#thats about derry girls
FINALS - Catholic Character Tournament
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Propaganda below ⬇️
I love him. Man who has no faith in himself or humanity or god with so much blood on his hands, fighting for something he knows he can never see come to fruition in person. He carries his own literal cross and grave marker on his back. Just… he’s so iconic to me.
I'm sure I'm not the first to submit him. But I did it anyway. I hope he wins and I'll do anything in my power to make sure he does
Dude is literally a priest who carries around a giant cross. Yes he uses the cross to murder people but that is besides the point. Also he has a mini church he carries around for on-the-go confession services.
hes literally a priest(hes not a priest in the reboot but he is in the original and thats what matters to Me). he carries around a cross that is actually secretly a gun with guns inside that gun. he runs a church/orphanage. he carries around a portable confession booth and charges people money for it because he is broke as fuck. he dies bleeding out over an alter begging to god for forgiveness he doesnt think he deserves. he is everything to me.
look at this man he's a priest with a cross shaped gun that (spoilers) dies against the side of a church while waxing poetic about life and redemption (/spoilers), this is the Catholic ever.
Wolfwood is liiiiiterally Judas coded in the text. AND his weapon is a massive cross that turns into a machine gun and a LASER. Not to mention his religious trauma. Oh baby. The religious trauma.
Homeboy literally walks around with a giantass 300lb machine gun shaped like a cross called the Punisher. Hes a priest/undertaker depending on what version of trigun you reference. Grew up in a church orphanage. Also literally walks around with a portable confessional box for people to pay to confess to him. Need i say more.
HE IS LITERALLY JUDAS. he is literally leading the jesus allegory to his doom. hes also in love with the jesus allegory (vash). he is also carrying arouns a giant cross rhat is also a gun. hes literally catholic and judas and his tits are perfect. in one piece of official art he's wearing a cross choker. also the catholicism on gunsmoke is about making vash submit. wolfwood looking at that pathetic wet mess of a man oh i can make him submit easily.
He literally carries around a giant cross and is referred to as a priest by multiple characters. also he offers people confessionals
He carries a huge machine gun that is in the shape of a cross that is really heavy (he is strong) and his boobs are huge. So you know hes serving cunt in a god honoring way. Also in trigun 1998 he brings around a small chapel that he uses as a portable confessional and in trigun stampede he holds funeral services as an undertaker which are way overly priced. Also he dies very gayly (basicly confessing his love to his best boy friend forever)
Nick's funny bc he's probably the least Christian acting guy but is literally a preacher. There's a running gag with Vash asking some variation of "what the hell kinda churchman are you?" His gun is a gigantic cross. He rides a shitty motorcycle in the middle of the desert.
ok so thematically the main conflict in trigun is about peace vs violence and its represented by the characters vash and knives respectively. the two aren't /technically/ angels but thematically and through imagery they are and are comparable to michael and lucifer specifically. ANYWAYS. vash and knives are the characters who are constantly pushing and pulling at wolfwood's morality, sort of like a "the devil and god are raging inside of me" kinda deal. his grappling with his morality and faith is a big factor in his character. also he has a giant fucking gun shaped like a cross. and he dies in a church while praying.
Bros an orphan who grew up at a Catholic orphanage and taken away to be trained and genetically changed into a supercharged assassin for interworldly beings that have lots of angel imagery attached. Guy thought he was just going to be taken to become a missonary...instead he got 6 years of religious trauma. He still wears a cross necklace and holds it often. His gun is a literal cross "full of mercy" (its a missile launcher). He never really believed fully in the faith or anything, but the way he interacts with it is FASCINATING. He's jaded by the planet he lives on and his upbringing, and makes him say his most iconic quote: "We're nothing like God. Not only do we have limited powers, but sometimes we're driven to become the devil himself." He prays to a God he doesn't know if he actually believes in, asking for another day— for hope for the human race. The organization hes part of (The Eye of Michael) works for an interdimensional otherworldly being that has an incredible amount of angelic metaphor and imagery attached who intends to purge the planet of humans... and ends up siding with that guy's twin brother who is so Jesus coded it's insane. They are best friends even as Wolfwood is acting under instructions to babysit and watch him for his twin brother. He dies after facing down against his old mentor (named Chapel) and his pseudo brother from the orphanage who was taken into the Eye as well and his Jesus bestie buries him and sticks his cross-gun in the ground after losing his shit crazy style and using his pseudo alien angel Jesus powers to lash out at his brother for being the cause of Wolfwood's death. Rest in peace king
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via @monvment
Sister Michael
She drives a DeLorean. She does judo on Fridays. She likes a good statue and despises the French. Her full nun name is Sister George Michael, after the guy from Wham!. She is the fiercest nun you’ll ever come across and, if you’re attending Lady Immaculate College, she’s the woman in charge. So whatever you do, if you’re feeling anxious or worried or just need a chat: don’t come crying to her.
joined the nunnery for the free accommodation?
she does love a good statue it has to be said
She is the headmistress of a catholic school <3
sister michael so reminds me of the nuns who taught me. they're tough and sometimes a little harsher than a woman who dedicated her life to god should be but they're also wonderful people. i had a nun teacher who was 60 years old and would do handstands. another nun (also in her 60s) told me god was nonbinary. another was really mean and made me cry. (so did the handstand nun.) while the catholic girls school is The Catholic Experience, the school wouldn't have been the same for me or the derry girls without at least one nun who seemed to have sprung up out of the ground fully formed, ageless.
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maraczeks · 2 years
mad about you thread
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besttvshowbracket · 10 months
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The Good Place: genuinely one of the greatest shows of all time. it’s an absolutely hilarious comedy that turns around and says the most heart wrenching profound shit two seconds later. it has a unique premise and a diverse and incredibly talented cast. it’s an afterlife comedy about moral philosophy. what more could you want?, OH MY GOD WHAT IS THERE NOT TO SAY. The emotional arcs go crazy this show taught me so much abt how to be a better person. i cried so much i laughed so much. genuinely brilliant show thats amazing from start to end, AND THERE IS AN END! Everything eventually resolves itself and I love how much of a complete story it is!!!! its genuinely heartwarming and hilarious and gut wrenching all at the same time. if u wanna cry listen to Eleanor's "because I wanted that mom" scene, Oh ariana, we're really in it now 😓
Derry Girls: It’s about four irish girls and an English boy in Derry during the troubles its grewt
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cottagecheese1 · 2 years
Bowers gang having a athletic s/o
Henry bowers
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First of all, being fit and able to do activities with ease is definite qualification you have to be with him. Um if you can't do that, you guys aren't gonna last long. 😭
If you are not physically fit, you don't have to be to your fullest extent, but if you get tired easily he will just bitch and moan about how you can't keep up with him. 😕😥
But if you are the sporty type. He likes having you around a lot for multiple reasons, but mostly because he wants to show you off because almost none of the girls in derry are as fit as you are, and that's a flex in his mind.
It's Henry Bowers so realistically he's not gonna be there for every one of your events but he usually comes 'if I feel like it' 🤨 wdym? You thought you had a choice?
He's kinda impressed with a lot of the capabilities you have. You can be really strong or fast, he finds that really hot; and he makes sure you know that most of the time 😍
He doesn't want to talk about sports with you a lot because he feels like it would be out of place for you to talk about sports or anything masculine with him because your a woman, but he sometimes catches himself talking about football, or that baseball game last night because he can't help that he knows so much about it, and you do to, so he can't really help himself. 😭
If he's ever in private with you before or after your event he will end up having a makeout session with you for 'good luck' 🤨 we both know this isn't about the game buddy.
If your ever with belch or victor they'll toss around a football or a baseball with you once in a while (Patrick said he doesn't wanna do that with a girl so he's out of the picture rn) but they it's all fun and games till Henry shows up and feels all left out and shi. 😭
Overall he really likes you and loves how hot you are, and would end up doing a lot for you and wouldn't even realize it.
Patrick hockstetter
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Now Patrick usually wouldn't go for athletic girls or any sporty woman for multiple reasons one because they're all usually really loud and usually very school spirit and he's not trying to get all the attention drawn on him. (He's also a slight misogynist he thinks women shouldn't play sports unless your a cheerleader or something).
He liked you because you were quiet and minded your own business most of the time. Plus he likes to watch your events to if he ever caught you any where.
He's definitely the person to stare at you and immediately look away and do something else if you catch him lacking.
Oh but when he finally asked you out and you said yes, he's coming to all of your games because its just an excuse to get out of his house.
he's actually not really a huge PDA person because like I said he's not trying to get everyone to notice him, but I never said he won't do it at all. He will kiss you and grope you a little bit before you go out to play/go your turn In whatever sport you play
Loves that you're physically fit; I mean you don't have to be, but he does find it incredibly sexy the way you can move around especially if your flexible. If you ask him to help you stretch he will most likely say yes no doubt about it.
You might have to explain some things to him about the sport you play, but don't ramble about it because then he'll get bored, and act like a little bit of an asshole unfortunately. 😭
If you want him to dress up for any school spirt weeks at football games or wear anything to support you; than you have to force him to do it because ain't no way he's gonna do that on his own and go out of his way to dress up for spirt week for anything. 😮‍💨
He may act like a bit of an asshole sometimes, but only really to mess with you, he doesn't actually wanna make you upset because that means he has to go out of his way to comfort you and in his mind thats a ton of work. 😭😭
Belch huggins
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First of all he's kinda surprised you said yes when he asked you to be his girlfriend because in his eyes in a lot of perspectives he sees you as so much better than him because your athletic, and really skilled and he thinks he's like the opposite of that. (😭)
But as long as you reassure him that you love him for him than he feels a lot more confident and much better about being with you.
He likes to talk about you and the sports you do time to time he tries not to make it obvious because he knows Henry and the rest of them get tired of him talks about you but he can't help it. 😔
Anytime someone brings you up he's like "yea, that's my girlfriend lol" he loves to say it because nobody expects it at all.
If you're in private he'll rub your back or your legs if you're sore. He just wants an excuse to touch you. (He'll even use lotion if he's feeling extra generous)
You guys definitely go to homecoming together and you force him to dress up with you for spirt week. 🤩 (he secretly loves it)
He loves to drive you to your games in his Trans am, and likes to give you small sweet kisses and hugs because he it's for good luck.
He loves to watch you beat other people at sports and watch how skilled you actually are, and likes to bring it up if you're having an off day just to prove how much he actually pays attention to you and loves you.
If you specifically like one sport and you constantly talk about a team that you like. He'll buy you and him tickets to that certain event. He loves to see how excited you get and give him lots of kisses to prove how much you love him for doing that for you.
He loves a lot, and is intrigued with you half the time because of how mobile you are and how skilled and focused you can be on one thing.
Victor criss
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He's so quiet the only reason you knew about him was because he was apart of the bowers gang and he always stared at you in class and in the hall ways or maybe at your sporting events.
He gave you a note that said
I really like you. Do you wanna go on a date?
Yes □
No □ :)
You thought it was adorable and you said yes; you met up with him at the diner and he started talking about how much he likes you and thinks your the best on your team, plus he said he thinks you're really pretty 😍 (brownie points ig)
He's not a big pda or loud person, so he's always silently cheering you on, and will give you soft kisses in private but not in public. Not because he's embarrassed of you he just doesn't like everyone looking at him.
Definitely touching you in private doesn’t even have to be sexual he just likes to hold you and feel your body and traces your muscles, or lay on your thighs, and rub them; definitely ends up falling asleep like that when you start playing with his hair, and stroking his back.
He's good boyfriend so he gets you water and snacks during break because he loves you.
Overall he's such a sweetheart in private and may be a little conservative in public, but he does care about you, and finds you fascinating. 😍
A/n: this took 2 days but my request are always open, and I'm posting a masterlist so you can pick anyone you want in that category, so make sure to check that out! 💗
●●●●● Masterlist ●●●●●
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soulwillower · 2 years
rude boy [remastered] • richie tozier
(richie tozier x reader smut)
hi i've decided to start off my remastered series with a reader fav :) hope yall like it! this one is much more dirty ig, so lmk if thats smth yall wannt more of.
requested: hii💕 could u do a richie smut where he kinda hates her and so does she…but the sex is good lol? i got inspired by rude boy by rihanna haha
+ @kennafild Ohhhh pleeeese, Rude Boy (Richie Tozier) 💖💖💖 it’s my favorite
warning: swearing, dirty talk, light choking, use of bitch + slut, semi-public sex, slight voyeur themes, unprotected hate sex, they are not fucking nice to each other, reader slaps richie and it awakens somethin in BOTH of them, unedited
[losers + reader are aged up to college, 20+ in this.]
remastered version: 2.8k.
it's quiet as you wipe around the coffee machine, the orange light still on under the buzzing bright fluorescents. you make a note to yourself to turn it off when your manager leaves.
you sigh as the last customer walks out the front doors of the diner, a small receipt lingering where she'd sat for hours, making googly eyes across the bar counter, playing with the stupid straw of her shake. walking over, you don't even have to look at it to know there's a number scribbled on it with most likely a name, probably a heart. your stomach recoils in disgust, snatching up the paper and shoving it in the waistband of your skirt, figuring the trash was already taken out for the night.
your boss walks over to where you stand at the counter, wiping it off with a rag. “she's finally gone?” she asks and you nod, rolling your eyes. your manager chuckles with a shrug , "kid is a menace, but he sure brings in a lot of service."
it makes you huff; it gets on your nerves , but you know she's right. sadly, that menace is the very reason your tips are so high. she pulls a sweater over the uniform, sounding exhausted,  "right, well i’m gonna head out. can you and richie lock up?” she asks as you resist the urge to gag at the name of your coworker, but you nod nonetheless. “yeah, of course.”
she leaves a few minutes later and you pull at the collar of your stupid, synthetic retro diner uniform. it’s red and black and awfully cheesy.  employees are allowed to choose between a matching red skirt or black slacks - it’s an old school kitschy diner on the outskirts of derry that pays shitty. but a summer job is a summer job, and the tips weren’t awful so you can't really complain.
but the worst thing by far about working at the diner came in the form of a 6'2 nightmare with a sharp jawline and a serious nicotine addiction. richie fucking tozier.
he’s been a server here the longest and you were seen, to his chagrin, as the most responsible, so you two were trusted to close the diner together most nights. didn’t mean you got along though, not at all. he was loud, obnoxious, a slacker, and a scrawny, phony asshole. you’ve never liked him and he’s never liked you, and that's just the way it is. he is the worst part of every summer and winter break, and you can only be thankful that you never went to derry high. 
there were some pretty decent people on staff, thankfully. you liked your manager, and you like mike, who worked dish, and many of the servers were more than tolerable. but richie fucking tozier.
during shifts, richie always played music on the jukebox and serenaded loudly to every boy and girl who stepped foot in the diner as they sat at the counter and swooned. he barely did his work and got way too generous of tips - you know it’s solely because of his looks, because he is an awful server and an even worse human. but he has curly, fluffy dark hair, freckles, and a face sculpted by aphrodite. he always smelled like cologne and cigarettes, always had his shirt unbuttoned way lower than necessary, and walked with a stupid bounce in his step that some people saw as charm.
as you finish mopping up the dining area, you hear footsteps and your eyes catch richie’s beat up, lyric-scribbled red high tops. “richie! i just mopped there!” you yelp at him as you snap your head up to stare at him in anger. he just shrugs, “you missed a few spots anyways.” he says through a mouth full of chocolate milkshake.
you fight the urge to slap the glass out of his hand, “could you stack the chairs?” you ask him, trying to stay civil. last time you and richie locked up together, you'd argued so bad that he’d thrown a glass and shattered it. you’d both gotten in huge trouble.
“why can’t you?” he asks, his voice awfully teasing. you glare at him as you sit down, throwing the mop as it hits his chest. he catches it against him, the handle making a clacking noise when it hits the star of david chain on his bare chest. you scoff, why did he have to wear his uniform unbuttoned like that?
“fine, i’ll stack the chairs. you mop.” you grumble, getting up to lift the chairs. you hear a screeching noise but you refuse to look, knowing he’s sitting down and that would just fuel your fire. as you lean over one of the booths, something makes your head turn and you see richie just in time for him to snap his eyes away. your eyes widen - he was just checking you out. god damn these fucking skirts. “what are you looking at, tozier?” you spit venomously. as much as you don’t want to admit it, there was something really hot about the way he was staring.
“shut up.” he grumbles, getting up and locking the doors before walking back into the break room. once you finish out in the dining area, you walk towards the back to see him checking over the kitchen. “hey, did mike take out the trash before he clock-”
“yes, of course he did, y/n.” richie cuts you off. you cross your arms, “i’m just trying to get our job done! christ, richie, you make me so fucking mad.” you spit. he turns to look at you, his eyes bold and his cheeks splattered with pink and freckles. “i hate that i have to fucking deal with you. i should fire you.” he hisses, turning off the dishwasher and walking over to the front counter. you're hot on his heels.
“that's rich. you’re a fucking nightmare to work with! and you’re not my fucking boss!” you yell, glaring at him.  "well the chart begs to fucking differ.“ he spits, a chipped black fingernail pointing to where the employee chart lists your names, him being slightly higher than yours because of experience. you think briefly you might deck him in the face.  "we’re payed the same, you fucking bonehead!” you all but yell, stepping up to him. “and i do so much more work than you! all you do is flirt with everyone until they take pity on you and give you a tip.”
you expect him to scream back at you, but instead he looks extremely pissed while taking a step closer. “do you know how fucking jealous you sound right now, y/n?” he hisses. something makes you turn bright red in the face, but you scoff at the absurd accusation. “jealous? of who?” you all but yell, your arms flying up. it’s only now that you notice that he has you with your knees against the break table.
“of all the people i fuck.” he says, his voice calm but sinister and dangerous. you scoff again, “i hate you.” you say, leaning towards him. something about the way he looks makes you want to hit him as hard as you can but also shove him against the wall and make out with him. he chuckles as if something about what you said was funny, “i don’t hear you denying it, princess.”
you roll your eyes, turning to wipe the counter and hide your flushed face. "you're so immature. it's just not professional." 
he scoffs, converses crossing as he leans back against the dessert case, "professional? I've seen you light a cig on the burners in the back. I've seen you eat food off a customer's old plate!" he hisses, tossing the rag he was using on the floor. narrowing your eyes, you turn, "you do that shit too! everyone does." 
he rolls his doe eyes, shaking his head until something on you catches his eye. reaching quickly, he grabs the receipt from your waistband, your reaction too slow as he lifts it high above your heads, far out of reach. "richie," you protest, annoyed. maybe flustered. 
his smile is bright and teasing, "what's this, y/n?" he murmurs, reading it as he holds it up to the light. you brush hair from your face, flustered as he raises a brow, "is this your-" he looks at you, "is this your number? you were going to give me your number?" he's astounded. you panic, "no, it's - it's from- its trash." you argue. he stares at you, disbelieving. "you have the hots for me or somethin' toots? that's so cute." he's smirking.  "you know that's not true." you hiss.
"listen, i know i csn be intimidating, but if you maybe just tried a smile, y-" but angrier than ever, you shove him back in aggravation before he can finish. he stumbles back from your force, hands falling back to steady himself. "FUCK," he yells, hand shooting back up to his lips. "y/n! why isn't the coffee machine off?" he yells. you blink, huffing, "I was going to turn it off, but someone decided to be a fucking pain in the ass!" you counter. 
"well what, were you just schlepping around out here while I was closing?!" he hisses. you want to scream, "you know what? you're a fucking asshole. you can close yourself." you smile, sickeningly sweet as you lay a sarcastic hand on his arm. patting it, you move to shove past him.
his fingers are tight as he stops you, wide, angry eyes staring you down. he pulls you eye level, leaning down to you. "you're not leaving me, sweetheart." he sneers. you glare, "you can't stop me. why don't you call your girlfriend for company?" you sneer back. ripping your arm away, you turn around and hear a mutter under his breath, "jealous bitch." 
without thinking, you turn around and smack his cheek so hard it echoes in the empty diner. it's quiet for a moment, his cheek bright red and blossoming. your hand stings.
"oy vey," he whispers, large hand holding his jaw before he smirks, shrugging it off. his tongue runs over his teeth and you bite your lower lip to hide your sudden arousal. he nods curtly, laughing gently to himself in disbelief. 
"well, that was actually kind of hot, princess." he mutters, and for some reason that’s it. the princess, that’s all it takes for you to smash your lips against his forcefully.
it’s a kiss that it so rough it’s almost violent; fueled by hatred and adrenaline and something akin to attraction. it happens so quick, you're almost dizzy. he’s pushing your hips harshly into the counter behind you so that you’re sitting up on it, him immediately stepping between your legs. your hands are on his neck and they thread into his hair as your teeth clash and noses hit each other. you hated him so fucking much.
his hands move up so he’s grabbing your bare thigh with one hand, metal cool against your heated flesh and digging in. the other hand cups the back of your neck and pulls you closer to him, causing your stomach to flutter with desire. you pull away and immediately attach your lips to the column of his neck, not wanting to have to look at his awful, handsome, heart-stopping face. 
he ruts up against you and you feel the outline of his cock, making you moan against his neck. his hand slides up and under the hem of your skirt, squeezing your hip as you suck a bruise into his throat hard, teeth biting his flesh. he pulls away from you quickly, looking at you with fury. his hand grasps your neck, taking you by surprise and coaxing a moan from your lips before kissing you again.
 it knocks the wind out of you with his force but you quickly recover, dragging your hands down his chest and tracing his bulge with your fingertips. he grunts as he pulls away and looks at you. his eyes bore in to you, his lips swollen.
"you want me so bad," he smirk, "that you'll let me fuck you right here in the diner? anybody could see." he whispers in your ear, fingers softly toying with your throbbing pussy through the your underwear. 
you’re gasping but you recover your breath and shoot him a glare. “well? are you gonna fuck me or are you just going to stare at me like a goddamn airhead?” you spit. he glares at you and pulls you up by your shoulders, spinning you and bending you by the waist so your face is pressed against the cool of the counter.
“oh yeah, this is much better.” he replies snarkily as he pulls your skirt up and grinds against your ass. "so pretty without your fucking attitude." you moan quietly and you hear him undoing his belt buckle. you’re aching and you can feel excitement bubbling in your stomach, wiggling your hips slightly in need.
what you don’t expect is a harsh smack to land on your ass, making you gasp in arousal. his hands squeeze your ass and you look back to see him pumping himself, sliding your panties down your legs. your eyes widen slightly, noticing how big he is, but you groan in impatience, “can you hurry up already?” you spit.
he glares at you and shakes his head . "you're fucking pathetic. just begging to be fucked in this skirt, aren't you?" 
through your ecstacy you hum, "pathetic?" you gasp, "cute coming from you, richie. you're basically dreaming about fucking me every day. don't think I don't see you look at me." his cheeks redden as you turn back to smirk at him. his hand snacks your ass forcefully, pulling another satisfying moan to fall from your mouth. "for such a dick, I'm surprised you could even get it up. good boy." you smirk. his face contorts, jaw clenching.
brows furrowed in anger, he thrusts in all at once, making you moan so loud it burns your throat; he fills you up perfectly and you drop your head to rest on the counter as he starts to thrust. 
he’s not forgiving; he fucks into you hard and deep and you have to bite your hand to keep from moaning his name in pleasure. you wouldn't be caught dead moaning his name . you’d never hear the end of it. his hands grip your hips so tightly you know there’ll be marks tomorrow and he’s muttering swear words quietly, adding to the wetness between your legs.
 he’s hitting the perfect spot inside you and one glance behind you shows his face just as contorted in pleasure as yours is. you hate to admit it, but he’s fucking hot and the expression is perfect on him.
he’s fucking you into the front counter, your sight falling to the diner windows across from you. he pulls your hips back to meet his thrusts you can’t help but whimper his name. you can hear his smirk in his voice, even when your eyes are clenched shut. “sorry, princess, I didn't hear that.”
you groan, half in pleasure and half because you hate how good he’s making you feel. “i fucking hate you s-so much, tozier.” you say, trying to stop your moans but failing miserably. his hips are snapping into yours and you clench around him, knowing you’re about to cum embarrassingly fast.
he hums at your words tauntingly, “say anything you want, slut. but i know it's been five minutes and you’re about to cum on my cock.” he mutters the words and you moan again, your toes curling in pleasure. he thrusts deeper into you and you let out a strangled scream as you hit your peak. your fingers grasp on the edge of the counter as richie plows through your high, chasing his own.
you start to whimper, feeling overly sensitive. he chuckles darkly, “so good. you’re fine.” he mutters, his hands squeezing your ass. he thrusts a few more times before his hips stutter and he finishes inside you with a low moan. his chest is pressed on your back and you can’t seem to catch your breath, feeling limp and extremely pleasured. your legs shake.
holy shit.
he pulls out of you, making you whimper at the sensation and he pulls up your panties, rubbing the seat of your clothed core with his thumb. the stimulation makes you jolt as he pulls your skirt down. you wait, not sure what to say, but richie doesn't waste one moment.
“fuck you.” he whispers in your ear and then he gets up, pulls his pants up, and walks towards the breakroom.
you stand up, to save the last bit of dignity you have, listening to him in the other room grab his keys and jacket, and leave eventually.
 you stand there with the now burned old coffee, breathing heavily, unsure what the fuck just happened but knowing you loved it way too much.
tag list.  @gabiatthedisco @blisshemmings @stenbrozierr  @sft-core    @daughter-of-the-stars11  @oceandog13    @upamongthestars @fiantomartell @beauregard-s @diorbubs @leighjaenikhowell @loverloserr @soph-ec @hockslutter @babytortie  @decafcoffew @etaerealboyv @itlover8000
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strangesickness · 3 months
so i maybe perhaps made an AU for an AU and started writing it as if i don't already have five thousand fan-fictions on the go.
ANYWAYS more losers swimming AU but this time it is slightly different (this is mostly eddie lol)
the losers minus eddie are all part of the derry bluefin aquatics club (DBAC, pronounced D-back) , whereas eddie is part of the bangor aquajets (BAJ, pronounced badge).
they all still live in derry and eddie is still best friends with all of them, but sonia makes him swim with BAJ because she thinks the derry activity centre is too dirty and she also hates coach black (who coaches at DBAC when he's not at school).
eddie and the rest of the losers have taken to calling eddie's coach (coach martin) "coach asshole" because of how frequently eddie calls him an asshole
coach martin is a pretty shit coach all around, he doesn't actually provide much feedback or skillwork during practice and he doesn't get his athletes splits (the time it takes to do the laps within the race, so if you're doing a 100m you'd have 2 splits, the time it took to get from 0m to 50m and the time it took to get from 50m to 100m. this language isn't exclusive to swimming but i figured i'd explain it in case anyone didn't know what it meant)
he also has almost entirely stopped signing eddie up for longer races, breaststroke races, and butterfly races even though eddie's three best races are 200 fly, 200br and 400IM, because sonia told him eddie couldn't swim long distances because of his asthma, and he wasn't allowed to swim breaststroke because it would fuck up his knees and fly would fuck up his shoulders.
eddie is as a result, stuck doing the 100 back which he is. SHIT at. like yeah it's fine to branch out and swim a race he's bad at every once in a while, but he knows he can make provincials (idk if thats what it's called in the USA) if he just gets the chance to swim the 400IM, but he's been swimming the 100back and 50free at every race for the past five meets with a 400IM nowhere in sight...
he makes the other losers get his splits for him since coach martin isn't going to do it. he greatly enjoys walking over to the DBAC bleachers and shoving his stopwatch and notebook into richie's hands lol (also he owns a stopwatch that he brings to meets with him and he's always spamming the counter button before races)
he sees richie at school and after school every day but he freaks the hell out whenever he sees him at meets because like.... he didn't think his shoulders were that big... like what the hell?
since he isn't swimming the 400IM and 200fly usually anymore, he gets to sit and watch richie swim them which is literally the only upside to the situation
he is extremely normal about watching richie do his behind the blocks warm-up. richie will always catch him staring but instead of it being weird richie will just start over-doing his warm-up to make eddie laugh, he's like swinging his arms like crazy and eddie's trying to yell at him across the pool because he's a dumbass and he's going to hurt his shoulders
he's just generally soooo normal about it whenever he sees richie at meets tbh... despite not swimming with him he could pick richie's stroke out during meet warm-up (theres like. well over 30 people in one lane during meet warm up. it's extremely chaotic. someone almost drowned me when i was like nine lol. eddie definitely had the same experience)
he always sets his stuff up in the DBAC bleachers and coach black has just accepted him as one of his own lol
he convinces sonia to let him switch to DBAC for his 11th and 12th years of high school similarly to how he convinces her to let him keep seeing his friends in the book
he spent so much time with DBAC at meets that he is absorbed into the team immediately
he makes prov in 400IM, 200fl, and 200br like he said he would if coach martin just gave him the chance
which means!!! travel meet!!
theres an odd number of girls on the team so coach black lets bev share a room with the other losers
they spend most of their evenings in one of their rooms playing all the weird card/board games ben and bill brought. it is very loud. they are the annoying team at the hotel lol
on sunday they're at finals until like 8pm because richie and eddie are both in the 400IM and ben is in the 1500fr, since it's the last day they get to run off and they find a barcade but they're underage so there's like nothing they can drink there but they eat basically all the food the place has, they then play ddr on aching legs which results in a dance battle between bev and richie
they then proceed to go get massive ice cream cones at a nearby ice cream place. richie for the first time in his entire life understands what "ate too much" means
they try to sing camp songs on the bus ride home but everyone's voices are dead for the next week from all the cheering they were doing.
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bitches-who-write · 10 months
Hey bro, love your work was wondering if you could ship me with one of the bowers gang? I'm a girl with black shoulder length hair thats kinda like a wolf cut, i listen to alot of heavy metal and rock, absolutely love horror movies and books, I wear alot of silver jewelry and homemade jewelry, and have super pale skin. I love going to the gym, kinda muscular, will eat anything and everything(meant for human consumption or not) and I do alot of dumb things, kinda clumsy, and own a long haired silver cat named Concrete. Thank you <3
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We ship you with Patrick!
You and Patrick have a lot in common here.
Patrick is not an affectionate guy- but when he’s tired, he’ll get into a softer mood. Only you see this soft side though.
He’ll dive across you and lay on top of your chest.
Usually he’ll zone out and play with your jewelry, admiring how you made it.
Listen, he’s not the sweet, compliment my S/O type of guy. So don’t expect him to compliment your hard work.
BUT you know he likes it by the way he always observes it and plays with your jewelry.
The most affectionate thing he’s done was make you a ring out of scrap metal he found.
Obviously his famous lighter and can of hairspray was used during the jewelry making.
He might've gotten second to third degree burns in the process but its all good. Remember this is Patrick we're talking about here.
He doesn’t make a big deal out of it, just casually slips it on your finger when you two were watching Chucky one night.
Y/N “Aww Patrick, you made this for me?!”
“Yeah, yeah don’t get sappy on me, I’m tryin’ watch Chucky kill this bitch.” He’ll say dismissively. 
But when you’re not looking, he glances down at you and smirks. He fuckin' love you, bro.
Patrick loves that you’re not overly girly either.
You’re down to eat all types of shit, not just a stupid salad. SO expect weird eating contests. Patrick aways tries to one-up you.
Did you say muscles?  Patrick thinks that’s SO. FUCKING. HOT. 
A strong bitch who can hold her own is what Patrick finds sexy. 
And let’s face it, you gotta be strong around these guys.
Think you’ll get a pass just because you’re female?  Psssh.  Nope. 
Fully expect to be in wrestling matches, being tackled, and just overall roughhousing. 
You guys bond over music frequently and hit up record stores often. 
You’ll buy a shit ton of hard rock CDs and blast them while going for car rides with the gang.
Patrick drums on your thighs, telling everyone to “shut the fuck up” while he’s preforming his ‘solo’.
You guys have a crazy and adventurous relationship but expect to get a lot of disapproving glancing from the older folk in Derry.
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wileys-russo · 5 months
I’m Irish and I just was scrolling through your blog bc I absolutely adore your fics…genuinely think you’re one of the best woso writers out there 🙂 Anywho, I just read that you watch Derry girls… and I just find that so funny.
Do you use subtitles to understand the northern Irish accent? Or is it easy to understand? I’m Irish but from the south and sometimes even I struggle with understanding it fully 😂 What do you make of the series? Sorry you don’t have to answer I just find it so interesting to understand other peoples perspectives about it! I love that so many people love it :)
bahah i have subtitles on with everything personally but not really! one of my best mates is from ireland and she's lived here for years now so i feel like thats sort of helped my understanding? i def need a translator for what some of the words actually mean though hahaha
i love it! i've watched it front to back easily 15 times it makes me properly belly laugh and i think they do such a good job balancing accurate historic storytelling/political issues with comedic relief and i genuinely enjoy all the characters and plots. i wish i had a principle like sister michael with her dry ass humour
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potter-inthe-tardis · 10 days
Hi okay it's me again. I started watching the bear and it's really good (although it's makin me stressed how stressed they are) The other two i will come to next, intriguing. I could have specified I'm only into fiction shows and not really stuff like Taskmaster but it sounds like you enjoy it which is cool. I remain open to any other suggestions!
Hello! I'm glad you're watching The Bear, yeah I think the show was made to stress people out lol! I would say even if you think it wouldn't be your thing, even just give a short clip from Taskmaster a chance its worth it, but thats the lasts ill push that. Other fiction shows is still a super broad category but let me think.
It's really popular right now, so you've possibly already seen it, or at least heard about it, but I'm lowkey obsessed with it at the moment so I have to mention it and that's Bridgerton. If you're unfamiliar its a romance/drama show in a stylized regency era. I really love it, but I would say skip season 1 and go right to season 2, its the better season. Like I will warn some people act like its regency porn, which its not, but there are some sex scenes that are a little more graphic then a lot of shows show, so just so you know if thats not your thing, but they're easy to fast forward through.
Lowkey inspired by the last suggestion, is Derry Girls, their is an actress in both this and Bridgerton that I'm a big fan of, so I've been rewatching this of recent. Its a comedy about a group of high school girls in Derry, Ireland in the 90s, and their teen mischief while in the background is the troubles going on in the country. And its a really funny show, great characters, and if your like me you will be trying to copy their accents cuz they're amazing.
School Spirits, it's a teen drama/mystery about a girl who becomes a ghost, and she's trying to discover how this happened to her, with the help of other ghosts shes meets and a living friend of hers who can somehow see her. I got really hooked on this show when I first saw it, and I need it's second season asap. I will say there is potentially triggering content so I'd recommend looking into that first if thats a concern.
Extraordinary, omg I don't know why I didn't think of this one sooner or for the first list, but it's another show I was hooked on when I first saw it. It's a comedy, where everyone has a super power except for our protagonist, and we see how she deals with that/her trying to discover her power somehow. It's a lot of fun to watch, some characters have absolutely ridiculous powers, where you think they'd probably be better off without a power.
I hope you maybe like some of these please do come back and tell me any thoughts you have on them if you check any out!
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i-am-baechu · 2 years
That Irish Barista (M) | ♞ | | ♚ | | ♛ | | ♜ |
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Introduction: Characters
Summary: “Did you just ask me if I sell coffee in a fucking coffee shop?” And with that, Taehyung was smitten by the Barista in the crazy flower sweater vest. Friendships will form but most importantly Taehyung will finally meet his soulmate. 
Genre: Idol au, strangers to lovers au, barista reader!, slow burn (friends with benefits to lovers kind of), semi-short storyish format, friendships, romance, angst, comedy, and smut
Main pairing: Idol! Taehyung x Barista! Reader 
Side ships: Hoseok x OC 
Warnings: Explicit language, smut, mature themes, homophobia, smoking cigarettes, drugs and alcohol usage 
Masterlist ⇝
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Y/N L/N; An anxious woman that never has the best luck in her life. She is seen as mother figure to her friends and tend to take care of the responsibilities of the apartment with her other two roommates; Nikki and Julia. Her two best friends from high school and now coworkers at the Derry Cafe. Alongside her other close friend Marie. Y/N L/N had a normal childhood, both of her parents present in her life and a little sister. Her mother and father even bought the apartment that she's staying in. Her mother tends to drop by at random times to check out the apartment or to check on the girls.
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Nikki Joans; The oldest in the friend group but she doesn't act like it. She doesn't take life too serious because all her life her parents planned it out for her. Nikki was born in a wealthy family that expected her to become a doctor or a CEO but she she didn't want the complications of that life style. She was kicked out when her parents found out she was a lesbian, leaving her homeless but Y/N had her stay with her throughout high school and college. Recently, her mother had made an effort to be in her life again. Even though Nikki doesn't take life too serious, she's the best one when it comes to advice or when someone needed a confidence boost.
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Marie Lee; Marie is Y/N's longest friend. She knew Y/N since they were babies and been friends ever since. Her parents left South Korea and moved to New York when they wanted to be more successful in their book business. Marie lives with her elder parents and takes care of them but when she has time, she goes to sex clubs. She's a very private person to the point that only people that know anything about her is her parents and Y/N.
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Julia Michaels; Julia has an interesting (if thats the right word) life story. She was born in England and was adopted by Fred and Lilly Michals. They traveled Europe with Julia and settled down in Florence. After five years of living there, Fred had an affair with an Italian model and left his wife and child but unknown to Fred, Lilly was also having an affair. Lilly's new man didn't want any children so, Lilly sent Julia to live with her aunt in New York while she lived out her life in Florence. Her aunt and uncle were hippies and thought differently from everyone else. Her friends describe her as Julia being Julia.
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faggotwalkwithme · 1 year
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hi, i'm theta, mars and basil! > he/him > gay + aroace > 17 :3
i love horror movies and i make them all transgender
my neocities (huge wip) (flashing warning)
my current interests areee > evil dead (+ other bruce campbell and/or sam raimi stuff) > twin peaks > jeffrey combs stuff (esp. reani, the phantom empire, dead man walking & love and a 45)
other stuff i'll definitely still be posting about: -> doctor who -> alternative subcultures (mostly goth and punk) -> fiction podcasts (specifically tma, w.bg and malevolent)
also, i'm in a band! we're @knees-mean-nothing, give us a follow :)
byf; i post a lot of fake gore/blood (like, A LOT of blood!), syringes, i'm a twin peaks fan (so also a lot of topics on sexual assault, incest and all that fun stuff..[/sarc] i'll try to tag this but i'll pribably mess up sometimes) i swear a lot and i use caps lock a lot. just bware if thats not ur jam
also exclusionists and TERFs go fuck yourself! and plz, if u ship minors and adults, block me
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extra stuff below the cut :3
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i literally just made this section because i like lists and i need an excuse.
my tagz: #shut up mars: original text posts | #faggotwalkwithme irl: my face | #friends tag: posts pertaining to. my friends | #friend's art!!!!: art that. is by my friends | #goofyfibula stan account: tag dedicated to my wonderful husbandbf (gender neutral), el | #ptrmoc: posts that remind me of characters | #<3: my favourite posts | #me: posts that r me irl | #gender: posts that give me gender envy
past interests that i may still post about occasionally (if it has an asterix next to it, i still post about it quite a bit!): monster high | warrior cats | musical theatre (in particular, hamilton/heathers/be more chill*/dear evan hansen) | falsettos (gets its on category cuz its so special and cool) | good omens | stranger things/IT | sherlock (<- though if i ever post about that its usually in pain and making fun of it) | doctor who* | life on mars/ashes to ashes | what we do in the shadows | bbc ghosts (and other six idiots content in general) | sing street | mozart l'opera rock | bugsnax | detroit: become human (im so sorry) | goncharov (i tag unreality) | the magnus archives* | red valley | malevolent | WOE.BEGONE | fight club | the rocky horror picture show
more casual interests i'll still post about: camp here and there | MASH | interview with the vampire | buffy the vampire slayer | little lunch | bill and ted | severance | flight of the conchords | derry girls | the young ones |
also umm some microlabels: quasiromantic, orientated aroace, genderfaun, xenogenders (im considering making like a blog or something where i document them all :3), aegosexual, grayromantic
top artists of all time according to last.fm: pulp | will wood | they might be giants | the cure | angelo badalamenti | mitski | oingo boingo | strawberry switchblade | the smiths | blur | pixies | talking heads | radiohead | david bowie | lemon demon | julee cruise | new order | hot freaks
my birthday is on february 24th :3 i'm from australia and indonesia!!! i'm an avatar of the lonely lets fucking go
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Round 5 - Catholic Character Tournament
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Propaganda below ⬇️
Sister Michael
She drives a DeLorean. She does judo on Fridays. She likes a good statue and despises the French. Her full nun name is Sister George Michael, after the guy from Wham!. She is the fiercest nun you’ll ever come across and, if you’re attending Lady Immaculate College, she’s the woman in charge. So whatever you do, if you’re feeling anxious or worried or just need a chat: don’t come crying to her.
joined the nunnery for the free accommodation?
she does love a good statue it has to be said
She is the headmistress of a catholic school <3
sister michael so reminds me of the nuns who taught me. they're tough and sometimes a little harsher than a woman who dedicated her life to god should be but they're also wonderful people. i had a nun teacher who was 60 years old and would do handstands. another nun (also in her 60s) told me god was nonbinary. another was really mean and made me cry. (so did the handstand nun.) while the catholic girls school is The Catholic Experience, the school wouldn't have been the same for me or the derry girls without at least one nun who seemed to have sprung up out of the ground fully formed, ageless.
Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler Propaganda:
good lord where do i start. in the animated series he converts logan to catholisism and then fucks off basically thats the main thing he did there. i think one time they tried to make him a demon to explain how he looked but everyone hated that. he sold his soul one time to help his friends out after he died. he and logan have a weird little gay thing. he was a priest one time but he was made a priest by a fake bishop from a religion that hates mutants iirc so he just wasnt a priest. like 3 people have written him in a way i like and one of those is my friend just talking about how they view him.
wow marvel loves making catholic characters dress/look like demons
Kurt is a mutant who was born to mystique who looks a LOT like a devil (technically is half one but that cannon truth isn’t real go back to bed), his mother dropped him off a cliff when he was born and he was picked up by a Romani group/circus (fuck old comics man) however he then narrowly escaped being sold to a freak show and found himself in a small German town. There he met a kind priest, who showed him God, and he quickly grew attached to the idea- However, it wasn’t long before people began labeling him a demon and soon the whole town was against him with pitchforks and fire. Cornered and injured, Kurt thought this might be the end for him- maybe he would see heaven so long after finding it- but he was then saved by Charles Xavier who invited him to the X-Men. AND ITS BEEN SO MANY YEARS AND HE HAS BEEN THROUGH SO MUCH THERE. SO MUCH. SO GOD DAMN MUCH. BUT THE MOST AAAA THING TO ME CONCERNING HIS FAITH HE WHEN HE LITERALLY DIED AND WENT TO HEAVEN BUT THEN BECAUSE OF DRAMA WITH HIS FATHER HAD TO BRING HIS FRIENDS IN WITH HIM FROM THE BEYOND. THEN WITH ALOT OF TROUBLE THEY FOUGHT HIS FATHER AND THE ONLY WAY KURT SAW TO STOP HIM WAS IN A MOVE THAT STRIPPED THEM BOTH OF THEIR SOULS AND PUT THEM BACK ON EARTH. SO KURT CANONICALLY HAS NOW LOST HIS ABILITY FOR ETERNAL PEACE, LOST HIS VERY SOUL, TO SAVE PEOPLE- AND ALSO TOLD NO ONE NOT EVEN HIS GAY LOVER WOLVERINE.
Nightcrawler is a mutant vigilante who looks like a classical demon. He can’t even go to church without people panicking and trying to exorcize him. Despite it all, he’s so full of faith and hope and compassion, and he wants to believe the best of everyone. Also, he’s bffs with an extremely angry Jewish sword lesbian. That has nothing to do with anything, but it’s important to me that you all know that.
What if you were a devout christian and literally looked like the devil? He nearly became the pope, which was a plot by some supervillains that also involved faking a rapture? There is nothing like comics I swear to god.
A catholic who is half demon I don’t think I can better explain a struggle than that. But his character is so relatable to people who feel unwelcome with their congregation because of something that is a part of them but still feeling a connection to the faith. Kurt actively engaged in his faith and shares how his faith helps him through all the things he has faced in life and how he found a home with those of the church who leave the judging to God.
so they made kurt a priest briefly before deciding to retcon it, resulting in nightcrawler actually being part of a plan by villains to promote him to pope then reveal to the world that the pope is a demon. wild.
I have a side blog and a tattoo about him and i really really want him to win
Wisecracking devil-appearing devout Catholic with the Best superpower (teleportation)? HECK YES
German Catholic circus acrobat who looks like a demon & can teleport through a hellish alternate dimension with a puff of sulfur. Character of all time.
hes catholic and his dad is the devil. what could be funnier than that. also hes my silly little guy.
Nightcrawler is the world’s most fun catholic priest. I first was introduced to this kindhearted teleporting acrobat while he saved a boat full of stowaway refugees from inter dimensional pirates with swashbuckling gusto!
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chyberriesss · 11 months
Alone together
bill denbrough x reader
chapter 4
author's note: Hello ! its been so long since i updated im super sorry about it i was really busy with finals and finally i got the motivation to post chapter 4 hope you enjoy !!
as we entered the creepy abandoned house, i felt eyes on me, on us like it was watching. Maybe i'm paranoid?
"cant believe i pulled the short straw" richie said "you guys are lucky we arent measuring dicks" "shut up richie" eddie replied. the comment made me feel relieved in some way but what i felt quickly got replaced with worry when the three of us (bill, me and eddie) see richie holding a crumpled peace of paper.
"what?" i ask "it... it says im missing" richie replied, voice shaking with a hint of panic coming to him.
"y-youre not missing, richie" bill says "police department, city of derry" richie read out loud, panicking "thats my shirt. thats my hair THATS MY FACE" "calm down this isnt real "THATS MY NAME THATS MY AGE THATS MY DATE" richie screamed as bill tries to take the missing poster away "it cant be real, richie" bill states once again as me and eddie watch the two "NO IT SAYS IT SAYS WHAT THE FUCK!! AM I MISSING?! am i gonn go missing?!?" all me and eddie could do was watch richie scream and panic as bill tries to calm him down "look at me richie, look at me" bill says making richie face him "that that isnt real, its playing tricks on you" "hes right, it whatever it is wants us scared shitless almost like it feeds on the fear we have dont let it get to you rich" i state.
cutting our conversation, we hear a girl say.
hello? help me, please
we slowly follow the voice upstairs, each step made the stairs creek as we hear the girl gasping for air.
we could hear the girl choke as we get to the hallway of doors on the second floor "betty?" i say "ripsom?" richie adds as we see the girl coughing blood on the floor at the end of the hallway.
suddenly she got pulled by something making betty scream ! jesus christ what did i do to deserve getting the short stick ?!
"what the fuck..." i whispered as i walk closer to the door where betty was before, the three closely following behind.
we peeped into the room, slowly entering it but she wasnt there. "she was just here? where the fuck did she go?" richie asked "i...i dont know" i answer slowly exploring the room.
"guys! guys!!"
"EDDIE!" me and bill exclaimed. the door shut and eddie was still outside. "ARGHH WHAT THE FUCK!" we hear eddie scream. "Eddie?! EDDIE!" i scream as we try to open the door but it wouldnt budge, what the hell was going on!? "eddie! open the door" bill said twisting the knob. "why wont this god damn door open?! eddie! eddie are you there?!?" i panic even more "eddie open the door! whats going on are you ok?! eds!" bill frantically tried and tried to make the door knob unlock but it still wouldnt.
"richie whats going o-" before i could finish my question the door to the room richie was in shut closed! "richie! richie!!" bill said slamming the door "What the fuck richie ! richie!!!!" "bill [name] come on open the door! it wont open!" richie says " We cant!" "whats going on richie! open the door!" bill screamed the door was jammed and we couldnt do anything about it.
the door finally opened just in time before the clown got to richie "lets get out of here" bill saud as i help richie up.
We then hear eddie laguhing from the matress. his head popping out the mattress ripping the fabric revealing his face covered in dust?
"wanna play loogie?" eddie says
black liquid came out of his mouth as his face shook up and down as if he was possessed, this wasnt eddie, no, it was it.
"RUN IDIOTS" i screamed at the two boys staring at the black liquid flowing near us.
we were then faced with three doors. one saying not scary at all on the left, scary in the middle and very scary on the right. the three of us looked at each other collectively agreeing to open the not scary at all door as quickly as we could.
"where's my shoe" we hear betty says. bill pulls the string to open the light revealingbetty ripsom's body tied up with her legs cut off "AHHHHHH" the three of us screamed "WHERE THE FUCK WERE HER LEGS?!" richie exclaimed "HOLY SHIT WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!" i added "t-this isnt real, remember the missing kid poster that wasnt real so this isnt real" bill said holding both me and richie by the arm making us face him. "come on ready?" he then asks "NO" me and richie scream. bill opened the door again revealing the hallway we were at before "oh thank god" richie sighed
"help! help!!" we hear eddie scream as we rushed down the stairs.
eddie and THE CLOWN?! "EDDIE!"i screamed hoping to get the clown's attention away from eating my friend. "eddie! holy fuck..." richie said, the clown was smiling at us his sharp teeth slowly showing. " this isnt real enough for you billy?" hell nah... "im not real enough for you?" "oh shit" rchie reacted.
"it was real enough for georgie" NO HE DIDNT! it laughed so horrifyingly and went straight at us when suddenly beverly comes in piercing it straight in the head "get eddie GET EDDIE!" i screamed making all of us go to him. the clown slowly faced us looking more terrifying than before, its hands grew sharper fingers as it slowly came closer to us, it scared us but didnt attack, instead turning and scratching poor ben's stomach, laughing. all of us frantically screamed as it slowly retreated back into the house further away from wehre we are. "Dont let him get away." bill says standing up and following the clown, jesus this boy really wants to get killed huh? "you guys stay here ok?" i tell them as i stood up and followed bill.
"the sewers..." i stated as i realize where it was heading. "bill! [name]! we have to help eddie!" richie shouted at us making me and bill go back.
"NO!NO!" eddie screamed "im gonna snap your arm into place" richie said "rich DO NOT FUCKING TOUCH ME" eddie snapped at him "okay, one, two, three" "DO NOT TOUCH ME!!!"
"HOLY SHIT" we all ran out and drove on our bikes getting away from this hell hole right back to eddie's house.
"we were attacked mrs. K" bill tried to explain but eddie's mom was not having any of it. "no dont try to blame anyone for this" mrs. K says getting eddie in the car and dropping her wallet and keys in the process. Bev leaned down to pick them up but mrs.K stopped here mid-way "get back!" mrs. K picked up here things and leaned closer to bev "oh, i've heard of you, miss marsh. and i dont want a dirty girl like you touching my son." what the hell?! "EXCUSE M-" before i could finish bev stopped me. "dont" she whispered. "m-m-mrs. k i-i-i.." "no! you are all monsters. all of you" mrs.k cut bill off "and eddie is done with you. do you hear? done!" She added. we all watch her as she drives eddie to the hospital.
thats it guys! its kinda long i think? idk but i hope you liked it!!
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autistic-katara · 11 months
ok finally making that writing post-
hi! i’m Ryan, or Raines_Adopted_Son on AO3. i write fanfic (mainly angst) and my inbox/dms/ao3 comments r always open for requests, here are some guidelines:
fandoms i will write for: (keep in mind i join new fandoms all the time so if theres a fandom u want me to write that isnt here that u think i like just ask, i probably forgot to update it // will say next to the fandom if ive written for it before or not)
Stranger Things (written for it before)
The Spiderverse Movies (written for it before)
The Owl House (written for it before)
Nimona (haven’t written before)
PJO/Riordanverse (including mcga and tkc // written for it before)
ATLA (including lok/the kyoshi novels // written for it before)
Heartstopper/Osemanverse (haven’t written before)
Jackson’s Diary (written for it before)
Bungou Stray Dogs (haven’t written before)
The Dragon Prince (have written but never posted)
Derry Girls (haven’t written before)
Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency (haven’t written before)
Good Omens (haven’t written before)
stuff i enjoy writing/specialise in:
shortish one-shots (1k-2.5k words // i would like to write longer and/or multichapter stuff, this is just my current level)
heavier topics relating to mental health stuff (depression, eating disorders, self-harm, suicidal characters, etc.)
queer (specifically trans) stuff
stuff i feel uncomfortable writing/am unsure if i’m able to write it but wanna push my boundaries on: (aka send me requests but theres less of a chance i’ll write it)
nsfw stuff/smut
depictions of abuse (non-romanticised obv)
depictions of SA (specifically just the recovery tho, i am NOT writing non-con)
longer fics
multichapter fics
pure fluff (idk if i’m able to write smthn w/o angst 😭)
stuff i will not write: (do not ask me to write this stuff :))
nsfw/smut of characters under the age of 15 (that being my current age // still kinda iffy abt characters 15-17 but yk)
stuff that romanticises things like SA or abuse
any ships where both a) at least one of the characters is a minor and b) the age gap is canonically 3 years or more (emphasis on canonically, looking at u punkflower antis)
other stuff i wasn’t sure how to fit in:
when it comes to depicting types bigotry or hate or whatever theres some stuff i feel comfortable including and some stuff i dont (obviously in a non-romanticised way as just like part of what a character experiences):
homo/transphobia, i’m fine with including this, i am queer + trans and feel like i could sensitively depict those topics.
racism/xenophobia, i dont rlly feel comfortable writing abt this stuff given that i’m white i rlly dont think id be able to write that stuff properly like at all.
ableism/saneism, depends on the type tbh, maybe subtle ableism to an autistic character (i am autistic) and casual ableism to a chronically ill character (i am chronically ill) but other than that ehhhh
antisemitism, while i am Jewish and have experienced it myself, for personal reasons i’m not comfortable writing stuff including it, even if its subtle and not a big thing (other kinds of religious discrimination i wont write simply cause idk enough about allat and dont wanna be insensitive abt it)
thats all i could think of for that one but next thing: i dont like AUs. its not like i hate them or anything, and if i time traveled to the future and found out i learned to love them i would be ecstatic since thats more fics for me, but for some reason i just don’t enjoy reading/writing them (excluding canon divergence, i wouldn’t mind writing a fic with canon divergence // didn’t wanna put this in the hard-no section cause again its not like they’re smthn i hate or am disgusted by or anything, i just don’t find them appealing)
also if u dont know what i ship/what ships id be ok w/ writing just ask, a couple of them should be clear based on what i rb/post tho lmao (still if u gotta ask, ask)
anyways yeah thats all i could think of for now, i probably forgot smthn important so i might edit this later + lmk if u have any questions srsly id love to answer :)
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lunar-years · 1 year
OK but what if Shandy as part of her revenge leeks a story that there is a gay player on the team but doesn't specify who so Colin is freaking out, and thats why Jamie is looking upset on Keeley's doorstep because he thinks its him, and we could get a great team captain Isaac moment being all "idk who it is and idgaf, who ever it is we love you bro"
I love the Isaac part of this especially <3 I am soooo looking forward to whatever Isaac & Colin friendship moments the writers have planned for us post Colin coming out (in my head I am imagining it being very Erin & Clare on Derry Girls, lol. OH, Isaac)
Honestly who the heck knows what they are doing with Shandy at this point (blergh) so maybe. But how would she have found out someone on the team is gay? I think it is more likely she will snoop around Keeley's business long enough to find out about her and Jack and attempt to ruin things for Keeley/KJPR from there (again. blergh. i hate the shandy plotline so much & my ideal at this point is that she is just written off from here out).
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ericonsomeshit · 2 years
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hello half-life fandom
is anyone interested in sharing their hl theories or basically just want to obsess about it and share cool fanarts fanfics etc w/ someone? i literally can’t find anyone to talk about hl with and it’s killing me please i just want to listen to someone talk about half life for hours.
a little bit about me
i’m eric
19 y/o
chaotic neutral
capricorn sun, gemini rising, sagittarius moon, scorpio venus
film/show interests
the hunger games franchise, woman at war, the mcu mother!, jojo rabbit, 1917, wes anderson films, little miss sunshine, httyd franchise
wayne, the office, fleabag, the boys, the oa, shadow and bone, sense8, parks and rec, derry girls, alice in borderland, the good place, killing eve, dark, russian doll
music interests
twenty one pilots, lana del rey, the neighborhood, tom odell, alexandra savior, hector gachan, tame impala, radiohead, mitski, pretty sick, miley cyrus, declan mckenna, cage the elephant, foster the people
genres are mostly indie rock/pop, alt rock, punk (riotgrrrls mostly), phonk, anatolian rock, and more that i can’t think of
uhh thats all about me i think i’d love to make friends! i also have a twitter account @WAYNEVERDEEN which im way more active on!!
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