#they might grow out of it idk. we'll see :)
xcziel · 1 year
i think i have given up on the yard now
there are things planted and we'll see what we'll see, but from everything i've read stuff will either die in the 110F heat or later on in a winter freeze so further $ invested may be a waste
and the only solution is to keep everything as potted-and-mobile or indoor plants
there's already been issues with ants and gnats so the impetus to leave them outside and then bring them in later is now very low
so maybe i will just have a lot of indoor plants - at least i can take them with me when i go
the one pothos is at least VERY enthusiastic and all the greenery is *so* fucking mentally soothing
... i just really want to buy so many more plants and i *have* to stop
#maybe if i liked succulents more or cared about flowers#but what i like is green and leafy and e idently none of that is really happy around here#like i have 'almost total shade' and 'lots of sun' options but nothing that will take those PLUS the stupid heat even with watering#gonna plant the the asiatic jasmine anyway just to see but then i guess just try to keep up with watering#i have two sansevieria a boston fern several pothos two peace lilies (one 3 ft) salvia sage oregano#a very sad dieffenbachia and tiny croton and some rosemary that i think gave up the ghost while the mint *may* be hanging on#got some indoor elephant ears from a kit just starting we'll see what happens and a red anne#the hostas and caladiums will come up or not idk#i just wish i knew something that would grow like these weeds lol thank goodness for the horseherb#i realized that sll i want is the same plants we had growing up but we were in sub-sealevel galveston - basically tropical#so all that won't necessarily like it here - people say hostas don't like austin :/#but we had what i'm pretty sure was the asiatic jasmine out at the front of the house and the elephantears and caladium#around the side with the ivy and the dracaena and the azaleas#everything i see that i like in the nursery ends up being labeled 'indoor plant' here#tempted to try to find some pink mulhy even though it's not 'leafy' just bc it grows here and might live#the palmetto does keep coming back after the freezes so that's something#obviously if i wanted to spend a lot my problems would be easily solved but it's not my house so i'm not buying like .. full shrubs
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peninkwrites · 1 year
A Patchwork Powder Keg - Ch 10 of 14
George is briefly asked to do his job. Sam and Sapnap have a chat about old times.
[CW: referenced past character death. c!Dream for like a minute.]
crossposted to ao3
Ch 1
Ch 9
Ch 11
Mafia AU masterpost
~ Sapnap & Sam ~
Sapnap reenters the station after his talk with Ant, feeling like his own thoughts are eating him alive.  The only person who might understand would normally be in this very station, instead he’s unconscious in a hospital bed.  George hasn’t moved from his desk, scanning some paperwork.
“What was that about, then?” George asks disinterestedly.
“Nothing… uh, family stuff,” Sapnap half lies.
“I thought you didn’t talk to your family.”
“I don’t.”
George hums, not really curious, more intrigued by whatever is in front of him.
“What’re you looking at?” Sapnap tries to focus on the task at hand, looking over George’s shoulders.  “Other reports from last night?  Did something else go down?”
“Not particularly,” George shrugs.  “This morning some anxious civilian called in about a pry bar stuck in his car’s window.”
“Car theft?”
“No, but probably attempted.  It’s just that they left their pry bar.  They didn’t just give up, take the bar and go, they left it there.  Blood on the street too,” George says dully.
“Blood?  You didn’t think to mention that first?”
“It wasn’t a lot.  We sent an officer over just because the man was being so fussy, and it looks like there might’ve been a scuffle.  Maybe mobs getting territorial about who’s stealing cars where, it’s probably nothing,” George says, but he continues to stare at the paperwork.  There isn’t much else in the area, especially from that late at night.  Earlier reports are smaller, a mugging at sundown, apparently two thieves stole a bunch of paint cans earlier–
“Wait, look,” Sapnap points out the incident.
“Yeah?” George says dryly.  “Paint?”
“Yeah, spray paint, dude.  We saw that weird graffiti, come on, it makes sense, right?” Sapnap says.
“You think they’re connected?”
“I mean, I’m not saying it’s smart of whoever these people are to steal paint and immediately use it to mark off their crimes, but it tracks.  D’you wanna go talk to the shop staff with me?” Sapnap is perhaps too eager to have a distraction.
George sighs, pressing his forehead to his desk.  “We just went out,” he whines.  “I think I should… I should stay here, and hold down the fort.”
“You think the dozen officers already here can’t do that?” Sapnap teases him.
“Okay, why don’t you drag along one of them?” George says gloomily.
“Because they’re not my buddy, my good pal George,” Sapnap croons dramatically.  “Come on, I can’t drag Dream along with me ‘cause he’s gotta do Lieutenant stuff now– or Captain stuff I guess, I dunno– so it’s gotta be you!”
George gives him a look.  “Fine.”
“Yes!” Sapnap heads outside with a skip in his step, George trailing behind him.  “Ha!  I knew you’d wanna come.  I am way more fun than desk duty.”
“I disagree, but sure.”
Sapnap heads to the address in the report, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel, turning up the radio and singing as obnoxiously as he can until George threatens to get out his gun.
The store clerk doesn’t look particularly pleased to see them when they enter.  “Can I help you, boys?”
“Yeah.  I’m Officer Halo, my partner and I are following up on a report that was made yesterday,” Sapnap says.
He looks unimpressed.  “I already made my report.  Look, I just needed the paperwork for inventory credit purposes so I wouldn’t have to pay for it.  I’m not expecting you to solve the mystery of the missing paint cans, alright?”
Right.  East side.  No one likes cops.
“Well, it’s actually relevant to another investigation,” Sapnap pushes.
“What color paints were stolen yesterday?” George asks, staring around at the shelves without much interest.
“You want like, the colors?  And that’s relevant to your investigation?”
“Could you just tell us?” George gets sharper.
The man sighs, mulling it over.  “Two cans of solid black, one brick red, one sun yellow gloss, and one true blue.”
Sapnap gives George a pointed look, not wanting to blurt out I told you so! with a civilian there.
George refuses to acknowledge it.  “And could you describe who stole them?  There were two of them, right?  You didn’t give us much more descriptors than that.”
“I’m not expecting you to catch them.  No point,” the man shrugs.  “Fine.  One was a scrappy kid, a teenager.  Well, they both looked a little rough, I assumed homeless.  Kid was skinny and tall, blond, talked my fucking ear off, and the other one was older, not a kid, also tall.  Brown hair.  Dickhead wore a big coat he stuffed full of paint cans.”
“Right, so, not exactly hardened criminals,” George says dryly, giving Sapnap his own look.
“And they didn’t hold you up?  Or threaten you?  The guy shoved paint cans in his pockets and what, they just walked out?” Sapnap asks.
“No they didn’t hold me up,” the man scoffs at the idea.  “The kid could’ve been fourteen.  I saw the older one with the paint, told them I was calling you lot, and they ran.  Which is what I expected.”
“Anything else?” Sapnap asks.
“Nope.  I do think the younger one was the one who planned it, put the older guy up to it.  He yelled at him before they ran,” the man actually looks amused.
“Right,” George gives Sapnap another look, clearly ready to leave.  “Well, thank you for your time.”
Sapnap follows him out.  “I mean, it seems like they definitely are the ones who painted that stuff, but they don’t sound like… like they’d be able to murder a mob boss, y’know?”
“Yeah, but if it is a bigger crime ring coming up, they could’ve sent some lackeys to get the paint,” George points out.
“Yeah, I guess,” Sapnap shrugs.  Something about all of this doesn’t sit right with him.  They head back to the station, Dream is waiting, annoyed.
“Where have you two been?” Dream asks.
“Just–” Sapnap doesn’t know why he feels like he’s being scolded.  “Following up on something.  Why?”
“Sam is awake,” Dream says.  “I can’t go check on him, I don’t have the time, but I know you wanted to.”
“Y-Yeah, I can go there right away,” Sapnap nods.
“Good.  Ask him what happened last night,” Dream says.  “Dismissed,” is his offhanded way of goodbye.
Sapnap and George exchange puzzled looks.
“He’s probably just… just stressed, taking over for Sam,” Sapnap tries.
George shrugs.  “Yeah.  Sure.  That’s the second time you’ve had me running around, I’m gonna stay here this time.”
“Yeah, that’s fine.  I’ll tell Sam you said hi or something,” Sapnap says.  “Let me know if anything else comes up on those two guys who stole paint.”
“Why?  You think it means anything?”
“I dunno, feel like it’s… not familiar, but–” Sapnap shakes his head.  “Probably nothing.”
“Let you know if that changes, I guess,” George settles back in at his desk, and Sapnap heads to the hospital.
Sam wakes up in a hospital room alone.  He doesn’t know why upon waking, he expected Ponk to be there.  That moment of confusion when he woke, heard the heart rate monitor, smelled the scent of disinfectant of a hospital, and wondered why Ponk wasn't holding his hand.  He'd looked around the room, and realized they weren't asleep in a chair beside him either.  Then he wakes enough to remember why.  Right.  A nurse, a stranger, comes into the room soon after.  They look him over, and ask if he wants to call someone.
Sam doesn’t have anyone to call, not really.  Just work.  “I need my team here.  Just… just call the police station.”
Sam lays awake, alone and in pain, for the 30 minutes it takes for Sapnap to arrive.  He takes inventory.  Both of his legs are in casts, his fingers too.  Breathing hurts, so he’s guessing busted ribs.  He cannot help but think bitterly that he surely hadn’t hurt Ponk anywhere near as bad.  It’s not comparable.  It’s not fair.  All of those people had to have their share of flesh.  Sam doesn’t understand it. 
There's a knock.  Sam almost tries to sit up when Sapnap enters.  He can’t.
“Hey, man.  How are you?” Sapnap winces, eyeing him over.  “I, uh.  I brought you coffee.  Donuts too, but I dunno, maybe that’s a cliche.”
“Funny,” Sam says hoarsely.  Sapnap is at least someone he knows personally, that should make him feel a little less alone, but somehow all Sam can think to talk about is work.  “How’s the squad holding up without me?”
“Uh, okay,” Sapnap looks uneasy, setting down the coffee and box of donuts beside the bed before taking a seat in a chair, the one Sam had assumed Ponk would be waiting for him in.  Stupid of him.  “I mean, Dream took over like, immediately, and he’s, y’know how he is, takes the job seriously.  So, it’s not gonna burn down any time soon.  But, I’m sure he’s worried about you too.  I know I’ve been waiting for you to wake up.”
Sam feels almost touched, more so pathetic.  “Right.”
A heavy pause.  Sapnap clearly wanting to say something, but unsure if he should.  “So, uh.  I’m not gonna make this all official, you don’t need like, instructions on how to make a witness statement, so.  What… What happened?”
Sam hates this.  He could name any of the people he had seen last night, he could have half of them arrested.  The retaliation would make his suffering the night before look like child’s play.  He’d been worried about them hurting Fran then, if he arrested them in response…
Then again, it’s not a typical officer.  It’s Sapnap.  He understands better than most.
“Some of the mob, some random locals, who knows.  A lot of people.  Showed up and…” Sam stares at the wall, he doesn’t want to see Sapnap’s expression, whether pity or understanding or even blame.  “Well.  I’ve got nothing to prove it, but I’m guessing they showed up on Ponk’s orders.”
“Orders?” Sapnap almost laughs.  “What, you think Ponk’s giving out orders now?  To who?”
“Okay, well, not orders then, but… for them.  I don’t know.  It doesn’t really matter, does it?  You and I both know those people can get away with anything without consequences,” Sam says bitterly.
Sapnap nods, but his thoughts seem somewhere else.  They are.  Sapnap feels like it’s selfish, unfair even to bring up what’s weighing on his mind considering Sam’s burdens at present, but he doesn’t know what else to do with himself.  He needs to share this weight with someone else, someone who will understand, and somehow Sam is all he’s got.
“Hey, uh, have you…” Sapnap doesn’t want to do this, he feels almost a burning in his gut, something like embarrassment, as if he’s admitting to something shameful.  “Have you heard from my dad at all lately?  Or Ant?  Or…” He doesn’t look at Sam, his hands fidget restlessly in his lap.  “Or Skeppy?”
Sapnap glances up and sees not only an expression indicating the affirmative, but something far more targeted, more affronted.  It almost scares him.
“Yeah, yeah I’ve heard from your dad recently,” Sam says icily.  “And from Ant, sure.  So, you know, then?  What the hell have they said to you?  I thought you were out of contact.  I thought we had both left that behind, Sapnap,” Sam is lecturing him from a hospital bed.
“Whoa, whoa, I dunno what you’re talking about, dude.  I have been out of contact.  It was–” Sapnap is weary.  “It was Ant.  He reached out to me about Skeppy.  Have you– What do you know?  What did my dad say?”
“Sapnap, really, you’re smarter than this.  When do you think I spoke with your father?  I left that all behind a long time ago, so in what goddamn situation would I have seen them?”  Sam gestures to his injuries.
“Really?” Sapnap wishes he were more surprised.  When he had asked Ant if he’d heard what happened to Sam, he’d done so deliberately.  He’d had a feeling, but still, it's different to hear it from him.  “And my dad too?  But he– Of course not…” Sapnap tries to keep his resentment quiet.  His father’s last pleading promises had been that he would go straight, that he would do better, and of course that hadn’t been the case.  Bad was at his best leading the Badlands, why would a son who won’t even talk to him keep him from that?
“But no, Skeppy wasn’t there.  Ant was, and so was your dad,” Sam sighs.  “Don’t worry, I didn’t tell him where you’re living nowadays.  It wasn’t a torture type situation, at least not one for information…”
“Skeppy is missing,” Sapnap just says it.
“He’s–” Sam stares at him, eyes narrowed.  “What do you mean missing?”
“They think taken.”
“Taken?  What nutjob would kidnap a high ranking mob official?  Do they have a death wish?”
Sapnap shrugs.  “I dunno, Ant didn’t really stick around to explain.  Actually, it all sorta makes sense.  I also asked if he’d heard what happened to you, and he said something about Ponk.”
“What about Ponk?” Sam is sharp, defensive.
“Nothing, nothing really, like.  Just… repeated what I said, asked if I’d heard what happened to them,” Sapnap raises his hands passively.  “I’m guessing you’re right about that part.  That’s why they went after you.”  Sapnap doesn’t want to feel an ounce of pride for his old family or his old life, especially not for attacking the man that had first shown him there was a way out, but seeing Ponk exhausted and defeated in an interrogation room with a busted nose had put him off a bit.  It felt like Sam was acting more like his younger self from the Badlands days.  Last Sapnap checked, they’d both left to get away from that kind of harshness.  It feels wrong, but it’s undeniable.  He feels just a hint of that old pride at his father attacking someone who, as far as he probably knew, had assaulted his own boyfriend.  That was the part of the Badlands Sapnap missed, or if not missed at least respected.  His dad was good at protecting people.  Just as he was good at hurting them.
“Of course… and Ant came to the police station?  Why?” Sam’s head is pounding, but he is trying very hard to piece things together anyway.
“Just to ask about Skeppy.  Oh!  Yeah,” Sapnap sits up, more excited now, maybe hoping Sam might have some insight, “JSchlatt’s corpse washed out of the river this morning.  Bullet between his eyes.  Somehow it got back to the Badlands, sort of, and Ant came in to make sure the dead mob boss wasn’t Skeppy.  That was his whole deal.”
“JSchlatt’s dead?” Sam is intrigued.  “Any leads on who did it?”
“No, not really.  There’s that body, and another one of Schlatt’s boys turned up dead a few streets over.  And there was like, graffiti around the area too.  Hey, you ever heard of crime boys?” Sapnap asks.
“Crime boys?” Sam frowns, puzzled.  “No, not at all.  That’s not Schlatt’s deal.  I’ve never heard of them, not from now or the old days.”
“That’s what the graffiti said.  So, George and I are thinking it’s probably connected, right?  All that shit turning up at the same time?”
“Maybe,” Sam is having a hard time thinking.  He’s guessing he’s on some pretty decent painkillers right now.  “Look, just–”  He sighs, even that breathing hurts his ribs.  “Keep me posted.  I know I won’t be able to get back to work any time soon, but I know Dream can handle it." Maybe Sam shouldn't send Sapnap away.  All it means is he'll spend hours alone and in pain, but he doesn't know what more there is for them to talk about.  Nothing that Sam wants to talk about, anyway.  "I’m… I feel terrible, obviously.  And I want to get some rest.”
Sapnap nods.  “Got it, Captain.  If you do want to drop any names of your assailants, let me know.”
Sam gives him a wry smirk.  “Yeah.  Right.  You know I can’t do that.  If the boys need information for the paperwork, just… just say they were all masked.”
“I will,” Sapnap says grudgingly.  He hates it.  It’s part of what he had run from all those years ago.  His family living a life of violence without consequence, although, if they hadn’t gone after Sam, it’s not like Sam would’ve faced any consequences for being so rough with Ponk.  Sapnap doesn’t know what to do with that thought.
“Sapnap, if your dad tries to get in touch with you…” Sam thinks his words over carefully, Sapnap listening, looking almost hopeful.  “...don’t let him, okay?  You’ve fought too hard to make it this far.  Don’t let him get you to throw it all away.”
Sapnap doesn't know what he expected, if he should feel disappointed or not.  “I won’t, Sam.  You know I won’t.  Besides, I don’t think my dad would have the guts to try and talk to me.  It’s been…” Sapnap buries the ache in his chest, just as he’s done his best to bury every bit of nostalgia he’s felt for the Badlands today.  “It’s been a long time, y’know?”
Sam hums his agreement.  “Yeah.  It has.”  A pause, Sam staring up at the paneled ceiling, doing his best not to let himself long for the past.  It’s harder now, when the only part of his past he’d wanted to keep had left him.  “I hope they find Skeppy.  Alive.”
They both are thinking of the same thing.  Years ago, that awful week ending in an even worse night.  Red Velvet missing for days and returned to Ant bloody and dead.  Sam had gone with Bad and gotten their reckoning.  Sapnap had stayed behind and watched Ant, a man he had always admired as strong and composed, break down under the weight of a loss that Sapnap, still only a teenager, had been unable to truly understand.
Sam had lost a friend that night, and he and Bad had found something worse inside of themselves.  When they found those responsible, well; Sam knows what happened to him the other night could have been a lot worse.  Back then, they had had no interest in leaving those men alive.  That changed things.  There had been far less restraint, especially when Sam had felt like the image of Velvet’s corpse had been burned into his eyes.  Bad’s wrath last night had been nothing compared to what they had done then.  He’s not proud of it.  Not anymore, at least.  Maybe knowing he was capable of that was part of what got Sam to leave.  That, and the impossible thought of Ponk turning up the same way as Velvet had.
“Yeah,” Sapnap feels like there’s a weight pressing down on him.  He cannot fathom his father surviving Skeppy’s death; they loved each other too much for that, it’s not something he even wants to consider.  “Me too.”
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i should probably put something on this blog so that it looks more lived-in.
look at this graph detailing the number of fics archived to the three major sites for my little pony: fimfiction.net, fanfiction.net, and archiveofourown.org
ok cool that’s all ask me questions whenever you want peaceeee ( •̀ ω •́ )y
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amxrany · 9 months
Damn we are eating a lot (Part 2):
During the battle, Baul is shooked on how Silver and Sebek are good at dealing with horses to which Sebek replies that they're part fo the equestrian club so it's a natural thing for them
Yuu and Grim were about to get attacked by an Iron Man but Lilia comes in to defend them. BUT THEN LILIA PROCEEDS TO SMACK SILVER AND SEBEK BEING ALL "This is why I hate children 😒" 😭😭😭
After the battle we reach the castle (which is the castle in the Sleeping Beauty movie) AND THEN WE SEE THE KNIGHT OF DAWN
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Anyways going back to the topic, we also get Henric, who is pretty much going "Meleanor if you don't get out of that castle right now we'll invade the castle together with the Knight of Dawn" AND JESUS FUCK HIS SPRITE 💀
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It turns out the Knight of Dawn doesn't want any part of this either, cuz Henric wants Meleanor's magic orb and dragon egg (aka Malleus) since they're really precious things
Idk what's up with this chapter and their thing for turning characters into orphans cuz the Knight of Dawn is also an orphan adopted by the king 🧍‍♀️, and Henric tells him that if he can steal the orb maybe it could save the king and Leah
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Meleanor tells them that she was planning to take a nap with the egg but useless people interrupted that, and she refers to the egg as Malleus already 🥹. Lilia is just confused and asks how is she sure that the egg is a boy, in which Meleanor replies that a mother is always sure and knows that Malleus will grow up to be beautiful like his father, Leverne
But then she sees Sebek and Silver and makes them get down on their knees (MAAM I'LL ALSO GET DOWN ON MY KNEES FOR YOU 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️), she then goes on about how humans are weak and stuff. Lilia tries to defend them but Baul tells us about Meleanor's hatred for humans and that we might as well stay quiet
But then Lilia loses his shit as well and tries to tell Meleanor about the danger that's just waiting outside but Meleanor refuses, saying that she wants to fight because she's a mother who wants to protect egg Malleus (I swear I can't this update is making me cry 😭). So she tells everyone to escape with the egg while she fights the Knight of Dawn and we get this scene of Lilia holding on to egg Malleus
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Meleanor tells them to leave but Lilia refuses. So out of anger, she zaps him which causes everyone to panic cuz he has the egg and Silver tries to stop it but Meleanor gets even more mad that she zaps him too like jesus this woman and her anger issues. Silver tries to plead with them to stop fighting because people who love each other don't fight
Meleanor replies that even if she doesn't make it, Malleus is still there. But Lilia tells her that Malleus can't hatch without the true love of a parent. BUT THEN WE GET THIS REVEAL THAT LILIA PROPOSED TO MELEANOR 200 YEARS AGO AND HE ALSO LOVED LEVERNE LIKE LILIA MELEANOR LEVERNE POLY RELATIONSHIP IS FUCKING REAL. Meleanor reassures Lilia that he will find a way to love Malleus since he also loved her and Leverne 🥹
She then summons thorns that drags Lilia and the rest away from the castle, saying her final goodbye to both Lilia and Malleus (I'm crying rn guys). Lilia tries to find a way back in to save Meleanor but Baul yells at him to calm down cuz he was still holding egg Malleus, and that Meleanor trusted them to protect the egg
Meleanor makes her appearance to the Knight of Dawn and Silver Owls, which starts another battle....
Next: Part 3
Previous: Part 1
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queenendless · 5 months
🎆❣️A Future Bright (Adult!SatoSugu x Adult!Fem!Reader ft Various JJK)❣️🎆
A/n: So short cause I have officially run out of JJK fuel. It might not be the best but I wanted to get something out today so sorry about that. S2 is done. I will miss it and writing for this show. But I need a long ass break from JJK. Like 5 months. Make sense to me.
Referring to everyone by their first names in this, side ships, mainly poly SatoSugu x Adult!Fem!Reader.
And thnx u to everyone whose followed, liked, reblogged and enjoyed my JJK fan content these past few months. Imma work on other anime fanfic content after I take a break. Tbh? I wanna write for BNHA Hawks. He's growing on me. And maybe Demon Slayer stuff with Tengen and his wives. Idk yet, we'll see.
PLEASE DON'T PLAGARIZE STEAL COPY TRANSLATE AND/OR REPOST MY FANFIC WORK. Rather reblog like and follow please and thnx u.
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Booths and stalls lined up both sides of various roads.
Rows of lanterns hung from the treelines to the lampposts.
Droves of people flocked. From wearing kimonos to just plain snuggly attire to battle the coldness.
Praying at the shrines to make wishes for the coming year came first.
After that, chaos ensued.
A squealing Nobara hurried over to embrace her lifelong friends Fumi-chan and Saori-chan before introducing them to Maki who was keeping it cool to Nobara's admiration.
Kento brushes something off Yu's scarred cheek only for the younger man to kiss his stern partner fully on the mouth.
A teasing Mai and Momo along with a reluctant but curious Kasumi dragging a stubborn blushing Kokichi off to doll him up with various trinkets and hats they spotted at various booths.
Ieiri and Utahime trying to catch some goldfish at one of those booths. Utahime shouting out her constant success at catching them fishes; her competitiveness shining through, and Ieiri calmly cheering her wife on.
Yuji laughed while Megumi and Junpei smiled at his radiant expression while chowing down on barbecue skewers together.
That was long before your salmon haired boi yelled out in alarm as a heated Todo chased him in his fervent pursuit to drag his brother off to see the Takada-chan's New Year's Eve live special screening at Shibuya crossing.
Noritoshi eating a kebab as Yuki filmed the whole chase beside him, aimed at Choso as he let Yuji jump into his arms and speed off with Todo right at their heels, dust clouds left in their wake.
Riko and Misato shooting darts at a gaming booth all to get the familiar looking, long as hell, rainbow dragon plush to the girls delight.
Atsuya dragged his bae Hiromi by his collar into the nearest bar just to get away from your group and drink to their retired hearts content.
Masamichi and Yoshinobu sharing sake in the place across from said bar.
Yuta kissed both Rika and Toge on their stuffed cheeks as their mouths were full of sweets; mochi cheeks he spotted in his mesmerized gaze.
Right before Panda, carrying plushies by the armful, dumped his winnings all over his ecstatic buddies.
Spotting Toji and Shiu amiss the crowd, eyeing his son as his protective brother instincts creaked out as he played tug of war with Tsumiki who was stubbornly set on kissing a dopey grinning Junpei some more as her lipstick marked his rosey cheek.
Toji snorted at the sight before being dragged off by the arm by Shiu, opting to get a better view, a less crowded spot at that.
Nanako and Mimiko running around with sparklers lite.
Tears filled up your eyes to the brim.
Seeing so much happiness.
So much positivity.
All amassing here.
All in this moment.
Your mind flashed.
What could have been …
Buildings sliced and diced to mince.
Magma erupts from the streets, encasing all in its range.
A circle of darkness that continues to grow.
No lights.
No life.
Barred from all.
You were getting caught up in your mind too much lately.
Thinking too much, wandering in too deep, letting intrusive thoughts cloud the light.
Your knees trembled, your grip slipping, you wrap around your belly, prepared to not let it get the brunt of the fall.
His long raven locks flowed in the breeze. His almond brown eyes are so vibrant and sharp and alive.
“Sugu!” You weeped immediately into his charcoal robes, grasping handfuls of his front, alarming him tremendously.
“Y/n! Be careful! What's wrong!?”
“I'm just so happy we're all together celebrating tonight!” Your waterworks hit him right in the face as he led you two to a bench to rest your bloated sore self.
“Tiredness, mood swings, they do come with pregnancy, love.” Suguru calmly explained as you clung to him, pulling your legs up to rest on the space left on the bench.
“Perhaps we should take you home early. I am terribly sorry if we pushed you too much with coming here … jeez. Now where did Satoru go this time?”
Warping right by your side nearly gave you a heart attack. Even still, you were never quite prepared for Toru's spontaneity.
Getting down on one knee, Satoru tenderly caressed and smooched your clothed bump. “Right here~!”
“Toru!” You yanked the man up by his sleeve, having him sit beside you as well as he draped your legs over his lap as he let you cuddle him and weep in his neck.
His shades titled down to reveal his devoted gaze as he carefully pulled you atop his lap, nuzzling your head as he exchanged smooches with Suguru. “Aww, wifey. It's okay. We're here. Just think. A new year. New hijinks. New possibilities!”
Suguru's head rested on your shoulder as his heated breath made you mewl. “And a new addition to our family.”
Viewing the kids all animated, the adults mingling, the buzz in the air, it all helped to ease the unrest in your hormonal self.
“I hope we can continue living out our somewhat sense of peace in the new year.” You murmured, humming as they gently smothered you in their plush chests and secure arms.
“Agreed.” Their giant sculpted hands felt your bump together, wistfully grinning as you smiled shedding tears of joy.
An upbeat song blared out through the speakers.
Next thing you know, few turned to many dancing.
Lost in paradise.
For a dance mob has formed.
Yugi, returning out of the blue, took the lead, bopping with his usual upbeat finesse.
Megumi wasn't dancing, more like bashfully scratching the back of his head, too shy to look anyone in the eye, until a beaming Yuji had him, helping his boyfriend loosen up.
Nobara twirled and swirled, tugging her girls in to all get in sync and flaunting their beautiful strong selves.
And Gojo, in all his glory, was swaying with style, cause of course he wanted to get down most of all. Yuta, Yuji, Megumi, even the twins flanked both his sides, strutting their stuff.
From Takuma to Choso to even Panda, everyone you knew found the groove. From found family to your work buddies. Even the tipsy adults. Even the former assassin and his handler buddy. Even a well disguised Nobuko who had her bodyguards on standby also in disguise warily kept their eyes on the heart eyed Aoi Todo.
The dancing flash mob you never expected to happen did in fact happen.
They clapped, they swayed, they spun, they did it all!
The ships sailed as many familiar faces knew how to dance so acrobatically well. Leave the sight to the imagination.
Fireworks began littering the sky.
The billboard's timer struck 00:00.
Cheers and claps rang as embraces were exchanged.
You giggled as Suguru Geto swept you up in his arms, cupping the back of your head and your cheek to kiss you passionately.
You just had to ask.
“Where would I be without all of you?”
Satoru warped again back to you just to smirk at your jump scare. “Probably bored out of your mind.” You and Suguru shut your white haired husband up by slapping his shoulders to his snickering amusement.
“It goes both ways, Satoru.”
“Aw, I love you too Suguru~” He pulled his shades up to rest on his head as those Six Eyes glowed with love for the growing life in your belly you three made together. “All of you.”
You two peppered kisses all over Satoru's laughing face as the rest of your found family danced the first night of the new year away.
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xxlady-lunaxx · 2 months
I love you; I don't | {SaneGiyuu}
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Theme: Angst? It's not bad but there's no fluff lmfao
Note: Spoilers<33
A little UzuRen mention
Idk but when I tell people my oneshot ideas somehow they always make me get angst ideas from what they say abt it, my sister told me i should end this in angst 🫡
btw the part 2:
part 2
Giyuu turned at his name, tilting his head at the Wind Hashira who stood there, his arms cross and eyes averted.
Sanemi bit his lip, as if contemplating his life choices. "I like you. Romantically."
Giyuu gave a start, his eyes widening and cheeks flushing. "What?!"
"That's what I said," Sanemi snapped, embarrassed. He looked up, glaring at Giyuu through his bangs. "Do... you want to go out??"
"I... I-" Giyuu was at loss for words and his mouth opened and closed several times.
"Take your time," Sanemi said, rolling his eyes.
Giyuu looked down. He wanted to say yes, really, he did. But. But, if he dated Sanemi, he would end up losing him. It wasn't like he could protect Sanemi—one, Sanemi was at the same level (if maybe less or more) of strength as him, and two, he would never let himself be protected, really. Which just increased the chance of losing him, paired with the fact that they were both Hashira and were always sent on missions that were considerably harder. Dating Sanemi would only make Giyuu grow fonder and closer to him, which would make the loss... a thousand times more devestating. So...
"I'm... sorry, Shinazugawa," Giyuu whispered. "I... can't."
Sanemi blinked, speechless for a second, before nodding rapidly. "It's fine. Alright. See you around." Then he turned and seemingly disappeared.
Giyuu sighed, raking a hand through his hair. He felt bad but... he'd feel worse if he lost Sanemi. Which was practically destined to happen if he had accepted, given his luck. People seemed to die away like flower petals on a picked rose when they got close to Giyuu.
"I don't fucking know! It's like... I was getting mixed signals, it's just... Fuck," Sanemi groaned, banging his head on the table. "But he said no. And now there's not fucking way I can show my face to him again."
Obanai sighed. "We should go somewhere else, people are staring," he said. 
"Right..." Sanemi grumbled, standing. "Let's go to an ocean so I can drown myself."
Obanai rolled his eyes and stood, grabbing Sanemi by the wrist and pulling him down a road. "Walk, bitch. We'll go find a place we can train so you can let off some steam."
After Sanemi got ahold of himself, the two walked down the path side by side in silence. Obanai spoke up after a couple minutes.
"Just forget about Tomioka. It won't happen in a flash but... try? If he said no he probably means no and he's just stupid for acting like he likes you then rejecting you. For all we know he might not be into men. I don't know, just try leveling your own feelings with his and see what you can get from it. But... yeah, I would ignore Tomioka too," Obanai said, glancing at Sanemi. "It's not like you two talk much in the first place, so it'll be fine."
Sanemi rolled his eyes. "Comforting. But, I guess. I'd prefer just to not think about him, to be honest."
"That too," the ravenette said, nodding. "Anyways, relationship are tedious things when you're a Hashira. Or just in the Demon Slayer Corps, period."
"Mm. And yet we have Uzui—in the Demon Slayer Corps, a Hashira—somehow married. To three people. And you can't convince me otherwise that he doesn't have his eyes set on Rengoku too," Sanemi said, scoffing.
Obanai laughed. "He's just built like that. The little fuck is more interested in romance than saving people's lives."
"Eh, wouldn't we be too if demons didn't exist?" Sanemi asked, crossing his arms. 
"Fair point. Or not. I don't know if I'd exist if demons didnt," Obanai murmured thoughtfully.
"The hell is that supposed to mean?"
"...Back to Tomioka," Obanai said, quickening his pace.
"No, not back to him. There should be a clearing up ahead, wanna spar?" Sanemi offered, unsheathing his katana.
"Bet. Loser has to buy the other something?" Obanai proposed, grinning. 
"Count your money, I want ohagi," Sanemi said, racing ahead of him.
Years had past—yes, years—and Muzan was killed and Hashira were lost. Amongst the living Hashira were Giyuu and Sanemi. Tengen, as well, although he had retired a couple months before. And now that there was no obvious constant threat on their lives, they could live more freely, think more freely.
Paired with the knowledge of when they would die, Giyuu felt as if he could act upon whatever he wanted to. Befriend whom he liked, grow closer to those he wanted to. Somehow, throughout the years, he had loved Sanemi all the same. The feeling had wavered sometimes, but would come back in full bloom only a few weeks later. Since he no longer felt as if he would lose someone immediately because of himself, he decided to tell Sanemi of this. 
So, one day, he sent a crow to Sanemi, asking if they could meet together, maybe eat lunch. The letter was messily written as his dominant(is he right-handed?) hand was gone, but he hoped that Sanemi would be able to read it alright.
Luckily, he seemed to have been able to, as he arrived at noon at the park Giyuu had invited him to. The two had both brought their own lunches and quickly found a place to sit and eat. It was quiet for a moment as the two got their bearings together. The weather was nice, warm with a light breeze, and there was a soft scent of sakura flowers in the air.
Giyuu ate clumsily, not yet used to using his left hand as he struggled with his chopsticks.
Sanemi tilted his head towards him, an amused smirk growing on his face. "You eat messier than Rengoku."
Giyuu huffed. "I'm trying!"
"Mhm. What did you me to come here for? Just to eat?" Sanemi asked, putting down his chopsticks. 
"Ah. You know when... you said that you liked me?" Giyuu said hesitantly.
"Well fuck, going right in. Yes. I don't want to remember that," Sanemi said pointedly, sighing. 
Giyuu gave him a small, lopsided smile. "Alright. Well, I told you 'no,' not because I didn't like you, but because I didn't want to lose you. You understand, yes? I'm sorry... for that. And for not explaining. I just... panicked. I didn't want to risk losing you, then blaming myself forever," he murmured. 
Sanemi stared at him. "That's... Fuck you," he said, grumbling. 
Giyuu sighed. "I'm sorry."
"Why are you telling me this now, though??" Sanemi asked, raising an eyebrow. "It's really out of the blue."
"Ah... About that," Giyuu said, his voice lowering. "So..."
"About what I said, that I said no, not because I disliked you? Well. Well, I did like you. I... do," Giyuu mumbled. "I like you." He cast his eyes down as he waited for a response. When he didn't get any, he looked back up at Sanemi.
Sanemi looked hesitant, his eyes down at his food on his lap. 
"What's wrong?" Giyuu asked curiously.
"I just..." He trailed off, his eyes meeting Giyuu's. "I don't like you like that anymore. I stopped, after a while. I figured I had no chance, so..."
Giyuu blinked. God. Of course. He should've expected this. "Oh."
"Sorry," Sanemi murmured. 
Giyuu shook his head, forcing a smile. "No, no, like you said before, it's alright. It's fine. You don't have to apologize, it's completely my fault. Uhm... I have to go now, I just remembered I promised to meet Tanjiro later, see you around..." he said, fumbling with his food and standing, quickly rushing off.
"TOMIOKA-" Sanemi shouted, his food falling to the floor as he stood.
Giyuu didn't look back, pressing a hand to his mouth to stop a sob that threatened to spill out. He should've expected this. There was no way in hell Sanemi would've stayed in love after years, it was a miracle he'd loved him in the first place. Of course.
« Word count: 1380 »
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the-s1lly-corner · 5 months
creepypastas of your choice being new parents (reader can be included or not, or the reader can BE the kid. either works)
Eyeless Jack, Slenderman, and Jeff as dads/dad figures
getting silly with it. last request in the inbox, might write some other stuff later today for myself but idk we'll see, admins feeling a little sleepy RAAAAAAH no real mentions of reader i think, just the characters being dads but there might be vague mentions of partners so you can imply that is reader. shrugs. i tend to write these notes before actually writing the post this was originally going to have laughing jack but then i got bummed out when i realized that jack would not make a good solo parent simply because hes too chaotic accidentally swapped from saying "the kid" to "you" midway through writing this but im too tired to fix it so uhuh im making it everyone elses problem/j
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by default i think slenderman can be an okay dad and im purely basing this on the fact that i grew up on the 2010s era of the fandom where quotev quizzes and fics for the fandom were peak. i think in the beginning he would be a little lost, especially if hes going to be raising the kid alone. i mean hes a solitary creature that rarely connects with others, he knows knowing about raising a human child. and thats assuming the kid is even human. if he has a kid with a human reader, are they more human or more... creature..? are they a hybrid? how much of slendermans genetics carry over? can he even have children since admin personally thinks he was made by zalgo like all other demons in this timeline? many questions. protective and strict dad, makes sure the kid does their work and chores, but makes sure he doesnt raise a pushover... definitely hostile towards anyone who harasses the kid, be it bullying or generally just being a douchebag. i think if hes the sole parent he raises them in the woods and teaches them things himself. doesnt bother with putting the child through schooling, theyre a child of the woods now babey!!/hj
look at it this way the kid is really self sufficient and can survive in the wilderness for an extended period of time and they know how to kick butt, assuming they also grow up with his proxies. yeah.. thats going to be interesting... would they see them as uncles or as sibling or family friends? its anyones guess. bonus father figures!!
also does not know what hes doing. i think i wrote somewhere that jack would put the baby in a carrier and walk around with them in the woods. maybe even showing them different animals and plants even if he knows that the kid cant understand him. definitely a case where hes going to need someone else to help him, be it his partner if theyre still around, or someone else... naturally its going to be harder to find someone to help him if his partner is out of the picture for one reason or another. main reason because that jack is... oh you know, literal man eating demon who sometimes goes into blind feeding frenzies if he gets hungry enough + he tries to put off feeding for as long as possible because it literally means taking a life and he still has his humanity in there. not going to say it out right but i think you guys can put two and two together and understand why jack is wary about having a small child hanging around his cabin. also he wants the kid to be able to grow up around other people. its unlikely, since the other person is likely going to be another creepypasta character because any normal person would rat him out... but he might also want the kid to have a 'normal' upbringing. lots of feelings here for him. kind of like a tired dad, between juggling the child and the things going on with him is really going to do a number on him. giggling at the idea of him trying to get slender to help him esp since i hc they have weird territorial beef going on
actually has a decent grasp of how to treat them but thats because he had liu/was an older brother. the dynamic is less father child and more so older brother younger sibling. probably lets you have a fair amount of free reign; he doesnt really strike me as a strict guardian. probably forgets to pick you up from soccer practice/j ....actually wait no i can kind of see him actually doing that on accident. tries to make it up to you by giving you treats because he does kind of feel bad for leaving you behind. you remind him a lot of his brother. im still torn on whether or not liu is still alive in my silly au but imagine hes not and he kind of. tries to raise you good and treat you well to make up for everything that happened. jeff with some level of mental clarity after the height of everything hits me in a weird sad way i can quite describe. like dont get me wrong hes still the knife wielding dude hes usually written as, but hes a little.. just a tiny bit mellowed out. just a tad.. side note i fully blame the idea of jeff being remorseful over murdering liu from a fic that had a chokehold on me in middle school so oooo... you probably know/interact with ben through jeff since theyre good friends. jumping into my personal hc/au jeff carries ben around in a phone since bens usually confined to electronics and they grew up together. obviously jeff outgrows ben because. you know ghosts dont grow up. so imagine you start becoming best friends with ben and ben is just. SPILLING so much old stuff on jeff, mostly dumb stuff jeff did and him being a jackass. idk i just think thats funny. its like when you suddenly get dad lore but instead of getting it from your dad you get it from dads ghost best friend
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rebouks · 8 months
Let's be nosy and see what a few folks have been up to recently and/or since Somnium ended, shall we..? 👀
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Kaden/Joey are still around, somewhere.. Joey would probably tell you by accident, but Kaden keeps him on a tight leash. I very much doubt either of them have changed their ways, you can't teach an old dog new tricks and all that... I dunno if we'll really see em again properly, though I never say never!
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Brynn, Ace and Robert may have left Del Sol, but Randy and Genesis are still stuck in their old ways. Sissy likes the attention and money from her "job" too much to leave. I think part of her still hopes someone's gonna whisk her away to a life of luxury and she'll live happily ever after, just like Brynn did.. assumedly 😩 Randy won't leave without her ofc, and he doesn't really like change anyway. He's lazy, what else is he gonna do?! The motel barely makes any money either, but he manages with a few odd jobs from the less savoury folks around town. They're doing swell 👍
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Luckily, no one ever ratted on Darien and he was far too careful to end up under the microscope without being exposed - especially since Wyatt left the scene - so he moved back to San My eventually. Ever the workaholic, he found himself a job at the same accounting/law firm as Wade (props to anyone who remembers him lmaoo) he doesn't need the money but he'd probably go insane without a job ngl 😆 He doesn't really find it easy to make friends either, and Wade recently found himself behind bars for a lil tiny bit of tax evasion so he's pretty lonely-.. although he did meet a fellow asexual lady friend he's been on a couple dates with recently. They have fun n' get on well, but she thinks he's this straight laced/awkward accountant and it makes him feel weird, like he's lying about himself.. so idk how long that'll last. I think he kinda misses being part of a "family", however fucked up it was.. but most of all, he just misses Wyatt 😔
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Alma and Mack have been hanging out more often recently, just casually tho u kno?? She likes her freedom too much to give it all up, and although he's a great lover, he's a terrible boyfriend lmaoo.. I think she's accepted that Mack is Mack so they're not making it serious or official this time. They're not exactly getting any younger either, may as well have some fun whilst they're still here, right?! Kobe's considering moving out 'cause eugh 😆
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Brivan n' co are just kinda living life right now, working, hanging out with Jacob/Suzie/Miya a fair bit and tryna get used to the news of Jude n' such u kno? Pixie's hitting her milestones like a champ ofc, but she's a picky eater just like her pappy 😅 Bruno insists he's fine but he's been a lil quiet and weird recently. Part of him still struggles with his old self and his guilt, though he ain't exactly a talker, so he retreats into himself now and then instead. He's been thinking of proposing to Ivan occasionally as well, but he doesn't want to do it whilst he's in a funk AND he's a lil worried (aka majorly overthinking) the fact that Ivan might not take too well to being proposed to?? But wait, nah.. he'd love it, right? Maybe-.. unless he hated it, maybe he'd rather be the one to ask-.. should he? Yes-.. no, wait-.. maybe?!!? Probably-.. AGHHHHHFJSDK <- said Bruno's brain 🙈
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Jessie and Ivan have been taking it slow, mostly since she's so damn busy all the time, but also 'cause they hardly know each other n' all. Ivan's kinda bummed she's slow to trust him, but he can't exactly blame her so he's being patient n' meeting them whenever he can. Jude is so smitten with his new pappy tho, he even wanted to grow his hair just like him 😭 Oscar n' Robin have tagged along a few times as well since the kiddos are practically the same age, but idk if Robin is too sure abt Jude just yet! He's very talkative and he's a big hugger.. I wonder where he gets that from?? 🤣 I think Jessie's finally warming up to the idea of sharing Jude 'cause she agreed to leave him alone with Ivan for a sleepover soon! They're gonna get dressed up n' head to Oscar's for a spooky party! Oh, and Oscar thinks Jessie has a nice rack....... boi plz 🙄
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Not pictured/spied upon..
Tilda - she's just existing rn tbh! She hangs out with Brivan/Pixie now n' then which she enjoys more than she'll let on! She's tryna stay away from dating and focus on herself too.. but she's not all that keen on herself so that's hard work 😩 a few dates here n' there but nothing interesting! She's also still ignoring her family.
Noah n' co - Aspen started teaching a few mommy/toddler yoga classes in the upstairs portion of Noah's gallery since he barely uses it, Juni loves it! Juni started ballet recently too 🩰 Noah's still salty with Oscar for not hanging out more but the man's busy dammit! I think Oscar's glad he's on semi-decent terms with everyone but he'd rather keep them at arms length so it stays that way skdjskjd
Salton - Alton's still Alton lmao.. though Sid gives him more shit nowadays since she's mostly retired she's realised he's even lazier than she thought and I'm sure she regrets letting him get a TV! She's a bit bored/lost tbh, which is why she hasn't fully retired yet.. introspection doesn't suit her (so says she) and she doesn't like all this extra time to think n' shit.. ough 🙈
Rhys & Tommy - both finished uni wooooooo! They're staying with Rhys' parents for now tho, Tommy's not rlly sure what to do with his psychology degree yet but he still thinks he'd like to be a psychologist so maybe he'll get a job/save up n' do his masters or smth?! Rhys has been taking on jobs as a wedding/event photographer for now, but he'd like to veer more towards photography as an art form-.. tho he's not sure how to go about that just yet either 🤔 they're figuring it out and they're happy so it doesn't rlly matter toooo much for now
Uhhhhh idk I've probably missed some folk out but feel free to ask abt anyone else in the comments! 🧡
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OFMD S2 EP 4-5: Izzy Hands (from a S1 Izzy fan)
I'll admit. I teared up at the Izzy shit in ep 1-3. Not a full-blown cry. But close. I was stressed, and tired, and hurt more than anything. I only cried in my car driving home. It hit, but it was more prolonged.
Do you know what got me crying? Izzy opened that letter, revealing 'For The New Unicorn'. He looks up and smiles. I went from 0-100 dry eyes to crying in seconds. I had to rewatch it because HELL.
The entire episode, hell, debatably from (S1ep4) we see Izzy go through it. Socially isolated and losing his identity. Leading up to S2ep4. Drunk and sad and heartbroken. He tries his best to stay afloat without a lifejacket as his self crumbles around him. He doesn't care anymore. He thinks his life is over. He lashes out because there's no one there to help him.
BUT THEN THE LEG. He cried and I cried during both scenes.
GOD, and the way that leads into EPISODE 5. Izzy slicked his hair back and regaining some of his own personal identity. Izzy genuinely bantering with Stede, and gently helping him to be a better Captain. The way he desperately asks Stede if Ed said anything else nice about him? Showing that. Yeah, he's not all the way there yet, but he's working on it. The training scene where Izzy just looks on in fascinated horror at Stede's skills? THE LITTE OKAY HANDSIGNAL AT THE END WHEN STEDE USED HIS GRUFF VOICE? He smiles, and jokes, and TRIES. Izzy is pissed, obviously, but he's getting there.
He is kind and caring, all WHILE STILL BEING A PRICK? Him being a total nerd during the curse monologue? Izzy mutters 'rude' and pointedly crosses his legs as Stede ruins the vibe. I laughed harder at Izzy sitting at that desk than I did at most of the jokes in the show. THAT'S MY FUCKING BASTARD!! I'm so happy I saw a character and have been rewarded by showing, yes. He is kind, and trying, but he needs to learn to let himself become new.
I fucking love him. I can tell from the teaser that Izzy is just going to grow closer with the crew (and with himself) and I can't wait. (Even if it means his imminent capture, whoops).
I do think they'll do something with Izzy/Lucius, at least a single happy (Izzy no longer holding himself back from wanting) consensual kiss or genuine discussion about life(post-wedding) to show their growth as characters because I had to pause with the cig and shark interaction. Jesus Christ. I didn't really ship it before, but they are so snarky and it's great.
I'm a bit sad as Izzy's current arc likely means he might not get the big 'fuck you' moment of anger to Ed that Lucius got. Mainly because Con would make me cry, but If Izzy is genuinely just shoving this shit down, ignoring the years that Ed ignored his existence, then...idk.
They purposefully gave Izzy and Ed no scenes and thank god we get a TINY break. Because Ed will try to patch things up, and I don't think it works like that with Izzy. He needs proof that Ed is trying. Add to that Ed ACTUALLY saying sorry to him, and not expecting Izzy to immediately accept it(my theory as to why Lucius pointed it out: Ed will ACTUALLY say sorry to Izzy and mean it. This will heal something for Izzy, and hell). I can't wait for Ed to come back and see him. See him for who he is, a silly prick who is loyal to a fault, who is loved.
This is likely the happiest two episodes we'll get, and fuck, I loved them both SO MUCH. After a rewatch I'll write about the crew. Ed/Stede is actually working for me as we watch them both learn, and Fuck, Lucius/Pete...my darlings.
THE IDEA OF SEEING CON IN DRAG AGAIN MAKES ME SO HAPPY! Especially what it means for Izzy. Izzy lets his hair down and has fun with Wee John as he explores what actually makes him happy. Hell, him opening up to being a bit of a masochist as a joke while tied up is...actually my favorite thing (while obvious, given his propensity to put Ed before him in all matters, Izzy casually mentioning 'I like to be roughed a bit up' in front of the crew is the type of openness about himself that I crave). Izzy "cocksuckers" Hands letting himself joke about SEX-GAY SEX(probably)- Kill me now.
(To clarify: I don't think he or Ed ever got off to the abuse, hell, we see Ed flinch away when Anne/Mary do it. That's not the face of someone who knows what that's like as the Sadist).
I just love the way Izzy has so obviously relaxed into a person that he'd never let exist. Hell. I hope Izzy gets to rub this happier version of himself RIGHT in Edward's sad face. I need a 'he was never like this with me' moment of Ed watching Izzy SMILE to parallel Izzy's jealousy in S1.
Con obviously loves this character, you can see it in the performance. He fills the role perfectly, from his ups to his downs. Con smiles and hell, that's not Con, that's Izzy fucking Hands. Striding along proudly pretending his world isn't changing, because it is, and he is healing and I LOVE IT.
I am so proud of our growing Izzy loving community. For some, we've been through a lot of shit. Probably in life, and hell, maybe even in this fandom. Even if you haven't been harassed, you loved Izzy, you saw yourself in him, and I hope you felt the show giving us a big fucking hug.
We grow, we recover, and hell. We get a happy fucking ending (with a few yet-to-be-seen bumps in the road).
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queers-gambit · 2 years
Bright Light
prompt: a Royal Wedding takes place.
pairing: Daemon Targaryen x female!reader
fandom masterlist: House of the Dragon
word count: 7.0k+
note: your honor, i can fix him!
warnings: you know what, idk if there's cursing, but it's me, so i feel like it's a good bet. baby making smut, small tension, rumors that cause discomfort, talk of previous abusive marriage.
previous: part four: Total Eclipse of the Heart
next: final / part six: One Sunrise at a Time
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Chaos had descended over the Capital, and in the Red Keep, servants were losing their minds running around trying to perfect everything for the upcoming wedding festivities. The Prince of the City, Daemon, the groom, was highly opinionated on his nuptials and was adamant to surprise his bride, keeping you out of the loop so that you might see the decorations candidly.
The only detail Daemon was unaware of was your dress, and the Queen Alicent had brought in dressers and tailors from all over the country (and three from across the Narrow Sea) to bring you options. In the end, there was a gorgeous white silk number selected, and Viserys had it sent off to a jeweler.
When the dress returned, it was encrusted with dark rubies that would surely compliment the dark Targaryen robe you were to be draped in later in the day.
And to start, you were roused from sleep by Mary - who had been fighting Daemon off at the door, insisting the groom cannot see the bride before the ceremony. "Just lemme kiss 'er!" Daemon grunted against the door, but the smaller maid threw her entire weight into it, slamming the lock in place.
"No! You'll see her soon! Go get ready!" Mary barked through the wood.
"Daemon! I open this door, and I'm throwing a shoe!"
It was quiet for a moment before Daemon's sigh was heard before his forehead lightly thumped to the wood, "Tell her I love her, please."
"She knows," Mary smirked at you, laid in bed still. "But I'll tell her, Prince. Now, go! Don't be late!"
You enjoyed several cups of tea as you got ready, the Queen allowing you to use a bigger suite to prepare yourself. In fact, Alicent was present with Rhaenyra, and as Mary was pinning your necklace in place, there were two fists pounding at the door.
"Let 'em in," you smiled with a knowing chuckle, readjusting your dress in the mirror as Rhaenyra turned to open the double doors.
"Lads," she smirked to Kase and Jamie, letting them pass over the threshold. "Nice to see you, too."
"Hi, Nyra," Kase teased lightly, squeezing her shoulder as he passed into the room.
"Oh, wow," Jamie breathed, eyes wide as he caught sight of you. At least Kase remembered protocol and bowed to the Princess and Queen, before, too, gawking at you. "Y-You look... Wow."
"Yeah," Kase agreed, "you're a vision, step-mother. The Gods envy your beauty, my goodness, is Daemon a lucky bastard."
Your head cocked gently, offering, "You know, should either of you feel comfortable to do so... Maybe you'd like to drop the 'step' part in the whole 'step-mother' thing...?"
"Yeah?" Kase beamed, Jamie smirking gently.
"We'll talk of that later," Jamie directed diplomatically. "For now, we are to escort you to the Great Hall."
"The both of you?" Alicent asked, her hands folded neatly, brows perked in curiosity.
"Well, who else?" Jamie cocked his head lightly.
"Jamie," you warned.
"No, forgive me, you mistake my tone for disrespect. Your Grace, I only meant that her father would be the one to usually give her away, but we all know the present situation. He'd rather give his blessing to a different daughter..."
You sighed in guilt as Kase mentioned, "Food supplies continue to dwindle, too. The people grow restless from the Lord's restriction from his land's farming."
"People are going to revolt against the Royal Feast," Rheanyra worried, glancing around. "Should we not put more guards in place? What if something were to happen?"
You nodded absently, "What might happen?"
"Wouldn't put it past the citizens to riot," Jamie shrugged. "They grow uneasy as the supply lessens. Vendors don't venture around here much anymore..."
"I have made the arrangement with the kitchen staff that all leftovers are to be given to the orphanages of the city," you spoke softly, pinning your earrings in.
"Ah!" A voice boomed from the doorway, making you all jump slightly. "Oh, my apologies," Viserys beamed as he stepped into the room. "It is hard for me to contain my glee!"
"Husband," Alicent greeted, "what a surprise, we were not expecting you."
"No, no," he chuckled, "normally I would not bother, but this is a fine and rare occasion. My brother marrying his woman," he sighed, looking you up and down, "and my, what a vision she is. My Lady, being as we are soon to be considered family to one another, I was honored when Daemon asked me to bring this to you," he showed the velvet box in his hands.
"Oh," you breathed, stepping towards the King, "you did not have to do this, please, Your Grace, you should be - "
"Nonsense," he assured with a grin. "My brother is nervous and I thought by seeing you and giving this gift, I might assure him that you are okay in this, too."
"Oh, more than okay," you assured. "I'm eager for this union, Your Grace. Um, but... This custom? I do not know it?" You wondered, pointing to the gift.
"'Tis not a custom," he nodded, "but my own brother's vocation. Here, open it... Maybe you'll wear it today?"
You smiled gently and opened the velvet box, gasping, "By all the Gods! Daemon!"
"What is it!?" Rhaenyra asked in excitement, everyone forming a circle around the wooden table the box rested on. "Oh, wow..."
"That's got to cost more than... Well, more than my life," Kase giggled, looking at the gems in the velvet box. "Well, one thing is for sure."
"Hmm?" Jamie hummed, eyes bulging as he couldn't look away.
"That man is whipped," Kase laughed. "I mean - seriously!? Who sends their future wife something like this, but a man who is far beyond smitten?"
He'd sent you a beautiful diamond necklace that was strung in a way to look like tear drops down your collarbones, neck, and chest. To say it was beautiful was an understatement but by every God there ever was, you were in love with it. There were matching earrings that would push into your piercings and dangle in single drops, swinging with the extra wisps of hair that escaped your pinned up-do.
"I don't know what to say," you whispered, tears gathering. "I-I do not deserve this - my Gods, how expensive this must've been!"
"If I may?" Viserys smiled lightly as Alicent pushed a handkerchief into your hand. You nodded. "This necklace has been in the Targaryen family for ages now. Generations, even. The last to own this was my grandmother, the Queen Alysanne, and if Daemon is gifting it to you, it is because he views you as family - as blood. No matter where you hail, he is assuring you that you will always have a place in his life, my Lady. If it not be too bold, might I?" He gestured to the necklace, making you nod furiously.
Mary reached up to unclasp the other necklace, moving from your way as Viserys stepped up. He sighed when the necklace latched, you turning to show him the product after you switched out your earrings. "Oh, this is it," Rhaenyra nodded, clapping slightly. "You look breathtaking!"
"You look beautiful, sister," Viserys smirked. "I shall take my leave - "
"Wait," you swallowed thickly, feeling your nerves spike as the King smiled patiently. "Um... I could never repay you - or-or Daemon for this, for all you've done. But... Should it please you, I'd like to ask if it be possible for us to fly to Dragonstone where... Where Daemon and I might marry per Old Valyrian traditions?"
Viserys nodded, "Yes, yes, what an excellent idea. We shall travel at the weeks end, for this week, the whole city will celebrate you. Then, after, we might make it to Dragonstone, and there, you and Daemon might reside for a period of time."
"Oh, do you mean... You do not want us in court?"
"No, sister," he smirked, "I only mean to say that you would be welcomed to start your life as a married couple at Dragonstone."
"Oh," you breathed, giggling after. "How silly - yes, um, yes, that would be most pleasing, Your Grace. Thank you."
"Of course," he promised, giving your hands one last squeeze before taking his leave.
You sighed nervously, looking at yourself in the mirror and feeling otherworldly. "M-Might I ask the room a question?"
"Of course, whatever you might wonder," Jamie permitted as Kase helped himself to the complimentary food left on a platter.
"Am I who Daemon will want forever?" You worried, staring in the mirror. "You do not think he will... Grow old of me, do you?"
"My Lady," Rhaenyra grinned, "I can with full conviction say that my uncle loves you deeply and would see your life together start as soon as possible. If he had his way, he'd of married you a decade ago."
"Yeah?" You sniffled.
"Of course," she smiled. "You're a vision, truly. My uncle is very lucky."
"Let's not keep them waiting," Alicent nodded, ushering everyone from the room. Kase carried the train of your silk gown, Jamie kept a tight hold of you as you focused only on your steps. To say you were nervous was an understatement as this wedding was to be a 'public' event.
"Just breathe," Jamie soothed, patting the hand curled around his elbow. "You look radiant, and you're about to marry the love of your life. Right?"
"Right..." You felt tears well in your eyes, "You know, I'm sorry I couldn't love your father."
"In truth, we rarely did," Kase smirked.
"Do not worry," Jamie nodded, "we understand how politics work. But know how happy we are to bare witness to this occasion."
"I am overjoyed you both are here," you sighed.
"Aline and Jocey are coming, too," Jamie informed, leading you down the stone stairs carefully. "They are very excited to see you."
You managed to keep your tears at bay until you reached the landing, seeing the swarms of servants in the short distance. "A moment, please," you whispered to them, tears slowly leaking as you took hold of one of their hands each, "because I need to tell you this. For years now, you have welcomed me into your family, and I have felt every ounce of love you have. I-I know I did not birth you, and I know your sisters are even married themselves, but know that I think of you all as my own kin."
Kase squeezed your hand, "You are kin."
"Then please... Do not let me trip," you chuckled, wiping your cheeks of your tears as the two lads smirked at each other.
"Here," Jamie nodded, using a handkerchief to dab at your tears. "You are going to ruin your make-up, mother."
"Oh," you wept openly, latching onto him. "Oh, yo-you called me mother! Oh, my boy!"
He laughed and wrapped his arms around you in a tight hug, one that lasted a few moments before being joined by Kase. The three of you gave one final squeeze before you accepted the cloth and fixed your face, Kase nudging Jamie, "Knew you were a softy, hey?"
"Piss off," Jamie laughed.
"You made her cry."
"It's a happy cry," you grumbled lightly, swatting at them. "All right, all right, help me... How's my face?"
You sniffled again and looked at them, blinking a few times. Kase assured, "Beautiful as ever. Truly, Daemon is lucky. We often hear it whispered at court that you are truly the beauty of this country. Maybe he doesn't deserve you."
"There's still time to run," Jamie teased.
"No, no," you chuckled. "I'm ready to marry him - Gods, am I ready," you nodded, waving your hands to cool your face as Jamie tucked the cloth away.
"If you need it again, you know where to find me," he chuckled, offering his arm. "Are you ready, mother?"
Kase mimicked his action, beaming, "Mum?"
"Oh, my sweet boys," you whispered, taking their arms and starting forward. "'S lot of people."
"They're all intrigued by the Rogue Prince settling down willingly," Jamie explained.
"Yes, word spread of his marriage declaration," Kase added, both speaking quietly so only you heard as you approached the doors to the throne room - which had been transformed to host the wedding ceremony. "Everyone was so skeptical - they're curious about you."
You sighed.
"Not helping," Jamie muttered under his breath.
"Sorry," Kase winced some. "You all right?"
"Yeah, yeah," you whispered, readjusting your stance. "All right," you nodded to the guard, who nodded back, and gave the signal to start the musical procession. "Don't let me fall, lads."
"Never," they assured in union, the double doors opening, and your mouth hanging open.
"Oh, my Gods," you couldn't hold back, gawking at the interior of the throne room.
"When Daemon's left in charge," Jamie muttered. "Gods does he go all out," Kase finished.
You evened your breathing and readied your face, the two young lords leading you down the stone steps. The entire hall was packed - like it was months ago for Rhaenyra's wedding - yet you could only focus on the aisle ahead of you. Daemon had wanted a 'public' event, and that meant having the actual ceremony in front of everyone before the celebratory feast was to begin.
And at the end of the aisle was a Septon ready to perform the ceremony, and at the base of the stairs, there stood your fiancé. Daemon was fighting back a grin as you walked, his brother stood beside the Septon as a sign of power - but also blessing of this union.
There was nobody to stand on your side - or so you thought. There stood both of your step-daughters, tears in their eyes as they grinned at you. When you came to a halt, Daemon stepped up and offered his hand to Jamie first, "Son."
He smirked, teasing, "Step-father."
"Oh, what a title," you whispered. Jamie took Daemon's hand in a clasp, nodding meaningfully before Daemon did the same with Kase. The two lads then bent down some to peck either of your cheeks, moving to stand with their sisters as the Prince turned to you finally.
"Dove," he breathed, looking you up and down; taking your hands in his. "Gods, do you look breathtaking."
"Me? You look incredible," you smiled, biting your bottom lip as emotion was coating your throat. Viserys, with a grin of his own, subtly cleared his throat, and made Daemon sigh lightly.
"Come," he whispered, leading you carefully up the stairs. As the Septon gave his sermon, Daemon's eyes never left yours, and for a moment, you swore you could see tears swelling. Jamie cloaked you in the colors and sigil of 'your' House, more words spoken, hands being bound together, vows made, love professed, promises made, and when time, the cloak fell from your figure as Daemon eagerly twirled his black and red cloak around your shoulders.
After a few more promises, the Septon beamed, "Daemon? You may now - finally - kiss your bride, and bring her under your House officially. May the Gods shine upon your marriage, and let it prosper."
Daemon didn't wait a moment longer to step closer and pull you in, his lips smashing to yours as the entire court room erupted in loud cheers. Viserys clapped loudly, and even Alicent was grinning authentically; Daemon's one hand holding your waist tightly as the other slid across your jaw to hold your neck, too.
You chuckled against his lips, patting his chest, "Okay, okay, c'mon."
"Oh, my wife," he purred against your lips, pressing another kiss. "Finally."
"I love you," you promised, the Septon and Viserys moving away as servants were bringing out the head table and dressing it quickly; giving you both a moment to bask in your glory of finally wedding each other. "Is this real?"
"Yes, my love," he nodded, nose nuzzling yours. "Gods, you look beautiful."
"Which reminds me," you grinned, "the decorations look incredible, my husband. But where do these flowers hail?"
"They're called Wisteria, my wife," he smirked, pecking your lips, "and I had them shipped from Pentos."
"Daemon," you whined lightly.
"Well, in truth, Rhaenyra went with me to get them all," he chuckled lightly, letting both of his arms coil around your silk-covered waist.
"You did not..."
"I wanted to make sure you got the wedding you deserve," Daemon chuckled. "You like it?"
"It's beautiful," you assured. "I do not think I deserve it."
"You deserve so much more, my pet," he whispered.
"My boys called you step-father," you returned.
"That is good," he nodded, "is it not?"
"It is," you rushed, nodding, "just shocking, I suppose."
"Means they accept us," Daemon smirked. "And we will remain to see them marry."
"Of course, whatever my dove wants," he promised, glancing to the side. "Come, let's sit."
You let your hand tangle with Daemon's, moving for the high-table. You and Daemon sat in the middle - with Viserys right beside him, and then Alicent, and the Hand, Ser Strong. Beside you was the Princess Rhaenyra, and her husband Lord Laenor beside her. Their families were in the crowd, your own being lost quickly to the merriment.
As time passed, you found yourself leaning into your husband, hands tangled together, and gossiping lightly.
"Do you see the Lady Alloway?" You whispered, nose grazing up the skin in front of his ear before placing a slow, tender kiss.
He hummed, "She dresses as if working the brothels."
"Her usual attire," you chuckled, "but the color she wears..."
"Targaryen," he noted, turning his head to mutter to you. "And the Ser Thaller?"
"Gods," you giggled, "he's dressed as a peacock, no?"
He chuckled in return, "Thank the Gods for giving me a woman with a sense of humor."
You hummed, petting over his cheek that you weren't kissing. "This feels right," you sighed lightly, "to sit here, with my husband..."
He nodded, "How ready I am for this feast to be over."
"We've apparently a whole week to celebrate," you smirked, "might wanna slow down, my love."
"I'm putting a baby in you - tonight," He assured, nodding definitively. "There will be no slowing down for us, pet. But... My brother does like to prance."
"Well," you smirked, "perhaps I will join his lead. My husband hasn't even asked me to dance."
"Oh, that's punishable," Daemon shook his head, standing. "My love, my Lady wife, would you honor me with a dance?"
Taking his hand, you stood to your feet, "I'd love to, my sweet Lord husband."
He chuckled and lead you to the crowded floor, the pair of you stuck together like glue. Gentle touches, soft caresses, hushed words, and bright, unfiltered grins. When Daemon grew a thirst, he took leave to relieve that, and so gave time for you to overhear a few Ladies of the court gossiping about how they had seen Prince Daemon sneaking in and out of the whorehouses not two days prior.
You tried not to listen, you really did. But the women spoke with such conviction that it was hard to ignore. More so when you heard a few other whispers being spread - all regarding Daemon's infidelity.
Confusion hurt your heart, turning to spy your husband smirking as he spoke to Crowned Heir Rhaenyra - a smirk that meant he was being less than innocent. Perhaps being flirty, but definitely being mischievous.
Something in your chest snapped, and then a hand was grabbing yours; making you gasp and turn with surprise. "Oh, Y-Your Grace, forgive me, I was lost in thought."
The Queen nodded, "No need, I am sorry for being so startling. I came to check on you," she glanced around. "I expected Daemon to be on you the entire night."
"Oh, no, he was, uh... Thirsty," you nodded meekly.
"Does something bother you, my Lady? You should be smiling, enjoying the festivities," she gestured outward to the party. "I hear the Prince spent quite a lot of money for this all."
"Oh, I don't doubt it," you nodded, twiddling with your fingers. "Um, in truth, Your Grace... There is something on my mind preventing me from enjoying the merriment."
"And what might that be?"
"Will you be honest with me?"
"I will try to be," She smiled warmly.
You gulped, "It seems as if the Ladies of court have much to say about our union, and there were some more... Scandalous gossips regarding the Princess and her uncle, my Lord husband."
"No, no, my Lady, do not plague yourself with petty rumors. The Ladies speak in jealousy, you need not worry because I have seen and heard first hand how your Lord husband truly feels."
"Then why is he with her and not me, on all days...?" You sighed, bowing after. "My apologies, Your Grace, I did not mean to burden you with my worries. I will go dance, I think."
Before she could response, you spun around to disappear amongst the dancers. You searched for anyone with defined jugs that held strong, exquisite, expensive Braavosi wine. When a servant boy was located, he was all too happy to fill your goblet - though, he looked nervous, asking, "Is that enough, my Lady?"
"Maybe a bit more, love, if you would?" He nodded and poured more, waiting until you assured, "That's good, that's perfect, thank you, lad. Are you having an all right night?"
"Of course, my Lady - "
"Nobody's been mean to you, have they?"
"Well," he looked sheepish, "in truth, my Lady, your father's been... Very drunk all night, and I think the wine makes him bolder, louder."
You nodded, "Yes, wines will do that to people. Do me a favor, and tomorrow morning, you will come to me and report any Lords or Ladies who were rude to you, yes?"
"Oh, well, if my Lady insists," he breathed with relief.
"Your name?"
"Waters, my Lady."
"Arren Waters," you repeated. "Good good, then I will know who to call upon. What say you do me a favor, Arren?"
"Whatever my Lady needs, I will do with pride," he beamed, standing straighter; rightening his shoulders so both hands cradled the special jug of wine carefully.
"Will you be my eyes and ears tonight?" You muttered. "You blend in, you're young, nobody's thinking twice about your presences. But where I cannot be, where I cannot hear, will you do so for me?"
"Oh, whatever you need," he nodded again. "I can report tomorrow morning?"
"During breakfast before the tournament." you nodded. "Thank you, again, Arren."
With a wink, you turned and again, melted into the crowd; downing half of your goblet in two full drinks before someone was catching your arm. "Mother!" Kase laughed, obviously already drunk off his arse. "Come have a dance with me, please!"
"I do not think I am nearly drunk enough for that," You laughed, trying to stabilize him. But he only groaned.
"Then drink faster!"
"Mum!" This time Jamie called, leading his sisters Aline and Jocey behind him.
"Mum?" Aline repeated with distain. "When did that start?"
"Today," you chuckled, hugging both of your step-daughters, offering a kiss to their cheeks. "I will take it as a wedding present from them. It is good to see you both, you look beautiful."
"Thank you, and might I say you look extraordinary," Jocey smiled, preening lightly over you.
"It is good the lads have you," Aline added.
"I am determined to find Jamie a suitable wife," you chuckled.
"No, it's more than that," Jocey shrugged lightly, watching Jamie and Kase throw an arm around each other's shoulders as they spoke with animation. "Thank you for being there when we weren't."
"Much like myself, you ladies were preforming your duty to your family," you nodded back. "Loving you lot like family was far too easy."
"Hmm, I suppose that explains the rumors," Aline winced some, glancing at her sister.
"I'm sorry?" You asked, chest hollowing.
"Don't," Jocey warned with a glare.
"Y/N, tell us in truth," Aline turned to face you with determination steeling her features, "were you cheating on our father?"
"I beg your pardon?"
"I ask if you started sleeping with the Prince before our father passed - by what I might say are strange circumstances."
Confusion swirled in your gut, but then it all clicked in your heart and mind. "You'd consider words of whispers from my jealous sister over what you know to be tied and true from me? Fascinating, considering you were just thanking me."
"Your sister?" Aline cocked her head.
"She is the only person I can think who would ever start such a vile rumor," you explained, cocking your head some. "Someone who would not care for repercussions because they believe themself untouchable."
"So, we are to believe our father's death did not come by hand of your new husband, the Prince?" Aline crossed her arms tightly, and you took another mouthful of wine. "Our father was a solider and did not often lose!"
"I'd tread carefully, Lady Aline Tully," you cocked your head some, looking her up and down, "for rumors of such hateful accusations can get one into a lot of trouble. I did not love your father, this is true, and I was unable to ever give him a child. But as rumor has it, your mothers met fates similar to what I would have met, should your father not of fallen during honorable sword-play. Now," you finished your goblet, "your brother asked me for a dance. I suggest you both try to enjoy the festivities and not dwell on my bedroom habits, because I promise you won't get far. As I'm sure you've imagined, or perhaps even heard through your precious rumors, the Prince is insatiable and there is too much for either of you to ever fathom. Have a good night, Ladies, I look forward to us dining in the morning."
Setting your goblet with more force than what was necessary to a near-by table, you moved around the two whispering-sisters to smile at Kase. "I think you asked for a dance, my boy?"
"Oh, hell yeah! Let's go!" He laughed, pulling you onto the dance floor and almost instantly joining in-step to whatever music played. "Jamie, c'mon!" Kase laughed, and Jamie followed; with their sisters watching from the sidelines, the three of you easily joined the steps of those around you.
You felt his eyes burn into your back, but paid your new husband no mind - because if he could be overly distracted by his niece, you'd not give him the time of day. However, just as you turned and anticipated stepping into Jamie's arms, Daemon was there to take your hands in his, leading you in your dance.
"Oh," you sighed, "nice of you to finally join me."
"Oh-hooo, is that malice in your voice, my love?" He teased.
"Why did you look so close to your niece, Daemon? Is there something I do not know?" You asked, not wanting to tip-toe around anything anymore. "Are you playing me for a fool?"
He sighed against your ear, still holding onto you by latching to your waist as people around you changed partners. "Dove, there's nothing for you to know, nor worry over, because there isn't anything there. I have my eyes only for you, and I would not have married you if I didn't want you. Do not think so little of me that I would ever lead you on."
"Then you are no longer visiting the Street of Silk?"
His lips moved over the shell of your ear, "There is no time, nor cum left in me with how insatiable you are."
Funny how he used that word to describe you, too.
You sighed, "Do not avoid the question, Daemon. People talk - people spy. I do not wish to know that I have just married a man who is going to treat me like the last did."
Daemon came to a halt, and everything around you stood still - despite still moving at a normal place. It was just you and he, and he looked almost betrayed as his tongue switched to High Valyrian. "You would compare me to that fat fuck? The man who abused you? Only ever hurt you?"
"I would only ever have you tell me the truth - please," you begged in response. "I cannot stand the way they speak of us, yet I can endure it for you, but only if you're honest. I cannot bare the idea of you in the arms of another woman, so, if you've visited the Street, please, no more. Please, just... Come to me, instead. I know you are not used to a loving marriage, but we are not the same as before, and I am not the Lady Royce."
He frowned, "How could I let you believe I could ever want anyone else? That I would ever be with anyone else? I know you are not like the Bronzed Bitch - and I thank the Gods for it! I married you for love, and that is rare in this country - in this lifetime, that I am not keen on ruining it so swiftly. So, no, my pet, I have not visited the Street of Silk since you came back into my life - for there is no reason for me to go there ever again. Less you want to," he ended with a small smirk.
"The girls asked if you killed their father," you told him, worry shooting through your heart as you kept your conversation private by speaking in his mother's tongue. "I've reason to believe Jasline and my father continue to pour poison in the ears that are willing to listen, and I am beginning to feel... I don't know, trapped? The truth is, I have no land, nor titles - "
"I do not care for that, and I've told you time and again, you are all I want because you are all I need." Daemon's hands moved to cradle your jaw, sweeping his thumb over your cheekbones, "And then, please, talk to me, pet, and do not listen to their words. You and I know the truth, and we just swore vows to one another that we would not lie, nor hold secrets."
You nodded, "Then it is just petty gossip?"
"As always," he assured in a whisper, pressing a long kiss to your forehead. "Are you tired, dove?"
"A bit," you admitted, "today was overwhelming."
"Then let us sit," he wrapped his arms around you, moving for the high banquet table again.
"We cannot just... Leave?"
"Not yet," he sighed, "because Viserys has not departed yet. The King is the first to leave, or he give's dismissal to us. Come here," he lowered you into your seat before taking his, nudging a platter closer. "Eat, dove. Something tells me you're in for a long night."
"Daemon," you chuckled, but did indeed begin to graze.
"Why would your step-daughters ask about me?" He asked quietly, leaning his elbows to his knees to be closer to you, chin gently rubbing on your upper arm.
"They are suspicious of how their father died," you sighed. "Believed it not to be as natural as we tried to pass."
"Hmm," he considered, leaning in to press his lips over your shoulder. "What did you tell them?"
"That it was unwise to make such vile accusations."
He chuckled, "My good and loyal girl."
"Here," you fed him a bit of cake that had been passed out. He hummed as he licked his lips with a smirk, making you tease, "You're making it very hard to just sit here."
"I had an idea, actually," he mentioned, glancing nervously at you. "You still hold the Old Gods, do you not?"
"I was born in the North," you nodded, leaning back in your chair as he did, head tilted down to look at you. "I find peace at the Weirwood, I prefer to pray there, yes."
Daemon smirked, "Then I've a surprise for you."
"I do, too."
"Hey?" He smirked. "I'm supposed to gift you, my dove."
Your eyes rolled playfully, "I'm allowed to gift you, too."
"Hmm," he considered, "all right, what is it?"
"Well, what is yours?"
He smirked, "You will see."
"Then so shall you," you smirked back.
"Devilish woman," he purred, leaning in to press his lips to yours in a smoldering kiss.
"Daemon," you warned with a small giggle.
"They will get used to this," he purred, "for I do not intend to hold back on my affections."
You sighed lightly, "I do not know what I did to deserve you."
"Everything right," he promised in a whisper.
"Brother," Viserys called, "brother! Come, give a speech!"
"No, Viserys, it's getting late - "
"All the more reason!" Viserys laughed. "Speech! Speech! Your King wants a speech!"
"Come on," you smiled at Daemon, "say a few words of thanks, wish them all a well-and-true tournament, and let us be done, hmm? He might let us leave after."
"You might be right," he muttered, Viserys rousing the whole hall to call for Daemon's words. When he stood, they cheered heartily, making you grin behind your hand. "Friends, family," he called, "peers, come, raise your glasses."
He lead the way by holding his goblet up, continuing, "I'd like to give a toast to my new bride, and tell her publicly, that I am without a doubt beyond grateful for our blessed union - after all this time," he smirked down at you, offering his free hand. When you stood, his arm snaked around your waist to hold you to his side, speaking loudly to the hall, "A toast to my gorgeous wife, and to a prosperous marriage that's finally come to fruition." His goblet rose higher in the air. "May the Seven bless us, and bless all of you - who have chosen to celebrate with us this week!" The hall broke our in an outrageous applause. "May the wine flow freely and you all find your winnings this week!"
They cheered again, making you smile as Daemon prompted, "To the new Princess of the City!"
You felt your eyes bulge slightly as he grinned and took his obligatory sip of wine - the hall echoing his words before taking their own drinks. "What did you just say?" You asked quietly.
"Viserys has written decree that your official title is Princess - though, you will have no claim to the throne."
"Oh, my Gods," you breathed, looking between his eyes as you pet over his chest. "If we weren't in a room full of people, I'd take you on that Throne again. Daemon - this is too much - "
"No, I'd give you the world if I could," he grinned. "My Princess."
"Dameon - "
"It's a title, my love," he nodded gently. "We will come to discuss your position in court, and perhaps on the Small Counsel."
You nodded gently, "You're too much sometimes..."
He shrugged some, looking over your shoulder before shifting you lightly into his side. The King approached you both, grinning widely as he laughed, opening his arms, "My! You know how to give a toast, brother."
"He's gifted with words when he chooses to be," you teased, patting your husband's stomach.
"And you!"
"And me!"
Viserys chuckled, and unknown to you, clocked the look his brother gave him. "Well, today's been long and if you'd like to retire, feel free to send orders to the kitchens for wine or whatever have you."
"Thank you, Your Grace," you breathed in relief, watching him smirk with a nod - offering more congratulations before bidding goodnight and taking his leave.
"Come," Daemon smirked, taking your hand and leading you straight for the doors. A few drunker guests hollered and whooped after you both; your legs jogging lightly to keep up with Daemon's elongated strides. He wanted to get you away from the crude comments as soon as possible, and lead you away up the stairs - out to the foyer - and then down a hall that did not house your room.
"Daemon? Love? C'mon, slow down," you whispered, tugging on his hand.
"Sorry," he nodded back, glancing over your shoulder, "there are some who take rudely to the after-wedding traditions."
Your eyes rolled, "Fuck them..."
"No, you're gonna fuck me," he smirked, leading you around another corner.
"Why're we going to the Godswood?" You wondered. "Sweetheart, aren't we going to bed?"
"Eager, are we?"
"I feel my slick dripping down my thighs," you bit back, "and it's a husband's duty to handle that, is it not?"
"I'll handle it," he assured, looking this way and that, "after I marry you in the eyes of your Gods."
But he paused, revealing the Godswood to you. There was only Mary there, beaming as she waited for you both. "Marry me, again?" He smirked at you.
"Oh," you breathed, forehead to his for a moment as you squeezed his hand. "Yes, yes, yes, this is - yes, it's perfect!"
"Come," he nodded, leading you up to Mary - and within minutes, your hands were bound, and you were repeating more vows to one another - ending togther,
"I am her's, and she is mine." "I am his, and he is mine."
"Prince Daemon, you may kiss your bride," Mary beamed, watching Daemon swoop in again to kiss you with all tongue; hands holding you still, and keeping you pressed against his front. Mary quietly left the Godswood to escape for the halls of the Keep, peaking back to watch with a grin as your arms wrapped around Daemon's neck.
"Wait," you breathed, pausing your kiss to glance around - but failed to hold back your moan when his mouth descended to your neck. "Daemon," you begged.
"Shh," he hushed, licking a bold strip up to your pulse point. "We're alone, I've had it arranged."
"What?" You asked, pressing your chest into his as your back arched.
He sighed lightly, "I've paid the servants off to keep everyone away."
"And you trust them?"
"If they value their lives..."
You giggled lightly, "Threatening people in my name?"
"For your honor," he purred, tugging your hands with him. He moved around the tree, allowing you a single corner of privacy as he unlaced the Targaryen cloak from your shoulders. "Tell me how you want it."
"Breed me," you spoke instantly, letting your tongue lap with his as he splayed the cloak out, "and then take me to bed properly."
"Whatever my wife commands, I will provide," he purred, scraping his teeth over your jaw before turning you rapidly - making you gasp. "On your knees," he spoke in your ear, lowering you to the ground, and yanking at his belts.
You positioned yourself on your hands and knees, ignoring the cold ground, and pulling your skirt up over your hips to give a wiggle; peering back at him. He groaned and reached a hand for your warmth, hissing through his teeth as he prodded his fingers into your wet heat - other hand desperate to free himself.
"Put a baby in me, Daemon," you demanded.
"Yes," he huffed, humping into you as your back bowed. "Oh, fuck," he hissed, sinking all the way into you as your hips adjusted to his length.
You moaned in response, "Wanna make you a Daddy."
He panted as he took hold of your hips, "Keep talking."
"Want your cum dripping outta me," you whined, bracing your hands as he pounded into you. "And my belly swollen with your child. Want you touching me - fuck - fuck - fuck. Harder, please - "
"Call me Dady, again."
"Oh, fuck, Daddy, yes, fuck me harder," you begged, cheek pressed to the soft velvet of the black cloak.
"Can you take it, pet?" he smirked, readjusting his hold; slapping a palm to your arse cheek, and relishing in the ripple of flesh.
"Yes, Daddy," you preened, his hand snaking around to hold your throat and bring you back into his chest. "Can handle anything you throw at me - promise, promise, yes, Daddy, please."
"Oh-hoo," he moaned, hips stuttering to hump into yours; hand tightening. "Take it, take it, take it," he seethed, hips punctuating each word. Your own hand drifted to rub at your clit, dropping to your chest as you went limp from your orgasm crashing into you almost violently. Daemon gave a small shout, hand latched to the back of your neck, and his hips grinding into yours as he found his end.
"Oh, fuck," you breathed, panting into the ground.
"Yeah," his grin was heard, a hand petting over your hair. "You get tighter everyday, pet."
"Hush," you laughed lightly, whining right after as he pulled his softening cock out of your cunt. He paused to push his fingers into your cunt, pushing his cum back up into you with an air of fascination.
Within 15 minutes, Daemon had you in his arms and entering your room to lay you on your bed - locking the door as you stripped from your wedding attire. When you peaked behind you, your husband was watching with a newly-poured goblet of wine, eyes raking over you. "Get on the bed," he demanded lowly, almost growling his words. "I'm not done with you, yet."
"Good," you nodded, sitting pretty and slowly opening your legs. Your fingers ran down your lips, toying with his cum that still leaked out of you - watching his throat bob. "I'm not pregnant yet."
"We'll fix that," he assured, standing to his feet to set his now-empty goblet aside.
"I want you bare," your head cocked.
"Making demands?"
"Isn't it my husband's duty to ensure I get what I want?" You smirked.
"My good girl," he smirked, "you're learning."
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final / part six: One Sunrise at a Time
Midnight Calls masterlist
requesting rules and masterlist
HOTD masterlist
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tame-a-messenger · 2 months
I might be reading too much into this (would not be the first time!) but Damangela content seems to have increased once the Shourtney wedding became a reality. Perhaps the current content is a delayed fan service but the cynical side of me is also wondering if this is an attempt to compensate for the Shourtney and Shayngela droughts that we might witness on the upcoming weeks. While I wouldn't mind seeing Damien and Angela in more videos together, I hope that they can develop their dynamic naturally, without needing to mold it into something that other duos have. Idk if this is even realistic worry or not but it did cross my mind after noticing a sudden increase in Damangela visuals and interactions.
I think it's just uncanny timing?
I'm pretty sure the Drought™ was only a thing because Damien was busy (he didn't appear in many Smosh videos during that time) and the videos they did get him in just unluckily didn't have Ang
I believe all the content we've been getting for Damangela was recorded last month, so I don't think it is on purpose?
And all the non-Smosh related Damangela content happening right after the Wedding announcement was 100% just weird timing lol
I also don't buy that Smosh is even thinking about "compensating" for a Shourtney drought with Damangela.
While Shourtney is a fan favorite there's plenty of other cast that they can (if they want to) separate Shayne and Courtney with. So uploads should be normal minus Shayne and Courtney in the same videos. (which if they are your favorite I can see why your worried)(the damangela drought was not fun)
"I hope that they can develop their dynamic naturally, without needing to mold it into something that other duos have"
I don't think they are even thinking like that at all!
They have their own dynamic that a lot of fans really enjoy already, so I really don't think you have to worry about them 'developing their dynamic naturally' they already have the dynamic, it'll just grow from here on out! (if anything them being put in more videos so they can separate Shourtney will most likely make them grow faster!)
I think the only thing that's even a possibility of happening that you're worried about is a possible Shourtney drought, I think we'll still see Shayne in vids with Ang and the like, but I'm guessing it might be awhile before Courtney and Shayne are in a video together again
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leoncillo · 1 year
Oh god I thought my brain wanted a break. But I guess not? I just blacked out and this was in my notes when I came to idk y'all 🤷🏽‍♀️
SFW, GN reader (although I use "pretty"?), Black reader, Zohakuten best wingman
You notice the boys have been a bit listless so you decide to take them out. But individually. It must be tiring always being part of a group, right?
Sekido jumps and nearly screams when the first thing he sees as he opens his eyes from his day time sleeping, is you straddling him, inches from his face.
"What the hell?! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?!"
"Is that even possible?" you ask, pondering with your finger on your chin.
"What do you want, you nuisance?!"
"Get up! We're going on a date."
"Do you know how long it'll take those idiots to get ready? Why didn't you let me plan this ahead of time?" he grumbled.
"Oh they're not going. It'll be just me and you tonight" you said booping him on the nose.
His face heats up and his cheeks start to match his eyes.
"Hehe are you blus-ahh" you yelp as he grows flips you off of his legs.
"How rude!"
"Just...just go get ready yourself! We'll meet at the door in 20 minutes" he said as he marched off to the shower.
20 minutes later
You could feel all eyes on you as you walked down the stairs. You settled on dark distressed flared jeans and a modest white blouse with a cutout window with a black and white cross body bag and white tennis shoes. You decided to keep your makeup natural and to put your hair in a low ponytail to hang over your shoulder.
"You look so pretty!" shouted Urogi.
"You look lovely, dear" said Aizetsu softly.
"I might have to be jealous of Sekido for once" Karaku said, snickering.
You reached the bottom only to realize Sekido and Zohakuten were both missing.
"Wait where is he-"
"I heard that you green eyed son of a bitch!" said Sekido as you all heard him approaching the top of the stairs, only to get smacked upside the head by Zohakuten.
"Watch the language, goddamnit. You're going on a date!"
There was complete silence.
Everyone's jaw was on the floor as Sekido descended the stairs.
His hair was neatly combed and shiny, with a few strands out to frame his face. He wore a burgundy long sleeved turtleneck paired with some crisp black slacks and black loafers. A gold chain adorned his chest, a gold watch held his wrist, and a gold belt buckle around the front of his waist. Was he wearing earrings?!
"No way! I can't believe it! Hahaha" said Karaku, nearly falling off the couch.
"You look good, Sekido!" shouted Urogi.
"You clean up nice" said Aizetsu.
"All thanks to me. You're welcome, y/n" said Zohakuten.
You didn't realize you were still speechless until his well defined chest was right in front of you.
"Right. Y-You look amazing, Sekido" you said as you looked away from each other, both a blushing mess.
"Shall we go?" said Sekido as he held out his hand.
As you two walked to the car, you remembered that this was your idea, that you're in control, and mentally got your game face ready. You snatched the car keys out of his hand and motioned him to the passenger side.
"Aht aht. I'm driving. You don't even know where I planned to take you anyway."
Sekido grit his teeth, but nodded and listened. You knew he didn't like NOT being in control, so you kissed him on the cheek for playing along.
"Jesus can we just go?!" he said flustered.
After about 20 minutes of driving, you pulled up to a nondescript warehouse building on a side of town neither of you have been to before.
Even for a demon, Sekido felt a little weirded out as he looked at the building from top to bottom. "Are you gonna try to kill me or something?"
"What?! Nooo, silly. You'll see. Let's go!" you said grabbing his arm and leading him inside.
Inside there were several made up stations and soundproof rooms. A bored looking college student sat at the registration booth and looked up lazily at the two of you. "How long?"
You hummed to yourself in thought. "Two hours, please."
Sekido quickly glanced at you, still extremely confused. Was this some kinda love hotel or something? The thought made him start blushing again.
"Right this way."
The college student let you inside one of the rooms and pointed at the long aprons and face shields for you, before leaving you to it.
While you were suiting up, Sekido looked around the room at the mannequins and ceramic dishware and vases and the line of baseball bats hung on the wall.
"Y/n, what the hell is this?" he turned to ask only to see you launch a glass bowl at the wall. "What in god's name are you doing?!"
"It's called a rage room, honey" you said trying to pry the next bowl from his hands, "smashing stuff is the point!"
"I'm not completely following? Humans these days are so weird!"
You thought for a second, "Hey remember that one mission you were on when Urogi got too excited and blew all of the windows out of the building?"
A plate went flying into the wall.
"I'm still paying the bill off for the damages!" he said growling and reaching for a vase.
"Now you're getting it! But hold back a teeny bit. You're still a demon, dude" you said, eyeing the dent in the wall.
"What are the fake humans for?" he said eyeing the mannequins.
You grabbed a bat off the wall. "Remember Douma at the last upper moon meeting?...or just him in general?"
The bat was out of your hands in seconds and smashing into the mannequins crotch.
"Yeah!" you said hyping him up and giggling at the growing grin on his face.
"Are you not gonna keep smashing?" he asked.
You usually solved your anger issues pretty easily, but you figured you could find something in this world to be mad at and shrugged.
You threw a mug into the air and hit it with a bat. "I hate parallel parking!"
Then, you sent a plate into a wall "I hate meetings that could be e-mails!"
Sekido's smile only grew wider at your display of anger as he continued his assault on the mannequins and you thought you heard a "Karaku" in his rambling somewhere.
"Ouch!" you stopped after a flyaway chip of ceramic somehow made it past your face shield and nicked your cheek.
Sekido dropped everything immediately and made his way over to you. "What? What happened?!"
"Eh. I'm guess I'm still klutzy enough to get hurt through a shield" you said going to touch the cut on your cheek.
"Don't touch it! Let me see." he said, as he held your face gently and looked you over before kissing the cut and turning away, "You'll be okay. Put some of that human ointment on so it doesn't leave a scar. Let's go home before you hurt anything else."
"Aww, Seki, you-"
"I said let's go home!" he said , storming out and hiding his face.
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gilly-moon · 5 months
Ask meme. 001 with ships Black Ice and Pompous Pep? 👀
Already did Blackice, so I'll do Pompous Pep for this one!
when I started shipping it if I did:
I was definitely having thoughts about them when the show was still airing...
my thoughts:
This is one of those ships that I think I'm more...particular about than some other fans of it. Or maybe my preferences aren't as in line with the broader headcanons, idk. I guess we'll find out in this ask game
What makes me happy about them:
They fall into that beautiful category of 'rivals who are forced to occasionally rely on each other' and I EAT THAT SHIT UP. But on a more sincere note - even if they'd struggle at first to connect, I like to think that they're willing to hold each other accountable to their flaws. They have no hang-ups about calling it out when one of them fucks up, but they both (Vlad especially) could benefit from some vulnerability and honesty like that.
What makes me sad about them:
Not sure there is anything tbh???
things done in fanfic that annoys me:
Ok this is where I might be getting into some unpopular opinions but I'm really not a fan of the over-exaggeration of some of Vlad's characteristics, like making him extra flamboyant or shallow or leaning SUPER hard into tropey-single-bachelor things (typically for the sake of humor). I get he's literally a cartoon villain, so feeding into his tropes is kind of expected, but as someone who came to like Vlad because he's actually got some genuine emotions under his flawless suit and ponytail, I really don't vibe with those more 2-dimensional interpretations of him. I enjoy him for his pathetic side as much as anyone else, but there's a limit to everything for me. Also any fic where Danny grows up and gets super tall or beefy is...not for me. That boy is a beanpole and he always will be.
things I look for in fanfic:
If it's written by @9haharharley1 (kidding but totally not kidding). I tend to gravitate either to the ones where they're established and toe the line between sincerity and 'we were rivals once so the mockery can never die,' OR ones where they're still rivals and Vlad manages to catch Danny off guard and has some fun. Also, topVlad/bottomDanny exclusively.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: 
Outside the realm of pompep, I think Vlad just needs to remain single and remember how to have friends. Maybe him and Skulker can elevate their business partnership to something more. Danny...needs to go to college and learn some things about himself imo. Him and Sam really don't feel like they'll last, but maybe if he did some exploring in college he'd find someone to be with.
My happily ever after for them:
I'm not sure I can fully imagine one for them? Not in the sense that it couldn't happen, but I just really like living in the part of their relationship where they're still imperfect and growing together and figuring out how to fit their lives together. Looking beyond that is...not as interesting to me, I guess.
who is the big spoon/little spoon:
I could see it either way, tbh. Danny sliding over to be a big spoon to steal Vlad's warmth, or curling up as the little spoon when he's needing to feel safe/protected.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity:
Sparring - they know the other can take it if they get serious, so it's a good mutual challenge and way to let off steam. Maybe stargazing if they're feeling extra peaceful that night.
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anipgarden · 4 months
Oh yeah just because I feel like rambling
If my garden plans work out as intended it's gonna be absolutely banging this year. The only thing that could stop me is my bad watering memory skills, my bad weeding skills, and my tendency to step on things on accident.
But even with just the vegetables and fruits the plan is
Tomatoes. Hoo buddy the tomatoes. Last year I had 12 tomatoes (6 romas and 6 beefsteaks) but the 6 cells I picked up had extras in them, which means if I separate them well enough I can get 7 beefsteaks and 14 roma tomato plants. I'm gonna have to find space. But goddammit I will find space.
Peppers. Just sweet banana peppers this time for now (bellpeppers grow too slow for too little reward imo) but I picked up a 6 cell of those. I've also still got some plants that hung on for the entirety of winter (Florida for the win) so whether or not those stay where they're at is. A Decision I'll have to make tomorrow.
I've already planted carrots and peas that are starting to come up, but I might plant more because I didn't get as many as I was hoping for by the tomato cages. I also planted lettuce seeds, cabbage seeds, and green onion seeds that I've seen not much results from so if those pop up they pop up but otherwise I think its a bit late to plant more? I'll recheck the extensions site.
I'm gonna try growing watermelon again!!! I got 3 bags of compost and at least one and a half of those bags is gonna be dedicated to making a nice mound to plant seeds in. The year we used fresh compost was the year they grew best, but trying to reuse the same mound in later years yielded not much in the span of results. Time for new compost on a new mound.
I'm gonna try growing zucchini and squash again this year! Some in my bins (might need a soil refresh, hence more compost) and some in the ground (we'll see how it goes). Hopefully if I start them now instead of waiting till April (I did NOT know I could plant them as early as late Feb until like 3 weeks ago in my area) then they'll get to a decent size before the snails and slugs get voracious. If not. We'll see what happens.
I might try growing cucumbers but idk man.
All this on top of my plans for growing swamp milkweed, purple coneflowers, rudbeckia, and more. I also still have rights over the front yard landscaping, so I'm responsible for finding more butterfly weed and liatris plants at the plant sales in April (the ones I planted in October are either still dormant or dead. Out of the 5 liatris I planted then I only see signs of 1 coming back, and none of the butterfly weeds. Fingers crossed though.)
All this to say. I'm excited! Fingers crossed, everyone!
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demxnicprxncess · 1 year
Hiii :)
I really like your writing and i wanted to ask if you could write an Evan peters x fem reader story, where you are Evans gf. You go to a birthday party and tease each other the whole night (maybe some specific movements or touching). You end up in the bathroom, but the whooole action ends up at home. I just had that idea and hoped you could make a good story out of it
THis request is perfect for Evans bday sorry its so late btw im going thru some things but here you go!
Taglist: @kitwalkersgfff, @ppawmpkin, @yes-divine-ruler, @quicksilversg1rl, @charsdunkie, @eddiemunsonsbitch69, @dahmevan, @sultrysullen dm me to be added or removed dears.
His Bday | Evan x Fem!Reader
Cw: angst?, smut but like its making love ig? idk. Happy birthday Evan!
A couple minutes after we got to the beautiful birthday party that the lovely Ms. Sarah Paulson had arranged for the beloved Evan Peters, my husband might I add, some floozie decided to ruin my mood immediately. She hugged him for longer than the friendly overextending 20 seconds, kissed his cheek and decided to announce that he had been her celebrity crush for so many years. However, me being the good wife I am settled on just letting it be, because at the end of the day I will be in OUR bed BESIDE him. He also thought it would be fun to tease me and dance with the woman. I'm trying not to be hurt because he's just trying to fuck with me, but then I see her hands tangle into his hair before he pushes her away and explains it was a friendly dance. I can't help but feel some type of way, his teasing turned against him and now it was my turn to become insufferable. I walked over to him grabbing his hand and dragging him into the bathroom, not caring who bothered to look at where the birthday boy was going. Once in the bathroom I slammed the door shut and locked the door. "Well, Mrs. Peters, how could you drag me from my own par-" He stopped talking as I pressed my lips into his, my hand snaking down to cup his soft dick and massage it, feeling the length grow in my hands. "Sorry Mr. Peters, I just couldn't stop myself." I removed my hand from him and pulled away. "Go have fun baby, Happy Birthday!" He looked at me and covered his now hard dick in his pants glaring at me, forming his lips to object but I push him out of my way and walk out of the bathroom, causing him to follow me like a lost puppy whining about how mean I am before Sarah smacks him dead in the face with a little cake. I turn around and start laughing which makes him smear some on my face. "Evan! My makeup!" He laughed at me and rubbed it all the way down to my cleavage. "Don't you dare." He smirked and ran it over my dress making me smear his into his shirt, we busted into giggles and smiles as Sarah chuckled. "Alright, we'll let you guys go home." I wiped the cake off my face nodding. Once we finally got home, I couldn't even remove my jacket before he was sweeping me off my feet and carrying me to our room. "Evan! Put me down!" He smirked and dropped me on the bed making me bounce and chuckle. "I've been waiting to undress you all night babe." I smiled at him and sat up so he could push up the rather short dress. "But I'm too impatient." I felt him pull my panties down and then I heard him pull his dick out. He lined it up with my entrance and pushed in making me whine out in pleasure. "I love you so much (name) Peters." I smiled before moaning again feeling him pull out slowly and push in at that same pace in a loving manner. "I love you too Evan." I wrapped my arms and legs around his neck and torso as I felt my body push with each of his gentle yet deep thrusts. "Fuck, you're all mine and I don't ever have to share you baby." I whined out in agreement as I felt myself getting closer. He slipped his hand down to my clit rubbing figure eights on it making me jolt in pleasure. "Ev, please." He kissed me and rubbed faster while still lovingly grinding his dick in and out of me. I felt my body convulse before I spilled my liquids onto his cock and him into me. "I love you so much, happy birthday." He smiled and kissed my collar still inside of me, me dress bunched up his pants at his ankles and us dozing off into sleep. "I love you too baby."
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callmeana2310 · 2 years
Old Friends (Pt. 2/?) - College!Nick Nelson x female!Reader
Parts : Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 |
Pairing: College!Nick Nelson x female!Reader
Warnings: light cussing, LGBTQAI+, non-native in English! (Lemme know any mistakes, especially if anything is offensive in the slightest ways!!!)
Topics: friendship, crush, old friends meet again, college, bisexuals, music, soft, young adults, growing up, cute cuddly Nick Nelson
Summary: After years the reader meets Nick Nelson at a  LGBTQAI+ college party. They knew each other from Truham and Higgs and (Y/N) remembers her crush on him.
Word count: 1,851 
Note: This is for the 20+ gang who also loved Heartstopper. Nick is in his mid 20s and the reader in her early 20s!
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(not my picture. All rights belong to the owner.)
Old Friends - All Grown Up 
Shortly after leaving the party, my phone vibrates. A message on Instagram. It is Nick. To my surprise, he is still following me and he asks me to check in with him when I get home safely. I bite my lower lip, trying to hide the huge smile. "What's up with the smiley face Y/N/N?", Nicole asks. "Nothing! That party was just great...", I mumble the last sentence. "Uh-uh! She means that hot redhead was great. But you can thank me later for dragging you to that party!", Emily laughs. "I know him from before University... we are...just old friends", I defend myself. The girls laugh, in unison. "Just friends, huh? I don't believe that!", says Emily. They pick on me for a little longer until they are distracted by a group of people walking by we know. I keep quiet for the rest of the way and say goodbye when we arrive at my flat. I make my way up to the third floor, unlock the door, kick off my shoes, put my hair up in a bun and immediately head for the fridge grabbing a cool drink and some grapes. My social battery is dead for now. I sit down on my kitchen floor opening Instagram, again, smiling like an idiot.
Nick Nelson
Hi you! Let me know when you're home safe?
Hi! I'm home now 😮‍💨 Are you still at the party?
Nick Nelson
Nah, left shortly after you were gone!
It was really lovely to see you again ☺️
Hope we'll see each other on campus..
Let me know when you're home safe? 😁
tbh? I'd be mad if we don't!
Gonna have a word with Darcy and Tara! Can't believe they never said anything!
Nick Nelson
Right?! What did I do?🥺
Cheesy! I'm home now 😝
Idk must have done something!🤷🏻‍♀️
That's great! I'm heading to bed now. Sleep well xx
Nick Nelson
Yeah, me too. Goodnight ☺️
I only saw the last message as a notification on my lock screen while walking to the bathroom. I get rid of my clothes, put on a large sleeping shirt, and battle my hair once again before washing my make-up off and then heading for my bedroom, throwing myself at the bed. I take my phone and read Nick's last message again. I haven't thought about high school or him in a long time. Sure, when seeing Tara and Darcy we're reminiscing about the "good old days" every now and then, but we barely do that anymore. I finished high-school four years ago but after that, my life changed so drastically that it feels way further into the past. The first year after high school I stayed home with my parents, worked for some time and then travelled around Europe for quite some time. Then, two years ago, I started studying here at the University and therefore officially moved out.
I softly shake my head, trying to think of something else. I turn off my lights, crawl under the blanket and make sure to turn off all my alarms so I can just sleep in. After starting some light instrumental music with a timer which stops the music in two hours, I put my phone away and try to find a comfy position to sleep in. Closing my eyes I feel it spinning, I quite had some drinks. Hoping the spinning might lull me into sleep, but my thoughts prevent that. My brain feels the urge to get updated on Nick's life. How is his family? Nellie? Whom is he still friends with? Who are his new friends? What music is he into? Before my brain can fully spiral in those thoughts I give in and open Insta again. I avoid opening his last message but I go on his profile and scroll through his pictures and get some answers to the previous questions. Silly little girl stalking her old crush... After a while, I feel my eyes falling shut a few times and before I could know I am asleep.
Wednesday - 4 days after the party
"Ugggh! This is so boring!", I groan very quietly. Lily next to me looks at me in disbelief. "Don't be so loud! They'll kick us out if you're rude!", she hisses at me. I laugh softly, "By now I really wish they'd finally do it..." All my friends around me laugh as quietly as possible, but our professor in the front still shoots us a warning glance. I really try to focus on what is being said in the front, but it is impossible. First lectures at the beginning of a semester are always the same; the professors tell stories about their time at university, they rant about how undisciplined and lazy a lot of students are, then they read out their syllables and go back to ranting. My phone vibrates.
Nick Nelson
Where are you spending your lunchtime?
The menu in the cafeteria is horrible!🤢
The menu today is shit!
We're gonna eat at the Chinese restaurant down the street!
Nick Nelson
Is that place good?
You wanna come? I'm sure the girls won't mind!
Nick Nelson
Sure! You had me at "fried rice"!🤤
Meet me at the main entrance of the philology department
Lecture is done in 40mins
Nick Nelson
🙌🏻 I'll see you in 40!
I look up from my phone, trying to catch up with what is being said. "Did you win the Lottery? Are de finally redeemed? Let's leave!" I hear Vivian to my right site. "What?", I whisper without looking at her. "You smiled at your phone like crazy!", she says while nudging me with her elbow. "Was I?" Lily on the other side laughs a little too loud. We ear another glance. "Hell yes! Are you writing with that hot redhead again?", Lily whispers cautiously while making sure our professor doesn't get disturbed by her again. I roll my eyes in response. "So it is him!", Vivian exclaims. "He has a name. And yes, I was texting him... He'll join us for lunch. But I wasn't smiling.." Emily who sits behind me bends over "The hot rugby guy? Is he joining us? Hell yes!" I laugh slightly over their reactions. Oh lord!
After 40 minutes which felt like hours, we finally leave the lecture hall, gathering outside and exchanging numbers for study groups. I look around to find Nick. A bit further away I see him walking towards us, his right hand reaches up to wave at me. "Nick!" I shout the moment I see him wandering around the space in front of my lecture hall, waving to make sure he sees us. "He had a bi bracelet, right?" Lily asked waving too, "How do you know the rugby captain?". "We went to school together", I reply. Nick arrives with a big smile on his face. "Hi!", he says while hugging me. "Hi" I mumble while enjoying his warm hug. I see the glances of my girlfriends while we part. He turns to the group, waving at them and greeting them all at once. "So... Where's that magical place you told me about?" he asks while turning back to me. "Just follow us handsome!" one of my friends responds. Nick chuckles slightly. I gesture him to follow her lead, laughing about his slightly flushed face. Nothing changed...
"How's the first week back at campus going?", Nick asks while we wait to be seated. "The usual... lecturers trying to explain how studying works... without really knowing the requirements" I groan. He laughs at my statement. "Yeah... I'm in my 7th semester now and they still do that!" "Whyyy tho?" He just shrugs his shoulders in response.
The moment we sit down my friends attack him with questions. I mostly just listen to the conversation because I know most of the answers. Vivian suddenly laughs loudly grabbing everyone's attention. "Omg! Y/N! Nick! You were so cute back then!" "Huh?", Nick and I both look at her. She turns her phone so we can see old newspaper articles about our school sports days. The other girls try to get a good look too. They look at us, comparing us now and then. I slowly sink into my seat. Nick just laughs and earns compliments. I mean, he literary only looks younger and slimmer. Whereas I look like kids looked back in the 2010s. I had small, very unflattering glasses; braids on both sides, my hair stuck up in every direction, my head was red from the exercise in the early summer heat and I wore old, weird and way too small clothes. "Girl! You had the glow-up of the century! You looked terrible!" one of the girls laughs. "Well.. thanks..." I snip back at her. Nick looks at me, softly shaking his head at the comments, giving me a cheering smile. The waiter bringing our food saved me from further comments and the topic is off the table for now. The girls continue attacking him with questions, this time about his rugby career and his studies. I focus on my food, trying to stand above the rather hurtful comments from before.
Part of the group left directly after they finished their lunch since they had classes afterwards. The rest of us leaves the restaurant together. "Sooo! This was fun! We should definitely do this again!" Lily smiles at Nick. "Yeah...sure", he nods. "We are going downtown, will you come?" Vivian asks. "Nah... I need some stuff from the library. Have fun" he denies their request with a polite smile. "I'm heading in the same direction! See ya!" I say before saying goodbye to them. Nick and I walk back to campus, not talking much, but the silence isn't awkward at all. He starts giggling "Fuck! What year were those pictures from? Can we sue the schools?" I laugh at his question. "I wish! That picture of me is a crime!" "I mean, it is so 2010s but it is also very cute!" he claims, looking at me with wrinkles around his eyes since he is smiling so brightly. I automatically smile back at him before shaking my head in disagreement. "No! That's as far from cute as possible!" I pause for a moment, before continuing "But honestly? I haven't thought about my school time like that in a long time." He nods "Yeah, crazy times! I miss home and the old times sometimes.." I shrug, "I like it here too much to miss home." We arrive at the library. "My books are on the third floor", I explain. "Mine are on the fourth", Nick says and smiles. "I guess I'll see you?", I ask. "You definitely will", he says while pulling me in for a hug. I hug him back, again, enjoying his warmth.
'Cause in your warmth I forget how cold it can be And in your heat I feel how cold it can get Hold me in this wild, wild, world - Warmth, Bastille
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