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He wasn’t expecting that. Switching his phone to his other ear he rubbed at the one that was ringing.  “Hello, Ri-chan.” he laughed, a language spell easily translating his words and hers. Though half wonder as he heard himself why the Kansai accent. “They are very real. I’m glad that you could meet them.” 
Signed Letters
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[ 12:03 : I studied the language for a while and I also have an auto translate app. ]
He hoped that would cover him. It wasn’t a complete lie after all. Anthony did study Japanese on his own time while in high school. He was nowhere near being fluent but he new enough to get by if he had too. As for the app well ... Alistair taught him a very easy language spell that translated everything automatically. About the most useful tool in his travels if he was being completely honest with himself. 
strange boy 
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Thank the gods he’s believing him. Anthony sighed in relief.  [ 11:55 : That’s right. To be honest I don’t think we even live in the same country. My name is Anthony Rodriguez. American. ]
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Oh gods, this was embarrassing. He ran a hand through his head in frustration, sighing at his quick temper. Where was his charm now?
[ 11:57 : Sorry. I didn’t mean to confuse you with someone else. You’re American??? ]
Wait - that didn’t make sense. His text was in Japanese. How did a random foreigner understand fluent Japanese?!
[ 12:01 : I’ll introduce myself as soon as you tell how an American can read my text. ]
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Thank the gods he’s believing him. Anthony sighed in relief.  [ 11:55 : That’s right. To be honest I don’t think we even live in the same country. My name is Anthony Rodriguez. American. ]
strange boy
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[ 11:37 : NO!! Seriously I think you have the wrong number! My name’s Anthony and I have no idea who you are! ] Burning aprons? What was going on? Who was this? Who is Satou? Gods, Anthony hope he didn’t roll out of bed and into some new world where the kitchen had some version of a mafia and he’s gotten caught up in it.
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[ 11:45 : …. ]
He couldn’t have actually gotten the wrong number, right? Satou changed his numbers so often that more often than not he usually steals the number from a coworker. Satou hated when he blew up his phone.
[ 11:51 : You’re… not Satou? ]
Did he just YELL at some poor unfortunate soul about setting aprons on fire?
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[ 11:37 : NO!! Seriously I think you have the wrong number! My name’s Anthony and I have no idea who you are! ] Burning aprons? What was going on? Who was this? Who is Satou? Gods, Anthony hope he didn’t roll out of bed and into some new world where the kitchen had some version of a mafia and he’s gotten caught up in it.
strange boy 
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[ 11:31 : I’m sorry???! I think you got the wrong number? ]
Anthony didn’t know what to think. Having someone yell at him text was a new one for him and about cookware.
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[ 11:35 : Don’t play dumb Satou, just tell me where you put my cookware and no body’s apron will be caught on fire tomorrow. ]
Shun huffed and glared at his screen, not falling for the innocent act. This wouldn’t be the first time he tried to guilt trip Shun into apologizing over something or another. 
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The sprites watched her carefully out of sight cautious till they saw the cubes of sugar. Two too eager to have a taste of the sweetness floated down to the plate and landed next to it, happily scooping up the sugar and giggling silently to each other. Another joined and smiled at Riku before touching her letter in an lifting into its hands.
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He had just finished the office and stepped out to eat his lunch when he came back and found papers scattered everywhere ... again. The sprites were back and showed that enthusiasm by zipping about the keep. Calling out to them he found himself laughing when wind wrapped around him and they showed him the sugar cubes.  “I see. So she shared a gift. Did you thank her?” he asked and chuckled when they tilted their heads and flew off only to come back with a letter in hand.
I hope you don’t mind my version of mail. They can be a bit enthusiastic when excited. So I hope they behaved at least somewhat calmer. They are Wind Sprites. Friendly little things, a bit playful most of the time and a bit shy. They love sugar though I have no idea why. LOL Al will be Al. XD  Isn’t Noelle adorable?! She’ll be 8 next year. I can barely believe it. She’s so smart and creative. Most of that interest has gone towards fashion and ballet now.  I would be flattered if you should ever show me around Tokyo!! Definitely need to plan that trip sometime soon.  I’m cheering for you too Ri-chan and the offer extends my way as well. 
Your friend always  Tony
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“AH!! WAIT!!” Before he could add anything else a sprite grabbed the letter and zoomed out the window. The remaining looked up to him and he sighed. “It's okay. One last one and then a rest okay.”   They fluttered happily and floated off to wherever they resided at.
Signed Letters
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[ 11:31 : I’m sorry???! I think you got the wrong number? ]
Anthony didn’t know what to think. Having someone yell at him text was a new one for him and about cookware.
strange boy / @juvexlinetraveler
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[ 11:23 : sugar-cube, did you move my cooking ware again?!
[ 11:25 : this is the third time this week! i don’t care what oji-chan said, my shit is my shit! don’t touch it! ]
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It was about a week till the next letter arrived. With Noelle back in school Anthony found a lot of his time being free. Much to Yoko’s delight since that meant he could now finish the cleaning. The wind sprites brought it up to him and fluttered around him, creating small gusts of wind in their excitement.  “Okay, okay~” He chuckled and moved to sit at the somewhat clearer desk.  He reread everything twice, as well as  looked over the photos and smiled. “It seems like you guys impressed her with the fast delievery. She wants you guys.”  They spun and fluttered rapidly around him making wind tugging at his hair and clothes. It had taken him a while to figure out whatever they tried to say without them ever using words but he’d gotten used to it. Harsh gusts, slicing winds meant they were angry or scared the gentle brushes, like now, meant they were happy and excited. 
Riku-chan Thank you for the good wishes. It’s strange to talk about Alistair in a past tense but its has been a year now. (Though he likes to linger. Starling me has become a funny pass time.) 
The photo’s are wonderful. It’s been a longing of mine to go to Japan. The sights, food, culture. I’m sending you some of Haven Keep and of my sister since she insisted on it after hearing that I’m writing to you again.  Your Friend Always, Tony My friends are pleased that you’re happy and interested in them.   Tip: Leave out sugar cubes and they’ll be your best friend. ;D
He checked over the few photos of the Keep and made sure it had very little telling signs of anything abnormal, the city in all of its color because she shared her own, and of Noelle and him huddled close together in a selfie after a recital.
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Looking to the sprite on his shoulder he offered the letter to them. “Be safe.” 
Signed Letters
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Don’t be scared to be soft and scared, my love. I will be here to hold and protect your until you feel strong again.
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// hey! you interested in flirty boys? how about fancy waiters at fancier restaurants? not your scene? then how about a tired uni-student struggling to pass his classes and not die to exams? well you came to the right place! 
introducing my fandomless oc, who wants coffee, hugs and maybe someone to test taste his food (and i’m talking really good food) and who is trying to find a place in someone’s life, trying to find a home.  if you’re interested in him or rp’ing with him, do me a solid and LIKE/REBLOG this, I’d be so grateful!
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{[ Lain here, just wanted to introduce myself and Tony here as an indie RP blog. Feel free to come on by to see where Tony may just end up on his dimensional travels and who he becomes friends with along the way. Like/reblog and we’ll take a peek into your world. ]} 
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Anthony sat back in his chair. Now free from Yoko and as much cleaning and organizing he could take. It had been a long time since he had last spoke to Kurosaki-san. Close to about a half a year now and so much had happened in that short amount of time. Alistair’s passing a year ago, inheriting Haven Keep from him, as well as his teachings. Well given the choice too. He had sat on that decision for months till he passed his junior year. The summer was exciting. Filled with small events that had flipped his life upside down. He thought about it and realized that it flipped his world right side up again. Sifting through the papers on the desk he found one that was blank save for a tea ring on the corner and grabbed a black pen. 
 Kurosaki-san (Not sure if I’m allowed to call you Riku-san anymore because of my long absence T^T )  I’m sorry that I’m just getting back to you. Life has changed quite a bit for me. A dear friend’s passing became an event that has changed almost everything about me. I’m not even sure as where to start. Summer’s coming to an end here too. I didn’t even realize it till just now. The city when I return hasn’t really changed much but the countryside. I should take pictures and send them to you (in exchange for the ones you send). As I’m looking out of the, my office window there are so many different colors everywhere.  It’s great to hear that you are doing well and keeping up with your busy life. Be sure to take care of yourself too though. Congrats towards your brother as well!! XD  I’m not sure if the midnight snacks are a jab at me or if you're making a confession Miss Kurosaki. >:3 Tony  PS This is all over the place I realize. There so much I want to say but can’t find the words yet. PSPS If this finds you in an abnormally fast amount of time. Lets just say I have a few friends in the wind. 
Anthony sat back and looked over the letter again. It was short, embarrassingly so but he wasn’t sure about how to explain what his life had become. The magic, travel, creatures, everything that flowed in and out of his life now had him confused most of the time trying to explain it to someone completely outside of it seemed almost impossible at the moment.  The soft tug on his hair brought his attention to a wind sprite staring down at him concerned.
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“I’m alright but could I ask a favor and have you deliver this for me.” At the nod of its tiny head he folded and sealed up the letter and handed it over. “Thank you. Safe travels.”  Turning his attention to the window he could only wait.
Signed Letters
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Signed Letters
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     There had been a feeling that had been bugging Anthony for a while now. The kind that loved to nag and naw at the back of your mind. Nothing life or death dire but enough that made you wonder what exactly you had forgotten and for  how long. He had remembered to get Noelle breakfast and to summer ballet class, brought in the hanging blankets because of the chance of rain, and made a significant dent in organizing Alistair’s remnants of an office. He even made a few deliveries for Happy Zippy’s.
Stretching out along the floor he watched the creatures that Alistair welcomed into his home fliter around the office, moving books and attempting to help him organize. Though half the time Anthony found himself correcting what they tried. He still appreciated their help.
“Mr. Rodriguez.”
Anthony sat up and looked over his shoulder to the slim Asian woman in the doorway. 
“Anthony, Miss Yoko.”
Her frown twitched and he answered, like always with a gentle smile. 
“Rodriguez. I’ve brought the mail in. You must remember that you are in charge of Haven Keep now and though most of the finances have been taken care by Master Alistair, it's now in your care.” She crossed to him and dropped the stack of paper into his lap. “As well as any mail and documents that should arrive.”
“Yes, Miss Yoko.”
He smiled and flipped through the first three and paused on the fourth. Vaguely familiar handwriting was posted on the front as well as international postage stamps from Japan. 
‘ 黒崎 リク’
 (Riku Kurosaki) 
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Anthony leapt to his feet and shouted, scattering the mail to the floor and spun around in time to see Yoko’s ears pop out in surprise. “MY PEN PAL!!” 
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the fool, the hierophant, the hermit, the tower!
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the fool: do you have any nicknames?        “I have a nickname. One that my family calls me; Tony.”
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the hierophant: do you believe in ghosts?       “I kind of have to believe in them. Though I don’t like them.”
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the hermit: what is your favorite soda pop?       “Now that I think about it. I think I have to say Cream Soda. The old fashioned glass bottle kind.”
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the tower: favorite colors to wear?     “I like to wear a lot of earth tones. Greens, browns etc etc, but I do tend to stick to the darker scale of these colors. Nothing too flashy.”
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☀️🌙✨ tarot questions ✨🌙☀️
the fool: do you have any nicknames? the magician: have you ever written a poem or song about somebody else? the high priestess: what is your dream date? the empress: do you think you will ever get married? the emperor: what are some names that you like? the hierophant: do you believe in ghosts? the lovers: do you have a crush? the chariot: thoughts on astrology? strength: what is your dream occupation?  the hermit: what is your favorite soda pop? wheel of fortune: first three songs that come on shuffle? justice: favorite color of rose? the hanged man: favorite movie soundtrack? death: what are three things you want to do before you die? temperance: can you describe a strange dream you’ve had? the devil: do you enjoy thunderstorms? the tower: favorite colors to wear? the star: have you ever seen a psychic? the moon: have you ever written a love letter? the sun: do you believe in magic? judgement: do you enjoy school? the world: do you like waking up early?
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{[ Lain here, just wanted to introduce myself and Tony here as an indie RP blog. Feel free to come on by to see where Tony may just end up on his dimensional travels and who he becomes friends with along the way. Like/reblog and we’ll take a peek into your world. ]} 
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