#ALSO i have not watched decade but whatever decade and diend had going on was fascinating. r they divorced?
froqpi-art · 1 year
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i finished zi-o. i think its gonna be the only thing i think about for the next month
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#3: “I've done more for the entire comic book industry than anyone in 30 years!”
While he's not exactly as famous as Stan Lee or Jack Kirby, Mark Millar is a well known name in the comic book community. He's worked for both DC and Marvel, as well as some third party companies. He's written iconic stories that have taken the superhero genre and comic book medium to a darker level with stories like Civil War, Old Man Logan, and Superman: Red Son (their quality may vary, but the problems they had were buffed out when they were given film adaptations). He's also the creator of several original characters like the Secret Service and Kick-Ass. Then again, he was also behind Trouble (and a lot of other bad comics), but nobody's perfect.
Whether you like him or not, this is a man who's been writing for comic books since he was in high school, so it's safe to say, he knows a lot about the medium. But Astruc just has to be the one to say he knows more when Millar proposed the idea that all unique superpowers may have been thought of.
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Yes. He really had the gall to say that his show is that groundbreaking to an experienced comic book writer.
Now, we could debate what kind of superpower or creative idea could be seen as “unique” or “original” for hours, but that's not the point I am trying to make. But I have an idea on how to rebut this argument. Astruc claims that his show has created more unique superpowers than the entire comic book industry in the past three decades? I'm going to show how the superpowers aren’t as original as he thinks they are by listing off examples from the past two decades.
Ladybug's Lucky Charm – The Tornado of Creation from Lego Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitsu (2011), the result of the Ninja combing their powers, which uses the area around it to create a new object or weapon to take down whatever threat they face (like turning random debris or rubble to create a giant slingshot. Yes, that really happened).
Cat Noir's Cataclysm – Kitazaki/Dragon Orphnoch Kamen Rider 555 (2003) has the power to turn anything he touches into ash.
Rena Rouge's Mirage – Neopolitan and Emerald's Semblances from RWBY (First used in 2014 and 2015 respectively). Neopolitan can use her Semblance to create illusions that shatter like glass when touched, while Emerald can induce hallucinations for a single person at a time.
Carapace's Shelter – Steven Universe (2013) can use his shield or bubble to defend himself and others against enemies.
Queen Bee's Venom – Ty Lee from Avatar: The Last Airbender (2006) uses chi-blocking attacks to paralyze her opponents, as well as prevent them from using their bending powers.
Viperion's Second Chance – Tracer from Overwatch (2016) can use her Recall to briefly jump back in time, reloading her weapons and healing any injuries she has.
Pegasus' Voyage – Cisco Ramon/Vibe from The Flash (first used in 2016, though the comic version first appeared in 2011) can create small portals called “breaches” to travel through.
Ryuko's Wind, Water and Lightning Dragon – Laxus and Juvia from Fairy Tail (both first showed their powers around 2010 in the anime) can transform into electricity and water respectively.
Bunnyx's Burrow – Professor Paradox from Ben 10: Alien Force (2008) has the ability to travel through time and create portals to other dimensions.
King Monkey's Uproar – Cicada, a villain from The Flash TV series (first appeared in 2018, with powers that differ from his comic book debut in 2001) has a dagger with the power to nullify the powers of other Metahumans.
Multimouse's Multitude – Slapback from the Ben 10 reboot (first appeared in February 2019, eight months before the debut of Multimouse) has the power to duplicate himself, with the clones becoming smaller and more dense in the process.
Hawkmoth's Akumatization – The Sorcerer from Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja (2012) uses his “stank” to transform innocent people into monsters. In addition, he usually uses it on people who are feeling negative emotions (and unlike Hawkmoth, he has Tim Curry voicing him)
Mayura's Amokization – Daiki Kaito/Kamen Rider Diend from Kamen Rider Decade (2009) has the power to summon other Kamen Riders to fight for him.
Hell, I can keep this up with every akumatized villain too, but then this post would take forever to finish.
The point I'm making is that except for Miracolonizer's Liberation (the power to free someone from any restrictions to let them reach their full potential, only it's used by a villain to erase any morals the victim has that keep them in line instead, basically driving them crazy), basically every power seen in Miraculous Ladybug has been used before.
The problem isn't that the powers featured aren't original. What makes a certain superhero or superpower interesting is the way it is used. The Black Canary from Arrow had a sonic device that allowed her to emit her trademark sonic scream instead of it being a natural superpower. Does that mean that Marc Guggenheim invented that power?
Of course it doesn't. So why would Astruc think just because he placed an interesting spin on some preexisting superpowers, that means he “invented more unique superpowers than the entire industry”? That is an incredibly egotistical way to think for a show that's only been on the air for three seasons. And I think it's pretty clear this show isn't exactly Avatar.
But if you really want to watch something with “unique” superpowers, watch Ultimate Muscle. A character in that show has the power to literally transform into a giant shoe. Yeah.
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sailor-cresselia · 5 years
Kamen Rider Zi-O 49: Finale
…You know what? No preamble this time. Let’s just do this.
Kamen Rider Zi-O episode 49: Season Finale.
Let’s go.
We re-open with Tsukuyomi’s transformation into Kamen Rider Tsukuyomi!
Geiz is surprised, he didn’t see this coming. Woz and Sougo are both impressed, and Tsukuyomi… throws her hand forward… and… pauses everything…
Except Swartz.
She goes up to him, and.
Bows. To him. Dropping her transformation.
And says that she has obtained the powers of a Kamen Rider, and that she will be useful to her brother. That she’s royalty, too, and will do whatever it takes to save the world.
Um. Tsukuyomi? You are pretending, right? This is part of a plot to catch him off guard, right?
Because, uh, your expression isn’t one of, you know, devotion or satisfaction, or even resignation. You look like you don’t want to do this, so. Uh.
Please be faking?
If she’s not, and if she doesn’t transform again, this is the shortest Female Rider stint we’ve had. Didn’t think anything would beat Alia’s ‘literally one fight before becoming a prisoner’ run as Necrom-P, but…
Woz’s recap – Oh HELLO.
The recap vault? You know how it has an appearance in the opening, with burning pages falling from the ceiling?
Guess what’s starting to fall around Woz right now.
The contents of his recap are simple. Thanks to Sougo’s efforts, Tsukuyomi’s become a Kamen Rider. And then she defected, which nobody saw coming. This is the last page until the end of the world.
There are no opening credits today. We go right from Woz’s vault to the show title, to the sponsor segment, and to the episode itself.
Tsukuyomi and Swartz stand on a rooftop at night, under a blood-red moon. He asks why they had her become a Kamen Rider.
Her answer? It was part of Tsukasa’s plan, because, according to him, her and Swartz’s world is trying to end because there are no Riders.
Swartz looks… I don’t know if that’s confused, frustrated, or ‘oh shit, I didn’t think of that.’
It actually kind of works with Decade’s lore, too. If a world enters a Kamen Rider season, it has to have Kamen Riders, or it will start to collapse in on itself… even if that world isn’t supposed to have Kamen Riders. The Sentai-verse got a bit screwy when he crossed over with Shinkenger, to the point of the monster-of-the-day becoming Another Diend.
I wish I were kidding about that, but that MOTW was the OG Another Rider.
And we’ve only ever really visited one world that doesn’t, technically speaking, have Kamen Riders in the series that I can remember – during Heisei Generations FOREVER. At which point, Futaros’s actions in bringing Riders there started to mess with the fabric of space-time, to the point of old monsters just showing up, uncontrollably, with nobody there to stop them.
You know.
Like has been happening here.
Okay, so I don’t think they told Geiz about this plan, but Woz and Sougo both knew.
Can… can Geiz just not lie? I mean, he’s super blunt about everything, and Tsukasa did say that his acting was horrible… Did they realize that he would somehow spill the Rider Tsukuyomi part of the plan, and not tell him that part? Because that’s the only reason I can think of for him to not know.
It does also allow us our exposition, though, so that’s something.
Tsukasa starts to detail the plan. By making Tsukuyomi into a Rider, her world could be restored. Thus, as Geiz points out, creating a ‘World of Tsukuyomi,’ not unlike the AR worlds in Decade, that they could use as a refuge from the currently-ending world they’re on now.
Woz says that she’s become a rider, so that means the plan is a success, isn’t it?
Tsukasa isn’t so sure. There are billions of people here. How could they all make it to another world?
(Sougo sort of slumps back at that. Geiz and Woz are still rigid, but Sougo seems resigned.)
Tsukasa continues. Right now, they’re in what could be called the ‘World of Zi-O.’ With Zi-O on one end, and Tsukuyomi on the other, the two powers could resonate, and create a bridge.
(Sougo draws in on himself. My ‘someone has to be there to close the door behind them’ theory is looking increasingly likely.)
There’s a visual of the plan, too. Two Earths, side by side, with a beam of light coming from each and meeting in the middle.
Tsukuyomi is describing the plan to Swartz at the same time, saying that for it to work, both worlds would need ‘many Riders.’
However, according to Woz, it’s all for nothing, because Tsukuyomi betrayed them.
Geiz wants to know why she would do that.
…Sougo looks like he’s thinking of something.
If they need one of them on each end, and the only people we know who can go between the two worlds are Tsukasa, Daiki, and Swartz…
They need some way to get Tsukuyomi to her World without Swartz constantly trying to kill her, now don’t they? What better way to do that then have her working on the inside?
Swartz asks if she will acknowledge him as king, to which Tsukuyomi replies that his ascending to the throne is divine foretelling.
Toki No Ouja’s orchestral version starts to play as she kneels, while she has that same wide-eyed, almost hollow look as before.
The music continues as Sougo stands up, and says that they’ll just have to hold them off, even if breifly.
Tsukasa points out that they’re speeding up the destruction of the world. Is he ready for that?
We cut briefly to the outside of the shop, and then to Junichiro working on cleaning a small gear of some sort. We don’t get to see what it goes to when the shot draws back, showing that he’s working at the front counter, with only the lights above him on. Whatever he’s fixing, it’s hidden behind the box he was holding last episode.
The music hits its final note as that shot closes.
It’s daytime, now. There’s monsters everywhere.
I have no idea who this guy is that’s summoning a smoky cloud over a valley, but he’s got to be someone’s final boss… hang on… I have an idea… I saw this sort of cloud in Decade, during the World of Kuuga arc, so…
Yeah. Yeah, this is Kuuga’s final villain, N-Daguva-Zeba. This is fine. The world-destroying has progressed to end-bosses now.
That’s made all the more apparent by Evolt summoning a black hole and destroying three buildings in the process.
Geiz, in his Time Mazine’s mecha form, is beating up a giant crab…. YUP, same one from Hibiki that they fought off in Decade, a Bakegani.
Geiz is pissed, shouting that none of them are going to get away with this.
As he literally kicks the Bakegani away, those dragonfly like monsters start to swarm him, but he’s just shooting them down with… uh, okay, apparently the Time Mazines have missiles. This is fine.
Ah, and looks like I was right earlier, those dragonfly things are the swarm of mirror monsters that showed up at the end of Ryuki, Hydragoons.
Woz and Decade are fighting against a plethora of mooks and named enemies, including Revol, the Katana Ganma (y’know, the one what did the thing in episode one), a Lion Inves, and Argus, one of the Phantoms.
They use a pair of finishers to defeat the mooks, but it doesn’t do any good – the larger enemies survived, and the mooks just respawned immediately.
A hail of gunfire comes from the other direction. Sup, Diend?
He’s all smiles right now, since he and Tsukasa get to ‘enjoy’ the end of the world together. Now that’s the greatest treasure he can imagine.
Rider-Time. Rider-Time, did. Did Tsukasa actually say ‘Enough flirting, and fight!’?!
Because. Uh. I don’t think he actually said that, but my Japanese isn’t good enough to pick up that sort of thing, but oh dear lord if this is how we get confirmation in-show that Daiki and Tsukasa are a thing…
He doesn’t reply to Tsukasa telling him off, and everyone just keeps fighting.
(But seriously, Daiki, this is not the time to flirt. I get that it’s kind of a ‘now or never’ situation, but come on, read the room!)
At 9-to-5… Sougo’s almost finished a meal that Junichiro’s barely started. (Oh no.)
He’s not… taking his time, but he’s getting all that he can out of it.
Junichiro asks if everyone is fighting, and Sougo nods.
He finishes, and thanks his uncle, formally, in a way that he usually doesn’t do.
… oh shit. Junichiro picked up on it, too.
“Sougo, you weren’t planning on this being your final meal, were you?” The shot switches from a very justifiably scared uncle to Sougo. “First off, you still need breakfast.” Sougo nods, making an affirmative noise.
He’s definitely agreeing to the first part.
Sougo gets up, and starts heading out – but Junichiro gets him to wait for a moment, and goes behind the counter to get something.
…You know how Junichiro was looking at the broken Build Watch a few episodes ago? And how the stand was empty when everyone headed out last episode? And how I said that the box he was carrying was about the right size for a pile of broken watches? And how he fixes clocks for a living?
Tokiwa Junichiro pulls out a tray, with a soft velvety fabric as a cushion… and eighteen disks, with the mask of eighteen different heroes.
All in full color.
Sougo’s astonished – how?
His uncle is tense. Why wouldn’t he be? His nephew is going off to fight, and potentially die, and there isn’t anything he can do about that. But these are Sougo’s and his friends’ precious watches, and there is no clock that he can’t fix.
“Ask everyone what they’d like for dinner, alright?”
Sougo pauses, smiling. “Got it. I’ll be back.” He looks up at Junichiro, determined.
Sougo may or may not be planning to make it out himself, but… he’s going to make sure that his friends do, at least.
(Seriously, my ‘he’d hoped that they would all keep each other company after he was gone’ line from the 22nd wasn’t supposed to happen, come on…)
With Decade and Diend, Woz starts a Ginga Planet finisher, which starts to rain mini-planets down- and everything freezes.
Tsukuyomi emerges from behind them, hand outstretched, telling them that they can’t avoid the worlds destruction.
Swartz, as Another Decade, comes on scene, calling Woz disappointing. Or calling what he’s doing disappointing, it’s a little unclear. Either way, he blasts all three riders; Decade and Diend being thrown off screen, and Woz being frozen mid-air.
There’s no background music what-so-ever.
Swartz readies an energy blast, the same type he killed Tsukasa with, saying that he’ll make sure that Woz dies.
A second hand ticks, and a golden gate opens to the side, labeled 2017.
Swartz gets blasted by the Fullbottle buster, as wielded by Build in his TankTank form.
He gets triple-struck by Drive: Type Formula running past.
He takes an Omega Drive Rider Kick from Ghost, in his base form.
Five hits from Ex-Aid in Maximum Mighty X.
“Impossible! The history of Riders is supposed to be gone!”
The four summoned riders pose in a line, before turning to light and being de-spawned, the lights going back to the newly-recreated Grand Zi-O Ridewatch.
Sougo, untransformed, wearing his Ziku Driver, strides forward. “It’s not gone.” He holds up the watch. “Erase history all you want, but Kamen Riders are forever!”
There’s one big ol flaw in Swartz’s plan. Well, aside from Sougo’s determinator status. He had all of the riders coalesced into one, saying that it took away their histories. But even Grand still didn’t, since Sougo summons them out of their shows. We could see one of the canyons behind Build when he was summoned just now, and there’s the ‘OOO being summoned along with the column’ from Grands debut.
They’re not gone. They’re just tucked away, nice and safe in a little pocket of time.
Slowly, Sougo activates his two watches, places them in his driver, and, after what feels like a slight hesitation, starts his transformation.
I can’t complain about them using the full Grand transformation. Not in the last episode, not when it counts this much. It’s not nearly as bad as Decade Complete, it gets to the point way faster. This? This is good.
“One last showdown.”
The orchestral battle version of Toki no Ouja plays. I specify that, because it feels… important, this time. Toki no Ouja is used as a battle theme with the higher level Zi-O forms a lot, but here it feels… more significant than usual.
Grand Zi-O and Another Decade trade punches, and knock each other back. Furious, Sougo tells Swartz to feel the power of the Riders.
OOO Tajador swoops in, taken directly from an episode. I think it’s the episode Tajador debuted in, too – they’re definitely using archival footage, with OOO flying down and using the medal shield to block energy blasts, before he uses a Scanning Charge and claws Swartz with the Condor talons.
Sougo goes in for a quick sword attack against Swartz, moving him into the path of-
Wizard Infinity delivers a Shining Strike, which I think comes from that forms debut, too. He gets some damage in, but the giant fucking axe is still shoved away.
Gaim Pineapple Arms (this is fine) delivers a kick, but since he’s not anything more than a mode change, it’s easily deflected.
Grand Zi-O and Double CycloneJokerXtreme team up for another, powered, pair of energy slashes, which break through the shielding that Another Decade raised, throwing him to the ground.
(Okay, that’s almost all of the phase two’s accounted for, now where’s our Fourze appearance?)
Two can play at this ‘summoning the past’ game, though! They’re not just fighting Swartz, they can feast their eyes on the… Rider’s Rogues gallery.
Okay, Rider-Time, I really don’t think that’s what he called the endbosses that he just summoned, but it’s accurate enough.
So he’s opened a wall, and pulled through… uh. Not sure who that first one is, then N-Daguva-Zeba, Gamdeus, someone else, and Evolt.
Oh, wait, hang on. Still can’t tell who the first one is, but the person between Gamedeus and Evolt is Saggitarius. I couldn’t tell until he started moving, and I could see the zodiac symbols on his belt.
So, everyone charges forward. Evolt versus Wizard, Saggitarius versus Double, N-Daguva-Zeba versus OOO, and whomstever the fuck that guy is against Gaim.
And it seems that the Riders summoned by Grand can stick around as long as they need to, since they’re actively fighting now. Not that it’s a surprise, we saw this happen with Drive sticking around during the Grand vs Oma fight a while ago, but it’s good to have confirmation.
Swartz and Gamedeus team up against Sougo, and start promptly kicking his ass, knocking his sowrd away. We cut to Kuuga end-boss and whomstever taking out OOO and Gaim, and then to Saggitarius and Evolt doing the same to Wizard and Double.
(Seriously,who is this guy?! Is he one of the Lords from Agito? Because I can’t find a picture of him there, but the belt and weapon style says he would be…)
All six villains start charging attacks, which merge into one huge purple fireball, which strikes Zi-O. He’s tossed back, to the ground, where his transformation breaks and he lays gasping in pain.
Swartz charges a sickly green-and-purple fireball. “Now, die!”
He fires, and Sougo curls in on himself, bracing.
Geiz Revive Typhoon blocks the blast, holding it off for a moment, before it overpowers him and flings him backward… his visor breaks as he’s thrown back, before the armor dissolves.
I don’t know if his armor broke before or after he hit the wall in an explosion.
But either way… Sougo runs to an untransformed Geiz, who’s lying on the ground, and pulls him into his arms, begging Geiz to stay with him.
Geiz is having trouble speaking, but he’s still managing, somehow, even as he’s in obvious agony. “Zi-O...” (Use his name god damn it) Geiz forces himself to grab Sougo by the shirt, as the piano version of Toki no Ouja starts. “Become Oma Zi-O… become the king of time. You have what it takes… to become the most beloved overlord.”
Sougo shakes his head, barely holding back tears, begging Geiz not to die. (Rider-Time translated this as ‘don’t leave me,’ but he’s straight up saying ‘don’t die,’ come on, guys.)
“I was so happy… to have come to this time…” While Sougo is sobbing, Geiz is staying as stoic as he can, he doesn’t have the energy to have emotions and give his last words.
“Sougo…” (We see the first tear actually fall from Sougo’s eyes, and I start crying in full as well.)
“I’m happy to have been… your comrade… and friend.”
As Sougo (and myself) beg for this to not be happening, Geiz’s hand drops from it’s deathgrip on Sougo’s shirt.
Miyokoin Geiz dies in Tokiwa Sougo’s arms.
Sougo sobs, his whole body shuddering. He turns a cold, hateful gaze in Swartz’s direction…
As sparks envelop his belt, turning the white and black driver into gold.
Another Decade watches as Sougo emerges from the smoke.
Glaring, Sougo crosses his arms, and screams in rage as he throws them down. A clock emblem appears on the ground, dark golds and reds and black, seeming to crack the pavement as magma surges around.
Oh, or maybe it’s not magma, or lava. Maybe it’s molten metal. It would be appropriate for the metallic armor, after all.
The haze of the heat can be seen rising up as Sougo growls the word. “Henshin.”
The transformation is dark metal circles, and shadows and smoke. A deep gong rings out when it completes, and the sheer force of the energy pushes all the villains back a few steps.
Woz runs up, just saying ‘my overlord...’
I don’t think Woz thought that Sougo would ever actually do this. Not this Sougo, the one he’s come to know.
Especially given his shock when Sougo… when Oma Zi-O orders him to rejoice.
It’s the voice of Tokiwa Sougo, but he’s cold and empty, there’s nothing there but a calm fury. And he ordered Woz to make his speech.
The final line of which is “We are now within the moment of history’s final chapter!”
Swartz starts to laugh. (Also, in the background, Evolt’s posing it up, one hand on his hip, and whomstever the heck that unidentifiable guy is tucks his staff under his arm, and is briefly clapping sarcastically.)
Swartz laughs, saying that he’s cornered Tokiwa Sougo for all this time, for this moment. Now he can claim the power of Oma Zi-O for himself. Sending out those energy waves, he starts to draw the powers to himself.
Woz runs back, the energy there is way too much for him, but Oma Zi-O… doesn’t move. He’s standing stock still, not reacting as Swartz drains him.
Swartz is gleeful as he does this, the golden light coursing over him, eventually glowing in the gaps between the ‘cards’ of his Another Decade form. Now, he can finally surpass his sister, now, he can take the throne for himself!
The power stops flowing to him, suddenly, with a burst of fire at his chest as it cuts off.
Oma Zi-O is fine, not even having to really shake anything off. “you think someone like you can take on my power?” Ridewatches start appearing in the air – Build, Ex-Aid, Fourze, Faiz, Wizard. “i have the power of every single rider!”
And he means it. OOO, Gaim, Beast, Decade, Ghost, Kiva, Necrom, Ouja, Drive, Baron, Blade, Zeronos, Kuuga, Agito, Double, Den-O… Kabuto, Mach, Eternal, Cross-Z, OOO Tajador, Genm, Knight, G-3… Sasword, Proto-Drive, Garren, Kaixa, Rogue… and even more that I can’t identify, and more that aren’t any more than multicolored lights in the background.
And each and every one of these Ridewatches turns to pure light and draws into him.
Oma Sougo has not moved a step.
Evolt and Mystery Villain charge him, but are immediately taken out with firey punches. He turns, and a swarm of bats from OG Oma Zi-O’s Kiva attack takes out the swarm of Hydragoons that tried to divebomb him.
Kuuga’s kick takes out N-Daguva-Zeba, and a single burning punch dissolves Dragblacker as it tries to bite him.
Gamedeus gets the ‘ticking golden ball of pain’ treatment that Sougo received from OG Oma Zi-O when they met, and Sagittarius gets punched into the sky, where he promptly explodes.
Oma Sougo has only turned in order to attack. He still has not moved from his spot.
Just like when he fought himself the first time.
Swartz is impressed. But he’s gotten some of Oma Sougo’s powers, at least. He’ll go back to his world, and rule as king. He summons a wall to escape-
A white blade of energy pierces him in the gut from behind, running him through.
Kamen Rider Tsukuyomi is the one wielding it.
Oma Sougo makes a small sound of surprise, as Swartz makes little choked sounds of dying.
Furious, Tsukuyomi shouts. No one needs a king like him!
“You little wench. You’ve been after my blind spot…”
Swartz turns, shoves her into the air, and blasts her, point blank, sending her flying into the far wall.
Sougo screams her name, and, furious and shaking, activates a finisher.
Demise Hour
An ominious ticking noise accompanies him as he rises into the air. Not jumps. Rises, surrounded by gold light and black swirls of smoke.
Another Decade activates his own finisher, as Oma Sougo descends, screaming in rage and despair, the clock-hand cape spreading like wings as he attacks.
The Overlord’s Decimation
Gold light from Oma Sougo’s kick meets the purple light from Another Decade’s punch, and we circle the balanced attack twice, while the deep gonging of an old bell sounds in the background.
Oma Sougo’s kick breaks through, sending Another Decade flying back, and leaving a torn ring in the air just behind where they connected.
The scene freezes, cast in the green light of the usual freeze.
Tsukuyomi, with her original outfit glowing a bright white, and Swartz, in his black-and-white outfit, smoke rising from him and staggering in pain, appear.
Tsukuyomi steps forward. “This world… is already mine. Brother…”
“Sister… Spare me your words!” He’s barely able to talk, as he’s slowly dropping to his knees, juxtaposed in his human form behind the face of his paused, soon-to-be-defeated Another Rider self.
She turns to face Oma Sougo, frozen in time, as she starts to fade to transparency, pink lights rising from her. “Sougo… the two worlds are now in your hands.” She smiles, sadly and fondly, as the two Earths pictured before are shown again, and merge into one.
The royal siblings both fade. Her by quietly turning to lights as she looks at her friend. Him by crying in pain as he is turned to smoke and what looks like ash.
Time resumes, and the explosion of Swartz’s destruction creates a wave of time energy that engulfs the area, spreading outward and erasing the monsters that filled the sky.
Oma Sougo stands up, and Woz approaches, arms wide. “You’ve done it, my overlord. The world is saved, and you may now reign over it for eternity.”
“No. That won’t be happening.” Oma Sougo’s tone is just shy of despondent. “Because I’m going to be tearing down space and time.”
“So, this is the path you choose.”
Tokiwa Sougo, bruised, bloodied, and burned, stands in a black void in front of his future self, whos face is still obscured in light.
“You have the right to rule the world, you’re the one who saved it.”
Sougo disagrees. It wasn’t him. We cut from the wide shot of the two, to just Sougo’s face. He’s absolutely dead inside, trying not to break down. “The ones who saved the world are Geiz and Tsukuyomi, and the powers of every rider.”
Shots from throughout the show, of their lives together at 9-to-5 – of Sougo, his uncle, Geiz, Tsukuyomi, and Woz. Not as heroes or soldiers, but as people. As themselves.
Tokiwa Sougo, who was so lonely before these three time travelers came into his life, won’t accept living in a world where he rules as king, but none of them are around.
He asks his future self again. “Can the powers of Oma Zi-O only be used to destroy?”
Oma folds his hands. “Destruction… must come before creation.”
(Sir, either you’re trying to give yourself a clue, or you’ve been reading too much Fullmetal Alchemist lately. Just saying.)
Sougo firms his resolve. He’s going to bring about creation, and rewrite history.
Leaning forward, Oma has one last point to make. “You’ll never be a king again.”
Sougo disagrees. “I think it’ll work out, somehow. After all, the hands of time can only move toward the future.”
Over Quartzer starts to play.
“It may seem to move back, but time only goes forward.”
Sougo smiles, real and true, as he reminds his future self of the advice his uncle gave him, way, way back at the earliest points of the show. You can move a clock backward, but it still advances.
Oma chuckles. It’s been a priveldge to see his younger self.
Oma Zi-O, his face still obscured by blinding light, fades into golden motes and disappears.
In the real world, Oma Sougo raises his arms out, and a pale gold wave of light, encircles the planet, little golden clock faces accompanying it.
Tsukasa and Daiki stand on a hilltop, as the Fuuto and Yggdrasil towers, and the Skywall, dissolve.
Daiki comments that time’s being rewritten.
Tsukasa says that it looks like a new journeys starting, and they both smirk as he opens the viewfinder of his camera and takes a picture.
The one Earth is shown glowing, before diverging into 21 separate Earths.
(It’s still only one reality, Toei, nice try. But also nice nod to the fact that there’s a new rider in town. … oh my god is the World of Zero One also the World of Tsukuyomi nah i’m just kidding but that’d be hilarious)
The worlds glow, and the TV-size version of Over Quartzer ends on a shot of the outside of 9-to-5.
There’s a sign saying ‘Rooms to let’ on the door.
Tokiwa Junichiro calls upstairs. “Sougo! You’re going to be late for school!”
…wait, what?
Sougo narrates. “September, 2018. Summer vacation’s over, and the boring school days have begun.”
Wait. What?
Sougo’s on his way, walking his bike down the stairs, when some of his classmates pester him about saying he’s going to be a king, as he always does. Three of them jog past, and the fourth…
Wait. What.
The fourth says he’ll wake Sougo up, just like the anonymous one from the first episode, and flips Sougo onto his back, just like in the first episode.
Except it’s not the student from the first episode.
It’s Geiz.
Or, as schoolgirl Tsukuyomi calls him, Miyokoin-kun. Please note that they do not use her name at all. Thanks.
She tells him that he’s always too rough, grabs him by the collar, and yells at him to just be nice… before flipping him onto his back. She didn’t have to get back up like he did, and flipped him over her, as opposed to how he sent Sougo below where he was.
Sougo is recovering a whole lot faster than Geiz, who is on the ground in pain as Tsukuyomi dusts off her hands and walks away.
Schoolgirl Hora – wait what – comments that they’re always like this, and schoolboy Heure – who looks happy and that makes me happy – says that he sure admires ‘Ou-sama-sempai.’ Or, as Rider-time translates it, ‘Upperclass King.’
Hora asks what that names all about. Heure replies that well, he’s always said he’s going to be a king, right? He’s kinda dumb, but Heure thinks he can do it.
“…Whatever.” Hora checks her watch, and incidentally reveals that she’s got a little toy rabbit keychan hanging from her bag. “I’ve got some bad news for you.”
“We’re going to be late.”
All five of them start taking off – and nobody helps Geiz up, because being Geiz is suffering.
They’re all running into the courtyard, and Woz watches from on top of the building. Regular, brown coat, book-carrying Woz.
He says that for Ordinary High School Student, Tokiwa Sougo, a future where he becomes Oma Zi-O is waiting for him. …Or, maybe it isn’t. Time will tell. From here on, a different history from the one in his book will have to be written.
He closes the Oma Advent Calendar decisively.
Our closing shots are of Hora and Tsukuyomi laughing to each other, Heure smiling, and Sougo and Geiz running together.
The end screen has the Zi-O and Geiz watches… and the Zero One watch in the center.
So. That. Sure was an ending.
It was going great up until that world-changing maneuver.
I’ll have to try and write up some proper thoughts on this eventually, but for now…
I’ve never been a fan of the ‘it never happened’ ending for stories. It cheapens the struggles, for me. I’ll have to find a way around this when I finally get there in ReUnited, but that’s beside the point.
This is… I don’t know if I like the decision of how to save everything that Sougo came to. But the others – Geiz, Tsukuyomi, Heure, and Hora – get to have normal lives now. That’s… that’s good. They never had a chance for that before. So I’m happy for them. But…
It still feels hollow. It feels wrong that they don’t remember what happened, that nobody but Woz is around who remembers, and that he can’t even interact with them. They aren’t the same people anymore, anyway. They may be better off, they have the same quirks, but… it’s not the same.
And time even reset back to before Sougo met any of them, so this entire year may as well have never happened for the World of Zi-O.
That’s Kamen Rider Zi-O. 49 episodes. A metric boatload of cameos from previous seasons. Two metric boatloads of re-used monster suits. A second season for Decade, and possible confirmation that Tsukasa and Daiki are a cou- okay, sorry, disregard that last bit, it’s not relevant.
But this has been the 29th season of Kamen Rider. On to season 30, Kamen Rider Zero One.
(Toei, I am begging you, find a better naming scheme, and stop using hyphens in your season names. Please.)
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sailor-cresselia · 5 years
Just as an aside, with this episode, I’ve officially begun my sixth document for writing these liveblogs. I may have gotten in over my head.
When last we saw our nominal heroes, Sougo’d been dropped into an altered timeline, where Kakogawa Hiryuu is basically ruling as Another Zi-O II. The ‘II’ is significant, because he’s gotten an upgrade. Also, Decade’s here!
Now… on with the show!
Okay, so. Geiz is pissed – justifiably so, since he’s lost a lot of his comrades in battle. If defeating Zi-O will help him avenge them, then so be it.
Sougo doesn’t fight back. Drops his transformation, even. After all…
As we see in a flashback, with the orchestral version of Toki no Ouja playing, When they started truly working together, Geiz promised that if Sougo ever went evil, he would make sure to stop him.
Not as a threat by then, but as a reassurance. That he wouldn’t let his friend, even if he wouldn’t put it in those terms yet, become a villain.
(As an aside, that scene? Back in episode 16? Was immediately before the first time we heard Toki no Ouja, making its use here super appropriate.)
So of course Sougo is willing to let him do this. Even if he isn’t the same Zi-O that’s ruling this time… he’s still at risk of going that path. He wasn’t able to stop Oma Zi-O – couldn’t even dent him – so… if this will keep him from rising to power, even in this altered timeline where Hiryuu is in charge…
Then so be it.
And Geiz was going to do it, too. He was flat out aiming to kill Sougo – for the second time in two episodes, because of that whole situation where Sougo nearly got decapitated last episode.
And once again, someone stopping time is what saves him.
This time, it’s Tsukuyomi… with a red cloth around her arm. The same type that Tsukasa has around his, and that Geiz has around his leg.
We know that Geiz and Tsukuyomi are part of the resistence, and said resistance has access to weapons. Tsukasa showed up last week with a LITERAL ASSAULT RIFLE.
For the record? HOLY SHIT, TSUKASA. And stop lurking over around that corner, you’re making everyone (read: me) nervous!
Well, he did stop lurking. If only to start walking toward the trio, and say “good going”. Or “that’s it”, in a ‘that’s the way’ type of phrasing.
Just last week, he said that Sougo needed to rely on his friends. Okay, not in those exact words, because he wouldn’t be Tsukasa if he wasn’t a cagey, snarky, asshole, but still. He implied that Sougo needed to rely on his friends.
Natsumi, Yusuke, please come pick up your photographer.
…Oh, and could you also pick up your thief, while you’re here? He’s up to something. Again.
Saying something about how since this world has changed, he can get something nice.
…Having watched Decade now, I definitely like him better with darker hair.
Swartz walks out of the mansion, the one with the statue of Hiryuu in front, and smirks.
After the OP, we return to the former 9-to-5 shop. Clearly, a strip of red fabric is the sign of the resistance, because everyone in here – Junichiro included – is wearing one. Heck, even the radio has a band of red wrapped around the base!
Junichiro’s most worried about if Sougo’s the overlords minion – or possibly the overlord himself – because this is an aid house. There are wounded people here – are they in danger?!
He’s so nice!
(I still wonder how much he knows in the normal timeline, but… well, that’s a moot point at the moment.)
Okay, so Tsukuyomi and Geiz don’t know Tsukasa. This implies that the outfit is what he was assigned, and that he’s not technically part of the resistance. And needs to stop doing whatever that is he’s doing with the bread, back there. Seriously, dude, cut it out. Are you just. Picking it apart? Why?!
… … Ah. Junichiro trusts that they didn’t bring the overlord here, because he knows that they know he couldn’t defend the people in the base. He’s not very strong, after all. He used to be a clocksmith. (That past tense hurts so much, guys.) But his next line is. Worrying.
“Time’s always been with me.”
Come on! I like you now! Please don’t do this to me!
And when he repeats that line, it overlaps with Tsukuyomi saying that time’s been rewritten.
Sougo’s explaining how he used to fight along with them, and with Woz.
This is all okay and fine, except for the part where Geiz and Tsukuyomi don’t know who Woz is, either.
Naturally, Sougo has a bit of trouble answering exactly who they’re all fighting against, seeing as technically they’re fighting him… But Tsukasa has exactly zero trouble saying that Sougo’s technically supposed to become the overlord, because he’s an asshole. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy watching Tsukasa, but. Well, there’s no denying it.
Geiz, being Geiz, immediately tries to go on the offensive, only to be stopped by Tsukuyomi, who, being Tsukuyomi, wants to try and trust Sougo.
The more things change, huh?
So, Geiz storms out, because he’s going to stop Zi-O, damnit, no matter which Zi-O it is. For the moment, he’s going to focus on Hiryuu.
Tsukasa, munching on bread: Wow, he’s stubborn, isn’t he?
Sougo, having had about enough of this: You’re actively making this worse!
…oh no, seeing everyone in the front room, including his uncle, terrified of Sougo…
My heart.
Now, back to the mansion and it’s throne room, with Hiryuu going to sit on his throne. Interestingly, Another Ghost and Ex-Aid are standing as guards. Huh.
…! HUH! So, Woz’s book? You know how in the opening, we have him showing it to us, and it basically plays a video?
He shows Hiryuu a video clip of Oma Zi-O with the book. Nice.
And here’s Hora, bored and sick of being Hiryuu’s watchdog/nanny/minder, with a red drink. Again, I feel I should note, because when the Time Jackers have downtime, she winds up with one of those a lot. She doesn’t really care so much that times been rewritten, or how Hiryuu watns to take Sougo’s future of becoming Oma Zi-O, but seems to think he’s being a little… hasty. You know, since several of his Another Riders were defeated.
He says he’s just getting started, and that he won’t stop, even with their deaths. This is worrying for a number of reasons.
First, Hora didn’t say they died. Hiryuu did. That’s not a translation thing, either, I don’t think; the phrasing they both used was different, and I’m pretty sure I heard Hiryuu say ‘die’ in there.
This implies that he won’t be able to summon the recently defeated Another Riders again.
So! That’s ‘a little’ worrying!
And the fact that he’s not going to let it stop him, either; that he’s just going to keep using his power to rewrite time. He says this while practically fondling the Another Zi-O watch, holding it reverently in his hand.
…What could this boy have been, if he had never been given this watch? If he hadn’t been soured so badly that he’d be so willing to use it like this?
Woz looks down a bit when Hiryuu makes his ‘I’ll use my power to rewrite time’ comment. Not sure if that’s a ‘distressed’ looking down, a ‘sure you will’ look, or what. But it’s definitely some sort of doubt.
Hi, Daiki, what’re you doing here?
Shooting out the chandeliers? Cool, cool.
Saying that the power to rewrite time sounds super nifty, and that you want to take it?
…Okay that MIGHT be a bad idea, I’M JUST SAYING.
…Last time we saw you, you were giving the Future Note to Oma Zi-O. … …
Oh my god I might not have been as far off as I thought with my “Oma Zi-O is technically Another Zi-O” theory.
I figured it was shot to hell when we almost immediately went into an Another Zi-O arc after I came up with it, but maybe not!!!
(Heh, shot. And we’ve got Diend here.)
Daiki, you’re the best right now.
Not only does he summon Specter and Brave to fight off Another Ghost and Ex-Aid, he uses Blast to just. Shoot the Another Zi-O watch out of Hiryuu’s hand before he can use it.
I love tracer shots, especially when they just nyoom right around the other combatants, and manage to angle the watch right to Daiki’s hand.
Also, Specter and Brave took out the Another Riders, allowing Diend to just take the watch and run out of the room.
UNFORTUNATELY, Swartz is RIGHT outside the door, just lounging around, and freezes Diend. Because of COURSE he does.
The purple bastard takes the watch, and gives it back to Hiryuu, saying that since defeating Sougo is his wish, he’ll leave him to it, and to let him take care of this situation. Hora’s not happy about being sent off with Hiryuu again, but she does still go along with it.
And THEN Swartz freaking telekinetically throws Diend into a WALL, knocking him out of his transformation.
Why is this guy so effective against actual veteran Riders?! I mean, escalating stakes and all, but both Tsukasa and Daiki have been in serious pain after he attacks them. Daiki can barely talk.
“Oh, you like treasure, huh? I’ll give you something good, then… but you’ll have to do something for me, as well, and I’m not giving you a choice.”
He then proceeds to grab Daiki by the hair and send waves of purple energy through him, WITH DAIKI SCREAMING IN PAIN!
Woz looks on with a somewhat… disapproving expression.
Geiz. Geiz, sweetie. You do know Sougo, just. You’ve been whammied by temporal distortions, that’s all.
(You know, kind of like the team was doing to the Riders in the early part of the season.)
(Just saying.)
(Even if they weren’t faking it, please let them remember and have gotten their histories back after HeiGen Forever. Come on, Toei, give us that, at least.)
Sougo, depressed: Can we talk?
Geiz, sulking: Screw you.
Tsukuyomi, tired: If we work together, we can defeat Hiryuu-
Hiryuu, asshole: lol no, I’m the only Kamen Rider Overlord we need around here.
Hiryuu: I’m going to replace you as the evil overlord.
Sougo, incredibly depressed: I’m actively trying to not be the evil overlord, okay? You’re going down.
This is not the type of joint transformation I usually like to see, but it’s a really good one! You don’t usually get two forms of the same rider transforming, but Hiryuu is Another Zi-O II, and Sougo is going into the normal Zi-O II form.
Mirror matches are really fun.
… FFS Geiz. “I’d be okay with them killing each other.” STOP THAT.
Sougo, somewhat outmatched by Hiryuu’s ENGERY PUNCHES, pulls out the Grand watch.
Daiki thinks that sure does look nifty. He’s honored that Sougo remembers him.
(Memories were a bit of a ‘theme’, back in Decade.)
He hopes that Sougo will be able to remember his new power.
(Memories wound up being a powerful thing, back in Decade.)
He extends his hand – and both Zi-O’s are paused in time.
Oh No.
Hora and the others aren’t frozen, though – you can see Tsukuyomi’s hair blowing in the wind – and Hora’s not amused that Daiki’s got Time Jacker powers.
“Wow, this is the easiest treasure I’ve ever gotten!” (taps Sougo’s helmet on the forehead) “Sweet. Later!”
Daiki’s ‘Knife Cat’ energy has leveled up since Decade, I see.
…Daiki, Tsukasa, what’s with you two and tapping the kitty on the face? Because you’ve both done it, now. It’s a little weird. I know neither of you are skilled at flirting like normal people, but he is 19 and you guys are coming up on or are in your early 30’s. Cut that out!
So, Sougo tries to go after Daiki, but to no avail, because Hiryuu really wants to end him. Tsukuyomi readies her Faiz Phone X, but-
But Geiz says he’ll handle it.
He leaps in, with Revive Typhoon, knocks Hiryuu off of Sougo, and proceeds to fly right on out of there, carrying Sougo with him.
Swartz says that Hiryuu lost, Hiryuu says that Sougo just ran away.
Swartz: Are you sure he ‘ran away’? Ah well. Maybe we can make use of her…
He looks up at Tsukuyomi.
Geiz and Sougo land on a rooftop, dropping their transformations.
Suuuure, Geiz, say that you only saved him because it was a pitiful excuse for a fight. We’ll believe you, no problem…
Sougo clearly doesn’t buy that either, but thanks him in any case. And says that he’s acting like the Geiz he knows.
…Geiz asks what ‘he’s’ like.
…Your memory of the regular timeline is coming back right now, isn’t it? (Please?)
So, Sougo describes his history with his Geiz to this one, while the piano for Over Quartzer plays in the background.
When they met, Geiz was already trying to do him in, and they were always fighting. But eventually… they were both fighting to save the future, and every time they fought, either against or alongside each other, they grew closer together. Though, Geiz hates being called Sougo’s ‘follower.’
Geiz reacts to that bit of news by yelling about why should he “have to be your follower”, and grabs Sougo by the collar.
Sougo: Yeah, just like that! :)
There’s some incredulous looks from Geiz, a scoff, aaaand the mood is killed by the stupid ringtone for the faiz phone.
And then said mood is immediately made worse by the fact it’s Tsukuyomi calling for help.
She’s running along the shipping docks, and is caught by… the slow, lumbering Another Build, and the suddenly appearing out-of-nowhere Another Kabuto. Not the matchup of Another Riders I’d have expected, but okay. I guess it makes sense; use Another Build to drive her into a corner, lure her into thinking that there’s only one after her – and then have the speedster zoom in, and disarm/disable her before she can react.
So Hiryuu’s plan is to use her as bait to lure Sougo in, which would definitely work… if Another Build and Kabuto didn’t proceed to get shot.
By Tsukasa “I won’t hesitate, bitch” Kadoya.
With a literal damned pistol.
What the hell is going on in this timeline, and where the hell is Tsukasa getting these guns if he’s not actually part of the resistance?!
Hiryuu – who needs to look up some Rider History, apparently – asks who Tsukasa is.
There’s really only one answer he could ever get.
“Just a passing-through Kamen Rider. Remember that.”
OOOOO, now there’s a nice touch! Not only does the Decadriver have the more recent emblems on it now, but the ring of emblems that appears around Tsukasa as he transforms has them all added in, too!
Decade tells Tsukuyomi to run for it – and, of course, Hiryuu sends his Another Riders after her. Another Build, being the worst of the Another Riders, tries to jump over some boxes, but fails miserably. Looks like his early installment weirdness and overall lack of skill stuck around.
When. When Geiz and Sougo make it to the scene, and they see Decade fighting Another Zi-O II.
Geiz asks who the pink one is.
Sougo: “Kadoya Tsukasa. And it’s actually magenta.”
Sougo: He gets very particular about his color terminology, so you should probably remember that.
… wait gfdi I didn’t realize until right after I typed that line that I used ’remember that’ what is wrong with me? I could have planned that, but noooo…
Geiz tells Sougo to go after Tsukuyomi, that he’ll handle Another Zi-O.
He and Decade argue a bit over who’s helping who, which is adorable.
…oh dear, I don’t believe we saw that Another Zi-O II has a sword until now, did we? Because he has a sword now. Or, well, a long staff that’s probably bladed, and is making energy clock projections every time he spins around.
Tsukuyomi runs into a back lot, and freezes Another Build and Kabuto… only for Uhr to unfreeze them. That’s a Time Jacker power, and he’d like to know where exactly she learned it.
And he’s good enough with it that he could freeze the blast from her Faiz Phone X along with her! Dang!
Woz, showing up right after Sougo, says that he’ll take over that particular fight, to which Uhr…
A swirl of energy…
That becomes a cable, tying Tsukuyomi up.
ALSO, I’m not fond of you pointing that gun at her while you drag her off, young man!
… HUH. Interesting.
Woz says he serves ‘the new overlord’, presumably meaning Hiryuu, since that’s how he referred to him when Daiki busted into the mansion. He tells Sougo to stand down, or he will kill him.
I can’t tell if that’s my imagination or not, if I’m actually seeing his hand tremble in the ‘over the shoulder’ shot of Woz holding the Ginga watch.
Sougo doesn’t want to fight… and neither does Woz. His duties still stand, even in this situation. He lowers the watch, and walks away.
…which duties, Woz? To Oma Zi-O? To Kamen Rider Zi-O? To the Quartzers, whomstever the hell they actually are?
Please explain in the show, because we don’t want to have to wait the six months for the movie to be subbed!
Daiki, the Grand watch is not a t-
Okay, well, it is a toy, but in-universe, it is not a toy, so you should really stop tossing it up and down like it is one.
Hora wants to know where he got those new powers.
Turns out… whatever Swartz did, was apparently him giving them to Daiki.
Uhr was instructed to bring Tsukuyomi to the mansion, apparently, most likely by Swartz.
By Swartz, who is willing to answer any questions Tsukuyomi has.
Any questions that his little sister has.
Heure clearly did not see that coming, given that he was holding the blaster-mode Faiz Phone almost directly to Tsukuyomi’s head, only to immediately lower it, with a matching stunned expression to hers, as soon as he hears Swartz call her that.
I mean, we’ve seen her being related to him coming for some time now, since she first used her time stop powers, but apparently nobody else did. They were too focused on how she got said powers.
In the preview…
Sougo gets Grand back at some point, we’re going to have a massive fight with a whole bunch of Another Riders, presumably against the four in the lineup we see – Woz, Sougo, Geiz, and Tsukasa, in that order – and Decade and Diend are going to have it out again.
But also.
Swartz says the throne will be his soon, over a shot of a very much in pain Woz on the floor – with a decent amount of debris around him, implying he just got thrown into/through a wall.
Uhr’s finally realizing that him and Hora have been being used.
Frankly, he should have caught on after his stint as Another Kikai, when I started telling him to GET OUT OF THERE, but the shot of him trying to back away, dragging a limp Hora, really seals the deal there.
I’m lying I’m super worried but also super hyped.
Zi-O is WILD.
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sailor-cresselia · 5 years
Zi-O 29-30: Blade spoilers within (from someone who has NOT watched Blade)
Ha! Black!Woz walks out of the Storytime vault and into 9-to-5.
White!Woz: Haha sweet I get to choose Another Blade
Swartz: Hey, what do you think of being a person who gets used… you know, hypothetically speaking…
White!Woz: ...ah. Well. Shit.  
(We continue this super spoiler-iffic liveblog under the cut. It gets long - this one made it to about 3,000 words. My apologies to mobile users. Just... scroll. Scroll like your life depends on it.)
Awww… the café from Blade has photos from back then on the counter, that’s so sweet. And Amane’s actually wearing the recent necklace for Chalice – that’s a really nice touch there, Toei. Product placement, but it’s a really nice tribute.
Another Blade’s design is – that’s terrifying, that’s a lot of knifes. I like how the spade symbol glows red, and it doesn’t have the ‘handle’ part of a spade. It’s a heart, too. But the thing is… this is the second Another Rider to not have the lens-eyes. Everyone up to Another Zi-O had them, and he notably didn’t.
I know people have been saying they’re proud of Sougo for managing to graduate, and I agree. I really do. I’m happy for our book-dumb protagonist. It’s actually kind of nice to see all four of the ‘team’ together. You know, for certain definitions of ‘team’.
Noting here the Tsukuyomi hasn’t told Sougo that his ��dream’ was. Not actually a dream, so much as a memory. It makes sense that a small 8-year-old reality warper would take the trauma of something like what Swartz did, and assume the first time he saw it was a nightmare, too.
(Seriously, screw that guy.)
Okay, so, I have not watched Decade, but… from the two (2) films I’ve seen with his cast – WxDecade and the first Hero Taisen movie – this seems to be pretty damned in-character for this Daiki guy. “Lol sup hi just saying hello don’t mind me” *proceeds to steal all your transformation trinkets*
Case in point… Sougo and Geiz don’t notice their personal watches are missing until they go to activate the button on the side. Not when they don’t pull anything out – no, when they go to turn them on. Boys. Boys please.
Also, can I just say that I’m starting to see why people pair Tsukasa and Daiki? I mean, the guy came out in a ~magenta~ apron. And they’re both little shits.
Sougo just shoves Woz in front of them. Woz!Kikai is so OP, oh my god. First the mind control thing when it debuted, the satellite dish lasers in Another Zi-O, and now it has extendable robot arms to grab the watches back. Oh my god.
(Kaito, suddenly copied into another existance as Baron: GFDI just let me be a tree spirit already)
(I know it’s a doppelganger, but seriously. So many Barons. So little patience on his end for people constantly trying to revive him as a pawn.) 
Sougo: Okay, so, you guys’s past is my future, and since it’s 2019, anything that happens in 2068 is the future now, so aren’t you talking about things that haven’t happened yet?
Woz: My lord, please, verb tenses get complicated enough without you speaking.
OOF. Yeah, uh, there’s gonna be a. A few problems with Blade ‘2019’. Namely that he isn’t supposed to be in, like. Japan. Ever again. Because Bad Things Happen when he is around fellow Undead. (He made an exception for Gorider, because a certain zombie f*er was stealing his gig, and poorly at that.
((Am I saying that he’s an asshole who is also a zombie, or that he would do a zombie? … Both. I’m saying both.))
Sougo: Okay, so, we need one person who can fight on both ends, and really, if a team is going after Geiz’s watch, it ought to include Geiz, and you guys want me to go after the Another Riders, so of course the groups are me with Tusukyomi, and Geiz with Woz! :) It’s only rational! :) And if you happen to work out whatever’s going on between you, well, that’s just a bonus, isn’t it? :)
Geiz: ...if I kill him, it’s your fault, you know.
Tsukuyomi: This is a terrible idea.
Sougo: I know! :)
(gasp) Dark Toei is giving us the forbidden rebel backstory!
Oh goody Woz was the leader of their team! And he said he was going to ‘infiltrate’ Oma Zi-O’s camp! And everyone died because he seems to have switched sides. Delightful.
White!Woz: Excuse me? I see a pair of powerups here, but not the one I specifically requested you get.
Daiki: Lol you mad?
White!Woz: ...fight us irl bitch.
Daiki: Heh.
Huh… So… when White!Woz’s tablet makes someone do something, they’re supposed to hear his ‘narration’… and maybe that’s a recent idea from the team, but. When it seemed that he was compelling Sougo to come after him – I can’t remember when, it was during either Shinobi or Quiz, but Sougo and Black!Woz were talking in 9-to-5, and he summoned Sougo away, that didn’t happen. Hm.
Sougo: Dang, couldn’t even knock the watch out temporarily. Drat.
Hm. Regulus is showing up in the daytime now… and so is the rest of the constellation. That can’t be good.
Oooh, nifty. Another Blade has the inverted heart for Chalice on her torso, but the spade for Blade on her. Well, blade. As well as a circular saw, which is a bit overkill when you consider the literal knives sticking up from her shoulders.
Oh, hey, remember that theory about how the Another Riders are technically the enemy that each rider fought? Like how Another Gaim opened cracks into the Helheim forest, and Another OOO bled Cell Medals like a Greeed?
And remember why Kenzaki can never return to Japan?
Undead are drawn to fight each other.
Okay, I get why a speed versus speed battle, to counter Woz!Shinobi, would wind up with Diend summoning Accel. But why Birth? Date’s version was never particularly fast – he’s more of a Mighty Glacier. And the suit isn’t really intended for speed, since Gotou was only particularly speedy when he used the Cutter Wing ‘attachment’.
And then I am immediately answered. Bike juggling to get Woz into the air, so that ‘Birth’ can shoot him down without mercy. (Was reminding us of the bike form really necessary? Was it? I don’t think it was. I could have done without seeing that in-action again.)
Diend: Wow, that’s cold, even for me, watching your friend get beat up like that.
Geiz: Bold of you to assume we’re friends. He’s a born liar. I mean, he’s using a ninja form right now.
Geiz: Yeah, no, Woz, screw you. I know you wanted a distraction. Asshole.
Diend: Aw, look, they do like each other.
OH THANK COSMOS it’s Chalice Versus Zi-O. ...for now. There’s about minutes left for everything to go terribly, terribly wrong. (Because Blade.)
And then it immediately went terribly, terribly, wrong.
Kenzaki and Hajime haven’t transformed in years, because they can’t. They would feel each other’s power, seek each other out, and be forced to fight. Probably the only time Blade has reappeared was in a slightly-alternate reality. (shakes fist at Gorider). And Kenzaki looks absolutely terrible. How did you get here so fast, sir? That jacket has clearly seen far better days, is the damage recent?
Some excellent ‘teamwork’ on Geiz and Black!Woz’s parts – using Shinobi’s finisher to get the two targets in one spot for Geiz’s finisher. Clever. Pity that the other two watches aren’t here.
And with that, and some brutal slashes exchanged between Blade and Chalice…
we move to episode 30.
The power-up watches get all electro-staticy, and try to start a chain reaction with White!Woz, but it doesn’t hold up. Hm.
Geiz: What’s your issue?!
Diend: Looking for my boyfriend-rival. No big deal.
Oh man, neither of them want to be in this fight, but they don’t have a choice. Zi-O accidentally knocks Another Blade into the line of fire for Actual Blade’s finisher, so naturally Chalice steps in to try and take the hit.
It doesn’t… technically work. She still gets knocked out of her transformation, back to Amane, and he’s still in his armor.
Kenzaki: oh god oh shit what the hell?! Amane?! what’s going on oh shit
Woz’s storytime vault…
Oh… The Day of Oma is apparently meant for Sougo to stop the end of the world… apparently as brought on by the Battle Fight.
… Rider versus Rider, right? A pair of Riders who can’t coexist, but also can’t not coexist. And yet another who is supposedly erasing all Riders from history. Starting with the primary members of each group. So… if Blade goes, the world goes. If Chalice goes, the world goes. If they both go, Oma Zi-O rises.
“An interesting game, Professor. The only way to win is not to play.”
Zi-O II’s shot in the opening has been replaced by Zi-O Trinity.
Geiz can relate pretty hard to Kenzaki’s resignation to having to fight Hajime, but also to his desperately not wanting to do that thing.
Once again, we have the question of “What is the future you are aiming for?” The question of “And then what?”
Geiz wants to see the one that Sougo – that they will create.
Junichiro: Hey, what are your plans for the new era?
Sougo: ...Uncle, you have no idea how loaded that question is with this group.
(or does he?)
Hey, that camera’s a clue in more ways than one, isn’t it? Another Blade was attacking photo studios, because Hajime’s a photographer. But that camera’s awfully similar to Tsukasas. Who asked you to repair, that, I wonder…?
Yeah, Woz, you’re kind of being a hypocrite here. Criticizing a woman for wanting to reconnect with an old friend/mentor, while unable to get over the urge to lord over having been Geiz’s superior. GEIZ has a point in his anger. WOZ is just being an ass. And Sougo hones directly in on this.
Kid’s got a decent Charisma stat, too.
When Amane picks up the photos, through to when Kenzaki calls for Hajime. That! The Background!
I think that’s a piano ballad version of “Zi-O: King of Time”!
OST when?
And, also, can we get another instance of Future Soldier in-show anytime soon?
Okay, okay, sorry, back to the show.
Firstly, White!Woz summons the two into a fight.
Then he forcibly activates the Another Blade watch inside of Amane.
The transformation has a screen with Another Blade’s face appear and move over her, just like the card that appears when Kenzaki transforms.
Ow, my heart.
These two episodes have made no effort to hide the green blood that both Kenzaki and Hajime have – from the miscolored bruises to actual bloodstains. And Undead can be ‘sealed’ away – that’s where the Rouze cards come from in the first place. Another Blade – no. Amane doesn’t want them to fight – doesn’t want them to have to fight. So she seals their powers. Their emblems move onto the Another Blade… armor, I guess is as good a word as any.
And now their wounds are red.
But she just took the powers of two Jokers, absorbing them into one person. Leaving one person with the Joker designation.
Please note that I typed this immediately before restarting, only to watch the Sealing Stone appear.
It’s the end of the world as we know it, and nobody feels fine.
Oh, the cinematography of this show. A beam visually separating Sougo and White!Woz from their angles on the stairs – it’s going the opposite direction, making an x with the handrail behind them.
We’re back to the question of “And then what?”.
White!Woz’s future is gone, the potential isn’t there anymore, so he’d rather there not be a future at all. I guess we’ll never see if my ‘a future frozen in an endless moment’ theory was right. Pity. I was wondering if they would go that route for him.
Oooh, an orchestral version of ‘Zi-O: King of Time’!
“You can’t just give up! What’s the use in assuming that it’s over?” Sougo is cheering on even his enemy this boy is not nearly as dark as he assumed in the Ryuki arc, oh my goodness. “You can’t say that any one future is set in stone, so keep trying, keep opposing us! I’ll... No. We’ll keep foiling your plans, but you can’t just give up on the world.”
And the orchestral theme just keeps rising in the background.
Oh… and Sougo said the same thing to Woz. Geiz says that he can’t stand living in the past. And, like I guessed last episode, in like, the fourth section of this liveblog… The past that they’ve lived is, technically, still in the future from where they are now. From Sougo’s perspective, and from the perspective of time itself, none of that has happened yet.
Besides, like Geiz is saying, they came to the past to change history anyway. They’re making a new future, all of them – Sougo, Tsukuyomi, and Geiz… and Woz.
“Do you want in?”
“… That sounds interesting.”
Hm. The Trinity watch – which is somehow successfully created by White!Woz – has all three of the current Belt Voices, doesn’t it? The two that the Ziku Driver uses and the high-pitched one from the BeyonDriver.
“If you use this, I will accept it.”
… accept what? The option to create a new future? The future that Sougo’s aiming for?
Nifty – the light from Regulus and the Day of Oma burns out the clouds from the Sealing Stone.
Pffft - ‘the light is guiding us’ no, no it’s not so much that…
(I love the ‘wtf is going on’ faces from Kenzaki and Hajime)
GEEZ Trinity’s basically a mini-Sentai mech, with all three of them in one place inside.
“Guys, no, I’m sorry, I know none of us know what is going on, but I have to take control for a second, I have to do my speech okay, it’s in my contract. This is not optional.”
I like how the hand on the clock moves to point to whoever’s in control of the body.
I really like how Trinity forms all of their weapons – and how they dissolve when discarded. Nice touch.
And I really like the triumphant section of ‘King of Time’ playing behind this fight.
...Regulus is shining still, brighter than before. With a ‘shine’ of pink, yellow, and green. Their colors.
“Why did you choose to let me stay?”
“Because I think you have more potential.”
White!Woz accepts that ‘his’ world will never exist, and that Sougo will create a better one. He goes out peacefully, and warning Black!Woz – no. Warning Woz that Sir Swartz is planning more than they know.
He goes out with a shimmer of golden motes of light, and the glitching effects that have been a key sign of time re-writing an existence.
Oma Zi-O: You’re almost done… only six more until you’re me.
Sougo: But what I don’t want to?
Daiki yoinked the Future Note. Show off.
Which, of course, creates a slight problem for me and my potential ‘fix it’ of Zi-O, down the line in the Re-United ‘verse. Or, rather, a complication.
See, the draft I’ve got has at minimum one of the Den-O’s and Zeronos ferrying Riders back and forth. THAT is how I plan to deal with the amnesia issue. Not warning them in the present and past, like I had planned. But having the ‘contemporary’ versions of them just. Sorta travel backward, and pretend that they’re the ones that from in the past. Just… ya know, keep their past selves unaware of what’s going on, take the brunt of temporary power removal. Fill in for themselves when Zi-O and Geiz meet them.
And I had everyone scheduling this from Tsukasa having somehow duplicated Black!Woz’s book when he grabbed it during the Ghost arc. I have never seen Decade, and have no idea if that would even be part of his powerset. But, like, Trinity just knocked off his ability to turn Riders into weapons and stuff, so. Ya know.
I’m apparently not that far off, if I can work Daiki into it. … need to watch Den-O and Decade first, but that’s just how it goes.
The complication is my stated ‘not wanting to touch on Zi-O’ aspect. I now admit that I want to handle it somehow, but if they keep airing concepts similar to ones I’ve been working on for months, I’m going to get accused of lying.
Arceus, Cosmos, and Gaim DAMNIT.
Of course, you may have noticed I skipped a scene there during the re-cap.
Because not for the first time, something has been saved by Zi-O taking powers away. I’m still decidedly not here for the amnesia concept, and I am not okay with the fact that certain characters have potentially been un-created – Ankh, Parad, Poppy and the like among them – but here’s the thing.
Both Kenzaki and Hajime remember being Blade and Chalice. They can properly retire – They’re both bleeding red. Hajime was never human to start with – he was using the Spirit card to be human. But he seems to be human now. The Blade and Chalice watches appear to have taken their Joker situation out of the picture.
Like how his intervention by introducing the father to Emu, who clearly went on to point him to Hiiro, saved the son during the Ex-Aid arc.
Like how the girls would have never gone missing during the Fourze and Faiz arc, to say nothing of Takumi and Kusaka being decidedly more alive than usual.
Like how Kaito also appears to be alive again after the Gaim arc.
And how neither the girl or her brother died in the Ghost arc.
How Rentaro can become Shinobi in a newly created potential future.
How Mondo got to meet his father.
… admittedly, his apparently re-creating the events of Ryuki might be a problem. I haven’t had a chance to watch any of the RIDER TIME specials, but I hear that’s what happened? Sorry, Shinji.
But here’s the thing. A not-insignificant number of things have turned out for the better… and as long as the ‘you were never riders’ thing can be… worked around…
((also, just a quick note, if you comment on any of the sections in here, I’d really appreciate it if you specify which statements you’re talking about. These recaps get really long, so... y’know, it’ll make it a little easier for a conversation.))
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