#the vibes in my head are bnha
wander-wren · 2 years
i’m searching for a fic and it’s gonna drive me bonkers bc i can’t find it (this is also like my third attempt) and the worst part is i remember the plot and stuff but i’m not sure what pairing or even FANDOM it was. like i thought i knew. but perhaps not
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giggly-squiggily · 10 months
Spontaneous Headcanon #29
Aizawa has tattoos. More specifically he has a massive back tattoo that spans his shoulders and ends around mid/lower back (No one ask me what it'd be I'm way too sleepy to design one- whatever you think would look best that's what he got). He also has a few small rib tattoos he got around the same time.
Originally no one knew about them until the day Aizawa boldly wore a white shirt without something under it. Mic took one look at him while drinking his coffee, did a mild spit take and proceeded to yank it up to his neck with a "Wow, where'd you get THIS?"
Then Midnight walked in. That's how the rumors of their relationship got started (Surprisingly it wasn't Midnight who let it slip- it was All Might. He didn't mean too- he's just too loud ajrejradrjejkrjkae)
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artbychromo · 2 years
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I remember the trees summoned down Like an archangel choir And the ocean was all we could see And I knew that I wanted you
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 1 year
Cousin Shinsou and Izuku shenanigans in Snipe’s little Cowgirl: (Reminder/information: Izuku is a trans girl in this AU)
-Shinsou totally has the ability to mimic voices right? So he can do accents.
County!Shinsou in Snipe’s Little Cowgirl picks up the ability to do a southern accent and goes: this is me now. And refuses to speak English without it. He then taught Izuku how to do it so she does the same.
-Izuku learns to dance and Hitoshi gets dragged into it cause he’s tall and can move. He proceeds to drag her into going hunting through the streets to look for stray cats in revenge. (Neither actually mind)
-when they met, Bethany (Snipe’s cousin) hadn’t married Dr. Shinsou (he needs a name but I don’t know what I want to use so I will take suggestions or scroll through fanfics to find one) and Izuku didn’t have her egg cracked yet. So these two kids who got heavily bullied are just side eyeing the fuck out of each other and being nervous as fuck. At least until Izuku talks about Eraserhead and Hitoshi goes !!!. Besties after.
-They don’t go to the same school but through Izuku going to Mustapha Private they meet Kirishima and Ashido. I am seriously thinking Hitoshi gains crushes on both for funsies.
-Izuku and Hitoshi have in fact pranked all of UA one time when Snipe had them there while he was doing teacher stuff. Nezu and Aizawa included.
-Hitoshi HATED Inasa when Izuku dated him but tried to be supportive. When the bullshit happened, Hitoshi actually did threaten him.
-I feel like someone tried to blackmail Hitoshi into dating them but Izuku out of NOWHERE would just slam down so much evidence of their bullshit.
-Oh wait. Wait.
These two are the ONLY LGBTQ+ members of the family so far. Everyone else (except maybe Mabel) is straight as fuck. This also means though that the family will go rabid for them.
-Bethany once tried to murder someone who commented about Hitoshi liking boys. With her heel. It was at a gala she went to with Snipe and the kids cause heroes and she was going to throw down with a minor hero.
-I feel like Hitoshi isn’t friends with Yaoyorozu or Iida but he is with Todoroki.
-Yeah that’s what we’re doing. Izuku got the two nerds and Hitoshi got his fellow emo/silent type.
-Todoroki still has his issues though. So does Hitoshi actually cause fuck it I can.
-It’s just when your Quirkless cousin gets into UA and you don’t you get a wake up call you need to buff up and work out.
-Izuku lords it over him for months. (I headcanon there are hero universities for kids who didn’t go to hero high school so she thought he’d go there if he didn’t get in through the sports festival)
-Not that… okay so, Hitoshi didn’t think it would be robots and while he isn’t Quirkist he did think he and Izuku were on the same level for UA. But they weren’t cause Izuku worked her ass off. She didn’t do recommendations cause the ‘favouritism’ issue, but still got in. Hitoshi didn’t. So it’s something he’s got to admit.
-… also now actually it would be fun to explore his assumption Izuku has to work twice as hard as him to be on his level. It’s subtle but it’s a micro aggression I think would be common.
And like I love Hitoshi I do. I also think he’s a dick in the beginning and it’s not to far out he would think that. He’s not Quirkist in the sense ‘Quirkless is useless’ but he does have some thoughts about how Izuku will always be working harder and shit.
Which isn’t wrong. But… *waves hand* yeah.
-So it’s a wake up call when she gets in but he doesn’t and like yeeeeeeeeaaaaaah.
-Shit I should also include Brandon and Jeff in this cause they’re cousins to.
-I wrote half this on night shift but anyways: Brandon is Izuku and Hitoshi’s age and he’s the cousin on the other side of the world randomly texting them shit like: hey so I miiiiight have lit my homophobic teacher’s house on fire. Jeff is like two years younger and he’s an actual legit genius who called dibs about designing their gear.
-All four are chaos. Then when Mandalay marries Snipe Kouta is added and they’re even WORSE.
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quirkfics · 2 years
Kurogiri with endlessly?
He is endlessly patient with your fleeting touches, with the tangled threads of your words, and the way your hands shake whenever he's close. Kurogiri has never been anything but a polite, if commanding, presence in your peripheral, eyes flashing in the dark. Anyone else would assume you're terrified, and it's true, in a way. You're not terrified of him though, so much as your reaction to him, despite the knowledge you possess.
A revenant is nothing more than a corpse, one of the volumes had claimed, reanimated through ghastly measures. And when you'd asked-
Kurogiri had narrowed his eyes, and placed his hand in yours. Underneath the writhing mist, hidden in the solid shadow of it, was cold flesh. Your fingertips had traced over unseen cuticles, the shape of his fingernails and scars on his knuckles.
You've been overwhelmed ever since, battling with your every desperate urge to warm him, somehow. With emotion, with touch. To drive back the chill - or to seek out the one who so cruelly raised him, if only to seek recompense.
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samisnotlegend · 2 years
same anon with the broke boys headcanons, anyways, I'm feeling broke boys withdrawal and need to satiate my addiction
please feed us some crumbs by responding to more of my cutesy headcanons/predictions/random thoughts/ideas about the story. (note: I'm not forcing you to write any of these ideas, but if you felt *ahem* inspired, it's free real estate)
okay so when I first started reading the fic, around the time when bkdk went to costco(?) together and were trying free samples, I have never been able to stop imagining bkg getting invited to a high school reunion and then recruiting deku to go with him soley so they can steal the snacks. And when they show up, they split up to cover more ground. A few members of class A notice him and talk with him and they get along, and they get around to asking him who he's with and deku says he's w/ bkg....cue slow blinking form whoever he's talking to. Meanwhile Bkg is trying to sneakily stuff snacks into a bag at the food table and Uraraka happens to be nearby and being a fellow broke girl(tm) herself growing up, she clocks what he's doing immediately and feigns indifference to seeing him while they talk, but also helps him steal more snacks no questions asked
2. a prediction I've always had was that somehow, a huge battle happens, like Camino Ward levels of fighting) and Bkg is the hero that defeats the villain but ends up in the hospital. And the press is going wild, like, "he was supposed to be evil?? But he did something okay?" and is being skeptical. But as reporters are reporting outside the hospital, a giant group of people shows up, passing by the cameras which are broadcasting live. They all have platters of food, or other gifts. And Izuku comes outside and invites them with him because....its the neighborhood! Some of the newcasters ask the neighbors why they're there and they explain how much their community has blossomed because of dynamight (let's be honest they'd call him kacchan) and his husband. Which is how bkg gets some positive press for once!
3. headcanon of mine is that, once the dynamight hero agency becomes successful, Izuku starts a charity
4. another headcanon is that the neighborhood helps deku and bkg paint the walls of their agency building, kinda like they helped out with the community garden
5. Eventually katsuki discovers the terms aromantic and asexual and a few years down the line does an interview with a queer magazine about it to raise awareness about being aroace and to help other people like him (i'm aroace so this would be amazing). Maybe he starts wearing an ace and aro ring on a chain around his neck? (he would've worn them, but he didn't want his wedding ring to stand out less)
6. when they have enough money, deku finds a cat on the street and takes it home and adopts it and katsuki looks at deku's big doe eyes and agrees
anywho, just wanted to let you know this story lives in my head rent free and thought this might brighten up your day!
Hello my dear friend <3
I am truly sorry it took me so long to reply to this! Honestly, everything about this is so wonderful and I wanted to write something specifically for it, but I haven't been able to (yet!) but here are my thoughts on all your wonderful headcanons.
my jaw legit dropped when I read this one. I cannot spoil anything atm, but... there has literally been a *very* similar scene planned since basically the beginning. A few more UA characters will be introduced as we go through, and yep, Izuku is going to get to meet them, and yep, some slow blinking will occur. ;)
Again!!!! My friend you understand the vibes of BB SO WELL its insane. Something.... similar.... is planned.... I assure you. Now, I'll credit you completely for the hospital idea though, because I hadn't thought of that, but I LOVE IT!! I'll do my best to work something like this into the story. <3 <3 <3
I love this one so much. I'm not sure if I'll be able to work it into the actual story, but its canon for you!
Yes! The ace/aro rings!! So, tbh the reason why I gave Deku and Katsuki black rings is because to me, they ARE ace and aro rings! I actually debated having the ring fit better on Katsuki's middle finger, but decided to go ahead and just have them wear them on their ring fingers. I own several ace rings myself, and I just adore them. (makes me feel all warm and fuzzy whenever I look at mine!) Down the line, Katsuki especially will do some more exploring with his identity. (Izuku is already very content with his) I'm not sure if I'll give Katsuki a totally separate ring, but he'll spread the ace/aro colors in other ways. ;)
Oh gosh a kitty!!! Well, they've already adopted half of the neighborhood kids (and several of the adults) so what is one furry friend to mix? Anon, what do you think I should name the kitty?
Overall, my friend, this ask totally blew me away. You really understand where I'm going and what I want to do with this story.
To me, Broke Boys has always been an incredibly personal story. So many of the themes and experiences (and even stories!) are just thoughts and things that I've taken from my own life. So the fact that it resonates with other people means the world to me.
Sometimes the world sucks, anon! Sometimes life doesn't take you where you want to go, or even where you deserve to go! But its also still wonderful! There will always be happy days ahead of you! There will be people in it who love you! And that's so awesome!!
In the future, I hope that this story will continue to bring you happiness. You deserve it.
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bakubunny · 8 months
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bnha & jjk: period sex
a/n: here are some mini head canons feat. various bnha & jjk characters (aged up respectively). enjoy. add #nasty hcs to your tag filters if you don’t want to see this kind of content, and i’ll see you on the next one.
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throws down a couple of towels and proceeds as usual 💃
aizawa, bakugo, kirishima, yamada, midoriya, toshinori, amajiki, nanami, geto
prefers shower sex to avoid extra clean up 🚿
chisaki (overhaul), mirai (sir nighteye), sero, yamada, toji, megumi
doesn’t like it much but never complains because it makes you feel better 🩷
todoroki, tokoyami, togata, nanami, itadori, inumaki
doesn’t like it much but never complains because they still get to fuck you and make you cum 💦
todoroki, sero, shinso, gojo, megumi
has earned their red wings in more ways than one 😜
kirishima, bakugo, dabi, takami, shigaraki, amajiki, midoriya, aizawa, toga, kayama, geto, toji, sukuna
refuses because of sensory aversion and feels bad for it. gives you tons of kisses and pampers you to “make up for it” even though they don’t need to 🥺
kaminari, todoroki, shoji, chisaki, takami (rare), yamada (sometimes), inumaki, megumi
refuses with a disgusted face because “that’s a ‘woman’s problem.’ come to me when it’s over.” 😒
enji, sukuna
will rub your clit or use a vibe through your panties to give you relief 🫨
kaminari, todoroki, tokoyami, mashirao, shinso, kirishima, shoji, inumaki, gojo, itadori, megumi
somehow seems to fuck you better when you’re bleeding?? gentler, takes their time to maximize your pleasure (and relief) unless you ask for more 🥰
toshinori, midoriya, mashirao, togata, shigaraki, mirai, nanami, itadori, gojo, inumaki
fucks you harder than usual because you’re more sensitive 🥵
shinso, bakugo, aizawa, kirishima, sero, dabi, amajiki, takami, mirai, sukuna, geto, toji
might like period sex more than you 🫣
shigaraki, toga, amajiki, kirishima, geto, sukuna (secretly)
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gremlins: @callm3senpaii @arlerts-angel @dcsiremc @darkstarlight82 @bookcluberror @breadandbutter33 @i-literally-cant-with-this @she-who-writes-for-multi-fandoms @rinalouu @stvrfir3 @r4td0lll
if you’d like to be added to my tag list, let me know. ♡
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artemis32 · 6 months
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Dabi / Touya Todoroki x reader (ft. Tomura Shigaraki & Keigo Takami)
First fic in yonks, and it's a dark one (seriously. read the warnings)
i have three other fics i'm working on that i'm hoping to have done in the next week or two :))
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word count - 7.5k
tw: dark content, noncon / dubcon (mostly noncon), (pseudo) incest??, yandere, threesome, gangbang, vaginal sex, oral sex (both m and f receiving), throat fucking, slapping (not in a sexy way), praise, degradation, they're all pretty mean, voyeurism, choking (not in a sexy way), Dabi is called Touya pretty much the entire fic, and he has a Jacob's ladder, the big dick Shiggy agenda continues, violence, creampie, no protection (wrap it before you tap it kids), chasing, Touya has a thing for tits, some head injury (reader should really have that checked out), Keigo's kinda just there for the vibes tbh
bnha masterlist
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“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
The mumble is dejected, barely uttered under your breath, and promptly followed by a heavy huff.
Your day had been hell personified, to put it lightly. 
A slew of unfortunate events had been what made up your day, bad luck from the moment you’d opened your eyes that morning - late, might I add.
All of your bad luck had culminated into what had probably been the worst day of your life, and to top it all off, you’d been forced to walk home in the rain. Twenty minutes of trudging down a bunch of empty streets saw your already terrible mood plummet, becoming ten times worse.
You’d been looking forward to the day’s end - all you wanted was to get home, for some peace and quiet and whatever leftovers you could find shoved in the back of the fridge. 
That’s why, right now, you feel yourself itching with barely concealed irritation.
There, sat far too comfortably on the sofa, was your brother.
Step brother.
As if you’d ever call that waste of space your brother.
Worse still was the fact that he had two of his creep-fest friends with him.
That wasn’t what annoyed you, although you hated that they had decided to spend their time here instead of elsewhere.
No, what annoyed you most was-
“You couldn’t have picked me up? I had to walk in the rain. Twenty minutes Touya!”
He glances over at you, barely registering your words, his attention more focused on the game he’s playing with one of his friends - the blue haired one who has a habit of seemingly undressing you with his eyes everytime you see him.
You shiver in slight disgust as he eyes you up.
“And? How’s that my problem?”
You groan in frustration, kicking off your shoes in the entryway and stomping up the stairs towards your room. 
“Fucking stupid, waste of space, dumbass, idiot - I’ll shove that damn controller up your ass.”
You take a deep breath, calming yourself. 
It’s fine. This is fine. 
After you’ve calmed yourself and changed out of your soaked clothing, you head downstairs again, pausing on the landing to stare out the window.
The rain pelts down in thick sheets, so heavy you can barely see beyond the window.
You preoccupy yourself with grabbing something to eat, shoving a few slices of leftover pizza onto a plate and into the microwave. While it heats up, a thought hits you and you head back to the living room.
“Hey Touya, when’re mom and dad getting home?”
He doesn’t answer. You wait a while, thinking he’s preoccupied. 
Still nothing.
You ask again.
“Fucking hell!” he yells, slamming his hand down on the coffee table. 
The screen flashes as his character dies and Shigaraki snickers next to him.
Touya turns to glower at you.
“Stop bothering me.”
You roll your eyes.
“When’s dad getting home?”
He leans back, flicking at the controller as another round starts up. Shigaraki hands his controller over to Keigo, or Hawks as his friends mockingly call him.
“Eh? He’s not coming home. Him and your mom left for a business trip this morning - didn’t they tell you?”
You still.
A business trip?
You hum out a distracted thanks, heading back into the kitchen as the microwave blares. You grab the still-hot plate before heading back up to your room, crawling under the pile of blankets on your bed.
You put the thought of your parents and their last minute business trip out of your mind. Instead, you think about other things.
Like the fact that Touya refused to call your mom ‘mom’.
You didn’t blame him, per se. In fact, it was probably better that he didn’t.
It was just strange - Shouto, Fuyumi and Natsuo all called your mom theirs, so it was always jarring to hear Touya call her ‘your mom’, or even worse, by her first name. But it never seemed to bother her, so you never mentioned it.
It wasn’t as if he was even around often enough for it to be a big deal. 
Mostly, he stayed with one of his friends, coming home only when no one else was around or if he needed a change of clothes.
It was an arrangement that suited everyone, though your father never seemed to appreciate his son’s flighty nature.
Whatever, it was none of your business.
All you knew was that whenever he was around, he made your life a living hell.
Before your mom had married his dad, you’d never had any siblings, so the only image you had of that type of relationship before was the stuff you’d seen on tv. 
Shouto and Natsuo were nice enough, adopting you as their younger sister. You’d joined their family early enough that it felt as if they really were your siblings - you were barely four years old at the time, two years younger than Shouto.
Fuyumi had smothered you in the beginning, coddling and cooing at you like a pet. 
Once the novelty had worn off, she’d become somewhat of a normal older sister, though still far more affectionate than what you expected.
Touya though - he avoided you like the plague, at least for the first few years after you’d been forced to live together. Sometime after your tenth birthday though, he’d turned into your own personal tormentor, teasing you like some stereotypical middle school bully, pulling at your hair, tripping you while you walked up the stairs, locking you in the basement if you went down alone to get something out of your dad’s office. Once or twice, he even managed to get you into a headlock, letting up only once you were seconds away from passing out.
It was horrible, and your siblings stepped in wherever they could.
He seemed to lose interest after a while, settling on slinging insults your way whenever he was near. Eventually even that seemed to lose its appeal, and, as of late, he’d gone back to ignoring your very existence, as he had when you’d first met.
It might have hurt your feelings, if you’d had any type of relationship with him. Now, you were just thankful he wasn’t trying to wrestle you to the ground whenever he saw you.
Your musings are cut short by a loud clap of thunder, and you flinch as the windows rattle.
Thunder never bothered you, but the storm seemed to be getting worse, and in the back of your mind, you registered that Shouto still wasn’t home.
You fidget with the blanket on your lap for a few more moments, trying and failing to distract yourself with your phone. You find yourself tapping Shouto’s contact, calling him before you can think twice.
Most of the time, you were concerned your siblings would find you clingy and annoying, as Touya had no problem reminding you, but you cared for them, and that meant you fretted over every little thing.
You pull at a loose thread on your sweater while the line rings, staring vacantly out the window as rain continues to streak down, blurring the view of the garden.
Will it flood? They might have mentioned something on the weather report this morning. I really should start paying more attention.
You lurch forward. “Shouto? Hey, what’s up?”
He greets you, asking why you called.
“Well, you aren’t home yet and the weather’s looking pretty bad. I just- I was wondering if you’re coming home tonight?”
If you were talking to anyone else, you’d be worried about sounding pathetic - needy.
But it’s your brother. Your older brother who loves you and would never mock you for your concern.
He hums before answering. “Oh, yeah, I forgot to let you know, I’m staying over at Midoriya’s tonight. We have a project to work on and it’s just easier to stay here for the night.”
“Oh,” you say.
There’s a long pause, neither of you saying anything for a long moment.
“Okay, I just- um, wanted to check in.”
You take a deep breath, pulling yourself together.
“Well, have a good night. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
He’s about to put the phone down while you scramble to keep him on the line.
“Wait!” you exclaim, “Mom and dad are away on a business trip”
“Yes, I know,” he says evenly. 
There ‘s another pause. 
“Natsuo should be home soon though - his classes ended about half an hour ago, so you won’t be alone,” he reassures you.
“Okay,” you say, sighing through your nose. “Okay, I- goodnight Sho, see you tomorrow.”
He bids you goodnight once more before ending the call. 
You stay still, not moving from your spot for a long moment.
The truth…
The truth was that you weren’t exactly comfortable being alone in the house with Touya. Well, Touya and his friends.
Not that he’d ever done anything beyond bullying you, but - well, you hadn’t been alone with him for more than ten minutes since you were seven years old, and you weren’t eager to try your luck.
Bruises healed, but his scathing words took longer to soothe.
You shake your head.
No, grow up - there’s no need to be so scared. It’s just for one night. And besides, I can just stay in my room and he’ll stay downstairs. Far away from me. And Natsuo will be here. I won’t be alone.
This is fine. 
It’s fine.
After taking your dishes to the kitchen, you make your way back upstairs and head to the bathroom you and Shouto share, locking the door before stripping and jumping into the shower.
The hot water helps work the knots out of your neck, and you sigh heavily as you stand under the jets of water. 
After scrubbing your hair and body, you leave the shower and brush your teeth. Enveloping yourself in a massive towel, you unlock the door and pad over to your bedroom. 
A hot shower had unsurprisingly done wonders for your mood, and you felt much better now. Although, a part of you wished you’d properly relaxed and taken a bath instead - you were sure your muscle aches would be a thing of the past if you had.
You stop short in the middle of the hall.
The door is ajar. Your door.
You’d shut it. 
Before you went to the bathroom, before you’d gone downstairs to the kitchen, you had shut your door.
Hands shaking, you reach for the handle and push it open.
It’s empty.
You sigh through your nose, closing the door behind you and heading over to your closet.
After changing into your pyjamas - sleep shorts that could just as easily pass as underwear for how short they were, and a ridiculously oversized shirt, stolen from either your father or Natsuo - you head over to the hamper in the corner of your room, dropping your towel into it and-
You let out a strangled sound, and it dies in the back of your throat as you freeze with your hand still outstretched.
Laundry was a chore you kept up to date with at all times, preferring to keep your clothing separate from the rest of your family. 
You tended to wash your underwear in a separate load too, so it often took longer to get to. 
That being said, you were supposed to do a load today, and there, on top of the full hamper, was a pair of panties.
Your favourite pair.
The lacy white undergarment lay crumpled up, discarded in a hurry. And it was covered in something thick - both creamy and white.
You feel yourself gag.
Anger- No, rage blinds you as you move to the door.
You storm downstairs, unthinking as you march into the livingroom and stand with crossed arms in front of the TV, ignoring the indignant yells that follow as both Tomura and Keigo die in the game. 
“You’re disgusting.” You spit out, your words venomous and your tone scathing as you keep a tight grip on your soiled underwear.
Touya regards you with a bored, uninterested look, pausing for the briefest moment to eye the panties crumpled in your hand. The two other men take the unprompted disruption as their chance to take a break, Tomura standing up and heading towards the bathroom.
“Hm? Did someone upset the poor sensitive baby?” He asks in a mocking tone, rolling his eyes as he holds out a hand for the controller.
“You and your disgusting degenerate friends are the ones who upset me. Stay out of my room, and keep your goddamn dicks in your pants.” You snap scornfully, glaring down at him.
He pauses, his eyes narrowing as he sits straight and leans forward, his voice dropping an octave as he stares you down intently.
You scoff and roll your eyes. “Don’t ‘what’ me, you know exactly what I’m talking about.”
Tomura returns from his trip to the bathroom, flopping down on the couch with a grunt as he restarts the game, craning his neck to peer around you at the TV.
“No. I don’t. What the fuck are you talking about?” 
“I’m talking about the literal cumstain one of you left on my underwear. Just because none of you have ever felt the touch of a woman doesn’t mean I appreciate you using my underwear to get your rocks off.”
His eyes lighten in amusement at the words, and the smug smirk he wears as he glances at his friends makes your blood boil.
“The kitchen, huh Shiggs? You dirty freak.”
Somehow, you don’t think the words are meant as an insult. The three laugh, ignoring you completely. Keigo even claps the blue haired reprobate on the shoulder in an almost congratulatory gesture.
Rage roars in your ears, and any sense of civility evaporates as you glare at them.
“I’m telling my mom.”
The words, however childish they may be, slip out before you can stop them. It’s all you can think to say at that moment.
Touya pauses, wrinkling his nose in an expression similar to disgust as he scoffs.
“Your mother? Ha, fuck off, I don’t care what she thinks. She’s not my mother. She’s nothing. She’s a brainless bimbo whose only purpose is to spread her legs for my asshat father.”
The words sting more than they should, considering you know they’re not true, and you bite back, uncaring of how you might hurt him as the words spill out of you, trembling hands clenched so tightly your nails dig into your palms, drawing blood.
“Yeah, well, at least she actually loves me. It’s more than you can say for your mother. And at least the rest of the family actually want me around. Fuck, at least Dad looks at me- he’s too disappointed in you to even look at your face.”
Tomura and Keigo’s reactions tell you everything you need to know. You just fucked up. Royally. 
The only sound besides the constant battering of rain against the large windows is the sharp intake of breath from Touya’s two friends, and they sit deadstill, staring between the two of you as they wait with bated breath for Touya’s response.
He doesn’t say anything. He doesn’t look at you. He doesn’t even move.
The room seems frozen in time. No one moves, no words are spoken to break the silence.
You move. The smallest of steps, a miniscule shuffle to the side, towards the staircase.
It seems that’s all he needed. 
Touya is on his feet in an instant, darting towards you, but you’re already making a mad dash for the stairs.
He tackles you down before you’ve even made it halfway, grabbing your ankle and jerking you closer midstep. Your forehead collides painfully with the edge of a step and you let out a pained, strangled whimper. 
Much of what Touya tells his friends is lost to the ringing in your head. All you really register is him picking you up, feeling near weightless as he carries you past the living room, his friends’ leering gazes digging into your scalp as the two of you descend into the basement.
Your attempt at wriggling out of his arms is pathetic and half-hearted, and when you try to grab at the door frame to halt his movement, he cruelly twists your wrists, his expression unchanging at your cry of pain.
The last thing you see before the basement door closes is the enraptured gleam in Tomura’s eyes.
You weren’t ever really allowed in the basement, not that you had a reason to enter the restricted space.
Regardless, you never wanted to be down there. It was cold, and dark, and it sent a stab of unbridled panic down your spine. It only really contained your father’s old office space and a spare bedroom which had been used as a storage space for the better part of the last twelve years. All in all, it was an empty, forgotten space.
The handful of times you’d been down there never ended well.
And as usual, the problems had to do with Touya. 
Always Touya.
He’d locked you down there for hours once, before it had become essentially abandoned.
You’d been five years old, still young and believing the best of him. He’d told you it had been a game of hide-and-seek.
Only, you’d spent the better part of eight hours screaming and sobbing, completely unheard in the soundless backroom of the basement. You’d passed out on the bed sometime after the six hour mark, sleeping soundly until you were found.
Your mother had been in a panic by the time she’d found you, letting out relieved sobs of her own as she scooped you up into her arms and cradled you against her chest soothingly.
Your parents had thought, completely unaware of the truth, that you’d strayed down there alone and managed to lock yourself in. Since that moment, you’d been banned from wandering into the basement by yourself.
Similar things had happened over the years, and unsurprisingly, Touya had been the root cause of many of the problems you’d dealt with.
Presently, he tosses you uncaringly on the bed, scoffing in bored amusement as you scramble over the bed and huddle against the headboard.
Despite your earlier brashness in confronting him, you were terrified. The reality of the situation had set in, and you felt your stomach roil as Touya stared you down with heavy lidded eyes, his gaze contemplative as he scans your half-bare body.
You’d seen that look before, and it made your skin crawl. It terrified you.
It was how Tomura looked at you when he brazenly palmed the bulge in his pants.
How stupid of you, marching downstairs and confronting three grown men, as if you had any chance of winning an argument. You wished you’d had the forethought to at least put on a proper pair of pants.
You swallow thickly, clenching your trembling hands into tight fists as you straighten your spine, attempting to appear calm and unaffected.
“Okay Touya, you’ve made your point. You can stop now, I-I won’t tell anyone.”
It’s an effort to swallow your pride, but you manage the words through gritted teeth, bowing your head as you continue. 
“I’m sorry… I’m sorry for being, uh- For being mean.”
Touya rolls his eyes as he leans forward and grips your ankle tightly, his palm calloused and warm, pulling you closer in one quick jerk, your ass teetering on the edge of the bed. “Imoto…” he trails off, his tone far too sultry for the situation, caressing the inner side of your ankle with his thumb, stroking the soft skin as he tilts his head, deep in thought. 
His grip tightens again, to an almost painful extent, and you suppress a cry as the delicate bones of your ankle groan under the pressure. His voice is cold and condescending as he speaks.
“You’re so stupid.”
You lean further back as he hovers over you, surveying you with flat, emotionless eyes. 
“I don’t care that you were mean. Just like I don’t care if you tell anyone. I don’t care if they believe you either. You know why? Because no one will do anything,” he whispers, toying with the hem of your shirt as he regards you with cool indifference.
“I could do anything I wanted, and no one would say a thing. In fact, I will do what I want… Do you know what I want?”
You shake your head, hesitant and silent in your state of panic.
“Aw, imoto, you know you shouldn’t lie to your big brother,” he murmurs patronisingly, gripping the hem of your shirt as he slowly lifts it up, leaving it to rest just above your bare breasts.
His pupils are blown wide as his hand trails down your waist, leaving goosebumps in its wake.
“Y’know, you’re pretty grown now, aren't ya? I wonder… Have you let anyone touch you yet?” 
He hums to himself, not pressing you for an answer as he continues in a stupor, seemingly unaware of your silent horror. You’re completely frozen, too shocked to move, to speak, to do anything. You can’t even bring yourself to lower your shirt as you listen in abject horror as he continues on.
“I really hope you haven’t. Not that it really matters… Touya-nii will take real good care of you, don’t you worry… It’s about time I treat that bad attitude of yours too.”
You’re frozen in disbelief and fear, completely paralysed as he shoves a leg between yours, keeping them open as he shifts his grip from your ankle to your hips.
The stupor is short-lived, and your struggles renew twofold as he paws at your clothed cunt. There’s a satisfying thwack sound as your foot connects with his jaw, though the sense of victory quickly fizzes out within the long bout of dead silence. Touya tilts his head to the side staring at the wall blankly, and after a few long moments, he moves, slowly facing forward again, rubbing his jaw, seemingly completely ignoring you as he works his jaw.
He huffs, the sound reminiscent of an amused scoff as he looks down at you with rage simmering in his eyes.
“Like I said: You’re so fucking stupid.”
You don’t see the slap coming. All you register is the blurred sight of his arm flying towards you, his numerous rings glinting in the lowlight of the room, and the sudden burn of his backhand striking you across the face. A short, surprised huff is all you can manage, the sharp taste of blood and the stinging pain of rapidly developing welts on your cheek distracting you from reacting.
A trembling palm presses to your tender cheek, and you look up at him with shocked eyes.
“You… hit me.”
He lets out a sardonic laugh, rolling his eyes as he clicks his tongue and caresses your cheek, condescending in his tone.
“Aw, my sweet little sister. You sound so surprised. If I’d known you were such a baby, maybe I’d have taken my rings off for you. Here-”
He pauses, pulling away as he discards his rings haphazardly, turning to frame your face with his calloused palms. His eyes soften slightly as he looks down at you, caressing your tender, reddened cheek for a moment, his fingers lovingly stroking the warm flesh before digging into the fat of your cheeks and his gaze hardens. 
The next slap feels worse than the previous, if that’s even possible.
You’re still reeling from the rough strikes, jolting out of your daze as you feel Touya’s palms ghost over the inside of your thighs. 
His gaze is focused and razor sharp as he soaks in the sight of your scantily clad core, his palms encasing the tender, soft flesh of your thighs. 
Squirming uncomfortably does nothing as he pins your hips down, shifting to kneel on the floor before the bed, yanking you closer and throwing your legs over his shoulders.
Dread drops into your stomach like a stone, making your head spin. As badly as you try to keep them at bay, tears bubble up, dripping down your temples as you sniffle, staring up at the ceiling as you beg.
“Stop– Stop!” You wail panickedly, thrashing beneath him, making no attempts to disguise your sobs. “Stop or I’ll tell Dad!” 
He lifts his head from where it was descending between your legs, grinning wickedly at the words.
“Dad? Aw, you sweet, innocent thing. He’d do the exact same thing if he could. Where do you think I get it from, huh?” he says mockingly, condescending as he slaps your cheek lightly before moving back to his previous position, his mouth dangerously close to your centre despite your tightly clenched thighs.
“Come on now, open up for me. It’ll only hurt more if I have to make you.”
A pleading whine is all you can manage as you shake your head, keeping your legs pressed together.
His eyes turn cold at that, all playfulness and teasing leaving him in an instant. He cruelly digs his fingers into the soft flesh of your thighs and huffs in annoyance at your yelp of pain, leaning forward as you jerk your legs apart from the pressure.
A moment later, his warm mouth envelopes your clothed sex.
Your hips jolt, and you gasp in surprise, eyes wide and rounded as you stare down at his bowed head between your legs.
This… This was wrong. So wrong. 
Even if you didn’t like him, even if you were loathed to admit it- He was your brother.
Your brother.
“Touya… Stop, please. Please,” you beg quietly, your voice quivering with effort as you reach down to his head, intent on pushing his face away.
You don’t get very far.
His grip is like a vice on your wrist, and he doesn’t look up and he squeezes down painfully, tutting in mock disappointment.
“Did your mother never teach you it’s bad manners to interrupt someone’s meal?” he murmurs, not looking up at you as he massages your hips, hooking his fingers over the hem of your sleep shorts.
It’s torturous. A sick, twisted punishment, the way his focus is wholly dedicated to undressing you.
Shame floods your chest, burning up your neck and over your ears.
He pulls your shorts down, inch by inch until you’re exposed to him, shivering in the cold, stagnant air of the basement. He looks up at you then, regarding you with cool indifference as he kneads the fat of your thighs.
“Itadakimasu,” he purrs softly before descending on you.
A breathy, strangled garble is all you can manage as he licks a smooth, confident stripe up your slit, twirling his tongue lightly around the bud of your clit before returning to your cunt.
His tongue is teasing, punishing as he laps at your core, slurping loudly as if to humiliate you. It works, tears of shame burning your eyes as he pulls away after a few minutes to stare up at you with an appraising eye.
“Someone’s enjoying this, hm? Look at how worked up I’ve got ya…” he hums softly, shifting his hand to rub tight circles on your clit as he stares you down.
“You’re a disgusting whore, getting off on this. Like mother, like daughter, huh?”
The words snap something inside of you, and you decide in that moment, you want to hurt him- kill him. Gouge his eyes out and shove them down his throat.
“I hate you.”
You glower and slap him across the face with as much force as you can muster, not giving him a moment to react as you kick his shoulder, sending him careening back before you jump off the bed, yanking your shirt down in the process.
Though you try to sprint for the door, your relief is short lived.
At least the floor is carpeted here, you think gratefully, sparing your head the aching reverberation as your skull bounces off the ground for the second time that evening.
He wrestles you onto your back, keeping you pinned with frightening ease.
You realise in that moment, he’d been allowing you to put up a fight. Though he seemed somewhat lanky at first glance, his torso and arms were corded with muscles. Muscles he used to keep you restrained beneath him as he ripped off your shirt, tearing through it like paper and leaving you stark naked beneath him. Your struggles had been little more than a game to him, one which he’d played along with all evening.
Screams and pleas fall on deaf ears as he snarls down at you, hatred simmering in his eyes. A thin trail of blood drips down from his cheekbone and onto your bare chest, the scratch on his face red and angry from where you’d struck him.
“I was going to be nice, get you all prepped and ready, maybe even give you an orgasm or two. But you’re such an ungrateful fucking whore,” he spits, wrapping his hand around your throat to quieten your wails.
When you continue struggling, thrashing beneath him with flailing limbs, he lifts you up slightly by your throat before slamming you down, knocking the last of your breath from your lungs. 
“Now, here’s what’s going to happen. I’m going to punish you for that little stunt just now, and then I’ll let my friends upstairs have their way with you too. It’s the least you could do after you were so rude to them, hm?”
You have no words left. No hateful insults, no pleas, no threats, nothing.
All you can do is cry soundlessly as he unbuckles his belt, the metal clinking as he yanks it off and shoves his pants down his thighs, lining himself up with your mostly unprepped entrance.
He slaps your cheek lightly, shaking your head as you try to dissociate from reality.
“Nuh uh, none of that now. I want you here. Pay attention,” he hisses, gripping your jaw tightly before shifting his palm back down to your neck, his grip bruising and painful.
A pained squeak is all the noise you can manage, clawing at his hand on your throat as his cock shoves into your core.
It’s agonising, painful, feeling him force his way into you, violating you.
His hips jerk forward in short spurts, fighting against the resistance of your unprepared core with every stroke, his Jacob’s ladder rubbing your walls raw with each vicious stoke. Tears dampen your temples, burning your eyes, and you wait for the pain to subside as he pushes in to the hilt and stops with a puff, his breathing evening out after a long moment.
The two of you lay there in silence, and you suck in a shuddering, wheezing breath as he released the column of your throat. His hand travels down your bare body, coming to rest on your pubic bone as he uses his thumb to massage tight circles into your clit.
His ministrations leave your legs quaking, and your orgasm overtakes you without warning, slamming into you like a tidal wave as you whine and arch your back off the ground, begging him in broken babbles to stop.
Your pleas fall on deaf ears, and he seems to double down, grinning cruelly as he continues to flick your swollen clit.
“Come on now, you can give me one more,” he coaxes teasingly.
And you do. You cum again, your walls fluttering around his cock as your eyes roll back in your head. 
His fingers stop their tortuous movements while you pant, but you’re not granted a reprieve as he grips your hips, lifting them slightly to position the back of your ass on the top of his thighs. He jerks his hips forward, snickering as you gasp and whine before drawing his hips back and slamming forward.
The movement makes your breasts bounce, and he immediately sets an arduous pace.
You dig your fingertips into the carpet beneath you, clinging onto it for dear life as he fucks his way deeper into you, pressing your thighs to your chest. 
The noises you let out are disgraceful, moans and whines that would put a pornstar to shame, but your mind feels blank, empty of all thoughts besides the feeling of his cock filling you up, the mind numbing massage of his piercing against your gummy walls.
Touya isn’t much better off. His bottom lip is caught between his teeth and his brow is furrowed, twitching as he grunts and moans each time he bottoms out inside you, feeling your walls suck him in deeper with each stroke. You’re both covered in a light sheen of sweat, panting heavily and trembling with the exertion, and your cheeks still shine with tears.
“That’s my girl,” he murmurs. “My sweet little sister, nothing but a dumb little cumslut. What would everyone say if they could see you now, huh?”
His words are hateful and meant to hurt you, but you can’t think, can’t respond in anything but breathless moans as he pulls you closer and picks up the pace. 
“Say thank you. Say ‘thank you big brother for making me cum’. Say it.” 
He’s as demanding as ever, tweaking your nipples in punishment when you make no attempt to respond, insead laying dumb and drool covered beneath him.
“Say it,” he orders you.
“T-Thank you- fuck- thank you Touya.”
He scoffs, slapping your tits with an open palm.
“Thank you Touya-nii,” he corrects you, squishing your cheeks together with one palm as he shakes your head back and forth.
“Thank you Touya-nii,” you whine, writhing beneath him.
He rewards you by leaning forward and spitting into your squished open mouth, clamping his palm over your mouth as you gag and try to spit it out.
“Ah ah, swallow.”
You do.
He pats your cheek in a gesture that seems almost loving, shifting his fingers down to your clit once more.
“You wanna cum again? Wanna cum on your big brother’s cock?”
It’s a rhetorical question, he’s already forcing you over the edge for the third time that evening, leaving you a twitching, overstimulated mess beneath him.
"It was me, by the way. I used your underwear- I came to tell you Natsuo wouldn't be home tonight, but instead all I find is some lacy white shit."
He chuckles at your horrified expression, groaning at the feeling of your fluttering walls.
“-’m gonna fill you up,” he grunts to himself, gripping your thighs, digging his nails into the tender flesh as he uses your body.
His words fill you with cold dread, but you don’t have time to interject before he stills with a throaty groan, slumping over you as his cock twitches inside you and warmth floods your belly.
“F-Fuck, so good-” he mumbles into your chest as he presses kisses against your tits, still grinding into you as your walls twitch pathetically around him.
He huffs a spiteful laugh at the whine you let out as he pulls out of you, his cum dribbling out of your spent cunt. He lightly slaps your cunt, smirking as your legs twitch, before he sits back on his haunches and tucks his now limp dick back in his pants.
“Up. Get on the bed.”
Your mind, somewhat coherent once more, is in a frenzy.
What the fuck had you just done.
This was wrong. So, so wrong.
What would your parents say? What would your siblings say?
Oh God, if they saw this, saw you…
You feel sick, your stomach roiling as you sit up, shoulders shaking with cold realisation.
Another harsh slap to the face pulls you out of your panicked reverie.
Touya looms above you with cold eyes and an unimpressed expression.
“Get on the fucking bed. Right now. We’re not done here.”
You know by now that fighting is useless. He was so much bigger and stronger than you, so easily able to subdue you. Not to mention the other two men upstairs-
No. Please no.
But your suspicions are confirmed as Touya walks to the door and leaves the room, coming back a moment later with his two friends in tow and a cruel smirk on his face, tutting mockingly at the anguish on your face.
“I did warn you. You have to apologise for your bad manners. Come on sweetie, be a good girl for them, yeah?”
None of them wait for a response, both Keigo and Tomura pulling their aching, leaking cocks from their pants as they hover above you, leering down like a pack of hyenas. 
Touya doesn’t slap you when you try to dissociate this time, content to let his friends use you while he lounges in the armchair in the corner of the room, watching with a disinterested expression. If you didn’t know any better, you’d say he seemed bored.
Keigo seems to have some sick fascination with your mouth, shoving his cock down your throat without warning or preparation and letting out a throaty moan as your throat convulses around him.
His palm remains locked around your neck, watching with rapt attention as your throat works awkwardly around the thick intrusion.
You’re almost thankful for the distraction of his cock, for the way Touya had stretched you out minutes prior, when you see the length bobbing between Tomura’s legs.
How it was possible for someone to be that big, you didn’t want to know. 
Your eyes remain transfixed in muted panic on the monstrous member as Tomura makes his way around the bed, propping you up on your knees before he spits on your cunt.
The feeling of a fat glob of spit hitting your entrance and sliding down the length of your slit makes you cringe, shivering in disgust at his actions. You’re not given a moment's warning before you feel the fat head of his cock rubbing against your entrance, trying to pry its way into your tight heat.
A panicked, muffled garble escapes you as you jerk forward, only serving to fit more of Keigo’s length down your throat in your attempt of escape.
Tomura lets out a hiss of displeasure, digging his fingertips into the fat of your hips as he jerks you back towards him, forcing the head of his cock into your pussy.
It hurts, you want to say. It won’t fit, please.
But you can’t. All you can do is choke down gags and sobs as Tomura rips through you. Everytime you think he’s bottomed out, he just keeps going. He keeps going until it feels like he’s pushed through your cervix, until he sits snugly in your stomach. 
He doesn’t give you a chance to catch your breath, doesn’t grant you the smallest of breaks like Touya did. Instead, he immediately sets a harsh, forceful pace, and each stroke feels like a punch to the gut.
From his spot in the corner of the room, Touya lets out a low whistle, leaning forward with his forearms resting on his knees.
“Look at ya. You’re loving this, aren’t ya? Hm, if I’d have known being dicked down was all you needed to shut up, I’d have done it ages ago.”
His words flow in one ear and out the other, your sole focus on not choking around Keigo’s length as he bottoms out and keeps you pinned in place with his palm planted on the back of your head.
As much as you try to ignore it, his throaty, vocal moans make your core clench around Tomura who scoffs. “You were right, she really is a whore. I can feel her sucking me in.” Touya only hums in response, watching now with an almost enthralled expression as his two friends plough into you simultaneously. “You probably love this, hah? Dumb little slut.” 
The swat he places on your ass leaves a stinging red welt on the smooth flesh.
You’re too lost in the unwanted pleasure to even think about responding. You let your mind wander elsewhere, losing yourself in the toe curling sensation of Tomura’s dick rubbing up against your walls, filling you completely.
Maybe if you pretend it’s someone else, anyone else-
You cum so hard you black out for a moment, losing any and all sensation in your hands and feet as your limbs fill with a strange fuzzy feeling. Your orgasm was so sudden, so unexpected and all-consuming that you struggle to keep yourself conscious and up on all fours, arms and legs trembling as Tomura whines through his teeth.
Keigo grips your hair at the roots, bringing your attention back to his cock as he moans, tilting his head back and flooding your throat with his cum without warning.
He tuts, pulling out of your mouth with a sigh and tapping your chin with his fingers.
“Be a big girl and swallow now, will ya?”
You wince, grimacing as you swallow down his thick, salty seed.
His smirk is devious as he pats your cheek, zipping up his pants and walking over to Touya. He leans down and whispers something in his ear, though their conversation is lost to you as Tomura flattens your chest against the mattress and picks up his pace.
You can’t stop your tongue from lolling out your mouth as he rails into you, your drool forming a puddle beneath you, soaking into the cream duvet. All you can manage is breathless, whiny moans - the only sound in the room besides his own grunts, the slick pattering of your cunt, and the banging of the headboard against the wall.
The thick duvet lays twisted beneath your fingers, and you cling to it desperately as Tomura pants above you like a dog in heat, using your cunt like some glorified fleshlight.
By the time Tomura finishes inside you, you’ve climaxed twice more. He collapses on your back, breathless as he licks a stripe up the ridges of your sweaty spine.
You’re too exhausted to even whine or wrinkle your nose in disgust. It’s all you can do to fight from passing out, puffing from the exertion.
Goosebumps cover you as the sweat cools on your skin, leaving you shivering and sticky.
Touya approaches the bed, murmuring something to Tomura, who grumbles and gets off of you with a grunt before ambling out of the room.
Once only the two of you are left in the thin silence, Touya speaks. His voice is little more than a low murmur as he crouches down next to you, softly brushing the sweaty strands of hair off your face.
“You look so pretty like this. All vulnerable and used… I hope you know how this changes things. You’re mine now. All mine.”
The sentiment makes your stomach curl. If he sees the cold dread on your exhausted face, he doesn’t comment on it, instead pressing a soft, small kiss to your temple.
“Come on, I’ll carry you to your room.”
He doesn’t wait for an answer, lifting you off the bed with ease before leaving the basement and making his way through the house, to your room. The sight of the soft, baby pink walls feel surreal after the past few hours. You feel as if you’re violating the clean, pure space of your bedroom, soiling the sheets as Touya sets you down on your bed. 
He bustles around your room, grabbing another sleep shirt and tossing it your way before coming to settle down beside you on your bed. You make no move to put on the shirt.
You don’t do much of anything but stare blankly at the wall opposite your bed.
Touya hums softly, stroking your hair.
“Ya not gonna say anything?”
There’s a pause.
“Huh. Okay then… I think you’ll move in with me. Well, Tomura and me, that is. It’s a nice place, you’ll like it.”
Again, a pause. He seems to be waiting for a reaction, a change in facial expression, something.
He sighs heavily.
“Come on, don’t be like that. It’s not as if you didn’t enjoy it. You’re lucky it was storming outside and no one’s home. I’m sure the entire neighbourhood would’ve heard you moaning like a whore.”
It’s a jibe, one meant to get a rise out of you.
“...whatever. You’ll come around sooner or later, hah?” he hums, ruffling your hair.
He stands and stretches, seeming to contemplate something for a moment before he sighs again, covering you with a blanket and leaving your room without another word.
Only once the door clicks shut, do you allow yourself to cry, your small sniffles muffled by your pillow.
Despite your fear, your strained emotions, the ache between your thighs and in your jaw…
You fall asleep, curled up in a tight ball beneath a pile of blankets.
Unconsciousness welcomes you with open arms, and you pray that you stay asleep indefinitely, not wanting to wake up and deal with what had happened. 
You dream of shadowy figures, larger and faster than you, with glinting silver jewellery and cruel smirks, all looming over you.
And when you wake up hours later, you awake all your belongings packed up in cardboard boxes, and to Touya next to you in bed, his fingers pumping in and out of your core, his other palm massaging your breast.
He nips at your ear, smirking against your neck. "Morning imoto..."
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ddymarie · 1 year
My personal view of BNHA
° Katsuki bakugo
Bakugo gives me that mafia husband vibe.
Idk he's seems so dominate.
Harsh lover.
This doesn't make him soft... Tho
Especially during sex. I can never write it down but loves to slap you, your face, your cunt, your ass.
This man will definitely make you suck his fingers.
Very much enemies to lovers
Hate sex, slow sex
° izuku midoryia
Awww deku,
He's soft, but definitely not a beat around the bush kinda guy.you want something tell em
All about teasing and pleasing.
Hes affectionate always has his hands on you. Your in public. Arms around your waist. Chilling in the kitchen. Chopping vegetables next to ya. On the couch your on his lap. Having sex your on his face.
Reads you like a magazineeee.
Friends to lovers
He knows everyone
° Keigo takami
Yalll this mannnn.
I see him to be a spitter. A fuckboy.
Definitely would be your summer fling
But then there's innocent keigo
He's all about giving you your personal space. " I don't wanna invade " .
Always taking you on dates.
Sex every night is a NEED.
I feel like he would be into videoing it. Private collection in his phone of you and you👀 . Yk that vibe. Private relationship
Always been around you but never interacted with you so
Definitely strangers to lovers
° shinsou hitoshi
Always brings you gifts.
Tie you up. Cuff you.
Degrading you.
Always whispers in your ear. EVEN DURING A NORMAL CONVO
He's an ass guy. Hands always on your body
Hair puller
Fuck buddies to lovers
° Eijiro Kirishima
Never wears a shirt
Very "whatever you want, princess" and just spoils you cause it's a manly thing to do
Friends to lovers trope.
Always touching on his muscles.
He's always had you messaging him.
Loves to finger you.
Not the freakkyyy type. But definitely surprised when you say "blindfold me ".and does it
i feel like he would role play to set the mood then having you scream his name and dropping the act.
He never locks the door. Anyone just walks in. Morning sex addict.
" great way to start the day you know " he says
Always holding your hand, or has you holding his elbow. Sitting you on his lap
This man would hang off the door frame
Shirt sliding up a little. While he's all sweaty from being in the gym.
Always uses you as a extra weight to lift 🏋
The end ✨
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captainkirkk · 8 months
Decided store all my thoughts on this post while reading the 'Welcome to demon school, Iruma' manga instead of spamming everyone with thousands of individual posts
Iruma's love language is head pats and no one can tell me otherwise!!
I really enjoy that the manga has explicitly said "love is love and not based off gender" in the demon realm. We have at least two background characters who have same-sex interests, although admittedly said characters are a little questionable (but interesting)
Although there are a few creepy side character that I hate with all heart that make uncomfy comments about girls. Even Lied. He's getting the Kaminari treatment smh
What do you MEAN the creators almost made Azz blond??
The misfit class has a group chat and Kalego is in it. I need fics about this immediately.
I love how m!ik encourages selfishness. Often shounen animes do the opposite and our characters are selfless to the point of ruin (*cough* bnha *cough*). But m!ik shows that striving every day for YOUR own desires and living happily is the most beautiful thing a person can do. (Especially to Iruma, who endured a childhood of neglect/abuse)
I will never get enough of evil phase Iruma. Evil phase Irumi is a fucking gift.
I love that Sullivan and Opera made their own Irumi merch. I'm sure official Irumi merch is gonna hit the market after the idol games, and then it's going to be an all out war between Azz, Clara, Ameri, Sullivan & Opera to buy it
Azz, drunk off his ass at the new years party having a meltdown about how SMALL Iruma is?? It gives the same vibes as the drunk woman crying about puppies in that one buzzfeed video
Drunk Jazz insisting he's the misfit class's big brother 😭😭 They're so found family coded I cannot handle this
Opera vowing to serve and protect Iruma the same way they serve and protect Sullivan.... I'm going to pass away
I'm up to chapter 200 and may or may not keep live-posting my thoughts, depending on whether my fever goes away
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theglitterypages · 1 year
BNHA Headcanons: What kind of person they would fall in to and how they'd fall in love.
Shoto Todoroki
• Now, we all know how Shoto grew up. He didn't have a happy childhood. He's got Mommy and Daddy issues and even if he's working on it, Shoto's past would definitely affect the way he falls in love.
• He would definitely fall in love to a home maker. Someone mature, someone gentle and good with kids, a girl who's good at cooking, a girl who's soft spoken and all that.
• Shoto wants someone with a positive thinking. His childhood is full of negative vibes and events so meeting someone who's always positive would help him so much.
• Girl you're not therapy but every time he sees you, it feels like everything bad that happened didn't happen at all. Having you by his side makes him hopeful.
• He's young but Shoto is the "date to marry" kind of guy. The moment you two started dating, this kid will imagine having a family with you.
• Shoto is 100% a romantic. This is another visible reflection of his past in his life and personality. Since he saw his parents relationship, he didn't want to be anything like his Dad. He will treat you the way he wished his Mom was treated. I mean, he'll spoil you so be prepared.
• Shoto's love language? Gift giving, acts of service, words of affirmation, physical touch, quality time and everything you could ever think of. He's starving in all forms of love so please spoil him.
• 100% possessive. Not in an unhealthy way, Shoto values you so much, coz you're everything that he wants and need in his life. He's afraid that someone else will take you from him if he takes his eye off of you.
• Shoto will be 100/10 boyfie. Please be nice to him.
Shoto often wonders how it feels to fall in love. He's seen how it is in television shows and movies that his classmates watch in their free time but he's intrigued on how it happens in real life.
He didn't witness it in his own home so he have no idea.
But he started wondering about all of this because of you. Now, you're great friends and you guys get along really well. Like Deku, he can open up to you pretty easily but Shoto started feeling strange, there's something different with the way he sees you and he knows it.
It all started when he got sick. Yes, Shoto gets sick, even though it's rare. He has a hard time dealing with sickness. He would have nightmares or he would repeatedly call out for his Mom while he sleeps.
After classes, you went straight to the dorm and check up on Shoto just to see him lying on his bed as he calls his Mom over and over again, his voice cracks as if he's close to crying.
"Hey, hey, Shoto-kun. Wake up..." You whispered softly as you gently shake his shoulders to wake him up. His eyes slowly opened and he let out a small gasp of surprise as he looked up at you.
"YN? I-I what are you doing here?"
You smiled warmly and helped him get up on his bed. "Class just finished and I was gonna give you my notes but it looks like you need something else. How are you?" You asked. You were frowing for a bit, your breathing was quite heavy and your eyes were unfocused. Shoto could sense your worry so he gave you a smile to calm you down. "I'm fine, I'll be good to go to class tomorrow." You shook your head and held his hand. "You don't look fine at all. Wait for me here, alright?" Before he could even answer, you already made your way out of his room and he chuckled quietly, it's his first time seeing you panic like that.
When you went back, you were carrying a tray with food on it. "I cooked some porridge for you and I brought some meds." You told him as you place the tray in the table beside his bed. You sat on the edge of his bed, you picked up the spoon and you met his eyes. "Say 'ahh', Sho." Shoto was hesistant at first but he still opened his mouth and let you feed him.
"You know, I'm well enough to feed myself." He said after drinking some water. "I know, but I want to take care of you." You answered. Shoto looked at you as you look at the medicines you brought with you. "These are the ones recommended for someone with your quirk. I was told it's natural for you to have an unstable temperature every now and then because of your quirk. And all we can do is try and regulate your body temp." You handed him a tablet and the glass of water. Shoto just looked at it but your disappointed sigh made him take the meds from your hand.
After drinking his meds, you placed a hand on his forehead and your eyes widened when you noticed how cold he was. "Are you okay? Aren't you cold?" Shoto nods his head, "I'm good. It's just because of my quirk." He lied down and you still couldn't be at ease knowing that this happens to him. Knowing his family history, you'd know that Shoto wouldn't let anyone else help him whenever he's sick.
"Refrain from using your quirk. Even if you're cold, you can't use your fire to heat yourself up. Just wrap yourself in a blanket for now." You tucked him in before you stood up and made your way to his cabinet. Your eyes scanned his belongings, looking for particular clothes and when you saw it you whispered a small yey before you went back to Shoto's bed.
"Wear this jacket, you can just take it off once you start heating up."
Shoto finds himself feeling much better, he was listening to your stories about how the classes went today but he drifted off to sleep, it must be the medicines but the last thing he heard was you ranting about Bakugo's attitude.
You noticed Shoto's lack of response and when you looked at him, you smiled. He's finally asleep, you brushed the strands of his hair that covers his eye. You gently traced his scar and you felt bad. He's gone through so much in such a young age.
"You deserve some rest, Sho-kun." You whispered before leaning down to kiss his forehead.
It was only one of the many occasions that you've made Shoto feel like he's so worthy to be love and taken care of. He was not used to that kind of kindness and gentleness, he didn't know how to react properly but he just finds himself wanting more of your love and care.
He was injured after a villain attack. It was nothing major and serious but you showed up on the school's clinic after he got treatment for Recovery Girl, you were bawling your eyes out, checking him up as you look for any injuries.
"I'm fine, stop crying."
"Stop charging towards the enemy like that! You didn't know their quirks but they know yours! You wouldn't know if they can—" he hugged you tightly to shut you up. He's smiling, he's smiling like a goddamn idiot as he felt you bury your head on his neck, still crying, whispering how worried you were and he loved it. He loved how you fit so perfectly in his arms on that moment.
"Hush now, my love. I'm safe."
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makeste · 7 months
do you perhap have bakugou whump fic recs?
I have many such recs! not all of them are "whump" in the purest sense of the word, but they've got angst and hurt/comfort in abundance, so yeah.
I also have an older rec post from like five years ago which has quite a few Bakugou whump fics as well, so I'll link that here.
and here are like 16 new ones lol.
some quick notes:
I'm just including links and summaries here, so please make sure to check the tags for each fic if you have certain squicks or triggers you're trying to avoid!
please be aware that I am not very nitpicky about grammar and style and spelling and the like, so long as I'm feeling the characterization and general vibes. so while I can't promise that all of these fics will read like Nobel Prize-winning lit, I can say that I personally enjoyed each one enough to go back and reread more than once.
although it tends to be one of the most common tropes in Bakugou angst fics, I do not vibe with the "abusive Mitsuki" angle, so you won't find any of that in the works below. same goes for Midnight-bashing (which is also surprisingly common).
I also did not include any fics with sad endings just because I didn't feel like depressing myself today lol.
I don't think there are manga spoilers in any of these fics except one (which I noted and marked with an asterisk), but definitely check the tags just to be safe.
lastly, though I'm by no means a prude when it comes to fanfic, all of these particular fics are SFW, just FYI.
gen Bakuwhump:
It's Already Tomorrow on the Other Side of the World by Nicole_Silverwolf
In the absolute immediate aftermath of his rescue at Kamino, Bakugou just wants to sleep. If he sleeps then this nightmare will be over. Except he's freezing in the mid August heat. And he can't stop shaking. A glimpse of two imperfect humans trying their best told in 3.5 parts.
post-Kamino Dadzawa and Katsuki. easily one of my all-time favorite BnHA fics. it's so sad and cozy.
Coming Up for Air by achievingelysium
Katsuki has nightmares. He doesn't think he deserves the comfort, but Aizawa-sensei sits with him anyway.
more Dadzawa dealing with nighttime Kacchan angst, since that's like my #1 BnHA fic aesthetic. this is so well-written. like, there are a couple of lines in here that just... guh. just hit right to the core of me.
Bakugou's "Super Fun" Three Day Vacation by Marvelless
Bakugou and his parents arrive home after the Kamino Ward incident for some much-needed recovery time.
post-Kamino Bakufam angst. lots of paranoia and dissociation. this is one of those fics that's sort of a guilty pleasure for me, because Katsuki definitely feels a lot more... fragile?... in this than I think he would have been in canon. but he's still enough of a grump during all of his spiralling that it still feels like him. and I do love me some Bakufam wholesomeness, and this fic has got that in spades.
the art of poor judgement by emelinelou
It's a Tuesday when Bakugou admits to himself that maybe, maybe he is sorta, kinda under the weather. Things go quickly downhill from there. . Alternatively: Bakugou's too stubborn to be "sick," Midoriya and Kirishima are in over their heads, Todoroki is the Most Useful in a pinch, and Aizawa is not paid nearly enough for this.
probably my favorite sickfic. chapter two especially. Bakugou's narration in this is fucking fantastic. he's so fucking done with life. meanwhile everyone around him is freaking out, and he himself is a complete mess even though he won't acknowledge it, and it's just great. it's equal parts funny, sad, and absolutely adorable.
(incidentally, even though this fic is marked as incomplete, it really doesn't feel that way and ends at a perfectly reasonable stopping point, so don't let that put you off.)
Solar Flare by TheQueen
Three weeks after Katsuki Bakugou receives his quirk, he takes a short tumble off a bridge and watches, dumbfounded, as stupid Deku extend a hand. Don’t take it, the universe commands. Don’t tell me what to do! Katsuki snaps.
this is a really cool AU in which Baby Katsuki accidentally starts defying the universe and ignoring his predestined path, which has a profound ripple effect on his life. sort of like a time-travel fix-it, minus the time travel. also just a heads up that Bakugou is like five years old in this so I guess it's technically a kidfic. and there is plenty of angst, a little bit of whump, more Bakufam, and plenty of baby Kacchan and Deku being cute like it's their job.
BKDK/DKBK whump:
lose it all (with eyes wide open) by ghostwriterofthemachine
Katsuki is blinded. Izuku is muted. Both of them are kidnapped. Things get worse.
this is one of those fics that just kind of leaves you stunned at how freaking good it is. featuring: psychological mindgames, hopelessly bleak situations, and codependency so utterly raw and desperate that it broke my heart roughly 17 times.
When Ice Doesn't Float by Ma_skee
A simple rescue exercise goes south when Izuku falls through the ice and it goes from a class assinment to an actual rescue and a race against time to keep him from freezing to death.
technically this is more Dekuwhump than Kacchanwhump (though we do get a bit of the latter toward the end), but I'd argue that few things could possibly stress Katsuki out more than being in a tense survival situation in which Deku is hurt and needs help. anyway so yeah. this is classic hurt/comfort and very good.
spinning out of control by mollE
Katsuki joins the 'I've Been Mind Controlled' Club. He wishes he hadn't.
please see above re: how all Dekuwhump scenarios are secretly Kacchanwhump scenarios in disguise. anyway so basically a mind-controlled Bakugou beats the shit out of Deku while being fully aware of it the entire time, and has a complete (and understandable) emotional breakdown afterwards.
all that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing by maxisnotokay
Izuku has had this thing about him that Katsuki has never been able to name, but he's been chasing it since he learned how to run. It takes a catastrophic building collapse during their third year and a severe concussion for him to realize what it is. Aizawa loses ten years off his life. When does he not.
gotta love a good building collapse fic. this one has a concussed Katsuki, a very worried Izuku, and the usual "thanks to this intimate life-or-death situation, I have belatedly realized some fundamental truths about the nature of our relationship" tropes. but it's good. a lot of really good banter and back-and-forth dialogue in this one too.
takes one to know one by Sour_Idealist
Deku has left UA. Ochako still looks for him in unguarded moments. Bakugo is, unsurprisingly, being a jerk.
some good emotional hurt/comfort post-Jakku. Ochako has a chat with Bakugou about Deku. specifically, Bakugou's feelings toward Deku. it's good shit.
*fear is the heart of love by nikkiRA
*please be advised this fic contains major manga spoilers!!
Bakugou gets hit by a quirk that amplifies his greatest fear for 24 hours.
losing Deku. the thing that scares him the most is losing Deku. this is a good fic. emotional hurt/comfort for days. though once again do keep in mind that there are a couple of major spoilers in this.
silence is what i do best by notreally
the one where both Izuku and Katsuki were hit with a truth serum sort of quirk, and things aren't going all too well.
not just a truth-telling quirk, but a truth-compulsion quirk, to the extent that (spoiler alert) the quirk causes them physical pain and distress if they don't speak the truth. which, as you can imagine, leads to all sorts of extremely vulnerable conversations and a lot of good h/c.
close by not quite by blossomshed
When Bakugou goes after a beacon during a class-wide rescue op, he doesn't expect to find Deku - or to find himself dealing with the fallout of a gift he doesn't want, and a side of himself he'd never bothered to examine. He deals with it nonetheless.
this fic is so dear to me. it's yet another "Deku transfers OFA to Bakugou fic", but it's just so fucking good. and it also features a (very much confused) ace Bakugou, which is such a rare find. there are lines from this fic which I still think about constantly. it's funny and profound and adorable and so wonderfully IC, please go read it.
BONUS NON-ANGSTY FICS because I just felt like ending this list with some happy stories where Kacchan gets a lot of love:
give me compliments (i said give me compliments) by wonhaebunny
“It’s just cute,” Ashido is telling them as she walks into the classroom. “Like, when you compliment someone and they get flustered so easily, don’t you think it’s endearing?” Kaminari blinks. “Like Bakugou?” he asks slowly. - 1-a realises that katsuki is really, really bad at receiving compliments. exposure therapy ensues.
he is bad at accepting compliments. this is a very, very cute fic.
The Friendship Ladder by nikkiRA
Bakugou and Kirishima tell their classmates they're dating, but everyone seems more interested in who gets to claim the newly vacated spot of Bakugou’s best friend.
as the summary implies this is technically KRBK, but the focus here is very much class 1-A as a whole. there's just something about seeing the entirety of the class squabbling over their Kacchan love that tickles me to no end. Deku is also fantastic in this lmao.
The Yoshida Trail by WinterSwallow
Mitsuki Bakugo returns with her gift to the mountain.
last but not least we have this gorgeous character study with a criminally low view count. Mitsuki climbs Mt. Fuji with an eight-year-old Katsuki in tow, as the fic explores his childhood and young adulthood through a series of vignettes. the insights in this really have no business being as profound as they are, given that they're voiced from the perspective of one of the most graceless characters in the series as she observes her equally graceless son through all the ups and downs and tumbles of his life. but somehow that just makes the whole thing even better. idk I just really love this a lot.
anyway that's it for now. hope at least a few of these are enjoyable. thanks for the ask!
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kleftiko · 1 year
i love your aizawa content its so refreshing all i ever see is him being over dominant and ik its just fanfic but still 😭
i share a birthday w him (i screamed when i found out two yrs ago) so i was wondering if you could write smthing were reader finds out that they share a birthday w him
love you a bunch ❤️❤️
(you literally inspire me to write more bnha content, i only rlly write haikyuu cuz the toxic bnha fandom ruined me lmfao)
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cw: none, this is fluff
birthday buddies !!!!! iida and i share the same birthday too lol that’s so fun:) and thank you for liking my work😭 aizawa is the definition of a true hero he CARES
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yamada gave you the tour. apparently he did that for all new staff, just like when he emcee’s for the school. he’s got such a great vibe that it made you feel a lot less nervous for the first day on the job.
so you were thankful he was the one showing you around, you had heard rumours of the strict 1A teacher, aizawa, and was a bit worried that he wouldn’t make you feel very welcome here. but yamada assured you that it was alright.
“aizawa’s a great guy.” he said and read over your personal information sheet as you set up your desk. “he’s just a little mean and scary, but nothing to worry about!”
“doesn’t sound very helpful…” you mumbled under your breath.
the bell rang, signalling the next period, and you let the minute of students bustling in the halls and staff leaving the room to go teach fill the air.
“no way, november 8?” yamada said and you looked towards him. he opened his mouth to continue when his focus zoned in on something past your shoulder.
he lifted his arm and smiled widely.
“shota!” yamada called, despite the fact that you two were the only ones left in the room. a tall man with dark hair looked your way.
his tired eyes held no emotion, and the way he slouched with his hands in his pockets gave an intimidating presence that didn’t fade once he stopped in front of your desk and towered over you.
his eyes stayed on you but he said nothing. your mouth dried up, not used to his scrutinizing glare.
“y/n here’s the new general studies teacher.” yamada blabbed, ignoring the awkward air. “you’ll never guess her birthday—same as yours!”
you ignored the lump caught in your throat and turned to aizawa instead.
“n-november 8?” you ask but he didn’t give you an answer. “wow, i’ve never met a birthday buddy before! high five!”
then you froze. hand held up in the air towards a person you just met, and you realized how cringy that was. but you can’t seem to say anything, or even move your arm as you just stare at him in fear.
his bored eyes traced so torturously slow up your palm that you wanted to melt away. then his piecing glance zeroed in on you, holding eye contact that just made you want to apologize profusely for even speaking to him.
but then his hand tapped yours, the soft sound of the high five echoing slightly.
“birthday buddies.” his voice was deep, the vibration of it sending a warm shiver over your entire body and erupting a relieved grin on your lips.
you distantly hear yamada behind you breaking out into a harsh snicker, but you’re too focused staring at aizawa.
his hand dropped back into his pocket as he nodded his head.
“nice to meet you.”
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oshiawaseni · 1 year
Trails of Love Hori's been paving down in the build up for the series' ending
Part II: Decoding the love story being told through other characters
Part One | II. Compress | Part Two -> KiriMina
.•° ✿ 2. Gentle & La Brava ೋღ
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Gentle and La Brava are classic portrayals of the archetype known in Japan as "baka couple" - a couple that dotes on each other and are very openly affectionate. By juxtaposing the baka couple with Izuku and Katsuki, who keep their true feelings for each other close to their chests, Horikoshi is highlighting the tension and ambiguity going on between bkdk even more.
This tale is the evolution of my feelings towards Gentle/La Brava.
Their introduction was, very... unexpected. Izuku had just finished his tough fight against Overhaul. Nothing much was going on at the time and it had been quite a while since Izuku and Katsuki had interacted with each other.
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Shortly after Gentle and La Brava's introduction to the series, BkDk development ramps up and Izuku's "Control your heart" character arc begins. Isn't that interesting..?
The very first time I watched Gentle/La Brava's story in Season Four, something seemed so... misplaced about them.
Their vibe felt filler-ish and because of the school festival side plot going on, their appearance was more like a filler inside of a filler. Yet, Horikoshi had indeed written them into BNHA. These two characters felt so strange when compared with Hori's usual characters. Even downright silly. They were criminals, but they weren't even that bad..? Tea? U.A? They loved each other?
I just couldn't quite work out their purpose in the grand scheme of things and I quickly gave up trying to.
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Izuku has no regard for himself? He's crazy? Don't get entangled with him? These lines scream out KATSUKI KATSUKI KATSUKI and how he had felt towards Izuku for years. It seems Hori projected Katsuki's issues with Izuku onto LB/G over 100 chapters before Katsuki verbalised them himself. Going back, now knowing they were written for BkDk is a new experience in and of itself.
Around the time of Katsuki's death, a few theories were floating around on twitter, saying that Gentle and La Brava were put in the manga to highlight what's going on with BkDk. At the time of hearing these theories, I never expected they'd be making a return to the story in the final arc, it had broke my brain thinking about them the first time, so I didn't give this theory too much thought... but when they showed up a second time, in the final act, I really wish I had.
Because as I was reading the things they were now saying the second time around, and being more open to this theory about them, all I could see in my head were visions of everything Izuku and Katsuki had ever done for each other. It had finally clicked:
God, Hori did invent these characters to be the voice of BkDk.
These were the new lines in question that sent my head spiralling about the magnificent truth of this theory:
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"Are you still fighting to protect someone's smile?!" It made me think of Katsuki, how Izuku was fighting for Katsuki's sake! To keep him safe, so he'll come back to him, energetic, alive, red eyes shining again with the passion that Izuku loves so much, and his face brimming with confidence and that wonderful, infectious smile of his that tells, no, shouts to everyone that he knows he's a winner.
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"My only happiness was the thought of you at my side" Immediately made me think of Katsuki's last moments and thinking of Izuku when he knew, he just KNEW he was going to die. And his thoughts of Izuku - wanting to be the hero that Izuku loves, so he could feel that love when he needed it most, these feelings surrounded and filled his entire heart like a comforting, soft, warm blanket. These feelings are what got him through everything until the end.
This one made me cry because Izuku was his happiness at his very end. And I finally saw Horikoshi, the mangaka who cares about BkDk more than anyone! I saw what he was doing!
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"The time we spent apart made our love even stronger." was like a ray of hope for me because every time they had a separation, BkDk's love grew even stronger. It meant that this separation caused by Kacchan's death would some day have an end too, where afterwards, they would be free to love each other for all the world to see.
Can you see it? Katsuki and Izuku were always meant to end up together, and La Brava and Gentle were meant to help show readers what they feel, without BkDk necessarily saying it themselves.
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If Izuku's love of Kacchan is what got him a power up every time (OFA, Black Whip, Danger Sense), then this ultimate power of La Brava's must be the same for Katsuki too. Because it is his love for Izuku that gave him a quirk awakening. (And there's another great theory that their deep bond and immense love for each other is what connected Katsuki to Izuku's OFA, as well. So Gentle La Brava are connected via Love... and Katsuki and Izuku are connected via love!)
Let's say from the very beginning of BNHA, Horikoshi's idea was to gradually bring BkDk closer and closer, adding in little details here and there that don't make much sense on their own and are never expanded upon. Because he couldn't make their feelings known in the early/mid game... but he wanted to have them romance-ready at the end game.
Hori would have had a basic outline for the ways he was going to develop BkDk's relationship and he knew he needed a lot of 3rd party help to really spell out their relation to each other in the future. So Hori created Gentle and La Brava for this singular purpose. They exist to help verbalise Katsuki and Izuku's unsaid feelings! It's a perfect marriage between Gentle/La Brava's words and BkDk's actions.
And once people realised that Hori was doing this, they could then go back to the dialogues and connect the dots with other BkDk scenes as well, for example, Katsuki's abduction by the LOV in season three.
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In a scene where Katsuki is taken away, Izuku's emotional pain is palpable. His deafening scream shocks not only his classmates, but a lot of viewers too. Because of his deeply emotional reaction and later scenes displaying symptoms of PTSD, this seemingly one-sided affection that Izuku has towards Katsuki, raised so many questions about their relationship for me. And as the series progressed, the mystery of Izuku's powerful feelings and need for Katsuki only deepened further. It feels like La Brava's dialogues were written into the series, just to verbalise what these overwhelming moments were truly like for Izuku.
This can't be just a coincidence. There are just too many parallels between BkDk and Gentle/La Brava to even count.
If you've read my twitter thread on the Gentle/La Brava vs BkDk parallels and how incredibly similar Izuku and La Brava's backgrounds are, but you're still sceptical about this theory, then going on this journey of Hori's trails with me may help convince you that Hori was going to make BkDk canon no matter what and that he's been using other characters to narrate the feelings of BkDk's actions.
In the future, I hope to show you how instrumental Gentle and La Brava were in expressing Horikoshi's vision.
Because there are more layers to Gentle and La Brava's arc than a damn rainbow cake. And I'm still not finished with these two yet, but that is a topic for a later post. Next up, KiriMina!
Part Two -> KiriMina
II. Compress Back to Part One
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siflshonen · 7 months
Hi, I love your analyses and your fics! 💕Especially that Eureka Seven AU man ngl it lives in my head and starts playing in my local theaters every other night at 2 AM, but *clears throat* I'm getting off topic lol :D do you have a bakudeku fic/authors rec list?
I'm honored you read the Eureka Seven one!
Good Bakudeku authors... the truth is, there are SO MANY. Just in general, and so many that are really, truly excellent. I have begun consuming more and more fic lately as I feel the itch of the subtext of what's happening in the manga rapidly becoming text and just plain consuming me, but many of the individual stories I've read can be GREAT as a story but perhaps not so great as a canon-faithful representation of Bakudeku - so I'm not entirely sure what kind of Bakudeku you're asking for ("fun and good story" versus "horny vignette" versus "that's totally Katsuki and Izuku.")
Also, like, for several of these authors, their Bakudeku portrayals evolved as the series progressed and we all learned more about these characters and the varnish of what BNHA pretends to be (superhero stock shonen!) peeled off to show what it actually is (The newest generation of something that should never have been domesticated now outgrowing the limits of the modern genre.) This is always good to keep in mind when looking at the dates of each work published.
Um, it's hard to pick just a few, and even harder when there's no specific direction about what TYPE. So here's a scattershot off the top of my head:
Me. My work. Read Mundane Crimes, Public Displays of Affection and I Want What I Don't Deserve. Those actually have some substance to them. The rest are kind of whatever, but you may still find them fun.
Kickass AUs and All-Rounders
chymerical is my favorite author on this list. They can do anything. I care about sports now because of chymerical. There's your fuckin' fadeaway.
young_crone - some are truly Bakudeku and some are just great stories that are using familiar names. Read all of 'em.
SmartiMart - Variant Edition is a sweeping epic and fascinating enough that the Bakudeku isn't actually its primary draw for me. Please also read Where in the World is Marigold? It's not Bakudeku, but I love it. SmartiMart is clever, inventive, and sometimes so much of a romantic that it makes me go, "woah, now! That's a bit much!" but in the best way.
iphido - this author has only one work for bakudeku, and it is worth it.
nicc - bite-sized sweet scenes, though many are very NSFW. Consistently excellent.
pikahlua - Dragonheart. this is your kick in the pants to finish those scenes, Pika.
Romantic Comedies
qodqodqod - Cringe comedy where love always, always, always prevails and bakudeku can't out-stupid their way out of it. Great job of not making the miscommunication, or lack of communication, a bore or overdone past what it needs to be.
heartsinhay - the cringe comedies are named that for a reason.
Darker Stuff
rironomind - apparently published something new earlier this year and I missed it??? DAMN! Existential, experimental, melancholic, high concept, fantastic. Rom's work is mostly in this category because it tends to throw curveballs at the reader. This is the category that just felt the most right by its vibes.
bkdkink - Lemonhead specifically.
Roadtripwithlucifer (read their new stuff too) - horny, but focused and full, full, full of ennui and anger and love and grief. It's the confidence of handling the last four that makes these works shine.
Surveycorpsjean - hit or miss for me personally, but always well done.
majjale - always great work; sometimes hit-or-miss for me personally on the bakudeku.
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cheekinpermission · 2 months
Happy 500 followers!!
How about 1 and 10 for the ask game?
Thank you for you participation, anon! Ask game is here! Send them in if you want <3
1. Who's hand did you first grab? Why? Would you choose someone else if you could do it over again?
I grabbed Idia's hand! When I first got into TWST, I had absolutely no clue what I was getting into so I really just went based on which voice actors I recognized LOL. I know Kōki Uchiyama from a ton of different anime (JJK, Buddy Daddies, Haikyuu, BNHA, Yuri on Ice, etc.) so I just went with his character. While Idia doesn't crack the top 5 for me, I don't think I'd choose again. The only reason I would is if it impacted the story somehow but I really doubt it will. I'm COMITTED.
10. Top five favorite characters?
Grim occupies all top five spots. BUT since that's boring, so I'll limit my choices to the main cast lmao. (My love for the dire beast is PROFOUND) I got VERY wordy here so here's the short answer: 1. Riddle Rosehearts
2. Vil Schoenheit
3. Malleus Draconia
4. Ruggie Bucchi
5. Kalim Al-Asim Explanation below the cut! (I got very excited to talk about my favorites and wrote a lot so I figured I'd condense it for people who didn't want to scroll through it all lol whoopsies.)
1. Riddle Rosehearts - I have no explanation for this?? He's pretty much the opposite of my usual favorite characters so idk what happened here. I've always been drawn to the Alice in Wonderland aesthetic so maybe that has something to do with it? He's got such great character writing, too?? Everything about his personality just makes sense when you know his backstory. When we learn that Riddle's tyrant of a mother was strict and controlling over him, the pieces just seem to fall into place. His whole life was just following her rules and studying like a good little boy, and when he stepped out of line even a little bit he was reprimanded harshly for it. Of course, he's going to the exact same thing once he's in a position of power. It's all he knows. He's just another version of his mother. Not only does he uphold the tradition of punishing rule breakers rather severely as he was when he was younger, I think there's also an element of fear there as well. Like, his mother just instilled an innate fear of breaking rules because bad things would happen if he didn't follow them exactly. I really do see Riddle as a scared little boy who is suddenly realizing that he was set up for failure by his own mother. And THEN he makes an honest effort to improve himself post-overblot?? His transformation after the fact is one of the more obvious ones and I'm just so proud of him. A THOUSAND HEAD PATS!! Okay, I'll stop rambling about him lmao I love Riddle sm (Also want to make clear I'm not saying Riddle was right for anything he did, only that I appreciate how his character was handled. Added for legal purposes so people don't come after me :c ) 2. Vil Schoenheit - This one comes as no surprise to me. Pretty boys who challenge gender stereotypes are RIGHT up my alley. Like Riddle, I think Vil has some great character writing is one of the more complex characters in the game. He just feels so compassionate to me?? I don't know how to explain it - he just gives such nurturing vibes. I'd trust this man with my drink at a bar fr fr. And then he tells Epel off for saying ballet is too "girly" for him?? Thank you TWST for bringing me this man. I pray at the altar of Vil Schoenheit. 3. Malleus Draconia - Doesn't Malleus top everyone's lists LOL I think my favoritism for the dragon man is more to do with his relationship with Yuu than anything else tbh. He's like one of three characters that actively engages with the main character and I think they've got such a fun relationship. Two people who feel very alone in the world finding friendship (or something more for you malleyuu shippers) in each other is so beautiful. I'm glad they can be there for each other like that. Side note: I adore romantic Malleyuu for sure, but I think it's equally as endearing if all of Malleus's flirtatious lines were never meant to be romantic but he's just really bad at communicating his feelings in a platonic way. Like, he doesn't mean to flirt he's just socially inept. 4. Ruggie Bucchi - Gremlin hyena boy is just too good for words. Ngl, I started off not really liking Ruggie all that much because of what he did in the Savanaclaw book. My mans was basically shoving people down flights of stairs?? I'm not really sure where the turn around happened tbh. Mischievous personality types do tend to draw me in in fiction so that probably has a lot to do with it. I also felt really bad for him at the end of the Savanaclaw book when Leona was ready to Thanos him out of existence despite everything Ruggie had done for him (and continues to do for him). I appreciate his work ethic, I can respect the hustle, and he's got such a cute little laugh. I wanna pet those big ole ears of his. Leona - pay this man more smh 5. Kalim Al-Asim - SUNSHINE BOY!!
He's such a breath of fresh air in this game LMAO. As much as I love the fact that most of the cast are unapologetically flawed, it's nice to have a few characters that are genuinely good people. His VA (Kazuki Furuta) absolutely kills it imo. I can hear his laugh in my head as I'm typing this - it's just so warm and happy :D He also breaks the sterotype of most rich characters in media by just being a nice person? He's not evil or greedy (although naive and entitled) and he just wants to be bffs with Jamil. Break his heart Jamil and we're gonna have WORDS. Also just like FORGAVE JAMIL??? His bfffl yeeted him across the desert, brainwashed him and admitted to wanting to get him kicked from the school and Kalim didn't really hold it against him. He was so understanding and sweet about everything AHHHHH
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