#too bad we didn't see this friendship in later seasons as much as we did in season 3
Derision was a breath of fresh air this season. I didn't have much to analyse in the latest episodes, but here I go now.
This episode gives us that very important backstory needed to understand Marinette's behaviour both as herself, but also Ladybug. Chloé's bullying and her trauma with Kim has very much shaped her way of thinking and acting, which we see the most throughout season 4 and 5.
After confessing to Kim in what turned out to be a prank and humiliated, Marinette swears to three things:
To never fall in love with someone without knowing them fully
To always have everything planned and under her control
To never get feelings for someone who is friends with Chloé
Each of these decisions are a direct consequence of her trauma, beliefs acquired due to it, and they have tremendous impact on her decisions later on. Let's take it piece by piece.
Belief 1: I should never fall in love with someone without knowing them fully
I guess I am not the only LadyNoir stan who has been thoroughly annoyed for years that Ladybug refused to acknowledge that she held a deep affection for Chat Noir. Well, turns out, that had a very justified reason. She has prohibitten herself from having feelings with someone who she doesn't know fully, which obviously is impossible when she can't know the person behind the mask. This decision to omit any romantic feelings that she may have for Chat Noir happens mostly unconsciously: it is not that she actively thinks that the person behind the Chat Noir person is bad (or God forbid, friends with Chloé!). It is just that she has once put her faith in someone and let herself fall in love with them without knowing them properly, and it led to humiliation, heartache, and hurting her friend Socqueline. So obviously, in her mind, as someone she can't ever fully know due to the identity schenanigans, Chat Noir is a no-no on her crushable guys list.
Then you might ask, how come she ends up falling in love with Chat Noir in season 5? She even explicitely says, in Elation, that she doesn't care that he wears a mask, right?
Well, here is the thing, at the end of Season 4, Chat Noir shows to Ladybug that she can trust him, and she really does. She starts giving him more responsibilities as her partner (like confiding him the Bunny Miraculous), but also as a friend. She realises that she trusts Chat Noir literally with her life, why not with her heart? So she is willing to make an exception to her belief, because she trusts Chat Noir and that he'd be there when she is down (and not kick her the way Kim did).
Belief 2: I must always have everything under control
I won't get in the details of Marinette and her need for control and how it affects her relationship with Adrien and with Chat Noir because I already did it after Passion (I think my analysis from then still stands in this new context). But basically, Marinette has an urge to control everything because, now we learned, in times she didn't, things went very sour. This applies to her superhero work and how she wanted to be the only one in charge until her overbearing of responsibilities broke her in Risk, but also her personal life, where being in a relationship with Adrien is totally unchartered territory for her (more on that in the aforementioned post), plus too similar in circumstance to what happened in the past with Kim, so she is being extra controlling.
Belief 3: I should never get feelings for someone who is friends with Chloé
Marinette's context with Kim and Adrien show a lot of similarities, which explains why she is being overly controlling and reserved when it comes to her relationship with Adrien.
Adrien and Chloé are childhood friends, and since their friendship developed outside the school, Marinette doesn't know much about their friendship dynamics (neither do we). She only knows that Chloé is cruel, and how can someone nice be friends with someone so cruel?
Hence her mistrust of Adrien in Origins. When they first meet, she doesn't like Adrien, thinks that he is trying to prank her for Chloé. See the parallel with Kim? That never was Adrien's intention of course, and he comes clean in a half-apology, telling her that he never meant to put the chewing gum on her seat. A recognition of his actions and how they may impact her, which Kim never did. Even when confronted a year later by Ondine and Adrien, he still continues to argue that he was in the right. Meanwhile, Adrien acknowledges that his action might have hurt Marinette even if he didn't even mean to prank her. From the beginning, Adrien sets himself different from Kim, and Marinette inconsciously acknowledges that by allowing herself to develop feelings for him.
Nonetheless, the scar of that past trauma stays, and manifests itself when she wants to finally confess her feelings for Adrien. After all, Kim pranked her just as she had confessed to him, so it is totally underastandable that in Marinette's brain, confessing and making yourself vulnerable equals to being hurt.
But she is willing to work on that. At the end of Derision, she does take Adrien's hand, even though after some hesitation. However, she can't keep holding onto it, and she apologies for it. Adrien says that they have time, allowing her the space she needs to unlearn her past beliefs.
While Marinette decides to work on herself to get over her fear, Adrien also unrealisingly addresses the source of Marinette's fear by confronting Chloé and severing all ties and friendship he had with her.
In the end, both are willing to be there for each other and do the right thing.
This season shows that Marinette cannot, in fact, continue hanging onto the beliefs she acquired after Kim's prank.
She does prove herself wrong by managing to fall in love with someone she doesn't know fully, and even acknowledges that she doesn't need to know Chat Noir fully to love him.
She sees that she cannot keep everything under control by herself and she needs support, especially that of Chat Noir. But also, she learns that she needs to yield some control to Adrien if she is to have a healthy relationship with him.
Lastly, she is willing to try and get past her fear of Chloé. Adrien also distancing himself from her, facilitates Marinette's job.
Overcoming these three beliefs that Marinette acquired due to the trauma caused by Kim and Chloé, Marinette is now one step closer to being able to love Adrien (but also Chat Noir!) fully and freely.
Note: I haven't watched anything beyond Derision, so please do not spoil beyond that in the tags or comments 0:)
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pennyluna · 4 months
Misunderstandings Part 1
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Pairing: Yoongi x Reader (18+) Wordcount: around 1.5k
Genre: New to working together au. Cold playboy au. Future something au.
WARNING: This story contains some bad words/strong language! Contains also spicy scenes, so please be aware before reading it.
It has been a week since my team started working with Yoongi, the week had been filled with meetings about coordination between the teams, some of the meetings were one on one basically so I could get a sense of what he expected from me during this 5 weeks, it was fairly easy to agree on the way we could handle things, starting from the fact that I would have to be available 24/7 just in case I was needed! I had been going home around 8pm every day and always kept my phone on me with the ringer.
Yoongi was going to be in the studio all day tomorrow, which meant I didn't have to go into the office so I decided to relax tonight, took a long shower, moisturized and did my relaxing ritual, put on a grey tank top, no bra and some shorts, wrapped my long wavy dark hair in a towel and walked to the kitchen.
I make sure the bottle of Sauvignon blank that I bought on my way home was cold and put out two wine glasses, one for me and one for my girl best friend Josie, she is on her way over so we can gossip and watch reality shows. Josie has been my best friend since middle school, fun fact her fiancé is also my best friend. Even bigger fun fact, I had been on a date with Zion when we were in college but we quickly agreed that a friendship was the thing for us, I introduced them during one of Josie's visits on campus and now 4 years later they are just a few months away from getting married.
I hear her emergency key to my apartment in the lock and start preparing the popcorn.
"Zion is driving me crazy!!" she says with an exasperated tone while closing the front door.
I laugh at her facial expression, she is going for annoyed but it looks cute on her.
"Hello to you too... what did he do now?"
"He keeps changing our funny dance for the wedding!"
"you mean your first dance?" I say with a confused face while pouring the wine and handing her a glass.
she takes a big sip "Nono, 'Cant help falling in love' is still our song but he saw online that people like doing some funny dance trend after and You know I'm not good at dancing."
Josie comes from a rich conservative family, she is very classy and polished, never late and never a hair out of place, so I was surprised when she told me she was in love with Zion, his style very much the opposite of her but both with a heart of gold.
I laugh at the thought of Josie dancing some TikTok challenge.
"Oh josie...you are a great dancer, just not with the new stuff!" i try to comfort her and we walk to the couch.
We are under the fluffy blankets watching our third episode of love island UK season 10, we had finished the USA one a couple of weeks ago. Suddenly my phone starts ringing, the word OFFICE written in the screen, I look at the time "11:34 pm". Josie and I look at each other with confusion in our faces, she pauses the show and I shake my head trying to shake the 2 glasses of wine off my system and then proceed to answer the call.
"Hello (Y/N), this is the security from the building, sorry for calling you so late, Mr. Min is here at the office trying to access the studio but he had left his keys inside and the other copy isㅡ"
"is in my bag!" I say simultaneously facepalming my face. "I will be there in 15 minutes" luckily I don't live far away from it.
Hanging up I rush to the room, put a pair of skinny jeans on, my classic vans and put my hair on a messy ponytail. The taxi Josie had called for me was here already so I rushed out of the door telling her I would be back soon.
7 minutes later I was in front of my building, greeted the security and proceeded to the 19th floor, were the studio is. Yoongi is waiting right in front of the elevator doors when they open and I get surprised to see him in his very relaxed outfit. Hair covering his gorgeous forehead, his phone in one hand and the other one in his pocket, his eyes rise up to meet mine and I smile at him. We start walking to the elevator, he is behind me and I don't know if its his presence or the wine but I feel my cheeks heating up and warmth running through me. I open the door for him and try to hand the keys to him.
"do you want to come in for a while?" he asks with a blank expression.
"mmm sure." dammit, I am supposed to be just dropping the keys off.
I walk past him and he closes the door behind us. Its a normal studio, with little touches of him, a couple of basketball gadgets and some posters, a couch with some pretty purple cushions and a blanket, he had made it his own.
"would you like some more wine?" his question takes my attention out of looking around his studio.
"mmm sure. thank you. Waitㅡ 'more'?" my face expressing my confusion.
He has a small smile on his face while pouring me a glass "yeah, more! I noticed you have a slight scent of wine on you, so you must have been drinking some before coming here".
aww, he was smelling meㅡ Stop. waitㅡ oh my god did that mean I smell of alcohol?. oh God, that's not very professional.
"hey, its not a problem you know. I like wine, so you know... you smell good" his words snapping me out of my small mental freak out. "plus, you weren't even supposed to be coming here so don't worry about it." he hands me the glass of wine.
We've been seated on his couch and talking casually about the things we like and our passions for a couple of hours now, I feel really comfortable around him and he seems comfortable around me! He said something funny and I pushed his leg in a jokingly manner but when I tried to retrieve my hand he grabbed it pulling me closer to him, we stopped laughing suddenly and stared into each others eyes, he bit his bottom lip and shacked his head no subtly, like if he was shaking away a thought. His eyes started roaming my frame and My heartbeat accelerated once I noticed where his gaze had stopped.
My nipples were hard and he could see their outline through my tank top. Shit!!! I didn't put on bra. I should say goodnight and walk away but why aren't my legs moving?! I feel warmth spreading through my thighs.
"It's late!" He suddenly gets up and it startles me. "Maybe you should go home!"
"huh? maybe you should go home!" I say with defiance, -why cant i just shut up-.
"(Y/N)!" -my name sounds so good in his voice- "You are drunk and I'm afraid you will regret any decision we take after this point!"
He is making sense, he has a point, plus we are working together, we need to maintain a professional relationship so I get up and start walking past him and towards the door, I say goodbye and walk to the elevator. Pressing the button to call the elevator I realize that my keycard to leave the building is in my bag with my phone and my house keys -damm it- I walk back to the studio where Yoongi hadn't closed the door yet for some reason and when his eyes reached mine, I swear there was a little hope in them. I walked past him again and grabbed my bag then turned around to wave goodbye.
He stayed still for a while, like contemplating what to do, he raised his hand to wave back but he seemed hesitant. I started to walk to the door when suddenly he grabbed my wrist. I stopped breathing for a second and my heart started beating faster.
"Maybe you should stay!" he says softly. while pulling me towards him until my chest is flat against his. I can feel his breath on my face. A hint of whiskey on it.
"Maybe you should stay too!"
He smiles at my statement and that seemed to be all the permission he needed because his hand started to travel from my waist to my breast while the other one held my chin up while he watched me and the kisses me.
It was gentle at first and then became passionate, one of those kisses that take your breath away and make you dizzy. He kissed like I belonged to him, like no one had kissed me before and I was loving it.
His hand move to the front of my jeans and start undoing the buttons, his mouth now trailing my neck. my jeans come off and we move around, he leans my ass against his desk and starts trailing wet kisses from my neck down. He sucks my nipples through the tank top and starts rubbing my core.
"so wet for me already huh?" I moan and put my hands on the desk to balance myself a bit. His mouth trails down my body until I can feel his warm breath on top of my core, his fingers slowly move my panties to the side and the he assaults my clit with his mouth. -so much talent in that mouth-.
Yoongi's tongue is all over my clit and I feel my orgasm building. I cant control my moans and thank god this place is soundproof. He starts alternating between tongue fucking me and playing with my clit and I am almost at my high. The minute his hand grabs my hips to keep me still I cant control myself any longer and come. "Good girl! You taste amazing". he smirks.
"My turn!!" I smile at him and fall to my knees, looking up at him and holding the eye contact I start lowering his sweatpants. I was surprised to notice he wasn't wearing any underwear and his erection almost smacked my face when it came out of his pants!
I start holding his dick and licking the tip of it, he exhales a shaky breath and I slowly introduce his erection in my mouth. Starting to suck in and out of my mouth at first slowly and then increasing my pace, I cup his balls in my hand and then continue to suck him off at a fast pace! he is moaning and throwing his head back and I can feel it wont take him long before reaching his orgasm! I slow down my pace to tease him a little and we make eye contact again, he seems hungry for me, he wants me.
"Get up!" after taking the rest of his clothes off, he helps me get up and he takes my tank top and underwear then stares at my body for a second, I can see hunger in those eyes, hunger for me. I can see he cant decide on what to play with first. "Bend over my desk!" he commands -I guess he decided where to start- my boobs are now pressed flat against his desk, it is cold and I feel my nipples hardening.
His hands start caressing my ass and touching my clit "You are a sight. I've been wanting to bend you over my desk ever since the first day when you gave us that building tour" he says and I instantly moaned out of neediness, I need him inside of me now!.
"My god I love how you say my name... keep saying it princess!" -fuuck I want to come again so bad- he continues touching me and then I fill his hand get to the back of my neck pinning me to the desk and his other hand rubbing his dick around my folds.
"Yoongi, I needㅡ" he shut me up with his dick entering me hard, I moaned loudly and he waited a second to let me adjust then started pumping into me hard and at a fast pace. I became a moaning mess and my orgasm started building again, he used his free had to spank my ass and I moaned again, my eyes got teary but I was enjoying this. I was enjoying being fucked senseless. I enjoyed the pain mixed with pleasure that he was giving me. I needed it. After all, it had been almost two years since the last time I had sex.
I notice his pace getting faster and faster "Come for me princess! I want you to come!" he says with a commanding voice. Our orgasms hit us couple of seconds later, his seed all over my lower back!
We are both panting. He takes a second to clean me up, then opens a drawer grabbing a t-shirt from it and giving it to me. We sit on the couch to rest for a bit he kisses my forehead and suddenly the exhaustion and the wine get to me and I fall asleep in his arms!
I wake up the day after with a strong headache, I feel around for my phone that should be on my bedside table but then open my eyes to realize I'm still on the couch in the studio. Yoongi isn't in the couch anymore so I look around and see him working at his desk on the computer. I breathe a sight of relief. I reach for my jeans put them on and then walk towards him.
"Your bag and keys are by the piano" eyes fixed to the screen and monotone voice.
"Thanks!" I say hesitant about what to do next. "Would youㅡ" he cuts me off.
"I will see you at the meeting this afternoon." This time his voice sounds annoyed and dismissive. A bad feeling downs on me.
I grab my things and once I'm at the door I look back, expecting him to at least look at me before I go but nothing. -He regrets it-  that thought hurt, more than my headache!
While waiting for my taxi I realized that its 6am, that I had left Josie at home waiting for me and that I had royally fucked up by sleeping with the VIP, that he seemed to regret it to the point of not being able to look at me and that the meeting where I will have to see him in a few hours will be hard.
A.N: This is part 1 of this story, Hope you can enjoy it. Please if you want, read the prologue of this story too. I am not clear on how many parts it will have but hopefully many more, I have already mapped out how the story will continue but publishing it depends on the readers request.
A.N 2: any feedback would be appreciated! Likes and conditions are appreciated too! Please do not copy my work and give credit if reshared!
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dear-ao3 · 7 months
Re your RB cursed second seat post, just wanted to add a few things and make a couple of corrections because this stuff really does add to the uh... flavour
First, while I know it's not entirely relevant, the whole Racing Point driver swap was SO MUCH more dramatic because Lance Stroll and Esteban Ocon are like. Besties. Like BFF friends forever since childhood. Poor son of mechanic and rolling in cash son of billionaire true friendship story. Esteban was fired in favour of his best friend, by his BEST FRIEND'S DAD. PEAK drama. They're still besties, bee tee dubs, because Esteban only makes enemies with his teammates.
F1 Invisible Moustache Twirling Supervillain Christian Horner also has a history of 'we're fully supportive [x driver] to be the best they can be and have no intention of changing our driver line up' and then oops, sorry. We lied. Like... five minutes later. Happened to Gasly, happened to Albon, and the former is currently where we're at with Checo. Christian has admitted that they were too hasty with Albon but oh dear how sad too bad boy's thriving now oopsie doopsie.
Also not forgetting that while Daniel was twiddling his thumbs waiting for his metacarpal to heal, Liam Lawson, the AT and RB reserve, got the highest placing position for the Alpha Tauri team this season (up until Mexico, anyway) while driving in Daniel's seat, and also threw himself into the RB second driver conversation.
And a couple of minor corrections:
DR didn't just leave RB because of the unreliability, it was more about being pushed aside for Golden Child Max Verstappen (affectionate, maybe slightly derogatory), which of course he knows all about because DR did the same thing to Vettel back in 2014. Who also had experience in that field because you could argue the cursed seat actually started with Mark Webber vs Seb Vettel back in like... 2010
Honda has been in F1 before. They sold to Brawn GP for the princely sum of one euro symbolic cash when they were going under, because Ross Brawn knew they'd built a MEGA car and couldn't bear to see them not run it for the 2009 season. Brawn GP won that year, it was Jenson Button's one and only championship win.
F1 drivers can't really go back to F2. If you've won it before, you can't compete again, but it's a feeder series so there's no way some ex-f1 driver is ever gonna be in F2 (or any of the lower formulas) because it's specifically for young talent. IDK maybe you meant Formula E? They also often go to WEC or IndyCar. Even rallying.
RB didn't give Checo another car at Suzuka he went out in the same car after they fixed it up enough for it to drive around one lap. Worth noting he was like 32 laps behind by this point (IDR the exact number but it was LORGE). spare cars haven't been a thing in F1 since 2008
Finally, the Fernando and Charles rumours are so fucking funny ain't no way either of them are gonna go to RB only to be a second to Max. I can see Carlos doing it though, trying for the grand return a-la DR. He's just Like ThatTM (affectionate, again also slightly derogatory). They've also been hardcore courting Lando Norris, who's way too smart and aware of his mental health to put himself into that depression spiral.
ANYWAY this isn't intended to be a big GOTCHA i just wanted to, as I said, add some extra flavour because F1 is so much more insane than anyone who doesn't follow it can POSSIBLY comprehend. Thanks for the post, I love seeing people explain the bonkers bullshittery.
yes yes thank you for pointing out all my mistakes and all that i j ew i was going to be getting Peer Reviewed (again, tumblr deleted my damn post so the first version was more accurate but i was pissed and i was also 1am so…) but yes. i am also new here in terms of the f1 drama. but yes it’s totally positively bonkers do you guys See now why fandom people are attracted to it???
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webslingerofthegalaxy · 9 months
Okay, unpopular opinion that no one asked for but I have nowhere else to vent it so you're stuck with it time. I HATE the animated trolls shows, The Beat Goes On and Trollstopia. With a burning passion. I will admit, TBGO wasn't as bad as Trollstopia imo, but it was still bad. Why, you may ask?
Allow me to explain.
First off, let's start with TBGO. Now, since this comes after the first movie and we don't have a lot of context beyond it, I let a lot slide. But the main transgression I have is that this show brought Creek back. CREEK. Of all the MISERABLE LOUSY PATHETIC COWARDS to resurrect, they picked CREEK. WHY. Why was this necessary???? He adds nothing to the story beyond an annoying presence that makes me want to hurl my device like Captain America's shield. AND THEN, they make Branch the bad guy for not trusting him immediately. OF COURSE HE DIDN'T TRUST CREEK, THE SLIMY POS SOLD EVERYONE OUT TO SAVE HIS OWN SKIN. DID EVERYONE FORGET THAT!?!?! And then this leads to Branch having to APOLOGIZE to Creek and then eventually to them sort of becoming friends. THIS WOULD NEVER HAPPEN. Every episode he was in I could feel myself losing braincells.
If you thought that was alot, stick around for my rant on Trollstopia because holy shit, where do I begin?
Now, the idea behind Trollstopia is actually a good one. Like hey, everyone is so spread out, how about a group from every tribe comes to live in the middle which happens to be Pop Village? Genius! And I will admit, in the beginning it seemed promising! And then, they fucked it up.
How, you may ask?
Simple. My point can be simplified to 2 main subjects:
They put WAAAYYYY too much effort into Poppy's relationships with literally EVERYONE ELSE and nowhere near enough into her relationship with Branch, HER BOYFRIEND.
They absolutely, totally, 110,000% DESTROYED Branch's character.
I shall now explain my stance. First off, we have point #1. Now, don't get me wrong. Poppy should absolutely have relationships with other trolls! She's the queen, for hair's sake! And I really did enjoy the fact that she made new friends and got really close with them. As someone who has eternally struggled with making and maintaining friendships, I loved seeing her do what I usually cannot. HOWEVER, this is no excuse to neglect her relationship with her actual fucking BOYFRIEND. Trollstopia takes place after TWT, after Branch and Poppy confessed and entered a relationship (if you wanna argue with me, look at the official Trolls Wiki, it'll back me up). But if you watch the show, you can barely tell they LIKE each other, let alone that they're dating. The show ran for 7 seasons and, out of those seasons, can anyone tell me a single episode where they were the focus? I won't even ask about them as a couple, just them interacting together being the focus! Poppy and her friends repeatedly bulldozed over Branch, his feelings, and his boundaries, constantly mocked him, and shit on anything he wanted to do. I swear at times it was like watching Trolls 1 Branch and Poppy interact.
Finally, my second point: Branch's character. They absolutely fucking took all of Branch's hard earned character development from 2 movies and a holiday special and went:
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Wanna know how I know? What does Branch actually DO in Trollstopia? About every 10th episode, he shows up to offer a crappy sarcastic remark that pales in comparison to his usual ones and does one of 3 things:
Gets hurt
Gets made fun of
Acts like a total moron, and not in a cute way.
He's basically turned into Jay from the later seasons of Ninjago (my apologies Jay, I love you but you know it's true). I mean, in one episode he got his ass absolutely HANDED to him when he tried the rodeo! COME ON. The dude who caught a stick fired at him without looking and jumped in front of a death bolt to save Poppy got served by a fucking bull thing? Bullshit (no pun intended). To add onto this, when he's not being trampled and beaten for no fucking reason, he's being used for the most CRINGEWORTHY comedic relief. I mean really, there was a whole episode about how he wanted to be called a "cool nickname" by Lownote. Really? We really think that's in character? And to top it off, he gets stuck with "Skippy Two-Shoes". WHAT. THE. FUCK??? I almost had an aneurysm when I heard that. And everyone was fine with it!!!! Which leads into my last point, NO ONE GIVES A SHIT ABOUT HIM DESPITE THE FACT THAT HE SAVED POPPY AND IS HER FUCKING BOYFRIEND. There was a whole fucking episode about him getting all pissed off at the Techno Trolls for taking over his lagoon in his bunker (which I have to say I'm jealous he has) to have "raves" at like 4am. WHO WOULDN'T BE PISSED OFF??? My upstairs neighbors bang around at all fucking hours of the day and it drives me insane so I get why Branch is mad! BUT WHY DOES NO ONE ELSE? Why is it when he complains he gets told that he's being "unfair" and has to "share"? Fuck that, he was there first! It's not like Trollstopia isn't huge, they can find somewhere else to infest at 4am!
In conclusion, I hate the animated shows because they destroy the relationship between Branch and Poppy and demolish all of Branch's character development, reducing him to the annoying sidekick that always gets cheered at when they get hurt or die tragically.
End of rant. Thank you for sticking with me, I needed to get that off my shoulders. Branch is my favorite character and it infuriates me that he gets the short end of the stick all the time. Enjoy this as a reward:
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gege-wondering-around · 2 months
The Sheriff about Derek
During the end scene of the movie, during Derek's funeral, Noah talks to Eli about the jeep and I wanna dig deeper into it.
You know, I’m not sure how your dad would feel about me giving you the Jeep. But, um, something tells me it’s the right thing to do.
This is the first thing Noah says to Eli about the jeep and also about his father and it's strange that he says that, cause at the beginning of the show they haven't had the best friendship since Derek was basically a fugitive and the Sheriff had to catch him somehow. But, during the later seasons they become somewhat 'friends', yet to me it doesn't look like they knew each other so well in the seasons to actually ends up as they are in the film.
So, maybe after Stiles left for the FBI and Noah had learned that Derek wasn't the bad guy of the situation, they grew closer since they both fight for justice in their own way, in fact Derek helps Noah whenever a case looks a little too much supernatural.
Yet, maybe they talked a lot and not only about work cause Noah, in that bit of dialogue, seemed to know Derek rather well despite the little time we see them together on screen.
Maybe they talked about Stiles and how he ended up being Derek's anchor or something similiar which made them stick close during the time between the end of season 6 and the beginning of the movie; which could explain why he feels like it's the right thing to do - to give the jeep to Eli and with it all that comes - despite being aware of Derek's feelings about it - maybe it was a mixture of such deep emotions that were so in contrast that he loved and hated it at the same time for different reason but ultimately, he ended up in love with it despite feeling something else too.
And then Eli answers him
He hated that jeep
Which means Eli probably knows about the hateful and maybe even resentfull part of Derek's feelings for the jeep, maybe he even felt betrayed or hurt by just looking at the car. But he isn't aware of the other half of them, which maybe explains why Noah changes the course of the conversation talking about how, metaphorically, the jeep was Derek.
After my son left it behind, Derek towed it in, thinking it was probably beyond repair. But then he opened up the hood and he pulled off all the duct tape Stiles had stuck on it. And he managed to fix it.
This basically says how deep care and love can put back together things that hold together by weak - or non permanent - solutions. Derek took it and put in all the effort to get it back to function despite believing it was beyond repair and that it would've ended up as a useless attempt, but he was wrong. He put in the effort, the time and care while also being mindfull of what the jeep meant to Stiles - cause why would he ever even try to put the car back together it if didn't mean anything to him? he did it thinking of a reason of why it would be good to have the jeep functioning again - and fixed it. Probably surprising many he managed to do that and maybe Stiles knows about it, or maybe he doesn't.
That Jeep, no matter what’s been done to it, it just keeps running. He could never figure out why it wouldn’t break down and stay down. And I don’t think he ever realized that that’s exactly the way we saw him.
This is literally Noah telling Eli how his father, just like the jeep, never gave up and somehow, despite almost everyone knowing he was broken and damaged and therefore probably useless to even try to help, he ended up beinf the man that he was, the 'force of nature' that never shuts down but just keeps running.
Derek never rsally gave up. He changed and was hurt, learned and taught, he kept believing that - maybe - there was more than just sorrow ahead and he found his peace. He had a son and a nice, calm life. Derek never stopped being alive despite having many reasonable excuses to just leave everyone behind and hide somewhere else, but he never did. He kept being there for everyone and helped people as best as he could, he only way he thought he knew.
Just like the jeep never definitely shutted down forever, so did Derek. Somehow they managed to push further and with other's help - which could mean Stiles for both or the pack for Derek - they ended up in good people's care.
The jeep ended up being fix by Derek and Derek had Eli and a good life despite the odds.
Then Noah goes on...
I have never seen anyone take the kind of punishment that Derek Hale took… And kept taking… In order to protect the people he loved.
This is almost self-explanatory...
Noah, after understanding who Derek Hale was, was able to see the way he just kept adding weights on his shoulders. How Derek never really forgave himself for what happened - which could be many things, like the fire because of Kate or what happened with Boyd - and just kept it all inside, almost stabbing himself with guilt from the past and pain from the present; from still fighting and protecting the people he cared for.
Noah says 'punishment' and not another word, he chooses it among hundreds of other words to describe Derek. He says how he just kept taking all the pain and suffering to protect the people he loved, which we have various examples of:
When he lost his Alpha power for taking too much pain from Cora and saving her
When he stood by Stiles' side despite him being possessed by the nogitsune and still fighting for him
When he saved Jennifer from Boys and Cora and didn't even fight them back, not really
Noah knew Derek better than most and he wanted Eli to know his father was a great man.
I'll probably edit this tomorrow and add more
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minarixx · 11 months
𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐃𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 ✯ 𝐇.𝐈𝐰𝐚𝐢𝐳𝐮𝐦𝐢
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"𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙜𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙢𝙚 𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙄 𝙜𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙜𝙤𝙤𝙙𝙗𝙮𝙚"
PAIRING. Iwaizumi Hajime x f!Reader
CONTENT. Angst, unrequited love, mental health mentions
Y/N and Iwaizumi, whose budding romance is hindered by Y/N's mental health struggles. Despite Iwaizumi's patience and willingness, Y/N leaves the country to spare him pain. Years later, a chance encounter under falling snowflakes reunites them.
WC. 3.2k
A/N. Oneshot inspired by me and this guy. From the jigglypuff plush to the lego bouquet, this whole story is inspired by what happened to me except for the ending. He was the only guy I've ever experience pure love with, too bad I was fucked in the head. He's still one of my friends to this day I guess but not so much. Hope you enjoy.
Masterlink - Songs Unwritten
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In the heart of a vibrant summer, Y/N and Iwaizumi were inseparable friends, finding comfort and laughter in each other's company. Their bond was unique, deeper than mere friendship, and though they hadn't vocalised their feelings, it was evident to those around them that they shared something special.
One scorching day, they visited the bustling amusement park. The air was filled with the scent of cotton candy and popcorn, and the sounds of laughter and exhilarating rides echoed through the air. Y/N's eyes sparkled with excitement as they roamed the park together, trying every ride, indulging in treats, and making unforgettable memories.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, Iwaizumi surprised Y/N with a cute Jigglypuff plushie from one of the game stalls. "For you," he said with a bashful smile. "So you always remember this day."
Y/N hugged the plushie tight and thanked him, a blush creeping up her cheeks. It was a moment of silent acknowledgment of their feelings, a connection that words didn't need to express.
As summer days turned to warm autumn hues, the bond between Y/N and Iwaizumi only grew stronger. They shared laughter and tears, supporting each other through thick and thin.
The autumn leaves fell down on Y/N and Iwaizumi as they sat under the shade of a large tree in the park, enjoying the view of the colourful leaves around them. 
"Can you believe it's only 2 months until Christmas?" Iwaizumi remarked with a playful grin.
Y/N laughed, shaking her head. "It's still so far away, but I can't wait! I love everything about Christmas—the decorations, the music, and especially the presents!"
"I knew you'd say that," Iwaizumi teased, nudging her playfully. "So, what do you want for Christmas this year?"
She thought for a moment, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Hmm, I think I want a Lego bouquet. Wouldn't that be cool?!"
Iwaizumi chuckled, charmed by her idea. "That's unique, Y/N. I'll see what I can do."
“You're lying Iwa,” She giggles, “You're not even going to remember.”
September turned into November and then December approached. The days grew shorter as the holiday season approached. Y/N and Iwaizumi continued to share their excitement for Christmas, but she had completely forgotten about her playful wish for a Lego bouquet.
On Christmas morning, they exchanged gifts in Iwaizumi's cozy living room, surrounded by twinkling lights and the warmth of the season. Y/N eagerly tore open her presents, unwrapping each one with delight.
As she reached the last gift, her eyes widened in surprise. It was a beautifully wrapped box with a tag that read, "To Y/N, from Iwaizumi."
Curiosity piqued, she carefully removed the wrapping paper, revealing a Lego bouquet—the one she had playfully mentioned months ago in the heat of autumn.
Y/N gasped, tears welling up in her eyes. "Iwaizumi, you remembered!"
He smiled, a blush spreading across his cheeks. "Of course, I did. I wanted to give you something special, something that reminded me of the bond we share."
Carefully holding the Lego box in her hands, Y/N felt a rush of emotions. It wasn't just about the gift itself; it was the fact that Iwaizumi had listened, remembered, and put so much thought into it. It was a testament to the depth of their friendship and the love he held for her.
With a heartfelt smile, she looked up at Iwaizumi. "Thank you. This is the best Christmas gift I could have asked for."
He leaned in to give her a gentle hug, the warmth of their friendship enveloping them. "Merry Christmas, Y/N."
"Merry Christmas, Iwaizumi," she replied, cherishing the Lego bouquet in her hands and the memory of an autumn day when she had casually mentioned her wish. 
Y/N and Iwaizumi's friendship was a beacon of pure, unwavering love. From the moment they had met, they had shared an instant connection that went beyond words. They were kindred spirits, two souls that seemed destined to find each other in the vastness of the world.
As they grew older, the bond between them only strengthened. They were each other's confidants, sharing their dreams, fears, and hopes without judgement. Their love was pure and unconditional, free from any romantic expectations. Yet, it was unmistakable that they were both so in love with each other, even if they never uttered those words aloud.
Iwaizumi would go to great lengths to see Y/N smile. He knew her favourite ice cream flavour, the songs that made her dance, and the movies that made her laugh until her stomach hurt. He knew when she was lying, when she was nervous or when she was scared. He would surprise her with small gestures of kindness, like leaving a heartfelt note on her desk or baking her favourite cookies when she was feeling down.
Y/N, too, would do anything for Iwaizumi. She was his fiercest advocate, his number one supporter, and his sounding board for any challenge he faced. She knew his dreams and aspirations, and she would encourage him to chase them relentlessly.
The love between them was like an unspoken melody, ever-present in their hearts, but never explicitly acknowledged. But despite their unspoken feelings, they found comfort in the knowledge that their connection was strong enough to withstand anything.
Iwaizumi's willingness to do anything for Y/N knew no bounds. He would drop everything to be by her side during her darkest moments, holding her hand and whispering words of encouragement until the storm passed. He cherished her laughter, her smile, and the way her eyes sparkled with joy. He would defend her fiercely from anyone who sought to harm her, and he would lend her his strength when she felt weak.
Y/N, too, was always there for Iwaizumi. She celebrated his victories and comforted him during his defeats. She understood the weight he carried on his shoulders, and she offered him a safe haven where he could be vulnerable and free from judgement. Their love was like a lighthouse in the stormy sea of life, guiding each other safely to shore.
In their hearts, they knew that their friendship was something extraordinary, something that came once in a lifetime. And while they may have yearned for something more, they were content to savour the sweetness of their pure love and the magic of their unbreakable bond.
And so, they continued to walk through life hand in hand, knowing that no matter where their paths led, their love would endure. Their friendship was a testament to the power of love in its purest form—the love that needed no labels or definitions, the love that simply was.
One evening, they sat on the swings at their favourite park, the air turning chillier with each passing day. Y/N absentmindedly swung back and forth, her thoughts burdened by her struggles.
Iwaizumi noticed the change in her demeanour. "You've been distant lately, Y/N. Is everything alright?"
She hesitated before answering, her voice slightly shaky. "Iwaizumi, I... I've been going through a tough time. My mental health hasn't been great, and I've been having these dark thoughts."
Concern etched across Iwaizumi's face as he gently grasped her hands. "Y/N, I'm here for you. You don't have to face this alone. Let me help."
Tears welled up in her eyes as she looked into his caring gaze. "I’m so tired of feeling sad all the time. I don't want to hurt you, Iwaizumi. I care about you deeply, and I don't want to drag you into my problems."
He wiped away a tear with his thumb, his voice soft but determined. "Y/N, you don't have to worry about that. I care about you too, and I want to be here for you, no matter what. We'll face this together."
"But I don't want you to," Y/N said, her voice barely above a whisper. "I don't know how long it'll take for me to get better, and I can't bear the thought of holding you back."
Iwaizumi gently cupped her face, making her meet his gaze. "Y/N, you're not holding me back. We'll take this one step at a time, and I'll be patient. Just promise me you won't shut me out. Let me be the support you need."
Y/N's heart ached at his unwavering love and support. She leaned into his touch, feeling the warmth of his hands against her skin. "I promise," she whispered, tears cascading down her cheeks.
In the following weeks, Iwaizumi stood by Y/N's side, offering a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on, and a heart full of compassion. The weight of her struggles was still present, but knowing she had Iwaizumi by her side made it bearable. Their friendship blossomed into something deeper, and Y/N found herself falling for him even more.
One evening, as they strolled through the winter wonderland of twinkling lights and festive decorations, Y/N mustered the courage to express her feelings. "Iwaizumi, I... I love you," she said, her breath visible in the cold air.
He stopped in his tracks, his eyes widening in surprise. Then, a tender smile graced his lips. "I love you too, Y/N. And I meant what I said before. We'll take this journey together, no matter how long it takes."
For a moment, hope flickered in Y/N's heart, but the weight of her mental struggles still lingered. She couldn't help but wonder if she was being selfish, wanting Iwaizumi to wait for her. The fear of being a burden weighed heavily on her mind.
As the days passed, Y/N found herself withdrawing into her own thoughts, contemplating what would be best for Iwaizumi and her own happiness. The joy of the season and the love she felt for him were overshadowed by her doubts and insecurities.
Finally, on the eve of her departure abroad, she mustered the courage to meet Iwaizumi one last time. Snowflakes danced around them, softening the edges of the world as they stood together in the park.
"Y/N," Iwaizumi said, concern evident in his voice. "Why are you leaving? Is it because of us?"
Tears glistened in her eyes as she shook her head. "No, Iwaizumi. I'm leaving because I don't want to hold you back. I want you to be happy, and I can't bear to see you wait for someone who might never be completely whole."
He reached out to touch her cheek, his eyes full of sorrow. "Y/N, you are worth waiting for. You're worth everything to me. I don't want a life without you in it."
"I'm sorry," she whispered, her voice breaking. "But I can't do this to you. I love you too much to see you unhappy."
With a heavy heart, Y/N turned and walked away, leaving Iwaizumi standing there, heartbroken and confused.
Years passed, and Y/N returned home, her heart heavy with regret and longing. She couldn't help but wonder what could have been if she had stayed and allowed herself to be loved by Iwaizumi. 
The winter wind howled as Y/N stood alone on an ice-covered bench in the park, her breath visible in the frosty air. She had returned home after spending years abroad, hoping to find some closure and perhaps a glimpse of the life she had left behind. The memories flooded her mind as she looked around, and a hint of sadness lingered in her eyes.
Suddenly, the sound of footsteps approached, and her heart skipped a beat. She turned, and there he was—her old friend, Iwaizumi. His once unruly hair was now neatly trimmed, and he had grown into a man with an aura of quiet strength. Time had been kind to him, but it also served as a reminder of the years they had spent apart.
Their eyes met, and for a moment, neither of them spoke. There were so many things they wanted to say, but the weight of unspoken emotions kept them silent.
"Y/N," Iwaizumi finally broke the silence, his voice tinged with a mix of surprise and warmth. "Is it really you?"
She managed a small smile, the emotions threatening to spill over. "Yes, Iwaizumi. It's me."
He stepped closer, uncertainty flickering in his eyes. "Why did you leave, Y/N. We were best friends, and then one day, you were just gone."
Y/N looked down at her hands, the guilt resurfacing. "I thought it was for the best, Iwaizumi. I didn't want to hurt you, and I thought it was the right thing to do."
He gently lifted her chin, making her meet his gaze. "You didn't have to leave like that. We could have faced everything together, just like we promised."
"I know," she whispered, a tear escaping her eye. "But I was scared, Iwaizumi. I didn't want to hold you back. My mental health was in shambles, and I felt like I couldn't be the person you deserved."
His expression softened, understanding shining in his eyes. "You never had to be perfect for me, Y/N. I loved you.”
The past tense echoed in her mind, hitting her like a wave of melancholy. The love she had always sensed, the connection that had bound them together, had been real, but now it felt like a distant memory, a love that had slipped through her fingers.
Her heart ached as she searched his eyes for any glimmer of hope, hoping against hope that she had misheard him or misunderstood his words. But the truth lay bare in his gaze—he had loved her, and perhaps he still did, but the timing had never aligned for them.
Iwaizumi's hold on Y/N tightened for a moment before he gently released her. He looked into her eyes, his expression a mix of coldness and sadness. 
Iwaizumi took a deep breath, his heart heavy with the weight of unspoken words. "Y/N, I'm married now," he stated simply, trying to keep his emotions in check.
Her eyes filled with sadness, and she nodded, accepting the reality of the situation. "I see. Congratulations," she managed to say, a forced smile on her lips.
The silence between them was deafening, and Y/N struggled to find the right words. She wanted to tell him how much she regretted leaving, how she longed to be with him, but the guilt of her past actions held her back.
"Iwaizumi, I'm sorry for everything," Y/N finally whispered, her voice barely audible over the gentle falling snow.
He looked at her, the hurt evident in his eyes. "You left after everything, Y/N. Do you have any idea how much that hurt me?"
Tears welled up in her eyes, and she tried to find the right way to explain. "I was going through a dark time, and I didn't want to drag you into my struggles. I thought leaving was the best way to protect you."
"I loved you, Y/N," Iwaizumi's voice wavered. "I loved you, and you just left without a word. It felt like you didn't care at all."
"I did care," she choked out, the pain of her actions finally hitting her. "I cared so much, and that's why I left. I thought I was doing what was best for you."
Iwaizumi's jaw tightened, trying to hold back his feelings. He took a step back, needing to distance himself from the woman who still held a special place in his heart. "I hope you find happiness, Y/N. Just like I did."
Y/N's heart broke at the finality of his words, knowing that she had hurt him deeply. She wanted to reach out to him, to hold him close, but she knew it wouldn't change the past.
"Iwaizumi, I'm sorry," she repeated, her voice trembling. "I hope you have a wonderful life."
Without another word, Iwaizumi turned and walked away, leaving Y/N standing alone. She watched him disappear into the distance, her heart heavy with regret.
Y/N felt her heart shatter into a million pieces. It was as if time had slowed, and every step he took away from her felt like an eternity. She wanted to call out to him, to beg him to stay, to tell him that she still loves him, but the words caught in her throat. Fear and doubt held her captive, and the overwhelming pain of losing the one real thing she ever knew paralyzed her.
She clutched her heart, hoping to somehow keep it from breaking completely, but there was no relief from the ache inside. The realisation that she had let him go, that she had lost him, was like a knife twisting in her chest.
The world around her blurred as tears filled her eyes, but she refused to let them fall. And so, she watched him fade into the distance, a part of her soul leaving with him. It was a pain she had never known before, a void that nothing else could fill. The realisation that she had lost the one real thing she ever knew was like a dark cloud looming over her, suffocating her with regret and longing.
She knew that from that moment on, life would never be the same. She had let the love of her life slip away, and she could only hope that she would find happiness, even if it meant it wouldn't be with him.
As the first snowflakes settled on the ground, Y/N felt a mix of emotions overwhelm her. The last glimpse of him disappeared from sight, she finally allowed the tears to fall, a torrent of emotions pouring out of her. She had found him, but their reunion had only brought pain and longing. The snowfall intensified, creating a soft, white blanket over the park bench where they had once sat together in happier times.
Y/N whispered to the winter breeze, knowing he couldn't hear her, "I'm sorry for hurting you, Iwaizumi. I'll always cherish the memories we shared, even if they were fleeting."
With a heavy heart, she turned away, her steps faltering as she left the park behind. The weight of their unspoken love bore down on her, and with each step she took, it felt as though she was leaving a part of herself behind.
The first snow of winter continued to fall, its delicate flakes creating a serene and ethereal atmosphere around her. As she walked, each snowflake seemed to mirror the tears that silently escaped her eyes.
She couldn't help but look back one last time, hoping for a fleeting glimpse of Iwaizumi, but he was nowhere to be seen. Her heart ached at the thought of him walking away, just like she did all those years ago.
In that moment, she realised that the love they had shared would remain a silent melody in their hearts. A love that would never be openly acknowledged, but one that would forever be etched in the deepest corners of their souls.
With a final tearful glance at the park bench where they had once laughed and dreamed together, she turned her gaze forward and continued on her path. The first snow of winter gently blanketed the world around her, leaving her with a bittersweet sense of closure.
As she walked away from the park, she knew that she would always carry a piece of Iwaizumi with her. He had been her anchor, her source of strength, and her first love. And even though their paths had diverged, the memories they shared would forever hold a special place in her heart.
©Minarixx 2023 - please don't copy, repost or translate without my knowledge credit or permission.
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rainparadefromhell · 1 year
Okay, I wasn't going to go in on this but I didn't expect people to be so sad over the spoilers, to be honest. I see people really disappointed in both Ben and Devi as I once again, completely understand both sides.
I will be talking about s4 spoilers so if you don't want to see that you should probably stop reading now.
First thing I'd like to say is that I am just another person on the internet with an opinion and I could be very wrong about all of this. This is just my personal view of things and it doesn't make anyone else's any less valid.
I think the biggest thing that confuses people is actually the one I'm most excited to see happen in season 4. I really disliked how they handled the cheating in season 2. Devi's apologies seemed like they were over a stolen pen, not cheating on someone. I did think the second apology was sincere, I just think it should have been a whole conversation.
I believe that season 4 will be focused on unravelling of all of Ben and Devi's traumas, which is a big task and will result in messy emotions, anger, lashing out and suffering. As much as I like the show's approach to trauma and Dr. Ryan scenes, we don't actually see the characters explore that with one another. It is all very internal. The confusion comes, I believe, from the well crafted pov episodes that allow us to know how Ben and Devi are feeling. We know so much about their inner struggles but here's the thing - they don't.
Yes, Devi knows that she hurt Ben in the past but she doesn't know how that feeds into his insecurites and abandonment issues. She doesn't know how much that has actually affected him.
Because she broke his heart.
She broke his heart and she doesn't know that.
And yeah, Ben knows that rejecting her in the way that he did wasn't the best way to deal with the situation but he doesn't know that the reason why Devi is so attached to him is because he accepts and wants all of her. It means comfort. It is a love language. All of this seems obvious to us, people that are more mature and grown. But not to two traumatized kids that are trying to understand relationship dynamics. Ben and Devi both have a pretty good understanding of their own feelings towards relationships - Devi in season 3 ("What if no one ever loves me because I am too much?") and Ben in season 2 ("But it isn't real. What you and I have is").
Because what if no one ever loves her and here is Ben Gross who likes her personality, who will miss her. What if no one ever loves her and here is Ben Gross saying that he needs something easier and simpler with another girl.
And what if what they have is real until Devi pulls back. And here is Devi Vishwakumar telling him that first times are always a bit weird and they can try again. She can be that for him.
Ugh, my children are really hard to defend sometimes.
Devi's season 2 is gonna be Ben's season 4 and i know some people will probably not like it but I think this is really important for him and I don't think it makes him regress as a character. I think it is good that he recognizes that they can both take things too far because they make each other feel so much. But I don't think that he actually wants something simpler and I have a feeling he will realize that later in the season.
I also thought that bringing Margot into all of this will just be a repeat of Aneesa's character but I don't think that anymore. Ben and Aneesa were fundamentally really different people who couldn't understand each other while Ben and Margot are much more in tune with one another. Margot was and is important for Ben's development because she helped him relax and try new things. I love Ben and Devi but sometimes they can really reinforce each other's bad behaviors.
This is just a repeat of what I said in my last post but just having love for someone is not enough. Strenghtening the positive effects they have on each other and building trust is what they need now. They need communication and time. They need friendship but also a certain perspective which requires space from one another. They need all of it, all of the messiness because they are complicated but ultimately extremely realistic characters.
Because what if what they have is real and what if a relationship you have with someone is so important you challenge everything you know about yourself. Over and over again until you get it right.
What if what they have is real?
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starry-eyed-steve · 1 year
I've been thinking a lot the past couple of days about the friendships of Stranger Things, especially the teen/adolescent group, and how people just come together with no problems, avoiding the personal conflicts that should come up. The major problem is that unlike the kids who were friends before, the teens are only together because of trauma and romance instead of friendship. The initial trio, which is the basis, didn't like each other before. Steve and Nancy were not friends. They were romantically interested in each other. Jonathan and Steve hated each other, Nancy and Jonathan were sorta friends, but not really. So that's already complicated and not ideal because Steve and Jonathan still didn't like each other after everything, and then Nancy left Steve for Jonathan, which left Steve alone until he found Robin. So that's the core dynamic of the older kids group. And because there is not enough time in the show, we get a watered-down version of those characters working together to save the world. Sometimes, they even act OOC just so we can focus more on the overall plot. You know when you watch a scene and you go no, they wouldn't say that or no, they wouldn't do that? That's how I felt the majority of time for s4. And as much as I love the found family trope and I understand why people just want everyone to get along, I genuinely believe the teen group realistically would dislike each other. And I need more fics exploring that lmao.
Stranger Things really robbed us by not giving us 20 episodes to develop characters and explore their complicated feelings to others. Like 3/6 (7 if you count Vickie) have beef with each other, there is just too much tension between Steve and Jancy it would totally affect the others. I also think if we had more time, those groups could venture out and meet more people who later become their friends. Like I'm curious about Nancy's two friends that were mentioned in s2, it would be nice seeing the main characters outside the group interacting with others. People act like the teens can only find friends within their little circle.
(Disclaimer: This is not a dig on any character, I just find it interesting exploring dynamics like this. Like give me the drama)
Steve wouldn't want to hang out with Jancy. He is still hung up on Nancy, and it hurts him to watch them together. Between seasons, they already don't hang out because why should they. And when Steve finds out or realizes Nancy let him in the belief that he was the only one who was wrong in their relationship despite the major reason for her to break up was she wanted to be with Jonathan for a long time, I think Steve, I wouldn't say he would be pissed, but he would definitely be hurt when it clicks. His entire world view would shatter, like his love life already suffers because he thinks he was a bad boyfriend, so he developed attachment issues and trust issues (hence the serial dating in s4). Nancy really did a number on him, and he never got closure from her, and we still see the aftermath years later. I also don't see Jonathan and Steve be best buddies because of that. Jonathan just doesn't want to be friends with his girlfriend's ex, who potentially still has feelings for her. Same with Nancy, why would she want to hang out with her ex, who is clearly hurting because he is still into her.
It's also implied that Jancy shit talks about Steve behind his back in s4, by Jonathan bringing up the Steve comment unprompted to make Nancy laugh, and he was genuinely shocked when she didn't this time. I mean, they don't really care about Steve's feelings. They slept together 2 days after the Stancy fight and never showed remorse for it. I genuinely don't see them being bffs, lol. I also don't see Jancy wanting to stay in touch with the others, especially Nancy, who just wants to move forward, go to college, and heal from the past few years. Her ex and his bff would be unpleasant reminders. If Jancy breaks up, both of them would go their own ways. Nothing would hold them in Hawkins. Jonathan would still have Argyle, and Nancy would make new friends at university, but both wouldn't really stay in touch with the others.
The whole monster hunting trio had so much potential to become friends if the show hadn't done Stancy and Jancy. But I can't ignore it and if they make Stonathan friends in the last season, idk if I want this because too much happened between them, it would seem ooc for both to want to spend time together outside of the UD shit.
Robin would be on Steve side. If he wasn't cool with Jancy, she wouldn't be cool with them either. She's your ride or die buddy. If you hate someone, she's like no WE hate them. Robin is also a person who would hate people for Steve, like him still trying to be civil towards Jancy because of his feelings for Nancy, but Robin is like no fuck that you hurt my bff you're on my list, I'm side-eying you. She would encourage Steve to move on by not interacting with them all together. After he receives closure, he should move forward.
With Eddie, I don't think he would vibe with Jancy either. Jonathan wouldn't like Eddie being obnoxious and loud. Yes, he might agree with him at some points, but Jonathan hates the attention, and Eddie loves it. If you think Jonathan would be at his side when he gives his little speeches during lunchtime, no way. Same with Nancy, as soon as she sees Eddie climbing that table, she immediately goes the other way. She would pretend not to know this man. Eddie's personality is too loud for Nancy to handle over time. Maybe I'm projecting on her a bit here because she reminds me a bit of me. Like she's more serious and reserved, someone like Eddie would drain her quickly, and she would snap at him sooner than later. She wouldn't find his antics cute. She would be annoyed. But there wouldn't be any bad blood between them. They just would simply find each other annoying over time so they don't really hang out. Each of them has their own thing.
Eddie would rather hang out with Stobin, I think they could handle his personality better. Like they are not as serious than Jancy and could joke with him from time to time. But he also has his band mates to hang out with, so he's not around that often.
Vickie would have no hard feelings for Jancy, but because she's dating Robin and also likes Steve I think she doesn't want to make things awkward by hanging out with them.
Argyle, I think, is the only person who is absolutely cool with everyone. He is such a chill guy who doesn't care about the drama. So in the beginning, after Vecna is defeated, he would be like hey let's all get together to hang out, smoke some weed, and party to celebrate our win. Everyone would be excited at first, but slowly, they realize it was a bad idea. Steve would say some shit that would trigger Jonathan, which causes him to roll his eyes. Nancy then would maybe make a joke about Steve that has a mean undertone to it, which would set Robin off because only she is allowed to make jokes about Steve like that. All those microaggressions would compile until everything explodes. It would mostly be Jancy vs. Stobin with Eddie absolutely loving the drama and egging them on. He has the time of his life at that moment. Poor Argyle doesn't know what's happening and tries to calm them down with more weed, and Vickie just sits there, not knowing what to do but trying to talk Robin down.
Ever since that night, the group has split up and only comes together for important things, like the kids' graduating party, birthdays, weddings, etc. They would have civil conversations but mostly avoid each other. They all found their own circle over time with people they can hang out with without any drama. They would set all their differences aside if the world goes to shit again but hanging out afterward? No, thank you, lmao. They would fight literal monsters and would even die for each other, but friends no way.
The kids would try to get them together, but it's no use, sometimes things just don't work out, which is okay because people don't get along all the time. That also doesn't mean a character who hates another one is suddenly bad or the enemy. Or a character can only be good if they get along with everyone.
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ayosdesignz-blog · 6 months
I finally finished good omens 2!!
Some spoilers I guess for those later into it than me:
Metatron is a manipulative shit. Calling it now.
He was part of the party that fired Gabriel, was the one to insist he be searched for quietly and then acted as if the angel group might be in trouble when all was said and done.
The natzi zombie thing was...horrific. Those poor ppl they ate...🥺
No spoiler I came across warned of them.
The friendship between Shax and her buddy she made a deal w/ was cool. I like how they honestly remained honest about helping each other so far. 🤣 They even did a fist bump over her prospective promotion to grand Duke of hell meaning she could drag his ranking up too!! And it's cute how she goes to the Traitor Crowly for advice or clarification after having taken his rank and that he actually gives it even when mocking.
I can see why ppls feelings were hurt by the ending but it wasn't THAT bad. Tho I think I'm only able to think that cuz I saw posts about a season 3 incoming so...lol.
I could honestly see where both were coming from regarding the whole "be together in heaven" thing but I think Crowly had the better idea of things. Both sides are toxic. They also give a lot of pressure. And while Aziraphale may want to change things on the inside it doesn't mean he'd be able to, even with the 2 of them. Especially since he's so gung-ho still about heaven being right.
Speaking of, am I the only one who found that odd? He's been questioning and circumventing heaven while collaborating with a demon for...too many damn centuries to just insist that Heaven is the good side like that negates all the things he's witnessed and gone through and had to work around to help ppl.
I mean the true start of his disquiet and discomfort was learning that a favored human of God was being purposely bullied, harassed, tormented, bereaved, and forsaken for a bet. A lousy bet with no true stakes or real worth since God is "all seeing and all knowing" and therefore shouldn't feel need to do so because of a demon's needling.
He seems like he's not really liked by other angels much and he knows the other higher ups don't really respect him. If he felt it hard to bend rules and such before why exactly does he think he will have an easier time avoiding direct orders from the very tops? Disregarding his excitement. Who will actually, properly listen to him? When he himself can be easily led if not feeling stubborn.
The whole last conversation between the demon and angel was just...I mean it struck me that Aziraphale tends to not listen. Not properly anyway. When Crowly wants to say something important-urgent even, he's disregarded or made to wait because Aziraphale just has to say or do his thing 1st. And even if or when he listens...he doesn't do so fully. Not for the important conversations we got to witness. He'll insist on things having to go his way or no way at all unless he's kinda forced to reconsider or compromise. And sometimes that takes him awhile.
Like why was it such a big deal for him to admit he likes Crowly even now? After everything. He chose "its us against them" as his side but still looks perturbed when someone says they're friends. Still insists he's on the good side, heaven's side. He can say he needs Crowly and wants them to work together in heaven. But not try to discuss anything further because their viewpoints differ again.
Personally I don't see why they don't plan out how to make it all work in their favor, get heaven to make a few more concessions or whatever and if after both are now angels and still don't like the mindless/senseless harm heaven tries to make them do they can then run off far away together like Crowly has wanted since...before season 1 I think? It would make it only 1 faction likely to chase them instead of both as previously feared.
Also I'm disappointed that Aziraphale didn't defend Crowly when Metatron insulted him for having "too many fool questions". And was actually a warning flag for me. Yknow aside from the look he gave Crowly when 1st leaving.
I'm a little disappointed with the style Crowly chose to blend in to heaven. I mean he was cute or whatever but I missed the curl/wave to his hairrrrrrr 😫
I like that Crowly confronted Gabriel about how mean he was to Aziraphale before trying to kill him. He didn’t remember as it happened but I'm sure he remembers once he got his thoughts back. Still could've gave a proper thank you to both tho.
I also like that Aziraphale didn't push Crowly away from him for the kiss. Couldn’t tell if he kissed back. But he did rub his hands on Crowly's back so that's something I guess lmao.
Oh! But the end credits! That was interesting. Crowly maintained his upset but stoic disposition while Aziraphale kept trying to force his pleasant smile on his face over and over.
It occurs to me the whole promotion thing could be a trap.
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heathneycanon · 1 year
td new cast ranking (spoilers)
hiii if you know me at all you know i loveeeee ranking things and i already made a tierlist but i'd love to give my detailed thoughts on the new cast. maybe to get them out of my system maybe to have more thoughts to develop later?? who knows. i've also already shifted around rankings so they're different from my tierlist bc as i wrote this my opinions changed and developed SDJFKD. but anyway. new cast ranking with explanations under the cut!!
16. Chase - I mean. It's Chase. His relationship with Emma is... not good! He is kind of the worst! However this does make him the tiniest bit funny . He's extremely pathetic and a misogynist and a bad boyfriend however. The undeniable fail energy is amusing. When he isn't winning. Like this man is at his best when he is absolutely failing, so Emma needs to break up with him. For her own sake, obviously, but also for Chase's failure energy to remain strong. He cannot get what he wants he needs to remain failing!!!
15. Caleb - There's nothing wrong with Caleb. Unfortunately there is also just. Nothing with Caleb, period. I'm fully expecting this to be rectified next season, but for now like... this man is not even a character. Nowhere else to rank him but here. Although this does go to show how much I like the cast LMAO because everyone above him is someone I have mostly positive feelings towards.
14. Nichelle - She was sooo funny I love how everyone (including the cast!) thought she was gonna be so good but then she turned out to be a girlfailure. We need more girlfailures in Total Drama and this season delivered!! We didn't see too much of her (and honestly?? She didn't stand out too much to me until her girlfailure tendencies were revealed which was right near the end lmao) but I fully believe she's gonna be GREAT next season. Especially with my suspicions that next season is going to be sort of similar to TDA, with fewer generally physical/Survivor-inspired challenges, and more entertainment industry related challenges. Idk she didn't give us very much but I do have hopes for her next season. Also her elimination was sooo Jerry's fault. I wonder if my season 2 predictions are right if Jerry might show up? I hope so. Get your revenge Nichelle!!
13. Emma - EMMA GET UP!!!!! Chase is not the love of your life he is not even the love of your week!!! Once again though, the loser tendencies are soooo strong in Emma. Idk I liked the haterism it was good. We need more of that and less of her and Chase. Break up with him!! She and Bowie were a fun duo while they lasted, I honestly love the way their designs really complimented each other? Probably my favorite version of Emma was during the pole challenge, like. Yessss get angry that was so fun. She did get back with Chase at the end of that but. Let's ignore all that. Idk she's just silly!! I think I'm getting repetitive at this point but I do want to leave this with the final thought that, once more, she NEEDS to break up with Chase. For his fail energies to remain intact, for her dignity and standards, and for me as the audience... leave that boy!! Kiss Nichelle or Julia instead I'm fully convinced Emma does not know girls are even an option and once she does it is OVER for Chase.
12. MK - I was expecting MK to be one of my favorites preseason and while she was not, I still liked her. I hope her parting words were foreshadowing and next season she makes a friend, because (as I've seen other people mention), she kind of... needs to have some sort of connections to be an interesting character? And the fact that she seems opposed to that makes any potential friendships next season even more interesting. I also love how she just has no respect for the intended rules of the game and Chris just... lets her do her thing. It is so funny. Like yesss hang out and control the shields. Watch all the confessionals with the phone you shouldn't have and also upload a video of Julia bullying a dinosaur. Honestly the lack of care Chris had surrounding phones in general this season (especially considering his initial show of confiscating what turned out to be like. A fraction of Julia's phones) was so funny. Sam and Dakota were watching from their couch fuming I just know it. Or maybe they were happy for the new generation. Who knows.
11. Zee - He's just fun! Like... chill guy. Was definitely high the whole season. I do maybe think he could've benefited from being around an episode or two less? Like he was good, but it wasn't like he was exactly getting any development or anything? He was kind of static character, which is fine, and he was a likable one for sure! But if he'd gone home two episodes sooner we wouldn't have had that . Nose scene. Which kinda makes me gag every time I think about it. Genuinely I don't think Total Drama has ever grossed me out more. Which is a feat. I need more of him and Ripper next season the whole bird scene with them was hilarious. Honestly, his dynamic with Chase was pretty funny too? Idk. Just a good dude! I also thought his different stories about losing his leg were great.
10. Millie - She wasn't really doing anything for me until the very end? I thought the concept of her character was kind of creative but I found her like... initial sort of... self-important deal kind of obnoxious? Her friendship with Priya was sweet but again, for the first half of it I found it kind of one-sided (on Priya's end) and so I wasn't loving her. Of course, at the end she became invested in the friendship, had her previous sort of... bad friend behavior revealed, and then was like... surprisingly vulnerable for Total Drama standards? Not unheard of, but not like... what I expected. And reconciled with Priya with everything out in the open. And that completely changed my feelings on the character (which had already been sort of slowly shifting). Overall, I still feel like she's one of my least favorites on the cast, but I still like her, and honestly, if I were to rewatch, she might be ranked higher. The fact that she admitted that she was only writing about everyone like that because it was easier to judge them than try to fit in was really good and rewatching those earlier scenes with that in mind might make me more sympathetic to her then? I do also really like a friendship between two people who haven't had friends before. So. Honestly I'm liking her more as I'm writing this. I really hope they do something good with this friendship next season. Also okay this is so funny when I wrote all this out she was number 14 and I keep moving her up one rank at a time. She's climbing.
9. Priya - PRIYA my friend Priya. Girls when they are normal and regular and have no problems whatsoever. You cannot expect me to be normal about someone who has grown up friendless making their first friend and immediately getting very attached. I absolutely loved her defending Millie in front of Chase that was when I knew I was gonna get attached to her character. Like... come on. I mentioned this in the Millie ranking but I kind of love how their friendship played out? Like in the moment as I was watching I wasn't sure I was loving it but after the fact? Yeah it's good. I like the way there was some tension but they actually communicated and resolved things. And of course there is Priya's whole Deal like. There is so much to unpack there. She has been training for Total Drama for her whole life for her parents and now she's done it!!! I hope season two sees her resolve to put her foot down and go to med school because like. I need her to have her happy ending.
8. Ripper - As I said in another post Ripper has unfortunately grown on me. Like mold. When they're not using him for grossout humor, Ripper is actually like... hilarious? The humor this season was honestly surprisingly good (again, barring the grossout jokes) and Ripper was like. Delivering. He is so pathetic and we all know I find that a wonderful trait for a character to have. Like... "So you're not gonna see me cry! I'll wait until I get home." like that is so 😭😭 honestly it's the delivery half the time. As the season went on I liked him more and honestly I liked how he tried to help Millie win back Priya? Idk. I was annoyed with his team for booting people I liked more instead of him like. Three times. But I like him now. He's just a silly loser guy. He's also bi but I'm not sure he knows it yet.
7. Bowie - GUYS. I was never in the camp that thought Fresh was gonna write the gay characters abysmally, I had a little bit of faith, but they really exceeded my expectations. Bowie was SO fun. The perfect reality TV villain honestly- having fun with it! His alliance with Emma was good, but IMO the highlights were obviously the Julia rivalry/fake alliance (rivalliance??) and RAJBOW. I wish we got to see more of Bowie and Julia because that dynamic was amazing, and I hope they continue to interact next season, and then of course his relationship with Raj was just. Really good. If Emchase was the price we had to pay to get Rajbow... then it was worth it. Like they were so good?? Raj's little crush?? The mouth guard??? The poem????? I do think it's a little unfortunate that they had their first kiss in a pool of tapioca pudding but this is Total Drama we're talking about. And they didn't seem to mind. Very excited to see what they do with their relationship next season. Back to Bowie on his own, I was talking about how funny Ripper was at times and Bowie was also one of the absolute funniest characters this season. As I've mentioned before I love haterism and Bowie has it in the most fun ways possible. Sometimes he would say exactly what I was thinking as I watched a scene. Top tier Total Drama confessionalist. The majority of the best confessionals this season had to have come from him. I love his scheming I love his humor I love his strategy and I love his relationships like... that is a good TD character right there!
6. Damien - I feel like he's gonna win next season. I'm not sure whether that's a genuine prediction, or whether I'm simply manifesting, but... come on! He was just fun! He wasn't a standout at first, but pretty quickly he became one of my favorites (and was promptly voted off </3) like. First of all. He was the first one to call Scary Girl Scary Girl so I have him to thank for that amazing name. Second of all, he's just... sweet! I loved the little hints of Damien/Priya we got this season, I'm definitely here for that relationship if they choose to make it canon in the next season. The Damien and Scary Girl dynamic was also absolute gold like yesss chase him around on a jackhammer. Anyway now he's actually gonna try to play the game, and I'd love to see him do well! He's got like... such a fun energy and enthusiasm. He's truly got "just some guy" energy which is wonderful. We need more "just some guy"s. I just think he's neat!
5. Raj - Top 5 time lets go... technically he is tied with the next entry (do not separate) but I didn't want to mess up the format so. Raj! I've talked about Rajbow already but let me reiterate: Rajbow good. Raj's crush was so sweet and I really enjoyed watching those two get together! But talking about something I haven't talked about yet... Raj and Wayne! Their friendship was SO good my god... I loved their incomprehensible (to me) hockey talk. I loved the genuine love and support between the two. I LOVED the joint medevac like SDJFL it would be wrong to send one home without the other... I hope if they're eliminated next season they go out in a double elimination or something... Idk both of their energy this season was just fun!
4. Wayne - Once again, tied with Raj, and I said most of what I wanted to say about Wayne already? But I do think the excitement he had surrounding Raj coming out to him was so good. You may think you're Rajbow's biggest fan, but nobody is a bigger fan of Rajbow than Wayne.
3. Julia - She just. She just got better and better as the season went on. She was already kind of funny with her influencer speak but when she got hashtag cancelled for BULLYING A DINOSAUR she became so much better. I've already mentioned how much I love her rivalry with Bowie so I won't talk about that too much. I will say I loved that one moment when they both fully judged Emma and Chase's relationship as well as their joint confessional like the rivalry was good but I need these two actually aligning even more. I also think she and Emma should kiss or something. I hope she sticks around for a while next season even though she went pretty far this season like... I need her to make the merge at least. LOVED her challenge beast tendencies, winning all those clutch immunities... What a character. Top tier TD antagonist, or at least close to it.
2. Axel - Yes I got attached to the second boot. What can I say she's coming to win next season trust! Idk you cannot show me a zombie apocalypse prepper character (who is clearly gay) and not expect her to be my favorite. Loved when she pushed Ripper off the boat. Love when she bit Ripper's hand. Love when she killed a bunch of squirrels and cooked them for her team like that's a team player right there!! Not to peddle the ScaryAxel agenda toooo hard but. I need to see them align next season like girl who is really into horror and girl who is really into survival/zombie apocalypse stuff? And they both bit Ripper and will eat cooked squirrel together? Ummmm that's couple goals. Honestly I want to see more of the Axel and Ripper rivalry too. Honestly just wanna see more Axel she rocks
1. Scary Girl - Surprising nobody. I know she's like... kind of a gimmick character which I've historically not totally loved but... she's so good. The voice acting (as others have mentioned) does a LOT for her like props to the VA, she really makes the character. The animation in general this season was a major improvement but it definitely helps Scary Girl as a character too. She had a great dynamic with Damien for what little time she was there, I've mentioned the potential of ScaryAxel already, and. Tell me you don't see how Scary Ripper could be one of thee funniest dynamics ever. The dynamic is called Scary Ripper and one of their key interactions was her trying to bite him. Do not get me started on Scary Axe Ripper like the name itself is just too much fun and BOTH of them have tried to bite him (one succeeded). She got voted out because she wanted to make sure the skull she needed to bring to Chris looked presentable and she just. Did the skull's hair and makeup to match hers. And then kept the skull when she was voted out and brought it with her to the finale. I hope the skull is also in season two. Scary Girl is the Total Drama character of all time.
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mach-speed-spin · 8 months
For the beyblade ask, Ghasem
I assume you mean this ask
One of my favorite characters in God. Despite his minimal screentime they managed to do a lot with him
I really like how they handled his conflict with Silas. While Beyblade has had more nuanced conflicts in the past, they usually have a clear villain pulling the strings (see: BEGA and Starbreaker). Here, they had it be just between the two. It creates a very personal conflict for a side character that doesn't have much stake in the main story otherwise
I like his design, but it's too similar to Kurt. I know Kurt was introduced later, but I think the design works better for Kurt. Ghasem and Kurt have basically the same hair style and facial features. Something as simple as giving Ghasem a different haircut or nose shape would go a long way
I headcanon that after Red Eye breaks Garuda, Arthur (the British one, not my icon) helped him fix it. Evolution really did a good job with its minor characters if it made me invested in their friendship
Garuda is cool and I wish we saw more of it. We didn't have any similar avatars in the first 2 seasons, but with Phoenix in Cho-Z and DB, Burst did eventually scratch the itch for flaming birds
His bey before Garuda was Kaiser Kerbeus Gravity Revolve, which was honestly not a bad combo during season 1. If you travelled back in time to 2016 and used that in a tournament, you could do pretty well
In a world where most conflicts are solved with beys, Ghasem tried to throw hands. I respect that
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holographiciceking · 2 years
S2E07 in the eyes of a Happy x Garbage shipper:
I've shipped this since season one so it was fun to write this. Also this has spoilers so go watch the new season first. This is not some polished analysis meant to be critiqued, this is just me having fun writing about one of my fave episodes and ships. I'm too tired to edit this again so please ignore any typos.
For this I'm gonna start with mentioning how sweet past Garbage and Happy's interactions have been in the flashbacks before the friendship starts to crumble. The animators made it so clear how close they are with Happy always reaching to touch Garbage whether just to be close to him or to reassure him and him calling Garbage 'Garb', whether that is to shorten it or to avoid pushing negative connotations on his friend is up to interpretation. Happy even opens up to the corgi about his owner and the bell training he will always have to live with. Garbage is so sweet in return, reaching for Happy just as much as the poodle does for him, helping him up after a bell rings, and asking Happy to teach him to tango as a way to put a positive spin on the bell training (which is the sweetest thing but also the gayest thing.)
In the PRATS break room after Happy accidentally embarrassed Garbage by telling the other future captains about the corgi's low scores, Garbage and Happy almost look longingly at each other. This is the scene that really first stood out to me as romantic or romantic adjacent (I’m not sure what to call pining.) It could really just be just both dogs feeling bad about their past interaction but… meeting each other's gaze across a room while soft, sad music plays in the background? Sounds hella gay to me -‘that moment when you accidentally hurt your crush and best friend’ kind of vibes.
Later Happy finds Garbage sitting on the floor in the hallway and they have this sad moment with Garbage refusing to look at him until Garbage stands up. What I really like about this scene is not the way the shadows on the two are done or how Garbage moving to one side of the hallway could represent the distance growing between them, it's not even Happy's animation though all three are so amazing to me. It's when Garbage asks Happy to train him, Happy is reluctant to agree but gives in any way due to love for his friend and a little, hopefully unintentional, manipulation from Garbage. To me that feels like someone helping out their crush even if it could backfire on them. Garbage is so happy by his agreement that he actually presses close to Happy and it's the cutest thing. I think it's the closest the two get to each other in this episode.
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After we get to see how Happy and Garbage’s friendship ended, we’re back in the present where the group now has to fight the ice aliens. Here we get to see Happy and Garbage fighting together. I really enjoyed seeing Garbage step in to cover Happy’s ears so the poodle could fight. It was such a cool scene, getting to see the two work as a team made me really happy. The smile Garbage has and the small nod Happy gives to him really makes the scene complete and helps transition to the next.
As they're getting ready to leave the planet, Happy and Garbage finally reconcile. They shake paws and do a little flirting. One could say it’s banter but it felt like flirting to me -it had a bit of a "Did you jump into fire for me?" kind of tone if you will. Stella literally had to shout at them to get them to stop or they would've probably kept going. Now, I'm gonna just say… if the animators didn't want this to come off romantic (assuming I'm just getting gay vibes from nothing), why did they make Happy and Garbage do the 'look at the other and then look away when the other looks back' trope? Garbage catches Happy towards the end of his look and smiles one of his softer smiles. It just feels too on the nose for it not to be romantic or possibly hint towards past (or future) romantic feelings. The looks feel too longing and sad like they're only now realizing what they've missed out on.
This episode was everything I ever wanted for a Happy and Garbage reconciliation. If we get another season, I hope we get more scenes with these two whether its romantic or not. They’re my favorite characters.
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turtlesnails · 2 months
Firstly, thank you to the anon who sent me the request! :)
👥️ - who are two characters that never got to interact that you would like to see talk to each other?
Jack and Yassen.
I feel like Jack would be angry at Yassen, given everything Alex told her. Possibly getting upset at him for working with Cray and for killing Ian. But, also feeling thankful that Yassen kept Alex save and spared his life.
It would be really interesting to see the two of them have a conversation or even have to work together to protect Alex. It’s something I would like to see, although it probably won’t happen.
🧸 - do you believe alex was specifically being trained to be a spy as a child?
I think Ian was training Alex, but I think it was more for Alex’s protection if ghosts of the past came after them. I could also see Ian encouraging/manipulating Alex into being a spy when he got a bit older. But, I think Ian would have wanted Alex to finish his A levels before getting in the family business.
Book verse; If Ian survived stormbreaker I could very well see Blunt convincing Ian to send Alex to Point Blanc for a few weeks to just look around. Or convincing Ian to take his nephew on more and more missions without Alex really knowing what was going on.
I do think that Ian did take Alex on missions as cover, even if the plan was just for Alex to chill at the hotel. Christmas at gunpoint is a good example of this theory, and in the book verse, Alex brings up a few other holidays he spent with Ian.
💬 - favorite quote?
Oh this is a hard one. I only saw the show once so I don’t have much of the dialogue memorized. I remember that Tom had a few good lines. (Tom is the absolute best boi).
The only line that comes to my head right now is Yassen’s. Both the conversation between Yassen and Ian, where Yassen is almost apologetic at having to kill Ian.
And, later when Yassen said, “Another time, maybe.” When he runs into Alex at the school.
In the Book Verse, Alex has a few funny one liners in the books. I like to moments when Alex is being Alex. In book one, one of my favorite lines is when Sayle and Alex are talking about the Portuguese man of war; Sayle says“You see, it [portuguese man-of-war] reminds me of myself.” and Alex’s response was “It’s 99% water. It has no brain, no guts and no anus.”
Alex in the books is immediately realizes his mistake and feels bad.
Alex says this line in the movie, too. But, it’s not as funny, but definitely comes across rudely- which I guess is how Sayle takes the comment.
❗️ - what was a moment you didn't see coming?
Season 1: Really surprised me. At first I was a bit disappointed with the changes they made from the books, but by episode three I was hooked on the plot. They did a really good job of changing things that need to be changed, and adding plot points and characters that were exciting. So basically the whole season one of TV show.
I really liked Tom’s character and his plot. The big twist I did not see coming was him getting kidnapped by Michael Roscoe and pulled into everything because of his friendship with Alex.
Season 2: I thought it was a bit more predictable and hit more of the plot points of the original books. I was not expecting Kyra to show back up in season two. At first I was feeling “Meh” about her character (since she mainly fills Jack’s role in Amsterdam), but I think they made the right call with creating team Alex (Tom, Kyra, and Alex).
Season 3: Well….. We will see 😉
🌟 🦂 who's a character you could see working for scorpia in a different timeline, and why?
Blunt. Because he is an evil character and shows time and time again that he does not care for Alex and just uses him. We also see Blunt do rather evil things in the books. He sent a sniper to scare Alex into working for him again in Scorpia Rising, so I can see him going to extremes to convince Alex to do what he wants or keep his own secret.
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luighseach · 7 months
My thoughts on Stranger Things Season 4:
[These are my opinions -obviously- and I don't mean to offend anyone with them.]
Is it my favourite season? Hell no!
Overall, how do I feel about it? Meh… It was entertaining but, yeah, meh…
Things that got me or that I thought were good:
Max's storyline. In general, I liked her storyline. I feel like in the past, while we got to see her quite a lot, it was never too deep. Like in s3, it was mostly about her and Lucas and having problems or whatever. So, with this storyline we got to see a deeper part of her character, and I enjoyed it. (There are things that I didn't like, but I will mention them later).
Max's almost death: it got me… I know I'm sensible right now (lots of things going on) so that might have played a part in it, but yeah, it was sad and it got me.
Eddie's death. I have refused to watch this season for two main reasons: 1) I was -and still am- pissed at s3 and Billy's ending; 2) I wasn't in a good mindset to watch sth like Stranger Things. The reason I decided to watch it was my curiosity about Eddie. I knew that people in general liked his character, and now that I'm no longer lurking in the harringrove fandom, I've seen how much the fandom loves him (to the point of shipping him with Steve, Billy, and the three of them together). So, yes, my curiosity was peaked. I knew about this fate, I've seen that spoiler, so it was really sad when he says in the first episode that 'this is my year.' However, for the first 5 episodes, I was just 'yeah, he's ok' but that's all. I think the actor did a great job at making him charming in a way, but that was about it. It wasn't until the latest episodes that I really grew to like him. And they definitely pulled at all the strings. Him saying to Dustin not to change, being playful, wanting to be a hero, etc. His death got me… I shed some tears… and it sucks that he died, but also that everyone thinks he is the worst.
Dustin's talk with Eddie's uncle… so sad, and it got me, lol
Jonathan's talk with Will. One thing that I've loved since s1 is the bond between the brothers. Love to see Jonathan in protective older brother mode. So, I loved this talk and their hug.
Robin and Steve continuing to be besties. They have one of my favourite friendship dynamics. So, yes.
Hopper and El's reunion. Could it have been better? Yes, but I still liked it.
Steve and Dustin being Steve and Dustin.
Things that I didn't like nor care about:
Hopper's storyline. It just dragged on for too long… way too long. Most of the time, I just wanted to skip it. I just didn't care. Even things that I objectively know were not bad, it just ended being like 'yeah, whatever'. Like, the reunion with Joyce, I was just 'finally, took long enough. Can we move on now?' And listen, I love Hopper and Joyce as single characters and as a couple, but this was just annoying.
Eleven's bullying. I get it, I understand why it was there, I get the parallel with what happened with 'Two' and the rest, but once again, I was just 'can we skip this? thank you.'
Similar to the point above, Jason's storyline. I understand, I get it. He was beyond traumatized and yes, I get it. But I just don't care. It was really just something to delay other storylines and to work as an obstacle.
Jonathan's storyline… or I should say: Jonathan's lack of storyline. They really didn't know what to do with him, huh?
Nancy and Steve. Just no, no! What were they thinking with that? Forget the fact that I ship harringrove… Nancy and Steve?!?!?!!? Fucking again?!?!? For what? Why? This is a completely unnecessary love triangle (I fucking hate love triangles) that's been going on since s1. Just stop! I refuse to believe that anybody would want or ship Steve and Nancy… I refuse!! Make it stop!!
Brenner and his constant attempts at keeping Eleven to himself. In general, every single obstacle that they wrote to delay the story was annoying as hell and most of the episodes could have been shorter if they had deleted unnecessary scenes and plot lines. Him 'arresting' Dr. Owens, putting the collar on Eleven and all that part was just too much.
Mike being the heart of the group. I don't know who is the heart… but it's not Mike, lol
Neil leaving town because he couldn't stand to be there without Billy. Yes, he was such a good father, and he was heartbroken about his son's death, who he loved *rolls eyes* Get out of here!!! He was upset that he no longer had him as his punching bag.
Having Max saying that Billy maybe did deserve to die an awful and extremely painful death. I just can't…
I feel like there were more things that I didn't like, but these are what it's coming to mind
Things that were just 'meh' (It's not that I didn't like, it was just 'yeah, fine, whatever'):
Argyle. I know that he is a fan favourite (sorry, sorry!), but for me, he was just there. He was more than anything a comic relief character, and while, yes, he had his funny moments, I'm just meh about him. Hopefully, if he appears next season, he will have more depth besides being high all the time lol
Vecna. I know, I know!!! But… he just came out of nowhere lol, and I might have missed it bc I'm stupid, but I still don't get how he got any powers or anything. And… I don't know… to suddenly have him being the reason for everything just seems… I don't know… Also, I totally imagined him singing the song from “WandaVision”: instead of Agatha, it's 'it was Vecna all along' lmfao
Will and Mike car scene. One of the things that I liked a lot about s1 and s2 was their friendship (I know that many people ship them, but here I'm really just talking about bromance). Mike was the most affected by Will being missing, when he thought he was dead, he literally ran to cry into his mother's arms. In s2, Mike was all the time with Will… I loved the scene with 'crazy together' and then Mike saying how glad he was that they were friends (paraphrasing) in the shed. I just love their friendship, but since s3 it has been left completely behind. And it's all about Mike and El… Mike's character has become all about El and I don't like it, lol
Nancy and Robin's friendship. While I do find them to have a good dynamic, it felt more as a reason to help along the Nancy and Steve's storyline, which I hated so… yeah.
And I think that's it… I will just add that I did like seeing Billy again, though it was painful!
I will probably have more thoughts as time passes but well...
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coraniaid · 2 years
Willow Rosenberg for the character ask game!
Favorite thing about them
When I first watched Buffy as a kid I overidentified with Willow to a worrying and slightly obnoxious degree.  She was smart! And funny! And had hidden depths!  And was occasionally callous and strange.  All very relatable.
(And I for one found it completely believable that Willow could teach a class despite not even being a senior yet.  I mean, I was pretty sure I could do that, if only anybody had thought to ask me....)
She's not my favorite character anymore, but I still like her a lot.  
I think she's probably the second best realized character across the whole show, with a narrative arc that nobody other than Buffy can really compete with.  And I think it's great how so much of what she does, even in the later seasons, can be explained by her character in the first couple of seasons: her attempts to live up to being Ms. Calendar's replacement;  her instincts to take charge in a crisis; her need to always be helpful so that people she cares about will want her around.
Least favorite thing about them
There are a few subplots with Willow that I don't think really work.  The secret affair with Xander, just after the show went out of its way to confirm that she'd moved on from pining over him.  The 'magic is a drug and Willow is an addict' subplot, that briefly threatens to derail all the character progression she's had over the past six years.  But what the show does to her relationship with Buffy in the second half of season 7 is the low point, probably.  I mean, she kicks her best friend out of her own house so that Faith can be in charge?  Willow does this?  I don't think so.
Speaking of Faith, I also have very different emotions watching Willow tell Faith "It's way too late" to redeem herself in Choices these days than I did when I first watched the episode.  ("You had friends in your life like Buffy"?  Did she, Will?  Friends, plural? Are you sure about that?  Could you name two of them?)  If I think about it for too long, it makes me a little sad that the reaction I had to this scene aged thirteen ("go Willow!") was probably closer to what I think the writers intended.
Favorite line
"I knew it!  I knew it!  Well, not ‘knew it’ in the sense of having the slightest idea, but I knew there was something I didn't know!"
Actually, this was almost also my answer for the nOTP question as well: Willow's early crush on Xander is kind of adorable (if often inexplicable, given what we see of early Xander), but I'm really glad the show doesn't have them end up together.
Willow's friendship with Xander over the course of the show is really great though.  And I think it works particularly well post-Season 4, when ... yeah, they don't really have much in common, but they still have all that shared history that they don't have with anybody else, and they still obviously mean a lot to each other.
Oh, Tara, for sure.
(I mean, I love Oz, I think he's great, and I'm still mad about how he gets written out of the show in Season 4, but there can only be one answer to this question, right?)
Hmm.  I don't particularly dislike Kennedy as a character -- and the truth is she's one of the only Potentials who I can easily remember -- but I do think the writers rush Willow into a relationship with her a lot faster than they should have done after Tara died.  (On the other hand, given how quickly Willow herself tries to set Buffy up with Scott Hope after sending Angel to hell, and how much importance she puts on being in a romantic relationship generally throughout the show, I guess it's not exactly out of character for Willow either.)  Kennedy has the bad luck of only being in my least favorite  season of the show though, so.
Also, and I know this is one of those worldbuilding questions I'm in danger of thinking about more than the writers ever did, but. I can't really wrap my head around how Kennedy can be young enough to still be a potential Slayer -- when we know from the Cruciamentum that all Slayers are called sometime before their eighteenth birthday or not at all -- and yet old enough to be in a relationship with Willow, who's presumably at least 21 years old when they meet.  (I think the show just ignores the Cruciamentum, right?)
Random headcanon
I don’t really see how Jesse and Willow can ever have been friends, given (among other things) their very different attitudes towards Cordelia Chase.  So although we see them hanging out in the first episode, I think this is one of those cases of two people associating because they have a friend in common – and not many other friends – even though they can’t actually stand each other.
(This also helps explain why Willow never talks about Jesse after he dies.)
Unpopular opinion
Honestly, I think it's kind of sad that Willow didn't get to go to any of the fancy colleges she was accepted into.
I mean, sure, she chooses not to go, and I know lots of people find that empowering or encouraging.  And of course, not everybody has to go to the most prestigious academic institutions they can, and it's not the end of the world if you don't go the 'best' college.  And I know that, on a more practical level, Willow had to go to UC Sunnydale if she was going to stay as a regular on the show.
But at the same time, when I see Willow and Buffy argue in the later seasons, when I see Willow feel resentful about being in Buffy's shadow and being seen as her sidekick, when she clearly has so much free time on her hands that she fills up with learning more and more magic,  I can't help but think that -- if Willow were a real person -- she'd have a been a lot happier at Harvard or Oxford or somewhere else where she might have actually been challenged academically for once in her life.  And that her relationship with Buffy might have been healthier if she hadn’t given up that future for her.
Song I associate with them
I'm going to be painfully literal here and stick with Michelle Branch's Goodbye To You.
Favorite picture of them
Not my favorite episode, as I've said before, but I love the awkward little wave Willow offers Oz when she's pretending to be her vampire alter ago in Doppelgangland
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thatiranianphantom · 2 years
i wanted to give jt a chance because i love jug and i wanted him to be happy while betty went off to do whatever with archie for awhile. the jt friendship seemed like it had potential and i was optimistic this would be a fun ‘in between’ romance for both jug and tabitha.
then they started dating. ive really never seen anything like it. both very lovable characters, perfect situation, HORRIBLE execution. i’ve never seen two people have less chemistry in my life and this is coming from someone who has sat thru way too many bad tv shows. what is the deal there though fr? why do you think it’s so bad? i still can’t figure it out tbh—
i think i’d rather watch ba and trust me that is really saying something because i freaking HATE them lol
Agreed, anon!
I will openly admit I am biased to BH but that tends to shut me off of ships like BA, but I'd venture to say my dislike of JT had very little to do with ship preferences. I didn't like it, wouldn't have chosen it, but if it was a brief fling it could have had some potential before inevitably going back to their OG ships.
As you said, then they started dating. It truly looks like they're being forced to interact at gunpoint. As I've said I've seen LOTS of ships I hated on TV, but I've never seen two actors more clearly communicate that they cannot even stand to be in the same room as each other. At a certain point, I was less looking for chemistry and more looking for them being somewhat tolerant of each other? It was that bad. The J*bitha effect should be studied. Should I ever take a pop culture course, I will do an analysis on this very phenomenon, and why instead of saying "oh, this is actually the most unpopular pairing CW wide and is dragging the most popular character down, maybe we should end this" they just pressed in harder. Truly incredible. Could only be the work of a mediocre man failing up.
As to why, well...you know what my opinion on this is controversial, as is my wont and my reputation but I'll stick it behind a cut anyway.
First of all, part of it is acting ability. I'm sorry, I have nothing against her as a person, but Erinn Westbrook is not a good actress. She just isn't. In her earlier scenes as more of a side character, they could get away with it because she wasn't on screen much and was kinda propped up by other, better actors? But Cole is the kind of actor that needs a good scene partner. Lili is one of the most talented actors, so they work well as a pairing. But Erinn...she just reads her lines. It is truly to her detriment that they had more scenes with her in later episodes. She and Cole can't pull any genuine responses out of each other, and the chemistry dies there. It's not just Cole, too. In her scenes with Cami, you can see Cami trying to pull some genuine responses out of her and getting nothing. Again, nothing against Erinn as a person. Maybe she'd do better in other roles, who knows. But this was in my mind a contributing factor to why JT was so bad. Also, while I don't think the actors disliked each other and don't think there was any sort of drama on set, I think they did have different personalities and they don't strike me as the type that would hang out ordinarily if given the choice. That's pure spec, but yeah.
I think the other elements just came down to bad writing, bad storylines and whatever the opposite of lightning in a bottle is. A perfect storm for good, but kinda the opposite as a perfect storm for bad.
I don't like BA obviously but at least it appeared they could stand to be in the same room? It was quite a time that season. Part of what made the OGs work is it paired up weaker actors with stronger actors, but they threw all that in the trash in 5 and 6 and paired their weak actors together. And the result was....this.
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