#therefore it wont let me tag them
biolums · 2 years
damn so we just dropping the fruity bit and making full on fruitcake jokes now. and the fucking idiots in the replies are saying fruitcake means crazy not gay. its so wild seeing these people be so confident and so wrong. and literally SO CLOSE to the right answer. like.. if fruitcake means crazy to you.. and to other people its recognized as a slur for gay people….. WOAH MAYBE its because the slur came from calling gay people mentally unstable and crazy!! no way!!!! fucking dickheads. i just am so pissed off about this sorry.
PSA. the terms “fruitcake” “fruity” and “fruit” are DEROGATORY TERMS that came from when gay people would get sent to insane asylums for being gay. where they would get shock therapy and essentially! tortured! and so then the insane asylums were called “fruitcake factories”. fruity was not a term recently created. it is not a “genz creation”. i understand slur discourse is subjective and everyone has their own comforts and opinions. but dear god. google a word for once in your life before using it. you cant reclaim a slur if you dont even know where it came from.
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kittyamore0 · 1 year
Genshin men with a fatui harbinger! S/O:
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[Part I]
Little note I: I was reading Cloud Strife post and got the urge and idea to do a Genshin post Little note II: I will do the other element men and women, but i was busy while making this and i got a headache, so im only able to do Anemo and Geo for now
Little note III: I might do a Cloud Strife post and put Final Fantasy 7 remake on my masterlist, maybe...
Fandom: Genshin
Tumblr genre: Headcanons
Rating: SFW
POV: Second person
CW: Swearing, mentions of battles/violence, GN! reader, nice, fatui harbinger! reader and hip straddling
He's not quite fond of the fatui
But he doesn't really mind them either
So its 50/50 for him
See what i did there
I actually lost the 50/50 to Diluc and i wanted to cry
At first, you had introduced yourself as someone else
When you did tell him about your identity, he was a bit conflicted
Did you not trust him enough to tell him who you truly were?
He usually brushed it off, but still wondered if there was anything else you had not told him
But nevertheless, if you're uncomfortable telling him something, he'll wait.
He doesn't want to rush you to end up scaring you away
He's a very patient and kind man
Depending on what commisson the Tsarita had given you, he'll maybe come or not, wanting to protect you when he does go
And when he doesn't, he's patiently waiting for you in your  Serenitea Pot 
soft hugs when you've made it home safely!
And if otherwise, he'll treat your wounds, kiss them, and nurse you back to health!
When he told Beidou about you, she didn't really trust you too much
But when she did get to meet you, she realized how she could trust you!
You were nice for one of the fatui harbingers
She could see why Kazuha had fallen in love with you now
He didn't really care about fatui members all that much
We all know that hes very carefree
When he did meet you, he thought you were quite kind and gentle for a fatui harbinger
He teased you for that
Not in a bad way, of course!
Was impressed with your rank
He'd like to tag along with you on commisson's the Tsaritsa had given you
He mostly goes to help you and ensure your safety
You try telling him that it's okay, but he refuses!
"Windblume, i may be the weakest archon, but rest assured! I am still an archon, and therefore will i take care of you."
Sometimes he'll go to earn some mora!
We all know how the poor baby is very broke
If you get hurt while on a commisson, he'll quickly come to your aid!
Soft scolds about how you should've let him come
He gets reminded of when his old friend had passed, and he tears up
I cried on his story quest bro
"Windblume, why had you not told me about this quest? You could've gotten seriously hurt had i not come sooner...I can't lose you...not you."
"Im sorry, Venti."
"Its okay, love..."
He most likely wont let you go on anymore commisons for a while, no matter whom they come from
He'll have them delayed
he just wants the best for you!
You both had fallen in love while you both were fatui harbingers
You spent most of your time doing commissons and quests together
The rest of the fatui thought you guys were quite an odd couple
The exact definition of 'opposites attract'
Scaramouche, the tempered, cruel, insensitive man
[Name], the patient, kind, thoughtful person
Huh, what a weird tone that is.
Most of the fatui would go up to you and ask questions like, "How do you deal with Lord Scaramouche?"
"Must be hard having to deal with Scara. Huh, comrade?"
"I would have never really imagined you and the 6th Harbinger together."
You'd just laugh them off
Truth to be told, Scaramouche had a soft side for you
It wasn't the 'mean to everyone, but you,' thing, no.
Not at all.
He was still rude to you, but you knew he hadn't meant it
And he was just joking
Or he was in a bad mood!
He was just less rude to you, more careful with you than anyone else ever
And sometimes, his so-called 'insults' would come off as him complimenting you.
"Oh, just go already. I can't stand seeing your perfect face,"
He had muttered the last part
But alas, you still had heard it.
"You think my face is perfect?"
"...I I never said that!"
"Oh, but you did!"
"No, i didn't!"
"What's next, you're going to confess your undying love for me?"
Hes so flustered
And you know it
Endless teasing from you!~
When you had found out about his plan to betray the fatui, you wanted to be a part of it. To help your lover.
"I want in."
"Scara, i know you plan to betray the fatui. I want to help."
"He in all honesty, wasn't complaining.
If you wanted to help, you wanted to help.
"Fine. Just don't do anything stupid."
Im going to be completely honest,
He hated you at first
He is really not fond of the fatui
And his hatred only grew more when Childe had tried to take Rex Lapis's gnosis
Not only did he seek his archons value and try taking it by force, but he had hurt the traveler as well.
Yes, he did later find out that Zhongli had meant to give it to La Signora, a fatui harbinger
But that still made Xiao hate Childe for his absurd actions
He was certainly weary of you
He first noticed your bubbly acts
He thought it was just to make him let his guard down
But then you had helped him conquer demons
He then realized that you being overly nice, was not an act.
He had loosened around you
It wasn't like he liked you and was now being nice to you
It was more like you went from 'hate' to 'dislike'
Sorry yall
He did grow use to you being around
Because of your strong determination to show him that you really wont going to use him or do anything bad, you stuck around him
Being overly nice to him
I mean, just because your a fatui harbinger doesn't mean you can't be nice
But you being friendly doesn't mean your naive either.
He honestly finds it weird when you're not around
Since you're stuck on him like glue 24/7
Showing him things, hanging out and what not
The day he realized he yearned for you was days after you had given him your favorite flower
Let me play it out,
"Xiao, Xiao!"
He huffed and turned around to you holding beautiful flower
"What is so important?"
You softly pouted for a moment, giving his heart a slight panic attack
"Close your eyes for me, please?"
You pouted even more, but then your eyes lit up and you had a devious smile on your face
You tapped his right shoulder, making his head swiftly turn to his right
You then sneaked to his left and stuck the flower into his hair
"Wha? "
You clapped your hands.
"You look so pretty!"
A pink blush spread across his cheeks.
You pulled him to a nearby pond to have him look at himself
He was honestly too stunned to protest
"Look, look! You look so pretty with my favorite flower in your hair! Don't you think so?"
He pursed his lips and let everything process in his head
Your favorite flower, in his hair, pond, you calling him pretty, You.
"Its alright...i guess"
You knew he wasn't good at dealing with compliments, so you settled down for that.
"Xiao, look at me for a second."
He looked at you, eyes locking.
A bright, but small dot glowed within your index finger.
You raised your hand and slightly tapped on the flowers petal, as Xiao felt it sorta freeze.
"There! Now the flower won't die, and you can preserve it."
Thats so cute.
Xiao sat in a field of flowers with the traveler as he let the memory replay in his mind.
"Have you felt a certain way for somebody...? as if it was just yesterday you had hated them, but now you yearn for their touch...?"
"Xiao, that's love, or sexual attraction."
"Well, we have to meet up with Zhongli, so we have to go. Bye, bye, Xiao!"
Paimon chirped.
"Alright then..."
He let them leave while he thought about the travelers word.
Love, huh?
When you had gotten back from your quest, the first place you sought was the Wangshu Inn.
Where Xiao was residing
"Xiao? Xiao! "
An arm slipped around your waist and you were pushed back onto an warm material
Pieces of teal hair landed in front of your eyes
He hummed into your hair
Now, it was your turn to be stunned and flustered to protest.
I feel like he had approached you first, since hes a detective, and you're a fatui harbinger
You usually dont see em' harbingers walking around so freely
He was surprised by your friendly behavior
You were very chirpy
inviting him without a care
Were you playing a trick on him?
As a detective, body language was the way to see if you were just tricking him or not
Your body language? completely pure.
There was no bad intentions behind them, but he kept cautious
Like with Xiao, you hung around him, and he hung around you
If he was being honest, he was getting use to your presence
And maybe liking it even.
Before he knew it, his eyes usually searched for you
Getting to the place you guys hang out at before you do
And you're usually first.
You could say the same thing was happening to you
Always looking for the red head, wanting to be near him.
You were head heels over him.
You, a FATUI HARBINGER, in love with a detective.
Well, its not like the fatui has to know.
He realized his feelings when you two had spar
You had won, due to being a fatui harbinger and you had a weapon.
You sat there, straddling his hips, your spare knife to his throat when he had knocked your weapon to the side
You head dipped down, breath fanning against his unusually warm, red ears
"I won," you whispered into his ear, sending shivers down his body.
You smirked and lifted up your head, only to now realize the position you were in, and what you had done.
Your smirk dropped and placed with a shocked looked
The knife in your hand cluttered on the floor.
"Hei Heizou, I Im so, so sorry. I "
He placed his lips on yours, shutting you up.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨
This man would be approaching you, being goofy around you.
Challenging you, telling you that you don't scare him
But your friendly behavior throws him off
"Oh, i hope to not scare you. Im sorry if i did,"
Why were you acting nice...
I mean, don't get him wrong; he likes nice people, but he didn't expect that attitude from a fatui harbinger
He expected you to act like a snake, nice with bad intentions behind that mask, an overly confident person, a cruel person.
You were neither of those, which made him warm up to you quickly.
Yes, it was naive of him to warm up to you so quickly just because you acted friendly, but if you really had a trick up your sleeve, you wouldve pulled it early.
He would ask questions about you being a fatui harbinger though, since your friendliness didn't add up.
"Why did you become a fatui harbinger?"
"My childhood best friend, Childe, wanted to join the fatui, but i would have to lose him in the process. So I joined him."
He does get that, but he thinks being a fatui harbinger doesn't suit you all that well.
Well, except your strength, but otherwise no.
You're probably the only true nice one there!
And he was right.
Everyone was a two-faced piece of shi well, except Childe.
He became quite protective of you, because of your kindness.
Though, you didn't need it.
He clung onto you like a leech.
A leech in love with you.
Yea, you heard me.
He had fallen in love with you hard in the process of protecting you, but so did you
His caring, protective side caused a spark within you
He was always flirting with you, but when you tried to flirt with him as well to give him a hint
He didn't get it.
So you waited for him to keep flirting, maybe go over bored and then you'd make a move
"Psh, I'd be the better kisser anyways,"
You quirked an eye brow at him
"Oh, really? Then, why don't we test that theory?"
You don't even give him time to process what you had said before your lips on him
Lawrd hav merthy
Zhongli met you through your childhood best friend, Childe.
"[Name], come here! This is Zhongli."
There you were, running away from the mini shop you were checking out.
"Zhongli, the man who milks you for mora?"
Wow, Childe, wow.
He sends a strained smile in Childe's way while Childe's just nervously laughing
"Um, to some extent. When he ne needs it though!"
Your laugh is what keeps Zhongli from sending his rock down onto Childe.
"Ah, [Name}, you are a fatui harbinger just like Childe, no?"
"Yes, i am."
You two started to chat, and Childe left you two to be.
Zhongli had grown fond of you very quickly
Your friendly persona is something he finds himself loving
You're the type of person he can go to have a nice chat
And that's how he found his eyes wandering for you everywhere
He didn't know if it was for a good, nice chat or just an excuse to see you again
All he knew was that both were pleasant
You two both grew closer to each other every time you guys saw each other
He started to imagine you both together, and it confused him.
He was an archon. You were a fatui harbinger.
Why was he thinking about such things?
And in all honestly, you felt the same way about Zhongli
You noticed his slightly nervous acts around you
It had made you upset.
Did he feel uncomfortable towards you?
So, you asked him out to dinner.
He hesitated, but complied.
Lets play it out,
Your arms laid limp on the thin railing, while you snuck glances at the old archon
"Do i make you uncomfortable?"
His mouth parted, and he let his gaze fall upon you.
Make him uncomfortable? More-so you make him happy, and feel many positive emotions.
"No, not in the slightest. Has that been on your mind this whole time?"
You slowly nodded
Guilt had taken over his heart
"I deeply apologize if it seemed that way. It really isn't."
He placed his clothed hand over yours, as the warming gesture made it into your stomach
"Then what do you feel, about me?"
He averted his stare from yours.
"What i feel is that you somehow make me feel warm, happy and relaxed. You are the highlight of my days."
Your lips slightly twitched up into a smile
He let out a chuckle
He stood there, as you let your head rest on his shoulder.
He did not like you at first.
No, not at all.
He didn't trust you.
Whenever his tail was wagging and he saw you, it would stop instantly.
His ears would flop down
And honestly, this made you upset
"Gorou, was there something i did wrong?"
He huffed.
"You're a fatui harbinger. You should know."
You hung around him, mostly to make things right
He would always purposely loose you everyday
Until, he saw you with the Divine Priestess of Watatsumi island, Kokomi
And for the first time ever he felt bad, and for you?
After you were done talking to her, you laid eyes on him and held a sad expression on your face
He had never realized how beautiful you were in that moment
Just a few minutes after you had left, Kokomi had called him in
"Why have you been treating [Name] in such a way, general?"
He was speechless. Your ass just snitched on him!
"They are a fatui harbinger. We cant "
"We?" Kokomi raised her eyebrows. "You, you mean. There is no 'we,' I trust them, and I expect the same amount of trust and respect I give to them coming from you when talking or even going near them, Gorou."
He nodded and cleared his throat.
"Yes, Divine preistess."
She sighed, "just dont be...how you've been around them. Ease up a bit, okay?"
He nodded once again.
The next time he saw you was when he approached you, which surprised you because he never does so.
"Is there something wrong, Gorou?"
He shook his head.
"I want to apologize for how i acted and treated you."
You hummed, but you were not ready for the next words to come out of his mouth.
"Lets be friends,"
Your eyes ad slightly widen and you looked at him with shock plastered on your face.
"If If you want to, of course "
"I'd love too."
You cut him off, as a dopey smile over took his lips
"Gre great!"
After the apology, you two hung out more
He actually enjoyed hanging out with you
And you've always enjoyed it
He started to look forward to seeing you more
A lot so that his tail began wagging whenever he saw you
His ears perked up upon hearing you
He had started getting warm around you, maybe more than warm
Even the Divine Priestess, Kokomi had noticed
You, of course, felt the same way about Gorou
You had found it cute at his reactions, especially whenever you patted his head
And one day, you were patching up his wound
He had just come from defending the Watatsumi army
He hissed, as you applied pressure to the bandaid
"Shh," you cooed
"Sorry..." He whimpered out
He laid his head on your shoulder after you were done taking care of his wound the best you could.
He stared into your [eye colored] hues, bathing himself in them.
He leaned forward, slightly startling you
He placed his forehead against yours.
And you happily reciprocated.
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confuseddipshit · 2 years
first post on tumblr and id like to share an idea i had for a fanfic but im retired therefore i wont write it so lets go
ghost x shadow!reader where reader used to be graves' fuck buddy but he was really jealous, and reader, in order to press this button, kept "jokingly" flirting with ghost through the missions they made together (and was very much corresponded, thank you)
so, cut for the betrayal. reader was already growing tired of graves being jealous but never assuming them, sees this and goes "no fucking way", decides to check up and finds out about the shit with the missiles and all, leaves shadow company intending to help 141
then i guess we can cut to the nsfw part, yeah? yeah.
i havent thought about nothing too clear, but maybe some hate fucking, ghost thinking reader was sent under cover to spy on them and recover intel, maybe a bit of dubcon...? idk, but i feel like it should definitely be very rough very mean very hard. besides that, i will leave to anyone who writes it.
if you decide to write it, please tag me PLEASE 😭😭 i need it so much
if it has been written already, let me know
im available if you want any more ideas for this, i can give it a harder thought, just message me and we can discuss it :)
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bunnywritesmarvel · 2 years
Tips for Writing a Gender Neutral Reader
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ive seen a recent influx of fics in various fandoms claiming their fics to be "gender neutral!reader," only to start reading and see repeated gendered terminology/pronouns used. heres a (hopefully) helpful little post to curb that and help people be able to make true gender neutral/inclusive fics.
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lets start with this; no one is telling you all your fics have to be gender neutral. this is for the people who want their fics to be gn, or people that are claiming their fics to be gn but still include gendered terms and want to fix it.
1. first, lets talk about content warnings/tags/fic descriptions. these are a great way to let your reader know what theyre getting into before they get too far into it and realize theyre wasting their time.
please use these! no one is telling you not to write a white reader, no one is telling you not to write a short reader, no one is telling you not to write a skinny blue-eyed blonde-haired reader, just use warnings and tags!! nothing will make me stop reading a reader insert fic faster than a physically descriptive word that doesnt describe me. it immediately takes me out of the experience.
warnings such as 'white!reader' or 'short!reader' or 'AMAB!reader' are great to get the general point across. in the description of the fic, i encourage you to go into more detail. 'they/them pronouns used. AMAB genitalia descriptions used.' great, i can tell its written with a reader with a dick in mind. i dont have that, so i wont relate to the fic and therefore wont enjoy it personally. will i reblog it to help other readers who will relate find it? abso-fuckin-lutely, you bet your ass i will. writers support writers, right?
tags and warnings also pertain to any kind of explicit/violent content! if your fic includes hard kinks, even softer kinks, or any kind of violence please put warnings down! this could potentially be triggering to some people and putting these types of warnings will greatly reduce the risk of potentially triggering someone who is sensitive to those certain things, but thats an entirely different topic.
2. now lets talk about physical descriptions. we'll cover the basics of hair, skin tone, genitalia, height, and weight, and touch on the tagging subject a little bit more.
avoid hair descriptors! i have straight, medium-length hair. i wont relate to a reader described as having short, curly hair. some people have no hair, surprise surprise! focus on the face, not the hair. “he cupped their cheek” instead of “she ran her fingers through their hair.” people with extremely kinky or curly hair wont be able to relate to that.
you can usually pretty easily avoid skin tone descriptors. but blushing is different! you cant really see (as far as my knowledge goes) blushing on darker skin tones. focus more on heat factors! “heat rose their cheeks,” “their face grew warm,” “they felt their cheek heat up,” etc etc. i personally use the word “flushed” a lot, e.g. “their face flushed.”
now lets go to the genitalia aspect. this will just circle back to the warning and tags. if you’re writing smut and need to use descriptors for genitalia, just make sure you put the assigned sex at birth in the warning! AMAB (assigned male at birth) and AFAB (assigned female at birth) go a long way in helping trans readers avoid sudden dysphoria when reading smut fics, especially if youre writing with a trans reader in mind. tags such as “transmasc afab” or “transfem amab” go a really long way!
theres also plenty of gender neutral anatomy terms. for example, opt for chest instead of breast, or just focus on the nipples!
height!! again, just circles back to the tags, but avoiding phrases such as “they looked up at him” or “you peered down into his eyes” help avoid attaching a height to the reader. “tall!reader” or “short!reader” are great if the fic is mainly focused on that. but just throwing in a “reader is briefly described as shorter than (insert character)” could be helpful!
weight! i know i know, the “he picked me up and spun me around” tropes are so cute, but fat people exist! some people just dont like to be picked up and some people are heavy and thats okay! maybe just opt for the big tight im-never-gonna-let-you-go-again-ever-in-the-history-of-the-world hug, i promise it will still get the point across.
i personally, love to throw some manhandling in my smut fics. im small, so i find it hot if someone can throw me around and move me where they want. this just, again, circles back to adding the proper warnings. just throw ‘manhandling’ or whatever else into the description and let any potential readers decide if theyre into it or not. if its one line, just say ‘brief manhandling’ and some people may be able to just skip over the line or ignore it and not let it ruin the immersive experience. ive read plenty of fics i absolutely adore, and theres one teeny tiny line that doesnt describe me and i have no issue moving on and not letting it pull me out of the fic.
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thats all that i can think of off the top of my head! thanks to anyone who read all of it, and anyone more equipped to talk about this subject, please feel free to chime in, add some more tips, or correct me on anything i got wrong!!
please reblog to spread the word! id love to start seeing more inclusive fics for everyone to enjoy!
tagging some people, let me know if youd like to be removed: @phoebe-danvers @murrdxcks @murdicks @waspswidows @h-llfire @matt-erialgirl @wannabemurdock @thirstybitchs @alilfreakydeaky @sobachka-korol
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kittyphoenix12-xx · 1 year
About that why did you get billy hate poll... Personally i dont post about billy or harringrove so i never had any hate targeted at me, and i cant vote in zhe poll because of it. BUT i had to block so many accounts and tags because i couldnt go into the billy hargrove tag without encountering these mile long posts about how awful we all are. I know you know these posts too well, so i wont detail how according to the antis we are all racist assholes. The worst part is that when i first joined the fandom i saw so many of these that i almost believed them. You know, when a bunch of people are all saying the same bs but you start to doubt yourself, it really sucked. It effected me enough thst i had a hard time "confessing" to my real-life (aka not online) friends who are casual fans of the show that he was my favourite character. And the funny part is most of them couldnt even care less, cause being such a passionate anti for a fictional character and writing 10k essays on how awful that FICTIONAL CHARATER is and therefore his fans and the actor too IS NOT NORMAL BEHAVIOUR! It is as chronicly online as it gets. There was only one friend of mine who was suprised and since she is a very opinionated person started to explain to me how SHE COULD NEVER LOVE HIM and she is suprised that i care about him. I tried to explain to her that i know that he behaves like an asshole but its due to his background and i believe would he have gotten the same treatment as steve he could have been redeemed, i was hit with the classic tonedeath answer:
Well my home life wasnt sunshine and puppies either but i dont go around beating up kids
At that point i just gave up in arguing honestly and then i felt like an idiot for not putting up more of a fight, cause this made it feel like her argument i agreed with. God.
I love billy so much, but all this negativity that comes with being in the fandom just drains me.
my dear anon, you are absolutely correct and i hope you have a lovely day.
i confess that when i first watched stranger things, i didn't like billy that much. and i handled that by not engaging with media about him, you know, like a normal person. this was just after s2 came out so i wasn't active on tumblr, i wasn't writing fanfiction, i wasn't in the fandom (and I'm glad let me tell you). but i was also thirteen and related to max more than billy, but the older i got, the more mature and aware i became of just the world in general.
in my humble opinion, the vocal billy antis are ignorant. they don't want to a conversation, they don't want to discuss nuance or entertain the idea of people unlearning things.
we've reached a place in this world where racism and homophobia and ableism are so prevalent that people forget that these things are taught and can therefore be unleant. because a lot of the real life people don't want to unlearn, or can't.
and that idea as spread into fandom spaces. I've said it before and I'll say it again, but the fact that people's response to children/teenagers saying racist/homophobic things is to immediately call for their death is a bad thing actually. and yes, it's spread to characters as well.
it's all performative. i made that poll just to see how performative antis are and, yeah, the results aren't great.
another thing i've noticed about people in general is that they tend to hate characters that exhibit their *embarassing* flaws. media that has racist/homophobic characters in the bad positions aren't really loved by people who hold those views.
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^^^^ i think this summarises what i'm trying to say. no one wants to be the bad guy, so when they see something that forces them to confront that part of them, they push it away, deny it.
billy/harringrove stans have been harrassed, told to kill ourselves, called slurs and yet the people who say those things think they're right because they can't fathom being wrong.
so, anon, what i've learnt from my six months in this fandom, is to embrace it. yea billy was going to hit the kids with his car, i actively encourage that now. yea billy was going to kill everyone, he should've killed them all.
but no matter what, we love and support each other. so feel free to ramble in my ask box whenever, start posting on your blog about billy, do whatever you want.
they don't matter to us. they can't matter to us. fandom should be safe and it should be fun and those people are making themselves miserable. and that isn't our fault and it isn't our problem.
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nick-close · 2 years
While this isn’t technically dndads specific, and the fic seems not to come up for a few people (it may have been deleted, idk?), I’m bringing it up because I’ve seen a few people find and tell me about a rather,, unsavory/triggering fic on the ao3 dndads tags- and I think it’s important to give this note incase anyone stumbles upon it or any others:
The best thing to do if you see a fic like that is to ignore it. Don’t hate read it, don’t comment your disgust, don’t look at their page or try to find their social media- Unfortunately you can’t block people on ao3 as far as I’m aware, and as much as it sucks, if they tag it correctly they aren’t breaking any site rules and therefore a report wont do anything. You can also blacklist certain tags if you don’t want them to come up at all when you search. But again I encourage as much as possible that nobody, especially not minors, go out of their way to intentionally read/interact with something that’ll trigger them or make them feel uncomfortable. 
It can feel really gross to know that kind of stuff exists. Feeling like that, disgusted, angry, upset- those are incredibly valid and understandable reactions. But please don’t let morbid curiosity lead you to interact with content that’ll ultimately harm you. eventually it’ll get buried under all the newer fics. 
The more you talk about it, share it, try to get others to send hate, try to show how gross it is etc, only exposes more people to triggering content/sends them to interact with someone who made the content at hand. Again, especially minors in this scenario. (Though adults should also be careful here.) Feel how your feeling, but don’t indulge in it.
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shameboree · 2 years
Does "will block minors" mean you don't care how old someone old is to block them and therefore will block minors, or that if someone is a minor you will block them immediately, or neither.
my finger is on the block button CONSTANTLY i have a STRICTLY curated online exp. bad take? blocked. boring joke? BLOKT! i block ppl A Lot and do so INDISCRIMINATELY!!
i just think it is best practice for me, an adult w a mortgage, to not really talk to kiddos or let them interact w my content when i can bc idk if u have seen my oc tag but i LOVE to draw horny things!! WILL BLOCK MINORS is v aggro but like, if i hover over ur icon and see 16 or lower in ur bio its DONESIES TIME!! i dont wanna babysit and i dont think its the best in this internet climate for the youngins to be hanging arnd a bunch of adults, for the sake of both parties. also its kinda a massively unfair affection inequality in the making bc what if i chat w a Youth and they really really like me and consider me such a friend?? bc i cant give that back and will always maintain a measured emotional distance which is unfair and unkind so why would i ever put myself n someone else in those positions!!
anyway i see a lot of super rad 17yos on here and i think theyre really neat kids and i love to see their stuff!! i just wont 1v1 w a nonadult so i dont have to censor being a feral fucking animal and they dont have to feel uncomfortable or smth around a completely unhinged adult. also not to be rude but bc i am Old i generally try only to talk to ppl who have fully cooked brains, so like 25+
ANYWAY PT 2 i hope any of u under 18 who want to talk to me just consider me instead as basically ur Parent Sibling. the much older sib who cooked all of your afterschool ramens and was in charge of u like all summer but kinda fell off the radar except for holidays once they went to uni out of state. i put ur draws on my fridge but i never call
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pi-kin-ic · 1 year
welcome to tha picnic !!
sit down on our gingham blanket and help yourself to some sunshine , refreshments , and good company !! :o)
this picnic themed kin blog is a small project run by one mod , who wont be active 24/7 !! that being said , i think doing stuff liek this is rad and fun , and im always happy to fulfill requests wen i have tha tiem . learn moar abt tha mod here !!
small edit : requests dont have to be for kins / fictives necessarily !! i enjoy making these things ( stimboards , buy packs , etc ) so i will take requests for general themes , like " pink mouse stimboard " or " kidcore / lovecore buy pack " ♡
requests : open !! :D
inbox : 3
what's offered at tha picnic :
buy packs ( basically a collection of items + links to buy those items that fit tha criteria you give me !! )
a listening ear !! feel free to just gush about your comfort characters in my inbox , or talk about yourself / your canon :o)
when requesting . . .
mandatory : give me a character + source ( if wanting something related to a piece of media , but im open foar general requests now too !! :3 )
optional : give me a theme , colour scheme , price range ( if applicable ) , anything you DONT want included , any other details
note that i may have other comments / resources when i answer your ask , so do check back please !! for example i may have an overflow of items for a buy pack and will post them in the answer . if youve asked anonymously ( and therefore wont get notified when i answer ) , you can go through my #anons tag or sort by asks in my archive !! :o)
i reserve tha right to refuse any requests for any reason at all !! you can see a list of blacklisted sources / characters here , and a list of whitelisted sources / characters here !! :D
other rules to be aware of :
no bigotry allowed . this includes ( but is not limited to ) racism , antisemitism , LGBTphobia , abelism , zionism , etc
fictive =/= kin , but systems are welcome to request things as well if they wish , and i use fictive tags as well since posts are often applicable for fictives as well ( an aesthetic board doesnt necessarily have to be for one or the other ) . please let me know if you rather i use or not use either tags , as i will default to both !!
those who refer to themselves as " pr.oshipp.ers " / " an.ti anti.s " are not welcome here . please do not interact
ñsfw / k!nk / d.dl.g / c.gl.(re) ppl are not welcome here . i am extremely uncomfortable with this . i am also uncomfortable with non-systems who use the terms " l!ttle " and " l!ttles.pace " . please do not interact
sfw age regressors who are not in any way associated with c.gl(re) are welcome
you can be uncomfortable with doubles , but invalidating others on my posts / in my ask box is not allowed and will get you blocked . how you feel on your own blog is your prerogative , but this blog is a doubles friendly space , to avoid drama and to avoid hurting others feelings
i preemptively block people who fit my dni . i also block people who dont source their gifs !!
thats all i can think of for now !! pinned will be updated as needed . i hope everyone has a good tiem !! ^^ 💖🌈🍀
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msmimundo · 2 years
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips. (You can make your own post or reblog this one!)  I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? Dnd campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!!
Umm not sure how this works but I’ll try. Got tagged by @amndmirk :> i have like 3000 wips of vids so ill name the most recent
Eine Kleine
Young blood
Saint bernard
rsleepx (1-21)
no children
therefore you and me
angelhusk fic
chi fanfic
coming home fanfic
deltarune stripes
tu mentor ha de ser rabo largo
I barelly have anyone to tag F ill just tag people i had the slightless contact but u guys dont have to do it pls dont feel forced
@fizzy-dizz of course and @reptile-ruler and @tunapesto . And why not @overcareful and @berrybiird Also i guess anyone that sees this and wants to join in (tho i know it wont happen cause the fun is on being tagged) (i didnt tag my sweet sweet mutuals to not annoy them but u can ask me to)
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mikoriin · 2 years
I want to dissappear from the internet but I also want to start selling commissions for a little back-up-plan money for Reasons... idknoww what to do 😔
thats rough im sorry :((( the internet can be a very stressful place with....literally everything going on all the time haha but i think whats important to do to curate your own online experience is to:
use the sites u actually like and prefer. i use tumblr primarily because i can manage my social media experience the way i want to.
shape your page/timeline/feed/dash into what you want. unfollow people who dont post things you like or even want to see, block people freely even if u just dont agree with something they said in their post or for just rubbing you the wrong way. you control your experience and if you dont like what youre seeing and not enjoying yourself, then u can always find something new or get rid of the things u dont want to see. for me, i dont like using twitter because its got a lot of weirdos on it and then some and i dont like seeing every horrible political event going on at all times. not because i dont care, but because its so much all the time that it gets so draining and overwhelming. with sites like tumblr, you cant necessarily avoid it depending on how big or impactful the news is (i mean ofc, we're a social media site after all) but at least if u dont like seeing a bunch of real world events that upset you then u can always block those tags or posts or unfollow the people who put it on your dash.
remember that the internet is a place to escape. yes it is a place to store information and knowledge, but it is also full of so many wonderous dangers because it is so vast. dont take it too seriously, dont get too invested in things that are out of your control, and i honestly dont think its healthy to be chronically online either. so just remember, be safe, be mindful, and have fun.
if u wanna start some commissions i also have some advice for u there!!
keep posting your content! and make sure you tag it! exposure is the BEST way to get traction and attention.
keep your commission sheet pinned to your blog. its good that its the first thing people see when they visit your page
DO NOT underprice your work!! do not do not!! u are creating something from your mind with your hands and your creativity alone, your art is special and unique no matter your skill level! never charge under $20 for even your most simple art. (ik ik my kofi comms are only $9-$12 but thats different i have a job that brings in steady money haha...and i also am a hypocrite that doesnt value my art enough) but i am SO SERIOUS when i say that every art piece is worth so much! if $15 or $10 makes you more comfortable to charge people then i encourage it, just as long as you dont go below double digits and are getting some money in!
if your commissions are lower than say...$30 or $40 then make sure you get them done in a timely manner. i know im DEFINITELY not one to talk about being quick on commissions, im so slow, but i try to get smaller pieces done first. i dont go by first come first serve, i do what it easiest to me in the moment because i have horrible time management skills thanks adhd but really just do whatever works for u! but from a money and business standpoint, i would try to get the smaller pieces done as fast as you can. bigger pieces have more leeway to take longer.
HAVE BOUNDARIES WITH UR CUSTOMERS! if you are uncomfortable drawing something, say so. decline the commission. its not worth the money if u are bothered by the content, you clearly dont want to make it therefore the art wont be satisfying to you anyway because your hearts not on it. also its better for your mental health. if a customer is being too friendly or too comfortable for you, make sure you keep it business. let them know it is just business. you do not owe anyone your friendship just because theyre giving you money. theyre paying for a service, its just as an other transaction at the store. if they are asking you to draw something youve already stated in a commission sheet that you wont draw, block them. they clearly dont know how to read or respect your boundaries because they asked you for a service you already stated you could not provide. not a good customer, move on.
uhhh i cant rly think of anything else at the moment but i hope this helps!! this has gotten pretty long so ill leave it at this, but also if you genuinely just wanna take a break from the internet to live life and decompress from it all, i say go ahead. do you. do what makes you happy.
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Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
Thank you, you wonderful human being ♥
As almost always with those tagging 'games' I'm a bit late, but I waited on purpose with this post. It was exactly one year ago today that I published my first fanfiction [🥳🥳🥳], so I'm using this post as a kind of an anniversary recap. 🤣🤓
Thanks to @jackson--t for encouraging me to write my own stories and get them posted in the end. You can love him or hate him for that 🤣It's his fault that I spam the Heavar Tag [I miss you, Smuddy ♥], but also the fault of every reader who left some nice comments or likes. These make me go on and on. Therefore, a big thank you also to you my dear readers and supporters. You have a special place in my heart -right next to Alex and JRM ♥♥
If loving you is wrong, I don’t wanna be right
-> It is not my very first story, but the first one that is still close to my heart. The somewhat crazy Heahmund still has a special place in my heart and sometimes I want to continue writing his story, but it would not end well and other projects always creep to the fore.
Somewhere I belong
-> It was my first multi-chapter story and also the first smut I managed to write. This story has a special place in my heart. I still can't read it again to this day (the cringe is real), but I'm still proud anyway XD I also have a series planned for these two, where they enjoy their affection for each other in different places, and one WIP of it is also quite advanced, but yeah, somehow I got stuck and again, other works took over.
• All Night Long
-> I had so much fun writing this oneshot and to this day it is my best work in terms of reader response (you little filthy animals 😘😘). The smut part could be a bit more detailed. Somehow it feels like they came after 5 seconds...😶
• Under the Night Sky & Part 2
-> It's super cheesy, but that's all the heart needs sometimes. I read it again a few days ago and died a bit of shame 🤣, but still...it's somehow cute. Part 2 was also the first time I put more effort into a moodboard and since then i has become another little sidehobby (which often costs me gray hairs too XD). One of my current WIPs is another part to this. One with a lot of blood and first shy explorations. I also want to let Heahmund be shy in this part when it comes to sharing intimate touches with another man. In most stories, he knows exactly what to do, but he's only had sex with women before and didn't have Google in his time to research how to do the same with a guy. Therefore, he must also slowly feel his way forward. Let's see how far I /he get/s ☺
• Heaven's just a Sin away
-> Also still proud of this one. I usually post something and then don't want to know about it again for a while, but this story I can reread almost without cringe. That means a lot for me 🤣 I am especially proud of the first part. But it also makes it kind of hard for me with current projects, because I compare everything to it and then don't feel it's good enough.
Dear readers,
what story have you enjoyed the most so far and what would you like to read more of in the future? If you don't want to answer it openly, you always can slide into my askbox. I provide masks to maintain anonymity 👹👺💀🤖 and if you don't want it answered in public, just add 🔒 to your message and I wont post it :)
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ar-fmp · 3 months
29/02 - Development
Carrying on from yesterday, I found out that using a new directional light far away from my plane works a lot better. Also I turned off bloom in the world settings and changed the auto exposure in my camera to manual. Combined with a custom material I made and after adding a tint to the light, it came out as a decent green colour.
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I have just added a very basic enemy to my game, who at the moment will just move to a certain actor currently named "GoTo".
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Although my new character isn't moving at all and I cant see why.
As I was about to change the simple move to actor node, I had just remembered about the nav mesh bounds volume - which when adding; was the reason my enemy character wasn't moving.
I have finished most of this enemy now by adding health, health check and an attack check ( which is incomplete for now due to there being nothing to attack ).
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I also gave them two tags to be able to refer to all enemies no matter the type.
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Using these new tags, I have made a spawner, which will spawn enemies in waves in a wide radius off screen.
There are currently two problems however. The area they spawn in is way too small, and they just keep on spawning when they shouldn't be.
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I have gone back over my blueprint and couldn't see any errors as I had done it a far simpler way than my last project - albeit it has no way of incrementing the wave at the moment. I decided to check out my enemy blueprint to see if I had spelt the tags correctly... but there were none. It seems like rather than giving the blueprint the tags, I had given that one enemy the tags; so that whenever it would spawn an enemy, it wouldn't have a tag therefore it would keep spawning.
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Now I have but one problem, the radius is far too small.
After some time looking for a guide on how I would go about creating a doughnut shape for the enemies to spawn in, I found a video that perfectly described what I was looking for.
With the blueprints from this video, my enemies will now spawn off screen and travel towards the center.
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I wanted to start making the towers, so I would start with the castle, which would act as the main building the player must protect while slowly shooting enemies and gaining small bits of gold. Although my enemies would no longer spawn. So I made another actor and gave it all of GoTo's references, now none of the enemies move... I pressed undo a bunch and got it back to a point where the enemies would move. I started by making the GoTo look at the nearest enemy to them.
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I made it so it can shoot forwards and tweaked it a little to prevent the error log being filled.
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Now it will look towards and shoot when there are enemies available. For a brief moment it did, because it just won't anymore.
Turns out that the problem was that one destroy actor node which would destroy the actor if the enemy wasn't hit ( Right as it spawns ).
I'm going to up the speed from 500 to 900 because it feels way to slow. Now I'm going to 1000 so the castle doesn't shoot when isn't necessary. I've managed to set a range the castle can shoot from, just to make it that much worse. I don't the player to rely on the castle to do everything, but I also don't want it do be absolutely defenseless.
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Now back to the enemies, they can now attack the castle; doing 2 + (Current Wave / 4). I plan on having the enemies do more damage to other buildings as they are not as important. These amounts may change as the castle starts at 100 health.
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Something I did forget is the gate that lets the enemies attack multiple times after reaching the buildings.
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I going to remove the way to close the gate, as I believe it is causing me problems and there wont really be a time where the enemy will stop colliding with the building unless one of them is dead.
The enemies are a lot more fluent now and can attack easier, another thing that helped was the constraints section in the enemy blueprint.
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Now for the scary part, I'm gonna be adding building to my game.
Using this video I have learnt a simple way of adding building to my game.
Im gonna have spots around the castle that when clicked will bring up an option on what to build. But for now it will only build a certain type of tower.
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After seeing what happened when there were 8 towers and a castle, I have increased the enemy castle damage ( 3 + ( Current Wave / 2 ) ) and enemy health ( 10 + Current Wave ).
The tower's bullets are slightly weaker but much faster than the castle's bullets.
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hongism · 2 years
hiHI your timing was great my brain just fell down the moc brainrot rabbithole again now that i realised i missed an interim chapter SDFHDFJ
honestly my fave bits are seeing people go back and be hit with that ‘oh!’ realization of all the pieces falling into place and making sense it’s so so rewarding as a writer and im so glad to see it every time 🤧
ok WORM i prolly wont reread it right away bc its still very fresh, i wanna let it simmer a little 😌😌 but when i do. does this mean i have permission to come yelling in your ask box as i do SJDFHSDFJ or would you rather i just reblog it again and freak out in the tags/additions as per usual??
ofc i don’t mind indulging you, i always always ADORE answering questions and talking about the worldbuilding bc worldbuilding is my most favorite part about creating fics!!!
OK WORM [2] i will probably pop in w random questions from time to time when moc is on the mind then. which is... fairly often. im gonna start building a little hut in your ask box, i have a feeling im gonna be here a while 🤭 might as well get cozy!
there aren’t really ‘cellphones’ or smartphones like we would have but the wristbands go in place of that.
so its not even a matter of the crew just not having them, but they just arent a thing? thats interesting :0 i guess they had their priorities on intergalactic space travel rather than a little light brick of addiction and brainwashing. yknow, maybe they had the right idea. or maybe they just didn't need the internet when you already can brainwash people with a serum 🥴🥴🥴🥴
what a lot of the scenery and environment is meant to emulate is a sort of call back to past history and things of the past, or a clinging to this old tradition even if it’s not the more forward-thinking type of technology.
could you elaborate more on this? :0 like, you mentioned kebos reminiscent of ancient rome - is it like, Actually recreating the past that exists in-universe, like Was there an ancient rome equivalent that they are paying homage to, or is it just happening to become something similar to what we as readers know as ancient rome? does this mean the people of this universe are really big on tradition? was it more like the need for fancier newer n more novel tech just fizzled out when people realised they already had the fundamentals and thats all they needed to work on improving, as a society, or was it just never invented because (??)? or is this actually really early in this universe's timeline, where the origins of technology was more focused on travel and military than entertainment, and theyve just yet to cross that bridge yet? sorry if this is a lot of questions sDFJHSKDFHKsdf im still tryna wrap my head around this in particular. i didnt think abt the whole them being criminals and therefore downgrading their digital footprint for safety though, thats pretty smart. so does that imply that the internet does exist but criminals simply know better than to use it? ik you just said its something you dont feel like going into a heap of detail abt but KhGJKSKDFG
the idea of there being things like video games or vr headsets doesn’t feel like it necessarily fits with the idea and tone of the setting that’s already been constructed, and that was never something i thought i wanted to include from the very beginning of the idea. and that was a conscious decision just because from the start, i’ve wanted the story to be set in this fantastical universe of course but the plot and the characters are meant to be the focal point
you're right, it doesn't really fit with the vibe at all - it really does just feel like a typical pirate au, but in space. having san be a gamer and seonghwa being a film nerd would probably take away from that a little SJFKSKDF its not that i feel the story Should have more advanced tech elements, but more just me being curious abt all the in-universe Why's ykno. and tryna figure out what is and isnt possible with the realm of tech available. but it makes sense that you want to prioritise the characters themselves rather than the environment, which at first seemed less of the case w the amounts of planets in the profiles but i get it now that they just serve as catalysts for character growth with their pasts and such rather than an in-depth sinkhole of planetary lore just for the sake of immersion. (youve got plenty of immersion going on already with just the Rawness of all the characters, anyway.)
in the scope of the main characters we have in our crew - i want the crew to feel like a safe space for not only the main character and the other crew members but also to the reader. they are a safe place and they offer understanding and warmth and comfort that’s completely separate from the parts of the universe that aren’t that accepting or understanding.
yeah, this i totally get an expected as much. ateez are canonically For The Gays™ and a safe space so theres no reason why theyd be any different here 😌
it’s been addressed in the plot before with yeosang and wooyoung in particular, that they could never have been together even if wooyoung weren’t a slave because of gender and because of yeosang’s position as a prince.
okay THIS i totally missed bc i had just figured it was because of the whole slave/prince thing. makes sense that a traditional system such as a monarchy would be where you find more traditional thinking like bigotry. but yeah that all makes sense
i will say that we will see a lot more characters come into play, and we will see journeys with the characters we already know, and as it’s a story that’s very character based, those are aspects i love to focus on and so we’ll be getting into more of that and seeing things unfold and manifest over the course of the story as we’ve barely scratched the surface regarding the entirety of the universe and what it holds!
this is so ominous how do you manage to say so much without saying anything at the same time. i read this and translate it to "stay tuned, im aboutta absolutely rock your shit" and honestly... so true. i am vibrating with excitement to see where this goes! tho this seems like its hinting at more diversity/queerness based on the topic at hand so would it be too spoilery to ask if moc will eventually see any trans characters 👀 s'fine if you cant answer that tho for spoilers sake lmfAOoo i just figured i might as well ask for my crumbs. LOL.
i hope this all makes sense and is more than just my ramblings bc my god did i ramble!
i did quite literally invite you to ramble so i am positively Thrilled you delivered, you could write a wholeass thesis on moc as a whole and i would read every damn word of it 😤😤😤😤 thank you for taking the time to do so!
whewie whewie i have to apologize i didn't realize this was sitting in my inbox all this time TT dumblr told me i had cleared it pretty much all the way out so i never saw this until i came in and refreshed earlier today?! wack. but i'm here now better late than never ahahha </3 haertbreaking im SO SORRY 😭😭
you can as always do whichever you feel most comfy with! if its sometihng you really want me to respond to then i'd say inbox is best bet (if tumblr lets me see it that is </3)
build your hut and build it strong it's very cozy and comfy in here indeed 😮‍💨
i would say i compare kebos to ancient rome because that's what we would know and understand it best to be. i've never envisioned this universe ever having what we consider 'earth' like i dont consider the moc universe to just be a distant future form of our current universe irl, so they aren't necessarily paying homage to an ancient roman civilazation or anything like that but rather creating on their own.
as far as their views on tradition, i wouldn't put too much thought into that tbh. in the grand scheme of things it's definitely not the most pressing matter but i suppose you could call the technology rather primitive on certain planets, but we also have to think about how large this universe is and how many planets there are and how different each one is. there are different laws for each system and each planet, i would say that aurum is the most unified and so far we've seen that they are the most advanced in terms of technology as well. some of that technology has bled to other places as well but each planet is going to be at a different point in terms of advancement just based on resources and needs are them
and definitely yes the planets and those profiles are meant to serve as a visual helper for the readers and a  somewhere i can look back on and understand what each setting provides. there are some planets where the planetary lore will come into play so that is not for no reason at all by any means, it's just that so far in the story these planets act as the stage for the actors to come alive on! but also keep in mind that this story has been going on for over 2 years at this point! the direction and minute details have definitely gone under a lot of changes so it's hard to say where my mind was at two years ago versus where it's at now!
DFAHDSKJF i fULLY plan to rock everyone's shit absoluteLY, while we aren't going to really get much in the way of main characters coming forward (it is still an ateez fic after all) but we will get some side characters who fall on different spots on the spectrum, i can't say that i have anyone right now who is trans but there might be one further down the line if i feel its important for the story telling!!!
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alollinglaughingcat · 4 years
so i have a ton of blogs but i dont use most of them, BUT some of them i do use even more frequently than this one SO, ive decided to just kinda list them?? because why not??
@alollinglaughingcat : this blog, my main blog, mostly for art not in a specific fandom, or inky mystery art, or oc art, or random stuff i wanna do or whatever
@incorrect-inkymystery : incorrect quotes and memes blog for Inky Mystery, feel free to submit quotes! or just ask questions idk lol
@leafpool-loves-ashfur : Warrior Cats sideblog, currently just a few rb’s, but I have like 90 drafts of stuff for a project im working on :)
@teentitanimals : blog for currently Batfam stuff, but was originally intended for Teen Titans stuff. so now i guess it’s just my DC blog
@emeraldguard-the : Owl House blog, mostly memes, occasional art, sometimes an au or two
@clauderry-berries : the Dragon Prince blog, mostly home to Clauderry, Rayllum, and Magefam
@lucky-charmed-to-meet-you : my Miraculous Ladybug blog for rbs mostly and links to MLB fics i’ve written and stuff
@stealmeawish : you get no context.
blogs im like never on but refuse to get rid off:
@slndytbbies : Slendy Tubbies sideblog. never posted anything. had an entire AU and everything, you know how it goes
@inkapoca : was for an AU of BatIM. Now it’s nothing. some old posts there tho. might use it for BatIM reblogs one day
@detroit-becomefeline : wanted to draw all of Detroit: Become Human as cats. never did (digitally, at least). no posts. might reblog DBH stuff there one day
@the-ocvees : Pokemon/Eeveelutions side-blog. originally for an eeveelution comic idea i had about “The OCvees”. i actually have more about it on my DeviantArt . I posted some stuff on Tumblr, but im prob not continuing the comic, like, ever
@eeveelutionsclan : had an idea to draw Warriors as eeveelutions. never did. not a post. but if you request a cat on that blog, there’s like a 50% i’ll draw it
@reblogatron600 : actually i just made this one. i had this idea awhile back, cause i dont rlly like reblogging stuff when it doesnt fit my theme or whatever, and i ended up losing a few posts with information i wanted to go look back at because i was too stubborn to reblog them. so now this will just become a reblog spam that i can surf through to find what i need
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littlemxuniverse · 2 years
I am sitting on my kitchen floor and honestly other than the cold butt I get why Trisha Paytas did it
#does it?#also i just found out i have the same middle name as them#ive been thinking about going by my middle name for a while now... but my first name is so fucking cool it just doesnt feel like me#oh and i accidentally came out as nb to my bf yesterday and i am like freaking out like thats the first time ive almost kinda said it out lo#out loud but yeah i feel so fucking good but also so scared and like i wasnt ready and i havent got all the answers but now he knows i feel#i have to have it all figured out or im like an imposter#fucking that imposter syndrmome is a bitch it just sneaks up on you#am i fucked up for kinda liking it/its as pronouns? that feels so fucking freeing like just such is such a fuck you and a letting myself jus#fucking exisit like a beast or something that hypernates and has 8 legs and doesnt care what you think about it#but also sometimes i imagine being called he and i have to clench my teeth so hard to stop from smiling#anyway i am fucking chanelling trish right now like the oracle of delphi or some shit#but fuck k really feel for them so much like not knowing the right words to use but seeing some that make sense for the first time#and being so excited and wanting to talk about it with someone#but when you do they get angry and say you used the wrong word and therefore you are bad and lying#i am so overwhelmed with love for those of you in our cool ass community reached out to them with empathy and their own experiences#and i am so proud of trish for pushing through and listening to those voices and not the ones telling them they were wrong#anyway that imposter syndrome is back and telling me people wont believe im actually sitting on the floor right now#okay i just accidentally deleted like four long as tags#i need to wrap this up w#um yeah bye
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lurking96 · 3 years
Chapter 321 is it Iideku or Dekuneta?
Just like the chapters ago I will give out my opinion on this chapter. Again more is under the cut and things are tagged. This is again my opinion.
We start out with Hagakure, Kirishima and Aoyama giving over the villain Dictator to Endeavor. Explains why they weren’t in the other chapter. All three wanted to say more to Midoriya. We then see Shoto talk to Midoriya who is still inside his ice. Shoto tells that maybe this has been AFOs plan all along. To put him into this state so he can attack UA. That Class 1A should be fighting with him. He tells him that Izuku is in a sorry state. That working with them is a valid option. Izuku counters that this is a fight between AFO and OFA and that the others can not keep up. The class has a plan and they put it into action. Tsuyu throws Mineta towards Izuku so he can use his new technique on him to tie him up. Mineta tells him that he fell for the scared, crying Izuku that worked with the others back at the USJ. Mineta uses 惚れた (horeta)  which is used to say “falling in love”. He told him that he admired him before he could control OFA.That he was awesome even without the power. Midoriya tries to escape with Fa jin and blackwhip. Uraraka, Ashido, Shoji, Koda, Tokoyami, Todoroki and Bakugou work together to reach Izuku. they exlaim they dont want to be protected but also dont want to reject what he does. They want to be with him. Bakugou thinks that he still has a lot to tell him and catapults Iida towards him. The only person used to the speed. The person to keep up. The second user tells that the only one that can stand beside him are those with the same resolve that can match his pace. Iida tells that Izuku always outpaced him but he is always ready to challenge him. And he does take Izukus hand. Izuku wants him to let go. Iida tells him no. That the hero Ingenium will run across the land to give a helping hand to a child that is lost. That what a real hero does is giving help that is not asked for. To meddle in things. So now with the summary out of the way here comes my opinion. As I said it before UA is not a safe place. I do not trust the so called barrier. From what I can guess from the text they dont want to bring him back but rather compromise and work alongside him. Todoroki is right in saying that Izuku is in a bad state. However I doubt AFO would attack UA right now. He might rather attack if Izuku was back there to show him that he should be on the run. That he can’t be around people. Personally I am more for that. Them being on the run with him. A hero group, a hero agency, helping him to take down AFOs underlings. They seem to say that they think they understand where he is coming from and wont stop him. They know his resolve. Still something feels missing. They lack details about Izuku and his past. Mineta of all people says something interesting. That he found Midoriya awesome without his power. Awesome before he could control OFA. And Isn’t that something Midoriya needs to hear. To tell him that even without power he is worth something. He is awesome. for years he has been told he is worthless, a pebble on the road, useless. It all feeds into his self worth issues. He thinks being useful means having a quirk and using it. This is something he needs to hear to help him. It brings me to my next point. Bakugou. This time he did not insult him or look feral ready to beat him up. He explains that he still has lots to tell him. It might be.....there is a possibility that this might be the apology we have been waiting for.....however....While right now they are in a strong emotional state I am not sure if it is the right time for an apology. Right now it is about Izuku and not Bakugou. Also from judging how things went in the past the apology might be lackluster. Bakugou might leave out details while the others are listening. Like he did before when he told All Might he bullied him. If we are lucky Izuku will not accept that. And even if he does. Accepting an apology does not mean it equals into forgiveness and therefore an attempt at redemption. A nice break. A victim not forgiving the person that hurt them after an apology. And here comes an important part of the chapter. Iida. Iideku having canon evidence. Same with one sided Dekuneta. Iida takes his hand. People like to claim it as a callback to Kamino. As secretly a Bakudeku moment. Even though Kamino had Izuku call out that even in a life or death situation Bakugou would never take his hand. But now back to the main man. The class president. The man calling themself Ingenium. A name given to him by his brother in the Stain arc. The stain arc that is more fitting as comparison. Izuku does not want help. Just like Iida didn’t want help. For almost killing his brother Stain turned into Iidas nemesis. He had tunnel vision to attack him. So does Izuku with AFO. It brought both in a bad state. “Giving help that is not asked for is what makes a true hero.”. This is what happened in the Stain arc. Iida didnt want their help. He wanted to do it alone. He would have died if he did it alone. Iida here kept his promise. He had growth and therefore took the name Ingenium. The last page shows it. Both of them are crying. Iida is one of his first friends with Uraraka. It seems that Izukus emotions have been reached. That the class has reached them. As class president he stands for the class. Iida is one of the closest characters to Izuku. Funny how him and Gran Torino share fast quirks. Overall I did enjoy the chapter. I now doubt that they want to drag him back to UA but rather work with him. It makes sense. While they wont stand much against AFO everyone beside AFO is a viable target. We still got the rest of the league and whatever assasin AFO might send next. I do not expect much from the Bakugou apology that might be coming. Might turn out to be lackluster. Izuku might just simply accept or even say that there is nothing to forgive. Bakugou is the authors fave character. So much consequences might not happen to him. I am excited for next chapter. See how things might play out now that Iida reached Izuku. Or maybe there won’t be rest yet. Maybe AFO will appear to grab Izuku. Who knows by this point. A twist might happen. Izuku might still snap. The Dekuneta part was a bit of a joke. Still found it funny to add after what Mineta said.
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