can almost imagine that it's still his cock that's filling you so urgently. Nodding bonelessly, all you can do is gasp and hold on. “Yeah- I'm- Levi i'm-”
Your words abruptly cease as a blinding white light engulfs your vision anew. A scream escapes your lips, but it is drowned out by the deafening roar echoing in your ears. Your muscles convulse uncontrollably, as if all the air is forcefully expelled from your lungs in one breath. The knot in your stomach tightens, far surpassing its previous intensity, and you reach an unimaginable climax. Your pussy pulses, throbbing heavily around the thrusting length in a new, overwhelming wave of pleasure. In a long, breathless wheeze, his name escapes your lips. Then, overwhelmed by the sheer pleasure, darkness descends upon you.
When you regain consciousness, you find yourself lying on your side, nestled against Levi's chest. He holds you tightly, whispering soothingly into your hair. His tail envelops you completely, providing a secure and comforting embrace. Levi's gentle touch grazes through your hair, lightly caressing the back of your head with a sharp hint of his claws.
As you regain your composure, your breathing gradually steadies, yet your heart continues to race, its rapid beat echoing in your ears. In contrast, Levi's heartbeat beneath your ear remains calm and steady, lulling you into a sense of tranquility. Overwhelmed by exhaustion, your own heart begins to synchronize with his rhythm, and your eyelids grow heavy. Eventually, you succumb to sleep, surrendering to the peaceful embrace.
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Kinktober day 3: Naga: Leviathan (slight pred/prey, handjob) ((continuation of this!)
You hadn’t returned back to the town after your ‘successful’ hunt. You didn’t even bother trying to claim the reward, you didn’t have a body so it would be hard to anyway. It had only been maybe a few months to a year since then and you moved on to ‘hunt’ in a different region.
You didn’t want to run the risk of running into Leviathan, even if he seemed timid you didn’t want to slip up and let your guard down only to be gutted by him. Naga are strong and realistically, he’d probably bite you and then suffocate you or just…let you succor to the venom.
The amount of naga you’ve hunted since then have gone down and you have gotten to the point of debating if you wished to quit. You enjoyed the conversation and ‘company’ Levi had given you so it did sort of spur your thoughts…
Your ‘helper’ had said there was a pretty naga, not best in size but its scales would catch a high enough price that you wouldn’t have to do this again. You had him help you dig up a trap and place it, though once you had it set up you dismissed him and secured the vines.
You could feel something watching you, so you quickly hop up and climb up the nearest tree. Flashes of purple scales slip through the grounds below you before a familiar looking face comes into your view. “(M/c?)” He asked quietly, looking up and spotting you quickly. “Ah-there you are!”
He’s careful to avoid the trap, he curls around the base of the tree. “Haven’t seen you in a bit, I’m surprised to see you here. What are you-“ You almost fall back as he suddenly springs up and levels with you, his tail curled around a few branches to support him as he makes his way to seat himself beside you. “I…didn’t know naga could climb trees.”
He laughed in response, to your relief he didn’t seem interested in hurting you…he definitely remembers you though, you feel his tail secure itself around you, holding you against the base of the tree. His grip was gentle and just enough to prevent you from falling.
“Y-yeah, it’s pretty common to learn it while young. H-how have you been? D…do you remember me?” You nod and a see a look of relief spread across his face. “I was w-worried you’d forgotten me. D-do you mind…if I stay with you for a bit?”
You sit up, with a nod you feel his tail loosing around you. “You seem…clingy. Oh, do you perhaps want to continue where we ‘left off’?” You see him excitedly nod. You lean forwards and feel him double over to meet you. You were surprised to have him press his face against you in an attempted kiss.
You reach down, feeling just below his stomach. Once you feel the slit you gently press against it, rubbing gently until his cocks spilled out. You take one in each hand, earning a hiss from Levi. “H-hold on maybe we wait till-till we are out of the tree?”
You feel him trying to loosen his tail around you, only for you to release his cocks and earn a weak whine. “Well, we are safe here, right? You won’t drop me, will you?” Levi paused and quickly nodded. His tail held you carefully once again.
“Y-yes! I will p-protect you!” You laughed at his response but don’t press. You lean down enough to blow on his bigger cock. To your amusement it jumps in response and he mewls. “A-ahh, wait how do I-what do humans like? W-what do I do to make it up to y-you?”
With a click of your tongue you shrug and tell him not to worry about it. “It’s fine, I never helped you finish the first time, let’s make this my ‘sorry’, ok?” He purrs in response, excitedly bowing his head to try to give you another kiss.
Tagging list: @anxious-chick
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sister-lucifer · 2 years
Anything Can Happen In The Woods
Naga!Leviathan x Male Reader 
Reader uses he/him and has a penis
Summary: Reader wanders into Leviathan’s woods and gets lost, but the naga is friendlier than the urban legends let on
Genre: Smut
content/warnings: medieval-ish time period(i think?), slight use of hypnotism, Naga Levi has two dicks, size difference, belly bulge, Naga Levi has a long forked tongue, outdoor sex, coming inside, slight mating/breeding kink, Leviathan holds you the whole time, reader is really innocent and kind of dumb tbh but it’s cute, Levi is low key OOC but it’s for the sake of the AU, slight overstim at the end, biting with slight blood 
Like my writing? Send in a request! I write NSFW or SFW for any of the fandoms in my bio. 
Also please reblog! It’s free, takes two seconds, and really helps me out!
Leviathan had never found humans agreeable. One too many times they had branded him a monster, an abomination, tried to burn down his woods or kill him when all he wanted was to be left alone in his wonderful solitude. He had one too many scars from humans, both mental and physical, and he’d been forced to embrace the “monster” label to chase off anyone who wandered too close, though his naturally sweet nature prevented him from really hurting anyone. 
That was until you came along. 
He had initially huffed with annoyance when he realized he was smelling a human somewhere nearby. He grumbled to himself the entire time he was hunting for you. He supposed it was his fault for being naive enough to think that the humans had finally wised up and left him be for good. Seems he would have to put on the scary monster facade once more.
But when he laid eyes on you, the first human he’d ever seen not carrying a weapon, he was more than intrigued. 
“Oh gosh, oh no…” He listened to you repeat to yourself as you turned around and around, clearly lost. He chuckled at your comical misfortune. 
He only got a few seconds to really look at you with the way you were running about, but it was more than enough. The way the last few rays of sun made your lips shine, the way your eyes reflected the evening light, the clumsiness of your unsure steps… 
Cute. That was the one word running through his head. Cute in the way a frightened animal is cute. 
Upon closer inspection, not only did you not have any weapons, you didn’t have much of anything besides a small leather satchel only big enough to hold a single book and quill. 
You paused and glanced around, impulsively running this way and that as you tried to find your way back to the path you were on just a few moments ago. Unfortunately this less than favorable approach didn’t work, and you were only becoming more and more worried with each passing second. The sun was setting fast, and you couldn’t navigate in the dark, not to mention the array of predators that come out at night. 
Leviathan watched from the trees in silence, merely observing you for a long while although you were oblivious to his presence. Eventually you had to stop to rest, slumping against a tree and catching your breath. 
You sighed and pulled out your book, flipping through some of the pages as a way to take your mind off your current situation. Leviathan peaked over your shoulder from above, looking down at the book. 
It held many sketches and notes about the flora and fauna of the woods, all of which Leviathan could recognize. Each page had a date and a note of the area the organism was found in, and from these he could gather that this was not the first time you wandered into the woods like this. You’d been through many forests, gathering information about the plants and animals you could find, what their uses could be. That must’ve been why you were here. 
You’ve never gotten yourself lost quite like this though. 
Sure, it wasn’t uncommon for you to stray from the paths a bit, but you always found your way back. This time felt…different, though. In your panic you’d gotten completely turned around, and you had no compass to speak of. 
Looking over your book could only satiate you for so long. Soon you were tucking it back into your satchel, preparing to stand when suddenly a low voice called out from somewhere unknown.
“Going somewhere?” 
You jumped up, looking all around you as you tried to figure out where the voice came from. All you saw were the dark trees, blocking out the fading sun. 
“I asked you a question, human.” 
Yet again you did not answer, hardly processing the words over the distress of being taunted by something you could not see. The voice seemed to be coming from all around you, distant one moment then mere inches away the next, but no matter where you looked there was nothing. 
“Answer, human.” Leviathan growled, growing frustrated. 
“I…I-I…” You stuttered, desperately searching for any words in your racing mind. 
“I was just….leaving.” You finally managed, beginning to back away. That was when you looked up.
You saw him. He knew you saw him. You froze when you locked eyes, mouth going dry.
“Is that so?” Leviathan hissed in response. How he loved intimidating you. He wasn’t going to hurt you, he would never, but you didn’t need to know that. After all the hurt humans had caused him, he deserved to have a bit of fun. 
“It’s been a long while since a human was unlucky enough to get lost in my woods.” 
“Your woods…?” You echoed in a whisper. 
Leviathan nodded, slowly extending a clawed hand down the tree trunk, lowering himself just a bit. His eyes shone in the last few rays of sunlight, giving them an ominous glow. 
“Yes, mine. I thought I made it clear many times that humans are not welcome.” 
You were frozen in place as he slowly climbed down, overgrown purple hair falling over his face and shoulders. His seemingly endless tail was tangled in the branches behind him, making the trees shift as he moved. 
“I-I’m sorry!” You blurted out, “I-I didn’t know, really! I was only here to look. I’m making a-a guide, you see—“ 
You began pulling out your book, shaky hands fumbling with the buckle of your satchel. 
“A guide?” Leviathan inquired, quirking a brow.
“Yes sir! A guide to the native flora and fauna— a-and not just to this forest, I’ve been all around!” You opened your book to a random page and turned it to him. He pretended to be interested, as if he hadn’t already seen it. 
“I’m not here to hurt anything, I swear! I-I’ll leave, and never come back. Or, I will if I can, uh, figure out how to leave…” You added the last part in a mutter, stowing your book away once more. 
“Oh, I know that, little human.” 
Suddenly Leviathan was down from the tree, and for a moment you thought he was about to strike. On instinct you crouched with a yelp, covering your head. When you looked up, though, he had circled around you, looking you over. 
“Hmm…I haven’t seen one of you in a while. And it’s been even longer since I’ve seen one so…” 
Suddenly he was rising up, towering over you as his shadow engulfed your form. 
You gulped, trying to back away but you tripped over one of his coils and landed flat on your ass. Leviathan laughed under his breath. 
With lighting quick speed he was hovering over you, hands on either side of you and face mere inches from yours. His brows were furrowed tightly, his eyes looking over and closely examining every part of your face. He stayed this way for what felt like an eternity. 
“…H-Hello.” You squeaked, breaking the heavy silence in an attempt to be friendly. Anything to convince him not to hurt you.
“Hello.” He replied quickly. “You reek of your human village.“
“I…I-I’m sorry?” 
He didn’t reply, seeming deciding we was done with your face and moving on to your body. His hand rested on your shoulder before moving down your arm, grabbing your wrist and turning it over in his hands.
“Hm. Small.” He observed aloud, pressing your palm to his. 
“Wha— What are you doing?” You asked sheepishly, a little unnerved by his suddenly comfortability with you. 
“Inspecting. I’ve never gotten this close to a human without being attacked. I want to see everything.” 
“E-Everything…?!” You squealed, flinching as his hands moved down to your chest. 
“…Yes? What’s wrong?” 
“W-Well, that’s a bit, um…intimate, dont you think?” You tried your best not to sound too defiant, still trying to stay in his good graces.
Leviathan tilted his head in confusion. 
“Well, uh…humans dont usually lay hands on another unless they’re, well, partners…a-and I don’t even know your name.” 
You replied with your name, intending to keep speaking but he went right back to what he was doing. He even leaned in to smell you a few times. It was completely normal to him; this was how nagas greeted each other, getting familiar with each other’s scent and feel. Why were you so tense? 
“W-Woah, woah! Watch it!” You scooted back quickly as his hands dipped a bit too low for your liking. 
Leviathan simply stared at you in confusion. There were a few moments of awkward silence as you merely stared at each other, your mouth hanging half open as you tried to find words. Leviathan beat you to it. 
“I’m not going to hurt you.” 
You only nodded, eyes never leaving his face. 
“I’m serious,” He continued, “I never fight humans unless they fight me first.”
You nodded again. 
“I told you, I haven’t been up close with a human before. You’re the first to come in peace.” 
He began crawling nearer once more, but this time you made no move to pull away. 
“It’s…it’s okay.” You replied, slipping your satchel off your shoulders and setting it to the side as you pulled your knees to your chest. 
“Are all humans this…small, now?” 
“Hey! ‘m not small…you’re just big.” 
“Aha, my apologies. Humans usually send their best warriors after me. I’ve seen ones three times your size.” 
Cautiously he reached a hand out, watching for you to move away, but you didn’t. Slowly it came down to rest on your head, combing through your hair. He leaned in once more, his nose brushing over your neck as he inhaled your scent. His breath was so warm, and it sent shivers down your spine. 
Internally you were screaming at yourself. You should’ve been running away from this monster! He appeared out of nowhere! And he stalked you! And he was getting way too into your personal space!
And yet… 
“What are you doing?” You asked in whisper. 
“Getting used to your scent. Do…do you humans not do that?”  
“Not really, but…i-it’s fine…” 
If this was his custom, who were you to deny him? He wasn’t hurting anything, he was just greeting you like he would greet another one of his kind, and that’s okay. Right? 
“Let me ask you something, human. And I want you to be honest.” He said lowly into your ear. He pulled away slowly, eyes catching yours and refusing to let go. You tried to break the eye contact, to just glance away, but you could not. He was so oddly entrancing. 
“Are you afraid of me?” 
“Yes sir.” 
You meant to say no. Why did you say that? You were supposed to say no. And yet when you tried to go and correct yourself, you had no voice. Something in the deep orange of his eyes told you you were under his spell. 
“Figures. I suppose I can’t blame you.” 
Then his arms were wrapping around you, lifting you into the air as if you weighed nothing. You might as well have. 
“Woah woah, wait—!” 
Leviathan tucked an arm beneath you while the other laid over your back, not quite pushing you against him but not allowing you to fall back either.
“Shhh, it’s alright. Don’t struggle, you’ll only hurt yourself.” 
His voice sent a wave of calm through you, filling you with odd warmth that bloomed in your stomach and sprouted up your body and down your arms and legs. 
“I told you, I’m not going to hurt you. You’re…interesting.” He explained, a hint of heavy breathing behind his voice.
Something about the way he was speaking was making your face feel hot. You weren’t sure why you felt so vulnerable, so exposed. Maybe it’s his piercing gaze, the way he’s looking right into your soul. Maybe it’s his voice that had suddenly gotten a lot lower, reverberating in your chest. Maybe it’s just the feeling of being so minuscule compared to him, yet being oddly assured in his arms. 
For the first time you really looked over him. Messy purple hair that fell to his shoulders and half concealed his pointed ears which flicked about, a muscular torso littered with scars that faded into purple scales that seemed to go on and on forever behind him, strong arms connected to blackened clawed hands that could hold you as if you bore no weight. He was holding you so close as well, his grip firm but not tight as if he thought you may crack under too much pressure. 
His human half was…oddly attractive. 
You were brought out of your thoughts by Leviathan’s voice. 
“I have a proposition for you, human. I think we can help each other. You will go back to your little village and tell everyone that I’m dead, do your best to erase any record of my existence. I’ll even give you some scales as proof. That way, I can live out the next couple of hundred years in peace.  In return, I’ll give you whatever you’d like. Maybe some new plants or beetles for your little book?” 
That definitely wasn’t a fair trade, but he figured you could come up with something better on your own. 
You considered his offer. You weren’t really sure why it took so long; you weren’t losing anything. In fact, this was a best case scenario.
And yet something in you hesitated. You’re just supposed to…go back to your village? Just leave? After meeting a real life naga? Especially one that looked like him?
You didn’t want to. You couldn’t.
Leviathan sensed your hesitation, sighing to himself as he shifted you a bit in his hold, adjusting your position. 
“What’s the matter, human? Hm?”
“I…I-I don’t know.” Something was wrong, but you simply couldn’t put your finger on it.
“I’ve offered you quite a lovely deal.”
“Yes, yes you have, but…” 
You swallowed, words escaping you as you tried to place your feelings. 
“But…I don’t— I can’t just go back. I can’t just pretend like this didn’t happen, and I-I don’t even know what I want…” 
A smug grin broke out across Leviathan’s face, his fangs poking out just slightly. 
“Humans never do. But something tells me you want more than what i’ve offered, yes?” 
You didn’t get a chance to reply. Once again he was at your neck, breathing deeply and taking in your smell. A small squeal slipped through your lips. 
“Mhm. Don’t answer,” Leviathan said, “I can smell it on you…” 
“Smell…? Smell what?” 
Arousal. He could smell your arousal. It was subtle, but certainly there, and he could pick up on it in an instant even if the feeling was subconscious. 
“Never mind that. I could offer you something even better. Something you’ll never, ever forget, little human. Something I know your kind loves.” 
The sound of ripping fabric nearly made you scream.
Leviathan had hooked a claw under the collar of your shirt and dragged it down, tearing through the material like it was tissues paper. It fell to the ground soundlessly.
The sudden force had you gripping onto him to steady yourself. 
Without skipping a beat his hand moved to the waistband of your pants next, ready to slice through it when you stopped him. 
“Wait, wait wait!” 
Leviathan paused, not moving his hand but looking up at you. 
“Shhhh little human, you’ll be okay.” Once more he was locking eyes with you, capturing your gaze. “You can trust me to keep you safe.”
You didn’t know why you believed him, but you did. Something in your soul told you he was telling the truth. And yet, you couldn’t help but voice your concerns. 
“Y…Y-You’re not really gonna…”
“Fuck you?”
You winced at the vulgarity.
“I…I-I don’t know if I can…” You said meekly, “You’re just so…so….so much bigger…M-Maybe we shouldn’t—“ 
“Aw, little human,” Leviathan interrupted with a laugh, “Don’t worry. I always take good care of my mates.”
And with that he sliced through your pants and underwear in one go, pulling the scraps of fabric off the rest of the way and tossing it down. 
His forked tongue darted out to lick his lips and he looked over your small body. You almost moved a hand to cover yourself, but instead you threw your arms around his neck and gazed up at him. 
He brought a hand up to your chest, drumming his claws against you for a moment before retracting them, leaving behind rather human looking hands.
“You’ll have to forgive me if I seem…eager.” Leviathan said as he hand traveled down, just barely brushing against your now rock hard cock as it passed on its way to your back. “I won’t lie; the second I saw you, I thought you were adorable. Stumbling ‘round like a fool. It was….endearing.” 
You wrapped your legs around him to hold on, allowing him to hold you with one arm around your back. Meanwhile his other hand was teasing your entrance, bringing a whine out of you. 
“Oh, little human. You’re going to be so much fun.“
Then he was pushing two fingers into you, quickly pulling you into a kiss before you had a chance to scream, though it didn’t stop you from trying. 
His hand was so big, and his long, slender fingers hit all the right spots. If he could hit this deep with just his fingers, you could only imagine how amazing his dick would feel. 
“My, my,” Leviathan muttered as he pulled away, “If you’re this tight around just my fingers, I can’t imagine how you’ll feel around my cocks…” 
You nearly choked. 
“C…Cocks…? A-As in—“
“Two? Yes.” 
“Oh, god…”
Suddenly your nerves were amplified tenfold. Leviathan noticed immediately, taking pity on his poor human mate. 
“Now, now, you’ll be alright. I promised I’d take good care of you, didn’t I?”
You merely nodded in reply, hiding your face in the crook of his neck. He could feel you shudder against him as he added a third finger, spreading you out as best he could. There was only so much he could do with his hands. 
“You promise you’ll be careful..?” You whispered meekly into his ear. 
“Oh, I promise, little human.” 
Your grip on him only tightened, your nails scratching up his back and one hand coming up to tangle itself in his hair. You tried not to be too tense, hoping it would aid the process a bit, but it was far too difficult to relax completely.
His lips brushed against your neck as he nestled into your neck, sighing against your warm skin. 
Slowly he worked in a fourth finger, and he can feel your nails digging into his back. He certainly was not complaining, though. 
You were struggling more and more to contain your voice, pathetically whimpering against his shoulder as his fingers thrusted in and out of you. He wasn’t being terribly rough, but he didn’t want to be too gentle either. Partly because he really did need to prepare you, and partly because he simply loved the way you mewled when he hit just the right spot. He could feel your cock twitch against his stomach. 
“Oh, please…” You whispered, “Deeper…” 
He gladly obliged, putting even more force into his thrusts. It made you arch your back for just a moment before you relaxed against him once more. The way you constricted around his digits only made him crave to be inside you more. 
He really should’ve kept going, but he was getting so impatient.
“Mm…taking my fingers so well. Think you’re ready for my cocks yet?” There was an odd shake to his voice, a crack in his facade telling you that he wanted this just as much as you. 
“I…I think so…” You replied as you sat up, hands braced against his chest. After one last thrust he removed his fingers, and the second they left you already felt empty. Fortunately, you would not stay this way for long. 
Suddenly you felt something warm and wet rub against your backside. You glanced down to see that both of Leviathan’s erections had unsheathed from a slit on the front of his tail, and they were more than you could’ve ever asked for. 
“Oh, no—“ You whimpered as Leviathan’s hands moved to grip your legs. You instinctively tried to squirm away from them, but he held you firmly in place. 
“Oh come now, you’ll be alright.” Leviathan insisted, but the look in his eyes made you more than nervous. 
“I-I…I just don’t know if I can…” 
Leviathan merely pulled you tighter against him, his face intimately close to yours. 
“I said you’ll be alright.” His voice was oddly stern, but he sounded sure. 
He could see the way your eyes widened as he lifted you, the way your breath labored as your eyes lowered. He couldn’t blame you for being nervous, really, but he promised to keep you safe. 
He leaned in to pull you into a soft kiss, distracting you as you were lowered. You yelped against his lips as his cocks teased your entrance, just barely breaching it. 
He never pulled away from the soft kiss, a tender distraction from the way he was forcing himself into you. It was slow; it had to be, after all. He couldn’t risk breaking his precious human. 
He paused about halfway, finally breaking the kiss and giving you a moment to really breathe. 
“Leviathaaaaaan…” You whined, your thighs trembling in his strong hands. The pain wasn’t nearly what you were expecting—possibly due to a bit of magic work from Leviathan—but you weren’t used to being this full. 
And yet, as he filled you the rest of the way, something about the feeling of his thick cocks resting in your stomach was absolutely blissful. 
“See, human? I told you you’d be alright.” Leviathan said with a grin. You nodded in a daze, hardly processing the words. 
He put a gentle hand on your stomach, letting a groan out under his breath as he felt the bulge his cocks made inside of you. He pressed on it just a bit, savoring the whine it brought out of you. 
“Th…That feels weird…” You whimpered into his neck. 
Slowly you were able to relax against him, growing accustomed to feeling him inside of you. Leviathan was not particularly patient, although he allowed you a minute or two of rest as he stroked your back. It didn’t take long before he was adjusting you in his hold, preparing to lift you. 
“Are you ready for the fun part, human?”
You didn’t reply, but he felt your grip on him tighten as you braced yourself against him. 
You tensed as he lifted you, only going a couple of inches before pushing you back down again. It was slow, careful, a cautious start to ease you into things. The second time he lifted you he went a bit further, and a bit further the next time. 
He was rather uncoordinated at first, focusing more on your safety than anything else, even if the feeling of you squeezing around his cocks was overwhelming. Soon, though, he found a steady pace, rhythmically pushing in and out of you. Each time he got a little faster, and he hit a little deeper. He left no spot untouched, but he still craved more. 
You kept your face hidden in the crook of his neck the entire time. He could feel how your cheeks burned against him.
“Mm…faster…” You muttered through heavy breaths. Leviathan’s ears twitched, his grip on you momentarily tightening. He obliged, sucking in a breath as he picked up the pace a bit. 
His breath shook at the small, barely audible “oh”s and “mm”s you murmured into his ear. They were so quiet, so pathetic, so wonderful. He wanted more. 
A particularly hard thrust hit right at your sweet spot, making you arch you back and let out a broken moan.
“Th-There—! There, please—!” You begged, “Please! S-So good…” 
Once more he lifted you, slamming back in with all his strength. It worked just as he’d hoped, and the delicious whine of his name you gave made him shudder.
He couldn’t wait anymore. 
Suddenly he was lifting you almost all the way off his cocks, just the tips still remaining. There was a split second where you were held like this, a split second where you realized what was about to happen, but it wasn’t enough time for you to protest before he was slamming you back down in one go.
“Oh, mercy!” You shrieked, nails digging into his back with full force. They left angry red marks as they scraped his flesh, ones that Leviathan hoped would never fade; a constant reminder of you.
Again he lifted you, a cry of his name beginning as you rose and crescendoing into a scream as you were forced back down. You could feel him deep in your stomach, every thrust sending shockwaves through your body. 
“L-Levi….Levi—!” You choked out, unable to say anything else. Your head was spinning, heart racing, and all you could feel was him. 
Leviathan was holding it together a bit better, but his low groans and the way his fangs dug into his bottom lip was more than enough to tell you how he felt. He’d had a few mates in the past, sure, but nothing could compare to you. It was like your fragile human body was perfectly molded to fit his cocks. He never wanted to let you go. 
He growled your name into your ear, his long forked tongue darting out to lick a long stripe up your neck. It was wet, warm, and the feeling made you yelp. He sucked on your flesh, his tongue running back and forth over it. You were absolutely delectable. 
He nipped at you just a bit, careful with his fangs. He knew they were sharp;  a bite in the wrong place could be fatal, and he wanted you around for much, much longer. 
You squealed at the pinch of his teeth, but made no move to pull away or even protest. The pain was washed away quickly by the pleasure of being pounded by Leviathan. 
The longer he went the quicker he got, and every time you thought he couldn’t possible hit any deeper or go any faster he found a way to. It was rapidly becoming overwhelming, all of your senses completely overpowered. 
“Levi, I-I can’t—“ You stuttered in a whine. 
“Cant what, human?” Leviathan replied with a rumble to his voice. Normally it would be intimidating, but the way his words shook gave away his desperation. 
“I-I can’t take…m-much more…”
You gripped onto him for dear life, mouth hanging open as you panted. 
“What are you saying, huh? You’re gonna cum? Is that it, little human?” 
You couldn’t reply, but you didn’t need you. The way you tightened around him was more than enough of answer. 
“Come on then, little human,” He teased, “Cum for me, and I’ll fill you up nice. That’s what you want, isn’t it?” 
“Mhm, mhm—!” You hummed with a nod. Your release was fast approaching, and each sharp thrust was pushing you closer to the edge, although you couldn’t tell when you’d inevitably topple over. 
“Levi, Levi—! I’m gonna…Oh, my stars—!” 
“Come on, little mate—“ He panted, “Cum for me. Be a—fuck— be a good boy and show me how good it feels when I breed you. That’s what you want, isn’t it? For me to breed you, make you mine forever?” 
“Yes, yes—!” 
It didn’t matter what he was asking, you’d agree to anything that would keep him pounding into you. 
You practically chanted his name as your orgasm quickly built up inside you, making your stomach flip in the most delightful way. Soon though, the words devolved into slurred moans, and you hardly managed to utter one last warning before all at once your climax hit you like a truck. Your entire body trembled like a leaf, toes curling and back arching as you gripped onto Leviathan. 
“Good little mate,” He praised in a growl, “Good good boy…and good boys get rewards, don’t they?” 
He wasn’t even sure if you’d heard him. He hadn’t given you a moment to rest, ignoring your cries of overstimulation as he mercilessly pounded you. 
You could feel his cocks twitch inside of you, a sure sign that his release wasn’t far behind. 
“Levi, please—! I-I can’t take it…!”
“You can and you will! You’re my mate, mine! And I get to decide what to do with you.” 
He bit hard into your shoulder, sinking his fangs into the tender skin and making you shriek. 
“Fuck, fuck— g-gonna fucking…breed this boy cunt…” He drawled, though his words were muffled by your flesh between his teeth.
At the last second he pulled you into a kiss, shoving his forked tongue past your parted lips and further down your throat than any human could ever reach. It almost made you gag, but something about it was wonderful. It squirmed in your warm mouth as Leviathan moaned into the kiss. 
He didn’t give a warning before he came, merely a small squeeze to your thigh and suddenly it all rushed into you. If you could make any noise, you would be screaming. Two cocks meant twice as much cum, but even one of his loads would be too much to fit inside of you. It seemed endless as he thrusted into you the last few times, releasing more and more of his seed that there simply wasn’t room for. It spilled out from your hole, down Leviathan’s cocks and your quivering thighs. 
He didn’t release you from the kiss until he was completely done, quickly retracting his tongue and making you cough. He was panting too hard to ask if you were okay. 
You collapsed against him, trusting him to hold you. Gradually your whines quieted, and the warm feeling of being so full settled inside of you. Leviathan bounced you in his hold, doing his best to soothe you. 
“There there, little human. You’re alright, aren’t you?” 
“Mhm…’m okay…” 
“Good, good…” 
He sighed when he noticed the terrible mark he’d left on your shoulder, small dots of red spilling out and rolling down your skin. He ran his tongue over the bite, muttering an apology for tarnishing your perfect skin. You assured him it was alright, but he still felt a little bad. 
Finally he pulled back to look at you. You were sweaty, exhausted, eyes glassy and hair awry. 
God, it was beautiful. Practically a work of art. 
“It seems we may have…digressed a bit, hm?” 
“I’ll say…” You replied with a breathy chuckle.
“Satisfied, human?” Leviathan asked as he slowly lifted you, his cocks retracting into their sheath once more. He didn’t set you down, though, at least not yet.
“Oh, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to have a human man again…” 
Such high praise was unexpected, but certainly welcome. 
“Then it’s a good thing you won’t have to. You have me now.” 
Your face lit up at this, and your lips curled into a clumsy half smile. 
“You…You mean you’ll let me come back?” 
“Of course, little human. I can’t just kick my mate out. Speaking of which, the sun has long set. You’re not getting home til the morning, i’m afraid.”
You nuzzled into his neck lovingly, exhaling slowly. 
“That’s okay…I don’t wanna leave just yet…” 
Leviathan bent down to retrieve your satchel and what was left of your clothes, handing you the bag and draping the torn garments over his shoulder.
“That’s quite alright. My den isn’t far from here, and I’ve got some winter clothes you can borrow.” 
“That sounds nice…” 
You yawned and stretched a bit, clearly more than worn out. Humans and their limited stamina. 
“It’s alright, little mate,” Leviathan assured you. “Go on to sleep. I’ll take good care of you.” 
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y0uc4n7kn0w · 1 year
Doki Doki Days 4 - Some Duos in Anime
Welcome to another day of Doki Doki Days! Setting the rules, these groups of two have no romantic feelings involved and can’t be siblings. These duos work well together and don’t always get along haha. Itadori and Todo From Jujutsu Kaisen I honestly love them. Their relationship is like a “big” and a “little” like mentors except more childlike. Guy Sensei and Kakashi From Naruto…
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thecuriousquest · 7 months
Master List Part Three
Updated 04/08/2024
***My request rules have been updated on 12/11/2023 and can be found here.
<Master List Part Two
Master List Part Four>
💙 = Platonic Yandere
💜 = SFW Yandere
🖤 = NSFW Yandere (I want to make a note that not all NSFW material mentions sex. Some of it is labeled NSFW because of heavy abuse, suicidal thoughts, graphic depictions of whipping or death, etc. Read at your own discretion)
💙🖤 = Platonic Yandere which includes NSFW material such as but not limited to: heavy abuse or abuse mentioned (whether brief of not), suicidal thoughts/tendencies, graphic depictions of whipping or death, etc. Read at your own discretion
🩶 = NSFW non sexual/non consensual spanking (EX: punishment spanking)
🩵 = NSFW platonic spanking
My Hero Academia
Tomura Shigaraki:
Yan!Naga Shiggy HCs 💜
Blurb 🖤
Shiggy Drug Dealer to Yandere HCs 🖤
Shouta Aizawa:
Bratty Girl 🩶
Spicy!Naga Shota 🖤
Kai Chisaki:
Maid Kink Drabble 🖤
Annoying Yan!Overhaul Tips 💜
Keigo Takami:
You Can’t Leave Me 💙
The Scent of Another Man 🖤
Destinations in Life 💙
Baby Bird 💙
Katsuki Bakugou:
Leaving Isn’t Easy 🖤
Daily Reminder 🖤
Blurb 💙
Apologizing 💜
Daily Reminder #2 🖤
Yan!Naga Dabi HCs 💜
What Are You Really Afraid of? 💙🖤
Oral Fixation 🖤
Daily Reminder (Touya-Nii) 🩵
Maybe 💜
Shoto Todoroki:
Thirsty Imagine - Shoto Todoroki 🖤
Stay Home, Imoto! 💙
Izuku Midoriya:
Yan!Dad Izuku Blurb 💙
Hunt and Chase 💜
You Don’t Need to be a Hero 💜
Yan!EraserMic HCs 💙
Pregnant!Reader 💙
Learning Opportunity 🖤
Everything has a Price 💜
Sub!Deku to Dom!Deku 🖤
Caught In Between 🖤
Yan!Twice HCs 💜
Multiple Characters:
Faking Stockholm Syndrome (Bakugou and Keigo) 🖤
Yandere’s Favorite Kind of Toys - MHA Edition 🖤
MHA Spanking Pain 🩶/🩵
Fairy Tail
Rogue Cheney:
Boyfriend Material HCs 💜
Asleep 🖤
Naruto Shippuden
Kakashi Hatake:
Horny Drabble 🖤
The Right to Have You 🖤
Kakashi’s Enemy 🖤
Learn Something New Every Day 🩶
Attack on Titan
Levi Ackerman:
First Time in the Underground 🖤
Instructions #1 🖤
Instructions #2 🖤
Fluffy Levi HCs 💜
Bunny 🖤
Maid Kink Drabble 🖤
Crushing 🖤
LEON…Whoops 🖤
The Effects of Alcohol 🖤
Missed Texts 🖤
Pregnancy and Punishment 💜
Pleasure Spot 🖤
Opinion 🖤
Demon Slayer
Muzan Kibutsuji:
Mafia Yan!Dad Muzan 💙
Demon Siblings 💙🖤
I’ll Get You There 🖤
Rose Thorn 🖤
Tengen Uzui:
Back to the Beginning 💜
Sanemi Shinazugawa:
The Wind Pillar’s Tsuguko 🖤
This Little Love of Mine 💜
Multiple Characters:
How the Hashiras Spank Their Darling 🖤
Jujutsu Kaisen
Satoru Gojo:
Yandere Dad Gojo HCs 🩵
My Daughter, My Little Girl 🩵
Thirsty Imagine - Satoru Gojo 🖤
Don’t Close Your Eyes 💙
Why, Gojo, Why? 💙
Ryomen Sukuna:
Daily Reminder #1 🖤
Horny Drabble 🖤
Daily Reminder #2 🖤
Sukuna Finds Your Vibrator 🖤
Nanami Kento:
Yan!Uncle Nanami 💙
Home Sweet Home 💙
Yuji Itadori:
Daily Reminder #1 🖤
Yan!Yuji One Shot 🖤
You’ll Learn, I Promise 🖤
Thirsty Imagine - Yuji-Nii 🖤
Yuji Spanks You (Blurb) 🩶
Choso Kamo:
Thirsty Imagine - Yan!Choso 🖤
Tiny Misbehaving Blurb 🩵
Megumi Fushiguro:
Horny Blurb - Megumi Fushiguro 🖤
Toji Fushiguro (Zenin):
Horny Blurb - Toji Fushiguro (Zenin) 🖤
Horny Blurb - Yan!Toji 🖤
Thirsty Imagine - Yan!Toji Fushiguro 🖤
Princess (Daddy Loves You Part One) 🖤
Dirt Bag (Daddy Loves You Part Two) 🖤
Suguru Geto:
Suguru Geto HCs 🖤
Don’t Fuss 💜
Toge Inumaki:
Drabble - Toge Inumaki 💜
Daily Reminder #1 💙
‘Tis the Fucking Season! 🖤
The Darling Shows Favoritism 🩶
Yuji-Sukuna Horny Blurb 🖤
Multiple Characters:
Spanking for Running Away 🩶
Assassination Classroom
Karma Akabane:
Death by Chocolate 🖤
Black Clover
Julius Novacrono:
Tiny Punishment Blurb 💜
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flowersandbigteeth · 1 year
💕 Fluff 💕 Masterpost
These are all of the sfw fics I have finished or going
Request Info: Please read before making a request
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☣️ Dark: May contain dark themes readers may find disturbing including high tension kidnapping or more focus on violence
💝 Cozy: Gentler fics. There may be violence or yandere themes but it is soft or offscreen, and light, low-stakes kidnapping
I did my best to categorize these but everything is relative. Please read the trigger warnings carefully before reading
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💝 Drider- Vass: sfw -- GN reader
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Request,  Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight, Part Nine, Request, Request, Request, Request
Request,  Headcannon Headcanon
☣️Voidbeast- Valerian: sfw -- x f reader
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight
Headcanon, Headcanon, art
💝Pirate Demon- Harland: sfw -- x GN reader
Oneshot, Part Two
☣️Lich- Lauden: sfw -- f reader
Part One, Part Two complete
💝Gargoyle Plumber- Sven: sfw -- f reader
☣️Ozil Alien- Cato: sfw -- f reader
☣️Naga- Arion: sfw -- f reader
Oneshot, Part Two, Headcanon
☣️Orc- Rork: sfw -- x f reader
Part One, Part Two, Part three complete
☣️Orc- Orion: sfw -- f reader
Request, Request
☣️Monster- Caspian: sfw -- x pixie reader
💝Dragon "Why Choose?"- Red Fang (Ward, Riaz, Ajani) : sfw -- x f reader
Headcannon, Part One, Part Two
☣️Kherae Alien- Balim: sfw -- x f reader with PCOS
Part One plan to come back to this
💝Minotaur Neighbor- Tyrnas: sfw -- x flower nymph reader
☣️Vampire Dad- Levi: sfw -- x mom reader
Oneshot, Part Two, Request , Request 2, Part Five
☣️Minotaur Mechanic- Kodan: sfw --x f reader
💝Dragon- Calista: sfw -- x f reader
☣️Demon- Lethia: sfw -- x virgin f reader
Part One
💝Water Spirit- Jael: sfw -- x pixie f reader
☣️Necromancer- Zoltan: sfw -- x f reader
Part One
💝Werewolf King- Sterling: sfw -- x bunny person reader
Request, Part Two
💝Shadow King- Zintius: sfw -- x f reader
💝Alpha General- Lucifer: sfw -- x omega reader
Part One, Request
💝Vampire- Julius: sfw - x 30+ f reader
Part One
💝Kherae Alien- Idreod: sfw -- x f reader with glasses
Part One, Part Two , Part Three, Part Four (NSFW), Part Five (NSFW) Part six, Part Seven (NSFW), Part eight
Centaur- Echo: sfw -- x fairy reader
💝Dragon- Felix: sfw -- x f reader
💝Eldritch Monster - Castor: sfw -- x f reader
☣️Cat Spirit -Jin: sfw -- x mermaid reader
💝Monster- Rahl: sfw -- x GN reader
☣️Faun- Hawk: sfw -- x f reader
☣️Unicorn- Ainsel: sfw -- x f reader
Oneshot, Request
💝Alraune- Oria: sfw -- x GN reader
💝Alpha- Jagger: sfw -- x tough omega f
💝Vampire - Serge: sfw -- f reader with depression
💝Orc- Reven: sfw -- x GN reader
☣️Orc- Cedar: sfw -- x thick f reader
☣️Naga- Leander: sfw (some violence) -- x f maid reader
💝Orc- Saber: sfw -- x GN elf reader
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Divider from: @saradika
Bluesky -- Carrd -- Commissions
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reallyromealone · 9 months
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DAY 🎃FIVE🎃 DADDY KINK - timeskip!kemma(canon)
DAY 🎃ELEVEN🎃 CAR SEX - Eddie Munson
DAY 🎃THIRTEEN🎃 LINGERIE - kuroo testuro
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another-lost-mc · 9 months
Thinking about mc summoning the boys from their shadow. Like it stretches out either in front of them or behind them. Levi slowly surfacing from the shadow like it's water. Or Satan literally crawling his way out of it. Grasping at the edges and lifting himself up out of mc's shadow.
Also for Lucifer I feel like he'd just step outside of mc's shadow slowly, maybe parting it like a curtain. As for asmo I feel like he'd reach his hands out first (maybe to grab onto MC or Solomon) as he pulls himself out of their shadow. For mammon he'd rise up or maybe a bunch of crows would surround the shadow until he appeared in a flurry of feathers.
For belphie I feel like he'd slowly melt out of mc's shadow. Like a blanket that's covering him. As for beel I think it'd be funny if his accidentally hit his head on the edge of mc's shadow if they're shorter than him.
It's getting late and words are kind of failing me right now, but I had some ideas about this sort of thing that didn't make it in the other post! if I can spit them out I'll add them to it later. Lemme see.
Lucifer I kind of imagined appearing in like a gust of wind behind a flurry of black feathers. He's flying slightly, hovering just off the ground behind MC. Even though the shadow forms are dark and generally void of colour, his eyes and gloves are still noticeably red.
I didn't really picture anything special for Mammon, but since he's so fast I could almost see him spawning at MC's feet and then sprinting past whatever it is that raised MC's hackles. The demon or whoever turns around and there's Mammon, crouched low and grinning with his fangs on display before he pounces.
No lie, I almost see Levi's form slowly rising like the shadow is black inky water, like you said. And it's so dark and obscure he almost looks like a naga emerging from the shadow until he steps forward and his tail uncoils itself from around his body.
I like the idea of Satan crawling out of the shadow, and the wispy shape of his feathered boa and his tail curling around his body makes him look bestial and menacing.
For Asmo, I think the first thing you notice is a soft, condescending chuckle. It's distorted and deeper, like an old audio recording. The next thing you notice is a pair of hands trailing over MC's shoulders—or around their waist—as he slowly wraps his arms around them from behind. He pulls MC against his chest and hooks his chin over their shoulder, eyes flaring and mouth widening in deadly amusement while he assesses his target. (Even if they try to run away, it's too late.)
Beel I almost picture him leaping out of the shadow and then hovering higher off the ground while his wings flap rapidly behind him, and then he's like a comet plummeting to the ground when he goes in for the attack.
Belphie is so slow and lazy, I see his pulling itself up from the ground by grabbing at MC's clothes, and then he yawns and leans against MC's back. He summons the specter then nuzzles against MC's neck or shoulder while the thing just obliterates whatever the threat was. lol
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happybird16 · 1 year
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•Chapter Ten•
Naga!Levi Ackerman/Fem!Reader
Summary: Growing up, the forest's edge always darkened the far corner of your small village. The giant, twisted branches overhead rendered the forest floor a terrifying, pitch black. You shouldn't be here. There's creatures here, dangerous ones.
Overall warnings: Past references to child abuse, blood, scars, gore, mystery, eventual sex, inhuman genitalia (Levi is a snake man), horror vibes.
Chapter warnings: NSFW!!!, Sex, inhuman genitalia, oral sex (fem!receiving), tongue-fucking, creampie, monsterfucking, tail-fucking, knotting, a lot of cum.
Chapter length: 12.5k
Ao3 Link
The most special of shoutouts to my beloved friend and beta @theferricfox!!!! Also, credit to @the-milk-anon for the snake banner!!
Note: Fun-fact I wrote this smut while listening to serial killer podcasts
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This time, the warm weather lingers. Spring bursts forth in a whirlwind of balmy temperatures, announcing its arrival with an exuberant chorus of chittering birds. The once-dormant landscape awakens with renewed energy as nature's vibrant palette comes alive, painting the world in hues of fresh green, delicate blossoms, and lively blooms. A gentle breeze carries the scent of blooming flowers, intermingling with the invigorating fragrance of earth and dew-kissed grass. With each passing day, the embrace of spring deepens.
The last of the snow melts over the course of three days, revealing a forest floor coated with half- decayed leaves and broken branches. The underbrush, once concealed beneath the snow’s frozen grasp, awakens with newfound vitality. Small bushes begin to sprout tender leaves, eager to soak in the warm sunlight. Alongside them, quickly blooming ferns unfurl their delicate fronds, adding touches of verdant green to the evolving scenery. These resilient plants find their place amidst the forest floor, spread intermittently in the few spots of light that manage to penetrate the forest’s dark canopy.
Amidst the lush forest floor, a vibrant sight catches the eye—a bright red cardinal gracefully hopping about, its movements brimming with energy and enthusiasm. With each nimble hop, it explores the underbrush, its beak pecking with eager curiosity. Standing in the narrow path of sunlight, the cardinal’s scarlet plumage stands out vividly against the backdrop of green foliage, like a flickering flame amidst the verdant tapestry of nature.
Its beady black eyes sparkle with a sense of purpose, scanning the ground for hidden treasures or delectable morsels concealed beneath fallen leaves and twigs. Its slender, pointed beak skillfully probes the earth, unearthing small insects or seeds that serve as its sustenance.
A stick snaps loudly beneath your foot, causing the bird's head to jerk in your direction. Sensing your presence, the bright red cardinal abruptly halts its delightful foraging and squawks loudly at your proximity. In a split second, the cardinal’s wings unfurl gracefully, stretching wide to catch the air. With a burst of energy, the cardinal takes flight, its wings beating with a rapid flurry. The once-hopping bird now becomes a fleeting vision, soaring through the trees in a panicked response to your nearness. Its brilliant red feathers quickly vanish into the forest's darkness.
"I didn't realize how beautiful The Maw is," you note in awe, your eyes trailing into the dark greenery ahead, attempting to catch glimpses of vibrant colors. On the forest floor, delicate purple and yellow flowers have started to bloom, their petals barely emerging from their green husks.
"You're just easily amused," the man by your side teases with a soft huff. "Stick close to the trees," Levi advises, his grip gently tugging at your elbow, guiding you forward. "Don't want you tracking mud everywhere."
You shrug nonchalantly, contemplating the practicality of his advice. "I can just take off my boots when we get back," you suggest. Nonetheless, you allow Levi to lead you closer to the side of a towering evergreen, just one of many casting a dense shadow over your surroundings. As you step closer, you become aware of the uneven ground beneath your feet, disrupted by an intricate network of enormous roots.
This early in spring, it's still a tad chilly out. It's just warm enough that you decided to leave your coat back in the cave. However, the occasional gust of wind carries a crisp bite, causing a shiver to run down your spine. Levi, on the other hand, is still sporting his odd mismatched coat of furs, wary of the lingering chill that could seep into his semi-cold-blooded form.
As you navigate a steep root-encased slope, the uneven terrain poses a challenge, causing you to wobble and struggle to maintain your balance. In contrast, Levi’s inhuman form seems effortlessly adapted to the forest’s obstacles, allowing him to move with grace and ease.
Seeing your struggle, Levi’s hand rises immediately to assist you. With a gentle touch, his hand finds the small of your back, offering support and guidance. His touch is both firm and comforting, stabilizing you as you make your way down the slope. The pressure of his hand against your back serves as a tactile reminder of his protective presence, allowing you to feel more secure in your steps.
With Levi’s guidance, your descent becomes smoother and more controlled. You can’t help but appreciate his thoughtfulness and the way he effortlessly adapts to the environment, always looking out for you.
Pausing for a moment, you turn to Levi, curiosity evident in your voice. "Why are we out here again?"
Levi responds with a mixture of amusement and mild exasperation, his voice laced with affectionate familiarity. "Your attention span has been terrible lately," he teases, his playful remark accompanied by a light chuckle.
"Oh, I wonder why that would be?" you tease in response, bumping your arm playfully into his.
He playfully raises an eyebrow, his voice infused with a touch of mischief. "I wonder…" he echoes your words, a playful glint in his eyes. Pausing, his expression shifts into one of genuine concern. His raised eyebrow lowers, and his mischievous glint gives way to a thoughtful gaze. There's a hint of vulnerability in his eyes as he directs his attention towards you, his voice carrying a softness that reflects his genuine care. "How are you feeling, by the way?" he asks sincerely, his eyes briefly flickering down to your thighs before bouncing back up.
"I told you I'm fine," you reiterate honestly, your words filled with sincerity. You understand his caring nature and how deeply he values your well-being. The memory of the passionate night you shared together brings a slight warmth to your cheeks, knowing that Levi had been concerned about any lingering discomfort you might have experienced.
A soft smile plays on your lips as you continue, wanting to put his worries to rest. "I appreciate you asking, but I'm fine, I promise," you affirm, your voice gentle yet firm. You understand that Levi's concern stems from a place of genuine care for you, but you want to assure him that the soreness has subsided and that you are healing well.
Levi's brows furrow slightly, his gaze searching yours, as if trying to gauge the veracity of your words. "Still..." he begins, his voice trailing off.
You interject, wanting to alleviate any lingering concerns. "It's been days," you assure him, your tone filled with reassurance. "The soreness faded halfway through the next day, I promise. It was mostly just my knees and thighs anyways," you explain, with a soft smirk. "I haven't exactly gotten much exercise lately."
Levi takes a moment to absorb your words, his gaze softening as he comes to terms with your explanation. Slowly, a smile tugs at the corners of his lips, indicating his relief. "Alright," he finally concedes, a hint of playfulness returning to his voice. "Just remember, if you ever need anything, I'm here for you."
You reach out, gently squeezing his hand, gratitude and affection evident in your touch. "I know, and I appreciate that more than you know," you respond sincerely.
As you continue your journey beneath the giant darkened canopy of The Maw, you observe Levi's presence beside you. Something seems subtly amiss, and your keen perception picks up on the subtle changes in his demeanor. While it may be barely noticeable to the untrained eye, you sense a distinct shift in the way he carries himself.
Levi's shoulders appear slightly tense and on edge, as if he's holding himself differently, as if he's ready to spring into action at any given moment. Moreover, he seems to have developed an unconscious gravitation towards you. Even in this moment, he leans into you, his side brushing against yours as you walk.
Your concern lingers as you observe Levi's demeanor, the tension in his shoulders and the subtle changes in his behavior prompting worry within you. Unable to contain your worries for even a moment longer, you voice your thoughts, "I- is there something dangerous out here..."
Levi's response is a mixture of reassurance and uncertainty. His tongue flicks out, a subtle gesture that reflects his heightened senses as he tastes the air, trying to detect any potential threats. "I don't sense anything," he finally responds, his voice calm but guarded. The fact that he doesn't meet your gaze adds a layer of complexity to the situation, leaving you wondering about the true nature of his unease.
As you walk side by side, the back of his hand brushes against yours in a fleeting touch before quickly retreating. Sensing his internal struggle, you can't help but smile. He wants to hold your hand.
"You're silly sometimes," you chuckle affectionately, interlacing your fingers with his. The simple act of intertwining your hands immediately sends a surge of relief through his shoulders. As your fingers meet, you feel the warmth of his hand and notice a soft pink hue spreading across his cheekbones.
Levi swallows heavily, shooting you a shy look. His fingers tighten around yours and the thumb works a firm circle into the back of your hand. “We're heading towards a meadow, not far from the river we went to before. I- we need to get new branches for the nest.”
You think of the layers of pine below the soft pelt blankets. “They have gotten sort of mushed,” you concede with a hum. Over the past week you've noticed that the cushion they provide has steadily decreased. Some of them have even become scraggly and brown, though that's mostly the outer patches closer to the entrance. “But we're only going to be here for a little longer, why bother?”
“It's my instincts,” Levi explains. “Since i’m right on the edge of a heat, they're practically screaming at me to make the nest perfect.”
As you round a colossal oak tree, its majestic presence acting as a gateway, the dense embrace of the forest reluctantly relinquishes its hold, revealing a breathtaking sight—a picturesque meadow, bathed in the golden embrace of sunlight. The once-tangled foliage gives way to a carpet of vibrant green grass, stretching out before you like a tranquil haven. The warm rays of the sun pierce through the gaps in the forest canopy, casting a radiant glow upon the meadow’s beauty.
In this idyllic scene, the melodies of nature fill the air, carried on the wings of countless birds. Their elegant flight adds a vivid touch to the tableau, their feathers a kaleidoscope of colors that dance against the azure sky. The harmony of the meadow, with its sunlit expanse and lively avian inhabitants, stirs a sense of wonder and tranquility within you.
Stepping forward, you feel the gentle caress of sunlight on your skin, its warmth serving as a comforting embrace. Lost in the beauty of your surroundings, you muse aloud, “Surprised you don’t want to clean all of the furs…” The question lingers in the air, carrying a hint of curiosity and a touch of playful banter, directed towards Levi.
He huffs, smiling softly at how well you know him. “I do, trust me,” he shakes his head. “The smell helps. It's hard to explain, but it makes me feel less on edge to have our scents mixed together everywhere.”
Your gaze shifts to the far end of the meadow, where a cluster of more reasonably sized evergreens beckons. The verdant giants stand tall, their branches swaying gently in the breeze. The two of you quickly make your way towards them.
Reaching the side of a trio of them, you note that even though they're smaller than their neighbors, they still tower high above you. You take a moment to assess the situation, realizing that all the larger branches are well beyond your reach. A note of uncertainty colors your voice as you inquire, “How do we-”
Before you can even finish your sentence, Levi springs into action. With remarkable agility, he swiftly maneuvers himself around the base of the tree, using the natural grooves and irregularities of the bark as his handholds. His tail, a sleek and powerful appendage, coils tightly around the trunk, aiding in his ascent as he deftly pulls himself from one branch to another.
As Levi effortlessly navigates the intricate network of branches, you find yourself in awe of his unexpected tree-climbing prowess. The sight of his muscles flexing and the fluidity of his movements captivate you. In a mix of surprise and admiration, you shout up towards the branches, unable to contain your astonishment, “You can climb trees?”
His voice carries down to you, infused with a touch of playful sarcasm, “No, what would make you think that?”
The lighthearted banter in his response brings a smile to your face. Playfully rolling your eyes, you reply, “You know, no one likes a smart-ass.”
Levi’s progress up the tree continues, each branch serving as a stepping stone towards an elevated vantage point. As you watch him navigate with ease, amazement fills your heart.
“That’s clearly not true,” he chimes down at you, his voice carrying a playful undertone. From this distance, his features are obscured, but you can sense the mischievous smirk in his tone. “As long as I can wrap around the base, I can get up most trees, no problem.”
Looking up at him, you suddenly feel a pang of uncertainty. Feeling useless, your hands fidget aimlessly. “What do you want me to do?” you ask, seeking direction as you yearn to be of assistance.
His voice carries down, filled with a mix of determination and trust in your abilities. “I’m going to slice down some larger branches. Make sure to keep out of their way. Can you pile them up so they’ll be easy to drag back later?”
With an eager nod, you move to stand at a safe distance away. Levi's tail coils around the base of a substantial branch, lending stability as he deftly wields his sharp claws, severing the limb with a single, precise swipe. The detached branch teeters momentarily, precariously balanced in his scaly grip.
Levi's urgent call reaches your ears, his voice laced with caution. "I'm going to drop it. Make sure you're out of the way!"
Responding without hesitation, you shout back in affirmation, reassured by the distance between you and the impending descent of the massive branch. Though Levi can clearly discern your safe position, you appreciate the consideration and warning.
With a resounding crash, the branch collides with the ground, creating a thunderous impact that echoes through the meadow. The sheer size of the fallen branch overwhelms you—the trunk of it surpasses the thickness of your leg, while its sprawling branches, adorned with pine needles, extend and dwarf your own stature. Just from looking at it you can tell its weight is substantial, but determination fuels your efforts.
Grasping onto the branch, you summon your strength and begin to move it, inch by inch, towards the center of the meadow. The task is demanding the muscles in your arms and thighs burning from physical exertion, yet you persevere, driven by the knowledge that this collective effort will prove worthwhile. The earth beneath your feet resists, but your determination prevails, and you gradually overcome the resistance, dragging the branch along with grit and determination.
Meanwhile, Levi deftly maneuvers within the tree, seamlessly transitioning from one branch to another, expertly severing more limbs with the swift motion of his claws. His actions are almost as if he anticipates your progress, ensuring a steady supply of branches for you to collect and arrange.
As you laboriously haul one branch into place, he provides a continuous stream of fresh additions, reinforcing the growing pile with each subsequent slash. Together, you create an organized collection of branches, neatly stacked and ready for future use. Somehow, Levi had assured that the first branch had been the largest, each one getting smaller and lighter than the last and the pile rises above the grass.
Beads of sweat begin forming on your brow, forcing you to instinctively wipe them away with the back of your hand. Despite the physical strain, a wide smile splits across your face. The rhythmic movements and the growing pile of branches elicit a sense of accomplishment, fueling your determination to complete the task at hand.
With the sprawling branches now surpassing the height of your waist, you pause for a moment, pondering the quantity needed to adequately line the bottom of the cave. Your curiosity prompts you to voice your thoughts, asking, “How many do we need? Shouldn’t this be more than enough?”
From the canopy above, Levi emits a thoughtful hum, his voice carrying a note of assurance. Leaning over his perch, he eyes the stack you've made so far. “Just a few more,” he replies. The words hang in the air as several more branches succumb to gravity, crashing to the ground. As you move to gather them, Levi once again exhibits remarkable agility, swiftly descending from his lofty perch. With his assistance, the last remaining handful of branches are swiftly gathered to join the pile.
Standing side by side, you survey the accumulated bounty, the amalgamation of your joint efforts. “How are we supposed to drag these back? I can't even imagine how much this weighs..”
“It shouldn't be a problem,” he assures you with a shrug. “We just need to make sure all of the branches are tucked together. It's always a bitch when one falls off midway.”
Nodding in agreement, you crouch down, determined to secure the loose outer branches and create a more manageable load. As you grasp one of the upper branches, your fingers encounter an unexpected sensation—a squirming beneath the soft pine needles. Involuntarily, you let out a startled squeal, instinctively retracting your hand and clutching it protectively against your chest.
A small, blueish-grey head emerges from the pine needles, revealing oozing empty black eyes that fix their hollow gaze upon you. The creature, with its pointed ears and tangled, matted hair, unfurls its firefly-like wings, their faint glow casting an eerie light. In a flurry of motion, it swiftly rises, hissing menacingly mere inches from your face, exposing its rows of black, needle-thin teeth. Panic seizes your heart, causing it to hammer wildly in your chest, and a scream lodges in your throat, ready to burst forth.
Moments later, another of these mysterious creatures breaks free from the branch, joining its companion in a frenzied buzz, circling in front of your face. They twitch and spasm oddly as they hover terrifyingly close, their little mouths snapping hungrily at your skin and the corners of their mouths foaming sickeningly. You manage to muster a shaky plea, your voice quivering in a quiet squeak. “L-Levi!”
In an instant, Levi’s attention is fully on you, his eyes widening in alarm as he gasps your name. With remarkable agility, he swiftly moves to your side, placing himself between you and the hissing, fluttering creatures. Baring his fangs, his expression twists into a display of fierce determination as he emits a loud, angry hiss that sends the creatures scurrying back into the depths of the dark woods at the edge of the meadow.
Turning back to you, Levi’s intense gaze studies your features, his touch gentle as he cups your elbow. Concern lines his face as he asks, “Are you alright?”
Taking a shaky breath, you nod, still feeling a bit dazed from the encounter. “Y-yeah,” you manage to reply, your voice wavering. “W-what were those creatures?”
Levi’s scowl deepens as he answers, “Pixies. Wild ones, by the looks of it.”
Pixies. The word echoes in your mind, evoking both fascination and a newfound wariness. Your next question emerges hesitantly, “W-were they going to… eat me?”
Levi’s response is blunt, his tone conveying a somber reality. “They probably wouldn’t have gotten far. One or two pixies can’t do much damage, but a dozen or more… They can pick someone’s bones clean in a matter of minutes.”
A chill runs down your spine at the realization of the danger you narrowly escaped. The forest suddenly feels more ominous, its enchantment now tinged with a hint of menace. Feeling the weight of your fear, Levi’s expression softens with regret. He releases his hold on your elbow and reaches out to gently touch your arm, seeking to provide comfort. “I’m sorry,” he apologizes sincerely, his voice filled with remorse. “They were so small that I didn’t catch their scent. I should have been more vigilant.”
With the gravity of the situation sinking in, you appreciate Levi’s apology and the understanding he expresses. You take a moment to collect yourself, allowing his touch to soothe your frazzled nerves. Despite the fear that still lingers, you find solace in his presence and the reassurance he offers.
As your pulse slows, frustration surges forth within you, leaving a sour taste in your mouth. "I shouldn't have frozen up like that," you frown, berating yourself for your inaction. The knife hanging from your hip remains untouched, dangling heavily against your thigh. They'd been easy enough to startle away. You should’ve done something other than stand there quivering in fear. The realization hits you hard – there is so much to learn about The Maw, including vital fighting and survival skills.
Levi's gaze meets yours, his expression filled with remorse but also a renewed sense of determination. "We need to be more cautious from now on," he asserts firmly, his voice tinged with resolve. "Especially as the forest comes alive."
You nod, determination replacing the initial shock as the weight of the encounter lingers. Your palm finds the hilt of your knife, a reminder of the need to grow stronger. Swallowing heavily, you cast your gaze upon the large mound of branches before you. "Are we ready to head back?" you ask, steeling yourself for the journey.
Levi responds with a nod, his strength evident as he pulls the trunk of the large bottom-most branch up over his shoulder with a grunt. Despite its massive weight, his shoulders remain steady and upright, his biceps displaying minimal strain. The long length of his tail slips beneath the pile, lifting it effortlessly from the grass. "Stick close," he advises, his voice carrying a sense of caution and protection.
You nod in response, a vague sense of fear prickling along the back of your head as you eye the darkened forest edge. With Levi taking the lead, you fall in step beside him, keeping a close distance as you begin the journey back to the cave.
As you traverse through the forest, the sunlight filters through the dense canopy, casting small dappled patterns on the forest floor. The rhythmic sound of your footsteps is accompanied by the rustling of leaves and the occasional call of birds in the distance. Even with the giant load balanced on his shoulder and tail, Levi moves terrifyingly quietly. The air is filled with the earthy scent of moss and damp soil, intermingled with the sharp fragrance of pine.
Time seems to pass in a blur as you make steady progress, the distance gradually shrinking between you and the safety of the cave. Each step brings you closer to your sanctuary, where the warmth and familiarity of home await.
As you continue walking, a comfortable silence envelops you. Your gaze occasionally drifts towards Levi's swaying hips, a mix of admiration and another indescribable feeling lingering in your thoughts. You find yourself captivated by the way he moves, the easy and thoughtless sway of his hips, completely unaware of the effect he has on you. Despite his size and the sheer strength he possesses, his movements are graceful and nearly soundless. The enticing sway of his hips from side to side holds your attention, as if he were dancing, drawing you closer in some enchanting spell.
Three days. It's been three days since he'd been inside you, tongue, tail and cock. The mere memory has heat surging in your thighs, an open ache of yearning fluttering to life within your core. You believe his recent intensity is due to his approaching heat. He had mentioned that it would arrive soon, within a few days to a week, and there’s something in the way he carries himself that suggests it’s imminent.
You can't help but feel a surge of excitement. The anticipation of what lies ahead leaves you with a dry mouth. Almost involuntarily, your gaze lingers on the delicate strip of pale skin at the small of his waist, tracing the subtle sway of his hip as he gracefully moves beside you.
Shifting close, Levi catches your attention by brushing his arm against yours. Sensing the direction of your thoughts, he breaks the silence, his voice tinged with a hint of uncertainty. "You can still change your mind, you know. I know we already..” His frustration manifests as he runs his fingers through his dark locks. The arm raised above head to balance your haul on his shoulder flexes, the muscles of his bicep straining in a display of tension. He sounds almost resigned, “I wouldn’t blame you if you felt it was too much..”
You interrupt him gently, speaking his name softly. "Levi..." you chide, shooting him a soft, exasperated look.
He lets out a huff, his tone shifting to a more practical note. "You know how to get to the Den if it becomes too much, right? From the entrance of the nest, go straight west and follow the river north."
A small smile tugs at the corner of your lips. "Honestly, I don't even know which way is West.” The frown you get in response is almost severe, complete with a flat deadpan. “But I want you to know, I'm not going to change my mind." The determination in your voice is unmistakable.
“I think-” he starts hesitantly, “I think my heat is going to start tomorrow.” He raises his free hand, lightly pressing his nails into the skin above his heart. “I can feel it already it's- it's never been so intense before.”
“What does it feel like?” you ask, your gaze locked on his face, wanting to understand the depth of what he’s going through.
“Like lava is burning along the edges of my senses,” he explains, head tilting back as his eyes flutter closed in a shudder. Adjusting his grip on the trunk, the muscles of his back twitch in a violent shudder. “It's sort of like an itch that's just out of my reach, so I can't scratch it. One that's gradually getting more and more intense.”
The news fills you with a mix of concern and curiosity. “How long will it last?”
He shrugs, “Every time is different, but i've always been alone before. Sometimes it's lasted a week-” your shock must be evident, because Levi quickly rushes to assure you, “I don't think it'll last as long this time though. I’ve heard that having a partner and forming a bond helps.. satisfy it quicker.”
Finally, as the mouth of the cave comes into view, a sense of relief washes over you. Despite the burden of the branches weighing him down for almost an hour, Levi appears unfazed.
Levi carefully sets the branches near the entrance of the cave, and together, you roll up the pelt bedding, stowing it away in a corner at the far end. Upon closer inspection, you realize the branches are in worse condition than you initially thought. They appear old and scraggly, with most of the needles turned brown from age. Numerous branches are broken, their thin twigs snapped off into dry and messy pieces of wood.
Squinting at the sun, Levi observes its position as it slowly lowers along the middle of the horizon. "It's getting late. I'll go catch us something to eat. Could you clear out the old debris while I'm gone?" he asks.
"Of course," you reply, nodding in agreement. As Levi's tail disappears into the darkness of the woods, you begin to remove the larger branches from the cave. The floor is covered in a tangle of brown needles, and you do your best to sweep them out of the entrance. As you sweep away the brown needles and clear the entrance, your attention is drawn to the small divot in the cave, where Levi keeps his odd collection of books and bobbles. With a clearer view, you realize it's not a natural groove but rather a result of claw marks. Silver scrapes adorn the corners of the crevice, indicating the strength and power behind Levi's claws. The realization prompts questions to swirl in your mind. Just how strong is he? How dangerous can his claws be?
While contemplating these thoughts, you continue tidying up, appreciating the utility of the small brush you retrieved from Levi's collection of odds and ends. It's a versatile tool that he typically uses to clean up ashes from the fire or to remove mud from his scales. Its bristles serve you well in clearing out the debris, making the cave entrance cleaner and more inviting.
By the time you finish clearing the floor, Levi returns, his catch of the day slung over his shoulder. However, to your surprise, it's not a small game like a rabbit but a much larger animal— a brown deer.
"An entire deer?" you exclaim, astonished, as you assess the limp form draped over Levi's shoulder.
He nods, a hint of pride in his eyes. "My metabolism is revving up again, and considering the upcoming days, we might not have much time to eat.” He places the deer carcass down onto the grass near the cave’s entrance. “I'll skin it later. Let's focus on finishing the preparations for the nest before the sun sets.”
You nod in understanding, realizing that daylight is fading quickly. Shuffling the brush between your hands, you add, “I’ve just finished clearing out the loose needles.”
“Thank you,” he praises softly, his eyes scanning the area you've just cleared away. “You didn't do a terrible job.”
The half-compliment brings a sense of satisfaction to your chest, especially considering his earlier criticism at the creek. "The branches you grabbed are much larger than the ones from before," you comment, noting the massive size of the bottommost branches.
He hums in agreement, his claws effortlessly slicing free a handful of smaller branches that jut out from the main body. “We’ll use these, so there aren't any excessively thick twigs below. The pine is supposed to help protect us from the layer of cold stone, but we don't want it to be a bitch to lay on. The thicker trunks will serve as good firewood for next year."
Pulling your knife from your hip, you join him in slicing free all of the smaller branches. Following his lead, you carefully sort through the branches, ensuring that each one is no larger than the width of your finger. Together, you work diligently, and soon enough, the entire floor is covered in a thick layer of fresh green pine. The scent of pine fills the air, lending a refreshing and earthy aroma to the nest. With the branches in place, you roll the pelts back over, and it’s as if nothing has changed—except for the improved comfort and insulation provided by the fresh bedding.
Satisfied with your work, you step back into the entrance to admire the transformed nest. Behind you, Levi effortlessly stacks the empty branches into a pile, ready to be dealt with later. Using his claws with practiced precision, he swiftly skins the deer, bringing a substantial pile of pink meat to the fireside. He starts to work, swiftly impaling the pieces on sharp sticks to cook them over the fire.
"I'll take over," you wave him off, eager to contribute to the meal preparation. Smiling softly in appreciation, he curls up to sit by your side.
As you tend to the cooking, Levi's fingers deftly weave some of the leftover small branches together. Intrigued by his actions, you observe as a thick rounded edge quickly takes shape. "I..." he starts distractedly, his fingers continuing their intricate twining. "I might be different in the morning. I might wake up with my heat..."
The thought thrills you, and Levi's heated gaze confirms that he senses your excitement. "I'm fine with that," you respond, a playful glint in your eyes.
Levi nods, his expression becoming more intense. "You might want to sleep naked," he advises, his voice low and suggestive. His eyes flicker down, catching the fabric of your blouse, before bouncing back up. His shoulders hunch shyly. "I don't want to tear them."
A mischievous smile spreads across your face. "You'd just fix it again," you note, a hint of anticipation in your voice. "Probably a good idea though. Oh! I never thanked you for fixing my coat!"
He rumbles softly, his voice filled with warmth. "It was my fault it got torn in the first place."
As the fire crackles and the enticing aroma of cooked meat fills the nest, you find your attention drawn to the rhythmic shifting of Levi's lithe fingers. The small twigs are swiftly woven together, forming a flat sheet that continues to grow, revealing a glimpse of his skilled craftsmanship. Soon enough, the pine coated branches sprawl across his lap in a thick, square-ish plate.
With a determined expression, Levi lifts the woven sheet and carefully positions it in front of the scraggly entrance of the cave, effectively closing off the outside world. The interwoven branches create a natural barrier, providing some privacy and protection. In the top right corner, there is enough space for the smoke from the fire to billow free, ensuring ventilation within the nest.
He's closed you in. As you swallow heavily and gaze at the carefully braided expanse of verdant pine, you can't help but feel a mix of anticipation and excitement. Rather than feeling trapped or confined, the enclosure created by Levi's handiwork ignites a thrilling sensation that tingles at the back of your mind. The intimate space seems to foster an atmosphere of closeness and heightened emotions, fueling the excitement coursing through your veins.
By your side, the chunks of meat sizzle and gain a tempting char. You swallow, feeling your stomach growl in response to the mouthwatering smell. Gesturing vaguely at Levi's handiwork, you start unevenly, “Wh- why did you?”
Levi’s expression softens, his eyes meeting yours. “Because I care about you,” he replies sincerely. “During my heat, I want to provide for you and ensure your comfort.”
The warmth of his words fills the air, and you can’t help but feel a surge of gratitude and affection for him. As the meat continues to cook, you find yourself drawn closer to him, the anticipation of the coming days mingling with the scent of the meal, creating a sense of intimacy and shared purpose.
His voice continues as he tucks up tightly against you, his tail encircling your waist and his arm draped across your back. The intensity in his eyes returns, a deep and burgeoning heat that sends shivers of anticipation down your spine. "It also gives us some privacy," he explains, his voice laced with a mix of need and desire. "My instincts are kicking in and they want to ensure we aren't disturbed."
Nose flaring, Levi reaches across you to grab some meat, his movements driven by both hunger and urgency. “You should eat,” he urges, pressing the meat kabob in your direction, his voice low and husky. “I don’t think we’ll be able to get more food until things have… settled.”
Concern fills your voice as you reply, “Hopefully there’s enough water in the cooking pot.” Reaching over, you grab the proffered stick, savoring the juicy, thick slices of deer as you quickly devour them.
As Levi gorges himself on the meat, tearing it apart easily with his sharp fangs, you follow suit, consuming the food with equal fervor under his watchful eye. He encourages you to eat more, emphasizing the need for energy.
By the time you both finish, the sun has almost disappeared beyond the horizon, casting a warm orange glow through the covered entrance of the cave. Levi’s worried expression becomes more pronounced as he tugs at the hem of your shirt, his thumb tracing gentle circles on the fabric. He presses soft kisses to the sleeve, a mixture of affection and concern in his voice. “We… we should sleep. You’ll need your rest before it starts.”
The weight of his words settles in, and you nod in agreement, feeling a mixture of anticipation and apprehension. The night ahead holds unknown experiences and uncharted territories, but you trust Levi to guide you through it.
As you and Levi prepare for sleep, he assists you in removing your clothes, handling them with care as he folds them and sets them aside. Then, he enfolds you in his arms, drawing your chest flush against his own and guiding your face to nestle against his neck. His tail wraps around you, providing a comforting weight akin to a cozy blanket.
With tender lips pressing against the top of your head, he whispers softly into your hair, expressing his concerns for the next day. His fingers delicately weave through your hair, offering soothing and affectionate gestures. "I'm sorry if I'm... if I'm too much tomorrow," he murmurs, his voice filled with a mix of vulnerability and care.
Nuzzling into his chest, eyes heavy with fatigue, you reassure him softly. "I'll be fine, Levi," you assure him, your words laced with understanding. "I trust you."
Guided by the gentleness of his touch and the security of his presence, you gradually surrender to a peaceful slumber. The sensation of his scales against your skin creates a cocoon of intimacy and protection, fostering a deep sense of comfort. Wrapped in Levi's embrace, you find solace and rest, ready to face whatever challenges the coming days may bring.
You wake as a loud hiss pierces the air, accompanied by the sensation of fangs pressing against your throat. Blinking to awareness, your body tenses with a surge of adrenaline. The sharp pinpricks send a jolt of pain through your senses, and a deep rumbling growl reverberates through you, jarring your awareness.
Instinct kicks in, and your mind races to assess the situation. With a surge of urgency, you realize that the dynamics have shifted, and the once-familiar embrace of Levi now feels threatening and dangerous. His heat had started. You become acutely aware of the primal instincts at play, reminding you of the unfamiliar nature of your partner. Gasping for breath, your feet kick frantically and your hands squirm at your sides, desperate to find purchase on his shoulders.
Struggling against the darkness surrounding you, your eyes slowly adjust to the dim moonlit beams that manage to penetrate the barred entryway. Trembling, your voice catches in your throat as the sharp points tighten around your windpipe. A shuddering breath escapes Levi’s lips, and the hot length of his tongue slides across your throat, leaving behind a wet heat. In a moment of urgency, your hands reach up, entangling in the dark tresses at the back of his head, tugging with urgency. “L-Levi,” you manage to squeak out.
With a deep, rumbling growl, the sharp grasp around your throat loosens. Levi hovers above you, his features twisted into a raw and primal display. Moonlight reflects off the sharp points of his glistening fangs, appearing even longer and sharper as they hang menacingly above your face.
In the dim light, his eyes emit a luminous glow, while the whites shine with an unsettling brightness. His pupils, like tiny pinpricks, are sharply defined, enclosed within a shade of deep burning charcoal grey. The air in the small cave becomes suffocatingly hot as his chest heaves, his mouth releasing a sticky, balmy heat. As he gazes down at you, his chest swells with a deep rumble, and his nails dig painfully into your back.
Lacking any of his usual care, the grasp is far from gentle. You think you feel a wet heat welling up from where the sharp points are digging into your skin, the telltale sign of blood beginning to trickle from around the tips of his claws.
Squirming, you notice a warm slickness coating your bottom half. He's leaking, practically gushing, and his cock is already out, jabbing your belly and leaving a slick warm ooze against your skin.
"Maaate," he hisses, his urgency evident as he fervently licks at the skin of your throat. In the scorching intensity of his heat, it seems as though all rational thought has vanished, replaced by a primal instinct. Levi's presence has completely vanished, replaced by a relentless beast.
His tail coils tightly around you, its scales constricting to the point where movement becomes impossible. Your arms and legs are firmly immobilized within its sinewy grasp, leaving you completely restrained. Your heart stammers, its rhythm faltering in response to the overwhelming surge of fear and anticipation coursing through your veins.
“Maaaaate,” he growls again. His hips jolt and more wetness oozes between you. There's so much of it, warm and slick dripping to coat the entirety of your stomach and thighs. You can feel the tip of him throb, leaking a thick trail of white along your abdomen. His face contorts and those dark glowing eyes delve deep into your own. It's a question, you realize. Even out of his mind with lust, Levi is confirming that you're okay with this.
“Y-yeah,” you manage to gasp, your breath catching in your throat. With an ardent nod, you express your agreement. “I’m your mate.”
He growls in response, his tail trembling with excitement as it continues to coil around you. Leaning forward, he affectionately nuzzles his nose against yours with a happy hum. Nudging your nose into his, you pull him into a shallow lip lock that quickly becomes heated. Hot breath bathing your face, it's like he's drinking the taste of you with a pleased hum. He moans, the sharp points of his teeth pressing into the supple skin of your bottom lip, inducing a slight prickle of pain and flooding your senses with the metallic taste of iron.
"Shit, Levi," you gasp, the metallic taste of your own blood lingering on your lips. Surprisingly, rather than deter you, it only serves to further ignite your desires, sending a surge of intense heat coursing through your veins at an alarming pace. Urgently pressing your thighs together, you deepen the kiss, pushing your mouth against his with an eager sigh, yearning for the sound of his pleased little moans and hums.
As your tongue brushes against the sharp row of his fangs, you can't help but notice that they are longer, their pointed tips resembling tiny blades. Running your tongue along his incisor, the taste of iron intensifies, flooding your senses once again.
In response, he releases a loud, pleasure-filled moan, his lips fervently pushing and pulling against yours in an unending display of passion. Drawing in a sharp breath, he inhales your scent deeply, releasing a hot gust of air that tickles your cheek. His hands firmly grip your hips, matching the tight and pulsating hold of the scales enveloping you. Jolting, your hips roll into his with a needy whine. Trapped between you, his cock throbs, the slick mess between you only growing.
In a flurry of motion, the coil of his tail suddenly twists you over onto your hands and knees. His claws drag down your bare back in one long sweep, the edges barely grazing your skin. The touch sends a long rolling shutter down your spine. Parts of his tail wrap around each of your thighs, firmly holding them apart under his intense, fiery gaze. Another wider section of his tail remains securely coiled around your waist, exerting a tight and twisting pressure, effectively restricting your movements.
Trapped. You feel trapped, but fear doesn't fill your heart. Instead, an amalgamation of anticipation, curiosity, and desire takes its place. The loss of control intensifies the throbbing sensation in your chest, as you surrender to the captivating and passionate experience unraveling before you. It’s a mixture of emotions that adds an exhilarating edge to the encounter, heightening your senses.
You can feel the intensity of his gaze burning between your thighs, drinking in the sight of the slick that's already leaking to the crease of your thighs. His hands shift from your waist, spreading your ass cheeks wide. “Wet,” he growls excitedly, pressing his teeth against the curve of your right cheek. The sharp edge causes a sudden jolt of sensation, making you shudder within the tight grip of his hold. “Mine,” he asserts possessively, hot breath bathing your soaked center.
Apparently he can only express himself with singular words, limited by the overwhelming sensations and desires coursing through him. Each word he utters carries a weight of raw emotion, stripped down to its core essence, conveying his primal instincts and unbridled passion in the simplest yet most intense way.
In response to his limited but powerful words, you find yourself trembling with a mixture of vulnerability and surrender. With a shudder, your toes curl into the soft bedding below. The weight of your admission, “Y-yours. All yours,” hangs in the air, expressing your deep longing and desire to belong to him completely.
As his thumbs shift down to spread open your folds, you clench helplessly beneath his gaze. Watching you flutter, the growl that leaves his chest can only be described as a whine. “Pretty,” he groans, voice thick with desire. Blood rushes to fill your face with heat, causing your face to flush with a mixture of embarrassment and arousal.
You feel so open, with him behind you looking straight inside your entrance. Part of you wishes you could see him. You long to see his face, to witness the expressions and emotions that accompany this new dynamic. It feels different from before, and amidst the excitement, you find yourself yearning for the soft, reassuring weight of his gaze.
Squirming in embarrassment, the tight grasp around you suddenly tightens severely. The section of his hold encircling your ribs constricts, nearly squeezing the air from your lungs. Simultaneously, one of his hands applies strong pressure between your shoulder blades, its force posing a risk of toppling you forward.
In a sharp, hissing tone, he commands, "Still." The urgency and authority in his voice demand your compliance, leaving little room for hesitation.
Something prods your folds, making you gasp in shock, jolting your hips forward despite his warning growl. Nails dig into your cheeks, spreading you wide, and then something wet and hot slides along the crease of your folds in one long stroke from bottom to top. It's his tongue, you realize with a shaky gasp. He's bent over behind you, claws digging into your skin as he hungrily sucks at your folds. A hot, shaky breath bathes your folds. “Mine,” he breathes hotly into your cunt.
Levi tongues urgently at your entrance, lapping mindlessly along the length of your folds. It's aimless and frantic, pleased groans buzzing along your sensitive skin with every flick of his tongue. Untouched, your clit aches. Spit soaks your core, dripping down to bathe the crease of your thighs.
“Ahh, Levi,” you moan, struggling to hold still. Every part of you seems to throb, desperate for more stimulation. Raising your hips, you try to guide him with a needy whine, “H-higher. My clit. Please!”
The only response you get is an eager huff of air from his nose, blown directly into the crease of your ass. He's preparing you, you realize, as the forked tip of his tongue presses searchingly into your hole. He's soaking your already slick entrance with his spit in preparation for you to take his cock.
He works diligently, stretching your rim with the tip of his tongue and shallowly lapping inward. As you thoughtlessly roll your rolling hips into his mouth, his nails dig into the skin of your ass, pulling you in with a heady groan. Working his way deeper and deeper, the slick appendage writhes deep into your guts. It’s like he’s transformed into a primal, untamed creature, hungry and thoughtless. Every ravenous moan emanating from him resonates deep within you, stirring a primal response that shakes you to your core. Your clit hasn't even been touched and yet your thighs are already shaking.
Eventually, he withdraws, seemingly satisfied. Aching and empty, you can't help but jolt back searchingly, eager for more of the hot slide of his tongue. You can hear his lips smack with a wet and pleased hum.
“Mate?” Levi’s voice echoes once more, a deep rumble filled with longing and uncertainty. He rises, pressing his chest firmly against your back, creating a closeness that envelops you in his presence. The sharp points of his fangs delicately graze against the sensitive skin of your neck, sending a shiver down your spine. With a deep yearning, his hips begin to sway, tracing a slow and desperate circle. Slick scales glide along the back of your thighs and the length of his cock drags teasingly along your folds with a boiling wet heat.
“Y-yeah,” you answer dazedly, mind reeling. Your hips jolt as the blunt curve of his head bumps into the ring of your entrance. It spurts, leaking a hot sticky mess along your folds.
Chest rumbling happily, he works the tip of himself just past the ring of your entrance in short little jabs. Then, he fills you with one smooth stroke, the glide slick and easy.
“Shit,” he curses, his voice carrying a rare moment of clarity amidst the overwhelming sensations. It’s the most cognizant he has sounded thus far, breaking through the primal haze that engulfs him. He holds still for several months, his fingers working soothing circles into your hip. As you both immerse in the intensity of the moment, you feel the pulsating tightness of his coiled form, vibrating with pleasure all around you. It's like the coiled length of him is throbbing, matching the beat of his cock as it pulses inside you.
"L-Levi," you strain, your voice trembling with a mixture of pleasure and need. The name escapes your lips as a fervent plea, a testament to the overwhelming sensations that consume you. Every nerve in your body feels alive. Levi hasn’t even moved yet, but just the weight of him, over and inside you, is enough to make your toes curl and your breath catch. Taking short, heavy breaths, you feel overwhelmed just by the feel of him: heavy and big and solid.
He pulls most of the way out with a filthy, slick squelch that makes your ears ring. Just the tip of him remains, throbbing tucked into the quivering ring of your entrance. His breath shudders, causing his chest to hollow against your back. A deep groan begins to build at the base of his chest, resonating with a primal intensity. The sound emerges from deep within him, a raw expression of pleasure and desire that escapes his lips. The grip around you tightens, encompassing you with a firm hold. One hand wraps tightly around your thigh, forcing your knees to widen and your back to bow. His chest fills again with a shuddered breath and his other hand pulls at your hip, urging you to meet him as he fills you with a hard, sharp thrust.
"F-fuck! Levi!" you wail unevenly, your voice filled with a mix of pleasure and surprise. Your fingers scramble against the bedding, seeking an anchor in the midst of the overwhelming sensations. The strength of his thrust propels you forward, causing you to bounce involuntarily. Instinctively, you press your forehead into the soft pelt below, seeking a momentary refuge in its comforting texture. The intensity of the experience leaves you gasping for breath, caught between ecstasy and surrender.
With that singular thrust, his short moment of sanity ends and the beast returns with a deep rumbling growl. “Mine,” he repeats in a fevered growl, fucking into you mercilessly, his hips jolting so hard and fast that you can't even begin to try to meet him. It's so much different than the last time he was inside you, so much more fevered and intense in comparison and the experience is completely out of your control. It's like you're just being used for his pleasure, a thought that sends your mind reeling. “Mine- mine- mine-”
“Ah ah ah -shit-” you cry, eyes pinching tight as your body rocks completely out of your control. The angle is excruciatingly tight and the delicious friction of his cock dragging along your walls is enough to make you drool uncontrollably into the bedding. The spongy tip of him drags against your g-spot with every forward stroke, making you whimper and throb helplessly. The wet slap of his scales against your puffy and oversensitive petals has you nearly mindless.
He penetrates you with an incredible depth that leaves you gasping for breath and squirming in response. The sensation is overwhelming, pushing you to the limits of pleasure and sending waves of sensation coursing through your body.
Overwhelmed, you shift your weight from your hands to your forearms, burying one shoulder into the bedding as you arch your back. Wrapped tightly in his scaly grasp, he continues to give you more and more, rendering you utterly helpless to resist. Hard and fast, you can't do anything but take it. The intensity grows, unrelenting and fast-paced, and you find yourself unable to do anything but surrender to it. The sensations become nearly overwhelming, teetering on the edge of painful overstimulation. “F-fuck! Levi! Slower! Slower, please!” you beg, your plea escaping your lips without thought, desperate for some respite.
Suddenly, his hips press hard and impossibly deep into you and still, his cock lurching inside you with a heady throb. The hand on your thigh shifts, gliding through the sticky mess between you to swirl at your clit. "Oh, shit! Ah! God-" you gasp, feeling your back shudder and stretch as your muscles spasm uncontrollably.
With a grunt, he resumes his pace, thrusting harder and filling you in a way that overwhelms your senses. Your knees tremble under the intensity of the moment, barely able to support you. Between you, Levi is still oozing slickness from around the base of his cock. With every thrust, you can feel wet droplets splash to coat the backs of your thighs.
As you fall forward, your chest meets the soft pelt beneath you, sinking into its comforting embrace. The coil of his tail tightly wrapped around your belly keeps your hips elevated, keeping you up and spread for him to fill you again and again. The intense sensation of his thumb swirling and gliding over your sensitive bud has you trembling uncontrollably. Your gasps for air become loud and desperate, and your thighs begin to shake with the overwhelming pleasure coursing through your body.
Overwhelmed by the intense sensations and emotions coursing through you, tears stream down your face as sobs escape your trembling lips. Your fingers instinctively claw desperately into the bedding beneath you, seeking something to hold onto amidst the overwhelming pleasure and vulnerability. The heavy knot in your stomach tightens agonizingly, reaching its peak as pleasure courses through your body. With a shudder that ripples through you, you reach your climax, releasing a guttural scream of ecstasy that echoes through the air. The intensity of the moment consumes you completely, leaving you breathless and trembling in its wake.
You’re aware, distantly, of him cursing and pressing himself flat to your back, his face dropping to the curve of your neck, his hands holding your hips and fucking up into you faster and faster until, with one deep thrust, he stills. He spills inside you with a filthy groan, throbbing heavily.
His hips jolt in several broken thrusts as more and more warmth splashes against your walls. It's so much. He comes so much, you can feel the thick spurts that follow every heady throb. As Levi growls deeply, the low rumble reverberates through his chest, creating vibrations that resonate within both of you. The intensity of the sound sends shivers down your spine, and you can feel the vibrations spreading throughout your entire body, from head to toe. Suddenly he shifts, jolting impossibly deeper inside you as a sharp pain appears at the pulse of your throat. He's biting you, you realize, humming eagerly as his fangs dig deep into the side of your neck. Oddly enough, it doesn't really hurt. The only bit of pain is when the sharpened row of teeth initially clamp and sink through your skin. After that the only sensations you know are heat and pleasure.
As his fangs remain firmly embedded in the side of your neck, the conflicting mix of sensations confuses your senses, but you cannot deny the unusual pleasure that accompanies his bite. As you continue and throb and flutter with the tail end of your peak, something at the base of his cock swells painfully wide to form a warm and heavy bulb that stretches your rim painfully wide.
"Wh-what?" you stammer, your mind dazed and disoriented. You can feel the tremor in your voice, but it's as if the sound is muted, lost in the overwhelming haze. The sensations coursing through your body have left you in a state of confusion and sensory overload, making it difficult to fully process or comprehend what is happening around you. Nudging his hips forward, the stretch of your rim is nearly excruciating as he continues to work the knot deeper. He's plugging you up, keeping the copious amount of seed that's sloshing around inside you tucked right where he wants it. The intense mixture of pleasure and pain sends shockwaves through your body, pushing you to the edge once more.
You can't be sure, but you think that you black out for a moment. The first thing that you consciously think about as you come back to your senses is that Levi is warm above you, comforting as he boxes you in; the second is that your ears are ringing. You clench and unclench your hands a few just to try and start to get that far-away feeling out of your limbs — your thighs have already started to ache and your toes burn from being locked in a tight curl.
A feeling of fullness startles you into gasping, and you realize that Levi hasn't pulled out yet. He's still inside you as far as can be, the scales of his pelvis pressed flat to your entrance as the swollen flesh at his base continues to pulse and press eagerly into the ring of your entrance.
You feel Levi's hand tracing the curve of your hip soothingly, his touch creating gentle circles on your skin. The ringing in your ears gradually subsides, allowing you to hear him calling your name softly. "L-Levi," you groan, your eyes fluttering open.
He calls your name once more, his voice slightly rough but noticeably more coherent. The beastly presence has receded, and Levi's awareness has returned, though you remain uncertain for how long it will last.
The swell at his base finally gives, lessening just enough so he can pull free from you with a wet pop. He swiftly turns you around, his hands firmly cupping your shoulders as he searches your face with a worried expression. "Are you okay?" he asks, genuine concern evident in his eyes.
"Yeah," you wheeze, feeling dazed and trying to regain your breath. Stretching out on your back, your gulp eagerly at the sticky air. "I'm fine."
Finally, you get to look at him. Drinking him in after what seems like forever, you note that Levi’s chest is adorned with spotty flushes, his cheeks and ears cast a rosy hue that speaks volumes about his state. His disheveled appearance mirrors your own state of composure and an odd sense of gratification washes over you. His chest rises and falls rapidly, his breaths coming in gasps as he greedily inhales air to replenish his oxygen-depleted lungs. Beads of sweat glide down his forehead, tracing a path down his neck and along his chest, evidence of the intensity and exertion. His eyes, half-lidded and darker than you've ever seen them before, possess an alluring depth that draws you in. In their depths, you witness a potent blend of desire, passion, and vulnerability, reflecting the profound connection forged between you.
He still looks concerned, so you quickly assure him with a comforting pat on his shoulder. “I’m fine. I promise. Just.. dazed and a bit sore.”
In response to your assurance, he frowns momentarily, but upon searching your eyes, he accepts your words. Leaning over you, he delicately licks at the mark he left on your neck, his actions infused with a blend of tenderness and possessiveness. "You're mine," he breathes, his voice carrying a tone of awe and disbelief. The declaration reveals a profound sense of connection and a newfound realization of the bond between you.
The mark on your neck radiates a burning, intense heat, distinct from the familiar sensation of healing. Intrigued, you raise your hand to touch the wound, feeling the distinct imprints of each of his teeth—shallower where his molars had pressed and significantly deeper where his fangs had pierced your skin. Finding the deepest indent, right on the hollow between your shoulder and throat, you ask, “Why'd you bite me?” Surprisingly, there's no blood under your thumb, only warmth and an unconventional sensation of pleasure.
Levi, with a softness in his voice, explains. "It's a mating mark," he murmurs, his words resembling a gentle coo. "If the bond is accepted, it will take on the color of my scales. Everyone who sees it will know that you're mine."
The weight of the proclamation fills your throat with emotion. You can't help but inquire, "Am I supposed to give you a mark in return?"
Levi shrugs, his face retaining an unusual tenderness. "I don't think you can," he replies, pressing a quick kiss to the broken skin. "But I appreciate the offer."
He gasps, thumb trailing along the deepest part, sending a strange surge of pleasure directly to your thighs. “It's already turning black,” he breathes excitedly. The look of excited awe on his face makes your heart throb, a soft smile forming on your lips.
“Of course it is,” you reply, your smile growing as you meet his gaze. As he hovers over you, a joyful glint in his eyes, he playfully nudges his nose against yours.
As he shuffles forward over you, the movement causes the wet tip of his cock to jab into your thigh. You gasp, “Y-your cock didn't go back in?” The last time, it'd disappeared the moment he finished coming, and yet right now it's bobbing between you, heavy and full. It's so odd to see it out, the sensitive grey skin dangling free from the wet and shiny scales of his abdomen. With every vein bulging from the skin, you can practically see his blood flowing and filling the organ, making it lurch as Levi’s breath audibly catches in his throat. It's slick and shiny, the head such a dark swollen red that makes your mouth water. It throbs heavily beneath your gaze, the tip leaking a thrilling white that streaks your thigh with warmth.
"It won't go down until my heat is over," he explains through clenched teeth. His muscles visibly twitch and his shoulders tighten, revealing the struggle for control he's experiencing. The intensity of his desire is evident in his strained expression.
You ask him with concern, "Are you okay?" His chest rises and falls heavily, his breathing becoming labored. His eyes flutter, filled with desire, as his awareness starts to fade away.
As you shift, his gaze darts down between your thighs, widening at the sight. “Look at that,” he coos heatedly. The blunt tip of his finger prods your folds, spreading your labia wide so he can look hungrily at your stretched and quivering entrance. You can feel some of his hot seed ooze free to trickle along your folds.
He gasps, mouth popping open and eyes locking into the white leaking from your folds like it's the most fascinating sight in the world. Using the tips of his fingers, he glides the sticky warmth up and down your folds. The hungry look in his eyes tells you that, if not for the sharp points of his claws, he'd fuck the seed back into you.
Levi's voice is low and possessive as he declares, "Mine." In an instant, the primal beast within him resurfaces. His eyes, already dark, seem to deepen even further, conveying a predatory intensity. Surging forward so that he holds you captive between his forearms, the way he gazes at you sends a shiver down your spine, making you feel both vulnerable and desired, like prey in the presence of a predator.
Pressing his chest flats to yours, he slips inside you in one smooth stroke. This time, he fucks into from above, his grip so tight around your hips that you know it'll bruise. This time, when he pulls out, his thrust back in is somehow even harder, deeper; and any semblance of a thought you could have come up with is gone, just like that. You release a shaky gasp, and Levi responds with a primal growl, his breath hot against your ear. "Mine," he hisses possessively, sinking his teeth into the sensitive flesh of your throat, marking you once again with his claim. The mixture of pleasure and pain sends a jolt of electricity through your body, intensifying the connection between you.
Caught in a whirlwind of overwhelming sensations, you're unable to articulate coherent words, reduced to a symphony of whimpers and moans. Your legs instinctively wrap around Levi, desperate to match the rhythm of his rolling thrusts. The change in angle ignites something new within you, causing your back to arch and your entire body to convulse with pleasure. Waves of ecstasy ripple through you, leaving you trembling and breathless in the wake of the intense sensation. You come again, barely feeling the buildup before you fall over the edge.
Moaning loudly, Levi deftly maneuvers you with a swift movement of his tail, repositioning you so that you're lying on your front, your chest pressed against the soft pelt beneath you. The firm grip of his tail keeps your hips elevated, allowing for deeper penetration. His breath hot against your ear, “Again,” he hisses with an insatiable hunger, relentlessly driving into you with a powerful and unending rhythm that sends your mind spiraling into a realm of sheer ecstasy. Each thrust churns and twists, overwhelming your senses and leaving you lost in a maelstrom of pleasure.
Overwhelmed by the intensity of the sensations coursing through your body, you whimper in protest, unable to believe that you can continue. “I can't! I can't!” you scream out in a desperate plea. Yet, despite your protests, your body betrays you. Your hips instinctively meet his thrusts, your inner walls clenching around him in a desperate attempt to hold on to the pleasure that threatens to consume you. With your hips raised, Levi is able to sneak a hand under you to play with your clit. You shriek, one of your legs kicking feebly at the overstimulation, tears overflowing from your eyes, but Levi just coos at you and keeps going.
It feels good, too good; you’ve never felt like this before. Trembling and oversensitive, you feel simultaneously on the very precipice of an orgasm and too exhausted and rung out to ever come again, simultaneously certain you can’t and certain you will. Each thrust pushes you closer to the edge, the pleasure mingling with a hint of pain that amplifies the sensations coursing through your veins. The climax crashes over you like a tidal wave, a mixture of ecstasy and agony that leaves you gasping and trembling in its wake.
Time and sensation both start to bleed together after that. Your orgasm stretches on forever and it’s hard to say when or if it even really ends; it leaves you gasping for air, legs twitching, constantly trying to sink down to the bed, the coil around your waist constantly keeping you up. He murmurs things now and then to the air, your back, the nape of your neck, but you aren't coherent enough to try to understand it — you feel floaty and wonderful, so euphoric that it almost hurts, crying out for more even as you wonder if you can take more at all.
Levi fucks you and fucks you and fucks you and you come what feels like constantly, getting a few brief moments of dizzy reprieve to suck in some desperate breaths before you’re shuddering into an orgasm yet again. It never seems to end, and even as you lie there prone in a puddle, you don’t want it to end. You want all of it —
“Mine! Mine! Mine,” he growls in your ear, releasing pleased little hisses that echo nonstop in your ears. The repetitive echoes of his possessive hisses and moans reverberate through your mind, sending shivers down your spine. The intensity of his words, coupled with the overwhelming sensations coursing through your body, create a whirlwind of pleasure and surrender. It feels like your brain has become a warm liquid puddle, oozing right out from your ear as his warm breath bathes your senses.
As you gasp for breath, the only response you can manage is a breathless affirmation of your complete surrender to him. “Yours,” you repeat again and again in an endless mantra.
Time loses all meaning. For some time, all you know is the hard snap of his hips and the hot slide of his cock. The scent of sex and sweat is so thick in the air that it's almost difficult to breathe. You lose track of how many times you come and how many times he works the rounded swell of his knot past your rim. The only sounds you know are the pleasured grunts and groans alongside the rapid filthy slap of slick scales on skin.
Full. You feel so full, all of your insides filled to bursting, coated with his sticky seed. You can't tell if the filthy slick sounds are from the slick gushing between you or the copious amount of seed sloshes inside you with every thrust. Everytime his knot pops free, it leaks from you in a long constant flow to cake your inner thighs and paint the bedding with a slick mess. He mourns the loss by adding more and more in an endless cycle.
As Levi's moments of awareness eventually begin to lengthen, you start to witness the stark contrast between the beast's intense, primal strength and the tender gentleness that emerges when he regains control. In those fleeting moments, he becomes a nurturing presence, focused on soothing and caring for you.
After his release, he immediately directs his attention to your well-being. With soft, careful licks, he tends to the nicks and cuts he's left on your skin, his tongue offering a soothing touch that promotes healing. His efforts extend beyond the surface wounds, as he seeks to ease the soreness that lingers in your thighs and core, bringing you comfort and relief.
However, the intimate act of his healing touch quickly reignites the fire within him. The surge of desire and the primal instincts that drive him overwhelm his control once again, leading to another passionate encounter. It becomes a cycle of tenderness followed by unrestrained passion, each phase intertwining in a dance of intensity and intimacy.
Despite the unpredictable nature of Levi's shifts between the beast and his gentle self, you find solace in the moments of tenderness he offers, cherishing the connection and care that shines through even amidst the raw, consuming desire.
By the end of the first day, Levi’s regained enough control to focus on basic needs. He insists that both of you eat some leftover deer, heat simmering in his eyes as he watches your throat bob with every swallow. His control snaps shortly after you eagerly gulp down some fresh water. With nighttimes soft starlight filtering softly through the entrance, the final time he fucks you is much slower, though no less frantic and heated.
In the aftermath of your intense encounter, Levi embraces you in a protective huddle of his scaly body and strong muscles. His presence is a comforting shield, offering a sense of security and warmth. You observe him as he quickly succumbs to a deep slumber, his usually alert and intense demeanor replaced by a profound exhaustion. It strikes you as odd to witness him in such a vulnerable and peaceful state, completely surrendered to sleep. Normally, he struggles so much. It’s a rare sight to witness him in such a vulnerable and peaceful state, completely surrendered to sleep. The sight warms your heart.
As you observe him snoring softly, warm puffs of air escaping his lips in a steady rhythm, your thumb instinctively finds the healed mark along the side of your throat. It serves as a constant reminder of the profound connection you now share. His. You're his now. His mate, a permanent, lifelong connection. Just the same, he's yours as well, even if you can't leave behind your own mark on his throat. You find solace in the fact that you’ve shared an intense connection that has left both of you physically and emotionally spent. As you drift off to sleep, nestled within his protective embrace, you feel a deep sense of contentment and safety, alongside soreness and satisfied exhaustion.
You awake to a gust of hot breath in your ear, resulting in a long shutter dragging down your spine. He's behind you, spooning you as he works the tip of himself past your rim. You're so soaked that he must have already mouthed you in preparation.
This time, he fucks you roughly, pulling one of your legs back up and over his hip with a tight clasp. This time, his knot doesn't swell. Instead, he plugs you with the tip of his tail. The entirety of your day is spent in a sticky, wet daze of pleasure.
After two long and intense days, Levi's heat finally subsides, the overwhelming waves of desire gradually diminishing. As the heat fades, a sense of relief washes over both of you, replacing the raw intensity with a calmness and a renewed sense of connection. The exhaustion from the passionate encounters lingers, leaving you both in need of rest and recovery. With the fading of his heat, a new phase of your relationship begins. An entirely new life, one with unknown twists and turns, lies just over the horizon.
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rae-writes · 2 years
did someone say tail kink and monster fucking? nsfw, naga!levi; horny brain, feral levi makes brain and pussy go brrrrr
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It was dark— the only source of light was the tank casting its blue, shimmery glow. Water drops slide down the glass, splashing onto the floor, mixing into the puddles that spread across the room.
The third born’s tail whipped around with careful precision, curling over your legs, abdomen, and arms; it shouldn’t be possible- his tail isn’t that long - but that's just it : the entire lower half of his body was his tail now.
“L-Levi…” your eyes darted from his glowing eyes to his tail, not knowing which captivated you more. 
There was a flush to his cheeks, “T-t-this is so embarrassing-!” His hands swatted at the scaled appendage, making it release you; Levi almost combusted when the loss of his touch made you whine.
“Levi…” you said again, hearing his tail thump against the ground while you crawled into his lap, “Why’d you stop? Touch me…please?”
His hands shot to your hips instinctively when you began rocking back and forth, mouth parting as you grinded against him. “O-oh fu-ck…” The end of his tail wrapped back around you, leaving you completely entangled as you rode his lap. 
You could feel the water on his body start to seep through your clothes, see his fangs poking out, hear a slight hiss emitting from his throat; it made your head spin. “So pretty, Levi…so so pretty.” 
Levi’s eyes flashed before he was producing a bottle from behind his back with a low growl, “Open up.” The way you compiled so obediently made his mouth water, pupils dilating when you swallowed the liquid without question. 
Gripping onto his shoulders, you gasped as he moved along the floor with ease. With a simple flick of his wrist, you were hiked up and thrown straight into the tank. 
A loud splash echoed when Levi followed you in; he moved more gracefully in the water— fast and agile. “Stay?” He bared his teeth when his door swung open, panicked shouts of your name following as he yanked you down deeper.
You found yourself floating in the darkest part of the tank, hidden below the seeing glass. The only thing you could see were Levi’s orange hues cutting through the water like a knife. 
“Stay with me.”
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airrareree · 11 months
Ereri Fic Recs Part 3
Recent reads
• The Flower that Blooms in Adversity (35k, trans!eren, mulan au) I laughed multiple times
• Black Sun (unfinished, 49k, alien!eren) so so good but hasn’t been updated since 2022
• The Captain’s Ransom (36k, pirate!levi, prince!eren)
• Motherf*cking Fairies (34k, human!eren, fairy!levi)
• An Offering for the Pharaoh (unfinished, 83k, abo, noncon elements) updates recently
Fics Read Sometime
• As Mad as the Hatter (45k, demon!eren, disabled levi, some horror)
• Becoming Human (unfinished, 126k, titan!eren) sadly not updated since 2022
• Burning Brightly, Coiled Tightly (unfinished, 93k, abo, naga!levi) sadly not updated since 2021
• Both Sides of the Same Coin (196k, werewolf!eren, vampire!levi)
• Der Preis der Freiheit (the price of freedom) (unfinished, 53k, titan!eren) sadly not updated since 2022
• Eine Riese, der Fliegen Wollte (a giant who wanted to fly) (unfinished, 125k, titan!eren)
Recs Part 1
Recs Part 2
Recs Part 4
Recs part 5
Recs part 6
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peachdues · 9 months
Between @ghost-1-y and this Levi fic I’ve been reading, I might have to add naga fucking to the kinktober list
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l3viat8an · 11 months
So you know how everyone agrees that Leviathan has two dicks, right? What if MC was also a demon or somethin' and also had more un-human genitals? The idea has me giggling bc like- How'd she react to an odd bonding moment over having weird-ass parts? There's no way Leviathan wouldn't imagine how it'd feel Like naga/bird-like mc with a cloaca?? Maybe a more mammal like mc with a knot?? Like the list could go on, bro - The Levi anon
Nsfw content MDNI (not explicit tho-)
Of all the things to bond over-
I don’t think Levi would ever imagine bonding over weird genitalia (hwpjshsjsh-)  but what I can imagine is like (first time having sex-) is a mutual omg theirs/hers/his is weird too!!!??!!!!!
and just completely stopping before they’ve actually had sex just to look over each other’s more interesting anatomy…
Levi’s coving his face the whole time, but will be oddly interested in MC’s cloaca/knot/possible other appendage(???)
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ourwrittenstories · 3 months
Muse List-- Carrd TBA 'soon' -OC's- (Female) Inessa "Nessy" (Candice King) Samira "Sam" (Violet Myers/ Alexa Demie) Cassia "Cass" (Jane Levy???) Isadora "Izzy" (Emma Kotos) Leora "Leo" (Daisy Ridley) Ascella "Ella" (Lily James) Charlotte "Charlie" (Hailee Steinfeld) Ryann (Gabriel Epstein) Mimi (Olivia Rodrigo) Tien (Cindy Tran) Jacqueline "Jack" (Madelyn Cline) Tiegan "Tee" (Zoey Deutch) Poppy (Sabrina Carpenter) Laleh (Eiza Gonzalez) Naga (Male) Syrian (Oliver Jackson-Cohen) Carlyle "Lyle" (Adam Driver) Edrian "Ed" "Eddy" (Riz Ahmed) Maxwell "Max" (Tyler Hoechlin) Esben "Benny" (Thomas Brodie-Sangster) Isaac "Pitch" (Aaron Taylor Johnson) ~Canon~ (Female) Wanda Maximoff- Marvel Kate Bishop- Marvel Lucy Maclean- Fallout Honestly not that many, but if you think I'd write someone well let me know! (Male) Peter Parker (Tom Holland)- Marvel Stiles Stilinski- Teen Wolf Peter Hale- Teen Wolf Chris Argent- Teen Wolf
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ambrosialdesire · 9 months
kinktober '23
hello hello! ambro here and this is my first kinktober! i finally made up the list with all the corresponding characters and prompts, and i gotta say, this shit was so hard to think of lol ik a lot of it is mostly genshin characters but you can't blame me (i mean you sorta can lmao), there's just more characters and potential with the game.
i will try my best on uploading every fic on the day its supposed to but no promises if it's actually going to be on time hehe so please be patient! it will be finished no matter what. and yes one particular day is an epilogue for something i have to finish before i start kinktober LMFAO
part of me wanted to have all the characters hidden just for the surprises but maybe next time ;)
additional kinks will be added alongside the main topic and everything will be updated as the days go by. all reader inserts will be fem.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚.───
𓆩♡𓆪 DAY ONE   ↳ SPECTROPHILIA + KAEYA ALBERICH — content: ghost/poltergeist au, inappropriate touching, tbd
𓆩♡𓆪 DAY TWO   ↳ SOMNOPHILIA + BRAHMS HEELSHIRE — content: nanny reader, kinda fluffy at first, praise, mommy kink, somewhat dom reader, tbd
𓆩♡𓆪 DAY THREE   ↳ MIRROR SEX + TAKAMI KEIGO [HAWKS] — content: tbd
𓆩♡𓆪 DAY FOUR   ↳ KNIFE PLAY + LEVI ACKERMAN — content: tbd
𓆩♡𓆪 DAY FIVE   ↳ BLOOD PLAY + BLADE — content: tbd
𓆩♡𓆪 DAY SIX   ↳ DRY-HUMPING + ARATAKI ITTO — content: tbd
𓆩♡𓆪 DAY SEVEN   ↳ OVERSTIMULATION + XIAO — content: tbd
𓆩♡𓆪 DAY EIGHT   ↳ COCKWARMING + SAMPO — content: exhibition, tbd
𓆩♡𓆪 DAY NINE   ↳ CHEATING/NTR + GOJO SATORU & NANAMI KENTO — content: scummy gojo (lol), manipulation, blackmail, tbd
𓆩♡𓆪 DAY TEN   ↳ CHOKING + TODOROKI TOYA [DABI] — content: tbd
𓆩♡𓆪 DAY ELEVEN   ↳ UNIFORM KINK + JING YUAN — content: tbd
𓆩♡𓆪 DAY TWELVE   ↳ SIZE KINK + FUSHIGURO TOJI — content: modern au, tbd
𓆩♡𓆪 DAY THIRTEEN   ↳ HATE SEX + CHILDE [TARTAGLIA] — content: traveler!reader, tbd
𓆩♡𓆪 DAY FIFTEEN   ↳ BODYWRITING + TIGHNARI — content: medical examination, marking, breeding, tbd
𓆩♡𓆪 DAY SIXTEEN   ↳ ANDROID/ROBOT + SVAROG — content: tbd
𓆩♡𓆪 DAY SEVENTEEN   ↳ EDGING + ZEKE JAEGER — content: tbd
𓆩♡𓆪 DAY EIGHTEEN   ↳ EXHIBITION + WANDERER [SCARAMOUCHE] — content: college/university au, tbd
𓆩♡𓆪 DAY NINETEEN   ↳ CAM-GIRL + DILUC RAGNVINDR — content: modern au, cam-girl reader, female & male masturbation, sex toy usage, tbd
𓆩♡𓆪 DAY TWENTY   ↳ LACTATION + REINER BRAUN — content: lil epilogue of cacoëthes, tit-fucking, tbd
𓆩♡𓆪 DAY TWENTY-ONE   ↳ DOUBLE PENETRATION + ALHAITHAM & KAVEH — content: roommates, tbd
𓆩♡𓆪 DAY TWENTY-TWO   ↳ PREDATOR & PREY + RYOMEN SUKUNA — content: original form sukuna, tbd
𓆩♡𓆪 DAY TWENTY-THREE   ↳ TERATOPHILIA + BAIZHU — content: naga!baizhu, breeding, oviposition, tbd
𓆩♡𓆪 DAY TWENTY-FOUR   ↳ CORRUPTION + KAMISATO AYATO — content: faceless!ayato, horror elements (gore descriptions), tbd
𓆩♡𓆪 DAY TWENTY-SIX   ↳ APHRODISIACS + ZANDIK [IL DOTTORE] — content: coworker & test subject!reader, tbd
𓆩♡𓆪 DAY TWENTY-SEVEN   ↳ CROSS-DRESSING + SHIKANOIN HEIZOU — content: undercover mission gone wrong gone sexual, tbd
𓆩♡𓆪 DAY TWENTY-EIGHT   ↳ BREEDING + SIMON RILEY [GHOST] — content: werewolf!ghost, knotting, rutting, tbd
𓆩♡𓆪 DAY THIRTY   ↳ PSEUDO-INCEST + ZHONGLI — content: modern au, step!daddy zhongli (I LAUGHED WRITING THAT OUT), age-gap (20 year old reader, late 30s-early 40s zhongli), tbd
𓆩♡𓆪 DAY THIRTY-ONE   ↳ FREE SPACE + ???????? — content: ????????
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flowersandbigteeth · 1 year
Your naga professor gives you a gift
General Plot: This is a longer, sloppy oneshot. You work at a library, frequented by a professor who studies amorous history and strike up a friendship with him.
Naga professor (Arion) x female reader
Word Count: 4k
W: Yandere behavior, obsession, kidnapping, mostly sfw yandere fluff, there is a brief mention of cum, ambiguous ending
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You never noticed the way he looked at you. The way his gaze lingered on you while you pranced around him pushing your little cart of books. 
“Need help finding something?” you asked him, holding a pile of books in your arms. You were a librarian in a college for the magical arts, already graduated yourself. You’d been offered the job right out of school after you interned there so you took it and never left.
It was a great atmosphere and the college community was kind of nice. Bright, young students were funny and ever hopeful, getting into all sorts of hijinks with their magic. The week before a student had glued himself to the ceiling of the gymnasium with a spell gone wrong.
As a hedgewitch, you didn’t have much magical power yourself. Your witch blood hadn’t allowed you any boons but your short stature and wide eyes. You could do hearth magic and bloom flowers, but that was about it. Your mother always told you if you applied yourself you could be a brilliant chemist, but it wasn’t something that interested you. The library was quiet and peaceful. Just right. 
You recognized the professor. He was a handsome naga who taught in the history department. He came to the library often, staying late into the evenings. He always sat in the same corner, his thick green tail curled over itself in fat loops as he read, scribbling notes with long, strong fingers. He was quiet and you hadn’t spoken to him much, except a few pleasantries in passing. That day, however, you caught him perusing a shelf. He seemed to be searching for something. 
He turned to you, jumping a bit. 
“Sorry to startle you,” you chuckled, putting out your hand and brushing his shoulder. 
You didn’t know why you did that. Maybe it was because he was handsome and flustered you a little. He had beautiful hazel eyes behind his metal framed glasses and long dark hair, streaked with a bit of silver, showing his age. He had it braided over his ears in the traditional naga way, the rest falling down his back in a smooth sheet. You jerked your hand back immediately. That probably wasn’t appropriate. Your cheeks pinkened, hoping you hadn’t offended him. 
His eyes widened slightly at your hand, but he gathered himself a moment later.
“Erm…yes,” he said, “there’s a book in the database that doesn’t seem to be on the shelf. Heart Magic of the Meridian Era. It says it's here and I can’t find it.” 
“Let me look into it for you,” you said. 
He slithered behind you to the counter and you pulled up the title on your computer. You didn't know that while he followed you, he admired your plump bottom and the cute little legs you tipped around on perilously.
“Oh I see,” you explained, “that book is part of the special collection. You can’t remove it from the library, but I can help you make copies of any pages and give you a private room to review it.” 
“That would be perfect,” he agreed, smiling at you. 
His smile was handsome, his fangs very long and sharp. 
“Everything okay here?” your manager Levi asked, sidling up to you. 
He peeked over your shoulder. 
“That book is in the special collection. Have you set him up with a private room?” he asked. 
“Of course,” you said tightly. 
He wasn’t a terrible manager, but he could hover a bit sometimes and occasionally it annoyed you. Placing a hand on your shoulder, he gave it a little squeeze. 
“Great job, (Y/N),” he said, “come find me if you need any help.” 
He wandered away to engage in his favorite professional technique, managing by walking around.
You glanced up to see the professor’s eyes narrowed watching him walk away. 
“Shall we go?” you asked, jotting down the book’s identification number on a post it. 
He seemed to relax a bit and nodded at you to lead him on. 
“I’m (Y/N), by the way,” you said, making conversation as you led him down the stone steps that went down a few floors to the basement where the special books were kept. They were books with dangerous magic that only professors and supervised graduate students could look at. 
“I’ve seen you around the library, but we’ve never been introduced.” 
He gave you a bit of a shy smile. 
“Arion Dernald,” he said with a tip of his head. 
“Wait here,” you told him, as you unlocked the door where the books were kept and went inside to retrieve the right one. When you’d found it, you brought it out with a pair of white gloves and led him to a private room. 
You looked at the heavily engraved book, covered with reliefs of passionate lovers entwined in each other’s arms. 
“Oh my,” you gasped, “what are you studying?” 
He looked even more bashful and cleared his throat.
“Ah…Ancient romance spells,” he said, “I’m writing a book about how romance was seen differently in the Meridian era than it is now.” 
“Oh?” you asked, as you laid the book down on some cotton cloth to protect the cover, “how so?” 
“It was more…intimate, perhaps,” he said, “lovers owned each other’s hearts. They used many varieties of magical bindings to grow closer.” 
“That’s what’s in this book?” you asked, looking down at it. 
“Yes,” he said, “mostly…and some aphrodisiac spells.” 
You weren’t sure why, but the contents of the book made you squirmy. Any kind of binding spell was illegal in the modern day. You gave him a hesitant smile.
“Well, I’ll leave you to it then,” you said, “please use the gloves so you don’t damage the pages. The oils on your fingers break down the fibers.” 
You handed him a matching pair of white gloves and hustled out of the room. 
Glancing up a few hours later, you saw him carrying the book to you, a few pages marked with scraps of paper. 
“Could you make copies of these pages?” he asked, “then I’ll be done with it for today.” 
You agreed, taking the tomb from him and heading back to the copy machine. Flipping open the pages you glanced at the first spell, reading a few lines. It was a proximity binding spell, not allowing the person to leave a certain area around them. The next one gave you pause. It was almost like the proximity spell, but much more serious. It bound two souls together in this life and the next. The two parties couldn’t be too far apart from each other for too long or they would start to waste away and eventually die. 
The spell guaranteed that your souls would find each other in your next reincarnations. The idea was that lovers would rather die and be reunited in the next life than be parted. Who knew if it really worked. Ancient magic like this was spotty, mostly derived from sloppy experiments before the time of the scientific method.
Still, the concept of being tied together through death made you shudder a bit. It was a dangerous spell to make a copy of, but there was no rule against it. As a senior professor, the naga was authorized to copy any spell in the library.
You quickly made the copies and shuffled back to the naga, who was waiting patiently at the front desk. 
“Here you go!” you said, cheerfully, handing him the stack. 
He thanked you and slithered away. You watched his broad back as he left, unsettled for some reason. 
“I don’t like him,” Levi said quietly as you checked in books at the front desk. You followed his eyes to the corner, where the naga was curled up reading again. 
You drew your brows at him.
“That’s not like you, you like everybody,” you snorted, “what’d he do to you?” 
He glared across the library. 
“Something about him is creepy,” he said, “he’s here more than anyone else. A lot more and I looked up his browsing history on the public network. It's weird, all binding spells.”
You glanced over at him. He seemed perfectly normal to you, focused on whatever he was reading. 
“I don’t know what you mean,” you said, “he’s a professor. They like to study and this is a library.” 
“Just…be careful around him,” he warned, “tell me if he says anything weird to you.” 
You nodded and he walked away.  
You shook your head of the bizarre interaction. Levi was normally a pretty affable wolf. It was weird for him to just not like someone for no reason. 
As if to test his instincts, you scooted your cart by him as you went to return books and stopped to say hello. 
“How is the research coming?” you asked. 
He looked up from his notes and pushed his glasses up his nose with a long finger. 
“Oh, excellent,” he said, “I think I’ve made a breakthrough in the translation. What experts have thought to mean blood is actually semen. They’ve been wrong for years.” 
You blushed. 
“Oh,” you said. 
His cheeks darkened and he cleared his throat.
“Erm…it’s a completely different reading of the text,” he mumbled on awkwardly, looking away. 
You couldn’t stifle your giggle and his eyes widened on you a bit. 
“What an interesting thing to study,” you laughed, “ancient cum spells.” 
He smiled too and the tension lifted.
“I suppose it is,” he chuckled, “but it’s for a good reason. We can learn a lot from the Meridian era. Partners were devoted back then, willing to risk it all for the ones they loved.
"Dating today is all apps and lies. It’s so plastic. My students hook up once and then never see their partner again only to do it the next night and the next night. Never any real connection. No real investment to speak of.” 
His eyes sparkled at you. 
“There’s something magical about true devotion,” he said, “and I think we’ve lost that romance with our technology.” 
“I guess I never thought of it that way, but you might be right,” you tilted your head, “People are always going on about not getting too attached.” 
He waved his hand. 
“That’s what I’m saying,” he said, “nowadays people conflate real love with red flags. Obsession, they call it.” 
You weren’t sure you’d go that far. 
“Well there has to be a limit, I guess,” you said. 
He shook his head. 
“True love knows no limits,” he declared. 
You smiled at him, charmed he was so passionate about his work. 
“That’s quite a topic for an academic paper,” you chuckled. 
“Yes,” he said, settling down. 
“My department head isn’t thrilled with my pursuits, but I think it will make a brilliant book. “The Return of Romance” I want to illustrate how beautiful Meridian era romance was and how we can apply their principles to modern times. I already have a publisher lined up and he’ll change his tune when the University is mentioned in the press release.” 
“That sounds wonderful,” you said. 
He beamed at your praise revealing his fangs and you felt something brush your ankle. Looking down you realized the tip of his tail had wrapped itself around you. Your heart fluttered at the contact. 
“Um,” you murmured, lifting your foot. 
He blushed, clearing his throat. 
“S-sorry, it just does that sometimes,” he stammered, unwinding it. 
“I-it’s okay,” you stuttered back, “I-I should get back to work.” 
After that day you started seeing Arion more frequently, only not only at the library. He seemed to turn up random places where you were. You would see him at a coffee shop on a Saturday or at the grocery store after work. He made the excuse that he lived nearby so you brushed it off without thinking. It was kind of nice to have a handsome neighbor to bump into that always had a smile for you. You had no complaints. 
He even started bringing you little presents at work. It started with a cup of coffee. He apologized that he didn’t know how you took it, but made you tell him for next time. Then it was a book, a small picture book of Meridian era artwork. Some of it was quite pornographic. You should have seen that as a red flag, but he was an academic. You figured he didn’t have the same hang ups as you. This was all research to him.
It came to a head when he brought you a bracelet. It was tucked in black velvet and looked very old. It was a gold bangle with some strange script carved into it. 
“What’s that?” Levi asked, peeking over your shoulder to Arion’s dismay at the open box he was handing you. 
“It’s a gift for (Y/N),” he said, “none of your business.” 
Levi frowned. 
“I don’t think it’s appropriate for you to be giving my employees gifts, (Y/N) is on the clock and you are also an employee of this university.” 
You waved your hands trying to diffuse the situation. 
“It’s nothing Levi,” you said, “just a friendly gift.” 
“Jewelry is not a friendly gift,” he snapped, “I’m going to have to ask you to stay out of the library if you continue to harass my staff.” 
You weren’t used to him being this protective. 
 “Levi!” you exclaimed, “you can’t ban him over this. It’s harmless!”
“(Y/N), I think there are some boxes for you to unpack in the basement,” he snarled, ordering you away and ending the conversation. 
You gave Arion an apologetic look and shuffled to the stairs. 
Levi apologized later, saying he just didn’t like guys who harassed women at work where they couldn’t escape and he didn’t feel comfortable with him taking an interest in you. He explained that it was his job to protect his staff from those sorts of things.
He even went as far as giving you a pamphlet on harassment in the workplace and told you he was reporting the interaction in the morning so there would be a record. You thanked him for taking it seriously and assured him it was just a casual friendship but he left for the night still determined to report it. 
Oddly, he didn’t come in to work the next day. He didn’t call or text and when you called him it went straight to voicemail. When he didn’t come in the day after that you went to HR wondering if you should call the police. When you finally were given permission to call them they just took your information and told you they would look into it, but that was all you could do. 
“You look anxious, (Y/N),” Arion said, as he slithered up to the front counter, “what’s wrong?” 
You shook your head, frowning. 
“Levi’s been missing for days. I just can’t help but be worried about him. This isn’t like him. What if something bad has happened?” 
Arion narrowed his eyes for a second before giving you an encouraging smile. 
“I’m sure he’ll turn up,” he said, then pulled the box from before out of his jacket pocket, “I have something that will take your mind off of that.” 
He showed you the same bracelet as before. You fingered the pretty piece of jewelry, running your finger over the gold before picking it up.
“Go ahead,” he said, “try it on.” 
You snapped the bracelet on and it conformed to your wrist making you jump. 
“Don’t be alarmed,” he assured you, “there’s a bit of magic in it…to... make it your size.” 
“Oh,” you said, relieved. You looked at the script written on it. 
“What does it say?” you asked. 
“Sweet nothings,” he said, smiling, “just Meridian era poetry. There isn’t really a good translation of it in our language. Maybe something close to ‘the strings of endless devotion bind us’, but not quite.” 
You nodded slowly. 
“Do you like it?” he asked, hopefully. 
“It’s lovely,” you said, “thank you for thinking of me.”
You were a little shocked, it was such a nice gift. You didn’t realize Arion thought so highly of you. 
“I think about you a lot, (Y/N),” he admitted, then blushed as if he hadn’t meant to say that. 
You smiled shyly. 
“I don’t mind if you think about me,” you shared, your heart skipping a beat. 
“Really?” he asked, his eyes widening. 
You giggled. 
“Sure, think about me all you want.” 
If only you knew how frequently that was, you might not have said those words. 
A customer cleared her throat, tapping her foot impatiently and Arion winked at you, giving you a little wave before he slithered back to his corner. 
Things went smoothly for the next few days, though Levi still hadn’t turned up. You knew how to manage the library on your own, so not much changed during the workday except you had to go to HR to get your timesheet approved instead of Levi. 
Arion brought you cups of coffee the way you liked it and pastries every day, his eyes always lingering on the bracelet on your wrist. You hadn’t taken it off. You’d tried the first night, when you showered, but the hinge was stuck and you didn’t want to break it trying to get it off yourself. You’d given up, figuring you’d take it to the jeweler over the weekend to have it fixed. It was such a nice gift you didn't mind wearing it and it appeared to be solid gold so the water wouldn’t change the color. 
“Good morning (Y/N),” Arion said, slithering up to you as he usually did, “what are you so busy with?” 
You were elbow deep in books, trying to get through the backlog. 
“I have to finish all these before my vacation,” you said, “the temp won’t know how to check them in right and it will be a nightmare to sort out when I get back.” 
“The temp?” he asked, his voice dropping and growing perhaps a bit more growly, “you’re going somewhere?” 
You smiled up at him, completely oblivious. 
“Oh yeah!” you beamed, “I’ve been saving up my PTO to take a trip to the ocean. I haven’t seen it in years. I’m catching a plane Monday morning. I’ll be back in a week.” 
You noticed Arion seemed genuinely disturbed. 
“Is everything okay?” you asked. 
“Erm…yes,” he mumbled, catching himself, “just thinking about a problem with my research.” 
He gave you a little wave before slithering over to his corner, his brow drawn. For the rest of the day he seemed to be frantically working something out, not looking at his books but instead his laptop and phone. You were too busy to go question him and it really wasn’t any of your business, so you just went back to checking in books and brushed it off. 
That night, however, on your walk home, you had the distinct feeling someone was watching you. You’d hurried into your apartment and locked the deadbolt, pushing it a few times to make sure it was tight. Closing the curtains, you let your magic light the stove and fill the kettle, setting it to boil. 
Hearth magic wasn’t usually taken very seriously though it really made your life easier. If anyone asked you, which they didn’t, it should be taught in college. Instead there was just a special interest club. It was considered a lesser magic, so easy and insignificant that there wasn’t much research done on it. 
You started some soup on the other eye of the stove and were beginning to relax when you heard a thunk that made you jump. It sounded like something heavy had fallen in your bedroom. 
You didn’t have any pets or roommates so there was no reason for anything to make any sound at all. Your mind immediately went to robbers. Gulping, you grabbed a baseball bat you kept by the front door and crept towards the bedroom. 
“H-hello…” you murmured, nudging the door open with your foot. 
The curtains were closed and the room was pitch black. You slid your fingers up the wall to find the lightswitch but something stayed your hand, making you jump a foot in the air. 
“AHHHH!” you screamed, jerking your hand back. 
Two large hands emerged from the darkness and clamped down on your shoulders, drawing you deeper into the inky room. You swung blindly with the bat, but whatever was there jerked it easily out of your hand.
You struggled as it pulled you under its arm, whispering strange words at you. Your body went limp and gradually the room began to fade. The last thing you saw was Arion’s face illuminated by the slice of light spilling in from the hallway. 
You woke with something tight wrapping around your waist. You shifted, your eyes still closed, and found you couldn’t move. You blinked, taking in the dim room around you and the naga sitting next to you reading in the lamplight. His coils were wrapped around you, pinning your arms to your sides. He wasn’t squeezing very tight, but you had no hope of fighting the thick, solid muscle of his tail. 
“Arion?” you murmured, your head a little fuzzy, “what…where am I?” 
He gave you his soft smile, folding his book and laying it on the side table. The smile you had grown to like, so much. 
“You’re safe here.” 
For some reason him saying that you were safe made you feel the exact opposite. You started struggling, even though there was no hope of you breaking free. Arion cocked his head at you, sliding his glasses off of his nose and tapping them on his chin.
“You’ll only tire yourself out like that,” he told you and squeezed you just tight enough to make his point without hurting you, “and I’ve been waiting so long for you to wake up. It would be a pity.” 
Your heart pounded in your chest, your mind muddled and not entirely sure what was going on. 
“Why am I here?” 
He slid his glasses back up his nose and leaned in to you, frowning. 
“I didn’t want to do it this way…but you made me,” he said, “you can’t get away from me.” 
“Away from you?” you murmured, “what are you...y-you mean…my vacation?”
Realization bloomed in your mind as it sharpened. 
“You did this because of my vacation?” 
He narrowed his eyes at you. 
“You did this,” he clarified, “why would you ever want to leave me? If you wanted to go to the ocean, you should have asked.” 
He was speaking as if you were a couple or something. 
“Arion, I’m confused and you’re scaring me,” you said, “can you please release me so that we can talk?” 
He squeezed you tighter. 
“No,” he said petulantly, “I’ve spent enough time without you in my coils. I’m not letting you go now. I wanted to take things slower, but you’ve made me accelerate my plans. It’s as if you wanted this all along.” 
You swallowed thickly, trying to slow your racing thoughts. The shy, quiet professor you’d come to favor was a complete nut job! 
“My touch is not such a burden to you?” he almost pleaded, sliding you closer to him. 
You grimaced and tried to pull away. 
“Don’t touch me! You’re insane!” you screeched. 
He growled. 
“You don’t mean that,” he assured himself, “you’re just a little frightened, but everything is going to be okay, darling. Your beloved is going to make everything all right for you.”
“B-beloved?” you sputtered, unsure why your mind was hanging on that word. 
His reptilian eyes looked at you, his pupils blown out and a little wild. 
“I know you love me, (Y/N). You told me I could think of you as often as I like and I find that is all the time,” he said smiling, “we don’t have to hide it anymore. I’ve taken away any obstacle that could get in our way. You belong to me now.”   
You whimpered. This was truly a nightmare. 
“You don’t have to do this, Arion,” you whispered, “we can do this the right way. You can take me on a real date! We’ll have a nice time. You don’t have to do this!” 
You were lying to his face. If he believed you and let you go, you were going to run straight to the police, but you would say anything. He gave you his gentle smile again, his eyes more lucid. 
“Don’t worry, we’ll go on lots of dates as soon as I know you aren’t going to try to run from me,” he said, “I know you don’t really mean it, but I still have to be sure. I’d hate for you to hurt yourself running away from your destiny.” 
He brushed his hands through your hair. 
“You’ve been taught devotion like this is wrong, brainwashed, really,” he clucked, his long fingers carding the strands, “but I’m going to teach you true love, love stronger than life itself.” 
“W-what do you mean by that?” you whimpered, a cold stone dropping in the pit of your stomach. 
He jerked your wrist from where it was pinched between his body and yours, holding up the bracelet. 
“I’ve bound you to me,” he said with pride, twisting the metal, warm from your body heat, in his fingers, “the spell I’ve been researching worked! The binder has fused to you, it'll never come off.
"Now we can be together for this life and the next. We can’t ever be parted. We’ll die and meet again in the next life if we spend more than a day apart. ” 
He chuckled. 
“To think all it took was a little bit of semen, that was what the spell has been missing for thousands of years. It’s the breakthrough of my life, honestly!” 
He nuzzled your trembling body as the realization of what he was saying sunk in. The spell. The one you’d copied for him! 
“You can’t do this, Arion,” you hissed, “it’s illegal! It’s…It’s slavery!” 
“No, no, my love,” he said, “that’s what they want you to think. They want to control your mind. What we have is so, so special. No laws can bind us.”
Desperation had become anger and now anger was turning to despair. You sank into his coils, resigning yourself to your future. You were no magician. You had no power to fight this. You could make pots and pans dance, but that was about it. You were so far out of your depth. Tears plummeted down your cheeks in hot streaks. 
“That’s alright, darling,” he said, rubbing your back and pressing your head into his neck, “get it all out. You’ll feel better after a good cry and then we’ll have a snack.”
You breathed in his disgustingly delicious scent and hated that on some level it comforted you. 
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