#this was in my drafts from november why didn’t i post it
girlschasinggirls · 4 months
i don’t know why some people are desensitised or blind to the fact that bombing people is more than just killing people but is also maiming and torturing people physically and psychologically. there’s been many videos now of people including kids collecting what’s left of their family members and it’s just chunks of meat and a hand. people with their limbs blown off and torn to shreds. what happens to peoples limbs and/or entire bodies in an explosion is basically the same as being thrown into a giant meat grinder, these deaths are not painless even if they’re quick. people are having their limbs torn off and then bleeding to death, being burned alive, being crushed with heavy cement and rubble. being trapped under rubble and sand and suffocating or dying of thirst. sometimes alone and sometimes with their family, sometimes they can hear their family but can’t see or reach them. people having shrapnel launched into their throats has the same impact as slitting someone’s throat, shrapnel in the rest of your body is the same as getting stabbed multiple times. this is not any less sadistic and barbaric just because israel has the luxury of just pressing a button from a plane and not actually witnessing the outcome of what they’re doing.
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girlylukehughes · 9 months
Get him back!
trevor zegras x reader, jamie drysdale x reader, part one of the suneater au!☀️
part one, part two
Warnings: asshole trevor, cheating mentioned
wc: 1078
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Y/n “Peach” L/n had met Trevor Zegras last summer while visiting her parents in Michigan. She was sitting in a tall barstool, simply people watching, when the tall blonde boy tripped over his own two feet and landed on the floor right in front of her. “Damn so people really do fall for me huh?” she said with a cocky smirk on her face, and an even cockier one appeared on his. “Yeah totally my plan of action here,” he said with a laugh, “I'm Trevor.” Peach reached her hand out to help him off the floor, “Y/n, but everyone calls me Peach.” Looking at her Trevor could probably tell why, her hair was the color of a ripe peach, “I'm guessing that has to do with the hair?” he questioned. “Partially, also because I grew up on a peach farm in Georgia.” So that’s where the accents from, he thought. “Well Peach, I’d love to buy ya a drink.” With the smile widening in her face, he already knew her answer would be yes.
Two months after that the fighting started. On their nights out his eyes would wander from his girlfriend to the other women in the bar. His ego didn’t help either. One night Peach was finally fed up with it and started speaking her mind. “You know it really sucks you scour for other women when I’m literally right next to you.” She scoffs, throwing her keys into her side table by her apartment door. Instead of feeling ashamed he just let out a small chuckle. “Babe I’m a professional hockey player, I’m 6’2, and I mean, come on, you’ve seen my body. Why wouldn’t I look when I could get anyone else I wanted.” Peach could feel the tears brimming in her eyes but she blinked them away and turned around. “For fucks sake, your ego is bigger than you dick I swear, and that’s saying something. Also Trevor, your height is literally public record, try knocking two inches off that.” In reality the relationship should have ended with that conversation, but he was so much fun to be around. Sure she thought his friends were weird for encouraging his behavior when they knew he had a girlfriend but when they’d go to parties and not come home until the early hours of the morning, all she could think about was the fun they have.
July 2022
pic-ingpeaches just posted!
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pic-ingpeaches: another song, another club, anther bar, another dance
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trevorzegras: god damn
user28: you’re so pretty
user17: trevors comment???
jackhughes: hm
^pic-ingpeaches: ok weirdo
user81: not her flaming jack😭
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After every fight Trevor had a way of making up for it. Whether it was getting her nails done, new shoes, a new bag, or some jewelry, it was always something expensive but never something thoughtful. After she caught him cheating she should have called it quits. But the next morning on her beside table sat a plane ticket to France.
November 2022
pic-ingpeaches just posted!
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Liked by jamiedrysdale and 1.3 million others
pic-ingpeaches: city of love with my lover
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Peach had finally had enough when winter turned to spring and called it off after an argument about Trevor trying to get with her friends. Everytime she thought she missed him she’d just remind herself of all the shitty things he did to her. She didn’t know if she loved him, and she wasn’t sure if it was hatred or embarrassment she felt, but one thing she knew for sure was that she wanted to get him back. She wanted to make him jealous, make him feel as shitty as he made her feel. She’d see pictures start to pop up in her Snapchat memories and it’d make her miss him and she’d get upset but the sadness and longing never overpowered her need for revenge.
Many letters and long winded texts had been drafted but never sent when she’d miss the way he kissed and the jokes he’d tell her that had her clutching her stomach with tears in her eyes. Peach would pour her heart out and almost hit send or put them in the mailbox when she’d see her friends' faces in her mind, because they all knew what he did. They all knew he’d continue to do it.
June 2023
pic-ingpeaches just posted!
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Liked by jamiedrysdale and 2.6 million others
pic-ingpeaches: he said I was the only girl, but that just wasn't the truth
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jamiedrysdale: he’s an idiot
^pic-ingpeaches: truest words ever spoken!
user10: jamie😭
user59: damn if someone would cheat on you I’m FUCKED
jackhughes: weird
creator has blocked this user
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When Peaches ran into Jamie while getting coffee they sat down and caught up, one coffee meet up lead to two, which lead to three times a week. After a month of them meeting up three morning as a week Jamie had a proposal, “Go on a date with me, a real date. Not morning coffee but a nice dinner.” Peach really wanted to, she really did, but she wasn’t going to ruin a friendship. “Peach, you said you wanted to get him back right? This is the way to do it. Make him jealous, make him feel embarrassed.” Her heart was beating a mile a minute, “Jamie, I do actually like you, like romantically, you know that right? Like this wouldn’t just be a ploy to get back at Trevor, I’m in this for real.” Jamie’s face lit up, “I’m glad we’re on the same page then.” “Well then Drysdale, pick me up Friday at 6.” Grabbing her bag she wakes out of the coffee shop, sending him a grin over her shoulder.
When Jamie showed up that Friday he had a giant bouquet of flowers in hand and a nervous look on his face. She was stunned, Trevor never got her flowers, hell no one had, but here was Jamie. Standing outside her door with at least $200 worth of flowers in his hands. The night was great, full of teasing jokes, blushes, and a sweet kiss at the end of the night.
pic-ingpeaches just posted!
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pic-ingpeaches: got him!
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❌tr*vor❌: what the fuck
read 3:20pm
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honney-pies · 9 months
Ma Cherie❤︎
Birthday Girl
Pairing: Inumaki Toge/F!Reader/Okkotsu Yuuta
Fandom : Jujutsu Kaisen
Summary : this is how (y/n) got her name and how found family is like my fav trope.
Content warning/chapter warning: character death, referenced/implied abuse, referenced/implied sexual assault, excessive blood loss, thoughts of self-hatred, depression, feeling helpless, a knife is used, her mother SUCKS, please please please seek help if you or a loved one is being abused or in a harmful environment. I'm not sure if there is anything else, but please let me know and I will add it to the list!
Length: 2.5k
A/n: GUYS I'M SO SORRY THAT I HAVEN'T POSTED I FORGOT THAT I SAVED THIS TO DRAFTS! the next couple chapters are going to be more gaining context while also establishing how she interacts with others. the next two chapters (and this one too i think) contain spoilers for JJK season two. (y/n)'s birth name is Akane, but after this chapter I don't plan on referencing that. right now i'm sitting at about three chapters either nearly completed or started. please let me know if you liked this post! as always there is an oc version here and on ao3, feel free to read it if you would like! i'm still not sure how long this fic will be, but i'm aiming for about ten chapters. (Y/N) calls herself Akane anytime before she turns five.
Ma Cherie Masterlist
 ─── ⋆⋅ November  2016 ⋅⋆ ─── 
(Y/n) was looking at Panda and Maki sparring when she saw someone sit down in the corner of her eyes. Yuuta kept on staring at the sixteen year old, and she was beginning to feel her skin get itchy from feeling watched. He kept on looking at her then looking away, clearly he wanted to say something, but she didn’t want to bring it up if he didn’t intend to ask. 
“Kamo-san, why do some people call you Akane and others call you (Y/n)?” The girl in question looked at the dark haired boy and stared at him. 
“O-oh, you don’t need to answer that if you don’t want to! I didn’t mean to put you on the spot!” (Y/n) laughed, Yuuta was definitely too sweet for this world. 
“Do you want the short version or the longer one,” she asked. 
“I want to hear whatever you want to tell me,” he replied. 
    ─── ⋆⋅December 29, 2005⋅⋆ ─── 
It had been her birthday. Akane had just turned five years old and Shoko, Suguru and Satoru made sure to give her the best day ever. It had been her first birthday since her mother first tried to hurt her and Yaga banned her from entering the school. 
That night she was determined to sleep in her old room by herself and prove to herself that she grew up and could overcome what had happened to her. For a little over a month she had been alternating rooms and everyone had taken turns walking her to and from school along with having her accompany them on missions, obviously staying in the car, if no one else was available to watch her. All to protect her from her mother. 
When she had gotten into the room everything seemed fine, safe. Satoru was one room down and Suguru was in the same hallway as well. Shoko was still at her parents until classes started again. Satoru and Suguru had stayed with her for most of the night until she said she wanted to spend the night alone. They just looked at each other and agreed. What she didn’t know was that Suguru had let a small curse to watch over her, moreso to let him know if there were any changes in her mood or breathing. They both made their promises of seeing Akane tomorrow and to come into either one of their rooms should she feel scared. 
“Are you sure this is a good idea, Satoru?” The boy in question just looked at him and that’s all Suguru needed to know before grabbing his hand and holding it until they reached his room. The two went to their rooms and began to fall asleep. Although neither one was really able to do so. Akane’s well being was at the forefront of both of their minds. 
At first Akane didn’t know what was going on. She had thought that a tree was scratching at her window, maybe it had been a stray cat, but when she heard the shattering of her bedroom window break, she knew that it was no tree or cat. She knew it was something far worse. The five year old panicked and hid herself underneath the blanket and made herself small, as if that would keep the scary monsters away. 
We, as the readers of this story, know that hiding away under blankets will never keep the monsters at bay, but Akane was still a child, a child who didn’t fully know of the harsh realities the world, especially her own, had in store. 
The creaking of the wooden floors had been her only way of knowing where the monster was. The noises grew closer until one side of the bed dipped down and a soft voice called out to her. 
“Akane, it’s your mother. Come on out and tell me hi.” Akane was confused to say the least. From what she understood Mother was no longer allowed at the school since Yaga refused her entry. She had been told that if she did see her mother that she must go to another mom and ask to call her family or hide. 
This, however, wasn’t the first time Akane’s mother was not allowed to visit her for a period of time. From what she’s been told her mother got sad a lot. From what she heard while others thought she wasn’t listening was that her mother was unstable and had severe manic depression. She didn’t know what that really meant, but she knew that sometimes her mom wouldn’t be allowed to see her for a little bit. It happened pretty often, so Akane thought it was normal for her to disappear and show up out of nowhere. 
Unfortunately this was not one of those times. This time she felt her mothers animosity, this time she felt no love coming from her mother. Akane knew that her mother, the one she tries to remember, was nowhere to be seen. All that was left was a shell filled with rage, guilt, and anguish. This manifested itself into a pit in her mothers stomach, a pit that blamed Akane. Who she once viewed as her greatest achievement, her greatest creation, she could only view as her antagonizer.
That’s the funny thing about trauma, sometimes the blame can get misplaced. An innocent child can get the brunt of the aftermath of another man’s hand. 
Akane tried to sink herself as far down into her bed as she could, however the mattress didn’t swallow her up and protect her as she had hoped. Her mother only got angry and ripped the blanket off of her and clamped a bloodied, beaten hand over the child's mouth. Her child's mouth. 
She tried to squirm away, but her mother placed her full body weight onto her and forced her to stay put. 
“You listen here you insolent brat! You will keep your mouth shut and listen to your mother when you're told. I should have never left you here, you clearly don’t know what manners are. Now, nod your head if you’ll listen to mother like a good little girl.” Akane nodded her head, thinking that it would keep her safe. The hand that was placed over her mouth removed itself and reached to the side of her mothers clothes. She pulled out a knife and Akane had never been more scared in her life. 
“You have failed me for the last time, Akane,” hissed her mother, “you weren’t born a boy, you look like your father, you look like that other boy from your beloved fathers mistress, you have a hereditary cursed technique, one from the men's side. You have a family here, a happy one. You evade your fathers hand and live your life protected by the strongest. All of which I did for you, yet you never bother to show me gratitude. You are the product of your fathers control. Control over me, control over my body, control over my life. You are the embodiment of everything, everything, I have tried so hard to forget. I hate you! I wish you were never born!” 
The knife was lifted into the air. 
The knife was pushed into Akane’s small, fragile body. 
“Because of you, I can never be free!” The knife made its way to her stomach. She watched as her mother cried, as she wept and sobbed. Akane mirrored her mother and cried. She felt guilty for living and causing someone, especially her own mother, this much pain. As she watched the knife be lifted in the air again, she let a scream crawl its way from her throat. It came out garbled since she was choking on her own blood. She grabbed the blade and pushed it away from her body with all the strength that was left in her bloodied body. Through it all she screamed Satoru’s name, hoping that he heard her and would save her. Akane’s bedroom wall imploded on itself and two boys raced through. Suguru tackled her mother to the ground, effectively saving Akane. Satoru ran to her side and wrapped her in bedsheets, trying to stop the bleeding. The young girl looked over at her mother and noticed how she didn’t look human anymore, how she looked like a curse. 
She screamed and screamed at her daughter, blaming her, hating her. 
“I hate you! I wish you were never born!” Suguru stabbed her. The screaming turned into slurred, garbled speech.
Suguru had never seen someone actively turn into a curse before that night. He watched Akane’s mother turn into a curse right before his eyes, and just like so many times before he absorbed the girl’s mother. He hoped she would never see her mother ever again. 
Satoru rushed Akane to Shoko’s room, knowing she could save the girl. As they were leaving, Akane had three words falling from her lips.
“I love you.” 
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When Akane woke back up she was in the medical bay, Shoko was watching over her. 
“Oh, you’re awake,” She pulled out her phone, “ Gojo, she woke up just now.” Shoko walked over to her and began to assess her. About half way through, the door slammed open and in ran Satoru, with Suguru not far behind. 
“You scared me! My lovely little sister scared me!” He threw himself onto her, but made sure he wasn’t actually hurting her. Suguru quickly joined them and all three of them curled up together while Shoko finished her tests. 
Later that day the four of them spent the night in Shoko’s room, it was the farthest away from the incident that happened last night. Their time together was spent goofing off and acting as children and above all else, making Akane feel loved. 
When he thought everyone else was asleep, Satoru pulled Akane closer to him and saw that she, too, hadn’t gone to bed.
“Can’t sleep,” he asked. She shook her head.
“I don’ know if I like who I am. Mother didn’ like me.” Satoru’s heart ached for her. He had been watching over the girl, mainly just keeping her company since he was 13, she was one. Their parents struck a deal to essentially groom the young girl into being a weapon for him if he desires. Though Satoru didn’t know how a measly toddler could be seen as one. 
He saw Akane all the time as he got older, when he moved into the dorms the two were practically inseparable. In fact when he introduced Suguru and Shoko to her, he referred to her as his little sister, in return she began to call him ‘toru-nii’. 
“You know, you don’t have to be who you were completely, you could be someone else. You could rise from the ashes like that one bird from Harry Potter!” She giggled quietly and rolled her eyes, although she didn’t know how to do that quite yet, so she just looked up. 
“Phoenix Fawkes, you're there when Sugu-nii reads them too, should at least remember the names.” Satoru rolled his eyes and poked her forehead. 
“You do know we love you, right? I love you. You bring us, me, so much happiness, love, and you deserve those things too. You deserve affection. (Y/n), do you know what that means? It can means ‘love and affection.’ We could call you that if you want.” 
The young girl looked up at him and smiled like he was the greatest thing to ever happen to her. He watched as she began to be overtaken by dreams, he wished they would remain happy ones. 
“I wan’ t’do that, dad.” Ak- (Y/n) drifted to sleep, and Satoru couldn't help but let out the biggest, brightest smile the world had ever seen. This was the greatest thing that could ever happen to him. (Y/n) had never called him that before, although there had been a few times where she nearly did. He couldn’t be happier than he was at this moment. He pulled the girl as close as he could without hurting her. 
In the darkness of the room he met Suguru’s eyes. He smiled at Satoru and placed his hand on top of his. 
 ─── ⋆⋅ November 2017 ⋅⋆ ───
“My dad gave it to me. I was five at the time and he wanted me to be able to choose who I would become, to let go of my biological family and move forward. To have a constant reminder that I’m loved and deserve to be happy. Some people call me Akane to piss me off, some do it because they don’t know or simply don’t care.” Yuuta looked at the girl and he knew that she must have been through something that most wouldn’t have recovered from. 
“I thought you and your family don’t talk.” 
“I talk to my older brother sometimes.I guess you wouldn’t know since you aren’t familiar with the politics and all that, but he was here for the Sister School exchange event, he goes to the Kyoto school. In fact he’s the only remotely tolerable one from my family, although I don’t go out of my way to interact with them. I don’t talk to anyone from there anymore besides him, his name is Noritoshi. He doesn’t really know how to speak for himself and it annoys me, but he respects my decision to leave even if he thinks it was a stupid idea.” 
“Oh, the one with the shut eyes?” 
“They’re narrow, but yeah, that’s him.” 
Yuuta looked at her the whole time, giving her his undivided attention. In that moment she realized she liked the feeling of his eyes on her, her skin didn’t itch as much. 
“Like Maki,” he asked. She sighed.
“Fortunately I never spent more than a couple days at the estate at a time. I grew up here, actually. My mother gave a huge amount of money to the school to let me stay here. That and Yaga and her were friends I think.  Maki had to live with them for years. I didn’t, I had the privilege to live away from them in a loving family.” 
Yuuta looked like he had more to ask, but she saw Satoru sit down next to her. He saw her smile and bump her shoulder with his, no Infinity to get in the way. 
“Hi, sensei!” He grinned at the two.
“What were my beloved students talking about? Anything interesting?” 
“My name.” Satoru looked at her through his bandages and saw her staring at the sky, running her fingers over her clothes, where the scars were, are. 
“That’s a different kind of interesting, (Y/n). You know I think I did a great job helping you pick that name out! It suits you.” Yuuta looked over confused, he was about to speak up when the girl tapped his shin with her foot, luckily he got the idea and closed his mouth. 
“I’m the one that agreed with you, so get off your high horse, sensei.” The two let out twin laughs as Satoru got up. ‘A meeting with the muscle man,’ he said. Before Yuuta even had a chance to speak, she beat him to the punch.
“He raised me. I only call him Gojo or sensei when talking around at school. To me he’ll always be toru-nii.”
“You said your father gave you that name.” She smiled.
“I said my dad did. Not my father.”
“Oh... Does he know you see him as a dad,” he asked. She nodded her head. 
“C’mon Okkotsu, let's practice.” He stared up at the girl as she offered her hand to him. He grabbed it and pulled himself up. 
He liked the way her hand felt against his, though he didn’t know if Rika would appreciate the thought.
lmk if you would like to join!
the next chapter, 'family bonding' should be out Saturday, September 2nd! thank you so much for reading and I will make sure to get a masterlist in place soon!
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blorbologist · 1 year
heyooo I just started writing fan fic and I really have no idea what I'm doing haha, can you explain how you draft and edit and write you long fics? i don't know what to do besides just starting at the beginning and writing to the end. (also sending this to multiple writiers so I can get lots of opinions)
Hi anon! I’m really flattered you’ve reached out <33
An amorphous list of advice from someone who has written over 300k words in under a year:
Make sure to note all your ideas for the fic down. You will not remember your plot twist thought up on the walk home in a few hours - *write it down!* It could be gushing to a friend about it or a notepad or whatever - and then make sure to compile it wherever you’re keeping your ideas for that fic. 
Be kind to yourself! Sometimes it takes weeks or months to write a scene the way you want it - maybe you aren’t inspired, maybe you can’t get it to Work, maybe, maybe - don’t beat yourself up about it. It’s art. There is no timeline. 
Likewise, if you’re new: I’d really recommend against a longfic! Do some oneshots first - seeing a work to completion and posting it will really help your confidence. A longfic is a long commitment, and if you end up changing plans or abandoning it it can be very discouraging for you to have that incomplete work be one of your first. It’s like training for a marathon :D
Get a bullet point list if you can of scenes you want to do or information/things that need to happen for those scenes to make sense. Even if you don’t have the details - I have the note ‘they find Tary in hell, because he overheard them and thought it was an adventurous place to be’ in my main fic doc. I didn’t know *how* they were going to meet him, or under what context, and figured that out as I wrote. You don’t need to break it up by chapter, just timeline. 
Speaking of timeline, here’s a neat trick: muse is a fickle thing, you don’t *have* to trudge through content you don’t want to write to get to the good stuff. I usually prefer to - I like having the full emotional context for scenes clear in my head - but when writer’s block gets me I’ll often jump to self indulgent writing something fun I’ve wanted to get to. You can always go back and edit things and add in a scene later, so long as you haven’t posted yet…
… which is why I strongly, strongly, strongly recommend having a buffer when you can, or at least letting a chapter sit overnight while you sleep on it. I get the urge to post something you just made, hot off the press, but you would not believe the number of typos or inconsistencies I find after reading things over with fresh eyes. This is true for both oneshots and longfics - the chapters y’all are seeing for Two for joy were mostly complete around November during NaNoWriMo! It also means you have room to go back and edit things - if you stumble on a cool plot twist you can foreshadow it more effectively, or if a character arc changed in ways you didn’t expect you can lay more groundwork for it. It’s less stressful knowing that if gradschool goes to hell I’ve got… hang on… 13 weeks of wiggle room while still keeping to my schedule. And even if it did run out - this is free content, people would understand if I went on hiatus for a bit. You have all the time in the world - use it!
BUT, in a similar vein, feedback and encouragement are super important to keeping your muse up. Which is why I strongly recommend having a friend or two in fandom you can bombard with snippets and spoilers and ideas! One for sorrow / Two for joy would likely have sputtered and fizzled out without @rightpastnowhere, @katia-dreamer, @burr-ell, @essayofthoughts, @romeoandjulietyouwish - and the fandom community I found early on that were so excited for the fic! Engage with your commenters, they can make for really great friends, betas and/or tormented souls when you offhand chuck your most evil plot twists at them >:D 
Remember that fanfic is supposed to be fun. You’re having fun. You’re writing, for free. I’ve mostly written for Critical Role as a fandom, but I promise you it’s not as scary as you might think it is. I haven’t gotten a single nasty comment or anon yet, despite, uhhhh, breaking up my OTP and piling angst galore on people (and making Vax trans). By in large, it's a supportive space - but don't be afraid to curate it to your needs. Writing is for you and whatever you want to get out of it: validation for your ideas/HCs/skill, new friendships and a sense of community, improving your own skill, self-indulgent things you want to see in fiction, working through trauma, hella hot porn, etc. We’re all allowed to look to fic for different things, If it stops being what you need, if it feels like work, like a chore? You can drop it. 
Hope this was of some help!
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unorthodoxx-page · 2 years
A Tale of Spirits thoughts, updates and final (super short) sneak
I’m clearly in a posting mood lol.
So, I’m still on track for a Sunday release for this next chapter.  I just need to stop getting side tracked by other stories.  I do have some updates though.
1. Recoil one-shots
The first one-shot should be out sometime next week.  Once that drops Recoil will be added to a series so everything is easier to find.  I’m stuck between two on which to post first.  Note: These will not post in any type of chronological order.  So these are the two titles I’m considering for the first drop.
The Tortoise and The Arachnid 
A Meeting of Magic 
I’m leaning towards the Tortoise one first but we shall see.
2. Human divorced dads au! (Title: Twist in Fate)
This is happening, but it’s not going to be a chaptered fic.  I want to play with a certain writing style and I feel like that would work better as one chapter/one shot.  It’s going to be a long one-shot though.
Here’s a small interaction from the story (it’s been fun to work this out): 
Lou turns back to the car with Leonardo stuck to his heels.  The little boy keeps a tight grip on the flair of Lou’s pants and a thumb in his mouth. 
Draxum frowns, “Isn’t he too old to be doing that?” 
Lou looks down at the kid.  “Blue is fine.  He does that when he’s scared.”
“‘M not scared!”
Lou opens the back of the van.  “Of course not Baby Blue.  Now be a brave boy and take your bag.”
I’m trying to get a lot of things in motion/rotation before Nanowrimo starts.  I’m participating for the first time and I’m sure I can juggle the original work, A Tale of Spirits, one shots.......and Twist in Fate 😅😅  I believe in myself though!!  I’m definitely not setting myself up for failure...... In all honesty, I’m going to be ok.  I’ve been like, really into writing this year, so I’m confident in how I’m going to handle November.
Anyway!  Here’s the sneak for chapter 3!  I will warn you that out of all my sneaks, this is the most likely to change before the final draft.  The heart of the interaction will still be there, but the wording might be COMPLETELY different by Sunday.  I don’t consider this a spoiler but I’m putting it under a cut to be safe.
There’s a creak behind them and Zuko turns.  He falls into a defensive stance and shares a look with Uncle.  He should have know that there would be more soldiers in the depths of the ship.  Azula would never be foolish enough to pull out her entire fighting force.  They need to get through them as quickly as possible and escape before Azula gets out of the water.  Zuko should be scared, but he can feel the heat of Mikey’s weapons on the nape of his neck and Uncle’s steady support to his left.  They’re going to make if off this ship.  One way or another.  
However, what steps onto the platform aren’t more soldiers.  It’s not even a human, but a tall, lithe spirit covered in dark shades of greens and purples.  Zuko lets his hands fall in shock.  A spirit.  Azula has a spirit.  How?  And why didn’t she say anything?  Of course she’s been blessed with a spirit, a familiar baritone hisses.  Your sister has always been lucky.
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yourkimjaejin · 1 year
MoJiLe Time Created
Hihi! This post has been sitting in my drafts for a while and I've worked up the courage to post it. This one revolves around how Maknae/Noona time was created. But I'm changing the name to MoJiLe Time because its cuter! Enjoy ~ Author Izzy
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Legend: November 2018
Moxy walked into the quiet Dream dorm. She was a woman on a mission. She walked back to the dormroom with one destination in mind. She got distracted by the 2/3rds of Dream maknae line lying on Jisungs bed. It wasn’t normal for the two to sit in silence together. Moxy was obligated to see what's up. 
“Hey boys. You all good?”
Jisung turned his head to the left, meeting Moxy’s eyes, “We’re bored. The hyungs left us behind.” 
“Why don’t you just go out and do something, then?” 
Chenle huffed, “The manager said we were quote unquote too young to go out alone.” 
“Ahh.” Moxy was gonna leave but something kept her in place. She couldn’t just leave them like this. Moxy huffed, her plan would have to wait. 
“Alright put your shoes on and grab a jacket.” 
“What for?” “Why should we?” 
Moxy rolled her eyes, “Well I was gonna volunteer my services so you two can get out of the dorm. But if you’d rather stay here–” Moxy didn’t even have to finish her sentence before the two boys jumped up. Moving faster than ever, Moxy blinked and they were ready ushering her out of the door.
First stop for the three was Chenle’s house. Right when they left the dorms, Chenle's mom called. After a few moments of rapid fire chinese Chenle turned taxi driver and gave his address. Chenle’s mom had cooked and told her son to invite his members over. What followed was Chenle showing off to others that Jisung and Moxy got his mother's food and the other didn’t. The three members couldn’t stop laughing everytime Haechan called to whine. 
From there, Moxy had a manager drive them to Lotte World. She couldn't stop smiling as she watched the boys run around and act like the kids they were. Sometimes remembering how much all the members gave up to be where they are leaves a heavy feeling that's hard to shake. That feeling fades as she watches Chenle and Jisung pick out animal headbands to wear. Jisung trying to argue against Chenle in favor of the headband with tiger ears (He was losing). Moxy got pulled into the fun too. They played at the playground and even convinced Jisung to go ice skating. 
Before heading back to the dorm, Jisung had their manager take them to a convenience store for ice cream. Their noona told the manager to go home for the night, the boys and her would take the long way home. As the building past them, the trio didn’t run out of thing to talk about. They even got a bit sentimental just as they arrived at their dorm building. Moxy dropped the two boys off at the Dream dorm before heading down to AG’s. 
Jisung’s voice calling out to her made her pause.
“What’s up Jiji?”
Jisung looked shy, which is adorable. “Could we– could we do this again? Tonight was so much fun.” Moxy couldn’t help herself. She ran over to ruffle Jisung’s hair. The younger accept the affection resignedly. 
“Of course we can. We’ll call it MoJiLe time.” With a promise for two weeks later, Moxy took the stairs to her dorm room. She wasn’t even surprised at the body waiting on her bed for her. 
Renjun sat up, “How was your evening?” 
“It was fun. While you and your friends were off gallivanting, I was entertaining the children.” Moxy slipped off her jacket before plopping onto her bed next to Renjun.
“It was for good reason.” Renjun's fingers started tracing random patterns on Moxy's leg
“Did you guys find presents?” Moxy asked. The singer hummed in agreement. “Good. Chenle deserves a big surprise from us for his 17th birthday.”
“Did you buy anything yet? We can go together if you want?” Renjun put an offer out there while walking to the door. It had been a long day dealing with 5 out of 7 members of Dream. 
“Thanks but I’m good. I got him a pair of shoes yesterday.” Moxy met him at the door. 
“Think we’ll get him to cry?” 
“I think we have a better chance at him laughing at us for surprising him. Have a good night.” Moxy watched him walk down the hall. 
Taglist: @alixnsuperstxr / @1-800-call-ria / @sophrodite / @sunflower-0180
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jammie3132 · 4 months
Fandom: Glee Pairing: Blaine Anderson & Sebastian Smythe Chapter Title: Back to November Chapter Summary: Blaine has no idea what’s going on and everyone keeps telling him it would be better if his memories returned organically. What happens if he never remembers? What happens if he does remember, but not what people want to hear? Chapter Note: I'm not making any more notes about chapters. This is taking a big turn. Think of the previous 6 chapters as set-up. And since this is like a separate fic, I eliminated my "only MCU canon before Endgame" rule. I will not tag which show/movie but still...spoilers. Warnings: Deaths (not by Snap) of canon Glee characters are hinted at but not confirmed 
REPOST 2/20/24: I accidently posted the rough draft 🤬
Hello, Blaine. My name is Sebastian. It’s nice to meet you.
He stared at the beautiful man…Sebastian. Something about him felt so familiar. It made him feel safe. “The little girl called me Daddy.”
“Yeah, I wish that didn’t happen.”
Sebastian chuckled and leaned into the door frame. He seemed to drop his guard (slightly) so he did the same. “I’m going to go make sure the kids’ lessons are ready.”
“I thought you said they were going to Kindergarten?”
“That’s what we call it…no, sorry. We were told, at least in the beginning, to let you try to regain your memories slowly, naturally.”
“Regain my memories?” Yes, he'd realized he had almost no memories from before he awoke, but how did Sebastian and whoever gave him that bullshit advice know he didn't?
“Tea or coffee?”
“Tea or coffee?” Was this a test? What if he said the wrong thing? Would it mean he’d have to wait even longer for someone to tell him what the fuck was going on? “Uh…I feel like I should say coffee, but I’d really like a cup of tea, Earl Grey with a little sugar and, this might sound strange, a splash of cinnamon.”
Something he said brought the beautiful smile back to Sebastian’s beautiful face. He must have answered correctly. “It doesn’t sound strange. One Earl Grey with a little sugar and a splash of cinnamon coming right up.”
Once he was alone, he got out of bed to survey his surroundings. The first thing he saw was a pair of glasses on the nightstand. He put them on and yes, these were definitely his.
The room was nice but plain. It felt more like an unoccupied dorm room than a bedroom in a home. White walls, hardwood floors and beige area rugs. No wall art, tchotchkes, or framed photos. The bedding didn’t have patterns, just grey sheets and a dark blue comforter with red trim. There was a full-length mirror in the corner, so he went to take a look. He was older than he anticipated. His hair was ridiculously curly and he was in need of a shave. The dark blue pajama pants he was wearing were unremarkable, but his t-shirt had Dalton printed across the front.
The shirt was the only thing that brought out any sort of recognition. Whatever Dalton turned out to be was irrelevant. To him, Dalton meant home.
Next to tackle was the dresser, but when he opened the top drawer, everything else came to a stop. There was only one item there. The only item since he woke up this morning that he recognized without an ounce of doubt.
The lightsaber Tony Stark made for him.
He climbed back into bed but sat up against the headboard, clutching his find. It was an anchor within the chaos of his situation. This Tony Stark guy was obviously important to him. So, why could he remember the lightsaber but not the man who made it for him?
He closed his eyes and tried to settle his mind.
“I’ve told you a thousand times, you can’t overthink everything.”
The voice embraced him with love, bringing out his first genuine smile of the day. “But I can sure try.”
Two gasps, one his own, had him opening his eyes. The sight of the person in the doorway confused him even more than why he gasped at what was said. “I know you…but I don’t know how.”
The woman plastered on a smile and set up the breakfast tray she’d been carrying. “It’s ok, Sweetie. Sebastian told me you wanted tea. I thought you might want some toast as well. There’s some…”
“Honey butter.” The woman's smile changed to resemble Sebastian’s when he answered the tea question.
Another test passed?
She sat beside him and gently brushed back his hair. It was if she’d been doing it for years. “Are you my mother?”
“Not biologically but over the past 6 years you and I have adopted each other as family. About 4 years ago you started calling me Mom. Maybe that’s what you’re remembering.”
“Maybe, but I don’t think I can do that, call you Mom, right now.”
The woman smiled again, easing their tension even further. “I understand, Sweetie. My name is Carole.”
(A younger) Carole stood next to a man in a baseball cap. The man reached out for a handshake. “Call me Burt, Kid. Kurt talks about you so much…”
“Dad! You said you wouldn’t embarrass me!”
Kurt? His first impression was one of fondness but then he was hit with feelings of animosity. No, animosity wasn’t enough. He might not remember this Kurt guy, but he really, really hated him. The memory troubled him so much he backed away to the other side of the bed, bringing his lightsaber, his only anchor to reality, with him. “How have we accepted each other as family when I hate your son?”
Carole chalked his statement up to his memories coming back in bits and pieces. At least they seemed to be coming back. That was progress. “You remembered Finn?”
“Oh, that makes a lot more sense. Kurt isn’t my son. He was my stepson.”
He scooted back to his original spot, willing to once again try trusting the woman with the kind smile. “Was?”
“I was married to Kurt’s father until he died 6 years ago in a plane crash. Kurt disappeared at the same time, and we all thought he'd died as well. About a year and a half ago Kurt showed up out of nowhere. When he found out how my life moved forward, he said he would never forgive me. I haven’t heard from him since.”
“Was it because of me? Does he hate me, because I really, really hate him…although I don’t know why.”
“My relationship with you wasn’t the problem. He hated, probably still hates, the man I married and his son.”
“His son?”
“That would be me” Sebastian said from the end of the bed. Next to him was a distinguished-looking gentleman. Both men's eyes were darting back and forth between Carole and the lightsaber. She subtly shook her head as a signal to let it go for the time being.
He pretended he didn’t notice.
The distinguished-looking gentleman ended the awkwardness with his introduction. “And I’m the new husband, Sebastian’s dad, Xavier Smythe.”
Did he say… “Smythe? Your name is Xavier Smythe?”
“Yes. Do you remember me?”
His focus moved from father to son. What he found had him trying to catch his breath. The man from earlier was gone. The person at the end of the bed was a beautiful 16-year-old boy, dressed in a perfectly pressed school uniform.
And when she knows what She wants from her time And when she wakes up And makes up her mind
”Sebastian Smythe.” ”Are you a Freshman?”
Once a Warbler, always a Warbler. Right? He remembered November 8th, 2011 and November 8th, 2012…as well as every moment they shared in between. He remembered November 9th, 2012…waking up, realizing he’d been in love with Sebastian the entire time and minutes later Kurt telling him he was dead. He remembered every second of pain between that moment and November 8th, 2024…the day he traveled back in time. Everything hadn't returned, only his memories of Sebastian and the aftermath of the accident. It didn't matter. His beautiful boy, now beautiful man, was less than 10 feet in front of him.
Sebastian ran from the room. He was devastated but didn't want the others to know. "Guess I failed that test."
Xavier looked to Carole who told him Go, I’ve got this one. Once he was gone, Carole grabbed hold of his hand not grasping his lightsaber. “I’m so sorry, Sweetie. This must be so confusing. But when I came in and told you to stop overthinking…”
“I said But I can sure try. I don’t know why I said that.”
“Because that’s how my Blaine would always answer. That’s how Sebastian’s Blaine would always answer.”
Her Blaine? Sebastian’s Blaine?
He didn’t know what Carole was trying to say but he didn’t care. Something didn’t feel right. He pushed her away and went as far as he could while remaining in the same room “Get out.”
“I’m not your Sweetie. I want to talk to Bas.”
Carole stood and sighed, a signal of surrender. All the goodwill she'd attempted to build was gone. “I’ll tell Seb, but don’t get your hopes up. There’s a change of clothes in the bathroom if you want a shower.” After she pointed out the proper door, she picked up the long-forgotten breakfast tray. “Please stay here for the time being.”
“You can’t keep me prisoner.”
“I…we’re not trying to. However, there are two small children in the house and all they know is something is going on with someone they love. They’re scared enough.”
With everything that happened between the time the children left his room, he’d forgotten them (couldn’t blame the memory loss for that one). “I’ll stay here…for now.”
“That’s all I ask.”
The shower helped. He didn’t want to say it made him feel like himself again because he didn’t know who the hell he was. More specifically, who these people expected him to be. Carole must have returned while he was in the shower because a new breakfast tray of tea and toast was neatly set up on the table next to the window. Although, this time she'd included some eggs and bacon. He appreciated the gesture. As he sat down to eat, he looked outside (why hadn’t he thought of that sooner?). He didn’t need a rush of memories to know he was at Dalton. But this Dalton wasn’t either of his Daltons.
There was more than one Dalton? Why would he believe that? The only Dalton he remembered was the one where he met Sebastian. He was too hungry to obsess about it now, so he turned his attention back to his breakfast. The food was so good, and he was so mentally fried, he didn’t hear someone enter the room.
”You don’t have face hair anymore. You always have face hair.”
”I shaved.”
“Oh, ok. I got this for you, Uncle Blaine.” Sammy, the little boy…not the dog he still had no answers about, was holding a quart of Stark Raving Mad ice cream. “It always makes you feel better.”
He cocked his eyebrow and tried not to smile. “Makes me feel better, huh? Is there a reason I need two spoons to eat it?” The little boy’s face fell, and his heart shattered into a thousand pieces. “Come here.” Sammy ran into his open arms and quickly settled on his lap. “Thank you, I ate my breakfast but I’m still hungry.”
“Grammy Carole says you’re always hungry” Sammy told him between shoveling spoons full of ice cream into his face. “Uncle Seb said you don’t remember us because you bumped your head. Is he right? You promised you’d never lie to me, but I guess you don’t member that.”
WTF? Blaine shifted the boy in his lap. First, the kid was heavier than he looked. His leg was falling asleep. And second, why had Sebastian told Sammy about his memory loss when Carole basically begged him to stay away from the kid and his sister? “Your Uncle Seb told you I bumped my head and lost my memories?”
“No” the boy admitted “I heard him tell Grampy X. He also said you were the other Blaine now, not his B. I don't know what that means.” That bit of information took him from frustrated to completely horrified. How could Sebastian be so reckless to say this where one of the kids could overhear him? His Bas was an impulsive brat (hello, eye surgery) but the things he did stemmed from being a child (teenagers, no matter what they believe, are children). This Sebastian was a late 20-something year old parent. He should know better!
The ice cream was gone (he might've gotten in 3 bites) and Sammy was beginning to doze off. It gave him an idea. “You heard right, I don’t have my memory and my head still kind of hurts. I was going to take a nap. Do you want to join me?"
Sammy wrapped his arms around Blaine’s neck, making it easier to be carried. Once they were settled, the boy began to wiggle and brought something up from underneath the sheet. “Where did you get this cool lightsaber…or you don’t remember?”
How could he have forgotten his lightsaber? Was he losing new memories every time he remembered something from the past? It wasn’t the time for panic…yet. “I found it in a drawer. Someone named Tony made it for me. I don’t remember him, but I know he loved me and always made me feel safe.”
“Like you love me and said you would do anything to keep me safe...when you remembered me.”
“Hey” He lifted the little boy’s chin, so he had to look at him. “I don’t care if I never remember anything else. I will always remember to make sure you and Susie are safe.”
Any tension in Sammy’s body melted as he snuggled even closer. “Uncle Blaine, I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
“For getting scared and thinking the bad space monster would take me away again because you forgot to keep me safe.”
“Take you away?”
“Pepper brought you to Dalton to recover in peace. No one’s looking for Iron Man in bum-fuck Ohio.”
It wasn’t the time for questions. Tony had been through hell. And even though it had been a month, his brain was still dealing with the reality of Infinity Stones and how an alien got ahold of them, snapped his fingers and turned half of all living beings in the universe to dust.
Oh no, no, no. Sammy had been Snapped by Thanos. Blaine rolled to his side and hugged him as tightly as possible. “Never be sorry for being scared. Let’s talk about that…” He didn’t have to finish. The little boy was already sound asleep, clutching the lightsaber. 
“What the hell were you thinking?”
*Blaine continued to love and be loved by Sammy...the hyperactive puppy* Me? You gave me the lightsaber and the rest of the technology I needed to do it!”
Tony walked around the basement of the Dalton he built, inspecting the time portal Blaine, Brittany and Bruce (technically Brittany and Bruce) built out of the material he sent. “I trusted Banner. He should've called off the whole thing knowing those substitute PYM Particles were compromised! And Barton?! I thought you were the little brother he never wanted. He and his whole fake SHIELD family loved you!”
“They do…did, whatever. And Bruce told me…ok, he tried. I still don’t get all the timey-whimey shit.”
“Which you should've before you TIME TRAVELED with defective particles! I understand not going back to Hank Pym for help. The guy has a Stark hate-boner so big I’m amazed he fathered a child.”
“Like yours for Steve Rogers?”
“Hold on…fine, point for the Bow-tied Wonder. But seriously, Banner let you use the damaged particles without seeing what Britt or that Princess in Wakanda could come up with? What about Strange? He was keeper of the Time Stone for fuck sake!”
“Then why didn’t the Avengers include them in the Time Heist?”
“Dr. Weirdo, Princess Kitty-Kat and our lovable but ditzy genius were dust at the time.”
“Don’t say it like that. It took forever for Britt to realize constantly singing Dust in the Wind wasn’t appropriate, especially in front of others who were Blipped.”
“Yet another reason I love that girl. And before you say Wong, we also thought he was dust…Snapped. We were wrong but not our fault. He’d snuck back to the Mystical Monastery of the Mountains and gone off-grid. Oh, and …THANOS DESTROYED THE STONES. Since we didn’t have any extra laying in a drawer somewhere, I, the most brilliant man who ever lived, had to solve time travel.”
“Yeah, I’d forgotten most of that. Not because of the memory loss, I think, but because it made my head hurt to listen to you and Bruce, or Bruce and Britt, talk about it.”
“Again…you didn’t understand and yet decided it was a good idea to TIME TRAVEL! I should tell MIT to take back your degree.”
“You’re dead.”
“Heroically departed, yet here I am…Iron Man.”
“How about*overdramatic superhero voice* I am...Dream Master and Gate Keeper to all your memories, so don’t piss me off?”
“I hate you.”
“You love me. And hey! What about Wanda? She’s a witch with super-sized magic courtesy of the mind stone. Did any of you supposedly brilliant idiots think of seeing what she could do to help?”
“Uh…after you left…”
“Heroically departed.”
“After you left, Wanda tried to get Vision’s body from the government to give him a funeral.”
“I don’t know if I’m more offended by the fact the government had Vision’s body and I didn’t know, or Elphaba wanted to put billions of dollars worth of Vibranium…”
“No, Wanda wanted to say goodbye with a funeral for the man?...person?...cybernetic being she loved. When she couldn’t get him back, she went a little Coo-coo for Cocoa Puffs.”
“How little?”
“Mind fucked an entire town, a small town, in New Jersey into believing they were characters in old sitcoms. Manifested a new Vision and a couple of kids. After the government caught on and all hell broke loose, she freed everyone, essentially killing her imaginary family. Last anyone saw of her, she flew off, no airplane necessary, to parts unknown with something called The Book of the Damned.”
For the first time ever, Tony Stark was speechless.
*Lengthy amount of (Dream) Time later* “And you questioned why I wanted Britt kept away from all that shit!?!”
“I didn’t question, per se…”
“Liar…and why didn’t Legolas do anything about the Wicked Witch of New Jersey?”
“Wanda told Clint, and Laura, she was going back to Sokovia to help with rebuilding what the Avengers and Ultron…”
“No need to elaborate. I was there…no comments.”
“So...that’s why they didn’t question her going no contact. It’s not their fault the government was stupid and for some reason didn’t bringing in the man who convinced Wanda to turn her back on Ultron, gave his son her dead brother’s name and freed her from your house arrest.”
"I said no comments!”
“I didn’t say a word about how you were responsible for Ultron, but if the title Avengers Dictator fits…”
“My bad. And while I want answers, you dream-summoned me to help you understand what the hell is happening in your pudding brain. That doesn’t mean I’ll stop yelling about the fact you never should have TIME TRAVELED with faulty particles in the first place! I’m gone for one itty-bitty year…”
*Blaine rose from where he’d been sitting the entire time and Sammy (the dog) ran off* “Tony…” “Ok, ok, I’ll drop it for now but be prepared to be chastised in future dreams.”
“I would expect nothing less from you.”
*Seconds later (because…Dream Time). Tony is now surrounded by all the computers he’d sent to Dalton over the years* “I figured out how badly you all fucked this up without me.”
“Can we postpone the I Told You Sos as well as the yelling?“
“You take the fun out of everything.”*Blaine answered by giving him a middle finger* “See? Was that so difficult?”
*Blaine answered with double middle fingers* “What did you find?”
“The faulty particles sent you to 2011 instead of 2012. Like with Rogers and his trip to finally get laid…”
“Oh, he’d already been laid.”
“...by Peggy Carter. And I’m still angry with you for not sharing your Stucky theories while I was around to use them to my advantage…in a fun way, at least a fun for me way. I would never use information like that against someone, especially after what happened to your platonic apocalypse partner.”
“My what?”
“That Dave guy?”
“Ok, your memory has improved to Swiss Cheese, but one thing at a time. Like I was saying, you went back to 2011 instead of 2012 and physically became that Blaine Anderson. During the Time Heist, we just had to avoid the Battle of New York Avengers.”
“That’s what I expected, hoped, would happen to me. Did you figure out why I physically became 2011 me?”
“No clue.”
“So, you can’t fix it?”
“To send you back to your original timeline? Not a chance. You wanted to be here, so…ta-da!”
“Not helpful.”
“If you want helpful, I can tell you when you are. It’s November 8th, 2024.”
“The day I left?”
“Makes sense. From what I understand, the Centurian lived decades with no memories of his 70 year side trip. Those memories took over when his two timelines intersected. He did eventually wind up with both sets of memories. My highly educated guess is you’ll eventually do the same.”
“I don’t have eventually. Right now, I have a scared little boy to take care of.”
“Yeah, Sammy. Do you realize you haven’t mentioned Sebastian once since you sought my wisdom? When I was alive you wouldn’t shut up about the guy.”
“Fuck you”
“You didn’t get the big Rom-Com reunion you wanted?”
“Not even close.”
“Did you ever consider the fact that for Sebastian, his Blaine essentially died when you woke up this morning? And you? While you saved Sebastian, Bas died November 8th, 2012. Is that something you’re prepared to accept? And what about Sam?”
“Not Sammy…Sam.”
I, I will be king And you, you will be queen Though nothing will drive them away We can be Heroes, just for one day We can be us, just for one day
I, I can remember (I remember) Standing, by the wall (by the wall) And the guns shot above our heads (Over our heads) And we kissed, As though nothing could fall (Nothing could fall)
And the shame was on the other side Oh we can beat them, for ever and ever Then we could be Heroes, Just for one day
“Last night there was a major accident on the highway. A big-rig blew a tire causing the truck to flip over. It smashed into several cars before landing on two. Blaine, Sam was in one of those cars…and, and Sebastian was in the other. They didn’t make it. I’m so sorry.”
"Sammy, the little boy…obviously not the dog, is Sam’s son, isn’t he?"
"But Sam…if I saved him, where is he? Why isn’t he with his son?”
“I can’t tell you what happened. That’s Blaine 2.0 territory. However, when you wake up, you can have some more of Bow’s memories. I can do that much."
“Don’t thank me. This is your dream.”
*Next thing Blaine knew he was hugging the man he considered his father. In this Dream State he could actually feel Tony’s arms around him* “I miss you so much.”
“Of course, you do. I’m awesome.” *Tony tightened his hold* “I love you, Blaine Anderson.”
“I love you too, Tony Stark.”
“Good, because I want you to do something for me.”
“Of course, you do. What?”
“Go back to your music.”
“What was the first thing you thought of when you remembered Sam? *Blaine tries to move away but Tony won’t let him* “You remembered the two of you singing Heroes. It was good…really good. Not hard rock enough to be my theme song, but I would’ve put it on the list.”
“How do you know that?”
“I’m Dream Master and Gate Keeper to all your memories, Dumb Ass. Now, about you going back to music…”
“If I didn’t burden you with hiding Brittany…”
“She wasn’t a burden.”
“Then hiding all my extra toys in the basement at Dalton…”
“That was a burden, a little one. But only when you came to Ohio and (air quotes) played science with my home. It would take days to get Saturday back to working correctly after you left.”
“I always thought if I didn’t uproot your life, you would’ve eventually found your way back to music. You were too good not to.”
“Bow, just this one time, don’t overthink this and promise me you’ll try.”
*Sigh* “For you? I promise to try.”
Blaine felt movement next to him. It was enough to end his dream but not enough for him to move out of the comfort cocoon he was wrapped in. That was until he heard…
Come on, Big Guy. Time to go.
“Says who?” Blaine asked a startled Sebastian.
“Sammy shouldn’t be here.”
“And you shouldn’t have talked to your father about me without making sure you were alone.” He didn’t regret what he said, but maybe he didn’t have to say it like that.
“He overheard Dad and I…?” Sebastian didn’t need a verbal response. He’d seen that expression thousands of times. “Do you know how much he heard?”
“Enough to come to the conclusion my forgetting him meant the bad space monster was going to take him away again.” He motioned for not-his-Bas to go around to the other side of the bed and join them. Sebastian took the hint and laid down next to the sleeping boy, brushing his hair aside much like Carole had done with him earlier.
It finally dawned on him how much the other man loved this boy and had just been trying to protect him. “I’m sorry.”
“For what?” Sebastian asked, surprised by the apology.
“That I failed your test. That I’m not who you wanted me to be.”
If Sebastian was surprised before, he was now in full-on shock. “How do you know?”
“You didn’t hide it very well. That, and while I was sleeping, I came to a couple of realizations, like how you lost your husband.” He held up his left hand to show him rubbing the underside of his ring finger with his thumb. “I can’t stop doing this. It’s a muscle memory I have no control over. Susie said something about having a Daddy and a Papa, but this…” he held up his hand again “this is a habit developed over a long period of time.”
“B’s ring belonged to my grandfather. It was always a little big but with everything going on the past few years, getting it resized wasn’t happening. When we finally found someone to do it, B said no, the ring’s perfect the way it is. And you didn’t fail. We knew this would happen. I just hoped…”
Huh? We knew? “How? How the fuck…” Sebastian glared at him until he realized “Oh sh…cra…darn? Guess I need to learn to watch my language.”
“We have a curse jar. You don’t put money in because money doesn’t have any real value right now. The jar has pieces of paper with monthly jobs no one wants to do on them. B usually takes out 10 at the beginning of the month so he can space things out.”
He chuckled quietly, not wanting to wake up Sammy. Obviously, he and the other Blaine would have similarities since they were technically the same person. He never considered his swearing habit would be one of them. “He, your B, has or had…”
“A potty mouth? Yes, but it did get better after Susie’s first word was fuck.”
That was all it took for him to lose it. Whatever came out was somewhere between a laugh and a sob, the problem was it was loud. Sammy smiled waking to see the men he called Uncle on either side of him, until seconds later when sheer panic overtook the boy.
On the other side of the room, sparks had appeared out of nowhere. Fortunately, he remembered what this meant, but how to explain it to a traumatized child was a different story. “Sebastian, how did everyone Tha…the bad space monster took away come back?” he asked, hoping it was at least close to the version he knew. “The Sammy version.”
“Um…Avengers broke the space monster’s curse and everyone just reappeared. No one knows how.”
“What did the Avengers do next?”
“Uh…a big battle with the space monster. They think they’re going to lose when a bunch of people joined them…”
“Awesome! Sammy, I know people who were there when the Avengers fought the space monster. Everyone who joined them? They got there through a magic portal just like that one. Only heroes can go through them.” He tousled the less-scared little boy’s hair before getting out of bed and putting himself between Sebastian and Sammy, and whoever (or whatever) stepped out of the portal.
Not that he was going to stop a magical being or anything, but it felt like the right thing to do.
Any doubt was quashed when their visitor arrived. “Wong? What are you doing here? Wait, how did you get here? The Sorcerer Supreme is a master of time. Yes, I time traveled here but Sebastian and Sammy didn’t. Oh my God! Are we in an alternate universe?” He’s so excited his voice kept getting higher and faster. “I think I finally understand some that timey-whimey shit…stuff Tony, Bruce and Brittany yapped on and on about.”
“Brittany? You said you didn’t know my Mommy.”
He turned so fast he almost knocked himself over. “Brittany is your mommy?” For some reason what Sammy said both made perfect sense and blew his mind. Sadly, this had to wait. “Wong?”
“Sorry to burst your bubble, but you’re not even close. I thought you were some sort of genius like Stark since he sent you to MIT and then kept all his Iron Man stuff in your basement.”
“You went to MIT?”
He motioned to Sebastian he’d answer the question later. Maybe he should get the others to leave. No, a little late for that. “Wong, just tell me.”
“When I first met you, your Temporal Aura was off, more like wrong, but I was a little busy. Do you know why?”
“Testing me?"
Considering the man could turn him into a frog, he determined it wasn't time for snark. Sammy didn't need to see that. "The first time I met you, you and Pepper brought Morgan to me before the battle at the Avengers Compound.”
“Ok, just checking, you never know with time travel. At Stark’s funeral I pointed your Aura out to Strange and he agreed with me. You were on the wrong timeline.”
“The what now?”
“The wrong timeline. People don’t stay on the wrong timeline. Those things get taken care of.”
“Taken care of?” Well, that didn’t sound good.
“Let’s just say there are more beings affecting time than those possessing an Infinity Time Stone. Lasting almost 30 years in the wrong timeline only to return to the correct one without assistance from any form of timekeeper doesn’t happen…until you. It’s fascinating.”
“Fantastic isn’t the word I would use.” This conversation was getting more confusing (and terrifying) by the minute. “So, what does all of this mean? And please no timey/whimey or magicity/smagickity explanations?”
“It means I need to have a discussion with Strange but I can’t find him. He’s off universe. It’s so frustrating.” Wong waved his arms and another portal began to open. “Maybe you can help. What’s the name of Stark’s other lost boy?”
“Huh? Oh, you mean Spider-Man?”
“I know that. What’s his real name? His identity?”
“I don’t know. He wanted it to remain secret, unlike his mentor.”
“Someone must know.”
“None of Team Iron Man. Maybe this has something to do with why I can’t find Strange. Do me a favor…no more time jumping until I get this figured out.”
“I won’t know how.” 
Once he was sure Wong was gone, he turned back around. Sammy was bouncing with excitement. Sebastian…have you ever heard the expression If looks could kill? Neither was a good thing. Like his other self, he should probably get a head start on the curse jar because…FUCK!!!!!
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skarlette1 · 5 months
Making It Tick: Vivacious Voice
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I promised a bit of “behind the scenes” for Libido League #14: Vivacious Voice, so we’ll start out with non-spoiler bits for those who haven’t read it yet. I’ll clearly label where spoilers begin. If you wanna skip the “inside baseball” about my real-life writing process and just discuss fictional plot and character stuff, scroll right on down to the “SPOILER” section.
To anyone expecting that the next novella-length Libido League e-book was going to feature Mnemonica and Lashlust, I say this: So was I! I have the rough draft of that novella done, but it is very, very rough. It needs a LOT of editing. It will get there, but it’s going to take some time. Hopefully, you’ll see it in the first half of 2024.
So, after I posted the penultimate chapter of Pearl Girls in mid-November, I looked at the calendar, the state of the Mnemonica/Lashlust novella, and realized that I wouldn’t be able to give it the editing it deserved before the end of the year. That meant that 2023 would be the first year I published NO new e-books! I didn’t want that to happen!
So, I got creative.
Ever since I published the first version of “Quid Pro Quo” here on the blog back in June, I’ve been wondering about the next meeting of Platinum Panther and Allie Kaza’am. I’d already written a little bit of Penelope tracking down her father’s car, to relax between larger projects. It was shaping up to be pretty hot. Maybe I could finish that before the end of the year?
However, when I offer an e-book for sale, I do my best to ensure it’s a complete story. Even when it says “#14” on the cover, I want a reader to be able to pick up just that e-book and understand the characters and situation well enough to enjoy the story. That meant that the new story couldn’t stand on its own, it needed both “Quid Pro Quo” and “Horny New Year” in the same e-book.
Easy-peasy, right? It’s just copy-and-paste, right?
Not quite! “Quid Pro Quo” featured Flechette and was kind of a sequel to her previous run-ins with Allie Kaza’am in “Ambushed” and “Prove Me Wrong.” So they needed to go in, as well. But those flash fictions were originally written in the 3rd person point-of-view. All my e-books are told from a 1st person POV. It’s kinda my style at this point. Rewriting them from 3rd to 1st person POV couldn’t take that long, could it?
It could! Particularly when I hadn’t finished writing the new “Vivacious Voice” story yet! Plus, rewriting Flechette’s chapters into 1st person revealed that there was a missing piece to her story, so I also had to write “Missing Time”! The whole time I was wondering if having two different 1st person POV narrators in the same novella would be too distracting for readers. What do you think? I’m considering using it again in future projects and would love some feedback.
I hope you’re beginning to see why I posted no new stories on the blog in December! But, I finished all that writing and formatting (plus three possible covers that you helped me choose the best of) and managed to hit “publish” before the end of the year! Yay!
But enough about me. Let’s chat about our girls, both good and bad.
Flechette: Let’s start with the new girl on the block. Although she’s shown up in my flash fiction since the very early days, and the character’s “secret origin” is kinda the first story I ever posted to the EMCSA, she’s never featured in an e-book before. Part of that is that I’ve never been at a loss for characters, but part of that is that I didn’t quite understand her well enough. I think I do now.
We all understand the trope Flechette is built off of, right? Every A-list superhero team needs to have an archer, right? Even though it’s patently absurd that when you’re facing opposition that can crush tanks like candy wrappers and shrug off grenades, the person you most want on your team is armed only with a bow-and-arrow, right?
So just building out from the stereotype, we know that Flechette needs to be both stunningly talented and tirelessly dedicated. With no superpowers, how else is she going to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Doctor Q and Captain Alpha? It takes a special kind of crazy to do what she does. The messed up lives of Clint Barton, Oliver Queen, Kate Bishop, and Roy Harper can attest to that.
Rewriting her previous flashes from Flechette’s POV, I really found her no-nonsense dedication to the job coming to the forefront. The bit that really unlocked her character for me is when Platinum Panther is telling Flechette why she’s the most qualified for this mission and Flechette just cuts her off her flattery by acknowledging that she’s the least dangerous person on the team if she succumbs to Allie Kaza’am’s voice and then compliments her on the strategy. She’s got no ego to bruise here. Flechette is driven to be her best self every day, but doesn’t need to be better than anyone else to do it. She just needs to be better than she was yesterday. That’s the thing that drives her to put in all the hours at the gym and on the archery range (and never skip leg day).
It’s also the thing that makes her frustrating to Allie Kaza’am. With no secret shame to toy with, and no repressed joy to tease, Flechette doesn’t offer Allie anything to play with. That’s why she ends up tiring of Flechette rather quickly, tricking her into straightforward “deals” to do Allie’s bidding, and eventually underestimating her. “Driven and dedicated” might not get Flechette laid very often, but it comes in handy when capturing supervillains!
Allie Kaza’am: Speaking of supervillains, Allie drives this whole story like a stolen car. We already discussed the original influences of her character back in a previous “Making It Tick.” Let’s talk about what’s driving her in this story.
After the events of “Daring Truth”, where she humiliated the leader of the most powerful team of superheroes, the smart thing to do would have been to get as far from Skarlette City as possible! Instead, she worms her way into a high-class New Year’s Eve party just so she can manipulate Platinum Panther’s boss into revealing how to get in touch with the armored heroine. Does she stop when she uncovers Panther’s secret identity, knowing that will make her a number-one priority for the League to capture? No! Even when Flechette gets the drop on her, she keeps going, looking for a way inside Libido League Tower so she can meet Penelope in her own “home turf”. Playing the “get captured on purpose” card scores her everything she could want: an A-list superheroine (with a billionaire’s bank account) kneeling, meek and submissive before her. She could have had her fun, made off with a lifetime score, and vanished into the wind. Instead, she steals a prize possession that Penelope won’t be able to let go. Why does she do all this?
It’s simple: Allie Kaza’am wants to be hunted.
It makes her feel desirable to know that Platinum Panther is searching for her. To know that Penelope’s brilliant brain is obsessed with her, and is daydreaming about becoming Lily for her. Allie can’t be content with winning because her real game is getting Penelope to wrap her whole life around Allie.
Why does she care about that?
A big part of it is simply how audacious all this is. Allie gets a huge thrill from the risk itself. The more dangerous something is, the more exciting.
But if that were the only thing, she’d get more out of outwitting Flechette. Flechette is one dangerous heroine to have on your tail and a one impressive victory when she sinks to her knees. But Allie finds Flechette boring. Once she finally turns Flechette’s resistance against itself in “Prove Me Wrong”, the best Allie can do is force the heroine to forget all about her!
Until there’s a way that Flechette can help Allie capture Panther. Because, in her own twisted way, Allie Kaza’am is smitten with Lily/Platinum Panther/Penelope Payes. She’s just as obsessed with Lily as she wants Lily to be obsessed with her. That’s why the thing that sticks in Allie’s craw about Lily is not that she’s constantly trying to capture Allie and bring her to justice. It’s that Penelope insists that she’s “100% straight” and the only reason she could possibly have so much sex with Allie is because of her voice powers.
It’s not enough to have Penelope obsessed with her, she wants Penelope to admit that she’s attracted to her.
When Allie’s tactic of “look how irresistible I am, even your hardass archer submits to me, so why can’t you?” backfires, that’s why Penelope’s outburst hurts her deeply. That’s why she finally loses her cool and launches into the rant that allows Flechette to break her conditioning.
Like so many supervillains, it’s the thing she wants most that proves her own undoing.
Platinum Panther: So what about our central heroine? Coming out of the events of Libido League #13: Panther’s Passion, Penelope is kinda reeling. She took a chance, trusted a “normal” guy (at least, not a superhero), and got betrayed. She’s ready to reject any chance at connecting with anyone new. She’s goes to a party out of a sense of obligation to an old friend, ready to reject anyone he introduces her to. Surprise: She’s met with someone from her “secret life” as a superheroine that completely takes her by surprise. Allie strips off Penelope’s defenses of wealth, status, and connections as easily as she stripped off Platinum Panther’s armor in Libido League #3: Daring Truth. Penelope is left exposed, open, and vulnerable in a setting she’s supposed to be powerful in. She’s tried to be clever and stubborn and outwit the villainess, but she gets outmanueverd and the most surprising thing of all happens:
Nothing terrible.
Allie does get away with Penelope’s secret identity, but she doesn’t hurt anybody. As a supervillain, she skates on the edge between being a threat that needs to be stopped and being a nuisance that can be tolerated. So Penelope can rationalize that she’s seeking her out “to bring her to justice” rather than “because she’s fun and sexy”.
Which, of course, leads to her getting outmaneuvered in “Quid Pro Quo” and the beginning of “Vivacious Voice”. Penelope is really getting sucked into the cat-and-mouse game with Allie (the mouse, of course, is Penelope/Lily). They could easily settle into a pattern of this: Penelope tries to capture Allie, Allie tricks her into becoming Lily, many orgasms are had, Allie slips away.
But Allie pushes Penelope too far, too fast. And Penelope very nearly goes for it. She gives into everything Allie asks of her until Flechette shows up. Looking every inch the upright superheroine that Penelope feels she’s supposed to be, all those voices that drive her come roaring back. While she’s furious at herself for submitting, she lashes out with all that rage directed at Allie. Which leaves her where she started: frustrated and alone.
Oh well, at least Penelope can console herself that her arch-nemesis Terence Tartarus is headed to prison. No way anything could possibly go wrong with that!
Sorry for the long blog post. I didn’t have time to write a short one.
I’m dying to know: What did you think of the e-book? (spoilers okay in the comments)
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doublegoblin · 4 months
A year and some change in retrospective
Okay so technically It’s like a year and 2 months and like a day. While I made the account and started posting things in November of 2022 I made my intro post on the 23rd of Jan last year so that’s when I’m going to count myself as having officially joined lol. I got thinking about this on my way into work today and I got a little reflective. I’m going to be kind of rambling (what else is new lol) but it dawned on me that, damn dude, a whole year is still like 300+ days and life can go wild directions. I also figured this may be nice for the newer people who have started to follow me (hello and thank you btw). Things won’t necessarily be in chronological order, I mean they might, but, I’m also liable to jump around.
So let’s start with some backstory, all good stories start with backstory yeah?
Me and my -at the time- bf(we’re still together lol just fiance now) were on our way to my aunt's wedding…running late actually because I had the day wrong and blah blah blah. To kill time on the 3hr car ride I started to spit ball this idea for a story I had brewing, that would then become Rituals and Red Tape. I was writing it for myself for a while as a way to deal with being let go from my last job. Well I then had the silly idea to maybe share this with people, so then we get to November and I make a profile and start posting.
That’s right, I started my path on here to be someone putting out original works of writing. I mean, if you go to my profile and check out the pinned post you’d know this but let’s be real, nobody really does that lol. And as those of you putting out original stuff also know, it can be pretty quiet at first. I had in my mind that I was just going to have my stuff on my blog, maybe reblog writing stuff only; that uh…didn’t last long. I’ve met some pretty cool people on here, even if we never really talk I’m happy to see your stuff cross my dash. It was the whole song and dance of you follow me and I follow you, support network stuff. Took part in tag games, an OC fighting tourney thing, and just some other fun things. All the while I’m posting little one-offs, a new WIP here and there…that I eventually just kinda stop working on in favor of my first child. 
I make a Wattpad and start posting what could be considered the 1.5 draft of the story. Things are fun, quiet, but fun
I start to engage in more fandom related things, because why not?
Then something happens, something that I didn’t think would take me in the direction I am going now.
I buy a $30 mic.
Voice acting and acting in general were always a passion of mine as a kid, and with a new stable job and comfy living I thought it was time to revisit some old joy. What was even better is that an artist I was following had a “casting call” for an animation she was working on. So with my little microphone and audacity(the program lol) I do the thing that changed my blog, I tried out…and I got a little part! I’ve never really been one to yearn for the spotlight but I took a chance and it worked out, and I was hooked after that.
So I started to use that mic more and more. First recording a short story of my own, recording a short story by a pal, then…well I guess you can call it doing some dub work.
Now in the past I had people follow me just out of the blue, but, with the first Five Pebbles recording it started to happen more and more. And those posts, well, they were getting some attention. Not a lot mind you, but like, more than the original works. Now I don’t say this with anger or bitterness, it’s just how stuff like this works out. So with what I thought was going to be a one-off thing, I knew I wanted to keep doing it. Yes the notoriety was fun, but more so, I was making something that was bringing people joy. So I recorded more, and more people saw it and liked it, reblogged it too.
Then I had that funny little idea. Something new to me that scratches a few itches at once. If you’ve followed me for THIS you know, the Kel Logs. Not only was I playing a game that I really enjoy(btw if you haven’t you should go play the game it is fun and but I won’t bog this down with info dumping), but I was doing some original writing and voice acting. It was the perfect storm.
Now I know I’m not the most well known person out there and this little fan fiction project isn’t like super famous, which I’m very okay with lol, but like the comments and stuff show I was having an impact on people in a small way. And it was having an effect on me, I was becoming more comfortable with my voice. Not going to sour the mood too much but I’ve struggled with voice dysphoria for a while and the joy I am able to bring people is so important to me, which I know sounds selfish.
So now here we are in the present, I know I’ve missed some stuff and simplified others, with people following me for fandom things and all that jazz. I thank every single one of you. Whenever my stuff get reblogged I do try my best to say something in the comments to those who say things in tags lol, sometimes tumblr won’t let me @ you but know I try. You all have no idea how much it means that I can bring joy to you and I don’t feel I can pay you all back other than to keep doing what I’m doing.
I haven’t worked on my original stuff in a while but I don’t think I’ll be tossing it to the side. In fact I know I won’t. I have a story I want to tell and it will be. So if you have any interest, please check it out and let me know what you all think. I want to always improve but I can’t know where to patch things up if I don’t hear about a leak lol. I’m getting super rambly so I’m gonna stop this here.
1 year later and I’ve gone from solely original writing to a strange hybrid of that and fandom stuff, and I couldn’t be happier with where I am.
So once again, thank you all so much for liking what I do and I hope to keep bringing you things to make you feel emotions.
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erismourn · 7 months
hi hello. last november for nanowrimo I tried to write a bit every day, and the result was the beginnings of the novel formerly known as "those boughs that bend." I hated the first draft a lot so I rewrote what I had, but in my hubris, starting from scratch made me put the wip down for months on end. now it is november again, and I am trying to poke away at the revised draft.
I was initially posting it on ao3, but something about doing that with nonfandom stuff makes me deeply uncomfortable. so I'm posting what I'm working on here instead.
so behold: "an augur for the waning star" chapter 1
synopsis: Things are becoming stranger for Seona Sewynn. Every day, her powers grow more difficult to use. A knight - a human knight - washes up on the doorstep of her lonely wayhouse in the depths of the Worldsweald. She brings tales of stranger things still; the earth splitting open, strange blue light granting impossible strength to her enemies. Neither Seona nor her unexpected house guest know what to make of these bizarre occurrences, and in attempting to find out, they will learn much more than they bargained for about the world, its nature, and its end.
Late autumn rain fell in heavy sheets across the wayhouse’s clay tile roof. The damp was already working its way into the house, despite Seona’s best efforts to keep it away. Rarely was it possible for walls to hold nature completely at bay. She reached for an additional log for the fire, stooping herself low and tightening her shawl to trap some of the heat closer to her. It was to be a long, cold night.
When she lifted her head, she was surprised to hear the sound of birdsong over the chorus of tinkling rain hitting the rooftop. Something had disturbed them. Late evening like this, they should have been roosting. A predator, perhaps. Maybe even a guest. She pricked her ears; it was always good practice to listen to the birds.
A rider comes! sang the birds, all at once. A rider! A rider!
Seona frowned. Human riders never came this deep into the Worldsweald. They knew better than to trespass so far into amddaer territory. Perhaps the birds had misunderstood.
She cast her inner ears out wide and listened for the creature that bore the rider. She sensed a frantic energy, a mind driven to mania by fear. It must have been a horse. For beasts that had mostly been domesticated, horses were far more dramatic than any wild animal when they were frightened.
My equine friend, she said in her inner voice, what ails you?
She dies!
The horse’s cry burst into her mind, so loud her head throbbed. She uselessly threw up her hands to cover her ears. 
She dies! She dies!
When she recovered enough to think, she gathered that the horse must have been talking about its rider. A human rider, most likely. Amddaer didn’t ride animals – or, at least, they had no need to do so in order to cross great distances like humans did.
Your rider? She asked, trying to keep her voice level.
She’s hurt! She dies!
She would get no answers from this animal while it was so panicked. If she wanted to find out why this strange horse had gotten so deep into amddaer land with its rider on its back, she would have to call it to her.
She didn’t want to risk bringing a human into her house. Humans weren’t supposed to come here. Her people had reached an understanding with those that lived near the borders of the great forest, but that didn’t mean they were allowed to come into it. However, as a keeper of a wayhouse, it was her duty to aid all those passing through her sect of the Weald, amddaer or otherwise.
(And, she didn’t know if she could live with herself if she knowingly let someone die.)
Follow my voice, she said to the horse. I will take care of your rider. Come to me.
She received a response that was only frightened noise, but at least it was acknowledgement. All she could do now was prepare her household and hope the horse and its rider could make their way to her in this dreadful weather. She set out to dress one of the spare cots with bedding and prepare her medical supplies in the event that this horse’s rider was, in fact, dying, as the beast had claimed.
Some time later, the thundering of equine hooves reached her ears. Seona tied her shawl over her head and shoulders to keep the worst of the rain from soaking her and stepped out onto the stoop. She called to the horse again, instructing it to come to the lantern light in the distance. It appeared in the wet darkness, kicking up mud and grass in its panic. A humanoid form slumped onto its neck, barely keeping hold of the reins.
As the horse came to a halt, whickering frantically, the person on its back began to slide to the ground. Seona rushed forward, barely reaching them in time to catch the falling rider. Her efforts were thwarted by the rider’s considerable bulk. Seona’s grip wasn’t strong enough to keep them upright, and they tumbled to the ground, taking Seona with them. She gasped as cold mud soaked through her clothes. She muttered a curse so foul it would have made her elders blush and attempted to haul herself to her feet before she became one with the soil.
So sorry, she heard the horse say.
Not your fault, she replied. Even her inner voice was a little winded from the fall. You have no hands with which to steady them. What happened?
She dies, said the horse again. She was shot. We ran here.
Seona looked down at the rider, splayed on her back in the muck. Best to get her inside before trying to assess anything. She wouldn’t be able to make any observations in this dim light and rain. The rider grunted softly as Seona sat her upright. Good – she was still alive. Now to get her inside.
With nobody around to help her, and the rider incapable of standing, she would have to think of a way to bring her into her house on her own, and she would have to do so fast. The rain would be no good for either of them. She could try the rider in by herself, but she would be fighting against the weight of a waterlogged warrior much taller than her, equipped with mail and leather armour. No – it would be better to use her abilities to aid her. They had sapped her of her strength moreso than usual of late, so she had avoided using them. A literal life-or-death situation seemed an appropriate time to use them.
She closed her eyes and focused on the sound of the rain. With a deep breath, she held out her hands and bid the earth aid her. She tapped into the web beneath the soil, urging the creepers and vines of the earth to bend to the shapes she needed. Thick clematis stalks poked through the mud, seeking the form they had been asked to embody. Seona’s ears rung. The roots cradled the limp rider, lifting her above the mud.
She could feel the plants exacting their toll. They would not be able to do what Seona asked without taking some of her energy in return. But she needed them for a little longer.
Drawing from what she had left, Seona bit into her lip and furrowed her brow, nudging the plants towards her door. With the croaks and groans of fibre-on-fibre, the clematis pushed the rider along, carrying her as though a river might carry a hunk of driftwood. Gentle, lulling. The roots crawled into Seona’s home, and gently deposited the rider onto the floor.
Seona let go and doubled over, panting. She worried for herself. Her powers had been dwindling. Just last year, she would have been able to do something like this with ease. She had never heard of something like this before – an amddaer losing their ability to work with nature. She must have been sick. Or maybe, she had been away from her Wealdskine for too long. They had always warned her that bad things would happen if she left.
Enough of that, she told herself. With a deep breath, she went inside.
She took in the human rider on her floor. A handsome woman, smeared with mud, wearing armour with emblems she didn’t recognize the origins of. A falling star, a set of cupped hands. Embedded in her chest was the shaft of an arrow, its tail end missing. A wound to the heart. The fact that this human had survived long enough to get here was nothing short of a miracle.
Your rider is strong, she said to the horse. What happened to her?
We were far from other humans, said the horse. I don’t know how they hit her. So far away... and we ran, and ran, and came here.
A battle, then.
No. No fighting. They hit her from so far...
Strange for someone to shoot unprovoked like that, but was no matter to her now. She would find out the full story later, once the human was well enough to speak to her. For now, she had a life to save.
Take shelter under the pergola, my friend. I will tend to your rider.
Thank you, said the horse. He dipped his head. Thank you.
What should I call you?
Thalion, the horse replied.
Thalion it is, then. Eat as you please, but stay away from the plants beneath the window. They are poison.
Thank you...
She nodded to the horse and closed her front door. Time to go to work.
Seona had rudimentary medical knowledge, but she was no healer. This injury, though small, was above her skill level. If the circumstances had been different, she would have deferred a case like this to her mother, or another trusted healer. She had no choice now but to try her best.
Her heart beat dull in her chest. She would have to do this, or this person would die.
She had sewn wounds closed before. She could start with remembering what supplies and techniques she had to do for something like that. Figuring out the details could come later.
First, she would have to get both of them out of their horrid wet and muddy clothes. Then came moving the rider into the spare cot, for the plants could not help her within a set of walls without destroying said walls. Then she would make preparations for surgery, and pray to the gods for help.
You can do this, she told herself. When Sadare broke his arm, you stayed calm and used what you knew. You can do the same now.
She knelt and began to excavate the human from her attire. Figuring out the various buttons and belts and clasps while minding the wound was difficult work, but she managed it in a somewhat timely fashion. She set aside a sword and several knives from the rider’s kit in the process. When the human was down to her undergarments, Seona changed out of her own clothing, opting for something clean and dry to wear while she moved her patient. Once in a dry shirt and petticoat, she restrained her mane of wet hair with a scarf and bent to lift the human. She would be considerably lighter without the bulk of her clothing, but she was still much taller and broader than Seona. Lifting her was going to be an awkward affair.
Heaving, she gripped the human under her arms and pulled her to the cot she set up earlier. The human made a wet little sound when Seona hauled her limp form into the sheets. Her brows were furrowed, her lips twisted into a pained grimace. The expression quickly faded to something horrifyingly blank and empty. Urgency rushed through her suddenly.
“Hold on,” she said quietly, desperately, and hurried off to prepare supplies.
The lavender, sage, and feverfew sputtered wildly in the fire when she threw it in. A sign the gods were listening, hopefully. She set a pot of water above the hearth to boil and collected her needles and bandages. Her past attempts at organizing her home yielded easy access to her copper cup and a handful of smooth pebbles from the closest river. She grabbed a long tapered candle and whisked outside, throwing a dry shawl over her head and shoulders.
Under the cautious observation of Thalion, she knelt on the flagstone paving just outside her door. The rain jingled a faint tune as it filled her copper cup. She laid the pebbles next to it, and placed the candle between them. She placed her palms flat against the cool stones and closed her eyes.
“You who moves the waters, I have someone here who is in need of your aid. She is mortally wounded, and I fear I cannot save her on my own.” Her ears started to ring. They were listening. “As the rain heals the earth, I ask for the help of the water to heal this... this rider. Help me save her, so that she might return to the great cycle.”
She waited, eyes closed and breathing shallow. For a long moment, there was nothing but silence, interrupted by the sounds of rain. Then, an audible click.
She opened her eyes. Flame danced along the candle’s wick, unbothered by the evening’s downpour. Relief washed over her in a great wave, drawing a smile to her face. She whispered a quick thanks and hurried inside with her supplies carefully balanced in her arms.
The rider was mercifully still breathing when she returned indoors, but that did nothing to assure her that she had much time left. Hopefully, her prayer would have already started the healing process within her charge’s body, but even that might not save her, at least not until that arrow was removed. She resumed collecting what she would need – bandages, tinctures, poultice components, boiled needles and towels. She hauled a chair up by the bedside, then another to use as a table for her supplies. She placed a sprig of mint between her own lips to grind down on when she needed to focus.
Hands shaking, she leaned over the rider and looked at the site of the injury. The wound was jagged as a thistle. All the riding on horseback must have jostled the arrow around, ripping the skin. Miraculously, though, the arrow hadn’t punctured too far into the rider’s chest. That armour must have done its work to slow it down. It appeared as though it had slotted right between a pair of ribs, dodging the bone. And judging by the sound of the rider’s breathing, though it was laboured, it hadn’t punctured a lung, either.
“The grace of the gods seems to follow you, rider,” she muttered around her mint, reaching for a damp towel to wipe some of the dried blood away. The woman’s chest and shoulders were covered in scars; signs of a life lived in combat.
She would have to remove the arrow before she could do anything else, and from there, she had to work quickly to staunch the bleeding. She got to her feet and braced one hand against the woman’s chest so that the arrow was between her thumb and forefinger. With the other hand, she gripped the arrow as tight as she could.
“Sorry for this,” she whispered.
She yanked hard on the arrow. There was a wet crunch, and the rider cried out. Seona scrambled to reach for bandages. When she turned back, the rider’s eyes were open. Her pupils were pinpricks.
Seona froze. The rider looked at her, searching her for the answer to some question she couldn’t vocalize. The candle flickered wildly in her periphery.
“It’s okay,” she blurted, for lack of anything else to say. “You’re safe here.”
That seemed to appease her. She fell unconscious again. It only occurred to Seona moments later that the woman probably hadn’t understood a word she said, and she had probably been more scared than reassured by a strange woman spouting gibberish at her.
No matter for now. She leaned over and pressed on the wound, soaking thick crimson into the bandages. The wound was still bleeding profusely, even with the aid of a god invoked to speed its healing. The rider seemed to settle, though, while she waited for the bulk of the bleeding to stop. She couldn’t tell if it was the kind of stillness that meant rest, or the kind that meant she was fading away. She could only hope it wasn’t the latter.
With the bleeding staunched, she set to work cleaning the wound with chamomile and witch hazel. She cleaned methodically, rolling the mint between her teeth. The repetition calmed her a little. Her hands trembled less as she continued to clean. After, she threaded a needle with sinew and pulled the wound shut with a few methodical stitches. A poultice of herbs that would calm and disinfect was secured to the rider’s chest with as much diligence as Seona could muster. When she finished, she leaned back into her chair, exhausted.
Everything took so much energy lately. One use of her abilities had drained her in ways she’d never felt, and a single small surgery had nearly wiped the last reserves of her energy. Was she ill? Or just... weak?
She signed loudly. She couldn’t dwell on that. There was still work to be done.
She willed herself to her feet and cleaned up the aftermath of the surgery, leaving the cup of rainwater and the still-burning candle on the table by the bedside. She piled the used bandages somewhere out of the way; she would deal with them in the morning. Now, all she wanted to do was ensure the horse had shelter, go to bed, and hope the rider survived the night.
Thalion lifted his head when Seona wandered outside. She lives?
She does, Seona replied, for now.
She stepped up to the pergola he sheltered under and placed a hand on it. She urged the vines that wound around the wood to grow a little thicker, to knit together and form a makeshift shelter. Thalion whickered gratefully as she shook off the ringing in her ears.
I apologize for having nowhere proper for you to rest, she said. Amddaer don’t ride horses.
I understand. I have been in worse. Thank you for thinking of me. Sometimes the humans don’t.
Does your rider?
She does, he said, and his inner voice was so earnest Seona felt it in her chest. She cares for me.
I am glad to hear it. Seona reached up and patted his neck. It was damp from the rain. Let me get those wet rags off you. I will dry them inside.
Thalion whuffled. With wobbly arms, Seona removed his tack and the thoroughly soaked blankets underneath and brought it indoors to dry. She returned with a dry blanket to drape over Thalion’s back.
I need to rest now, but I will keep an eye on your rider. I have prayed for her safety, and the gods answered, so there is hope for her yet.
Thank you. An appreciative rumble. You are kind, cousin.
I help when I can. Rest well.
She gave Thalion one last pat on the neck before retiring. Barely awake by then, she stumbled over to the rider, who appeared to be sleeping peacefully. She barely felt the burn of the wick when she doused the candle with her fingertips. With one great summons of energy, she wobbled over to her bed and collapsed, asleep by the time her head hit the pillow.
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awritingcaitlin · 1 year
Caitlin's Writing Snippet Roundup 2022
Caitlin, what did you spend Christmas Eve doing? Surely it wasn't several hours creating a bunch of snippet canva slides and then putting them into one master image for the purposes of doing a 2022 "art" roundup but make it writing?
(Yes, audience, that is exactly what she did.)
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So basically, I tracked down a scene I wrote each month in 2022 and pulled a short snippet from each. Since I know that's not easy to read, I'll be posting individual images in the thread! I've written a lot this year and am really proud.
This is from CureWIP back in January.
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This is from CureWIP in February! Finally these two admit it.
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CureWIP in March. Let me tell you, finding a snippet from this late in the WIP got difficult. So once again, I am using these lines because I am *completely normal* about them.
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From ViolinHeist in April!
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ViolinHeist in May. A little nod to my own allergy to adhesive.
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ViolinHeist in June! (Writing the heist!) (Okay, heist 1)
Also not Lelia multitasking like a bamf.
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ViolinHeist in July! This one was rough to not get a spoilery section, so have this wonderful exchange about KnifeWife Riela.
Spoilers, she has more than three.
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From SiegeWIP in August! Siege was a rewrite so I was hunting for either a new scene, or a massively overhauled one, which is what this one is.
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From SiegeWIP in September! All of my new scenes written in September are also massively spoilery, so I grabbed this one instead.
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From SiegeWIP in October. This was an old scene that got cut, then reworked and put back in!
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From ViolinHeist Draft 2 in November. This was a reworked scene, with more details added!
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And lastly, ViolinHeist Draft 2 in December. This is a new scene!
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Unfortunately, I do not have a template or anything. This was me bullying Canva, taking screenshots, throwing it into PowerPoint because of the grid-system (I'm on my tablet with no art programs), and then taking more screenshots. But if you'd like to do this too, go for it!
Longer snippets under the cut:
“So let me get this straight,” Private First-Class Tim O’Brian, the assistant, asked Riela. “You come immediately to the kitchen after coming out of the safe room, clear up the dead bodies, and throw on three pots of food.”
“Yep,” Riela replied.
Rinnie opened one eye. Riela was currently hovering over some pan that smelled like garlic. Rinnie might have some of that too if it finished fast enough.
“And you have no military training?” Tim pressed.
“Look,” Riela said, brandishing a wooden stirring spoon in his general direction. “Where I come from, there’s not a lot of mages, especially not theramancers. But it didn’t take me very long to put together that something as simple as a bowl of rice was the difference between a man bleeding out and walking five minutes later.”
“Theramancers aren’t that good,” Tim argued.
“She is,” Riela said, pointing the spoon in Rinnie’s direction.
Rinnie felt her face flush. She put another bite of pasta in her mouth and pretended, with absolute futility, that she hadn’t heard.
“Oh fuck you bitch,” Taryn said.
Rinnie paused, actually taken aback.
“I’m covering your ass,” Taryn continued. “My orders had no expiration date and so far, I haven’t gotten new ones. So as far as I’m concerned, I’m still your bodyguard. I have just as much right to be there as Kanjo does.”
Rinnie swallowed. She had no grounds to tell Taryn not to do something stupid when she was literally in the same position.
“As afraid as I am that something is going to backfire on us spectacularly on this one,” Rinnie said. “I’m glad you’re going to have my back.”
Taryn smirked. “Why the sudden change of heart?”
Rinnie felt blood rise to her cheeks and she was glad the relative darkness of the courtyard with only the truck’s headlamps providing light. “You know, no one’s ever told me ‘fuck you’ in such an affectionately derogatory way before.”
“Don’t tell me you’re getting feelings over that?” Taryn teased.
“Taryn, I think it’s time we both admitted that there’s feelings involved.”
Kanjo knew that Killian could not have known exactly what he was doing when he told Rin to go after the Queen. Killian could not have known that this was the kind of shit you had to do to keep an oracle out of trouble. Self-inflicted or otherwise.
Maybe he did know.
Maybe he had known that Rin would follow those orders to a fault.
Kanjo didn’t know jack shit about what was afflicting the Schmiedish monarch, but he did know how to handle a tired and weak mage with a migraine. He looked to one side to ensure Taryn had Rin, since she’d frozen for half a second. Telepathic migraine backlash most likely.
“Keep an eye out for the battlemage,” he told them.
Rin looked like she’d collected herself again. Good.
They got to the table and hunkered down underneath. Rin grabbed the Queen’s hands and was probably doing something with theramancy. She’d done that with Ilani when she was a child.
Suddenly, a roaring wind whipped through the room. Kanjo looked out to see the battlemage in the center of the spell. He forced the wind through one of the windows, breaking it. The smoke began to thin. Reflexively, Kanjo put a shield around the five of them.
Em couldn’t keep quiet any longer.
“Wait, so you’re suggesting he steals a violin out of a museum?” she flat-out asked, her words leaving her mouth a surprised hiss.
It seemed the absolute irony that she’d spent the better part of the afternoon convincing herself not to just go steal another violin and here were two guys talking about it like it was a standard trade agreement.
Which, technically, many heists were just that.
The gentleman turned to her, seemingly unsurprised at her interruption. “You wouldn’t happen to know anything about thieving, would you?” he asked.
“And if I do?” Em asked, choosing her words very carefully.
“Perhaps you could help.”
“It will need pressure right here,” Lelia said, pointing to the separation. “If there’s not enough for it to affix properly, it will start pulling apart.”
“I can make that happen,” Verity said confidently.
“Well, it’ll save me from getting epoxy all over my fingertips,” Lelia said. “And I probably shouldn’t do that because I’m allergic to it.”
At this, there was a rustle of papers and Lelia looked up at Em, who was, in turn, looking at Lelia over a set of schematics.
“You’re allergic to the epoxy that you’re using to jury-rig my violin back together?”
“Only if it touches my skin,” Lelia said casually. “Not that big of a deal.”
“Oh my gods just let Verity do the thing with the telekinesis,” Em said.
“That’s what we’re doing,” Lelia assured her.
Ronan stood guard, but Em could tell much of his attention was on the Fiddle in the case.
“Focus on keeping an eye out,” she hissed.
“I’ve got a ward over all exits,” Lelia said. “I’ll know if anyone crosses them before any of us can see anything.”
“Why wasn’t that mentioned as part of the plan?” Vinny asked.
“I just thought of it,” Lelia said.
“How many spells are you running?” Ronan asked.
“A few.”
Em frowned.
“Riela, how many knives do you have?”
“Three,” Riela said, nonchalantly.
She was wearing one of her usual skirts, which Em supposed she had at least two hidden in. Her sleeves were loose which could conceal another. Or perhaps she had one tucked into her bodice. She almost wondered if she should suggest that Riela change into pants. All the other girls were wearing pants. But Em had also not seen Riela wear anything else and it was clear she could move around in them easily enough.
Mama Cass gave Riela an approving nod.
“I am ordering you to stand down, Colour Sergeant,” Risingblock said. “You are to report back to medical and remain there until you are fit for duty.”
Risingblock was trying desperately to control a situation. Kanjo wasn’t playing by the rules.
“With no due respect, sir, kiss my ass.” Kanjo replied. “I’m going to find Rin.”
“You heard me. Respectfully, your excellency, Sir, fuck off. I’m going to find Rin.”
Before Risingblock could argue again, Kanjo left the room. He needed to find that Sergeant.
“That sounded like it went swimmingly,” Kiyo said, standing as he walked back into the lobby.
He rolled his eyes.
Rinnie nodded then yawned loudly.
“When was the last time you slept?” he asked, knowing the answer.
“When was the last time you slept?” she countered. “I’ve had some of Mica’s awake serum.”
“That I think you’re coming down from,” Adler pointed out. “And you’ve been casting left and right since we started this whole escapade. You’re gonna burn yourself out.”
“What do you know about mages?” Rinnie pouted.
“I’ve seen battlemages and theramancers and loads in between,” Adler said. “They are generally the most well-protected people in an entire company.”
Rinnie nodded, slowly.
“You need sleep,” Adler repeated. “You’re crashing.”
“But there’s still…”
Adler wasn’t arguing with her any longer. He looked up, trying to find Skythorn, but the man must’ve gone to relieve himself. Lodgepool stood against the wall, looking more alert than he probably was. Adler went over to Killian.
“Sir, the mage is tired and belligerent.” Adler jerked a thumb at Rinnie.
Rinnie saw herself in this girl and she was already running to join the fray.
“She’s a theramancer!” Rinnie interjected. “Don’t give her a sedative, a non-narcotic painkiller will do.”
“And who are you?” asked the older of the two doctors.
“The theramancer from South Town,” Rinnie said dismissively. She turned her attention to the girl. “Have you fixed things before?”
The girl nodded and her face scrunched up in pain.
Rinnie took a second to see exactly how much power the girl had. The answer was a lot. She was still young enough for her power to feel raw and largely uncontrolled. However, if she’d practiced healing before, her body would start healing itself before the bone was set.
“We’re going to help you set your bone, okay?” Rinnie told her. “We’ll get you some painkillers and if you want, I’ll let you help.” The other two doctors spluttered. Rinnie ignored them.
Something had gotten fucked up. One of her spells must have failed. She’d pulled a loop too early. Or her redirection of the wards on the case hadn’t been good enough.
Knowing full well she was not going to be able to move down the stairs at any acceptable speed, she slid back out of the violin case.
“Go,” she said, handing it to Em. “Get back to the car and don’t wait for me. I’ll find my own way back.”
“Are you sure?” Em said. “What about the crystals?”
Lelia grimaced. She should have left the ones by the stairs until they’d been sure. “We don’t have another option,” she said. She’d fucked that one up at the very least. “I’ll try to get suspicion off of you if I need to.”
Her mind raced, still trying to figure out where she’d messed up in the exhibit. She was better than this!
Em didn’t argue further. She took the violin case from Lelia and slid into it.
“So what is it you do?” Em asked.
Izzy’s eyes brightened.
“Oh no, you don’t want to get her started on that,” Lelia said.
“I’m sure it’s interesting!” Em insisted. “Like listening to you talk about emergency procedures for power generators.”
Lelia glared at her, but that was all the ammunition Izzy needed to launch into what she was studying in school.
Somewhere in between genetics and mage birth rates, Lelia realized that getting Izzy to talk about herself meant she wasn’t asking questions to Lelia and Em. Which had been Em’s plan all along.
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funakounasoul · 2 years
Miko Month: The Meta History
I gave a quick history on Miko's childhood a few days ago. But what about her "meta" childhood? How did she even come to be? This is a thing I talk about every Miko Month, but it's always fun to revisit. Even on Tumblr, I’ve mentioned the history before, but I think it’s been AGES since compared to Twitter’s “every Miko Month” lol
So sit back, get comfy. We're going back to...Halloween 06? WAIT-- YOU?!
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Halloween 2006...From 5th grade all through high school, I was a member of almost every single iteration of Band (marching, wind ensemble, jazz, pep, etc). Marching season was almost over and we get to wear costumes for the Halloween parades we do for nearby schools.
I was The Goth-Vampire-Knight-Thing, of course (for those who haven’t seen my Twitter, basically it’s this outfit I put together for my junior and senior years of HS, and that was, actually, how I described myself to anyone who asked). My best friend at the time, though, was showing off the prototype version of the cosplay we were both going to have for a con in '07 - the Azumanga Daioh school uniforms. Here are the finished ones (featuring me and my friend!)
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Anyway, by the time we finished the third grade school parade route, we were high on sugar or something and were really goofing around. My friend, to both of us, didn't QUITE look like Yomi and, I dunno, we started goofing around and somewhere along the way "Koyomiko" was uttered. By the time we got back to our school, it was "after school" time and I was just waiting for my mom to come pick me up. We were STILL goofing around, and jokingly tossing around "Koyomiko" this, "Koyomiko" that. 
 And some gears started turning as I went home that evening...
I do NOT have the original sketch of Miko anymore, but she was literally drawn on November 1st (hence her canonical birthday!). And I went to school that next day telling my friend how I made a kid for Tomo and Yomi. She humored me, at least (she wasn't really a yuri fan lol)
A few days later, I would try to draw her digitally. I still used Pixia at the time...as well as tiny Wacom tablet. TINY TINY. Graphire 4 I think? Anyway, THIS is the pic I showed to the world:
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As I said, I decided that she was a child of Tomo and Yomi. Because I love Tomo and Yomi. And they have a kid somehow (science!) Her original full name was, legit, Koyomiko Takino-Mizuhara. I couldn't decide what the dorks would decide to use as a surname lol
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This became my Thing for FOUR YEARS! Sure, I did regular canon Toyomi yuri and other fan art and stuff, but the Takino-Mizuharas were basically my main shtick. I coined the term "Azu-Kid." Miko's content was akin to Yotsuba's. Except lesbian moms. And Osaka as an "auntie."
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I met Leigh through this silliness. She even brought out her own OCs from a different thing to have as friends for Miko. She was the sarcastic, smarmy, *half*-French (in this iteration) Sachiko Nakamura. Also, her older brother (and INITIAL love interest for Teen Miko)...Hayato
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(ahem, yeah, it's really funny, considering what happened over time) COUGH. Anyway. Eventually, I wanted Miko to take the spotlight instead of her moms (which are the bulk of the original content - Toyomi parenting). It started out just as a new generation of Azu, but, over time, I wanted something different. I didn't want to do just comedy. I wanted some drama. So I tweaked it a bit and "Reminiscence & Reflections" became the new draft. At first, the old Azu gang were still part of it, but in the background. And then...they disappeared.
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Oh, you bet I was ready to start a webcomic, you betcha! It took a bit, especially moving in with Leigh, trying to get through college (and failing), and less time to art. But eventually, I thought I had it all ready. And I posted this:
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I started drawing up the pages on paper and then...then...Why wasn't I happy? Why is it so BORING?! I even thought about sprinkling some supernatural-y stuff in, but it wasn't working. I would slowly stop drawing Miko for a bit. SM and Pony art prevailed. Here's an example of what I DID draw during this “drought period”:
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Enter me also unsure of what I wanted to do in the real world. I was in a brief stint at a call center. I was still in the initial lecture phase when I just had...this epiphany. I started scribbling down notes, thoughts, doodled some uniforms and weapons. Oh my god. This was it.
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Well, almost. It would take a few more tweaks during the year of 2013, but basically, Raison came to be! And by July 2014, the rest was history~ 
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jooniens · 1 year
January 2023 TBR
I truly am so excited to be back doing this. I had to remind myself on hiatus that taking a break is what I needed but I truly did miss this. 
I am quite proud of the reading that I did in 2022 and I am going to push myself to read even more this year. As I have mentioned before one of my goals this year is to finish all of the series that I have started, both in 2022 and overall. Thus, many of my TBR lists this year will be full of sequels and continuations of series. I will do my best to not include spoilers but sometimes in book reviews it is just part of business. 
Anyways, now that I’ve established “ground rules”, let’s get into what I want to read in the month of January!
Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare
I know what I said above, I want to finish the series that I have already started and this is the first of a new series but hear me out, I have been wanting to read this for awhile and after I was finally able to FIND this book (which is more of a challenge than you would expect for a book that is nearly a decade old) I want to start it as soon as possible. You all have seen my opinion on the Mortal Instrument series but I heard that the Infernal Devices is far superior and I am just holding out for it. 
Lightbringer by Claire Legrand
I have had this in at least one of my previous TBR lists and yes, I still haven't read it (hence why one of my goals is to finish series). I really loved the first two books in this series I just don’t want it to end. This is quite a large book so If I do decide to read this I will probably try to read some shorter or stand alone novels to help my brain not shut down. 
Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson 
Now for a standalone. I actually just bought this and honestly, I wouldn’t have picked this up if Hannah (From Aclockworkreader) didn’t make a reading vlog about this novel and loved it. It seems like something I would like I am just not sure why I always gravitate towards series instead of stand-alone novels. I have this book right in front of me and I actually plan on starting it after drafting this post (remember to keep up with me on Goodreads/Instagram @jooniens !) 
A Reaper at the Gates by Sabaa Tahir
I started An Ember in the Ashes in November of 2022 and it has been true love. A Torch against the Night was my last read for 2022 and it was a great way to end a year of reading. This entire series has swept me off of my feet and I am so excited to keep reading, I just love these characters and this world so much. I accidentally bought this thinking that it was the second book so I had to go back to Barnes and Noble later (what a shame). 
There isn’t a lot on this list because half of my Goodreads TBR has gone missing(?) I know I trimmed it down but I don’t think I had gotten rid of so much. Hopefully, I will be able to knock some of these titles off and start 2023 with some great reads.  
Also, note that I will be bringing back the Mid-Month Reading updates however they will be brief posts and not as long as they were previously. 
Have a very happy and safe new year! 
Much Love, 
June <3
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honney-pies · 9 months
Ma Cherie❤︎
Birthday Girl
Pairing: Inumaki Toge/F! oc/ Okkotsu Yuuta
Fandom : Jujutsu Kaisen
Summary : this is how Kanae got her name and how found family is like my fav trope.
Content warning/chapter warning: character death, referenced/implied abuse, referenced/implied sexual assault, excessive blood loss, thoughts of self-hatred, depression, feeling helpless, a knife is used, her mother SUCKS, please please please seek help if you or a loved one is being abused or in a harmful environment. I'm not sure if there is anything else, but please let me know and I will add it to the list!
Length: 2.5k
A/n: GUYS I'M SO SORRY THAT I HAVEN'T POSTED I FORGOT THAT I SAVED THIS TO DRAFTS! the next couple chapters are going to be more gaining context while also establishing how she interacts with others. the next two chapters (and this one too i think) contain spoilers for JJK season two. Kanae's birth name is Akane, but after this chapter I don't plan on referencing that. right now i'm sitting at about three chapters either nearly completed or started. please let me know if you liked this post! as always there is a self insert version here and on ao3, feel free to read it if you would like! i'm still not sure how long this fic will be, but i'm aiming for about ten chapters.Kanae calls herself Akane anytime before she turns five.
  ─── ⋆⋅ November  2016 ⋅⋆ ─── 
Kanae was looking at Panda and Maki sparring when she saw someone sit down in the corner of her eyes. Yuuta kept on staring at the sixteen year old, and she was beginning to feel her skin get itchy from feeling watched. He kept on looking at her then looking away, clearly he wanted to ask him something, but she didn’t want to bring it up if he didn’t intend to ask. 
“Kamo-san, why do some people call you Akane and others call you Kanae?” The girl in question looked at the dark haired boy and stared at him. 
“O-oh, you don’t need to answer that if you don’t want to! I didn’t mean to put you on the spot!” Kanae laughed, Yuuta was definitely too sweet for this world. 
“Do you want the short version or the longer one,” she asked. 
“I want to hear whatever you want to tell me,” he replied. 
     ─── ⋆⋅December 29, 2005⋅⋆ ─── 
It had been her birthday. Akane had just turned five years old and Shoko, Suguru and Satoru made sure to give her the best day ever. It had been her first birthday since her mother first tried to hurt her and Yaga banned her from entering the school. 
That night she was determined to sleep in her old room by herself and prove to herself that she grew up and could overcome what had happened to her. For a little over a month she had been alternating rooms and everyone had taken turns walking her to and from school along with having her accompany them on missions, obviously staying in the car, if no one else was available to watch her. All to protect her from her mother. 
When she had gotten into the room everything seemed fine, safe. Satoru was one room down and Suguru was in the same hallway as well. Shoko was still at her parents until classes started again. Satoru and Suguru had stayed with her for most of the night until she said she wanted to spend the night alone. They just looked at each other and agreed. What she didn’t know was that Suguru had let a small curse to watch over her, moreso to let him know if there were any changes in her mood or breathing. They both made their promises of seeing Akane tomorrow and to come into either one of their rooms should she feel scared. 
“Are you sure this is a good idea, Satoru?” The boy in question just looked at him and that’s all Suguru needed to know before grabbing his hand and holding it until they reached his room. The two went to their rooms and began to fall asleep. Although neither one was really able to do so. Akane’s well being was at the forefront of both of their minds. 
At first Akane didn’t know what was going on. She had thought that a tree was scratching at her window, maybe it had been a stray cat, but when she heard the shattering of her bedroom window break, she knew that it was no tree or cat. She knew it was something far worse. The five year old panicked and hid herself underneath the blanket and made herself small, as if that would keep the scary monsters away. 
We, as the readers of this story, know that hiding away under blankets will never keep the monsters at bay, but Akane was still a child, a child who didn’t fully know of the harsh realities the world, especially her own, had in store. 
The creaking of the wooden floors had been her only way of knowing where the monster was. The noises grew closer until one side of the bed dipped down and a soft voice called out to her. 
“Akane, it’s your mother. Come on out and tell me hi.” Akane was confused to say the least. From what she understood Mother was no longer allowed at the school since Yaga refused her entry. She had been told that if she did see her mother that she must go to another mom and ask to call her family or hide. 
This, however, wasn’t the first time Akane’s mother was not allowed to visit her for a period of time. From what she’s been told her mother got sad a lot. From what she heard while others thought she wasn’t listening was that her mother was unstable and had severe manic depression. She didn’t know what that really meant, but she knew that sometimes her mom wouldn’t be allowed to see her for a little bit. It happened pretty often, so Akane thought it was normal for her to disappear and show up out of nowhere. 
Unfortunately this was not one of those times. This time she felt her mothers animosity, this time she felt no love coming from her mother. Akane knew that her mother, the one she tries to remember, was nowhere to be seen. All that was left was a shell filled with rage, guilt, and anguish. This manifested itself into a pit in her mothers stomach, a pit that blamed Akane. Who she once viewed as her greatest achievement, her greatest creation, she could only view as her antagonizer.
That’s the funny thing about trauma, sometimes the blame can get misplaced. An innocent child can get the brunt of the aftermath of another man’s hand. 
Akane tried to sink herself as far down into her bed as she could, however the mattress didn’t swallow her up and protect her as she had hoped. Her mother only got angry and ripped the blanket off of her and clamped a bloodied, beaten hand over the child's mouth. Her child's mouth. 
She tried to squirm away, but her mother placed her full body weight onto her and forced her to stay put. 
“You listen here you insolent brat! You will keep your mouth shut and listen to your mother when you're told. I should have never left you here, you clearly don’t know what manners are. Now, nod your head if you’ll listen to mother like a good little girl.” Akane nodded her head, thinking that it would keep her safe. The hand that was placed over her mouth removed itself and reached to the side of her mothers clothes. She pulled out a knife and Akane had never been more scared in her life. 
“You have failed me for the last time, Akane,” hissed her mother, “you weren’t born a boy, you look like your father, you look like that other boy from your beloved fathers mistress, you have a hereditary cursed technique, one from the men's side. You have a family here, a happy one. You evade your fathers hand and live your life protected by the strongest. All of which I did for you, yet you never bother to show me gratitude. You are the product of your fathers control. Control over me, control over my body, control over my life. You are the embodiment of everything, everything, I have tried so hard to forget. I hate you! I wish you were never born!” 
The knife was lifted into the air. 
The knife was pushed into Akane’s small, fragile body. 
“Because of you, I can never be free!” The knife made its way to her stomach. She watched as her mother cried, as she wept and sobbed. Akane mirrored her mother and cried. She felt guilty for living and causing someone, especially her own mother, this much pain. As she watched the knife be lifted in the air again, she let a scream crawl its way from her throat. It came out garbled since she was choking on her own blood. She grabbed the blade and pushed it away from her body with all the strength that was left in her bloodied body. Through it all she screamed Satoru’s name, hoping that he heard her and would save her. Akane’s bedroom wall imploded on itself and two boys raced through. Suguru tackled her mother to the ground, effectively saving Akane. Satoru ran to her side and wrapped her in bedsheets, trying to stop the bleeding. The young girl looked over at her mother and noticed how she didn’t look human anymore, how she looked like a curse. 
She screamed and screamed at her daughter, blaming her, hating her. 
“I hate you! I wish you were never born!” Suguru stabbed her. The screaming turned into slurred, garbled speech.
Suguru had never seen someone actively turn into a curse before that night. He watched Akane’s mother turn into a curse right before his eyes, and just like so many times before he absorbed the girl’s mother. He hoped she would never see her mother ever again. 
Satoru rushed Akane to Shoko’s room, knowing she could save the girl. As they were leaving, Akane had three words falling from her lips.
“I love you.” 
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When Akane woke back up she was in the medical bay, Shoko was watching over her. 
“Oh, you’re awake,” She pulled out her phone, “ Gojo, she woke up just now.” Shoko walked over to her and began to assess her. About half way through, the door slammed open and in ran Satoru, with Suguru not far behind. 
“You scared me! My lovely little sister scared me!” He threw himself onto her, but made sure he wasn’t actually hurting her. Suguru quickly joined them and all three of them curled up together while Shoko finished her tests. 
Later that day the four of them spent the night in Shoko’s room, it was the farthest away from the incident that happened last night. Their time together was spent goofing off and acting as children and above all else, making Akane feel loved. 
When he thought everyone else was asleep, Satoru pulled Akane closer to him and saw that she, too, hadn’t gone to bed.
“Can’t sleep,” he asked. She shook her head.
“I don’ know if I like who I am. Mother didn’ like me.” Satoru’s heart ached for her. He had been watching over the girl, mainly just keeping her company since he was 13, she was one. Their parents struck a deal to essentially groom the young girl into being a weapon for him if he desires. Though Satoru didn’t know how a measly toddler could be seen as one. 
He saw Akane all the time as he got older, when he moved into the dorms the two were practically inseparable. In fact when he introduced Suguru and Shoko to her, he referred to her as his little sister, in return she began to call him ‘toru-nii’. 
“You know, you don’t have to be who you were completely, you could be someone else. You could rise from the ashes like that one bird from Harry Potter!” She giggled quietly and rolled her eyes, although she didn’t know how to do that quite yet, so she just looked up. 
“Phoenix Fawkes, you’re there when Sugu-nii reads them too, should at least remember the names.” Satoru rolled his eyes and poked her forehead. 
“You do know we love you, right? I love you. You bring us, me, so much happiness, love, and you deserve those things too. You deserve affection. Kanae, do you know what that means? It means ‘love and affection.’ We could call you that if you want.” 
The young girl looked up at him and smiled like he was the greatest thing to ever happen to her. He watched as she began to be overtaken by dreams, he wished they would remain happy ones. 
“I wan’ t’do that, dad.” Ak- Kanae drifted to sleep, and Satoru couldn't help but let out the biggest, brightest smile the world had ever seen. This was the greatest thing that could ever happen to him. Kanae had never called him that before, although there had been a few times where she nearly did. He couldn’t be happier than he was at this moment. He pulled the girl as close as he could without hurting her. 
In the darkness of the room he met Suguru’s eyes. He smiled at Satoru and placed his hand on top of his. 
 ─── ⋆⋅ November 2017 ⋅⋆ ───
“My dad gave it to me. I was five at the time and he wanted me to be able to choose who I would become, to let go of my biological family and move forward. To have a constant reminder that I’m loved and deserve to be happy. Some people call me Akane to piss me off, some do it because they don’t know or simply don’t care.” Yuuta looked at the girl and he knew that she must have been through something that most wouldn’t have recovered from. 
“I thought you and your family don’t talk.” 
“I talk to my older brother sometimes.I guess you wouldn’t know since you aren’t familiar with the politics and all that, but he was here for the Sister School exchange event, he goes to the Kyoto school. In fact he’s the only remotely tolerable one from my family, although I don’t go out of my way to interact with them. I don’t talk to anyone from there anymore besides him, his name is Noritoshi. He doesn’t really know how to speak for himself and it annoys me, but he respects my decision to leave even if he thinks it was a stupid idea.” 
“Oh, the one with the shut eyes?” 
“They’re narrow, but yeah, that’s him.” 
Yuuta looked at her the whole time, giving her his undivided attention. In that moment she realized she liked the feeling of his eyes on her, her skin didn’t itch as much. 
“Like Maki,” he asked. She sighed.
“Fortunately I never spent more than a couple days at the estate at a time. I grew up here, actually. My mother gave a huge amount of money to the school to let me stay here. That and Yaga and her were friends I think.  Maki had to live with them for years. I didn’t, I had the privilege to live away from them in a loving family.” 
Yuuta looked like he had more to ask, but she saw Satoru sit down next to her. He saw her smile and bump her shoulder with his, no Infinity to get in the way. 
“Hi, sensei!” He grinned at the two.
“What were my beloved students talking about? Anything interesting?” 
“My name.” Satoru looked at her through his bandages and saw her staring at the sky, running her fingers over her clothes, where the scars were, are. 
“That’s a different kind of interesting, Kanae. You know I think I did a great job helping you pick that name out! It suits you.” Yuuta looked over confused, he was about to speak up when the girl tapped his shin with her foot, luckily he got the idea and closed his mouth. 
“I’m the one that agreed with you, so get off your high horse, sensei.” The two let out twin laughs as Satoru got up. ‘A meeting with the muscle man,’ he said. Before Yuuta even had a chance to speak, she beat him to the punch.
“He raised me. I only call him Gojo or sensei when talking around at school. To me he’ll always be toru-nii.”
“You said your father gave you that name.” She smiled.
“I said my dad did. Not my father.”
“Oh... Does he know you see him as a dad,” he asked. She nodded her head. 
“C’mon Okkotsu, let's practice.” He stared up at the girl as she offered her hand to him. He grabbed it and pulled himself up. 
He liked the way her hand felt against his, though he didn’t know if Rika would appreciate the thought.
the next chapter, 'family bonding' should be out Saturday, September 2nd! thank you so much for reading and I will make sure to get a masterlist in place soon!
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noonaishere · 1 year
So I was sitting here, thinking to myself, wondering how long I’ve been working on this fic [also: I was thinking about this LAST week, I just forgot to type up this post. I feel like that’s just… this whole thing in a nutshell] and I decided to go through my phone to find screencaps and go through my gdocs to find the earliest document that’s associated with this coming fic...
And… I had forgotten that - originally - I was planning on doing a Choose Your Own Adventure-style Otome fic. It’d have each member of Ateez be one of the personality types you see in Otome games, and you’d read through it and click links and choose who you’d end up with in the end. I read a really great CYOA story on Twine a long time ago and I’ve been wanting to do one since then, though I haven’t had an idea that I felt was befitting it.
So I looked up the main Otome personality types and tried to fit each Ateez member to each type and then sort of ran out of ideas/was too busy with work, and so I just put it in a folder marked “fics” which has all fic ideas that I’m kicking around (some come to fruition, some don’t). The document is called “Otome Character Archetypes” and the date on that document is Jun 5, 2021.
Anyway, I recall kind of thinking about the idea for a while after that and then forgetting about it. My Jaehyun fic was still updating, and while I wanted to start a new fic so I had something for when that one was done, I think I might have been also working on some original stuff as well.
At some point I scrapped the Otome idea since I didn’t feel like I grasped the personality types enough to be able to write it well, and created a new doc called  “Ateez smau idea.” It’s creation date is November 7, 2021. (I don’t really use this anymore - the last time I opened it was February of last year lol - because I made a better, more organized “book bible” kind of thing at some point.)
Then I got this comment that sort of blew my mind.
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And I was like… YO, what IF there were two couples trying to get each other together, our favorite (or at least my favorite) fic chaos but doubled? 
What if it was two fics?
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So I started writing notes like, immediately-- AND I DELETED THE ORIGINAL DOCUMENT LIKE A FOOL. I KNOW I made posts about it in April and May, but I guess I copy/pasted the text out of the first documents and deleted the remains as I got everything together and made it make sense? Which - I now realize - I need to STOP. DOING. Since I don’t fucking journal about what I’m doing at all, I need to keep the docs themselves to know when I did things 😫😫😫😫😫
I don’t have the original version of the one side of the fic (it’s two fics. I’ll explain when it’s ready to come out. I don’t know why I do these things), but a file called “Notes from first draft” has March 8, 2022 on it. So I had to have written the first draft of it before then; somewhere in between January 19th and March 8th, because those are the dates of luvvvx’s comment and the day I apparently had enough of a first draft to read it and make notes about additions. The first drafts (of each side of the fic) had to have been very bare bones though, because the doc has a lot of smaller points in it that are intrinsic to the plot and that I know I decided on early on in the writing process.
So I started somewhere between: January 19th and March 8th, 2022. 
…And now it’s over a year later since I started the missing doc of the first draft, and I missed BOTH anniversaries of starting the fic (the comment and the first doc).
When I first was like, “When did I start this?” I thought maybe I could make a little post about it and be like, “Congratulations to STILL NOT BEING DONE” and it would be a lark and kind of funny since I’ve been working on this for so long, but I MISSED BOTH OF THEM. I had two and I missed them.
So yeah, idk what this is. 
Happy missed anniversaries I guess 🎉
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kultured-kuromi · 1 year
Tw: heavy vent, topic of suicide, and self harm
I’ve had this in drafts for a few weeks just added on as I felt sad so if it seems jumbled that’s why
Idk how to add the little page break thing on tumblr mobile so if you’re sitting here scrolling for a minute I’m genuinely so sorry
So every winter my depression gets extremely bad as it does with most people so it’s no shocker that I’ve been in a slump for the past month but it’s bad this time the last time I could remember it being this bad was when I went through with my first attempt in 7th grade and I’m ngl I’ve heavily been thinking about trying to make another attempt on my life I don’t only for my younger siblings I can’t handle the thought of them walking in on my dead body which they inevitably would (my brother wakes me up every morning) and everytime I think about this scenario I start spiraling it’s hell but yeah not gonna kill my self ig. I’ve been using quite literally all my strength not to relapse and start self harming again I’ve been clean since November and I’m really trying to break the addiction but it’s so hard and I don’t really have any other coping mechanisms. In all honesty tho the real reason I don’t go back to cutting is bc I threw away what I was using to do it and I have like actual knives but I’m scared of going to deep (kinda ironic ig). So I’ve had a group of friends since last February (feb 2022) there’s been 3 main people with others along as well I don’t feel like going into our whole history but a cliff note version of it is we started hanging out in feb in may I started dating person B in July I broke it off with B and ever since it’s basically been me vs B (the others occasionally joining me) well I started talking to B in November after not talking to him for 2 months and shit was great it was basically how it was back before we got together he even got me a shiny Pokémon for my birthday (which means a lot to me) but practically since it’s been new year’s he went back to how he was in September (when we first stopped talking) just an asshole we obviously were annoyed by each other then we got in a “fight” so we stopped talking again anyways so that was Sunday I didn’t have school Monday but Tuesday and Wednesday he’s still been hanging around my group which is fine they’re his friends to but like I hate it bc they’re not talking to me pretty much at all throughout the day bc the only time I see person A and C person B is also there… it feels like he’s stealing my friends from me even my moirail (person A) is hanging out with him more and they don’t even like him so I feel left out completely I feel invisible and alone but not alone bc when I was alone it didn’t even feel this painful I just sit there in silence tears in my eyes but not letting them fall I stare off into space with one AirPod in trying to now ignore the outside world making little stories in my head with my f/os but in reality I just want my moirail to hug me and let me know everything’s alright and that I’m not losing anyone and that if I were to kill myself they would care they would be upset by it stuff like that but no nothing. I haven’t been able to do any school work bc of my mental state even if I take my meds (adhd meds I should probably clarify) which is weird bc my meds always keep me on track but not now ig fuck for example I have like 6 algebra assignments that become 0s tomorrow and I frankly just don’t care. When people I know tell me they don’t have tiktok i always laugh at them like c’mon it’s not that bad but it is it is that bad for example I posted a few videos of my face today and I got tons of comments fat shamming(which really helps my eating disorder but whatever),being called poor, and genuine trans + homophobia I have some pretty tough skin when it comes to these comments usually but if you haven’t noticed I’m a single problem away from violently killing myself so these comments got so bad that I had to private my account which in my 8-9 years on the internet i have never had to do. I think that’s it idk.
Oh there is actually one more thing I want to mention this happened months ago but has been pissing me off since so to put this lightly I had a dream where Murdoc from Gorillaz sexually assaulted me (yes Ik he would never do this but I can’t control my dreams) I have trauma when it comes to stuff like this bc I was sa’d as a child and I’m on the asexual spectrum so I don’t like to think of my f/os in a sexual light anyways I go to vent in my discord server that has all my friends in it looking for support (even though they were all asleep venting then makes me feel better) so I feel really dirty and sad bc again this was a sa related dream I post a kinda detailed version of the dream in #venting channel then Person B starts typing and replies with “nice fanfic” and I wish I fucking screenshoted that bc wtf dude it’s bc he’s never had/really heard about a sa situation i understand that but still why?
Vent Over
if you read this thanks ig it’s just nice to know an another living body knows my problems so I’m not necessarily suffering alone <3
TL;DR I really need a hug ffs
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