#this timeline is wild guys
silly-bean · 2 years
Lately, I've been really reading the FF7 timeline to copy it down for reference and I've found some *very* interesting details. Here's a list of stuff so far:
Bugenhagen is apparently born in 1877?? This means he's 130 years old in OG!!
Pres Shinra is born in 1940. Palmer is 3 years younger than him.
Hojo was born in 1945, making him around 35 when Sephiroth is born.
ShinRa was known as "ShinRa Manufacturing" before it was an electric company, and we apparently don't have a date for when it was founded but know it discovered Mako energy on September 23, 1959.
Heidegger is born in 1949, making him a year older than Vincent.
Both Vincent and Lucrecia are born in 1950.
Red XIII is born in 1959, which is apparently the same year the Gi attacked.
Grimoire dies ~1970, which means Lucrecia was around 20 when it happened. Can you imagine doing undergrad research trying to get ahead of the curve and you get your advisor killed by the equivalent of a minor deity cuz you wouldn't stop poking it? She wasn't even a grad student when it happened 😂
Barret and Reeve are the same age, having been born in 1972.
Cid is actually 3 years younger than both of them, having been born on Feb 22, 1975.
Construction on the Midgar plate starts in 1976, and ShinRa is known as an electric company by then, but we don't know when that actually changed.
Tseng, Rufus, and Rude are all the same age, having been born in 1977. SOLDIER is initiated in the same year to help bring an end to a long-running international war.
Oh, Jenova is also found in 1977, which means none of the trio can even be conceived until that year. The Jenova Project also starts up that year.
At some point between 1977 and 1982, Vincent is assigned to guard the scientists running Project S. Yeah, we have no concrete date for that.
Somewhere around 1980, the trio are all born. No actual birthdates for any of them.
Gast leaves Shinra in 1980, which means, that even if Sephiroth is born in late 1977, he literally never knew the guy. He apparently meets Ilfana at some point before 1985, but we have no date for that.
We also have no official date for Lucrecia going crazy and Vincent getting shot. Wiki says it's somewhere around 1984, which is fucking wild. Cuz it's stated that she goes crazy during pregnancy and Vincent confronts Hojo as a result of that, which gets him shot. And yet, Sephiroth is supposed to be born around 1980??? Which means there's no chance he was born that late? WHICH IS IT SQUARE???
Reno is born in '79, meaning he's conceivably older than Sephiroth??
We have no concrete date for Zack being born, just the "around 1984", except we know he's 16 in '00, which means he was born early '85 at the latest since he's canonically 2 years older than Cloud and CC starts in October of '00.
We have no idea how old Kunsel is! I usually place him as being born in '83 and a year older than Zack.
Aerith was born Feb 7, 1985 and Gast was killed 20 days later on Feb 27.
Cloud was born on August 11, 1986 and Tifa was born on May 3, 1987.
we have actual years for basically all the Tsviets being born and yet no date for Sephiroth.
Yuffie's mom is apparently named "Kasumi"??
The Wutai war begins "around" 1992, which means Sephiroth could conceivably be, at the youngest, like, 8 when it starts up and around 16 at the oldest. We also have no concrete date for when he gets deployed, but know he's apparently a 1st class already by then?
Tseng is also only, like, 15 when the war starts, which leads me to believe that he gets recruited by the Turks in the early days of the war. He's also a rookie Turk by 1997 when the whole thing that results in Kalm being bombed happens.
Cissnei is hailed as the youngest ever full Turk, and considering Tseng is one by the time he's 20, and Reno is one when he's late teens, she's gotta be as young or younger than Zack. I usually put her as being born in '85 and thus 15 when CC starts.
Before Crisis is fucking wild dudes. We have at least years for all the events and it gets the Turks involved in a huge number of events in the timeline.
Rufus isn't made VP until after Genesis deserts. Seriously. The mass desertion event happens in October of '00 and Rufus isn't VP until December.
The Wutai war ends in Feb of '01 and Avalanche starts being a problem almost instantly (hmmm, I wonder why?? It's almost like someone started giving the group funding to start up 🤔)
Cloud leaves Nibelheim somewhere between December of '00 (when he makes his promise to Tifa) and April of '01 (when he meets Zack on the Modeoheim mission).
Cloud successfully kills a RAVEN (an enhanced Avalanche soldier made by Fuhito, a cheap Hojo knock-off) with their own sword in June of '01 when he's 14.
Avalanche attacks the ShinRa building in June of '02 and apparently almost makes off with Hojo??
Avalanche learned of Aerith and actually try to kidnap her in August of '02.
Cloud, Zack, and Sephiroth arrive in Nibelheim on Sept 22 and are then there for a whole 9 days before Sephiroth snaps and burns the town to the ground on the 10th (October 1).
Marlene is born in late winter/early spring aka early '03, making her 4 at the time of OG.
Apparently, Avalanche and the Turks were involved in the failed Shinra No. 26 launch?? I actually refuse this specific thing as canon, but the failed launch happened on April 12 of '03. Cid is 28 at the time.
The Corel reactor is attacked on May 8, and the town is blamed for it and burned to the ground apparently the same day??
Red XIII is captured by Shinra on October 30 of '06. And apparently, Reno was one of the Turks who captured him??
Zack and Cloud escape the lab on Dec 18 of '06. It then takes him almost 3 months to make it to Gongaga (arrives in February).
Then, Zack doesn't make it to Banora until September?? And that's when he deals with Genesis. And then he's dead before the month is over.
An entire mess with a summon called Zirconiade happens in early October of '07, where Midgar is almost destroyed cuz Fuhito decided that killing all humans was the best way to save the planet and turns himself into the summon?? Idk BC is fucking wild. This marks the end of this incarnation of Avalanche.
Tifa also finds Cloud wandering the slums in October of '07 and then the reactor bombing doesn't happen until December. This gives us officially 2 months of time where his recovery was happening and zero details. I have fanfic ideas already.
It's incredibly funny to me that Avalanche as the Turks know it is done in October and then, 2 months later, another cell pops up and has the balls to bomb a reactor. Talk about the mother of all cockroaches.
Apparently, officially, OG takes place over around a month or so??
Edge is being built by the end of January '08 and the WRO is also founded very quickly. I don't know if I believe that, really.
Advent Children happens in '10, and we have very little knowledge about those 2 years other than some OVAs and light novels I think.
DoC happens in '11. The less said about that, the better.
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bumblingbabooshka · 8 months
Harry Kim saying Naomi is lucky to be born on Voyager and that he would have given "anything" to have her life when he was a kid...
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#He sees NO downsides????#Also I love how Neelix was yelling and panicked and Harry was like 'haha ok buddy. Hey this little guy is ugly huh~? See ya later!'#absolutely unbothered and not the least bit curious - love him <3#saw someone post about how they don't like 'once upon a time' bc Neelix doesn't tell Naomi right away about her mother .... bro.#c'mon. Anyway I love Neelix and him trying so hard to shield Naomi from bad things / upset bc he KNOWS how fucking painful#it is to lose a family DID make me tear up.#Also Naomi in that burned-down forest (symbolic of innocence?) was a kickass visual. Neelix telling her about his family and Naomi trying#to comfort HIM??? SHE'S SUCH A GOOD KID MAN....Neelix making her a flotter doll was also v cute#OH AND Naomi going 'I Am Borg...' and Neelix going '~??? No you're not~!!!' and Naomi giggling...added NOTHING to the#episode - as it should be!! Sometimes you've just gotta have a really cute silly moment <3#Tuvok: [says something] / Tom: Nice bedside manner Tuvok =_=#Tuvok: [about to say the most beautiful comforting words you've ever heard one parent say to another] And I took that personally.#Love how Naomi is scared of Seven at first...girl that's your roommate.#HEHEH she starts off the series scared of her but by the end she's her little buddy and also her intern#but yeah never forget that Harry Kim can and will say the most unhinged things but so casually that no one will really clock it#NEVER forget that he says he remembers.....either being an infant or his own birth - both WILD to me#Harry Kim lowkey loves destiny and being special and the idea of 'chosen ones' and the narrative even though he will fight it all if it#harms the ones he loves#Harry: (guy from an alternate timeline who replaced the dead Naomi with the alive one from his own) That kid's living the dream <3
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zellk · 4 months
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Funny romance charts - FFXIV OCs edition (empty chart)
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r0semultiverse · 9 months
WAIT- is this one of the alternate timelines created from the space-time sword ("Shintō Amenogozen")!? 👀
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I'm an anime-only bsd enjoyer & ever since that damn sword popped up after Atsushi & Akutagawa killed him on the boat but he was able to erase/undo(?) that timeline, I've been thinking that technically means there's multiple timelines. This would be the one where Fukuchi won that conflict we just saw or something else entirely is going on given the way he's dressed (if that even is him)! 👀👀👀
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wiklm · 7 months
hi guys omg i have ocs!!! i have more but these are the ones i’m the most mentally ill about
introducing finnick (white hair!! my oc), alf (black hair w/ purple streaks!! close friend’s oc ) and aadhira (purple hair!! my oc + finnicks niece!!) the close friend and i share joint custody of all three of them. they are my sillies and i adore them so i’m here is all of the art i’ve made of them in the last couple months that i deem worthy of tumblr.com
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they go in order from most recent to oldest!!!
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bowl-of-fruit-loops · 5 months
so it’s been a while since I’ve read the heroes of olympis books (tbh I think I dropped off after house of hades) and I forgot how WILD jason’s backstory is. he’s a child of the big three, he was raised by wolves, he joined the legion when he was like four, he was handpicked by a goddess to be her champion, he defeated a titan in hand to hand combat, and then has his memories wiped by previously mentioned goddess. how he ended up so normal (in demigod terms) is fascinating. I need to study him.
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marathedemonoverlord · 11 months
Idk why I'm still playing this since I've disconnected but (LESSON 20 SPOILERS)
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Dude this isn't a great award/title you're thinking it is. Do you know how much advil and fucking coffee you and the 7 Dumbasses got Me downing on a daily (ಥ ͜ʖಥ)
I don't even remember the last time I had human contact with a mortal please I'm wilting here XD
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likehandlingroses · 7 months
wild how we’ve known about the new characters on The Gilded Age for like a year and a half now…that’s sooo long
I’ll be watching on Sunday like “she’s here!!” about a completely new character like I know her
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metallatch · 1 year
the fifth season of tmnt 2012 is not canon.
the creators of the show have stated that none of it actually happened in the original timeline.
how the fck do you create an entire final season and just casually say It Didn’t Happen?
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bloomingbluebell · 1 month
no i don't have a favourite link ahahaha what makes you think that *pointedly not looking at the copious amounts of evidence that says it's botw/totk link*
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vodkacheesefries · 8 months
Me: I want to squat 400lbs for my next competition in January
Also me: Oops I squatted 402lbs Sept. 29th and now I have no idea what my January competition will look like
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linagram · 7 months
hi i'm in the mood to infodump and i almost started typing something that is a very big spoiler to the second timeline so instead i'll talk about something that we already know which is. sanada brothers' relationship.
so i think i haven't talked about any of the possible t3 covers (except mentioning yurika's deco cover on my main) but like. yes i've said it before and i'll say it again rabbit girl outfit kei will be real in like. a few months probably. i mean i've drawn him before so he's already kinda real
HOWEVER what i didn't mention is that i was thinking of giving him mozaik role as his possible guilty cover! but then he got absolutely hit by that innosweep so yeah. no kei mozaik role.
but i listened to it again earlier and i was like. hold on. hold on. these lyrics are. kinda kei AND eiji coded.
obviously, it would have a more platonic meaning in this case (it's so hard to work with deco's songs sometimes, it's like i KNOW pretty much all of his songs are about romance and i'm like. b-but what if i need something different..), but like. look at this. please stay in this space with me.
so you're staying with me here? good!
so, let's point out some of the kei-coded lyrics.
"i compared the fluid that leaked out of the wound to love". YEAH. yeah, this is kei with his "pain means love btw <3" beliefs. if you're wondering how and why did he even start to think so, in his first interrogation he says that it's what eiji and kei's mother always used to say and i overall kinda tried to imply that he's VERY attached to his mom. (i am planning to make a post about her and eiko's mother soon!)
"you gave me a sweet lie that "it's okay to be a coward", have i been able to escape?" even though eiji is the younger brother, he's the one who always protected kei from other people and kei is actually very dependent on him, i mean, he literally calls him his older brother sometimes. "wait who did he have to protect kei from" first of all, this hasn't really been talked about before, but i think it's easy to guess that kei always kinda had this weird kid kind of reputation. which would lead to. yeah. bullying. and also.. um. mrs sanada believed that pain means love and kei also thinks that she loved him more than she loved eiji. i think that's enough information. (it also should be mentioned that right now eiji is 19 and kei is 25 and the age difference is actually quite big, which means that when 16 y/o kei was in trouble, A LITERAL 10 YEAR OLD TRIED TO PROTECT HIM. AND KEI CALLED HIM HIS OLDER BROTHER EVEN THEN. DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHY EIJI IS LIKE THIS NOW.)
"what's wrong with killing me, me who you hate" well. i think we all know this. no matter how much eiji says that he hates kei, no matter how messed up their relationship is and no matter how badly kei treated (and still does) him, eiji simply wouldn't be able to actually kill him. yes, he punished and tortured him, but he wouldn't be brave enough to actually sentence him to death.
now, about eiji-coded lyrics.
"i will be sick of you by the end of this", "i will drink up all the tears that you gave me". pretty self-explanatory, but the second one can also refer to the fact that even though eiji does recognize that the way kei treated him was abusive and unhealthy, he still can't let him go for some reason, so sadly, he will just continue to ruin himself while claiming that he hates him and kei deserves to die and also visiting him and checking up on him every day, "just because he wants to see kei in pain", yeah, sure. he cried so many tears because of kei, but he will still drink them up.
"is this called "i loved you"? where i struggle to cling to you". again. eiji, sweetie, make up your mind. this is the part of eiji and kei's relationship that is so heartbreaking to me because even though eiji himself knows how toxic their relationship is, he's still attached to kei and still cares about him. i don't know, something about him still trying to take care of kei who abused him both physically and emotionally and believing that kei still needs him (and he's not wrong) is so. 😔😔😔
and the lyrics that fit both of them!
"and yet, i love you", "what's wrong with me loving you, bound together, so nobody can touch you" these two are so codependent, it's scary. and actually, i SHOULD talk more about how much these two depend on each other because if you think about it, both kei and eiji try to fight for independence in their own way. kei's way of fighting is having as many relationships (that last like a week or two) as possible, almost as if saying "yes i DO get bitches, but i can easily leave them as soon as i'm bored, i am sooooo cool" and doing illegal and creepy things such as. yeah. literally taking pics of people being tortured for money and his own personal amusement, like he's saying "aren't i so cool for doing this. aren't you afraid of me. please say that you are, give me a reason to feel like i'm in control here". meanwhile eiji not only hates criminals because he associates them with kei, but he also punishes them in the worst ways possible and enjoys it because he wants to feel like he can do something himself, without anyone's help, and he wants to prove that he's strong. look at him, a 16 y/o kid got a horrible head injury because of him and it's possible that he will die soon! eiji is so strong, isn't he? he even had enough courage to punish his own brother, who already had scars and was afraid of eiji touching him! he also forced yurika to relive the days of being a maid even though she hated every second of it! w-what do you mean, that's.. bad?
so yeah, both sanada brothers just want to be seen as cool and mature and be treated like adults, except they.. don't even know what being an adult is like. their mother is a toymaker who was basically a child pretending to be a grown-up, eiji was forced to become an older brother figure even before he went to middle school, kei literally sees everything through rose-colored glasses, eiji believes that violence is the only way to show that he's stronger than others and kei tends to unconsciously age regress when he's panicking or in an unsafe situation. yeah, these two want to and will beat each other up. and yes, they love each other in the most twisted way.
"this is fate as well, it will disappear, disappear, our world of love" SO U H . i feel like if i say anything, it will be a spoiler, so let me just say this. both sanada brothers were/are/will lose something that feels like home to them. kei misses ruka and he committed his crime exactly because his world started to fall apart and he started to think that ruka will be taken away from him (surprisingly, he actually did it not in a yandere way and it wasn't really a result of obsession, but him realizing that he cares about him. after all, he did say in his first interrogation that "he thinks he really did love that person".). and we know that all of this is going to end one day, but we don't know what is going to happen to the guards after their job is done. and considering that eiji finally feels like he has found what he was made for and what he likes to do.. yeah. yeah, it's possible that his world is going to disappear as well.
my brain is running out of brain juices, so let me just show these screenshots. do you see my vision
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ihamtmus · 1 year
this fandom will never choose hoseok first huh? as long as ANY of the other members is an option?
why does this always always happen i really do not understand
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Some sketches of my wizard Peri as I (slowly) work my way through Act III
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froqpi-art · 1 year
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i finished zi-o. i think its gonna be the only thing i think about for the next month
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rivilu · 11 months
Ok the more i think about it the more it trips me out that Frankenstein's first edition was written before the greek revolution happened and the second just a year before independence (for southern greece only) was reached. WILD.
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