#tw religions themes
jadespeedster17 · 1 year
A Deals A Deal (Part 2)
Note: People really liked the Demon!Scar idea I had, and while I don’t have a play by play of chapters or a whole plot (other than Slow Burn), I can write scenes as I go. To read Part 1, look for the reblog I did for @bluiex to read the AroAce Anon’s version and the one I did. :)
As a side note, this will get into religious themes, into areas that might piss off some very hard core Christians out there. For my own sake I’m saying this now, this is all made up stuff using source material. Most might be accurate, most might be my interpretation, and some of it is just bullshit I made up. 
I’ll also be making references to Hells Belles alot, so yeah...
Now that that’s out of the way, please enjoy.
The cats were happy now, as Scar was petting Pearl with a silly grin, Grian was making something for himself, and Scar said he doesn’t really eat people food. He was trying not to think about what that could mean. “So the terms are as I make them right? And depending on what I ask depends on the price?” Grian asked Scar as he sat down in the arm chair. 
“Yup!” Scar said cheerfully to him, “Everything has a price, and each price gets higher. Persay you want to be a million air, the cost might be your humanity or a part of your soul.” he explained while giggling when the cat pawed his face for attention. “Oh Jellie would be so jealous.”
Grian took in that info, frowning slightly as he thought about it. “you can sell ‘parts’ of your soul?” he echoed, finding that very odd, he would have thought a soul as a whole thing.
“Basically,” Scar’s tail hugged his waist now bringing up his feet to sit cross legged on the very worn couch. “By selling a part of yourself, it makes reincarnation a little harder in the afterlife. Demons don’t have much use for anything but souls, save for the Princes who can use anything. Most of us deal in souls and soul halves. The more souls a demon has, the more power they have.” 
The frown stayed on Grian’s face, “So is it anything like what the bible says?” he asked a bit worried now.
Shrugging at him, “Not entirely, I mean there are punishment levels for truly even souls that come there. But reincarnation wouldn’t even be a thing is people were always tortured. New Souls, like yourself, are very very rare to come around.” Scar grinned at him, showing off fangs. 
“New souls?” Grian instinctively placed a hand on his chest.
The demon gave a cheerful nod, the smile staying on his face. “Most souls are recycles, most of the gods don’t make new souls these days, not with how many people there already are in the world.” he explained messing with Pearl’s paws, “New Souls are rare because of this, it means you’ve not been reincarnated once, and this if your first chance at life. The more a soul reincarnates, the less shiny it gets.
“As for the idea that you’ll be tortured just for make a deal? What good would that benefit me, or you? If you’ve been a mostly good person, most it does is you have a chance to become a demon, or get the pretty basic afterlife most Satanist get.” the grin showed again, “but not many stay good people once they make a deal, power gets to you humans head. Free will and all that.”
Silence rang after that as Grian sat back with a heavy huff, his mind was reeling a bit from all of this. “So, if all of this is pretty much common knowledge, why do people still get it wrong or have their own versions.”
Scar tilted his head, “Why do you humans do any type of lies or control? Power.” he said simply. “What started as a common theme branched from different experiences happening. The Gods and Goddesses themselves, and the God of many mono religions, approach everyone differently. From this, religions were made, and some changed to just better keep society going, for better or worse. I mean, you live in a capitalistic society, surely you know by now control is how anything works.”
Running clawed fingers through Peral’s fur, Scar smiled, “Ultimately what you believe in just determines your afterlife of choice, the universal rule is Don’t Be A Dick... which you people have a hard time doing.” he looked thoughtful, “Cubby put it best when he said: ‘The bar is in the crust of the earth, and some people like making digging their hobby’.” he let out another snicker.
That was again alot to unpack as Grian was in thought now, eating his cup of ramen while Scar seemed preoccupied on Pearl and now Maui. This did change alot of his world view, given Scar was bound to tell him the truth, it was enough to shake his foundation again. Great he already had enough of that when he left his parents house. But... here he was, with a literal demon in his apartment petting his cats, and telling him the world was mostly built on lies.
Well... that part he already knew from watching enough TV shows and reading internet stuff. 
“So, to make a deal.” Scar said snapping Grian out of his head, “Given you’re a new soul, if you offer that I’d give you anything you want.” a smirk, “And i do mean anything, being I run punishments on level 8 means I’ve got alot of influence in Hell.”
Grian swallowed hard at that as he could feel Scar eyeing him with interest, the idea that other was staring at his soul was unnerving. “I’ll be honest Scar, I didn’t think this would work, much less what I’d have asked for! I thought Demons were fake, and this was to prove to myself it was.” he groaned a bit setting his cup of ramen down.
. . .
“Then let’s take this a day at a time then?” Scar suggested in his cheerful tone, “Given I’m bound to you now, you can call me whenever you think you need something, we negotiate price, and go from there.” a clap of the hands he grinned, “Plus it’s been years since I’ve been in the human world, I’ve always wanted to see what you guys have been up to!”
Grian turned to Scar at that mouth gapped, “What?” he balked a bit as Scar had a cheeky grin on his face.
“First thing though, a better place for the two of us, i heard there are alot of Victorian houses for fresh college grads like yourself.” Scar said standing up as the cats jumped off him. “real cheap room and housing, haunted and all that, and I like to mess with spirits anyway.” he waved his hand off. “Rent is better there than here, trust me.”
The demon walked past him chattering away as Grian bewildered, “Wait you’re moving in with me!?” he asked getting up to follow Scar out of the room. Only to pause and quickly swipe the ramen cup before Maui could inspect it for food, and rushing back to Scar. “But why bother moving in when I could just summon you again?” he asked.
“Like I said, I’ve missed being on the mortal plane. We don’t get to leave Hell often, why do you think it’s so hard to get us to leave a house?” Scar scoffed as if that was just the most logical thing ever. Grian could only stare at him as Scar went back to the room where Grian’s phone was still on the bed. 
Scar was already typing as Grian made a shocked sound, “What how did you get into my phone?” he asked but Scar didn’t answer. 
“Look you want out of this hole of a house right?” Scar asked, as Grian went to speak, “Yes or No, Grian, it’s a simple question.” he teased, blinking a few times Grian nodded. “So, this is a free on the house thing, to get us both out of this place, and into a place with history, room, and in a better part of town.” Scar beamed going back to searching.
“really don’t know why you moved to America of all places.” Scar said casually, “but we’ll make it work, exploiting a system is what I do best. And eventually we’ll find what you want to trade that pretty soul of yours for.”
Grian placed a hand on his chest again as if trying to hide his ‘soul’ from Scar’s view. That made a pit of unease settle in his stomach, Scar didn’t seem to notice or care as he kept looking. “Well, you don’t exactly look hum-” he was cut off as in a blink of the eye, Scar was in a hoodie, jeans, with no horns, blueish transparent wings, or even a tail... he looked human. “Um...” Grian muttered
All he got in response was a playful smirk, and Grian decided to not say anything. At least he was getting out of this place, and he didn’t have to trade anything for it. He left to go throw away the empty cup and just... process all of this. 
The old Victorian house was... well old. It had faded red and brown paint, with green moss growing with English ivy on the stone foundation and walls. Ominous was the right word for it. 
Scar was beaming, “The owner of it is more than happy to rent us two rooms, apparently the other tenants staying said something about a demon in the house. Cubby likes to mess with people.” he said casually leading the way in, “Comes fully furnished already, which means no more cough that smells like cat litter. And this place is pet friendly, I think the owner is just desperate to not have to sell to the bank.” he joked.
As if one demon wasn’t already enough, Maui protested in his carrier as he hated being in it. Scar was carrying Pearl’s carrier, and Grian could only sigh as they started to unpack what he had to bring inside. The owner, a man named Scott had told him he had to at least live here for 10 years, and rent was super cheap. He didn’t seem to care so long as he up kept the house and cleaned up after himself. Seemingly too tired really given the last people here left in the middle of the night after...  ‘Cubby’ had threw knives after the husband, kept making the daughter draw creepy pictures (which were still on tapped to the wall), and gave the wife nightmares and scratch marks. Also something about blood running out of the walls, smell of death, one college student getting possessed and taking out lights around the area, another getting pushed and locked in the basement when home alone, and something about a pentagram in the attic and occult book that Scott just left in the house!
Well at least it was cheap.
Scar had possibly already wandered off to catch up with his old friend, leaving Grian to unpack in his room and set up the litter boxes. Letting the cats explore around the house. No doubt he’d be meeting ‘Cubby’ some time soon and frankly he was trying not to think about that.
Sighing heavily, Grian petted Pearl when she passed by, so his roommate was now two demons, in a very haunted old mansion, a landlord that was sketchy as fuck, and armed with new knowledge that most religions were bullcrap.
Oh and said Demon was trying to get him to pawn off his ‘New Soul’ and seemed very eager to try anything. given on the drive here Scar kept making offer after offer to Grian to make a deal with him. Ranging from money, love, happiness, 3 inches below the belt... Who would sell their soul for only 3 inches! go for at least 5.
Shaking his head, Grian put it out of his mind, as Mumbo said he’d be heading over later to check out the new place. He really hoped Scar and this ‘Cubby’ played nice.
That’s about all I have for now guys, between here and when Scar starts to explore more will have a gap. Also more Hermits will join as Grian’s ‘roommates’ and will be the subject of Cub’s ‘Pranks’. If you can call pushing, clawing, biting, and making blood rain down ‘pranks’. 
Most won’t stick around long, and a few might be demons themselves. Grian is gonna become the center of attention for his soul. And Scar is gonna be a jealous Demon. 
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howlingtothevoid · 4 months
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Begging God to fix you!
(And other tales about religious trauma)
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source: That's Ms. Bulldyke to You, Charlie! by Jane Caminos
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mdemn · 1 year
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your god comes and he is ordinary and terrible.
andalucia - lisa marie basile / the unabridged journals of sylvia plath - sylvia plath / christ in gethsemane, heinrich hofmann, 1886 / here come the regrets - epik high & lee hi / a city like a guillotine shivers on its way to the neck - ilya kaminsky / portrait of the illness as a nightmare - leila chatti
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nando161mando · 6 months
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swanpyart · 2 years
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Eternal Guilt, the kind that's attached to your back~
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The Masque of the Red Death (1964) dir. Roger Corman
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candyskiez · 5 months
It is so fascinating to me how both of ND Stevenson’s defining classic works (SPOP and “Nimona”) have main antagonists who are completely and utterly…nameless. They have no identity or names of their own. They are just…the Director of the Institute and the Prime of the Horde.
Holy shit I never realized that. Honestly considering both of these works feel very much like religious allegories it kinda reminds me of like. How do many times you'll hear religious figures just be called. The Pope. The priest. Like they have names but your first impulse is to just go Priest. Pope. And also god just being God. Also the Director always acting like "I exist to serve gloreths will." But her own bigotry is wrapped up in it. She uses Gloreths will as a justification to others and herself, where have I heard that before. And Horde Prime is just. Do I even have to say anything. All beings must suffer to become pure. The deadset on suffering as redemption. The fucking BAPTISM. The light. The fact he sounds like he's speaking in damn Bible verses in his last lines. It all feels very purposeful ngl. So yeah it all feels very That to me.
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bluiex · 1 year
Hey, what if father spore is a priest and mother spore is an abbess (rank above a normal nun, usually in charge)? And mumbo is a local business man (perhaps politician) who is new to town.
— abridged anon
YEEEES worship of the mycelium assdjhkfgd (maybe a little cultish who knows how you wanna take it)
Father Spore, Scar, is one of the first to officially welcome an greet Mumbo to the town, with Mother Spore beside him
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powerlineprincess · 3 months
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trashygraphic on IG <3
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little-pup-pip · 2 months
Hi fren! I was wondering if u could do a baby lamb moodboard? With off white, brown, and grassy field? Also if u are comfy, a brown rosary. It means a lot. Thankies fren <3
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sunlightmurdock · 3 months
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Summer 1977 | Jake Seresin
Mirrors on the ceiling, pink champagne on ice. She said: “We are all just prisoners here of our own device.” | Jake. He even says his own name like he likes the sound of it. Like he thinks you’ll like the sound of it. Backwards, his boots fall into line behind each other; you don’t even realise you’re following him until his footprints are the only ones in the mud anymore.
aeterna | bradley
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veldigun alex cuz I said so (theyre inspired off of cherubim :3c)
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thornsnvultures · 7 months
demon!eddie munson x nun!reader
summary: your personal demon needs to be taught a lesson for interrupting your nightly prayers again.
cw: 18+ nsft, smut, general sacrilege, liberties taken with catholic/religious practices, masturbation (reader), bondage (eddie in chains), degradation, sub!eddie, & squirting (if there's anything I missed lmk) <800 words
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"What do you think will happen, demon? Will fucking me bring you salvation? Is that what you're hoping for?"
The demon you've captured writhes under you in your bed. He's already been weakened, his powers subdued by being on hallowed ground. He doesn't have the strength to overpower you, nor the magics to play tricks on your mind.
It didn't mean you were immune to his... other charms. His teasing touches, whispers in your ear, late night meetings in your quarters.
He shouldn't be here, you should be on your knees in prayer. Instead your knees bracket his slim hips, your habit bunched up around your thighs. You were sworn to a life of celibacy, a life long marriage to God and no one else. But you found no wrongs in pleasuring yourself.
"This is what you want, yes?" You lift your habit further, exposing the patch of hair at the junction of your spread thighs. The demon below you groans, tugging at his restraints at the head of your bed. "Do you think you can tempt me so easily, demon? This is a holy place," your fingers dip into your heat, spreading your folds open, drawing back the curtain for him to see your most sacred place. "This is no place for the likes of you. With your foul words, trying to lead me to temptation," you scoff.
You lean back on one hand, the other making quick circles around your clit. Your head falls back and you let yourself feel it, feel the powerful blessing of pleasure ratcheting up between your thighs. The demon under your thrashed and begged, pleaded for a touch, a taste.
"You're a tease, a whore," he spits venom but his eyes tell a different story, so full of awe, wonder... hunger.
"When I touch myself I honor him. He made me in his image, in his glory. I was made to cherish my body, to carry myself to ecstasy until I saw his light, his face," your words came in gasping, shuddering breaths. You could feel yourself inching closer to the edge. His election below you as well, the way it nudged and searched and longed to enter you, to plow its way past your holy gates, to fill you with its sulfurous seed. He could yearn for your blessing all he wanted, but a doomed soul would not be allowed entry, no matter how he pleaded.
"Your cunt is too pretty to not be filled, o' holy one," the demon smirked even as he gasped, watching your fingers get sloppier, sticky in your juices.
"Then I shall fill it," you slide two fingers in and instantly your pleasure ratchets higher. "And I shall coax out his blessing until you are awash with it."
The demon's curly head lifts, like he's trying to get a closer look at the way your hole flutters around your fingers. Your groans turn to shouts of leg shaking pleasure and you can see it, golden sparks at the edge of your vision. You reach your peak then, pulling your fingers free from your spasming clutch and with them releasing a torrent of your holy waters.
The demon shouts, his deep red skin sizzling as your fingers continue to work at your nub, splashing his chest with the spray of your ecstasy, the essence of your God. His blessing pouring through you and scarring the beast below you.
He roars, bucking under you and you can feel his release splash against your back, a sizzling heat that shoots all the way up to the back of your head coverings.
"Such a bad boy, making a mess," you slip your habit up over your head, dropping it on the floor to be washed later. The demon takes in your naked form, his fingers curling, claws digging into his palms until they bleed.
"It's time to send you back, Edward," you caress his cheek, his protruding horns, down to the mess you left on his chest. He's already healing, his eternal form bouncing back so he can live another eternity in hell.
"Let me stay, let me have you," he begs, rattling his chains.
You press a kiss to his forehead, your bare breasts hanging achingly close to his hungry mouth. But you pull away before he can latch on and taste your flesh for himself.
"You have to go back, Edward. I can't fuck your spirit whole."
The demon growls and before you can anger him further you close your eyes and will him away. His rattling chains fall silent and you know he's gone.
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sh1-n0bu · 1 month
lmao i almost got fooled into some sort of religion today.
so, a few weeks ago, these people from a church called “the church of god” was talking to people on the streets abt their church and introducing them and stuff. and i was stopped by one of them. the two people who explained their church to me were fellow uni students and very sweet and kind. after weeks of ditching and running away from a word i gave to check out their church, i decided to go today. the two girls introduced me to their church, some bible verses, how it was scientifically proven and has prophecies that came true and stuff. i went inside completely open minded but the way the one girl immediately went, “okay go and prepare the baptism things” to the other was what caught me off guard. they called in a senior member, told me how my soul would be ‘saved’ from the lake of fire by going through baptism and shit and even brought a baptism resume for me to fill out without telling me about it beforehand.
i thought it would be just a simple introduction to their religion, church, what they do and stuff and yet they almost manipulated me into becoming one of their followers without letting me know. they didn’t even explain to me that they would give me resume to fill out after explaining abt their religion to me and shit. and the part that made me lowkey resentful was that they wouldn’t accept my no as an answer. i don’t mean to be mean or disrespect any religion, but if this is how people are gonna act and try to forcefully take someone into their religion, how do they not expect to get some lash backs???
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liquidlycan · 2 months
vittorino. wife stimboard please god
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themes of religion and teeth
cw religion, teeth
requested by... anon
x | x | x x | x | x x | x | x
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