#toxic aot shippers
glassesntea · 6 months
People who ship Levi x Hange aren't even human. You don't have any right to open your filthy mouth that is just as filthy as Hange's mouth Levi will never kiss😂
I've been chosen! I've been seeked!
Oh, you in for a good time, love. I knew you would hunt me down for the comment I left on @jayteacups, you are so predictable it's almost sad :)
I can't belive you are this stupid and deranged, to seek out trouble on everyone who disagree with you. You have been doing this for hours, so it's telling you have nothing better to do than bothering people. @cosmicjoke for example.
But it left a toll, am I right? You called me non-human and insulted me right off the bat. Decorum is such a difficult concept to grasp when you have none to begin with, uh?
When you can't articulate a single thought that is not an insult towards people that don't think the way you do.
You are a disgrace not only as a shipper, but as a human being. You are embarassing to read, because you are so desperate for validation to the point of insanity. I can see you are deeply insecure and that made you a bully.
Jokes on you, I'm into this shit.
But I would prefer to know who's kissing my asscrack, so don't be shy and come off anon.
No? Chicken.
If you keep this on grow some guts. Take responsibility for every insults you spout out of your orifice. But you will not do that, right? You are too afraid of being judged, because deep down you know you are giving a spectacle and you want to preserve a fake façade that it's dangerously cracking. You are not nice and you are not a true fan.
You are a toxic little mouse.
So please, stop. Get some help.
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kittenfangirl20 · 6 months
It is so funny how an Eremika fan makes an anti Erehisu fans are toxic and they tag it Erehisu and not anti Erehisu. But when an Erehisu fan gets annoyed at them, they triumphantly declare that that this is proof that Erehisu fans are toxic. That is a new level of delusional I really haven’t seen before.
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leviismybby · 28 days
I am going to be honest. I think my love for Levi is dissipating which just makes me sad. There's just too much discourse going on around his character that just makes me feel like a split personality type of thing idk. On Twitter most canonize him as queer/subby. And some people here try to force more suffering onto him. Which I stick to canon and know there's no proof of it but when everyone keeps saying it it just kind of feels like an attempt to override canon. There's nothing wrong with headcanon but now people treat so much headcanon as canon, spreading misinfo and then people run with it. At some point I feel like is something even canon if so many people disregard it. I know technically it is canon but then to me personally I can't help but feel disturbed. I know I should stick to reading only canon materials but I have already read the manga and watched the anime. I would like to read extended materials from fans but doing it has only left me with a nagging feeling because there's so much weird but popular takes about his character. So much that people actually believe. I see it on Twitter and Tiktok, literally tens of thousands, even millions of people believe these takes. And now that Aot is over, they are going to have that takes as canon forever. The thought is just crazy to me. The Erwin x Levi(Eruri) tag on Tiktok has 1.1 billion views that are full of different takes. It's just outrageous
You shouldn't let them do that to you anon and I will be honest with you, I don't have twitter and I do not engage with the fandom on tiktok for more than one reason, shipping being a large one. Erwin and Levi are an mlm ship, mlm ships have always been more popular amongst fandom, funny thing is, even today, Eren x Levi is still the most popular ship which is nuts. What I do is I engage with the fandom on here and on YouTube, on YouTube mostly people who aren't really part of the fandom are on there so they see those characters for what they are. I can't change someone mind on how they see Levi, if they see him as some subby clingy uwu boy for Erwin or whoever, good for them, it just proved to me that the ship they follow is more important than Levi's character. Also, I doubt that, what I have been seeing since aot ended is people on tiktok and twitter actually calling these people out and telling them that Levi deserves better treatment from the fandom. They can't overrun canon Levi, they aren't the author nor are they that big, trust me. It may seem like Eruri is huge online but it's the minority. In real life aot fans mostly never engage in ships or ridiculous takes because canon is enough for them, most are shocked to learn that people ship Levi with Erwin or whoever. Shippers aren't as powerful as they seem, anon haha. I think the best for you would be to avoid toxic apps such as tiktok and twitter. YouTube would be my best recommendation, people on there are normal and you won't find shippers running all over the place.
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cosmicjoke · 5 months
Alright, I'm opening anon asks back up. But I'm pinning this post, because I have a couple rules attached to it, and anyone who can't adhere to them will just automatically be blocked and deleted.
Don't ask me about shipping, ANY ship, unless it's a canon ship. That means no questions about Levi/anyone. Levi isn't romantically involved with any character in AoT, and if you can't accept that, too bad. Keep your delusions to yourself. I don't care about it, I don't want to talk about it, either in support of or against it. I don't want to talk about shippers and their toxicity, either, so don't come complaining to me about them. They mean nothing to me and I don't want to waste my time talking about something pointless.
Any hate message, about anything, will be automatically blocked and deleted. So if you want to waste your time sending me hate, that's your choice. But I won't read it, so you'll only be further wasting your already useless life by typing out something that no one will ever see or care about.
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gvenevera · 4 months
If any BKDK (or any casual MHA fans) here enjoys watching anime reaction videos like me - I’m spreading the news that Youtuber @ Nicholas Light TV is starting My Hero Academia!
I’ve been a fan of his channel from his Attack on Titan reactions. I’ve seen people say he’s too hyperactive, but imo he’s actually a guy who’s super excited about everything and it doesn’t feel fake.
But the best part is his media critical thinking skills is top notch. The guy was a Gabi fan and enjoyed the (anime) AOT ending, he also recently started Naruto and loved it too, so that’s a guaranteed winner in my book!
Just look at his reaction to the first Deku vs Kacchan fight: he’s already got the romance pinned down from the bullying lol.
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Like yeah he’s being 90% sarcastic but he actually gets it, unlike antis these days who would immediately scream “Abusive Proship!”
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He says: Deku has a lot of love and admiration for Bakugou from his childhood, but he doesn’t accept that love!
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He sees All Might’s interaction with BKDK and feels like he could be a father figure for Bakugou, just as much as for Deku!
(He also thinks Bakugou has parental issues or is fatherless lol, that’s the only thing he got wrong. He roasted Bakugou a lot in the early episodes, as expected, but even he says that he’s sure Bakugou will become one of his favorites in time.)
One Disclaimer! I am NOT claiming he is a BKDK shipper, in fact I hight doubt it since he’s a straightforward male anime fan. But it’s nice to hear some fresh, positive perspective instead of all the hate towards us. Look at the comments in the first episode and you’ll see commenters say that “MHA is good but the fandom is toxic.” Yeah, I’m so tired of hearing that shit.
Anyways, if you’re interested in an MHA rewatch, go watch Nick’s channel!
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sonofthesaiyans · 2 years
So it’s come to my attention.....
Apparently there are elements of the Eremika fandom out there that really cannot stand to see their favorite ship called out for the flagrantly toxic pairing that it has slowly devolved into. For one stubborn faction out there in the AOT fandom, Eremika still reigns supreme. 
You know, even after.......
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Yeah. Even after this, there are fans out there who still want these two together. Fans who refuse to hear out that these two truly never had a chance due to their clashing priorities and personalities.......And the fact that Eren was revealed to be a sociopathic POS the entire time (That’s still a fucked up twist, I don’t care how you try to rationalize the ending). 
In light of a recent incident where I came under attack for expressing my growing distaste for this “couple”, I just want to set one thing straight. 
This is most definitely NOT a Pro-Eremika blog. This is NOT a place where you’ll find me empathizing with this idea any more than you’ve ever seen me take pity on that bitch Gabi Braun. That is simply not the case here. 
It should not be news to anybody that Eremika in more recent time is blamed for holding back Mikasa’s character growth, and I am in the crowd that firmly believes it stunted her badly as a character who truly could exist on her own without Eren as a crutch. And it pisses me off to say that because Mikasa was my initial favorite of the series. 
This ship is emotionally abusive. Eren never regarded Mikasa with much more than passing acknowledgement and any time where she voiced her affection for him, it left negligible impact on him. They may have been heavily reliant on each other in battle but the relationship is entirely from Mikasa’s side, NOT Eren’s. And the fact that he manipulated her and all his allies to kill billions is somehow not a dealbreaker for either herself OR the fans who stand by it.....
Wow, why not we go back to that forgotten time where we shipped Mikasa with Levi? (Thankfully I was too late to the game for that one) Next I suppose someone will suggest I invest myself in Fucking Falco and Garbage Braun. And yes, I will get back to my actual opinions on Falco later, as I earlier hinted....
A lot of people think I’m harsh in my opinions and my attitude......
And, you’re not wrong. 
But that doesn’t mean I can’t freely express my opinions, and the most recent time I expressed my opposition to Eremika, I think I was being fairly tame in my comments. 
So if someone wants to give my shit because I spoke ill of their favorite pairing, to you I say this.....
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Yeah I don’t care if you disapprove, and I don’t like fans who try to control what I say because I simply expressed disagreement, and certainly not with anybody on a personal level in this instance until they tried to order me around. 
Over a bloody anime pairing, and certainly not one that should be taken as a case of a healthy relationship. 
This place is most definitely not one you’re gonna like if you’re a hardcore Eremika fan. Sorry, but if you wanna be salty with me over that, you’re wasting your time. This is why I don’t involve myself with shipping, it makes fans CRAZY. And I hate to see what kind of relationships these fans want in life if Eremika is their OTP. 
So no, there’s no haven for Eremika around here, don’t like it? Look another direction. I’m not an Eremika shipper. By now anyone who’s been here for five minutes should understand I ain’t a fucking Eren fan any more than I am a fan of Gabi or that goddamn ending. And right now I can only can Mikasa a pitiful waste of potential. Because of Eremika. 
Not looking for trouble with Eremika fans, but you keep it to yourself, I want no part of it. This is not a blog for Eremika, and if you see the occasional Eremika criticism, not the end of the fucking world. 
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misscoolisback123 · 4 months
About Jeankasa, I agree with some people that it's not an interesting ship. EreMika is more toxic but I can see people liking it more because Eren turns into a giant monster. RivaMika is also more exciting because they're both super-soldiers and Mikasa used to hate Levi. But the thing that bothers me about Jeankasa is some of the shippers wanted a AoT no Requiem ending but still expected a happily ever after for their ship. I'm sorry, but if Eren won in that type of ending, NO ONE except Historia would've survived and that's a fact.
Yeah, Jeankasa is bland. I don't hate it, but I feel bad for Jean. Actually, he and Mikasa did talk after a while, but it had nothing to do with romance. He's a great character, but I hate that he was reduced to being a third wheel. He had better chemistry with Pieck. Their marriage feels like it's for convenience. I feel like if Eren had won, then he would have located Historia and run off with her. There might be a few survivors, but Eren and Historia would obviously not want to be scrutinized. Eremika is beyond toxic. I never saw the appeal. I used to think that Rivamika was incest along with Itachi and Izumi, but they're not. Eremika is so toxic that it'll burn any hazmat suit. I actually don't mind people who ship Jeankasa. Unless they're the Levi and Mikasa are related bullshit.
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nariko-senpai · 3 months
Disclaimer: These are my opinions based off from interactions and my own views on the fandoms. Please don't come after me :/
My Hero Academia
Probably one of THE MOST TOXIC FANDOMS IN ANIME. I've seen so many messed up ships and fanfiction from MHA, I SWEAR IF I SEE DEKU X LITERALLY ANY ADULT I WILL DO A BACKFLIP OFF A CLIFF 💀 They're so unhinged and it reflects badly on the story. THE FANDOM LITERALLY HATES ON ONE ANOTHER. I've seen so many fights on wHiCh pErSon ShOuLd DeKu EnD uP wItH I'm so over it 😭 Also you get all the cringy cosplayers and pov videos from this fandom in particular. I have never seen a normal MHA fan apart from myself.
Demon Slayer
Generally okay, except for the SPOILERS. This fandom spoils so much, and without warning as well. But generally a pretty good fandom, just avoid the sibling shippers and Douma simps. Everyone is pretty tame tho, and generally polite. Everyone learnt how to be kind after having Tanjiro as the MC 😌
Attack on Titan
I SAID DEMON SLAYER SPOILS BUT THIS FANDOM IS ON A WHOLE OTHER LEVEL. It's like this fandom's goal is to spoil all the new readers/watchers as soon as the Google aot 💀 AND YOU ARGUE SO MUCH. Post a theory? Instantly get hurled abuse. Post eremika fanart? Instantly gets abused and attacked. YOU CAN'T TAKE A BREAK. But I do treasure the people who are just trying to survive the ending, they're the real ones 🤌
Jujutsu Kaisen
I LOVE THIS FANDOM. One of my favourite fandoms, y'all have the most unhinged humour and posts the goofiest shit but I'm so here for it. Fandom mainly consists of simps and psychopaths, but YOU'RE SO FUNNY. Again, you get spoils like all the other fandoms, but this is one of my fav fandoms, dark humour is where it's at 😃🤟
I swear, y'all ship everyone together, no one is straight lmao. But since the majority of characters are guys, you had to work with what you had ig 😀HAIKYUU HAS THE BIGGEST FANFICTION BASE THO, THERE ARE SO MANY FANFICTIONS! But they're actually good..? Will admit, wrote Haikyuu fanfiction, and everyone is a simp as well. I see you Kuroo and Oikawa simps 👀 Pretty cool as long as you avoid the smutty fanfictions and fanart.
Should I do a part 2, and if so, what fandoms?? 👀
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jayteacups · 2 months
my stance on ships & shipping culture - a quick note
(please read before interacting!)
I'm seeing discourse in the AOT Tumblr niche ramp up once again (what would the AOT fandom be without harassment and discourse /s), so I want to put up this quick note to be linked in my pinned navigation post. Therefore, from now on, if someone sends an ask about ship discourse, it'll be clear whether or not they've read this post. Therefore that'll make it easier for me to see who respects my boundaries and who is and isn't worth my time.
This blog is primarily a Levi x Reader-insert/OC-insert/Self-ship blog. If you have a problem with this, save us both the time and energy, and just block me. If you harass me or anyone else who enjoys this type of harmless content, I will block you. This is not up for debate.
However, I am also a multi-shipper. You'll occasionally find that I reblog fanworks of Eruri, Levihan, Rivetra, Levifar etc, and that I tag all ship content so you can filter out the ones you may not like. I’m not a ‘proshipper’ though; for example, you won’t find any reblogs of fanworks involving a veteran character being with a recruit character in a romantic or sexual sense. However, I will never harass anybody for shipping a ship that I don't like, so I expect everyone from every corner of the fandom to return that same courtesy.
So please do not bring me into any ship discourse, I’m not interested in entertaining pointless debates over ships. I do not and never will condone harassment over people's opinions on fictional ships.
If somebody doesn't ship your OTP, or they ship something you personally do not like, that doesn't mean you have the moral high ground over them, and that certainly doesn't mean you can falsely accuse people of awful things or leave anonymous death threats in people's inboxes. Additionally, it's okay for your OTP to be fanon. The canon/fanon status of a ship doesn't make it better or worse than another ship. The sooner people accept this instead of twisting canon to suit a false narrative, the better. On that note, please don't send me long-winded, unsolicited asks about how a fanon pairing is 'actually canon if you read the subtext' whilst quoting 'facts' with no or incorrect sources. Let canon be canon and fanon be fanon. There's a difference, and a reason why they have separate labels. I'm not saying that you can't have a different interpretation of canon or the subtext, but I'm saying that not everybody will agree with you, and it doesn't automatically make your opinion the right or 'true' one.
I should also point out that the actions of a few bad apples is not representative of an entire ship community. For example, I have seen some people falsely assume the entire Eruri community are toxic based on the recent anons harassing Levi-centric blogs. This simply isn't true. The majority of shippers are very chill, but the toxic minority just happens to be the loudest. Let's not make assumptions about Eruri shippers or insult their OTP, because I have seen a few people do this in response to seeing the harassment, which I find incredibly hypocritical and unhelpful. Don't lose sight of the bigger picture - which is that we're all fans of the same thing and we all want to have fun in whatever way appeals to us.
Fandom is supposed to be fun, and I believe you should be focusing your energy on what you like rather than what you don't. Personally I think it's strange that these weirdo anons and harassers spend so much time and energy harassing people who don't ship their OTP, rather than using that time and energy to support creators who make fanworks of their OTP, or even creating some fanworks themselves. They care more about making other people miserable rather than fostering a positive community around their ships, and that is something I absolutely do not support or condone.
If you've read everything and have reached the end of this post, thank you for your time. If you fundamentally disagree with my stance, fine, but don't debate me on it. I've made it clear I won't change my mind on it, and you probably won't either, so I suggest you block me instead of starting a futile argument.
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levmada · 4 months
Problem with the AOT fandom and a lot of other shonen animes is that it’s full of a lot of well…men. Emotionally unintelligent men. That make zero efforts in trying to understand complex characters. Not all but…too many.
oh. then to answer your last ask? i think? it’s weird over anon lol
isayama has said (and i’ll dig up the interview if someone asks) that if it weren’t for the survey corps after isabel and farlan died, levi would be “a very irresponsible person” lol.
i imagine with no goal or desire to do anything besides survive, without knowing what freedom there is outside the walls, he would coast along making enough money (by illegal means) to survive while avoiding getting arrested, and he’d do that until he gets tired of it. you probably know what i mean.
in that same vein, i just can’t imagine a scenario where levi would choose to leave the survey corps; fighting for freedom and humanity becomes the reason he lives and fights.
but if he did leave, the only thing next to do is leave the walls and abandon everyone, or decide he’s tired if you know what i mean.
so u see why it takes a special sort of brain dead-ness to say levi doesn’t have feelings, or levi doesn’t care about his friends. it just doesn’t make the most bare minimum sense for his character.
before i get into the men thing, it’s also extremely important to remember that the sheer size of any fandom WILL negatively affect its perception due to the number of fans. there will ALWAYS be a vocal crazy person, and a small subset of non-vocal crazy people, but this is EXTREMELY heightened by the size of the aot fandom in this case. it’s a landmark in animation in general and a cultural phenomenon, that can’t be argued.
but, what exacerbates that inevitable issue is
1 isayama very very rarely tells us the audience that ‘x is this way because of y’. it’s shocking how much of aot in every way is up to interpretation, and what’s more can fit multiple interpretations. it’s obvious how this popularizes discourse.
but, because of that, in general, shippers (for example) will take all the crumbs that suggests their ship is canon as they can get, and so they feel validated. they want to shout it from the rooftops. this type of shipper pisses off another shipper, which pisses off another type of shipper, and so it’s a mess constantly.
this mainly happens with the popular ships - so all of the levi ships lol.
2 popularity opens up the doors for children/minors to get involved in the fandom and wreak havoc with what amounts to their immaturity (especially morally), and tendency to feel indignant for no good reason.
this is different from bad takes in general, because you really can’t teach them any better when they don’t have the processing power to understand what you’re saying. (that sounds condescending, but think about yourself at 12 years old compared to now yk?)
so it’s frustrating. and that’s putting aside minors invading adult spaces.
3 the politics that do and don’t apply to aot. that’s a major one. (that’s way too broad to get into in this post.)
4 finally the role (western) (white) men play. i’ve stewed on this before on this blog, but i won’t get into the weeds.
idk about you, but western white men is the image that pops into my mind when i think of emotionally unintelligent men with toxic masculinity making dim-witted opinions of aot.
it’s a culture that goes wayyy beyond anything that you can quite comprehend bc of how ingrained it is in america in particular.
but so then, when the issue is popularity, what attracts these types of men? well… eren’s actions do. there’s really no question about it.
what these men seem to think - generally - is that eren should’ve done and was validated in committing genocide because of the way marley oppressed his friends, family, and paradis.
…not to get psychological but that’s literally how tweens aged 11-16 comprehend morality, the entire story considered… and the probable demographic for these men has to be late teens to young adults. (but again, i’m generalizing based on my experiences.)
it’s immature, short-sighted, sadistic, and frankly moronic. i think the major deal here is 1 the culture issue, 2 immaturity, and 3 eren’s genocide is about a power fantasy for these guys.
(i’m really not prepared to get into the weeds on this, but hopefully you know what i mean.)
this type of man goes on to affect the popular perception of women like mikasa, who’s strong, a woman, very loyal, and morally nuanced.
the popular perception of erwin, who’s extremely complex as a character. imo he’s the hardest to understand next to eren. but he’s reduced to this unfeeling sociopathic tyrant. it’s absurd.
and levi, of course. because levi is the strongest, and a man, as a hero there’s the expectation that he also doesn’t have feelings, that he has to be aggressive or dominant, that he needs a female love interest in the end, and so on.
but of course, those expectations aren’t true.
it’s the media illiteracy, on top of the unwillingness to understand any other perspective, on top of harmful biases they possessed already.
sometimes… it is partly the anime/manga’s fault for perpetuating harmful things, or bad writing. but in the case of aot, isayama plays such a minuscule role - if any - that it shouldn’t account for the controversy at all.
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smilermiku · 5 months
Hey there! I'm fluttershytherapper! And this is my intro! (I haven't done one yet)
Things about me!
She/he pronouns
I have autism
Gender fluid
Things I like
Trollge files, Friday night incident, funkin physics & trollge files: disorder
Lomando. Com
guts and blackpowder
SCP containment breach
Junji ito
Salad fingers
Jurassic Park(dinosaurs)
Bands I like
Will wood
Bemular (if anyone remembers him)
The misfits
Lemon demon
That handsome devil
cannibal corpse
People who are welcome here!
Scenes and emos! (Or any style)
Trollge fans! (Or any fandom)
Furries(no zoos or pedos)
Anti trans and LGBT+
Anti furs and Anti therians
NSFW accounts
Pro shippers
Don't be toxic plz
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glassesntea · 6 months
Never said I was nice bitch. You think I am the anon who asked those questions but I am not. I don't ask Levi x Oc shippers questions. I don't tolerate lunatics and I think that Eruri anon was not in their right mind to ask y'all questions in the first place. Smelly ass bitch
Bitch this, bitch that... you are though and strong, uh? Insulting people while STILL on anon. No, you are not nice and even sane in the head. Because other people have messaged me saying you targeted them, too.
You don't tolarate lunatics? You are one, for hunting down people like that. You do realize that it's not normal, right? You need help, ASAP.
And you, my friend, are a liar too: you are the exact same person I think you are, so don't try to pass me as a fool. It's you, it's the same pattern of messages all over tumblr, and again you are making a moron out of yourself, willingly.
I don't care what you ship or not ship. I don't have the viciousness to scream like a bat on caffeine to other people because my ship is not canon. Who cares? You, on the other hand, do this pathologically.
Seems I've strike a nerve, however, for the fact that you sent me two messages in rapid succesion, you like the attention but not being called out.
The mere fact you stalked me from a comment that I left on another blog you were harassing as well is a testament of your insanity. I suggested you to calm down and you did the opposite by being a rabid dog and keep molesting people.
Get off the internet, if you are set to made people miserable, it will be beneficial for you too to live a little.
Probably you'll refuse to read all that so I tell you this:
Since you still cower, if you don't come off anon and have a civil conversation I won't indulge you any longer.
You have not won, If you are thinking that, because no one will know if you have messaged me back. I have the last world on my blog, as petty as it is.
If you'll keep going, I'll report you.
You have been warned, chicken
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littlerosette · 7 months
I see that both couples I know you ship, Eremika and Anakin/Padmé, are both tragic. And due to unfortunate reasons also a bit toxic. For me I always love tragic couples like these. Were you drawn to Eremika because of the angst or despite the angst?
absolutely because of the angst. i don’t think i have a “type” of ship, exactly, since they can range pretty broadly (kyoru, everlark, and kataang are up there with eremika and anidala for me), but i do like a certain kind of distress and anguish in the couples i root for. like, i used to really weird charlotte out because i rewatched the table scene daily. when i was first hyperfixated on anidala, i used to rewatch their final scene together daily. i love angst, and there’s something Really appealing about relationships where the man is objectively horrific. i think it was my childhood obsession with beauty and the beast lol.
i will also say that i liked eremika when i first got into aot in 2013, when the fandom was dominated by [redacted] shippers. i wasn’t *super* into it, but i did remember thinking that it was clear mikasa was the love interest. i became Obsessed with them in 2021 after 139 came out. i was paying attention when 138 came out too, but the cabin scene didn’t speak as much to me as eren’s dumb tantrum did. i think it’s because he was such a possessive brat about it and i loved that LMAO. if a man is jealous, i pay attention!
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fischlslays · 1 year
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Welcome to this Blog!★▪︎★▪︎★▪︎★▪︎★▪︎
Fischlslays <3
I'm quite happy that u r reading this rn <3 thanks for taking some of ur time to take a look! ♡ I write fanfics, headcanons, you name it, I also post random stuff, like yk, if I felt like it I might post a random pic or smth, expect everything :)
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Fandoms i write for:
Death Note
Genshin impact
Wonder egg priority
+i will add more later, dww
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About me! ★
★My name is Alexis
★I'm 19
★I'm a Genshin fan (yk, but I not toxic, I just like to play the game)
★I have a phobia of: Cats (yikes), Dogs (uhh), NEEDLES (my worst enemy). It sucks fr, I'm sensitive to those topics, so give me a warning before talking about these stuff pls
★I'm a lazy-ass (last time I wrote a fanfic was like last year or smth)
★I accept dms (I don't mind talking to yall, but I won't hesitate to block u if ur problematic or smth)
★I'm a Fischl Kinnie (anyone who plays genshin will know)
★I like books
★I can have an anon cult if yall want
★I'm head over heels for Mona mains
★Danganronpa addiction
★Novels 4life
★Im reading a book called the Book Thief
★I can be moots with you if you want
★Kinda inactive lately
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@urbestgirlever (Leisel)
@hunterxhunterisbest (irl bestie)
@notafan77 (they are cool)
@sulli1361 (I like the blog)
@slutsssphobia (omg I can't even explain it)
@amechansupermacy (lmao Han Han ily)
@bandorifreak (homie fr fr)
@mu1ch1r0-t0k1t0-th3-shap3sh1ft3r (Ray Ray)
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Dni if:
☆You r a proshipper
☆"genshin fans doesn't deserve rights"💀 (if u say this u r incredibly stupid)
☆if u never touched grass (like bffr)
☆Kaeluc shippers (cuz u shipping siblings??)
☆if I asked u not to interact
☆If you don't have human rights (what r u then??)
☆ZhongChi shippers (if you interacted i will shove my foot up your ass)
☆If you don't know Mother Mother and Conan Gray (its Conan Slay)
☆If you are mad cringy
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It's not important, but here are my kins and favs:
♥︎Fischl (lmao look at my username)
♥︎Zhongli <3
♥︎Hu Tao
♥︎Scaramouche (ofc)
♥︎Tartaglia <3
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¡Requesting rules!
I made a previous post about this, but whatever.
What I write for:
【SFW stuff】
【Fanfics】 (dawg)
What I DON'T write for:
「Character x Character」
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Btw, here is my name on Discord:
Love yall <3
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Tags: @urbestgirlever @sanemis-eyelashes @sanemisfav @sanemiangel @taishoutellmeyoursecrets @k4g4y4-s4m4 @slutsssphobia @breaking-panic @notafan77 @sulli1361 @genshin-impact-simp (sry for the random tags-) @jiafeiiscool17 @jiafeislaycvm @cheesenotes @dawgsnappers-blog @slayomicuntbell @tacobell
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cosmicjoke · 7 months
What are your views on Eren and Mikasa's relationship. I am not a big eremika shipper but how crucial thier relationship was for the conclusion of the show really fascinated me.
I get Mikasa's feeling for Eren but I really just don't get Eren's treatment towards Mikasa from the very beginning. Thier relationship was quite toxic to me.
Do you think Eren loved Mikasa as much as she loved him? Is it a well written ship in your opinion?
Hi there,
Well, Eren's and Mikasa's relationship is very complicated, for sure. I know a lot of people don't particularly like it, or they think Isayama only "confirmed" it at the end to appease the fans, which I think is an absurd accusation. Eren and Mikasa's relationship was, in many ways, the lynch pin at the center of AoT. It was always there, literally from the start, from the very opening panels of the manga.
I think Eren did love Mikasa, genuinely. But Eren's always had this problem of being self-absorbed, lost in his own head and in his own fantasies, of always "running ahead" and leaving the people who care about him behind. That was always a motif between Eren, Armin and Mikasa, from the start. We see Eren do this repeatedly throughout the story. Obviously, when they're children, and Eren is always running off and getting into fights, with Mikasa chasing after him. And after they join the Survey Corps, their first real fight against titans, Eren runs off without the rest of his group and nearly gets killed, in fact, seeming DOES get killed, until his titan power manifests. We see Eren get kidnapped repeatedly throughout the story, usually because of his thoughtlessness, charging ahead without thinking of the consequences, or of how his actions impact those around him. We see Mikasa at one point trying to convey her feelings to Eren, only for Eren to basically blow her off, too consumed with rage and anger at himself for being unable to change anything, as the titan that ate his mother looms before him. And finally, of course, it culminates in Eren enacting the Rumbling, charging off ahead in pursuit of "freedom" and leaving his friends behind.
Eren's inability to acknowledge or accept Mikasa's love is, I think, emblematic of his inability to acknowledge or accept the world he lives in. He's perpetually unsatisfied, forever searching for something, forever longing for something, always feeling as if he's being denied something, kept from something, always feeling caged. And so, he never sees what he actually has. He's unable to see the beauty around him. He's never able to fully appreciate his friends. He's never able to fully appreciate their love, until finally, it's too late.
I do think it's an extremely well written ship, just like all of the relationships between characters in AoT are. But it's not meant to be romantic, really, it's meant to be tragic.
A big theme of AoT is the importance of being able to let go of ones dreams. Those who can let go of their dreams are those who can actually change things, and find freedom. Dreams are, in many ways, portrayed as a prison for the characters of AoT. They become trapped by their dreams, controlled by their dreams, etc... Eren wasn't able to let go of his dream for freedom. Mikasa, eventually, was able to let go of her dream of being with Eren, and it freed both her and Ymir. It was Eren's inability to let go of his dream that, ultimately, doomed him. Ironically, it was Eren's inability to let go of his dream for freedom which turned him into a slave.
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Idk how is it that "the other shippers" like to spam comments under my content as if they want to prove to me they exist while i simply do not give af about their opinion as there's hundreds or even thousands of pages that support their fave ship.
This BS toxic trend needs to be stopped. Yeah,i am speaking on behalf of MitsuSara content creators as well as other shippers(RivaMika from AoT,KazuJun from Tekken,UlquiHime from Bleach,etc). It's simply just unneccesary.
We mind our own goddamn business. Those guys better learn to do the same.
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