#the surrogate daughter? check
coochiequeens · 2 months
Men having kids through surrogacy to fulfill selfish wants without thinking of the impact on the kids would be reduced if surrogacy agencies has a screening process
Wife returns from work one day, sees strange woman at home holding infant
Husband hires surrogate to have longed-for child, furious wife threatens divorce
By Alice Yan in Shanghai Published: 9:00am, 29 Mar 2024
A woman in China has told how her husband resorted to secret surrogacy to acquire a baby because the couple’s 29-year-old daughter refused to give him a grandchild.
The 53-year-old woman, surnamed Guo, said when she returned from work one day in September 2022, she saw a strange woman in her home holding an infant, according to Henan Television.
The stranger told Guo the child belonged to her and her husband, and she had been hired as a maid.
A shocked Guo later learned that the baby was born via surrogacy after her husband paid an agency.
The child was carried by a university student, the report said.
Guo and her husband, who live in Yiyang, Hunan province in central China, have one daughter – their only child, who told them she does not want to marry or have children.
“My husband said, ‘Your choice means I will never be a grandfather. What’s the point of raising you? Not having a baby means you are not filial, according to Chinese traditional culture’,” Guo said.
The man, whose age was not included in the report, said because the infant girl was so cute and healthy, he might ask the surrogacy institute for a boy next time.
“I flared up into a fury. I am going to divorce him,” said Guo.
The husband stole his wife’s identity card to apply for the infant’s birth certificate which states that he is her father and Guo is her mother.
“I flared up into a fury. I am going to divorce him,” said Guo.
The husband stole his wife’s identity card to apply for the infant’s birth certificate which states that he is her father and Guo is her mother.
The news report told the story of another man, aged 62, from Henan province in central China who also hired a surrogacy company without telling his family, so he could have a baby boy.
The man’s daughter said her father had wanted a son for a long time.
“After the one-child policy was abandoned, my father asked my mother to have another child for him. But my mother was nearly 50 and she did not want to have another child,” said the daughter.
She said the surrogacy company charged her father 540,000 yuan (US$75,000) and guaranteed the baby would be a boy.
Surrogacy is illegal in China. In 2023, the authorities issued a directive to crack down on the activity.
The story caused a heated discussion on mainland social media.
“I support surrogacy being illegal. Otherwise, women will just be used for their wombs,” one online observer said on Douyin.
“Maybe in the future, dating couples will need to check their DNA to see if they are siblings,” wrote another.
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saintlesbian · 6 months
as for the rest of the ep…
Chalynn truthers we won. we fucking won 🍾🍾🍾
Lois trying to talk Ned into making peace w/ Michael and Drew sounds REAL funny knowing that drew and Michael r still planning on pushing him out of ELQ again. fuck those two forever actually, y’all can make peace in hell
speaking of drewfus, I wish I could be glad he’s leaving but it’s not for very long and crew is gonna be annoying abt it I’m sure. this version of drew is such a shell of himself that anytime hes brought up I just feel disgusted 😖
I’m getting tired of Sonny bringing up Carly when talking to nina it just feels WEIRD… I really don’t wanna see a Carson reunion but it’s starting to feel like the pikeman/cyrus bs might end up being the catalyst for one… sonaritas should we be worried. 😟
also Tolly agreeing to use krissy as the surrogate… wasn’t there literally a whole argument against doing this months back that resulted in tolly icing krissy out for several weeks…? once again I must assert this whole surrogate storyline is a load of barnacles
#pentababbles#general hospital#I’m happy abt the proposal :) but I also feel like they kinda did this so they could be married b4 Gregory croaks#still! taking my wins where I can! their scenes today were sweet and I liked it 👍#i know ned has beef w/ nina over the SEC thing but. once he finds out Michael knew and STILL tried to push him out of ELQ#nina should be the least of his worries. since let’s face it drew earned that prison sentence 😅 and it’s not a crime to report a crime!#the bensons r just mad they had to face even the mildest of consequences for their actions tbh#drew goin to Australia tho like. take joss and Carly w/ u I don’t wanna see them again either#have joss spend time w/ her Aussie father or something I just can’t take her anymore#also the fact that he’s leaving for Christmas so Michael doesn’t have to… bro I hate him so much#bro you just got out of PRISON how about you spend time with your DAUGHTER that you PROMISED to be there for you ASSHOLE#and with drew going away… PLEASE I don’t want a Carson retread please please please#like I find crew annoying and meaningless but at least they’re over in their own corner. but I was actually starting to like Sonny#a Carson retread is just gonna make him suck again 😞#cannot stand the surrogate storyline and tolly is nothing to me anymore but w/e I can deal with it.#however if they really are setting up the surrogate arc to be an angst backdrop for kraze… burned-lariat go get them royalty checks I stg 🤣#but yea that’s my thoughts! story feels discombobulated as ever but we soldier on iguess
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r3ynah · 4 months
Extended Family
An Au where, Maddie is Damian and Danyal, Biological mother besides Talia, Basically Talia and Maddie(+Jack) both grew up in LOA and were very best friends(lovers?? at some point including Jack). Talia wanted a natural birth for her son, as she was not really fond of the idea of a test tube baby. so she asked Maddie a favour to become a surrogate. which Maddie happily accepted. because of her experience with Jazz and Danyal's birth, Talia was sure Maddie can give birth to her son safely.
This was approved by Ra's Because he deemed Maddie as someone that could be trusted due to her becoming one of the most strongest and smart assassins in the LOA(He was fond of her, like really really fond.) So he accepted his daughter proposal for Maddie to become the surrogate.
And then Damian was born, Jazz and Danny basically loved Damian and would not go anywhere but the baby's side. Jack loved taking care of Damian due to Maddie and Talia not knowing how to take care of a baby with physical affection.(basically house husband behavior,).
As the kids grew they become closer through the years until you know, it wasn't safe for them in the LOA anymore so they helped Damian escape first to his Bio dad's place(They did let him pick though, if he wanted to stay with the fenton-nightangles or go to Bruce, he chose the latter because if something happened to them he'll have connections.) and then Maddie and Jack escaped with their children in a random town named Amity park. which turns out was a hotspot for Lazarus pits or Ectoplasm. (They decided to change the name cause everytime Jack hears the word pits he started laughing).
The children of course never severed their communication throughout the years. And Bruce never asked about his life at the LOA so he never introduced his half siblings.
Damian hated his older brother, Danyal with all his might. if you asked him to choose between his Half-sister Jazz or Danyal. He'll choose Jazz in a heartbeat.
He hated him, because of his foolishness and absolute neglect of his surroundings, making him a easy prey amongst people who wants to take advantage of him. He disliked Danyal's poor choices in life especially now.
The youngest wayne stood in the middle of one of the many hallways of his highschool as he stared at a certain, black haired and blue eyed girl, who was waving at him ecstatically, he contemplated if he should fight the girl head on or just run and escape.
Obviously in this situation he would pick the most desirable option to make sure his day wasn't ruined by his older brother, so he picked the latter. Damian dashed through the hallways, making sure to lose the girl before the third period started. He slowed down as he looked warily at his surroundings his back against the storage room incase he needed a hiding place from that test tube spawn.
When suddenly a pair of arms phased through the door embracing Damian as he tried to escape.
The girl giggled as she kept her hold on the older boy who tried to get her off him. "Hi uncle Damian!"
she greeted as she finally let go making space for the boy to take a step back.
"Danielle. Why are you here, Did Danyal send you to pester me?" He glared at his niece, as he kept his guard up.
"Kind of, mama sent me here to check up on you." She explained "You kinda went MIA when you stopped answering his texts and calls."
"This is absurd, I can take care of myself. him thinking something happened to me for not answering his calls is offending, I am not like him." Damian stated as he finally lowered his guard. And started to walk away expecting for Elle to follow to which she did.
"Eh.. You know him, His just paranoid he always is" Elle exclaimed as she looked at her schedule. "What's your next class Uncle?"
"Ooh Yey! We're classmates, let's sit together!"
A groan left Damian as Elle chuckled and continued to look at her class schedule beside him, Peaceful quietness welcomed the two as they walked to their shared class.
"Do you have a apartment nearby?" Damian asked as he stood up from his table waiting for Elle as she packed her notebooks, only filled with doodles from both party.
"Nope, Mama requested that we move here for easier transport but i didn't wanna bother with all the moving stuff." Elle explained as she finished tidying up. "Beside I can just fly back and forth, what's the use of my powers if I can't abuse em."
"Your logic is as worse as Danyal." Damian exclaimed as they both headed out the door. "Follow along. you'll be staying at my manor this week."
"Why?" Elle asked suspiciously
"Because, It is a tiring job to use your flight ability for something so stupid." The boy explained.
"Is that really all?"
"Ofcourse not, As your uncle it's my job to keep you energized and unbothered, But as your mother's brother its my duty to annoy him for thinking i was in danger. so I'm basically taking you hostage at the manor." Damian grinned, as he took his niece's hand to make sure she doesn't get lost through the maze of hallways
"So basically kidnapping? I'm in."
"Master Damian, welcome home." Alfred greeted as he opened the front door. "And who might you be?"
"Hello Alfred, This is Danielle your Great-granddaughter." Damian said, making Alfred raise his eyebrows slightly before returning to his relaxed state.
"Well, nice to meet you Lady Danielle" Alfred greeted with a smile, as he shook her hand.
"Please call me Elle, Alfred" Elle brightly smiled
"Very well then Lady Elle." Alfred chuckled.
"Is father home yet?" Damian asked
"No not yet master Damian, you two may go to the living room as I prepare the guest room for Lady Elle." Alfred exclaimed as he headed to the kitchen to finish what he was doing.
Elle looked at Damian, Damian looked at Elle.
"I can feel my phone vibrating from my bag." She laughed. Her mother Danny was certainly going to be sad that his little brother kidnapped his daughter for a Uncle and niece Hangout.
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CW: SFW, gn reader*, angst, fluff, mentions of divorce, beautiful grovelling committed by none other than Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley because he’s our man 💪
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there is a part 2 in the vault with smut if you guys want it 🫣 (as this story is gender neutral, the daughter can be adopted or surrogated, if you wish to put it that way. but the next part will specify that the reader is afab)*
song for the chapter: intro (end of the world) - Ariana Grande
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husband!Simon, who is gutted but understanding when you say you want a divorce. your relationship had taken a slow but scrutinising turn ever since you had your first kid.
the flame wasn’t there anymore, and you had gone into a depressive state due to the overwhelming pressure of having to take care of your daughter by yourself every time he got deployed to another country, then having to pray he would make it out alive.
ex-husband!Simon, who moves out in a matter of days after the talk, going to a small local motel so you had your space. you are devastated at the loss of warmth on the other side of the bed. although it wouldn’t have been any different if he stayed, as you had both been isolating yourselves for a while.
ex-husband!Simon, who comes around every weeks to check up on you and your child. making sure that everything was okay, which it wasn’t, but you had pulled yourself together to make sure you were there for her.
ex-husband!Simon, who still comes to parent-teacher interviews/conferences, resting a loving hand on your thigh as your daughter’s teacher talks about how much of an amazing student she is.
you expected nothing of it as it could’ve just been a natural instinct from him.
like how he still wore his ring………. every day…
ex-husband!Simon, who helps out in the kitchen one night, after dropping off your daughter at a sleepover; passing dishes back and forth, making sure to add lingering touches, to see if they were reciprocated, or if he should stop. and you just ignored them for the time being, not wanting to give him the time of day due to the state he left you in.
ex-husband!Simon, who is on your door step the night before the divorce is finalised.
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“I’m not signing the papers.” He stated firmly.
Your brows furrowed at the sight of him on your doorstep this late at night; speechless, you just let out a scoff of surprise.
“What?” You asked him confused, crossing your arms over your chest.
“I’m not signing the papers,” He repeated, “I want to make this work.”
“You don’t get to do that.”
“Do what?”
“Waltz back into my life like it’s nothing,” You answered, “I wanted a divorce for a reason.”
“I’ll be better.” His gaze narrowed, “I’ll prioritise you and our daughter, I didn’t do a good job last time. But now, I’ll be there every step of the way, and support you.”
“I won’t leave you in the dark again. And if you’re lost, I’ll make sure to be the light.”
Your gaze softened as he grabbed your hand, bringing it up to his chest.
“Please,” He whispered, “Can we try again?”
And just like that, the walls that you had built up to make sure you didn’t get hurt again, came crashing down.
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starrclownshazbinblog · 4 months
as a silly contrast to the angsty facts, got any happy or lighthearted ones?
1. Alastor is surprisingly a bad dancer. He knows basic moves from his mother but he definitely has two left feet. Mimzy found out about this one day when Alastor refused to dance at her club. Mimzy took it upon herself to give Alastor free dancing lessons with her as the teacher! Alastor is always red in the face when they dance together.
2. Cherrie and Angel have matching spider bite piercings. Cherrie made them get them together after she began working for Angel.
3. KeeKee gets jealous of Husk when Angel is around. Angel is one of KeeKee's favorite people because he has 6 hands to scratch her with. When Husk and Angel together all that love goes to Husk. KeeKee gets really huffy and claws Angel's legs to get him to pay attention to her again. This gets her shoved off of Angel's lap.
4. Vox actually likes Husk and Nifty. Whenever Vox checks up on Angel for business or personal reasons he brings a small TV for Nifty to watch cartoons on. Nifty greatly appreciates it.
5. Husk is a really jealous person. Not dark romance type jealousy, cat jealousy. Husk will actively interpret Angel if he's spending to much time with someone else. He'll rub his head on him, try to sit on him, claw him. Husk has that cat scowl that makes him look angry.
6. Since Charlie doesn't headbutt Valerie because of her head scar, Charlie just lightly boinks other parts of Valerie's body. Like she'll walk up behind Valerie and lightly boink her back.
7. Cherrie painted the back of a leather jacket and gave it to Velvette as a gift. Velvette cried.
8. Angel sometimes has a deep Italian accent in the morning because his accent used to be very apparent. Alastor mocks it all the time.
9. Mimzy learned to make traditional Japanese food for Nifty so she feels closer to her parents even though she doesn't remember them.
10. Madame Pentious kind of sees Angel as a surrogate son. She knows Angel has never had a mom before so she takes it upon herself to give him motherly love.
11. Cherrie knows of Angel's internalized homophobia. At one point Cherrie got him a small gay pride flag. This was the first time Angel has ever cried infront of Cherrie.
12. Angel and Molly being identical twins, when they were younger used to dress up as each other alot. Arakaniss eventually got so used to it he can tell them apart miles away. Henroin can tell the difference but he let's them think their fooling him.
13. Angel and Isabella used to paint together. This lead to Angel being a really good painter.
14. Alastor hates the fact that Mimzy hates her body. He does whatever he can to reassure her that she's beautiful and doesn't need to change. He'll make her her favorite food, he'll buy her dresses she eyes in the store, he compliments her in litteraly everything. Mimzy loves his reassurance cause it feels nice to have a man from her time period tell her she's beautiful.
15. Alastor can make shadows come alive for short periods of time. He makes customized animals for each person he knows. Nifty's favorite is a puppy and Mimzy's favorite is a baby deer.
16. Charlie and Valerie watch Disney movies together.
17. Nifty, even though she's bad at sewing, will try and repair her friends damaged clothes. (She the reason husk has stitches on his clothes.)
18. Lilith likes to make baked goods for Charlie. Charlie is extremely sweet toothed and loves all sweets. (Lucifer learned to make apple pie for her. As a apology for his behavior.)
19. Angel used to take Isabella to Carmilla's grave. He wants the the woman that brung Isabella into the world to be honored.
20. When Mimzy died, Angel covered her grave in roses. He knows she loves them.
21. Carmilla loves her daughters unconditionally. She would do anything for them.
22. Charlie learned to slow dance so her and Valerie could dance together.
23. Angel slept on the floor the first time he and Husk stayed the night together because he didn't wanna move Husk's stuffed animals. (Husk later joined him on the floor.)
24. Mimzy takes Valerie and Nifty out shopping. She wants to spoil her "girls".
25. Vox sometimes joins in on Velvette's models. He doesn't do it professionally, he just finds it silly and it makes Velvette laugh. It also makes the models laugh.
26. Angel accidently called Madame Pentious mom once. Angel was super embarrassed but Madame Pentious said it was completely fine. (She cried in secret later.)
27. Madame made small mechanical hearing aids for Cherrie.
28. Angel is a horrible cook. Alastor found this out and decided this wouldn't stand. He teaches him to make special meals sometimes.
29. Velvette and Cherrie have horror movie nights.
30. Nifty loves chocolate milk but she only likes it when Alastor makes it. He makes it for her when she does a good job around the hotel or if she's having a bad day.
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ghelgheli · 7 months
Bloomberg—Postmortem Sperm Retrieval Is Turning Dead Men Into Fathers
July 18, 2022
[A]bout 20 people, young and old, sit around the table in the main room of a public housing apartment in this city near the Lebanese border. They help themselves to pasta, shawarma, cakes, and coffee, and they remember German Rozhkov. Rozhkov, a Ukrainian immigrant turned soldier, was killed 20 years ago, when he was 25. One of the children darting among the mourners—sitting on laps and nodding shyly—is 5-year-old Veronica. She never met Rozhkov, of course, but she’s his daughter. Thirty hours after he was killed, his sperm was extracted, preserved in liquid nitrogen, and, 14 years later, used to fertilize the eggs of Irena Akselrod. She didn’t know Rozhkov, but she volunteered to bear and raise his child after meeting Ludmila. Persuading a judge to grant Ludmila Rozhkov and Akselrod the right to German’s sperm included testimony about his desire for children. But there was no case law covering when a dead man’s sperm could be used to produce offspring. In his ruling, the family court judge wrote: “When the law doesn’t provide an answer, the court must turn to the principles of Jewish heritage. ‘Give me children, or I shall die,’ our mother Rachel cried out. This logic reflects man’s desire to continue through his offspring the physical and spiritual existence of himself, his family, and people. We are told, ‘Be fruitful and multiply.’ ” Being an active grandmother is something Rozhkov feared she’d never get to experience on that day in March 2002 when officers came to visit her with the unbearable news. When she saw them, she blocked the door in an attempt to avoid hearing the truth. Later, in grief, she shouted out in Russian, “We must get his sperm!” No one, including those who spoke Russian, knew what she was talking about. After a man dies, his sperm cells live up to 72 hours and can be retrieved with an incision to the testicle, then frozen. “We checked with legal and medical authorities and went ahead,” Mor says. “Today it is becoming routine.” “Routine” may overstate it. There are a few dozen children like Veronica. But the military practice of postmortem sperm retrieval is now a familiar topic in Israel, even if it’s extremely rare elsewhere. A couple of dozen army families are eager to replicate the experience. When parents of a dead soldier go on Facebook or TV seeking a mother for their future grandkid—not only a surrogate but also a kind of daughter-in-law who’ll raise the child—the response can be overwhelming. Hundreds of women volunteer in a display of national solidarity and what seems to be a growing preference for a sperm donor who isn’t anonymous and whose family will be involved. The country’s tiny size and population clusters help with child rearing, with adult children rarely living more than an hour from their parents and often within a few minutes. “We are very postmodern in our reproductive practices,” says Zvi Triger, a professor of family law at the College of Management Academic Studies. “Now, even being dead doesn’t prevent you from having children.”
This has been going on, albeit at an accelerating (and ever more legally enshrined) pace, for quite some time by the way.
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kyberinfinitygems · 3 months
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Brenna is Bruce’s daughter and Peter is Tony’s (surrogate) son, so… science cousins! They get into lots of trouble together.
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therebelcaptain · 20 days
it feels a little awkward to self-promote, but fuck it: i wrote a short rebelcaptain fic in which i self-indulgently dream up a scenario where jyn and cassian kinda sorta cross paths before rogue one when cassian is undercover on ord mantell and then jyn recognizes him when she's brought in to work with the rebellion. (is it because i keep trying to dream up ways that we could possibly see jyn in season 2 of andor? 100%! a girl can dream, can't she?)
anyway it's my first time sharing any kind of writing, so i'm pretty nervous to share as i'm not suuuuper confident in my creative writing skills, but i really enjoyed writing it, so i thought i'd share! there's a lil excerpt below if you wanna check it out :)
Cassian had just pulled on his parka when Jyn spoke for the first time since takeoff.
“We’ve met before, haven’t we? In a manner of speaking.” 
She paused for a moment. Cassian could feel her eyes on him as he began fastening his zipper, carefully measuring his response before continuing. “Only you weren’t exactly… you.”
Cassian zipped up his parka and turned to meet her gaze; his curiosity was piqued. 
“I’ve had many different names and faces, so I wouldn’t be surprised if we had,” Cassian hedged in response. He wanted to see if she could place him for sure.
Jyn Erso was not the first person who ended up working with the Rebel Alliance after an encounter with him in his capacity as an undercover Rebel Intelligence agent. As it were, their encounter was so incredibly brief that it could barely even be classified as one. Regardless, Cassian should have known that Jyn would be the only one to pinpoint him exactly—she was Saw Gerrera’s surrogate daughter, after all.
“Ord Mantell,” she said matter-of-a-factly. A quietly confident smile spread across her features when Cassian visibly stiffened in response. “I knew you were too good-looking to be an Imp.”
“I don't pose as an Imp there,” Cassian countered, pointedly ignoring the backhanded compliment. “I’m a contractor.”
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What changed between Marcy's relationship with Yunan and Olivia after she left Amphibia? Last I checked, Yunan and Olivia don't seem that attached to her with their goodbyes to her seemingly born out of obligation as opposed to the positively heartwrenching farewells Grime and the Plantars gave to their fellow humans.
A lot of things change within the 10+ years of time apart, a lot of time to reflect. For Marcy she realized that she should've hung out with Olivia more but she was busy with her Night Guard duties and stuff.
For Olivia, she felt responsible for what had happened to Marcy, that she should've done more to protect Marcy from Andrias and the Core. After talking with Grime and the Plantars about the Trio, Olivia realized that Marcy was a surrogate daughter to her and that she failed her. When Yulivia adopted their first kid, a eft girl who's intellect at a young age gave Olivia the inspiration to name her Marceline, or Marci for short and vowed to be a better mother than she was before. Same for the other two they adopted. Olivia wanted to apologize to Marcy for everything but knew that was impossible, however during her last talk with Andrias before he passed, he told her that since Anne didn't have the box and was able to return than there must be a way and if anyone could figure it out then it'd be Marcy. Olivia however didn't want to believe this in fear that Marcy would return and understandably hate her, so when the Plantars told Yulivia about the portal, Olivia thought it was a prank and got mad. When Marcy showed up at the Yulivia's doorstep and Olivia saw her again, nothing but love and happiness flooded her mind and she clung onto Marcy for a good while, both due to said happiness but also to confirm that this wasn't a dream. Eventually Olivia broke down and spilled all her regrets to Marcy who did the same and they finally had the found family trope that Marcy loves (and it didn't hurt that Marcy finally had siblings like her wives have).
Yunan was more neutral towards Marcy, of course realizing that her anger at Marcy not remembering her name from when they first met after Olivia explained that when Yunan came into the hospital, Marcy was loopy from painkillers. Hearing stories from Olivia, the Plantars and from newts that knew her cause Yunan to have a bit more sympathy and interest in Marcy and while she doesn't feel the same love for her and her wife's human daughter, she still loves her anyways.
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bullet-prooflove · 7 months
Past Mistakes Part Ninteen: Mike & Nora - Mike Duarte x Reader
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Tagging: @crazy4chickennuggets @kmc1989 @oureternalbond @nessamc @jayblackpanther @mysoulisasunflower @resonmalvo @littleone65 @thesandbeneathmytoes @katluke25 @mydarkestsecretlol @evee87 @wooshwastaken @hearthockey @justreblogginfics @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @rosaliedepp @storiesofsvu @whateversomethingbruh @burningpeachpuppy @smellsliketeensspiryt @legit9thlunaticwarrior @xoxabs88xox @kiwiithecrazybird @spooky-pomegranate @chavez-ashley @telepathay @weiwei0210 @spaghettificationandpretzels @plaidbooks @irishavengersassemble
Past Mistakes Series:
Part One: Try - Mike turns back up in your life after three years apart.
Part Two: Hope (NSFW) - Mike and you get reaquainted.
Part Three: California - Mike and you discuss the past.
Part Four: Favours - Mike asks Liv for a favour.
Part Five: Choices - Mike comes face to face with someone from his past.
Part Six: Truth Hurts - Mike begs you to tell him the truth about what happened three years ago.
Part Seven: Sharing - Mike and Joe have a conversation.
Part Eight: Buried - Mike discovers that McGrath’s misdeeds go far futher than he thought.
Part Nine: Complicated - Mike discusses moving forward.
Part 10: Feral - Mike returns to the apartment to find you’ve disappeared.
Part Eleven: Torture - You wake up in the basement.
Part Twelve: Fire - You and Joe discuss moving forward.
Part Thirteen: Lost Time - You and Mike get real on his porch.
Part Fourteen: Plan B - Mike always has a plan B.
Part Fifteen: Proud - Mike tells you how proud he is of what you’re doing.
Part Sixteen: Mattituck (NSFW) - You show Mike how much you love him.
Part Seventeen: Seven - Joe makes a discovery.
Part Eighteen: Patterns - Benson and Murphy discover the reality of McGrath’s misdeeds.
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Over the course of the investigation Joe learns the story of you and Mike, not the shit he’s read in the reports but the essence of it. It’s through the interviews with the people in your lives back then that he discovers the truth of it.  He hears about the softer side of Duarte, the man behind the legend that dogs his steps.
Currently he sits in the kitchen of your old neighbour Mrs Evanisto, she’s still spry at almost seventy. She moves around her kitchen faster than Muncy does at SVU and that’s saying something. You’d lived alongside the older women for five years before you’d gone undercover. When she sits down at the table she sets a large French Press down in front of Joe along with two mugs. She talks about you fondly, she doesn’t have any family left and had viewed you as a surrogate daughter.
You were always checking in, sharing meals, she’d taught you how to bake Pineapple Upside Down Cake when Mike first introduced you to his family. She discusses Duarte in similar manner, he was always fixing things around her place because the landlord was a little slow. He’d been a massive help when she’s broken her hip, picking up her groceries on the way home, cooking for her.
“The way he looked at her, it was like she hung the moon and the stars.” Mrs Evanisto tells Joe before adding the milkto his coffee. “He showed me the ring before he proposed, it was beautiful but he was a little sad. He’d wanted to do it with his mother’s ring, but his father had gambled it away after she died. That man, he had a lot to answer for. I’m surprised Mike came out so well adjusted.”
Joe finds this insight fascinating, to him Duarte is impenetrable. An enigma that walked onto his crime scene one day, hardened and ready for battle. Seeing the way he interacted with you, hearing about the man behind the brash Captain was changing his perspective. He thinks it's your disapperance that turned him cold, all the love was stripped from his world so he adapted.
“He was so happy when she said yes. The three of us had a toast right here with a bottle of champagne he bought.” She pauses to take a sip of her coffee. “They were planning to get married in the spring after she passed the Sergent’s exam, something small and low key. They asked me to be a witness.”
The information tracks. By that time you would have been able to transfer out of Duarte’s unit and take up a new position, start fresh and get your happy ever after. Only it didn’t happen like that.
“Do you remember anything strange happening before she left?” Joe asks, his pen tapping on the surface of his notebook. “I know it was a long time ago…”
Mrs Evanisto sighs as she wraps her hands around the mug.
“I remember Mike wasn’t around as much, she told me he was away on assignment. I could tell she was worried about him; she spent a lot of her time here studying. I think she didn’t like coming home to an empty apartment. The two of them were practically living together.”
She pauses before picking up the French press and refilling their mugs.
“There was this one night, it must have been a couple of days before she left. She was heading to a charity event. I remember because I did her hair, I used to run a salon back in the day and we were trailing out something for the wedding. She was excited she wanted to bid on this weekend away in Napa, surprise Mike when he got back. I waited up for her, I wanted to see if she won but she never came home.”
Her dark eyebrows furrow as she takes a sip from her coffee cup.
“About three in the morning, there was someone pounding on her door, he was wearing a tuxedo. He was drunk, yelling at her to open up. I opened my door, told him to go away, said that her boyfriend was a Lieutenant in the NYPD so he better not bother her again. He went quiet after that, really quiet and then he just left.”
Joe considers that for a moment because Mrs Evanisto has just given him a puzzle piece that’s been missing for him. How McGrath knew about you and Mike, that there was a relationship to leverage, why his punishment was so severe. You had chosen another man over him and McGrath couldn’t stand that, he hated the idea that anyone else got to have you, so he buried you.
“Would you recognise this man if you saw him again?” Joe asks Mrs Evanisto, raising the coffee cup to his lips.
“Of course, he’s on the news every time any of you solve a case.” She huffs before gesturing towards Joe’s notepad. “His name’s McGrath.”
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pickledpascal · 7 months
Staring Into the Blue
Pairing: Beau Arlen and Surrogate Daughter OC (Andi)
Warnings: self-worth issues, emotional hurt/comfort, andi has daddy issues and is hating life a little
A/N: i made this when i was half delirious/asleep and started thinking of my own relationship with my parents sooooo yeah... have fun with this one lol
Word Count: 2.2k
Jensen Ackles Masterlist
Beau was new to this whole thing. As was Andi.
Andi was a nineteen-year-old girl who, for all intents and purposes, was Beau’s surrogate daughter. Emily still had a place in his heart, and always would, but Andi was… a special case. 
They had met when she was eighteen, freshly in college, and had one too many drinks one night which landed her in detainment, and ultimately had a talk with the sheriff. Being intoxicated, Beau’s initial rant about her needing to take better care of herself and how underage drinking was bad was undermined by Andi spilling her guts to him. Metaphorically speaking.
Andi didn't have parents. At least, not ones who cared about her all that much. As soon as she turned eighteen, they promptly threw her out of the house. Sure they had helped her get into college but they didn't care what happened after. Glad to get her out. 
So Beau took her in. Gave her a home. Loved her.
It was all so much for Andi. And made her think about her real parents. How happy they were without her. How happy they were not acknowledging they kicked their child out of their house to fend for herself just to be picked up and loved by a stranger. Beau didn't know her parents—he wasn't her honorary uncle or even a real uncle. He was the sheriff of Helena and a pretty good one at that. 
It took a while but Beau convinced Andi to live with him instead of the housing on campus. A month or so into Andi’s hopefully permanent stay at Beau’s house—he upgraded from the airstream but it was parked in his yard—it was nearly midnight when he woke up to soft music filtering into his room. Beau ran a hand through his hair and screwed his eyes shut for a moment before he sat up. That had to be Andi. And he felt compelled to check in on her.
Beau left his room and made his way to Andi’s, the music getting louder with each step he took. Which made him more and more concerned. 
I waited ages to see you there
I search the party of better bodies
Just to learn that you never cared
You're on your own, kid
You always have been
Just outside her door, Beau heard the faint noise of sniffling. Andi had been crying. His heart sunk in his chest. He knocked on the door. No answer. Beau pursed his lips as he turned the door handle. The sight behind it made his heart ache. 
Under the low light of Andi’s blue fairy lights was her, sobbing on the floor as she hugged her knees to her chest. Her glasses were abandoned on her bed with teardrop marks on the lenses. 
I see the great escape
So long, Daisy May
I picked the petals, he loves me not
Something different bloomed
Writing in my room
I play my songs in the parking lot
I'll run away
Beau rushed to be by her side, cradling her head as it lay on his chest. He set his chin on top of her head, rubbing her shoulder to try and soothe her. It seemed the tears rushed faster as he did. “I gotcha, I gotcha. It's okay.” He shushed softly. 
Andi clung onto Beau like a lifeline, crying into his chest and getting tears on his shirt. He didn't care. He wanted Andi to be okay. And if that meant he had to hold onto her like this then he didn't care. 
He petted her hair and pressed a kiss against her forehead. “It's alright. I'm here.” Beau resisted the urge to cry too. He had never seen Andi like this before, even when they met. “Please tell me what's wrong.” Beau insisted softly, pulling Andi away from him for a moment. Her skin felt cold. He didn't like this. 
Andi sniffled, rubbing her eyes. “I…” She wanted to. She really did, but it was hard. 
“You know me, sweetheart, I'm not gonna judge. Okay?” Beau cupped Andi’s cheek. He could sense she was hesitant. Their relationship was fresh but Andi trusted him enough with other stuff. Enough to live with him. 
A new wave of tears rolled down Andi’s cheeks. “I know.” Her voice was small. Her eyes screwed shut as a sad smile crossed her face. “God, I wish my real parents were like you.” She admitted with a harbored breath. “My dad especially. I-I don't understand what I did wrong. What I did to deserve what they did to me. Was I not enough? Was it because I was a girl? He and my brothers were fine. He-He never–” A choked sob escaped her. 
Beau frowned, pulling her back into his chest. He closed his eyes as he drew in a deep breath. 
“He never told me loved me.” Andi cried into his chest, voice muffled. “Never told me he was proud of me. I-I don't understand. He's my dad, i-isn’t he supposed to love me? That's his job.” 
Beau felt a few tears stinging his eyes as well. He couldn't imagine being that type of person. That type of father. He loved Emily so much it hurt sometimes. Andi too. To be the type of father to, quite frankly, never pay attention to his child was an alien concept to him. One that was very much real. And one that saddened Beau. 
He squeezed Andi tighter and pulled her into his lap. She was heavier than what he was used to but it didn't matter. What mattered was comforting her as much as possible. He didn't know if he could ever change her mind about her self-worth, at least, not in the moment. But this kind of touch would help. He hoped it would. 
After a while, Andi’s tears died down and Beau brushed away the hairs from her face. He even wiped some tears away. “I know I can't… just replace your dad, as unfortunate as that sounds. You had eighteen years with him. That won't just disappear. But I can try to help ease some of that pain, show you what a real parent should be like.” Beau whispered softly. “I love you as I would my own daughter. I'll be so proud of you at your concert next week, I'll clap and cheer so loud they might have to kick me out. I love you.”
Andi sniffled. The words meant so much to her and she knew Beau was telling the truth. He had a record to back it up. He never missed one of her recitals, a soccer game she had, or an event she really wanted to go to. 
Before she ever moved in, Beau was Andi’s plus one to a lot of things. A chaperone in some sense but Beau just loved seeing her smile. They went to a few markets around the city with her college friends, saw quite a few movies in his airstream, and—at the end of the day—he would always give her a warm hug and a kiss on the forehead. 
“I love you too.” Andi breathed. It was the first time she'd said it back.
Beau had a habit of slipping it behind a sentence or saying it when they said goodbye. Andi didn't mind. She liked hearing it. But she had never said it back or even said it first. Beau was okay with that. He wanted to earn it. 
And he did. 
It was bittersweet, though. He was glad but his heart still ached. All he wanted was to take all that hurt from Andi and throw it in a locked box somewhere. Maybe throw that into the depths of the ocean. But he couldn’t. And it pained him that he couldn't. Andi didn't deserve those sorry excuses of parents. And maybe she didn't deserve Beau either but he was going to try. 
Beau hugged her close, closing his eyes as he rocked her side to side. Andi wrapped her arms around Beau’s torso. Her breathing calmed as she nuzzled her head in the crook of his neck. 
It was silent for a while, her music had died down a while ago into a soft instrumental. “Sweetheart?” Beau asked softly. He had a small, but hopefully effective, idea 
“Hm?” Andi hummed. She felt a little better hence the crying stopped but there was still an emptiness in her chest.
“Do you want to sleep in my room tonight?” Beau knew it was a tactic mostly used for little kids. Where if he could squeeze her tight enough that would make everything better. But Andi was legally an adult so he wasn't completely sure.
Andi bit the inside of her lip and drew in a small breath. Her parents didn't do this when she was sad. Hell, her parents barely even noticed when she was sad. She simply nodded.
Beau lifted the covers over Andi before he got in bed next to her. She held onto Beau. He quickly did the same. 
Andi was an adult. But not really. She was a child who had never felt like she had any real comfort in her life until Beau came along. Andi wasn't even sure she could pinpoint a time she was genuinely happy in a while. Physical comfort didn't fix everything but it sure helped a lot. She didn't get that much as a child but she did now.
Beau was so affectionate that it almost made Andi cry. Small things like a touch on her shoulder as he left or a kiss on her forehead. Hell, a simple thumbs-up while she was on stage made Andi feel so warm. And so loved.
That was part of the reason this whole mess started in the first place. Andi loved Beau and wouldn't trade him for the world but a part of her wondered why her father couldn't be like him so she didn't need to have Beau in the first place. Why couldn't he be the type of father that supported his child? Who made it known that he was proud of her every day even if it could be a little embarrassing? Who hugged her every single time they met after they were apart? 
Beau rubbed Andi’s back, playing with her hair. He found that it calmed her after a while. “I can stay home tomorrow. We can watch Book of Life, make fresh brownies, and have ‘em with ice cream.” He suggested softly. 
Book of Life was her favorite movie. And warm brownies with vanilla ice cream was one of her comfort foods. She didn't eat it often. 
“Okay,” Andi mumbled, a soft smile making its way onto her lips. “I would be a sorry excuse for an older sister.” 
Beau’s eyebrows furrowed. “What makes you say that?” 
Emily and Andi knew of each other but they hadn't quite met yet since Emily still lived with Carla in Texas and she hadn't made her way up to Montana to see her father in a while. He knew adoption was off the table but he was as close to a father as Andi could have, ultimately making her family. And making her and Emily sisters. 
Andi shook her head. “Forget I said that.” Beau pursed his lips, glancing down at her. She let out a breath through her nose. “I just… I'm the youngest in my family anyway and—I dunno—I don't feel right. I guess. I'm not a role model. I'm not–”
“I think you are.” Beau cut in. He hated when Andi talked bad about herself which unfortunately happened a lot. “You have your hands in a lot of different clubs, you excel in your classes, and you fight for what's right.” Beau hugged Andi close. “We can work on it feeling right but… You're a far better role model than me.”
Andi scoffed. Beau may not have been open about everything that happened in his life but, for a middle-aged man, it was far better than any other man Andi had ever encountered before. He was affectionate with just about everyone in his life, co-workers, friends, Andi’s friends, Carla, and Emily. Maybe Beau wasn't perfect but he was already doing better than Andi’s father. 
Beau thought Andi drifted off to sleep until she said, “I'm glad you're in my life.” He could tell she was trying to starve off sleep by the sound of her voice. 
“Me too.” Beau admitted softly, an absentminded smile on his face. 
Beau thought Emily was the limit to his love. But then Andi came along and suddenly there was more love to give. There was no rationing of his heart, it only grew. And he couldn't fathom it for a while. Andi wasn't his child, not biologically, but he loved her as if she was. 
With Emily away, it was hard for Beau to function properly. That was his daughter and she was hours and hours away. Of course, it still was but it was a little easier with Andi. He thought the world of her and couldn't comprehend how she didn't think the same. 
If Beau ever did meet Andi's parents, he couldn't imagine it'd go well. He'd likely end up in a detainment cell while Andi's father ended up in the ICU.
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gryfferin-gaybies · 3 months
"I'm here! I'm here!" Harry practically leaped out of the Floo into their living room.
"Shhh," his husband urged. "You'll wake Lily." Draco looked like he was dozing off to sleep himself, cozy on their sofa.
Harry frowned at his watch. "I missed her bedtime story?" It was futile to hope that he hadn't, being it over an hour past their three-year-old daughter's bedtime.
He quietly went into her bedroom to give her a kiss on the forehead before heading off to bed with his husband.
"I'm here! I'm here!" Harry called, running down the hallway to Draco. He was still dressed in his red robes.
Draco was pacing, biting his fingernails clearly lost in thought. He gave a nervous smile and pulled Harry in for a quick hug.
"What are you doing out here? Why aren't you in the room with her? Would they not allow you?"
"No, no, that's not it at all." Draco's tone was not as reassuring as his words. "Scorpius is healthy. He was born just a few minutes ago. I didn't want to meet him without you here with me."
Harry's heart sank. He'd missed the birth of his second child, his first son. And he'd delayed Draco's chance to hold him.
"I'm here! I'm here!" Harry announced. But Draco was already cleaning up the remnants of their daughter's eighth birthday party decorations.
"The kids went to the Burrow," Draco informed. "Mr and Mrs—Molly and Arthur were ecstatic when I said they could go. I was just happy to get to clean up in peace. They can deal with the sugar rush." He smiled to himself as he waved his wand to pull a banner down from the wall. "I'm sorry you missed the party, love."
Harry helped Draco clean up their sitting room. "Did she at least like her gift?"
"She loved it, Harry." Draco wrapped his arms around his husband from behind and pressed a kiss to his shoulder, pausing their tidying efforts. "All of her friends were here. There was cake and games. She barely even noticed I was here." It didn't make him feel much better.
"I'm here! I'm here!" Harry whispered as he slid into a chair next to Ron at Draco's charity banquet.
Draco's eyes landed on him from the podium at the front of the room where he was giving his speech. He smiled and it warmed Harry's heart. He wished he had arrived before the final line of Draco's speech.
"I'm here! I'm here!" Harry was running toward his family in the train station, still in his Auror robes.
Lily ran into his arms for a big hug. "Dad!"
"You're going to do great, Lily," Harry whispered into her ear and planted a kiss on her forehead.
Draco—with their youngest child Albus on his hip—checked his watch. "Alright, you don't want to miss the train. You're nearing the last boarding call."
With one last nervous glance back at her dads and baby brothers, Lily ran at the wall to platform 9 3/4. Harry's heart ached at knowing he missed their last day to be together as a family, a chance they likely wouldn't get again until Christmas break.
Over the years Harry continued coming in late and missing important life events. His children's bedtimes. The birth of his second born. Birthday parties. Draco's work events. Nearly every time his children left for Hogwarts. Holidays, family dinners, date nights, the kids' graduations.
Eventually Draco started to feel like he was doing it all alone. He knew that Harry wasn't late or absent on purpose. His job as head Auror was just very demanding. And although Harry didn't need the job, the job needed Harry. No one could do his job quite like he could because no one was quite as powerful.
And while Draco was happy that Harry found his calling, something that he felt gave him purpose, Draco couldn't help but wish it wasn't so dangerous and had more consistent hours.
He hadn't been promoted to head Auror until a week after their surrogate gave birth to Lily. And as grateful as Draco was to have his family, he couldn't say that he'd have been so willing to start it had he known how frequently he would be left to raise their children on his own. The thought alone made him feel awful.
Now standing in his suit, looking at their daughter in her gorgeous wedding gown, Draco fidgeted with his watch. The ceremony was about to begin and Harry wasn't there to help walk his own daughter down the aisle. This was another important moment Draco would go alone. Another moment Lily would have her Papa but not her Dad.
The music began and the wedding party made their way down the aisle. Soon it was time for the bride.
"You look beautiful, dear," Draco said to his clearly nervous daughter. "He's a lucky man and I know you two will be very happy together. I love you so much."
With tears in her eyes, Lily smiled. "Thank you, Papa." She paused to look back at the chapel doors with a frown.
"I'm sorry, honey. You know he wants to be here. Don't frown on your special day." Draco told her what he needed to hear as well.
She nodded and then linked arms with Draco, turning to face the doors the rest of her wedding party had entered, behind which she knew stood her soon-to-be husband at the alter and all of her friends and family gathered in rows to celebrate their love with them. He gave her one last kiss on the cheek before the doors swung open wide.
"Wait!" They took a single step before stopping to turn around to see Harry. "I'm here."
Draco beamed as Harry stepped into place on Lily's other side.
"Dad! I'm so glad you made it!" Lily wrapped her arms around his neck to hug him.
"I wouldn't miss it for the world," he whispered with a smile, attempting to minimize the disruption by making sure the audience couldn't hear their conversation. He locked eyes with Draco over her shoulder. "I'm sorry I'm late. It won't happen again. Not anymore."
Draco kept his voice equally as soft. "Harry, don't make a promise you can't—"
"I quit my job," Harry interrupted. Lily let go of him to give him a shocked look, but the music started again before he could elaborate. "Shall we?"
After the ceremony, Draco was able to pull Harry aside for a private conversation. They were in the empty men's room.
"You quit your job? Why? You love that job?" Draco said the moment they were alone. They could hear the party on the other side of the door.
Harry sighed and leaned back against the sink. "I did. I do. But when I realized it was going to cause me to miss my only daughter's wedding, I couldn't keep it up. I tried to say I needed to leave but they told me I couldn't. Told me there was a case that needed me specifically. I just. . ." He stared directly in Draco's eyes with vulnerability he didn't show often. "I couldn't keep letting my family down, letting you down."
Draco closed the gap between them and put his hand on Harry's cheek. "Oh, Harry," he breathed.
Harry turned his head and kissed Draco's palm. "I'm sorry I didn't do it sooner. I'm sorry I've missed so much, Draco."
Draco kissed him on the mouth, smiling against his husband's lips. "Oh, Harry, I'm just so happy."
Harry kissed him again. "We should probably return to the party before I miss even more."
Draco hummed. "Maybe we kiss just a little more first."
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squirrel-fund · 1 year
Currently thinking about Mickey and Ian having a kid together. Adoption, surrogate... whichever... and like, the lady gives birth and Mickey's there with her. They said only one could be in the room and Ian shoves Mickey forward, telling him that he should be there because Ian's seen the miracle of birth plenty of times as an EMT.
So, he's in the room and I'd like to think that Ian and Mickey have gotten to know the mother while she was pregnant. Going to ultrasounds, Ian takes her to prenatal yoga, Mickey keeps her supplied with all her cravings. And she reaches out and squeezes Mickey's hand asking, "Are you ready?"
And Mickey's like, "Are you?!" It's not him that has to push a watermelon out of an opening the size of a water hose. Jesus fucking Christ!
And she laughs, because apparently he said that outloud but before he can even say anything else, the doctor tells her to, "Push!"
And she's crying and clearly trying to break Mickey's hand because holy shit his fingers are going numb... but that's okay because suddenly, the doctor is saying they can see hair.
His kid has a full head of hair!
The nurse standing by asks if Mickey wants to see and NO FUCKING THANK YOU LADY. He's good.
Apparently that's not a rare response, because she just grins and goes back to whatever the hell she was doing moments before.
And then... there's a cry and the doctor announces it's a girl and suddenly a pair of medical scissors are being placed in Mickey's hand and he's cutting the umbilical cord. His daughter is quickly taken to a corner where they check vitals and he assumes, counts her fingers and toes.
In a flash, the nurse from before is moving him back into a chair, telling him to unbutton his shirt, and with no hesitation at all, a small, pink, wrinkly thing is placed carefully on his chest with a blanket laid across them.
And omg... she's beautiful! She stops crying as she listens to his heart beat and she slowly blinks her giant blue eyes until she clearly feels cozy enough to drift off to sleep.
But, he just can't stop looking at her. Emotion making his eyes shiny and making her tiny frame look blurry.
Mickey knew he was capable of loving another person, obviously, he loves Ian with all his heart...
But this?
This is so much more than he's ever felt before. A love that is deep and rooted into his soul for the rest of his life.
And there, in a pink delivery room, Mickey Milkovich cries happy tears over the birth of his daughter.
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lizzy-bonnet · 8 months
As an adult re-reading Emily of New Moon I feel so much pity for Aunt Elizabeth. Almost all that is known about her life before Emily came into it is that she had a tyrannical father, and she accidentally pushed Cousin Jimmy into the well. As surrogate parent and as the manager of New Moon Farm, Aunt Elizabeth clashes so thoroughly with Emily that it's hard to see her as anything but stiff and autocratic, a stifler of Emily's art.
But it's clear she is passionate (it was in anger that she pushed Jimmy) and that she has had to keep all of her passion in check, probably since that incident. You see this when she's really angry She is almost certainly afraid of her own temper, and was absolutely afraid of her father (when she sees the "Murray look" on Emily's face over the threatened hair cutting, she literally turns and runs). I can only imagine what punishment her father must have meted out after Jimmy's injury. I think Aunt Elizabeth sees this same passion in Emily and is afraid of what it will do to her, because she is haunted by her guilt.
I also wonder what disappointments lurk in Aunt Elizabeth's past. Aunt Laura is clearly a born romantic, and it's not hard to see that she has missed out on love, but I think Elizabeth's passionate nature must have included passionate love. Has she loved and lost? Did Juliet's elopement cost her a suitor (as Lydia Bennet's nearly did for her sisters), or cause her father to fully bring down the hammer on his other daughters - and is this the reason she so resents Douglass Starr? Or has Aunt Elizabeth never found someone who could match her strength and give her the love that I think she craves? Many men of the time might have seen her strength as unwomanly, and it might have been that she couldn't soften herself enough to appeal to someone in her limited social circle.
There is such a sorrow behind Aunt Elizabeth. She was raised in a deeply repressive household which cut off a daughter for falling in love, her morals are very Victorian, the world is changing rapidly around her, and this weird kid is suddenly dropped into her lap at a time in her life when she was very much Not Expecting Children (and let's face it, Emily is a Weird Kid). She really does her best, but she has no clue how to bring up her new weird kid. It takes time but Emily and Elizabeth really do come to love each other, even if they never get each other. Personally I find myself wishing Emily EVER asked Elizabeth anything about herself or her life, though clearly Elizabeth never volunteers anything either. Everything Emily knows about her is secondhand. For all her imagining of the inner lives of others, I don't think she ever looks for that inner life in her Aunt.
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 5 months
are there any fanfics where klaine wants to have a baby and they use a surrogate (not Rachel), and they bring the baby home and we watch them adjust to life with the new baby, but they have to ask Carole for help? I’ve looked and can’t find any.
I'm not sure it's an MPreg you want, ignore these two if you don't. You should check or daddies!klaine, daddy!kurt or daddy!Blaine tag as they may have the story you want. I'm struggling to identify one without Rachel as surrogate, and with Carole helping, but I'm sure it's out there. Please suggest! ~ Jen
Apple of My Eye by idoltina
A fill for this GKM prompt. AU after The Break Up. Blaine finds out that he’s pregnant after Kurt breaks up with him (with Kurt’s child, no less). He tries telling Kurt about it, but Kurt refuses to talk to him. Blaine decides to finish his senior year at home and give the baby up for adoption. Only he doesn’t. He ends up keeping the baby – a daughter – and takes her to New York with him when he leaves for college. He raises her partially on his own with some help from his parents, and tries to juggle parenthood, school, and work. And everything works out okay for a little over two years – until he runs into Kurt. MPREG
xpanding the Nest by lilmm 
AU. There are a lot of unexpected surprises you have to deal with when raising a family. Like your stepson’s boyfriend needing a place to stay. Or a pregnancy test coming up positive. Carole has a lot to deal with this year.
Note: Prequel is Escape. Sequels are A Few Small Adjustments, For the Holidays, and When It All Falls Into Place 
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writer-reader-skater · 9 months
My Modern Clone Wars Bad Batch AU
Aka I just needed a place to brain dump.
Shaak is the ultimate clone mom. She had some of the the eldest of the clones except for Rex and Cody since Jango was unknowingly cheating on her before the divorce. Yes, they were married in the AU. IT JUST MAKES SENSE OK, CLONE MOM AND CLONE DAD. After the divorce, Shaak has a few more boys through embryo adoption of the embryos Jango didn’t let any other of his surrogates/baby mamas use.
Rex and Cody raise their younger brothers that make up the 501 and 212 on screen. Jango visits occasionally but has his own reasons for liking or not liking them.
Boba lives full time with Jango, but he’s not related to the others. Cue the loneliness and slight resentment- there are definitely a few restraining orders here and there.
The most-visited of Jango’s boys is clearly the Bad Batch. He doesn’t like the twins (Tech and Crosshair) but he has high hopes for Hunter and likes Wrecker enough (but does think he’s a little dumb and clumsy, little does he realize Wrecker is intentionally doing that in order to not have to leave his other brothers). Being the excellent dad he is (sarcasm) Jango’s logic is that a kid of Hunter’s would be ✨perfect✨. What he didn’t account for is for Omega to be a girl, so he automatically doesn’t like her and leaves Hunter with three brothers and a newborn.
Then he tries the same trick with Rex and decides Tup isn’t good enough either.
Neither Hunter nor Rex tell their brother/sons who the mom is, although they both know and resent Jango for taking advantage of them like that, because that’s basically what he did.
On thé non clone side of the world, Qui-Gon raised one foster-to-adopted son named Obi-Wan who fell in love with his high school sweetheart Satine and has a son named Korkie. Also in the family is a refugee named Anakin and his mother Shmi.
Well, Qui-Gon has a habit of just adopting random children so soon Anakin has a sister named Ahsoka, and her best friend’s name is Barriss. Barriss happens to be Luminara’s adopted daughter, and Luminara is Shaak’s best friend.
All this can be roughly recapped in the very complicated family tree I have attempted to make. And if this piques your interest, maybe check out the AO3 stories I have written in this universe! It’s mostly Clone Centric cuz I love them…
(All twins/multiples are circled)
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