#they dont feel pda much to me i think
hypnogogyc · 1 year
(hc) I think Oliver would enjoy a casual nickname or two but I think alot about how Oliver says his name doesn’t have meaning anymore and how Mike Insists on being called Mike and I think Mike gives some power to the name with every time he says “Oliver”, never shortened, each syllable spoken with time and respect…
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delcakoo · 1 year
txt’s reaction to you being asked out ⋆˚。⋆↯˚
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requested <3
PAIRING ! txt x f!reader
WC ! 4k
GENRE ! fluff, crack
WARNINGS ! jealousy, slight insecurities, strangers asking u out
a/n: the readmore cut actually worked for once a tear rolled down my leg . ty for the req nonie hope u enjoy !
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soobs doesn’t find himself getting jealous often
he trusts you more than anyone in the world and basks in the knowledge that you’re just as whipped for him as he is for you,,,
something super big would have to happen for him to genuinely get upset
and so when he does..
oh boy
good luck dealing with a clingy sulky baby :(
everything was going SO well today too
soobin was very proud of himself for organising the beach date you were visibly enjoying to the fullest <3
you’d spent all day making a giant sandcastle, playing around in the water, having an intense game of volleyball that soobin complEtely dominated and it’s not because he’s good. he’s just ridiculously tall and barely needed to jump
and of course !! getting ice cream !!! the highlight of a very hot day
you were both still dripping saltwater, but soobin put on a t-shirt over his swim trunks while you decided to stay in your bathing suit due to the fear of getting your clothes soaked too
while you waited in line for the ice cream truck, your boyfriend was busy trying to fix his hair when you feel someone poke your shoulder
of course you turn around to investigate,,
just to see some random guy around your age holding his phone opened to a new contact, a confident smile on his face as he continuously glances you up and down
bro wasn’t even trying to be subtle with the staring >:[
“hey, so i was just wondering if i could get your number, i think you’re gorgeous.”
he doesn’t even say anything, just completely awestruck that this asshat couldn’t see him right there?!?
yeah, okay maybe u could pass as friends since he wasn’t much for pda, but too bad!!
he should’ve known and now soobin has the biggest pout on his face as he stares daggers at the man, waiting for you to deal with the situation yourself unless the time comes for him to step in
you just blink in surprise, “oh, me? thanks, but i’m here with my boyfriend.”
finally, he follows your finger to meet soobin’s eyes, gulping at the way he has his arms crossed and face sporting a please-dont-actually-try-to-fight-me-but-i-hate-you glare
personally you think he looks like a cute angry fluffball
but clearly the guy is slightly intimidated — perhaps by his height and built biceps — judging by how frantically he shoves his phone back in his pocket
“oh, my bad. sorry bro,” he apologizes, jogging off before he could embarrass himself further
as soon as he’s far enough, soobin starts murmuring under his breath, wrapping a big arm around your shoulder
sulky soob activated T-T
expect him to be extra clingy and show lots of affection in public for the rest of the day regardless if he’s feeling better or not about the situation
which is SO not like him
the grip he has on your waist even makes yOu nervous
“m’ not your bro. who does he think he is? seriously. looking at you like a piece of meat, i’ll- i’ll punch him!”
you snicker knowing damn well your boyfriend wouldn’t even hurt a fly
amused, you watch as he begins tapping his foot, clearly thinking way too deep into the situation, “couldn’t even ask if you had a boyfriend first! do i not look boyfriend-y enough?” his heart shaped lips form a frown, showing off his dimples unintentionally
“love, you’re the most boyfriend-y guy here, okay? did you forget how that guy nearly shit his pants when he saw you?”
a childish grin sports soobin’s cheeks at that, pride flowing through him and making you chuckle in return
“now c’mon big baby, what flavor are you getting?”
yeah you’ve made him feel a bit better about it
but don’t expect him to be anything but attached to your hip all day <\3
even when you go to the washroom he’s standing outside the door like a guard dog
constantly on the lookout as if that guy is plotting to randomly show up and steal you away !! he has to be sure :( !!
when you tease him though,, he of course gets all defensive
“ay, you wouldn’t be laughing if it was some girl trying to ask me out! you don’t understand.”
when you tell him that he’s right and that you’d be pissed too, he feels a bit better n’ goes back to having only a sliGht pout
but pssst secret
some cuddles and kisses when you get back home should fix him right up <3 !!
the most atrocious yet blank stare imaginable
he wouldn’t even process what’d happened for a few seconds like
huh 🧌 that’s. that’s my girlfriend what do u mean. doesn’t everybody know she’s mine what no how could this happen plea
at the same time junie isn’t really a fan of confrontation and y’know
calling someone out
but in this situation IF he isn’t busy being the real life version of the standing man emoji HE WILL SPEAK UP !!
when something like this actually happened, it was originally a very chill day for you and jun <3
he invited you to come grocery shopping with him for the dorm
and man oh man he looks so boyfriend with that plain white tee and half his hair in a lil’ ponytail T-T
you tried not to ogle him the whole time
but clearly you weren’t doing well considering he already caught you staring twice …
“yah, cutie,” yeonjun barks with a teasing look on his face, “stop drooling and go get soobin’s bread. i’ll be in the ramen aisle.”
you roll your eyes but listen anyway, making your way two aisles over to find the bread section containing a man who’s carefully glancing at his phone, then back at the display with a lost expression
as you get closer you quickly realise he’s having trouble finding the bread on his list, so of course you decide to help him out like a good citizen
“is this the one you need?”
the man whips his head up at your voice, a grateful smile on his face as he nods and acceps the loaf carefully
“yeah, thanks. you’d think being so tall i could find things easily but..” shyly, he looks away, ruffling his bangs habitually
you chuckle while grabbing a loaf of soobin’s favorite bread, feeling the guy watch closely from beside you
“i uh, actually recently moved here and i was thinking,” he swallows, “would you want to help me find a good place to eat? on me, of course.”
you blink
was he asking you as a friendly gesture of thanks or as a date
you honestly couldn’t tell
“well i’ll have to ask my boyfriend, he’d probably wanna know the details and stuff. or maybe he could come with us?”
“oh, that isn’t really—“
just as he opens his mouth to reply, a familiar pale arm wraps around your waist and pulls you into a sturdy chest
“hey princess,” yeonjun aggressively pecks the top of your head, a gesture that has your stomach swooning, “who’s this?”
obliviously, you smile, “oh, we just met here and he was going to take me to—“
since you were in front of him, you didn’t get to see yeonjun’s cold stare that caused the man to quickly put his free hand up in surrender
“oh, no no, nevermind that! sorry— uh, thank you again.” he barely even finished his sentence before turning around and storming off, ears bright red
you begin to question why he was suddenly rushing, but you’re snapped out of it by none other than your boyfriend swivelling you around to face him
yeonjun just stares at you for a moment
looking carefully at your features before cupping your face and leaning down for a kiss
his lips were always so plush n’ soft and you desperately wanted to keep feeling them but
it couldn’t be too long as you were still in a grocery store after all
but even once you pull away yeonjun grabs your hand tightly
“i leave for five minutes and other guys are already hovering around you like flies,” he complains, duck lips turning down cutely
“now you know what it’s like,” you snort, rubbing his knuckles with your fingers laced through his. “you know i’m only yours, ignore them.”
he looks down at you, a fond yet playful gaze in his pretty eyes
“oh really? what are you? i think i forgot, say it again~”
“yours, dumbass,” you can’t help but smile at his antics ^^
“that’s right, mine. mine. all mine.” with each word, yeonjun gives your head another loving smooch <3
now this one ..
hate to break it to you but gyu may start laughing and mocking the guy as soon as he’s gone
he finds you rejecting other men hilarious, especially watching the way their face falls in defeat :)
butttt sometimes he gets a little irked out,, especially when the guy has pretty much anything better than him whether it be height or just neater hair
n’ even though you reject those kinds of guys just as quickly as any other, his insecurities tend to eat away at him
so make sure to reassure your boy !!
you and beomgyu decided to bus downtown for a day at the cat cafe that recently opened
things were going better than expected considering going on a weekday apparently meant not many other customers would be around ^^
plus the amount of lockscreen-worthy photos you got of gyu with kittens was astronomical HOW WERE YOU GONNA CHOOSE!!
out of the corner of your eye though, you couldn’t help but fidget at the feeling of the employee staring daggers at you
and at first you worried you were doing something wrong, but all you’ve been doing thus far is play with a grey kitten, laugh at gyu, and take a million pictures
“this one really likes me. i think we should take him home,” beomgyu declares, holding up a small white kitten to demonstrate
but when you don’t reply, he sends you a concerned gaze, “you okay?”
“yeah.. just, that guy won’t stop staring at me.”
when he looks to see who you were talking about, a frown pulls onto beomgyu’s lips
the man was even taller than him and had soft, neatly parted black bangs that somehow rested perfectly by his eyes
don’t even get him started on the uniform he attired being pulled up a bit to reveal tight muscles against his arms, what’s a guy like that doing working at a cat cafe of all places?
beomgyu turns to you, placing the white kitten back onto the floor, “want me to go tell him to stop? i can be very intimidating~”
you watch as he wiggles his eyebrows and snort, “it’s fine. i wanna go ask him about this grey kitten anyway, she’s cute.”
immediately, gyu stands up along with you, “well i’m coming too.”
what? he didn’t want that guy talking to you one on one >:[
as you make your way over to where the employee stands behind a counter, a smile quickly rises to his face when he catches you approaching
“hey there, can i help you with anything? would you like a drink?”
the whole time he never takes his eyes off of you, and beomgyu crosses his arms at the realisation that this man was totally ignoring him! the audacity!!
so of course he opens his mouth, “yeah, actually. i’ll get a latte, please.”
finally, the man turns to him, and his expression falters for a second before he nods and gets to work
you give beomgyu a strange look that he ignores
“you don’t even like lattes,” you murmur with furrowed brows
he simply nods to the kitten in your arms, a defensive glare on his face, “yah, don’t forget what we came here for.”
just in time, the man turns back to you while finishing up the latte and sliding it over to your boyfriend, who emits a barely audible ‘thanks’
a smile quickly returns to his face as he takes you in, along with the kitten you’re holding, “anything for you, pretty girl?”
what’d he call you
beomgyu’s jaw DROPS touches the ground even
that is HIS nickname for you!!!
he immediately frowns, a competitive gleam in his eyes as he reaches down to pat your head
“she is pretty, isn’t she?”
apparently the guy didn’t get the hint as he quickly agrees with a cheery ‘of course’ 👎
you seem equally confused but you quickly cough and speak up, “i— uh, i was just wondering what breed this kitten was.”
with another cheesy smile that has beomgyu gagging, he replies, “that’s a british shorthair. we actually have a new litter of shorthairs arriving next week. if you decide to stop by i could give you a personal introduction.”
the man winks, sending another surge of fury through beomgyu, “along with a coffee on the house, of course.”
… it honestly wasn’t a bad deal
but judging by the way beomgyu grabbed your hand and dragged you towards the exit, you assumed it was a no
“sorry, thanks for the offer!” you barely make out before the cafe door slams closed
“along with a coffee on the house, of course,” beomgyu mocks the man’s deep voice, face scrunched up obnoxiously while you groan next to him
“don’t let him ruin our nice day baby, c’mon,” you reassure the boy, smoothing out his frustrated wrinkles with your thumb, “i’ve already forgotten what that loser looks like.”
beomgyu’s snickers, relief taking over his features as he stares down at the sidewalk
“mkay. you think i’m better looking, right?”
“he isn’t even competition next to you.”
he gets giddier by each word, slowly going back to his regular self whilst a small :> rises to his lips
“and you’re all mine, right?”
“yeah,” you bump his shoulder, smirking playfully, “and you’re mine?”
his smile grows, “obviously.”
gyu mostly stays positive like that through the remainder of the date, but later you may find him sitting and staring off into space, once again reminiscing on what could’ve made that guy think you weren’t taken, if he wasn’t good enough, etc
but don’t worry! as long as you’re ready to offer words of affirmation and big spooning, he’ll be back to you in no time ^^
not a very big reaction
it’s terry we’re talking about !! our unfazed king
he knows you’re his, what’s there to worry about ^^
honestly he might even chuckle at whoever had the confidence to try and ask you out rigHt in front of him
he lets you deal with it yourself unless it escalates in any way,, in that case oh boy is he ready
mans can finally put those hard-earned muscles to use <3
anways so you and tyun were having a nice lil’ outing at a cafe for lunch
being seated by the window, you spent every few seconds pointing at random things outside like literal cats <3
at one point a squirrel ran by and you immediately pointed at it going ‘you’ THEN TYUN DID HIS CUTE GIGGLE
he was in one of his cute moods and you could swear his eyes held the whole world when he smiled at you like that :(
that kinda changed when the waiter came though,,
you were a bit oblivious, but taehyun quickly caught on to the way the young man’s gaze would linger on you each time he handed you something no matter it was your drink, a napkin, absolutely any reason he could use to stAre at you
and despite him not being a very confrontational person, he makes sure you’re fully aware of what he sees
“ that guy totally wants you,” he comments as if it was something as simple as the weather 💀
meanwhile you nearly choke on your drink, “that— what? who?”
“waiter guy.”
“and at first you smile, “aww, you jealous?”
but of course ,, big mistake
“of what? you’re in love with me, aren’t you?” HE’S SO GRHRRGFH
you do that classic pouty pout and taehyun secretly wishes the table wasn’t there so he could lean over and kiss it away because aWww <3
bUt after that incident things were running smoothly, and since the waiter hadn’t returned for a while, taehyun figured it’d be a good time to run to the bathroom
apparently he couldn’t get a moment of peace because as soon as he waddled back to where you were seated, waiter guy had his elbow on the table, writing something on a sticky note while murmuring something that taehyun could only catch a few words from
“—can always call me if he messes up, i’ll be waiting.”
OOOHH yeah no he’s shaking in fury on the inside but stays cool on the outside
the sound of your sweet voice telling the man you weren’t interested and that something like that would never happen manages to cool him down a bit, but tyun still makes sure to bump the man’s shoulder extra hard while pacing back to his seat
“what’d i miss?” your boyfriend’s voice is so calm as usual,, but also somehow scary and cold n’ even yOu get nervous!!
“i- uh, enjoy your meal.”
taehyun SCOFFS as the man wobbles away with his tail tucked between his legs, “how pathetic,” he frowns
you reach over to his knuckles which instantly softens up his tense muscles, watching as he sighs
“see, you’re just too gorgeous. it gets bothersome,” as usual, his voice is calm, but this time laced with a hint of dramatic playfulness, making you giggle shyly
you’ve gotten better and better at reading and understanding your boyfriend’s speech habits and tones, which is something not many could successfully do ^^
that’s pretty much it though
he might bring it up another time as almost a little inside joke between you guys, but he prefers to say that the guy was too irrelevant to bring any more attention to !!
but also
on the bill..
taehyun reattached that sticky note he tried to hand you and wrote something on it
unfortunately he folded it so you never got to see, but judging by the nervous stutters the waiter let out while handing him the receipt, you guessed it wasn’t too polite
your mind is taken off that real quick though when his larger hand is cupping yours :D
“c’mon princess,” with the gentlest forehead kiss ever, “we won’t be back here, that’s for sure.”
does that thing where his head just frantically shakes between u two like O-0
nervous chuckles awkward foot movements
starts inwardly panicking like fUck what should a boyfriend do in this situation SHOULD I BE PUNCHING THAT GUY
because lowkey
he doesn’t care that much,,
he trusts you fully n’ knows that guy is getting rejected
by the end of the whole fiasco he may end up having a nice conversation with the stranger as if they’re besties
they’ll be discussing how awful the weather’s been in the past week while you just stand there utterly gobsmacked
..he’s hyuka what’d you expect
do note that your boy may become unusually clingy after it’s all over
and if you question him he may or may not gaslight you into thinking everything’s normal out of embarrassment <3
anyways SEGWAY GOES HERE (coughs. so smooth)
being the rock-paper-scissor loser that you were
your co-workers left you alone to close up the local convenience store for the night (boooo tomato tomato)
closing was in a mere five minutes, and you were more than ready to book it out the door n’ spend your remaining waking hours watching anime with kai
AND all his plushies of course ^^
besides that NOBODY else was invited
not even soobin despite how he usually loves watching anime with you guys :(
kai insisted it was his very much needed alone time with you
so when the bell above the door jingles, a smile already makes it’s way to your face, expecting to see your boyfriend there and ready to drive you home
well.. not exactly
a man that looks around your age runs in, quickly sprinting over to the grocery section
and you’re just like well. shit.
if this is a robbery you’re fully prepared to sacrifice everything in the store
what’d they expect paying you minimum wage ??
but before you even raise your hands in surrender, the man has already made his way to the cashier, panting and huffing as he drops his basket onto the counter
“sorry, i know you close in a few minutes but if you could ring me up it’d be really, really great.”
you blink
“oh. yeah, sure. sorry, i thought you were a thief this whole time.”
watching you scan his items, the man giggles, “my bad. it’s.. a long story.”
“clearly, if you’re buying energy drinks at this time of night.”
again, he chuckles, leaning his palms on the table. “hey, you’re quite cute,” just as he speaks up, the doorbell rings again, “could i get your number?”
meanwhile you lift your head to see kai, who is now awkwardly staring between you both with a nervous smile on his lips
facepalming inwardly, you clear your throat, “uh- sorry, my boyfriend is- um, right there.”
when the guy turns to face him, kai just coughs with a barely audible, ‘hi’
“shit, that’s embarrassing. my bad— again.” you almost feel pity as the man fumbles to put his card back in his wallet, grabbing his bag and speedwalking to the door
but right before he can leave, kai speaks up out of nowhere, “where- where’d you get your jacket?”
you give him an odd stare, matching the guy who backtracks in confusion, “uh, i dunno. why?”
“i think i have the same one, that brand is super underrated,” kai grins nervously, and honestly, you’re starting to feel like a proud mom watching her kid make their first friend at pre-school
after the stranger gasps and brings up how he’s never met anyone else who knows it, they ramble for another few minutes before he eventually checks his phone, apologizing and saying that he needs to leave
nOt without exchanging numbers with your boyfriend of course
when kai turns around to see you shaking your head in disbelief, he bursts into a fit of screechy dolphin laughter
“he came for your number and ended up with mine instead!”
you smack his shoulder, countering the endeared smile growing on your lips, “god, you’re insane. who the hell makes friends with a guy who asked their girlfriend out minutes prior?”
grabbing your bag for you, kai throws it over his shoulder and wiggles his brows, “your boyfriend does, cutie. i personally think i handled it great.”
“yeah, whatever. go watch demon slayer with him instead.”
he pinches your cheek, cooing mockingly, “aw, no need to be jealous! i only wanna watch with my pretty girl~”
he’s acting all cocky right now
but right as kai starts to gets sleepy, he begins mumbling on about how much he doesn’t like when others try to steal you from him, and that he’ll do anything to be the one staying by your side permanently ^^ <3
if you enjoyed, reblogs n’ feedback is always appreciated + motivating for me to post more!
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© delcakoo on tumblr. all rights reserved. do not rewrite, cross-post, translate, copy, etc.
perm taglist: @duolingofanaccount @strawberry-sunset-skies @scented-morker @koshinene @boowoowho @sultrybaby @yunjinlvrr @kynrki @yujiecho @monstaxdirtywonk @dekusgirl @taejays @luvhyun3 @yjjungwon @miou45 @rosie-is-everywhere @yenqa @rosenatorfirst @millsielovesgyu @syrxiee2 @ily-cuz-i @soobin-chois @wtfhyuck @hoonvrs @gyuuberryy @bucketofhiros @xtra-cheese
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ariseur · 2 months
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ffvii jealousy headcanons 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
✧˖*°࿐ includes cloud strife, zack fair, sephiroth, reno, genesis rhapsodos, and angeal hewley
┊ ˚➶ notes 。˚ 🎼
just a little something to satisfy you guys while i continue working on my requests!! already did a dmc one so might as well do a ffvii one too lol
┊ ˚➶ warnings 。˚ 🎼
jealousy (obviously), some possessiveness, intended lowercase, like one bullet point about post-nibelheim sephiroth, just a couple of guys who love the reader??, lmk if i missed anything !! 🎀
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ 𝓒LOUD — 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
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❥ cloud is the type of person who will swear up and down that he doesn’t get jealous, but truth be told, he does. however, he doesn’t recognize it as jealousy at first.
❥ although, he definitely tries to shove his feelings down once he realizes that he’s somewhat upset. cloud won’t upright and confess that he’s jealous or go up to you when he sees someone flirting with you.
❥ cloud’s pretty understanding if you needed space or if you were just talking with someone else, he’s not gonna immediately resort to his insecurity.
❥ but once it’s a reoccurring experience, or if they know what they’re doing— or worse, if they’re actively flirting with you or touching you, then he’ll definitely start to get a little jealous.
❥ instead of actively confronting you or getting up in the flirt’s face, he’ll only watch afar at first. he’ll observe the conversation, the light touches, checking to see if you look uncomfortable or not.
❥ when it begins to become too much though, cloud’ll come up to you, saying something along the lines of how he needs you or needs your help and that it’s so urgent that you have to come with him asap.
❥ if you even insinuate that he got jealous though, he’ll deny it to the moon and back and say that it never happened. he may act like he doesn’t care, but don’t let it fool you. cloud cares about you way too much to let you be slobbered over at a bar by a disrespectful dude.
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈ 。゚
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ 𝓩ACK — 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
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❥ i feel like zack’s semi into pda? as long as he’s not around the firsts or anybody important, especially angeal, then he just can’t wait to show you off. he can’t help it, poor boy loves you too much 😭 so because of the somewhat pda, i dont see a lot of people trying to flirt with you— especially knowing that your boyfriends a SOLDIER.
❥ i dont think he’d even notice at first, too busy talking to you to even notice that theres someone who has your attention also. i cant see anybody really trying to flirt with you though, zack’s like that one small dog who keeps yapping at your feet when you get to close to its owner.
❥ zack is very vocal!! if the person interrupts your conversation, he will blatantly call them out on it. he’d narrow his eyes at them and just say, “hello, i was talking to them??” because who interrupts people like that?? plain rude!!
❥ saw this in another post and i totally agree with it, zack’ll joke and joke with underlying messages behind these said ‘jokes’ and definitely has the mindset of, “what can they offer when you have me???” he just doesn’t see how they catch your attention or why they’re talking to you while hes sitting right there??
❥ will bend over backwards just for your attention, he will pout otherwise if he doesn’t get your full undivided attention after his attempts.
❥ will probably annoy the person after you’re gone by either passive-aggressively interrogating them or ranting about how in love he is with you. he’s like the cartoons where they hold their chin in their palm with heart eyes as they look up all dreamy with a giant thought bubble that’s just you. he can’t help it, he just loves you too much (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞!!1!1!
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈ 。゚
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ 𝓢EPHIROTH — 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
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❥ for pre nibelheim (because i miss soft and not crazy sephiroth), i cant see him getting all that much jealous? i guess he’d get more so protective if he sees someone all up on you— but otherwise, he’s pretty laid back about it. he puts a lot of his faith in you entrusting that you won’t break it, so i cant see him going crazy over it.
❥ i think sephiroth’s mature enough to not cause a scene even if he was jealous, though. he wouldn’t be petty or actively try to keep you away from anybody pre nibelheim, although he finds it amusing how they try to flirt with you.
❥ he especially has to have trust in you considering he’s a first class!! unless you are also a SOLDIER or you’re associated with shinra, you guys will spend semi-large gaps of times apart. he doesn’t think you’d betray him like that though, he’s mature enough to have a conversation if he’s really worried.
❥ sephiroth has his moments of insecurity, but usually when he’s off duty— he’ll be with you. i’m just imagining sitting at a bar with sephiroth as he’s literally right beside you while this persons trying to slide up next to you lol. i also don’t think sephiroth gets jealous because he knows his worth and know he can be intimidating when he wants to be!! even just his teasing makes people quiver in their fuckin boots lmao. i doubt anybody would wanna mess with a first class SOLDIER who’s fit and over 5’11” / 180cm.
❥ after they either get intimidated or realize their advances aren’t working and that you’re happily in a relationship with sephiroth and leave, he’ll chuckle to himself as he thinks aloud about how silly it was to even attempt to get with you, knowing who you’re with. on the off chance that he’s feeling a little possessive or something, he’s not one for pda but he might just give you a kiss after they leave and a quick murmur of amusement due to their foolishness.
❥ now!! post-nibelheim!! you’re not even gonna be out of his sight enough to be hit on considering he’s kinda like.. a war criminal in a sense 😭. he’s much more possessive in his little silly criminally existentially crisis insane arc, never letting you leave alone or even go out in public that often. he’s much more obsessed with you after his break, so if he finds someone even making advances on you?? ooh, boy.
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈ 。゚
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ 𝓡ENO — 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
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❥ reno is one weird little dude, let me tell you that. every time i think of reno, i think of a cat. with a suit. suit cat.
❥ reno does get jealous a lot of the time, even if he is usually all up on you anyways. he still is a turk and also has to spend some time away from you, leading to overlapping thoughts of you while he’s away, maybe not even just possessive but also about if something happened to you. nothing could cure these thoughts better than a little phone sex, though.
❥ i’d like to think reno’s into pda as long as he’s not at work, poor rude having to witness wet kisses on your cheek with a lazy arm slung across your shoulder ever day. so i can’t really imagine anybody trying a bunch of stuff with you when usually— reno’s not too far behind.
❥ if reno happens to be not right next to you and he’s just doing his own thing and he happens to GLANCE AT YOU? AND HE SEES SOMEONE HITTING ON YOU?? instant slide next to you.
❥ he’s petty enough to start calling you all these pet names while he’s sitting next to you, wrapping his arm around you while he’s sizing the flirt up. he’ll look them up and down with a hard stare and maybe throw some passive aggressive comments every once in a while.
❥ he’ll probably make them uncomfortable (unless they wanna square up, because knowing reno, he might just charge if the person reciprocates his belligerent comments) so by the time they already leave, reno’s already whining against you as he asks what that was all about, acting all clueless afterwards. but you can tell just from the tone that laces his voice that he knows what he’s doing lol.
❥ he’s just a petty guy, maybe not so much possessive because i mean you can go out wherever you want wearing whatever you want (maybe after a small quickie at home if it’s something revealing), he can fend for you. he swears he’s your knight in shining armor no matter how much he teases you lmfao
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈ 。゚
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ 𝓐NGEAL — 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
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❥ now here’s the real knight in shining armor™!!!! angeal is your savior if you’re ever in an uncomfortable situation, although he doesn’t really get jealous at all— he’s just very observant of you.
❥ angeal has a whole thing about how in a relationship you must have faith and he’s very comfortable with both you and himself. he’s happy in your relationship and he is secure with himself!! if zack ever sees you two together and he’s like “(」°ロ°) 」??”, bombarding him with questions as usual, then i can just see angeal giving zack a talk on how to treat women and the gentleman way of approach— although zack is very respectful, it’s just in angeals nature to lecture.
❥ he won’t think anything of it when someone you know sits with you, you guys usually know each others relatives and friends well enough to trust them. but he’s a little iffy when a random stranger starts chatting you up.
❥ angeal obviously trusts you!! again, unless you’re a SOLDIER (which he wouldn’t prefer only because he worries about your well being), then you guys will have to spend some time apart. he has a lot of faith in you and will always write you when he’s away, letting you know he’s always thinking of you while you’re apart.
❥ if anything, he’ll save you if he notices you’re uncomfortable or something along those lines. he’ll swiftly say he needs your for something and apologizes to the person out of courtesy that he interrupted your guys’ conversation, but oh it’s so urgent, we must retreat!! and i must hold you hand in hand while we run off and do totally boring SOLDIER duties!!
❥ omfg then he pulls you aside and asks if you’re okay and ugh i just want him so bad. like sephiroth, he’ll also explain how foolish it was to even hit on you when you’re clearly happily in a relationship with him. you two’ll walk along back to hq (?) or whatever while you talk about how odd the encounter was.
❥ so in conclusion !! angeal is a gentleman and doesn’t get jealous / protective unless he thinks you’re in trouble or you’re clearly uncomfortable. angeal hewley to the rescue!!!
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈ 。゚
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ 𝓖ENESIS — 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
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❥ this dramatic bitch.
❥ genesis is so petty that he’ll probably consider the possibility that you’re flirting back? and then proceed to ignore you or leaving you off with some esoteric poetry while he tends to his duties. he is first class, after all.
❥ if he’s sitting right next to you though, and he hears that you’re not flirting with them. he’s petty enough like reno where he’ll suddenly be throwing out all these dramatic pet names and throw longing glances towards you, except he won’t even spare a glance towards the other person— simply only paying attention to you.
❥ id consider genesis a jealous person, but i do think that most of it strikes a protective instinct within him. he does understand that he’s also a first class SOLDIER meaning he’ll have to trust you, but he has way too much time on his hands to think. also like angeal where he’ll write you as much as he can— except he’ll send you mindless poems he writes or favored quotes of LOVELESS.
❥ in the case that you leave to go to the bathroom or any sort of occasion, genesis would probably scare the other person or make them feel uncomfortable as well. but when you return and they’re gone, he’ll act so clueless. all, “whatever do you mean, dearest?”
❥ another instance where i don’t think anybody would try anything with you. like angeal and sephiroth, genesis is a first class SOLDIER. everybody knows these dudes are the real shit (well, mainly only sephiroths talked about, but it applies to genesis and angeal too!!) so hes all smug parading you around as he side eyes every person who gawks at you. of course he knows you’re beautiful, but your beauty is too much for these fools to comprehend. so yes, he must glare at every single of them.
❥ and yes, also like his companions, he will jeer and whine about how silly it was to try that with you when you two are alone. i can even see genesis pulling a cloud and just whisking you away claiming you need to do something and then act like nothing happened afterwards. either that, or he’ll overdo it and claim to be your angel— no in between.
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ambrozjas · 3 months
i need ponyboy Curtis headcannons 😭😭😭
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ponyboy romantic hc’s ꨄ︎
✧˖*°࿐ notes 🧸ᰔᩚ
im assuming you meant romantic? but if you didn’t, feel free to drop another request in my inbox if you meant platonic or general hcs :)
✧˖*°࿐ warnings ᰔᩚ
nothing much, just pony being a lovesick dork
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄
❥ i need to get this off my chest because i KNOW its true
❥ but ponyboy would totally use the first letter of your name for a variable in algebra
❥ you can’t prove me wrong
❥ but anyways
❥ another thing about pony, he loves to read
❥ i fixate on this one hc sm in a lot of my fics, BECAUSE ITS JUST SO CUTE???
❥ whenever you guys wanna go out, darry usually has two-bit come with you guys
❥ but he isnt really a good supervisor considering his drinking habits 😭
❥ pony’s the type of guy who’ll write you poems or cheesy love letters but then scrap them and put them in a box that he’ll never give to you
❥ pony gets moody outta nowhere for like no reason
❥ like one second he’ll be okay and then next he’ll be bitchy
❥ he just gets in a weird mood sometimes i guess?
❥ not the biggest fan of pda considering he wants to look tuff, and isnt the most physically affectionate person either?
❥ i dont mean that as in a “i hate cuddling” way, i mean it in like a..
❥ “too-awkward-to-say-anything-and-is-as-stiff-as-a-board” way
❥ i think reading to you while you lay on him is the best option, so that he has something to take his mind off the fact that your body is on / near him
❥ just your face alone will make this man blush lmao
❥ if it’s after the events of the outsiders, ponyboy will never let go of you
❥ yeah, he’d walk you home before
❥ but after everything happened, he’s constantly on lookout
❥ do NOT feed this man bologna 😭‼️
❥ but anyways back to the cute hc’s
❥ steve, soda, n twobit def make fun of you guys whenever you two are just lounging on the couch
❥ sometimes darry’ll even make a teasing remark about it
❥ if you can’t get along w johnny, you cant be w ponyboy
❥ a lot of dates would probably include johnny actually 😭 (and twobit)
❥ you’d just be at the drive-in, so close to ponyboy your thighs would be touching and he’d lean over and ask
“whaddya think so far?”
“‘s alright.”
❥ and then he’d turn over to the other side and ask johnny the same thing
❥ overall, pony’s a sweetheart
❥ has no idea what he’s doing, but a sweetheart
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ tell me why my sister told me im legit a fem version of ponyboy curtis when i had read the book 😭
kiss kiss ˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒 ꒱
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blackswan7x · 10 months
— jjba: reacting to chubby insecure reader
characters: Jonathan Joestar, Joseph Joestar, Jotaro Kujo (part 3), Josuke Higashikata, Female Reader
rating: sfw, mild suggestive talk (Joseph)
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Jonathan Joestar
Honestly, Jonathan only sees you as a vision of pure beauty
“How can you ever speak so poorly of yourself when you look like a goddess of antiquity?”
Brings books of art from the library just to show you the paintings and sculptures of women through the ages
“You see, my love, artists for centuries have known your figure is truly the most divine work of all creation.”
Will silence you with a finger to your lips if you protest
Then he will take your hand into his, gazing lovingly at you.
“Our youth is fleeting. All I care for is that your body is willing to grow old with mine. For one day, my physique will fade with age and I will no longer be as strong as I am now. And will you love me then?”
Of course. You will love him no matter what.
“Then why do you refuse to see that I feel the same for you?”
He kisses you.
“Now, let us retire to our bedroom.”
And he sweeps you off your feet and carries you bridal style across the threshold to his bedroom
And as he is a gentlemen it is best not to say what you two did next
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Joseph Joestar
Our bodies are so different…Just look at how I am compared to you.
Joseph is confused to say the least.
“Huh? What’s wrong with your body and what does that have to do with mine?”
Wouldn’t he prefer someone fit like him?
Isn’t he embarrassed to be seen with you in public?
Joseph laughs
“Awww, babe. Are you feeling insecure?”
Not helping
“Because you don’t have to be.”
Go on…
“I think you’re the sexiest thing I’ve ever laid eyes on”
Okay, now you are blushing
“And you know how much I love having your thick thighs wrapped around me when we’re making sweet love~”
“What? You never complain when I’m doing it. And you’re so much fun to cuddle afterwards.”
Immediately pulls you into his arms and snuggles against your chest
“I also wanted you because you were the only person who almost had tits as big as mine.”
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Jotaro Kujo
You never kiss me in public and rarely hold my hand…
Are you…
Are you embarrassed of me?
“Good grief”
“Do you think I’m that shallow that I’d care what other people think of you? Of us?”
His voice is harsh.
You look away, feeling foolish.
He notices immediately and his gaze softens, the small spark of irritation fading.
He reaches out for you and pulls you close to him and kisses the top of your head.
Keeping you there he whispers
“Look, I’m sorry…I’m not embarrassed of you. I adore you and your body. You’re gorgeous to me.”
“I’m just a private person. Our relationship is something special and intimate to me. I dont need to display my affection for you to the world.”
You nod, still frowning.
“But it seems I’ve neglected you by only focusing on my own comfort. I’m sorry. This should be a partnership.”
He takes your hand
“I’ll hold your hand in public and won’t mind a quick kiss. It might take me some time to not….blush. But I’ll be fine.”
You squeeze his hand reassuringly
Thank you, Jotaro. Thank you for understanding and listening to me.
“I love you, Y/N. I hope you never forget that.”
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Josuke Higashikata
You’re so much more attractive then me. Don’t you want someone fit and pretty?
“Come again?????”
“Are you feeling okay, babe?”
“Do you not see the way I worship every single curve of your body?”
“I’m practically salivating every time your jeans are too tight!”
“And that cute little tummy of yours!!!”
“I can’t keep my hands off you!”
“Do I need to do more PDA?! Cause I will!!”
“OR I’ll climb on the roof at school and shout that I’m dating the hottest person in all of Morioh!!”
Josuke! Stop you’re making me blush!!!
He attacks you with kisses and tickles.
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julsvu · 2 months
hello! i saw you take request about pjo and honestly, i loved your fics about leo! i was gonna ask if you could do general dating or crush headcanons about percy, similar to your one leo fic (i dont remember which one but i think you get it???)
thank u thank u thank u if you do it!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
gn! reader
💬: hii!! im so glad you loved my leo fics :D thank u sm for requesting! this is my first time writing for percy :')
📒: fluff, friends to lovers, reader is implied to be a demigod, not proofread (⁠´⁠;⁠ω⁠;⁠`⁠)
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percy crushing on you hcs
everyone in the camp knew this boy was whipped for you
especially his friends
grover literally knows EVERY detail of you even if you guys aren't close because of percy
he knows that you have a small mole on the left side of your face, how your nose slightly scrunches up whenever you focus on something, your favorite food/the food you always eat for breakfast, the little bracelet you wear everyday because of percy
percy sometimes talks to blackjack for advice?? or just rambles to the pegasus about you (he'd look crazy without context)
the Aphrodite cabin ships you two SO MUCH
sometimes they'd set you and percy up
but to percy's disappointment, you just brush it off because you always interpreted their ways as a way to make fun of you both
spaces out whenever he looks at you
his friends have to physically shake him out of it for at least 9 seconds before he gets back to his senses
whenever that happens though, they have to sike him up to actually talk to you
if a person pulls a dirty trick on you especially during training, percy's eyes would be burning holes through them
he doesn't hide his glare at all too 😭
his friends try and give you hints that percy has a crush on u, but they're REALLY subtle and careful about it
except for leo 💀
"y'know, percy has the hots for you," he randomly says in the middle of your guys' conversation??? like u guys could be talking about how the sky's so blue and then boom he says that
they'd definitely form a game plan to get you guys together for real (annabeth would be the mastermind)
they'd probably set you guys up to a blind date in this pizza place nearby
during the date, percy made up his mind instantly after you laughed at his ridiculous joke
he wanted to date you, not just have a crush on you. he wanted to love you, in a real way, not just from afar
and so he confessed
he was resisting the urge to kick his feet and giggle when you accepted his confession /j
his friends were probably disguised as "normal" customers, sitting in the booth across from you guys, or beside you guys, silently cheering for you both once they overheard that you accepted percy's confession
percy dating hcs
loads of aquarium dates!!
he'd gossip with you, a lot
hear me out!! minecraft dates!!
he'd put your beds together and stuff, and you guys have a pet axolotl whose name is a mix of yours and percy's (basically your shipname)
is BIG on pda, he likes to show you off, even the nymphs know you're dating atp
but he'd tone it down if you want him to, of course
whenever there's a new trend that comes up on any socmed app, he's so quick to invite you to do it
he definitely made a kisses hoodie for you soskpsf
you'd have triple dates with leo and calypso, and frank and hazel 💯💯💯
he's so observant it's scary
he's the first one to notice whenever you aren't feeling good
always checks up on you
sally also hears about you all the time !! whenever percy comes home from camp he likes to tell stories about what you and him have done
she already sees you as an in-law (even if you guys haven't met properly yet)
some of percy's pfps on his main social medias would be him posing with kiss marks all over his face from you
if you ever post yourself on social media, he hypes you up so much in the comments
expect at least a millisecond after posting, you'd have 28 comments from him immediately 😭
"everyone back off they're taken BY ME"
whenever someone compliments you infront of him he's like "i know, right? my partner's so amazing"
he emphasizes the word "partner" whenever he notices that the person might be interested in you, too
he can't help being a little protective
percy jackson, if you can hear us, please percy jackson, please save us percy jackson, please save us percy jackson
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© 2024 JULSVU. all rights reserved. please don't plagiarize, translate, put in other websites or copy my work without permission. ty!
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obeymematches · 2 months
hey i saw your hc requests were open,is it okay if i ask for the love languages of the brothers?it could also be the the way they show their love if you dont like the first one lol.love your stuff🦓
hiii whatsup it's been a while!
tumblr changed so much since the last time i wrote HCs it is making me upset as I'm trying to edit this post pls bare with it
How can you be sure they love you?
● He is the most straightforward with his words when it comes to expressing his feelings for you. There are no ambigous expressions, no metaphors, no nothing, just simple "I love you"s, which he isn't afraid to tell you every morning and every night from now on.
● You also receive gifts sent / given by him, though he isn't so good at thinking of new ones so it's usually a boquet of roses, fancy chocolate or some kind of jewellery.
● He hardly ever lets you go anywhere alone from now on! Someone has to be with you at all times. No arguing about it!
● Please don't expect lots of quality time together. Even if your presence is the only peace he gets throughout his entire day. He spends as much time as he can with you but it is out of his control. Sometimes you do get a couple of hours with him, sometimes it's 20 minutes a day. Don't take it personally, of course you are on his mind every day, of course he would spend more time with you if he could. (He's not going to like it if you tell him "if he wanted to, he would")
● Please touch him, he is starving for intimacy. Just make sure you keep it lowkey in front of his brothers & Diavolo. Everyone else is okay to see PDA.
●Appreciates your acts of service and he generously rewards you for it but don't expect him to do the same for you, unless you really struggle with a task.
● You're not going to get no privacy from him. Top #clingiest demon in the world.
● He is very unaware of this, but he keeps touching you, sometimes subtly sometimes not so subtly. (He sits so close to you that your shoulders and legs touch, wraps his arm around your waist whenever he gets the chance, etc.)
● He also gets you rather expensive presents from time to time, where he gets the money for it is a mystery though. (He been working a lot to treat you right okay!!)
● However, he sucks at expressing his feelings with words. 0/10 do not recommend. Good luck and don't give up, evetually he might tell you he is most ardently in love with you.
●Doesn't really do acts if service either. Maybe sometimes.
● All of a sudden he is much less talkative around you. First you think he just doesn't like you for some reason. You thought it was going fine but... well.
● The situation escalates when he writes you a love letter, telling you everything you wanted/needed to hear. With spoken words he is not so good, fumbles a lot, forgets where he was at, but his letter is on point.
●The best way he lets you know about his feelings is through quality time. He makes sure the emphasis is on quality and not quantity! He can become really funny when he tries to!
● Acts of service happens in game mostly.
●Very much into quality time with you! Indoors or outdoors doesn't matter as long as you spend time together.
● Gets nervous from PDA, don't do it often... when no one else sees you he is absolutely mesmerized by your touch though.
● He is one of the best with words; expect poems, books dedicated to you! Also tell him how good if a man he is, loves to hear it!
● Not very much into acts of service, very independent kind of guy and expects the same from his other half.
● He is also not much into gifts. Doesn't believe in money doing the loving instead of the person.
● The king of touch and reassuring words! Down for this two anytime and anywhere!
● He appreciates anything you do for/with him but expect PDA and sweet nothings the most.
● Of course if neither of the 2 works for you he can do anything to make sure you feel loved.
● The only one who can make you feel loved to the bone no matter what your love languages are. He doesn't have a weakness regarding these kind of things.
● I think he is an acts of service kind of guy. Does the dishes for you, gets you dinner, stuff like this.
● Also likes to be touched but strictly in private! Gets so nervous if anyone sees.
● He tells you he loves you often and isn't afraid to tell you why! Though "I love you" as a full on sentence is a bit rare from him... he puts more effort into it... like "You are the kindest person I know and I love you so much for it."
● He also gets to spend lots of QT with you. Watching a movie, going for a run, he is down for whatever.
● Not much of a gifter himself but truly appreciates if you give him gifts. Might cry a little.
● You get to spend QT with him most of the time. Also becomes very possesive of you so you get little to no privacy at all.
● He tells you he loves you often but sometimes it sounds a bit.. off? Like he doesn't really mean it?
● Not much of a gifter either... rarely when he knows you'd like something specific he'd get it for you but as I said it's rare of him to do so.
● Big on touching you, however. Like Mammon, he'd be very close to you the entire day. If you move away he is moving with you.
● He barely does acts of service eventhough he lowkey expects you to do some for him.
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arthursdolly · 3 months
˖ ࣪⊹𐙚 𝒋𝒐𝒉𝒏 𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒏 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒏𝒔!
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- i dont think he's the kinda man to do pda (public displayed affection) unless hes drunk, then he'd be all over u,, couldn't keep his hands off u at all!
- but then again,, I feel like he'd be real possessive over u while ur both in town, he ain't gonna have anyone gazing at u except him.
- john was never good with words so (he learned from arthur) to give to ppl. gift giving slowly became his love language too. "this reminded me of ya, so have it." kinda gift giving.
- on that, he likes to think that he's sooo good at flirting when he's really not.. just funny knowing that his big ego thinks highly of his "flirting skills".
- adding onto that, he will stare at u even after u catch him. he isn't ashamed of being caught. once he likes u, he will make it obvious to u and only u. making sure no other man gets near u like that.
- stubborn. probably even stubborn as arthur since he looked up to him sm. john wouldn't apologise ab anything until he's done sulking and mumbling to himself ab it.
- he 100% gets too into something. he would get too into poker then once he looses, he'd be so upset that he won't leave his tent for a long while.
- i feel like after the wolf attack, he was secretly a little self conscious,, like cmon u got attacked by wolves nd now u have a scar on ur face? u would be too. ur just the kind sweetheart to kiss his scar anyway.
- even if he's barely around u, i like to think he's good at picking up ur mood. he can tell when ur upset, annoyed, happy etc.. even if he just sits quietly.
- he never thinks before he speaks. meaning he might be mean to u without realising it,, only to then feel like a fool later on. he'd mumble to himself something like "oh, ya damn marston.."
- unlike the rest of the gang, john is very vocal. u both just had an argument? the whole gang knows now. he got shot by an o'driscoll? everyone will hear him whining and moaning about how much it hurts.
- he isnt the type to back down from a fight/stand-off,, even if he knows he'd lose. he will have no problem standing up for u or for himself if needed,, being hot-headed like that.
- i think he's one of the men that would be drunk often. sitting round a table with bill or sean, drunkenly talking or playing poker. once he looses enough it will make him upset which will then have him following u like a lost puppy.
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sturnsgirl · 4 months
⋆⭒˚。⋆ CLINGY
IN WHICH Matt thinks Y/n has been too 'clingy'?
a/n- this Is ass i'll make up for it i swear
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Matt has been so distant with me recently. I feel like he's starting to loose his love for me?
He's out with Nick and Chris getting food because Chris was hungry and I'm not gonna lie I was too but I didn't want to ask due to how matt had been acting and I didn't want to annoy him more.
Matt Ml 💕🫂
Matt Ml 💕🫂 -do you want food?
no thanks baby.❤-Y/n
Matt Ml 💕🫂 -k.
seen by y/n
'k.'? He never says that. what did I do.
I reply to Y/n's text before pulling up to the window so Nick can order.
Look I love my girlfriend, shes my everything but honestly I dont like pda and sometimes I just need space.. from her..
I love spending time with her dont get me wrong its just..sometimes shes all over me it feels like. We both are huge on physical touch but recently its too much..
As Nick finishes I pull up to the window and pay for our food before heading back home.
Once we arrive home I leave my food on the counter heading to my room to change into something more comfortable seeing a piece of paper on my bed with blue pen ink with writing that read-
"I went somewhere else baby, sorry for what ever I did. I didn't want to text you to annoy you so i just left this. I'm sorry my love. I love you."
Shit. what did I do.
I set the paper down running out my room past Chris and Nick who were confused as i got my phone out to call y/n instantly.
'Your call has been sent to voice mai-'
"fuck." I whisper. I had to find her before she hurt herself. The only place i could think of besides her house was this park we went to as kids. where she would always go.
I sped past every sign to get there as quick as I could and once I arrive to no ones surprise she was there. Sitting at the top at the opening by the slide. Getting out the car running up the stairs of the playset up to my beautiful girl who was crying her soul out before seeing me.
I stood still. frozen.
"Matt im.. so sorry!" She says hugging my legs on the floor sobbing and sniffling.
I immeditly get down to hug her
"Oh sweetheart.. im so sorry y/n please dont cry baby its my fault! you didnt do anything!" I say holding her in my arms.
"Matt what did I do? why have you been like this recently?!" I say sniffling and sobbing
"Im sorry y/n its just i love you but I felt like you were too close and all over me! and I havent really been a big fan of pda so I just have been.. avoiding you! im so sorry!" I force out quickly.
"oh.. i-im so sorry! I wont be like that anymore 'm sorry!" I breath out
"No! its okay baby you didnt do anything!" I comfort
"c'mon princess lets go home" I say picking her up.
After what matt told me at the park ive been keeping my distance giving him space and not all over him especially in public. but one thought that ran my head repeadilty was 'did he not like how i acted this whole time for a whole year almost two years?'.
Matt Ml 💕🫂
Matt Ml 💕🫂 -Hey babyy
Hi ml-Y/n
Matt Ml 💕🫂 -come over? nick wants to host some move night thing.
Arriving at the triplets house I enter seeing that Madi,nate,larray,nailea, and some other friends were there as well.
walking in greeting everyone matt comes out his room in a black wifebeater and grey sweatpants. ((nutted))
"Hey Maaa!" he says excitedly going to grab my waist but I turn the other way to say hi to madi who I hadnt said hi to before.
"hey madi, hey matt" I say hugging madi then looking at matt.
Walking to the couch, Matt sitting down next to Nate. All the spots were taken now.
"C'mere baby" matt says patting his lap.
"uh- no its okay i'll just sit on the floor" I say smiling as matts smile drops.
The movie had finally ended and everyone gets up ready to leave. once everyone says their goodbyes I go into matt's room to grab my hoodie I had left here so I could go home. Just as I was about to walk out of Matts room he walks in.
"where you going baby?" He asks
"home?" I say giggling
"no" he says and before I can speak he grabs my waist and pushes me in his room closing his door while doing so.
He lays me on his bed laying on my stomach
"all right y/n now tell me whats wrong.." Matt asks
"Nothing? you said you needed space so thats what im giving you" I say softly
"Fuck.. no y/n! i dont want space baby i was just going through something with nick and chris that week and i took it out on us, you! im sorry sweetheart i didnt mean any of that shit! i wanna show you off. show everyone your mine baby i love you!" he says on the verge of tears. sitting up and pulling me on his lap facing him.
"Im sorry baby. i just thought i was too clingy so i just-"
He cuts her off. His girl- clingy? thats what he made her think and that was so far off. he felt awful. his girl was far from that.
"Clingy? no baby no im so sorry your not that at all my love dont think that at all listen i love you and from now on i want you all over me anywhere anytime okay?" he says.
I simply nod as he grabs the back of my neck pulling me into a soft kiss.
"i love you Matt."
"i love you too y/n"
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justsomefluff · 11 months
Ateez as Types of Everyday Fluff
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Hongjoong: the type to kiss something off of your lips rather than wipe it away with his hand
I know that he is one of the members who hates kisses the most
but not with his partner
just thinks kissing the members is cringe
anyway if you two are eating together or maybe having a snack while sitting on the couch
doesn't care if it's in public or not
if you get something on the side of your mouth and dont notice it?
swoops in so fast to kiss it away
and you'll just kind of stare at him dumbfounded because he's not much for PDA
and he'll just smirk and shrug while licking his lips
"you had something there. but i got it for you :)"
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Seonghwa: the type to say "but what about me" when you're cuddling a plushie
picture this
you're sitting on the couch waiting for Seonghwa to bring some snacks to the living room for movie night
and you got a squishmallow (lol my real life mixing with my delusions get me outttt)
and you're hugging it and stuff bc soft
and when he comes back he stops and stares at you
one because it's super cute, but two because... where he gon sit?
will literally drop all the snacks on the table and pout at you
if you ask what's wrong he's literally just gonna rip the plushie from your hands and fling it (lmao yk the video of him throwing the bean bag)
but then lowkey feels bad and brings it back to you
will allow the plushie to remain on the couch but it must watch as you snuggle him instead
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Yunho: the type to pull you closer in his sleep
whenever you two share a bed he's gotta be touching you
swears he won't fall asleep if you don't snuggle
when he does fall asleep though, I feel like he's the type to roll around and fidget a lot
and if you move away or he moves away?
he might not wake up but he's gonna grope the bed until he finds you
just kind of flopping his hands and arms everywhere until they land where they should
he won't pull you to him though, he'll pull himself to you
and just nuzzles his lil nose in your neck and it tickles because he's snoring and letting out lil baby puffs of air
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Yeosang: the type to bully you
bullies you in the cute, cringey way
like will take you to the aquarium and point at the wolf eel and be like omg your twin
or if you walk by a garbage can he's like omg it smells like your morning breath
omg this reminds me of you (hands you literally the ugliest shirt you've ever seen)
curses your own two ears with his insults
but he's also so giggly and cute about it
it's impossible to be mad
and he always makes sure you know he's joking
whether because he's scared he'll hurt your feelings, or because he's scared you'll hurt him
the world may never know
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San: the type to give you his plushie to hold
polar opposite of Seonghwa
if you're sitting together playing a video game or watching a movie or just chilling
and he has to get up for some reason
he doesn't like the idea of leaving you by yourself even for one minute so he'll be like
baby i'll be right back hold Shiber
and when he first does this it's kind of like ???? lol ok????
but then you realize that he just wants you to have company
he always wants you to know that he's thinking of you even when you're apart
does that mean i have to think of you going to the bathroom rn
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Mingi: the type to feed you the last bite of his food
you guys are getting to the end of a meal together
and he's noticed you eyeing his food the whole time as if you didn't have your own
he'll be super dramatic about it and be like
and will look at you, and stretch and yawn and rub his tummy
and then offer you his fork
"finish it for me?"
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Wooyoung: the type to do nothing with you
i know that sounds weird
but he just enjoys your company
does not care if theres an activity involved or not
just wants to be around you
you two could just lay together and talk
or even lay together and say nothing at all
i know he's our hyperactive boy
but since he runs a million miles a minute he really loves when he can savor the slow, peaceful moments with you
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Jongho: the type to drop you off at work
wants to be there for you even when you don't need him
also enjoys the little time he can spend with you, even when you're half asleep in his passenger seat
likes to be the last person you see before you go into work
he likes to think that you'll have a better day that way
like he's some sort of good luck charm (he is)
also sees himself as an acts of service kind of guy
loves to do things for you
little things you'd never complain about, but still appreciate when they're done for you
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astrecium · 5 months
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an wanderer x reader fluff !
no gender or pronoun said
warnings: none !
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when you both started dating, the silence was pure awkward. you didn't know what to say and so did he.
but most of the time it was you the one who broke the silence, asking small things like how was his day and stuff like that.
he got slowly used to that, so everytime he got home he'd look for you and talk about his day, and talking(gossiping) about some people.
he'd say about how the teachers on akadimiya know nothing, and that even he himself would be a better teacher.
it was good to see him slowly opening up to you. very slowly.
I'd say his love language is acts of service.
when you go to work/anywhere he'd clean the house/cook, but bonk you when you come home.
"dont get used to this. and when you finish eating go wash the dishes."
you couldnt say much, he cleaned the whole house, you can at least do this for him.
he can't use words or affection to show that he loved you, so he helps you with anything. anything really. but he'd call you dumb after it.
nah, in the first days of the relationship yall would not sleep together. maybe in the same bed, but wouldn't face each other from shyness of both.
somehow, when you sleep he ends up getting a little closer, maybe even hugging you. but always make sure to wake up before you so you dont see it.
you two would only end up cuddling if you ask him for it. then you both would cuddle everyday, but you couldn't say anything about it if you want it to continue.
PDA is too new for him. i think the most he'd do would hold your finger in a crowded place.
unless if someone flirts with you, he'd hug you by behind, staring at the person with an big smirk on his face, or an deadly glare. maybe both.
randomly info dumps you. hear me out.
coming to you out of nowhere and start doing the biggest presentation you know.
then he'd leave. i swear.
if in a modern AU, he'd definitely make an music playlist that remembers him of you.
doodles you when he should be studying. in my head he is very good at drawing, but always make horrenduous drawings of you (when you are close, whenever you leave he'd do the most yummy drawing of you ever made.)
doesn't care if you are strong or weak, whenever he sees an hillichurl or whatever he goes boom boom!!! secretly wants to impress you. but shruggs it off saying you are too dumb to defend yourself.
when y'all dating for like, one year he'd be all used to you. randomly placing his head on your lap, neck, anything whenever he feels like it.
once you two had the smallest argument and he got real scared of you leaving him, so he bought you your favorite food, also shrugging it off with some mean comment.
never really means to hurt you, just cant bring himself to be an kind cheesy boy.
i can imagine you and nahida doing pigtails in his hair. sorry.
actually loves you, but on his own way.
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my back hurts so much
the requests are open, send me asks pls
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the-s1lly-corner · 6 months
Oooh idk if someone already asked for it but what about how TADC cast would react if they were under a mistletoe with their S/O
TADC cast x reader under the mistletoe!
i know i literally just said that i was going to post because i just came down from a little..... emotional high (negative) but i feel too guilty not answering stuff today so im probably going to answer this and a few more simply because im going to feel so guilty if i dont do anything today which is just going to make me feel worse than i already do so uhuhuhuhuh... jack stauber coming in clutch rn i know i usually answer stuff in the order of them being sent in but to do a silly compromise for my silly people pleaser mindset im going to knock out the ones that are easier for me sooooooo
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oh you just know that hes the one who planted the mistletoe in the first place.... i mean as soon as he found out about the tradition, assuming he didnt already know.. i just know hes going to do whatever he can to get you under it. does he know that he can ask for a kiss? yes! but he wants to be festive and do some traditions and stuff! gives you the biggest "kiss" he can give you when you finally get stuck together under one... probably knocks you back a little bit from how enthusiastic he is...
very shy about it, i think she would give you a cheek kiss rather than a mouth kiss, especially if there are other people around. pomni doesnt strike me as the type to one to full on kiss their partner when theres an audience, so i hope you can understand her aversion! its not that she doesnt want to kiss you, shes just shy about the eyes watching the two of you... though, she would be more inclined to do it if it were just the two of you in the area!
honestly she looks like she would love christmas. i dont know why and i cant explain why. so i think she would love most of the activities and traditions surrounding it. and yes, this includes the mistletoe! i think for most of these, the mistletoe would be hung up by caine to really sell the festive mood.... and ragatha likely wouldnt have planned this, but inevitably you guys get under it at the same time. not as against PDA as some of the others, i think, so i think she would give you a very gentle kiss on your lips. very bashful if you beat her to it, though. kind of folds her hands together and digs her foot into the ground... you know the stance, hopefully.. kind of swaying a little while her face is burning up
probably makes a big stink of it, whether trying to deny the kiss or to lean into it. i can honestly see both... does NOT let you be the one to initiate the kiss, since while he hates PDA, i think he hates it more when hes on the receiving end. say it all the time, its a vulnerability thing for him. he doesnt like other people seeing him flustered... now will a simple kiss from you make him pink in the face? probably not, but he would rather not risk it! plus, he wants to take this as a moment to tease you! will not let you live it down if you even get the slightest bit embarrassed from whatever hes going to do under that mistletoe
think i mentioned this in the kiss cam request, but kinger is not against giving you kisses when theres an audience. like he wont full on make out with you in front of others (ignoring the fact that he doesnt have a mouth, much less a functional one) but i am a firm believer that he and other characters with a nontraditional mouth just nuzzle into your face in place of kisses... hmm... probably make a big show of asking if he can go ahead, afterall hes royalty! whats a royal without chivalry! very gently presses where his mouth would be against your lips for a few seconds before walking you guys to where ever you were planning to go before someone stopped you and alerted you both of the mistletoe above. generally very sweet and dorky, i think
does not like giving or receiving affection in public, the furthest they are willing to go is hand holding and simple name calling.... if no one is around when you guys are under the mistletoe, theyre more than willing to let you have your kiss, but if theres even one person around, theyre going to show a little aversion to it... on one hand i want to say that they might suck it up and lean into their "its whatever" attitude, but i dont feel... like that suits them, and on top of that whats the point if someone is clearly not having fun/not comfortable, you know? so theyre more likely to gently reject you... though i like to think that they make up for it by giving you a kiss behind closed doors!
freezes like a deer in headlights when someone loudly announces that you guys stopped together under a mistletoe, the eyes of her mask going wide and her mouth just going straight... if she has her comedy mask, she might be a little less.. frozen, but not by much... but with her tragedy mask? nope, shes totally still and quiet, poor thing.... you almost feel bad, so really theres a chance you just take her away from the scene rather than kissing her.... doesnt like being put on the spot for things like that, especially if the person alerting you guys of the mistletoe is making a huge scene (either caine or jax... though with caine it would be more so lighthearted fun with no malice, whereas jax is just being jax)
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moondust-writes · 2 years
͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ [dating headcanons] ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌ .ೃ࿐ shadow the hedgehog ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・safe for work; romantic
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ one thing that should be clear is that this hedgehog is traumatized - i mean, someone he was close to died, and then he almost died at the end of Sonic Adventures 2 (did die, even, until the fandom decided they wanted Shadow to be a returning character). a relationship isn't going to be easy
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ the first hurdle, would be befriending him. unlike others (i.e. team sonic), he would keep anyone at an arms length, try to avoid becoming attached - and immediately pulling away as soon as he notices any attachment ╰┈➤ this is how he is with everyone; he used to be open and less guarded with others, like Rouge and Omega, though his anxious attachment style later caused him to pull back - this is unavoidable, and questioning him about it will only cause it to worsen for a week or so
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ you'd have to be the one to take the first step when it comes to starting a friendship, be it as small as just sitting in the same area doing your own thing, or even initiating a conversation despite the 'dont talk to me' energy he often radiates - it'd be like talking to a wall, so hopefully you can keep up a one sided conversation
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ you'll know that he'll start to consider you to at least be an acquaintance when he starts to allow himself to be in your presence longer than usual, and even give brief responses to whatever it is you had been talking about. even if it is just as small as a hum of acknowledgement; when he considers you to be a friend? he'll start to seek you out every now and again when he has the free time to do so, and even engage in a proper conversation ╰┈➤ it is during the friendship that he begins to catch feelings; there will be moments of vulnerability, of openness. only when he realizes he doesn't mind it when you hug him or hold his hand to drag him somewhere that he will realize he is becoming attached and pull away
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ the confession is far from planned - more so accidental. but either way, he is the first to confess. it wasn't one of his smoothest moments, 'embarrassing,' more like it; but it was sweet, endearing ╰┈➤ you or his friends would have confronted him about the sudden distance, and while he'd try to avoid it, the pain from the single question of 'did i do something wrong?' would hurt too much; he had to let you know it wasn't you! even if it would damage his pride to admit that he, the ultimate lifeform, was scared and didn't know what these feelings meant(it was adorable, to see him flushed red as he put his feelings into words, the shade darkening as you explained that what he described was love - and that it was okay to be scared)
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ the start of the relationship was, well, rough. but! shadow is determined to show that he is serious about you! due to what happened to maria, he will be protective - even if you can fend for yourself. some firm boundaries and reassurance can fix this; he'll get better over time
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ pet names aren't something shadow deems to be necessary, so he'll typically just use your name or some nickname derived from it. if you express your love for them, though, he may just use 'honeydew' or 'darling' ╰┈➤ pet names won't be used in public on his end though, he views them as intimate things for only you to hear him call you - they're just for you and only you
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ personally, i think he's more shy when it comes to PDA, but all for it! you just won't often catch him being the one to initiate it unless he sees someone eyeing you or something is going on nearby. his default is holding your hand, but if he is a little bit more bold, he may just wrap his arm around your shoulder
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ not much of a cuddlebug, but he adores giving fleeting touches behind closed doors or when there is a moment alone with you. typically its a short peck on the lips, or a simple hug. at night, though, he will gladly cuddle, typically being the big spoon
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ shadow can have nightmares, though it isn't often that it occurs. on these nights, please let him bury his face in your chest while you groom his quills. it helps so much, and the purrs you get in return are absolutely precious
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ all in all, he would do anything for you and be vulnerable just for you; with help, he might even just be able to let himself joke around and have fun with his friends like he used to <3
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scp230kinnie · 1 year
Hcs for the titans mcs pls (Dick, Gar, Rachel, & Kori)
Lowkey gonna marry whoever sent this 😜
I assume you meant relationship, so here’s that
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Characters: Dick Grayson, Rachel Roth, Gar Logan, Jason Todd, and Koriand’r
Genre: fluff 😜 relationship hcs
Warnings: SPOILERS ⚠️ mentions of death & injury. Slightly suggestive. None of the characters mentioned are mine, all Headcanons are made up by me, not canon whatsoever. Everything said/mentioned is fictional.
On with the fic
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Dick Grayson
He a baddie
He tries actually so hard to keep you out of danger
I feel like he would try to hide the whole titans thing from you if you didn’t know about it, but realistically finding out would be inevitable
He can always tell when you’re lying. It’s like a sixth sense to him
As a matter of fact, he can tell when anyone lies to him
He probably likes it when you help patch him up after a fight (not that he would admit it)
If you’re expecting a man who’s open about anything (his past, etc) you have another thing coming
It would take a lot for him to actually open up
Even if he does open up, he doesn’t like telling you much about his time with Bruce.
Dont bring it up either lol
Man is so touch deprived omggg
It’s not exactly that he never got it, it’s more that he never wanted it
He would like flinch if you ever touched him, but he would get used to it
He has a fat ass I wanna slap it
If you do that, he’s probably gonna slap yours back
No PDA. Holding hands at the MOST. Unless you’re upset or hurt, then he’ll give you a quick hug or something
He likes to stay serious generally, but sometimes he’ll be silly and it’s so cute ong
He wants you to stay away from the crime fighting scene.
He even gets scared for your health in case one of his enemies decides to go for you
He would try to teach you some self defence
If you are a crime fighter, he helps you train, and stays close to you on missions if he can
His favourite part of your body is your face. He loves looking into your eyes or kissing your lips or cheeks
Next 😜
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Rachel Roth
She’s probably so sweet and understanding
You are always her main priority
All she ever wants is to keep you safe
Sometimes, she gets very distant because she can’t control her abilities and she doesn’t want to accidentally hurt you
If you didn’t already know the titans, she would absolutely introduce you to them as soon as she can
She can’t help but smile when she looks at you
She gives you her clothes if you want <3
She’d only open up after a while, it wouldn’t take too long, but she would still be a little distant
She loves being close to you and like hugging you or holding hands
Very up for PDA
No making out or anything, but will hug you and hold your hand in public
She just thinks you’re the most interesting person ever
She remembers every word you tell her
She would probably get matching piercings with you omgggg
She loves painting your nails to match hers
Like Dick, she can also tell when you’re lying. (But that’s just a side effect from her abilities)
She always posts pictures or videos of you on her social media if she has any
Will always offer you an earbud if she’s listening to music, will be very happy if you do the same
She loves learning about what music you listen to
Loves getting matching anything (hoodies, rings, even online profile pictures)
Her favourite part of you is your eyes or your hands
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Garfield Logan
When he sees you’re upset, he will say the worst jokes he can think of to make you laugh
Even when you’re not upset he does that anyway
He just loves hearing your laugh or seeing your smile
He thinks it’s the cutest thing ever
Absolutely LOVES playing video games with you
It’s literally his favourite thing in the world
If he notices you’re cold, he might give you his jacket for a bit
Will defo turn into your favourite animal for you
Especially if it’s a dog or a cat so he can cuddle with you
Opens up so fast tbh
It’s good tho that means he trusts you
Little spoon fosho 😜😜😜
He loves holding or touching you in some way
Loves PDA sm
Just loves proving you’re his
The titans probably knew about you the first day he saw you💀
He’d get you guys matching white shoes and get sharpies to Color them together <3
Would draw a wiener somewhere on em tho
He would make you do some stupid ahh tiktok dances with him
Would give you some stupid nicknames
His favourite thing about you is 100% your hair. He would absolutely adore touching it/playing with it, no matter the length
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Jason Todd
He a little cute patootie
Everyone he talks to knows about you tbh
He’s just so proud of you
He makes so many sexual jokes it’s wild
Also always grabs your ass 😢
Gives you some cringe nickname
He doesn’t like opening up, I can understand that
He prefers hearing you talk, rather than him
Would protect you with his mf life
Also would teach you to fight
He wants to know that you can protect yourself when he’s not there
Adores it when you clean his wounds or rub his shoulders after fights
He’s pretty secretive but would probably break down one day and tell you everything
Would definitely give you his hoodies/sweaters
Into PDA
He just likes to prove to everyone that you’re his tho
Loves to hold you
His face part of you is ur nose
Easy to kiss
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She’s gorgeous my wife
She seems more stoic, but she really cares about you, more than anything
She loves to talk shit with you tbh
Only abt people who deserve it ofc
She loves when you make her laugh, it makes her feel more comfortable with you
Matching jewelry 🔛🔝
Loves it when you play with her hair
She can’t really use words to express how she feels about you, prefers to use her actions instead
She doesn’t want you to think differently of her because she is a princess or whatever
She’s had plenty of past lovers, but she knows you’re her favourite
She’ll take a while to open up, but she will eventually
Doesn’t do PDA
Or very much physical affection as it is
Will still hug you tho <3
Like everyone else, she will do everything she can to protect you and make sure you don’t get hurt
Will k word anyone who looks at you the wrong way
She’s very protective
And kinda jealous
She loves every part of you lowkey
The end guys idk what else to write
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chiiyuuvv · 6 months
Hiya sweetheart, can I request Riize and where they’d take you on a first date? Ty 💖
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• PAIRING — riize x gn reader (i think again??😭 i have really bad memory omg)
• GENRE — some shyyy, some confident, some in the middle.. i really had a fun time writing this
• WORD COUNT — 732
• AUTHOR'S NOTE — ty for requesting!!
• TAGLIST — @moonlightdarlings • FULL CREDIT — @moonlightdarlings (i really feel bad for pestering you for ideas, when i didnt do anything so tyty and sorry :<)
Shotaro would take you to a firework show at the beach!!
Would get a towel and gesture you to sit down, scooting right beside you
Using this time to get to know you more but just cant because how the wind is flowing your hair, the blue and red hue coloring you face makes you look even better
Small pda because he really likes you, but doesnt want to scare you away. His hand ghosting over yours until he finally gets the courage to hold it, looking down when you look at him
Say how pretty the fireworks are, but really he's just stealing glances at you and your smile
At home date!!
Knows you spend a lot of time talking about your favorite movies and shows, so he clears the living room, kicks out all the members and prepares the show plus a bunch of snacks
A little self doubt when you come because should the pillow be facing the other way?? Are the snacks too sugary??
But melts when you speal and give him a big hug
And you didnt hear it from me, but hes defo daydreaming about that hug for the next five business days 🤭 ♡
Amusement park!!
Lays at how silly your hair looks after being on the roller coaster, guesturing you to come here so he can fix it
But realizes what hes doing, quickly batting his hands away from your hair and shyly scratches his neck
Takes you to the gift shop so you could try on different headbands, everyone in the store mistaking you as a couple
Also takes you to the photo booth so you could take lots of silly pictures together, which he puts them all in his phone case. (There's a pic where you're doing a silly pose and sungchan is looking at you fondly, but we dont talk about that) ♡
Shopping date!!
We all know how much wonbin likes his fashion but hes also really curious about yours, and is willing to try it
Takes you to a milion little shops to try on clothes and boy the compliments he gives you, he's your own fanboy
But when you compliment him, he quick denies it, his face red and he keeps shaking his head no (that rhymes)
Pays for all of your belongs even when you tell him not too. So in return, you give a peck to his cheek... in front of everyone ♡
Takes you to this very fancy, romantic, over expensive date
He's dressed all square with the sweetest cologne that makes your head spin
And please, lets not forgot how flirty he'd get. Leaning over the table to wipe something off of the side of your mouth, his lips inches from yours and you just stop breathing. Very reasonable
"You know what my black card and love have in common? They're unlimited." ... "You're so cute when your blushing."
I cant think of anything else, so lets just take a moment to scream :) ♡
Aquarium date!!
Takes picture of you and the turtles but say how you look cuter
Also the type to start small pda; holding hands while looking at the animals (the way i cant just picture the grin on his face, the way he'd look down at you, the way his eyes would shrink and how shy he'd get. I'm jumping off a cliff)
Buys you matching plushies and keychains, taking pictures of it to post on Instagram later
And maybe even a kiss when hes walking you home, saying how fun the day was. And if thats moving too fast then you're eating food while watching the penguins. The choice is yours :) ♡
Picnic by the lake!!
He was a little nervous about the whole thing, second guessing himself but when you start talking to him, he forgets all of his thoughts.
Is just feeling so calm and relaxed, laughing at whatever you say with a grin
When you're talking, he would randomly look into your eyes, before getting shy and looking away
Groans when you tell him how cute hes being, telling you to shut up with that soft voice of his ♡
All of them would defo smile to themselves after the date was over
Would text you "next week, 7 pm?"
And just so happy and giddy, falling alseep with a smile on their faces ♡
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