#then Storybrook for another two
bbdoll · 1 year
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You can see the colour run from L. Faba’s face when Twyla takes a seat to sip her bubble tea. 🤣
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eleonoraalbright · 3 months
An Ill-Timed Confession
Pairing: Peter Pan x fem!reader (kinda)
Summary: You tell Henry about your romantic feelings towards Peter Pan. Unfortunately for you, he turns out not to be Henry.
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The citizens of Storybrooke gathered in Granny’s diner to celebrate. Most wore big jovial smiles and talked excitedly to their companions. You took note of the absolute happiness that seemed to radiate from David and Mary Margret. Nevertheless, their daughter was uneasy, as if she half expected the Pied Piper himself to waltz through the doors and rip her son’s heart out.
You felt sorry for Emma’s needless worrying, but understood where it stemmed from. After all, many restless nights would have to be endured before you forgot Pan’s threats in Neverland, not that you wanted to forget every single comment of his just yet. You pushed that particular thought back deep in your mind where it would have to be reconsidered later. You chose to focus on more trivial matters.
Hook was seated at the bar, drinking with the boisterous dwarves. It didn’t escape your notice how often his gaze flickered between the Savior and her ex-boyfriend; Neal left his place beside Henry to chat with Mother Superior. You eyed the pirate’s ill-natured manner with interest when Ruby interrupted your musings of his unfortunate predicament by placing a steaming mug of apple cider on the counter.
You accepted the hot beverage, maneuvering your way through the crowded restaurant and slid into the booth to sit across from Henry. His attention was directed to the storybook in front of him. Even upside down, you recognized the illustration of Cinderella dancing at the ball with her prince. Henry glanced up, seeming apprehensive at your arrival, he tensed for some strange reason. His fingers tapped the edge of the smooth paper.
You offered him a reassuring smile. It would be reasonable for his nerves to be a bit frayed after his harrowing adventure. You blew on your drink and asked in a quiet tone, “How’re you holding up?”
“Good. It’s good to be back here with my family.”
You nodded your head in agreement. That was the understatement of the year. The distress and danger he went through the past few days must have been unimaginable. People often said kids were resilient, however, it was odd how unfazed Henry was at being reunited with his loving family. Odder still was his cold and distant attitude towards you. This was the first genuine conversation you two had exchanged since his capture. It was unlike him to keep to himself for so long.
You were close friends and confidants. It was worrisome for Henry to be this reserved around you. What had happened in Neverland that would have caused such an abrupt change? The next second, you berated yourself for such a thought, having one’s heart torn out would have drastic mental consequences. It was possible he wasn’t comfortable discussing his feelings yet. On the other hand, it would be harmful if he kept them bottled up inside his mind to fester.
The best course of action was to respect his silence and hope in time he would open up. You took another sip of cider while Henry went back to reading. The message was clear; he had no interest in talking any further. The temptation to leave was strong, but you remained in your seat. There was a question you were desperate for Henry to answer, the sooner the better. You blurted out, “What was he like?”
He glanced at you again. “Who?”
“Peter Pan. What was he like? I only met him a handful of times on the island, and he was pretty intimidating. How did he act around you? I mean, Pan was deranged, how’d he manage to convince you to give up your heart?”
Henry shrugged and flipped a page before replying. “He told me magic was dying and my heart was needed to save it. I believed him. And he was…” Henry shivered a little. “He was scary. I’m glad he’s gone.”
You propped your elbows on the table and rested your chin in the palm of your hand, waiting for him to elaborate. He didn’t. Henry reached for his glass of root beer, refusing to utter one more word. You sighed, “Too bad he was a psychopath. Pan was kinda hot.”
Henry spat out his drink, spewing the soft drink all over the table and its contents. You grabbed a handful of napkins and dabbed them on the storybook. “Henry, be careful you almost ruined it!” Emma paused speaking to her parents and shot you both a quizzical look. You waved the wet napkins at her, signaling everything was fine, only a little spill had happened.
“What did you say?” Henry wasn’t the least bit concerned about the precious book. His eyes were wide and his mouth somewhat agape.
“I know, I know, he was a murderer and evil and wanted to kill all of us. But in my defense, he was attractive.”
Henry said nothing for a solid minute, and stared at you as if an extra head had grown from your neck. You were beginning to worry that the poor boy’s brain had broken upon hearing your staggering statement.
As the seconds ticked by you began to regret saying your astonishing confession aloud. Your attraction to Pan was something you had been grappling with ever since laying eyes on him.
You shamed yourself for feeling this way toward such a revolting person, but that would not dampen them. During the adventure, it had been eating you alive from the inside out.
The rest of the group had been debating over the best way to save Henry, how to rescue Neal, and the complications of getting off the Island. Meanwhile, you had been battling the guilt of being enamored with your best friend’s captor.
Near the end of the journey, you made peace with this upsetting fact by realizing you could acknowledge Pan’s attractiveness and still hate his guts for kidnapping Emma’s son.
Though the shock on Henry’s face made you question the wisdom of admitting this so soon after the terrible ordeal. You were on the brink of explaining your more nuanced views to him on this delicate subject when his expression changed.
The corners of his lips turned upward in a disbelieving smirk as he raised one eyebrow in wonderment. He said in a soft voice, almost to himself, “You… like Pan?”
The grin spread wider across his face and he covered his mouth with a hand to muffle the sound of his laughter. His body shook in a fit of merriment. He pointed a finger at you; his eyes contained a mocking glint which was quite foreign to them. “You have a crush on Pan!”
You were uncomfortable at his reaction, but believed it was somewhat deserved. Gesturing to him to lower his voice, you attempted to hobble together a defense. “Not really a crush per say, I–”
Henry interrupted, “That’s so gross. He's– he’s Rumpelstiltskin's dad!”
“That’s true, but it just makes me wonder whether or not Mr. Gold was that good looking in his younger days,” you joked.
He shuddered at that remark and twisted his features into one of disgust. “Ew, I’ll never understand girls.” Puzzled at your stance on his villainous great grandfather, Henry probed, “Why did you like him?”
“Like is a strong word. I didn’t like him. He was gonna kill us all for Pete’s sake, but I did observe that Pan was blessed… genetically speaking.”
A mischievous air hung about Henry as he inched forward in his seat, tilting his head close to yours, and whispered in a low tone. “Tell me, do you fantasize about Peter Pan?”
Your mouth dropped open at his blunt question. You replied in a strained voice, “Henry, that’s a very inappropriate thing to ask.” What on earth had possessed him to say that?
Moments earlier, he was repulsed at the prospect of you harboring secret feelings for Pan and now he was inquiring whether or not you fantasize about his relative!
It was your turn for your brain to stop working. Henry had never, never asked you such a personal question in all your years of friendship. This was most unlike him.
Was there a chance he had bashed his head on a rock somewhere to justify this sudden change of personality? He leaned back into the booth. “That alone gives me my answer.”
Before you could chastise him for his nauseatingly smug attitude, Emma sauntered next to the table. “Sorry to break up the chit chat, kid, it’s time for something you didn’t have in Neverland. Bedtime.”
Henry closed his book, disappointed for having to leave so soon. You were quite relieved; however, sensing Henry was having far too much fun with this knowledge at his fingertips. You were too stunned at your friend’s responses to see he had left with Regina and not Emma.
That conversation had left a bad taste in your mouth. Something wasn’t right with Henry and it made you uneasy. Regret at having confessed your passing fancy towards Peter Pan seeped through you. It could be that this Neverland escapade still had a few loose ends that needed to be tied up.
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You help David and Emma cover Mother Superior's body with a blanket. You shoved your trembling fingers in your coat’s pockets. Your eyes darted up to the sky and scanned for any sign of the one who did this. You didn’t feel safe. At any moment you could meet the same fate as well. The danger was lurking around the corner and–
“What the hell happened?”
You jumped slightly as Regina and Henry raced up to your group.
David answered her. “The shadow, it killed her.”
“Pan’s shadow? I trapped it on the sail.” Regina was confused.
“Yeah, well, it got free.” Emma said while crouching on the steps.
Comprehension dawned on everyone as they realized what that meant. Pan was back. You moved to Henry and wrapped your arms around him in a protective gesture. All thoughts of last night's events flew from your mind.
If Pan was somehow controlling the Shadow from inside the box, then he would never stop terrorizing them until he had the Truest Believer’s Heart. Henry was going to die. The adults discussed what to do as you patted Henry on the head.
The boy said in a hollow voice, “So Pan can still hurt me?”
Regina responded to comfort him, “We don’t know that.” You knew it was inevitable he did though.
“But we have to assume he’s still a threat.” Mary Margret clasped her hands together in worry.
You added, “And that he’s after Henry.”
“Then what am I doing here?” Henry wriggled out of your grasp, looking anxious.
David said, “He’s right. He’s not safe out in the open.”
“You’ll protect me, right?” He hugged Regina as she consoled him.
You were put off at how easily he disregarded you in favor of his mother. It was like he didn’t even acknowledge your presence. But of course, it was natural for a son to turn to his mom in his time of need.
You stopped scolding yourself when you overheard Emma tell Regina that Henry didn’t seem like himself. Your feelings of unease felt vindicated now if she was aware that her son was acting a bit different. It made your head spin; what could it mean?
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After convincing Mr. Gold to give up Pandora’s Box, you all drove to the edge of Storybrooke. You huddled close to Mary Margret and David, watching the red smoke swirl out of the box.
It transformed into Pan, and Emma cocked her gun. Pan stood up, breathing hard, he acted confused, and dumbfounded to see everyone's mistrustful faces. You had to admit, he was a good actor. You couldn’t believe the next words that popped out of his mouth.
Emma was also taken aback. “What?”
“What are you waiting for? Shoot him,” Gold ordered.
Pan panicked. “Don’t! Please! I’m Henry. Pan, he switched our bodies.”
“You expect me to believe that?” Emma continued pointing the gun at him.
You didn’t know what to think of this situation. You wanted to trust him. It would explain Henry's peculiar actions. The other, more cynical part, of your brain was reprimanding yourself for entertaining the outlandish idea.
Pan was a master manipulator, capable of slaughtering you and your loved ones in a millisecond if it benefitted him. He toyed with people’s minds and reveled in the horrible game of it. Your sympathetic side excused that truth when seeing Pan’s face. He was hurt and betrayed. Henry, you were sure it was him, needed a friend.
You almost took a step over the red line when Gold stopped you with his cane and said, “Don’t listen to him. This is one of his tricks.”
Pan/Henry was adamant. “No, it’s not! He did it right before Mr. Gold captured me in the box. I swear!” He stepped forward, but Emma stopped him.
Holding one hand out, she commanded, “Don’t come any closer.” Mr. Gold ordered her to shoot him again. She didn’t. “Maybe he is telling the truth. Maybe that’s why I can’t shake this feeling something’s off about Henry.” Mr. Gold argued with her, but Emma asked Pan to prove his claim.
He started listing facts about Henry. They weren’t persuaded by this. Emma stated, “Pan might know facts. But life is made up of more than that. There are moments. He can’t possibly know all of them. The first time you and I connected, you remember that? Not met, but connected.”
Pan’s face softened at the happy memory. He told her the conversation they had at his castle right after she came to Storybrooke. Emma lowered her gun and embraced him. “It is Henry.”
She released him and they crossed the line into Storybrooke. Henry hugged his grandparents and you soon followed. He enveloped you in a bone crushing hug which you returned with equal joy at having your friend back. It was a little weird since every sense told you this was to all intents and purposes Peter Pan. You pulled back to examine him.
Staring into his green eyes, you squished his cheeks. “This is so surreal.” You tapped his nose. “You really look like him, ya know.” Henry laughed, a delightful but bizarre sound coming from Pan’s throat. It was too innocent.
The full impact of what was happening hit you. You retreated a couple of paces from your friends, and hid your face as mortification overcame your entire being. “Oh no.”
“What’s wrong?” Henry put a comforting hand on your shoulder.
Your face felt ablaze. If Pan was Henry, that meant… “I might’ve– I didn’t know it was him!”
Mr. Gold urged you to go on. “Yes? What is it?”
You gulped as they came closer. “Last night at Granny’s, I told Henry— who I thought was Henry— that Pan was hot.”
Both David and Mary Margret closed their eyes in exasperation. Emma stared at you, questioning your sanity. Bell grinned, and to your surprise, Mr. Gold was unbothered by this. “How tragic. However, we have larger problems that must be dealt with other than your lack of taste.”
“Do you think he’ll do anything to me for saying that to him?” You asked Henry. He had smirked at your confession, which made your heart beat faster at the sight. You wanted to slap yourself for that reaction. Now he frowned at your inquiry.
“I don’t know. Pan might not care or he might target you because of it. Don’t worry about it. We’ll stop him.”
You climbed into the truck’s backseat. The sinking sensation settled in your stomach despite Henry reassuring you everything would turn out for the better. Peter Pan had a plan and it would lead to everyone’s ruin. Your only hope was that he wasn’t concocting a special method of torture for you since laying open your abashed feelings towards him.
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(The previous night)
In the body of his grandson, Pan walked arm-in-arm with Regina down the sidewalk to her home. It was loathsome having to humor the woman while she talked to who she believed was her son. He answered her relentless questions to the best of his ability, keeping his replies vague and unassuming.
She didn’t seem to heed his noncommittal responses. He was impatient for this part of his scheme to be done. He restrained his strong desire to kill her this instant because he had to find her vault first. Pan distracted himself from that impulse by thinking of what you had told him.
It would be beyond humiliating for you when you found out the truth. He couldn’t wait to see your gobsmacked expression when he revealed his true identity, and made Storybrooke into the New Neverland.
Peter Pan would make you regret ever spilling your secrets to him. He was eager to make you into his new plaything, to see how long it took you to cry, to break. He wondered how far over the edge he could drive you. Grateful for the limited light, he allowed a cruel, sadistic smile to form on his lips. This was all too perfect and pleasurable for him.
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swanimagines · 2 months
Summary: Imagine being Jefferson's wife and working in a little tea shop in Storybrooke during the curse that Jefferson visits every day because he wants to see you.
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There you were again. Smiling at customers, making small talk and looking as beautiful as ever. Jefferson swallowed, before forcing a small smile on his face and walked to the counter. You turned around to see him and your smile just grew wider.
"Hi Mr. Jefferson! Your usual?"
Jefferson nodded. "Yes please."
You turned around again to brew his tea, and just like yesterday, and the day before that, and that, and that, he felt a sting in his heart. You had been in love back in the Enchanted Forest, you were his wife, but now you didn't even remember him. The pain was unbearable. He wanted to say something, anything which could make you remember, but nothing came out of his mouth. Anything he would say would just push you away because you'd think he's gone bonkers. Mad as a hatter. So all he could do was stare into your beautiful eyes and think about how much he loved you, how trapped he was with all the memories of you, him and Grace, living happily in the Enchanted Forest. How you'd always come by his bed to serve him his morning tea and you'd always kiss him before he'd take the cup. Your smile made his day before he even got out of the bed, you had been so happy.
"Here's your tea," you snapped him out of his thoughts as you pushed a cup in front of him. "That makes-"
Jefferson nodded before you even finished, forcing a smile on his face again and handed you fifty dollars. "You don't have to say the price, I will always tip my favorite tea shop keeper who makes the best tea."
"You're always so kind, Mr. Jefferson," you said with another small smile and put the money into the counter. "I don't know what did I do to deserve such kindness."
He smiled at you a little wider. "You have done nothing in particular, really. Just being yourself."
You smiled at that, looking downwards, clearly flustered by his words. Then the bell rang as the door opened, and Jefferson glanced over his shoulder, seeing Regina and his smile immediately faltered. She came inside and stood beside him, smiling at you with feigned sweetness.
"I'd like some tea on the go," she said and you nodded.
"Of course, Madam Mayor. What kind of tea would you like?" you asked, gesturing towards the menu above you.
"A large chai latte," Regina told you without even looking at the menu. "And make sure it's extra hot."
"Of course," you said and made her drink, pushing it towards her. "That makes two fifty."
Regina dug her purse for a moment before giving you a few coins. Then she turned towards Jefferson. "You, with me."
Jefferson clenched his jaw, but complied, following Regina out. They walked for a little bit, before he scoffed.
"I didn't know you like chai latte, Mrs. Mayor. Pitch black tea fits more of your style."
"And I didn't know I gave you a permission to seduce her," Regina sighed. "She has a new life now, Jefferson. You have to stay out of it, or something bad might happen."
Jefferson didn't reply to that, knowing that arguing about it wouldn't change anything. He just kept quiet and followed Regina until he could turn towards his mansion. But despite Regina's warning, he knew that he'd be in your shop again tomorrow. He just had to see you, he had to see you smile, to know you're alright. He wanted to keep making you smile with his words - maybe you'd even fall in love with him again. 
He knew it all was wishful thinking, but he couldn't help but feel hopeful about it every time he saw you. Maybe it was stupid, but it kept him sane around this madness…
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cosmicanemoia · 8 months
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Another Curse?
Regina Mills x Reader
You wake up in the middle of the road, just a few feet across the borderline of storybrooke with no memory of the life you've had, the life you've led, and the life you've built.
You wake up in the middle of the road, just a few feet across the borderline of storybrooke with no memory of the life you've had, the life you've led, and the life you've built.
The only thing you can remember is your name, basic information about yourself, about things, and about basic knowledge, enough to keep a person alive. You don't even remember your birthday, or if you have a family. You have to start anew.
You put your foot in front of the other, and you kept on going as if someone was pulling your strings, and when you get to the town centre, you halted in the middle of the road.
A yellow volkswagen beetle almost ran you over. Luckily, the car stopped before it you and sent you flying across town. Your breath hitched, and you're left there frozen, almost being ran over, scared the hell out of you.
The driver stepped out of the car, revealing a tall blonde woman. "Hey! What the hell are you doing just standing in the middle of the road?" She demanded to know, and you answered truthfully, "I don't know." The woman looked around and inquired once more, "What's your name? What are you doing here?" And you once again answered her truthfully, not seeing the point in lying, "I'm Y/N, and I don't know." "Seriously? Do you know anything else other than your name?" Her head is full of question, she signalled you to get in the car. You're still in shock, so you just followed her.
"I'm Emma Swan, sheriff of this town. Let's continue this conversation at the station."
The car ride was quiet and rather quick, you thought to yourself.
When you get to the station, she scans your fingerprints, and the technology is taking long to find a match. It's as if you don't belong in their world. She asked a lot of questions to which your answer is always "I don't know."
Emma dialled something on the telephone and called someone to inform them about this strange situation. "There's this new girl in town, and she doesn't know anything except her name. Come down to the station and help me figure this out. Please, and thank you."
After a few minutes. A brunette, rather attractive woman walks into the station. "Who's this new girl you're talking about, and where is she?" She asked, and you spin the chair around to meet the gaze of the brunette, "that would be me, miss."
You stand up and held your hand out for her to shake "I'm Y/N and I don't know anything else other than staying alive" she chuckled at your corny joke and just as she's about to reach for your hand, Emma stated bursting your bubbles, "you think this is another curse?" You burst out laughing which quickly turn into an awkward chuckle when you see the two woman with stoic faces, you gulped and cleared your throat "Sorry, 'curse' that seems like a funny thing for me but from the look in your faces, safe to say I was wrong."
"You think this is funny?" The brunette practically growled at you. And you apologised. "Sorry, miss. I don't remember shit about shits, so please forgive my ignorance." You slightly bowed your head in her direction. Emma smirked, seeing the brunette flustered by your actions to which you are oblivious of, "cut her some slack, Regina. She doesn't remember anything other than her name."
Emma told you everything. From how they were characters from story books and how a curse or two fell upon them. How both of them were evil once upon a time.
After a few quiet sighs and stolen glances, the woman who Emma said was Regina finally speaks, "What do you suggest we do with her then?"
"Let's look into granny's diner and see if there's a vacant room available." Emma declared, and Regina side eyed you and scoffed, seeing a genuine smile on your face, "why do I have to go? You can do this on your own. Besides, I have far more important things to do than find a stranger a place to stay." Regina whined, and Emma put her hands on her waist and said, "Really? Name one."
Regina looked around but never met your gaze. She muttered words that couldn't be understood, and she sighed loudly, admitting defeat. "Fine, let's just get this over with."
You all went outside. Emma told you to get in the car, but you just stood there contemplating. "Why are you just standing there? Get moving." Regina demanded.
You sighed and looked at her with a sheepish smile. "I don't feel so good about getting in that car anymore." You told them, and Regina rolled her eyes but also chuckled inside. "Oh, you'll get used to it, just get in and let's start moving," Regina stated, and you replied, "Can we just walk there? I'm not getting in the car that almost ran me over."
Regina's eyes widened and turned to look at Emma. "Seriously!?" Emma just shrugs and replied "come on, Madam Mayor, let's get those steps in."
When you got to the diner, the smell of deliciousness blessed your nose, and your stomach growled in turn. They both look at you and eye each other.
"Order anything you want, pretty woman. It's on me." The woman over the counter said, you look at Emma and Regina, thinking she meant one of them. You saw Regina roll her eyes, so you thought, maybe she meant Emma, but when your eyes return to meet the eyes of the woman, she claimed, "I meant you, cutie."
Regina scoffed way too loud than she should, so you turn to look at her and fake a pout "What? You don't think I'm pretty or at least cute? Well, I think you're stunning." Regina, a stuttering mess, "what-- I- what?" Before you can respond, the woman said, grabbing your attention, "I'm Ruby, and you are?" She held her hand out for you to shake, and you replied, "I'm Y/N." Before you can shake her hand, Regina speaks, "I'll just have a coffee." Ruby retracted her hand before you can shook it. She wrote down Regina's order and turns to look at you after waiting for your order as well.
"Give me your best and worst, I'll decide which is which" you held your hand out wanting to properly and formally be introduced "thanks for the treat" she shook your hand out and grinned widely.
After a few seconds, you smiled at her awkwardly and requested, "Can I have my hand back?" She chuckled awkwardly, "right."
Regina sneered seeing the interaction, and Emma grinned knowingly after seeing Regina's reaction to Ruby flirting with you.
When Regina first heard your voice and saw you eye to eye, she felt a pull and that something had shifted. She's immediately drawn to you, though she may not admit it to herself now, she will in time.
During the first week of your arrival, everyone was wary of your presence, but they eventually warms up to you. Except Regina, who keeps her distance from you.
On the second week, she had a broken sink, and your boss sent you to fix it. You rang her doorbell, and when she opened the door to reveal you, she was shocked to see you. "What are you doing here?" She asked, and you quickly replied, "To fix your broken heart," she was taken aback by your sentence. All she could say was, "What?" "You have a broken sink, and I'm here to fix it." You elaborated, you thought you had said 'sink' earlier, but she definitely heard you say 'heart' loud and clear. She just shrugged it off, thinking that you're just being playful.
She watched as you worked, and she could feel herself heat up seeing you so focused and sweaty. She cleared her throat, but you didn't look at her. She cleared it some more, but it still didn't get your attention, and with one last attempt, "Would you like something to drink?" She still failed. A few moments later, she attempted again, "Y/N dear." You stopped what you're doing and give her your undivided attention. "I'm all yours, what's up?" You stare at her as she stared at you, you furrowed your brows, "I thought you called my name," "I did" she nodded her head while still staring at you and how she wish you were truly all hers. You nodded your head back, "I'm done. Is there anything else I can help you with?" She wanted to say 'yeah, help me scratch an itch your giving' but what came out her mouth was "I can't think of anything at the moment but I'll be sure to call you if something came up." She kicks herself internally for being such a wimp whenever she's with you.
There was a party at Regina's House, to which you are invited to, in the third week. "Bored already? Dear." You flinched, you weren't expecting someone to you,"Reggie, you startled me." You look up into the sky and sigh, you look back to her, "can I help you with anything?" You asked and she opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out, she closed it again and just shakes her head "no" she was about to walk away but you grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her closer to you. "Wait," you said, and your breath was tickling her skin. It gave her goosebumps. Her heart is jumping out of her chest, and she chuckles nervously, "what?" She asked. Your hand that grabbed her is now resting on her waist, "Hold on," you replied and added, "Stay still, you have something on your hair." You went to remove it and tuck a few loose strands to her ear, then proceed to pat her head softly, "there, all good."
Her hands rested on your shoulders, and you stared at each other a little longer. When you felt her slowly pulling away, you pulled her into a hug. You felt her fight it, so you tightened your embrace. "Don't fight it." You said softly, and she slowly melts away at your embrace. She would love to get used to this.
Its been months now since you appeared in storybrooke. They still couldn't figure out what your deal is.
You help in town in any way you can. You try to pay back the kindness they showed you. Waitressing at granny's, doing construction work, plumbing, baby sitting, and delivering food.
One midnight, you delivered food to a big white house. You rang the doorbell, rang, and rang, just as you're about to ring it again, the owner burst it open. Regina is on her night gown, and there is irritation written on her face.
"What the hell? It's the middle of the night." She chided, and you just stood there confused where her irritation is coming from, then she added, "well dear, what can I help you with?" You look her right in the eye, "You ordered food, I'm just here to deliver," "I didn't order anything, it's late, and I'm about to sleep."
She starts to slam the door close, you put your free hand between, and the door slams. She's oblivious of the hand you stupidly put there. You screamed in shock, and it startled her. You bit your lips, wincing in pain, and you slowly put the delivery bag down. A tear started rolling down your cheeks. Your hand is throbbing with pain. She looked at you genuinely concerned and cursing herself inside for hurting you. "I'm sorry. I didn't know. I didn't mean to-" she reached for your hands, but you raised it up, pretending that it didn't hurt like hell, so she won't worry, "Don't worry. I'm sure it'll be fine in the morning." You gave her a reassuring smile. You cleared your throat, "It says here Regina Mills and it's address to you. Would it be okay if you receive it? But if you don't I can take it back." You requested, and she decided to receive the food that she knew for sure she didn't order. "Are you sure your hand is okay?" Regina asked, and your eyes fell to look on your reddened and swollen hand. You just shrug it off and say, "it definitely doesn't hurt as much now. Have a good night, Reggie." You wink at her and give her a sweet smile before departing. Regina just stood at her door, watching you walk away, when you're out of sight she realised she has been watching and she gulped and looked around, she closes the door as her head shakes side to side.
The next morning, your hand swelled. Regina dragged you to the hospital. "You should stay at my place until your hand heals." She suggested, and you said and winked at her, "sure baby, whatever helps you sleep at night." Regina takes care of you and follows you everywhere.
"What are you doing?" You asked Regina, "I'm trying to help you." You smirked at her, "I still have a functioning hand, I can feed myself. You're not my mommy." Regina laughed at the end of your sentence, and you smirked when you saw her reaction to your joke. "You know Reggie, there are other ways you could help me with." You declared in a seductive tone, but Regina didn't catch up on it, "Sure of course, anything you need, what is it?" She asked eagerly. You just chuckled and shrugged it off, "Never mind."
Months have passed, and its been more than a year since your arrival. As times passed, the townspeople grew fonder of you, especially the Mayor, Regina, who seemed to have fallen in love with you.
She would bring you apples. Invites you often at her house. Treat you to dinner. Walks with you, ever since you passed at her house alone in the night.
"Do you still not remember anything?" Regina asked, you answered, "No. Its as if I didn't have a life before here." "Maybe you don't." Regina quickly replied, and you chuckled at her, "but I feel like I did, I have, or had." "Maybe they didn't want you there." Regina added, and you nodded. "Maybe. But what if I have a wife?" You said, and the thought of you having a wife that is not her, saddened her, Regina felt her heart shrink. And you continue to speak your thought "Or a child? Euh-- I hope I don't have a child..." you shivered at the thought of having a child and said, "I probably shouldn't have said the last part out loud." Regina chuckled and claimed, "I didn't see a ring on that finger, so you probably don't have a wife." She chuckled nervously at the end of her sentence.
You're conflicted, you feel like your heart already belongs to someone but maybe not, so you just shrug it off and replied "probably," Regina let's out a breathe she didn't know she was holding and she felt relieved.
You and Regina hang out a lot. She loves spending time with you, except when you decide to hang at Granny's. There's a certain someone who 'basically throws herself at you,' she thought, and she didn't like it.
When Ruby flirts with you, you flirt back. Regina would think to herself, 'why does she always flirt back to Ruby and never to me?' The thing is you never thought Regina flirts with you, and you don't catch up on it. It's either, her flirting game is not good, or you're just so oblivious when it comes to her. Maybe it's vice versa.
"Why don't you just ask Ruby out on a date already?" She growled at you, and there's a tinge of hurt in her voice. You snapped your head up to look at her, "where did that come from?" You chuckled at her, she rolled her eyes at you in response, "oh, come on, she flirts with you, and you flirt back every time, and she flirts a lot." You burst out laughing, and you shook it off, "that's just how she is. It's nothing serious."
Regina scoffed, "whatever," and she crossed her arms. You shook your head in disagreement, "She's not my type. I'm more into older women." Regina remained silent. "Besides, I flirt with you more, basically all the time, but you never once flirt back." You claimed, and she sneered, "I flirt with you all the time, and you're the one who never flirts back."
You burst out laughing after hearing her remarks, and she's confused and a little bit annoyed, "of course you think this is funny." She said in a menacing tone.
"We're both such idiots." You shake your head, and she just looks at you as her confusion grows. You grabbed her face and kissed her passionately, hungrily, and desperately, and she just let you, returning the desperation, the hunger, and the passion. When you pull away for air, you can hear everyone at the diner whooping and cheering. Regina gulped completely shocked by your initiation. She wasn't expecting that, but she's not complaining and would like to do it again soon.
Emma, who popped out of nowhere, observed Regina, "You okay, Madam Mayor? Your face is as red as your apples." Regina gulped one more time and sighed, "Oh dear."
2 years had already passed since you first kissed her. You both felt safe and secured. Regina is thinking of asking you to marry her.
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jrob64 · 2 months
Pet for Rent , Chapter 4/4 (The Happy Ending) A CS Modern AU Story
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And so we've reached the end of this little journey. Thank you for reading this story that was one way for me to move through my grief of losing Zeke. Some of you have mentioned that you've lost a pet and reading this has helped you, and that makes me very happy
This chapter earns the story its M rating, but the smut is bracketed by double rows of asterisks and can be easily skipped.
Thanks one more time to @hookedmom, who helped me work out the ending until it was satisfactory to both of us.
Chapter Summary: Henry, Emma, Killian and Winston get their happy ending.
Chapters on Tumblr: Ch. 1 (The Meet Cute) Ch. 2 (The Idea) Ch. 3 (The Adoption)
Rating: M (See note above)
Words: 9319
Also posted to Ao3 and ffn
Story begins under the cut
Winston’s routine between the two households was firmly established during the next month. He spent weekdays with Killian at his apartment, and evenings at Emma and Henry’s house. On the weekends, all four of them spent as much time together as possible.
Emma and Killian were both happy to see that the dog was housebroken and didn’t require a lot of extra work. He did crave attention at times and demonstrated some behaviors that made them think he still had some puppy in him, but the three humans were consistent in their training to stop him from jumping up and barking excessively.
From the very first night he spent with them, he didn’t need to be put outside until morning, and slept soundly on Henry’s bed. The boy and dog formed a fast friendship and once again, Emma had her happy-go-lucky son back. He kept a picture of Ernie on his dresser and mentioned how much he still missed him from time to time, but the joy of having a new dog was healing his heart.
On Fridays and Saturdays, Killian would stay for a few hours after Emma got Henry into bed. They watched television, had lengthy conversations and kissed…a lot. Once they were sure Winston was acclimated to his new environment, they were able to plan another date to eat out and see a movie.
Their relationship was deepening, but they had yet to declare their love for one another. Killian was sure of his feelings for Emma, but didn’t want to spook her by saying anything. Emma wanted to make sure what she felt wasn’t just an infatuation. She had only fallen in love with one other man and had her heart shattered into a million pieces. She couldn’t afford to be wrong about her feelings again, especially since she now had Henry to take into consideration.
The bond between Henry and Killian was getting stronger as well. The two of them watched sporting events on TV, played video games, worked on training Winston and built Lego sets together. Emma was happy her son had a male figure in his life now, but worried about what would happen if Killian decided to move away from Storybrooke.
The first substantial snowfall of the season happened on a Friday in early December. School was letting out at noon due to the storm, which put Emma in a bind. Ashley couldn’t watch him because she was away for the weekend. Emma had already arranged to take off work at three o’clock instead of five, but she wasn’t able to leave another three hours early.
When she considered who else would be willing to help, the next person who came to mind was Killian. As she quickly placed the call, she tapped her fingernails nervously on the desk.
He answered before she even heard it connect. “Swan! This is a nice surprise.”
“You might not think so when I tell you why I’m calling.”
She could hear the instant concern in his voice when he asked, “Is something wrong?”
“They’re letting school out in half an hour because of the weather and Ashley is out of town. I can’t get off work until three o’clock and I need somebody to pick Henry up and watch him until…”
“Calm down, Love,” he interrupted. “Winston and I will pick him up and take him home.”
“Are you sure you don’t mind? I don’t want to take you away from your work…”
“No worries. I’m finished for the day because I already put in extra hours this week.”
“Oh, good,” she said, breathing a sigh of relief. “I’ll call the school and tell them you’ll be picking him up. Since you’re not an authorized pick-up person, you’ll have to go inside to fill out a form when you get there. I’ll also text Mary Margaret and let her know. I really, really appreciate this, Killian.”
“It’s truly no problem, Love. I’ll get Winston ready to go right now. We should be there in about twenty minutes. Will that work?”
“That’s perfect. I need to warn you that it’s probably going to be a bit chaotic in the school office because of the early release.”
“Duly noted. I’ll send you a text when I’ve collected Henry and we’re in the car ready to go home.”
“Thanks, again. You’re a lifesaver.”
Ending the call, she sent up a prayer of thanks and went back to work.
Emma was right about the chaos in the office. Killian had to wait several minutes before they could verify who he was and hand him a form to complete. Just as he was signing his name at the bottom, Mary Margaret ushered Henry in the door, along with two of her other students, whose parents were also waiting.
“Killian!” Henry cried, spotting him immediately.
“Hello, lad. Your mom asked me to pick you up.”
“Yeah, Mrs. Nolan told me. Thanks!”
“You’ll have to sign him out,” Mary Margaret explained, gesturing to the line of parents who were waiting to do that very thing. “Be careful driving home.”
“Thank you. You do the same,” Killian responded, stepping behind the last person in line.
Once Henry was properly signed out, they slipped and slid through the accumulating snow to where Killian had parked the car. Winston started barking from inside as soon as he caught sight of his boy.
While Henry greeted the dog and got himself buckled in, Killian texted Emma, then started the car and pulled out of the parking lot. So far, the snow was just making the roads slushy, but with such precious cargo in the back seat, he drove with extra caution.
By the time Emma arrived home three hours later, the snow was making travel hazardous. Killian heard her come in the door and paused the video game he and Henry were playing.
She was stomping off her boots and shaking the snow out of her hair when he greeted her. “Did you have any trouble, Love?”
“The roads are terrible and the snow is picking up, which means they’re only going to get worse.”
He helped her out of her coat and hung it on one of the hooks on the wall. As she sat on a bench to pull off her boots, he scratched behind his ear and said wistfully, “Perhaps I should just go home now, if they’re getting that bad.”
She glanced up at him, then back down as she finished her task. Once both of her boots were sitting on the rug, she stood and looked toward the living room. “What’s Henry doing?”
“We were playing a video game. He’s probably waiting for me to rejoin him.”
“Let me go say hi to him, then I have something to ask you.”
“Okay, but first…” he said, wrapping his arms around her and giving her a tender kiss. “Welcome home, Love. I’m very glad you made it safely.”
“Mmm, me too, especially when I get a greeting like that.” After giving him one more kiss, she linked their hands and led the way to the living room. Henry was sitting on the couch petting Winston, who was laying beside him. Both of them perked up when the adults entered the room, a wide grin splitting Henry’s face, while Winston thumped his tail on the cushions.
“Hey, kid. How was school today?”
“Great! I wish we could get out early every day!”
Emma laughed. “I wouldn’t count on it. Were you able to go to art class? I know how you look forward to it.”
“We still got to go and I finished my Rainbow Fish project. It turned out really good!”
“Oh, yeah? Did you bring it home?”
“No, it had to finish drying. Mrs. Fisher said she wants to hang it up in the hallway.”
“Maybe I’ll schedule a day to come in and have lunch with you, and you can show it to me then. How does that sound?”
“Cool! I love it when you have lunch with me!”
“I know. I love it, too. Let me know when it’s hung up, okay?” She watched him nod his agreement, then asked, “What have you three boys been up to this afternoon?”
“We went out and played in the snow for a little while, but it got too windy and cold. Killian made hot chocolate when we came inside. Winston loved the snow, didn’t you, boy?”
“He was trying to catch all of the snowflakes,” Killian laughed. “Then he started eating the snow on the ground. He’s such a funny pooch.”
“Show her the picture you took, Killian,” Henry urged.
Killian pulled his phone out of his front pocket and opened his photo gallery. Holding it so Emma could see, he said, “I took several pictures and a couple of videos.”
As he started scrolling through them, he didn’t see the doey-eyed look she gave him before directing her attention to what he was showing her. When he came to the last picture, she burst out laughing. In it, Henry was kneeling on the ground beside Winston, who had snow all over his muzzle.
“He looks like he has a white beard,” she giggled.
“Aye, Whitebeard the Weird, distant relative of Blackbeard the Pirate,” Killian chuckled.
Emma laughed again, then asked her son, “Where did you put your wet clothes?”
“Killian put them in the dryer.”
“Henry showed me where it was located.”
“Thank you. He usually lets them lay in a heap inside the door.” Turning back to Henry, she said, “What else did you do?”
He picked up the Nintendo Switch controller, gesturing to the TV with it. “We played video games until you got home.”
“Sounds like you guys had a good time.”
“We did,” Henry assured her. “And don’t worry, Mom. I thanked Killian for everything.”
“Aye, he did. Henry has very good manners, don’t you, lad?” Killian said, ruffling the boy’s hair.
“Yeah. Are you ready to finish our game?”
“Your mother wanted to talk to me about something first, then I should probably head home. She said the roads are getting bad.”
Henry’s shoulders drooped. “But I thought you would stay like you always do on Fridays.”
Emma said, “Henry, why don’t you play a game by yourself for a while, so I can talk to Killian?”
“Can I play Mario Kart?”
“You know the rules - only if you turned in all of your homework and didn’t get your card pulled for bad behavior this week.”
He jumped off the couch and grabbed his book bag from the recliner where he had tossed it when he got home. Unzipping it, he pulled out a folder and handed it to his mom.
She took it and pulled out the papers from the ‘keep at home’ side, placing them on the end table to look at later. Then she took a sheet from the ‘return to school’ pocket. After looking it over, she gave Henry a smile and kissed him on the forehead. “Good job, kid. I’m proud of you.”
While he was putting the folder back in his bag, she went to the closet and got the treasured game off the shelf above the coat rack. As soon as he got the game set up and was fully engaged in choosing his racer, Emma motioned for Killian to follow her into the kitchen.
She leaned against the front of the sink out of Henry’s line of sight, and Killian stood in front of her, his hands on her hips. “What did you want to talk to me about, Swan?” he asked, a concerned crease across his forehead.
Her eyes remained focused on the floor for several moments. When she finally looked up, there were tears in them.
He stepped closer, dipping his head to scan her face. “Emma, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” she answered quickly. “I just…I…I think I love you.”
Killian’s eyes widened and his jaw dropped. “Wh-what?”
“I love you. I’ve fallen in love with you, Killian Jones.”
He surged forward, claiming the lips that just uttered the words which were music to his ears. He could have kissed her for hours, but he needed to ask her a question. “When?”
“When did I fall in love with you?” she asked, seeking to clarify.
“Aye. When did you know?”
She licked her lips. “I think I’ve been falling for you since the first day we met, but I wanted to make sure it’s really love that I feel. I’ve been burned before, and with Henry to consider, I didn’t want to jump right into a serious relationship. Then today, I just…I realized…I mean, you’re there for me, for us. You’re wonderful with Henry and it…it’s not because you’re trying to impress me or win my affections through my son. You honestly seem to like spending time with him. You dropped everything to pick him up today and then, those videos and pictures…you took videos and pictures of my kid because you were having fun with him.”
She paused for a second and he waited, understanding she needed to gather her thoughts. “But it’s not just because of Henry. That’s important, but it…it’s the way you make me feel. I love every minute we spend together. I can never get enough of being with you. As soon as you leave, I immediately look forward to the next time we’ll see each other. I…I…oh hell, I’m rambling and not making any sense.”
“You’re making perfect sense. I completely understand what you’re trying to say.”
“You do?”
He framed her face with his hands, brushing the apples of her cheeks with his thumbs. “Aye, because I feel the same way. You’re the best part of my day, whether we’re texting, talking, or actually together. I truly do love spending time with Henry because he’s such a great kid and I would never use him to try to impress you, Emma.” He brushed a kiss across her lips. “I’ve known for a while, too. That I love you. I’m in love with you, Emma Swan.”
The brightness of her smile was nearly blinding and it was her turn to initiate the fiery kiss. Afterwards, they stood with their foreheads pressed together, while her fingers played with the ends of his hair at the nape of his neck. “Can I ask you something?” she whispered.
“Of course, Love. Anything.”
She looked into his eyes. “Are you still thinking about moving away from Storybrooke?”
“No,” he answered without hesitation. “I’ve got every reason in the world to stay right here.”
He kissed her sweetly, then sighed. “I hate to ruin this moment, but I really should get started for home. The road conditions are probably worsening by the minute.”
“Actually, that was the original reason I wanted to talk to you. I was thinking that maybe…you could…stay here tonight.”
“Why, Swan,” he teased, “are you inviting me to a sleepover?”
“Well, it would be a very adult sleepover,” she said, watching him closely to gauge his reaction.
He tilted his head and studied her for a moment or two. “Are you saying…you want me to actually sleep with you?”
“I guess we would sleep eventually…”
“Emma, are you sure you’re ready to take that next step?”
“You’re not?”
“I’m not saying that at all,” he said quickly. “I just…would you be comfortable having me stay with you when Henry is right down the hall? We could…we could wait until we’re at my place, if you’d rather.”
“This isn’t spur of the moment, Killian. I’ve been thinking about it for a while now. I think Henry is too young to understand what it means for you to spend the night and still be here in the morning. He just loves having you here and is always sad to see you leave. I’m not saying it’s going to be something that happens every night…”
“I wouldn’t expect that, especially during the week, but perhaps on the weekends?”
“That’s what I was thinking. Of course, we might be jumping the gun to consider more than tonight. You might be appalled by my snoring, drooling, or what I look like first thing in the morning. Or maybe we won’t be…compatible…in bed.”
He grinned. “I highly doubt that will be the case, Emma. Ever since the day we met, I’ve felt like we have a connection to each other that goes beyond friendship. I can’t imagine that not transferring to the bedroom. As far as your snoring and drooling, I’m sure I’ll find it to be absolutely adorable.”
“Whatever you say,” she scoffed. “But when you wake up with my morning breath in your face, you might change your mind.”
“I’m willing to risk it,” he smirked.
She began playing with the buttons on his shirt. “There’s, um…there’s one more thing I need to tell you.”
“What’s that, Love?”
After stepping away from him to check on Henry in the other room, she returned to face him again. “I haven’t been…intimate with anyone since Henry’s father. Henry is my world and everything else has taken a back seat.”
“Which is quite understandable,” Killian said. “It’s been a while for me, too. After getting hurt like I did, I was in no hurry to be with another woman. You have changed so many things in my life, Emma, and I’m anxious to begin this next chapter with you and Henry.”
“Don’t forget Winston,” she quipped.
“How could I forget Winston?” he laughed.
“Okay, so how about we get some supper and watch a movie like we usually do on Friday nights? My guess is that after the excitement of the day, Henry will be asleep before it’s over.”
“That sounds wonderful, Love. What were you planning to eat?”
“I was planning to order pizza, but with the roads the way they are, I think we better go with plan B.”
“Which is…?”
“I have no idea.”
He chuckled and kissed her forehead. “Do you mind if I search your cupboards a bit?”
She wrapped her arms around his neck and crooned, “You can search anything you want.”
“Swan, are you flirting with me to get me riled up?”
“Maybe. Is it working?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” he teased.
“Perhaps I would,” she answered, before scattering kisses along his throat.
“Bad form, Love,” he groaned.
“You don’t like it?” she asked innocently, looking up at him through her lashes.
“I like it too much, that’s the problem,” he said, pressing his hips against hers so she could feel the effect she was having on him.
“Okay, I’ll stop…for now,” she said. She started to move away and he reluctantly released her. “Dig around to your heart’s content and I’ll go see what movie Henry wants to watch.”
Killian ended up making spaghetti with garlic toast for supper. Afterwards, they watched “Luck” on AppleTV, while munching on chocolate chip cookies Emma whipped up. She and Killian managed to make the food while sharing lots of kisses in the kitchen.
Henry didn’t question Killian staying instead of going home; he was simply happy to carry on with their usual Friday evening routine. He made it through the movie without falling asleep, but was reluctant to move when it ended. Emma realized that he wanted Killian to carry him to his room, which he did, making her heart melt as she watched.
While Emma took Henry through his bedtime routine, Killian put Winston outside to do his business. Although he had cleared the patio of snow earlier in the evening, it was covered again.
When he took Winston into Henry’s room after toweling him off, he reported, “I’d say there’s at least six inches of snow and it’s still coming down.”
“Oh, boy!” Henry exclaimed, perking up. “Can you come over tomorrow to play in it with us again?”
Killian scratched behind his ear, looking to Emma for help.
“Actually kid, Killian is going to stay here overnight,” she said.
“He is?”
“Yeah. The roads are pretty bad and I didn’t want him to risk driving home. Is that okay with you?”
Henry gave her a puzzled look. “Sure. Why wouldn’t it be okay?”
Emma shrugged. “He’s never spent the night here before.”
“Well, he should, because we’re usually together all day on Saturdays, too. It doesn’t make sense for him to go home.”
Killian and Emma exchanged a look, then he bid the boy goodnight, patted Winston and left the room so she could read to her son.
After kissing Henry and closing the door to his room, she found Killian sitting on the couch. “Well, I guess that answers the question of whether it’s going to bother Henry,” she said, plopping down beside him.
“Aye,” he chuckled, but she noticed he didn’t look at her.
“Hey,” she said, reaching to take his hand. “Is something wrong?”
“I, uh, I…if we’re going to take that next step in our relationship, I’m concerned about what to do because I don’t have any kind of protection.”
“Well, I obviously don’t have any STDs and I assume you don’t, either.”
“I don’t, but what about preventing you from getting pregnant?”
“Oh, that’s not a problem. I have an IUD. My doctor suggested it because I had such heavy periods after Henry was born.”
“Well, that is a relief,” he said, finally looking at her. “Did Henry fall asleep while you were reading to him?”
“He was out before I read half a page. He actually held out longer than I thought.”
“Tomorrow will be another fun day in the snow for him.”
She turned on the sofa to face him, draping her legs over his. “I was meaning to ask you - did you bring along clothes to wear out in the snow?”
“Aye. Liam advised that I keep extra clothes in the car during the winter months, so I changed into them once we came inside.”
“Did you dry them with Henry’s clothes?”
“I did. I hope that was alright.”
“Of course. I want you to make yourself at home here. I was thinking it might be nice to put up the Christmas tree tomorrow.”
“That’s a wonderful idea. I’m sure Henry loves doing that.”
“Oh yes, he really gets into it,” she laughed. “Although I’m sure you can’t imagine him getting excited about anything!”
Her sarcasm made him chuckle. “That’s one reason why I enjoy being with him so much. He’s enthusiastic about everything.”
“You clearly haven’t seen him do his chores.”
“Well, that’s true,” he agreed with a grin. “I suppose that’s typical for a kid.”
“Not just a kid. I hate doing chores, too.”
“You know,” he said, wrapping his arms around her to pull her into his lap, “I could think of much better things to talk about than chores.”
She adjusted herself so her knees were on either side of his hips, her hands on his shoulders and her forehead resting against his. “Like the fact that I love you?”
“Aye, that’s a much better subject,” he said, nuzzling her nose. They indulged in a long, slow kiss, while their hands roamed each other’s body. “I love you, too,” Killian murmured against her lips. In response, she deepened the kiss and adjusted her position, putting more pressure on his groin. “Swan…” he rasped.
“Maybe we should move to the bedroom,” she whispered in his ear.
The tickling sensation and implication of her words served to increase his arousal. “I like that idea, Love.”
She kissed him one more time, then pushed herself off of him. Threading her fingers through his, she tugged him to his feet. As they quietly moved down the hall, Emma stopped outside Henry’s door, listening intently. Giving a nod, they continued into her bedroom and she closed the door behind them.
“He’s out for the night,” she commented.
“You can tell that just by listening for a few seconds?”
“He’s a mouth breather, a loud one. He probably needs to have his tonsils and adenoids removed, but up until now, I haven’t had a job with good insurance. I just haven’t taken him to the doctor yet.”
“What about Winston?”
“If he needs his tonsils and adenoids out, I’ll let you pay for it,” she teased.
“You’re hilarious, Swan,” he remarked, trying to look stern, but failing to keep the smile from taking over his face.
“Yeah, I know,” she smirked. “Winston has slept through the night since the first night we brought him home.”
“In that case,” Killian said, sauntering into her personal space, “I guess the night is ours.”
“I guess so,” she said, then nervously pulled her bottom lip between her teeth.
Tilting his head, he looked into her eyes for several seconds, then brushed some locks of blonde hair over her shoulder. “Emma, please don’t feel like we have to go ahead with this if you’re…”
“No, Killian,” she interrupted firmly. “I really want this, I’m just…out of practice, I guess.”
He put his hands on her waist and pressed a gentle kiss to her lips. “Relax, Love. Just let things happen naturally, and if they don’t, then we sleep instead. No pressure, okay?”
“You know, the first time I saw you, I had to convince myself you were real. I was sure no one as handsome as you could actually exist. And now, you say something like that and I have to convince myself that you’re real all over again. I mean, when a guy’s girlfriend is offering them sex, how many would say it’s okay if it doesn’t happen?”
“Probably more than you think. I would hope there are more gentlemen than rogues out there.”
Emma thought about that for a few moments, before saying, “I should wash my face and brush my teeth. Why don’t you, um, get comfortable in here and I’ll go take care of that.”
He watched her leave the room, then ran his hands through his hair. He longed to show Emma how much he loved her, but the last thing he wanted was for her to feel uncomfortable or pressured in any way. After stripping down to his navy blue boxers and white T-shirt, he sat on the bed to wait for her to return.
Meanwhile, in the bathroom, she was quietly berating herself in the mirror. “You have this sweet, sexy, perfect boyfriend in your bedroom and you come running in here like a scared rabbit. What is wrong with you?” she asked her reflection. When she didn’t receive an answer, she sighed, tossed a washcloth into the sink and turned on the hot water.
After she finished in the bathroom and padded back to her room, she tapped lightly on the door before entering. Killian looked up at her from his seat on the bed, concern etched on his face. “Alright there, Swan?”
She gave him what she hoped was a reassuring smile. “Yeah, I’m fine. I, um, I laid an extra toothbrush out for you if you wanted to, um, brush your teeth,” she stammered.
“Thank you, Love.” He stood up and slipped out the door.
Emma used the time to change out of her clothes and into a turquoise nightshirt that barely covered her underwear. She was standing in front of her dresser brushing her hair when she heard a soft knock on the door. “Come in,” she said, when it didn’t open right away.
As Killian entered, she saw his reflection in the mirror. She hadn’t gotten a good look at him before he left the room; but now, she saw that he was utterly tantalizing in very little clothing. It made her mouth go dry, but at the same time, made all of her nervousness vanish.
Turning toward him, she saw the anticipation on his face and quickly crossed the space between them. Standing in front of him, she reached up and cupped his face, then pulled him down to connect their lips, trying to pour every ounce of her love into the kiss.
His arms wrapped around her, pulling her snugly against himself. She’d been in his arms many times, but there were always more layers of clothing between them. Feeling his well-defined chest pressed against hers and his strong back under her roaming hands, she could feel her own body reacting.
Finally breaking the kiss, she said breathlessly, “I’m sorry for being so hesitant. I asked you to stay and then I let my nerves and insecurities get to me. It’s just that, in the past, people were always letting me down…”
“Let me assure you, Love,” he said, softly stroking the tips of his fingers over her cheek, “I don’t intend to let you down or hurt you in any way. You mean far too much to me to ever let that happen, trust me.”
Her eyes searched his, knowing she would see nothing but sincerity and love in them. “I do trust you,” she whispered. Taking his hands, she backed up until the backs of her knees hit the bed, then sat down and pulled him down beside her.
“I’m yours,” she said. “Make love to me, Killian.”
Twisting his body, he embraced her, then rolled them until he was on top of her in the middle of the mattress. “As you wish,” he grinned.
They took their time undressing each other between impassioned kisses, their lips finding the skin that was revealed with every discarded article of clothing. Killian paid special attention to Emma’s bare breasts when he removed her shirt, his mouth and calloused fingers on the sensitive flesh making her body sizzle with desire.
When she pushed his boxers down his legs, her eyes widened as she took in the size of his manhood. Her hand wrapped around it, the smooth skin feeling like satin on her palm.
As she slowly stroked him, his fingers moved between her thighs, feeling the damp heat. She widened her legs as one finger made its way inside her. “Killiannn,” she whined.
“Does that feel good?” he murmured into her ear.
“Yesss…so good.”
“What you’re doing feels good to me, too,” he assured her. He pushed himself up to lean on one elbow, sweeping his eyes up and down her form. “Gods, Emma. You’re the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen,” he praised. “You’re absolutely perfect.”
Her hands moved to his chest, fingers swirling through the generous dusting of hair. “So are you.” The fingers of one hand followed the dark trail of hair down his belly and between his legs to fondle his testicles, satisfied when she heard his sharp intake of breath.
They continued to explore, working one another up until both were panting and pleading. Killian took his time ensuring that Emma was prepared, using his fingers around and inside her opening to make her slick with arousal. At the same time, her attention to his cock and the way she scratched her fingernails over the skin of his chest and back made him the hardest he’d ever been.
As he sucked love marks into the soft skin of her breast and rubbed his thumb over her clit, she gasped, “Killian, I…I’m ready.”
He looked up at her through his long, dark lashes. Her skin was flushed, her tongue licking at her kiss-swollen lips. As his eyes connected with her lust-filled green ones, a rush of love and longing crashed over him. “I love you, Emma,” he said, moving up to seal the declaration with another kiss.
“I love you, too. So much,” she replied, running her fingers through his damp strands of hair. Then she shifted on the bed so he could settle between her thighs.
Holding himself above her on one elbow, he reached down to grasp his cock, rubbing it through her slick, wet folds, then slowly began pushing forward. His eyes scanned up her body to study her face, hoping to catch any sign of discomfort in her features. He halted his progress when he detected a slight grimace. “Does that hurt?” he asked.
“No, no,” she assured him. “It burns a little, but mostly it feels…amazing. Please don’t stop.”
He was happy to hear those words, because being only partially inside her felt incredible, and he yearned to keep going. Dropping his elbow down to the other side of her body, he pulled back a little, then pressed forward again, going deeper inch by inch, until he was fully engulfed in her warm, tight sheath.
Resting his head on her chest, he ground out, “Bloody hell, Emma. You feel fucking fantastic.”
She skimmed her hands through his hair. “It feels like you were made for me,” she whispered. Bending her knees, she pulled her feet up beside his hips and gave a slight thrust of her pelvis.
He got the hint and began rocking slowly, savoring every moan and gasp from her. Sensing that she had adjusted to his size, he pulled out until only his tip was still inside, then slid all the way back in with one stroke, gradually picking up the pace.
“Faster…deeper,” she begged.
He obliged, thrusting into her several times in quick succession. Her hips raised off the bed to meet him every time, while her fingers gripped his hair almost painfully.
“Killian, I can’t…I’m going to…”
“Let go, Love,” he encouraged, knowing she was right on the edge.
Throbbing heat and a sudden flood of wetness around his cock told him that she followed his command. She crossed her ankles behind his back, trying to pull him closer, while her head thrashed back and forth on the pillow.
He stilled within her, trying to delay his own climax. As good as it felt to have her pulsing around him, he didn’t want it to end so soon.
“T-top,” she mumbled.
“You want to be on top?”
After wrapping his arms around her, he carefully rolled them over. Emma planted her hands on his chest and pushed herself up, her knees tight against his hips. His hands gripped her forearms as she began lifting and lowering her pelvis, his cock sliding in, then almost out of her over and over again.
Killian was muttering a steady string of praises, telling her how perfect she was and how good she felt. Raising his head, his mouth found one of her nipples, alternately rolling his tongue over it and sucking hard. The effect caused her rhythm to stutter and she threw her head back, letting out a long, guttural moan of his name.
Feeling his release growing imminently closer, he started thrusting up into her. His hand moved down to find her clit, rubbing it roughly as he groaned, “Come again, Emma. Please come, Love. I…I can’t…”
  With one final slide down on him, she did, shuddering and shaking as she cried out, “Yes! Yes, Killian!”
Watching her ecstasy, hearing her shouts and feeling her pulse around him brought him to his peak, too. He jerked and spasmed, spurting hot streams of cum inside her.
When she collapsed on top of him several moments later, he held her close, murmuring words of adoration into her hair. Gradually, their breathing and heart rates returned to normal, and Killian groped around the bed, finding the blanket and pulling it over the top of them.
Emma sighed happily, pressing kisses to his throat and collarbone. “That was amazing! I know it’s been a while, but I don’t remember sex ever being that good.”
“Well, that’s because you’ve never done it with me before,” he chuckled. Hearing her hum of agreement, he added, “It’s never been like that for me, either. Then again, I’ve never loved anyone like I love you. I think that’s what made it so much more intense and meaningful.”
She lifted her head and rested her chin on his sternum, looking into his face. “I’m sure you’re right about that. I’m very glad we decided to take this next step. I feel like we’re more closely connected now.” She wiggled her hips, causing his softening length to shift inside her. “In more ways than one.”
He grinned and reached up to tuck her hair behind her ears. “Meeting you and Henry is the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
Leaning forward, she kissed him; a slow, tender kiss that communicated her feelings more than words ever could. They cuddled a while longer before Emma slipped her shirt back on and went to the bathroom to clean up, bringing a warm washcloth back so Killian could do the same. After he put his boxers on and visited the bathroom himself, they burrowed under the covers, intertwining themselves and sharing more kisses until they finally drifted off to sleep - content, sated and thoroughly in love.
Emma awoke slowly the next morning, the smell of coffee tickling her nose. When her foggy brain remembered what happened the night before, she reached over to find the other side of the bed empty. Sitting up, she rubbed her eyes and stretched.
She felt pleasantly sore in all the right places and smiled when she remembered how she had awakened in the middle of the night to find Killian watching her sleep. The sliver of moonlight seeping in through the slight opening between the curtains illuminated his mischievous blue eyes. It was then she realized he had worked her shirt up above her breasts and was gently massaging them. Soon they were engaged in round two, finding more ways to bring pleasure to one another.
Flinging back the blanket, she grabbed a robe out of her closet and put it on as she walked down the hall. She could hear Henry chattering before she reached the kitchen.
“...and after we play in the snow, we can play more games and watch movies and…”
“Slow down, lad,” she heard Killian say, his gruff morning voice sending shivers down her spine. “I think your mother has some plans for us today.”
“That’s right,” she said, joining them. “I think you’ll like what I have planned.” Peeking over Henry’s shoulder, she asked, “What are you eating, kid?”
“Killian made egg in a basket!” he said excitedly. “It’s really good and he told me he would teach you how to make it too, if you want.”
“Is that so?” she asked, passing behind the ‘chef’ and discreetly pinching his side.
“Bad form, Swan,” he chided playfully. “And to think I made coffee and breakfast for you.”
“Sorry,” she said, stretching to her tiptoes to kiss the underside of his scruffy jaw. He turned so her next kiss was to his lips.
“You guys are being gross,” Henry complained, making the couple laugh. “So what are we doing today, Mom?”
She poured herself a mug of coffee, splashed some creamer into it, then leaned against the counter to take a sip before answering, “I thought we would put up the Christmas tree and decorate it. How does that sound?”
“YAY!” Henry shouted. Winston started barking from where he lay under the table.
“Winston, enough!” Killian commanded and the dog quieted immediately.
“Good morning, sweet boy,” Emma said, bending down to ruffle his ears. “I didn’t see you under there.” Straightening up, she asked her son, “Did you already feed him?”
Henry’s ears reddened. “Uh, no. I forgot.”
Emma gave him a stern look. “You know you’re supposed to feed your dog before you sit down to eat, young man.”
“I know. I’m sorry,” he said, hopping out of his seat and going to the pantry where the dog’s food was stored.
“Apologize to Winston, not me.”
Henry scooped out the food and dumped it into Winston’s bowl. “I’m sorry, boy,” he said, as he set it down beside the refrigerator where the dog sat waiting.
Killian laughed as he watched Winston inhaling his food like he was afraid it was going to disappear. “I think he forgives you, lad.” Looking at Emma, he added, “I already put him outside to do his business. The snow is up to his belly, but he found a spot by the side of the house that wasn’t quite as deep.”
“How long have you been up?” she questioned.
Killian glanced at the clock on the microwave. “Almost an hour.”
“Wow, you’re a morning person. It usually takes me half-an-hour just to pry my eyes open and get out of bed, especially on a Saturday.”
“Well, you know what they say - opposites attract,” he said, setting a plate of food in front of her and sitting down beside her with his own.
As they began to eat, Henry returned to the table and asked, “When are we gonna put up the tree, Mom?”
“You can help decide. Do you want to do it before or after we play in the snow?”
He thought for a second. “Let’s go outside first. Can we bake gingerbread cookies like we did last year, when we decorated the tree?”
“I’m afraid not. We don’t have the necessary ingredients for that kind of cookie.”
Seeing Henry’s disappointed look, Killian said, “I know a good recipe for sugar cookies. Do you like that kind? I know your mother has all the ingredients for them.”
Henry perked up again. “Yeah! Can we decorate them? We have sprinkles left from when you tried to make cupcakes for Avery’s birthday, remember?”
“Ugh, don’t remind me of that fiasco,” Emma groaned, making Henry giggle.
Killian looked between the two of them. “Why was it a fiasco?”
She covered her face with her hands as she answered, “I forgot the baking powder.”
“Do you mean to say,” he began, trying to contain his laughter, “that you baked cupcakes and didn’t put any baking powder in them?”
Dropping her hands, she replied indignantly, “Hey, it happens to the best of us. I’ve seen episodes of the Great British Baking Show where the bakers forget to put in key ingredients.”
“Point taken. Did you take the cupcakes to the party?”
“Are you kidding? They looked like hockey pucks! Of course I didn’t take them to the party.”
Killian laughed heartily, while Emma tried and failed to give him a reproving look. Instead, she dissolved into laughter, too.
“Mom picked up cupcakes at the grocery on the way to the party,” Henry said, then shoved another bite of food into his mouth.
“Well, I promised to bring them, so I had to do something.”
“Very resourceful, Swan.”
By the end of breakfast, they had the day’s schedule worked out. They played in the snow as soon as they were all dressed, then drank hot chocolate and baked cookies. While waiting for the cookies to be cool enough to ice and decorate, Henry and Killian brought the small artificial tree in from the garage.
As they were setting it up, Emma explained, “Henry wants to have a live tree, but I told him he needs to be a little older, because I don’t think I could get one unloaded and set up by myself.”
“Ah, well, if it weren’t for the fact we’re snowed in today, I could have helped you with that,” Killian said. “Perhaps next year.”
“Yeah, that would be nice,” she said, kissing him on the cheek. “I hope we’ll still be together by then.”
He pulled her against him, wrapping her in his warm embrace. “I have every confidence we will, Love.”
The day was the most fun any of them could remember. They decorated cookies and the tree while listening to Christmas music, played some board games, then watched two Christmas movies with only the lights from the tree and television illuminating the living room. Killian sat on the couch between Emma and Henry, both of whom were snuggled close to his side.
Emma and Killian shared many affectionate caresses and kisses throughout the day, unable to keep from touching each other. That evening, after Henry and Winston were in bed, they spooned on the sofa, quietly discussing plans for the next day, Christmas and New Years Eve.
Both of them were hopeful and excited about their future together.
Eight Months Later
“Great pass, Nicholas!” Killian shouted, running along the sidelines to coach his players. “Keep it under control, Grace! Get open, Henry! There he is! Pass it, Grace!”
As Henry’s kick sent the soccer ball flying into the goal, Emma leaped from her seat with a cheer, causing Winston to jump up and start barking. Everyone around them laughed, used to the excitable black dog who was always at the games to watch his young master.
When the game ended, Killian’s team was victorious for the third week in a row. Henry shook hands with the other team, then sprinted over to his mom and Winston.
“Good game, kid!” Emma exclaimed, returning his hug. “Your team is doing great this year.”
“That’s because we have the best coach in the whole world!” he beamed, taking Winston’s leash from her as the dog jumped around him enthusiastically.
Emma watched Killian gather his clipboard and Henry’s water bottle. Several parents approached him to offer their words of appreciation, and she smiled as he humbly accepted them.
He really was too good to be true, except that he absolutely was…and he was hers.
She turned to fold up her lawn chair and collect Winston’s favorite ducky toy, and soon felt two strong arms wrap around her from behind.
“Congratulations, coach,” she said, twisting in his arms to kiss him.
“Thank you, Love. The team is really starting to gel, don’t you think?”
“That’s because, as Henry just said, they have the best coach in the world.”
“He said that?” Killian asked, rubbing self-consciously behind his ear.
“Yeah, and I agree. They love playing for you, Babe.”
“Well, they’re fun to coach. I’m glad you talked me into it.”
“Pfft,” Emma scoffed. “I’m not the one who did it. It was that nine-year-old con artist who lives with us.”
“He can be quite persuasive,” he conceded. “Takes after his mother.”
“Hey!” she said, lightly slapping his chest. “I never talk you into doing things you don’t want to do.”
“That’s very true,” he murmured into her ear. “I’m always up for what you want me to do.”
She giggled and engaged him in another kiss, only to be interrupted by a loud, exasperated, “Mom! Killian! You guys are embarrassing!”
They broke apart with a laugh. “Sorry, kid,” Emma said, not sounding one bit apologetic. “Ready to go home?”
“Actually, Henry and I thought it might be fun to go to the nature preserve this morning,” Killian said. “Is that alright with you, Swan?”
“Sounds good to me. I’m glad I wore sneakers instead of sandals.”
They headed to the car and were soon on their way to the preserve. Emma noticed Killian shifting in his seat and nervously tapping his fingers on the steering wheel. “Are you okay?” she asked.
“Oh, um, aye. Just working out some energy left over from the game.”
She studied him for several more moments, then shrugged slightly and turned to ask Henry what he wanted for lunch when they got home, later.
There were several cars in the main parking lot at the preserve, so Killian kept driving until they reached a more remote section. Winston always got distracted if there were too many people around, so they tried to stick to the paths that weren’t likely to be as busy.
Once they found a place to park and were out of the car, Henry and Winston started along the path that led into the woods. Emma and Killian trailed behind, falling into easy conversation, as always. Their current topic was Belle and Liam, who were due to return from their honeymoon the following day. Despite being wed at the beginning of June, the couple waited to go on their trip until August, because Liam could get airline tickets for a much better price late in the summer.
“Bloody wanker, always after a discount,” Killian grumbled, not for the first time. “Even for his honeymoon!”
“Belle didn’t seem to mind,” Emma pointed out. “She was excited because the best time to see Beluga Whales in Alaska is during the month of August. I hope they were able to see some.”
“Aye, me too. That’s probably the reason Liam booked it for this month, anyway. He just wants to make everyone think he’s a miser.”
Emma wrapped her arm around his more tightly and leaned into him. “I definitely got the better brother,” she stated playfully.
“That you did, Love,” he grinned, pressing a kiss to her temple.
After hiking for twenty minutes, they came to their favorite spot on the path - a small fishing pond surrounded by tall, reedy grass and cattails. Henry and Winston started exploring the perimeter of the water, in search of frogs. Ever since finding one at this pond earlier in the summer, they were determined to find another.
“Care to sit down for a bit, Love?” Killian asked, indicating a wooden bench.
“Yeah. I’m sure the two of them will want to stay here a while.”
They sat together in comfortable silence, listening to the chirping of birds and buzz of insects. Finally, Killian turned to her and said, “We’ve known each other for almost a year now, haven’t we?”
“We met in September, so it’ll be a year next month.”
“It’s been the best year of my life.”
“Mmhmm. Mine, too. Especially these last three months when you officially moved in with us.”
“Well, I did have to live somewhere, since the lease on my apartment was up,” he teased.
“Oh, so now the truth comes out,” she shot back with a giggle.
“Aye,” he sighed dramatically. “I only love you for your house.”
“You’re so full of it, Jones,” she said, elbowing him in the side.
He leaned back and put his arm around her shoulders, pulling her against his side, both of them watching Henry and Winston chasing what looked like a dragonfly.
“Those two are something else,” she remarked.
“They’re both good boys. I’m very lucky to be part of their lives.”
Emma hummed. “We’re all very lucky to have you in our lives.”
After another lengthy pause, he murmured, “I love you, Emma.”
“I love you, too.”
He slipped from his seat and knelt in front of her. “Enough to marry me?” he asked, looking up into her eyes, widened in surprise.
“Killian…wh-what are you doing?” she stammered.
“Isn’t it obvious, Love? I’m proposing. But I guess I’ve forgotten something, haven’t I?” Unbuttoning the pocket on the side of his cargo shorts, he reached in and withdrew a diamond solitaire ring, holding it up between them. “Emma, we may have met because of a mistake, but I don’t think of it that way. I’m convinced it was God’s plan for us to meet in just the right place at exactly the right time. You, Henry and Winston are the center of my world and that’s where I want you to be for the rest of my life. So, Emma Swan, will you marry me?”
She brushed at the tears trickling down her cheeks as a huge smile crossed her face. “Yes, Killian! Of course I’ll marry you!”
He took her trembling hand in his and slid the ring into place. Then he wrapped her in his arms, kissing her hair, eyes, cheeks, and finally, her lips, salty with her tears.
Their celebration was cut short when Henry asked, “Did she say yes?”
Both of them dissolved into laughter. He was notorious for interrupting them when they were kissing, whether out of disgust or because he was simply oblivious.
“Aye, lad. She did,” Killian answered.
“Wait, you were in on this?” Emma asked her son.
“Yeah. Last night, Killian asked me if it was okay for him to marry you. I said it was, so that’s why we decided to come here after the game today - so he could oppose.”
“Propose,” Killian corrected, as Emma laughed.
Henry shrugged. “Whatever. So you’re getting married? We’re gonna be a real family?” His excitement grew as he realized what it all meant.
“Yeah, kid. We’ll officially become a family. What do you think about that?”
It wasn’t a surprise to either of them that his answer was a loud, “YAY!” while Winston barked his approval, too.
Emma and Killian were married sixteen months later, the day before the second anniversary of when they first declared their love for each other. Fortunately, there was no snowstorm on their wedding day.
Henry proudly walked his mother down the aisle to meet Killian at the altar. The boy shook his soon-to-be stepfather’s hand, then nearly tackled him in a hug, before taking his place beside Liam.
The ceremony was beautiful and perfect, which in Killian’s mind, matched his bride. Everyone had a wonderful time at the reception afterwards, celebrating the couple with food and dancing. Liam’s best man speech caused Killian’s face to turn red with embarrassment, as everyone else’s turned red with laughter.
The traditional father/daughter dance was replaced with a mother/son dance instead. As the two most important people in his life moved in small circles in the middle of the floor to the song “How Long Will I Love You?”, Killian repeatedly swallowed past the lump in his throat and wiped away a stray tear or two.
While the newlyweds enjoyed a honeymoon in a tropical climate, Henry and Winston stayed with Belle and Liam. The boy and his dog slept in the spare bedroom that was in the process of being turned into a nursery for Henry’s future cousin, due to arrive in two months.
Emma and Killian purchased a larger house, two blocks from the Storybrooke harbor, six months after their wedding. While they were signing the final legal papers for the sale, they were beginning another legal process.
One morning in October, Henry came into the kitchen and gave Winston an extra helping of food in celebration of their pet’s ‘gotcha day’. Sitting down at the table, he was excited to find his favorite breakfast of French toast with bacon on his plate, and folded pieces of paper beside it.
After drowning his food in maple syrup and taking a huge bite, he picked up the papers and asked, “What are these?”
“Open them and see,” Emma said, her face glowing with excitement as she met Killian’s eyes across the table.
Henry did as he was told, scanning the page until he realized that the first one was a certificate of adoption. His eyes shot up to land on Killian. “Does this mean you’re officially my dad?”
“Aye, lad, I’m legally your father. I signed the final papers a couple of weeks ago. We’ve just been waiting for that other paper to arrive before we told you.”
Henry slid the second paper out from underneath the first, his eyes widening even more. “It says Henry Andrew Jones. Is that really my name now?”
“Yeah, kid,” Emma answered. “That’s your new birth certificate and it names Killian as your father. What do you think?”
In answer, he jumped out of his chair and ran around the table to fly into Killian’s waiting arms. “I think it’s the best day of my life!” he exclaimed. “I love you, Dad!”
“I love you, too, my boy,” Killian replied, a slight catch in his voice at hearing Henry call him that title for the very first time.
Henry turned to give Emma a hug, also. “It’s pretty cool that Winston and I both have the same ‘gotcha day’,” he said.
His parents laughed. “I didn’t think about that,” Emma admitted.
That Christmas, their friends and family received a card which included a picture of Henry, Emma, Killian and Winston in front of their decorated, live Christmas tree. It was signed:
Happy Holidays! With love from the Jones family.
Thank you so very much for reading!
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spartanguard · 10 days
when Emma falls in love [from the vault]
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Summary: When Emma falls in love, I know that boy will never be the same | When she came to Storybrooke, finding love was the farthest thing from Emma's mind. Until she started to get to know Ian, the bartender down at the Rabbit Hole. A crush is the last thing she needs—not when she's in the middle of a murder investigation and her son keeps talking about curses. Or maybe it's exactly what both of them need. [Inspired by "When Emma Falls In Love" by Taylor Swift] A/N: This is the next in my series of fics inspired by Taylor Swift's vault tracks (mostly from Speak Now (Taylor's Version), but there will be more!). Wanted to post this before we all died from TTPD tomorrow ;) I think this is also my favorite of the ones I've written so far; hope you like it, too! And, as always, thank you to @optomisticgirl for being the best beta ever. rated T | 6.2k words | AO3
When the door swung open, Emma was half expecting it to be someone from downstairs yelling at her to stop her pacing; too many years living in crappy apartments had done that to her. But it was just Mary Margaret, coming home from work.
That said— “Uh, you okay? If you pace any harder, you’re gonna wear a hole in the floor,” her roommate remarked.
“Ugh, sorry,” Emma answered, taking a seat at one of the barstools at the counter. “It was that or attacking the toaster again.”
“You didn’t get fired again, did you?” Mary Margaret asked as she set a bag of groceries on the counter. “‘Cause last I checked, you were your own boss.”
Emma scoffed. “No; just…other stuff.” She swallowed. “Boy stuff?” (She wasn’t sure why she said it like it was a question, other than the fact that she’d never been one to talk about relationships or anything—never had anyone she could talk to about that, so she wasn’t sure if this was the right way to start.)
“Well, that’s convenient,” Mary Margaret said, and reached into the paper sack. “I bought wine,” she finished, pulling out a cheap screw-top bottle of rosé.
“Might need more than that.”
“Good thing I got two,” she answered, producing another.
They curled up at opposite ends of the couch, not even bothering with wine glasses. After a few (hefty) sips, Mary Margaret looked at her pointedly and Emma was suddenly very aware of why her students respected her so much. “Okay. Spill.”
Emma sighed, but obliged. “Okay, you know the bartender down at the Rabbit Hole?”
“Not well, but I know who he is. Ian, right?”
“Yeah, Ian Johnson. He, uh…I mean, I…” She hummed. “I think I like him.”
“Oh my god, you sound like one of my fifth graders,” Mary Margaret replied. “You’re attracted to him? Or maybe a little more?”
Emma took another pull from her bottle. “Maybe a lot more.”
“I sense a ‘but’ coming.”
(His ass was fantastic, but that was beside the point.) “But…you know how I am. My history. It hasn’t really been that long since Graham…” She still had a hard time saying died.
“I know,” Mary Margaret said softly. “No one says you have to rush into anything. But if you’re feeling something, it doesn’t hurt to pursue it. Especially if he seems to reciprocate.”
Well, that was her other conundrum, wasn’t it: did he? Much like her, he wasn’t really prone to showing emotion—not noticeably, at least; he wore an air of apathy as well as he did his dark-wash jeans. In fact, she didn’t give him much thought after she first met him—when she’d been called to the bar to drag Leroy to the drunk tank on one of her first overnight shifts as a deputy. 
She’d definitely seen him, though; Ian was certainly easy on the eyes—perfectly disheveled hair above light blue eyes, just the right amount of gingery stubble, and a hint of chest hair visible through the open vee of his appropriately tight henley—but her thoughts towards him didn’t go deeper than the surface. She also hadn’t missed the quick once-over he gave her, though she couldn’t tell if it was in appreciation or merely assessment.
It wasn’t until her following visit (Leroy’s next trip to the station’s overnight accommodations) that he did more than hum at her, but there was very little effort in the casual pickup line he threw at her (and she did her damnedest to ignore the lilt of his foreign accent).
She knew his kind—or so she thought: the type of asshole who hid behind a pretty face and a quick come-on and that was all it took to get into a girl’s pants. Frankly, that was something she’d fallen for a few too many times, but not here—not in Storybrooke. Not when Regina was constantly looking for a reason to send her out of town (even if she won that sheriff election fair and square, Gold’s involvement notwithstanding) or limit her time with Henry.
It wasn’t until the first time she got a call at the bar after Graham died that she exchanged more than passing pleasantries with him. Ian wasn’t the first to express his condolences, but he was the first to say, “It’s just not fair.” That was exactly how she felt, too. And that’s when things started to shift between them.
(Apparently, he and Graham went way back—he didn’t specify how far, but it sounded like a while, the kind of vague forever that seemed prevalent in such a small town. Graham had helped him out of a few scrapes, and vice versa. “He was a good man,” Ian had concluded. “Seems those always go too soon.” It felt like there was more to go with that statement, but then “Only the Good Die Young” had come on the jukebox and it was a little too on the nose and she had to get out of there.)
But it really took a turn the night he intervened while she was breaking up a bar fight, getting in the way of a drunken punch meant for her and taking it in the cheek instead. (That was also the night she finally noticed his left arm ended not in a hand, but a prosthesis, as she made the assailant wait in the squad car while she put together an ice pack for Ian’s face; she also found out that night that he mixed a mean whiskey sour.)
So they were…she wasn’t sure if they could really say “friends” after that—not quite a team, either; allies, maybe? Whatever it was, it was definitely something she needed. 
She started to run into him at Granny’s after that. The first time, she was getting her morning coffee before heading into the station; he was getting some tea before heading home after closing the bar. Then they’d see each other at lunch hour; if the diner was full, they shared a booth. But then that became something of a habit, too, on the days he didn’t close and she didn’t work overnight (though they eventually started another of sharing a drink at the end of their late-night shifts).
Admittedly, it was a little awkward at first; Emma had never been great at the whole small-talk thing (and even worse at the making-friends thing)—but on the bright side, so was he. She found out little things, like when a favorite song would come on (“Behind Blue Eyes” was up there, unsurprisingly/heartbreakingly), or when she’d ask for a liquor recommendation (rum—always rum). She let slip at one point how much she enjoyed Motown, and he quickly picked up on her hot chocolate order.
More solid information came to light later; as she’d guessed, he was a loner, too—no family left, and had drifted around England and the US until he ended up in Storybrooke, somehow. He made an appreciative comment about her being a fellow jailbird over a beat-up copy of that awful article in the Mirror, but his face fell when she mentioned how old she’d been—a rare emotional moment for him. (But not as intense as when she’d commented on the tattoo on his forearm late one night, and the unmistakable look of loss took over; all they could do at that point was make a toast to living through heartbreak.)
It was…she didn’t want to say easy, but it was nice—there were no expectations, no responsibilities. Just the pleasure of each other’s company, and a sense of kindred comraderie. 
She was also aware, but ignoring the fact, that the less she knew, the better. There was less chance that he was lying to her or holding something back; less chance for him to get disappointed in who she was. (Less chance to be hurt.) 
“He does, right?” Mary Margaret’s question dragged her back to the present. 
Which brought Emma to the downside of being attracted to someone whose walls abutted hers: it was hard to get a read on what was going on in his head, especially when he wasn’t outwardly expressive (more than when they first met, but it was still rare). All she could do was shrug at her roommate and take another pull of wine. 
“Yeah, he’s always come off as kind of aloof,” Mary Margaret agreed. “Not altogether unfeeling—more like, not a lot?”
Emma was the last person to make any comments there. What was it she’d said to Graham? “Not feeling anything is an attractive option when what you're feeling sucks.” They both had reason enough for that. 
“But it looks like you’ve gotten closer to him than anyone in a while,” her roommate went on, “and vice versa?”
“More or less,” Emma conceded. “Present company notwithstanding.”
“I’m honored. And you know what I say about hope,” she answered. 
Emma did, but wasn’t sure she was ready to say she was that far in. She extended the end of her bottle to Mary Margaret, who clinked her own against it in solidarity. 
By the end of the night, she had no further clarity on the situation and the beginnings of a hangover. Maybe she was overthinking it—or maybe it wasn’t even worth overthinking; it’s not like these things ever worked out in her favor anyway.
But…she did keep thinking about hope. 
Her friends eventually dragged her out to the Rabbit Hole for a girls’ night. They’d cited the fact that she missed all the excitement on Valentine’s Day, with Ashley’s engagement, so she needed to make up for it. 
Despite still being new to the whole having-female-friends thing (having any friends, really), she had fun. Ian poured the drinks strong and sent more than a few small, sideways grins her way as he watched her dance with the others. She was hoping her subsequent blush could be blamed on exertion or alcohol, except—
“Oh my god,” Ruby yelled at her as they returned to their booth for a refreshment. “Just go screw him already.”
“Excuse me?”
“You’ve been eye-fucking the bartender all night! Go do something about it!”
Well, now her cheeks surely matched her bright red dress—and, to make it worse (or better, Ruby would probably say), when she glanced over at Ian a moment later to see if he’d heard, he was smirking and raised an eyebrow as soon as she caught his eye.
(They hadn’t crossed that line yet but—it had been close. She’d been all too aware of the proximity of their lips when she was helping him shut down last week and they’d collided in the back hall—her hands on his firm chest, his coming to her waist, the dart of her eyes to his mouth—she’d basically sprinted out of there.)
There was definitely an itch to scratch, but she wasn’t about to go there with him. Because she knew, with him, it would be so much more than that. (And if he didn’t reciprocate…that would be even worse.)
“So I hear you’ve been hanging out with the bartender,” Regina asked her one day after she dropped Henry off at the mayor’s house.
Emma shrugged. “I guess,” she answered, downplaying whatever it was they had—if only because she had a feeling Regina would find a way to weaponize it. 
(Also, he was good with Henry—like, really good, maybe even better than she was. For someone who didn’t appear to care much about…anything, he always seemed to brighten and engage so much more around her kid whenever they ran into him at Granny’s. He even indulged Henry’s theories about the “curse”, but her son hadn’t decided who Ian was in this supposed other life. Emma didn’t have any ideas, either, if only because that meant Ian was the one person safe from Henry’s childlike scrutiny.)
“Even with everything he’s done?”
That got her attention. “What has he done?”
“More like what hasn’t he done; you’re the sheriff—you could look up his rap sheet. He’s got some blood on those hands—well, hand. Has he even mentioned how that happened?”
“No,” Emma said stiffly. “He hasn’t.”
“I don’t suppose he’s mentioned anything about his ex either, then. Who was married.”
“Uh, no.”
“Well, maybe you should look into it—so you can be aware of just who you’re allowing around my son.”
The mayor pointedly closed the door at that, leaving Emma alone with her thoughts—never a good combination. She was mulling it over on the drive to the station—how much did she actually believe what Regina was saying? 
But her curiosity was too piqued to let it rest. She felt like the biggest asshole, but after she got settled for the start of her shift, she ended up in the records room, particularly in front of the drawer labeled H–J.
As much as she didn’t want to—she had to know. She slid the drawer open and dug through the folders, until she found the one near the back labeled Johnson, Ian Brennan.
It was thick.  His ‘jailbird’ comment from a while back returned to her; she thought he’d been joking at the time.
She didn’t look inside until she was in her office, with the door shut—not that she expected any visitors, least of all him (he was working anyways), but she still felt like she was doing something wrong, even if she had perfectly legal access to these files.
She took a deep breath and flipped it open.
Ian was glaring at her from the photo paper-clipped to the stack of forms—a bit younger, a bit angrier than the man she knew, with a fire in those blue eyes she’d never seen, even from behind a layer of guyliner and shaggy bangs. 
Beneath it, typed out, it listed his name, birthdate (although the year was smudged beyond recognition), that he was born in England, and a charge for drunk driving.
The next sheet: illegal possession of a firearm.
The next several that followed included a handful of drug-related charges, mostly involving the transporting of them.
The last page said manslaughter.
She slammed the folder shut and threw it in the empty bottom drawer of her desk.
In vain, she tried to pretend she hadn’t seen it. Maybe someone planted it there? She wouldn’t put it past Regina, though as to why, she couldn’t guess. The comments about an affair, though—she’d done the whole dating-a-married-guy thing; it hadn’t ended well, but it still wasn’t something she was keen on.
For the next week or so, she managed to avoid him—took all her Granny’s orders to go; sent Ruby to deal with anything at the bar; and one time, ran down an alley when she saw him coming the opposite way down the sidewalk. (She didn’t say she was mature about it…or subtle.)
When she got home later that week, there were two bottles of rosé on the counter again. “My turn,” Mary Margaret said, handing one over.
Was infidelity just a thing here? Because now her roommate was dealing with it, too. Emma’s opinion of David wasn’t the highest at the moment—he couldn’t string her best friend along and stay with his wife—but the longer Mary Margaret pursued this, the more heartache it was gonna cause.
“Thanks for talking to me about it,” she said, halfway through the bottle. “What about you? How are things with Ian?”
Emma took a long, long drink. 
“Gotcha,” Mary Margaret said knowingly.
It came to a head when she was in the station one morning, having arrived to her shift early in order to avoid seeing him at the diner. She was dealing with some paperwork when she heard the front door open. “In here,” she called out, assuming it was Regina telling her off for something she hadn’t done right. Footsteps approached. “What would you like to yell at me about today, Madam Mayor?” she asked sarcastically.
“I hadn’t planned on yelling, but I did want to ask why you’ve been avoiding me.”
Oh shit. Ian was there in the doorway, a coffee cup and bag from Granny’s in his hand, and a serious set in his stare.
“I haven’t,” she lied, then turned back to the computer screen (not that it was doing anything—it still ran Windows 98, after all). “I’ve just been busy.”
“See, I’m actually quite perceptive,” he replied, then stepped forward to set the foodstuffs on the corner of her desk. “And this? This is avoiding.”
She closed her eyes and sighed. “Yeah,” she had to admit. They’d always been honest with each other, even if they’d clearly withheld some things. And given how poorly her attempted lie a moment ago went, it would be dumb to try to again.
“What is it, love? Did I do something wrong?”
She opened her eyes to look up at him, and regretted it—he looked genuinely hurt. What she was about to do probably wouldn’t help.
Staying seated, she bent down to open the bottom drawer on her desk, and then pulled out his file. Then she carefully set it in front of her.
He immediately recognized it, she could tell. “Ah.”
“I’m sorry; I was talking to Regina and she said some things and—curiosity got the best of me.”
“I see.”
She couldn’t tell if he was angry or hurt—or both—but either way, she felt like an ass. May as well throw fuel on the fire. “She mentioned something about your ex, too—specifically, her marital status.”
“She did, did she?” His words were suddenly emotionless.
“Is…is that all you’re gonna say?” she eventually asked quietly.
He blinked slowly, as when he opened his eyes, they were just a bit duller—a bit more reserved. (That was worse than anything else she’d seen recently.)
“What else needs to be said, Swan?” he shrugged. “You apparently have all you need to know right there, between that and whatever the mayor has told you.”
His gaze settled somewhere near the floor and silence stretched uncomfortably between them. Even louder to her, though, was the fact he was just…accepting it. 
“Seriously?” she snapped. “You’re not gonna defend yourself, or fight back at whatever is incorrect in my assumptions?”
He furrowed his brow. “What good would it do?”
“Show me you give a crap!” she shouted, standing so fast it sent her rolling chair sliding into the wall. “Because I’m trying to figure out whatever the hell this is,” she went on, gesturing between them, “but I can’t tell if you actually care or not.”
Finally, something steely settled in his gaze. 
“Not feeling anything is an attractive option when what you’re feeling sucks,” he stated, plainly but pointedly. 
She swallowed at the recitation of what she once had said to Graham. She already knew she wasn’t the first sheriff to strike up a friendship with him, but she was probably the only one Ian had thrown their own words back at. 
“Yeah, but that doesn’t make it go away,” she countered. 
“If you do it long enough, it does.”
“And then what? You just never feel anything for the rest of your life?” God, Mary Margaret was really rubbing off on her—though that didn’t mean her calling him out wasn’t a little hypocritical. 
“It had been working well for me.”
“Fine then,” she spat. “You can go back to your lonely existence and I’ll fuck off to mine and we’ll just leave it at that.” She crossed her arms and curled in on herself; she was definitely pouting, but the alternative was flopping back in her seat and crying. 
His face relaxed, almost going the other way into a frown. “Bloody hell, that’s not what—no, love, I—I just thought you knew me better than that,” he admitted, almost apologetically. 
“Well, apparently I don’t,” she parroted back. “I’m wondering if I know anything about you. This is some serious shit, Ian.”
“And I thought you of all people might understand that,” he said matter-of-factly. “I remember the headlines after you arrived in town; just because you have a badge now doesn’t mean you’ve always been on the right side of the law, either.”
“I’m not pretending I didn’t!”
“Neither am I. I just don’t go broadcasting it, given that I still have the option not to.”
“Yeah, I don’t think I’d be telling people I killed someone either.”
“I—” He started to talk, but then closed his mouth and clenched his jaw. After taking a deep breath, he said, “Not that I really need to, but can I tell you the full story? Before you completely write me off?”
She nodded, but held back what she was really thinking: that she didn’t want him to write himself off. 
“I did get into some bad shit,” he started. “My brother was gone, my ex had just died, and I was suddenly an amputee, so I was alone and spiraling. Fell in with the wrong crowd—classic story. Got in deep with a drug ring, and then I got caught. Killed a member of a warring cartel in the process. But, by some miracle, I had a great lawyer. They got a few of the charges thrown out for lack of evidence and I reached a plea deal on the others, along with a heavily reduced sentence for my cooperation in taking down much of the rest of the ring. Did my time, now I’m here. And I regret it every day.”
“Damn.” That was heavier than expected. 
“Aye.” He scratched nervously behind his ear. “Anything else?”
She chewed her bottom lip; she was nervous to ask, but she had to. “So, your ex…”
“My ex was married when we met. But it wasn’t a happy marriage. And I didn’t lure her away, or whatever may have been said—she ran off with me. But I loved her, so I went with it. Until her husband found us and went mad. Tried to cut off my hand; stabbed her. Doctors had to take it the rest of the way off,” he explained, raising his prosthesis. “Add that to the list of reasons why I fell in with the wrong people.” 
Fuck. “Yeah, that’ll do it.”
“Indeed.” He toyed with the fingers on his false hand for a moment, and then looked back up at her. “But Swan, why couldn’t you just ask me that? Rather than take the word of a woman who we’ve all seen lie to you—to everyone—before.”
She swallowed. “Because I couldn’t take the chance I was wrong about you.”
“Were you?” 
It took her by surprise. “Was I what?”
“Were you wrong about me?” He was staring back at her intently, like he hadn’t just asked a simple but potentially earth-shattering question—but also looked like he was bracing for impact.
She nearly stopped breathing. Not that she had planned any part of this conversation, but when she imagined talking to him again, she thought it’d be more about her figuring out whether he’d let her inside his walls. Logically, it was only fair that he did the same; it was just the first time anyone had followed her in—not to mention challenged her once they were there. (Especially not someone with intense blue eyes, bolder than she’d yet seen them.) And she didn’t know how to respond.
“Because I know I’m not the biggest catch or anything—I’m certainly not Graham—” he went on (and apparently knew where to sting her), “and yeah, I probably still drink a bit more rum than is advised, but other than this—” he nodded at the folder, “—I’ve been nothing but honest with you. So now it’s up to you to decide: whatever it is you’re worried about—were you wrong?”
It had been a long-ass time since anyone had been that bluntly honest with her. (And never someone she was interested in.)
He was right—her lie detector had never gone off with him, either. (It also hadn’t when Regina was gossiping, but it was a little less accurate with noticing exaggerations or omissions.) 
He’d never really answered her earlier question, though. “I just need to know one thing,” she said as she stepped around the desk. “I’m not alone in feeling…this, right?” she asked, blatantly stepping into his space. 
“No,” he confirmed on a breath.
“Then no, I wasn’t wrong. I think what I was actually scared of…was that I was right.”
She grabbed the lapels of his jacket and quickly found his lips, kissing away any further confusion. (As she was finding out, they were both a bit better at nonverbal communication.)
(And he did taste a bit like rum, but—she liked it.)
She wanted to say things changed from there—they took it fast, or slow, or whatever—but in reality, their relationship really didn’t change. There were still the meals at Granny’s, the nights at the bar. She’d never really been a date-night kind of girl. But emotionally—woah. 
It was like she was seeing a whole other side of Ian—but at the same time, it felt like it had always been there, just hiding below the surface. It wasn’t a universal thing—he was still a bit reserved while at work, or around just about anyone other than her and Henry—which made what they had feel all the more special.
There were also more than a few makeout sessions sprinkled in there, too. (Being chased out of the back hall of Granny’s by said proprietress, giggling like teenagers, was one of her more cherished memories since arriving here.)
For a short while, it was simple and sweet and it made her happy. For a little bit, she maybe had the kind of life she’d always hoped—with her son, friends, and a guy she really liked.
But it was like the universe noticed or something—no, Emma Swan couldn’t simply have nice things. Shit always, inevitably hit the fan.
Starting with having to arrest and book her roommate for murder.
She texted ahead and he had a shot waiting for her when she got to the bar after, then a couple more after that. She was definitely loitering—and he could tell. “What is it, love? Aside from the obvious.”
One thing she’d realized: he was exceedingly good at reading her, like a book he couldn’t put down.
“I don’t want to go back to the apartment,” she admitted. “It’s not that I’m afraid to be alone, but knowing that she’s in a cell and I’m there—and that someone may have been in the loft—I just…it freaks me out a bit.”
He swallowed. “Forgive me if this is too forward, but…I could go with you,” he offered. “At least to make sure everything is safe.”
“I’d like that.”
The walk to the loft from the Rabbit Hole was short but filled with energy; there was literally no reason for her to be any sort of excited, but she never invited guys back to her place. Even if she had no plans of anything intimate happening, this was something of a big step for her.
Of course, it ended up being anticlimactic—there was nothing amiss in the flat—but she was still hesitant to want to leave his presence, while at the same time not wanting to seem needy or like she was coming onto him in a subversive way.
“I, uh, could sleep on the couch, if you’d feel better,” he offered, doing that adorable nervous scratch behind the ear. Right—it had been a while for him with this kind of stuff, too.
“Um, yeah, I would. Thanks.”
That was the night she learned he snored—but the sound eventually lulled her to sleep, too.
As it did for the next few nights.
Then came the one after she narrowly escaped that crazy Jefferson’s house with Mary Margaret. She was still shaking as she took the stairs to the apartment and almost didn’t notice Ian sitting on the landing, nearly tripping over his feet.
“Swan, what’s wrong? You never answered my texts so I got worried and came here and, well—I wasn’t sure who to call when the sheriff is the one missing.”
She invited him in—or tried to, but she was trembling so much, she could barely get the key in the lock. Not until his steady hand wrapped around hers and helped. 
Once inside, she nearly collapsed just closing the door—both out of relief, and because her adrenaline was finally wearing off. But Ian caught her. And for the first time in years, she let herself be comforted by someone else. (She didn’t cry—she wasn’t ready for that kind of vulnerability yet—but this was kind of a big deal.)
“Do you want me to stay on the couch again tonight?” he murmured when she began to sway, fatigue winning over. She shook her head into his shoulder. (Also: he smelled good. Like, real good.) “Should…should I go?” She shook her head again.
Emma wasn’t a spooner. She took what she needed and then she left. But that was the night she understood why people enjoyed it so much. And waking up still wrapped in his strong arms was a kind of comfort she hadn’t known existed.
There was a brief—but weird—reprieve from the emotional heaviness when it turned out Kathryn Nolan was miraculously alive (despite her heart supposedly being outside her body), and then they held a party to welcome Mary Margaret back home. She shared (more than) a few drinks with Ian after the former; their first official outing as a couple, if it could be called that, was the latter. Mary Margaret arched an eyebrow and smirked at her as she and Ian moved around the kitchen getting ready. Emma just blushed—and then blushed harder when Ian pressed a quick kiss on her cheek as he stepped past her.
Then August kind of went crazy—his offer of help in dealing with the Regina-Sidney-whatever turned into another journey of emotional whiplash. She slumped onto what had become her usual stool at the bar, just a few minutes before close. Ian put some tea in front of her rather than anything stronger and took her upstairs after he’d locked up. He lived there, apparently, in a pretty spartan studio apartment. 
“Tell me,” he said gently. Not long ago, she would have brushed something like that off—but not anymore; not with him.
“I’m just tired of all this crap. Not just Regina—the whole curse thing, too. It was fine when it was Henry and I could play along, but now August? And he just—expected me to solve his problem? Just like that? No—no way.” She sighed. “It’s like everyone wants something from me or to fit some role; no one wants just Emma.”
“Ah, that’s where you’re wrong,” he teased lightly. “Because I do.”
Well. She couldn’t argue with that.
And it became all the more obvious when she attacked his lips—and realized the rest of him was in agreement. She’d hesitated to take their relationship to that level; physical relationships were what she was used to, but adding in the emotional layer was something else—something more. 
But, as she learned, that was in a good way.
And while drifting off into a post-coital slumber while wrapped in Ian’s steady arms, she didn’t really care what went on in the outside world—as long as she had this.
Should have known that’s when it would all really, truly crash down on her. Henry—god—seeing him in that hospital bed…and not being able to do anything…but it worked: she believed. In magic, the curse—everything. (Especially once Regina confirmed it.)
So now she was on a mission, practically storming from the hospital—when she ran into a pair of arms she’d give anything to just be able to take shelter in right now. “Love—is Henry okay? What’s going on?”
For a minute, she just looked in Ian’s eyes: that now-familiar blue that carried a wisdom beyond his years and echoed his every emotion, so different now from when she’d first met him—but in a good way. The way his worry creased his brow, the weight of his hand on her waist. If the world was about to change, she wanted to memorize him—them—in this moment. “Is everything alright?” he asked again.
She rose up on her toes to give him a firm, but all-too-brief kiss. “It fucking will be,” she told him, then ran off to save the world—or something.
An eternity later (really only a couple hours, but holy shit did it feel longer), she had fought a dragon and then apparently broken a goddamn curse with True Love’s Kiss. All that really mattered was that Henry was okay, but all around her, everyone was coming to terms with what had been done to all of them.
She’d never expected to find out the waitress was a werewolf, or the therapist was a freaking cricket—and really never thought she’d be reunited with her parents. It was amazing, but it was also a lot.
She left Henry with his grandparents—god, grandparents—so she could take a minute and just—breathe.
The salty sea air hit her nose and she realized her feet had taken her to the docks. The view of the sea was soothing, but then she saw someone else there taking in the horizon—someone familiar. He wore the same clothes—the same motorcycle jacket, the black sweater that fit him extremely well, atop his usual dark jeans. But rather than the hand-like prosthesis she’d come to recognize, there was a hook—a freaking stereotypical pirate hook—at the end of his left arm.
(Henry had told her the fairytale counterpart of just about everyone in town—except for Ian. The illustrations in his book were good but maybe not distinct and there were a few options. She had a pretty good idea who it was narrowed down to now, though.)
“Ian?” she asked as she approached, partly to get his attention—and partly because she wasn’t sure who she was talking to.
He turned at the sound of her voice, but looked confused. Until he blinked and shook his head. “Aye, it’s me,” he answered, moving toward her. “My real name, though—it’s Killian, Killian Jones; it…took me a minute there.”
Killian. Similar, but different. It suited him. 
But also: Kill-Ian—was the man she held so important now gone, effectively killed by his new—true—self?
“So…how much was real? About you?” she had to ask.
“Some of it.” Apparently that nervous ear scratch carried over. “I am—was—am? A pirate, for decades, until I was caught.”
“Captain Hook?” she wondered, nodding at his prosthesis.
“Ah, so you’ve heard of me,” he smirked. It was similar to the one she knew—the same dimple—but it had a darker edge to it.
“Who hasn’t?” she replied, ignoring the bit of discomfort that was…well, adding to her overall sense of unease.
“The truth—my actual life—is a bit more gruesome than what I once told you. I wanted revenge for the murder of my love. That part was true—she had been the Dark One’s wife, and he killed her, then took my hand.” He emphasized it by toying with the (rather sharp) end of his hook.
Right; Mr. Gold was apparently—actually—a centuries-old sorcerer. “I’m not gonna have to lock you up for going after him, am I?”
“No. See, I got sloppy; I lost sight of things, and that’s how I was caught—by your parents’ kingdom, actually. Was about to be hanged when the Evil Queen’s knight rescued me. Graham.” Her heart skipped a beat. “In return, I offered them my services should they ever need them. Never heard from them again, and then got swept up in the curse.”
She swallowed. “Did she ever take you up on it? During the curse?”
He shook his head. “Never.”
“So, us…” God, she couldn’t even put it into words. If what they’d shared wasn’t…hadn’t meant…she couldn’t fathom.
He very quickly moved into her space and took her hand. “That was very real, Swan.” His gaze had never felt more intense as he went on. “It was my understanding that the curse twisted things—changed us. I had always been someone who felt things very strongly and deeply; it’s why I was so single-mindedly focused on revenge for decades. But then under the curse…I felt nothing—not a bloody thing, for years on end—until I met you, and it all came back. It was like my heart was turned back on—like you brought me back to life.” He rubbed his coarse thumb over the back of her hand. “I know you’re probably questioning things again—especially given that you don’t fully know me, the real version, now—but Emma, I still know you, and I still desperately want you.”
She sighed in relief and nearly sagged into his arms. “Good. Because I think I love you.”
He smiled; it started as a small thing, but he couldn’t hold back from turning into a grin. “That’s appropriate, because I’m fairly certain I love you, too.”
There was a lot she needed to figure out—her life was all kinds of a mess right now—but him—this—whoever he was, he was hers. Even if she didn’t fully know him, it still felt like her heart fit right in the palm of his hand (and vice versa).
She wasted no further time in wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing her lips to his; he was equally quick to reciprocate.
And, actually? Killian kissed even better than Ian did.
thanks for reading! Tagging some friends (including the fabulous and supportive Word Forge): @ohmightydevviepuu @shireness-says @iverna @thejollyroger-writer @wistfulcynic @phiralovesloki @initiala @idoltina @xpumpkindumplingx @cocohook38 @kmomof4 @colinoeyebrows @pirateherokillian @annytecture @stubblesandwich @wingedlioness @scientificapricot @snowbellewells @searchingwardrobes @jrob64 and I know there's more I tend to include but tumblr is being weird about it rn.
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thedragonqueensblog · 26 days
Peter Pan///A Love Beyond Time and Magic
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Request by @misskitty1912-blog: sherlock x regina mills daughter reader chubby reader x Peter Pan
You are Regina Mills and Sherlock Holmes' daughter, two of the most powerful and well-known people in all of the realms. In Storybrooke, living with them
Like your parents, you were an inquisitive and intelligent young woman. The majority of your time was devoted to studying the art of deduction and solving mysteries with your father. You felt motivated by your father's strong observational abilities and resolved to emulate him.
However, you also became intrigued with your mother's mysterious abilities. Regina frequently utilized her abilities to influence and alter the surroundings around her, and you would observe in amazement. She desired for the power and command over the world around her.
One day, while exploring the streets of London with your father, You stumbled upon a strange and mysterious boy. He had a mischievous grin and bright green eyes that seemed to sparkle with magic.
His name was Peter Pan, and he was the infamous ruler of Neverland. “Hi, love are you lost?”
“Sort of? I suppose I lost sight of my destination while walking with my father.” You replied
"If you want me to, I could help you find him," he grinned.
You smiled back, “please do.”
You were immediately drawn to Peter's charismatic charm and adventurous spirit. You were fascinated by his stories of flying, mermaids, and lost boys. Peter, in turn, was amazed by your intelligence and wit.
“Pan, thank you so much. I had a great time.” You laughed and said, "I should go."
"Anytime love and you can call me Peter instead of Pan." He drew you into an embrace while smiling.
Your father instructs you, "Y/n, stay away from him immediately."
Your mom rushes to give you a hug and asks, "Sweetheart, are you okay? He didn’t hurt you right?”
Peter rolls his eyes, "like I would."
Your father scowls. "Oh, shut it, Pan. Regina has filled me in on a lot of the terrible things you have done to other people.”
“But she also did horrible things to other people too and she changed just like I did.” Peter said
“I understand what she did, but she was in a different situation, and she did change," he growls. "But you didn't. Because you trap boys so you can make them a lost boy and so they don’t grow up and leave you behind.”
“I bring people here to feel loved and wanted, not to live in a place where they are not undesirable and unwelcome. I don't trap anyone here. No one is here by force.” Peter explained
“Another lie, come on, you can lie to others and yourself but you can’t lie to us we know what you wanted to do to Y/n.”
“So what did you think that I was planning to do to her?”
“You would have made her a lost girl but good thing we got here before you did.”
“Y/n let’s go.”
“I said let’s go.”
“Bye Peter!!”
“Bye love!!” He smirk
But you are determined to prove them wrong. You saw the good in Peter and believed that he just needed a friend to show him the right way. And so, you continued to visit him in Neverland, even against your parents' wishes.
As you spend more time together with Peter you two become close friends, much to your parents' disapproval. Sherlock warned you of the dangers of trusting a trickster like Peter, while Regina feared that he would lead you down a dark path.
“I can't believe you're actually considering this Y/n,”Sherlock paced back and forth in the living room of their Storybrooke home.
"But, Father, Peter isn't like what you think he is. He's misunderstood, and he just needs someone to show him the right path," you pleaded, trying to convince your father.
Regina intervened, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. "Sherlock, let her make her own choices. Love has a way of changing people for the better."
Sherlock sighed, his eyes reflecting concern. "Fine, but be cautious. Don't let your feelings blind you to the truth."
With determination in your eyes, you nodded. "I won't, I promise."
As you made your way to Neverland to meet Peter, you could already sense his mischievous grin awaiting you.
"Hey love, I missed you," Peter greeted you with a smile and kiss.
"I missed you too, Peter," you replied, your heart fluttering with joy.
The conversations were filled with laughter, banter, and moments of vulnerability. As you both shared dreams and fears with each other, the bond grew stronger with each passing day.
Peter and you sat by the fire in Neverland, you took Peter's hand in yours. “Peter, I love you. And I believe in us."
Peter's eyes softened, his expression reflecting a mix of surprise and affection. "I love you too, Y/n. More than anything in this world."
Together, the two of them faced the challenges that came in way, united in your love and determination to defy the odds stacked against them.
"I never thought I'd find someone like you. Someone who sees me for who I am, flaws and all," Peter whispered, his gaze filled with adoration.
"And I never thought I'd find someone like you, Peter. Someone who brings out the best in me and makes me believe in magic," a smile lighting up your face.
In that moment, as you both held each other close, you both knew that your love was something special, something worth fighting for.
And so, your and Peter's love story continued to unfold, filled with adventure, magic, and the unwavering bond between two souls destined to be together.
“Peter, I know our love may face challenges, but I believe in us. Together, we can overcome anything," you expressed boldly, your eyes filled with determination.
Peter's gaze softened, his heart swelling with affection for you. "I believe in us too. With you by my side, I feel like I can conquer the world."
The love continued to blossom, strong and unyielding, as you and him navigated the complexities of yours and his different worlds.With each obstacle you both faced, you two only grew closer, the bond deepening with every shared moment.
One day, as they were strolling hand in hand through the enchanted forest, Peter turned to You with a twinkle in his eye. "Do you trust me, love?"
You nodded, your heart racing with anticipation. "Always, Peter."
With a mischievous grin, Peter swept your off your feet and took to the skies, flying high above the treetops. Laughter filled the air as the two of you soared through the clouds, reveling in the exhilarating freedom of love.
As you and Peter stood back on solid ground, you chuckled breathlessly. "That was amazing, Peter. I never knew flying could be so magical."
Peter gazed at you with adoration, his voice filled with emotion. "You make everything magical, I'm the luckiest boy in Neverland to have you by my side."
Your love story was a tale of mystery, adventure, and enchantment, defying all odds and proving that true love knows no boundaries. Together, you and Peter embraced the wonders of different worlds, united in a bond that would stand the test of time.
And as You and Peter looked towards the horizon, hand in hand, you both knew that your love would forever be the greatest adventure, filled with endless possibilities and boundless enchantment
As the years passed, Your and Peter's love only continued to deepen and strengthen. The two of you faced challenges and triumphs together, always supporting each other through thick and thin. And with every passing testament to the enduring power of love..
Peter and you sat together under the stars in Neverland, Peter looked at you] with a sense of resolve in his eyes.
"Y/n, I've been immortal for so long, but I want to spend the rest of my days growing old with you," Peter declared, his voice filled with sincerity.
You were taken aback by his words, your heart swelling with love and gratitude. "Peter, are you sure? You don't have to give up your immortality for me."
Peter took your hands in his, his grip firm and unwavering. "I've never been sure of anything in my life. With you, I've found something more valuable than eternal youth – a love that transcends time and space."
And so, with a look of determination on his face, Peter made the decision to relinquish his immortality and grow old alongside You As the years passed, the laughter lines and silver hair became a testament to the life that you both had shared and the love that had sustained you and him.
Determined to be together, You and Peter sought the help of your parents. Sherlock, being the logical thinker, advised them to find a way to break the curse of immortality that bound Peter to Neverland. Regina, on the other hand, used her magic to create a portal that would allow Peter to leave Neverland and visit you in the real world.
With the help of your parents, you and Peter were finally able to be together. You both explored the world, solving mysteries and using Peter's magic to help those in need. And as Peter and you grew older, the love only grew stronger.
And in that moment, as you both held hands and basked in the warmth of the shared memories, You and Peter knew that the love was a rare and precious gift, one that would last for all eternity.
After Peter and You decided to age together and live a mortal life, you both knew that the love was meant to stand the test of time. And so, Peter and you made the decision to get married in a magical ceremony that brought you both in the two worlds in a celebration of their love.
Surrounded by friends, family, and loved ones from both Storybrooke and Neverland, Peter and you exchanged vows that were as timeless as the love. As both Peter and you promised to cherish each other for all eternity, the hearts beat as one, filled with joy and devotion.
One year later, you and Peter received the most precious gift of all – twin boys, a testament to the love that you and Peter shared and the life that you and Peter had built together. The boys brought laughter, mischief, and boundless joy into your and Peter's lives, filling the home with the pitter-patter of tiny feet and the endless wonder of childhood.
As you both watched your sons grow and thrive, you and Peter knew that the love had only expanded with the arrival of your children. Together, you both raised your boys with love, kindness, and the same spirit of adventure that had brought Peter and you together in the first place.
Your family became a symbol of hope, unity, and unconditional love, a beacon of light in a world filled with darkness. And as you both looked at your sons, You and Peter knew that your legacy would live on through the next generation, carrying forward the magic and wonder of your love story for years to come.
And so you and Peter lived out your days in happiness and contentment, surrounded by the love of your family and the enduring bond that had brought you and Jim together. The love story was a testament to the power of love, faith, and the belief that true love can conquer all, even in the face of the greatest challenges.
Years went by, and you and Peter's love stood the test of time. You both lived happily ever after, proving that even the most unlikely of love stories can have a happy ending.
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Throwback Thursday: National Pi Day Meet Cute
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Note: This story was first posted on March 14, 2018. Given that it is once again National Pi Day, I was persuaded to repost.
Title: National Pi Day Meet Cute
Fandom: Captain Swan
Rating: G
Words: 1678
When Mary Margaret Blanchard finds out her grandson has a very single, very handsome math teacher, she devises a way to create a sweet little meet cute between her daughter, Emma, and said math teacher.
Tagging a few people who may be interested (Let me know if you want to be added or taken off the list): @sailormew4 @annaamell @flslp87 @emmateo26 @bethacaciakay @ultraluckycatnd @effulgent-mind @ilovemesomekillianjones @kat2609 @brooke-to-broch @missgymgirl @galadriel26 @the-lady-of-misthaven @charmingturkeysandwich @jennjenn615 @laschatzi @kimmy46 @snowbellewells @iamanneenigma @daxx04 @nickillian  @gillie  @britishguyslover @ginnyjinxedandhanshotritafirst @kmomof4 @linda8084 @golfgirld @captain-swan-coffee @searchingwardrobes @hollyethecurious @laughswaytoomuch  @allyourdarlingswans  @winterbaby89 @facesiousbutton82 @therooksshiningknight @lfh1226-linda @tiganasummertree @jrob64  @anmylica @booksteaandtoomuchtv @i-will-sing-no-requiem @bluewildcatfanatic @laianely
“Bye mom!” Henry yelled, as he hopped out of Emma’s yellow bug, slung his backpack over his shoulder, and started sprinting toward his friends.  “See you after school!”
Emma waved him off, smiling as she saw her son catch up with a few of his friends, talking animatedly.  It had been nearly a month since the two of them had moved to the sleepy little town of Storybrooke, Maine.  Emma had worried that moving Henry halfway through his sixth grade year would be difficult, but her precocious little eleven-year-old had taken to small town living like a duck to water.  He’d made more friends than he knew what to do with, and he absolutely loved school.
The smile slid from Emma’s face as she looked at the fresh-out-of-the-oven apple pie sitting on the passenger seat before her.
The problem with having a preteen who loved school is that he talked about it.  A lot.  And one of the people he talked about more than any other was his absolute favorite teacher, Mr. Jones, who was, as Henry put it, “the best teacher in the whole world”.
When Emma and Henry had left New York for Storybrooke, the two of them had moved in with her mom and dad, David and Mary Margaret Blanchard, at least until they got settled.    When Henry started talking about Mr. Jones, Mary Margaret had perked up.  When he told her that Mr. Jones was single and “old like mom”, Emma had groaned.
Emma knew she’d never get another moment’s peace.
“Emma,” Mary Margaret had said one morning, a conniving look in her eyes.  “It’s really important you be involved in Henry’s education.  Don’t you think you should meet his teachers?  Maybe we should have one of them over for dinner one night.  How about, oh, I don’t know…Mr. Jones?”
Emma pinched the bridge of her nose.  “Look mom,” she said, “I get what you’re doing, but I’m not looking for a relationship.  I did the whole ‘fall in love’ thing about twelve years ago, and Neal Cassidy cured me from any desire to ever do it again.”
“But not every guy is like Neal,” Mary Margaret said earnestly.  “Not every guy is going to leave you.  And love is so worth it when you find the right guy.”
Emma muttered something about needing to get some work done before she went into the office, hoping her mom would drop the subject.
No such luck.
Last night, Mary Margaret had come up with her most brilliantly evil plan yet, and what’s worse, she’d gotten Henry involved.
“Hey mom,” Emma said as she returned to the loft after her day at the sheriff’s station.  “Something smells good.”
Mary Margaret shot her the kind of smile that Emma knew was trouble.  “So Henry came home from school today and told me that tomorrow is National Pi Day.  I was thinking I ought to do something to celebrate.  I thought I would make a pie for his math teacher, Mr. Jones—you know his very single, very handsome and very eligible teacher?  You know because….pie for Pi Day?”
Emma groaned.
“And…” Mary Margaret said in a way that made Emma sure she didn’t want to hear what came next, “I was thinking maybe you could take the pie to Mr. Jones.”
“Yeah!” Henry said, coming in and swiping an apple slice from the bowl where his grandma was tossing them with cinnamon and sugar.  “Mom, Mr. Jones would love it, and I can’t carry the pie in myself!  I’d look like a loser!”
“Since when does pie make you look like a loser?” Emma asked.
“Mom!” Henry said, drawing out the single syllable and following it with an eyeroll.  “I can’t take a pie to a teacher.  I’ll look like a teacher’s pet!”
“He’s right, Emma,” Mary Margaret said solemnly.  “Middle school is a brutal place.  You don’t want your son to be ostracized, do you?”
Emma sighed, shaking her head at the two.  She knew when she was beat, and with the two of them ganging up on her, she was most definitely beat.  “Fine.  I’ll take the pie to Mr. Jones.”
And so here she was, bright and early on National Pi Day, weaving her way through a sea of rowdy pre-teens, looking for room 108, where Mr. Perfect himself would be waiting.
Mr. Perfect she scoffed to herself.  The man was a math teacher, a math teacher who was passionate about his topic.  Just about screamed nerd didn’t it?  There was probably a very good reason he was very single. 
She stopped just outside the door and took a deep breath.  She’d get this over with, and then be able to go home and tell her matchmaking mother that her meddlesome schemes had failed miserably.
“Mr. Jones?” she said, knocking on the doorframe, and looking in at the man whose back was turned to her as he worked on his computer.
Mr. Jones turned around, and for a moment Emma forgot to breath, though she’s pretty sure she gasped so loudly her mom could hear it all the way from the loft.  Mr. Jones was quite possibly the most beautiful man she had ever seen in her life.
He gave her an appreciative grin, getting to his feet and coming to meet her with an outstretched hand.  “Mr. Killian Jones at your service.  And who might you be, love?”
Great!  Not only was he hotter than any many had a right to be, but he had a smooth, British accent as well.  Butterflies started doing the polka in her stomach.
“Love?” He said again, and it was only then that Emma realized she’d been staring, mouth hanging open, at the man in front of her for a solid two minutes.
She shook her head.  Emma!  Get a grip!
“Sorry,” she said, hating the slightly husky sound of her voice.  “I’m Emma Swan.  My son Henry is in one of your sixth grade math classes.”
“Henry!” Mr. Jones said.  “I must admit he’s one of my favorites.  What can I do for you Mrs. Swan?”
“Miss,” Emma said, lamely, surprised and annoyed by how hard she was finding it to string two words together in a coherent fashion.
“Beg pardon?”
“It’s Miss Swan,” Emma said.  Henry’s dad and I…well, let’s just say we haven’t been together since before he was born and leave it at that.”
He grinned at her from beneath heavily hooded eyes, and the look made her heart skip a beat.  The amount of gorgeous this man was displaying should be illegal.  It really should.  “I must say, I’m rather glad to hear it.  So what brings you to my classroom, love, though I’m hardly complaining about a lovely and single woman coming to visit me?”
Emma felt the blush covering her face.  She averted her eyes, desperately looking for a way to get ahold of herself.  Her eyes landed on the item she was holding.  “Uh, I came to give you this.  Henry thought you might like a pie for National Pi Day, because, you know, pie, Pi?”
He laughed, and Emma looked up, admiring the dimples in his scruff-covered cheeks, the tiny lines around his shockingly blue eyes.  “I’ll accept this happily on one condition.”
“Yeah?  What’s that?”
“You simply must stay and have a slice with me,” he said gesturing toward his desk.
“Don’t you have, you know classes to teach and stuff?” Emma asked.
“Aye,” Killian said, “but as it happens, first period is my prep period, so I’m all yours for the next hour.”
“I don’t know…”
“I insist,” Killian said.  “You, no doubt have heard about me from your son, but I know next to nothing about his mother.  Just who are you, Swan?”
Emma grinned, giving him a flirtatious look.  “Wouldn’t you like to know?”
“Perhaps I would,” he answered with a wink that did not turn her insides to mush.  (It absolutely turned her insides to mush.)
An hour and a half later, Emma pulled up in front of her parents’ apartment building, dropped her head onto her hands on the steering wheel and groaned.
She and Killian had fallen into easy conversation over their pie, and just before she left, he’d asked her out to dinner that night, insisting he must return the favor.
She’d said yes almost before the sentence was complete.  She had a date with her son’s (hot) math teacher.
There would be no living with her mother after this.
~The End~
--Happy National Pi Day!  When I heard on the radio this morning that we were celebrating that particular holiday, it brought back to mind something that happened to me several years ago.  My sister had a single math teacher who was around my age.  My mom decided that he would be absolutely perfect for me.  (Why?  I don’t know; she hadn’t even met the guy.  All she knew was that he was my age and single, lol.).  So she came up with this brilliant, devious plan to create a little meet cute.  She made a pie for the guy for National Pi Day, called me at my apartment, and asked if I would take my baby sister into school that morning and take the pie to her eligible bachelor of a teacher.  I rolled my eyes and agreed to do it.  Sadly, my story has an anti-climactic ending.  When I got to the classroom, Mr. Perfect was not there, so I ended up just setting the pie on his desk and leaving.  I never did meet the math teacher, which is fine with me.  We must not affirm our mothers in their crazy matchmaking schemes, lol.
--But, as that story came to mind, I realized it, like so many other things, would make a very interesting CS au.  So happy pi day, everyone!  I wish you all drop dead gorgeous, blue eyed, black haired, ginger-bearded math teachers to make your Pi Day complete!
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shipposttt · 6 months
The Ship of the Day: Swan Queen
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Name: Emma x Regina
Ship name: Swan Queen
Original content: Once Upon a Time (OUAT)
Ship info: Once Upon a Time is a TV show where all of the fairy-tale characters that we know and have been told about all our lives have been cursed by the Evil Queen into our land – the land without magic – and have been frozen in time for 28 years in a small town called Storybrooke. The legend goes that the daughter on Snow White and Prince Charming (the saviour) will come to town and wake everyone up from the curse. Thus, the show starts with Henry, the adopted son of Regina (the evil queen) going to find his birth mother Emma (the saviour/Snow White and Charming’s daughter) and bringing her back to Storybrooke.
Henry (their son) who has found out about the curse through a gifted storybook, spends a long time trying to convince Emma that the curse is real not just a story and that she’s the one that needs to break it. However, Emma has a hard time believing that everyone living in town is a cursed storybook character and only participates in these discussions with Henry to keep him happy.
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Emma and Regina’s relationship gets off to a rocky start as Regina immediately begins to feel threatened by Emma, her sons birth mother, and due to the fact that her relationship with Henry is a little fractured during that point in time. It looks like she has nothing to worry about however as Emma vows to leave town that night although on her way out of town she gets run off the road by a wolf ultimately leading to a chain of events that have Emma staying in town. 
During her stay in town Emma spends a lot of time at odds with Regina, they are constantly arguing over Henry (at first), and there is a lot of tension between them when they are making threats to each other and arguing. This arguing however comes to a stop after the fight they have over their son eating a poisoned apple turnover that Regina made for Emma. Emma wakes Henry up with true loves kiss and both mothers are happy their son is not dead. This is arguably the point where their relationship is worst, after this their relationship only gets better. 
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After Emma breaks the curse by waking Henry up and true loves kiss magic comes back to Storybrooke. This leads to a lot of instances in which Emma and Regina have to fight together to save the town and their son a lot and even in some instances save each other. There are also many points in the show where people don’t believe that Regina is redeemed and still see her as a villain however Emma has always believed in Regina’s redemption, even going as far as protecting and defending her when Regina is accused of murder. We see moments later on in this show of Emma bringing Regina lunch and the both of them teasing each other which shows how much their relationship has evolved from what it used to be.
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There is a lot of tension that can be felt in this teasing and in their ever-present need to save each other and even in simple moment such as Emma declaring that she always knows when Regina is lying and that she wants to help Regina find her happy ending. The move of their relationship from enemies to people who trust one another with their lives – as they have on many occasions – is very important in understanding why these characters are so beloved together. This is because they are both passionate fighters about/for the things that they love and once they get over their differences and realise who similar they actually are, they spend a lot of time fighting to save each other. Even going as far as Emma absorbing the darkness/curse of the dark one in order to save Regina and her goodness.
Additionally, there are also multiple parallels throughout the show both visually and audibly wherein Swan Queen are compared to Snowing (Snow White and Prince Charming) who are a canon heterosexual couple who share two children. Why are moments between Emma and Regina being parallel to a couple in a canon romantic relationship, a couple who are professed to be (canon) romantic True Loves in this show, if Emma and Regina themselves aren’t meant to be in a romantic relationship and/or true loves.
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Type of Ship: Queer Bait
Putting aside all of the fairy tale elements and all of the magic in this show, seeing the trope of two people sharing a child implies that by the end of the series these two people will be in a romantic relationship. Instances in which this trope occurs, and the parents have been a man and woman result in a romantic relationship, some examples include: About a Boy (2002), The Switch (2010), Life as We Know It (2010), Love Comes Softly (2003).
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In all of these examples the male and female characters who are seen parenting a child together end up in romantic relationships. Why then did the creators of OUAT choose to apply this trope to their show only to have these two parental characters not end up together just because they are both women. They have spent the majority of the show making parenting decisions for their son together, fighting together to save their son and even becoming something resembling a family only for them to not end up together even though if they were a man and a woman instead of both women, they would have ended in a romantic relationship together.
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Additionally, there are also instances in the show of prolonged eye contact and wide screen shots of these characters looking at each other. In this same show there are heterosexual characters with examples of the same moment happening that are in or do end up in a romantic relationship. If this is so then why isn’t it the same for Swan Queen, the only difference being that they are both women. The shots of these two characters together are conscious choices made by writers, producers and directors and have been put into the show making people think that what is going to happen is that these characters are going to end up in a romantic relationship, yet they never do! There is no need for creators to tease something that is not going to happen, the only thing that this does is creates outrage from audiences who were invested in this relationship and led to believe that it was a possibility. There have also been instances in which creators have spoken on social media about this ship speculation and actively participating in keeping this audience tuned into the show. They have reeled this audience in only for them to be disappointed by the results. 
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Thank you for coming to my ted talk!
Admin 🦈
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poisonappleeater · 1 month
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Regina x Trans Male Reader !!
regina mills x trans male reader (reminder that this is just in relation to my personal transmasc experience, everyone’s can be vastly different!!)
prompt: regina helping you out w/ dysphoria after rumplestiltskin says some crazy transphobic shit (takes place in storybrooke)
i also tried to not actually trigger anyones gender dysph lmaooooo so i do not get specific about it
Rumplestiltskin looked you up and down with a cold stare.
“I believe that you’re to use the women’s bathroom, dearie.” You felt your face go hot with frustration (and maybe even some embarrassment). God dammit. You just wanted to wash your hands in peace. To be quick and quiet was the best option, so you took a deep breath and scrubbed the soap off your hands with much more vigor and velocity than you had just a few seconds before. The water scalded your hands and turned them a little pinker. Mr. Gold scoffed through his nose.
“Even your low pain tolerance agrees that you are not a man, and it’s likely that you never will be.” Silence no longer felt like your best option. You’d come to Storybrooke as soon as your best friend, Aurora had told you that it would be easier to live as yourself, as a man, in a more modern realm. You didn’t consider that Rumplestiltskin would be trying to get under, well, your skin.
You spoke, as lowly as possible, “What would you know about being a man? You sacrifice your relationships for power. What does that make you?” His gaze faltered, and you felt like you had gotten to him. You also felt just a bit concerned for your safety. Gold took a steady breath and a thourough pause.
“I think that makes me a powerful man. At least more powerful than you. Correct? I recall you coming to me for guidance.” You scoffed, but your lip auivered. Seeking help from Rumplestiltskin back in the Enchanted Forest didn’t make you any less of a man. Everyone had at least once looked for help from the Dark One. Before a salty tear could escape your eye, you fled the men’s restroom and stepped foot back into the welcoming, red-and-blue ambience of Granny’s Diner. You released a shaky sigh and looked for your girlfriend.
Regina. There she was. Even the thought of her made your cheeks warm, despite your prior encounter with Gold. She was chatting comfortably with the Charming’s. Your need for your girlfriend’s warmth made you nearly start running towards your table. She spotted you instantly and smiled genuinely. It was clear you were equally enamored with one another.
“Hey, Y/N,” Regina greeted warmly. She noticed how fast you were walking.
“Hey, hey, slow down, it’s okay.” The well-dressed woman placed a hand on your back and guided you to sit beside her in the booth’s cushiony seat, with your leg touching hers. Regina laughed a little at the sight of you adorably speed-walking to the table. Taking a second glance at you, though, she could tell something bothered you. Your girlfriend’s face darkened with concern.
“Did something happen in the bathroom sweetheart?” Her arm wrapped further around you. Her line of sight travelled behind you when Rumplestiltskin came out of the bathroom.
“That son of a bitch.” Gina was livid. She tried to fathom how Rumplestiltskin could have possibly threatened her boyfriend. He could be up to literally anything. The vein above her right brow bulged so severely you thought it’d burst. You had to admit, her anger was hot. You felt her starting to stand up.
“No, no, Gina. It’s really okay,” you reassured. “No magical threats or sketchy deals were made. Promise.” The woman with burgendy lips looked into your eyes to ensure that you told the truth.
“Okay.” She sighed and crossed her arms, then sat down to kiss your cheek. You leaned in happily. The rest of dinner with the Charmings allowed the two of you to forget about Rumplestiltskin.
You locked the front door behind you and Regina and were suddenly too aware of your own body. Friendly chatter from Emma, Killian, David, Snow, and Henry filled your ears just minutes ago. And now, the quiet of Regina’s home flooded your mind with the words of Runplestiltskin.
“Hey, Y/N, baby?” Regina had both hands around your cheeks. You were sitting on the couch. You don’t remember moving at all since getting home. “I was asking you about a movie you wanted to watch, but-“
“Yes! Yeah, I’m sorry. We wanted to watch that movie. I’d love to,” you blurted. You gave your lover a half-smile.
“No. Gold said something to you. He’s plaguing your pretty little head,” she cooed. She sat down beside you and provided you with space to talk with her properly. You smiled at the gesture.
“It was nothing new. He said that I’m not a man. I can’t do anything about that. I feel like a man, but I don’t have the parts.” Regina intook your words with great conscience. Her glossy eyes looked into yours. She spoke after contemplating for a moment.
“If there’s anything I’ve learned from this realm, it’s that rules that we used to abide by back home were not laws of nature. They were laws made by people. And people can be so stupid, my love. That means that we, as smarter people, are allowed to live by rules that fit our logic. And according to my logic, you’re a man, sweetheart, regardless of what body you have. I know that because that’s what you’ve told me, that’s how you truly feel, and that’s how I think of you. You are whatever you think yourself to be. I love you for it, my sweet boy.”
“I love you, Gina. Thank you.” She took her time to memorize your handsome face for the thousandth time.
“Can I come close to you?” your lover asked, gently. You nodded and placed your head in her neck. she took you into her arms and stroked your hair.
“I still want to kill him,” Regina confessed. Her sharp words contradicted the gentle pets that she gave you.
You laughed. “Sure, Gina, just not today.” She couldn’t be upset when you were so calm and cute. Regina kissed your head and chuckled into your ear. You loved the sound of her laugh and the smell of her shampoo. Apple. So fitting.
“Okay, not today,” she sighed lightheartedly. “How about that movie?”
Soon, you had both showered and gotten ready for bed. There was no better feeling to you than being clean, on the couch, with your girlfriend about to watch a movie. You laid atop her chest while her legs entrapped your middle. Rumplestiltskin’s comments remained forgotten, and you and Regina remained content.
Hope this was okay!! Feel free to comment on anything, if anyone sees this. I’m kinda new to actually writing ff
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notonlymice · 19 days
In celebration of the fact that two years ago today I decided to finally watch ouat (suspecting I might fall for rumbelle but not expecting I would fall that hard lol) here is another part of fic recs. Thank you everyone who has written all the wonderful stories I’ve read (or will read in the future); without you my existence would’ve been much bleaker.
1. Alterations by ifishouldvanish
Non-magical AU, 29931 words, M
Belle asks her friend Gold (a single father who, having troubles with work, lives with his controlling mother) to alter a dress for her upcoming wedding.
2. Away to Me by Crysania
Non-magical AU, 106748 words, E, Minor Character Death
Belle needs money, and Gold needs help on his farm.
3. Bare Facts by BarPurple
Non-magical AU, 7514 words, E
Sunbathing naked can lead to some interesting results.
4. Between the Sheets by suchadearie
Storybrooke, 3686 words, E
Belle confesses that she fantasises about having sex in front of someone.
5. Birthday Feast by lizandletdie
Storybrooke, 4421 words, E
Kitchen sex is interrupted.
6. Blind Faith by Maplesyrup
Non-magical AU, 21464 words, E
Blind businessman Gold hires an assistant.
7. Brandy, Apples and Spice by rufeepeach
Dark Castle, 10013 words, E
Celebrating Winter Solstice in the Dark Castle.
8. Bright Ideas by rufeepeach
Storybrooke, 7451 words, E
Belle suggests trying a strap-on.
9. Brimstone and Mistletoe series by ThatRavenclawBitch
Non-magical AU, 12501 words, E, M, T
Father Gold has a crush, which is mutual.
10. Childhood Traumas by TheStraggletag
Storybrooke s6, 2290 words, M
Gideon witnesses something he wasn't supposed (or wanted) to.
11. Children of the Enchanted Forest by ComradeGiddyBiscuit
Creature AU, 6535 words, E
Lady Belle wants to make a deal with a local forest god.
12. Closing Time by Bad_Faery
Non-magical AU, 157352 words, M
Belle's father is sick, and she marries Gold for money.
13. Collateral by rufeepeach
Non-magical AU, 2646 words, E
Moe doesn't have the money he owes to Gold, and Belle suggests Gold an alternative way of paying.
14. Comforts of the Household Gods by intrikate (girlmercury)
Dark Castle, 4141 words, T
The Dark Castle turns out to be even more magical than Belle thought.
15. Compound Interest by Saathi1013
Cursed s1 Storybrooke, 7323 words, M
Lacey takes a job in Gold's pawnshop.
16. Contract by Kelyon
Non-magical AU, 5753 words, M
Belle and Gold discuss the nuances of their new BDSM relationship.
17. Control by ChloeWinchester
Non-magical AU, 5143 words, E
To fire up their relationship, Milah wants to watch her husband have sex with another woman.
18. Coward by wonderwoundedhearers
AU, 1345 words, G
Jumanji AU.
19. Cumulation by AngelofDarkness1605
Non-magical AU, 6152 words, E
Gold acquires a Sybian saddle for his shop and claims he has no idea what it is. Belle shows him.
20. Dark Spring by nerdrumple
AU with the elements of supernatural, 25810 words, E
Gold needs to marry; then things turn strange.
21. Doubt by lizandletdie
Storybrooke s4, 2054 words, G
Belle is pregnant, but Rumple doubts he is the father.
22. Electrical Impulses series by Bad_Faery
Storybrooke, 11854 words, E
Rumbelle + femdom.
23. Falling by DelilahBlueEyes
AU, 490 words, T
Labyrinth AU.
24. Fever by rufeepeach
Dark Castle, 3478 words, E
Belle thinks the potion she has drunk was a cold medicine (it wasn't).
25. Finding the Fun by tinytorso
Storybrooke after s6, 5563 words, T
Belle and Rumple try to make life exciting again.
26. Fuel for the Fire by tjmystic
Storybrooke, 4617 words, E
Watching porn together.
27. Game of Thorns by TheStraggletag
AU, 8605 words, M
Game of Thrones AU.
28. Guide Me Home by TheStraggletag
Non-magical AU, 14260 words, E
Gold is lonely and homeless, but it’s going to change.
29. Handprints by rowofstars
Non-magical AU, 10173 words, G
Gold is a window washer.
30. Heatstroke by Emospritelet
Non-magical AU, 55490 words, E
Lacey, new to the town, accidentally witnesses her neighbour sunbathing naked.
31. Inheritance by rufeepeach
Non-magical AU, 180188 words, E
After five years of travelling Belle returns to Storybrooke to deal with her past (her deceased father’s shop, her ex, and his son she used to babysit).
32. It All Comes Tumbling Down by Bad_Faery
Cursed s1 Storybrooke, 43440 words, M
Rumple is ready to help Regina with the curse under one condition: Belle would be comfortable in the new life.
33. Juicy by tjmystic
Dark Castle, 6888 words, E
Belle consumes a lust-inducing fruit.
34. Keep the Change by rowofstars
Storybrooke, 2927 words, E
Angry sex in the pawnshop (golden lace).
35. Kiss of Life by Emospritelet
Non-magical AU, 82138 words, E
Hospital AU.
36. Knowledge is Power by Emospritelet
Storybrooke s4, 14788 words, E
Queens of Darkness lock Belle and Rumple in his shop so they could resolve things between them.
37. Lacey and the Tramp by chippedcupwrites
Storybrooke, 1498 words, T
Lacey brings home a stray dog.
38. Live Wire by Kelyon
Ghost AU, 14738 words, T
Belle is a spirit haunting Gold’s house through electricity.
39. Lullabies and Exiles by bayloriffic
Dark Castle, cursed s1 Storybrooke, 7325 words (3/? chapters), G
A baby appears in the Dark Castle just before the curse. In Storybrooke Rumple becomes her father, and Belle becomes Lacey, her nanny.
40. Mr. September by ThatRavenclawBitch
Non-magical AU, 13766 words, E
When Gold was younger he did some nude modelling for a calendar. Now he really doesn't want anyone to find out about it.
41. No Satisfaction by ThatRavenclawBitch
Storybrooke after s6, 8714 words, E
It’s very hard to have some time alone in Storybrooke.
42. Number 9 by Emospritelet
Storybrooke after s6, 6114 words, E
Rumple makes a potion so that Belle’s stamina in bed could match his.
43. Over The Counter by rufeepeach
Storybrooke, 5782 words, E
Pawnshop roleplay.
44. Parent Teacher Conference by rowofstars
Non-magical AU, 23178 words, E
Gold is attracted to his son’s teacher.
45. Penance by Emospritelet
Non-magical AU, 218307 words, E, Underage, Minor Character Death
Gold is a teacher, and Belle is his student.
46. Picking Up The Pieces by WorryinglyInnocent
Cursed s1 Storybrooke, 2132 words, T
Gold believes that his wife has committed suicide, and then he meets Lacey.
47. Portrait of the Heart by chippedcupwrites
Enchanted Forest AU, 12707 words, T
Rumple is given a locket that shows its owner a ‘caretaker of their heart’.
48. Primal Desire by ZionAngel
Dark Castle, 5507 words, E
Rumple spills a potion that activates his primal instincts.
49. Receipt In the Bag? by ifishouldvanish
Non-magical AU, 3655 words, T
Lacey works at the Dark Star Pharmacy and flirts with Gold a lot.
50. Rumple & the Real Girl by nerdrumple
Cursed s1 Storybrooke, 6687 (5/? chapters), E
In cursed Storybrooke, Gold is sent a sex doll by mistake.
51. Sacrifice by Emospritelet
Cursed s6 Storybrooke, 47366 words, E
Belle offers herself to Gold to pay the rent.
52. Seal of Love by Endangered_Slug
Creature AU, 4950 words, M
Rumple is a selkie.
53. Seeing Red by KillerKueen
Non-magical AU, 6445 words, E
Belle is on her period and very horny.
54. Shadow Manor by suchadearie
Non-magical AU, 75346 words, E
Gold marries Belle so that she would bear him an heir; Belle’s reasons for marrying him are more complicated.
55. Simmer by woodelf 
Storybrooke, 4023 words, E
Summer PWP with sex toys.
56. Size Doesn't Matter by lizandletdie
Dark Castle, 3414 words, E
Rumple gets shrunken but it doesn’t stop him from satisfying Belle.
57. Sleeping Arrangements by TheStraggletag
Non-magical AU, 2058 words, G
Gold has insomnia, and he searches for someone to share a bed with.
58. Slings and Arrows by rowofstars
Enchanted Forest AU, 15838 words, E
Spinner!Rumple and tavern girl!Lacey.
59. Soapy Water by MarieQuiteContrarie (SeaStar1330)
Dark Castle, 12779 words, E
Doing laundry turns into sex.
60. Soothing by rufeepeach
Dark Castle, 1673 words, E
Lap sex in the Dark Castle.
61. Storm Warning by Emospritelet
Non-magical AU, 5331 words, T
During a snowstorm, Belle is trapped in the university with professor Gold.
62. Strong for Belle by desperatemurph
Non-magical AU, 4454 words, M, Major Character Death
Belle doesn’t survive the childbirth.
63. Tamed, Wild, Caged, and Feral Creatures by merripestin
Storybrooke, 12339 words, E
Belle’s first days after the curse is broken, with the flashbacks to the EF.
64. The Ballad of Lacey French by Bad_Faery
Cursed s1 Storybrooke, Major Character Death
Mary Margaret tells Emma why Mr. Gold has beaten Moe French.
65. The Commuters series by B_does_the_write_thing
Non-magical AU, 5019 words, T
Unconventional ways of meeting on the road.
66. The Dark Floofs series by JunoInferno
Enchanted Forest AU, Storybrooke, 4248 words, T, M
Rumplestiltskin is experiencing troubles with his hair, so he summons a local hairdresser.
67. The Deal by TheStraggletag
Storybrooke, 4148 words, M
Belle has made a deal with Mr. Gold to have a child.
68. The Dungeon by WorryinglyInnocent
Dark Castle, 1338 words, E
Belle explores the dungeons and finds something interesting.
69. The Fire Down Below by woodelf
Dark Castle, 2723 words, E
Rumple spills lust potion.
70. The Gift That Keeps On Giving by Bad_Faery
Storybrooke s2, 2792 words, E
Belle is given a vibrator and wants Rumple to show her how it works.
71. The Hands-On Approach by prissygirl
Dark Castle, 7209 words, E
Belle can’t sleep at night, and Rumple helps her relax.
72. The Incubus by Crysania
Dark Castle, 3407 words, E
Belle is visited by an incubus in the Dark Castle; Rumple is concerned.
73. The Language of Flowers by DeliriumsDelight7
Non-magical AU, 29682 words, M
Belle comes to Storybrooke to deal with her father’s debt and accidentally has a one-night stand with his creditor.
74. The Mask by nerdrumple
Enchanted Forest AU, 12802 words, E
Belle impersonates the Dark One.
75. The Ninth Button by Maplesyrup
Storybrooke, 4906 words, E
Ruby confesses to Belle that she and Gold used to have sex under the curse.
76. The Sounding Sea by mareyshelley
Creature AU, 33034 words, E
Rumple finds an injured mermaid.
77. The Things We Do For Love by woodelf
Storybrooke, 9067 words, E
Rumple is trying a cockstrap.
78. The Third Girl by rufeepeach
Enchanted Forest AU, 2887 words, M
What if Belle wasn’t Rumple’s first caretaker?
79. Unskilled But Caring Hands by rufeepeach
Dark Castle, Storybrooke, 2346 words, T
After dealing with many babies in the Dark Castle, Belle has her own.
80. Warmth by rowofstars
Storybrooke, 1118 words, G
Belle is on her period and wants to cuddle.
81. Watching series by rowofstars
Non-magical AU, 8688 words, E
Belle notices her neighbour watching her and gives him a show.
82. What You'd Thought Lost by DeliriumsDelight7
Non-magical AU, 111560 words, M
Belle and Emma exchange their homes for a while (The Holiday AU).
83. What You Know by Bad_Faery
Non-magical AU, 7058 words, E
Fantasising about Belle, a local librarian, inspired Mr. Gold to start writing erotica.
84. Where is My Mind? by ThatRavenclawBitch
Non-magical AU, 22343 words, E
Belle wants to seduce her boss, Mr. Gold, and pretends to be her twin sister.
85. Who Favor Fire by marchionessofblackadder
Dark Castle, 14141 words, G
Rumple brings home a dragon’s egg.
1. "and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater.” - LotR by wandering_gypsy_feet
California Solo, 30552 words, M
Lachlan meets Arianwen’s therapist, Belle.
2. Cell Block Tango by smartgirlsaremean
Marilyn Hotchkiss' Ballroom Dancing & Charm School, 2955 words, M
Frank is arrested, being mistaken for Lachlan. In jail, he meets Lacey, who mistakes him for Lachlan too.
3. Contact by Bad_Faery
SGU, 4863 words, E
Aliens did something that made Belle and Rush constantly crave physical contact.
4. Inner Steel by WorryinglyInnocent
Brick, Trainspotting, 2236 words, M, Major Character Death
Begbie gets out of jail and wants to know what happened to Emily, a prostitute he used to know.
5. My Favourite Mistake by HistoireEternelle
SGU, 6864 words, E
Gold/Belle/Rush threesome.
6. One Small Step at a Time by WorryinglyInnocent
Remember Me
Ally’s new case as a social worker is Mr. Gold.
7. Splash by ddagent
Hamish MacBeth, High Noon, Monroe: Class of '76, 3982 words, E
Hamish, Phoebe, and Tom are having fun.
8. Strengths and Weaknesses by DeliriumsDelight7
28 Weeks Later, 4656 words, T
Belle and Don are hiding from the infected together. 
9. Student-Teacher Conference by WorryinglyInnocent
SGU, 1466 words, E
Rush and Lacey talk about their fantasies.
10. The Barber and the Librarian by TheScholarlyStrumpet (equipoise)
The Legend of Barney Thomson, 1615 words, G
Barney moves to a new town and is very interested in a local librarian.
11. The Offering by TheStraggletag
Hamish MacBeth, 4661 words, E
Something strange is happening in Lochdubh. Also there’s a new librarian. 
12. These Still Waters by Lady_Therion
Summer, 2342 words, E
Belle and Shaun meet when she is swimming in the lake.
13. Turn! Turn! Turn! by sfiddy
Summer, 25299 words (12/? chapters), M
Shaun, lonely and lost after Daz’s death, meets Belle, the new town librarian.
14. Whispers by WorryinglyInnocent
SGU, 5133 words, E
Belle is pregnant, and for some reason everyone on the ship is too polite to ask who the father is.
15. Wide Awake by WorryinglyInnocent
Remember me, 2484 words, E
Ally accidentally hears her roommate Lacey having sex with her boyfriend, professor Gold. They invite her to join them.
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lizardthelizard · 9 months
listen. LISTEN. I knoooowwwwwwwww that August has never been important enough for canon to ever bother expanding upon issues like this. I know, but...
In the pilot, we KNOW that Emma is lonely. We know this because she’s sat in her apartment, alone, celebrating her birthday by herself. It’s well established that Emma had no one she considered her family and has had extreme trouble connecting with people over the years (Neal, Lily and Ingrid as fleeting exceptions).
But August? Canon gives us NOTHING. We know almost NOTHING about his past in the Land Without Magic. We’re given the name of one (1) character (Isra) that he has a connection with (someone who is clearly not THAT important to him, as she’s never mentioned again ever) and that’s IT.
Emma stays in Storybrooke to begin with because of Henry, yes. But it’s not a particularly tough decision for her because, well...she has nothing to go back to anyway. And I can’t help but wonder how true that was for August as well? Like....??? did he bother to contact ANYONE when he thought he was dying???
August is a genuinely intelligent and charismatic character (albeit, a little obnoxious). I have no doubt that he has made friends + friendly acquaintances over the years. But close friends? People he can open up to about his past with and who won’t think he’s losing his mind? HIGHLY doubtful.
I know that the show didn’t really explore their friendship very much or expand on it in any meaningful way, but Emma and August’s relationship is sooooooooooo *chef’s kiss* to me. Yeah, they have genuine chemistry and a fun dynamic, yeah the ‘I can always tell when someone is lying to me’ character interacting with a character that is literally Pinocchio is funny af and surprisingly poetic. But also!!! These are two lonely, emotionally closed off characters that were essentially orphaned by their parents for 28 years that have both had shitty childhoods and have connected so genuinely with one another and I don’t know where I was even going with this but I love both of them so much and they both deserve this friendship and WHY WASN’T AUGUST AT EMMA’S WEDDING I’M STILL MAD ABOUT THIS OKAY
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ouatsqincorrect · 5 months
Do you think the whole fam would go on vacation together? Or a road trip? If so, what role would everybody play on the journey?
I have a few thoughts: Zelena would be the one stir up drama and start arguments during the flight/drive, just for the hell of it.
Regina and Snow are the ones spending loads of time together making dinner for the family every evening whilst on the vacation (it also gives them that extra bonding alone time). That's all I've got right now. How would you categorise the rest of them?
i like to think that, after emma and regina get together and the family starts becoming closer, they spend summers away from storybrooke. they just deserve a break, you know? whether that's going to new york and living there for a couple of months, or traveling around the world, experiencing parts of this realm they've never seen before. storybrooke is home, but it's also stressful as fuck being the people in charge of saving everyone every other day, and regina and rumple have enough money to make any travel plans possible
when they go anywhere in the u.s., they drive. a lifetime of riding horses to get everywhere will make plane rides seem not so fun, so they'll take everyone in a couple of cars and make whatever trek they've decided to venture out on. there are 11 members of this family, so usually, emma, regina, henry, the charming's and baby neal ride on one car. and belle, rumple, gideon, zelena, and robyn ride in another one. (although, when they live in new york for the summer, they take more than two cars just so they don't have to drive each other every where or use taxis--another thing none of them, besides emma) have really gotten around to
but when they go to places overseas, obviously, they have to ride on a plane. and you're absolutely right, no matter how they travel, zelena is always the one causing trouble. it's why regina forces her to ride with belle and rumple because she drove regina crazy the one time she was allowed to be in the same vehicle as her for a more than five hour long drive (belle says having zelena ride with them is like having a third child in the backseat)
and yeah, regina and snow are usually in charge of dinner. emma and david are usually on breakfast duty. belle and rumple figure out lunch, and regina and snow do dinner (zelena's useless--love her sm but this woman is more focused on causing chaos than figuring out this family's meal plan)
traveling with the rest of the family is super important to belle, because she's always wanted to see the world, you know? and now she gets to see it with the people she loves most. regina and her are usually the ones who plan out the day, like which museums they go to, what sights to see, and the two of them definitely geek out the most when going to art exhibits
rumple isn't the biggest fan of traveling, but he finds he actually does enjoy it when it's with the whole family. belle reminds him too that he spent so long trying to come to this world, he might as well explore it a bit. he also loves the museums, he's just quieter about it. david, zelena, and him end up playing card games to pass the time when they're not doing anything
henry finds movies at nearby theaters that they can all go see and emma and regina make sure to take him to video game museums and arcades so he gets to have some fun doing things he loves as well (they also love video games. this whole family is actually so nerdy but--)
they collect magnets from every city they go to, and they put them on the fridge at mifflin. regina's never been one to allow anything to hang up on her fridge, but when emma gets all excited about the idea of having a little piece from every place they've visited together, regina can't help but allow them to decorate her fridge with magnets
also, regina is still mayor, and she still takes care of business in storybrooke. they all do. they communicate with everyone back in storybrooke regularly because even if the job gets tiring, they still want to ensure their town and the people in it stay safe, but it's really fucking nice to leave their everyday live's behind for a little bit and just breathe, get a break, and spend some time together that's away from the weight of being storybrooke's personal heroes
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melloween-candie · 9 months
Not another Cave [F]
Prompt: Yandere/Monster - #6 "cry all you want."
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Requested // Request Rules // Prompt list
"prompt list “cry all you want.” Yandere with Felix??? If not that’s totally cool, this is emmaloo21 if it’s anon!! And if you could use your other headcanons and kind of add to the cave thing, that’s be great ((unless you want a diff scenario, ur the writer))"
Submitted by @emmaloo21
Warning! kidnapping, panicking, hyperventilating, false hope, spoilers
Word Count: 1,030
Yandere Felix Headcanon
Yandere Felix + Darker Side
(I'd recommend reading these two headcanons first. In that order)
Once Upon A Time Masterlist
Fandom Masterlists
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***Narrator's Pov***
"Cry all you want. You are not leaving." He said that with such a stern voice. His face was so close to yours. He was so serious about it, too. Perhaps that's why it made you cry even more.
You hated it there. It was cold and wet and no matter what Felix did, nothing worked. The blankets you placed on the floor eventually got wet, and the ceiling itself dripped water... it was constant moisture, and the mold... it grew so fast. You just absolutely couldn't stand it anymore.
No matter how many times you begged. How many times you tried to convince him. He'd always say the same thing- "Cry all you want. You are not leaving."
But this time... it was different.
***You're Pov***
You just sat there waiting for Felix to arrive like always. Then finally he arrived.
You stood up feeling somewhat delighted... man you must have been in that cave for ages to actually end up feeling happy to see Felix.
But, this time, he wasn't alone. Your eyes grew big to see the situation unfolding in front of you.
Felix appeared, but he wasn't alone... He was tied up. There was a black-haired woman who seemed to be the one who cast the bubble spell and a blonde lady.
Your heart was racing... could it be? I'm finally free?!
"So, this is the girl... that poor thing," The blonde lady muttered as she got closer to you. She told you that they all were leaving Neverland and that you could go home too.
You couldn't believe what you were hearing. You- leaving? It was like a dream come true. You couldn't even say anything. Your smile said everything for you.
Meanwhile, Felix just growled in the background. It was as if he was finally defeated. You didn't really know what was going on, but you were happy to leave none the less.
After all, it's only fitting. Felix never told you anything about the outside world. He never told you what day it was or how many years went by. He never told you what was happening, and even now he chooses not to utter a word to you.
He just let the ladies drag him as you happily followed along.
Short Time Skip!~
***Narrator's Pov***
You stood on top of a ship. You never thought in a million years that Peter and Felix would get defeated by pirates. In the end, you were glad. Little did you know, your happiness wouldn't last long.
Once you arrived at Storybrooke, you were told that you were free to do whatever you pleased and that the blonde girl, who you now know was named Emma, said that you could stay with her at her home.
Though she seemed Suprise when her son Henry said he wanted to stay with Ragina.
Overall, you had the best time ever, and not once did you see Felix. You genuinely thought that everything was over and that you finally got your happy ending, but you were deeply wrong.
Time skip!~
It was currently midnight. Emma told you that she was going to leave to go do work stuff. You didn't really pay attention since you were half asleep by that point.
Once she was gone, you went towards the bathroom to prepare for bed. You had the door shut, so you didn't realize that some snuck in...
Quickly and quietly, you shut all the lights and made sure the doors were locked. You quickly ran towards your bedroom because being in the dark 90% of the time can make you grow very paranoid, especially when you were kidnapped and abused for so long that you lose track of all time. It was clear why you'd be afraid of the dark.
Soon enough, you fell asleep... at least for a little while.
You woke up to a sound coming from your closet. This scared you very much. The wind was howling louder than usual, and the tree branches were hitting your window making a frightening sound.
All you could do was hide under your blanket and occasionally peek at the closet.
But what really got your heart pounding was when you took another peek at the closet door... it was opened this time.
You slowly looked around the room. It was too dark to see the details, but once you made a full turn, you saw him, and before you could scream, he knocked you out.
Time Skip!~
Once you finally came... the first thing you saw was a rocky, wet ceiling. You sat up to see that you were once again in a cave. It was different, bigger, and less wet, but still horrible.
You felt your heart start to panic once again. Realizing that everything was about to repeat itself. You turned around to be surprised... it wasn't a black, rocky wall behind you... It was freedom.
You looked around. He was nowhere to be found. Slowly, your steps started to speed towards the supposed 'exit.' Only to be severely disappointed.
There appeared to be an invisible barrier keeping you from leaving the cave. You cried and cried, trying to break it. With each punch, kick, slam- it became harder for you to breathe... You started hyperventilating. Then you heard something. A twig snapped. Quickly you looked outside.
You saw a shadow- before you could even think it through you started screaming- "HELP!" Slamming the invisible barrier once again. Trying everything you could to escape.
Then suddenly, you heard something once again. This time it was coming from inside the cave...
It was footsteps. You stood still in silence, fearing the worst was about to happen.
You slowly turned around. Your mouth was slightly agape. Your face was freshly covered with dried tears, and some of your saliva was dripping down your chin, but you didn't care. You slowly turned around hoping that the person you see wasn't who you thought it was...
Sadly, luck wasn't on your side anymore as another tear slid down your cheek.
"Cry all you want, Y/n. But like I said before, You. Are. Never. Leaving. Me. Not ever again."
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sentenceme-leni · 12 days
Tuesday. Minimum 2 sentences.
Belle supposed that she should be afraid. Anyone in their right mind would be, deep in the lair of the Dark One. Rumpelstiltskin's face had been a mask of horror, the moment he saw the magic cloud envelop her.
She hoped he called for help before coming for her.
She also hoped it took the rescue party another hour before they arrived.
Unlike the rest of the world, she had lived with the Dark One for years. She could read the moods behind those yellow eyes with even more accuracy than she could the man she had married in Storybrooke.
"What's wrong?" she asked.
He sneered.
Belle let out a frustrated sigh. This was a familiar battle, yet ever so tiring to climb up the same hill over and over again - and this time with two different versions of the same man! "You are cranky," she told him, crossing her arms over her chest. "Go on, Rumple. You know how this goes. You can keep your problems to yourself, or you can share them with me and we can---"
"We can?" He snickered. "Don't try to deceive me, dearie. You want no part of this," he declared with a hiss, essaying a grand wave at himself.
Belle felt like kicking something. Preferably that thrice-damned spell which had divided Rumpelstiltskin in these two stubborn personalities. She already has this discussion with the human version!
"As I already told you," she didn't bother to explain she meant the Rumpelstiltskin who had stayed in their home. He was smart. He could figure it out. "It could hardly be True Love if I only wanted parts of you."
He gave her a condescending look, but she noticed his claws curl nervously at his sides.
He was so tempted by the idea of a true love. He wanted to believe her. Rumpelstiltskin always wanted to believe he could be loved.
The fool still gave her a nasty smirk. "Oh, but I'm the evil parts, don't you know?" He leaned into her personal space with a leer. "Still eager to claim me?"
Belle leaned forward, maintaining eye contact until he blinked first. "Your counterpart just chased off two families from their apartments," she informed him "They refused to pay rent now that he doesn't have magic."
He snorted. "What does magic have to do with a contract?"
They were echoes of each other, down to the incredulous intonation.
Taking advantage of his good humor, Belle shot out her hand to grasp his. He expectedly opened his mouth with surprise, but said nothing once he looked at her determined expression.
"Oh no," he said warily. Indulgently. Lovingly. Of course he knew her moods as well. "You have an idea."
"I do." She smiled. For all the chaos of the last three days, unlike every other idiot affected by the spell, Rumpelstiltskin had enough of an innate survival instinct that they hadn't gone at each other's throats. A truly soulless Dark One would have already razed the land, so the reprieve had been the springboard to Belle's theory. "I believe you've been happy to build yourself this castle and terrorize everyone with dire threats. I also believe your other half has been making everyone in Storybrooke fear the power of a signature with only Dove and his friends as back up." She shrugged. "You're no more evil than he is, and he is no more patient than you are. If anything, you're raw magic and he is all stubbornness. Power and Will, maybe."
"That sounds like too good a wish, sweetheart."
"I haven't worked out the details," she admitted. "But all the same-" she tugged on his coat "-you are all mine."
The End
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jrob64 · 8 months
Saying Goodbye and Moving On
An OUAT Canon Divergent fix-it fic
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Here is my entry for CSSNS 2023, which was written to fix what I thought was a grievous wrong in the show. All of you need to know that I wanted to make @kmomof4 a co-author because she did so much to help me with this story, but she refused. Several tragic things were happening in my life while I was writing this story and she talked me through it - giving me ideas for the plot, encouraging me to keep going, checking it over when it was incredibly full of errors or didn't make sense, and just generally being the best friend and supporter I needed in order to finish it. On top of that, she created the gorgeous pic set you see at the top, with some manip help from @motherkatereloyshipper. Thank you so much, ladies! I love it!
Many thanks to @hookedmom who was my official beta once again.
SUMMARY: Killian has returned to Emma from the Underworld and they are starting to build their future together, when a ghost from his past suddenly appears, giving them the opportunity to right a few wrongs.
CHAPTER 1/1 - 5230 words
ALSO on Ao3 (I'm unable to post to ffn at this time)
Storybrooke was peaceful for perhaps the first time since Emma Swan crashed into the town sign three years ago. The Underworld saga was behind them, Killian had returned in dramatic fashion, and no new villain had shown up in town…yet. Emma knew it was only a matter of time, but she was going to enjoy the calm after the multiple storms for as long as she could.
Gold was the Dark One again after negating Killian’s sacrifice, but he secluded himself in his Pawn Shop. Emma figured he was avoiding everyone in town because they were furious over him not letting go of the dark power. Even though Emma knew the Dark One couldn’t be killed, she wasn’t above putting a bullet in him for something as minor as jaywalking, given the opportunity. She could never forgive him for what he did to the man she loved.
Right now, that man was alive and well beside her, his arm flung over her hip and snoring softly in her ear. It had been nearly two months since he returned and she was still hesitant to let him out of her sight. The first few nights after his return, both of them were desperate to reacquaint themselves with the other’s body. Gradually, as the realization grew that Killian was truly back and nothing was going to threaten their blissful happiness, their lovemaking grew gentler and less frantic, but no less meaningful. Now, after their bodies were sated, they’d lay in each other’s arms talking softly before they drifted off to sleep, content in the fact that nothing would pull them away from one another again.
Killian awoke with a jolt, heart thundering in his chest and breath coming in sharp gasps. Sitting up quickly, he closed his eyes, tilting his head back while he concentrated on taking slow, deep breaths to calm himself, hoping he wouldn’t wake Emma. When his heart rate slowed down a bit, he opened his eyes and the blood in his veins froze.
He rubbed his eyes furiously, then cautiously opened them again. The image hadn’t disappeared. Hovering hazily in front of him was…
“Milah?” he choked out.
The specter’s pale eyes brightened and a slight smile crossed her face. Drifting closer, she opened her mouth to speak…
Immediately, the ghostly figure disappeared. Killian blinked rapidly as he felt Emma’s hand on his back.
“Are you okay?” she asked, sitting up beside him.
“Oh, uh…aye,” he managed to say, still trying to get over the shock of seeing what was obviously the ghost of his former lover.
“Are you sure? You look like you’ve just seen a ghost.”
His head jerked around, searching her eyes to determine if she realized the accuracy of her statement. All he could see was concern in the green depths. “Aye, Love, I just…I’m having some trouble sleeping and I don’t…I don’t want to keep you awake, so…uh…I think I’ll spend the rest of the night on the Jolly, if you don’t mind,” he stammered.
A wounded look crossed her face so quickly, he wasn’t even sure he saw it. She schooled her features carefully before replying, “If you’re having nightmares, I can help you through them. You don’t have to handle them yourself, you know.”
He wiped a hand down his face. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt this woman who sacrificed so much to bring him home. He loved her more than he could express and owed her his very life. But after seeing the vision of Milah, he knew he wouldn’t be getting any more sleep that night and he didn’t know how to explain what had happened.
“I know, Love. I just…I think I need some fresh air.” Enfolding her in his arms, he rubbed her back soothingly. “I’m not pulling away from you, I promise. I’ll meet you at Granny’s tomorrow for breakfast, aye?”
“Yeah, okay,” she mumbled into his chest. “Call me when you get to the Jolly?”
“Of course.” He got out of bed and began putting on his clothes, feeling her eyes on him the entire time. When he finished, he turned back to see her still sitting up, the sheet wrapped around her. Moving to sit on the edge of the bed, he reached over to brush some wispy strands of hair away from her face. “Get some sleep, Darling. I’ll see you in the morning.”
She leaned in to kiss him, pressing her forehead to his for a brief moment afterwards. “Be careful on your way to the docks.”
“I will. Goodnight, Love.” After brushing her lips with his once more, he stood and began walking toward the doorway.
“Killian?” she called softly.
He turned. “Aye?”
“I love you.”
He couldn’t help the smile that stretched across his face. “I love you, too, Swan.”
On his way to his ship, Killian searched the skies for any sign of Milah’s apparition. He was torn about whether he wanted to see her ghostly image again. On the one hand, he was curious why she was here and wanted to talk with her to get some answers. Conversely, he was ready to move on with his life and his True Love.
He made it to the Jolly without any sign of the specter, but upon entering his quarters, he was met with the sight of her hovering over his bunk, causing him to nearly jump out of his skin.
“Milah!” he gasped. “Wh-what are you doing here?”
She opened her mouth to speak, but no sound came out. Her eyes widened in horror as she continued to try, with no success.
“You can’t talk?” he questioned. She shook her head sadly, and seemed to shrink in on herself, floating toward the ceiling. “No! Don’t go!” he cried. “Please…stay.” He held out his hand in invitation, knowing she wouldn’t be able to physically take it.
Her eyes softened, her distress easing as she settled back down to eye level with him.
“But you can hear me, can’t you?” he asked, needing to clarify their connection.
She nodded and made a hand gesture urging him to continue speaking.
He sat in his desk chair and swiveled it to fully face her. “I don’t know how you’re here, but…I’m glad you are.” His comment made her smile. “Emma, she…she told me the two of you met in the Underworld, and that you helped her get to me when Hades had me chained up over the River of Lost Souls.”
Milah nodded again, giving him a small, tight smile.
“I’m truly sorry Hades threw you into that river before I had a chance to say goodbye.”
Anger flashed across Milah’s face and she shook her head vehemently.
“What is it, Milah?” He watched her making motions with her hands, pantomiming pulling her heart out of her chest. “Hades tore your heart out? No, that wouldn’t make sense because you were already…” He stopped short, unable to bring himself to say the last word.
Milah continued to make gestures showing her heart being crushed, then pointed to Killian’s hook.
Suddenly, understanding dawned on him. “The crocodile?” he asked incredulously. She nodded vigorously and he could feel the rage rising in him. “Was he the one who pushed you into the River of Lost Souls?” At Milah’s emphatic nod, he angrily jumped to his feet. “Not only did he take you from me the first time, he also doomed you to eternal torment and deprived me of a chance to give you a proper farewell! And now he’s the bloody Dark One again! Bloody fucking hell!” He spun in a circle, wanting to throw or hit something.
The specter of his first love drifted closer and reached out to stroke her palm over his cheek. He felt a cool sensation where her ghostly hand brushed past him, calming him instantly. He sat down on his bunk and she moved over to him, sadness mixed with compassion coloring her translucent features. “I’m so sorry, Love. I should have killed him long ago to avenge your…death. I never figured out a way to do it since the Dark One is immortal, and then I met Emma and I…I chose her over my quest for vengeance. I failed you, Milah…”
She brought her finger to her lip and shook her head to silence him. Then she placed her hand over her heart, before moving it to cover his heart. He understood her meaning and his shoulders sagged in relief. “Thank you, Love. I don’t deserve your forgiveness, but I’m very happy to have it.” He smiled gently at her for a moment before a startling realization came to him. “Milah,” he said, confusion infusing his words. “How… how are you here?” He stood quickly, not knowing what to think. Could he still be dreaming? Milah shouldn’t be here. She couldn’t be here. This had to be a trick of some kind. Was Gold behind it? Had Hades found some way to return?
Alarmed recognition crossed her face and she reached for him. He stumbled back away from her and she made no further move toward him. In an effort to help him understand, she placed both hands on either side of her head, fingers pointed straight up. She moved them up and down in short, sharp movements that reminded Killian of Hades when his hair erupted into blue flames.
“Hades?” he asked tentatively.
She nodded furiously, her face lighting up with his understanding of her motions. She drew a single finger across her neck in a motion he had no trouble interpreting.
“He’s gone forever, right?” Killian asked. When she continued nodding, Killian felt excitement and hope rise within him. “When he was vanquished, was your soul released from the river?” It was more than he could possibly hope for, but her joyous visage and nod confirmed his speculation. Relief completely enveloped him and he moved closer to her, holding his hand out again. This time, she reached out for him as well. He felt a chill that somehow felt warm at the same time as her hand passed through his. “Oh, Milah,” he breathed. “I can’t tell you how happy that makes me.”
Milah smiled gently at him then floated over to his bed and patted the space beside her. He sat down and saw her gesture for him to talk. Taking a deep breath, he launched into the tale of his life after losing her.
Emma was unable to go back to sleep after Killian left. He’d had plenty of time to make it to his ship, yet he hadn’t called her as promised. She was well aware he would have a lot to work through after everything he’d experienced. Becoming the Dark One, dying and going to the Underworld, being tortured by Hades, reuniting with his brother Liam, only to have to say goodbye to him again, not to mention being separated from his True Love, before being sent back to the land of the living by Zeus.
She was willing to give him all the time he needed, but tonight, something was amiss. She could sense there was more to his abrupt departure than simply a desire to get some fresh air. His eyes were…haunted, fearful. She couldn’t help but wonder what he wasn’t telling her.
Sighing heavily, she shoved back the covers and got out of bed. Something was troubling the man she loved and she was determined to help him through it.
Emma drove slowly through the streets of Storybrooke, scanning every street and alley, but didn’t catch sight of Killian. Parking at the docks, she was relieved to see his ship was still in the usual berth. She hadn’t thought he would take the Jolly Roger out to sea this late at night, but she knew how sailing calmed him, so she wouldn’t have been surprised to find the space empty.
Killian wasn’t on the deck, gazing at the stars - another activity that always brought him peace. Emma quickly crossed the polished surface, descended the steps taking her below deck, and walked down the narrow hallway, stopping outside the captain’s quarters. As she reached for the door handle, she heard Killian’s voice and paused. It sounded like he was carrying on a conversation with someone. She didn’t want to invade his privacy, but curiosity won out and, in spite of herself, she listened.
“...that’s when I found out Bae had a child with Emma - a boy named Henry. Yes, I know. It came as quite a shock to me, as well. By that time, I was already intrigued by Emma, and also very attracted to her. I hope you don’t mind me talking about her. She’s my True Love and I owe her so much. She’s the one who made me want to give up my fruitless quest for revenge in order to be someone worthy of her love.”
Emma took a step closer to the door, hoping to hear the other person to identify him…or her. Her mind raced as she waited. Nearly everyone in town knew that Henry was Neal’s son, so who could it be?
“I wish you could meet Henry. He’s a wonderful lad - intelligent, kind and brave. Bae would be so proud of him.” There was a long pause before Killian resumed. “He, uh, he died trying to warn the town about a villain. He visited Emma before she went to the Underworld and told her he was in a place where he was happy. Perhaps you’ll be able to take care of your unfinished business and join him there.”
Emma’s brows furrowed. He was talking to someone with unfinished business? Someone who might be able to join Neal, which would mean they were dead…
Suddenly, it dawned on her who it had to be, but how was it possible? Milah had been thrown into the River of Lost Souls. There was no way she could be here talking to Killian. Emma’s mind swirled with doubts. Maybe he needed someone to talk to and couldn’t trust her, so he was talking to the memory of Milah instead.
  Unable to quiet the negative voices in her head, Emma grasped the door handle, and after a brief moment of hesitation, pushed inside the cabin.
Killian looked up when he heard her enter, his startled look turning to one of chagrin. “Swan? What are you doing here?”
“I…I was worried when you didn’t call,” she said, looking around the room and seeing no one. “Killian, who were you talking to?”
Killian glanced beside him, where Milah still hovered. “I was…” Turning his eyes back to Emma, he asked, “Can’t you see her, Emma?”
Emma’s brows furrowed. “The only person I see here is you. Were you…it sounded like you were talking to…to Milah.”
He stood, casting a quick look at his first love, then moving to stand in front of his True Love. “Aye, Love. Milah is here, in this room. Her spirit is, at least. She appeared to me in your bedroom and that’s why I left so abruptly. When I reached the Jolly, I found her here, too. I don’t understand why I can see her and you can’t.”
Emma closed her eyes, her heart pounding. If he was telling her the truth - and her lie detector was silent, confirming his words - then Milah was haunting him, no matter where he went. How was she supposed to deal with that?
Tilting her head, she sensed something different about the atmosphere in the room. Breathing in deeply, she caught a whiff of…
“Killian, did Milah smell of lilacs?” she asked, her eyes opening to focus on him. A shocked expression crossed his face.
“Aye, Love. She…she always wore lilac water. I purchased it for her every chance I got. How did you know that?”
“I can smell it, and I feel a…a presence. Can she talk?”
Sadness filled his eyes. “No, she can hear me, but she can’t speak. She has been able to communicate, though. She…she told me it was Gold who threw her into the River of Lost Souls and that she was released when Hades was defeated.”
“Gold did that to her?” Emma spat. “That bastard! I’m already furious over what he did to you and this just adds fuel to the fire! Dark One or not, someday he’s going to pay for all the evil things he’s done, and I, for one, am not going to be sorry about it!”
Killian stepped forward to squeeze her hand, his eyes flicking up behind her. “I think Milah likes you, Love,” he grinned.
“Why do you say that?”
“She’s right behind you, smiling and clapping her hands.”
Emma’s cheeks reddened. “We got to know each other a bit in the Underworld. I liked her, too.” She looked thoughtful. “There has to be some way to allow her to talk to us. Remember when we used that double-ended candle to try to talk to Cora?”
“Aye, but the candle had to be lit over a person’s heart before they were killed in order to use it to communicate with that person’s spirit,” Killian reminded her.
Emma sighed. “That’s right, I’d forgotten that detail.” She chewed on her lip in thought, before speaking again. “I’ll go talk to Regina. There has to be a way.” She pulled her hand out of his and turned toward the door.
He caught her arm with his hook. “Perhaps you should wait until morning, Darling. I doubt the queen will be very amenable to helping us if you wake her in the middle of the night.”
“Oh, yeah. I forgot what time it is,” she admitted. “I, um, I guess I’ll just go home for a few hours, then. Are you…will you stay here?”
Killian glanced to his right before answering. “I still have a lot I want to share with Milah and I don’t know how long she’ll be able to stay here. I hope you don’t mind.”
Emma gave him a weak smile. “No, I understand. Do you want to come with me to talk to Regina in the morning?”
“Aye, Love.” He pulled her into his embrace. “I’ll see you in a few hours.”
“Okay, I’ll come by and pick you up around seven,” she mumbled into his shoulder.
He put enough distance between them to be able to cup her chin in his hand. “Be careful going home, my love.”
“I will.” Leaning up to whisper in his ear, she asked, “Do you think she would mind if I kissed you?”
He gave a low chuckle. “I’m sure she won’t. She knows we’re True Love.”
She combed her fingers through the hair above his ear. “This is a weird situation, you know that, right?”
He nodded with a lopsided grin and leaned in to share a lingering kiss with her.
“See you in the morning,” she said when it ended, then added, a bit louder, “Goodbye, Milah.” After brushing his cheek with her lips one more time, she turned and left the cabin.
Once Regina heard Emma and Killian relate the events from overnight, she sat behind her desk in the mayor’s office pursing her lips in thought.
“Can you explain why Killian is able to see her, but I can’t?” Emma asked.
“I’m not sure, but my guess would be it’s because Killian is Milah’s unfinished business,” Regina stated.
“That makes sense,” Emma agreed. “I can feel her presence, though.”
“Have you any ideas for how to talk to her?” Killian inquired.
Regina considered for a moment. “Using the enchanted candle to talk to her definitely isn’t an option. The phone booth in the Underworld was a way for the dead to communicate with the living, but we don’t have anything like that here. You obviously don’t want me to ask Gold for help, or Belle for that matter.”
“Absolutely not,” Emma said emphatically.
“We don’t want the crocodile to know that Milah has made an appearance,” Killian added angrily. “If I had my way, I’d send the bloody bastard back to the Underworld, never to return. Hades wasn’t the one who threw Milah into the River of Lost Souls. It was Gold. He needs to pay for what he did. It wasn’t enough for him to kill her in front of me in the first place, but he had to sentence her to eternal torment, as well.”
Regina’s eyes widened in surprise. She didn’t know all the details of what happened between Rumplestiltskin and Killian Jones, but she could certainly understand Killian’s anger and wanting to make sure ‘the crocodile’ paid for what he’d done. “Well, there’s nothing we can do about Gold. If you recall, he’s the Dark One and can’t be killed, no matter how much all of us would like to see it happen. Now, let’s focus on the problem of how to communicate with Milah. Do you have any idea how long she will be haunting you, Hook?”
Killian shook his head sadly. “No, but I have a feeling it won’t be very long. From the first time I saw her until she left this morning, her form had already faded substantially.”
“Hmm, I wonder,” Regina said, walking around the front of her desk and crossing her arms. “I know she probably didn’t come through a portal from the Underworld to get here, but I wonder if being close to one will give her more strength and help her be able to speak.”
“You mean the one in the duck pond?” Emma asked.
“Do you know of any other?” Regina snapped, her sarcasm in full force.
Emma chose to ignore her snark. “I think it would be worth a try to see if she’ll join you there, wouldn’t it, Killian?” At his nod of affirmation, she added. “How would you feel about Henry being there? If Milah is able to speak, he would get to talk to his grandmother.”
“I think that’s a grand idea, Love. I told her about him and what an exceptional lad he is, and I’m sure she would appreciate the chance to see for herself.”
“Is that alright, Regina?” Emma asked.
“Of course. I don’t think he would find meeting the spirit of his grandmother any more disconcerting than any other adventure he’s experienced since he brought you to town. He planned to spend the day at my house playing video games. I’ll pick him up and meet the two of you at the pond.”
“Do you think Milah will find you there, Killian?”
“She found me at your house and on my ship, Love.”
“Good point. Well, let’s see if this works,” Emma said, taking his hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze before they headed out the door.
Returning to the place where Emma was forced to run Excalibur through Killian was difficult for the couple. As they drew near the exact spot where it happened, Killian heard her breath hitch and he tightened his grip on her hand.
Regina and Henry arrived a few minutes later and joined them at the edge of the duck pond.
“Mom says Grandma Milah appeared to you, Killian,” Henry said excitedly. “Is she here now?”
“Not yet, lad,” Killian said.
“We’re not sure she will be, Henry,” Emma said.
“Yeah, Mom explained that to me. She also said Grandma can’t speak, but I’m still glad you wanted me to be here.”
They waited for several minutes, as Killian scanned the skies for any sign of Milah’s ghost. The only sounds heard were the birds in the trees and the occasional quack of a duck swimming past, until Killian declared softly, “She’s here, right over the center of the pond.”
“I was going to ask if she was,” Emma said. “I thought I felt her presence.”
“There is definitely a stirring in the atmosphere,” Regina remarked.
“Is she trying to say anything?” Henry asked.
“No,” Killian answered, “she’s just watching us.” Suddenly, the water in the pond began rippling as a breeze blew across it. “Hello again, Milah. Someone is here to meet you.” He stepped over behind Henry, putting his hand and hook on the boy’s shoulders. “This is Henry, Baelfire’s son.”
“Hi, Grandma,” Henry said, his eyes darting back and forth across the sky. “It’s nice to…kind of…meet you.”
“She’s smiling at you, lad,” Killian assured him.
“I wish I could see you. Were you the one who churned up the water?” Henry asked. In response, a stronger breeze blew, causing small waves to form in the duck pond. “That’s a cool trick, Grandma!” he laughed.
A chilly wind swept past the group, rustling the leaves on the trees. “Is Milah doing that, too?” Emma whispered.
“Aye,” Killian answered, his eyes following the movement of the specter only he could see. “Something seems to be distressing her.”
“I think I see the source of her agitation,” Regina remarked, her brow furrowing in concern. “Here comes Gold. He must have sensed a supernatural disturbance, too.”
The man came stumping up the path, slowing as he took in the scene before him. Seeing the group assembled by the pond, he asked, “What are you all doing here? Are you trying to cast some sort of…” His words came to a stop as his eyes widened and his mouth dropped open in surprise. “M-Milah?”
Another rush of cold air swept past them, strong enough this time to shake the tree branches and increase the turbulence of the water. “Seeing him has made her extremely angry,” Killian explained.
“Thank you, Captain Obvious,” Regina remarked.
The wind kicked up even more, causing dust and debris to swirl around them. It seemed to center on Gold, making him duck down and cover his head. “Get away from me, you vile woman!” he screamed. “You’re supposed to be in the River of Lost Souls!” At his confession, the wind picked him up bodily and slammed him to the ground, stunning him as he hit his head on a rock.
“And YOU’RE the one who threw her into it!” Killian shouted.
Gold raised his hand to his head, wiping at the blood over his brow. Suddenly, it was if something grabbed him by the ankles and began dragging him toward the pond. “NO! NO!” he screeched, attempting to crawl back up the path.
“Grandpa!” Henry yelled.
There was a loud whooshing sound and they turned to see a vortex rising up out of the water, the force of it beginning to pull Gold toward it. He continued to scream his protests, his fingers scrabbling in the dirt as he was dragged backwards. They watched incredulously as he flew past them, too quickly to even attempt to grab him.
He was caught up in the vortex, which spun across the surface of the pond. Emma gasped as she spotted something moving behind the trees. “It’s Charon’s boat! Why is it here?”
“Gold is tethered to the Underworld through his blood,” Regina explained, shouting to be heard over the tumult. “The blood from the gash on his head must have gotten into the water and summoned Charon.”
The four people on shore watched the furiously swirling waterspout until it reached the boat, where it suddenly disappeared, depositing the helpless Dark One in a heap in the middle of the vessel.
Gold’s blood curdling screams echoed through the air as Charon guided the boat toward the portal to the Underworld. The moment it passed from view, his cries were silenced and they knew he was gone.
“Look!” Henry cried, pointing at the sky.
Emma, Killian and Regina turned to see a black vapor in the shape of the Dark One’s dagger hanging over the pond. As they watched, it dissipated, completely disappearing within seconds. “Does that mean what I think it means? What I hope it means?” Emma asked.
“No more Dark One? The Darkness is gone forever?” Regina questioned, turning back towards the others.
“Yes, that’s exactly what it means and now I can finally be free,” a serene voice said from behind them.
“Milah!” Killian gasped. “You can speak!”
“Rumple silenced me when he threw me into the river,” she explained. “Now that he’s gone, he has no power over me, or anyone else, for that matter.”
“I’m sorry you lost your grandfather like that, kid,” Emma said, putting her arm around Henry’s shoulders to comfort him.
“Yeah, me too, but he had a lot of chances to give up the power of being the Dark One and he never did. He loved power more than he loved me, Belle, and even my dad, so I guess he deserved what he got.”
Killian patted him on the back, then looked at the specter hovering in front of them. “You did it, Milah. Everything he ever did to us has now been avenged,” he said, his voice thick with emotion.
“Yes, it has,” Milah said, her voice sounding much thinner. “My time here is drawing to a close, so I have to say my goodbyes.” Killian watched as a wide smile spread on her lips. “I can see Killian was right when he told me how special you are, Henry. I just wish I had more time with you. When I move on, I will tell your father what a fine young man you became.”
“Tell him…tell him I miss him,” Henry said.
“I will,” she promised.
Emma stepped up beside Killian and stretched up to kiss his cheek.“We’ll give you a chance to say goodbye,” she whispered. “I’ll be home if you want to come by afterwards.”
He nodded and watched her walk away with Henry and Regina. Turning back to Milah, he saw her translucent form was fading quickly. “I’m very happy I got the opportunity to bid you a proper goodbye, Love.”
“So am I. Oh, my love, I’m glad we were able to have so many wonderful adventures together.” Her voice grew so faint, he had to listen intently to hear her. “ Emma is good for you, Killian. It’s wonderful that you’ve found love again and you’re finally moving on. I can see that you’re really happy.” She paused for a moment, then- if it was possible for a ghost- she sighed. “I’m your past and she’s your future.”
“You’ll always have a place in my heart, Milah. You were my first love.”
“Yes, and I will always love you, but Emma is your True Love. You deserve happiness with her.”
“And you deserve peace. I hope you find it.”
“Now that all of my unfinished business has been taken care of, I’m sure I will.” Swooping down, she brushed her nearly invisible fingers across his cheek. “I must go now. Goodbye, my love.”
“Goodbye, Milah.”
He stood transfixed, staring at the sky for several minutes after her form disappeared. The sadness he had carried in his heart for so long over the loss of Milah, was replaced with relief and joy.
Finally, he turned and began walking back to town, where he knew he would find Emma waiting.
He saw her sitting on the steps of her house when he stopped in front of the gate. Looking up at him, a warm smile crossed her face, and he returned it with one of his own. Stepping through the opening, he moved toward his future.
Was I the only one who thought Gold should have been held accountable for what he did to Milah? Or that Killian should have had the chance to say goodbye to his first love? Please let me know how you felt about it.
Special thanks to the people who have held the Captain Swan Supernatural Summer event for many years now. It's always a lot of fun!
And thanks to all of you for reading, commenting and reblogging!
Tagging: @hookedmom @kmomof4​ @cs-rylie @qualitycoffeethings @grimmswan​ @wyntereyez​ @the-darkdragonfly​ @ultraluckycatnd​ @paradiselady19​ @xarandomdreamx​ @motherkatereloyshipper @julesep3026 @courtorderedcake​ @lfh1226-linda​ @pawshapedheart @vampcoffeegyrl23​ @tiganasummertree​ @captainswan4life85​ @bluewildcatfanatic​ @eleveneitherway @elfiola @kday426​ @julieenchanted-swans​ @gingerchangeling @andiirivera​ @djlbg @jonesfandomfanatic​ @snowbellewells​ @huntressandlioness1 @anmylica​ @booksteaandtoomuchtv @pirateherokillian​ @cocohook38 @ilovemesomekillianjones​ @laschatzi @zaharadessert​ @jennjenn615 @yasbio2015​ @lyssapup27​ @nachocheese-itsmycheese​ @singersdd​ @mie779​ @undercaffinatednightmare​ @winterbaby89 @xsajx @jackieorioncat @teamhook​ @bdevereaux-blanche​ @soniccat​ @searchingwardrobes​ @jarienn972​ @apiratewhopines​ @softkilly​ @goforlaunchcee​ @kymbersmith-90​ @captainswan21
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