#this is funny cause I made that mood board for her
lovekenney · 6 months
I feel like everyone likes Mandy and I just don’t (I sound like a pick me send help) cause like you guys know what she did!! I just idk. I will always just sit in silence when people talk about how much they love her.
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twstfanblog · 9 months
*~Period Drama~*
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A/N: This was a funny idea I had and Now I'm gonna do another series with my Yuu OC. Note that I write most of the cast in a platonic sense with my OC because that's how their story formed. I'm fully open to doing requests with characters in a romantic sense. Word Count: 4.7K Warnings: Period mentions, allusions to sexual assault (They are assumed, nothing actually happens), She/They OC Pronouns Pairings: Azul/Reader (Poly), Jamil/Reader (Poly) Enjoy! Start (Here), Part 2 (Octavinelle), Part 3 (Heartslabyul), Part 4 (Savanaclaw), Part 4.5 (Diasomnia pt.1), Part 5 (Diasomnia pt2)
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Yuu was forgetting something, she knew she was. But sitting in her pjs on a Saturday morning, an over-filled bowl of sugary cereal in hand, she couldn't be bothered to really care.
It was shaping up to be a good day too. None of the staff needed her help with anything, her friends all had their club meetings, and the kitchen was stocked with easy-to-grab snacks for Grim. the cat monster himself had even started his homework on Friday night with minimal fighting. Literally, nothing could be wrong, but she still felt uneasy. They woke up feeling weary and oddly bloated.
With an inquisitive expression, she taps her spoon against her bowl. They really hoped they weren't going to spend all day in a strange sense of deja vu…
Then she sneezed and everything made sense. Yuu blinks, moving back to pull the seam of their pj pants, looking down as they groan, "Ah, shit…"
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Azul loved Saturdays, they were his biggest money-maker days. Students came to the Mostro Lounge either to get a head start on homework, grab a drink after practice or clubs, or merely have a freshly cooked meal. It also was the day he had most of his workforce available so he could spare the time to walk around campus or catch up on his own paperwork.
But, what he's trying to do was gather his courage and think up a plausible enough reason for him to go visit his date-mate. Not that he usually needed one, they were very vocal about how he was always a welcomed presence in their company.
But, Yuu had been…easily irked? Prickly? Upset. Yuu had been upset for most of the week but anyone who questioned their mood was quickly shot down. The prefect would then tensely state they weren’t mad and then questioned why people thought they were mad. Sure they had a very intense resting bitch face but who didn't at Night Raven? (He's fairly certain you needed to either be handsome or have the most terrifying resting bitch face to be admitted to this school).
So he wasn't too pressed about his date-mate's mood until Floyd said something. He had come into the back office pouting of all things, saying 'Shrimpy smelled off'. They had also punched him when the eel merman attempted to pick them up, which wasn't normal.
Jade handled his twin, trying to cull Floyd’s decreasing mood, while Azul opened a few text chats to ask if anyone had caused Yuu reason to want to kill someone. The genuine confusion and concern that answered back only made him more uneasy.
Now, on a sunny Saturday, Azul made the long journey toward Ramshackle. With an obscure board game tucked under his arm and a bag of exclusive gummy candy in hand, he was on a mission to improve his dear pearl’s mood.
Or he was until he was suddenly being dragged down the dirt road in a different direction. He yelped and shouted, trying to angle himself to see what was pulling him through the mud and sticks. The answer was Sam’s shadows, the black willowy wisps quickly yanking him into the shop and setting him on his feet. Azul looks down at his outfit, scowling at seeing the dirt and grass stains. Sevens, did he rip his slacks?
“Lil fish.”
Azul jolts, eyes wide and semi-fearful at Sam’s echoing tone. The man stood behind the counter, a number of medical supplies laying across the surface as his nails gripped at the wood. Sam’s eyes were wide, pupils pinprick as his amethyst orbs almost glowed under all the shadows. Speaking of shadows…Azul looks around the shop, feeling actual fear stir in him. The shadows were everywhere, zipping through the aisles, slithering in and out of the back room, and some were even racing out of the shop, “Uh…Yes, Sam? H-how can I be of assistance?” He didn’t stutter, he refuses to admit he stuttered.
“Do you know what a pad is?”
“Like…Like a notepad or-”
“NO!” Sam slams his fist onto the counter, the lights of the near-endless shop flickering wildly at the force of it. He rests his face in his hands, paying no mind to his makeup and hat that fell to the counter. Looking up, his intense stare was replaced with one of desperation, “You’re killing me here, kid. Look, if you know what a damn pad is, just tell me where to get one! I know you and the lil pup talk!”
“I swear, I have no clue what you’re talking about, sir.” Sevens, had Azul ever felt scared of Sam? He didn’t like this, why was his fellow businessman so frazzled? What kind of pad was he talking about? Why couldn’t he find it and assumed Azul would know where and what the damn thing was?
Sam groans, hands running furiously through purple-tinted lock braids. With a snap of his fingers, the wisps all stop. Either quickly entering the shop or bleeding into the shadows to hide once more, “Look just…Go see the prefect. They called me asking for sanitation pads? That’s the business name they told me anyway…That and just…a lot of pain potions.”
Azul clicked out of his confusion, growing nervous at the potions request, “I…wait are they hurt? Shouldn’t they be in the infirmary?”
“I suggested that, but they insisted they didn’t need to go, just the potions. I’m sending them over soon, Crewel is due to deliver my order in an hour or two. I’ll send him over after ya once he gets here.” Sam grumbles under his breath as Azul rushes out of the store. ‘Primadonna dog hates when I call him while he’s brewing…’
Azul pulls his phone from his pocket, sending a text to both Jade and Floyd. Yuu was in pain, they had requested something called a ‘sanitation pad’? Whatever those were. By the name he could only guess they were used for cleaning of some kind. He sent the twins a message to meet him at Ramshackle ASAP, potentially 119 status. Yuu had always joked about the Octavinelle trio being the first ones they’d call if they needed to hide a body. But, it seemed when it came time for them to actually make the call, the poor thing must have been overwhelmed. He could only think they had done it in self-defense, but the cause didn’t matter. There wasn’t going to be a body in a few hours.
Halfway through the woods to Ramshackle, he hears other footsteps hurrying to catch him. Looking over his shoulder, he raises an eyebrow at the extra amount of people, “Why are they here?”
Ace, Deuce, and Jamil all kept a quick jog behind Floyd and Jade’s long-legged walk. Floyd rolled his eyes, pointing behind him with his thumb, “I was at practice. Crabby and Sea Snake saw the text and wanna help lil Shrimpy too…”
Deuce raises a hand, "I saw them leaving the gym on my way to track practice. Yuu's my classmate and friend, it's only right I help them."
Jamil hisses under his breath, side-eyeing Azul as he sped up to walk beside him, “Plus, they’re my date-mate too, asshole…”
Rolling his eyes, Azul sighed, waving Jamil’s attitude off, “Yes, yes. We can meet with Draconia later about our timeshare lover's crimes. But for now, we need to go and assist them with the dead body I’m sure is on their property.”
Ace sighs, relaxing more as he leans back, arms folding behind his head, “Yuu finally did it, huh?”
“I mean…They can only threaten to murder someone so many times before they’d snap…” Deuce pipes up, rubbing the back of his head, almost dreading getting blood on his uniform again.
Floyd giggled, “I can’t wait to see who Shrimpy squeezed~. I bet they made it real messy!”
“Hmm…I wouldn’t put it past Yuu to kill someone via strangulation. But their MO seems to lean more toward bludgeoning.” Jade smiles to the group, eyes closing in barely hidden glee, “If anything clean up will at least be interesting if we’re just dealing with some blood splatter and a puddle!”
 Ace and Deuce wince, watching Floyd, Azul, and Jamil simply nod at Jade’s examination.
The mood was instantly broken once they came into view of Ramshakle. Floyd and Jade tensed, their smiles dropping off their faces before racing toward the dorm as two teal-colored blurs. Azul shouted, only to choke on his tongue at the smell. Blood. His nose wasn’t anywhere as sensitive as Floyd's or Jade’s but even at this distance, he could smell the sharp iron smell. He jogged to catch up with his dormmates, his expression of panic causing the other three to speed up as well.
All he could smell was Yuu’s blood. Sharp and salty, but spiced and sweet because of their diet. A hint of some type of alien fragrance that no one could place and Yuu couldn’t name mixing it all together perfectly. And that was all he was smelling, not even a hint of another person’s blood.
When the rest of the group had made it to the front porch, Floyd was pounding on the door, eyebrows creased while Jade searched the bushes for the hidden key, “Shrimpy! Open up! Shrimpy!”
Jade’s fingers had just grazed the false rock when the door’s locks clicked open. Floyd swung the door so hard it nearly sent Grim into the hallway wall. The feline monster kept to the ground, eyes wide and teary with fear, “Yuu’s bleeding all over everything and they won’t tell me why!”
Deuce was the only one who had the mindset to scoop Grim into his arms, the rest of them instantly rushing up the stairs toward Yuu’s bedroom. The sound of their footsteps pounding on the floor echoing in the house, each of them calling out in panicked voices. Azul could only grow increasingly worried, the scent of blood growing stronger and stronger.
Jade slams the door open, Ace instantly diving into the bed and startling Yuu awake.
“The-The fuck- hello?”
Ace cupped their face, using what medical lessons Riddle had drilled into his head to see if they had a visible injury, “Yuu! Can you hear me? We were calling you all the way downstairs- Ay!” He tumbles off the bed when Yuu shoves him aside, dark eyes glaring down at the redhead.
“Yeah, I was sleeping. Why are all of you in my house?”
“We smelled blood shrimpy!” Floyd kneeled onto the bed, sniffing around trying to find the main source of blood. Ignoring or nipping at Yuu’s hands trying to shove his face away from her body.
Azul stepped forward, eyes roaming in barely concealed haste, “Sam sent me over. He was worried by a request you had called him about? It’s sent him positively spiraling.”
Yuu raises an eyebrow, having given up on getting Floyd off their bed and wrapping an arm around him instead, “Yeah I was about to ask. Octobaby, what truck did you get dragged behind and did you at least get the license plate?”
Whatever positive flow of atmosphere that was building ended, Floyd grasping the duvet covering them and pulling, “Shrimpy, where are you bleeding-”
A single tug was all it took for Yuu’s bottom half to be flashed. They all look in stunned silence. Fresh red blood on a series of towels under them, a smear on the inside of their bare legs. Yuu shouts but none of them respond, minds spiraling at what could have possibly happened.
“Floyd! By the Seven, I’m not wearing any pants!” Yuu snatches the blanket back, draping it over their legs with a huff. They turn to Floyd only to have their face gripped harshly. Floyd stared at them with a dead expression, his single golden eye almost glowing with the force of his anger, “Floyd?”
“Floyd.” Jade’s hands come into view, pulling Floyd’s grip off of their face and his brother off the bed. Jade was no better, a pleasant smile on his face but eyes wide and void of any emotion, “It’ll do no good to pressure them into telling us. Let us let our two professionals deal with this. The two of us can brainstorm methods of...disposing of the unsavory culprit once we have a name or description.”
Yuu watched them slowly leave the room. Floyd just barely letting Jade pull him along as his expression started to finally morph into a look of anger. His fists clenched as he gritted his teeth, body so tense his movements were more shaky than his normal loose glide.
Looking beside them, Yuu catches eyes with Ace and Deuce. Ace quickly turned away, a hand covering his mouth as a single tear slid down his cheek and his shoulders shook. Deuce was no better, gripping Grim in his arms as he hiccuped softly with just barely contained sobs. He looked like he was fighting back the urge to go into 'delinquent mode'.
Jamil finally moves, a hand on each of Ace's and Deuce's shoulders, guiding them to the door. Softly pushing them out too once Jade had managed to pull Floyd out of the room, “Let us talk to them…We’ll…we’re gonna figure this out…”
Yuu watches stunned as Azul walks toward them as though he was approaching a wounded animal; softly, with just a hint of fear and pity, “Azul…What’s-?”
“It’s ok.” Jamil closed the door, still facing it so Yuu wasn’t sure if he was saying it to them or mumbling to himself, “It's…It’s ok, you’re gonna be fine…”
Azul had finally reached them and they could clearly see the unshed tears in his eyes, “It’s not your fault. This is not your fault, do you hear me?” He ran his fingers through their hair, his other hand gently cupping against her cheek as his thumb shakingly caressed their skin. He opens his mouth, closing his eyes while he sighs a shuddering sob. Gathering his wits again he opens his eyes, a fiery determination glowing in them, “We’re here for you, my pearl.”
“Wha…?” Yuu could only wrap their arms around Azul, the merman diving to embrace her in what had to be the most protective hold he could do with just his two arms. It felt safe and sturdy, like a cool blanket was wrapped around their body. While it was welcomed, Yuu only grew more confused feeling a wet spot start to form on their shoulder where Azul’s face had snuggled into, “I’m…very confused…”
If Azul wasn’t holding them, they would have jumped off the bed. Jamil stood right next to them with a blank expression. His face pulled into a mask of neutrality, but his eyes were steely, an ice-cold fire in them waiting to find a victim.
“Who. You can tell me, you can trust me. We’ll handle everything, you won't even have to look at the bastard unless you want to beat him to death yourself.” He kneels on the bed, his hand moving to touch her covered thigh before retreating, a pinched expression breaking his mask before it was back in place, “You have to tell us who did this to you, hayati.”
Did what to them?
Yuu stared at Jamil, blinking when he finally had to look away to bite his lip. He looked to be holding back tears, fully turning around to put his face in his hands to mutter under his breath. ‘How could he let this happen? Why couldn’t he have just one thing with nothing to ruin it?’ a teary sob of ‘Do they not trust him?’
“My pearl?” Azul pulls his face away from their shoulder, sniffling before he removes his glasses briefly to wipe his tears, “Do you…Would you like me to draw you a bath? This can’t be comfortable-”
“Azul!” Jamil whipped around, glaring at the merman, sparing them a worried glance before turning back to Azul and whispering heatedly, “They can’t take a bath until they get checked, you moron!”
“What’s there to check Jamil!? We can all clearly see what happened! Why put them through the extra…extra poking and defilement when we know what happened!?”
“Because we need evidence!”
“What we need is a name! Or a description! I’m not even going to entertain the idea of bringing this to a court. We have plenty of manpower on campus to bury whoever did this 12 times over.”
“Excuse me, what the fuck are you guys talking about?” Yuu spoke up, eyes glancing between the two of them, “Because if you mean the bleeding, that’s pretty standard at this point.” Maybe they just…forgot they had a vagina? Boys normally didn’t react well to period talk in the first place, but this was an all-boy school and Yuu was more non-gendered than female-gendered. Maybe they just honestly forgot.
But, what they said had only made things worse, both Azul and Jamil looking at them in absolute horror. Standard. This was normal. This had happened multiple times already.
Azul starts to openly sob, wrapping himself around them in a way to keep everything else away, nuzzling his head into her neck and whimpering out apologies. Jamil covered his mouth, a look that Yuu could only call devastation on his face before he stood from the bed to pace the room. Mutters grew in volume and speed before Yuu finally realized what they thought had happened.
“Oh. OH!” They quickly pull Azul from their neck, hands pressed to both his cheeks to keep him looking into their eyes, “Sevens! Guys no! That isn’t what this is, I promise! No one hurt me like that!”
“You expect us to believe that!?” Jamil turns on them, eyes wild and red with held-back tears. He gestures to the bed, alluding to the mess of blood under the covers, “What else could this possibly be!? Why are you trying to defend them!?”
“Jamil, I’m on my period!” Yuu looked back at Azul once her words seemed to hit Jamil, “It’s just my period. No one hurt me. I’m…well, not fine. Periods are a bitch. But not that…I swear it wasn’t that.”
No one made a sound past Azul’s labored breathing, the merman’s expression slowly morphing from one of despair into confusion. Once his breathing was finally under control, he pulled Yuu’s hands from his face, a single brow raised, “Your…your period?”
“Yeah…It’s just my period.”
Jamil pulls a face, eyes looking down as his brain worked to understand what Yuu was saying, “...Like the punctuation?”
Yuu frowned, turning to Jamil, “Don’t you act fucking dumb with me.” They press a kiss to Azul’s forehead, letting him slump against their chest, not seeing the gears turning in his head, “You and your sister are basically the same petty soul shared between two bodies. You know what a period is Jamil.”
The two mages catch eyes across the room, both…so painfully confused. Azul takes his time to finally untangle from Yuu, giving a small smile and patting hesitantly at the blanket, “O-okay…A period…right?”
At Yuu’s annoyed nod, Jamil sniffs, checking that he hadn’t cried before looking over to the door, “And…Najma will know. You’re sure she will?”
“I mean basically every girl gets a period so I would think so Jamil…”
The two boys share another look, communicating in a way Yuu hadn’t learned to do with them yet before they turn back to them with those soft, weak smiles. Azul caresses their face again, saying they should go back to sleep and that someone will bring up something to eat later on. It was slow, they clearly didn’t want to leave, but they both closed the door behind them. They share another look in the hallway, nodding before moving to regroup with the others.
The contained chaos they walk in on was almost comical if the reason wasn’t so mortifying. Jade had a hand gripped on each of Floyd’s shoulders while they took up the loveseat, whispering to the taller eel as he held him back. The whispers growing in intensity as his eyes widened in manic glee every time Floyd growled and moved to pull out of his brother’s hold. Ace was leaning against the wall, anger clear on his face as his nails bit into his forearms. He was the only one who looked up when they walked into the room. Deuce sat on the couch, curled around who they could only think was Grim, his shoulders shaking with barely contained cries.
Ace speaks up first, calling everyone else’s attention to their entry, “Well? Who’s the bastard we’re hunting down?”
Jamil and Azul pause, Jamil looking to the side and sighing, “They say nothing happened-”
“They’re lying!” Grim cries from Deuce’s arms. 
The spade Heartslabyul soldier sniffles, raising his head to look from over the couch, “Grim said they’ve been bleeding since this morning. From before he woke up…”
Jamil pulled out his phone, already dialing his sister, “They said Najma would know what’s going on…They were…so sure nothing…happened…”
Ace opened his mouth to yell only to be cut off at the sound of Najma picking up the line on speakerphone.
“Jamil? What’s wrong, you never call me?”
“...” Jamil gulped, gripping his phone before speaking, “Najma, I need you to be completely honest with me. Swear on your life levels of seriousness. Do you know what a period is?”
“...Like the punctuation?”
Azul bit his lip, a hand moving to cover his mouth and start to pace around the room. He walks closer to Jade and Floyd to explain, the two eels listening to his quick words in clear confusion.
“I…Najma, something happened. Is it…normal to…” He let out another sigh, almost wishing it would take his soul with it, “Is it normal to bleed…out of your vagina?”
The beat of silence almost gave Jamil hope. Maybe it was some super secret girl thing that no male was allowed to ever know about. Maybe everyone in the room would have to be killed once Najma confirmed its existence. He knows he would at least prefer that over the alternative.
“Jamil, what the fuck? No!? No, that's not normal!? Jamil who do you know that’s bleeding out of their-”
“Don’t have time, I’ll call you back once this is all settled.” He’s never hung a phone up so fast. It quickly rings again, but he just declines Najma’s call and silences his phone. Now looking around, everyone else in the room is just as confused if not more so than he and Azul were.
“...What?” Jade tilts his head to the same degree his brother does while they both study Jamil, each trying to find…something in the conversation they just heard.
Azul spoke up, leaning his elbow against the fireplace, a hand coming up to rub at his temple, “They said they were simply on their period and that this was normal. They were also very certain Najma would confirm this sentiment, claiming it was a natural thing girls did.”
Deuce sat in thought, his brain working overtime to try and piece together the information they had, “Maybe…Uh…Wait, I can ask my mom!”
“What is your mom gonna know, Deuce!?” Ace hissed, more frustrated than actually angry.
“I don’t know, she’s like...an older girl? Maybe she knows more about it than Najma would?”
“...” Jade looks toward Azul with a shrug, “It’s another source of information. We’re literally going in blind with this.” He looks down in worry, feeling Floyd relax in his arms. His brother wasn’t calm by any means, more so his mood had finally reached so low that his homicidal urges couldn’t properly latch onto it. He just kept Floyd in his arms, holding his taller brother under his arms as though he was a cat.
Deuce pulls out his phone with one hand, the other keeping a grip on Grim as the monster whines. It only took a very rings before the phone was answered again.
“Hi, Deuce! I was just about to send you a text. I found this new cafe and they make the cutest parfaits-”
“Mom, that’s cool. Send me a picture later but. Um…I got a really weird and private question to ask you-”
“Deuce, we talked about this sweetie. There’s nothing wrong with liking certain things-”
“NOT THAT, NOT THAT!” He blushes, quickly cupping his phone away from view of the others. He whispers his question into the receiver, waiting with bated breath when the other line was quiet.
“Sweetie. Am I on speaker?”
“Uh, yeah?”
“That isn’t…that isn’t something that should be happening. Is this…Deuce, is this about your friend Yuu?” At the affirmative, she continued, “I know you said they weren’t from around…anywhere really. But you boys need to tell your teachers about this. Whoever told them this was normal lied to them.”
The nervousness returns, everyone sharing a look, Deuce thanking his mom before hanging up the phone. Pass the stray sigh or muffled rambles no one spoke, each one of them was scared to voice their theories. Everything easily pointed toward…assault. But Yuu was such a level of certain that it was hard to deny the doubt that grew at the idea. There were magical ways of getting the truth out of people, they had Jade and Jamil, so it wouldn't be hard. But none of them wanted to break the trust Yuu had given to them. Not to mention the small chance that something did happen, and forcing Yuu to recount the horrible situation was cruel even by Night Raven standards if they were trying to actively suppress it. 
It seemed like they sat in silence for hours before they all heard the front door slam open, footsteps quickly stepping through the hall before a signature black and white coat filled the doorway. Crewel stood with one hand on his hip, the other impatiently tapping his crop against his leg.
“Ok, what’s going on? I’ve had students running around terrified from Sam’s shadows. I go to see Sam to ask about it and he informs me that he sent you runts to check on my puppy.” Crewel looks around the room, his frown turning into a scowl before he schools his expression again, “And there's no sign of my puppy in this pack of dogs, so what’s happened?”
After a prolonged silence, Ace groaned, deciding to bite the bullet since no one else wanted to, “Yuu’s bleeding from…from their vag and won't tell us why.”
“...” Crewel stepped to the side, light gray eyes seeming to look past all of them while he used his crop to point down the hall, “Get out.”
“Get. Out.”
The scramble they did out of the room was like a pack of dogs released into the wild, each of them refusing to meet the glacier-level stare of their teacher as they ran past. They didn’t leave Ramshackle property, choosing to instead stand outside and wait to be fully dismissed.
Crewel took the stairs two at a time, flinging Yuu’s bedroom door open. The sound of it slamming into the wall made Yuu groan in protest. He walks to the bed and sits, a hand instantly brushing their bangs back to alert them to his presence. He couldn't tell through his gloves, but they had seemed flushed, “Puppy? Puppy, talk to me. What's happening? I can’t help if I don’t know what’s wrong.”
Yuu hums, just barely getting back to sleep before Crewel woke them up again. A hand pressed to their lower stomach and grumbled, “Hmmmm….Period…” “...Pup. What’s a period, explain it to me.” He keeps his hand in their hair, petting in a way to soothe both of them if needed. Period, Yuu clearly wasn’t talking about punctuation. All his mind could reach then was that period was speaking of a state of time. Meaning this was something that happened on some type of schedule.
Groaning, Yuu sits up, letting her head rest against Crewel’s shoulder, “Period, monthly bleed and all that. It’s girl stuff, you know biology, Crewel…”
Taking her in his arms, Crewel rubs at their back. Monthly…It’s at times Crewel is made painfully aware of how lacking he and the rest of Night Raven College were in knowledge about Yuu’s biology. “Yuu…That’s not a thing in Twisted Wonderland.” He can feel the moment they tense up, letting them pull back to look at him.
Yuu stares at their pseudo-father, eyes searching for some sign of the past hour being nothing but a really bad joke. Seeing none, they feel a cold realization hit, “Oh…Well, this is gonna be a real interesting time…”
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zombiecreates · 1 year
Work Husband // Chishiya Shuntaro
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Summary - Chishiya and you both work as surgeons. Chishiya being pediatric and you obstetrics, you see each other fairly often. You both always considered each other work partners and that was it, there was no affection between y'all.
Smut ^^
Like & Reblog <3
A/n - this was so poorly written considering it took hours, this is me apologizing 😭
Chishiya - Let me pick you up today, I have coffee.
You - Okay! I'll be ready as soon as you get here.
You say putting your phone down, and put on your scrubs. Picking up your purse with everything in it you head out the door, and wait for Chishiya.
Taking a seat on the black leathered car seats, you sigh of exhaustion. "I can't function this early." You say taking a sip of the coffee he brought you, "It's only 5 AM, go to sleep earlier." Chishiya spoke bluntly. You noticed in the corner of your eye, he slowly begins to pick up his coffee, and all you can think about his hands. As you inch your hands between your thighs scooting up in your chair, trying to get rid of this feeling as you two pull into your work's parking lot.
"You forgot your purse." Chishiya chimed in a calm tone, chuckling to himself, "Oh shoot, thanks." You grab your purse from the car and quickly made yourself inside, going straight to the locker rooms. "Oh!" Your pager went off, "I have to go deliver some twins I've been waiting on, see you later?" "Of course." Chishiya said as you rushed out not looking twice to wave goodbye.
"Alright mama, here are your two beautiful girls!" You said happily while taking off your gloves, you notice someone walks in. Chishiya. You feel funny, but shaking it off, you have a serious job there's no time wasting it on relationships, or silly little crushes. "Two perfectly healthy girls." He said handing the twins back to the mother, "All right I have a surgery soon so I'll see you too later." scrunching your nose towards the twins, you smile and leave but not before saying your goodbyes to Chishiya.
You're frantic, trying everything you can to save this ladies life. You have never met her but she is all you care for at the moment. "Come on breath!" You paused your CPR, "Thank god." You wiped sweat away, and began to stitch her back up, and tell your crew and interns spotting in to clean everything up and get her back to her room. "What a day so far." Taking off your cap you head back to labs to do more research to see if you missed anything that could cause this, you couldn't have missed anything.
"Wasn't expecting to see you here." That damn smirk he always has, It's frustrating you just like the many other things about him. Everything about him you wanted, and you don't know why, your priority was always your job and not dating or even hooking up with people. Why are you feeling so strange. You didn't realize you were staring until you saw his face change from the smirk dropping down to a confused look. "Sorry, I had a busy day already lost in thought." You try to play it off hoping he doesn't notice, but he did. He caught onto the act before you even realized what you were doing as well. You look at the time, '6 PM.' it read, "Wow I didn't know it was so late." You spoke out trying to make small talk to change the mood, "Did the person survive?" "Huh?" "oh, yes she did." You put on a soft smile, why were you acting so weird? "good i'm glad, you're a great surgeon you know?" All you could think about how you wanted to hear him praise you some more, how his voice sounded like silk every time he spoke out. Grabbing the files you needed to go through everything and walking out, just before you could Chishiya grabs your wrist. Pushing your hair back, he presses a small kiss on your lips, and leaves. You craved his touch again, to feel him skin to skin but all you could do is watch him leave.
After awhile all you could see was his name everywhere, on the board, cafe orders, cases. Chishiya, Chishiya, Chishiya. It was getting late and you haven't seen him after that last interaction. You were getting worried but couldn't pin point why you were so worried and focused more on him than your actual job. Your pager buzzed, reading 'MEETING ROOM.' in all caps. Of course, it was Chishiya and you weren't surprised at all.
"I know what you did earlier." What could he be talking about? "What do you mean?" You got nervous trying to laugh it off. He came closer. "You know.. in the car." "I didn't even give you attention, all I had to do was pick up a cup and I already got you turned on." Fuck. "Please.." You trailed off, "We can't." "Why not?" You sigh, "I have to focus on my work.. that's how I got where I am." He scoffs, "Now that's no fun, loosen up." Chishiya places his hands on your shoulder massaging them. He knew exactly where to message and it felt amazing. Melting into his arms you slightly step back, bringing yourself closer to him. You can hear him sigh out through his nose as you feel he's slowly getting erect. Laughing to yourself you decide to move your hips side to side while being as close as you could, teasing him. "You can do better than that, how about getting on your knees for me baby?" You never saw this side of Chishiya, he was always laid back and professional, what made him change all of a sudden?
Taking a seat, he waited for you to come over by him. You got down your knees without thinking twice. Both of y'all praying your pagers don't go off, Chishiya slides his scrubs down, you were in awe. You wrapped your hand around his shaft and started to slowly go up and down, inching closer you circled his tip with your tongue before taking him in all the way. You could taste the small amount a pre-cum as you bobbed your head up and down, "fuuck.." He sighed out throwing his head back. You never realized how much you needed this man in any way but just friends until this very moment. You were too busy not realizing the hints he's been making.
He starts to thrust himself into you, making you gag a bit. He grab your hair and holding it up for you, as you take all of him in. "You look so pretty getting throat fucked by me." He moaned out trying to keep himself quiet. Feeling beads of tears stream down your face, you start to feel him thrusting faster while the sounds of Chishiya's orgasm fills the room. As he came you swallowed it all out of lust and greed for this man.
Chishiya pulls up his scrubs, "Stand up for me?" He asked, and you did. You would do anything for this man.
Feeling yourself getting lifted, and slowly placed on your back of the table. Chishiya moved everything to the side, and gets down. You trust him, "May I?" You never said yes so fast in your life. Pulling down your scrubs, he admires your red laced panties for a second, before pulling them to aside. He buries his face in your womanhood. "Shiya.." You gasped, "You taste so good.." He breathes out while making small circles around your clit. Licking around your slit he slowly begins to move down making love marks around your thighs, you cant handle it. "Please.." "Please what?" He smirked making direct eye contact. "Please eat me until I can't think about anything else but you!" You cried out, you were so desperate it was starting to get embarrassing. He moved back to devouring your cunt. You were so close you could feel it, "Shiya!" You arched your back. As you came down from a long lasting orgasm you notice you legs begin to shake. Both of you were gasping for air, and exhausted.
He helps clean yourself up, and kisses you softly. Getting sad realizing he had to leave, but you understood why. "I'll see you later?" Chishiya said walking out backwards with his hand in his pockets. You nod silently with a soft blush on your face and watch him leave.
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humanbug · 1 year
Band!Reader x Fan!Ellie Pt. 2
part 2!!! the request that inspired this fic was literally incredible. part 2 was just as much fun to write as part 1 sooo enjoy!!! also for the mood-board i looked for literally so long and chose the middle and bottom right as ellie hehe
comments and reblogs are super duper appreciated!!! love yall
Part 1
| NSFW 18+ MDNI |
warning(s): SMUT, allusion to smoking, oral!Ellie receiving, gay sex lol
More music that inspired me while writing ♬♪♫ ヾ(・。・)ノ ♬♪♫
Take On Me – 2017 Acoustic by A-ha  Lonesome & Mad by Under The Rug and Ariel Posen Campus by Vampire Weekend I Don’t Wanna Be Funny Anymore by Lucy Dacus
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The sun shines through the smoke floating through the air in the room as the gentle strumming of Ellie’s guitar fills the space. Rolling your head to the right you look up at her from your slouched position on the couch. A slow version of Take On Me by A-ha floats from the smooth instrument laid across her lap. The sound of suitcase wheels causes your hooded eyes to drift across the living room. Bea rolls her suitcase to the front door, dropping her duffle bag next to it. Her eyes meet yours and an amused smirk falls across her face. 
“You all packed?”, she asks, leaning on one hip and crossing her arms. Bea has always been the mom of your group, making sure everyone was safe and counted for. 
“Pssh, yeah! I am basically packed. I just…have to dump my clothes out of my hamper…and put them in my suitcase. Pretty much fully packed.”, you say with a lopsided grin. Oliver laughs at you from the kitchen and Bea rolls her eyes at your sarcasm, walking off while shaking her head. 
Ellie’s chuckle makes your eyes drift over to her, “And what are you laughing at?”, you say with crossed arms and a dramatic scowl. Leaning her guitar against the coffee table she sits up, arms leaning on her spread legs. Her head tilts over her left shoulder, looking at you with red-rimmed green eyes, “C’mon. Let’s get you packed.”
“You’re not packed yet!? Bitch! We leave at like four in the fucking morning!”, Luna shouts as she rolls her two suitcases through the apartment door. Mumbling an ‘oh my fucking god’ you dramatically drop your head against the couch, “I’ll be packed in like five minutes! Everybody calm down.”
Chuckling at your pouting, Ellie stands to face you, grabbing your hands to pull your body off the couch. Huffing a breath you stand and drag your feet to your room only to let your body fall face-first onto your bed. Ellie closes your door and rolls her eyes at your flopped body. A squeal escapes your throat at the feeling of her hand harshly meeting your ass. 
“I’m up. I’m up!”, rolling over and scooting off the bed. You look at your hamper full of clothes with disdain and dump it all on your bed, sifting through the clothes you half-hazardly eyeball stuff you liked to wear, shoving it in your suitcase. Turning around to sift through your dresser drawers, repeating the process with bras and panties. You put your hands on your hips and look at Ellie with a proud smile, “Done! See! Less than five minutes.”
She smirks at you from her place on your head, “Truly revolutionary baby. Now c’mere, let me show you what a good job you did.”, she says, patting her thighs. 
Biting her lip at her boldness, you lift your body onto your bed crawling up to the headboard where she’s leaning. You had been seeing her for about a month and had yet to get used to her bold flirting, you were so accustomed to being the bold one, it made your heart race when she beat you to the punch.
Placing your knees on either side of her thighs you let yourself sink against her warm body. Sighing as her hands grip your plush thighs. Tilting your head you let your lips trace from her jaw to her mouth, your tongue sliding across the seam of her lips. Your hips shift forward as your tongues mesh. Your cold hands slide under Ellie’s loose t-shirt and you smile against her lips as she shivers. Her hands slide up and lift your shirt over your head tossing it to the side. You let your fingers thread through her short hair, moaning softly as her lips kiss and nip at your neck and chest. 
“Jesus! Lock the door!” Noah's voice fills the room abruptly. Pulling away from Ellie you sit back to sit on her thighs and turn to give Noah the finger, “If Luna sent you in here to check if I’m packed, I’m packed!”. The three of them laughing fill the apartment, causing you to roll your eyes. Your friends are assholes.
Bea claps her hands, way too energetic. Didn’t she know what fucking time it was? To quote Luna it was four in the fucking morning. Your eyes are barely open as she speaks, “Alright fuckers! Ground rules. We’ve shared an apartment but not a bus so here’s what we’re not gonna do!”
Groaning at her enthusiasm you grip the blanket wrapped around your shoulders, sticking your nose into it. Ellie's front is pressed to your back and her arms wrap around you, warming you up. The morning fog just makes you want to fall back asleep. 
Bea goes over how you all are responsible for keeping the bus clean, how we need to make sure we keep our laundry clean, how we all need to follow our schedule, blah blah blah. Her eyes darting to you and Ellie with a pointed look makes you perk up slightly, and you give her a ‘what?’ look. 
“You two! We’re going to be staying in hotels too so you can keep it in your pants till then, yeah?” She speaks with a hand on her hip, like a mother scolding her children. She even had her binder perched on her other arm. 
You roll your eyes and lean on one hip, “Yeah! We– Jesus– we’ll be good, okay? Nothing to worry about.”, Ellie’s laughing rumbles at your back causing you to let out a breathy chuckle. 
“Fucking…could they have made these beds a little wider?”Ellie mumbles as you and her shift around, attempting to get comfortable. You can’t help but giggle at her frustration, you felt perfectly comfortable as you had half your body draped across Ellie.
“Open the curtain and it’ll feel more spacious!”, you giggle out as she wiggles against you.
She mumbles without thinking, “Fuck no. I don’t want them seeing anything.”, she finally settles with one hand behind her head.
Your eyes dart up to hers, “Seeing anything? Last time I checked– you’re not quiet. I’m not quite–”
“Well, never a better time to practice, hm?”, she mumbles against the top of your head as her arm around you traces shapes on your back making you shiver. You smack her stomach and ‘tsk’ at her, “You’re a goddamn pervert.”
Although you can’t lie… the idea of her fingers sinking into you while one hand covers your mouth…did make you undeniably flustered. 
Shaking out your hands you take deep breaths, watching as Oliver runs onto the stage. Rolling your head around your shoulders as Bea runs out, flashing a million-watt smile at the crowd. Taking a big breath, you skip onto the stage, waving with both hands. You skip over to your guitar and fling the strap around your shoulders, resting the heavy instrument against your body. As your fingers begin to work the guitar your eyes drift over to the right wings of the stage, you're not able to contain your smile as you and Ellie make eye contact. 
Your eyes wander even more to her as you sing your solo song. Fingers dance across the acoustic guitar, grinning like a teenager as you look at her. Jesus, what is happening to you?
“Oh my fucking God! I literally can’t believe I am here. Right now. And you’re there. Right now.”, she gushes as you chuckle and sign her vinyl album cover. Her manicured nails ghost over your hand as you hand the album back, “Y’know I’m only in town for tonight. I know a great bar and I’d love to take you there.”, her cheeks turn a vibrant shade of red as she speaks with hopeful eyes. 
Your eyes widen and you straighten your back, taking a step backward, “Oh– I’m not– I’m not really spending time with–”, an arm around your shoulders startles you mid-sentence. 
“Everything okay?” Ellie asks, standing taller than usual, her arm around you pulling you close. 
“Oh! I– I’m sorry! I didn’t– um…thank you for the signature! You– you guys are amazing!”, the girl stutters, face flushing a concerning shade and she walks away from you back to her friends. 
You drop your tense shoulders and turn to lean into Ellie’s chest, covering your face with your hands, “Thank you. Jesus Christ. That was so fucking awkward.”, you mumble against her. She chuckles, arms wrapping around your back. She dips her head down and kisses the shell of your ear, causing you to shiver. 
Your head tilts up and your lips meet hers. There is still a rather large crowd wanting to say hi to you and the band and you hope at least one person is taking pictures.
You mumble against her lips, “Let’s get to our hotel room, yeah?”
Wringing your hair out with the hotel towel you eye Ellie as she relaxes on the giant bed, leaning against the headboard. She looks edible in her plaid pajama pants and snug sports bra. Hanging the towel on the hooks in the bathroom you shrug on your oversized t-shirt. Ellie was scrolling on her phone and hadn’t noticed you walking around the room. Quietly walking over to her side of the bed you slide on top of her straddling her thighs, your hands ghosting over her exposed stomach. Peering at you over her phone she gives you a smirk, “Whatcha doin’ baby?” her stomach tenses as your hands trace patterns in her skin. 
Returning her smug smile you scoot lower and dip your head down placing feathery kisses on her stomach, keeping your eyes locked. A delicious shade of pink rises on her freckled cheeks. Tossing her phone to the foot of the bed she gives you her full attention, mumbling a quiet ‘fuck’. You let out a small giggle at the way her eyes glaze over with lust as she watches you place kisses down past her navel.
Hooking your fingers into the waistband of her pajamas you pull them down, biting your bottom lip at her lack of boxers. Taking your sweet time you place kisses on her navel again, slowly moving down to kiss her thighs. Your hands drift along her thighs, separating them as you lower to your belly on the bed, keeping eye contact with Ellie. 
“Fuck, baby. You look so fucking beautiful. You’re right where you belong, aren’t you?”, she speaks in a raspy voice.
Brain turning fuzzy at her words you let out a small whimper and nod your head, wide eyes peering up at her. You finally let your tongue dart out placing kitten licks onto her clit, hands gripping her strong thighs. Mumbling your name amidst several curses as you flatten your tongue against her with more pressure. Paying attention to her reactions as you move you circle your flat tongue as you slide your middle and ring finger into her soaking cunt with ease. Smiling against her as she whimpers as your fingers curl. 
Noticing your smug look she lets out a breathy chuckle before she pulls you up to her by your hair causing you to let out your own whimper. You rise to your knees with your fingers still sliding into her, moans mingling as your lips connect. Your thumb finds her clit and she pulls back unconsciously and you savor the way her brows furrow at your movement. You press your lips to hers messily as it becomes difficult to move your fingers and your arm aches. 
“Fucking– fuck…fuck. Don’t fucking stop baby.”
Whispering breathy mumbles against your lips you can feel her come undone on your fingers, your arm not stopping until she is gripping your wrist, thighs trembling, and whimpering. That sound will never fucking get old. Gently slipping your fingers out you make sure she is watching as they slip into your warm mouth. Ellie’s head drops against the headboard and you take the opportunity to kiss marks onto her neck. 
You lean back and scoot to hop off the bed to get a damp rag but Ellie’s hands grip your waist and pull you back causing a squeal to escape, “Els! What are you doing!” 
“I’m not fuckin’ done with you baby.”, she speaks against the back of your neck, the sensation ticklish causing you to laugh and squirm in her hold. Ellie tosses you onto the bed before hopping off and rummaging through her duffle and pulling on a pair of boxers. Your heart races in anticipation as you watch her pull the harness taunt. Biting back a grin as she moves back to the bed, kneeling over your sitting frame. Ellie's hands find either side of your face as you exchange a messy kiss, her hands find the hem of your shirt lifting it off of you and throwing it behind her. Speaking against your lips softly, “Lay back pretty girl.”
The rising sun irritates you as you shuffle out of the hotel, hands stuffed into the hoodie Ellie let you wear. Why the fuck did Bea have the bus leaving at five in the fucking morning anyway? Chucking your duffle into the bottom compartment of the bus you step into the bus as quickly as possible. You were exhausted. Someone has kept you up until three in the morning, the both of you forgetting that your bus was leaving at the ass crack of dawn. You take a seat at the table inside the bus and wait for everyone else to board.
Luna and Noah take a seat across from you eyeing your grumpy appearance. Ellie steps onto the bus yawning as she plops down on the couch across from the table. Oliver and Bea are, of course, chipper as ever as they practically skip onto the bus, greeting everyone. 
With everyone on the bus, you shuffle over to Ellie grab her sleeve and tug her to your bunk, sliding in still holding her sleeve you yank her in with you, immediately draping your body over hers and finally sleeping. Onto the next state.
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mrsfrecklesmarauders · 7 months
Lily was sick and tired of her sister treating her like trash. Lily thought perhaps there had been a time when Petunia was nicer, when they were kids. But now that Lily had grown, she realized Petunia had been nice only because she wanted something from Lily. It hurt, because Lily loved her sister.
Petunia had a strong personality, she had friends, she went to parties, she had always been the rebel girl. She had constant fights and tantrums with their parents. But she always got what she wanted. At the end, their parents gave in. Especially their mum who had a soft spot for Petunia.
On the other hand, Lily was sweet, calm and obedient. She didn't cause much trouble. She didn't have much friends and she preferred to stay home and read a book than going out. Lily had a nice relationship with her parents. She liked spending time with them. And perhaps that made her boring, like Petunia said.
There were times when the two sisters got along. But when Petunia was in a bad mood, it was impossible to talk to her.
"Nobody gets me. Nobody understands" Petunia used to cry "I have issues as well. Mum and dad don't pay me attention like they do to you"
When Petunia said things like that, Lily felt guilty. She didn't want to be the favorite child. She didn't want Petunia to hate her.
Lily needed to take advantage of the times when Petunia was in a good mood and she wanted to spend time with Lily. It was a good sign that Petunia wanted to spend her 22nd birthday with Lily.
"Of course I want you here, Lily" she had said over the phone "You are my sister after all, right?"
Lily's heart was filled with joy and hope. So she really got excited about that birthday dinner. Lily bought Petunia something nice, something she would like as a present. And she also spent the whole day choosing the perfect outfit.
"You look gorgeous, love" James said when he saw her. Honestly, she could never do this without him.
"Thanks..." Lily swallowed "Do you think I look too elegant with this dress? Petunia said it was something casual..."
"You look perfect, Lily" James squeezed her hand "I love that dress"
Lily bit her lip "It is the first birthday I actually spend with her in 7 years. I've been at Hogwarts and I couldn't go home. Of course I called her and made sure my parents gave her the present I prepared for her... But I feel awful for not actually being there... And now that we graduated I can finally spend her birthday with her... So of course I am nervous... "
"Lily..." James grabbed her face "It's not like you didn't want to be with her. We lived in a boarding school in fucking Scotland. It's not your fault... And she is your sister. You don't have to be nervous"
Lily sighed "I want to show her how much I care"
"I think that what you do for her is more than enough"
It wasn't the first time Lily visited Petunia and Vernon's place. She went there to help them move in last year. And she had been there a couple of times with her mum. But it was the first time she came here with James.
The house was big and pretty elegant. Vernon's family had a lot of money. And even if James was as rich or even richer, he still was surprised.
"Woow! You have a nice place, Petunia"
"Yeah, it's alright" Petunia shrugged "I am glad you could come"
Lily smiled when Petunia hugged her.
"Happy Birthday, Tuney!" Lily gave her her present.
"Thank you, Lily" Petunia gave her a small smile. But she didn't open the present, she put it aside.
"How does it feel to be a year older?" James asked trying to make a joke.
"Yeah, thank you for reminding me I am getting old..."
"I mean you look great" James chuckled nervously "Each year more beautiful"
Petunia raised an eyebrow.
"Stop flirting with my sister, James" Lily joked as well.
"Okay" James shrugged, laughing a little.
But Petunia didn't find it funny.
"Please come in" she said "Vernon and his friends are in the living room"
"Thank you"
James and Lily stepped in.
"Why are you wearing an apron?" Lily asked her sister.
"I am making dinner"
"You're cooking? On your birthday?"
"What is the big deal, Lily?" Petunia shrugged "I like to cook"
Lily had promised herself to not make Petunia angry and actually have a good time together on her birthday. Like sisters should.
"Do you need any help?"
James always a gentleman. Lily adored him.
"Lily can help me" Petunia said and Lily smiled "James, men are drinking in the living room. You should join them"
James and Lily exchanged looks.
"Really, I have no problem in helping. They say I am a great chef"
"Great chef?" Lily snorted "How about that chocolate tart that exploded on your mum's kitchen?"
"I don't know what are you talking about"
Lily laughed "Poor Effie had to clean that up for weeks"
"Sirius and I told you that in confidence, Lily"
Lily giggled.
Petunia faked a smile.
"Let's get you to see Vernon first"
Lily and James tried to fit in with Petunia and Vernon's circle. It wasn't easy.
James made conversation with most of the people there. He was always nice. He had the capacity of making everyone like him. Not like Lily who tried so hard and ended up being weird anyway.
Lily felt like a fish out of the sea. But luckily, James was there to make things easier. He held her hand. He whispered in her ear how beautiful she was. And he made fun of people's ways of talking. That made Lily laugh.
"Potter, let me get you a drink" Vernon said, patting his shoulder.
"Oh! Cheers, Vernon" he smiled "A beer is fine"
"A beer?" Vernon laughed and his male friends did as well "Let me get you a real drink.... I have the best whiskey around Europe"
"Oh, cool..."
"You have to see my bar" Vernon added, expecting James to follow him.
James looked at Lily.
"It's okay, babe. Go" she smiled, although she didn't want James to leave "I'll see if Tuney needs help"
"Okay" James kissed her cheek before following Vernon and his mates.
Lily gave James a sweet smile. At least Vernon was being nice with him. Not like last time.
Lily was forced to go to the kitchen where all the women where.
Lily learned that Petunia's friends liked to stay in the kitchen to gossip about their partners. It was mostly girl talk about men. Lily tried to chat with them but she didn't know these people very well. She wished she could be with James. Lily wondered how bored he would be with Vernon and the others. Although James Potter never got bored. He was the life of the party everywhere he went.
"Your boyfriend is nice, Lily" Marge said as she served herself some wine.
Lily didn't like Vernon's sister. She had been a bitch to Lily even since they met. Always putting her down.
"Oh... Yeah he is amazing" Lily said as she continued chopping some carrots.
"I always thought you would end up with that creepy friends of yours..."
Lily stopped cutting the carrots.
"Marge..." Petunia warned.
"Oh, the one with greasy hair and big nose?" Marge continued anyway "What was his name again?"
"Severus..." Lily whispered. She didn't want to remember everything Severus did to her, how much he had lied and manipulated her. It hurt to say his name.
"Severus, right!" Marge nodded "Was he your boyfriend?"
"Lily has an ex?" One of Petunia's friends asked. Ruth. "Didn't you say, Tuney, that Potter was her first boyfriend?"
"Honestly, Lily didn't deserve that wanker"
Lily was happy that Petunia defended her. She had always hated Severus. She had always warned Lily about him and she didn't listen.
"Well, who would've thought that you would end up with a cutie like Potter" Marge said.
Lily was disgusted and jealous.
"And he has his own company, that's a plus" Ruth added, with a wink.
"His father owns the company... So.."
"Same thing" Ruth giggled "Does he have cute single friends for you to introduce us?"
Lily almost laughed thinking about Sirius and Remus, and how they were so gay for each other. And there was Peter, he was single... But Peter deserved someone better than these bitches.
"Ruth!" Petunia laughed "I thought you had Paul"
"He doesn't have to know" Ruth laughed like a pig. That Paul lad was with Vernon and the rest downstairs.
"And I meant it for Nancy here"
Nancy was nice. Lily didn't understand why would she be part of that group. She barely spoke but she was always good with Lily. Apparently the fact that she didn't have a boyfriend bothered her friends.
"I'm fine by myself"
"Honestly you didn't like anyone of Vernon's friends, perhaps you would like James' friends" Ruth tutted.
Marge nodded, then she leaned towards Lily "I checked your boyfriend's social media and look at this gorgeous friend of his" she showed them a picture of Sirius "Tell me he is single, Lily!"
Lily almost told them he had a boyfriend, just to see their faces. But she didn't want to speak about Sirius' life.
"He is with someone..."
"Doesn't matter who she is, I think I will take her boyfriend away..."
If she meant it as a joke, Lily didn't find it funny. But Ruth and Nancy laughed. Luckily Petunia didn't.
"Marge... Could you set the table?" she said with scolding eyes "Dinner is almost ready"
"Sure" Marge shrugged and walked away to the dinning room.
"Sorry" Petunia whispered to Lily as Ruth and Nancy began talking about something else.
"It's okay" Lily smiled. She was so glad her sister was on her side "Dinner smells great"
"It's nice that you wanted to cook for everyone" Lily added "I honestly would've just ordered a pizza" she giggled.
"Lily, don't be simple" Petunia rolled her eyes "I cannot just give pizza to my guests... Are you insane?"
Lily didn't say anything else.
Dinner was torture. They ate with the boys but their conversation was only between them. Lily noticed that when one of the girls made a comment, Vernon completely ignored them. Nobody else seemed to notice this. Lily wanted to ask James, but he was innocently listening to Vernon speak.
Vernon's conversation with his friends consisted on football, taxes, cars and stupid male anecdotes about how he had wanted to punch men who had been flirty with Petunia.
Everyone seemed to find Vernon speech funny, even Petunia. James laughed politely but Lily noticed he was uncomfortable. Lily wanted to tell Vernon to shut up.
"Babe, the smash potatoes are cold. You should have learned to use the microwave by now"
Vernon said it as a joke. And everyone laughed.
Lily was losing patience. She squeezed James' hand under the table.
"Very funny, sweetheart" Petunia smiled and kissed Vernon's cheek as she stood up "I'll heat this up"
Lily was going to say something "Hey Ver..."
"Everything is delicious, Petunia" James interrupted "You are an incredible cook"
"Oh, she is the best" Vernon kissed her hand "You should try her meat pie. Isn't it the best, Lily?"
That was the first time Vernon spoke to her during the night.
"Yeah it is wonderful" You stupid wanker.
"Darling, bring more wine from the cellar. The best you can find. And more glasses"
"Yeah sure"
Petunia smiled and walked to the kitchen. Didn't Vernon have fucking legs to do it himself? Petunia had done enough and it was her freaking birthday.
Vernon continued talking about himself again. Lily couldn't stand it anymore. She stood up and followed her sister. Even if James tried to stop her.
Petunia didn't seem upset or anything. She was heating the mash potatoes as if nothing had happened.
"Why do you let him treat you like that?" Lily asked.
Petunia turned.
"Excuse me?"
"Vernon..." Lily pointed to the door "He practically humiliated you out there. I don't like the way he orders you things. He hasn't done anything to help with dinner"
Petunia crossed her arms.
"Don't you fucking start with Vernon, okay, Lily?"
"Tuney" Lily sighed "You don't deserve this..."
"I don't deserve what?" Petunia snapped "Vernon is my husband and he is a gentleman with me"
"A gentleman?" Lily snorted.
"You have no fucking idea about my relationship, Lily. So don't medle just like I don't medle between you and Potter" Petunia tutted "And trust me, I have a lot of things to say about Potter"
"There's nothing wrong about James" Lily whispered.
"Vernon treats me like a queen and I love him" Petunia continued "He is amazing with me. And if I cooked tonight or if I want to pass him things is because I freaking want to! I like making him meals and helping him out"
"That's not right, Tuney" Lily shook her head "He is not supposed to get used to you serving him...."
"Oh shut up, Lily!" Petunia rolled her eyes "Don't bring me that stupid feminist bullshit"
"It is not feminine bullshit!" Lily exclaimed "Is the truth! Tuney you might not see it now but..."
"This is unbelievable" Petunia snorted and shook her head "You cannot stand that I am happy, can you?"
"You are so selfish, always thinking about yourself. Because Lily must have the perfect life. Lily must have the perfect boyfriend. Lily must always be right!"
Lily let out a surprised chuckle.
"Selfish? All I've done this evening is try to like you and your friends. I wanted us to get along"
"Do you want me to get along with the person who comes here and talks shit about my husband?"
"Tuney" Lily sighed "Vernon is..."
"Vernon is the love of my life" Petunia spat with tears in her eyes "I married him because I love him, he is my husband and the father of my future child"
Lily was taken aback.
"What? Are you...."
"We were going to announce it after dinner" Petunia interrupted "I am pregnant"
Lily didn't know what to say. Part of her was happy for Tuney and the fact that she would be an aunt. But she really thought Petunia deserved better than Vernon. She didn't like that asshole.
"I shouldn't have listened to mum when she insisted to invite you" Petunia said "You really ruin things, Lily. You are always fucking my life"
Now it was Lily's turn to cry.
"You only invited me because mum made you?"
Lily really thought her sister liked her, cared for her. She really thought they could have a good relationship like other sisters. But Petunia hated her. Petunia would never like Lily.
"You should freaking leave, Lily"
Lily blinked tears when James walked into the kitchen.
"Everything, alright?"
"We are leaving, James" Lily sniffed and wiped her tears away "We are leaving now"
James looked worriedly between the two sisters. Petunia blinked away the tears and took the smash potatoes out of the microwave.
"I better take this to Vernon" Petunia said "I will tell him you suddenly didn't feel well and you had to leave"
"Hey, Petunia..."
"This is none of your business, Potter" Petunia interrupted "Just take her home" and she walked out of the kitchen.
"Let's just get out of here, James" Lily pleaded.
James simply nodded. And Lily loved him for not insisting.
James went into the living room to retrieve their jackets and Lily's purse. He gave everyone a silly excuse about Lily feeling ill. Lily was glad she didn't have to say goodbye.
Once inside James' car, Lily broke down crying. James wrapped his arms around her.
"It's okay, baby" he said as he kissed her head gently.
When Lily calmed down, she told everything to James.
"Didn't you notice how much of an asshole Vernon was with my sister?" she asked "I mean what a bunch of sexist wankers! Girls belong in the kitchen. And boys are supposed to be assholes with them? What was that?..."
"Yeah I noticed that"
"Why didn't you say something?" Lily asked "Of course you don't care because you are a boy..."
"No no Lily... It's not that" James shook his head "I didn't want to be rude inside your sister's house. I didn't want to cause trouble. I thought you wouldn't like that"
"What did you talk with Vernon and the rest of his friends?"
James shrugged "Just rugby, footie and they asked me about my dad's company. Vernon was actually being nice to me"
"Because you are male. But he ignored all of Tuney's female friends... Even his bitchy sister!"
James grabbed her hand.
"I am sorry I left you alone" he said "I shouldn't have gone with them"
Lily laughed "It's okay, James. I know you are not like them"
"Aren't you going to cook me dinner tomorrow, woman?"
Lily raised an eyebrow.
James smiled "I was joking.... Sorry, bad joke"
Lily smiled and shook her head.
"I would never treat you like that. I will always treat you like the queen you are"
Lily looked down.
"I really wanted to get along with Tuney but all of it was awful. Those people suck"
James nodded "The steak was great though" he smiled "Not even my mum buys such an expensive steak..."
Lily smiled "Yeah the steak was really good"
"And you didn't taste it but Vernon's whiskey was really good"
"The wine was amazing!"
"See? At least we had a delicious posh dinner"
That made Lily laugh.
"You are the definition of posh"
"I don't go around bragging about..." then he imitated Vernon's irritating voice "my collection of liquors and my fancy furniture... Or my new HDTV.... Or my new fancy car..."
Lily giggled even more.
"Vernon's car is fine though..."
"Aah... Hello? I dream about that car"
Lily smiled.
"I love you" she said "I love the way you are..."
James smiled, tucking her hair behind her ear.
"I love you more"
"And I love how amazing our friends are, not stupid and superficial like them"
"Our friends are pretty great" James nodded.
Lily smiled and moved to face her boyfriend.
"When we live together..."
"And we have people over, let's not worry about fancy dinners and fine liquors and dressing up elegantly.... The important thing will be to have fun, okay?"
James smiled widely "Okay..."
"We'll order pizza and drink beer and cheap vodka"
"Cheap vodka is the best"
Lily giggled "And everyone could walk in the kitchen. Everyone will help cook or wash the dishes. And we will all have conversations, boys and girls. Adults and kids. Our house will be a welcoming place for everyone. They can even stay to sleep if they want..."
James giggled.
"And we will not care if our guests are well dressed or if they have a job, or a partner, if they are gay or not... Our dinners will be friendly and welcoming and actually fun!"
Lily smiled.
"So you want to live with me?" James asked with a mischievous smirk.
Lily blushed.
"Yeah, some day..." Lily bit her lip "Only if you want to"
"I love you so much, gorgeous" James gave her a sweet kiss "Absolutely I do! Let's get married"
Lily's heart stopped for a second.
"Don't joke, James"
James looked into her eyes.
"I am not joking"
Lily laughed "James, we are eighteen... I need to finish Uni. You need to go to Uni. I am going to become the best journalist in the country..." Lily smiled "And you are going to be the best Rugby Player to ever exist. And only then we can marry"
Lily thought about what she said to Petunia when she got engaged with Vernon. She was only 20 years old. She had a whole life ahead of her. She wasn't doing well at Uni according to their mum. But Lily knew if she found a career she liked, she would be great at it. But Petunia left Uni to marry Vernon and she didn't care about anything else. Now she had married an asshole and she was expecting a baby from him.
Lily needed to do the things right. Even if James was perfect and Lily was so in love with him.
"So I will get to marry you in about ten years till all these things happen?" James asked.
"I think 28 is a perfect age for marriage, don't you?" Lily giggled.
"I waited for you for you to date me for six years, I can wait ten more"
Lily hit his arm gently.
"You wanker"
But she loved him.
James smiled.
"Let's get you home"
Lily nodded. She was exhausted.
James drove away leaving Petunia's neighborhood behind. And Lily hoped her sister would be okay.
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blakeromanissuperior · 7 months
Just normal Stu thing's!
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Warning: little sex talk but NO smut! And just fluff basically
Stu was mischievous but sometimes that mischief got him funny punishments. Sometimes held by Billy's grasp and forced to listen to Randy rant about horror movies. One time Dewey chased him around Tatums house just for calling Tate hot in front of him. One time he scared Tatum and she punched him so hard in his ribs he actually cried (don't worry she gave him love and cuddles after!) And not to mention being tickled half to death by Billy because he kept cheating in a board game. So what is Stu up to today? Cuddling with Billy and Tatum while him and his friends watch horror movies and drink like normal teens. No fun to Stu he wanted some mischief (when does he not tho?) He noticed his girlfriend Tatum wearing her favorite crop top. "You look so beautiful in that top babe your stomach showing and your tight jeans" he smirked wrapping his arms around her resting his hands on her stomach. Billy chuckled and rolled his eyes at the two but it was sweet to see. Tatum giggled at her boyfriend "aww babe that's so sweet but I always make sure I look good for you!" She smiled kissing his cheek. Stu giggled fondly at the kiss a high pitched and cute sound. "Your stomach is like a hourglass! I just want to trace it!" And he did he ran his fingers along the edge of her stomach lightly tracing the shape. Tatum squealed and gave Stu another hit in the ribs causing him to let go and wrap his arms around his torso. Billy laughed at the sight and decided to tease "you should kiss it better Tatum I think stu would love to feel your mouth on his OW!" Billy got punched in the arm by Sydney who clearly wasn't in the mood. "I was gonna say ribs sid jeez!" He chuckled and then turned back to Stu and Tatum. Stu was still in some pain but Tatum thought that Billy's suggestion could work as revenge on her boyfriend. "I'll kiss it better! Here lift up your shirt!" Tatum smiled sweetly but Stu shook his head like a stubborn kid. Tatum had enough and just lifting the shirt herself. "Where does it hurt my love?" She spoke with a calming and loving tone that made stu cooperate for once. He was so lost in her beauty and didn't think about how this could turn out. "The middle of my ribs you little vixen you hit me a bit hard there" he chuckled and relaxed just letting her do whatever. When she pressed her lips on his ribs his eyes shot open and his body tensed. He gently moved her head away and pulled his shirt back down. "Thanks love but I'm all better now!" He giggled like mad and was very fidgety which ment that someone hit a sensitive spot. Tatum didn't experiment just yet she wrapped her arms around him and cuddled up to him. She ran her fingers along his neck and collarbone to make him giggle and mellow out. Eventually they both fell asleep in each other's arms and Billy took a picture of them while giggling. Just normal stu things I suppose!
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binarybitex · 9 months
Since today is appreciation day, I obviously had to send something in ^^ This is going to be really long because I have a lot to ramble about -w-
Let's start with the obvious. Cardboard Castle. I FUCKING LOVE IT!!! I feel so lucky to have been graced with an over 100k-long slow burn with my favorite pair. You had my ass checking the tag every day to see if it had gotten an update. Every chapter is amazing, but 4 and 5 have to be my favorite. Something about them is just… idk. Maybe it's because I absolutely love carnivals and go to them every chance I get, and the way you described them it just made me feel like I was reliving them. Plus the corn maze scene?? Dawg you had me feeling like Sebastian thinking “Just kiss him!!” The fact that it’s not really a date, but totally is. Just reading it makes me feel so festive, no matter the time of year. Thinking about it now I have the urge to make some apple cider. With all the inspiration I get from it: here’s a little mood board based on it!
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As for chapter 5, I really just enjoyed the dialogue at the end. The vibes are also immaculate. I can enjoy a good angsty fic like the next guy, but David and Max just bonding with each other and being mundane makes me feel so soft. The dialogue really felt like two people just going over old memories. In your author’s note, you mentioned it would be a boring chapter, but I feel like it was anything but boring. Whenever I want to read something fluffy, I always go back to that chapter. Plus what Max did to Charly was hilarious. I don’t have as much to say about this one as I did chapter 4, but nonetheless, I love it!! To be honest, it was after reading chapter 5 that I really got into writing and decided to upload my work/become more active in the maxvid community as a whole.
And onto Heart Hallow ;D I don’t usually find myself getting into OC projects, but when webtoons recommended it to me, I was like “I’ll give it a go” AND I’M GLAD I DID BECAUSE AJDGWMEOWHFE. I adore the characters, the drawings (particularly the coloring you do for each panel!), and the little stories they go through each chapter. I can tell so much love went into it from just seeing how you talk about it when asked. Kara is up there as one of my favs (yes because she’s Aroace but it has a good personality!! I just like seeing Aroace characters >w>) but Lewis and Zeke are my top too. On several of my assignments, I have Z + L scribbled on them surrounded by hearts. It has driven my friends crazy trying to figure out who they are LMAO.
And just like I do with all my favorite media, I had to insert my OC in there somewhere :3 So, Spencer! I had a lot of fun filling out her card and doing the little edit. She managed to sneak her way into employment at HH (I’m not creative, please just accept this.) and is one of the housekeepers. So two things about her. One, she’s an artist. She does a lot of landscapes/portraits. And two, she’s super messy. Which is why she has a bunch of paint all over her! She’s good at getting it out though.
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Anyways, the reason that she has paint all over her is that she noticed a lot of the walls at the hotel needed to be touched up, and since she’s really good with matching colors (make-up artist), she used what paint the hotel did have to create the color needed to re-paint the walls. Then she heard about the old murals that used to be on the walls (probably from Lewis) and was like, “Wait a second. I can paint landscapes. I should do that!” So she got (dubious) permission from Mr. Wright and got to painting! She does it whenever she has time. Mr. Wright seems like he wouldn’t care, cause free art. So yeah. She does a lot of painting so constantly dirty, much to Lewis’s annoyance. And every holiday she gives all her co-workers paintings because it's cheap and easy.
And some doodles :> Not the greatest artist but I like to think I’m funny.
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She suffers from having bad taste in men disease :( Her two friends, Ava and Mia run a bakery and anytime they have leftovers they give them to her. If she has anything left from that she’ll take in with her to share the next day. She is also super tall (6’5) because it's funny to insert her into a show/movie/comic and have her be the tallest person there. I also had another meme in mind but I don’t think I’ll finish it in time so be prepared for a random meme in your DMs one day.
And that’s it. Sorry it’s so long, I just want to make sure I say everything on my mind!! You’re super cool and I love your stuff and keep up the good work :3 Have a great day!!! (again your art is really nice to look at ok bye)
hi omg!! this is the most pleasant thing to open my phone up to and I just have to thank you for taking the time to write all this to me! 🫶
I'm beyond elated you've loved cardboard castles as much as me. it's my baby, and chapters 4&5 are my favorites too! I LOVE the moodboard!! omg!! srsly you did such an amazing job with it!
and Spencer is adorable !! I had a feeling you might have been coming up with an OC 👀 she'd fit right in with the cast. love how tall she is... the fact that she's taller than lewis is just 🤌and we're definitely missing a creative personality type at Heart Hollow! (for now. a new character gets released soon towards the end of book 1. she's an eccentric artsy kinda woman herself!)
your art is so cute, I love your style!! and the fact you filled out an employee sheet for spencer makes me so happy 🫶
have a lovely day and I hope that you'll send some more stuff my way! my asks are always open :-)
(btw ur ask totally made my day!!!!)
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the-dog-watch · 11 months
Clarissa Oakes/The Truelove
This book begins with Jack still smarting from the events of the previous book, utterly peevish and miserable; he starts by enumerating all the ways he's been hard done by the crew, even Stephen. He resents being "manipulated" into bringing Padeen onto the crew, which...I can't quite call it inaccurate but it is a very funny way to describe your best friend narrowly escaping death, yet again, while fully dressed in clown makeup, yet again. I wouldn't call Stephen's brand of getting what he wants manipulation, it's more like an extremely unlucky type of laughing chance. "If the accident will," as Kurt Vonnegut said, and the accident surely did will Padeen on board the ship again.
It all boils down to sexual jealousy; everyone's been off sucking and fucking and Jack meanwhile was getting jerked around by Amanda Smith part deux. Nothing less than he deserves, of course, but it does explain a lot. There's an awkwardness between him and Stephen that persists especially in the beginning of this book. They tiptoe around each other in the aftermath of their argument, with each of them trying to be tactful but still managing to get on the other’s nerves. For a relationship that was quite literally founded on the promise of future violence, they're always so reluctant to cause each other the slightest pain. I suppose that’s the reason they so easily fall into this pattern of deferred conflict; even when they come to blows (figuratively, in this case) they can never actually make themselves pull the trigger or push the blade in when it comes to the fateful moment. Their affection is always too strong and the conflict is always put off as far in the future as possible.
I just can’t get over this scene where Stephen is examining Jack (due to his “peccant liver”) and it’s a good example both of how much they care for each other and also how they can’t stop annoying each other. From page 8:
"Stephen, surely you would not call me middle-aged, would you?"
"Navigators are notoriously short-lived, and for them middle-age comes sooner than for quiet abstemious country gentlemen. Jack, you have led as unhealthy a life as can well be imagined, perpetually exposed to the falling damps, often wet to the skin, called up at all hours of the night by that infernal bell. You have been wounded the Dear knows how many times, and you have been cruelly overworked. No wonder your hair is grey."
"My hair is not grey. It is a very becoming buttercup-yellow."
Jack wore his hair long, clubbed and tied with a broad black bow. Stephen plucked the bow loose and brought the far end of the plait round before his eyes.
"Well I'm damned," said Jack, looking right at it in the sunlight. "Well I'm damned; you are quite right. There are several grey hairs...scores of grey hairs. It is positively grizzled, like a badger-pie. I had never noticed."
Six bells.
"Will I tell you something more cheerful?" asked Stephen.
"Please do," said Jack, looking up from his queue with that singularly sweet smile Stephen had known from their earliest acquaintance.
I read that passage to a friend of mine after I made him watch the movie with me and he was like "what the FUCK." I like to expose other people, unversed in the Aubrey/Maturin series, and watch them utterly boggle at what we are witnessing, like exposing someone with no tolerance to a deadly poison. “Singularly sweet smile.” Good christ. You've never mentioned thinking that Jack has a sweet smile before, Stephen, I simply had to infer that you thought so from your every word and action for the past 10 years and 15 books.
Anyway. Jack's bad mood doesn’t survive an encounter with the stowaway title character, who I feel remiss in not mentioning till 700 odd words into this review. CLARISSA OAKES, a woman who is hard done by the world, both in-fiction and metatextually since the cowardly dogs who put out the US edition removed her name from the title. I’m starting to think misogyny is real and maybe is still with us to this day….
To be honest, I was really leery of Clarissa’s whole plotline when I read descriptions of it in other reviews of this book. She was sexually abused by her guardian as a child and later becomes a sex worker at a brothel in London, and in telling Stephen about one of her clients she puts him onto a break in his big case. The naval intelligence connection and the entire escapade on Moahu end up feeling incidental; the real attraction of this book for me is Clarissa, both watching the deterioration of all her shipboard relations and the real warmth and affection that springs up between her and Stephen. I think Stephen describes her at one point as combining worldliness with a certain naivete; she's both attractive and likable and yet for all that her viciousness and remoteness are what alienate her from others. She reminds me a lot of Stephen himself, to be honest. 
I knew it was coming but the scene where she reveals the abuse she suffered as a child is surprising because it feels so spontaneous and perfectly natural. O'Brian captures that fleeting feeling where you can suddenly find yourself telling someone you barely know things you've never spoken of to anyone else in your life. She's drawn to Stephen for one of the qualities I've always admired about him: his steadfast commitment to our National (International??) No Snitching Policy. They’re united in their hatred of impertinent questions! “You should be addicted to shutting the fuck up.” They embody this beautifully, and it leads to a very lovely friendship.
I mentioned last time that, for all the joy in The Nutmeg of Consolation, there was a real sense of dread or foreboding which is even more prominent here. I kept bracing myself for something awful to happen to Clarissa for the whole book. I think in a more traditional narrative something more character arc-y might have happened with her; maybe her promiscuousness would have had consequences and things would have come to a head.
I suppose you could call it another example of deferred conflict: nothing awful happens to her. She sails away in the end. Her marriage is mostly joyless, but she is certainly better off than she was before, and has the possibility of a future and maybe real happiness, and it’s almost certain that we haven't seen the last of her.
Deferral of conflict doesn't have to mean deferral of catharsis. It's like a Cinderella story, right down to the pivotal scene of getting Clarissa a new dress. She doesn't grow or change, really, but there is a real satisfaction in her defiant ability to just live and survive. The affection between her and Stephen is what sells it I think—the scene where he's running late for dinner (again) and she helps him dress is so charming—and the book ends with their bittersweet parting.
And that's that! Don't really have much to add about the little colonial adventure on Moahu here, other than to say that the ad copy, if the not the text of the books themselves, is always playing up the "head-hunting cannibals" aspect of the Pacific Islanders in a way that is exoticizing at the very least and downright racist at worst, and yet no Polynesian character we've ever met in these novel has been even close to as unpleasant as any of the white people we met in Boston when Jack and Stephen were POWs there in The Fortune of War. Give me the man soup any day before sending me back to Beantown again, I beg you!
NEXT TIME: Homeric seas. Literal islands forming from fiery volcanoes in front of our eyes. And an even scarier natural phenomenon than that: gradually drifting apart from a friend you used to be close with. 🙀 See you then!
The Far Side of the World (10) > HMS Surprise (3) > Desolation Island (5) > The Reverse of the Medal (11) > The Nutmeg of Consolation (14) > The Ionian Mission (8) > The Fortune of War (6) > Clarissa Oakes/The Truelove (15) > Master & Commander (1) > The Surgeon’s Mate (7) > Treason's Harbour (9) > The Letter of Marque (12) > The Thirteen-Gun Salute (13) > Post Captain (2) > The Mauritius Command (4)
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ninjastormhawkkat · 10 months
The Fall of Fair City - Chapter 24
The next day in Fair City, Miss Question was planning to cause trouble with her newest scheme. Grinning evilly to herself, Miss Question made her way to one of the local pawn shops. She was in the mood to get some valuables to decorate her apartment as well as steal some valuable question mark shaped earrings that were on display there earlier that day as she was picking up some breakfast downtown for her, Leslie, and Beatrice to enjoy. She used her hover board-shaped question mark to arrive at the unsuspecting pawn shop quickly and with style. Once she arrived, Miss Question gleefully hopped off her board and observed the display cases that were visible through the windows. Miss Question smiled happily when she saw the question mark shaped earrings were still there along with some other valuable goodies she could pilfer. "Is it really possible to have too much of a good thing?" Miss Question asked to herself as she approached the doors. Just as she was about to enter the Pawn Shop, a loud voice from behind caught the woman's attention. "FREEZE MISS QUESTION!" Miss Question turned around and saw to her amazement Police Commissioner Watson and some cops all standing behind her. They all looked prepared to apprehend the villain and prevent her from escaping. "Is it just me or does anyone else find this surprising and odd?" Miss Question asked with bafflement in her voice. Some of the cops looked puzzled at the villain's specific question. Miss Question rolled her eyes at them not getting what she was implying. "Doesn't Wordgirl show up to stop me way before you guys do? Don't you show up just to deliver villains to jail after Wordgirl stops us?" Miss Question taunted. The commissioner frowned angrily at her assumptions. "For the record, the fine men and women of Fair City's police department are more than capable of handling villains like you Miss Question." Watson replied, feeling insulted. Miss Question snorted as if she heard a funny joke. "Really? Then why haven't you guys shown up as much as Wordgirl to any crimes that have happened? Why does it seem Wordgirl does most of the work around here while you sit on your butts and do nothing all day?" Miss Question's last retort held slight traces of anger in her voice. While she didn't get along with the young heroine nor her sidekick that much, Miss Question did care for the child hero as much as other villains did, she felt that the city's law enforcement was becoming too lazy and dependent on Wordgirl to fight crime. Shouldn't she have more time to be a kid? Police Commissioner Watson scowled angrily. How dare this villain insult his police force and work as an upholder of the law. "Miss Question I am placing you under arrest for attempted robbery among other lists of charges. Surround and cuff her people. As the rest of the officers attempted to put Miss Question under arrest, Commissioner Watson felt his phone vibrate in his pants pocket. He picked up his phone which showed he was receiving a call from an unknown phone number. The commissioner gave a puzzled and annoyed look. 'Who in the world could be contacting me at this time? Don't they understand I am in the middle of important work and can't be interrupted." He muttered to himself as he decided to answer the call as to not be rude. "Better not be a telemarketer." The commissioner grumbled as he answered. "This is Police Commissioner Watson. To whom am I speaking too." A brief static silence was heard before someone began speaking. "Oh hello Commissioner Watson. Thank you for taking my call and speaking in such a kindly manner." A voice responded. The commissioner frowned as he couldn't make out the tone of voice nor tell if the caller was male or female. "Um I'm sorry but there is something odd about your voice." The caller let out a static chuckle before replying. "Oh I am using a device to disguise my voice. I don't want you or anyone else to know stuff about me. Not yet anyway." They concluded with another chuckle which sent chills down Watson's back for some reason. @melodythebunny @dualnaturedscientist
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lowel1 · 2 years
PDH!Travmau is so cute.
Travis definitely made him and Aphmau on the sims then made their sims get married. When Aphmau found out she thought it was really funny and they’d spend hours playing on that sims save together.
Travis and Aphmau would practice kissing with each other to “prepare for the future” before realising “shit I really like you”
They were both heavily into online roleplay, making multiple roleplays/fan fictions which involved their self inserts dating. They also made multiple drawings of their OCs kissing.
Aphmau being surprisingly strong cause she’s half werewolf so picking Travis up. Travis was always too stunned to speak, blushing and giggling as she carried him all over the place.
They would braid each other’s hair in home room. They always got told off but never listened.
They always had sleepovers, spending hours talking about the latest anime and cuddling. Sylvanna had no idea what was going on between them but it didn’t matter, they were well behaved. Most they’d do is make poorly drew nsfw and laugh for ages at it.
Travis was the first person Aphmau came out as bisexual to. Travis got really excited and said “Oh my Irene, I’m also bisexual! I’m transgender too!” They just hugged and laughed together.
They’d make each other matching kandi.
They’d go to cosplay conventions in matching couple cosplays/cosplaying as their favourite ships.
They had a shared tumblr account which they’d use to rant about their OCs/post mood boards. Everyone was really shocked to find out they were behind the account and dating. (There was a little inside joke in their online circle were people shipped them together)
Matching nail polish (messy cause neither of them had any nail painting experience).
Would always kiss behind the bleachers or in empty classrooms. Once they got posted on a “caught in 4K” school page and their friend group went crazy. (Except Dante, he was the only one who knew they were together).
Travis going to Aphmau’s house with cakes and little gifts he’d made. Aphmau treasurers every one of them. She still has a box of all the gifts he made her under her bed.
Matching profile pictures and bios on literally every social media. (Cringe I know but they were young, leave them alone!!)
Yeah that’s about it, please tell me other people ship them! I feel like I’m the only one 🙁
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writerfae · 1 year
Yes please show us the mood board for the Dragon Age Origins oc! Plus some info about them if you're okay with it
Gladly! 😌
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The warden’s name is Miran and he’s an elf mage. I didn’t plan on doing a whole playthrough with him (I just wanted to do his origin story for research purposes) but I grew attached to him so here we are.
(more infos under the cut)
Okay so the (elf) mage origin is when you’re in wizard prison the circle of magi to train your ability, right? And it says that as a child your magic got discovered and you were taken to the circle.
My idea for Miran is that as his mother (I imagine she worked for a noble family) discovered his magic ability, she tried to keep it a secret, but *something* happened and the secret got uncovered so he was taken from her.
Because of that and because of what happens in the origin story (kind of being lied to / used by Jowan, someone he considered his friend), he’s not quick to trust people. He just doesn’t let the people know about his doubts until he’s sure. He’s a loyal friend, but he gets angry when you betray his trust.
I think he’s quite talented in the magic field and very curious, despite everything he adored the studies at the circle. He used to spend hours practicing and reading.
Miran clever and quick, funny and also a bit sarcastic. He’s a dork, really, but a very lovable one, often trying to lighten the mood with a joke.
A bit chaotic too, but he always finds a way out of the mess he’s made (I think any sort of chaotic magic would be perfect for him).
I think he’d get along great with Alistair (yes I know I can’t date him but i can at least let them be besties).
Also I know he’s a mage but I let him fight with a dagger too cause I think just using the staff is annoying once you ran out of cool spells. My headcanon to that is that he secretly managed to practice it somehow.
Since he was trapped in one place for a major part of his life, I think he’s pretty happy that he’s able to run free now, despite the big responsibility he bears.
I can imagine the first thing he did when he was able to leave the circle is to lie down in the grass and look at the clouds like he used to do with his mother.
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He he he, ok here we go!!
We’re gonna go from Timeline A to B as Bob and Ronnie get married. It’s gonna play out like the movie, where he goes to see Ronnie right before the ceremony to confess his feelings but Ronnie says that she’s chosen to love Bob. And she’s not gonna throw away the good relationship she’s made with Bob now that Jake has confessed.
At first, Coyote will think he’s in a weird mood but then, he’ll believe Jake that something weird happened. He’s gonna become the ultimate wingman to help Jake mend his friendship. He will also be a voice of reason and a great sounding board.
And while Ronnie can reconcile the fact that Jake was a kid and lashing out, she is still hurt because he put his money where his mouth was and cut her from his life. And she’s not gonna forget that anytime soon.
So while Ronnie may forgive Jake, they will never get back to where they previously were.
And that’s gonna kill Jake- knowing that they will never again be as close or important to the other (on Ronnie’s end) as they used to be.
okay i gotta rewatch this movie all im remembering are the funny bits lol
but i love love love ronnie sticking by bob. cause she's known him nearly her whole life at this point, she's loved him for a long time. jake confessing HIS feelings shouldn't change that. I just want her to look at him and say "...so?"
way to go coyote being the best bro, as per usual.
so, is it that at 13 jake wishes to be 30, has his lil romp, then he wishes back into his 13-year-old self and he remembers everything or?? (this is why i gotta rewatch the movie lollll)
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icanonlybe-human · 2 years
Today was a really sucky day for mental health.
It started off with me being in a funny mood since I couldn’t concentrate and constantly felt like eating/chewing but I wasn’t hungry at all.
Then there were the little things that started, like how I’d send stuff on Skype to my coworkers to see if they had feedback and no-one would answer. I’ve been trying to get Ka to give me feedback on a halloween print since Wednesday last week and she just won’t answer or react. So I asked her again today since it was her first day back from a holiday, and she still didn’t answer. In the morning I was fine with it cause I was thinking that she was probably busy catching up on everything. But as the day went on, she would give feedback to everyone except me. And whenever Ka, Kay and Be went to go and get tea, I wasn’t invited. When I’d try to contribute to a conversation, I was talked over or they’d keep talking like I never even spoke. Even over Skype, I asked a question and no one answered.
And then there’s the problem with them completely disregarding my ideas. Like on Monday, we were trying to come up with EDM ideas (email promotion) and I suggested we do a shark week themed thing since it fit in with the brand. Be, Kay and Ma completely ignored it. Be came up with the idea of “spend your tax money after tax return” and they commented on that. Well, Boss Man was asking for ideas for EDMs and I bought up shark week and he loved it. Kay pretended to write it down and then just proceeded to only go with Be’s idea (even though it could have been put off until next week) instead of doing my idea. Like, it’s fine if you don’t like my idea or think it won’t work, but tell me why so I can fucking learn.
And then there was the meeting we had. Basically we have to come up with research and then put it in a share file so we can view everyone’s research in the conference room. I sent mine as PDF instead of JPG and the computer refused to read them, so I had to run out and convert the files in the middle of the meeting. So it wasn’t off to a great start. But then after all that effort, it turns out that they didn’t use my research for inspiration at all. For reference, we generally get between 2-5 ideas per board. I made 7 boards and they only picked two ideas from all 7 boards of mine, and even then they weren’t for the topic the meeting was about. I felt useless and like I wasted a shit ton of time. I gathered over 100 photos for my research and they liked two.
So yeah, I was pretty upset when I left work today after being left behind (again) by Be and Kay. I cried a bit on my way home, or as much as my body would allow. I wanted to scream but my body decided at that moment to go non-verbal.
Then the burgers we had for dinner weren’t great and Ju and Ja were fighting again and AB called even though I was not in the mood for talking. And Ja was nice and bought us doughnuts but the entire time my brain was telling me how much of a fat fuck I am and how the doughnut didn’t taste great. I don’t know if it’s mental burnout or if I’m actually sick but I’m not hungry and everything tastes like shit which is really weird for me since food is a big comfort thing for me.
Oh, and then there’s the fact that on Tuesday I met a really cool autistic human on Instagram who I felt I connected with really well. But I sent her a text yesterday and she hasn’t answered even though I know she’s seen my text. I don’t know if I’ve upset her or if we didn’t connect as well as I thought we did, but it hurt. I got really excited thinking I’d made a friend only for that hope to be immediately crushed.
Oh and mum and dad and Nan and my aunt all have covid so there’s a chance that I literally won’t be able to do anything for my birthday yet again. Missed out on my 21st last year, it’s just my luck for me to miss out on my 22nd too.
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izzyspussy · 2 years
anyways. i think blackbeard has a dick piercing and he made izzy do it for him.
[tw: anti-sw language, unsafe needle practices, argument could be made for internalized homophobia]
"Do a- Do, like, count of three." Izzy grimaces, trying to avoid the sight of the thick needle, still floating in the highest proof they have on board currently. Edward decided he wanted this well after dark and well before dawn with no port in sight, because that's just who he is as a person.
Izzy kneels down between his Captain's spread knees. His heart races painfully, but he breathes deep and slow through his nose. Can't have his hands shake now of all times.
"Dare I ask why," he murmurs. His voice has gone shy, hiding in the back of his throat when he tries to get it to speak out for him. Blackbeard's bare cock is right in front of his face, dusky and soft and nestled in coarse black curls. It sways, slightly, when Edward shrugs.
"Dunno, just think it'd be funny," he mumbles, nearly slurred. Of course Izzy had already checked, in the wordless ways he could, that Blackbeard wasn't drunk or high or otherwise altered when making his request - not that Izzy would have any place, necessarily, to refuse him even if he was, but at least then he'd have some point of contention to float across Edward's ever shifting tide of moods.
"Funny?" he splutters now, looking up from Blackbeard's cock to peer up - up, up, up - at his Captain's esoteric bearded face. "Wh- to who?"
Izzy's gaze catches (like hands would) on the textures between here and there: the dip of Edward's navel, the frayed hem of his shirt, the metal teeth of the zipper and the buttery leather of his jacket, the soft-looking - surely deceptive in appearance - curls of his beard just starting to grey strand by strand.
"Dunno," Blackbeard says again, shrugging again, displacing some of his long hair over his shoulders - broad even slouched like this. "Jack? He'll be around again at some point. And Anne-Marie. She's got one too, we'll match."
"Who?" Izzy mutters. There's a sour taste in his mouth that he can't place, but he chalks it up to nerves. He's about to cause Blackbeard significant pain, and at request or not that generally merits harsh consequence. He occupies himself with fishing the needle out of the alcohol.
"Anne-Marie," repeats Edward easily. "From Tortuga?" The needle is shining, dripping, ominously in the lantern light of the Captain's quarters. It takes Izzy a moment to locate anyone in his memory to match the description, given that there really isn't one.
"The whore?" he finally figures, distastefully. Far be it from him to judge a sailor for taking easy assured pleasure in the brief time they make land (and far be it from him to judge Blackbeard for anything), but Izzy himself has never found the appeal of the many and storied brothels always available at port.
"She's a nice lady," Edward chastises mildly, an idle warning that sends a shiver of fear and admiration down Izzy's spine (that would make his knees shake, just a little, if he wasn't on them). "She pretended to be a mermaid for me once."
"She's a-" Izzy cuts himself off, clicks his teeth together before he can get himself in (more) trouble. "That's her job."
"Just do it already, mate, 'fore I lose my fuckin' patience with you and get someone else," Blackbeard snaps. Izzy's stomach plummets at the words. He just doesn't like needles, is all. But anyone else would cock it up - no pun intended - and of all the possible ways for the legendary Blackbeard to die, Izzy can't let it be by an infection of the dick.
His hand does shake, despite Izzy's best efforts, as he reaches out for Edward's cock. The skin is soft and warm under his fingertips, in his palm. He swallows hard and brings the needle forward.
"Are you-?" he starts, unsure himself.
"Three," says Blackbeard, an order like any other Izzy has received and obeyed from him. On habit rigorously honed into instinct, Izzy punches the needle through.
Edward yelps, first, one knee shooting up defensively until Izzy manages to get an elbow on top of it and push it back down. Then he makes a much smaller wounded sound, a breathy little thing in the back of his throat, mangled and muffled by the way his head has fallen backwards. Were Izzy less of a realist, he could swear he could see that little noise move under the thin skin between Edward's collarbones.
In Izzy's hand, still run through with the needle, Blackbeard's cock begins to harden. Izzy stares at it, unable to fully comprehend what's happening. The only thing his brain can parse is the sensation of Edward's cock slowly filling up his palm, the steadily increasing warmth of it, the redness around the puncture, the prickly brush of Edward's thigh hair against the back of Izzy's hand as he restlessly shifts his leg again. Blackbeard groans, and the sound reverberates all through his strong fearsome body and into Izzy's.
"Iz," he says on the tail of it, in a tone Izzy can no more understand than any other aspect of this interaction. He fumbles desperately for the waiting barbell rather than try.
Edward makes the same strange, small noise again when Izzy carefully pulls the needle out. His cock gets harder, making blood well probably too-quickly from the puncture wound. Izzy pours some of the booze he'd used to sterilize the needle over Blackbeard's bleeding, twitching cock, shaking enough now that he spills it all over Blackbeard's lap and makes mess of it over the chair and the floor. And then it's the same noise again, paired with the creak of Edward's jacket as he clenches his fists in it, when Izzy threads the barbell through.
Izzy is on his feet as soon as the bar is capped and secure.
"There, now you match your whore," he congratulates bitterly. He's unreasonably humiliated, considering it's Blackbeard and not him who just let - nay, demanded another man put a needle through his fucking dick and got hard about it. There's a long pause in which Blackbeard breathes, and the air in the cabin seems to get colder with his every exhale.
"Thanks," he says finally. "Now fuck off."
With enough bile in the back of his throat that it's somehow started to burn behind his eyes too, Izzy heeds his dismissal.
I was picturing a dorsal frenum (horizontal through the top of the shaft), for The People's Reference. Don't text me about zippers not being invented yet; I already know, I don't care.
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(Y/n) and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week: Monday
Tuesday     Wednesday     Thursday (Part 1)     Thursday (Part 2)     Friday     Saturday     Sunday
Spotify Playlist (collaborative)
Pairing: SBI x sister!reader (she/her pronouns)
Warnings: swearing, toxic friends, panic spirals/attacks, injury, taking pills for pain
Summary: you have a very bad week, how will you manage? (Characters are fully human, but based on their DSMP characters. High school AU)
Word count: 4,818
(A/N): I’ve never played volleyball or watched Haikyuu before, so I’m not 100% certain how games work. Also, I probs should’ve split this into two parts, but eh.
“(Y/n) love, you look homeless in that sweater, it’s literally so fucking ugly.”
“Haha, yeah it is. I guess I just wasn’t really trying today.”
Adrian snorted, scanning your body with his cold eyes. “Today? You don’t try at all. You always look like trash.”
“More than trash, you always look like you just rolled in dog shit.” Sammy threw her head back and cackled at her own joke.
Your friends around you erupted in laughter as you four walked down the hallways of the hell that was your public high school. You awkwardly chuckled alongside them, you didn’t really find it funny, but you didn’t want to draw more attention towards yourself. 
“Seriously, (y/n), I really don’t know why we still hang out around you anymore. You really let yourself go.”
“Yeah, now that I think about it, you did gain like five pounds in the past week.”
“Really not a good look on you, love. Then again, nothing you do can make you look good anymore.”
You tried to not let their comments get to you, you really did, but sometimes their comments just rooted themselves deep into your subconscious. You didn’t try looking good anymore, you couldn’t wear anything without them criticising it. You could never win. 
“Awe,” Adrien poked your cheeks, “stop looking so sad. We’re just trying to give you advice. You really need it.”
“Yeah, (y/n). You’re so sensitive, get a grip.”
“Guys look, I think she’s gonna cry!” 
You wiped at your welling eyes with the sleeves of your sweater. “I’m not. I just got allergies.”
Annie rolled her eyes. “Uh-huh. Anyways, what are our plans for Halloween? We should totally dress up like sexy angels! I think that’d be so cool. Like, Clint’s party won’t be ready for us.”
“Oh, about that Annie…”
“God, what now (y/n)?”
“I was actually planning on spending Halloween night taking Tommy and Tubbo trick-or-treating with my brothers and dad. I won’t be able to go with you guys, I’m sorry.”
The group groaned loudly. “C’mon (y/n), you never hang out with us anymore.”
“Oh my god (y/n) you still go trick-or-treating? We’re juniors.”
“I’m sorry, I’ve just been busy with my AP classes and studying for the SAT. My team captain’s really been pushing the team hard with volleyball practice. State finals are soon and we want first this year.”
“No matter how much studying you do, you’re gonna fail. You’re stupid, so why try? Just give up and hang out with uuussss.”
“Yeah (y/n),” Adrien looked at you suspiciously, “you’ve been ignoring us lately. I thought we were friends. Do you even wanna be friends anymore?”
You felt a flare of panic flare up in your gut. “I do! I-I just have so much going on right now. It’s starting to get hard to juggle everything.”
“We’re starting to think that you don’t like us anymore, we want our (y/n) back!” Sammy whined. The others agreed with her, making you feel guilty. You were ignoring them, it was selfish in your opinion. You supposed that you could skip out on taking Tommy and Tubbo trick-or-treating, there’ll be other years you could take them. 
“I guess I can take Tommy and Tubbo another year. They’d just have to go without me this year.”
They cheered, giving you praise. You beamed at that, they seemed down lately and you loved it when they’d give you compliments. They didn’t do that much, so that made their praise more special to you. You strived to get compliments.
You four went off to your separate first classes for the day. Yours was statistics, a class you’ve been struggling in lately. You didn’t know anybody in there except for your oldest brother Techno, so you tried to stick with him. Unfortunately, the teacher’s seating chart placed you both on opposite ends of the room, probably because of your last names indicating that you’re siblings. You placed your stuff down on the table and plopped down into your seat, already drained. You had a long day ahead of you; you had a major AP world history test in your next class, you had to give a presentation in your AP english class that was worth a quarter of your final grade, and you had a semifinals volleyball match that would last until late in the night. If your team won, you would be going to state finals, so it was a lot of pressure on your shoulders. You were the main setter, so you had to really focus tonight if you were going to score your team points. 
“Alright class, pull out your homework!”
Fuck, you had homework? You looked in your folder, only to see the unfinished sheet full of equations you didn’t understand staring back at you tauntingly. Mr. Mullins walked over to your desk, took one look at your blank homework, and just walked right past you. Another big fat zero in the gradebook for you, just what you needed. At least he wasn’t in the mood to berate you today. You didn’t need any more stress piled onto your shoulders. 
The lesson felt like it dragged on forever with you frantically trying to copy down the notes on the board and trying to understand the content at the same time. Overtime, he would call students up to the board. Hopefully, he would skip over you today. “Ms. Minecraft.” Goddamn it, you spoke too soon.
Your head perked up and you looked at him. “Yes sir?”
“Come up to the board and solve this.”
Gulping, you felt panic rise up in you and stood up with shaky knees. On the board was part of the newer content he was just teaching. Something that you understood only a little bit better than the rest, and that’s not saying much. You still didn’t understand the content completely. Your writing was shaky as you wrote what you thought was right on the board. Finding the answer, you circled it and looked at Mr. Mullins. He looked disappointed. 
“That’s wrong, Ms. Minecraft. Please sit down.”
You felt like your face was on fire as you saw the entire class burning holes into you with their eyes. Though they looked dead inside, as per usual with any morning class full of tired teenagers, their effects still took hold on you. You wanted to crawl into a dark hole and die. You sat back down and stared at your note packet, you couldn’t focus on the lecture anymore. Your attention was fully on your surroundings, you were hyper aware of every little whisper and bouncing leg in your peripheral vision. You could feel yourself spiraling, usually that wouldn’t happen until after your third class. Today was going to be rough. 
The loud chime of the bell startled you out of your thoughts. You shakily put your papers back into your binder and put the binder back into your backpack. Right as you were about to walk through the door, you heard Techno catch up to you. “Hey, you good?”
“Yeah Tech, I’m just peachy.”
“Are you su-”
“Technoblade. I’m fine. Now if you excuse me, I have to get to my next class. I have an important presentation I’ve gotta prepare for.”
Without giving him any room to argue, you rushed off to your english class. You had Adrian and Annie in your class. For your presentation, you were paired up with people that you hardly knew. At least they did their part in the project, you were certain you were going to die if you got paired up with Adrian and Annie again. You loved them, but they never did any part of their portion of work. They left it to you to finish at midnight the day the project was due. To be fair, they both told you they had family emergencies, so you covered for them just that once. 
You pulled out your flashcards only to have them knocked out of your hand when someone bumped into you. You quickly crouched to pick them up so you could have them in order by time class started. “Oops, sorry love.”
It was Annie. She and Adrian towered over your crouched form smirking at you. Looking back down to rearrange your cards, you murmured “it’s ok.”
“Are you ready for this presentation, I know I am.”
You smiled a little. “Actually, I think I’m going to ace this. English is my best subject.”
“Yeah (y/n), I wasn’t asking you. I was talking to Annie. Besides, you’re probably going to fail this.” Adrian scoffed. 
“Thank you for asking, Adrian,” Annie shot a pointed look at you, “at least someone cares.”
The bell rang, signifying the start of your second block. You felt like you had a lump in your throat blocking your breathing. If Adrian, one of the smartest kids in your english class, said that you were going to fail, then you probably were going to fail. That would take a huge hit on your grade, this project was worth a quarter of your final grade after all. You were zoned out for the entirety of your classmate’s presentations putting yourself into a spiral. You jumped when Mr. Todd, your teacher, called your group up to present.
You stood stiffly in the middle of your two groupmates and clutched your flashcards with clammy hands. Luckily, your part of the presentation was not first. When it came to your part, you were stuttering and tumbling over your words. You even dropped your flashcards in front of everybody, causing half the class to snicker. Your face burned as you hurried to pick them up and your other groupmate took this as a signal to continue the presentation. You still had an important point to make that was integral for the set up to your other groupmate’s part of her presentation. You stared at your flashcards for the rest of the presentation. 
When the bell rang, you made a mad dash out of the classroom. You didn’t want to talk to anybody, especially not Adrian or Annie. It was a relief that you had your lunch period at the moment. You could hide yourself in the bathroom nobody used and let your panic attack ride itself out. 
You ducked inside a stall and sat on the toilet, bringing your knees up to bury your face in them. The tears and panic you were holding in all day let itself out with explosive effects. You started to hyperventilate as you muffled your sobs with your knee. Your chest painfully clenched so you couldn’t breathe. Your limbs felt like they weighed two tons each and they were shaking intensely. You didn’t hear the end of the lunch bell ring. By the time you calmed down slightly, you were five minutes late to AP world history. 
You packed your stuff up in a hurry, power walking through the halls. You probably looked like shit, but you didn’t care, you had a class to get to and a test that you probably wouldn’t be able to finish now. You lost ten minutes of your test time. When you tried to open the closed door, you found that it was locked. You had to knock if you wanted to get in. You raised a shaking hand to knock, but the door was opened by a less-than-impressed Ms. Osborne. She ushered you to your desk and gave you your unit test. 
You couldn’t focus. The multiple choice section was usually a breeze to you, but you couldn’t comprehend any of the questions. When you could comprehend them, you couldn’t concentrate on choosing an answer. You did your best to find the correct answers, but you were almost positive that at least half of them were wrong. Your handwriting was nearly incomprehensible and your essay topic was something you didn’t study for. When you were done with half of the body paragraphs, the bell rang and you had to turn in your unfinished test. 
You had your independent online psychology course next in the library. You usually worked alone secluded in a corner deep inside the library where nobody went. You would get some solace in being alone. Maybe you’d calm down enough so that you could ride home with your brothers and not go for a long walk so you could avoid them. 
You settled down in the comfortable chair and pulled out your laptop to get started. Psychology was your favorite class. It was easy for you to understand, it didn’t have much of a workload attached to it, and it was fun to learn about. It always calmed you down reading about the intricate workings of the brain. 
By time the day was over, you got most of your psychology work done and you were on your way to the car you shared with Technoblade and Wilbur. You took out your spare keys and slumped against the window in the backseat. You were absolutely drained after your terrible day and you still felt panic swirling deep within you, waiting for the right moment to strike. 
You stretched out your legs across the seat and leaned your back against the door. For the first time that day, you felt peaceful. You still had at least fifteen minutes to yourself until your brothers would start to make your way to the car. You felt the panic subside slightly and you fully relaxed. You closed your eyes and let yourself drift off into a light sleep. You needed your energy for tonight’s match. 
The door you were leaning on swung open and you tumbled backwards smacking the back of your head against the metal frame of the car and reverse scorpioning onto the pavement. Your entire upper back and the back of your head exploded in pain and your lower back hurt slightly from having your back bent uncomfortably. You heard laughter above you as you felt tears of pain start to slip out of your eyes. Your legs swung out from their place above your face and landed on the ground with a painful thump. 
You saw three blurry figures above you laughing at your pain. You reached up with a shaky hand to wipe at your tears and saw Adrian, Sammy, and Annie. They were cackling as you shakily stood up and sat on the comfortable seats of the car. You waited patiently for them to calm down. 
Eventually, Sammy calmed down enough to explain what happened to you through chuckles. “I’m sorry (y/n), it was just too good to resist. You should’ve seen your face.”
She and the others broke back into uncontrolled laughter as they remembered your embarrassing fall. You were used to their antics, and quite frankly it felt good to make your friends laugh, even if it were at your own expense. Just as they were calming down once again, you saw Wilbur and Techno walk out the front doors of the school laughing at something the other said. Annie and Sammy heard their laughter and quickly turned around to watch them. They had massive crushes on both of your brothers, many in the school did. 
Your brothers made their way to your shared car and stopped to look at you in slight confusion. “(Y/n), were you crying? What happened?” Wilbur asked worriedly. 
“Oh Wilbur, it was terrible, (y/n) fell out of the car. I don’t think she closed the door before she leaned on it.” Annie interrupted you with a faked concerned tone, a complete contradiction to her reaction before your brothers came.
Techno hastily made his way to the driver’s side door. “Well, if she’s hurt we better get going, right Wilbur?”
“Yes! We better get going, please excuse us.” He sat in the passenger seat and closed the door without hearing Sammy and Annie’s desperate attempts to stop them so they could talk to them. Your brothers thought Sammy and Annie were annoying. They absolutely hated being around them. 
Waving apologetically at your friends, you pulled yourself into the car and closed the door. Annie and Sammy looked offended that you had let Wilbur and Techno get away from them. Avoiding their eyes, you looked down at your tightly clasped hands. They were shaking slightly. 
After pulling out of the parking lot, Techno glanced at you from the rearview mirror. “You ok (y/n)?”
“Yeah, my back just hurts and I have a headache.”
“Well, do you wanna go and get some ice cream? We still have some time left before we have to pick up Tommy and Tubbo. Dad doesn’t have to know,” Wilbur asked you.
You sighed, you wanted nothing other than to take a nap before your match. “Sorry, but I need to watch what I eat today. We have semifinals tonight and I can’t have anything sugary. I just wanna go home and take a nap.”
Your brothers were quiet for the rest of the car ride until you reached your driveway. Techno twisted his body around in his seat to look at you after he put the car in park. “Did you actually fall out of the car?”
Shit, should you tell him the truth? If you did, they would almost certainly get mad at your friends. Sammy and Annie would never forgive you if you turned your brothers against them. You decided that you would take one for the team again. “Yeah, I wasn’t paying attention.” 
Techno snorted. “Well, that was stupid,” he jokingly said. “Next time you’re gonna get run over by a parked car.”
You knew that he meant that as a joke, but it still stung. Stamping your emotions down, you laughed with him and Wilbur. It was stupid of you to do, you shouldn’t have let your guard down if you weren’t at home. 
You winced as you slung your bag on your back and walked the best you could back into your house. Your upper back was killing you. You made a beeline to the bathroom and rummaged through the medicine cabinet looking for some pain relief pills. You took some and shambled off to your room to take your well earned nap. You set your alarm’s setting to its loudest volume and passed out. 
You jolted up and gasped when you felt a wave of pain hit your upper back. You blearily looked at the time. You had a little under two hours before you had to get back to the school for your match. You groaned when you pulled yourself up, your head pounding with every turn. You pulled yourself out of bed and once again took some pain pills. You went downstairs to grab an apple or something to eat. Your dad was at the stove stirring something around in a pot. 
He turned to look at you with an excited smile. “You ready for your match tonight? You’re gonna kill it!” 
You only nodded halfheartedly and plopped yourself down at the table with your apple. Philza frowned at your lack of enthusiasm, but he figured that it was just because you just woke up from a nap. You’d bounce back eventually. 
“Wilbur told me that you fell out of the car? How’d you do that?”
You shrugged, wincing slightly as it moved your back slightly. “Dunno, must’ve not closed the door.”
Philza was at your side in a hurry, his hands hovering over your shoulders. “Did you get hurt? Show me where it hurts.”
“My back and the back of my head.”
“Can I move your shirt so I could look?”
“Sure, go ahead.”
You felt him gently pull the neck of your t-shirt away from your body to peek at your back. You heard his breath hitch as he looked. Was it that bad? “Good god (y/n),” he breathed out.
“What, is it bad?”
“Don’t you feel how bad it is? Your entire back is bruised. I think there’s some blood too.”
“First, language. Second, that’s all you have to say? Aren’t you in pain?”
“Yeah, but the pain pills are gonna kick in soon. I’ll be fine.”
“Would you be able to play tonight? I really think you should sit this one out.”
“No, I’m playing tonight Dad.”
“(Y/n),” oh no, he was using his stern dad voice. “It’s not a good idea to play tonight. You’re hurt, I’m sure they’ll understand if you sit this one out.”
You felt frustration rise up in you. “We’re in the semifinals. They need me, I’m the main setter. They’d lose without me playing.”
“(Y/n), I’m serious. You’re not playing today.”
“Dad, I am playing today. Look, I’ll talk to Coach Williams to see if I could be rotated out more often. I know she’d let me.”
He stared at you for a while before sighing. He knew there was no convincing you. “...Fine. But you better talk to Coach Williams about sitting out for a bit if your back hurts too much or I swear I’ll drag you off the court myself.”
You smiled a little at the small victory. “Thank you! I promise I’ll sit out if needed.”
He quirked an eyebrow at you. “If needed?”
You sighed, “when needed.”
He walked over to the pot, stirring the contents slightly. “That’s better. Dinner’s almost ready, I made some pasta.”
“It smells good, but I think I’m skipping out on it for today. I already ate this apple and if I eat any more I’ll probably hurl on the court.”
He made a displeased noise in the back of his throat, “fine, but you’re eating something when we get home tonight.”
He walked off to go get your brothers and Tubbo for dinner. You could hear their booming steps racing down the stairs towards the kitchen. They raced into the kitchen and almost crashed into the back of your chair. You stood up and looked at the two excitable fifth graders. “Careful boys, don’t want you getting hurt.”
“You’re no fun (y/n),” Tommy whined.
“Sure, sorry bout that,” Tubbo beamed at you.
You chuckled, making your way upstairs to get ready for your match. You took off your clothes with great difficulty and slipped on your jersey and your spandex shorts. They were way too short for your tastes, but you couldn’t wear longer ones, they’d just get in the way. You fondly remembered how your dad flipped out when he first saw you in them, he hated them with a burning passion. He still hates how short they are.
When you were struggling with pulling your hair back into a tight, sleek ponytail, the back of your head throbbed continuously with pain. You most likely bruised your scalp. 
You slipped on your shoes that were made specifically for playing volleyball and headed downstairs. You were met with Tommy and Tubbo jumping in excitement seeing you in your uniform. They loved going to your matches, even if they would always pass out in the car after them because matches usually ended late at night. You grabbed your dad’s keys and headed to his car. Before you could lead the boys out the door, Philza’s voice stopped you.
“(Y/n), coat.”
You huffed, grabbing your coat and putting it on before tossing him his keys. You four got into the car and set out for the high school. The short drive was filled with Tommy and Tubbo asking you questions about volleyball and encouraging you. “(Y/n), you’re gonna kick their butts!”
“Yeah!” Tubbo cheered 
Despite their voices causing a spike of pain to shoot throughout your head, you laughed at their enthusiasm. It was always nice to hear your little brother and pseudo brother in the stands cheering you on, they were your and your team’s personal cheerleaders. 
Not long after you got to the school, you were stretching with your team on the gym’s floor. Your posse found their way into the stands, sitting in the front row. The away team watched your team like a hawk, analysing every single player for any weakness. It was because of them that you tried to not show any pain when you moved your back. You talked to Coach Williams before the team stretch and she was obviously sympathetic with your situation. She agreed to switching you out with the standby setter every few rotations. 
The echo of the whistles caused pain to ring in your head every time someone scored or a foul was called. Your team captain, Haley, was constantly, yet discreetly checking on you throughout the game since she was always next to you. She was the team’s main spiker after all. 
The game droned on and on before you realized that the opposing team was targeting you when they were offensive. They probably realized that you were injured a round ago. You tried your best to block every ball that was sent your way, but a few managed to slip past you when you couldn’t move fast enough. This team was good, but your team was better. 
The score during the final round was tied and the clock was on it’s last ten seconds as the ball soared your way. You dove to hit it, landing on your shoulder on the hard floor and hitting it up high enough for Haley to spike the ball down. The crowd went wild as the ball bounced off from the opposite end of the court almost simultaneously with the screeching of the referee’s whistle, signifying the end of the game and your team’s victory.
You laid on the floor in pain, you thought you must’ve pulled your tender muscles in your back and shoulder. It hurt to move it. You felt one of your teammates grab your hand to yank you up into a giant full team group hug. You yelped slightly in pain as you felt arms press against your back and hands firmly patting your bruised shoulders. You were whisked away into the locker room to change into the pajamas you brought with you. 
“(Y/n), are you alright? That was a pretty hard fall.” Haley’s soft voice asked you. You felt your heart sing in your chest. 
“Yeah Hales, I’m fine. I just pulled a few muscles.”
Her perfectly shaped eyebrows furrowed together, “are you sure? As your team captain and your friend, I’m worried about you.”
You couldn’t help the smile that spread across your face. You felt warm knowing that she cared about you. “I’m sure, worrywart.”
She rolled her eyes playfully and breathed out a soft laugh. “Sorry for asking, grump.” Her laugh sounded like music to your ears. 
Your phone vibrated in your pajama pocket, alerting you of your family waiting for you in the car and for you to hurry up. You sighed, “sorry Hales, I gotta go. Dad’s getting impatient.” 
She gave you a small smile. “Oh, well, tell your family I said hi! Good work on the court today, I wouldn’t ask for a different setter.”
You felt your cheeks warm up and you watched with wide eyes as she left the locker room. Your phone vibrated again, your dad was really starting to get impatient. 
You walked out of the school as fast as you could to find your dad’s car waiting for you up front. Jumping in and softly closing the passenger side door, you slumped against the window. “(Y/n),” Tommy’s tired voice slurred. “That. Was. Pog…”
You glanced back to see him and Tubbo snoring away in their seats. Your match was more exciting than usual, so that must’ve really tired them out. You chuckled, turning back around to lean against the window. You took care not to put any weight on your shoulder or back. 
“(Y/n), you were amazing out there, but why did you dive for that ball? That fall looked like it hurt.”
You hummed tiredly, “thanks Dad. I just did what I thought would win us the game. We’re going to finals!” You quietly sang. 
“Did you hurt your shoulder?”
“I actually don’t know, but I think I might’ve pulled a few muscles. Nothing too bad.”
“...I scheduled a doctor’s appointment for you tomorrow morning during your first and second blocks. I want you to get your back, shoulder, and head looked at. You looked miserable the entire match.”
You sighed, too tired to argue, “mmk.”
He chuckled before the car fell into a comfortable silence. The gentle bouncing of the car and the subtle hum of the engine was lulling you to sleep. Your eyelids were drooping by the time you pulled into your driveway. 
You drug yourself out of the car and into the house, leaving Philza with the sleeping boys. You walked straight to your room and plopped down on your bed, passing out instantly for the second time that day.
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winged-void · 2 years
On the "misinterpreted media mood board" you tagged with Lappland, and I was curious what you meant there. Cause I've seen some wildly differing takes on her that I've liked or at least thought made sense, so curious what your thoughts are with her
My thoughts are summed up here
But the TL;DR is that a lot of people in fandom really seem to interpret her as like. A kind of weird funny girl who's ultimately harmless?
And that's just deeply untrue based on what we see in canon.
There's only one actual scene that lappland appears in in the story, and in it she has stalked Texas (her ex) after she ran halfway across the world to get away from lappland and their old life.
In the scene we get this:
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Lappland specifically hunts down and kills people Texas spared, and decided to pile corpses on her doorstep. Also the sheer joy she takes in not only killing people, but making them afraid, really characterizes her as like. A serial killer.
The reason, as far as I can tell, people interpret lappland as like, just a weird girl, is this from her operator bio:
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To me, because of the scene described above and other things in her record, like this voice line:
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This reads as an abuse tactic. Of course she's acting nice. But how chilling is it to act that way when you're doing things like piling corpses on texas' doorstep? It's flat out an abuse tactic. You do awful things but in front of others you just act nice, and innocent. Make the target think it's all in their head.
I think lappland is really interesting and cool as an abusive serial killer ex obsessed with Texas and her ability to walk away from the life of crime and violence. I think lappland as a #quirky weird girl is not only baseless but is also just way way less interesting.
Oops that was supposed to he a TLDR. Oh well. I can talk about this for way way too much time
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