#the thought popped into my head n now its gonna fester
bobthebobking · 2 years
okay so. imagine in hyrule’s hyrule, they have the All Hallows’ Eve tradition of dressing up as biblical figures. hyrule probably didn’t get to celebrate it much until after his first adventure when he started assisting in the rebuilding of hyrule and hanging around civilization more.
so he’s like 10-16, perfect halloween age. and even before his adventure, he’s heard stories about the hero of legend, and he is OBSESSED. St. Link of Kakariko is his favorite saint. they even share a name! so when he finds out about halloween costume traditions, hyrule obviously loves dressing up as legend. so much that he probably barely ever dressed as any other biblical figure. plus, why would he waste a perfectly good costume?
as he grows and reads more books at the castle’s library, he finds artistic depictions of the hero of legend and alters the costume to be a little more accurate every year. eventually he’s got a near-perfect Legend outfit!
fast forward a few years when hyrule meets legend through portal shenanigans and he’s like “Wow, great St. Link costume! The medallions are a little off, but everything else is perfect!!”
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The Crossroads to the Sun 🌞
Takemura/Female V
Rated: M for mature themes and explicit content NSFW 18s only
Trigger Warnings: Themes of death, suicide, gallows humour
Part 1 of ???? “The Sun Series”
Link to part two :
Will eventually be posted on my AO3 account when I get this beta’d. 🤟
She had decided she wanted to be away from night city when she pulled the plug. If anything, she wanted it to end under the blanket of the starry skies, part of her hoping they would guide her into the next world safely. Driving through the neon jungle felt like a technicolor funeral procession. Or perhaps a walk to the gallows? She was thankful she still had most of her senses as she pulled herself from her morbid reverie just in time to avoid a badly placed bollard on a sharp turn straight down the road heading towards the city limits. She swore under her breath but continued. The pain was dull, but festering in her mind, less so than before, but enough to keep reminding her of the internal ticking clock that was getting louder with each passing hour as it neared to zero. She breathed deeply though her nose and steeled herself. But more doubts began to drift through her, like a slick fog encircling her mind she thought of all the people she would be leaving behind and hoped they wouldn’t hate her after tonight.
Goro’s name flashed up on her biomon and it took her a minute to register. She nearly rear ended a truck at a traffic light before finally answering.
“Where are you?” His voice was gruff, demanding and her eyebrow crinkled in irritation.
“What’s it to you?”
“Let me help you V. Just take the deal with Hanako, we make this right and you get back your life. If I were you, I would not waste the chance.”
“You mean you get back your life.” She spat, Takemura went quiet on the other end for a moment, his eyes flinching at her tone. “Don’t try and pretend this is concern for my well-being and as far as making this right goes... You really still think you and Arasaka can fix this? Goro I know when I’m beat. Nobody can fix this. I’m done for and it’s time I just fucking faced facts and made my peace. I’m done. I’m calling it.” She hadn’t realised how hard she was gripping the steering wheel until she felt the alloy begin to crunch lightly under her guerrilla cybernetics.
There was a long pause and she thought for a moment he had hung up until she heard the shuffling of erratic, hurried movement on the other end.
“Where are you V?” He demanded, his voice was direct, to the point, no room for nonsense, no room for anything but answers.
“It doesn’t matter. I’ve left a data chip with Misty. It contains all the relevant evidence, via brain dance, you need to get the vindication you so desperately require.”
“V, tell me where you are right now. ” It was sharp this time.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t help more. Goodbye, Goro. It was a pleasure to have known you.” She hung up and looked down at her phone, closing her eyes a moment only to be jolted by Takemura calling again. She took a deep breath before turning it off and throwing it in the passenger seat and popping into third gear as she trolled though the gates past the city limits to security. She was quickly flagged through with little bother from security. They seemed more interested in what was coming into the city that what was going out.
It took her an hour to get to where she needed to go. The edge of the badlands. The final touch stone before she headed further in, back to all she ever knew. Just another busted down prewar gas station covered in sand, nature already claiming back its land. She parked her car outside and managed to pry open the front door after digging some accumulated sand from the way.
She woke to the whistling of the desert storm on the shutters, the dilapidated old outpost rocked shakily. She almost felt as if she was in the belly of a ship at sea being pulverised, to and fro, by an onslaught or roaring waves.
She sat up, listening to them a while, until eventually the weather died down to a gentle lulling breeze. She stepped outside for a moment and thanked whatever powers that were out there that the sky was clear enough to see the moon and a dim scattering of stars. She climbed from her make shift cot and stepped outside.
“Still think you made the right call? Those Saka assholes might have fixed you up all nice.” Johnny flashed back into her peripheral vision, sitting on a bench under a busted canopy with his guitar slung across his lap.
“I dunno. I guess we’ll see.”
She looked up at him with narrowed eyes.
“They were just going to extract you and dump me the moment it suited them. What, you think I was just gonna put my head in a hungry lions mouth and just hope everything would just sort itself out? For all I know they would have just cut me open the minute they got me up there. I’d rather die out here, on some dusty ass terra firma in the wastes than lose my mind up in some space prison.” She flipped out Evelyn’s cigarette case, only three left in place making her sigh before pulling out one and lighting it up.
Johnny groaned at the sensation of the nicotine flooding her system from her first drag. It had been a while since she’d allowed herself such little pleasures, but for the first time in months she wasn’t on deaths door, bringing death so someone else’s door or trying to kidnap an heiress, so exceptions can be made.
“Weather out here huh? Never notice it in the city but, fuck. Mother nature sure is a feisty broad.”
“You have no idea.” She chuckled.
“Pretty good we got here before the worst of of the storm hit earlier. I would not want to be the sorry sack of shit that had to drive through that.” Johnny chuckled.
It was about 5am, sun already shining and blistering the ground, she had scavenged a few things from the outpost to keep her and Johnny going long enough to get to the Aldecaldos
Or just long enough. The thought of kicking it just before saying goodbye to Panam and Saul and the others churned uncomfortably down into the pit of her stomach but she attempted to occupy her mind, busying herself with prep work and repairs on her gear. She was going to try at least.
Before she could think of the next task, Johnny materialised again, already on edge.
“Someone’s coming.”
“Raffen? Cops? Arasaka?”
“Can’t be sure. I’d get ready if I were you.” He was gone again, and all she could think to do was get back to the gas station and ready herself for the visitors.
A Herra Outlaw that looked as if the chemical desert had taken a shit on it, genuinely one of the most out of place thing she had ever seen in the badlands and that was saying something, pulled up with a soft screech as the brakes engaged and the engine shuttered off. The pop of the car door made her grip her baseball bat tighter as she edged closer to the door, so as to be on the hidden side when it opened.
The door flung open, nearly ramming her in the face had she not hugged the wall so closely, she held her breath as a darkened figure entered the room, but the rasping baritone that filled the air made her freeze.
“V?” Takemura’s voice cut through her and all she could do was stare in disbelief.
“What the fuck?”
He whipped around like lightening, his wild searching gaze landed on her and his eyebrows all but flew up into his hairline and his eyes widened in disbelief but seemed to relax after a moment, a wave of relief washing over his features as of up until this moment he had been in a panic.
It was all a blur, he pulled the rusted metal door closed, nearly wrenching the door off its screeching hinges before his arms suddenly reached for her. He pulled her forcefully into his chest into an embrace that should have shattered her spine with the implants this man had. The newly back online ones, she noted.
She scrunched her eyebrows incredulously at him when he pulled away, his fingers tracing down the length of her arms until they still rested on her shoulders as he continued to look at her as if he was afraid the moment he took his eyes off her she would disappear into thin air.
“What are you doing here?” She breathed, still struggling for air after the uncharacteristic ribsplitting hug.
He looked down now, almost sheepish in his manner but he did not waiver when he returned his gaze to her.
“Stopping you from making a foolish choice.”
She sighed deeply.
“And since when do you have any right to tell me what I can and can’t do?”
“I do not. But I can try at least to make you see reason.” He wasn’t budging, she wasn’t budging.
“Goro...” she pinched the bridge of her nose and temple in an attempt to quell the newly forming tension migraine.
“You could have your life back. You would be good as new, Arasaka would ensure it if you testify at the board meeting. Arasaka always rewards loyalty.”
“I know that’s some rhetoric you’ve been spoonfed your whole life but unfortunately I have a very different opinion on the subject of ‘who Arasaka serves’ and it most certainly isn’t people who have a history of stealing from them.” She dead panned, making Goro groan.
“If you would just listen to me you would know that is not the case. Hanako-sama has extended this life like to you V do not waste it.”
“I’ve been listening. And watching. From the very start. I’ve seen them from an angle you have yet to even comprehend and part of me fears even then you wouldn’t see the truth.”
“They are-.”
“Only in this for themselves. I won’t argue with you about this, there is nothing you can say that will change my mind. I’m not selling my souls to the fucking devil, man, I’m sorry but that’s how this situation feels to me. I know there is nothing anyone can do for me, not you, not Arasaka, not Hellman, not even Alt fucking Cunningham’s AI ghost from beyond the Blackwall knows how to undo this so fuck this. I refuse to spend the last days of my life scrambling for answers only to whither away to nothin and die anyway. I’m leaving this hellhole on my own fucking terms. So just let it go. Just forget about me and go back to your cushty little life as Arasaka’s cheerleader or body guard or whatever the fuck it is you do.”
She couldn’t remember how, but during the course of their verbal spat, he had pushed her against the adjacent wall from the door and upon hearing her retorts he snarled in frustration and slammed his hand into the wall beside her head, denting the already disintegrating plaster, sending a cloud of dust in the air around them. The pluming cloud fluttered and caught the small rays of morning light seeping through the crags and cracks in the windows and walls of the abandoned gas station. She managed to push him off with a forceful shove only to have him lunge back to her. His martial arts clashed with her own brand of badlands fist fighting. She was flexible, contorting her body out of his reach before rounding on him with a left hook followed by a hasty jab aimed for his face. Unfortunately, he had reach, countering her wild strikes with a wave of his arm and tugging her to him. She lifted her knee between them to vault herself from his grasp but lost her footing at the end and it took only a single low sweeping kick to her other leg that sent her off kilter, but Goro followed her to the ground where he pinned again, this time on the floor with both her hands above her in each of his. She struggled against his vice grip, twisting and squirming beneath him to roll him off but he refused to be moved barely even flinching as she thrashed beneath him, awaiting her to finally stop. She roared in frustration but refused to give up. If she couldn’t knock him with her strength then she could knock him with her words.
“Hanako knew!” She spat at him, the intensity of her glare ripping though him.
“Knew what?” He asked with narrowed eyes.
“She knew it was Yorinobu who murdered her father. She knew you were telling the truth, that you were being framed and she still let you go down. Then guess what the kicker here is?” She laughed bitterly. “Saburo’s not even dead. He’s being kept as an engram, he’s been planning something with Hanako this whole time and they were going to let you go down regardless!! They were going to discard you, who served them faithfully your whole life, for their own fucking agenda. So tell me, why you think for one fucking second that they will actually help me?” Takemura was quiet, his hold on her waining enough for her to flip them, her hands balled into his shirt begging him to look at her but it was as if something had been shattered in him. They both were panting from their verbal and martial exchange, but they were far from done.
He suddenly reached up, his hand cupping her cheek gently, tracing the cybernetics of her face with the tips of his fingers before pulling her down to him without warning, his lips finally met hers in a heated kiss.
She gasped into his mouth, giving him the chance to shove his tongue in to explore her. He didn’t know when he would get the chance, if he ever would again after this. But she had yet to bite his face off so he took that as a good sign. In fact she had nearly gone limp from the shock of his sudden advance. He pulled away slowly, his face still inches from hers but his eyes bored into hers with a renewed intensity.
She pulled her hand from his now loosened grip and reached down gently and placed a delicate hand on his cheek, only for him to lean into it with closed eyes. He pressed his own hand over hers and took a deep calming breath.
“Goro, look at me.”
His eyes opened again, staring down at her with so much hope yet one word from her could shatter him into a thousand shards. And fate was a cruel mistress.
“I’m going home.” He looked down at that, his brow tugged in an unreadable expression but she chased after his gaze and held his chin so he had no choice but to stare wordlessly at her.
“I’m going home. To the people I love. To say goodbye. And maybe... maybe, for once in my life just try to do some good in this world, not for eddies or cred or some fucking illusion of grandeur, but just to do something worthwhile. I want have something real. Before I... before I can’t anymore.” She stroked his cheekbone with the back of her knuckle. “I don’t expect you to understand. But it isn’t up for debate.” Not what he had wanted to hear, but the finality in her words left him no room to argue. And so he was then left to stare down the inevitable horribleness of a world with no V.
He rested his face in the crook of her neck, her soft sun kissed skin, slick with sweat from the desert heat.
“Then let me have this at least.” He whispered against her, causing her to shiver under the weight of his words.
He returned his lips to hers, an even more energised passion driving his need and to his surprise she returned it, hands cupping his face gently. She then pushed him back down on his back and dove back to his lips. He began unbuttoning and loosening her clothes as fast as his hands could allow him. He pulled off her tank top and stopped a moment to admire her perky little breasts before pulling her back to him and lavishing her chest adoringly with bites and kisses that made her mewl against him.
“You have been taunting me since the day we met. Not wearing anything but that tight blue netrunner suit.” He growled against her chest, biting at the underside of her breast, his eyes primal and burning hers with an unspoken need to be closer.
“I’m a net runner you gonk, ah-!” He bit a little harsher around her nipple at the comment but lapped at it gently afterwards. “I-it was for practicality’s sake.” She shivered against him.
“It was to torture me.” He chuckled.
He lifted them suddenly, his hands under her thighs again as he deposited her on a near by countertop, her legs wrapping around his hips as he ground himself desperately into her while trailing his lips from her ear lobe to her jugular and back before biting then tugging sharply causing her to yelp softly.
“Maybe a little.” She gasped, casting him a delighted grin which elicited a growl from deep within his chest. He leisurely ran his hands along the hem of her jeans, tugging at them slightly before slipping his hand down underneath to grab a handful of her ass, squeezing it appreciatively before moaning at how soft and pliant her skin was under the extra sensitive touch of his cybernetic hands. He allowed himself to become lost in her for a moment. Mapping her every contour in his mind, committing each breathless sound that fell from her lips to memory, savouring her sweet breath on his tongue and wondering if he would ever again taste something so perfect as her. He felt her pull away lightly, a few centimetres from his face to gasp for a breath and still his lips chased hers. It was as if she could read his mind sometimes, she was looking at him with those confounding purple eyes, her smile faltering as if she could see how banefully torn he was.
“This won’t change anything.” She whispered sadly against his lips .
His brow creased under the weight of his anguish, another growl, not so carnal as before but instead a roar of frustration and he attacked her body with a new found, punishing fervour. He pulled her up effortlessly once again and threw her into the cot, her body’s weight caused the springs to groan and he had managed to discard his shirt fully, then turned to her. She was now only in her underwear, her golden skin glistened in the low orange morning haze. Her body was lithe yet athletic, her skin tantalisingly smooth to the touch yet disturbed by stray scars scattered about her person. Her years of fighting for her survival in this hellscape had shaped her and moulded her into this picturesque model of strength and beauty. He kneeled before her, nipping his way down her navel to the hem of her panties that he then quickly slid off in one fluid motion. He dove between her legs, basking in the sweet gasps she made as he drove her wild with his tongue. Her hands twisted and twined themselves into his ebony and silver locks, pulling his bun loose to let his hair cascade down his shoulders, grazing her nails over his scalp delicately. He introduced a single finger to her and pumped deeply inside her yet at a controlled pace, eliciting another quivering gasp that made him smile against her.
“Goro...” the way her breathless lips formed around his name drove something in him. She was able to bring out the strangest and most wonderful of feelings in him.
He was sure from her cries she was nearing her climax and before she could taste the sweet precipice of her release, he rose up to kiss her. Her taste on his lips had a lewd yet arousing effect on her, but her climax, once so tantalisingly close was now receding and the heat biting and curling in her abdomen made her squirm against him. She pulled away after a moment and gasped a quick breath.
“You ass.” He pressed his face into her neck again and she felt the rumble of his chuckling. He continued to kiss her neck and his hands pinched and rolled her nipples in a torturously teasing manner. She writhed under him, a mewling mess.
“Stop teasing me.” She pleaded, her own hands cupping either side of his face to pull him from his ministrations on her neck that she was almost certain would be bruised to absolute fuck in the morning.
He nudged her legs to open and she obliged eagarly.
He teased her entrance lightly running his tip up and down coating himself in her essence before sliding steadily inside of her. He had to stop half way and swallowed a guttural moan. She was so tight. Like a warm vice pulling him further inside her and dragging him impossibly closer to her. Her legs had wrapped around his hips, her thighs quivering around his girth. He took another moment to make some experimental, shallow thrusts and groaned once more at how deliciously slick she was.
“Oh... V...” his forehead pressed against hers and his grip around her hips tightened.
“Don’t.... stop...” she was barely above a whisper, which made Goro want nothing more than for her to be louder.
He took this as his moment to flip her onto her stomach against the cot.
His right hand held both her arms behind her back, folded and solidly trapped there. His left hand was holding her hip, dragging down to guide her over his girth once again. He rather enjoyed the view of her at this angle, he was so lost in the way she bounced against him, the feeling of her walls rubbing so exquisitely against his length, that he was sure he wouldn’t last long. The thought of having their tryst cut so short however did not appeal to him, the feeling of being fully encased by her was so unequivocally amazing he never wanted it to stop, so he forced himself to slow down to a languid yet laborious pace, favouring drawn out leisurely strokes.
“Jesus Christ...” she gasped, arching her back in a way that made him want to go back to pounding her within an inch of her life but he was controlled, no foolish young man driven by a cardinal need, but a mature and tentative lover who wanted to make his partner see the stars before this was over.
He reached around, dragging his hands from the underside of her bellybutton to glide along her ribs, up and over her breast, giving it an appreciative squeeze before cradling her throat gently and turning her head to look back at him as much as she could in the position which granted wasn’t much. He leaned forward, still thrusting inside her at a restrained pace, and ravaged her neck, suckling the flesh at the junction of her shoulder and neck before trailing his bites to the underside of her jaw, then to her ear where he nibbled her lobe gently.
“Tell me what you want.” He breathed against her, the lewd sound of their bodies meeting in their primal dance and the soft gushes of wind rattling the shutters were all she could hear above their own crescendo of panting and haggard moans.
“Don’t... be a dick...” she gasped, earning her a sharp smack on her ass cheek.
“Tell me.” He thrust inside her, harder but not hard enough to satisfy her fully, leaving her trembling for more.
“Ah... fuck! Please...” she breathed, trying to shove her own hips back into his for more friction but his hand migrated back to her hips, a solid anchor, preventing her from getting her way.
“That’s not what I asked you.” She could hear the underlying cockiness in his tone and it pissed her off almost immediately.
How could this man illicit such polarising reactions from her, she thought. One moment she wanted him to bend her over a desk, the next she wanted to snap him in two. But the sentiment remained, she wanted him.
“Please... Goro... fuck me... harder...” he hummed in satisfaction and released her arms from his vice grip.
“Then I suggest you hold onto something.” He had leaned forward his lips against her ear, the vibrations of his bassy timbre tickled her in an irresistibly tantalising way.
But her inward musings came to a hault when he began his unforgiving pace, she could feel him hitting her cervix with every thrust and she cried out, hands barely holding on to the edge of the cot as her body rocked against the force of his hips.
His hand came down to tease her slit, circling her sensitive nub in a maddeningly delicious way that caused more mewls to erupt from her lips.
Goro stared down at her, enraptured by every twist and twitch she made. Her arching back defining her musculature and he’d be lying if he was doing any better than her right now. He was holding on for dear life, dragging this out for as long as he possibly could. But eventually, the warmth and curling in his abdomen could not be ignored and he quickened his circling around her clit to drive her to her end. She screamed softly into her hand as her release rolled over her in wave after wave, his continuing thrusts helping her ride out her climax to its fullest. He followed her soon after, nearly collapsing on her, his forehead resting between her shoulder blades as he struggled to regain his breathing. She recovered before Goro and pulled him further onto the cot where they crumbled into it. He curled around her, his arms pulling her flush against him as he savoured the feeling of her skin on his. He pressed his nose and lips to the top of her head, inhaling her scent deeply, attempting to sear these details into his mind for a later date. He tried his best to keep his eyes open, but she began to stroke his chest in a soothing circle, and before he knew it he was out like a light.
He woke with a jolt, the room now completely darkened by the night and a sudden anxiety disquieted his mind. He reached for where V had been but his hand grabbed nothing but empty space.
“V?” He called, sitting up and listening for anything, then scanning the area. He could see from his thermal scan she had been gone from his side for nearly two hours.
He pulled himself up, dressing quickly and wrenching the front door open to see that her Thorton was gone, whatever tracks that were left had been swallowed by the desert wind and he stood in silence.
“This isn’t going to change anything.” Her words echoed in his mind and he clenched his hands into fists, a slight shake evident from his barely controlled emotions on the cusp of breaking through to the surface.
“They were going to discard you, who served them faithfully your whole life, for their own fucking agenda.”
He tried to quell his anger, his hurt, his inescapable feeling of betrayal. He fought to keep his composure but the memory of her touch was seared into his mind and body yet it did nothing but only make him ache to have her back in his arms. He would never feel that again, never experience that intense, intrinsic connection to another human being. The thought did nothing to disquiet his mind. Eventually he broke and turned to punch his hand nearly completely though the wall of the garage as he breathed in ragged and strangled chokes. Unshed tears burned in his eyes and he wrenched his arm back to completely break through the wall altogether with the force of his strike. He didn’t stop. He pummelled the wall until his cybernetics were scuffed and cracked. Warning signs flashed in his peripheral vision but he ignored them, slumping to the ground he cradled his head in his hands and roared in futility. He stayed there a moment, still, quiet and thoughtful. He raised his head with a thud against the nearly dilapidated wall and he looked off into the distance. On one path, the further reaches of the badlands, down another was the fluorescent and blinding lights of Night City, beaconing him back with a curled finger.
And not just night city, but the ominous red looming glow of Arasaka Headquarters illuminating the night and further banishing the stars. The only life he had ever known was within Arasaka’s ranks. All he had ever been was a vassal, a loyal one at that. Traded his life and limbs for them. Let them carve him into an instrument of their empire from the moment they had deigned to elevate him from the slums, only after he had skinned his fingers to the near bone scrubbing his clothes in the chemical sickened canals. He had given Arasaka his life.
Yet Hanako knew he was innocent. Not only her but Saburo, his lord tono, his idol. He had known. It stung him to his nucleus, like nothing ever had. He was stilled, inaction gripping him to his core. He found his gaze always defecting back to the badlands. To her lands. He didn’t make a choice so much as follow an instinct.
He rose from his seated position and opened the door to his car, looking back at Night City one last time, not saying goodbye to the city, but farewell to all the possibilities it held. They were not meant for him. A defiant grin stretched over his lips before a determination set in his eyes, looking back to the badlands. He dove into the front seat and revved the engine before backing out to the edge of the main road and quickly pivoting into position then tearing out onto the dusty highway, sending a plume of dust in his wake as he made for the badlands, his spirit lightened and rejuvenated. He undid his top shirt buttons, ripping off the front Arasaka logo to his cybernetic neck plates and throwing it with a quick flick out the car window, then looking down at the Arasaka patch logo on his arm which he also tore from his jacket then sent it too flying out the window. With each metre he put between him and the city, the younger he felt.
“I’m coming V.” He whispered under his breath as he pressed harder on the gas.
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backtobackbakubabe · 3 years
I am the Alpha Now Part 18
Bakugo x Reader
Words : 3023
Reader is from America and somewhat of a delinquent with an alpha quirk that allows her to turn into a wolf as well as bond with dogs. She is sent to UA to straighten out her attitude. She ends up in a power struggle with none other than our favorite hot head. Words in Italics are words said telepathically.
Bakugo started pacing, his boots stomping, his fists clenched in anger. If he wasn’t sure Hawks was somehow in on this before then he was now. The asshole slipped out at the first chance he got. “Mother fucking bird brain! I can’t believe him! I’m gonna find the son of a bitch and pluck out every last feather.”
Kirishima and Midoriya had followed him outside and where giving nervous glances to each other, neither one wanting to bet the one to talk to their ticking time bomb friend first.
Finally, Karishma’s shoulders slumped as he decided he was a little less destructible. “Hey bro. I know this is a stupid question… but are you doing alright? I mean besides the obvious y/n situation.” Kiri could see Bakugo open his mouth to argue but he cut him off before he could. “I mean you just look a little, I don’t know… unhinged. Have you slept at all since you left UA? You look exhausted.”
Bakugo growled, “I’ll sleep when I find her. It’s already been two fucking days, almost three since she went missing! Just cuz you extras need to take your little nap time to function doesn’t mean that I do.”
Kiri gave him a nervous look, “Bakugo, believe me, we all want her back safe. But you have to make sure you’re taking care of yourself. You won’t be much help if you pass out. Maybe we could just head back for a little bit. You can catch us up on what you’ve found since we left this morning maybe catch a quick couple hours of sleep.”
“I said I don’t need a fucking nap. I don’t have time…” Bakugo chewed on his lip as debated on whether he should tell them his new theories. He knew they probably wouldn’t believe him. He understood how crazy it sounded. But if they were going to help then they needed to know. “I think I know who took her… but it doesn’t exactly make sense.”
Midoriya could see the hesitation in his eyes. “Kacchan, whatever it is, you can tell us. We’ll keep it between us. Well us and Todoroki. He’d be here now, but he’s busy trying to get the new house put together. He’s still working on this though. He’s keeping a close eye on internet activity. He’s using his dad’s hero agency’s software to scan through for anything posted about Y/n.” Midoriya rubbed his neck, “It’s not exactly allowed, but I don’t think he cares either way.”
Bakugo looked around to see if anyone was listening. He gestured for the other two to follow him. He was nervous Hawks might still be hanging around somewhere. Finally, when he deemed it safe, he stopped and spun around to face them. “I think the League of Villains took y/n. Well specifically I think Dabi did.” Both Midoriya and Kirishima’s eyes bulged. Bakugo’s nostrils flared, “And I think Hawk’s is helping them.”
***************Y/N’S POV***********************************
Your eyes filled with tears, but it wasn’t the pain of Dabi burning your skin that provoked them. It was the helpless, useless, frustrated feeling that was festering in your chest. You couldn’t do what Dabi was asking you to do. You were trying, but you just… couldn’t do it.
You dug deep, you gave it everything you had, and yet you still had nothing to show for it.
“Come ON! Do you want that crusty creep to turn you to dust? Is that what you want? You want to leave that annoying loudmouth and precious little puppy behind.” You could feel your anger boiling over. But what was its source? Were you mad at yourself for not being able to do it. Were you mad at Dabi for trying to force you to do something you clearly couldn’t? Or maybe you were mad at both Dabi and Hawks for getting you into this fucked up situation. “What do you think will happen to them once you’re gone huh? Will your pooch go back to being just another dumb dog? Will their connection die without you? Will THEY DIE WITHOUT YOU? Who’s to say, maybe I’ll get mad and just kill them myself”
“STOP IT!” You fell to your knees. Fists clenched, eyes squeezed shut. “Shut up! Just shut the fuck up! I’m sick and tired of your annoying ass voice!”
You felt his scared hand grip your chin harshly, “Show me your eyes. Or are you scared I’m going to see you cry and finally understand how fucking weak you are?!“
Your eyes snapped open. They glowed brighter than you can ever remember. The bright blue only reflected in Dabi’s eyes. You could see that he had to squint just to see through it. The words that left your mouth were eerily calm. “I said… shut up.” You gripped the wrist that held your chin with one hand and with your other you broke his thumb and he screamed. “You don’t get to talk about my Mercy like that.” Your grip on his wrist tightened as you pulled out a staple on his hand, watching the blood flow. “How dare you threaten my pack.” You ripped out another staple. “My family.” Another staple. “The love of my life.”
Your eyes glowed brighter and you could feel pure Alpha power coursing through your veins. “Look at you. All stapled together like a patchwork quilt. And why? Because you’re the weak one.” You could see something in his eyes now, was it fear or something else you didn’t know. “I’m an Alpha.” You let go of his wrist and punched him in the face.
Dabi spit out blood and cradled his bleeding hand to his chest. “Oh yeah? Prove it.”
********************** Bakugo POV**************************
Midoriya paced, “Kacchan. You have to know how crazy that sounds.”
Bakugo groaned, “I wouldn’t expect you to understand dumbass Deku. Did you even listen to anything I just said! I have proof!” His eyes bore into Kirishima’s “You believe me right Kiri?”
Kiri rubbed his neck nervously. “Come on man. You have to give us a little more to go off of. All of your proof is just guesses and gut feelings.” He raised his hands up in defense before Bakugo could start yelling at him. “Before you get mad at me, just know I’ll follow you wherever you go, no matter how crazy. But you really need to think this through. You say Dabi has her because you think you felt her being burned through the bond. A bond you also say she’s turned off. You think Hawk’s is in on it because you think you heard her moan in the background of a phone call. You say you think you know where she is because saw something in your head. Something that none of us could see, not even Mercy saw it. You have to understand how that’s not proof right?”
Bakugo started to grow. “Did you follow him like I asked?”
Kirishima looked back and forth between Midoriya and Bakugo in concern. He really thought his best friend might be losing it. “Did we follow who? Who are you talking to?”
Mercy walked out of the shadows. “He’s smarter than you think. He may not have seen me, but he knew he was being followed. I got a good whiff of him though so I should be able to track him down. Even now I can tell he still hasn’t left his apartment.”
“Good. Continue your patrol and report back to me in an hour.”
Bakugo could sense Mercy’s frustration. His fur was sticking up slightly as he showed his teeth. “I know we’re packmates, and I know we’re doing this for Y/n. But you need to remember that you aren’t my alpha any more than I am yours. Quit bossing me around.”
Bakugo rolled his eyes, “Oh give me a break. Are you really going to be a brat right now? You know I didn’t mean it that way. How about instead of bitching about who’s in charge of finding Y/n, we just focus on actually finding her huh?”
Mercy growled, “I’m not bitching, you’re just bossy.”
Before Bakugo could even respond, both of their eyes glowed bright for a brief moment. And in that moment they surged with power. So much power that Bakugo accidentally let off a small explosion.
Bakugo was staring at the hand that had just sent an explosion into a nearby dumpster while Midoriya was up and pacing again. “Okay. I’m just going to say it… What the fuck was that?”
************** Y/N POV*****************************
You could hear you heart pounding in your ears. Your vision started to tunnel. You smelled ash and you could taste blood. But feel? You couldn’t feel anything. You were completely numb. You looked down and was surprised to see your skin had a weird glow to it. You and Dabi had been going at it for a few minutes now. But it honestly felt like an hour had gone by.
All the power you summoned was draining and draining quick. It left you almost as fast as it came. You had blacked out during most of it so you assumed you had gone feral. It had been years since you had done so and you had forgotten about the toll it would take on your body. Were you hurt? Were you dying? You couldn’t tell. You were just numb. You sank to the floor, back pressed against the charred remnants of what used to be the couch. You could see Dabi’s chest rise and fall over to your right. He had passed out, but the fucker was still breathing.
You crawled over to him and fumbled through his pockets. You groaned as fatigue attempted to pull you under. Your fingers finally found what they were looking for and yanked it from his pocket. You focused as hard as you could on the screen in front of you trying to scroll through Dabi’s contacts. Dabi only had like ten numbers and yet you still struggled to find it in time.
You clicked dial and the name feather dick popped on the screen. After a few rings you heard him pick up. “Listen now’s not a good time. I think the mystery gang is onto us…”
Mystery gang huh? Would that make Katsuki, Fred or Shaggy? You chuckled, “It’s me.” You threw up rather loudly. “I think I need help…”
********************* Bakugo POV************************
“Did you seriously just say fuck? Mr. Perfect just swore?”
Midoriya narrowed his eyes, “God Damnit Kacchan! You’re the one out here having one sided conversations with dogs and spouting conspiracy theories, and your worried about me saying FUCK?”
Mercy cocked his head. It would have been cute if he hadn’t been baring his teeth only moments before. “This idiot knows you weren’t having a one-sided conversation, right?” He sniffed Midoriya causing him to stiffen, “I don’t like him.”
Bakugo snorted, “Yeah get in line.” He looked at Midoriya, “Listen if you care about your balls at all I’d stop talking about Mercy as if he’s not here. He’s smarter than you and shitty hair combined.”
Mercy nudged Bakugo’s hand in approval before resuming his sniffing. He went up to Kirishima and shoved his nose in his side, “This one I like. He smells sweet. But not too sweet.”
Kirishima chuckled, “I think what Bakugo’s trying to say is they have a bond we don’t understand.” He rubbed Mercy’s head fondly, “Just because we can’t prove they’re right, doesn’t mean they’re wrong either.” Mercy gave an exaggerated nod and a bark of confirmation. “I say we just go with it.” He shrugged. “If they’re wrong, the only thing we’ve wasted is time. If they’re right, then we find y/n…. seems worth it to me.”
Midoriya gave a long glance at Mercy before leaning down putting his face level with his, “I’m sorry if I offended you. It wasn’t my intention to belittle your intelligence… I’m sure having your alpha torn from you is hard and having Kacchan in your head 24/7 is probably making it even worse.” He ignored the seething look he was getting from Bakugo. “If you can promise to look out for him, and to somehow let me know that what he’s saying is true. I’d really appreciate it.”
Mercy gave a low humming noise, as if he was sizing Midoriya up. He was about to go off on him for even doubting Bakugo but suddenly his head whipped to the side. All of his muscles tensed, and a growl ripped through his chest. “Bakugo. Hawks is leaving his apartment and he’s moving fast.”
“Shit… Okay lead the way. Guys Hawk’s is on the move. Last chance to back out.”
After a few tense moments they both nodded and followed as Bakugo and Mercy took off.
It wasn’t long before they were back in the same district, they had been patrolling earlier that morning. Mercy came to a stop and looked up. “They’re here, now that we’re close enough, I can smell her.”
“Okay Deku and I can start from the top while Kiri and Mercy start on the bottom and we’ll work our way to the middle. Mercy and I can keep each other updated so-“ He pointed to his friends now, “you two idiots stay close to us.”
Without even waiting for a confirmation Bakugo blasted himself into the sky towards the top of the building with Midoriya quickly following after him. Kirishima sighed and looked at Mercy, “Not exactly subtle, is he?” Mercy whined and walked towards the entrance of the building. “Lead the way man. I’ll watch your six.”
*********************Y/N POV********************************
Thankfully you hadn’t passed out, but you still felt like shit. Three days of torture and hard work will do that to a person. The door slammed moments before you felt Hawks pulling your head into his lap. “Hey kid! Open your eyes and look at me.” You groaned at the idea. Even lifting your eyelids felt impossible. “You’re okay, you’re fine. You’re safe. Big bad Dabi is passed the fuck out. Let’s just get those eyes open yeah?”
You just groaned again like a petulant child before letting out a weak, “…no”
Hawk’s sighed, “I’m just trying to make sure you’re okay kid. But fine. Be stubborn. I’ll just have to-“
A loud explosion sounded from outside the building. Your heart pounded because you’d know that sound anywhere.
Before you knew it your head was being dropped back to the floor with a dull thud. “Shit.”
You could hear Hawks scurry over to Dabi, “Hey! Patchy! You need to get up and get the hell out of here. There are heroes here. I can still spin this in my favor. But you need to leave. Like NOW!”
You heard Dabi hiss as he tried to sit up and if you had the energy you would have smirked at the fact that you were the reason he was hurting. But then you remembered that you weren’t much better at the moment.
Dabi shuffled over to you, leaning over to speak directly into your ear. “You go along with whatever he says. Do you understand me? You air our dirty laundry and I’ll air yours. I just need to hit a button on my phone and your little secret is out.”
You took a deep breath and forced your eyes open. You could tell by the shocked look on his face that they were still glowing. This had to be a record. Usually they stopped as soon as the adrenaline wore off. “I’d get going if I were you. I may be too exhausted to kick your ass but I don’t think Katsuki will feel the same way.”
Dabi growled before forcing himself onto his feet and leaving the room.
You figured there was no point trying to hide from them anymore. They found you, the jig was up. You looked at Hawk’s pacing. “So what are you going to tell him?”
Hawks played with a feather as he brainstormed, “I’m going to say I received an anonymous tip and flew out here as soon as I could. Found you here, by yourself and that Dabi must have gotten away. I mean look at the place you guys tore it to pieces. It’ll be obvious I didn’t do this.”
You nodded knowing full well that Bakugo wouldn’t believe a word of that. “So is it okay for me to tell him where I am? I mean if you just “rescued” me then that would only make sense, right?”
You reached out before Hawks even said anything and felt for pack. The bond opened up and you were flooded with relief. Your eyes even teared up a little at the empty spot in your chest felt warm again. You could tell Bakugo was two floors above you while Mercy was three below. Sneaky boys. You hoped Mercy caught the chance to sink his teeth into Dabi.
“Y/n. Baby! I’m here where are you pup? Please tell me you are okay.” You brushed a tear aside. You could feel Mercy’s presence as well, but he must have been focusing on something else because he remained quiet. Maybe he did find Dabi after all.
“I’m fine. I’m two floors down from you-“
You heard a loud bang come from the other side of the door. Naturally your impatient boyfriend couldn’t be bothered to use the stairs. Nope. He came straight through the ceiling. Next thing you knew the door was blown from it’s hinges and he and Deku were rushing in.
He looked around frantically until his eyes met yours. He crossed the room in seconds and fell to his knees in front of you. He scooped you into his arms as his lips found the top of your head. “I’m here now pup. It’s okay. God damnit please don’t ever do this to me again.”
You gripped the front of his shirt and just breathed in his comforting scent. You allowed yourself to relax into him, “I’m sorry. I didn’t really have a choice. I’m so sorry.”
Tags: @tspice283 , @realityisoftendisapointing , @imbi-101 , @thoughtfulpandazine2, @hotarumorikawa , @huh-iwasntpayingattention , @starfishlovingbnha , @weebnumber3622 , @mixedfeeelings , @munchmunch01 , @inumorph@xxoperatexx @runrabbitrun3 @insane-without-delirium @yolei94
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dokeblr · 4 years
Stressed Backwards Spells Desserts!
Character/Pairing: Mirio x Reader
Summary/Prompt: You’re stress eating after a hard week, then in walks Mirio.
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: None
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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You could almost cry from the guilt. You could almost cry over a lot of things that had happened this week, but the guilt of eating was quickly climbing to the top of the list.
This was your fourth snack now, munching your way through another pack of gummies and it wasn’t even 2pm yet.
Its not something you consciously do.
First, you’re in your room, wearing down your carpet as you turn in circles, stuck in your anxious thoughts and replaying every bad thing that’s happened this week. Festering yourself in the negativity.
Next you’re up and out the room, needing air and walking around the dorms, not noticing your surroundings, just marching on ahead to anywhere that is an escape from your room.
Then you’re in the kitchen, hands grabbing into your snack stash before you’re even aware of what you’re doing and by that point the packets already opened and heading towards your mouth.
Most of the students in the dorms were out doing training or interning, something you considered a blessing. Stuffing your face alone made you feel bad enough, in front of others would’ve been the straw on the camels back that broke it.
Or maybe it’s already broken, tears bubbling behind your eyes as you feel aggravation curling in your gut and the sudden urge to just spit the damn sweets out.
“Are you ok, y/n?”
Gummies spilled out all over the table as you jumped, nearly choking on the ones still in your mouth.
“Mirio!” You wheezed out, coughing to try and regain some functioning air pipes, “I-I’m fine.”
You were hoping that nearly choking to death would excuse the tears in your eyes as you turned to face away from the blonde. Of all the people to still be in the dorms, it was the last one you’d hope to find you in such a state.
“Are you sure? You’ve been walking back and forth frantically the whole afternoon, let me get you some water at least.”
Of course he wouldn’t drop it, he was too kind to turn away from someone who seemed like they were in need. Mirio truly was the embodiment of a real hero. Sometimes you wagered that was the sole purpose he was put on this earth, the be the best hero there could be.
Embarrassment curled in your gut now and simmered under your face as you wiped away the spit and dribble from your chin. Disgusting, sloppy, greedy, that’s all he’d think of you now.
A glass had appeared in front of you as your face flushed, muttering a quiet thank you in response.
“No problem.” Was his response, voice calm and soothing.
You were too busy taking a sip from the glass to see his hand raise to your face as a calloused and warm thumb wiped away a stray spit of saliva you had missed earlier from your chin.
The flush in your face intensifies and you’re soon a spluttering mess, caught between apologising and being startled at the sudden closeness of your classmate.
“Are you sure you’re ok? You were looking pretty grim eating those gummies earlier.”
Mirio was seemingly unfazed by the lack of personal space, settling into the chair right next to yours, crossing your legs with his.
“Um, yeah, I’m ok.” His fingers were finding their way to the stray gummies on the table, flicking them into his mouth as he watched you intensely. “Thanks for asking.”
A thoughtful look flickered across Mirio’s face for a moment as he sat and simply stated at you, popping the last gummy into his mouth and propping his head on his hand. The smile that smoothed over his features was gentle and soft, the face of his face shaping around it and creating a picture of peace.
“No you’re not.” Blunt honesty wasn’t what you expected from his tranquil state. “You’re stressed about something, and that’s ok.”
Your mind was struggling to form a response.
“It’s nothing major.” As soon as you’d finished your sentence, he was already one step ahead.
“It doesn’t need to be. You don’t need to have gone through some big traumatic event to justify being bummed out. If you’re upset, then you’re upset, and we’re gonna cheer you up!”
Screeching echoed out against the kitchen walls as metal chairs were pushed back and Mirio was dragging you out of the kitchen by the hand and down the corridor to the boy’s dorms.
“Um, Mirio, these are the boys-“
“I know!” The blonde interrupted, voice full of amusement and mischief. “We’re heading to my room!”
Sweat was gathering in your joint hands as your face flushed again, being so close and intimate with one of the strongest and most charming heroes at UA was breath-taking, literally. Your chest was heaving with nerves.
All too quickly you were in his room, and Mirio finally let go of your hand after guiding you to sit on the bed.
“Close your eyes for a second, ok? Just trust me!” With his tongue stuck out and his eyebrows set with determination he looked like a big Labrador, waiting to play fetch. The adorable imagery only marginally helped sooth you.
“Ok, sure.” Losing your sense of sight was even more nerve wracking. You’d only been alone with the human ball of sunshine a few times, but being in his room was an experience you never thought you’d have.
There was some shuffling and crinkling, drawers being opened, things whizzing past your head, ‘is he throwing stuff on the bed?’, electronics being played with and finally a weight on the bed.
“Ok, before you open your eyes, shuffle back a bit until you hit the wall.”
Your audible gulp was the only response Mirio got.
The bedding was velvety and smooth under your hands, the mattress dipping slightly as you delicately shuffled back until your hit something- plump and soft?
Leaning into it, you found it comfortable, maybe a pillow.
Before you got the chance to fully figure it out, cool air hit your feet as your shoes were suddenly pulled off, tugging a yelp from deep in your throat.
The darkness was sudden, and you were abruptly being weighed down. It was fluffy and warm, suffocating you before you quickly brought yourself out for air, opening your eyes to find Mirio and free yourself from the confines of whatever had trapped you.
It was a huge blue blanket, covered in tuffs of silky wool. Still in a state of semi panic you whipped your head around, finding the bed was covered in different snacks, crisps and chocolates. There was a tv settled on top of some dressers, waiting patiently while flicking through some Netflix listings.
There was another weight on the bed next to you, shuffling under the covers and letting out a content sigh.
“So, what’re you in the mood for? I heard there was new episodes of Brooklyn 99, it’s pretty funny, or there’s the new zombie movie out. Oh my god, they added Kung Fu Panda 2!”
Mirio was absentmindedly flicking through the options, humming his thoughts every now and again when something captured his interest, not even noticing that you were still gaping at him.
“Mirio…” Your voice was a mutter, looking down as you nudged a pack of kinder chocolate with your foot.
“Huh?” He glanced over at you, concern washing over his features. “Do you want something else? I usually just keep these here in a secret stash in case Tamaki need’s something, but he always says I get too much.” Kindness was his greatest virtue.
“Thank you.” It was all you could say. Because really, what more was there to add? You were grateful, completely and overwhelmingly grateful.
His features relaxed, and the peaceful smile graces over his features once more.
“That’s what I’m here for, sunshine.”
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ »»————- ♡ ————-««
Notes: All these requests for Mirio are making me soft, hope you enjoy this one!
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xlits · 5 years
Come Back Home
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Pairing: Thor Odinson x Male Reader
Summary: You wallow in your misery until you take a chance to see Thor again.
Word Count: 1,779
A/N: It’s not my best work, but it’s something to start off my come back. You’re all of course welcome to share your criticism, love, comments, and requests.
Thanos ruined everything, and everyone had a hard time adjusting to what he has done. You haven’t seen him in a while after he left without a word. That’s what hurt you the most. You thought Thor would at least give you the privilege to say goodbye, but you knew he felt ashamed that he couldn’t stop Thanos.
Anger and sadness are what festered in you for years, but it has its benefits like helping you get stronger physically and mentally. Sweat drips down your face as you aggressively hit the punching bag while Natasha stands on the other side holding it in place. She grimaces as your punches get more violent to where she yells your name to get you out of your trance.
“I think you killed it,” Natasha said with a huff examining the damage you made on the bag.
“Sorry...” you said while rubbing your knuckles. Your fingers graze over the gold ring that brought back both painful and happy memories. The sun shines through the open gym reflecting off her red hair and newly dyed blonde tips as she walks to the bench grabbing a cold bottle. She throws a water bottle your way before taking a few gulps herself.
“You know how hard he took it,” she said cautiously knowing it’s a sore subject. You feel yourself getting weak again, but you hold back your tears.
“I just thought I’d see or hear from him after a few weeks but it’s been 5 years Nat… I just need to get over him.” You flash her a fake small smile to reassure her but she still looks at you with concern before you both walk out of the gym.
You felt hope a few weeks later when Scott knocks on the door with an idea that will change everything. When Steve mentioned getting the rest of the Avengers back together, your mind immediately went to Thor and how to find him. The gang look at you when Thor’s name came up, and you look at Steve determined.
“I want to go find him,” you said to Steve as Wanda comfortingly stands beside you as she feels your emotions coming up full force.
“I know you want to, but I think it’s better if you didn’t. I don’t think he’d be ready to see you, and I don’t think you are either,” Steve said but Nat hit his arm with a glare. You shook your head and adamantly stood your ground.
“Capt, I need to do this. I haven’t heard or seen him in years. I’m done waiting and hoping. This is my chance to bring him home.”
Steve reluctantly nods and assigns Bruce and Rocket to accompany you. Bruce smiles at you and pats your back while Rocket playfully hums the wedding march song while making his way towards the ship. You roll your eyes at him and follow along with Bruce by your side.
The wind rushes through your hair as you sit in the back of the trunk with Banner squeezed in beside you. You couldn’t help but laugh at the sight of his gigantic body comically put in the back with you.
“I’m glad I can bring some humor into this,” Bruce said with a smile appreciating your laugh after not hearing it for so long. You smile at him and lean your head back to look up at the sky.
“I don’t know if he’s still the same Bruce. What if he doesn’t even want to see me? I feel like I’m setting myself up for disappointment,” you said softly as your anxiety creeps up.
“If there’s anything I know for sure about Thor is that he will never turn you away. I see the way he looks at you. You’re everything to him,” Bruce said watching as you close your eyes.
“I don’t mean that much if he can to ignore me for 5 years,” you said wiping a tear that manages to fall. The sign New Asgard comes into view and you look at Bruce with hope. It wasn’t long for the smell of fish to hit your nose once you hop off the truck, and you wrinkle your nose.
“This place smells amazing,” Rocket exclaimed after a deep inhale while you and Hulk give him a look. He shrugs his shoulders and you three start to walk towards the town as stares come from all over.
“You shouldn’t have come,” Valkyrie yells while walking over with some fishing nets. Bruce’s face lights up as he walks towards her with a giant smile.
“Angry girl, good to see you again,” he said as she gives him a small smile while giving Rocket a confused look. She turns her attention towards you and nods her head towards a house high up on the seaside cliff.
“He has been a wreck without you. He won’t see anyone and only comes out for supplies,” she said with a slight nod towards the kegs of beer sitting in the corner of the dock. You let out a sigh and Bruce gives you a worried look before giving her a thankful smile.
“Thanks for looking out for him. I don’t know how he’d still be here without you,” you said to her. She shrugs her shoulders and looks out into the water.
“I think the only thing keeping him alive right now is you.”
You didn’t know what to say so Bruce helps you out by saying goodbye to her before the three of you make your way up to the house. Rocket bangs on the door, but it opens revealing a dimly lit hallway before yelling out his name. The three of you make your way inside and your heart feels like it’s gonna beat out of your chest. Your breathing quickens as you feel your head spinning, and Bruce quickly notices before turning around and placing both of his hands on your shoulders.
“Calm down, you can do this remember? Just breathe.”
You take deep breaths as Rocket looks at you with concern and his voice suddenly comes up.
“Are you here for the cable? It’s been out for two weeks,” Thor said while grabbing a beer and popping it open. Bruce turns to him and shock is written on his face as he notices how much Thor has physically changed. Thor freezes up when he notice it was Bruce and Rocket before a big grin breaks out.
“BOYS!! Oh my god,” he yells out with a chuckle before hugging Bruce and riling Rocket’s fur despite his disapproval. Thor goes on and on about how much he misses them and gulps down his beer not noticing you. You slowly walk from behind Bruce’s big frame, and Thor’s smile suddenly drops as he looks at you wide-eyed. You both stared at each other not knowing what to say before Rocket clears his throat.
You look away as Thor’s stare becomes too intense, and he suddenly takes a step towards you. You watched him slowly walk up to you before he reaches up to touch your face with his thumb gently grazing your cheek.
“It’s really you,” he whispers to himself and you can smell the strong alcoholic drink in his breath. You hug him and he wraps his arm around you tightly as if he’s still making sure that you’re standing in front of him. You didn’t notice but you two are the only ones in the room after Thor let go of you. You silently thank the others for giving you two the much-needed privacy before thinking of a way to get Thor to come back home.
“There’s a chance we can fix what Thanos did,” you said calmly knowing that Thanos is a triggering subject to him. Thor grimaces at the sound of his name before taking a swig from the bottle and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
“Forget all of that. You can stay here with me now. We got cable… well, that’s in the works. We have beers.” Thor said with slurred words. You grab his hand and look into his eyes.
“It’s okay to be scared, and I’ll be right there with you. Help me fix this.” You can see a rush of different emotions run in his eyes. He shakes his head and walks away from you.
“There isn’t a way. I killed him, and it didn’t help one bit. We should just accept there isn’t a way to solve this,” he said as he walks towards the window and looks out to see the waves crash onto the shoreline. You walk over to him and grab a hold of his hand again.
His eyes light up when he sees it.
“You still have it?” He touches the gold ring he made for you in Asgard. You slightly nod as your face turns a light shade of red and you can tell he’s over the moon.
“There’s still hope. Scott found a way to get back the infinity stones, and we can undo this big mess.”
Thor’s stare was a bit intimidating, but you knew he was starting the feel the hope you felt when you heard about the plan. You gently take the beer from his hand and hold both of his hands in yours squeezing it.
“Help me. Come back home with me and help me fix this.”
He finally nods at you and places his hands on both sides of your face before giving you a deep kiss. You can’t help but kiss him back as the familiar feeling warms you all over.
“I’ve been dreaming of doing that for too long,” Thor said gruffly. You smile and toss him his shirt you found lying on the couch.
“Let’s go, big guy,” you said lightly smacking his newly formed tummy. He lets out a deep chuckle and embarrassingly put his shirt on.
“It seems as though I have a lot of work to do,” he said but you grab his hand and give it a reassuring squeeze.
“We both have a lot to do,” you said while opening the door to see the others fall onto the floor as they were eavesdropping on your conversation. You glare at them, but Bruce smile at the sight of you two holding hands.
Rocket gets up and quickly dusted himself off before leading the way back to the truck.
“Lets hit the road people.”
You feel yourself on cloud 9 after realizing that Thor’s finally beside you going back home. You didn’t think this day would come, but you weren’t going to question it. This time, you’re making sure he’s going to stay with you.
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thebiasrekkers · 4 years
Fragmentation 0.6 - JJK
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Plot: How does one measure freedom? Are our choices truly our own, or are they part of a preset design outside of our control? We all have a question burning inside of us, though few speak it out. It is the question that drives us forward, seeking purpose in our lives. What is The Matrix?
Rating: NC-17 // NSFW
Genre: Series | The Matrix!AU | angst | sci-fi | action | drama
Pairing: N/A
Warnings: Strong language, allusions to suicide, extreme angst, graphic violence
Links: FAQ || BTS Masterlist || Admin E’s AO3 || [ REQUESTS ARE OPEN ]
Word Count: 2,615
AN: We are now jacking back into “The Matrix” with Jungkook. The heaviness with his story rivals Yoongi’s, but that’s my own personal opinion on the matter. Again, all information in the universe can be found on the official Matrix Wiki so please use that as a reference guide if you ever get confused!
Tag List: @aroseforyoongi​, @prisczero​, @pinkpjmin​, @btsaudge​, @flowerwrites06​, @unoriginal-username15432​
© thebiasrekkers (Admin E). All rights reserved. Reposting/modifying our work is prohibited. Translations are not allowed. Plagiarism/stealing is not tolerated by any means. Legal action will be taken in instances of theft.
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Jungkook shoved the blankets off of him, rolling out of bed with a grunt. As he sleepily rubbed at his eyes with one hand, he used the other to blindly grope around on the floor for a pair of pants. Grabbing the flannel pajama bottoms, he hopped on one foot as he slid one leg into them while pivoting on one heel to get into the other. Like a delirious dancer, he spun around until Jungkook perfectly landed ass first into his computer chair. 
It didn’t matter that the girl he’d just fucked out of her mind was passed out in his bed. He didn’t care that she was spiraling down an ecstasy-laden highway in her dreams. Jungkook didn’t remember her name and he honestly couldn’t have cared about what it was, either. Why should it matter when she wasn’t going to stick around when the morning came? She’d leave Jungkook once she was satisfied with everything she’d gotten. 
She was just like the rest of them; no different than the others.
Another nameless and faceless individual in a sea of nameless and faceless individuals that forgot him just as easily as he forgot them.
Shifting the mouse with his pinkie, the monitor to his computer flickered to life - chasing the spiral fractal screensaver from view. The brightness from the screen caused him to squint slightly and he fumbled around on the desk for his glasses. The fringe of his hair tickled his forehead, making it itch, and he absently rubbed at his face before sliding his glasses onto his face. 
Leaning his neck slightly, he popped and stretched the stiffness from it. Pulling up a browser, he activated his console command and quickly activated his ghost hack. It would take him about ten minutes to pick back up on the trail he was on previously, but at least Jungkook managed to figure out all the shortcuts now. Tracing his footsteps wouldn’t be as hard as it used to be. Not like it was a year ago.
“Frost,” he murmured, waiting for the encryption to fully settle before his fingers flew across his keyboard, “I’ve almost got you…”
But what am I gonna do when I finally find you?
It was a question Jungkook often asked himself, unsure of what the answer would have been and if he even really wanted to know. 
At first, the days bled on and it was just something to pass the time; to give meaning to his seemingly monotonous existence. 
Part-time job.
Rinse and repeat.
Something always felt off about his life. Jungkook blamed it on teenage hormones and falling into a hole that belonged to an angst-filled emo subculture that he thought he wanted to be a part of. For a time, he was. The acquaintances he met and the people that he was introduced to seemed genuine. For a time, Jungkook felt like he found a sense of belonging.
Drugs and booze and rebellion coursed through his veins - shredding through his blood like the best kind of high. He joined up with a group that believed they were meant to serve a higher purpose. Jungkook wanted to think that maybe he’d found a place with a few more answers regarding the “meaning” to his existence. He’d been alone for so long that there was an opportunity for him to obtain that which he so desperately was seeking. It wouldn’t have been illogical for him to cling to that feeling with everything that he had so he didn’t fall into an empty pit of wastefulness.
Three months slid by faster than he could process it. Jungkook received a message in an encrypted email. It was one sentence. A question.
When you look in the mirror, who is staring back at you?
At first, Jungkook thought it was a prank; some twisted internet joke from some hacker he’d pissed off. But the question lingered in the back of his mind. It was a seed that was now planted, growing and taking root. Like the itch that yearned to be scratched but your arm just wasn’t long enough to reach. It was a question, a splinter, that very nearly drove Jungkook mad.
What was the answer? Was there an answer?
Jungkook continued the monotony of his day-to-day life, wondering if he would ever be able to catch up to Frost. His cryptic question festered like an infected wound, yearning for healing, but only Jungkook could solve this internal dilemma. Chasing after Frost would do nothing because somewhere deep inside, he already knew that Frost wouldn’t tell him the answer. 
Only Jungkook had the answer to the question. No one else.
The months continued to slide by, the seasons changing with the times. Jungkook, alone, often found himself staring listlessly out of his bedroom window. The world seemed so desaturated. When had everything lost its lustre? When did the rain pouring from the skies start looking like black tar tinted with green? Like an oil slick abandoned in a construction zone - lying there without purpose.
He was getting no closer to finding out the truth. He wasn’t able to find the answer to the question that Frost asked him. It frustrated Jungkook to no end. How was he supposed to know? Of course the person staring back at him was himself! Who else would it be? It was the same dark eyes, the same unkempt fringe and lightly tanned skin, the same beauty mark on his chin and below his bottom lip. 
It can only be me, he thought as he stepped out of the shower, looking at his steamed up reflection in the mirror, the person staring back at me...is me…
Drying his hair, he slumped into his chair and lit a cigarette - inhaling the smoke and exhaling it out across the computer screen. His fingers slowly began to type, searching out for something. His ghost hack was always present, allowing him a chance to bring up various articles in the darker parts of the net. Most people traversed this forbidden area of the internet because it gave people a sort of adrenaline kick; the thrill of the chase. Some made illegal deals, indulged in illegal gambling, and even went so far as to hire someone to “clean up” some mess in their lives.
Jungkook merely sought out information.
He was getting closer. He could feel it. Was it because he finally found the answer? Or was it something else?
Again, the months continued to press on. When there wasn’t rain, there was snow. The frost collecting on his window may have been the signal that he was waiting for. The time must have been right. 
It was another lonely night filled with emptiness. He perched himself up on his windowsill, smoking a cigarette as another nameless girl moaned out her pleasure on his bed. Another one he could say he’d taken advantage of, even though she believed she was the one doing the taking. Confidence was a hell of a drug and she seemed to be teeming with it. Like he could fault her for such a thing.
As he stared mindlessly out across the snow-covered sidewalk below his apartment complex, he watched more of the frost collect itself on the glass. Jungkook didn’t think much of it as his breath blew across the window. But then something changed, causing him to drop the cigarette into the tray by his feet. 
You are still in a cage, Miles…
Something heavy banged against the door to his apartment, startling him to his feet. Jungkook’s heart drummed heavily, causing his breathing to puff out in short bursts. Not wasting a single moment, he grabbed his coat and jumped into a pair of sneakers. Thank God he was still wearing his jeans, though he would regret the cold soon for not bothering to put a shirt on. There wasn’t any time and somehow Jungkook knew that. Danger hungrily clawed at the other side of his door and he didn’t have time to question whether he would be able to face it when it finally burst through.
Jungkook slid the window open, shivering at the cold wind that whipped clean through him. Snow covered his eyelashes, forcing him to squint. He tumbled out of the window just seconds before the door splintered open from it being forced open. Jungkook landed on the fire escape, rattling snow off the bars, and he quickly descended. There was urgency in his steps and he didn’t bother with the last stairwell, choosing to hop over the railing. 
His feet landed on top of the large metal dumpster below, the force of the landing causing his legs to tremble. Jungkook pressed forward, rolling off it and crashing to the ground. As he looked up, he saw a man wearing sunglasses and dressed in a suit peering down at him. This wasn’t good and he knew it. Jungkook scrambled to his feet and took off in a dead run down the alley. As he reached the street, there was the sound of squealing tires as a motorcycle pulled up right beside him, causing Jungkook to jump to the side.
A woman dressed in a silverish gray windsuit peered back at him. Her eyes were dark, her skin a soft mocha, and her head of curly hair peeked out from beneath the hood of her jacket. She revved the engine to life, glancing at him. “Get on,” she barked.
Jungkook knew the level of danger he was in and he could sense he was safer with this stranger than what was pursuing him on his heels. He quickly hopped onto the back, wrapped his arms around her waist, and she gunned it down the street. The world of neon zipped by in a blur and Jungkook could barely keep his eyes open. Tears leaked from them as the cold air cut across his skin.
“Where are we going?” he yelled over the roar of the city and the wind whipping around his ears.
“Shut-up, Kid,” she hollered back, weaving in and out from between other vehicles, “before you bite your tongue.”
Well, he certainly couldn’t argue with that. So, instead, he closed his eyes and gripped onto his forearm resting against her stomach. 
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“Wake up, Miles.”
Jungkook groaned, lifting his head up sleepily as he took in the world around him. He slowly fisted one of his eyes, attempting to rid it of the haze of sleep that was still trying to fog up his mind. How long had he been asleep? Or, more importantly, how long had they been stationary?
The first thing he noticed was the feeling of warmth. He quickly deduced they were no longer outside. But when had he been transported from outside in the first place?
The light in the room was dim, which he was thankful for. He wasn’t sure if he could handle any bright lights or weird experimentation on himself after just waking up. As he sat up from the couch, he looked around and saw that there was a large glass of water set on a table in front of him. Past the glass and the table sat two individuals in two separate wingback chairs. One was the woman who rescued him, the other was an Asian man with dark, crimped hair. They both looked at him pointedly, one of them steepling his fingers as he rested his elbows on the arms of the chair.
“What the hell is going on?”
“There isn’t much time, Miles, so we’re going to do this quickly.” said the man, his face devoid of any emotion. “You know who I am, don’t you?”
Did he? Jungkook swallowed the lump in his throat. And why did he keep calling him by that--?
His eyes widened. “...Frost.” Jungkook leaned forward on the couch. “You’re Frost!”
“Bingo. Gold star for you.” Frost sighed, casting a sidelong glance toward the woman in the other chair. “So now we’re going to give you the choice that I never had.”
The woman rolled her eyes. “Oh God, not this again.”
Frost’s expression darkened. “Animus, you said I could do this my way, so let me.” 
“Fine.” The woman called “Animus” looked at Jungkook, holding her right fist to him. When she opened it, there sat a blue pill in the center of her palm. “If you take this, you’ll never see us again. You won’t recognize us even if we were to pass you on the street. You get to remain in this life of monotony, but you’ll no longer agonize over what your purpose is in this world.”
Jungkook blinked. How could she have known that? How could she have known that he was searching so desperately for the meaning of his existence? His eyes slowly shifted over to where Frost sat. Had he told her?
Frost held his own fist out, opening it and showing a red pill situated on his palm. Jungkook stared at it for a long time, hearing the rate of his heart escalate against his ear canals. “If you take this, you’ll be able to come with us. You’ll find out the truth and you can finally discover what your purpose is.”
He didn’t hesitate. Reaching for the pill in Frost’s hand, he grabbed it and the glass of water. Popping the pill into his mouth, he swallowed it in a single gulp - washing it down with the water. Suddenly, other people began walking inside as Animus began hooking Jungkook up to a few heart monitoring pads connected to an array of machinery that he managed to miss spying when he’d first woken up.
“W-What’s happening?” he asked, looking to Frost for guidance.
Animus stroked her fingers through his fringe, smirking as she walked away. Frost approached him, his expression stoic but his eyes were just a bit more gentle than earlier. 
“You need to breathe, Miles.” There was a distinct beeping sound off to the right as everything rippled around him. Why did everything look so fuzzy? “We’re almost there.”
“Almost where?!”
Animus pulled out a cell phone, dialed a number and held it up to her ear. “I need a location, Spectre. Agents will be all over this place in five minutes.”
Jungkook’s heart froze. He didn’t know what that meant, but he had a feeling that it meant something dangerous. Were those men who barreled through his apartment those so-called “Agents”? He tried to stand, but Frost immediately pushed him back down into the seat. 
“Frost, what is going on!?” The world was starting to grow a little bit more fuzzy as his heart rate increased, causing him to hyperventilate. “What’s happening to me?!”
“You made the choice, Miles. Now you have to live with it.” Frost sighed, his brows furrowing slightly. “I’ll be waiting for you on the other side.”
And when the white noise fully enveloped his surroundings, Jungkook felt the floor open up beneath him as the darkness swallowed him whole. He tried to scream, but it sounded hollow in his ears. Gravity pushed his stomach all the way up to his chest, causing tears to stream from his eyes. He was afraid, but something told him that he wouldn’t be alone when he finally stopped falling.
In a flash, everything began to grow dark around the corners of his eyes. The walls were covered in strings of green code against a black background. It flickered like this for a few seconds, chasing away the fear that was attempting to suffocate Jungkook. Wonder replaced it, his arm reaching out to try and touch it.
Darkness spread like an oil spill.
“Welcome to the Real World.”
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ashitpos-t · 4 years
It Had To Be You
Chapter 3 of my Husk x Fem!Reader on my AO3 account.
CW: Murder, Suggestive Themes, and Alcohol
"Well, It's been a pleasure talking to you." you smiled.
"It sure has! See you for dinner?" she bounced on her toes
"Oh, I'm afraid not, I'll be going to a show tonight."
Her smile faltered slightly, "That's fine, I hope you have fun."
She skipped away to the elevator, swiftly walking in and leaving you in your door way.
"I sure hope I do."
You straightened your posture, a small sigh leaving your lips as you walked back into your room, locking the door behind you.  Scanning your floor, your eyes meet with a small, leather bag to the side of your bed.  With a huff, you picked it up and set it on your bed, walking over to your vanity to see all of your makeup and brushes neatly laid out, at least Alastor was polite.  Grabbing a few brushes and products, you placed them into a small compartment of the bag, quickly walking over to your closet to look for what you'd be wearing on stage that night.
Opening your sliding closet, all neatly arranged thanks to Alastor, you sifted through the many skirts, tops, and dresses to find a dazzling black sequenced dress with matching black gloves.  You picked it up with a smile, slowly shifting it in your hands to see the sparkling nature of it's fabric.
You neatly folded it in your bag, setting a pair of satin high heels on top, making sure they lay flat before snapping the bag into place with small clasps.  You walked to your vanity, smiling at your reflection, fluffing your hair as you did, "I have a feeling this performance is gonna be a good one!"
"God dammnit-" you muttered, messing up your eyeliner for the third time that night.  
You quickly grabbed makeup wipes and cleaned your smeared look before drawing right back over it to finish your cat eye, and thankfully, by the mercy of Lucifer, you finally got it to look even.
A knock on your door made you jump, "Hurry up in there ya broad! You're up in two," A gruff voice said, must've been a stage hand or something of the other.
Grabbing your sheen gloves from your bag, you slipped them on, adjusting your fingers into the silky material, clinking the tip of your heel onto the floor.
You glanced in the mirror, placing a few strands of hair into the rest of the bunch before straightening back out, trotting to the door and opening it, only to get met with a blast of cigar smoke and cheap liquor.  You think you would've grown a tolerance after six decades, but you still had to try your best to suppress a cough festering in the back of your throat.  Your careful gloved fingers traced the rusted railing as you walked up the stairs, hesitant in an effort to not trip on your dress.  Deciding to then swiftly scan the back of the stage and red curtains, which shielded you from the harsh lights and stares practically oozing from the rest of the bar, even behind the thick fabric.
You stepped into the middle of the stage, taking in a nervous breath while smoothing down your dress, brushing off the stares of seedy demons that prepared the show in the back.
A shaky voice crept into the speakers, "Now, I'm happy to announce what you all have been waiting for," he cleared his throat, "y/n, l/n!" He finished, the curtains getting slowly pulled back as you walked forward, revealing your elegant form.
A few demons cheered, while others whistled, some even booed, but nonetheless, you forced a smile onto your velvety black lips, small hands grabbing the microphone, "how're y'all doin' tonight?" you opened, using the same line you had used countless times before, some how never getting old.
They cheered a bit louder, especially when you fluttered your eyelashes, making sure to blow them a kiss and a wink.
Your silky gloves gripped the metal in your hands as you began to sing.
"When marimba rhythm starts to play," you began, blinking against the harsh stage lights as you sauntered around the edge of stage.
"Dance with me, make me sway," you moved your hips to the background music, "Like the lazy ocean hugs the shore,"
Demons jeered, "Hold me close, sway me more,"
"like a flower bending in the breeze, bend with me, sway with ease," you continued, dipping down to a particular demon who, unfortunately, sandwiched a bill in between your breasts.
You faked a smile at him, taking it out of your cleavage, "When we dance, you have a way with me," another soul tried to grab your foot, "Stay with me, sway with me,"
"other dances may be on the floor," you walked back to the center of the stage, "Dear, but my eyes will see only you,"
You placed the microphone back into its place in the holder, "Only you have that magic technique, when we sway, I grow weak," you bent into the end, fluttering your eyelashes.
"I can hear the sounds of violins," you strained, attempting to sing over many demons whistling at your last move, "Long before it begins, make me thrill as only you know how,"
They calmed, "Sway me smooth, sway me now," you moved your hips and shoulders to your own singing, "Other dancers may be on the floor, dear, but my eyes will see only you,"
You pointed to the mosh pit of demons, "Only you have that magic technique, when we sway, I grow weak,"
"I can hear the sound of violins, long before it begins," you popped your hip out, arm stretching to the chandelier, exposing most of your leg, "Make me thrill as only you know how, sway me smooth, sway me now."
A bustle of the sinners jeered, whistled, and threw drinks or money to the stage, the only thing you responded with was a shaky smile, and your next song.
You grasp the microphone, hands shaking a bit, "Thank you all so much for coming out tonight," you pressed your gloved hands to your lips, quickly extending your hand to blow a kiss.
"Bye, bye, now," you finished, sauntering off the stage, your smile breaking right when the curtains fell, your shaking hands running through you hair.
"fuck," you murmured, sitting at the bottom of the filthy steps, head held in your hands.  You hated your performances now, they used to be nice, used to be more lighthearted.  Now they made you want to gag, want to rip your hair out for standing it, for doing it for the money.  The demons watching your little shows always tried to grab you, tried to rip you off the stage, always jabbing disgusting remarks to you about your body, about what they wanted to do to you.
You almost broke that night.
You almost broke down on stage, you couldn't do another one of those damn performances, or sing one of those awful, cheesy songs that the bar always recommended you to sing.
You thought this would be temporary, that all of the erotic performances would jump start your career, that they would push you into what you really wanted to be, your own person.  You never thought you'd be doing this for six decades.
You pushed on your knees, propelling you upwards.  You sighed as you walked to your dressing room, eyeing the bugs that crawled over the concrete floors, and the cracks in its surface.  You pushed on the door, swinging it open, before plopping yourself down on the stool in front of the vanity.  You mumbled a curse under your breath as you grabbed makeup wipes, making sure to remove the caked on foundation from your skin.
You slouched into the seat as you finished removing the makeup, taking all your hair into a loose, messy bun before standing to rummage through your bag.  You grabbed a small, black spaghetti strapped tank top and pair of grey baggy sweatpants.  You weakly smiled at the comfortable outfit before slipping it onto your tall form.
You sighed in satisfaction, quickly pulling all of your possessions into the bag before leaving the old, grimy dressing room.  Other demons eyed your painfully casually form, giving you the once over before sneering at your more than exhausted features.  
You turned the knob of the back door exit, taking in a deep breath of fresh air as you looked up into the starless, hellish night sky.  You smiled faintly, hand readjusting its grip on your bag, before starting your walk back to the hotel.  No matter how many times you had tried to convince yourself, you still loved hells night sky, even if it looked positively maroon, instead of a brilliant blue, it stood out in its own way.
Your tennis shoes hit the sidewalk softly, a small breeze running through your hair, doing little to calm your aching nerves, and if even the sky wouldn't help you right now, maybe it was finally the time to pay the hotels bar a visit.
You pushed on the hotels front door lightly, head poking into the gap as you looked around, it had taken longer than you thought it would take to walk back, and by the looks of it, everyone had already gone to sleep, so much for a drink.  You felt a bit defeated until you fully walked into the establishment, now able to fully see that the cat demon was still manning the bar.  
You took a sharp intake of air, swiftly walking over to the bar, a drink idea already popping into your head as you slapped your bag onto the floor, alerting the half asleep bar tender.
"Jesus!" he sharply looked up to you, his brows tightly knit, "Fuck, don't fucking do that so late," he held his head in his clawed hands, a few beer bottles emptied beside him.
You muttered an even tireder, "sorry."
He looked up to you, brows still knit, "what do ya want anyhow?"
"a bourbon," you quickly replied, "oh yeah, can I smoke here?" you added, already fishing a pack of cigarettes and lighter out of your bag.
He slowly nods, hands sluggishly reaching over to the bottle you requested, eyes trained on you out of pure confusion as he let out a small laugh that was in his throat, "I had no idea you'd be the type to drink er anything," you looked up to him, lighting your cigarette, "ya just seem so," he hesitated, thinking of the right word, "Not tha type."
you smiled weakly, taking a few puffs of the tobacco, "I get that a lot."
He finishes your drink silently, sliding it over to you as he cracked open his own beer.
You quickly grab the glass, taking a mighty swig of the alcohol, a warm sensation lining your throat, giving you a minute buzz.
He winces at your harsh eyebags, and worn out expression.
You notice his staring, "so, your names Husk, right?"
He nods, albeit a bit gruffly, "my name is y/n, I don't do the whole nickname thing," you gesture your hand, taking another puff from your cigarette.
He stares at your shaken up form, noting your messied hair, remnants of glittery makeup, and catches a peak of the sequenced dress in your bag, "So uh, what the hell were ya doin'?"
You look up to him, a bit surprised he was interested, "Did a gig at a bar, jus singing n shit," he nods, already having an idea you had done something to do with entertainment, "It's fuckin terrible," you finish, rubbing you eyes in your hands, a sad smile on your lips.
He nods, understanding your discomfort, "how long have you been working?" you quickly reply, "sixty-four years."
He takes a sharp intake of breath, not expecting the sheer length of your career, "sheesh, now that's a long time," you nod, taking another long swig of your drink.
Husk takes a few sips of his beer, eyes now trained on the tv lightly playing in the bar, your eyes also occasionally darting to the melodramatic drama playing on the screen.
You go to take another drink out of your glass, quickly noting nothing was left, "I'll uh," you scratch your neck, a bit embarrassed, "see you around?" he nods as you put out your cigarette.
"see ya," he murmurs, eyes quickly training back onto the tv, his beer never leaving his tired lips.
You sigh, standing up off the bar stool, grabbing your bag and heading for the lobby staircase, the elevator flush next to the stairwell.
You lazily tap your desired button, feeling the uncomfortable jolt and flicker of the elevator, before ascending to your floor.  You slouch in your place, a yawn leaving your lips when the elevator dings to signal you've reached the wanted spot.
You quickly walk out of the confined space, being overtly mindful of the quickness of the doors closing.  The doors close with a snap, only minimally catching you off guard, you thread a finger through your hair, trotting off to your room.
Your tired fingers fish through your mess of a purse in a try to fin your key, thankfully finding it fast, you unlock your room, gliding in and give the light switch a click.
You sigh at the sweetly colored room, a few empty suitcases lay in the corner, and your bed lay a tad messed up, but none of it mattered, you instantly felt better by just looking at the comfort your new room brought.  Walking over to your vanity, you set your bag onto the small table, padding over your cream colored carpet to your white bed, flopping face first into its covers, giving a small spring back from the force.
You faintly smiled into the sheets, letting out a deep breath you didn't know you were holding in.  Slowly sitting up, your hand fumbled up to your bra straps clinging to your back, fumbling with the clasps until you got the underwear off, your baggy sweatpants following closely along onto the floor just next to your bed.
You re-positioned yourself, snuggling your face into the pillows of your bed, hand tugging on your lamps string, turning off your rooms lights.
Fluttering your eyes open, you looked up to see the black mass of night, glancing over to your open window, what must have been a thousand sparkling lights staring back at you from the city, honks from cars speeding down freeways complimenting the bustle of the city.
You hated to admit it, but sometimes hell didn't seem half bad, when you weren't doing god awful performances, that is.
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favours, part ii.
➵ characters: leeteuk x reader ➵ genre: fluff ➵ wc: 3.9k ➵ part i
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➵ summary: finding out you’d be bringing work home as one of the artists you work with is your neighbour, it’s not as a bad as you had initially thought. i’m gonna have to make all of my leetuk gifs clearly. ➵ masterlist ➵ disclaimer
The constant and loud ringing of your door had woken you right out of your sleep, having fallen upon your sofa as soon as you had gotten home, but found half of your body falling off it with how you must have shifted mid sleep. As you jolted awake, you scrambled to your feet, straightening the garments on your body, realising you were still in the shirt and trousers you had worn to work today.
The repeated ringing pressed you to move faster, not even looking through the peephole to see who it was. Though you were weary of who required you with such urgency, the culprit did not surprise you, sighing in relief it wasn’t someone unknown.
But still, the moment you tried to avoid for the rest of the day, post Jungsoo seeing you outside Rino’s office, was now suddenly in your face. The day consisted of looking over each corner before taking them, looking over your shoulder more than it was necessary and your heart almost falling into your stomach every time an unsuspecting figure crossed your path. However, you were successful in avoiding Jungsoo for the rest of the work day. It was not out of embarrassment or shame, because, after all, this was now just as much your workplace as it was his, but more out of fear due to what he would now perceive you as. You could have been honest with him from the start, but instead decided to be aloof and withdraw as much information about your workplace as possible, even though Jungsoo showed interest. ‘Don’t ask, don’t tell’ cannot be applied here, because he did, in fact, ask. And you lied. The good neighbour slash co-worker relationship you were looking for was now surely a myth, you presumed.
And that’s the confirmation you were expecting with the first words Jungsoo would speak to you, as he stood before you at your door step. “You’re home early,” was his first phrase, his arm leaning on the frame, his other hand inside his pocket. Even though you were half asleep, you comprehended his statement, surprised he was not yet scolding your for deceiving him.
“What?” you said out loud softly, your thoughts transcending from your mind to your lips. You pulled up your watch-cladded wrist to read the time. It was a few minutes after eleven. “This is early?”
“It is for me,” he still did not speak in a raised tone, “I usually get home at one in the morning. Most of us don’t leave SM until midnight.”
“Yeah, well…” you stopped to think if you even owed him an explanation. “I… Rino and I didn’t have any sessions today and so we went home a few hours early.”
“Are you sure that’s the reason?” he quickly followed you up with the question. His head now tilted into his raised arm, his eyes narrowing ever so slightly but never leaving yours.
You scoffed. “W-what other reason would there be? It’s Thursday, so people are either in meetings, music shows are in the recording studio. I already knew it was going to be a slow day.”
He scanned you from the top of your head down to your feet and back up. Seeing as he won’t be getting the response he wanted from you, he contemplated giving up. Dropping his arm and standing up straight, he looked over his shoulder at his door and sighed. “You’re pretty stubborn, aren’t you?”
You scrunched your eyebrows. “What… does me being stubborn have to do with me being home—”
“Don’t lie or hide from me again,” he demanded turning his head back to you.
“I didn’t hide—” you lied and Jungsoo knew it.
“I mean it, Y/N.”
“I—I won’t.” Getting caught in your lies multiple times meant to you that you really couldn’t keep anything from Jungsoo, or even say anything deceitful as he’d be right on your tracks.
He wanted to believe you wouldn’t, he really did. But with your past record, all accumulated in a single day, he didn’t know what to think. Finding some empathy on the fact you may still feel flustered in the new workplace, Jungsoo was going to let today slide.
As you both stood perfectly still, you not knowing how to react and Jungsoo not knowing what to say next, he decided to look down at your entryway. “Your shoes are scattered.”
You followed his eyes and down to your feet, seeing that your shoes were all perfectly aligned and adjusted, but your heels, although standing up right, the right heel was not adjacent to the left one. “It’s just one that’s out of—” looking up again, Jungsoo was out of sight. You leaned in to look beyond your door and in the direction of his apartment, seeing him disappear into it.
“Stop being so picky!” you yelled out loudly enough in the hopes he’d hear it. Groaning to yourself, you shifted your shoes in the right position, annoyed that he’d even pick on something so little. Can anything go past him?
Friday was less eventful in the sense that, as you no longer had to avoid confrontation, your day could carry on as normal again. Most of your day was spent assisting Rino and Red Velvet for their upcoming concert, retouching and finessing some choreography. The six women were the people you saw the most that day, having breakfast and lunch with them, staying in the same studio all day, and even during breaks, being the ones you socialised with. This meant that you didn’t get a chance to see anyone else from the company; no other dancers, singers, not even actors. Or Jungsoo.
The guilt that you had was still festering inside of you, so much so it would take you into a different mental space when your attention was required. The fact that you were caught and didn’t make a formal apology was the source of this negative feeling, questioning yourself why your pride got in the way and how to redeem yourself. You said that the next time you’d see him, you’d stop him and apologise properly. Say that you didn’t mean any arm, that to offend him was the last thing you wanted to do, that you were just trying to—
“Y/N,” Rino called you out a third time after you did not hear her first attempts. She found you leant up against the mirror with your hands inside your pockets, at the farthest corner of the studio after the practice had been over and the members had been dismissed, founding it an odd position and stance for you to be in. You shook your head back to reality, your head following the direction the voice was coming from. “Are you okay?”
“Uh, yeah, I…” you tried to think of an excuse, even though clearly you shouldn’t be making anymore of those. “I was just in my head for a bit, sorry.”
“Is something troubling you?” Rino asked genuinely concerned, her inner older sister instincts surfacing.
“Just some… neighbour slash boy trouble. I don’t think I made a great first impression.”
“Impossible!” she said exaggeratingly and humorously, trying to get a reaction from you and succeeding. “Since it’s your neighbour, you’ll have more chances to see him. You can still redeem yourself.”
You nodded in agreement. “That is very true.”
“But don’t think on it too much. The more you do, the worst it’ll be,” she advised you, knowing she was right. “Hey, I’ve got the perfect thing for you. Me and a couple of people are off to the Burning Sun tonight. You wanna come with?”
“That new nightclub?” you could do with some fun. “Alright, I’m down. Who’s going?”
“They said they wanted to end their promotions on a good note, so Donghae and Siwon. They’re gonna try and get Jongdae and Minseok to tag along, I heard Hyo was down and she’d bring Yuri—”
“Donghae’s going?”
“Yeah…” she narrowed her eyes at you. “You don’t like him, do you?”
“No!” you denied immediately. “I mean, not to say anything negative about him, he’s been nothing but nice to me since getting here, but I know the rules here. I’m sure there’s a clause somewhere in my contract that I’ll have my ass handed to me if I look at any of these idols for a second too long.”
“Ah,” she said, “you had me worried there. Of course, we all have eyes and we’re not completely immune, but you’re right on that clause. Tread around these idols lightly. Obviously don’t allow them to make you feel lesser than, but this is still our workplace.”
“Absolutely. I know my boundaries.”
“But I mean… outside of this place… if Donghae ever asked—”
“Oh, my god,” you started laughing, already knowing what Rino was insinuating, starting to walk with her towards the exit of the studio.
You had fun tonight. A lot of fun. After meeting with Rino beforehand and walking into the club arm in arm, you were ready to get the drinks flowing and the alcohol into your blood stream, the music that bumped out of the speakers already getting your feet to step. It was not long before you had reached your designated table, bottles of champagne had already been popped, conversation was already flowing, and the atmosphere was already lively. You had become livelier when the first two shots trickled down your throat, already having your shoulders move at their own accord. The following shots added your hips to the equation. With the champagne included, after an hour, you were ready to break into full routine.
Being mindful, you would still drink glasses of water between breaks, to ensure some sobriety and that tomorrow’s headache won’t be as severe. It would only work for so long, as the shots of soju to downed were catching up to you, and it went from being slightly tipsy to seeing two worlds at once by the end of the night.
“Oh, careful!” Donghae called out with a chuckle as he saw you wobbling slightly on your feet despite holding onto Rino’s arm for dear life as the group made its way out of the club after what felt like endless hours inside. He came to the rescue by putting one hand on the small of your back and the other on your lower abdomen.
You laughed at your own clumsiness. “I swear I can walk,” you insisted, looking down at the ground and at your feet, focusing more than most would to put one foot in front of the other. Releasing Rino to prove yourself, you continued to walk steadily, but the balance was due to Donghae maintaining his hands on your torso.
With your back straight once again, the land at your front left and Donghae strengthened his grip on your hip for reassurance.
“Let me get you a cab,” he suggested, peering left and right for one until one finally approached. Opening the door for you, you were able to crawl into it in your hands and knees, sending the group into further laughing fits.
Luckily for you, your dress had not hiked up and the material was securely over your behind, halfway down your thighs. Didn’t stop Donghae from looking, though.
“Are you going to be alright going home by yourself?” he leaned into the door as you settled down.
“Yeah, yeah. Don’t worry about me, I’ll get home safe.”
“You’ve proven yourself to be daring tonight, I don’t know if I can trust you.”
“Don’t I do that every day?”
He didn’t respond at your statement, just nodding in agreement with a pursed lip, closing the door for you, waiting for you to roll down its window. “Get to work on Monday promptly.”
“Yes, Mr. Lee,” you teased him, waving him goodbye with a twirl of your fingers. Donghae watched as the taxi zoomed away from him, barely blinking as he felt a smile come to his face. After a second, however, he shook his head out of it. “No, Jungsoo would kill me.”
When the lift finally came to a stop, your fatigued eyes were jolted awake, the door open to let you out. Though your body felt heavy, you tried your best to stand up straight, putting one foot in front of the other. As your vision was blurred due to the alcohol still in your system and your eyes drooping from your tiredness, you had to trust that your body would lead you in the right direction as your brain was less than able to function currently.
That’s when the left foot that was currently behind you caught itself on your right ankle, stumbling a few steps ahead of you, your brain coming back to be on some alert to stop yourself from falling. Putting your arms out to gain any kind of balance and bending your torso forward in a ninety-degree angle, you became able to plant your feet on the ground, coming to a standstill. When you looked up slightly you saw a door handle and a keypad, sighing at the fact you had arrived at your door.
You grab onto the handle as your body became heavy again, quickly activating the pad, so you could press your passcode into it. Blinking a few times, you were able to see the lightened numbers, pressing the correct numbers. “Seven… four… zero… two… five… nine.” A tone which you had never heard before played, two quick beeps other and not the one drawn one beep you were used to. “Huh?” your eyebrows scrunched at its middle, quickly trying to press in the code again. “Seven, four, zero, two, five, none.” The same tone again. “What in the—”
The locks on the door started to be unlocked, but it couldn’t have been you because your kept pressing in the wrong code, even though you swore it was the right one. Your eyes widened in panic, thinking if there was someone else on the other side of your door. Did a burglar change your code? Was someone inside your—
“Y/N?” Jungsoo rubbed his right eye as he tried to come out of his sleep. “What are you doing here?”
You were standing up with your spine straight again, eyes still blown out, having frozen in the spot. The only things that were able to move were your eyeballs, looking at the door that Jungsoo had just pulled open. The number on the door clearly indicating ‘2703.’ Your door was 2702.
“I—I,” though your nervousness, your words still came out weak and slightly slurred, a dead giveaway that you were inhibited. “I thought this was… my place…”
“Are you drunk?” Jungsoo asked with a more worrying tone rather than an accusatory one.
“I… the crew wanted to check out Burning Sun… so I went with them… I just wanted to go home and watch Hello Counsellor… but they insisted I went with—”
“Alright, don’t worry,” he stepped out of his door slightly as he saw your body swaying. “At least you’re home now. Actually, yours is over there.”
“Over your shoulder, there,” he pointed.
You followed the direction of this finger. “Ah. Right. Thank you…” you tried to walk with more composure than before, even taking slower steps. Jungsoo’s eyes stayed on you as you made your way there, wanting to make sure you wouldn’t go too far and back to the lifts again.
Soon enough, you had arrived at the right door. This time, the code that you had pressed in was the right one, able to open the door at the first try. But you leaned in with all your body weight, making that you fell on your knees upon entering.
Jungsoo hissed with a square mouth at your fall, rushing to help you. “Goddamn it, Y/N.”
You whined as you felt the pain in your knees, thankful that your hands had broken your fall, but also knew that Jungsoo had just seen that incredibly embarrassing moment, making you whine even more. You were crawling inside and to the step, so you could sit on it, as soon as you turned your body around you saw Jungsoo right behind you.
“Hey, don’t stare,” you called him out. “This night has been hard enough on me as it is.”
“I can clearly see that,” Jungsoo smirked, finding your complaints endearing. “Don’t stay here though, move to your bedroom.”
“I need to take my shoes off first, silly,” you said, hissing at the end at the sight of your scrapped knees. Bringing your knees up you were able to reach for the straps of your sandal heels that went around your ankle at least five times. When sober you tied it in such a way it was effective that it would not come loose, but it only made your drunk self frustrated.
Trying to work at its strings, you noticed how there was still a figure standing a metre in front of you, making you look up. “Are you just going to stand there, Jungsoo?”
Jungsoo was still flustered from when you called him ‘silly’, his heart thumping just a little bit harder because of it, that he didn’t realise that he was just staring at you. “Oh… right.” He quickly moved to close the door to his own apartment to return to you, seeing you still struggling with your shoes. “Let me help you.”
He crouched down so he could sit by your feet, holding the underside of your calf gently. His cold touch contrasted against your hot skin, making goosebumps rising to the surface. Jungsoo inspected your work, trying to find the thread he would have to start with. “Why would you wear such shoes?”
“Because they look nice, Jungsoo, that’s why,” you raised your voice slightly, feeling brave enough to talk back. But when he looked at you with a rather stern look, you calmed down with a roll of your eyes. “You’re always criticising my choices. Even blaming me for things out of my control.”
“You are always in the most peculiar situations… this one included.” He tugged on a loop which, against his will, only made the shoe tighter. “I’m just calling it as I see it.”
“Well, you call it out in such a mean way.”
“I don’t mean to,” he stopped to look up at you. “I guess that’s just how I am.”
“But can’t you be nicer?” you now whined again. “I’d like you a whole lot better if you were.”
He chuckled. “Nice, how?”
“Compliment me in some way or another. I don’t know, say that I worked hard today, that you like my dancing, my work ethic is incomparable to—”
“You have really nice legs…” he said without a hitch of his breath, keeping his head down.
You raised your eyebrows, your mouth parting. “Not the direction I was going in. I wanted to talk about how I work—”
“You have nice lips too.” This time he shook his fringe out his eye’s ways before looking his way, his lower lip being tugged on by his teeth.
Lost for words at the sights, all you could do was scoff. “W-wow. You’re—you’re unbelievable.”
“At least I’m not lying,” he said. “Unlike a certain someone.”
You sighed exasperatingly, letting your head fall forward. “Look, Jungsoo, I didn’t mean to, you know, not to tell you… I didn’t want you to think…” You brought your head back up to see Jungsoo looking at you with soft eyes, a smile wanting to creep up as you finally spoke the words he had been waiting for. “Just, I didn’t want you think… think ill of me, I guess.”
“Why would I do that?” he asked sincerely.
“I… I don’t know. I was being stupid and overthinking. I tend to do that. I’m sorry.”
Turning his head to have his ear face you, he propped it with his index finger. “I’m sorry, I didn’t hear that quite right.”
He was really trying to rub this in your face, but as you admitted your own faults, you could not protest. But instead of speaking into his ear, you waited a while before he turned his face to yours again and got closer. “I’m sorry, Jungsoo.”
“You are forgiven, Y/N.”
Noticing that Jungsoo had ended untying your heels, you were finally able to have your feet relax for the first time this evening. Jungsoo prepared to get back on his feet before you held him by his forearm. “Can you help me up?”
At the hand that held him, Jungsoo now held with his own, grabbing onto both so he could pull you to your feet. You stretched the aching muscles in your feet, the pain worse than the one you feel after days in the practice room.
“Maybe these shoes were a bad idea,” you noted, agreeing with him, looking up to him with a tight smile, trying not to grin.
“I’m glad we’re both on the same page,” he freely showed his teeth in a grin, the first time you had seen him smile so widely, now smiling yourself. “Can we also agree that you don’t try to break into my place anymore.”
“I can’t come over?” you asked slightly offended.
“No! Y/N, that’s not what I mean,” he squeezed your hands. “Just don’t punch in the wrong code anymore.”
“It got you to come out.” Now you were teasing him relentlessly, and you were the only one laughing at this point, but the roll of Jungsoo’s eyes only made you laugh further.
“Give me a break, I just helped you out here.”
“Alright, alright. I’m sorry… I feel like I’m going to be apologising to you for a lifetime.”
“We’ll know each other for that long?” Jungsoo raised an eyebrow.
“Of course! Friendships can last that long,” you argued but he didn’t look convinced. “They do!”
“A friendship?”
“Exactly! See, now, now,” you used your index and middle finger to point at your eyes to then at Jungsoo’s, interchanging the direction of your fingers. “Now we’re getting on the same page. Off to a good start.”
You left Jungsoo to simmer your words, however drunken they may have been, as you made your way to your bedroom. Repeating the word entailed that a friendship was as far as you would take your relationship with Jungsoo, being nothing more than platonic partners. At the pit of his heart, he felt it tighten slightly, questioning if you would even consider anything more.
He bit the inside of his cheek to stop himself from calling out your name to clarify his intentions, not being the type to withhold his feelings, but stopped himself, believing that the friendship could in fact flourish.
But he moved to your kitchen to retrieve a cup from a shelf, thinking you’d have a water filter in your refrigerator, glad to have found one. After gulping down the refreshing drink, he was to pose down his cup before he stopped.
“Your kitchen if filthy,” he said out loud.
“What?” you yelled out, rushing out of your bedroom in your white large robe to the kitchen where Jungsoo stood. Turning your head quickly to look around, you couldn’t find a plate, cup or utensil out of place. Everything was out of sight and inside their respective cupboards. What could Jungsoo possibly be taking about?
You looked inside your sink, where Jungsoo was too looking into, seeing what he was referring to, exclaiming in protest. “It’s just one fork!”
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lenin-it-to-win-it · 7 years
Summary: Endeavor (and his bara tiddies) devise a nefarious plan to get ALL MIGHT-SENPAI to notice them
Notes: i was talking to @anemiaman about this art i saw of shirtless endeavor with smoke coming off his nips and decided to write a fic where every line about endeavor mentions his Cursed Tits in some way so now its here,, , it sfuckin here,,, 
*****************************************************************************************************endeveor rubbed his smoking nipples whiel cakcling evilly from behind the doorway. “my archenesis, that hot piece of ass ALL MIGHT-SENPAI, will HAVe to notice me now!” he cried triumphantly and hornily, his burning boobies heaving in excitement. “for i have hideen myself so cleverly behind this dor, and then i will EVEN CLEVERERLY pop out from BEHIND it and KILL hiM! i am almost as smart a rick and mroty fan! BWAWHAHHAHA !111!!!”
for years and years endevor had wanted to surprass all might and yet no matter how much pec flexing endevor did, his tits were never as rack-tastic as all mights so the only thing 2 do was to fuckin kill him and claim his tits as his own. that was wat endeovr was planning to do. 
someone came thru the door (then came on his tits ;)))) so endevor got slammed against the wall. His massive stripper tiddies protected him from dyying cuz those tits were #2 thicc 2 quit.
the people who came thru the door were peasant michael and azawa and they were talking about things. endevor leaned forward so he could here them and the weight of his massive meaty man-tits almost slammed him thru the ground but he didnt.
endevoers ears and also nips perked up. ALL MIGHT-SENPAI was having a birthday party,,,,  and ditnt even inivte him!??? tears rollled down endveors gigantic gazoombas and sizzled on his hot nips. what kind of archenemisis DID something like that???!?! endevors dick swelled infuriatedely and angery smoke started steaming from his nipples. he almost burnt the dor and murdeered everhone but he decided to hide and listen so he culd heer more about hte party so he wispered to his boobers to calm down.
“be strong my chidlren” he whispered as he tenderly cupped his own tits. “be strong for daddy”
mic wizowscki and aizawa were stil talking.
izawa was bitterly smoking a vape and shaking his head. three ded flies fell out of his hair. “mic what did i tell u about toshi” aizawa said annoyedly.
“and wat did i tell u about thotties?”
mic hung his hed in shame. “WE AINT LOV NO THOTTIES “
“YOURE DAMN STRAIGHT WE DONT” aizawa cried, slapping mics flat ass. “i dont WANT to go to his slut party. hes probly gonna whore it up like usual in his sexy little outfit,,,, with thsoe ten pound hands,, and those chiseled ass cheeks,,,, ungnngfff thicc,,,,”
mic and aizawa were silent for a minute in appreiceation of toshis thiccness. endevor couldnt keep a slight moan from slipping thru his stupid bitch mouth at the thought of ALL MIGHT SENPAIs big beefy man hands on his hot and tender milk sacks and he got CAUGHT!!11!
“ENDEOVOR!!!?? WAH T TEH FUCK ARE U DOING HERE” mic yelled confusedly.
“yeah you guy fieriy looking-ass motherfukcer this is a school not a fuckboy convention” aizawa snrarled.
“WE AINT LOV NO THOTTIES BITCH” mic added yellingly, crossing his arms.
aizawa crossed his arms 2 but in a pentagram bc hes goffik. “get out of here b4 we lay down the smak on ur ass and not even int the kinky way”
endeover did not want the smak on his ass in a non kinky way so he slunk away with his tits pressed to the ground seemingly in defeat, but with a plan festering awaey in his sick and twisted little mind.
the next dey was the party. every1 was gettin turnt, especialy all might who had drank 4 whole glasses of sugar free apple juice and was feeling a little crazy. “THIS PARTY IS 3 LIT 2 QUIT” he cried. “WHY? BECAUSE I AM G O N E, YO!!!!1!” the rest of the party guests clapped polietely and went back to non-sexily dancing to the kidz bop version of kanye west songs. mic tried 2 grind on aizawas phat booty but all might shoved them apart while shrikeing at them. “L;EAVE ROOM FOR JESUS!!!” he shrieked. “HEROES WAIT UNTIL MARRIAGE! PREMARITAL TWERKING IS A SIN!”
memewhile, endevror smirked evilly within his bottom seckret (most ppl would call it top sekret but lets be fucking real here u guyes) hiding place and rubbed his frothing nipples with nefarious delight. “uhuhehehhehuhheuehhueh” he cackled viciousley. “it is almost time for our,, G R AN D ENTEREANCED DUN DUN DUNNN!!!!!1! ALL MIGHT SENPAI will NEVEr ssee it ccccumming!”
all might was giving a speech and cryeing. “well bros its been a funky fresh time tonite and i lov u all so much for comig 2 my super sweet 69th birthdey party but before we can break out the WILD PARTY GAMES like musicel chairs, we hav to eat the CAKE!!!!”
“THATS MY CUE!!1!” thouht endeover hornily as he sprang tits-first out of the giant cake like a disgustig shit dolphin. “SU RRPRISE yoU FUCKS! iTS ENDEAVAR!!!” he cried triumphantly.  he winked and licked his teeth with his tonge. “sup toshiWHOREY” he sed fuckboyishly as he flexed his fat rippling tiddies. ALL MIGHT SENPAI was looking so fresh 2 death in a “dont mess with texas” crop top and jorts that endevor nutted lava arousedly.“I have come to RU I n the BORTHDAY PARTY!”
all might checked his watch “read.”
endvoer was so angrery that he burst into flames and BURNED uP ALL OF THE CAKE with two streams of lava that sprang forth from  his massive girthy horse tits. “Read THIS SENPAI” he roared unsexily. “now u hAVE to notiece me!”
all might yawned. “read.” he turned away from endevor to talk 2 the party guests. “any1 else feel like taco bell? it smels like burning tit hair in here” everyone agreed that taco bell sounded good and left endevor and his sizzling salami sacks alone with the bunrt cake as kidz bop kanye west continuued to play in the backround.
endevors bara tiddeis saggged sadly in defeat and and he fuckin died and also all might adopted all his kids
 the en d.
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darling-i-fancy-you · 7 years
Colour Soulmate AU - Jughead X OC / Part 2
[LONG A/N: You guys asked for it so you guys got it, I don’t love it as much as the first part but this is as good as its gonna get cause I’ve wrote it and rewrote and then rewrote it again and then went to the SBC and asked them all about it (thanks @kingpendleton u my boo). So without further ado, here ya go bbs.
Also sorry if you wanted to be tagged in this but didn’t, I had a lot of people requesting to be tagged and now because tags aren’t really working well plus the amount of you asking is just a super crazy amount I’m going to stop adding new people to the list - honestly I totally appreciate and love your guys support but I feel like its a bit pointless when I know tagging isn’t directing anyone to my work and you’ve still just got to scroll through my blog to get to the specific fic. In light of this though I am going to seriously update my masterlist so finding my work shouldn’t be difficult and I will reblog it daily so people can stay up to date!]
Part 1
Word Count: 2106
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‘Jughead, can you see in colour?’
The inky-haired teen quickly began to raise himself from the booth, he slammed shut his laptop and gathered it together with the papers that lay scattered across the table. He brought his knees up to his chest in a bid to jump over the back of the booth before a looming hand grappled his shoulder tightly.
‘Oh no you don’t buddy.’ Archie Andrews booming voice called out.
‘Let go of my shoulder Arch.’ Jughead replied sternly. ‘This is something that isn’t up for discussion.’
Erica’s gaze had shifted away from the view of the friends that sat around the booth, she stared intensely at the heart shape ring that sat upon her index finger as she vigorously twisted it around the cold and pale skin. She didn’t see how Jughead’s solemn stare flickered to and from her figure, or how Betty curiously contemplated the situation that had transpired, and she certainly didn’t see Veronica’s knowing smile.
At Jughead’s stern words and dark expression Archie’s hand eased upon the thinner teen’s shoulder, with ease Jughead shrugged the hand off completely and hopped out of the booth. His heavy boots stomped across the linoleum floor and left scuffed marks with the force. With a heavy pull the door was yanked open, it slammed loudly behind him as the tall boy left into the dark and bitter night. Three of the four teens remaining in the booth watched as his figure would briefly be illuminate under the harsh street lights, until eventually the inky night enveloped his body and he was no longer in sight.
‘Erica, do you have anything you want to tell us?’ Betty’s soft voice broke through the tension.
Erica spluttered, her pale freckled face was now adorned by a deep rose blush that stretched from underneath the dark layers that she wore. Her face nervously twitched, eyes not knowing where they were safe to land - they shifted from Betty, to Veronica, to Archie, before finally resting on the table. A pale brown milky residue lay stickily upon the surface, the last remaining remnants of Jughead Jones’ earlier presence.
‘Why would I have anything to say?’ Her voice came out in a heavy shake, she knew in her heart that the game was up.
‘Isn’t it just a little curious how he knew your exact eye-colour?’ Veronica teased.
‘What are you trying to say? - That I’m Jughead’s soulmate?’ Her voice was desperate, a silent plea to just leave all of this messiness alone, to let her heart fester in the hopeless pit that it had grown accustomed to.
‘No I’m saying that that much is pretty damn clear. I am asking however – is he your soulmate?’ Her voice was stern yet sincere.
Over the many years of friendship that the group had accumulated it had passed any of their notice the adoration that was shared between Erica Mars and Jughead Jones. Archie had always noticed from a young age how Jughead’s angst-ridden gazed could be softened just by the mere mention of Erica’s name. He had noticed how his smirk would shift into a smile whenever she laughed and he look with pride whenever one of his well-timed comments could induce a laugh that made her head fall all the way back. When he thought no one was watching Jughead could be found routinely to be watching Erica, transfixed by her every little move.
Silent conversations held between Jughead and Erica did not go unheard by Betty Cooper and Kevin Keller, they would always catch the quick shared glances, the small smirks or the mouthing of innocent jokes across the booth. Whenever Jughead’s exhaustion became too much for him to bear gently he’d rest his head on her shoulder and close his eyes momentarily; a gentle smile would don the lips of Erica, content with the comfort that she could offer. The group had been almost convinced that the fates had made a mistake when it came to Erica and Jughead and were disheartened to learn that they could only see in black and white. It was bittersweet to watch such an innocent love blossom in front them.
‘I’m not prepared to talk about this.’ Erica’s words almost mimicked those of Jughead, as did her actions as she gathered her belongings and swiftly jumped over the booth.
A light sprinkling of white snow was made its way down from the night sky, dancing in the streetlights and falling to the floor melting almost immediately as it hit the pavement. As she exited the diner small white flakes began to gather in her hair and upon her eyelashes, she lightly fluttered them in a bid to shake them off. Erica had one destination in mind as she stuffed her blueing hands into her jacket pockets and made her way down the dimly lit street - it was the one place she knew she’d find him.
Jughead Jones was thirteen years old and it had been a perfectly average day. Perfectly average until he had arrived home that afternoon from school, the house seemed eerily quiet, items were missing and from his view in the hallway he could see smashed glass strewn across the linoleum flooring in the kitchen.
That very night Gladys drove away into the moonlit sky with his sister Jellybean in tow, and although the world was already grey to the young Jughead Jones it somehow seemed that night to become much darker.
With his Dad was nowhere to be seen come seven o’clock and Jughead’s stomach was ferociously rumbling, he went to the only other place that felt like home – Pop’s Chok-Lit-Shoppe. It was there that he found one of his very best comrades, Erica Mars, perched at their designated booth.
‘Hey Jug.’ She smiled sadly as he slid into the booth opposite the young girl. Word travelled fast in Riverdale but if Erica knew anything it was only her smile that gave it away.
‘Did you order me a burger?’ He asked cheekily, his light tone told Erica all she needed to know – for tonight he didn’t want to talk about it.
‘Of course,’ she chuckled, ‘and a chocolate milkshake to match!’
The night continued in much the same manner she nudged him playfully under the table with her foot, and her exaggerated laughing had not gone unnoticed by Jughead. The weight of the world fell from his shoulders as she sat there snorting at one of his poorer jokes and stealing a handful of fries. In that moment the harsh fluorescent lights blinked and captured the emerald from her eyes. Jughead blinked momentarily and when his eyes reopened a pair of bright and curious eyes shone back at him. It all seemed so simple, her wide and earnest smile dazzled back at him as he watched on in awe as colour bled into her face. The electric red of the neon signs flickered and illuminated her pale skin, a smattering of ginger freckles bridged Erica’s nose and her smiling mouth blossomed into a rosy grin.
In that moment at Pop’s it had seemed so simple, a lifetime with Erica Mars was something that Jughead could invest in, the only pressing matter seemed to be whether she would or rather did see things as he did. Just as it happens in Fairy-Tales however the clock struck midnight and Mr Tate ushered the two youngsters out into the parking-lot, informing them that he had rang their parents to come and pick them up.
Reality hit Jughead like a tonne of bricks just as the warm summer-night air hit his face. The humidity in the air stuck to the walls of his lungs like a thick paste and the dread that he had avoided for the majority of the night clung heavily to his heart.
His parents, he thought, were supposed to be soulmates – and soulmates, he thought, were supposed to be forever.
He lay that night in bed, once his drunken father had picked him up in an old beaten-down unfamiliar car, and thought about himself and Erica. He listened as his father slammed open draws and smashed the last remaining photographs that hung on the walls of their family home.
If this was what having a soulmate did to you, Jughead concluded, then he didn’t want to have one.
The ladder creaked under her weight as she climbed her way up to the roof of the small building. The sound meant she had already alerted him to her presence but he hadn’t bothered to take a look at whoever was joining him on the roof of his old abode. His neck curved heavily downwards, his chin almost touching his chest as he sat in solemn contemplation.  
‘Hi.’ Came the soft almost inaudible voice, over powered by the cold wind that whipped at her hair.
Hesitantly she made the careful journey towards the other side of the roof and perched herself alongside the boy; the roof was wet from the melting snow and the moisture soaked up into her jeans. She shivered at the feeling but tried to push it towards the back of her mind, there were bigger things to be concerned over right now.
‘I only used to show black and white movies here so I could forget. So I could pretend for a short time that my life wasn’t a complicated and clichéd disaster.’ His voice shook as the cold embedded itself in his body. ‘It’s the same reason I only wear blacks and greys.’
‘That’s deep.’ She joked, trying to relieve some of the built up tension.
Erica’s teeth chattered against themselves and her petite frame shook in the painful chill, without hesitation Jughead extended his long arm and pulled her into his body. Despite the awkward confusion that lay in each of the others minds the action felt natural – they melded together almost perfectly. Erica looked up at the boy who continued to stare into the snowy abyss, the white dust sat lightly in the places where cars once parked, where fun was once had and many memories made.
The cold wind bit at Jughead cheeks and nose which were now a furious shade of red and crystals began to form on his long dark eyelashes. A pink tongue slipped from between blue lips and swiped vigorously at the chapped and dry skin before his lips opened and let out a frosty breath of air.
‘After my parents split, the notion of this whole soulmate crap it terrified me, it’s why I never-’ His sentence trailed off into a void of uncertainty.
Blue eyes met brown ones, crestfallen stares shared between them. Erica scanned Jughead’s eyes; when illuminated by the bright screen of his laptop they appeared washed out, all hints of the shining blue gone and instead replaced with a static grey. They were tired from the endless staring and writing, yet electric from the copious amounts of coffee and sugar he would have consumed – a walking contradiction. In the dim yellow light of her bedroom, during the lazy nights watching clichéd horror film after horror film, his eyes were almost emerald or perhaps turquoise – she could never quite decide. Yet sat here in their age old spot on the roof of shack at the drive-in, the midnight sky casting dark shadows along his nose and jaw, his eyes were the deepest blue she had ever seen. She had never considered Jughead’s icy blue eyes to be warm, it was an adjective that she felt was better left to be associated with Archie or Veronica’s deep brown eyes, but tonight in this bitter cold they were the warmth she was so desperately searching for.
Under her intense scrutinizing gaze, Jughead’s stare narrowed.
‘What?’ The question wasn’t intrusive or harsh, it was barely above a whisper and left through a mouth that hardly parted as it spoke.
Erica sighed into the cold air, her warm breath mingled with frosty night.
‘Blue.’ She almost mumbled. ‘Your eyes are blue Jug.’
In the pale glow of the stars and the moonlight two shadows drew themselves closer and closer to each other, the larger figure lifted up his long fingers and rested them gently along the others jaw. Two pairs of lips met, crystal flakes trapped between them, it was chaste and brief – a silent promise that alluded to the future they were certain to share together. Their foreheads pressed against one and other, hot breaths of air were formed by the gentle laughs they shared before they evaporated into the midnight sky.
In time each would tell their story.
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