#tw christmas mention
menacing-anon · 10 months
I think the pilot used Ben’s time really effectively. It immediately started to show his self-centered behaviour, and used each of his appearances to do it, nothing superfluous. Thus, although Ben is introduced in the same short episode where Charlie textually describes how Ben treats him, the audience knows it’s true. It’s been set up; shown before being told.
Already knowing how Ben acts, I specifically noticed it in their first conversation, which is as short as it is informative, ig 😅 After briefly apologizing for rescheduling last-minute, Ben doesn’t really make conversation, just says that he missed Charlie’s face. Charlie is the first to ask him about his Christmas, which is basic politeness. Ben gives a nondescript answer, starts staring at Charlie’s mouth, and while he does ask back, he doesn’t even let Charlie get through his answer before kissing him — back to what Ben wants. The exchange is a formality, because Ben’s priority is obviously kissing > …anything about Charlie. He ends the encounter with “see you later then, yeah?”, but don’t mistake that for a response to anything Charlie said, or something Ben expects confirmation for — it’s already settled. Ben’s in agreement. With himself.
Nearly everything is on Ben’s terms. It's like he’s interacting with a wall, who will just follow along with whatever he does.
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itsbun · 2 years
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Please look at this giant unicorn stuffie that I really want for christmas. Yes she is nearly 4 feet long and would take up most of my bed but I love her sm
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Fuck it. The current yearnings and what we got each other for Christmas. Under the cut because I feel so fucking silly 😭
47: You know the books that have pages cut out to conceal a gun? Yeah I got him one of those and a bunch of other ways to conceal his guns/weapons. He got me a Halloween Squishmallow. Yes he bought it in October and hid it until Christmas <3
Diana: I got her a little gold heart locket with a photo of her, 47, and me in it!!! She wears it almost all the time hehe. She got me a long pretty red dress that can match with her black one!!!!
Arthur: I had a small crisis trying to think what I'd get him bc of the time period LMAO- anyway some premium cigarettes and a knife with our initials engraved on the blade. He gives me one of his shirts that doesn't fit him but would fit me and a bottle of expensive alcohol he absolutely did not steal.
Karl: A bar of soap /j. No but I'd get him a TV and a N64 console because he deserves to play Mario 64 damnit!! He makes me a bracelet with his House symbol engraved on one of the charms. The bracelet itself he didn't make, he bought it and made a new charm!
Lucifer: I don't think he celebrates Christmas tbh? I feel like we'd do the nice dinner part but not the gift parts. But that's just as valid and fun!!! We made our own pizzas :D
Aizawa: I would get him the whole world if I could oh my god. But I cannot give him the whole world so I instead can give him a wearable blanket! It's got cats on it. He got me a bunch of succulents and a sweater that says 'plant dad' to go with <3
Niko: We'd have a chill and low-key Christmas to ourselves, watching movies and cuddling. Also I think he'd get a gift we could both make use of, like a blanket or a board game? Anyway he got us a nice set of Battleship hehe
Pierce: I don't think he would celebrate either! Maybe put some lights up but otherwise it's just another day. But since this is our first Christmas together, he would get me a little gift. A Zippo lighter with 'my anchor' engraved in it, done by himself! I'd get him a better couch for his office, one with lots of pillows and comfy to sleep on.
Sully: As revenge (/lh) for him stringing mistletoe everywhere he gets to just have me sitting under the tree with a bow on my head. Which he would probably get a kick out of. I mean he also gets a nice cigar box with a map of the world on it but! He gets me a nice comfy robe. Just a soft fuckin cozy robe bc I am almost always cold.
Codsworth: He'd cook up the best food he can for me!! With all the love in his sweet little sphere body!!! He also lets me put some ornaments on his arms 🥺🥺 I'd get him like...two cans of oil so he can stay afloat <3
Luna: A HOUSE WITH BETTER WINDOW LOCKS /j. Nah but I'd get her this Squishmallow!! Because she deserves it. She got me a pen,,,the ones that look like this: ✒️ !
Jaskier: I get him a fancy pocket watch with a lyric from one of the songs he wrote for/about me on it!! He gets me a leather bound notebook, one with a fuckton of pages and high quality too.
Geralt: I get him a good fucking sword cleaning kit and some assorted treats for Roach! I think he would run out of time to get something because he's not uh. used to buying gifts. So he ends up getting a little wood carved daisy for me, which I wear on a chain. (daisies mean a lot to me IRL and it's my self insert's name so it's cute af)
Gordon: A fuckin break!! We relax!! We cuddle in bed and take a long warm bath together and then cuddle some more!! Fuck!! We both deserve this!!!
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willowaudreykeyes · 1 year
Mery Crimbus
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Felix is in charge today
He doesn't do Christmas, only Crimbus but even then it's every other year
But his one big thing he wants to give today?
Naps for EVERYONE!
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To any queer person who's struggling today because of the holiday and having to be around bigoted family:
Please know that you are loved. Please know that, though your family may not accept you, there are countless others who do. And please, please, please hear me when I say... who you are is not wrong. Your orientation, gender, pronouns, etc., they are not wrong. There is absolutely nothing wrong with or bad about being yourself, being the you whom you were born and destined to be. Don't let anyone tell you different. Don't let anyone ever make you feel different either.
You are a bright, radiant light in this world. Your existence makes the world, the universe, a better place. This life would be incomplete without you in it. Please always remember how valuable you are. And again, never forget how loved you are.
I'm sending love, light, and good vibes to you all today. I love you. You will make it through this. You will be okay ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
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outtagum · 5 months
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Ho-ho-ho and a bottle of rum!
FESTIVE SEASON 🎄 THAT 70S SHOW 1.12 "The Best Christmas Ever"
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jasontoddsguns · 5 months
Me, deleting the smut fics off my phone before going to church:
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comic-art-showcase · 1 year
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Holiday Batfamily by Tim Levins
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tub3rculosis · 5 months
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blah blah blah merry almost christmas
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shiftythrifting · 6 months
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👉🏽👈🏽 Santa, big eyed monkey, cat that has seen too much, retro flask man, incredible bag with functioning clock, vintage smut, and a bag of retro my little pony
All found at Sixth Avenue Antiques in Tucson, AZ
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bunfloras · 5 months
The ender king making a public appearance and yoinking q!phil 👀 preferably in front of his friends and/or kids
He’d thought he’d never feel the chains again. Claws, so sickly-sweet, gentle in a way that betrays their greed. They cup his face, tilting his gaze away from the ones he loves.
He stares into amethyst.
He can’t breathe.
Someone’s calling to him. Their voice is lost to the wind—the distinction that makes them them stolen away. It could be his child, or his love, or his brother. Ender steals everything, in the end. Their faces, too, would be lost if he could look. Blurred like ink smeared across the pages, wet with the rain.
That’s what Ender does. He takes. Lives, memories, worlds—plucked away. Always taking, never giving, too greedy to ever have his fill.
And what’s his, he always finds again.
Come home, Angel.
It’s not his own voice that Ender uses. It’s young and soft, the voices that greet him each morning when he wakes and the ones that say goodnight each evening. It’s the voice he misses when the house is empty and the children are his alone to care for. It’s the voice he’s known for years—the one he’d know by his breath alone. It’s the voice he hears crying out in joyous triumph when he’s pinned beneath. It’s the voice he pushed away until it was too late.
He can’t hear them anymore. He can’t see them anymore. He thinks he wants to.
Come home.
And how could he ever say no to them?
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barbieboyy2k · 5 months
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starpirateee · 3 months
Drabble request:
somehow, some way, Tinky manages to smush Abstinence Camp Lautski and NPMD Lautski into the same realtit
this idea has been ROTATING in my brain forever thank you goodnight
Anon you can't just give me an idea like that and then duck out!!! And with no way to find out who you are either???
Anyway, that's cool as hell, let's get this show on the road!
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Steph didn't know when she started seeing double, but at some point, she started swearing she could see... Another of her. Exactly the same in appearance... Mannerisms...
The other her was perfectly fine with everything until the moment the two of them locked eyes across the way. Then she just stared, stock still, unable to believe what she was seeing, or what the hell was going on. Out of an instinct she didn't know, Steph had beckoned her over, trying to pretend like any of this was normal.
It took a while, but the two of them managed to air things out. Stephanie- which the stranger decided upon because it was slightly easier- said she thought something was off earlier that morning, but given that Hatchetfield was notorious for never changing, she couldn't place anything wrong.
Steph had to agree. Nothing ever changed in Hatchetfield, and frankly, she wouldn't notice if anything was wrong either.
Neither of them could make sense of it. Stephanie said she'd not come alone, and after that the two of them came to an arrangement. She was going to find the friend she'd mentioned, and Steph was going to meet her again with the one person she thought might be able to make ends of any of this catastrophic mess. If he couldn't by himself, then the four of them likely could, in any case...
Pete was smart. Logical. He probably knew all sorts that she couldn't even comprehend. That's why she decided to call him first. In her head, even if he couldn't sort this out, he would at least make an effort to get things to make more sense.
"... Hey, Steph!"
He picked up quickly. He always did. And he always seemed so happy to hear from her. The very thought of it brought a smile to her face. "Hey, Pete." Before she could set them off into one of their long conversations, she needed to get to the point. Otherwise they would never get to it. "Uh, I've got a bit of a problem here..."
"A problem? What kinda problem?" She heard the creaking of his bedframe as he sat down. Damnit, now she had to make it make sense to herself, too! She seriously tried to think, to break it down, but nothing was working. There was no sensible way of explaining that she had seen and spoken to another version of herself. Eventually, she just sighed.
"I don't think that I can explain it well enough..."
Another creak. "Take your time, I'm not going anywhere."
"No, uh- I really don't think I can explain... I think you gotta come see this for yourself." Yeah, that was a good way around it. He could make his own judgements if he just saw it plain. Better than her trying to work it out in a few words.
"Sure... Okay. If that's- uh- if that works better?"
She nodded, knowing full well that he couldn't see her. "Yeah, maybe it will. How fast can you get to the park?"
He hummed. "The park? From here? I can be there in maybe ten minutes? How's that?"
"That's perfect. Thanks so much..."
Steph left him alone, and immediately, he sunk back, his brow furrowed in thought. There was a lot to think about, after all. She had left him with a fair deal for consideration. For someone who was normally so good with words, it was strange to have her so inarticulate. He needed to see something, and apparently, that was the only way she could properly explain it. Sure, it seemed a little weird, and Steph seemed a little apprehensive, but he hoped that she was right, that it would make sense when he got there.
No, of course it could. Steph knew what she was talking about, it would totally make more sense when he saw... Whatever it was she wanted him to see. He pulled on his shoes and left without much of a second thought.
In no more than a quarter of an hour, he'd reached the park. Steph was waiting for him on a bench, and waved him over as soon as she saw him. He quickened his pace until he'd reached the bench, and then they started to walk together.
"So, what's the problem?" He asked, glancing behind him.
"This is weird as hell... But, this morning, I swore to god that I was seeing double, but I was wrong..."
"Seeing double? In what way?"
They'd made their way across the park, and instead of an explanation, Steph pointed over at one of the larger trees in the grove, to a girl, who was leaning against it, talking to a boy on the floor.
Pete stared, adjusted his glasses, and stared again. They were far enough away that it wasn't obvious, which was lucky on his behalf, because he was able to do little else. He didn't have to ask for an explanation; it was right there in front of him. "Holy shit, is that _you_?"
"Yeah, it's super weird. When I saw her, I felt this kinda... Connection? Like, I knew straight away that she and I were the same... If you know what I mean."
He didn't. But he nodded anyway, making a note to himself that _this was just another thing he had to get an answer for, if he could._ "Not to mention you look... Pretty much exactly the same."
"Creepy, right?" The two of them approached the pair by the tree, and Steph raised a hand in greeting. "Stephanie, hey! This is the guy I was talking about, the one who might be able to make sense of what's going on here?"
"Well, maybe... No promises," Pete smiled, rubbing the back of his neck. He held out his free hand in the direction of the familiar stranger. "I'm Peter."
He watched Stephanie's eyes widen. She looked at the boy on the ground, then took Pete's hand with a soft smile that still somehow managed to portray all of that warmth and brightness that he knew so well. "This can't be a coincidence..."
Pete also glanced down to the boy on the ground. He was around his age, with large glasses and a head of curly brown hair. When their eyes locked, Pete saw something flash and dance between them. Something yellow, like a crackle of lightning.
It felt familiar, and something in Pete's brain clicked. The pieces started to fit together; the coincidence, the surprise etched on Stephanie's face, even the way that boy was looking at him... 
He nodded slowly. "Let me guess... You're Peter, too? Peter... Spankoffski, by any chance?"
"Yeah. Steph filled me in," Peter nodded towards Stephanie, who raised her eyebrows. "I think I might know what's going on?"
"Really?" Steph asked, impressed.
"Well, not exactly, but it does kinda make sense... In a way. I could probably work it out."
Pete looked to Stephanie. "We'll make this easier. Call me Pete, then."
The situation as far as the four of them could work out was as follows. Steph and Pete hadn't felt any kind of displacement or anything wrong with the world. Both would've been fully content to take it at the same level as any other Saturday. Maybe they would've hung out together anyway. Maybe they would've taken advantage of Solomon being so busy with preparations for the Honey Festival...
Neither of them had noticed anything was wrong at all until Stephanie came into the picture. Stephanie did. Peter was convinced he'd mistaken the feeling for something else. Now there was two of both of them. What was weirder still was the fact that the two Stephs looked near enough identical to one another, while the two Petes couldn't be more different.
The crackles of familiarity were mutual. Pete knew to recognise his double through nothing more than that spark.
"While we figure out how the hell you got here, and maybe how the hell to get you back..." Pete sat down on the ground near to his double, and glanced between he and Stephanie. "How about you guys tell us what we're missing out on?"
"What you're missing out on?" Stephanie asked, folding her arms over her chest.
"i'm just assuming we don't have identical lives, but who knows, huh?"
"What about you two?" Peter asked curiously. "You seem... Close, right? How'd that happen?" There was a smile playing on his lips, one that suggested his seemingly genuine interest at finding out how Pete and Steph managed to find each other.
"Close?" Steph echoed, amused. "I guess you could say that... Well, we got close after he let me cheat off him for a bilogy pop quiz."
Peter's eyes widened. Pete laughed. "Don't look at me like that! I was sitting in earshot, what else was I gonna do?"
Peter realised a little too quickly that he'd have done exactly the same thing if he was in earshot of someone like Stephanie Lauter too, there was absolutely no argument about it. He sat back against his hands with a resigning shrug, and let Steph try to continue her story.
"After that, it was like everything happened at once. Max Jägerman- uh, you know him, right?"
Stephanie nodded. "Yeah, sure, I know him. The backup QB. Everyone in school knows Jägerman."
"Backup? Wait, who's the quarterback for you guys?"
"Brad Callaghan."
"Asshole," Peter muttered under his breath, and Stephanie hummed in agreement. "Jägerman too, while we're on that. Anyway, uh- what about him?"
"He... Went missing." Steph was trying to cover her ass and Pete's at the same time. She was going to admit that Max turned up dead, but for the sake of both of them, she was going to deter as far as possible from the fact that they were technically the ones who killed him. "Things started to go downhill fast after that. He turned up dead, So did a couple other kids in our grade."
"Then the mayor, too. And a couple others," Pete added all too hesitantly. He was also trying to avoid thinking about what has happened in the Waylon Place that night, evem though the memory of it wasn't so much haunting as a major guilt trip. He knew he shouldn't feel bad about Max; he made their lives a living hell, and he still didn't feel bad about what happened, so to speak. Especially since it was an accident and the three of them had the memories to prove it. "But this is where it gets less believeable. See, all of those killings... Were done by Max. He came back, y'know? Back from the dead..."
"Woah..." Stephanie whispered, straightening up from against the tree.
"No shit?" Peter, however, leaned forwards, his intent gaze fixed on Pete. He lifted a hand to adjust his glasses, and saw his double nod. "Jeez..."
"We're the lucky ones," Pete hummed. "We're still here... Can't say that about the others, mind. Once we got rid of Max... That was it. They were as dead as he was..." He sighed heavily. Ruth and Richie were never not on his mind, not as things stood. He'd allowed himself to geel guilty about that over everything else, but he didn't have a reason to feel bad about Max. Those two were a different story entirely...
Steph sensed his discomfort at the topic, and for good reason too. He was still far from being able to think about anything else that wasn't his friends, now that the whole thing had blown over and everything had settled in. So she tried to change the subject quickly, turning towards Peter. "So what's your story then? How'd you two meet?"
"This is the stupidest story ever." Steph defended quickly, rolling her eyes. "Both of us got shipped off to fucking idonwannabang."
This seemed to resonate somewhere in Pete's mind, and he blinked. "Damn, wait, really? Peter, was that Ted's idea?"
Peter nodded, seemingly more drawn back than he was moments ago.
"You got scammed, man. D'you really think he of all people woulda survived that place?"
"It wasn't one of his best ideas, that's for sure..."
The tense change sunk in. Pete didn't want to think that as the immediate possibility, but what else made sense with the way Peter phrased it? He held his breath, hoping it was just another case of his overactive mind jumping to conclusions again. "... Wasn't?"
Peter frowned, exhaling a sigh that was probably a lot deeper than he expected it to be. "Yeah. Wasn't. You say you're the lucky ones? Heh, yeah... Me too."
"What... What happened to him?"
"I don't know. Never will. He was the one who dropped me off, but by the time summer was over, he was- he was fucking gone. I... don't want to ask."
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water-in-the-wind · 5 months
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Hi has this been done yet?
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