kilfeur 43 minutes
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J'ai bien aim茅 le fait que Yang souhaite parler 脿 Ruby de ce qui s'est pass茅 脿 Ever After. Et bien qu'elle sent qu'elle n'a pas tout comprit de ce que traversait sa petite soeur. Elle veut l'aider pour 茅viter que Ruby porte 脿 nouveau tout 脿 ses 茅paules. Tandis que Ruby comprend qu'elle peut aider demander de l'aide m锚me si elle est la leadeuse de sa team.
D'ailleurs cette conversation nous a permit de confirmer autre chose : Taiyang est vivant mais d'apr猫s Qrow, il est en mission importante. 脟a renforce la th茅orie comme quoi c'est lui le gardien de la relique du choix.
I liked that Yang wanted to talk to Ruby about what happened at Ever After. And although she feels she didn't fully understand what her little sister was going through. She wants to help her so that Ruby doesn't have to carry everything on her shoulders again. While Ruby understands that she can help by asking for help, even if she's the leader of her team.
Moreover, this conversation allowed us to confirm something else: Taiyang is alive, but according to Qrow, he's on an important mission. This reinforces the theory that he is the guardian of the relic of choice.
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kilfeur 58 minutes
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J'ai bien aim茅 cette sc猫ne entre Somewhat et le prince rouge, depuis sa d茅faite contre Ruby, il est d茅prim茅 et pense ne pas 锚tre 脿 la hauteur du r么le qu'on lui a confi茅. Et que c'est pour que Somewhat est venu pour le voir, pour l'aider 脿 锚tre plus que le r么le qu'il est cens茅 incarner.
I really liked the scene between Somewhat and the Red Prince. Since his defeat by Ruby, he's been depressed and doesn't think he's up to the role he's been given. And that's why Somewhat has come to see him, to help him be more than the role he's supposed to play.
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kilfeur 1 hour
Do you know how hard it was to screenshot this image of blushing Ruby
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She's there for like a second before it transitions and the RT website is evil and puts a giant PAUSED text on screen whenever you pause
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kilfeur 4 hours
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I know this idea has been done before with younger Yugo, but with the new concept of Yugo having the eliasphere- well- it鈥檇 be interesting if the same thing that happened to Qilby happened to him.
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kilfeur 5 hours
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En lisant le texte de l'茅nigme et en regardant la carte de Xadia, j'ai remarqu茅 quelque chose d'茅trange. Dans le passage "as east she sailed into waters so deadly and cold. Then came the ice, and trapped it's vise the great captain spent her last days". Ce qui sugg猫re la capitaine est morte durant le naufrage de son bateau dans l'oc茅an gel茅. En revanche, en regardant sur la carte, on voit qu'il y a un endroit qui s'appelle Skull's Hook et qui est assez 茅loign茅 par rapport 脿 son bateau qui a fait naufrage. Ce qui pourrait sugg茅rer que la capitaine a pu se sauver du naufrage de son bateau mais est morte un peu plus loin. Ce qui expliquerait la distance entre ces deux endroits !
While reading the text of the riddle and looking at the map of Xadia, I noticed something strange. In the passage "as east she sailed into waters so deadly and cold. Then came the ice, and trapped it's vise the great captain spent her last days". This suggests that the captain died when her ship sank in the frozen ocean. However, if you look at the map, you'll see that there's a place called Skall's Hook, which is quite far from her shipwreck. This might suggest that the captain was able to save herself from the shipwreck, but died a little further away. Which would explain the distance between these two places !
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kilfeur 8 hours
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Chat Blanc :( he deserved better.
Little piece I did for @leblanczine ! This one was fun to work on! :3
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kilfeur 10 hours
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wrio plush
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kilfeur 10 hours
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1K notes View notes
kilfeur 10 hours
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I love him sm 馃馃馃
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kilfeur 10 hours
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Those are...not his wolf ears?
(It's been difficult to draw something properly lately but I miss neuvithesley 馃様)
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kilfeur 10 hours
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. what are we
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kilfeur 10 hours
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ok but can we discuss the fact that callum was the first one to learn aaravos' name
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kilfeur 10 hours
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i love the fact that either callum had a previous interest in magic that harrow knew about, or that he was just like "oo wait i have this cool magical artifact. this nerd will love that shit."
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kilfeur 10 hours
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Marichat 鉂わ笍馃悎鈥嶁瑳
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kilfeur 22 hours
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The wish
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kilfeur 1 day
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something not disco related for once (imma go draw my little guys again now. as a little treat) but my little wakfu forum icon contest participation... had to draw my fave of the season...
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kilfeur 1 day
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Red like roses
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