#tmi with toni
corazondebeskar-reads · 2 months
✨ tmi with toni ft. manifesting ✨
(pls note this is my kink diary, not fandom related. if you don’t want to see these but are here for fic, I tag these “tmi with toni”)
I fuckin manifested this y’all
I’ve been sending my husband this post:
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for months and then I posted about it here and
guess which sleepy girl just got creampied and tucked into bed 🥴
and to make it hotter
he did it on purpose in response to the post AND he helped himself (via our established free use terms) and
he fuckin said “I don’t care if you come” so flippantly and used me and tucked me in. (I did, for the record. He let me when he did 🥴 )
okay naptime before my second shift 😘 😴
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tony-andonuts · 3 months
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Live Pete Reaction
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corazondebeskar · 4 months
just venting, this is my diary today lol
depression: ✔✔✔
seasonal depression: ✔✔
anxiety: ✔✔✔
burnout: ✔✔✔✔✔✔
ED relapse: ✔✔✔
my brain:
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and then my period rolls up like
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cowboyhorsegirl · 2 years
not to tmi on main (any more than i already do all the time anyways lmfao) but i think it would be really cool if i just had something to bite on throughout the day
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carsonian · 6 days
major kudos to tony (real) for taking steve's monster dick on the regular. one of my exes was 8-ish inches (idk i didn't bring the ruler out) and i had to fully stop doing pilates because i couldn't take both that and the dick regularly. anyway it's late and this is tmi so i may delete later but to those of u who've seen this and gotten to this point, pour a cold one out for tony. and for steve too. Cheers 👍
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fr3man · 22 days
All Too Well - Part 2
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Ghostface was well and truly back. Sam and Tara didn’t even get to the police station straight away the previous night, they were nearly shot at the bodega. The group were now being as cautious as possible. Mindy’s version of ‘cautious’ was rounding off the suspects.
The group were now currently sat on the campus of Blackmore University, Mindy stood in front of everyone.
“Okay, nerds! Listen up! As terrifying as this all is, I’m actually glad I get a chance to redeem myself for not calling the killers last time... It’s fine. Okay. The way I see it, someone is out to make a sequel to the requel.”
Anika raises her hand.
“Um, what’s a requel?”
“You’re beautiful, sweetie. Let’s hold questions till the end.”
Anika smiled at her before Sam spoke up.
“Stab 1 took place in Woodsboro. Stab 2 took place in college.”
Tara looked towards Sam.
“So we think the killer is trying to copy the movies?”
Mindy pointed at Tara.
“That is one possibility. Heroes now in college: check. Suspicious new characters brought in to round out the suspect list and or body count: check, check and check.”
She pointed at Quinn, Anika and Ethan.
“I don’t like this.”
Ethan said before Molly gave him a pat on the shoulder.
“But it can’t just be about Stab 2.”
Mindy carried on.
“Why not?”
Tara’s eyebrows furrowed.
“It would make sense if this were just a sequel. But we’re not in a sequel, because nobody just makes sequels anymore… We’re in a franchise! And there are certain rules to a continuing franchise.
Sam, Anika and Molly sighed.
“I had a feeling.”
“Rule 1: everything is bigger than last time. Bigger budget, bigger cast, bigger body count. Longer chases, shootouts, beheadings. You gotta top what came before to keep people coming back.”
Molly and Chad said in unison.
“Beheadings. Rule 2: whatever happened last time, expect the opposite. Franchises only survive by subverting expectations. If the killers last time were whiny snowflake film nerds with Letterboxd accounts instead of personalities, you bet the opposite will be true here.”
Nobody seemed to notice the face Ethan made when Mindy made a comment about Richie and Amber.
“And rule 3: no one is safe. Legacy characters? Cannon fodder at this point. Usually brought back only to be killed off in some cheap bid for nostalgia. It’s not looking too good for Gale and Kirby. Oh and that’s not even the worst part!”
Chad continues to write in his notebook.
“This is the part where she tells us the worst part.”
“The worst part is franchises are just continuing episodic instalments designed to boost an IP. Which means main characters are completely expendable now too. Laurie Strode, Nancy Thompson, Ellen Ripley, Sally Hardesty, Jigsaw, Tony Stark, James Bond - I mean even Luke Skywalker all died so their franchises could live on! That means it’s not just the friend group. Any of us could go at any time… especially Sam and Tara.”
Sam and Tara exchanged worried looks.
“Wait? Any of us?”
Everyone turned their heads to Ethan as he spoke.
“Am- am I in the friend group?”
“Am I like one of the targets?… At least I won’t die a virgin.”
The entire group gave him puzzled looks whereas Molly hit him on the arm.
“Babe, seriously?”
Mindy looked kinda grossed out.
“TMI, keep it in the bedroom. But it brings us to our current suspects.”
She stepped in front of Ethan.
“Ethan. The shy and dorky guy who no one suspects because he’s so shy and dorky.”
“Okay, why am I on the suspect list because I’m randomly Chad’s roommate?”
Ethan motions towards Chad defensively.
Mindy looks at him like he’s an idiot.
“Roommate lotteries can be juked, you could’ve fixed it to get next to us! And the fact that you just so happen to be interested in Molly?”
“Okay, what does Molly have to do with this?”
“Well, we all know how her last relationship turned out…”
Tara and Chad immediately jumped to her defence and everyone else seemed surprised at Mindy’s audacity.
“Mindy, seriously?”
Tara looked at her angrily.
Chad looked very irritated.
“Mindy, come on!”
Molly was staring daggers against her.
“Can you not bring up Amber?”
Mindy shrugged her shoulders.
“Whatever, I’m just saying… be careful…”
Molly furrowed her brows and felt a pit in her stomach.
Molly blocked out the rest of what Mindy said. What if she was right? What if Ethan was the killer? What if he betrays her just like Amber did? She tried to snap out of it and tell herself that he’d never do that but the voice at the back of her mind was telling her to never say never.
She was snapped out of her thoughts she. Sam spoke.
“Okay, so we have our rules and we have our suspects.”
“Wait, what about you guys?”
Ethan motioned with his hand to the 5 survivors.
“I mean, I think it’s pretty safe to rule out the 5 of us who went through this last year in Woodsboro.”
Chad smiled at Mindy.
Quinn shook her head.
“Not agreed. What if the trauma you all went through caused one or more of you to snap?”
Ethan agreed with Quinn.
“Yeah, or if the fame you got from the killings made you thirsty for more. I mean, let’s be honest here, some of the theories online about Sam are-“
Tara immediately cut him off.
“Don’t you fucking dare.”
Molly hit him in the arm again.
Anika tried to diffuse the situation.
“Okay, she’s right though. I mean face facts, if we’re all suspects - you’re all suspects.”
The 5 looked at each other worriedly.
Molly gets up from her seat.
“As much as I love discussing which of us I think is a murderer, I’m going home.”
Tara gets up from her seat.
“I’m coming too.”
Molly looked at Ethan.
“I’ll see you later.”
He nodded.
“See ya.”
The pair immediately walked off before anyone else even moved. Tara just knew something was wrong with Molly.
“You okay?”
Molly nodded her head.
“Mhm… just thinking about what Mindy said.”
“Just ignore her, alright?”
“No, Tara she’s got a point. It could easily be him.”
“But it also might not be him.”
“Let’s face it, he’s either the killer or he’s gonna get killed. That’s just how it works.”
Tara linked her arm in Molly’s.
“As long as we stick together as best we can, that should keep us all safe. And I’ll always be here for you.”
They looked at each other and smiled softly.
“Thanks, Tara. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
After a few seconds of silence, Molly spoke up again.
“Y’know, he really reminds me of Wes.”
Tara looked at her.
Molly nodded whilst holding back tears.
“Yeah. They have the same stupid smile.. and they’re really good at cheering you up. When I first met Ethan I just immediately felt like Wes had come back to me.”
Parts of Ethan made her think of Amber too - the way they’d both comfort her when she needed it, the way they’d let her vent about her dad, the fact they were both the first people she’d go to if anything happened, the way she thought of them as her entire world - but she couldn’t bring herself to talk about it.
Tara and Molly arrived back at their apartment and sat down on the couch together. Not long after, the sound of keys could be heard and Sam came in.
“Hey.. are you okay?”
The girls shrugged.
“I just really don’t want to go through this again.”
Tara put her arm around Molly.
Sam sat down on the couch with them.
“Hey, I promise I’ll do everything I can to protect you. To protect you all. Which reminds me, I’ve told everyone to stay over here tonight.”
“That’s a good idea - safety in numbers.”
Sam smiled at her.
“Everyone will be here in a little bit so it’ll just be us three until then. If you want, we could go to the store and buy some food so we can cook dinner later?”
Tara and Molly nodded.
“That sounds nice.”
Sam got up from the couch.
“Come on, we should go while it’s still daytime.”
A couple of hours go by. At this point, everyone is at the apartment… except Ethan. He told Chad and Molly that he had an econ class. What was so urgent about a college class with everything that was going on?
Molly didn’t like Ethan’s absence one bit - it was just making her more and more worried. Tara and Chad were the first to notice.
Molly went into the kitchen to get glasses for the dinner table. Tara and Chad were in the middle of cooking when she walked in and her entire demeanour was off. They exchanged a look before Tara put a hand on her shoulder.
“Hey. You okay?”
Molly nodded but her face remained emotionless.
“Yep, fine.”
Chad knew better of course.
“Dude, come on.We know when something is bothering you.”
“I said I’m fine, Chad.”
“We know there’s a lot going on and I know you’re probably worrying because Ethan isn’t here-”
“Chad. Look, I appreciate it but I’m fine, alright?”
Chad and Tara looked at each other again before looking at her again.
“We’re here if you want to talk, okay?”
Tara’s voice was full of genuine care and concern.
She left the kitchen and placed the glasses on the table.
Mindy and Molly entered the kitchen a couple of minutes later.
Mindy called her into the kitchen.
“We do not have to stay here.”
“Well, too bad. I insist. Safety in numbers.”
Chad had a big smile on his face.
“This’ll be so fun. A little slumber party with the Alive Five!”
Sam furrowed her brows.
“Alive Five?”
“The fucking what?”
Molly looked at him with a very confused expression.
Tara looked at him in slight disbelief.
“Did you just give us a nickname?”
“I sure did. We’ve been through a lot together, and it’s a pretty cool nickname.”
Molly and Mindy just looked at him like he was stupid.
“That’s debatable.”
Sam looked down at the floor, holding in a laugh.
“It’s extremely debatable.”
“You can’t just give yourself a nickname, dingus.”
Mindy smiled mischievously.
“Of course I can, dingus, because I just did. Alive Five, up top!”
He lifted his arm, waiting for a high five.
Mindy shook her head.
He turned to Tara.
“Down low!”
“Get that away from me.”
He then turned to Molly.
“Come on!”
“Fuck off.”
He finally turned to Sam.
“Please, for the love of God!”
Sam was smiling and it was clear she was tempted.
“Don’t do it!”
Mindy begged Sam not to go along with his bullshit.
Everyone was on the verge of laughing.
“Y’know, I would actually like a little more respect and support from my fellow members of the Alive Five.”
Their attention was then turned to Anika when she shouted them.
“Guys! What the hell?”
She turned up the volume on the TV and everyone went into the living room.
“We’re hearing from sources inside the homocide division that the prime suspect is none other than Samantha Carpenter, one of the survivors of the Woodsboro killings in 2022, seen here attacking a woman on the streets last night.”
It then showed a video of her ‘attacking’ the girl who approached them after the Halloween party.
“In the wake of the Woodsboro tragedy last year, rumours sprouted online that Carpenter was responsible for the killings, blaming the crimes on her boyfriend, Richie Kirsch and teen Amber Free-”
Sam grabbed the remote and turned the TV off. She walked into the dining room and sat at the table, looking downwards.
Tara cautiously followed her and sat down next to her.
“I know you’re not a fan of the way I’ve been handling things, and that I’ve been giving you a really hard time. But I can say that none of us can relate to what you’re experiencing. And I’m really, really sorry that you have to do that alone.”
The twins, Molly and Anika listened to what Tara was saying to her sister and they were all relieved that Tara was finally getting along with her compared to recently.
Sam shook her head whilst holding back tears.
“It’s not your fault. And I know I shouldn’t care what people think.”
She pauses for a second and wipes a tear of her face.
“It just sucks being this hated.”
The twins and Molly then walked in.
“Hey. Just a reminder, not a single person in this room hates you.”
Chad said as the three of them sat down.
“Okay? We have all been through some fucked-up stuff, and we are coping with it differently. But, I mean we moved here together for one very specific reason… We’re a team.”
Sam smiled at Chad’s words.
“We are the Alive fuckin’ Five.”
Mindy smiled as she said this.
Chad turned his head.
“Thank you very much.”
“I hate myself.”
The twins exchanged a high five and Molly quietly laughed.
“You said it.”
Tara was smiling a lot, as was Sam.
Chad looked so proud.
“That’s what I’m talking about. It’s the Alive Five.”
Mindy looked at Tara.
“Say it.”
“No, I’m not gonna say it.“
“Molly, come on you say it.”
She laughed and shook her head.
“Definitely not.”
Chad tried to convince her.
“Come on, it’s got a nice ring to it.”
Sam suddenly spoke.
“I’ve been sleeping with Cute Boy from across the hall.”
The group went silent before they erupted into cheers.
“I fucking knew it!”
Tara clapped her hands together.
Sam looked confused.
“Yes! Chad, give it, come on!”
Chad rolled his eyes whilst smiling and handed Molly $20.
“Knew it from the day you had that hickey.”
Mindy’s comment made the group laugh.
“I feel like we should high five or something.”
Chad held his hand towards and the group all joined hands.
“The Alive Five high five, may we please?”
Tara laughed.
“Don’t call it that but we’ll do the high five.”
Sam’s phone started ringing and Danny’s name was lit up on the screen.
Tara’s face lit up and she held the phone up.
“No, Tara.”
Sam was holding in a laugh.
“Hey, so what are your intentions?”
The group burst into laughter.
“Tara, give it here.”
Tara went to pass it to Molly, the pair of them laughing, before Sam took it back.
“It’s fine. I’ll call him back.”
“Poor guy.”
The sound of Quinn moaning could be heard. Not like it was an unfamiliar sound.
“Oh my god, Quinn and her gentlemen called are back at it again.”
The group looked towards Quinn’s bedroom door.
“She’s getting it too? Okay.”
The group were still laughing.
Quinn’s moaning got heavier and at the same time everyone’s phones went off.
They all got their phones out to take a look. Danny had air-dropped them all a picture. It was of Quinn. Getting attacked by Ghostface.
The sound of Quinn shouting for help was then heard.
The group sprung from their seats and ran to the living room. Anika sprung up from the couch to see what was going on.
Quinn then screamed. Tara ran towards Quinn’s room before Chad pulled her back.
“Tara, wait!”
Not a sound could be heard. The group waited for any kind of noise but there was still nothing.
Quinn’s door burst open and Quinn’s dead body was thrown at the group, landing on Anika and pushing her on the ground.
Anika screamed in terror.
Sam and Molly got on the ground to pull her off.
Chad pulled Tara with him as he ran out the apartment.
“Guys, come on!”
Ghostface stood there and tilted his head, looking at Mindy.
“Oh, fuck.”
He sliced her in the arm with his knife.
She threw herself back in pain, holding her arm.
Anika grabbed onto his cloak as he tried to move towards Mindy again.
“Stay the fuck back!”
Molly quickly stood up and tried to pull him backwards. He immediately grabbed her and threw her to the floor and she hit her head on the ground. She held her head in pain, trying to get herself up but by the time she was in a state where she could, Anika was at the other end of the room and Ghostface was dragging a knife through her stomach and she was screaming in agony.
She quickly stood up but before she could get to them Sam came in and hit him in the head with an empty knife block. He fell on the ground, giving the girls enough time to run into Quinn’s room and lock the door.
Ghostface then started pounding on the door before it all went quiet.
Sam looked behind them and saw the bathroom door was still open.
“Molly. Bathroom door, hurry!”
She got up and went into the bathroom but stopped in her tracks and screamed when she saw Quinn’s boyfriend dead in the shower.
She then looked up and saw Ghostface standing in the doorframe and screamed again. She tried to shut the door but he kept pushing it open. Sam ran in the bathroom to pull her out and back into Quinn’s room.
They locked the door but he just kept pounding and pounding on it. He was strong so the lock kept unlocking. They pushed a dresser in front of it but it then got pushed backwards due to a hard kick to the door.
Sam and Molly stood with their backs against it to keep him out. Sam then saw Danny out the window, trying to get their attention. She ran to the window and opened it.
“Don’t worry, I got you!”
He pushed a ladder out his window.
“Are you fucking kidding me?”
“You got a better idea?”
“Fuck. No.”
She reached her hand out and pulled the ladder so it reached them.
“You gotta come one a time!”
Sam turned to the girls.
“You three go first!”
Molly and Mindy were pressed against the dresser but they were still struggling.
“Someone needs to hold the door, we’ll send Anika next. Go!”
Sam looked hesitant.
The girls said in unison.
Sam got onto the ladder and started crawling towards Danny’s window.
Mindy and Molly were still trying to keep the dresser against the door.
“Sam, she’s losing a lot of blood!”
“Say something more positive!”
Sam managed to get across and then the sound of Danny and Sam could be heard.
“Come on!”
Mindy looked towards Molly.
“Molly, go!”
“You’re injured, I’m not. I can hold the door. Get Anika on the ladder, then both of you go.”
She hesitated and then moved towards Anika and helped her off the bed.
“You have to go first-”
“I can’t!”
“You have to go!”
“No, Mindy no! I’ll be right behind you, I promise!”
They kissed before Mindy reluctantly got onto the ladder.
As Mindy struggled to make her away across, Ghostface kept pounding on the door. Molly and Anika kept yelling for her to go.
Mindy made her way to Danny’s apartment.
“Guys, come on!”
“Anika, go.”
“What?! No, I’m not leaving you!”
“Anika, go! I’ll be fine, I promise!”
The others continued to shout.
“Guys, come on! Hurry!”
Ghostface pounded on the door even harder.
Molly tried not to cry.
“Ani, please!”
Anika looked at her tearfully before getting on the ladder.
“Oh my god… I can’t! I can’t do it!”
Ghostface is slowly getting the door more and more open.
“Anika, go! Quick!”
Molly is struggling more and more to keep the door shut.
He bangs on the door which prys it open, pushing Molly forward roughly. She tries to push it back again.
She looked to see how far Anika had gotten, which sadly wasn’t very far due to her gutted stomach.
Ghostface manages to bang on the door enough so the cabinet is knocked forward causing Molly to fall to the floor.
Ghostface approaches Molly and she tries to keep them away. Ghostface grabs her by the neck, lifts her up and shoves her onto Quinn’s bed.
Everyone is terrified for Molly and Anika’s safety.
“No! Molly!”
“Anika, move!”
Molly tries to block him so he’d be at least injured to give Anika more time.
Ghostface slashed her hand and she screams in pain.
Molly’s scream only slows Anika down.
He lifts Molly off the bed and slams her head into the cabinet, knocking her out and leaving her for dead.
By the time she woke up, she was in an ambulance. She tried to lift her head up but winced in pain. She noticed the bandage wrapped around her hand. The group immediately got to her side.
“Molly! Hey, you okay?”
She could hear Chad’s voice but her ears were ringing.
She looked around to make sure everyone was there and okay. She saw Danny, Sam, Tara, Chad, Mindy… her heart almost stopped when she didn’t see Anika.
“Where’s Anika?”
Mindy was distraught.
“She’s dead, isn’t she?”
The group all nodded.
“Oh my god…”
She put a hand on her stomach.
“Oh my god, Anika…”
She looked at Mindy.
“Mindy, I’m so, so sorry.”
She got up from the stretcher and sat down next to her. She put her head on Mindy’s shoulder.
“I’m so sorry, Mindy. I tried to help her but I just let her fucking die.”
She broke down crying as she said this.
“Hey. Hey, it’s not your fault, okay?”
She wrapped her arm around her shoulders.
Chad and Tara sat down with them.
“She’s right, Molly. Don’t blame yourself.”
Chad put his hand on her arm.
Tara grabbed her hand.
“You put yourself at risk just to protect her, you did the best you could, alright?”
“I didn’t do the best I could because she’s fucking dead.”
Tara was taken aback when she snapped.
“Sorry, I’m sorry Tara.”
She shook her head.
“Don’t be.”
Sam put a hand on her shoulder.
“I’ve got you some water.”
She handed her a water bottle.
Molly sniffled.
“Thank you.”
The group ended up spending the night at Danny’s apartment whilst the police inspected their apartment, not that any of them could really sleep properly anyway.
The only thing Molly could think about was where the fuck Ethan was.
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devilsmenu · 7 months
I was doing some drafts since I do have a lot but finally could manage to do some starter and plotting call for the event. Under the cut I'll list the ones that was dragged by magic or entered willingly. You can reply for starters or hit the like here and I'll go to your DMs to discuss event plots!
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Ally Liddell - Descendants - Entered willingly (not open to death)
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Alison Blaire - X-Men - Entered willingly (not open to death)
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Astoria Greengrass - Harry Potter - Dragged by magic (open to death)
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Chad Charming - Descendants - Entered willingly (open to death)
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Chris Hartley - Until Dawn - Dragged by magic (open to death without memory change)
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Daken - X-Men - Entered willingly (open to death without memory change)
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Felicia Hardy - Marvel - Entered willingly (not open to death)
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Francis Barton - Marvel - Dragged by magic (not open to death)
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Harriet Hook - Descendants - Dragged by magic (open to death without memory change)
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Heiya Akane - Alice in Borderland - Entered willingly (open to death)
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Irene Adler - X-Men - Entered willingly (not open to death)
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Jamie/Nine - Stranger Things - Entered willingly (not open to death)
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Kim Jihyo - Stranger Things - Dragged by magic (not open to death)
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Choi Junwoong - Tomorrow - Dragged by magic (not open to death)
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Jordan Kyle - TMI/Shadowhunters - Entered willingly (open to death)
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Kono Kalakaua - Hawaii 5 -0 - Dragged by magic (not open to death)
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Li Lonnie - Descendants - Dragged by magic (open to death)
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Lorna Dane - X-Men - Entered willingly (not open to death)
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Noah Foster - Scream - Entered willingly (open to death without memory change)
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Rafael Lightwood-Bane - TMI/Shadowhunters - Entered willingly (not open to death)
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Romeo Montague - Romeo & Juliet - Dragged by magic (open to death without memory change)
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Jeon Pildo - My Name - Dragged by magic (open to death)
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Satana Hellstrom - Marvel - Entered willingly (not open to death)
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Sally Ragdoll - The Nightmare Before Christmas - Entered willingly (open to death without memory change)
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Kim Sun - Goblin - Dragged by magic (not open to death)
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Tony Wyzek - West Side Story - Dragged by magic (open to death without memory change)
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charsawdeath · 7 months
🎔 + VoxVal
Who wins a prize at a carnival/fair/festival:
Vox, cause he loves to show off for Val~
Who does most of the cooking:
Velvette but this is for VoxVal so I'd say Val, he looks like he'd be an awesome cook
Who does most of the shopping:
Really? Valentino, unless it's for supplies like food and such then Voxxy 
Who is hopeless at board games:
Val, poor guy
Who is always trying to make the other laugh:
Val LOVES Vox's 'silent' laugh and thus does whatever he can to achieve that sweet sweet 'noise'
Who has a tendency to give out TMI:
Who does more DIY projects:
As a family, I'd say each has a hand in a project of sorts, only way I can answer this VoxVal or not
Who is the big spoon:
Val is a taaaaall spoon
Who gives more casual affection:
Voxxy is a sap in that regard, showering Tino in public with any little complaints or affection
Who reads to whom:
Both have their shared reading aloud time
Who brings drinks and food without being asked:
Val! Voxxy forgets to eat but also, Val knows his Teebee head and brings the goods to him regardless 
Who wins a prize at a carnival/fair/festival:
Niss! Showing off to Pent is a favorite past time of his
Who does most of the cooking:
Niss, cooking for Tony and Molly when they were alive, he's gotten a good handle on it
Who does most of the shopping:
Both take turns
Who is hopeless at board games:
Pent! Niss is no mastermind at them either but Pent is the first worst
Who is always trying to make the other laugh:
Niss LOVES how his Noodle laughs and smiles and will fall over if it made the snake laugh or giggle
Who has a tendency to give out TMI:
Niss! But Pent loves to hear all the gory details during tea time
Who does more DIY projects:
PENT! Simply put, PENT!
Who is the big spoon:
Pent is a loooooooong spoon
Who gives more casual affection:
Pent, Niss has an 'image' to uphold after all~
Who reads to whom:
Pent LOVES to read to his little Sniper, books, news, shit on the back of the cereal box
Who brings drinks and food without being asked:
Niss seeing as Pent forgets he needs to eat and drink tho he's dead
Noodle works sooo hard
Who wins a prize at a carnival/fair/festival:
Ozzie! Fizzy cheats x.x" 
Who does most of the cooking:
OZZIE if Oops has anything to say about this fact
Who does most of the shopping:
Both LOVE domestic life
Who is hopeless at board games:
Ozzie seeing as he's of the Seven Sins and they never enjoyed such 'peasant' activities 
That and Fizzy grew up with Barb and Blitz in a circus, they had to do SOMETHING to pass the time
Who is always trying to make the other laugh:
Fizzy to Ozzie cause he snorts and Ozzie to Fizzy seeing as how he dies laughing at even the worst of his jokes 
Who has a tendency to give out TMI:
Neither, consent is in this too so speaking before hand, they know what to freely go on about and know others aren't so much
Who does more DIY projects:
OZZIE!! Chicken man LOVES to make things~
Favorite past time
Who is the big spoon:
Ozzie is a BIG BIRB but for once, I THINK Fizzy would actually be the big spoon in this
Who gives more casual affection:
BOTH, hands down, no questions, hands are down
Who reads to whom:
Fizzy reads to Ozzie and not just cause of Oops
Who brings drinks and food without being asked:
He loooves food and knows Ozzie is a busy King~
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now that i finally posted it, I need to tell you guys that i was pumped to have my husband beta-read this. he loves horror and monsters and guillermo del toro.
and today he tells me
he doesn't like werewolves
this man said to me, "just because i love monsterfuckers doesn't mean i am a monsterfucker"
fifteen years... you think you know someone...
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angelfruittree · 9 months
Tag people you’d like to know better
Thank you so much for the tag @babblingflowers 💞
Three ships: Darksun / Jegulus/ wolfstar ( but also drarry )
First ship: I didn’t really have internet access till I was like 13 bc I was a boarder~ we were allowed 5 penny sweets ( 5 singular haribo and a chocolate bar every Sunday so lmao) Taxxie (MAXY/ TONY from skins ) but also but bedward bc in new moon when he goes “when I said i didn’t want you , it was the very blackest form of blasphemy” he ate Im afraid to this day I’ll never forget but it was
Last song:
Last movie: TMI: City of Bones
Currently Reading: Marginalia by @spindrifters ( but it’s also reading me) YSUFT by @solmussa, back when we were dinosaurs by @kaaaaaaarf, Sexy baby by @sequinhaze & @invisiblemuseum , wildflowers by @babblingflowers ( and I read your padfoots story and was really not okayyy (whyyy it was so gorgeous) for 2/3 business days ) & non fic is Love murder basketball by Kurruta Hito
Currently watching: rewatching "Myths and Monsters” doc
Last thing I wrote: ( can it be an attempt- but also if anyone wants to write this?? sjdo jd/ or maybe that is my plan ) an aborted dowry of blood AU ( where I actually just said I wish there was a dowry of blood AU then wrote the scene with Dracula and Constanta with Regulus & Lucius Malfoy) bc this is so Reggie “There is no horror left in this world that can surprise me./ I wonder if you would have wanted me if you found me like that: vibrant and loved and alive/ such spite and fury you said.. 'good. when life fails you, spite will not” Magdalena would probably be Barty and Alexi absolutely James
Currently writing:
Tumblr media
But I am making A Marginalia Podfic
Tagging : @spindrifters @sequinhaze @crushofdoves @mystiriuminc @titstraction @kaaaaaaarf @soliloquy-dawn @1013free
And anyone who’d like to play and sorry If you’ve already done this or simply refuse 💞💞💞
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 months
Fuck Harry's mom🖕🏻. I'm so glad Magnus helped him in that moment, and also Harry sobbing in David's arms😭, that boy deserves all the love and he will get it from that family and AJ, fuck the Clave!!
Cami roasting Tony was TOP TIER. Not Max trying to have that conversation with her jshsjskksks
“I know that,” Max chuckled incredulously. God, these kids had no idea, did they? Just how close they all used to be. It's totally fine. I'm not in denial about how they grew up and grew apart 🙂. Totally not seeing them still as babies 🥲
When I think I can't hate the Clave more than I do rn, they prove me so wrong. If mavid's marriage doesn't get recognized and if they don't let Lance and AJ marry shadowhunters I am committing homicide!! But I also love how Cami is now seeing the other perspective, not just the Clave, but how it has harmed many people
Tessa appearing, saying some deep (totally right) stuff and leaving like the QUEEN she is 😍. And Atlas asking the right questions as usual😌. Although every question makes me more terrified
“Do you fancy her?” Kincaid asked in a whisper. “Régine?” Was Joan like him too? Did she know he was like her? There is something inexplicable about being queer and meeting/ finding other queer people istg. That warm, strange feeling of "are you like me? Am I not alone? Are you someone safe? Can I be me around you?🥹"
But that fight OMG. The adrenaline, the clasp of swords, the tension, Kincaid's denial and Joan's anger... HOLY SHIT!
“You have no idea of the things we’ve endured in the last two decades. You can’t imagine what we go through every day,” Arthur sniffled and wiped his nose. “But I guess all that is nothing compared to not having sunlight.”
“Arthur, it’s not a competition,” Kincaid sighed softly.
“No, it’s not,” Arthur smiled tiredly and pulled on the reins. “You are not even close.”
Arthur speaking facts!! These people in Idris make themselves victims when they are the ones who are constantly bullying and rejecting everyone that dares to be different calling it a "threat"🙄
Also yeah, dick move Kincaid. I expected better!!
Good news we won't ever see Harry's mom again. Goodbye and good luck to you, ma'am.
It really does pain me that the next gen kids don't know how close lbaf gang used to be. like everyone talks about tmi gang as heroes, but not about lbaf gang because each of them went through shit like (like selena's possession and David's demon blood) so they are more seen as individuals rather than as a team.
Your queer people seeking community and comfort analysis has me FEELING SOFT.
The victim mentality of nephilim is honestly soooo (they pulled this same shit after valentine/Sebastian died in tmi because in TDA they were all like omg they killed so many shadowhunters and endarkened etc and I am like THEY LITERALLY HUNTED AND TORTURED DOWNWORLDERS?)
smh noah smh
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maddies-chronicles · 11 months
haleee!!! hiya! i got so confused when you changed your url but all is good now 😅, also pls tell me about this mega dr? i'm very curious (only if you want to ofc)
jkhdsakjhsdkfh it's okay i don't know which name i want to go by bc all my DR selves have different names (here is where i would put a skull emoji if i wasnt on my laptop). i literally cannot wait to post about my crossover DR so ty for asking i need to rant about all the scripting i did today instead of schoolwork:
my name in the mega-DR is riley (edit: no it's not it's hale)! i'm the adoptive child of the dupain-chengs (mlb) and the emilys (fnaf). i scripted that tom and henry are cousins, and henry's family moved in with us after his first wife died. the aftons live (and the emilys used to live) in london.
the dupain-chengs have two biological kids- marinette (of course) and nicolas. nicolas is about a year older than marinette and three years older than me. henry (who i also call dad lmao) has two kids- the daughter he had with his first wife, charlie, and the son he has with his current wife, who is also my OR mother (who i also call mom), sammy. charlie is about eight, and sammy is still drinking out of a bottle, he's like one-and-a-half. i'll list out all the DR ages at the end bc i already know this is about to get confusing as hell.
biologically, i'm the child of phoenix delvaux (half witch from the boiling isles, half human) and valentine morgenstern (tmi). this is because i wanted a loving father figure but also didn't want to script out my daddy issues. anyways, this makes me a quarter witch, a quarter human, and half shadowhunter (i'm the main character frfr). bio mom and sabine were cousins (sabine is fully human, they are related on the human side).
but wait! that's not all- valentine had connections in the human world (pre-being evil ofc) and who are these connections but tony stark and bruce wayne (bruce is my godfather and tony is kinda like his brother or family friend). consequently i see peter (who has been tony's sort-of apprentice, sort-of child for most of his life in this DR) quite a bit growing up (i call him my brother even though he's like... my paternal godcousin at best?) as well as all of the batkids, who i also refer to as my siblings. this confuses every single one of my friends in paris to no end, because they have literally no idea who i'm talking about. in addition, talia (dc) is my godmother through sabine.
so anyways, i grew up with my biological father (valentine) in southern canada (i know he's not from there, but he's on the run-ish, and that's where i'm from in my OR). my maternal godfather darius (toh) eventually figured out that my mom had a kid and came to find me when i was about seven. he wanted to take me back to the demon realm and raise me as a witch, but also told me that my mom had living family (sabine). i of course wanted to meet them, and i ended up staying in the human realm with them. darius visits often, and the whole family visits him in the demon realm over summer holiday. this is how i meet my friends in the boiling isles.
anyways my mum (OR mom) connects me to the rest of my OR family that i scripted into this DR, but i won't talk too much about them here. i will however mention auncle raine and uncle eber, who live with my dad (darius), and who we live with while we're in-realm.
during the summer i sit in on some of the nearby magic school classes to get a sense of what's going on. the schools nearby to dad's (darius') place are hexside, where i meet my boiling isles friends, and hogwarts, where i meet my hogwarts friends. i'm going to have to make more posts about this DR soon because this one is already so long, but i literally cannot wait to keep talking about this.
edit: i forgot to list the ages omg uuhhh me (15), marinette (17), nicolas (18), charlie (8), sammy (1), peter (15), dick (24), jason (18), tim (16), damian (10), cass (25), steph (17), duke (16), and i wanna script in the rest of the batkids too but idk much about them
i'll add my shadowhunter family in the next post lmao
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daydreamxr17 · 2 years
TWP Death predictions
(Because idk what to do with life till 2024/2025 or even later)
Clary Fairchild - I hope that she'll survive, but idk... Killing off the person that everything started is some nostalgic or whatever thing, Cassie would do...
Jace Herondale - I think it's between him and Clary... Or maybe if one of them decide to sacrifice himself, the other would want to die with him
Magnus Bane - well, with Magnus I'm torn between: Cassie doesn't kill of LGBTQ and she wanted Malec to have happy ending and Magnus is in every book so it would make sense to TSC end with his death, also if he'll die, it would be I think something like "Tony Stark" kind of death
Alec Lightwood - I'm literally worried about all of TMI group, but for Alec not as much as for rest of them (watch my breakdown, when something happens to him)
Isabelle Lightwood - I'm so damn worried about Isabelle. Idk why, but I feel she's either gonna end up pregnant with beautifuk kid or something will happen to her
Simon Lovelace - this boy been trought so much bad stuffs, that I don't think he'll die... Or I hope at least. Idk what to expect from Cassie, but something bad is about to happen, I can feel it and this is her last series, so she can do whatever the hell she want without some fear of losing readers
But I think that characters like Bat, Maya, Lily Chen... Maryse maybe (but after Robert, I don't think so) are in danger too... And characters like Tien or Leon Verlac or Simon's classmates from academy are characters that are - I must say it like this - made for: "killed of for plot"... I have strong feeling that this series will be bloody.
Jem Carstairs and Tessa Gray - I don't think they'll die, they have little girl together, and Kit already lost his biological parents, I hope Cassie is not that cruel... Also Jem just started to live for real... But if they die, I'm kind of sure, they'll die together and they'll reunite with Will...
Bridget - I don't even understand why she lives that long (ChoT come faster🙏)
Julian Blackthorn - he literally can't, my dead soul wouldn't survive it, but he would definitely sacrifice himself for his family, (he couldn't save Livvy, so he'll want to save rest of them)
Emma Carstairs - might die by Jules's side, but I won't accept it because they need to have cute kids
Helen Blackthorn and Aline Penhallow - they're adopting so hopefully they're safe and Cassie doesn't like to kill of LGBTQ characters
Mark Blackthorn - he's been already trought a lot, but here I go again with whole - sacrificing themselves for siblings trope
Cristina Rosales - I don't really know why, but I'm scared for Cristina, her death is something that would really affect fans
Kieran - I'm scared for my boy, because I feel like the courts are gonna unite and Ash or Kit might rule...
Tavvy Blackthorn - no, no and just no. Yeah, and did I mention no?
Diana Wrayburn - I don't think Cassie would kill of such a representation of LGBTQ
Gwyn Ap Nudd - might die (I hope not, but he wasn't that important for main plot)
Cohort - hopefully all of them die, but I see some kind of redemption and fighting together in some huge battle, Zara and Manuel might rot in he with Lucifer
Cameron Ashdown - he died in Thule already, so it would be kind of cruel, but not impossible
Diego Rosales - we know the bad fates of Inquisitors, but he might be exception
I think Ty, Kit and Dru are safe. Ty has to let Livvy go and I think that will happen. I don't think Cassie would kill of Ash, he's really interesting character and he deserved chance. Jaime might die. I think one of close people of main group will die - so either (for now) Anush, Thais or Kit's gf. Yeah, and well Janus is more likely to die, or even some faerie royalty. From main group I'm most scared for Kit.
already gone...
I wouldn' t be surprised if all of them would die and that is end of TSC.
These are just might current thoughts... Things my change with some snippets or whatever we will get in next years🤍
Okay, In short: Everyone can die!
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larcenywrites · 9 months
Hear me out, I’m not usually into collars or leashes. That’s never been my thing. BUT- I saw this silver heart slip chain collar/choker and immediately imagined wearing it to a gala, going home early with Tony and having him pull it as if it was a tie to kiss you.
It’s so funny you bring that up because I’ve low key wanted to talk about collars for a long time… I’m hardly a leash gal, but I’m into collars. Like not anything gaudy or anything, but like a pretty and small leather collar but like not to wear out necessarily unless it’s a certain look/style/kind, but like in the bedroom mostly. Idk I’m really into the Dom/sub ownership kinda stuff sometimes and wouldn’t mind earning a collar ya know 😘
ITS ALSO FUNNY because there’s also ANOTHER unfinished draft about this; but I got scared that it was too kinky and out there for y’all 🫣🤧 and I suddenly felt self conscious about it like a few other things. But it also includes like, pulling the collar when y/n is sucking his dick and making her take it all and holding her there like 👀😳🫣
Maybe tmi but my favorite collar that I own is a pink leather that has a pink heart shaped locked on the end that has to be locked and unlocked with a key 👉👈🥺 and I also have a really nice black leather collar with a little bow at the front and the buckle and its accents are gold, and then I have another one that’s just like that one except it also has a red bell on the end too 👉👈🥺
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bellaramseysgf · 2 years
What about how Bucky takes care of you when you have your period?
Maybe some fluff ?🥺
Ahhh soft baby Bucky!! <3
Warning(s); fluff,period cramps,nausea.
A/n; sooo might be tmi! But I have PCOS (google it) so this is things about my period and how bad it is for me! Everyone’s different though!! Not proofread <3
You felt bloated and completely icky. You hadn’t moved all morning and when you heard a knock on your bedroom door you groaned. If it was Tony you were actually gonna jump off your balcony. “Come in!!” You yelled and to your surprise Bucky walked inside.
“Hey doll…you feeling any better?” Bucky had quickly became your best friend after you joined the team. You were oh so thankful for him and even more so when he became your boyfriend 2 months ago. “No, not really” you admitted and Bucky smiled softly as he sat on the edge of your bed.
“I got you some stuff…” you sat up a bit and he sat the small plastic bag on the bed. “It’s mainly chocolate” you laughed a bit and he smiled “I got you some midol and a new heating pad too!” He pulled the box from the bag and you smiled at him. “Thank you Buck” his cheeks flushed a bit and he shrugged “gotta take care of my girl” you glanced at the bag and saw a box of pads and a box of tampons. Bucky followed your eyes and chuckled a bit “I don’t know which one you use” he explained.
“You’re so cute” you said with a sigh and Bucky blushed harder opening the box that held your heating pad. “Oh! Uhm Tony also said that he’d order you some fries” you rolled your eyes. “Yeah, he’s trying to get on my good side he made me cry earlier” bucky’s eyebrows furrowed “what?! Why!” You placed a hand on his arm “no no! It’s me I’m just emotional…” you trailed off.
Bucky looked at you “baby? You okay?” You nodded “I-….” Bucky left the box on the bed and walked into your bathroom grabbing your small trash can. “You went pale…you feel nauseous?” You nodded and he helped you sit up so he could sit the small trash can in your lap. “I’ll go grab you some water, see if banner has anything for nausea” you nodded.
It took all of 5 minutes for the fatigue to sit back in and you sat the trash can down laying back once again. You grumbled rubbing your puffed stomach softly “god damnit” you whined your eyes pricking with tears from the pain.
Bucky walked back in to see you curled up in a ball under your blanket “baby? You okay?” You whined and Bucky say you up enough “here” he handed you the glass of water and opened the bottle of midol shaking two out into your awaiting hand. “I hate you go through this baby I’m sorry” you smiled weekly and he rubbed your ankle softly with his flesh hand.
“Cuddle me” you whined and Bucky was quick to move around the bed sliding in next to you. You didn’t even need a heating pad when you had your own human one. Bucky held you close to his chest and you sighed as his heat soothed some of the cramps. “Wait” he sat up a bit and tugged the shirt he was wearing off making you that much closer to his heat. “You know if this was different I’d be a lot happier your shirt was off” Bucky chuckled and kissed your forehead.
“You know you could actually help in another way..” Bucky raised his eyebrow at you “how do you mean?” You stared at him for a minute before it clicked and he went as red as a tomato “doll! Wha—wha-what’re you- no.” You giggled seeing him stutter “I was joking! It was a joke! I don’t want a kid” Buck huffed and grabbed your head pushing into his chest.
“Just hush and cuddle”
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bexdrey · 1 year
TMI Tuesday: Favorite YouTube series? Favorite YouTuber?
Very obscure, but there were these two guys back in the early minecraft days. Skitscape and Fawdz or Tony and Dan respectively. They did this series called Skyblock Survival and it was my favorite one to watch over and over again. Only 3 of those episodes reside anymore. If you really wanna get a glimpse of what peak 2011 was like? Look these guys up. Skitscape doesn't do Youtube anymore but Fawdz still does. *Though he mostly does Twitch Streaming* Very good dude.
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