#toxic toxic toxique
fangirlshameblog · 2 years
To Hell NTMM! Of course, it's better to live in a universe where he never existed (Valls' thought after taking so much shame and defeats) And if seriously, state official high post always spoils each person, nobody comes out of there a wholesome person, but usually their best parts of character and intellect are destroyed.
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joenateuser · 5 months
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Asher Angel | Toxique! (via TikTok)
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itgirlmaterial · 4 months
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fideidefenswhore · 5 months
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#2023Wrapped, tagged by @annabolinas
Anne of Cleves as portrayed by Joss Stone
Anne Boleyn as portrayed by Amy James-Kelly
Edward VI as portrayed by Oliver Zetterström
Henry VIII as portrayed by Nigel Allen
Anne Boleyn as portrayed by Jodie Turner-Smith
Mary I as portrayed by Romola Garai
Nick Miller as portrayed by Jake Johnson
Henry VIII as portrayed by Jonathan Rhys Meyers
Anne Boleyn as portrayed by Natalie Dormer
Amanda (Motherland) as portrayed by Lucy Punch
Mickey Milkovich as portrayed by Noel Fisher
Thomas Boleyn as portrayed by Nick Dunning
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returnofstiqz · 1 year
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Coincidentally, "Non toxique" still means "Non-toxic" without the exclamation point to break it up, so in reality this is just like that Simpsons "No, money down!" joke but in French.
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vabazeri · 11 months
Jour 8
Red ne supportais pas que je soit impliqué dans un projet sans lui, il a alors décidé de défoncés la porte. A 2 fois il tente de crée des personnages problématique uniquement pour les personnages d'hades et moi sauf que s'en ai trop et c'est Hades qui lui expliquera véhément.
Red avait dépasser les limites, il passait son temps à gueuler sur moi ou sur les autres même s'il n'était responsable de rien... Ça devenait insupportable alors j'ai reposer la question "si c'est trop pour toi, j'arrête, mais dit le clairement." - "ça me fait chier mais je dois travailler dessus"
Après tout ça, le groupe entier en a eu marre et tout s'est écroulé petit à petit. Red maintenant hors jeu, obligé d'être spectateur n'as pas pu rester indifférent aux chaos qui régnait. Car oui, des cette dispute, il a fallut 3 semaines pour que tout s'écroule en jeu et que le projet soit définitivement clôturer. Sauf que Red à tenté le moove de trop.
"je ne veux plus que tu parles à Hades, c'est un manipulateur, un briseur de couple, c'est déjà arrivé là même chose à des amis et en plus ça serait un pédophile"
Wow, je rappel qu'Hades est en couple et à des enfants hein, pas anodin comme accusations.
"ah oui et tes potes ils ont des preuves ? Ils ont porté plainte ?"
"non ils ont rien fait car ils ont plus les preuves"
Comme par hasard ! Sauf qu'à ce stade là, impossible de savoir si ses accusations venais bien de tierces personnes ou juste de Red, j'ai donc demander si je pouvais discuter avec les personnes concernées.
Allez je vous spoil, ça fait aujourd'hui plusieurs mois et j'ai jamais eu ni preuves, ni discution et le sujet s'est arrêté rapidement après que j'ai mis Hades au courant et qu'il a émit l'idée de porté plainte.
Red avait abusé, beaucoup trop, j'ai décidé que ça serait fini. J'en ai discuté avec lui, je lui ai dit que je ne pouvais plus continuer comme ça. Les motifs ? La surveillance étroite dans mon dos, les crises et la violence verbale, la manipulation et tout fraîchement le chantage affectif... J'aurais pas du. J'ai déclenché un ouragan.
Il decida de me privé de tout moyen de communication avec l'extérieur instantanément et me demanda de partir a l'instant, au milieu de la nuit...
J'ai compris, j'ai 2 animaux que je ne peu pas me permette de les mettre en danger
Ravalant ma fierté, je fit profile bas. Surtout que depuis quelque temps, la mode était au chantage affectif du type "tu me quitte, je met fin à ma vie"
Je ne voulais pas me sentir responsable de ça et puis il y avait Hades... Au fils de nos discutions et de nos bien trop grande similitudes, des sentiments avaient fini par apparaître des deux côté... Les épreuves passée avait été tellement précises et identiques que nous avions même des mimiques, tocs et des réactions que nous pouvions anticipé chez l'un et l'autre juste en ce demandant comment l'on réagirais personnellement.
J'ai donc repris contact avec mon psychiatre et lui ai tout expliqué de A à Z, il m'as dans un premiers temps orienté vers une association qui m'aiderait à réagir correctement face à ce type de personne et trouvé des solutions pour partir sereinement sans que j'ai à subir des possibles dommages collatéraux. Puis il a ajuster ma médication pour rester calme face à cette situation.
Surtout que ses derniers temps, certaines personnes m'avait fait part de leur inquiétudes vis à vis de mon intégrité morale, psychologique mais aussi physique et c'est également ce que je redoutais depuis quelques temps...
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toolike-fr · 1 year
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ghxstyfae · 1 month
Rafe Cameron x Puppygirl ♡ Headcanons
Warnings: Nsfw, 24/7 power exchange, dom/sub dynamics, rafe may be seen as toxique, consenual somnophilia, breeding kink, pet play, puppy play, fluff, drug use, Puppy has adhd
Taglist: @sunflowerleii @itzdarling
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Rafe absolutely adores his puppy
Shes the sweetest, most energetic little ball of sunshine.
Puppy could probably have anyone on the planet with her magnetic personality, but she loves no one but him ♡
He never thought he'd be interested in a very clingy gf but he LOVES how shes always sitting on his lap or attached to him like a koala
He definitely keeps a cage like this or this in his bedroom just for her ♡
Of course Puppy bites him all the time, but consider this: he also bites her. His teeth dig into the back of her neck and she just goes limp in his arms <3 he does this whenver hes misbehaving but also when shes anxious or jittery
Leaving puppy alone when he goes to work is criminal negligence (in her eyes) so *IF POSSIBLE* if hes working at a desk, she'll sit underneath it, or even just in his car for a couple hours💀
He keeps her favourite candies in his pocket and literally gives them to her like treats (scooby snacks and lindt chocolates)
Clicker training!!!! Everytime he makes her cum, or does something that he knows makes her stimmy happy, he'll start pressing his lil clicker😣
"You're too dumb to do that today, silly puppy" as he bends down to tie her shoes for her
Of course he doesnt let her keep a job (not that she really wants one!) Being his good puppy is perfect enough
Collars<3 if shes comfortable having an actual pet collar then he'd 100% want one, but would prob only let her wear it at home or going to safe places.
If shes not into those, then something more discrete, like this.
Head rubs/pats, back rubs, belly rubs
Of course puppy girl is always horny, he once found her *desperately* humping a pillow while he was sleeping right beside him, since then hes told her the only things shes allowed to grind against w/o permission is his leg
And Puppy highkey takes full advantage of that. While hes working, sleeping, etc
They also both have breeding kinks and its so unsafe🤭 its actually a wonder she doesnt have pups yet tbh
Back to biting, Puppy has a huge oral fixation, and Rafe is her perfect target ♡ he's constantly covered in bite marks (literally him) basically a chewtoy for her
Of course Puppy gets zoomies once in awhile, but Rafe'll usually just fuck the extra energy out of her <3
Puppy is veryy curious about everything
She always wants to be involved in Rafes business, and at first he thought he'd bring her along once just to scare her out of begging again. She now wont let him leave the house without her
It didnt scare her, quite the opposite in fact it intrigued her. Shes loyal to him, regardless of weather hes in the wrong or not
When she first asked to try a bump he laughed his ass off. Not because he thought she couldn't handle it, but she was already a ball of energy without it, no way in hell was he getting her high and adding to that
She did however pout enough to make him agree for her to atleast try pot
If she enjoys it, itll become a very common thing, especially because of all her extra energy all the time
Puppy Loves how casually dominant Rafe is.
He orders for her when she cant decide what she wants (choosing what she wants!) There was probably even a time where some waitstaff commented on how she could make her own choices that made Puppy litterally LOL
He also helps to remind her to do things that slip her mind sometimes like wating breakfast, taking any medications, doing her skincare, finishing homework, etc
He wont lie, shes definitely strange (she once asked to hold his weiner while he pissed💀) but he loves it.
Its almost toxic because he knows thats she will always see him in the best light no matter what he does. He would never knowingly lead her astray, but she doesnt know that and still blindly follow his every word.
Thats not to say shes not bratty once in awhile
Her periods become an incredibly prickly time, full of many moodswings and "i dont want anyone to touch me" (followed by crying over the fact that hes not cuddling her)
One time he made a joke saying he wouldn't go buy her snacks because "puppies cant have chocolate" 🙄 hes an idiot.
He adores teasing her because shes just so reactive, she squirms and blushes or yells at him and cries. He'll never stop obsessing over her tears
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NOO toxic ex bf!Ghost fucking someone else is too much bro, how would we get him back??
nooooo are we getting toxique exbf! Ghost back????
Okay, let's get him back, here's what @bbbbyblu suggested:
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Okay so let's say you do this. You send him a video of you getting fucked by a random bloke, but you refuse to be outdone by him.
So of course, you do the logical thing to do & get the bloke to wear a skull-mask while he fucks you, damn the consequences :///
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forthetaintedmemes · 1 year
Dont go down the fyoya path!
After Meursault it is WAY too late for that and let me tell you why.
Rant under the cut for manga spoilers.
I love soukoku to the bottom of my heart. Think of Fyolai just as obsessively. That said, Dazai gets anything with legs to fall for him the second he so much as winks. Chuuya never gets to have any fun. Fyodor could tell Nikolai to jump off a bridge and guess what? Home boy is going to do a backflip just to make sure Fyodor is watching.
The absolute jealousy potential? Chef's kiss.
Fyodor is just like: Hey Dazai may be toxic, but I can be toxique. He can have his little "angel", I want a god.
And Chuuya the boujie bitch that he is just goes: That sounds designer. Suddenly I'm red-green color blind to all those flags.
Nikolai has to know about the Chuuya plan to some extent and instead of helping Fyodor out of prison said: Escape w/o me if you can, infact poison yourself first.
Dazai literally goes: I'll drown your ass before I let you leave me for another man but not before this love profession...I mean eulogy.
Meanwhile poor little Sigma just trying to get back to his casino.
Fyoya, for me, is less about Fyodor and Chuuya being together because they have any sort of dynamic (Fyodor just talks about using him better than Dazai and none of Chuuya's actions are consensual) but instead because they can shove it in Nikolai and Dazai's faces that they aren't needed they are wanted and can be replaced if they don't step their game up.
Anyways...I'm down the Fyoya rabbit hole for all the wrong reasons and I'm staying here!
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oxalees · 7 months
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he's not toxic, he's classy
so he's toxique 💅
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kilfeur · 1 month
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J'aime bien le contraste entre ces deux scènes, Mark pense que ça fait de lui une mauvaise personne que son père lui ait manqué alors que c'est justement ce qui le rend humain. Or pour Nolan, être humain, les émotions n'ont pas sa place chez les viltrumites. Kregg qui qualifie même la planète terre comme toxique pour l'avoir ramolli.
I like the contrast between these two scenes. Mark feels that it makes him a bad person to miss his father, even though this is precisely what makes him human. But for Nolan, being human, emotions have no place amongst the viltrumites. Kregg even qualifies the planet Earth as toxic for having softened Nolan.
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Christopher McCandless's remains were discovered on September 6, 1992, by moose hunters near the northern end of Denali National Park in Alaska. He had passed away inside an abandoned bus that served as his shelter for the preceding 110 days, providing respite from the unforgiving Alaskan wilderness. Found alongside his scant provisions were a .22-caliber rifle, a collection of aged books, a camera containing five exposed film rolls, and a diary documenting edible plants in the book's margins. The cause of his demise was determined to be a combination of starvation and poisoning, likely resulting from misidentifying and consuming toxic plants. For a comprehensive insight into Chris's life, Jon Krakauer's book 'Into the Wild' offers an engrossing, highly recommended narrative. Additionally, a film adaptation of the same name, 'Into the Wild,' faithfully captures the essence of the story and is equally worthy of exploration.
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Les restes de Christopher McCandless ont été découverts le 6 septembre 1992 par des chasseurs d'orignaux près de l'extrémité nord du parc national Denali en Alaska. Il était décédé dans un bus abandonné qui lui avait servi d'abri pendant les 110 jours précédents, lui offrant un répit dans la nature impitoyable de l'Alaska. À côté de ses maigres provisions se trouvaient un fusil de calibre .22, une collection de livres anciens, un appareil photo contenant cinq rouleaux de film exposés et un journal documentant les plantes comestibles dans les marges du livre. Il a été déterminé que la cause de son décès était une combinaison de famine et d'empoisonnement, probablement résultant d'une mauvaise identification et de la consommation de plantes toxiques. Pour un aperçu complet de la vie de Chris, le livre de Jon Krakauer « Into the Wild » propose un récit captivant et hautement recommandé. De plus, une adaptation cinématographique du même nom, « Into the Wild », capture fidèlement l’essence de l’histoire et mérite également d’être explorée.
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knight-gwaine · 5 months
Just finished reading The Ballad of Songbirds and Sparrow. All excited, decided to look up the tag "tbosas" only to find all this Coriolanus smut and shipping 😳 Listen, I aint here to ick nobody's yum but SHEESH maybe it's my own character development but that man LA TOXIQUE. I was so ready to find all the deep talk about the MESSAGE behind the booookkk and how Suzanne Collins slaaayyyeeedd. That ending???
Lemme watch this movie and see what head ass shit they got for me lol. I can't blame people if the movie completely misses the point of the book and only focuses on romanticizing ANOTHER toxic relationship to get more views but ima still be sad though.
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starryalpacasstuff · 9 months
I've seen a LOT of opinions and theories on the only friends characters, and we're only done with the first episode so far. So, I thought it'd be fun to compile as many as I can in one place, and see how it stocks up as more episodes come out.
This is 100% for fun, and I'd love for more people to join in and add their thoughts
The fandom has already adopted him as our new way-too-tired-for-this-shit wet cat. Its First, so honestly what could we have expected?
He's in for a hell of a time with the friend group he's getting involved with.
Sassy, eternally aggravated, pissed off, and excellent one liners
Heart eyes for a guy he threatened to piss on like days ago
He likely has some form of a tragic backstory
@thatgirl4815 posted a screenshot of the theory that Sand has had issues with drunk drivers in the past, possibly this father, explaining why he lashed out when a drunk Ray mentioned his dad.
In the words of @dreamedofyou, Ray is a Poor Little meoww meow.
He's definitely somewhat traumatized, though the reason is unknown. But daddy issues is likely a safe bet.
His low self esteem could be the reason he's attracted to Mew, who seems to be incredibly assured in himself.
His friends call him a burden. A lot. There's definitely something going on with that
He almost definitely has a drinking problem
There's also the fact that Ray doesn't seem to panic when he wakes up at Sand's place. He doesn't start freaking out till he thinks of his expensive stuff. Which is possibly another giant arrow pointing in the direction of daddy/family issues.
He's a slut (affectionate).
Almost everyone (including me) agree that Top was likely his first.
@elliebirdwrites has an amazing post on a theory on this. Since Top said in the trailer that he's never cared about whether the other one was enjoying sex, Boston's first experience being with him could have imprinted on him, which could cause him to act similarly to Top in the bedroom.
There's also the question of whether Boston is really in love with Top, or if it's something more of wanting his ego to be satisfied/wanting validation or even if its a mainly sexual desire
We don't really know much about the guy, he wasn't present that often in the ep
The guy's definitely got guts, jerking off to a customer's phone, then uploading a shirtless pic onto said customer's phone and the fucking said customer in. the. store
He's definitely getting his heart broken. A little bit. At first.
We really want Boston to fuck up and then Nick to rub salt in his wounds
Fuckboy, playboy, toxic, whatever you wanna call him, it's probably accurate
Overconfident. It's gonna get him in trouble
Most of us have decided that the man is gonna get fucked up by Mew
Irritating guy that tags along with his situationship's friend group and asks him out a week after knowing him
I've never seen a fandom be so united on their views of a subject and yet be fully convinced that most people disagree
90% of us know that Mew is gonna absolutely mess him up. As @xxela851 said, he's not gonna be toxic, he's toxique.
Mew is going to destroy Top
Also, @respectthepetty made a fun post about how he's the friend who starts bringing the guy he's known for a week to all the friend group hangouts. And its true, the reactions from San, Ray, and Boston were very fair considering the circumstances
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elluia · 2 months
Little gems of the French localisation of Fire Emblem
Hi! I wanted to share a few nice details of the French localisation of the Fire Emblem games with you all 😊
First, I’ll cover the tome names (using Radiant Dawn’s ranks, as it goes all the way to SS), name changes in Tellius, then the Houses names in Three Houses, and finally a baffling line censored (?) in Radiant Dawn that puzzles me to this day.
✨Let’s start with magic tomes. They all have a unique name, and do not follow the El-Arc-Rex English naming convention. The final rank, SS, is called S+ in French. And probably in all of Europe, for obvious historical reasons. I sure hope so.
Descriptions will go like this:
RANK: French name (translation, lit. translation = English name)
🍃 WIND MAGIC (Magie du Vent)
E: Vent (=Wind, same) C: Tempête (Storm = Elwind), A: Ouragan (Hurricane = Arcwind) S: Tornade (=Tornado, same) SS: Fimbulvetr (= Rexcalibur) Siege: Blizzard (same)
Note that the wind rises with each rank…
The SS wind tome uses ice animations, Fimbulvetr makes perfect sense as a name!
Fimbulvetr is generally the high to highest tier of wind magic in the French localisation: A in the GBA games, S in PoR, SS in RD, A in Awakening, B in Three Houses, Emblem Soren’s spell… and just C in Fates.
🔥 FIRE MAGIC (Magie du Feu)
E: Feu (= Fire, same) C: Inferno (self-explanatory = Elfire) A: Embrasement (blaze, burning, or blazing up = Arcfire) S: Bolganone (same) SS: Brasier (lit. raging fire, inferno = Rexflame) Siege: Météorite (=Meteor, same) Cymbeline is unchanged.
💡 Fun fact: The Hunger Games’ second novel, “Catching Fire”, is called “L’Embrasement” in French.
⚡ LIGHTNING MAGIC (Magie de la Foudre)
E: Foudre (Lightning = Thunder) C: Éclairs (Lightning bolts = Elthunder) A: Feu du Ciel (Heaven’s Might, lit. Heaven’s Fire = Arcthunder) S: Thoron (same) SS: Mjölnir (= Rexbolt) Siege: Fulguration (Fulguration, lit. a flash lightning = Bolting)
Lightning magic is the most interesting.
Two synonyms are used for ranks E and C. “Thunder” is “Tonnerre” in French, which refers to sound only. The translators chose the visual representation instead.
🔮 For the SS rank, they went back and used the name of the Jugdral Holy Weapon! Again, Fates makes Mjölnir a C rank tome…
🌞 LIGHT MAGIC (Magie du Jour, lit. Day Magic)
E: Lumière (=Light, same) C: Éclat (Spark, Brilliance = Ellight) A: Flash (self-explanatory = Shine) S: Aura toxique (Toxic aura = Valaura) SS: Aura (Aura = Rexaura) Siege: Châtiment (Punishment = Purge) Creiddylad, Thani, and Nosferatu are unchanged.
In my opinion, Valaura’s name change is very weird and makes the two late-game tomes sound too similar.
💖 The siege tome is used in the phrase “châtiment divin” (divine punishment), it’s absolutely fitting to smite your enemies!
🌚 DARK MAGIC (Magie de la Nuit, lit. Night Magic)
C: Larve (= Worm, same) B: Carreau (same) S: Verrine (same) SS: Balberith (same) Siege: Fenrir (same)
Nothing changed! C rank is a literal translation.
I love the increasing intensity with each new rank! It gives Fire Emblem magic some… personality 💪
Now for name changes in Radiant Dawn!
While it’s rather well-known that Mist is called Alja in German, there are two names localised differently in French!
First is Ena, called Ina instead. Could work as a diminutive, but quite unnecessary in my opinion.
Then, there is Gatrie, who becomes Gatorie. I think they tried to avoid “Gatrie”, a homonym of “gâterie”, which can mean "treat" or can be a slang for… a blowjob. For a character who likes women so much, that’s quite unfortunate (and hilarious!). Even funnier, Gatorie almost sounds like “rice cake”… (or is it just me?)
Finally, there is Ike’s own epithet of “Radiant Hero” or “Hero of the Blue Flames”. In newer games, it’s always translated as “Héros de l’Aube”, meaning Hero of Dawn. It pairs well with Micaiah (“la Fille/Prêtresse de l’Aube” = the Maiden/Priestess of Dawn). Only his ending card calls him “Héros de la flamme”, or Hero of the flame.
In Engage and Heroes, Tellius is still called “Monde de Radiance” (World of Radiance), instead of using Dawn, the common name for its two heroes.
🔎 Another neat change we have is the Houses names in Three Houses, in fact.
Colours sound silly for a class name in French (it’s mostly fine for naming kindergarten classes), so the localisation team switched to precious metals and gemstones. You can even check in the artbook, they stand out compared to all the other languages!
Black Eagles = Aigles de Jais = Jet Eagles (as in, the jet-black gem)
Blue Lions = Lions de Saphir = Sapphire Lions
Golden Deer = Cerfs d’Or = Golden Deer (same, and the precious theme is kept!)
Ashen Wolves = Loups Cendrés = Ashen Wolves (same, and no gem because the name is justified by Nabatean lore in-game)
It’s neat! And absolutely necessary in French. Great localisation right there.
🤦‍♀️ Now let me mention a particularly failed translation, twice in a row.
In Part I Chapter 7 of Radiant Dawn, Izuka and Sothe exchange two lines with an aside in parenthesis, showing their inner thoughts. And for some reason, it’s the only big deviation in the whole localisation.
Izuka (EN): But Laguz... They're powerful! (and expendable...) Just what we need. By all means, invite them to join! Izuka (FR) : Car les Laguz sont très puissants (et extrêmement flexibles) ! C’est tout à fait ce dont a besoin notre armée ! Dites-leur de se joindre à nous ! Izuka (literal) : Because Laguz are very powerful (and extremely flexible)! This is exactly what our army needs! Tell them to join us!
(Flexible can be taken as stretchable or adaptable here, but we’re nowhere close the cruel original intent…)
Sothe (EN) : They're good friends. I'm sure they'll agree to help if I ask (you mumbling creep). Sothe (FR) : Ce sont de bons amis. Ils accepteront de nous rejoindre si je leur demande (moi aussi je peux faire des apartés). Sothe (literal) : They’re good friends. They’ll join us if I ask them (I can also do asides).
WTF happened here? We lost two important pieces of information in the asides…
Izuka’s comment sounds almost goofy, not ominous!
Do I have to assume French!Sothe became self-aware for a split second? He’s supposed to question Izuka’s character, not make meta quips.
There are a few possibilities for Izuka:
(The most likely) The translator took “expendable” literally = it’s expansible in French, synonymous with flexible. The second word is shorter and more common.
Is it meant to censor Izuka’s cruelty?
Or is it meant to hide his motives to the player?
A better translation could have been: (et facilement remplaçables) = (and easily replaceable).
But for Sothe...
(The most likely) Did the translator want to censor an insult?
Did they want to make the situation lighter with a meta joke?
Did they think the aside was unnecessary considering Sothe’s obvious suspicion of Izuka?
Did they run out of characters to translate the insult in that text box? (It is full.)
The translation could have been: (ce type est louche) = (that shifty guy). And indeed, finding an appropriate insult for a Teen rating was hard…
Truly a mystery for the ages.
Thanks for coming to my TED Talk. 🙇‍♀️
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