#this twist makes so little sense to me that i keep forgetting it happened. i read these books so many times. and still when i read this ask
eerna · 4 months
Omg I didn't think you would respond so quickly. Thank you! As a follow up, Jude was taken by the Undersea, right? Locke knew this would take place since the Ghost (who he was controlling) was involved in the kidnapping. I assume Locke and Nicasia (along with her mother) worked together to make this happen. This was way before Jude threatened him. So do you think Locke helped plan Jude's kidnapping as a way to get a reaction out of both Cardan and Taryn? Could it also be because Jude wasn't down for Locke's games which we see at the end of TCP when Locke tried to give a flimsy apology and make amends (I assume he wanted to continue his "story" with Jude)
P.S. This is my last question. I just love reading meta lol. I'm always trying to understand them better.
P.P.S. I think you're very good and skilled at analyzing characters' relationships. It's why I'm here lol. Also, I love your artwork <3
You timed it well for my morning tumblr scroll! And aaawwww thanks, glad you enjoy it~ Drawing and being opinionated are def two of my fav things to do, always happy to talk more about stuff I like!
Ok for this topic I am not the right person to ask because I subconsciously ignore it ever happened. Here's the thing about the Ghost. He's one of the shakiest parts of the series to me because there isn't much foreshadowing or a clear setup for any of his twists, so it feels like HB just throws him into the mix whenever she needs to stir something up out of the blue. And boy does his QoN reveal stir something up out of the blue, because suddenly Locke is no longer just a shit-stirrer antagonist (like Asha, Valerian, and Taryn) but an actual scheming power-grabbing one (like Madoc, Orlagh, and Balekin). Sorry HB, but if Locke REALLY helped plan the kidnapping, why the hell was he playing horror movies with Jude the night before??? What was he gonna do, axe her down in the middle of the woods hoping she wouldn't die or be too badly hurt when his plans hinged on her being alive and capable of visiting the Tower of Forgetting the next day???? And yeah, what does he get out of conspiring with the Undersea??? It's not like he can brag about his role in this situation, but in every other one of his schemes he NEEDS people to know what he did and how cool and important he is. It makes way more sense to me that he was bummed Jude rejected him and didn't allow him to bully her or Cardan anymore, so he decided to maim/kill her on impulse as his stag night activity, and he gave Taryn the earrings as a message to Jude to stay out of his marriage (and to brag). And so Locke's QoN betrayal seems to be written into the book because the Ghost needed a reason that would redeem him for the crazy stuff he did in TWK.
So yeah sorry that this answer is none of the "why" and all of the "why not".
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loveinhawkins · 2 months
A gnawing sense of foreboding creeps up on Steve as they head to Eddie’s trailer, armed with weapons.
He tries to outrun it through action: ensuring he’s the first one to go through the Gate; jumping back and forth between The Upside Down and their world whenever someone forgets something, “It’s okay, I’ve got it!”; triple checking that the cables for Eddie’s amps are long enough; searching for the slightest thing than seizing upon it with an enthusiasm bordering on desperate, “Hey, we could use this, right? Better take it, just in case.”
But that only works for so long, and then Steve’s just standing in Eddie’s kitchen, the real one, staring blankly at the cupboards, all out of distractions.
Out of time.
He hears a grunt of exertion behind him, then an unsteady landing, a muffled curse. Eddie.
“Jesus Christ, Steve. Wanted to fit your aerobics routine in?”
He’s teasing, so light-hearted despite it all; Steve can’t stand it.
Keeps his back turned, gut twisting, opening the cupboards then slamming them shut, thump, thump. He doesn’t know what he’s looking for. He never has.
“Uh, so I was thinking,” Eddie continues, like Steve’s not doing anything weird, “that I could stretch out the, um, the song? My playing? Could buy you some more time, anyway.”
“Sure, great,” Steve says shortly.
He thinks—with a numb kind of calm—that he’s going to be sick.
He gets to the bathroom, tries to shut the door, but his grip slips on the handle.
Turns on the faucet, scoops cold water from his hands into his mouth, and it helps until it doesn’t, until he’s almost choking on it, and he’s been here before, the feeling familiar: a shadow looming over him, just waiting, waiting, and he knows it’ll pass, it always does, but he can’t stop thinking of Robin, it might not work out for us this time, and what if, what if—
He can hear Eddie knocking on the doorframe, just out of view—as if he’d seen Steve’s failed attempt at shutting the door and wanted to respect it.
“Hey, man, you okay?” Then Eddie mutters to himself, “Obviously not, get a fucking clue.”
Steve’s laugh is strangled but real. He wipes his mouth dry and shuts off the water.
“You don’t need to talk to a wall, dude,” he says.
And Eddie steps into view, leans against the open door. His eyes flicker across Steve’s face, and Steve doesn’t want to know what he’s noticed, so when Eddie opens his mouth hesitantly, he speaks first.
“We should—they’re gonna wonder where we are.”
Eddie pauses on the verge of speech; Steve watches him reevaluate whatever he was going to say.
“Well,” Eddie says, gesturing to the bathroom, matter-of-fact, “we could be peeing.”
Steve manages a chuckle. “You’re an idiot.”
Eddie grins like he’s saying yup, that’s me, like he’s won a prize.
Steve has seen him wear something close to that expression not even an hour ago: when the kids had started a line to use the bathroom in the RV, and Eddie had snorted, giggled with a childish kind of delight, “You—ha! You all look like you’re on a field trip,” before joining the line himself—calling out that he hoped their plan accounted for bathroom breaks because, “There’s no way I’m pissing in the alternate dimension,” and that had made Nancy break, laughing in a way Steve was certain he hadn’t heard since ‘83.
Eddie steps into the room and shuts the door quietly. Steve gets why: his breathing’s still all wrong, and if Dustin happened to see him, he doesn’t think he’d ever forgive himself.
“Sorry.” Steve sucks in a breath, tries to hold it. Loses it in an exhale that shudders at the edges. He speaks through the tail end of it, hoping that’s enough to conceal the sound, “Gimme, like, two minutes.”
“Make it ten,” Eddie says.
The way he says it makes it seem like it’s already a done deal; he must’ve spoken to Robin and Nancy before he tumbled through the Gate.
Despite himself, Steve feels a wave of relief: just for a little while, he has time; it overpowers the shame, leaves him sinking down to sit on the closed toilet seat.
He closes his eyes, just breathes. In… out… in…
He doesn’t realise that Eddie’s sitting down, too, until he hears the clunk of his boots, the rustle of clothing as he moves.
“Sorry,” Steve says again, and it annoyingly still comes out a little shaky, like he’s in the pool and he’s left it too long to snatch a breath. “You can go back, man, I’ll… I’ll be right there.”
He opens his eyes to see Eddie shaking his head, sat with his back against the bathtub.
“Stop apologising,” Eddie says, and then it’s as if the seriousness of it is too much for him, because he adds, with a self-deprecating smile that Steve hates, “I get it. You’re walking into the dragon’s lair, I’m just putting on a concert.”
“Don’t,” Steve says, and he doesn’t intend for the word to come out as sharp as it does, but that doesn’t change the fact that he means it. He means it.
Eddie’s smile fades.
“Don’t,” Steve repeats, quieter. Not quite an apology.
Slowly, he moves off the toilet seat, until he’s sat next to Eddie. There’s just enough space that they don’t need to touch, but Steve presses his shoulder against Eddie’s anyway, like he can somehow pass on everything he means through that alone.
Eddie sighs, presses back for just a second. “Don’t what?” he asks. He sounds tired all of a sudden.
“Don’t—don’t joke like that,” Steve says. “Like you’re not—” He swallows. “Like it’s not dangerous.”
There’s a pause. Eddie reaches across and puts a hand on Steve’s knee. Squeezes briefly and pulls back; already Steve finds that he misses the warmth of him.
“Hey, don’t worry,” Eddie says. There’s no joke in this, not a trace. “I’m not gonna let anything happen to Dustin.” Another smile. Gentle. “Swear on his mother.”
I’m not worried about that, Steve wants to say, but of course that’s not true; he’s tried hard not to look at Dustin directly ever since they arrived at the trailer, because his throat would start to close up alarmingly whenever his gaze lingered, and he knows the kid’s doing that whole semi-aloof teenager thing lately, but a part of him still wants to hold him tight and never let go.
It’s more that the shape of Steve’s worry is different to what he thinks Eddie’s imagining, covers more than Dustin’s safety alone—that the cold dread in his stomach brings him back to the tunnels in ‘84; to clutching Dustin, who was so small, Steve desperately trying to shield him with his own body, thinking the kid’s thirteen, only thirteen, this isn’t fucking fair; and that if this had to end one way, all he could do was pray that he’d be the only one to…
And Steve hadn’t wanted to die, but he was suddenly facing it anyway, and Christ, looking back at it, that was crazy, the whole damn thing was crazy, but it all made a twisted kind of sense at the time.
Eddie must spot that his train of thought’s gone down a dark alley because he knocks their knees together, but he doesn’t say anything. Just breathes, slumped against the bathtub; it’s probably the first time he’s been still—truly still—in a long while.
He must be exhausted, Steve thinks.
The gnawing feeling digs in, grips his heart.
“I can hear you thinking,” Eddie says quietly. “Listen, Steve, I know I’m new to, uh… all of this shit, but I’m on it, okay? Got it all up in here,” he taps the side of his head, “trust me—”
That’s not what—I trust you, of fucking course I do, but—
“—no deviations, and—”
“Plans change,” Steve says, and he hears himself, the calm decisiveness, just get ready; Dustin’s scream carrying across the junkyard, Steve, abort, abort! “Just… just promise me.”
“Promise you?” Eddie murmurs.
Steve feels the words on his tongue, the weight of them. Don’t do anything stupid. 
He swallows them down—afraid suddenly that if he really puts a name to it, it’s going to happen.
Fuck it, he’s exhausted too, and for a long moment he evades speaking: gingerly rests his head on Eddie’s shoulder. Feels his body heat, the swell of his breathing.
Eddie doesn’t tense up, just lets him rest there. 
If I kissed you, Steve thinks, drained, would you stay?
He doesn’t say it. Instead he lifts his head and asks, “What are you doing tomorrow?”
Eddie chuckles. They’re still so close, Steve can feel his amused sigh.
“Tomorrow? I’ve not really… like, hopefully I’m not in jail. Anything else is a bonus.”
“We’ll fix it,” Steve says fiercely. “Trust me.”
“Oh, I believe you,” Eddie says, grinning fondly, but he sounds genuine. “Shit, man, I think you could do anything.” He gestures outside. “Got the fucking dream team out there.”
“We solved a secret Russian code last summer.”
Eddie laughs. “Did you?” His eyes sparkle with mirth.
You’re beautiful.
“Gospel truth, I swear,” Steve says. He tries to stay light, but he makes the vow anyway. “I’ll tell you tomorrow.”
I have so much to tell you.
They stand up, and Steve doesn’t know who’s the first one to move—just that they both probably sensed the time dwindling.
And maybe it’s that, the inescapable thought that something’s coming to an end that does it. Steve doesn’t know for sure, just knows that his eyes are burning suddenly—mortifyingly—with tears. He looks up at the ceiling, hurriedly trying to push them back, but Eddie notices anyway.
“Steve, what is it?” he whispers, with a look of utter devastation.
Steve shakes his head. “Just being stupid,” he says, voice brittle, cutting himself off before he can say something ridiculous.
God, Eddie, let’s just stay here and grow old.
“You’re not stupid,” Eddie says, heartfelt—he stops just short of touching Steve; he clearly wants to help so badly, but he doesn’t know how.
Steve wants to tell him it’s fine. He doesn’t know either.
Maybe nothing can help this.
They leave for the Gate in unspoken agreement; at first Steve finds comfort in the sight of Eddie dangling on the rope, not quite in either world. Like every possibility is laid out before him.
I’ll tell you tomorrow.
But there’s a near imperceptible shift as Eddie keeps climbing, and Steve needs to look away, anything to avoid the pit in his stomach: the suspicion that the path’s already been chosen.
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shyyubin · 6 months
Our Little Secret˗ˏˋ꒰ ♣️꒱
<CEO!jaehyun x assistant!fem!yn>
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synopsis: yn finally gets a job but her ceo just so happens to be the same guy who made the porn video she was masturbating to a couple days ago!
A/N: let me know if you want me to continue this
office romance // CEO x assistant // sort of slow-burn // smut // degrading // consent asking // secret dating
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Yn takes a deep breath in when her number is called. “Number 25?” a lady in her 40s called, viewing the many other people beside yn above her glasses frame. Yn springs up from her seat, startling the others next to her. “25! I’m 25”; the lady seems unimpressed, “Follow me.”
She follows her carefully into the interview room which had 3 chairs for the candidates, and a long table to fit 3 evaluators. Two other candidates were already seated and waiting for yn’s arrival. “Sit down, please.” the lady points to the only empty chair as yn bows lightly and sits down. Standing in this very chair made yn remember just how important this job was.
The man from the middle from the evaluators seems focused on his papers, shifting through them diligently, taking occasional looks at the three potential employees in front of him. Beside him, to yn’s right, was a woman with a really prominent red lipstick, and on yn’s left was another man, dressed in a suit with a red tie. That man took one quick look at the papers and began speaking. “Introduce yourselves.” His voice was firm and steady, it made yn sort of intimidated.
Candidate number 1 began speaking; and then candidate number 2. They each said their impressive stories in less than two sentences. And now it was yn’s turn to surprise everyone.
“Candidate 3?” the man from the middle looks up from his paper, above his small glasses frames. His voice sounded very familiar to yn for some reason. This weird feeling made her forget her words.
“Uhm..Yeah. Sorry. I’m…My name is Yn. I uhm..I graduated from xxx University with a degree in xxx. I think I’m suited for this job because…well because I’m….” her tongue twists and her sentences make no more sense anymore.
The guy in the middle looks at her unimpressed. He seems bored out of his mind—actually, as if he’d seen people like this over and over in this single day. “Listen here, ms. yn. I don’t know what you went through or how tragic your backstory is—I just hope you know I take my job and my employees, along with their talents, very seriously. I don’t play around with cuties like you who have it all good because they’re pretty.” his words keep rambling, the woman from his left has to whisper him something to make him stop. However, his long narration made all the pieces put eachother perfectly in yn’s mind. She couldn’t believe it when she finally noticed why his voice sounded so oddly familiar and above anything, it made her weirdly turned on.
In that moment, her mind goes back to a couple nights before…
“Ah..fuck…” she moans out, sliding her dildo in and out, rubbing her swollen clit like her life depends on it.
“Come baby…Come with me~..fuck..” the voice from her phone rings. She picks it up from the couch and resumes watching the video of the sexiest guy she’d ever seen. A perfect body with an amazing vocabulary and a long and thick dick. His face was blurred out from the video but it didn’t even matter. His body spoke more words than his face anyways.
“Baby? ‘wanna cum with you…” he moans out, his palm hurrying on his hard length. “Come with me, yeah? I wanna feel your juicy cunt gripping my cock nice and well~”
Yn follows his pace with her dildo, letting faint moans escape her mouth. With a couple more thrusts, yn cums first as the guy continued to moan, soon reaching his orgasm as well. Yn listens through the whole video, wanting to see him release as well. Once he does, the video ends and she’s left in her quiet room, only her panting voice resonating in it and wet sounds from her dildo still inside her wet cunt.
Her mind snaps back to reality. The guy who has the closest possible voice match to the man that made her cum a couple days prior, is right in front of her…….interviewing her for a job. “Yn-ssi? Are you even paying attention to what I’m saying?” he asks in a bored tone. Yn gulps trying to get her mind back in place.
“I’m sorry, sir. Uhm…could you please give me another chance..?” the man sighs and sets his papers down, raising his eyebrows ready to hear her out one more time.
After she says her line and other questions are asked, she leaves the room feeling uneasy. Both that her interviewer who seemed to be the boss is actually also a porn star who posts erotic audios and videos for women to get off to—and also that she might’ve absolutely failed her job application.
But after a couple months, she receives an email telling her that she can start her job as the CEO’s assistant as well as congratulating her for obtaining such an important position. She’s left feeling an odd mix of emotions.
Yes, she was glad she got the job—a prestigious one at that—but..did it really have to be that CEO..? Regardless, she did as she was told and went to work the next day.
She’s met with wonderfully kind people who guided her well despite not being their intern. They all encouraged her to keep her head up, saying that their CEO is terribly strict and cold-hearted. Yn didn’t really know how to respond to those, having already heard him dirty talking and feeding into women’s praising kink multiple times before.
She slowly walks up to the CEO’s office door. A sturdy gray door with his name engraved in a plate which was screwed onto it.
“xxx Company CEO — Jeong Jaehyun”
She knocks three times, waiting for a response from the other side. “Come in.” his voice was firm and clear. Yn opens up the door slowly.
He’s sitting across the room, wearing a suit that seemed familiar. Now that she can see him from a closer angle, his arms looks familiar too. In every one of his videos, he wore a ring shaped in a snake which wrapped around his middle finger. It was always on his right hand. And now that she took a closer look, his ring was in the same place with the same design.
Yn clears her throat and adjusts her stance after analysing his outfit. “Well?” he asks making her quiver in nervousness.
“Uhm…My name is Yn. I was selected to be your new assistant! Thank you for selecting me, please be patient with me. I look forward to work with you, sir.” she says, bowing low to him.
“Well, no need to thank me. I chose you because you were suitable enough to be my new assistant. However, I mostly chose you to get a chance to talk something with you.” his voice was deep as he steps closer to her.
Yn stumbles back away from him, feeling her legs get weak from his voice. “What..what do you mean..?” her voice was small and quiet.
“I mean…I feel like you know something and that you’re hiding something from me. I don’t know if your little coworkers told you this but—my assistants never hid anything from me. So spit it out.” his eyes were intimidating and almost impatient.
“It’s not work related so I won’t be saying it. I apologise.” she tries to sneak herself out this situation.
Jaehyun chuckles and looks away unbelievably. “Listen here, miss. Whether it’s personal or work related, you tell me.” his demands reminded yn of his countless aggressive dominant porn videos making her cunt slowly quiver.
She looks away, unsure how to word her situation in the best way possible. As she’s thinking, Jaehyun sighs impatiently. “Have you, by any chance, heard me before? Somewhere else?” he seemed to catch on.
Jaehyun inches closer to her, making yn bump into the wall. “Hmm..” he analyses her expressions and body language. “I think I got it right..” he smirks when he sees her body be sensitive to his every move.
“Listen..It’s really not what it looks like-“ she tries to escape his grasp but he traps her in between his strong hands. Her face looks up at him in an apologetic way. “I..I’m sorry. I really didn’t want this to reach the surface—I was going to keep it a secret to not make it awkward between us…”
“Us..? Who’s us? We? Me and you? Don’t you think you view yourself a little too special?” he mocks as his hand sneakily slides up in between yn’s thighs. Her knees rub eachother as she can feel her core get hotter and wetter.
“Sir..please….let’s not..” she tries to take his hand away but he remains firmly.
“But I want to. And you’re my assistant so you should listen to what I say. Plus…you got off to my voice and videos until now, haven’t you? Wouldn’t it be better to experience this in real life..?” he asks, genuinely waiting for an answer from her, a bit unsure if he should really continue if she’s uncomfortable.
“I’m…I know I did that but..I don’t really feel alright with doing this with you..I’m sorry..” her head falls down in shame.
Jaehyun pulls his hand away and scratches the back of his neck, unsure of what to say. He clears his throat and goes back to his desk. “How does my program look today?” he asks not even looking at yn.
Yn panics, opening her notebook and checking his set program. “You have an appointment with your grandfather in about two hours.”
Jaehyun sighs. “Cancel it.”
“Sorry? Are you sure?!” her eyes grew surprised. She thought there must be something going on between him and his grandfather so she made sure not to push further.
“Yes. Don’t make me say it twice. You may leave.” he turns in his chair to face the large wall behind him made out of glass which stares into the city lit up by street lamps as if they were small fireflies.
Yn bows lightly before walking out the door.
The call with his grandfather did not go well. It made her realise just how much she’ll have to learn about his family and relatives, their names, their triggers, their phone numbers…And his grandfather definitely wasn’t an easy person to deal with. He was grumpy and always spoke in fancy language your ordinary young adult wouldn’t be able to recognise. Above all, he was very persistent. He told her that no matter what his grandson said, he wanted him at his house this evening. So after trying to argue with him for almost an hour, she bit her lip and finally agreed to bring him there—just to make his grandfather shut up.
After another twenty minutes of trying to figure out how to word it to Jaehyun in a way that won’t piss him off, she finally got up and knocked lightly on the door.
“Come in.” he said, clearly not expecting anything.
“Good afternoon, sir..” her knees trembled in nervousness and her words seemed to disappear from her mouth.
“Well? What do you need?” he asks looking at her above his glasses frames.
“Um. Right…Your grandfather…” she couldn’t even continue since Jaehyun already sighed heavily, taking off his glasses and pinching his nose bridge. Still, she continues. “I called him to tell him that you won’t be able to have dinner but…he’s sort of…”
“Annoying? I know. Don’t tell me you gave into his never-ending persistence…”
Yn bites her lip and nods, her eyes shut close as if he might throw something at her. Jaehyun groans in frustration instead.
“When is it?” he asks, sort of accepting his fate.
“In about an hour..” she replies with pity towards him.
Jaehyun rolls his eyes and gets up from his chair, grabbing his coat and wrapping it around his shoulders. “Come on. You’ll be my driver.”
“Sorry? Driver??”
“Yeah. You know how to drive a car, right?” he asks rhetorically, fixing the tightness of his watch on his slender wrist.
“Well…that wasn’t really on the application papers…” she mumbles but it’s still loud enough for Jaehyun’s eyes to widen in shock.
“Then how the fuck do you even imagine us to get there?!” he raises his voice.
“I don’t know?!! I thought you already had a personal driver!!” so does she.
“Don’t raise your voice at me, lady. Remember, I’m the boss in charge here!! You’re just my assistant.” after a long and heavy sigh, “Call an uber. You’re paying for it.”
“Why should I pay? You’re the one who’s rich here!!” she doesn’t let herself slip not even a little.
“Yes, but you’re my assistant. And you should listen to my words as your boss. Now go on, call a fancy uber for me.”
Yn shuts her eyes closed in disbelief before walking out and opening the uber app on her phone in the most annoyed way ever.
After a couple minutes of waiting for the uber, it finally sends a beep to her phone, signalling it’s waiting right in front of their building.
Yn opens the door to his office gently. “…Sir..your uber is here.” she whispers as to not disturb him.
“Alright then. Get ready. You’re coming with me.”
Yn buffers for a second, trying to process all his nonsense is really tiring. “I’m sorry? Why would I come with you?”
“Because I said so!” a sly smirk forms on his face as he walks past her.
Yn smiles at him with the fakest smile she could make. All her plans for tonight were cancelled just like that.
The two hop in the car which didn’t seem as expensive as Jaehyun was hoping. He gives Yn a look to which she just fakely smiles again. “I can’t afford limousines, sir.” she says sarcastically before wrapping the seatbelt around herself and staring out the window.
Once the car stopped, parking diligently, Jaehyun steps out of it along with yn. He straightens his coat and tightens his tie. Yn is carefully pulling out her hair from her scarf and sniffs her nose at the cold weather. She hurries to Jaehyun’s side and clears her throat, ready to face a very old-fashioned old man who is probably very strict and definitely doesn’t know how to joke around.
Jaehyun knocks four times at the big door which was supposed to be his grandfather’s. A lady opened the door for them. She had a thin body dressed in a white buttoned up shirt and a tight skirt which reached about two fingers above her knees. Her hair was tied tightly in a bun and her makeup was light but definitely there. She opened the door, lightly bowing.
“Welcome, Jaehyun-ssi.” she welcomes him with a gently smile. Her eyes turn to yn. “And you must be his new assistant. Welcome..” she bows one more time. Her politeness makes it a bit awkward but to tone it down, she bow as well.
The lady guides the two of them to the grand bedroom where his grandfather was waiting. He was sitting at a large table fancied with meals upon meals with side dishes. He hums when he notices the two of them enter.
Yn bows 90 degrees, greeting him in the most polite way possible. “Good evening, sir. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
His granfather nods in approval with a light smile. “You finally got yourself another woman assistant, huh?” he says, his voice grumbling.
Noticing the possible private conversation erupting, “I’ll leave you two.” she says, turning around for the door. Jaehyun grabs her hand, his face looks at her pleadingly, as if saying “please, for the love of god, stay with me.”
Her eyes widen in shock, mouthing out “why the fuck would I stay with you and your grandfather?!”
Jaehyun’s eyes grow more, his mouth turning into a pout. Yn never thought she’d see him this way.
“Why are you leaving? Stay here, let Jaehyun-ah introduce you to me.” his grandfather says, gesturing with his hand for yn to sit down at the table. So she gives in, she sits down and takes a deep breath.
There really wasn’t a way to make some time for herself tonight.
“Dig in! This food is for everyone here.” mr. Jeong insists as he sees yn be a little awkward.
She steals a glance to Jaehyun who is also visibly uncomfortable but it seemed as if he already knew what was expecting him.
“Jaehyun-ah, introduce her to me.”
Jaehyun sighs, “She’s my newest assistant. Her name is Yn and she’s brand new on the job. This is her very first day.”
“And…How is she?”
“She’s..fine. I haven’t gotten to see her true potential.”
Yn scoffs.
“Listen here, Yn-ssi. I’m pretty sure Jaehyun-ah never told you about his past experiences with his assistants..!”
Jaehyun groans in displeasure. “Don’t start rambling about that again…”
“They were all really bad at their jobs. One even tried to date Jaehyun-ah! Another one stole one of his most valuable watches!!” mr. Jeong seemed the most captivated in this story, although it felt as if he’s told this story multiple times. His enthusiasm makes yn catch onto it and be just as interested.
“Is that so..?” yn says in disbelief.
“And then he had one single female assistant once…”
Jaehyun smacks his fork on the table. “Pa, don’t.”
Yn glances at Jaehyun who seemed visibly annoyed and disturbed. Mr. Jeong sighs and sits back in his chair, giving up.
After eating in silence for a while, all of them finish their food and they say their goodbyes. Jaehyun unlocks one of his grandfather’s cars, opening the door for yn.
“So you knew how to drive this whole time?” she asks, getting in.
“Of course I did.”
The car starts and she stares out the window unsure whether to ask about what just happened or not.
“…You had another female assistant before me..?” she decides to take a leap of faith.
Jaehyun sighs, driving carefully. “I did.”
“Will you tell me about it?”
“Do you think we’re some friends?” his voice sounds pissed.
“Ah, sorry..” she looks out the window.
Jaehyun suddenly gets an idea. “How about we make a deal? I tell you about my last female assistant and you tell me more about your secret.”
“What secret?”
“The one I was trying to disclose~…You know..The non-work related thing..you should get into more detail…” his mouth curls into a smirk.
“Ah..” yn nods, unsure what to say.
“So? Deal?”
“I don’t know…”
“Hm, well, suit yourself.” he says, knowing well yn’s curiosity couldn’t last for more.
She grunts, giving in. “whatever..You go first.”
“Well…my last assistant….I really liked her. We started dating even though we knew our work could stop us from doing that. After a year or two of trying to make it work…she…uh, she cheated on me.”
Yn gasps, covering her mouth with her hand. “I’m..so sorry.”
“It’s fine. It’s in the past.”
“You still seem bothered by it.”
“That’s none of your business.” he says firmly. “Now it’s your turn.”
“Well…I sort of….always used your account..”
“is that so? In what way?” his face turned into a smirk.
“Oh, you know exactly in what way!” yn says, blushing.
“Fuck…” Jaehyun says under his breath. His car parks on the side of the road, in a more empty place. Yn notices his breathing getting heavier. “What were you doing to my videos, yn-ssi?”
“i…uhm…well…you know..”
“Tell me in detail.” he turns to yn, his eyes were growing with desire.
Yn was cornered. On one side, she wanted him so bad, ever since she started watching his videos, his dirty talk and his body was all she could ever dream of. But then again, this was her boss and she struggled so hard to get this job…
“Are you sure you want to do this, sir?” she asks first to be sure.
“I don’t know but right now…I don’t know for how long I can hold myself back..” he closes his eyes and tries to get the car started again.
“Are you sure you can drive like that..?” she says emphasising to his growing bulge.
“Shut up.” he snaps, continuing to drive forward.
Yn turns the other way, staring at the window, hoping her wet core would go away.
They both knew they wanted each other, there was just a slight something stopping them.
So when Jaehyun goes over a slight bump, it gets the both of you whimpering. “I..I’m sorry..” he says under his breath.
Yn nods to his apology, trying to keep her mind at bay at everything she wanted him to do to her.
Jaehyun slows down the car at the door to her house and stares down. “I’ll get…I’ll get going.” she says, pulling her purse close to her stomach and pressing the handle to open the door. His head raises suddenly.
“Let me escort you.”
Her head cocks slightly to the side. “Sorry?”
Before getting the chance to explain, he gets out of the car and opens the door for her. She walks by him to her door before thrning and awkwardly smiling at him.
“I’ll get going..!” she says one more time.
Jaehyuns eyes are fixated on her lips. With an inhale he leans in, sliding his hand behind her neck and pressing his lips close to hers. Although she knew this was wrong and could cost her her job, she didn’t stop him.
He deepens the kiss, lightly moaning into it. His other hand sneaks to the handle, pushing it down and slipping inside the warmth of her house. Not letting go of their hot kiss, they undress eachother of their coats. Jaehyun pulls away and stares at yn with a lovely smile before picking her up bridal style. “Where’s your bedroom, lovely?”
Yn points to a door a couple steps away and he walks directly there. “This is where you fucked yourself while listening to me moan?” he grunts, throwing her gently on the fluffy mattress, pressing his knees next to each side of her hips while he takes his shirt off, unbuttoning with tease.
“Tell me, baby. How did you play with yourself while watching me?” he moans, squeezing his aching length through his pants.
She looks away embarrassed while she slid her hand in her pants. He could see her hand moving around through the fabric. He grunts, looking at her with a lip bite and a smirk. “Look at me.” but she doesn’t. “I said look at me.” he repeats, grabbing her chin.
Her face was already showing pleasure and lust after only touching herself for such a short while. “So fucking horny for me…Already so wet~..” he grunts under his breath while his middle finger rubs in between her slit through her pants. She lets out light whimpers as her cunt tightens with every stroke. “Fuck..” he gasps, already feeling herself reaching close to her orgasm.
“Don’t tell me— Are you seriously going to cum from just this? Pathetic bitch.” his hand retreats and goes to his pants to unzip them.
Her mind was too blank to process his degrading but being called a “bitch” was a real turn-on. Yn licks her lips as he sees him pull out the dick she’s seen several times on pornhub but somehow looks 10x better in real life. “Fuck..I bet you’re fucking starving for my dick. You dreamed of it every time you saw it on my fucking porn page, right? Fucking beg for it, slut.”
“Mmh…Shit. Oh fuck, mr. Jaehyun…you have no idea how much I wanted to taste your delicious dick…please…pretty please~…” her eyes look up at him pleasingly as her mouth is an inch away from his pink tip.
Jaehyun curses beneath his breath before grabbing a fist-full of her hair and thrusting violently in her mouth. Tears form in her eyes as she gags at the sudden move. She can feel herself choking but he keeps going, taking him well, appreciating his every inch at how sweet it was—just like how she imagined it.
“Take it, bitch. Fucking take it..oh fuck…. fucking shit—“ she can feel his cock start to throb in her mouth as she prepares herself to take his delicious cream wholly.
“Such a whore. What a fucking slut I have here…A slut can’t live without her slutty cum, right? Take it, whore. Ah shit—take my cum~..”
there it was. his whimpers.
The ones she’d hear on his porn videos. Her pussy clenches and she moans on his cock as she receives his cum beautifully, tasting exactly as she anticipated.
He pulls his length out, pointing with his finger to her pants. Without a second of hesitation, she has them off. Her submissiveness makes him chuckle.
He awes at her messy cunt, throbbing and pulsating as if it just came. The tip of his cock collects all of her fluids, before sticking it in her entrance.
The use of her name wakes her up to reality.
“Tell me if you really want this.” he says firmly. “If…if you want, let’s stop here.”
Their eyes intertwined as she’s trying to process his words. “I..I want this.”
“Are you sure?”
“Okay, baby. Thank you. I promise I won’t make you regret it.” he kisses bellow her ear as he carefully slides his length in her slippery cunt. He lets out a long grunt which makes yn’s pussy clench around his length.
“Ah, shit. Fuck…Loosen up, baby…I can’t..shit…I can’t fuck you like this…Haha…I’ll just cum in you right away..” his grunts echo through her ears. Her breath gets heavier and she doesn’t seem to loosen up.
“Baby…baby baby. You’ll rip my cock off like this..ahng~” he moans. Although it hurt him a bit, he also fucking loved having his dick squeezed.
“Jaehyun..sir…ffuck…I’m so sorry~..” she cries out, unable to control her emotions around his handsome figure and voice. “Your voice…it’s such a turn-on~..” it hit him then that she was obviously most attracted to his voice since that’s why she continued to watch his videos.
He pets her hair whispering kind praises in her ear to help her ease up. His switch up from being overly aggressive to super sweet was confusing yn’s little cock-dumb brain but his kind words did help her breath calm down as well as give Jaehyun the opportunity to move inside her.
He takes the opportunity and starts to slowly thrust in and out, grunting in her ear with every thrust and blabbering about her amazing pussy. “So perfect. So wet. Oh fuck…I love you…” his thrust remain at the same rhythm, the only thing changing is the aggressiveness he slams into her cunt, thrusting his hips hard on hers and always hitting that sweet spot, sending yn into a moaning mess.
His hands pull on her hair as his thrusting picks up pace, making yn’s moans raise an octave. “Jae…Jaehyun…wait~…” her legs were giving out as his cock slid in and out her already worn out hole in a menacing pace.
“I want you so bad, baby…how could I slow down…” his husky voice sent yn in a moaning mess.
“S-stop…I’ll fucking squirt…oh fuck…” her moans get more desperate as he arms and legs wrap around his fit figure.
“Say my name, darling…let’s—ah, shit—let’s cum together~…” he almost begs with a needy tone. It doesn’t take her a moment of hesitation to get her moaning out his name as if he’s the only man on this earth that can get her feeling like this.
“Jaehyun~! Jae..!!” just then, he pulls his length out, letting her squirt all over his aching cock. He hovers over her stomach, releasing his sperm on it along with a long and pleased moan, almost making yn cum again.
They’re both left panting and catching their breaths and minds. Jaehyun collapses on yn’s body—her arms just wrap around his figure, lovingly. “What will happen to us after this..?” she asks, rubbing her thumbs on his spine.
His head turns to face her. “Let’s keep this out little secret for now, yeah?” his eyes were worn out but he still formed a light smile.
Yn scanned his expression before giving him another loving smile. “Alright. Our little secret..”
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bluewxrld07 · 4 months
Cut My Hair
Cole Caufield x female!reader x Ethan Edwards
Warning(s): Angst, situationships, intentions of smut, hints to cheating
A/N: will be a mix of instagram posts :) enjoy!
Summary: Based off of Tate McRae's song Cut My Hair
celebrity.news just posted a photo!
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liked by yourusername, yourbff and 18,796 others
celebrity.news Young and famous hockey star, Cole Caufield, seen at a club in Montreal after a post game win Saturday night! But the twist? The girl in the photos is NOT his girlfriend, well known social media influencer and future sports broadcaster, yourusername!! Possible trouble in paradise??
Click the link in our bio to read the article, and see all the photos and videos!
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user1 Oh no poor y/n 🥺
user2 She is literally the sweetest human being, that's so sad. I can't imagine how hurt she is right now.
user3 She must be so heartbroken right now, that girl in the photo is such a fucking home wrecker!!!
user4 I hope she's okay :( Cole doesn't deserve a baddie like her!!
yourbff just posted a photo!
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liked by yourusername, edwards.73, trevorzegras, and 111,741 others
yourbff Heartbroken, angry, sad, confused. Those are just a few I feel for you y/n. He doesn't deserve a real girl like you. His loss baby, I'm so sorry. I'm headed your way right now, be there soon 💜
user has limited comments
user1 send her all of our love <3
jackhughes I am in awe. Let her know if she needs anything, I'll be there.
liked by yourusername
trevorzegras this shit isn't right. my heart goes out for her.
edwards.73 Lu and I are driving out right now. Should be there in twenty.
liked by yourbff
colecaufield I'm so sorry
comment deleted by yourbff
*one month later*
yourusername just posted a photo!
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liked by yourbff, jackhughes, edwards.73, colecaufield, and 457,596 others
yourusername Just wanna cut my hair, lose myself, make u sweat
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user2 the hair color??? the BOB??? HELLO?!
user3 oh boy if this is her silently @ ing who I think it is, he's messed up with losing her
yourbff oh what is this? best friend is blessing my feed???
liked by yourusername
yourbff this bob and hair color was the move, my work here is done
liked by yourusername
jackhughes slay bestie
liked by yourbff
jackhughes He's a dumbass
liked by yourusername
user4 No because it is the fact that Cole liked this but didn't comment, speaks VOLUMES
user5 Cole done fucked up, she's about to slay this glow up
edwards.73 I'm bringing the vodka
yourusername please don't, I can't look at another thing of alcohol after last night lmao yourbff If he doesn't bring it, I will
yourusername just posted a photo!
Tumblr media
liked by yourbff, edwards.73, colecaufield, and 601,978 others
yourusername just wanna cut my hair, little black dress, can't forget
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user1 I'm living for these Tate McRae lyrics
yourbff See??? I knew you'd post this one. Fucking hot ass best friend I've got, these men bouta be on the FLOOR tonight
user2 If she doesn't wind up under someone else tonight after what Cole did to her, I WILL CRY
user3 He be creeping on her page tho, I see his ass in those likes.......
tatemcrae a true goddess 😍
liked by yourusername
lhughes_06 I'm keeping an eye on you tonight
edwards.73 easy easy, I called dibs first yourbff Both of y'all put your dicks away, and chill out? After all it'll be me who takes care of my girly tonight 😙 yourusername None of you are taking care of me tonight, I'll be fine 🙄 edwards.73 That's what you said last weekend and whose bed did you wind up in.... yourusername shhhhh 😳 edwards.73 lhughes_06 kept me up most of the night edwards.73 Idk what you're talking about lhughes.43 yourusername me neither
user4 Am I sensing a lil sum sum between Ethan and Y/n???
User2 If it's happening, I neeeeeed to know because I'd be here for it
colecaufield 😧
yourbff just posted a photo!
Tumblr media
liked by yourusername, edwards.73, lhughes_06 and 301,473 others
yourbff Just wanna show you, whatever she do, yourusername can do it better
tagged: yourusername, lhughes.43, markestapa, edwards.73
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markestapa What a fucking night
lhughes_06 I think I need a cleanse after that fiasco...
yourbff You sure it wasn't from the lake you boys decided to swim in at two in the morning?
lhughes_06 Don't remind me 😑 yourusername You guys were wilding' last night lhughes.43 markestapa says the wild one herself 🤔 lhughes_06 Yeah yourusername where did you and edwards.73 disappear off to? edwards.73 Nowhere yourusername Nowhere markestapa where tf did you come from edwards.73 edwards.73 I saw I was summoned, so I entered the chat yourbff All of you get out of my comments and argue in the group chat
user1 Ohhhh boy I smell quite the upgrade for miss y/n....
user2 If y/n is seeing Ethan Edwards I will die happy
user3 I'm so curious as to what's between those two rn. Whatever it is, y/n seems happier than when she did with Cole
liked by yourbff
colecaufield just posted a photo!
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liked by jackhughes, kirbydach, trevorzegras, girlusername and 96,736 others
colecaufield Heard you got a new guy, that ain't fair
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user1 Nah because it's THE WAY he used Tate McRae lyrics from the same song yourusername has been using on her posts.....
user2 Cole my dude... she deserves better after you did what you did
jackhughes come on C you better than this
trevorzegras she deserves better bro, I'm with jackhughes on this one
girlusername See you soon 🥰
user1 lmfao this girl clueless as fuck user3 Oh honey.... you the home wrecker? sheesh.. user4 DAMN talk about a downgrade 🤣 liked by yourusername
user5 Y'all it's fine he's just depressed and in his feels because he be knowing he cheated and lost a good one
yourusername just posted a photo!
Tumblr media
liked by edwards.73, yourbff, jackhughes, lhughes_06, trevorzegras, and 817,748 others
yourusername Just wanna get messed up, find myself, in his bed
tagged: edwards.73
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user2 now THIS is a pair I can get behind
user3 Their kids are gonna be literal heartbreakers wtf
yourbff about fucking time I was getting antsy. Now get dressed we have a brunch to go to today.
yourusername yes mommy 😣 lhughes.43 Can I call you mommy??? yourbff No yourusername No
edwards.73 Mommy? Sorry. Mommy? Sorry.
yourusername Have you learned nothing?? edwards.73 you never said I couldn't call you mommy😝 yourusername You're unbelievable edwards.73 Do something about it🤭 liked by yourusername yourbff LET HER GET READY YOU ASSHOLE OR WE WILL BE LATE edwards.73 trevorzegras JOJO.....?? HAVE YOU LEARNED NOTHING...?! liked by yourusername, yourbff, edwards.73
jackhughes I feel like I need to cleanse my eyes from that conversation thread I just read 😨
yourusername You'll survive
Tumblr media
liked by yourbff, lhughes_06, yourusername, markestapa and 778,240 others
edwards.73 Good girls, so overrated
tagged: yourusername
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user1 Wow now this is an upgrade. He gives her her OWN POST????
user2 Cole could never
user1 He was an embarassment
markestapa WOAH give us all a warning here fifty shades of grey!
yourbff Treat her like a queen, Edwards!!!!!!
edwards.73 No.... I'll treat her like a Goddess 🤩 yourusername How long did you wait to use that one? edwards.73 edwards.73 too long yourusername yourbff Long enough edwards.73
lhughes_06 Is the caption hinting that yourusername is a certified baddie?
yourbff yes edwards.73 yes yourusername yes markestapa yes jackhughes yes lhughes.43 Okay no need for the attack damn
yourusername My Eddy 🥰
edwards.73 My baby 😘
315 notes · View notes
sukuna-dees-nuts · 1 month
rizzless sukuna pt 4
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
at long last!!! it's here, im back!
It’s been about two weeks since Sukuna had his date with Megumi. His mood is the best it’s been in awhile; the change is enough for his parents to notice. When they try questioning him about it, he brushes them off with an easily crafted lie. He’s not quite ready to tell them that he’s possibly dating his younger brother’s best friend (who they almost consider their own son at this point).
Sukuna isn’t ashamed or anything. He knows that his parents wouldn’t give a flying fuck if he told them he isn't straight, but he also didn't think it necessary to tell them anything. Who cares? It isn’t anyone’s business but his own. They’ll figure it out when Sukuna brings Megumi as his date to dinner or something. The idea alone gives him butterflies and he scowls at himself. 
He and Megumi have been texting back and forth nearly nonstop since their date. Well, nonstop in the sense that he talks to Megumi more than anyone else, which only happens to be his brother and Maki. Sukuna has never been one to hold a conversation (which was obvious during their date), but there’s something about Megumi that makes Sukuna want to talk. He wants the conversation to keep going. Every time it drops, he finds himself picking it back up again, usually with a movie related question.
Megumi still questions the fact that Sukuna says that he is not a movie buff simply due to the amount of movies that the older boy has seen. The more Megumi mentions it, the more Sukuna starts to believe it himself and he curses his younger brother’s effect on him, not that he’d ever admit it to Megumi or Yuuji. 
At the moment, the two of them are arguing over who is better: The Joker or Loki. 
Raisin Boy: Idk I think that Joker could outmatch Loki
Sukuna's jaw drops and his thumbs furiously tap away at the screen, not listening to whatever Yuuji is saying to him. He's in the middle of an important argument!
’There's no way. Loki has Joker beat 100 times over! He’s taken punches from Thor and The Hulk,  and he has magic. There's nothing the Joker could do to Loki!’
He huffs and drops his phone onto his leg, crossing his arms over his chest as he waits for Megumi's reply. 
“What’s got your panties in a twist?” Yuuji asks, briefly glancing at his brother before looking back to the screen so that he can dodge an attack. 
Sukuna shakes his head and scoffs, “Your shitty gaming skills. You still haven't beaten this boss?” 
The younger boy grunts. He stays quiet for a moment as he concentrates before he replies, “His spinning maneuver that he does always catches me off guard.”
Another beat of silence stretches between them and Sukuna momentarily forgets about his little argument with Megumi as he watches Yuuji rolling around on the screen. He manages a few hits on the boss character before ultimately meeting his doom when he goes into his spin attack and kills Yuuji’s character immediately.
Yuuji huffs and slumps back against the couch in defeat. “See what I mean?”
“Gimme that,” Sukuna grumbles. Reaching over, he snatches the controller out of his brother’s hands. He leans forward and rests his elbows on his knees (his ‘boss fighting position’ as Yuuji has appropriately named it). 
The only sounds in the living room are the sound of Sukuna’s fingers rapidly hitting buttons on the controller and Yuuji’s gasps in surprise. He sits up with wide eyes as he watches Sukuna effortlessly fight this boss character that Yuuji has been struggling with for about a week now. Of course, leave it to Sukuna to pick up on Yuuji’s slack. 
When Sukuna’s phone dings, his concentration goes out the window and he glances down at his phone to see who the message is from. A bad decision on Sukuna’s part because within that same second, his character dies from a large attach from the boss, leaving Yuuji’s character defeated once again. 
“Wh—Sukuna!” Yuuji groans. “You almost had it!”
Sukuna shrugs and tosses the controller back to his brother. He picks up his phone with a shrug, unlocking it to read Megumi’s message. “Sucks.”
Yuuji stares at his older brother for a long moment, taking in the expression on his face. There isn’t a smile per se, but he notices the way Sukuna’s features seem to relax when he reads the message he just got. It makes Yuuji raise an eyebrow in intrigue. Who could he be talking to that would earn just barely a hint of a smile from Sukuna?
He leans over, trying to peer at Sukuna’s screen, curiosity getting the better of him. “Who are you talking to?” Yuuji asks. 
The older boy’s trance is broken at the sound of Yuuji’s voice and whatever “smile” was on his face falls immediately and he narrows his eyebrows at his brother. “What?” he asks, instinctively leaning away from Yuuji. 
“You never just lose a boss battle because someone texted you. Who is it?” Yuuji asks again, a shit-eating grin on his face and he leans even closer to try and get another look at Sukuna’s phone. 
Sukuna scoffs and shoves Yuuji away roughly. “None of your damn business.”
“Well it has to be someone!”
“Yeah, I’m asking the adoption agency if they’ll take you back if we still have the receipt.”
“I wasn’t even adopted!”
Sukuna raises an eyebrow. “Are you sure about that? I’m hot and you’re…” He pauses, his eyes quickly glancing over his brother and grimaces, “eugh.”
Yuuji’s jaw drops. “What do you mean eugh? We look the same! We have the same face!” 
Sukuna slowly turns his attention back to his phone, turning his body so that Yuuji can’t peek at his screen. “Whatever helps you sleep at night, buddy.”
With a shake of his head, Yuuji kicks his brother in the leg and goes back to playing his game, grumbling under his breath. 
Focusing back to his phone, the older boy goes back to replying to Megumi. He types out a message only to backspace and try again. This happens 3 or 4 times which seems to be enough to concern Megumi because another message pops up.
Raisin boy: I'm just pulling your leg 😂 I agree that Loki is far better than Joker
Sukuna’s jaw drops as he stares at the message. Another one pops in.
Raisin boy: As your brother likes to say… Got em
Unable to keep himself from chuckling, Sukuna shakes his head and his mouth cracks a smile. “Oh my God.”
Yuuji glances over, his attention caught by the sound of his brother laughing. “Okay, seriously, who are you messaging?”
“Shut up,” is Sukuna’s reply.
Raisin boy: And you say that you’re not a movie buff
Biting his lip, Sukuna mulls over what he wants to say next. Since they’re on the topic of movies, he wants to ask Megumi to come over when his family isn’t home so they can actually watch The Exorcist and The Conjuring together as they’ve had planned.
He kicks Yuuji in the leg. “Do you still have plans with your friend Johnny or whatever on Thursday?”
Yuuji makes a face. “... you mean Junpei?” 
“Yeah, sure.”
The younger boy slowly nods his head. “Uh yeah, why—”
“'K, thanks.” 
Sukuna begins typing out his message, asking Megumi if he’s busy on Thursday afternoon. He hopes whatever higher being is out there watching that the other boy isn’t busy. It’s almost disgusting to Sukuna how much he wants to spend time with Megumi. Sukuna doesn’t even want to spend this much time with his own friends. Or friend, in this case. Maki doesn’t mind, of course. She has her own life and isn’t reliant on Sukuna for socialization. 
“Who are you bringing over?!” Yuuji exclaims, dropping the controller to turn his full body in Sukuna’s direction. “That’s the only explanation!”
Sukuna scoffs. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”
“I would!” 
The next thing Sukuna knows, Yuuji lunges at him. He tries to grab the phone out of Sukuna’s hands but his grip is strong, the two of them playing tug-of-war with it. Yuuji tries twisting his body so that his back is facing Sukuna, pinning the older boy’s arms under his armpit to give him better leverage when attempting to pry the device out of Sukuna’s fingers. 
“Yuuji, you brat! Let go!” Sukuna grunts.
“You first!” 
Sukuna makes the decision to let go with one hand so that he can tickle Yuuji’s side, in hopes of making his brother lose his grip. It works, but not in the way that he had hoped. The phone slips free of Sukuna’s fingers and Yuuji’s jerky movements are enough to send it falling and sliding acros the hardwood floor. 
Naturally, Yuuji dives for it first, scrambling along the ground to grab it. He cheers in victory and flops down on his back, holding the phone above his face as he reads the name on the screen. Sukuna is quick to jump to his feet as he snatches the phone out of his brother’s hands. However, the damage is already done, judging by the confused look on his face.
Yuuji sits up, yelling after his brother's retreating figure. “Who the hell is Raisin boy?!"
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pacifymebby · 7 months
Hope u r doing okay ❣️
Which of the peaky men would make the best fathers do you think?
ahhh you caught me at a broody moment bestie so
I think of all the Peaky men Bonnie and John would make the best fathers, they both strike me as family orientated, "fun" dads. They're definitely both very into keeping you pregnant haha, but I will get into that later, here are some quick little HCs about the men as dads <3
🌿 "Over Protective Dad"
🌿 He's the serious type of dad, the one with lots of rules, the one who definitely means it when he says "Behave, or else." He's very strict and the children definitely know not to cross him, sometimes you worry that he's too stern... and so does Tommy.
🌿 Because he adores his children, he's so proud of them and he has so much love for them, they're his proof that good things can really exist in this very bitter and twisted world... he just isn't always good at showing that love because the more you love something the more it hurts to lose that thing...
🌿 So he's terrified, every single second of every single day, that he's going to lose his little ones, that one way or another they'll be ripped away from him.
🌿 Thats why he has all these rules, and why he's so determined to see them kept to. Because he doesn't want something bad to happen to his children as a result of his "negligence"
🌿 He's also petrified that he'll be the reason their lives are ruined, he's scared he'll drive them away... a fear which is naturally made worse by his cold exterior and his struggle to be close with his family. He's always putting a distance between himself and the ones he loves, and it traps him in a mean cycle.
🌿 The kind of parent thats always trying to hide the worlds badness from his children, he wants them to stay innocent and care free for as long as possible so he wraps them in cotton wool and won't ever want them to do anything which could risk an unhappy ending.
🌿 That being said he rarely "lets" them win at games.
🌿 He gets very paranoid about their friends, the kind of parent that needs to know his children's friends parents before he lets the kids out of his sight. He worries when they're out after school, even more so if he has daughters.
🌿 Will hate his daughters boyfriends, will try his best to intimidate them.
🌿 His children will grow up resenting him for being controlling but in the end they will understand why he raised them the way he did because,
🌿 Ultimately Tommy is a devoted father figure, he's nurturing to the best of his ability. Nothing will hit harder than a "dad hug" when the kids are upset. He's sentimental as fuck so will make sure he is at every big event in the kids lives, he'll be the one taking photos.
🌿 Will never fail to tell his children he is proud of them. Sometimes it's a little scary when he tells them he loves them because he feels the emotion quite intensely.
🌿 Has killed for his children at least once, is determined they'll never find out.
🍂 "Overwhelmed Dad"
🍂 Is absolutely desperate to be a good, hands on father but oh my god is it difficult! Theres so much to remember, so many things which need to be done all at once... He's the father who always has food stains on his shirt, the one who is always at least fifteen minutes late, running down the street with the kids to try and get them into school on time... He forgets stuff all the time, sends the kids to school without a packed lunch or dinner money and has to go running back with it.
🍂 He is very awkward at first because he's paranoid that he will be too rough, hold the baby too tightly, that he's going to hurt them. But he is just so full of love and adoration and even when they're very small his children will sense that love and feel happy whenever daddy is near.
🍂 His children are his sun stars and universe. They're his reason to heal and carry on living despite all the pain he often feels inside. They're his hope.
🍂 Always self conscious that he's being too loud or too rough, he's always swearing then apologising for swearing in front of them. "Son your fathers a very naughty man eh, you shouldn't try to copy him yeah?"
🍂 "fook" is probably one of your babies first words despite all of his efforts. His brothers think that this is completely hilarious but Arthur feels so bad about it.
🍂 He doesn't want his children to grow up to be anything like him, he can't see any of the good that you see in him, only the bad so he's always worrying that his kids will have inherited "the bad seed"
🍂 It isn't true however, where Arthur sees himself as over emotional/ unpredictable with violent mood swings, you see him as a passionate man with real feelings. You see him as someone who needs nurture and care. You're always trying to remind him that his "flaws" make him a more empathetic person, that he'll much better be able to understand his children because of his own life experiences.
🍂 A really defensive father, if his kids get into trouble at school for anything he will be 100% on his kids side, if they were scrapping then the other kid definitely started the fight and deserved it, if they were back chatting a teacher then "what the fuck are you doin eh? You're an adult and you can't stand up to a fucking six year old? Thats mad..."
🍂 You're constantly having to apologise to the school on his behalf but on the plus side your kids aren't ever getting bullied.
🍂 If you have daughters they will definitely be doing their best to keep boyfriends a secret... This is perhaps not really necessary though because ultimately Arthur is a desperately loving father who would do anything to make his kids happy... so your daughters don't need to worry about a thing, as long as their boyfriend intends to marry them and care for them until the end of his days.
🌼 "Still a Kid Dad"
🌼 He's the "fun" parent, the soft one that the kids know to ask for extra play time or sweets. They know they can get away with bloody murder when it comes to their dad. If they're boys he's going to be impressed when they manage to weasel their way out of trouble and if they're girls all they have to do is pull those adorable puppy eyes and they will definitely get what they want.
🌼 Absolutely spoils the kids rotten! Basically he lives to see his children smiling and to hear them laughing so he will do whatever he thinks is going to earn him hugs and smiles.
🌼 A real criminal when it comes to feeding the kids things like rice pudding, chocolate pudding "one for you, one for daddy, little scoop for you, big spoon for daddy..."
🌼 Always helping them get up to know good. Teaches them naughty rhymes and then daring them to sing them in front of you so that you're permanently horrified.
🌼 They make him behave like a big kid so he's always playing stupid imaginary games, playing cowboys with them, playing tig, always starting food fights with them any excuse to play fight and tickle them... Any excuse to pick the littlens up and squeeze them in a big hug.
🌼 So many Dad jokes just waiting to be dropped it's like a disease, he just can't stop making the worst jokes you've ever heard and yet his kids think he's hilarious.
🌼 Can, very rarely, but sometimes be serious, but it's only when something very serious has happened such as if he thinks the family is under threat or the children are in danger. It's so rare to see daddy serious that the kids always do as he says in these situations, it's like they can just sense that play time is over.
🌼 Absolutely adoring, falls asleep with the baby on his chest all the time, never wants to put the littlens down. Smothers them in kisses.
🌼 Whenever its your birthday he will gather all the littlens up to try and bake mummy's birthday cake, it will be messy, it will be bordering on a catastrophe, the kids and him will be covered in flour, sugar, cake mix, chocolate, the lot. But it will be the best thing you've ever eaten.
🌼 Perhaps the reason John is the way he is is that he didn't get much of a childhood himself, his own father let him down astronomically when he was a lad and so he's determined that his children are going to have as much fun as possible. He hates seeing them sad, doesn't ever want them to feel let down. So even though you do sometimes get very fed up with always being the "strict" parent you can understand why John is as laidback with he kids as he is. It's because he's trying so hard to give them everything he never had.
🌼 Look he's lowkey addicted to being a dad, wants to have so many children with you, can't keep his hands off you... He will always always be telling you what a good mother you are, how beautiful you look when you're pregnant, how proud he is of you, always talking to you about how together you've made a gorgeous family. Whenever you're holding one of the little ones, or whenever you're playing with the children he'll tell you how much motherhood suits you.
🐻 "Grumpy Daddy"
🐻 Wasn't ever really expecting to be a father, wasn't ever really expecting to be a husband either to be honest but well, here he is and he can't say he isn't happy with his lot in life. When he finds out you're pregnant he is stunned, but he's determined to be a good father...
🐻 Always grumbling affectionately about parenthood, if his kids ask for help he'll put on a big song and dance of huffing and puffing and "oh I suppose I have to don't I I suppose I can't say no to my little angel..."
🐻 There is absolutely nothing this man will not whinge about, if theres a birthday party he has to take them to, if its the school run, other children's parents, helping with snack time, helping with homework, reading the bedtime story, carrying the kids when their legs get too tired... He will make a big song and dance all "woe is me the exhausted, overworked father, he never gets a minute to himself, never any peace and quiet, always bending over backwards for his family and what thanks does he get eh? What thanks exactly do I get in return for all this?"
🐻 Usually by the end of these speeches his little ones are giggling and you're affectionately rolling your eyes... Usually a kiss on the cheek is all the thanks he really needs to shut him up. And he's never being serious anyway, he actually really loves being a dad, its much nicer being at home with the family, playing the hero rather than the villain as he does at the bakery and in his dealings with Tommy Shelby.
🐻 Makes up the bedtime stories, they always go on and on and on, with the strangest characters.... Often he will ramble on and lose himself all "and then the princess yeah, the beautiful, mesmerising, heavenly princess in the tower... who looks a lot like you now I come to think of it my little cherub... the princess right, she looks down at the prince and she says, oi, mate... you touch my hair again yeah and I'll chop your head off and kick it like a football all the way to Timbuktu..." "Daddy!" your little one will gasp, giggling and fighting him, "a princess wouldn't say that!" "Well you see this princess would right my little angel cause this Princess yeah, she's a feminist ain't she..."
🐻 Honestly he'd be such a soft father to a little girl, he'd spoil her rotten and she'd be the princess of Camden town. Nothing would ever be good enough for his little cherub.
🐻 Would make a point of turning up on the first day of school so that everyone would know who his kids father is, so that they'd know not to mess with them - teachers included.
🐻 Much like Tommy however he is very overprotective, he has lots of rules as a result of him always worrying about his children. He knows the absolute pits the world can sink to, he knows how dangerous it is out there and therefore he will constantly be werriting about the safety of his children, about who they're friends with, where they hang out. He will run background checks on all their friends. He will send Ollie out spying on them.
🐻 He's the kind of dad who won't forget about Mum, he'll see how tired you are and want to dote on you too. He'll definitely be the first to try and hush the kids so that mummy can have a nap, or he'll take them out to the market to pick out some presents for mummy. He's always reminding them how much their mummy loves them and everything that she does for them, always reminding them to make sure they tell their mother that they love her very much.
🐻 Big on manners. Won't ever swear in front of the children and he won't let them curse either. He also is always reminding them of their manners, will not raise rude children who don't say please and thank you or hold doors open for people.
🐻 Similar to Arthur, his children can never do any wrong, the only person who is going to tell his kids off his him, if a teacher wants to talk about his children's bad behaviour he's going to talk to the teacher about why they're failing as a role model.
🍀 "Nurturing Dad"
🍀 Family is the most important thing in this lads life. He is absolutely devoted to you and the children, he would do anything for you. He never misses anything, from birthdays to bath time, story time... anything, he doesn't want to miss a second of his children's lives.
🍀 He's very laidback, often very cheeky, always very quick to make you and the little ones laugh. Much like John he's the "fun" parent, he's always playing games with the children, loves to make them laugh with silly little slight of hand tricks (definitely overdoes the "coin from behind the ear" trick)
🍀 Will teach his kids boxing, will teach the girls to fight too if its what they want letting them punch his hands and try to take him out (if all the kids gang up on him at once they can wrestle him to the floor so that you have to save him... not that you always feel like it - "hmmm I don't know Bon, I think you might have been asking for it?"
🍀 His favourite thing to do is to gather all the little ones up into bed with you and him, all of you tucked under the covers for a bedtime story. He does the voices but he gets shy in front of you so he can't help but blush when he's doing the silly parts. Encourages the kids to join in and do the voices themselves.
🍀 Loves to teach the littlens things, practical skills like woodworking/ hunting/ how to make a fire or a shelter. Any excuse to take them out into the forest to build a den or go camping.
🍀 He's really traditional and would definitely want to raise the children with traditional traveller values, wants to raise them how he was raised however
🍀 He's ambitious and he doesn't want his children to grow up in the bordering on poverty that he grew up in so he will work so hard to give them anything they could ever desire. He doesn't exactly spoil them because he definitely teaches them the value of their work, but he'd never let his children go without. He never lets you go without either, even if he doesn't want to spoil the children he does want to spoil you, "you deserve it sweetheart, for being such a perfect mammy."
🍀 Wants to have a really big family and loves getting you pregnant. He loves taking care of you and being nurturing when you are pregnant and he loves doting on you and the children... One day when they're all grown up his empty nest syndrome will be worse than yours.
🍀 A really nurturing father, will teach his boys that it's alright to cry and express their emotions, will want to kill anyone who makes his little girls cry. Will teach his sons to look after and love their sisters. Will raise his kids to know that family comes first always. If one of his kids gets into trouble at school for fighting, but it turns out he was fighting to defend his sister, Bonnie will be really proud of them and much to the teachers despair, will tell them "you did the right thing, next time hit him twice, one from me eh?"
🍀 Will do his best to be friendly when his daughters bring boys home but he will need so much support from you, so many gentle reminders to "be nice" because thats his little girl and what if this lad isn't good enough, what if they hurt her or let her down or... You'll probably have to remind him that no matter what no ones going to replace her dad, he'll always be important to her.
🐀 "Cool Dad"
🐀 Don't get me wrong, I'm sure that he's going to mature into a decent father but, it's going to take some time and a lot of growing up.
🐀 I get slightly unreliable vibes from him. He won't take parenthood seriously at first, he'll have no idea how hard it is or how out of his depth he is... He'll definitely think that everyone else is exaggerating when they warn him how much of his life he's going to have to put into being a father... Fatherhood is going to hit him like a freight train.
🐀 He assumes he's going to be great at it because he assumes he's great at everything, but then he's overwhelmed by the long sleepless nights and how difficult it is to read a babies mind... So because he isn't immediately great at it it knocks his confidence a bit, he gets frustrated with himself and becomes convinced that he's "just not meant to be a father"
🐀 So this leads to arguments, naturally... because "you really should have thought about that before you knocked me up Isaiah!" You would start to doubt whether you could rely on him, whether he resents you and the children as a burden, whether he even wants to stay with you or whether he's going to leave...
🐀 When you argue about that fact and you come out with "well if you're so fucking unhappy why don't you just leave... if you're so convinced you're not meant to be a father we'll just have to get by without you won't we..." He'd be stunned by this outburst and genuinely have no idea where it's come from. Because he's stupid.
🐀 He'd be really taken back but forced to consider your words he'd start to realise that this is hard for both of you, that you're both doing something you've never done before, that the responsibility is new and tiring for you both... just because he thinks you're better at it than he is doesn't mean you're not also just making it up as you go along...
🐀 And your suggestion that he might want to leave you makes him realise just how much he could lose, makes him realise that he doesn't want to lose you or the little ones, that even if its hard he wants so badly to be a good man and father.
🐀 So then he'd start trying a lot harder, he'd stop expecting to get everything right the first time, he'd start trying to learn from you. Like I said, he's going to be a good father, but it's going to take time.
🐀 In awe of how good at mothering you are, doesn't understand how you can be soft and gentle and patient when the baby won't stop crying... He longs to develop that kind of patience but honestly, you have the patience of a saint and he knows he's never going to be as easy tempered as you.
🐀 He's a strange mixture of over protective and completely irresponsible, he takes the children with him to the pub, he lets them sip the foam from his beer to teach them that they won't like it. He will let them run riot at family gatherings.
🐀 Has definitely forgotten then baby and left them sleeping in their carrier under the table at the pub at least once.
🐀 However, the children are never allowed out of his sight, they can go to these places but only with him where he's there to look after them. His theory is that if he's so strict that his children never get to have any fun, they'll grow up wanting to break rules and do stupid dangerous things just for the sake of rebelling, so he's cool about it, he lets them drink when they're older so that they'll see theres nothing special about it, he'll let them hang around with the Blinders so that the mystery and glamour is taken out of it... whether this tactic works you'll have to wait and see, you're not entirely confident however...
🐀 He will be the kind of parent that speaks to his children like they're adults, they're going to learn swearing and sarcasm and back chat really young and its going to be a nightmare.
🐀 Will be suspicious of all boys who so much as look at his daughters because he was a teenage boy once and he knows what they're like. Whenever you remind him, "we were just as bad at that age..." he'll say "exactly and look where it got us, I'm not having some halfwit knock up my daughter!"
🐀 sometimes you think he says that just so you'll tell him that actually he makes a really good father.
☘️ "Perfectionist Dad"
☘️ Being a father is probably more important to Michael than you realise... Having been taken from his real family when he was very young, he feels there's a part of childhood which he was robbed of and he's determined to make sure his own children have the best childhood.
☘️ Because of this he has quite a few rules that he sets, he just wants his children to be safe and to not waste their potential... however he will occasionally be soft on these rules and let things slide if he thinks it's going to make the children and you happy.
☘️ He puts so much pressure on himself to be the perfect father. He will never express his doubts to you but he has such high expectations of himself and you can tell. Sometimes you have to give him a kiss on the cheek and remind him that as long as he's doing his best thats all that matters, that his children will love him even if he makes mistakes. That you think he's a really good father and wouldn't ever wish for anyone else to be the dad to your kids.
☘️Tries his best to be supportive, sometimes struggles to be patient because he's a logical thinker and you can't always solve baby's crying the way you can a maths problem. Imagine him trying to reason with a toddler who won't eat their rice pudding... "Look you might not appreciate this right now little one but this snack is highly nutritious, its an excellent source of protein and its got lots of calcium which is especially important for making you grow big and strong just like daddy... so even if you don't like it eh, better to eat it up..." "Michael he's two..." "I'm just explaining...." "T W O"
☘️ You wouldn't expect it of him, and it's definitely something he struggles with a little however he's always determined to be an affectionate and loving father. He definitely comes off as being too serious when he kisses his children on the forehead and tells them he loves them, but they always know they can come to him when they need a hug.
☘️ He's a really attentive father when it comes to things like waking up in the night if the kids have had a nightmare or something, he will let you get your much needed rest and he'll be the one to deal with all issues nocturnal. Can change a nappy in his sleep, can pretty much sleep walk between your bed and the kids bedroom to answer their crying in the night.
☘️Will spoil his daughters rotten and accidentally raise princessy types. Doesn't really see the problem however because he thinks they're perfect in every way and deserve the absolute best.
☘️ Just like Tommy he is determined they will keep their childhood and their innocence for as long as possible. He will do his best to keep his children away from the family business, he doesn't want them to know that their father is a criminal and he certainly doesn't want them to ever know of all the evil things him and his cousins have done in the past. As a result he tells his children a lot of lies, feels incredibly guilty for being dishonest, and then ends up telling even more lies anyway.
☘️ He absolutely doesn't want his girls anywhere near boys, especially not peaky boys. He doesn't even really like them getting to see their cousins at family gatherings, is always reminding them that they're not like their cousins, they're honest well behaved children, their cousins are wild and can't be trusted.
☘️ Will try to teach his children to be brave, will want them to be able to stand up for themselves. He's a man with childhood trauma and he wishes he'd had the "wits" to defend himself as a child so he wants his own children to be able to fight back. However, a key component of this is that he wants his children to be able to tell him anything and know that their dad will always be on their side, he doesn't want them to keep any secrets from him at all. Wants them to know he will never be angry at them and that it's always better to tell daddy everything.
☘️ If anyone ever threatens or hurts his children he will probably genuinely plot to kill them, have them killed.
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simpxxstan · 10 months
the night shift
pairing: idol!jeonghan x caregiver!f.reader
genre: fluff, strangers to lovers, a little bit of angst
summary: it’s such a surprise what just three months of your life can do to you. it can actually change your life.
word count: 10.3k
rating: 13+ 
warning: mention of death (not major character). a few swear words here and there. a lot of time skips, i hope it doesn't impede the reading flow!
a/n: i have officially been sucked into the world of svt and there’s no getting out of here! i honestly just got into soft jeonghan feels and wrote this. i’m writing after a very long time, and so much has happened since my last update on tumblr. i’m sorry if i have kept any of you waiting 😭. i will try to update regularly now! 
i hope you enjoy reading it!
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“Hello. I’m L/N Y/N.” You bowed deeply to the young man sitting in front of you in a wheelchair, a bored expression feeting in his eyes, his blonde hair falling raggedly over his face. A face you were not unfamiliar with. 
The man twisted his lip in annoyance and looked at the other man in the room. “Why is she here?”
“Hyung, you had said you’d keep a nurse.”
“I don’t remember, Hoshi. Perhaps, I was under the effect of heavy medication. Because of these fucking meds-” he seemed mildly irritated as he swatted his hand about in the air. “None of these meds are heavy in any way. Don’t pretend you’ve forgotten!” The younger boy whined, and continued, “Jeonghan hyung, the company, the doctor, the members, your family. Everyone has said that this is the best for you. You don’t have a say in this,” Hoshi had stood up to hold Jeonghan’s hands down. “Hyung, please.”
The man in the wheelchair had no option but to become limp in Hoshi’s hold. Flecks of irritation still on his face, he kept glaring at you with the world’s most disinterested look. “One month.” 
“Hoshi-ssi told me three months…?”
“No. One month. You work for me, I decide the rules.”
He swiftly turned his wheelchair around and went back into his bedroom.
“He’s moody these days, his mind is really fragile. I hope you understand.” Hoshi spoke to you gently. “Yes, I do. I’ve dealt with more stubborn patients, don’t worry.”
“I’ll leave you to settle down, then! Annyeong!” And the cheery young man left, after bowing his goodbyes. 
You had a sense of foreboding creeping into your heart. There was perfect silence in the apartment almost as if you were alone in the entire space. But you knew you were not. How was it possible that Yoon Jeonghan could exist so soundlessly? What if he was actually not- oh god, what if he had passed out or something? You quickly go to his bedroom and knock on the door frantically. “Please, Jeonghan-ssi!” Slowly you heard one breath being released. The door slowly creaked open. The apartment became full of life again as you felt Yoon Jeonghan’s beautiful face eyeing you curiously, like his new found toy.
The first week was a chaotic one, but by the time the fortnight had passed, you knew Yoon Jeonghan was now in your grip. Idle, he had all the time in the world to prank you and tease you, even while being in his wheelchair. Sometimes he would feign memory loss and forget who you were, other times he would ask you to change his shirt after he had dropped some soup on it. If your days at the hospital, where you were interning, were tiring, your nights were even more challenging. He would fall asleep without taking the prescribed medicines, shuffle out of his wheelchair without calling for your help as he should have, and behave just like any naughty kid would. And you had no option but to scold him each time. But you could never be too angry at the man. He would smile the most angelic smile at you, making your veins burst and melt at the same time, your anger dissipating into annoyance into laughter. Eventually you would smile to yourself every time he was successful in his teasing, each feat giving him immense happiness. One successful prank, and Yoon Jeonghan was a happy man. 
There were other ways to coax him into submission too. Making him his favourite ramyeon to warm his body whenever he could not sleep in the winter nights. Watching Jun’s new drama with him, and giggling over the kissing scenes, as Jeonghan would give you live commentary on how Jun would probably be behind the scenes. Combing his hair, which was growing longer by the day, into neat braids. 
You had, eventually, and unthinkably, fallen into a routine. 
“What is it exactly that you do in the daytime?” He had asked you once, while you were preparing breakfast for him before leaving for college. “I go to med school. Then I intern at the local hospital.” 
“I know. But that can’t be it. Surely school and internships can’t leave someone as dog-tired as you come home, Nurse L/N.” He looked at you with suspicious eyes, a mischievous spark in his doe eyes. You knew he was going to tease you now. 
You had, honestly, gotten used to this, and started recognizing the signs. Before you would cry out in anguish every time his teasing got the better of you. ‘Jeonghan-ssi. I forbid you from speaking ill about my favourite pen. It’s my lucky pen. I always do well in exams I write with this.’ ‘Oh, save heavens I make fun of your dearest pen.’ And he had laughed, all while knowing he had hidden the pen below his pillow. He would give it to you the next morning, a wave of relief flashing over your tense features, extremely nervous over the exam that day. ‘Don’t worry. You’ve studied so much. You’ll do well, irrespective of the pen.’ And then he had the audacity to wink. Fucking wink. After all the superstitious stress he had put you through the entire night. 
“Have you ever met any person from the medicine industry?”
“Nope. No people. Some annoying aliens though, prescribing bullshit medicines to me which I don’t even need. And of course, I’ve met you.”
“You don’t even know how stressful med school is. And then, at the internship, they’ll ask us interns to do everything. Right from sanitising the scalpels, to cleaning the floor if someone spills coffee, and the very next moment, they’ll ask me to perform a minor treatment, as if I wasn’t busy polishing the floor right now.” You huffed and puffed as you served Jeonghan the sunny-side-up. He had already put butter on his bread and began eating it. 
“Okay, I’ll be leaving now. Your coffee is in this pot. I’ve baked some cookies last night, while you were on that live call with fans-”
“Ooh that’s why the entire house was smelling like dogshit.”
“SHUT UP! They taste very good.”
“Dogshit? You’ve tried? A true connoisseur-”
“Yoon Jeonghan. I’ll put you in timeout.”
“No!” He instantly put on his angelic smile, pouting, his features full of aegyo, and your momentary anger melts. Oh you don’t know what to do with this one. 
20 days later, you could feel the wall between you two breaking down slowly. He had become more accepting to having you bossing around the house, keeping it clean and keeping him safe. Although you worked with him only for the night shift, the two of you would often have conversations, aside from the bickering, the nonsense he kept spewing and the teasing, that would actually be meaningful. 
“You’re wearing your shirt the other way round, Nurse L/N,” he said as soon as you unlocked the door and stepped into the house after finishing your job. 
“Oh!” You dropped your bags immediately and made your way to the washroom attached to your bedroom to change. “That’s why everyone on the subway kept staring at me.” When you returned to the hall, Yoon Jeonghan was sitting in the same way, flicking through his phone. 
“You didn’t wear the shirt wrong in the morning?” He cocks an eyebrow, and you blush all over. He had caught you. Clearing your throat, “Umm, well…” He tilts his head, letting the evening sun fall on his hair and making it shimmer. “I had a date today.” 
Immediately your veins start burning as he makes his way towards you, a small smile on his lips. “Nurse L/N! How did it go?” he asks you, then doesn’t wait for an answer. “Ahh well. That’s a wrong question. If you’re wearing your shirt the other way round, it must’ve gone well.” Peeking at you, to see your blush spreading all the way to your neck now. “Who is the unlucky person then?” 
Argh. Not even 10 minutes into the house and he had started teasing you. 
“He’s my friend from med school. We intern at the same hospital.”
“Show me a photograph.”
“I want to see!”
“Why? This is personal space.” You fold your arms, going along with his teasing. 
“I want to see if he’s more handsome than me.” Jeonghan declares solemnly, as if that’s the most reasonable response. And when you burst out laughing, he laughs with you too, but continues whining to see the photo. And you have no option but to yield. 
When Hoshi-ssi had approached you through his manager to take care of Jeonghan for the next three months till he recovered from the accident that had broken his left leg, you had been reluctant before saying yes. Firstly, you hadn’t believed that such a famous celebrity would be requesting for you, when they had all kinds of services at their disposal anyway. Then you learnt that you had taken care of Hoshi’s aunt when she was very ill and bed-ridden, and the good feedback had flown in from his family. Hoshi’s aunt had been your second patient, your first being your own mother, who had suffered from schizophrenia, before you had lost her two years ago. Although your eyes were still wet from those memories, you had decided to take nursing up as a side profession, to pay for the bills of med school, and put your nursing skills to use as well. Seven clients later, you had landed this job- taking care of the superstar idol, Yoon Jeonghan. 
“It’s a night shift. So you’ll have to interact very little with the patient. Through the day, he can take care of himself. We just expect you to keep him company as his… mental state… is really weak right now, perhaps more than his physical state,” the manager had said.
You weren’t a Carat. You didn’t even follow idol groups. You didn’t want to seem like a golddigger, and you knew well that these celebrities could throw tantrums, or even worse, ill-treat you. 
But when Hoshi-ssi personally called you, you simply could not refuse. There was something so soft in his voice, laced with worry whenever he spoke about his hyung, you simply knew you had to help this man out. 
And you had taken up the job.
The apartment was big enough for you to stay comfortably. Jeonghan was non-interfering in your personal matters, mostly. From time to time, he would comment on your hairstyle, worry about the dark circles under your eyes, suggest a new skincare product, and enquire about your family in all politeness. You had thought the initial courtesy he showed would die down, and then he would minimise his interactions with you. 
However, to your great (mis?)fortune, he stayed up every day, even after 25 days had passed, waiting for you to come back home. He would sit at the dinner table, as you made dinner in the kitchen. He would text you, while you were at work, sometimes meaningful questions, other times random thoughts, and even more rarely (thankfully), some photographs. Of his pet rock, of a new parcel delivered home, of takeout he had ordered for lunch instead of eating what you had cooked for him that morning, of himself. 
Oh, of himself. 
Those selcas were the rarest, and yet you kept wishing for him to send you one whenever your phone lit up with a notification. While you would sit in the break room, eating lunch between classes, you’d wait for it. When hanging out with friends after the internship, you’d wait for it. When your date from two weeks ago, Minho, took you out to coffee, you found yourself waiting for it again. 
And when it did, you’d save it instantly. Take a screenshot if it was a one-time view. Stare at it endlessly, sometimes laughing at the filters he would set up, sometimes smiling wistfully into his beautiful brown irises, looking at the camera with odd affection. You knew he generally sent those photos to you to get a reaction before posting them on Weverse for his fans. But somewhere in your heart, you had begun to wish, he would click those photos for you. Not for his fans, not out of boredom, not just to check if his face was still handsome. Just for you.
But that was the least of your problems. 
Your job had turned a month old, and you paced about in your bedroom, having packed your bags already, ready to be kicked out. Although Yoon Jeonghan had been fairly tolerable these last few days, one could never understand what went about in his mind. 
You were mentally listing off all the things you’d have to worry about now. You’d have to go back to your shitty paid guest room, and pay rent. You’d have to go without the extra cash from this job, barely making enough to eat four meals a day. Only somewhere in the corner of your mind, another little thought came up- you’d have to live without the living breathing caramel sunshine that was Yoon Jeonghan. You had truly gotten used to living with him- as a roommate, of course. Even with his irks and mischief, his moments of vulnerability and his fake aegyo. You had learnt to not dislike him, and now he was getting too close to your heart. 
A sharp knock on your bedroom door broke you out of your thoughts. “Nurse L/N? You didn’t come to wake me up?” He says it so normally, as if you’re not combusting with nerves right now. “It’s not 8 am yet, you don’t like it if I wake you up before that.”
He yawns. Lazy, warm, still in his night sleepsuit. His hair messy, his skin looking soft and his lips looking- 
“What’s all these bags for?”
“You’re leaving me?” He starts to pout, making your insides like molten lava. 
“I- uh- one month-” you manage to stutter out, wondering if he had truly forgotten or if this was one of his pranks. “One month’s done? Yay! I am two months away from freedom. Nurse L/N, can you please order waffles for me today, I’ve been craving something sweet!” He whirls around his wheelchair after flashing his brightest, cutest smile at you. Left with your mouth open, you already start thinking whether all the ingredients for waffles could be found at home or not. 
While you would be away during the day, his members or family would come visit him, to help him dress or bathe. Every other day, you’d see him sitting with a member of his group, hearing their laughter even before seeing them when you entered the house. Sometimes more than one would turn up, and it would be a party. 
They always treated you with great respect. Joshua would profusely thank you, the polite charismatic gentleman he was, for taking care of Jeonghan. Seungcheol would ask you regularly whether you were well, whether his friend was irritating you, and whether the terms of work were suitable for you. The days when his members would arrive, usually Jeonghan would switch on live, for his fans. Mostly the lives would get over as soon as you would arrive, sometimes they would continue after you arrived as well, and you’d try your best to soundlessly work through the house so as to not disturb anyone. Contractually bound to secrecy and personally wishing for no involvement with his fans, this was an arrangement suiting you perfectly. 
Except one day, when he was doing the live all on his own. You dropped a small glass, and hurt your finger in the broken glass. Almost on instinct, Jeonghan had shouted out, “Nurse L/N, are you okay? Did you break something?” Hearing voice full of concern, real genuine concern, you couldn't help but reply back. “Yeah I’m okay! Don’t worry, it’s just a glass.” “Hmm, okay.”
Cleaning up your wound, you had tiptoed towards Jeonghan’s room, where he was arranging legos while streaming live. Your heart was pounding in your chest, waiting for the call from his company, asking you to resign. Knocking softly on the door, you entered, trying to signal him to not mention you aloud and asking him if the company had reached out to him to announce your dreadful fate. 
Facepalming yourself as Jeonghan asked you in the loudest whisper possible, you gave up. Even if your earlier reply was probably not audible due to the distance, it was so clear now when Jeonghan visibly looked up at you, and asked you, in the most innocent way. “Ou? What are you saying?” You were about to leave the room, when suddenly he introduced you, out LOUD, in front of his fans. “Caratdeul! This is Nurse L/N, she’s taking good care of me! Don’t worry for me. Nurse L/N, please say hello!” By now, you were palpitating. Your phone would ring any moment. Any- “Hello, I am Nurse L/N. I’ll take your leave now, Jeonghan-ssi,” you said, without showing your face on the camera. 
But Yoon Jeonghan had no intention to let you escape. “Nurse L/N,” he cried out, with a pout on his face, his eyes shining behind his glasses, “how does my lego model look?” It was a model of some sports car. “Hmm, looks good!” “Everyone!” A smug look appeared on Jeonghan’s face, “This is the first time Nurse L/N has said my work looks good! This is all thanks to our Carats.” Taking his self-absorbed, smiling-widely-till-his-eyes-disappeared moment as an excuse, you left the room. Because another minute, and you wouldn’t be able to stop yourself from crossing a line. 
You were well into the second month, when the panic attacks started. 
They were most likely triggered by the doctor’s report that morning. Jeonghan-ssi, I’m afraid you’ll need more time to recover. Although your femur’s not broken, it’s extremely weak, and your legs cannot support your weight now. Even after recovery, I would advise you to not dance heavily for at least another month. 
You had been awoken by a sharp scream in the middle of the night, no scratch that, early in the morning, as you could see the first rays of dawn streaming in through the window. Immediately you rushed to Jeonghan’s room, who slept with his door unlocked for such emergency situations. “Are you okay?”
And instead of the calm fairy you expected, you were met by a ghost. 
Yoon Jeonghan was sitting upright in his bed, sweat pouring down from his forehead and arms, his long blonde hair dishevelled, and his chest heaving for air. The worst was over, you reckoned, as you gently stepped closer to him. 
For the first time in two months, you saw fear in Yoon Jeonghan’s eyes. As soon as you came near the bed, he reached out to grip your hands. You whispered to him, endlessly rubbing his arms and his back, it’ll be alright, you’re okay, don’t worry, i’m here, you’ll be okay, you’re safe with me, until you could feel his heart rate slow down to a normal pace. 
He then looked at you, in such an inexplicably fond way, like-
Like you were his light. 
Like you were the stars in his dark night.
Like you were his world. 
And you succumbed to the urge of hugging him. You pressed him gently to your body, trying to relay your warmth to his colder body, initially hesitant as to how he would receive your action. 
To your surprise, he pulled you in closer. You realised it was his anxiety speaking, his fingers still trembling from the shock. And not his need to be close to you, as your dumb brain hoped somehow. 
But then, he kept the hope alive. 
“Stay with me tonight, Y/N.”
The entire day, you were extremely distracted, both in school and at work. Fumbling with things, clumsily dropping things, and forgetting important tasks. Yoon Jeonghan had called you by your first name for the first time. This single thought kept spiralling in your head, finding root in some delusion or the other. The entire night, you had spent with him. Hugging him first, then he had laid down and put his head on your lap. And you had stroked his hair, until he was asleep. You had sent a text to Seungcheol, asking him to come and stay with Jeonghan, as you didn’t want to leave him alone like this but you couldn’t miss classes today. He had immediately agreed, and turned up sharp at 7 am. Instead of waking up Jeonghan, you had left your blanket next to him to fool him of your presence, and left the house, leaving the man in his best friend’s care. 
Last night had been a monstrous event for the tiny feeling you felt in your heart every time you thought of Jeonghan, which was actually nearly every second. Long forgotten was Minho and his stupid face and stupid voice and stupid pick-up lines. The only voice which sent warm electric shocks through your entire body was the one that belonged to Yoon Jeonghan. You kept texting Seungcheol, asking him for updates, whether Jeonghan had eaten, whether he had bathed, whether he had taken his afternoon nap, whether he was talking normally, whether his blood pressure was normal, so on and on. Even when his replies satisfied you, you were always nervous about what was happening back home. 
Was the house you spent your nights in now home? Was the subway station you had now gotten used to getting off at home? Was the bedroom you slept in now home?
Or was he home?
When you did return to your home, you found the man who had occupied all your thoughts through the day sitting next to Seungcheol, giggling about something on his phone. “Oh you’re here!” Seungcheol says, popping up when he spots you enter. “Hi. I came home early.”
Jeonghan’s smile disappears, and you tense up already. You have no idea what’s coming. 
“I’ll be leaving then. He’s been asking for you all day anyway,” Seungcheol smirks against Jeonghan’s little rebellious whines, and your stomach churns in worry. He bows to you, and leaves. Leaving you with the blonde little elephant in the room. 
“So. How are you feeling, Jeonghan-ssi?” You ask after a while, breaking the ice finally. He shifts towards one side of the sofa, and you instinctively step forward, wondering if he wanted to get up into his wheelchair now, but he only pats the seat next to him, asking you to sit down. 
“I’m sorry for last night, Nurse L/N.” There, back to just a fucking nurse. It was a slip of tongue. “You don’t have to be. This is what I’m here for. This is what you’re paying me for,” you chuckle, but he doesn’t even smile. “But I invaded your personal space-” you lean forward, hold his hand, and say, “Hey. Don’t worry. I hugged you out of my own accord.” “Because you wanted to?” he whispers, and you whisper back, your heart beating in your throat, your voice hoarse with emotion, “Yes, because I wanted to.”
“Can you do it again then?”
Quirking your eyebrows, you realised he’s being dead serious. There’s no way he could lie and tease you with such vulnerability in his eyes. And so you hug him. It’s not as close as last night, but the embrace still makes your spine tingle with happiness. You hope against hope he cannot hear your heartbeat. 
When you try to pull away, he lets you, but keeps holding on to your hand. 
“I’m- umm, what they call, clingy. I appreciate physical comfort. I’m sorry if you’re uncomfortable. You can move away when you like.”
“No. I don’t feel uncomfortable at all. If you like, we could hug more often. Or you could hold my hand. Or put your head on my shoulder or…” you didn’t want to think of his head on your lap again. You would not be able to control the urge to kiss his forehead and eyes and tiny button nose and of course, the pretty lips. 
“But you have a boyfriend…” 
“Huh?” You’re taken aback now. What was this? “I have a boyfriend I don’t even know about?”
“That boy, Minho? You went out on dates with him?” He looks confused. You bite your lip, “Oh. No, I lost interest. We didn’t date, at least seriously.”
“Oh," you saw the clouds in his face clearing.
So he was worried about your boyfriend being uncomfortable with a grown man hugging you for emotional support? Jeez. What did he think your taste in men was?
"Can I make another request?" God, what's this tone? You had never heard it before but you could sure get used to it. Pouty-faced, soft voiced Jeonghan was definitely your favourite. As if you could ever say no to him. 
"Hmm, go on?"
"Can you sleep in my room today?"
You wish you could say no to him.
“In your bed?”
“No, I think your bed can be shifted to my room? It’ll fit also. It’s a single, thin bed.”
You know it will fit. You also know your room is big enough to fit another queen-sized bed. But when you’re that close, how will you be able to tolerate the distance?
“Hmm. I think it could fit. But I think it’s too heavy for me to carry today… maybe I can ask some help from neighbours or friends tomorrow and set it up in your room? Meanwhile today… I could bring a mattress and sleep on the floor.”
“No!” He cried out. “I mean- you can always sleep next to me.” He smiles, a little angelic, a lot devilish. You know he’s teasing now. 
You take away your hand from his, and you can see him begin to whine at the loss of warmth. “On the floor then.”
But yet again, as dawn breaks, he screams awake again, and you notice tears rolling down his cheeks also. He hides his face from you when you sit next to him to calm him down, embarrassed of his tears. You wipe them away with your hands (and not with kisses). 
And that’s how he falls asleep again. He lies down fairly far away from you, at least an arm’s distance. But your hand is still in his, and you can’t sleep, overly conscious about drifting towards him in your sleep. You’re content just taking in his beautiful face through the sunrise, drinking up his features like you’re parched, wishing you could put your fingers at each spot on his face, feeling the bone and the muscle and the skin, feeling his breath.
“If you don’t mind me asking… what triggered your nightmare?” You ask him the next morning. Good heavens, it’s a free Sunday after ages, and you had been looking forward to this for weeks now. You had so many plans- ordering food for brunch, catching up on your favourite k-drama, buying a new pair of shoes. But you realised- all of these plans involved Jeonghan. You couldn’t imagine doing any of this without him.
You’re sitting with Jeonghan in the small balcony of his apartment, which overlooks the city almost entirely. It’s a serene view, the sunshine not too harsh, and Yoon Jeonghan hasn’t let go of your hand ever since last night. You hadn’t pushed him too far for answers yesterday, thinking it was a one-time thing. But today, you were getting more curious and worried. 
“Ummm… I’m not too sure myself? I just have a lot of thoughts these days.” You stroke the thumb of his hand which lies in your palm now. “What thoughts? Do you miss your members? Your fans?” “Yeah, I do. But it’s not like that just…” You know he’s hesitating, but he’s seconds away from crying. “Jeonghan-ssi. Go on. I’m here.” 
After a VERY long pause, he says softly. 
“You know how the doctor said I’ll need at least another month, even after this hiatus of three months, before I can go back to my normal self, being an idol.” You hum in between his pauses. “I’m scared, Nurse L/N. I’m scared… they’ll forget me. And even if they don’t, I’ll be disappointing them. I won’t be able to meet my fans’ expectations anymore. They won’t get what they deserve from me.”
“No one deserves anything from you. You don’t owe them anything.”
“You don’t understand,” you can sense his voice getting hoarse and louder. “Fans aren’t easy to explain to- and to be honest, which fan wouldn’t be upset seeing their favourite idol isn’t going to dance well any more? Hell, I’m probably no one’s favourite idol anymore.” He looks away from you, his hand already retracted from yours. 
“Jeonghan-ssi. Firstly, if you really care about your fans so much, they most likely care about you a lot too. Of course, they’ll understand. And secondly, have you checked twitter? Or instagram? They keep talking about your health, and look forward to your live videos-”
He smiles, “Yeah, they’re asking about you too.” You ignore the statement and continue, “I understand where your vulnerability is coming from- but you can only improve your mindset by not thinking of the worst case possible.”
He doesn’t say anything. His face is still sullen, dark clouds storming in his eyes. 
“Jeonghan-ssi, you’re not that easy to forget, and less easier to replace. I don’t think your fans will forget you so soon.” 
He looks at you, his lips pursed in a hopeful trance. You know he’s still extremely scared of the future, but then, who wasn’t? It was only natural to be afraid of uncertainty. You gently pat his head, and ask, “Is one of your band members going to come today? For bathing and dressing you…?”
Frankly, you didn’t understand why they couldn’t keep a full-time caregiver who would be professionally trained to do all the work required. But you had seen Jeonghan’s attitude the first time you suggested this. No. I’m not an object for pity, and caregivers will pity me. Plus I don’t trust them. I trust you, I trust my members. I’m only safe in your hands. You had wanted to ask why he trusted you- was it because he knew you really needed the money and a good place to stay? But you had simply nodded and left the issue. 
“No. I didn’t ask any of them to come today. They have a shooting schedule today.” His voice sounded even more feeble. He probably missed being on set with them, laughing as a whole, playing games, singing and enjoying themselves. From the videos of their show, Going Seventeen, which Jeonghan had himself shown to you, you had noticed how solid their bond was, and how comfortable they were around each other, easier than friends, stronger than family members. 
“Oh.” This meant you would have to bathe him. Shit. 
“I’m throwing my shirt!” “Yeah.” You waited outside the door of the washroom as Jeonghan stripped inside, and threw his shirt through the slightly open door. You had become extremely flustered at the thought of dressing and undressing him, but he had provided a simple solution. 
Although you doubted how simple it was, when you could hear him struggling to get his pants off. “Nurse L/N. I think I’ll just bathe with my pants on!” “No! Don’t be a dirty boy. Do you want me to help?” You asked, breathless. “No,” you could hear his sigh, “I’m fine. I’ve got it off. Here, catch!” 
Then there was the sound of the shower opening, the slight squeak of a tap, and a tune being emitted by the man showering there. You left quietly.
It was around 3 in the afternoon when you both had finished bathing, lunch, folding up laundry (you) and singing random songs (him), watching one episode of a k-drama (him) and wondering why hearts ached without any attack (you). “I’m going to take you out. Enough of staying indoors. It’s eating into your brain.” You announce. 
He almost jumps with you, but then winces. “But where? I don’t want to make a public appearance to collect sympathy and pity.” “You’ll see. You said you trust me, right?” He smiles, “Ayy. Human trust doesn’t go that far.” But you can see the excitement build in his eyes. “It’s a surprise.” “Surprises are not nice.” You tie up his eyes with a blindfold, leaving him no option but to huff and puff and whine and sulk.
But this surprise is nice. Jeonghan’s face lights up like a million watt bulb when you take off his blindfold and reveal him sitting in his dance practice room, all his members standing around him. He squeals in joy, and they all start talking instantly, making it too loud a chaos for you to decipher. Hell, you haven’t even been able to tell their voices apart yet. 
The man you know as Channie, comes to you and bows. “I’m so thankful to you for bringing Hyung here. Thank you for taking care of him!” Another man, Seokmin, joins him, and they both smile at you widely. You blush, suddenly caught off guard by the attention, and excuse yourself from the room, leaving the boys to their antics. You text Jeonghan that you’re going to meet up with your childhood best friend, and you’ll be back to pick him up whenever he calls. 
But he never calls you back. The members carry him around- they go to some restaurant, eat barbecue and drink a hell lot of beer, and then they drop him home. You had returned a couple of hours back, and when you see three strong able-handed men entering the house with Jeonghan, you take the chance. 
“Jeonghan-ssi. Do you still want me to bring my bed to your room?” Although the other three men stare at Jeonghan quizzically, he solemnly nods. Seungkwan asks you, “Are you sure that’s okay with you? I t’s a really weird request!” Mingyu adds, “Yeah, Hyung, if you need her anytime, you can just call out for her, she’s anyway in the same house.” But Jeonghan won’t have it. “Yah, please. Nurse L/N, please.” You sigh and say, “He’s not feeling strong enough to sleep alone. It’s okay, I’ve done this before. I understand the need for physical comfort.” “Are you sure?” Seungcheol asks you, and you nod your consent. Then he says, “We’ll help you bring the bed then!” 
That night, Jeonghan slept on his own bed, and you on your own, but he said he felt more relief knowing you were around him. I’m worried for you too, you know. Worried? What on earth for? Nothing, just. I’m feeling over-protective for everyone who matters to me right now. It was safe to say you slept in a constant dream-like state. Jeonghan did not wake up that night, and even if he did, it didn’t wake you up. You woke up only to your alarm next morning, breaking your haze of dusty, autumn dreams of blonde ponytails, flowers in a garden, and a pretty face belonging to the man lying next to you. 
Third month in, and you were feeling a little under the weather. Perhaps it was the flu passing around in your college for a while now, but you had been strictly banned from going to the hospital (an order you had cried and begged your supervisor to take back, fearing this was the premature end to your internship, but he had calmly asked you to come back when you were well). Jeonghan, meanwhile, was now out of his wheelchair, and simply walking about using a pair of crutches. He was in a better mental state now, as the nightmares became fewer and less intense, and his general moodiness also dissipated. 
But of late, he was being too affectionate towards you. Perhaps it was the reason behind you falling in. His sickly sweet smile whenever you complimented him for walking well, his blush of shy satisfaction when he completed any small task you gave him. One day you stepped into the house and almost screamed before the man sitting on the sofa turned around and showed you that it was none but Jeonghan, with his hair dyed black now. 
And dear heavens. That black mop of hair would kill you. 
For, if blonde Jeonghan was an angel, an embodiment of sunshine, a picture of innocence, black-haired Jeonghan was all of that but a slight rough edge to him, making his features even sharper and his eyes even deeper. It was all you needed to stab a dagger in your heart every day. Now that you’re stuck at home on a leave for 10 days, you have nothing to do except look at this man, laugh at his antics and calm down the growing anxiety in your heart as to what you’d do after these three months got over and your contract would expire. And even though you never voiced your worries out loud, Jeonghan somehow caught them. 
“How many months are left till you graduate?” “About five months?” “Hmm. You can actually stay in my apartment throughout and not go back to the shitty place you showed me pictures of.” You gawk, “You’re crazy, how could I ever do that!” “No I’m serious, Nurse L/N.” You stick your tongue out, not interested in his pity offers. “You know what your problem is, Nurse L/N?” Your face is still turned away from him. “You’re just so stuffed with pride. That’s why you’re not taking the medicines I’m giving you at correct times.” 
Oh, how the tables have turned. 
“I’m fine.” You stress on every syllable, but Yoon Jeonghan can’t seem to take the hint and buzz off. 
And that’s your biggest issue. He doesn’t even tease you as much as he is genuinely caring for you now. As if you’re really his friend. You wonder what has brought about this kind of absurd change in him. It’s not like anything had changed in how he saw you. Nurse L/N.
You were wrong about his teasing nature mellowing down. The next morning, when your supervisor had called, you had been in the washroom, and instead of just letting the call go until you returned, he had picked up the call and introduced himself as your Oppa. 
Indigestion just had to hit you that very day.
You had no option but to let your blood boil in embarrassment as you overheard the entire conversation, helpless and frustrated. 
“Yes, umm… she’s really stupid. She keeps forgetting stuff, you must know hahaha. No wonder she’s totally forgotten about mentioning me. I’m her local guardian haha.”
You hoped he would clarify something about the Oppa tag. Mention that he wasn’t your boyfriend. Mention that he was your brother or something. Or even an older friend, but in vain. Jeonghan was hell-bent on spreading rumours in the hospital about your love life, one would think.
“Yes! I know. She’s recovering now, I’ve been taking good care of her.”
“Oh no, she doesn’t have any family per se. She just has me.”
“Aaah no no, it’s no like that…” you could hear his voice ambiguously trail off, leaving several loose ends. This must’ve been a question about that-
“Oh sure! Thank you. I’ll let her know asap. Yes, yes tomorrow. Thank you.” 
After three minutes when you emerged from the washroom, pissed and stressed, Yoon Jeonghan was smiling to himself while watching a video on Youtube. 
“What was that call for?”
“Which call?”
You stare. He budges. “Oh, your supervisor had called. He was asking if you can join back tomorrow. I said yes.”
“Why did you pick up?”
“Why not! Would you rather lose the one chance your supervisor gave you to come back?” He smirks, knowing he had hit your weak spot. “But even then. You’re not my Oppa.” “Huh? I’m four years older than you!” 
“Jeonghan-ssi. Just because you’re older than me doesn’t mean you can introduce yourself as my Oppa. Are you dumb or do you not understand the connotations of such an introduction?” 
There was a pause. 
“What would you suggest I’d introduce myself as? I didn’t want to say my name-”
“Her friend would just do. Or her neighbour. Or her classmate from college.”
“Those wouldn’t have had similar connotations? Any boy answering any girl’s call would have similar connotations, Y/N-aah.”
Another pause. Maybe he hadn’t realised he had called you by your first name. 
“Then you should have just introduced yourself as the patient I’m taking care of in the night shift. Everyone knows about that, Jeonghan-ssi. Honestly, anything but Oppa. You’re not my Oppa.”
Before he could reply, you take your phone from the table and lock yourself into your room for the rest of the morning, too overwhelmed to say anything else or even look into the eyes of that dangerous man. 
There had been very little conversation between the two of you through that day and the next, before you left for work again. He had tried a lot to initiate conversation with you, weird questions interrupting the silence now and then. But you were honestly too stressed to take any of his excuses and forgive him. 
How dare he call himself your Oppa, when in three weeks he was going to simply forget you totally? How dare he even call you by your first name and break the professional formalities that were standard? You had thought the first time, that night, had been a slip of tongue in feverish delusion. This was no delusion. In bright daylight, he had crossed the line and called you by your name. 
Although it shouldn’t matter much, you rationaled. Oppa could mean a dozen different things. No one would assume it meant boyfriend. 
But oh, you were so so wrong. You knew it as soon as you stepped into the hospital after an extremely tiring day at university, and saw people staring at you. You reached your supervisor’s cabin to mark your attendance, and he too gave you the weirdest looks. The peak of the entire farce was when Hyerin, your closest friend at the internship, whispered to you after hugging you warmly to welcome you back, “YOU DIDN’T TELL ME YOU HAD A BOYFRIEND?!” Aargh. 
“He’s not a boyfriend. He’s just the patient I’m taking care of. He randomly messed with me and introduced himself as my Oppa.”
“BUT I HAD NO IDEA HE’S LIKE A YOUNG GUY? I thought he’s a sixty-something fellow, no offence to old men who call themselves Oppa-”
“Yeah he’s a young guy. I told you he had broken his leg?”
“Yeah. Breaking legs doesn't require the person to be old. It was an accident while he was crossing the street.”
 “Still! This changes thing, hmmmm” she smirks, and you know where it’s headed. “Being in close quarters with a man only slightly older than you… are you sure he’s not dashingly sexy? Not a sugar daddy type? I could come and help you in your nursing job then.”
“No, and no. He is pretty good-looking, but I don’t care. Now move and let me start my work before boss comes and sends me on a leave again.” Hyerin wasn’t that close to you to know about the deepest secret of your heart. No one except your one childhood bestie knew about it. And you both had sworn on your childhood rings to never divulge secrets. 
To make matters worse, you played a voice note sent by Jeonghan loudly, as soon as you got out of the operation theatre. Right in the corridor. 
In your defence, he had sent three messages just before and after that, definitely impatient that you hadn’t heard his voice note, saying URGENT!, and you had fallen for the bait. Instantly playing it, without realising your volume was full, you cringed and almost threw your phone away instantly. 
Napipopeta piripu pipiretta. Napi-
“You’re watching Instagram reels at work?!” Somehow your supervisor had also come out into the corridor and had heard the voice note. “You know social media is banned when you’re on duty!” 
“Sir, I was just listening-” 
“No arguments! So irresponsible. You’ll be staying back till 10 pm today, Y/N!”
“Okay Nurse L/N. Enough of the silent treatment. I’m sorry. I wasn’t trying to be something I’m not… I just didn’t think of the consequences as much. Sorry, please?” He gave you the softest puppy eyes ever given by humankind, as you ate the ramen you had made for dinner.
You hadn’t uttered a single word since returning, just too upset and tired. But now you had to say it. “Was that voice note a joke?”
His eyes widened, “I- I just sent it… thinking your mood would become better hearing it… my fans really like that song…”
You bite your lower lip.
“My boss heard me playing it. That’s why I came home late.”
He stays silent for a minute. “I’m sorry if it got you into trouble. I just thought…”
And out of spite, just out of spite, and pent-up emotions spilling over, you say the worst thing ever. 
“Your voice can never make my mood better, Jeonghan-ssi.”
Something had snapped between the two of you since that day. 
You had tried to build up a wall between you two, trying to keep distance that you felt was necessary to get your heart used to what was just coming within two weeks. He tried to break that wall, going out of the way to be with you, even helping you study for an exam coming up. He was needing lesser and lesser care by the day, as he regained strength in his legs, and was quite determined to live by his old habits. He would leave the house without waiting for your support, he would cook sometimes, he would also do the laundry. 
He did everything to make you feel lesser and lesser wanted in the house.
And you really took the cue. You started minimising your interactions. Even sleeping in the same room became too difficult for you, and you spent many hours on the couch before going to your bed, waiting for him to fall asleep. You would limit conversation to the necessities, taking all possible steps to reduce his dependency on you. 
“Why are you doing this?” He asks you, one night, after you both had lied down in your beds but it was obvious that sleep eluded you. 
“What?” You whisper back, hesitant. “This. Becoming far away from me.”
There are massive pauses between your replies, and you can hear him holding in his breath through the entire pause.
“You anyway don’t need me much. It’s only best if I move away from you.”
“Physically perhaps- but I thought we could be…”
“Friends. Are we not friends?”
Friends. You had stopped wanting to be friends for a very long time now.
“It’s not possible. You and I belong to different worlds, as cliche as it sounds. We can’t be friends.”
“Why not?”
“Have you seen how your fans have taken to stalking me on my social media? I’ve had to delete my accounts everywhere. If they find out who I am, they’re not just going to kill me, but the contract and all the payment I got from this job will be forfeited.”
“Kill you? Isn’t that too extreme?” You can hear him shuffle closer to your end in his bed, his voice closer to you now. 
“They’re going to brand me as a golddigger. And even if they don’t kill me, I’ll definitely kill myself then.” 
“There, again you and your pride.”
“You’re laughing at my self-respect?”
“No, I respect it. Not many can be so stoic.”
“Goodnight, Yoon Jeonghan.”
“Nurse L/N.”
You don’t want to reply. You pretend you’re asleep.
You know he’s heard the change in your breath and he continues. “There are really just six days left?”
“We can reduce it if you like.”
“Can you not be so snappy? It’s really not funny anymore.” He sounds agitated, his voice on the verge of breaking. 
“Are you really saying this to me? Why do I have the responsibility to make it seem funny? You have a problem with me having real emotions too?”
“I never said I have a problem with anything. But this attitude of yours is, frankly, uncalled for, in my opinion. Or you’re not telling me something I should know. And this is bothering me.”
Another pause before you reply. 
“I’m going to leave in six days, Yoon Jeonghan. You better stop being bothered by me.”
You don’t know what’s come over you. Suddenly you can’t breathe in the house anymore. You don’t even want to call it home these days. 
Ever since that conversation, Jeonghan had stopped putting in as much effort. You had far overstayed your welcome, and he really needed you to be gone now. Maybe get a girlfriend to visit him. Must’ve been sad without sex for three months for him. Your heart ached every morning when you saw him as soon as your eyes fluttered open- an angelic face, his mouth slightly parted open as he slept in his dream world. You wanted to kiss him (honestly every minute nowadays you did, even if you burnt yourself up, that desire did not disappear.)
It was a crush, you convinced yourself. Finals were coming up, you’d get busy, you’d forget about him. Easy peasy. And yet, you couldn’t bring yourself to delete the little gallery of pictures you had formed in your phone- including photos he had sent you, photos of him that you had taken, and the three photos of you two together.
The first had been clicked on the night when he had let go of his wheelchair and first taken up the crutch. Many of his bandmates were there, and they had all cheered loudly. Because you had been standing right next to him, holding his arm to stabilise him, Wonwoo had clicked a photo of you too right at the moment when he was looking into your eyes with the joy of letting go of the wheelchair, and you were looking right back at him. It was a coincidental photo, and a photo meant to be only of Jeonghan, but you kept smiling when you looked at it. It almost gave the illusion that it was … for lack of better words, a photograph of affection. 
The second was a selca. Correction, it was Jeonghan’s selca, which he had clicked without you even knowing, so you were obliviously watching the drama on the television, eating ice cream. He had even posted it on Weverse, blurring you out obviously. But his fans had caught the second hand in the photograph, zoomed into it, and somehow figured out it was a female hand, and then conducted several polls amongst themselves whether it was his girlfriend, his sister, his mother, his friend or his nurse (how would they ever know though?). The results of the poll had been varied, and some had even claimed: guys we don’t know if the nurse and the girlfriend are different people hehehe you know what i mean!! Ugh, these conspiracy theories. 
The third one had been the most recent one. You were on a video call with your childhood friend, and he had just entered the room without knocking. He had said hi to your friend, who had smirked and giggled and tried to make suggestive comments until you winked at her to shut the fuck up. Finally he had left after asking you some really redundant questions, making you wonder why he had even entered your room. Your best friend had taken a screenshot of the two of you talking, and she had practically squealed over call god, he’s so handsome!!!! And he’s so in love with you!!! Did you see how he was doting on your face with every word you uttered?! AWWWW! Y/N, I’d say wife him up immediately!
You had laughed then, and you laughed at it now. Every time you scrolled through this secret gallery, you had nothing but a fond smile tugging at your lips, no matter how distant you wanted to make yourself from the man, who had slowly, but surely, taken up all of your heart, and was showing absolutely no intention to leave. 
You packed your bags and stood in front of the door, waiting for Jeonghan to bring whatever he was looking for in his bedroom. He had vehemently protested against you helping him, and as a result, a search that could’ve been completed in seconds, was now taking minutes. 
Eventually, he appeared. He had a bag for you in his outstretched hand, and you silently took it from him. Peeping in, you saw everything was wrapped with paper. “What’s this for?” “Thank you, Nurse L/N for taking care of me.” He smiled, continuing, “I don’t know why you’re angry at me. But I’m sorry if I’ve hurt you in any way. Please accept my gift.” Your heart was melting with each step he took towards you, eventually so close that you could see your reflection in his eyes. It was too close for you to breathe, but you realised you wanted to get used to this proximity.
“Thank you, then. Jeonghan-ssi, you’ve been an excellent employer these past three months. Thank you for taking good care for me, as well” and you lightly bow. 
“How do I see you again?” You’re stunned. Why does he want to see you? “Do I have to break my leg again?” his whispers grow ragged.
You try to crack a joke, “Or you could break an arm,” but he doesn’t smile. He seems impatient for an actual answer. “Or you could call me. We can hang out once every couple of months, if you’re free. Or you could just… you know, call and talk.”
He wants to say something, but your phone begins to ring. Your best friend must have arrived downstairs to give you a ride to her house. You had decided to stay with her for the remainder of the university term.
“Goodbye, Yoon Jeonghan-ssi.”
“Goodbye, Y/N. I’ll miss having you around.” 
You don’t believe him. You think he’s just being nice. But oh, somewhere deep down, you hope it’ll be true. You smile at him, tight-lipped, but genuine. He doesn’t smile back.
And just like that, you’re gone. 
The next month, you don’t hear from him at all. Your internship has also ended, and you’ve started studying hard, applying to various specialisation courses, and basically trying to forget him. It works, frankly, because with your closest friend around, you have your mind on other things. Such as her extremely toxic situationship, which she doesn’t even realise is harming her, but you keep warning her to step off. Such as her mother baking cookies for you as winter sets in. Such as visiting your own mother’s grave once every week, to give her flowers, a new ritual you’ve set up. 
It’s on one of these bus rides to the park which has her grave that you cross the hospital where you had your internship. And you spot, your eyes instantly going wide, a certain familiar someone standing at the bus stop right outside the hospital.
You’d have recognised him from miles away. Even if it’s really late in the evening, the twilight setting in, you can recognise him. 
You want to look away and continue the ride to the original destination. You want to ignore him. You want to push away the thought of him waiting (for who?) in front of the hospital where you worked at while staying with him.
But you can’t. You immediately step out of the bus, paying your fare, and walk up a little bit to reach the spot he’s standing. He’s looking the other way so he doesn’t really notice when you come and stand behind him. Until you cough a bit.
And you’ve never seen Yoon Jeonghan smile this brightly before. Never. Not while you were in his house, not even in the videos of him that miraculously come up on your Youtube algorithm now. 
“What are you doing here?” you don’t know why, but your voice cannot go beyond a whisper. In the empty streets after dark, he can hear you clearly though.
“You came.” he whispers back.
“You were waiting for me?”
“Who else would I wait for in front of the hospital you worked at?”
“I don’t work there anymore. My internship is over.”
“So I heard. But I had no idea where you live now, and apparently it’s not safe to go to your university if I have to keep you a secret.”
“But waiting in front of a hospital in the dark is safe?”
“It’s a hospital. No one is looking at me here. I’m not the important person here, for anyone.”
You can’t help but say, “You are, for me.”
The stars are out, the cars are flashing by, and you’re walking alongside Yoon Jeonghan on a silent road. Sometimes your arms brush, sometimes he smiles too much for your heart to take, sometimes you look at him for so long that he breaks eye contact. For once in your life, you don’t want to overthink this. Even if tomorrow you wake up and realise this was a dream, you want to live the best dream of your life till the end. 
“Hey,” he whispers when you zone out. You’re standing under a streetlamp now, the smell of flowers from the trees around you filling the air. You’re 100 metres away from a tteokbokki stall, and you want to ask him if he wants to eat some, but he holds your hand at that moment. 
“No more Nurse L/N?”
“You’ve stopped being Nurse L/N for me for a long time now.”
Your heart stops. He grazes his thumb over your pulse point. You think you’ll combust.
“Your palm is sweaty, Y/N. Are you nervous?”
How can you not be when he’s right there, in front of you, so close… but still so far? You don’t know how you landed up like this, after an entire month of avoidance, but knowing that he came every evening to look for you in front of your hospital, waiting till the shift was scheduled to get over, has melted your heart beyond control. 
“You’ve cut your hair again.” You finally say.
“Is it looking nice?”
“Hmm… makes you look sharper.”
“Huh?” His eyes are becoming wide now.
You take your other hand out of your pocket and touch his hair with a featherlike touch. “But it’s still so pretty. You won’t cut me, will you?”
He smiles, and leans in, and you can sense him breathing you in. You must be smelling like sweat and grime by now but he doesn’t seem to care. Eventually he places his chin on your head and time has stopped. You can’t help but snuggle into the warm cavity of his body, gently placing yourself against his strong chest, as you can feel now. And somehow, his hands leave yours, and wrap themselves around your back. 
It’s a hug.
And then it’s a kiss on your forehead. A kiss on your scalp. And a kiss in your hair. And you snuggle deeper and deeper into him. 
He pats your hair gently, and you mumble into his chest. “What took you so long, Hannie? Why didn’t you come to me sooner?” it’s half feverish you know, you don’t even expect him to reply. And yet he does. 
“Oh, but Y/N-ah, I’ve been coming to you forever, why did you keep pushing me away, baby?” And you spread your hands around him too, pulling him deeper, until you’re both too squished, and have to move apart for air. 
But only a little bit, just enough so that you can see his face, and he holds your face in his big palms. 
“Y/N-ah. Do you want to come home with me? I want to watch a new episode of the k-drama with you. I’ve really fallen behind it without having you to watch with.”
You smile, his eyes glitter up with the reflection.
“Of course. But only if you promise to hug me more.”
“No. No more hugs. Can I kiss you?”
You suck in a deep breath, lips parting already, at the wonderful tingle going through your body. You could cry right now, with the time he takes to move in and place his lips on yours gently. 
And you do cry. One stray tear escapes your closed eyes, and he kisses that away too.
“I’m yours, Y/N-ah. If you’ll have me, forever yours.”
“Of course I’ll have you.”
“Sorry if I kept you waiting for long.”
“It’s okay. You’re worth the wait, anyway.” You smile as you press a kiss on his nose, his little button nose you’ve always found cute. You stand up on your toes and kiss his eyes and his eyebrows and his forehead, but then he stops you. “Baby, let’s go home and then you can kiss me?”
How can you ever say no to Yoon Jeonghan? How could he even think that you’d say no?
“Of course, Hannie. I love you.”
“And I love you, baby.” Another kiss on your lips, and you know you’ve seen heaven. Because if Yoon Jeonghan isn’t the equivalent of heaven, you don’t want to know what is.
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blackleatherjacketz · 8 months
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Santiago "Pope" Garcia x Female Reader
Summary: Santi figures out that Frankie came and saw you last night before he got a chance and makes you pay for it.
Warnings: 18+ Only!, Explicit Smut, Mature Content, Exes Reuniting, Favoritism, Jealousy, Revenge Sex, Competition Kink, Praise Kink, Manipulation, Kissing, Cunnilingus, Vaginal Fingering, Come Eating (Accidental), Female Orgasm, Vaginal Intercourse, Woman On Top, Multiple Orgasms
Word Count: 2.8k+
A follow-up to FIRST
Read more of my stories HERE!
The expected pleasantries with Santi are cut short as you lead him into your living room, the warm glow of the table lamp doing little to hide the mark his best friend had deliberately left on your neck for him to see. You silently watch his handsome features twist into a frown as he begins going through all five stages of grief in a matter of seconds, depression staying just long enough before denial quickly counters it.
“What is that?” He touches you as if he hadn’t stopped doing so for years, as if it were only a matter of days since he last walked through your front door and kissed you goodbye.
“It’s nothing.” You lie in order to keep his hands on you, to relish in that feeling of him physically caring for you like he did so long ago before he up and left. His fingers are warm against your skin, rough and calloused as they press into your cheek, turning your face to get a better look at the mark. It takes every ounce of self control for you not to touch him back, not to fall into the muscle memory of your intimate relationship that you never really had the chance to get over.
“Nothing, huh?” He rotates your face from side to side, placing his opposite hand on your shoulder to keep you steady as he carefully inspects your new bruise. “It sure as hell doesn’t look like nothing.” He loosens his grip on your chin.
“It’s just…” You wrack your brain for some kind of story to feed him, one that you might even believe enough to properly convince him of as well. Maybe you got distracted while you were curling your hair? Or maybe your massage therapist got a little carried away when they tried to do the new cupping technique? Or maybe…?
“Did Frankie drop by here last night?” He interrupts your thoughts with a slightly worried tambre. “Because he joked about coming over here after he dropped me off, but I didn’t think he was fucking serious.”
He looks up at you with those eyes, those eyes that could easily make you spill your guts within seconds of staring into your soul with their deep mahogany hue. Eyes that could lull you into a false sense of security, pulling you in just close enough for you to forget everything else around you. Eyes that could soften your heart at its hardest, change your mind, or make you agree to do things you normally wouldn’t want to do. Those eyes of his were much more powerful than you ever really gave them credit for.
“Did he come to see you?” He asks again, barely blinking.
Only you don’t answer; purposefully averting your gaze from his hypnotic stare. Maybe if you don’t look at him he won’t be able to see the truth that’s undoubtedly painted all over your face.
He laughs to himself and brushes his palm over his face. “Aye pendejo,” he whispers under his breath. “I should’ve fucking known.”
“Santi, look, I…” you start without knowing where you could possibly finish.
“What? You think I’m fucking stupid?” Anger rears its ugly head as the tone in his voice starts to escalate. “You let him in here just like last time, huh?” He snaps his fingers before pointing in the direction of your bedroom. “Just like that? You let him slip in here even when you knew I was coming over here tonight?”
God, he looks so fucking good when he’s angry. There’s something about him getting all hot and bothered over another man beating him to the punch to get into your bed, even if it was his best friend; even if it had happened before. That territorial look in his eyes brings his face that much closer to yours, his full lips parting as they quickly fill with blood.
“You and I aren’t together anymore,” you remind him as his palm remains on your shoulder, his thumb gently brushing against your clavicle. “And how the hell was I supposed to know if you would actually come over tonight instead of just disappearing like you did last time?” You match his volume and intensity. “Huh?!”
More silence.
“I deserve that.” He hangs his head so you can clearly see the silver streaks as they weave into the rest of his charcoal curls. “Look, I know we’re not together anymore. I do. Of course I know that, but I just thought…” he sighs, pausing for what seems like an eternity. “But Frankie? Again? Really? No wonder he was asking who I was texting!”
“You can leave if you want to,” you goad him, bringing your face in closer with a tone you know will challenge him just enough to stay.
“Oh yeah?” He tilts his head and takes a second to chase away the disappointment by pushing you back up against the wall, keeping his grip tight on your shoulder. “He’d like that, wouldn’t he? Have his way with you without any repercussions?” He licks his lips as he stares at your hickey, running his thumb across your discolored skin. “Marking you like that.”
You can’t help but let a triumphant grin cross your face as you watch that seed of competition begin to grow within him, pounding through the veins in his temples as he stares at you intently.
“It doesn’t matter, anyways,” you say as his lips draw closer to yours. “He may have gotten here first, but that’s only because he knows that you’re my favorite.” You slide your knee up between his thighs, gently nudging his growing bulge as his lips part mere centimeters away from your own.
“Your favorite, huh?” His whisper dampens your lips as he smooths his palm across your shoulder until it reaches your neck, squeezing just affectionately enough to excite your senses.
Now we’re talking.
“He doesn’t know my body like you do, Santi.” You cup his face and stroke the stubble along his cheek as he continues holding onto your throat. “He doesn’t take his time with me like you always do, or put in the work to make my body crave you the very second that I see you...”
“Shut up.” His kiss cuts your words short, that all too familiar taste of cheap beer fresh on his tongue as it parts your lips with a hunger that rivals that of your early years together.
You find yourself nodding into his lips without uttering another word, bringing both hands up to cradle his face as he slides his other hand beneath your shirt. You moan into him as he palms the muscles in your lower back, pulling you in close to warm your core against his. You can feel his heart beating in rhythm with yours, thumping in his chest as the heat between you begins to rise.
“How many times did he fuck you, last night, huh?” He lets go of your throat and pulls your shirt off, dropping it at your feet before quickly kissing you again.
“Just once,” you answer breathlessly, the shade of your lipstick now tinting his lips as he kisses your chin and jaw.
“Mmm, so fucking lazy,” he mumbles into your neck with a slight chuckle. He suddenly shifts his weight and turns around with you, pushing you backward onto the couch. Forcing you to sit down in front of him, he digs his hooks into you one more time by locking onto you with those blackened, lustful eyes. He smirks and slowly starts unfastening his belt, pushing his pants down his thighs at an agonizing pace while you carefully watch him with bated breath. “Show me the rest of your body, baby.”
Chills run down your spine as you nod again in response, watching him free himself from his clothes, his girth always a sudden shock to your system no matter how many times you’ve seen it before. You can feel the moisture begin to pool between your thighs as you find yourself instinctively doing as you’re told, unbuttoning your pants and sliding them down your legs. You still can’t believe how lucky you are to have spun his jealousy around, unable to look away as he spits on his palm without breaking eye contact, stroking himself in such a languid, gratuitous manner.
“Let’s see how wet you get for your favorite, aye cariño?” He steps out of his shoes and pants before kneeling down in front of you.
The sight of his face between your thighs is almost more intoxicating than watching him stroke himself, his hooded lids adorned with lashes that brush your delicate skin as he presses kisses into your knees all the way up your inner thighs. Those eyes of his finally close as his mouth reaches your needy center, a muffled moan leaving his lips as he eagerly tastes your arousal. A ripple of pleasure moves its way up your body, pulsing through your core and up into your spine as he licks a slow, torturous stripe up your soaking wet length.
“Just what I thought.” He runs two fingers up and down your puffy lips before spreading them apart, focusing solely on the dew that clings between them. “You get this wet for Frankie last night?”
“No,” you can barely breathe your answer as he dips his fingertips into your entrance to collect the evidence, spreading it up and over your clit.
It isn’t until just now that you remember Frankie’s words from before: ‘I want him to taste my come when he goes down on you tomorrow night’; a promise that sounded more like a threat at the time. Was it possible that Frankie could still be oozing out of you even now? Changing the way you taste to your former lover? Or had your own juices been enough to disguise the remnants of his release as Santi painstakingly splays you open?
Guess you’ll never know.
“You wouldn’t lie to me, would you?” He raises an eyebrow as he runs his fingers back down, delving them deep inside your walls without warning.
“Never,” you admit with a gasp, holding your breath as the ridges of his calloused fingers glide over that special spot inside, pushing and pulling against it as his thumb rubs slow, tantalizing circles into your swollen bud.
“Good.” His tongue quickly takes over again, greedily lapping up your slick in a perfectly blissful pattern, his spit now mixing with your sex and Santi’s release as it drips out of you and down the crevices between your cheeks.
His unmatched oral skills nearly send you into a dreamlike state as that ripple from before spreads throughout your entire body. It wades through your nervous system, expanding in diameter as it reaches new heights and widths, washing over you in varying waves of delight. The rhythm of his fingers speeds up as your hips roll into them, instinctively moving with the rush of ecstasy he sucks into your clit by eventually pulling it into his mouth and past his teeth.
Without even stopping to take a breath, his mouth massages that last bit of pleasure into your deliciously sensitive bud without an ounce of mercy. His groans vibrate against your skin as your body trembles beneath him, succumbing to his expert ministrations as you find yourself drowning in the euphoria that only he could deliver in such a skilled, efficient manner. You cry out his name as that delectable feeling rips through you in a matter of seconds, bursting through every vein and artery in your body until the waters inside you eventually ebb to a calm, still state.
“I almost forgot how beautiful you look when I make you come.” He finally says, looking up at you with a satisfied grin as your moisture glistens across his face.
“Jesus,” you huff, nearly jolting away as he pulls his fingers out, grazing them over your clit one more time before rising to his feet. “I almost forgot how good you are at that.”
“Better than our boy Frankie?” He sits down next to you on the couch and grabs onto your hips, pulling you onto his lap in one fluid motion.
“Are you kidding?” You try to catch your breath as you settle onto the tops of his thighs, not yet ready for his cock as it stands at full attention against his stomach. “He didn’t even do that for me.”
“Amateur,” Santi whispers before kissing you, taking the time to spread your flavor into every corner of your mouth as his hands delicately venture up your backside and into your hairline.
You could almost convince yourself that things were how they used to be when you’re facing him like this, kissing each other as if you’re dying to know what each other tastes like for the very first time. You could get lost in the smell of his sweat and cologne that haven’t changed in all these years, relish in the warmth of his hands as they caress your shaking muscles, and delight in the distinct taste of his kiss. If you tried hard enough, you could almost convince yourself that you still slept together in the same bed, lived in the same house and ate your meals at the same time together; but all that had come and gone. All you have now is this.
“Mmm, you taste so good,” you mumble to bring yourself out of that unhelpful line of thinking, playfully running your fingers through his hair.
“Of course I do, I taste like your pussy.” He nips at your bottom lip before kissing you again, giving you another opportunity to savor that tartness between your legs before suddenly pulling away. “Now why don’t you hop on and prove to me that I’m your favorite.”
Trying your best not to act too shocked at his words, you nod and lift your hips off his thighs as he grabs hold of himself at the base, stroking the few droplets of precum over his shaft as he takes you in. He looks up as you move your pelvis forward, grinning from ear to ear as you attempt to line yourself up with him, only he keeps moving against you.
“You wanna act like a little slut, huh?” He glides his cock across your overstimulated bud before lining up with your entrance, watching your mouth fall slack with each pass as every neuron in your body ignites again. “Well, you’re my little slut.” He brushes over it another time, forcing your eyes to roll back into your head as bright stars start flashing in the background of your vision. “Right?”
“Right!” You moan as he finally guides himself into your entrance, pulling you down with his other hand on your hip.
He groans as you slowly envelop him, your freshly lubricated walls already contracting around his girth as it stretches you out more than Frankie ever could. With a whisper of your name, his breath quickens as you take him in completely, your thighs now flush against his before you gather the strength to sit up again. He smooths both hands up and down your spine as you begin to ride him, mewling his name against his forehead as those stars become brighter behind closed lids.
He squeezes the base of your neck as he bottoms out again, thrusting up into you with a sort of frantic desperation you’ve never seen in him before. Every buck of his hips forces those stars in your eyes to become brighter, to shine in blinding shades of different colors as they spin around on their axes. You hear him grunt something in Spanish, the last of his sounds becoming more breathy as he sends pulse after pulse of heated pleasure shooting up through your nervous system until his thrusts force your body to convulse around him.
“Fuck, I love you so much,” he lets slip as he pulls you down one last time, the sound of your skin slapping against his echoing against the walls of your living room as he spasms and twitches inside you with a pathetic growl.
“I love you, too,” your innate reaction to his words comes without thinking, your current state hijacking any common sense that might make you respond differently.
Instead of correcting himself or apologizing, he leaves his words hanging in the air, just as naked and bare as he is now as he finishes spilling himself inside of you. He kisses you even deeper, pulling you further into him as if to merge the two of your bodies into one until his thrusts eventually slow to a complete stop.
Continuing to ignore his sudden confession, he rests his head against your chin and guides his palms over the curves of your body as the aftershock of your shared orgasm phases through you both. He hums the tune of your favorite song as he continues smoothing out all the gooseflesh that had formed on your skin until both of your breathing has steadied.
“I’m sorry I left.”
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faulty-writes · 1 year
[ This was requested by the lovely @todoroki-vivian a while ago. I finally got around to writing it and while it's short, I hope you enjoy it nonetheless. The summary is below the banner. ]
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[ Most could only dream of having a relationship with a pro hero, but you agreed to be in a "fake" one with Katsuki or "Ground Zero" as he's known by the public. Of course, the funny thing is you had feelings for him, and who could blame you? But what happens when you confess those feelings, will it make or break everything? ]
This situation was unthinkable to most, and it was probably a wonder to society why you were with Katsuki Bakugou otherwise known as "Ground Zero, The Explosive Hero." Of course, nobody knew the dirty little secret behind your relationship which was there was no relationship.
Katsuki came up with the plan, although the explanation that followed it didn't make sense. "What!? This is so my future fans don't try anything, don't you get that!?" By "try anything" you assumed he meant bother him with romantic bullshit seeing as many heroes had fans that sometimes went a little too far.
Then again, you were one of the few people that knew Katsuki wanted a family one day. Still, you couldn't fathom why he chose you to have a "fake" relationship with. But since graduating, he continuously pestered or rather threatened your bodily well-being until you agreed to his twisted idea.
You didn't know what that entailed until the cameras started flashing whenever he saved the day and pulled you close to proclaim his "fake" love for you. This, of course, caused drama and rumors and on more than one occasion the two of you were on the cover of the latest gossip magazine.
It was amazing and yet expected that society would try anything to tear two heroes apart. But again, it was all for pretend so neither of you was affected that much. Well, at least you maintained that persona. The truth is you found yourself falling for the angry boom boom man.
Unfortunately, this was something you had to keep secret. After all, it was unlikely he felt the same way or so you believed. 'It's just pretend...' you constantly reminded yourself, and each and every time you added another crack to your heart which was bound to break.
"Pff," Katsuki shook his head and threw the latest scandalous magazine onto his desk before slumping in his chair. "Jeez, they don't let up do they!?" he exclaimed, closing his eyes, and clenching his teeth. You happened to be standing near the window, looking down at the crowd below.
Every minute or so, you could see the tiniest flash of light. "I guess not," you replied, turning to look at him and briefly forgetting about the paparazzi. It's not like they could get inside and even if they did, Katsuki would take care of them quick.
He growled and stood up from his desk. "Stop looking out the damn window already," he said, walking over. "Heh, unless you want to give them a show," he commented with a smirk, laying his hands on your hips, and pulling you close.
"Mm..." you glanced away, knowing this was just another opportunity he wanted to take to show off. "Do you...like kissing me or something?" you asked, tensing up as you were prepared for his negative reaction.
"Hm?!" he raised his eyebrow. "Just what the hell is that supposed to mean?" he hissed, now clenching his hands by his sides. "I wouldn't do it if I didn't like it dumbass!" your jaw tightened, and you looked toward the floor.
"No that's not what I..." you sighed. "Nevermind," you pushed against his chest and walked to the door. He blinked, somewhat surprised by your reaction. "Where the hell do you think you're going?!" he demanded, and you almost didn't want to answer him.
"Out," you replied, making him frown. "Pff, there's nothing but a bunch of damn paparazzi out there," he said, pointing to the window. "I just want to be alone right now," you said, wrapping your arms around yourself and glancing away from him.
You knew you didn't deserve to be upset because you were aware of what you were getting into when he first laid out this agreement. You knew you weren't supposed to get attached, but damn...you did anyway. His eyebrows raised and the angry expression that seemed to be permanently glued to his features all but faded.
He curled his hands into fists. "I'm not an idiot you know," he said with a snarl, closing the distance between the two of you. He slammed his hand against the doorframe above your head. "You don't think I can tell when something is wrong with you!?" he snapped.
"So, spit it out already, even if..." he paused, and glanced away. 'Can't believe I have to say this,' he thought, closing his eyes briefly. "Even if this is a damn...fake relationship I...I care about you," he muttered, opening his eyes.
"Mm..." you thought over his words and looked at him, trying to find any hint of doubt in his expression. You sighed and hoped he'd understand. "I...this relationship is..." he raised his eyebrow when you muttered "...nevermind," and slumped your shoulders.
He growled and once again slammed his hand against the doorframe. "Don't just start a damn sentence and end it! If you wanna say something, say it!" he demanded, leaning down to try and get you to look at him but your eyes remained focused on the floor.
Unlike most, you didn't flinch when he yelled at you. But you wondered if this was still him "caring" and knew that if the paparazzi somehow managed to squirm their way into the building and to "Ground Zero's" office, they'd see this as a lover's quarrel.
He waited for your response, but after a few minutes of silence, it was clear he was getting nowhere. "Alright fine!" he turned to sit at his desk. "If you actually wanna talk about this damn 'relationship' then come here," he said and grew annoyed when you refused to look at him.
"I said come here!" he snapped, gesturing to his lap. "You...want me to sit on your lap?" you asked, immediately leaning back when he growled in response. You glanced away again, taking a moment to regain your composure.
"Okay?" chances are he'd get more pissed if you didn't comply and while you had sat on his lap many times before, that was usually when the media was present. Your heart was racing by the time you came to stand in front of him.
"Well, what are you waiting for dumbass!?" he urged with a hiss. "G-give me a second! Jeez," you replied. A deep breath sounded, and you grabbed onto his shoulders, carefully straddling yourself onto his lap. 'This is so awkward,' you thought, and the flushed color of your cheeks gave you away.
"Heh, why are you blushing? You've sat in my lap before, don't act like it's a big deal!" he hissed, and you weren't sure if he was annoyed or making fun of you. Not that it mattered at the moment. You latched onto your bottom lip, digging your fingers into his shoulders remembering his words.
Yes, you wanted to talk about this relationship. But there was no telling how he would react, although you could take a wild guess. Angrily and it was that anger that would cause this relationship to end or continue. Everything aside, as a hero, you needed to tackle your fears head-on.
"You said I could talk about this relationship, right?" you asked, knowing full well the answer. Katsuki growled yet again, opening his mouth to speak but you held your hand up to silence him. "Would it be wrong if feelings got involved?" you might as well soften the blow.
He blinked, knitting his eyebrows together. "Huh? What the hell do you mean?" he asked, clearly confused. You sighed, should you just come out with it? You continued digging your fingers into his shoulders and your stomach twisted with butterflies.
"We agreed to this relationship because you didn't want your hero status to be ruined with romance, right?" you asked, locking eyes with him. He said nothing, but you noted the scowl he was wearing and the way his eyebrows were lowered.
"Yeah, so what if I said that? You gonna throw those damn words in my face now?" he hissed after a few seconds. "I'm not trying to throw anything in your face," you said, pinching the bridge of your nose and sighing loudly.
Katsuki frowned. He knew where this was going, but goddamn he didn't want to hear it. The whole reason he had tried so hard to convince you to be in this "fake" relationship was because he had feelings for you.
Hell if he knew when they started, one day he just saw you as someone...well cool and someone who had what it took to keep up with him. He found himself wanting you and growing aggressive whenever others got close to you.
He wanted you to himself. Yeah, maybe it was deceiving to convince the one you loved to agree to something like this and to use your damn hero career as the excuse behind it. But...maybe he was just afraid of getting his heart broken.
Yeah, even heroes had fears. Get over it. He didn't believe for one instance that you would feel the same way he did. Even now, he could feel his stomach twisting into knots and those damn butterflies were making it hard for him to continue putting up a confident front.
'Damn it!' he growled, knowing there was no use in delaying any further. "Then what are you saying? You got feelings for me!?" he snapped, leaning closer and wrapping his arms around you to ensure you couldn't escape or climb off his lap.
Your eyes widened and your heart accelerated and yet felt heavy. Your cheeks were rosy red, and your mind was blank. What the hell were you supposed to say? You tried taking a deep breath but ended up choking.
"Heh," he grinned and reached up, slipping his fingers through the back of your hair. "Well, guess you're in fucking luck then," he replied, leaning closer. "Huh? What do you mean?" you asked, making his happy face drop.
"What do you mean what do I mean!?" he snapped, and those fingers in your hair grew tighter forcing your head back. "I like you too dumbass!" he snapped before turning away and releasing his grip. "I..." he sighed, taking a deep breath.
"I've liked you for a while now, got that!?" he hissed, feeling embarrassed for having admitted such a stupid thing. Jeez, why were feelings so complicated? You blinked, your lips hanging open in shock. He smirked, finding amusement in your expression.
"Didn't think I knew you liked me too, huh?" he crossed his arms. Okay, so maybe he didn't really know until a few moments ago. But when he thought about it your actions gave you away. He noticed how flushed you'd get after he kissed you, and how you'd stare at him in awe when you thought he wasn't looking.
It's almost too bad he didn't get the opportunity to tease you back then, but he sure as hell could now. He continued to smirk and once again grabbed the back of your head. "But I'm not sure if your feelings are true. Why not prove your-damn-self to me?" he demanded.
"Hm!?" you tried to lean back, but his hand kept your head in place. "I..." you glanced away, feeling your cheeks continue to grow hot. Katsuki frowned and shoved your head forward, causing you to yelp. He pressed his forehead against yours, and with a vicious growl said, "Just kiss me already, idiot!"
You would have complied if not for the fact that he initiated the request and roughly pressed his lips against yours. He was always a little dominant and made you feel weak. "Mm..." your eyelids lowered, and your hands slid down to his chest.
You leaned back, turning your head to the side to break the kiss. Katsuki didn't seem so happy about that and tried to force your head forward again, but you kept your hands firmly pressed against him. "W-wait a minute!" you pleaded, making him sigh.
"What!?" he responded, clearly eager for more intimacy. "So...does this mean that you...want to start dating?" you asked sheepishly, trying to ignore how he rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah," he replied nonchalantly, releasing his hold on your hair before leaning back.
"But you better be ready to handle what comes our way," he warned, and you chuckled in response. "I think I've been handling it just fine," Katsuki glanced at his desk. "Oh yeah?" he asked, reaching for his phone. "Then how about we make it official?" his tone was coated with amusement.
You looked at his phone and then back at him. "Wait...you don't mean-" he grabbed the back of your head, pulling you close. "I want to share this moment with the world, heh let's make some fuckers jealous," he said, refusing to give you time to respond before he once again slammed his lips against yours.
Most heroes had social media accounts, and Katsuki rarely used his. But he knew that if he posted a picture of him kissing his partner, it would give him more attention than those other sorry heroes and the chance to brag that he had the type of relationship most of them could only dream of.
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saetoru · 1 year
tee! i want to hear more about shidou rear ending you afterwards! i think it’d be so cute like as literally the first gift he ever buys you, it’s a new car! idk if he’s rich but in my head he’ll make it happen! (maybe another reason why he gets arrested ?!!?? idk!)
REINS. i would be so happy to tell you about this NDJSJD. “shidou ryusei arrested for stealing his crush a new car !!” on the next headline 💀
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it happens when he’s rushing to practice—shidou isn’t exactly known for always being punctual, but practice? practice is something he takes really seriously. sure, he’s been late to past dates and doctor’s appointments and heck, he was late to his own high school graduation. but practice? everyone better get out of the way because he’s driving like he owns these roads today.
but then there’s this car. this one slow car (it’s not really slow, it’s just on the speed limit, but he’s going way too fast) and he just can’t find a way to cut in front because traffic is getting too packed and this damn car won’t move and he needs to get to fucking practice.
and then it happens, and he almost watches it in slow motion, in all honesty. you brake out of nowhere because there’s a squirrel on the road that you just can’t kill, and he’s tailing too close to you because he’s determined to cut around you, and boom. he rears right into you. doesn’t even realize he’s supposed to brake until he hears the crunching sound of his bumper digging into yours and busting your taillights.
and now he’s pissed—he’s about to let you have it too. you’re gonna drive like a geriatric, make him later than he already is, not give him room to swerve around you, and now you’ve managed to ruin his relatively new car? he’s had it with you, climbs out the driver’s seat and is ready to start swinging without even giving you a chance to talk this through—because he already knows how this is gonna go if insurances get involved. he knows the chances of not being held liable for a rear end are slim to none.
but then out comes you. you in all your glory—your soft wobbly lips and your slightly watery eyes, your shaky hands that hold your phone tightly to your chest as you debate what to do, your apologetic little face like it’s your fault he was driving too close and too fast to you on a busy road.
“i-i’m…i’m not sure what happened there—i was…there was a squirrel and…and…” and then you sigh, sniffling as you pout and resign yourself to this sense of pure defeat that he finds equal parts cute and equal parts amusing. “i’m gonna need your insurance info,” you say dully, “this sucks. i already have two accidents on my record.”
he almost feels bad—and if he does, he gives no indication of it because there’s a wide grin as he stares at you with crossed arms. what a sweet thing, he thinks, eyeing you up and down like you’re candy.
“sorry about this, sweetheart,” he says smoothly—because practice be damned and screw all worries of his car. you’re much more interesting—and he’s going to get to know you through this lucky twist of fate if it’s the last thing he does. “how about we forget about insurance, yeah? i’ll just pay the damages.”
“what?” you look shocked. he doesn’t want to battle it out? he doesn’t want to claim that you cut in front of him suddenly and that it’s your fault he hit you? he’s just…willing to pay the damages?
“yeah, as a matter of fact,” he says through a smile that’s a little too excited to be well intentioned, “here’s my number. why don’t you give me yours—you know, to keep in touch so i can send the money.”
“o-oh, right,” you mumble, still unsure what’s really happening—but the handsome stranger in front of you is offering to pay for your damages and not file a claim against you. you’re going to count your blessings where you can.
“make sure you answer me,” he calls as he goes to climb back into his car, “don’t wanna leave me hanging, do you?”
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dreamersbcll · 5 months
it’s okay if you fall. you may be up by the sun, but i’m the sea
(merry christmas to my @krikeymate )
Christmas was always Tara’s favorite holiday. Her little sister loved the lights, the cheesy music, and the stupid little holiday pajamas. If there was anything that the pair could do that involved the holiday, they were first in line. Last week, they stood in line for two hours to get a picture with Santa, and yesterday, December 23rd, they made seven batches of Christmas cookies.
It was everything to see Tara light up like that, especially after the last two years of hell they went through.
Sam just wishes she could light up like her little girl. It was so easy to make Tara smile and feel loved- as Tara was her world. Her whole fucking world.
But it was never easy for Sam— nothing ever was. She was an enigma to all around her, but especially herself. It was so fucking stupid. Everything she ever wanted was in her arms, in the palm of her hand- but she couldn’t accept it.
Sam Carpenter couldn’t accept that good things could happen to her and that she was worthy of it.
Yet, her little sister always saw through her. And she always would.
She honestly thought the dark cover of the night would mask her zoo-like thoughts, but she always thought too loud. It was constantly like a construction zone, always tearing apart herself and putting it back together.
In hindsight, she should’ve known Tara would hear it all. Her little sister always knew more about Sam than she did herself.
“Hey, what’s on your mind?”
Sam popped her head up at her sister’s raspy voice. Shit. Tara should be sleeping. “Mhm? What? Oh, nothing. Just thinking.”
She reached over, clumsily pressing her lips to Tara’s temple. “Go back to bed, baby. It’s all good.”
But Tara always knew better. Tara sat up, reaching over to turn the bedside lamp on. Sam squinted as the light flooded her face, scrunching her nose. God. She had no sense of timing— dropping heavy topics on Christmas Eve. Pathetic. She was so miserable.
Her little sister turned back to Sam, looking at her with such gentle concern— like Sam deserved kindness. “I know that look, Sam. I know you. That’s your ‘I’m having a crisis’ look. Your eyes are stormy; your jaw is clenched. Plus, I can practically hear the static in your head. It’s loud. If it’s keeping me up, I don’t know how you ever could sleep. So, talk to me, what’s up?” Tara croaked, her voice still raspy.
Sam cocked her head. “I think you know me,” she softly said, her heart twisting in sympathy.
There were so many apologies she had to give to those who truly knew her. What a burden they must feel.
Tara shook her head in disbelief, grinning despite herself. “Sammy, How could I not? You’re my big sister. I love you.”
Her little sister said it like it was easy— like loving her was as simple as breathing. It didn’t make sense.
She ducked her head, suppressing the grin that threatened her face. “I love you too. You know me.”
Rolling her eyes, Tara crossed her arms. “Why do you keep saying that? Of course, I know you.”
Sam shrugged, averting her eyes. She knew Tara would pick up on the small detail, so she pushed on. “I guess I don’t know. I always feel like too much. How could anyone know or want someone too much?”
God. That was too much. It was a damn holiday. Why couldn’t she shut her mouth? Idiot. So stupid. So weak.
As she got the urge to turn around and pull away, Tara grasped her wrist, forcing Sam to stay.
“Well, first of all, that’s not true. You’re not too much. You’re everything to me. Why do you say that, Sam? What’s wrong?” she asked softly, her eyes crinkling in sympathy.
Sam shook her head, running a hand through her hair. “I don’t know. I feel like I say too much all the time. I can’t shut my mouth and forget how to talk. All I do is talk. And it’s empty, empty words. Words with no meaning or thought. I just talk to talk.”
Her little sister paused for a moment and then scooted closer to her. “I’m here. I’m not going anywhere. Talk to me.”
Licking her lips, Sam averted her eyes, staring at the pile of clothes on the bedroom floor. “I’m afraid you’ll leave me if I don’t tell you how much I love you. If I don’t give away everything for you, you’ll leave me because I’m not enough.”
Because I’ll never be enough.
Tara shook her head and pulled herself closer to Sam, forcing her big sister to hold her. Sam took her in, kissing her hair. The two sat silently momentarily, taking in each other’s presence. She could feel Tara’s steady heartbeat against her unruly one, soothing each other without words.
Eventually, Tara broke the silence, her voice soft and careful. “Sam, I would never leave you. Never. I can’t imagine a world where I would,” Tara said, pausing. “You are everything to me. Do you not see that?”
“I can’t see it,” Sam blurted, swallowing the sour taste on her tongue. “I feel like Icarus, you know?”
Humming, Tara kissed Sam’s collarbone, her lips brushing against various scars that marred her big sister’s skin. Little wounds that followed them forever, reminders of what they have been through.
Together. Always together.
“Explain, Sammy. I’m here.”
Sam chuckled, her voice watery. Damn it to hell. Even her tears betrayed her. She was a lousy liar with a martyr complex, always too little for those around her but always giving too much of herself away for others.
She gently pushed Tara off of her, letting her little sister hit the various pillows and blankets. Standing up, Sam pinched the bridge of her nose, hoping the pain would ground her. Fuck. She needed to think— everything needed to become more apparent. Why was she like this? Why couldn’t she just be normal?
But Tara didn’t move, even as Sam paced their bedroom floor. Her little sister just sat up in bed, watching her sister wear holes in their carpet. All that mattered was her big sister being okay— so she stayed. She stayed like she always promised to.
And Sam noticed.
Breathing out, Sam started talking, the words tumbling out of her mouth. “I'm always flying too close to the sun. My wings are singed, the feathers are burning, and I can barely reach the sun’s rays. It burns, god, does it burn. Everything in me and around me is on fire, and instead of flying away or putting it out, I just let myself die like that. A martyr with no wings.”
“Sam, if you’re Icarus, I’m the sea,” Tara instantly replied, her tone full of love.
Love for Sam that she didn’t know was there.
“What, you gonna drown me?” Sam teased half-heartedly, trying to joke the gentleness away.
It didn’t work.
Tara hummed. “No, I’m going to catch you. I’m always going to catch you and save you from your demise. I’ll swallow you whole and take you in. I’ll patch up your wounds, kiss your scars, and hold you close,” she said simply, holding her hand out for her big sister to take.
Sam opened and closed her mouth in shock, all the words taken from her grasp. “Why are you so nice to me?”
Tara rolled her eyes, her hand starting to shake. “Because I love you. Because you make my life better, brighter, and more tolerable. I have a future now because you’re here. God, Sam, it’s so warm because you’re here. I’ve never known love and light like this ever in my life. And I don’t want to let it go.” she paused, her eyes narrowing. “So, please take my fucking hand and don’t make me let go.”
She grasped her sister’s hand, clearing her throat. “You’ll catch me?” she whispered, blinking away the tears in her eyes.
Her little sister tugged her close, letting Sam crash into her arms. The two held onto each other, Tara’s lips brushing against the husk of Sam’s ear, making Sam shiver in happiness.
“Yeah. I’ll catch you. I know you would for me. I’ll always do the same for you,” Tara whispered back, squeezing her big sister.
Sam chuckled, rolling her eyes. “I love you, Tara,” she said softly, pulling her arms around her little sister.
As the two embraced, Sam got a glimpse of the clock. 12:04 am. It was finally Christmas.
She pulled back, kissing Tara’s forehead. “Merry Christmas, my love.”
Tara smiled, her cheeks rosy, her eyes crinkled in joy and exhaustion. “Merry Christmas, Sammy,”
The two drifted off to sleep, clinging onto each other, swallowing each other whole— just as they promised.
Just like they always would.
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Under Stadium Light * Jake 'Hangman' Seresin/OC (part 1)
Summary: When Casey applied to Texas A&M, she wanted an escape. A means of forgetting her godfather's illness, and the breakup that happened just after graduation, if only for a moment. Some things, though, are far more difficult to outrun than she might believe. Perhaps most especially when a stubborn jock all but refuses to allow her to do exactly that.
Warnings: angst, allusion to smut, past abusive relationship, mentions of cancer/illness, death of major character
Taglist: @djs8891 (please let me know if anyone else wants to be added!)
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"Well—this is it."
The weight of her mother's arm winding around her shoulders to pull her close comes in tandem with the words, and Casey turns away from her cursory examination of the dorm room that will be her home away from home for the semester in favor of looking Penny Benjamin in the eye, instead. A task that comes with some difficulty, though Casey would be hard pressed to own up to such a thing out loud. She'd spent an entire summer convincing herself that she was looking forward to this. That the idea of starting college was nothing more than another new adventure.
By contrast, her mother clearly still harbors some reservations that she seems incapable of keeping to herself. It makes sense, inasmuch as Casey wishes it was not the case, given that this will be the first time she will be away from home by any significant distance for more than a few nights at a time.
When she'd first decided that Texas A&M was her number one choice for pursuing further education, it had been assumed she would change her mind. That her godfather's diagnosis in particular would persuade her to stick around. But neither of those things had happened. She had remained steadfast in her desire to attend college out of state as though her very life depended upon that desire becoming a reality.
Casey would be the first to admit she has a tendency to bolt when things get tough. When they get real. For all of her attempts at appearing steady, she still cannot entirely rid herself of the scared little girl that she always has been, more often than not. And now, here she is, attempting to don a reassuring smile for her mother, when on the inside, she is mere inches away from falling apart.
"This is it," She finally agrees, leaning slightly against her mother's side, just enough to be able to drop her head to rest on Penny's shoulder, "It's—"
"It is."
"Would've been nice to meet your roommate, though," Penny states, a surreptitious glance toward the still undecorated side of the dorm room causing Casey to emit a poorly muted laugh, "What? I'm allowed to wonder who you'll be living with for the next eight months of your life, aren't I?"
"You are."
"Alright then."
"I'm sure she's perfectly—"
"Exactly," Casey assures, savoring the small tightening of her mother's arm around her shoulders, even if she hardly wants to make such a thing obvious to anyone else, "She's from Tacoma, Mom."
"That doesn't actually mean anything, you know."
"Okay, maybe not. But still, I'm sure she's fine."
The sigh Penny gives in response to the statement is hardly reassuring, given that Casey had been counting on providing her mother with some manner of relief. In truth, she'd been doing so in part as a means of attempting to find some of her own along the way. Her mother's lingering concern does nothing to waylay the twisting of something not all that far from apprehension in her gut, though. In fact, it only seems to make it grow.
Casey honestly hates the idea of being so nervous, her teeth digging into the skin on the inside of her cheek to try to do something—anything—to make the feeling go away. Her body seems to shy away from her mother's one-armed embrace at the same time. Before too long, she is hovering at Penny's side, her fingers knotting together for want of anything else to do. And that, of course, tips her mom off to the fact that something is wrong far quicker than anything she might say ever could.
"Listen, if you—if you're having second thoughts—"
"I'm not."
"But if you are. We can always figure out something else. Maybe you could take classes online, or—"
"I'm going to be fine."
"I know. I know you will be, sweetheart," Penny admits, reaching for her daughter's hand before Casey can fully avoid it, and threading their fingers together before offering a gentle squeeze, "I'm just—really gonna miss you."
"Don't let Amelia hear you say that. I think she might actually be looking forward to having you all to herself."
"Believe me, Casey, she's going to miss you too."
"Well I'd certainly hope so. Me being the amazingly cool stepsister that I am, and all."
Penny's laugh provokes a small smile from Casey in response, and for a moment she actually feels as though she can do this. As though when her mother walks out of the dorm and climbs in her car to drive away, she will remain steadfast. Confident. Strong.
She has to be that way. There is simply no other way around it. After all of the comparisons made over the years regarding how similar she is to her father, how could there be anything else for her to do but push forward? How can she do anything other than charge ahead, and hope for the best?
"Don't think. Just do."
Unfortunately for her, in this particular moment at least, that advice seems to be far easier said than done.
"You're sure you don't want me to stay around?" Penny asks then, glancing around the dorm room yet again, as though trying to come up with a feasible reason to stay, "Because Amelia's concert isn't until Friday night—"
"I think you and I both know that Hank isn't going to approve of you doing that."
"Come on, Mom. It's bad enough that you took extra time to drive me down here and you know it," Casey insists, her fingers tightening on her mother's hand for a fraction of a second before she is once again choosing to pull away, "I don't want to cause any trouble."
Penny frowns in response to the statement, but Casey is turning from her to shift one of her bags onto the bed she has claimed for her own, once again desperate to latch onto something to do. For another way of bolting from reality, small though it may be. She knows that her mother will have to leave, sooner rather than later, and the idea of appearing as unnerved by that fact as she truly is has become far too daunting to face.
For her part, Penny seems to sense this, just as easily as she has picked up on everything else concerning her daughter's moods and whims over the years. And although she hardly wants to leave Casey behind in such a state, she knows that insisting upon staying will only manage to make matters worse.
"You can call me anytime. You know that," She persists, watching her daughter carefully as she turns back to face her head-on, a tremulous smile pulling at both corners of her mouth while her eyes shine with something not all that different from unshed tears, "And you know your dad will be on the first flight out if I somehow can't make it myself."
"I know."
"And now it's time for me to stop talking, and go home?"
"Well I'm not about to actually tell you that," Casey quips, this time managing a more successful attempt at a genuine smile as she allows Penny to pull her in for one final embrace, "Contrary to popular belief, I'm not actually cruel, you know."
"You'll be fine if I allow experience to speak to me for a moment, before I just accept that statement at face value, won't you?"
"Yeah, no. Okay, you can—you can go now, Mom."
"I thought you might say something like that."
Sharing another laugh with her mother in response to the admittedly predictable retort, Casey follows after her as she exits the dorm room and heads through the hall to the door at its opposite end. She leans against the doorframe while Penny climbs inside the familiar Porsche, and draws a pair of sunglasses out of the glove compartment to guard against the evening light.
Casey manages to maintain her composure, even as her mother backs out of the parking spot and heads for the lot's exit a few feet away, her resolve only breaking when she is certain there is no chance that Penny will see it happen firsthand…
A fact for which she is immeasurably grateful as the first of the tears begin to fall.
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sinner-sunflower · 1 month
P.2 HH Lucifer-centric AU 10/?
STORY 1, PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, PART 4, PART 5, PART 6, PART 7, PART 8, PART 9, PART 11, PART 12, PART 13, PART 14, PART 14.5, PART 15, PART 16, PART 17, PART 18, PART 19, PART 20, PART 21, PART 22, PART 23, PART 24, PART 25, PART 26
Notes at the end!
Lucifer should've known that even in his sleep, his torment would not stop.
He should have been wiser, but exhaustion dulled his senses, making him lower his guard.
He thought that maybe, maybe, the universe would give me just this little moment. And at the beginning he really thought that. He felt weightless. Like he's not the Morningstar, the fallen angel, the King of Hell, the Sin of Pride, a father or a lover. Like for the first time in a millennia, he simply existed.
So forgive him for his surprise when darkness swallowed his dreams before he could savor them fully.
Roo: Hello, fallen. Been a while, hasn't it?
Lucifer: Roo.
Roo: Don't look at me like that. Our deal is still in effect, you know. I can't do anything more than this even if I wanted to.
Lucifer: You saying you want to do more then? Like harm me?
Roo: Ugh, you silly creatures, always so pessimistic. Can't someone just chill and have fun?
Lucifer: I highly doubt the root of all evil and chaos embodiment just wants to 'chill'.
Roo: Believe what you will, fallen. I am many things, but I am no liar.
Lucifer: Your sister surely is.
Roo had to laugh at that. 
Roo: Yin in every Yang or so they say.
Lucifer: What? You're telling me you have good in you?
Roo: I would think the fact that you get to keep your soul was a sign in and of itself.
Lucifer: That's less than the bare minimum.
Roo smirked and rested her head on her hand, a gesture that grated Lucifer's nerves. He couldn't help but think he should take a page from Adam's book and wipe that shit-eating grin off her face.
Roo: Had the old man never told you to not look at a gifted horse's mouth? 
Lucifer: Enough. Why are you really here?
Roo: If you must know, I merely wanted to ask how you are doing! After all, meeting The Fates must have been quite the experience.
Lucifer: You were looking?
Roo: I wanted to see if my vessel works well. It's not my fault I can see everything you see, hear every thought you think, feel every pain you wish never happened but also desire to inflict onto yourself. I wanna ask, does your pity party ever stop?
Realistically, Lucifer knows that Roo is messing with him; she was deliberately provoking him, reveling in his inner turmoil. She's luring him in, and he's taking the bait.
There's a creeping cold that's getting worse the longer they talk. He thought nothing of it at first but he's now starting to feel it under his skin.
He's well aware of the threat in front of him but doesn't mean he's not going to bite back with force.
Lucifer: I think you're forgetting who delivered the final blow in the first war. You know, the blow that led to your defeat?
Roo's nonchalant and playful facade cracked just a bit that Lucifer knows he struck a nerve.
Lucifer: Hell, shouldn't you be more thankful to me? Without my actions in offering the fruit to humanity, you wouldn't have gained the power you so desperately craved to rise again. And now, here you are, benefiting from my influence once more.
The Sin of Pride couldn't fathom where this sudden surge of confidence came from, but he refused to cower any longer. Roo had expected him to tremble in fear, to bow before her as if she were someone superior to be revered on.
He's sick and tired of everyone assuming he should be the one on his knees, begging for mercy.
Lucifer: How are you the root of all evil when I'm the one who started sin. You should be worshipping me! Now that I think about it, in some twisted way, I was your creator-
His mockery was short lived when the dreamscape glitched and suddenly it wasn't Roo in front of him; it's The Root of All Evil.
Laughter erupted from the shadowy figure, a grotesque sound reminiscent of a rabid hyena's. Refusing to be intimidated, Lucifer continues to put oil in the fire.
Lucifer: Bringing out the big guns for a little comment? Insecure much?
He's bullshitting at this point but damn him if he's going down without an ounce of victory. He also thinks he's lucky to have said as much at all.
The abrupt stop of laughter sent an involuntary shiver down his spine, and then gravity seemed to solidify around him, pressing down with an oppressive force.
Michael: All you had to do was listen.
Lilith: You're exhausting, Lucifer.
Charlie: He's defending this hotel! How come he could have faith in me but my own father can't.
Y̵̛̞̝̳̥͍̏͛͊ö̴̼̭̜̖́͗̒͝ü̴̩͚͆͑ ̵͎̉̒̄̄ả̶̭͈͍̟̳ṙ̵̡̲͙̼͎è̸̮̳̲̊͂̔̍ ̴̠͔̯̘̬̑͝s̵̜̪̗̯̚è̴͇͌̇ṅ̷̘̝̀t̶̛̹̝̄͘ẻ̶͓̱̬͔̅̉ͅn̵̥̽̋̌̓ĉ̴͜e̶̯͇̤̺̤̅̀̅d̵̝̰̬̗̋ͅ ̶̝͕̩͇̱̎̋͝͝ẗ̶̢̊͠õ̶̡̦͖͒̈́̍̍ ̸̧̏F̸̧̬̪̂̋a̸̞͈͍͇̔̓͘͜l̶̬͙̤͈̝̑̕l̵̼͂.̴̱̘̣̽̏̕͜
Lucifer screams. But instead of despair, he feels anger bubbling within him. What the hell is happening to him? He's been snapping more. Why did he snap at Michael? Why did he tell him that he can't wait for Heaven to be destroyed? He never wanted that. All he wanted was to give Eve free will. All he wanted was to love Lilith. All he wanted was for Charlie to be safe. All he wanted was for everything to STOP!
Roo: What's the matter, little devil? Never seen real evil before?
The cold is becoming unbearable now. The lake is frozen and all the greenery had been turned into crystals, consumed by the creeping frost that made them look like solid darkness.
Lucifer gritted his teeth, feeling the chill seeping into his bones, threatening to overwhelm him. He refused to give Roo the satisfaction of witnessing the King of Hell tremble; regardless if it's in fear or not.
Roo: Let me show you just how good of a person I can be. 
Then she's suddenly up on his face and brings a finger to his forehead.
Lucifer can feel Roo's corruption going further inside him and at the same time, a lot of somethings are coming out. It must be his remaining divinity because that's the only reason he can think of on why his Father's tether is screaming and clawing at him. 
He feels himself choke from everything happening all at once but he can't move. Roo has him locked in place and he never felt so helpless.
'Am I going to die here?'
No. Roo said that she won't be the one to deliver him to his demise. Nevertheless, he thinks that this is it.
Roo: Remember these words, fallen. A message from The Fates that you did not get to hear.
Charlie. He wants Charlie.
Roo: With the first soul's ascend, all began to unfold.
Tears begin to form in The King of Hell's eyes. Be it from the pain or fear, he doesn't know. 
Roo: It will end at a star's fall, as the threads have foretold.
Michael! Where is he?! He promised Samael he'll always protect him!
Roo: Trumpets will sing, as the sky recites a prayer.
'Father. Help me.'
Roo: An instrument of Heaven shall come down and be the devil's slayer.
He struggled to remain conscious; he fights to stay awake but he can't even move a finger but his efforts were in vain as he collapsed to the frozen ground, utterly drained. Through hazy vision, he can see Roo staring down at him with a gleeful smile.
Roo: See you soon, my fallen~
He wakes up to the smell of Marigolds.
In Nifty's voice: How was that?!!
You have no idea how long I spent making that rhyme prophecy thingy.
As always, your kind words and actions are greatly appreciated!
My DM's are always open for theories and introspections <3
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st4rgzer · 2 months
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still think about you (chris sturniolo)
summary: when enough is enough, you act and confront chris
genre: just angst
cw!: swearing, cheating, kissing
a/n: i tried to do this the best i could since i didnt really know the song, i went with a different path (slightly) but i hope you like it<3
“i love you”
who knew a relationship of 6 months could be over over nothing, literally nothing. a silence. a silence that i anticipated, but nonetheless hurt just like the last time i tried saying it. from the look on chris’s face, he knew he fucked up, again.
“chris?” my voice was brittle, easily able to break any second now. my bottom lip trembled as he looked away, a guilty expression being hidden from me.
“baby you know how i feel-“ i cut him off. “do i?”
almost every ounce of respect i had for him shriveled away right then and there.
“do i know how you feel, if you can’t even fucking say ‘i love you’ to my face?” i tried to keep a firm voice despite the tears the pricked my eyes, desperate to come out.
i laughed, throwing my hands up in the air, in disbelief at the stupidity of the situation, and at chris’s inability to say a word.
“i don’t know what to say.”
“y’know what my mom told me, told me to watch who i fuck with and never trust a guy like you for shit.”
my words were petty and dripped with venom, tears falling over my cheeks. chris could only watch in pity.
“my friends warned me, fuck it, everyone warned me about you and about how much of a shit fucking person you are. but i didn’t believe them, and now i know. i feel fucking stupid, but i know i should’ve known better. instead of trusting any fucking bitch that slides into my dm’s. sure you might be rich ‘nd famous, but you’re no different than any rat i could find on the street.”
i spoke loudly, harshly. meaning every word that spewed from my mouth. my hand came up to my face to wipe the tears that had previously fallen. chris sniffed and wiped his eyes with the back of his hand, keeping his head down, he knew i had a right to be this mad. making me wait and wait till he was ‘ready’ to step forward with the relationship.
seeing as he was going to do next to nothing to keep me from going, i grabbed my purse and stomped across his living room, opened the door, and slammed it shut.
it was bittersweet, sitting in my car in his driveway, secretly waiting for him to run after me. but nothing happened, no one ran after me. so i kept some of my self respect and drove off, leaving behind who i thought was going to be the ‘love of my life’.
but mundane moments don’t feel the same with his hands wrapped around my waist, head leaned on the crook of my neck. his scent had washed off from all my clothes after a few weeks. no messages from him came, and i don’t think he ever intended to send one anyway. the worst thing is i still check, i still care. so it made sense for me to grab the phone when a post notification of his instagram page went off. one that made my stomach drop, my throat dry, and my knuckles white as i gripped the device in my hands. was this how it felt to have a knife in your back? i thought. have it twisted around and stuck again and again ferociously? because that’s how it felt.
does he remember how he’d been so afraid of posting me to the world that he’d keep me secret until he knew that i was really comfortable? that he’d whisper “id rather keep you to myself just a little longer” as we talked about our future under the boston night sky. how he’d promise me that i was worth every penny and every minute. did he just forget everything?
i turned the phone off, and stared at a small spot on the wall, trying to think about anything else but the photo i had just seen. a girl, holding chris’s cheek. kissing it. chris was smiling, an ice cream cone in his hand. that was not his favorite flavor. surely he had done this out of spite, right? surely the caption that read “i love you, thanks for the ice cream” had been to hurt me, annoy me. was it the fact that is was me that he couldn’t say ‘i love you” to? cause it seems like that comes easy for him to say with everyone else.
my mind spiraled as the familiar feeling of tears brimming my eyes started to form. my throat burned and my hand formed into fists to try and stop them from shaking. any hope of returning to where i’d once called home, was lost. i still think about him, that’s the worst part.
“i have to tell you something”
GRACE TALKS: guys i dont even remember my taglist help remind me if u wanna be tagged🙏
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maryannecrimsworth · 1 year
Angst Pure Angst is my favorite genre besides Pure unfiltered Fluff
Wednesday x Reader
Singer!Reader and Wednesday has an established relationship but Wednesday got shipped to Nevermore, she tries to get out of Nevermore to return to Reader but the murders from the hyde intrigued her and kept busy so much that she neglects to send letters to Reader who keeps sending her letters every week just to keep in touch. For months have Reader hoped for Wednesday to send a response but alas it wasnt meant to be. They thought if they scheduled a concert at Jericho that they could spend time with Wednesday for atleast a month, oh just how wrong they were.. They arrived at Jericho, staying at a local hotel for the rest of your stay and the second thing they do after checking in is to visit Nevermore and ask around for Wednesday and lo and behold she avoids them like they were sunshine personified (you can choose Reader's personality) for 2 weeks and they were heartbroken. Now it's time for the concert, they sing several songs and interact with the crowd but for the last song, not knowing if Wednesday is in the crowd or not but they sang it anyway and you can go off from there (could be any heartbreaking songs but i suggest this)
Good luck! and i hope you have fun with this lil request of mine <3
Honestly...I LOVE YOU
Sequel: Version 1 / Version 2
Pairing: Wednesday Addams x Singer! Gn! Reader
Warning: Angst? betray; heartbreak;
Only Silence(Without You)
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You said that we would always be
Without you I feel lost at sea
“Hey, hello!” You leaned over the balcony, your feet shifting, slipping on the floor while your fingers rhythmically tapped the wood. “Can you help me a little bit?” The lobbyist was not in a good mood: you could tell by the way she shook her head and sighed before turning to you. 
Her face changed completely when she saw you.
“Y-Y/N.” She stammered. “H-Hi.”
“Hi.” You smiled — and the woman blushed even more. “Can you do me a favor?”
“O-of course!” She basically hugged the balcony, stepping closer to you. “What do you need? I can help you with anything!”
“So, I was hoping to stop by that said school…” You pretended to forget its name. “Evenmore? Something like that. I’ve been told it’s a terrifying place.” Your lips twisted in a scared, exaggerated expression. “Do you happen to know where that is?”
“I do! The Nevermore Academy is only a short walk from here. Unfortunately.” The woman mumbled as she started to look for something on the balcony. “I have a map but…Why would you even wish to know that place?” The map was already in her hands, but she kept it away from you purposely. “These outcasts are wicked. They almost destroyed the town last month. It’s dangerous.”
“Well, but what can I do?” You leaned back with a sigh, pulling your hair as you smirked. “I live for the thrill.”
“Well, but I won’t let you meet these freaks.”
I beg your pardon? You didn’t allow your smile to drop. 
“God forbid anything happens to Y/N L/N during your stay here in Jericho!” She curses teenagers then speaks about God. Yeah, makes perfect sense. “Please, stay away from them.”
“I can’t, unfortunately,” How she didn't notice your sarcasm was a mystery. “Many of them bought tickets to the show, so…” You tapped your fingers on the balcony one last time before stepping back. “Thanks for the help!” 
“Have a good day!” You walked away. You left the hotel lounge with quick steps — you are going to find Nevermore, no matter how. 
You’re going to meet Wednesday Addams. You had to — you were here because of her, because of how your hands have been twisting and of how your chest has been aching since she left.
You’ve been sending her letters every single week since she left her home but you’ve got no reply — no note, no message, no riddle or threat, nothing. Then you heard about the mysterious murders in Jericho and you could feel your insides turning upside down. She was in danger — she was sent to Nevermore, taken away from you, to fit in, to belong somewhere, just like her parents did. You could understand that — not agree, but you understood. And she said she would write to you — and Wednesday’s words were like promises. At least you thought they were. You trusted her completely — you wrote to her all the time, your manager scolded you for that, but what else could you do? You love her — and she loves you too, in her own way.
You were sure of it until she entered Nevermore. 
Now, you knew nothing — and the ache, tightness in your chest made you walk faster to the outcast school. You were not supposed to go there by yourself — the teenagers would surround you like a pack of wolves — but you had to see her. You had to talk to her. You needed something — anything. 
Through the darkness you'd hide with me
Like the wind we'd be wild and free
There were so many girls and boys around you that you swore they had emerged from the ground.  It was impossible that the news had spread so fast — you had barely stepped through the gate and they were already surrounding you. Purple uniforms and colorful hairs everywhere — but nothing black. Not even a shadow of the phantasmagorical figure you were looking for. 
You chuckled at all the pleads and compliments — your smile made some teens gasp and scream, and you took your chance to move through the crowd. After taking dozens of photos with your stunning smile and autographing varied and indefinable objects, the crowd stepped back, amazed, contemplating your pictures and signatures and giving you time and space to wander through the school. It truly was a spooky and odd place, and it was no surprise why Morticia and Gomez loved it so much. No normie would endure studying in such an exquisite place — and you were sure Wednesday loved that place. There were references and homages of Edgar Allan Poe everywhere, and the statues and paintings made you hear her voice — made you remember all the nights Wednesday spent reading his tales and poems to you. 
Some parts of the building had been newly renovated — rebuilt after the huge riot at the school. The riot you had to learn about from the news, not from Wednesday. A crazy teacher, a murderer monster and a dead-pilgrim. As long as you were concerned, one of the kids from Nevermore was wrongly arrested, and Wednesday was the one who figured out who the real monsters was. Still, you discovered these things from the news and from a gossip blog ruled by a werewolf from Nevermore. That’s it.
You had to find Enid Sinclair — or then the boy who got mistakenly arrested. You were sure the she-wolf was somewhere between the crowd you had just escaped from, and you would not come back. No, you had to find that Thorpe boy. 
You said you'd follow me anywhere
After asking a few questions, you finally discovered where the artist was. He was popular at school, known for his living-drawings, and he should be in his dorm or in his shed. 
You went to his room, you knocked and you got no reply — then you went to the shed. A small building made of wood — a perfect place for hiding, or torturing someone. Wednesday would like it. 
You knocked and, this time, the door was open for you. 
“Hello.” You held out your hand for him, but he didn’t shake it. His fingers were soaked in paint, so were his clothes. “Nice to meet you, I’m Y/N.”
“I know who you are.” He said, a frown of confusion between his eyebrows. “I’m Xavier Thorpe. Why are you here?”
“I’m looking for someone and…I was wondering if you could help me.” You smiled. “Her name is Wednesday Addams. Do you have any idea where I can find her?”
His expression of confusion became one of anger. “If she didn't tell you, it’s because she doesn't want you to find her.”
“Do you know her?”
“Funny.” You smirked. “I never imagined she'd be friends with someone like you.”
“Like me?”
“An elitist snob.” Your words made him step back, revealing some of the paints inside the shed. Among all the frames and canvas, there was a painting of a girl with her cello. Wednesday with her cello. The tightness in your chest grew harder. “Now, will you tell me where she is or not?”
The door of the shed was shut in your face. You could hear Xavier cursing on the other side of the wooden wall. 
Who was he to be painting Wednesday? Who was he to be protecting Wednesday?
Wednesday was the last person in the world who needed protection, and behavior like his would make her furious immediately. 
How could they even be friends?
You tried to shake your anger away and walked back to the quad of Nevermore. 
Before the turmoil of teenagers could reemerge around you, you hid in the corner of the hallway and took a deep breath. The tambour your heart had become an artillery of noises in your ears: your own breathing was too loud, and you would've sworn you could hear the blood rushing in your veins if not for a whisper.
A low, worried, gentle whisper. Unlike any you had ever heard before.
“Yeah, but I’m worried about her, Yoko.” You followed the voice with careful steps. “Tyler and Wednesday dated…They kissed. They had something, no matter how much she denies it.”
“But she isn't going to talk about it with you, is she?”
“I dunno…That’s why I’m so worried. She can’t pretend it didn’t happen. I mean, she shouldn't.”
“Do you think she was in love with him?”
You tripped. You tripped and your body hit the wall, revealing to everyone your position. Including to the two whispering girls.
Your mind could not bear the answer of this question, nor could your knees: your whole being was shaking by the idea that Wednesday would have betrayed you. No.
Wednesday Addams would never.
But she also said she would never leave you. 
A chill ran through your body as the outcasts surrounded you again — including Enid and Yoko. They were smiling, gasping, worshiping you, and all you could think about was Wednesday. 
Where was she?
Then you found her. A black shadow who stood in the middle of the purple: a blank, serious face among all the blushed and passionate expressions.
She wasn’t trying to meet you, she wasn’t trying to be near you, she was simply trying to walk down the corridor. The corridor that now is filled with your fans — and her.
Her gaze landed on you for less than a second: the dark orbs you have grown to love and cherish so much; the look that scared everyone else, but not you, it enamored you. And that same look now showed you — and made you feel — nothing but coldness. 
Completely coldness. 
But your eyes Tell me you won't be there
You left Nevermore as soon as possible. 
Now I'm running away, my dear
From myself and the truth I fear
One night. One night and you will leave the hotel with your band to set up in the town square. The stage and bleachers had already been built, and in less than 24 hours the green grass would be filled with young people, normies, and outcasts from all over the region. Hundreds, thousands of people, and there was still only one person you could think about — Wednesday.
You couldn’t forget her look. Her gaze. The way her eyes moved away from you, so coldly — like never before. Something’s changed, something’s happened, and now you know what. Who.
Tyler Galpin — the Hyde, happened. He was the reason behind your dozen unanswered letters; the reason behind her coldness; the reason behind the fire that crawled over your skin until you screamed at the top of your lungs. The pillow isn’t enough to muffle your shouts, your anger, your pain — you had to do something. 
You had to talk to her.
My heart is beating, I can't see clear
How I'm wishing that you were here
You were risking everything. You were risking your career, your band, your reputation, your life, because of her. For her. You were committing a crime, breaking into Nevermore surroundings after curfew, only to see her.
It was not the first you broke the law and any type of common sense for her, but this time was different. This time, it felt wrong.
“Wednesday.” You breathed her name after reaching the balcony of her room. The ledge was quickly climbed over by you, an insignificant climb to reach her — but you did not expect she would be there, on the other side.
As if she was waiting for you. As if your steps, now resounding briefly in the middle of the night, were the beginning of the end; the introduction of your last show; the last concert you both would listen to together. 
“Hi.” You stepped closer. She didn’t move. “I...I've been trying to talk to you.”
Not a word. Not a reaction. Not even a single blink.
Your posture then changed. Your gaze grew wider, firmer, and your shoulders stiffened as you stuck your hands in your pockets. “I've met some of your friends.” You smirked, but the twist on your lips wasn’t one Wednesday knew. This one held anger. “Xavier, Enid…And I've heard about this Tyler guy too.” The twist on your lips became larger: you were smiling. You smiled while trying to not scream again, your whole body burning and your throat itching for relief. For an answer. For a fucking reaction. “Is there anything you want to tell me, Nessie?” Your voice changed again, for a brief moment, it sounded normal, familiar, warm — it sounded sad. Hurt. But you only allowed your pain to show for this briefest moment. “If not, I'll leave. I will leave and you will have only silence from me.” Nothing. Nothing. She did nothing. “No letters, no crystal ball calls, no serenades. Only silence.”
Only silence. That’s what she was already giving you — that’s what she wanted since the very first moment she went to Jericho. Since she met Tyler. Since she forgot you.
You snorted. You snorted so loudly and scornfully that the sound of your laughter made her stomach churn. You were not the only one holding yourself back — you were not the only one trembling, scared, hurt. Wednesday felt frozen as you felt about to burst, she couldn’t move as you couldn’t stay still. You could not wait for her, wait for a reaction, wait for scraps of  her love — not anymore.
“Your wish is an order.” You turned away and climbed the ledge once again. Your head was shaking, so were your hands and so were your eyes; every part of you was shivering in an uncontrollable turmoil, your chest beating so loud that its sound made you dizzy, made you mind pulse with its hectic pace.
It made you feel a pain that you did not even know was possible — it made you suffer like never before, like you’ve never even imagined. It made you blind and dazed, it made you angry and sad, it made you heartbroken. 
And it also made you relieved. Relieved and frayed enough to not notice the look on her eyes. 
To not notice the tear falling down her cheek.
To not notice that she could not bear your silence. That she could not be without you.
I got to learn how to love without you
I got to carry my cross without you
“Ladies and gentlemen, weirdos and freaks, beloved and hatered!” You spoke on the mic, your throat faltering due to the effort, your face covered in sweat as the guitar weighed on your shoulders, your blood rushing through your veins even quicker because of the crowd's screams. Your concert was packed, a complete success — and about to end. “Today, we finish in a different way. Today, the last song is for someone I know.” The crowd screamed even louder. “For someone I loved. For someone that might even be here…” You smirked and took a deep breath, waiting for the crowd to calm down before speaking again. “This song is for you, Nessie.”
Stuck in the middle and I'm just about to
Figure it out without you
You sang your heart out:
And I'm done sitting home without you
Fuck, I'm going out without you
@tundra1029 (what an amazing request) Gif belongs to @thesoldiersminute
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starryjuicebox · 4 months
Beloved (6) - Confession
Summary: Stella can't hold it inside any longer.
Pairing: Ascended!Astarion x Tav
Word Count: 611 words
Masterlist | Ao3 Link | Next Chapter
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Marpenoth 1492 
Today, with my help, Astarion completed the Rite of Profane Ascension. I don’t know what possessed me to even agree after my pleas fell on deaf ears. I was so numb. I tried to persuade him to change his mind, but I was too weak. I can barely even remember it. Everything after my failure was just black, black, black. I just want to forget. All the screams. All the blood. The disappointment from our friends. What have I done? 
Oak Father, please forgive me. I will never feel your warm embrace again. I have damned both my lover and myself to a dark, twisted eternity. What would Aelia say? I can never speak to her again. How could I have let this happen? 
Stella Lunaris
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“Why are you apologizing.” It was not a question. 
His consort stilled for just a moment, before wiping the tears from her eyes and finally meeting his gaze. “I… I helped Halsin complete Jaheira’s research. After we told her children of her passing, they gave him her notes. When we all reconnected at Shadowheart’s wedding, he pulled me aside.  He was…worried about me. About us.” 
Her voice was trembling; from fear, sorrow, or a mixture of both, Astarion wasn’t sure. 
Why had she kept this from him for two centuries? He hardly remembered the wedding, it had been so long ago. Both Shadowheart and her wife had since passed. He had seen them speaking briefly at the respective funerals… it seemed Halsin had been meddling in their affairs for far longer than he’d originally thought. 
“He was worried about you? And why would he be? We are flourishing.”
To him, they truly were. Astarion had everything he ever wanted. The Crimson Palace was his to rule, and he had redesigned every single aspect of the interior. Not a single trace of that wretch he would never speak of again remained. Every room had a vase filled with fresh flowers (his dear consort’s insistence) and gold was never an issue - he occupied three vaults in the Counting House. He also occupied a seat on the Council of Four and had his fingers in every proverbial pie around Baldur’s Gate. 
So why was his darling so forlorn? 
Stella hesitated, biting her lip. Her eyes flickered over to the window before lowering once more. “He just wanted to make sure I was happy, that’s all.” 
She wasn’t telling him the truth, he could feel it. Anger surged in his chest, and he fought hard to keep it down. 
“I know when you lie to me, little love. We’ve been together for three centuries,” he sighed, tucking a strand of her silky hair behind a pointed ear. 
Closing her eyes, his consort continued. “Halsin said I seemed nothing like myself anymore. That he wasn’t certain I was… doing well. Then, he asked me to help him finish Jaheira’s research, since I am Faithwarden.” 
Astarion paused. How dare the Archdruid accuse him of mistreating her? Anything she asked for, he would provide. She wanted for nothing, he made sure of it! 
“For a while after that…we exchanged letters and worked on completely deciphering the ritual, until he had completed it.” 
He furrowed his eyebrows. Something still wasn’t making sense. He didn’t particularly care whether or not their former companions lived or died. Only Gale and Halsin remained, and one of them had quite literally become a god. Why was this such a secret? “So why keep this from me, then? It’s not as if I don’t allow you to help your friends.”
The answer came in the smallest of whispers. “Because he wanted to see me be free.”
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