#there's a prompt that i should be finishing and i wrote this weird-ass shit instead
theskymahtin · 7 years
Keeper of Words, Keeper of Worlds
Pairing: Solangelo
Summary:  Nico has a divine gift and uses it to search feverishly for a sister whose death is his fault. Will might be his answer.
Word Count: 2,265
Warnings: it’s ?? 
A journal made of paper scraps and scrambled words.
It is a heavy leather thing, nearly bursting with all of the fragments that have been pasted in. Sticky notes and odd corners erupting from the edges. A bookmark made from a red ribbon that is much too long; spilling from the center pages, trailing across the table, pooling against the floor like blood. A rubber band holding it all together, stretched nearly to the point of snapping.
Nico’s fingers tremble– quake– falter– twitch, twitch, twitch against the cover. Snag against the rubber band. It finally gives, biting angrily against his skin. Nico hisses between his teeth as its covers thud against the table, pages spilling open.
Mouth trembling, eyes flicking, searching, diving across the arrows and symbols and diagrams and pictures. A twisting, hideous road map with no end in sight. He snarls angrily at the sight of it.
Surely, by now, it should all make sense.
“A god? A monster? A fable? Ley lines cross here… too much iron. No, no no… I can’t go there. I do not want to be a man of war. Not again. Ares does not favor one man twice. That is why… after all…” Images flash across his vision, he shakes his head to rid himself of them.
Teeth chattering together, scarred hands painted with swaths of color flicking through pages. Fists slamming against the table again and again and again.
His palms skid across the wooden surface, eyes clenched shut in agony. “Athena, have mercy. I seek revelation. A spear of divine epiphany. Just a bit of hope… I seek…”
Stacks and stacks of tombs scattered around the room, spilling open, pages marked by anything that happened to be nearby–spoons, pencils, smaller books. Gutted pages are tacked onto the walls haphazardly, random sentences highlighted in glaring color. On the far wall, a mural born of divine inspiration is being overtaken by it.
“Mercy, Hades. Thanatos. I pray, I ask… Oh, gods. You have been so quiet. I don’t…” His breathing is coming in rough and ragged gasps. “Why now? When I was so close? So… So…”
Slowly, he crumples down as if being pressed by an invisible hand, fingers clawing across the table, struggling helplessly to keep him up. His knees find the ground and his whole body tips forward, fingers still seized against the ledge, the only thing keeping his forehead from meeting the tile.
“Who are you?” It’s hardly a breath, a broken, helpless breath. Tears press against the back of his eyelids, building gradually. His fortification will not be enough to fend them off, not this time. (He supposes, not every battle can be won.)
Dandelion fluff brushes against his cheeks and falls onto his shirt. No doors or windows are open.
Several minutes pass and then, like a blessing, a flower blooming, his trembling lips slowly part. “Ah. I see… I see.”
Head nodding, body flowing to the tides of unheard music. Fingers lurching from the table and palms cracking down against the cold floor. His arm lurches upward as if pulled by the wrist by a string and his hand clasps the ribbon dangling down in front of him, glinting.
“A chain, yes. To reality. I won’t let go. I won’t. You can trust me… Yes.”
All of the air rushes from his lungs at once and then slams back against him, leaving him reeling.
“Thank you,” he gasps, and unfolds himself, body stretching upward and head tipping back, tears slipping through his defenses. “Thank you.”
He clutches the journal tight against his chest, rushing wind from the trains blowing past, buffeting his clothes and stinging his cheeks. The red ribbon is snapping and thrashing, tied so tight around his wrist it’s almost suffocating. His hair flails wildly around him.
“Just breathe deeply,” he chokes, his words snatched away just as quickly as they’re uttered.
“Just one last time,” the voice agrees, so quiet he hardly hears it.
Standing there between two tracks, the freights wailing past in opposite directions, it’s like being the eye of a storm.
When they finally come to an end, the wind cuts away so sharply that he gasps and almost folds downward. The same hand that had forced him down now holds him ups. Barely, by the collar of his shirt.
It lets go and he stumbles forward, eyes wild.
White fluff brushes his nose, dances in the air in front of him, carried by the wind, taunting him. It floats ahead of him, bobbing up and down.
His nails bite into the cover of his journal. “Yes.”
Nico presses on until his bones are aching. And finally, finally, he is here. Among the hollowed-out and lifeless forms of metal monsters put to sleep. In the dead of night, it truly feels like a grave yard.
Spray paint clouds the frames of metal queues, slowly wrapping around him with its fumes. He coughs and hacks and shakes up another can until it’s finished. Just as promised: a door.
But not for him. There is another. He is thanked, and he trudges on. Follows the dandelion seed sprinkled on the wind.
Exhaustion makes his vision swim and dwindle, his eyelids feel like heavy drop curtains whose ropes are failing. Still, one foot in front of the other, even if it is only inches at a time.
Driven by an unseen force, he scratches symbols into the dirt with a stray stick, his breath shaking and his mindless murmuring coming in irregular spurts, filling the air with their presence.
He drops forward in the middle of nowhere, his mind has finally given in where his body had hours ago.
Light stabs in against his eyes. He’s lying on his back now and the sun is bright up above him, an unforgiving assailant.
It’s as if sand has been poured down his throat and soaked up all of the moisture. He is now filled with it, weighed down against the dirt and grass. Unused to the load, his muscles cannot lift him.
“Spirit.” His voice rasps roughly against his tongue. “Why have you brought me here?”
A dandelion sways in the wind and, impossibly, the corner of his lip lifts in a smile.
“Ah. I see…” His eyes drift closed. “I see.”
The wind sighs against his skin.
“Until nightfall, then.”
Somehow, he manages to haul himself to his feet as the moon climbs the steep ridge of the sky. Knees wobbling underneath him, hands shaking at his sides, jaw quivering helplessly. The ribbon snakes down from his wrist through the grass, pools against the journal.
He plucks the dandelion and holds it out in front of him, twisting it back and forth in his fingers. Tilts his head to the side like a quietly interested cat.
“O, genus spiritus. Ostende te quaeso ad me.”
His life is made of fervent, hopeful prayers as he blows away the seeds and watches them float off in the breeze.
For a long moment, it’s completely silent, and Nico wants to collapse into the dirt, his last hope snatched away that easily.
All of this.
For nothing.
But then the wind picks up. At first, a change so slight it’s hardly noticeable. Over time, the force behind it shifts until it’s plowing into him from behind, until he feels as if he’s trapped between the two trains again; the eye of a storm.
Every dandelion seed for miles is snatched away, thrown into the wind. They come together in a swirling, massive cloud ten feet in front of him.
Slowly, slowly, the air stills again and the seeds start clearing away, revealing a man who is so achingly beautiful he may very well be a god.
Nico drops to his knees.
The man’s head slowly circles to the side and then tips back up at the sky, welcoming the cool moonlight upon his features.
His hair is spun gold and his skin is a map of the sky, charted with freckles like stars. His Adam’s apple bobs and his ribs lift and retract, his lips parting, drawing in the crisp air.
“It has been so long,” he breathes, and this is not the voice that has been speaking to him. Not the ugly, confounded grate of a long-dead thing, but as gentle and sweet as birdsong.
Nico stares at him in shock, his wrist is throbbing where the ribbon is cinched around it. “You are not the thing I have been talking to.”
The man smiles and lets his chin dip downward, his eyes flutter open. Looking into them, Nico feels as if he’s gazing upon the entire universe. He feels like he’s sinking further and further into the ocean and when he reaches the bottom, he’ll fall through into the crushing vastness of space.
“You wouldn’t think so, would you?” he muses, lips twitching. “I was imprisoned. You have set me free. Come, allow me to show you my gratitude.” He holds out his hand and Nico drags himself to his feet and stumbles toward him.
As soon as he touches him, the strength rushes back into his limbs, his thoughts feel more clear than they have in decades. The man lets out a soft noise, “You… have a beautiful mind.”
“I’ve been told that it’s a bit chaotic.” Nico’s voice is clenched and dry, his eyes blown open wide in wonder. “I’ve never met a god before.”
The man throws his head back and laughs, his grip tightening fractionally on Nico’s hand. Something inside Nico’s chest is unraveling.
“I am no god.” He lifts his other hand and slides his fingers across Nico’s wrist, over the ribbon. It falls away and coils into the grass, a sleeping snake; Nico feels like he can breathe again. “Though people have worshiped me as one.” His head tilts, his expression is so open, so guileless. It makes Nico’s heart ache. “Why is that? That humans flock to power?”
“We are broken creatures. All we want is for someone to repair us.”
The man nods. “My name is Will. I know that yours is Nico.”
Will holds out a thick scroll to Nico and he wonders where it came from. He didn’t see it appear, it feels as if it was always there and he just could not see it.
Nico takes it from him gingerly and starts unrolling it, eyes flicking across its inscription. “What is this?”
“A list of things human beings are afraid of. Which would you be saved from?”
Really, his asking: which do you fear the most? that you would have me take that blight away from you?
Nico’s fingers skip down the endless scrawl. Youth seeping through fingers. They falter. He sees his sister’s head lolling against his arm, blood pooling around her like a ribbon. Finding loneliness buried deep inside. They tremble sideways against the letters.
“This, here. I cannot be by myself any longer.”
Will smiles and touches his chin. “And you won’t be. I shall stay.”
Nico’s heart plummets. “No. No… I need my sister. Bianca. You must have known that… that’s…”
Shaking his head, strands of sunlight spilling down his forehead. “Death is the one thing I will not tamper with. It is definite, final, and reversing it only causes grief and pain and chaos. You do not want to see your sister reborn.” The way he says it makes a sick chill go down Nico’s spine.
He stares sightlessly at Will’s chest, his expression hollow. Dreams seen through eyes clouded with grief, slipping past his fingers. His chest feels like it’s caving in. “My sister. My baby sister. I thought that I could make it up to her, that I could bring her back.”
“She would not thank you.” His words are soft, meant to be an assurance, but they slice through Nico’s skin. “She is at peace. The dead do not want to be awoken… Pain… is such a human thing.”
Tears flee down Nico’s cheeks. “I’ve wasted so many years of my life.”
Distantly, he feels Will’s rough fingertips wiping them away. “I can give them back. Nico, come with me. I can give you purpose.”
How did he know? How could he have known what I need so desperately?
He nods, feeling numb, and feels wind swirling wildly around them, sweeping them away.
Hundreds of thousands of years pass in a whorl.
Years of Will by his side, Will holding his hand, Will spinning him in dances, Will asking him for help, Will teaching him how to heal.
Letting go of his sister was not easy, but Will made the task possible. Gave him something to hold onto, to hope for, to focus on instead of his unhealthy obsession.
They rule together, fair and just. Nico is his voice of reason, his mediator.
They lay side-by-side in a large bed made of branches that have been wound together. Flowering vines hang down over their heads and sunlight streams in from the glass ceiling, casting them in patterned shadows.
Nico stares at the man in front of him; his husband, his stronghold, his foundation. Will’s hair fans out around his head and his chest rises and falls just the slightest bit, his arm is thrown above his head.
Nico leans forward and kisses the soft skin of his wrist and smiles against it when he feels the tendons there twitch along with Will’s fingers; his hand pulls downward and cups Nico’s cheek, so he leans into it, a sigh breaking free from his lips.
And Will was right; he has found purpose.
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mourntheantagonist · 3 years
a little something I wrote for @smashmouth-hargrove after converting me with all their tommy content!
Breaking Character
3.3k | Explicit
warnings: tomgrove with sprinkles of harringrove and stommy, graphic depictions of violence, drinking, sexual content, homophobic language.
read on ao3
Billy didn’t really know what to do when he woke up on the hardwood floor of the empty Byers house with his car missing from the front yard, his movement off kilter from whatever was in that vial still coursing through his veins, and a death wish waiting for him at home considering the red-head he had been ordered to fetch was nowhere to be seen. With all of his energy lost in that fight he only vaguely remembered, just little flashes of a bloody Steve beneath him and sounds of breaking dishware echoicing in his brain, he’d given up on finding her, noting the time on the clock was already passed midnight and his father would have his ass either way. So instead of searching the town on foot, or parking himself in the Byers house on the off chance she’d come back, he stumbled over to the phone on the wall and dialed the only number he’d remembered from his short stay in Hawkins.
The guy was like a fucking lost puppy with the way he had followed him around from the moment he stepped foot into the high school. Coming up from behind him, firmly grabbing him by the shoulders and boldly introducing himself as “Tommy H.” making him wonder exactly how many people were named “Tommy” at such a small school. Billy had just brushed him off at first and searched for his locker, but Tommy persisted. Following him to first period which they just so happened to share, and even cornering him at lunch to sit with him and his group of other assholes, to which he declined and instead pulled the first girl he saw looking at him aside and invited her to eat lunch in his car with him, where they didn’t actually eat lunch at all.
Billy planned to just blow the guy off completely, not interested in being part of the “popular crowd” or whatever the fuck Tommy had called it, and he was kind of getting creepy, stalkerish even with the way he followed him around and practically begged for his attention, which he wasn’t interested in giving until the two words, or rather, the name had escaped passed Tommy’s lips.
“Steve Harrington and that freak Byers look to be getting a little close wouldn’t ya say? Think we should tell little ol’ Nancy?” He said it with a string of laughs and a slap on the shoulder of the nameless guy in the letterman’s jacket that stood beside him. Billy couldn’t give a shit about who Byers or Nancy were, he was far more hung up on “Steve Harrington”. The guy who stumbled into his fourth period class five minutes after the bell had rang and followed him to fifth where he watched from the corner of his eye as he stripped down into his gym clothes. He only heard his full name when they all stood in a line alphabetically by last name when he was called directly after him. Hargrove, then Harrington. Then they were all paired off into groups of two and of course, he got paired up with a Steve and his ridiculous head of hair and thighs he wanted to crush his fucking head.
Billy stuck around Tommy after learning he was the one with the most intel on the guy. Tommy told him about the Halloween party where “Keg King Steve” might just get dethroned if Billy had anything to say about it. He didn’t know the guy he was dealing with was fucking royalty.
Tommy became a second shadow after that. He was with him everywhere he went and if it hadn’t been for the service he did provide, he would have kicked him to the curb a long time ago. And now with him standing in a strangers house in the middle of nowhere without a means of transportation and the only phone number on hand belonging to fucking Tommy, he was lucky he hadn’t.
“Hello?” Tommy’s voice came over the receiver.
“Hey uh, it’s Billy. Think you could come pick me up from somewhere?” Billy’s voice was still groggy from the drugs.
“Are you drunk?”
“No, but I wish I fuckin’ was. Look I’m at the Byers and I have no car so if you could just come and rescue me that would be great.” he said it with the utmost sarcasm to his voice, despite none of it actually being sarcastic at all.
“Okay I’m on my way, I’ll bring beer.”
Tommy pulled into the front in less than five minutes from the moment he set the phone back on the hook. Apparently he didn’t live too far from the Byers place in the middle of the woods. Billy stumbled out the front door and managed to barely make it to the passenger door without toppling over, which didn’t do much to help his story that he wasn’t in fact drunk.
“Dude! What the hell is going on? What happened to your face?”
Billy just slumped into his seat and pulled a beer bottle from the six pack sitting in Tommy’s back seat and opened it with the ring on his finger. “Just drive, I’ll explain when I can’t fuckin’ feel it anymore.” he said, kicking his feet up on the dash earning a grunt out of Tommy.
“Anywhere but here.”
Tommy took off the parking brake with a smirk on his face and turned the car around.
“To the quarry then.”
Billy had been around there once or twice since he’d arrived in Hawkins. The first time was when they had first driven past the welcome sign and he stumbled upon it while scoping out the town for any reason to stay in the shithole. Instead he stumbled upon the two hundred foot cliff into bone crushing waters. But he’d only ever been there during the day when the sky was overcast and it looked like nothing more than doom and gloom, much like the rest of the town. This time it was late, the sky was clear and the stars and the moon were brightly visible and reflected on the water's surface. The headlights illuminated the space around them and it was oddly peaceful.
“Now you gonna tell me why you’re getting blood all over my car?”
Billy finished off the last of the beer that was in the bottle and tossed it out the open window. “I got into it with Harrington.” He said, wiping away at the blood that still was dripping from the nose that was definitely broken. Harrington was a shit fighter but he threw a mean punch.
“Why was he at the Byers? Why were you at the Byers? What the fuck is going on?!” Tommy had his seat belt off and his body fully turned towards Billy who was still sitting with his feet up on the dash reaching his arm back for a second bottle.
“I don’t fucking know Hagan. I was looking for my little sister and Harrington chose to pick a fight with me. My sister fuckin’ drugged me and when I woke up my car was gone,” Billy took a large swig out of the bottle in his hand, “that’s where you came in.”
Tommy took the bottle from Billy’s hand and took his own drink from the bottle, committing to staying with Billy at the quarry with that first swallow of bitter liquid down his throat. Billy quickly stole it back from him and chugged the rest of it, prompting Tommy to grab his own from the pack in the back seat. “So King Steve finally won a fight huh? Never thought I’d see the day.” Tommy said while he fiddled with his key trying to pop the bottle cap off. But Billy was quick to set him straight about exactly what happened.
“Harrington did not win the fight.” Billy let out a pained laugh. “Last I remember he looked dead on the floor.” Tommy was speechless, staring back at Billy with the mouth of the bottle held against his lower lip, frozen in place. “You got a smoke?”
“Is Steve okay?” Tommy’s voice was panicked, a total tone shift not only from how they were previously talking, but a tone Billy hadn’t yet heard out of the guy before. His eyes were wide and filled with concern and Billy had been trying not to think about everything that was currently swimming through Tommy’s mind since he had woken up on that wood floor.
“I don’t fucking know man, he wasn’t there when I woke up,” Billy just ignored eye contact with Tommy and began rummaging through the glove box in search of a pack and a light. “I’m sure he’s fine, they wouldn’t have just left me on the fuckin’ floor if I was wanted for murder.” he says it to Tommy, but also to himself as he finally finds a loose pack of reds and holds a cigarette in between his fingers, letting the words and the feeling of warmth as he lights up calm his nerves about whatever situation Steve was currently in. Nothing he could do about it now.
“What the fuck Hargrove? How bad did you hurt him?” Tommy was practically yelling at him, almost becoming teary eyed, punching Billy in the shoulder like he was trying to hurt him but didn’t know how.
“Why the fuck do you care so much? You got a boner for him or something?” It was meant as a joke. Billy really didn’t have anything suggesting Tommy was “of the same crowd” as he was from his observations over the past week aside from his weird infatuation with him that he’d just written off as him using him to get chicks after noticing how every girls eyes darted toward him as soon as he stepped foot out of the Camaro. But the way Tommy reacted to the accusation without immediate denial or fucking any other reaction that wasn’t his eyes growing even wider before turning his head down and away from Billy. “Did I strike a nerve there?”
“Can it Hargrove.” Tommy’s voice is low and quiet and he’s practically one with the steering wheel with how close his forehead is to it.
“What? That Little Tommy Hagan is a queer for Harring-“
“Shut Up!” Tommy yelled and surged forward from where he was sitting to being practically in Billy’s seat with both hands clutching the collar of Billy’s shirt and pinning him up against the car door. “Get the fuck out of my car Hargrove, walk home.” Tommy said in a mean voice, his teeth clenched and his knuckles digging into Billy’s collar bones.
And Billy just laughed his maniacal little laugh he gave whenever someone tried to start a fight they would inevitably lose in the end. Instead of reaching a hand back for the door handle and following Tommy’s strict little orders, he did exactly what he always did when it came to men he could win against. He fought back.
With the same swiftness that Tommy had, he flipped the script, turning everything right back around on Tommy so that he was the one pinned up against the drivers side door, his head slamming back against the glass window. Billy took it even one step further and pushed their combined weights against the door and with a free hand, opened it, causing Tommy to roll out onto his back along the gravel path they were parked on where he let out a pained groan.
Billy walked out unscathed, the only marks on his body being the result of a separate H name. Billy reached for Tommy’s bottle out of the cup holder and finished it off before chucking it out into the water below with a strong throw.
“So, Tommy H. eats dick for breakfast, I can’t say I’m totally surprised.” Billy took the keys from Tommy’s pockets and stuffed them in his own. He was just going to leave him there, begin a chain for vehicular theft and find somewhere else to be with someone else, but Tommy just had to go and open up his big and stupid mouth.
“Yeah, and what about you huh? I didn’t say shit about the way you were rubbing all up against Steve during gym!” Tommy started to get up, but Billy quickly responded by putting him right back down. He pushed him back down onto his back with the grip of his shoulders and climbed on top of him where both his knees were sitting on both of his hands leaving him completely immobile. Tommy screamed out in pain as his knees dug into his palms and the sharp rocks cut the skin on his hands.
“You calling me a fag?!” Billy yelled, his grip growing tighter and tighter on his shoulders, thumbs digging and bruising and Tommy didn’t have the breath to stop screaming to say anything in response. Billy chose to remove his knees from Tommy’s hands so that he would stop, but he stayed on top of him, sitting down so he wouldn’t be able to get out.
That’s when he noticed it.
Tommy was fucking hard.
“Oh, so Harrington ain’t the only guy who turns you on huh?”
Tommy made a bold move, and spit up at Billy, hitting him directly in the eye. “Get off of me.”
Billy just laughed and freed one of Tommy’s shoulders to wipe away at his eye. “Nice shot. This how you treat all the boys or am I just special?”
“I’m not fucking gay!”
“Well your dick tells me otherwise.”
Tommy just squeezed his eyes tightly, like he was trying to focus all of his energy on making it go down, which wasn’t made easy by having Billy Hargrove’s literal ass pressed up against it.
Billy had told himself he wouldn’t let this happen. Not here. But he also didn’t think he’d have the temptation so readily available, already hard for him and on his back ready to go. Billy Hargrove wasn’t one to pass up a treat like this. Sure, it wasn’t Steve Harrington, but Billy wasn’t anything if not good at playing pretend.
Billy leaned his body down to where they were chest to chest, both of their hearts pounding hard enough that they could feel each other’s. His mouth found Tommy’s neck where Billy found the most sensitive spot and took the skin right in between his teeth, causing Tommy to shudder and his dick to twitch against Billy’s ass.
“So Tommy likes a little pain with his pleasure too? You learn more and more every day.”
“Shut the fuck up.” Tommy said through a sigh followed by a gasp for air.
“Would you like me to stop?” Billy asked, knowing full well by the expression on Tommy’s face what his answer would be. But for good measure, Billy rocked his hips against Tommy’s dick to milk another moan out of his mouth. “You ever kissed a boy Tommy?”
Instead of answering with his words, Tommy bucks his hips upwards and utilizes his now free hands to grab Billy by the face and bring his lips down to his own, faces slamming together with bruise inducing force that leaves Tommy breathless and craving more. He kisses him like he’s starving, like just the taste of Billy’s lips was like a drug necessary for the continuation of his life and he’s not going to let go of it for even a second. Take all of it that he can get his hands on.
And Billy just kisses him back, closing his eyes and imagining dark brown hair and pale skin peppered in moles and deep brown eyes that could turn a sour kid sweet.
Tommy reaches his hands through the opening in Billy’s shirt and wraps his hands around to Billy’s back. Tommy’s cold hands against his skin cause him to shiver as they trace up and down and pull him in closer.
Billy grinds his hips into Tommy’s at a comfortable pace, his own dick matching Tommy’s level of hard as they’re both aching and throbbing and leaking with pre into their jeans, both of them agonizingly starved.
Billy trails a hand down the length of Tommy’s chest and undoes the button on his pants the moment he reaches his waist. Tommy’s rhythm was erratic and desperate and helping the guy out a little was the least he could do for being the tool he used to live out his own fantasies. Once the zipper was lowered, Billy reached his cold and bruised hand, coated in a layer of spit from his own mouth, into the space below Tommy’s boxers where he wrapped his hand around Tommy’s dick, pretending it was Steve’s, the one he managed to catch a glimpse of while they were in the showers after practice, the one he permanently ingrained in his mind and could see just as vividly now, and pumped. And Tommy did a lot of the work himself, thrusting himself into Billy’s hand, no longer able to focus on kissing Billy from all the intense pleasure that he was just breathing into Billy’s open mouth all hot and heavy. Tommy didn’t say it, but Billy could tell that he was on the brink with the way his face contorted more and more with each thrust. The sweat was spilling from his pores like multiple waterfalls and Billy just kept on closing his eyes, picturing Steve, not the freckled face below him that made all the sounds that sent him reeling.
Because it was one thing to want someone unattainable, and an entirely other thing to want someone who was.
Tommy came into his hand as Billy had that thought, moaning out the name “Steve” as he did, reminding Billy of exactly what this was, ripping the word “attainable” directly from his vocabulary and leaving him with the most disappointing orgasm of his life.
Okay, not true. It was still ten times more epic than any girl had ever given him.
The problem was that with all that buildup with Steve at the forefront of his mind, he came to the image of Tommy, who had just come to the image of Steve, another guy’s name on his tongue.
Billy just got up from where he was on top of Tommy, pressing his boot into Tommy’s thigh with an anger induced force, and walked off. He ignored the damp and sticky mess in his boxers and took a seat in the passenger seat of Tommy’s car while Tommy was still laid out on the gravel.
“Let’s go! Not a fucking word about this Hagan, you got it?”
He just nodded his head, his face flushed likely due to the answer to that initial question about ever kissing a boy being true, maybe because he was embarrassed for himself, maybe because he was embarrassed for Billy.
He didn’t want to think about that.
“Keys?” Tommy asked as he took his seat, holding his hand out for Billy to drop them. Billy tossed them over, ignoring the outstretched hand and instead reaching for his technically third beer from the back of Tommy’s car and not saying a word about it. Letting Tommy just take him wherever he so pleased.
Tommy took him to his house, surprisingly knowing where he lived, and Billy didn’t bother to question how exactly he knew the address. He didn’t say anything, not even a thank you before he closed the car door behind him and watched Tommy drive off down Cherry Lane.
He stood out there for a while by himself. Staring blankly at the yellow front door knowing that Hell awaits him on the other side.
And yet he couldn’t stop thinking about those words that Steve said to him when he first stepped out of the Camaro outside the Byers House.
“Don’t cream your pants.”
Because it was too fucking late for that.
He should have listened to him.
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fandom-necromancer · 3 years
A matter of comfort
This was prompted by the amazing @iamsofternow ! I hope you enjoy! This story involves trans topics. As I’m not trans myself, please tell me if anything I wrote is wrong or could hurt someone! I will change/delete it!
Fandom: Detroit become human | Ship: Reed900 (Warnings: implied body disphoria, trans character written by a non-trans author)
Nines was running just behind Gavin following the fugitive android. He cursed as he should have caught up to the criminal long ago, hadn’t it been for the fugitive’s companion who had nearly ripped his left leg from its socket as he had interfaced to induce stasis for later arrest. Like this, he could only keep up with his human partner that was blocking his sight remaining surprisingly on the optimal path to catch up even with the faster model. Right as they turned the corner though, Nines got a good view of their fugitive, who had turned in just the right way to pull out a pistol from his side. Although the supposed weapon was still masked behind his body, Nines had already pre-constructed the probability of the bullet hitting his partner. So, right when he exited his pre-construction software, he shouted: ‘Gavin! To the left! Now!’
The exact second, he shouted “now” the bang of the pistol being fired echoed through the air and Gavin jumped aside and out of the way. Nines realised three outcomes next: First of all: Gavin would survive. Secondly, the bullet would hit him instead, directly into his thirium pump, causing him to bleed out and overheat in mere seconds. And lastly: His momentary momentum was too high to break or redirect in his weakened and damaged state, causing him to run directly into the railing, tip over it and fall into Detroit River. That didn’t mean he tried to stop that outcome anyways, hoping for that few percent chance the universe would align to save him.
But in the end, it was futile, as he felt his body fall and saw the water rushing closer. All he could do was shutting down before the water would cause him to short-circuit and hope that someone would care enough to fish him out of the river.
‘Nines!’ Gavin had jumped to the side as soon as the android had said something and only started running again, as he registered Nines had been shot in his place. He watched as the android stumbled forwards, trying hard to halt before the railing, but even to the human it was obvious he wouldn’t make it with the way his left leg slipped under his weight. He had to watch as the android toppled over, desperately trying to reach for the vertical bars but hands grasping only air. And then he disappeared.
An agonisingly long moment later, Gavin found himself at the very same railing, leaning over and staring down at the splash that was the only evidence Nines hadn’t just simply disappeared into thin air. ‘Nines!’ Could androids swim? Was Nines light enough so it was even possible? Was he even waterproof? How severe had the wound been? Would he survive this? He was short of jumping himself, but held himself back, calling backup instead. He informed them of what had happened, that their fugitive had escaped and was armed. ‘I need a technician here. And… A diver probably. As soon as possible!’
About an hour later, Gavin stood at the side of a scene that could have been finny hadn’t it been his partner: A tow truck had parked at the edge of the pier and pulled up Nines’ motionless body with a wench. A team of technicians as well as a group of the experts that had worked on the sole prototype’s development had gathered around the truck and got to work immediately as soon as the android was lowered to the ground. Multiple cables were hooked up to his neck port while others carefully opened as many compartments manually as they could to let the water out. The partial reactivation half an hour later made Gavin hope for good news, but the technicians shook their heads.
‘What?! What is it?’ ‘He shut down before hitting the water, that’s good. His memory core is likely the best protected part of him, therefore it is still intact. The person you got to know is still there.’ ‘I hear a but coming’, Gavin sighed. ‘Yes. He won’t be able to use this body. The damage is too intense. He will need almost a full body replacement and as he is the only unit ever developed, we can’t just put him in a new one. We will have to contact people that have already resigned if they haven’t fled the city after the revolution. It will take a long time until we are finished rebuilding him.’
Gavin’s face fell. ‘How long are we talking here?’ ‘At least six months. Likely more if we don’t have all the blueprints readily available. Some of it was top-secret and some only Kamski’s AI had access to.’ ‘So effectively, Nines is dead for the next six months, possibly more?’ ‘We will try our best to come up with a solution.’
That was about all of an explanation Gavin got as the technicians carried Nines over to a van, laid him down in the transport area and drove off after leaving their contact details with Fowler, who had only just arrived at the scene. He stood there, answering his Captain’s questions once again and then returned to the precinct where he was supposed to carry on with his job. Because Nines was in repair and taken care of and he would recover eventually. Seemingly only Gavin sat there staring at the empty chair and worrying how the hell he was supposed to continue like this without his partner, a pain in the ass but still by now a person he considered a friend or at least acquaintance, missing for half a year.
When Nines stood in front of the station, he felt uncomfortable. Not only because of the attention his unannounced visit would likely cause, but also because of his body. His old clothes stretched in places it hadn’t before, his considerably weaker state compared to his old one was unsettling, and his perspective had changed too. He was looking at the world from a point far lower now. It was an overall weird feeling.
He entered the lobby and walked up to the reception, grimacing as he pulled out his badge and pass. ‘Hello. I’m Detective Nines, I’d like to talk to Fowler.’ He cringed at the high pitch in his voice he couldn’t modulate like he could do with his own. The android behind the counter frowned, so Nines extended his hand – so much smaller and more defined, almost sculpted – for an interface. Soon after, the receptionist smiled at him the next second and let him pass the security gate.
Nines directly marched towards the glass cube of Fowler’s office, ignoring the confused faces of his colleagues. He tried to walk with just as much confidence as he always had, but it was difficult now that he had everyone’s attention. The only reason he wasn’t stopped by any of them was that the receptionist obviously had let him pass and not activated any alarm yet. He sighed, entering the glass cube and waiting for Fowler to get off his phone call. What was nearly immediately happening.
‘Who are you? What are you doing here? Who let you in?’ ‘I’m Nines’, he declared, handing over his badge and service weapon. ‘I think I’ll have some explaining to do.’
Gavin had watched the foreign woman walk into the bullpen like it was nothing out of the ordinary. He exchanged glances with Chris and Tina, who both just shrugged and looked back to the reception. But as no one came running after her, they just collectively frowned and waited for what would happen next. At least the woman seemed to know exactly where to go and she headed directly for Fowler’s office. Maybe someone from the higher ups? But she was an android… Not to be racist, but most of them hadn’t yet made it so far up the ladder, even with the new regulations in place. He watched her enter the office and hand an object over, then the glass frosted over for privacy, leaving them wonder but soon getting back to their work.
‘Everyone!’ Gavin’s head lifted up from the paper he was working on to look towards the stairs in front of the glass cube. Fowler was standing next to the woman and Gavin froze. That could only mean… Had they replaced Nines already? He had only been gone for a week and a half. ‘This is Nines. Cyberlife found a way to transfer him into a new body, so he isn’t missing life for half a year. I expect you to treat him the same way you did before and help him to adapt the best he can. Now back to work.’
Gavin always prided himself to be unphased by almost everything. This though? This had his mouth gaping in surprise. And he wasn’t the only one. But of course, the woman – Nines – was approaching their desk already, and he forced himself to stand up and keep his face under control. ‘Nines?’ ‘Yes.’ Gavin had to look really intently to notice it, but the way the woman looked to the ground ashamed or maybe embarrassed had something entirely Nines to it. ‘Yes, it is me.’ ‘Holy shit, it’s nice to see you’re still alive’, Gavin sighed as even considering everything, this had been the most important thing. ‘What- How- They told me it would take over six months!’ ‘Yes, I was informed. My own body will indeed need more time to be repaired. About that time actually. But for the time being, they transferred me into this tracy model.’ ‘A tracy?’ ‘They are the only ones that are compatible with my programming.’ ‘Would have thought they’d put you in a RK800.’ ‘We have a similar architecture, yes. But only Tracies are able to freely download additional data and programs outside of their own… purpose and are the only android model aside from custom ones that allow intense modification. My personality isn’t that extensive, but my military programming is. Therefore, they put me into this body.’ ‘Well, it’s good to have you back’, Gavin stammered. ‘I… I don’t know if I’m so happy about it. Maybe just waiting those months would have been better. At least for me. I wouldn’t have noticed the time.’ ‘Then why didn’t you do that?’ Nines stepped from one foot to the other. ‘I don’t want to miss that much time. And I worried that… That being gone for so long would alter your view of me. Also, someone obviously has to look after your ass on missions like the last one.’ Gavin chuckled at that. ‘Yeah, thanks for that, I… I guess you saved my life.’
They kept standing there awkwardly, unsure what to say or if they should rather be quiet. It was Nines, who spoke up in the end: ‘Should we get back to work? Did you catch the fugitive?’ ‘Hmm? Yeah, sure.’ Both of them sat down and Gavin updated him on their cases, after which they both got back to work. But something kept Gavin looking back at Nines and it wasn’t him trying to adjust the chair to his new hight. ‘Hey, err… you said you don’t know if you are happy about being back… Is there a reason for that?’, he finally asked. Nines looked up. ‘Yes, actually… This might be dumb, I mean androids and genders don’t really make sense, but… I feel weird in this body. I guess it is a matter of adaption, but… If I could, I would love to have my own back. This is… highly uncomfortable.’ ‘Just because of the body or-‘ ‘Gavin, I’m a woman now. For at least the next six months. And I have never been a woman before. This is… alienating.’ Gavin swallowed. ‘I… first of all, others see you as a woman. That’s not necessarily the same as being one. Second-‘ ‘I don’t see a difference there’, Nines interrupted. ‘Okay, as someone to who this really matters: There is a difference. And as I was about to say, I might be able to help you.’ ‘And how’s that?’ Gavin grimaced, looking around to see if anyone heard them. It wasn’t something he considered a secret, but he still had only come out to his closest friends, mostly because it was personal. ‘Well, Nines I haven’t exactly always been considered male myself… Maybe I kinda get how you are feeling at the moment. Just saying I might be able to help you if you want that.’ ‘I…’ Nines looked at him and maybe it was the fact that this new body’s eyes were just as blue as his own, but Gavin could clearly see the surprise and relief on his face. ‘I would appreciate that.’
They met on neutral grounds the next weekend with the overall plan to get Nines something comfortable to wear and help him set a few things clear. As Gavin waited on the bench outside the mall, he was playing with his thumbs lost in thought. Yes, okay, he would admit he felt guilty about the whole ordeal. He knew far too well how it could feel being uncomfortable most of the time simply because of existing in a space with others that didn’t see you as you truly were. Being the cause of that was just… Nines had taken a bullet for him and now suffered the consequences. The least he could do now was help where he could and make these six months as comfortable as it could be for the android.
‘Hello, Gavin. So, what’s the plan?’ Gavin jerked up pulled from his thoughts and only then adjusted realising this wasn’t a random woman asking him, this was Nines. ‘Err… Hi. Yeah, err, I thought to get some clothes for you? But I don’t know what will help you. What bothers you the most?’ ‘I don’t really know’, Nines shrugged. ‘I’m just… bothered? What was the first thing you changed?’ Gavin cleared his throat, breaking eye contact. ‘I… Well, I changed pronouns. Told them I would like to be addressed as a he, not a she. Then I changed my name to fit my identity. But err… you don’t have to do that, you are seeing yourself as male, right?’ ‘I don’t see myself as anything, Gavin’, Nines disagreed. ‘I am a program running on hardware that is now considered female. So I guess, I would switch to female pronouns? It would cause less confusion and spare me the explanation every time I’m introduced.’ ‘Nines, this isn’t about what’s more comfortable for others but for you.’ ‘I’m more comfortable not talking to strangers about my personal life if we are on a case.’ ‘Okay’, Gavin said, lifting his arms in defeat. ‘It’s your decision. But by the way, you can also go by them or other pronouns. It’s not that uncommon and it would go with your personal perception.’ ‘I will be considered female’, Nines determined. ‘At least for the time I possess this body. I may think of adapting something else once I’m back in my body.’
‘Alright’, Gavin nodded. ‘Do you want to change your name, too?’ ‘My name will remain Nines. I like it and I see no reason to change it.’ ‘Nice’, Gavin commented. ‘Then let’s see if we can get you something to wear that’s not Cyberlife branded.’
The months had passed quicker than thought. After an initial adapting phase, work almost went back to normal. Gavin had went shopping with Nines, buying a bunch of clothes both baggy and tighter as Nines hadn’t been sure if she wanted to accentuate her body or hide it just yet. She did underline that she liked tighter clothes as they didn’t get in the way as much, but in the end, she seemed to settle mostly on hoodies that were some sort of a compromise of both.
During work Gavin noticed a few things neither of them could change or disregard: Nines was slower now. The Tracy body wasn’t built to withstand higher forces and overheated far too quickly in high demand tasks, limiting Nines to only slightly above human levels of speed and endurance. She wasn’t as durable either. Without armoured plates and reinforced hull segments, almost every hit to her meant repairs and replacement parts. Gavin learned quickly to keep watch of Nines and more than once catch a blow from some criminal directed at her if it meant she would be spared the trip to a technician – although she always scolded him for that. Reduced strength of her model compared to her former soldier unit also meant Gavin had to constantly remind her of it, much to Nines’ frustration.
By the time the fifth month started, almost everyone had adapted to Nines’ new self and the call from Cyberlife that her body was repaired was almost like a wake-up call. Gavin and Nines had grown closer during these few months. Gavin had helped her whenever she asked for it and the mutual need to look out for each other now had changed their dynamic quite a bit. Gavin considered Nines his best friend by now, maybe even more considering how intimately familiar they both had become. He had shared stories with her he had never told anyone else about and Nines had in turn been the first person, Gavin had met outside of the internet that shared his experience. How often they had just sat next to each other on a couch in either of their apartments, sharing their thoughts holding each other close. Each of them telling the others their personal worries to in turn be comforted. Sure, Gavin had known that one day Nines would get her body back and the way she smiled, honest and bright, he could only feel happiness himself. But again, there was that little voice in the back of his head that told him it all would change now. And he didn’t want it to.
He parked the car in front of the Cyberlife Tower, forcing a smile at Nines sitting next to him. She smile back at him, obviously more than excited to walk over, but hesitating. ‘Will you wait for me here?’ ‘Of course’, Gavin nodded fondly and patted her shoulder reassuringly. ‘See you in a bit.’ He watched her walk towards the entrance turning back to give him a little wave of her hand and then disappeared behind the doors. Gavin’s smile fell and he leaned back against the backrest. Why did this feel like goodbye? Nines would be the same person when she- when he? – came back outside. He was just worrying too much, surely.
But when two hours later, Nines emerged dressed in his tight black turtleneck and white custom-tailored leather jacket that looked just like her - his - uniform had without the Cyberlife logo, his heart sagged. He stepped out of the car regardless and stood there awkwardly, as Nines came closer, hugging him with a strength that hurt as he was spun around. ‘Ahh, phck, Nines, too much!’ ‘Sorry’, the far, far deeper voice chuckled and put him down. ‘Ah, it’s good to be back in my own body.’ ‘Heh, yeah…’, Gavin commented, rubbing his arms. ‘Guess so.’ ‘I can finally see everything again’, Nines marvelled and blinked before bending down to pick up a small pebble to throw it with a force as if he planned on sending it into orbit. ‘Oh, yes, I missed that. I can finally calculate everything I want to again. I can analyse samples again, I can switch to infra-red and night vision and I can scan-‘ Apparently, the android had tried everything while listing it and now frowned. ‘Gavin, are you alright?’
‘I am’, he hurried to reassure. ‘Just… You have your body back. Anything else changed?’ ‘Oh. I guess I would go by male pronouns again. Just to avoid confusion. And… I will likely change my wardrobe again, because I doubt any of the shoes will fit. But other than that… not really. Why?’ ‘Oh, nothing, just… Nah.’ Gavin opened the door and entered the car, just to escape the situation. Too bad Nines followed and sat down on the passenger side. Gavin went to turn the key in the ignition, but was stopped by a hand – too large, too powerful, far harder than before. ‘Gavin, please. We used to talk about these things, not swallow them. I… Nothing has changed. I promise. I’m still me. My body changed, but what is my body than a means to interact with the world? I am still the same.’
‘I just…’, Gavin began but stopped himself again. ‘Nines, I… Before all this happened. Before you saved my life I hardly knew you. We were work partners and you were pleasant company. But there wasn’t… We only really became friends when you changed. When you needed my help. Now that you have everything back, I… I’m worried you will just get back to business as usual.’ Nines seemed to think about all he had just heard, then turned around judging by the sound of his clothes. He remained silent though, so Gavin risked a glance over. Nines was staring at him directly, his eyes full of concern and maybe even fear. And yes, some things stayed the same. Nines was still looking at him the same way, with the same expression. ‘Gavin. It is true I needed your help, but you are a fool if you think I only kept you company because of that. I like you. I really do. And in those few months I realised what I feel for you is more than I ever felt for anyone. I may be back in my body and have less problems, but… Gavin, I still need you.’ ‘You do?’, Gavin asked sceptically. ‘Sure’, Nines grinned. ‘Who else can I sit around with in parks judging the people passing by. Who else can I gossip with about our co-workers? And who else can I talk to when I need someone to really listen? Gavin, when I say nothing changed, I mean it.’
Gavin still didn’t look convinced, so Nines took a different approach. ‘You once told me that it isn’t about what’s more comfortable for others but for yourself. I think you should understand, that just because you helped me, my need for help isn’t what makes me like you. You were there for me when I needed you most. Because of that I know you will be there for me always. And that makes me comfortable regardless of the body I am in. Do you understand?’ ‘Yes’, Gavin answered silently. ‘Yes, I do. Thank you.’ ‘I have to thank you’, Nines corrected. ‘But for now, I think we should celebrate this, shouldn’t we?’
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janiedean · 3 years
PLEASE tell me about sam >> the world and the rock band au.
 sam >>> the world was... originally a thing I wrote for an exchange which then I scrapped bc it got too long and I never finished it, but basically the concept was jon gets robb’s will before he’s elected LC and he accepts being kitn except he goes to sam like PLEASE SAM BE MY HAND OR I CAN’T DO THIS, and then sam was going to proceed on solving Each Single Problem Jon Could Have starting from being friends with theon to finding sansa in the vale to finding arya and sandor to basically really solving everything and it was gonna be jon/sam but eeeeh I quit when sandor showed up bc I lost track of the plot T_T HOWEVER, I WOULD LIKE TO FIND AND QUOTE YOU A BIT WHERE BASICALLY SAM DRAGGED THEON WITH HIM TO THE VALE BC HE WAS SURE THEY’D KILL HIM OTHERWISE WHERE THEON RECOGNIZED SANSA AND TOLD SAM IT WAS HER WHICH IS2G WHEN DND HAD THE SAME THING HAPPEN WITH POD AND BRIENNE IN S5 I SCREAMED BECAUSE I WROTE THIS SHIT IN 2013 OR 2014 AND I SAID WHAT I SAID
“Go, go,” Baelish says, and he looks pale as a sheet as well. At least he didn’t have anything witty to say, Sam thinks before grabbing Theon’s arm and leading him outside the room.
“Stop,” Theon tells him a moment later. “I don’t – I just need some air. I don’t think – I won’t.”
“All right,” Sam agrees before leading him towards a half-open window in the hallway.
“I’m sorry,” he says as Theon takes deep, heavy breaths.
“For what?”
“I didn’t even – how did you know?”
“Don’t you think that Ramsay Bolton would have spared me the details?” Theon whispers. “I threw up. Then. And he – he also threw at me handfuls of red hair covered in blood. I told you I could play along.”
Sam thinks that he’s going to be sick.
“But – I need you to listen to me,” Theon whispers then, his voice still shaking, as if he’s forcing himself to say what he’s about to say.
“The Lord Protector’s daughter.”
“Yes, what about her?”
“That’s no bastard. She’s Sansa Stark.”
For a moment, Sam is sure he’s heard wrong.
“She’s who?”
“Sansa. She dyed her hair and she’s older than – well, the last time I saw her, but I lived at Winterfell for nine years. Do you think I wouldn’t recognize her?”
And it does make sense. Sansa disappeared from King’s Landing when Baelish went to the Vale, didn’t she? Sam is pretty sure of that.
“And – you saw her when I was telling that story. She looked sick. As much as I felt.”
Oh gods be good. He’s right. Sam wonders how a simple mission suddenly turned out complicated – and if Theon hadn’t been there he wouldn’t have even known, would he?
He thinks about his options.
And then he hopes that he still has some courage left and that he hadn’t exhausted it when he killed an Other.
“All right,” he whispers. “I have no idea of why she’s here, but if she wants to come with… do you think you have it in yourself to go down the mountain twice in one day?”
Theon goes pale all over again. Sam had noticed that he could barely keep his eyes open the first time.
“What’s the plan?” he asks.
“I’m asking her. If it’s true, and if she’s here against her will… well, I already know I’m not getting Baelish’s men. And I’m sure that if I came back with his sister Jon – I mean –”
“You don’t need to call him His Grace,” Theon says, and he sounds almost amused. Barely. As much as someone like him can sound amused. “I couldn’t call Robb like that either.”
“Fine. Jon would like that better than an army, I think. So, do you think you can do it?”
Theon shakes his head again and then looks up at him. “I don’t think that I’d ever want to do it again, but just the fact that you asked first makes me think that I can try it.”
Well then, Sam thinks, that’s settled.
like excuse me but what the fuck
rock band au: okay so I had written this rock band au for jonc/brynden for that last prompt meme I took which I should finish one of these days but like then I was doing this chalenge and I ended up writing a sequel for it where they’re touring with theon who’s like the opening solo act for their band and him and jaime argue in the changing room also theon is with robb who’s the long suffering agent and theon wants jaime to hit on brienne who’s like going to all the concerts and it’s actually finished but I really need to revise it and see if I can put it together with the other one, at the end of it theon and robb had a moment™ backstage while jaime and brienne got together post-concert but here have a snipped or more:
“You know that girl that always is in first row, Lannister?”
“I do, Greyjoy. I very well damn do, and is there a reason you’re gloating at me now?”
“Just saying,” Theon says, and Jaime thinks, don’t finish that sentence, don’t finish that sentence, don't finish that sentence, “that while the time for groupies is over, I mean, supposedly so, considering that you invite her backstage every other moment and that she’s been at each single show of this tour, maybe you could invite her.”
“Can it,” Jaime groans, “no way. I’m not —”
“And why not? Come on, I’ve opened for your band for the entire last month, we drove through half of this bloody fucking country and I know for sure that you’re the only person in it that’s not getting any, and seeing your pretty face, it’s honestly baffling.”
“And since when do you care about how much I’m getting? Are you volunteering?”
Theon laughs, dark hair falling all over his shoulders as he fixes his leather trousers in front of their shared changing room — yes, this venue is so shitty that they have to share rooms in between bands, and fine, Theon’s technically a solo act but he does have a band, and he hopes the others are not being too cramped because their room is so small they can’t even change at the same time. He nods, pleased with his hair, definitely, and then goes to grab a black shirt from his bag and puts it on without closing it. Guess this is the night where he plays with his shirt open making sure his poor manager dies of frustration.
Robb Stark is a saint, Jaime thinks sometimes, because to manage this guy, you really need to have an insane amount of patience.
Good thing that they never needed one and Jon always took care of it, but still.
“I mean,” Theon says, “in the ideal world, I would, but alas, I know that it’s not meant to be. For one, I’m not your Kinsey scale one —”
“How the fuck do you know that?”
“What, that you’re a one or that I’m not it?”
“Both, for —”
“I mean,” Theon goes on, “you obviously aren’t a zero or you wouldn’t stare at your bassist’s ass, and honestly also at your guitarist’s, and I wouldn’t exclude, you know, that you three might have had a go at it at some point —”
“That never happened!” Jaime protests, not that he hasn’t entertained that thought once or twice, but still, he doesn’t bat for that team, as a general rule. He just hates that Theon has apparently figured him out that easily.
“Regardless,” Theon goes on, “you’re a one, but if those two are your type, considering they’re both older than you and ginger and blue eyed and I’m not either of that, I think I’m not it. Also, no way you like pitching.”
+ throbb snippet
“So,” Theon says, as he drags Robb towards the back exit, “I might have told Lannister that I’d leave him the changing room for the night.”
“… What,” Robb says, following even if he’s trying to slow him down, “he finally decided to fess up to that poor girl?”
“Oh, that’s to be seen, I just gave him the chance to,” Theon shrugs, “which is why we’re taking a cab and going to the hotel at once.”
“Wait,” Robb says, “we should —”
He never finishes the sentence because Theon presses him against the wall and kisses him and fucking hell, Robb would like to just give in and let him and actually he would like to grab Theon’s shoulders and press him against the fucking wall, except —
“We should wait until the Kingsguard is done,” he breathes, “you agreed to sign those records, but it has to be with them. And people paid for it.”
“Oh, of course, ever the correct person —”
“Theon, I’m your fucking manager, you picked me, it’s not like you can exactly skirt around — obligations,” he groans when Theon sucks a bruise into his neck.
“Right, right, so you’d rather stay here and wait two hours instead of running to the hotel with me? We could make it, you know, if Jimmy Page and Robert Plant could —”
“It’s not the fucking seventies,” Robb groans, wishing Theon would just not press, even if fuck but now he really feels like he’s going to come in his trousers like a fifteen year-old and the fact that he’s definitely been wanting to kiss Theon at least since then is not helping, and yet —
“Really? I missed that memo.”
+ jb snippet
“Sure,” she says, reaching out to grab it, and then she swallows — “You know,” she said, “you sounded… more intense today.”
“Did I,” he says. “How?”
She shrugs, her large shoulders barely slimmed by the black band shirt sporting his face that she’s wearing, and fuck if it was weird being the face of the merchandise, except that it had to happen.
Fucking Targaryen.
“I’m not quite sure,” she says, “just… there was a difference? In the good sense, though. You felt… more immersed, not to say that you’re not usually, it’s just… I don’t know, I felt like crying more than once.”
“Maybe,” he sighs, “I had a conversation with Greyjoy before that made me realize a few things,” he goes on. “I suppose. I don’t know,” he shakes his head, “I just… you’ve been listening to us since before Rhaegar fucked off, and I just — I guess it just sank in that I’m not going back to my former job anytime soon.”
“Can — can I say I’m not sad that you aren’t?”
“You can,” Jaime shrugs, “it’s just, it felt a bit too much. I never signed up for that.”
“But you sing those songs a lot better than he did.”
“Not the first person that told me that, today.”
“But it’s true. He just — he was good. But you just have a whole other delivery.” She blushes, guileless blue eyes staring into his, and he thinks of how she told him that his songs made her survive high school and some kind of ridiculous bet her supposed friends made about her fucking v-card and he just — fuck. She’s so nice. She’s the kind of nice person you wouldn’t presume listens to his fucked up lyrics, and yet.
And yet she does.
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captainillogical · 4 years
Home Ch.3
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The domesticity of living with an alien who hasn’t quite had the chance at a normal life.
Distant Lands sequel.
collab with my lovely wife @firstofficertightpants​
Chapter Rating: Explicit
A/N: I’m sorry about the previous version guys, wasn’t my intention to write it that way, and thanks for all the feedback. Changed some things, added another thousand or so words, and re-wrote some dialogue. Thank you Star for all your help p:
This chapter is NSFW. I’m pretty sure one of the people that sent me shit was a minor, so I’d like to say this again, ya’ll. No minors.
"Why do 'ya seem a little out of breath? You run up the stairs?" Your girlfriend asks, raising an eyebrow.
"No reason," You lie, she doesn't need to know of whatever that was. It was probably nothing, anyway. You're just paranoid. "Met another human that lives a few floors down from us though."
"Another human lives here? Huh," She answers, interested. She's got half your boxes open, and has already stacked most of the books inside your bookcase in the living room. It's.. it's stacked like a fire hazard. You don't know what you were expecting. "Bismuth did say that more humans were starting to live in this area. Was he nice?"
"Yeah, he did ask me a lot of questions about you though."
She gives you a particular look. "Why'd he ask about me.."
"I might've mentioned I was living with my girlfriend." You say sheepishly.
"Aw jeez," She groans, wiping her face a bit dramatically with her gloved hand. 
"Am I supposed to keep quiet about it?"
"No! No. I just haven't had the chance to tell any of our neighbors about it yet." She replies guiltily. She pushes a twintail over her shoulder, getting it out of the way as she digs into an open box.
"Spinel!" You hiss out.
"What! I've been busy!" She wails. "And also, two of the quartzes on this floor are such huge gossips that I've maybe avoided the conversation with them! They've pried SO much already about my past and it's kinda 'irritatin. I know once they figure out that you're livin' with me, they're gonna bombard me with even more questions."
"Ugh, okay, you get a pass today."
"Today," She repeats, deadpan. "I should get a pass whenever."
"Nah, you're not special enough." You chuckle, grabbing some of your books to restack them into something actually resembling a bookcase.
"I am to you," She pouts a little, which is really endearing. 
"Ehhhhhhh," You start, sarcastically, until you feel a pinch on your ass and you cut off mid sentence to yelp. You whip your head around to glare at your girlfriend. "Spinel!"
"Deserved it." She grins, peering at you from the side. You contemplate throwing a book at her, but your stomach rumbles instead.
"Can you finish opening all of these boxes? I'm gonna make myself some food real quick," You say, finishing restacking that one shelf and walking into the kitchen. "I wanna be completely unpacked tonight if possible. I hate moving for this reason."
You hear her make an offended noise from the living room. "Was how I stacked these not good enough for you?!"
"I hate to break this to you, but like," You pause to open your fridge, rifling through what you bought earlier. "Pretty sure they were one bump away from being all over the floor."
"Looked fine to me."
"Have you ever had to organize anything, ever?" You take the ingredients out to make a sandwich, plopping the contents on the counter.
"..I think I'm more of the fun type, personally." She answers, and you hear her toss an empty box off to the side. You feel your phone buzz in your pocket, and opt to ignore it for a little bit while you feed yourself.
"Yeah? You think so?" You snicker, adding an extra slice of cheese to your ham sandwich. "I thought you were more of the 'village idiot' type."
She sputters, and you walk out of the kitchen with your sandwich in hand to see her glaring at you non-threateningly. "That's more of a you type."
"No way! You don't even have any proof." You take a bite out of your food in hand, watching her pull out some of your cute plushies that Steven has gifted you over the years. Sandwich is a bit dry.. shoulda put on more mayo. Oh well.
"Are 'ya fuckin' kidding me?" She stares at you, deadpan. Her left eye is twitching. "Why don't we revisit everything that happened on Golgotha? Hmmmmm?" 
"Okay that's not completely fair," You take another bite, and chew it thoughtfully. "It's not like I asked for that to happen to me. It was all self preservation. Besides, it's not like you made it easy."
She opens her mouth to retort with something just as an arm comes out of your hair - she screams, making you drop your sandwich.
You grab the arm, and yank Steven out of the portal he's created through your hair. He tumbles to the floor, groaning and rubbing his butt.
"You could just, like, I don't know, knock?!" You hiss out at him, patting the side of your head. That was.. uh. That felt weird.
"Maybe you should read your texts sometime!" He groans, flopping on the floor, arms out. "My poor back.."
"My fucking sandwich," You sigh, feeling sad for what could've been your life had you been able to eat the rest of it. "You owe me another one."
"I'll make you twenty if you help me not embarrass myself in front of Connie's mom again." 
"Deal." You grab his hand, helping lift him off the floor, and throw the rest of your destroyed sandwich into the garbage bin.
"Am I 'gonna get an explanation for that or are we ignoring it." Spinel says as she stares at the two of you like you've each grown another head. 
"Oh, he can just do that now that he pink’d me.” You answer quite bluntly, and Steven opens his mouth in offense.
“Don’t call it that! But she’s technically right.” He gives you a tired look, and it makes you feel a little gleeful that you can still get this kind of reaction out of him whenever you want. “I can do it with Lars too, but he’s taken to threatening me whenever I do it now.”
“You interrupt him in the bathroom again?” You grin at him, and his cheeks color slightly.
“No!” He says all too quickly. 
“Wait,” Spinel lowers her eyes to you, getting a strange expression on her face. She walks closer to you. “He can do that just whenever?” 
“Yeah, I mean, I’m sure he’ll ask beforehand, but yes,” You reply to her, watching as she lifts a hand to your head. “What’re you-”
“-does that mean I can?” She jabs the side of your head with her gloved hand without waiting for an answer - you slap her hand away as Steven laughs.
“No,” You sigh, Spinel only looking a little put out. “Steven’s the only gem who can. That would be a nightmare otherwise.”
“Anyway, I also came over to give you an update.” Steven clears his throat.
“For what?” You ask, now concerned. “Couldn’t you have just texted?”
“What, so you can just not look at it or text me back?” He shoots a pointed look at you, and you only feel a little bit guilty. “No, I needed to change your schedule specifically to fit around two others, so your first lesson got moved up to a bigger slot. It’s tomorrow. I’m sorry for the short notice.”
You stare at him, unsure of what to say.
“If you’re not ready, I can have Pearl take over for the time being-”
“-No! No. It’s fine, I just needed to mentally adjust to it.” You shake your head vigorously, not wanting him to get the wrong idea. You feel the anxiety swirling in your gut, but you manage to push most of it down for now. “I’m basically done with all my prep for it, anyway.”
“Only if you’re sure, Y/N.” He looks at you like he’s waiting for your face to betray you of something, but you ignore it. “Because you can talk to me if you’re-”
“It’s fine, Steven.” You cut him off. “You worry too much. Besides, you’ve got bigger things on your plate. Y’know, like Mrs. Maheswaran’s divine judgement.”
“Ugggggghhh, thanks for the reminder.” He wipes his hand down his face dramatically. “She wants me to come over for dinner this weekend so she can talk to the two of us about something. I’m not even sure what.”
“Buddy, you know she’s gonna grill you about your future.” You reply, and peer into the open box to the left of you. It’s full of kitchen supplies.
“That’s guaranteed.” He sighs, grabbing some of the items from you and putting them away. Of course he’s helping without any kind of prompt. “I don’t mind it, but I’d like a single dinner with them where I’m not feeling like I’m putting on some kind of performance.”
Your anxiety is still at the forefront of your mind.
“It can’t be that bad.” Spinel turns to him, breaking down the empty box in her hand. 
“You’ve never met Mrs. Maheswaran.” He retorts, placing your tea infusers into the silverware drawer and shutting it with a clank. “You have no idea what it feels like to talk to her. Sure she’s nice, but it’s like she’s always watching you under a little microscope..”
Spinel gives him some kind of snide response and snickers, and you hear Steven chuckle and holler out something in reply to that - but you had somehow tuned out the words as you opened the box to your bathroom supplies. 
“Give me a few, I’m gonna put all these away real quick,” You manage to say to them before ducking into the bathroom, neither of them seeming to notice your brief change in mood as you leave the door three-quarters closed.
You can still hear them making jabs at each other while Steven talks to Spinel about all the pressure Connie’s mom has put him under the last few years, and you set your box down on the toilet.
Uggghhh, okay. You can deal with this. You have no idea why something as simple as moving a lesson up two days is fucking you up this much, but you’re gonna have to deal with it anyway. Why the fuck are you so nervous? You’ve dealt with worse. You have your lessons ready - they’re basic things anyway. It’s easy. Sure, there’s a big crowd for attendance which is a little unheard of, but maybe more gems want to befriend and understand humans than you had previously considered.
You grab your box of hair ties and scrunchies, and shove them under the sink. You don’t need extras right now. You can still feel the anxiety there, under your skin. You pick up your blow dryer and straightener, placing those down as well. Why did Steven seem like he was expecting you to back out?
Does he think you’re incapable of handling this? Is this some kind of test?
You pull out your phone to text Amethyst.
[21:42] Y/N: Quick question.
[21:42] Y/N: You think I’m capable of teaching those classes?
You set your phone down after hitting send, and grab all your soaps to put away as you wait for a reply. Spinel’s voice rings out from the living room, and you focus on the sound of it for the time being. You reach into the box again, and pull out all your hair dye supplies from a while ago.
You turn the container of bleach around in your hand.
You stare at yourself in the mirror, and try not to wince at the reflection. You probably couldn’t.. right? You don’t think that your hair would take any kind of bleach or dye now. The utter irony is that you’ve experimented with every single other color for your hair before this, claiming you would never try pink to Steven.. and now it’s.. permanent. 
Your phone buzzes on the counter. You pick it up.
[21:44] Amethyst: uhh.. yeah?
[21:44] Amethyst: the fuck you asking for?
Okay, well. Now you just seem paranoid.
[21:44] Y/N: No reason..
Your fingers are hovering over the keyboard, and as you’re figuring out what to continue to type, she shoots a text back nearly instantly.
[21:45] Amethyst: :/
You put your phone back into your pocket. You don’t really feel like asking what that face is for, because you think you know the answer.
You finish putting away the remnants of what was left in the box, and walk back out into the living room where Steven and Spinel are now talking about how he met Connie. You throw your empty box off to the side, and look at all the stuff you have left to unpack on the floor. It’s not much left, you’re well over two-thirds done at this point, and ohhhhhhhhhhh you forgot about your laundry.
You let the other two know that you’ll be back in a few - Spinel shoots you a look that you ignore, and you head downstairs.
Your mind wanders nervously the entire way down, and the laundry room is empty when you arrive to get your clothes. Amethyst texts you again, asking you if you're okay, and you shoot her a quick 'yup just peachy'. You get your dry clothes, placing them into your hamper, and you scurry back to your floor to avoid any weird confrontations.
When you get back inside, you manage to catch the tail end of a quiet mutter from Steven to Spinel before he quickly runs his sentence into something else, and at an increased volume to avoid suspicion. You opt to pretend you didn't notice, and you easily slide back into the conversation as the three of you finish what you had set out tonight to accomplish.
Steven ends up leaving the normal way after you and him have a heavy discussion laying on your living room floor about his dinner problem, and he gives you an especially hard hug after letting you know he'll drop by after your lesson tomorrow to see how it goes with lunch that he now owes you.
The door in front of you closes with a click, and you lock it for the night. Not that you're expecting anyone to barge in, but force of habit. 
You're weirdly mentally exhausted. 
"I think I'm gonna take a shower. I feel kinda gross." Is what you hear coming out of your mouth, and you move to grab fresh laundry out of your pile that you left on the couch.
“I’m gonna try to finally figure out how to work this TV, then.” She replies, and you make your way into the bathroom, shutting the door behind you.
You place your clean clothes on the toilet lid as you turn the shower on, letting the room fill up with steam as you take off your clothes and kick them into the corner to deal with later. You don't really wanna take a shower in silence, so you opt to put some music on in the background.
You pull the curtain back, steam rolling out and hitting you directly in the face as you step inside the tub. It's so scaldingly hot that you barely manage to hold back a scream as you adjust the temp and stand away from the stream. 
After a couple seconds or so the water finally gets to a more reasonable temperature and you stand underneath it to let it soak you. It feels nice.
You look down to grab your shampoo, but instead see the gnarly scar on your stomach, and stop. You stare at it a while. The raised skin along the outer ring of where you basically got hole-punched feels weird. It's also a slightly darker pink than the rest of your skin, which you're still not really used to when you get a glimpse of yourself.
You remember the feeling of being pierced, and decide to stop thinking about this all together for now. 
You grab the shampoo bottle and pour some into your hand, rubbing it into your scalp. You feel your muscles relax.
The door to the bathroom opens and closes, and all of a sudden you hear the shower curtain being pulled back. 
"Do you MIND." You slap your arms around yourself self consciously, still having soap in your hair. You can't see shit but you know it's Spinel.
"Pfft, 'ya act like I've never seen you naked. Anyway, I just wanted to know how to turn on the TV? I can’t figure it out." She asks, letting the colder air of the bathroom in, and you can hear some water hitting the floor.
"Will you close the curtain," You reach out, grabbing the edge of the vinyl liner, just as Spinel opens it wider to step inside with you. "-what the fuck are you doing?"
"Oh, the water’s warm? This doesn’t feel too bad," You rinse the rest of your shampoo out, just to see her fully clothed half a foot from you, hand reaching out to touch the stream of water. Your heart is beating wildly - but you find yourself at ease with her presence in here, oddly enough. She’s watching you curiously.
"What, you can't figure the TV out yourself? And you thought I took cold showers, really?!" You scoff at her, unfazed at this point by her antics. "The fact that you're in here with clothes on kinda says everything about you."
"I can take 'em off." She says to you, like, duh Y/N, don't you even know me by now? You glare at her, which isn't hard since there's water being sprayed onto you and into your eyes, and she phases off her clothes, shoes and all in an instant. "Better?" She asks, like she’s doing you a favor.
"Gems don't need to take showers." You deadpan at her. "And weren't you trying to figure out the TV?"
"Just because I don't need to doesn't mean I can't. Also, I could help 'ya." She says cheekily, grinning a little.
"I don't need help bathing myself," You roll your eyes at her in jest, water starting to drench her hair. You think it’s really cute that she offers, but you’re sure she just wants a chance at messing around with you. Not that you’d really mind right now, and well.. you school your face into one that isn’t obvious to what you’re currently thinking about. You try not to focus too much on her gemstone in the middle of her chest, or her breasts, or those soft looking shoulders, or the rest of her naked expanse of skin - you need to stop before you get carried away. "..but I bet you would."
“Are ‘ya saying I can’t figure out something as simple as bathing? Something I’ve watched you do? Wow. I’m hurt, Y/N.” She feigns offense, looking around at the bottles of soap and shampoo products you have in here, picking them up and starting at the labels.
“Then try it.” You watch her eye a bar of soap, and then pick it up with her wet hands. It almost shoots out of her hands at you, and she barely manages to keep it within her grip hilariously enough.
“See, I know what I’m doing,” She says stubbornly, bringing the bar up to her nose to smell it. She rubs a bit of the suds off, wiping it on her palm curiously. All of a sudden, you get a really good idea.
“Yeah, and if you actually did, you’d know that that’s what I use to clean the inside of my mouth.” You raise your eyebrows at her, begging your own face to not betray you. 
“Wait, really?!” Her eyes widen, giving you a slightly disturbed look. She peers at the soap, bringing it closer to her face. “I mean, it smells good and the shape is right..”
She licks it, and immediately gags. The look on her face of utter disgust is the best thing you’ve seen all week.
“AUUUUGH,” She wails, pushing her face into the water to scrape off the remaining soap, and the laugh that comes out of your mouth is so loud it echoes throughout the bathroom. “Y/N!”
“Gullible.” Is all you can say between laughs, and she musters a glare at you.
“I trusted you!”
“That was your mistake.” You retort with a grin. “I don’t eat soap. I’m surprised you believed that.”
“Never AGAIN.” She gags one more time, and you grab for your bottle of conditioner.
“Here, lemme show you.” You step outside of the constant stream of water, and trade places with Spinel. Once you’re done rubbing the conditioner into your own hair, you grab your shampoo for her. You look at her drenched in water, watching you closely. You won’t lie when it makes your heart flutter in your chest, and it feels a little like falling. “Can you take your hair down for this?”
“Oh, sure,” She makes quick work of undoing her hair, and yeah, you’re definitely staring at her now. You’re having a really hard time hiding it. Getting some shampoo in your hand, you have her step out of the water for a moment and start rubbing it into her scalp. She relaxes so much into your touch that you feel your heart start to beat a little faster. “Y/N?” 
“Hm?” You answer.
“You seemed kind of off earlier.” She says, and you quickly rip your gaze from her. She definitely notices. “I could just.. tell.”
“It’s nothing, really.” You sigh, rubbing small circles into her scalp. You were kind of hoping she’d brush it off, but noooooo. She has to be observant.
She grabs your hands to still your motions momentarily, giving you a more serious look. “You wanna talk about it?”
“Nah, I’m just anxious about tomorrow, I’ll get over it.” You meet her eyes again, and hers waver between yours as if she’s searching for a different answer. Like she doesn’t really believe you, even though honestly, that’s all it really is. You feel a little something there in your chest when you realize that she’s only like this because she actually cares about you. “Don’t worry about me.” You insist, not really wanting to overthink the day you’ve got ahead of you. 
“Want me to come to the lesson?" She offers as she drops your hands, tilting her head in question; a glob of shampoo suds run down the side of her neck. The sight is weirdly enticing.. or maybe you’re just a little pent up. Being here alone with her after what feels like forever, and naked on top of that has your brain thinking of things you probably shouldn’t be thinking of right now. 
You’re only a little ashamed of yourself.
“Don’t you fucking dare, Spinel. You’ll just give me performance anxiety.” You resume massaging her scalp, managing to get some shampoo also into her ends. You briefly have a passing thought about not wanting to dry out her long strands, because split ends at this hair length fucking blow, and then you remember she’s a gem. That doesn’t even matter. You feel a little jealous that she doesn’t have to put these kinds of thoughts into her daily routine.
"I wouldn't do anything, promise. Maybe a comment or two, but that's it." She retorts as she brings her palms up in feign offense, and you push her gently back by her shoulders under the stream of water to rinse out her hair, careful to not get her eyes. She sighs as you run your fingers against her scalp, eyes nearly drooping she’s so relaxed. "This feels really nice.." She mumbles, and the way it has your heart feeling like someone’s dropped pop rocks into it..
"I know you have work to do tomorrow though, so don't shirk your duties.” You’re basically caressing her head at this point, and she’s totally leaning into it completely. You have a feeling if you dropped your hands from her head, it’d slam into a wall. “I'll ask Garnet to sit in since she offered."
"Y/N." She looks at you, water running down her hair and face, cascading over her small shoulders. The marks beneath her eyes are strikingly dark in this light, and her pink irises are locked onto yours. You're barely listening to the lofi song playing in the background as it's mainly drained out by the white noise of the shower. She's pretty, in a way that you probably think she's never considered before, and sometimes you wish you could say this out loud without feeling like you'd combust on the spot instead. She then opens her mouth almost hesitantly, like she's finding the proper words to say. "If 'ya need me, I can be there. But.. you're kind of the bravest person I know by a long shot, so.. I know you'll be okay. You've got this, doll."
You feel your face burning at the pet name and her words, and you find yourself avoiding her eyes again. You can’t even think of a reply, and feel like you might have a heart attack.
"Are you blushing?!" She grabs your forearms in glee, and you feel your face scowling just to cover up the fact that she can have this kind of effect on you. No one has this effect on you, and goddammit you’re not about to start showing it now.
"No, idiot. It's just hot in here.." You retort, and she leans right into your personal space, about an inch from your face. Your heartbeats feel so INCREDIBLY loud in your ears.
"Liar." Her grin gets wider, and you can see her canines right there at the edge of her lip. WHY is she so attractive?! This should be illegal. "I can keep talking 'ya up if that's what you need."
"Not necessary, or needed, really.." You trail off awkwardly, knowing your face is still beet red and pretending it’s from the heat of the shower. 
"Did'ja know that you're also the funniest person I know? And the smartest? And the sexi-"
"-SPINEL." You cut her off with a choke, voice coming out all strangled.
"You've got 'ta be the most stubborn person alive, I swear." She lowers her eyes, gaze lingering on your lips. The way some of her water-logged hair clings to her skin has your eyes glued to her chest, and the gem that sits upon it. 
"You should spend a few weeks hanging out with Pearl." You try to play it off cool, and you’re anything but. 
"Why, when I'd rather spend it with you." She retorts with an eyeroll, and like, you know that the both of you have your affections laid out on the metaphorical table already, but you still find your face burning at her being so clear with it. “If it’s not compliments ‘ya want, I can be a distraction?” She asks, and then blinks several times rapidly in succession very comically, and you can’t help it but laugh.
“Yeah? And how?” You ask stupidly.
“Ohhhh, remember earlier in the kitchen?”
Your eyes snap to hers. Is she..
"Wait, you’re talking about doing it in the sho-"
She yanks your arms - pulling you forward into a kiss, and your foot slips so hard on the tub floor that you have to catch yourself on her shoulders. Her laughter rings out through the bathroom.
"Oh stars, Y/N falling into my arms? I never thought-"
"Shut uuuuuuuup," You groan, glaring at her. The thought of the two of you, here, fucking in the shower is swirling inside your head. Both of you are wet and pressed together, and you are screaming internally. "You're the one that caught me off guard, asshole."
"Maybe I just wanna see you swooning, for once. Or squirming. I'm not too choosy." The grin on her face mixed with her words has you feeling some kind of way, and you try to still your rapidly beating heart. She wants to see you squirm?! You're flattered, and also embarrassed..
"I don't swoon, Spinel. You know me better than that by now. And if you couldn't make me squirm before all this, when we weren't even friends, then good fucking luck with trying that out now that I'm familiar with you." You spit out, hoping the nervousness in your voice doesn't give you away. She doesn't need to know that you like it when she's a little aggressive and grabby. That would give her too much power.
Her eyes flicker across your face, catching onto something within your expression; her grin widens.
"Then why do you seem so nervous now?"
"Uh," Your heart jumps into your throat, and you feel the red creeping back onto your cheeks. Curse your now-pink complexion. "Pffft. What? I do not! Why the hell do you think I'm nervous!?" You lie, and it comes out of your throat an octave higher you think, which is fucking embarassing really.
"Well," She chuckles briefly, and then her face drops considerably into an expression you'd deem nearly sinister if you didn't know her. 
She pushes you back against the shower wall behind you hard - a squeak comes out your mouth - as the air leaves your lungs, her hand splayed out on your chest into holding you there. It feels almost like silence has filled the room, when it's quite the opposite actually - the sound of the water hitting you both is quite deafening as you stare at each other. You think she can feel your heartbeats. Like, her hand is RIGHT THERE. Her thumb even rubs the skin there a little.
"I'm starting to think you like it when I manhandle you." She says, voice low. Her fingers are pressing into your sternum.
You take the time to breathe in some air, and try to blink like a normal person. A droplet of water runs down your lower spine and you fight off a shiver. Are you really that easy to read!?
"Your silence is speaking volumes right now." She chuckles, eyes watching you like a hawk.
You have no idea what your face is displaying, but it's probably something similar to mortified shock - how can she keep hitting the nail on the head?
"Oh, shit, am I hurting you?" She quickly pulls her hands away, nearly looking frantic as her face twists into worry at your silence.
"No, of course not-" You stop, getting a weird look on your face. "-I died, remember? You can't, pfft, - I mean you can, but. Spinel." You try not to laugh, because her being worried about this is extremely endearing, and you love her so, so much. "You're not hurting me, and if you were, I'd make sure you knew."
"Okay, good, because I was really worried there for a second that I had-"
"It's fine." You reassure her, and she's looking at you intently. "Seriously."
"Like, you know that I'd rather poof myself than ever put a finger on 'ya, right?"
"I'm aware, and you know that I trust you, yes?" 
"I was 'kinda worried, but, it's clear now." She's so very close to your face, and she's warm. Her eyes take in your features as if she's burning them into her memories, and you can't help but stare back. 
She kisses you again, wet lips pressing against yours so easily - it's as if she had been coordinating this as soon as she stepped into the shower with you. Or maybe this was her entire reason. Bastard. 
She slides one of her legs between yours - yeah, okay, she was definitely planning this - and you find yourself groaning into her mouth; hot water spraying onto the both of you. You tear your face away from hers momentarily to take in a gasp of breath and she grabs your jaw, her vibrant pink irises locked onto yours.
"Breathe through your nose." She demands, not giving you any kind of opportunity to get away as she kisses you almost roughly. You feel like your entire body is on fire. 
Her body's pressed against yours; and at this angle you can see her gemstone shining in the light above you, glistening with water. She slides her knee up to put pressure between your legs, and as to not make it so easy for her you attempt to slam them shut - only making the situation worse for yourself. 
You moan as you feel her pressed against your clit, and you feel her grinning against your mouth. She slides her tongue in then, and the combined sensations has your head feeling a little light. It actually irks you enough to attempt to push her off of you to get some kind of leverage over her, but she clearly anticipated some kind of fight because she growls against your mouth in resistance, and uses both her hands to slam yours against the wall behind you with an iron grip.
What a brat.
The harder you struggle, the more she presses all of herself against you. Her grip on your forearms get a little tighter; and you find that this just makes all of your current problems worse. She rips her lips away from yours to give you some kind of smug, shit-eating grin. "You're really trying this time, aren't 'ya doll. I'll give 'ya that."
"Why won't you let me touch you?!" You spit out, but it comes out all breathily and not at all aggressive like you'd hoped.
"If you're good, maybe." She laughs, and you wish you could disappear on the spot at will. "But this is your turn."
"IF I'M-" You hiss out, Spinel switching her grip so she's got the both of your hands in one, making the other completely free to grope your breast. Her palm rubs over your nipple. "You are such a shithead!!"
"You knowwww, if you don't like it you could always tell me you wanna stop," Her eyelids lower enough to still see her irises glued to your face, and she leans in to whisper into your ear. "But we already know that you want this, Y/N."
You snap your mouth shut and she chuckles darkly, and you would like to die now, thanks. If there's a god out there, you hope he's merciful and smites you on the spot.
She immediately attacks your neck, and she doesn't give you any kind of say about it either. She's using so much teeth this time that you're worried you're going to look like a spotted leopard tomorrow, and oh god, you almost forgot.
"Leave any marks and I'll attempt to poof you myself, Spinel." You shudder as she sucks hard near the crook of your neck, hot tongue against your skin, and when she looks at you her eyes have some kind of suspicious glint to them. 
"Wear a sweater." Is all she says before going right back to your neck, and the only thing you can really do is bite back a moan as she continues. You're going to kill her for this. You're going to find out how to embarrass her in front of her new friends, or SOMETHING. How the fuck are you going to cover up these marks before your class tomorrow?! The several shades of pink blush you picked up from the drug store a few days ago from your previous shenanigans barely managed to cover the lighter marks she left last time! 
You feel her slide a hand down your torso to reach between your legs, and with the last of your strength you try and slam your legs shut just to make this difficult for her.
She chuckles into your neck, and her warm breath lights your nerves on fire. It's so steamy in here now, and some kind of jazz oldie is playing that you can kind of hear over the sound of running water. And then she drops your hands just to grip both of your thighs and spread them apart forcefully, and there's nothing you can really do about that. You know that you're heavily aroused, and you hope it isn't too obvious to her.
Holding you open, she presses her palm against you, tips of her fingers hesitating at your entrance. Like she's waiting for something.. your legs start to tremble, then she slides two fingers into you and you slam a hand over your mouth to stop yourself from moaning.
"No one's going to hear us, 'ya idiot." You hear her say, and you nearly laugh. She immediately curls her fingers upwards, and you're seeing stars at the edges of your vision.
"You think I care about being loud? I just don't want you to think you can drag anything out of me too easily," You say in between breaths, and she makes some kind of displeased grunt in reply.
"Asked for this.." Is what you hear from her before she adds a third finger; you take it quite easily, embarrassingly enough, and starts to really finger fuck you as she watches your face. 
A strangled moan comes out of you, and you see the corner of her lip curl enough to show her teeth. You hate that she can do this to you. Your hands are free though, and you think you can fuck with her a little as payback. One of your hands shoot out to touch her gem, and she lowers her eyes to glare at you and the offending appendage.
"Whaddya' think you're 'doin, Y/N?" She asks, lowly. There's a darker pink that bleeds onto her cheeks quite rapidly here, and you swipe a thumb over her center facet in spite.
"Whatever I want." You reply. Her eye twitches.
"I don't think so." She hisses and slams her lips against yours - roughly pushing your hand away from her gem, like how dare you have the audacity to even think about touching her right now. She presses you against the wall with her own body, and you moan into her mouth.
Your thighs are shaking, and the hot steam mixed with the noises of her roughly pounding her slick fingers inside you makes it apparent that you're actually not going to last like this at all. She drags moan after moan from you relentlessly, unable to stop herself from biting down into the crook of your neck like she's trying to claim you for herself. As if you'd let anyone else touch you like this.
And then she lifts up her head enough to warmly whisper something about how much she loves being in the middle of your thighs like this into your ear, and you start to see stars as your orgasm violently wracks through your body.
She holds you, watching your face as you come down, leaving small kisses upon your lips.
"Was that okay?" She mumbles the question, looking at you to make sure you're alright. The water is starting to lose heat, which means both of you should finish this up soon.
"I'm going to make you regret ever taking me as a hostage." You answer with a grin, and her eyebrows shoot up into her hairline. 
"Are 'ya sure about that?" She replies, withdrawing her fingers from you ever so slowly. 
You think you're in the clear, and then she slides them back in, and you can't cut the gasp that comes out of your mouth. You slam a hand on her shoulder, glaring at your girlfriend.
"I'm sensitive, you jerk." You spit out at her, and she grins cheekily. She then actually pulls out her fingers for real, and you really, really want to make her pay for this. "Let's finish this up, the water is getting colder by the minute."
The both of you quickly finish your bathing routine, and you're almost annoyed that Spinel can just vanish water from her completely while you're still soaking wet, and trying to dry yourself with a towel.
You put on your sleepwear and drag your girlfriend to bed, where you pay her back tenfold. You honestly hope the walls aren’t thin.
You're tired, and sleep comes to you easy with thoughts of what tomorrow will bring. 
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sweetcheol · 4 years
college boyfriend!sehun
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—genre: fluff
—au: college, friends to lovers
—pairing: oh sehun x reader
—song to listen to while reading: fall again — klang
—word count: 2.2k
—warning(s): mentions of sex, sehunnie being the best boyfriend ever, choking on chips ??? (but it’s nothing bad, i promise)
sehun was your netflix binging partner before he was even your friend
okay ... he was your netflix binging partner before you even knew his name
you guys were in an ethics class together
and it was one of those common classes everyone in uni had to take no matter their major, so it was like 60 of you in a huge ass classroom
so you resorted to the only alternative to keeping you awake during 2 hour long, powerpoint based, boring lectures: 
yoy got the best out of your netflix subscription plan
god bless airpods bc you could just hide them with your hair and nobody ever noticed anything
except for sehun
who conveniently sat one seat to the left on the row above you
so he had the perfect view to your laptop screen
and had watched the whole fifth season of peaky blinders with you
of course he never told you bc that... that would have been kind of weird
so he just kept to himself and tried his best to keep on being your anonymous netflix partner
he had even started to buy himself some snacks to munch on during class and was truly living his best life
until you finished peaky blinders ... and were about to start watching crash landing on you
sehun just ... sehun loved that show, okay?
so when he saw the intro pop on your laptop he started choking on his shrimp chips, creating a commotion
like ... even the professor stopped talking and asked him if he was okay, causing everyone to turn around and face him
red-faced, choking him
even you, who had paused the show and turned around in your seat so quickly he thought you’d cracked your neck
and in that moment, sehun did the only thing he could think of
which in that case meant bolting straight out of the classroom coughing like a madman
and just like the concerned netflix partner classmate you were, you had walked out right after him
“yah! don’t run, let me help you!”
and tbh ... sehun had never expected to turn around and come face to face with you, holding a bottle of water for him to sip on
that alone helped him stop coughing
he reluctantly accepted the water while turning beet red in the face
so the two of you sat down on a set of stairs that were near the classroom while sehun drank his water
he was trying his best to zone you out, eyes set on the floor and only focusing on the bottle in his hand
bc that had been ... embarrassing, to say the least
and he had asked you, in the smallest voice possible to please wait until class was over to pick ur things up bc he didn’t wanna go in and then interrupt the lecture again
so you granted him his wish
and when people started piling out of the classroom, you were like well
and sehun didn’t even say anything to u before he walked back inside, took his backpack with him and walked away
so you were like ???? as you stashed your laptop in ur bag and walked back to your dorm
you didn’t see him the next class
and since the room was so big you were like wtf did he sit someplace else
you couldn’t even watch your show in peace that day bc ... what had you even done to him
the lesson after that ... you were resigned
whatever was his problem you wouldn’t mind
but then someone placed a blue thunder gatorade on your desk with a hot pink post it pasted on the cap
“spare airpod ???”
and sehun was sat on the chair next to yours, drinking from his own gatorade bottle while he waited for your response
so you fished the earbuds from your bag and extended your hand, one of them resting on your palm
sehun took it
and the two of you watched the third episode of the show together
the two of u didn’t speak much though
he’d muttered a soft “thank you” when returning the airpod when class was done and that was it
but then he sat next to you the following lesson
and the next one
and the next one
a couple of weeks after that he started giving you bags of chips and cookies alongside the gatorade
until you had finished a couple of dramas
... and the semester
the two of you were quite bummed the last day of classes
bc neither of you had seen the other one in any other classes so you were sure you weren’t in the same major
and sehun had only said “it was very nice meeting you” after the last class was over
and that was it
or u thought
until half-way through the summer, you had finally found enough willpower to clean your backpack
and had found a cute little note on the bottom of it
from none other but your cute, tall classmate
“maybe we could hang out and actually talk sometime?” alongside his phone number
and at first you were like oh a month has gone by, he won’t remember me
but then you wrote a simple “hey, it’s (y/n) from ethics”
and sehun almost ... choked once again when he read it
bc he though you just weren’t going to text him at all
and so the two of you started talking
he was very funny and easy-going, so you became friends pretty fast
you texted all through-out the summer
and ofc sehun told chanyeol, his best friend and roomate, about it
which prompted chanyeol to tease him 24/7 abt how he should just ask you out
and sehun was like “it’s not like that”
but everyone could see it was like that
so sehun was like ... okay i might
and he was like “so i was thinking ... maybe we could go to the movies”
and you were like !!!!!! red code !!!!!! alert !!!!!! oh my gOD 
bc you had been like ... crushing on him ever since the chip incident
and answered him like “yeah that’d be nice” 
a few days after you went to the movies
and were both a mess at first but the date actually turned out pretty well bc you went for dinner afterwards and everything ran out pretty smoothly
sehun was like OOOOOOH YEAH I’M UR BOYFRIEND NOW ... right after he walked you to your door
but you weren’t complaining bc you liked him a lot too
onto the relationship
ngl you are like low-key done with him the week after you start dating bc he is ... a little shit
like if he feels he isn’t getting enough attention he’ll go like “(y/n) that’s so unfaiiiiiiiiir”
but then he’ll start playing around with vivi and you’re standing there like okAY
and if you tell him he’ll get all sassy and go like “i knEW u just can’t live without me”
but then when you spend enough time with vivi and he starts running to you instead of sehun ... he goes like “wAIT (y/n) he’s MY son wtf”
but inside he’s like “that’s OUR son oh my god” 
gets low-key jealous of all the lead actors of the dramas you watch together
like suddenly you’ll turn around and he’s pouting 
but he forgets about it halfway through the episode
even though you two aren’t in the same class anymore he likes studying together
and is always buying snacks for your study dates
he’ll study for like 15 min and then will start pouting bc he wants kisses
wears a lot of hoodies and sweatpants but will also clean up somedays bc he wants to look nice for you
will very subtly leave his hoodies at your dorm
he thinks it’s romantiquè
and you’re very grateful for it bc he’s very tall and thus his hoodies are very cozy
you kinda want to kill him sometimes but he’s definitely the kind of guy that calls you at three am just because he wants to talk to you“i just wanted to hear your voice”
and he’s just laying in his bed smiling like a fool while you tell him about your day
you both end up constantly falling asleep over the phone but neither of you mind
and then chanyeol enters the apartment and sees him passed out on the couch with his phone in hand and your name on his screen 
it’s safe to say sehun’s not going to live it down
i don’t think he’d be a big fan of pda
so in public, you kinda only hold hands
he might give you a little kiss from time to time but that’s pretty much it
oh but in private ... he can’t keep his hands off you
and your butt
he gives the best hugs ever??? and it doesn’t help that he loves hugging you
forehead kisses
so so so many forehead kisses
definitely takes advantage of his height
for that, and for placing stuff on high places so that he has to help you on getting them down
lowkey touches your butt when he’s doing it
okay but when you’re ... doing the do
sehun’s a switch
i feel like he’d either be such a whiny sub or a very ... whiny dom (but he’d still be very soft ngl) 
(i mean he’s the spoiled maknae for a reason)
favorite thing ever is when you ride him and he can just hold your hips really tight and guide your movements so they can match his
moans so fucking loud you’re sure your entire floor can hear the two of you
i’m not sure he’d be a very kinky lover
like i feel he’d be pretty vanilla
but i mean ... he dances ... his hips can ... do things
so it’s not like it’s anything bad, you know ????
a huge fan of hickeys
but on more ... private places
like he’ll never leave one on your neck
but your chest is a completely different story
bc he doesn’t leave them so that people can see them
he leaves them so he can see them and remind himself that you’re his
that you chose him
that was really sappy
he’s a dance major
and he’s always asking you to go with him to practices
both bc he loves being with you and bc he likes it when you watch him dance
he’s a tease and we all know it
he’d run his hands over his hair and smirk all the time bc he knows you’re looking at him
sometimes he even takes off his shirt and acts like it’s just bc of the heat
and you blush so hard and he’s just like 😌
but also when he has a show or presentation or something
he gets so so so so nervous
but then he spots you in the crowd and just smile a bit bc you’re there, supporting him, and that’s all that matters
his phone background is this selfie the two of you with face masks on
you had your hair up in a bun and both of you were lounging in sweats
you had been playing around with snapchat filters and accidentally took the sweetest photo ever
so he asked you to send it to him
and he set it up as both his lock screen and his home screen
yours is a mirror selfie you took when you were watching him practice
you were taking a photo and when sehun noticed he came to give you a kiss on the cheek
and it was the sweetest thing ever
he literally sends you each and every selfie he takes
and sometimes goes like “hey does this look okay?”
and sometimes it’s more like “your boyfriend is so hot wth”
and just as he takes so many selfies so he can send them to you
he also likes taking photos with you
literally everywhere you two go
he either takes a selfie or asks someone to take a picture of you
and everyone he asks always thinks you’re the most adorable couple ever
bc the love you two have for each other is like so obviously there
and he gets so soft whenever people tell him that
even when it’s chanyeol who says it
truth is chanyeol loves you because of how happy you make sehun
he once told you when you got back home from a club
and like ... you were kinda, slightly, a little bit drunk
and hearing him say that only made you feel like you were walking on clouds even more
bc if anyone asked you to describe just how happy sehun made you ... you were sure you weren’t going to find enough words to describe the feeling
even though he usually is like hell yeah i’m a cool bf
he gets really sappy at night (and when’s drunk) 
and goes on and on about how much he loves you and he’s happy he found you
bc you always get that look in your eyes that make his heart melt
bc he’s the sweetest boyfriend ever
and it doesn’t help that he’s my ult bias bc i reallyyyyyyyy wanna date college!boyfriend sehun 🤧
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Jughead//Forsythe Pendleton Jones III
 Request: Would you write/can I request a Jughead/Reader where you meet when goes to Southside high and hook-up but you both assume once Southside high closes you're going to Greendale/Centerville but you end up at Riverdale high instead
“Forsythe Pendleton Jones III.” Toni interrupts the conversation you’re having and stops in the middle of the corridor abruptly.
“Huh?” You ask, a boy a few feet away from you asks the same thing and the two of you make eye contact for a few seconds. 
“Uh...Its Jughead actually.” The boy replies annoyed while gathering up his things.
“I’m Toni Topaz.” Toni introduces herself. “And this...” She points to you. “Is Y/n Y/l/n. I was supposed to give you the full animatronic tour of Southside High, but...”
“But, some of the robots went insane and started killing the guests.” You interrupt and Toni laughs.
“Like we could afford robots in the first place. So, we’ll just wing it.” She finishes. “Y/n, you coming with?”
“Hmmm.” You think for second. “I was supposed to meet Sweet Pea by the old Chemistry lab so we could cover up the fact that we were the ones that blew it up. But, I suppose he can do it himself, there’s a much cuter boy here.” You wink at Jughead and he blushes softly.
“Ignore her. She’s flirts with everyone.”
“I flirt with everyone that’s cute.” You argue and she rolls her eyes.
“Anywayyyy.” She changes the subject. “The classrooms don’t have Wi-Fi...” She starts to explain while the three of you walk down the stairs.
“Bathroom stalls don’t have doors, so if you need to go, you’d get more privacy doing it in the corridor.” You add and he grimaces.
“What about the school paper? The Red and Black?” He asks and you and Toni share a look.  
“Yeah, it no longer exists. Censorship? Budget cuts?...” 
“The fact that someone printed a dick pic on the front page.” You giggle.
“Take your pick.” Toni sighs.
“Mr Phillips was so pissed.” You laugh. 
“Mr Phillips?” 
“English teacher. He used to run the Red and Black.” You reply.
“To your right. You’ll find a glimpse of jingle-jangle being consumed in its natural habitat.” Toni looks beside her once you reach the bottom of the stairs. Jughead starts to break away from the group but you grab his arm, pulling him back.
“Don’t get too close. They’re like horses. And they will bite.” You warn. 
“Jingle-Jangle?”  He asks. 
“Wait.” You and Toni say at the same time. 
“You don’t know what jingle-jangle is?” You ask and he shakes his head, continuing to stare at the group of teenagers. 
“This place is crawling with it. Its a highly addictive, total gutter drug.” She explains. 
“So, lets not touch that.”   
“Jingle-jangle. Fascinating.” Jughead mumbles. You soon approach the cafeteria and Jughead looks...overwhelmed to say the least.
“Here in the cafeteria, Ghoulies sit over there.” Toni points to a table and he looks at the two of you confused. “They're a rival gang.
“They’re also drug dealers, street racers. And there are some rumors of cannibalism.” You add. “Don’t ask.” 
“Weird Tim sits over there.” Toni points to the corner of the cafe. “And we sit over there. With the Serpents.” She points to the table with the loudest students. 
“Y/l/n!” Sweet Pea shouts. “Where were you?!” 
“Joining a rival gang and plotting against you.” You shout back making him chuckle. 
“You could never plot against me! You loveeee me.” 
“Whatever helps you sleep at night.”
“You’re a Southside Serpent?” He asks and you and Toni just stare at him for a few seconds. 
“Did you not notice my jacket?” You reply and he shakes his head.  
 “And why do you think I volunteered to give you the tour?” Toni adds. “Come on.” She nods her head towards the Serpents. You smile at him before sitting beside Sweet Pea.
“Actually, I’m gonna sit alone.” Jughead says and the conversation at the table stops. “Just, you know, finish my book and brood.” 
“More like get beat up.” Sweet Pea mutters and you all laugh quietly. 
“The only person that sits alone is weird Tim.” You tell him. 
 “I’m confused.” Toni crosses her arms and looks him up and down. “Aren’t you Serpent by blood? The son of FP Jones?” 
 “Yeah? So, I self identify as a loner, not a pack animal.” He replies and the laughing grows louder. 
“He’s definitely gonna get beat up.” Sweet Pea whispers and you hit him.  
“I’m just gonna put my head down and try and get through this, okay?” He continues while turning around. 
“Hey!” You call after him and he looks at you, mildly annoyed. “You wanna get through this, you should hang with the Serpents.” 
“If the Ghoulies get a whiff that you’re alone and vulnerable...” Toni interrupts. 
“They’ll make you their bitch faster than you can say American History X.” You finish.
“I think I’ll be fine.” He grumbles making you roll your eyes. “Anything else I need to know?” 
“Don’t go into Mrs Johnson’s class alone.” You reply and he raises an eyebrow.
“He doesn’t need to know that story.” Toni says. “Have fun. Don’t get killed.” She smiles at him sarcastically and he huffs before walking away. 
The last class of the day eventually rolls around and it is definitely the worst one out of all of them. Since lunchtime, you haven’t seen Jughead and you’re starting to worry about him. However he walks into your English class, 5 minutes before it starts and quietly sits down. 
“Fahrenheit 451...” Mr Phillips has been droning on for the best part of half an hour and you, as well as the majority of the class have almost fallen asleep. “By one of my favourite authors, Ray Bradbury.” He continues talking as he walks to the front of the classroom. Your eyes follow him, quickly landing on the back of Jughead’s head. He was frantically writing in his notebook making you shake your head. “Lets start with the title. Can anyone tell me its significance?” 
“What!” Sweet Pea shouts from beside you. “Damn it!” He kicks the wall behind him and shoves your desk as he storms past you. 
“What the fuck Sweet Pea!” You shout after him. Jughead looks between his retreating figure and you and frowns slightly.
“Are you okay?” He leans back in his chair. 
“Fine.” You shake your head. “He has anger issues.” You explain. “As well as a shit ton of others. He’ll text me in a minute to apologize.” You add, just as you tell him your phone buzzes in your pocket and you pull it out. “See.” 
“People.” Mr Phillips speaks over you, and Jughead looks back towards the front of the room. “There’s a burning book on the cover.” He prompts and Jughead looks around. You know exactly what he’s going to do, and it’s not going to end well for him. 
“Don’t fucking answer.” You mutter. “Don’t say anything.” 
“Fahrenheit 451 is the temperature at which paper burns.” He answers and you sigh loudly. Everyone in the class is now looking at him, even the students who weren’t paying attention in the first place, and you can practically hear the brass knuckles and knives being pulled from pockets. “It was a pleasure to burn.” He quotes and you groan. 
“Indeed.” Mr Phillips points to him. “Thank you, Mr...Jones. And welcome to hell.” People start throwing stuff at him and you sigh before standing up. 
“Hey! Mark!” You shout towards a boy near the back. “Stop throwing things at the new kid or so help me God I will tell every single person in this school about the time you tried to fight me and ended up pissing yourself.” You smirk and he looks at the floor. People quietly laugh around you and you send him a sarcastic smile as he sinks in his chair. 
“Thank you.” He mumbles and you smile softly at him. 
“Miss Y/l/n, sit down. You can stay after class. And if you have Sweet Pea’s number, tell him he’s joining you too.” 
“What the fuck! I didn’t do anything!” You argue. 
“Sit down!” He shouts and you roll your eyes before sitting down. The bell rings soon after and everyone moves quickly to get out. You’re one of the first to stand up, grabbing your bag and trying to sneak out, but you don’t get very far. “Y/n.” Mr Philips sighs and you mutter angrily to yourself as you make your way back to your seat. 
“I’ll see you at the Wyrm later.” Toni mumbles as she walks past you. 
“Sorry.” Jughead mouths and you shrug. “Uh...hi? Mr Phillips?” He says anxiously. 
“What the hell are you doing?” You mumble to yourself before watching the interaction.
“Mr Jones.” He replies. 
“Mr Jones.” You say in a mocking tone and he sends you a glare. 
“Y/n was telling me that you used to advise the school paper.” 
“I wouldn’t listen to everything that Y/n says.” He mumbles and you flip him off. 
“I was wondering what happened.” Jughead continues. 
“Drugs and gangs...” He looks towards you and you stand up, ready to defend yourself. “Came to Southside High.” 
“Excuse m-” 
“Trying to get students interested in anything like the school paper was an exercise in futility.” He interrupts. 
“I’m interested.” Jughead says quickly. “And I have experience. When I was at Riverdale High, I wrote for the Blue and Gold.” He explains. “I’ll put in the work.” 
“Your articles online?” Mr Phillips asks. 
“I’ll take a look, let you know.” 
“Thanks.” He smiles awkwardly and starts to walk out. 
“Wait up Jones!” You call after him. 
“Miss y/l/n, you have detention remember.” 
“Sorry sir.” You grab your bag quickly and make your way towards Jughead. “I have gangs to affiliate with and drugs to deal.” You say sarcastically before walking out, Jughead following after you. 
“Is he always like that?” He asks, quickly catching up with you. 
“Yep.” You nod. “How was your first day?” 
“Could have been better.” He shrugs. 
“Come on. I’ll take you to the Wyrm.” 
The next few days go by quite quickly considering its Southside High. You and Jughead hang out a few times, and you’ve already saved his ass from Ghoulies, and a few Serpents a fair few times. 
He’s also somehow dragged you into helping him with the Red and Black. Toni would take pictures, and you and Jughead would write the articles. Much to Mr Phillips dismay, however that made you want to do it even more. 
“It’ll be great!” Jughead says enthusiastically and open the curtains in the old classroom. Dust flies around the room and you almost cough up a lung as you walk around the room, making him laugh. He turns and looks around the room. “Its no New York Times.” 
“But, hey, kudos on finding your safe space, snowflake.” You tease. “Toni said she’s gonna join us later. Serpent business apparently.” 
“Thats fine. I don’t mind it being us for a while.” He says quietly and you send him a shy smile. He looks you up and down and is about to say something when the door opens. 
“Y/l/n.” Sweet Pea greets you, a few other Serpents follow behind him and they all send Jughead angry looks. “Lets bounce.” You turn around and cross your arms. “Jones, wanna come with? We’re going to the quarry.” 
“Uh, I don’t have my beach bod yet.” He replies sarcastically making you giggle.
“What?” You’ll ask for help from the Serpents. You’ll get one to protect you.” He points towards you. 
“Here we go.” You mutter. 
“But you won’t hang with us?” He asks, crossing his arms. “Don’t come crawling to us, hat in hand, when some Ghoulie decides to earn his stripes by taking out FP Jones’ kid.” 
“Duly noted. Thank you, Sweet Pea. I appreciate what you and the Serpents have done for me and my dad. I do. But I’m done. Okay? No more favors coming your way.” Jughead replies and Sweet Pea’s expression darkens. He cracks his knuckles and starts walking towards him. 
“Hey, hey. He made up his mind okay?” You stand in between them and push Sweet Pea back. “Take the hint, Sweet Pea. He’s just not that into you.”
“Fine.” He pushes you off him and turns around. 
“Catch you later, Jones.” You tell Jughead and his face drops at the sight of you leaving. “I’ll have a think for some articles. And tell Toni I said hey.” You send him a kind smile before following Sweet Pea and the other serpents out the room. 
The next day, you, Sweet Pea and Toni are sat at the lunch table when a familiar Serpent makes his way towards you. 
“This is why we told you not to climb the tree, Sweet Pea.” You and Toni laugh, making Sweet Pea roll his eyes. The laughter dies down when you notice Jughead standing beside you. Sweet Pea glares at him, Toni looks at him expectantly and you send him a warm smile. He returns the smile, completely ignoring Sweet Pea and points to the empty seat beside you. 
“Is this seat taken?” He asks and you shake your head, moving your bag to the floor. Toni and Sweet Pea look at him before continuing their conversation. 
“Don’t worry.” You nudge him. “You’ll get the hang of it. And I’m always around.” 
“Jughead!! Thank god you’re here!” You greet him anxiously before dragging him towards the table. 
“What?” He asks, looking at the laptop in front of Sweet Pea. Toni was on one side of him and Fangs was on the other, a few other Serpents were gathered around looking annoyed. “I assume we’re not looking at cute cat videos?” He looks around confused and you shake your head. 
“We will find you.” He hears a familiar voice come out the speakers of the laptop and his eyes widen. 
“Check this out.” Sweet Pea turns the laptop around to face you and Jughead. “Some sick-in-the-head Northsider posted a crazy-ass video, and we were just talking.” 
“About what?” Jughead asks nervously. 
“Do you know him?” You whisper to Jughead and he nods ever so slightly. 
“Fogarty wants to earn his Serpent stripes.” Sweet Pea smacks Fangs’ back. “I say, bring us that Northsiders head and you’re in.” He continues and a few Serpents cheer. 
“I’m down with that.”
“Boys.” You warn. 
“No, guys. No.” 
“What, Jones?” Toni asks. 
“I know this guy. He’s a football player and no threat to any of you. Its kind of a lame target.” 
“Jughead?” You whisper. 
“You wanna prove something?” He asks. “Why don’t you go after the Black Hood?” 
“Why would we do that?” Sweet Pea laughs. “The black hood’s targeting Nothsiders, who do nothing but blame us for everything wrong with this town. We’re sick of it! The Black Hood’s doing our work for us.” 
“Sweet Pea!” You warn. 
“He’s a hero.” He adds. Jughead looks at him and you place a hand on his shoulder. 
“Come on. We have a paper to work on.” You guide him away, towards the Red and Black room. Once inside you sit down and pull a notebook from your bag. “So, I’ve been thinking. We could run an article about th-” 
“This is fucking stupid.” He interrupts you and pushes a few things off a table. 
“I fucking hate it here.” He huffs, sitting beside you.
“Its not that bad.” You try to make him feel better and he raises an eyebrow. “You’ll get used to it.” 
“I don’t think I will.” He sighs. “I miss the Northside.” 
“I know. But you’ll be okay. You’ll get the hang of it. Plus...I quite like you being here.” You turn to face him, but he’s already looking at you. 
“You’re the only good thing about this damn place.” He tucks a piece of hair behind your ear making you blush. “You don’t deserve to be stuck here.” He adds, his hand cupping your cheek. You lean in, his breath fanning across your face and your nose brushes against his. 
“Y/n!” Sweet Pea shouts, kicking the door open. You and Jughead jump apart from each other, and you stand up quickly. “Fogarty wants us to show him the blind spots around here.” 
“Coming.” You smile at him. “See you later Jughead.” You wave. 
“Yeah, see you.” 
“And thats why if you’re gonna get high at school, make sure that weird Tim isn’t around.” 
“Right. I’ll keep that in mind.” Two weeks had flown by and Jughead is finally starting to get used to life at Southside High. He stopped answering in class by the end of the first week, he doesn’t talk to anyone apart from the Serpents, and he’s figured out how to avoid weird Tim. The two of you are currently on your way to Maths when a red-headed boy approaches you. 
“Jug! Jug!” He shouts and Jughead looks at him wide-eyed. “We gotta go, right now.” 
“Archie, what are you doing here?” He asks annoyed. “Betty ask you to throw salt in the wound?” He adds spitefully and you look at him confused. You knew he was dating a girl, and you were quite thankful that you found that out before you continued where you left off in the Red and Black classroom. 
“Mayor McCoy’s about to raid Southside High.” He interrupts him. 
“What!?” You ask panicked, Archie looks you up and down before focusing his attention back on Jughead. “I need to text Toni, Sweet Pea and Fangs!” You pull your phone out. 
“We gotta get you out of here right now.” Archie continues and grabs Jughead’s coat. “Come on.” He finishes and the front doors open. 
“Shit.” You mutter as Mayor McCoy and Sheriff Keller burst through the door with police dogs. Archie starts pulling Jughead through the crowd towards the back door and you look at him. 
“Wait.” Jughead pushes Archie off. “Come on.” He grabs your arm and pulls you with him. 
“But Toni and Sweet Pea.” You reply. 
“Its too late.” He shakes his head and you looks behind you. Sweet Pea was being pushed against a locker and Toni was being arrested in the middle of the corridor. “You can come back to my trailer.” 
“Here.” Jughead hands you a mug with hot chocolate in and you smile gratefully at him. 
“Thanks.” You smile and blow on the steam. You wrap the blanket further around you and Jughead sits beside you on the sofa. 
“Do you wanna watch a movie?” He asks and you nod. Ten minutes into the movie you turn your attention back to Jughead who is staring intently at the screen. You couldn’t get what he had said about Betty out of your head, so you decide to ask him. 
“What did you mean about Betty?” You ask, placing your cup on the coffee table. 
He sighs and places his mug beside yours. “She broke up with me a few days ago.” 
“Sorry.” You sigh. “That sucks.” 
“Do you know why?” 
“I dunno. It was kind of a blur.” He shrugs and you nod. 
“Its fine.” He replies, a sad smile on his face. “Its for the best anyway. I kinda like someone else.” 
“Ooooo.” You tease, nudging him slightly. Your heart rate picks up at the thought of it possibly being you. “Who is it?” You ask. You look up at him to see him already looking at you. His fingers brush the hair out of your face, the way they did the first time, and he slowly leans in. You were sick of waiting so long, you’d liked him since you met him, so you decide to close the gap between the two of you quickly. He kisses back instantly, his hands going to your waist. 
“Do you wanna continue this in my room?” He asks, pulling away from you. 
“Yes.” You nod quickly and stand up. Jughead grabs your hand and pulls you towards his room. 
A month later, you and Jughead have been hooking up practically everyday and some Serpents were happier than others about it. Everything had been great. However a spanner had just been thrown into the works and everything was starting to fall apart.
News that Southside High was closing down had quickly travelled around and you had just been told were you were going. 
“Wow, Jones, props to you. Its very Lovecraftian.” Toni teases Jughead. They’re sat on the steps at the front of the school, while you stand beside them, leaning over the side. You’ve been distracted all day after being told where you were going. “Which I’m sure was the intention. But I gotta ask you, did you write this on a typewriter?” 
“Err...Yeah. I wanted to get into Lovecraft’s headspace.” 
“So, it wasn’t like Y/n bought you a typewriter for your birthday or anything weird like that?” She asks and Jughead snatches the paper back from her. 
“No comment.” He mutters. 
“Did you?” Toni asks. “Y/n?” She says and you shake your head, looking at her. 
“You okay?” 
“WOOOO!” The front door opens quickly and you have to jump back to avoid being hit. Sweet Pea and Fangs walk out, followed by some other Serpents all being very loud.
“Whats up with you two?” Toni asks. 
“You know how Southside High is being closed down?” Sweet Pea asks and they both nod. “We just found out where we’re going.” 
“Where?” Jughead asks. 
“Same as the rest of the Serpents. Riverdale High.” Fangs smiles. 
“Think of all those Northside heads to knock.” Sweet Pea punches Fangs lightly and they started to play fight making you roll your eyes. 
“Great.” Toni mumbles. “School full of stuck up Northsiders.” She sighs. 
“You’re the lucky ones.” You interrupt, gaining the attention of the gang. 
“What do you mean?” Jughead asks and stands beside you. 
You sigh and look at the ground. “Because there are so many students, Serpents and Ghoulies are being split. Serpents are going to Riverdale, Ghoulies are going to Centreville.” 
“And?” Fangs asks. 
“And the remaining of each, as well as weird Tim and the rest of the randoms are going to Greendale. Guess which one I’m going to?” 
“You’re going to Greendale?” Jughead asks quietly, wrapping his arms around you. You nod and he sighs, pressing a kiss to your cheek. 
“Thats fucking bull.” Sweet Pea mutters angrily. 
“Calm down Sweet Pea. You’ll always have Fangs to keep you warm on a cold night.” You tease, trying to lighten the mood. 
“You staying at school overnight now?”
“You never know....” 
“What do you mean?” Toni asks. 
“I might have to move.” 
“What? You can’t move.” Jughead shakes his head frantically. 
“We’ll leave you two alone.” Toni stands up and starts to walking towards her bike. Sweet Pea and Fangs give you a quick hug before following Toni. 
“We can make this work.” Jughead cups your cheeks. 
“How. We’re gonna be going to different schools, I might even have to move. And you’re going to school with your ex. Its never gonna work.” You say, tears flowing down your cheeks. “And I thought I finally had something good in my life.” You mumble and he hugs you tightly.
“Y/n y/l/n. You’re the best thing in my life and I’m not gonna let that go just because we’re going to different schools. So what if I’m going to school with Betty. She’s in my past, you’re my present and hopefully my future?” 
“Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?” You pull away from him slightly and he nods. “You have awful timing.” 
“Is that a yes?” 
“Yes?” You reply before kissing him. 
“You could be on the other side of the world and I’d do anything to see you. I’ll follow you anywhere and everywhere.” 
“Its gonna be okay.” He reassures you, pulling you into a tight hug. “Everything’s gonna be okay.” He adds, you have a feeling he’s trying to convince himself too, but you decide not to ruin the moment. 
“Friends! Welcome to Riverdale High.” Veronica greets the Serpents enthusiastically, but Jughead isn’t feeling very thrilled about being back at Riverdale. When he first started Southside High, he would have done anything to be back at here. But now he is here, he’d do anything to be wherever you are. “Jughead.” She looks towards the beanie clad boy and he glances at her. “Nice to see you bac-” 
“Sorry I’m late!” You shout, pushing through the mass of serpents until you’re at the front, standing beside Jughead. “Weird Tim flashed the fucking bus driver again.” 
“Y/n!” Toni, Fangs and Sweet Pea greet you happily, all squeezing you tightly.
“What are you doing here?” Jughead asks shocked and pulls you into a tight hug. “Are you coming here?” 
“No, I’m here for a school trip.” You reply sarcastically. “Of course I am. I was transferred here.” 
“How?” He asks and kisses you. 
“Just a slight incident involving a few students and some fireworks. They transferred me here.” You reply happily.
“Nice!” Sweet Pea laughs and high-fives you. 
“We’re glad you’re back. It didn’t feel the same without you.” Fangs adds.
“Plus, Jughead was moping so much we thought his face was gonna be permanently stuck in a frown.” Toni teases and Jughead rolls his eyes making you laugh. 
“Awwwww.” You tease and kiss his cheek. “Were you really that upset?” You ask and he nods. 
“Of course. I love you.” 
“You love me?” 
“...yeah.” He whispers, a blush appearing on his face and you laugh softly. “I’ve loved you since the day I met you. You were so kind and sweet. A ray of sunshine in the dark of Southside High.” He rambles and you kiss him sweetly.
“I still think its gross.” Sweet Pea rolls his eyes. 
“Shut up Sweet Pea.” Fangs nudges him. 
“But I suppose if you make her happy.” 
“He does.” You nod. “You have no idea.” 
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atomicse · 4 years
juliantina au 3 + trope 2 + prompt 34
i didn’t think i would get any of these… but let’s go!
spy!au +  enemies to lovers + “i don’t even know why we’re doing this.”
(idk if this is any good [or coherent] but i wrote it at 3am so pls be kind. also i don’t think this is what u wanted anon, but…)
“god, this is so boring, this dude hasn’t done anything all day. i don’t even know why we’re doing this.”
juliana rolls her eyes. of all the people they could’ve paired her with, they had to put her with the obnoxious, trust fund baby. “because it’s our job?” she snarks.
the other girl sends juliana what she probably thinks is a murderous glare, but her bright blue eyes and disney princess aura make her look as intimidating as baby yoda. “i’ve worked with this organization for years, i don’t do stakeouts, i do real, important, shit.”
juliana doesn’t say anything, she won’t even try to fight this petulant little girl.
“whatever.” carvajal huffs. minutes pass without her externalizing her displeasure of the situation, and juliana dares to think that maybe, just maybe, she won’t have to deal with her attitude for the rest of their shared stakeout when, “i can’t believe mr. g put me with you.”
“what is that supposed to mean?” juliana asks with a raised eyebrow.
“we’re like, the worst possible combination he could’ve come up with.“ the brunette shrugs nonchalantly. juliana just stares at her. “you’re like, this angsty loner type, and i’m… i don’t know, the kind of agent that has a sense of humor and isn’t brooding 24/7”, she explains.
juliana can’t help but snort, that’s rich coming from her. she’s never worked side by side with the other agent before, -they’ve actually only ever conversed twice, once when she first joined the organization, and right now-, but it is common knowledge that carvajal has this sort of hero complex, people say she’s always hell bent on saving the day. “aren’t you the one that’s always putting herself at risk just to be the hero or whatever?” she sneers. “i would appreciate it if you dropped your preconceived incorrect ideas about me. you don’t know me.” juliana frowns.
“and i don’t want to” carvajal shakes her head, turning to look at their mark.
“well, i don’t either.”
they both stare out the window, silently waiting for the man on the other side of the street to get into his vehicle. once he does, carvajal turns on the engine and drives off without saying a word.
juliana sighs in the passenger’s seat, she doesn’t understand why the other girl hates her so much.
after following their mark for hours and trying to gather as much information about him as possible, they decide to approach him on his last stop of the day, a stupidly exclusive casino on the most expensive side of town.
they get out of the car and juliana thanks whatever entity is looking out for them because they let them in, no questions asked.
“okay so, i’m going to go explore the place,” juliana says, already seeing lots of people she thinks might be useful to their mission. “you should go with aguayo, maybe you can get some info directly from him.”
carvajal gives her a weird look “why me?”
“because i’m too much of a broody loner, no?” juliana reminds her “and you’re a lot easier on the eyes” she adds after a beat.
“did you just call me pretty?” the brunette smirks.
juliana blushes an embarrassing shade of pink, “shut up, just go.” she throws over her shoulder as she makes what she hopes is a smooth exit.
an hour and a half after their separation, juliana has already scooped out the area in search for any suspicious activity (and downed three shots of tequila). she’s sitting at the bar, half-heartedly conversing with the friendly bartender while waiting for her partner to finish whatever she’s doing to subtly interrogate their mark.
“hello, gorgeous, you havin’ fun?” she hears a voice say to her. when she turns, she finds a disheveled man eyeing her lustfully.
juliana’s stomach churns, the way he’s staring at her is painfully reminiscent of the many times man just like this one would look and treat her and her mom like they only existed for their twisted enjoyment when she was young.
she’s since stopped being afraid, she is the company’s best asset, but for some reason, she finds herself paralyzed while the unknown man reaches to grab at her.
juliana’s alcohol dazed brain is just catching up, coming up with a half-baked plan to simply kick this man’s balls off when a sickenly sweet voice captures their attention. “hey, sir, i think you should go find someone more age appropriate.” her partner smiles at her over the man’s shoulder and juliana has never been more relieved to see that annoying little dimple on the brunette’s cheek. “besides, this one’s spoken for.” carvajal adds cheekily.
juliana feels the blood rush to her cheeks and curses herself for falling victim to the brunette’s charm.
the man smirks as he looks between them, surely imagining a whole lot of disgusting things that make juliana want to go back to her plan of just ending his bloodline. “can i join?” he leers at them.
her partner scowls at him and takes juliana’s hand, swiftly removing them from the situation before it escalates.
“can’t leave you alone for a second, can i, agent valdés?” ugh, of course she has to ruin it just when juliana’s starting to like her.
“whatever.” juliana crosses her arms over her chest. “did you get anything out of him?” she inquires, hoping that the other woman’s charm had worked with aguayo just as much as it seemed to work with her.
carvajal nods happily, “yeah, dude’s a total lightweight!” she laughs, “a couple of shots of mezcal and he was ready to spill all his secrets to me.” juliana snorts, she guesses that carvajal must’ve had her fair share of drinking too, since she’s being so buddy-buddy with her. “i thought narco leaders were… different.” the brunette says pensively. 
the woman’s attitude is giving juliana whiplash, before she’d treated her like shit, and now she’d being almost nice. “um, right. did you get any relevant stuff for our investigation?” juliana doesn’t want to be here any longer than necessary.
“yeah, i recorded our entire chat. there’s some juicy shit there.” carvajal shows juliana her phone, a forty-minute audio recording sits on her recently saved files.
“good job.” she awkwardly pats her partner on the back. 
carvajal scoffs. “it was better than good and you know it.” she leans down so her and juliana’s faces are dangerously close, “c’mon, v, tell me i was amazing.” she pouts.
damn her and her stupid wide blue eyes and her perfectly shaped lips and- woah, juliana is more than a little buzzed too. “no, ya vámonos, carvajal. we gotta attend the briefing tom-” she starts to ramble when surprisingly strong arms wrap around her waist and soft lips crash into hers.
juliana has kissed people before, of course she has, she’s kissed her fair share of girls, even a few boys during games like spin the bottle or truth or dare when she was in middle school, but no one has ever made her stomach flip like this infuriating woman right here. the way carvajal gently sucks on juliana’s bottom lip makes her brain malfunction. 
they kiss for what seems like an eternity, only separating when their lungs demand air.
juliana blinks dazedly at carvajal when she calms herself down enough to hold the other woman’s gaze without jumping her. “what was that?” she asks.
“the creepy dude from before was pissing me off, looked at you like you were a piece of meat” carvajal explains without letting go of juliana “also, you were talking too much” she winks.
juliana process the information for a second. “so…” she trails off “… are we done here?” she asks as casually as she can. the kiss left her a little shaken, she can’t wait until she gets home for a nice hot bath -or a cold shower.
“yeah, just let me go grab a bottle of water. i need to sober up a little in case we bump into el alcoholímetro.” the brunette finally lets go of juliana.
juliana nods dumbly before going after her, she really needs to sober up too. 
“thank you for the ride.” juliana says quietly. carvajal had taken her home instead of just dropping her off at the subway station like she had suggested, claiming that she would never let someone take the subway at that hour, even if they annoyed her as much as juliana. (hero complex)
carvajal gives her a dorky thumbs up as she gets out of the car. “night, valdés, don’t let the bed bugs bite!” juliana can’t help but smile back. 
this day was so weird; first, being paired with carvajal had been unexpected, second, the other agent had been hostile towards her for no apparent reason, then treated her obnoxiously nicely, and third, she actually kind of liked carvajal, a little bit.
“do you want to… stay the night?” she asks with an amount of courage she didn’t know she was capable of mustering.
carvajal smirks, “are you propositioning me?”
“it’s late, you shouldn’t be out” juliana explains. “and i have a spare room.”
the brunette seems to think it through and juliana scolds herself for offering, you idiot this is none of you business. “sure, yeah.” oh.
“cool. c’mon i- i’ll show you” juliana stutters a half assed explanation of her home’s layout to her partner while said partner just looks at her amusedly.
“relax, valdés” carvajal chuckles. “i’m not going to bite you …unless you want to.”
juliana scoffs, why is she suddenly flirting with her? “didn’t you hate me this morning?”
“i don’t hate anyone, though i did dislike you a little, but i’ve always been a sucker for pretty girls.” she steps into juliana’s personal space.
carvajal cuts her off “shut up, valdés, you know exactly why you invited me over.” 
then, she joins their lips together, sucking on juliana’s bottom lip like she had an hour ago, and it is just as glorious. 
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Forecast's for Bitches
Prompt by: @smodernlife : I just got caught in a rainstorm I should have been prepared for and now I'm loving the idea of Cas and Dean in a rainstorm and Cas refuses to share his umbrella and raincoat because "if you insist on making fun of my weather preparedness you shall suffer the consequences".
Except, this isn't a rainstorm. It's just rain.
"For fuck's sake, Cas," Dean groaned, glaring at his boyfriend, as the rain flattened his hair unbecomingly, as it bounced off of Cas's stupid Oscar-Wilde-quotes umbrella to hit Dean precisely on the head. "You're in a trenchcoat, and you have an umbrella." He sucked in a breath. "I have neither. Sharing is caring."
"Dean," Cas declared, definite and smug. "Despite what they taught us in preschool, sharing - at least, right now - is to spoil you by encouraging your deprecating sarcasm. Not making fun of my weather preparedness is caring."
"You're kidding, right?" Dean blinked, and raised his arms in annoyance. "I'm getting soaked, and you want to nag me for making fun of you, instead of being a gentleman and protecting my ass from the rain!"
"When the rain threatens to kidnap you and somehow doubles your student loans, I promise to intervene for the sake of your ass." Cas shot back, sure of mind. "And, by the way, hand over your phone and wallet."
Dean feigned shock. "You won't share your umbrella with me, and you're trying to mug me?"
"Your possessions shouldn't have to pay the price for your assholery towards my weather-cautious attitute," Cas elaborated, and pocketed the articles Dean handed over submissively. "So, I'll keep your things safe. You, on the other hand, are encouraged to get drenched in the rain, Dean."
"You're such a dick, why do you also have to be McWordy Worderson?" Dean whined, kicking a pebble, and continuing to walk - still getting drenched from the downpour, his clothes sticking to his skin.
"You calling me that just brought the already marginal chances of me giving in, down to nil." Cas stubbornly informed Dean, earning himself another ferocious roll of his eyes.
"Marginal, my ass." Dean muttered. "You were so not gonna give in yet. I know you, Cas, I've been dating your stubborn-frigging-ass for too long."
It was Castiel's turn to roll his eyes. They went on walking, Cas comfortably holding the umbrella over solely himself while Dean drudged along his side.
"By the way, would you be okay with me finishing my draft before we resume watching -" Cas had begun, perfectly casual, but Dean glared at him incredulously.
"What, you think you can just make conversation, right now?" He barked, at the slightly smirking man. "The least I can do to retaliate is take away your privilege of getting to talk with me."
"You're not supposed to retaliate to my retaliation, you're supposed to learn a lesson." Cas informed Dean, pursing his lips.
"Oh, is the lesson going to be that death from pneumonia is painful as fuck?" Dean mocked.
"I have faith in your immune system, Dean." Cas simply replied, looking utterly pleased with his boyfriend's predicament.
Dean huffed.
"And what about the fact that I'm wet and getting wetter by the second, honey?" He egged on.
"I like the sound of it." Cas deadpanned.
"Cas, you dirty sonuvabitch," Dean couldn't resist. "But I didn't mean for you," He teased. "What about the girls who're gonna see me all drenched and faux-naked and alone, since clearly if I were walking with my boyfriend who has an umbrella, I wouldn't be in this state, and what if they offer me a ride or their coats or -"
"I have an umbrella." Cas stopped him. "And I won't hesitate to use it."
"You can use that thing to poke away kind, helpful chicks who approach me, but not to provide me shelter?" Dean protested.
"Exactly." Cas agreed, unperturbed.
"That's it." Dean grumbled. "I'm not talking to you."
Cas gave him a look. "You propose we walk home in silence?"
Dean, true to his word, didn't reply. He took a longer step than usual to cross a puddle, and focussed his attention on the ground solely.
"Alright." Cas said, partially annoyed. "Let's not."
There was silence for barely a moment before Dean spoke up again.
"Where's the fun in me bitching about you, if you're not here to listen to it?" He declared.
Cas nodded.
"And, for the record, I propose that we walk closer - near enough to share the umbrella and then I propose you kiss me under it." Dean crossed his arms on his chest, a drenched mess now. A stray droplet landed on his forehead, and trickled down the left of his face.
Cas narrowed his eyes.
"Don't you try to be -"
"What? That wasn't seductive or anything." Dean excused himself before he'd even been accused. "You mind me being a cliche lover of romantic tropes, now?"
"No, I like that fairly." Cas scoffed. And then, on a seemingly unrelated note, he went on. "You know, you haven't even apologized yet." Cas finally admitted
"What for?"
Cas gave him the universal in-a-relationship look for If I have to tell you, you don't deserve to know.
"Is this still about the stupid weather forecast thing in the morning?" Dean knitted his eyebrows together in a frown. "Or, are you projecting? Is this a bigger issue? A larger dick move on my part?"
A car zoomed past them. Dean got splashed, and swore at it. Cas was already speaking.
"No, this isn't something big. The 'stupid weather forecast thing' is all this is about." Cas sounded offended. "It's that small. If something is of the slightest import to me, you cannot - you can't just up and diss it, Dean."
"Oh -"
"I don't enjoy being mocked. And it isn't as if I was cancelling a wedding because my horoscope said so. I was carrying an umbrella because the news said it'd rain. Meteorology is a science."
Dean was taken aback. There was silence for a while.
"Can I just say that I honestly didn't know it meant a single thing? If I was a jerk, which I bet I was, now that I think of it - I'm sorry. Won't happen again. I didn't mean it like that." He finally uttered, in a rush, sounding embarrassed, and genuinely sincere.
"I know, Dean," Cas nodded. "That's why I'm not 'mad' mad."
"You're stuck in the 'passive-aggressive' mad zone." Dean helped.
"Just like you're eternally stuck in the not-exactly-but-somehow-an-assbutt mode." Cas served back, continuing to walk.
"Exactly like that, yeah." Dean grinned, the temporary drop and the tension resolved. "Hey, so, that being said and sorted..?"
"I suppose we could follow through with before mentioned kiss in the rain." Cas was being a little shit on purpose, Dean recognized the humor in his tone, and leaned in nonetheless.
Just as Dean was close enough to be sheltered by the umbrella, he was close enough to be pulled right up against Cas. With a hand on his back, almost against his skin through the layers of fabric, Cas shuddered, and almost pulled back. "Whoa, you're soaked."
"You're the one doing laundry," Dean retorted. "I'm gonna stink of rain."
"Rain doesn't -" Cas pulled back to say, but Dean closed the gap, putting one damp palm on Cas's face, to position them correctly. Their lips fit against each other familiarly, soft brushes and swirling tongues, and Cas held the umbrella over them as Dean held them together.
"You're more handsy than usual." Cas laughed, pulling away, his face almost as wet as Dean's, because Dean had made it a point to touch.
"What do you mean - I'm always into you, sweetheart." Dean winked, mischievously.
"You haven't found my forehead worthy of your attention in quite a while." Cas explained, smiling as well.
"That's a lie, I think you've got a really sexy one." Dean laughed, and Cas mirrored him. "You know, I had half a mind to pull away the umbrella and let you be the one getting drenched while you were caught up in the kiss. But," he dramatized. "It's like you held on to it on purpose. You have messed up priorities, Cas."
"I just anticipated it, because as you say, I know you, I've been dating you for too long. And, choosing to hold the umbrella over you was a one-time-thing, I promise." Cas told him, sliding an arm around his waist, wet or not. They resumed walking, and well, Cas' had always been a generous, forgiving spirit. He shared the umbrella, but kept it mostly over himself, because push comes to shove; two men, six foot tall and enough wide, cannot really share an umbrella that well.
The next time, Dean doesn't laugh at Cas for taking an umbrella and his coat on a sunny day, but it turns out to be one of the brightest days of the year.
The one after that, lesson forgotten, Dean has to actually walk the whole ten blocks home in the rain, while Cas doesn't deter from his promise to not share his Oscar Wilde quotes umbrella at all, even when Dean - admittedly adorably - swallows raindrops and tries to be endearing while skipping over a pothole. Castiel is a man of his words, with an awfully cute boyfriend.
Taglist alert: @ctrl-alt-destiel @awkward-penguin-in-a-trenchcoat @styggtroll @adventurous-blob @petrichoravellichor @all-or-nothing-baby @iamcharliebradburylevelperfect @moderatelypanickedbisexual @elvenlicht @legendary-destiel @a-mess-of-many-fandoms @trenchcoatsandfreckles @noemithenephilim @naitia @ladywaywarddsc I'm really sorry for the super-late fic, dear taglist! It's been a weird-ass month. Sadly enough, I dunno when the next one will be, though I'm constantly thinking up stuff :( Anyways, do leave a note, and maybe some words. Thank you for reading. Have an awesome day!
Edit: I realize the plot is kinda all about the place and doesn't make much sense now that I got it pointed out to me, but I'm gonna keep it posted just so because I need to get back to Trig. Just ~ if you don't like it, please don't read. I wrote after very long and I'm sorry if it sucks. Hope you smile.
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wtfholland · 6 years
hey love! could you write something with the prompt 45? thank you!
Thank you for your request, anon! :) I wrote this one about Peter because I’ve had only one request for him so far and Petey needs more love❤️
prompt list | send me a request!
listen to this while reading♫
Mother fuck, this better be good!
The gentle tapping on my room window summoned my restless soul out of bed, me not having the heart to brush it off and go back to sleep. I trotted through the darkness lingering in every corner of my room and stubbed my toe on the side of my desk. I enveloped into myself, silently screaming a string of curse words. He owes me for this! This is the fourth time this week he’s shown up here. I hissing at the discomfort inflicted upon me when I flicked my bedroom light on. I blindly slumped back toward my bed, pulling up the blinds to the window beside it. I rolled my eyes at the strange boy sporting skin tight red and blue spandex. I unlocked the hatch and forced the old window open, paint chips falling onto my floor.
Dammit Spider-Man. Don’t you know I have school tomorrow? You as well!
“Why am I not surprised to see you here? What happened this time, bug boy?” I yawned, stretching my arms over my head. I moaned at the feeling and set my hands on my hips, attempting to look like the bigger person here. I was sporting an old Tupac t-shirt and pyjama pants that were too short for my legs, penguins wearing Santa hats littering the fabric. The web crawler just laughed, the whites of his eyes turning up into amusement. 
“Nice pyjamas, but it’s not Christmas, Y/N.” he said, climbing into my room. His ditzy foot got caught on the frame of the window, and he tumbled the rest of his way in, collapsing on top of me in the process. We landed with a thud and I was thanking my lucky stars that my mom was working late because I was sure the entire apartment shook; We probably woke up the dead as well. Spider-Man put his arms on either side of me to balance his weight. “Hm, hi.” he squeaked. I just scoffed and shoved him to the side so I could get up. I adjusted my shirt, pulling it back down after it shimmied up my torso a bit. Spidey was up in a flash.
“Okay, so…” I initiated, raising my brows at him. He looked confused, I guess. Trying to decode his expressions through the mask was a headache. You’d never be able to tell if Spider-Man was about to cry or shit himself. “So…what?” he replied, shrugging. I groaned in frustration, shaking my head. I woke my ass up for this? “What’s the problem? Where are you hurt?” I urged, taking a couple steps towards him to scope out any visible damage. The bug just chuckled. “Oh, I didn’t encounter anything tonight, Y/N, so I’m not hurt. I, uh…wanted to ask you if you could help me with something.” 
My eyebrows knotted in confusion as I looked at him. “Um, alright. What’s the haps, arachnid?” I asked cool and collected, plunking myself down on my bed. He followed my actions and sat down beside me gracefully. After a couple seconds, he cleared his throat. “Uh, so…well, I-I’m not really sure how to ask, but I…you see, I…would you…” he babbled. I yawned again, a wave of exhaustion rushing over me, reminding me of better things I could be doing right then and there…like sleeping.
“Good god, just say it! I’m not gonna judge you.” I pressed. I rested my hand on his knee, trying to calm him down. His gaze dropped to my hand and moved back to my face. “Okay, well, you know that guy I told you about a few times? Flash Thompson?” he began. I nodded enthusiastically. I’ve told Spidey so many times that whenever he was at school, he should pull an epic prank on Flash to get his ass back; I was hoping he finally did it. “Well, he was making fun of me today in English class. We’re on our Shakespearean unit and we’re reading Romeo and Juliet…” he trailed off, waiting for me to respond. I just jerked my shoulders forward, mhm-ing in the process. “We had to break off into groups for discussion and he was in my group and the subject of kissing and making out came up. Everyone was silently sharing their stories of their first kiss while I was trying to tell everyone to get back to what we were supposed to be doing. Flash kind of caught on and called me out, saying I’ve never had my first kiss and stuff…which is true. I’ve never kissed anyone before.” 
This caught me off guard. What in the hell? Spider-Man, fucking Spider-Man hasn’t had his first kiss? How?! He looks like he was sculpted by gods to be displayed in a museum for ages and ages. Despite me being an asshole to him from time to time, jokingly of course, he was always kind to me and a genuinely sweet guy. I could tell by the way he’d always ask me how my day was or how my mom was doing or if I finished my homework whenever he came by for me to patch up his wounds and what not. Obviously, I was dying to see the man under the mask. I’ve asked him about it a couple times, but to no prevail. I, of course, respected the hell out of his privacy, putting myself in his shoes if it were me, but…I was so curious. I knew he was a good looking guy, no doubt about it. He described himself to me; Dark brown hair, chocolate coloured eyes, a crooked nose, and quirky eyebrows. 
Spider-Man let out a deep breath before continuing. “So I came here tonight to formally ask you…Y/N, my personal nurse, and owner of funny pyjamas…if you would like to…bemyfirstkiss.” My eye widened at his request. I was not expecting that out of him tonight. I thought he’d come with a couple of bruises and scratches, constantly asking me if I could go easy on the rubbing alcohol. I giggled, remembering the time he had a small gash on his abdomen and I cleaned it up for him, with my face dangerously near his groin. I brushed off the memory and focused my attention back onto him.
“Really? Y-you…you want me to be your first kiss, Spider-Man?” I swooned, still in disbelief. He nodded shyly, moving his gaze back down to my hand on his knee. I gave it a small squeeze before I shifted my position so I was a lot closer to him. If I’m being completely honest, I felt this weird connection between the vigilante and I. I couldn’t put my finger on it, we just kind of clicked. He never took my harsh digs to heart because he knew I loved to joke around with him. I figured out after a couple of his random appearances at my bedroom window that I really liked taking care of him. There was just something so intimate and genuine about the whole thing. I never really had too many friends at my school, and I found a friend in him.
“I’d love to be your first kiss, bug boy.” I purred, bringing my hand up to caress his cheek. His eyes expanded in shock, thinking he was gonna get rejected. I leaned into him, raising my hands to pull up his mask. Spider-Man immediately tensed, grabbing my hands to stop them. I pulled his gloved hands around mine closer to my chest. “It’s okay, I’m just gonna move it to where your nose is. You can trust me.” I whispered, eyes never leaving his. His hands fell away and I resumed to pushing the mask up his face, curling it right on top of his nose bridge. I never seen any part of his face before, and I was mesmerized. His nose was a little bit crooked but not falling off his face or anything, and his lips were a gorgeous shade of pink. I smiled as I leaned in, already feeling his hot breath on my skin.
I pressed our lips together softly and I swear, my ovaries exploded. The kiss was slow and passionate, neither one of us were pushing it on. I slithered my fingers down his muscular arms to position them around my waist. He instantly pulled me closer into him and my entire body was put on vibrate. I disconnected from him and looked up at him for approval. “Was that alright?” I asked, my voice unstable. He didn’t say anything back, instead, he just invited me in for another kiss.
This time is was more desperate. We moved our lips together at a faster pace, drinking each other in. I grazed my tongue against his now swollen bottom lip, asking for permission to which he just stuck his tongue in my mouth, venturing in every corner. Spider-Man hauled me in closer to him, and at this point, I was sitting in his lap. My upper arms were resting on his shoulders, my forearms propped in the air and I sensually kissed him. Involuntarily, I got a funny feeling in my stomach and it slowly made its way down to my pelvis. 
Trying to suppress the growing sensation, I pushed my body weight onto the web slinger, forcing him back onto my bed. I laid on top of his as our kisses became primal; Saliva, teeth clashing, and a whole lot of tongue. This way by far, the best kiss I have ever had. I couldn’t believe the bug has never kissed anyone else before, he was a true natural at it. I squealed when he flipped us over, the mattress heaving underneath us. His weight on top of me made the feeling inside of me even stronger but I wasn’t about to let my urges get in the way of this special moment I was sharing with New York’s favourite spider.
But the next thing I knew, his lips were gone, the glorious weight on my front gone as well. I opened my eyes to see him sitting at the foot of the bed. How’d he get there so fast?…Wait a second, never mind. I sat up and crawled closer to him, swinging my legs over the edge to mirror his appearance.
“What’s wrong?” I implored, taking his face between my hands. He was giving me that strange look again. He brought his hands up and brushed my touch away like it was nothing, like I was nothing. This pulled at my heart strings. What did I do? Did I hurt him? “Look, Y/N,” he traced his fingers up and down my arm before falling away. “I really like you…but I can’t be with you. This isn’t gonna work. I’m not good for you.” he concluded. Whoa, where did that come from?
“You like me?” I whispered. My mouth fell open. I couldn’t believe it. He snickered and shook his head. “Of course I like you, Y/N. Who in the right mind wouldn’t?” he admitted, standing up and slowly pacing in front of me. “But I can’t be with you, as much as I wish I could. We wouldn’t work. I can’t be with you.” he finished, making his way towards the window. I looked down at my hands in my lap, they were shaking. What does he mean he can’t be with me? Can he learn to elaborate? All at once, my emotions came up to the surface; All the confusion, the joy, the anger, the happiness I felt around him, the times he annoyed the shit out of me, all of it just started to bubble over before I could even think of holding myself back.
“What, so you think you can just come into my apartment, suck face with me for a few minutes and try tell me it didn’t mean anything? How about all those times I was cleaning your wounds, taking care of you when you were hurt? Did that mean anything to you? I was giving you shelter and now, you’re hurting me! What did I do? How can I be with someone I don’t even know? Tell me everything you’re thinking.” I shrieked and pleaded like a crazed lady. My mind was set on overdrive, I felt like I was going to explode. Spider-Man turned back around from the window and rubbed his masked face with his hands. “All of it…meant everything to me. Just trust me, Y/N, you would get hurt because of me. If anyone found out who you were, they would come after you, and…” 
He sniffled and covered his face with his hands, before turning around and repositioning himself in front of the window, getting ready to leave. “…I’d never be able to forgive myself if something were to happen to you because of me. I would be the one that ultimately hurts you. Think of this as my way of keeping you safe.” He grasped the frame of the window. “That kiss was amazing. I’m never gonna forget the feeling of you against me, like we were the only two people in the world…I’m sorry, Y/N.” And before I even had a chance to respond, he threw himself out the window, silvery webs shooting out of his wrists attached themselves to street posts and buildings. The darkness swallowed him right up as I registered his words. 
“I really like you…but I can’t be with you.”
“I’m not good for you.”
“Think of this as my way of keeping you safe.”
“…the only two people in the world.”
I was in a trance, staring out the window like a mannequin, my eyes outlining the areas Spider-Man sliced through to continue his patrolling, away from me. I didn’t know how hurt I was feeling until I shut my window tight, more paint chips floating down to the carpet. A single tear escaped my eye and I just let it be because what I didn’t know ended up killing me. I had feelings for Spider-Man; The guy who works along side Tony Stark, swings around like a monkey in a multimillion dollar suit, makes funny facial expressions through his mask, but who still chose my window, who still chose me. Out of every girl in all of Queens, Spider-Man came knocking on my window. I didn’t know if this was goodbye or what but I can say without a doubt, that I wasn’t gonna get any sleep tonight because who can fall asleep with a broken heart?
i’m thinking this needs a part 2, what do you guys think? let me know if you would like a second part!
fun fact, i was literally wearing the exact same pjs that were described as i wrote this lol
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choisgirls · 6 years
Requests for Saeran you say? Hmmmm... What about some Fouran aka the amazing otp
a-mess-of-a-princess said:Uuhhh can i get some… fouran?? And a milkshake shanks :3
i love hate both of you and I full on wrote one
I used this prompt HERE
and yeah its a self-insert so if you guys are reading and don’t /like/ it, that’s a-okay, feel free to change the name and appearances to match your own ^^
Words: its uuuuuuuh 3,546 words
Pairing: Saeran x Four so viva la fouran
The bell over the doorjingles.
I look over the counter- afairly tall figure started to approach fairly rapidly. As they got closer, Icould see full hips being hugged by black leather jeans and a long, silverwallet chain swiftly bouncing off of them. I felt my face get hot and ducked backdown to finish cleaning the previously spilled soil before they got closer. Anotherglanced revealed their leather coat, grey tank top and- God, Saeran, don’t lookat her chest, what is wrong with you! Now you have to look her in the eye,knowing you already looked at her chest. Wait- oh she’s really close now, Ishould probably stand up. She looks angry, is she alright?
Standing up, I open mymouth to welcome her to my shop before being cut off by her hand slamming a $20bill onto the counter. Looking through her long lashes, her electric blue eyespierced right through me- I couldn’t tell if I was infatuated, or genuinelyterrified. I was starting to feel sorry for whoever made her this angry.
“How do Ipassive-aggressively say ‘fuck you’ in flower?” a smooth voice passed byher lips.
“Good morning to youtoo, miss” I say, watching as she closed her eyes for a second whiletaking a deep breath.
“I’m sorry, I’mjust… so pissed off. You’re right, I was being rude. You deserve better thanthat, let me try again,” suddenly she crouched down on the other side ofthe counter, startling me when she popped back up with a bright smile now gracingher features. “Good morning, Mr. Shop keep!” she bowed with anexaggerated flourish, “How might one say, oh I don’t know, ‘Fuck you’ inflower, all mighty flower God?” She giggled at herself after, covering hermouth before continuing. “No, but really. Is there a way to do that? I’dreally like a bouquet like that.”
With a thoughtful smile ather enthusiasm, I lean against the counter with my chin in my palm. “Hmm,I think there’s a way to do that, yeah. Mind if I ask why?” I watched herfake smile turn down to a frown before moving her hand to move her bangs awayfrom her eye- I felt my own smile falter.
“Ah, just… some exboyfriend of mine. It’s- It’s a long story,” she stammered, looking at herfeet. Well shit- I didn’t mean to do that.
“H-hey look, no needto tell me, just trying to make conversation,” I said, standing straightand rubbing the back of my neck. I’m starting to get nervous and tense, butwhy? I looked at how distant her eyes seemed now, thinking back to her previousrelationship. 'Damn, I don’t want to see her like that,’ I thought to myself,looking away from her before she noticed me staring. With a soft sigh, Icleared my throat and glanced her way again. “I don’t normally let peopleback here, but…” I started, walking to the greenhouse door, “Youlook really determined to tell this dude to fuck off. Want to come back with meand watch?”
Her whole face lit up likethe sun- her eyes brightened up like the blue sky to match. There- I like thatlook a lot better than the last one. Wait, maybe I like it a little too much- Ican feel my face heating up again, dammit! I gestured for her to hurry up andget through the door before closing it behind us, using that time to take adeep breath. What was I doing? What’s happening? I never let anyone near myflowers- what is this stranger doing to me all of a sudden?
Behind me, I hear a soft'wow’ pass by her lips. Over my shoulder, I can see her profile as she looksaround the room at all of the flowers.
“There’s so manycolours in here. And you take care of them all? By yourself?” she asked. Iwalked up next to her and started to beam with pride.
“Yup! They’re like mybabies. Come on,” I lightly brush my fingertips against her hand before Iretract my hand. What did I just try to do? Hold her hand? Saeran, get a grip.I find my hand scratching behind my neck again, nervously trying to redeemmyself. “L-let’s go this way. The ones we want first are gonna be overhere.” I lead her to some bright red geranium’s, watching the corners ofher mouth curl upwards.
“Wow!” shecrouched down to get face to face with them. I noticed she got as close aspossible, but didn’t touch them. She seems to have high respect for theflowers, or maybe for me? I watch her smile face up at me- if she keeps thisup, my face will be as red as these flowers. Crouching down next to her, I pickthrough the geranium’s and cut them with long stems. “Hey, I never caughtyour name?” she said, as I stopped mid-cut. Shit, that’s right. I mentallyface-palmed myself.
“I-it’s Saeran.Nothing special,” my eyebrows drew together as she groaned indisappointment. “I’m… sorry?” I turned to look at her in confusion.I came face to face with this adorable pout and had to move back a little bitto slow my heart rate.
“Nah, it’s alright. Ijust thought maybe it was some sort of flower pun,” she started, glancingto the flowers before looking back at me. I immediately shot her a deadpanstare- she returned with a slight shrug and a smirk. “You neverknow!”
“Haha, reallyfunny,” I finished clipping the stems and stood up, watching as shefollowed. “So?” I raised an eyebrow, “What about you? What’syour name?” She tilted her head to the left- I watched as her longer,side-swept bangs fell across her face. What an idiot.
“My name’sFour,” she muttered, tucking her bangs behind her ear- the curls causedthem to bounce right back out.
“Four? Like thenumber?” I shook my head with a chuckle. Was that a slight blush on herface? “And you thought my name was going to be funny?”
“Hey! It’s anickname!” there was that pout again. She had naturally pouty lips, Ipreviously noticed, so her pouts seem very dramatic. I raised an eyebrow ather.
“A nickname, huh? Areyou sure it’s not your age-” another pout, “Alright then, Four, it’snice to meet you,” I threw a wink at her before turning my back to her,where she couldn’t see my face turn maroon and horror being painted across it.Where did that confidence come from, Saeran?! What is wrong with you? I couldn’thelp but wonder if she was blushing too. With a shake of my head to clear mythoughts, I started to lead her over to the foxgloves instead.
“Um, so..Saeran,” she mumbled, “You seem to know a lot about these flowers.How do these specific ones say 'fuck you’ to someone?” I chuckled- this isone of my favourite parts.
“Ah, each flower hasa different meaning!” I saw in the corner of my eye that she started towalk by my side. Her hair seemed to bounce with each step- the sun keptcatching both her eyes and her hair- both shining with different breathtakingshades of blue. Damn, they really were breathtaking- I forgot to finishanswering her question. Swallowing the newfound lump in my throat, I turn thecorner and finish. “Like the geraniums- they mean 'stupidity’. And thesefoxgloves,” gesturing to the bell-shaped, cream coloured flowers,“mean 'insincerity’. So we’ll just get a few other ones to, as you said,passive-aggressively say 'fuck you’ to your ex boyfriend!” I went aheadand picked a few stalks, handing them over to her to carry. She seemed to getreally interested in her surroundings all of a sudden- pointing to differentflowers and asking me their meanings.
“Wow, you really doknow all of their meanings,” she said as I stood up, throwing her an unblinkingstare.
“Did you think I wasbluffing?” she shook her head and smiled at me.
“No no, I justthought maybe you were making them up as you went, but you seem prettyconfident that they’re right,” she giggled at the unamused look I threw ather, “Okay! To be fair! There are a lot of them, I could never rememberthem all!”
“So you thought Imade them up?! That’s a little rude,” I said, jokingly.
“And you’re a littleshort!” her giggle grew uncontrollable at her own joke and I whipped myhead to furrow my eyebrows together and sneered.
“Okay, now THAT wasrude,” I shook my head and muttered a soft, but playful 'bitch’ under mybreath- her giggles started to get higher in pitch once she heard me, she triedto wave the laughter away so she could breathe. I rolled my eyes and turnedaway so I could hide my amusement from her.
We moved from thefoxgloves to the meadowsweets- her nose scrunched at the bunch of purplepetals.
“That just looks likecrumpled up petals glued together,” turning her head and squinting at theplant- it looked as if she was trying to imagine what shape it may have beenbefore.
“Hey, don’t judgethem by how they look. They’re still beautiful- and they mean 'uselessness’,which I figured you would appreciate.”
“I do appreciatetheir meaning, god that’s so accurate. But they still look weird,” shesaid with a coy smile. I scoffed to hide my laugh and side-eyed her.
“You look weird too,but I didn’t judge you by your looks,” why the hell did I say that? I turnmy attention back to the flowers in front of me, hiding my blush behind thebushy petals and bunches of the previous flowers.
“Hey! I don’t lookweird!” I could hear the pout in her voice. “Okay.. I may look alittle weird. And… intimidating, but that’s not the same!” I stood upand handed her the bundle of flowers in my hands, giving her a cheeky grin andan eyebrow raise.
“Yeah, whatever yousay. I don’t think you’re that intimidating.”
“That’s because youhaven’t seen my sick-ass ninja moves- HYA!” she cried, kicking high in theair as she started to topple over. I caught a hold of her wrist and got herbalanced, unable to hold back my laughter. I don’t think I remember the lasttime I laughed this hard.
“Wow, what greatninja moves,” I said still a little breathless, “I take it back. I ama little intimidated by you.” Her smile radiated pride as I kept hold ofher wrist, leading her to the yellow carnations. I let go at the very lastmoment, immediately missing the warmth of her skin in my hand- the stem of theflowers feeling colder than usual. I gave the yellow petals an absent look- Icould feel her crouch down next to me again, her presence surprisingly calming.“So… you said it was a long story- y-your ex-boyfriend. I’ve got thetime if you want to rant about it.” I heard a soft sigh pass her lipsbefore I turned to give her my full attention. My heart almost broke intopieces when I saw how sad her face had become- how dark and stormy her eyes hadturned.
“He.. well he washorrible. I didn’t see the signs beforehand when I should have- he was alwayschecking up on me and would get extremely upset when I didn’t answer him foreven 20 minutes because I was hanging out with a friend of mine. Very long storyshort- he told me his friend said he should break up with me. His FRIEND. Hecouldn’t even talk to me about it,” she seemed to bite the inside of hercheek- she also seemed to dig her fingernails into the palm of her hand. Myeyebrows drew together as my head tilted- why would anyone want to break upwith her? My questioning stare must have said it all since he decided tocontinue her explanation. “He broke up with me because he 'wasn’t attractedto my body’ and he’d 'stay if I would work on losing weight’, apparently. Nowhe’s invited me to this dinner with him and his mum, and told me last minutehis new girlfriend would be there- the previous friend he told me about.” Sheplaced the flowers on the floor to hug her knees, her cheek laying on top ofthem. The completely dejected look on her face completely pissed me off.
“Who the hell doesthis guy think he is? First of all, he has no say in your body, no control overwhat you do, and worst of all, he must be completely fucking blind becauseyou’re gorgeous,” I knew my face was growing hot but I was angry. Thisgirl didn’t deserve to go through something like this- and that dude definitelydidn’t deserve her. “I haven’t known you very long, but I can read youenough to know that this guy obviously doesn’t deserve you. Maybe he was upsetyou had better kung-fu moves than him,” her eyes shined as the sun hitthem, a faint smile gracing her lips once again- a soft laugh bubbling out.
“Maybe. I don’t thinkI helped my case when I picked him up over my shoulder when he got mad oneday,” I couldn’t help but laugh at the idea of this girl just tossing agrown man over her shoulder- but it felt good to see her bright smile return toher face. I thought for a moment before handing her the bunch of flowers,pulling her by the hand back to her feet.
“Hey, I’ve got theperfect flower to finish this bouquet off,” I used every ounce of myconfidence to place a hand on her lower back to lead her towards the orangelilies. She didn’t seem to mind, in fact, I thought I saw a faint blush acrossher face- then again, I couldn’t see clearly due to my own embarrassment. Asoft gasp escaped her when she saw the flowers, immediately leaving me and myhand behind to run up and crouch down in front of them.
“These are beautiful!Oh, they’re great! What do they mean?” she asked, looking up at me withchild-like curiosity. Handing her the scissors and taking the flowers inexchange, I gave her half of a smile.
“Oh… fitting!”she seemed so excited to add these to the bouquet and that was a relief- I wasworried she would think it was too harsh, I didn’t want to step over a line.Why didn’t I want to cross that line? What does it matter? I was zoning outuntil she lightly nudged me, asking, “Is this enough?”
“A-ah. Yeah, that’sgood. Hey, you aren’t so bad at this,” she actually picked really niceones that fit size-wise and a variety of lengths- not that I was surprised, shehad been watching me do that for quite a while. I helped her back up to herfeet and started to take her back to the front of the greenhouse, alreadystarting to feel lonely once again at the thought that she would be leavingsoon- but at least I can spend some more time with her as I wrap the flowers,right? Walking to the counter, she points out which ribbon she’d like and jumpsup to sit next to my work station.
“Hey, Saeran? Yousaid these flowers were like your babies, yeah? Why do you like them somuch?” she tilted her head to the side, her hair dangling away from herface and her feet swinging in unison. I bit my lip before thinking about myanswer- should I lie? Should I tell her the truth?
“I didn’t grow up inthe best conditions,” oh god, I’m going to tell her the truth. Why am Idoing that? “I-it’s a long story. But there was a garden where I was, andI got to plant and raise all of the flowers I wanted. They were the only oneswho would listen to me, without judgment. The only ones who I could trust, andconsider my friends. They’re beautiful and soft, with such deepermeanings,” I turned to glance at her- she had a raw, genuine emotionpainted on her face. “Look, I don’t like pity, so if you’re going to thenjust-”
“No no,” she cutme off, “I wasn’t thinking that. I was thinking that it’s actuallybeautiful to think that way. I’m glad you can find yourself happy amongst yourcolourful friends,” she closed her eyes and gave me a soft smile. A smilethat I wouldn’t hesitate to drop everything to see again. “I don’t knowwhat you’ve gone through, Saeran, but…” she opened her eyes, her starepiercing straight through my own, let alone my heart, “You kind of remindme of some flowers. You’ve got a few thorns, and some of your petals may not beperfect, but you’re colourful, beautiful, and full of a deeper meaning.”
I thought my heart hadjumped out of my chest.
I’ve never felt like thisbefore- I’ve never heard such sweet words from a person, let alone a stranger.What.. what was this? My face started to grow hot and I was shaking, but mybody started to move on its own. My hand found its way to her cheek, my lipsjust barely grazing her other one. It was only a moment that I was close to herface, but it felt like forever. Being this close, I could see every gleam inher eyes. I could feel her breath on my skin. I could count every freckledusting across her cheeks and nose like stars. I didn’t want to move away, butI knew that I had to- I couldn’t look her in the eyes anymore. My heart wasracing and I could feel my legs trying to give out when I pushed myself away,busying myself with tying her flowers together.
“Thank you..” myvoice came out soft, I could feel her gaze on me, but it was comforting.“I’ve.. never been talked about that way before. It’s.. nice to hearsomething positive about myself instead people focusing on the negative andassume they know me.”
“Now that’s justsad,” she said with a hint of playfulness in her voice. She was trying toease my embarrassment, and I appreciated it tremendously. I let out a smalllaugh, finishing her bouquet and handing it over. The minute the flowers leftmy hand, I was struck with agonizing loneliness. I knew she was still sittingright there, but now she had no reason to stay. All I could do was hope she’dcome back some time- I could ask her on a date- no no, can’t do that. I usedall my confidence to kiss her cheek, shit. She was going to leave and I wasgoing to be here all alone again. I watched silently as she jumped down fromthe counter, walking around to the other side and flashing me a bright smilethat I struggled to return with my own faint one.
“Well, I guess Ishould get going, gotta make that dinner. Maybe it’ll end with me smacking himwith some of my ninja moves!” her light giggle was like music to my ears,please don’t leave. “It was really nice to meet you, Saeran! Thank you somuch for your help, I had a great day. And uh, thank you… for making me feelbetter. It means a lot,” another bright smile. She’s trying to kill me.
After placing more moneyon top of her initial $20, she turned on her heel and started to walk out. Itfelt like my heart was on a leash and she was dragging it right out of the doorwith her. I couldn’t move- I just stood there behind the counter, looking downat my feet. Were those tears? They started out slow, picking up their pace likea faucet has been turned on. I didn’t even hear the bell above the door jingleagain, or the sounds of clunky boots running back up towards me. I felt softhands on my cheeks, brushing tears away by their thumbs. Before I could react,soft lips met my own for a moment before the warmth of her hands slid down tomy own and she pulled away. I came face to face with the sky and I couldn’tlook away. She gave a goofy half smile and tucked her bangs behind her earbefore turning to walk back out again, a slight bounce in her step.
In my hand was a crumpledup slip of paper with a string of numbers, the word 'Fuckface’ and a hastilydrawn doodle of not only herself winking, but of me blushing as well.
I couldn’t type thenumbers into my phone fast enough.
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