#the special treatment that he gets wherever we go
sergle · 1 month
I know this is so And Then Everyone Clapped, but when me and Mr. Hugo were taking a walk together, he stopped me for a few seconds to gaze wistfully through the front door of a restaurant, and someone popped out while we were walking away to Invite Him Inside
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agendabymooner · 2 months
ollie on thin ice(man) || ob8 (+ kr7) scenario
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ollie bearman x raikkonen!ofc (ft. dad!kimi raikkonen)
Summary: It was the Formula 1 summer break, meaning that The Iceman’s two driving children, including his beloved Romania ‘Aroma’ Raikkonen, were home. This also meant that a certain Ollie Bearman would make his presence known to the Raikkonen household- which was unpleasant for Kimi’s part.
Content warning: Dad!Kimi being protective, Andrea Kimi Antonelli is addressed as ‘Kimi’ by the Raikkonens but is addressed as ‘Andrea’ in narration, humour, wooing, Ollie wanting to cry really bad, Antonelli x Raikkonen!OFC (Rooney)
Note: this might not make sense to most but… enjoy regardless xx read the recommended fics for more context.
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For Kimi, it was never a problem to have people over.
 He was retired and he pretty much had nothing all day but to spend some time with his kids all while his wife, the Academy Award winning director Vera Coppola, worked on days end while she travelled to New York for a week. 
It was a life he loved to live, really.
To have people over was a usual case for the Coppola-Raikkonen household, as Kimi had three children that were at the age when friends and peers were important. 
Kimi and Vera always thought that it was much better that they allowed their children to have friends over than having them go out and about at night— better be free at home than rebellious and endangered, right?
It was now the summer break of this year’s F1 season, which meant that his two children were also home and didn’t need to be travelling with their mum to wherever the next race was.
It meant that they didn’t need to do their schoolwork on the plane while their private tutors sat with them on the way to wherever. 
It gave the two young racers the break they needed from competing, anyways. If there was something that Kimi knew, it was that his eldest daughter and oldest son had the same drive as him. 
Though, if he was being honest, his son was more like him in terms of interviews and personality in front of the camera. But still… both were racing out of pure joy.
Thank goodness, their mother was a Coppola and Kimi made millions before this. 
“Dad, Kimi’s here,” Johann-Lauri Francis Coppola-Raikkonen, or simply Jo, announced as the fifteen year old walked into the living room where Kimi and his two younger kids sat. 
Andrea Kimi (whom Kimi was never confused with whenever Jo or any of his children said the name ‘Kimi’ as they addressed their dad as ‘Dad’) made his presence known to Kimi as he waved, “Good afternoon, Mr. Raikkonen.” 
“Ah! Andrea,” Kimi nodded. “Nice seeing you. When did you get here to Italy?” 
“Hm… We just got back from Nice two hours ago,” Andrea replied with a purse on his lips, “Mamma and Papa made sure I got here in time. I even brought an overnight bag.”
“Okay,” Kimi said with a nod, “Johann, did you clean your room?”
“Yes, dad,” Jo replied.
“Do you want me to order food later?” Kimi asked.
Just the mere utter of the words ‘order food’ had Kimi’s second daughter running from the home library to the living room.
“Dad? Why is it that every time Kimi’s around we always order food? Why can’t we order food when Kimi’s not here?” 
Rooney Italia Coppola-Raikkonen, at the age 17, never once enjoyed the presence of Andrea. But that was because they were both at that age when pissing each other off was just a phase. Now here she was, complaining about Andrea getting a special treatment.
“Bwoah, he is a guest, Roo,” Kimi answered plainly. “Mama isn’t here right now, and I’m sure you’d like some pizza too, no?”
“For dinner?” Rooney whined. 
“You can order off the menu and tell me later,” Kimi negotiated, making Roo jump excitedly. 
“Nice,” Roo said with a grin before she glared at Andrea, “You suck, Antonelli.”
“Rooney Italia—“ Kimi was about to scold his daughter, but she had already sped off to the home library once more.
Kimi sighed, watching the two teenage boys head upstairs to Jo’s room. Kimi looked down at his little boy and his toddler girl. Both little kids were less of a menace than the older ones, thankfully. 
Betty-Elina was suckling on her pacifier when she looked at Kimi and raised her comfort blanket up to Kimi’s chest level.
“Thank you, kulta,” Kimi told Betty with a grin. He turned to where his youngest son was. 
Henrik was snoozing on Kimi’s lap, not even minding the noise that his big siblings were making just about now. 
God. What a life he was living. 
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Somewhere in the mansion, rather down the hall of the east wing, was a quiet muffling sound of a girl who was speaking to herself. Well, Romania Eleanor was barely speaking to herself.
She was streaming. It was her first stream ever since F2 had gotten to her system. 
Having to fight her friends to keep her second position before the season ends told her enough about how taxing racing could get. Thus she did the second best thing to racing and streamed cozy games to her fans.
Aroma, once she heard a knock and a creak of the door, looked over to see her younger sister Rooney. She paused her game, trying to see what the girl wanted all while her stream remained running.
“What’s up?” Aroma asked.
“Dad‘s going to order food,” Rooney started but was quickly cut off.
“Let me guess: Antonelli?” Aroma quipped.
Rooney huffed out, “As always.”
Aroma knew that the two, for some reason, hated each other’s presence. Or rather, Andrea Antonelli was simply amused at the one sided beef Rooney had with him. 
But regardless, the ART Grand Prix driver chuckled as she nodded. Aroma said, “If Dad is ordering from Signora Leona’s restaurant, can you ask if I can have some seafood fettuccine Alfredo?” 
“Got it,” Rooney raised a thumb up before she left the room. 
Aroma watched Rooney leave and shut the door behind her before she sighed, proceeding to play her Animal Crossing as she spoke to her stream, “It’s like I’m watching a cringe version of enemies to lovers.”
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Ollie Bearman was never scared of anyone.
Anyone but one person that wasn’t his parents: Aroma Raikkonen’s father, Kimi.
He’s heard stories about The Iceman and how he couldn’t care less about anything that didn’t involve him nor his children.
Sure, for most people it wasn’t a scary thought. But in some ways, the British man was involved with Kimi Raikkonen’s eldest daughter. 
That alone was a scary thought. He’s had a crush on Aroma since they started racing together, back when Aroma raced around Europe while her mother Vera took her to travel. Ollie was a welcome face to everyone in the Coppola-Raikkonen household. 
But god… People called Kimi ‘The Iceman’ for a reason, Ollie thought. 
Kimi’s icy stares and cold demeanour were always directed to Ollie and no one else. Ollie knew the difference between ‘icy’ and ‘indifference’ especially when it came to Aroma Raikkonen and her ‘wholesome’ father. 
News flash: Ollie called bullshit on Kimi being a sweet man. Kimi’s stare could burn holes and Ollie could rot on them— so much for being the ‘Iceman’. 
Now here Ollie was in Italy, hoping to hang out with Aroma…
To sum it up: Ollie and Aroma had some sort of thing going on. One that Ollie wouldn’t dare show to Kimi because god only knows what the Finnish driver could do to the Brit. 
Ollie patiently stood in front of the Coppola-Raikkonen home, his posture still calm. He had just rung the bell, now he was patiently waiting for anyone to answer. 
He didn’t expect for the patriarch to answer the door, his brown eyes meeting Kimi Raikkonen’s blue eyes. 
Ollie grinned and politely greeted, “Mr. Raikkonen-!” 
“-You’re not the delivery man,” Kimi stated bluntly. 
Well… Ollie stood there awkwardly and nodded, “I am not, sir. I am here for Romania.” 
“…Bwoah?” Kimi asked, his head tilting as he watched Ollie nod in confirmation. “I was not told.” 
“I- uh,” Ollie’s demeanour grew awkward and uncomfortable as he stammered, “She- she didn’t tell you?” 
Now this could go two ways: The British driver would have to go back to his accommodation in Milan and wallow in self-pity because Aroma Raikkonen had completely forgotten about their plans during the summer break OR he would die in the hands of Kimi Raikkonen because Kimi’s daughter had forgotten to tell her father about the said plans. 
Either way, Ollie knew he was screwed. 
Kimi stated, his typical indifference seeping through his voice, “I can check with her.” 
Ollie sighed in relief and smiled politely, “Thank you-“
Kimi had already shut the door on Ollie, making the younger man sigh and wait by the front porch for five minutes…
Then five turned to ten…
Then ten turned to fifteen. There was no sign of Kimi. No signs of Aroma either. 
Ollie sighed and took his phone, trying to ring and text Aroma. There was nothing. So he did the next best thing and rang the only other guest in the Coppola-Raikkonen household. 
“Ciao, Ollie,” Andrea Kimi Antonelli spoke from the other side of the call, in the background was a multiplayer game of FIFA.
“Hey Kimi, listen,” Ollie started and looked around while he spoke, “You’re inside, yes?”
“Yes,” Andrea said shortly as he let out a ‘Idiot! Johann!’ “Anyway, why do you ask?”
“I’m outside—“
It seemed like Ollie was distracting the boy from an intense online game with him and Kimi Raikkonen’s eldest boy Jo. Because the next thing that interrupted Ollie was a, “Andreaaaa! What did you do?!” 
“Listen, if you’re looking for Aroma she’s streaming— okay, ciao!” Beep.
Ollie was on the verge of tears; Being left alone in front of the house of the girl he was wooing (supposedly) by her father wasn’t in Ollie’s bucket list this summer break. He could have sworn that Kimi Raikkonen hated him. 
Now he did the last best thing: pay his way into the house.
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[OLIBEAR8 HAS DONATED €5: “i just spent money so you can open the gate for me] Aroma listened to her text to speech donation as she was preoccupied from playing her game and paused briefly. “Huh?” She asked and looked at the text. 
She didn’t even realize who it was until she saw the donor. It was Ollie. 
“Ollie..?” The moment she peered down on her phone she saw the countless notifications on the screen. 
oli 🐻: hello 👋
oli 🐻: miss maam 🤓🤓 i’m downstairs
oli 🐻: if u see this i’m stranded downstairs. i can hear ur little siblings laughing at whatever ur father is saying
oli 🐻: if u see this i’m also prolly dead lmaoooo plz come downstairs
5 missed calls from oli 🐻
oli 🐻: aroma 😭 please i’m begging
“What the hell…” Aroma trailed off before asking aloud (particularly to no one), “Did Dad not even realize you’re at the front?” 
But it seemed like she was heard by a certain individual who remained watching her stream at the front porch since he donated once more.
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[OLIBEAR8 HAS DONATED €5: “he did but he doesn’t like me”]
“Oh my goodness,” Aroma muttered and paused her stream, standing up as she said, “Dad needs to stop with the Iceman act already!” 
Maybe her father had good intentions, Aroma thought, but she knew better. Her father might be reserved half the time, but it didn’t mean that he had a hidden agenda when it came to her dating life. 
So much for being a ‘cool father,’ right? 
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♡ moony’s reminder 🅶 (general): @hiraethrhapsody @avaleineandafryingpan @enhacolor @roseandtulips @woweewoowa @magnummagnussen @happy-nico @architect-2015 @hiireadstuff @biancathecool @scorpiomindfuck @stinkyjax @youdontknowmeshh @hyneyedfiz @decafmickey @lightdragonrayne
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fkmarrycill · 6 months
One Shot: Pre-Gaming
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(Pic added after the original post because it totally fits the vibe of the story. 😌)
1191 words, 🔞 for that smut
Can you tell I'm really, really concerned about how our man will survive awards season? ☺️ I'm not sure if he'll attend any of the shows (really hope he does), or if he has any rituals for situations like this, but this is where my imagination took me. 😈
This is pure fiction, and in this scenario, Cillian is in a relationship, but not married and no kids. I read Cillian as an intelligent, decent, sometimes awkward guy who is also capable of being spicy when needed or desired. 😌
It's M/F dynamic, and I often keep the lady leads generic in description so more people can imagine along. 😉
Thanks for reading! ❤️
Cillian had gone silent. His arms were crossed, and he was staring out the window. Maybe he saw the city cruise by, or maybe he was too lost in thought to notice; she couldn't tell. All she knew was that he was relaxed at the hotel, but as soon as the limo door shut, his mood had changed.
She'd had her hand on his thigh for the whole ride so far. That subtle reminder of her support wasn't enough for him, she realized, but she knew what would be.
“Cill?” She addressed him gently.
“Mmm?” He responded absentmindedly.
Definitely lost in thought. “You need to relax. I'm going to make you feel better before we get there. Would you like head, or a quickie? Neither is not an answer.”
“That obvious that I'm fucking nervous, eh?” He chuckled in spite of himself. “Of course, I would’ve rather stayed home, but…” He trailed off and watched her kneel before him and begin to unzip and lower his tuxedo pants.
“What?” She said in response to his quizzical expression. “I thought maybe this would help you decide.” She looked up at him and winked. At this moment, she was glad she'd chosen the little black lace number instead of the gown with the train. She'd be able to move more freely for him, and it would be harder to mess up the dress.
“Now, what’ll you have, Mr. Murphy?” She placed her hands on his thighs and caressed them softly.
He glanced at the closed partition between them and the driver, checked his watch, and a mischievous grin bloomed on his face. He leaned forward. “Looks like we have plenty of time. Hmmm… Film award nominees tend to get special treatment, isn't that right? Give me both, love. Your mouth first, then that irresistible cunt.”
“Spoken with the confidence of a winner, whether it's tonight or another night. It's coming, either way.”
“Just like me, in a matter of moments, thanks to you.” He tried and failed to stifle a laugh. “Christ, we sound like some dreadfully unimaginative 70s porn! Let's stop talking, before we turn each other off.”
“Excellent idea.”
Both of them laughed, partners in crime with the same sense of humor.
She gave him one last affectionate smile, then began to caress his thighs with long, soft strokes that made him shift on his seat. She traced the same path with her lips, on one thigh, then the other, nuzzling the expanses of skin.
He turned the volume up on the music, in anticipation of giving in to wherever she led him. She stretched herself higher and loomed over his lap, then tugged at his underwear. He shifted on the seat to help her efforts in removing her last barrier. He placed his hands on her head and squeezed softly, a gentle request for the warmth of her lips on his hardened, eager cock.
He groaned softly as her lips surrounded his girth and her hands connected with him, and he hissed, eyes shut tightly, when she teased the sensitive underside of his dick with her tongue.
His million-dollar face contorted–jaw clenched, brow furrowed, nostrils flared, full lips parted–as he savored her work. By then, she had taken more of him in, feasting on his length with her enthusiastic licking and sucking.
He began to grind his hips, arching into her mouth to feel her deeper and more intensely.
She loved seeing him like that, focused on the sensations, thoughts as far away as possible from cameras, paparazzi, and all the sequined and bow-tied cogs in the Hollywood machine–everyone they'd be unable to escape for hours once they left their mobile love nest. Giving him release was the least she could do for him. She was well aware of all the effort and sacrifice he put into his celebrated performance as Oppenheimer, and she thought he deserved to be in the right mood to enjoy his moment of recognition, win or lose.
She knew she was wet already, from the way her body throbbed in excitement. She had one more ace to play, one more thing to share that would push him past the point of no return. “I was going to surprise you later,” she murmured conspiratorially, “but this will give you something else to think about in your seat…”
He watched her through glazed, darkened eyes as she climbed into his lap, hiked her dress, and sank down on him, inch by inch.
“Holy fuck,” he gasped. “No fucking panties… Are you trying to kill me?”
“No, babe, I'm just trying to fill your head with good thoughts before we get there.” She rolled her body at a brisk pace and kissed him deeply.
He grasped her hips and overtook the pace of her thrusts, writhing against her in a controlled manner that made both of them wail. She rocked into him and edged closer to being completely undone.
One of his hands crept up to the small of her back, while the other meandered down her leg to find her clit, which he massaged the way she loved, ratcheting up her cries in the process.
Their rhythm quickened some more. A lock of his hair fell down, toward his eyes, and she brushed it back into place. She desperately wanted to clutch her hands in his hair, like she normally did, but quickly nixed the idea, remembering the effort that had gone into his sophisticated look. There'd be plenty of time later for reckless behavior, she thought–on the ride back to the hotel, or in the bed, regardless of whether they were celebrating or preparing to return to their usual pace of life.
“Oh, fuckkkk…” His breathing was shallow, and his face flushed as his eyes rolled back. “I'm gonna…”
“Me, too, baby,” she said, equally breathless. The tightness that had built up at her core gave way to waves of bliss, and moments later, Cillian tensed as his own climax tore through his body.
He held her in a tight hug and kissed the top of her head while they caught their breath.
After a while, she moaned contentedly and looked up at him. “Feeling better, Cill?”
“You have no idea, lass. Thank you.”
“Anytime, my dear, beautiful boyfriend.”
He kissed her softly, then looked at his watch. “We should be there soon, better get ourselves back together as best as we can.”
They scrambled to straighten up and return to their initial positions in the car.
“You know,” started Cillian, as they rounded the corner to the venue, “At some point tonight, when I can't stand it anymore, I'd love to steal away with you to a bathroom or somewhere else that we can be alone…”
“I like the way you think! But what if we get caught?” She gathered her purse and prepared to exit the limo.
“I think ecstatic award winner caught fucking his girlfriend will be much better for my brand,” he said with air quotes, “than those pics of me pissing on the side of the pub, don't you think?” He winked and kissed her passionately.
Before she could respond, he opened the car door and they emerged. They were quickly besieged by camera flashes, and the huge smiles on both their faces were real.
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Transference Ch 2
inspired by @scealaiscoite 's touch-starved prompts
TW: First aid on bad wounds, uhhh swearing? cuz Danny should get to say fuck, can't think of anything else atm, if u want a better list follow the Pt 1 link to my Ao3
Go gently friends,
Pt 1
Danny wants to pull this plane apart. He would do it happily! With a little extra enthusiasm. He wants to remove panels to see the guts, how the wires connected and weaved together to put this wonder together. What gave the engine that quiet whisper of a purr that even with Danny’s dialed up senses he could barely hear it? Was it made out of special metal? A plane used in vigilante missions must have been reinforced with special materials in case of impact or a crash. Who oversaw the maintenance? Danny wanted to meet the person who regularly got elbows deep in the bowels.
How many special security measures did it have? Since this was Batman’s plane probably more than Danny could think of. How many secrets did it guard? This plane probably had access to some very dangerous information, so one would assume it was a target. The plane was vulnerable being left unattended wherever they were. With the vigilante’s away on their mission their rogues could play. Danny knew firsthand with his own rogues. Was the plane on the same network as the Batcave? It had to be right? At least the comms? Was it in case they had to share updates on confidential files between locations? Danny’s fingers itch to get his hands on the controls, examine the programming, maybe find a systems list. 
He can’t see the plane that well yet, but he can feel it hum under his feet. The soft vibration works its way up his body-it’s nice, he decides, to be able to focus on figuring out what exactly was running down below rather than his brother collecting a number of things before moving behind him. Danny was close enough to the wall that his fingers traced along barely there seams between the smooth, cool to the touch metal. He wouldn’t know how durable it is unless someone told him what the material was, but the likelihood of them divulging their secrets was very low, if nonexistent. 
Still Danny was free to wonder, no one could restrict his thoughts. What kind of weapons systems did it have? Surely there must be a bathroom. Regular planes had those small ones, if Danny’s experience with Vlad’s displays of wealth told him anything, the obnoxiously rich liked to embellish their already expensive things with expensive add-ons. Danny can’t yet see how big the cabin is, but he’s perched on some sort of cot. He must be in some sort of medical treatment area that the Bats use when they get injured on missions and there is no doctor readily available. 
If things go well after his eyes are healed maybe his father would let him take a look around? (They currently were itching something fierce as they slowly healed.) 
The parallel between the Fentons and Bruce Wayne’s intelligence was not lost on Danny, and he cannot help but feel so heart wrenchingly fond.  He has had a lifetime habit of collecting parents that have made brilliant vehicles. 
(He ached for the time before the portal when he was close with the family that took him in, when that GAV was simply an RV to take deep in the woods and lay out a blanket on the hood or roof to watch the stars, talking about the possibility of something more out there.)
Danny can’t stop his flinch from where Nightwing had accidentally rubbed too hard along the edge of his shoulder. “Hey Bud?” Nightwing calls out, “Lookin at your back, well, some of the tissue has started dying,” The man genuinely sounded upset about it, did he not know? “it’ll need to be removed, but I’ll have Agent A take a look when we get off a moving vehicle, okay?” His brother finished explaining over Danny’s internal tangent. His back doesn’t hurt that bad, which is concerning in its own way since the wound was- as dick pointed out- awful, but it did draw him back out of head. Danny bobs his head in acknowledgement. “I’ll clean them up the best I can for now.” Danny probably wasn’t supposed to hear that mumble that sounded like Richard was talking to himself, as though he was reassuring himself there was something productive he could do to improve the situation. 
Despite the setback, the vigilante is calm, sitting behind Danny painstakingly cleaning his back wounds. So far unshaken by what Danny is certain is a grotesque scene the man is chattering away about patrols and the person called Agent A, who he is reassured will meet them back at the Cave. It kind of amazed Danny how the man was able to endure his tiny flinches and hissed breath to try while trying to distract him. Danny currently wasn’t an easy patient to stomach. 
The sores tunneled down through fat and muscle to his bone. Most of the sores were in stage four, it didn’t take them long to eat away at him and fester, even before becoming a halfa the boy was tall and willowy meaning he had no body fat to slow down the progression of the forming injuries. They hadn’t tried to hide anything from him in the time he was trapped there. After all, if a ghost isn’t sentient, it can’t possibly understand in-depth scientific experiments so why bother to attempt secrecy that would be a waste of precious time and energy. They had simply discussed it like everything else, over his twisted body for most of the day. The scientists had only moved him previously when they needed access to a different part of his body. When they discovered his body started to develop bed sores They were excited. (Danny felt himself slipping away from his body into his memory, he was slipping away from Richard.)
“That’s odd…Honey! Look,” The woman said softly some time into his captivity. She’s pointing at his side, Danny can’t tell what she could be pointing at, all of him hurts. He can’t remember what they did there that could be worth pointing out now. Them not remembering sends a weak chill down his spine, they kept meticulous notes even if it was swallowed by their disorganized storage, it shouldn’t be possible for them to be surprised at the state he’s in since they carefully crafted the condition he’s in. Her fingers flick his collar on, unbuckling the right restraint as she goes before they sharply dig into his right shoulder, before flipping him onto his side roughly to see from another angle like that old map on their family trip to see Aunt Alicia last summer. “It’s getting sores! Stage two I’d say.” 
“Bed sores? It’s hurting itself?” The man’s voice comes out bewildered before he leans closer to see and then cheerfully muses. “Seems like the ectoscum can cannibalize itself! Look at the inflammation! Do you think the infection and strain could kill a ghost?” Danny whimpers behind his muzzle when he can feel the man in his curiosity starting to poke at the edges of the wound with something metal and sharp. “Huh, Mads?” The man prompts.
The woman doesn’t respond. Their silence blankets the room, the scientists both thinking over what they see, what it means. 
The woman makes a small sound and goes rigid reaching for her husband. “I-It’s damaging Danny’s corpse!” She wails in grief, Danny wants to wail right along with her that they’re already destroying his body, "Degrading him further-” A sob echoes in the lab ripping his heart into tatters, Danny tries not to think too hard on the fact he’s so affected by her distress even though they’ve been elbow deep in his ribcage, poking, prodding and removing organs. He tracks the diagonally moving tears as they dribble down the side of his face, across his left cheek to disappear into his hairline. He feels ashamed, after all this hurt, he still loves them, his core still cries out for them. He realizes she’s not just sobbing now the woman is screaming at his prone form, “-how cruel is your species going to be!? Get out. GET OUT OF OUR SON! Murderer! You-” 
No, now isn’t the time to think about that. 
Danny can taste the iron from his bitten cheek and the salt from wayward tears. He takes a deep breath trying to ground himself in the present. Nightwing had seen the lab, the sight of the mad scientist’s work had made him physically sick, pulled him so carefully from that table, smoothly carrying him away from his own personal hell to the Batplane. They aren’t here. He was… safe with his brother, for the moment.
A crackle of static explodes from behind him causing Danny to flinch away from his brother before a mess of different voices comes through. He can’t hear what they’re saying, the voices too tangled, too unfamiliar, and too quiet since he didn’t have a direct connection, but whatever is said at the end is enough for the vigilante to go rigid and pause in his ministrations to reply. “Woah, B, I’m still here, no need to sound so scary!” Richard chuckles a bit and doesn't feel scared or worried, so Danny relaxes again. 
The eldest son hums, “No, I just was ignoring you,” Danny cracked a small smile at the plume of amusement that drifted between them. Richard’s hand grasps his own gently, “Yes I know how batty you get when I shut off my comms. Yes, I found the main lab.” Richard huffs, “Yes. B, I got ‘im out, we’re in the plane, I’m looking over him now. Have you forgotten I’ve been doing this with you since I was eight or that I took over the Batman mantle under the assumption you were dead?” Richard's voice strains a little in frustration by the end.
Another smaller burst of noise comes quickly in response. Danny flushes weakly in embarrassment as he realizes, like with Team Phantom, it was probably Nightwing’s team all talking over each other in his earpiece. Danny’s core aches at the thought of his sister and friends, how long has it been since Danny’s heard their voices? Weeks? Months? Ancients, could he have been with Them for a year? More?
A single voice breaks through over the others, whatever was said had Nightwing tense, ready to spring to his feet, bursting at the seams with rage-protect-refusal-grief. 
The sudden change in his bubbly brother would’ve knocked Danny down had he been standing, because he isn’t standing Danny reaches out. Danny might not trust him but his father’s eldest hasn’t even tried to hide what he was feeling. Might not know he needs to. He has his ‘eyes’ wide open now. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice and he became a lab frog. There will not be a third time. Danny will not trust this side of his family blindly but that doesn’t mean he can turn away from the man now.
He squeezes his brother’s hand gently to draw his attention, Danny could hear the man force himself to take a long, deep breath. A soft burst of affection-love-love-love-protection brushed against him in return. It was delicate and wispy but strong enough to linger in the air around them. It couldn’t hurt to keep the contact going, Danny decided. Anything to keep that depressing cocktail of emotions from creeping back. 
“No.” Another breath, “Stay there and finish what we started.” The tone is cold and leaves no room for argument. “No one comes on board. This isn’t about what you, or Robin or anyone wants. This is about him. What he needs to feel safe enough to leave here with me. This is about trust. So. If he has decided that he would like some peace and quiet on the way home, he’ll be getting it. Anyone who has an issue with that can take it up with me in the ring when we get back. Any questions?” Nightwing growls into his comms, a singular voice says something after a moment. 
Danny strains to try and catch what was said. He doesn’t want them to fight over him. “Good,” His brother loses the edge to his voice, “I’ll send the plane back to pick you guys up!” The coms shut off abruptly and he says to Danny, “Sorry about them!” 
Danny just shrugs in response as his brother resituates himself on the cot, unhooking Danny’s hand from his to move it so it rested against Richard’s calf. Danny accepted the change with a weak flex of his hand feeling the rasp of kevlar against his palm. Danny always remembered it because of its interesting texture. Perfect for their dangerous nightlife. If Danny needed armor this is what he’d want to get his hands on, a team with resources tends to help too. Keeping in touch with one’s team is important, Danny can’t fault Richard for that. They settle back into a comfortable silence. 
Because they were connected it was easy to catch the beginnings of Richard’s hesitance stirring, “If.. How would it make you feel if your brother wanted to see you?” Richard asks hesitantly as he unexpectedly starts on a new wound making Danny flinch forward. “Sorry Danny.” The genuine, unfiltered feeling of remorse unsettles Danny a bit but instead of retreating he leans into it. The people who once had been his parents- who he still loved despite what had happened, it was all encompassing and intertwined with his anger and longing- had never felt remorse for hurting him. Danny shook his head a bit, Richard is still waiting for a response. 
His brother? Richard was his brother, technically, even if Danny’s not sure he can risk staying with the Bats. He won’t deny anyone their connection to Bruce or Batman. Richard was gentle and caring while his emotions bubbled up and warmed Danny to his core like he was in a jacuzzi. He couldn’t have meant himself so that must mean one of the others wanted to see him? Would they be like Richard? Are any of them upset at the idea that another child was connected to Bruce? 
They were all siblings, all family through their father but that doesn’t mean the connection has to be acknowledged or the label meant anything. Brother, sister, son, they were all just words. Family extended only as far as the living with the Fentons. Him being half-dead disqualified him quickly once they discovered his secret. Danny wasn’t exactly excited to find out what his father and his brood thought of his after-life.
Unsure, Danny shrugged again and played with the sweatshirt, he liked bunching it in his hands. 
A few minutes of silence went by before a beeping started up. His brother sighed, not sounding surprised and started digging around looking for something. That something is placed in his hand, it takes a second for Danny to work out what it is. A comm. He throws a questioning hum back at Richard. “He’s calling on a private line, I figured you could listen in and make your own decision.” That. That was very considerate. Giving him a choice. Seems to be on trend for the man. Danny is rightfully suspicious but slips the comm into his ear nodding to go ahead and connect them. There’s a beep signaling the connection was established. Danny wasn’t prepared who he would hear on the other end.
“Wing. I am converging on your location. What is his status?” The voice is breathless, and the tone is harsh, filled with frustration but familiar. A voice lost to time and those damned sand dunes. 
“He’s currently conscious, Little D. Banged up but we expected that. Thought I told everyone to hold their positions?” He questions softly, a distinct contrast to the almost harsh tone he used on the comms earlier. Dick knows Damian has been desperate to find Danny running himself into the ground searching labs and bases, the team tried and failed to get him to rest or slow down for a moment to regroup. Isn't surprising that he’s decided to abandon his part of the mission and head for the plane. It kills Dick but he’ll have to be very firm in his stance besides Danyal, if he says no other Bats on the plane, Dick will leave Damian behind.
“Tt. I did not abandon my responsibilities. Orphan is finishing our section,” Damian sounds offended their brother even implied that he didn’t do a thorough job, the familiar reaction lessens some of the uncertainty Danny is feeling. “I have arrived, open the doors, Wing.”
“Sorry Baby Bat, no can do!” Nightwing cheerfully responds, “I’m-” Danny tugs hard on the man’s sleeve.
Danny signs frantically, D.A.M.I. comes aboard. Now. Hurry. We are mirrors. Dangerous 
The man looks confused at his interjection but has such a soft smile on his face at Danny’s response until it turns to a frown at the last bit, one that Danny realizes with a start that he can finally see. Slowly the man reaches for his comm, “Scratch that, Baby D says you need to come aboard. Looks like those bastards could have it out for you too.” 
Dick watches both of his brothers as Robin rushes inside as soon as the door is cracked enough to squeeze through. Dick stays where he is by the console, hitting the buttons to close the door and listens to the many locks reengage. Once secure he inputs their destination and hits autopilot. Better to get Danny to Alfred as soon as possible now that both twins are on board. If he has to separate them… Well, there are some tranquilizers on board and Dick is sure Damian could enjoy his nap in the bathtub as punishment for upsetting their very injured new sibling. Damian freezes a few steps from the door, Dick sees the desperate drive to find his twin that has been hounding the boy for weeks extinguishing the moment he laid eyes on the cot. He’s ripping off his domino mask with no hesitation, exposing his full face for them to see.
Dick almost relaxes when he sees the awe that broke through first on Danny’s face at Damian’s entrance, the emotion flickers away quickly before he tucks his chin in and his face is obscured in shadow. The urge to jump in and soothe him rises so quickly Dick almost rises from his seat but instead throws his weight back further until his hip digs in a bit to the arm and he knows he will remain in place. He would not interfere unless Danny became physically distressed. Danny had wanted to see Damian, Dick reminds himself. Dick had a few reasons he had even asked the boy about it. If things went well it truly would be good for both of the twins. 
Dick had seen Damian determined before, seen the kid get news that left him shaken and lost, but no one had seen him flip flop from rattled to be as focused or push himself that hard, not even when Damian was convinced the only way to prove his worth to Bruce was killing his older siblings. He’s grown so much over the years and is now making his own decisions and having so many different experiences, his little brother has learned so much and came so far. Dick didn’t think it was possible to feel prouder. 
“Dami.” Danny croaks with a wince and a hand at his throat. He’s looking at his lap, his other hand fiddling with the sheets.
“Danyal.” Damian’s voice wavers, “Ahki.”  The boy is rooted to his spot, waiting for permission to approach. The words visibly hit Danny and he shakes his head a wounded whine. He clearly didn’t expect his twin to be here nor Damian to recognize him as blood, as a brother. Danny’s hand drops the sheet reaching for Damian. His body starts to tilt forward, and Dick can’t help but take a step towards them even as Damian rushes to meet Danny, carefully draping his arms around Danny’s shoulders which gently keeps him from falling to the floor. There isn’t much unbroken skin to rest Damian’s arms on, but Danyal hardly seems to care.   
A heart wrenching sob fills the cabin, their youngest sibling gripping Damian’s cape so tightly his knuckles are white. Dick can just make out the quiet tones of Damian speaking Arabic quietly in their brother’s ear. Their bodies sway with the instinctual drive to comfort, it’s touching, very cute… 
Always one to take advantage of sibling shenanigans Dick quickly pulls out his phone with a smile and snaps a picture to send to the boys later… And the group chat that Damian isn’t in. Picture sent, he tucks his phone away. His phone vibrates with multiple notifications but doesn’t check it. The Bat Brood can simmer. Dick smirks as he moves back over to the sink to wash his hands so he can continue treating Danyal’s back. The tears and sobs abruptly cut off behind him. 
If Danny didn’t just spend an unknown amount of time being tortured by the family that chose him as a child, he would be sinking through the floor in mortification. Damian was here. His gaze burned from the entrance and Danny for a long moment was afraid. What was Damian seeing when he gazed at the pathetic picture Danny made hunched on the cot? Danny couldn’t help but fidget with the sheet to try and ease the unsteady feeling in his chest. He’d wait. Yes. Let Damian brave the quiet- “Dami.” The broken sound leaves his throat, oh ouch. 
He raises a hand to hover over the area, cradling it as if his palm could dampen the scratching pain. Danny waits. He had fucked it up. He hasn’t even given his brother the respect of meeting his gaze. (Not that he can see clearly for more than a foot in front of him, everything past that was misshapen and difficult to make out.) What in the Infinite Realms has possessed him to call out to Damian so casually, affectionately? Damian had only ever allowed that name in the hush of the night when they were alone. 
“Danyal.” Oh. “Ahki.” Oh. Oh Damian, his other half. Awe-grief-regret-vengeance- protect-help-love whipped across the space between them, heavy and fierce Danny can’t help but shake his head with a sharp whine. Guilt chokes him for doubting his twin, his other half. With distance he was able to bottle up his yearning and then he was so busy with the portal, rogues and Zone, he had been too exhausted to reminisce too deeply about his childhood. He kept his eye on the news for surface level stuff, had seen his brother go to their father but didn’t dare make a move to follow him. 
He regrets that now as Damian slips his arms around his shoulders gently securing him back onto the cot. Damian was holding him like he’d shatter at too hard of a grip, but Danny doesn’t care, he’s in his brother's arms. Damian is hugging him. Danny can’t stop the sobs that bubble from his chest, it hurts each inhale pulls at his y-incision, the pain he hasn’t felt rushing forward. Danny fists fabric and pulls his brother close.
"Baby brother,” Damian crooned in quiet Arabic “Danyal, I’m here. I got you. You did well enduring until help arrived, I’m so proud of you.” Damian’s emotions were overwhelming, they accompanied his sweet words enveloping his senses. He wasn’t lying, Danny can feel it. The rage that’s rising within Damian should scare him yet he’s leaning on his brother harder. Damian is furious with Them, not Danny.  He sobs and listens to his brother's promises of safety, of retribution. He feels safe here cradled close in Damian’s arms. Truly safe, something hidden deep within him unwinds. 
He knows how stubborn his twin is, how he would’ve fought tooth and nail to be part of the team that was looking for him. He’ll have to ask about that later, how they’d even know to go looking for him when he’s years dead, buried, and bones for his birth family. He was a little mad they’d bring his brother here when- 
His core shutters in his chest. The feeling that something was wrong hit Danny harder than Skulker. “Fuck.” Danny reluctantly pulls back from Damian. His core pulses weakly. Danny somehow knows it’s a warning. 
“Danyal?” Damian sounds wary, his hand grips Danny’s arm tightly. The pressure is reassuring because Danny is so scared right now. But this could be worse. With Damian here, perhaps things will turn out okay.  
Danny wants to linger looking at his eyes. A shade he’s never found a substitute for, but so desperately tried to keep fresh in his memory. Time slows. His core pulses. Danny’s body wavers for a heartbeat in his brother's grip. “What is happening?!” Damian looks alarmed, his grip tightening and releasing like he does with his blades while gearing up for a fight. It’s cute and almost makes Danny coo at his elder brother.  
Running out of time Danny grits his teeth and frees his arm to start signing as fast as he can to try and explain. It would help if he knew how much they knew about him, the Fentons, the GIW and ghosts but they didn’t have time for a report. He doesn’t want to say too much but he has to warn them. If Vlad finds out he’s away from the GIW and vulnerable he was screwed. The Bat Parade isn’t trained in ghost fighting. Danny would be taken and who knows if he’d ever be able to escape.
Had an accident. Not fully human. Too much physical damage- Danny signs.
His core pulsed weakly interrupting him before it pulled, his body rippled in sync. His head swims, words are hard to remember for a moment. Danny has to hurry, and he isn’t really sure how he wants to phrase this next part, if anything causes the Bats to change their minds about helping him, it won’t matter what Damian wants. The only way for Danny was through, avoidance wouldn’t help at this point. 
-I’m about to hibernate in my C. O. R. E. Core- He continues.
“Core? What is a core?” Dick breaks in. Danny’s eyes jumped to the man, before focusing back on Damian, there wasn’t time. They would barely be getting a shitty explanation out of Danny didn’t have time for questions from the peanut gallery. Damian's gaze is calm and steady when it meets his. He hasn’t turned away from him, he didn’t interrupt. 
 -I haven’t seen it, but it’s… my everything, heart, organs, brain. Core heals. Without a human body DANGEROUS for me. Danny is sure to emphasize again, DANGEROUS, vulnerable. 
Find J. A. Z. Z. F. E. N. T. O. N. Useful. Ally- Danny hesitates on why but gives in- knowledge, weapons, shields. 
V.L. A. D. Enemy. Vlad is bad. Don’t trust. 
He makes the sign for creep and sees Damian’s expression shutter under his protective rage. An instinctive small trill leaves Danny’s lips, pleased that if Vlad shows his face Damian won’t make it easy for him to have his way. 
Despite his best effort Danny is losing steam his instructions come out choppy. He has moments left. 
Damian watches him, like he can feel Danny’s core shift, resignation seeps off his body in waves but determination makes his expression fierce, “You will be safe, Danyal. I will be here when you return.” We will be together. Danny hears the unspoken promise. 
A. H. K. I. You’re a target. I love you. Danny signs their personal signal for head on a swivel and then reels Damian back in, desperate for one last touch to make him real. Tucked in his twin's arms Danny gives himself over to that feeling of safety, clinging to it as he sank into his core. 
Damian blinked light out of his eyes and frowned at the big black spot taking up his vision. His hand now hid what was left of his twin. Danyal had just been in front of them horribly hurt but alive. Finding and freeing his twin was all that had mattered to him. Damian lightly squeezes the hand holding his brother’s quiet core to feel the shape of it in his palm. Once more in his life Danny’s vibrant presence is just out of his reach. 
Grief is an old friend that rises to swallow him. Damian beats it back viciously. Black and blue move closer in his peripheral vision, his eldest brother snatches him close-no. Them close. His brother is still alive. He’s healing. Damian reminds himself despite the sudden wave of failure that crashed into him. Holds onto the thought stubbornly as he examines the stone in his hand. It’s the same shade of blue that makes up Danyal’s eyes. 
The impulsive part of him calms looking into the swirling blue. 
If he hadn’t seen the transformation himself. If he hadn’t been allowed aboard… he wouldn’t believe it. Damian is immensely grateful that captivity hadn’t broken his brother, not completely. Danny had been hesitant but had put his trust in them. Damian had seen his hesitation, the wariness, how Danyal had shrunken into himself, his instincts likely screaming to run, to hide. Whether that trust was because he chose to, or if he ran out of options, Damian didn’t want to know the answer. The unknown time between them no longer was a curiosity to be explored in ‘what ifs’ but a potential threat that Danyal needed to handle carefully. It stung, it being logical didn’t detract from that. Too many years apart, too much had changed within each of them, and their relationship cut short before it took off but not before carving out a part of him. Nothing could compare to the cruel crater Danyal’s life had left in his wake of his death.
His twin’s core gleamed innocently in his palm. 
“Damian.” Richard’s worried tone draws his attention away from Danyal’s new form. 
Damian keeps his gaze on the core, takes a calming breath and promises himself that when Danyal is back, they’ll go to the place he secured and created with his twin in mind after coming to Gotham, show him Damian’s sketchbooks and paintings, and introduce him to the animals in his care. Damian will finally get to share this strange, chaotic, but warm family with him, as he was always meant to. Damian would be careful that there would be no mistakes, no lead unfollowed, every piece would be gathered together and turned over, a plan would be made that would safeguard their victory. Danyal is relying on him. Damian will utilize everything he’s gained over their years apart to protect his brother.
“Release me,” Damian demands as he wiggles out of his brother’s arms, but it doesn’t come out as firm as it would normally and turns to glance at the closest monitor. They still had two hours left until they arrived at the manor. Damian glances at Danyal’s core in his hand before he turns to face Richard. He looks like he needs to lie down but he has managed to keep a wobbling smile on his face. “Tt this is a mere setback,” Damian scowls at the little marble, he can’t be mad when his little brother gave him such valuable information on what pieces are on the board, the board he’s been playing on wherever he’s been hiding. 
“Here, hold him for a moment- No!” Damian’s shout is too loud, it echoes around the cabin. His panic morphs his expression and his brother thankfully does halt his casual reckless reaching for their brother who is a quarter-sized marble. Danny only had said he was vulnerable before he ran out of time, they must exert the utmost caution. There would be no causal anything going on with Danyal in this state. “Let me. Please hold them flat.” Damian says softening his tone, Danny going into his core wasn’t Richard’s fault nor was it the families. He didn’t want to take his frustration out on him when Damian knows his eldest brother is reeling at the transformation right alongside him. The soft tone makes Richard’s smile come a bit easier this time at Damian’s mother henning and Damian tries not to preen under the approval he can see in Richard’s dopey smile. Carefully he places Danyal in Richard’s hands, they close softly around Danyal in a protective cage. 
“He said he heals faster in this ‘core’?” It’s a silly question, but Damian nods watching Danny rest in Richard’s palms before sharply turning away to gather his things. He starts digging around for paper and a pen to make notes, folders for organizing the information, and his laptop before hunkering down. 
“Uh.. okay,” Richard’s confusion both amused him and had Damian ready to snap in frustration. Danny had spent his last moments in his body giving them information and it will not go to waste, not for a second. He carefully labels the folders with the names Danyal had given him, pointedly ignoring the crisis Richard seems to be going through next to him, before he turns on his laptop and starts his search with this ‘Jazz Fenton’. Danny didn’t give Vlad's last name but this woman has the knowledge, weapons, and shields the family will need to protect their youngest. Damian knows what loss is, knows this loss specifically, he is determined to never feel it dig his claws in again. 
Robin gets to work.
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honeyjars-sims · 3 months
2.20 Making It Right
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Farrah: Are you sure this is safe? What if you’re being ambushed?
Chantal: It’s fine. I think.
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Farrah: [screaming] AHH! What was that???
Chantal: A squirrel. I think I would’ve felt safer if I came by myself.
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Lilian: Hi Chantal, thanks so much for responding to my message. This is my friend Kayla.
Kayla: It’s nice to meet you, Chantal.
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Chantal: Kayla Flemming? You two know each other? Wow, Ambrose was right, you really did have someone on the inside!
Lilian: Kayla and I have known each other since we were kids. Who’s this?
Chantal: This is my best friend, Farrah.
Farrah: Shh! Don’t use my real name! Uh, I’ll just wait over there and make sure no one’s coming.
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Lilian: I’m sure you’re wondering what’s going on here, so I'll just cut to the chase. A few months ago, my sister Julianne used one of the SNOOT lubes and suffered some pretty bad chemical burns. She had some nerve damage and scarring that left her in a lot of pain.
Chantal: Oh my God, that’s awful! 
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Lilian: Yeah, it really is. She wanted to contact a lawyer, but she couldn’t afford to. But she knew whatever was in that lube was too caustic to be safe. She wanted to warn others, so she left a review. Ambrose contacted her and asked her to take the review down. She even offered her hush money. But my sister refused.
Chantal: Good for her! I can’t believe Ambrose did that. Well, I guess I can.
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Lilian: It gets worse. Ambrose flew off the handle when she refused to remove the review. Unfortunately, my sister used her full name. A few days later, someone made an anonymous call to her job with some false accusations. She was fired and had to stop her medical treatments. We know it was someone associated with SNOOT, but we have no way to prove it. That’s when I contacted Kayla.
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Kayla: I knew Ambrose was all about saving a few bucks wherever possible, so it didn’t surprise me that she was putting out harmful products. When I heard about what happened to Julianne, I had to do something to help. I offered to help her pay for a lawyer so she could get some justice. Unfortunately, we still had one other problem.
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Lilian: We knew it was the lube that caused the burns, but we didn’t have any actual proof. Kayla suggested I do some recognizance by getting a job at SNOOT. She helped me craft the perfect resume, and I’ve been working on gathering evidence ever since.
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Chantal: So why do you need me?
Lilian: It was the perfect plan on paper, but I’m not a detective. I was never able to get close enough to anyone important to gather the intel I needed. Then I saw you in Nico’s office late one night.
Chantal: [embarrassed] Oh. 
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Lilian: Yeah. I figured I could use your...connections to my advantage. I know that sounds awful, but it was also an opportunity for me to warn you about everything that’s going on before it caused you any problems. Knowing what happened to Kayla, I had to let you know.
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Chantal: Wait, what happened to you?
Kayla: I was in the same situation then as you are now. A few years back, Nico was my boss. He started flirting with me, and I was taken in by how special he made me feel. He introduced me to Ambrose and said she could help me build my career.
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Kayla: [continued] But then he started putting me down and shutting me out. When I got pregnant, he sent me money for an abortion and stopped talking to me. Then Ambrose suddenly cut me out of the company we were starting. 
Chantal: I’m so sorry that happened to you. Trust me, I know now how stupid I was being by getting involved with him. 
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Kayla: You’re not stupid, Chantal. You’re kind. People like Nico and Ambrose will take advantage of that kindness, but that’s their shortcoming, not yours. I know this all might sound like a personal grudge, but I also know you noticed all the red flags just like I did. We chose to ignore them, but it’s not too late now to make this right.
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Lilian: I know it’s a lot to ask, but if you have any information that could help us, my sister and I would really appreciate it.
Kayla: I can give you the lawyer’s contact information if that makes you feel more comfortable. I know lawyers get a bad rep, but he’s a family man and he really fights for his clients.
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Chantal: I did find some things out recently that could help your case. Nico has documents in his office that show they've been getting their ingredients from unreliable sources. And he asked me to create some receipts that show they bought them somewhere reputable. He said the originals got damaged, but I know now that was a lie. I’ll give the lawyer a call.
Lilian: Wow, that would help a lot! Do you think you'd be able to get a hold of them to make copies?
Chantal: Yeah, they're locked in his desk but I can pretend I need something from the supply closet and ask to borrow his keys. He's in a bunch of meetings during the day, so I can sneak in there during one of those if you can keep watch for me.
Lilian: Sure! Thanks so much! I know this isn’t easy for you either and you didn’t have to get involved. But I’m so grateful that you did.
Chantal: I just hope it works out…for all of us.
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Worth the Risk: Chapter I - Before
Chapter Summary: You've known Anakin ever since you were a youngling. It was hard to see one of you without the other. It's different when the Clone Wars start. But then, you're finally paired together for a mission and you're almost always together again. However, an argument after you almost die, may ruin your relationship. Or maybe it will do something completely else?
Pairing: Anakin Skywalker/Reader
Characters: Anakin Skywalker, Reader, Shaak Ti (only mentioned), Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda, Mace Windu, Ahsoka Tano, Rex, Jesse, Sketcher, Bunker, R2-D2
Word Count: 4338
A/N: This was supposed to be a one-shot. Once again, I'm proving myself I can't write those. Oh well. Anyway, I've got into "Star Wars" a few months ago and this is the result. I haven't watched everything yet, but I couldn't stop myself. I hope you will enjoy this. Happy reading! P.S.: The gif is not mine! Same as the Star Wars franchise. Nor you, for that matter. Oh, and I didn't know if the people on the tag list wanted to be only in my fanfictions about Aleksander Kirigan or in all my works. So, I address you guys now: if you're not into the Star Wars or this pairing, let me know in the comments and I will remove you from the tag list and won't tag you in the next chapter.
Tag list (let me know if you want to be added or removed):
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Anakin Skywalker has been your best friend since you were little. When he arrived to the Jedi Temple, the rumors about him being the Chosen One quickly spread. Other younglings were a bit afraid of him or treated him as someone amazing already. You were having none of that. During your first training together, you beat him up. He may be the one to save you all, but you were here longer. He was not going to get any special treatment from you.
However, after the training was finished, you hurried to him and took him on a tour of the Jedi Temple. You didn't want to treat him like he was better than you, but you didn't want him to be your enemy either. He was a kid, like you. And you could tell he appreciated that.
Ever since that, you spent every free moment together. Everyone knew that wherever you two showed up, chaos followed. He was advancing quicker in the Order, but you were an apt student and were close behind. After the Initiate Trails you were honored to be chosen by Master Shaak Ti. She's a good mentor and you really valued everything she had to teach you.
Then, the Clone Wars started. Your Master was asked to oversee the Clone production and training. You accompanied her and also took part in some battles, sent as a Commander. Soon after, you took your Jedi Trials and the Council granted you the title of the Jedi Knight. It was time to leave your Master and become a General of the Grand Army of the Republic. Of course, Anakin has been one already for some time, having passed his trials before you.
Because of the war, you and Skywalker have been spending less time together. But wherever you two manage to meet, you always try to take the most of it. But for some reason, the Council have never asked you to go to the battle together. Until now.
Anakin is walking through the Jedi Temple with Obi-Wan Kenobi and Master Yoda. They're discussing the new mission Skywalker has been given. He needs to free another planet from the Separatists.
'Don't worry, Master Yoda,' he says, as they exit the Temple. 'Obi-Wan and I will not fail you.'
'Go with you, Obi Wan cannot,' Yoda says, surprising them both. 'A different task, he has. Send someone else with you, we will.'
'Who?' Anakin asks, frowning. At the same moment they notice Master Mace Windu approaching with you. He's saying something to you and you nod, absolutely concentrated. Until your eyes fall on your best friend. Then, you grin. He does the same. But Obi-Wan's face falls.
'Master Yoda, are you sure about this?' he asks. 'The two of them together…'
'What is needed to save this planet, exactly is,' Yoda finishes.
'We'll be fine, Obi-Wan,' Anakin says, already heading your way. Kenobi sighs.
'This is gonna end badly,' he murmurs. 'Or at least in an explosion.'
You and Anakin meet halfway. At once you start talking strategy amatively. Windu passes you and joins other Masters, eyeing you skeptically.
'Are we sure about this?' he asks. 'There is a reason why we haven't paired them up together for a mission. They tend to be… destructive together.'
'To put it lightly,' Obi-Wan adds. But Yoda smiles.
'Trust them, we must,' he says. 'Powerful together, they are. Win the battle, they will.'
And so, an hour later you're at the docks, getting ready to board the Resolute, Anakin's Venator-class Star Destroyer. Anakin's Clone Legion, 501st, is to join you, same as yours, 98th. They greet each other and chat, waiting for you and Anakin to declare you're ready to fly. Ahsoka Tano, Skywalker's padawan, stands a bit to the side, talking with Captain Rex, one of the clones.
'Ahsoka, do me a favor and keep an eye on these two,' Obi-Wan says, glancing at you and Anakin.
'Why?' Tano asks, puzzled.
'Wherever they go together, chaos follows,' Kenobi explains and pats Rex on the shoulder. 'Good luck to you all.'
'Thank you, sir,' the Clone says, already fearing his future.
'All set?' Anakin asks, joining the group.
'We were waiting just for you,' Ahsoka answers and smiles at you, as you approach them. 'And [Y/N]. Hi!'
'Hey,' you say, grinning at the young padawan. 'Shall we?'
'Let's destroy some droids,' Skywalker says, smirking at you. You smirk back and board the ship with him.
'May the force be with you,' Obi-Wan calls after you. You and Anakin turn and salute him.
'And with you!' you say at the same time and head inside. Kenobi sighs.
'Please, be careful,' he asks.
'I'll keep an eye on them, sir,' Rex promises.
'Thank you,' Obi-Wan says. Ahsoka smiles at him and boards the ship with others. She can't wait to see you and Anakin in action together.
When Obi-Wan returns from his mission, you and Anakin are still away. The task is going well, but he hears there are some complications. Still, you return not long after him. The Clones from your legions are the first to get out of the Resolute. They all look weary.
'How did it go?' Kenobi, who is there to greet you, asks. The Clones look at him. Rex walks forward and brings his hands together.
'Please, sir, please, never put the two of them on a mission together again,' he begs. Obi-Wan raises his eyebrows.
'That bad?' he asks.
'They were crazy,' Jesse, a Clone from 501 says with wide eyes.
'That bad?' Obi-Wan sighs.
'It was quite fun, actually,' Ahsoka says, joining them with a small smile, also looking tired. 'But… they are something else together.'
'They're chaos, that's what they are,' Jesse mumbles. Just then you and Anakin show up. You're having a bacta patch on your forehead.
'And what happened to you?' Kenobi asks.
'Skywalker,' you answer, but don't sound angry.
'Yeah, well, it worked, so I'm not sorry,' Anakin says. You roll your eyes.
'But we're not doing it again,' you say.
'How about next time you can throw me into a swarm of droids?' Skywalker suggests. Your eyes light up. Obi-Wan's go wide.
'You did what?!' he demands from his former padawan.
'She had two lightsabers!' Anakin defends himself. You grin and decide to quickly evacuate yourself, not wanting to be berated by Kenobi as well. Ahsoka and Clones take that as their cue as well.
While you retreat, Skywalker glares at you, feeling betrayed. You wink at him and walk away gracefully. Until you hit a droid and trip over him. You can hear Anakin's laughter very clearly.
'Damn you, Skywalker,' you murmur and stand up. You stick out your tongue to Anakin and walk away.
'How can one change their personality so quickly?' Jesse asks Rex. 'On the battlefield they both have been professional, focused and very scary. And now they are…'
'Young people having fun,' Rex finishes with a small, sad smile. They observe you walking away in silence, pondering about the cruelty of the war.
A few days later the Clones from 501st and 98th legions get bad news. The Senate and Jedi Council were so impressed and satisfied with how the mission went, they want to pair you, Anakin and your legions for more missions. All Clones groan in unison at the news. Some actually cry.
However, with time it changes. Yes, you and Anakin can still be crazy, not only on the battlefield. But 501st notices that you tend to have a calming influence on Skywalker. And 98th notice that you seem to thaw around Anakin. They're used to see you calm, collected and serious. Sometimes even a bit too much.
501st Legion takes a quick liking to you, not only because you calm down their general's temper. You are fun, compassionate, kind and you are a very warm person. Sometimes, Anakin even thinks they like you more than him. He is probably very right.
98th Legion is fast to warm up to Skywalker, too. They admire his skills, intelligence and strategies. They also love his fun side and to joke around with him. And annoy you with it.
Both Legions have a chance to see more than anyone, maybe with an exception of Ahsoka, the chemistry between you and Anakin. While others see it as some sort of connection, good sync in the Force, they see it's something… more. And they're determined to see what exactly it is. The opportunity for that comes with one of the missions.
The Clones stand awkwardly outside the medic bay. They look at each other. No one dares to speak. They wince, hearing something clattering inside.
'So… they expect a report,' Sketcher, one of the Clones from 98th, says.
'Do you want to go in and tell them that?' Bunker, his companion, asks. Sketcher gives him a horrified look.
'None of us does,' Jesse murmurs. Just then Ahsoka, who had to take a shower because she was completely covered in slime, shows up. Everyone looks at her with hope.
'Commander, the Jedi Council expects a report,' Rex quickly says. Tano raises her eyebrows.
'Shouldn't Master Skywalker and Master [L/N] do it?' she asks. All Clones look at the door to the med bay. As on cue, Anakin's and then your voices can be heard:
You could have died!
But I didn't!
'I see your point,' Ahsoka sighs. 'I'll get right to it.'
She turns to go and contact the Council. The Clones hurry after her, no longer feeling guilty for not stepping in. Only Rex and Sketcher stay behind, ready to assist you and help if necessary.
Inside the med bay, you and Anakin are glaring at each other. You're covered in bacta patches. But you don't see why your friend is making such a fuss. You're fine. Nothing serious has happened to you.
'But you could have,' Skywalker says. You roll your eyes.
'What's your deal?' you ask, putting a hand on your hip. 'Usually, you don't hesitate to do things like that. You do even more dangerous stunts.'
'You're supposed to be more responsible one,' Anakin argues. 'Besides… you're not me.'
'I know, but what's that supposed to mean?' you ask, narrowing your eyes. Skywalker clenches and unclenches his fist.
'It's less risky when I don things like that,' he says after a tense moment. 'Dangerous things.'
'And why is that?' you ask, crossing your arms over your chest.
'Because I'm a better Jedi,' he blurts out. 'I've always progressed faster than you.'
He regrets his words the moment they leave his mouth. You look as if he's slapped you. For a long moment you stare at each other. Finally, you huff.
'You can be a really unsensitive jerk, Skywalker,' you snap and march out of the med bay.
'[Y/N], wait, I didn't-!' Anakin starts, panicked. But you push past Rex and Sketcher, and hurry away. The Clones stare after you, then look at Skywalker judgingly.
'What?' he asks. Rex sighs and Sketcher shakes his head.
'What?' Skywalker repeats, annoyed, crossing his arms. 'Come on, spit it out.'
The Clones exchange a look. Sketcher waves his hand and walks away. Anakin and Rex stare at each other. Skywalker raises his eyebrow, waiting. The Clone sighs again.
'You should have just told her you were worried, sir,' he says and the Jedi quickly opens his mouth to protest. 'You and me know she's just as good as you. You're angry with her, because you were scared. You know that, I know that, but she doesn't. So, give her time to cool down and talk about it. But calmly now. And explain your reasoning. And apologize.'
'Are you giving me orders, Rex?' Anakin asks, a bit amused.
'Just a suggestion, sir,' the Clone answers, salutes and walks away. Skywalker sighs and runs a hand through his face. He knows Rex is right. But how to talk to you?
Nevertheless, he gathers his courage, and once you're getting close to Coruscant, he searches for you. He finds you in one of the storages, checking for supplies. The furrow of your eyebrows tells him you're still angry. But he has to clear the air now, before it's too late.
'[Y/N],' he says, walking inside. 'Can we talk?'
'Talk or yell at each other?' you ask after a beat.
'Talk,' Anakin answers, walking slowly to you, and scratches the back of his neck. 'I… I owe you an apology.'
You finally look at him, raising your eyebrows at him. You clearly haven't expected that.
'I am not a better Jedi than you,' he says. 'And I have no right to tell you what you should or shouldn't do. I'm… I'm sorry.'
'I'm sorry, too,' you say after a pause, looking at him with sorrow. 'I… I shouldn't have stormed off like that. You… I… Truth is, I've always been a bit jealous of you being promoted quicker than me. Because I was in the Temple longer than you. Ever since I was a baby. I've tried to get over it, but I guess a part of me is still angry about it. But the truth is, the time spend on the training doesn't matter, but talent does. And you're a natural, Anakin. I just… I just wish you'd trust my skills as well. I may be not as good as you are, but I'm capable of doing risky things, as well.'
'I do trust your skills!' he hastily says, taking a step toward you. 'And you are as talented as I am. I just… I… You…'
'Yes?' you ask when he trails off. He gulps and looks into your eyes. His pulse speeds up. He can do it. He can.
'I was worried about you,' he confesses softly, surprising you. 'When I saw you jumping into that fire… for a moment my heart stopped. I thought… that you're not gonna come out of it. I feared I had lost you. When you emerged, I… I was so relieved. But then I became angry. For you to putting yourself in such risk and for making me so scared. I… lashed out at you and I'm sorry for it. But the thought of losing you is…'
You eye him warily, your heart beating fast. He looks at you like a kicked puppy. There's deep sadness in his eyes and… and something else you don't dare to name. Probably, if you reached out, you could read him. But you don't. And you beg him in your mind not to speak.
'It was unbearable,' he finishes softly anyway. You gulp. His eyes are begging you to say something. Your heart screams at you to answer him. But you can't.
'Well… I'm still here,' you say and smile nervously. 'Still in one piece. But I promise to be more careful. And as responsible as usual at least.'
You stare at him, expecting him to smile back. To finally get rid of this tension between you two. So everything could be back to normal. But he doesn't. He stares back at you, his eyes serious and… Oh, no. Determined.
'What if I do lose you one day?' he asks. You quickly put your guard up.
'You'll move on,' you answer, softly but sternly. He scoffs and looks at you with disbelief.
'Do you really think I can do that?' he asks. 'Could you move on if something happened to me?'
'Yes,' you answer with difficulty, forcing the tears back from your eyes.
'Seriously?' Anakin huffs, narrowing his eyes at you. You gulp, feeling a burning sensation in your throat.
'I'm not saying it would be easy,' you say. 'But I'd have to. That is the Jedi way. No attachments. Letting go of those we lost. Moving on.'
You give him a pointed look and walk past him. You press the button to open the door, but suddenly Skywalker grabs your wrist and presses the button again, closing the door. You stare at it, stunned. Your breath hitches when you feel his chest pressing into your back.
'What if we weren't Jedi?' he asks quietly, straight into your ear, causing you to shiver.
'Then… I'd mourn you,' you answer, also quietly. 'Openly. Letting everyone know how… hurt I am.'
'No, that's not the word you wanted to use,' he says, gently squeezing your wrist.
'Heartbroken,' you whisper. 'I'd be heartbroken.'
Anakin lets go of your wrist. But his hand moves to your waist, his other landing on its other side. He starts to turn you around. You panic and press the button to open the door. But it doesn't budge. You frown, confused. You can't wonder about it, however, because your eyes meet Skywalker's.
'Let me go,' you plead, for both your sakes. But he leans toward you, allowing his eyelids to drop a bit. You want to give in. Oh, you want it so much. But…
'What about Padmé?' you ask. He freezes. He looks at you with a frown.
'You've been going on about her ever since I met you,' you huff. 'And then you were reunited and… you always wanted to be on the missions that were connected to her and I always felt… how much she means to you.'
'She's just a friend,' he says, but you give him a skeptical look. 'Truly. Yes, I thought Padmé is… someone more for me. But then I met you and I realized… She was the first beautiful and kind girl I've ever met. What I felt for her was a childhood crush. Nothing more. I'm certain of it. Because what I feel for you is stronger than what I've felt for her.'
'Don't,' you say harshly, attempting to move away. 'Stop it here, Anakin.'
'No,' Skywalker says sternly, looking at you with passion. 'I've been hiding my feelings for too long. I almost lost you today and I can't… I can't continue without you knowing about them. Without knowing about yours…'
He reaches out and cups your cheek. He wipes out a stray tear you weren't even aware of. You open your mouth to protest more, but he quickly leans to you and your lips touch… and it's everything you've ever dreamt of and so much more.
You've been in love with your best friend for years. You've tried to deny and hide it. Because you are both Jedi and you also believed he has some feelings for Senator Padmé Amidala. But now he's kissing you. He's almost devouring your mouth and you just want more. You don't even realize when you put your hand behind his neck and pull him closer to you.
'[Y/N]…' he groans, deepening the kiss.
'Anakin…' you whisper and finally get enough clarity to push him away. 'We… we can't. The Jedi code…'
'Is wrong,' Skywalker says strongly and cups your face, looking at you pleadingly. 'It must be. Because how can this be wrong? Kissing you is the rightest thing I've ever done. I was made to love you, I'm sure of it. How can this be wrong?'
'Attachments lead to fear,' you say, forcing yourself to ignore what he said. 'Fear leads to hatred. Hatred leads to the Dark Side.'
'I'm certain that if I ever was tempted by the Dark Side, you'd beat that idea out of me.'
'Ha. Maybe. What if I turned to the Dark Side with you?'
'You couldn't. You're too strong for it. Too good.'
'I don't know. I've already broken so many rules for you.'
You look at him softly. His breath hitches. For the first time he can see past your walls. He can see the depth of your feelings for him. He opens his mouth to say something, but then voices destroy the moment:
What are you all doing here?
Uh… nothing! Everything is fine!
Yes, perfectly fine, General! No need to worry!
Alright… Where are Anakin and [Y/N]?
… They're in there, aren't they?
No, General, don't!
They need to clear some things out!
The door start opening and Anakin quickly lets you go, stepping away from you. Once it's open, you're met with Obi-Wan, arms crossed and eyebrows raised. Next to him is Ahsoka, looking at you with curiosity. Behind him are the Clones, looking at you sheepishly. You huff.
'Seriously, guys?' you ask, putting hands on your hips.
'We were just trying to make you up,' Sketcher says, grinning. You roll your eyes.
'Did we at least manage that?' Jesse asks hopefully.
'We're good,' you answer and look at Anakin. 'Right?'
Skywalker nods without a word, staring you in the eyes. You turn your gaze to Obi-Wan.
'You didn't have to come and get us,' you say.
'You've been docked here for minutes and no one was getting out,' he explains. 'I was beginning to get worried.'
'Seriously?' you ask, annoyed, glaring at the Clones. They grin at you. You huff and head toward your room. Kenobi shakes his head and follows you. Ahsoka looks at her master. He snaps out of his reverie and walks away, his padawan close behind him.
Not much later he's getting his things, when Rex shows up in his room. He closes the door behind himself. Anakin raises his eyebrows at him.
'What is it?' he asks. Captain straightens up.
'I just wanted you to know, sir, that none of us is going to tell anything about it to anyone,' he says seriously. Skywalker looks at him, confused.
'About what?' he asks.
'Exactly, sir,' Rex says and gives his supervisor a pointed look. 'We also erased all the recordings from the camera in the storage room.'
Anakin's eyes go white and his face goes pale. He opens his mouth to say something, but the Clone interrupts him by saluting.
'Sir,' he says and turns to leave.
'Uh, thank you, Rex,' Skywalker quickly says. Captain turns his head and smiles.
'To be honest, sir, we all have been waiting for that for a long time,' he says and has an audacity to wink, then chuckle at the dumbfounded look on Anakin's face, and walks out.
'Those Clones,' Skywalker huffs after a moment, running a hand through his hair. He quickly gathers his things and leaves.
He finds you in the docks, talking to R2-D2. He hurries to you. You frown at his flushed cheeks.
'What's wrong?' you ask and look at him alarmed. 'Does Obi-Wan know about…?'
'No, and unless one of us says something, he won't,' Anakin denies. 'Rex and others deleted the recordings from the camera in the storage room.'
'The… camera, oh sweet Maker,' you groan, hiding your red face in your hands.
'And they won't tell anyone either,' Skywalker adds and huffs. 'Apparently they ship us.'
You let out a nervous laugh. But you uncover your face. Anakin looks at you softly.
'I meant what I said,' he says. 'I-'
'Don't,' you interrupt him, looking around. 'Not here. Besides, I got the message.'
'What about your feelings?' Skywalker says and grabs your wrist. 'I won't let you go until I hear about them. Please. I need to know.'
You could tell him you don't feel the same. You'd break his heart but maybe it would allow you two to move on. But you know he'd recognize you're lying. Especially since you kissed him back…
'It has always been you, Anakin,' you decide to say softly and look him in the eyes. 'My heart has always belonged to you.'
'Can we… give us a chance, then?' he asks hopefully, moving his hand so he could hold yours.
'I'd like nothing more,' you admit, your heart literally hurting. 'But you know we can't.'
'If I ever try to turn to the Dark Side, you have my permission to beat me out of it,' he quickly says. You snort.
'What if you already turn to it?' you question.
'I know you'll never let that happen,' he answers, grinning. You scoff and roll your eyes. Anakin takes your other hand in his and looks at you pleadingly. In the corner of your eye, you see your Legions discreetly observing you with bated breaths.
'If the Council finds out, I'm the one taking the blame,' you say after a long moment. 'You're already a controversial figure in their eyes. While I am their favorite.'
'Works for me,' Skywalker says, starting to smile.
'And you also have to let me take risks sometimes,' you insist. 'Trust in my abilities.'
'I will,' Anakin promises hastily nodding. You sigh.
'I can't believe I'm agreeing to this,' you murmur. Skywalker smirks and squeezes your hands.
'I'm that good of a kisser, huh?' he teases.
'Oh, you are,' you confirm, loosing yourself in the memory of his lips on yours… You quickly shake yourself out of it and pull your hands away.
'We will have to be careful,' you say. 'I'd like to remain a Jedi at least until the war is over. And you're needed, oh the Chosen One.'
'We will,' Anakin assures you softly, leaning toward you. 'But can I kiss you again?'
'Someone can see,' you protest.
'There are only Clones and R2, they're not going to tell,' Skywalker says. 'I saw Ahsoka walking away somewhere with Obi-Wan. Please. So I would know you're serious and this is not a dream.'
'Fine, but only one,' you give in after a moment. Anakin quickly cups your face, before you change your mind, and joins your lips for a short, but passionate kiss. He leaves you breathless when he pulls away.
'Damn you, Skywalker, you'll be the death of me,' you say weakly. Anakin chuckles and lets you go.
'I'll come to your room later and take you out on a date,' he says, winks and walks away. You blink and turn after him.
'You'll what?!' you call, but he doesn't stop. 'What have I done?'
You sigh, troubled. You know this is wrong. You should resist the temptation. But you can no longer deny yourself what you've wanted for years. Anakin Skywalker.
A/N: Thank you for reading! Let me know your thoughts! Reblog, like and comment if you could. Every comment makes my day!
This can also be found on Archive of Our Own: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53898226/chapters/136425739
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weirdkittenhere · 2 years
His bi*ch
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Parring: Pantalone x fem!reader
Genre: fluff ig, sfw
Warnings: possessive behavior, kind of toxic relationship, SA (but Pantaloe saves you)
Synopsis: You and Pantalone were on a fatui banquet where you were almost harassed by some drunk guy, so Pantalone had to intervene
a/n: Very self-indulgent, I'm so down bad for this man
w/c: ~1k
He was willing to give her everything, the world, the sun, and the moon if she only asked for it. She, however, was still unsure. She was scared and shy after moving into his penthouse. She wasn’t used to being treated like royalty, but he wanted nothing more than to pamper and spoil her. She loved him dearly but she didn’t really need all the gifts and special treatment, and frankly, she was afraid he’d think she was with him only for the money. While all these thoughts were swarming through her head, he noticed her worries.
“You can be more greedy. Much more greedy. You can act like a baby to me. I’m ready to do whatever it takes to satisfy you.” He said one night while holding her chin so she could only look into his eyes. “I want to give you all my possessions and myself whole, my whole life if you only say a word.”
But she was left speechless. All she could do was gasp quietly and nod her head shyly. He smiled mischievously and started kissing her face from her forehead to her lips then down her neck as she clung to him like she never wanted to let him go. 
And he gave her all as he promised.
In return, she did the same. She gave him her heart and mind and was always by his side. For the outsiders, it looked like she was his possession, always at his beck and call doing whatever he said. Behind their backs, she was called his maid, his bitch, his playtoy, that he was using her for his own sick pleasure or fantasy. People were talking about them almost in disgust, how she was behaving like a spoiled child and how their relationship was toxic. Some were afraid she was imprisoned against her will but in reality, it was her who didn’t want to be separated. In reality, it was he who was at her every word, playing into her every whim and caprice. In reality, it was she who wanted to show everyone she was his and only his. 
That being said, she always accompanied him to every meeting or banquet, such as this one. 
All of the fatui and one of their clients were there celebrating the signing of a contract between them. Y/N never left Pantalone’s side for the whole night, clinging to his arm wherever he went and he was showing her off proudly. At this time, they were sitting at the table with the head of a firm they had a business with when the harbinger was pulled away for what was supposed to be just a second, so the girl stayed at the table. The director decided to use that rare chance and scoot over to her, a little too close.
“So, pretty girl, while he’s finally gone you must know, we agreed to share a lot of things in that contract we signed.” He reeked of alcohol and she cringed at the close proximity but was too afraid to say anything because he was an important client. “Yes, a lot of things… and one of them was you, sweetness.” He leaned on her trying to touch her face to make her look at him while she leaned back with horror on her face trying to escape his hand, which never reached her. 
“Hands off.” Pantalone, who grabbed his arm with a force that was sure to leave a mark, leaned over Y/N's seat slamming his other hand on the table which caught the attention of people around them. 
“Ow! Are you insane?! Let go of me!” The man yanked his hand out of the grasp. 
“Am I insane? Who are you to touch what isn’t yours.” He helped Y/N get up and pulled her close to his side protectively, glaring at the man.
“Mine…? So you are that sick motherfucker that treats his bitch like his own property!” He exclaimed as he also got up.
“So you are that person that treats a lady like a prostitute.” He, on the other hand, spoke calmly but firmly. “You dare to disrespect me and my partner, you’ll find out the real currency of the Northland bank. Blood and tears.” He said coldly while everyone around them was staring in shock, nobody dared utter a word.
“You-! You think you can threaten me?!” He was outraged “Don’t make me break the contract off!”
“Legally you can’t do that for the next half a year but even if you could, we would do just fine without your flimsy business. Now.” He snapped his fingers and a few guards came forth. “Show this man a way out. If he resists, use force.” 
“Yes sir.” 
After that, they also took their leave while the rest of the guests were left in an awkward situation. On the other hand, the rest of the harbingers watched the show amused. The contract wasn’t really affecting them as it was the bank's issue, so they enjoyed the argument.
“He really went crazy for that girl. Otherwise, he wouldn’t do anything to lose even a single mora from his account.” Dottore laughed as the other joined the idle discussion.
At the same time, the couple was on a car ride back home. Y/N was squirming in her seat which worried her partner.
“My love, are you okay? Did he do anything to you?” He caressed her cheek lovingly and she leaned into his hand.
“No, no, I’m fine but… I’m sorry you lost your client because of me.” She was afraid he would be angry at her because she knew how much he valued his work.
“My dear, don’t be sorry. He wasn’t worth us anyway. I told you before, I’ll give you everything. I would never let anything happen to you, at all cost. You are my most precious gem, sweetheart.” He took her face into his palms and stroked her cheeks while she was left speechless once again, her face burning. He smiled gently, closing her lips in a loving kiss. 
Thank's for reading <3
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powdermelonkeg · 1 year
Tears of the Kingdom: The Final Analysis
Part 9
Part 8 here
Back to our contraption, let's take a look at it now that it's active:
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It gives off lasers in all directions. These lasers DO have a range, though
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They seem to extend about as long as the ones that've hit the floor do. What purpose these higher lasers serve here, where the only enemies are bokoblins, I don't know; maybe they're here in case moblins spawn.
Something else that drew my attention here, though, was this:
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That orange glow there. Lava? A deactivated Sheikah switch? I backed up a few frames to get a closer look:
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This bokoblin has a juice backpack.
I have no idea what it does. My first thought is "ranged weapon," but maybe it's something meant to dismantle Ultrahand's adhesive. Do the enemies here learn from Link's strategies?
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Moving on, we see this HUGE monster, but before we focus on that, there are two other things I want to point out.
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First is Link's armor here. It's blue, with a spiked crown and luminous cuffs. It looks remarkably like Naydra, the ice dragon.
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But how do you get this?
The dragons must play some more significant role in the story, even if it's a side quest that rewards you with the chests for it. That's three rewards, all together, presumably from each dragon unless Naydra gets special treatment (which isn't outside the realm of possibility; it was the only dragon of the three to be cursed).
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The second thing I want to point out is Tulin. He's giving off glowing threads as he falls—why? What does he have that's doing this? What is it doing for him? He has wings, so it can't be a flight-related thing; is it a treasure he's carrying in a backpack? A spell that's currently active on him?
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Back to our boss monster, there are a number of things this guy resembles.
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There's Twinmold, from Majora's Mask; their mandibles look similar, and they have the same needle-like square mouth of teeth.
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Gohma's Wind Waker incarnation, for similar reasons.
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The Minish Cap's Gyorg, with its many eyes and curved mandibles, and its relation to the sky.
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And, while not a boss, it does resemble an ice-white version of a Skytail from Skyward Sword.
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It also appears to be coming out of a portal, though that could just be part of the effect of this thing tearing through the clouds.
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The next clip has malice spiraling outwards like a fireball, consuming everything in its path.
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We saw something similar when Zelda sealed Calamity Ganon away at the end of Breath of the Wild, so this might be the seal giving way.
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We then cut to Zelda—"I know why I am here. It's...something only I can do." Her appearance here is just like it was when her mentor figure was talking to her. However, if we look at the background-
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There is nothing behind her. No settlements, no towers, no sky isles, nothing. Wherever this is, it's fully immune to the absolute chaos that's currently going on—OR she stands on one of the sky isles, though a very plain one, with nothing else to her left.
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It's further evidenced here, by this stone, which we get a better view of in the next shot.
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Her hands, cupping the golden tear we see at her neck in the mentor shot, stand on an interesting background. We can see that she stands on a stone pedestal of some kind; likely a Zonai structure.
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But why does she have the Master Sword, wherever she is?
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Let's take a look at that tear, as well. See the runes etched on the surface?
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It's the "Recall" glyph we saw in the gameplay trailer, but turned. Thus, the "right side up" for this tear is like this:
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This is important later, I swear.
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Malice rises in the next shot, and it happens so quickly that it's hard to see the source.
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That's Corpse Ganondorf, his arms stretched upwards as he releases it all.
But then the trailer does a very, very clever switcheroo that's impossible to notice at normal speed.
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You see these two screenshots? Flip between them for a moment, back and forth. They look like they're from different moments, right?
The second one is exactly one frame after the first. These are two different shots, spliced together.
What does this mean, as far as we're concerned here? I see two options:
The pillars of light happen at multiple moments, possibly whenever the blood moon rises.
This is a different cut of the same cutscene—omitting a point in the middle between Ganoncorpse unleashing the beam and the beam going into the sky.
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Regardless of which it is, the beam goes into the sky, surrounded by the malice sparks that accompany the blood moon.
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And it explodes.
And I'm out of space yet again. Look out for part 10!
Edit: Part 10!
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I'm loving the new Jaskier song, but I've been sent down a rabbit hole and have an unnerving prediction for season 3, from a writer's perspective.
The new 'Ride Witcher Ride" song feels to me not only like a type of spell (possibly a resurrection spell?), but also like an encouragement by Jaskier to Geralt to get back on his feet and get Ciri back from the Evil Forces using his friends and family he doesn't want to admit he has.
My theory is that they're going to do a lose all hope situation here, where Ciri is captured and Yen is somehow incapacitated, and Geralt "killed."
Jaskier, of course, escapes or gets Geralt's "dead" body out of the danger and to safety, but because of his experiences with magic and Destiny (See Blood Origins), he knows that Geralt is going to come back and get Ciri. There's really no other outcome for him. It might even be that Yen and the inhabitants of Brokilon Forest will be responsible for bringing Geralt back from wherever his soul is trapped, and Jaskier will probably be there to help fill him in and then help him on his journey as he has been. Keep in mind that bards are the original historians, sharing crucial information through stories, poetry, and song (and Joey Batey absolutely kills this role).
My question is: Are they going to "kill" off Geralt as we know him (Henry Cavil) during season 3, so that when he is resurrected, they can explain his change in looks as new Geralt (Liam Hemsworth)?
They're going to use this resurrection to somehow explain a slow change in his appearance? Almost like something is slightly off but you can't tell (thanks to the magic that is makeup and special effects).
While I'm generally displeased with Netflix's treatment of Jaskier, I do feel this will be a brilliant way to play off the change in Geralt's actor because even with makeup and tech, there's going to be a noticeable change. Also, it's an interesting way for them to include Jaskier here, not only because he is important to the storyline, but also because of the love fans have for him. So I'm curious to see how they deal with this as a writer.
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melonsinthesky · 9 months
Chapter 01: So it Begins
It was becoming unbearingly obvious to her by now (July the 1st), that this year was not turning out like everybody hoped for. To begin with, she never in her most wild dreams imagined she would be in Gotham City during summer vacation.
This year had started fine for Marinette and her friends (such a presumptuous thing to say way too early into the new year). 
Marinette was quickly proved wrong back in February when everything started to go downhill. It was a couple of days before Saint Valentine’s Day, at night, it was getting close to golden hour and instead of being asleep she was finishing the embroidering of a commission.
At some point, Plagg phased into her room yelling: “Pigtails! Pigtails!” he had shouted frantically,  “we need you, hurry. You’ve gotta see my kit! Hurry.”
Right there, she dropped everything without thinking twice, transformed into Ladybug, and followed Plagg to wherever her partner was. Knowing well the outcome of what would happen as soon as they met with Chat Noir. 
Not much time later, they found Adrien crouched in an obscure alley,  puking blood and a dark gooey matter. The evidence of a curse. The author of such a thing couldn’t be other than Le Papillon.
She sent a letter to her family in Shanghai about the situation, since Master Fu was retired, and her family (in the magic business) was well-known for their magicians specialized in healing. It was only a matter of waiting or so Marinette thought. Her great-grandmother surely would call her anytime soon.
During the first weeks, Marinette foolishly thought it was because they had a bigger emergency that required all of their attention. But the days passed and then the weeks turned into a month, and another, and then, it was May.
According to her cousin, in the business, the magical business there were some troubles with some partners. Which was why her family was being so quiet.
So, as a summary, it didn’t matter to any of them that Paris was constantly continuously spiraling away from the little grasp she had or that their young relative was awful with that type of magic despite being the champion of the Goddess of Creation.
Back at the beginning of March, a box appeared in her room. It had the seal of the family, a even smaller box with a bunch of ingredients (in an even smaller box), a thin book with edible spells, and a note that read:
In the book you will find numerous potions, to help the champion of the Black Cat Kwami, as well as instructions to follow. 
There was no explanation given, and it was barely something yet Marinette made the best out of it. 
That’s when the news about the Wayne Gala started to sound, first from Chloé who started to boast in the school about going with her mom to the gala.  
Jagged Stone, the rockstar that proclaimed himself her uncle, delivered an invitation to a concert he was to hold in Gotham City, and to the gala as well. He said the Bruce Wayne was curious about meeting Marinette. Who, according to her uncle, was the only sensible person around his age and of course worth the time back in his hometown.
The events were going to take two weeks between each of them, meaning, she would be losing half her summer vacations in Gotham City and not  spending it in Shanghai like usual.
Her great-grandmother agreed to let her go.
Adrien proposed a plan to ask for help in Gotham, after he noticed that they both were going to Gotham City. Seeing that the Bat Clan were the local vigilantes, they could ask them to help with detective work. 
Even though she had almost lost hope when it came to getting help with the curse, at last her great-grandmother did something for her. Adrien was to come to the residency in Shanghai, to receive some kind of treatment under the pretext of visiting his cousin.
And so four months had gone by, the commissions were finished and delivered, and the items for the auction as well. 
Before leaving Paris, Marinette was assigned a mission alongside Kim.
At the moment, now June, she was cursing at herself about wearing a sleeveless knitted vest as a top. Fate was being such a pain as of lately, it decided to make her feel helpless in every situation she put up with. 
Her uncle Jagged was received by a mob of fans, which on its own was odd considering that the date of his arrival wasn’t made public. Or that Jagged’s security didn’t do a fine job when they dealt with this mob.
Night was starting to fall down in Bristol, her phone was dead,  and Marinette had no phone charger on her.
So, while Marinette was sure she was somewhere in Bristol. That place wasn’t  even close to the airport because instead of staying put in the airport, she tried to run after the limousine that was taking Jagged, Penny, Luka, and Juleka away from her.
Thanks to that, she wasn’t sure her identity as MDC was safe for much longer. If only she hadn’t kept so adamant on it, she would be together with them and no: cold, lost, tired, and hungry.
The air was terribly chilly, and the vest she was wearing didn’t help a bit.
Luckily, she found a place that provided rest to her exhausted body, a small cafè with a warm and creamy color palette.
“So, what’s next?” Tikki pointed her spoon at her. Once they settled down, 
They were in the less lit area of the place, being seen wasn’t a worry for them.
“I could ask for a phone?” Marinette took a sip of her lemonade, “I have my sketchbook with me, and contact info too.”
“Unless you want to spend the night outside, yes, you should.”
Marinette stuck her tongue out at the deity.
Competitiveness was deeply ingrained into her and not even talking with a goddess bound to her pocket-size form could stop her from having the last word.
Tikki  rolled her eyes but didn’t complain about it, she still had half of her cheesecake  to finish.
Eventually, after Marinette had found enough courage to ask the waiter for a phone, she called her uncle Jagged. It was only a matter of waiting ‘til somebody came for her.
Meanwhile, she asked for another slice of pay, to kill the time and her anxiety if possible.
The bell rang. It was a boy with teal highlights, Luka was accompanied by another boy who stood  outside of the café, then he went through the door.
“Marinette?” he asked.
She was saved from sleeping in the streets of Gotham.
Marinette got back to her feet, too quickly to the point of almost kissing the ground in the process.  Her face burned with embarrassment and she dusted her jeans off.
The reeling of an aura caught her attention, whoever it belonged to was outside so it must be from the boy that came in with Luka.
“ Hi ,” she said.
It wasn’t much of a surprise when she received a hug from her cousin, the worry radiated off of him.
“ How did you even get here ?” Luka started to inspect her.
Marinette scoffed, “ I’ve probably run out of luck for the week, ” she answered instead of replying to his question.
Luka smiled at her, pleased that she  looked fine and let go of the embrace.
“Let’s get out.” Luka said, “Need a hand with your things?”
Marinette’s brain was running wild because of the boy behind Luka. Of course the mission wasn’t going to be her only worry during this trip. 
She shook her head, and took her purse to follow Luka.
It was weirding her out, his presence was familiar. It reminded her of the damp evenings in her second home, of the color green, of their visits, and of the uncomfortable feeling of the prickling under her skin they caused.
It was different. It could represent danger though, if he knows who she is.
The bell rang once more as they crossed the door.
He looked about her age, half a head shorter than Luka,  his hair was dark, brown skin, and unnatural green eyes. A relative of them, most likely.
In summary, he was pretty cute.
“So, Damian, this is Marinette. Since my dad said he’s her uncle she’s my cousin,” Luka started to introduce them, “and Mari, this is Damian. He’s the one that bit my arm last time I visited.”
That earned a glare and a punch on the arm from Damian, and the soft mumbles ‘ow, ow, yeah I deserved that.’
“Huh? Ah, that was you?” Marinette chuckled. 
Damian rolled his eyes, and crossed his arms,“he did deserve to be bitten.”
“Never said he didn’t. He was probably being really annoying or something.”
“Okay, we should tell everyone that we picked up Marinette,” Luka said.
Damian wordlessly took his phone out to show off his screen, with a smug smirk, “beat you to it.”
In retaliation, Luka showed him the middle finger.
“Shouldn’t we get going?” Marinette asked hesitantly.
Both boys nodded, Damian started to lead them to wherever the car was parked, according to the boy  it was a reasonable walking distance from them. Unfortunately, the weather had only gotten colder as the sun went down.
For Marinette the chilly wind was starting to permeate into her bones. 
“Did you bring sweaters for this trip?” Damian asked.
Marinette blinked. “I did. I just didn’t think of having one with me because my plans were to sleep until dinner. Why?”
She heard the sound of the fabric of Damian’s jacket rustle a little as they kept walking  on the sidewalk, of course she didn’t think much about it until it was thrown over her, “don’t take it off. You must be freezing.”
Luka chuckled, earning the startled stare of one Marinette and the deep scowl of one Damian. 
“What?” Luka grinned wider.
Damian glared at him, “let’s just hurry.”
Juleka and Damian’s friend, Jon, were waiting for them at the park. It was poorly illuminated, there were no people to be seen around. Damian took the remote key out of one of his pockets, and unlocked the doors.
Juleka glued herself to Marinette’s side, “I’m glad you’re okay. Alya will kill me if something happens to you.” Juleka said half-jokingly.
Marinette started to giggle.
“Alya? Don’t be silly, she can’t .”  Marinette said frowning yet the mental image of her best friend strangling Juleka made her smile,  “but that won't stop her from trying. Let's hope Lady Wi-fi doesn't happen.”
Luka huffed at that, “only if  Nino and Kim don’t try first.”
“Probably. Oh hey, you must be Damian’s friend Jonathan?” she turned  her face to see the purple eyed teen.
“Yeah, his best friend, call me Jon please. Nice to meet you and  I’m glad you’re okay Marinette,” he smiled at her.
The rest of the trip to the manor went on swiftly, small talk was almost futile as everyone —namely, the Parisians — was too worn out. Marinette and Juleka fell asleep on their way and so did Jon after them. 
“So, what prompted you to lend Mari your jacket?” Luka asked, eyes glued on his phone.
“TT.” was all Damian replied.
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masterjedilenawrites · 5 months
Clone Force Omega story prompt: Omega gets a boyfriend or girlfriend and her little brothers suddenly become very protective of her and live up to their nickname "the Bad Batch".
Clone Force Omega: Part 3
Love this prompt! Gave me just the boost of motivation I needed to keep going with the AU.
Now, this chapter won't quite get to the boyfriend/girlfriend part, but you'll see how I'm setting it up. I also decided that Omega wouldn't go to the Lawquane's right away like Hunter had in the show. I'm not cutting their part out of the AU completely, just reordering things a bit.
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Omega & The Bad Batch | 4.2k words
Content: Canon-typical violence/fighting/peril, some flirty banter,
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The one blessing of having four young kids to look out for, was never having a moment quiet enough to think about the demons you were running from.
Omega recognized this blessing immediately, knowing if she had been alone on this ship, she'd likely have started falling apart by now. The Republic was gone, changed into something cold and ugly. Her life as a lone soldier was done, her sense of purpose and identity now floating nebulous in the wind like the smoky remnants of a fire. And Echo...
"Omega, what does this do?" a little voice called out, just before bunks started sliding out of the wall with a harsh grating sound, revealing that they'd clearly never been used in all the time the ship had been in commission.
She was about to scold Tech for being nosy, knowing there were worse buttons to push without knowing what they'd do first, but then decided the bunk beds gave an opportunity to redirect their attentions.
"Oh good, just in time for bed," she said with feigned cheer.
There was a chorus of whines from around the ship. None of them thought they'd still have a bedtime while on an adventure. How lame.
But in spite of the protests, she still managed to get them to comply with the promise that sleep would make them even stronger and smarter than they already were. And they'd need a lot of strength and brain power if they were going to visit their first planet outside of Kamino.
"What's it going to be like?" Hunter asked eagerly as she tucked each of them in. "Are there going to be trees?"
"Ooh, what about mountains?" asked Wrecker with an equally excited lilt to his voice. "Or volcanoes?"
"I want to see a bird," chimed in Tech. "I read that sometimes they are really small, and sometimes they are really big."
"Go to sleep," Omega repeated, crossing over to the other set of bunks. "You'll see soon enough."
She finished her round of tuck-ins with Crosshair, who was usually the quietest of the bunch, but Omega knew that didn't always mean he had nothing to say. She leaned in close as she pulled the blanket up to his chin.
"What do you want to see?" she whispered so the others wouldn't hear her special treatment. She wasn't sure why she had such a soft spot for the little grump; he really could be a brat sometimes. But truthfully, she could be one, too. Maybe that was why.
Crosshair blinked up at her with eyes she knew had been enhanced even more than hers had. There'd be a lot for those eyes to take in, wherever they ended up going. But his response didn't answer her question.
"What's going to happen to us?" he asked, also, thankfully, in a whisper.
She could already hear Wrecker snoring behind them. Hunter was the only one who could probably hear at this point. She'd have to choose her words carefully so neither would panic.
"I don't know," she decided to go with the truth. A simple version of it, anyway. "But I promise, no matter what happens, I will take care of you. We're family. We stick together."
That seemed to satisfy Crosshair, at least enough for him to close his eyes when she repeated the instruction to go to sleep.
Omega returned to the cockpit and sat down in her seat heavily. A stray wisp of hair tickled her cheek so she started undoing her braid, running her fingers through her curls as they bounced free. Every pass of her hand from her scalp the ends of her hair, a new troublesome thought seemed to enter her mind. What was going to happen to them? Where were they even going? What was this new Empire really all about? How could Echo have...
She stopped that thought as a sudden lump pushed its way in her throat. She knew she couldn't explain Echo's behavior, just as she couldn't answer any of those other pesky questions. Not without all the facts. The logical side of her brain, a trait she shared with Tech, insisted she investigate before coming to any wild conclusions.
So she swept her unruly hair behind her shoulder and leaned forward in her seat, tapping around on the holomap and doing some quick mental-calculations. She didn't know where to get information, but she knew someone who might. Unfortunately, the Empire's crews hadn't refueled her ship, or even restocked on rations, since she'd returned from her last mission. She could picture the stomachs of four growing boys growling as soon as they woke up, and knew that wouldn't do. And all that was in addition to the fact that it wouldn't take long for the ship's signature to be put on a wanted list, if it hadn't been already.
They'd need to make a supply run first. And get the ship's code scrambled before it drew unwanted attention. Omega swiped at the map and saw Pantora was the closest planet. That would have to do.
* * *
Omega had once dreamed about taking the boys off Kamino. Just for a day. Most clones, including herself, had to wait until they were fully grown and fully trained before they were mobilized off planet for the first time. Occasionally groups of young cadets were taken on field trips, but it was almost always within the confines of a spacecraft, never on ground. Omega wanted different for her brothers. They were special, a secret project. Why shouldn't they be given special privileges as well?
She would've taken them somewhere warm, green, and full of wildlife. Somewhere like Naboo or Alderaan. She'd let them run around in nature, feel the tactile sensations of dirt beneath their toes and sunshine on their faces. They could climb a tree that wasn't holographic, swim in water what wasn't dark and cold, run as fast and as long as they wanted without the danger of reaching the end of a platform. For one day, they could just be kids.
Pantora certainly had its fair share of luscious landscapes that would've suited such a day perfectly. Unfortunately, there were no supplies out in the Pantoran wilderness. So the boys' first experience stepping foot on another planet was within a city. And though she kept it to herself, Omega was not happy about it.
Cities were not her thing. Too many people, too many dark alleyways. It was difficult enough to process the amount of sensory input and keep watch of her own back, but now she'd have to do it with four young boys in tow. And not only that, but there was simply too much to do in such a short time frame. What a nightmare.
"Tech, have you ever had to scramble a ship's signature before?" she asked, already knowing the answer but needing to humor her need for hope anyway.
"No, but I know how to look up ships by their signatures when looking through the archives!" he grinned, very proud of himself despite the fact that was not the same thing. Not even close.
The Marauder had just touched down but she held back on lowering the ramp for a few minutes while she chewed on her lip in thought. She hated the idea of splitting them up but she couldn't see any way around it. Not unless they had the luxury of staying here all week, which they most certainly did not.
"Okay, here's the plan," she finally said, spinning around.
"Is this a mission plan?" asked Hunter as they crowded around her in a surprising show of obedience.
"Yep. Our first mission. You boys ready?"
They all nodded eagerly. If this was the only way to keep their attentions, so be it.
"Tech, you're going to stay with the ship and scramble it. I'll be talking you through everything on comms. Don't do anything until I give you the instruction. Copy?"
"Copy that," Tech nodded and pushed up his goggles.
"Wrecker, you're also going to stay and keep watch. If anyone comes poking around asking questions, let them know your parents are exchanging credits and will be back soon."
"Parents?" Wrecker's nose scrunched in confusion.
"Yes, it's a cover story."
"Ohh," he said, still looking confused.
Omega decided to not waste time trying to explain more. She also wasn't going to tell him that she thought he was the best chance at defending himself and Tech should, gods-forbid, anyone try to harm or capture them.
"Hunter, Crosshair, you two are going to follow me into town for supplies. You're going to keep an eye on things and let me know if you sense any danger."
Both boys gave nods and salutes of their own. 
Omega breathed deeply through her nose. "Okay. That's the plan. Let's go."
Thankfully the boys had already been wearing fairly casual clothes, though she'd had to carefully rip off the old Republic logos from the sleeves while they'd slept. She had been in her blacks upon leaving, but she always kept a spare change of civvy clothes on board for her undercover missions, so she'd changed into those earlier as well. After quickly buying off the shipyard foreman to not ask questions for the next half cycle, they set off on their respective tasks.
"Okay, Tech, you're going to start by locating the rear parallax inverters..." she began listing off instructions into the comms link as soon as they hit the main street of the city.
Walking Tech through the procedure, looking for market stalls with deals on rations and fuel, keeping an eye on two boys who were in awe at every little thing around them, and steering clear of the parade of Imperial soldiers marching about proved to be quite the challenge. Though one of Omega's strong suits was multitasking, she still had her hands full.
"Crosshair, keep up!" she shouted back at the boy, who had stopped to pet a friendly Tooka on the side of the road.
"Why is everyone cheering?" Hunter asked, tugging at her sleeve for an answer to the dozenth question he'd asked in the past two minutes.
"End of the war," Omega quickly responded before pressing the button on the comm link and answered a different question from a different brother. "Yes, Tech, the one with the blinking light. Have Wrecker help you pull it out. Gently."
She then turned into a stall and saddled up to the counter, plopping an old pyro denton grenade between her and the merchant. "I'd like to do a trade."
She spent the next ten minutes continuing to bounce between the various demands for her attention, haggling with the merchant, walking Tech through the complicated procedure of rewiring the key, making sure Wrecker was being useful by putting all the other parts back into the ship. But at some point, she'd decided Hunter and Crosshair didn't need as much of her focus as they both amused themselves playing with the lost Tooka. It wasn't until she'd finally sold the merchant on the value of her grenade did she then turn around and notice they were gone.
"Hunter? Cross?" she called out, rushing to the street and looking both ways.
"They went that way," the merchant told her, pointing toward her left. "Chased that poor creature away."
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?!"
Omega was more frustrated than frantic. She half-walked, half-jogged down the road, careful to look down alleys and within stalls, just in case her brothers were hiding there.
She paused at an intersection, glancing at the three options before her for only a second each. Somehow, she felt that she had to go down the one on the right. Her instincts never steered her wrong.
No sooner had she turned the corner did Crosshair come rushing up to her. She was relieved, but fully prepared to start scolding the boy for running off in a strange place like that. But the panic in Crosshair's eyes stopped her.
"Where's Hunter?" she asked instead.
Crosshair pointed down the road. "There's this lady. She said she'd help us find you but took us the wrong way. Hunter wouldn't listen to me."
Omega started running, making sure Cross was just a step behind her. Soon the road twisted and she saw a little head of messy brown hair through the crowd ahead.
"Hunter!" she called out. The little boy stopped and turned with a big grin on his face. He was holding some kind of fruit.
"There she is!" he said to the person standing next to him. "That's my sister, Omega!"
Sure enough, someone was accompanying him, though Omega could see right away that she was less of a lady and more like a bounty hunter.
"Hunter, get over here right now," Omega barked. She could hear the garbled voice of Tech coming from the comm link in her hand, asking for his next instructions, but she shoved it into her pocket. She kept her hand hovering by her hip, where her trusty blaster hung at the ready.
"It's okay, Omega," Hunter called back, taking a bite out of the fruit he held. "She was helping us look for you."
Crosshair clutched at the back of Omega's shirt and shook his head at his brother. At least one of them had a healthy sense of stranger danger, Omega thought.
"Yes, Hunter and I were getting to know each other," the girl said. Her tone was friendly enough, but Omega could see the threat in her eyes. They looked even more dangerous as soon as the girl put her helmet on, big brown eyes that squinted confidently through a slat in the helmet. Omega now wished she'd brought her own, but it would've drawn too much unwanted attention.
Instead, Omega crouched with her hand now resting firmly on the hilt of her blaster. Her opponent did the same. A good old fashioned stand off that would've been a lot more fun had Hunter not been in between them.
"Cowering behind a kid, very brave," she called to the girl, hoping some banter might buy her some time to get a plan together.
"What can I say," the girl responded, "I'm an opportunist."
That drew Hunter's attention to what was really going on. Now his eyes were as wide and scared as Crosshair's had been.
"Omega?" he whined as he dropped his fruit.
"How much is the bounty?" Omega spoke over him and asked the girl.
"More than you can afford to buy me out of."
"Maybe I have something worth more than credits to you."
The girl laughed. "A defective clone on the run from the Empire? With four little boys hanging on her back? That practically pays for my retirement. There's nothing I want more."
"Pft, retirement's overrated," Omega egged on. "You'd get bored. Hitch a ride with me, though, and I'll show you the adventure of a lifetime."
"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were flirting with me."
"Well... Is it working?"
"Hmm, not really."
The girl didn't give Omega a chance to come up with any further quips. She whipped out her blaster and started firing, giving Omega no choice but to duck for cover. Crosshair jumped with her, though somehow he had pulled out one of her vibroblades from behind her back.
"Hey, let's switch," she said, pulling out her blaster to give to the boy and taking the blade instead. "I have an idea."
Meanwhile, Hunter had thrown himself at the girl, trying to wrestle the blaster out of her hands. Omega scowled as she looked around the crate they'd hidden behind to see him so brazenly fight a bounty hunter ten times as skilled. Once they got out of this mess and away from Pantora, she'd have to find some time to train the boys on safer tactics.
Even so, she didn't immediately rush out. Hunter was distracting the girl's attention just enough for Omega to slip behind a different crate that was a little closer. She motioned for Crosshair to stay where he was. And then, as soon as the girl had twisted around in an attempt to push Hunter to the ground, Omega jumped out and hurled the vibroblade.
The girl was too fast. She grabbed at a wicker basket lid from a nearby stall and used it as a shield. The blade lodged itself in it.
Omega was a little faster. She rushed out from the crate while the blade had still been circling in the air. The girl flipped the lid around to try and dislodge the blade, but Omega was already upon her, shoving her knee right into the girl's abdomen.
"Hunter, run!" Omega barked as she tried to wrestle the lid away. She didn't look to see if the boy listened, putting all her might into the hand-to-hand combat she was now locked in with this bounty hunter.
"You fight dirty, clone," the girl gritted through her teeth, parrying one of Omega's punches with the but of her blaster.
Omega let go of the lid so she could roundhouse kick the blaster out of the girl's hands. It went clattering down the street, causing several people to shriek as they realized a serious fight was breaking loose. Great. No doubt those Imperial soldiers would soon be showing up.
The girl didn't mourn the loss of her blaster, instead taking advantage of the blade having fallen out of the lid as Omega dropped it. She somersaulted over the thing, grasping the hilt and kicking out at Omega's legs in one smooth swoop. Omega would've been impressed had she not had the wind knocked out of her.
Then the bounty hunter was on top of her, the hum of the vibroblade reaching Omega's ears before the blade itself got too close. She gasped for air as she threw up her wrists, criss-crossing them underneath the girl's hand and pushing back. The girl's other hand came around and grasped at Omega's throat.
"Hell of a way to flirt back," Omega rasped, still pushing with all her might to get the blade away from her face.
Surprisingly, the bounty hunter grinned. Or at least, Omega assumed she did, given the wrinkles around her eyes.
"Honey, these aren't even my best moves."
Sudden blaster fire came from above, clipping the bounty hunter in the shoulder. She cried out and jerked back just enough for Omega to grab the blade and pull. A sharp, electrical pain radiated up to her elbow as the thing pierced through her palm, but she didn't care. She kicked upward, making contact with the girl's rear end and sending her sprawling.
"Omega!" Hunter called out to her. Crosshair was next to him holding a smoking blaster in shaky hands.
Omega flipped herself onto her feet and immediately started sprinting before the bounty hunter could recover herself. Hunter and Crosshair followed, running as fast as their little legs could carry them.
Blaster fire followed as well. The bounty hunter had found her gun again. They kept running.
"Citizens! Halt!" A few of the local police had arrived at the scene, but Omega and her brothers went barreling past them.
She turned them down an alleyway to escape both of the threats that were now close behind. Her mind was frantic, unsure how they could make it back to the ship before someone caught up to them. Even if they managed to get off planet, they were still screwed. With little fuel and a bounty on their heads, they were essentially trapped.
The voice that called her faint and distorted, so much so she almost didn't hear it over her racing heartbeat. She turned back to see Hunter and Crosshair were keeping pace, but neither looked like they had been trying to say anything.
"Omega!" it came again. And then she remembered the comm link in her pocket.
"Tech!" she huffed into the mic. "Get the ship running, now!"
"I already did!" he responded proudly. "You left the comm on and we heard shooting. We're coming to your rescue!"
Omega stopped running at the end of the alley, peering out to see people milling about with no clue of the chaos she brought with her. Hunter and Crosshair pulled up next to her, huffing and puffing.
She brought a hand to her temple and tried to think. Tech couldn't fly a ship, no matter how badly he believed he could. But, if she could talk him through the basics like she had with the signature key, and if her and the boys could find higher ground, they just may have a shot at escape.
"Tech," she whispered into the comm link. "There's a satellite tower just north of the docking bay. You're going to pick us up at the top. Now, listen very carefully. You're only going to push the buttons I tell you to."
"And what do I do?" came Wrecker's voice.
"Help him navigate."
Omega silently motioned for Hunter and Cross to follow her lead again. As calmly but as quickly as possible, they went out into the street and hurried down the lane toward the satellite tower, and all the while Omega talked Tech through the controls of the ship. She heard some concerning sounds in return, both through the comm feed as well as out in the real world. The bay was close enough to their current location that ever scrape of the ship's wings against the walls let out a harsh shriek into the surrounding area. Omega tried not to cringe.
They reached the tower and she sent the boys up the ladder first. There was no time for a pep talk, but they seemed to understand the seriousness of the situation and started climbing without a fuss. If Wrecker had been here instead, different story.
"Leaving so soon?"
The bounty hunter's voice rang out across the street from behind her. Omega looked over her shoulder, her foot resting on the first rung of the ladder.
"Just when we were getting to know each other," the girl sauntered forward. The police, or any Imperials, didn't seem to have made it yet. But Omega could sense they weren't far behind.
"The offer still stands," Omega called back, looking up briefly to see her brothers were making good progress on the ladder. "I can give you more than the Empire ever could."
She was trying to be cheeky, buy some time for Tech to get off the ground. But in a strange way, she also meant it. The future was so uncertain, it was appealing to think there could be one person out there that didn't want to kill them.
"Oh, I'm not working for the Empire," the girl responded.
Omega didn't have time to process that odd statement. The police had just rounded the corner behind the bounty hunter, and Tech had just breached the top of the landing bay wall.
Omega jumped and caught the tenth rung on the ladder and began climbing from there. There were a few blaster shots that ricocheted off the side of the tower, but the police quickly converged on the bounty hunter and put a stop to it. Omega quickly caught up to the boys, who were just reaching the top platform. She all but pushed them onto it.
"Alright Tech, nice and easy," she encouraged the young boy to move the ship forward. "The button above the thrusters lowers the ramp."
The side of the ship opened up and the ramp promptly slid out from there. Omega jumped as soon as it was close enough, and then turned to reach a hand out to the others.
Whatever confidence they'd had before was gone. Hunter looked down the gap between the platform and the ramp and Crosshair bit his lip nervously.
"It's okay, boys. You're so brave. You got this. I've got you."
Hunter swallowed and nodded his head. He was the first to try the jump. He flung his little body onto the ramp and Omega caught him square on. Seeing it was possible, Crosshair soon followed.
Omega shooed Tech out of the pilot's seat, giving him just a small high-five before she narrowed in on the task at hand. As the Marauder zipped out of the Pantoran city and back toward the darkness of space, everyone stayed silent. Today had been a lot. Too much, probably.
Omega wanted so desperately to cry, a feeling she hadn't ever been eager to indulge in. The reality of their situation was settling in deeper and deeper with each passing moment. Try as she might, she could not guarantee the safety of these boys, not with everyone in the galaxy out to get them. And for what? Why? This target on their heads was strange given the other matters the Empire seemed to need to focus on. And that bounty hunter had said she wasn't even working for the Empire. Who else could be looking for them?
She shook her head and sent them back into hyperspace. She knew where she needed to go. Looking for answers was tempting, but no longer the priority. She needed to get the boys to safety, first.
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Clone Force Omega Tag: @kaijusplotch, @flowered-bicycles
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weirdo-autumn · 4 months
It's time to make a long ahh post on my OC just because
(This is going to be extremely long so be prepared-)
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Nao Nishi (尚 二死), pronouns are she/they
they had a bit of a difference appearance, somewhat longer hair and an eye patch
They were more quiet, collected. While she still is, it was much more back then
They don't really care about what anyone says anymore- it's always the same insults repeated over and over again and she just got tired of it all
They love their parents dearly, along with present friends
Lonely as heck but hey, they didn't mind
...okay she did but just a LITTLEEE bit
They were the quiet kid in class, just doing she own thing
But if someone, such as a teacher, would talk to them- she would play a cheerful persona who acted like nothing was wrong
They have *such* a high love for samurai and warriors and japanese history and urban legends and all that- that's why they have her katana- that they got from their parents, hand-made
Also love scary stories
One time she wrote their own for a class assignment and they got an A
The best mark they ever got in her life, usually it's average
They also enjoy things like simply sitting around and listening to the sounds of wherever she is, like in a park, listening silently to the winds and possibly other people around doing whatever
They didn't enjoy talking with people much, because. yeah.
But now, they could talk all day but get embarrassed about it because god did she really talk this much
They have a love/hate for coffee
Things they really hate aren't much but- wasps, loud sounds/noises, getting sick, causing attention on herself, lying about anything to family/friends you know nothing special especially when they're forced to in a situation anyway-
Just two years ago, they lived in Japan with their parents- Liam and Nirako (韮高) ((designs in work)).
Back then, with somewhat longer hair, Nao never had their mask but an eye patch to cover her blind eye that they were born with, and because of that, it caused the people around her to be judged, mocked, and looked down upon.
Some of this madness was spread to their family but everyone's eyes were on and only on Nao.
Which was the absolute worst. But, they somehow managed to keep herself together- those were just complete strangers that didn't know a THING about them or her family, sure it hurt but those words meant practically nothing.
In school it was practically the same, whispers going around, laughter, mockery, same old same old. It was boring. And annoying.
But when someone with the name of Uso Akane (嘘 茜) came by,
" say... wanna become friends ? " he displayed a grin on his energetic face.
That smile.
That darn smile.
It made them sick.
Was it some joke? Some sick prank?
This entire time they've dealt with being alone but suddenly this guy shows up like nothing such a happy figure, does he really think she would fall for this?
" i don't think you're a bad person- " cut the crap, they aren't that stupid.
Everyone has talked about her.
Everyone thinks they're disgusting. A creepy little freak.
Why would anyone want to be friends with someone like that?
" everyone thinks and speaks on what they believe, but I believe you're actually kinda cool. This world judges people too much just for something simple as your eye. " he said, moving his hands in various ways to express more.
" you don't deserve that treatment, not one bit of it. "
" so, i'll ask again... " then, he stuck out his hand.
" can we be friends ? "
Why did he seem so desperate for a 'yes'?
That's what ticked Nao off the most.
They didn't know anymore if it was all a joke, a prank, or... nothing.
But... it could be...
" ...... fine. "
They wish she said 'no'.
They wanted to slap, hit, punch herself but. They chose this path.
She was just sick of being alone.
That friendship was all a lie yet thet stayed in that spot for so long.
His name is clearly a clue but NOPE. Apparently not.
Nao slid down to the ground, hugging their knees as they couldn't do anything but sit there as they overheard the familiar and other voices inside the classroom.
Go on and on and on and on about their disgusting, annoying, worthless, inhumane presence. A waste a space.
The complete usual for her, really.
It was gonna happen anyway.
And every single person was going to get a piece of their mind.
....... *click*
A year later, everything was back to normal.
Sort of.
Now, their hair is cut short.
Still the same old whispering and talking and mocking but it was less this time around.
Probably because of an 'incidence' that happened just a year back.
No idea what I'm talking about well-
Uso got outed.
By the half-sighted child herself.
Basically, Nao had hid as well as they could and with a tape recorder she bought, recorded every single time they were talked behind her back.
Ended up getting a recording of Uso hitting them across her face and that moment made everything so much better for them once everything came out.
She had kept it all inside.
So many emotions locked in.
They didn't even tell her parents, as too not worry the two more. They... had their own things to deal with after all.
Nao thought it was weird that not a single person found out but, maybe their fake little persona works in ways that even she doesn't know.
A happy, cheerful, just as energetic kid, as every other child.
But she hated it.
Their parents too.
It wasn't them but a mere, hollow, fake as plastic doll.
That no one but their parents truly loved.
Well, at least their dad did.
Nao never once wanted to act like that thing around their dad.
Her parents ended up divorcing, now it's just them and dad.
It was upsetting, but things like this happen- it's life.
Arguments are a part of that life too.
But doing to either of them would make them hate herself more.
But aside from all the baggage, this time around, they've been a bit more confident about herself, like, they simply don't care anymore.
She took off their eye patch ever since school ended, ever since she got up on that stage and gave it their all to the graduating students of their student- that was something for everyone to remember, especially by all the clapping and loud cheering by some people that made an impact on their school life it- it was something.
Those people will certainly never be forgotten, those two students and their teacher.
Nao didn't know whether to call them friends or simply acquaintances but they did mean a lot anyway.
Asahi Sakura had been there from the start- practically glued onto them, while it was annoying, she was genuine the entire time, even though she had to lie between her teeth with the others.
" gosh you're SO COOL!!! " she would squeal in utter amazement.
Then there was Hajimi Matsuno, the one who was the first to find out about what Nao was doing and how they really were.
" you're... something, all right... " he muttered as a nervous, breathless chuckle came out.
Their teacher, Osuka Akane, a kind-hearted women who treated Nao like any other person- with her warm smile and words.
" i may not know what you feel like, but you have every right to feel this anger inside. " she spoke softly, grasping the now broken racket from their hands.
It was the best Nao ever felt in their life, and it was even better to see and hear their dad to be so proud and happier himself.
So things were going well, even better as Nao didn't give a care in the world and acted more cheerful and upbeat- no longer faking it.
And soon, they both would be moving across the country- somewhere where they could move on and live a good future, with new people in their lives- make friends maybe even meet old ones
And certainly, Nao made those few friends.
...And a crush too. But I bet you know that bit already.
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republicsecurity · 4 months
"Unyielding Guardians: Meet Mobile Paramedic GM67T!"
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Today, we're diving into the world of one of our unsung heroes, GM67T, a mobile paramedic who roams the festival grounds, ensuring safety and spreading the spirit of community wherever he goes! Get ready to be inspired by his dedication, courage, and that iconic shiny shaved head glinting in the morning sun.
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With a heart full of compassion and a mind sharp as a scalpel, GM67T embarks on his daily patrol. His presence alone brings a sense of security to the campers. As he checks emergency supplies and ensures medical stations are well-equipped, you can't help but admire his dedication to keeping everyone safe.
But it's not just his professional prowess that makes GM67T a beacon of inspiration. It's the way he engages with people, offering warm smiles and words of reassurance. In the face of chaos, he remains calm and composed, reminding us all of the strength that lies within unity.
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Whether it's responding to emergencies with lightning speed or providing a comforting hand to those in need, GM67T embodies the spirit of selflessness. His ability to rally the crowd during crises and spread a sense of hope illustrates the unwavering resilience of our nation's paramedics.
So, next time you catch a glimpse of that shining scalp and those confident eyes, remember the dedication of Mobile Paramedic GM67T.
GM67T: The Shining Beacon in the Face of Adversity. Together, We Stand Strong!
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🚑 Introducing the Heroes on the Move: Mobile Paramedics! 🚑
Hey there, amazing readers! We've got a thrilling story to share with you about a group of extraordinary individuals who don't just wait for emergencies to happen – they chase after them! Meet the Mobile Paramedics, the real-life superheroes of disaster response and large event coverage.
🌟 Always On the Go! These brave souls are never in one place for too long. When a disaster strikes, be it a natural calamity or a large-scale event, you can count on the Mobile Paramedics to swoop in and save the day. They're like lightning-fast angels, always ready to lend a helping hand.
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🌊 Disaster Response Experts! Whether it's a hurricane, earthquake, or flood, these paramedics are specially trained to handle the toughest situations. They navigate through rough terrains and provide essential medical aid to those in need. Their quick thinking and expert skills make them the go-to team during emergencies.
🎉 Large Event Superstars! From music festivals to sports championships, the Mobile Paramedics are there, ensuring everyone stays safe while having a blast. They're the silent protectors in the crowd, ready to spring into action if anyone needs medical attention. You might not see them, but they're always watching over you.
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🚨 Cutting-Edge Technology! Equipped with state-of-the-art medical gear and communication devices, these paramedics are always a step ahead. They use advanced technology to assess situations, coordinate with their team, and provide life-saving treatments. In the world of Mobile Paramedics, innovation meets heroism!
🌈 Diverse and Inclusive! The Mobile Paramedics come from all walks of life, showcasing the power of diversity and unity. No matter their background, they share a common goal: to make the world a safer place for everyone. Their unwavering dedication and teamwork inspire us all to work together for a better future.
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ophidianoccultist · 10 months
Tom Riddle x F!Reader
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hi this is my first time writing for tumblr, and im starting off with a whopper. i dont know what all the trigger warnings are supposed to be but i tried my best to be accomodating. also my ass did NOT research but hopefully my memory should suffice and i did my best to keep characters and stuff accurate or at least adjacent. im on mobile btw so im sorry if any formatting is weird but yeah, this one is uh...pretty dark so yeah, hope you enjoy :)
TW: smut, oral (m receiving), master/slave dynamic, bloodlust, bodily harm, very very kinky Tom
PROMPT: This takes place in the infancy of his rise to becoming the Dark Lord. Y/N has been the only one to manage to get somewhat close to Tom, being his first real devoted follower, but does he really love her or is she simply a tool for power and pleasure?
Word count: 1.8k
The stone floor was cold and dry, just like the rest of the manor that had been the base of operations for Tom Riddle, or as his followers know him, Lord Voldemort. The only warmth in the room came from the hearth, which bathed the room in an eerie, orange glow. The light of a fireplace would usually be calming and comforting; yet when juxtaposed with the topic being discussed with the Dark Lord and a table full of his followers, it was as if it filled the room with an ironic coldness.
The table that stood starkly in the middle of the room sat only around ten people. Some belonged to the Black and Malfoy families, as they had the power, wealth, and influence to help spread the message of their uprising. The rest, however, were friends that Tom had made during his time at Hogwarts. He had promised them glory and power should they choose to side with him. And he had the power of the Blacks and Malfoys at his side, so why would they ever question him?
"Remember what we have discussed today, and we shall put our plan into action. This will take much care and caution to execute, lest we wish to be exposed and our movement snuffed out. You may go, and I will call upon you again when need be."
The voice of the Dark Lord reverberated throughout the room, cold and authoritative. With every word that came from his lips, it felt to his followers that he was speaking snakes into existence, coiling around their throats and threatening to squeeze if they so much as spoke a word out of turn. Tom Riddle was a handsome man, with curly, jet black hair that he made sure was always neatly maintained. His brown eyes always seemed to see right through people as if they were ghosts (and depending on who he's looking at, they soon would be). The way he carried himself and strode about the halls with his head high simply screamed that he was entirely fit to be a Dark Lord. The very perception of him was perfect, like someone you would see in a painted portrait hanging in the hall of a lavish castle.
But of course, those thoughts stayed in Y/N's mind as the occupants of the table stood and made their way to the hearth to take the floo network back to wherever they needed to be. The floo flame now bathed the room in a green hue as the Death Eaters made their exit, while the Dark Lord remained seated at the head of the table with his most faithful servant at his side.
On her knees, at his side, as he preferred. Y/N was his queen, yes, but he also still saw her as his inferior. This was commonplace at these meetings; Y/N on her knees at his side as the Dark Lord gave his orders, her head and arms draped across his lap, and a collar around her throat. The leash, of which, he kept a firm hold of. It was all a display of power and of status, complete ownership of another living soul. She had been the first one to bear the Dark Mark on her forearm, and with that, comes special treatment. Y/N was permitted the place as his right hand, able to give orders so long that they do not undermine his own. She was also given the privilege of warming his bed and knowing just enough of his plans and secrets to make her feel special and more complicit in his plots. Little pieces, crumbs of information to make her feel like she was his most trusted confidant.
As the last of the Death Eaters disappeared into the emerald flames, the Dark Lord pulled Y/N to her feet by the leash he always kept a tight hold on. Now that they were alone, he was free to slip on his other mask: the mask of the lover. Now, he was simply Tom.
"Come now, my dear, let us retreat to my chambers for the night. You look exhausted, and I don't say I blame you. Listening to that lot blabbering on about their imbecilic ideas exhausts me as well, at times."
"Of course, my Lord."
Y/N knew exactly what he was implying, as it had become a nightly occurrence. Tom would want to be pleasured by her and, to his credit, he would pay the favor back in kind. He opened the door to his chambers, which were always kept spotless and neat. The emerald blankets that adorned his bed were crisply tucked in and smooth, and there was scarcely a drop of wax on the nightstands on either side from the lit candlesticks. But Tom took a seat on the side of the bed regardless, though Y/N swore she saw his eye twitch as he saw the sheets crease underneath the weight of him. He gave a sharp tug of the leash, pulling her closer to him, and almost making her stumble.
He did not have to tell her twice. She had learned the heard way that it was unwise to make him tell her twice. Y/N dropped to her knees in front of him, patiently awaiting orders. This was what life was like for her now, and she was perfectly happy with it. When it came down to it, she was still Tom's queen, and truly the one that he respected most. The thought gave her warmth as he thoroughly debased and degraded her every night after the business of the day had been dealt with. All of his frustrations, his tension, his stress, it all went into her. His queen, his pet, his slave.
"You know what to do."
Tom said flatly, in the sardonic and authoritative tone that always coated his words. And as Tom ordered, Y/N did. Her hands moved to unbutton and unzip his trousers, pulling the fabric of that and his undergarments down only enough to free his member, which stood proudly at attention just as the rest of him did every day. That was the only degree to which Y/N was allowed to undress him; Tom had always preferred to do any undressing himself, if he even did at all. But something about witnessing how eagerly and desperately his queen wished to free his cock from its cloth prison aroused him, so he had kindly allowed her that privilege.
Y/N's tongue ran up the underside of his length and swirled around his tip before her lips wrapped around it and moved back and forth. Tom was an impatient man, and did not like to be teased or kept waiting. Soon enough, his hand was tangled in her hair, almost as if he was petting her, before grabbing a tight fistful of it and forcing himself further down her throat. This meeting had been particularly grating, and he needed a release now. He moved the head of his lover back and forth on his cock, reveling in the feeling of her hot, slimy throat clenching around him. Y/N would never get a single moan out of Tom; only heavy and labored breaths, if she was lucky.
Soon, he felt he was on the edge of his release, and his hips bucked a little to fuck the throat of his queen. His queen, no one else's. Y/N was his property, his object, and no one would be able to take her from him. Tom let out a long sigh as he spilled his seed down Y/N's throat, which he had sheathed himself fully into, and with her dutifully swallowing every drop. After it was finished, Tom released his hold on her hair and allowed her to pull back and breathe for a moment.
"Tonight is going to be a little different, my pet. Strip completely and lay down on the bed."
"Yes, my lord. How will tonight be different, though?"
"Do not question me, you shall see soon enough."
Tom commanded coldly, though his voice was laced with a sadistic hunger. Y/N conceded to her Lord and master with a nod, making quick work of her clothes as she let them stay in a pile on the floor. Tom pulled her by her leash to the bed, where she laid comfortably on her back, hands at her sides.
"Now, we are going to try something a little different. It will only bring you pain, no pleasure, so be forewarned. The only pleasure now will be had by me. I must please ask you not to squirm or scream, or else it will end badly for you. Understood, my pet?"
Y/N nodded as he tucked himself back into his trousers and made himself proper again. Tom was now completely dressed, and had stated that Y/N would be receiving no pleasure, so what did he plan to do? Every question running through her head was soon answered as he pulled a dagger from the drawer of his bedside cabinet, studying it carefully. His eyes, which still were even sharper than the dagger he held in his bony hand, darted to the chest of his lover, eyeing the flesh hungrily.
Leaning down, his eyes never leaving the spot above her right breast he had fixated on, he slowly dragged the blade across the soft skin, down her chest, leaving a trail of red in its wake. Y/N hissed in pain, but did not dare move out of position. The blade stopped in the middle of her chest, below her breasts, before mirroring the mark he made on her right side to her left. On complete impulse, Tom laid the bloodied dagger on the nightstand and ran his tongue across the mark he just made. He did not cut deep enough to cause major injury, though it would definitely leave a scar, from the way it was weeping blood. The Dark Lord relished the metallic taste of her essence, letting it rest on his tongue, and letting it drip down his throat. The taboo and unnatural act he was performing was almost euphoric, and it made him feel powerful, as if he was a dementor sucking the very soul out of her body. When Tom was satisfied and Y/N's bleeding had ceased, he sat back up and gazed hungrily down at the chest of his queen, at the work he had done.
Now, Y/N was perfect to him.
Cut across her chest, was the letter V. V for the new name he had chosen for himself. A V to mark his property, a scarlet letter emblazoned upon her body so that she may never forget who she serves. And if ever she does forget, Tom would make absolute certain to remind her.
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blazingstar29 · 1 year
Wall Paper
inspired from the tgm script/deleted scene where cyclone questions bob and phoenix about mav's teaching
The thing about Bob is most people would agree with his basic training officers declaration, he is human wallpaper. Almost invisible unless you’re looking right at him.
Cyclone was aware of this descriptor in Bob’s file when he was recalled, sans pilot, to Top Gun for the special detachment. He didn’t expect to see it face to face, though. When his eyes settle on the wizzo, face looking a little worse for wear, he sees no obstinate nature or defensive attitude. A perfectly maluable face in the crowd. No wonder the Navy snapped him up. 
His pilot however, diplomatic as she is, cannot hide the repulsion in her eyes when he questions her. Captain Mitchell is a hero in all their eyes, whether she feels she was pushed beyond natural abilities or not, the truth may never be known. Certainly not with a pilot as fiercely capable as herself. 
“Would you say his training left you no margin for error?” He asks Bob as placidly as possible. The wizzo shares a look with Phoenix, the woman sits up in bed, legs crossed, back as straight as a board. The report listed her bruises as a result of the harness catching on a rocky outcrop. Bob suffered similar injuries and a face full of dirt, causing the bruises to spread beneath his nose. 
“Don’t look at her, answer the question,” he snaps. “Would you say his training left you no margin for error?”
Bob’s gaze flicks back eerily. 
The thing about wall paper is that you can put it wherever you like on the wall. But if you make a mistake, it won’t budge. 
“I know what you want me to say. I’m not going to say it.”
There’s no sir’s, no ranks. The Lieutenant down right flirts with the line of disrespect and even if he weren’t so shocked, he wouldn’t have written him up. Secretly, he’s always wondered how such a subdued man survived the Navy treatment from superiors and peers alike. It’s not for the faint of heart, not that Bob seems to have one. But he has an answer. When the going gets tough, the tough get going. Robert Floyd is among the tough, even if he hides it behind a deceptively meek personality
“We did what the mission calls for,” Phoenix continues with absolute certainty. “Captain Mitchell is not responsible for what happened out there.” 
And Cyclone, he knows that. The training session was concluded by the time the bird strike occurred. But he put these aviators under the tutelage of Captain Mitchell whether his hand was forced or not. If anything happened to them he’d take it to the grave. 
Mitchell, too.
He leaves, after a curt comment about a speedy recovery. Outside the room, Warlock stands with his back leaning against the wall. 
“Cyclone,” he says in way of greeting as they start down the hall. 
“What?” He sighs, snappishly. 
“What did they say?”
He sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose tiredly. “Neither of them shift fault to Mitchell. Trace takes full, unfounded, responsibility for the ejection. Floyd was interesting, close to snarky.” 
“Wall paper Floyd?”
Cyclone suppresses the frown. The man’s file has a name for itself. “Yeah. Blatantly said ‘I know what you want me to say. I’m not going to say it.’” 
Warlock whistles softly. “Ballsy. Are you going to write him up?”
“No,” he says somewhat incredulously. “Don’t tell me you haven’t wondered how this kid won TOPGUN, survived basic, with a note on his file describing him as human wallpaper.” 
Warlock tips his head in a sly agreement. “I might have,” he concedes. “Except I was here when he was at TOPGUN and know exactly what he’s like.” 
“And what’s that?” 
He snorts softly. “Meaner than you think.” 
Warlock remembers the young Lieutenant’s time as a TOPGUN student. More accurately, he remembers the moment when he disagrees with his file for the first time. The actual details evade him, but from the mouth of the Human Wallpaper, a thick, angry southern accent came spewing. 
“You’re about as useful as tits on a bull.” 
“What’s that meant to mean, Floyd?”
“It means use your thick fucken’ head, for the love of everything holy you backwards door knocker.” 
Whilst the sentiment was lost on everyone on the flight line, Warlock can’t help that wry grin every time he thinks of that moment. 
“Lieutenant Floyd!” 
Bob’s shoulders drop, he’s just finished tugging a clean shirt on and wants nothing more than to take a mid day nap. Which won’t be happening because a particular Captain is beating down his door.
He opens it and lets Maverick have his moment of shock as Bob’s face. “Jesus.” 
“It’s not that bad.”
“You look like you took a baseball bat to the teeth.” 
“Can I help you, sir?” He asks tiredly. 
Maverick snorts, arching an eyebrow. “Oh so now you’re using, Sir?”
He falters, mouth parting slightly in shock. “Sir?”
“Can I come in?” Asks Maverick. Bob steps aside to let him into the tidy base dorm. Maverick perches on the edge of a sparse chipboard desk. “I heard about your chat with Cyclone.” 
Bob swallows and looks down, ashamed at his conduct. “I spoke out of turn–”
“You’re not in trouble,” Maverick cuts him off earnestly. His eyes snap to stare down Maverick from where he stands instinctively at attention. “I wanted to thank you for what you said. But also, you’ve made quite a stir.” 
He says it with a laugh but the anxiety stews in Bob’s gut. “I don’t understand.” 
Maverick’s smile drops. “You know what’s on your file.”
“Human wallpaper.” 
“That will never go away. But I think people are starting to see you, Robert Floyd.” 
Bob smiles. “I don’t mind being predictable.” 
Maverick returns a softer smile. “You remind me a lot of a friend, actually. Predictable, steady. But don’t be afraid to rock the boat every so often, men like you, people will follow.” 
If Bob reminds himself of Maverick’s words as the years drag on and there are times when his expertise is overlooked, his face forgotten, that’s his business 
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muthaz-rapapa · 1 year
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I am looking forward to reading the novels even more. Not only has a year passed since last ep but we are also learning now (in the anime) that sugar artistry is a male-dominated profession so there are very few (if none other than Anne and her mom) sugar craftswomen in between.
This makes it much more difficult for Anne cuz
1) she’s discriminated by her colleagues because of her sex (and probably her age, too)
2) she earned the approval of some very high authoritative figures in a short amount of time, making everyone very jealous of her and therefore…
3) she has no strong backer to protect her from sabotage (i.e. the harassment she received everywhere she went after the Philax incident and the withholding of information from her about the sugar apple harvest)
Pretty much every disadvantage is set against her.
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But she’s also very lucky that true artisans acknowledge her talent and aid her wherever they can. Kat won’t speak for her, he wants her to overcome obstacles on her own without relying on others (a tough love senpai) but he does bring her up to date on the details and takes her to where she needs to go.
While Keith, despite his loathing of the special treatment he gets for being the son of the former viscount, uses some of that influence he has to get her into the workshop and therefore, give her a chance at competing for the medal to become a Silver Sugar Master.
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Keith is a sympathetic character, too. His circumstances are different than Anne’s in that his connection to the former viscount barred him from participating in official events. However, that just makes him even more determined to prove that his skills have nothing to do with his father but they’re a product of his own hard work and training.
Him helping Anne did have an ulterior motive behind it but it is a respectable one that allows both to do their best to achieve their goals.
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Not to mention, despite his White Prince demeanor that could easily arouse suspicion of any nastiness he might be hiding underneath that smile, Keith seems to actually be a real decent human being unlike Jonas 😒
He respects Anne as a sugar artisan and person as well as her fairy friends. He’s a polite gentleman to her and a fair rival.
Even in the drama cd, he kinda “fought” with Shalle over who should take care of Anne when she became sick with a fever (he did not trust Shalle’s intentions of being alone in the same room with a vulnerable girl 😂).
So yea, I like Keith 😊
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