#this why I like cats better they have personality beyond you
Recently, through Twitter, I have become aware of the fact that modern American parents have been very ignorant of their parental duties when it comes to their children. Parents are banding together to complain about the schools their children attend because their kids are getting bad grades in class, or they're getting detentions for doing bad consistently, or they're being held back because they're just not at the same level as their peers.
There was an entire thread of some woman whining about how the school was failing her kid, because his English class grade was so bad. There were thousands of comments agreeing and various reposts with anecdotes from other parents with similar experiences.
"My 26 y/o son can't even write a check for God's sake!"
And one single person finally replied with, "Do you guys not teach your kids anything at home before they start going to school?" Which then spawned people with actual common sense questioning the level of involvement these people had in the lives of their kids.
This is what led to a large surge of people complaining about how it's the school's job to teach them everything and they did their job just keeping them alive.
Now, I don't want to be mean, but it's gonna come across that way.
Parents are lazy these days.
When I was a child, my Nana and mom had me learning with Hooked on Phonics before I entered pre-K. I was 3 years old and already sounding out words that rhymed. I was practicing how quickly I could say them in under 30 seconds so I could progress to the next lesson.
mat hat sat that cat vat pat bat fat lat rat brat
When I was in pre-K(4 years old), they had a single, really old computer that had a bunch of Winnie the Pooh CD-ROM games. Because I always got my work done faster than everybody else, they let me use the computer because I could actually read and follow Pooh's instructions, and it kept me busy.
And when I entered kindergarten for the first time, I was really surprised to see that Hooked on Phonics was actually part of my curriculum and I was already very well ahead of everyone else. My mom and Nana took traching me very seriously. They not only read to me, but they would also get me Madeline books and cassette tapes from the children's library downtown. And then I would listen to the cassettes telling the story while reading the book at the same time to get used to the words.
At three years old, I was helping out in the kitchen, learning all of the different kitchen utensils and types of measurement. My mom often went between English, French and American Sign Language at random times so I picked up a lot of stuff that way. We never had a computer in the house for the first 12 years of my life, but I did have an old keyboard to learn how to type. Nana gave me basic piano lessons for a couple years. Mom taught me how to hem my clothes because she would buy me bigger clothes, hem them to size, and then let them out as I grew. Hell, Sperm Donor taught me how to write a check when I was 8. He was also a Financial Adviser, so I got a lot of lessons on money management, investments, and 401Ks and shit.
All these incredibly simple things ended up benefiting me later on, because I was so far ahead of all of the other students that it consistently put me at odds with them. I was better at reading, cooking, sewing, music, languages, etc... I was allowed time to do whatever I wanted while the rest of them had to catch up.
There is a lot more to being a parent than just making sure your kid eats three meals a day and doesn't die in a stupid way. And it seems like a lot of parents these days have completely forgotten that they have a duty to their kids beyond the feeding and clothing thing.
Certain things SHOULD be taught in schools, like how to balance a checkbook. But if it's clear that the school won't cover it, why aren't YOU doing something about that? And why do so many parents have no clue what the hell their kids are even getting up to in school? Why don't y'all get involved in your kid's lives?
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elbiotipo · 2 months
I don't hate bunnies but I could never have one as pet, of all domestic animals I've met I've never seen one so afraid of everyone and everything, I feel like I'm hurting bunnies just by looking, they're just too fragile for me.
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thegnomelord · 26 days
Gnome, my good man, what's your thought on a trickster spirit!reader within the cod monsterverse? Like, he can be a malicious or a purely mischievous spirit who likes to mess with things and play around. As all spirits are, he's a free one, and refuses to be tied down—relationship wise. Which would probably be for some good angst in regards to one/some of the boys pinning for an unrequited!reader. Anyways, I can just see him being an absolute menace to the other boys :3
Better yet if he's a regular fuckbuddy, but even during sex he's still running his mouth, making crude jokes or some offhand comment that makes his current buddy all "???". The only way to shut trickster!reader is to stuff his mouth with some dick or ride/fuck him so good all he can get out is a bunch of whorish moans.
Just.... thoughts on trickster spirit!reader 😞😞
ooooh yessss, trickster spirit reader like anansi that's very clever but also a fucking troll. Reader that's an absolute menace to anyone in charge, a giant pain in the skull that takes every word seriously, as Price figured out when he remarked 'It's raining cats and dogs' and trickster reader literally made it rain cats or dogs, or some general said trickster reader was driving him up the wall so he ended up stuck on the ceiling lol.
Also I absolutely love love love the idea of brat reader and brat tamer 141. Like, you're a free spirit, to try and chain you don't is about as good of an idea as making the spirit of the sea stay with the sailor who loves her, and the old heartless man of the sea can tell you how well that goes.
So the boys let you roam, they let you have your fun; Holding your gaze across the bar when you're flirting with a faceless stranger, not pushing when you shrug their hand off your shoulder to go grind dance with a person you just met, biting back and resisting following you when you disappear to the bathroom for a quick fuck. You're not oblivious of their jealousy, your kin thrive on creating these emotions in others, and quite frankly it's fun to see how far you can push them.
But oh, little trickster, they may let you do as you please, but that doesn't mean your actions don't have consequences.
Eventually you burn away all their patience, eventually, the need to show you why it's them you always return to burns too hot and you end up pinned on the bed, or the floor, or whatever semi-flat surface is around.
This time you're pinned beneath Soap who's half shifted, big burly body bruising your hips with the strength of each bounce, sharp claws digging into your ribs to give him a good hold on you. The headboard bashes against the wall every time he fully drops down on you, the springs creaking and digging into your back.
"Fuck puppy-" You moan so loudly you're sure half the base can hear but you can't give a single fuck about it when his ass is so tight around your cock. "So good- shit, you feel- fuck, fuck, fuck- really know how to chase that bone huh- hm!-" Your mouth runs automatically, the your hands sneaking out of the handcuffs easily so you can grip his hips.
Soap is beyond words, animalistic wolf brain too preoccupied with getting your cock as deep in his ass as he can. His tail wags back and forth, wide canine tongue stuck out of his mouth as he bounces on your cock harder, thick thigs tensing to drive you deeper into his velvet soft depths.
"Oh no you don't." Gaz snickers and snatches your arms. He's much more graceful than Soap when he sits on your chest, leaning over you and pinning your hands over your head. "You didn't let us touch you, you're not touching us." He smirks, the tip of his cock laying against your lips, and you could be fooled into thinking he's a trickster too.
You grin and purposely clench your teeth, looking up at him with challenge.
Gaz clicks his tongue, keeping your arms pinned over your head with one hand. His other hand curls into your hair and tugs just as Soap clenches around you. You're in no way responsible for the whorish moan that falls from your lips, eyes closing and mouth opening.
Your eyes fly open when Gaz pushes his hips and shoves half his cock into your mouth. "There you go, got your tongue." Gaz chuckles, pushing his dick a bit deeper. Another sharp tug is all it takes for your mouth to close around his shaft, eyes hooded, hollowing your cheeks as you suck on his cock. Gaz's cock muffles your moans when you get a taste of his precum as it beads down your throat, your mind melting through your cock as the two sergeants fuck all that trickster intelligence out of you.
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scientia-rex · 7 months
I will say, I have really enjoyed hearing all the stories about intergenerational friendships on my post. People being like "yep that's Old Man Bob at the corner store, he's ancient (26) but he helped me survive middle school!" or "I share this highly specific special interest with people in their 70s and we love talking about it and this gives me joy," like, this is why I side-eye so hard when people pull that "there's no good reason for minors and adults to talk" like sir have you seen steam engines? I just watched a documentary about a steam engine restoration where the very intense man who loves steam engines was clearly deeply personally proud of the steam engine obsessed 12 year old who showed up and begged to help restore the steam engine, and that little autistic kid is going to be so much better off having a probably autistic adult friend who also passionately loves steam engines and will not only talk steam engines but teach him everything about them. I have had 4th graders engage me in conversation about my shirts (generally ones with cats on them).
We live in a society. We have interests beyond sex. Most of us spend actually a very small amount of our lives on sex, compared to all our other interests. We have so much to share and learn from each other about, and recognizing and calling out creep behavior is infinitely more useful than thinking there's some kind of creep-proof way we can divvy up humans, because the whole point of abusers is that they pretend that's not what they are, often well enough that their abusive behavior is invisible to most people. So we need kids to know what abusive behavior looks like, and we need them to have people in their lives they can talk to about that, and ideally we need to inoculate them ahead of time so they know when the creep behavior starts happening that that's what it is and tell adults who believe them and respond appropriately so they don't come to harm.
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kurakisses · 9 days
⟡ ⠀between us⠀⠀⊹⠀⠀ guns n' roses & you
gn reader. poly relationship later on, reader is just messing around with them here, might be not fully canon-compliant. argenthill is established.
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‌“remind me why i accompanied you all the way here”.
“to make idrila's grace known and help anyone in need.”
you watched from a distance as the cyborg gave a faint grimace of displeasure as he detailed his surroundings.
you knew perfectly well that the knights of beauty were destined to wander the cosmos in solitude
and that argenti had probably never asked boothill to go with him.
so the cowboy was here on his own free will and at his own whim.
you laughed as your gazes met.
soon you would be behind the galaxy ranger and the knight of beauty
you put your arms over their shoulders and hugged them, as if they were old friends
perhaps you considered them as such, given how long you had been following them.
you had played the highest notes in the intricate score written by aha, but your greed enveloped your laughter like poison ivy and it begged for more.
now you would take the role of the cat during this hunt, and play with your prey ruthlessly. you would be fine; the icicles rising from your fingertips would not let you get hurt.
“oh, knight. this world has just survived a tragedy and they are vulnerable to any word they hear; don't you think that's taking advantage of people's innocence?”
boothill's eyes bore into you like daggers.
on your lower back you felt some pressure, and assumed it would be the tip of the cowboy's gun.
that action alone caused a smile to spread across your face, amused.
apparently, the cyborg didn't like his boyfriend being messed with.
how cute
“my duty is to defend the honor of beauty, i don't intend to force others if they are unable to recognize it.”
you smiled as you held back your laughter
defend the honor of beauty?
hadn't Idrila already fallen?
you thought that the knights of beauty were like headless ants, walking around aimlessly.
“and you, beautiful masked fool? why do our paths intertwine today?
he took your hand, placing his lips on it, and it seemed to you that he almost kissed it.
it was an action that left you speechless for seconds.
“i came here to have fun”
and to hang out with them
but you wouldn't say that
“our definitions of fun seem to be different”
boothill didn't look like he was entirely comfortable with your company.
and he probably would have pulled the trigger if it hadn't been for the fact that they were in a bustling plaza
and because argenti had asked him not to resort to violence as much as possible.
you had heard that the anonymous had embraced this cold planet with a mellifluous warmth, and you were curious to witness the quiet waltz that the inhabitants of belobog now danced.
because to you, the monotonous melodies, the dramaless chants and soft intonations were meaningless. you wanted a world immersed in laughter, bursting with loud ups and downs and moving symphonies.
and what better world to build your own orchestra in than one that has already been kissed by chaos?
you laughed at the thought, earning a distrustful glance from the cyborg.
your interactions, with him at least, were bittersweet
you always looked so ethereal, enigmatic and singular— tracing icy paths before disappearing in a frozen blizzard
you laid a trap for them covered in unintelligible decorations, in fabricated snowflakes
though for you it was more like showing them your personality.
to make friends you have to grow closer, right?
you know them well enough, so the only fair thing is for them to get to know you better
beyond your facade as an icy wanderer.
for argenti: you still had an indescribable beauty— despite being a fool, you looked like an iridescent crystal butterfly, radiating a unique light.
worthy of being bounded by terms such as “beautiful, precious, one of a kind”.
and perhaps that's why boothill seemed to want you far away
because throughout the entire way, the knight of beauty kept on complimenting you
and you knew it was his nature
but you couldn't resist laughing with your hand covering your mouth every time the cowboy's gears screeched with rage.
it reminded you of when you checked into the hotel during the morning
you didn't have any money with you, and argenti offered to pay for your room
“why the fudge are ya offerin' to pay for this child of a nice lady's room?”
you laughed out loud at the censorship, and he was about to point his gun at you one more time.
in the end boothill paid for the rooms for both of you— he would share his with argenti
he showed you his middle finger before he went to sleep with his boyfriend
in response you froze it
he looked at you terrified, with his mouth wide open and teeth showing
that night you laughed so hard that tears formed in your eyes and you had to clutch your stomach between both hands.
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part one
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bk-4-trash-fire · 7 months
You know what time it is
And as promised
make sure to not spam my account please I don't want to block you
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This will be if I'm deciding rn in two parts or more
This one is for the cat reader one, and the other will be the robot reader
Take this as a gift for 200 followers
For the sake of this, I will make a scene [story if you can call it that] of this idea.
Today is a beautiful day for you.
The sun is gleaming on your fur as you take your 5th nap of the day.
Ever since you released the world of robots from their dark sky prison, things have never been better.
Your friend momo was more than excited to see the world beyond the walls
You, on the other hand, like to stay and play around not really giving a fuck
Until a random person picks you up
That person being zhongli
An hour before this, Zhongli had thought he had cracked the code and could finally meet his beloved creator
Having the ritual set up, he was fully certain that this would work
Will he see a realm beyond his very imagination?
Will he see the true form of his creator?
.....I mean......technically he did..
What zhongli definitely didn't expect the world of the creator to be so.....
Buildings old and worn down
Some look like they are hanging by a thread
The floors are cracked, and with trash or rubble sprinkled around
The people here are just as weird
Mechanical metal robots walking around
Seemingly not noticing that their world looks like it took a bomb to the face
Just simply doing everyday activities
A nice walk
A drink or two at a bar
AH, focus, remember why we are here..
The creator
That aura is unmistakable
Just keep following it, and you'll finally be content with-
Why the fuck is there a cat here?
This has to be a joke.
The ancient scripts say the creator is large, intimidating, and intelligent,
Back to the present, zhongli is very confused more concerned about what he is looking at
This cat is his creator....
H O W ?
Back with the cat, you are just as confused about what's happening
Why is lizard man here?
And why is he squishing your face?
Let go of me, you peasant!
As you try and wiggle your way out of zhongli's grasp, he silently laughs as his creator looks like a golden caterpillar
When he finally releases you, he sighs and sits in a nearby chair, obviously confused of your form
"How can a cat be running an entire world?" The old man asks himself
You respond by bringing a crystal ball out of your back
The lizard man sees something extraordinary
Teyvat is within this ball!
Is this how you overlook them?
Then you start batting it around like a ball of yarn
Right, you are still a cat
The creator of teyvat is cat
This man needs a break
Let me know if you want more of this shit or not
Cuz i have an idea on wear to lead this
But I'm not a good writer so IDK
Hope yall have a good day :]
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suashii · 1 year
୨♡୧ TREAT YOU BETTER — bakugo x reader. sfw. hurt/comfort. fluff.
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jumping to conclusions and making assumptions without all the facts is rash, you know, but you’re starting to think you’ve been stood up. what else does it mean when your date is fifteen minutes late and has left three of your texts unanswered?
a flurry of emotions whirls around inside of you as the realization dawns on you; embarrassment, anger, sadness. the last one pisses you off even more because you shouldn’t be sad. that poor excuse of a potential boyfriend certainly didn’t care about you, so why should you place any weight on his actions? if anything, you dodged a bullet.
that’s the logical, rational way of thinking, but ignoring the pang in your heart is harder than you think. you can’t help but get caught up by the wave of disappointment that washes over you. the plastic straw between your teeth is almost chewed beyond recognition as you contemplate whether you want to swallow your pride and stay to eat alone or admit defeat and just pay for your lemonade.
on the other side of the window, where city lights gleam as the sun begins to dip below the horizon, bakugo is walking home from patrol. his eyes wander, taking in the scenery with each of his steps. it’s by chance that his gaze turns to the very restaurant you’re in, and even more of a coincidence that he notices you with the way your cheek is smooshed against your hand.
he had planned on going straight home after finishing up for the day but the mere sight of you has him making a detour to join you inside.
you’re just about to consider flagging down a waiter when a commotion erupts at the entrance. if it had been ten minutes ago when you were still eager about your date, you would have turned around to see what everyone was clamoring over. instead, you sigh, hoping that it won’t be too long until you see someone who can give you your bill.
you squeeze your eyes shut in an attempt to drown out the noise but your effort is for nothing as patrons and staff alike continue to animatedly “ooh” and “aah” at the person’s arrival. the cherry on top of your already forming headache comes in the form of a chair scraping across the floor; much too close for it to be anywhere other than your table.
thinking it’s your overdue date by what has grown to be twenty minutes, a bitter protest bubbles up in your throat—something about how he’s already wasted enough of your time and you don’t have any more to spend on him. although, it dies on your tongue when you open your eyes and see a familiar head of sandy blonde hair and a set of piercing scarlet eyes. you breathe out a breath you didn’t know you were holding upon seeing the man across from you.
“someone’s awfully dressed up to eat unaccompanied,” bakugo starts, propping his elbow up on the table to replicate yours. he takes in your outfit; more formal than anything you’d usually wear but less than what he recalls you putting together for any of the UA dances when the two of you attended. if he had to guess, bakugo would conclude that he interrupted a date.
“yeah, well, i wasn’t supposed to be here alone,” you tell him, flicking your straw.
you’re dressed for the occasion, that much is sure, but something about your air is off to bakugo. he watches quietly as you aimlessly play with your straw. your eyes are turned down, like if you look up and meet his, he’ll see something you’re trying to hide. it clicks only a second later and the lax expression bakugo’s wearing is traded in for a frown. “your date didn’t come?”
“nope,” you pop the p and give your straw one final flick before pushing the glass away and sitting back in your chair. now that the cat’s out of the bag, you finally find the courage to look the man in the eyes. it’s strange, you think, that all of those negative emotions that you were drowning in only a moment ago don’t feel as suffocating now. the only thing that’s changed since is bakugo’s presence. you can’t put your finger on it, but him simply being here has made you feel a little better.
“asshole,” bakugo mumbles under his breath, though it’s loud enough that you can hear it. it almost makes you smile.
bakugo crosses his arms. he had originally come in to poke fun at you and maybe get a look at the guy you had come with but he’s glad that he missed the punk, and for more reasons than one. he’s sure that if he saw him now, his name would be making headlines for assaulting a civilian. although, somehow the thought of seeing him with you happy and joking—having a good time is even worse to katsuki. 
there’s an itchy feeling in the back of bakugo’s throat as he thinks about why that is. it’s something he’s known for a while, at least since the two of you graduated, but something he has yet to confront; at least with you. he’s acknowledged these feelings that venture beyond friendliness himself, though, and he finds this part a bit pathetic, he hasn’t come clean about them to you.
maybe that’s because he isn’t as courageous as he paints himself out to be or maybe it’s because there’s a little piece of him that feels as though he isn’t good enough for you. but his glimpse of how poorly you were treated tonight is all it takes to convince him that he could do so much better, and you deserve as much.
with a newfound resolve, bakugo clears his throat. “have you looked at the menu?”
your eyes flit to the menu at the center of the table before that dart back up to your companion’s face. he doesn’t look upset like he had earlier on your behalf. you had scanned over the menu a few times during the delay but instead of saying so, you ask, “why?”
“because, i’m going to give you the date that prick couldn’t.”
whether it’s the declaration itself or the person it’s coming from, you aren’t sure, but your heart skips a beat with katsuki’s words. it’s a gesture you can’t see him doing for many others and that fact alone warms your cheeks. still, you can’t be positive that he meant in a romantic sense, the way you had taken it. as embarrassing as it is to ask, you’d rather be on the same page than get your hopes up over a chummy attempt at cheering you up. “um, like a date as friends or…”
“an actual date,” katsuki clarifies. he can’t quite tell if your eyes are widened in pleasant surprise or partial horror. the last thing he wants to do is make you uncomfortable, even if that means humiliating himself. so he adds, “if you’re okay with that.”
for the first time since you sat down, a genuine smile pulls at your lips. you were sure this night wouldn’t turn around but you’re starting to think this is a better outcome than you could have hoped for. because, unbeknownst to katsuki, each of your failed dates have been placeholders for the one you’ve truly wanted—him.
“yeah,” you nod, “i’m okay with that.”
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thanks for reading! consider commenting or reblogging if you enjoyed ❤︎
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oceansprompts · 11 months
text message prompts
[text] You okay?
[text] GO TO BED!
[text] hey you better be alive in there
[text] SOS save me please holy shit
[text] call me this date is going so bad
[text] I have way too much shit to do.
[text] Honestly I'm really worried about you.
[text] Why are you trending on Twitter?
[text] Please let me come over and pet your (pet).
[text] We are in the same building, you could come talk to me.
[text] It's not going to work out.
[text] This is a terrible idea.
[text] people have fetishes
[text] They really do crucify anyone these days huh
[text] I don't know why but that really means me want to stab you
[text] That movie was awful.
[text] For the love of god please help me
[text] I fucked up. I fucked up really bad.
[text] I'm blocking you.
[text] I regret swiping right.
[text] Everyone lies on their dating profiles.
[text] That absolutely can't be an actual picture of you.
[text] This forced open my third eye and I saw the devil
[text] I'm like a child in line for the newest fucked up disney ride
[text] That's just all fucking sorts of fucked up
[text] Why are we here? To suffer? Every other day I get messages that cause pain
[text] In the department of old man fucking, we've got you beat.
[text] have you gotten any work done?
[text] I am beyond shame, try again
[text] You left your left your underwear at my place.
[text] Don't you dare put this on Facebook.
[text] My brother in Christ you're being haunted
[text] I want to wring you like a wet towel and slap you against a wall
[text] The mind is weak but the body is funky
[text] I'm a zombie the law can't stop me.
[text] Jealous of my massive honkers
[text] We left you to die to play minecraft
[text] She would never ever take away one of these stupid fucking hats
[text] I puked all over the Uber driver's backseat.
[text] I just took a screenshot of that and posted it to Reddit
[text] You said you'd be right back and it's been months.
[text] Can't we talk about this face to face?
[text] Yeah, you'll come learn I just have a thing for milk
[text] Why did you like one of my pics from 2014?
[text] Now's as good a time as any to exchange nudes.
[text] Why would you send me an eggplant emoji?
[text] I write five paragraphs, pouring my heart out, and all you reply with is k?!
[text] Who would dare to lie on the internet?
[text] When I die, please delete all my shit off the internet
[text] He's so hot, I briefly started texting like a straight person
[text] And because I'm god and I've decided that; no, in fact, I'm not done.
[text] I know you love bloopy reggae jams, now is not the time.
[text] You better not be standing catatonic in your room again.
[text] God has abandoned his children but unfortunately for you I pay child support and I will smite thee.
[text]: My neighbor just told me he can fix my water heater for 50 bucks. I’m skeptical.
[text]: Do you have any idea how much it costs to buy apples? I paid 10 dollars for 6.
[text]: I mean, I wouldn’t say I have a problem with buying Squishmallows..
[text]: Hey, so you know how you told me no dog? *sends pic* I don’t do well with no’s.
[text] Stuart Little is a bitch and Remy could take him any day.
[text]: My roommate just said that Lola Bunny is hot. I’m moving out.
[text]: Hey I posted that vid of you drunk, singing Ariana Grande, wearing all black and people said not to do it again. Sorry.
[text]: Do you think the price is ever right? Like, I feel like it’s not.
[text]: I booped your nose. Boop the last five people you texted or–nothing happens really.
[text]: I’m actually in the ER and it’s a long story that involves Best Day Ever from spongebob.
[text]: I fucking hate you–wait you’re not my ex. Who are you?
[text]: You ever ask yourself if birds see a bee and just go ‘wow a bee’? im high.
[text]: sometimes all i think about is–sour patch kids. bet you thought it was you.
[text]: I love you—not as much as I love my dog. But still a lot!
[text]: I found a cat on the way home and now it’s mine. But it hates my guts so this should be fun.
[text]: I have questions about the marvel cinematic universe…how long do you have?
[text]: why do donald duck and winnie the pooh not have to wear pants but other people do?
[text]: Hey you know that show floor is lava? I may have turned the apartment into that..this isn’t a joke, btw. the floor is sticky.
[text]: I bought too much soap off etsy and now I don’t know what to do with it…I smell like Captain America.
[text]: On a scale of one to ten, how many drinks would you need to sleep with me? This isn’t a tiktok trend…or it is.
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rollinouttahere-writes · 11 months
Pfft hear me out yandere trio Luffy , Zoro and Nami reaction when female reader admits that Buggy kinda cute (HE IS !! Don’t judge me 💅) since it’s a running gag in the show/movies that this trio always pulls a face hearing his name XD😘
please !🙏 He’s a clown but he’s my clown 🥰🤣
I can't judge, I get it. Goofy men are cute and you're 100% correct
What the Heart Wants
Yandere Luffy, Zoro, and Nami x Fem!Reader (plus Buggy but he's only mentioned)
1.9k words
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This was risky, you knew it was, but it happened on an impulse and it was too late to turn back now. Your pulse quickened as you snuck off into the girl’s room with your newest acquired treasure. You paused at the door and pressed your ear to it to listen for anyone else heading this way.
Nothing. You’re in the clear.
Scurrying over to your bed, you fish the rolled up piece of paper from your sleeve. You didn’t even think about it when you saw the bounty poster on the wall. It was like your hands had a mind of their own, ripping it down and stuffing the poster into your sleeve without your brain even fully registering the action.
Sure, this could backfire if someone finds you with it, but so long as you’re careful it should be fine.
Unrolling the paper, you can’t help but giggle and kick your feet at the sight of the man on the poster. It felt silly to be so giddy over just seeing a picture of the man, but you couldn’t help it. Buggy had this sort of goofy charm to him, and it had a chokehold on you. You’ve always found people like that endearing, it’s a majority of the reason you joined Luffy’s crew. 
This time though, the endearment went beyond being platonic. Instead of simply feeling a warm fondness towards Buggy, you found your heart beating erratically when you thought about him too much. The last time you’d seen him in person and made eye contact, you immediately felt blood rush to your face and had to avert your eyes.
In short, you were down bad.
You were so transfixed on the poster, that you didn’t hear anyone approaching the room until the door was thrown open. In a panic, you leap up from your bed and held the poster close to your chest in an attempt to shield it from prying eyes.
Nami was standing in the doorway, looking confused and slightly startled by your strange reaction to her entering your shared room. She wasn’t dumb, much to your chagrin, and quickly took note of how flustered you look. Then her eyes drifted down to the poorly concealed poster and you could practically see the lightbulb come on over her head.
Her lips curled into a grin, “What’cha got there, (y/n)?” The way she stalked towards you was downright predatory, making you feel like a mouse being cornered by a house cat.
“Nothing! Nothing at all, just a piece of paper!”
“Just a piece of paper? I don’t know about that, it looks like a bounty poster to me,” her smile looked downright malicious as she circled you, trying to get close enough to take it from you. “I wonder why you would be keeping a bounty poster to yourself like this?” Nami definitely already knew the answer, but she wanted you to say it.
“No reason! I just- Um- I don’t even know how this got here! It must have slipped into my pocket while we were out! Yeah!” You internally cringed at how bad that lie was. Even Luffy was a better liar than this.
Nami cackled at your attempt, “Oh really, that’s the story you’re going with? Come on, just be honest with me. We’re both girls here, you can tell me about your crush!”
You whip your head around to glare at her, “I don’t have a crush!” You absolutely did. 
With a speed you didn’t think she possessed, she leapt forward and snatched away the paper. You tried to get it back, but she held it out of reach and used her free hand to push you away, “Yes you do~! I can’t believe you would keep this from me, we’re friends! We’re supposed to talk about things like this.”
Nami danced out of your way, and you swear it felt like the world was in slow motion as she finally pulled the poster down to be able to look at it. Immediately, the mischievous glint in her eyes went cold and her smile dropped. The once coy and amused expression morphed into one of pure horror as she looked between you and the poster in rapid succession.
“No,” was all she said as she shook her head in disbelief, “you can’t be serious.”
“How about you give me that, and we can forget all about this. Please?” You wanted to crawl into a hole and never be seen again. This was the one thing you didn’t want to happen, and her reaction is precisely why.
You can assume she didn’t like your response based on her soured expression and the way her hands crumpled the paper in her tight grip. Without another word, she ran out of the room. 
With. The. Poster.
That was how you got to where you are now. Forced to sit at a table with three of your crewmates sitting with you. Nami, Luffy, and Zoro specifically.
“Guys please this is so dramatic!”
“It’s not! This is a serious matter, one we can’t let slide!” Nami slammed her fists onto the table that you were all seated at. Why were you all gathered here? For an intervention regarding your taste in men. 
It was bad enough that she knew, but why did she have to drag your other crew members into this? You can’t say you understand her choices either. Luffy was hardly the type to weigh in on someone’s love affairs, and Zoro wasn’t even awake. 
“Why are we all here? Are we gonna play a game or something?” Luffy was drumming his fingers on the table impatiently.
Nami slams the partially crumpled wanted poster on the table, “This is why we’re here!”
Your face was buried in your hands and you let out an over the top groan from the sheer embarrassment of the situation. 
“Buggy? What about him?” Luffy perks up, “Oh! Are we gonna go kick his ass again?!”
“No. Well, yes but not yet,” Nami explained. “(Y/N), would you care to explain what you were doing with this poster?”
“Nope, sure wouldn’t,” you didn’t bother taking your hands away from your face. 
“You and me both know why you have this, so how about you just tell the truth so we can fix this,” Nami sounded like a mother scolding her child.
Luffy was looking back and forth between you two, trying to put together what was going on. You could practically hear the gears turning in his head, “Are you planning to fight him? Oh, I know! You’re trying to be a bounty hunter!” He looked to Nami expectantly, hoping for confirmation that he was right.
She pinched the bridge of her nose and let out a sharp sigh, “No, Luffy, she isn’t trying to become a bounty hunter.”
Whatever, you’re just going to go ahead and rip the bandaid off, “I have a little crush on him, okay? There! Are you happy? Can I go now?”
“No! How can anyone be happy knowing that?!” Nami yelled. “Why him of all people?! He’s literally a clown!”
“... He makes me laugh.”
Luffy exploded into laughter, “What’s that got to do with it? I make you laugh all the time, more than he does I bet!”
You tried to get up and leave, but Nami’s hand latched onto your wrist like an iron shackle. With one yank, you fell back into the chair.
“Please just stop! Why are you even doing this? It doesn’t matter if I have a crush on him or anyone else for that matter, so can we please act like none of this ever happened?” You wanted to cry from the humiliation of being shamed by your friends over a little crush. 
Luffy shrugged and nodded along, “It is pretty funny, but I agree with (y/n). Why are you so mad about it, Nami?” Bless him. Even though he did laugh at you previously, at least he was attempting to deescalate the situation now.
“Because she is crushing on Buggy the Clown of all people!” 
“Why is that such an issue?! He’s cute!” You tried to defend yourself (and him).
“Eww! No he isn’t!” Nami full on shuddered at you calling him that, “What is wrong with you? At least fall for someone good looking!”
“Well maybe I care more about personality!”
“What are you talking about?! He’s an egotistical weirdo who has a temper tantrum if he so much as thinks someone said something about his nose!” Nami looked like she was ready to rip her hair out.
“He can be nice when he wants to be, and like I said before, I think he’s funny!”
“There’s a huge difference between someone actually being funny, and someone doing stupid stuff that happens to be funny,” she slapped a hand over her face and dragged it down exasperatedly.
She had a point, and you hated it. You huffed, “Yeah, well, I don’t care. He’s my type and that’s that.”
Nami gagged like the drama queen she was dedicated to being in this moment, “I almost want to set you up with someone else just to give you better taste, how is a clown your type?!” She ground her teeth in frustration, “Okay, new rule: you’re not allowed to leave the ship if Buggy is around.”
“Why is everyone yelling?” Zoro yawned and stretched, looking around the table with mild curiosity.
Nami slapped the back of his head, “I brought you here to help, not to sleep! (Y/N) is crushing on Buggy and we’re trying to stop her.”
“Oh,” Zoro didn’t look all that concerned. “So are we gonna kill him or something?”
“NO!” You shrieked at him. What is wrong with these people?!
“That would take care of the problem,” Nami hummed thoughtfully. “We can’t risk letting this become something more, what if she tried to leave to be with him?”
Luffy laughed at that, “It’s not like I’ll let that happen!”
“What do you mean you won’t let that happen?” That honestly threw you off a bit. What was that supposed to mean?
“It means that I won’t let him take you away from us!” Luffy flashed you his usual blinding smile, but there was something slightly… off about it. It felt a little too wide, and weirdly tense.
“Take me away? No one is trying to ‘take me away’. Besides, if I wanted to leave to be with someone, then I’m allowed to do that,” you were distinctly not a fan of how he was talking about you as if you were a piece of treasure being fought over.
The entire atmosphere of the room changed the second you finished speaking. All eyes were on you, “See! This is what I was talking about! If she gets a crush on someone, she’s going to want to leave!” Nami’s hand found its way to your wrist again, you were sure you’d have a bruise from how tight her grip was.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, let���s all calm down! I didn’t mean I was going to leave just like that! I like it here, really!” You tried to placate your crewmates, but your pleas did nothing to sooth them. It was too late to backpedal now.
“We’ll have to get rid of him next time we see him,” Luffy nodded resolutely.
Zoro shrugged, “Should be easy enough.”
You should have never taken that poster. Now you’ve unintentionally put out a hit on Buggy, and have no idea how to stop it.
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The triplets kittens snuck in to NRC to see their big sister figure Crewle daughter, and seeing her they all are happy and admire her alot, and she adore them as if they are their siblings
What's more that childhood friends knows if you're close when they called you big brother
Vil, Leona, Azul, Jade, Floyd, and Deuce be when the kitties calling them big brother and quietly said " can you marry big sis (yn)?? We think you'll be a good mate/husband for them "
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The Kittens | Crewel Daughter Reader
The kittens would rather infiltrate the princess academy because that is where you usually are
And when they do they’re pampered beyond compare
So its entirely different when they end up in NRC
Now the thing with NRC is that the school is on a private island
That takes a lot to travel to anyway 
So the only way they’ll end up there is through nefarious means
Beating up and apprehending their kidnapper
They don’t know what to do but they recognize their beloved godfather
“Ah my little kittens, what are you doing here?”
Appalled by their journey 
he takes good care of them and eventually the beast children meet your obsessive suitors:
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Vil Schoenheit 
“So Miwster Vil?”
“Yes, young Marie?”
“Awr you taken by anyone?”
“You mean…romantically? Well, you know me and (Y/n) have been together since the beginning.”
“Ooooh so you’ll marry godsiwster one day?” 
“Hehehe, yes.”
He knows he’s destined to be with you
He’s just happy your godsiblings can recognize him as your lover already
He treats them well despite Toulese and Berlioz puffing their chests at him 
Whipping children into beautiful shape is his expertise
Naturally, when Duchess is finally able to pick them up she recognizes him 
“Oh thank you, Vil! Their hair! And their dress! They look divine! But even in your youth, you were such a proper gentleman!”
“Why thank you, Duchess. Your praise is an honor.”
He expects this will carry over when Duchess and Marie talk next
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Leona Kingscholar
“Hey! Big Bwother!”
“Ugh what?!” 
“Are you gonna marry (Y/n)!?!?”
“Big sis! Are you gonna be her mate fwor life?”
“...Yeah, if anyone tells you different bite them for me.”
“Yes th-thwir!”
Toulouse the little orange cat boy is set on following the strong lion around
Similar to Cheka in that he endlessly follows Leona around
But his energy is more like Jack in that he admires the dorm leader’s strength and coolness
He doesn’t immediately push him away because he’s so familiar with you
He knows this kid will be singing his praises to you when he finally meets back up with you
“Y-your highness!? I apologize for any trouble my son might have given you!”
“It’s fine. The little tiger is definitely going places.”
“I’m so grateful! Thank you, your highness.”
Yeah, he better deliver
Maybe putting the wall of you visiting if the little tike ever wants to see him again
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Azul Ashengrotto
“You’re vewy smart big browther!”
“Why thank you!”
“Will you marry big sis (Y/n)?”
“E-excuse me?”
Berlioz takes to his side right away
Proudly wearing his tie as he cutely escorts guests around
His glasses fog up in heat as he imagines what your kid would be like
Not only will this kid give him rapor with you 
The Duchess is a renowned noble in the Shaftlands
A wonderful investor and corroborator for any romantic ventures
“It was an honor tending to your child, he was a pleasure.”
“Well, that certainly puts me at ease. You’re such a bright young man it's hard to believe your so young. Your maturity reminds me of (Y/n) do you know her.”
“Oh I do. More than you’d believe”
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Jade Leech 
“Well here you are little lady.”
“Why thank you Jade! You truly are quite the gentleman. Big Sis (Y/n) would looove you.”
“Oh would she?”
“Mmmhmm I’ll tell her about you when I get home. But! You have to let me be the flower girl at your wedding, okay?”
“Yes, m’lady.”
He’s got his gentleman butler+ act on lock 
Perfect for catering to Marie’s little lady personality
And like a little noble lady she makes promises and is bound to gossip
Which seems to be in favor of Jade 
Who smiles as he recognizes the behaviors that she’s copied 
From you of course
“Duchess your daughter was a lovely guest.”
“I can’t help but thank you for taking care of her.”
“And I humbly accept.”
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Floyd Leech
“Oi oi where ya going so fast?”
“I’m running because I know I need to train to be the fastest tiger ever!”
“Ah? Then let me help you!”
“Wow! You're so fast and strong! I’d say you're a perfwect mwate for Big Sis (Y/n).”
“Yeah I think so too.”
He enjoys the seemingly endless energy of Toulouse 
He only runs faster because he’s pumped just thinking about you in the future
Sitting back while he runs with your little one
It's just a matter of time
“Thank you, Floyd. Toulouse is tired out but it seems he had fun.”
“Yeah we did! He was a blast!”
He thinks fondly of him but doesn’t expect much until you thank him later
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Deuce Spade
“Ya ever think about marryin’ Big Sis (Y/n)?”
“W-what?! What are y–”
“I think you should. I'd like to have more fun with you!”
He doesn’t connect that Berloiz and you are related in any way
Until the little cat boy flicks his ears as Deuce offhandedly swoons as he talks about you
When he does he gets flustered 
Before getting laughed at and going back to playing with him
He bows deeply to Duchess when she returns
“T-thank you for being there for (Y/n)! Consider this a small thank you for that!”
“Oh? Such vigor for a young man. Well, I am grateful you watched over my little gent. I’m sure (Y/n) would be pleased as well.”
He can’t help blushing aggressively at your name
He hopes the duchess doesn’t laugh at him when she tells you
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baratiddyappreciator · 6 months
Hey honey bun sugar plummmm!! Could I get a baki characters with a s/o who has a fat ass (me)
Why of course, thine blessed thiccness will be appreciated!
He's more of a tits guy (mommy issues, we all know this) but he absolutely doesn't complain about a bit more cake either. Be it a bubble butt or just genuine cake, he does not mind in the slightest.
That is his ass, thank you very much, so catching others staring or trying to cop a feel will very much wind up in him dishing out swift justice. He's chill about most things, and he doesn't mind others appreciating you as a whole, you're stunning, he knows it, but when they're being gross and pushy about it, that's when he'll step in.
He's got a habit of grabbing people's hips when he walks passed them, he may or may not cop a slight feel with you though. He doesn't mean it to be creepy or pervy, but he can't help but admire the curves you graced him with.
He's got his own cake as well, don't forget that, so the two of you walking side by side out in public earns a lot of stares for many reasons, but the fact that the two of you combined are an entire bakery might also have something to do with it.
Girl is flustered. Literally everyone around Baki that she ever met was cheeked up, and she knows how to appreciate a good behind, but she's a lot more shy about it than, say, Chiharu or Katsumi.
Worried about wardrobe malfunctions? Not while she's around, she is on it. Doing it to be considerate? Absolutely, of course. But was she also watching your ass before the wardrobe failure? Maybe. Perhaps. Perchance, even.
She's the kind of person to look through clothes online and show her friends when she finds things that she thinks would suit them or that they would like, so if you mention wanting something to accentuate your butt a bit, she'll pull out an entire folder.
Lord help her if she catches you in swimsuits, she won't know what to do with herself. Does she admire openly? Does she touch? Please help her lmao.
Firm ass admirer, but in private. Only he is allowed to admire your ass, that's final. You don't get to stand while he's sitting down, he'll pull you straight into his lap and keep those big meaty hands on your waist, trapping you in place. You don't get up until he lets you.
He won't spank you, but he will give you light taps every once in a while. Just know: he absolutely wants to wind up and slap the soul out of you, but he won't because he doesn't want to hurt you.
You wanna wear clothes that accentuate your butt? It had better only be for his eyes, he's not going to tolerate other people looking at your buns, those are his to admire.
There will be times where he just lays down with you, acts super sweet and everything, and then just grabs your ass. For no reason. It's like watching a cat stare at something on the edge of a table before they knock it off.
Admires your ass while clothed, and while naked. You aren't safe from him, even if you're sitting down, because no matter how strong or heavy you might think you are, you are nothing compared to his strength.
A menace. He will walk up to you and smack your ass so gotdamn hard that you just won't know what to do beyond pass away on the spot. He sees nothing wrong with it, and he will continue to do this. There's no rhyme or reason either.
Are you getting nasty with him? Don't let him near your ass, because he will bite you, it will hurt, and you can't even get mad at him because he does it out of sheer love.
Steal his pants. I'm serious, steal them. Just walk out with them on, he'll practically break his own neck doing a double-take. They look great on you, and they're incredibly comfortable. It's a win-win!
Feel free to torment him by returning the favour by the way, he knows he can be a bit much, but he can take what he dishes out and more.
Problem child. He'll use any excuse he can to get at you in general, he's very touchy. That being said, we have seen how efficient this man is at slapping things. He slaps you once and it's over. He slaps your butt and you're going to need ice.
He's also the kinda guy to bite your butt, for no reason. Fresh out the shower? Chomp. Trying to relax in shorts? Chomp. He doesn't even try to explain or justify it, he just does it.
Much like Chiharu, you can return the favour. Unlike Chiharu, he's going to play up every little bit of his response. Did you slap him back? Oh he's going to moan and whine, and by the time you get him to shut up, you're both laughing so hard neither of you can breathe.
He will try and get you into a karate uniform from the Dojo. Is it for personal reasons? Mayhaps. He thinks that it'll look good on you either way, either way he'll get a nice look at his precious in a karate uniform.
I don't want to say that he doesn't care, but he just doesn't make a big deal about it. He thinks you're stunning and perfect just the way you are. Does he appreciate a bit more to hold onto? Sure thing! Is he going to start grabbing at you randomly? Not really, no.
Does he occasionally admire? Oh absolutely, he managed to bag you, he's going to admire you every chance he gets. He's a bit dense, but he's not blind.
That being said, if you dress up all nice for him, all of what I've previously said goes straight out the window. He is LOOKING (respectfully) and he is going to be touching, mentally prepare for that fact, because once he starts he's not going to stop for a while.
Lord help anyone that dares to even think of copping a feel or admiring while he's around. He may be pretty, but this man is a solid 8ft tall and has a natural glare that could kill an army.
Also doesn't make a big deal out of it, but you know that he loves ass just by looking at him. He'll admire, he'll touch, and if you're laying on your stomach, he'll use the booty as a pillow in a rare moment of relaxation.
If you really want to drive him wild (re: insane) then wear some tights around the house. He's going to behave himself, he swears, but if you bend over one more time he cannot be held responsible for what he's about to do.
Which is to say that he'll slap the soul out of you and then drag you back to the bedroom. Will you emerge alive? Who knows! He doesn't, and you probably won't either.
He cares, but he's a bitch, so he'll make it seem like he doesn't. That being said, he's so incredibly obvious about his stares and his little hand twitches while he definitely doesn't fantasize about grabbing a hand full that it's almost comedic.
He lowkey (re: highkey) worries about your back, so sometimes he'll just walk up, grab your waist and start rubbing little circles into the base of your spine under the pretense of being bored and wanting to see what you're doing.
He will buy you clothes and expects you to wear them, because he likes they way they look on you. Even if you only wear them around the house for him, he'll be pleased.
Why yes, he is jealous, how did you know? If he catches anyone even so much as glancing at your butt, he's going to glare them into another dimension.
Virgin monk is a virgin, and he was raised not to stare because that's rude. That being said, he can't help it, he thinks your butt is beautiful and he'll outright tell you that whatever you're wearing looks flattering. Has he said this while you were naked? Yes. Yes he has.
Once he gets more comfortable, he's all about grabbing and squeezing at your hips, thighs and butt, though it's all in good fun, he means well by it, and he absolutely appreciates you letting him do this.
He has such comfy pants, much like Chiharu, so you should absolutely steal them from time to time. You know those things are flattering, you've seen them on him after all.
If you ever want someone to watch your form while you're doing squats or lunges, he's your guy, because unlike the others, who would absolutely take this seriously and not just use it as an excuse to stare at your butt the entire time.
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woobly · 1 year
HEAD PATS . . . 심재윤 !
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PAIRING. non idol! jake x gn reader GENRE. fluff, slice of life?, college au, a little golden retriever x black cat WARNINGS. mention of drugs (legit just in passing), lots of unnecessary details/narration lol WC. 1.3k words
𓂋˚˖ A/N. this is just word vomit tbh coz it’s finals szn </3 i shld rlly be reviewing for my chem exam but here we are!!! 😄😄
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PHYSICAL AFFECTION WAS NEVER YOUR LOVE LANGUAGE. Sure, you were happy to give hugs and link arms with your friends while chatting, but you never really thought much of it.
In fact, you were so reserved that whenever people were asked for their first impression of you, they would always include the word “intimidating” in their responses. Even some of your friends tend to liken you to a black cat—won’t shut up about it, even—that every time they see a cat with any hint of black, they would call out and say “Look, it’s Y/N!”. And when you would ask them why they thought of you that way, they would say it was because of your calm and collected personality and your neutral-colored wardrobe.
But you were never bothered by any of these (perhaps by the fact that people thought you were intimidating when you really weren’t) but you didn’t put any effort to change your attitude and personality just to have people like you better.
The same goes for your new block. The semester just began, and you were still in the process of getting to know and getting comfortable with your new blockmates. You had already made your own little circle of friends, all of you had the same major and shared almost the same classes together.
But that didn't mean you didn't hang out with your other blockmates either. Sometimes they would walk with you and your friends to your next class, other times they would ask to hang out once you were all free. You were thankful for all these interactions since you always struggled with approaching new people, but one of your blockmates in particular has left quite an impression on you.
At first glance, it was hard to deny that the guy wasn’t good-looking, which made him also appear somewhat intimidating, especially when he was so focused on something that he almost looked mad. But you were beyond surprised when you heard a cheery voice one day and turned around to see that it actually belonged to him, your blockmate Sim Jaeyun, more known as Jake.
You weren’t sure if he was like that with everyone else (but you were so sure he was). Whenever he entered your vicinity, he would always have a smile on his face and would usually be asking you or the people around you how they did on the exam you just took or how they were doing in general. With his bright personality, he quickly became everyone’s friend, even those from other classes dapped him up along the hallways.
But even if he seemed kind of distant, there were moments that the two of you quietly shared that would suddenly pop in your mind whenever you got lost in thought.
You see, although people thought you gave off “black cat energy”, there were still very rare moments when you’d act “cute” unknowingly. And no, you wouldn’t self-proclaim to be cute because you have heard people compliment you saying so. And you suppose those moments happened quite a lot around Jake because if there was one thing he did around you, it was to pat your head.
This, you were almost sure he didn't do with anyone else, not that you were paying attention… But he’s done it one too many times for you not to notice.
The first time, he asked if you wanted help with your things but you declined saying you were “used to it” and that you had your “big boy pants on now”. He just chuckled and patted your head while you walked to your next class—not gonna lie, it was kind of awkward. You’d never really had your head patted before, so the sudden action caught you a little off guard.
The second time, he did it because your class just took a quiz and you said you got a good score for the first time in that class. And then again, and again until you found yourself becoming comfortable with the gesture. Sometimes, you would even catch yourself wishing he did it for a longer period of time, immediately telling yourself that that might be weird.
Today, however, was a little different. He already gave you a head pat in the morning—you, Jake, and one of your friends were called to line up for your departmental moving exam in one of your lab classes. The three of you lined up together, but it was mostly just you and your friend chatting while waiting for your turn. Both of you were trying to release your nervousness by laughing it off while Jake was doing a great job at keeping his composure. Out of impulse, you took your friend’s wrist and swung it back and forth while whining. Your friend chuckled at your sudden show of skinship, but Jake placed his hand on your head again. You looked up at him to see the small smile on his face, but he just as quickly retracted his hand.
Now, your next class had just ended, and your blockmates were still hanging out inside the classroom. You didn't feel like standing up yet, so you decided to act like you were sleepy (which you were) and try to lay your head on your friend’s table. Unbeknownst to you, Jake was approaching your group of friends and saw how you were struggling to “lie down” in the little space you had between you and your friend’s chair. He reached out his hand and attempted to pat your head the second time that day, but he missed since you sat up out of nowhere. You were surprised to feel something touch your head and realize it was Jake’s hand that you almost wished you hadn’t gotten up from your lying position so quickly.
When you thought he had finally left, you pulled out your phone and set its brightness to the lowest possible setting. You quickly connected to the building’s wifi network and opened up your group chat with your high school friends. You had already told them about your blockmate Jake, but you didn’t think he needed a codename like your friends’ crushes do, so you didn’t hesitate to type his name.
y/n: GUYS
sunghoon: dude i js found out my prof is a cannbis user
y/n: @sunghoon what 😭
y/n: anw i got head pats again,, TWICE
y/n: istg if jake doesn’t stop
“You don’t like the head pats?”
Upon hearing the voice, you turned your head around and planted your phone on your lap so quickly.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn't mean to read your messages,” Jake said, looking anywhere except you. That was a straight up lie. There was no way he “didn't mean to” when your phone screen was so dark even you could barely see it.
“Um, wait no, it’s not that I don't like the head pats. It’s just— they’re nice... I guess,” you almost whispered that last part, but astonishingly, Jake still heard it.
Once he was reassured that you didn’t actually dislike his little display of affection and that you actually enjoy it, a smile and a light blush bloomed across his face, and he reached his hand out to pat your head again.
“You're really cute, did you know that?”
“Yeah, I've heard that a few times. And don't worry, I don't dislike hearing it from you.” you looked into his eyes and stared at each other for a second too long, causing you both to chuckle and look away in shyness.
"Good. Because you'll definitely be hearing that more often." he said, still stroking your hair gently like it was delicate and fragile.
If physical affection wasn’t your love language before, it definitely is now.
© woobly, 2023. all rights reserved.
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riririnnnn · 3 months
Can we talk about him?
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Oh god this sweet springchild deserves so much more love than what Fandom gives him.
It's only been, I guess, a month of me joining Tumblr, so I can't say what you all think here, but as far as I've seen in other places, I got to say that he is hated/trolled for no reason at all.
Yuki would've been a green flag, scratch that, he would've been the greenest forest if he were a real person.
I understand that
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is one of the first manga panels we got of him, and yeah, I agree that he feels like that one annoying teacher's pet in our classes, but considering the environment of BLLK and the fact that they all literally have their soccer career in line, I don't think so that he did anything wrong. Besides, he didn't try to put anyone down, he is only asking for a reason.
Then we have this panel:
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It seems annoying again, but considering his backstory, both the above panels start to make a lot of sense.
To be honest, even without his backstory, the above panel was justifiable since Noa himself said that he judges by number and if Yuki has a better number data then obvi-fucking-ously he has the right to ask such a question.
Also, why we don't talk more about his backstory?
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Do you all understand how devastating it is to lose a dream all because of a situation or a circumstance that is completely beyond your control? Imagine working hard for something only to lose it all just because of something that you did literally nothing to deserve.
Further, he had it easy as a model you know. In a country where the average male height is 5'7'', his 6'0^½'' height is surely a great advantage, yet he decided to fight for his dream. How cool is that!
Also, sometimes, I think that if Isagi were not to be the protagonist, then how bitch-y everyone would've considered him.
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I understand that he didn't know about his medical condition but still!?
In their argument in the changing room, I do think that both of them were right in their own way: Blue Lock was literally made for strikers, and, at least according to BLLK ideal, what type of striker passes to someone else!? And seeing things from Isagi's perspective, he did the right thing!
And I also think that Chris was a big bitch for blocking Yuki's goal like that and top of that, also calling it/him pathetic.
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Why is he posing like he just solved the global food crisis? Like, what the fuck, my man? That boy hasn't even completed his teenage years, HAUL YOUR OLD WRINKLY ASS OUTTA THERE!
And after that Isagi passes him a goal too and yada yada, but Yuki acknowledged it right away. He also came to apologise and accepted his mistakes.
Just look, look, LOOK!
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How sweet he looks. Like a pathetic wet cat. Oh lord! I want to protect him.
And do not dare to come at me by saying, "IsAgi ofFeReD hiM a pLaN bUt wHeN hE aSSisTeD hiM yUki acCePTEd iT."
Like bro, first of all, shut up. Second of all, imagine being in the soccer field and someone passes you the ball, what are you going to do? Run the other direction or something? Brah, Blue Lock taught the boys to be egoistical not stupid.
Just stop hating him.
One time when I was thinking about Yukimiya's headcanons, I was like, "He might actually be blind one day, so I think he is learning sign language."
Then after a long pause I was like
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yandere-daydreams · 5 days
Gojo and nanami are definitely the most misrepresented characters in fanfic in my eyes. I share the same sentiments with you about nanami and people writing him as if he's geriatric because he's just a no nonsense, work and go home, responsible adult. He knows what memes are, and he knows how to use a smartphone, he even used video game terms when he was fighting dagon! ("It's like he has infinite HP") He would know who doja cat is!
As for gojo, I feel like a lot of writers conflate his extroversion and somewhat silly demeanor for having people skills. It's canon that his lack of social skills is his one main flaw! And you can see it through the way the other characters interact with him: Ijichi is scared of him, Nanami thinks he's flippant, and Utahime straight up despises him and he thinks she's just joking about it. All of the Tokyo students save for Yuuji and Yuuta think he's weird and find his silliness off-putting. I just don't think he'd be very popular in those college AUs that write him as some kind of social butterfly who's friends with everyone, at best, he'd be well-known for his good looks and family name and being glued to the hip to Geto, who would definitely be the more popular one of the two. He'd probably also put people off by making insensitive comments (intentional or not) when trying to hold conversations, he's just not a guy that can easily understand other people or be understood. That's just my take tho
i've already spoken my thoughts on nanami, but,,, yeah T-T he's a very 'no frills' character, and since it's difficult to make a character who's only goal is to be boring, y'know, interesting, people tend to just settle on making him act older/overly mature/overly stoic, instead. i get why it happens, but i do which creators would engage with how funny he is as a character from time-to-time. that poor man is bare-knuckling it through life, blasting cobra by megan thee stallion and trying not to get the sixteen-year-olds he works with killed and he should be more appreciated for that.
and i couldn't agree more with the gojo stuff T-T T-T the popular fuckboy is a very common archetype that a lot of people want to write around, and as the resident pretty boy, i get why people want to slot gojo into it, but it's literally canon that not a single damn person can stand being around him for longer than an hour at a time beyond, like, two high-schoolers and the ex-boyfriend who hasn't spoke to him in ten years. i think the only canon-compliant way to write for him in an college/no curses au would be like. that guy who everyone assumes is popular because he's rich and attractive, but actually has like two friends and is way better at sports + housework than his overly pretentious major. he just kind of sucks, and it's important to me that people recognize that as one of his most endearing traits.
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universal-imagines · 1 year
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✎  ﹝ genshin boys in a college au ﹞
i. zhongli
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what better role than that of the young new professor everyone is fussing over?
he carries himself like someone well beyond his years and speaks as if he’s walked the earth for a millennia. his knowledge is extensive and doesn’t just revolve around the subject he teaches, history. he is well-versed in ancient literature, poetry, and is fluent in several languages. it’s no wonder everyone is dying to meet him and have a profound conversation with him.
even you find him intriguing and can’t help but gravitate towards him when you’re both in the breakroom, but you’re determined to find the one thing you know better than him. so far you’ve failed in brewing a better cup of tea than him, knowing how to bind a book (even making the pages from scratch), knowing calligraphy, and picking a lock faster (why does he even need that skill? you’re sure anyone would let him into their home even on a first meeting, probably even give him the codes to all their safes)
tags + notes: professor!zhongli x professor!reader, rivals (one-sided) to lovers, lots of long-winded explanations and awkward encounters in the breakroom
ii. childe
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surprisingly he’s the insufferable TA that zhongli handpicked himself. how he thought that guy was the best option when there’s obviously thoma that everyone loves is beyond you. but you have to admit he has a way with words, which is probably why the professor picked him. he could get anyone interested in just about any subject, even a “boring” one like history. and that’s not just a personal opinion either, many students have admitted that the only reason they decided to take the class was because he convinced them.
however, there’s also this weird aura about him. it feels intimidating for some reason, but you can’t quite put your finger on why... and some of your classmates have mentioned being afraid of missing an assignment cause of him. but he seems like a cool guy from your experience, just a little annoying if anything
tags + notes: ta!childe x student!reader, popular x reserved, golden retriever energy x cat energy, endless amount of bickering, childe is always messing with the reader and trying to distract them (all in hopes of getting them to ask him for help after class)
iii. diluc
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the first time you saw the redhead wasn’t in class, even though a couple of days later you realized he sat right behind you. in your defense, it’s not like you’re looking behind you during class, but you figure you would have seen him walk into class at least once before. but no, you first saw him at the local bar, he was standing behind the counter with his hair up in a high ponytail. if you were being completely honest, that’s probably why you noticed him there and not in class. in class he wears it in a low and lose ponytail. it doesn’t compliment him at all, but who were you to judge his morning routine.
he’s also a completely different person when he’s not at the bar. in class he’s so serious and keeps to himself, another reason why you probably never noticed him. even at the bar he’s somewhat serious, but at least he offers more than a dry “good morning” there. you’ve even gotten a smile
tags + notes: grumpy x sunshine, forced proximity (they have to work on project together which means meeting up a lot and possibly going to each other’s places), slow burn
iv. kazuha
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you’d heard word of that cute boy that performed with his band at the local bar and had caught a glimpse of him once or twice there when visiting your friend diluc. but you never imagined he was the boy you stared at in class, and not cause you thought he was cute or anything you did, it’s just that you always saw him staring out the window, like he longed to be a bird so he could ride the wind and travel to some far off land. other times you’d catch him flipping through a notebook quickly jotting something down, probably lyrics now that you thought about it, and you found it intriguing.
now that you knew he was in a band maybe you could approach him and ask him about it, he seemed friendly enough
tags + notes: band member!kazuha x admirer!reader, reader falls first but kazuha falls harder, he doesn’t realize that all this time he’s been slowly falling for the reader until it hits him like a train and he can’t hide it any longer
v. thoma
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thoma is the perfect student. every professor is always speaking highly of him and using him as an example for those that comes after. and yet it’s hard to hate or envy, someone who is willing to let you borrow his notes. in fact, he offers them to you when he notices you’re struggling with a topic. they’re so neat too, color coded and everything. never in your life had notes made more sense to you than the actual professor.
if you weren’t aware of his culinary arts major, you’d have assumed he was studying to be a professor of some kind. helping others came so naturally to him, but so did cooking. there had been plenty of time when he’d brought snacks for the class just cause he felt like it and they were delicious. no wonder the professors loved him, he motivated the class for them
tags + notes: friends to lovers, cuteness overload that’s pretty much it, just lots and lots of fluff
vi. xiao
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if it wasn’t because he is literally the quietest person you’ve ever met, you probably would have never noticed xiao in his corner. at first you thought it was because he hated being around people, one of those extremely anti-social people, but you’ve come to realize he is just shy. not the type to fumble over his words, just not the type to initiate a conversation. once you get him talking he’s alright though. still a little awkward with his one word replies, but he’s not a bad guy.
it took you a while to get him to warm up to you, but now it’s like you took in an injured puppy. he even stopped sitting at the very back corner and now comes to sit next to you. the others took it as a free invitation to start talking to him, but he just gives them polite nods and glances their way occasionally. you wonder if it’s because it takes him a while to trust other people
tags + notes: mututal pining, special treatment (you’re the only one that gets to see the talkative side of him and vulnerable), angst (because he’d still have a sad backstory in this au), but it would eventually have lots of fluff
vii. itto
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he’s the completely opposite of xiao. while xiao stand outs because he’s so quiet and mysterious, itto stands out cause it’s impossible for him not to. no ones needs to ask him what he’s doing for the day cause everyone can hear him talking about it in the halls. it’s actually surprising just how loud he can be, but that’s the best part of him. he isn’t afraid of putting himself out there. he’s also an overall great guy, whenever he spots someone being left out he’ll include them in the conversation. he does the same for his football games too, invites everyone and gets them cheering even if they don’t care for the sport and makes friends with the opposing team. there have been plenty of time when both teams go out to eat together after the game because of him, regardless of who won or lost.
but his one fault is that he’s not exactly the brightest. everyone loves him, but the professors can only let him off the hook so many times before his grades start suffering...
tags + notes: jock!itto x nerd!reader/tutor!reader, cute moments where the reader patches itto up after a game, that “oh” moment from the reader as they watch itto running on the field, and the “oh” moment from itto as he watches the reader cheer from the stands feeling like he can run on forever
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elysiuminfra · 1 year
my I Need Money post (AKA, please consider helping me survive my abusive homelife)
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Hi! I’m Cecil. I’m a 20 year old transgender artist from Louisiana, and I can make YOU art!
Art is my sole source of income, and I’m in a bit of a pickle. I am an adult now, and I gotta do adult things. like pay off debt. My sibling is 17. We are both victims of abuse and child neglect at the hands of our alcoholic parents. It’s not so great, but I’d like it to get better.
I’m disabled from medical neglect, and have no way to get my driver’s license. I am unable to get a job, as I live too far from anywhere that would hire me, with no way to get there. This is all I got, man! I got two hands and a warrior’s spirit!
My sibling is my pride and joy and I want to see them flourish and thrive because they’re awesome. They struggle with untreated bipolar disorder and a slew of medical problems, and I want to get them treated for it. I also need to take my two cats to the vet. I have debt I have to pay off, and I have to buy myself food to combat my increasingly declining weight. My clothes don’t fit very well anymore. :(
Art and design is my life-long passion, and I’d like to do it for the rest of my life, but I can’t if I can’t get on my feet. If you’d like to view more of my work, you can check some out here, or view some of my more professional work on my commission website here.
If you would like to financially support me, consider commissioning or donating! Even just sharing helps!
On a serious note, things at home are not great. This is where I talk about what is going on in detail. Details of abuse and neglect beyond this point. Not required reading, but necessary for context. Photos included.
It’s not that I’m just poor, my parents both work full-time jobs, and they manage to pay the bills. I have food and a roof over my head, but I own nothing but debt, and can’t financially support myself. My parents have been neglecting my sibling for years, and neglected me the same. They do nothing to help us.
My sibling is showing signs of health deterioration, likely malnutrition, and they don’t seem to be concerned about it at all. My health is getting worse, too, because my parents have ignored me when I have stated I am getting worse. I haven’t been to the dentist ever since I was a child. I live with disabling chronic pain and intense fatigue, and I don’t even have a diagnosis, since no one will take me to the doctor.
My sibling likely not going to graduate because my parents have not supported them at all with their mental health, education, or support them just in general. They live in total isolation alongside me. My parents are also the reason why I can’t get a job- they won’t teach me how to drive, and won’t provide transportation. I am physically trapped in my own house, and the only people who can drive refuse to take us anywhere. They also will not help clean the house, and they won’t help fix our dryer or washer, which are both broken. They won’t take our pets to the vet. They won’t spare any expenses for things that need to be done. They spend most of their money on alcohol. In my state, we are currently experiencing what one would call abuse and child neglect. This is one of the only times I have ever written, in detail, what my home life is like.
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Our washer and dryer, both broken. We don’t have any flooring in that room. The other is part of our living room floor. I am the only person who cleans the house in any capacity, and when I do it never, ever stays clean. The dirt is from my dad alone. I need to cover doctor’s visits, medication, food for my sibling, and vet costs for my pets. I would also maybe like to have a little treat every once in a while. I can’t physically drive, but if I am able to get the money for it, I can force my parents to take care of things. Due to the, er, abuse, I am also isolated from the world at large and have no support system. All things described on my sibling have been happening to me for years, but I’m technically an adult now, so there’s little anyone can do for me. Things aren’t so great, but I think they can get better through blood sweat and tears. Which is why I have to step up and try to do all these things myself! A difficult task, but I want to make art into something I could do as a job. Please lord have mercy, I want to wash my clothes. I can even save up for a car, and teach myself how to drive, so I can finally reach independence. Without financial support, I can’t achieve that at all. I am very stressed about everything. I’m very isolated as a result of not being allowed to go anywhere. I don’t have anyone I can confidently trust with my home-life situation. I have no resources either, as I live in an area with very little support for adult victims of parental abuse. I’ve never made a plea like this before. I just want to be able to live and thrive and survive on my own, and I just can’t do it at this rate. If I can go to the doctor, I can get healthier, and undo all the years of medical neglect and actually hold a full-time job making coffee like I’d like. I’m afraid both me and my sibling will never get anywhere in life, and I don’t want that for them. I don’t want that for me. I want to finally start living. Thank you for reading, and getting to the end.
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