#this episode was just hit after hit after hit
copperbadge · 2 days
I was making breakfast and listening to an episode of Just King Things this morning, which is a podcast I do recommend -- two very smart English teachers are reading the books of Stephen King in publication order and discussing them. This could go extremely awry except they're both highly conscious of his failings as well as his skill, so they do really well handling a lot of his less salutatory content.
They've hit the point in King's ouvre (this episode was about Hearts In Atlantis) that follows his recovery from the car accident that very nearly killed him, where he was struck by a van while out walking. One of them pointed out that it seems as though he came back from nearly dying determined to write the wildest shit imaginable and only write what he wanted, which struck a chord in me this time despite having listened to this episode before. Perhaps because I was thinking about my own writing and where it's going in the short term (there are a couple of short stories I want to do that I don't quite have a way into yet). I generally don't think about the drift of my creativity in the long term because when I do I usually draw the wrong conclusions.
I don't really classify my life, the way some people who've had high-impact injuries do, as before-TBI and after-TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury -- the fairly severe concussion I had in January of 2020). For one thing, given I had to cancel a trip to NYC because of it, it may have saved my life; I almost certainly would have caught COVID as someone with known lung issues in New York at the time. For another, the TBI was way scarier to almost everyone else; for me it was just one more dumb injury I gave myself and I didn't even remember most of it so it hardly registered. I used to open the story of it with a joke about waking up not remembering going to bed the night before, but nobody ever found it funny.
It's true that there are changes it wrought in my life, though. Even practical stuff like making sure my living space doesn't have tripping hazards and continuing to wear a fitbit even though I don't really need to (the fitbit told us, the morning after, exactly when the concussion happened, because it registered a heart-rate spike when I fell). For weeks after, I had to move slowly and put off making important decisions because I couldn't trust my physical or intellectual judgement; I didn't even jaywalk in my own neighborhood because I couldn't be sure I was judging the cars' speeds properly. For about a year after I had periodic post-concussion syndrome which basically just slammed me back into concussion space, which wasn't painful or upsetting but was definitely inconvenient.
And it's also undeniable that my writing shifted after the injury. It's not necessarily because of the injury, since my initial recovery from the TBI and the declaration of quarantine happened at roughly the same time, and anyone who tells you that a years-long global pandemic didn't impact their artistic expression is selling you a line. But the last thing I wrote before the TBI was the first draft of Six Harvests, and aside from the Six Harvests publication draft, which had fairly minimal changes, almost all that I've written has been blue-sky, light-hearted, PG-rated romance. It's been on my mind that I've been writing different subject matter from what I used to, but the timing of it didn't strike me until just recently.
I don't mind, really. I love fandom and I support fanfic in whatever expression it comes, but I'm also happy writing my own stories. While I'm aware it's been years since I've meaningfully written fanfic, it doesn't bother me per se, as long as I'm writing. It bothered me much more when I could write fanfic but not original fic, especially in those last few awful months at my last job. I'm proud of the literary and non-genre fiction I've written in the past, but it's also much more trying and frustrating to write at times, so I'm enjoying having a different sort of challenge that feels more fulfilling in the process. I'm sure at some point I'll go back to literary fiction -- there are ways in which it's hard to avoid turning the later Shivadh novels into literary fiction, being honest -- but for now I like what I'm writing, and I'm writing primarily to please myself and without regard to what's necessarily rational or linear.
Just struck me, is all, that it's by far the most noticeable major shift in my work. I do sort of wonder what will be next.
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dustykneed · 2 days
In your fem!trek, do Jim's boobs still get cameos every other episode? If not, is there an alternative?
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honestly i have no qualms against going yeah, totally (because, well. 23rd century, after all.) but then again variety is the spice of life and there is just something about underboob and a glimpse of that abdomen that hits SO hard. so i guess f!kirk utilizes this particular... diplomatic strategy constantly loll
also i saw the note you left about f!scotty (saaaame lmao <3333) and let's just say most of the enterprise crew shares the sentiment xDD:
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neverevan · 2 days
Just curious because I'm always wondering about that.. If you think tommy picked up on their crazy close dynamic in such a short time, do you think the others have too? Or is that just buckandeddie to them and they don't think anything of it? Hen's "about time" comment made me wonder what she thinks, if she had eddie-suspicions over the years or if she just picked up on a general vibe from buck
I think it's a bit of both actually. because Buck and Eddie? they are absolutely cuckoo insane about each other, like genuinely not-normal.
it becomes the most obvious when other members of the team are in danger; Buck stays relatively calm no matter how worried he is, he makes a plan and tries to scheme to save them.
like in the crossover episode, he waited for hours and then tried to steal a truck when everyone was out or sleeping, even though Hen could've been long dead. and Buck loves Hen, like a lot, a lot, they are family!! and when the Jonah thing went down?? with Hen and Chim? he was on the tailend of it, worried and upset and when Albert got hurt in that car accident? when Bobby was trapped inside a burning building with an active shooter and Athena went in there after him?? these are all people Buck undoubtedly loves like family.
he was worried, but he kept it together every time.
when the well collapsed on top of Eddie, he tried to dig through 45 feet of loose mud to get to him by hand. when Eddie got shot and was in the hospital, Buck flipped out and broke down more than once, but most notably when telling Christopher about it after finding out that Eddie's gonna be okay.
similarly when the lightning hit Buck, Eddie ran up the ladder without a safety line and tried to pull him up by hand; Buck weighs like 200+ lbs plus the gear, there was no chance in hell he could've done that and Eddie isn't stupid, he knows that too. Bobby had to banish him to the driver's seat to make sure he wouldn't be in the way, then Eddie barely parked the ambulance when he was already on top of Buck, taking over CPR, then proceeded to spend the next couple of days by haunting the hospital's walls like a grieving widow.
when the truck fell on Buck's leg, Eddie wouldn't let go of his hand and when he coughed up blood, he looked more than just concerned for that split second we saw him. when he spotted Buck after the tsunami and thought that he lost Christopher? there wasn't an ounce of blame on his face.
in conclusion, they have been always just very unhinged about each other, but I think because they all work in close proximity with each other day in and day out, it's harder to differentiate these things because even in real life, firefighters are like a family; they eat, sleep and exercise together, their blood family is just as involved with each other as they are, because that's just how close you get when you have to put your life into each other's hands all the time.
but Eddie and Buck are (as pointed out above) are just taking it to a whole new level when you consider all the family stuff they do together and the will... I think at this point it's sort of a "well this is just Buck and Eddie, they might as well be married" thing for the 118.
I don't think it's something they actively consider to have romantic/sexual undertones, but they all understand that their bond is extremely strong, so they wouldn't be surprised if the relationship progressed into that direction.
in Buck's case specifically, I think Hen saw the signs before Eddie even joined the 118. especially since Buck admitted that he always checked out hot guys — I don't suppose that goes unnoticed when you spend half your life with the same group of people.
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genericpuff · 5 hours
Webtoon Canvas is pay-to-win now, I guess.
DISCLAIMER: All of the series I show here is for the sake of comparing statistics and criticizing Webtoons' Super Likes system. I have nothing personal against these series or their creators and I do not want anyone to get the impression that I am encouraging any sort of action against these creators. The following rant is merely my own observations and opinions concerning Webtoons itself as a platform.
I found out today that Webtoon has implemented a Super Likes ranking board.
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This does exactly what it sounds like - it ranks Canvas series based on how many Super Likes they have. Whether or not this ranking board is on a weekly rotation (like the Originals rankings) or just overall, I don't know, but something immediately felt off with this system and it took very little time at all to realize what was really going on here.
When you actually click on the series listed here, it'll tell you how many Super Likes they've accrued overall. The first thing that made me raise an eyebrow was the fact that the Super Likes listed in the ranking boards isn't the same as what's listed in the comics' landing pages, but I chalked that up to a simple delay on WT's end as I can assume the ranking board doesn't refresh at pace with whatever Super Likes are coming in.
But the real red flag was this:
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Limitless : Untold is a series with 1,657 followers and seems to get an average of 35-45 likes per episode.
But it somehow has 1,715 Super Likes?
Anyone who's run a Patreon, Ko-Fi, Ad Revenue, or any other sort of revenue-based system with their content will probably realize how that doesn't add up. The reality is that regardless of how many readers / followers you have, only a small fraction of them will actually spend money on your work or to support you. Not every person reading an Originals series is FastPassing. Not every person reading a webcomic is supporting the creator on Patreon. This ratio is even apparent outside of income-based statistics - for example, not every person who follows will read new updates each week and hit the like button (which is why you can have a comic with 1700 followers that only gets a few hundred views and a handful of likes per update). This ratio can be influenced by all sorts of different things, but one thing that doesn't typically happen is for the ratio to flip itself in this fashion.
To put it bluntly: how can a comic with a high of 45 likes in the past 3 months possibly accrue 1,715 Super Likes since it was launched just last week? You've probably already come to the conclusion on your own, but for those who haven't: there's very strong evidence to suggest that creators are buying their own Super Likes to get on this ranking board.
That's assuming the worst of this, though - after all, maybe some of these creators just have super supportive friends who are tossing them a ton of Super Likes? It costs $1 for 5 of them, in this example the amount of Super Likes comes out to approximately $343 (assuming my math is right lmao) which isn't massive amounts of money but it's, again, still really impressive for a comic with only 40 likes on average.
Bu Limitless : Untold isn't the only one in the rankings board that's like this. In fact, the top three spots are occupied by webtoons with the same tilted ratio.
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But then, suddenly, after those top three positions, the following webtoons Super Likes totals that make a LOT more sense and reflect the usual ratio more accurately:
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The Little Trashmaid, one of the most popular Canvas webtoons of all time and the first one to hit the 1 million subscriber mark in the Canvas section has only accrued 355 Super Likes so far... and you seriously want me to believe a comic like Limitless : Untold with only 0.08% of its readership is somehow genuinely earning five times the amount of Super Likes?
I want to make it clear yet again that I have nothing against the series that have managed to break the system in their own favor. None of this is meant to "slam" them or judge their work or anything of the sort, I'm simply comparing the numbers here and coming to a very reasonable conclusion as someone who's well aware of how ratios like this tend to work in webcomics and content creation. It's just not feasible for the top three comics in the Super Likes ranking boards to organically earn that many Super Likes relative to the sizes of their audiences, especially when compared to the bigger comics that are only pulling in a fraction of that amount. The ratios of Super Likes : actual likes for those bigger comics actually looks reasonable and expected, the ratios for the smaller comics that are sitting at the top are not.
If anything, Webtoons has created a broken system and these creators are simply using that system to their advantage. And I'm not necessarily going to fault them for that because I can get wanting to do whatever it takes to get eyes on your work.
But it does raise the question of what kind of system Webtoons has cultivated here - a system where creators are resorting to Super Liking their own episodes to bump themselves up in the leaderboards.
And before anyone asks me how I can be so sure that these creators are Super Liking their own works - I literally opted into the Super Likes system myself and proceeded to Super Like one of my own episodes.
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(this is like the one helpful thing with my work still being on WT even though I'm not updating there anymore, it lets me test shit like this LOL)
So yes, this is a thing that creators can do and it would certainly explain the massive discrepancy in the ratio of Super Likes : regular likes for these smaller series.
This is literally pay-to-win. And who do we have to blame for this? Webtoons, full stop. Not only for implementing a ranking board for an optional monetization service while still allowing creators to use that monetization system to support themselves as a way to climb up that ranking board, but for creating this gross psychological dependency on the platform as the "only way" to build an audience, to the point that people are now paying Webtoons out of their own pocket just to have their thumbnail visible in a ranking board and maybe get some extra views (and 49% of their money back if they hit that $100 threshold). And on top of all that, further putting on the pressure of competition and 'exclusivity' among many budding creators who are doing what they do for free and for fun. Why are creators now being forced to compete in a metric that's solely determined by how much expendable income their own audience has?
Sure, at least this means creators can get themselves into a ranking board by their own power unlike the other categories that are hand-picked by Webtoons and / or determined by daily stats, but at what cost? The literal financial hit of paying for advertising with extra steps, and the ethical dilemma of essentially paying for potential views with microtransactions. This is no better than paying bots on Instagram to follow your profile and inflate your worth to those who aren't following you. None of it is real, it will not legitimize your work to throw money at Webtoons just to have your thumbnail visible in a ranking board. These are microtransactions meant to benefit Webtoons, not you, the creator.
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sirdindjarin · 2 days
A Ghoul and a Vault-Dweller Walk Into a Bar
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Cooper "The Ghoul" Howard x Lucy MacLean.
TAGS: Fluff, pining, introspection lol.
WARNINGS: Swearing, alcohol consumption.
Based off of this post ! I loved the idea and couldn't get it out of my head.
AO3 link 🤠
A few days after the events of the last episode, the Ghoul and Lucy take solace in a quiet saloon, only to find their dynamic is changing.
“Ain’t this a peach,” the Ghoul muttered, taking in the New Vegas saloon. It was a postwar attempt to recreate what no one still walking had ever experienced, but it was faithful enough to send the Ghoul back to the set of a movie some two centuries earlier. He could smell the burn of the stage lights, hear the staccato of studio executives arguing, and see PAs stumbling over cables in the background. 
His bittersweet reverie ended when - what else - the Vault Dweller opened her mouth. Again. 
Bouncing on her tiptoes, her wide smile was interrupted only by her exclamation, “Wow! This place is right out of a history book. Oh, gosh, look at that!” 
Hanging from the ceiling was a myriad of materials in various stages of rust and decay. Grimy, glaring patrons grumbled as Lucy rushed past their tables to examine some memorabilia plastered to the wall. She gingerly ran her gray forefinger over the rusted farm equipment. “See these? They used to pull these behind a tractor, or a horse, and it made furrows in the ground. That made it a lot easier for them to plant things like corn, tobacco, wheat -” 
The Ghoul ignored her lesson. Let the history buff have her boring version of fun, it’d give him some peace. After the past three days, he needed it. He strode toward the far end of the bar, spurs clinking.
Lucy had been silent after the revelation with her father. Downright catatonic, almost. The following morning, still in sight of the Hollywood sign, and out of the daggum goodness of his heart (truly, he’d been a saint to even think about it) he’d offered her a hit of an upper, but she’d curled her lip in disgust. No skin off his nose, he’d thought humorously, he would just let her stew. 
Before the sun had set that next day, however, the girl abruptly flipped from traumatized silence to her usual non-stop chatter. He hadn't asked what changed. The Ghoul assumed she'd come to terms with her father being an evil sonofabitch. He expected her trauma would rear its ugly head at some point, but that was a future problem. Once she started talking again, he had again been a saint - he’d only thought about shooting her once. And that only because she had asked him a stupid question. 
You mentioned finding your family. You have kids?
Sidling up to the bar top, his ragged coat slapping gently against the stool, the Ghoul’s attention was drawn to a jukebox against the wall to his right. Colorful lights flashed, dimmed by a layer of dust; but the old machine advertised it was ready to sing. He glanced curiously at some of the songs, felt a flicker of some emotion he wouldn’t put name to, and turned away. He drummed his gloved fingers on the wooden counter, impatient to have something to smother the spark of sadness. Here, the weight of the past was literally hanging over his head.
The Ghoul had directed his focus on the other end of the bar, where the barkeep seemed to be pointedly ignoring him, when a dull scraping sound alerted him to someone sitting beside him - between him and the mocking jukebox. 
“Hi! Barkeep?” Lucy beamed and motioned between herself and the Ghoul, “Could we get a drink, please?” 
The gruff man looked more like a patron than a bartender, all heavy gait and uninterested stare, but he raised his eyebrows at Lucy. The Ghoul laughed under his breath. 
“What?” She asked in a whisper. Grimacing, she worried, “Oh… is that not how you’re supposed to do it?”
“There’s a laundry list of things you shouldn’t be doin’, Vaultie, but flaggin’ down the bartender ain’t one of ‘em.” 
Lucy straightened her posture. “You know, we have established a mutual goal and I would appreciate mutual respect. I don’t think being laughed at is-”
“Sweetheart, I ain’t laughin’ at you; quit bein’ so sensitive,” the Ghoul stated flatly. “Don’t we make quite the damned pair? A Ghoul and a Vault Dweller walk into a bar…” he trailed off with another chuckle.
Lucy relaxed her shoulders, still feeling awkward. “Oh, haha.” 
“All we got is distilled water and tequila. Which’un you want?” The bartender interrupted, though he spoke only to Lucy.
“Uh, I would like to try the tequila. I still have some water leftover and it’ll be fun to try something new.” 
The bartender sucked on his teeth, turned, and left - resenting serving a peppy Vault Dweller and outright refusing to serve the arrogant ghoul seated beside her as though it was a person.
“They don’t much like my kind here, darlin’,” the Ghoul grinned lopsidedly. He tapped his holster with his new forefinger. “I’ll have to get my drink a different way.”
Eyes wide, Lucy nearly stood on the rung of the stool as she shouted to the bartender: “Make that two glasses of tequila, please.” 
The barkeep went still for a brief moment before deciding it wasn’t worth it. He’d seen some weird shit, but if this wasn’t the strangest duo he’d ever served, he’d eat a radroach. He sent the shots sliding down the well-worn wood counter with surprising skill, and they stopped directly in front of Lucy. She nudged one of the grimy glasses toward the Ghoul, who grunted. 
In those old movies, the characters often clinked their glasses together. Excited to perform a toast in a real saloon, Lucy raised her glass toward the Ghoul. Her eyes sparkled so earnestly that the Ghoul briefly considered indulging her. Instead, he tipped the shot glass into his parched mouth, eyes closing in satisfaction.
“Ah,” he hummed. This was nothing like the chems he used to stay sane, and tequila wasn’t his favorite, but damn if it didn’t feel like the alcohol stripped off some of the layers of the past week's shit.
Upon opening his eyes, he was surprised by the mix of amusement and regret in his chest at the way the girl’s face had fallen. It was childishly funny the way he could disappoint her so easily - as though they kept the same standards of behavior - but the pleasure of her disappointment only took the Ghoul so far. 
“Go on, sweetheart,” he goaded, his voice deep and persuasive. “It ain’t top-shelf but it ain’t lizard-piss, either.” 
“I don’t know what either of those mean,” Lucy mumbled as she brought the glass to her lips; she winced as fumes burned her nostrils. Abandoning caution, she threw the clear liquid into her mouth and swallowed as the Ghoul had. The liquid stung as it slid down her throat; her mouth puckered. Fighting the urge to cough, she cleared her throat instead. Lucy refused to let the Ghoul have anything more to bully her about.
Lucy blinked away the wetness in her eyes. The Ghoul was watching her. Lucy couldn’t discern the look in his eye, but it wasn’t one she’d seen before. The Ghoul had made certain of that. 
“That was, um, so good,” she grimaced. But the warmth in her chest and stomach was pleasant. “You want another?”
The Ghoul chuckled, “If you’re buyin’.” 
“No, I only meant it as a compliment,” Lucy slurred, blushing furiously. She was only four shots in, but the Ghoul was starting to get concerned that she would throw up on him. Lucy wobbled on her stool. “Really, they’re nice eyes. No, ‘m okey dokey. Wow, this stuff is strong.” She held her hand out in front of her and wiggled her fingers, fascinated by the way her vision seemed to be a half-second beyond reality. 
“Must be. You,” he pointed in her face, “can’t handle your liquor.”
"Hey, it’s my first try," she steadied herself. 
“It’s gon’ be your last if you paint my boots. You look a little green, Vaultie.”
Her big brown eyes refocused on the Ghoul. “Okay, well, distract me. I know you won’t tell me anything about yourself.” 
He tensed. 
“And that’s okay. But I don't even know your name." Lucy threw him a frown, "What if I have to call for you - what am I supposed to say?” 
The Ghoul chewed at the inside of his cheek, tearing away some skin as he considered. He’d had twelve shots. She wasn’t asking anything too revealing; and she had saved his life. And maybe all her “Do Unto Others” bullshit wasn’t bullshit, but he still wasn’t about to crack open like a can of biscuits. The Ghoul gazed down into her doe eyes, then he and the tequila made a decision.
“Cooper,” he answered after safely looking away, his voice rough over the word.
Something scratched at the back of Lucy’s brain. Tipsy as she was, she knew this was important - she did not want to ruin whatever progress they seemed to have made. She nodded and replied politely, “That’s a good name. Cooper.” 
Lucy watched the rainbow of lights as they reflected off the shiny bar. She slid off the stool and leaned over the jukebox, flipping idly through the songs. 
Cooper held his thirteenth shot in his gloved hand as he stared ahead at the blank wall of the now-empty saloon. After they had collectively purchased nearly twenty shots, the bartender had lost all sense of distaste for either of them; he now sat in a chair, dozing, waiting for the Ghoul and the Vault Dweller to ask him for more. 
A gasp came from Cooper’s right. His stool groaned as he turned, and he saw Lucy grinning up at him.
“Look at this song: I Walk the Line. It’s from one of my favorite movies -” 
Cooper's stomach lurched. 
“A Man and His Dog.” Lucy selected the song. “And the main character’s real name was Cooper. Used to watch those old Westerns with - with my dad all the time. The best ones are the ones with him. With Cooper Howard, I mean. He was always the good guy. He never hurt anyone. Well, unless he absolutely had to, of course.” She began to wax poetic about ethics, and her audience of one tuned out. The gruff croon of Johnny Cash filled the otherwise silent building.
Cooper Howard debated whether or not he should tell her the truth. He didn’t know how much she knew about his life as an actor - some of her questions about his family could be answered if she knew about his widely-publicized, definitely-public-record divorce - but seeing her face when she learned that her favorite cowboy movie star was the radiation-ravaged monster sitting beside her would be hilarious.
I keep my eyes wide open all the time
I keep the ends out for the tie that binds
Well, would it be hilarious? Cooper wasn’t so certain anymore. Lucy’s disappointment in him was rapidly losing its luster. Her cowboy had fallen a height that would’ve killed anyone else - had killed almost everyone else. The good man she idolized was dead. He wouldn’t resurrect him just to kill him again in front of Lucy. 
For the second time that afternoon, she pulled him abruptly from a reverie. 
“I wonder what it was like. Everyone in these saloons… with a jukebox playing while you dance with a handsome stranger,” Lucy gazed out at the empty room. “It must’ve been incredible.”
Cooper didn’t correct her about jukeboxes and saloons. Instead, he took his thirteenth shot, allowing it to burn away what was left of his judgment. 
“Well, come on down, darlin’.” He held out his hand - the one that was one-fifth her.
Dubious, distrustful despite their fledgling partnership, Lucy’s eyes darted between his outstretched hand and his dark eyes. This man had cut off her finger less than a week before. He’d tried to sell her. 
But this wasn't a desperate game of cat and mouse, and he no longer believed she was a lying murderer. (That conversation had been a hoot. One of the few times he’d asked her a question, Cooper had wondered what possessed her to cut off Wilzig’s fuckin’ head, and, after she told him Wilzig had left her no choice, she tearfully described the sound of his spine severing and nearly vomited. The Ghoul had laughed.) She was here of her own choice. Lucy chose to follow the Ghoul - Cooper - into the Wilds and the Wasteland. She trusted him now, and he her.
“It’s alright, Vaultie. Y’know I won’t bite,” he drawled with a smirk. “Of the two’ve us, which one has bitten the other?” 
“Wh-?” Lucy started to ask, then decided better of it. Cooper had given her his name and his trust. He had been as kind as summer by Wasteland standards, and she would be damned if her manners were the poor ones. She took his hand.
As sure as night is dark and day is light
I keep you on my mind both day and night
The room was spinning, and Lucy wasn’t sure if the blame should be placed on the tequila or the Ghoul who held her so gently. This was a far cry from the lasso he’d thrown around her last week. She opened her mouth, fully intent on telling him See, the Golden Rule is golden for a reason. But when his hand slid slowly from the curve of her waist to the small of her back, she found that the words were missing. 
He guided them in a small, slow circle. Cooper’s chest was pressed up against her own, and it was though his centuries-deep layers of leather and cotton, and her pristine, thick Vault-Tec suit were non-existent. The vulnerability set his teeth on edge, but it relaxed Lucy. She let the music, the alcohol, and the Ghoul take her. Uncharacteristically shy, and somewhat nauseous, she laid her head on his shoulder. 
Cooper hummed along with Johnny Cash, letting himself feel a modicum of peace in this improbable, inexplicable bubble. He could feel Lucy’s heart beating rapidly beneath her garish suit. His own heart felt like the tattoo of a horse’s hooves. Cooper’s jaw tensed as he wondered how she’d feel to know that. He found himself hoping. 
Hope and contentment were as foreign to him as a nose and hair, now. Yet he felt the gnaw of yearning. Lucy was a reflection and a time machine. Maybe that cowboy - the one who deserved both hope and contentment - could live again. 
And happiness I've known proves that it's right
Because you're mine, I walk the line.
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cheriladycl01 · 1 day
Fast Cars on the Island - Oscar Piastri x LoveIslandContestant! Reader Part 3
Plot: Your an engineer for Mclaren and you were asked as a PR stunt to go onto Love Island. You would keep your job of course but Mclaren wanted some more media traction.
A/N: I know they would never do this, and that's why its fiction!
Credits to brawn-gp for the GIF
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Ian Stirling Intro:
"And its a bright and sunny morning here in Love Island, birds are chirping, the skies are blue... and there's one eager islander already looking at the view - OH! Look at that I'm rhyming" the voice says as it shows the different camera angles in the bedroom until it settles on your bed, showing that only Charlie is in it.
"Seems like our engineer, is an early bird herself... and is cooking the others a nice breakfast. Are we sure she's not part of the McLaren Catering because that looks delicious!" Ian exclaims as it pans to you laying out the scrambled eggs.
"Time to wake up those other islanders!" he says and the footage pans back to the bedroom where the lights turn on and everyone is woken up.
The First Morning:
You waited as all the other islanders come down and you smile as they enter.
"Babes? Whats this?" Auriela asks looking at the stuff you'd cooked and laid out for breakfast.
"I'm an early riser because of my job, so I just thought I'd make a start on breakfast for us!" you smile as they all cheer happily. Charlie comes up behind you, holding your waist before kissing your cheek.
"Thanks sweetheart!" he grins taking a seat next to you and taking an slice of mango from the fruit platter you'd cut up.
"Thank you" Aaron says softly and you smile at him.
You guys spend the morning chatting, exploring the villa, sunbathing, working out and swimming around. It wasn't until about 11.30 that Chris got a text come though.
"I GOT A TEXT!" he shouts from over in the gym and everyone starts gasping, the boys who were in the gym with him - Charlie and Jai start to jump on him excitedly slapping his back acting like little school kids.
"Read it out!" Millie shouts from next to you and Aaron in the pool.
"Islanders, it's time to get to know each other more in todays Challenge 'Kiss and Pie' your positions are fighting for the choice at the next coupling up" Chris reads out and you all look around in shock before getting ready to go to the challenge.
Lando and Oscar:
They boys were watching gearing up for episode 2.
But it was hard, Oscar was struggling seeing you cooking in the bikini and in the gym with the boys and then swimming around with Aaron it was killing him, but when the challenge came around he didn't know what hit him.
The Challenge:
The way the challenge basically worked was a fact about an islander was said out loud and the person who chose it had to kiss the person they thought it was about and then shove pie in the person you thought least likely. Pie being literally whipped cream.
"Okay, who has broken up with their boyfriend of 5 years after he proposed to her..." Chris says in shock before all the boys huddle round and start discussing.
He goes up, kissing Zavi making her blush a little.
"I'm so-so sorry Y/N!" he cringes before shoving the plate of whipped cream in your face, it falling down in between your cleavage.
"CHRIS!" you exclaim and look at him while wiping the excess cream off your face.
"Sorry... but all the boys agreed your marriage material..." he shurgs before running back off to the boys group.
"Okay, who has had three girlfriends at the same time... oooooo you WHAT?" Millie reads out in shock before coming over to the other girls.
"Who do we think it is?" Millie asks.
"It's got to be Charlie?" Auriela exclaims.
"I agree!" Zavi laughs and Millie walks over kissing Charlie full force making you just laugh. It wasn't like you were threatened anyway. She then goes to put the cream in Aaron's face, he was clearly the most loyal in the villa right now.
"Okay, who owns a Mclaren...!" Aaron reads out and before he can even discuss it with the boys he's walking up to you and kissing you. Both of his hands were on either side of your face tilting it to the side to kiss deeper. It was a really really nice kiss despite you both being covered in cream from the last two rounds.
He grabs the plate of cream before lightly smacking it on Auriela's face.
"YOU OWN A MCLAREN?" Daniel shouts looking over at you and you nod.
"I work for them, in a way!" you grin and all the boys look impressed with this new found information.
The games continue, more getting unleashed as you have a kiss with Daniel and another one with Aaron.
It was a fun afternoon but the sun was starting to set and you guys were due to go back to the villa.
Lando and Oscar:
Oscar's eyes were glued to you, he was having the most perverted thoughts about you and honesty he hated it. He was now sat in Lando's hotel room with a blanket around him and a pillow covering his lower half.
"Mate, you are drooling!" Lando laughs looking over at his friend.
"No... I'm not!" he cries looking over at his friend.
"Yes, you so are! My god, I saw you leaning in when you watched them kiss!" Lando grins looking over at his friend who sits back awkwardly.
"Come on dude. It's fine to admit you have the hots for her!" Lando exclaims and Oscar blushes a beetroot red.
"Fuck off man!" he groans holding the pillow down a little tighter to his body.
"Dude come on, maybe you should go in there and claim your girl... she's getting close to Aaron!" Lando jokes, and misses the look in Oscar's eyes as he watches you and Aaron kiss again, and he cant help but want it to be him.
Back in the Villa:
All the girls had gotten ready and were looking super cute, they were currently sat round the firepit with a glass a wine talking about their day out.
"God, I already miss home. And the job!" you groan looking between all the girls and their heads snapped up in shock.
"WHAT?" they cry out looking up, you'd all only been here two days... how on earth were you missing home already.
"I just... it's nothing!" you giggle.
Just then someone's phone pings ... it's Zavi's.
"I got a TEXT!" she exclaims and you all look at her.
All the boys come rushing over to the firepit to hear what it is.
"Islanders, please get ready to welcome your two new islanders!"
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echobx · 2 days
the one with the abortion - jj maybank × ex!fem!reader
summary: JJ is taking care of his ex!girlfriend because she's having an abortion
warnings: hurt/comfort, no happy ending
word count: 1.9k
author's note: inspired by that one episode in Heartbreak High season 2. I know it's a heavy topic, that's why I'm advising you to maybe not read it if you have a trigger or just don't feel comfortable with this kind of thing.
You knock at the door of the Château and a moment later John B is standing before you, leaning in the door with an unpleasant look on his face.  “What do you want?” he snarls.  “Is JJ there? I need to talk to him,” you press out the words. Your heart lies heavy in your chest, throat dry and eyes close to tears.  “He doesn't want to see you,” John B replies, and you nod, knowingly. Of course, he didn't, you had broken up with him, had broken his heart and refused contact for a whole month.  “I know,” you bite your tongue and clear your throat. “It's important. Can you tell him I came by?”  “Sure. Whatever,” John B shrugs, and you leave, wrapping your arms around your middle to not start crying instantly. 
You walk home, it's not like you could call anyone to pick you up, either. But you have made your choice, and no matter what he'd say, it won't change it. So you go to your doctor, she prescribes you the pill and an hour later you sit at home, a hundred bucks lighter and with an even heavier weight on your shoulders.  The instructions are clear, take the pill, wait for the hours to pass and take the second one. And if your calculations are correct, you're gonna be able to survive school the next day before anything even starts to happen. It's easy. 
The next morning you wake up to light cramps, nothing that you hadn't expected, nothing you couldn't deal with. You get ready and make your way to school, ignoring the pain and instead focusing on the horrible day that lay before you. 
You are standing at your locker when he walks closer. You don't have to see him walk over to know it. JJ has the type of presence to him that just keeps pulling you in no matter how hard you try to stay away, and how much you wish right now that you had stayed away from the very start.  “Hey,” he greets you rather flat.  “Hi,” you give him a small smile, but he doesn’t reciprocate it.  “John B said you wanted to talk to me?”  “Yeah, but… it's, uh…, it's not really important anymore,” you murmur, looking into your locker instead of his striking blue eyes that made you fall in love with him in the first place.  “All right.” He rolls his eyes and is about to turn away when a rather nasty cramp hits you like a wall of bricks, and you cry out in pain, clawing at your abdomen.  “Y/n! Are you okay?” he lunges forward to hold onto you, no longer cold and distant, but the same way he always had for the months that you had been together.  “No,” the tears are starting to slowly trickle down your cheeks as you look up at him. “Can you take me home?”  “Yeah, of course,” he nods and holds you up the whole way home. It's not a far walk, but with every step you feel like your insides are being ripped to shreds. 
“Don't go,” you beg as he turns to the door after having laid you down in your bed. “Please don't leave me.” “I don't think it's a good idea,” JJ runs his hand through his hair. You know how weird it must be for him, after all the only reason you had broken up with him, was because you were scared that he could cheat on you. Simply because you didn't put much worth to yourself.  “I have no one else, please. Just today,” you cry, and he caves. Putting his backpack down and taking his boots off before climbing into bed to hold you as you tried to fight the pain. 
“What's happening?” JJ asks with a whisper, and you pull your face from his chest and peak up at him.  “Don't be mad at me,” you whisper.  “I don't think I can be mad at you for being in pain,” he smiles softly, flattening the hair on your head.  “I'm having an abortion,” you whisper, and he furrows his brows.  “What?”  “Right now.”  “How? What? Y/n/n what do you mean?” You can see his mind racing, trying to connect the dots and keep up with what you had just told him.  “You're pregnant?” he asks slowly, and you nod. “I wanted to tell you yesterday, but- John B didn't let me see you,” you whisper before groaning with how hard the last cramp had hit you.  “I mean- But- Whose is it?” JJ asks, and you feel like laughing about how ridiculous it all sounds.  “Yours. There wasn't anyone else, and timewise- I didn't plan on having an abortion, but you- and then I was alone, and I'm always alone, and we're too young anyway. I wouldn't be able to provide for it,” you ramble.  “Maybe we should call your doctor,” JJ says and reaches for your phone, the pin code still unchanged, to his surprise. 
You watch him carefully, helping him answer the questions and holding onto him for your dear life.  “All right, thank you,” he hangs up the phone and sighs.  “What now?” you ask, and he rolls to the side to get out of bed.  “She said you should take the second pill and keep yourself warm, so I'm letting in a bath,” JJ explains softly before leaving for the bathroom.  You reach over to your nightstand and take the second pill before getting up and dragging yourself to the bathroom.  “I would've come to get you, you shouldn't be walking,” JJ sounded concerned and pulled you into his arms.  He helps you take off your clothes and sits down next to the tub as soon as you are in. 
“I'm sorry you have to go through this,” he whispers, holding onto your hand.  “Life is funny like that. I always thought we'd do this the right way,” you sigh and let your head fall back to lean on the edge of the tub.  “The right way?” JJ asks quietly. “Finish school, get married, have a bunch of kids, grow resentful towards each other, divorce as soon as the kids are out of the house. The way everyone does it these days,” you explain through gritted teeth, the hot water is easing the pain, but it's still not gone completely.  “That doesn't sound happy to me.”  “It's not, but the start was. We'll hold onto that,” you sigh, closing your eyes and picturing one of the good days; a picnic at the beach that ended with the both of you drenched to the bones running back towards the Château. “We can try again,” he whispers, and you lift your head to look at him.  “I'm literally killing your child right now,” you say and he shrugs.  “Just cells, nothing we haven't done in a messier way before.”  “Don't make me laugh,” you close your eyes and force the chuckle away. “It hurts to laugh.”  “Sorry, princess. I don't know what else to talk about,” he leans his chin on the edge of the tub.  “Anything,” you beg quietly.  “We never- you know… I mean, how did it even happen?” JJ looks at you and you shake your head.  “Condom probably broke or something. I don't know. Doesn't matter.”  “You have a specific one in mind that we could've told the little blob about if it didn't get murdered?” JJ grinned and exhaled a long breath to not laugh.  “I don't know, was probably a boring one. Or just nothing anyone ever wants to know about,” you give him a lopsided grin.  “I like to think it was the supply closet, gives it some type of mystery.”  “Mystery?”  “Yeah. You know what's funny, I can't even remember how we got into that situation, but I'd do it again,” he smiles and brushes a strand of hair from your face. “I'd do it all again, no matter the pain.” “I'm sorry,” you whisper, but he shakes his head.  “Pope said it's not either of our fault, he said you were being a better person than most for leaving early instead of growing resentful towards me over your own dumb insecurities. He didn't call them dumb though, that's all me.”  “I can't help it,” you admit and he nods.  “I know, and I can't convince you. I would've given you the world if you'd let me. Just you, me and the blob, perfect little family.” He smiles, and you feel your heart sink even further.  “I do love you,” you hush, and he blinks two times before looking away.  “I don't think that's a good idea.” 
You sit in silence, he's still holding onto your hand and the water has gone more cold. It's not like you had wanted to, but your hormones were all over the place so it didn't surprise you when you started crying.  “Hey, y/n/n, what's up? Should I call the doctor? Pain meds? What can I do?” JJ asks, frantically searching for a solution to the problem.  “I don't wanna die, JJ. I'm scared. I'm so scared,” you cry, and he leans closer, holding your face in his hands and leaning his forehead against yours.  “You're not going to die. I won't let that happen,” he whispers, and you nod with him.  “I should've told you before. I'm sorry,” you weep, and he wipes your tears away.  “It's your choice, baby, I'm gonna be here either way, you know that,” he whispers, and your heart warms at his words. At the pet name he had always kept reserved just for you.  “It hurts,” you cry, and you don't know if it's because he still loves you or because he's scared, but the small kiss he presses to your lips relieves you of so much pain that you can only sigh into it.  “I didn't mean to-” you stop him with another kiss, quick and just as relieving as the first.  “Y/n/n, I love you, but we can't do this. We need time, just like you said and…, I don't know if that's enough,” he whispers against your lips.  “I know, but I want to forget the pain,” you admit and with a soft nod he allows you to kiss him again. It's gentle and not like you had usually done it, it felt like a last time, like a happy end. A tragic but beautiful happy end. 
You bite down on his bottom lip when a particularly nasty cramp hits you and JJ pulls away, looking at you with concern before you see his eyes go wide.  “I think you should get out of the water,” he mutters, and you look down at the fine trail of blood that was starting to mix with the water.  He leaves you alone in the bathroom, standing behind the door and constantly asking if you are okay, until you wrap yourself in a bathrobe and come out of the tiled room.  “I think it's gone,” you whisper and he nods.  “Do you want me to leave now?”  You shake your head, although you know it's a bad idea. “We can go back to not talking tomorrow, if that's okay.”  “All right,” he smiles, but his eyes are filled with pain, and you hate yourself even more than you had before. “Should we watch a movie?” 
That's how you spend the last few hours of your day, curled up in your bed, watching a romcom on your laptop until you fall asleep. And when you wake up the next morning, he is gone as if nothing had ever happened. 
please don't copy and/or post my work onto other platforms! ~e©ho
taglist: @ijustwantttoread @spideysimpossiblegirl @redhead1180 @kys4-20 @drwstarkeyy @immyowndefender @julczimozart @princessmaybank
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eisforeidolon · 14 hours
[Following on from talking about Kim Manners for a while]
Mark: He was just an amazing guy -
Jared: The best.
Mark: He was something else. And look, I've worked with a lot of people, and I've known you since you were a lot younger.
Jared: Hey! Same! Same!
Mark: A lot younger. And the truth is, to - it sounds so corny [mocking voice] 'Oh, this show is a family'. Look, this is a place where we went to work with 150 of our friends for over, y'know, a decade and a half. I did nearly a decade of it. And I think the energy that he instilled upon how to behave on a set was absolutely the reason why anybody could walk on that show and be treated like gold. [Jared nods as he's talking] You could succeed if you came with your A game, you were looked after and you were carried. And if you were crap? You were looked after and you were carried. I swear to God I have seen this, couple people that didn't - I won't ever say what it is, but didn't make it beyond a certain small amount of an arc, they just didn't have the right thing or didn't get it or whatever.
Jared: Yeah, the right attitude. We even had people that recurred and returned, who maybe they weren't as solid of an actor as a Mark Sheppard or a Mark Pellegrino type, but they were good enough and they were kind. And they showed up and they wanted to work and they wanted to laugh and they knew their lines and hit their marks and they showed up on time and there was no bullshit. It was like, okay, we can work with this. And so let's keep on going -
Mark: There was a trust element that was mind-blowing, and I've worked on some amazing sets in my time, but it was special, man. To know that every single person in that crew had my back every single day.
Jared: Amen.
Mark: When we did the end of season 8, when you and I were doing hours [Jared says something here I can't make out] and hours and hours of this stuff. That group, right, so in between shots, right? In between shots, you've gotta move lights, you've gotta move cameras, you've gotta do stuff. And they don't have to be quiet. They're working all day, they've been there three hours before us, they're leaving three hours after us -
Jared: And it was a long trek, it was like an hour away from town. On some, like, beautiful lake that Phil Sgriccia -
Mark: Oh, on the outside when we did - but when we went to the stage, when we came back to do the interiors?
Jared: Yes, yes.
Mark: And we did the interiors in there, they didn't make a sound between takes for two days. Because the boys are being serious, we'll support 'em. And that's how we got through those pages and pages of stuff. Jensen -
Jared: It was a couple of - two or three days or something.
Mark: It was two or three days -
Jared: And then Jensen and Alaina come in.
Mark: It was nuts. It was so - but we, like, you see all the gag reels, right? You see how silly everything gets? The reason why the gag reels are fun is cause we work hard, so one mistake -
Jared: [?] you're done, never forget. I will say this, a lot of y'all know Mark and have known him many times or met him many times, and a lot of y'all know, can agree with me, he doesn't shut the fuck up. Ever.
Mark: [Mark holds his hands up and nods] I talked my way through six heart attacks, trust me.
Jared: Other than the two or three day span where we were in that chapel. And it was so - it was before the AKF campaigns, it was - what Sam was going through, in a very different way, was similar to what Jared kinda had gone through and was going through? And so I went to a weird place, it's the only time in my 480 episodes of television I've ever listened to music during - in between scenes? And Mark is tied up, you know, you're my Marley moose and all that bit? And like, usually when you're tied up during a scene, they call cut and they move the cameras, it takes twenty minutes and you go like, untie me, I'm going to my trailer to pee and have some water? He just stayed there and was quiet the whole time, because I just sat there in the corner, he was just there for me, so kudos to you, Mark Sheppard.
Mark: And kudos to Jensen. Jensen was off-camera for a day and a half. Off-camera, in character, for a day and a half. It's - you suddenly realize that everybody's got your back and it's just the greatest feeling in the world. When you're trying to do - there's never enough time, there's never enough money, there's never enough ability to make the best that you can make of it, you know? We're all trying, but when you know everybody is trying to make the best possible thing for you guys [gestures to audience] that we can make, with all our hearts, with everything that we care about? It's just a fantastic experience. And what I love about, I was talking about the gag reels, what I love about the gag reels is you're seeing the antidote to that.
Jared: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Mark: So when Jensen for the first time in his entire history can't get a line out of his mouth, which is I'd rather be smacked during sex by a girl with a Zorro mask -
Jared: He kept messing it up!
Mark: He messed it one time, and you killed him.
Jared: Oh for sure. For sure.
Mark: We have thirty eight takes of that. He never messed a line up in -
Jared: Worth it. He kept on removing a word or adding a word and I was like [frustrated voice] that's not the word! But it was good. Anyways. Great time, great family, let's get some questions.
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dianawinchester03 · 3 days
Season 1, Episode 20 - Dead Man’s Blood
Series Masterlist
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Third Person POV
The trio are sat inside a diner, Dean looking through the newspaper for any cases while Sam scans the internet for any hits. Y/N is finishing up the last of her pancakes. They're currently staying at Y/N's safehouse in Indiana to save on cash for motel rooms. She's happy she can finally ride Quinn again, having missed her girl for so many months.
"Dude, not a decent lead in all of Indiana. What do you got?" Dean asks Sam, sighing in frustration as he rests the paper down. "Well, I've been scanning Illinois, Kentucky, Ohio " Sam informs them. "Here, a woman in Iowa fell 10,000 feet from an airplane and survived" He reads an article aloud. "Sounds more That's Incredible! than Twilight Zone" Y/N says, sipping her coffee.
"Yeah" Sam sighs. "Hey, you know we uh, we could just keep heading east" Dean suggest. "New York? Upstate? You could stop by and see Sarah again, huh?" He says suggestively to his brother. Sam shakes his head at his brothers need to have him hook up, "She's a cool gal, man. Smoking" Y/N says wolf whistling. Dean nods in agreement.
"You two seem pretty friendly, what do you say?" Dean asks him, Y/N smirks at the thought of Sam and Sarah. She liked Sarah for him, she's fearless, determined and would make a hell of a hunter. Sam chuckles, "Yeah, I don't know. Maybe somebody. But in the meantime, we got a lot of work to do guys. You know that" He puts it simply.
They both sigh, "Yeah, you're right. What else do you got?" Y/N asks Sam. "Uh...Manning Colorado. A local man by the name of Daniel Elkins was found mauled in his home" Sam reads the article aloud. "Elkins? I know that name" Dean says in recognition. "Doesn't ring a bell." Sam says. "Elkins, Elkins, Elkins" Dean mutters to himself.
He pulls out his Dads journal from his bag. "Sounds like the police don't know what to thing. At first they said it was some bear attack, and now they found signs of robbery" Sam explains the report. Y/N looks on as Dean flips through his dads journal. "You think John knew him?" She asks him. "Yeah I think- Holy. Check it out" He turns the journal for Sam and Y/N to see.
Both sat next to each other across from him. Y/N takes the journal as Sam peers over her to read. Written in the journal was, 'D.Elkins' with a Colorado area code. This faces drops, "You think it's the same Elkins?" Sam queries. "It's a Colorado area code." Dean points out. The three share a look. "Check please" Y/N calls out to the waitress to wrap up their meals.
Manning, Colorado
The Impala and Harley pull up in front of Daniel Elkins house at nightfall, the three young hunters get out and walk up the porch. Y/N kneels down and begins picking the lock as Sam and Dean look out. She pushes the door open after getting it unlocked, the boys following behind with their flashlights. She pulls out her own, shining it in the dark house.
Sam closes the door behind him as Dean and Y/N make their way to the living room that's covered with papers, "Looks like the maid didn't come today" Dean mutters at the state of the room. Sam kneels down when he notices a white dust by the door. Dusting his fingers, he realizes it's salt by the texture.
"Hey, there's salt over here, right inside the door" He calls out to them. Y/N cocks her eyebrow at this as she and Dean sort through some papers on the desk, "You mean like protection-against-demons salt or uh...oops-I-spilled-my-popcorn salt?" She asks. "It's clearly a ring" Sam says. "You think this guys Elkins was a player?" He asks them.
"Definitely" Dean says as he flips through a journal. He shows it to Y/N and her face drops. "That looks a hell of a lot like Dad's" Sam says in shock, peering over their shoulders as Dean flashes his light on the book. "Yeah, except this dates back to the '60s" Y/N points out as he flips through it, pointing to the date written on top.
They look around the house more, stumbling upon a room that's absolutely destroyed. Wood from broken bookshelves scattered on the ground along with glass from windows that were broken in. "What's ever attacked him, it looks like there was more than one" Sam points out. "Looks like he put up a hell of a fight too" Y/N says a bit impressed.
"Yeah" Sam says as they walk into the destroyed room. Dean comes across an empty revolver gun case with 13 slots for bullets. He looks at it curiously as they trifle through the room. Y/N notices some scratches on the flooring, stooping down to get a closer look, she shines her light on it. "You got something, Princess?" Dean asks, stooping next to her.
"I don't know, some scratches on the floor" She tells him. "Death throes, maybe?" Sam suggests. "Yeah, maybe" She sighs, the back of her mind telling her that this isn't right. She reaches onto the table, taking up a blank piece of paper and a pencil from the holder. Resting it down on the floor, she begins to shade the outline of it.
Dean watches on curiously, "Or maybe a message." He says shocked, she hands him the page and he turns it around. Handing it to Sam. "Look familiar?" Dean asks his brother. "Three letters, six digits. The location and combination of a post office box" Sam says in recognition. "It's a Mail Drop" He adds. "Just the way Dad and John does it" Y/N points out.
They follow the trail to the post box, now putting in the combination. Deans eyebrows raise in surprise when it opens, revealing a letter. He takes it out and shows it to Sam and Y/N. Written on it was Y/N's father's initials.
Now back in the Impala, "(father's initials) You think? F/N L/N?" Sam questions from the backseat as Y/N sits in shotgun, the letter in Dean's hand. "I don't know. Should we open it?" She asks the boys. A knocking on the drivers side window scares the living daylights out of them, a familiar man smiling at them, revealed to be Y/N's father. F/N L/N.
"Daddy?" Y/N gasps in shock. He hops in the backseat next to Sam, "Mr. L/N. What are you doing here? Are you alright?" Sam asks him concerned as Y/N stares at him in shock. "Yeah. I'm okay" He says calmly. "Look, I read the news about Daniel. I got here as fast as I could." He explains to them. "Where's dad?" Dean asks him concerned.
"John and I decided it'd be best if only I came since Daniel was a friend of mine and it would be less risky. Can't tell you where he is, sorry" He tells them apologetically, they nod understandably. "I saw you three up at his place" F/N admits to them, their faces drop. "Why didn't you come in, dad?" Y/N finally speaks up. "You know why. Because I had to make sure you weren't followed, by anyone or anything" He states firmly.
"Nice job of covering your tracks, by the way" He commends them. Dean gives a small smile of gratitude, "Yeah, well, we learnt from the best" Dean responds, F/N gives him a proud look. "Wait, so you came all the way out here for this Elkins guy?" Y/N asks her father, not convinced that he risked his and John's safety for a man he's never mentioned once.
Her father was a loyal man with strong morals. But this was way too risky. "Yeah, he was...he was a good man. He taught me a hell of a lot about hunting growing up. He thought John how to journal, but you know, I was always a by-the-head type of man" F/N smirks, tapping his temple.
Dean smirks too at his confidence, having learnt to be cocky from the man himself, "Well, you never mentioned him to us" Y/N says suspiciously, narrowing her eyes at her father. "We had a...We had kind of a falling-out. Me and John hadn't seen him in years" F/N says sadly. Y/N feels a bit bad now but not fully convinced, "I should look at that" He says, gesturing to the letter in Deans hand.
Dean hands it to F/N without hesitation. He opens it and begins to read aloud, "If you're reading this, I'm already dead....." His eyes widen slightly when he reads the last part. "That son of a bitch" He mutters. "What is it?" Dean asks him. "He had it the whole time" F/N shakes his head in disappointment. "Dad, what?" Y/N asks him concerned.
"When you searched the place, did you see a gun? An antique, a colt revolver. Did you see it?" He asks the three young hunters. "Uh, there was an old case, but it was empty" Dean tells him about the case he saw. "Jesus, they have it" F/N groans. "You mean whatever killed Elkins?" Sam asks him. "We gotta pick up the trail" F/N says urgently, jumping out of the Impala.
"Wait, you want us to come with you?" Sam asks him. "If Elkins was telling the truth, we gotta find this gun" F/N leans down at the drivers side window. "The gun? Why?" Y/N asks exasperated. "Because it's important, that's why" F/N says firmly. "Daddy, we don't even know what these things are yet" Y/N tries to reason.
"They were what Daniel Elkins killed best: Vampires." F/N states. The three young hunters faces contort in confusion. "Vampires? I thought there was no such thing" Dean says in shock. "You never even mentioned them, Mr. L/N" Sam adds. "I thought they were extinct. John and I thought Elkins and others had wiped them out" F/N admits, looking down sadly.
"We were wrong" He says in a glum tone. "Most vampire lore is crap. A cross won't repel them, sunlight won't kill them and neither will a stake to the heart. But the blood lust, that parts true. They need fresh human blood to survive. They were once people, so you won't know it's a vampire until it's too late." F/N gives them the run down of the vampire lore.
A woman over the radio satellite speaks as F/N listens on, his head buried in his hands. The three young hunters are currently asleep on their respective beds while F/N listens to the satellite for any feedback. "Unit 22, let me confirm. Mile marker 41, abandoned car. You need a work up?" The woman asks. "Copy that. Possible 207. Better get Forensics out here" A man responds.
F/N turns the satellite radio off, picking up his jacket. "Y/N, Sam, Dean. Let's go" He nudges the three kids awake. "Mmhmm" Dean responds sleepily. "I picked up a police call" F/N tells them, putting on his leather jacket. "What happened?" Sam asks him, sleep potent in his voice, as Dean pushes himself from his bed yawning and rubbing his eyes. Y/N doing the same.
"A couple called 911, found a body in the street. Cops got there and everyone was missing. It's vampires" He states. "How do you know?" Y/N questions, rubbing her sleepy eyes. "Just follow me, okay?" He orders, Sam following behind him out the door. Y/N scoffs, rolling her eyes at his authoritative tone. "Vampires. Gets funnier everytime I hear it" Dean scoffs to himself. "Tell me about it" Y/N  chuckles in agreement.
Sam, Dean and Y/N are waiting by their vehicles on the squad car filled stretch, as F/N goes to find out what happened from the police, posing as an officer. "I don't see why we couldn't have gone with him" Y/N scoffs in annoyance. Dean gives her a look of disbelief, "Don't tell me it's starting already" He groans.
"What's starting?" She asks him confused. Looking over at Sam, he gives her a knowing look. She just shakes her head as F/N approaches. "What do you got?" Dean asks him. "It was them, alright. Looks like they're heading west. We have to double back, get around that detour" F/N explains to them.
Y/N narrows her eyes at her father, "How can you be so sure?" She asks pensively. "Y/N" Dean says in a warning tone, her rebellious attitude against her father resurfacing. "I just wanna know if we're going in the right direction" She defends, looking back at her father. "We are" F/N insists.
"How do you know?" She presses. He gives her a look before digging into his jacket pocket, he takes something out and hands it to Dean. He examines it, "It's a...vampire fang" Dean points out. "No fangs, teeth. A second set descends when they attack" F/N tells him, he turns back to his daughter. "Any more questions?" He asks, narrowing his eyes at her, similar to the way she does.
Like father like daughter, Y/N rolls her tongue against her top teeth, her arms crossed against her chest, not bothering to answer, she doesn't look at him. "Alright, let's get out of here, we're losing daylight" He instructs the three young hunters. Y/N moves to hop on her bike, doubling back in shock when her father says this after taking a look at Quinn.
"Hey Y/N, why don't you touch up your bike before you get rust. I wouldn't have given you the damn thing if I thought you were gonna ruin it" F/N says in a shady tone as he walks back to his truck that's parked a little distance from them, his back turnt to them. Her angry gaze snaps in her fathers direction, going to let one rip on him, she takes a step forward.
The boys are in disbelief by F/N's words, they notice her aggression rise at the mention of her beloved bike being tarnished by her fathers words. Dean quickly grabs her from around her waist, holding her back with Sam's help, clamping the palm over his hand over her mouth. "MHMSHSJSMSMHJMHM!" Is all she could muster up as Deans hands covers her mouth and Sam holds her back with all their might.
Damn this girl is stronger than I thought, Dean thinks to himself. "Relax, Princess" He whispers soothingly into her ear, her back pressed against his tshirt clad chest, Sam moves infront of her, holding her in place. "It's not worth it" Sam pleads with her, a look of pity on his face, his hands on her shoulders, knowing those words really hurt her, especially coming from her father.
Y/N relaxes a bit at Deans touch, her mind still swirling with anger. "I'm gonna take my hand off of your mouth, but only if you promise to behave" Dean says firmly. Her gazes snaps back to him, fury in her eyes. The anger radiating off of her lowkey scared Dean, "Please" He pleads, pouting his lip a bit. She huffs in annoyance through his hand, nodding in agreement.
Dean takes his hand off of her mouth as Sam sighs in relief that Y/N didn't tackle him to get to her father. "One more word like that out of him. Not you two" She gestures between the boys, then pointing to the sky, "not even God himself will stop me from giving him a piece of my mind" She grits her teeth at them, pointing angrily in her fathers direction, his back turnt to them, still walking to his truck.
Unaware of all that's happening behind him. Her father jumps into his Sierra, Dean and Sam jump in the Impala, Sam driving this round and she jumps on her Harley. The three vehicles make their way down the stretch.
The two brothers converse as they drive down the stretch, Y/N taking the lead, driving behind her as her father follows behind them. "Vampires nest in groups of 8 to 10. Smaller packs are sent out to hunt for food. Victims are taken to the nest. The pack keeps them alive, bleeding them for days or weeks" Dean reads aloud.
"I wonder if that's what happened to that 911 couple" He thinks out loud. "That's probably what f/n is thinking" Sam says. "Course it would he nice if he told us what he thinks" Sam adds annoyed, agreeing with Y/N, still mad about what her father said to her. Dean looks over at Sam surprised, "Not you too man" He groans. "What?" Sam asks.
"Man. We've been looking for our dads all year. Now f/n is here and he knows where dad is. We're out with f/n for more than a couple hours and there's static already? Y/N is already on board to give him a piece of her mind" Dean states the obvious.
"If both our dads were here, I'd be scared for MY life because you'd be going head to head with dad and Y/N would be trying not to claw at her fathers eyeballs" Dean huffs in frustration. "No. Look, I'm happy they're okay, alright? I'm happy we're all working together and I miss dad like hell." Sam sighs.
"Well, good" Dean cuts him off. Sam sighs, "It's just, they treat us like we're children." Sam begins, Dean rolls his eyes in annoyance. "Oh, God" He groans. "He barks orders at us, Dean. Dad does the exact same thing. They expect us to follow them without question. They keep us on some crap need-to-know deal" Sam argues defensively.
Right now Sam's the voice for both him and Y/N and he's gonna stand his ground. "They do what they do for a reason" Dean snaps back. "What reason?" Sam asks annoyed. "Our job!" Dean retorts, Sam scoffing. "There's no time to argue. There's no margin for error, alright? It's just the way those old men run things" Dean defends John and F/N.
"Yeah, well maybe that worked when we were kids, but not anymore. Alright? Not after everything me, you and y/n have been through" Sam says. "I mean, are you telling me you're cool with just falling into line, letting f/n run the whole show?" Sam asks ironically, knowing his brother hates the idea deep down.
Dean doesn't answer as Sam gives him a knowing look. "If that's what it takes" Dean says firmly. Sam looks at his brother in disbelief by his answer.
Hours later, still driving down the stretch. Deans is on the phone with f/n, "Yes, sir. Alright, got it" Dean hangs up the phone. Dialing to call Y/N. "What was that about?" Sam asks. "We gotta pull off at the next exit" Dean tells him. "Why?" Sam asks. "Because f/n thinks we've got the vampires trail" He tells him, putting the phone on speaker.
This isn't gonna end well, Sam thinks to himself. Dean calls Y/N, who answers through her headphones that are jacked in her ear as she drives at a moderate speed down the stretch. "Hey charming" She answers. "Hey, princess. Pull over at the next exit" He tells her through the speaker. "Why?" She asks confused. "Because your dad thinks we've hit the vampires' trail" Dean informs her.
"How?" She grits her teeth angrily, her tone enraged. Deans eyebrows cock at her tone, looking over at Sam nervously. "I don't know. He didn't say" He tells her shakily. The anger gets the best of her, revving her engine. She swerves her bike in a swift motion at a 45 degree angle in the middle of the road. Blocking the Impala and her fathers truck from passing.
Sam's face drops when Y/N does this, putting the car in park. "Ah crap, here we go." Dean mutters as he looks on. She takes off her helmet, resting it down harshly on her bike. The boys quickly get out of the impala. Y/N's chest heaves with fury, marching up to her father, "Y/N!" Her fathers voice bellows. "We need to talk" She says angrily, getting into his face.
"About what?" F/N matches her tone, "About everything!" She exclaims, Dean stands between the two of them as Sam looks on, a worried look on his face. The entire situation reminding him of his own father. "Where are we going, dad? What's the big deal about this gun?" She asks infuriated. "Y/n/n, come on. We can Q&A after we kill all the vampires" Dean pleads, trying to deescalate the situation.
The habit of parting fights between Y/N and F/N and Sam and John was all too familiar. "Dean's right. We don't have time for this" F/N says plainly. "Last time we saw you and John. You two said it was too dangerous to be together." She begins. Dean looks to his brother for help, Sam takes a step forward but Y/N puts her hand up warningly, narrowing her eyes at him before turning back to her father.
Sam puts his hands up in surrender and takes a step back, understanding she needed to let this out. "Now, out of the blue, you need our help! Now obviously something big is going down and we wanna know what!" She angrily rants, demanding to know the truth as her fathers eyes flash with anger, he doesn't allow it to take him over and simply says, "Get back on your bike" In a authoritative tone.
"No" She scoffs. "I said, get back on the damn bike" F/N tone is low, getting up closer in her face. "Yeah, and I said no" She grits her teeth, standing her ground. "Alright, you made your point, warrior princess." Dean puts his hand between the father and daugther who are glaring at each other. "Look, we're all tired. We can talk about this later" Sam finally chimes in, pleadingly.
"Sweetheart, we mean it. Come on" Dean pleads gently, grabbing her by her hand to guide her back to her bike. "This is why I left in the first place" She mutters to Dean, loud enough for her father to hear. "What'd you say?" F/N's tone is deadly, "You heard me" Y/N says harshly, turning back to her father.
"Yeah. You ran away. You left me, Dean and John after Sam went to college. We needed you." F/N spits angrily, getting back into her face. "You ran away, y/n. You ran away!" He yells, tears welling at her eyes. "Stop it, both of you!" Dean yells pleadingly. "Please, let's just go to a motel and get some sleep. We're all tired!" Sam tries to reason, both boys trying to hold Y/N back.
She snatches her hands from their grips, and then pushes her father by his chest. Her heart aching as the memories of the night she left home. "You're the one who said, 'Don't come back if you go out there on your own, don't call, don't text, pretend I'm dead'! You're the one who closed that door, dad! Not me!" She seethes, her voice cracking as she stabs her pointer finger in his chest.
"You were just pissed off, you couldn't control me anymore!" Y/N finally raises her voice, shouting in her fathers face. F/N snatches her by her shirt. A rage takes Dean over at this sight, causing him to step in the way quickly, grabbing Y/N by her waist, pulling her back. "Listen. Stop it. Stop it! That's enough!" Dean yells at them, ripping her out of her fathers angry grip.
Her father doesn't back down but Dean glares at him, keeping Y/N behind him, his eyes shooting daggers. "That means you too" Dean snaps at her father. He's shocked by this, "Excuse me?" F/N gasps in shock glaring at Dean as Y/N marches back to her bike, grabbing her helmet, she restarts her ignition. Dean watches desperately as she snaps her helmet on, her body shaking as she sobs while straddling her bike. The sight of Y/N crying absolutely tearing his heart apart.
Sam goes over to comfort her, he helps her take her helmet off, which she refuses but he pries it away from her. Y/N turns her head away but Sam grabs her by her chin with his fingers to look at him. She looks at Sam with tear-filled eyes, her best friends heart aching at the sight of the woman he calls his little sister in tears. She rests her head against Sam's shoulder as she empties her tear ducts onto his shirt.
"I'm so sorry y/n/n" Sam whispers to her, wrapping his arms around her, pulling her into a his chest. She shakes her head sobbing, "You have nothing to be sorry for Sammy, just hold me" She cries. "He's my father. And I love him so much, but gosh-" She sobs harder, clutching onto his shirt, her strokes her hair, shushing her gently. His chin resting right above her head.
Meanwhile, Sam is prying the helmet from Y/N, Dean turns back to F/N with a pissed off gaze, "All due respect, sir. You nor dad were here for the past year. You guys up and left to find the thing that killed our moms. And trust me I get it" His tone wavers while he points at her father angrily. "But you weren't here when your own daughter was dying!" He snaps, all the color draining from F/N's face.
"She got electrocuted when we were on a hunt. It triggered a massive heart attack. The doctors said she only had weeks to live" Dean explains, his nostril flaring, tears welling up in his eyes at the memories of a sick and dying Y/N, hopeless in that hospital bed.
"Had it not been for me and Sam who hauled her ass against her will cross-country to some faith healer in a damn tent. That beautiful kindhearted daughter of yours, who you don't seem appreciate, wouldn't be here today! By the grace of god, she got healed. When I told her that you didn't bother to call back after I begged for you and dad to come. She was devastated. But Y/N being Y/N, pretended it didn't affect her. But I know, deep down..." Dean points to his heart.
"It struck her right here" He spits angrily. "You.Weren't.There. She has every damn right to be pissed at you right now. So how about we all finish this case, and you can go back into hiding with Dad. How's that?" Dean finishes scoffing, going over Sam and Y/N. Her father stands there stunned at Deans rebuttal, absolutely speechless. His eyes wide with shock. Dean was never a kid to talkback or be disobedient. Her father felt ashamed, guilty, angry at himself that he wasn't there.
Determined to make this right, he does as Dean says, jumping into his truck. He pulls out his pack of cigarettes from his glove compartment, taking out one of the the sticks. He brings it to his lips, flicking his lighter on. He drags from the tobacco filled spliff. Blowing out a shaky breath, the anger slowly leaving his body.
"Hey, hey, heyy" Deans tone is gentle, as he approaches her. Going to the other side of Y/N's bike, she instantly moves from Sam over to Dean, clutching onto him. Dean gives his brother a look that says, 'I've got this'. Sam nods understandably, walking back to the Impala. "I've got you, princess. I've got you" He whispers in her ear comfortingly as she sniffles.
"He loves you, you know?" He tells her gently, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. He noticed the broken guilty look on F/N's face when he went snapped at him about Y/N dying. She chuckles humorlessly, "At this point, I don't know" She shakes her head. "Maybe these obvious daddy issues would make for a good tell-all book one day" She jokes, laughing lightly. Dean shakes his head, smiling at the fact that even in this situation.
Y/N found a way to make a joke and laugh about it with her ray of sunshine ass. His eyes dazzled with admiration at the woman he was so hopelessly in love with, sniffling yet laughing in his arms. "If you add the monster hunting part, people will think you're nuts... but then again. You are" He retorts jokingly.
She punches his shoulder lightly, laughing even more. A genuine smile taking over her face. "There's that gorgeous smile I was missing" Deans tone is adoring, wiping the last tear that was on her cheek away with his thumb. A slight warmth rushes to her face at his comment, her heart skipping a beat.
Her father looks on from his truck as Dean comforts Y/N, a small content smile on his face as he blows the smoke out from the corner of his lips. The fact that Dean lived up to his word, always there for his daughter. Standing up for her even when her back was turnt, he couldn't help but respect it. Respect Dean for it. As much as he was angry right now, it warmed his heart to see her smile even in this daft moment.
The next morning, they're all outside of the barn that they vampires are hiding out in, hidden in the bushes. "Son of a bitch." Dean mutters in shock as they look on at the vampires walking into the house. "So they're really not afraid of the sun?" He asks F/N. "Direct sunlight hurts like a nasty sunburn. The only way to kill them is by beheading" F/N explains.
"And yeah, they sleep during the day. Doesn't mean they won't wake up" He adds. "So I guess walking right in is not our best option" Y/N mumbles. "Actually, that's the plan" F/N responds, a smirk on his face. The three young hunters look at him confused.
Dean opens the trunk to the Impala to begin trifling through it for weapons as F/N clicks the remote on his automatic truck panel, a case opening from the rear. Packed filled with all sorts of guns and weapons. Y/N is to the other side of his truck, getting rounds of ammo just in case. "Hey, F/N. I've got an extra machete if you need one" Dean says, showing him the machete.
F/N takes the blade cover revealing a shiny serrated machete with a leather holder off of his own, "I think I'm okay. Thanks" He says dryly. "Wow, nice" Dean responds impressed. "You're really sucking up after going off on him huh?" Sam mutters to his brother, snickering a bit. Dean looks over at Sam shocked, "You heard that?" He asks him. "A little bit, don't worry. Y/N was too busy sobbing to hear you" Sam ensures him, smirking a bit.
Dean glares at him, elbowing his brother in his ribs, making him chuckle a bit more. Sam knew Dean loves Y/N, and he knows Y/N loves Dean. Hearing the snippets of his brother standing up to F/N for not being there for his daughter, after Deans whole life was spent worshipping the ground F/N and John walked on, he was proud of his brother for sticking up for the woman he loved.
Y/N emerges from the side of the truck, stuffing her gun in the back of her pants. "I'll take it" Y/N gestures to the machete. "Sure, here" Dean says, handing it to her. "So....you kids really wanna know about this Colt?" F/N suddenly says. They look over at him, a bit of an awkward tension in the air. "Yes, sir" Sam responds. F/N sighs,
"It's just a story. A legend, really. Well, I thought it was. I never really believed it until I read Daniel's letter" He begins. "Back in 1835, when Haley's Comet was overhead, the same night those men died at the Alamo, they say Samuel Colt made a gun. A special gun. He made it for a Hunter. A people like us, only on a horseback. The story goes, he made 13 bullets. This hunter. Used the gun a half dozen times before he disappeared, the gun along with him. Until somehow, Daniel hit his hands on it. They say...." F/N trails off, taking a deep breath.
He looks back up at the three young hunters, "They say this gun can kill anything" He finishes. Realization dawns on them, "Kill anything like supernatural anything?" Dean asks F/N. "Like the demon" Sam voices their thoughts. "Yeah, the demon" F/N confirms. "Ever since John picked up its trail....we've been looking for a way to destroy that thing. Find the gun, we may have it" He finishes.
Sam, Dean and Y/N are speechless. They might actually have a chance at killing the thing that killed their moms. It felt surreal.
They eventually found a back entrance into the barn, they slowly open it, getting in quickly. One by one, they step down from the haystack. Dean closes the door behind them. They creep in slowly to see a bunch of vampires asleep all about. Some in hammocks, some on the ground. At least 10 by the time they counted.
Dean goes to duck underneath one of the hammocks, accidentally knocking down a glass. He jumps, wielding his machete but luckily. The vamp didn't wake up.
F/N walks through the barn and stumbles on a room. Inside was a couple fast asleep, presumably the head vampire and his mate.
Back outside, Y/N discovers an unconscious young woman tied to a pillar in the barn. Blood on her shirt, "Fellas" She whispers to draw Sam and Deans attention to the unconscious woman.
F/N slowly makes his way down the stairs of the couples room, making sure not to wake them. But they begin stirring in their sleep, making him holt in position.
Y/N begins to untie the young woman when a rattling noise in the back draws their attention. "There's more" Dean whispers, getting up, he slowly makes way to check. He comes upon a case with people inside, a deadlock bolting them in. Sam and Y/N untie the girl as Dean takes a hook to unhook the deadlock.
He quickly snaps it out, making a noise. The other vampires stir a bit in their sleeps. Mumbling but not waking up.
F/N sees the Colt on the vampire's nightstand, moving closer and closer to it.
"Hey..." Y/N whispers to the young woman who begins who regain consciousness. "Hey, hey. Shh, we're here to help you" Sam tells her gently, his tone above a whisper. The woman then begins screaming, "NOOO!!!" In an animalistic tone. Awakening everyone, including the vamp leader in the room.
Sam and Y/N back up surprised, wielding their machete. "Sam! Y/N!" Dean yells.
F/N is startled by the growl from outside, the vamp leader waking up to see him there. He grabs F/N and throws him into the wall with inhumane strength. F/N quickly picks up a bottle of scotch that was on the ground and throws it at the window, allowing the sunlight to pour in. The vampires shield themselves in pain.
He runs out of the room in a flash, "Kids! Run!" He instructs the young hunters. They oblige, all running out vampires run after them. When they make it outside in the open by their vehicles, Y/N notices her father isn't outside yet. "Daddy?! Daddy?!" She yells panicked. Her panic subsides when F/N emerges from the house, running back to the vehicles.
"They won't follow. They'll wait till tonight. Once a vampire has gets your scent, it's for life" He tells them. "What the hell do we do now?" Y/N asks him. "You gotta find the nearest funeral home. That's what" He tells them. They look at him confused but oblige, listening to him.
"They shouldn't be taking this long. I should go help" Y/N says nervously pacing the room. Sam and Dean went to go get blood from the funeral home per her fathers request. Now in the motel room with her dad, the tension is deafening. "They've got it" F/N assures her, dusting the ash into the tray the window as he's smoking.
She doesn't answer, sighing. "Y/n/n..." F/N begins. "Yeah?" She turns to him, holting in her tracks. He pats the empty chair across from him the window, she sighs, taking a seat reluctantly. "You still smoke?" He asks his daughter. "Yes, sir" She responds nodding. He then takes out his pack of Dunhill, offering her one.
She looks at him in confusion. She's never smoked in front of her father but it was a known fact that she did. "Light one up with your old man" He shrugs, offering her a small smile. She sighs, handing him his pack back. Then pulling out her pack from her bag, Dunhill Switch. "I can't smoke that kind." She shakes her pack, nodding to his.
He nods understandably, stuffing it back into his pocket as she bursts the bubble in the bud, lighting her own. "How are you my daughter? I can't smoke that minty shit" He huffs jokingly. "That shit" She points to his plain cigarette. "Is like practically licking the bottom of this ashtray" She points to the ashtray. F/N shakes his head at his daughter snark, chuckling. He then sighs, getting serious.
"I've never told you this...but... the day you were born, you know what I did?" He says to her, dusting his ash out the window. "No" She responds dryly, blowing the smoke out the corner of her mouth. "I put a hundred bucks into a savings account for you. John did the same thing for Sam and Dean after Sam was born. Gave him the idea" He chuckles as Y/N listens intently.
"It was a college fund. And every month, I'd put in another $100 until...." He admits, trailing off, indicating he was talking about when his wife, y/n's mother died. He sighs, "Anyway, my point is, baby, that this was never the life that I wanted for you" F/N tells her. "I was born to do this either way you like it dad" Y/N responds in a gruff tone, taking a drag from her cigarette.
"You gotta understand something...After Mary passed. And then your mother. All I saw was evil. Everywhere. And all I cared about- All me and John cared about was...was keeping you and those boys alive" F/N says genuinely. Y/N feels her heart pang at the mention of her mother, taking another drag. "I wanted you...prepared. Ready." He adds, clearing his throat.
"See, somewhere along the line, I-uh.....I stopped being your father. And I- I became your-...drill sergeant" He admits shamefully. Y/N sighs, dusting the ash into the tray, she studies the stick inbetween her fingers, not daring to look him in the eye. "So when you said that you were tired of me breathing down your neck and you wanted to hunt on your own. All I could think about, my only thought was...that you were gonna be alone...vulnerable" His voice cracks.
Y/N's face drops, guilt taking her over. "Baby, it just— I hated the fact that you and me were so similar because, fuck-" He huffs, chuckling humorlessly. "I'm a hot fucking mess" He chuckles more, tears welling up in his eyes. Y/N chuckles tearfully, a smile breaking out in her face. "You're not a mess, daddy" She assured her father, tears threatening to fall.
"If anything, you thought me how to ground myself. And not let my feelings get in the way of the hunt. Emotionally detach myself and get the job done. And damn- I can handle a gun almost as good as you" She smiles blinking back her tears, her father smiles sadly. "Those feelings wouldn't have anything to do with a certain someone, now would it?" F/N asks her suggestively, cocking his eyebrow.
"Huh?" She asks him confused, taking a drag from her cigarette. "So you aren't sweet on Dean?" F/N puts it bluntly, a slight smirk on his face. Her eyes widen in shock, choking on the smoke in her lungs. "Woah! Easy there champ" F/N laughs at her reaction, patting her daughters back.
"Dad!" She exclaims embarrassed, covering her face that's turning beet red. "I am not sweet on, Dean" She denies it relentlessly afraid of what her father might think if he actually knew that she was hopelessly inlove with Dean. F/N just shrugs, knowing she was full of crap. "Whatever you say, baby" He chuckles, not convinced.
"He sure seems sweet on you" He adds plainly, taking a drag. Her heart was ready to fall out of her chest, "Bullshit" She scoffs shaking her head. He puts his hands up in surrender, "I'm not against it. But you'll always be my baby" He smiles. "I know daddy" She nods, returning the smile. A thought ran across her mind,
"Hey, Dad? Whatever happened to our college funds?" She asks curiously. Her father smirks, "Me and John spent it on ammo" F/N admits. This makes Y/N burst into laughter along with F/N. The two laughing hysterically as the door opens, Sam and Dean walking in. She crushes her bud in the ashtray, the two boys surprised to see the father and daughter duo laughing.
"Well the place didn't burn down, that's a good sign" Sam jokes. "Shut up" Y/N chuckles, rolling her eyes. "Is that a chuckle I hear?" Sam cups his hand to his ear, pretending to be listening. "I think we might be in heaven, Dean" He nudges his brother. Dean smirks. "I think so, Sammy" He responds, snickering. Y/N scoffs, throwing a cushion from the chair at them. "Alright, enough jokes. You boys get it?" F/N asks them.
"Whew. Man, some heavy security to protect a bunch of dead guys" Dean says, a smug smile on his face. He then pulls out a paper bag from his jacket. Handing it to Y/N, she takes it. Opening the bag, she pulls out a jar of blood. F/N grins proudly, flicking his cigarette out the window, she hands it to him. "You know what to do" He says to the three hunters knowingly, resting it down on the window still.
It's now nightfall again and Dean is currently hunched over the hood of the Impala trying to 'fix' something that went wrong with his engine. "Car trouble?" A woman's voice draws him out of his concentration. He turns around to see a strange woman with a coy smile on her face. "Let me give you a lift, take you back to my face" Kate, the woman, says in a flirtatious tone, walking closer to Dean.
He had to stop himself from cringing from disgust at her tone. A smirk rises on his face, "Nah, I'll pass. I usually draw the line at necrophilia" Dean snarkily retorts, a smug smile on his face. "Ooohh" Kate smirks before backhanding him hard, knocking him off his feet.
Meanwhile, Sam, Y/N and F/N were hiding in the bushes. Concealed by the darkness, they're wielding crossbows and arrows. Her arrow drenched in the blood that the boys got from the funeral home. Y/N chest heaves when the woman backhands Dean. She's ready to shoot her arrow Dean but F/N stops her. "Not yet, there's more where she came from. Give it a second" He whispers to her. Y/N nods obliging.
Dean groans in pain from the punch as two men approach from behind Kate. She then grabs Dean roughly by his face, lifting him off his feet and into the air above her head with inhumane strength. He groans in pain, "I don't normally get this friendly till the second date but..." He comments sarcastically, chuckling painfully.
"You know, we could have some fun" Kate giggles darkly. Lowering him down to her eye level. "I always like to make new friends" She bites her lip seductively before bringing Dean closer to her, attaching her lips to his. Kate moans as they kiss and the two men, who seem to be her accomplices, watch with pleased faces.
Y/N grips onto her crossbow as she watches this, shaking with anger at the sight. Sam and F/N look at her with raised eyebrows when they notice her shaking. "Can I shoot the bitch now?" She grits her teeth angrily. F/N gives Sam a nod, "On three" Sam whispers.
After Kate detaches her lips from Dean, "Ugh, sorry. Don't really stay with a chick that long. Definitely not eternity" Dean counters with snark. That's when the arrows come shooting, Y/N aims immediately for Kate while Sam and F/N shoot at the two men. Kates grip loosens on Dean and he's back on his feet.
"Damn it" Kate groans in annoyance as the three hunters emerge from the bushes. Y/N glaring at Kate with deadly daggers. "Barely even stings" She tells at them cockily. F/N smirks, "Give it time, sweetheart. Arrows soaked in dead man's blood." F/N retorts, Kates dark smile dropping. "It's like poison to you, isn't it?" Y/N clap backs sassily.
A satisfied smile spreads on her face when Kate falls to the ground unconscious. "Load her up. I'll take care of these two" F/N instructs Dean, who picks up an unconscious Kate tosses her in the backseat. F/N then gives Sam and Y/N a nod to head back to the their vehicles. They do so as F/N wields his machete, drawing it back, he decapitates the first vampire in a swift motion. Blood splattering on his jacket before moving onto the next.
They're all now hiding in the woods. "Toss these on the fire" F/N hands Dean a bag of rags, after making a bonfire. "Saffron, skunks cabbage and trillium. It'll block our scent and hers, until we're ready" He explains to them. They all cough and gag at the strong scent of the rags, "Jesus dad, this stuff stinks" Y/N gags, covering her nose.
"That's the idea. Dust your clothes with the ashes and you stand a chance at not being detected" He instructs them. "You sure they'll come after her?" Sam asks him, gesturing to Kate who's bounded to a tree, moaning in pain from the dead man's blood. "Yeah. Vampires mate for life. She means more to the leader than the gun." F/N informs them.
"But the blood sickness is gonna wear off soon, so you don't have a lot of time" He adds. "Half hour ought to do it" Sam responds. "Then, I want you three out of the area as fast as you can" F/N tells them. "But-" Y/N stutters. "F/N. You can't take care of all of them yourself" Dean warns him.
"I'll get her. And the Colt" F/N nods towards Kate. "But after, we're gonna meet up, right? Use the gun together" Y/N asks him, but he looks down, not answering. "Right?" She asks again, he looks away, still not answering. The boys faces drop. Y/N getting irritated, "You're leaving again, aren't you?" She grits her teeth, shaking her head.
"You and John still wanna go after the demon by yourselves" Y/N adds, trying to not let her anger get the best of her. Her father looks at her with guilt written all over his face, "You know, I don't get you. You get treat us like this" Y/N argues. "Like what?" F/N retorts. "Like children" She counters.
"You are my child. And I know Sam and Dean, you aren't my kids. But I love you boys like my own sons. I'm trying to keep you all safe" F/N defends. Sam and Y/N nostrils flare in anger as Dean rolls his eyes, "Mr. L/N, all due respect again, but uhh that's a bunch of crap" Dean says plainly.
Sam and Y/N's gaze snap to him in shock at his back talk. "Excuse me?" F/N says baffled. "You know what Sammy, Y/N/N and I have been hunting. Hell you and Dad sent us on a few hunting trips yourself. But you can't be worried about keeping us safe" Dean chuckles ironically, no humor in his tone.
"You know, I don't like this tone you're picking up" F/N clenches his jaw, getting up closer to Dean who backs back. Y/N immediately puts herself between the two men. "Oh no. Uh-uh. Not happening." She growls, glaring at her father. F/N sighs, "It's not the same, kids" He huffs.
"Then what is it? Why do you want us out of the big fight?" Dean asks him. "It's because this demon is a bad son of a bitch" F/N says in a sad tone. "I can't make the same moves if I'm worried about keeping you guys alive. Me and John have to face this alone" He adds calmly. "You guys mean you can't be as reckless" Dean calls him out on his bullshit.
"Look..." F/N sighs. "I don't expect to make it out of this fight in one piece" He says honestly, the three young hunters listen intently. He turns to his daughter, "Your mothers death..." He then turns to Sam and Dean, "And your mothers death..." He says softly. "It almost killed me and John. And speaking on his behalf, we can't just watch our children die too, we won't" His voices cracks when he says this.
Tears welling up in his eyes, Y/N could feel her heart breaking at the sound of her father's voice. "What happens if you die? Daddy...what happens if you die and we could've done something about it" Y/N asks him. Her father doesn't answer, looking down. A single tear falling from his eye, down his cheek.
"You know, I've been thinking, I...maybe Sammy and y/n/n are right about this one. We should all do this together. We call dad, get him down here and do this together" Dean insists, Sam and Y/N nodding in agreement. "Our families are stronger together. We just are. And you know it. Both you and Dad know it" Dean tries to reason with him, adamant on the fact.
F/N sighs, looking back up at the three young hunters. "We're running out of time." He says plainly. "You do your job and you get out of the area. That's an order" Deans head drops at F/N's tone, laced with authority to the point he can't argue any further.
After leaving Sam, Dean and Y/N behind with the order to kill all vampires back at the barn. F/N is driving his truck, Kate in the front seat starts to regain consciousness. He looks over at her with a grim expression. His eyes widen when he notices a pair of headlights in his rearview mirror.
Dean and Y/N creep around the side of the barn. They peep their heads up to see a vampire by the haystack drinking. Dean picks up an empty beer bottle that was disposed of and tosses it across the room, the glass shattering. The vampires ear cock up at the sound, scanning the room for any familiar scents or sounds.
Dean creeps up behind him, the vampire turning around in shock. "Boo" He smirks before drawing back his machete quickly, decapitating the vampire.
Y/N rushes over to the cage with humans the vampires had locked up. "Told you we'd come back" Dean says besides her to the humans, before picking the lock on the cage and ripping it off.
F/N steps on it, driving down the road at nearly 60 miles per hour. He's stunned when he realizes the road is blocked by four vampires and their car. Mashing the brakes, he puts the truck in park. "Get out!" Luther, Kates mate, the vampire pack leader, orders him.
F/N does so, opening his door and steps out of the truck. "Who are you?" Luther asks him. "Name's L/N" He answers dryly. "Where are you friends?" Luther further questions. F/N smirks, "Cleaning out your nest" Luther's cocky smile drops. "Where's Kate?" He grits his teeth at F/N.
"Come here, sweetheart" F/N hauls the rope from the truck that Kates tied up with. Pulling her out, he presses his machete to her neck. Luther is fuming with anger, "Kate, you alright?" He asks his mate. She breathes heavily from the poison, "Dead Man's Blood" She informs him that she was poison.
"You son of a bitch" Luther growls. "I want the Colt, Elkins' gun. A trade" F/N demand. "Is that what this is all about? I mean, you can't shoot us all right. We'll kill you" Luther scoffs cockily. "Oh I don't need it for you. I'm saving it for something else" F/N smirks. "Put the Colt down or she goes first" He orders.
"Alright" Luther obliges, taking the gun out of his pants he walks closer. "Just don't hurt her" He pleads. Resting the gun down on the ground infront of F/N. "Back up" He grits his teeth at Luther. "Further" He adds, Luther puts his hands up in defense, backing up further. F/N bends down slowly to pick the gun up, Kate still in his hands.
He doesn't realize Kate slip out of her bindings when he picks it up to see Luther smirking. "Nice move, you almost made it" Luther says, then suddenly Kate knocks him back, into his truck headlights harshly. The gun slipping from his grip. Luther grabs F/N by his collar and tosses him like a rag doll into his truck door that's still opened.
The glass shattering on impact as he falls to the floor unconscious. Luther moves closer to finish the job but he doesn't make it because an arrow drenched in Dead Man's Blood come flying in the direction of one of the vampires that were Luther's backup. Sam, Dean and Y/N come emerging from the bushes.
Another one of Luther's henchmen try to attack Dean but he shoots him with a arrow, incapacitating him. Y/N goes to shoot Luther but with speed, he knocks her off of her feet before punching Sam who was charging at him. Grabbing him by the collar, he tosses him into F/N's windscreen, shattering on impact. Sam rolls onto the ground, crying out in pain.
Y/N is dazzled by the attack, groaning in pain. Dean runs over after decapitating two other vampires. Kate, Luther and another henchwoman being the last three left. Dean grabs Sam's disguarded machine but Luther picks Y/N up and puts her in a headlock. "Nope. I'll break your bitch's neck. Put the blade down" Luther growls at Dean who holts in position.
Y/N grunts in pain as his grip tightens, Deans heart pounding out of his chest at the sight, "Kill Him!" She barks. Dean just stares at Luther who looks back at him with a deadly smile. Dean reluctantly tosses Sam's machete to the side as Luther glares at him, gripping onto Y/N who grunts. "You people. Why can't you just leave us alone" He huffs angrily.
"We have as much right to live as you do" His grip again tightens around Y/N's throat. "I don't think so" F/N's voice behind him startles Luther. He turns around to be met with an untimely faith of a bullet from the Colt, shot point blank by F/N to save his daughter's life. Luther's grip loosens on Y/N, Dean grabs her quickly, wrapping his arms around her as she gasps for air.
Blood pours from Luther's bullet wound in his head. Almost as if the bullet stunned him. A gush of wind blows back Luther's hair whilst a orangeish light glows from the bullet wound in his forehead. Kate watches as her mate falls to his knees, "Luther!!!!" She screams painfully. The hunters watching on as Luther falls to the ground, now dead.
Kate rushes to attack F/N but her friend holds her back. "Kate, don't!" But Kate breaks out of her grip. F/N goes to shoot but Kates too quick, she knocks the gun out of his hand, backhanding him. This knocks the breath out of him. Sam Dean and Y/N charge at her but it's too late. Kate had already taken up Sams machete that Dean tossed aside, driving in through F/N.
"NOOOOOO!!!!!!" Y/N screams painfully, a power surging through her after witnessing her father's body fall to the ground.
It all happened so fast. As cliche as it sounds, cliches are what it is for a reason. It was as if everything was in slow motion. One minute my father saved my life from a vampire that was ready to snap my neck like a toothpick. The next....he was bleeding on the ground because he killed someone's mate.
"NOOOOOO!!!!" I scream painfully, power surging through me. That's when a force sent Kate flying into Luther's windscreen. In that moment, I knew it came out of me. Sam and Dean ran over to my father to check on him. All I had was murder in my mind, vengeance against the woman who just drove a machete through his gut.
I picked up my fathers machete that was on the ground, charging at Kates friend. I took her head off in a flash, gritting my teeth as I inch towards Kate who was on the floor infront of Luther's car. "Nonono!! He killed Luther!" She pleads for her life. I glare at her in disgust. My chest fuming with anger. "Fuck you bitch!" I drew my father machete back.
I took her hands first, chopping the off one by one swiftly. The blood from her hands drenching me as they squirt out like water guns. She cries for mercy but I kick her back onto the ground, my boot on her neck. "PLEASE I-" She didn't get to finish her sentence because I had already taken her head off. The machete slips from my grip.
I rush over to my father who's still on the floor, Sam and Dean besides him. They're knelt next to him, holding him up. "It's okay daddy. We'll get you patched up" Tears fall from my eyes when I see the lifeless smile on my fathers face. He shakes his head weakly, this making me sob even more. "You...kids...need t-t-to get...out...of...here. Take the Colt to your father." He breathes heavily. Clutching onto the machete that still in him.
"No! We're not leaving you!" Dean yells, tears falling from his eyes. Dad shakes his head weakly, "Feel my back..." He says to us, grimacing in pain. Sam puts his hand to his back, and then brings it out to show us....blood. The blade when through him. straight through him. "Please, daddy. No! You can't go this way! You can't!" I sob, clutching onto my father.
"It's okay baby. It's my time" He assured me, smiling weakly. I shake my head, refusing to accept it. He then brings his shaky bloody hand to my face slowly. Wiping my tears away, I cry louder at his touch, a lump in my throat forming. "You are so beautiful. You remind me so much of your mother." He says lovingly, tears forming in his eyes. "Just as strong, fearless and hardheaded" He chuckles weakly, I choke back a painful sob.
"I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you. I will never be able to forgive myself for not being there when you needed me most. God knows my heart, he knows that if I knew you were dying, I'd be there" He sobs, his voice pained. "How do you..." I trail off in shock at the fact that he knew I was electrocuted months back. "That doesn't matter. But I'm here now....and I'm going again" Tears coat all our faces as he continues weakly.
"Please...please don't leave me. I can't do this without you" I cry out for my father, clutching into him. "You'll always be my baby, you can do it. I know you can" He smiles weakly. He then turns to Dean with a tearful smile. "Dean...I admire your dedication to this life. Your bravery, your courage and your determination. You always stepped up and I appreciate that. You're a hell of a hunter and your father is proud of you. I'm proud of you" Dad tells him weakly, Dean chokes a painful sob. "Thank you, sir" Dean cries.
"You take care of my little girl. Look out for her. Do what it takes to protect her, son. That's an order" He says firmly. "Yes, sir. You have my word" Dean sobs, holding onto my fathers right hand. "I know I do" Dad says nodding. "But you hurt her, and I'll haunt your ass, you hear me boy?" He threatens. Dean nods. Dad then turns Sam, "And you...kiss and make up with your old man. He loves you" He says to Sam, a small chuckle leaving his lips.
"Yes, sir" Sam nods firmly, sobbing. "You're a smart kid, Sammy. You tried to get out of this life, I admire that about you. Thank you for being a brother to my daughter" He says gratefully to Sam. "You keep these two knuckleheads grounded before they kill each other. You hear me?" Dad chuckles, gesturing to me and Dean. I shake my head at this sobbing.
The fact that he's joking in a time like this is ironic and familiar. He really is my father. "I will. I promise" Sam promises him. "Y/n/n..." My fathers weak voice croaks, he weakly pulls the machete from his gut, the blood escaping from his wounds through and through. I can't look at it, my vision starts to become blurry.
"I love you, baby" He says weakly. "I love you too, daddy" I sob, staring into my fathers eyes. "It's okay....you can go now" I cry, holding my father in my arms as he takes his last breath. The light that was once in his eyes, now going out. "No...no....NOOOOOOO!!!!" I scream, a power surging through me again.
The scream I let out was ear piercing. The boys who were also sobbing, grimaced, putting their hands over their ears as I continue to scream. It was deafening. I swore I felt the ground beneath me shaking, I was sure it was when the windows from the Impala and my Dads truck that were perfectly fine, shattered. The glass scattering all around us.
When I finally stopped screaming, I was sobbing again. Dean had to pry me away from my father. I was kicking and screaming as Sam held him up, wrapping his arm around Dads shoulder to take his lifeless body to the Impala. I sobbed into his chest, banging at him with my fists. "Let go of me, Dean! LET GO OF ME!!!" I scream but he doesn't let up as Sam opens the backdoor and gently places Dad in the back seat.
Dean was crying just as much as me. He held onto me like if I was the one that was dead.
My father was dead. He was gone. And he wasn't coming back. He died saving my life. He died because I didn't listen to him. He died because of me.
To Be Continued...
Authors Note: PUT THE PITCHFORKS DOWN!!😭😂I know some people might be happy with her fathers death but me personally, I'm heartbroken. No joke, I cried while writing this. I've been planning this from since the first episode. I hope this doesn't discourage some people from reading. I do hope everyone enjoyed and thank you for supporting me always! Reminder that this chapter is unedited. Till the next 🫶Heres a spoiler that's kind of obvious, John returns😘
Taglist: @hjgdhghoe @rach5ive
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ellarain · 3 days
I'm just now realizing just how underrated ever after high is (I always knew but it's hitting me now harder than ever). Like there are many people part of it but not a lot. I keep watching edits and I cry because I miss when there were still episodes being made. Like where did it all go? What happened? It had so much potential and it all got swept away. It's so sad. I know it's just a kids show but it's so much more to me and to many, if not all of us. There's going to be a day where there are no more fans. We're going to get old and there won't be anyone to take over. We can get people interested but there'll come a day when there won't be any og fans or people that were alive when it was made. It'll lose it's a spark and die out completely. There won't be anything left. No one will have even heard of ever after high. All this will be gone. No matter how hard we try. It doesn't mean we shouldn't try at all. We should try and continue keeping the show alive. But one day all we know will be lost.
It's sad to think about and to be honest, I don't ever want to. But one day when we're 80 years old, we'll look back and smile. Enjoy the moments we have now because one day it'll be lost, forever after.
Just writing this got me on the verge of tears. And I'm probably going to start to cry any minute now.
Also sorry if this kinda got you guys down. We shouldn't stop trying. I love ever after high and I'm never going to stop. Neither should you.
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dreamerwitches · 1 day
Scene Zero for Dummies
I'm going to be a martyr and list out all the important plot beats for scene zero so that no one else has to slog through it like me. Let's goooo
Scene 1
Mabayu loves movies, is bad at socialising and lying, is most likely autistic, very lazy and works at her aunt's - Sakie - cafe. She's a year above most of the girls at school, in Mami's year.
While watching a movie, time pauses because of Homura and Mabayu gets paused too. She can resume the paused TV when she touches it.
Time pauses at school for her and she uses this time to copy a students answers during a test.
Mabayu sees Kyubey outside but Sakie doesn't see them, thinking she saw Amy. A cat that visits outside the cafe regularly.
Mabayu has a soul gem ring but doesn't remember where she got it from. She has no idea she is currently a magical girl.
At the cafe Mabayu gets a sudden vision of Amy getting hit by a car. She goes outside and sees it happened and Madoka is crying over her. Madoka and Sakie go to the vet with Amy while Mabayu looks after the cafe.
Amy suddenly gets better at the vet with the vets declaring it a miracle. This was because Madoka made her wish to save Amy.
The school goes on an annual visit to an auto plant (what a lame school trip huh). Mabayu accidentally wanders into a witch's labyrinth but Mami pulls her out with her ribbons.
Meanwhile, parts of episode 10 are happening during this. Homura is in her second loop. Eg. tells Madoka in class she's a magical girl too. Homura actually tells Mami and Madoka about her wish and being from the future here but the two have a hard time believing it.
Homura struggles fighting witches so Mami actually gives her a book on how to make explosives (guess she didnt look it up online this time eh?)
Mabayu follows Mami after being curious of her being a magical girl (she still doesn't know about them) but Mami acts weirdly saying she'll kill her (I have no idea why this is so out of character). Mabayu runs away in fear into a Bartels barrier and it kills her and later Mami (sigh)
Episode 10 plays out where Madoka becomes Kriemhild and Homura finds out about witches
Film 2
Mabayu is surprised to wake up at the beginning of the loop and thinks everything was a dream.
Kyubey finally approaches Mabayu saying they've already made a contract with Mabayu.
The Amy incident happens just the same as last time as Mabayu forgets to interfere.
Meanwhile, Homura is unsure about sharing the truth with others.
Mabayu uses her magic at school. She can turn invisible in her magi form by bending light. Her magic can also let her hear conversations from a way away as well as basically zoom in in real life.
She spies on Madoka and Mami in Mami's apartment. Homura enters, telling them not to listen to Kyubey but doesn't elaborate as she doesn't think they're ready yet.
Mabayu wants to find Homura's address at school so she can meet her but cannot find it in the staff room.
At the auto plant visit, Madoka and Homura fight the witch with Homura finally explaining her past. (but not the truth about witches) Madoka is fine with this, trusting Homura. Homura isn't ready to tell Mami yet.
Kyubey makes contact with Sayaka but she is dissuaded from contracting by Homura.
Sayaka knows about Madoka being a magical girl and is a little jealous she's so amazing. The scene with Kyosuke plays out ala episode 4 and she is swayed to contract.
Homura encounters Elly similar to Madoka in episode 4 and Sayaka saves her.
Madoka, Sayaka and Homura find Anja and Kyoko interrupts like in episode 5. Sayaka is suspicious that Homura knows Kyoko's name but is hesitant about telling Sayaka the truth.
Ala episode 10, Homura meets with everyone to tell them the truth. She tells them about witches but Mami and Sayaka don't fully trust her.
At the hospital, Sayaka wants to visit Kyosuke but Hitomi is already there. She overhears him saying he thinks Hitomi's visits are what cured his hand and Sayaka is very upset.
Sayaka's suffering arc plays out with it ending in Mami's breakdown.
Madoka and Homura fight Walpurgis with it ending in Homura killing Madoka before she can become Kriemhild. Mabayu resets along with Homura.
Film 3
Homura becomes coolTM
Homura shoots Kyubey outside Madoka's home, believing them to be dead now.
At home, Homura realises she can't tell the truth to anyone and will kill Walpurgis on her own. Mabayu arrives in her home, telling her Kyubey isn't dead.
The girls are two late and Madoka saves Amy, becoming a magical girl.
Homura is mad at Mabayu for spying on her and Mabayu gets nervous, running away.
Madoka is fighting the Minotaur witch at the auto plant but is struggling. Mabayu tries to help, using her weapon for the first time.
Homura stops time, stepping in. Mabayu is shocked Homura was going to abandon this Madoka just because she's contracted. Homura explains she doesn't want to connect to Madoka to feel the pain all over again because she knows she'll have to reset eventually in this loop.
Mabayu has a future vision. This shows that Homura can win but Mabayu will die. Knowing this is the best outcome, she goes along with it, dying.
Mami rushes over, upset at Mabayu's death. She later dies by Charlotte despite Madoka's warning. The two fight Walpurgis but fail.
Film 4
Mabayu visits Homura and both of them remember the last loop. She is at first rude but soon thanks Mabayu for sacrificing herself for the best outcome.
The two team up with Homura killing Kyubey outside Madoka's home again.
Kyubey visits Mabayu at home but she plays dumb, pretending to not understand them. She makes up a warning that if Kyubey tries to make Madoka contract something terrible will happen.
Meanwhile, Homura deals with Mami by making a truce. She'll tell her where witches will appear with her past knowledge so that she won't make any other girls contract.
Mabayu and Homura discover that the car that hits Amy was caused by a witch so they find the cause, defeating a familiar.
At the auto plant, Mabayu manages to stop Madoka and Sayaka from falling into the witch's barrier by helping them find the exit. Mabayu and Homura successfully fell the witch.
Unfortunately, Kyubey manages to meet Madoka and Sayaka, talking to them.
Kyubey tells Mami about these new candidates but since she made a deal with Homura she refuses.
Mabayu and Homura deal with Gertrud but Sayaka is injured in the crossfire. Homura uses this to warn Madoka from contracting as its dangerous.
Madoka approaches Homura and Mabayu, asking about magical girls. She is sad about Homura fighting alone and wants to help but Homura tells her adamantly not to.
Mabayu is worried that if Homura keeps telling Madoka about the danger of being a magical girl, she'll just want to help Homura more. Mabayu suggests they emphasise the fact she will no longer be human. Homura wonders if telling her the truth will help.
Madoka gets lost in Charlotte's labyrinth at the hospital. Homura decides to tell Madoka the truth about witches. Madoka then makes a wish to save Charlotte from despair, creating a strangely coloured Nagisa.
The girls then have to look after Nagisa who acts similarly to usual but more childishly. The group think that they can deal with Nagisa by fulfilling her wish.
Nagisa has nightmares of killing Mami as Charlotte and begins to think she's not a good person. She goes on a rampage, killing witches as well as Kyoko.
This film explains Mabayu's mother's backstory. She had a future vision that was never wrong but one day saw that she was going to die of illness and it broke her. She became a different person, begging no one to approach her in hospital.
Seeing no option to save Nagisa, Mabayu uses her magic to alter her memories. She cuts it like a film, removing her memories of killing Mami and Kyoko.
Nagisa gets a cheesecake baked by Sakie.
The girls fight Walpurgis and Nagisa is finally at peace so disappears. Homura resets
Film 5
Homura states they cannot let Madoka know about witches as they'll have another mess like Nagisa to deal with.
At the auto plant, Mabayu helps out Madoka and Sayaka again. Homura freezes time and kills Kyubey so that they cannot talk to Madoka and Sayaka.
Homura has sent Mami to another city so that she's out of their hair.
Mabayu is tasked with stalling Madoka and Sayaka from running into a witch at the mall but she's nervous about talking to them. Mabayu decides to ask Sayaka if she wants to work at her aunt's cafe.
Sayaka asks Mabayu why she wanted to hire her for work. Mabayu states she knows she collects DVDs but Sayaka is suspicious of how she knows so. Mabayu tries to lie but Sayaka sees right through her.
Kyubey tries to contact Sayaka to contract but she doesn't understand what they're saying.
Homura defeats Charlotte in the hospital. Kyubey appears and Mabayu uses a borrowed gun to kill them, masking it in the public space as a fire extinguisher going off.
Mabayu discovers that Madoka and Sayaka visited the hospital to see Kyosuke. Both Mabayu and Homura were unaware of him before now.
Homura asks Mabayu to see into the future but in it Sayaka has contracted. Homura realised she overlooked Sayaka while focusing on Madoka.
Homura is mad at Sayaka so prepares to fight her however Mabayu butts in. She doesn't want Sayaka to get hurt so asks Homura to let her deal with Sayaka instead. She plans on becoming her friend so she won't turn into a witch or have a bad effect on Madoka.
Kyoko doesn't interfere with Sayaka as she doesn't visit Mitakihara in this timeline.
Mabayu continues to fail at becoming closer friends with Sayaka as she's too bad at conversations. She's also put off by the fact she thinks of herself more as a senpai (an older classmate) than a friend.
Sayaka later fights Elsa Maria with Homura aiding. She is mad at Homura and an incident makes Mabayu appear where she was previously invisible. Sayaka is mad that Mabayu was working with Homura all along. The three tussle but oh what a surprise, Madoka contracts to make Sayaka no depress any more wow
Madoka and Sayaka fight Walpurgisnacht but fail, Homura resetting time.
Film 6
Mabayu apologises for messing up but Homura is fine with it since they learnt a lot. She honestly doesn't want to kill Sayaka at the end of the day.
Mabayu hires Sayaka again but this time knows her better, pointing out her love of classical music.
Sayaka discovers Mabayu is a magical girl but the two seem on good terms about it. Mabayu explains what she can remember of her wish (as it is still unknown to her) and that it was a wish for another person.
Kyosuke's tantrum from episode 4 plays out as Mabayu watches in hiding.
Sayaka is about to make her wish but Mabayu intervenes. She tries to dissuade her but fails.
Mabayu and Sayaka go witch hunting together. Mabayu chooses a song for Sayaka to fight to which apparently improves her strength.
Mabayu spies on Hitomi and Sayaka having their conversation like in episode 7. Mabayu is unsure how to cheer Sayaka up from this.
Sayaka asks Mabayu if she can see into the future about Hitomi's confession but backpedals, losing confidence. Mabayu hopes Sayaka will confess instead.
Sayaka seemingly decides to confess but Kyubey tells her she's no longer human and loses her resolve.
Sayaka faces Elsa Maria like usual.
Sayaka skips school the next day and later is found on the Soul-gem-throwing-bridge and does the deed herself. Unfortunately, this hustle makes Madoka contract whoops (she's really an idiot in scene zero huh)
Reset time whee
Film 7
Mabayu decides against letting Sayaka contract this time.
Mabayu pretends she has fortune telling abilities, trying to dissuade Sayaka from thinking about a contract and suggests maybe raising money for surgery for him instead.
Mabayu fucks up and Sayaka contracts anyway wow
Homura realises that Sayaka absolutely can't contract because clearly she's a fucking idiot
Madoka becomes a magical girl for Sayaka NEXT
Film 8
After Sayaka has the Kyosuke incident of 2011, Mabayu decides to cut her memories of it. She reveals that the target has to be thinking of the memories in order for her to cut them (great writing there…)
Walpurgisnacht comes and Madoka contracts, becoming Kriemhild.
Film 9
Mabayu practices fighting witches alone
Wow nothing really happens in this one huh. But it seems like the loops are finally getting to Mabayu mentally
Film 10
Homura and Mabayu leave town to stock up on grief seeds but Mabayu is killed by Kyoko
Kyoko kills Mami too wow thats so out of character…
Film 11
Mabayu realises that she continues fighting because of her admiration for Homura.
Kyubey suggests Mabayu replaces Madoka as the big entropy ending power source
Film 12
Mabayu suggests they get Mami to help them but Homura is against it
Homura instead recruits Kyoko, swaying her with the promise of plenty of grief seeds
Homura and Mabayu grow a little closer with Homura allowing her to call her by her first name. This makes Mabayu upset I think because she’s worried about getting too close with Homura
Kyoko tells Mami the truth about witches. Mabayu decides to cut Mami’s memories but sees herself in them, leading toooo
Film Mami Tomoe
Wow Mami is finally important thank fucking god! This is set before everything btw
Mabayu meets Mami with Kyubey and decides on a wish quickly. To remove her mother’s future sight so she no longer knows about her predicted death.
Mami and Mabayu work together by Mabayu holding back but using her future sight and Mami fighting for her, sharing the grief seed.
After an incident with a rookie magical girl, Mabayu learns she can cut memories. The girl seems to go missing and the two are worried, Mami thinking it's her fault
This bit is weird, it seems to play out like film 1 but from Mami's point of view. Mabayu suddenly seems to not know her. (Kyubey is affected too)
Homura is coolTM so its not film 1 I guess. Homura tells Mami not to talk with Mabayu.
Mami thinks Mabayu erased her memories of their time together.
Kyoko tells Mami the truth about witches.
Mabayu meets up with Mami and sees her memories which brings her old ones back. She realises Mami is guilty about leading other girls to their deaths by making them contract. Mabayu thinks she's a coward for cutting her own memories but leaving Mami with the burden.
It is revealed Homura was trying to keep Mami and Mabayu apart so that Mabayu wouldn't regain her memories of Mami and the time they spent together. (I dont really know why...)
Mabayu uses future sight for Homura, saying they'll win and fix everything, but this is a lie. She actually saw herself becoming a witch.
As Mabayu is close to falling into despair, Madoka wishes to save her.
Then we go to film 0, I dont know why this is getting so hard to follow...
It seems like this is the first timeline, the start of episode 10.
Madoka makes a contract to save Amy.
Mabayu is friends with Mami here.
Meanwhile Mabayu meets Ultimate Madoka??? It seems she is showing Mabayu these events.
Mabayu helps Madoka with the minotaur witch.
Mabayu sees Walpurgisnacht while future-visioning for the minotaur witch and tells Mami and Madoka.
Episode 10 plays out
The girls defeat Charlotte with Mami surviving.
Walpurgisnacht comes and Mabayu uses her future vision but sees they will fail and both Mabayu and Mami will become witches.
Mabayu lies, saying they'll defeat the witch.
At Walpurgisnacht, Mabayu confesses she lied before and she suddenly sees numerous films of the anime.
Mabayu says something dumb and cuts her own memories "Her future vision shows her a film with a future in which her vision of the future is already woven in. So if she erases her memories of despair, then the future will turn into hope!" like what the fuck does that mean? But Mami knew she was lying anyway cause she's a terrible liar so Mabayu you fucking solved nothing
Mami and Mabayu both die by Walpurgisnacht and Homura contracts.
Mabayu awakes in a new timeline and goes to cut Kyubey and Mami's memories of her.
And now we're FINALLY back to the main story
Mabayu cuts the film of her fate(?) I guess making it so she forgets about witches.
Madoka, Homura, Kyoko and Mabayu go to find Mami in the school where she's laid out a trap. She wants to 'free Mabayu of Homura's brainwashing' and wants to run away with her.
Mami doesn't want her memories to be cut because she doesn't want to stop being Mabayu's friend but in the end she accepts it, Mabayu cutting her memories.
They fight Walpurgis but fail, reset!
Film 13
Mami no longer comes up to Mabayu in the morning, she no longer remembers her as a friend.
Mabayu decides to cut Homura's memories of her and then from the entire film(?) I guess from everyone else.
At the cafe, Mami visits to buy cake and gets along with Mabayu.
The anime then plays out like usual.
And well that's it :T what a lame ending huh. Can you tell I was super fed up at the end? But... the story is here... sorry if things don't make sense in places, they don't make sense just as much in the story...
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nalyra-dreaming · 3 days
Hi Nalyra,
have you noticed how the cast has difficulty answering the question about which character is better for their character?
They all have their traumas so we already know all of them are toxic to each other,there is nothing to be afraid,why they don't just answer 😅 (maybe it's the fandom toxicity they are afraid of)
You have seen the Jacob video on that, I gather :)
Yeah well, I mean, how do you want to answer that? They all are toxic to each other.
What defines... "better"? To... put it a bit unseriously:
"Here I have Lestat, who I had literal (bloody) fights with, and who can be a real (abusive) asshole, and who likes to play with his food, which I really don't like"
"Here I have Armand, who is very tender with me, but also controls everything about our lives, tinkers with my mind, and killed my daughter, who was simply in his way of pursuing our relationship...."
... I mean... ☠
All of these characters are killers, rapists. VAMPIRES. They take what they want. That includes Louis, who is not without reason called the "most predatory" of them all by Akasha. They're all toxic AF and their relationships are messy, and driven by their elevated state of being and feeling. Them coming to terms with being the monster they are is literally a big arc in the books.
The show has been very clear about the endgame pairings, and so has been the marketing. And for good reason. The posters hinted at a lot already, allll the way back then.
This is not to take down the shipping, you can ship whatever you want. :)
But the cast is not so much afraid of fandom toxicity because of this question imho, than of giving things away for the general audience. Because they know what will happen of course. And that is precisely why Jacob is a bit afraid of the reactions.
The shit will hit the fan in the next 9 weeks.
I bet there will be a looooooot of discussion about who will be "better", lol. And about what will happen in the last episodes.
And... everyone can make up their own mind after season 2^^
EDIT: Here's Jacob saying Louis should choose himself
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cienie-isengardu · 2 days
Lo and Li and their (not) looking after Azula and Zuko in "The Beach"
I have talked a lot about Zuko and Azula lately because “The Beach” episode gives a lot of context for their relationship, but it would be a crime to omit the most funny detail (implication) coming from this episode: the presence of Lo and Li.
Those two older women were introduced into the series as Azula’s teachers (that definitely fueled her unhealthy sense of perfectionism) and some sort of advisors before the princess recruited Ty Lee and Mai on the hunt for Zuko, Iroh and later, the Avatar. The story alone gives little about Lo and Li, but considering their relationship and influences on the princess, we can assume they had, if not outright trust, then at least Ozai’s approval to keep an eye on his “precious”, prodigy daughter. As they were the only adults connected to Fire Lord and at whose house the Royal Siblings and their friends stayed in "The Beach" episode, I thought of them as not really nannies, but more like chaperones.
Zuko and Azula faced Avatar and survived, Mai and Ty Lee proved to be capable of beating down full grown men one on one (or more precisely, one vs many). So fine, ok, Ozai may trust his kids to be able to defend themselves - if the thought about their safety even occurred to him at all. But Zuko and Azula are, and I can’t stress it enough, teenagers sent on vacation and teenagers may do stupid stuff for fun just to taste the little freedom granted them. So it makes sense to me that Lo and Li should supervise the Royal Siblings, because vacation or not, they are still prince and princess, the precious heirs to the throne. And like, Zuko is with his girlfriend (official fiancee?) and you can never be sure what teenagers in love and with buzzing hormones will do, right? Same with Azula, who as we learn through the episode, will happily grab the occasion to flirt with a  handsome, popular boy and the innocent kiss turned out quickly into her passionate rant: “Together, you and I will be the strongest couple in the entire world! We will dominate the Earth!”. 
Azula’s mind really jumped from casual fun (no harm done if Ozai won’t learn about it) to the conclusion that boy she knew for what? a few hours at best will be her boyfriend and part of the future (military?) plans and understandable Chen freaked out and ran away. The taste of freedom affected even Azula, our so emotionally composed, clever girl, because again, a teenager, adolescent curiosity, lack of supervision and buzzing hormones are a dangerous mix. 
(I suspect Zuko getting Mai pregnant would be less scandalous than if Azula - the princess - ended with a bastard child at the age of 14/15. If Ozai would even allow the kid to be born.)
And what Lo and Li were doing the whole episode? Either giving some cryptic speech about how Ember Island is a magical place or encourage kids.
“Time to hit the beach!“ they said
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while never bothering going with kids there
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(or did Lo and Li have fun on their own ignoring the bunch of their temporary wards?).
And when Azula, Zuko and Ty Lee talked about Chen and why Azula didn’t betray their Royal Family status (and presumably of going to the night party)? Again, the two old women did nothing besides giving some more cryptic advice and saying “to the party!”.
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Like, they were totally okay that Fire Royal Siblings (in range of age from 14 to 16) planned to stay at house of unknown boy(s) for the whole night. Again, Zuko is 16, at best almost 17, but Azula is 14 (at best 15) and I don’t think this is an appropriate age to let a girl - especially the princess you are responsible for - go to a party with presumably much older boys. 
(Unless this is why Azula demanded Zuko, her older brother, to be invited alongside her? Not like he checked out if she is alright before he was kicked out for the fight with Mai over some guy but I guess, with a sister like Azula it is easy to assume she doesn’t need babysitting, because Azula could and would kick Chen or anyone else’s ass if they pissed her off). 
My point is, Lo and Li could give the girls and Zuko some serious talk or at least ask to be careful or anything the supposed chaperons should say (or like,  outright demand from Zuko to keep an eye on his younger sister and the noble girls as the oldest and you know, the guy). Because Azula is first and foremost a princess, the same as Zuko is the prince and like, the Royal Family does not need any teenage drama and scandal (and from the previous episode we know Azula and Zuko are now the public figures at the capital).
I’m not sure if perceiving Lo and Li as some sort chaperons to the “banished for a weekend” Royal Siblings was author’s intention or not, but there is something incredible funny how those old women introduced as strict teachers criticizing Azula for not perfect hairstyle while she is working on her lighting technique - a skill absolutely amazing to have at the age of 14 - won’t even bother to keep an eye on the same girl and just let the whole bunch of emotionally stunted and traumatized teenagers freely roam on the “magical” beach and go to night party to total strangers. It is pretty hilarious if not a bit sad. Because wow, Ozai did not give much fuck about any of his kids one way or another. 
Aaand this is what I get when rewatching ATLA as an adult lol.
I know this is animations for kids/teenagers, but what if Chen didn’t freak out? Would Azula be curious enough to experience something more than just a kiss? And well, we assume Chen and Ruon-Jian are in age close to Zuko & Azula (as if they were adults they would be enrolled into army, I think?) But there is still a room for them being older than Zuko who himself is two years older than Azula. Also, them inviting Ty Lee & Mai specifically for how they look without bothering to ask for their name and the way a group of boys cornered Ty Lee to the point she needed to chi-blocking all of them kinda gives me the feeling the party was an occasion for them to pick up girl for night or something along the way. Dunno if I read the scene/intention right but it gives that vibe I guess…?
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jq37 · 2 hours
The Report Card – Fantasy High Junior Year Ep 17
It’s Emily Axford’s World, We’re Just Living in It
Welcome back to Fantasy High where this monster 3+ hour bombshell of an episode is dropping during one of the busiest weeks of my life! There is SO much going on in this episode that I’m absolutely going to have to speed through things to get this out before the next episode but I’ll try to hit on all of the most important points. OK, ready, set, let’s go!
We closed out last ep in the middle of downtime where we learned that Jace had a scar from being infected with a rage crystal shatter star and from there we still have a bunch more downtime to get through. Highlights!
Riz investigates the footage from the crystal cam and again has the feeling that he needs to go back to his office and check out any open-ended clues because he’s missing something. 
Gorgug tries to work on a way to harness the power of the Night Yorb’s darkness since it’s trapped in his van since they’ll probably be fighting a solar deity soon. He does mention it to Henry but not why he’s doing it. He also looks into the Cloud Rider and confirms with the Aviation Club goblin kid that it would be powerful enough to lift the Hangman (referring not to the motorcycle, but to Bill’s ship which is now Seacaster manor). 
Fig writes another Ankarna themed song and rolls an insane 37. That’s powerful enough that she’s able to commune with Ankarna in her dreams. She calms the distressed Ankarana with the paladin spell Atonement and by commiserating that both of their girlfriends are “out of town”. Ankarna calls Fig her hero and says that “She’s always known” before she wakes up. 
Fig keeps haunting Ruben's dreams but they're abjured so she can't straight up talk to him. In his dream, she sees his house in Elmville and feels rage as well as fear. She sees a glade in Far Haven Woods and a scared pre-emo Ruben which makes her think that that's where they did whatever they did to kick things off and that maybe the old Ruben is still trapped somewhere. 
She then goes full Emily Axford and–along with the help of Fabian, British Kristen, Gorgug, and Adaine–goes to Ruben’s house and FAKES THE DEATH OF WANDA CHILDA BY KIPPERLILLY. Once she’s “dead” Adaine casts Enlarge on Gorgug and throws a cloak on him so he can take her away the in the same way Buddy’s body was taken away. It’s the performance of a lifetime with a 34 but the craziest part is they know someone was watching through the window but they have no idea who it was. InSANE. Imagine if it’s just Kipperlilly watching from Ruben’s window like ???????
Finally she gets Eugenia to design a tattoo for Fabian’s bday that will let him cast Ghost Step. She’s gonna secretly tattoo it on him because sure why not. 
Kristen talks to a very stressed Jawbone who has been dealing with a lot of angry kids lately which is, como se dice, troubling considering the whole rage god situation. She downloads him on everything going on and reveals that she was gonna try to have British Kristen steal files so she can see if the addresses of the angry kids form a 24 pointed star but instead she helps Jawbone clean his office and asks if she can have the addresses. He can’t give out student info but he says he’ll check a map and see if they form a star as well as checking on Jace. Kristen tells him to be super careful because the last teacher they talked to was Yolanda, RIP. (He also mentions the Sophomore Year Hotel Cav fight as being a weird thing that happened and the murder attempt of Lydia–things that we’ve already flagged as loose ends. We’ll get back to this).
Bobby Dawn is freaking out because they can’t find Buddy’s soul in corn heaven. Kristen reveals that he’s not in corn heaven and in fact is following a new god (after confirming he doesn’t have a rage crystal). Bobby Dawn thinks he’s being punked–especially once Kristen says the new god is her god’s ex-wife–but Kristen is being pretty sincere (so sincere that Murph is melting into a puddle anticipating she’s about to give the game away to one of their least fave NPCs–imo, she didn’t give away anything game ending but she was def playing with fire). Bobby tells Kristen to call him if there’s anything he can do to help find Buddy and Kristen dips to go talk to “[her] friend Murph.” Not Riz, Murph the irl guy, lol. As that happens, Bobby goes to have a whisper convo with his wife Pam who is also there. Suspicious.  
Riz/Murph makes the connection that Lake Shimmerstone is called that because of the gem filaments that flow from the Mountains of Chaos. It's a classic "no rolls necessary" moment. 
Kristen finally checks the bylaws and sees that the major change made was that there is no longer any inaugural period post election. So once the votes are counted, whoever wins is president right away. It was a change by Mazey requested by a faculty member--they think Jace. 
Kristen checks on her brother finally and it doesn't seem like he has a rage crystal but he's pretty bummed that he hasn't been able to convert any of his friends despite being a good paladin. He's also having a little existential crisis because he has non Helioic friends who don't actually seem like scary heathens. But then he was warned that sin might be tempting. Kristen tells him that she understands and that he has to decide whether he knows himself better than their parents. She says she's always around to talk. She then does a Relaxation roll and loses 3 stress tokens! Brennan also has her roll a d6 for the Relationship track roll with Buddy and on a 6, loses her final stress token!
Like Fig, Kristen also gets to commune with her goddess. Cass says that she's trapped and the king will come to Spyre. She says her wife's "fiery hand" grasps her in death and she has to protect her from the upcoming destruction--but she can't do it as herself. She tells Kristen that Ankarna has a champion as well and when Kristen asks who Cass says she already knows the champion. Finally, she urges her to look into what Kalina said because there was to be a good reason for her saying Ragh’s name. 
I’m going to leave the bullets for a moment (largely because Tumblr gets mad at blocks of text that are too big) to say that Adaine and Fig go to Ayda’s geocache and find an insane amount of spell components which would have been super useful earlier in the year. It also has instruments for Fig including a new bass that Brennan says he’ll get Emily the item card for ASAP. Back to bullets!
In his research, Riz finds the location in the Mountains of Chaos of the Temple of the Fallen Sun where Lydia's party members stopped in their travels. 
Riz looking into the Loam files sees that the person they're after must have had some ability to stun their opponents which is probably the reason for the lack of defensive wounds. He also learns that Ruvina's festival was called the Festival of Frost which sounds a lot like Frosty Fair. 
He finds some text about something called the War of Shattered Stones which apparently took place around when Ankarna's domain changed. 
On a hunch that there is more going on with the rat grinding than meets the eye, the whole gang takes a field trip to Lake Shimmerstone and Riz finds evidence that at some point the Rat Grinders were taken here while a massive giant was fighting deadly monsters. That doesn’t make sense so they call in some rats to question who tell them that there was a giant fighting these monsters and basically leaving the killing blows to the Rat Grinders so they’d get the XP–which is mechanically insane diegetically but we’re gonna ignore that. The rats also confirm that this was when Lucy was still around. The Bad Kids think that the RG’s made a deal with this giant (who the rats say is a guy btw) to get powered up and they got crystals as their end of the bargain. 
OK, that basically wraps up downtime. One more piece of business before we head to the Temple of the Fallen Sun! Zara has a talk with Fig where after heaping praise on her, she passes along a message–the appearance of a surprise meteor shower which was arranged by Ayda and is the most romantic thing ever. I won’t recap it, just watch it yourself. I can’t do it justice. Before Fig leaves for some hot tub time, Zara asks about Fig’s evaluation and Fig assures her she already turned it in. 
Time for a griffon road trip! And strap in because this is a MEATY lore dump. Sandra Lynn brings everyone on griffons to the Temple of The Fallen Sun and Riz brings his files because he can’t shake the feeling that he’s missing something. 
They find this infernal temple littered with humanoid bones and Fig can tell with her divine sense that it's a temple to Ankarna. There is a place where Ankarna’s name was destroyed and replaced with a Ranger’s symbol that says: Do Not Enter. Fallen Temple. There’s also evidence that someone tried to rewrite Ankarna’s name but it’s not her actual name. It’s the glyph that means her but isn’t her actual name. Which suggests that there’s a group of Ankarna followers that are trying to do stuff involving her but that don’t know her name. 
Everyone who can loads up on Truesight and See Invisibility before they enter the temple. There are a bunch of pretty good Investigation checks but, in particular, Riz gets a 32 and Fig gets a Nat 20.
Fig sees a vision (and Adaine can see it too--I assume as elven oracle she can just piggyback on anyone else having visions lol) of two giantkin wearing robes with a sun emblem being executed by armored individuals wearing robes with a fiery emblem on it. This temple was built right when Ankarna's domain was changing. They’re seeing the old priests of Ankarna being executed by the new ones. 
It's clear that this temple was built as a part of a state religion--the focus on conquest and strength is very empire-y. Adaine sees some writing in Giant and casts Comprehend Language so she can read it. There’s a bunch about the War of Shattered Stone and some new stuff about the temple being built for the glory of the House of Sunstone. They walk through the temple and see all this awful equipment for torture and execution. They get the sense that this is where Ankarna was changed. Her new followers did a bunch of heinous stuff in her name to force her to become infernal. As above, so below and all. 
Adaine casts Legend Lore and Brennan basically salivates. 30 seconds later, Riz rolls a Nat 20 to Investigate his files. So we’re about to crack this whole thing wide open folks. Let’s do this!
Fig and Kristen explore a chamber and Kristen's shards glow so bright she has to wrap fabric around them so they don't hurt peoples' eyes. They realize that their goddesses have been in this room together before. It's where they got divorced. Fig sees a vision of a bunch of Cass's followers dropping their weapons and backing up slowly and then being brutally slaughtered by the new guard of Ankarna. 
Adaine's Legend Lore starts: Sunstone was the top clan of the giants and conquered all the others--Thunderfist, Hornspear, Moonspeak, and Frostblade (Lucy’s ancestors). Ships got better which meant people started mingling and so did their gods. Ankarna and Cassandra got married. Things were good for a while but the leaders of the church of Sol didn't like having two sun gods in their pantheon so they whispered in the ears of some of the Sunstone guys that maybe conquest was the way to go (this was when they started conquering the other clans).  
Clan Frostblade rose up to fight because Ruvina was so concerned with stopping her sister and at the sundering of the Cliff's of Colcath, House Sunstone was destroyed. 
At this point, Riz realizes the thing he was missing in his files and it’s the thing we noticed ages ago. The weird moment in Sophomore Year. How did Ragh get cursed so he could see Kalina in the first place? Brennan plays the clip, looking like the cat who ate the canary. Porter did “Barbarian Healing” on him. That’s not a real thing. Lay on Hands is though. Porter is the one who infected Ragh. Emily, who has hated this man from day one, is LIVING. 
Back to the Legend Lore: The sundering of the Cliffs of Colcath. Sundering as in breaking. As in Cliffbreaker–Porter’s last name. 
They start putting things together. Him telling Fig he's a paladin to his ancestors. Gorgug sees him smite a giant stone with the force that would be needed to fell a bunch of trees in the woods. Disasuding Fig from being a paladin of Cass. His connection to Jace from the start. The large figure healing Buddy? He’s big as hell and Paladins can revivify. And Ankarna telling Fig that she’s known all along. 
The Legend Lore Concludes: After the sundering at the cliffs, the remaining Sunstones changed their names (to Cliffbreaker) and went into hiding. The Frostblades destroyed Ankarna's name to free her from the corruption (but I guess that went a little too far and backfired). The name was lost but a lot of Ankarna's true followers waited for her return. That includes Bakur who the Bad Kids realize was trying to bring back not infernal, ragey Ankarna but sunny justice Ankarna. But he was stopped by her mortal followers. 
Sandra Lynn watching all of this is like, “Well shit,” and points out that if the world isn’t already in chaos they must not have everything they need yet. The Bad Kids figure the opposition must be missing the name and a successful election. The election is in four days so that’s how long they have to stop it. In one final sick fusion of bard and paladin, Fig uses a riff from her base to uncover an older image of Ankarna and Cassandra pre-corruption and then they head back home. 
(Note: This comes up later retroactively but before they leave, they also check for footprints and see recent ones of Porter, Jace, and Buddy. It looks like they teleported in.)
Kristen casts Sending to warn Jawbone that Porter is bad news and then they speculate some more. There was a question in an earlier episode about what does it actually mean that Ankarna died in the Red Waste. They figure out that it means that the last follower who remembered her name was killed there. 
They talk to Bakur who says again that he was betrayed by Ankarna’s mortal followers. He also mentions that even in her infernal state, she would refuse to grant her followers spells when they had plans to hurt her sister or wife (even when Ruvina’s followers were attacking her). 
Bakur realized that Ankarna's followers were interested in her power but not in her. Bakur also overheard conversation from Lydia's party that said that Ankarna needed to be remade in a place where a god has been borne. A god. Any god. Riz flashes back to Kipperlilly Jawbone asking where Yes! was borne. 
Fig with some help from Adaine makes a fake version of Ankarna's name to give to Porter--Bacharath written in Giant. While Fig goes to give this to Porter, Adaine is hiding outside with Detect Thoughts on and Riz is hiding nearby invisible and recording.
Fig finds Porter and tells him and she found a new god and found her name but it’s annoying because she can’t read Giant which she needs to do to rez the god. She does it really casually and acts like it’s no big deal and Porter tries to play it cool but Adaine can tell with her Detect Thoughts that he’s chomping at the bit to get that name. She makes sure that Fig crits on her Deception with a portent. He (not at all) causally offers to help Fig translate and snatches the piece of paper from her. Fig then challenges him to spar and he agrees. Brennan asks for a Con roll and when Porter stomps his foot, everyone is immediately stunned (remember the mention of the stun effect and not defensive wounds earlier). Everyone but Riz who rolled a Nat 20. So he keeps his Invisibility. He also gets a high enough luck check to feel that there is someone else invisible nearby, close to Fig and Porter (note: later, Brennan tells Adaine that while she had Detect Thoughts up, for a moment she could detect the thoughts of an invisible KP). 
The last thought Adaine gets from Porter as her concentration drops on Detect Thoughts is, “Did I lock the office?”
Porter helps Fig up and doesn’t actually fight her but it feels like they just saw Porter do a Legendary Action which is a weird thing for a teacher to do–even a strong one. Fig asks what the hell that was and Porter plays it coy, saying senior year is gonna be really exciting. Riz is absolutely not having that non-answer and Misty Steps into Porter’s office. With his high investigation, he just finds everything so back to bullets:
There’s a note where he’s intimidating Halo St. Croix (the paladin teacher) into letting him teach the multiclass paladins. 
There are MCATs signed for him to teach both Lucy and Buddy paladin lessons. 
There’s an encrypted message between Porter and Bobby Dawn where Bobby is basically saying he’s very happy for Sol to remain the ONLY god of the sun in town but a new war god? That could be OK. He also suggests Porter look into Devil’s Honey for his plan. 
There's medicine to help with a psychosomatic allergic to feline dandruff (prob Kalina related). 
There’s filo dough–the kind you use to make baklava (a honey based dessert). 
There’s a leather cord, probably used in the casting of Spy’s Tongue Curse than smells rank. 
There are tons of blenders full of whey, protein powder, and ambrosia–food of the gods. Together, they piece together that mortals aren’t supposed to eat ambrosia because it kills them. Not in a violent way–they just ascend to the afterlife. They figure that Porter is basically eating god supplements, with the intention of supplanting Ankarna and becoming the new god of rage. Explains why he suddenly has legendary actions. 
There’s some cryptic, vague communication with the Rat Grinders which doesn’t give much away but is enough to tip them off that Ruben’s house is the place where they plan things. 
With that they go to investigate Ruben’s place. Before they go, Riz sets up a dead man’s switch that will release evidence if he doesn’t stop it–just in case they get trapped or held up or something. Adaine also calls her sister so she can cast a bunch of protective wards on Fabian’s place–she’s a master abjuration wizard after all. 
Riza goes in first and disables all the traps in Ruben’s house which means they won’t get caught but the RG’s will know someone was there later. Here’s everything they find and, like the rest of this episode, it’s a lot:
Adaine finds Oisin’s workstation and most notably finds a picture of his dragon ancestor hanging out with Kalvaxus, some notes about the Cloud Rider, and notes about stealing summons from other people (remember Adaine's mephits going haywire at Fabian's party). There's also some notes about a way to write telekinetically on the inside of a sphere. They’re not sure what that means. 
In Ruben's sound studio, they find notes from Porter helping Ruben write the song Get Mad--the song he did at Frosty Fair. 
Gorgug hacks into their private servers and sees all their communications. KP insists that they only call Cass the Nightmare King and (presumably) refers to Porter as the "Big Guy". She says he wants the Nightmare King and should have her locked down sooner rather than later just as soon as she shows herself in the Astral Plane. There's also stuff from last year where KP is really excited. She says the Big Guy has been looking out for them for a while and she's hyping Lucy up saying she gets to be the champion (something we know she didn't want). KP is specifically excited that this will allow them to keep up with the Bad Kids. Jace is also mentioned as a conspirator under the acronym JSD which isn’t slick at all lol.
Kristen sees evidence of Buddy helping with a ritual and stuff about where a god was "borne" (spelled correctly) so clearly they know a lot about what's going on. She also finds out what KP wants to do once she's President: she wants to shut down Aguefort as a school forever which will nullify the protections and wards it has centered on it, the big one being that Elmville can't be moved to any other plane of existence while school is in session. They think the Rat Grinders want to teleport the whole town–perhaps to set up a divine domain. Which would need followers–specifically angry followers. IDK about y’all but I feel like being randomly teleported to the Astral Plane would make ME pretty angry. 
There are texts post Lucy but pre Buddy where they're like what are we gonna do now? There's a "We're all in this together now" vibe (like some kind of twisted High School Musical) and they resolve to "talk to the Big Guy"
We learn Buddy was chosen for the same reason Lucy was a good candidate–connection to Ankarna. Lucy because Ruvina was her sister and Buddy because of similar domains (Helio’s domain is a Solar offshoot). Also I didn’t mention this before but Buddy did *not* know what he was doing. Oisin and Ivy are joking about his cluelessness behind his back (Booooo I was rooting for you dude). 
There’s a message from Jace telling them to stop antagonizing the Bad Kids even though they want revenge which leads the Bad Kids to question what they ever did to them. 
In Oisin's room they also find a lot of stuff about dragons and an image of a fetal god being protected by the Nightmare King. Also they remember how cloudy the Nightmare King's realm was (maybe a cloud rider connection?) 
Deep breath, this is a lot of stuff and we’re almost done. 
There's stuff about the Thistulespring tree and Ruben’s song spreading the rage vibes that represent the crystals in the ground. 
They realize that Porter is probably using the Devil's Honey to lie to Ankarna about his intentions as he's communicating with her.
They see that for the ritual they needed a body (Porter), Ankarna's name, the protective storm of the NIghtmare King, and his name inscribed by the champion of the old goddess. They realize that’s why Zara never got her eval. Fig is the champion and she did Porter and Zara’s eval on the same sheet which he swiped for this ritual. He literally made Fig a paladin so he could get what he needed. Diabolical. Aguefort needs better hiring practices. 
OK. Phew. Finally done. They head out and the next day is election day. Porter isn’t at school that day which is not surprising but is concerning. They don’t see the RG’s either. After school it’s time for the big party/election at Fabian’s place. Mazey gets a booth set up and Jawbone is there as faculty to make it legit. Aelwyn has warded up the place. Fig is there as Wanda cause she’s a maniac. Adaine is casting Detect Magic continually at the voting booth to watch for shenanigans. Also Ragh shows up and he aced his tryouts! He’s gonna be a profesh bloodrush player! Hoot growl all around!
But Riz (and honestly Murph) is unsettled. Everyone’s at this party where Fabian’s victory is a sure thing? All in one location together? Rat Grinders nowhere to be seen? This is WAY too easy.  
Which is Brennan’s cure to drop the other shoe. 
Things are just like Adaine's visions...until they're not. The sky was always clear in her visions and now storm clouds are brewing. She gets a Sending spell from someone, "You didn't see the storm coming? Must not be a very good Oracle." Oisin. Suddenly, ping pong balls with runes inside of them start raining down from where they've been stuck in the unkept Seacaster manor for months. From when Oisin "missed" his shots. Telekinetic writing inside a sphere. Runes inside ping pong balls. As they fall, there's a sudden lurch. Winds kick up and Seacaster manor is flying above Elmville. Everyone rolls initiative! 
I’m not doing proper Honor Roll/Detention this week because this was such a long episode and I'm exhausted. Honestly, Honor Roll for me for getting this up in time. Detention for Fabian for not using is 10k gold allowance to have someone clean his house in the past 9 months. 
Random Notes
Gonna just stick to a few plot relevant ones to keep this brief. 
Re: Adaine not seeing the storm in the same way that the previous oracle couldn't. I wonder if that’s just a blanket thing that weather evades predictions or if they did the same thing that was done during Kal’s plan to evade that oracle's sight before Aelwyn sunk her ship.
I don’t think I made it clear but Porter def killed Yolanda according to this ep. 
Porter’s Legendary Action is able to stun someone for multiple rounds which in combat would be devastating. 
I’m shocked they never tried to talk to Ruvina at any point during the campaign. 
I am still VERY concerned about Riz being made staff by Jace and given silver. That feels suspicious given we know he’s on Team Porter Ascension. 
I didn’t get into it because it was nebulous and would have messed with the flow of the recap but there was something there about teleportation circles and the Rat Grinders continually casting teleport to make a circle and maybe that’s how they’re gonna get Elmville into the Astral Plane. Just mentioning it in case it comes up again.
I don’t think we got closure on the “where the god was borne” thing. Because borne means carried, not created, right? I wonder if Seacaster manor would count because the corpse of Yes! Was brought there by Ankarna. 
The Rat Grinders and Porter have at least 2 obstacles they don’t know about. They don’t have the real name (unless they got in since Fig gave Porter the fake one) and Fig is literally domain squatting on Ankarna’s domain. She already called dibs so any claiming will have to go through her. 
I think it’s really nice that Adaine tried to do a relaxation track for Kristen. Handshake meme, her and Riz.
Emily insisting so hard and consistently that Porter was evil that Brennan just made him evil has some real as above/so below energy lol.
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aryaqua-reh2o · 10 hours
Apology, not Forgiveness Tour
Blitzø and Stolas won’t get together in Apology Tour. For as much as I need to see them as a (HAPPY) couple it’s clear it’s not going to happen in the next two episodes [From the little shown in the trailer, I’d say not until Sinsmas]. Here’s my reasoning.
The Full Moon will be the “break up” and this is quite clear. With Blitzø teleported outside while reaching for Stolas’ hand and realising a second too late he f@cked up big time. Will the episode end here? Probably.
So there is Apology Tour, and I think the key is in the title: it’s Apology, not Forgiveness Tour. 
I’m desperately trying to find a collocation for the segments where we have Blitzø meeting Stolas in a resort (Maybe? Because of the different robe and location), Stolas is not thrilled to see him.
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Someone pointed out that Blitzø is smiling in some of the frames while Stolas is openly annoyed, suggesting it could be banter between the two or some sort of aggressive flirting. I’m more inclined to think it is Blitzø trying to play it cool after messing up during The Full Moon, maybe trying to clumsily apologise just to be met by the walls that Stolas now put up to protect himself. I think the scene of Blitzø crawling defeated on the couch is what happens after the two interact there. 
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Blitzø hurt many people and we are going to see both Stolas and Verosika together, but while we know that Verosika is bitter and hurt and openly hostile to Blitzø, I don’t think we will see Stolas shaming Blitzø on stage. He starts singing in front of a “Blitzo sucks” written in the background but what we see next (the choreography) seems to be more about how sad and heartbroken Stolas is (or maybe… Stolas’ apology itself? His redemption for not standing up for him at Ozzie’s?), this would also be more in character for him.
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Then we have a Blitzø under a blanket confronting a clearly upset Stolas, but whatever happens during that interaction won’t solve the situation between them. I think it’s going to be a crucial first step towards one another, yes, but apologising doesn’t imply immediate forgiveness. They both have so much to work through as individuals before being ready to engage in a relationship. 
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I’m quite positive we will also learn more about what happened with Verosika and the Apology Tour is very likely to be extended to her and Blitzø. I’ve never been a huge fan of her, but her design in this episode hits me differently. She looks softer, more “human”, and I think it’s quite possible that we will see a less edgy and bitchy version of her, and we might also get to know where all the beef between the two came from. 
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lovelynim · 2 days
Something to laugh about
Stars Align - Maki Katsuragi & Yuu Asuka
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A/N: Second commission to none other than @wertzunge! I really need thank you for asking for such a sweet duo. I felt so nostalgic while reading their wiki pages and rewinding some of the anime's episodes, wahhh ~
Summary: Maki feels like there is something off about Yuu today, so he comes up with an unusual plan to lighten up his friend mood.
Word count: 2033 words
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Maki spinned the pencil between his fingers. Legs crossed one over the other and his gaze lost in the distance. The open notebook in front of him failed to capture his interest a long time ago. 
Yes, he should be doing homework. Yes, he could easily solve those questions. No, there wasn’t really a good reason to daydream like that. 
Except that there was, indeed, a reason.
“Yuu,” Maki sighed, resting his head on his hand as he leaned a bit on the table, “are you really okay?”
“Mhm”, they nodded, smiling slightly before placing their pen down. “You worry too much, Maki, I’m fine.”
Yeah, he didn’t buy that.
Maki couldn’t exactly recall how they end up like this, just that he agreed to have Yuu over for a quick study session, do some lessons here and there and have dinner together. Simple as that, no sweat. But as soon as they got out of school, Maki felt that there was something wrong with them.
Yuu wasn’t really the talkative type, right, but they were less receptive than usual. While walking to his home, Maki noticed how his friend seemed a bit… gloomy. Despite the gentle smiles and the cheerful attitude, it felt off, like if something was out of its place.
And this sensation didn’t go anywhere anytime soon. When they got to Maki’s apartment, the little, but heavy sighs that came from Yuu didn’t go unnoticed. They were tired, maybe? No, it wouldn’t be something like that, Maki thought, focusing his eyes on a random spot on the wall while he tried to figure out what was wrong with Yuu.
Could it be related to something that happened in the club? Probably not, Maki thought, it wasn’t like any of the boys would pick on them. Besides, at school - at least, during the first classes - Yuu seemed to be doing fine. So whatever upset them, must’ve happened later on…
Perhaps… could he have said something that made Yuu upset? Maki closed his eyes shut, putting up some extra effort in recalling what they were talking about earlier, nearly reviewing the whole thing as if it was some kind of script, looking for that one line that could’ve saddened his friend. But… they were close, right? They would tell Maki if they said something bad or if anything didn’t land right in their head… so what could be it, after all?
He jumped, hitting the table with his knee and letting out a loud, but quick cry right after. Maki fell onto his bed, wrapping his arms around his knee while trying to soothe the pain. “O-ouch… y-you scared me…” He whined, letting his head plop into the nearby cushion.
“I-I’m sorry, are you alright?” Yuu muttered, getting on their knees as they tried to get a clearer view of their friend, reaching out a hand - even if they were unsure of what they could even do in such a situation. “I didn’t mean to and-”
“I-it’s fine, hahah… It’s my fault, I didn’t mean to doze off like that,” Maki chuckled, ignoring the fainting pain as he sat back up. With his hands behind his back to give his body some support, Maki looked up, pondering for a second before looking back down to his friend. “Ahm, can you repeat yourself?”
“Ah, right,” Yuu nodded, looking down to their notebook and checking one of the notes, “I was asking if you managed to finish the exercise nº 3. The question seems a bit tricky and I couldn’t really figure it out.”
“Ohh, that, right,” Maki hummed, crossing his legs as he leaned back forward, taking his notebook with both hands before starting to go through the text once again. Word after word, his eyes scanned the page, hoping to make some sense out of that question and, of course, finding out the right answer by the time he got to the end of the page. 
However, as soon as Maki reached the question mark, he lifted his head and stared at Yuu, giving them a puzzled look. “Ah… I see why you couldn’t answer it.”
“Right?” Yuu nodded, letting out a light hearted giggle before looking down to their notebook. “Maybe my head is getting a little tired, I can’t seem to think properly anymore.”
“Hmm, we should take a break, probably,” Maki suggested, tapping the table with his finger while giving his own idea some more thought. This could be the chance he was looking for, he considered in a second analysis, to figure out what was wrong with Yuu. “We’ve been studying the whole afternoon, after all.”
“Mhm,” Yuu nodded, dropping their pencil on the table and letting out a small sigh. “Thinking about it, I’m indeed a little tired.”
Maki was about to close his notebook when those words reached him. His eyes widened and an idea formed in his mind. Indeed, this was the chance he was looking for. He just needed Yuu to take the bait…
“Oh? Are you?”
“A bit, yes,” Yuu continued, placing a hand on their shoulder as they moved it in circles, trying to stretch out their muscles after sitting for so long.
Maki stood up, walking around the table, slowly approaching the other. He had the perfect excuse and the perfect method in mind. “I know something that can help with that, Yuu.”
“Huh?” Yuu tilted their head, looking at Maki approaching. “And what is it?” 
“The guys taught me this method to relax in the club. It works wonders whenever someone is tense or tired, I never thought it would come handy outside the club, but here we are!” Maki beamed, trying to not raise the other’s awareness of his actual intentions. “Would you like to try it out, Yuu?”
Before Yuu had the chance to ponder the pros and cons, Maki had already sat by his side. There wasn’t much room left to think about it, but Yuu didn’t feel like they needed it anyway. “Right, let’s give it a try.”
They couldn’t help but to think it was a little weird that said “technique to help one relax” didn’t ring a bell. Yuu was always there to support the guys in the club and, even though they didn’t join every single activity, they would know about something like this. Maybe it's something they came up with when they weren’t around? Whatever it may be, Yuu thought, they knew they could trust Maki on these matters.
“Alright, turn your back to-” Maki stopped, with his hands already on Yuu’s shoulders, noticing the nearby table. He hit it himself not long ago and, considering his plan, it was likely that Yuu would end hitting it too. “Actually, let’s move a little away from the table.”
“Hm? Why do we need to move away from it?”
“Because, uh… you won’t be able to stretch properly, that’s why,” Maki lied with a plain face, hoping to sound convincing enough. Yuu gasped softly, letting out a small ‘oh’ as he accepted that explanation. So innocent, Maki smiled as this crossed his head, but it was all for the greater good, after all. “Ready?” He continued after they moved away like they were told to.
“Yes, Maki,” Yuu nodded, looking back forward after giving Maki a quick glance.
There, all set for his failess plan. Maki positioned himself behind Yuu, his fingers poised to strike. “Alright. One… two… three!”
A surprised squeal escaped Yuu’s lips as ten fingers suddenly dug into their sides, wiggling and tweaking at the spot, sending something like an electric shock straight up to their brain. “M-Mahahaki! Wait, t-this tihihickles!” They giggled, shooting their arms down and pressing them against their torso, hoping that it would be enough to make the ticklish feeling come to a halt.
But Yuu knew, just like all the others in the club, that Maki was restless when he had a goal set inside his head.
“Hey ~” Maki sang teasingly, pinching the sensitive skin through the shirt, switching from wiggling his fingers to rapid pokes and then pinching wherever he could reach. “This is supposed to make you relax, Yuu. How come you got even more tense?”
“B-becahahause it ticklehehes!” Yuu laughed a bit louder when Maki’s hand found their way to the lowest pair of ribs. Their reaction, much to their demise, didn’t go unnoticed and Maki made sure to give said spot a couple more pokes, prodding playfully just to make Yuu’s laughter rise a notch.
The ravenhead smirked, satisfied with the results he got so far, but still determined to go on - after all, his ultimate goal wouldn’t be achieved by just this. “Sigh, it’s not my fault you’re so ticklish, Yuu! Here, let me switch spots…”
“M-Maki, nohoh!!” They giggled nervously, watching in horror as Maki wrapped one of his arms around their chest, pulling them into a hug, while his other hand began to claw and tickle his unprotected stomach. So mean! “P-plehehease! AhAHAha, n-not thehehre!”
“Huh? Why not? I switched spots because you said it tickled before,” he feigned ignorance, being thankful that Yuu couldn’t see the large smile that took place on his face, “I thought this would be better, Yuu…”
“I-It’s wohOHOhorse, MahAHAKI!” They laughed, scrunching up their shoulders as just Maki’s breath against their neck was enough to send an awful shiver down their spines. The combined assaults against their midriff and neck proved to be more than enough to turn Yuu into a mess of giggles and squeals. Their face quickly began to flush, turning into a light shade of pink. 
“Hmm, worse?” Maki hummed as if pondering about the newly received information. His fingers, however, didn’t stop moving for a single second. While one of his hands continued to tickle Yuu’s stomach mercilessly, the other one - that was wrapped around their chest - began to poke the sides of their chest, finding a way to tickle their highest ribs even with their arms tightly clasped to their torso. “So… should I stop? You didn’t say anything, so I just kept going.”
Those words made Yuu’s face turn into a brighter shade of red. They could feel the warmth of the flushed skin, with the blush spreading from their face all the way to the tip of their ears. With laughter pouring nonstop from their lips, Yuu simply nodded, embarrassed to have something like that pointed out.
“Alright, alright,” Maki cooed as the tickling came into an end, “sorry, I didn’t mean to overdo it.”
“N-no, hah…” Yuu sighed in relief, allowing themselves to lean against Maki’s body, “i-it was… fun, I guess.”
“Good,” Maki hummed, patting Yuu’s stomach as if praising them for taking the tickles, “I thought you could use a good smile.”
“H-huh?” They turned their head slightly, trying to look at Maki, “w-what?”
Maki raised his eyebrows, noticing he was caught red handed. No way out of this one, he supposed, “well, you seemed a bit down when we left the school and I thought there could be something troubling you,” he said, scratching his cheek as he tried to find the right words, “so I wanted to do something to cheer you up.”
“Maki…” Yuu muttered softly. An unknown, but warm feeling spread across their chest. “Thank you.”
“E-eh? No need to thank me or anything,” Maki giggled, “it’s too early for that, Yuu.” He added quietly, letting the silence fill the room as realization struck his friend.
“W-wait, I don’t n- aHAHAhA, M-Maki! WahAHahait, I wahahas tahahalking!” Before they could protest or say anything else, those nimble fingers went back to work.
Maki smiled, this time moving one of his hands to tickle Yuu under their arm and the other to squeeze his waist. He couldn’t help but to laugh along as their friend kicked and squirmed, but never tried to stop him. “Let’s keep going some more… just to make sure, okay? ~”
He could not know exactly what happened or what was making his friend sad, but he could make sure that Yuu knew he would be there for them no matter what. 
And to give them a good reason to smile and laugh again.
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