#they're super useful for me bc they give me something to draw and i don't have to do all the thinking on WHAT to draw yk
cheerioskid · 10 months
a heads up!! i'm going to be hanging out with family for the next couple of days and after that i move back into school on tuesday so i might not be able to get to my inbox (specifically the requests) for a while bc i'll be a lil busy!! but i'm still keeping it open because i love the the kind words and i need the attention tbh :333
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tacomanarrows · 17 days
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Between the Sea and the Sky!
Hi everybody! Meet the TWO new guys I made between last night and today! Their names are Tarmac (an Aeromorph dog) and Soda (a pooltoy fox), and they've filled a desire for these two specific kinds of OCs I've had in mind for MONTHS lol. They were super fun to design and draw and I'm super excited to do more with them soon!! This piece is relatively simple but more so serves as their introduction hehe
See more about them, including refs and some additional pieces/information below the cut :] (it kind of turns into a huge braindump lmao)
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Tarmac is an aeromorph, although a bit more towards the furry side of things rather than the plane side lol. His design is influenced primarily by the Concorde and the Space Shuttle! I couldn't decide for the life of me which of those two things I wanted to use so I thought "why not use both?" and here we are lol. I'm super happy with his design, with the black/dark gray markings mean to emulate the look of the Space Shuttle's thermal insulation tiles and then I really like how the red and blue stand out against the gray. I really like his icon too! I wanted to make it look like a stylized depiction of a plane (mainly a Concorde hehe) breaking through the sound barrier with a sonic boon! In terms of personality, I don't have a whole lot in mind yet. Mostly that he'd be the brave, adventurous type and since he can fly both in the air and through space, he's gonna be friends with Astro too :3
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Soda is a pooltoy fox! I have wanted to make a pooltoy OC FOREVER (blame my mutuals for always posting/reblogging so many cool pooltoy OCs hehe). I finally got brave enough to actually give it a shot, and I love how he came out! I was mainly just thinking about summery themes and as I was just trying out different colors and stuff, I thought about orange soda, and that's the direction I ended up going! He's got a big stupid tail [affectionate] and can have either rounded bappy hands or have actual fingers, you're free to stylize that either way! I've only ever drawn a pooltoy character once ever before, so this was something way out of my realm of familiarity, but I'm so happy with how he came out! He's so shaped I love him so much already <33
So those are my two new guys! Making two new OCs at the same time is already a rarity for me lol. The only time it's happened before was when I made Rye and Pumpernickel back in August of 2021. And then making these guys when I had only gotten Astro about two and a half weeks ago means this is an exceedingly rare event for me lmao. My friends know how infrequently I make/get new OCs, so this just goes to show how much these guys have been bouncing around in my brain lately lol.
They are definitely gonna have some sort of connection to each other, but I'm not sure how I wanna go about that yet. Since I made them back to back, they are already connected in my brain, but I'm not sure how I wanna express that in a meaningful way. I don't wanna make them siblings bc, well, they're obv very different from each other lol, but they're kinda parallels (with one being in the sky and the other being in the water yknow), so as of right now they're definitely good friends with each other. I might upgrade that to bfs at some point in the future, but we'll see how things go hehe.
Anyways huge braindump of a post lmao, thank u for reading if u did! I'd love to hear your thoughts on these guys since they're so different from all my other characters! Also if anyone may wanna do an art trade of either of these guys (or Astro as well! I'd like to get more art of him too!) let me know hehe
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y-vna · 5 months
Just so it's clear, one of my big dni crits is this:
TW: My rant includes HEAVY topics of ed (eating disorders) and intentionally starving yourself/unhealthy weight loss 🙁.
This post is also ULTRA long, will definitely contain grammar and spelling mistakes, and I'm not going to say 100% everything here is accurate information, as I'm a human and I make mistakes too.
Let me get this clear, I dont mean anyone harm with this post. My intention isn't to hate or attack/hurt anyone to make them feel upset. I know that having an ed is a serious matter. I have friends and family who actively have/had these kinds of eds, so im not uneducated on this subject and I do understand it to a very in-depth degree. This is not to say I know everything about this topic, however.
It is definitely not easy to recover from, and lots of people struggle from it every day. I am NOT saying people with this disorder are any less human than anyone else. I'm saying it's toxic for those who do have it since it actually harms your body a lot, and pushing it on others (not the fact you have it in the first place) is something I don't support.
So respectfully, if you do support/promote eds as a positive thing, or are/follow/interact with blogs who do, BLOCK ME AND DNI. thank you.
I love everyone for who they are inside, regardless of what their body looks like. And I'm telling you right now, as someone who tried so hard to have a perfect body and stop eating bc im super insecure, it's not worth it, and it makes you feel so shitty. I love you, whoever is reading this, no matter what. So please don't change who you are just to make others happy :( <3
So I was looking thru tumblr, and this one post kept getting shown to me where people were talking about basically the idea of: "its worth it to keep losing that undesired weight, you'll see results soon" as like a motivational thing. The tags (straight up tells you it's supposed to be inspo to becoming skinny and supports the idea having an ed is the only way to get a dream bod), and their whole blog had ed encouragement/motivation. To keep...starving, i guess.?? Despite their user being about being strong and healthy, nothing about this is healthy or keeps your body strong.
I didn't decide to write a whole rant about just that part of the post because I didn't start getting super concerned until i read the notes/comments (since i had seen a lot of these 'tw : ed' blogs before already). What I saw was that tons of users were promoting starving yourself as a goal and a good thing, and basically glorifying having an ed. And also using kpop idols with skinny and perfect figures like wonyoung to tell others that (almost a literal direct quote from this user-) 'us ed people don't want to be helped and we won't stop starving ourselves until we reach the weight we want.'
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"You see it as negativity cause you're not disordered." KEEP IN MIND THE PERSON THEY'RE TALKING TO USED TO ACTUALLY HAVE AN ED (the screenshot below is the person they were talking to). I understand you can't push people to get help if they don't want it, but you have to draw a line when you start saying that every person with ed doesn't want help, which just isnt true. I looked at their blog, and it was all just calculating how many calories they ate and burned every day. Most of the posts they basically only totaled 300 calories a day. THAT IS SUPER SICK ☹️. An average human needs like 2000+ calories a day. It actively influences people to copy them by posting and blogging this SUPER unhealthy weight loss. It IS NOT positive on any level. It does nothing good for you. You won't feel any happier when you look in the mirror if all you can feel is pure hunger because you won't give your body what it needs. This is so sad to me because all the comments had people trying to ask how to start starving themselves, and every blog I clicked on all had ed triggers on their posts and bios. Some of those blogs were saying NOT to become like them because they can't see themselves recovering now that they're in too deep.
As said by people online who actually had and got through having an ed, they have explained it is very unhealthy and they were glad to recover. So even though I do not have an ed, and you might think I shouldn't be "judging" people who have them, there are plenty of formerly ed diagnosed people who know the bad effect it has on others/had on them because they can accurately relate. You can still educate people on a subject even if you yourself do not have to suffer from it/have it, as long as you're doing it properly with proven facts (literally all credible research you do anywhere backed by science and experts will prove eds aren't healthy). People educate themselves to teach others about other illnesses, ongoing or past wars in history, etc, they don't have firsthand experience with/from. And they can still be just as valid sometimes.
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My whole point here is that on tumblr and so many other social media platforms, I keep seeing people (posts like this and whole blogs centered around this stuff,) encouraging (mainly young) girls to stop eating altogether to have a body that society and other people are more satisfied with. That's why, for a while, I also tried to do the same because of the people saying it was a positive thing to gain a bad relationship with food and start counting your calories to be perfect. I'm also someone who struggles with body image and being shamed for gaining weight. But at some point hou need to realize hurting your body and mental state is SO WRONG. NOBODY is perfect. So don't push you or anyone else to be. I learned this, and I get its super hard to ignore the judgment forced onto you by society and your surroundings, but there will be people who appreciate you just how you are now. Like me.
So with all that said, the moral here is:
Don't starve urself (on purpose. Bc some people genuinely have trouble eating and starve themselves non intentionally. I have friends who do this 😭)
You're perfect how u are now without being as slim as your idols (and even K-pop idols don't tell others usually to be like them because they know that their companies forcing them to strictly control their weight isn't something they want fans to look up to).
Don't force (potential) ed on others
Don't encourage unhealthy relationship with your body and food
I do support people with eds, as long as they aren't trying to make it something others should look up to, and aspire to have.
If you are someone who wants to normalize having an ed as healthy or positive, please do not interact with this blog and feel free to block me :(
Thank you for reading, have a good day and ily for whoever is reading this. 💗💖💓💕
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desceros · 6 months
Something I haven't been able to figure out........... how did the blurple au reader manage to get in relationships with both boys at the same time when they obviously don't want to share. How did that go down??? Or am I misunderstanding the dynamic? I can't stop thinking about it fr
so the dynamics are
donnie has been in love with you his entire life. you're it. the end game. the One. you define who he is, and he owns it.
leo has largely considered himself incapable of/unworthy of/uninterested in any kind of permanent, long-term relationship let alone romance... until he meets you.
so both of them are like. okay. if it's Ever gonna happen, it's with this one. and they both crave how you make them feel so, so badly, that even though it's absolutely infuriating thinking about the other one getting you sometimes, so be it. this is what it means to have you, and they won't not have you.
also edit bc i have more to say here upon a reread. in the beginning i think. they convince themselves that they can convince you that you only need them. like. donnie thinks he can talk you away from leo. he's dangerous. i'm safe. stay with me. i'll protect you. and leo thinks he can show you that he has everything you need. donnie stifles you. i'll set you free. i'll give you everything—including me.
plus... you're, like, the love of their life. so when you come to leo all excited because donnie took you on a super fun date yesterday, yeah, it annoys him bc he should have been the one spending time with you. but it's impossible not to see how happy you are, so he just... grumbles performatively. then rails you into the couch so when you go home you smell like him
and for donnie, it's like. well. i imagine you'd get sexual with leo first. he's much more up front with the fact that he desires you, and he's not going to let anything get in his way of having you. so in donnie's mind, leo had you first. (even though, really, donnie has always had you.) so part of it is him being glad that he gets to have you at all. and part of it is that he sees how happy leo makes you (some...how??? it breaks his brain a little because you've seen leo, right? this guy? this guy????) and making you happy slash safe is like, the thing he was put on this earth to do.
in the beginning, they're nasty and actively antagonistic to the other. they fight, openly, though they're so well-matched that nothing ever comes of it. then they slowly just get less and less aggressive as you just. stubbornly force them to exist in the same space (because they're family, they're brothers, they shouldn't be fighting, can't they see they shouldn't be fighting???). and eventually it devolves into, like. petty sniping behind your back when you aren't looking. donnie drawing stupid shit on leo's face when he finds him asleep on the couch using his sharpie. leo hiding donnie's sharpie so he can't draw on his eyebrows and he looks stupid all day. dear god the active war that is who do you smell like today.
so it's...... reluctant. but eventually it settles into something that works surprisingly well, shocking literally everyone—except you, because you'd had faith the whole time that it would work.
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shiveringgroovy · 2 months
WHAT KIND OF COMPUTER DOES EVERYONE USE ipads/tablets are allowed im extending this to like phones and stuff i've just decided
errrm HEHEHE !! gonna do my favs for this :3
not a big computer guy. probably has a fuckass nokia phone and has hit computers with golf clubs before.
haskill gives him a tablet to watch shitty youtube videos on
i know he fucks with really bad yt shorts
probably invented them tbh
has a phone and that's about it
uses agency computers for work and kinda hates operating them (they also kinda suck so yk)
Sotha Sil
like 500 monitors and LEDs and a see-through tower and a fucking gaming chair
blender king
probably built it all himself
he's insane
the electric bill is through the roof.
Fyodor (i actually despise him but it's funny)
so he canonically has the worst most diabolical evil fucked up setup known to MAN please get him to touch some grass i'm begging you
freaky ass medieval peasant that introduced HIMSELF to goreshit
discord is running somewhere there. trust me
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Relmyna Verenim (did you guys know i like her)
also has multiple monitors, not as many as sil but yk
probably runs like super slow and she has to resist the urge to snap her monitors in half every time she tries to open up any program
minecraft girlie (i also hc her as trans she's very loser scientist transfem coded)
she spends most of her time in the field but she likes her computers to write down her stuff
has a tablet and a phone
uses them sparingly, but talks to ranpo a lot over texts
has the newest phone models. always buys them instantly.
they're a prick
probably has a fucking typewriter rather than a computer because he's pretentious
has a tablet and a phone, uses them much more often than yosano
he seems like he prefers to read on screens than books imo
it also makes more sense, he doesn't like carrying a bunch of stuff around so having a tablet would be convenient
will text people while sitting directly across from them
Dagoth Ur/Voryn Dagoth
has a flip phone and that's it
bc he's blind, he's not a fan of technology all that much, but uses screen readers and speaks to type.
more of a phone guy!!
has cut a laptop in half before
doesn't believe in computers
also doesn't believe in computers
Lucien Lachance
owns a laptop but never uses it
written mail type of guy
would go apeshit on a tablet.
probably a really big art fan, so really uses them for drawing and games and stuff
someone introduce this kid to a pc with a drawing pad
also loves music, would be the only normal technology user on this list istg
owns something for every situation
nothing too fancy tbh
has a home pc, a laptop, a phone, and a tablet
uses them all for his job and has them all labelled and everything
has games on his phone for sheogorath
Ivan Goncharov
it's cause you're always on that damn rock
hates typing with every fiber of his being
smashes shit. has absolutely crushed pushkin's phone before and pushkin almost shot him
uses laptops and pcs out of necessity, uses walkie-talkies for communications because he just likes them
biggest spreadsheet fan of all time
has a laptop that flips into a tablet
she loves organizing things and presenting them to the rest of the dark brotherhood
they don't listen to the immense power of a girl with a spreadsheet. like fools.
mp3 player or a phone just for music purposes
pays for every music subscription known to man
last.fm ass bitch
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What are some of your all time favorite tropes to use when you write or draw your ships or and ocs?
I really love the size difference one you went with for Bluffy🥰 it's my favorite! Your art made me a Bluffy fan btw. It's gorgeous.
I have quite a few that I enjoy.
My top five favorites are
Size difference. Probably my biggest weakness when it comes to pairings. It could be done a number of ways. Tall bottom/short top, short bottom/tall top, switches with size difference, etc. I try not to lean into bl tropes too much, but it doesn't mean I don't dabble lol. I have a variety of ships with a size difference going both ways and even ocs with it. It really just depends on the character.
Age difference. I don't ship anything with children. I just can't. But a noticeable age difference between two adults is just 🤌🏻
Feminine bottoms who aren't helpless. I see the trope a lot where the bottom is feminine and can't defend themselves for shit. It's not that I don't mind it, I just see it a little too much. I like when the bottom is super pretty, but can also kill you 🫠 which is a major thing that happens with my oc, Talon. I also like tough bottoms who become whiny and pathetic when their top is around.
Puppy dog top/vicious bottom and vice versa. Those kind of pairings are loved by a lot of people, including me.
Demon/angel or a god, demon/priest. To me it doesn't matter who tops or who bottoms in this trope, it's the evil corrupting the good or even the good influencing the evil for me. I even like a little mixture of both.
Some honorable mentions:
Dom/sub. This one has a very wide range. Both could be doms, both could be subs. The top could dom or the bottom could dom. They could switch and mix up their dynamic. I really like power bottoms with doms bc that's basically what my husband and I are and it's what I see with Buggy and Luffy.
Mpreg. I LOVE me some mpreg because it's just so damn sweet. Idc how it happens, trans men, some unknown force, etc. Idc. I will read it or draw it a hundred times over.
Murderer or kidnapper/victim and hunter/prey. People know me. I like the dark stuff. Something about a character being hunted down just UGH. Toxic tropes in fiction just scratch an itch, ya know?
The size difference between Buggy and Luffy is already pretty apparent in the show. Luffy's head reaches Buggy's chest. However, my version just took it a little further because it's my all time favorite. I put them in a lot of categories because they're both bold and they just fit.
To me, Buggy is not a bottom. He just isn't. People can try to tell me all day that he is, but I can't be swayed. That man is a top 100% It's just his personality. People can babygirl him all they want, he's still a top lmao. Now, I'm not opposed to him being a sub sometimes. Give Luffy the reins every now and then, because that's Luffy's personality. Buggy still has that pathetic side to him where he would definitely cave and allow Luffy to take control of what happens in the bedroom, office, bow of the ship or wherever they decide they want each other.
Also, thank you for liking my art🖤
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jamisonwritestf2trash · 4 months
I do! I've actually liked it for years. Um, I'm going to be kinda cringe for a minute before I get into the actual game it's self. Spoilers?? Do I need to warn that?
I actually fell into the game when I was in 5th grade, I couldn't even play the game and it still managed to get a grip on me. I watched every video I could find about it, mainly getting sucked into videos reading comics about the game. Me and my friend at the time both loved the game so we would talk about it for hours and real fanfics on Quotev and Wattpad. I actually remember seeing "Down To The Bone." When/ around the time dropped, I listened to it on repeat. I also watched the "Undertale If It Was Realistic." A lot too. ALSO, the undertale parody of "Stronger Than You" was quoted a lot. My friend was a huge fan of Temmie and they used to talk like her and I remember always thinking that was cool. I was always a huge fan of Papyrus, Mettaton, and Sans. Mettaton specifically (more on that later). And I guess I just remember, wanting so bad to be able to be apart of the fandom, but not being able to. I begged my mom to get me merch for the game while trying to hide how I knew so much about the game. (I wasn't allowed on YouTube or social media so I had to tell her I loved it bc my friend did.) I did not get the merch I wanted btw, but um, I guess it's just, it's my childhood in a way. I also used to try and draw the characters but I couldn't draw so I ended up just imagining scenarios in my head. I used to swing on the swing set at recess and just imagine stuff about the game.
Okay so the fun not cringe stuff but still cringe in a way.
So, when I finally played undertale for the first time, oh my god??? It fixed something in me, what it fixed, I don't know. I remember being super confused and trying to look at a guide for everything. I also felt so bad because I killed a few monsters in my first run and when Undyne told me I was killing them I cried. I also cried at her fight because I was dying over and over and I didn't know what to do. And also at the time I thought there were two endings, Pacifist and Genocide, and I cried when I couldn't save Asgore because I thought did something wrong (because at this point I had reset the game and killed no one). Fun fact, I have never played the Genocide route because I can't kill Papyrus. I can't do it man. I'd rather die. I love the sound track, and I love all the characters. And I love the game. I want to get an undertale tattoo at some point I love it that much.
I guess the last thing I want to say is that the game probably made me realize I was queer, in some way. Like it might not have been an instant thing, but it definitely opened my mind to queer ideas when all I had been fed was gay people bad, trans people evil. I think Mettaton was a huge thing to me, I wanted to be like him, I thought he was so cool. I didn't know men could be feminine and be cool, that it wasn't some joke. I just, I think it made me realize something some how. Also seeing a lesbian couple made a little switch in my brain flip, like oh, I like them, and they're gay, so why don't I like other gay people? (I had a LOT of internalized homophobia and transphobia and it was somehow fixed by undertale go figure 😭)
I don't know, maybe this isn't the best breakdown or what you were looking for, and to be fair it's probably unintelligible rambling. But it did give me a chance to look back on my past and how much this game really changed me and made my life better. So thanks! Um and sorry I suppose.
Also! Shocker, and probably insane to admit, but... I never thought I'd find a game that made me feel like Undertale did and then I found TF2. TF2 is my new Undertale and that's horrific </3
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eric-the-bmo · 24 days
Blood and Silicon ep19.5: Road Trip
[Summary: This road trip is off to a horrible start. There's also small lore crumbs.] @kentuckycaverats @sanguineasylum @zwoelffarben
In the car, it's a bit tense. Percy is drawing and using a locket photo for reference; when asked, he said the subject was a good friend of his. Leo's still a bit pissed over earlier, so he's trying not to make it obvious he's curious about Percy's drawing.
Blake pushes Percy on the pack comment he had made earlier, and they go back and forth on the subject, dancing around actually saying what Blake is accusing him of. Leo is confused, like he's missing something, until finally Percy admits he is/was a member of the Sabbat. Blake is Not Happy about having a cultist in his jeep, and Percy isn't happy that Blake views the Sabbat as a monolith of wild killers.
Leo tries his best to silently follow along/ take notes as Blake and Percy begin to argue about the Sabbat and sectarian politics, dropping bits of sect lore and Percy backstory along the way; it turns out Percival is trying to find his former coterie. As they do this, Blake (who's implied he's encountered some Sabbat loyalists at some point) mentions the viniculum while making a jab at Percy- Leo stops like he's realized something, but the other two don't notice bc they're busy arguing. Blake also tells Percy to stop using Heightened Senses all the time at some point, and the whole thing is Very Tense. Neither of them really "win" this argument, so to speak.
The coterie eventually gets to a rest stop. Blake exits to go to the store section, and Percy stays in the car to read a detective novel he brought along. Leo gets out for a moment, and yells into his hands out of frustration before going "God, we're so fucked." He follows Blake into the store where the Gangrel is buying a few things to keep up the appearance of us still being human. They have a small chat. Leo is gifted some cheap sunglasses.
Blake and Leo go outside so the Malk can feed [and ends up drinking from a woman who was on some sort of drug cocktail??? He's fine, the effects passed super quick, but he maybe took too much from her :-( ], and Leo heads back to the car. Here, he requests something from Percy in regards to what happened in the locker room: ["Just don't... don't fuckin' look at me like that, yeah? It brings up things I'd rather not think about."] Percy says he can't entirely promise it, but will try his best. Blake returns to the car, and we get back to driving.
At 2am we get to Reno; Blake realizes he forgot to give Leo something, and hands him the Gameboy they'd taken from Kyra's base. We check into a motel, and Percy sets up a gun to point at the door while Blake takes a quick shower. We get set up; Percy watches the news, and Blake might've stolen some stuff based off a new report they see. Speaking of Blake, he exits the bathroom, and Leo notices the bandages on his arm. Leo confronts him about it (as well as the arm), and while Blake doesn't say anything about his injury he does admit to pawning things for cash and then coming back later to steal them back (as well as anything else he might like there). It's something he had apparently picked up while being a vampire; Leo's more concerned about the "possibly getting caught" part.
To avoid the sunlight from the curtains, the coterie all sleeps in the bathroom.
This is a bit shorter because it wasn't an official session? Anyway
Blake and Percy should physically fight each other /j Those two argued for the better part of an hour it was a whole thing
Leo's finally figured something out!!! My god. I'm gonna be real: I don't think I know how to roleplay his emotions about it. oh no and Oh Boy!
crumbs of lore from all of them....
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watanabes-cum-dump · 2 months
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Guess who finished Stromblood ✨
Anyways, I love me some characters with beautiful dead blue eyes~
Also some feelings abt Zenos under the cut bc I do be having ideas
He's honestly very interesting to me, and I find him very unique among villains. Like he doesn't hate WoL, in fact he calls us his "first friend." He fights for his own pleasure, which is really cool to see amongst the sea of villains fighting for vengeance or for what they perceive as right- but not Zenos. He fights to feel something. Zenos fights to feel the high of battle. He really is a monster. I do kinda think it's his dad's fault because he shows no remorse for his son's death and states that a monster is not fit for the throne and honestly that solidified him for me. A villain living and fighting for nothing but the thrill of battle is just super poetic for me. We are his friend, his equal, and his greatest rival because we are the only one who can compare. Eikon slayer, hero of Eorzea; the Warrior of Light is the only one who can give him that thrill.
Makes me wonder how he developed this thrill for battle. Throwing himself into increasingly dangerous situations to feel the rush of adrenaline from a good hunt. He's what, 26? Has he been this way since he was a kid? Or was it something he fostered as he got older and served in the Garlean army?
Anyways now onto the shippy stuff-
I'm gonna say it right now, but Elysia is one order away from being a bloodthirsty murderer. Killing gods has given her something of an ego- and honestly if it weren't for the Scions and the Alliance puppeting her around she'd be little more than a monster herself. She's vain, prideful, and a little selfish at times. She has little left to live for, and not much to return to.
So in a way, her and Zenos are similar. They both have major daddy issues lmao, but that aside, Elysia also seeks an equal. Eikons are all the same when they die, and no mortal has every really measured up to her.
Also while drawing this, I realized Zenos has little demon wings on his armor that contract Elysia's angel theming perfectly. Hehehehe it's just soooo juicy. Esp because Elysia isn't exactly an angel herself- she's kind of a piece of shit but she often tries to hide it behind her charms. So I think it would lead to this interesting dynamic of Zenos wanting to see her truly unleash that beast and be the rampaging piece of shit she is and Elysia trying to keep that side of her under wraps because he doesn't deserve the satisfaction of seeing her true self.
I can see the twisted potential of them being together- Zenos utterly obsessed with finding his equal and Elysia being more than happy to have yet another man wrapped around her finger. Reasoning be damned, she just likes the attention and appreciates the fight. They would be... an interesting power couple.
But at the same time, I did say that they were similiar and in some fucked up way I think they would find comfort in each other. Now they definitely operate under the "I can make him/her worse" logic but it's comfort nonetheless and anything is better than whatever the hell Zenos was raised in so yeah. If they were to be more genuine though, I don't think I see them being in love with each other. I think Zenos would confuse all the adrenaline for affection in the above toxic scenario, but I cannot see him actually being in love with her lmao. I think Zenos x WoL kinda needs a morally sound WoL to be a somewhat functional relationship and Elysia is... definitely NOT that girl lmao.
I think they would be great friends actually. They kind of balance each other out. Zenos "hehehehehe violence, carnage bloooodddd" and Elysia being all "okay yes but let's be subtle about it." Also I think more than anything, Zenos needs a friend to get his shit together like love will NOT fix that man. Not that they would try to fix each other, and that's the beauty of a friendship. They're both just kind of existing and understanding each other.
My fix for this is the Eorzea Academy AU where Zenos is still yk crazy and whatnot but Elysia is his keeper lmao. Like "Sorry abt my dog" and it's Zenos bullying the freshmen or smth lol.
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lavenoon · 2 years
PLEASE tell us more about the Accidentally Undercover AU I am OBSESSING over it now I must know more, I am in love with it 🙏
Oh dear I really just posted it and ditched you guys huh gdhs
Hi I'm back from my evening event and will ramble some more! I've been shooting ideas at @lulu-libellule who also made it all even more fun than it was initially, hehehe
So there's not much of the fnaf plot gonna happen - like virus and Afton n shit, I'm not going there, it's really just for fun
But! There is of course some sort of timeline, and there's three stages/ arcs basically. First pre-reveal, then the messy bit where they all figure it out (though not at the same time), and then post-reveal
Pre-reveal is mostly just what I described in the intro post, they're all stupid and I have a bunch of interactions I wanna draw for it. They're so, so incredibly oblivious it's so much fun. Picture this:
Moon recounts the night at work, the moment of victory when he managed to trip Robin up, giving him a headstart and resulting in a mild inconvenience (think something bruised, at worst sprained) for them. Sun simply nods along, agreeing on principle but honestly, he's just already thinking of how Y/N seems to have had a really bad day at work, limping in while cursing under their breath, so he's really thinking of doing something nice for them before leaving for his own shift (: No dot connecting happening
Or Sun's kind of accidental crafting hobby (he's an expert, he's not half-assing his cover story) carrying consequences for Moon, too Robin: Taking the "eyes on the back of your head" a bit too literally, no? Dusk: What are you talking about? Robin: There's. There's a googly eye stuck there. With glitter I think Dusk, internally: SUN I SWEAR TO GOD
The reveal itself is pretty much the only part I've planned to include angst - self doubt, frustration, and somewhat betrayal too for all of them. Messy, and not too thought out yet, but it'll be a whole thing!
Post-reveal on the other hand. That's gonna be stupid fun again, because now all three idiots are in on it and cover for each other. Their organization would shame them forever if not outright fire them for being so damn stupid if they learned their cohabitation was an accident, so they simply don't mention it to anyone.
Leads to fun moments when the presumed rivals start defending each other -
someone: Dawn dropped out of today's mission, said something personal came up Y/N, who begged him to stay home to wait for the plumber to fix some pipes bc they have a meeting with someone high up they can't cancel: he mentioned a funeral someone: oh, huh. my condolences later: Sun: Y/N. what funeral would we go to Y/N: IDK I PANICKED
Someone happens to ask Dusk what funeral they went to, he deadpan replies "our grandmother's", no one asks again
Also Moon will never let Y/N live it down once he realizes they lied about pretty much all their scars to make them sound cooler than they actually are, because for some reason being a literal secret agent isn't cool enough for Y/N. They almost regret making up all those dramatic stories. Almost.
Gonna stop here for now so I still have stuff to talk about when my brain isn't quite as mushy, but super super giddy that people like my silly little au idea!! I just love identity shenanigans with a focus on differing dynamics so so much, so I had to make that a reality, glad to have people with me on the ride <3
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charmixpower · 2 years
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🎶 Muse hairstyles explained 🎶
Musa's Enchantix bewitched me, it entranced me, it seduced me with it's gorgeous hair. I have given into my deepest of impulses and now her hair is ever so slightly blueish purple. It's barely noticeable, nobody touch me, I have absolutely no regrets. I love it so much she's so pretty. As for a like, cohesive style. Musa's hair is only down at fancy events, as she very heavily seems like someone who doesn't like having their hair down. That's about it. Idk if there is a theme to these, they're all things that she'd super wear, they're usually twin hairstyles, and thats it. Though I find it really interesting that Musa's fashion is usually heavily on the more masculine tomboy and comfortable side, but her hair is always ultra feminine and styled. I think it's such a good cute bit of characterization. She's a girlie your honor
Anyways on to the individual styles
Short hair: My beloved short hair pigtails Musa. I love her. Drawing her short pigtails was always super hard before I just stopped trying to make them stick up like the way she does in the show XD. Also this is the type of shirt Musa wore in the second chapter of my Rivusa fic, and I got really attached to it. It's so cute!!! And it matches her vibes! Love
Long hair: I've made it clear that I'm not a super huge fan of Musa's long hair but honestly, it's not her long hair's fault. It's the fact that everyone else has long hair mixed with the fact that s4 on use this as an excuse to competely erase all of Musa's tomboy fashion traits. Like?? I'm sorry, I didn't know my favorite character was "snarky Stella lite who likes darker colors". Anyways, eventually I came upon the way to fix this, which was to give her a fuckin undercut!!! Hell yeah!!!! It's both super feminine like her original pigtails but with a alt twist that protects her from her distinct personal style from being erased. I love her undercut so much!! I picked a undercut specifically because it looks the most feminine and Musa tends to be super femme in her hair and I didn't wanna tamper with that, and she of she puts her hair down she can cover it up for a more classic look that she's sometimes fond of. It stikes a good balance between both of her styles me thinks. Bonus my redesign of her s3 outfit. I feel bad saying this bc I don't like it all that much. Like the weird not sleeves and the sweater dress with pants...not my thing. Idm it all that much, but it both looks like a really warm outfit, but also like she'd be cold at the same time? I just gave her an oversized button up shirt dress. It's still pretty alt, esp with those colors, and fashionable! I really like it. Also, yes, she also got more piercings when she went to get her hair lengthed. She deserves them <3
Loopies: Tbh, while s5 will own a small piece of my heart and soul for fixing the myriad of crimes s4 committed against Musa, I never understood why they used the bun hairstyle instead the twin hairstyle they had right there for her pajamas?? It would of been in much better keeping with Musa's original style??? Anyways I've swapped those, so not this is older Musa's classic hairstyles. Her twin hair look slowly gets more and more mature looking :)) with a bonus jersey shirt she stole from Riven
Baby Musa: pre season one Musa!!! She's in her skater girl era, with her ultra short low pigtails so they don't get in the way of all the helmets she wore. I imagine as soon as she started living by herself she chopped off her hair as teenagers tend to do, she didn't wanna try ultra short hair in front of her dad and worry him lol, and then shes slowly letting it grow back to see what length she likes the most. Idk if she cut it this short or if it was shorter originally. This experiment ends up telling her that she likes all hair lengths on herself lol. She's rocking big shirt big pants fashion in this pic btw, for the vibes. Originally all of these drawings of music only had a lobe piercing, and something about the way I was drawing her was driving me mad. Eventually I realized I needed to show her getting more piercings as she got older lol. Seriously I was agonizing before I put more piercings on the other Musa's and suddenly everything clicked
Summer look: I love her classic s5 hair sm ok? I had to include it somewhere. Her hair is still up and it's still feminine, but with the overwhelming amount of feminine from her outfit the bun not being too feminine works in it's flavor as Musa's original style hasn't been thrown in the trash SEASON 4. I turned it into a summer look, with that one red crop top form her stock art. She looks so ready for summer fun, gosh I love her. She has my second favorite pair of earrings I put on her here, which is a shame bc you can't see them xd, curse her bang—BACK!! BACK S4 SIDE SWEPT MUSA BANGS!!! BACK YOU FOUL BEAST
Cozy Musa: Yeah this is her hair from the second movie. As much as I dislike so much about it from the non senseical plot, lack of continuity, writing, voice acting, Skloom getting engaged for the second time, and really everything but the satisfaction of Erendor becoming a full villain, the gowns the girls wear, and the super Trix, uh. I really like Musa's hair. It's unique and funky, and it's something she'd totally do. The outfit wasn't all that bad, I'd even say it was better than her s4 camping outfit, until you notice that she's wearing socks OVER her shoes and I remember that the designers are either geniuses or the the enemy and I should never trust them too much. Anyways I decided to pair this hair with a more casual look bc it's a bit too showy for hiking, but still chill and causal enough for going out in a chill way. Like a super chill date, or shopping day. Something to spice up a otherwise boring outfit. And ya know I had to include a cropped hoodie somewhere!
School dance: Musa puts her hair down, once. Part one, short hair version. I imagine Musa usually very much dislikes having her hair down, but I'd willing to tolorate it for the sake of a really cute outfit, and I think this outfit is deserving of the occasion from short hair Musa era. Bonus a metal earring that I'm just now realizing looks like a sword earring. Love to see it
Eraklyon ball: Musa puts her hair down, twice. Part two, the famous version. Gosh I love this outfit so much, like her s2 dress will forever and always be my favorite, but this one is so elegant. I had a lot of fun with her hair piece, and fucking around with her bangs instead of just making them side swept again. Unlike Stella, I don't think Musa would ever go without bangs lol. This is my favorite earring btw. It's so cute and classy. V fun, this one has my favorite bangs swell
Gala attendee: Musa puts her hair down, trice. Part three, not really. This is based off of those high low dresses I saw from s6 that I only remember because they gave Musa a hat!!! >u< one of the few things s4 got right, yess Musa loves hats!!! Give her a hat!! So I included the orange and purple colors with the top design in principal bc it was the only dress that gave her a hat. This time I gave her the smaller pigtails with her hair down, and asymmetric slide swept bangs. Tbh those images of later seasons Musa with this hairstyle in the ugliest way possible (her pigtails are so much shorter than the rest of her hair that she must of specifically cut them and I hate it, I hate it so much) kinda made me dislike this hairstyle, but I still had to include it bc despite the crimes it's still a quintessential Musa look. She is still a cutie and I love her
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protoformx · 10 months
tagged by @panicbones !! <3
RULES: Reveal the titles of the documents in your WIP folder and tag as many people as there are documents. Let others ask questions about the ones that interest them and post snippets or explain the contents as you see fit!
I don't really title anything but writing ! and i don't ever post writing smsnsn but i can explain a few of my wips anyways hehheheg
- something something rampage day out : like 3,000 words of me playing around with writing something with rampage and silverbolt in it primarily. i pick at it again every few months lolol
-be wa au : a like, what it says on the tin, super short beginning chunk of me like, figuring out how to write sparkbreaker and my unicorn guy in a beast au. the first chunk of the document is images of birds sisjsjhd
other than those i just have rambling outline docs for my ai fam dkdndnne
-i have a wip of a drawing of transmutate, continuing the beast wars trend here nxjdndn. it's taking me a while bc its a drawing of it playing a gameboy in a bed and idk what to fill the posters and photos on the wall behind it with ! ksksnsn giving it a bedroomm.....
-vee's new ref. the uh, big pink/red monster gal in my header/ there's other refs of her on my art blog under oc unnamed! she's still in need of a concrete name dkjdndn i want to finish planning out more outfits for her too...
-ambassador ref. still chipping away at finishing his two refs! uhhhh they're something scribbly still but getting closer!
-gravekeeper ref. dudes regularly three bodies and i have a ref made of zero of them smnsns but one good scribble of em all three together so far is what I've been using as a ref instead of finishing the pic sksnns
not tagging anyone in particular but!! uf you wanna do this you're welcome to say i tagged you and go for it! I'd love to see!
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dalekaiken · 1 year
how did u come up with the initial ideas for ur fics ?? :3
I'll reply with my current multichapter fics bc my oneshots are mostly... Sudden ideas I get, such as Keeping Promises being a fic I wrote in one sitting after finishing Unleashed bc I was inspired. XD (Or I wrote the first draft in one sitting but you know-)
DNA Collision: I absolutely adore when people draw Shadow with more alien-like features, such as giving him yellow scleras, tiny scales, or a third eye! But the fanart made me think... What if there was a reason Shadow looked like that/more alien, especially considering that he didn't originally even know he's half alien. My original idea was that Eggman would do something that would make him mutate, but then I thought it might be a bit of a lazy choice, plus then fixing it would be a lot easier because they'd already know the cause. My bestie came up with the idea that it would happen suddenly while Shadow was racing/using Chaos Control, and I liked that idea. (I can't tell how/why it happens since that's a spoiler, but you'll find out eventually ehehe). I like aliens, sci-fi, and body horror (although I don't wanna make the body horror parts too graphic in the fic but still. It's a part of it), but there's also metaphors etc. in it. I'll probably talk more about those once I finish the fic, because for now I want readers to make their own interpretations and speculations >:3
Prophecy of Chaos: The ship I was super obsessed with before Sonadow was Catradora, and since I tend to like certain types of dynamics, I kinda noticed lots of similarities between them XDD (I mean, they're a snarky hero with a heart of gold and their former enemy with a traumatic backstory) I think I also saw a tumblr post where someone pointed out that the way Boom!Shadow acts is like a bitter ex/former childhood best friend, and that made me think... What would Sonic and Shadow be like if they had been childhood best friends who had a falling out? I think I jokingly told my friends like "what if I made an AU that's kinda like the premise of She-Ra but with Sonadow" but then I actually got invested in it. It just works so well with Sonic characters and Sonic lore, with the whole chosen one thing and friendship being a big theme in both series. My bestie @tillytilli had lots of suggestions for the AU, and then I asked if they'd like to be a co-creator. Plus with two people working on it made it possible for us to make several illustrations for each chapter; usually three art pieces for each chapter, one by me, one by Tilli and one being a collab between us. So yeah, the premise and some elements are inspired by She-Ra, but the plot will differ a lot since we didn't want it to just be a retelling of that story, we wanted to also make it our own story. Plus we haven't really assigned the characters certain roles (except the obvious ones, like Sonic having Adora's role, Shadow Catra's, Infinite Shadow Weaver's, and Eggman Hordak's. But even some of those are a bit mixed, especially between Sonic and Shadow) because we felt like it would limit the characters too much, and we wanted them to be themselves first and foremost if that makes sense? (So like. You don't need any knowledge of She-Ra to read the fic. Sonic knowledge is more important since there's lore and references XD)
Impactful Skip: I came up with the idea around the time the sneak peek of Sonic and Nine in Sonic Prime came out. Since Nine was a traumatized child because he never met Sonic, it made me think... How would Tails turn out if he had had Sonic, and then lost him? Because he would know what he was missing. Sonic and Tails are so close that I feel like neither of them would be the same if they lost each other. I think I was also subconsciously inspired by that one episode of Futurama where Fry has to test the time machine with Bender and the Professor so he's late from his date with Leela, but the time travel goes wrong and Leela thinks he's dead. (This scene especially always BREAKS me) I didn't like... Actively think about that episode while thinking about the premise, but then I remembered it after a while and was like OH. Another inspiration for it was that one tumblr post I can't find sadly but it was like... "Why would you tell a post-apocalyptic story if not to show the kindness of humanity?" And it's a big part of Impactful Skip, because while Tails has turned against all his friends, his friends still stick together and try to find hope and kindness towards one another even in a world with barely any hope left.
Thank you for asking! I'm really enthusiactic about these stories so I'm always happy to explain about them! ✨✨
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goodtimeswithgrian · 2 years
Hi! how was doc being passive aggressive about the poster? /genq
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putting that under a read more so ppl can just scroll past if they're not interested.
it's not like. Super Serious Stuff, it's just me and many other artists being frustrated by ccs demanding free art and having an appropriate response to seeing a suspicious call for free art.
he wrote a tweet asking for promotional posters for the charity event. artists asked if they're looking to commission an artist, bc that's promotional work, and he said no.
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like, to me that's obvious that if you want a poster, you say you need volunteers to do some work, and the way he worded this sounds like one of those predatory contests on deviantart that go "make us art and maybe we'll choose you". this post immediately made artists go "uh oh that's another unfair contests from a cc who can afford paying artists but is going to prey on younger artists who just want to be noticed" and they voiced their concerns, to which doc started playing the victim and being like oh if you don't want to draw for free, we'll hire a PROFESSIONAL artist :/ which sounds. salty lmao.
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then replied to some comments that when he's asked to do stuff for charity, he's always doing it for free and not expect any payment which. i mean, yeah, when he's asked personally to do this it makes sense, but when you do a charity event and want promotional work done for free, you maybe ask if people want to volunteer their help. i did stuff for charities too and didn't get any compensation, but i was always personally asked if i can do that and did it for free. like there is a very clear distinction between expecting free stuff and asking for volunteers to do stuff for free, and what artists got was the former.
and the immediate reaction of his fans, mostly non-artists, going on about how he's not forcing anyone to draw anything for him (classic), but also shitting on artists and even sending anon hate for those who dared to say anything about it that they're greedy and ruin the fun for smaller artists who will now never be noticed (me included, i got some nasty anons and i don't even do commissions lmao)? yeah. like that's not his fault obviously, but man, people really don't give a shit about artists who can't pay their bills with exposure huh.
later he made a nonapology in a lengthy thread where he explained that his intention was not to make a contest, but to just get people to draw something that would promote this event. which is. fair. but that could've been the original tweet, without the additional comments about artists who are done with getting taken advantage of by ccs.
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bylertruther · 2 years
No fun theories or smart analyses or hot takes HOWEVER i think that they shouldve gone further with possessed will. I know the point was that they werent supposed to figure it out but i imagine the little ticks a possessed person might have. We already got the darker/black eyes, but i think that instead of looking out of the corners, hed have to turn his head fully. Like his pupils wouldnt move. I also think a black tongue would be kind of cool. They should done more with the black veins that come out when the mind flayer is under duress i think its the coolest shit ever. Anyway. Hi 👋 ;) possessed will headcanons go crazy
LISTEN ... I AGREE ! i agree so bad, you don't even know how bad i agree, mal. you're so right.
in hindsight, i guess it makes sense why he wasn't Super Weird, but i remember thinking that it was such a tame possession by what we assumed to be an eldritch monster. like... you'd think he'd be creepy. this is something from another world trying to pass off as human—how is it doing so well on its first try? why is will still so... will? we know why now and it's also for Plot Reasons like you said, but .. still! 😠 u kno?
like, imagine if will had killed bob in the car like shawn levy said will did in one of their super early drafts. imagine his veins turning black, his actions quick and jerky and unnatural. so... just... wrong. like, that's clearly not will, but it's also not an animal. it's just something else—something you can't quite name. and then it goes back to will-will. the monster is a little stumped bc it didn't think this through. it didn't think abt the consequences. n then will has to deal with those consequences. really hammers home the whole trapped in ur own body thing and no one believing him abt what's real and what isn't.
orrrrr ! you know how The Particles look stormy? imagine if instead of his eyes just going dark, you could see the particles moving in them (if u look reeeaaaal close) when He's pulling the strings. or parts of will turning black, like his fingertips in your drawing. or his left hand, as a callback to the whole left hand and eye of vecna stuff. like the more possessed he gets the more the rot spreads. kinda like a zombie boy thing.
i kno it had to be subtle but. maybe just maybe. they should've considered tht i would've liked to see will unhinged and feral and eating fertilizer like the flayed in s3. maybe i Wanted to see him stalking toward mike (or anyone) all slow and calculated and unsettling, creeping forward like cats do. maybe i wanted to see him have exaggerated or too-flat emotions bc the Monster is trying to mirror everyone else, but keeps getting it wrong. or a scene where the Monster is talking but those are will's eyes and they're all red and shooting around n screaming everything tht his mouth won't speak. or smth where the Monster is taking control of his limbs, like when it choked joyce, but will is fighting back. trying to pry his hand from her throat, screaming tht he's sorry, screaming at the Monster to stop please stop. smth like tht. smth to really give u the heebie-jeebies.
like, maybe i Wanted to see him thrash and kick and scream abt n then when even mike piles in to try n restrain him will's head just whips his way and he's staring at him with those Big, Big Eyes of his and. and it's will. it's will that they're all piled on top of, will that looks at their arms n faces n sees his scratch marks, will that whimpers bc three grown adults n a 45lb mike are crushing him. will who grapples with the crushing guilt n shame before the Monster grabs the reins again n starts saying LET ME GO, LET ME GO, LETMEGOLETMEGOOOO and the lights are flickering n flickering n flickering n joyce is begging him to calm down n mike is saying will, it's okay, you're okay, it's just us, you're okay n Everything Is So Loud And Keeps Happening And . and . like i'm just saying . What If I Wanted To See That In My Scary Monster Show, Duffers. What If.
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llatimeria · 1 year
asking on behalf of a friend but how do you make a fursona. like. does it HAVE to be an animal you identify with or can you just be like yea that species is fucking RAD. friend is also not artistic and def wants to commission an artist but just isn't sure how to lay the groundwork before all that. anyway any pointers would be cool!
I HATE THAT MOBILE MAKES ME MISS ASKS SO OFTEN i hope this hasn't been loitering in my askbox for too long anon I am so sorry
the #1 rule of fursona crafting is that there are no rules. your fursona doesn't have to be anything, except something you like. sometimes that means your sona is an animal you really relate to and sometimes your sona is just a creature you find fuckin awesome and sometimes for you that's gonna be the same animal. thats how coelacanths are for me! i both have kinnie feels for them and also think they're just really cool animals.
don't be afraid to hybridize or use fictional creatures also. there is no law that says your fursona can't be bigfoot with tits wider than they are tall. live your truth.
as for more detailed design tips i'd suggest...
pick a small color palette (usually for me that'll be 4 or 5 colors but again. there are no rules. use the whole goddamn rainbow if ye wish) and sticking to it. if you google "color palette generator" you get a half a dozen ways to do this, anywhere from hand-picking each individual color to randomizing it to uploading an image and having it make a color palette out of that it's pretty cool.
do you have a Vibe? an Aesthetic? a Special Interest or Hyperfixation? are you Goth and Like Moths or are you more of a cottagecore kinda guy? make a moodboard of your ideal Energies (or the energy you're imagining for your sona, if it's different/more specific than yours). give this to the artist/s you commission!!!!
even if you're not super artistically inclined you're welcome to use basic free to use bases to get a rough design down that a commissioned artist could later refine and customize specifically for you! dw if it looks like shit, every artist ever once drew like absolute shit, we get it
also a lot of artists take reference commissions and will make a nice pretty ref sheet for you! you don't even always need a shitton of information beforehand, i know ppl can and will take commissions like "can you draw a ref sheet of a red anthro cat with green paw socks and blue paw pads? thx" (but always ask politely, bc some artists aren't interested in doing something That vague, which is fair as Artistic Liberty can be stressful!!). to many people tho if you come to them with a color pallette, a moodboard, and an open mind, they'll be super willing to work with you!
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