#they need all the morale boost they can get
callofdudes · 3 days
I've got a pride month request coming along as well, I'm just getting lots of writing juices back. So don't mind me, sorry, a little "fun" mental health post. Don't take all of this as 100% as I'm not a mental health professional but I do study psychology for leisure.
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Dissociation and indifference.
While able to crack jokes and engage with others, he's generally learned to keep his hands out of hot water, and if he does, he doesn't show that it burns him. On top of many mental health medications causing fatigue, distance, and emotional lows, Ghost does his best not to express the stress that work brings to him. Which is something that can be seen either as a strong male role model, or the less healthy version, evasion of one's emotional needs over physical.
Let's be honest, Ghost spends most of his time in the gym rather than talking to a therapist. And while working on yourself physically can be a breath of fresh air, sometimes it's good to let the mind breathe too.
It takes him a lot of time to open up. For a lot of people, recognizing that trust is trust no matter how close you are to the person. Ghost's lack of trust does not distinguish between blood or friend. It has to be him that makes that step, but it's working through the indifference that helps get to the core of his pain. As indifference to topics like mental health discussions can be a coping mechanism against how one feels.
"Simon, can I get you some tea?" You asked when you looked over at him and saw him sitting silently on the couch. He rubbed his knuckles as he stared at the wall, then shrugged.
"Are you hungry?"
Another shrug. "Depends what you're making." He finally responded, deadpan and unenthusiastic. You frowned softly and decided to make him some tea. Soon heading to the couch, you set down the cup and sat next to him.
You quietly relaxed. "Would you like to talk about anything?" You knew you had to let Simon come to you. It was difficult, but extending that offer and reassuring him you were there was always the first step.
He was quiet for a moment. "No."
"Ok... When you're ready." You gently rubbed his shoulder. You relaxed next to him and turned on the tv. The faint glow of the passing frames flashed against his pupils but his reactions to it were minimal.
After some time, he reached for the tea and took some sips. "Y/n...?" He shifted slightly.
You looked over at him and nodded.
"Can we... Talk about something?"
You paused the movie and shifted to sit facing him some more, giving him your attention. "Of course, what do you need to talk about?"
His shoulders relaxed slightly at the reciprocation, and slowly brought his needs and feelings out, letting you see the inner workings for a little bit. And you listened.
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Dramatic emotional switches.
Sometimes this is harder to analyze or to catch, but this can be a sign of stress or like indifference, a cherry aversion to the hectic world around us.
While this can absolutely just be someone's nature, mental health is most times disguised within layers of regular everyday emotion that not even the person doing it may realize.
I think Johnny's cheerfulness comes from his nature, but under stressful circumstances it can come out as a way of attempting to feel in control of his hectic environment. We don't see this often, but it is common amongst individuals struggling with stress and anxiety.
But after these stressful happy sprints, it can lead to an emotional low due to stress catching up, or being too much to ignore and push aside. Leading to days of not feeling happy at all. Common themes of depression can be random emotional highs, followed by feeling like the world is horrible and you'd rather die than do anything else.
Like with Ghost, this can absolutely be a character trait to boost morale in friends, not wanting to see them fall into the emotional state they are wishing to ignore. During work, Johnny comes off as a strong and intelligent role model, and I think he knows how to distinguish work and personal life better than the others. Willing to confront the bulk of his feelings and stress when in an environment where he doesn't feel the need to constantly be the last line of morale.
It had been a while since you'd seen Johnny. You'd recently come back from a pretty excruciating mission and you couldn't blame him for wanting rest. When dinner rolled around you headed to his room and knocked. "Johnny?"
A minute of silence before Johnny perked up. "Come in."
You shifted the door and headed inside to see him relaxing on his bed with his sketchpad. "Hey y/n." He smiled warmly, sharing his warm presence with you.
"Heh Johnny, food is out in 20, guy hungry?"
"Yeah! I'll be out in a bit. I've just gotta finish this drawing."
"Cool, can I have a look?"
He hesitated slightly, then nodded, his smile returning. "Yeah sure." He sat up and let you come over and see his sketchbook. You looked down at the drawing and smiled softly. "I keep forgetting you're so good at that."
He looked up at you, the smile on his lips not fully translating to the lost expression behind his eyes.
You looked at him, and gently touched his shoulder. "You good? I know you had a close call, even if the medics said you were good."
"Yeah, I'm feeling good. A little sore, but it comes with the territory." He closed his sketchbook.
A moment of silence came between you two, and the look you gave him made tears spill into his eyes. "Johnny..." You opened your arms.
Johnny hesitated before hugging you tightly. You held him back, gently stroking his back. "You're ok... We're all ok." You assured him as his tears wet your shoulder. "You did amazing.."
Johnny let out the burst of emotion, finally allowing himself to come down from that false high, and rest in the knowledge that he was ok here.
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Overworking, trouble distinguishing work from personal life.
Price has a tendency to overwork himself when he's feeling stressed or agitated. Oftentimes indulging in one or more cigars to momentarily get a hit of relief for a much more extensive problem. When growing up with role models that pushed for perfection and hard work it can make it hard to distinguish the stresses of work from personal life. Price ends up taking a lot of the work stress home, and vice versa.
This can lead to him feeling even more stressed or striving to trap the things going on around him in both personal and professional settings under his thumb. Burying himself in his work can help him feel like he's being productive or that he has control over what happens in that space.
He's constantly reassuring his team, as captain even if he feels out of control it's his job to keep his head on and make sure his team feels like he has both hands on wheel, which can be stressful. Over time this is a tactic that has been branded into his behaviour and he is always doing this.
In his home life this can affect how he acts in the home, including feeling a need to take control more often to feel that people he loves in his environment are properly taken care of.
This can also lead to his underlying anger and tendencies to push down his frustrations and work it out through physical activity or cussing at a wall until he's tired. But, also not the type of person to go to therapy about this, as he may not even realize it's a problem if it's so deep in his routine.
You leaned on the doorframe of Price's study as he worked away. He'd had dinner in there, and the plate was still stacked on the edge of the desk where he'd mentally told himself he would take it back.
"You doing ok, John?" You asked, and walked over to him.
"Mhm. Got stuff to do for Laswell..."
"Important report?"
He shrugged. "Something like that. Just need a bit. I'll come away soon."
You nodded and gently rubbed his shoulder. "Well, don't work yourself stiff, ok?"
He nodded after a moment, his eyes not leaving his computer. You didn't say anything else and left him to his work. Around an hour later you came back. "How's it coming?"
"Mm... More stuff to finish." He muttered, still glued to the screen.
"It can wait, you're off duty... I'm sure Laswell knows that."
This time Price didn't respond, and you knew you needed to step in. "John." You came over and gently touched his shoulder. Finally, he looked up at you, searching your eyes for anger.
You gently squeezed him. "Why don't we play a game together?" You gave him a soft smile, and his shoulders tempted to give way under your touch.
You gently took his hat off and brushed his hair away. "Because, I know you need to do something, so come do something with me. I want to spend time with you."
He leaned slowly into your touch, allowing you to close his laptop. "Can I pick the game?"
"You know you can."
Price stood and you wrapped your arms around him, and he hugged you back. "We can do this together, you're home..."
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Mistrust, underlying frustration and vocal outbursts.
Life can be extremely stressful in their line of work and from my perspective, this shows in Gaz's contrast between his calm collected nature and the vocal outbursts he has. This is no doubt because of stress and building frustration that he is struggling to control.
His mistrust in authority or inability to understand or rationalize his surroundings can lead to these outbursts. Kyle's calm and collected side is something to be desired, but when he's alone and has nothing to focus on, that anger can quickly turn unchecked. Whether it be beating a punching back or spending most of his time angrily analyzing interactions or comebacks to conversations in his head for hours.
It's a constant loop, while working, while trying to relax, he's always got an interaction that irritated him running through his head. Or feeling like he isn't smart enough because he couldn't come up with the answers for the conversation at that moment.
Kyle was beating himself up. He felt like such an idiot. I had the bastard right in his hands. He frowned, throwing another furious kick at the punching bag. "Bloody- stupid bastard!" He ground his teeth angrily.
By that point his frustration was obvious. You went over to check on him. "Everything ok, Kyle?"
"I fucking had him!"
You nodded a little. "Hey, can't blame yourself, we all have mishaps."
"Not this time." He said with exasperation. "I had him right there! I had him in my hands! And he still got away..."
You reached over and gently took his arm. "Kyle,"
He moved away, but you gently touched him again. "Kyle, look at me, please."
He exhaled heavily and looked at you, the frustration evident. "I know it's frustrating. But we'll get him. We always do."
"I know..." He hung his head. "I wish I could have done more... The look on the captain's face.."
You gently took his hand and squeezed it. "You're strong, Kyle. You're the best of the best." You gently rubbed his knuckles. "But even the best of us make mistakes, and mess up. You don't have to worry about being perfect."
He blinked, his frustration filtering out from anger, to tears. "Bloody... Hell.."
"Can I give you a hug? You look like you need one."
His shoulders dropped, and with that you gently hugged him. "We'll get him... I promise. But we aren't pinning this on you, ok?"
He squeezed you, a tear rolling down his cheek. You'd stand there as long as he needed, as long as he knew the weight wasn't on him to be the perfect soldier.
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working-dreamer · 4 months
It’s wild how shipping culture has changed so drastically over time on the internet.
In the old days people shipped characters who either had only one line of dialogue with each other, never even met, or not even from the same piece of media. It was the wild west and sure some ships were uncomfortable but people had the mindset to just block the tag and stay away from ships they didn’t enjoy.
Nowadays? It’s more like people have to clarify that their ship isn’t canon compliant, character adjacent, and story irrelevant otherwise they get a flood of comments saying “but this character isn’t like this in canon” and some people legitimately get angry if you’re not following the canon.
Like- shipping and fandom culture from what I understand it is about engaging with media in a way that caters to you. And if you don’t like a ship or show just… block the relevant tags and don’t engage in the ships? The internet isn’t supposed to cater to us- we have to cater ourselves to our internet environment. And no matter how many times people may harass others over a fandom or ship they don’t like, those ships are not gonna disappear.
The internet has just been getting worse when people have decided to place morality in their opinions by saying things like “if you enjoy the ship then you support (insert horrible thing here that’s usually completely unrelated to the ship itself)” when it used to be “eh, not my thing” and people just moved on.
And for the record this isn’t about a specific ship or anything- just an observation of how fandom has evolved (and regressed) over the years and I find it fascinating from a sociological perspective cause we still don’t know how having the internet from birth affects the development of kids and how that affects how they interact with others- isn’t that scary?
I know that’s slightly unrelated but the way people engage in media has been changing over they years and that also involves fandom and the maturity level thereof in the internet space and someone smarter than me could probably write a whole thesis paper about fandom culture and how the internet has hindered the social development of people and how that affects community specifically from a fandom lens.
Just- for your sanity younger internet children: it’s not worth harassing others over something as trivial as ‘it’s not canon that this character kisses another character.’ Just find ships you like. Block ships you don’t. And just enjoy your time doing what you like!
You can’t control the internet but you can nurture your little corner of it.
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gonersgoners · 1 year
sometimes i remember these panels and i lose my ability to keep sane
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witchywitchy · 5 months
Allow me to say that celebrities are not really worthy of the huge amount of praise their fans give them when they do the bare minimum of posting a link for Palestine. These people have enough money in their accounts to last them a lifetime even if they lose job opportunities. You know who're the real brave ones? Average people who are trying to make ends meet with regular jobs, in the middle of economic crises and inflation, and they still do all that they can do to stand up for Palestine. Those people risk their jobs and risk getting blacklisted everyday. The students who are sacrificing their education and their future, the ones who are our future doctors, engineers, lawyers, teachers,...etc. are sacrificing it all to speak up about Palestine and the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. I'm tired of those of you who overly-praise celebrities who are not worthy of such praise. These celebrities are adults, not babies.
Average people on social media barely have a decent platform, yet are trying their best to keep going and keep talking about Palestine. We need the boost from celebrities. Using a platform as big as an average celebrity's platform can do a lot for Palestine and Palestinians.
And please do not blindly defend your faves. I will block anyone trying to defend any celebrity that has either remained silent, stood with Israel, or posted once and called it a day. This is an ethnic cleansing we're talking about. We need to talk about Palestine today, tomorrow, and until Palestine is free!
Your morals and humanity should come first!
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targaryenluvs · 5 months
we can send in ideas you say 👀 dark! Cory with a reader who’s not so inclined to behave and listen to him, being bratty, turning him away, embarrassing him in public ….. his frail ego would shatter (and who knows what he’d do to her 🫣🫣)
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pairing: president!coriolanus snow x fem!bratty!reader
summary: you were the daughter of one of the richest couples of panem. everything you’ve ever wanted, handed to you. coriolanus had a short temper and you were stubborn. who knows what could happen?
warnings: arguments, bratty reader, public scenes, punishments, kinda smutty, fingering, not proof read i’m lazy
a/n: stand up and fight back to that rude bitch babe
they’d messed up your order. again.
you’d ordered three dresses, all pink and one was too small. you’d already returned it multiple times but apparently the shop owner was incompetent. did he know who you were? the first lady of panem deserved nothing but the best and this imbecile couldn’t even do his job.
you’d give him another chance you figured. “soreen!” you shouted out as you heard the pitter patter of footsteps on the floor. “yes mrs snow?” you sighed, “pull the car around please. we’re going down to the genevieve store.” she nodded before scurrying away to arrange your mode of transportation.
the car ride was smooth, much to your relief. you needed at least one thing to go right today, and the car ride helped boost your morale as you pulled up in front of the aforementioned store. “here we are mrs snow.” your driver spoke as he promptly exited the vehicle to open your door, “thank you phillip.” he tipped his cap to you before shutting your door, “i’ll be waiting ma’am.”
the store was quite large, for someone who hadn’t been there before it was quite easy to lose your way. but you knew exactly where you were headed, walking a path of determination as you reached the front desk. a young lady, clearly disengaged from her job sat filing her nails at the desk. “what do you want?” your face twisted into a disingenuous smile, this was going to be fun, you thought. you cleared your throat as you placed your handbag down with care.
“mrs y/n snow, here for adina?” the girl looked close to tears as a string of apologies fell through her lips, “let me go get him, again, i cannot express my apologies mrs snow.” you’d already turned around to sit at one of the many chairs strewn about.
adina was frantic.
he sure as hell wasn’t expecting the first lady of panem, in his store, by herself. nonetheless, he quickly nodded along to her explanation of her dilemma, the dresses, the sizes, the unresponsive customer aid line.
you’d walked out of the store were five new dresses, all free of cost. a successful day in your eyes. the whisperings were there, of how the last store clerk who’d kept you waiting went out of business. or how the cook whose meal caused you to choke had his hand cut off. mistakes were made in the process of the workers bending over backwards to produce the upmost quality service for the presidents darling wife.
who was known for her own expensive tastes.
and god help anyone who kept her waiting.
the dress was for a charity event that night. coriolanus of course didn’t want to go, but it was seen as beneficial to his own cause to be seen out and about, especially at a high profile event. whereas you on the other hand? you’d ordered three new dresses, five now, two new pairs of heels and that jewellery set you’d been eyeing up for a while.
coriolanus wanted to get through the night, that was it. the office was as stressful as ever, his secretary was out sick, so a fill-in took her place, stuttering every time he spoke to her and messed up his meetings of the day. but since marrying you, coriolanus knew nothing was ever easy with you.
you prided yourself on your unpredictability. to keep people on their toes. you loved being able to stick out from the rest, keep people guessing. and most of all, you loved being seen, admired. you were never one to be tame, coriolanus knew it. you always tested his patience and temper.
but this?
you’d worn a burgundy gown, off the shoulder, floor length and a v-cut too low for his likes. the one dress out of five he’d disapproved of. you’d disobeyed him purposefully, coriolanus hoped you’d grow out of old habits, but again they die hard.
the eyes were on you like vultures, his wife.
he’d deal with you later, just get through the night.
“and that dress! it’s certainly, something.” you didn’t know the girls name, but her face seemed familiar. “why thank you! coriolanus had picked out some others but then again what do men know about women’s fashion?” the woman’s slack jaw caused you to giggle, “well aren’t you fiery! the president has a lot on his hands with you.”
you tossed your hair behind as you took a sip from your glass, “well i’m sure if he can handle a whole country,” you leaned in before whispering, “he can try his best to handle me.” coriolanus saw red. one night, without your antics was all he’d wished for. the dress and your behaviour had sent him over the edge.
“miss.” coriolanus acknowledged the woman as he grabbed a hold of your hand, “president snow! how nice it is to see you here, and your donation! how splendid.” coriolanus’s charm seemed to switch on instantaneously, “anything for the, good cause.” coriolanus couldn’t give a flying fuck about the cause let alone remember what it was. “it’s time for us to go.”
you had an image, pristine and clear. a lovely woman, kind and respectful. at times naive but overall a caring wife. your slick words, which charmed any man or woman, your striking beauty and sweet personality.
but at your core you, like your husband. couldn’t care less, it was one of the reasons you got along so well. it was all a facade and coriolanus was the only person who knew the real you. much to his chagrin, the real you was a total bitch. a smooth talker with a pretty face who got everything she wanted. you’d never wanted to marry him in the first place, so it seemed to be your personal mission to embarrass the poor man.
“if you’re tired then head on home love. i know you need your hours of sleep, cranky without them!” you made him sound like child without his favourite toy, unable to go on until he had it again. “sweetheart, you know we go home together. now come along.” his tone was nothing like the fake warmth it mimicked, you were on thin ice. “yes i know, honey, but you’re not incapable of returning home without me now are you? i’m sure the driver remembered the directions for you.” you pinched his cheek. pinched. his. cheek.
you may as well have started praying for your soul.
so he left, alone.
you had no clue as to why you wanted to stay. it’s not as if there was someone actually worthwhile to engage in conversation with, but you just wanted to be out of the house. you had to soak up your time outside while it lasted you assumed. coriolanus wouldn’t be letting you out anytime soon, especially after what you’d said that night.
the door slammed shut as you hung up your coat next to corio’s. you took a deep breath in before exhaling. it was going to be a long night.
“did you have fun?” corio was sat in a large, plush, arm chair, swirling a drink in his hand. you could only wonder how many he’d had in the hours by himself. “i did.” your voice was gentle, the house quiet in the dead of night. but the large mansion echoed, he would’ve heard you anyways.
“hm.” he feigned interest in your response. all he wanted was to put you in your place. “corio?” he turned to view you, whilst you walked over before situating yourself on his arm chair. but as soon as you did his glass clattered onto the side table as he rose up. “we’re going to bed.” you weren’t sure if he’d snap if you protested, your feet were aching and you found it best not to argue.
you should’ve known it wouldn’t be that easy, which is how you ended up fully exposed whilst coriolanus was fully dressed. “please.” you’d been on your back for the last, ten? twenty? “please what?” coriolanus liked to put you in your place, it was one of his favourite things to do since you forgot it so often. “touch me.” his hand slipped into your panties, fingers sliding into your already soaking hole as you clutched onto his shoulders.
he’d been teasing you for what felt like forever and you felt you were finally done with it. “close your eyes.” he whispered as his fingers slid out, eliciting a whine from your throat, but you listened, closing your eyes, wondering what he’d do.
it’d been a minute since corio spoke and you were feeling restless. on one hand you could wait for him to speak up, allow you to open your eyes. on the other, you opened them to peek at what he was doing and he dragged out your punishment.
and to your right lay your husband, asleep. “corio!” you groaned out before shoving his shoulder, “you didn’t think i was going to fuck you tonight? after the shit you pulled? you have fingers, use them.” and coriolanus fell asleep soundly to your attempts to finish off without him.
now that, would teach you a lesson.
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rashoumon-homo · 2 months
BSD Men - Would they be good at giving head?
BSD x Gender Neutral Reader, NSFW
Includes: Dazai, Kunikida, Ranpo, Chuuya, Sigma, Nikolai, Atsushi, Fyodor, and Akutagawa
Author’s Note: Just a quick lil headcanons post to fill the void of content while I work on Bottom Dazai Week! A little low-effort compared to what I usually post, hope that’s alright :)
(Ranked roughly from best to worst)
Holy FUCK bro, YES.
He’s good at it and he knows it
He moans into it like he’s the one getting off
He’ll have you coming on his tongue in less than 2 minutes
And he swallows too- gladly! He insists you taste amazing
Knows his anatomy too - all the spots to lick and suck to get your toes curling
Way more skilled than expected
This man literally sat down and studied before even his first attempt
Knows your anatomy better than a doctor atp
You had to remind him to relax at first because even though he was doing everything right, he was as mechanical as a robot
As he got more comfortable with it, you both had more fun
Prefers other types of sex but will gladly give you head if you ask
Absolutely - if he feels like it
You know how he is, picky with taste and texture of things he puts in his mouth and whatnot
But if he’s into it, he’s hella skilled
Definitely won’t swallow, but he’ll give you head for longggg periods of time, making you cum over and over
He’s just having fun with the tactile experience and with seeing you come undone under his touch. Boosts his ego a little lol
Oh yeah for sure
He gives head to tease though, not to get you to finish
Always looking up at you from under his lashes because he knows it gets you flustered
For some reason gives better head when he’s drunk
But he usually stops before you can cum because for him, oral is ideally just foreplay
Points docked for that :(
Yes and no
He’s more inexperienced, so the first few times are a little clumsy
But he’s determined to learn how to please you
With practice and guidance from you, he’ll come to be really good at it! You just have to get through the awkward phase first
Y’all already know he’s a freak
He’s got plenty of skill and enthusiasm but he gets bored quickly
If it’s taking too long to get you to cum, he will flat out give up
He’s always coming up with new ways to do it as well (don’t ask what that means) so hopefully you’re willing to put up with his weird-ass, occasionally morally concerning ideas
Not perfect initially but eager to learn
Inexperienced and over enthusiastic (too much teeth 😬)
Wants so badly to please you
Probably needs some guidance at first
Good luck convincing him…
He sees giving head as a sign of submission so he’ll likely flat out refuse for a very very long time
If you can sway him, he’s about average in skill
Not much experience, since he hates doing it, but he picks up the skill quickly
Surprisingly gentle and cautious with his mouth (whether for your sake or his is unclear)
Do not cum in his mouth. He will pointedly spit it out because he’s grossed out and will likely sulk about it after
This guy does not enjoy giving head and it shows
He’ll do it on rare occasions but his discomfort is palpable and kind of makes it not fun
If you finish in his mouth, he’s spitting that shit out. No offense to you personally, he just finds the idea of swallowing gross in general
Stick to other types of sex I beg of you
Tag List: @suru1990 @little-miss-chaoss
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astonmartingf · 3 months
mark webber x rbr race engineer! reader
. . . fuck sebastian vettel and fuck his goddamn race engineer who he can't help but think about all the time. he's bitter, jealous and in misery.
amgf finally i've moved everything 🎉 yay! everybody cheered!! i'm so happy and excited, i'm going home for the week and i'm writing the heck out of that alo fic and doab will be finally over 🫠🫠🫠
death of a bachelor ; masterlist
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With the way the Australian was acting one would say he’s bitter. Fighting the urge to roll his eyes every time you laughed at something Seb said, which wasn’t even that funny. Maybe you were trying to be civil, but Mark wasn’t having any of it. 
Not only was he fighting for his seat in Red Bull, with the addition of a newer and younger driver he was about to be replaced. The team finally made a car competitive enough to race for podiums, but instead of attacking for points he’s left behind the dust of his teammate Sebastian Vettel.
YN who was now assigned to Vettel- are not only starting to form a better relationship, but also score more points. Not that YN nor Vettel was to blame, the sport is already complicated in a way with changes and upgrades, not everything is constant. 
And as much as Webber wanted to work with you, with how things are looking it’ll be better with both of you to do different things. You were Vettel's race engineer, and he stuck as the second driver.
He can’t seem to pinpoint the root of his frustrations, but every time he hears your voice in the background of the team radio, talking and congratulating the fuck out of Sebastian and his pole position, he turns into this miserable monster who wants nothing but to silence you.
This of course hasn’t got unnoticed by the younger German driver who was observant, nosy, and attached to you by the hip. It seemed like wherever you go, Sebastian would follow like a lost puppy on the track. 
Which only irked the driver more, adding to the long list of unexplained frustrations in his head, eating him up. “You know, with how much you’re frowning, it’s shocking it hasn't formed into a unibrow yet.” 
Mark glanced up to see the one and only Sebastian Vettel with a goddamn awful smirk plastered on his face. Clearly he knows what’s up, rolling his eyes as the Australian raised his middle finger in front of the younger driver.
An audible gasp left Sebastian’s mouth, “You shouldn’t do that to me, I can help you know-” teasing the older driver.
Raising his brows Mark pulled Sebastian closer to him, whispering in his ears, “I don’t need your help mate, now go on and annoy someone else.”
“So… I should just go talk with YN then.” 
The mention of your name whips his head back to Sebastian, smirking as if he caught him in action. Pressing his lips into a thin line, Sebastian nods, slowly putting two and two together.
“There is something going on with you two… YN had mentioned you a few times in our conversations.” 
Mark knew better than to react, there’s no way he knows. But the thought of you speaking about him, he couldn’t help his curious nature. Turning around slowly he could hear the German’s stifling laughter. “Spill it.”
“On second thought, I think it’s time for my debrief with YN. I guess you’ll have to figure it out next time.” Shrugging his shoulder, Sebastian walked the other way leaving Mark no time to chase him.
“For fucks sake… Get a grip Webber.”
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The only thing that developed from last year was his relationship with Sebastian, it boosted the morale of the team but more importantly it put him in conversations with YN. From a bystander’s view it’s embarrassing to see his efforts go to vain.
Especially with Sebastian’s new found knowledge, he teased the Australian often. This time he learned not to blame YN, hearing Seb talk about how you’re always busy prepping and forming strategies, as well as the pressure to perform in meetings.
He could barely catch you since you were all over the paddock, nose buried in different papers looking at data, triple checking results for Sebastian. On the way from the small set prepared for the DHL Fastest Lap Award he was shocked to see YN walking beside him.
“Congratulations on your award.” Mark froze, he had not expected this at all. He’d been looking for you, biding his time to form a conversation, yet here you were congratulating him.
“Are you looking for Seb?” Mark spoke without speaking, wincing at his reply- there were definitely better responses but why would he assume you’re looking for Seb after congratulating him.
“You don’t like talking to me much? Seb has been talking a lot about you, you’ve gotten quite close these past year.” Mark stayed silent, waiting for you to say anything more.
“But I’m not here for Seb, I came looking for you actually. You deserve that award, and many more. I guess I’m just proud of you.”
This revelation came as a surprise to Mark. Bewildered, he asked more about your statement. “I thought you hated me.”
“I don’t think I ever hated you Mark, if anything else- you should hate me.”
Brows furrowed in confusion, Mark was lost. But he knew he would get his answers soon, “Why would I hate you?”
Placing your hands deep in your pockets, slouching as the corners of your mouth form to a frown, “I disappointed you Mark. Though, I’m glad to see you winning now. You did it by yourself, and I know you will continue to do better.”
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It all happened too fast. In the corner of the pit wall you stare at the screen as you watch Sebastian overtake Mark, you froze. You wanted nothing more than to run and leave, but at the same time you were stuck in your seat like a deer in headlights.
Hearing the radio beep, Sebastian’s voice was drowning in your train of thoughts and in the background you picked up the voice of Mark speaking to his own engineer. Closing your eyes, you take a deep breath before responding to Sebastian.
The whole situation is out of hand, and despite you not agreeing with his actions, you have to focus on your work that needs to be done and prioritized before anything else. Just like you always have.
At the end of the podium celebration you found yourself hiding inside the team garage away from both drivers, knowing fully well you couldn’t take the stress from it all. As much as winning with Sebastian felt good, not only for the team but for your career, it also brought out the worst parts of yourself.
You didn’t know you could be this calculative, greedy, and the hunger from wanting all the wins took a toll on you, not just physically, but mentally and emotionally had you drained. You felt miserable, and worst of all- you felt yourself to blame for what happened. 
All you wanted to do was run away, there was no longer a voice of reason- the sport became unenjoyable for you, and there was no longer hope for you to get back and enjoy the sport like you used to.
Sitting in silence, you jump at the sound of Mark’s voice muffled behind the door. “YN? Can I come in?”
“It’s okay to come in.” Your voice comes out thin, hiding your face in your arms. “Are they looking for me?” Peeking over, you catch Mark kneeling down beside you.
“Nah, they’re just cleaning up. Are you feeling okay? Do you want to talk about it?”
It took you a few years to approach Mark once again, blaming yourself for his past results. As a race engineer it was your responsibility to support and ensure the drivers of their performance. You worked hard behind the screens, drowning yourself in data in the hopes of finding ways to improve.
You sit in silence, slowly relaxing as you lean on Mark’s shoulders, “It’s not your fault you know, not now and definitely not before.” 
“How are you so sure of that?” 
Mark hummed in thought, “Because I spent all those years blaming myself as well, I thought I wasn’t capable of putting out results and when you were with Seb, I can see your genuine happiness whenever he’s winning. Something we never got to experience together, I think it’s unfortunate but it’s definitely not your fault. You should know that, I don’t blame you now.”
You nod to yourself, “You blamed me before? I’m glad to hear that, I was inexperienced and only had myself to blame.”
You feel Mark laugh as his shoulders rise and fall, “I definitely cursed you in my head more times when we were together, but I learned then. And look at us now, we’re definitely better than before.” 
“I’m sorry, Mark. I could’ve done more.” Pressing his lips, Mark nods to himself.
“I understand YN. I wouldn’t lie if I say I’m not flattered that you chose to support me, but don’t ignore Seb for too long.” 
“I’m not ignoring him at all, I just want space to think clearly.” You rise from his shoulders, facing him for the first time. Your eyes puffy from crying.
“And, what did you think about?” Mark asked, wiping the tears rolling from your eyes.
“I’m thinking of quitting after the season.”
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liked by aussiegrit, oscarpiastri, and 648,297 others
yourinstagram it's been a while in the paddock but good luck to our boy oscar <3
view 97,461 comments...
aussiegrit thank you for coming and for the nonstop support love ❤️
sebastianvettel let's meet up soon
yourinstagram sure seb, i miss you and hanna
user1 their boy oscar WOW
user2 why are you casually dropping this????
user3 i'm here from twitter and it's a mess
user4 i just read the webyn thread
user5 we're all here from twt???
oscarpiastri thank you so much for coming to see me!
yourinstagram good luck on your first race! we're proud of you
user6 yn left and came back as MOTHER!!!
user7 this is single handedly making me look forward for the 2023 season in the hopes of seeing mark and yn on the paddock
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monzamash · 4 months
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lando norris x you — “I want to count every one of your freckles with my lips.” requested by @percervall
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“You need to at least look like you want to be here, Lando.”
Nobody really wanted to be back at the factory, especially in the middle of what was meant to be a much-needed break. But the big bosses thought it would "boost team morale" to see their star drivers scouring the hallowed halls, and a perfect dose of social media buzz to tide over the dedicated fans – a crumb for the diehards.
Lando had pushed back, insisting that his summer reset and the teams break away from the madness was more important than a couple of media bites, more important for the soul in the long run. He lost that battle miserably over a 2 minute phone call with Zak and found himself here, sat on a block of concrete looking up at you with tired eyes, a scrunched nose and a scowl on his pursed lips.
“Don’t wanna be here though.”
He was in a mood.
“Neither do I but we’re working and I don’t feel like being scolded by your boss sooo…” You stepped forward and held his heavy head in your hands, “Put a smile on your pretty face and get on with it so we can go home, please?”
Lando sighed, internally battling with his blatant distaste for having to put on an act but he would do it for you – his manager, his friend. He would do it for you because you asked; he would do anything if you asked, no question. There really wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for you.
“Fine but I’m only doing it for you because you shouldn’t be here rotting away as well,” He huffed and stood up from the hard concrete he had been sitting on for the past 10 minutes, hoping nobody would come looking for him.
But of course you did.
“I know you are and I love you for that.”
“Love you too.”
He would always blush a little when you said it, immediately trying to distract you with a nudge or a head ruffle but this time he grabbed your shoulders and massaged the tense muscles in your neck as you lead him back to the cafeteria.
You said it too often for friends – that dreaded L word, and too often for business partners. But you said it causally in conversation or when he would cook you dinner after a long day at work. Sometimes you said it during the no strings attached sex you had mutually agreed to, long ago. It would slip out without the other knowing, in the rush of it all – purely accidental and meaningless. That’s what you would always tell yourself and it’s what Lando saw as a challenge.
He loved you then, and he loved you now.
Without warning, Lando changed course and tugged you into a dark room – the only light beaming from the phone in his hand. We have heaps of time, he whispered and pressed his body against yours, back pinned to a soft, cushioned wall. Maybe it was a podcast studio you pondered before your lips were seized, all thoughts of your strange surroundings disappearing into his affection.
It was a breathless kiss, spiked with starvation and anticipation; it was something that Lando had wanted to do all day, watching you strut around the place he loved the most – his home away from home. You belonged in his world, perfectly poised and charming; everyone eating out of the palm of your hand. He laughed when you said that all you wanted was to blend into the crowd when in reality, you were the main event.
You always were to him.
“Fuck, you drive me insane.” Lando’s voice was barely a whisper, raspy and only for your ears.
“Honey, you showed up in the baggy jeans I have been begging you to wear and I drive you insane? Get out of my face…” You retort, pushing him away playfully before tugging him back by the jumper.
“Hmm, so you’re sayin’ we’re even?” his question was muffled by his mouth tracing your jawline, teeth dangerously grazing your neck, threatening to leave his mark.
“Don’t push it, Norris or I will kill you.” You warned.
“But what if I want to count every one of your freckles with my lips?”
He asked the question such sincerity that it sent chills down the spine he was caressing, inching you further and further into his grip with every kiss. Holding you so tight, you could barely breathe – every sharp inhale laced with his cologne, spritzed hours ago and lingering on the tips of his curls that tickled your skin.
A frayed moan rumbled in your throat, knowing you couldn’t let him devour every inch of he claimed because his actions had humiliating consequences. But god it felt so good when his tongue followed the slope of your neck, his question still tumbling around in your absent mind before you were plunged into bright light.
Lando’s head snapped to his left, yours following suit to find a familiar face – one you weren’t thrilled to see but given the current circumstance; flushed cheeks and a moment away from giving in to your carnal desire – it wasn’t the worst.
“Thought I would find you two here.”
The Australian accent thrummed off the soundproofed walls, “To be fair, not the worst spot for a quickie but a bit obvious, mate.”
“Thank you Oscar for the feedback,” Lando quipped and patted his teammate on the shoulder before exiting the room with your hand tangled with his.
“Any time!” He sang back and gave you the first genuine smile you’d seen all day.
Because like Lando, he didn’t want to be here – nobody did. But the devilish smirk and wink over the shoulder from the man holding your hand made it a worthy cause. It was never squandered time when you were with him, not even a second.
And you had the rest of the summer to waste away together.
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lmk your thoughts, as always! + more birthday celebration blurbs coming soon...
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bby-deerling · 3 months
Ahhh! Your fic with Law eavesdropping was amazing. Can we get more virgin!law content? We know this man has no rizz like that.
ehehehe thank you nonny! i have so many thoughts about virgin!law, but here's just a few...
virgin law headcanons (nsfw)
18+, mdni, nsfw, masterlist || commissions (info)
tagging: @cloudzoro @mirillua @atanukileaf @willowbelle @eelnoise @kaizokuniichan
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trafalgar law would rather curl up into a little ball and die than have you know that he's a virgin, and will try his best to conceal it, especially if you have prior experience. he wants to impress you so badly, and his ego cannot handle even the implication of him being incompetent, especially when it comes to you. if shachi and penguin tell you, please protect law's secretly sensitive heart and act like you don't know!
law has a very specific type of natural rizz that only works on certain types of people like me that involves a lot of sarcasm, snark, and teasing; he has no problem flirting with you and building tension, but when it's time to put his money where his mouth is, he freezes up because he realizes it's time to follow through with all the nonsense he's promised and alluded to through thick layers of innuendo.
picks up on how to kiss well fairly quickly, but he's a biter and a sucker, and will suck on your tongue if you let him. he'll cautiously try out things based on his intuition, but your responses always determine if he continues doing them or not.
he's eager to please, but is also paradoxically unwilling to directly ask you what you like, and feels like a fish out of water trying to observe everything going on with your body all at once. (as the heisenberg uncertainty principle states, he can only take one accurate measurement at once.) however, he is not above being a total weirdo and collecting intel on you in morally dubious ways if he needs to. (i.e. getting shachi and penguin to start a stupid drinking game designed to pull information out of you or giving ikkaku extra spending money to covertly find out your preferences and then report back to him.)
once he figures out what you like, either through sneaky means or from pressing your buttons and seeing which ones give him the best response, he's so cocky and smug about it, cooing "you like that?" into your ear—the feigned confidence in his voice serves two purposes, as both an ego boost and a defense mechanism to cover up the fact he has no idea what he's doing. it also makes you melt.
when he finally has you in bed, the gears are turning so hard in his head as he tries to do his best to please you, but once he enters you, and he realizes he'll have plenty of time and future chances to learn your body, he allows himself to let go and just fuck you. have fun
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heli-writes · 16 days
A dragon's heart, part 12.
Pairing: Barbarian!Bakugou Katsuki x female!reader
Summary: The dragonblood tribe is known for being cruel, barbarian warriors that slaughter, loot and rape all places they pass through. They are feared among the villagers and even bigger cities. Having lost most of their women to a plague, they're trying to ensure their tribe's survival by kidnapping women from other places. However, they're not the only monsters in human form out there. When y/n experiences this first hand, she has no choice but to ask for help from no other but the barbarian leader Katsuki Bakugou himself.
Disclaimer: mentions of injuries, rape and abuse, mentions of breeding, marking, nsfw, smut, oral sex, fingering, vaginal sex
[Please don't read if you are sensible to or triggered by the topics mentioned above.]
Minors do not interact.
Note: Took a while to finish this. I found the last part especially hard to write so I put it off for weeks. But voilá, it's finally here!
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13
Series Masterlist
Axiety. It's what curses Katsuki's veins right now. After he left his mother at the war tent, he went ahead and took a look at his injured men. Some of them might never mount a dragon again. That already made him restless. He feels like ever since he became chief, things have gone bad. They need a win soon. His men can't lose morale. It won't benefit the tribe and they'll also maybe get some bad ideas. His mother stepped down as a chief voluntarily, but Katsuki is sure that the rest of the tribe would have forced her if she didn't. It's easy to blame the leadership when things go wrong. Even if some things are out of the chief's control.
That's when y/n crosses his mind. He has forgotten about her ever since Kirishima walked into his tent. Maybe she can be his win, a way to boost morale among his men and a way to strengthen his position. If y/n was to carry a healthy, happy baby, Katsuki and her could lead an example for the rest of the tribe. To show them that there is a future. After today's events, he's sure that he's making the right decision taking y/n on as a mate. He fully trusts her to become a good partner, a good mother. He'll do everything in his might to ensure the tribe's and y/n's future. She won't ever have to go back to the men who hunted her like an animal.
His heart feels heavy and full when he makes his way back to his tent. He can't wait to pull y/n into his arms, to feel her soft warm frame pressed against him. It's what he needs right now. 
Surely, y/n must have returned by now. She was angry earlier but he hasn't experienced y/n to hold a grudge for too long. Also, it's gotten dark and cold. That must've driven her back home as well.
When he enters his tent, it lies in darkness and silence. He stares into the black of the tent, listening expectantly. Y/n's not here. His heart starts to pump harder, blood cursing faster through his veins than just a few minutes ago. He can hear an unsettling whooshing in his ears. 
Y/n's gone.
It takes a moment for the realization to sink in. Then, he turns around on his feet exiting his tent swiftly. In front of the entrance, he stops in his tracks. His first instinct is to find Kirishima. Get him to assemble a search party, get everybody moving to find her.
It's a bad idea. He and y/n have to lead as an example. How can he prove to his men that they can find a mate outside of the tribe that loves and accepts them if his own mate runs off in the middle of the night? No, the others can't find out. Especially his mother. He can already see the triumph in her eyes telling him 'I've told you so'. He must find her alone.
But where could she possibly have gone to? She doesn't know anybody or anything around here. A cold chill runs down his back. She wouldn't have tried to leave, would she? That would be incredibly stupid of her. She can't survive in these mountains. Especially not without appropriate gear. But that didn't stop her before. 
Katsuki thinks back to when y/n took off the day after getting injured by these men with bows and arrows. Back then, she also was stupid enough to think that she could wander off in the forest on her own. And now she was angry, furious even. With heavy emotions like that clouding her logical thinking, it wouldn't surprise Katsuki if she got the bright idea of running off. He can already picture her angry, pouting face in his mind. 
Shit. He needs to find her. 
First of all, Katsuki tries to search the settlement inconspicuously just to make sure he's not setting off a false alarm. He's glad that most of the tribe already settled into their tents for the night. While he wanders through the settlement, he's getting more anxious with each passing second. Scenarios of y/n getting torn apart by a pack of wolves, of y/n falling down a hillside and other deadly things fill his inner eye.
When he can't find her in the settlement, he decides he must scout out the area surrounding the tribe's village of tents. Considering she's on foot, she can't have made it very far. In this darkness, she must've laid to rest somewhere. Tonight's new moon, so it's especially dark tonight. Out there, you can't see your hand infront of your own eyes. She must wait to continue her journey by sunrise.
It's best to look for her on the back of his dragon, he decides. He can cover more ground and the Drami's improved eyesight and smell will help them to find y/n quickly. So, he sets way to the stables. He already knows Drami won't be too happy about him waking her up. He walks quickly through the gore to the dragon's den. The other dragons ignore him, some bow their heads in respect. There's even the small green one that hasn't been tamed yet. It scurries away at the sight of Katsuki.
Only his torch illuminates the den upon entering. The dragons inside seem to be asleep. „Drami!“, he calls out to his dragon almost softly. He doesn't want to evoke the great red's rage. „Drami!“, he calls out again, this time a bit louder. Then, the big red dragon moves. It stretches its long hind legs and raises its heavy head.
„We need to find y/n, c'me on!“, Katsuki tells the dragon.
The dragon snarls at him and huffs hot air into his face. Katsuki rolls his eyes.
„Yeah, I know it's late. That's why we need to find her quickly.“, he points out.
The dragon stares at him intently. Katsuki is not sure what she's trying to tell him. „What?“, he asks shrugging. The dragon shifts again, lifting its heavy wing up, revealing y/n. Katsuki's eyes almost bulge out of his head. What on earth is she doing here? Almost at the same time, relief floods his veins. She's safe. When Katsuki wants to rush to the woman's side, a claw-studded paw cuts in between him and y/n. 
Katsuki's head jolts up. „What?“, he asks the dragon again. Drami looks angry now. A deep rumble curses through the dragon's throat. It snaps at Katsuki leaving behind a loud cracking sound when its upper and lower teeth clash against each other. Katsuki jumps back just in time to not get crushed in between the dragon's large jaw.
„Hey!“, he barks at the dragon, „What the fuck are you doin'?“
The dragon rises to its full height filling out the den completely. Y/n slides off its tummy and awakes in a rough manner. Disorientedly she looks around. Meanwhile, the dragon shifts into an intimidating stance looking angrily at Katsuki.
„What are you angry about?“, Katsuki yells grasping y/n's attention.
The dragon curls its tail around y/n in a protective manner. Katsuki doesn't fail to catch onto that.
„Is this about y/n? Fuck, it's not my fault that dumbass ran away?“, he defends himself in front of his dragon. Y/n awkwardly watches the scene in front of her. Somehow, she feels content. Seems as if the dragon is about to put Katsuki into his place. Good.
The dragon snaps at him again and Katsuki quickly moves out of its way. „Don't fuck with me, Drami. It's not funny! I didn't do anything!“, he yells at the dragon.
Suddenly, another rumble goes through the red dragon's throat and then there's electricity in the air. Katsuki's eyes widen. She's not about to...? Not in here! The fire would burn all of them. He can see an orange colour light up in the dragon's throat. Shit!, he thinks. Instinctively, he jumps over the dragon's tail and covers y/n's body with his own.
As quickly as the electricity becomes palpable in the air, as quickly it fades again. Y/n peeks through Katsuki's arms and sees the dragon staring at them intensely. Katsuki shifts, facing the dragon again. He sighs in relief. He absolutely believes Drami would go through with such an action. If a dragon doesn't deem a human worthy of their trust anymore, they more often than not kill them.
„You crazy fuck,“, he tells the dragon standing up and shaking his head. In return, the dragon growls at him
„I get it ok, I haven't been a good mate. I let her slip away.“, he continues. The dragon continues to stare at him angrily.
Katsuki raises his arms in defeat, then drops them again. „What do you want me to say? I didn't keep an eye on her. She could've died, yes. But she was safe with you, wasn't she?“
A rustling sound goes through the red's throat. It moves its head closer to Katsuki and presses its nose against his chest. Katsuki stares back with the same intensity. Then he sighs in defeat.
„Thank you for taking care of her. I'll be better, I promise.“, he tells her and the dragon gives him one more intense stare before settling into a laying position again. The smaller red dragons, which fled the bigger one the moment they sensed its anger, return to its side again.
Y/n doesn't know what Katsuki tells the dragon but it's clear he almost shits his pants. She finds that rather satisfying. Even if the red dragon almost fried her in the process. Quickly, she scrambles onto her feet. She must've fallen asleep somewhen but she's wide awake now.
Katsuki turns to her taking a long look at her. There doesn't seem to be a scratch on her. His instinct tells him to walk up to her, shake her and yell at her for being stupid. He can't believe she ran off and walked straight into dragon territory. She can be lucky Drami protected her. If she was unlucky, one of the other dragons could've seen a convenient snack in her that walked straight into their mouth. Considering what happened earlier, that's probably a bad idea though. Y/n was already pissed and it's better to reconcile than to argue. Especially, since Katsuki decided to ignore his mother's disapprovement. 
Katsuki walks up to y/n and takes her hand. He puts it over his heart and presses it softly. „Don't you dare leave again.“, he tells her. Then, more softly, he adds: „I need you. I was worried.“
Y/n looks up at him. At first, her face looks clueless as it usually does when she doesn't understand him. Then, she harshly pulls her hand away. She's still angry at him. Don't you think a few soft words will make me forget what has happened today, she thinks. 
Without looking at him, she stomps past him exiting the den. Katsuki swirls around and immediately catches up to her. Outside the den, he gets a hold of her wrist and pulls a bit too harshly. Y/n is swirled around. She stops herself inches in front of his chest. Quickly, she brings an arm's length distance between them, as far as her arm allows her to. Katsuki keeps a tight grip on her wrist.
„Where the fuck do you think, you're doing?“, Katsuki growls at her. Y/n looks at him with fire in her eyes.
„Let go of me, asshole!“, she yells at him pulling at her wrist. She doesn't care how loud she is or if she wakes up one of the dragons. How dare he act like this? Maybe a few days prior she would've mistaken Katsuki's attitude for concern, but knowing what she knows now, she's sure it's possessiveness. She can't stand that. Considering what Nadia says, that's all that women are in this place. She refuses to become Katsuki's possession, to let him push her around like that. He either accepts her as an equal or he doesn't get to have her at all.
Stunned, Katsuki lets go of her hand. He already notices some dragons shift in the darkness. Y/n crosses her arms in front of her chest. She doesn't really know where she's going with this. She doesn't want to argue with Katsuki. So far, he has been good to her. Today's been not good, but at the end of the line, he didn't treat her badly. The ceremony this morning went badly but Katsuki didn't lash out his anger at her, only at his furniture. While she doesn't understand where exactly his anger comes from, she shares the sentiment. 
It's been frustrating. Clearly, it's been frustrating to both of them and that Katsuki doesn't seem to have much control over his anger is something y/n noticed before. And despite what Nadia said, he didn't put his hands on her. He even wanted to protect her from the great red's fire. Y/n knows that if the dragon had gone through with it, Katsuki would've been burned to crisps. He was ready to sacrifice himself for her. Katsuki must value her more than he lets on.
Y/n sighs and rubs her face. She tries to calm herself. In contrast to Katsuki, she has more control over her anger. Katsuki watches her intently. He doesn't want to argue with her either. He's frustrated and worried and he doesn't know how to make y/n understand how important she is. To him. To his people.
He tries to take a step towards her when a growl and a pair of red glowing eyes appear right behind her. It's the small green dragon from earlier. Katsuki stops in his tracks. This dragon is untamed which means that it is unpredictable. 
„Don't move.“, he wispers and hopes that y/n understands.
Apparently, y/n didn't hear him, or rather didn't understand him but she slowly moves around staring right into the green one's eyes. Fear starts pulsing in her veins again. At the same time, the anger that's been trying to push down bubbles up again. 
Seriously? As if I don't have enough problems, I've got to deal with this thing again?, she thinks angrily.
„Y/n.“, Katsuki says calmly. They can't make a wrong move right now. His mind flickers back to Drami in the den. He's sure she must sense the green one by now. He just hopes she isn't too offended by earlier to help them if necessary.
Y/n ignores Katsuki. She continues to stare into the green's eyes intently. She holds its gaze. She's not going to back down. It's probably stupid to pick a fight with a dragon but Katsuki and the whole situation made her angry enough to try. 
With a steady, almost dangerous voice, she speaks to the dragon: „Leave. I won't be dealing with you tonight.“
The green dragon shifts, still holding her gaze. For a moment, its gaze flickers back to Katsuki.
„Hey, eyes on me!“, y/n barks at it and immediately catches its attention again. Katsuki feels like he's about to faint. Is she really speaking to a dragon like that? What outcome is she expecting?
„I'm telling you one more time.“, y/n says loudly, „Leave and don't come after us.“
The green dragon stares at her. There's a clicking sound in its throat. Then, he snaps at y/n, but y/n expected it considering it snapped at her earlier. She uses her chance and throws herself at its snout. Katsuki watches her with an open mouth. Y/n pushes its snout down before letting go of it.
„Leave!“, she yells. The green dragon looks at her perplexed. It raises its head, probably to spew fire at them when a deep rumble can be heard from the red one's den. It's probably a warning. It's enough to make the green one back off. Y/n holds her stance and stares after it until it disappears into the darkness again. 
When it's clear that it's gone, she loosens her stance and huffs a strand of hair out of her face. Meanwhile, Katsuki gains control of his facial expression again. He's not sure whether to be impressed that y/n stood her ground in front of a dragon or concerned that she's mad enough to try so. Actually, it's probably not that bad. He remembers when he tamed Drami. It's the first thing you need to be capable of, to stand your ground in front of such a mighty beast. Most people go into fight-or-flight mode. Of course, then you also need to fight it into submission, but that's another thing.
Y/n turns around to Katsuki. „Are you coming?“, she tells him before turning to leave. Katsuki quickly catches up to her. They don't speak while they walk back to the settlement. 
The closer they get to the tents, the more relaxed Katsuki feels. Also, his bad consciousness starts to creep up on him. He never apologized to y/n about what had happened today.
„Y/n“, he calls out to her and stops her by taking her hand. This time his touch is soft and not firm. Y/n can get out of his grasp anytime she wants. She turns towards him and looks at him expectantly.
„I'm sorry about today. I'm sorry about my mother treating you badly, I'm sorry if the whole presentation was humiliating to you and I'm sorry I lost it earlier.“, he tells her. 
Y/n is sure he's apologizing right now. He's got that look in his eyes. Curved eyebrows, an almost sorrowful look on his face. It's not enough, however, he needs to try a little harder. A simple apology isn't going to get him into her good grace again. Katsuki sighs and steps a bit closer to her. With his other hand, he strokes her cheek.
„You've been nothing but great. To me, you're the perfect mate. Hell, you are standing your ground no matter what we throw at you. Even a dragon. We, no I, failed you. Drami's right. If I want to be your mate, I need to be better. I promise I will be better.“, he softly says. He knows she can't understand him but he just hopes she'll soften up on him a little bit.
Y/n stares in his eyes intently. His voice sounds soft, almost submissive. She sighs. There's no use in keeping this argument up. It's not going to help her situation. And at least, Katsuki seems to understand that she's frustrated. She just hopes he also believes that her frustration is justified and that he's not just trying to sway her.
She touches his hand softly. Katsuki gives her a shy smile and takes a few steps closer to her. When she doesn't react, he closes the gap between them. Carefully, he wraps his arms around her. Y/n can't help but lean into the touch. By now Katsuki's touch has become something familiar and comforting to her. She buries her face in his chest. Katsuki chuckles and y/n can feel the vibration of his laugh. Her heart flutters a bit. Damn this Katsuki, she thinks, Why does he have to be so attractive? She can feel Katsuki's hand in her hair. Lightly, he scratches the skin on her head. Y/n wants to melt. After this long, confusing day, she just wants to relax and fall asleep in his arms.
Katsuki's hand moves towards her ear and he tucks a few strands of hair behind it. Y/n looks up to him and is met with a soft gaze. It's almost surprising to her. Katsuki rarely looks so soft. He's just not that kind of guy. Maybe today has worn him thin as well. Y/n gives him a small smile. Katsuki's hand ghosts along her cheek. Slowly he moves his head towards hers giving y/n enough time to move out of the way or reject him. She doesn't. Katsuki's lips meet y/n's in a light kiss. He's not putting much pressure behind it. Just enough for y/n's heart to make a little jump. 
Quickly, he pulls away and ruffles y/n's hair lightly. Y/n retreats a bit as well. Katsuki throws an arm around her and pulls her towards the settlement. There's almost no one outside anymore and it's quiet when they walk back to Katsuki's tent. Y/n is shivering by the time they arrive. Katsuki's arm around her shoulder does little to keep her warm. Inside, they're met with the chaos they left behind earlier today. Y/n shakes off Katsuki's arm and zigzags around the broken things on the ground. She picked up the broken parts of the chair earlier but left the other things he threw around on the floor. She flops down onto Katsuki's bed and points at the mess on the floor.
„You're tidying that up!“, she says sternly. Katsuki scratches the back of his head embarrassedly. He's not sure what y/n said but he guesses she's scolding him for the chaos in the tent. Dutifully, he starts picking up the things on the floor. Meanwhile, y/n starts looking for the clothes she wore to bed yesterday. Once she's found them, she disappears to the attached bathing hut. 
When she's done changing, she returns to the main room. She looks around approvingly. Katsuki tidied up the place quite well. Currently, he's not in the tent. Y/n guesses he disposes of some broken things. While waiting for him, she picks up an apple from a fruit bowl that Katsuki placed back on the small table. Sitting on the bed, she eats it. While it's not much, she's glad to finally get something into her stomach. 
Eventually, Katsuki comes back into the tent. When he sees y/n sitting on the bed, he gives her a curt nod. Then, he starts changing. He's still wearing the armor that he put on before the presentation. Chewing on her apple, y/n watches Katsuki changing. Katsuki usually doesn't wear many clothes so there's not much new to see but y/n takes her time observing. She feels like she deserves that. After all, he let all of his people and that woman eyeball her this morning.
She lets her eyes run over his broad shoulder and how the muscles of his back move when he opens his pants and slips out of them. Katsuki stands there in his underwear for a moment as long as he puts the armor and pants away. Y/n admires his naked chest. A few scars decorate the soft skin on his pecks. Her gaze follows his trained bicep down to his hands. She doesn't notice how Katsuki's done putting on some linen pants or how she stopped chewing at some point.
„Ya like what you see?“, Katsuki asks her with a cocky smirk on his face. 
Katsuki's voice rips her out of her own thoughts. She's met with Katsuki's triumphant facial expression. Oops, guess he caught me, she thinks. She sits up a bit and throws the rest of her apple at Katsuki. Katsuki catches y/n's projectile with ease and gives her a biting laugh. He finishes off the apple in two bites and throws it into a bowl by the side.
Katsuki walks over to the bed and gets in at y/n's side. He starts to climb over her but stops when he's right above her. Y/n tries to shuffle away to give him some more space to get to the other side of the bed when she notices a suspicious twinkle in his eyes. He's not planning to move to the other side. Y/n rolls her eyes and Katsuki chuckles. He leans down and kisses her on the lips.
This time, the kiss is a bit less soft. It's more urgent and there's more pressure behind it. Y/n's eyes flutter close. Katsuki slides down and his weight pushes y/n deeper into the pillows. Absently, y/n's hand runs down Katsuki's chest. She feels Katsuki's tongue running along her upper lip. She lets her own tongue run along his lip as well and soon they meet in an even deeper kiss.
By now, y/n's heartbeat picked up. Katsuki detaches from her lips for a second. He presses open-mouthed kisses along her jawline and down her neck. Softly, he nibbles at her collarbone. Y/n can't help but let out a muffled moan. She already can feel a tingling sensation in her lower belly. Also, she's starting to get hot. Katsuki lets out a chuckle before returning his attention to her. 
Their eyes meet and y/n can see a mischievous gleam behind Katsuki's eyes. „You dick!“, she tells him and smacks his upper arm. Katsuki laughs and rolls off of her. Y/n hasn't got much time to recover before Katsuki pulls her into him again. Angling her head up to him, he drags his lips over hers again. Y/n shifts to get more comfortable. Part of her leg grazes Katsuki's scrotch and she can feel that he's already half-hard. She's lowkey glad she's not the only one on whom this has an effect. 
Quickly, she tries to move her leg away again but Katsuki catches her leg mid-movement. He pulls her leg in between his own and pulls the rest of y/n half on top of him as well. His other hand finds its way back into y/n's hair. Entangling their mouths again, his other hand starts exploring y/n's back, butt and leg. Y/n's hand rests on his lower stomach just above his v-line. Slowly, her hand creeps up his chest up to his cheek.
They continue to make out like this for a while until y/n breaks the kiss to take a deep breath. Katsuki uses the break to fully pull y/n on top of him. Y/n can feel Katsuki's erection under her. In all honesty, she can't blame him. She's also feeling the effects of all this kissing. The way Katsuki's rough hands drag along her back drives her absolutely mad. She doesn't want to know how the inside of her thighs look right now.
Suddenly, Katsuki's hand finds its way under the shirt she's wearing. While his lips still feverishly drag along hers, his hand softly strokes its way up to her chest. Y/n's heart skips a beat when his calloused hand finally makes an impact with her boob. Carefully, Katsuki kneads the soft bundle of flesh. There's enough pressure behind it to make clear how urgently he wants to touch her and soft enough to not hurt her. Giving her one last kiss, he detaches from her and sits up.
„Take that off.“, he demands and pulls her up towards him. Y/n sits up and lets Katsuki push the shirt over her head. She feels flushed even though Katsuki and she now wear the same amount of clothing. Katsuki lets his gaze wander over her chest. Gently, he reaches out to her. The backside of his hand touches her cheek, and then he lets his hand sink downwards towards her chest. With both hands, he squeezes her breasts. He leans his head forward and rests his forehead against hers. While adrenaline and excitement still curse through her veins, y/n feels oddly at ease suddenly. 
Katsuki lets go of her chest and his hand finds hers. Gently, he caresses her hand before pulling it into his lap. Y/n can feel how he presses her palm onto his hardened member. It's not her first time touching a man. She wonders if Katsuki is aware of this or if he thinks it's her first time. Y/n's other hand reaches up to Katsuki's cheek and she pulls him down onto her lips again. At the same time, she carefully squeezes his dick. Katsuki lets out a frustrated groan before pushing his mouth on hers again. Gently, y/n massages him through his pants.
Then, Katsuki pushes her off of him. „Gimme a sec, doll.“, he mumbles and starts fumbling with his pants and pushes them down his legs. Y/n waits patiently for Katsuki to come back for her. When he shivered out of his pants, he crawls over to y/n again and pushes her onto her back. He starts kissing her neck and nipping at her earlobe. Each kiss leaves behind electricity that shoots down her body. Y/n takes his hand and puts it back on her chest again. She's done with kissing. She wants more. Katsuki lets out a low chuckle. Carefully he dips his head down and lets his tongue run over her nipple. Y/n groans and lets her hand run through his spiky hair.
Meanwhile, Katsuki's hand wanders down her side. When his hand finds the hem of her pants, she can feel her heartbeat quicken again. She's nervous about what's about to happen next. A positive nervous, an expectant nervous, a I-can't-wait-to-feel-your-hands-where-I-need-you-most nervous. However, Katsuki doesn't give her that satisfaction just yet. He lets his hand ghost over her crotch before gently cupping her most private area. Y/n gasps at the contact and wishes that stupid linen pants weren't in the way. Again, Katsuki chuckles at her expression.
Y/n glares at him. She's got enough of his teasing. She pushes at his chest and Katsuki lets himself fall back onto his back with a laugh. Immediately, y/n is on top of him and kisses down his neck. Gently, she bites the skin on the nape of his neck. Katsuki lets out a forced groan. She can feel his dick jump a bit in between her legs. She continues to kiss down his chest, and presses open-mouthed kisses onto his tummy until she has reached his v-line. She traces the bones on his hips while mischievously looking up at him. I can play the same game, she thinks. Katsuki looks down at her through lidded eyes. 
„Fuck, y/n, are you gonna do something or do I need to show you how?“, Katsuki grumbles and pushes his hand into y/n's hair trying to gently push her down onto his cock. Y/n clicked her tongue. „Oh, no, don't think I let you get off this easily.“, y/n teases him. She starts pressing soft kisses onto the side of his hips, down his v-line and stops right in front of his shaft. 
„Shit, you bitch!“, Katsuki groans in frustration but he doesn't move. Secretly he's enjoying y/n's attention and playfulness. He didn't expect y/n to be this devious, especially not in bed. Clearly, she must have some experience and he's glad about that. He was afraid that this would scare her away. But, considering her reactions, she must be enjoying this too.
Lost in his own thoughts, he doesn't notice how y/n's head dips down. Only when he feels her tongue running down his dick. He almost jumps up at the sensation. His hand grips her hair a bit tighter but he doesn't make any further movements. Y/n can feel his leg muscles tighten. She runs her tongue up his shaft again before gently teasing the tip of his cock. Katsuki groans and lets his head fall back. Y/n gently rubs the side of his legs in comfort. I got you, she wants to tell him. 
Then, she takes his entire dick into her mouth. Katsuki almost thrusts up but catches himself mid-movement. Y/n is glad for Katsuki's control. She's sure that she can't deepthroat him. For now, she just bobs up and down his length licking and sucking. The areas her mouth can't reach get stimulated by her hands which she has wrapped around his shaft.
Eventually, Katsuki can't take it anymore and pulls y/n off his dick. He sits up and roughly pulls y/n up to him, towards his mouth. Feverishly, he kisses her, shoving his tongue into her mouth. Slowly but carefully his resolution starts to crumble. In a swift movement, he pushes y/n onto her back with one hand and pushes down her pants with his other hand.
Cool air hits y/n's pussy. She almost gasps at that sensation alone. However, Katsuki is done waiting and teasing. Immediately, he pushes his fingers in between her folds. Y/n lets out a choked noise. Katsuki leans down and starts licking and biting her nipples while massaging her clit in rough, circular movements. Y/n is already seeing stars. It's been so long since someone touched her like this and clearly Katsuki knows what he's doing. His fingers wander from her clit downwards towards her entrance. Swiftly, one of Katsuki's fingers enter her. Y/n can't help but let out a raspy moan. 
She's not sure whether or not Katsuki registers the sound she's making. Maybe he doesn't care or maybe he's beyond capable of teasing her about it. Either way, his mouth lets go of her nipple and wanders down her tummy until he finally reaches her cunt. He's not waiting for another second before pushing his tongue in between y/n's folds. Y/n gasps again and buckles her hip. Katsuki simply pushes her hips down and continues his administration. While his tongue swirls around in between her pussy folds, his finger pumps in and out of her tight hole. Y/n's upper body twists around in the bedsheets. 
It feels so good, she barely can't take it anymore. Katsuki adds another finger and y/n goes wild. She pushes her hands into his hair and she's not sure whether she wants to push his head deeper into her cunt or pull him away because she needs to stop. Katsuki does not leave any room for a decision as he pushes deeper into her crotch. Just when he feels y/n's walls tighten around his fingers, he pulls away.
He stares at y/n with wild eyes. Her wetness still glittering on his lips and chin. Y/n's chest is heaving and she can't tear her eyes away from Katsuki. „Fuck, babe, you taste so fucking good.“, Katsuki grumbles while taking a long look at her. Y/n's hair is disheveled and her cheeks are flushed. Right now, there is a disappointed expression on her face. Katsuki grins and moves to hoover over her. 
„Don't worry, love, you'll get to come. You just have to do it on my dick. Only this way you can become truly mine.“, he tells her.
Y/n pouts because she doesn't understand why they're suddenly stopping. Luckily, Katsuki doesn't let her wait too long. He crawls up her body and kisses her deeply. Y/n can feel his dick laying right above her pussy. Katsuki snaps his hips a bit and pushes his dick in between her wet folds. Y/n moans and opens her legs so that he has better access to her pussy.
„Shit, babe, you want me that bad, hm?“, Katsuki groans as he sees y/n pull her legs apart for him. He leans back a bit to take a good view of her soaked cunt. „Fuck...“, he groans as he lets his dick run over her now-open pussy.
„Katsuki!“, y/n whines. She wants him. Now. Katsuki chuckles and leans down to kiss her. „Alright, alright, babe, I get what you want.“, he mumbles as he shifts and tries to find her entrance with his cock. When he's not fast enough, y/n takes matters into her own hands and leads his dick to her entrance. Katsuki doesn't wait for another second and pushes into her in one swift movement. Y/n can't help but let out a loud moan at the sensation. Katsuki's head drops down onto her shoulder.
He doesn't give her any time to adjust to him but immediately starts a steady pace. His dick slides in and out of y/n's slick hole. Y/n wraps her legs around his hips and grabs onto his shoulders. She can't help but let her eyes roll back a bit. Her fingers could never compare to the feeling of a real dick inside of her. And Katsuki's dick feels especially good. Katsuki keeps up the pace for a bit until he grows tired of it. He sits up a bit and his dick slides out of y/n. She groans in protest.
„Relax, love, we're not done yet.“, Katsuki mumbles as he sits up on his knees. Roughly, he pulls one of y/n's legs over his shoulder and opens her other leg widely. Then, he shoves his cock back inside of her. In short, hard movements, he rocks in and out of her pussy. Y/n cries out loud at the new angle and the roughness with which Katsuki starts to fuck her.
„Fuck, babe, this feels so good.“, Katsuki groans while his balls slap against y/n's ass. He has had sex before but it was never like this. He either paid the women or just took them. None of them were as wet as y/n or as willing to move against him the way y/n does. And the sight of her just added to his arousal. Concluding from her facial expression and moans, y/n must be so fucking horny for him. It makes him wish they had done this sooner. Before they came here and things got more complicated.
„Katsuki-i...! Harder! Fuck!“, y/n moans and grips his wrists. Even without understanding her words, Katsuki gets the message. He wants to fuck her harder and faster, too. He pulls y/n's leg from his shoulders and hooks his hands under both her knees pulling her pussy closer to him. He quickens the place and the closeness gives him the option to ram his dick into her harder.
„Fuck, yes!“, y/n yells. She's glad he understood what she wants. Fuck, this is so good, she thinks. She loves how hard Katsuki is taking her. Most men are too timid to take her how she likes it the first time. The first time is always a bit awkward, trying to find out what the other likes. But Katsuki fucks her just the way she wants his, the way she needs it. She needs to forget this awful day and Katsuki's cock in her pussy makes her mind goes numb.
Slowly, but steadily, y/n can feel her orgasm approaching. She hopes that Katsuki doesn't change his movement but keeps it up just the way he's fucking into her right now. There are already pearls of sweat forming on his chest and eyebrows. Meanwhile, Katsuki can feel y/n's pussy tighten around his member. 
„Shit, babe, are you close?“, he groans while keeping up the pace. Concluding from y/n's concentrated look, yes, she must be. Carefully he grips her upper body and pulls her up to him. Y/n whines at the change of position but Katsuki makes it up to her by fucking up into her and reaching that one spot that drives her mad. Katsuki pulls her up and his face rests on the left side of her neck. Y/n claws at his back, desperate to finally get off. Katsuki continues to fuck into her relentlessly. 
„I've got you, babe, c'mon, come on my cock.“, he mumbles into her skin. 
Right now, he needs her to finally climb over the edge. It will hurt less if she's in the middle of an orgasm. Y/n groans throwing her head back. Katsuki can feel her pussy tighten one more time and then start spasming around him. That's what he's been waiting for. He doesn't wait for another second and sinks his teeth into her neck.
Pain. Blinding, numbing pain shoots up her neck. 
Y/n lets out a choked scream. From all the things she's expected Katsuki to do, this is not on the list. Is he... biting her? It feels like he's about to rip a large part of flesh out of her. The pain overshadows the orgasm she forgets she's having. She pushes against his chest, trying to get him off of her.
„Let... go!!“, she cries as she pushes against him. There's no use. He's so much stronger than her. He only sinks his teeth deeper into her flesh. Maybe it's because there was more adrenaline in her blood back then, but this feels worse than when she was hit with the arrow.
Her heart pulls itself together. Why is he doing this? She can feel her warm blood flow down her own chest. He must know how badly he's injuring her.
Meanwhile, he's still fucking into her roughly.
She wants him off. She wants his teeth and dick outside of her body. Right now. She fights against him. Pushing and scratching him. Yelling and crying to let her go, but Katsuki doesn't listen to her. Or he's not hearing her.
His thrusts pick up speed as he fucks into her. 
„No, Katsuki! Pull out!“, she yells but Kasuki is too far gone to register her words. In three hard thrusts, he comes. Y/n can feel his hot seed spluttering deep inside of her.
By now, all colour must've left her face and she becomes numb. 
She doesn't feel the pain in her neck anymore. Or how Katsuki pulls away from her. How he gently places her onto the bed and presses a clean cloth against the wound. How he caresses her face and litters it with soft kitten kisses. How he gets another warm, wet cloth and carefully cleans the inside of her thighs. How he pulls her close and lovingly scratches her head. 
Or how he softly mutters:
„You're mine now, my mate.“
Tag list: @graviewaviee @cosmicbreathe @tsukikoxo @nnubee @witchbishsblog @elajede @bsallergy @frxcless @berryvioo @eyesforbkg @shamelesjaroflaffytaffy @pastelbaby1111 @iamlizardgod @plvt0fvtvre @hello-peanutdoodle-blog @kookiemyfeelsposts @sweetblueworm @54fangirl @sakurarr1122 @rv19 @leeliyah @king-dynamight @confused-smol-fan @xmaudx @waterstarz @pinkwhiskerglitter @adeline96 @zoom1374 @fingui @giuli-in-earth @colouringfrogssittinginleaves @futuristicallykawaiiturtle @tragedyofabrokensoul @dynakats @rebel-loves-anime @cloudxluv @itsssyagurll @sunshineandwitchery @cloudxluv @hollykanuki @atouchofmidnight @nutellaenjoyer @musicbecky @miacitocco @cassouandco @penguinlovestowrite @sleepykittycx @bakugouswh0r3 @xxjesshuxx @helenamaximoff @ssssssws-world @k1tk4tkatsuki @gh0stgirl333 @anon-mouse223 @bexxs @i-am-ms-rebel-heart @wannabeisekai @spragaraga @faemagic88 @kolakoke @faetoraa @cax-per @willy-the-witch @stardream14 @jiyuu-da @mintytalesblog @sparklyoperaroadpie @musicbecky @maria-patricia @mistermemister @katsukismrs @l0kisbitch @bakukiriswife @rebel-loves-anime @drink-water-456
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[Please comment beneath the last update if you'd like to be tagged in future chapters]
313 notes · View notes
ultra-violetra · 7 months
the reason why red team wins isn’t because they submit tasks last minute. that isn’t even the biggest part of their strategy, so let me tell you what red is doing to win:
delegating tasks: each member has spent most of their time collecting whatever resource the team needs. they work together to come up with specific goals (eg. enchantment table, mining iron, getting string) and then send specific people out to do that task, usually whoever’s free at the moment
helping each other: they would all drop everything at a moment’s notice to help a teammate in trouble
sharing resources: red team shares literally everything they own. most notably, bings and personal quest items
personal tasks: they all help each other out to finish these, and they make sure everyone active gets them done. i think a good chunk of their points come from this category actually, since the other teams don’t seem to prioritize it as much
not seeking fights: ok sure, they’ve gotten in a decent amount of fights, but usually the fight comes to them. they aren’t spending their time searching for people to kill, rather most of their kills have been from running into others in the wild or at spawn (foolish did spend time looking for tina today, but that was mostly looking for blue base as a strategic point)
using time wisely: to kind of add onto the point above, they aren’t spending all their time walking thousands of blocks to others’ bases. they also are very communicative about how much time they have left and what to use it for. they’ll ask how they can help the team with their last ten minutes, for instance
communicating: red team spends almost their entire time on the server in a vc together. I know this isn’t exactly every creator’s thing, but they could still type in chat if they didn’t want to talk. red team have even been leaving discord messages to their teammates to tell them info when they’re not online!
varying their points: i think this is the most important thing tbh. instead of only focusing on tasks or kills, etc. they do a little bit of every. they make sure to do well in every possible point category
being silly: it’s the best part!! the silliness boosts team morale
seriously though, the red team doesn’t just sweep the win at the last minute. if that was true then they wouldn’t log in until the last ten minutes. all the active members spend their 5 hours (or however long they’re playing that day) working on gathering materials and being useful for the team. the only advantage they have from being online later is they know how many points they need to get to catch up. so they can sort of measure how many kills or resources they’d need, etc. but knowing what they need doesn’t guarantee they’ll get it. the red team puts a lot of hard work into their wins it’s not just a cheap sweep. they are clever, resourceful, and strategic
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raygunny · 8 months
Tav's Name
Word count: 661
The party finds out that 'Tav' is actually just a nickname. She refuses to tell them what it's short for, which is very unlike her. Cue the burning curiosity from the whole camp. Everyone approaches her in their own way.
Karloch tries the direct approach - essentially bugging Tav throughout the day. 'Just checking if you want to tell me now', she says with a grin each time. Reassuring Tav that if it's embarrassing, she'll try her best not to laugh. It's all in good fun though, no real pressure. She just likes teasing Tav about it at this point.
Wyll keeps throwing out names like she's Rumpelstiltskin. He starts out strong with 'Octavia', but towards the end of the day he's really scraping the bottom of the barrel. Tav's not sure why he's even trying this strategy - she already told him she wouldn't confirm or deny his guesses. She suspects that he and Gale made some sort of bet to see who can figure it out first. He finally gives up when he wholeheartedly guesses, 'Tavern?'
Speaking of Gale, he keeps trying to casually bring it up in conversation. 'You know, I was reading a fascinating book the other day about the power of names. I'd be remiss if I didn't offer to look yours up - if you wanted to of course. Our little secret', he says with a wink. He's so bad at being casual. She just shakes her head at each worsening attempt, it almost makes her want to tell him out of pity. Or to get him to stop pestering her, she's not quite sure.
Astarion thinks to himself, how could I have missed this? - followed up by - and why won't she tell us? Between the two of them, he's the one that's usually keeping secrets - not the other way around. How very intriguing. He tries to charm it out of her, 'I just want to know what name to call out next time we have a little midnight rendezvous', he says with that charming smirk on his face. When she dodges all his tricks and refuses to budge, that's...irritating to say the least. He can't stop thinking about her though, well her name that is. Ahem.
Shadowheart is not really all that interested in trying to coax out Tav's secrets. As a follower of Shar, she respects the secrets of others. And if Tav isn't telling them, then it must be for a reason. That still doesn't stop her from at least trying. 'I would share one of my secrets if you share yours', she says late at night when it's just the two of them by the fire. It's unlike her, but she's grown very fond of Tav. She can spare one small secret, she tells herself.
Lae'zel really couldn't care less about what Tav's full name is. Nickname or not - the only important thing is that Tav responds when Lae'zel yells her name out in battle. After watching the group pester her all day, she doesn't even ask. Though, that doesn't mean she hasn't been keeping an ear out when the others have made their attempts.
Halsin, the respectful yet smooth guy he is, tells her with a soft smile, 'While I am quite curious and would love to hear what I'm sure is a very lovely name, I am perfectly content with whatever you feel comfortable sharing with me. Tav suits you well after all'. That almost gets it out of her, but she stays resolute. She can't give in so easily. Perhaps another night, she thinks.
There are no dark secrets or skeletons in the closet for Tav, but it does turn out Wyll was right - her first name is actually Tavern. She's always found it a little embarrassing, but it's not her fault that she was born in one and her folks just ran with it. She'll hold onto this secret till a day where she knows they all need a morale boost. She's sure she'll never hear the end of it.
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lucilleslore · 6 months
sometimes when i think about crack with coryo and reader, i have a little fun with reader being someone who is a very powerful person and genuinely has control over snow with just 'tiny' ways like: decorating the house, clothes, food, anything so trivial. it starts out tiny, small, personal things but the influence gets bigger to the point that politics has to get dragged in.
somebody please humble this man, even though this is a bit ooc, i just need this man to lower a bit in my imagination.
yeah 1000% i’ve been saying this from the beginning and it will forever be my favourite concept!
whilst i don’t think coryo would actively want you to have any control over him, there’s not much he can do about it once the DEEP obsession kicks in. making people happy has never been his priority but then he has you and suddenly he needs you to be happy. needs to spoil you and give you everything you could want but it’s more from a place of thinking that if you’re happy you’d never even consider leaving him. which i think is a fear of his because he’d never let you leave of course but he’d never even want the thought to cross your mind. would feel like a massive betrayal to him.
so that kind of follows into you getting a little control here and there. if you slip something into conversation that you don’t like he’s automatically getting rid of it. problems with staff? they’re gone. don’t like the food? someone will make you something else. want to change the decor? go ahead. not feeling any of your clothes? here’s access to his bank accounts.
it’s definitely slow because politics and his overall plans for power would be things he strictly doesn’t want you involved in. sure he’s not got any morals but you’d still be his safe place and he feels like that should be protected. his time with you is kept separate from his work life but maybe one night he comes home extra stressed and you’re just there, offering him drinks and rubbing his shoulders and his problems all just sort of fall out.
now coryo isn’t expecting much. you’re his wife and have no experience in the ways of politics so he just expects you to listen but all of a sudden you’re coming out with these brilliant solutions, things he would never have thought up in his life. maybe it’s not the conventional way to do things - and by that he means his way - but he has to admit your ideas could work.
but that’s how it starts and after that when he’s really stumped he comes to you. talks it out and sees what you come up with. he always gets this grin on his face that’s honestly kind of menacing because you’re boosting his ego. like how did he instinctively pick a wife that’s not only beautiful but so, so scarily smart?? he must be a genius.
but when you’re talking about humbling i can honestly see the both of you at some fancy dinner and they’re all fawning over coryo, about everything he’s done for the capitol and the world and how amazing he is and you’re just sat there like?? those were all my ideas?? not his?? so then you’re all over him and asking him just how did he come up with these plans and coryo is just kind of fumbling for once and you’re just sitting there enjoying your wine and smirking <3
or you could go full girlboss and call him out in front of all the old loser politicians!
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in1-nutshell · 7 months
How would the tfp cons react to finding a pod fill with small and squishy sparklings (I headcannon sparkling looking like mashbellows blobs untold they grow giant size)
Love the concept of little bean sparklings!
Hope you enjoy the Cons reactions to the little beans.
TFP Cons reacting to finding a bunch of sparklings in a pod
For the sake of the story, the pod full of the beans conveniently landed on the Nemisis flight deck one night. A couple Vechicons had retrieved the pod at the orders of Megatron. He is fully expecting a magical relic of the past or some more Dark Energon… not a bunch of sparklings inside the pod.
Oh, this is not what he is expecting… not at all.
“What in the Pit is this?!”--Megatron
“Those are sparklings my liege.”Starscream
“I know what they are!”—Megatron
His honest reaction would greatly depend whether or not he is on that space coke, I mean Dark Energon.
If he was on Dark Energon, the chances of all the sparklings surviving their first night would be slim to none. Not caring if they even survived. The only chance the sparklings would have of surviving is if the grace of one of the higher officials decided to keep them. Sadly, few would truly be up to the challenge.
If he isn’t on Dark energon, then he would be a bit concerned in why the sparklings are in the pod. But it is war after all and sadly this isn’t too out of the ordinary.
He would assign different Vehicon’s to different beans and have them all sent to Knockout and Breakdown for a checkup. He might think at first that this could be a waste of resources. But after a few days of seeing his troops with the sparklings, Megatron sees a boost in morality and a strange sense of hope in the ship. Hope that caused the movement in the first place. Hope that didn’t seem to come by so often on the ship.
He has ‘stolen’ a bean from time to time. Not even the Mighty Megatron can bend to the power of The Bean Eyes.
“Lord Megatron! I’ve been looking—what are you...?”--Starscream
Megatron mid cooing at a laughing bean.
“… You saw nothing Starscream.”--Megatron
“Understandable my liege. I will be taking my leave.”-- Starscream
He is concerned about the sparklings, not that he shows it outwards though. Starscream had plans before the sparklings came along. He was on his way to try and overthrow Megatron and now he must do sparkling duties. The universe must be playing some cosmic joke on him.
“Pitiful thing. You probably don’t even know the first thing about being a Decepticon.”--Starscream
Giggling bean noises
“…Well, I suppose I could teach you. Yes, then you will pledge your loyalty to me!”--Starscream
“Starscream who are you talking to?”--Knockout
“None of your business Knockout!”—Starscream
As Second in Command he helps oversee the sparklings needs overall. As in the statis of their health, possible predictions for vehicle mode, who is their favorite Decepticon on aboard the Nemesis...
Like Megatron, Starscream has taken a habit of ‘stealing’ a Sparkling or two. Except when he has the beans, he tries to instill some sort of loyalty in preparation for his reign as Leader of the Decepticons. Which doesn’t seem to work well on Starscream’s part.
“Now repeat after me. Hail Lord Starscream.”--Starscream
Laughing Bean noises.
“Wow not even they take you seriously.”—Knockout
*Adoption papers processing*
While he also oversees the sparklings as Third in Command, Soundwave knows how to take care of others. He has been known for stealing the most sparklings out of the entire Nemesis.
“Soundwave do you have the reports taken—”--Megatron
Soundwave carrying five beans in his tentacles and two in each servo.
“… I’ll come back later then. Carry on.”—Megatron
He often plays funny little noises to make the beans laugh. Most likely the first on board to get attached to them. When he misses some of the beans, he will deploy Lazerbeak to go see if they are okay in their caregivers’ arms. Primus help the poor soul who decides to be mean or hurt the Sparkling. That is a one-way ticket to the moon.
“Soundwave! Respond! As Second in Command of the Decepticon army I order you—”
Recorded giggles plays
“… I give up.”--Starscream
Knockout and Breakdown
Oh… oh…
Why? Out of all the places on this planet, did that pod have to land on the Nemesis?! The ship isn’t exactly known for being a welcoming place, much less for sparklings. It’s not that the pair hate the sparklings, on the contrary.
The love seeing a bit of Cybertron untainted by the war. But now they have come into the war whether they liked to or not. Knock out while prides his finish, will put it aside while dealing with the multitude of messy sparklings.
“Hey no! Put that down! No! No! How did you even get up there!?”—Knockout
“Lighten up a bit Knockout. They’re just fine.”--Breakdown
“…There’s one about to fall off your servo.”--Knockout
Breakdown has no problem getting dirty for the sparklings, hut is extremely anxious around them. He could accidentally crush them! He really doesn’t want that.
They don’t part take in the ‘stealing’ of sparklings, as they regularly come and go in the medbay. The pair both genuinely care for the sparklings and are a bit protective, especially if they come in hurt.
“Oh, Primus what happened to them?!”--Knockout
“I don’t know. I accidentally bumped into them—”--Starscream
“You bumped into them!”—Breakdown
Oh, he loves these beans.
He is one of the few Decepticons with some kindness left and is not going to let bots like Starscream take advantage of them.
“I will be taking them today.”--Dreadwing
“It is my shift to look after—”--Starscream
“Consider this me taking your shift then Starscream.”—Dreadwing
He loves his time with the sparklings. He does a descent job in taking care of them. Makes sure all under his care are well and takes regular trips to the Medbay if something doesn’t seem right.
Besides Soundwave, probably the second in the ‘stealing’ sport. He tells stories to the little ones of life before the war and how the war would be over soon so they could all go home together.
“We are missing 5 of them.”--Breakdown
“Have you checked with Dreadwing.”--Knockout
“Not yet.”--Breakdown
“He probably has the rest.”—Knockout
He doesn’t do much with the beans.
Probably didn’t even know they were around until Soundwave came to the lab with some in his servos.
“… Explanation.”—Shockwave
Won’t interact with the sparklings much, not even if he has duty with them. Shockwave most likely built a crib to contain the little beans.
Does not partake in the ‘stealing’ of the sparklings.
It is illogical.
What is this bean? Why is it so small?
He is confused at first seeing the sparklings, but once educated about the basics, he is ready. Does not matter if he is in his bi-pede mode or not, he is making sure all these beans are protected with his huge limbs.
Does not let them anywhere near Starscream.
“I order you to hand over the Sparklings beast!”--Starscream
“Did you hear something my tiny warrior? It sounded like a little pest.”--Predaking
“How. Dare—”--Starscream
Starscream is now shrieking trying to avoid the flames of Predaking.
He also plays and ‘steals’ them away. He is close ranking to Dreadwing on how often they get stolen.
“We are missing 7 of them!”--Dreadwing
“Where could they—”--Knockout
“Found them.”--Breakdown
Predaking napping in his dragon form cuddling a bunch of beans.
Soundwave snaps a picture that no one knows about.
Okay even if Megatron was on Dark energon, there is no way this Spider is going anywhere near the sparklings.
Point blank. She will not go anywhere near them.
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icyg4l · 23 days
PAC: How to Improve Your Relationship With Your Mother Figure
Hello beautiful people. Today is Mother’s Day and I want to wish all of the mothers out there a Happy Mother’s Day. Whether your mother is alive, dead or far away, I want to dedicate this reading to those who wish to have better relationships with their mothers. You don’t have to have a strained relationship with your mother to relate to this topic. You could simply just want to keep the bond that you have already. And lastly, I want to dedicate this Mother’s Day to the mothers in Haiti, Congo, Palestine, Sudan, Tigray and unfortunately many more. If you have any crowdfunding links that need to be boosted/donated to regarding mothers/families in these countries, please do not hesitate to direct me to them. Without further ado, please select the photo that resonates with you.
Top Left-to-Bottom Right: (Pile 1-6)
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Pile One: I feel like this pile has a close relationship with their mother overall. You seem to be at peace with where you are with her, but things could get even better. I feel like something that could help you and your mother get along even more is helping her around the house. She likes for the floors to be swept and mopped, towels to be folded, dishes to be washed. Your mother may be a neat freak but it’s nothing that can’t be taken care of. I also feel like buying your mother things that she would use on a daily basis could be something that improves your relationship. For example, if your mother really likes makeup, get her a lip gloss set. If she likes flowers, buy her a vase and some flowers so that she can smell the roses. It’s the thought that counts. And lastly, I feel like making your mom look good is going to improve your relationship. Not only does being a good representation of her name make her look good, but actually adding onto her beauty will strengthen your relationship. If you’re into makeup, do your mom’s makeup. If you’re into hair, do her hair. If she wants a new pair of shoes, get her that pair of shoes. This is only if you’re able to though. Don’t break the bank trying to please your mama. 
If your mother is not here on this Earth, then please go all out with her grave. She wants you to decorate her grave/headstone with flowers. Clean the headstone. Wear her necklaces, bracelets and adornments. She wants you to talk about her highly. She wants you to not forget where you came from. You are wise and positive, so please continue to do what you do. Just because she is gone does not mean anything should change. She wants you to listen to your gut. If you have a little sibling, please don’t let them do anything stupid even though they can be prideful. I feel like she’s very big on morals and discipline so don’t think she isn’t clocking you from the afterlife because she is. Lastly, please speak of yourself highly. You have half of her genes and she does not appreciate it when you disrespect the physical features that you two share. Have some respect for those who have come before you. 
Cards Used: Queen of Cups, Justice, The Star, 6 of Wands, The Magician, Ace of Discs.
extras: joanne the scammer. 2016 era of youtube. mother-daughter days. only child. donuts.
Pile Two: I feel like you all have a tumultuous relationship with your mother. It feels like you’re a rebel and you do not like to follow the rules. You and your mother could never see eye-to-eye once you turned a certain age. Perhaps, it was around age 12? I feel like you and your mother need to consider counseling. It would help a lot to have a mediator with the two of you. This energy is like an episode of Maury or Steve Wilkos. I think that you may be LGBTQ+ as well. Your mother may not completely accept this part of you. Now usually, I am against the whole “They’re from a different time stance” but your mom feels out of reach to you. I am literally seeing two people on opposite sides of a grassy land. One person is reaching for the other but the other person is minding their business. She wants to understand you but her bossiness can get in the way. I say to just be patient with her. I feel like one thing that you can do is invite her to a place that you frequent often for fun just so she can get a taste of what you do everyday. I am channeling this movie called ‘The Aggressives’. One of the mascs’ mother was so convinced that she would end up with a man but that obviously wasn’t the case. By the end, she just ended up accepting her daughter for who she is. You two are definitely on opposite sides of the spectrum. I feel like another thing that you could do is play video games with her, which is weird? This can help build teamwork amongst you two, thus forming a better bond in the end. 
If your mother is deceased, I feel like you should be taking more risks. Stop giving a fuck about the rules and just live your life. There is nothing wrong with changing up your routine. Your mother could have been a rebel or even someone who led a revolution. Your mother wants you to walk away from what you once knew. Deep inside, you are someone who is capable of making great changes just as she did. I feel like your mother just wants you to embrace the inner youth inside of you. You’re too rigid. It’s affecting the way that you live. You have too much couth. It’s okay to play and let loose a little bit. She will still love you just the same as she did when she was alive if you change. Overall, embrace change babe! Dye your hair a different color. Take a spontaneous trip. Go to that concert. Please just do something! Get out of freeze mode!
Cards Used: The Fool, 6 of Swords, The Hermit (RX), 5 of Swords, Queen of Swords, 7 of Discs, Wheel of Fortune, The Hierophant (RX).
extras:  minor headaches. igor (2019). odd future fan. beast. the bear (2022). absent father.
Pile Three: I feel like you have this certain image of your mother in your head. You think that she is perfect but she is not, my dear. There are certain things that she has been through/experienced that she hasn’t even told you about. You do not know her the way you think you do. She has stories for days. She is not an angel. I feel like you need to get to know your mother. She is an interesting character. Ask her about her life story. Ask her about the experiences that have shaped her into the woman that she is today. You need to take her off of the pedestal that you have put her on. Take a step into reality, boo. I think that doing stuff like going out by the water or going fishing will help you guys bond to understand each other better. Yes, she used to change your diapers but if someone walked up to you and asked what your mother figure’s favorite color was, would you be able to answer it? It’s time to change that. I feel like traveling with your mother, whether it’s a road trip or by plane will help as well. I am channeling the movie Tammy (2014) with Melissa McCarthy. I recommend you watch this movie. Don’t underestimate your mother anymore!
If your mother is deceased, I feel like she wants you to know that she looks back on memories between the two of you fondly. I think she may have passed when you were too young to remember or it was before you hit puberty. You should ask the people who knew her best about what she was like, how she felt about motherhood, how she felt about you, etc. She does not regret anything in her lifetime. That says a lot about how she lived her life. If you have access to these, find any diaries, photos, old clothes, etc and put them in a place where no one can find them. If you find some old clothes, wear them and don’t let anyone else do that. Your mother wants you to be on the straight and narrow path though. Even though you may not know her like the back of your hand, she’s been watching you grow into the person that you are today from a place that you cannot see. But she will not judge if you stray away from this path, she understands what it’s like to be young and dumb. Overall, your mother just wants what is best for you.
Cards Used: 6 of Swords, Temperance, 3 of Wands, 7 of Swords (RX), King of Cups.
extras: beaver. morehouse college. air out your grievances. gummy bear song. sepia filter.
Pile Four: Stop hanging out with your significant other so much! You need to learn how to balance between familial obligations and romantic obligations. I feel like this is really the only thing that is getting in between you and your mother’s relationship. I feel like this pile listens to Jhene Aiko a lot. I am channeling Never Call Me. I think your mom would show up to your s/o’s house unannounced with a bunch of people behind her if you don’t keep in contact with her regularly. She does not play about you at all. It’s not really an overbearing thing. I think she just doesn’t want you to go down the path that she went down with your father. So speak up or face the consequences, love. I also think that you should hear her out when it comes to certain advice especially if it has something to do with a car. Maybe you let your s/o borrow your car too much or you let your car battery almost die or something? In this case, mother knows best. She’s not a chip on your shoulder. Just listen!
If your mother is deceased, I feel like she may have died around the same time as your father figure. She also could have died at the same time as your father figure. Your father could have been the reason she died. She wants you to be independent. Learn how to change your own tires. Take up some gym classes/self-defense classes. Don’t be willfully clueless. She also wants you to not be anyone’s ride or die. This may be the reason why she passed away. I feel like you’ve heard countless versions of how your mother chose to live her life, it isn’t completely true. Don’t believe the hype. One day, you will come across the full story. Definitely be single until you are ready to marry. Your mother could have been rushed to marry. She does not want to see you get taken advantage of like she was. Don’t hesitate to dedicate an altar to her. She wants to talk to you. She may have even popped up in your dreams before. 
Cards Used: 6 of Discs (RX), Ace of Swords, 2 of Wands, The High Priestess, The Devil, Two of Cups, Queen of Wands.
extras: gang culture. setup. grooming. pirates. shoddy apartment. purple bandana.
Pile Five: Have you ever considered getting plastic surgery so that you would look different from your mother? I am specifically getting an eyelift, nose job, butt implants, etc. I am channeling the energy of Blac Chyna and Tokyo Toni. I think that you and your mom have a toxic relationship. One day you’re good. The next day you’re fighting to be heard by her. You two could have physically fought before. What I am hearing is “Everyone has a story”. I feel like your guides want you to take into consideration her backstory. Get a little psychological here. Why does she act the way that she acts? Was she abandoned as a child? How does this play into how she treats you now? I am seeing a therapist writing in their notebook as we speak. I feel like she operates out of a lack mindset and you have outgrown that. I think that there was some type of falling out between her and your father figure. Maybe she was the side chick? Maybe she was taken advantage of at a young age? Maybe it was both. Honestly, this pile is very different from the others. You are being asked to pour into yourself. You need to put your foot down and let her know that you will be choosing the higher road. She will respect you more if you do that. I also think that you just simply need to start taking more time for yourself. You do not exist to be your mother’s punching bag. You are a human being. This pile is very different. You need to protect your peace babe.
If your mother is deceased, I feel like you guys could have argued before she died. I think that she was warning you about a particular behavior. Maybe she was telling you not to follow in your father’s footsteps and you chose not to listen. Maybe you snuck off somewhere you weren’t supposed to? Your mother did not want to control you. She just had some feelings about the choices you were making. But you make the bed that you lay in so there’s nothing that she could have done about it. I feel like you need to forgive yourself. Free yourself of the burden of your mother’s death. You cannot control fate. You need to learn how to accept certain circumstances for what they are. You can change the present moment and make things right today! It’s all about what you choose to do. No matter what though, your mother still has love for you. She forgave you a long time ago, almost as soon as she transitioned. It’s time for you to make peace with yourself, love. Take control of your future and accountability for your actions (or lack thereof). 
Cards Used: The Emperor, 9 of Cups, Prince of Discs, The Moon, 5 of Wands, Ace of Cups, 7 of Swords, Judgment, The High Priestess. 
extras:  living vicariously. narcissist. getting high. sobbing uncontrollably. asthma attack. ambush.
Pile Six: You are not a child anymore, Pile Six. Your mother is willing to talk to you about uncomfortable topics now. You’re an adult. Treat yourself as such. I think that drinking wine with your mother and having a conversation will help you guys get along better. Day drinking, wine tasting, etc will help you guys bond in a more mature way. I feel like you and your mom could be friends if you were not mother and child. You have to see the world through an adult’s eyes now. I feel like gossiping with your mom can be beneficial for your relationship, especially if it’s about old family tea. You can be in the know now, lol. I also think that paying for dinner/lunch could be a great way to prove your maturity. Honestly, your mom just wants you to grow up. You’re there but not quite. Be the butterfly that you’re meant to be. Lowkey, you might want to start saving to move out. She’s not going to kick you out or anything but you’re going to start feeling differently about the environment that you��re in. 
If your mother is deceased, please keep her updated on the latest family/friend drama lol. I feel like your mother may have had a boyfriend before she passed. I don’t know if he moved on or not but she approves of the lady he’s with now. Your mother could have had problems with conceiving/conceived at a young age. This plays into why she treated you like gold. You guys could have acted more like siblings rather than mother and child. It’s also possible that your mother could have passed at a young age (you could actually be older than your mother right now). Whatever the case may be, I feel like she wants you to finish the path that she was set to be on. Continue to honor her legacy. She could have been on the way to pursuing a degree, you should do the same but actually complete the journey. I am channeling the energy of Whitney Houston. Your mother is very animated to be honest. She wants you to embrace that energy/side of yourself. It’s in you, lol. And lastly, don’t try to hide being your mother’s child. You don’t have to be exactly like her but you are her partially. You are your own person but you just so happen to take after her mannerisms, looks, etc lol. There is nothing wrong with that. Don’t fight it. 
Cards Used: Queen of Discs, The Sun, 6 of Cups (RX), Princess of Discs (RX), 3 of Cups, The Lovers.
extras:  esperanza/hope. j. cole. popeye spinach. t-boz. slow jamz. 2004-2005. senior in college.
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mechaknight-98 · 4 months
Overwhelming Overtime (NSFW) FT: Sua
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She has no business being this needlessly hot
Your boss was both the best boss you ever had but also the worst. See when you started you had this quiet but strong boss named Kim Minji. Sure she was a bit spacey but when push came to shove she would shove back. She was a tough but extremely pleasant boss but he was promoted and in turn, chose Kim Bora (her right hand) as her successor.
You had met Kim Bora before in fact she was the one who hired you. She was a tiny little thing with a fire that drove her to win at all costs. When you interviewed her the thing that stood out most was the rapacious look she had. You thought it was because she hadn't eaten that day but as you got to know her and did a few projects with her you quickly learned that her intense appetite was all genuine. You were no slouch yourself you strived to lead the pack and often did with your out-of-the-box solutions and creative problem-solving skills. Kim Bora or Sua as she demanded to be called now was often reliant on you for not only your insights but also rigorous morale-boosting efforts. So much so she had you in her old position 4 months after you got hired, and a week before the first major audit of the quarter. The audit went well but it was after that when “Kim Bora” died and “Sua” took over completely.
The day after the Audit you got in early to work on a side project you had going on. You were off the clock obviously and needed a quiet space that wasn't your apartment you shared with several roommates. While you worked a co-worker and designated “office puppy” Yoohyeon walked in
“Well well well. Who do we have here? A hard-working Hound slaving away before his shift even starts?” Yoohyeon says to you. You look up from your project and smile admiring her short blue hair which she had dyed the previous week.
“I'm good Puppy and how about you?” you ask giving her your full attention.
“I'm tired. That audit took it out of me. It also didn't help that Gahyeon and Siyeon’s work all got corrupted at the last minute.” Yoohyeon laments. You console her reminding her it's over and that Bora and you finished it.
“Thanks, hound…hey where's Bora?” Yoohyeon asked as you and here usually come in around the same time.
“Oh, she’s at my place. We didn't finish work until 3:30 last night so she stayed the night since it was closer,” you explain. Yoohyeon smiled at you.
“I knew you were a hound but I'd never take you for a dog,” Yoohyeon says with a pleasant laugh
“What do you mean?”
Yooyheon gets shoulder to shoulder with you and nudges you“Taking her back to your place, after a stressful day of work. A little bit of Office romance in the air?” she questions. You shake your head and try to deny it but there's this pit inside you and in that pit, something has awoken as you think about your boss in some less-than-professional ways. Yoohyeon notices your laptop and asks what you are working on.
“Oh it's just a movie script,” you say which makes Yoohyeon’s eyes go wide
“Oh can I be in it?” she asks preciously. You say sure and she beams off happy. By the time you finish up the first draft of the last scene, your boss walks in. She walks over to the desk and leans in as normal.
“Hey, honey. How are you?” you hear Bora ask.
“I'm fine boss. Just wanted to get some quiet time in before work. Did you enjoy your breakfast?” Bora smiles tired and nods as she drags herself to her office. Her voice is Huskier than usual from fatigue and further awakens the pit inside of you that is currently imagining your cock stuffed down her…Wait did she just call you honey? you think to yourself. You're not allowed to think for too long as the work hustle and bustle starts. As you settle in you get a call from Bora.
“Dear, can you come into my office please?”
Instinctively you say sure thing baby without being able to stop yourself before it comes out.
“Thanks, honey,” Bora said before hanging up the phone. You try to push down the feelings arising from the pit inside of you as you walk to her office. The pit had other plans though as your brain conjured lurid visions of you and Bora around the office until you got to her door. You see her and you going at it on Siyeon’s desk Bora screaming your name. Doggy at Gahyeon’s cubicle. Bora venting about how much of a little brat she was. Bora deepthroating you in Dami’s chair talking about how deep you are in her throat. It's disorienting and distracting but before you enter Bora’s office you breathe and calm yourself. You open the door to see Bora leaning back on her desk It is almost enough to send your body feral as you see not only her cleavage but also the way her pantsuit curves around her fit body. Your visions continue of her smothering your cock with her tits. Had you had less self-control you would have gotten on your knees and eaten her out before pounding her into oblivion and both of you pass out.
But instead, the words out of your mouth were “Yeah boss what's up?”
“We have a new hire and she should be coming in soon. I would like you who welcome her with me since you're my left hand.” her innocent reference to a previous inside joke had made you laugh and calmed the raging beast inside. You both sit in her office waiting for the new hire. Sue walks over to you and leans on you for a bit. She groaned before she said.
“Geez how did you still wake up so early today?” Bora asked. You shrug and respond “Not sure.” Bora smiles at you with admiration. Before hugging you.
“See that's what I love about you, honey. your persistence is unrelenting and inspiring.” the pet name reawakens the beast inside and you struggle to regain your composure. Until the door opens. In walks in a pretty blonde with bright eyes. She smiles and sits to the right of you across from Bora’s desk.
“Good morning Mrs Han,” Bora says. You nod as well as Mrs. Han sits next to you.
“This is my left-hand man Percival but we all call him Hound,” Bora says. Mrs Shin looks over at you confused.
“Each of us was given animal-related nicknames I got Hound after a particularly brusque interaction with a potential business partner”
Bora laughed and exposed the following, “you nearly bit his throat out when he attempted to forcefully couple with our little Fox Gahyeon”
Han’s eyes went wide as she remembered the story from two months ago about an office employee who broke the arm and several other bones of a CEO who was currently under investigation for multiple accounts of Misconduct. Mrs. Han laughed and said, “I heard about that. The article I read said it took 5 guards to stop you from killing him.” Mrs. Han teased
“I wasn't going to kill him,” you say
“Hound I know you're trying to not scare off the newbie but remember we are a primarily women-led office so I wanted her to know we have a hell of a guard dog helping who takes care of us,” Kim Bora explains. You shrug which makes Bora laugh. After that, Siyeon walks in and takes Mrs Han away, before she can. Bora asks you,” Hey honey can you pick up the food for today’s luncheon? The order will be ready at about noon.” you nod and walk out. When you get back to your desk you find that moment later Siyeon approaches
“What's going on between Sua and you?” she asks flatly.
“I don't know what you're talking about.”
Siyeon pointed to Sua’s office and said “Sua called you a bunch of pet names like babe and honey.”
“Oh good you heard it too, so I am not hallucinating that,” you say relieved you say half half-joking.
“Yeah, Handong asked me if you two were dating?” Siyeon asked confused. You shrug equally confused. Siyeon smiles at you and asks how you are handling it and why she's calling you that.
“Well, she stayed at my place after we got off last night since it was so late. As you know I live within walking distance from the office, but we didn't do anything but watch a movie and eat fried chicken. I got her some beer but I don't get why she's acting so different. I let her sleep in my bed sure but nothing happened because I slept on the couch.” you explain.
“I mean do you like her?” Siyeon asked
“Yes!” you explain “Too much to be exact” you add
Siyeon looks at you confused before saying “What do you mean?”
You sigh before answering “Well you have to promise me that you won't call HR on me.”
“Wait why?” Siyeon asks confused
“Just promise me and I'll explain.” you sigh again
“Okay. So ever since this morning when Yoohyeon came in and teased me about Bora and me. My mind has been racing and giving me visions of her and I “having a good time” all over the office.” you explain
Siyeon’s eyes go wide “Holy shit.” she exclaimed a bit too loud causing others to take notice. You tell those who looked over that you just shared a good recipe with her. You get suspicious looks all around but everyone eventually goes back to what they were doing.
“Oh, so you like her,” Siyeon affirms. You nod and she responds by asking, “What are you going to do about it?” you hesitate before you respond in a whisper
“Probably transfer departments, but hopefully it won't come to that.”
Not only did Sua come to work with more enticing attire but the pet names continued and her touch became increasingly more flirty. It was agonizing. It also didn't help that the work days got longer so your invites to her became more frequent. On the nights she stays she cuddles you relentlessly. On the off nights, she teases you all day with flirty touches and revealing outfits. Your only respite was your chats with Siyeon which would always end the same. “You should just fuck her and see what happens.” and your response would be. “Siyeon that's our boss. I can't do that” Siyeon would shrug and leave. Usually, after that Sua would call you in to start working.
Weeks go by the treatment gets better and worse. It became so flagrant that Dami asked you if Sua and you were dating. This is significant because Dami and you barely talked about anything besides work. That wasn't even the craziest part. You would think that with this unrelenting sexual tension between the two of you work productivity would be diminished and you'd be at each other's throats, but the exact opposite happened. All of your metrics/numbers were through the roof, and Sua and you were on fire. Spend almost every evening together after work going on cute dates all over town, but eventually, the guilt and overwhelming infatuation began to eat at you.
So You call in a favor with your friend Sakura who works in a different department. She gets you transferred in the nick of time because Sua’s advances grew more intense each day and the Beast inside grew more rapacious to indulge your hunger. That night before the schedule transferred Sua and you were working late on a massive project. Sua knew she and you were going to have to stay late so she brought a change of clothes. Her work out however was distracting you as it was a blue crop top with a black tie (which fueled several more fantasies and visions) However that wasn't the worst part. Every time Sua would stretch or lean into you the crop top would move and you get a major peek at her breasts. You are barely holding it together when the two of you finish up.
“Ah, I can't believe we finished all that,” Sua exclaimed you nodded quietly. She looks over to you her eyes Misty and sincere. So you tell her the truth… partially
“I feel stuck. Like I love working with y'all but I just need a change of scenery,” you say holding back the fact that for the last three weeks, you have had an erection that wouldn't go down no matter how many times you jack off at home because of her. Sua seems to take your words at face value and is saddened. You invite her to stay the night, which she takes. Your night with Sua is surprisingly chaste and comforting. The two of you go to a nearby steak house where you both eat and fight off fatigue. When the bill comes you pay for it as Sua has gone to sleep sitting upright. You smile at her cut expression. When it's time to leave you carry your passed-out boss back to your place. As you do you hear Sua say “I feel so safe in your arms honey.” it tears you up inside because your brain is full of images of groping her and having your way with her. When you get home you set her down on the bed and lock the door. You try to get to sleep but every time you close your eyes visions of her and you plague you. The most common being her riding you into orgasm after orgasm after orgasm till you were left raw and shaking under her tight lithe body. She mentioned how she was a dancer so you also would imagine all of her flexibility being put to use as you would pound into her through various positions. These dreams left you painfully erect and awake. You eventually do fall asleep however and can relax with Sua who eases on the sexy teasing the weekend she stays over.
As you work with Sakura and her team dubbed “le serrafim” due to the angel statute outside of the office you excel. Productivity goes up as you help the operations leader Chaewon whip the team into shape but you can't help but miss Sua. So on your first free lunch break, you visit your old office. on the way you stop at your and Sua’s favorite sandwich shop and get yours as well as hers. The Lady smiles at you and asks “Where's your work wife?” you explain to her that you had been transferred for fear of getting too close. the clerk nods and tells you life is too short to fight love so just go with it. You laugh as you head back to the office. The air is cold as you walk in. The remaining people working look at you with confusion. You ignore them and walk over to Sua’s office. You notice a distinct fragrance but you can't place it.
You open Sua’s door and are shocked at what you see she is wearing. It's a suit Jacket over a bralette and shorts.
“Aish why don't you ever knock?” Sua groans as she works on her laptop until she looks up to see you.
You tried to be good. You did but her outfit was too much for you not to let the beast out. You walk over to her and carefully set your food down before walking behind her desk and kissing her passionately. You pull her shorts down to see she wasn't wearing underwear. You fish out your cock and tell Sua.
“Do you have any idea what you do to me? You little minx.” Sua moans into your lips through a kiss before saying
“I know. I wanted you to take me. What stopped you?”
You roll your eyes at her, “You were my boss and I didn't want to get fired.” as you spoke you lower yourself down to her pussy. She smells exquisite. You take an experimental lick which causes Sua to buck her hips into you before she pulls your face back up.
“I don't need you to tease me. I need you to fuck me. We can do build-up later.” Sua demands. You acquiesce and align your cock with her folds and you plunge in. “Yes, baby yes.” Sua moans as you begin thrusting into her. As you do you vent your sexual frustrations to her.
“That whole last week before I transferred you left me with a boner I couldn't get rid of or sleep off. I'd be having these intense visions of fucking you all across the office,” you growl at her as you pound into her. You slip a hand under her bralette to learn she isn't wearing a bra either “You're such a slut.” you tease Sua. She arches her back as she leans into your body
“No, I just know what I want and how to get it.” Sua rejects
“Oh and what do you want?” you question
“You. Now shut up and cum in me. I need it.” Sua demands. You finally fully submit to her and the Beast inside as you plunge deeper into her pussy. She groans as your cock pierces her again and again.
“God you're so tight,” you say in between thrusts. Sua smiles at you deviously and says
“Wait till you fuck my ass then will talk about tight.” her words are so hot that you tumble into your orgasm blasting her womb with your seed. Sua moans as she comes all over your cock.
“Fuck you came so much,” Sua says as you drip out of her.
“Can you take the rest of the day off?” you ask. Now that you had a taste you needed more.
“Oh so now you're bold and brave. Where was all of this 4 months ago when I was practically throwing myself at you?” Sua demands
“Look I didn't want to assume anything, especially after that bozo tried to put the moves on Gayheon.”
“My hero.” Sua teases you before kissing you again.
“Sua you keep this up I'm going to fuck you all day in this office.”
“Ooh, I like the sound of that.” Sua purred.
“I don't think your employees will So I am going to ask again. Can you take the rest of the day off?” Sua looked at you with a focused and determined look before groaning.
“No, I can't. We have a big project coming up, but today is Friday so you can meet me after work.” you furrow your brows and nod. As the both of you get dressed and try to clean each other up.
“Also we are dating now officially,” you say which causes Sua’s sexy smile to turn into a bigger wholesome one, as you sit down and hand her the lunch you got her.
“Good. I'll see you tonight hound.” you nod and get back to work.
The rest of the day is cake for you now that you've removed that Sua-sized monkey off your back. A lot of the tension you felt washed away. The horny brain fog seemingly lifted and you powered through work with an intensity that impressed and scared Sakura. After work, she asked what had gotten into you
“My girlfriend,” you reply as you go home. Sakura's eyes go wide and smiles.
“Well, then you probably should get going!” Sakura asserts. You nod as you leave for your apartment. You order fried chicken as you wait for Sua to arrive. Two hours later Sua arrives with food at the same time the order arrives. You met Sua while picking up the chicken from the lobby. She smiled at you and walked with you to the elevator.
When entering your apartment Sua grinned happily, “Ah my home away from home.” she said as she sat on your couch. You set the food out for the two of you.
The air grows humid, as the anticipation builds. "So how was work?" you ask trying to resist the urge to pound her in that moment. Sua smiles and responds,
"No, you don't get to just be normal with me like you didn't fuck me in my office." Sua teased
"But babe you looked so hot." you protest
"I know I did, but that wild beast in you couldn't help himself and now you need to take responsibility for your actions. Do you have any idea how you left me so horny after lunch. I had to masturbate during one of my afternoon breaks something I never do because I kept thinking about your cock the rest of the day pounding me. Now you are going to come over here and fuck me. then we are going back to the table to eat." Sua says as she takes her sweatshirt off revealing she was wearing nothing underneath, but in all honesty her words had left you hard anyways. You walk over to her and strip which draws a wide smile out of your paramour. You draw your manhood out of your pants and plunge into her core. You start slowly hoping to not cum fast but Sua was having none of it.
“No enough of the foreplay fuck me like you mean it. I need your cum.” sua demanded so you oblige. As you take her from behind you smack her ass a couple of times before really pounding her. Sua moans. “Yes claim me as yours. Fuck your slutty pussy cum in me.” Seeing Sua so lost in her own pleasure sends you barreling to your own release. You feel her tighten as she screams and cums all over your cock. She then pushes you down and begins riding you.
“I love how you look under me. Maybe I should sound proof my office and take my cock whenever I need it.” the possesiveness in her voice was surprisingly hot to you. You keep pounding her relentlessly as Sua arches her back into you she says, “you like how my pussy takes you. You line how it just wraps around you to tight like a vice.” her words and tone prove to be to much and you cum into her again. You feel her body also reach it's peak as well. But the two of you keep going. Sua’s body is so enticing that you can't help yourself. So you keep pounding her. Sua moans in exctasy “yes keep going she encourages as you venture deeper into her folds. Sua groans in pleasure.
“You like that?” you ask aggressive. Sua moans in response letting you know all you need. Your hand reaches out to her clit where you gently rub and massage. Not used to the overwhelming sensation causes Sua to cum almost immediately. You follow her as well down the rabbit hole of pressure as your errection finally goes down. Sua is almost ready to mount you again but you hold the tiny woman back and put on enough clothes to eat the meal you paid quite a bit for. Sua laughs and gets dressed as well.
Sua jaunts over to your dining table and sits across from you ready to eat. She sits down and eats with you. out of habit, you hand her an ice-cold beer which she happily accepts. While you do so Sua asks some very serious questions.
“So how's the new job?” Sua asks shyly
“It's fine I love working with the Fimmies (the nickname of the department) Although I do miss working with y'all.”
“Yeah, it hasn't been the same in the office without you. I don't have my late-night partner in crime to do sand which runs, or joke partner to make those endless meetings go by faster.” Sua explains
“Well you've always been welcome here I mean I did give you the spare key,” you reply
“ I completely forgot about that.” Sua chuckled. The two of you ate a bit in silence until Sua gave you an intense look. You both got up and raced to each other. Your kiss was passionate and intense. As Sua explored your mouth with her tongue she would bite your lip. On your side, you were desperate to fuck her again and were stripping her to the best of your ability. You stared at her big pale tits desperate for a taste. Sua licked her lips as she stared at your bulge. You attack each other's bodies in a very mirrored sense. You devour her tits while she clutched your cock.
“Yes, baby suck my fat tits.” Sua lets out her voice made Husky, and raspy with intense lust brimming from her body.
When you were both naked Sua smiled, and you plunged into her suffocatingly tight pussy again
“God you're so hot taking my cock.” you exclaim to Sua who moans back
“You like how this tight slutty pussy takes your cock?” Sua moans
“Oh god yes I love how tight you are.” you compliment. It sends Sua wild
“I can't believe you kept this cock from me for almost a year. It fills me up so well” she yells. You bring your eyes up to hers and she engages in another lurid kiss. She is as desperate for this as you are. You paw at her tits now covered in a thin layer of sweat as claws at your face trying to kiss you deeper and deeper Sua grinds on your crotch hard before demanding, “Baby please cum for me I need it. I need you to cum for your slutty noona. I need you to fill me up.” her words and the suffocating tightness of her folds push you over the edge, but Sua is as relentless in pleasure as she is in business and keeps grinding you hoping to coax you into another session, but your body doesn't work like that and so you have to pry her off of you. Fueled by her insatiable appetite for you she gets down on her knees and begins to suck you off. You groan
“Fuck babe at least let's get to the bed first.” you groan out. Sua smiles then drags you (by cock) to the bedroom. After getting into the bedroom and locking the door she says the scariest and horniest thing you've ever heard
“I'm going to fuck you until your brain is mush. You are going to cum in all my holes and on my tits. When I'm done with you your balls’ contents will be all mine. So relax and let your noona drain you.”
You gulp as you watch Sua’s eyes narrow with such intense lust, and want that you begin to grow hard under her gaze alone. She licked her lips as she sashayed over to you. You laugh to yourself because you remember how Gahyeon did little animal cartoon signs she put on each of your doors based on how she saw each of you. Sua was the only one you think Gahyeon got incorrect she was not a warm Crow tit. She was a ravenous tigress and she was not going to be stopped from taking what she wanted. She gave an experimental lick of the right side of your rod and when she reached the top of your head she gave a probing Pierce of your slit. The sensation was insane your body felt on fire in both positive and negative reactions but Sua was a lot stronger than she looked leaving you at her mercy. She smiled watching you squirm as took you down her throat. She looked up at you with an evil smile that gave way to her malignant intent to drain you drier than Death Valley. The crazy part is some weird part of you likes it, and your body relented to her demands. Your dick grew harder in Sua’s mouth which made her smile even bigger as she inhaled more of you. When she came up for air she smiled before devouring your cock whole. The hungrier she became the harder you got for her creating a vicious cycle until you came down her throat. Sua’s eyes rolled into the back of her head as she swallowed your load. As she came from your still-hard clock she smiled before saying “One shot. one kill” You can't help but laugh at her goofy expression and attempt to be sexy.
“Ah, what?” she yells at you before smacking your thigh. The sexual tension bow having dissipated considerably left you with your close work friend whom you spent many hours with. She crawled up to you and smiled.
“I know this is early but God I love you,” you say to Sua which only makes her smile more.
“Well to me we've been dating since you let me in your house. We are just official now,” she says with self-assured confidence. You laugh as the both of you sit up.
“We should finish eating.” you propose. Sua nods, and the two of you get up and put on underwear so neither of you were sitting on cold metal with bare ass. Sua moves her chair close to your side while the two of you eat.
She gives you an inquisitive look before asking, “Hey how do you feel about food play? Or other kinks like that.”
You hesitate as you are pretty vanilla in your taste. Sua picks up on this and says “Don't worry I'll be with you the entire time.” She smiles at you in a way that’s reassuring before hugging you. You chuckle and Sua asks, “What’s so funny?”
“You go from cute to sexy at the drop of a hat. It’s jarring but also funny.” You answer and Sua smiles. The two of you finish your meal before getting up.
“You wanna finish that movie?” Sua asks. You nod as the two of move to your couch. The two of you sit comfortably and watch the end of Shin Ultraman. After the movie Sua stretched before yawning, You were so right that was a good movie and scratched that Avengers itch I'd been having."
"I know right? Plus you're in and out in a quick two hours max." You respond
"Yeah. Maybe next time I'll give Mask Rider a try." Sua said pleased. Her eyes narrow as she gets closer “we have one hole left.” she said hungrily before pulling both of underwear down. She gets on top and says “let me ride you baby.” before sinking her ripe ass on your manhood. You groan Sua’s eyes widen with rapture as she bathes in the adoration you give her as you paw at her breast trying to release the overwhelming sensation of her ass on your dick. She also revels in the dominance she has over you. “You like your tight little ass.” Sua says as she bounces on your cock while you massage her tits. You nod.
“Good because from now on this cock is always going to finish our sessions in this tight little ass.” you groan as Sua speaks. She loves watching you squirm under her. “I need an answer dear.” Sua says in a honeyed yet malicious tone. .you're trying to hold on but Sua demands your attention as she is trying her hardest to force another orgasm out of you.
“Babe stop trying to hold off and just let me wring you dry.” Sua teases as she rides you harder. Your moans serve as more fuel to her passion as she rides you determined to drain you. “Come on baby cum for me. Please cum for me.” Sua’s words make you explode inside of her which triggers her orgasm. Sua smiles before saying “not bad for my work husband. When she hops off your dick she laughs at your still hard dick. She smiles and wraps her tits arou d your cock. You scream as pleasure and pain blur and sends you into another orgasm. Sua gets up when your cock finally softens but it's not for long as she starts to rub your cum all over her tits. Your dick hardens once more and you put your foot down.
“Sua stop I can't cum any more.”
Sua mounts you and says “we’ll see about that.” you growl at her and slam your cock into her pussy. If she needs to drain you to get off then you would get your pleasure first. You thrust into her violently as Sua is enraptured. Her pussy squeezes you tight as your sensitive cock runs in and out. You groan as her body draws another orgasm out of you and sends her into another orgasm. Sua screams, “yes baby yes.” before the two of you pass out. When you come to you still feel a wet sensations around your cock. You jolt down and see Sua and you are still connected. You sigh and go back to sleep content and at peace with holding Sua tighter.
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