#itll be fun. my dad said hes gonna get some food from this really good breakfast place on the way thwre
sunbedo · 16 days
Hey guys. gay rights
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#i already made the sonic one a while bc yknow. kinnie stuff youve all seen my blog theme#but then i was wearing my Fearless Year of Shadow(tm) shirt along with it and my irl bff was like.#'why are you wearing a sonic bracelet with that shirt if you love shadow so much 🤨' *#(he doesnt know much about sth stuff but ive infodumped abt shadow and his backstory to him many times)#and i was like 😭😭 BECAUSE I DONT HAVW A SHADOW KANDI BUT I WANNA MAKE ONE. I WILL SOON#so. now i do!! taking my ad/derall on the weekends always make me want to make more kandi. its great!#and yknow what else it makes me want to do...... talk more on here >:3333#me and my dad are gonna go to a local jazz festival this afternoon bc our jazz combo is playing at it!!#itll be fun. my dad said hes gonna get some food from this really good breakfast place on the way thwre#which is not the best part. the best part is outside the shop there is a wonderful kitty cat who hangs around the parking lot#bc hes owned by the ppl who own the bar right next door#its so great. everybody knows him (the cat) and loves him. the v/ape shop next door has a tip door set up for him even though the#bar owner ppl take care of him and take him to the vet nd stuff. my dad found a faceb/ook page somebody made for him#and apparently it just has pictures of ppl at the bar holding him. its so great and hilarious. this cat is so loved#by the v/ape shop people. by random people at this beachtown bar. by the breakfast shop people.#anyways uh. this post was abkut kandi wasnt it 😭😭😭 lol#cherry chortles#anyways the add/er/all also usually makes me want to look at and sort through my pkmn card collection. so imma do that#because my dads friend (and my friend too i guess! me and him exchange cat photos bc he has this adorable chunky cat named gremlin) that we#play bar trivia with on tuesdays (dw its not really even a bar. its mostly a restaurant) asked me abt my pokemon card collection#bc the final question was to put a few franchises (it was like. dora the ecplora and spide/rman etc. and pokemon) in order of revenue#and obvs pokemon was the top. bc of factors like the trading cards so thats how that came up#we didnt bet any of our points btw but we almost! got it right! the order was pk/mn dora spidamen friends (the tv seies) but we had spidman#as second. but we still won!! our team is on a two game winning streak!!! we always split the money so next week ill get another 8 dolla >:3#wow i havent hit tag limit yert#lol. yall'll open the 'see all tags' thing and boom. do you love the color of the sky type shit 😭😭😭#sorry that sounds too much like aave. i (white baby) cant be sayin that#cherrys kandi#okay well i had a tag with a verse from the ultimarw showdown bc i didnt know what else to say#but with my kandi tag and these two tags i have hit tag limit. thank you folks ill be here all night
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draganasimpsforjeff · 3 years
Hey, how are you? Hope your day/night is going well. Since I saw your post a moment ago do you have any Hcs; it can be sfw or NSFW with any theme like Angst or fluff for the proxies or Masky? Again sorry if this ask isn't the best
No its quite a good ask thank you! (Had to drag my procrastinating ass to do this bc my brain doesn't wanna do work now lmao)
•this dude would rather dive off a cliff then to admit his feelings are true
• has a hard time seeing the rational side of situations and would rather see the world as black and white as its simple that way
• he is a hunting dog after all to Slender
• one that growls and bites
• so like a dog that was trained to be aggressive and bare his teeth at anything, it would take someone with great care and patience to understand him and make him feel safe around you
• tho this doesn't mean that he won't protect you
• might make snide comments about your naive nature but thats just bc of how he is
• but make him morning coffee and possibly his favorite breakfast and he'll warm up
• he hates being touched on the shoulders but if you give him a massage then good luck getting out of it, itll become a daily thing
• i cannot see him being soft or "vanilla" unless he's in Tim headspace
• so if its Masky, prepare for a lot of sadism
• will definitely take you anywhere even on a mission, middle of a meal, or talking to someone on the phone
• gotta leave his mark. If you don't feel comfortable with showing his marks to anyone and try to wear clothes that hide a lot of them, they're gonna get ripped up
• so its best to just deal with it
• BSDM all the way (like I mentioned before)
• loves to humiliate and will do it in front of anyone
• will not stop until you are a crying, shaking mess, so there's a lot of overstimulation
• alright enough with the nice guy shit (tho there may be some fluff...guh)
• just because he's the more level headed out of the other two fuckers, does not mean he will hesitate to fuck someone up (especially those he cares about)
• hes a protector of sorts but he'll choose to whom
• do.not.touch.his.gun
• that's his main source of security and if someone even gets close to it, he will break their fucking arm
• total caffeine addict...really..its bad? See him over there? He's shaking and talking to his coffee
•lmao anyways yeah its bad, if he has no caffeine for the day...he can get worse than Masky and that's saying something
• yes, I'm hc as an addict to sedatives
• tho he doesn't like that his brain takes longer to think about the best options and make it almost impossible get missions done
• but he's calm boi now
• not the type to just take his anger out or his other emotions out during sex
• unless you're up for it 👀👀👀
• you're gonna need to see a chiropractor after tho
• hes a smooth flirt and will non stop making jokes until he has you under him
• daddy kink all the way
• financial one too
• he will not care if he only has $1 for himself that week, he'll get money somehow to buy his s/o something they want
• loves to feel his s/o skin against his, so not much into bondage as he wants them close and gripping on him
• definitely into receiving oral (mostly bc hes insecure about his ability to do wonders to his s/o with oral)
• mightusehisgunifyouactlikeabrat
• Okay, this boi is emotionally unstable, ik its like a common knowledge that he has ADHD and bipolar but I'm sensing this boi got some borderline personality disorder in the mix too (dw: I have this so I'm not making this up to make him more fucked up)
• so one minute he will go from seeing black and white, to suddenly the whole world in beautiful colors and appreciates everything
• doesn't like to talk about his feelings because he hates his vocal tics getting in the way
• so he picks songs that reflect that
• speaking of music, he really shouldn't but listens to music on missions to ignore Maskys comments and psychs himself up..especially if he got thay heavy bass going on, he's tense and paranoid to where his mind works best for the situation
• some of the music will trigger more of his ADHD side and notices everything
• will go from "I want to eat everything" to "what the fuck is the point of food" (queue E.J coming in)
• boi has deep trauma issues, the voices in his head mostly takes form of his step dad, mom, and his sister. (Mostly step dad tho)
• has difficulty with relationships so one might he can get along with his partners and others in the mansion and then suddenly get pissed off and yeet a chair at someone's head
• mania mixed with bpd and caffeine...oh god.. you don't know what the fuck is gonna happen so...good luck
• like I said, he's emotionally unstable (gawd I hate the way that sounded)
• so, one minute he will be afraid to hurt you and then will not give a single fuck
• why the fuck are you crying? Who gave you the right?
• will try anything unless it comes to bodily fluids or feet...no he will die first (no offense to those who do, this is just our boi)
• call him baby boy and he melts
• definitely a switch
• can get emotional during sex
• its not his fault tho
• but he can be submissive mode at this point (so have fun)
• loves it when his s/o is being a brat and likes to toy with them
• such a tease
• also has a daddy kink
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rebornghostgirl · 3 years
Contained censored cursing. Zom!Athena Au is used. Zom!Athena is close to irl me... So i will be reacting to how I normally would and say... I say lots of bad words... Sailors seem like angels compared to me... Also bugsnaxs spoilers. Itll make sense when you read...
Zom!Athena was usually mild mannered and kind. She can usually take a lot and when provoked usually only results in a smart mouth. But not today...
It involved a failed peer review from a team of scientists rejecting her latest scientific discovery: the ecology of Never Fairies. Claiming that magical creatures "are not real".
"BULL****!" She yelled while sitting on the couch. Avery Richman leaned over right beside her.
He sighed. "Got rejected? Why would they reject that?"
"I... I... F***!" She boomed as she threw the papers across the room. It hit the wall and tumbled down unceremoniously taking down a vacation photo with it.
"F***! F***! F***! F***! F*********!" She grinded her teeth and punched her legs.
Avery hugged her not knowing what else to do. The awkward silence coupled with the fuming fat living dead girl made him just confused.
"I exist... You exist... F***ing Mickey Mouse exists!" She hissed, her southern accent coming out.
"You met my Dad, Redleaf! You took pictures with him. A tiny fairy in your hands. What more proof do they f***in' want?! Are you s***ing me?! Really, Mother f***ers'?! Are you f***in' s***in' me?!" She broke free from his embrace and angrily picked up the papers and replaced the photo back up.
She mockingly read it out loud. "Despite how well written it is, we cannot accept facts about fantastical creatures at this time. And your title of a supernatural biologist is simply made up. We recommend you put your talents into the science fiction genre."
Avery winced over the last line. "You may want to speak to a higher up about that. They may just have a hard time accepting fictional characters becoming real."
"They accepted bugsnaxs like no f***ing problem. And bugsnaxs are parasitic f***ing gremlins not beneficial helpers like never fairies. No classification, no on bothered to make a phylogenetic tree for them. Nor figure out their real origins beyond what we know. They just gave cute widdle names... F*** outta here, man."
Avery picked up his car keys and his coat as she kept fussing.
"No speciation, no word on reproduction, no evolutionary history, nothing! Just f*** all nothing! Just.. "This is a strabby!" AND?! THE F*** DOES IT DO?! And don't get me started on the Island of Chew-and-swallow!"
Avery gently held her hand and pulled her away. "Let's get some food. You haven't eaten today. How about we grab some hibachi and have a picnic, eh?"
She sighed and took a deep breath. "Aight... Ok! Let's go."
It was a lovely day to go to the park. The sun was shining, big fluffy white clouds making shapes as far as the imagination could muster, the sky was beautiful blue, bright vivid flowers, and soft grass made the scene. The couple decided to eat near a river next to a playground where kids happily screamed their heads off having fun!
Apparently, another team of scientists and their rich donors also thought it was a nice place to eat today. A young hotshot strolled over to the couple smirking.
Both Athena and Avery's eyes began to narrow.
"Hello, Dr. Richman..." He said mockingly.
Athena growled. "I am Dr. Fallington! Avery did not work for this degree, I did... I am to be called as such."
"Oh Im soooo sorry. Nice to know that the disaster of a paper you wrote was completely your own doing..."
Avery chimed in. "Young man, You better show some respect..."
"Or what, Boomer... Gonna bore me to death about trains?"
"Boomer?!" Avery gasped. "I'm not that old..." He muttered.
Athena got in front of the hotshot's face. "Listen here, you little s***... I'm five seconds away from going complete apes*** on your a** if you don't quit it. You and I both know that as more as fiction merges with reality, supernatural biology will become more and more important. So... Kindly take five steps back, turn around, and f*** off!"
She sat back down and shoved some chicken and broccoli in her mouth.
"Well..." The hotshot said. "Still... Good luck on finding anymore grants for your fanfictions. But judging on your chubby chasing sugar daddy, maybe if sell your body he'll shell out enough for you..."
In five seconds flat a 298 pound girl was on top beating the everliving s*** out this fool.
"WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" was her war cry as she tackled him to the ground. The kids stop playing and began cheering for her.
The other scientists rushing over. And Avery trying to peel her off.
"Try me again, b****! I bet you think that you can insult me! And how that s*** is cute. I'll shove your head up your a** for you! I'm sick of you b****! I'm f***ing sick of you!" She shrieked as she punched him.
Avery finally managing to wrap his arms under her shoulders and hoist her off. "Snap out of it!"
The hotshot now dishelved mess coughed.
"This is why you zombies need to go back to where you belong, in the dirt... Take your ancient husband with you."
At that remark Avery let her go. "Nevermind... Have at him..."
Everyone else did nothing as she once again released her fox frenzy of fury upon him.
When Athena was tired. She and Avery bailed the scene before the police arrived with the kids running back to play.
Athena slammer the car door shut. "Let's get the f*** outta here... I... I think I'm good for now..."
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eye-raq · 5 years
Who named you?!!!
Erik Stevens x Beulah May Jenkins 😊
Warnings: HUMOR, and I guess fluff.
Summary: (imagine Erik finding out his girl got an old ass name) Erik and his girl get ready to go out to a house warming of her families, but before they go Erik stumbles upon some “new” information.
I hope y’all like this little one shot that me and my friends in the group chat cooked up 😂😂😂 we some goofy bitches. Not really tagging alot of people because this is meant for a little fun to read I guess lol. I hope its good.
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“What the fuck? LAH LAH!!”
Lah Lah was in the middle of laying her baby hairs, putting her faux locs up in a bun, wearing high waisted ligh wash jeans, a crop top in red and a pair of black heels.
“Erik clearly I’m fucking busy babe!”
“Nah this some serious shit here! Don’t make me have to tell yo ass twice.”
She groans loudly, stomping out of the bathroom and down the hall to their master bed room. When she enters, she stumbles backward, her ankle sort of twisting awkwardly now shooting pain up her calve from her heels.
The color drained from her face, she was haunted.
“Who the hell is Beulah May Jenkins?!” Erik was shirtless, only in his Jean joggers and Nike vapor max plus.
She had a pained look on her face as she sped over, snatching up the ID, holding it behind her back.
“None of your got damn business! OOOO!! Damn why you going through my shit?!” She was throwing a minnie tempo tantrum. Erik noticed how jumpy she was, eyes looking anywhere but at him. He had a peering look in his eyes, tongue running over his upper teeth.
“Number one, your shit was near my shit. I found this fucking thing under my side of the bed. Number two-“
“Number TWO sit your big ass DOWN, and shut the fuck UP.” She pressed with irritation, counting off on her fingers dramatically trying to divert his attention away from where he was headed.
“So kindly get dressed so we can be outta here.” She wanted it to be over but surely she knew that Erik wouldn’t let this go. He clapped his hands together so loud it echoed off the walls.
“AYEEE! Let’s turn this shit back around Lah Lah Loopsy!!” He sounded out, holding up two fingers.
“Number two, why the fuck you got Big Mama name on here instead of Lah Lah?!” He gave her a quizzical look.
Lah Lah’s eyes almost left her sockets.
“What the fuck you in Lah Lah land or some shit?!” He glowered, scuffing afterwards.
“It’s-it’s not-I.” She could rip her hair out. She could not believe this was happening right now.
Before she could even think, Erik snatched up the ID again.
“ERIK STOP!!” She could cry hard.
She felt her heart race, her leg jiggled with anxiety. This was a huge secret for her.
Erik scanned the ID with his large muscular back facing her, silence between them. The only sound that could be heard was him tapping the card with his fingers. Lah Lah just stood there hugging herself, eyes burning a hole into his back. After what felt like a minute, she watches as Erik shakes his head, taking in a long obnoxious deep breath, before turning back around, scratching his brow.
“Lah Lah...From What I have gathered, it appears this is, YOUR drivers license and not some practical joke from Spencer’s gift shop.” He spoke with fake professionalism. He gazed, one eyebrow flicked upwards into his dreads.
Lah Lah ass couldn’t even speak.
“The name on this drivers license reads, Beulah May-“ he clears his throat, a fist to his mouth.
“Sorry, I had a tickle in my throat, but the name here reads Beulah May Jenkins.” He pointed to each name, from first to last, confusion written on his face, his own words scrambled.
“So in my head I’m like nah uh uh fuck that shit this can’t be her with this geriatric ass name, but then I look below it and see 10/15/1989.” He laughs as if he couldn’t believe his eyes.
“This is DEFINITELY a real ID and everything too.”
She looked as if she were going to faint. He fixed her with a hard gaze.
“It appears that my girl going to late night bingo with Dolores and Betty.” He stared briefly as if curious and evasive.
Lah Lah let out a long agonizing breath, shaking her head before placing her hands on her hips.
“So basically you wanna play?! Either way you know it’s mines nigga!!!” She could crap her pants right now from the embarrassment.
Erik folds his arms over his bare chest.
“Who did this shit to you? Who named you?!” He tried to convey a sincere tone but Lah Lah... Beulah knew that Erik was working his way up to clowning her more.
“Who was it?! Miss Karen or Mr Rod?” Erik licked at his bottom lip with a smirk slowly rising.
“Ole soul food ass name. You gonna tell me who it was?! Or stay mute?! I’m already flabbergasted.” He was struggling not to unravel with laughter.
“It was my DAD ERIK.” She was hopeless at this point. Trust Beulah always wondered why the fuck her father would do that shit!
“NAH NOT TRIPPLE OG ROD.” Erik shook his head frantically, LITERALLY DISTRAUGHT.
“Yes bitch ass nigga it was my damn daddy! Idk maybe he was drunk or some shit why don’t you ask him yourself.”
“Mannnnnnn” He slid his hand down his face.
“What was your mama doing though? She ain’t have a say?” His voice sort of broke from the laughter that wanted to burst.
“She said my Dad wanted to remember his great grandson through me so..”
“Great Grandson?” Erik scrunches his face, shaking his head slightly while his dreads shifted a little on his forehead.
“You know what the fuck I meant. Grandmom fool.”
“Damn...you remember the Civil Rights Movement?” He sat down then, hand under his chin, his leg crossed animatedly.
She was shamefaced. Beulah wanted to press rewind to stop this shit from happening.
“How about I sing this for you maybe your old ass will remember 🎶 we shall over come/ we shall overcome 🎶 “ you remember that? He had this vacant expression as if to play stupid.
“Erik I sware to fucking God I’m gonna fuck you up.”
“You sure you can do that? That osteoporosis ain’t killing you baby?” He spoke that with a fake elderly voice.
She could literally feel the steam blow from her ears. She just wanted to drink, check out her older cousins new place, stuff her face, and dance. Now things were taking a turn for the worse.
“You know what else makes this shit funny?!” That wide dimpled smile was unstoppable.
“Humor me.”
“You really call yourself Lah Lah in short for Beulah.”
This man was in shambles. He couldn’t hardly breath, the entire situation hard to get over.
“All them times your fingers locked up from stroking this dick, damn baby! You got arthritis, osteoporosis, next thing you know you’ll have kyphosis from me blowing your back out.”
“What the FUCK is Kyphrosis?”
“A hump back.” Erik goofy ass wheezed.
“I ain’t the one using a fake name ERIK STEVENS.” Beulah wasn’t really good with come backs.
“Oh nah uh uh don’t put me in that category I’m not the one with a name that belong to a women who was 30 during the prohibition.”
Lah Lah began to retort but her cellphone rang.
“Hello?! Oh...sorry mama. Yeah me and Erik are on our way now.” Lah Lah snapped her fingers at Erik to get dressed, watching him lift from the bed with his eyes dancing with humor, picking up his plain white t shirt and north face windbreaker in red and black. Lah Lah hung up the phone quick, turning to Erik with a scolding look.
“Now I hope you got all your laughs in nigga. Please don’t keep this shit up at the party E.”
Erik shrugged.
“Not making any promises, depends on how my mind feels.” She rolled her eyes, grabbing her things before heading out with Erik.
“Hey! Lah and Erik are here!”
Erik greets her family, his mind taking in the fact that even her own family called her Lah. Erik felt reassured and happy that everyone were thinking the same thing. While here at the party, it became so unbearable to keep quiet once he saw her father talking it up in the kitchen with a glass of gin.
“Erik! What’s happening young blood?” He shook Erik’s hand, while he said hi to the others.
“Nothing much Mr. Rod, just hanging in there.”
Lah Lah enters, giving her love to everyone before grabbing up a punch bowl, leading her cousin towards the dining room.
“She still got you calling her Lah Lah Erik?” The way her drunk uncle asked that could have had him spitting out his drink in laughter.
“I’m still trying to understand why your old tired ass named your daughter Beulah.” One of her Father’s friends shook his head.
“For as long as I know, I would NEVER ever ever ever get with a girl named Beulah, sound like a name you would give a senior citizen.”
Erik couldn’t take it. He snorted a laughter into his cup, juice bubbles forming.
“Man I remember when I held her in my arms, she was so beautiful, still is. I asked this bastard what her name was.” He friend looked up at Erik, giving him complete eye contact.
“Well, you could probably guess what it was right?”
This caused some of the other men to chime in with chuckles.
“Beulah May Jenkins.” Erik actually took his time to sound that out in a sweet old lady voice, causing an uproar from the men, including her Dad.
“Back then man I was down about my great grandmom so I gave her that name.”
“When was your Great Grandmom born?” Erik asked.
“And when was Lah Lah born?”
“So why in the HELL...you know what.” Her Dads friend waved him away.
“Here, I got you a drink.”
Lah Lah reaches out to grab the cup only to find prune juice inside.
“Erik...What the FUCK is this?!”
“Prune Juice, itll help with your chronic constipation.”
Lah Lah just about had it. She kept from Erik because of this and now he wouldn’t stop. She needed to change her name quick and fast.
“Nigga I sware on my life-“
“Don’t say shit like that Beulah baby! You only 80.”
She tossed the cup in the trash angrily.
The one thing he did that had her ready to leave caused some people to laugh.
Erik made her a plate, bringing it outside to one of the picnic tables. She reached out for it but instead Erik sat it down with his, taking a knife and fork to cut it up.
“Since you so damn cripple I gotta chop this meat up for you.” He hummed to himself, cutting her grilled chicken and steak so fine it looked like already chewed food.
“Keep it up, and I’m chopping the meat between your legs with a butcher knife.”
This man even tried to spoon feed her. She didn’t even bother eating, instead grabbing her things, saying her last goodbyes, and leaving.
Home Lah Lah didn’t speak to Erik and she practically ignored him like he wasn’t there. Eventually sleep overtook him and he was a snoring mess. She had enough of his snoring in her ear, taking her foot and kicking him off the bed rough. He landed in a loud thump that caused her to chuckle to herself.
After about a day of no torture from Erik, Lah Lah-Beulah
Started believing Erik was done with his antics. She had plans to get her name permanently changed to Lah Lah or some other shit. Erik could be heard coming home, Lah Lah in the kitchen cooking chili.
“Hey Lah! I got a gift for you c’mere.”
She put the chili on simmer, finally walking into the living room to greet her man.
“Hey how was work?”
“It was good as always.” Erik pulls out a gift bag for her, a handsome smile on his face.
“Here you go baby.”
Lah Lah was beyond happy, she always loved gifts from him. She made herself comfortable on the couch, removing the gift wrap before staring down at a folded piece of fabric with an ugly floral design.
She pulled out the fabric, letting it fall open to reveal a dress that looked like it belonged in the 1940s to some old as cat lady. It was dingy as well, and it smelled like cat piss.
“I figured you would love it. It suits you fine Beulah.”
She truly believed that this man was through.
Erik pointed to the bag.
“One more gift left, and you better open it Miss Jenkins.”
Lah Lah angrily pulls a small box out the bag that had a gold ribbon. A sudden hope for something perfect came to her but that all came crashing down like a thunderstorm. She was staring down at a life alert necklace.
Lah Lah had this blank expression on her face, eyes never leaving that box. Erik could not control his laughter once she pulled the top off, he was on the floor now clutching his stomach.
“You May need to wear that when we fucking cuz I don’t need your ass to have a heart attack.”
Lah Lah through the box at him, groaning.
“ITS OVER E! The jokes over it’s dead now.”
“Not when you kick me off the bed it isn’t. You try that shit again and I’m calling you Beulah from here on out and I don’t give a fuck who hear!”
She side eyed him before lifting from the couch. She was about done with him dragging this shit out.
“If my name is such a damn problem then bounce nigga!” Erik rolled his eyes, lifting from the floor to follow her.
“You can’t take a joke?! I’m only messing with yo uptight ass.”
“You hate my name admit it!” She was being a cry baby now, folding her arms and pouting.
Erik walks up to her, rubbing her arms soothingly.
“Baby no, Beulah is a beautiful name.” She met his eyes, disbelief in them.
“Okay okay its a little cringe.”
She glared.
“A smidge more cringe..” she shoved him.
“BUT I love you. And I will always love you. It was a good laugh and I’m sorry if I offended you aight?”
He pinked her cheek, causing her too look away.
“Aye, cut that shit out Lah.” Erik pulls out another box, Lah Lah staring at it with caution.
“What’s this? A pace maker?!” She didn’t trust it.
“I promise I’m done.”
Lah Lah grabbed the box, taking off the lid to find pink diamond earrings. She shakes her head, a small smile creeping up before giggling to herself.
“Wow...they are actually beautiful asshole.”
She looked up at him and his goofy grin, the laughter uncontrollable now.
“Now cut that shit out and give daddy a kiss.”
She leans up on her tip toes, kissing him softly.
“You still don’t want the life alert though? You may need it in a minute miss Beulah.”
She couldn’t even argue with him, motioning for him to get the box with the life alert so she could wear it.
Erik was amused by this, watching her put it around her neck.
“I want my back blown out, and DONT give me a hump back.”
They both laughed in unison.
@panthergoddessbast @whoramilaje @allhailnjadaka @hearteyes-for-killmonger @vikkidc @ange-sensuel @thehomierobbstark @blackpantherismyish @eriknutinthispoosy @trevantesbrat 
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