#tomorrow i have some time for more writing; i'll see about looking at the fanfic again
lordsardine · 1 month
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lxkeee · 3 months
I absolutely love your writing!! And don't get me wrong, I love Lucifer, but they way you write Azreal and the Eveningstar family lives in my head 24/7. The AU where reader ends up with Azrael is my absolute fav to come back to, along with the main series it stemmed from. I'd love to see more content of him in general. I've been driving myself crazy imaging a part 2 to the AU with Lucifer wanting to reconnect with reader and having this family unit with them, only to realize that he lost them completely when he fell and that they've moved one and found happiness without him. Very hurt/no comfort for Luci while reader finally experiences a returned unconditional love with Azrael.
Pairing: Azrael Eveningstar x Seraphim Angel! Reader
Genre: angst
Warnings: hurt and no comfort for our short king
Notes: an alternate universe where [y/n]'s family is complete, Xavier doesn't have any daddy issues nor has any hatred for Charlie as he doesn't give any crap about her and Lucifer (well, he did at some point but forgave them), where it was simply the wrong person and wrong time. Where it was Azrael who is endgame. This isn't canon to the fanfic storyline, simply an au.
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They finally have done it. Hazbin Hotel is finally booming in business, many sinners are finally checking in and giving redemption a try.
Though, Lucifer cannot help but be nervous. Heaven or specifically, the Seven Virtues requested a meeting with him and his daughter and along with Vaggie, they wanted to talk about the hotel and also about his punishment.
Why wouldn't he be nervous? The last time he was in a meeting with them, they absolutely crushed his hopes and dreams and to add to the fact that his first wife, now ex-wife is part of the organization.
Lucifer doesn't know how to handle it, he's afraid of how he'll act once he sees her and the fact that Charlie told him about his son that he left her with. Absolute guilt.
He misses her, he misses [y/n] so much and he regrets how he treated her. He neglected her, abandoned her and their son. Even after all these years, his heart still longed for her.
“Dad? You okay?” Charlie asked worriedly, holding her bag. Currently, they are waiting for the portal to heaven to open for their meeting tomorrow. She noticed that her dad seems to be in deep thought, she knows what's plaguing his mind—meeting his ex-wife again and seeing his son for the first time. She too is nervous about what will happen when that moment comes.
“The portal seems to be taking a long time to open.” Angel Dust snickered and Vaggie elbowed him on the side, somehow both Alastor, Niffty, and Angel Dust wanted to join them. Leaving the hotel underneath [f/n]'s care, another overlord who joined the hotel.
“You're really complaining when you're not even invited,” Vaggie muttered before turning to look at Alastor, “I am even surprised that even you also decided to join us, how come?” Vaggie deadpans at Alastor and the taller demon just laugh, radio static filling the air, “Myyy~! I am merely curious what the heavenly realms looked like. Nothing more~” He grins, quite mischievously. Vaggie narrowed her eyes at the radio demon.
Lucifer sighs and shakes his head and gives Charlie a small reassuring smile, “I'll be fine, I'm just a little... Nervous.” he admits softly and Charlie nodded in understanding, placing a hand over her father's shoulder. She understands him, she too is nervous in seeing her half brother. Last time she saw him, he was giving her judgmental looks.
“I'm sure we'll be fine... Maybe this will be your chance to reconnect with them?” Charlie suggested, hopeful that somehow the two families can find a neutral area to get along with each other. After all, she always wanted an older sibling or siblings in general. She hopes that she and Xavier can get along.
Lucifer smiled, he too is hoping that this meeting will be fruitful and won't go so horribly.
A golden portal opened in front of them and they looked at each other, nodding as they finally took a step inside.
Heaven, is very bright compared to hell. Too much white, gold, and blues.
The crew looked at Lucifer, urging him to take the lead as he did come from here. Lucifer sighs, despite the nervousness, he decides to approach the pearly white gates of heaven. Standing in front of the counter of Saint Peter. The others are following him.
“Welcome to heaven, can I get your names please?” Saint Peter asked, opening his book. Lucifer sighs, twiddling his thumbs nervously.
“Lucifer... Morningstar...” Lucifer says, almost a whisper. Cringing slightly as he watched the Saint slam his book close, “Oh... Fuck!” Saint Peter exclaimed with a nervous chuckle.
“Um... I wasn't aware that you will be visiting today...” the Saint said with an awkward chuckle, Angel Dust just smirked while Alastor just grins, clearly interested in what heaven has to offer.
Charlie stood nervously beside Lucifer, unsure what to do next.
“Saint Peter, please grant them access. They are here for an important meeting.” a young masculine voice says, surprising the hell citizens. Turning to look at the gate and their eyes widened to see an almost exact replica of Lucifer—except for the eyes and height.
Lucifer's eyes widened and Charlie can be seen to become more nervous as the young man approached their group.
Saint Peter eyes widened, not expecting to see the young general today. “R-right. Please, come in.. heaven officially welcomes you.” Saint Peter says, opening the gates wider for the group.
Lucifer couldn't think, his ears ringing as he looked at the newcomer. Lucifer examined the angel's appearance—an almost exact replica of him and of course, he knows those eyes very well. The same [e/c] eyes his ex-wife has. The angel wearing a white military-ish uniform with gold shoulder pads, elbow length black leather gloves and knee high leather black heeled boots.
Charlie gave his hand a gentle squeeze in assurance, he squeezed it back, grateful for her support.
Alastor grins, not expecting a twist in the scenario.
The young man turned to look at them with a gentle smile, “Greetings, I am Xavier. I am tasked with showing you guys where you will stay for tonight.” Xavier says.
Xavier looked at his obvious half family from hell, before, he had anger for them but because of his mother's influence, he was able to manage his anger on them. But it doesn't mean he'll accept Lucifer and Charlotte his family, he already has his own family in heaven. He doesn't need them.
“Please follow me and keep up.” Xavier says, almost emotionless. It's a habit of his, it might come off as rude or cold to people he just met but he doesn't care. His mother is the angel of kindness, he needs to inherit her kindness instead of his father's pride.
The hell citizens just looked at him with slight nervousness—aside from the smiling one—before eventually following him.
Lucifer just stared at the back of Xavier's head, the golden halo shining brightly against his light blonde hair. He wanted to speak to him but words wouldn't come out of his mouth. He just follows in silence, his demon kind just looking at him in worry—except Alastor, who just gave him a teasing grin.
They followed him, it took a while but they finally arrived at their destination. A large white mansion with black and gold accents, surrounded by fluffy white clouds and trees. Sunflower and tulip fields decorating the front garden. [Y/n]'s favorite flowers.
“This is where you'll be staying so please, come inside.” Xavier says, the gates to the large mansion opening for them.
They admired the scenery, it is completely different from hell. Clean and tidy. Almost blinding to the eye.
They finally arrived inside the large mansion, completely in awe with its exterior and interior designs.
“Don't worry about the palace being too crowded, it's just me and my family living here.” Xavier explained, ushering them to follow him. Walking towards the supposed living room, they weren't able to see the large family portrait on the wall as it was mounted on a wall that they couldn't see.
“I am surprised we're staying somewhere luxurious this time unlike last time. How come?” Charlie asked and Xavier gave her a raised eyebrow before sighing.
“The guest rooms are currently full while waiting for new buildings to be created for the new souls. The seven thought it would be a good idea if one of them houses you guys.” Xavier shrugs before continuing to tour them around. Angel whistling in admiration.
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“And this will be your room.” Xavier says as he showed Lucifer his room. The others are already settled in.
“Thank you.” Lucifer says, almost a whisper as he went inside the large luxurious room. Xavier nodded as he stood at the doorway.
“It's nothing, I'll get going now and if you need me, I'll be in the living room.” Xavier says before turning around to leave.
Lucifer doesn't know what he was thinking, he just acted out on impulse. Xavier stopped, turning around to look at him with a raised eyebrow.
“What is it?” Xavier asked, looking down on him. Mom, why is he so small? He thought.
Lucifer gulped, clearly nervous, “Are you... My...?” he couldn't get all the words out as his ears were ringing.
“Son?” Xavier completed, crossing his arms to look at his blood father, “Yes.” he says flatly and Lucifer's breath hitched.
Xavier sighs, already done with this, “Look, I am going to be straight with you dear father of mine.” Xavier says flatly, Lucifer looking at the taller boy in front of him.
“Just because you're my blood father doesn't mean I want you back in my life, whatever you're trying to do. I don't welcome it. I couldn't care less about you or my half sister. Do you understand? So, stop. Don't give me and my family a hard time. You've done enough damage already.” Xavier says coldly, catching Lucifer off guard. The fallen angel's heart shattered at the boy's harshness.
“Excuse me, I still have work to do.” Xavier says as he quickly walked away. Lucifer nodded, almost robotic. He went inside the guestroom and cried.
Lucifer doesn't blame Xavier for acting that way. After all, he's a horrible husband and father to [y/n] and Xavier.
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Dinner was oddly awkward, a tension between the three blood relatives. Xavier didn't join them, opting to only have a drink instead.
“Aren't you going to eat?” Charlie asked hesitantly as she sat beside her dad, Xavier didn't bother looking up from his golden holographic screen that came from his wrist watch, his other hand typing into the hair and into the hologram.
“I'll eat later.” Xavier answers nonchalantly, they can clearly see him texting his mom.
M: Don't be too harsh on them sunshine.
X: I'm trying.
D: Well you better try harder, kiddo.
X: 🙄
X: What time will you come home?
D: Late as usual.
M: Indeed, there are still many things to finish but your father and I will make it quick to join you for dinner.
X: Alright, stay safe.
D: Love you, kiddo. Goodluck lol.
M: We will, sunshine. Love you<3
X: love you guys too.
Xavier was grinning slightly as he texted some people, Lucifer assumed it was [y/n] and somebody else he doesn't know of.
Lucifer avoided Xavier after that, clearly heartbroken. Lucifer assumes the D and M profiles meant Mom and Dad and Lucifer assumed that [y/n] remarried and he can clearly see how happy Xavier is talking to them.
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To shorten this all up, the meeting went smoothly. The Seven Virtues promised to fund the hotel and also asked for Lucifer's forgiveness for how harsh they treated him. Heaven took back his punishment and he can freely visit heaven anytime. Lucifer was able to find out that Azrael married [y/n] and she's happily married to the man. Though, she doesn't hate him and forgave him but she did make it clear that she doesn't want him back to her life and so did Xavier and Lucifer respected their wishes.
Finally returning back to hell, Lucifer was extremely heartbroken. He lost before he even got to start. But part of him is glad that [y/n] found a better man than him, someone who treats her better than him.
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End notes: I got a little lazy at the end lmao.
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canirove · 5 months
In The Name of Love | Chapter 13
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"And when are you going back to work?"
"Next week."
"Why so soon?"
"I'm just following the doctor's orders, mum" I sigh.
"But which doctor? The one from the team? What does he know about broken ribs? Muscles and feet, ok. But ribs?"
"It was a doctor at the hospital, mum. One specialized on this type of injuries."
"Oh… good. Good. Anyway, when are you introducing me to Ferran?"
"Mum…" I sigh again.
"It's your first boyfriend since Marc, Val. I'm excited!"
"He isn't my boyfriend, mum. How many times do I have to tell you?"
"And how many times do I have to tell you that I don't believe you?" she says over the phone. "A friend doesn't do what he did."
"So, when are you coming? Maybe on Sunday for lunch?"
"I'm not going to introduce you to Ferran because he isn't my boyfriend, so stop asking!"
"There is no need to yell at me, Valeria."
"Then stop it! I need everyone to stop!" I say, trying not to cry. Again. Because the past couple of weeks have been… too much. 
As expected, people had filmed what had happened at the Camp Nou, the video becoming viral not long after the game was over, the news opening with it the next day and showing my face to everyone.
Barcelona and Real Madrid had released statements condemning what had happened, Barça saying that they had identified the man and forbade him to set foot in the Camp Nou ever again. They had also contacted me to apologize and say that if I wanted to report him, I had their legal team at my disposal. 
Real Madrid also reached out to me, saying that I was invited to any game I wanted at the Bernabéu, that they would pay for the tickets, the trip and my stay. And to be honest, leaving the city and spending a weekend away sounded like the perfect plan right now. 
Because if the video of the man harassing me had made it to the news, the one of Ferran jumping the billboards and carrying me away had become viral all around the world. 
The views on the accounts that had posted it were crazy, same with the number of comments and likes. According to Marina, people were already writing fanfic about what had happened, some even shipping us. Though like my mother, most believed Ferran and I were already dating. 
On the video you could see him calling my name, pushing people to get to me, making it clear that he knew me. And then there was my face. 
I was looking at him as if he was an angel sent from the heavens, my knight in shiny armour, my arms wrapping around his neck as if my life depended on it. Which it kind of did.
A couple of days after the incident, I started to get lots of follow requests on Instagram. Someone who knew me had created an account just to reply to all the comments asking who I was by tagging me on them, and it had blown up. Thankfully, Marina had quickly seen it and helped me put all my social media private and delete anything that could lead them to me and to know more about who I was. Emma told me that there was a lot of gossip at the school too, all the parents talking about me, and I can already see the teenagers camping outside just to see me in person and God knows what else. Which has made me think about me and Pedri. 
He is way more famous than Ferran and has more fans than him. If things are this crazy now, what could happen if our relationship got more serious and someone found out that we were together? What would they say about me? Not only online, but at work and my friends and family too. My mum had already mentioned that Ferran was young and…
"Valeria! Valeria, are you listening to me!"
"Val… Are you ok?" 
"I'm fine."
"Then why can I hear that you are about to cry?"
"I'm not."
"Val, I'm your mother. I know you. What is it, darling?"
"Nothing, mum."
"I need to go, mum. There is… something I need to do."
"Something like what?" 
Like balling my eyes out, for example.
"Work. I'll call you tomorrow, ok? Bye" I say before hanging up, not being able to contain my tears anymore.
I need to disconnect. To forget about everything that has happened and that is happening. I need to even forget who I am. And only one person is capable of doing that.
"Val? What are you…"
"Shut up and kiss me" I say, throwing myself at Pedri and kissing him, barely giving him time to close the door before I push him against the wall. 
"No talking" I say before starting to kiss his neck, my hands moving under his shirt, pulling it up.
"Lift your arms, Pedri. You are wearing too many clothes."
"Urgh, shut up" I say, kissing him again, one of my hands moving down and inside his joggers.
"Val, don't" he says, stopping me. 
"Since when you don't want to have sex?"
"Since you only want to do it because something is upsetting you and you want to forget."
"I'm fine" I say with a nervous laugh.
"No, you aren't fine, Valeria. Talk to me."
"I'm fine" I repeat.
"Val" he says, putting his hand under my chin and making me look him in the eyes. "Talk to me."
"I can't" I whisper.
"Yes, you can. You know you can tell me anything, that you can trust me. I'm here for you, Val. Please talk to me."
"I… I can't."
"Of course you can."
"No, I mean… I can't deal with this anymore. With people constantly asking me if I'm ok and reminding me of that night, with the gossip, with my mother annoying me… I just want to move on and forget, to go back to my life. But they don't let me." 
"And you thought fucking me would help because I make you forget?" 
"Yes… No…"
"Yes or not, Val?" he chuckles.
"Yes, I wanted to fuck you because you literally manage to leave my mind blank when we are doing it. I just feel, there are no thoughts. It's just us and that's what I need right now. Us. But when I tell you that you make me forget, it's more than that."
"What do you mean?"
"I don't know how to explain it, but just hanging out with you, watching a movie or laying on the sofa eating something together and talking about the most stupid things, makes me forget about all the noise around me. It's like… When I am with you… You make me feel like me. With you I can be who I really am. Not the disgrace of my family, the teacher, the girl who got harassed at the Camp Nou, the girl who supposedly is dating Ferran. With you I'm just Val. And I can't remember the last time I was able to feel like that with someone. Or if I've ever felt that free with anyone. And… Why are you laughing? I just opened myself up to you and you are laughing?"
"I'm laughing because you've described exactly how I've felt since the moment I met you, Val" Pedri says.
"You've always seen me as me, as Pedri the kid/teenager/young man, not Pedri the football star."
"Football star?" 
"See? You teasing me like that is something that none of the other girls I've been with ever did because that's what they liked, the only side of me they saw. But you see beyond that. You see me, the real me, and this honesty with no filter is what I need in my life. Because it keeps me grounded, it helps me not forget who I really am and what truly matters. And you do that, Val. You don't let me forget who I am by letting me be who I truly am." 
"And you are making me remember who I truly am by making me forget about everything else."
"It's a bit of a tongue twister but we understand it" he smiles. 
"Yes" I smile back. "But I just… I just wish it could be like that right now. You and I. I wish… I wish we could disappear and be just Val and Pedri."
"Maybe we can."
"Leave that to me. For now go home and look for some summery clothes, nothing fancy. And a bikini. And sunscreen."
"You are not making any sense, Pedri" I laugh. 
"Do you trust me?" 
"I do."
"Then go back home, do as I say, and leave the rest to me. I'll call you in a few hours, ok?"
"It's gonna be just you and I, Val. Us" he says before kissing me. 
"I can't believe you managed to do this" I say while we wait for the plane to take off.
"You wanted to disappear, and your wishes are my commands" Pedri says, kissing my head. 
"We also got a bit lucky, didn't we?"
"You choosing to have a breakdown the weekend I was out because of yellow cards was very helpful, yes."
"Idiot" I say, hitting his chest. "But thank you. I seriously needed this."
"You're welcome. Though I think I also needed it."
"To disconnect?" I ask, moving to look at him.
"Seeing everyone talk about Ferran dating my girl and how amazing he was when he rescued her isn't a nice feeling, to be honest."
"Your girl?" I laugh.
"I mean… How am I supposed to call you? We've never discussed it."
"I like not having a label or whatever you call it. We know we like each other and are fine like that, aren't we?"
"Yeah… I guess" he shrugs.
"Pedri, do you want me to be your girlfriend?" I ask, arching an eyebrow.
"I don't know…" he says, his cheeks turning bright red. "Do you want to? Are you ready for that?"
"I'm not sure… yet."
"Let's focus on this trip first. We are gonna spend a whole weekend together away from home just the two of us, and maybe by the end of it you've annoyed me so much that I don't want to see you ever again."
"Or maybe you have annoyed me" he smirks.
"We'll see" I smile, resting my head on his chest again. 
"Though you were the first who said that I was yours, you know? Your annoying kid/teenager/young man if I remember well."
"Yes, annoying. You said it yourself" I say. But an annoying I like very much.
"This place is beautiful, Pedri."
"Do you like it?" he says, hugging me from behind.
"I love it" I smile.
Tenerife. His surprise had been to take me to his hometown for the weekend, to a house in a small town near the beach where no one will bother us, where we can be us and not care about anything else. And it is perfect.
"And I love that you love it" he says, kissing my cheek and making me giggle.
"How did you find this place?"
"Through someone my parents know. I was looking for a house where I could relax and not worry about people following me around or giving a shit about who I was, and they mentioned this town and this house."
"So no one here knows you are Pedri, the football star?" I tease him.
"They do, but they don't care" he shrugs.
"How many girls have you brought here?"
"Just one. You" he says, kissing my shoulder.
"Is this one of your secret places too?" I ask, moving on his arms until I'm facing him, my hands resting on his chest.
"And you've brought me to it. Like happened with the rooftop or the beach."
"Yep" he repeats.
"Do you really have to ask why?" he chuckles, caressing my cheek.
"I'm special" I say with a shy smile.
"The most special girl I've ever met."
"And you've met a lot of girls, haven't you?" 
"A few, yes."
"A few" I laugh.
"Hey, what are you implying? That I am some sort of Casanova?"
"More like a slutty Casanova" I smirk.
"Valeria, Valeria, Valeria…" he says, pulling me closer.
"Pedro, Pedro, Pedro" I giggle, wrapping my arms around his neck.
"What am I going to do with you?"
"Kissing me sounds like a great idea."
"And after that?" 
"More kissing."
"And after that?" he says, his lips brushing against mine.
"I don't know. We have a whole weekend together to find out." 
"And… I win again."
"That's impossible."
"Sorry" I smile.
"You have to be cheating."
"I'm not cheating, Pedri."
"Then how do you explain winning the five rounds of Uno we've played?"
"I'm better than you" I shrug.
"Nah, you are cheating. Where are you hiding the cards?"
"I'm not hiding anything!"
"Yes, you are" he says, slowly moving towards me.
"Pedri, I'm not. And where would I hide them? I'm wearing a bikini!"
"There is no place to hide cards on something so small" I laugh.
"I don't believe you."
"And I don't care."
"I'm gonna have to check for myself" he smirks.
"Yes?" he says, his face now very close to mine.
"We are at the beach."
"We are not going to have sex on a public beach."
"That isn't what I was thinking about."
"And I'm the Queen" I snort.
"You are the queen of my heart."
"And now he goes all cheesy" I laugh again.
"Don't you like it?"
"You know I don't do cheesy."
"Then what do you do?" he says, the way he is looking at me making me blush. 
"I… I…"
"You what?"
"I… I need to go home."
"I need to go home so you can take off this bikini and do unspeakable things to me."
"And what if I don't want to?" he smirks.
"Then I'll do it myself" I say, somehow managing to move away from him and get up from my towel. 
"You can't do to yourself what I can do to you."
"Watch me."
"Is that an invitation?" he asks, now smirking and lifting one of his perfect eyebrows at the same time. 
"Maybe" I shrug, picking up my dress and my bag and starting to walk.
"Val, wait." 
"I can't, I'm sorry. Got something to do."
"Wait for me, Val" Pedri says while picking up all his things.
"I'm too horny, I can't wait."
"Sorry!" I say before I start running.
"Val! Valeria!" he calls after me while I just run.
"C'mon, Pedro! You are a professional athlete!" I laugh.
"I'm wearing flip flops! What if I injure myself?" 
"Then good for my team!" 
"You evil woman!"
"Sorry" I laugh again. "Oh, fuck" I say when I make it to the door.
"Looking for this?" Pedri says behind me, the key of the house in his hand.
"Give me that."
"Nope" he says, hiding it behind him.
"No" he grins.
"Give me the key, c'mon" I say, trying to reach for it.
"You tease me, I tease you" he smiles.
"Will you give it to me if I say sorry?"
"Umm… no."
"Oh, c'mon!" I complain.
"I'm sorry, Val" he says, moving past me and opening the door.
"Pedri!" I say when he closes it in my face, not allowing me to go inside. "Let me in!"
"Are you still horny?"
"I'm pissed!"
"And horny?" 
"Open the fucking door, Pedri!"
"Ok, fine" he sighs, finally opening it and letting me in. "We are so lucky we don't have neighbours… Imagine what they would think."
"Fuck you."
"No, I am going to fuck you" he says as he hugs me from behind, one of his hands moving down on me. "And when I'm done, you'll be thankful we don't have neighbours." 
"Sure" I reply, my voice almost a whisper. 
"You wanted me to do unspeakable things to you, and that's what I am going to do. We have to make the most of our time here" he says before biting my earlobe, his fingers now inside my bikini bottom. "We have to enjoy our time together, alone, just the two of us."
"Pedri" I gasp when his fingers touch me, my knees already feeling weak. 
"It's just the two of us, Val. Just you and I" he whispers against my neck before kissing that spot he knows drives me crazy, that feeling mixed with the one of his fingers touching me making me moan. Loudly. 
So lucky we don't have neighbours indeed…
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m00nxghost · 7 months
Bakery love- Kyle Gaz Garrick x F!Reader; part one
My first fanfic! I'm totally excited to write this 🥧🌷
Tw: Swearing,mention of past abusive relationships,violence,rest is pure fluffiness,lovely topics
Kinds of O.O.C,She/her pronouns, use of you and y/n, enjoy! Just imagine yourself in this fic
The morning was more beautiful than yesterday, a beautiful blue sky without clouds and a radiant sun a great day to buy fresh bread but at that time the bakeries haven't opened yet except for one,a bakery with pastel lavender tones, transparent windows with lilies and lavender in clay pots,there were two tables outside with checkered tablecloths in pastel pink and white colors with little clay pots inside containing red roses with a soft scent that's what Gaz thought, a beautiful bakery, he didn't think twice before walking in the door and the bell rang The smell of fresh bread spread throughout the bakery, he took a good look inside, it was white with tables spread out like those outside. While Gaz looked at the bakery enchanted, he didn't notice that the bakery owner was approaching the counter.
Y/n: Hello welcome
gaz turned around looking at a young woman with a white apron with a lavender drawing on it
Gaz: Oh! Good morning, Gaz said, approaching the counter, taking a look at the fresh batch of bread on the bread shelf, while the counter display had pies and cakes and all types of pastries.
Gaz: Well, I'll have some fresh bread and a piece of strawberry pie.
The girl looked at him with a soft smile and said, of course, as she walked over to the bread rack behind the counter
Gaz waited calmly while she packed his order. He took another look at the bakery he felt like he was in heaven. She came back with the order in a bag, not plastic but paper, a very well decorated bag that was written "Sweet lavender bakery"
Gaz walked out of the bakery and couldn't contain a small smile and his face flushed as he walked back to base, his day was made totally happy with his discovery, he promised that whenever he could he would stop by for a coffee or buy a pie. On the way to the base. Gaz was totally feeling lighter when he entered and went straight to the break room whistling and greeting the recruits and other soldiers along the way.
Soap: Mornin' Gaz, how are you? Looks like you woke up well!
Gaz: Ah yes, it's just been a great morning, I haven't seen such good weather in a while, "he says as he puts the paper bag on the table
Soap: What good did you bring? fresh breads
Gaz: Yes, fresh bread and a strawberry pie
Soap: I thought that's when the bakeries opened or you made the bread and the pie the Scot laughed softly
Gaz: playfully rolling his eyes, a new bakery opened close to the city center not far away, as it was the only one open I went to check it out. It's well-groomed and has the owner, I never thought I'd see someone so…
someone so…
Soap: Pretty,cute,nice
Gaz: a kind and calm person
Soap: And pretty!
Soap: Dae yer found a pretty lass?
Gaz: Okay, soap stop for now
Soap: Don't be like that, Gaz. She probably likes you!
Gaz: I don't know, I just met her! That's not how it works, but I wanted it. The day passed and gaz couldn't get her out of his head, ending the day gaz looked at the pie and decided to eat a piece savoring the soft strawberry flavor remembering the girl, when he forgot to ask her name damn because it was something easy but tomorrow I'll do it he said to himself as he ate pie. When Gaz realized he fell in love with the girl but he was happy, excited and anxious about these feelings, he would dream about her as he smiled and finished the pie. The next day he woke up early and got up, thinking step by step how to approach the beautiful girl and ask her name and then her number but with a little anxiety he thought well but he is determined and nothing will stop him. Gaz left his tidy room and walked down the hallway saying good morning to whoever passed by, Price noticed how the young boy looked and raised an eyebrow, wondering why he looked like that
Price: Is everything ok with Gaz? he seems to be excited
Soap: Yes, he's fine, he's just in love
Price: In love with who? with one of the girls here at the base
Soap: No captain, he's in love with a bakery owner, a lass,yesterday he went to her bakery, and it looks like Cupid shot him with the arrow of love
Price: Smirks So Kyle is in love, I never thought that would happen despite him being a good guy, but will he be able to confess? I'm rooting for him and that he gets at least the girl's number
Soap: Same, he's a good friend I'm rooting for him too
After a while gaz arrives at the bakery and goes in but didn't expect the following scene: the girl was at the counter with her arms covering her face as she sobbed gaz's heart tightened as he approached the girl and with his soft voice speaking in a whisper Miss, are you okay? There was no response as he gently touched her arm making her lift her head.
Y/n: S-sorry I didn't see you come in she was trying to wipe her tears but with shaking hands and a scared voice I-I-can I make your order ?
Gaz: Look, I don't know you but by the look on your face, you're not feeling well, my order doesn't matter much now but you do
Y/n: Are you sure? I'm sure you're busy and I don't want to bother you with that
Gaz: Yes I'm sure, now let's take you out for some fresh air with a glass of ice water
Y/n: Thank you very much, seriously I will owe you this until the end of time
Gaz: No, you don't owe me this, but now tell me why you were crying,something happened? someone hurt you or did something for you? His voice carried a tone of concern.
Y/n: Well my ex boyfriend came here with the same bullshit that he has changed and that he is ready to restart our old relationship but I know it's a lie when I said I would never fall for his trick again...he grabbed my arm tightly. He tried to hurt me but I managed to pull my arm and throw him away I never thought I would see him again you said in a shaky voice
Gaz: I'm sorry I hope you're better now
Y/n: Yes, I'm thanks to you, seriously, you calmed me down, look, because of that you can choose anything from the bakery and you don't have to pay anything
Gaz: No need, I'm glad you're better now
Y/n: Please don't refuse, it's a thank you and a small treat for my first client You said with a soft laugh. After that gaz left there completely happy he didn't imagine this would happen. On his way he met Soap who was smiling because Soap heard everything.
End of the first part of "Bakery love" I'm still going to write the second part! I'm still going to improve it and sorry for the mistakes, I'll improve that too
A/N: I ended up being carried away by the writing that I didn't even think would be long but I'm totally happy about it <33
Tag list !! @spicyspicyliving @kkaaaagt @puff0o0
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mlmxreader · 1 year
Field Reports: Unfinished | John Price x m!reader
@dragonslayerboom asked: Firstly I want to say that I love your writing! Your works are amazing! :D
If I could kindly request the prompt “Getting distracted from work” with Price x male reader
Please and thank you!
summary: Price doesn't get much time off from work, if any at all, but he sure is glad that he gets to spend it with the man he loves most.
tws: sweat, partial nudity (non-sexual), swearing, mentions of controversial horror films
support your fanfic writers by reblogging what you read & enjoy
It was so warm. Heat coursing through your veins as you tossed and turned in the bed next to Price, nearly knocking his laptop over; the duvet had been folded to make a large pillow, and a blanket had been thrown on the bed but wasn't being used. Crushed beneath you and Price.
The fan spun quickly, creating a slight whirl, but it only pushed hot air around the room; even with the window wide open, it was still too hot. The light from his laptop was minimal, but you could faintly see the outline of his face as he typed away; it wasn't that late, but the heat was fucking unbearable.
You couldn't get comfortable no matter what you did; even stripped down to just boxers and socks, you were still sweating. Able to feel it drip down your back and your arms. It was so fucking hot. You huffed, sitting up and shaking your head as you yawned.
"I'm fucking hot."
"Ain't we all?" Price sighed, hoping you didn't see the sweat on his brow as he tried to focus on his work.
Just some unfinished business, some reports that he had to fill out; he wanted to get them done so that he could spend the day with you, but had a feeling that that wasn't going to happen.
His eyes felt heavy, but the heat was making it impossible for him to sleep, able to feel warmth everywhere, even his feet felt wet. He shook his head, swallowing thickly as he looked over at you; you frowned as you wiped sweat from your brow, wincing at how sticky it felt against the back of your wrist.
"Fuck..." you breathed out, shifting around. Too sticky and too hot to cope. "Don't we have any ice?"
Price shook his head, defeated as he set the laptop at the edge of the bed. Completely distracted and pulled away from those ghastly reports; but he supposed it wasn't all that bad.
After all, he rarely saw you, always a thousand miles away and hardly able to get the time to ring you or to write to you.
But now his identification discs were hung up on the vanity, and his uniform was neatly tucked away in the attic, sitting in a suitcase; now, he didn't have to worry about the time, and he didn't have to worry about being interrupted when he was writing a letter.
He could just say it, he could just grab you and kiss you whenever he caught you singing along to Sabaton and Cannibal Corpse songs in the kitchen; he could see your smile in person, and he could feel your skin against his when he held your hand... although he didn't do that much, thanks to the heat. His palms too sweaty and yours too sticky.
"You used it all earlier, pup," he hummed. "I'll go down big Tesco tomorrow and get some."
"You'd do that?" You breathed out, and when he nodded, you smiled. "I knew I made the right decision when I agreed to be your husband."
Price laughed, soft and sweet and a mere quiet thunder as he nodded. "Y'know what?"
"Sod my work," he huffed, shaking his head as he moved to close his laptop, putting it on the floor. "I kept getting distracted anyway."
You couldn't help but to laugh. "I'd cuddle you, but we're both gross and it's too hot."
"Film?" He suggested, reaching for the television remote.
You nodded. "How about Cannibal Holocaust?"
"A man after my own heart."
You hummed softly, moving as close as you could without touching him as your focus was drawn to the television; you were thankful that you had not swapped the discs from the dvd player, and when the menu came up, you were more than relieved.
He pressed play, sinking down against the pillows and duvet, letting out a long sigh as he dared to smile; it was moment like that that he always missed the most. The mundane. Sleepless nights turning into film marathons of the most macabre; films so controversial that they were banned in several countries. Controversy surrounding them, even forty years later.
The mundane.
Holding hands and sipping beer in the garden, watching the birds come and go, listening to the gentle breeze. Making breakfast together, singing along to those Sabaton and Cannibal Corpse songs, occasionally throwing on some Skindred.
The mundane.
Lying next to you as the found footage rolled, wondering if he ought to ask if you needed a drink until he saw the can of half empty Red Bull on the bedside table; reminding himself than any liquid was better than none.
Heat coursing through his veins as he pulled his boxers down slightly, wincing at how they stuck to his skin. Anything to cool off even a little.
Price always missed being away from you and not being able to hold you, to feel your skin against his own as he reminded himself that he had someone to go home to; someone to stay alive for.
But with the temperatures rising, he knew that he couldn't do it; he was too hot and sticky, and you were the same. It would be a fucking nightmare to cuddle into you, now, he knew that for a fact; so he gently reached out, and rested his fingers on your bare thigh as he smiled.
That would do for now, until things cooled off in the early morning; if they cooled off at all.
His neck was aching, deep within the lower ranks of his bones, but he didn't mind; he had you near, and as his eyes drifted from you to the television screen, he couldn't help but to stop and think.
How lucky he was to have a man like you at his side, someone he loved and cherished more than anything; someone he needed and someone who needed him.
Someone who knew how he liked his coffee, someone who knew how much he liked to just lounge around all day, not caring about anything except being nearby.
Someone who he could sit in the same room with and not talk to for hours, just doing your own things but enjoying being near one another even if there was nothing to say. Even if there was nothing to think about.
How lucky Price was, to love a man like you.
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greyfics · 1 month
fifties/sixties song lyric prompts
because I've drafted so many quotes from songs that I want to use as inspiration for fic writing whilst listening to my throwback playlist and whether you're on this little site for role-playing, fanfics or general writing inspiration I'm sure this'll be of use ! will be doing another one with lines from songs I have specifically discovered via the fallout tv series soundtrack I was going to add them here but realised I already did uh a fair few by that point to say the least haha
you don't have to use these as quotes ( personally I like to use prompts sometimes as the titles for the writing it inspires, even if I don't use the prompt at all in the end ), so do what you want with them :)
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"You're alone now, no love of your own- but darlin', reach out." "Nobody's right if everybody's wrong." "You keep losin' when you ought to not bet." "You told me lies, now it's your turn to cry." "That's the kind of girl I'd like to meet." "You, to me, are sweet as roses in the morning." "The concrete and the clay beneath my feet begins to crumble- but love will never die." "We'll see the mountains tumble before we say goodbye." "The shadows fall, and once again you're in my arms." "Everytime I see your face, I get all choked up inside." "Hope you are quite prepared to die." "I thought love was only true in fairy-tales- meant for someone else, but not for me." "I thought love was more or less a given thing- seems the more I gave, the less I got." "I betcha five dollars he'll kill you dead." "Is her sweet expression worth more than my love and affection?" "He's taken everythin' I got." "I wonder, what went wrong with our love?" "I wonder, where she will stay- my little runaway." "Your mind is so full of red." "Your eyes may look like his- but in your head, baby, I'm afraid you don't know where it is." "Wouldn't you love somebody to love?" "I go through life, without a care." "Now that I've surrendered, so helplessly- you now want to leave." "Now that you've got me, you wanna leave me behind." "I know something about love: you've gotta want it bad." "Why should true love be so complicated?" "I want to be with you all of the time." "The only time I feel alright is by your side." "I don't believe you, you're not the truth." "Are you lonely, just like me?" "When I found you, the moon stood still." "All of those vows you made, were never to be." "Though we're apart, you're part of me still." "If we go some place to dance, I know that there's a chance you won't be leaving with me." "I can see it in your eyes that you despise the same old lies you heard the night before." "Though it's just a line for you, for me it's true." "Bluer than velvet were her eyes; warmer than may her tender sighs." "Ours a love I held tightly, feeling the rapture grow." "Like a flame burning brightly- when she left, gone was the glow." "And I still can see blue velvet through my tears." "Darlin', save the last dance for me." "I will never, never let you go." "Carry on, 'til the night is gone and it's time to go." "Ain't that a shame? You're the one to blame." "Say you belong to me and ease my mind." "A wave out on the ocean could never move that way." "I love every movement- there's nothing I would change." "Will you still love me tomorrow?" "I only know I never wanna let you go." "Ever since we met you've had a hold on me." "I never knew that I could be in love like this." "I didn't stand a chance." "No one here gets out alive, now." "You get yours baby, I'll get mine." "They got the guns. but we got the numbers." "We're takin' over." "I'll make you so proud of me." "We'll make 'em turn their heads, every place we go." "Since the day I saw you, I have been waiting for you." "You know I will adore you, 'til eternity." "You're a real mean guy." "I know that you're the one to blame." "You mixed me up for good right from the very start." "I don't feature what you're putting down." "Since I kissed his loving lips of wine, the thing that bothers me is that I like it fine." "Might as well confess, if the answer's yes." "Though it really hurts me, there's something that I've gotta say." "You stretched my love, till it was thin enough to tear." "I'm just a somebody nobody wants." "I don't want to set the world on fire, honey- I love you too much." "If your love is gone, how can I face the dawn?" "Maybe you'll ask me to come back again- and, maybe, I'll say maybe." "It hurts me to tell 'em that you're gone."
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What are some of your favorite fanfics? You can only include up to 2 LB fics
I was going to wait to answer this in the morning because it's so daunting an ask. But I have to be in office tomorrow and I know I won't have the time, and then I'll forget about this. It's been a long time since anyone asked me my personal favorites.
I put some of them in yesterday's list of elucien recs, so definitely start here. I have to cross post a little, though. None of these are in order, this is actually not a ranking but the opposite of a ranking in which every one is incredible, and written by very wonderful people worth following.
playgirl, by @damedechance. I love this fic. Lucien has an only fans, Elain moderates his chat. She was the first gwynriel writer I ever read. You know I'm weird about Azriel- I don't really enjoy him, but in bookclub, her fic was being recommended CONSTANTLY and I gave it a shot thinking I'd hate it, and she made me insane. The gwynriel fic is Things You Can't Have, and I suggest reading it, too.
Latch, My Fate is Yours; Latch, My Very Soul is Yours by @labellefleur-sauvage. Elucien mummy au and so beautifully done. The author is also an VERY funny person and I recommend anything she writes (such as her 1920's Neris fic And All That Jazz) on vibes alone.
Our Bodies, Possessed By Light @iftheshoef1tz. Azris at its FINEST. If you like Azriel and Eris as a pairing, and you want something that is both achingly beautiful and well-plotted, this is it. This is the fic. Honestly, even if you don't want that, you should read it anyway. It's sexy, it's funny, it's emotional and it's poetic. I think about this fic (the cabin specifically because I'm slutty) all the time.
Crimson Clover, by @thesistersarcheron. Baby's first elriel fic, I heard the sentence "Elain covered in blood" and dropped everything I was doing to learn more. Elain is, in fact, covered in blood and Azriel is pretty insane about it. This author also has a fic bookclub is obsessed with, Viciousness & Intelligence which is Nesta x Cassian x Azriel in a poly bond and another of my personal favorites, Bejeweled in which Feyre is Night Court fae made entirely of jewels and Rhys is...well...down bad as he always is.
Embers, by @ultadverb is my favorite Morlain fic in the fandom. It's so richly written and such a good exploration of Elain and her feelings. She really does Elain such justice. I have it on VERY good authority she's also working on a little monster elucien, and right after I typed that I saw she's actually posted the first chapter, Seven Tears for the Sea, which is selkie Lucien, coastal Elain, I believe. I will be reading that for sure, just as soon as I finish this list, but everyone else should too!
I Believe the Word You're Looking for is "Friends" by @kingofsummer93. Truly Elucien 101 required reading. It's actually on the made-up syllabus I just created in my mind. If you're wanting to settle into a long fic, canon-compliant, adventure fic, THIS is it. Also, people are always asking for BOE smut, well she has so GRACIOUSLY provided it with The Intimacy of Being Understood
Remember, We're Madly In Love by @velidewrites. Have you ever seen one of those really gorgeous mood boards floating around and asked yourself, is that person also an incredibly sexy writer, too? Well I'm here to answer that question with a resounding YES. This is hunger games Feysand and if you've been thinking about reading it, stop thinking and start doing. I don't know when I became a sales person during this sharing of faves, but here we are I guess.
Vanserra Wildlife Rescue by @headcanonheadcase. In the haze that was elucien week, where everyone was creating and I was trying so hard to see all of it (and failing miserably), this fic was a gem. It's meet cute Elucien- he's a wildlife vet, she finds an injured fox. They're both on their way to a blind date (I wonder who they're meeting), and instead cancel to take care of the fox.
Can't Help It by @moodymelanist. This fic was literally why I decided to answer this anon. Nesta and Cassian are in a very toxic relationship but can't keep away from each other. I LOVE this fic, I love their dynamic and without spoiling it, there is a threesome I am still so deeply unwell about, even to this day.
Wonderland by @c-e-d-dreamer. The premise is SO GOOD. Nesta rejects the mating bond and Cassian rejects society. They reconnect later on, and the angst is SO DELICIOUS.
This list is getting really long- I could do this all day, actually. As for my top two @the-lonelybarricade favorites, which is cruel just fyi.
I'm gonna go with
You Look Like Bad News- Elain's neighbor has an annoying habit of fucking REALLY loudly next door.
And of course,
They Are The Hunters, We Are The Foxes, which is the best thing ever produced in the history of ever. Wonderland WHO? This is the shifter elucien romance we deserved, actually.
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juneaulime · 9 months
John Price x Reader
Summary: You go visit your husband in the hospital after his latest mission.
Tags: Wholesome, Fem!Reader (but could be read as Non-Binary!Reader), They/Them pronouns, Not Beta Read.
Notes: Y/N = Your Name, C/N = Child's name.
Authors Note: First of many COD man related fanfics. I'm going to do my best. Have a nice reading.
John got injured quite badly in his last mission. Nothing that bad, just a few broken bones, mainly his left arm and right leg. Y/N decided to visit him on their free afternoon. 'C/N gets out of school at 16:00.' They thought. 'Now it's 14:56.' They thought in the waiting room. A couple more minutes and the front of the desk calls their name. They get up with their basket full of fresh fruits, sandwiches, drawing and letters from C/N. "Greetings, I'm here to visit Jonathan Price." "Alright, wait a minute." The lady looks through her computer and looks back Y/N "Mr. Price room is the number 14. May I know your relationship with him?" "We're married." She types that down. "Very well. Have a nice visit." Y/N thanks her and precedes to his room. There it was. They knock and go into the room. There he was. He lay in his bed watching the tv 'Probably soccer she thought.' He noticed them coming in and smiled at the sight of them. "You came!" 'Goddamn it!' They thought, his smile always made their knees weak. "Yes. I came." They said and put down the basket on the shelf nearby. They proceed to pull a chair and plot it down near his bed. "How's C/N?" "They're fine. Well, missing you, but, fine. I brought their letters and drawings." "Ah, sweet!" He says with a big smile. Y/N takes some letters and gives it to him. John looks through them smiling and giggling. Y/N observes his face. It was bruised and swollen, they looked down, his left arm wrapped in a cast and on his shoulder a new knife wound. They looked down his right leg also wrapped in a cast and also with new scars and scrapes. "What's wrong?" They look at his face "Huh?" "You look... In thoughts." 'Oh' They put on their "I'm fine" voice. "Nothing." "Don't lie to me love, I can see from a mile away you're in thoughts. What are they?" Y/N sighs. "I'm just... Relieved. No, I- I don't know... This time, you came back worse." He laughs "Oh? These? I'm fine! They don't hurt! Don't worr-" Y/N glares at John. "No. Don't tell me not to worry about you. Never. I will always worry about you. That's the least I can do. Other than praying for you to come back to me alive and not just your clothes and dog tag." John sits up and with his right hand he brings her closer to him. "I'm sorry my love. I know it pains you to see me injured like this, but, trust me. I'll always come back to you and C/N." They look at him feeling their eyes tearing up. "John..." John pulls Y/N closer and kisses them. It was a gentle and tender kiss, but full of passion and assurance. They both pull away and rest their forehead against each other. They stay there for a while just taking in each other's presence. Time passed and they both spent it talking about C/N and the 141. But, the time for them to leave came. John was probably sleepy from the meds, so they kissed his forehead. "I have to go and pick up C/N. I'll come back tomorrow with them, ok?" He nods. They pick up their stuff and bids John goodbye. They can't wait to come tomorrow with C/N.
Authors Ending Notes: I hope you guys liked it! I actually wrote it down fisically and changed it a bit while transcribing it. Please do give me criticism on where I can improve. See you next time I decide to write, lol.
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recurring-polynya · 4 months
Writing/Art Update 1.30.2024
Good news! I have finished Chapter 7, including the parts of Chapter 7 that is now in Chapter 8. I mentioned last week that Chapter 7 was running really long with 3 scenes left to go, and I wasn't sure if I was just going to let it get really, really long, or if I was going to shunt those scenes into Chapter 8. In the end, I did both--I moved the longest of the three scenes to Ch 8, and kept the other two in Chapter 7. I had it in my mind that this would ruin the pacing, but the more I thought about it, the more it seemed Fine, Actually, and I think it is.
Finishing "all the stuff allotted for Chapter 7" was kind of a big milestone for me, so I celebrated by...editing Chapters 5 and 6 and sending them to my beta. The editing was a bit of a bigger project than I expected--I had run into a couple of places where I wrote things out of order, and I ended up with "well, does this character know about X or not?" problems that I had to resolve. Anyway, I got a very positive review, so that's exciting!
What's next? Well, the second scene of Chapter 8 was already written, although it had more integration problems, so I cleaned those up and got it into place. That puts Chapter 8 at about 5k words right now (I'm always aiming for 8-9). I've got one more, fairly hefty scene on the outline, so that should fit just about right.
My plan was to try and finish Chapter 8 and then skip ahead and try to write the end. Usually, for fanfics like this, I have a very clear end in mind, and I honestly did not for this one. A while ago, I sat down and came up with one, but I'm not all that sure if it's gonna take up a whole chapter, or if I'm gonna have to pad it a little. I figure that once I have the end in place, it will be easier to fill in the canyon between what I've got and where I've got to go. Right now, the outline gives me one chapter to do that. I feel in my heart like it's more realistically two. I am not excluding the possibility I might get carried away and need three (geez I hope not tho). I've had a little trouble getting started on that last scene of Ch 8 tho-- I'm gonna give it another day or two, and if I can't get some juice on it, I might just skip ahead to the end and come back to it later.
Word count: Part B is now 34,983, for a total of 71,862 (+7265 from last week, although about half of that was already written, so let's call it a 3600 word week).
I also spent a lot of this week drawing. It's a Kuchiki sibs piece for both their birthdays. It was very hard and I won't say I'm happy with it, but I fanart-failed the last two things I tried to do, so I'm just pushing forward. I want to have something to show for January. I've finished up the linework and the flat colors, but it still needs shading and I need to half-ass a background of some sort. I hope I'll be able to do all that in time to post it tomorrow. This is also the phase of the project where it looks the least good, and the part that comes next is where it rapidly starts to look a lot better. I also need to do A Special Effect, and I think I'm going to have to look up a tutorial, because my usual brush-mashing was not turning out to be fruitful. We'll just have to see, I guess.
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boredwritergirl · 29 days
Day 4 - Duel Spirits
Hey everyone, a weird one for you today. I just did a writing sprint with @sapphicdesiress and I somehow accidentally made a fanfic of Yu-Gi-Oh GX. I've never made a fanfic before and idk if I'll ever do it again, but as with all the previous stories, I'm open to make a follow up if there's a desire for it. Also, while this is technically a fanfic, i must stress that it doesn't take much show knowledge to follow and honestly, I don't believe I properly represented the show nor the Character Alexis Rhodes. I imagine many of you would claim somethings are out of character and kind of mean spirited and I completely agree with that. But It's still something I wrote, and I think it works as a standalone story, so it's likely that people with only a vague knowledge of the show would like it more than die hard fans. Maybe I will make a more faithful fanfic sometime, But I'm perfectly ok if this is the only one I ever make. Also, I did take the time to edit this since I was in a writer's sprint, making shit up off the top of my head, typing fast on a phone, so yeah, It needed A LOT of editing, but it's in a decent state to share with you all now. Thanks for reading and hope you catch tomorrow's story.
Duel Spirits
The school was never pretty, but it looked especially daunting at night time. It felt wrong, like I was doing something against nature. But as I rummaged through the principal's office, I knew I needed to find it. I couldn't leave one stone unturned. I needed to see what he was hiding.
I made a complete mess of that buffoon's office. I just know he was hiding something. I just know that he knows what happened to my brother.
I took a deep breath before taking a look out the door, making sure no one's lurking in the hallway.
It has to have something to do with the abandoned building on the edge of the campus, the one place on this island that's forbidden to attend.
That must be where I go next, into the forest, into the abandoned dorm where my brother and 5 other obelisk blue students disappeared. I'll never give up on finding Atticus, even if I do get caught.
As I began to step out, I immediately closed the door as I heard footsteps in the distance. As I listened out, I could tell who it was. It was unmistakably the footsteps of the flamboyant Dr Crowler, I almost didn't recognize it without the accompanying sounds of his entitled gloating from earning a doctorate in playing Duel Monsters.
He was likely on his way to find some other way to mess with Jaiden, but I couldn't worry about that now. Atticus could still be out there, needing my help at this very instant. 
It's a shame I have to operate in the dark like this. As the highest ranking woman duelist in the academy, a lot of eyes are on me. Not as many as are on Zane, but I can't afford to slip up, because any mistake caught will be campus gossip before I could know it.
Then I heard the sounds of Dr Crowler coming back, this time his hand trying to turn the knob on the door. 
I made my escape through The giant window behind the Principal's chair and slowly climbed my way down from the building and onto the ground beneath me.
I immediately booked it, running to the abandoned dorm, through the dark forest of the night. 
But then I got lost. I looked and looked all around, not being able to see anything other than trees, endless trees!
I had no choice but to keep running and running, until I saw something strange… winged kuriboh.
Winged Kuriboh was one of Jaidens cards, but what was it doing here? And how was it physically in front of me? I didn't see a duel disk lying around, so it couldn't have been from that. Perhaps there was an old Industrial Illusions hologram generator around but those were outdated anyways, besides there's no chance Kaiba Corp would allow another company's tech at their campus.
The little furry winged beast beckoned to me, not able to speak, but gently cooing and pointing behind it. It wanted me to follow it.
I did so, going deeper into the woods following a duel monsters card come alive.
But then I stood shocked, dead in my tracks as I saw them… my deck. All of the monsters of my deck had come alive, and there was something wrong with them. Their eyes were blood red, their skin was rotten and foul. The cute and feminine deck I used to have became perverted into this monstrosity… I immediately ran away for my life, being chased by them. Their howls echoed through the night.
Blade skater and cyber gymnast zipped through the trees effortlessly, Cyber tutu and Etoile Cyber jumping from tree branch to tree branch trying to take me down while Cyber prima and cyber petite angel chased me in mid air.
I kept running, my legs not stopping for an instant. My face was soaked with sweat and my breaths were short and rapid, my heartbeat going at the pace of an F1 formula racer.
This couldn't be real, this can't be happening. Duel Monsters aren't real, it's just a children's card game! This makes no sense.
Of all the monsters, oddly enough, it was Cyber Petite angel that managed to get the jump on me. grabbing the duel disk on my arm and smashing it into the tree, completely shattering both the duel disk and my bones.
I let out a scream of terror and pain as I came to a collision, my arm now out of its socket. 
I tried to crawl away with the one arm I had left. All of the monsters I won my duels with smashing the duel disk until it was nothing but miscellaneous scraps of metal and wires.
But I didn't stop moving… I couldn't stop moving. I crawled as much as I could, but it was fruitless. 
My most powerful monster, Cyber Angel Dakini stood before me. He held his javelin to my face, lightly scraping my cheek to make me bleed.
It was obvious what was to come, what was to happen, that I'd never find Atticus again, that this was the end of Alexis Rhodes
But then suddenly, Jaiden Yuki Showed up. He's a great duelist from the Slyfer dorms. And of course. He did what he does best, say a bunch of heroic crap, tell the spirits to “get your game on!” And starts dueling my deck to save my life.
I couldn't pay attention at all to the fight, my eyes were focused on my arm. Knowing Jaiden, he probably just used his Elemental Heroes so he can fusion summon Elemental hero flame wingman, set up his skyscraper card to boost it by one thousand attack points and win with his special effect just like always.
When he won, he took me to the nurse. They did all they could for me, but nothing was ever the same after that. 
I tried to go back to classes, But everyone looked at me differently. Before I was Alexis, the girl everyone wanted or wanted to be… but now, I'm just a victim. Status never mattered to me before, but it hits differently when you have nothing left.
Maybe I'll never find my brother, but I figured I could make another deck and go back to my dueling studies, but no… every time I saw a card from my old deck, I'd just freeze in terror. I'd lose over and over again until I was demoted from obelisk blue, all the way down to Slyfer red. 
I finally got kicked out after a couple Of years. I just couldn't go back. No matter how hard I fought, I'd just lose, lose, lose.
I felt so pathetic. I couldn't save Atticus anymore than I could save myself. I finally admitted to myself that I'd never find him, and that my career was just as lost as he was.
Atticus deserved better and I used to think I deserved better too, but now I'll settle for just a single night where I don't have to relive all of that in my dreams.
I'm sorry, Atticus Rhodes… but you deserved A better sister. It should have been me who vanished in that abandoned dorm instead of you…
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5 [Once Upon a Timeline], 8, 9, 10, 17 and 25 for the fanfic writer ask game!
5. What do you wish someone would ask you about [insert fic]? Answer it now!
Once Upon a Timeline
Ooh! Ooh, that's actually tricky and I don't know if I have a specific thing off the top of my head? Maybe what went down with Bivolo because Barry presumerably didn't go attack Eddie but honestly I didn't put much more thought into it than Barry wouldn't be jealous of Eddie in the same way, but Eddie definitely encounters a whammied Barry still. It's still a toss up in my mind of whether it's in regret about what he did when he was whammied or post Revenge of the Rogues that Barry goes to tell Malcolm the truth about everything. I am certain he at first groups Malcolm in with Iris after Joe does the nonsense "promise not to tell Iris to keep her safe" thing though, and Malcolm is not happy about it either. He is especially grumpy the first person Barry ran to was the Arrow and not his own twin, and very quick to point out Barry did not run to him because "he has experience and the best advice", he ran to Oliver because he knew Oliver wouldn't tell him no.
Malcolm is the only person at that point who knows Barry is having complicated feelings about Iris and Eddie though.
8. What song would make a great fic (to either write or read)?
I do keep thinking Hold Me Like a Grudge (Fall Out Boy) could fit an Eobard and Barry fic...
9. How do you find new fic to read?
There are a few authors I am subscribed to, and if I see an interesting looking post on here (either by the author or in a rec list) I might go click on that one, but honestly most of the time I just go into The Flash- All Media Types tag in chronological order and see if there's an interesting sounding summary. I do have a few tags I have set the bookmark with those filtered out though, and I might go into a more specific tag if I'm looking for something more specific
10. How do you decide what to write?
Sometimes ideas feel like daydreams and some I'll note down and I guess if I have an idea and it feels firmly stuck in my head and I keep thinking about it I think oh I'll write that one? If there's more thought then it's a subconscious one.
I'm very fond of canon divergent aus though, they'll be more likely to make it to the notes than a full blown au, though I have had some fun with them too
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
That's kind of what Fixed Point is, albeit just a snippet, but imagine a whole canon divergent AU of s2 of Legends of Tomorrow where Nora Allen is also there and basically the point of this is so she can deck Eobard Thawne. She deserves it.
25. What other websites or resources do you use most often when you write?
Wikipedia is my best friend. Mostly if I'm doing research I only want a vague overview anyway, Wikipedia's good for that.
Thank you!
[Fanfic Writer Asks]
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aylacavebear · 4 months
Stockroom Antics - Chapter 3
Maria had changed jobs numerous times over the last five years, more to keep herself safe than anything else. Her mother had told her she was a fairy but she thought it was just her mom being weird. Honestly, though, she had no other way of explaining what had happened to her that stormy day before she'd gone into a coma for two weeks.
Please don't take my work. I'll post warnings for each chapter. Will probably be 18+ I haven't decided yet!
Word Count: 1474
Pairing eventually Dean Winchester x OC
Warnings: Angst
A/N: This one's written a little differently than my last one. Let me know what you think. It's the first time I've tried this type of writing. Chapters will alternate viewpoints as well. I also looked into an actual area so this one could feel more realistic.
----------------------------------------- Stockroom Antics Chapter 3
You and Sarah went back to the hardline to finish unboxing what had come in on the truck that day. She was still laughing a bit from the little sofa incident, taking out her phone and getting it posted to her social media account.
“So, he was hot,” Sarah mused as she put her phone back in her pocket, pulling some items out of the box in front of her.
You shrug your shoulders, working your own box, “He’s FBI, probably married anyway.”
“Doesn’t mean you couldn’t have flirted a little bit with him,” she teased you.
You now rolled your eyes, “Men are nothing but trouble. How many are flirting with you these days?” you asked, teasing her a bit.
“A few,” she chuckled.
The two of you chatted while you worked, laughing and joking around, as well as planning your next antic to film. Luckily, management was fairly lenient when it came to goofing off at work. Most times in the stockroom there were jokes, laughter, and better than any comedy show you’d ever watched. It all managed to mostly take your mind off of the sulfur question the agent had asked you about but it never fully left your mind.
Your break came up around two-thirty, a typical time when you worked till five. You liked sitting outside in the sun, even on chilly days like today. Most times you’d scroll through Tumbler, reading some fanfic about one of your favorite characters. These days it was Damon from The Vampire Diaries. To you, it was just fantasy. You knew vampires weren’t really like that, and you had no desire for a domineering man in your life either.
Five minutes before you had to go back in, you looked up as the scent of sulfur moved across the air from behind you. Almost a dozen people were walking around the parking lot and the sidewalk in front of the businesses there but none of them stood out. You took a deep breath, the sulfur smell gone as you felt your heart rate increase a little, knowing you’d have to be even more vigilant than before.
As you took care of the hummers for the last half of your shift you paid more attention to the customers in the store, but more for the scent of sulfur. If you had been running the racks of clothes, you probably would have smelled it but since everything on the hummers went in the back half of the store, you never noticed. 
Several customers asked you to unlock the bathrooms for them, which you did with a friendly smile, enjoying being able to help them with something. You missed cashiering, which was your last job at the Wal-Mart across the street. Ross hadn’t started cross-training you yet, so for now, you just enjoyed helping the customers who came up to you on the floor. You smiled while you worked, dancing around a little to the music playing in the store. Sometimes something you liked came on even if most of it was more new-aged.
“So, if we get pillows in the shipment tomorrow, pillow fight on hardline,” Sarah told her as you put another hummer in the backroom near the end of your shift.
“Oh my god, that is gonna be so much fun,” you laughed, thinking about it.
“We’ll see who else we can get in on it and get to film it,” she chuckled.
The two of you were always coming up with new ways to have fun at work, “How’d the last video do?” you ask her, mildly curious.
“They loved it and want your profile so they can check your stuff out too,” Sarah told her.
You laugh a little as you look away from her, “You know I’m not into all that stuff. I’ll just be a silent contributor.”
She rolled her eyes, “One of these days you’ll cave,” she teased you before asking you for a code 99, as she did every day the two of you worked together.
You check her bag, say your goodbyes, then clock out and head outside. The smell of sulfur is present but you can’t identify its source. You stop at the edge of the sidewalk, looking both ways and around the parking lot. There is a really nice Impala sitting in the parking lot but you can’t make out who’s inside it, not from this distance. That was not what you should have been focusing on but it was the only odd thing that stood out. What you didn’t notice was the couple that was watching you from near the Petsmart, right next to your work.
Once the way was clear, you crossed the small road and headed toward your truck, feeling your heart rate increasing as you walked. You at least were aware that the sulfur odor was coming from somewhere behind you but that didn’t mean you didn’t suspect whoever was in that Impala either. You’d warded at least the inside of your truck from demons, making it so they couldn’t enter. The breeze blew again, sending that sulfur smell back over you as you closed the driver’s door of your truck. 
For a moment, you just sat there, hands on the steering wheel, attempting to calm your racing heart, as well as looking around for anyone suspicious. You saw them, the couple standing near the Petsmart, watching you. One more deep breath, and you started your truck, heading toward home. It was a half-hour drive from where you worked, out in the quieter part of Avra Valley.
You checked your rearview mirror repeatedly as you drove home down those long stretches of road. There was the usual five o’clock traffic but out this way, it was minimal compared to in town. A couple of times you thought you were being followed. You even slowed down, going five under the speed limit. The cars passed you, and you sped back up, now back to five over the speed limit. There was also a brief moment when you could have sworn you saw that black Impala in the small line of vehicles behind you but it wasn’t there when you rechecked. 
It was five-thirty-five when you pulled into your driveway. You lived on an acre of land in a mobile home attached to a scamper with a twenty by seventeen-foot enclosed porch that connected the two. As you put the truck in park and shut off the engine, you sat there, taking several, slow deep breaths. You’d already found a decent protection spell with sigils that you’d marked each corner of the property with, as well as warded your house as a just in case.
The sun was low but not quite down, not for another half hour at least, and the wind had picked up again. You sighed as you climbed out of your truck and headed inside. Luckily you’d remembered to leave your heater going so the scamper was warm, that was where you slept and spent most of your time. 
Your regular night routine consisted of changing into comfortable pajamas, setting up your coffee pot for the following day, checking Snapchat due to Sara and her tagging you in the antics you did at work, and then spending the evening enjoying your favorite show at the moment. Dinner was leftover baked chicken while watching The Vampire Diaries.
After dark, the neighborhood dogs started up like they usually did. There were plenty of strays in the area but within the last week, the neighbor's dogs had gotten more annoying. It was almost as if people were taking a walk or someone may have been lingering too long. No matter how many times you checked outside, through your window, you never saw anything, not even a stray dog. With the subdivision across the street, lots more people had dogs in the area. There were also the annoying drivers who either blared their music or had the bass turned up so high that you could hear them coming a mile away. It was the usual light traffic for the night since it was a weeknight. On Friday and Saturday nights, all the kids and teenagers were out on dirt bikes and quads.
When eight rolled around, you reluctantly turned off your show before heading to bed. You knew you’d be up for at least another hour reading some fanfic on Tumbler, or several. It was probably the most relaxing part of your day. Snuggled in your bed, leaning against your pillows, letting your mind drift to some fantasy through a fanfic, even with the dogs going off from time to time outside. There were plenty of things you weren’t aware of that night as you plugged in your phone, turned on some relaxing music to sleep to, and turned off your light. 
----------------------------------------- Chapter 4
Link to the series Master List
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1-sasha-stuff-1 · 4 months
Chapter 12: Exam Day of Into Another World a MHAxReader fanfic
I go back to school tomorrow :( (Send help).
Anyways, here's the next chapter and I hope you enjoy!
Warning: some language here and there (Don't really proofread any of the chapters that I write so if anything is off or something, I'm sorry. I'm just too lazy to check sometimes but I'll work on it, lol.)
d/n - dogs name
h/s - hair style
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"I'll see you later, d/n. Wish me luck!" 
You locked the door to your home and walked down the pathway and onto the sidewalk. As you walked on, you enjoyed the calmness and quietness of the streets before they got busy and noisy. The display of warm colors had taken over the sky, creating a contrast with the blue and white clouds. The sun seemed to resemble a golden coin, or a dazzling gem in the sky.
And where were you heading so early in the morning? Well, you were going to take the entrance exam at no other than the most prestigious high school for future heroes.
UA High.
It was currently early in the morning, about 7:30, but the entrance exam started at 8:30 and you wanted to make sure you got there early. The day before, you had asked Midoriya if he wanted to walk with you so that you both could go together, but he had other plans. Well, the plans being that he had to go to the beach and inherit All Might's quirk, but you didn't need to know that. You wore your black sweatpants with a f/c shirt and put your hair in a h/s, along with your favorite shoes that always seemed to travel with you wherever you went. Although it was still peaceful outside, someone decided to ruin it.
"Oi, Insect! Wait a goddamn minute!"
Turning around, you spotted Bakugo a few meters behind you, walking towards you with an angry expression. Sighing, you turned around to fully face him as you also stopped walking in the process, hands shoved into the pockets of your pants.
Ever since he tried to blow up Midoriya and you took the hit for him and after class the same day, he kept his distance from you. Even when you sat at your desk and Bakugo beside you, he kept his mouth shut most of the time, only really calling you 'pest' or 'insect'.
"Huh, wonder what he wants...."
He finally came up to you and you both began to silently walk together towards UA. Neither one of you said anything to the other person.
A few minutes passed and still, the two of you were too stubborn to talk to each other first, so as per usual, you broke the ice first as you kept your head forward but talked.
"So, how's it been?"
It was quiet again until Bakugo spoke up.
"What's it to you? And besides, why are you even talking to me, huh?"
"Well, you were the one to say 'Wait up, you pest!', weren't you?"
Now it was your turn to roll your eyes at him.
"Come on, be for real right now, Bakugo."
"I am being for real, you damn pest!"
"Uh huh, sure you are."
It turned into a (yet again) silent walk once more for about ten minutes until it was broken, but by the young male beside you.
"I’m talking about your left side."
Looking forward, you hum in thought. Was he being an ass to you, or was he actually genuinely worried? 
“It’ll be fine. I’ll just have to be on some medication for a month or two, maybe only a week if my body works it out faster or whatever.”
Although you didn’t see it, Bakugo exhaled a breath he was seemingly holding in, now releasing how tense he was as he was awaiting your answer. He didn’t want to accept the truth, but he was pretty worried for your condition after the incident had happened.
You glanced at him from the corner of your eye, noticing how his brows were furrowed and his lips were pressed into a thin line. You felt a pang in your chest, knowing that he blamed himself for what happened to you. You wanted to say something to reassure him, but you didn't know how to break the ice.
You decided to change the topic and lighten the mood.
"So, are you ready for the entrance exam?" you asked casually, hoping to spark some conversation.
He snorted and looked at you with a smug grin.
"Of course I am. I'm going to ace it and become the number one hero. You should be glad that you're walking with me. Maybe some of my greatness will rub off on you."
You rolled your eyes again, but this time you smiled.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, Bakugo. Just don't get too cocky and blow yourself up, okay?"
He scoffed and glared at you.
"As if that would ever happen. I'm not like that useless Deku who doesn't have a quirk. I'm a natural genius, him."
You shook your head and chuckled dryly.
"Sure, sure. Keep telling yourself that, Bakugo. Maybe one day you'll actually believe it."
He growled and clenched his fists.
"Shut up, you pest! You're so annoying!"
You laughed and nudged him playfully.
"Aw, come on, Bakugo. Don't be like that. You know I'm just teasing you. You're my friend, after all."
He blinked and looked at you with a surprised expression.
"Friend? Since when are we friends?"
You smiled and shrugged.
"Since now, I guess. Unless you have a problem with that."
He looked away and muttered something under his breath.
"No, I don't have a problem with that. It's fine."
You grinned and wrapped your arm around his shoulder.
"Great! Then it's settled. We're friends. And friends stick together, right?"
He sighed and rolled his eyes, but he didn't push you away.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just don't get in my way, okay?"
You winked and gave him a thumbs up.
"Got it. I won't get in your way. I'll just be right behind you, cheering you on."
He smirked and nudged you back.
"That's more like it. Now let's go and show them what I’m made of."
You rolled your eyes and followed him as he quickened his pace and walked slightly ahead of you so that you couldn’t see the red that crept onto his face.
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The two of you conversed with each other as you entered the gates of UA, slightly getting to know each other better as they both thought the same thing in their heads. 
"I guess being friends with her/him isn't so bad after all...."
As the two of you walked on, students around started to whisper among themselves and their friends/classmates. 
"Isn't he from the sludge villain incident?"
"Who's that walking next to him, his girlfriend?"
"Nah, I heard from a friend of mine that goes to their middle school, they're apparent rivals of some sorts...."
The whispers went on and on as the two teens walked on, that is until Y/n got a rough nudge from Bakugo as he looked over to someone else in the crowd.
Bakugo guided the two of you towards his direction as he "accidentally" bumped into the poor boy as he stopped his muttering and looked at Bakugo.
"K-Kacchan! I-"
Before he could finish his sentence, he looked at you with confusion and slight betrayal in his eyes. 
Smiling tensely, you looked between the boy standing in front of you and beside you. 
"How's it going Izuku? It's good to see you-"
"Why are you with him?"
Confusion came across your face as you looked at the green haired boy, was he mad?
In his mind, he was slightly hurt that you had walked with Bakugo instead of him, even though he couldn’t walk with you to begin with, but he couldn’t help feeling those emotions.
“Why do feelings have to be so complicated?”
"I was just walking with him over here for the exams, you know, since you were busy with something."
"R-right, sorry."
"No, it's alright Izuku, don't worry about it!"
Bakugo tsked as he looked at the two of you, slight disgust written on his face.
"Eh, you guys are weak, I'm going to go and ace this test. Unlike you two."
Bakugo walked off, leaving the two of you alone.
Looking at Midoriya, you smile as he smiles back and you both continue on your walk.
You felt a wave of relief wash over you as Bakugo left. You didn't like how he treated Midoriya. You hoped that he wouldn't bother you again during the exam.
You turned your attention to Midoriya, who was still looking at you with a mix of curiosity and admiration. You wondered what he was thinking, and if he still felt the same way about you as he did before.
You decided to break the silence and start a conversation.
"So, Izuku, are you excited for the exam?"
He nodded and smiled.
"Yeah, I am. I've been studying and training hard for this. I want to prove myself and become a hero. Just like All Might."
You smiled back and nodded.
"I know, Izuku. You’ll do amazing, I'm sure. Even without a quirk"
He blushed and looked away while laughing awkwardly.
“Y-yea, right. Without a quirk….”
| | | | | | | | |
Everyone in the huge room was silent.
“Damn, I feel bad for the man.”
Is all you thought as Present Mic silently said a low ‘okay’.
“Anyways! I’m here to present to you the guidelines of your Entrance Exam!”
Besides you on your left sat Midoriya as he fanboyed over the pro hero (Present Mic) talking about the Entrance Exam as Bakugo sat to your right and rolled his eyes.
“Will you tell Deku to shut the fuck up? If you don’t, I’ll do it myself!”
Bakugo silently whispered (yelled) in your ear as you turned to face Midoriya.
“Izuku! Please be quiet or you’ll ask questions on what he had been saying later!”
“R-Right, sorry Y/n!”
Midoirya was now quiet as you all began to pay attention to the loud hero once more. 
“After the presentation concludes, you’ll all head straight towards the location you have on the card that was given to you all earlier!”
Looking down at your card, you noticed that it had the letter ‘G’ while Midoriya had his location the same as it was in the Anime, along with Bakugo.
“They're separating us so that none of us from the same middle school can work together, uh. I was hoping to beat Deku’s ass.”
“Each site contains three types of faux villains, you will have to use your quirks to defeat them and earn the points that they may have! Obsoully based on the type of villain you defeat!”
“Excuse me! May I ask a question!”
Turning towards the direction of the voice, you see a dark blue haired boy with glasses standing up from his seat while holding the piece of paper on the information you would have to know about the practical exam. 
Tenya Iida.
“Come to think of it, Midoriya didn’t run into Uraraka like he originally did….”
You got lost in your thoughts as Iida continued on with his little rant on the fourth faux villain, until he pointed towards the green haired boy behind you.
“And you! The one with curly hair next to the h/c girl! You’ve been muttering this whole time, it’s distracting! If you can’t take this exam seriously then leave!”
Midoirya muttered a small ‘sorry’ and shrank down into his seat as you patted his shoulder, telling him it was okay as Present Mic answered Iida’s question.
“Um, Nice catch, examine 7111! Although, unlike the rest of the faux villains that are worth one, two, or three points, that fourth one is worth zero points!”
The blue haired boy pushed his glasses backup and sat back down.
“Thank you for clearing up that information! I apologize for not reading the handout thoroughly enough!”
Present Mic was seen having a few sweat drops from his forehead until he cleared his throat and began to talk once more. 
“It’s alright! That villain is kinda like a security guard of sorts! But instead of giving you  points to defeat it, it’s just a barrier trying to waste your time, so I would just ignore it and continue on my way if I were you!”
He clapped his hands together as he was concluding the presentation.
“Now, go break a leg out there everyone!”
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Standing outside of a fake city labeled G, you felt a surge of adrenaline and anxiety. 
You could see the tall buildings, the narrow streets, and the hidden traps that awaited you. 
“Breathe in, breathe out…” you whispered to yourself, trying to calm your racing heart. 
You scanned the crowd of other participants, hoping to spot a friendly face, but you recognized no one. 
You were alone in this challenge. 
Sighing, you headed closer to the massive gates of the city and continued to control your breathing. 
“Alright, Y/n, you got this. The minute he says to start, run as fast as you can.” You repeat your mantra in your mind, psyching yourself up for the task ahead. 
“Breathe in, breathe out, in, out, in, out…” You heard a loud voice booming from the speakers. 
You didn’t hesitate. 
You sprinted towards the now open gates as the rest of the crowd stood there, stunned and confused. You ignored what Present Mic was saying, something about following your example or whatever. 
Upon entering the city, you closed your eyes as you focused on using your quirk to turn small and the all too familiar hornet wings sprouted from your back. You soared into the air, searching for the robots. 
You were determined to prove yourself in this exam.
| | | |
Same time, different location….
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In a spacious room, several UA teachers were watching the students on multiple screens, each showing a different part of the entrance exam. 
They were commenting on the performance of the applicants, especially the ones who stood out from the crowd.
“Well, that was unexpected.” A man with long, black hair  said as he saw the all too familiar girl with wings fly over the city, dodging the robots that tried to shoot her down as she was the one to take them down.
“Ooh, how daring. She must have a lot of confidence in her abilities. I wonder what else she can do with those wings.” A woman with a revealing costume said, admiring the girl’s boldness.
“Indeed, she seemed to have shown great initiative and courage. She also wasted no time in entering the city and activating her Quirk, what’s her name anyways?” 
A man in a cowboy getup asked as he leaned over to a white mouse in a suit, who was operating a computer.
“L/n Y/n is the name and her quirk seems to be called Hornet! I suspect it’s a mutation type of quirk.” The mouse said, pulling up a separate screen with Y/n’s information. 
“She can transform into a human-sized hornet or shrink to the size of a regular insect.”
“She’s smart, too. She knows that flying gives her an advantage over the ground-based robots. She can scout the area and avoid detection, especially because of how small she was able to turn herself.”
A man who was literally concret said a serious expression on his face as he analyzed the girl’s strategy.
“Hmm, yes, very impressive. But she should also be careful. It says that she has had a recent injury a couple months back, could ruin any plan she has in mind if she injures it again.” 
A man with wild, blond hair and a gentle smile said, expressing his concern.
“Hey, hey, hey! Don’t be so negative! Let’s cheer for our students! Go, Y/n, go! You’re the best! You’re the coolest! You’re the-” 
A man with tall, blond hair and sunglasses shouted, waving his arms.
“Enough, Present Mic. You’re giving me a headache. And you’re supposed to be impartial. You’re the announcer, not a fanboy.” 
The man with messy, black hair and a tired look said, rubbing his temples.
“Aw, come on, Eraser Head. Don’t be such a killjoy. Let me have some fun! Besides, didn’t you tell me you knew her or something? You should be cheering for her as well! I bet that Y/n girl is gonna be in the top 5!” Present Mic said, challenging his colleague.
“Oh? I bet she’ll get a place between 10 and 20.” The R-rated hero said, accepting the bet.
“Look, there’s one of the robots. It’s about to fire at her.” 
The skinny looking man said, otherwise known as All Might (in his weak form) said, pointing at the screen.
“Let’s see if she has a plan in mind or is just as reckless as one of us in this room.”
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Welp, Y/n is friends with Bakugo......Right?
And of course, Yn is totally not interfering with the cannon events and changing them without knowing herself......Right?
Anyways, you got the chapter and I hope you guys enjoyed it!
Have a good rest of your day! :)
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nycteres · 7 months
Ira Deorum
WIP Prologue for longer fic | Fandom: BG3 | CW: Mildly implied child neglect.
Trying to actually write my dumb little BG3 Protag fanfic. 😭 Idk how far I'll get but i needed a place to store this that was easier than google docs lmao.
Bards and poets alike - the egocentric windbags that they are - have often said, ‘Home is the first grave’.
Aphrodite walks down a dirt and clay road - one she hoped she’d never have to set foot on again - and tries to put the saying out of her mind.
Red road dust licks at her heels. It’s clumped along the straps of her sandals, adding new grit with every step for the last several miles. The hem of her skirt is similarly soiled, clay and linen tangled together, swishing around her ankles sad and deflated.
Half-buried before she’s even reached the doorstep.
By the time the farmhouse comes into view, her tail drags across the ground. It carves little furrows, kicking up more dirt; covering the vibrant purple of her skin with a layer of rusty brown. It hooks on stones and pebbles and she lets it. A yoke she must drag forward. Feeling less like a Tiefling and more like a workhorse with every step.
No one greets her, not when the steps groan loudly at her weight. Not even when the door swings open on tired hinges, with a protesting creak.
Her mother stands in the kitchen, in the same spot she always has, as if she’d never left it in all those years. Sorting beans with quick hands and a tired air.
“Oh,” She startles when seeing her. Bringing a hand up to her chest and letting loose a dramatic sigh. “You gave me a fright there, we weren’t expecting you till tomorrow.”
“I walk fast,” Aphrodite says, doing what she must. Laying her pack down on a nearby chair and folding her mother into a hug.
She’s just a small as she was last time. Fitting neatly into the space at Aphrodite’s shoulder, hands creased and rough as they fiddle with her blouse, fastidiously tugging at garments that are still well in their place.
Her mother’s complexion is of a similar color, if faded by time and sun. Not an eye catching, violent purple, that Aphrodite takes pain to contrast against fine silks and glittering metals.
Her coloration is almost dun. A muddy violet, chapped and wind worn, one that looks dull even against Aphrodite’s third best traveling cloak. The one made of sensible, dark brown wool. The kind that wont offend her parents with its excess. It’s only concessions to her tastes being the scarlet flowers one of the acrobats in her caravan had embroidered around the hood.
Everything in the farmhouse is muted and weathered. The hug is too, even if Aphrodite lingers out of the vague sense that this is what she owes, as a daughter. Whether she wants to give it or not.
They break away after long enough has passed. Counting the beats in her head until she can unwind her mothers arms, step out of their reach with pity and gentleness and relief.
“In any case, we’re always glad to have you.” Her mother says, going back to her beans with a gentle pat to her shoulder. “I could always use the help. You know how they are.”
“Hard to forget.” She says, sunny; with a drawling trill to her undertone.
Aphrodite’s sarcasm is deftly ignored. The shelled beans falling into the container in little stuttered taps, like rain on a tin roof. Echoes that fill the awkward silence.
“It’s worse than any of the others I’ve had.” Her mother offers. “You’re welcome to try if you feel that confident. He’ll be in the bedroom. It’s a task getting him to come out some days.”
“Really?” She can’t help but needle a bit. “A seasoned veteran like you, done in by a single child?”
“I said it to that priest so he could write it down for me in our letter. And I’ll say to you again now. He’s an odd one. There’s something off about that boy.”
Aphrodite hums, a soothing two tone sound she uses on particularly uppity clients. Falling into the usual song and dance, an worn groove of Deflect, De-escalate and Disengage.
“Why don’t you show me where he is? I’ll see what I can do while you finish up.”
Her mother shoots her a particularly nasty and tired look. One that says that Aphrodite knows exactly where the bedrooms are located and should need no guide.
She doesn't back down, but rolls her eyes. Leaning against the solid oak dining table. One of the few pieces of furniture that doesn't look like it’s old enough to have seen the second sundering. The one that she sent them money for, when their last table broke.
“It’s five steps down the hall, it’s not going to kill you.” She cajoles with a nasty and tired look of her own. “He’s - what? - three, he’d probably be more worried if a stranger came in without him knowing who they are.”
She gets her way in the end. Even if the acquiescence comes with a disgusted sigh. Her guide stomping down the hallway with ill grace.
The door to the third bedroom is thrown open with little fanfare. When Aphrodite steps through, it’s like swimming against a current of Déjà vu. Old memories superimposed against the current floor plan.
It looks different now than when she was last here. Housing one child instead of several. None of the triplets’ effects randomly clutter the floor. There aren’t lutes and lyres and badly whittled flutes to serve as a tripping hazard to unwary visitors. But parts of it are still same in the end.
Faded curtains, a rickety pallet bed. An endless pile of mended blankets to ward off the chill.
“I’m afraid I offended him by trying to get him into a change of clothes this morning. He’s refused to come out since then.” Her mother - their mother - gives another deep exhale. A new kind of weariness in her tone, surprising after eight children. But maybe it shouldn’t be, if one considers what little time she had actually spent with them.
“You’re welcome to try your hand at it,” She offers with a shake of her head, heading back to the kitchen. Not remembering or not caring that she had asked for an introduction.
Aphrodite shuts the door quietly behind her. Cutting off escape routes. Intimately familiar with which hiding spots a small child might favor.
She doesn’t find him in the chest of drawers, or behind the shabby little dresser in the corner. But the creak of a floorboard alerts her to her quarry. Taking pains to move slowly, she steps closer to the bed, sinks to her knees and shuffles under it as best as she can.
He’s wedged against the wall, pillbugged into a stiff little shape. Horns dusted with all the cobwebs that accumulate near the edge of the baseboards, where no one ever sweeps.
“Hello there,” She greets him, taking pains to keep her voice soft and pleasant.
Her brother doesn’t respond. Watching, waiting. With black sclera and bright pupils, a blazing orange that hearkened back to the eternal fires of Nessus.
Not even the shadows can hide the ridiculous coloration of the rest of him. As pink as she is purple, contrasting sharply against the cream linens and homey ginghams that cover their home.
“Well,” She says dryly, not bothered yet by his lack of response. “At least you got some of my good looks.”
“Fate has preserved you from looking like father, in any case,” Aphrodite whispers conspiratorially, knowing children love nothing more than being included in a good gossip session. “Cherry red is very passé I’m afraid.”
He doesn’t respond. But she can see his nails digging gouges into the wood. Still, tense, quiet.
Aphrodite switches tracks. It's the mark of a good conman, knowing when tailor your approach to the current audience.
“My name’s Aphrodite. I’m one of your sisters. Why don’t you come with me, and we can get you something to eat.”
She holds out her hand, dusty with the filth that accumulates underneath a bed. Prepared to wait for as long as it takes.
Which is a while, in the end. A long, expectant silence. Broken only by the roosters crowing outside.
“I promise I won’t make you change clothes.” She whispers conspiratorially. Playing her trump card.
Basking in the success of the moment. When that little hand folds into hers, and lets itself be shuffled out from underneath the bed, cobwebs and all.
His name is Adrammael. A name that is as predictably long and awkward as all of his other sibling’s names. To speak nothing of her own.
Their parents don’t even have the grace to remember which one of them came up with it.
“It’s practically child abuse to make you write that out, when you start learning your letters.” She says to him one evening. When they both sit inside the run, warming themselves in the sun.
“You look more like a Dram to me.” Aphrodite decides with firm certainty.
If Dram has any opinions on the subject, he doesn’t care to share them. Preoccupied with burying his face into one of the chickens that he’s coerced into sitting in his lap. Making one of those odd guttural, humming noises he seems so fond of, muffled by a mouthful of feathers.
Aphrodite would rather swallow a particularly hot coal than admit to her mother being right about anything, but in the privacy of her mind, she is forced to admit. There really is something off about that boy.
Dram takes to her easily enough despite that.
She takes to him too, despite the myriad of difficulties that have stopped their parents from doing the same.
Chief among them being that he doesn’t speak yet. No matter what sort of threat or bribe he’s faced with.
Dram does not speak, even though he’s of the age to. But to everyone’s annoyance - even hers - he has no problem with screaming. He screams when he’s angry and when he’s upset and when they make him wear certain articles of clothing.
He’ll run away if the dinner contains certain vegetables he’s not too fond of. Crawl under the table to hide when they have visitors. Press his hands to his ears and start up a slew of truly concerning vocalizations if he’s forced into a situation that isn’t to his liking.
He’s a terrible handful of a child - despite having practically raised her seven other siblings, possessing more than enough experience with kids of his age - and there are times where Aphrodite fantasizes about going back to her old caravan. Letting her parents sort this one out by themselves. Learn the consequences of not using any kind of protection for once in their lives.
It’s a beautiful fantasy. If one that falls apart pretty quickly.
Crumbling to pieces a little more every time she wakes up and finds him in her room yet again. Waiting to follow her around the house from dawn to dusk. Trailing after her skirts with a solemn stare that seems out of place on his round, little face.
The thrill of it wears down sooner than she thought. Banished completely when she gets him to sound out a word or two after trying for weeks on end. Realizing that it’s not that he can’t, but that he doesn’t want to.
The way he doesn’t want to try yams and the way he doesn’t want to be around their father any more than she does. Scurrying under furniture when he enters the room. The tip of his tail poking out from his hiding places like an over sized rat.
It doesn’t help that her parent’s fall back into old routines easily enough.
Aphrodite’s here after all. No need to look after your own child once the free labor has arrived.
A resentment that grows and festers. Bubbling over when she sees him scoot a stool next to the cabinets one afternoon. Clambering up to the counter in the stumbling, uncoordinated way children of that size navigate the world.
Clumsy, but practiced enough to manage on his own.
A child who had learned to get into the pantry to feed itself, since her parents were still in bed and she hadn’t thought to offer him lunch yet.
Aphrodite watches him gnaw on slightly stale bread. Letting a solid century of grievances darken her thoughts and spur on her pettiness.
Home may be the first grave, but she's not very inclined to bury the hatchet alongside herself.
“Dram,” She says carefully, setting him down from the counter. Reaching for that foreign power that perches on the back of her mind and delights in her rash decisions.
“How would you like to go on a trip with me?”
Dram doesn’t say anything. Keeps working on his snack with single-minded determination.
But his hand winds itself into the fabrics of her skirt easily enough. Tail twining around hers, more at ease with Aphrodite than he is with anyone else. Despite how little time she’s spent with him in comparison to their parents. Barely six weeks, by the time she thinks to start scheming.
“I think you’ll have fun.” Aphrodite pats his head, knowing he won’t mind too much in the end.
“I certainly won’t. Considering how I’ll have to give up most of my social life.”
She sighs dramatically - heartfelt and whiny - in a way she feels that befits someone going through great sacrifice. Letting it all out before she’s forced to move on more actionable concerns.
“But first, we need to eliminate the chance of any surprises of this kind happening again.” Aphrodite relishes the thought. Urging him towards the run. Letting him play with the chickens while she drafts an amendment to a particularly tricky contract, and tries to puzzle out the worth of a foreign body part.
Fae did have an unsettling lust for such things. One which she planned to exploit in her favor.
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crusherthedoctor · 2 years
Can I say that a professional writer saying "oh I love this character and I show my love by making them suffer!" feels... not professional? It's a common joke in fandom, but you can't just put a character through the ringer and seriously expect people to get attached to them *just* because of their pain. Just look at Belle: without angst, she's literally a husk. I would expect paid writers to break free of the fanfic-y "torture porn" mindset...
Surprising no one, I agree.
It's one of the reasons why I've always been harsh on the "dark = instant quality" mindset. All the darkness and sadness and tragedy you can think of means absolutely nothing if you don't care about the characters or the story. The zombot arc already had the pacing of the Water Temple in Ocarina of Time, but it was made ten times more agonizing by the fact that I didn't care about what was happening. It's no coincidence that this philosophy is recited the most by people who can't write compelling characters for shit, making it extremely obvious that they weaponize it as a Get Out Of Writing Free card. And Twitter laps it up every time, because it's Twitter, where any instance of critical thinking is met with "Goodnight girl, I'll see ya tomorrow."
Which leads into my feelings on Belle. Characters going through shitty times is fine... as an extra that contributes to the character's growth, or if not that, then simply how they deal with tough situations in general. It's an optional flavor. It does not work as the entire feast. Using relentless misery as a substitute for actual character and personality is something that other IDW characters are guilty of to varying degrees (Whisper, Kit, I guess Surge as well since we're supposed to feel bad for her because of the Starline hallucinations), but nowhere is it more audacious than with Belle. You know how I bring up the current year trend of OCs not being allowed to do anything other than stand there, as an over-correction to the old cliches associated with them? That's Belle; she exists to exist. Bad things happen to her, and she whines about bad things happening to her. End of story, bye bye, see ya later.
By contrast (ah shit, here I go again), Trudy certainly goes through her share of pain and danger, both in her backstory and in the present, but that's not ALL there is to her. Her negative experiences explain some aspects about her, but only some of them. She's allowed to exist beyond that side of her. And good things happen to her too, because when she gets to be happy, excited, playful, all the rest, doesn't that make the moments where she's in a perilous jam all the more impactful? She has a character. She's allowed to be a character, one that's allowed to bounce off the other personalities of the game cast, and one that doesn't spend all her time moping. What's she's been through in the past, and goes through in the present, revolves around her, not the other way around.
(BTW, you brought this up earlier, but it's strange how Stanley claims to have a reputation for writing nothing but fluff, yet she's a diehard devotee of this practice as evidenced with her IDW output, and while I never read GotF since it wasn't my thing and I don't care about Silver as a character, I was aware of what it did to Sonic and Eggman at the start. If I were feeling suspicious, I'd almost think she exaggerated this alleged reputation just to make it seem more impressive and Yass Queen Slay when she Subverted Our Expectatons.)
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shadowphoenixrider · 8 months
Trying to find the inspiration and urge to write again is really hard at the moment. Especially for fandom stuff; there has been one hell of a hecking drought, and it's not ending any time soon.
It's a shame, 'cos there's still people looking at my fanfics and enjoying them, and I feel bad having literally no output right now.
I'm currently in Star Wars in a big way, but not enough to write about. I keep making RPG characters and then doing nothing with them. And as much as I'd like to write about my current character Skye, she's kinda active and I don't wanna tread on my GM's toes too much. And my SWTOR characters are...very out of date. I might tinker with them again, now I'm older and hopefully a bit more wise.
Kinda do wanna write Draggka and Khadgar again, since those fics have been getting the most love of recent. Really feel guilty for leaving them, but man, have I fallen out of love with WoW. Like, y'all can talk a lot of shit about Star Wars and its interesting world-building ideas, but damn - least that world is consistent.
Regardless, I haven't forgotten about them. There are some unfinished fics of them knocking around in my drafts, and I think I'm gonna put some effort in when I can to tidy them up and release them. They can be enjoyed and I can clean my slate.
Mass Effect I haven't touched in years. Hoping a playthrough will get the juices flowing to either revamp Akeelah or start a new Shepard entirely. We'll see. The brief Pokemon blip I had...reworking my self-insert since I use 'Katla' for other things now, and she's kinda served her purposes really. Renaming her to Hekla and I'll tweak her. Whether I'll still use her I don't know.
That said, I have been reading a very good book about world-building (The Planet Construction kit by Mark Rosenfelter, very high reocmmend) and have been pordding at the con-world that has been forming in my head on and off for...a while. Might post about that.
Anyhoo. That's where I am right now. I think my first line of business is to link the VoDs for the Gambling with Fate streams though, because I said I'd do that...then forgot. I'll do a masterpost hopefully tomorrow.
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