#then the fucking rollarcoaster of a story
i just watched i love you phillip morris and holy fucking shit-
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dreamsy990 · 7 months
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so 358/2 days, amiright? heres my thoughts
this game is just. god its an emotional rollarcoaster
i guess ill start with the things i dont like!! which is mostly the gameplay. i dont really mind the mission structure shockingly (i like being able to roam around but having a clear goal makes things easier for my adhd ass, and i think the miniature storylines are very good for the most part) but i simply could Not get into the combat. especially coming off of kh2 it feels so stiff and unfun to play the only part of the game where i enjoyed the combat was fighting riku at the very end. i think the panel system is okay but i dont like that levels take up space. why did they do that.
story-wise, i dont like the retcons!! a lot of the ones i take issue with are very minor but things like roxas only fighting riku once instead of the implied multiple times (even the dialogue doesnt make sense when you change that, why does roxas say 'how many times do i have to beat you' when theyve only fought once?) are the kinds of inconsistencies that just annoy me.
im also a little bit annoyed at the very concept of this game at all. i think roxas worked just fine as a character without this game. it feels sort of unnecessary in the grand scheme of things. also, xion. i love xion, dont get me wrong, but i dont think she adds anything to the series over all. thats not to say she doesnt add anything to this game because shes a great character and i love her, but shes just. kind of like this game in that if you got rid of her i dont think it would really change the narrative so much.
BUT DESPITE THAT ALL!!!!!!!! i fucking ADORE this game. it is genuinely so full of charm and soul that i just cant bring myself to dislike it. i think this is one of the best written games in terms of dialogue. every scene (at least for me) hit exactly as emotionally hard as i think it was meant to. i was laughing at demyx's antics and crying at xions death and yelling at saix and i think thats exactly how the game is meant to be seen.
days at its heart is a slice of life. its working a 9 to 5 its going through a depressive episode its losing friends its grieving its making fun of your coworkers its living. its a game about life and i love that.
this game really did make me forget that axel roxas and xion dont get a happy ending. i spent so much time looking forward to them making up that i forgot that roxas ran away. hell i almost forgot that xion died.
days is emotional and its story and its characters are just so fucking good. the conflicts all felt very real and you can tell exactly where everyones coming from. the way axel roxas and xion fall apart hits so fucking close to home. but god damnit if axel had any good communication skills like half of this could be avoided
its also one hell of a love letter to axel's character. hes always been one of my favorites (he recently earned first place) and i think this game does him a lot of justice. hes trying to do good. he wants to keep everything together he wants to be there for his friends he wants to make things right but he just cant. its just AUGH its so fucking good
that thing about axel's characterization really also applies to roxas. i dont have much to say about him beyond the fact that i think it does his character very well. also tism. hes so autism.
i kind of like the very limited graphics too. sue me i enjoy low quality games. the hands are not animated and they all have two expressions (blinking and not blinking) and their weapons are flat and im living for it. the very few fully animated cutscenes are good too!!
the (real, i dont count riku) final boss is unfortunately very easy. you can just stand directly in front of her and mash a she wont hit you its too easy but vector to the heavens did mess me up a bit. also earlier scene but "ill always be there to bring you back" with the other promise playing over it? fucked me up man. yoko shimomura is once again killing it
i cant believe roxas didnt get to go to the beach.
i have to give this game a 9/10. its writing is incredible but the gameplay could use a lot of work. its just not fun to play. but again the characters, emotions, and music all make up for that tenfold.
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myherobirdbros · 8 months
BNHA Chapter 403: Review by Birdbros
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First let me just say that baby Toshinori is so cute I can't breathe. Now, to the actual review. I love that his childhood was good and beautiful. That he didn't grow up in tragedy and had a loving mother and potentially the reason why he's so invested in being a hero. Because she didn't discourage him and instead fostered his dream so he could be proud of who'd he become one day. Also may I just say that this entire All Might arc has been giving. It has given so much and I've loved every second off it because honestly some people needed to be reminded why this man was the number 1 hero. Still though, just the thought of his mother dying and All Might having to take on the world and fix it without here breaks me in a way I can't fully explain.
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Yeah no, nop, no. I won't let you do this. He's not gonna die. Not All Might. Not after everything. I refuse to accept it. He has so many other steps to take Okay! Stop it. What do you mean and end of an era?! AFO you absolute fucking clown, do not hurt him! I mean it!!!!!!!
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Damn..... he really cut off Toshinori's backstory just like that. Wtf man. We rarely get this man reflecting about himself and you had to go and do that!!!! The fuck is wrong with you!!!!! I hope you die a painful death AFO it's all you deserve you piece of shit......I'm getting way too emotional *sigh* Okay, let's try and be more logical here. Now that All Might hasn't been able to use Bakugou's quirk it means Bakugou might come back right? My boy might finally come back and save him, right? Right?! I mean it makes so much sense. Feels like the story has been building up to this. Midoriya fighting to win and Bakugou fighting to rescue. Like a reverse role. Please please Hirokoshi. You can't have taken Edgeshot from me and Katsuki too. You can't T_T Don't Nobara me man, please. Also once again, fuck you AFO your arrogance will def be the end of you. Toshinori won't die a hero because HE WON'T DIE AT ALL!
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Thanks a lot Stain. Seriously thanks man. You could not have done anything but lose your quirk to this man (turns out I lowkey hate Stain *sigh*). Ugh, I know it's not really your fault and you sort of tries to save my man a little while ago but fuck, did you have to lose your quirk to this loser too?! I'm already mouring Hawks damn it. I can't do this anymore. Look at Toshinori's face T_T No one should ever make him look this hopeless, ever. This shit is illegal. Also, imagine loving killing someone so much you literally tear your mouth wide open joker style, the fuck AFO, the actual fuck? My dude you really need to sit down and finish that ancient comic book of yours because this aint it fam. This really aint it. You're so villain it's not even funny anymore.
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Shoutout to Tobita (my absolute favorite villain - he makes me so soft protect him at all cost) and star's crew who just like me would have hesitated to fire at All Might. I love you all and I hope when Bakugou comes back he beats the shit out of AFO for you. (Horikoshi do not make a liar out of me). Also psycho eyes AFO. Once again this man does not fail to creep me out. Die!
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Is he... is he planning to tear All Might in two? Is he really about to do this?! WTF WTF WTF STOOOOOOP. I can't do this. My sanity cannot handle this. Someone stop him! Fuck Midoriya crying is breaking my soul. This is not okay. I'm not okay. Shigaraki you bitch stop laughing! Everyone just stop. This can't be happening T_T This is so grusome I'm legit tearing up. And Midoriya's eyes is killing me. This is so wrong so so wrong. Someone please please please.
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I...... Oh my God..... my baby. My baby. He's back!!!! He's back yall. I..... Katsuki..... oh sweetheart T_T
I'm so emotional I legit walked away from my screen to take a break from this rollarcoaster. Thank you thank you thank you Hirokoshi! Thank you!!!! Also can we take a second to appreciate the beautiful art people. U.I exploding, Midoriya's tears blowing in the same direction. The light that shines on that tiny figure on top of U.A and then that zoom in on Bakugou's weathered figure. It's all so *chef's kiss* beautiful. I'm in love. And def will print this panel out and hang it on my room because my baby is back!!!!!!!
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I take that back. I'm hanging this up. Me and Best Jeanist sobbing over this right now. Our baby is alive!!!!!!! But look at him, he's so tired and haggered and back from the dead. He deserves a nap, not to fight a psycho who can't just quietly go into ground and never come back. Also theory: now that Bakugou has essentially come back from the dead, might his quirk have evolved to the extreme edge like we've seen for many before him such as Touya and Uraraka? And since Katsuki literally died maybe his evolved even more? My biggest hope. Beat his ass Katsuki. Make him regret that he was ever born.
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Not a bakudeku shipper but I'm 100% a bakudeku friendship apologist so this, seeing Midoriya look up, tears flooding from his eyes because he's so fucking terrified he'll lose his mentor just like he lost his childhood friend only to then look up and see Bakugou is doing something to me I cannot explain. And Katsuki.... Katsuki with the ancient All Might card he's still holding onto for dear life. Katsuki remembering their baby selves. Katsuki being so out of it but standing up to fight for All Might like All Might stood up to fight for him at Kamino..... *sobs hysterically in a corner* Also the symbolism of All Might always having looked back at his past because all the steps felt so important just to now look forward because the steps his kids are gonna take are the important thing for him now..... yeah I'm not okay.
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This is truly the beginning of a new era huh. Bakugou and Midoriya, carrying on All Might's dreams and hopes..... Hirokoshi you bastard. How can you do this to me. WTF MAN WTF!!!!!! And look at Katsuki's eyes. The explosion within them. It's so beautiful. I love it so much. And now him and Izuku's feelings are one; they'll save All Might and redefine hero society.
*stands up and applauds like crazy* There has been several misses for me in this manga but moments like this is why I'm happy I never gave up on it.
Welcome back Katsuki darling. Welcome back, it's been too long.
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pearlssis · 9 days
hey u. tell me ur life story
okay, stranger on the internet since you asked <3
basically i don't remember anything much from my childhood because it was just so traumatic (i'm literally not kidding, personal issues, health issues, family issues, every other issue you can imagine-)
was pretty much ignored by everyone till like 8th grade, never really fit in with my so called friends, who basically took pity on me in like 3rd grade i think and that is how most my friendships started
then 2019 was the literally THE MOST traumatic year ever i still get chills every time i think about, it, a close family member passed away while i was on medical leave and basically isolated from everyone.
lowdown certainly did not improve the situation, i made a few friends outside my "friend group", that was honestly the only silver lining.
in 2021 i decided that you what fuck it, and turned into an academic weapon somehow, (being the eldest daughter certainly helped) continued that new found confidence in 2022 which was my main character era 🦋 and will always be the highlight of my life.
and i realized all of those friends who treated me like an outsider were after me now!!!
2023 was a mix-ish era, the confidence was dwindling because of a lot of stress in general but i was hanging in there. but there were definitely high and lows, but a part of me realized that the main character era was over and would not come back.
2024 so far, i had an epiphany a few days ago that completely changed my perspective on my life events. i realized that I hadn't really dealt with many of my problems, and was just faking it the whole time? i thought that i had moved on from the trauma (especially 2019) but I really hadn't?? so yeah so far it's been abt finding ways to bring back my spark ✨️
TLDR; quiet, shy, insecure, eldest daughter with low self esteem in an ocean of unresolved trauma and is a work in progress.
but i will say to anyone going thru stuff, find a single genuine friend <3 YOU WILL SAIL THROUGH I BELIEVE IN YOU <3 (it will be a rollarcoaster of good days bad days and then good days again but oh- watch out for the bad)
and i'll end with quote that i read in a book: (THI IS HAS HONESTY GOTTEN ME THRU LIFE)
"Sometimes things have to get worse before they get better"
sorry stranger i rambled quite a bit but HEY! YOU ASKED <3
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caitlinluvsmanga · 2 years
Interview with the Vampire Episode 5 Thoughts....
I have....thoughts... Spoiler free it was an emotional rollarcoaster and I am literally crying having followed this show since it came out. 
If you don’t want SPOILERS stop here
What the fuck?! I am goddamn sobbing! OH MY GOD. Ok, let me address piece by piece. Lets go character by character before I make my thoughts clear. 
Claudia: young girl who is literally stuck that way and since the beginning of being turned as easily taken toward being cruel. I adore her. I don’t blame her feelings about her eternal life. She is stuck as being a little girl - in this case 14 - forever. She hates this and takes it out through killing others and then runs away. 
- I did laugh my ass off at her drunk ass getting them searched by the police because she didn’t think burying people in a goddamn swamp in a place under sea level was going to be a problem. *i’m from GA so it cracks me up* 
Louis: My sweet fucking man you are LITERALLY KILLING ME! He loves his daughter so much. That’s who she is to him. I’ve known people whose daughters would run away or die and they fall apart and he blames Lestat (WHICH I WILL GET TO IN A MINUTE) but part of it is his blame. He begged Lestat to turn her because of guilt. Every stupid move he has made he has done out of guilt or self-hatred. He lost his brother so he broke down and gave into Lestat and blames Lestat for all of his problems. He is not in the wrong for this, but its a powder keg that just went off. 
Lestat: YOU BITCH! I both hate you and love your character at the same time. You are a stalker, an emotional manipulator, possessive, and you scream abusive relationship. BUT here’s the thing. I honestly believe he loves Louis. IN his own fucked up way! That does not mean he is doing it right and isn’t a monster, because he is. He wants so desperately to be loved. Throughout the episode when they are confined he wants to be with his companion, the one he chose, but Louis wants their daughter. I’ve read the novels I know Lestat’s story he wants to be loved but does no way of accomplishing that goal. I’m pissed about what he did, but at the same time I understood his frame of mind. 
Lestat literally hung in the air begging Louis to tell him he was unloved to make it easier on him. He tried telling him multiple times since Claudia he felt neglected. His voice and emotions he was holding Louis so close before he dropped him and even then he was so upset. NOT THAT ITS RIGHT. 
This episode killed me emotionally because it was fucking beautiful! You have the emotions of Claudia and everything that is happening to her then the downfall once again of Lestat and Louis. THEN the fucking Grace scene! OH MY GOD MY HEART! And the fact she knew he was a monster, but could not cope so she gave him a grave and Claudia watched it and for the first time felt empathy for Louis. She realized Louis suffers. The realization that a parental figure suffers is horrible. When the fight happens, Lestat went overboard, but at the same time what made him so sympathetic is when it slowed down and he was telling Louis “I can’t hold myself back. You should stop.” Then the moment of calm as Louis tells Claudia that its over. You don’t see them and its terrifying. I can imagine Lestat was fucking sick of hearing about her. This whole episode was an emotional rollarcoaster! Oh my GOD!
End of rant. 
I need to lay down. 
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sammy-witha-c · 2 years
i love shitty poetry i love misshapen crafts everyday i read fanfiction filled with typos and i go down a rabbit hole of short stories with clunky narratives. i am here to tell you you need to love your art. 
i don’t know how else to say it. the anatomy is going to be wrong. the dress will be tight around the waistline. i don’t care if you have just started and i don’t care if you’ve been working since you came out of the womb i’m telling you there will be mistakes because that’s in your nature. you are going to make mistakes. i’m here to tell you sometimes you’re going to think your shit fucking sucks and you can’t give up. you need to be able to see the positives. you need be able to put something down and put it in a box and move to the next thing instead of filling up your trashcan. 
i read back bad prose. i notice the displaced credit section in my for-funsies essays. i’m here to tell you don’t destroy your art because you’ll regret it / i’m here to tell you don’t destroy your art because you’ll love it, eventually / i’m here to tell you you need to be proud of the things you don’t think are masterpieces. the road to recovery is actually a rollarcoaster and i’m here to tell you you’re going to want to save the pictures taken at the end of the ride even if you blinked. i’m here to say recovery isn’t not wanting to die. i’m here to tell you recovery is wanting to live.
i have a discord server just for myself that has all my old writing. i’ve been avoiding reading back because i thought it would be absolute garbage. but yesterday i broke and i went through the text and i thought: huh. i like this, actually. there are mistakes and i’ve changed but i like this. this is still me. 
i’m telling you you need to make things for you. i’m telling you growth and healing only happens when you think you’re worth it. i’m telling you you’re worth it.
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strawberryspeachy · 4 months
I cant even wake up in time to go out for a fucking hour
Whatever curse is on me keeps getting worse. I’m so fucking exhausted all the time and every time i get excited for something its taken away or ruined
Its bad enough i dont have anyone and that i cant wake up or stay up for the prime time of going out
Which is why i moved to an area where most of my salary is spent on fucking existing here
But now i cant even wake up for one damn fucking hour of going out
But i wake up fully awake in time to see the clubs are JUST about to close and waste my fucking life away
I hate being me. I want to be dead so fucking bad.
Tell me why. When i put in so much effort and thought and try so hard to make my classes good.
Apparently junior high in private school suck. They know they dont need to do anything to pass right through the system so theyre little fucking dicks about everything
I guess the annoying high school kids at my last school were the ones that were passed on through middle school
And now middle school is the only job i can get for next year. I hate private school junior high
I loved them in public school. But my god. Dealing with kids who refuse to do the bare minimum and even pushing them to try results in them throwing a tantrum bc they always get their way (sitting around doing absolutely nothing while complaining about having to do something they signed up to fucking do)
Ive read this is what american schools have turned into and yeah. Its fucking exhausting. what’s the fucking point. You cant teach anyone
Youre not allowed to just ignore those shit kids - even if you try they disrupt the class. So you cant teach the ones who WANT to learn because you have to teach to the dumbest kid in the class and no matter how low you go they go lower.
What’s the fucking point
Today in the advanced english class which the kids in the class CHOSE to be in - a girl i literally complemented so much last class because she did so well - and to other teachers commented how shes come so far from being super shy and on the verge of tears/crying at the beginning of the year - back to crying today
Crying because i asked her to speak english in the advanced english class that she chose to do saying she thinks ill be mad at her if she makes a mistake WHEN I NEVER GET ANGRY AT STUDENTS. LITERALLY NEVER. Meanwhile her homeroom teachers literally screams at them and guilt trips them all the time. But he’s a man. Even to the kids apparently theyre fine with being screamed at by men. But let me - a woman - tell them to do their work and its a fucking problem
Its so fucking stupid because it sounds like im leaving out half the story. Or that ive spun it to sound better. Or that anything. Like this isn’t the full story. But it fucking is and this kind of shit has me exhausted. I see why teachers are leaving in droves. From reading about the conditions i already understood but my god is it so fucking exhausting.
The class i see 3 times a week. Theyve been a pain in the ass since day one. My other classes teachers always try to steal - not this one. No one likes them. Its like pulling teeth to get them to do shit
Theyve been getting better. Theyve been really good recently. I felt like i finally got them somewhere. They were doing so well. But no. They didn’t improve. Its like a rollarcoaster. I go from the quietest worst at english boys volunteering to go to the front and do an improv skit in english and the whole class actively engaging and having fun
To the next class they act like they cant understand a single word i say. They wont speak and act like theyre being tortured by a simple actively
I dont have the fucking energy. I fully understand those days that my teachers would tell us “if you dont want to try then im not going to either. Just there in silence till the bell rings” as “one of the kids who are trying so im sorry to you but your classmates ruined it for you” having been that kid. I got it then but i really fucking get it now.
Like do you think i enjoy nagging you. Is it really the fun trying to explain something to a kid staring at their friend fully understanding what theyre supposed to do and being entirely capable of it but deciding its more fun to make fun of the teacher in front of their face while pretending you cant understand
And i just have to pretend you really cant understand and keep trying.
Like im not their only english teacher. They have other english classes. Theyve been taught how to read. Theyve learned grammar up to “if you could fly what would you do” “i would…” they fan make sentences and understand at the level of a preschooler. And telling them to talk about a topic that they like - i know they can have conversations in english. Theyve done it many times. Tell them to do it and use their new grammar- cause thats my class - using the fucking shit they’ve learned beyond textbook shit
No all of the third years this week refusing to say anything more than “nice” “yea” “oh really” “i like” “oh mhm”
I’ve always thought school needed reformed. There was no reason that i should have been so stressed out all the time over school. I still believe that. But i know the world deciding to make school a fucking joke where no kid fails. You cant make them do anything. You cant punish them. Its not to make the learning environment better. Its to make a bunch of fucking idiot adults who cant critically think, dont have any working knowledge of the world, have no desire to learn and dont know how to teach themselves, and think that theres no repercussions for their actions so that when someone is unfairly targeted theyll just think “man they must have done something think REALLY bad”
The ones that WANT to learn. That try hard. Theyre honestly so far and few between and theyre punished for it. Why try hard when youre the only one who actually gets graded on your work. You work hard and get a B your classmates does fucking nothing and gets a C then the lazy one does ANYTHING and ya gotta encourage them to keep doing that so they get an A. They suck at school(refuse to try) so they should get rewards for literally anything else so they dont feel bad about themselves
Ridiculous. It sucks that the worlds gonna get stupider. The current school children are gonna be stupider than boomers. And the fact that they have no rules… at least old people to in trouble all the time as kids and were forced to be respectful to others and understand repercussions.
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eggsma · 2 years
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You'll tell a guy you've had bad experiences w/ almost every man that's ever come into your life, he’ll say this to you & then proceed to do you wrong months later & be added to that list of men...
Having to go through a guy telling me I was too pretty to talk to him, to me and him talking almost everyday to him ghosting me multiple times, to then him breaking things off with me bc he said he was going through it emotionally, to him being the first to watch all of my ig stories after, to him then unfollowing me and removing me as a follow but not the person who he said broke things off with him when we went on our first date and the ppl whom he may more may not have been involved with or the new followers in his ig... i just... :)))))(((( ://///// not having anyone to talk about this with bc most of my friends are in happy relationships and i’m lonely and just have a roster of men who want to fuck me but thats not what i want bc i just experience romance for the first time with a guy who i though was kinda perfect but he turned out to (possibly) be a piece of shit and i feel like i’m overreacting but like ive never felt this way before bc ive never experienced this but i have no doubt in my mind he might call me crazy on his other dates or the other ppl im 80% sure he was talking to just like he called two ppl who he was involved with before me crazy and weird when both those ppls have eveery right to feel the way they do its jist weird how.... vuenerable i was with him only for him to  like distance himself after seeming soooo intrested in me and i could go on about him and this situation and how i feel and all i can really say and hope for is better overrall idk im just rambling bc i feel like shit. idk wtf i’m saying... i do and i could construct a much better idk journal about this but.... idk, fuck him if what i assumed was true and if not then... idk i still feel like shit atthe end of the day bc its like i really thought this guy would be theeeeeee first time a good man has ever come into my life and its crazy how he knew how shitty men have been to me, esspecially men who ive been involved with “”””romantically”””” (or... guy who i’ve had crushes on, espcially this guy that was like night and day to me in hs) and sexually,..... only for him to be... added to that list... idk what to feel i feel a lot and i feel... i feel... a lot lol idk. again i could go on about every detail, good and bad, details that would lead me to an assumption in my head that would hurt and that wouldn’t be too far off but its just ?????????????? idfk funny thing is the ppl he might be chooisng over me are basic yt girls from outter city, twinks (especially a twink who is a barb... a non black barb at like lolololololloloololollmmmmmmoooo, whose twitter account is... something lol.) but honestly they can have him... its not like i have a choice lol. I could drag him about certain things but that would make me look like a fool. and to add on to it i’m finally on meds and it really sucks how im experiencing/experienced two things I’ve been wanting to do for soooooooooooo long at the same time but while both bring me great joy... one has caused me two/three months of emotional ruin and rollarcoaster and just a complete breakdown... I’ve been warned about virgo men but yet... i still proceeded... now look at me LOL! Had me feeling like Cassie from Euphoria and Glenn Close’s character on Fatal Attraction... let me stop here bc its almost been a month since things ended and i cant stay in this little... idk funk so hopefully this helps me!?
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twstedstoryshop · 2 years
Freeform prose. Just wanted to really let myself go ham with imagery and quick dialogue. So apologies if the pacing is all over the place. Based on the idea of older TWST characters from this post. Had a gut feeling to just go for Leona with this prompt. Also brownie points if you can guess why Yuu’s cigarette can make funky smoke trails. -Shopkeep
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A recently back Yuu takes a moment of peace to recollect themself from their sudden arrival. Leona, their old love, joins them and the two wonder if they can pick up where they last left off.
Content: GN!Yuu x Leona, Pre-Established Relationship, Swearing, Tobacco Use, Alcohol Mention, Mild Hurt/Comfort
The sudden rollarcoaster of a welcome from all sides had dwindled down. A luxurious suite on Sage Island became Yuu’s hideaway despite friends’ protests to party the night away. They wanted to hear stories, laugh, cry all over a number of colorfully named alcohol bottles. But that would be saved for another day. Yuu’s mind and body needed to readjust with the dimension-hopping equivalent of jetlag. Lazily hung from their bottom lip, a cigarette sat and puffs of colorful smoke plumed around Yuu. They curled and formed into whimsical scenes, from a crocodile waving its shining tail to fishes swimming along an invisible current. Yet the visions dissipated as they escaped through the open window and into the night air.
The taste was infinitely better compared to the shit back home. To be expected, when you’re indulging in the vices of a technicolor magical world. Their gaze flicked to the room’s door as the lock clicked open. A tall, built form stalked through the doorway and eyes colored a jungle’s verdant green during a summer day, landed on the bare torso of Yuu. Long ago they had discarded their shirt to enjoy the cool night air. A low growl of a voice mentioned something about a spare key being left behind, but Yuu could care less as they stared openly upon their old flame.
Leona Kingscholar, like wine, the more he aged, the more intoxicating he looked. It wasn’t a one-sided attraction though. For Leona, there was no sign of the herbivore he once knew. Bright-eyed, naive, and such a goody-two-shoes to a fault. Now that spark has faded just a bit over the years to reveal a wizened traveler with some bad habits on their heels. Namely the piercings, the tattoos, and the cigarette that played on their tongue. 
Leona sat down with them, thighs ever so close to touching, but a half-inch of uncertainty kept them separated. His gaze lingered on the intricate imagery that adorned Yuu’s arms and back. His main focus was of course on the earth-toned silhouette of a lion that roared ferociously with a hyena and wolf by its side. His fingers reached out and traced along the fangs it bore. Yuu didn’t reel back at all. They watched him closely as he admired their body’s art.
“I etched you all on my skin. Because I was afraid I was going to forget. Like this was all just some fever dream.”
“Hmph, dream huh? Is that what we were?” He couldn’t fight the bitterness that clawed its way up. Unresolved tensions, questions left unanswered, they festered much too long in the Prince’s heart like roots hiding away the most vital parts of a tree. But Yuu wasn’t keen on playing gardener though.
“Don’t you dare try to pin this on me. You knew exactly why I had to leave, but I promised, didn't I? I promised to be back. And I’m here!”
“Why after so long? What if you were gone for 20? 30? 40 years?”
Yuu groaned, combing their hair back in exasperation. “For fuck’s sake Leona! You wanna me to have the fucking Dark Mirror on speed dial!? I don’t have magic back home! I can’t pull off Godly crap like you and others can!”
Leona bit back his tongue at the annoyance that flashed in herbivore, no, scavenger’s eyes. They looked so tired. Tired from exhausting god knows how much resources to make contact back here. They scraped by on what little they had in their homeworld, praying on bones and leftovers for a miracle to happen and where was he? What was he doing on his side of the mirror? Sitting around, fat, and happy with how life has been treating him alright after Night Raven. But at least he knew one thing to do after all the time that’s passed.
“Sorry… That was unfair of me…”
It was Yuu’s turn to look at him bug-eyed. He growled.
“You won’t hear that outta me a second time…”
“Pfft, and here I thought the lion finally had a heart,” they joked, their tension now subsiding.
“Shut the hell up.”
“Heh,” the cigarette was passed to him. “Want a hit?”
“Nah. Stuff messes with my tongue too much. Plus it tastes horrible.”
“Damn, this is horrible for you? Y’all wouldn’t last a minute back at my place,” even if it was a joke, Yuu felt a frown curl on their lips at the truth that statement held. Leona paid no mind. Instead he reveled in the calm, letting the cool breeze that entered the hotel room soothe his nerves. Unconsciously, he felt at edge, but the more he and Yuu talked, the more a familiar energy came to settle between the two. One, two, three moments passed. Yuu took in a huff and spoke with smoke curling around their talking mouth.
“Leona… Are we still–” A pause and a frustrated sigh.
His hand gripped a bit tighter on his knee. “What?”
Yuu made a vague hand gesture, their cigarette humorously leaving trails that formed into wheels to represent their racing mind. “Y’know! Are we still– together? Even after so long?”
“... Yuu, I got angry that you took too long to come back through a magic mirror. When you don’t have magic to begin with. You think I’m not into you, after all this? Are you an idiot?”
“I just wanted to double-check, damn! It’s never bad to ask!” The two laughed breathily, though maybe more on a scoffing side for Leona. Slowly, the barrier from before crumbled down as Yuu now sat side to side with Leona. He looked down and Yuu met his gaze with such deep yearning, it blind-sided him. Hesitation was gone now as Yuu drew boldly close.
“Hey, can we kiss?” They asked softly. Smoke still hovered over their lips. Leona would have abhorred the thought of kissing someone with tobacco still strong on them. Yet the way that Leona nearly dove in to catch Yuu’s lips could have said otherwise. In the quick moments when they both surfaced to breathe between their kisses, the smoke escaped and leaked between their mouths. The shapes they made were of lions chasing antelope, ravens fluttering wildly in the air, then everything crashing into a meld of hearts. Quickly as they appeared, so too did they disappear, leaving only a hunter and a scavenger trying desperately to satiate their hunger.
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You guys today I wrote the ending to A Return To Love and I have to say this story was a fucking rollarcoaster. However, now I have to finishing writing the in between shit cuz my goofy mind likes to jump ahead of itself all the time. 🤣🤣🤣
Anywho.... On to chapter 25!
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emeraldshardz · 5 years
Day 1, 12:04
So I’m not really sure how I’m meant to do this or whatever, but here goes nothing.
So basically my life is a fucking shitty mediocre rollarcoaster, I have nothing to look forward to and when I do, it’s not as near my expectations. So recently my so called ‘friend’ that I trusted told about 7 people that I was gay, and I thought I could trust him with it and yet he didn’t. He broke my trust so easily, and it fucking hurts. These 7 people have been telling other people and I’m not ready to come out, I just want to be accepted, but I get bullied by these people, WHO my friend went and told this specific group. So this group now bullies me and is about to add this onto the list.
It’s exam break at the moment so I guess I’m kinda safe now, I went and sat my English exam yesterday not knowing of the situation, as I went to go to the school library and study, one of the people that knew, went in front of me and a bunch of others and said “I KNOW YOUR SECRET”, and this set off alarm bells in my head that oh shit he knows. And all the people around him wanted to know what it was, so I’m now the centre of the school at the moment and it fucking terrifies me, because I just want to do my normal own personal thing without being bothered. Then during my Exam, yes you guessed it, I had even more stress on top of me, I started crying because all I could think about was that, no one knew I was, except the pieces of paper that had water droplets everywhere. This really made my performance drop and now my grades and school life is suffering.
Previous to this I talked to this boy for so long, we started riding bikes together, playing basketball and texting everyday all the time. We would call eachother cute nicknames and tell eachother love you and that cute relationship crap. We then one day while riding have this conversation of “who do you like” I didn’t want to say so he made it abit more vague and said, who’s your top 3. I tried dodging the question for so long and then decided I’ll tell him later tonight, really eargerly. I got home and we chatted like normal, he then brought it up again. And then I said, I’m gay, and he was like ahh good for you and stuff, but I was waiting for him to say it back, he never did. I got led on for about 4 months, developed feelings and cried numerous times thinking how great my life would be when we date. The thing is, my love really set in from this one comment
One day while I was in the city prior to the above paragraph, with my other two friends, me and him are snap chatting, he send me a photo of his face and the caption was: I’m gay for you. I immediately stopped and was in shock, my heart literally bursted out of my chest and I freaked out, I was so happy, I thought I could truly be happy, for once in my life, I could honestly feel like myself for once. I replied with “same” after me staring at the photo for about 10 minutes with total shock, the conversation died about that and moved to something else which I cannot remember.
Fast forward again, to about 2 months after I told him I was gay and he was straight. I confronted him, I told him what was up, why did he lead me on like that, for so long, and even the comment about him being gay. He denied the comment, he said he never ever said that, and that “I got shit messed up”, he said that he also feels uncomfortable when I compliment him, and yet we do it to eachother.
Since I told him I was gay and he didn’t say he was, I fell into a deep dark depression. I pushed away everyone, I cried nearly every night, I would read all the messages I ever sent to him all the time, he would always and only be on my mind. He was an addiction, I kept talking to him though, even though I felt like it was a one sided friendship, I felt like I invested too much and I cannot ever let go. I would look at our photos together, which was only one and feel so happy that we were together, even as friends, before anything. I would see something and think of him, all the songs we listened to while riding and talking, haunted me, and it still does, I can never listen to rap without thinking of him.
Sometimes I just feel underappreciated, I helped him get his girlfriend, I’ve spent quite a lot of money on him, so much time, thought, love, effort and everything spent on him. And I feel like I get nothing in return, whenever I don’t start a conversation, it never exists, one sided relationship, even as a friendship I feel useless and non-existant.
Anyway back to the main moral of the story, school goes back in about a week, we’ve got one week left of exams break left and I just want to go back to school as a closeted gay kid, and when IM ready, I’ll come out, not by some dickhead who tells everyone, who I trusted.
Anyway, there’s PLENTY more of this story, sadly. Well I’m just depressed, and obsessed. Time to dream about suicide, again.
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jimlingss · 5 years
myjeansareonfire said:Oh my god this honestly got me so heated and felt super relatable and really made my heart ache because i was also in a relationship where i felt unattractive because my ex didn't want sex and like... Wow i really feel this. I just wanna hold oc and make her feel good 😭💖 i wanna smack jimin & ask him wtf he's doing!!!! Ugh!!!! I'm so mad lol how dare he make her feel this bad about herself
I love taehyung i love him i love him i love him
Also wtf are yoongi & seokjin hiding, those sly lil cats???? Is it related to jimin?! Also fuck what's her face! Fuck her to hell! What"s her name?!?!?!?! Ye Eun! I think! Oh my god i want her to DIE! HOW FUCKING DARE SHE BE SUCH A FUCKING BITCH AND MAKE OC FEEL BAD WHILE SHE'S TRYING TO EAT HOW DARR SHE!!!!!!!!! I am LIVID OH MY GOD AND FUCKING JIMIN HOW COULD HE JUST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOW COULD HE A👏PO👏LO👏GIZE👏 FOR THE WAY OC WAS ACTING?!?!?!? As IF SHE DID SOMETHING WRONG!!!!!!
I'M SO UNBELIEVABLY HEATED RN LIKE!#!!!!! YOU KNOW WHEN YOU GET SO MAD YOUR STOMACH STARTS HURTING AND YOU JUST WANNA VOMIT OUT YOUR ANGER INTO THE BITCH'S FACE?!?!?!?!?!?!?#? That's HOW I FEEL!!!!!!!! WOW i just really wanna kick some ass rn it has been SO LONG since i've felt this way after reading something skshsj
Oh my god this was so👏fucking👏good👏😩 like!!! Jimlingss!!! Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!! & dovechim!! Yall are fucking amazing!! You're queens!!! I love this shit! Ahhhhh!!!!!!!!!! You guys did such a fucking good job at capturing her mood swings & really making us feel like we're right there with her feeling the same things, her anger her sadness her disgust with herself, but also her happiness at jimin's small gestures, or the calm of being in his arms, and also the total shock when she first found out
This chapter was absolutely fucking fantastic like damn, this is the sequel i didn't know i needed 😩🙌🙌🙌 i cant fkn wait for ch 2, mean while i'm gonna reread this whole thing and seethe. Also LMAO AT YOUR TAGS AT THE END OF THE FIC!!! You are hilarious i love you
haha...well I’m glad you’re feeling particularly passionate but damn you’re really ready to put Jimin on the chopping block HAHAHA you don’t know his side of the story yet 👀👀👀 jumping to conclusions might not be the way to go. Also, Ye Eun is just being herself - she’s always been this way. LET ME DRAW BACK TO THE ORIGINAL FOR A SECOND:
Tumblr media
Anyways, glad you’re enjoying it!! OC’s definitely having a rollarcoaster of emotions, so I’m glad you can empathize with her :D :D
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hollowphobia-casual · 5 years
So with Tumblr bursting into flames and most of the artists I know and respect trying to abandon this ship like rats escaping the titanic, I felt it was best if I moved this from my usual December the 25th to... NOW, Because well I worry that many people on this might not be here by the time 17th passes and my eternal dying love to those I care about will be unheard and what kind of person would I be if I didn’t remind EVERY.SINGLE.ONE of my friends how important and special they were to be and what makes them fantastic, So yeah depending on the state of tumblr after Dec 17th this might be the last one, or I will just have to email all of you INDIVIDUALLY. @mistercrowbar CROWBAR! HEY! So, you’ve been on this friendship list since..., we have been friends, which is.., a really long time, like I honestly can not recall a day where we have not been friends and during all that time I can’t get over just how amazing you are! Like, Holy shit are you real? Cause I get to a point where, I think this woman can’t improve anymore, and then BAMB! You do! Like Jesus, I’m always just floored by what you put out, I said once before that I strive to be as good as you some day and that has not changed! But now it gets even harder, cause like, not only are you good at art, You go and pull this beautiful disaster out of your head, SAY HELLO TO FUCKING RYYBYN BITCHES! If there was a competition for some of the best DnD characters I have ever seen on paper, I’d vote for Ryybyn every-time, a literal joke character who evolved into one of the most emotional rollarcoasters I have ever seen, who made me DETERMINED, to either play a game with you (And I fucked that up) or a game of my own, just AH!, This character! Like, their design, their character art, THEIR STORIES! OH GOD DON’T GET ME START ON THOSE, CAUSE YOU BEAUTIFUL GENIUS! You took comics from your session and made a BOOK! That I want to buy! I WANT ONE, BUT CHRISTMAS SO, ARGH!  FUCK YOU SANTA! And!
And.. If you were not just fantastic enough already, incredible artist, attractive, funny, nerdy as all shit, super space wizard, DND and now.., now.. FUCKING HOME OWNER, like how, why, when, what! I know you moved into a house, like, Holy shit you moved into a house, but holy shit you OWN a house, it’s yours, you can paint dicks on the wall and no one can stop you! Your Independence it just, floors me, every-time, here I am questioning everything about myself and myself worth, and you go buy a house, and release two books IN THE SAME YEAR. I said how I wanted to follow in your footsteps, become as great as you, WELL APPARENTLY I NEED TO PICK UP MY GOD DAMN FEET CAUSE I’M TOO FUCKING SLOOOOW. I am SO grateful to meet someone terrifyingly amazing and best of yet, they think of me as their friend (For now) Just.., Please, don’t ever stop breaking down walls and plowing forward, you fantasticly insane woman you. @nightmargin So, what feels like, not that long ago we were chatting about Ralph and OCTs, as well as other kids who are incredibly prone to accidents and damages and now, well, YOU HAVE A FUCKING HIT GAME THAT I CAN’T LOOK LEFT OR RIGHT WITHOUT SEEING IT’S LIKE BOOM! Go to MCM OneShot Cosplayers, Look at youtube videos either seeing your characters in the background or I’m seeing people playing your game! I went on a Discord chat and I saw someone sporting a Oneshot icon. I’m just, so, happy and proud and amazed by the how far you have come, it’s just, you were always a talented person, your comics, story and artstyle was fucking fantastical, I was soaked into every second of it, wanting to learn more and more with each new picture and then, just to put the cheery on this cake, you did music, but not just any music REALLY GOOD MUSIC, I remember going to your gallery on DevianrtArt just to listen to a song over and over cause it was so good, like, damn and now, you are like, HUGE, it’s insane, like seriously, someone took time to make a 3D model of your character, holy shit. I’m lucky to get fanart, but what this is, I just, my friend is amazing person, and I couldn’t be more happy for her if I tried, you should be proud of yourself if you are not, take time and just let the well earned reward sink in, your hard work has defiantly paid off. @blueskyesartic Okay, so like, You are amazing, I dunno if I’ve ever said it enough, but, you just are, there is nothing about you that I’m not awed by, you are just, so fantastic in my eyes, I dunno if that's putting you on a pedestal or not, but fuck it, this is my sappy list so I say what I want! Your art is beautiful, you yourself are just one of the most fun people I have had the pleasure to talk to and I miss it so damn much, are trivial pointless conversations that spiraled endlessly into jokes and deep discussions, are critical thinking on story telling and art in general, it was amazing, but.., either you are never alone or I’m not and, I hate that, I’ve missed you so much it sucks, like.., I have these great memories of us talking, drawing and spending time together, these perfect moments in time that I will cherish to the end of my days, cause I know you are going to become something, I can feel it, but I might end up left behind. I just wish I could spend more time, talking, chatting and just being with you, you are amazing and I’d love to run on to you on a stage at a convention, like we joked about, but no matter what happens, you need to keep being brilliant, every second of every day, you have to continue, cause you are great and everyone knows it. @taplaos HOLY SHIT HAVE YOU SEEN THE SHIT THEY CAN MAKE, IT’S FANTASTIC, LIKE, HOW DAMN!  Everyday I feel like I’m seeing new and more amazing designs for T-shirts created by you and it’s just like, wait, this is tappy right, maker of wonkey eye, how when, OH MY GOD, Your art was always so bright and colourful but, damn you’ve improved so much I feel like I need to stop and just soak in how much you’ve improved, cause damn, can I just say damn. I am so proud of how far you have come and I can’t wait to see what fantastic designs you come out with next, you are amazing Tappy, don’t let anyone ever tell you other wise! @dansome0203 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, GOD DAMIT, I have both talked to you a lot this year, but also not enough, or maybe I have, or maybe I haven’t, I dunno, but god dammit I wanna talk to you more, but you are hardly online when I am it’s so GAH! You are just, that amazing my friend that you are driving me insane! URGH, I feel terrible there is like, a shitton of things I wanna do for you, draw your characters being namely one, but I haven’t had time and just, URGH. But more importantly, the reason I wanna do all these things is just cause, you are fantastic, and I don’t just mean the way you draw boobs (mostly), you are such a kind fun person with so much great creative energy I just wanna, get inside your head, I have such mixed feelings on one side I really wanted to be in that DND game you started, but it’s also just a delight seeing the stuff that comes out of it, the curiosity building from it, that funny ass video you shared with us. Everyday I think I’ve seen the limits to your skill, charm and wit, then some how you change everything with new ways of being all that and more, it’s a tad exhausting. All I can really say that this year has been fantastic in what time we have spent together and I just want to spend more, I can’t wait for the next opportunity I’ll get to do so, maybe I should try asking you into a call or something, I dunno, please just, keep being you and keep being fantastic. @flunafloon & @spesiria & @spookydrawsI I didn’t wanna do this, but... I’m sorry, you guy are fantastic people I love your work, I love each one of you but I just.., I struggle to keep up to date with my own life let alone my friends, but three were such big important parts of me it feels.., no I feel like a shit for basically knowing nothing about what has happened, I use to message you each frequently, keeping up to date on your art, your lives and now.. Fuck I hardly even see you on my dash and I just, fuck, I can’t.., You are all amazing people, I should of been a better friend, I want to say I will be but it’s getting harder and harder and I don’t want to disappoint you, I respect and love the three of you too much for that, I’m sorry for being such a useless shit, you guys, are fantastic and leagues above me. @doodlediddy MY FRIEND IS HAVING A BABY, MY FRIEND IS HAVING A BABY! LIKE, HOLY SHIT YOU HAVE ANOTHER PERSON GROWING INSIDE YOU, LIKE WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK, It’s beautiful, horrifying and just, I can’t believe that someone I know, someone I met on the internet, had close conversations with and more or less stopped me from doing something, VERY stupid, is going to be a parent, like, WHAT. While I am above the moon happy for you and your bundle of joy, I do know this means we probably aren’t going to chat as much, which hasn’t been that much as it is, which REALLY super sucks, I miss you, like, OH so much, I miss are chats, are discussion.., heh, I still remember when I stayed up super late just to send you Toradora, one video at a time, god, that was so funny and really bad for my sleep schedule actually. Still the best romcom ever. I really miss you, I’m so happy for you, I hope we get to talk again, love you, you big christian mamma. @lou0 There are many people I would attribute to me being here right now, from saving my life, to being a mentor and some just being shoulders to cry on, but none of them.., were the person I obsessed over.., wait let me rephrase that. When I started as good old Clock-workable, making steampunk rip offs of Unknown Peron’s Karl, you were some I admired, you were a kind, passionate and amazingly creative artist, AND HOLY SHIT MAH, SHE’S IN BRITAIN, I COULD POSSIBLY MEET THIS WONDERFUL PERSON. Sadly that never happened, and I’d openly admit I feel very intimidated talking to you, I dunno why, shame? Guilt? I feel like, I don’t belong, that I’m not good enough for you, that there are better people who deserve your attention that I do, despite just how, fun you are to be around and just how important of a person you are to me, so I admit it, it hurts, me seeing you down low like you are, I wanna pick you up, be the motivation you were to me, but I also have to accept that I can’t be, all I can do, is try to be a good friend and be there for you. You are, the most amazing, creative person I have ever known, I’ve wanted to Commission you for long, to collab with you, to have one of my characters drawn by you, hell just be noticed by you, cause you are just that important, I mean, I dunno what I am saying here exactly... You said you don’t see a point, but you to me, your are was the biggest point, it was bright, colourful, sexy, scary, amazing and just filled with so much character, everything you drew and draw has just so much life to it, I wanted to capture some of it and have it for my own. I dunno if what I am saying is meaning anything, but your art reflects you and to me, you are colourful, sexy, scary, amazing and just filled with so much character, every second has been delightful and if you will let me, I would love to continue to enjoy it more. @jabbage I find it funny how, no matter which minecraft server I joined, I never got as far in building a base, than I did on your server, as short lived as it was and despite no one ever joining it, I never joined a server where I got as far as I did on that server, like, I dunno how but there was something about it, maybe it was the fact that I really wanted to build that clock tower. I miss that, I hope you are well, you beautiful human being, It sucks, cause I know that, out of everyone, i feel like I spent time with you the least, which is stupid, cause all I can think of, when talking to you is good memories, which is like saying I stopped talking to you because you were too nice, which is dumb, the truth is i just got busier, and busier and it sucked. Cause I remember thinking how I really wanted to get o know you, cause you were a fun person, I’ll try to be better from now on, cause deserve it, you are a fantastic human being, smart and caring, not just trying to butter you up to make up for my.., terribleness, but I will try, to be better, for you. @shadowscarknight You fantastic mate and I know, it’s been hard, I’ve not been avoiding you, I really haven’t, but, it’s just hard you know? The way, that ended it probably wasn’t easy being you, I dunno if you even know why the two of us stopped talking to each other, hell I dunno why, but that isn’t your fault, specially after you commissioned me, which again, I happy you enjoyed it. You are a great guy, funny, witty, charming and your designs, fuck off they are that good, but you do come up with a lot of them, but then again you get inspiration and you do what you love, so no one can fault you on that, unless your making another ask blog that you won’t update, hehe. I promise to talk more, cause I’m so proud with how you are improving, cause just like, wow, every time I see you look away, it just gets better and better, I should really ask for some tips off of you, cause damn mate, your leaving me behind. I hope you don’t stop being fantastic mate, You are a joy the world can never do without. @totalobelisk I know where you hang out!... So it’s not excuse that we haven’t been talking as much, fuck mate I’m sorry, I don’t hate you or anything, no, fuck no, you are great, it’s me, I’m just.., fucking useless to be entirely honest, I’m terrible at communicating with people and I’m surprised you haven’t just unfollowed me from everything and cut all ties, cause, fuck, I’m just so.. I’m sorry, you are a fantastic guy and we’ve been friends for too long for me to neglect you like this, I’m so sorry, I hope I can start talking to you more to make up for it, or just hit me up sometime so we can chat, cause you deserve better from your friends. @velkro-bitch & @fivirr & @a-trashcan-in-a-corner Am I cheating by grouping you three together, yes, maybe... BUT I ALSO HARDLY GET TO SPEND TIME WITH YOU GUYS AND IT FUCKING SUCKS, CAUSE YOU ARE ALL BEAUTIFUL LOVELY PEOPLE AND I WANNA SPEND AS MUCH TIME WITH EACH OR EVERYONE OF YOU! (Or maybe I’m just secretly trying for a four way polyamory) But Jesus fucked by a pogostick guys, how can you three come into my life, be amazing shits and then just leave me! You are all such wonderful, thoughtful and delightful human beings that every second with you felt like an eternity, I’m a naturally defensive person, I have a lot of barriers in place to keep myself emotionally safe, and all three of you tore those down! (your gonna have to pay for that) AH, And to make it worse, when you shmucks do show up it’s very late and I gotta go to bed, REVOLVE AROUND MEEE DAMMIT, I WANNA SPEND TIME WITH YOU GUYS, it’s so hard I love being with you all, but it’s so infuriatingly difficult, I feel like giving up half the time, but I also don’t want to cause I love you all so much, god you three drive me mad, but it’s what I enjoy about you guys and I hope we do get to spend more time together. @phantomdotexe I honestly do not know where I would be without you right now, for you it may seem like all you did was re-post my art, credit me and commission me, but you also introduced me into a large friendly community that I didn’t even think I had the right to be in, I was and still very much am the new kid to all this, but everyone you introduced me to accepted me with open arms, artists and writers whom I thought I’d never get the chance to speak to talk to me casually nearly everyday. It’s all thanks to you! You amazing person you, I know you beat yourself up, ALOT, when you really shouldn’t, you are so amazing, not just in your writing talents, but in your world building and characterization, but even then that isn’t there is all to you, you are.., the most, charismatic, funny, playful and down right enjoyable person to be around, you are infectious, you have touched so many people in so many ways that you manged to build a community of friends and fans who want to build upon your foundations, I dunno if I’m even speaking the right words now, haha.., But you are fantastic, so when you struggle we all want to help, we all want to see you grow as a person, as a writer and an artist, you brought so many wonderful people together, you should deserve to see how truly wonderful you are. @horrorjuice Speaking of people I don’t deserve to be friends with, I’m just.., fuck where do I start, well, I will say it’s not entirely my fault you are hardly ever on Discord and I don’t like Facebook, but Bubby, my bubby, I miss you! I miss your explantions, your ideas, you concepts, your worlds, your beautiful bubby brain like GAH, I remember our chats, are long wonderful chats where your dog would bark loudly, the beautiful horrible slobber monster that he was. I miss you Bubby, I really do, I wanna chat and talk like we use to, I wanna hear your beautiful amazing ideas and see your brilliant art work, god I miss you, but I hope you are well and that you are being just as fantastic and brilliant as the day we first met, you wonderful human being. @valbey-the-girl Fuck you, you lovable asshole! How dare you be such a wonderful insightful human being who has had my back for so long, I remember when we became roommates for University as a somewhat after thought, we hung out but we were not exactly ‘friends’, but now, I dunno how I could of survived with out you! You are a wonderful source of humor and opposed thinking that I enjoy, you agree and don’t always agree with me, which is the best sort of friend, someone who can challenge my values and viewpoints, but at the same time doesn’t belittle me..., mostly, you twat. I am so happy that we’ve stayed friends for as long as we have and that I invited you more into my world, with regular games of DnD and other video games, as you prove to be time and time again a great person I love to have at my side. I hope we get to hang out again person to person, because I miss you mate, talking on chat gets stale fast specially when your friend is as great as you. @whatever-i-feel-like-rebloging I struggle, so hard to understand us, that it hurts cause.., I want to be friends, but I just always feel like I’m being pushed away from you, and it hurts. I’ve spoken to many friends about the troubles we have had and many of them have said to drop you, but I don’t and I dunno why, maybe because, I’m scared? Or maybe cause I’m unsure how or, perhaps I’m just very hopeful? I remember a time where we’d talk all the time and I loved it, it was great, we never discussed or mentioned how we didn’t like each others thing, we joked, we flirted and it was fun.., but now, all we seem to do is give each other little comments and snap at one another and I hate it, I hate it more than anything I can imagine. I wanna be your friend again, I wanna laugh with you, joke with you but, I feel like I’m just being singled out and removed, that I am something of mock and ridicule, which I hate and I dunno what to do with myself or you anymore. I hate, disliking this, I just.., I just wish I had never liked you, because I feel like that was when everything went down hill, cause we use to be such good friends, but now, I feel like we are more, acquaintances.., it sucks. @grittysugar HOLY. FUCKING. SHIT. That’s all... ... .. Okay okay, but fucking seriously, you went from some gal drawing redhead accident prone children flying goats and tall noodley men with green hair who probably shouldn’t be to fuck. TO DO FANTASTIC CREATIVE ANIMATIONS ON YOUTUBE, LIKE HOLY, GUM DROP SHIT, WHAAAAAAAAAAAAA-, I wanna kiss you I’m so proud, like, GAH, I still can’t even put it into words, like it was..., uh ... .. . EIGHT YEARS AGO, that we were opponents in a tournament on the internet and now your, I’m so happy for you, and I SUCK cause I haven’t bought any of your merch yet... (but I will), And if I can I’d love to see you at a con so I can give you a big ass hug, but that might be another, I dunno, ten years. Also I’m a shit head and it’s occurred to me I have never asked for your Discord information, which now is probably high protected FU-, God I dunno, if you still count me as a friend, or even a blip on your radar, but I just wanna say, I’m happy and just, SO proud of you, I want you to keep growing as a person, an artist and just, be fantastic. @clauseart OH MY GOD HOW DO YOU KEEP YOUR COMIC GOING! And shame on me for not staying in touch more cause holy shit, you are on fire, your colours, designs, panels it’s just, WOOF, it’s blowing me away, I’m so proud for you, every time I see you post a page, all I think about is how I need to catch up because my comics currently in the dust, while yours steams ahead. I honestly can not wait to see where things are going, and to see how you go with it, I may not be the best of people at times, but I’ll be damned, if I won’t try to follow along the best I can, cause you have only just begun and I’m so excited to see you be yourself and just wow everyone around you! OH and Please most some stuff from your DnD game! I’m curious about what you guys are up to these days, hehe. Be fantastic. @funktrash The girl was essentially my fan when I was a nobody is doing a webcomic better, quicker and more on time than me, AND IT’S GREAT, like, AH! I know, you beat yourself up, it’s part of who you are for such a long time but, you have to realise, YOU ARE AMAZING, you are fantastic! Like, seriously, you have a comic, your is beautiful and just, WHAT, I remember back when we made an rp group based on this thing! And now it’s something I can read and enjoy, and I’m enjoying it, seeing these characters whose stories I’ve only had the chance to glimpse at now brought to life with your beautiful colours and wonderful sense of humor, timing and pacing, it’s just, YES! I’m so amazed at you, you are fantastic, don’t ever tell yourself otherwise, cause you are a star, a bright burning beacon of awesome! @mortooncian-art FRIEND!... FUCK! Okay, so I’ve always known you existed forever and I’m always loved your work, I even followed your webcomic! Until it wasn’t a webcomic anymore, but sadly I DON’T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT YOU, expect that you are so funny, your art is fantastic and I’d love more than anything to get to know you more! Cause like, I see your art, these lovely illustrations filled with so much character and life, I just wanna do the same, (If I only wasn’t very busy) Like, I enjoyed your stuff so much that I regularly looked forward to going to twitter just to see what you posted, either a comment or art, cause it was the highlight of my day, and I HATE social media with a passion, but you made me really excited just to see your posts, and I know a person who can do that with just their art is probably twice as exciting as a person, and I really want to get to know you more! So I hope you keep being a wonderfully fantastic person, whom company I get to enjoy in the future. @sunshinedrago This woman, single handily got me back into watching shitty anime again, and I love her for it, God dammit you are such a fucking fun person to be around, despite the damage to my ear drums I do enjoy our conversations from nerding the fuck out, to tearing things apart. I may not always seem that happy at times, but I’m naturally a miserable person so you will have to forgive all the BS you went through with me, but god you are intoxicating in your positivity, the characters you make are enjoyable to playground with, the ideas you come up with are very surprisingly engaging and your commissions, equally detailed and time consuming, haha. Like Jen I dunno how I have lived with out you so far, you are such a conversational delight it makes me feel like I’m a teenager ago, howling loudly in laughter as I watch awkward as shit anime and actually enjoying my life, but whats great about you is not just the fun, it’s also the insightful and thoughtfulness to you we all grow attached to, you have a great way of handling peoples pain, that I have only seen in a few people, being to be compassionate, reasonable and always to get a chuckle at the right time, I dunno how you do it. But please don’t change, it be a travesty if you did. @tuz-ohtopia TALK TO ME MORE! Tuzoh, you are a very busy guy like.., stupidly busy the amount of work you put into your DnD sessions are stupidly amazing and the stories you have crafted are fantastic, all I want is to share in it more, to listen to how you work, you scheme and plan, your creative thoughts, everything. But you are busy, which is what both I love and infuriates me about you, you have such a driven determined work schedule it puts me to shame, I never wanna see you slow down, because I know you are doing something that is just, wonderful, but at the same time I wanna talk to you, get know you and build on our friendship, I feel like I’ve talked about you to more people then I have ever to you and it sucks, cause you are an awesome dude. Not trying to pity you and say just stop everything for me, I’d never want that, I’m just, so enthralled by your creativity that I wanna get to know the inner workings, maybe work with you. But no matter what happens please just keep doing what you are doing my friend, you are a delight and fantastic treasure, I can’t wait to see what you do. @knifetotheback WHERE ARE YOU! no seriously I mean it, you appear like, every now and again, but you are hardly ever around and it sucks, cause you are a fun wonderful person. You were always a delight to talk to and it sucks that we don’t get to chat as much, I hope you are alright and that you are still having fun with what you are doing right now, we miss you, I miss you. Keep being wonderful, where ever you are with whatever you are doing. @nickala OKAY, So, feelings, down in words,..., fuck this is hard, I dunno how to describe you, like shit, you are amazing, but beyond that, you aren’t just an amazing friend, you are a unique friend, a special friend, no wait, that sounds romantic, what I mean is.. I feel trapped so often, I hate it, my brain is flawed and wrong, I know I shouldn’t think like that, but I can’t help it, I speak and I make people mad, upset, annoyed or just.., I hate it, it’s the part of me I dislike the most, I just want to talk to people and say “HEY, you are beautiful, keep it up” But I can’t, but you, understand me, you help me so much with these thoughts and understanding the world in a way others could not and for that I will never not be thankful, but at the same time I feel shit, because, I know you are struggling, I wanna help so much, I wanna be there to make it easier, to help you through this rough patch, but I can’t I dunno what the right words to say are cause this isn’t a thing where one solution is the right solution.., but you have to realise you are amazing, your creativity is outstanding, the designs and creatures you create are far greater then anything I could ever come up with and I wish I could be on par with your skill in monster design and anatomy. You don’t have to compare yourself, to others cause you are already in a league others couldn’t even dream to reach, if only you could focus on that and draw strength from it, and I wish I could help you do that, but all I can say is that I will be here, the best I can, even if it’s terrible. @thelovelyghosty Is it possible to meet someone who makes you very calm and also incredibly nervous at the same time, YES IT’S YOU! I love you Jen, I am so happy that I get to have you as a player in my DnD games as well as be a human being I get to call a friend! It’s amazing just how open you are to everything as well as critical thinking, you are a breath of fresh air compared to people who only speak with their feelings and not just their thoughts and I enjoy every second of our conversations, yes even the dumb ones! I feel like you complete a part of social circle that I didn’t know was missing and that’s why it hurts so much I hear what you have to struggle through, but you amaze me, because despite all the bullshit you are still here, you are still a person whose company I get to enjoy, your strength is awe inspiring even if you don’t see it yourself, not to mention your brain, have I gone on about your brain enough, cause it’s fantastic! I wish I could just ramble on with you for all day and night, cause I imagine the discussions we’d get up to come be fantastic. You bring a fantastic fresh view you everything, even seen in your character, the Amazing Shield, they’ve hardly spoken but like you they have left an impact on me and everyone else that I doubt anyone will ever forget and as such it wants me to return in kind, you are an outstanding person and I want you to keep being outstanding, so I’ll always be there for you, no matter what, day or night. @altoblt5 Okay, first off, you are too adorable, so I will just have to kill you and second, thank you for joining my DnD game! I won’t lie, I was super fucking hesitant at you joining as I’m not good with people at all, expect all these friends above this text, ignore them for a moment. I am hesitant as shit, I’m nervous and I worried that anyone could be a potential threat to me or others, but you, came fucking tap dancing in with a stupid, lovable infectious character and personality that just, melded so well it made all my worries go away and the more I’ve gotten to know you the less regrets I have about you ever joining our game, you’ve only improved it by adding a dynamic to the group that we didn’t know we were missing from the start! I hope as we go on we can stay in touch, possibly do more games together and just chat more, cause we should really do some other stuff outside of DnD. @riyamilea I’ve been following you since Rise and I have to say, I’m so happy I did, and I was fucking ecstatic when we got to play in a DnD game together, like H.O.L.Y SHEEEET, that was fun for as little as it lasted, but I guess it was invertible a bit, there were signs, but out of it I finally got to make you my friend, and that's an experience I am so proud of cause like, YOU ARE AMAZING, you are so fun and insightful, I just, I’m so excited that I get to talk to you, cause just like, GAH I dunno how to put this into words, you are just, brilliant, that’s it, you are brilliant and I can’t wait to spend more time with you and hopefully, we can play more DnD together in the future, in the mean time, just keep being fantastic.
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sunscreenstudies · 6 years
How did you decide what course you wanted to do?
Good lord this is a complicated story, so everybody settle down, cause this a rollarcoaster type of ride.
When I was 16 years old, I wanted to be a solicitor/lawyer. I was addicted to ‘Law & Order’ and ‘The Good Wife’ and yea, I guess you could say I had a pretty romanticized view of the whole ‘standing up in a courtroom and arguing to free an innocent man’ thing. So I did two weeks work experience in a solicitor/lawyers office and absolutely loved it. Then, later on, I did two weeks experience with a barrister and holy shit that looked so much more fun! But then, one night, I was talking to my cousin, who is a barrister, and she asked me if I liked talking to people. The answer was immediately no. Then she told me in the kindest way possible that maybe I shouldn’t do law then, because (in Ireland anyway) barristers cannot legally advertise themselves. The only way you can get clients, is to go out and schmooze solicitors/lawyers at formal galas and events and the like, and just hope that you make a good enough impression for them to recommend you to their own clients. And since I’m an extremely antisocial misanthropist, I was positively for all intends and purposes absolutely repelled by the idea. 
So there went law.
Next, I entertained the idea of becoming a secondary school/high school teacher. The only thing I knew for certain was that I loved English, and my own English teacher was such an inspirational and motivating person, I wanted to be just like her and get students interested in Shakespeare again. My second favourite subject was geography, so I thought “fuck it, that’s me sorted, I’ll just become an English and geography teacher, grand out”. Annndddddd then my parents made the very good point of “well, you know, you can’t chose what class you’ll teach. What if it’s an all-boys school and they’re all 6 feet tall and absolute nightmares to you?” 
There went that idea.
So finally, a grand 3 weeks before my Leaving Cert, my mother said “you’re going to a career guidance counselor before you throw your life away working in a job you hate, like I did”. And that’s pretty sad, because my mum really does hate her job, but hey, we’ve got to bills pay, so she didn’t have much of a choice. Which got me thinking, what would I love to do? Just in general. Like, if I could do absolutely anything, without money, health, or anything else coming into it, what would I do? The answer was easy. English.
I fucking adore English.
If English was a person, like Time was in ‘Alice Through the Looking Glass’, I’d fucking marry it in a heartbeat.
But my parents didn’t want me to study English in college because of the dreaded “Where will you get a job afterwards?” question.
So we went to a career guidance guy who got me to fill out all these forms and personality tests and asks me a million questions that basically all broke down to the same thing. I hate working with people. I hate numbers. I love languages. *But* I also scored quite high in the ICT section. My mother ran a computer business, I’d been able to type since I was 5, and I had always been the one the teachers in school turned to when trying to work out how to print things. Soooo long story short, my parents and I made a compromise. The career guidance man told me about this new course my first-choice college had started only three years beforehand. ‘Digital Humanities and Information Technologies’. The first graduates weren’t even done college yet. With this course, I would study computer coding and web design and app development and all those lovely ICT things that were in high demand on the job spectrum *but* you also chose a humanities subject to study along with it aka. English.
In two weeks time, I’ll be starting this course in my favourite college. I’ll acquire the computer skills that are becoming more and more vital in today’s world, I’ll study German to have the necessary third language all the multinational companies require in Europe, and I’ll have English to love and adore and rave over and to keep me sane and happy. My parents are happy, I’m happy, and my future employers will be more than happy.
Deciding to do this course was a win-win situation. 
My ideal job is, of course, becoming an author, but while I may be an idealist, I’m a practical idealist (and that paradox is courtesy of my INTJ personality). So I’ll just sit and learn and study and bide my time until I become the next J. K Rowling or Stephan King and then retire with my millions of euros made from book royalities in a huge house with a huge library and a hundred dogs and cats being my only friends.
Or, at least, that’s the plan anyway.
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ahdriking · 6 years
Hey pal I just finished aftg, if youve got any fic recs they'd be v appreciated~ 😊😚🙏📝
HOOOO BOY there are some fucking STELLAR aftg fics out there, i’ll link you to some of my most memorable faves, all of which are long fics, cos I have a type.
Lessons In Cartography by crazy_like_a ( @hopingforcoordinates ): 121k, Explicit(this is probably the most iconic aftg fic ever, it literally feels like a continuation of the books, it’s SO damn good (as is its wip sequel))
a switchblade is my preferred weapon by badacts ( @badacts ): 150k, Mature(one of the absolute best Raven!Neil fics out there, it’s an emotional rollarcoaster from start to finish. I still don’t think i’ve recovered.)
Trust Fall (And Welcoming Arms) by spanglebangle ( @spanglebangle/ @spanglepress ): 84k, Explicit(Honestly I still think about this fic and cry sometimes. This fic has some of the best Andrew/Aaron interactions of any fic i’ve ever read. There’s a lot of therapy, a lot of healing, and a lot of Andrew and Neil growing comfortable with sex. It’s fucking incredible)
we might be hollow (but we’re brave) by stttmsbwa ( @clubbingattheclub ) 40k, Mature(au featuring cats and feels, it’s been ages since i’ve read it but i can remember @chrstmaslouis gushing about it so YA KNOW ITS GOOD)
Creatures We Find in the Forest by crazy_like_a: 70k (wip), Mature(One of the best (if not only) vampire au’s for this fandom. It’s one of my favourite of this authors, and waiting for every new update is HELL but WORTH IT)
the Fear no Fall series: by Saul ( @unkingly​ ): 84k in total, rated T and Explicit(Honesty, who doesn’t love a good pirate/mermaid au? This is probably the best, like, ever… and i don’t usually real T rated fics, so you know it’s worthwhile for story alone.)
And We’ll be Running by allyasavedtheday (@littlespooneven): 62k, Mature(a really, really good, ridiculously cute band au, complete with TWITTER PICS (cos im a sucker for social media aus too))
Hope you enjoy some of these anon!
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marcela13mars · 6 years
Choices Fandom Ultimate Questionaire
I got tagged by the wonderful and talented @confessionsofabrokegirl
1. Which of your MC’s would win the hunger games?
I feel choosing my Hero MC would be cheating. xD I would say TRR MC! Girl ran through the streets of Italy and rolled over cars to catch up to the shady paparazzi lady! IN HIGH HEELS!! Like DAMN!
2. Which MC is your favorite?
I love TRR MC, she is so smart and fun. I am proud of her like she is my own! <3 XD But Bloodbound is a close second, I love how fearless (maybe reckless) she is. Spitting in the Barons face? Fucking legend!
3. If only one LI could be transported into your real life to become your real life partner, who would it be and why?
DON’T MAKE ME CHOOSE BETWEEN ZIG ORTEGA AND DRAKE!! DON’T MAKE ME DO IT!! Fine! I choose Drake. His denim wearing, whisky loving, BBQ loving, Camping loving, loyal AF, shirtless labour self has me shook.
4. Which character do you relate to most?
 Yoooo I have no idea how to answer this.. XD 
5. What was the first book you played?
The Freshman! I was hooked! It was a  rollarcoaster ride! I was all Team Chris but than we pulled the Becca card and I was all “BOY BYE!” and dated Kaitlyn until she started blaming MC for all her problems, and than MR. Zigmund Orega happened. Never looked back!
6. Which book have you replayed the most times?
TRR,and The Freshman. I can easily say TRR is my favourite (also stanning for PM, VoS and BB). I love Drake and Maxwell. They are so different but they are the absolute sweetest!
7. Would you rather have Hero 2 or Most Wanted 2?
I haven’t played Most Waned... I feel so ashamed. I love Hero! I’m waiting for 2! 
8. Did you like LoveHacks?
I loved i! I was fun and a more relaxed game which was awesome when I finished The Crown and the Flame (story was so beautifully intricate and intense).
9. Do you like RoE?
When it was new yeah but near the end I was over it. It was terrible and such a shameless money grabber. Like No ROE no.
10. Which MC in you opinion is the most beautiful?
Bloodbound is absolutely gorgeous! The face options and the hair where all beautiful! Whoever was behind it deserves a raise.👏👏
11. Which female character (from any book) is the prettiest in your opinion?
KAMILAH!! She is the ultimate Queen and I absolutely love how badass she is.
I also got a lotta love for Olivia. She is so gorgeous and fierce. She is also pretty hialrious, she's a gem. 💎💎
12. Which male character (from any book) is the most handsome in your opinion?
Drake and Zig.❤️❤️❤️ I’m not choosing one I refuse! I love them both! ❤️ They are both so gorgeous ❤️
13. Which character is the most intriguing?
It used to be Jax but last chapter left me feeling all "Ugh.." sooo i say The O'Malley’s have me gripped! I love them both and I’m looking forward to knowing more about them.
14. If you had to befriend anyone from any book, who would it be?
Zack for sure (honestly I think he has been the one true BFF to MC I can write an essay on this), Kate O’Malley (she is adorable, fun and looks like she needs a good bff). and Nadia (you know girl is the best to brunch with and she throws great parties at her gallery with all them art hotties!)
15. Which MC has the best outfits?
LOLOL well judging by all the outfits I rejected buying I would say TRR had the best, some of them even came with bonus scenes so that pretty cool.
16. Which book would you want to be transported into and live the life of that MC?
The Royal Romance!!! I would laugh dumping Liam and run away with Drake to NYC and live our lives!! (Sorry Maxwell I love you too)
17. List 5 characters you dislike the most.
1. Tanner Sterling (what kinda name is Tanner)
2. Bryce Sterling (and Bryce for that matter)
3. Nicole Anderson (she is just always raining on my parade and I’m petty)
4. Neville (can’t wait to see him cry in prison! and I’m petty).
5. Beau (boy is a straight up douche).
This was really fun! I will tag some people, in case you already did it, please ignore 💕
@shinkomii @dralenamax 
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