#thats not even the worse fumble
p1x1x · 11 months
rock posting
i stack Rock on Brick
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then my sibling placed these 2 rocks next to each other
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pointed, and said “sabinika”
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cinnabeat · 5 months
i fucking love isekai stories but unfortunately i have severe case of second hand embarrassment and also anxiety so im always constantly on edge like oh my god stop acting so weird theyre GONNA KNOW
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snickerdoodlles · 7 months
nimona fix-it that i'm not writing. may properly clean this up when i have more brain space
(tags originally from this post)
this has been sitting in my drafts for. months. as i tried to gather my thoughts beyond a big hearty Yeah.jpeg #honestly? what would've made the movie work a lot more for me? #is if during nimona's freak out over the kid being scared of her/calling herself a monster #ballister had turned to her and gone ''uh. aren't you?'' #because i think it wouldve helped them better tie several themes in the movie: first that nimona does not actually want to be destructive. #that's very much her lashing out in a ''you call me the monster? well ill BE your monster'' #but it comes from a place of emotional pain so directly facing with the consequences of it understandably sets her on a spiral #second is ballister's own spiral of going ''burn me? fine i burn YOU'' and parallel him hitting a similar spiral nimona had for contrast #third. i dont think ballister's prejudice should have been prompted externally. #the movie like. doesnt actually want to/doesnt trust itself to deal with its characters actually being prejudiced #which is why ballister's turning away from nimona had to be prompted by the director through his ex #to give him an easier rejection of it and reconciliation with nimona (to give ALL of them an easier rejection/reconciliation of their #prejudice with the exception of the director. who just dies.) #if ballister had called nimona a monster in that moment i think it wouldve helped illustrate a few things better: that societal prejudice is #ingrained deeper than most people realize. ballister would have fully accepted nimona as a monster but not recognized that he shouldnt be #thinking of her AS a monster in the first place. theres still something inside him that he needs to finish unpacking and heal. #i think it also would have shown better how people who are victims of prejudice can still perpetuate it. making it so that ballister had to #be externally manipulated to enact that against nimona undermines the message of harm by societal prejudice that the movie tried to send #also i just think switching up that betrayal wouldve made for a smoother sequence of events in movie. ballister calls out nimonas destruction #and reveals he still has ingrained prejudice. nimona runs and ballister can even still run into his ex again afterwards. and if they want #to keep nimona's backstory the ex revealing that to ballister could instead be how ballister realized how wrong he was in the first place #itd give context to realize the extent to which he hurt nimona with his thoughtlessness and work better to prompt him running out to #reconnect with her. and fix that 'change the narrative' line because as is its like???? kinda hanging in the breeze as is oof #ANWYAYS tl;dr--nimona falls apart for me because the movie wants to tackle heavy topics but doesnt want any of its characters to act out in #any truly problematic ways. so ALL the bad as to fall on one specific villain (whose so much of a prop she only gets a title and not a name) #that they can just kill at the end and absolve the entire town of their 'sin' (prejudice). its v much the christian theme of the#sacrificial goat+scapegoat actually. the director stops representing prejudice and is just there to give everything a clean resolution #it has a lot of the pieces but its too…timid to really dig into and address them. this prejudice isnt the only one but my tags are SO LONg #nimona
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ninjagotohell · 3 days
I just read a whole wacky thread of people arguing which parent was bad Garmadon or Misako and I’m no longer scared of the Misako defenders
#shoutout to the one person who was going on about how garmadon was bad for LETTING LLOYD GET DRAFTED??? HUH???#they had a whole bunch of essays about that and everyone just had to ignore it cuz wtf were they on about#their argument kind of just turned into Everyone Is Bad Cuz They Let Lloyd Be A Ninja#and like. sure? but that’s just (LIKE THEY LITERALLY SAID) bc of the writers not realizing the implications. so it’s irrelevant#cuz it applies to EVERYONE man so WHY ARE WE DISCUSSING THIS. also why point to GARMADON do u think he WANTED LLOYD TO BE THE GREEN NINJA#WAS THAT NOT LIKE. HIS ENTIRE GOAL. TO MAKE HIM NOT THE GREEN NINJA. applies to Misako too actually#my point is it was SO IRRELEVANT LOL#oh yeah but um the actual post. uh. yeah the ppl defending Misako were literally making stuff up and refusing to fact check#like listen I hella respect if you want to make ur little headcanons that justify her actions a bit more but you CANNOT be treating them as#fact like you literally made that up 😭#it wouldn’t be as bad if they weren’t also making stuff up to make Garmadon look WORSE. like wtf. they were straight up contradicting canon#to say that Garmadon didn’t care or whatever and never even tried to be there for Lloyd LIIIKE#honestly my biggest damning reason I don’t like Misako is honestly the fact that we meet her GIVING A TOUR. THAT IS NOT MORE IMPORTANT THAN#UR SON. like sure research prophecy or whatever SHE CLEARLY IS DONE WITH THAT AND IS JUST CHILLIN AT THE MUSEUM LIKE WHATTT#it’s like ‘oh she’s on break’ or ‘oh she’s just earning some money yknow ppl need that’ BUT LIKE. UR TELLING ME SHE HAS FREE TIME OUTSIDE OF#RESEARCH AND SHE CANT SPEND EVEN A MINUTE TO REACH OUT TO HER SON????#a lot of the arguments I saw acted like she couldn’t spare a single moment for Lloyd otherwise it gets in the way of her research when#CLEARLY SHE CAN. bro was CASUALLY STROLLING ALONG THE MUSEUM and just goes ‘oh hey abandoned son’ LIKEEE#Misako could’ve been a better character if the writers like. thought about things a LITTLE MORE. and gave her some depth.#and YOU CAN HEADCANON AS MUCH DEPTH AS YOU WANT ONTO HER. THATS COOL. BUT ITS NOT REAL.#I just think Misako defenders should be less ‘free my girl she did none of that’ and more ‘free my girl she did all that but the writers#didn’t know what they were doing’#like Misako has great potential but they fumbled. rip.
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isabelguerra · 1 year
im gonna be honest the only thing keeping me from uploading wizard au fics out of order is because itd fuck with the character development as they grow from 2nd year -> 6th year but like. would people even care. is there a preference. do you have any interest in seeing how they got there or do you just Want To See It.
#because i HAVE it… most of it. i just dont have the establishing fics worked out#like i have the fics where they get lost in the forbidden forest due to a dumb dare and izjo fights awkwardly for half an hour#while avoiding their feelings#and i HAVE the yule fics where max stresses over the second task and isabel tries to evade everyone asking her and stephmitri and go out#and johnny falls flat on his face every time he tries to ask isabel and night-of u see all the pairings except them bc they’re#too emotionally dense to actually ask each other. even though they sneak away from the venue and hang out the whole night anyway before go#ing back and semi getting caught#and i HAVE the fic where izjo fumbles emotions AGAIN when they have their moment in the gryff commonroom by the fire after boggarts#which is arguably the emotional climax of the whole thing. or at least the penultimate#but thats ALLLLLL YEAR SIX. there are MANY YEARS BEFORE THAT#second year isabel has to sneak eightfold out of the castle library and johnny blackmails her into letting him go with#which is where everything starts. it kicks off bc johnny catches feelings after spending time hanging out and getting to know and#semibefriending/ doing more than mutually antagonizing w isabel. and then living like that for the next 4 years.#isabel is worse w feelings and doesnt catch/realize shes caught them back until 5thish year. so there IS a whole leadup. but theres so much#SHRUG!!!! idk.#wizard au#the au itself is so worked out in my brain but the fics haunt me. its all abt structure and i have no idea how id want to structure it
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zaxal · 10 months
'you don't dance' is ruining my life
either 1) crowley asked him and aziraphale went 'of course i dont dance, im an angel' then learned to dance when he and crowley werent talking or 2) crowley made an assumption abt aziraphale while aziraphale has been wanting to be asked for centuries
bc thats what they DO, thats how their relationship works, crowley offers something, aziraphale pulls back, crowley offers again in slightly less polarizing terms, aziraphale accepts
except aziraphale is finally to the point that hes ready to start asking, to start taking the lead, and hes being so bold about it. the existence we carved out for ourselves. our car. the bookshop that's only technically mine, we both get plenty of use out of it. while we dance.
hes just not saying The Words bc The Words are hard. their entire relationship has been this familiar push and pull, things left unsaid and assumptions made, for better or worse. also crowley has, historically, been hostile to the words aziraphale uses for him
bc theyre not the right ones. crowley doesnt want to be told that hes nice and kind in general terms. crowley doesnt want the plausible deniability even when it's something they still need to hide behind. he wants something personal, something intimate, for it to mean something
crowley, the one who fumbles and stammers and makes inarticulate noises, mx ngk, is the one who needs a solid foundation laid for him
while aziraphale who worships books is willing to live in ambiguity, to leave the things unsaid, bc words can be false, but theyll know the truth
theyre just so narrowly missing each other and by the time both of them find it in them to say The Words, it's too late. there are no less polarizing terms that can be accepted for either of them, so when they pull away, it feels like they cant come back
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starry-bi-sky · 5 months
honestly your dpxdc clone au gives me life, its adorable as all hell and im a sucker for found family but with that being said, its so freaking hysterical to me that Danny is going full feral liminal menace at Wes any time hes near and Wes himself is still 100% into it the freak (affectionate) and thats not even pointing out the paralles it could possible create since danny and dames gives massive parallels to dick and damian and dick does have a thing for redheads.
yeesSSSSS! I was planning on hoarding this to myself but i can't not reply. and i'll be able to find this again with the clone^2 tag so win WIN. i'm so glad you are as delighted by this as me. It's so hilarious to me that Danny just becomes a complete freak whenever he spots Wes, and I'm the one who wrote it into existence. Like- like i don't know how to explain my vision in words but like, its like Danny sees Wes and immediately goes 'what can I do to make his day worse'. And then he goes and does it.
(honorary read more because i talk a lot)
He's relatively normal around his friends too, which makes him going full-fledged unhinged around Wes even funnier to me. Like, Danny will spout weird shit sometimes to Sam and Tucker, but usually its prefaced with him talking about patrol or there would be context before he said anything. With Wes? Though?? he will just. say anything, completely unprompted. Slings an arm around his shoulder like they've been buddies since primary school and then spits out a weird new fun fact he learned about the bodily anatomy while researching his latest cold case. All vaguely-threatening but utterly insane things to say as way to start a conversation.
And sometimes its not even that, he'll walk up to Wes and ask him if he saw the latest daytime fight between Phantom and Skulker. And then he'll say "yeah i missed it myself but I saw clips of it being posted online" and then watch Wes mentally explode him with his mind. or he'll disparage Phantom for having such a young partner with him, "Can you believe he'd let a kid fight ghosts with him? I'd never let my brother ghosthunt with me if I was Phantom."
All of this with such a deceptive look on his face but the most delighted, shit-eating gleam in his eyes. Wes is chewing glass and he wants to yell that he does let his brother fight ghosts with him. Also you told him yourself that nothing would've stopped your demonic (Wes' words) little brother from joining you.
Damian gets in on the fuckery occasionally, but since he's not around often with Wes about, it doesn't happen nearly as often as it does between Wes and Danny. Sam and Tucker know he's screwing with him too, and both of them are a little wary about him being careless with his secret id. But he's been doing this since he was 14-ish and it hasn't backfired yet. So. They're not actively stopping him.
Danny walks back to his lunch table after terrorizing Wes and Tucker just asks him what he said, because Wes was about as red as a tomato when he walked away. Danny offhandedly sighs and innocently says he tried to have a conversation about Phantom with him. Wes didn't seem to like it all that much. Weird.
And yes, yes. Wes is totally into it and is slightly enraged about this fact, because not even he knows why he's into it. The freak (affectionate). Danny gives him this troublemaker smirk, and i did say smirk, and Wes doesn't know whether or not if he wants to smack him or kiss him. Or both. Like, yeah, pine, white boy, pine.
(And this is a dramatized image but I'm also highly entertained by the idea that Wes keeps getting routine dirty looks from various peers because they, too, have a crush on Fenton. Except Fenton doesn't talk to anyone else unless its his friends and sometimes Valerie, and Weston, the guy who keeps accusing him of being the local vigilante, is somehow routinely having conversations with him?? And BLOWING IT?? Like everyone else thinks he's fumbling so bad, and yet fenton keeps tALKING to him.)
And yes!! i'm always so pleased whenever someone brings up the parallels D+D have to Dick and Damian, because that was lowkey my intention when I was making the solo clone damian au. Although it was supposed to be more implied since I don't really know much about Damian and Dick other than they're very close and Dick was Damian's Batman for a year. And then of course the very smaller parallel (??) 'what if' between Bruce and Damian and D+D in clone^2 considering who they are both clones of.
And man this just makes me want to talk about when batfam meet D+D because I just want them to see D+D be so brotherly towards each other. Like I want them to see Bby Dames wearing his goofy fun fact shirts and stealing Danny's hoodies/flannels/etc and blatantly lying about it when Danny asks. Only for Danny to then throw him over his shoulder like Tadashi from BH3 and jump around.
And also. I do not know what Damian Wayne's (DW as I'll call him) stance on being called "Dami" is - the general consensus I've seen is that its usually used as a playful nickname in order to get a rise out of him, and he doesn't really like it.
But baby Dames being called that freely, and often, and its sometimes used to get a rise out of him but thats typically what nicknames do. Its used as easily as his full name is with the same amount of affection. And its like his main go-to nickname. "Dami" and "Dames" with the occasional "Bud/Buddy", "Squirt", "Little man", etc. Not once is he ever called 'demon-spawn'
(which i know is a fanon nickname but its a relatively popular nickname)
but yeah, uhhh. i think thats all of my thoughts on the matter. for now lmAO
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cherrythepuppet · 9 months
corpse Puppet [Part 4]
AU belongs to @sketchquill [Probably fed up with me at this point lol but this fanfic is gonna be 15 or 14 chapters long]
"Right. Oh, right!" (Y/n) said as they grabbed a candle With this. This-..." they paused once more as they tried to remember "Hand" Pastor Kermit said"Right With this hand l-..With-" (Y/n) contiued as they took four steps foward
"Three steps, three!" Pastor Kermit yelled"Can you not count? Do you not wish to be married, (Y/n) (L/n)!?" He yelled "No! No!" (Y/n) said before realizing what it sounded like "You do not?" Howdy asked seemingly hurt a bit"No! l meant, no, l do not not wish to be married That is, l want very much to-"
(Y/n) was cut off by pastor Kermit yelling at them again "Pay attention! Have you even remembered to bring the ring?" he asked as (Y/n) searched their pockets "The ring? Yes. Of course!" They said (Y/n) fumbled with he ring for a moment before accidentally dropping it "Dropping the ring!" Pastor Kermit yelled "Oh, no! They dropped the ring!" Mother yelled
"This girl doesn't want to get married!" Pastor Kermit yelled "How disgraceful!" Lord piller yelled (Y/n) chased after the ring but knocked over a candle and accidentally set Lady piller's dress on fire causing everyone to panic"woman on fire! Help! Emergency!" Father yelled "Oh, l hope it doesn't stain" Mother yelled as she began fanning the fire thinking it would put it out
"Stop fanning it, you fool!" Lady piller yelled "Get a bucket, get a bucket!" Lord piller yelled then julie dumped a cup of wine onto Lady piller's dress "Enough! This wedding cannot take place until They are properly prepared!" Pastor Kermit yelled as he approached (Y/n)
"Young One, learn your vows" He said as he pointed a finger at (Y/n) making them almost have an Anxiety attack causing them to run out of building "Well They're quite the catch, aren't They?" Julie said sarcastically(Y/n) was walking around the streets as they stopped when and leaned over a stone bridge "Oh, Howdy...He must think l'm such a fool" They mumbled
 "This day couldn't get any worse" (Y/n) said just then they heard the town crier "Hear ye, hear ye! Rehearsal in ruins as (L/n) Child causes chaos! Fishy fianc could be canned! Pillers all fired up as (L/n) disaster ruins rehearsal!" (Y/n) sighed "Hey cheer up!" Eddie exclaimed as he walked up to (Y/n) "lt really shouldn't be all that difficult! lt's just a few simple vows" They groaned
"Y'know it's not that bad" Eddie said "How so? Because I set his mother on fire!" (Y/n) mumbled "Ooh- yeah that's way worst then what happened at my wedding rehearsal" Eddie chuckled "You got married?" (Y/n) asked "Yes I did" Eddie said with a smile, looking down at his ring and thinking about his love. "His name was Frank and he was such a bookworm.""A bookworm? How did you two meet?" (Y/N) asked, seeming to have forgotten about the problem before
"Well I had actually crashed into him while delivering some mail, I had apologized so many times and then we talked more and became friends" Eddie replied, the fond memory of their first meeting bringing a smile to his face"Your first meeting went better then mine at least" (Y/n) mumbled then sighed "Could I meet your husband? He sounds lovely" (Y/n) asked which made Eddie frown slightly
"I'm afraid you can't as that is rather impossible" he chuckled "How so?" (Y/n) asked "He died fifteen years ago" Eddie mumbled "Oh...Oh! Eddie I'm so sorry! I didn't know and-"he cut (Y/n) off "Please don't apologize! Like you said You didn't know" Eddie saidThen you both heard a loud ringing "Oh goodness! Look at the time! I am sorry (Y/n) but I need to finish delivering the mail! I hope everything works out for you" eddie told them before rushing off
(Y/n) now alone at the bridge sighed and decided to venture out into the woods as well as trying to remember their vows
"With this hand, l will take your wine-...No Thats not right at all" They mumbled "With this hand l will cup your- Oh, goodness, no!" (Y/n) groaned "With this...With this...With this candle, l will-...l will...l will set your mother on fire" (Y/n) sighed as they sat on an old log next to a large oak tree with an old axe in it
"Oh, it's no use..." They mumbled "Perhaps I'm just not cut out for this...I never even wanted to be married to anyone! The only one I did love left me for some other women" (Y/n) said "I can't even remember his name..." they muttered as they stood up now going to attempt the vows once more
"With...this hand l will lift your sorrows Your cup will never empty, for l will be your wine!""With this candle, l will light your way in darkness. With this ring...l ask you to be mine!" (Y/n) exclaimed as they put the ring on a stick that looked like a hand
(Y/n) smiled in accomplishment proud that they remembered theit vows but then they noticed the thousands of crows watching her and the eerie silence "Yeah this isn't creepy at all..." (Y/n) mumbled as they looked around when suddenly a plush hand grabbed onto their hair "What the-?! OW!" They yelled
They pulled the plush hand off their hair and threw it onto the ground The silence scared them as they heard sounds if something breaking, (Y/n) looked towards the oak tree and saw the ground shaking and beginning to break open....
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buzzyboi79 · 2 years
Kinktober-2022-October 7th
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Aged up!Pro hero!Husband!Bakugou x reader- “A Phone and His Fist”
Warnings: Pretty vanilla tbh and starts out a lil fluffy, use of whore and slut, phone sex, mutual masturbation, Katsuki doesn't realize how badly his body misses you cause hes a fucking simp.
a/n: Like half an hour late but it was a long week my bad- Hope you enjoy and likes and comments and especially reblogs are always always appreciated, along with constructive criticism! (Also, I redyed my hair which is a slay 🤭)
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Of course Bakugou had to be on a mission right now. He was cramped in the small hotel room that reeked of weed and dirt. Not that he hadn't stayed somewhere worse before, but it still wasn't ideal, and it left him missing you. Honestly, even if he were in the desert sleeping on a cactus; if he had you in his arms, he could and (would sleep) like a baby.
The worst part? It certainly didn't help that the mission had him stressed the fuck out. It was dragging on forver and the estimated three days it was going to take had quickly turned into a week and a half. He was practically desperate for you at this point.
When he was stressed normally, he could come home and have a sweet wife to kiss his cheek in welcome home, make him dinner, and suck his dick. But given the fact you were more than a thousand miles away, that wasn't an option.
He rolls over on the lumpy mattress to look at the small black alarm clock that rested on the nightstand. The blaring red lights screamed “3:25 AM” iin bright red symbols that made him squint in the darkness. Fuck. You would be sleeping. At this point though, even if he was sent to voicemail he’d be happy just to hear your voice on the grainy recording.
Reaching over he grabbed his phone and after fumbling with the bright light emitted from it he made his way to your contact and hit the call button for, “Angel <3”.
Katsuki rubbed his face of drowsiness as he held the phone up to his ear and let it ring. The tone played five times and he was almost positive it was going to go to voicemail. He sighed and just as he was anticipating the voicemail message there was a click, and then it was your voice playing through his speaker.
“Hello?” Immediately his body relaxed at the sound and he sighed again before responding.
“Hey, Princess. Did I wake you?” He knew the answer as well as you did but even still, just hearing from him this late had you sit up straight in your bed, sobered awake.
“That doesn’t matter! Are you okay, Katsu?” You held the phone in both of your hands prepared for the worst when you hear light laughing from the other end whic makes your face turn down into a small pout, one Katsuki can just picture. It was the same one everytime, whether he took the last bite of your food, or “put the blanket in for a was” so he could be your blanket. He knew he could be lovingly insufferable at times, but neither of you would have it any other way.
“Yeah sweetheart, calm down. Your man’s ‘s just fine. Just miss you is all.” He sits up as well, his stomach starting to migrate from relief to something more needy. “I wish you were here, this shits fucking annoying as hell.”
Oh- so thats what this was about. Not only did he miss you and your voice, but he missed the feel of you too, and not exactly the cuddly kind. Your husband was horny. At three fucking thirty in the morning.
You knew how he was, you married the man for a reason, although it wasn't the only one. When he was stressed he wanted nothing more than to sink balls deep into your cunt and worship you properly. So he was making do with what he had.
Which was a phone, his fist, and your sweet self willing to help him in any way.
You smirk to yourself before speaking low and slowly. “Is… there anything I can do to help, Katsuki?”
He knew what you were doing, and damn, you were doing it well. Just the sound of his first name coming out of your mouth had him biting his lip harshly.
“You wanna help, sweet thing?” You nod before you realize he can't see you and you speak up.
“Yes, yes please.”
Hes quick to respond, already pulling off his pants. “Take off your shirt and panties, I want you naked and I know you didn't bother to put on sleep shorts before you went to bed.” He said it in a way where you felt like you were almost being scolded so you put the phone on speaker, ste it down next to you, and complied immediately.
“Done. What next, Katsu?”
“Good girl.” He had a slow pace set on his cock already before you hear a spitting noise from your phone. He had lubed up his dick in order to be able to glide more smoothly while he enjoyed himself, enjoyed you, what little he could. “Play with your tits baby, like what I would do.”
You set to work. Sliding your hands down your body to twist and pinch at your nipples while you listen to Katsuki’s soft huffs from the phone. The pink you give yourself in response is more harsh than you had intended causing yourself to let out a yelp that melted into a whine.
Quick as always, Katsuki jumped on it. “Fuck yeah, Y/n. Let me hear you.”
At his enouragement you let the noises tumble out of you, your hands in sync with soft squelches of his hands giving you more pleasure than you thought it would.
Slowly your arm starts to fall down to your cunt and you automatically start rubbing circles into your clit.
“Princess,” he said in a warning tone, “You better not have moved on without my say so.” Your face flushes red knowing you were caught, even if you can't see each other.
“N-no-” Your movements hadnt stopped, causing your words to be broken as Katsuki made clicking noises with his tongue.
“Such a fucking whore for me, arent you? My little whore?”
“Mhm-” You nod quickly in regular practice as he laughs meanly.
“Go ahead then, since you want to be such a slut. Go faster.”
His hand started to go faster as well as the hunk of a man let out a groan when he heard your fingers move faster in order to quench the feeling in your stomach.
“Atta girl. Stretch yourself out f’me.” Your breath came out in pants as you worked yourself closer and closer to your high.
Meanwhile, he was close too. He was now starting to realize just how long it had been and how worked up he was, and he could have came at the sound of the moan you let out when your fingers played your sweet spot just right. He was impatient, but he’d wait for you.
“I’m close- im s-so close, Katsuki. Please, please can I?”
Leaning over in the trashy furniture that could hardly be called a bed he moved his hand faster, ignoring the ache for the sake of his own pleasure. “Cum with me, sweetheart.”
With his approval the coil that had been tightening for the last 15-20 minutes snapped and sent your mind spinning. Katsukis thumb rubbed his tip before biting his lip hard enough to bruise and sending ropes of his cum shooting into his hands. The groan you let out was nothing less than sinful and his matched perfectly.
As you both catch your breath and you realixe the mess you made of your sheets you start to giggle a bit causing you husbands eyes to snap open. “Oi, what the hells that about?”
“Nothin’. I had just thought about doing something similar to this before, and I should have suggested it sooner is all.”
“Yeah you fuckin should have.” He was winded and not putting up much argument after his orgasm left him practically melting.
You two cleaned yourselves up and talked for half an hour before laying down to sleep for real this time. “I love you so fucking much Angel, y‘treat me so well ya know?”
You smile at his sleepiness, “You do the same, Katsu, don’t worry.”
“Hell yeah I fuckin do.” He muttered into his pillow more than anything before finally succumbing to sleep and you were quick to follow.
Both of you had been satisfied for the night, but you knew that as soon as his mission was over he’d come running home and remind you just how much he missed you.
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im-not-buying-it-ether · 11 months
How to Marvelously piss off a Bat: A Guide by Billy Batson, Pt 1
Bruce: Hint at anything and everything prophetic, alternate futures or timelines where something goes horribly wrong. The sheer amount of stress will piss him off, weather its true or not.
Billy: Well, this could be worse…
Batman: Superman is flinging himself into buildings high on fear gas, how does this get any worse chum?
Billy: Well hes not murdering his wife or lasering my eyes out right now so we’re definitely in the better timeline
Bruce: he’s not What now
Dick: Midair super-speed pokes. The slightest jab at the side, ankle, or even knuckle mid leap or drive freaks him out and leaves him fumbling a lot.
Nightwing, happily summersaulting off buildings preparing to grapple to another mid flip: It’s a bird, its a plane, its the Lord Gray-
Captain Marvel, gaining righteous revenge for his bowl of marshmallow only lucky charms: (Pokes the back of his right knee) bop
Nightwing, now clutching his right knee 57 stories up: so-IIIIIEEEEEE
Jason: Stick a plunger on that crome dome of a helmet, bonus anger points if its during a meeting or in front of people he’s trying to intimidate
The Red Hood, scourge of Gothams criminal underworld, in a meeting with his lieutenants: Next thing on our agenda-
The Red Hood, now with 3 plungers stuck to his helmet: We- what the hell
The Hoodlum from the warehouse rafters: THATS WHAT YOU GET FOR SELLING ME OUT TO BATMAN JERK FACE!!!
Hood, taking a plunger off and pointing it at Hoodlum: I KNOW 17 WAYS TO KILL YOU WITH THIS THING YOU LITTLE SHIT, SO YOU’VE GOT 17 SECONDS TO RUN!!
Tim: Mutter something sounding like a vague hex within his proximity, he’ll think you cursed him if he knows you’re petty enough. Basically a magical non-magical psych out
Tim, very tired: I am not helping you beat Damians score on Cheese Viking Billy, that goblin will know you cheated and then its my head on the same stick as yours.
Billy, muttering under his breath while walking away: oi karpoí tou kópou sou na xekinísoun sto stóma sou (may the fruits of your labor sour in your mouth)
Tim, understanding the Greek and that billy has ties to Greek gods and magic: *panik*
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mrstsung · 6 months
DEADASS old man shang tsung should be loved more
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Like mk legends shang tsung specifically is absolutely delicious.
(Minus some things like not really showing his treachery to shao kahn. Like it's playing a bit too safe in the cunning department. And honestly makes it look like he's a sinp for shao kahn when he fucking wasn't and hated his guts and would happily stab shao in the back 1000 times over if you ask him and given him the opportunity to. And not to mention it's so convenient around plot. And i hate that. Because honestly holy shit this shang had potential. He had the presence,the aura,but never really shown to fight. And it sucks. Because shang is supposed to be a beast in kombat. He was a fucking boss after all. Like gdi nrs. Why you gotta fumble this guy so hard?! Like the writing is right there!)
Anyways. Old man shang. Let's get back to that.
The reason why i feel old man shang or at least how shang tsung IS SUPPOSED TO BE.
This mofo is cursed. To age. Less he takes the lifeforce/souls of others Because he decided to say "fuck you elder gods! Imma take your ritual healing dark magics and apply it to kombat. Imma take this shit and make it my own!" DEADASS a Dracula energy/soul vampire. Like this man despite everything,still could whoop your ass because he is fucking 500yrs old! From old dynasty china. In earthrealm. Yeah.
This man used to be a warrior from earthrealm,got into beef with raiden,and said fuck you im switching sides as soon as he caught whiff of an opportunity to(at least in his mind at the time) be treated "better" (which he really wasn't as better off,maybe even worse,but he had some power and some better standing tho at a cost)
Like you could take shang tsung in many ways. But all in all he doesn't need to be twirly mustache to be evil. Nor does he need to be good or "SOME GODS PLAYTHING!" to be righteous or do honorable things.
Legitimately mofo shang tsung as an old man should be written as a person who comes off as uncannily and eerily calm,a air of danger but you can't really run away nor want to. You're too damn curious even tho you're screaming inside to run. He needs that true fucking snake vibe.
Very few people have written and portrayed this successfully. And tagawa pioneered that well vibe for villains imho. (Tho the man was unfortunately typecasted by Hollywood this man by god set the bar high. He did it so damn well. He put his whole heart into this. And honestly out of all his roles,this was the most notorious of his roles. Tho i hope this man gets more leisure roles and happier roles in the future. And eventually has a safe,and peaceful retirement. He deserves it. Fr. Thank you Mr. Tagawa seriously. <3 )
Artt butler did a fantastic job with shang tsung,tho given a better script it would be better.
Same with alan lee. I feel his would have made me like it more if fans and story weren't shit.
But all in all shang tsung being rejuvenated and young is nice. And should be shown especially since he is cursed. But his default,unpopular opinion here but. His old man form should be his default look. If not old man old man,then a but of salt n pepper at bare minimum.
Honestly,shang i prefer at his old man look because thats what i well grew up on. And that's kinda how i see him. 🤷‍♀️ *shrug*
Like guy is a flashier more fancy pai mei from Tarantino's kill bill to me. Maybe slightly bit more nicer and considerate but not by much. Lol.
I could go on and on about old man shang tsung specifically. But I'll leave this at.
Honestly we just need to bring him back. We need to bring back shang tsung with that vibe. We need to not make him conveniently made for plot. No give me the shang tsung that i fucking knew.
That bastard needs to make a comeback. And mk11 can't be the only game that he does it in.
And mk legends can't be the only media outside the games that does it either.
Anyways,old man shang. I love this foxy grandpa.
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underratedandoverit · 8 months
Talk So Sweet
1,1k words chuck taylor/kip sabian
set in 2019 after aew dark episode 10 where chuck did commentary and we had a match between kip and kenny omega
like listen chuck cant just casually call kip "a cutie" and not leave me with brain worms, like thats fucking illegal lmao
no warnings for this, kip just says fuck once cause it was too funny. its just very fluffy and fun otherwise ~
@midnightpretenders0 @stormbornpirate @ss-trashboat
on ao3
He wasn’t really thinking of anything, let alone the consequences, as Kip stomped through the hallways backstage, phone in one hand and the other balled into a fist tight enough to make it hurt. His eyes scanned the name labels on the locker rooms he passed by, trying to locate the very specific one that had put him in this mood that he wasn’t quite able to pinpoint down to what it was though.
Kip could have said he was angry, humiliated, maybe even betrayed? He could have used all of those words, but at the same time none of them felt exactly correct, which was honestly making him feel even worse. So much so in fact, that he had to do something about the situation at hand.
He finally stopped in front of a locker room door, huffing and puffing a little as Kip steadied his breathing, giving the door a firm knock before he could think about it further, before the regret of him getting this far could potentially settle in. He could hear a familiar voice calling from the other side of the closed door, Kip almost flinging the door open with his free hand as soon as he registered that the man he was looking for was on the other side of it.
“Chuck Taylor what the fuck did you say about me?!”
Kip didn’t even think about the possibility of someone else being in the locker room until he was inside of it, eyes locking onto the man he had come out to seek as soon as Chuck registered in his view, sitting on the couch as his eyes widened as Kip’s suddenly raised voice. Much to Kip’s relief though the room was empty apart from Chuck, by some small miracle his friends had decided to head out moments before Kip burst in.
“I-I didn’t say anything?” Chuck looked at him confused, hands raised up slightly in a defensive manner, wide eyes staring back at Kip as the Brit marched up to him, stopping to stand in front of the couch. “I don’t know what you’re talking about?”
Chuck watched as Kip snorted loudly at him before lifting up his phone, fumbling around with it for a second before he turned the screen back towards him. Chuck’s brows furrowed a bit, him trying to make sense of the video on screen, it looking like any old match he had seen on Dark in the past couple of weeks, except this one seemed to include Kenny Omega alongside Kip himself.
“This! What the fuck did you say during this match!”
It slowly dawned on Chuck what Kip was talking about, watching the Brit’s thumb click down the volume button of his phone, Chuck’s own voice reaching his ears through the phone’s speaker.
“I’ll tell you this… This Kip Sabian’s a cutie but he seems like a turd of a person.”
“Is it the bad tattoos or just the bad attitude?” Excalibur’s voice clearly cut in, Chuck on the video letting out a quiet, nervous chuckle. “It’s a little bit of both. I don’t like his accent.”
Kip pulled the phone back to himself before Chuck could say anything, clearly huffing again in disbelief. Chuck fiddled with his hands, clearly uncomfortable, suddenly avoiding eye contact with the other man.
“I’m… Sorry I don’t like your accent.”
Kip inhaled deeply, from the corner of his eye Chuck seeing his hand almost shaking with how hard he was squeezing the phone in it. Wrong answer, he would assume.
“No, what you said before that!”
“…I’m sorry you have a shitty personality?”
Kip bit his lip, wiping a hand over his face in clear frustration. Chuck blinked at him blankly a few times, trying to process what was happening.
“No, before that! The part where you called me cute!”
It took a moment for both of them to register what Kip was talking about; for Chuck to realize that he had actually said all that out loud and Kip to finally figure out it had been Chuck to actually say such a thing. Chuck could see a faint color of red climb up to Kip’s cheeks, the Brit all of a sudden too shy to look him in the eye as he turned away, finding the rest of the locker room much more interesting than him.
“Th-that part,” Kip mumbled, quickly stuffing the phone into the pocket of his jeans, still refusing to look back at Chuck, who slowly blossomed into a little smile as he stood up from the couch, getting face to face with Kip on the same level finally.
“The cute part?” Chuck confirmed with him, watching as Kip nodded, still not looking directly at him. Chuck could feel the heat coming off his face as he reached a hand towards it, slowly turning Kip to look back at him, the Brit’s eyes slowly widening as he spotted Chuck just smiling at him. “Yeah… Yeah, I meant that. I think you’re a cutie.”
Kip opened his mouth to respond, only to close it right afterwards, every single word he had planned on saying to Chuck’s face completely disappearing from his mind. Kip had gotten so heated up hearing Chuck talk about him on commentary that it hadn’t really fully settled in what he had actually said until this very moment, that every plan Kip had come around here with was fleeing his mind at the speed of sound, leaving him nothing but a red hot face and a heartbeat slamming against his brain between his ears.
“I’m sorry about your personality though,” Chuck chuckled at him, Kip still coming short in the response department. Chuck took this as a good sign though, as at least Kip wasn’t actively yelling at him anymore. “And I do like your accent. It makes you even cuter.”
“S-shut up.” Kip tried to look away again, the hold Chuck having of his face keeping him steadily in place though. Chuck smiled at him, shaking his head a little. “How about you shut up for a change?”
Kip didn’t have time to respond to him as Chuck leaned closer, pressing his lips against Kip’s in a slow, soft kiss, putting a clear, true meaning behind all the things Chuck had just told him. If Kip didn’t already have his mind empty from all the retorts he could get back at him with, he was surely out of words now, only being able to slowly respond back to the kiss as he could feel Chuck gently pulling him closer by his chin.
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narwhalandchill · 1 month
Honestly. thinking back on it (am mega late yes) even though i like. ultimately enjoyed going thru fontaine AQ as an experience in terms of its emotional core and payoff with characters like navia neuvillette n furina having very strong writing and characterization i do think the overall AQ lore and worldbuilding is probably the messiest in the entire game and feels like all of its opportunities and potential was underutilized the most and thats just. Unfortunate
like yes its inazuma thats the most infamous for how shitty and rushed its execution was (and rightly so) and yes it Also had its share of issues with nothingburgers like the whole statue thing going nowhere or how shoddily constructed the entire it-was-all-the-fatui deal was
but i still think it has a stronger ground to stand on like. all aspects of the story if just slightly differently written and centered around better in-lore reasoning and logic. Are internally consistent with the world ya know. and would have produced a good story. like it could be fixed easily. no need for me to go Full Rewrite here but like just to make a point:
a shut-in deity paranoid and trauma-stricken is ignorant to her peoples wishes and enacts an eternal rule that stifles their hopes and dreams. discontentment in the nation (NOT just the vision holders it shouldve been ALL inazumans divided on this i s2g) has been on the rise but only outside forces stoking the flames push it into overdrive as they seek to exploit the unrest to get the gnosis. couldve brought the whole "peoples faith powers the archon" if they wanted to pop off bc then the fatui by sparking the civil war are Directly weakening eis power like Thats solid! less ei was innocent and only the fatui led to the bad stuff more. ei is flawed makes shit choices and leaves an opening for their operations etc etc etc.
foreshadow signoras past and distrust of the gods in like a tense encounter or two early on (ritou maybe?) where she hints at a deeper reason behind her actions. no need to trauma dump just have her like idk mock us for seeking the archons for "help" in finding our sibling slash truth of the world and coincidentally use wording that directly alludes to what we already heard from dainsleif earlier abt the cataclysm and archons sus so its like an Oh Shit. she can namedrop or allude to venti to imply its personal or sth to further recontextualize her actions in mondstadt as well.
and so on. like then fixing the rebellion (ppl join for other reasons than just the VHD so its a more common cause etc maybe some ppl dont care abt the decrees as much but the drafting of civilians into the ever expanding war effort goes too far) and stuff like that. inazuma had the ingredients for a consistent good story they just fumbled it completely
whereas fontaine tells like. a much stronger and more hype emotional core journey for its focal points as u go thru them but also it just. Genuinely falls apart if you poke at the setting and world for a bit too long its really just swiss cheese and that sucks
like as much as i Do love the narwhal in a very normal and sane way i still think story wise it absolutely goes into the signora tier of mishandled AQ boss fights except Even worse than hers bc. signora Fits inazuma even if she was handled poorly. but with the narwhal (and by extension childes entire presence as happy as i was to see him at all) its just... kinda random? and got pretty much brushed aside even during the AQ like we get the opera hall cutscene and then theres a THIRTY MINUTE cutscene with focalors before the actual fight happens like way to just. eliminate any urgency from the situation bruh. and then at the end both the narwhal and childe kinda just got plot deviced into hyping up skirk and surtalogis name drop. which rly fucking sucks. 99.7% of fandom never reads the AQ fight boss drop to consider the narwhals a sentient thinking feeling entity and not just a dumb big pet bc skirk called it that etc.
childe in general i dont think im necessarily like. as negative on the way he was handled as some ppl are (tho the general sentiments are 100% shared) but its still very much like. a disappointment w his lack of presence and voiced lines and in terms of how a lot of the intrigue set up in the AQ Especially the oratrice judgement just got shrugged off all "who knows 🤷‍♀️" like Are You Serious. and also p much using him as a neuvi hype device like . I saw it i knew ppl were going to be insufferable abt it & was right
i also saw a comment talking abt how childe Being the purple guy inside the narwhal just corrupted or sth wouldve given him a more heightened presence during the boss fight and while im a hater of that concept for other reasons (mostly the. narwhal must have malicious designs for ajax thing) i cant disagree with that take in terms of the story aspect. like if the narwhal ate him when he fell back in (which i kinda? assume mustve happened lmao like where did he Go 😭😭) it Wouldve been a much greater moment for sth like that to be there.
But bc i personally dont like the Brainwashed Puppet Angle i think how id have done it is just. sure make the purple guy more reminiscent of ajax n his fight style maybe even FL . But. feature an actual fucking cutscene in the stomach of us realizing its Not Him. but instead its the Narwhal Emulating Him as a spectral summon thingy. bc it ate his dumb unconscious ass for safekeeping or w/e and is now copying his homework of "use a manifestation of the other as a combat technique" (v romantic btw. soulmates real). like DUDE we had childes earlier AQ appearance Actively Bring Up this EXACT thing! he uses a hydro construct mimicking the narwhal as a combat technique bc of how their encounter rewired his brain chemistry. and now the narwhal needs to improv a more humanoid angle to combat in its stomach after it ate us. so like pov ur the narwhal whats the closest point of reference to draw from at that moment?
Oh Right. the guy ur been fighting for 40+ days . Your guy (derogatory) 💀 like they have a telepathic link who knows if it could just straight up cross reference Our combat moves from the flashes its getting from childes memories of seeing us in action and utilizing that.
like it wouldve been so sick and still left the nature of their connection relatively open ended. like it ate him skirk would be separating them at the end and maybe comment on it a bit and his whereabouts during the entire thing wouldve been Way Less confusing. The knight dude being a mimic of ajax' battle technique would thematically connect to the golden house fight and his hydro whale technique and its just. the current electro dude is just so Huh. like its a good jumpscare and i love the OST obviously but it getting No Lore NOR cutscene sucks so bad
(And like if they wanted the combat design to be so that theres no cutscene interrupting the transition between being swallowed and entering the stomach phase just make it an AQ exclusive one. and if we cant have traveler talk and logistics of bringing paimon/neuvi to make the shocked observation of "is that.... him? no... its just an imitation???" or w/e . Just have us FLASH BACK to childes own fucking dialogue as the phantom him is summoned to face us where he mentions 1) traces of the narwhal on him and 2) the basis behind his hydro summon technique. so traveler can have a silent !!!!!! Realization that he got ate or whatever and now his narwhal is stealing his ideas jsjskdksirigkf)
Anyway i swear this wasnt just abt those two im so sorry . but like yeah its just a fucking shame and also the narwhal being just like . Means to an End in the prophecy feels kinda meh but like i dont have a solid idea on how that would even rly be fixed but yeah. underutilized my both beloveds
Back to fontaine general stuff tho i kinda do think that . hoyo almost missed the trees for the forest w it all if u will excuse the mid metaphor . like they told a very strong emotional story w neuvi and furina and navia But it came at the cost of a highly illogical lore and worldbuilding and its just An Issue if u dwell on it even a little bit and its rly a shame
like they were going for this justice theme of maybe AI justicebot is not The Way (TM) and people viewing court as a spectacle rather than a show of justice but then went never fucking where with it in terms of Maybe This Needs Changing . they made that entire champion duelists a thing despite it being So fucking stupid fundamentally like it just relies on nobody with enough raw power to just solo any duelist ever getting into the ring
(no credit for this tho this was a comment thread i ran into on leaks sub. there was also a point made abt how childe dueling and winning against clorinde when hes accused wouldve been such a great moment of like both showcasing clorindes role and linking to their earlier sparring and holding back thing and also that maybe the system sucks when this is possible and while i get the story needed him in jail so he can reunite w his narwhal . im now mad this didnt happen. give him a W in combat hoyo.)
like theres this entire thing about flawed justice in fontaine that is present in the 4.0 story but then it just...... Disappears. Bc AI justicebot was anti celestia archon deleter all along and it finished its job so its no longer a fundamental ethical issue for the legal system and fontaines ppl to grapple with and confront shit like childes sentencing. And furina wanted dramatic trials bc of what she was told by focalors but since she retires its now just neuvillette whos super fair so everything is fixed .
im not as big of a hater of act III as some but like thinking abt these things further makes me like it less and less like Yes they wanted this meropide vs regular fontaine dichotomy explored and all but thinking of it is just. i wonder how worthwhile the opportunity cost was in there (i have no correct answer btw)
bc . if you keep the childe jailed bc justice AI bot. they shouldve shown the people responding to it . bc that entire highly controversial judgement is Literally accompanied by the solving of the serial disappearances case AFTER multiple ""culprits"" had already been imprisoned for it which i actually forgot (thanks same reddit comment for reminding me) like Whats with those people then????? and just. Everything to do with the entire case including childes deal shouldve been a much bigger social upheaval anyway like ik stuff like furinas SQ shows ppl personally affected in the aftermath but i mean in bigger scale.
And Then if we like run a bit with this alternate hypothetical idea of childe no diffing the court system (clorinde im sure youre powerful but like i put more faith in those ruin guards that lasted 4s against FL than u girl) so hes simultaneously kind of a criminal let off scot free but also its so stupid to think a guy thats like 25 at most is involved in a 20yr old solved case it couldve been actual source of political discord. and like if you need to get him to the narwhal for plot reasons its Rly Not That Hard theyre obsessed with each other bro gets pinged a whale call once and its like yes honey we jailbreak for reunion tonight (hes going to throw hands Immediately bc hes the toxic battle maniac one). also yes ik they wrote it weird so technically ajax cant duel after the oratrice decides hes involved which is major intrigue point (that canon wasted but oh well) but like. they couldve written differently idc. he couldve even gone off investigating why AI bot considers him guilty on his own and then jeepers!! speedrun glitchless any% spawned into the primordial sea!! hes missing! but like this isnt a well articulated idea whatsoever lmao im just winging some shit
meropides existence in general was also just weird. again i enjoyed the character writing it enabled for wrio and the HotH trio and despite disliking childe just being MIA i do like how the storytelling around his escape expands on his social intelligence and street smarts still. but as an entity the fortress is just sorta there as a system that Obviously shouldnt be Like this when its literally the other side of the coin to fontaines Already dubious legal system but then they went the whole. its a gathering place for exiles (still a prison)!! a home for those alienated by the surface world after so long (so why KEEP them in there that long)!!!! protectors of egerias secret (okay Sure. but whats the need post prophecy then)!!!! And its like. okay im not about to uhh. overstep my understanding of the risk a chinese company limited by often nebulous and inconsistent censorship would take if they went for a full on prison reform/abolishing angle w the writing like i dont think that was in the cards. But it still means meropide as a system just falls apart if u think abt its existence critically At All and its hard to say whether fontaines writing omitting sth like it entirely wouldve ultimately been better for the overall focus of the story anyway. but yeah
and its just. im sure theres even more that i havent even noted here (logistics of nobody drowning in the flood & rest of teyvat being unaffected etc etc) bc this is just a rant ramble not a coherent analysis but my point in all of this is that the abundance of issues like these just kinda add up so that by the end its kinda like fontaines simultaneously the AQ that id say has the highest highs in terms of its best moments and strongest emotional beats and how much heart it carries . Like im not taking that away from it.
but its also the AQ with like genuinely the messiest fucking groundwork in lore and larger worldbuilding implications whose aftermath leaves the most plot threads barely explored or just discarded altogether by the end and its just?? Such a weird mess like i very much enjoyed it despite the problems and for me it still overtakes sumeru in many aspects but i cant pretend those problems arent there . like consistency of writing and lore accounted for sumeru is still the best AQ
(oh also. the fact that to my knowledge no fucking fontaine NPC Ever reacts to the events throughout the AQ is fucking insane. like other nations could get away w sth like that better but. THE ENTIRE NATION FLOODED. How the fuck arent they talking. ppl in meropide post act IV abt the close call. ppl who saw the narwhal in the opera house in V. Like . HUH???)
but yeah its . A weird situation w fontaines writing as a whole . & yes im giga late to the discussion HSJSJSKSI but oh well thats my brain for ya
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golbrocklovely · 2 months
i saw someone on twitter seriously have a go bc snc were focusing more on their social life than their professional life. like what? thats insane. they’ve worked 24/7 for the last 10 years. they deserve to enjoy themselves for a while.
and i have to laugh. people saying theyre going to stop watching snc and laugh as their careers fumble? babes, if they depended solely on yt views for income they’d be uploading far more frequently. besides, they have 12 million followers and easily bag a million views on a video in the first 24 hours. a few dozen fans boycotting them is not going to make even an ounce of difference. but hey, if it makes you feel better, all power to you. (“you” being those fans ofc). not to mention they have investments and other business endeavours outside of youtube. your online hissy fit will do jack shit. (again, “you/your” being those fans)
i think that's the thing i find so funny about this fandom. first off almost 99% of the drama is started by twitter. or at the very least they're the loudest at all times. they also think a lot of us feel the same way as them just bc it's an echo chamber over there. so when they all start calling snc out on something or think that that everyone feels the same way, they feel like they are making an impact by saying they'll leave or stop supporting if snc don't meet their demands.
and babes, if you really aren't enjoying your time here, you can go. it's fine. no one is holding a gun to your head and telling you to stay. but don't expect snc to do everything you want them to do. it's just not gonna happen.
sometimes i don't get this fandom. bc look, when i was here back in 2020/21, i got some of the backlash that the boys were facing. i understood parts of it, for sure. but there was a lot, and i do mean a lot, of extra shit that went on that made it much worse. and that side of the fandom… they cried wolf too many times. you don't get to do that repeatedly and then think that snc are gonna stick around to actually hear what you gotta say.
and especially rn, what exactly are ppl pissed off about?? bc look, you wanna say you miss when they were posting a lot more, sure. i get that. i miss them posting more often too. but you gotta also realize maybe WHY they aren't posting so much. and blaming their new gfs isn't one of those reasons.
they have explained that they basically had little to no personal life at one point, that all they were doing is working. that they didn't get to spend time with their friends or gfs bc they were working so much. sam, the man that never addresses drama, is asking fans to cool it. he full on said that he was miserable a year or so ago bc of all the stress he was under. and then colby, the man that doesn't cry ever, had a full on break down in 2022. and didn't even admit it until midway thru 2023. he doesn't read comments anymore bc they get so bad sometimes. or how about that colby even stated that he didn't even want to tell this fandom that he had cancer bc he knew how everyone would react if he went bald………. what does that tell you???? that we aren't trustworthy. that snc feel the need to pull back bc we are all toxic.
at what point do we turn the mirror on ourselves and realize hey, maybe i've taken things too far??
and reality is, a LOT of this only popped up once they both got gfs. a lot of fans say those two aren't to blame or they're not upset or they don't actually want to date snc, but at the end of the day them finding someone to love was the straw that broke the camels back. and you gotta sit back and wonder why does seeing snc happy make me upset and want to leave?? (if someone reading this is one of those fans)
bc rn, i'm more into snc than i have been in a while. i want to see them happy and healthy and enjoying life. sure, colby being in his feels (or sam even) was a fun time, sure. i love me some balcony tweets. but at the end of the day, i don't want him jaded and unable to find love again. why the fuck would i wish that on someone i love dearly??? same with sam. sure. i can joke about kat and how i want her new song to tear him a new one, but i still want him to be happy. i want him to be able to move on from his relationship with her. and that's not a cut at her. no one should be stuck feeling like shit. take it from the person that has been like that for years and still really is in one way or another: i wouldn't wish heartache on my worst enemy. so why would i do that to someone i say i care about??
but back to your ask lol
yeah, the twitter fandom thinks it's all high and mighty but it lost that spark by 2022. their words mean nothing, snc have pulled back bc that side of the fandom sucks (but also bc they want a break), and now they are facing the consequences of their actions and don't like it. womp womp. there's still almost 12 million of us babes. a couple 100 of you leaving ain't gonna do shit.
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wandering-koyote · 5 months
Im using this chance to scream about my mortal kombat hot take that turned into a rlly long ramble (only loosely related bc its about two normal humans lol):
Everyone says Cassie and Jacqui shouldn't have been in MK11, since Cas has had the main character spotlight in MKX and Jacqui has the personality of cardboard, while Takeda/Jin are more interesting. HOWEVER I actually think they deserved to be in the game 500% more, but that Netherrealm completely fumbled them. Jacqui more than Cassie, like horribly so.
Both really need something 'unique' about them, and MK11 was that chance, but instead Jacqui is just. A plot device really. She only exists to support other character arcs and be a borderline macguffin for Jax to have motivation- her own damn tower ending is her dying to further someone else's life. MK11 should've given Jacqui something to define herself a bit more in the story! Some kind of plot!! Cassie's story is sorta interesting, but Sonya coming back kinda dulls the impact of Sonya, yknow, dying. Hanzo's death is more impactful since his character arc was just wiped, Sonya doesn't get that. The whole "you're my mom who just died but not yet because you're from the past and im really conflicted about this" angle was, as my dad who watched me play said, "really fucked up" (in a good way imo), but they really only confined that to one scene. If you're gonna go at that angle, put ur whole pussy into it babe!!!
Takeda/Jin have more than enough to separate themselves from their parents, so yeah Cassie and Jacqui really needed an extra game to grow. Unfortunately they didn't, they're just kinda static. So im delving into personal story ideas!
Cassie would've really benefitted from gifted kid syndrome- girl just killed a god and saved the world, mk11 shouldve rlly leaned into the idea that shes pulling herself apart to try and keep being the main character. Kid of Johnny and Sonya, god killer?? Make that shit keep her up at night. Make her take charge in every situation where the older characters aren't there, make her self sacrificial, make her want to be the hero not because she wants that fame again, but because earthrealm is notorious for crumbling without someone to protect it and she cant bear to have anyone else shoulder that weight. She did it once, she can take it again. Then make Sonya die doing exactly what Cassie's doing, sacrificing herself for the mission and for Earthrealm.
Then she comes back, younger and a little less hardened. I think it's infinitely better if we flip the whole "ur my mother" thing- make Sonya conflicted that this is her child who is writhing in agony over her mother's death and Sonya isn't sure what shes meant to do. Everything screams to go and comfort her- its her DAUGHTER for crying out loud, but how would Cassie react? Would it only make things worse? What the HELL did her future self do to make Cassie look at her with such mixed emotions? It's mentioned a few times that present Sonya valued work heavily over her family, and that it got worse and worse over time, so i think it should culminate in a scene where Sonya from the past tells Cassie that her future self was wrong- the mission isnt everything, and she has family she needs to look out for. I think it'd mirror the Johnny's well too, since old Johnny literally beat the shit out of younger Johnny because he refused to take his (future) family seriously.
Jacqui on the other hand? She just needs her own damn arc. Keep Jax becoming a bad guy, thats fine imo, but touch on the mother's death and Jacqui's feelings about it. Her damn MOTHER died and the story is completely "ohhh jax became a bAD GUY ABOUT THIS" and I don't even think Jacqui gets to like, I dont even think her death is mentioned around Jacqui at all. I think just adding a few scenes between present Jax and Jacqui would fix a lot. Have the two not talk since her death; Jacqui really wants to talk about it, acknowledge what happened and try and heal, while Jax is ignoring her attempts and distancing himself (depression) and simultaneously trying to protect Jacqui. Replace the Kronika and Jax scene with a scene of the two in a fight, Jax trying to tell Jacqui to leave the military and dodging any conversation about how badly theyre both hurting, while Jacqui is pissed that he's shutting himself off and is basically regressing her into a child as a way to cope. Jacqui leaves in a huff, and Jax alone going "please, i just want to protect my little girl", queue the clicking of the grandfather clock stopping the tears freezing midair. Dont even show us the conversation, just hard cut away- the fight tells us everything we need to know about why Jax is doing what hes doing. I think that ALONE would help with Jacqui a lot (we've acknowledged she has feelings about her mom's death and that she has a conflict with her dad going on now), but going further you might be able to replace the cassie/raiden scene with JACQUI instead. Have Jacqui be upset that Jax is so deep in grief that hes joined the bad guys, and that she cant even tell what type of person her father is anymore. Is he the father that pushed her on the swing when she squeeled 'higher!', who hugged her so gently with his metal arms, or is he the man he is now, joining with criminals and thieves and murderers in the name of her 'protection'? Is that who he's always been? Have Raiden tell her that it doesnt matter who her father is, but who SHE is. Is she the type of person who give up on her dad? Or will she look him in the eye and tell him "I love you despite everything" and fight to save him?
Jax and Jacqui should reconcile before the boat scene entirely so they can get a plot beat to just talk. Too much action for a pause in the boat scene. My timeline of events is iffy but maybe this can happen at the Tiara scene- iirc Cetrion LITERALLY threatens to kill Jacqui and Jax is STILL on Team Kronika after this. CMON. Have Jax switch sides and attack Cetrion when she tries killing Jacqui- Past Jax is a bit iffy to me as an addition to the scene, he doesnt rlly add anything. Have Jax snap out of everything at the realization that its not the military putting Jacqui in danger, its HIMSELF. Have him admit hes wrong, and the two finally get a moment to grief (even if briefly bc the world is dying again). Have Cetrion note this interaction too. Whens the last time her mother ever hugged her like that? When was the last time they grieved the loss of Father? Even MENTIONED Father? Is Kronika even her mother beyond just the name? Hot take but have Cetrion try and betray Kronika at the end of the plot because of this moment, and Kronika goes "lmao no" and absorbs her essence anyway.
VERY LONG ASK I KNOW BUT I NEED TO GET THIS IDEA OUT!!! It also adds a layer of theming around family and love, something thats vaguely there in MKX and MK11 but its like. Hidden and an afterthought. Jax protect Jacqui bc shes family. Cassie is grieving the death of a family member. The villian is the mother of two other villians and kills one and discards the other. Cassie and Jacqui deserve better thats my message im here all night folks
Yesss! The family themes need to hit hard! This is why I’m sad they rebooted when we could’ve had more familial growth, but maybe we’ll get it in the next few games 😭
I don’t have much input because I agree with so much (if only I could ring up NRS and get you hired)! BUT IM POSTING CUZ YOU COOKED FR FR AND NEED RECOGNITION 🔥🔥🔥
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calypsolemon · 5 months
I'm curious, wdyt about Imperium now that s1 is over? I asked a similar question when part 1 aired, but I wanna see if you've changed your mind. Ik a critique you held was that Ninjago never seems to go too far with exploring anything like this (and with MotM I recall you mentioned smth ab not liking the "one bad king" thing, so I'm also asking b/c recently Doc did confirm Imperium was still a bad place before Beatrix, it's just she made it worse) so do you like how they handled Imperium? Or do you think there was more they could've done?
I have my own minor nitpicks but overall I feel like it subverts a lot of other media (and also previous installments of Ninjago) by having Imperium's totalitarian/fascist nature be a more deep-rooted issue than just one evil ruler. (Also love how they didn't just have every single person turn on the Empress, and Sora's parents remained scummy. It's more realistic lol, and if anything MORE people should've been pro-Empress I feel.)
Well I don't know if I'd say my opinion has "changed" so much as "evolved now that we actually have the full context of the season," since last time I answered an ask about this it was when we only had half of it.
To be honest I would still stand by my assessment that ninjago never really goes too far irt digging into like harmful social structures and whatever, and I don't really expect it to. It's just not that kind of show, and that's fine. I also stand by my criticism that it should have been... a little harder for Sora to become disillusioned with Imperium to the extent that she did? But I will give with further context it makes a lot of sense that she empathized with a caged creature being tormented quickly, since we now understand her parents really did not ever care for her beyond her use as a way to gain prestige.
That being said, I think overall Imperium improved LEAPS and bounds over Shintaro. Mainly because, as you said, its clearly been bad for a long time because of a longstanding, corrupt ruling class, rather as the result of one shitty ruler. If anything, I kind of admire it for letting me be right about Beatrix not seeming very fit for her position, and in fact I think thats one of the more interesting aspects of the season and what it has to say about Imperium's philosophy; A society that functions in such a cultlike, controlling fashion will inevitably breed deeply jealous, prone-to-violence, but ultimately ignorant people who will fumble the power they hold in disastrous ways. Beatrix's betrayal of her family to gain hold of the throne basically doomed Imperium to crumble the moment anyone was willing and able to push back.
It is also definitely good that there's not a universal acceptance of the loss of Imperium, especially considering the distrust sewn was more towards Beatrix than towards Imperium as a whole. (If I'm honest, I think the "beatrix spills everything live on camera" bit was a little goofy even if its the most efficient way to get a big turnaround in the general populace, but what is ninjago if not goofy). Realistically I think there would be a significant chunk of Imperium citizens who would disown Beatrix but still regard their past emperor in a godlike fashion, and attempt to rebuild the society as it was at some past point. I don't really know that the show will continue to explore much else about Imperium and potential pushback against change but the fact that I'm unsure rather than POSITIVE it will never get back to it is a big plus for me (thank GOD for DR actually having cross-season plotlines!!!!).
Overall I like most of what they did, its not prestige television but its the best ninjago's ever been with social commentary and that pleases the cal.
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