#then the internship
hello traveler, please, pretty please reach into my body, through too thin skin and take anything you wish, use the strength you need to rip bones and tissues out please they were so heavy, wash them in a puddle and keep them tucked away safely, then patiently stitch what's left of me together and lay me under fresh soil, please
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i should start working towards getting my certs, I almost overwhelmed myself by over thinking my future.
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slfcare · 1 month
ten years ago you were so scared of such different things, but you survived them anyway. the same goes for five years ago and two years ago. everything that has ever felt like a hurdle, you’ve passed through. so be afraid, identify your fears, and then allow yourself to remember that in just a little while, this will be another thing that you have overcome.
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hillerska-official · 19 days
(Not counting naturally occurring things like people and rocks and plants)
Consider things like coins, books, or family heirlooms! Tell me about it in the tags!
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bruciemilf · 3 months
Damian: Baba. I’ve acquired an enemy at the academy. He’s been ripping my drawings, teasing me about my lineage, and smearing your honor. I understand murder can’t happen. How shall I proceed?
Bruce: [Has a flashback of Thomas driving to his bully’s house, spiked brass knuckles on his hands, petting his head and smiling dangerously, ‘I’ll be right back, chum!’]
Bruce: …I’ll talk to his parents.
Damian: Todd?
Jason: Finally, an excuse to tackle a 10 year old.
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fakakta-art · 9 months
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rotten work
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nasa · 3 months
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Deniz Burnham
A former NASA intern, Deniz Burnham started her career as an engineer on an oil rig in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, and went on to lead operations on drilling rigs in Canada, Ohio, and Texas. https://go.nasa.gov/3wDpfBo
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space!
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puppetmaster13u · 2 months
Prompt in Memes 5
Once more, have a prompt entirely in memes because I'm too lazy to properly write one right now lol.
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futuristichedge · 4 months
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Late night doodles
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snippit-crickit · 1 month
You may not know about this but for the past year or so ive been working on a student film with some Uni pals!! All part of an internship from COLA studio....
Here are some concepts that i can finally show: ]
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Its called Kiki and Bouba, a peachy story about two farmers who have completely different ideas of what it means to grow a perfect peach; and all of the chaos that stems from the conflict. I hope you can guess which one is Kiki and which is Bouba xd
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The film is done but we want to submit it to a film festival so it will be a while till its up on youtube
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soyochii · 4 months
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Honey, you're familiar like my mirror years ago.
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mamawasatesttube · 27 days
"tim is just like bruce" "tim is a mini batman" listen to me. fuck that. tim literally says he is not like batman and he does not want to be like batman. multiple times! throw that shit right out. do you wanna know who tim is a mini-me of?
listen to me. grips you by the shoulders. listen.
tim could be the second coming of lois lane.
they both have this incredibly nosy streak and an inability to stay out of situations if they think they can improve them. they are both fuelled by the need to do what is right and if no one else is gonna do it then by god they will.
"i care so much that i have to do something about it" is a fundamental tim and lois trait. "a locked door just means you have something to hide and i will find it" is also a fundamental tim and lois trait.
they are so similar. i NEED lois to get her hands on tim. i need them to get into hijinks and shenanigans together and i need clark and kon to look at each other and go "jesus christ there's TWO of them now?" as they hurry to go put out a fire. i need lois to hone and refine tim's hubristic streak and i need tim to enable her nosy snooping tendencies. tim & lois could be something beautiful. does anyone hear me. hi for the love of god hello is anyone listening
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barebevil · 7 months
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stayed up way past my bedtime last night to make this
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anonazure · 6 months
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Was reorganizing files on my laptop and forgot about this little project of mine. I decided to finish it.
Anyway these are the Sterek Variants I ship:
Basically, ONLY movies, I had seen the movie and their situation/environments make it possible for their characters to meet
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dingledraw · 7 months
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A comic based on one of my fav fics: “The Gift” by entanglednow on AO3. Pages 1-5
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nelkcats · 9 months
Honestly Danny would be the first to admit that trying to overshadow anything after the Technus incident was a bad idea. But he was also a very bored teenager, visiting a strange city at the request of his older sister so, can you blame him?
It had seemed like a fun idea to the halfa the moment he saw a small roomba in a store window in Gotham. It didn't look like many wanted to buy it but it was there anyway.
So yes, Danny could admit that it was all a strange combination of his boredom and lack of sleep because before he knew it he had overshadowed the damn roomba, causing the light above it to glow bright green.
It was just luck that some of his powers worked, because he made it through the store window with no problems, and had some fun chasing the denizens of Gotham all over the place.
It wasn't so much fun when he realized he was stuck inside the roomba; or when some people started to look at the machine curiously, trying to catch it.
He managed to escape with some luck and set about being a real nuisance to anyone he came across, including the clown laughing like a maniac and the live scarecrow, because well, what other option did he have besides waiting for it to sort itself out?
It wasn't long before the bats heard the report of "a roomba on the loose" in disbelief. Dick wondered if Alfred would appreciate them bringing the machine to the mansion to help him with cleaning.
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