#this exchange didnt make it into the final game
cyberkn1fe · 9 months
Horatio: It's a compact engine, but it's missing a spark plug. Crispin: NOO! Horatio: Just kidding. :] Crispin: I hope you rust. >:c
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sunbedo · 21 days
Hey guys. gay rights
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#i already made the sonic one a while bc yknow. kinnie stuff youve all seen my blog theme#but then i was wearing my Fearless Year of Shadow(tm) shirt along with it and my irl bff was like.#'why are you wearing a sonic bracelet with that shirt if you love shadow so much 🤨' *#(he doesnt know much about sth stuff but ive infodumped abt shadow and his backstory to him many times)#and i was like 😭😭 BECAUSE I DONT HAVW A SHADOW KANDI BUT I WANNA MAKE ONE. I WILL SOON#so. now i do!! taking my ad/derall on the weekends always make me want to make more kandi. its great!#and yknow what else it makes me want to do...... talk more on here >:3333#me and my dad are gonna go to a local jazz festival this afternoon bc our jazz combo is playing at it!!#itll be fun. my dad said hes gonna get some food from this really good breakfast place on the way thwre#which is not the best part. the best part is outside the shop there is a wonderful kitty cat who hangs around the parking lot#bc hes owned by the ppl who own the bar right next door#its so great. everybody knows him (the cat) and loves him. the v/ape shop next door has a tip door set up for him even though the#bar owner ppl take care of him and take him to the vet nd stuff. my dad found a faceb/ook page somebody made for him#and apparently it just has pictures of ppl at the bar holding him. its so great and hilarious. this cat is so loved#by the v/ape shop people. by random people at this beachtown bar. by the breakfast shop people.#anyways uh. this post was abkut kandi wasnt it 😭😭😭 lol#cherry chortles#anyways the add/er/all also usually makes me want to look at and sort through my pkmn card collection. so imma do that#because my dads friend (and my friend too i guess! me and him exchange cat photos bc he has this adorable chunky cat named gremlin) that we#play bar trivia with on tuesdays (dw its not really even a bar. its mostly a restaurant) asked me abt my pokemon card collection#bc the final question was to put a few franchises (it was like. dora the ecplora and spide/rman etc. and pokemon) in order of revenue#and obvs pokemon was the top. bc of factors like the trading cards so thats how that came up#we didnt bet any of our points btw but we almost! got it right! the order was pk/mn dora spidamen friends (the tv seies) but we had spidman#as second. but we still won!! our team is on a two game winning streak!!! we always split the money so next week ill get another 8 dolla >:3#wow i havent hit tag limit yert#lol. yall'll open the 'see all tags' thing and boom. do you love the color of the sky type shit 😭😭😭#sorry that sounds too much like aave. i (white baby) cant be sayin that#cherrys kandi#okay well i had a tag with a verse from the ultimarw showdown bc i didnt know what else to say#but with my kandi tag and these two tags i have hit tag limit. thank you folks ill be here all night
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obey-me-disaster · 1 year
Mc disappears without telling anyone
Demon brothers x gn!MC that has a tendency to disappear without telling anyone
This was inspired by a chat where EVERYONE was worried sick when MC left for some task. If everyone panics that much when they know where MC goes imagine the chaos of MC never telling them where they disappear to.
Season 1 Lucifer wouldn't care as much. Any other Lucifer would be worried sick but would try to hide it.
This bitch would look down on his brothers for acting so irational only to start asking 100 questions about where MC is the moment someone mentions their name. Hypocrite much?
The first time it happened he thought some demon did something to MC and was prepared to kill someone...only to find MC chilling in some random restaurant on the other side of Devildom
The punishment MC got is one to remember...it still didn't change shit cause the following week they disappeared again.
After like 3 heart attack because of them he gets used to it. He is still worried sick but is not as panicked.
Once MC gets better at magic he really isn't that worried they will get hurt, he is more worried they will get in trouble for other random stuff.
The first time MC disappeared it was after insulting them in his tsundure fashion. Since it was the begging of the exchange prorhram he was still really confused about his feelings.
When he first learned they disappeared he panicked thinking about what kind of punishement Lucifer would give him. He kept telling himself it was only because of that. He didnt get attached to them, he wasn't worried about them, he wasn't hoping he could spend another day with them...no not at all.
While on his search those thoughts shifted to the few good memories they have made together up until that point. Once he finally found he felt a huge weight was lifted off his shoulders.
This cycle continues on numerous occasions and each time he denies he was worried about them at least until around the time of season 2, then he gets a bit of honest with his feeling
He uses his crows in order to find them faster. Because of that MC carries snacks for the crows each time they leave to go who knows where.
Lucifer still finds out about this and punishes both Mammon and MC. Mammon for losing them and MC for disappearing.
He really thought MC left because they didn't want to spend time with him anymore. He blamed himself thinking they ran away from them MC was buying instant noodlss.
MC had to explain to him that it was just a habit they had. The first few times Levi got so mad he refused to let them into his room.
After a while he notices how despite always disappearing MC always made it to their game/anime nights. It was because of that he started to believe them and stopped getting mad.
He still got insecure about it from time to time, but looking at all the times MC made time for him always managed to get him out of his bad state of mind
He gives MC lists of things to buy for when they disappear. If they are away from home they may as well buy it for him.
He starts overthinking if they are away for too long. What if a demon actually hurt them and he wasnt there?! He was such a bad friend for not protecting them. someone slap some sense into him
Got into detective mode when you first disappeared. He thought over all the things he could have happened. Random demon on the street eating you? Demon from RAD wanting to make MC pay for beating them at a game? Kidnapping in order to ask for money?
All of them seemed like they could be true which got him even more worried. He was prepared for the worst case scenario only to find MC in a random park petting cats.
He texted everyone to let them know he found MC and then sat with them so he can also play with that cats too. He did scold them about the dangers of going alone in Devildom especially since they don't know magic
When he is mad he often disappears without really telling anyone(this is shown in season 4) so he does understand the need to disappear and be alone.
He went out of his way to teach MC defensive spells and made a few potions for them. He won't stop them from going alone without telling anyone, but he still wants to keep them safe.
He found out about their weird habit when he saw them in one of his friend's story on devilgram. He didn't really knew they disappeared, he put the pieces together when he saw his brothers freaking out.
Honestly he is quite livid cause all of the worst case scenarios went through his head for a second.
But since he is someone that often sneaks out for parties he's aware that forbidding MC from going alone without letting anyone know won't do shit, it might make the situation even worse.
That's why came up with 'Find the MC' game for his followers. He posts on his story 'find the MC' and in less than 5 minutes gets at least 60 messages and photos of where they are. His fans think it's just a game but for him it's a way to know that they are safe.
He invites MC a lot to his room to ask them about their latest disappearance and what were they up to. 80% it's just for gossiping and the other 20% it's to make sure no one bothered them and they were safe.
His father help any demon that may bother MC cause he will make sure that not only would they have no more social life, but no sexual life either.
Is in a tie with Mammon on who panics the most and goes immediately to search for MC...without telling anyone. The other brothers just assumed they two went together somewhere since both of them were gone.
He finds you pretty fast, prepared to fight someone but instead MC offers him one of their fried potatoes they just bought as peace offer. He accepts it but he is still a bit mad at them.
If this happens around the incident from season 1 where Lucifer attacks he may or may not have a nightmare. Just maybe.
The only person MC will send a message to if they are gone for too long cause they hate seeing him sad. They also bring him food everytime they come back.
Beel offered to come pick them up from wherever they are once they are ready to come home. He still wants to be able to protect them.
He also teaches them how to defend themself. It might not be the best option against demons, but it's better to be prepared than sorry.
He finds out about it when he goes into their room to ask if they want to sleep together for that night and they weren't there.
Woke up the whole house, and not even in a gentle way. He used his magic to literally force them out of their dreams so they could help him figure out where MC disappeared to.
If anyone looked at him they would think he is annoyed but that's just his face when he mad, stressed, worried.
His method of keeping MC from disappearing? Make them take naps with him. Can't go anywhere if they are sleeping
And it worked for a while, until he woke up alone and no one knew where they went. At that point he kind of gives up from keeping MC from disappearing but he still is worried every time no one knows where they are.
He starts sleeping by the entrance MC uses the most so he knows when they come home. That way he can be sure to know that they made it back safe.
MC tripped a few times over him until they got used to it. It became sort of a routine for when MC disappears near bed time for Belphegor to sleep next to the entrance and once MC comes home to go sleep in their room. He says they make for a good body pillow, and while that is true it's also nice to be able to actually feel them being next to him
After MC's first time going back to the human world the brothers were worried sick when MC would disappear since they were no longer there to help them if something happened.
Yeah there are more humans than demons but still! Shit happens in the human world too!
Their greatest fear about them disappearing tho is the fact that they may lose contact with MC. Since MC is in the human world and they're in Devildom there is nothing stopping MC from disappearing from their life for good without them even realizing it.
This all changed when MC fell from the sky right on top of Satan when they came back to Devildom with Solomon.
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xcixmoon · 2 years
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zero - part I
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this is a series!!
reminder, most of my stories are 18+ - keep in mind when reading.
ultimate masterlist
zero masterlist
note: i just recently started playing cod again (cold war era slightly brought me back) im sry if i make mistakes!! feel free to call me out if you have better knowledge than i lol
simon 'ghost' riley x reader ; lt!ghost x rookie!reader ; simon riley x reader ; simon 'ghost riley x fem!reader
warnings: strong language and violence.
the setting is a year into reader being in task force 141. timelines may be different than what is represented in game campaign(s) and such. i've played the campaign twice (bc im down terribly for ghost) so i will be modifying parts of the campaign as i include them in this part of the story. this part relied heavily on the campagin to build up what im working towards.
ten minute read, unedited.
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"i'll do it," soap speaks up.
alejandro looked at soap, "you go in there and they'll kill you."
soap knew this but he wanted to stop a missile, he was determined to get the mission done. you knew it was a big risk to let soap go in, "i'll go with him as well." you finally spoke up.
ghost, soap, alejandro, and graves all looked at you.
"no way in hel-" graves began, "i'm not letting soap go in alone. we have a better shot at showing them that two people have good intel. especially the intel that they desire, no?" you cut him off.
ghost kept his eyes on you, "we both offer intel in exchange to meet with sin nombre." you told them.
alejandro looked over at ghost to see if he had anything to say but just met with a gaze that didnt say much, "if sin nombre is there, we pounce." soap brought their attention back.
he gave you a small nod in agreement.
"if you both go in, you'll need someone to keep eyes and ears around. ill go in as one of the guards." alejandro agreed.
ghost said nothing until, "ill take overwatch. have shadows circle the target in a helo."
graves took a look at the ground, "roger that." he finally agreed. he took a patch off his vest and handed it to you, "theyre gonna want proof. give them it."
you agreed at you took the patch, "lets gear up." graves told everyone as you all headed out to your positions.
"eyes on soap and zero?" graves asked ghost.
ghost scouted the building before noticing you both at the front gate. a guard shot his weapon towards your feet, ordering you both to get down on the ground.
"got visual." ghost commed back.
one of the guards hit soap on the back of the knee causing him to fall onto his knees - the other roughly grabbed you and pushed you on to the floor next to him.
one of the guards spoke on his walkie.
the two guards put a black bag over your heads, not being able to see a thing as they forced you both to start walking.
"they got them both now." ghost said as he kept a close eye on you both.
he noticed that the guards separated you and soap once you entered the gate entrance. you tried to whisper for soap but only to cause the guard that was directing you to shove you. "camina!" a man said in spanish.
fuckin hell.
you were shoved to take a seat somewhere. you had no clue to where you were and surprisingly no one was speaking to you yet and demanding for what you were there for.
soaps pov
the bag was yanked off his head and met with alejandro in a elevator, "alejandro?"
soap looked around to see it was only him and alejandro.
"where's zero?" he asked confused.
alejandro shook his head, "no clue, they didnt say much after taking you both in. ill try to find her once i get you where needed."
soap was confused but kept his mind on the end goal. "I want you to tell them everything like we talked about. tell them the whole truth and nothing but the truth." alejandro reminded him
"even y-" before soap could continue the elevator door opened.
zeros pov
you were left in a room for what felt like an eternity. you managed to slip off the bag from your head to see where the hell you were at least.
you were in just a plain room with you sitting right in the middle. you noticed that there were no guards around and tried to manage your way out of the ropes that were bounding your wrists together.
you tried everything you could but nothing worked.
this is going to hurt, isnt it?
you dislocated your thumb and managed to squeeze one hand out.
you popped your thumb back into place to untie the rest of the rope that was left.
you walked up to a door and pressed your ear against it and heard no voices on the other side but it was locked. you tried to search any part of the room to break the lock but there was no luck in material to do so.
you heard commotion coming from outside the door and noticed the handle began to move. you quickly sat back in the seat and pretended to only have had moved the bag that once sat on your head.
one guard walked in after he finished yelling across the hall to whoever, "why are you here?" he asked in spanish.
you ignored him at first but noticed a keycard resting on his belt loop, "i want to talk to sin nombre." you told him.
the man looked at you crazy and said nothing in return, he turned his back to you as he started walking out the door. you took this chance to quickly wrap the rope around his neck.
you covered his mouth to suppress his struggles as he tried to fight back. you twisted his neck causing his body to go limp within seconds.
easy bastard.
you grabbed his pistol and whatever else you could use as a weapon along with the keycard and made your way out the room.
ghosts pov
ghost finally got on comms with soap after speaking with sin nombres personal sicaria.
"where's zero?" ghost asked through the ear piece.
soap gave a glance to alejandro, "no clue, L.t." soap responded.
"alejandro?" ghost asked him to speak up.
"they separated them, wasn't able to find her when soap was busy with sin nombres personal sicaria." alejandro finally confessed.
ghost looked through his scope to see if he could see you through any of the bedroom windows but no luck, "find her alejandro and soap you try to get the keycard to the penthouse." he ordered.
"understood." alejandro commed back.
this just became a sticky situation.
zeros pov
you quickly realized that you were nowhere near where you wanted to be. as you managed to try to make you way up the house, you took note what was in the house and the voices that filled the rooms. you heard men snorting as they took a big hits.
you didnt want your trail too hot so you tried to keep your distance from killing anybody. it was driving you mad that you have no comms with the rest of your team.
you found yourself in a empty room and found a safe sitting in the closet, "nice." you whispered to yourself.
a sniper rifle was sitting in it with some cash and armor.
you quickly put the armor on and the rifle along with it.
"sin nombre called for us, lets go." you heard voices speak out the door. you heard footsteps rushing as the words finished.
sin nombre is here.
you confirmed with yourself.
you scouted the hallway once more to see if any stragglers were following the group of men - the coast was clear. you took your time paying attention to the direction of the rushed footsteps and followed.
you noticed the men rushed through a door, "sin nombre..." one of the men tried to speak but sin nombre shushed them as you listened through the door.
"the packages arrive on schedule." you heard a female voice say.
sin nombre is a woman?
you couldnt make out the conversation much as it sounded like sin nombre was pacing around the room. the voice finally concluded the conversation as they turned their attention once again to the men who were told to be present.
"you idiots!" the voice yelled, "you better find whoever the hell you let escape." she warned them.
she was talking about you.
you wondered why they weren't on high alert after knowing you were missing. "the guest cannot know anything is wrong, i have enough shit to handle because you fools cant do simple tasks!" she yelled once more in spanish.
"hey!" a voice yelled from behind you in spanish. you turned to notice a man has a gun pointed at you already. you wanted to fight your way out but that would be pointless as sin nombre and her men were just inside the other room.
the men roughly grabbed you and restrained you. they took your weapons and opened the door that sin nombre was in.
"let go of me..." you cursed at the men in their native tongue.
you noticed the woman standing before you, "whats this? is this the one you idiots somehow managed to lose?" she asked. she knew the answer already but wanted her dogs to respond.
"so you're sin nombre..." you looked at her. "i wanted a meeting with you but your dogs couldn't do a simple task to give me what i wanted." you said as you tried to move your body away.
soap and alejandros pov
"ghost," alejandro spoke, "no sign of zero but we made our way to sin nombres door."
ghost cursed under his breath, "get PID."
"snake cam is set, get PID on sin nombre." alejandro told soap.
soap looked into the cam and seen that you were standing there, restrained. "fuckin' hell." soap cursed.
soap moved his attention away from the snake cam and looked at alejandro, "what is it, hermano?" he aske him.
"its zero and the woman i spoke to earlier? its valeria, she's sin nombre." he told him.
ghosts voice came through the ear piece, "did you just say zero is with sin nombre?" he wanted confirmation but graves pulled the team back to the task that was needed.
"we need sin nombre, lets wrap this up." graves told them, "we got PID on sin nombre, get her."
alejandro and soap looked at each other and understood what needed to be done.
get you out alive as well as sin nombre.
"we're moving in, you ready?" alejandro asked.
"check." said graves.
"ready." said ghost.
zeros pov
you heard the doors behind you burst open and sin nombre grabbed you from her men. you tried to fight her but she held a knife to your face when you notice a helicopter was above you both.
"let me go and she lives." sin nombre told graves and his men.
you notice soap and alejandro pointing their weapons at her. her grip tightened on you, "dont!" you told them.
you know that your team would've taken the shot if given the chance but you needed her alive and unhurt. "yeah... dont." sin nombre mocked.
"put the knife down!" soap ordered her, as soap ordered her to do so she dragged the knife on your cheek causing you to bleed.
you cursed at the pain but soon heard the knife fall to the ground as it followed a tazing sound. "secure the target!" graves told soap and alejandro.
time skip to 02 november 2022
"ghost! i have the controls to the missile." you commed to him.
"how the hell did you manage to do that?" he asked you while looking at graves.
"you took too long getting your asses up here." was all you said, "i dont think i can disarm it. its too late for that." you told them.
"making our way up to you," graves responded.
you seen ghost, soap and graves rushing in the room you were standing in.
you didnt specialize in aborting missiles but you tried everything you could from the knowledge that you did have, "abort code wont work." you told graves.
graves reported to shepherd about the situation at hand, "if we cant disarm we must detonate." you heard him say.
"zero! on the controls." graves ordered you.
soap and ghost took guard of the your flank as you grabbed the controls.
"what are we going to detonate the missile on?" you asked graves.
graves shook his head as he messed with the pad, "on the oil rig. its the only chance we got!"
you looked at ghost.
ghost understood what was said with just a look and ordered alejandro and his team to clear the rig.
you followed graves' orders to cause the missile to detonate on the oil rig causing graves to throw a small celebration as you were able to stop the missile from its inital target.
"good work. get ready to get home." shepherd told you all over comms.
you gave soap a small fist bump as he raised his hand asking for one.
ghost gave you a pat on the shoulder.
you lot made your way back to transportation to head back to alejandros base. you were stuck in the middle of ghost and soap in the backseat.
soap had eventually fell asleep on the ride back and you were too uncomfortable as soap made the backseat practically his bed. you noticed that ghost was pressed against the door and moved one of his arms to rest on the head rest behind you to possibly give you more space.
you couldnt tell if he was feeling uncomfortable or if he was just being his usual quiet self as he stared off in the distance out the window but you were thankful that he tried to make space for you.
you noticed the cars ahead of you stopped near the entrance of alejandros base.
graves got out of his car and alejandro followed.
their voices were muffled, you nudged soap to wake him up to get out. "get up, johnny." ghost said before exiting the car - you followed ghost as soap was the last to exit.
"step away from the gate." said graves.
alejandro looked at graves with a questionable expression, "this is my base." alejandro told.
"im taking over," said graves - he turned to look at you, soap and ghost, "you all have been relieved. thank you for your service." he told us.
"graves?" you asked.
"i need you all to leave." he looked at you.
soap stepped in, "you're out of line, graves." he told him. graves pointed his finger at you all, "dont do something you will regret." he warned.
ghost stepped infront of you, "is that a threat?" ghost asked.
"you should know i dont make treats but promises." said graves.
you rolled your eyes at him but no one could see, "does shepherd know?!" you asked finally peaking behind from ghost.
graves looked at the ground, "it was his idea and he wishes you all well." he said.
"bullshit." you spit at the ground.
as graves continued bickering with you about shepherd and what the hell was going on ghost and soap looked at each other. this wasn't going to end well. graves has a big ego about being a big shot and being the man in charge.
"my men are inside!" finally yelled alejandro.
a smug smile appeared on graves' face, "they've been detained." he told alejandro.
all hell broke loose at those words.
before you knew it ghost stuck a knife in two men that were in front and behind you both. you pulled out your pistol to shoot the man that appeared from behind the car.
ghost looked at you as a thank you for covering him.
you heard soap groan in pain and he fell back, you tried to take a shot at graves but he managed to quickly dodge and you shot the man behind him who caused the wounding shot to soap.
"get out!" ghost yelled to soap. he was struggling from losing blood.
you were willing to stay and take the fight against the dirty bastard graves but ghost pulled you away from the scene when he confirmed that soap made it out.
"its not worth it!" yelled ghost to you.
you listened to your L.t. and followed him, just as you turned your back to focus on what was ahead of you, one of graves' men was able to get a shot on you.
a bullet wound entered from the back and was able to exit out your collarbone, "fuck!" you cursed. ghost stopped quickly to scan what was wrong and seen the wound.
"lets get somewhere safe and we'll take care of it." he reassured you.
to be continued...
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please keep in mind this is a potential slow burn! smutty simon and fluffy simon will make an appearance at some point(s) in the series.
i do not own anything of call of duty or any of the characters. I rewrote some bits of the campaign to include 'zero' for structure for the rest of my story.
taglist: @splicer13vex @hugs4coya @palomaxaxaxa @ahmya-4 @nameless-ghoul @ryunniez @luvr-bunnyy @junedevil @hungrhay @keliiii @churchofrain
reblog: hello! i woke this morning and decided to check this post and noticed that somehow the story was repeated twice. (oops) but i fixed some errors in spelling and fixed the big issue!! much love.
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tim-shii · 1 year
the stakes are high, the water's rough.
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pairing: nagi seishiro x reader
tags: office au, office worker!nagi, he is not a football player in this, established relationship, fluff, introvert office worker nagi my beloved 😓
a/n: i love love love the ours mv by taylor swift so i was like ykw why not nagi office worker ,, makes u wonder what would happen if nagi didnt play football and became a pro hmm HAHHAHA my irls also helped w what do people even do in an office so ty to them theyre the best 🫶 enjoy this mwa also thank u nie babe (@fuyuluvr) for beta reading may kith ka sakin 😚
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the morning air is definitely not good for the lungs. in a busy city, long gone were the fresh and cool winds of the province. instead, fog and vehicle smoke fill the atmosphere, smothering people on their way to work. 
what a dull world to live in, nagi thinks. making his way towards the elevator after mindlessly showing his identification card to the probably half asleep desk attendant and high-fiving the friendly janitor who never fails to greet him every morning. 
ding! as the doors slid open, nagi could feel himself melting to the ground. it’s 7:54 am, office hours start at seven. he’s late but so what? it’s not like his boss cares enough for attendance. because of this, he gets an extra 10 minutes to sleep in. so why? why is the elevator so full of people that he has to squish his 190 cm build who’s carrying a briefcase? sighing dejectedly, nagi thinks he should’ve just taken the stairs. 
it was silent. other than the constant whirs of the elevator going up, no one dares speak a word. it makes nagi cringe, to be honest. he feels like he’s in a room with a bunch of npc’s just trying to do their role. as soon as the lift stops at the thirteenth floor, nagi is pushed left and right as his fellow employees rush to their desks.
nagi walks over to his desk sluggishly. each step just adds to his growing boredom. the office is still the same as ever. the coffee that toppled over yesterday is still left unclean and the corner plant who has seen better days. 
dragging his feet to his assigned cubicle, nagi sat down with a huff. looking around, he notices mr. takahashi, his senior who has worked here for more than ten years, standing in front of the water dispenser just staring into space. yep. this will be a long seven hours.
throughout the day, nagi felt nothing but exhaustion and endless boredom. his boss was nowhere to be found, as usual. he went to three different printers in the office and not a single one of them worked. he couldn't even concentrate on the report he was working on because the beeping from his co-worker's game almost made him pull out his own console and neglect his duty. during lunch, two people whose names nagi didn't even care to know about kept snickering while looking back at him eating his melon bread. how bothersome, indeed.
as soon as the clock strikes four, nagi wasted no time in tidying up his things. rushing towards the exit, nagi even ditches the elevator and ran down the stairs instead, he high fived the janitor for the second time of the day. 
while on the bus, nagi decided to play games to pass time. taking in his homescreen wallpaper. a picture of you two at a park, his arms around you from behind, his cheek squished against your own. you beaming at the camera and him having the most miniscule smile ever known to man. 
two years ago, you got an offer to study abroad in an exchange student program. at first, you refused, not wanting to leave nagi behind and came along were the doubts if you're even gonna survive in a foreign place all on your own. but nagi talked to you about it and urged you to just go, he'll be fine. he was not fine. during the first week, nagi couldn't sleep. he felt homesick in his own home. at some point, he's even thankful his job is everyday and keeps him away from home, nagi can't believe he ever thought that.
and now, nagi's on his way to the airport. to pick you up. because finally, after two whole long torturous years, you're coming home. to him. 
nagi waits at the doors, anxiously tapping his feet. looking ahead, his eyes met yours and all of a sudden, the world doesn't seem so dull anymore. he watches as you run towards him, dropping your baggage at your wake and throwing yourself at him. arms around his neck and legs around his waist, nagi holds you tightly as if he's afraid to let you go again. he pulls your face back, his palm feels warm on your cheek. 
"hi, sei. did you miss me?" you whispered, oh so delicately. nagi didn't utter anything back, only staring at you. eyes wandering around your features, rememorizing the face he's only been seeing inside a tiny box for the last two years. nagi leans in slowly, taking your lips in his. he kisses you with longing and fervor.
"missed you. i missed you so much." you heard him mumble into the kiss. pulling back only to hide his face in your neck, nipping at the skin before putting you down.
"let's go home?" you ask him, hands cupping his face. he nods.
home. nagi thinks it's a nice word when you say it.
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gothghostiie · 5 months
Wesker finding two survivors messing around in one of the basements..and taking the opportunity to catch them off guard and make the most out of the private space, if you catch my drift 👁️👁️
(totally not based off of the times when we play dbd and just point at each other instead of playing the game properly)
you are so smart bestie
cw: gn!reader, gn!other survivor, tentacles/uroboros, little bit of degrading, praise, forced close proximity, fingering, facial, slight overstimulation
the two of you were messing around, hiding in one of the rooms in the old ski lodge. Wesker hadn't found you yet and you both felt so secure to just fool around and be silly, not even keeping track of your surroundings as you both were just pushing each other around, poking and pointing at each other while giggling.
you both were so into it, that you didnt even notice wesker slowly inching closer to the room you were in, not even noticing him when he was watching from the corner of the room. He considered getting two easy kills in one but.. where would the fun in that be?
the two of you only realised what happened when you felt the uroboros wrapped around your waist tightly, the other survivor gasping in shock - just for wesker to grab their chin and finally step into the room, pulling both of you close. "what do you both think you're doing up here, hm?" he hummed, looking back and forth between you. "fooling around while letting your teammates do the work.. pathetic. deserves a punishment, dont you think?" he hummed, before either of you could answer he already pushed you both to the bed, making you kneel next to each other. "undress each other. go ahead." he commanded. you both looked at each other in slight shock, only snapping out of it as Albert cleared his throat. you hesitantly undressed each other, a sharp look from him telling you to not stop at the underwear. naked and blushing you both were now sitting there, Wesker grinning like a kid on Christmas. "there you go, wasnt that hard, was it?" hr cooed, almost disgustingly sweet.
"ass up, face down, both of you." he said, now strict, leaving no room for argument. you both gave each other a look, then complied to him. the uroboros pinned your hands on your back, same for your fellow survivor. wesker stepped closer, caressing both of your naked asses with his gloved hands, the leather cold. he took his hands away, neither of you saw what happened - only realising when wesker slowly pushed a finger inside both of you. you gasped, they moaned softly and buried their face in the slightly dirty sheets underneath them. he slowly moved his fingers around, eventually adding a second finger, stretching both of you rather gently. "there.. you both are doing really well.." he hummed quietly, watching both of your reactions through his glasses. your hole was sticky with his spit with which he had lubed his gloves beforehand, fingers reaching all the right places with every movement somehow. both of you were moaning and squirming under his grip, blushing while sheepishly exchanging little looks then looking away in embarrassment - making wesker chuckle.
"oh you're not embarrassed are you?" he asked sarcastically. "I think I'll have to do something about that." with that he pulled his fingers out abruptly, giving both of you a harsh slap on the ass, making you yelp and your friend gasp loudly. before you could even react properly he forced you into a new position, laying both of you on your sides, your legs tangled up together. you were forced to look at each other, blushing deeply - suddenly you felt one of the uroboros plunge into you. you moaned out loudly, your friend watching in shock as your face scrunched up in pleasure, squirming around in the little space you hand, skin brushing against theirs. only when you calmed down wesker pushed another tentacle into the other survivor, making them moan almost pathetically, leaning their head back. he chuckled quietly, watching you both try to not get too close to each other while you pretty much had no choice other than getting into each others space.
he took a moment to enjoy the view before finally moving the tentacles, immediately fast and rough, making you both moan loudly in unison. you both squirmed around, skin rubbing against skin slightly despite your efforts to not touch each other too much. He chuckled heartily, his cock twitching in his pants. "you two are so pathetic it's almost cute.. trying so hard to stay away from each other.." he laughed, shaking his head. the uroboros sped up, fucking your faster and deeper than before, your moans only getting louder as you were the first to finally give in. you laid your head on the other ones shoulder, unable to hold yourself back any longer. they looked down at you, deciding to just fuck it and laying their head against yours slightly. you were moaning into each others ears, the lewd sounds making weskers cock twitch even harder, straining against his pants to the point where he decided to unzip his pants, getting his cock out and stroking it slowly with one hand.
"just like that... you're taking it so well you precious little things.." he groaned, eyes fixated on the two of you, both slowly approaching your orgasm from the almost violent stimulation. "you're getting so tight.." he teased, making you both whine in between moans. Weskers praise only spurred you on, pushing you closer to the edge as you tensed up slightly.
"oh fuck.." the other survivor moaned, making you look at them; their eyes fixated on wesker getting himself off. you followed their eyes, your eyes widening at the sight, pushing you right over the edge. you moaned loudly, your body twitching as you came around the black tentacle. almost at the same time the other survivor came too, crying out loudly and arching their back. Wesker grinned as he watched you both, the wet sounds of him fisting his cock speeding up slightly. instead of letting you both catch your breath, he kept fucking you with the uroboros, entertaining himself as he got off. you both were squirming, moaning and crying out from overstimulation but he didnt care. low groans escaped him as he slowly got closer, yet taking his sweet time.
only after a few minutes he was on the edge, finally pulling his uroboros back. "on your knees, now." he ordered sharply, you both complied, your shaking bodies kneeling next to each other on the ground. a single tentacle pushed both of your heads close together, weskers cock hovering above your faces - mere moments later he came with a grunt, shooting ropes of thick cum over both of your faces. "ah fuck.." he huffed, leaning his head back as he rode out his high. when he finally looked down he smirked slightly, seeing both of you with wide eyes and his cum painted over your faces. "you both look so pretty like that." he cooed, giving each of you a pat on the cheek before letting go of you, zipping his pants back up. just like that he left the two of you there, out of breath and fucked out but more than satisfied.
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yuurei20 · 3 months
Hi Yuurei!!
Same anon asking about stipends -
We're going down a whole rabbit hole with this one!
My friend asked if there's anything about Crowley Actually being stingy in game, or if that's actually something the fans came up with.
We could only think about chapter 2 Crowley saying he didnt promise to pay for living expenses, but that was to get MC and Grim to do what he wanted.
Otherwise, while not as generous as he humorously claims, I can't really think of much where he's genuinely "nickle and diming" things
Do you know of anything?
Hello hello!! I am so sorry for the delay, I can finally answer this question! (for the curious, anon's initial questions about stipends is here!)
There have been multiple examples of Crowley taking advantage of opportunities for financial gain, but there may be more going on than it seems!
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Crowley allows Azul to run Mostro Lounge on school properly in exchange for Azul returning the powers he stole from students in his first year, and for contributing 10% of the lounge's proceeds to NRC. (Jack: "Wait, so you're gettin' something from it?!")
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In Book 4, Crowley himself insinuates that he allowed Kalim to be appointed Housewarden of Scarabia in exchange for generous support from Kalim's family that help with the costs of providing education. In Book 5 Jamil says that he suspects the opportunity to get "generous Asim family donations" is the only reason that Kalim was sent a letter of acceptance at all.
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In Book 6, Crowley explains how he could not refuse the Shroud family's request that Ortho be formally enrolled as a student after they paid to repair the buildings destroyed by STYX, as well as making "substantial contributions toward expanding the school's facilities."
When the Firelit Sky team leaves for the fireworks event in Jamil and Kalim's hometown, Crowley says that he will graciously accept whatever souvenirs Kalim brings back. Trey comments, "I knew there was no way he'd let us do this for free."
When the students leave for the Glorious Masquerade event Crowley sees them off with, "Don't worry about getting any gifts for me. As a side note, I prefer treats with subtler flavors rather than overpowering ones."
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During Halloween we learn that the souvenirs provided to campus visitors are "just little bags of candy that cost less than a thaumark each in total" and Crowley insists, "it's all about the sentiment!"
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But for all these examples of Crowley seemingly being very interested in money, there are just as many where he is not as stingy as he could be: visitors to school during Halloween tour the campus free of charge, and Crowley gives away multiple VDC tickets so that the members of NRC Tribe can invite friends and family, despite how they are "hot commodities" that he could presumably sell.
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He also buys Sam's entire stock of goods for seducing Eliza during the Phantom Bride event (including tuxedos for the remaining suitors), fairy dust for the Fairy Gala event and club equipment for the winning teams of Vargas Camp.
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Costs pertaining to expenses such as setup and food supplies are all charged to the school during Port Fest, with half of profits donated to the restoration of Craneport.
Upon Azul's recommendation Crowley voluntarily decides to give the rest of the profits to the students themselves, even encouraging them to host a post-festival celebration with whatever money is leftover rather than trying to keep any for himself.
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As mentioned in the response to your initial question, Crowley also gives the prefect and Grim funds that are mentioned during Glorious Masquerade! (And they also buy things during other events so this was, presumably, not a one-time exception.)
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In short, I think you are right and it is possible that Crowley has become infamous for a level of stinginess that might not be entirely accurate! It is also interesting how he never seems to mention taking money for himself, directly: it is always in the form of donations to the school, repairs to campus facilities, etc., with the exceptions of the snacks he overtly requests from Fleur City, and the souvenirs he encourages Kalim to bring back for him.
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As you say he does mention money as a way to pressure Grim and the prefect into helping him in the main story, but also as you say these are only two of many examples of the various ways he gets Grim to cooperate, such as promising him a role in the Spelldrive tournament (Book 2), renovating Ramshackle's plumbing (Book 5), and tempting him with attention and food (Glorious Masquerade).
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Overall, while Crowley certainly has a reputation for being stingy both inside and outside of the game, he may not be as cheap as he seems--or as he wants people to think he is? 👀
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endclover · 1 year
Loyalty - Chapter 1
Doublelife!Xisuma x Reader
1,525 words, 8,115 characters
《Loading world》
You spawn into a fresh world, free from sin of mankind.
In the world that you awoke in, it was almost unbelievable that it was soon to be filled with blood and cruelty.
This death game was worse than used to be. Death is even more inevitable now that every player is paired up with someone.
Soulmates shared a life.
Pain and agony, life and happiness. You had to endure whichever of those they go through.
The hardest part of it all was that you have no say in whoever becomes your soulmate.
Your 3 life, all depends on fate.
The first thing you did when you spawn in was to get tools and adventure to find the perfect place to settle and to potentially find your partner.
You arrive at the mountains to find easy to get ores and resources on the surface, there you find a group of people; Grian, Scott, and BigB.
"Oh [reader]'s here" Scott announces.
"Hey everyone! Watcha'll up to?" You wave.
You smile at Scott who gives you a few melons to regenerate your lost hearts, which admittedly was not the doing of your soulmate but rather your own clumsiness.
Behind an amused BigB was Grian, taunting a goat, which made you chuckle a bit.
"Hey Grian! Having fun?" You greet him.
"No, I keep on getting bad horns, I have like 3 of 'em already" he answered, eyes still focused on the goat that's about to charge at him.
Soon enough, the goat ran to attack but banged his head against the wall instead.
"Finally! Let's see if this is want good" the bird said. He picked up the horn and blew it, a loud call resonated across the land.
"Honestly Grian we should spend our time on something more meaningful" sighed Scott.
"This is meaningful!" He argued.
While the two exchanged a few more words, you start crafting up some tools.
"So, found your someone yet?" Scott started.
"Not quite, I am kinda glad with whoever i have though they havent been talking as much damage."
"Safe to say it's not Jim then." you both giggle
"right! Wanna see if we're paired up?" You ask him
With sparkles in your eyes you give him a light hit, and to no surprise you dont receive damage.
"Ah what a bummer." You mumble.
His wish was granted.
A few blocks away from you, a bird was waching. While having your moment with Scott, he was pleading whoever so hard for you to not be with Scott, but rather him.
This was it, he was about to find his soulmate, his other half.
"By any chance [reader], have you been taking alot of damage?" He asked.
"I'd say I've took plenty."
It was hard to hide the smile on his face, and your words only proved his prediction.
"Let's try!" Grian beamed.
He had his hopes up, surely it was him you're meant to be with!
You give Grian a light tap and
"Ah." His disappointment reached his voice.
"Well, that's tragic"
You sighed and instead of adding to the upsetting scenario, you opted to comfort him seeing as his wings drooped down.
"Hm, you should cheer up! Not having me as your soulmate probably means you'll get to live a little longer."
"This was heartbreaking."
You chuckle at his joke.
After a while of adventuring and checking out the surroundings you settle by the jungle near the plains. You set up camp but didnt make it too permanent as theres a huge chance you'd have to move... choosing a very flammable area wasnt the brightest idea.
You make a small hut (better not be a dirt one) and put all your belongings in the chest but keeping all your valuables with you.
It was a cozy little house, a bed, furnace, crafting table and a chest monster was enough for you to call it a home.
It's been a moment since you last saw sunlight.
Well below the ground you were, in a cramped cave that was crawling with monsters.
But it was well worth it, you thought, as you mine your first vein of diamonds.
You were getting ready to head back up to the surface as you were getting tired of the darkness and constant jumpscares from the countless amounts of mobs you encountered.
You've had a few too many close calls with creepers, hah I wonder how your soulmate is dealing with the constant loss of hearts.
with your goodies ready to be crafted, you start heading back up. However, as annoying as it may be it was dusk when you reached the grassy plains.
It wouldve been the better and more wise decision to let the night go before going back to your house but you were getting impatient and very tired so you decided to make a run for it.
With your nearly broken sword and crappy armour you swiftly dash across the trees in hopes of not encountering any deadly hitches along the way.
But my oh my the world must hate you alot, to your right behind foliage was a skeleton who started shooting at you while behind you was an ever growing hoard of zombies. And of course will be forget that enderman who you swear you never even looked at yet it still after your precious life.
You had no choice but to keep running, despite the weariness of your body you still managed to carry all the resources from your mining trip.
Thankfully your soulmate was better at keeping your heart up, so despite taking constant damage, you keep on regenerating hearts.
As you were praying your partner wouldnt absolutely despise you for losing so much hearts you hear something, or rather someone but it was a bit inaudible.
Dawn was quickly approaching you realized, you grasp your sword and slashed in all and any directions, you really should've crafted up a better sword while you were down there.
You found yourself in quite a predicament, you were in the jungle and every direction you head there seem to be more and more mobs your way.
You regret thinking you can take on zombies, creepers, and a few skeletons with an iron sword.
You clutched your sword that was about to shatter any moment as you walked backwards 'til you could barely move anymore.
Hearts werent regenerating anymore and you were starting to lose hope when you heard a voice.
"Need a hand?" He said.
"Very much." You hastily replied.
"Attack on 3. 1...2-"
"This is a bad idea."
Everything right after felt like a blur. It was purely an adrenaline rush, only when a creeper behind you hissed you regained your senses.
You observe as Xisuma swung his sword at the last 2 zombies as they disintegrated into thin air.
He and you both didnt fail to notice the way you simultaneously took damage when the creeper behind you exploded, leaving you on 3 hearts.
After the initial panic you two had over the low hearts, you both started to calm down and feel fatigue after the adrenaline wore off.
He handed you some food and chuckled.
"So it's you huh"
"Yep, its me who you'll be stuck with" you giggled.
"I'll be more than glad to be stuck with you." He teased.
"So, [reader] where shall we build our home?" Xisuma asked.
You and Xisuma were walking across the map to return to both of your camps to retrive anything of value, and while doing so you conversed with him quite a bit
Seems like you'll get along just fine.
He was your type of guy, kind but still had that bit of sass on him... You'll have to admit he's also kinda cute.
Through your chitchats you explained the reasons you kept on taking damage, including that one time you tried getting a horn of your own but ended up getting hit by the goat and when Pearl tried showing you her new moves with an axe. She's very unhinged.
You had a good laugh about it and he also shared some stories.
Even gossiping about how bdubs and impulse act like a married couple on a honeymoon.
"I'm not sure, maybe somewhere on the north, havent seen any bases there."you replied while struggling to climb the hills.
Xisuma reached his hand out to you and you gladly took it "By the world border, in the corner of the map might be a good idea."
Soon enough, you reach the place you're planning to settle in. It was a quiet area but some people's bases can still be seen from a distance.
Xisuma built a tent out of wool and planks to settle in for the night while you gathered up a few seeds to make a farm.
"I wouldn't say this is a good build but I did just fine." He commented on his own build.
"Looks better than what I can put together on most days."
A/n: well folks this is where this chapter ends. this was a pretty drawn out process, finals is approaching so I dont know when chapter 2 is going to be posted.
After finishing up the temporary tents, X decided it was best if you both interacted with others, to find allies.
On the bright side, I'm about to have lots of free time with school nearing end.
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etheries1015 · 2 months
I finally decided to suck it up and catch up with twst book 7, I stopped after seeing Silver cry because I'm sCARED OF BEING SAD 😭😭 anyway here's a few reactions I had to it 😭
And hearing about the update coming soon-ish to ENG servers I really need to read up
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Lilia pressuring Epel like the old man he is 😭😭 I love the moments that they remind us just how old Lilia actually is and how he sees most if not all the students as if they were his children/grand children, making sure they get the most out of the party and drink...its giving "What do you mean you're not hungry? Absolutely not. Here Is at least 5 servings of whatever dish I made to help u grow big and strong."
Okay I didn't take a screen shot of it but the entire section where Lilia looked kind of guilty with Ortho about exchanging addresses because you just KNOW he probably isn't gonna check in, presumably because he doesn't want anyone to get More attached to him seeing as he is nearing the end of his life span (crying shaking throwing up)
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THIS. THIS. THIS INTERACTION HE HAD WITH US. I LOVE HIM. I AM SO SILLY FOR HIM. I totally forgot I changed my in-game name from my nickname to my REAL name and when he said my name I verbally yelled "WHAT THE HELL" before giggling and kicking my feet hehehehe I'm clinically insane for him
But the fact that he acknowledged us as Malleus friend probably means we've spent a lot of time at the dorms or around Lilia for him to see how our friendship and interactions with him work, and it melts my heart hehe. Being part of the diafam fr. But honestly bro back me up, I'm tired of being called a hench-human 😭💀
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I wonder just how bad we must look with everyone noticing the strange shift??? Either we REALLY made a scene (tripping over, going pale) or the twst boys are just that attentive to us and I think that is the sweetest thing ever 😭😭 Ace and Deuce is so sweet for thinking of us and trying to get us out while also being polite to the people who kindly held the party. Despite not being there long, ace and deuce is willing to skip out on free food and drinks in order to make sure you're okay and I'm just 😭😭 ANGELS. I LOVE THEM.
But also the way Lilia worries for you is so sweet 😭💜 I should write a fic of sick reader and Lilia, or reader trying to tough it out because I know for a FACT Lilia would not let that slide! (Hypocrite 😐)
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I ACTUALLY DROPPED MY JAW WHEN SEBEK SAID THIS SHIT. I WAS. WHAT. WHAT THE HELL LMFAOOOOO 😭 thats fucking insane bro I actually found myself chastising him thru the phone, I would NOT let that discrimination against humans bullshit pass fr 😭 slap him right upside the head and give him a stern talking to. I like seeing Lilia get frustrated, he's so cute and UGH. Although it went in one ear out the other, Seeing Lilia mad is so hot if I'm being real with y'all rn BUAHAHA.
I didnt screen shot this either (and I can't fit anymore photos on this post smh) but Silvers nose being red and obvious he was crying but Lilia confused. DudE OF COURSE he was crying!!! You're his dad!! You raised him since he was a baby, he's just now going into adulthood and doing that WITHOUT HIS DAD who is going to a far away land! Sure, traveling is a thing , but honestly nothing beats having that support just a moments away. Silver is literally the sweetest and wants to support his dad , but who's going to support him????!?! Lilia is putting him in a position where Silver feels the need to be strong and hide his tears for Lilias sake, but of course this is hard on him, its so sudden, too! Being so close to your parent and next thing you know mere days later they are stripped away from your arms?!
I just want to give them all hugs. Lilia obviously has some issues and misconstrued ideas of love (a million people have made posts and comments on this, so I will not repeat it) and I just. Need them to all sit around and be their mediator while we go thru their emotional states.
Ugh. I was in my twst burnout stage and still low key am, but fuck does it spark so much passion in you 😭😭
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toasecretsanta · 6 months
From @artkadukan for @heresronnie21 using the prompt Cabin 7 playing board games
Finally, the day had come. Some would argue it was the happiest day of the year, it was Christmas morning.
In Camp Half Blood dewdrops were nestled in the leaves outside, and a comfortable chilliness had settled in the atmosphere. It felt magical, almost. The usual hustle and bustle of demigod life had temporarily quieted, giving the occupants of the Apollo cabin a well-deserved break. I mean, it was Christmas, the most joyous time of the year!
And what’s the best way to start celebrating? A morning round of classic board games. Somehow, Will had gotten most of the Apollo kids, Meg, Lester and even Nico to join in.
As the group settled in the cozy cabin, Will grinned and gestured to the array of board games.
“Alright, everyone, take your pick! We've got everything from Mythomagic to Stratego. It's the ultimate Christmas game marathon!"
Nico raised an eyebrow. "Mythomagic, huh? Bringing back the memories, Solace?"
Will chuckled. "Well, I figured it's a fitting game for us. Plus, I'm pretty sure I can still beat you, Death Boy."
Nico smirked. "We'll see about that, Sunshine."
Some groans and chuckles were heard around the room, all reactions to the unlikely couple’s flirtatious yet competitive exchange. It was disgustingly adorable.
The group decided to start with Mythomagic, the memories of their previous battles coming flooding back. As the game progressed, laughter filled the cabin as alliances were formed, monsters were defeated, and epic battles took place.
In between games, they enjoyed snacks and exchanged small, thoughtful gifts. Austin handed out homemade CHB-themed cupcakes, and Kayla shared her artistic sketches of camp landmarks. Meg presented each of them with tiny handmade trinkets, and Lester surprised them with a cover of ‘Jingle Bell Rock’ on his ukulele, which even Nico hummed along to.
This day was more important for them than they would've imagined, it was the first Christmas they had spent without all of their siblings, or friends. They didnt celebrate this just for themselves, but the ones who weren't here to.
Jason Grace, Michael Yew, Lee Fletcher, Charlie Beckendorf, Silena Beauregard, and even Luke Castellan. They were all demigods who wouldn't be able to celebrate christmas again, and the ones who were still here wanted to make the most out of this Christmas, and all the holidays to come.
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decadentjellojaloppy29 · 11 months
What happens in Tiujana...
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 6
After what almost happened on the roof Miguel tries to distance himself from you and focus on the mission only. After hours of frustration everything comes to ahead and words are exchanged, making things a little more complicated.
All the way back Miguel and you didnt exchange words, he barley looked at you. The whole trip back feeling like it took forever. The wind blowing in your face, causing it to go numb. Swinging past building and lights. You tried to follow Miguel's movements. But you just couldn't get passed the feeling.
He was back to business, not waiting for you to keep up, not even looking back at you to make sure you were still there. It was like nothing had ever happened. You guess you're not surprised but at the same time it just doesn't sit well with you.
Miguel strictly tells himself to only focus on the mission, he shouldn't have let any of that happen in the first place.
'Just forget it, focus on the mission, the multiverse could be at stake.' He thinks to himself jumping from rooftop to rooftop.
He wanted to slap himself, to get his head back in the game but even he was having a hard time ignoring everything that had happened.
You and Miguel had finally arrived at the hotel once again. He sped walked through the halls with you hot on his heels. You really wanted to say something, but you just didn't know what. You just kept opening and closing your mouth like a fish out of water.
"Miguel..." you reached toward him, stopping yourself halfway. He said nothing and kept walking, turning corners so fast it was as if he was trying to get away from you. You rolled your eyes and kept up.
The door to your room swung open and Miguel made a B line for his laptop.
"Oh hey. What were you guys doing?" Miles asks from his spot on the bed.
"Conjagating verbs." You deadpanned.
Miles gave you a look of confusion but shook it off quickly once Lyla popped up by Miguel's shoulder.
"So there's 4 guys in total, the watch is on the one that looks like a frog, for good measure he wired and alarm to it, so that puppy's not coming off easily." She explained to Miguel.
Miguel pulled up a hologram of some camera footage that showed the men walking into the hotel.
"Any word on why they're here early?" Miguel asked.
"Eh, I mean they could've just showed up earlier than expected, not everything has a deeper meaning y'know." Lyla told him.
Miguel growled under his breath pulling up another screen and watching their movements very closely.
Miguel starts, "I just want a closer look at them if we c-"
"Let me." You volunteered. Miguel looked at you and slightly shook his head,
"No, Miles you can turn invisible and get in close, go check it out." Miguel ordered.
You threw your hands up looking around the room wondering if Miguel heard you at all. Miles was already swinging out the door, clearly excited to get started.
"I could've gone, keep the kid out of jeopardy." You told Miguel who wouldn't look away from the footage.
You sigh, sitting on the chair in the corner. After a few minutes Miguel rushes out the front door. Your head perks up as it slams behind him.
"Shit..." you mutter getting up, you head for the door. But you hesitate. Running through the scenarios of how badly this could go in your mind you start to walk back to the chair in the corner.
But then you changed your mind.
Miguel walks through the halls, keeping eyes on the targets who were now down at the hotel bar, he had the watch in his sights. He figure if he could get the watch tonight the mission could finish before anything...else could happen.
"Hey." You greet coming around the corner. Miguel jumps slightly at your abrupt entry only to groan and start walking again. You follow. The two of you are dodging corerns and pushing people out of the way.
"Are you at least gonna talk to me?" You ask, pushing yourself up against the wall, trying to hide from oncoming people.
Miguel stops abruptly and looks back at you. His red eyes burning into you. You purse your lips and push yourself further into the wall in anticipation. All he can do is look at you, there are so many racing thoughts behind his eyes. He wants to say something but he just can't get himself to do it. The two of you just sitting in uncomfortable silence. Frozen.
Miguel finally stands up straighter and looks around the corner for anyone, ignoring your question, but answering it at the same time with a resounding "no".
You sigh to yourself and nod, "I'll monitor the surveillance footage." You say flatly, heading back to the room. You were frustrated but it wasn't worth blowing your cover over.
Miguel watches after you, shaking his head. He looks around the corner and walks down the staircase to get a closer look at the targets.
Hours passed as you sat in your hotel room, the blue screens illuminating your face. Mentally you wanted to strangle yourself because of what you let happen, you shouldn't have let feelings get involved. But you also took into consideration you weren't the one that looked like you were gonna kiss him. Even though you probably would've given the opportunity.
You knew there might have been something there on the roof top but Miguel acted like it never happened, he acted like he barley knew you and now he wouldn't even let you help on the mission, why? Because you made him feel something? You wanted to act like nothing happened, like how Miguel was acting but you just couldn't get it out of your head. How could you be expected to?
You hear the door click open, someone coming through. Only to be met with the broad silhouette of Miguel.You contemplated not saying anything. But you had an itch you needed to scratch.
"Are you actually gonna let me help on this mission tomorrow, or are you just gonna give Miles all my orders?" You ask.
Miguel sighs quietly and doesn't answer. Turning to grab something from his bag. Turning his back to you.
You continue, "What's different? What changed? You brought me on this job so let me do something on it besides wondering why you sent Miles in my place and watching nothing happen on a screen."
"I sent Miles because he can turn invisible, you can't, that's why." Miguel spoke without turning around.
"But you didn't even consider me, why not?" You press.
Miguel keeps ignoring you, trying to focus on something else.You sigh and hang your head back. Maybe it was pointless.
"I just don't get it, am I gonna get stuck watching the cameras again tomorrow? When the actual plan is supposed to take place? What an hour together and one compliment later and you care about me or something? Why should that change-"
Miguel abruptly turns to face you, "I didn't just start caring tonight! I just- I didn't know how much it would bother me when I had to see it up close."
"See what up close?" You ask confused.
"You getting hurt." He raised his voice.
'Shit.' He thinks to himself.
At that the room went silent. Miguel exhales, aggravated, running a hand down his face. You just stand there, letting the words sink in. You wanna say something, you wanna make it better but you just don't know what to do. Just then Miles walks in.
"Hey nothing really happened, I heard some of their plan but....." Miles looks at the two of you, stopping in his tracks.
The two of you look back at him as though you had just broke something you weren't supposed to.
"You guys ok?" Miles asks.
You run a hand through your hair while Miguel looks in the opposite direction trying to think of how to break the silence.
"Fine. We should all head to bed. We'll go over a short briefing one more time before we the event starts." Miguel said as flatly as possible.
"Ok....." Miles nods slowly before walking toward the connecting door.
Then it hits you, you're supposed to be sharing this room with Miguel. The thought of it makes your stomach hurt, the tension and discomfort would be too much to sleep in. The idea of it threatening to give you hives. You follow Miles to the other room, flopping onto the second bed a few feet away from his. He looks over confused.
"This one looked more comfortable." You covered, face squished on the mattress.
Miles knows somethings going on, given how weird everyone's acting but he doesn't understand the specifics. So instead of asking he turns off the light and gets into his bed. You curl up on the side of the bed, minutes pass as you mill over what Miguel said. After the night you two had any sane person could come to the conclusion that you may or may not like each other but hearing him admit it in the way he did was...something.
Of course he wouldn't want someone he actually cares about to get hurt. But...you've been doing this job for so long, its just part of it. How long had he felt this way?You look toward the connecting door that leads into Miguel's room. Groaning to yourself quietly you put a pillow on top of your head and close your eyes tight. What would happen tomorrow?
Would things change between the two of you?
Would it be in a good way or a bad way?
What happens when you get back to your regular lives?
What if what happens in Tijuana stays there.
I'm happy to add more people to the tag lisssst~
⭐️ @d1lf-loverrr ⭐️ 🌹 @ladyrubrum 🌹
🌊 @iwatobiswimbros 🌊 🌧 @rainydayhuh 🌧
🦄 @unibookitty14 🦄 🌙 @marcswife21 🌙
🍃 @spiritndrain 🍃 🪄 @witchy-lizard 🪄
✨️ @um-well ✨️
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rainworld-oc-showdown · 4 months
Architect by @moss-and-marimos VERSUS The Eradicator by @frnletorres - Round 2 set 1
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The Architect- Description:
The architect is a modified survivor slugcat, and so the amount of food pips would be similar to survivor but at least some of them would be required to be carnivorous. This is in order to sustain the energy output used by the slugcat's special ability, this being that they can weld things with their hands. They also have more physical strength than survivor and would most likely do 2 spear damage instead of one. This is in part because they are able to weld spears together to make them larger and more powerful, as well as helping the player to move around the map more easily. They would be bad at swimming, but because of this ability are able to more easily traverse terrain requiring more complicated parkour.
The Architect is a purposed organism made by Sewn Ends In Lilacs (one of my iterator ocs) to repair an ancient iterator that she found out about. This other iterator was built so early on that the ancients didnt know how huge of an issue the rains would be, and so was built without a retaining wall. Because of this, his structure is falling apart from beneath and around him, and is a similar state to moons in canon, though more overgrown rather than flooded. The course of the campaign if it was actually a game would be traveling from Lilacs' can to the can of Digital Dandelions, the broken down iterator, to repair his puppet and bring it back online, and then to connect communications between him and lilacs. Though this likely wouldnt be a part of the actual game, the architect would then focus on the long task of repairing and updating DD's structure.
The Eradicator- Description:
Stats: Needs 7 (10 max) pips to hibernate. Can only eat corpses, with batflies giving 1/4 pip and baby centipedes/noodleflies one pip. Starts with the glow and the mark. Can dual wield, has 1.5 spear damage and has a stronger maul than artificer. Can also throw spears upwards. Heavier than survivor. Regular lung capacity and swim speed. Slightly slower than survivor when walking, but crawling and climbing speed is the same. Can do very high and long jumps however, and even leap vertically, allowing it to reach high places without having to backflip. Longer slides.
Abilities: It can secrete a sticky substance from its hands, allowing it to: Temporarily climb walls, with a meter depleting everytime you climb up and recovering as long as you’re not on a wall. Craft bombs and bomb spears with cherrybombs Cling onto big creatures, letting you maul or stab them before being shaken off. It has a thick skin, making it harder to get stunned, giving it more time before being incapacitated by predator bites, and a small chance to survive spear hits. It can hold items with its mouth, with the drawback of not being able to eat or maul while doing so.
Campaign: The campaign would take place on a new map, composed mainly of an iterator and its city with a connection to the void sea through a mining facility under it. Most of the campaign would be spent in the city, divided in regions and with a focus on verticality and climbing, similar to metropolis. In exchange of not having to deal with the rain while in the city, and besides the day/night cycle, the shelters in each region will not open until a specific number or type of creature are killed. Once enough kills are achieved, that region will be “cleared out”, permanently opening its shelters, reducing its creature spawns, and unlocking the gate to the next region. The rest of the regions (Inside the iterator, under it and on the surface) function as normal. There would be a high quantity of vultures, introducing more variants of them (such as juveniles), with the final region being a vulture nest with a final boss at the highest point to end the campaign.
They where created by an iterator in response of his city being overwhelmed with vultures and other creatures, with its main task of being basically pest control. Without getting to deep into said iterators lore, the reason he chose a slugcat for the mission is he already had experience working with their species, using them as workers to maintain his structure. The Eradicator can either attempt to fulfill its mission, or dip and take a swim in the void sea.
Fun Facts:
While it doesn’t really affect its abilities or story, its kind of a slugcat and lizard mix, shown by its frills and coloration. Also is genetically engineered to hate birds.
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deathclassic · 2 months
tag game wedenesday thursday
thank you @iansw0rld @sgtmickeyslaughter @spacerockwriting @rayrayor and @energievie for the tag, it's really appreciated <3
Name: Molly
Age: Twenty five
Location: Somewhere in Australia
And now...
Latest music discovery: I've been listening to a lot of south korean and japanese metalcore bands lately, really digging 'end these days' and 'synsnake' from south korea as well as japanese bands like 'break your fist', 'foad', 'c-gate', 'knosis', 'daybreak of silence', 'falling asleep', 'make my day', 'prompts', 'azami' and 'girugamesh'
Latest movie: final destination 3 i think
Last TV show you finished: uhhhh probablyyyy only murders in the building
Most recently started book: nope
Most recent trip out of town: i went to a funeral a few weeks ago
Most recent trip out of the country: never left the country
Most recent gift you made yourself: made? idk i have a lot of self indulgent ian and mickey drawings that are too obscure to post
Most recent gift you made to someone else: probably for the gallavich gift exchange where i drew a blink 182 inspired piece for ms-moonlight-inn
Most recent text message you received: from my mum 'i saw you in photos at bring me the horizon on twitter, looks fun! good spot'
Most recent text message you sent: lmao i sent like 5 to my mum after that one and she didnt respond to any of them! so the last one was 'here'
Last fic you read: oh! i re read @callivich 's masquerade fic this morning - weight of the world
Last drink you had: hot choccy
Last thing you ate: a piece of bread when i got home from bring me the horizon last night
Latest piece of clothing you bought: a bring me the horizon tour tee, a bring me the horizon hoodie and a bring me the horizon longsleeve,,,,,
Latest piece of advice you received: 'take the hot cross mix out of the fridge when you start mixing the buns so your hands aren't cold'
Latest piece of advice you gave: 'if you go down the sides of a crowd you're more likly to get barrier even if you didn't camp out'
Latest thing you promised yourself: go to sleep whenever you can
im really really sorry if you've been tagged and have already done it :(
@creepkinginc @heymrspatel @heymacy @gardenerian @stocious @transmurderbug @transmickey @ian-galagher @callivich @suzy-queued @crossmydna @too-schoolforcool
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vashsscoreboardofpain · 2 months
Another day, another chance for our contestant to get suffering points. So far he is playing an interesting strategy, lets see what he has planned today
Episode 4 here we go!
The contestant arrives to the scene ominously. Maybe thinking how to get more points today.
And there he goes. Dancing without a care in the world. Lucky for us, his carelessness grants him 1 "action" point for putting himself in danger. He strikes a "bad event" point when he gets shot at, and another "bad event" point for getting kidnapped! The audience cheers! Looks like someone is getting more than 5 points today.
The contestant gathers some strength before continuing- NEVER MIND THERE GOES MERYL MAKING HIM HIT HIS HEAD AGAINST THE FLOOR. ANOTHER "BAD EVENT" POINT FOR HIM. It seems that everyone is trying to support 98 vash in any way they can.
The kidnapping gets more dangerous by the second. The contestant looks around, looking for a way to strike. He stays still and then BAM more people kick him, giving him another "bad event" point. Boy oh boy this man sure knows how to handle bullets and kicks every day.
AND AFTER A WHILE HE GETS ANOTHER KICK. ANOTHER "BAD EVENT" POINT FOR HIM. Although some of those are well deserved they still count thanks to the 90s version of the Suffering championship rules.
The kidnappers move with their plan and the contestant tries to warn them but BAM, 1 "bad event" point for almost getting hit with a bottle. He's getting creative.
He seats back and watched the exchange for a bit. He prepares himself, gets ready and makes a run for it. He runs and runs AND STRIKES AN "ACTION" POINT FOR MENTIONING REM WHILE DEBATING ABOUT LIFE AND DEAD. THE CROWD GOES WILD AFTER HEARING HIM. COULD THIS BE THE TURNING POINT? WILL THE HEAVY POINTS COME SOON?
98 Vash surrenders. He lets Millie take care of things and keeps going. 1 "action" point for a kind of sad interaction with Millie. It is happening everyone, it is officially happening, we think.
After a while of helping the people we get another "action" point when he cries for someone he didnt know dying. We know it is not explicitly known why yet, but it will be counted because it shows his mindset about life and death.
The contestant closes this round with a final "action" point for putting himself in danger in front of the sheriff.
What a performance we got today! 98 Vash is clearly stepping his game. He got 14 episodes today, making his total 27 points!
The beautiful sport called suffering his getting exciting! Are you ready for tomorrow because 98 Vash is gonna bring those points home!
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mschimdt · 1 year
ch. 1
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mansk X reader
word count: 1.83k
nome for this chapter :))
you and mansk have been working together simce the first day in your navi body, although u werent close youd always be assigned together by the colonel. mansk was a very quiet man, he never really spoke unless he needed to, he isnt shy quiet hes just focused quiet. hes always very secretive, no one really knows much about him other than his close friends. evenn though hes quiet he speaks wisely and thinks before he speaks, unlike lyle that doesnt process a word before it splats out of his mouth. you could say me and mansk were friends. but not friends like FRIENDS were like working partner type of friends and we never really spoke outside of missions and work.
youd always notice mansk staring at u in the lunch hall, you honestly kind of have something for mansk, he makes me feel weirdly comfortable, just his presence is enough to make your day a good one.
Quaritch calls u and a few other members who included mansk."listen soldiers, i think i have an idea of where jake sully might be"
lyle stared at quaritch "how so colonel?"
quaritch makes eye contact with lyle and replies to lyles question "ive got a signal hes somewhere nearby, in the area we suspected him to be in a few weeks ago which means hea probably around here somewhere, we have a mission to complete, get ready and hop onto the helicopter, ill be there waiting"
you stare at quaritch and quickly run to your room which luckily isnt too far away from the meeting room, you wnter ur room and put on some armour. you didnt change your shorts though because youd be pretty useless for this mission and youll probably be askes to stand around somewhere, u didnt change because u doubted getting hurt when ur not allowed to do anything. you clipped ur chest armour on and quickly tied ur hair into two braids.
you quickly sprinted to the veichles room which had some of the helicopters and found that everyone has already arrived, you questioned how they did it but theres no time to spare, so u hopped on and strapped yourself to a seat while your tail went back and forth because of the excitement u were experiencing, the excitement of capturing jake sully and being over wirh quaritchs dumb hide and seek game with sully.
the helicopter has been in the air for 20 minutes now, no one has spoken the entire ride and it was all silent other than the helicopter noises, quaritch broke the silence, he had to scream so you and thw others would hear him ontop of the helicopter noise "ALRIGHT, Z DOG, LYLE, ME N' JA, WERE GONNA LOOK FOR SULLY. MANSK AND Y/N STAY BEHIND AND GUARD THE HELICOPTER" mansk stared at quaritch, you didnt know if he was staring at him because of his shades but u think hes looking at quaritch, mansk lets out an amnoyed sigh, you couldnt quite hear it but u could tell it was an annoyed one.
the helicopter was finally starting to land, you were going deaf from the loud helicppter noises even with the headphone things you were given to cancel out the noise, the helicopter hit the ground with a large thud and the engines were starting to slow down, everyonr was unbuckling theit seat belts and you did the same unbuckling your own.
your the last one to leave the helicopter after mansk, you were all outside now and quaritcg repeated "Y/N and mansk stay with the helicopter and gaurd it incase some navi bitch tries to destroy it, me and the rest are gonna go looking for sully because hes around here somewhere" he said with a blank expression
you and mansk have been standing next to the helicopter for around 40 minutes and it was getting really boring you havent exchanged a word with the man next to you and your both just staring into no where
suddenly you hear a noise in the trees around u. you and mansk both jolt up holding your guns towards where the sound was coming from, after a few minutes you put your guns down thinking it was just a gust of wind
you look to your right and there was a pandorian creature sprinting at u, it had claws, claws that looked like they could decapitate an entire human head, it was speeding at you. you let put a little "uhmmm" and mansk looks your way looking at the creature speeding towards u holding up his gun. it was already too late, the creature attacked your legs with its huge claws before mansk shot him. he was teying to scratch your chest but thankfully you were wearing the armour you put on earlier. you stared at your leg, then at the dead monster, then at mansk. mansk was already rushing towards you, you stared back at your now red legs from blood. mansk leans down to where you are on the floor "are yoy okay? that looks bad" in a shaky scared voice, you reply to his question on the verdge of crying from pain "u-uhm, yeah im fine but my leg clwarly isnt" theres tears building up in your eyes now. mansk leans down to look at the huge cut caused by the monsted on ur leg.
"i should fetch the first aid kit till quaritch and the rest get back because we cant leave them here" says mansk, he hops into the helicopter and grabs the first aid kit, he leaves the helicopter again sitting on the floor next to you, he lifts ur legs onto his thighs.
he gets some iodine to clean ur wound incase it gets infected, he puta it on a little cotton pad and rubs it all over youe wound. it kind of stung but u werent gonna complain because he was trying to help you after all
he finally wraps. ur bleeding legs in white medical wrap to try and stop the bleeding. the white wraps quickly turnes into red ones from thr amount of blood yoy were losing, it was a very deep cut and you were worried it might get infected.
"thanks for helping me i really appreciate it" you said with a smile plastered across your tear stained face "we shoukd probably call the others youre bleedimg too much and jake isnt really worth letting you die, we can get him later"
he holds up his walkie talkie typa thing and says sometjing into it, your too light headed to focus of anything he says. suddenly, everything went dark
you wake up after passing out, you arent on the ground anymore, your back in the helicopter with someone holding you in their lap, you slowly open your eyes to look at whoever was holding u. you were shocked to see it was mansk, mansk always seemed like a tough guy that wouldnt help anyone if it didnt benifit him, he stared down at you and smiled
you closed your eyes hoping youd wake up from your 'dream' just to find that ur still in mansks arms wrapped tightly, the helicopted landes and you could omly tell it did because of the large thud it made, quaritch had already called the medics to wait till you arrived to prevent further bloodloss
you were wuickly rushed into the small hospital, the mediics quickly unwrapped your leg and cleaned it while another one of the human medics was getting a huge needle ready to stitvh your leg before you lost too much blood' you looked to you right and saw mansk sitting on a chair next to the bed you were layed on, they stitched up your legs which was a very painful and long process, another nurse came into the rook you were in with a blood bag of your blood type. mansk stares at you, he keeps staring for a few minutes
"sorry about not killing that monster earlier, we should have looked around a bit better, im glad your okay though"
"thanks mansk, its not your fault, we killed the monster in the end though so its okay"
mansk smiled at you, he got up from his chair and walked over to you pulling you into a long warm hug, you quite enjoyes the hug he gave you, it was out of no where though youve never seen mansk hug anyone or look at anyone in the way hes always looked at you, it made u feel a bit special because you knew it wasnt a bad type of stare
after that day you and mansk bece closer, youd always hangout. work out together, eat together, and he quickly told you more about himself, you were quite surprised he actually did it because hes never told anyone that you know any of this type of stuff about him.
it was raining outside and you were sitting next to mansk on a sofa, you were both laughing at something on your tablets (phones but theyre big so they could fit navi hands) suddenly mansk put his arm around your shoulder pulling you a bit closer to him than you expected, you stopped laughing and  blushed a bit and mansk noticed it, he started rubbing your shoulder so he could see if he could make u blush any further, you stayed like this for a few minutes until mansk finally decided to speak "your enjoying than hm?"
you throw ur head down and look down onto your lap, you didnt want to show him how much you were blushing, thsn suddenly a warm hand grabs ur chin and turns it up and to the side, you try to fight back but yis grip is too strong, you find yourself staring at mansk, your faces were too close, he was repeatedly stearing at ur eyes, then your lips, your eyes, then your lips. he did this a few times until you spoke up "what are you doing?" mansk leans closer to your face waiting for premission to press your lips against his, you closed your eyes and he took it as a sign he could kiss yoy now.
he leans in and your lips touch, this was your first ever kiss, it felt bettee than what you expected it to feel like, you never thought mansk felt this way
he pulls back and hesitates for a second, then he says "i love you" staring at you with a soft facial feature, you then grab his shades and pull them off his face, youve only seen his eyes twice before this
he had the most gorgeous yelliw eyes, he looked sinilar to quaritcy but his facial features are so much softer than quaritch's.
you realize youve been staring at him for about a minute now, you hug him tightly and he hugs back, his body language telling you hes happy you gave him a positive response.
he pulls away from the hug first, "ive been meaning to tell you tjis for a while now, Y/N ive liked you for so long" i reply to his words "me too.."
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leastdatablebracket · 9 months
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Propaganda under the cut!
Kageyuki Shiraishi
He's a terrible unfeeling person. He is insensitive, he teases people to the point of tears and he's the type to use being brutally honest as an excuse to be a jerkass, and despite that is also a consummate liar. He is also part of a terrorist organization, but he was brainwashed by them as a kid.
first off kageyukis whole personality is literally a cause of his horrible upbringing ( he was a bastard child born to a powerful political father + a mother who was only obsessed w said man ) and the fact that he grew up basically in a facility run by a religious cult / terrorist organization that taught him that he was a dispensible pawn and that feelings dont matter ( he was like. 10 man ) later before the start of the game, kageyuki is finally sent to the outside world on a "mission" for this terrorist organization and he begins to craft this "terribly honest, strange and offputting guy persona" when the protagonist meets him at the beginning of the game she actually suspects him of being part of the terrorist organization but he convinces her otherwise and so they begin this tentative partnership to find out more abt this terrorist organization. over the course of their partnership they often do not see eye to eye and he makes the protagonist upset, but doesnt actually do much harm to her and he slowly begins to actually LIKE being w her. but ofc his upbringing does Not Allow him to feel emotions in a Normal way so he kinds just fucks up over and over but its shown that he does have loving sides for her even when he tries to reject the emotions. this eventually leads to his endings. major spoilers for both good and bad endings if uu wanna avoid those !!!! in one of his bad endings, kageyuki actually ends up dying after trying to go after the terrorist organization boss in order to free and help the protagonist ( from her collar. i didnt explain that she had a collar but yeah. it had like poison and stuff in it that cld literally kill her and he didnt want that to happen so ) in his good ending tho, he takes her to the terrorist organization base and attempts to barter for her collar removal in exchange for her to be "initiated" into the organization thru killing him. he actually anticipates that the protagonist will say no tho and so she ends up shooting the boss guy, however this triggers the poison in the protags collar and so shiraishi frantically searches for the antidote ( which just so happened to be on the boss guy ) and he uses it on her. however she then falls into a coma and he nurses her back to health for a year. once she wakes up from her coma, shiraishi discovers that she has amnesia and cannot remember basically anything that happened, and so out of his love for her he simply tells her he was her doctor and that he had been nursing her back to health over the past year after she had a traumatic experience. he then calls up their mutual friends to come and help take care of her bc he had planned all along to turn himself in as part of the organization to atone for what he did and let happen, snd so him telling her nothing abt his feelings was his way of letting her go and be w someone "better for her"..however when he takes them to their friends they surprise the two of them w a christmas party since they had missed it the last year and it gently helps the protag regain her memories and she has a whole confrontation where they confront their feelings together and she decides that no matter what she will wait for him and its very sweet and very cute AND SO IN CONCLUSION KAGEYUKI SHIRAISHI IS VERY DATEABLE HE GOES THROUGH MUCH CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT AND HE DESERVES THE WORLD !!!!!!!!!
Her rent was DUE!!! 😫😫😫 …and she didn’t pay it. Smokes weed in our shared apartment. Lucy we share a wall please be quieter when you bring people over to fuck smh. She’s a good person and kind of hot but she’s annoying as hell and for that reason I’m submitting her.
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