#they will never read this because i blocked them but i am Extremely Annoyed
reggieservices · 2 years
Hey could you maybe do an hc where the reader is the twin of Patrick and he loves her so much (brotherly) and like (not in a creepy incestuous way) obsessed with her
I've seen something like this, thank you for giving me the chance to write it!!!
Patrick Hockstetter x F!Twin!Reader
warnings: semi-obsession
Authors Note ~ Reader has shoulder length hair thats cut almost like a wolf cut, kind of like patricks
~From the moment you guys were born, you guys were completely inseparable.
~ Where ever you go, he went
~ And wherever he went, you went
~ Your parents thought it was a little bit weird, how close you two were, so you were taken to a child's psychologist
~ While your parents were away talking to the doctor, you and Patrick had a grand time in the playroom, eating blocks and messing with other kids
~ The psychologist explained that you guys' relationship was pretty normal for Pigeon twins, and that the closeness would probably fade off in a few years
~ But actually, the exact opposite happened
~ By first grade, you and Patrick had almost morphed into the same person, personality wise
~ Even your hair matched
~ Maybe you had started fading away, or maybe Pat just thought you were, because it took an even deeper turn after 6th grade
~ His obsession with you got even further
~ He never thought sexually about you, but he felt an unexplained love for you that he couldn't control
~ You were real
~ Alive
~ You two were the only real people and he vowed to protect and love you forever
~ Lets be honest, Patrick is extremely narcissistic
~ And you're his twin. He sees himself in you, and how attractive you are reflects on him
~ He takes pride on both of your appearances
~ He combs your hair, and goes online to look at hairstyles for you guys
~ At school, he follows you around, always staying close and watching your every move
~ If anyone tried having a go at you, he'd have a say in it
~ You guys had power over Derry
~ You and the Bowers gang were a sight to behold
~ You guys ran rampant, going into the woods every night, getting trashed, throwing wild parties at whoever's house you could.
~ unlike Pat, you probably care more about your grades, so you end up doing your work and sometimes his, so he doesnt have to repeat another grade
~ The Bowers Gang was like a big gang of idiot brothers to you, and you would all protect each other against anything that came your way
~ Pat even tells you about his fridge, you’re the only person he’s ever showed it to
~ Patrick also likes to watch who you interact with
~ If the captain of the football team tries hitting on you, patrick would have a nice talk (read; threaten ) with him about talking to you
~ It does get really annoying, but you know hes just scared of losing you to anyone who comes close
~ As a result, he tries blocking almost everyone off from you
~ There are alot of rumours around Derry about you guys, mostly in the highschool
~ Patrick doesnt care about that though, he just wants to keep you in his pocket where he knows you’re safe
Heyyy I am so sorry to everyone who’s asks I havent answered, I am working on them right now!! Please, you guys have requests send them right in!!! love y’all 
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uravitypng · 2 years
kinktober day 3: dubcon/noncon
pairing: toru oikawa x chubby reader
word count: 2.9k
a/n: this was originally suppose to be day 6 but i moved it up. it was also suppose to be more dubcon but theres noncon as well, plus a lot of yandere. college/uni au. this literally took all day to write. this is not proof read properly ₊˚✩‧₊˚♡‧₊˚
warnings: noncon turned dubcon, yandere oikawa, deluded oikawa, naive(trusting) reader, bestfriend oikawa!, coercion, extreme manipulation, pet names (good girl, princess, baby), unprotected sex, fingering, chubby reader (kinda? like all of my fics), smut, 18+, mdni / always check the warnings on my writing !
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Oikawa was seeing red. Why were you standing so close to mad dog? Why were you laughing? Mad Dog isn't funny he isn't enough for you, he was. You're his. Are you doing this to upset him and make him angry, because it's working. Oikawa didn't think it could get worse, he was watching you on the other side of the gym, he was wrong, it got a million times worse when one of his fangirls ran up to him, blocking his view of you.
She started talking about something or other about his recent game, and he put on his regular charming face and pretended to listen, thanking her for her nice words. "I've actually got something for you," the girl says while moving and pulling something out of bag. That's when he saw it. Again. You. You had that beautiful smile on your face and was leaning into Mad Dog. He snapped.
"Excuse me," he says while walking past, basically shoving the poor girl. He couldn't care less about her or what she wanted to give him. He doesn't even notice her dejected face, all that matters is you.
Oikawa put on his award wining smile as he joined into your conversation. "Don't you have something to be doing Mad Dog?" He says through gritted teeth.
"Me and Kyotani were just talking about the recent match," you replied. You. Were you really sticking up for that idiot and why are you even calling him that? The only person who you should be talking to is him, congratulating him and telling him about how good he was. No one else matters, he was the best, he always is- apart from you, no one holds a candle to you.
His smile slightly falters for a brief second and you notice. "Are you okay Toru?" You could tell something was up, he always tries to smile even when he doesn't mean it, so seeing his smile flash to something you couldn't quite pinpoint you knew something was wrong. You've known Toru for so long and you're proud to admit that you know him the best out of everyone, even more than Hajime. After you've known someone so long, you learn everything about them, and you hope he knows everything about you. You hope he can hear your sincerity in what you say.
Oikawa genuinely smiles and his heart warms at your concern for him, you're just so perfect. The warmth quickly vanishing as soon as it appears when he see's Mad Dog right there, still next to you. "Of course I am okay Chibi-chan. Can i talk to you for a second?" You furrow your eyebrows trying to see if he's lying but in the end you agree and follow behind him.
Toru has called you Chibi-chan since you were kids, it use to annoy you but you've grown fond of the nickname knowing he means it as a term of term of endearment. No matter how much you grew he was always growing more. You never liked the nickname when you were children, some times he would compare you to mochi and you didn't like that more, always reminding you that you were slightly bigger than the other kids.
One day you asked him why he called you it and that it made you sad, he looked absolutely horrified. You don't think you've ever seen him so upset but before you could think about it much he just rushed out - "it's because you're so cute and tiny just like a chibi character. Real pretty," you've never seen him so uncomposed and you couldn't help but giggle, making your face hurt with how wide you were smiling. After that you decided to like that nickname, your best friend thinks you're cute and pretty and he likes the way you look of course you would like him calling you that. After that Oikawa decided he loved you.
You're still following behind but he's walking so quickly, his legs are just too bloody long. "Toru slow down! I can't keep up." you say while pouting. You looked around and couldn't even tell where he was taking you, you were walking in the direction of a part of campus you've never been before, without Toru being here you would be completely lost.
Oikawa turns around, smiles at you and grabs your hand. "Sorry Mochi-chan. I just wanted to go somewhere private, away from everyone." Oikawa rubs his thumb on your hand but realises what he's doing as he sees your posture change and your body relax into his touch, smirking, "come on, there's this really special spot just on the outside of campus, it's basically a little forest, you'll really like it." He says while he keeps hold of your hand and starts walking again.
It feels like you've been walking for ever, and it's mainly in silence, with anyone else it would be uncomfortable but with Toru it never is.
You're sure it would just be easier to go back to one of your places but you don't question, Toru probably has a reason.
Maybe once you get him alone you'll be able to tell him about Kyotani, you really like him, like a lot. You know Toru is really popular so you hope he'll be able to help you work up the courage and flirt with him, maybe then you'll be able to spend more time with Kyotani.
Toru was right you really did like the forest, it was really pretty and Toru picked an amazing place, you're not really surprised though, he always knows what you would like.
You both were glad when you arrived, you pulled your hand away from his, he got annoyed but you turned that around when he saw you smile at the scenery. You looked really happy to be here, Oikawa hopes you're happy to be here with him.
Oikawa finds a nice place for you both to sit down but you're slightly wary about getting dirty, this is a new skirt you're wearing. Oikawa looks up at you and laughs at you knowing why you're not sitting down. He grabs your hand and pulls you down, laughing more. "Toru! this is a new skirt!" You whine.
"Yes, you look very pretty chibi-chan and it looks very nice," he says while laughing more. Your whining turns into a laugh. Oikawa looks down as he tries to formulate his words, he honestly doesn't even know what he's doing here, he has no plan and normally he knows exactly what to say but right now he just can't.
You're so focused looking around at the trees that you don't see Toru's troubled face, if you did you he knows you would have asked if he was okay again.
Oikawa takes your hand, startling you and clasps it, holding onto you like he's afraid you'll leave him. He knows you won't, you never would leave him. He still struggling what to say but he looks at you and it all disappears, you squeeze his hands with a worried look and he knows he can tell you anything and you will understand.
"I'm in love with you. I always have been and I always be will. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier but I was nervous, I thought you would know. we're meant to be together baby, just you and me." Oikawa spoke with so much conviction it took you back.
Toru. Toru Oikawa. He's telling you he's in love with you. Your best friend. This is a lot to a handle. You're speechless and you don't know what to say, you're sitting there looking at him and you can't even think.
Oikawa's trying to be patient, he understands it's a lot, his patience is slowing running thin though. He knows how much you struggle getting your words out but this shouldn't be so hard, just tell him you feel the same.
"Toru... i love you, but i dont... I'm really sorry Toru I love you and I always will love you but not that way." You say softly, not meeting his eyes.
Oikawa starts panicking, you're wrong. You love him, why don't you understand that. He's absolutely freaking out, but then you keep on talking and it only gets worse. "I actually was going to ask you about Kyotani, I like him, I know it's not the same as you feel and I'm just overwhelmed."
That's it. Oikawa see's red, he completely snaps. "You don't mean that Chibi-chan, you love me. I know I surprised you and I am very sorry but you love me." Oikawa says darkly, grabbing hold onto your chin looking you in the eyes.
You start panicking, Toru's scaring you, a lot, he's not breaking eye contact and even though he sounds angry, you look into his eyes it all seems too sweet as well. His eyes are mean but show fondness, like he truly thinks he's telling you the truth. He's gripping on your chin entirely too strong and you're starting to feel sick. You're really scared and you don't understand. Toru would never hurt you.
"Toru you're scaring me, I'm scared, please let me go." You start sobbing, trying to move away from him but he's too strong.
"Oh, oh baby. shh, shh. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you, I've got you." He pulls you into your chest stroking your back but it does little to help. Toru always knows how to help but this time it's not working.
"Toru, please. this isn't right." That is not what Oikawa wanted to hear. He grabs hold of your hair and yanks you up to look at him, he's not trying to hurt you, but it's still stings.
"Stop." Oikawa yells. You haven't seen him yell like this in a long time. He's been mad before, mainly about volleyball but it's never been directed at you. Oikawa presses his forehead against yours and whispers, "you're just confused Chibi-chan, I'll show you. I'll show you how much you love me."
He's right, you are confused, what does he mean that he's going to show you.
Oikawa pushes you back against the tree carefully so not to hurt you, caging his arms around you. You're momentarily stunned, then realising what he's planning on doing you start squirming and kicking trying to get away.
Oikawa doesn't appreciate that and holds you down, he knows you can't do much damage he's much stronger than you and you don't even really want to get away so he doesn't worry about. You're his good girl. If you were being more cooperative you'd have your first time together on his bed, if you were more cooperative he'd take your clothes off slowly. he rips your clothes off you, there's no need to worry though because he'll buy you new clothes. He's staring at you, taking in every inch of your body, just as beautiful as he imagined, and all his. You're like a greek goddess, you look so soft and you look stunning out of breath, he can't wait to see you out of breath out of pleasure.
Oikawa kisses you, you're still kicking and not kissing him back. Oikawa bites onto your lip hard and you yelp in pain, he takes this opportunity and shoves his tongue in your mouth with vigour. You're still not reciprocating, trying to push against him but he's in heaven, you're so perfect. He only stops when he needs air.
Shoving your underwear down your legs he puts his hands between your thighs, as he lightly touches your body, pressing his face against your neck. You're getting goosebumps from his heavy breathing and you start pushing and pleading even louder, shouting for him to stop and scratching him, you didn't realise this only spurred him on.
Oikawa chuckles as he finally touches your pussy. "Fuck baby, you're so wet, let me do this okay. Stop fighting okay princess, I know you want this." You never stop kicking and you never stop screaming.
Oikawa doesn't stop touches you, no matter how much you try to make him. He sticks two fingers in you without any warning making you scream.
Oikawa knows exactly what to do. Why wouldn't he, he knows your body better than anyone. His chibi-chan is so special and no one has ever made you feel better than him, and no one else ever will. You'll be together forever. He keeps plunging his fingers into you at a steady pace, constantly hitting your g-spot. "Shit princess, you're so warm. Your pretty pussy is clenching so tight." Oikawa knows you feel good, he knows you're only pretending to try and get away but he feels you clenching around him and knows you're close. He's smiling, he knows you'll come around, you're meant for him. "Come on baby, just for me, let go. Show me how good I make you."
You hate it. You hate him. Why is Toru doing this? Why is your body doing this? As soon as he says 'let go' you cum. You can't stop sobbing, why is this happening?
Oikawa kisses your neck and smiles, "good girl, good girl. You've done so good for me." He kisses your forehead and strokes your cheek, you just want him to stop. Your limbs are getting heavy, it feels like you've been hitting him forever, why isn't it working? Why is no one hearing you screaming? You're out in the middle of nowhere, no ones around. It's basically remote with no one wanting to walk this far to get to some small forest, but surely there must be someone, anybody. You're throat is getting hoarse and you're losing your fight. You want him to kiss you again.
Oikawa takes this as a good sign, you're finally giving into your feelings. "Good girl. I promise I'll keep making you feel good." You feel something at your entrance as Oikawa slowly makes his way into you. "Fuck, fuck, fuck," he says under his breath. "You feel amazing Chibi-chan, so good, so perfect. I love you. I love you." Oikawa says against your lips, thrusting into you slowly and holding onto your waist. He keeps his pace, slow but hard, it's making you dizzy.
He's in heaven. Oikawa starts rubbing small circles on your clit and grabs one of your breasts with his other hand, putting his mouth around your nipple and bites hard, making you moan loudly. "Chibi-chan, you make such beautiful noises. I never knew you were so dirty." He says, mumbling against your breast. you can practically hear his smile.
He sped up his thrusts and the sudden shock makes you moan again. You pushed your hand against your mouth, trying to stop any noises coming out. "None of that, let me hear your pretty noises." Oikawa pushes your hand away and as soon as he does you groan. You bite your lip to stop yourself but it doesn't help, soon the noises come out anyway and you can't stop it. Oikawa is overjoyed.
You don't want this, you don't. He's making you feel so good though.
You wish you had more fight in you, you don't. Oikawa has you, now he just has to make sure you stay.
"I love you baby, so much. No else will ever love you like I do. No one will ever protect you like I do. I've been with you forever, I've never left your side Chibi-chan and I never will. You're perfect and kind and you're the most gorgeous girl I've ever laid my own upon, you're the only one i want. You want me too right?" Oikawa says to you, looking you in the eyes.
Toru kept talking. He has always been there for you, he's always by your side. He always protected you from bullies when you were younger, he always knows how to make you feel better. He's making you feel so good, better than anyone ever has. He can have any girl that he wants and he wants you, Toru chose you. "Yes, yes please Toru. I love you."
Oikawa didn't expect you to have a love confession realisation yet but you've realised you're his. He's yours. Oikawa starts crying he's so happy, you are his good girl after all.
"Shit, you're so good for me. So perfect." He says as tears are running down your face, your eyes are all blurry and you so desperately want to cum again.
You keep chanting his name over and over again. "Toru, Toru, wanna cum, please make me cum," you whine grabbing onto his shirt.
"Of course sweet thing, I've got you Chibi-chan," he whispers as he pushes one more time against your g-spot and that does it for you your back arches as you see white, everything feels so good. You hear Toru groan your name as he releases in you.
He stays in you, as he lays on you as you both are catching your breath. Toru's playing with your hair and kisses your head. "I love you baby. I'm sorry if I was too rough." He said he's sorry, he didn't mean to make you cry. You both know that you'll always forgive him.
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rottenpumpkin13 · 11 months
This Time I'll Call
⏤ Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
⏤ AU, Angst with a happy ending, Cloud Strife/Genesis Rhapsodos, grief, feelings of guilt, major character death but the characters are already dead.
⏤ WC: 1620
⏤ Genesis’s coping method these days include a phone number that no longer exists.
⏤ My writing is extremely wonky in this because I’m getting over yet another wave of writer’s block, but I cried to Yellow by Coldplay while thinking of this and now you get to feel my pain too :,)
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The shutter of the camera echoed faintly across the vacant parking lot. It flashed, capturing the moment in color, but never in its full glory. It’s what Genesis found the most annoying about photography.
Photos never did beautiful scenery justice, and certainly not the infamous, golden sunset over Midgar’s ruins.
The sunlight would streak through broken glass and make the red dirt glow. Every dust particle became glitter, the piles of metal and rock were painted orange and yellow, and the decrepit buildings would soak up life in each sun ray, giving them the illusion of their prior glory, when Midgar was still a bustling metropolis. 
Genesis lowered the camera, then unslung the strap from around his neck. Angeal would always have them pose in the scenery after he’d taken the picture.
He said he liked to capture both the place and the people he was with, who were almost always Genesis and Sephiroth. 
He’d always bark orders at them, telling one to sling his arm over the other, or nagging Sephiroth to smile. Cracking a joke always worked. Sephiroth would always laugh at Angeal’s jokes. 
Sephiroth’s laugh was comically deep, a phenomenon that never failed to make Genesis himself laugh. Soon enough the two would be laughing and Angeal would snap the photo.
Genesis laughed quietly at the memory, then stuffed the camera in his open bag. 
It was a rooftop parking lot in one of the few skyscrapers that still stood. The hollow chill of the mid-autumn air magnified every sound tenfold, making the wind that whistled through cracks in the concrete sound like ghostly screams.
Genesis slung his legs over the barrier, sitting right on the edge of the drop. Then he reached across and pulled the bag closer to him. He fished around until he found his phone.
Genesis wasn’t delusional, don’t get him wrong. He knew dialing a dead man’s number was nothing but metaphorically picking at a wound. 
But it wasn’t like it was a daily bout of mania. It was only once every few months, a tradition of sorts. 
Each key he pressed emitted a small beep as he dialed the number. It went as it always did. He’d press the phone to his ear, his heart nearly tearing a hole through his chest, then wait for the electronic voice. 
“We're sorry. You have reached a number that has been disconnected or is no longer in service.”
“Hey ‘Geal, it’s Genesis!” He forced the words out no matter how much his voice trembled. “Guess where I am right now? Midgar. Well, what’s left of it at least.” In a low tone, he added: “You can thank Seph for that.” 
Genesis fixed his eyes on the ruins below. The breeze raked through his hair before he ran his own hand through it. “So…It was my birthday last week. Thirty-four. That’s a big age.”
He rolled his eyes. “Remember when Director Lazard turned thirty-four and refused to let us throw him an office party, but we did so anyway? Yeah, now I know how he felt.” 
Genesis crossed his legs. “Can you believe the little shits threw me a party? Behind my back too. I walked into the bar and was met with a giant banner that read Gen’s 34th. Ugh. I would’ve left immediately if the kids didn’t look so happy.”
He paused, then huffed. “Marlene ate so much cake she got that crazed cat look in her eyes, you know, the one Seph used to get when he ate too much sugar?” 
Genesis coughed, trying to hide his laughter. “And Cid—Captain Highwind, you’ve heard of him—he kept egging Tifa on, saying she couldn’t handle her liquor until she caved and beat him in a drinking competition.” 
This time he did laugh, heartily as the memory replayed in his mind’s eye. 
“She claimed she was only a little tipsy, but couldn’t mix one drink for the rest of the night. I took over, of course. I missed playing bartender. I still help out there some nights when the bar’s too packed, not that I have much time for that anymore.” 
Genesis leaned over and braced his head in his hand. “The WRO and Reeve keep me pretty busy…Something I’d never thought I’d say. Oh! And I’m a writer now! An officially published author!”
He couldn’t keep himself from giggling childishly. He was alone after all, with not one Barret Wallace to tease him for his laugh in sight. “It’s a part of a project the WRO’s working on. I’m under a pseudonym, of course, and instead waxing poetic about LOVELESS themes, I’m writing about The Cetra.” 
He smirked, tracing the cracks in the concrete with his free hand. “Can you believe I did it all? SOLDIER, wanted war criminal, presumed dead man and now I’m a writer. At least that’s how Yuffie phrases it.”
Genesis sat up straight, then shielded his eyes from the sunlight. “Speaking of Yuffie and LOVELESS, they’re making a new blockbuster action franchise based on LOVELESS. I watched the first movie last week with Cloud, Yuffie, and Vincent. I think I’m starting to grow on her. She can finally stand to be in the same room as me instead of attempting to kill me.” 
He sighed. “She has guts. Reminds me of myself at that age.” There was a pause before he added: “Firaga skills included, by the way…She nearly set Cid’s head on fire when he dared her to light his cigarette with materia.”
He stretched, stifling a yawn. “And then there’s Cloud.”
Genesis felt his heartstrings tighten at the thought of him. His lips subconsciously stretched into a smile.
“We’re doing well, taking it slowly…If him sleeping in my apartment during weekends is slow.” He shook his head. “I like him. A lot. And he likes me too, which is…Something I never thought I’d have the privilege of saying.” 
The sun dipped more into the horizon with each passing minute. “Angeal…Have you ever felt guilty? And I mean truly guilty? Because I do all the time. Cloud says it’s me developing a conscience after, quote, years of being an asshole.”
He swallowed hard. “I don’t know. Sometimes I feel seriously undeserving of the things I have, of the job I have after deserting SOLDIER, the friends I’ve made after I lead you….”
The phone nearly slipped from his weakened hand, but Genesis pressed it harder to his ear. He felt the sharp pierce to his nose, the pain that preceded the tears. He bit his lip harshly enough to taste the metallic pang of blood on his tongue. 
“After I lead you to your death.” 
The phone rang. Genesis paled, eyes shooting open as he jerked his hand away. The smidgen of hope that pricked his nerves became a childish reflex once he saw the name. 
Cloud flashed across the screen, right above the picture Genesis had taken of him in Kalm a few months ago, the one where he’s smiling while holding a Chocobo chick. 
He wiped away the stray tear from his cheek, then cleared his throat. 
“Are you still in Midgar?” Cloud’s voice sounded from over the phone before Genesis could greet him.
Genesis sighed, then felt his body deflate as his shoulders dropped. “I am, why?” He scoffed in a mocking tone. “Miss me?” 
He could practically feel Cloud roll his eyes from the other end. 
“Full of yourself much?”
Genesis shrugged. “Not fuller than you, dearest.” 
“Gen!” Cloud sputtered, no doubt blushing while Genesis laughed uncontrollably. He groaned. “Look, if we’re late again, Tifa’s gonna freak. I’m coming to pick you up.” 
Genesis slipped from the barrier, standing up. “No need. As much as I love—”
“Genesis if you say ‘riding you’ I’m hanging up.”
“Riding with you!” Genesis corrected him with a smirk. “I need to stretch my wings a bit more. Besides, it’s quicker.” 
“You sure? I don’t like letting you fly at night.” 
Genesis smiled, leaning on the barrier. “You worry too much, Strife.”
“Because you’re a hazard to yourself and others, Rhapsodos.”
Genesis scoffed. “I’ll be there in a bit. I need to get started on that dumbapple pie, anyway, or else Marlene will have my head. I promised I’d bake her one weeks ago.”
“Alright,” Cloud said. “Call me if you change your mind. And stop flying if you get a wing cramp on the way, got it?” 
“Fine, fine,” Genesis waved his hand dismissively. “I’ll see you in a bit.”
Once they had said their goodbyes, Genesis pulled the phone away from his ear and stared at it. A trembling sigh reverberated through his chest. Then, he put the phone up to his ear again.
“I have to go now, ‘Geal.” Genesis pressed his lips together as if it would stop the words from spilling out. “I miss you, old friend. I miss you more than the richest words could express.” He sighed. “Say hi to the puppy for me. And tell him Cloud sends his love.”
He gathered up his things, then slung the bag over his shoulder. “While you’re at it, give Sephiroth a good kick in the shins for me, will you?” Genesis smiled, but he didn’t notice it. “And tell him I miss him too. Terribly.” 
Genesis inched the phone away from his face, paused, and then put it to his ear again. “Before I go, it should come as no surprise to you but…”
He sighed, letting his shoulders deflate as the weighted emotions rolled off of them. 
“Three friends go into battle. One is captured. One flies away. The one that is left….” 
As Genesis began to walk away, he looked at the sunset one last time. 
“Lives to tell the tale.”
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readreactrant · 2 months
Thanks for answering my ask. I love reading your answer. You have no idea, how happy and excited I feel when you said, "It's okay to ask again because I love talking about my fav ships".
Because I have been blocked by someone, and before they block me they said that 'I asked too much and it's annoying.' I was like, 'If you mind, please just say that and I will stop asking for sure, I thought you don't mind', but they still block me...
So, if you don't mind, can I ask, what do you think are Gojo and Yuuji’s greatest personality strengths and weaknesses? Why? What do you love about their dynamic? Sorry if you've answered these questions before.....
If you want to answer the questions above with Drarry, Ereri or MikaYuu's dynamics, I don't mind....
Thanks if you want to answer @readreactrant and sorry for my long ask.
hihi dnana, super sorry I took so so long to get to this one in particular, I got backed up with work and school haha. And I'm so sorry to hear that, they definitely blew it out of proportion and that's kind of a bit immature on their part. Rest assured I love getting asks and hearing opinions, they fuel my yaoi passion (✷‿✷)
I'd love to answer for the other ships but I think I've only got energy for Goyuu rn lol. And damn am I gonna have to rack my smut filled brain for this one. I've never really been taken by any of the jjk characters cuz on the first watch, to me it was just like any other shonen. Reading a lot of what the fandom had to say over the last few years has definitely changed my opinion.
Gojo and Yuuji were definitely the first two characters that stuck out to me most in the series, (mostly bc of that almost kiss but oh well (✿ ♡‿♡). They both definitely oozed main character energy and I never completely saw Gojo as just the 'super powerful sensei' there always felt like there was more to him and when story began to focus a bit more on him I wasn't totally surprised.
Overall he's a commanding presence, and enigma in his own right and I admire how much he cares for his students. I wouldn't call him a perfectionist because of he was many of the adult characters and megumi wouldn't have so much of a issue with his attitude. But his definitely to be the strongest definitely stems from some deep drive to be what the jujutsu society needs him to be. And that I think is one of the sadness things about him.
Which is kind of where Yuuji kind of comes in. Like any regular person after watching jjk 0, I couldn't help but look for parallels between Yuuji and Geto. Not purely because of their connections to Gojo but because of their personalities which are quite similar. But where Geto's WAS a quiet kind of optimism and support Yuuji is more open, more rooted in the world around him. I'm not particularly fond of happy-go-lucky toxic positivity protagonists but there's about Yuuji that doesn't quite reach those extremes. He's kindness and slight hero complex is what leads him to assume the weight of the world his shoulders but the very admirable thing about him is that he doesn't break, no matter how weak he is in the face of it all because, undeniably, unlike other protagonists, you can't trust plot armour to work for him. All you know is that Gege doesn't want him happy.
What draws me to them as one of the best ships in the show tho, aside from the yummy teacher/student dynamic, is how cute the look together. Sue me but there's something inherently attractive about their color pallette and height difference. They're so funny and goofy together and Yuuji's ability to match other's energy and brighten the atmosphere is definitely something Gojo deserves to have around more frequently. Similarly I think Gojo's experience with Geto can help him reach out to Yuuji in times the younger male needs to understand not everyone can be saved. There's also this personal thing of mine where I view them as, Yuuji admires Gojo's strength, Gojo sees Yuuji's potential as someone to stand with him at the top (not like Yuuji gonna be topping in any other aspects of ya know what I mean).
All in all, it just makes me so happy seeing the two of them together, there's a lot of potential their dynamic and personalities leave up to exploration. Being teacher and student I also think there'll be a lot of nuance to their relationship if they did fall in love.
Thanks for coming this far, I'll probably edit this later but my brain feels so fried right now but really wanted to answer this ask cuz I've been lazing around trying to find an answer to "Why DO I like goyuu". The truth is tho, you don't need a reason to want to see two characters together.
BUT a ship is always nicer when their personalities and height difference go great together, I don't make the rules ¯\(◉‿◉)/¯
Thanks for the ask dnana and I'll hope I'll be able to do the other ships some other time but I hope my answer satisfied you ( ◜‿◝ )♡
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teaveetamer · 7 months
I will say, certainly didn't have "some guy accuses me of not understanding how the Holocaust happened as a gotcha response to me, a person of Jewish descent, explaining why the Holocaust happened" on my 2023 bingo card, but I have to say it's at least demonstrative of my whole point. That server is full of people who never actually read anything that we have to say. Their only interaction with us has been people in their own community grabbing a specifically curated collection of our posts and lobbing them in their faces like a molotov cocktail. These are things they would have never been aware of had someone not gone and curated them. And they just, like, believe whatever the fuck these people say about us without actually checking? And I'm apparently the hysterical bitch to them, not the guy throwing a tantrum and posting screenshots to every social media account he owns every time he reads a video game opinion he doesn't like, nor the guy condescending to me about how I, someone of Jewish descent, couldn't possibly know anything about the Holocaust. Because I said harassment is bad, stop stalking people who blocked you, and also don't use Nazi rhetoric it's dangerous.
I really hope certain people are questioning why, exactly, they were ignorant of this extremely relevant piece of background info, and why they felt completely comfortable accusing me of not understanding the Holocaust despite apparently having never read a word of my blog. Recognize that someone is keeping you in the dark, or they're encouraging you to keep yourself in the dark. Apparently it's working, because you lobbed such a severe accusation at me despite doing literally no research at all. Ask yourself if you really want to be around the kind of people who would let you make such a fool of yourself when they know you're missing a huge piece of the equation because I told them about my background directly. In telling you about the current situation they have never, not once, thought to mention that I'm upset about this because I am intimately familiar with where Nazi rhetoric can lead, and I am annoyed because I already had someone from your server use it to try and upset me. Why, exactly, do you think they didn't want you to know that?
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lovelylivelyv · 6 months
Beware This Person
Before we begin, obligatory disclaimer: do NOT harass the person I am about to bring up. I don’t want things to spiral out of control and I am simply here to warn you guys about a potentially harmful person I advise you stay away from. Ok? Good. Also a TL;DR is at the bottom of the post just in case.
It has been brought to my attention that someone I had beef with on Discord took to Tumblr and has been badmouthing me for months. Sidetable-Drawer (also one of the mods on Hottoepecker) and I met in a Foster’s Home For Imaginary Friends server though I came across her blogs around the same time. We initially got along well, but then I noticed her behavior would change when it came to disagreements. It got to the point where I felt she was getting extreme, and she blocked me shortly before leaving the server entirely. I thought that would be the end of it, but I find out that two months after she left the server (and two months before the post was sent to me with monthly reblogs), she made an entire rant about two sides of the fandom. However, I noticed for one particular side she seemed to talk less about the side in general and moreso one person, and that person is me. Since she blocked me and made me powerless to defend myself on the post itself, I’m here to warn you all about her behavior.
The post is about how the “Bloo is basically Cartman” and “Bloo did nothing wrong it’s everyone else’s fault” sides of the Foster’s fandom are really annoying. But when she talked about the latter, she brought up multiple things I did specifically, in addition to how her saying she won’t pretend Bloo is an UWU Soft Baby or whatever was something she only started saying after I had the audacity to claim…that the rest of the main cast are flawed individuals that likely don’t understand the weight of their actions against Bloo (ex. excessive yelling, hitting, double-standards; for more info watch The Hidden Pain Of Blooregard Q. Kazoo). For the record, I never claimed “Bloo did nothing wrong”, I only claimed “Bloo deserved better”. But enough about that, I’m going to point out the tip-offs that give away she’s using me to cover up how she’s actually a bully.
“Guys he's just a goofy little asshole who's fun to watch (most of the time) but sometimes needs to be thrown against a wall.”
-She said this a notable amount of times in the Discord server and it sounds unironic. I don’t want to read into this too much, but I firmly believe children don’t deserve to be abused. Yet I’m the demonizer?
“He’s got his own problems…but it also doesn’t justify him being a jerk.”
-I never said his reasons make it ok for him to be a jerk, all I said was he has reasons for acting out. Understanding is not the same as excusing. This is also the same person who thinks Mac was in the right for abandoning Bloo twice but three a fit when Bloo dared to “cheat” on Mac with another kid later on (she can believe it if she wants, but I find it funny that she makes excuses for Mac while having a zero-tolerance policy for Bloo).
“I've seen some people come up with BS takes defending everything Bloo does and throwing every other character under a bus and demonizing them (we had an entire video post about FRANKIE derailed with a reblog about how everyone is "too mean" to Bloo. Please make a new post for your bad takes)”
-As I said above, the first half is not true. Sidetable-Drawer specifically accused me of demonizing them when I explained how leaving Bloo to die in the pilot episode despite mustering the courage to save Mac mere seconds later was the catalyst for his behavior. As for the other…yeah, I derailed one of her threads (because she mentioned Bloo was being a little shit for wanting credit for a rescue), but it was one time. A singular time. This is hypocritical of Sidetable-Drawer to complain about because she’s guilty of doing the exact same thing MULTIPLE times. She not only derailed Bloo conversations to gush about Mac, but also invaded Gloo shipping spaces and constantly called me and others disgusting proshippers over a HEADCANON. Here are some screenshots of Sidetable-Drawer’s continuous derailments, as well as others trying to get her to stop ship-policing: (for privacy sake I’m blocking out all pfps and usernames aside from mine but will put “SD” next to Sidetable-Drawer’s messages)
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So much for not burning me at the stake. Imagine calling my opinions bad takes when she’s the one actively harassing others over a ship she can’t accept is genuinely harmless, simply because it doesn’t fit her interpretation of a tweet Craig McCracken made. I’ve talked many times about how the aging thing is not necessarily set in stone for Bloo because of the existence of loopholes (Land Of The Flea) and the implication that Mac’s subconscious reason for creating Bloo was to have the big brother Terrence should have been, so I’ll just leave it at that.
“He's a funny jerk. Sometimes you just have to leave it at that.”
-Mac is a happy little kid, you could just leave it at that too. But you love to dissect how he’s a powerful character for coming out of his trauma a better person and theorizing how Mac’s life used to be before the show’s events. Why shouldn’t Bloo’s complexity be talked about? It sounds like you take issue with the idea that Bloo can be as layered as his peers.
“People are allowed to like Bloo but people are also allowed NOT to like him for these reasons, and you have to deal with it.”
-Then why did you accuse me of demonizing the main cast for saying the others needed to do better too? Why did you harass Gloo shippers to the point of trying to guilt-trip them out of shipping it? YOU’RE the one who’s not allowing people to think differently from yourself.
“(In the tags) Sometimes I remember that horribly squicky ‘Bloo Defense’ video and die a little bit. Sometimes you need to back up and tell yourself…it’s JUST a drawing :p”
-Ship-policing wasn’t enough for you, now you’re policing character analyses just because my view is wildly different from yours. How would you feel if someone told you that for saying Mac deserves better? You yourself are adamant against using “it’s just a cartoon”, but I guess you have no issue using it when someone else’s opinion doesn’t fit your idea of how things should be. Also if you really hated my video that much, you could have left a comment on the video proper instead of dragging my name in the mud for months.
All of this happened over simple disagreements I tried to be polite about despite her ignoring boundaries and shaming others time and time again. Normally I don’t respond to hate comments, but after having to deal with Sidetable-Drawer’s behavior on Discord for months and eventually finding out how she went out of her way to mock me and leave me powerless to defend myself, I knew I had to speak out about all this. If anybody figured out she was actually talking about one person and knew it was me, I could have been harassed. If I can help at least one person avoid being on the receiving end of her bullying, so be it.
TL;DR A Foster’s Home fan vilified me for having a different perspective, disguised a Tumblr post and subsequent reblogs targeting me to be about another group of Foster’s fans, and I’m warning others to stay away from her so they don’t go through the same thing if not worse.
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utilitycaster · 3 months
Oof, the first half of the episode is a little rough ngl. I like the second half with Aabria a lot more. The first group does get better as the episodes go on if that helps at all.
Also, to add a bit more context to Kollok: the creators - Hyper RPG - are filmmaking nerds and are mostly known on Twitch for their various virtual productions.
So Kollok has a lot of those post production visual effects and sound effects, which is them using their strengths to create a show, similar to CR and voice acting and D20 and improv comedy.
Obviously that's not gonna be everyone's cup of tea and it can get a little too much I admit, but it's not that bad of a show.
Hi anon,
I am...not sure if you read this in the necessary context (this provides some, and this some more, and if I'm being totally honest based on this I don't feel like you read my entire weird rant, which to be fair, it is long and weird but covers quite a lot of issues I have) but I am coming in with the premise of "I think heavy post production of actual play is a poor choice." It don't care that it's their strength; I think that if that's your strength you would do better to apply it to scripted works or to improvised non-actual play shows.
I will freely admit that I went in expecting it not to be my cup of tea for that reason, and with an added grudge of "being hyped up and cited as brilliant by Polygon's AP/TTRPG team, with whom I almost always disagree," but did genuinely want to give it a shot in as good faith as I could muster, instead of solely talking shit about. I hoped the acting, premise, and GM-ing might shine through even though the effects were unlikely to win me over and indeed were likely to annoy me.
That was not the case. I found the GM-ing (Driving?) style profoundly grating and pretentious (and I have a very high tolerance for pretension), the premise nothing to write home about, and honestly I don't know jack about sound mixing but I do know I have perfectly good hearing and had to crank my laptop speakers up to higher than I have to for CR or D20 for the prologue to the prologue only to subsequently hear some of the most irritating static sounds at top volume for the prologue, so I'm not even impressed by the production.
And to be clear: that's all fine. I think people are drawn to different aspects in actual play, and there's room for all sorts of shows. I might even finish this episode simply because if I were recommending something to someone else, and they quit an hour into a 3.5 hour episode, I'd feel a little miffed. But I really don't expect it to ever be my thing, and I watched it mostly because it felt uninformed to be criticizing heavy production in actual play without watching a notably deliberately heavily produced actual play show.
I do want to wrap up, and this isn't specifically directed at you but: when it comes to my opinions on a work, I'm not going to say I'm never going to be swayed by an anon ask because who knows, it could happen, but it's very unlikely. If I dislike something, I don't really care if other people like it - I'd never send anons or get on their posts or maintag something like the post I just made (and which I made nonrebloggable specifically to prevent it from spreading into fan spaces) but I hope that people who like something can show me the same respect and permit my dislike. If you're a fan I will not be offended nor resentful if you unfollow or block me or whatever you need to do, but I can pretty confidently say that new cast members or improved acting will not change the fact that this is extremely not for me.
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storybounded · 4 months
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Oh my goodness. It has been a good few years since I've seen the live action of Lady and the Tramp. After I showed Twinnie, I vowed to never watch it again, so I had to remind myself why I wasn't a big fan of it with clips I could find. Because my mind basically blocked it out otherwise. Putting it under a read-more because this is going to get long lmao.
But my big take-away is the fact that OG tramp in the animated movie is street-wise but suave. And even if he had a obviously playful and trickster side to him that liked to cause chaos for fun of it, he had an air of dignity and scruffy debonair. A gentleman.
And despite his circumstances on the streets, he was still social and mostly well-liked by the the other street dog peers who talked of him. Of course, he won't get a long with everyone, but in the animated movie, it came across that he was pretty popular among other strays. Either for the way he helped them out of a tough spot, or how he was quite the lady's man.
And yeah, he is pessimistic about the life of a dog after a baby comes around, but it never bled into other facets of his personality.
LA Tramp is pessimistic and honestly extremely rude and solitary. A dick, long story short. The alarm bells that rang in my head the moment he showed his true colors on screen... and I knew this was going to be a twist I wasn't going to like. This was 10-13 minutes in the movie. First of all, There was that homeless puppy scene at the start. LA Tramp showed himself to be more possessive to the point of being an asshole. Not afraid to sling insults to LITTLE PUPS. Children, practically. And even if he eventually gave and gifted them their stolen sandwich, the insults did not stop there. Sure, those puppies were trying to hustle him for food, but there wasn't any excuse for him to be such fouled tempered.
I can't see the OG tramp slinging insults at puppies. TBH, he is a complete push-over with the little scamps. He would unashamedly use the baby-talk with them, and humor them with a little bit of play. It seemed like a daily part of his morning routine.
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Then the dog - catcher scene with Peg and Bull came quickly afterwards. OH god, this is where we see the LA's ass-hole nature truly SHINE and one that I remember the most.
Whereas OG Tramp was HELLA concerned about his pals and immediately jumped into action and freed them...
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Live action Tramp seemed extremely frustrated and acted as if his old pals were a burden on him. He did not jump straight in, and instead complained under his breath. In fact, he was WILLING to look the other way and let his friends be toted off to the pound if they hadn't already seen him. Peg and Bull literally had to talk their way into being freed and tramp still did not seem amused.
Another scene that I don't remember with fondness is the 'Rabies' scene. Like I UNDERSTAND that they could not have a animal fight in a disney live action talking-dog movie. It wouldn't have shed a good light on adopting dogs who need it. But instead, they took a route that made both Lady and Tramp look absolutely foolish and dumb. What was once a serious scene was turned into a joke.
She was already freaked out and not used to her muzzle, and the first thing he does? Called her annoying. Made her look bad in front of other strangers.
Lady is a dog who cares a lot for her image...but in the LA they made her go along with it and be okay with it. Made her roll around in trash and old unrefrigerated / dirty sausages, something the OG would've never done. She said she 'felt alive' after the fact. Yes, I am highly aware this was all for show to make the dumb dog believe his equally dumb lie, but... this rubbed me the wrong way. 🙃
But then he proceeded to be a bit of a jerk to her. Made it feel like they were 'even' rather than be respectful of her predictament.
Whereas in the OG movie, Lady was obviously still freaked out and downtrodden after Tramp came in to help, and did not in fact 'feel alive'. Tramp was worried and concerned, because this dog is used to the pampered life, and the last he saw her, she was happily at home. But now, she is out on the streets and is stuck inside a muzzle of all things? He felt pity and sad for her. He wanted to help her make it better.
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I don't know, the LA didn't have the same impact. They could've not turned Lady's fears into a joke, but they could've also not done any fights either.
There are other problems I have with LA Tramp, but these are the main points I wanted to specify before I get long winded haha. But yeah, these are some of the many reasons why I don't like the new LA tramp. I might make a part two later, I don't feel like talking about this movie anymore right now LMAO.
The only points I'll give the LA movie are the cute doggos, and they have far more expressions than the L.ion L.ing LA LMAO.
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jasontoddiefor · 1 year
Saw your recent “drama” with the book lotf and some fanfic you posted about reading, and all I have to say is: I’m so done with chronically online people. Some fics out there are gross, especially the ones that outwardly show cp, but jeez not EVERYTHING is sexualizing minors
I fairly dislike omegaverse, but I read that one for the sake of seeing what the fuss was about, and I will say that it is extremely tame, it was definitely much more than just alpha/omega porn fic (especially since there wasn’t porn)
I’ve never read lotf so that could mean I’m biased. My advice is to ignore them. I don’t wanna go point by point into why I don’t believe it was sexualizing kids, but I think you get my point lmao. Hopefully they won’t start stalking your blog now over this. Speaking of which, if any of the lotf fandom users see this, move along, because we obviously don’t agree with your statements.
also you mentioned you had a main blog, could I check it out? thanks!
lol I've been through so much fandom drama, two people (who, going by tone, I'm fairly sure have never attended university-level media classes, most likely due to their age) commenting on a fic rec annoys me for two hours and then I'm done with it. I hope more that this doesn't have any bad repercussions for the author? Because honestly, like I said, I enjoyed that fic a lot.
and tbh - general thing here - I don't like calling any fanfiction "gross" or "disgusting" or anything like it, even if I personally dislike the matter it deals with, simply because the fic means something to, at minimum, one person, and I don't want to disregard that. What's that cinema wins quote about how every movie is someone's favorite for a reason? That. Also if you start with that, you end up with "please public share your top 10 traumatic life experiences so I can evaluate whether you deserve to post this tagged fic that personally offends me".
And like, I've written several fics that I'm fairly sure a lot of people will call me gross for, I know for certain that a person I was having a pretty great conversation with blocked me right in the middle of said conversation when they saw some of my other stuff on AO3. And like. you know what? Good for them! If engaging with me after seeing that is something they're uncomfortable with, they ought to block me. Curate your online experience and all that.
And, to open that can of worms, I am pretty sure most people have no idea what actual sexualization of minors is or they wouldn't use those words so liberally when discussing a fictional text. Shout out to my professor who sat my class down and made us research the government statistics on CSA. Very interesting seminar, made you feel absolutely terrible and terrified of becoming a teacher and being constantly on a lookout for students, who might be abused at home.
Anyway, I'm going off topic. I don't really have anything more to say on this.
And this actually is my main blog! I was just referring to when I was into a more "problematique" ship (shout out to obikin I still love you <3) and blogged about it constantly ("on main") here. My writing side blog is @loosingmoreletters, but that's mostly general writing stuff and mdzs fanfic rn.
cheerio that's my take on it.
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greypetrel · 1 year
WIP (almost) Wednesday!
Tagged by @shivunin (thank you! <3), I could wait a hour to post it and make it a WIP Wednesday but I'm bound from here to finish another prompt, SO.
Tagging @melisusthewee (beating you on time for once) and @star--nymph. Again, don't worry if you want to ignore this! And if you're not tagged but would love to: say Friends and enter (and consider yourself tagged).
So, it's been a hectic week work-wise and I don't have much new to show, so I'll go for the list as well...
Dragon Age:
- Home Was Never on the Ground: AKA the Monster Fic. I'm slowly making my way up Chapter 26, I'm being slower because this is following an idea that got discarded by the writers but that I found cool. I just need to cause an explosion and convince Aisling to please wait before pestering Solas with much overdued questions, and maybe I could edit and post it.
- DadWolf AU: I'm writing here and there, but I'm containing myself if not for prompts. I would really like to make this more structured than not Monster fic, and before starting I want to have the full picture outlined. The thing that I'm still mulling over is the villain: I'd love to just... Keep Corypheus away and make it more a "Mages vs Non-Mages" thing as in DA2. I just need to settle all the pieces of the puzzles together and it's where we're getting quite different from the game. Solas is in the open with people close to him (Varric knows he's the DreadWolf, Aisling and Dorian got told when they got big enough, Malcolm knew as well and I suppose the other Hawkes too), the main issue will be the Venatori trying to get their hands on Fen'Harel Orb. Again, I still need to pin point some things but we're getting there, I have a rough outline.
- DA2: I've been pondering over whether to make an anthological AO3 collection of DA2 ficlets. Which may even bring me to write more about it without prompts, but take this with a grain of salt. I add below a stamp of a WIP I've been working on and I am stressing over. Following @ndostairlyrium (tag! You're it! AH!) suggestions over colouring and trying to put it into practice. Picture me screaming internally and I may or may not have done the shading twice. (and using too many levels forgive me Ali for my colouring loco)
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- The Last Bacchae: It's been THE YEAR since September, but I'm finally -hopefully- getting my shit together and going forward with Chapter 6. It's an urban fantasy, main character Seren litterally stumbled over Dionysos (THE Dionysos) and got a contract as an intern Bacchae. Her family may not be entirely happy about it. Chapter 6: we're camping at Hephaistos' house, he's of course extremely happy to have 4 of his siblings around and 2 mortal teens there (he's the only one who cooks, go figure). Right now Seren is making friends with him on being two grumpy introverts, good at their passions enough to result annoying for all the family. You could read it here if you're curious: @thelastbacchae
- Till Queendom Come: I blocked myself writing a chapter which was honestly more than I could chew. I have primary sources I'm following, but between the crippling doubt over whether I'm reading them good and the extreme unpleasantness of this particular bunch of research... I'm kinda blocked. I'm slowly making my way up and I miss 5 pages to end this chapter. Still I'm quite tearing my hair off over it and crying because half of the time I feel like I'm the wrong person to write this story, the other half I'm quite in love with it and want to go on. Busy period doesn't help. I'll get there... Slowly.
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katiesfriendzone · 6 months
tw: pedophilia; however please read b/c you all deserve my honesty.
I am extremely apprehensive about writing this and understand if you all can't be my friend anymore. I just cannot take the feeling of lying by omission to you all anymore.
I am friends with self-identified non-offending female pedophiles and it's because the big problem I allude to on my blog was thinking I am one.
In 2020, I was coming to terms with the fact that my beliefs were not very consistent, and the situation with Emmett made me realize I didn't really have business calling myself a feminist. this led to a period of intense questioning of many things I believed to be an established part of myself.
This period of questioning lead to an intense period of what would probably be labeled POCD. I still struggle to understand the difference between a closeted sexual orientation and an intrusive thought, as closeted gay people also experience their attraction as "unwanted thoughts"; thoughts being unwanted doesn't mean they don't reflect something real because they could be unwanted for so many reasons.
The idea that it was my sexual orientation made sense. After all, if being a lesbian or a gay man can also be characterized by aspects of personality not necessarily related to sex, like a gay man reminiscing of playing with girls instead of other boys at recess or a lesbian reminiscing on her days on the softball team, surely my form of gender nonconformity, which doesn't embody rugged masculinity or feminine polish but childish lack of both adult femininity and masculinity, could be part of my orientation. It would explain why I felt asexual towards men and towards women.
I like kids. That is obvious. I can't peek into anyone else's head who likes kids in a Normal way and see if their feelings for children are different from mine. I think children are, physically, cuter and nicer to look at than adults. I don't feel anything about their genitalia but as we know I actively dislike both vulvas and penises so that's kind of a moot point. I've never watched CP, but I've also never really watched adult porn. A mutual of mine who's since blocked me, maybe bc she was canny enough to clock this or maybe just bc im annoying, wrote a great post about queer refusal, and how queerness is often implicitly defined about being about being more and more open sexually, whereas for lesbians, often the most non-conforming thing about them is their LACK of attraction to/refusal of men. I think women who aren't attracted to men and lack the capacity to be attracted to men for whatever reason are queer, oppressed, etc. full stop.
I understand why, hearing this news, your concern and compassion would not be for me, but for children. I understand, with child sexual abuse being so rampant and CSA:pedophilia being synonymous in people's minds, that it could seem insane that someone who is hypothetically doing all this damage could be the one who is sad. I would like to make a big ask right now and ask you to consider queerness through the above lense and see why someone who is not attracted to men or to women might relate to or find solace in gay, lesbian, queer sentiments and struggles.
again, I can't peek into anyones head. I feel less repulsed by vulvae and penises than I did at the height of all this, and there are certainly adults who I like to look at (hi Dev Patel), and when I feel even the slightest glimmer of attraction to an adult, I indulge in it (hi, obsessive Dev Patel posting) to the most extreme degree I can. However, if you were to replace "man" with "adult" in the Lesbian Masterdoc, then well, you can see it from space.
The communities I've found have been very male centric. Even the resources that exist think of women like me as, and this is a direct quote from a clinics website, "irrelevantly rare". Women in these spaces are basically forced to rub elbows with misogynistic, antifeminist men because feminists have made it clear we aren't welcome.
I am a question mark. I'm always open to one day feeling the right way. But my best friend, who I met through one of these communities, has known this about herself since puberty. The idea that pedos just can't get someone their own age is especially painful for her experience, because like all women, she deals with sexual harassment and unwanted attention from men. She's my friend and I refuse to abandon her, even if it turns out I'm not the same as her. I would actually rather die than betray my friends when they are suffering.
Since this all began, I have seen countless testimonies from female exclusive pedophiles (meaning ones like my friend who feel nothing for adults and in my opinion fit the model of queer refusal of men I discuss above) and I would characterize them with despair, desperation, depression, alienation, rage, and a belief in ones inherent inferiority. I simply refuse to cosign these beliefs in other women based on thoughts and feelings they cannot help.
I'm not sure where this leaves me and you guys. I accept whatever happens to me as a result of posting this. I will add the following disclaimers: in addition to all of this I do also have maternal/auntlike instincts, and my feelings about my own niece or the kids of friends on here are purely aunt feelings. When I first confessed all of this to Ted his response was initialy that my feelings for children were normal, and that i just lacked attraction to adults, but the thing is most people seem to think that asexuality isn't a real orientation, so I'm not sure what that would make my orientation. But again: i simply refuse to betray my best friend.
I wonder what the price of honesty will be...but in my opinion, the truth is priceless. I do not know what you are all going to do to me after this post, but whatever you do is up to you. It's 100% your choice. I'm sorry for lying to you all by omission the past few years, and you don't have to accept my apology. I don't know what I'd do in your position. But I don't really know what I'd do in my position either, I guess this.
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titleleaf · 9 months
What are the Bad Hannigram Takes you're encountering? I watched the show but never got too involved in the fandom so I am fascinated
Oh god I'm so sorry, I have no idea how coherent any of this will be if you haven't dipped into the fandom and even for my part I've been mainly watching and reading from afar but hereeeee... are my thoughts. Disclaimer that YMMV, let people have fun, etc., but I am a gigantic hater.
[fandom negativity and a leetle canon-related negativity behind the cut: if for whatever reason you don't want to hear me bitching about people being Wrong On The Internet About A TV Show keep scrolling, mute me, block me, whatever]
Character-specific tunnel vision where Hannibal is the center of the universe -- not just in the sense that he's, yk, the title character of the show and the most memorable character created by Thomas Harris but in the sense that all characters are evaluated by how much they support or obstruct Hannibal's God-given right to do whatever he wants to anybody ever. And my God, it is so, so boring.
Nothing is ever Hannibal's fault, either. Delicate use of the exonerative passive voice — oh it's so sad, Will was framed, Beverly was murdered, Abigail was killed, but by whom? Hard to say! Especially funny when people whip this out regarding shit even Hannibal plainly regrets, like framing Will and then not having Will to hang out with. In general downplaying Hannibal's agency is such a weird move with a character who takes so much pleasure in doing what he wants. "To what extent are people a product of their external influences and life traumas, to what extent is Hannibal capable of not killing" is a whole other conversation but it's just a very odd reading of the character and the show as a text.
Nothing is ever Hannibal's fault, because it's actually the fault of... [scans crowd] that woman over there! Weird misogyny, often overlapping with the above (bc boy howdy, the list of women who Hannibal kills, maims, tortures, or otherwise fucks over is not short — Abigail, Alana, Bella, Beverly, Bedelia, Miriam, Margot, Georgia… I guess Freddie makes it out okay?) but sometimes seemingly just because, or to exonerate Hannibal of all blame for his own actions toward Will, as if this is the kind of show where it’s vitally important our blorbos be morally pure. Like… I’m sorry but I don’t think this is the show for you if that’s the case. People are really weird about Alana, people are really really weird about Bedelia, people are turbo weird about Molly... I'm sure there are people out there being weird about Chiyoh but I haven't encountered them yet, and I feel like there's some uhhhh other factors in play there too.
Baffling ship war stuff even once the canon's long since finished airing. I'm a big multishipper for this fandom so the weird competitive approach where Will and Hannibal's love must be the only real love (or even the only real erotic desire) they've either ever experienced ever is really off-putting. Showrunner Word of God here regarding Will's sexual orientation is in itself a take that annoys me, as a humorless bisexual man, but this is more commonly expressed via weird not-joking "jokes" about how the only reason Hannibal would ever have sex with a woman would be as an elaborate ruse (and how she'd deserve it for being stupid enough to believe he'd be into women) or how Hannibal's a better wife to Will than Molly ever could be. Dude... relax... your pairing has a literal love theme like a 1990s erotic thriller, why are you this insecure. People will do this with characters who don't even appear in the show! Now why is Clarice in it???? I need people to just be normal.
Nice polite sweet tea-sippin' Southern boy Will, and his equally annoying twin brother, Will with an inexplicable and phonetically-rendered Southern accent. 50% me being an extremely sensitive buzzkill about how the text presents Will's childhood and how the romanticized vision of the American South people draw on is superficial and rooted in white supremacist nostalgia, 50% me being a person who can hear Hugh Dancy speak dialogue in a television show and recognize basic American regional accents.
General... accrued fanon, I guess? All the tropes and memes and fandom in-jokes and fandom characterizations that build on one another to the point where their relationship to the show as a text (or to the novels, for that matter) is pretty damn tenuous.
In general, and while I know where this is coming from as a lover of dark stories/horror media/dark and destructive love stories who’s gotten flak for all of that: people getting so defensive about shipping something ~*~*~*problematique~*~* that they take other people talking about the things that textually make their dynamic fucked up (even if they’re talking about those things as something they like or something they enjoy exploring with the canon) as an attack or a sign somebody's Interrogating The Text From The Wrong Perspective. I think the show itself has some narrative weaknesses that lend themselves to this kind of fandom circlejerk but please... please Lord... I just want to write about a really weird guy getting his dick stepped on whilst classical music plays and having the time of his life, why is everyone doing this to me
On the much more benign end of things, “Will is totally normal average everyman while Hannibal is weird and pretentious and fruity” bc it just makes them sitcom parents. Show!Will is a weird fucking guy in his own right! They're both weird! And they're in love!
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lucientelrunya · 5 months
Shipper tag game
I was tagged by the wonderful @forerussake, thank you!!
What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care about anymore?
Um.... There are so many pairings I don't really care about anymore because it's been so long and I have been in so many fandoms since. I think my first pairing as a teen was Taito from Digimon, at least that's the biggest thing I can remember. There are also pairings I cared very deeply about even after my teenage years that I chose to let go of because of the author...
2. Which ship would you consider your first one?
The first one I can really remember was Taito from Digimon, but it's been so long, there might have been ones before that?
3. Your first fanfic was about which couple?
Uhhhh... I feel so old right now, I don't really remember what my actual first fanfic was? But I remember working on a Sailor Moon + Stargate kinda AU which had some pairings but really it was about friendship between the girls.
4. Do you remember the first couple you saw fanart of?
There probably was digimon fanart, too, other than that Sailor Moon fanart of Usagi and Mamoru.
5. Have you ever gotten into ship discourse?
No, I never really interacted with fandom like that.
6. Did you use to have any NOTP or have one currently?
I always have pairings I don't care about or pairings that I avoid for different reasons, maybe I don't care about the one character or I think the paired people would be better as just platonic friends or whatever. But, like any responsible adult I block and just don't read what I don't like.
7. Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read?
Fuba my love <3
8. Currently, do you have any OTPs?
Well, Fuba again, definitely my current OTP :)
9. Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together?
Hmmm I don't think? Rather the other way around, I can get annoyed that so many movies and dramas push pairings that are just annoying and needless and would be better left as friendship.
10. Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting?
Hmm no, I don't think so.
11. Do you have any ship that, in the past, would've been considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
Um... I don't know? I don't care about the purity police. I guess nowadays any Digimon fanfic could be problematic because they are young teens? Oh, and definitely some pairings from the fandom we don't want to support anymore.
12. What is your favorite crack ship?
What even is a crack ship? Crack is not really my genre...
13. What is the couple you read the most fanfics about?
I honestly have no idea. I have read so so so many fanfics in my life and so many times there weren't many for a pairing I wanted and I would have read so many more...
14. What do most of your ships usually have in common?
Hmmm that is something I have never thought about. I don't know what makes me latch onto a character or a pairing. But I guess what almost all of my ships have in common is that they are not canon.
15. What you absolutely hate in a ship?
Hmmmm talking about canon ships, unneccessary drama to prolong a drama series. In fanfic I do love missunderstandings that initially prevent them from getting together. I guess I do hate missunderstandings that cause trouble in a relationship that is already there? I like the drama to come from the outside, not from the ship, I guess.
Thank you again @forerussake this was fun!!
I am tagging @sunriseverse, @daydreamorama, @kholran, @elletromil, @s1utspeare and whoever else wants to do this!
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valleynix · 2 years
Hey good morning (3:50 AM) if you have time may we be blessed with some Daniela HCs or excerpts pls alright ily thanks for existing in the same timeline as me see you soon
3:50AM??? y’all not getting any sleep these days?? 🤨🤨
her love language is physical touch and she really is about to make it everyone else’s problem
she definitely has a harder time understanding personal space and boundaries, mostly because her family just kind of accepts it when she hugs them or grabs onto them out of the blue
that being said, she will also listen when someone tells her no or says they don’t want to be touched
(she will pout a lot, but don’t take it personally)
she just has so much love to give and that’s the only way she knows how
being the youngest, she is extremely spoiled by everyone in her family, and that probably contributes to her clingy and bratty personality
everyone loves her, though. it’s hard not to
it’s pretty easy to tell when she genuinely likes someone vs. when she’s just infatuated
like with the Reader, she will gift her favorite person rocks, books, flowers… you name it, she will give it to you if it made her think of you
she’s very easily excited, and that sometimes means she can go a bit too far without even realizing
i think she definitely suffers from a mood disorder, which is why she’s easily excitable but will switch to being upset if she doesn’t get her way, and back again if she does get what she wants
Daniela isn’t afraid to tell people what she wants
she’s the shortest Dimitrescu (standing at a whopping 6’2”), and while her older sisters bicker over their heights, she’s just happy to be there :’)
it’s not uncommon for her to beg Bela to read to her
back when she was first reborn and wasn’t set in the role she would play, Bela and Cassandra always hung out with her, but they don’t really have the time to do that anymore
she’s taken on both her sisters’ interests to spend more time with them
she struggles a bit with her Cadou implant, and it’s not uncommon for her to wake up to nightmares of her family abandoning her
she doesn’t understand why. she knows they would never mistreat her, but…
there was probably a time she tried to understand why she had those nightmares, going around and getting reassurance from her family that she would always be a part of them, no matter what happens
it did ease her anxieties a little, but not by much
she has the least amount of self-control of the trio, and it’s why she goes feral the quickest
the sight or smell of fresh blood makes her teeter on the edge of going feral, and if she’s not distracted, her instincts will take over and blind her from what’s right and wrong
she receives the most head pats from Alcina, mostly because she whines and begs, but also because it’s the best way to keep her distracted
she’s always down to do whatever her sisters want
Cassandra wants to bug Bela and be really annoying while she’s trying to work? Daniela is right there beside her
Bela wants to spend her time outside for a little while? Daniela will beg to come with her so she can look for more rocks or flowers. doesnt matter if it’s winter
she does have a tendency to ramble about anything and everything when she’s comfortable with someone
there have been many times Bela and Cassandra have had their ears talked off during dinner
she loves receiving nicknames from anyone
since i did it with Cass, i’ll do it for Dani, too
there was a time, a while after her rebirth, that she went into the village by herself at night
she couldn’t understand her dreams; men she kept seeing who struck fear in her heart and forced her to wake up, only to realize she’d been crying as she slept
she wondered about who she was before the castle and her family
the closer she got to her old home, the more afraid she felt, though she persisted
the home was boarded up and blocked off, but seeing how she could turn into flies, she was able to get inside
dried blood was everywhere, though there were no bodies. it almost looked like the handiwork of her sisters, something she’s come to memorize since becoming a Dimitrescu
there was a painting on the wall depicting a family; three men and a red-headed woman off to the side, forgotten
she doesn’t understand the painting, but it fills her with such sorrow
she definitely went to ask her sisters about it, wondering if they actually knew anything, and both replied with, “you don’t have to worry about them anymore.”
she supposed she always would be safe when Bela and Cassandra were around. she never had anything to worry about with those overprotective women :’)
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marypsue · 2 years
I’m giving s4 another shot because my watch buddies wanted to, and I’ll admit that now that I’m over the hurdle of that initial shot across my bows, I’m not as bitter towards it as I was. (Although I’m 110% certain that’s going to change the instant Brenner shows his bastard face onscreen again. Let me hate his stupid guts in peace.)
I do want to keep a record of my thoughts, but I will also be putting them behind a cut, for reason of them containing a sprinkling of praise but heaps and piles and pillars of salt. Please skip this post if you don’t want to see negativity.
I don’t really want to tag this because I don’t want to put my salt in the fandom tag, but if somebody wants it tagged so they can block it, please let me know! Because I will be reblogging and adding to this post as I go through the season.
As of the end of episode 2: 
You can really, really tell that the Duffers want to be done with this and move on to other projects, and I kind of wish they would. I would rather they make something new they’re excited about, focusing on a new cast of characters, than keep making decisions I hate with the crew I got attached to. 
It really tells you everything you need to know that they snuck a ‘Rick Sanchez’ into the list of Ricks in the Family Video computer system. 
I will admit that, after he ate the fandom whole, I did not want to like Eddie. However. Okay. I get it. And for some reason, past his initial cringeworthy appearance, the over-the-top overdramatics do sorta work for him and are not merely extremely irritating (I am looking directly at Murray, here). 
(Maybe because there’s an element of self-awareness and self-deprecation that is sadly missing from the ‘big loud annoying quote-unquote comic relief’ characters the Duffers have tried to bring in? This may be a function of the performance rather than the writing.) 
Anyway. This is dangerous theatre-kid propaganda and will lead me to think people actually find those kinds of loud clownish antics endearing. And then. It’s a slippery slope. 
Speaking of Eddie, I just recently finished reading Stephen Graham Jones’ My Heart Is A Chainsaw, and I haven’t yet fully finished synthesizing my thoughts about that laid alongside the Eddie plot but you bet I’m having some. Will report back with new developments as they arise. 
(At the moment, the thought in its entirety is ‘oh so one or more of the Duffers have read this book, huh’.)
(Listen, among all the other, bigger, more conceptual things that are more likely to be coincidentally similar, dramatically broken jaws figure prominently in both. I am just saying.)
(Everybody who got attached to Eddie and/or Chrissy and/or wanted a happy(er) ending AU for them, please go read My Heart Is A Chainsaw. And stan Jade Daniels and Letha Mondragon. Please. I am 99% certain you’ll love them. Also I looked on AO3 and there is no fic for this book, and I don’t want to have to write everything I want to read myself.)
I do have to give the s4 team props for finding a way to put a tabletop game on film like it’s championship sportsball. 
I also really liked the callback to Benny’s. A lot of the flashbacks and callbacks are coming across very like that one post said, how early Jurassic Park was about something but later Jurassic Park is about Jurassic Park, and early Stranger Things was about something but later Stranger Things is about Stranger Things, but Benny’s in particular I liked. Please do not ask me to elaborate on the difference. 
(Something something, retreading familiar ground vs seeing how time and change has affected the familiar/going away and coming back is not the same as never leaving? I don’t know, I’ll stew on it.)
They’re really wearing their inspirations on their sleeves for this one, huh. Apparently recreating classic movie scenes shot-for-shot was too subtle? Now they have to namedrop Michael Myers, and wave a cardboard cutout of Freddy’s knife-glove in our faces, so we don’t blink and miss what’s happening with the killer nightmare sequences? Also love those Deadite eyes. Can’t beat a classic, I guess, although you can always piggyback off of one. 
(I am also just going to come out and say it, because I can’t be the only person who’s thought it. If ‘pretty innocent white woman dies of being invisibly pinned to a ceiling by a demon, kicking off a monster hunt which eventually involves eye-stealing death delivered via invisible undead monster to people with guilty secrets which appear to involve feeling responsibility for a death, if I’m not totally out to lunch about a pretty cheerleader puking in a toilet and having trauma associated with gaining weight being shorthand for One Thing in TV-land’ is not cribbing directly from the Supernatural episode ‘Bloody Mary’, I will eat my hat.)
(And the possibility that the show is referencing Supernatural while in the middle of going full Supernatural is absolutely exquisite.)
I had really high hopes for Max and Lucas’ relationship to be a focal point in this season after that super sweet scene in e1 but?? where is it? Because I haven’t seen any more of it, and it was the one thing that episode offered me that I thought was worth watching more for. 
I have been tenderness-baited. 
On a slightly more serious note jumping off from that dumb joke, I am never going to stop being pissed off that the Duffers appear to think there is exactly one story for queer characters/people, and it is misery, tragedy, and isolation (unless Joe Keery and Maya Hawke are standing behind them with a gun). With that in mind, I get that this fandom skews young and their experiences are therefore Very Different than mine, but...the idea that it’s some kind of Important Representational Milestone to take a character who has canonically been the butt of vicious homophobic bullying from season 1 on, and whose friends have been rejecting and abandoning him for the last few seasons, and has zero positive associations and multiple negative ones with queerness, and make him Canon Binary Gay, and that if another fan has any kind of problem with that then that fan is the problem and not, say, the showrunners who think that being gay means everything sucks and you’re alone and then you die and that’s just how the world works so get used to it? That sucks. That sucks a fucking fat one, and I wish more fans would stop and think about it for a minute before getting up in arms.
And I’m not giving the dufflebags any fucking Representation Points or whatever for this half-baked mess they’ve cooked up. This shit is just gonna give me salmonella. 
I know (though I’m still disappointed) that Kali’s not going to show up again. Because if she did, she would take one look at the El plot and go ‘yeah of course you’re not a monster, every last one of those bitches had it coming’ and she would be right and then the whole business would be over and they’d have to find something else to fill that time. 
Like. I genuinely can’t tell if they actually want me to be conflicted about El’s use of force? They went out of their way to show how all her nonviolent options - talk to a responsible adult, try to reason with the bully, etc - were exhausted? Am I actually supposed to be horrified and questioning whether she’s a monster? Because at the moment all I’m getting is that that Angela bitch missed the memo on ‘talk shit, get hit’, and that a bunch of kidnappers and child abusers got murdered by a child they kidnapped and abused, and I literally don’t see the problem here. I do not have either the time or inclination to sit through endless fingerpointing about what a mOoOoOnster El is for taking the violent option when she didn’t have any others. 
(Especially after season 1. Jesus.)
(Mike: Yeah it was so cool when El broke Troy’s arm and saved my life! El: Yeah, like when I hit this girl who’s been viciously tormenting me for the last nine months in the face. Mike: Sorry, you WHAT? El: Oh this is not a safe space suddenly?)
(I’m actually just going to have to spend the rest of the season daydreaming about Kali showing up and murdering everybody to death, aren’t I.)
(I did call it about that plotline, though.)
Everything about the Russia plot is exactly as bone-stupid as I’d feared. Poor Winona is doing the absolute most with the material she’s been given, it is not her fault.
But you cannot mail a package from the USSR to California in 1986.
And I still cannot fucking stand Murray. 
That’s not how torture works.
No, seriously, that’s not how torture works. Murray, loath as I am to say it, is right. And the fact that they’ve got him in there paying lip service to the fact that people will eventually say literally anything under torture, people will LIE to make the torture stop happening, this is WHY confessions obtained under conditions of torture are inadmissible in a court of law, it is not something you can just shrug off if you’re cool or badass or pure-of-heart enough, that is why they call it TORTURE and then they still walked out that tired old trope about ‘oh but if you’re a Good Guy and you’re Strong you won’t break under -’ fuck off with that. Can we please come back from Cold War Action Flick La La Land for five minutes. 
I’d even maybe almost be willing to let it go as genre convention, except for the fact that somehow season 1 got it right! I’d almost say the show is suffering from Anne Rice Editor Syndrome, except for the fact that there are so many more people involved in making a TV show. So. How????
Speaking of which. 
Once upon a season 1, the Upside Down was, like, a place. A place that was foreign, alien, scary-looking, and largely unfathomable, yes. But it seemed like a world that could exist almost independently from, if interconnected with, our own. It wasn’t well fleshed-out and most of it was stolen from Alien, yes, but it was clearly implied that it had its own shit going on beyond just being ~creepy~ and ~evil~. 
(And wet. But that’s beside the point.)
And once upon a season 1, the monster that came out of the Upside Down was an animal, with a simple, incontrovertible, unstoppable motivation: hunger. 
Once upon a season 1, the governments of the world didn’t fixate on Our Heroes, and were more than willing to make them disappear if they got in the way. 
Once upon a season 1, the antagonists of this show had internally consistent motivations that didn’t revolve entirely around making life difficult for Our Heroes. The antagonists didn’t care that much about Our Heroes, and it was fucking chilling. 
Once upon a season 1, it felt like there was a whole world outside of and around Our Heroes, a real world, that would and could go on without them. Our Heroes felt insignificant, in a way that made their fear and weakness - and their courage and strength - seem all the more real and all the more important. And made it actually seem threatening when their lives and the lives of those they loved were put in danger. 
Now Our Heroes are all decked out in plot armour, and the Upside Down is, like, Hell or something and its sole purpose in existence is to cause suffering on this side of things, and the antagonists are cardboard cutouts that only exist to cause trouble for Our Heroes (but not more trouble than they can handle!) because they’re borderline obsessed with Our Heroes, and everything is neatly cut and dried between Good and Evil, and I’m bored. 
God, I miss season 1. 
Whyyyyy does all the non-supernatural ‘humour’ and drama revolve entirely around aggressively and repeatedly humiliating the characters I came here for. I am in agony. 
And I also still can’t handle the costuming. 
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earlgreytea68 · 11 months
Tropes Game
How much do these tropes affect your decision to click on a fic?
-10 -> very dissuaded
0 -> don’t care either way
10 ->  very enticed
nope -> if it’s a hard no and you’d never click on a fic with that tag or or you even have the tag blocked or you’d insta click out of the fic if it wasn’t tagged.
Bonus points for explaining the rating and whether it’s conditional.
thank you so @annoyingpetekey for the tag!
Trope List
Age gap: -1/10 This is because some people consider an age gap to be, like, five years, and I honestly could not care less about an age gap like that. However, I do care about the age gap being twenty years. So I'd probably click on the fic to see what the age gap actually was. This tag on its own says very little to me.
Codependency: 0/10 I use "codependency" very loosely and not as any kind of clinical term, so this is another one that I feel like doesn't tell me very much, so I probably wouldn't care about it one way or the other. Which is the very definition of a 0! lol
Enemies to lovers: 2/10 This depends to me on how long they're going to be enemies and how awful they're going to be to each other. I do not like enemies to lovers stories where they get together in the last 300 words of the story, because then I don't believe they're actually going to last. Also, sometimes they might do something so unforgivable that I'm just like, ...these two should never be in a relationship together. So I'm not against this trope but I'm cautious about it.
Enemies with benefits: 6/10 hahaha well, this is just going to be smut, so that's fine, I don't have to worry about their chances of lasting.
Fake dating/relationship: 10/10 LOVE THIS TROPE. ALMOST ALWAYS A+.
Found family: 10/10 I love found family. i think I write a lot of it personally (unlike fake dating. which I feel like I almost never write???? I should remedy that). I just love when everyone gets to be happy, and this is a good tag for that lol
Friends to lovers: 10/10 I love this dynamic, probably my fave.
Friends with benefits: 6/10 I have no problem with this but I'd probably spend the whole fic being like, "Idk, just get together for real" lol
Hurt/comfort: 3/10 I am always very cautious, I need to make sure there's going to be enough comfort to make the hurt worth it...
Love triangle: -8/10 I really hate love triangles. I think they're extremely difficult to do well. The loser in the triangle either becomes a cardboard villain OR you risk them being too cool and people thinking they shouldn't be the loser lol. And I just hate going into a fic knowing someone's either going to be really annoying to me OR I'm going to like them and they're going to lose. This is not to say I never read a fic with a love triangle, and I'm sure I've even written some. But if it's *tagged* love triangle, that dynamic is probably a huge aspect of the fic, and I tend not to enjoy it.
Mistaken/hidden identity: 8/10 I can't think of a ton of examples of this. I guess, like, a prince masquerading as a pauper? Okay, I'd read it, sounds good actually. Wait, now that I said that, I'm remembering that FOB Robin Hood fic (you know the one if you've read it) so I just way upped my number lol
Monster fucking relationship: -4/10 Eh. I'm meh. lol
Obsession, possessiveness, etc.: -10/10 So this is different if it's for a PWP or for a long fic. When I first got involved in bandom, there was this in-progress fic, and I don't remember who it was by or what it was called or anything, but it was this dysfunctional, obsessive relationship, and I kept reading the chapters as they were posted being like, "Surely Pete is going to stop being like this in *this* chapter!" And then I finally realized no, the point of the fic was that that was how Pete was lolol. So I stopped reading. I get how there can be something hot about possessiveness, and so it's fine if I want to read PWP, but if there's a plot revolving around it, it can just make me personally uncomfortable.
Opposites (like grumpy×sunshine, etc): 8/10 I feel like a lot of ships can fit this dynamic and it's super charming!
Poly: -10/10 I feel really bad about this one, and I have definitely read poly fic written by authors I love and it's been fine, but I have so far always been a fan of a particular two people together. Maybe I will eventually join a fandom where I ship multiple, who knows!
Pregnancy: 0/10 This doesn't bother me and I don't care. I love kid!fics, so if there's going to be a baby in the fic I'm more inclined to click on it (as opposed to just pregnancy itself).
Second chance: 7/10 Maybe because I'm so old now, I love the idea of this. I think it can be tricky to do well, but it can also really glow lovely.
Sex to feelings: 9/10 I love slowly dawning feelings, especially ones that aren't really about sexual tension because it's already been resolved.
Slow burn: -2/10 Whenever I see this tag, I have to admit I worry that the burn will be so slow that I'll read 100,000 words and they'll get together in the last 3k. So I'm always a little hesitant about this tag.
Soulmates: 9/10 I enjoy these kind of magical realism things, I think it's interesting to imagine the world this way.
Arranged marriage: 10/10 I also really love this trope. When done well, it's sweet and tender and almost like wish fulfillment.
There are no tagging rules on this meme, so whoever would like to do it, please do it!!
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