#this post is kind of a vent?
rose-icosahedron · 5 months
I miss Harry Potter.
Let me explain, since this sounds both weird and potentially like a red flag off the bat. But here we go.
We know now that JKR is a transphobe who uses the platform granted to her by the popularity of her book series to spread and justify her views. Talking positively these days is a dog-whistle for TERFs and Transphobia. And I know that retrospectively re-reading some of her works knowing her views it seems obvious in someways.
However, none of that mattered when I was a little kid who thought magic was cool and didn't have much media literacy. And tones of people who did liked the books too.
I have fond childhood memories of having the books read to me by my dad in the evening, and of going to the Harry Potter park(I think its in universal studios although I don't know) and absolutely loving the butterscotch slushie they had that they called butterbeer. I remember having incredibly detailed conversations with my family about the fact we were probably all Ravenclaws.
The first fanfic I ever read was "harry potter and the methods of rationality" a fic that was a complete re-write of the entire series that showed off various logical fallacies and addressed them, adding logic to the original series and being really the sort of thing my geeky family loved, which note, my dad read this fic to me when I was little, and it is honestly still one of my favorite fics of all time.
These were all good memories, and there was nothing wrong with them. My family enjoyed this series and the media around it and its fandom, tons of people did. We all did, honestly.
But now adays I don't think I could say all this without this context. Because of everything, it is almost impossible to say that you did enjoy this thing as a child and not call your younger self bad for that. For something that you could not have predicted or known about. And its sad, and I miss Harry Potter.
I'm not saying go and ignore what JKR is doing with her platform now and try and be giant Harry Potter fans all over the place, I'm just saying I'm sad. That that book series was, in many ways, good, or at least good enough to capture our imagination. People read and liked it for a reason and the joy many of us found in it was good, the work may not be but the memories were. I'm saying that those good memories weren't bad for happening, and that it sucks that it has all become what it as.
Don't feel bad for enjoying what you enjoyed.
You had fun as a kid, don't let an asshole take away the joy from those memories.
Or well, you don't have to. If you don't want to.
And I'm going to re-read the methods of rationality sometime because it was great and someone made an awesome audio book recording of it and I like the nostalgia that comes with it.
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catsauceeartofficial · 3 months
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Accepting isolation, craving belonging
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bloggingboutburgers · 9 months
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When I talk about how I don't like sex, it's so people like me can feel "more normal" and not so "broken". Not so everyone else can feel "less normal".
Can't believe we still have to say stuff like that all the time in any context of advocacy but this isn't about making things worse for you. It's about making stuff a little bit better for everyone so everyone can be seen. Not even necessarily understood. Just seen.
(PS: I don't wanna put a disclaimer on literally all of my posts to say I mean no ill to allo people. That should be implied. With that said, to all the allo people who DON'T react like that: thank you. Y'all give me hope.)
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scoliwings · 3 days
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"What if you were cured?"
This is a question I get a lot, usually after sharing that I am deaf and I do not speak English. Deaf people get this in general. We've likely been asked this thousands of times in our lifetimes.
Most people treat it as a casual, sometimes playful question. Like it's something that would have a "why, yes, I'd love to be hearing!" answer. As if it's obvious that everyone who's ever deaf or disabled should simply choose to be abled. As if it's even remotely easy to get that kind of treatment, to simply learn a language you've never even heard, to simply have your ears altered to take on a small, artificial fraction of the full range of hearing people have.
I've been asked that question so much that it all sounds like "Why don't you just die?" to me.
I'm used to shrugging it off and I constantly educate people about deaf culture and accessibility and why these kinds of questions are wrong. Now, I'm surrounded by people who defend me if this is asked. It's a nice balm to the decades of isolation and pain I've been through, particularly when I rarely find any deaf people online or in person.
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forbiddennhoney · 11 months
"fat ppl are so hot and bangable. fat people are sexy. i want to fuck fatties" okok heard but do you actually like us as people? do you know anything abt the fat creators u follow who share things abt their lives? how do you treat fat ppl who are undesirable to you? do you listen to us when we are screaming about the ways that fatphobia is everywhere? no not mindlessly reblog, but listen and internalize. do you take the time to unpack your biases against fat ppl? or even the fatphobia you absolutely were taught growing up? do you hold your thin/not fat friends accountable when they compare themselves to us because they dont like the way they look? do you advocate for us when people make us the butt of jokes? do you actually date fat people? do you befriend fat people? are you kind to fat strangers you don't find attractive? do you feel the need to qualify your love for fat people? do you love any fat people who arent related to you? do you respect fat ppl of all sizes? what do you consider "fat"? is it just someone with bigger than average boobs/butt? do you like fat people with small boobs/butts? does "we love bellies here" include large bellies covered in stretch marks? does it include bellies with multiple rolls and skin discoloration because of those rolls? does it include those things together? when you say fat do you mean actual fat people? do you include fat people who arent white? who are disabled? who reject the expectations of hyper femininity/hyper masculinity? when the trend of wanting to fuck certain fat ppl wears off yet again will you continue to desire us? to love us? to cherish us? do you see us as people even when we do not give you sexual access to our bodies?
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sunlit-mess · 1 year
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something something
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inkly-heart · 18 days
please don’t be sad little sprout, you are loved 🌱 🖤
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queenlucythevaliant · 28 days
Just to clarify my thoughts (since I've had a number of people ask me about it) re: Job and cursing God. There's a big difference between cursing God as used in Scripture and how we generally would think of cursing at God today.
Cursing someone, in the Bible, has a lot of depth to it. It's not just saying "screw you " in anger, it's got a sense of forsakenness to it. It's the opposite of a blessing, a removal of blessing. If the blessing is presence, your face shining on the person you're blessing, then a curse is absence. In some translations, Job's wife tells him to "renounce God and die," which I honestly think makes a lot more sense to modern ears.
Job says a lot of unpleasant things to and about God in his anger and grief. So do the Psalmists. A number of the Prophets. So can we. God can take it if we come to him with honest expressions of our emotion, including those not-so-nice ones directed at him. I don't think there's anything wrong with getting mad at God and saying, "How dare you, you bastard" when you suffer unjustly. You can say much worse, I think, without sinning, though I don't feel particularly inclined to give examples. But as long as it's an honest expression of your heart, I think you're doing exactly what prayer is for. You're presenting him your heart with an open hand. He can use that. Opposite of love is not hate but indifference, etc.
Job doesn't renounce God. Neither should we. But I think when you're truly suffering, you're gonna have those feelings toward God either way. He'd rather you address them with him directly than try to avoid them. Cursing at God in the modern sense is actually a great way to keep the relationship strong and not end up cursing/renouncing him in the Biblical sense.
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fun-k-boards · 4 months
I've never understood the excitement around marriage. I've never understood the 'rush' around the idea of a relationship. I've never understood the heartbreak or annoyance people feel when they're alone for valentine's day, or when their partner doesn't give them a gift for it. I've never understood why someone would like kissing with their tongues or on the lips. I've never understood why naked bodies are sexual. I've never understood why I should feel my world shatter when someone rejects me. I've never understood why I should be expected to 'just give the relationship a try' when someone confesses to me. I've never understood why friends will demean someone by implying they just 'aren't good enough' because their friend got rejected by that person, no matter how gentle or respectful the rejection was.
I've never understood why sex and romance need to be brought up and hyper focused on in every conversation imaginable.
I'll probably never understand.
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mike-krol · 4 months
‘autism is a superpower!’ mothers when their autistic children have meltdowns and harm themselves instead of just being awkward and liking stuff intensely:
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charrfie · 2 months
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I can imagine anything guy image: “I can spiral into tears and convince myself I’m the worst person alive over anything”
#it’s soooooo easy#‘hey that thing you said was kind of insensitive’ -> feel awful and apologize immediately ->#try to explain that I’m a flawed human being in hopes that they don’t hate me as much -> realize I’m using it as an excuse -> feel worse ->#want to explain that I feel bad in hopes that it makes my apology sound genuine -> realize if I do I’m starting a pity party ->#Devil on my shoulder says that I SHOULD start a pity party bc then people have to console me even though I’m the one who fucked up ->#realize that if the devil on my shoulder thinks that that some part of me must think that. thinking that is kind of terrible ->#feel like I’m terrible -> start crying -> realize that crying will turn it into a pity party anyway ->#realize that I don’t want to feel like I’m terrible. that I do actually want people to console me -> realize I don’t deserve it ->#admit that I am truly horrible for trying to turn my fuck up into a way to make people comfort me ->#post about it on tumblr to vent (?) -> realize now I’m starting a pity party in front of almost 8k people ->#realize that makes me even worse. -> break down in tears feeling sorry for myself when. again. IM the one who fucked up#repeat at and slight inconvenience or mistake. feel like a piece of shit forever :)#it’s a flawless system. if someone sees me struggling and tries to console me I can redirect that to confirm that I’m a horrible person#try and tell myself that I’m spiraling bc of mental illness -> that’s an excuse ->#excuse = horrible person bc I’m not willing to own up to my mistakes -> return to spiral
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blitzwhore · 1 month
It's always fun experiencing severe mental illness symptoms because of fiction, eh?
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f4gwithf4ngs · 7 months
just need to be held by a boy and told that everything’s okay
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naffeclipse · 24 days
I know it's just because I'm a tired cranky raccoon rn but I feel like everyone hates me
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redactedcrowart · 2 months
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regardless, i wasn't built to be alone
part of this series 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4
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