#i think main 1. i hate the concept of wiping the whole timeline
froqpi-art · 1 year
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i finished zi-o. i think its gonna be the only thing i think about for the next month
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loregoddess · 3 months
ayyy there was something tricky about Ochette's final boss, and it was that the final boss has a ton of health and an attack that reduces one party member to 1 hp (which the boss uses to power up and will use multiple times throughout the battle), so having healers is very helpful, bc despite Ochette being lv. 70 I was not able to "deal massive amounts of damage to get through the fight in like, 4-5 turns" my way through her final boss, although I had significantly less trouble this time than I did on my first playthrough when this was the first final boss I took on.
Anywho, thoughts on Temenos and Ochette's final chapters below...
I can add "timeline for when the Kal got wiped out" to the list of things that I just legit forgot from my first playthrough, like I simply did not remember seeing "Thirty years earlier...." at the start of Temenos's Ch4, which is such a weird timeframe (are you telling me Reiza was 7? and she has major guilt from a genocide she participated in when she was SEVEN??), but at least the "Temenos might have been a survivor of the Kal" theory makes so much more sense to me, bc I just thought we got a vague "decades ago" timeframe, not an actual set of years, bc in my head I was like "Well, Reiza's 37, so if this happened decades ago maybe it was two decades and she was 17 bc that would make sense for all the guilt she's carrying" no, no we actually got a timeline and she was apparently a whole whopping seven years old. Anyhow I'm gonna have to unshelve the Kal Temenos theory in my head and turn it over a bit more.
That all said the writing for Temenos's final chapter is...fine. So it's really not that his storyline bugs me so much as his Stormhail chapter specifically bugs the hell out of me (and also I don't like the "genocide survivor joins those who killed her people to seek revenge on them...somehow" as a plot point, like don't get me wrong I love the concept of Kaldena and think she should be in the story, but not as the main antagonist, but that's an entirely different rant).
I still wish we got some sort of timeline for when D'arqest came and turned whichever group of people living on Toto'haha into the beastlings. Like this guy apparently did something on every major landmass, and we don't know when or in which order. (whose name I hate typing by the way, why did the localization team decide to have it spelled like that?)
Also for as...clumsy as the whole "D'arqest turned people into beastlings by taking the evil from their hearts to call up the Shadow, so they can't be corrupted by the Shadow or at least are very resistant to it" is a worldbuilding point (believe me, I understand why this is criticized by fans), I don't think it's as simple as I've seen some analyses write it off as? Like, the Nameless Village is very much Right There, and there is very much something...deeply weird and concerning going on with the "heirs" in the village. Like, I dunno, I wish there was more about exactly what is going on with the "heir" situation in the Nameless Village, bc like what does it mean that the heir is a "vessel"? why does the heir, if they survive, end up with scars across their backs? who do people living there act as guides to outsiders even though those outsiders might end up summoning the Shadow (like what Kaldena was trying to do)? Ochette, Juvah, any of the members of Beasting Village, and also any of the members of Cohazeh's village never bring up the beastlings in the Nameless Village, and even Temenos doesn't have much to say about anything in the Nameless Village itself since he's so laser-focused on Kaldena. I just...have a lot of questions about the Nameless Village.
Ochette's final chapter still gets me like, that is one hell of a tragic battle, and even though I knew what was going to happen I still teared up a bit. (story-wise, not combat-wise, the battle itself was fine mechanically, but the story bits afterwards just get me).
From the perspective of trying to figure out how Vide's influence works and stuff though, it is interesting that one of Ochette's potential companions is able to be influence and corrupted by the Shadow (since we see the purple-y shadow stuff around the companion not chosen back when Ochette was 10, well before Petrichor and Harvey turned the creature into the Darkling), since mostly we only see Vide's influence in humans and monsters.
Juvah also calls Toto'haha's flame the "First Flame" which is a really interesting bit of lore, since we have the Kal who worship the "Azure Flame" and the Order of the Sacred Flame who worship the "Sacred Flame". Can't remember where it was in who's story, but I remember it being said that after their battle with Vide the gods were said to fall into a slumber (potentially literally becoming the various Flames), so it's interesting that we have a religion that seems to have been carried over from Orsterra, a new religion formed by the Kal people, and indications that the ancient beastlings or warden beasts also had some sort of understanding of their island's flame that is separate from the Order's interpretation of the Sacred Flame. I'll have to keep an eye out during Hikari and Agnea's crossed paths Ch2 to see if anything interesting is said in the cave of that region's flame.
ALSO THOUGH because the Scarlet Moon only happens every 400 years, this might actually help me if I ever sit down and sort through the in-game lore to set up a potential timeline bc like, the Scarlet Moon is basically an astrological occurrence (lunar eclipse? that makes it possible for Vide's power to seep through from "another world"); the fact that Toto'haha is a weak point that connects to Vide's "world" isn't really that surprising when we consider that the island is located sorta halfway between where Vide is fought in the endgame, and the isle containing the Gate of Finis. We also know the legendary creatures prevented the calamity of the last Scarlet Moon before dispersing over the world, and Tera shows up in the Kal's mural.
So it's possible the Scarlet Moon occurred, the legendary creatures dispersed, D'arqest began his conquest of the world fighting against Kal and Tera, fighting against the first leader of Ku and possibly the Lumine clan on the western continent, fighting...someone on the eastern continent (the kingdom of Fjall? someone else?) and causing the Pit to open up in the wall, and attempted to summon Vide or obtain Vide's power on Toto'haha, resulting in the beastlings (he might have done this before fighting Kal, since D'arqest had the power of the Shadow when he fought Kal, and actually might have been at Toto'haha first? maybe Kal and Kal's people managed to kill D'arqest and that's why he's buried in Gravell so close to where the Kal people lived). We know he also had to obtain Vide's power or blood somehow to make Claude into a vessel for Vide, so Toto'haha might play into that as well (maybe the beastlings found a way to seal the power of the Shadow that seeps through the Rifted Rock, and that has something to do with the "heir" tradition that I have so many questions about).
I'm pretty sure D'arqest had to happen after the first Scarlet Moon though, just bc of Tera being in the Kal mural, which would place D'arqest's activities sometime in the last 399 years before the game, which wouldn't be that far stretched (Lyblac was only active for like, less than 200 years in Orsterra which is hardly any time). It also makes me wonder if the gods' original battle with Vide didn't occur 400 years before D'arqest, since Vide has to be sealed in another world in order to try breaking through when the planetary alignment is just right during the Scarlet Moon, and a lunar eclipse would have been the height of Vide's potential power (the night side of the planet is in shadow and the moon is in the shadow of the planet, unable to reflect as much light) which might explain how 7 of the 8 gods ended up dead or as close to dead as a god can get. It would then place the timeframe for Vide getting sealed at roughly 800 years before the events of the game's story, which follows the 8 theme pretty nicely.
Which is all wild speculation on my part, but I can't see D'arqest being active more than 400 years before the story events. Also the legendary creatures disperse from Toto'haha, whose flame is protected by the warden beasts and the beastlings (who are, if not immune to the Shadow, at least very resistant to it and therefore ideal protectors), and one creature ends up in the area of each of the other three flames, as if they're protecting those flames as well--and there seems to be a group of people who come to worship/protect each of the three flames as well: the Order of the Sacred Flame, the Kal, and the Lumine clan (potentially, since the current Alpates says she has to "return to her people" and then she's found dead in Conning Creek, which is very near Hinoeuma's flame; one of Ori's journals mentions that Alpates and Rita both come from the Lumine clan, and it's possible Kura was related to that bloodline as well). This might explain why Arcanette has Petrichor hunt the three legendary beasts, to weaken the defenses around each flame? (it would make sense for Crackridge at least, since Tera seems to be connected to the Kal people, and Arcanette could have had Petrichor try to kill Tera before ordering the slaughter of the Kal people, since Tera would have been unable to defend them).
Anyhow this is all just unorganized rambling now, and I may be going absolutely nowhere with all this, but I wanted to get my thoughts written down bc I dunno if we'll ever get an official timeline to clear up at least a few things about Solistia's history.
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mudwingpropaganda · 4 years
Arc 2 Timeline Rewritten
I’ve been thinking about my headcanons and I’ve been seriously struggling to get across the plot points that I want to happen within my headcanons. So I decided the best way to figure out what was important for the sequence of events was to just smash arc 2 on the ground and rebuild from the shards. 
From now on, I think I’ll be referring to this when working on my own characters (or my headcanons)! It’s not the most eloquent, but this is how I’ll be reasoning the events of the books. 
Arc 1 is valid. All arc 1 needs is more foreshadowing for Thorn and a little less forced love interests. Anyway, feel free to absorb by “ideal timeline” if you so desire.
The Second Brightest Night takes place. 
(I have my own handful of headcanons about my take on the Second Brightest Night and less magical ending for that night, but lets sum it up by saying that Burn dies via the snakes, unfortunately, Blister is killed by Thorn, and Blaze suffers substantial injuries but survives and goes missing after Thorn ascends to the throne.)
AT LEAST a year or two passes as the RainWing Queendom is focused upon, until Jade Mountain is founded. 
Queen Glory requested her siblings’ attention to help set up the tribe before jumping into their next war reparation project. This included the punishment of NightWing criminals, the state of the ex-experiment RainWings, and the customs that were lost when Queen Grandeur gave up on her bloodline and the title was shared between multiple dragonesses. Handsome, especially, assists in this restoration of culture and stability. Ex-Princess Greatness tries to give Glory her tribe’s history and customs, but ultimately gives up her title and acts as a figurehead to reach her subjects.
Jade Mountain is formed at least 2 or 3 years after the end of the war.
As a resolution of treaties, the Dragonets convinced the queens to enroll students in their peace building project, Jade Mountain Academy. Sunny already had the favor of Moorhen and Thorn, Tsunami took a little convincing of Coral, knowing she could bring in her siblings, Glory had the authority of her own two tribes, Clay reached out to Peril and Queen Ruby, and it took a little extra effort of reaching out to Queen Glacier. But after her approval was given, the school could finally take full initiative. 
The opening of the school was met with the ominous reappearance of Queen Scarlet. This caused unrest and disaster within the first month of school.
As a result of her disturbance, students who had previously been optimistic about the school’s opening were now uneasy. The attempted assassination of Princess Icicle’s life, the death of multiple students on Sora’s hands, and thicker tension in the air of the school. The disappearance of the entire Jade Winglet lead the school to be temporarily shut down. Classes were suspended and students were asked to stay in their rooms or go home. (This is saying that Jade Mountain was equipped as an escape for those in bad home situations. Though. Not very successful as an escape, per say.)
Scarlet’s antagonism opens the arc, introducing her “alliance” with Chameleon. 
Both by terrorizing Princess Icicle to do her bidding or tricking Peril into coming back to her clutches, the terrible things Scarlet did in her reign comes to light, namely the kidnapping of Prince Hailstorm and the mental deception of Princess Tourmaline/Ruby. Chameleon acts as a servant of her, facading as Soar for a majority of the time, acting as Peril’s technical father. Though, it’s obvious that while he serves her, he has not necessarily dedicated his life to her. Chameleon disappears for the sake of Peril’s resolution to wrap up Scarlet’s tyranny. But Chameleon’s near murder of Kinkajou sets up more antagonism on his part.
Chameleon generally becomes the main focus of antagonism for the rest of the arc. He causes the team to split up so Winter could do some soul searching and Kinkajou could coma, I guess.
After the Jade Winglet physically joins Peril and Turtle to resolve Scarlet’s arc, Chameleon is now gone of a powerful ally. He attempts to pick the group apart. Conflict between Winter, Moon, and Qibli, over the injuries of Kinkajou, and the spite between Peril and Winter, leading to Winter having his side trip to the IceWing kingdom with Hailstorm, where no one else could follow him. The Jade Winglet hangs out in Possibility, I guess, I’m still working out the details.
When trouble stirs in Possibility, Qibli accidentally pulls the group into SandWing trouble, revealing the alliance between Vulture and Onyx, as well as Chameleon disguising under their ranks.
Vulture and Onyx begin to be relevant. This was set up and foreshadowed, of course, but I’m not writing these books. Onyx was a dragon who went missing when things started going awry at Jade Mountain, as she decided playing into Sunny’s favor to get close to Thorn wouldn’t work. As Qibli hints at knowing something about the danger encroaching on Possibility, he flees to warn Thorn, but gets caught up in his past. He’s fully aware how to get himself out of these situations, but now he needs to protect the Jade Winglet from the likes of his family.
Onyx and Vulture’s plot relates, once again, to the thrones that were shifted by the Dragonets’ meddling, as Onyx tries to take the throne from Thorn.
Onyx has a more valuable role in this rewritten timeline. Her opinion on royalty isn’t disregarded, and her father legitimately shows remorse for his daughter rather than??? his girlfriend Thorn (which doesn’t happen in my headcanonverse). The concept of a fourth heir to the throne seemed like it would be such a significant plot point for Tui. Darkstalker took over that. In this version, Onyx is an important character, with Vulture pulling the strings, promising she has a chance at the throne. His point being: if a criminal can take the throne based on a child’s word and a magical necklace, another criminal can work for the throne based on his wit and his access to a true blood heir to the throne. 
After the royalty plotlines are addressed, Chameleon is separated from his allies by the Jade Winglet once again.
Thorn eventually wards off Vulture and Onyx, with the somewhat support of her subjects, but the event left the SandWing queendom uneasy, as it still has work to be done. Thorn loses the Scorpion Den to the two of them, leaving Chameleon identified again. After being separated from his allies, once again, Chameleon becomes more focused in his vengeful plots against these children, but he does have his own points, especially in relevance to Kinkajou’s abuse she faced against the NightWings experimenting on her. When all else fails, he resorts back to the scroll itself.
As a final grasp for power, Chameleon attempts to become the previous owner of the scroll, leading to the storyline of Darkstalker. 
Chameleon attempts to create a charm that will turn him into the true owner of the scroll. So Chameleon destroys the scroll in the process, as Darkstalker overtakes Chameleon’s body and, instead of it being a mask, similar to his disguises, Darkstalker is capable of using his magic to use Chameleon as a vessel as a whole. Jade Mountain begins to collapse with his old body’s sudden disappearance. And Darkstalker plot happens! 
Darkstalker is still bent on revenge and restoring his kingdom’s former glory, but more in the sense of a more magically manipulative kind... the idea of magically changing people’s minds and changing people as a whole as he sees fit is focused upon
The twisted scene like Fierceteeth being turned into Clearsight has much more gravity. And directly affects our protagonists. While yes, a plague begins to wipe out the IceWings, and Queens and influential individuals are simply made to accept Darkstalker as a king, Darkstalker also realizes that the best way to get his friends - and enemies - back is molding them from the closest things to them. Moonwatcher being Clearsight, the two of them being striking similar in appearance and mannerisms, Turtle being Fathom, a timid descendent of another SeaWing animus who was afraid of his powers, Winter being Queen Diamond, someone he could kill, over and over, just as his mother was. Kinkajou? Oh, she’s irrelevant. Peril would have to be taken care of. But Qibli’s a wise one, thoughtful, and craved for validation. Perhaps he could help him perfect the spell.
This makes the story moving forward less about MAGIC as a whole and more of the concept of forcing dragons to do things against their will. (Which leads into the Pantala arc but first...)
Darkstalker is defeated, of course, after hinting about the existence of Pantala, and causing a “glitch” in magic system which has caused a lull in enchantments and animus dragons.
After a few obnoxious monologues, a bit of trickery and secret exchanging on Qibli and Kinkajou’s parts, and the sibling drama of animus SeaWing royal siblings, the free Jade Winglet (including Peril) was able to kill Darkstalker, who’s weight on the magic continuism caused magic to “break” momentarily in the Wings of Fire continuum, (just for Pantala’s conflict to be wrapped up without cheat codes). The residue of magic is left on the world, which accidentally manifests into a whole new dragonet. Peacemaker. (I’ll elaborate on my ideas for Peacemaker one day but... as much as I HATE the resolution of Darkstalker getting once another second chance, I love the idea of a whole separate identity facing the consequences for another’s evil. I’ll figure it out later.)
The students will resume classes again. Maybe Stonemover becomes useful to attempt to help out with the consequences of Darkstalker. The NightWings begin grappling with Glory’s rule, even more than usual, after the progress that they made. Pantala’s arc will be moreso about the fallout of Darkstalker, the accidental marks that Clearsight made, and the longlasting magical residue of Fathom. But those are ideas for later posts. 
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emilyelizabethfowl · 7 years
Only Eternity Is Enough
This is my part of the fanfic exchange with @kimera20​! Hope you like it :D The fanfic can be also found on AO3.
Sometimes knowledge isn’t the power. Sometimes knowledge is a weakness. Sometimes you can know too much.
Especially when you’re the Time Master who knows what had happened, what happens and all the possibilities of what might happen, and your boyfriend has a massive hero complex which causes him to constantly risk his life for everyone.
Yes, you know he won’t get hurt much, but the time is a mysterious being, and even you, having studied it for too long to name a number, can’t fully predict which turn it will take.
Each time he fights there’s a possibility of a stray bullet hitting him in one of the so fragile parts of his half-human body. Each time he’s bleeding there’s a possibility he wouldn’t be able to stop it on time. Each time he patches himself up there’s a possibility of an infection that would bring him back to the grave he managed to escape by the skin of his teeth during the Lab Accident.
Sometimes, when you take a particularly close look at his possible futures, you can swear he’s got the most possible deadly paths of all the humans you ever watched. And that says something.
It’s like the Death is waiting for him at each and every coroner, trying to capture him, yet failing each time.
But you know it won’t stay that way for much longer. It’s how the things are; humans are born and humans must die.
That’s why you enjoy these rare moments you spend together, trying to make the most of them.
You conserve all of them in one of your globes, refusing to depend only on your memory. You might be the Master of Time, but you sure as heck aren’t the Master of Memory. You’re aware of your flaws, you know you forget things.
Nobody’s perfect, not even a ghostly god.
Ahhh, he’s coming. He had a rough day today, you saw it. Granted, it could’ve been worse, but it might’ve went better too. Well, yeah, the good scenario has a 1:284,534,462 odds to the bad scenarios, but it was possible. You saw smaller odds come true.
Like that one time when Columbus managed to get to the Americas. Or when humans managed to get into the space. Or that whole Future Evil Danny fiasco.
But the most prominent example was the Lab Accident. The odds of Danny surviving were so small, almost non-existing. And he still made it. Only half alive, but other than that he was well and unscratched.
Which cannot be said about the Danny that entered your Tower in that moment.
Blood covered half of his face and nearly all the right side of his now torn jumpsuit. Apparently you wandered off to the wrong timeline again. It was happening way too often lately, maybe you shouldn’t focus on all his alternative timelines so hard. The worry does nothing good to either of you.
“Danny!” you greeted him with a smile plastered on your face, even though you felt nothing like smiling.
You hate seeing your boyfriend like that, hurt and injured, when you can’t even punish the ones that did it. Observe, do not interfere.
This rule is slowly driving you nuts. Your mate could die in literally every moment! And yet, if it came to it, you would have to sit back and watch it happening helplessly.
So much for being a god.
Danny walked straight towards you and flopped down, counting on you to catch him.
And you did, obviously. Only one instance when you could interfere, when it directly affected you. And doesn’t messed up the rest of the world, obviously.
You can easily tell he’s exhausted by the way he’s barely standing upwards, with you holding almost all of his weight up.
After helping him to the couch you get the bandages and take care of his injuries. That way you can be sure there won’t be an infection. You spent so much time trying to protect him, it all would be worthless if a single scratch got infected.
“CW?” he asks, his eyes blurry. “Will they survive?”
You know perfectly well what is he talking about. There was casualties this time. Skulker wasn’t aware of his surroundings and sent a missile right into the middle of a playground. Danny tried to help one of the girls, she was even taken to the hospital… Only to have died few minutes after he left.
But you couldn’t tell him that.
“You did everything you could.” You said instead.
He understood instantly. He spent way too much time in your company not to get that. It still wasn’t enough time for you though. If it depended on your opinion, Danny would spend the whole next millennium only with you.
But you know he wouldn’t live so long. He’s already living overdue. It hurts your heart, but you can’t turn your backs to the truth.
You finished wrapping up everything he managed to injure and look into his eyes.
Tears, as you expected. The frustration and the sadness. He never could accept the fact that even a hero couldn’t save everyone. There were times when people would die no matter what he did, and this was one of those times. The girl would die in the span of a month in every single timeline, and he actually saved her from many, many scenarios of long, painful and alone deaths.
If only he could know this…
Well, technically showing past events wasn’t interfering as long as there was no interaction…
You knew he was sleepy, but you also knew that in his current mental state he would only get nightmares and very little sleep. He deserved to know. He needed to know, right then and there.
The portable small globes were very useful. You took one of them, downloaded the right timelines, and give it to Danny with no words. He was familiar with the concept of watching the past and/or alternative events on one of these, you gave him some of them often enough when he needed to study for history exams.
He looked at you a bit surprised, but said nothing. He knew you well enough to know, that every question he asked would get an answer he couldn’t understand without the right context. Which was usually on the globe.
The first alternative played. He instantly recognized the girl.
“What…?” he asked looking at you. You only gestured him to continue watching.
The girl got into a car accident.
Next timeline; The girl fell off the tree.
Alternative timeline; The missile hit her directly.
Alternative timeline; Skulker never got to the playground, she was bitten to death by a dog.
Danny dropped the globe. It rolled away from the couch, but neither you or him cared.
You get on the couch and hugged him as tightly as you could, wondering what had gone wrong? You intended to cheer him up, not cause him even more distress!
“I didn’t think I could fuck up so badly,” he sobbed into your shoulder. “I’m honestly quite amazed of myself.”
You could tell it was mostly his bravado talking, but there was some real issues underneath that heroic surface. If you wanted to help him, you had to do whatever it takes to break it.
“You know you could’ve done nothing to prevent her from dying, right?” You pulled him onto your lap and rocked him back and forth. Maybe you weren’t all that good at comforting people, but you knew your boyfriend. If you put enough effort into it, you probably could make him feel better. “You shouldn’t blame yourself for that.”
Danny sat straight and you cringed a bit at the thought of his back, whole in scratches. His determined face with tear-streaks on his cheeks got your attention next.
“How can I no-not blame myself??” he stammered. “I’m the hero, I’m supposed to be the one to save them all!”
“Danny. You can’t save all the people. Everybody has to die someday.”
He angrily wiped the tears off his face. You knew he was trying to avoid your gaze.
“Then what kind of a hero am I, if I can’t even do my job?” The whisper was almost too quiet to hear. “If I let people get injured, if I let them die… I am no hero.”
You watch him for a longer while, eyes going soft. He’s so pure, so innocent… The world hasn’t yet tainted him nor his ideals.
However the silence was a two-sided sword. You haven’t cleared his misunderstanding, co he obviously assumed the worst.
“I know I’m not what you would like me to be.” He said softly, stubbornly looking away. “I know I’m a disappointment. I know we should’ve never started dating, and if you want to stop I-“
“You think so little of yourself.” You interrupted him before he managed to say that sentence you feared the most. “Do I need to tell you everything I love about you?”
He looked at you confused. That was not the direction he thought it was going, and you knew it.
“I love the way your eyes sparkle when you smile.” You started slowly. “I love the passion in your voice when you’re talking about space. I love the way you do everything to help others, even when you’re hurt yourself. I love how you protect the people of Amity Park even though they don’t seem to appreciate it. And lastly…”
You tuck a strand of loose hair behind his ear.
“I love you.”
There was confusion in his eyes, but there was also happiness, and so, so much love.
And then he bent over and his mouth were on yours, kissing you feverishly. You love that about him too, the wilderness of his actions, the raw power of his emotions.
His hands started roaming over your body. You knew where this was going and you didn’t need one of your screens to do so.
* * *
You knew something was wrong right after you woke up.
Danny wasn’t in the bed; That was the first sign. He would never pass an opportunity to get as much uninterrupted sleep as he wanted.
The next sign was an alarm blaring through the whole tower.
Jumping out of the bed, you rushed towards the main chamber.
You set it as a precaution after a direct order from the Observants, but you never expected it to work.
After all, even if somebody managed to get into your tower (which was nearly damn impossible, you made sure of it), there was the question of operating the screens, which wasn’t an easy task.
Actually, you were the only one who could do this, you and-
Yes, you taught him that one time, but you never expected him to use one of the, let alone violate the law!
Quickly rewinding one of the screens you looked into the past. There was Danny, still disheveled after their wild afternoon.
He came directly to the screen, put some coordinates and stepped into it.
Now, there wasn’t much places you would need a time-controlling machine to get into.
But there was one you were almost absolutely sure he went to.
The Death Realm.
While the Ghost Zone was the Dead Realm, Death has its own place. And you could’ve bet your clock Danny went right to her, probably to negotiate getting the girl back.
You only hoped it wasn’t too late.
* * *
Danny sacrificed his half-life for the life of the girl and a guarantee, that she was going to live a long, prosperous life.
There was nothing you could do. She was glad to have taken the Ghost Boy’s soul, but even if she wasn’t, she couldn’t have brought him back. The girl was supposed to turn into a ghost; That’s why her soul could’ve been restored.
But Danny has already died. He wasn’t supposed to live that long, but he did, and now he was away in a place from which there was no return.
You couldn’t bring him back.
But you could’ve join him. Technically, as a Master of Time, you shouldn’t die.
Though Death owned you one for some time already, and you decided to call that favor right then.
When you were descending into the other plane of existence, your last thought was:
“At least there we will be able to spend whole eternity together.”
You smiled for the last time as your body turned into ashes.
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