hikikomari · 1 year
“Good morning! Did everyone get me presents?”
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hikikomari · 1 year
@velvrose​: gently holds out basil
“Basil, our sweet, darling Basil.” Mari pulls him verbally out of his own little world in the corner of the treehouse.
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“You look like you’re thinking really hard about something or other!” she declares, then reaches out to rest a hand on his head. “Penny for your thoughts?”
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hikikomari · 1 year
its been ages since i’ve done a basic starter call for mari huh. hmu
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hikikomari · 1 year
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> let them play, hero. they’re just teasing each other. remember how we were when we were younger? I used to hide bugs in your desk all the time to see your reaction! you were always so funny.
> w-wait… that was you?!
happy holidays! this page illustration for the Requiem fanzine is a year old now. it feels a little silly to look back at it because I’ve learned so many things about my art since then… but I love this memory all the same :)
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hikikomari · 2 years
Reacting with a slight flinch and rubbing his forehead, it took everything to stifle a sigh. She was just too good at reading him. Or could just read minds. Quite possibly both, he jokes to himself. After a few seconds Hero gives in, deciding it wasn’t worth hiding anything from Mari and knowing she was not one to give up easily. Those flicks and pokes and pinches could really pile on…
“You shouldn’t know me so well…” As much as he disagrees with himself and is happy she does. “But it’s nothing I haven’t complained about before. Mom just…”
Finally, he lets out that sigh and pulls a pamphlet, as uncrumpled as possible in his eyes, from his hoodie pocket. “She said I should go on another trip, just another one-day thing for one of those summer school games this year but I’ve already been to one and just want to stay here.” After a second, he looks back up and continues with a tone trying to bring the mood back up; “With you.✨”
At his attempts at sassiness, Mari merely snickers and pulls on his cheek. “Alright lady killer, stow those big guns away until you’re trying to bribe me.”
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“I don’t need cheering up, this is about you!” She gives him a soft hug, her hands loop around his shoulders and her head resting against his heartbeat, exuding her calming presence. ”I think maybe you should tell her how this kind of thing makes you feel, Hero. I know you don’t want to disappoint you, but your mom would want you to feel like you can talk to her, I think!”
“If you need help summoning your courage, I can get the ball rolling for you to have a talk with her. I’ll butter her up real good and send her your way so she’ll listen with her whole heart!”
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hikikomari · 2 years
“My dearest little brother...” Sitting at her desk with a pencil, Mari mulls over word choice in agonizing complexity. In the end, she begins her letter with the recipient’s name and a comma, no more.
“I hope you’ll forgive big sis for intruding on your special day, I promise I won’t bother you at all aside from this note. But even if you hate me, I’ll still love you forever and ever, so you can’t expect me to just completely ignore your birthday!” Another long pause follows this paragraph, a good fifteen minutes straight of contemplation before she finally writes it down.
“Have the best birthday ever, ok?...From, your big sister...” Not entirely satisfied but needing to actually get the letter done sometime soon, she puts it in its envelope and tucks it into the present box, containing many, many expensive art sets, Spaceboy toys and comics, an album of which she overheard one song playing on Sunny’s tape player...It’s very hard to get gift ideas for someone who doesn’t talk to you at all, so she ended up just kinda making a grab bag in the hopes he’d like at least one item.
Wrapping it all up, and then starting over twice because it didn’t look just right, she plants a simple sticker bow precisely on a corner of the box, an even distance from the closest edges.
She leaves the present in their shared bedroom, and goes to spend the rest of the day out of his hair.
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hikikomari · 2 years
weeks of evading conversation and months of built-up emotions; hiding, hiding time and time again. that seemed to be all sunny did these past months—past year: hide away in his room. the appearances he made were occasional, usually only when necessary, and even then he was incredibly silent and subdued. he shied away from his sister and his friends.
but that’s okay. sunny was learning to bury himself in distractions. omori and sunny were both learning that sunny was happier when asleep. swords of guilt and spears of sorrow pierced the boys heart at any other time. omori was learning how unfair and cruel the world is. naturally, he decided to take the situation into his own hands.
omori had subtly spent the last week preparing for his move; he decided that perhaps it was better if, well… he could stop at least one source of torment. thus, in the dark of night, omori found his way into the kitchen and grabbed the sharpest knife he knew they had. he stares at his reflection, admiring the blade; one of the villains—those shadowy monsters—one of them will be gloriously defeated tonight, and everything will be a little better. ( will it be your pathetic excuse of a father? mother? maybe basil? perhaps even you-? )
then, @hikikomari came in at the wrong time. omori tenses his shoulders, gripping the knife handle. she’s unquestionably seen him, no doubt about that. he tilts his head slightly so he can see her in his peripheral.
“ sister. ” omori says blankly, turning a bit to see her better.
“It’s nice to see you up and about, Sunny!” it’s a bit of a stretch to say he’s ‘about’, he’s merely downstairs for once, but she and the mother of the household have been aggressively supportive to Sunny in any small progress he makes.
Is he speaking to her so formally because he hates her? She can’t tell, and is entirely unwilling to prod on such a matter. Since the recital incident, she’s asked nary a question about that day.
“Are you down here for a snack? Your food intake wasn’t very good at all today, no wonder...” She herself goes to get a cup for the water she’d been wanting. “If you wanted, I could make something just for you! Nothing in the fridge right now is very light, I don’t think...Could keep you awake...”
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The perfect big sister smiles softly at her little brother, desperate for approval only he has ever withheld.
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hikikomari · 2 years
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          { 🏏 } ❝ …yes please. ❞
aubrey wasn’t going to make any excuses, or try and play off how she felt at this point. she wanted out of this house right now, and she wasn’t about to pass up a perfect opportunity to do just that. she knew she would be safe with mari until her mom went back to being catatonic.
standing up and using the hand that wasn’t holding the ice pack to her face to hold onto mari, aubrey couldn’t help but sniffle and let a couple tears fall from her eyes as mari gently patted her head and made her feel safe. it felt like she was 12 years old again. a little kid looking for someone to comfort her when she needed it.
❝ let’s go, mari. i don’t want to be here right now. ❞
“Of course, pumpkin.” Almost as if she really had become twelve again, Mari takes her hand, and leads her out of the household. She smiles at the other girl, not without sadness, but still with the same deep maternal love she’s always practically radiated ever since the day they met.
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“How about we take a real quick detour and get a pizza, hmm? Sunny’s not having a great day either.” So Aubrey can’t go ‘nooo you shouldn’t do that just for me’, and her teenageness can say its just to cheer Sunny up. “He’ll be so delighted to see you.”
More, he’ll be glad to see someone who isn’t his sister. He always gets broody with her after practice...
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hikikomari · 2 years
Destroy My Muse On Anon
Provoke them, upset them, frighten them, make them cry! I want tears and regret and pain and just plain oodles of angst.
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hikikomari · 2 years
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          { 🏏 } aubrey can’t even muster the smile she usually has on her face as mari shows up and immediately notices the bruise on her face. she didn’t really do anything to hide it, but she was still hoping that mari wouldn’t mention it.
as the ice pack is placed on her cheek, aubrey holds it there herself, hesitating for a moment before speaking.
❝ …yeah. it was mom. ❞ probably not a statement mari wanted to hear, but it unfortunately was the truth. ❝ we just… we got into an argument, and it ended poorly. i’m used to it at this point. it’s always like this on the few occasions she even acknowledges i’m here. ❞
“...Why don’t you come over for a weekend sleepover? You could stay for a few days.” The unspoken reasoning, is of course, that Aubrey’s mother will cool off and have fully returned to vegetating in a drunken stupor by the time Aubrey returns to her own house.
And naturally, she’ll have plenty of time to coddle Aubrey to bits.
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At the moment, she pets Aubrey’s hair soothingly, with the maternal nurturing and finesse otherwise unknown to the poor younger girl. “My parents adore you, they wouldn’t mind.” 
Indeed, its almost troubling how little resistance her father puts up to Aubrey’s presence. If there was anyone in their friend group she’d expect him to disapprove of, it would be the troubled teen, not the fellow immigrants next door who happen to be somewhat darker skinned than their family.
But oh well. It works out.
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hikikomari · 2 years
“Something’s wrong, isn’t it?” He was pretty clearly trying to hide it, behind smiles and kisses, but Mari is the champion of those methods already, they don’t work on her at all.
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“Hiding things is no good, Hero.” she gives him a light flick on the forehead, playfully and grinning. “Who else are you going to be telling you troubles to, if not to me? Nobody! And that’s no good at all.”
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hikikomari · 2 years
“So you see, for the area of a triangle, you gotta put another of the same triangle here, and you make a rectangle out of them. Since this rectangle is two of the triangles, once we know the rectangle’s area, we can just cut the number in half, and you’ll have the answer!”
Mari doodles on the younger boy’s notebook while she speaks, giving visuals to aide her explanation.
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She’s usually the one helping Kel out like this. Not due to a lack of ability or desire on Hero’s part, it’s a bit more selfish than that. By having her be the one who helps, they simultaneously help Kel with his studies and make the boys’ parents like her more.
“Does that make sense?”  She smiles encouragingly, in a way that invites honesty.
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hikikomari · 2 years
When she arrives for her weekly cleaning visit, Mari immediately notices:
“Aubrey, you have a bruise on your face.”
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In seconds, she’s gone to the fridge and pulled out an ice pack, ran back over and placed it against the other girl’s cheek. “Did you get in a fight with someone? Maybe Kim or Michael?...Or your mom?”
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hikikomari · 2 years
To say that Mari has been abrasive since their first...disagreement about Mari’s refusal to return to music would be like saying that the tectonic plates beneath Tokyo are slightly unstable. Now that it’s been made apparent that her hangups are not at all similar to Hero’s, he’s tried to find out what’s actually going on. Which as not been met with much finesse.
“Because I don’t want to, is that so weird!?”
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hikikomari · 2 years
who wants a mari ❤️
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hikikomari · 2 years
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Wanted to draw Hero
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hikikomari · 2 years
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          { 🎀 } ❝ i mean… i love spending time with omori, you know that! but… i don’t like the way you’re talking right now, mari… ❞
mari pulling the girl closer and the kiss planted on the top of her head don’t really help assuage aubrey’s concerned pout.
mari’s voice had a slight tone of… finality? to it? as if she was trying to prepare aubrey for something coming up sooner than she knew. and she didn’t want to imagine…  something like that! yet, if mari was the one asking…
❝ but i guess i can try. but you have to promise me that nothing bad will happen to you, mari! or him! you’re both gonna stay with me and the rest of the group forever, right? and we’re gonna go on lots of adventures together! so stop talking like… that! ❞
“Of course, Aubrey. We’ll always be together. Even when we’re not.” She smiles gently. “That’s how love works! When you give your heart to someone, they take a piece of it, a copy of it, and they carry it with them forever and ever.”
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“That’s why...you can’t get away from me!” She suddenly tickles her companion and laughs. “Wherever you go, I’m always going to be with you, so don’t bother trying to run!”
She giggles and stares, grinning, into the younger girl’s face to gauge her level of alleviation from the fear and anxiety that Mari herself inspired.
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